ABCS of Mojo

January 11, 2017 | Author: Creole Moon Publications | Category: N/A
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Three magickal principles to multiply your income and bring you wealth and prosperity....


Planet Voodoo

the ABcs of \mojo 3 Magickal Principles to Multiply your Income & Bring You Wealth & Prosperity

Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo Three Magickal Principles to Multiply Your Income

The pursuit of wealth and prosperity is one of the greatest attractions that draws people to Voodoo, hoodoo, magick, and the occult. Especially now, as we are dealing with the challenges that come on the heels of a recession, people are apt to try anything to find economic relief. If you would like to immediately increase the amount of money you have in a magickal way, then get ready to learn three important things in the art of conjure. Every skilled conjuror I know spends a LOT of time getting familiar with these three things (along with a lot of other things, to be sure!). Not only is multiplying your income and attaining wealth and prosperity much easier when you know the three Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo things I am about to share with you (try it and see for yourself)... but extremely wealthy people have been transformed on the power of irresistible occult and mystical pr inciples bur ied in the middle of long magick rituals. Like these extremely famous and wealthy people, for example: •

Led Zeppelin

Daryl Hall of Hall and Oates

Angelina Jolie

Pearl Jam

Jennifer Lopez

David Bowie

Kurt Cobain

Jayne Mansfield

Jerry Garcia

John Lennon

And this list doesn't even scratch the surface! Question is... how do you attain powerful magick like that? What's the "secret"? Well, one way is to simply create altars for the spirit you are petitioning and make the appropriate offerings to create an "air" of persuasion to your request. In other words, instead of writing a "plain vanilla" petition paper, tack on some offerings that will give your spells and requests more depth and power! Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo And you can do that simply by adding what I call the "ABCs Of Mojo" -- Appropriate Offerings, Belief, and Co-Creation -- to them. I discuss the concept within the context of New Orleans Voudou, but the principles can apply to any tradition. Here's how it works: 1. Add the Appropriate Offerings This one is simple. Remember that the Spirits of Voudou and the saints are very human and as such, you must extend to them the same courtesy as you would when asking a favor of anyone. No one likes to be told what to do or to be taken advantage of, and no one works for free, especially the powerful spirits of Voudou! So, if you want your request to be heard and made manifest, just make your first petition and add special offerings. This will expand on and give more "dimension" to your request. For example: •

In New Orleans Voudou, it is customary to give La Sirene gifts of shrimp and seaweed, and promise her something like seawater, pink champagne, sea glass, or sweet white wine once she grants your request (don't give her everything at once, the idea is to give her a taste of what she likes first and give her the bounty later... the LESS you give in the beginning, the MORE likely she will grant your request!)

If you are working within the Hoodoo tradition and are petitioning one of the saints or prophets—be they Catholic or folk saints—the same principle applies. In fact, if you are working with your ancestors, the same principle applies. Making an offering whenever you petition help from any spirit is spirit work 101—never skip this part!

See how that works? The first principle is to make your request heard with a little enticement. The second principle is "the less you give, the more you get" - another (more intriguing) technique that expands on the original. Don't get me wrong, you MUST fulfill your promise or you will be worse off than when you started. A little LOA psychology, if you will :)

Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo 2. Add Belief Whenever you add belief (or "faith") to a petition, you exponentially increase its power. And since no spirits will help if you don't believe in their ability to do so, adding belief to your petitions will increase your overall results. Consider this: •

All magick systems are grounded in faith - faith in the spirits, faith in yourself, and faith in magick. For example, a person with enough faith can overcome normal worldly rules and perform miracles. Even Jesus said "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do..." (John 14:12). You will be amazed at how much even faith the size of a mustard seed can increase your results!

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

In this case, all you need is to add the belief that the spirit you petition will absolutely and unequivocally help you. And, there are additional benefits to believing. For example, the more you believe, the greater insight you will have regarding your situation which will help you to make better choices for improvement. In addition, as you come to understand how relationships between the Mysteries (spirits/loas) and humans work, the more you will come to realize how all-powerful, ever-present, loving, and willing the Mysteries are. Belief can be considered a spiritual magnet, attracting that which you want and need. By the way, believing may be easier said than done for some people, especially if you are new to Voudou and

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Planet Voodoo Hoodoo traditions. In this case, you must amplify your belief by acting as if you believe. You can use special prayers or psalms to your petition to make it more believable: •

Psalm 3: To conquer fear of poverty

Psalm 5: To ask for a special financial favor

Psalm 6: To ask for mercy from creditors

Psalm 7: To ask that blocks to progress be removed

Psalm 8: To improve confidence, to bring customers to a business

Just adding words that indicate your faith and belief gives the petition more depth, meaning, and believability. It is your belief and mindset that will set the stage for attracting money. So, in order to be able to attract money magickally, you must learn how to believe in the spirits, yourself, and in the magical process itself. 3. Adding Co-Creation This is where you basically "put the icing on the cake" in a dramatic way. Here's an example: • Depending on the spirits to do EVERYTHING for you can HURT your response (there is something better and easier thing you can do instead). Many people have the erroneous belief that magick spells work like they do in Hollywood movies. Wave a magic wand or utter some mystical incantation and poof! There it is! The fact is, magick is a partnership with the Spirits and the Universe; you must take an active role in the process or it won't work!!! Nothing in life or spirit is handed to you on a silver platter. You have to do your part and take personal responsibility for your life and your choices for any spell to work. Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo •

