Abiram i

December 10, 2017 | Author: kavanpt | Category: Leisure
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mgpuhkp… mgpuhkp… ez;gd; NrfUk; xNu tFg;gpy; gbj;J te;Njhk;. mtDf;F xU jq;fr;rp ngah; mgpuhkp. mth;fs; [ah; FLk;gj;ijr; Nrh;e;jth;fs;. ehd; mtd; tPl;Lf;F NghFk; nghOnjy;yhk; mts; VjhtJ FWk;G nra;ths;. ehd; fhNy[; gbg;G Kbe;jTld; Kk;igapy; xU fk;gdpapy; Ntiyf;Fr; Nrh;e;Jtpl;Nld;. NrfUk; mnkhpf;fhtpy; Ngha; nrl;by; Mfptpl;lhd;. xU tUlj;Jf;Fg; gpwF ehd; vd; nrhe;j Cuhd nrd;idf;Fr; nrd;Nwd;. vdJ tPL [ah;fs; mjpfk; trpf;Fk; ikyhg;g+h; gFjpapy; cs;sJ. md;W vd; gioa ez;gh;fisg; ghh;f;Fk; re;Njhrj;jpy; tPl;il tpl;L ntspNawpNdd;. tPjpapy; Ml;fs; mq;Fk; ,q;Fk; ele;J jphpe;jhh;fs;. mth;fspd; eLNt kQ;rs; epw fht; rhhp mzpe;J xU 16-17 taJs;s mofhd xU ngz; nkJthf vd;id Nehf;fp te;J nfhz;bUe;jhs;. vd; mUfpy; te;jJk; 'utpz;zh vg;g te;jPq;f" vd;W Nfl;lhs;. mts; ahnud;W Kjypy; milahsk; fhz Kbatpy;iy. mts; Nrfhpd; jq;if vd;W mwpKfk; nra;jhs;. Vd;b rpd;dthY ,g;gb milahsk; njhpahk tsh;e;jpl;lahb vd;W Nfl;Nld;. mts; gjpYf;F nkJthf rphpj;jgbNa vd; $l Nfhapy; tPjpahy; Ngrpf; nfhz;Nl ele;J te;jhs;. mts; ghh;g;gjw;F [Pd;]; glj;jpy; tUk; [ah; [];th;ah khjphpNa ,Ue;jhs;. xU rpd;djhf xU itu %f;Fj;jp mts; fpsp %f;fpy; kpDq;fpf; nfhz;bUe;jJ. mts; rphpf;Fk; nghOnjy;yhk; mtsJ rpte;j Nuh[h ,jo;fs; gsgsj;jJ. mts; mz;zd; NrfhplkpUe;J nyl;lh; te;jjhf nrhd;dhs;. ehq;fs; rpdpkh gw;wp vq;fs; fijiaj; jpUg;gpNdhk;. mtSf;Fg; gpbj;j ebif [];th;ah vd;W nrhd;dhs;. ePAk; [];th;ah khjphpj;jhd; ,Uf;f vd;W gjpYf;Fr; nrhd;Ndd;. ngha; nrhy;yhjq;f mz;zh(???) vd;whs;. nfhQ;rk; nghW cdf;fpl;l xz;Z FiwAJ vd;Nwd;. mts; clk;ig xU juk; tpiuthf ghh;j;Jtpl;L vd;d vd;W Nfl;lhs;. gf;fj;jpy; ,Ue;j filapy; xU Kok; g+ thq;fpf; nfhLj;Jtpl;L ,jhd; vd;Nwd;. ( ,e;jpag; ngz;fSf;F ky;ypif g+ vd;why; caph;). ,ij vd; jiyapy tr;rptpLq;fz;zh vd;W MirNahL Nfl;lhs;. mts; jiyapy; itj;Jtpl;Nld;. mts; nkJthf ntl;fg; gl;lhs;. mts; mbf;fb vd;id mz;zh vd;W $g;gpLtJ vdf;Fg; gpbf;ftpy;iy. (rpy Ntis [ah; ngz;fs; jq;fs; GUrid mz;zh vd;W $g;gpLtJ tof;fk;). mts; tPl;Lf;F te;J mts; mk;khit ghh;j;Jtpl;L NghFkhW nfQ;rpdhs;. th vd;W mts; tPl;L thrYf;Fg; NghNdhk;. fjT g+l;bf; fple;jJ. mts; mk;kh fghNy];tuh; NfhapYf;Fg; NghapUg;gjhf xU Jz;by; vOjp itj;Jtpl;L nrd;wpUe;jhs;. gpwF thNwd; vd;W tpl;L jpUk;gg; NghNdd;. cs;Ns te;J mts; ifahy; Nghl;l fhg;gp Fbj;Jtpl;L NghFkhW vd;id fl;lhag; gLj;jpdhs;. mts; g+r;rl;bf;F fPNo ,Ue;j rhtpia vLj;J fjitj; jpwe;jhs;. mts; tPl;by; ey;y re;jz thrk; mbj;jJ. vd;id ,Uf;FkhW nrhy;yptpl;L fhg;gp Nghl;L te;jhs;. mts; jdJ Ke;jhidia ,Lg;gpy; nrhUfp ,Ue;jjhy; mtsJ mofhd xl;ba tapW mjd; eLtpy; ,Ue;j Mskhd njhg;Gs; Fop ed;whfj; njhpe;jJ. ehd; mij ghh;g;gij njhpe;J nfhz;l mts; mtsJ Ke;jhidia ,Oj;J %bdhs;. cd; fhg;gp ey;yh ,Uf;F. cd;id fl;bf;fg; Nghwtd; ey;y mjp\;lrhypjhd; vd;Nwd;. mts; xd;Wk; Ngrhky; miwf;Fs; Xbdhs;. ehd; VNjh jg;ghf nrhy;yptpl;Nld; vd;W epidj;Njd;. Mdhy; vd;id cs;Ns tUkhW mioj;J mYkhhpapy; Vwp VNjh gioa My;gj;ij vLj;jhs;. mts; Vwpa ];^y; rWf;fp vd; ,uz;L iffspYk; tpOe;jhs;. mts; vd; fz;fisNa rpy tpdhbfs; ghh;j;Jf; nfhz;bUe;jhs;. mtis fPNo tpl;L tpl;L xU ifahy; mts; ,ilia tUbathW For more stories in Tamil, visit:


