AASHTO Standard Specification for Transportation Materials and Method of Sampling & Testing (Part 1A)

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Standard Specification for Transportation Materials and Method of Sampling & Testing (Part 1A)...



Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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New editions are published annually.


O Copyright 2003, by the American Association of State Highway b d Transportation Officials. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers.

With permission,of ASTM, portions of this book have been reprinted and/or adapted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright O 2003 and earlier, American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Permission to further reproduce any of this material must be obtained in writing from ASTM. The current, original editions of the ASTM standards are available directly from ASTM. ISBN: 1-56051-285-7 (Part la) ISBN 1-56051-286-5 (Partlb) ISBN: 1-56051-284-9 (Set)

Published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 444 N. Capitol Street, N.W. Suite 249 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 624-5800 www.transportation.org

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2002-2003 President: James C. Codell, III, Kentucky Vice President: Tom Stephens, Nevada Secreturyflreusurer:Larry King, Pennsylvania Regional Representatives:

Region I

Carol Murray, New Hampshire Patricia McDonald, Vermont

Region II

Fred Van Kirk, West Virginia Whitting Clement, Virginia

Region III

Henry Hungerbeeler,Missouri Mark Wandro, Iowa

Region IV


Mike Behrens, Texas Sleeter Dover, Wyoming

Immediate Past President: Dan Flowers, Arkansas Executive Director: John C.Horsley, Washington, DC



111 Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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ALASKA-Michael San Angelo, State Materials Engineer, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 5750 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 995071225

COLORADO-Tim Aschenbrener, Materials Engineer, Colorado Department of Transportation, 4201 East Arkansas Ave., Denver, Colorado 80222 CONNECTICUT-KeithR. Lane, Director, Research and Materials, Connecticut Department of Transportation, 280 West Street, Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067-3502

-Robert Lewis,State Quality Assurance Engineer

DELAWARE-James Pappas, Chief Materiais and Research Engineer, Delaware Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 778, Dover, Delaware 19903-0778

ARIZONA-Douglas A. Forstie, State Materials Engineer, Materials Group, Arizona Department of Transportation, 1221 North 21a Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85009

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Wasi U. Khan, District of Columbia Department of Public Works and Transportation, 2000 14* Street, NW, Room N-401, Washington, DC 20009

ARKANSAS-Jerry R. Westerman, Materials Engineer, Arkansas State Highway and TransportationDepartment, P.O.Box 2261, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

FLORIDA-Thomas O. Malerk, State Materials Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation, 2006 NE Waldo Rd., Gainesville, Florida 32609

-Ralph Hali, Assistant Chief Engineer, Operations CALIFORNIA-Phil Stolarski, Division of Materiais Engineering and Testing Services, California Department of Transportation, 5900 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento, California 958194612

GEORGIA-GeorgeneM. Geary, State Materiais and Research Engineer, Georgia Department of Transportation, 15 Kennedy Drive, Forest Park, Georgia 30297 HAWAII-Garret S . Okada, Quality Assurance Engineer, Hawaii Department of Transportation, 2530 Likelike Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819

IDAHO-Jeff Miles, Materials Engineer, Idaho Transportation Department, P.O. Box 7129, Boise, Idaho 83702-1129 ELINOIS-Eric Harm,Chief of Materiais and Physical Research, Iilinois Department of Transportation, 126 East Ash Street, Springfield, illinois 62704-4766 INDIANA-Mark Miller, Chief, Materiais and Tests Division, Indiana Department of Transportation, 120 South Shortridge Rd., Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 IOWA-James Berger, Materials Engineer, Iowa Department of Transportation, 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50010 KANSAS-Lon S . Ingram, Chief, Materials and Research Bureau, Kansas Department of Transportation, lo* Floor, Docking State Office Building, Topeka, Kansas 66612 KENTUCKY-Wesley Glass, Director, Division of Materials, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, 1227 Wilkinson Blvd., Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-1226 -Allen H. Myers, Asphalt Branch Manager LOUISIANA-N. Douglas Hood, Jr., Materials Engineer Administrator, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 5080 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 -Henry Lacinak, Testing Engineer

V Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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ALABAMA-Larry Lockett, Materials and Tests Engineer, Alabama Department of Transportation, 1409 Coliseum Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama 36130 -Lynn Wolfe, Testing Engineer

MONTANA-Kent M. Barnes, Materiais Engineer, Montana Department of Transportation, 2701 Prospect Ave., Helena, Montana 59620-1001

MARYLAND-Peter Stephanos, Director, Office of Materials and Technology, Maryland State Highway Administration, 2323 West Joppa Rd., Brooklandville, Maryland 21022

NEBRASKA-Mostafa Jamshidi, Engineer, Materials and Research Division, Nebraska Department of Roads, P.O. Box 94759, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 NEVADA-Dean Weitzel, Chief Materials Engineer, Nevada Department of Transportation, 1263 S.Stewart Street, Carson City, Nevada 89712

-Woody Hood, Central Northem Regional Engineer MASSACHUSETTS-Clement Fung, Research and Materials Engineer, Massachusetts Highway Department, 45 1 D St., 5" Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02210-1950

NEW HAMPSHIRE-Alan D. Rawson, Materials and Research Engineer, New Hampshire Department of Transportation, P.O.Box 483, Stickney Ave., Concord, New Hampshire 03302-0483

MICHIGAN-RogerD. Till, P.E., Engineer of Structural Research, Michigan Department of Transportation, Construction and Technology Division, 8885 Ricks Rd., P.O. Box 30049, Lansing, Michigan 48909

NEW JERSEY-Eileen Sheehy, Chief, Bureau of Materials, New Jersey Department of Transportation,P.O. Box 607 Trenton, New Jersey 086250607

-James Culp, Engineer of Construction and Technology

NEW MEXICO-John H. Tenison, Chief, State Materials Bureau, New Mexico State Highway Department, P.O. Box 1149, Santa Fe, New Mexico 875041149

MiNNESOTA-Keith Shannon, State Materials Engineer, Minnesota Department of Transportation, 1400 Gervais Ave., Maplewood, Minnesota 55109-2044

NEW YORK-Robert L.Sack, Deputy Chief Engineer, Director, Technical Services Division, New York Department of Transportation, State Office Campus, Building 7A, Room 210,1220 Washington Ave., Albany, New York 12232-0861

MISSISSIPPI-JimmyW. Brumfïeld, State Materials Engineer, Mississippi Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1850, Jackson, Mississippi 39215- 1850 -Richard Sheffield, Assistant State Materials Engineer MISSOURI-C. L.Baldwin, Assistant Division Engineer, Construction and Materials, Missouri Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 270, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102

-Donald A. Streeter, Concrete Section Program Manager


-Robert A. Burnett, Assistant Director, Geotechnical Engineering Bureau

NORTH CAROLINA-Cecil Jones, State Materials Engineer, North Carolina Department of Transportation, 1801 Blue Ridge Rd., Raleigh, North Caroiina 27607 -Jack E. Cowsert, State Materials Quality Engineer NORTH DAKOTA-Ron Homer, Materials and Research Engineer, North Dakota Department of Transportation, 300 Airport Road, Bismarck, North Dakota 58504 OHIO-Lloyd Welker, Administrator, Office of Materials Management, Ohio Department of Transportation, 1600 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223 -Walid ûemayel, Deputy Director. Division of Construction Management OKLAHOMA-Reynolds H. Toney, Engineer, Materials Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, 200 NE 2í8 Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73 105 -Scott Seiter, Assistant Materials Engineer OREGON-Jeffrey L.Gower, Oregon Department of Transportation, 800 Airport Road, SE, Salem, Oregon 97301-4798 PENNSYLVANIA-Jeny Mdasheskie, Chief, Materials and Testing Division, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, 1118 State Street, Box 2926, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-2926 -William Miller, Engineer of Tests PUERTO RICO-O~I~ID~O DimQuirindongo, Chief, Materials Testing Office, Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works, P.O. BOX 42007, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00940-2007

vi Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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MAINE-Bmce Yeaton, Testing Engineer, Maine Department of Transportation, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016

RHODE ISLAND-Mark Felag, P.E., Chief Civil Engineer (Materials), Rhode Island Department of Transportation, Two Capitol Hili, Room 018, Providence, Rhode Island 02903 -Michael Byrne, Principal Civil Engineer (Materials) -Colin A. Franco, P.E., Managing Engineer (Research and Technology Development)


-Jeffrey Rapol, Federal Aviation Administration, 800' independence Ave., SW, Room 616, Washington, DC 20591 UTAH-Howard J. Anderson, Pavement Operations Engineer, Utah Department of Transportation, 4501 South, 2700 West - Box 148220, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-8220

SOUTH CAROLINA-Milton O. Fletcher, P.E., Research and Materials Engineer, South Carolina Department of Transportation,Box 191, Columbia, South Carolina 29202

VERMONT-Donald H. Lathrop, Materials and Research Engineer, Vermont Agency of Transportation, National Life Building, Drawer 33, Montpelier, Vermont 056335001

-Meml1 E. Zwanka, State Materials Engineer

VIRGINIA-Andrew J. Mergenmeier, State Materials Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation, 1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219

SOUTH DAKOTA-Joe J. Feller, Chief Materials and Surfacing Engineer, South Dakota Department of Transportation, 700 E. Broadway Ave., Pierre, South Dakota 57501-2586 TENNESSEE-Gary Head, Engineering Director, Materials and Tests Division, Tennessee Department of Transportation, 6601 Centennial Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0360 -Bill Trolinger, Assistant Materials Engineer -Brian Egan, Assistant Materials Engineer TEXAS-Kenneth W. Fults, Director, Materials and Pavements Section, Construction Division, Texas Department of Transportation, 125 E. 1luL Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2483