A man named "Jack" was in dire financial need. He lost his job, bills were piling up, and he was getting ready to lose his house. Jack bought a money gris gris bag (a portable spell in the New Orleans Voudou tradition), put it in his pocket, and went about living his life in the same fashion as before. Nothing changed, he was near bankruptcy, and his house went into foreclosure. He ended up cursing the place he bought the charm from, and threw the gris gris bag into the trash. Jack proclaimed “Voodoo doesn't work!” and believed the people he bought it from were a bunch of charlatans who ripped him off.

Why didn't the gris gris bag work? Isn't Voudou the most powerful magickal system ever?

“That's the thing with magic. You've got to know it's still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you.” ~ Charles de Lint

The answer to this question is simple: Jack's gris gris bag didn't work because Jack didn't work it! • •

Jack had unrealistic expectations. He thought the gris gris would magickally change his financial situation by simply sitting in his pocket. Jack did not take personal responsibility for why he was in the situation in the first place. He continued to spend money as if he had an endless supply, and he continued to max out his credit cards only paying the minimum amount due—if that, every month. Jack failed to use the gris gris bag as directed. He did not use it as an aid in focusing his intention, he did not practice visualizing his life as he wanted it to be and as a result, thwarted any opportunities that may have been presented to him.

Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo “Magick is the Science and Art of Causing Change to occur in Conformity with Will.” Aleister Crowley

So, how could Jack have used the principle of co-creation to help him work his gris gris magick? •

Jack would have needed to understand that magick is a partnership. He would have had to understand that he had to work at changing his situation in order for the gris gris to help him be successful at changing his financial woes. Jack needed to change his spending habits. No magick spell will change your behavior or make choices for you. Even if he had received money (which in fact he did), the fact that he kept spending and charging kept him from rising out of a bad situation into one of economic stability and financial freedom. Jack did not understand how to use his gris gris as a tool for getting what he wanted. To effectively use his money gris gris, he would have had to use it at least daily, and ideally several times a day" to remind himself of what he wanted to change. He needed to sit quietly for few moments with it and visualize himself as successful and wealthy, debt-free, and happy. Doing so would have helped to remind him that spending was not what he needed to be doing at a time when he didn't have anything to spend. Without vision and discipline, how can anything change? When Jack did receive some money, he failed to pay down his debts. He did not call the mortgage company and work something out with them, and he did not put any of it in an interest bearing account. Had he done these things, the money he had received would have gone a long way in taking him from the red to the black, and his money could have multiplied.

Bottom line? When you place your petition and add the appropriate offerings, you are placing your order with the PowersThat-Be and the Universe for what you want. You are paying the Spirits for the favor you ask of them, and you Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo set into motion the exchange of energy. When you add belief to the equation, you are entering into a magickal contract which requires you to practice co-creating your own reality.

In short, magick is an action-oriented art! Using the "ABC's of Mojo" in your magical practice is an incredibly effective way to add power and "oomph!" to your spells. Yes, they require vision, intention, and discipline, but they can make a huge impact on your results.

What order will you place today?

Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo I hope you enjoyed reading about these principles. More importantly, I hope you USE them to make wealth and prosperity yours!

Copyright 2013, All rights reserved worldwide.

Planet Voodoo If you enjoyed this download, join Creole Moon’s Conjure Club for more titles such as these: Crossroads Mama’s 105 Spiritual Baths for Every Occasion Workin’ in da Boneyard Gypsy Wisdom Spells, Charms and Folklore Day of the Dead Handbook Fortune Telling with Playing Cards The Voodoo Doll Spellbook: A Compendium of Ancient and Contemporary Spells and Rituals Voodoo Dolls in Magick and Ritual The Big Book of Mystical Chants and Prayers Purloined Stories and Early Tales of Old New Orleans 10 Old-style Hoodoo Powder Formulas Astrological Formulary Biblical Formulary Spirit Spotlight: Al Anima Sola The Use of Tide Water in Hoodoo and Conjure Working with the Saints in the New Orleans Hoodoo Tradition

Red Brick Dust Dirt Dauber Nests: A Multipurpose Zoological Curio Fabulous Spring Magic Money Hand Folk Remedies of Southern Louisiana Formulas for Enhancing Dreams, Divination, Psychic Development and Prophecy Herbal Tea Remedies Hyssop: The Holy Herb and Its Uses Miscellaneous Spells and Charms Potted Plant Hot Foot Container Spell The Sacramentals of Saint Raymond Prayers to the Saints and Spirits Working with St. Anthony of Padua New Orleans Gris Gris

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