Abundance Rovid

September 10, 2018 | Author: Kitty Laszlo | Category: Mind, Consciousness, Emotions, Self-Improvement, Anger
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Manifesting & Abundance Instructors

 & Abundance Instructors

How the course was created? Vianna created this class because different students were creating manifestation classes and teaching them. People were calling her office saying that t hey took the class from one of her students and still havent manifested. People were downloaded with the !teaching of complete financial success" without first #nergy$%esting #nergy$%esting to find what might be blocking them in %hetaealing and then got upset they didnt get immediate results.

%he hundred beliefs came from Vianna sitting down and looking at what she was teaching knowing that if  people dont change their programs and beliefs' they wont manifest what they really want.


The course is divided into two portions (. )ind )indin ing g you yourr blo block cks. s. 2. *etr *etrai aini ning ng your your Mind Mind.. Workshop Objective %o teach you how to use %hetaealing in the i ghest and +est ,ay to assure yourself success in all aspects of your life.

,ell ,ell be shifting realit y to create space for relationship-s' careers' and purpose in a life we want to envision. As for wealth' having financial abundance is nothing more than having the t he energetic tools needed to complete our missions-goals on this #arth. 2)

%o give you vital universal tools of self discovery to uti lie your potential. /ou /ou will learn and keep learning 0not a one shot deal1

  3how to clear these possible blocks   3to set your intentions and how to make a plan   3to follow through on your ideas to achieve your successes In %hetaealing4' the concept of manifesting is the +elief that it is possible to create something into the  physical using the power of the 5reator of All %hat Is. Is. 



(1 #very statement statement'' thought and and action is reflecte reflected d by what we are manifes manifesting ting in our lives. lives. #very decisi decision on is made upon the mirror reflection of what we choose to create. ,hat we think and say have a direct bearing upon whether our manifestations are for our benefit or detriment. 21 Its Its of the utmost utmost importance importance to stay on a positive positive mind set. ,atc ,atch-obse h-observe rve what you you say. If If you constantly say that you are poor' you will  be. If you constantly say and think that you are financially abundant' you will be. ave faith in the outcome of every situation. Avoid saying: Is this really going to happen6" !hange to: !I allow it to happen in the highest and best way." !%his is my last lifetime." !hange to: !I en7oy being of service to 5reator." !I was made 0forced1 to come here." !hange to: !I have free will." !I hate the earth" !hange to: !%he earth is vibrant and evolving." !Its wrong to see what Im creating now8 and in the future." !hange to: !5reator supports me in what I want to create in the highest and best way."

"ou are here to not on#y re$e$ber the joy in co$ing here% to this rea#$% but #iving this . 9ome things are preplanned. ,e chose to come here' and our soul our  soul is having a good time. ,e are here to learn something wonderful from this e:istence. t heir life is leading them' that they are at the effect of life and whats coming at &) 9ome people believe that their them. 9o they are not leading their life. %hese people say they go with the flow and wait to see what happens. %his is called passive manifestation. %he truth is that we are creating our own reality' and it is  possible to manifest the best that the world has to offer. 9ince every thought we think can be manifested' we might as well be clear and direct on what we want to happen in form. ') The biggest biggest cha##enge cha##enge is decidi deciding ng what what it is that you tru#y tru#y want want. (n not knowing% you cant create it.

Ask yourself ; Is it poss possib ible le tha thatt I know know what what I wan want6 t6 ; ,hat ,hat bloc blocks ks me from from kno knowin wing g wha whatt I want want66 ; Is it it a burd burden en to know know what what I wan want6 t6 ; Is wha whatt I want want a bur burden6 den6 ; ,hy do do I feel th that way way66 ; ,ha ,hat mak makees m my y hea heart sing sing66 ; ,hat ,hat brings brings me feelin feelings gs of e:ci e:citeme tement' nt' passi passion' on' fun fun and purpo purpose se in creat creating ing66 ; ,hat ,hatss the the worst worst thing thing that that coul could d happen happen if if I got got what what I wanted wanted66 ; ow does does it serve serve me' or what what am I learning learning from not moving moving forward forward in what I want6

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*A+(,-.T(+/ (+ A TH-TA .TAT%he spoken spoken word 07ust talking about what you you want1 want1 is effective effective =? of the the time. time. ; Visu Visual ali iing ing is eff effec ectiv tivee @=? @=? of of the the time time.. %heta wave wave manifes manifesting ting is effective effective =$B=? =$B=? of the the time. time. %heta %heta wave is the most effec effective tive way to manifest.

