Movement of Vehicl Vehicle/Equipment. e/Equipment.
Sharp Edges.
Personal Injury
Pinch point.
Slip !rip and "all.
1 of 6
#$tain P!% prior to the commencement of the &or' and 1st copy to $e 'ept at the &or'site in compliance to ()# &or' permit procedure. Survey &or' area and address safe &or' method ha*ards and precautions. +ll ()# departments departments concerned shall shall have a &al'through/inspection &al'through/inspection to the site prior to commencement of &or'. )S+ shall $e follo&ed and to $e e,plained to all employees during !ool -o, !al' prior to start of activities and it must $e availa$le at the site. +ll hand and po&er po&er tools shall $e inspected color coded. Equipment shall have valid rd party inspections certificates. rane operator/s and truc' drivers shall have in their possession current rd party certificates and S+0 driving license respectively. edicated 2 trained flagman shall $e assigned to assist the operator $y signaling using his red and green flag.
3iggers/shall have current rd party certificate and shall &ear high visi$ility vest for proper identification. %histle shall $e provided for them to use. +ll personnel to &ear &ear appropriate PPE required for the jo$. +ll personnel shall shall have completed completed the Safety #rientation ourse prior to mo$ili*ation to site. Personnel shall $e made a&are through tool $o, tal's and trainings a$out safe movement in the area to avoid slip trip 2 fall pinch points safe manual lifting procedure damage to property and stored energy.
Mate!ial Han#ling •
4.1 Inspection of Pipes and "ittings.
Slip !rips 2 "all
"lying #$ject.
4.4. 5oading and 6nloading of Pipes $y crane or $oom truc'.
• • • • • • • • •
Equipment/Vehicle Movement. Equipment/Vehicle Manual 5ifting. Ergonomic 7a*ard 3igging Equipment "ailure. Incompetent #perator or 3igger. Improper Pipe Supports. Pinch Points. Slip. !rips 2 "all. rane "ailure. "ailure of ground supporting the crane. Entry of unauthori*ed persons in lifting area.
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+rea shall $e clear clear from slipping 2 tripping ha*ards. %or'ers shall &atch their steps &hile doing inspection of pipes. %or'ers shall &ear safety glasses in addition to other $asic PPE requirement &hile doing pipe inspection activities. edi edica cate ted d trai traine ned d flag flagma man n sh shal alll $e assigned to assist the equipment operator $y signaling using his red and green flag. Per Perso sonne nnell sh shall all $e $ri $riefe efed d / traine trained d on pr prop ope er ma man nua uall ma mate terria iall ha han ndl dliing techniques. -efo -efore re ea each ch us use e of an any y eq equi uipm pmen entt a thorough thoro ugh inspectio inspection n $y competent competent person shalll $e conducte shal conducted d using using the equipmen equipmentt chec'list. +ll defects found shall $e rectified first $efore it is allo&ed. rane and other equipment shall not $e driven or positioned near e,cavations. E,cavations shall have $arricades and safety signage. +rea shall $e &ell &ell $arricaded &ith &ith safety sign $oards in place 85ifting in Progress9. ()# ()# :; :;4< 4< ran rane e an and d 5i 5ift ftin ing g Sa Safe fety ty
Entry of unauthori*ed persons in lifting area. "ailure of lifting equipment.
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Procedure shall $e follo&ed during rigging operation. rane operator rigger shall $ear a valid rd party certification. +ll lifting gear shall $e currently color coded coded 2 &/ rd party certification. rane rane out outrig rigger gers s sha shall ll $e pos positi itione oned d at least 1meter a&ay from edge of e,cavati e,ca vations ons &ith adequate adequate si*e outrigger outrigger pa pads ds.. 0rou 0round nd to $e com ompa pac cted if necessary. +ll rigging tools and equipment=s shall $e secured. edicate edi cated d flag flagman man shall shall $e assigned assigned to assist the equipment operator $y signaling using his red and green flag. Per Perso sonne nnell sh shall all $e $ri $riefe efed d / traine trained d on pr prop ope er ma man nua uall ma mate terria iall ha han ndl dliing techniques. -efo -efore re ea each ch us use e of an any y eq equi uipm pmen entt a thorough thoro ugh inspectio inspection n $y competent competent person shalll $e conducte shal conducted d using using the equipmen equipmentt chec'list. +ll defects found shall $e rectified first $efore it is allo&ed. Pipe supports shall $e designed to hold the &eight of the pipe. %or'ers shall identify pinch point areas and avoid them during the course of &or'. %or' area shall $e cleared from o$struction and unnecessary tools/materials to have a free and safe area to &or'>in. ()# ()# :; :;4< 4< ran rane e an and d 5i 5ift ftin ing g Sa Safe fety ty Procedure shall $e follo&ed during rigging operation. 5i 5ift ftiing ar area eas s sha halll $e co cord rdo on &ith $arrication and signage=s. rane ran e operator operator and the rigger shall have current rd party certificate. rane should also have its current rd party stic'er. +ll rigging tools and equipment=s equipment=s shall $e secured.