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION-Terry M. Mitchell, Office of Infrastructure Research and Development, Federal Highway Administration, KRDI- 11,6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, Virginia 22101

-William R. Bailey, III, Assistant State Materials Engineer WASHINGTON-Thomas E. Baker, Materials Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 47365, Olympia, Washington 98504-7365 WEST VIRGINIA-Richard Genthner, Director, Materials Control, Soils, and Testing Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, 190 Dry Branch Road, Charleston, West Virginia 25306

KOREA-Jung Hoon, Executive Vice President, Korea Highway Corporation, 293-1 Kumto-Dong, Songnam-Si, Kyonggi-Do, Seoul, Korea, Postal Code 461-380 NORTHWEST TERRITORIESPeter Vician, Northwest Temtories Department of Public Works, Yellowlaiife, Northwest Temtories, Canada XIA 2L9 NOVA SCOTIA-Tom Gouthro, Manager, Technical Services, Department of Transportation and Public Works, 107 Guyseorough Rd., Fall River, Nova Scotia B2T 1J6 ONTARIO-Guy Cautillo, Senior Manager, Materials Engineering and Research Office, Ministry of Transportation, Room 233, Building C, 1201 Wilson Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3M 1J8 SASKATCHEWAN-R. Allan Widger, Director, Geotechnical and Materials Branch, Highways and Transportation, 1610 Park Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4P 3Vl -Frank Skilnick, Sr., Regional Operations Engineer. Highways and Transportation, 2147 Airport Dr.,Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7L 6M6

-Roy Capper, Materials Control, Soils,and Testing Division WISCONSIN-JohnB. Volker, Chief Quality Management Engineer, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 3502 Kinsman Blvd.. Madison, Wisconsin 53704 WYOMING-Rick Harvey, State Materials Engineer, Wyoming Department of Transportation, 5300 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne, Wyoming82009


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


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ASSOCIATE MEMBERS MASSACHUSETTS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COMMISSION-TerrenceJohnston, Director of Laboratory, Massachusetts Metropolitan Distxict Commission, 148 Newton Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02183


NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE AUTHORITY-Sean M.Hill, Senior Project Engineer, New Jersey k p i k e Authority, P.O.Box 1121, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 THE PORT AUTHORITY OF NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY-Casimir Bognacki, General Manager, Material Engineering Division, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 241 Erie Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07310


v111 Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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INTRODUCTION PART I SPECIFICATIONS This Twenty-Third Edition of Transportation Materials is published in two parts. Part I contains specifications for materials, and Part II includes methods of testing and specifications for testing equipment. Part I contains 174 materials specifications and 29 Recommended Practices, of which most contain both English and Metric units of measure. Technical revisions were made in 47 of the standards since the Tweny-Second Edition, 19 standards were reconfirmed, five new standards were added, four standards were discontinued, and two standards were deleted. A number of specifications were included in this publication at the request of the AASHTO Subcommitteeon Bridges and Structures. Many of these specifications agree with those of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). In all cases where the Association and ASTM standards are technically identical, or substantially identical with some changes, reference to the ASTM designation number is shown in the heading of the specification. In past editions, AASHTO has printed ASTM standards which have been adopted by AASHTO and given an AASHTO designation. This was done under a long-standing copyright arrangement between AASHTO and ASTM. The Twenty-Third Edition includes 45 AASHTO-approved ASTM specifications. These specifications appear in this edition as the actual ASTM specification preceded by a cover page with the AASHTO designation number. Any AASHTO exception to the ASTM specification is indicated on this cover page. The numerical order of the specifications has been retained. A list of the affected AASHTO specifications is included following the Table of Contents. General jurisdiction over Association standards in this field rests with the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials, which has members representing each of the 50 States, the Commonwealth of Puerto RICOand the District of Columbia, that constitute the Member Departments of the Association, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. In addition, the Subcommittee has representation from several of its Associate Members, including the Massachusetts Metropolitan District Commission, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority. Also represented on the Subcommittee are most of the Association’s Affiliate members, including the Canadian Provinces of Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories; Korea; and Turkey. Beginning in 1993, with the Sixteenth Edition, material specifications and test methods are published by AASHTO each year. Annual revisions are voted upon by the Association’s 52 Member Departments prior to the publication of each new edition of this book, and if approved by at least two-thirds of the Member Departments, they are included in the edition as standards of the Association. Comments regarding these specifications are welcomed and should be addressed to the Executive Director of AASHTO, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001. AASHTO’s Web site and internet address is http://www.transportation.org.


ix Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Number AGGREGATES M 6-03 M 17-95 (1999) M 29-03 M 43-88 (2003) M 45-99 (2003) M 80-87 (2003) M 195-00




................................ Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ............................... Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ............................ Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction .................... Aggregate for Masonry Mortar ........................................................ Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete ............................ Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete .............................

M 6- 1


M 17-1

1A 1A

Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete

M 29-1 M 43-1 M 45- 1


M 80-1

1A 1A

M 195-1


M 20- 1


M 81-1 M 82-1


M 140-1


M 226-80 (2000)

Emulsified Asphalt ........................................................................... Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures ............................................ Cationic Emulsified Asphalt ............................................................ Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cement ...................................................

M 156-1 M 208-1 M 226- 1

1A 1A 1A

M 303-89 (2002)

Lime for Asphalt Mixtures ...............................................................

M 303-1


M 316-99

Polymer-Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt .............................. Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder ...............................................

M 3 16-1 M 320-1 R 5-1

1B 1B 1B

R 12-1 R 14-1

1B 1B

Asphalt Additives and Modifiers ...................................................... R 15-1 Certifying Suppliers of Performance-Graded Asphalt Binders ......... R 26-1


BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Penetration-Graded Asphalt Cement ................................................ M 20-70 (2000) Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing Type) ............................................ M 8 1-92 (2000) Cutback Asphalt (Medium-Curing Type) ........................................ M 82-75 (2000) M 140-03 M 156-97 (2001) M 208-01

M 320-03 R 5-03 R 12-85 (2002) R 14-88 (2002) R 15-00 R 26-01 R 28-02 R 29-02 R 30-02

Selection and Use of Emulsified Asphalts


Bituminous Mixture Design Using the Marshall and Hveem Procedures ........................................................................... Classifymg Hot-Mix Recycling Agents .............................................

Acclerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV) ........................................................................ Grading or Verifying the Performance Grade of an Asphalt Binder ................................................................................. Mixture Conditioning of Hot-Mix Asphalt ......................................


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


R 28-1


R 29-1 R 30-1

1B 1B

xi Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

Number Title Page BOX CULVERT. CULVERT PIPE AND DRAIN TILE Corrugated Steel Pipe. Metallic.Coated. for Sewers and Drains ...... M 36-1 M 36-03 M 86-1 Concrete Sewer. Storm Drain. and Culvert Pipe .............................. M 86-98 (2002) Concrete Sewer. Storm Drain. and Culvert Pipe [Metric] ................ M 86M-1 M 86M-98 (2002) M 167-03 M 170-02 M 17OM-O1 M 175-97 (2001) M 175M-97 (2001) M 176-98 (2002)


M 176M-98 (2002) M 178-95 (1999) M 178M-95(1999)

M 17OM-1 M 175-1

1A 1A

................................................... M 175M-1 M 176-1 Porous Concrete Pipe ....................................................................... Porous Concrete Pipe [Metric] ......................................................... M 176M-1 M 178-1 Concrete Drain Tile .......................................................................... Concrete Drain Tile [Meîric] ............................................... ;............ M 178M-1


Perforated Concrete Pipe [Metric]

Aluminum Alloy Sheet for Corrugated Aluminum Pipe

M 198-03

Joints for Concrete Pipe. Manholes. and Precast Box Sections M 198-1 Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants ......................................... Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ............................... M 199-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections [Metric] ................ M199M-1 Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ........................................................................................ M 206-1 Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................... M 206M-1 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert. Storm Drain. M 207-1 and Sewer Pipe ................................................................................. Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert. Storm Drain. M 207M-1 and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................... Steel Sheet. Zinc-Coated (Galvanized). for Corrugated M 218-1 Steel Pipe .......................................................................................... Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Field-Bolted Pipe. Pipe-Arches. and Arches ......................................................... M 2 19-1 Reinforced 'Concrete D-Load Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ................................................................................. M 242-1 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .................................................................................... M 242M-1 Field-Applied Coating of Corrugated Metal Stnictural Plate for Pipe. Pipe-Arches. and Arches ................................................... M 243-1 Corrugated Steel Pipe. Polymer-Precoated. for Sewers M 245-1 and Drains ........................................................................................ Steel Sheet. Metallic-Coated and Polymer-Precoated. for Corrugated Steel Pipe ................................................................. M 246-1

M 207-02 M 207M-01 M 218-03 M 219-92 (2000) M 242-03 M 242M-03 M 243-96 (2000) M 245-00 M 246-00


Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .................................................................................... Perforated Concrete Pipe ..................................................................

M 197-01

M 206M-O1


1A 1A

M 196-92 (2000)

M 199-99 M 199M-99 M 206-02


Corrugated Steel Structural Plate. Zinc.Coated. M 167-1 for Field-Bolted Pipe. Pipe.Arches. and Arches .............................. Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ........... M 170-1

Bituminous-Coated corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe-Arches ............................................................................... Corrugated Aluminum Pipe for Sewers and Drains .........................

M 190-95 (2000)


1A 1A 1A

M 190-1 M 196-1

1A 1A

.................. M 197-1


xii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


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1A IA 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A


Number M 252-02 M 259-98 (2002) M 259M-00 M 262-00 M 264-03

M 273-00

M 273M-00

M 274-87 (2000) M 278-02 M 289-91 (2000) M 294-03 M 304-03 M 306-89 (2000) M 3 15-03 M 315M-03

BRICK M 91-95 (2000) M 114-03

Title Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe


Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts. Storm Drains. and Sewers ................................................................ Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers [Metric] ............................................................. Concrete Pipe and Related Products ................................................