%he following principles are important in any %heta$created manifestation for abundance. ; ,e crea create te our our own own rea reali lity ty.. ; %hink %hink befo before re you you ask ask for for some somethi thing. ng. /ou may 7ust 7ust get get it. it. ; +e careful careful with the spoken spoken word and directe directed d thought thought forms' forms' as this may may bring bring manifesta manifestations' tions' either supportive or detrimental' to your life. ,hat you say and what you think creates your life. ; /ou are are only only allowed allowed to mani manifes festt in you yourr own own life. life. ; /ou /ou cannot cannot manifes manifestt someone someone specif specific ic to love you 0its 0its their free agency1. agency1. ; Cnow e:actly e:actly what what you you want' want' Dword for wordD' wordD' and and specify specify Dword Dword for for wordD wordD in your your prayer prayer of of manifestation. 5ommand in the ighest & +est way particularly around money. EYou do not want $10,000 from an accident insurance claim filed on behalf of you. F

+e aware that there be may be blocks on some level concerning what you want to manifest. If your manifestations do not come into i nto reality' the cause may be programs on 5ore' Genetic' i story' or 9oul  It may also be that your timeline timeline is off meaning levels. %est for these Programs and replace accordingly. E It there is a divine order of events that need to occur first before manifestation shows up in the present .F 9tate that the manifestation is created in the present and positive sense. 0 i.e. DI have this in my life now.D1 H J% command that you be like someone else' rather command that you be the best that you can be. Give out checklist sheets to complete w-o students energy testing & then collect.


%he first step to abundance in attaining what you want and helping others create what they want is to be completely clear of the blocks listed in this manual. )ears block owning your power. +locks on abundance are seldom about money. Investigate into the persons childhood. ,hen working on yourself or others' a useful and more in$depth resource to guide you in finding and releasing the following issues can be found in the +asic HJA 5ourse Manual and the book D%hetaealingD. %o be a better manifester' clear K%he < *s$$ regret' regret' resentment and re7ection$$ whi ch stops you from doing something before you start. 13 4-/4-T 0reliving the past1 People are often unable to move past our society$taught thoughts of D I should have-could have done...D In many cases' these emotions or feelings cause a fear of moving forward because we are afraid to e:perience these failures 0or mistakes1 again. %here are many books written on living in the t he now' but physics teaches that what you think about the future creates the now thus creating our realities.


Manifesting & Abundance Instructors

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we rem remov ovee these these neg negat ative ive emot emotion ionss and and thoug thoughts hts.. we manife manifest st and and crea create te a future future withou withoutt past past fear fears. s. we mo mov ve fo forwar rward d in in our our life life.. we avoid avoid wallo wallowing wing and beco becoming ming caug caught ht up in the the emoti emotions ons of of a prior prior incid incident ent.. we learn learn from from mistake mistakess and apply that knowled knowledge ge to our future future to ensure ensure success success and and abundance.

of something1 4-. 4-.-+T -+T*-+T -+T. 0comparing' not getting something or getting too much of something1 It is hard to hold the 9eventh Plane energy when you hold resentments. *esenting others will only create a stagnant life for you. It clutters the mind. If you resent others for what they have or own' then remember to focus inward so that you may gain your  own abundance. %hank them for showing the possibilities of what you can have. If you have resentments about the past from physical' emotional' or psychological abuse' then you should make a conscious effort to forgive 0release1 and move ahead. )ree yourself from these negative emotions.

&3 !O5-T(+/ 0envy' 7ealousyLL found in genetic and ancestors1 9imilar to resentments' coveting w hat others have is one of the biggest blocks. Instead of focusing on what others have' compete with no one and focus on your own goals and life path. *emember' there is plenty of  money and abundance for everyone Ceep saying' !%here is plenty" in what you want t o create or have. '3 A+/-4  ften misdirected toward 5reator or other people' whether consciously or unconsciously' when they havent achieved their e:act manifestations or abundance. Nocate these programs or i ssues about anger rather than blame the 5reator or an yone else outside of you. And work on stopping the blame towards yourself as well. %here is a difference di fference between taking responsibility or being accountable' and blaming yourself. -6ercise +elief ,ork ,ork O Pair up and make a list of resentments & regrets and start clearing


Manifesting & Abundance Instructors

73 A! O, 8(4-!T(O+ 9ome people may even be unaware that they are able to create. r they may know what they want to create but believe that its selfish to want things or to want things to be better 3 !/ou cant ask too much from God."

