ABRSM Theory Music Terms Grades 4 and 5
February 4, 2017 | Author: Beatrice | Category: N/A
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GERMAN TERMS Aber - but Ausdruck - expression Bewegt - with movement, agitated Breit - broad, expansive
attacca - go straight on to the next section of music dolente - sad, mournful dolore - grief doloroso - sorrowful
volante - flying, fast ITALIAN TERMS Affettuoso - tenderly Affrettando - hurrying amabile - amiable, pleasant
doppio movimento - twice as fast
appassionato - with passion
Einfach - simple
estinto - as soft as possible, lifeless
Etwas - somewhat, rather
calando - getting softer, dying away (and usually slowing down)
incalzando - getting quicker
fröhlich - cheerful, joyful
lacrimoso - sad
Ein - a, one
cantando - singing
langsam - slow
loco - at the normal pitch (used to cancel an 8va direction)
come - as, similar to (come prima, as before; come sopra, as above)
lebhaft - lively
lunga - long
facile - easy
mässig - at a moderate speed
lunga pausa - long pause
fuoco - fire
mit - with
lusingando - coaxing, in a sweet and persuasive style
giusto - proper, exact (tempo giusto: in strict time)
misura - measure (alla misura: in strict time; senza misura: in free time)
l'istesso - the same (l'istesso tempo: at the same speed)
immer - always
nicht - not ohne - without ruhig - peaceful schnell - fast sehr - very
ossia - or, alternatively piacevole - pleasant
morendo - dying away niente - nothing nobilmente - nobly
süss - sweet
piangevole - plaintive, in the style of a lament
perdendosi - dying away
traurig - sad
pochettino, poch - rather little
und - and
possibile - possible (presto possibile: as fast as possible)
rinforzando, rf, rfz - reinforcing
voll - full
segue - go straight on
wenig - little
senza misura - in free time
wieder - again
smorzando, smorz - dying away in tone and speed
zart - tender, delicate zu - to, too ITALIAN TERMS alla misura - in strict time
teneramente, tenerezza tenderly, tenderness tosto - swift, rapid (but often used in the same sense as "troppo”)
quasi - as if, resembling sonoro - resonant, with rich tone sopra - above sotto - below (sotto voce: in an undertone) veloce - swift voce - voice
et - and
presser - hurry (en pressant: hurrying on)
A - to, at
légèrement - light
Animé - animated, lively
lent - slow
Assez - enough, sufficiently
mais - but
retenu - held back (en retenant: holding back, slowing a little)
Avec - with
modéré - at a moderate speed
sans - without
Cédez - yield, relax the speed
moins - less
très - very
Douce - sweet
non - not
un, une - one
en dehors - prominent (a direction to make a melody stand out)
peu - little
vif - lively
plus - more
vite - quick
ralentir - slow down
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