mts; ,jo;fspy; Kj;jkplg; NghNdd;. mts; jdJ ,uz;L fz;fisAk; %bf; nfhz;lhs;. ehd; nra;tJ jtW vd;gij czh;e;J nfhz;L &uktpl;L ntspNa te;Njd;. mts; fz;fisj; jpwe;j mNj Neuk; ehd; &ik tpl;L ntspNa te;J nfhz;bUe;Njd;. ehd; te;j Ntfj;jpy; vd; jiy gjpe;j $iuapy; mbgl;lJ. mts; Ntfkhf Xbte;J vd; jiyKbia tpyf;fp mbgl;l ,lj;ijg; ghh;j;jhs;. mts; cjLfis vd; mUNf nfhz;Lte;J nkJthf Kj;jkpl;lhs;. ehd; fz;fisj; jpwe;J ghh;j;Njd;. clNd ntl;fj;jpy; jiyia fPNo njhq;fg; Nghl;lhs;. vd; ifahy; mts; Kfj;ij epkph;j;jp mts; %ba fz;fspy; Kj;jkpl;Nld;. mtis neQ;rpy; mizj;J mg;gbNa mts; fPo; cjl;il vd; thahy; ft;tpg; gpbj;Jr; Ritj;Njd;. mtsJ Ke;jhid rhpe;J fPNo tpOe;jJ. mNj Neuk; vd; Rz;zp vOe;J nfhz;lJ. mts; fz;fshy; fl;bYf;F tUkhW mioj;jhs;. mtis J}f;fp fl;bypy; Nghl;Nld;. mtsJ Ke;jhidia mtpo;j;J vwpe;Jtpl;L mts; tapw;wpy; vd; tpuiy itj;J nkJthf tUbNdd;. vd; ifia NkNy nfhz;LNgha; mtsJ [hf;fl;by; itj;J mtsJ ,sk; khh;ig ,Wf;fp erpj;Njd;. vd;dhy; ,dpAk; nghWf;f Kbatpy;iy. mjdhy; mtsJ [hf;fl;il mtrumtrukhf fow;wp mtsJ gpQ;R KiyfSf;F tpLjiy nfhLj;Njd;. Mzpd; if glhj me;j rpwpa Kiyfs; vd; if gl;lJk; tpiuj;Jf; nfhz;L epkph;e;J epd;wd. mts; tpl;l ngU %r;rpy; mit ,uz;Lk; NkYk; fPOk; Ngha; te;jd. vd; ehf;if ePl;b mtsJ gpq;f; epw khh;Gf; fhk;ig Ritf;f Muk;gpj;Njd;. vd; Nrt;gz;zhj ,uz;L ehs; jhb mtsJ khh;igf; Fj;jpf; Fj;jp Rfk; nfhLj;jJ. mts; vd; Kfj;ij mtsJ khh;NghL Nrh;j;J mOj;jp mizj;jhs;. rpwpJ Neuk; fopj;j mts; ghthil ehlhtpy; ifia itj;J mij mtpo;f;fj; njhlq;fpNdd;. mts; cs;Ns gpq;f; fyh; ghd;b Nghl;bUe;jhs;. mjd; NkNy vd; ifia itj;J jlhtpNdd;. mts; vd; ifiag; gpbj;J 'Ntzhk;......." vd;W jLj;jhs;. 'ehd; fhyk; g+uh cd;NdhLjhd; thog; NghNwd;. ehd; cd;id Vkhw;w khl;Nld;. vdf;F ey;y Ntiy ,Uf;F. cq;f gkpyp rk;kjpf;fhl;b Kk;ghapy Ngha; fy;ahzk; gz;zpf;fyhk;" vd;W mtis rk;kjpf;f itj;Njd;. mtSk; mjw;Fj; jiyahl;bdhs;. ehd; Koq;fhypy; epd;W mts; njhil ,uz;ilAk; vd; mUNf ,Oj;Jg; gpbj;Njd;. mts; cWg;G vd; Kfj;jUNf ,Ue;jJ. mts; ghd;bia nkJthf Kj;jkpl;lthW xU ifahy; mij fow;w Muk;gpj;Njd;. mtsJ ,jo;fs; kaph;fspd; kj;jpapy; xspe;J fple;jJ. mtsJ kaph; Nkl;il vd; Kfj;jhy; curptpl;L mts; ,jo;fis tphpj;j mtsJ h.ukhd ,jo;fspy; vd; thia itj;Njd;. vd; tha; mjpy; gl;lJk; mtsJ clYf;Fs; kpd;rhuk; gha;e;jJ. mts; jd; ,U njhilfshYk; vd; fOj;ij ,Wf;fpdhs;. vd; Kfk; mts; Gz;il nts;sj;jpy; %o;fpaJ. xU gbahf vd; Kfj;ij mts; njhilfSf;F ,ilapy; ,Ue;J tpLtpj;Njd;. mts; Kfj;ijg; ghh;j;Njd;. me;j mg;ghtpg; nghz;zpd; Kfj;jpypUe;J fz;zPh; frpe;jJ. xz;Zk; gag;gplhjb vd;W mts; fd;dj;jpy; Kj;jkpl;L MWjy; nrhd;Ndd;. mts; fh;g;gj;ijg; gw;wp gag;gl;lhs;. vdf;fpl;l nfhz;lk; ,Uf;F mij a+]; gz;zpdh gps;is gpwf;fhJ vd;W nrhd;Ndd;. Mdhy; mts; ,d;Dk; gaj;jpy; fple;jhs;. mtis re;Njhrg; gLj;Jtjw;fhf mts; clk;G g+uhTk; Kj;jkpl;Nld;. mts; njhilia tUbathW vd; Kfj;ij mts; Gz;ilapy; itj;Njd;. vd; tpuiy cs;Ns GFj;jpathW mtsJ ,jo;fisr; Ritj;Njd;. mts; rpd;djhf Kdfpf; nfhz;bUe;jhs;. vdJ Kfj;ij vLj;J mts; cs; njhilia ef;fpathW mij mq;Fk; ,q;Fk; Kj;jkpl;Nld;. vd; ghf;fl;by; ,Ue;j nfhz;lj;ij vLj;Jtpl;L vd; [Pd;ir fow;wp tPrpNdd;. vd; tpiuj;j Rz;zpia ntspNa vLj;J nfhz;lj;ij ey;ygbahf Nghl;Nld;. mts; Gz;il mUNf cd; Rz;zpia nfhz;LNgha; mts; Gioapy; itj;J mts; kPJ gLj;jgb vd; ,Lg;ig NkYk fPOk; mirj;Njd;. mts; rpwpa typapdhy; fj;jpdhs;. mtsJ fd;dpj; jir fpspgl;L ,uj;jk; For more stories in Tamil, visit:


rpW Jsp te;jJ. clNd ehd; Xg;gij epWj;jptpl;L vd; Nrl;lhy; mij Jilf;f Muk;gpj;Njd;. ,uz;lhtJ jlit nra;Ak; NghJ vy;yhk; rhpahfptpLk; vd;W MWjy; nrhd;Ndd;. vdJ Rz;zp ,d;Dk; tpiwj;Jf; nfhz;Nl epd;wJ. mjdhy; mtis rhpg;gLj;jp ,d;ndhU jlit iu gz;z mtis mioj;Njd;. mts; xd;Wk; Ngrhky; gLj;jhs;. nksdk; rk;kjj;Jf;F mwpFwp. mjdhy; vd; Rz;zpia mtsJ Xl;ilapy; itj;J nkJthf Ml;bNdd;. rpy tpdhbfspy; vd; Ntfj;ij vdf;F trjpg;gl;l gb mjpfhpj;Njd;. mts; ,d;g Ntjidapy; nespe;jhs;. ehd; vd; ,Lg;ig tpiuthf mirj;Jf; nfhz;bUe;Njd;. mts; vd;id ,Wf;fp mizj;jgb ngUjhf %r;R tpl;lgbNa Kdfpf; nfhz;bUe;jhs;. ehd; Nghd Ntfj;jpy; ,uz;L NgUk; xNu Neuj;jpy; fpiskhf;ir mile;Njhk;. vdJ tpe;J vd; Rz;zpapy; ,Ue;J mts; Gz;ilf;Fs;Ns Gijgl;Lf; nfhz;bUe;j nfhz;lj;Jf; Fs;Ns gha;tij vd;dhy; czu Kbe;jJ. mts; Gz;ilapypUe;J kjdePh; nghq;fp tope;jJ. mts; rhpahf fisj;Jg; Ngha; fl;bypy; gLj;jhs;. mts; $e;jypy; ,Ue;j ky;ypif fl;by; g+uhfTk; cjph;e;Jfple;jJ. mtw;wpy; rpytw;iw vLj;J mts; Kfj;jpy; J}tp tpl;L mts; new;wpapy; Kj;jkpl;Ltpl;L fl;biy tpl;L vLe;Njd;. mts; ngl;rPl;il vLj;J jd; clk;ig Rj;jp Nghh;j;jpf; nfhz;L nky;y vOk;gpdhs;. mtis ,Wf;fp mizj;J mts; fhjpy; nrhd;Ndd;. ' xz;Zf;Fk; gag;glhNj. vy;yhj;ijAk; ehd; ghj;Jf;fpNwd;. vdf;fhf eP nfhQ;rk; fhj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;" vd;W nrhy;yptpl;L mts; tPl;il tpl;L ntspNawpNdd;. kPz;Lk; kPz;Lk; ,e;j epfo;r;rp njhlHe;jJ…

