About Feng Shui Compasses The introdution of Thomson House Feng Shui Compass( Feng Shui Luo pan or Feng Shui Lo pan )
P.1 P.1 The Raymond Lo's 3 Period & 3 Harmony Combined Lopan Interpretation Auther:Raymond Lo Editer:Ri!y Than Pub"isher:Thomson Pub"isher:Thoms on House Ltd. The #eond Printed:$%$$( P. P. The Raymond Lo's 3 Period & 3 Harmony Combined Lopan Interpretation p.3Introdution: ¿The Lopan ( 罗盘) is the indispensable instrument in the practice of Feng Shui. It was first invented at the time of the Yellow mperor 黄帝(about!"##$.%.)as a compass for guiding directions. This tool was later iandscape mountain and water features& to find out how the various directional forces of nature will affect human well'being. Throughout the past ### ears si nce the Lopan( 罗盘) was invented& various Feng Shui masters( 风水师) have turned their valuable observations and discoveries into wor*ing formula and these precious *nowledge are engraved in the Lopan (罗盘)for hand references. +s such& toda toda&& Lopan( 罗盘) appears to be a complicated but beautiful instrument with smbols& trigrams and %hinese characters . +ll of them are important formula allowing feng shui practitioners to ,uic*l find out the influence of various landscape configurations affecting an environment. The #an #a n )uen )uen and #an *e shoo": -an different feng shui school arose during the past ### ears and the most influential schools are San Yuen (三元) meaning /eriods and San 0e( 三合)meaning 1armon school. +s such& each of them has a different Lopan ( 罗盘) design. The Lopan ( 罗盘) is basicall a compass for measuring directions. 1ence the most important part of the instrument is the magnetic needle and directional mar*ings. The %hinese wa of mar*ing direction is to divide 2#3 circle into twent'four& twent 'four& 453 sectors called 6! -ountain 廿四山7. This ring is the most essential part of the instru ment and it will be present in all tpes of Lopan( 罗盘). The ma8or differences in the other features of the San 0e( 三合派) and 9San Yuen( 三元派) school Lopan are briefl described below: Three Harmony +#an *e , Lopan: This school emphasi;es on the harmon of 1eaven& -an and arth. 1ence there are rings of ! -ountain 廿四山 each is used for different purposes. The San 0e( 三合派) Lopan(罗盘) also emphasi;e on the harmonious relationship between directional divisions smbolised b %hinese characters called 1eavenl Stems(天干) and arthl $ranches( 地支). 1ence the Lopan( 罗盘) is full of %hinese %haracters. Three Period+#an )uen , Lopan: The Lopan(罗盘) of this school onl carries one ring of ! -ountain 廿四山 and it emphasi;es on the dnamic influence of the passage of time on an environment . The time factor is smbolised b numbers and smbols of continuous lines and bro*en lines called Trigrams( 三爻卦) and 1eorth and( 午) for eorth. - The red line under the needle& with ! small red dots under the round head of the needle. - The red nlon line on top of the circular plate. - The red nlon line covers eorth. - The straight line under the( 子) and the( 午) which e>& +$>& %>$% and AT10. 1e is often invited to give tal*s and lecture at world' renowned conferences such as the Borld conomic Forum and the % niversit. 1e is a Feng Shui lecturer at the S./.+.%..under the niversit of 1ong 0ong& and is a consultant to the 1ong 0ong Tourist +ssociation for their 1ealth and F ortune TI%j
This boo* is an interpretation of T1 A+Y->C L /AIC H 1+A->Y %-$I>C L /+> Their value and truth should be 8udge b the reader@s discriminate. +uthor& factor and publisher can@t be held responsible for accident or propert resulting from it@s use or in8ur to persons. +ll rights reserved. >o part of this publication ma be reproduced& stored in a retrieval sstem& or transmitted& in an form or b an means& electronic& mechanical& photocoping& recording& or otherwise& without t he prior permission of the publisher. AingCescription #
1eaven pool
Aegistration mar* /re heaven arrangement of Trigrams ($a Dua) Luo Shu (late heaven bagua)
5 2
! mountains -enace and persecution ring %orrect needle ! mountain San Yuan earth
42 4" 4? 4= !# !4 !! ! ! !5
plate +uspicious direction in = periods San Yuan water method P dragon gates ? boundaries 1oung Fun wu
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