
October 29, 2017 | Author: José Matos Iniciações Celestiais | Category: Energy And Resource
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Abundance Flush Empowerments Levels 1 & 2 Practitioner’s Manual

element energy center - www.elementenergy.com

Abundance Flush Empowerments

Copyright Information Copyright 2008. This manual may be given freely to students as long as the entire manual is kept intact. No text or portion of this manual may be copied or plagiarized, unless quoted briefly as part of fair use in a review or other commentary.

For More Reiki Courses and Attunements Please stop by the Element Energy Center for Reiki attunements, articles, ecourses, audio meditations, distance healings, e-books, forums, and other energetic resources. If you are a professional Reiki practitioner, you’ll also want to add your listing to our free Holistic Directory. Element Energy Center www.elementenergy.com

2 Element Energy Center – www.elementenergy.com

Abundance Flush Empowerments

About the Abundance Flush Empowerments The purpose of the Abundance Flush is to clear out negative thought-forms and energies surrounding abundance and prosperity. The Abundance Flush comes in two levels: The first flush helps releases the old negative energy. The second helps create a magnetic field around the individual to draw in more opportunities and prosperity. This energy is not about manifesting a million dollars or a large mansion for yourself out of thin air. This energy is about bringing in what you need so you can live a productive, comfortable life. When you feel truly abundant, you find appreciation in everything around you, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. A poor person who feels rich in the heart is happier than a rich person who has no love in life. Focusing solely on worldly possessions and a high net worth ultimately creates a poverty of spirit. Expanding the definition of abundance to go beyond material objects such as luxury cars and large houses allows for a more free-flowing energy to take hold, one that brings unique and amazing gifts that are just right for the individual. In using this energy, you will naturally start to feel more gratitude at the blessings in your life. You will start to see the abundance that you already have. And, you will also be able to better recognize your own gifts and talents, so you can share them with the world and receive blessings in return.

3 Element Energy Center – www.elementenergy.com

Abundance Flush Empowerments

Benefits The Abundance Flush system can work quite quickly and bring positive results in a short period of time. Benefits include: 1. Increased ability to earn money. 2. A deeper connection with the intuitive nature, thus allowing the person to be in the “right place and the right time” for opportunities to arise. 3. An improved magnetic field and aura that will draw positive people and prosperity to you.

4 Element Energy Center – www.elementenergy.com

Abundance Flush Empowerments

Abundance Flush Usage The Abundance Flush comes in two levels. They are activated by intention only. No symbols are needed. Hands are not needed. You simply state that you want to activate the flush and it will activate on its own. Level I is to clear out old energetic baggage around abundance. Level II is for magnetizing. Only do Level II after doing Level I first for the first few treatments. When in doubt, do Level I only. If you are in a hurry, simply do Level I. Each level takes approximately 20 minutes to process. If you want to activate both flushes, one after the other, you can turn them both on at the same time. Level II will start naturally when Level I completes. To send to yourself: I would like to receive the Abundance Flushes now. or Abundance Flushes ON. Identify the number if you are only using one flush, i.e., Abundance Flush 1 ON. To send to another: I am now activating the Abundance Flushes for [name]. 5 Element Energy Center – www.elementenergy.com

Abundance Flush Empowerments

The exact words you use do not matter as long as you are clear with your intention. Timing and Frequency The Abundance Flushes can be activated as often as you feel guided. Once a day should be sufficient, if you wish to perform the flushes daily.

6 Element Energy Center – www.elementenergy.com

Abundance Flush Empowerments

Abundance Flush Attunement Place your hands on the person's crown (top of head), or on a proxy's crown, such as a teddy bear, if you are doing a distance attunement. Then state: I am now sending the attunement for the Abundance Flush [#]. Send the attunements for each level separately. The two attunements should be given ½ hour to process each.

7 Element Energy Center – www.elementenergy.com

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