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Vimala and I It was my +2 days, I used to stay in a place called malakpet which is very close to Dharmavaram (one of the wellknown city in Karnataka) its also called redchilly town I think that is why people r very hot here…so thatswhere my college experiences started, I used to travel every day 25 kms to reach college from the place where I stay. And about my family is my mom and my younger brother. My mother manages her own private school with five teachers and about 250 students. M y brother was staying with my grandma in kondur which is 32km from malakpet. That’s where I have done my schooling. Life is so routine to me like my day starts with 4.30am to get ready and have breakfast whatever my mother makes at that time and rushup to catch a bus which starts 5.30 am and it takes 1 hour to reach dharmavaram citybus point, and I will have to take another bus to reach on time for my tuitions which goes on till 9.30am then starts the college and I wont say it’s a college its worst than the school in fact once we enter in to the college the gates will be closed and they open only in the evening 5.30pm oh it was really ……….sicne my group was mathes and science I had to attend lot of tuition classes, and so again 7.30pm to 9.30pm after my coaching classes r over I used to catch my last bus to return back home and which reaches at 11.30pm. Other than Sunday this is what I do regularly. In this routine frustrated life one unexpected incident happened . That incident is only VIMALA who is my neibour and also elder to me. I also knew her from very long time but never thought such an incident would happened with her. Any way let me tell u how it did., As we all have college summer holidays on which I had to stay back for about 2 months after the busy regular traveling stuff, I used to feel very bored to stay at home and my mother used to be busy with her school and I keep watching tv , at that time I was crazy about MTV and keep on watching that but couldnot spend much time with tv also, no much friends in that newplace for me, on this course one day I found some body noticing me when I looked from my window to my neighbour’s window I sighted two eyes looking at me only and I kepton looking at those eyes and I could see them for 2mts they disappeared, and I was so thrilled with such a new thing happened to me, then I tried to search for those eyes kept on spending time