Page M 252-1

Volume 1B

M 259-1


M 259M-1 M 262-1

1B 1B

Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene(ABS) and Poly(Viny1Chloride) (PVC) Composite Sewer Piping ....................................................... M 264-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than Two Feet of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings ....................................................................... M 273-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than 0.6 m of Cover Subjected ; ....................... M 273M-1 to Highway Loadings [Metric] ................................. Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated (Type2), for Corrugated M 274- 1 Steel Pipe .......................................................................................... M 278-1 Class PS46 Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Pipe ................................. Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Sheet Steel for Corrugated Steel Pipe .......................................................................................... M 289- 1Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300-to 1200-mm Diameter ............ M 294-1 Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Profile Wall Drain Pipe M 304-1 and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter ........................... M 306-1 Drainage Structure Castings ............................................................. Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe. Using Rubber Gaskets ....................... i .............................................. M 315-1 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric] ......................................................... M 315M-1

Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or Shale)


M 91-1



1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B


Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay or Shale) .... M 114-1


CONCRETE. CURING MATERIALS. AND ADMIXTURES Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete ......... M 148-1 M 148-01 M 154-1 Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete .......................................... M 154-00


M 157-97 (2001) M 171-00 M 182-91 (2000) M 194-00 M 205-97 (2001)

M 210-03 M 224-91 (2000)

.................................................................... M 157-1 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ................................................ M 171-1 M 182-1 Burlap Cloth Made from Jute or Kenaf ............................................ M 194-1 Chemical Admixtures for Concrete .................................................. Molds for Forming Concrete Test Cylinders Vertically ...................M 205-1 Ready-Mixed Concrete

Use of Apparatus for the Determination of Lengîh Change of Hardened Cement Paste, Mortar, and Concrete ........................... M 210-1 Use of Protective Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete ................. M 224-1


x111 Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 241-97 (2001) M 295-00 M 302-00

Title Boiled Linseed Oil Mixture for Treatment of Portland Cement Concrete .............................................................................. Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Continuous Mixing Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete ................................... Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars ......................................................................................


ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS Chemical. Biological. and Physical Analysis of Water .................... R 23-99 Collection &d Preservation of Water Samples ................................ R 24-99 GUARDRAIL AND FENCING M 180-00 Corrugated Sheet Steel Beams for Highway Guardrail .................... M 181-98 Chain-Link Fence ............................................................................. Turnbuckles and Shackles ................................................................ M 269-96 (2000) M 279-03

Metailic-Coated, Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric ...........................

M 280-03

Metallic-Coated (Carbon) Steel Barbed Wire

M 281-96 (2000) M 305-02

.................................. Steel Fence Posts and Assemblies, Hot-Wrought ............................ Discontinued-Aluminu-Coated Steel Barbed Wire ....................

HYDRAULIC CEMENT M 85-03 Portland Cement ............................................................................... Blended Hydraulic Cement .............................................................. M 240-03 M 307-03 M 321-03

Use of Silica Fume as a Mineral Admixture in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. Mortar. and Grout ............................................................ High-Reactivity Pozzolans for Use in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. Mortar. and Grout ............................................................

JOINT FILLER AND ASPHALT PLANK .M 33-99 Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) ........................................................................... M 153-98 (2002) Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction ............................. M 173-01 Concrete Joint-Sealer, Hot-Poured Elastic Type .............................. M 213-01 Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ........................................................................... M 220-84 (1999) Preformed PolychioropreneElastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements ................................................................... M 251-97 (2001) Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bridge Bearings .......................... M 282-99 Joint Sealants, Hot-Poured, Elastomeric-Type, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements ............................................................



M 233-1 M 241-1

1A 1A

M 295-1


M 302-1


R 23-1 R 24-1

1B 1B

M 180-1


M 181-1


M 269-1


M 279-1 M 280-1

1B 1B

M 281-1 M 305-1


M 85-1 M 240-1

1A 1A

M 307-1


M 321-1


M 33-1


M 153-1 M 173-1

1A 1A

M 213-1


M 220-1 M 251-1

1A 1B

M 282-1


xiv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Number M 233-86 (2000)

Number M 297-98 (2002) M 301-01

Page Preformed PolychloropreneElastomeric Joint Seals for Bridges ..... M 297-1 Joint Sealants, Hot-Poured, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements ... M 301-1 Title


METALLIC MATERIALS FOR BRIDGES Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General Industrial Use ........ M 102W M 102W M 102-1 M 102-98 (2002) M 103W Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Application ............................. M 103W M103-1 M 103-97 (2001) M 105-96 (2000) M 105-1 Gray Iron Castings ........................................................................... M 107-97 (2001) Bronze Castings for Bridges and Turntables .................................... M 107-1 Wrought Copper-Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets M 108-98 (2002) for Bridge and Other Structural Use ................................................. M 108-1 M 111W Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products .... M 111M/ M 111-1 M 111-03 Zinc .................................................................................................. M 120-1 M 120-01 M 138W M 138-02 M 160Ml M 160-03

M 163Ml M 163-00 M 164-03

M 164M-O1 M 169-02 M 202W M 202-02 M 227W M 227-97 (2001) M 232W M 232-03 M 253-03

Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar


General Requirements for Steel, Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use ......................................... Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application ...................................................

M 138W M 138-1

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 163Ml M 163-1 M 164-1

1A 1A

M 169-1

1A 1A

M 202W M 202- 1 Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, Mechanical Properties ........ M 2271 M 227M- 1 M 232W Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware ....................... M 232-1 Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength ............................................................................... M 253-1 M 253M-96 (2001) High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel Joints [Metric] ................................................................ ......... M 253M-3 Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, M 255Ml M 255W M 255-97 (2001) Mechanical Properties ...................................................................... M 255-1 Catbon and High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Shapes, M 270W Plates, and Bars and Quenched-and-Tempered Alloy Structural M 270-03 Steel Plates for Bridges .................................................................... M 270W M 270- 1 Wire Rope and Sockets for Movable Bridges .................................. M 277-1 M 277-81 (2000)

xv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


M 160W M 16OM-1

High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints ................................ High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints [Metric] .................. M 164M-1 Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished, Standard Quality ...................... Steel Sheet Piling .............................................................................

Volume 1B 1B

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1A 1A 1A

1B 1B




Title Castings. Iroc.Chromium.Nicke1. Corrosion Resistant. for Severe Service ............................................................................

M 291-01 M 291M-03

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts

M 292Mi M 292-03

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-pressure or High-Temperature Service. or Both .............................................

M 293-93 (2001) M 293M-97 (2001) M 298-0 1 M 299-01 M 314-90 (2000)

Hardened Steel Washers


Number M 285Mi M 285-03

............................................................ Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Metric] .............................................

.................................................................. Hardened Steel Washers [Metric] .................................................... Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel ........... Coatings of Cadmium Mechanically Deposited ............................... Steel Anchor Bolts ............................................................................



M 285W M 285-1 M 291-1


M 291M-1




M 293M;l


M 298-1

1B 1B

M 299-1 M 314-1


1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

M 69-1


M 229-1


M 237-1 M 247-1

1A 1A

M 248-1


M 249-1 M 268-1

1A 1B

M 271-1


M 290-1 M 300-1

1B 1B

xvi Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


M 292W M 292-1 M 293-1

MISCELLANEOUS Sodium Chloride .............................................................................. M 143-1 M 143-03 Calcium Chloride ............................................................................. M 144-1 M 144-86 (2000) . Epoxy Protective Coatings ............................................................... M 200-1 M 200-73 (2000) Extruded Foam Board (Polystyrene) ................................................ M 230-1 M 230-98 (2002) M 235-1 M 235M/M 235-03 Epoxy Resin Adhesives .................................................................... R 1-1 Use of the International System of Units ......................................... R 1-00 Evaluation of Transportation-Related Earthborne Vibrations .......... R 8-1 R 8-96 (2000) R 10-98 (2002) Definition of Terms for Specifications and Procedures ................... R 10-1 R 16-02 Regulatory Information for Chemicals Used in AASJTïO Tests ..... R 16-1 Technician Training and Qualification Programs ............................ R 25-1 R 25-00 R 34-03 Evaluating Deicing Chemicals ......................................................... R 34-1 PAINTING AND TRAFFIC MARKING AND SIGNING Aluminum Paint ............................................................................... M 69-70 (2000) M 229-91 (2000) Discontinued-Basic Lead Silico.Chromate. ReadyMixed'Primer ................................................................................... M 237-96 (2000) Epoxy Resin Adhesives for Bonding Traffic Markers to Hardened Portland Cement and Asphalt Concrete ....................... M 247-02 Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paints .................................................. M 248-91 (2000) Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints ............................... M 249-98 White and Yellow Reflective Thermoplastic Striping Material (Solid Form) ...................................................................... M 268-03 Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control .................................... M 27 1-02 The Evaluation of Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces .............................. M 290-96 (2000) Acrylic Prismatic Reflectors and Embossed Aluminum Frames for Signs .............................................................................. M 300-03 Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primer .............................................................


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Title Page Evaluation of Coating Systems with Zinc-Rich primers .................. R 31-1

QUALITY ASSURANCE Statistical Procedures ....................................................................... R 4-1 R 4-97 (2000) Acceptance Sampling Plans for Highway Construction ................... R 9-1 R 9-97 (2000) Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered R 11-82 (2002) R 11-1 Significant in Specified Limiting Values ......................................... R 18-01 Establishing and Implementing a Quaiity System for Construction Materials Testing Laboratories ............................. R 18-1 R 20-99 R 20-1 Procedures for Measuring Highway Noise ...................................... REINFORCING STEEL AND WIRE ROPE Zinc-Coated Steel Wire Rope and Fittings for M 30-02 Highway Guardrail ........................................................................... M 31MI Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................... M 31-03


M 32MI M 32-03 M 42MI M 42-95 (1999)

Discontinued-Rail-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ..................................................................................

