Abstract Fastfood Restaurants

August 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Customer satisfaction is one the most common and important aspects in any organization,  particularly in fast-food industry. Due to market competition and availability of businesses, an organization needs to focus on the degree to which a customer is satisfied with its products and/or services services of the organization. organization. This This research research proect is based on the comparative comparative study on customer satisfaction at !cDonald"s and #urger $ing, %$. #oth the case studied organizations are leading fast-food businesses in the %$ and other international countries. &rom several source sou rcess of inform informati ation on depicts depicts that that both both busines businesss has been provid providing ing 'uality 'uality produc products ts and services to satisfy their customers. (o, it can be noted that the selection of the case studied organizations are most relevant and appropriate to e)plore and analyse customer satisfaction in fast-food industry. industry. #ased on the review of literature, the researcher would like to opine that customer satisfaction is an important factor in fast-food industry and there are several common things including 'uality of products, price of products, service 'uality, settings of the restaurant, promotion, brand name etc. have significant influence to satisfy customers. The review of literature also shows that there are some common models, such as (*+% !odel, *)pectancy-disconfirmation !odel, etc. can be used to measure degree to which a customer is satisfied or dissatisfied with products and/or services of an organization, like !cDonald"s and #urger $ing. The primary research findings shows that maority of the customers are satisfied and highly satisfied with overall customer service at !cDonald"s and #urger $ing. 0owever, some the customers have mentioned that they are not satisfied with price of products at !cDonald"s and #urger $ing. t the end, the researcher would like to opine that both !cDonald"s and #urger  $ing have been developing and implementing policies and practices to satisfy their customers and however, both business have to focus on the current market trends in fast-food as well as demands and e)pectations of the customers to increase customer satisfaction.



The study study tried tried to develop develop a product product-ma -marke rkett str struct ucture ure of the fast-f fast-food ood restau restauran rants ts in the 1hilip 1hi lippin pines. es. %sing %sing the concept concept of hierar hierarchi chical cal cluste clusterin ring g based based on substi substitut tution ion-i -in-u n-use, se, the influence of three categories of situational influence were used to modify the original choice market mi) relationship at every clustering stage. Changes in the importance of the individual components of the product-service mi) served as the basis of the link-up among competing fast food restaurants.

+estaurants are part of an industry system, providing services to people away from home that  becomes progressively more general and broader as it moves from restaurants to food services to hospitality industry. 2t is towards this sophistication of man3s basic needs and his comple) life that fast-food restaurants emerged. &ast-food restaurants are a breakthrough from the traditional catering methods and standards. They have resulted in more sophisticated operations and styles for services. They have provided fle)ibility and comfort with reasonable prices. Their services are within the level that can satisfy customers with various tastes, drives, and upbringing. Customer satisfaction has been one of the measurable obectives of other service-oriented establishments. 2t is to the satisfaction of the customer3s needs that the business strives. 4ithout the support of customers and satisfaction of  their wants, the e)istences of fast-food restaurants would be in eopardy.  satisfied customer  would always go back to the same fast-food establishment where his wants and preferences were not merely met but also complemented 5+eyes, 67789. The satisfaction of customer preferences, in effect, constitutes the image of the particular fast-food restaurant and plays an important role in the business industry.

The 1hilippine (tar 5677:9 described the &ilipinos as food lovers. They enoy tasty meals. They go to restaurants serving smorgasbords in a luncheon or supper buffet offering a variety of foods and dishes. These restaurants, most especially, attract students. They are the group of people that


regularly patronize fast-food restaurants, which accounts for the sudden boom in the fast-food industry in the 1hilippines.

During the past few years, the fast-food industry in the 1hilippines achieved a tremendous growth, not only in !etro !anila, but also in all other areas of the country. This situation makes the fast-food industry in the 1hilippines a



This study investigates customer"s perception of Chinese fast food restaurant service 'uality and its relationship with customer satisfaction. *mploying modified D2;*(*+ scale, scale, the study stud y uses  both 'uantitative and 'ualitative research approaches. ualitative data collection consisted of  face-to-face interviews and group discussion.  'uestionnaire was developed using three sources< interview responses of the customers, the restaurant"s survey and the literature.  total of =>? completed comple ted 'uestionnaires 'uestionnaires were used in the analysis. The new measurement measurement scale, Chinese &ast &o &ood od +est +estaur auran ants ts (ervi (ervice ce ual ualit ity y (cale (cale 5C 5C&& &&+( +(*+ *+ 9, conta contain ined ed =@ it item emss acros acrosss si si) ) dimensions< assurance and empathy, food, cleanliness, responsiveness, reliability and tangibles. The findings from the study revealed that service 'uality variables have positive influence on customer satisfaction e)cept reliability dimension. The findings provided a useful tool for service 'uality improvement in Chinese fast food restaurants. alidating the scale in other restaurants in various cities in China is an area for further research. $ey words< (ervice 'uality, (atisfaction, &ast food restaurant



 Despite of economic downturn in recent years, the food service industry has performed well in (weden and has grown by A.6B in =>>7. ;ow, the players are in a battle of differentiating their   products/services and offers, as the degree of competition are moderately high in the market. 0ence, building a strong brand image has apparently become a foremost tactics particularly in food chain industry. The study aims to contribute on the concrete importance of brand e'uity management in the fast food chain especially by illustrating real empirical cases of !cDonald and !a) in (weden (weden.. This This compar comparati ative ve study study attemp attempts ts to figure figure out consum consumer"s er"s attitud attitudes, es,  preference and behavior that are affected by e'uity assets brand awareness, perceived value,  brand loyalty and brand associations in one way or another. #ased on a 'uantitative survey, consumer"s brand knowledge is e)amined to confirm the brand value added by these brand e'uity assets.



The purpose of this thesis was centered on measuring and developing customer service in 4askia restaurant. 4hat is the customer perception of service 'uality and customer service of 4askia 4askia restaurant The theoretical framework focuses on description and analysis of customer satisfaction and importance of customer satisfaction. The empirical study of this thesis was accomplished by 'uantitative research by use of 'uestionnaire. The 'uestionnaire was designed on the basis of theoretical study related to service 'uality and customer satisfaction. #ased on the research results, the level of o f customer satisfaction in 4a 4askia skia restaurant would be udged above average which is 'uite good. lthough the maority of customers were satisfied with the overall service 'uality of the case company, several areas for improvement were found. 2t is recommended that 4askia 4askia restaurant should improve on wine list, waiters mastery of the menu and also waiters knowledge of how to recommend wine and food.  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE $ey words Customer satisfaction, customer service, service 'uality


1. Custom Customer er satisfactio satisfaction n at McDonald’s McDonald’s and and Burger Burger King, UK. UK.

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