*emember that wanting is a human characteristic and to deny yourself of wanting is to deny yourself of being human. ,ithin %heta' we can create the t hings we want and download the emotions and beliefs needed to allow all ow our subconscious to accomplish our goals. Nive for yourself not others. %his is balancing what you want with what you want to give to others' and not about being selfish. 93

*" A4 A4T+T+-4 4 (. AW AWA". A/A(+. A/A(+.T T *- 0victim paradigm as in KPoor Me1 ,ithout even knowing it' some of us unconsciously use our partners as a crutch and an e:cuse as to why we havent yet achieved the abundance we desire.

%his crutch can manifest itself in i n your partner as you pro7ect your beliefs ont o the other convinced that they will keep you from your goalsLL or you can also end up taking on your partners blocks. Ask /ourself  ; ow ow doe doess b bla lamin ming g my my par partne tnerr ser serve ve me6 me6 ; ow does does blaming blaming my partn partner er help help stop stop me me from from achie achievin ving g my goals goals66 ; ,hat ,hat fea fearr-ss do I have have aro aroun und d achie achievin ving g my goa goals ls66 Hoing +elief ,ork on each other can help clear this block. ;3

and prevent you from TH- OO4 *- complaint is a genetic-ancestral e:cuse to get pity and prevent achieving your goals. 0e#ie3

--! --!T( T(+/ +/ .O* .O*-TH -TH(+/ (+/ ,O4 ,O4 +OTH( +OTH(+/ +/ 0entitlement attitude1 similar to K%aking. On Core and enetic levels

%he DJe:t Generation 9yndromeD has been coined as being many children from the current generation who feel that the world owes them and that no effort of any kind is reQuired to achieve these things. It is inappropriate to demand abundance from God without any action' responsibility' or accountability. (<

Manifesting & Abundance Instructors

%here are often e:pectations from others that Gods healings are free so you shouldnt charge for your services. Gods healings are free' but your time' attention' skill and study is valuable and worthy of being paid. %he opposite end of the same coin is charging prices so high that youve outpriced what your area can accept in your services and class prices. 8own#oads %each %each 5reators definition' perspective' what it feels like' how to' when' the possibility of' I can and I do 0am1

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%o be able able to value myself myself in what I charge charge for for my services services without without scalping scalping others. others. %o be willing willing to to put effort effort into into what what I want want to achieve achieve taking taking action' action' respon responsibility sibility and  being accountable.

1@3 1@3 TA(+/ (+/ 0what isnt yours1

As young children' we learned l earned that it was wrong to t o take other people toys or possessions etc. %his  principle is still vitally important toda y in our adult lives. 9ome people feel that they should 7ust take what they want' whenever and wherever they want' but this will halt the abundance in life and not allow manifesting in %heta to come true. ,e must be accountable for our own actions by avoiding taking what is not rightfully ours. 0ie D%akingD electricity without paying your bill' or taking over someone elseRs personal space without  permission1 Optiona# e6a$p#e: 5iannas .tory on *ani1 is a generational belief designed to make those who are poor to stay poor. Many people fear that money will m ake them evil or too powerful.

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Money is Money is simply simply a form form of e:chan e:changeL geLLL it is is 7ust 7ust numb numbers ers %here %here is plenty plenty of mon money ey in the the world world for for ever everyon yone. e. 9pen 9pendi ding ng or havin having g mon money ey is not not a sin. sin. Money Mon ey can teach teach accoun accountab tability ility'' resp respect ect and value. value. Money can suppor supportt discernmen discernmentt in when when to accept accept a gift of money or when when the gift is being given as an obligation or reciprocation.

*O+-"CA0B+8A+!- (. .(4(TBA" !O*4O*(.(+/ Nook at how money keeps you away or separated from 5reator  0e#ie
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