M 53MI M 53-95 (1999)

Discontinued-Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ..................................................................................

Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement

Volume 1B

1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

M 30-1


M 31M/ M 31-1 M 32M/


M 32-1


M 42M/ M 42-1


M 53M/


M 53-1 M 54MI M 54-02

Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement ...................................................................

M 55MI M 55-03 M 203MI M 203-01 M 204MI M 204-01 M 221MI M 22 1-03 M 225MI M 225-03 M 254-77 (2000)

Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete ...................

M 275MJ M 275-00 M 284MJ M 284-03

M 317Mi M 317-03

Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Concrete Reinforcement .... Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete ....... Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete ........... Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement


Corrosion-ResistantCoated Dowel Bars ..........................................

M 54M/ M 54-1 M 55M/ M 55-1 M 203M/ M 203-1 M 204W M 204-1 M 221W M 221-1 M 225M/ M 225-1 M 254-1

Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for Prestressing Concrete .......... M 275M/ M 275-1 Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Materials and Coating Requirements ............................................ ...................................... M 284M/ M 284- 1 Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Handling Requirements for Fabrication and Job Site ............................................................. M 317M/ M 317-1


xvii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1B 1B 1B



Number R 31-03

Number M 322M/M 322-03

Title Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ..................................................................................



M 322W


M 322-1

SOILS AND STABILIZATION M 57-80 (2000) M 145-91 (2000) M 146-91 (2000) M 147-65 (2000)

M 155-87 (2000)



M 216-02 M 288-00 M 3 18-02 M 319-02 R 13-03 R 21-96 (2000) R 22-97 (2001)

R 27-01

Materials for Embankments and Subgrades .....................................

M 57-1


Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes ................................................ Terms Relating to Subgrade, Soil-Aggregate, and Fill Materials

M 145-1 M 146-1


M 147-1


M 155-1 M 216-1

1A 1A 1B


Materiais for Aggregate and Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base, and Surface Courses ......................................................................... Granular Material to Control Pumping Under Concrete Pavement ........................................................................... Lime for Soil Stabilization ............................................................... Chtextile Specification for Highway Applications ......................... Glass CuIlet Use for Soil-AggregateBase Course


M 288- 1 M 3 18- 1


Reclaimed Concrete Aggregate for Unbound Soil-Aggregate Base Course ...................................................................................... M 319-1 R13- 1 Conducting Geotechnicaí Subsurface Investigations ....................... Drilling for Subsurface Investigations-Unexpectedly Encountering Suspected Hazardous Material ................................... R 21-1 Decommissioning Geotechnical Exploratory BorehoIes ..................R 22- I

1B 1B

Assessment of Corrosion of Steel Piling for Non-Marine Applications .....................................................................................

R 27- 1


M 92-1 M 152-1


M 201-1 M 231-1


M 261-1


M 286-1


R 19-1


R 32-1


R 33-1


TESTING EQUIPMENT Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes .......................................... M 92-03 M 152M/M 152-03 Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement ........................... M 201-00 Moist Cabinets. Moist Rooms. and Water Storage Tanks Used in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes ........................ M 231-95 (2002) Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials ........................ M 261-96 (2000) Standard Tire for Pavement Frictional-Property Tests ..................... M 286-96 (2000) Smooth-Tread Standard Tire for Special-Purpose Pavement Frictional-Property Tests .................................................................. R 19-94 (1999) Operational Guidelines on Test Pits for Evaluating Pavement Performance ..................................................................... R 32-03 Calibrating the Load Cell and Deflection Sensors for a Falling Weight Deflectometer ...................................................................... R 33-03 Calibrating the Reference Load Cell Used for Reference Calibrations for Falling Weight Deflectometer ................................

TIMBER AND PRESERVATIVES M 133-03 Preservatives and Pressure Treatment Processes for Timber ........... M 133-1 M 168-96 (1999) Wood Products ................................................................................ i M 168-1

xviii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1B 1B


1A 1A

DELETED SPECIFICATIONS The following specifications have been deleted from the 23d Edition: Distillation Equipment Monitoring Air Quality


M 191-93 (1998) R 7-81 (2000)

xix Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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M 31M/M 31-03

Title Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete

.............................. Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ............................. Penetration-Graded Asphalt Cement .............................................. Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ........................... Zinc-Coated Steel Wire Rope and Fittings for Highway Guardrail ......................................................................... Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................................


M 29-1

Volume 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 30-1


M 31M M 31-1 M 32W M 32-1


Page M 6-1 M 17-1 M 20-1

M 32M/M 32-03

Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement

M 33-99

M 43-88 (2003)

Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) .............................................................................................. M 33-1 Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated, for Sewers and Drains .... M 36-1 Discontinued-Rail-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................. M 42W M 42-1 Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction .................. M 43-1

M 45-99 (2003)

Aggregate for Masonry Mortar

M 53W M 53-95 (1999)

Discontinued-Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement .................................................................

M 54W M 54-02

Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................................

M 36-03 M 42W M 42-95 (1999)


M 45-1


1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 53M M 53-1


M 54W M 54-1 Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement,Plain, for Concrete ................. M 55W M 55-1 Materials for Embankments and Subgrades ................................... M 57-1 M 69-1 Aluminum Paint .............................................................................


M 81-92 (2000)

Coarse Aggregate for Portìand Cement Concrete .......................... Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing Type) ..........................................

1A 1A

M 82-75 (2000)

Cutback Asphalt (Medium-CuringType)

M 55MlM 55-03 M 57-80 (2000) M 69-70 (2000) M 80-87 (2003)

M 85-03 M 86-98 (2002) M 86M-98 (2002) M 91-95 (2000)

M 80-1 M 81-1

...................................... M 82-1 M 85-1 Portland Cement ............................................................................. M 86-1 Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe ............................ Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe [Metric] .............. M 86M-1 Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) .................. M 91-1

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1A 1A 1A

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A


Number M 6-03 M 17-95 (1999) M 20-70 (2000) M 29-03 M 30-02

Number M 92-03 M 102W M 102-98 (2002) M 103W M 103-97 (2001) M 105-96 (2000) M 107-97 (2001) M 108-98 (2002) M 111W M 111-03 M 114-03

M 120-01 M 133-03 M 138W M 138-02 M 140-03 M 143-03

M 144-86 (2000) M 145-91 (2000) M 146-91 (2000)

M 147-65 (2000) M 148-01 M 152M/M 152-03 M 153-98 (2002) M 154-00 M 155-87 (2000)

M 156-97 (2001) M 157-97 (2001) M 160W M 160-03

M 163W M 163-00 M 164-03 M 164M-O1

Title Page Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes ........................................ M 92-1 Steel Forgings. Carbon and Alloy. for General Industrial Use ....... M 102W M 102-1 Steel Castings. Carbon. for General Application ........................... M 103W M 103-1 Gray Iron Castings ......................................................................... M 105-1 M 107-1 Bronze Castings for Bridges and Turntables .................................. M 108-1 Wrought Copper-Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and Other Structural Use ............................. Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ................................................................................. M 111W M 111-1 Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay or Shale) ................................................................................. M 114-1 Zinc ................................................................................................ M 20-1 Preservatives and Pressure Treatment Processes for Timber ......... M 133-1 M 138W Copper Sheet. Strip. Plate. and Rolled Bar .................................... M 138-1 M 140-1 Emulsified Asphalt ......................................................................... M 143-1 Sodium Chloride ............................................................................ M 144-1 Calcium Chloride ........................................................................... Classification of Soils and Soil-AggregateMixtures for Highway Construction Purposes ............................................... M 145-1 Terms Relating to Subgrade, Soil-Aggregate, and Fill Materials ... M 146-1 Materials for Aggregate and Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base, and Surface Courses ................................................................... M 147-1 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete ....... M 148-1

Volume 1A IA 1A 1A 1A 1A


1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A IA

Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement ......................... M 152-1

1A 1A

Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction ........................... Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete ........................................

M 153-1 M 154-1

1A 1A

M 155-1


M 156-1

1A 1A

Granular Material to Control Pumping Under Concrete Pavement ........................................................................................ Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures .......................................................... Ready-Mixed Concrete .................................................................. General Requirements for Steel, Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use ............................................................

M 157-1 M 160W M 160-1


M 163W M 163-1 M 164-1 High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints .............................. High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints [Metric] ................M 164M-1


Castings, Iron-Chromium. Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application .................................................

xxii --``,,`,,````,``,`,,,``,```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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1A 1A

Number M 167-03 M 168-96 (1999) M 169-02 M 170-02 M 17OM-O1 M 171-00 M 173-01 M 175-97 (2001) M 175M-97 (2001) M 176-98 (2002) M 176M-98 (2002) M 178-95 (1999) M 178M-95 (1999) M 180-00 M 181-98 (2002) M 182-91 (2000) M 190-95 (2000) M 194-00 M 195-00 M 196-92 (2000) M 197-01 M 198-03 M 199-99 M 199M-99 M 200-73 (2000) M 201-00 M 202W M 202-02 M 203W M 203-01 M 204W M 204-01 M 205-97 (2001) M 206-02

M 206M-O1

Page Title Corrugated Steel Structural Plate. Zinc.Coated. for Fieid-Bolted Pipe. PipeArches. and Arches ............................ M 167-1 Wood Products ............................................................................... M 168-1 M 169-1 Steel Bars; Carbon. Cold.Finished. Standard Quality .................... Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ......... M 170-1

Volume 1A 1A 1A 1A

Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .......................................................................................... Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete .............................................. Concrete Joint.Sealer. Hot-Poured Elastic Type ............................