with windows to locate them and got good response too, so those eyes r none other than vimala who happened to be my dear, I just used to spend my time only by watching her, She is so beautiful but I am afraid how I can explain her beauty but let me try, u know she is so fair and got a perfect shape not to mention much about this, and her pink eyes make me really crazy, so very soon Ihave gone really mad u know morning to night till I sleep I just used to spend time only just by watching her, and suddenly she disappeared I could not see her for about 4 days, those 4 days my goodness I was so frustrated gone mad couldn’t eat well, and couldn’t sleep well then I thought what am I , so crazy about and realized what I want from her, I was so confused but couldn’t forget her also, then I wrote a letter to her about all my feelings towards her I had let her also know it was very difficult to me without seeing her even a minute. Oh I have written so much……….and I was waiting for a chance to give her that letter, I thought whenever shecomes back I should give her that letter immediately, and the 5th day she was back and I was so frightened thinking of what might happen if she makes a siene out of it, and I waited for 2 days continued teasing her and got good response from the other side for what ever I do, then I made signals to make her understand that I want to give her a letter which I showed her , and I have thrown that in their premises, my badluck it fell on their carshed, oh tension started again what If some body else sees it, but my feeling r so strong she picked it, and the same day evening u know she wrote to me saying that all these wont workout since she is elder to me and cannot think of anything like that and asking me to treat her as sister, so what now, I was so disappointed and I keep writing to convince her and she keep replying the same and trying to council me that we can be good friends and all that, and in this due course of letters instead of throwing letters we used to exchange letters by hand when I return back home, she used to wait for me to handover whatever she writes, and suddenly one day, that day my mother was not at home she went to her sisters place to stay for 2 days. And that night around 11.30pm I waved my hand to her and asked her to come next to our steps since I used to stay in first floor and the other side is there house and as I told her she came and gave the letter to me and waiting for my letter and I did not give her and I just showed my empty hand and she caught my hand and just pressed, oh I was thrilled and caught her hand she did n’t say anything and I moved my hand towards her face and keep touching gently her cheeks and it is so soft and stiff , at that time my bad luck we heard some noice and we had to goback to our windows to see each other and keep teasing by expressions. Then she gave me her number and asked me to talk to her on phone, I still did not know what I spoke to her, but we used to talk a lot on phone, and we both were sure that there cannot be a marriage and we cannot stay together also, but whenever we get time we used to utilize to control our feelings, and she keep encouraging me and suggest me about my career and my marriage and she always used to suggest me not to fall in love and spoil my life she used to tell me, that I will get a good looking wife. She also used to be a good financial support for me, and don’t mistake me at this point its all her wish and she knew that my family is just middle class and they r not to mention……… so it went on 4 years, we managed without anyone knowing not even guessing it, in fact and it had become like even she cannot be

without seeing me, and like that only I have finished my graduation and planed to move bangalore for further education, when I did let her know about my plans she was totally against to it and she told me that if I am going for a job I can find something in dharmavaram itself and she said she can help in getting that, but I do know that was n’t my plan and I cannot stick on to dharmavaram and I could convince her , and the last 3 days before I left to bangalore most of the time she tried to spend her time in my house only, and I could see tears in her eyes it was as how like husband is leaving his wife and going to states u know, and while leaving the place she gave me one small packet which I couldnot open at that time, but in the train when I opened I found 40k , immediately after reaching bangalore I called her and told that I wanted to send it back but she convinced me that I should use it for some good purpose. U know that money really helped me in my career and to survive without any problem in a new place. After coming to bangalore I used to call her and talk to her, at the same time my mother also moved to guntur and her number is also changed, so never had a contact after … but I used to enquire about her through my mother and some times she used to ask me y do I want to know about her ……Finally I thought I could see her in my wedding but she did not turnup to see me getting married and she had sent her brother for my wedding with a pen set as a simple gift. After opening that gift rapper I found her note & a gold chain under the penset mentioning that she can neverforget me and she cannot see me also any more……….

Some incidents in life ends like this but feelings never end………… I am sure everyone has some incidents (feelings) which they cannot share with any one……………..

So those heartfelt feelings can be only as good memories………..

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