'el#ing( g!in#ing & %)tting.
7ot Surface.
Pinch Point.
%elding Spar's.
amage to equipment. Incompetent &elder.
%elding rays.
Electrical ha*ard.
0as test should $e conducted $efore hot &or' is started and throughout the shift. Prior to start any hot &or' activity dedicated fire &atch and stand$y man &ith firefighting equipment such as fire e,tinguisher e,tinguisher fire $lan'et &ater truc'must currently inspected and color coded availa$le on site.
7ot &or' area shall $e adequately covered &ith fire $lan'ets to prevent hot spar's from spreading around the area. !rained fire &atch on orange vest posted. 3emains in the area until ?minutes after &or' completion to detect smoldering fire and ensure safe condition. "ire &ater $arrel drums and $uc'ets to $e maintained. %ear appropriate PPE. @Safety glass face shield leather gloves apron 2 fire resistant clothing.A )S+ and Method Statement must $e availa$le and implement. Scaffold $oard plan's shall $e &etted &ith &ater or covered &ith fire $lan'ets if arc &elding is to $e at height over scaffold platforms. #nly certified &elder &ith valid certificate must perform the jo$. %elding machine po&er outlet must $e 0"I protected and adequately earthed grounded. Spar' arrester shall $e fitted and drip tray shall $e placed underneath to contain fuel or oil lea's. Maintain surrounding free of com$usti$le materials.
!rained fire &atch onuntil orange vest posted. 3emains in the area ?minutes after &or' completion to detect smoldering fire and ensure safe condition.
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+cetylene cylinders cylinders to $e 'ept a&ay from &elding/cutting operations falling hot splatters. 7ose shall $e free from any damage. "lash$ac' arrestors to $e installed at o,y> acetylene cutting outfit. #nly standard spar' lighter shall $e used to ignite the torch. Bo &elding / cutting start unless the area is clear of com$usti$le materials. Pre>inspect &or' area ensure proper &or' access is in place scaffold platforms currently certified / tagged for safe use. Secure area directly $elo& $y proper $arricades signs / &arning notices on overhead activities. +ll personnel involved involved in piping &or' &or' including inspectors should &ear full $ody harness &ith shoc' a$sor$ing lanyard complying &ith 1??D tie>off !ools 2 equipment to $e secured against fall. !hey shall $e placed in a tool $o, &hen not in use Maintain point contact &hen ascending and descending to a ladder. +ccess ladder shall $e inspected $efore use.
A$$"%iate# an)al *an#ling " ate!ial$.
Bon>o$servance of personnel on proper techniques in manual handling / lifting of materials.
#ver e,ertion.
-ac' pain / injury.
"alls / dropped o$jects due to
mishandling. •
• • •
+ccumulation of de$ris. de$ris. !ripping ha*ards. +ccess o$struction. o$struction.
!hro&ing of tools materials are strictly prohi$ited use of rope 2 material $uc'et to hoist up and lo&ered materials to the ground. +ll personnel involved involved in &or' at at heights shall $e trained $efore their assignment. +ll o$struction and and unnecessary tools tools and equipment shall remove in the area. Maintain good house'eeping Personnel shall $e $riefed / trained on proper manual material handling techniques. emonstrate emonstrate ho& to do safe manual lifting. #$serve $uddy system &hen carrying lengthy / pipes / supports on access / stairs. Bo hand>to>hand passing of materials at height outside &or' platform. 6se rope / $uc'ets to lo&er / hoist up light materials / tools. 3emo 3emove ve al alll de de$r $ris is from from site site da dail ily y as minimum. esi esign gnat ate e ho hous use' e'ee eepi ping ng cre& cre& an and d equipment. Maintain good house'eeping standards. +ll &al'&ays must 'ept o$struction free. (eep all pipes organi*ed / secured / free from potential displacement/falls. displacement/falls.
3equired !raining.F Safety #rientationG Manual 7andlingG 7and and Po&er !oolsG 7ot %or's "ire Protection and PreventionG "ire %atch !rainingG )S+ and 3is' +ssessmentG rane and 3iggingG Electrical Safety. REQUIRED SAFETY EQUIPMENT Hard Hats Safet Glass Steel Toe
Hes Hes Hes Hes Hes Hes
Other Gloves !or" #est Safet Harness
Hes Hes Hes Hes Hes Hes
Face Shield Go$$les 'arricades 6 of 6
Hand Tools & Power He Hes s Tools Tools He Hes s Co%actor He Hes s (iftin$ Gear
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