M 17OM-1 M 171-1 M 173-1

1A 1A 1A

Perforated Concrete Pipe ................................................................ Perforated Concrete Pipe [Metric] .................................................

M 175-1 M 175M-1

1A 1A

..................................................................... M 176-1 Porous Concrete Pipe [Metric] ....................................................... M 176M-1 M 178-1 Concrete Drain Tile ........................................................................ M 178M-1 Concrete Drain Tile [Metric] .......................................................... Corrugated Sheet Steel Beams for Highway Guardrail .................. M 180-1 Chain-Link Fence ........................................................................... M 181- 1 Burlap Cloth Made from Jute or Kenaf .......................................... M 182-1


Porous Concrete Pipe

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

Bituminous-Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe-Arches ............................................................................. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ................................................

M 190-1 M 194-1

1A 1A

Lightweight Aggregates for Structurai Concrete ............................

M 195-1


Corrugated Aluminum Pipe for Sewers and Drains ....................... M 196-1 Aluminum Alloy Sheet for Corrugated Aluminum Pipe ................M 197-1


Joints for Concrete Pipe. Manholes. and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants ....................................... Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections .............................

M 198-1 M 199-1

Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections [Metric] .............. M 199M-1 M 200-1 Epoxy Protective Coatings ............................................................. Moist Cabinets. Moist Rooms. and Water Storage Tanks Used in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes ...................... Steel Sheet Piling ............................................................................

1A 1A 1A 1A


M 201-1 M 202W M 202-i

1A 1A

M 203W M 203-1 Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete ..... M 204W M 204-1 Molds for Forming Concrete Test Cylinders Vertically .................M 205-1


Steel Strand. Uncoated Seven-Wire for Concrete Reinforcement .................................................................

Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ...................................................................................... Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .................................................................


M 206-1


M 206M-1




Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


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M 207M-O1 M 208-01 M 210-03 M 213-01

M 2 16-02 M 218-03 M 219-92 (2000) M 220-84 (1999) M 221W M 221-03 M 224-91 (2000)

M 225W M 225-03 M 226-80 (2000) M 227W M 227-97 (2001) M 229-91 (2000) M 230-98 (2002) M 23 1-95 (2002)

M 232W M 232-03 M 233-86 (2000)

M 235MIM 235-03 M 237-96 (2000) M 240-03 M 241-97 (2001) M 242-03 M 242M-03

M 243-96 (2000) M 245-00

Title Page Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe .................................................................................................. M 207-1 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, M 207M-1 and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................. Cationic Emulsified Asphalt .......................................................... M 208-1 Use of Apparatus for the Determination of Length Change M 210-1 of Hardened Cement Paste, Mortar, and Concrete ......................... Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ......................................................................... M 213-1 M 216-1 Lime for Soil Stabilization .............................................................. Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized), for Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................................................................ M 218-1 Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Field-Bolted Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches ....................................................... M 219-1 Preformeù Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements ....................................................................... M 220-1 Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete ......... M 221W M 221-1 Use of Protective Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete ............... M 224- 1 Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement ...................... M 225W M 225-1 M 226-1 Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cement ................................................. Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, Mechanical Properties ...... M 227W M 227-1 Discontinued-Basic Lead Silico-Chromate, ReadyM 229-1 Mixed Primer ................................................................................. Extruded Foam Board (Polystyrene) .............................................. M 230-1 Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials ...................... M 231-1 Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware ..................... M 232M M 232-1 . Boiled Linseed Oil Mixture for Treatment of Portland Cement Concrete ......................................................................................... M 233-1 M 235- 1 Epoxy Resin Adhesives .................................................................. Epoxy Resin Adhesives for Bonding Traffic Markers to Hardened Portland Cement and Asphalt Concrete ......................... M 237-1 Blended Hydraulic Cement ............................................................ M 240-1 Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Continuous Mixing ......................................................................... M 241-1 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe ...................................................................................... M 242-1 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, M 242M-1 and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................. Field-Applied Coating of Conugated Metal Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches ....................................................... M 243- 1 Corrugated Steel Pipe, Polymer-Precoated, for M 245-1 Sewers and Drains ..........................................................................

1A 1A 1A


1A 1A


xxiv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


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1A 1A 1A IA 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A


Number M 207-02

Number M 246-00 M 247-02 M 248-91 (2000) M. 249-98 M 251-97 (2001) M 252-02 M 253-03

Title Steel Sheet. Metallic-Coated and Polymer.Precoated. for Corrugated Steel Pipe ............................................................... Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paints ................................................ Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints ............................. White and Yellow Reflective Thermoplastic Striping Material (Solid Form) .................................................................... Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bridge Bearings ........................ Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe ........................................



M 246-1 M 247-1

1A 1A

M 248-1


M 249- 1 M 251-1 M 252-1

1A 1B

M 253-1


M 253M-1 M 254-1

1B 1B

M 255W M 255-1


M 254-77 (2000)

Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts. 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength ............................................................................. High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structurai Steel Joints [Metric] ................................................. Corrosion-ResistantCoated Dowel Bars ........................................

M 255W M 255-97 (2001)

Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties ....................................................................

M 259-98 (2002)

Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers .............................................................. M 259-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers [Metric] ................................................ M 259M-1 Standard Tire for Pavement Frictional-PropertyTests ...................M 261-1 M 262-1 Concrete Pipe and Related Products ..............................................

M 253M-96 (2001)

M 259M-O0 M 261-96 (2000) M 262-00

M 264-03 M 268-03 M 269-96 (2000) M 270MI M 270-03

Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene(ABS) and Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Composite Sewer Piping ..................................... Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control ..................................

M 264-1 M 268-1

Turnbuckles and Shackles ..............................................................

M 269-1

Carbon and High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Shapes, Plates, and Bars and Quenched-and-Tempered Alloy Structural Steel Plates for Bridges ..................................................................

M 270W M 270-1 M 271-1

M 271-02

The Evaluation of Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces ............................

M 273-00

Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than Two Feet of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings ..................................................... M 273-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than 0.6 m of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings [Metric] ...................................... M 273M-1 Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated (Type 2), for Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................................................................ M 274-1 Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for Prestressing Concrete ........ M 275W M 275-1 M 277-1 Wire Rope and Sockets for Movable Bridges ................................

M 273M-00

M 274-87 (2000) M 275W M 275-00 M 277-81 (2000) M 278-02 M 279-03 M 280-03

............................... Metallic-Coated Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric .......................... Metallic-Coated (Carbon) Steel Barbed Wire ................................ Class PS46 Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Pipe

1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B




1B 1B 1B 1B

M 278-1


M 279- 1


M 280-1



xxv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


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Steel Fence Posts and Assemblies. Hot-Wrought


M 284W M 284-03

Joint Sealants. Hot.Pouted. E1astomeric.Type. for Portíand Cement Concrete Pavements .......................................................... Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Materials and Coating Requirements ....................................................................

M 285W M 285-03

Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for Severe Service ................................................................................

M 286-96 (2000)

Smooth-Tread Standard Tire for Special-PurposePavement Frictional-Property Tests ................................................................ Geotextile Specification for Highway Applications .......................

M 288-00

M 281-1

Volume 1B

M 282-1


M 284W M 284-1


M 285W M 285-1


M 286-1 M 288-1

1B 1B

M 289-1


M 290-1 M 291-1

1B 1B

M 291M-1


M 292W M 292- 1 M 293-1




M 291-01

Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Sheet Steel for Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................................................................ Acrylic Prismatic Reflectors and Embossed Aluminum Frames for Signs ............................................................................ Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts ..........................................................

M 291M-O3

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Metric]

M 292W M 292-03

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-pressure or High-Temperature Service, or Both ...............................................

M 293-93 (2001)

Hardened Steel Washers .................................................................

M 293M-97 (2001) M 294-03

M 293M-1 Hardened Steel Washers [Metric] .................................................. Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300- to 1200-mm Diameter .......... M 294-1

1B 1B

M 295-00

Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete .................................. M 295-1 Prefomed PolychloropreneElastomeric Joint Seals for Bridges ... M 297-1

1B 1B

M 289-91 (2000) M 290-96 (2000)

M 297-98 (2002)


......... M 298-1 M 299-1 Coatings of Cadmium Mechanically Deposited ............................. M 300-1 Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primer ...........................................................

M 298-01 M 299-01 M 300-03

Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel

M 301-01

Joint Sealants, Hot.Poured, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements ......................................................................... Ground Granuiated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars ..................................................................... Lime for Asphalt Mixtures .............................................................

M 302-00 M 303-89 (2002) M 304-03

M 305-02 M 306-89 (2000) M 307-03 M 3 14-90 (2000) M 315-03


1B 1B 1B

M 301-1


M 302-1 M 303-1

1B 1B

Poly(Viny1Chloride) (PVC) Profile Wall Drain Pipe and M 304-1 Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter ............................... Discontinued-Aluminum-Coated Steel Barbed Wire .................. M 305-1 M 306-1 Drainage Structure Castings ...........................................................

1B 1B 1B

Use of Silica Fume as a Mineral Admixture in HydraulicM 307-1 Cement Concrete, Mortar, and Grout ............................................. Steel Anchor Bolts ......................................................................... M 314-1

1B 1B

Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets ....................................................................


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


M 315-1

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Number M 28 1-96 (2000) M 282-99

M 317W M 3 17-03

Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Handling Requirements for Fabrication and Job Site ...........................................................

M 318-02

Glass Cullet Use for Soil-AggregateBase Course

M 319-02

Reclaimed Concrete Aggregate for Unbound Soil-Aggregate Base Course .................................................................................... Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder .............................................

M 320-03 M 321-03

M 322M/M 322-03

R 1-00 R 4-97 (2000) R 5-03 R 8-96 (2000) R 9-97 (2000) R 10-98 (2002) R 11-82 (2002) R 12-85 (2002) R 13-03 R 14-88 (2002) R 15-00 R 16-02


High-Reactivity Pozzolans for Use in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete, Mortar, and Grout .......................................................... Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement .................................................................



