About Access Consciousness Sistema de Cérebro
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About Access Consciousness ® Access Consciousness Consciousness is available in 173 countries and has contributed to changing the lives of more than 30 thousand people around the world over the past 25 years It's life-changing techniques, tools and processes are designed to empower you to create the life you truly desire. Practical, dynamic, and pragmatic, Access provides step-by-step processes to facilitate you in being more conscious in every day life and eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving. Delivered through seminars, teleseries, boos, audios and consultations, Access !onsciousness" is not about metaphors, ideas or sweet tal. It actually wors# $very person who uses these tools and this more conscious way of living %nds it truly wors. &he aim of Access !onsciousness !onsciousness is to create create a world of consciousness and oneness. !onsciousness includes everything and udges nothing. It is our target to get you to the point where you receive from Access the awareness of everything, with no udgment of anything. If you have no udgment of anything, then you get to loo at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but ust for what it is. !onsciousness is the ability to be present in your life l ife in every moment, without udgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reect nothing, and create everything you desire in life - greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can i magine. &he target of Access is to help get you to the point where you are are conscious enough to create change within you. Access o(ers tools and processes that mae it possible to change everything that is not woring in your life. )nce you become more conscious, it will be easier for you to thrive in the face of the shifts that are occurring everywhere e verywhere on the planet right now. now.
A !i"erent #erspective Access is a di(erent point of view about life. li fe. It's about seeing all the things that you always new should be possible but didn't now how to receive, with no udgment about the choices made in the past or future. Access gives people real life tools to use which can help them get to where they would lie to be. *rom this perspective, a new reality is created where people function from f rom choice and possibility in their lives. &hey function from a place where they are no longer at the e(ect e (ect of everything and everyone around them and where they no longer udge themselves. +hat is your awareness about your current reality Do you see people being happy and oyful Do you see a world where everyone is embraced or where everyone lives without udgment Are children honored for their being, or are children manipulated and controlled to believe they are le ss than adults Do you have the familiar famili ar feeling you are stuc or every time you tae a step
forward, you tae two steps bac If +$/0 you become conscious of what you say and thin, your reality will change e1ponentially. 2our thoughts and statements generate your life. 2ou have the ability to create anything instantaneously. +hat if you were willing to be brutally honest with yourself and start creating generating0 your reality +hat would that loo lie All you have to do is choose it. Although tools of Access !onsciousness has generated a great deal of change in the lives of many people, Access does not declare itself to be the only way. Access empowers you to now what is true for you. It allows you to now that you now# Access is an ever-evolving method for altering the parts of your life that don't show up the way you now they could. Access is not for the feeble-minded or the faint-of-heart. If you have the courage and desire to be truly you, the e1traordinary you, the phenomenal you, maybe Access if for you. +hat if you were willing to nurture and care for you +hat if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be +hat would it tae for you to reali3e how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world Access !onsciousness o(ers a whole 4niverse of processes, classes and possibilities for change. +e literally have classes or products on almost $5$62 topic you could thin of# +here would you lie your adventure to begin
Access Consciousness Core Classes Access Consciousness ® classes provide verbal processing and simple tools for change that allow as much or as little change as you are willing to choose$ +hat if you didn7t require someone else to give you an answer8 ust some questions that could allow you to now what you now +ould that create greater possibilities for your life Access !onsciousness o(ers eight !ore !lasses and many specialty classes which are all designed to give you greater ease, oy, abundance, choice and possibilities in your life. 9any of the !ore !lasses have prerequisites that allow participants to move through into the advanced classes very quicly if desired. A comprehensive manual is provided in Access :ars ; through to ids aged ?@ and under come for free to all classes around the world. Ages ?, ?B and ?C pay half price. $veryone is included in Access
!onsciousness and your presence is considered a contribution to a greater possibility for the world. &he !ore !lasses listed below can e1pand your capacity for consciousness so that you have greater awareness about you, your life, this reality and beyond# +ith greater awareness, you can begin generating the life you always new was possible and haven't yet created. +hat else is possible •
Access :ars
Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally rela1ed and nurtured and cared for )r has it been a little too long since you received healing and indness without any udgment of your body or your being &he %rst class in Access is &he :ars ;. Did you now there are = points on your head which, when gently touched, e(ortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive &hese points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. &his is an opportunity for you to let go of everything# $ach Access :ars; session can release @-?E thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the speci%c :ar being touched. &his is an incredibly nurturing and rela1ing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change. ow much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving ave you noticed that your life is not yet what you would lie it to be 2ou could have everything you desire and even greater#0 if you are willi ng to receive lots more and maybe do a little less# 6eceiving or learning &he :ars; will allow this to begin to show up for you. Access :ars; has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, se1 and relationships, an1iety, stress and so much more. At worst you will feel lie you have ust had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. &aing the Access :ars; class is a prerequisite for all Access !onsciousness; !ore !lasses as it allows your body to process and receive the changes you are choosing with ease. DurationF ? day •
Access *oundation
ave you noticed that this reality doesn7t actually wor in a way that wors for you Are you looing for the eys that will unloc the limitations of this reality and allow you to step into in%nite possibilities for having everything you truly desire in life Access !onsciousness; is a pragmatic system for functioning in and beyond a world that doesn7t function for you. :y looing at life's issues
from a completely di(erent perspective, it becomes easy to change anything. *or anything to be limiting you, you must be functioning from some form of anti-consciousness or unconsciousness. Go what would you lie to choose instead In *oundation you will begin to see the points of view that limit you and what you can change that would allow you to function from question, choice, possibility, and contribution. DurationF days Pre-requisitesF Access :ars; •
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