M 315M-1 M 3 16-1

1B 1B

M 317W M 317-1 M 318-1

1B 1B

M 319-1 M 320-1

1B 1B

M 321-1


M 322M.í M 322-1 R 1-1


....................................... Statistical Procedures ..................................................................... R 4-1 . Selection and Use of Emulsified Asphalts ..................................... R 5-1 Evaluation of Transportation-Related Earthborne Vibrations ........ R 8-1 Acceptance Sampling Plans for Highway Construction ................. R 9-1 Definition of Terms for Specifications and Procedures .................R 10-1 Use of the International System of Units

Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values ....................................... Bituminous Mixture Design Using the Marshall and Hveem Procedures ......................................................................... Conducting Geotechnical Subsurface Investigations ..................... Classifying Hot-Mix Recycling Agents ......................................... Asphalt Additives and Modifiers


Regulatory Information for Chemicals Used in AASHTO Tests

1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

R 11-1


R 12-1 R 13-1 R 14-1

1B 1B 1B

R 15-1


... R 16-1


Establishing and Implementing a Quaiity System for Construction Materials Testing Laboratories ................................. Operational Guidelines on Test Pits for Evaluating Pavement Performance ...................................................................

R 18-1


R 19-1


R 20-99

Procedures for Measuring Highway Noise .....................................

R 20-1


R 21-96 (2000)

Drilling for Subsurface Investigations-Unexpectedly Encountering Suspected Hazardous Material ................................. R 21-1 Decommissioning Geotechnical.Exploratory Boreholes ................ R 22- 1

1B 1B

R 18-01

R 19-94 (1999)

R 22-97 (2001) R 23-99 R 24-99

R 25-00 R 26-01 R 27-01

Chemical, Biological, and Physical Analysis of Water ..................R 23-1 R 24-1 Collection and Preservation of Water Samples .............................. Technician Training and Qualification Programs .......................... R 25-1

1B 1B

Certifjhg Suppliers of Performance-Graded Asphalt Binders

...... R 26-1

1B 1B

Assessment of Corrosion of Steel Piling for Non-Marine Applications ...................................................................................

R 27-1


xxvii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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M 3 16-99

Title Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe. Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric] ...................................................... Polymer-Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt ............................

Number M 315M-03




R 28-1


R 29-1 R 30-1

1B 1B

................ R 31-1


R 30-02

Title Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV) ....................................................................... Grading or Verifying the Performance Grade of an Asphalt Binder ............................................................................... Mixture Conditioning of Hot-Mix Asphalt ....................................

R 31-03

Evaluation of Coating Systems with Zinc-Rich Primers

R 32-03

Calibrating the Load Cell and Deflection Sensors for a Falling Weight Deflectomeîer .................................................................... calibrating the Reference Load Cell Used for Reference Calibrations for Falling Weight Deflectometer .............................. Evaluating Deicing Chemicals .......................................................

Number R 28-02

R 29-02

R 33-03 R 34-03

R 32-1


R 33-1 R 34-1

1B 1B


The following specifications have been deleted from the 23d Edition: M 191-93 (1998) Distillation Equipment R 7-81 (2000)

Monitoring Air Qulaity

xxviii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

AS an aid to the user of this volume, the following tabulation shows equivalencies between AASHTO and ASTM specifications. Where an asterisk (*)follows the ASTM number, there is a digerence between the two specifications. These diferences are explained in the endnote accompanying each individual specijkation.

M 203MlM 203-01 M 204MlM 204-01 M 205-97 M 206-02

ASTM Equivalent A 325-02* A 325M-00* A 7611A 761M-02 A 108-99 C 76-00* C 76M-00* C 171-97a* D 1190-97* c 444-95 C 444M-95 C 654-99* C 654M-99* C 412-99* C 412M-99* C 494-98* C 330-98 B 745lB 745M-95 B 744lB 744M-99* C 990-01a* C 478-97* C 478M-97* C 511-98 A 328lA 328M-00 A 416lA 416M-99 A 421lA 421M-98a* C 470-94* C 506-00*


C 506M-00*

C 230-98”*

M 207-02

C 507-00*

M 153-98 (2002)

D 1752-84 (1996)*

M 207M-01

C 507M-00*

M 154-00

C 260-97*

M 208-01

D 2397-98

M 156-97 (2001)

D 995-95b*

M 210-03

C 490-00a*

M 160MlM 160-03

A 61A 6M-O1b*

M 213-01

D 1751-99

M 163MlM 163-00

A 743lA 743M-98a

M 2 16-02

C 977-00

AASHTO Specifications

ASTM Equivalent

AASHTO Specifications

M 17-95 (1999) M 29-03 M 30-02 M 31MlM 31-03

D 242-95* D 1073-01 A741-98* A 6151A 615M-O1b* A 82-01 D 994-98 A 7601A 760M-Ola D 448-86 (1993) C 144-97* A 184lA 184M-O1 A 185-01 C 150-02* C 14-99* C 14M-99*

M 164-03 M 164M-O1 M 167-03

C 32-93 (1999)* E 11-01 A 6681A 668M-96 A 27lA 27M-95 , B 22-95* B 100-97* A 123lA 123M-Ola C 62-01 B 6-00* B152lB 152M-00* D 977-98* D 632-01* D 98-93*

M 148-01

c 309-97*

M 152MlM 152-03


M 32MlM 32-03 M 33-99 M 36-03 M 43-88 (2003) M 45-99 (2003) M 54MlM 54-02 M 55MlM 55-03 M 85-03 M 86-98 (2002) M 86M-98 (2002) M 91-95 (2000) M 92-03 M 102MlM 102-98 (2002) M 103MlM 103-97 (2001) M 107-97 (2001) M 108-98 (2002) M 111MlM 111-03 M 114-03 M 120-01 M 138MlM 138-02 M 140-03 M 143-03 M 144-86 (2000)

M 169-02 M 170-02 M 17OM-O1 M 171-00 M 173-01 M 175-97 (2001) M 175M-97 (2001) M 176-98 (2002) M 176M-98 (2002) M 178-95 (1999) M 178M-95 (1999) M 194-00 M 195-00 M 196-92 (2000) M 197-01 M 198-03 M 199-99 M 199M-99 M 201-00 M 202M/M 202-02


xxix Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

AASHTO Specifiations


AASHTO Specificafions

ASTM Equivalent

M 219-92 (2000)

B 746B 746M-92

M 280-03

A 121-99

M 220-84 (1999)

D 2628-91 (1998)

M 281-96 (2000)

A 702-89 (1994)"

M 221M/M 221-03

A 497-01

M 282-99

D 3406-95 (2000)

M 225M/M 225-03

A 496-01

M 284M 284M-03

A 7751A 775M-01

M 227M/M 227-97 (2001)

A 663lA 663M-89 (2000)

M 285M/M 285-03

A 744lA 744M-00

M 232M/M 232-03

A 153lA 153M-Ola

M 286-96 (2000)

E 524-88 (2000)*

M 235M/M 235-03

C 881-99*

M 291-01

A 563-00*

M 240-03

C 595-02

M 291M-03

A 563M-01*

M 241-97 (2001)

C 685-95a*

M 2 9 2 W 292-03

A 1941A 194M-Ola

M 242-03

C 655-00*

M 293-93 (2001)

F 436-93 (2000)*

M 242M-O3

C 655M-00*

M 293M-97 (2001)

F 436M-93 (2000)*

M 245-00

A 76YA 762M-98

M 295-00

C 618-98*

M 246-00

A 74YA 742M-98

M 297-98 (2002)

D 3542-92 (1998)*

M 253-03

A 490-02"

M 298-01

B 695-00*

M 253M-96 (2001)

A 490M-00*

M 299-01

B 696-00

M 255M/M 255-97 (2001)

A 6751A 675M-90a (2000)

M 301-01

D 3405-97

M 259-98 (2002)

C 789-95a*

M 302-00

C 989-97b

M 259M-O0

C 789M-98*

M 307-03

c 1240-01

M 261-96 (2000)

E 501-94 (2000)*

M 315-03

C 443-01

M 262-00

C 822-98*

M 315M-00

C 443M-01

M 264-03

D 2680-01*

M 3 17M/M 3 17-03

D 3963/D 3963M-01

M 268-03

D 4956-Ola

M 3 2 2 m 322-03

A 996JA 996M-O1

M 270M/M 270-03

A 709lA 709M-01bc3*

R 1-00

IEEWASTM SI 10-1997*

M 273-00

C 850-95a*

R 5-03

D 3628-01*

M 273M-00

C 850M-98*

R 11-82 (2002)

E 29-93a (1999)

M 275M/M 275-00

A 7221A 722M-98

R 13-03

D 420-98*

M 279-03

A 116-00

R 14-88 (2002)

D 4552-92 (1999)*



Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


AASHTO Equivalent

ASTM Speci@Ùxtions

AASHTO Equivalent

A 61A 6M-O1b*

M 16OMIM 160-03

A 76UA 762M-98

M 245-00

A 271A 27M-95

M 103MIM 103-97 (2001)

A 7751A 775M-01

M 284M/M 284-03

A 82-01

M 32MM 32-03

A 9961A 996M-O1

M 322M/M 322-03

A 108-99

M 169-02

B 6-OO*

M 120-01

A 116-00

M 279-03

B 22-95*

M 107-97 (2001).

A 121-99

M 280-03

B 100-97*

M 108-98 (2002)

A 1231A 123M-Ola

M 111MIM 111-03

B 152lB 152M-00*

M 1 3 8 W 138-02

A 1531A 153M-Ola

M 232MIM 232-03

B 695-00*

M 298-01

A 184lA 184M-O1

M 54M/M 54-02

B 696-00

M 299-01

A 185-01

M 55MlM 55-03

B 744lB 744M-99*

M 197-01

A 1941A 194M-Ola

M 292M/M 292-03

B 745lB 745M-95

M 196-92 (2000)

A 325-02

M 164-03

B 746lB 746M-92

M 219-92 (2000)

A 325M-00*

M 164M-O1

C 14-99*

M 86-98 (2002)

A 3281A 328M-00

M 202MIM 202-02

C 14M-99*

M 86M-98 (2002)

A 4161A 416M-99

M 203M/M 203-01

C 32-93 (1999)*

M 91-95 (2000)

A 4211A 421M-98a*

M 204M/M 204-01

C 62-01

M 114-03

A 490-02*

M 253-03

C 76-00*

M 170-02

A 490M-00*

M 253M-96 (2001)

C 76M-00*

M 17OM-O1

A 496-01

M 225MfM 225-03

C 144-97*

M 45-99 (2003)

A 497-01

M 221MlM 221-03

C 150-02*

M 85-03

A 563-00*

M 291-01

C 171-97a"

M 171-00

A 563M-01*

M 291M-03

C 23O-9ge2*

M 152MIM 152-03

A 6151A 615M-O1b*

M 31MlM 31-03

C 260-97*

M 154-00

A 6631A 663M-89 (2000)

M 227MIM 227-97 (2001)

c 309-97*

M 148-01

A 668lA 668M-96

M 102MfM 102-98 (2002)

C 330-98

M 195-00

A 675lA 675M-90a (2000)

M 255M/M 255-97 (2001)

C 412-99*

M 178-95 (1999)

A 702-89 (1994)"'

M 281-96 (2000)

C 412M-99"

M 178M-95 (1999)

A 7091A 709M-01bC3*

M 270MfM 270-03

C 443-01

M 315-03

A 72UA 722M-98

M 2 7 5 W 275-00

C 443M-01

M 3 15M-03

A 741-98*

M 30-02

c 444-95*

M 175-97 (2001)

A 74UA 742M-98

M 246-00

C 444M-95

M 175M-97 (2001)

A 7431A 743M-98a

M 163MlM 163-00

C 470-94*

M 205-97 (2001)

A 744lA 744M-00

M 285MIM 285-03

C 478-97*

M 199-99

A 7601A 760M-Ola

M 36-03

C 478M-97*

M 199M-99

A 7611A 761M-O2

M 167-03

C 490-00a*

M 210-03


ASTM Specifications


xxxi Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

ASTM Specifications

AASHTO Equivalent

ASTM Specifications

AASHTO Equivalent

C 494-98*

M 194-00

M 43-88 (2003)

C 506-00*

M 206-02

D 448-86 (1993) D 632-01*

C 506M-00*

M 206M-O1

D 977-98*

M 140-03

C 507-00*

M 207-02

D 994-98

M 33-99

C 507M-00*

M 207M-01

D 995-95b*

M 156-97 (2001)

C 511-98

M 201-00

D 1073-01

M 29-03

C 595-02*

M 240-03

D 1190-97*

M 173-01

C 618-98*

M 295-00

D 1751-99

M 213-01

C 654-99*

M 176-98 (2002)

D 1752-84 (1996)*

M 153-98 (2002)

C 654M-99*

M 176M-98 (2002)

D 2397-98

M 208-01

C 655-00*

M242-03 .

D 2628-91 (1998)

M 220-84 (1999)

C 655M-00*

M 242M-O3

D 2680-01*

M 264-03

C 685-95a*

M 241-97 (2001)

D 3405-97

M 301-01

C 789-95a*

M 259-98 (2002)

D 3406-95 (2000)

M 282-99

C 789M-98*

M 259M-00

D 3542-92 (1998)*

M 297-98 (2002)

C 822-98*

M 262-00

R 5-03

C 850-95a*

M 273-00

D 3628-01* D 3963/D 3963M-01

C 850M-98*

M 273M-00

D 4552-92 (1999)*

R 14-88 (2002)

C 881-99*

M 2 3 5 W 235-03

D 4956-Ola

M 268-03

c 977-00

M 216-02

E 11-01

M 92-03

C 989-97b

M 302-00

E 29-93a (1999)

R 11-82 (2002)

C 990-01a*

M 198-03

E 501-94 (2000)*

M 261-96 (2000)

c 1240-01

M 307-03

E 524-88 (2000)*

M 286-96 (2000)

D 98-93*

M 144-86 (2000)

F 436-93 (2000)*

M 293-93 (2001)

D 242-95*

M 17-95 (1999)

F 436M-93 (2000)*

M 293M-97 (2001)

D 420-98*

R 13-03

IEEE/ASTM SI 10-1997

R 1-00

M 143-03

xxxii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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M 317M/M 317-03


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Adopted by the


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

New editions are published annually.

Q Copyright 2003, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers.

With permission of ASTM, portions of this book have been reprinted and/or adapted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright O 2003 and earlier, American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Permission to further reproduce any of this material must be obtained in writing from ASTM. The current, original editions of the ASTM standards are available directly from ASTM.

Published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 444 N. Capitol Street, N.W. Suite 249 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 624-5800 www.transportation.org

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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ISBN: 1-56051-285-7 (Part la) ISBN: 1-56051-286-5 (Part lb) ISBN: 1-56051-284-9 (Set)

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2002-2003 President: James C. Codell, III, Kentucky Vice President: Tom Stephens, Nevada Secretary/lTeasurer: Larry King, Pennsylvania Regional Representatives:

Region I

Carol Murray, New Hampshire Patricia McDonald, Vermont

Region II

Fred Van Kirk,West Virginia Whiîting Clement, Virginia

Region III

Henry Hungerbeeler,Missouri Mark Wandro, Iowa

Region IV

Mike Behrens, Texas Sleeter Dover, Wyoming


Immediate Past President: Dan Flowers, Arkansas Executive Director: John C. Horsley, Washington, DC

iii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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HIGHWAY SUBCOMMITTEE ON MATERIALS 2002-2003 Gary Hoffman, PENNSYLVANIA, Chairman Lon S . Ingram, KANSAS, Vice Chairman Terry M. Mitchell, FHWA, Secretary

ALABAMA-Larry Lockett, Materials and Tests Engineer, Alabama Department of Transportation, 1409 Coliseum Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama 36130 -LynnWolfe, Testing Engineer --``,,`,,````,``,`,,,``,```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

ALASKA-Michael San Angelo, State Materials Engineer, Alaska Department of Transportationand Public Facilities, 5750 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 995071225

COLORADO-Tim Aschenbrener, Materials Engineer, Colorado Department of Transportation, 4201 East Arkansas Ave., Denver, Colorado 80222 CONNECTICUT-Keith R. Lane, Director, Research and Materials, Connecticut Department of Transportation, 280 West Street, Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067-3502

-Robert Lewis, State Quality Assurance Engineer

DELAWARE-James Pappas, Chief Materials and Research Engineer, Delaware Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 778, Dover, Delaware 19903-0778

ARIZONA-Douglas A. Forstie, State Materials Engineer, Materials Group, Arizona Department of Transportation, 1221 North 21QAve., Phoenix, Arizona 85009

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Wasi U. Khan, District of Columbia Department of Public Works and Transportation, 2000 14* Street, NW, Room N-401, Washington, DC 20009

ARKANSAS-Jerry R. Westerman, Materials Engineer, Arkansas State Highway and TransportationDepartment, P.O. Box 2261, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

FLORIDA-Thomas O. Malerk, State Materials Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation, 2006 NE Waldo Rd., Gainesville, Florida 32609

-Ralph Hall, Assistant Chief Engineer, Operations CALIFORNIA-Phil StOlarSki, Division of Materials Engineering and Testing Services, California Department of Transportation, 5900 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento,California 958194612

GEORGIA-GeorgeneM. Geary, State Materials and Research Engineer, Georgia Department of Transportation, 15 Kennedy Drive, Forest Park, Georgia 30297 HAWAII-Garret S. Okada, Quality Assurance Engineer, Hawaii Department of Transportation, 2530 Likelike Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819

IDAHO-Jeff Miles, Materials Engineer, Idaho Transportation Department, P.O. Box 7129, Boise, Idaho 83702-1129 ILLINOIS-Eric Harm,Chief of Materials and Physical Research, Illinois Department of Transportation, 126 East Ash Street, Springfield, Illinois 62704-4766 INDIANA-Mark Miller, Chief, Materials and Tests Division, Indiana Department of Transportation, 120 South Shortridge Rd., Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 IOWA-James Berger, Materials Engineer, Iowa Department of Transportation, 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50010 KANSAS-Lon S. inflam, Chief, Materials and Research Bureau, Kansas Department of Transportation, 10* Floor, Docking State Office Building, Topeka, Kansas 66612 KENTUCKY-WesleyGlass, Director, Division of Materials, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, 1227 Wilkinson Blvd., Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-1226 -Allen H. Myers, Asphalt Branch Manager LOUISIANA-N. Douglas Hood, Jr., Materials Engineer Administrator, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 5080 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 -Henry Lacinak, Testing Engineer

V Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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MAINE-BN~Yeaton, Testing Engineer, Maine Department of Transportation, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016

MONTANA-Kent M. Barnes, Materials Engineer, Montana Department of Transportation, 2701 Prospect Ave., Helena, Montana 59620-1001

MARYLAND-Peter Stephanos, Director, Office of Materials and Technology, Maryland State Highway Administration, 2323 West Joppa Rd., Brooklandville, Maryland 21022

NEBRASKA-Mostafa Jamshidi, Engineer, Materials and Research Division, Nebraska Department of Roads, P.O. Box 94759, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

-Woody Hood, Central Northern Regional Engineer MASSACHUSETTS-Clement Fung, Research and Materials Engineer, Massachusetts Highway Department, 45 1 D St.. 5* Hoor, Boston, Massachusetts 02210-1950 MICHIGAN-Roger D. Till, P.E., Engineer of Structural Research, Michigan Department of Transportation, Construction and Technology Division, 8885 Ricks Rd., P.O. Box 30049, Lansing, Michigan 48909 -James Culp, Engineer of Construction and Technology MINNESOTA-Keith Shannon, State Materials Engineer, Minnesota Department of Transportation, 1400 Gervais Ave., Maplewood, Minnesota 55109-2044 MISSISSIPPI-JimmyW. Bnunfield, State Materials Engineer, Mississippi Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1850, Jackson, Mississippi 392 15-1850 -Richard Sheffield, Assistant State Materials Engineer MISSOURI-C. L.Baldwin, Assistant Division Engineer, Construction and Materiais, Missouri Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 270, Jefferson City, Missouri 65 102


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

NEVADA-Dean Weitzel, Chief Materials Engineer, Nevada Department of Transportation, 1263 S.Stewart Street, Carson City, Nevada 89712 NEW HAMPSHIRE-Alan D. Rawson, Materials and Research Engineer, New Hampshire Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 483, Stickney Ave., Concord, New Hampshire 03302-0483 NEW JERSEY-Eileen Sheehy, Chief, Bureau of Materials, New Jersey Department of Transportation,P.O. Box 607 Trenton, New Jersey 086250607 NEW MEXICO-John H. Tenison, Chief, State Materials Bureau, New Mexico State Highway Department, P.O. Box 1149, Santa Fe, New Mexico 875041149 NEW YORK-Robert L. Sack, Deputy Chief Engineer, Director, Technical Services Division, New York Department of Transportation, State Office Campus, Building IA, Room 210,1220 Washington Ave., Albany, . New York 12232-0861 -Donald A. Streeter, Concrete Section Program Manager -Robert A. Bumett, Assistant Director, Geotechnical Engineering Bureau

NORTH CAROLLNA-Cecil Jones, State Materiais Engineer, North Carolina Department of Transportation, 1801 Blue Ridge Rd., Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 -Jack E. Cowsert, State Materials Quality Engineer NORTH DAKOTA-Ron Homer, Materials and Research Engineer, North Dakota Department of Transportation, 300 Airport Road, Bismarck, North Dakota 58504 OHIO-Lloyd Welker, Administrator, Office of Materials Management, Ohio Department of Transportation, 1600 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223 -Walid Gemayel, Deputy Director, Division of Construction Management OKLAHOMA-ReynoldsH. Toney, Engineer, Materials Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, 200 NE 2lS Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73 105 -Scott Seiter, Assistant Materials Engineer OREGON-Jeffrey L. Gower, Oregon Department of Transportation, 800 Airport Road, SE, Salem, Oregon 97301-4798 PENNSYLVANIA-Jerry Malasheskie, Chief, Materials and Testing Division, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, 11 18 State Street, Box 2926, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-2926 -William Miller, Engineer of Tests PUERTO RICO-Orlando DimQuirindongo, Chief, Materials Testing Office, Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works, P.O. Box 42007, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00940-2007

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RHODE ISLAND-Mark Felag, P.E., Chief Civil Engineer (Materials), Rhode Island Department of Transportation, Two Capitol Hill, Room 018, Providence, Rhode Island 02903 -Michael Byme, hincipal Civil Engineer (Materials) -Colin A. Franco, P.E., Managing Engineer (Research and Technology Development)

SOUTH CAROLINA-Milton O. Fletcher, P.E., Research and Materials Engineer, South Carolina Department of Transportation,Box 191, Columbia, South Carolina 29202 - M e d i E. Zwanka, State Materials Engineer SOUTH DAKOTA-Joe J. Feller, Chief Materials and Surfacing Engineer, South Dakota Department of Transportation, 700 E. Broadway Ave., Pierre, South Dakota 57501-2586


TENNESSEE-Gary Head, Engineering Director, Materials and Tests Division, Tennessty Department of Transportation,6601 Centennial Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0360 -Bill Trolinger, Assistant Materials Engineer -Brian Egan, Assistant Materials Engineer TEXAS-Kenneth W. Fults, Director, Materiais and Pavements Section, ConstructionDivision, Texas Department of Transportation, 125 E. 11" Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2483 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION-Terry M. Mitchell, Office of Infrastructure Research and Development, Federal Highway Administration, HRDI-11,6300 Georgetown W e , McLean, Virginia 22101

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (cont'd) -Jeffrey Rapol, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Ave., SW, Room 616, Washington, DC 20591 UTAH-Howard J. Anderson, Pavement Operations Engineer, Utah Department of Transportation, 4501 South, 2700 West - Box 148220, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-8220 VERMONT-Donald H. Lahop, Materials and Research Engineer, Vermont Agency of Transportation, National Life Building, Drawer 33, Montpelier, Vermont 056335001 VIRGINIA-Andrew J. Mergenmeier, State Materials Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation, 1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 -William R. Bailey, III, Assistant State Materials Engineer WASHINGTON-T~O~MS E. Baker, Materials Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 47365, Olympia, Washington 98504-7365 WEST VIRGINIA-Richard Genthner, Director, Materials Control, Soils, and Testing Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, 190 Dry Branch Road, Charleston, West Virginia 25306

AFFILIATE MEMBERS KOREA-Jung Hoon, Executive Vice President, Korea Highway Corporation. 293-1 Kumto-Dong, Songnam-Si, Kyonggi-Do, Seoul, Korea, Postal Code 461-380 NORTHWEST TERRITORIESPeter Vician, Northwest Temtories Department of Public Works, Yellowknife, Northwest Temtories, Canada X1A 2L9 NOVA SCOTIA-Tom Gouthro, Manager, Technical Services, Department of Transportation and Public Works, 107 Guyseorough Rd.. Fall River, Nova Scotia B2T 1J6 ONTARIO-Guy Cautillo, Senior Manager, Materials Engineering and Research Office, Ministry of Transportation,Room 233, Building C. 1201 Wilson Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3M 1J8 SASKATCHEWAN-R. Allan Widger, Director, Geotechnical and Materials Branch, Highways and Transportation. 1610Park Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4P 3v7 -Frank Skilnick, Sr., Regional Operations Engineer, Highways and Transportation, 2147 Airport Dr.,Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7L 6M6

-Roy Capper, Materials Control, Soils, and Testing Division WISCONSIN-John B. Volker, Chief Quality Management Engineer, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 3502 Kinsman Blvd., Madison, Wisconsin 53704 WYOMING-Rick Harvey, State Materials Engineer, Wyoming Department of Transportation, 5300 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009

vii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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ASSOCIATE MEMBERS MASSACHUSETTS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COMMISSION-Terrence Johnston, Director of Laboratory, MassachusettsMetropolitan District Commission,148 Newton Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02183 NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE AUTHORiTY-Sean M. Hill, Senior Project Engineer, New Jersey Turnpike Authority, P.O.Box 1121, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903

THE PORT AUTHORITY OF NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY-Casimir Bognacki, General Manager, Material Engineering Division, The Pori Authority of New York and New Jersey, 241 Erie Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07310



v111 Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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This Twenty-Third Edition of Transportation Materials is published in two parts. Part I contains specifications for materials, and Part II includes methods of testing and specifications for testing equipment. Pari I contains 174 materials specifications and 29 Recommended Practices, of which most contain both English and Metric units of measure. Technical revisions were made in 47 of the standards since the Tweny-Second Edition, 19 standards were reconfirmed, five new standards were added, four standards were discontinued, and two standards were deleted. A number of specifications were included in this publication at the request of the AASHTO Subcommitteeon Bridges and Sîructures. Many of these specifications agree with those of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). In a11 cases where the Association and ASTM standards are technically identical, or substantially identical with some changes, reference to the ASTM designation number is shown in the heading of the specification. In past editions, AASHTO has printed ASTM standards which have been adopted by AASHTO and given an AASHTO designation. This was done under a long-standing copy-right arrangement between AASHTO and ASTM. The Twenty-Third Edition includes 45 AASHTO-approved ASTM specifications. These specifications appear in this edition as the actual ASTM specification preceded by a cover page with the AASHTO designation number. Any AASHTO exception to the ASTM specification is indicated on this cover page. The numerical order of the specifications has been retained. A list of the affected AASHTO specifications is included following the Table of Contents. General jurisdiction over Association standards in this field rests with the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials, which has members representing each of the 50 States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, that constitute the Member Departments of the Association, and the U.S.Department of Transportation. In addition, the Subcommittee has representation from several of its Associate Members, including the Massachusetts Metropolitan District Commission, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority. Also represented on the Subcommittee are most of the Association’s Affiliate members, including the Canadian Provinces of Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories; Korea; and Turkey. Beginning in 1993 with the Sixteenth Edition, material specifications and test methods are published by AASHTO each year. Annual revisions are voted upon by the Association’s 52 Member Departments prior to the publication of each new edition of this book, and if approved by at least two-thirds of the Member Departments, they are included in the edition as standards of the Association. Comments regarding these specifications are welcomed and should be addressed to the Executive Director of AASHTO,444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001. AASHTO’s Web site and internet address is http://www.transportation.org.

ix Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Number AGGREGATES M 6-03 M 17-95 (1999) M 29-03 M 43-88 (2003) M 45-99 (2003) M 80-87 (2003) M 195-00

Title Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete ................................ Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ............................... Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ............................

.................... Aggregate for Masonry Mortar ........................................................ Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete ............................ Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete ............................. Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction

BITUMINOUS MATERIALS M 20-70 (2000) Penetration-Graded Asphalt Cement ................................................ Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing Type) ............................................ M 81-92 (2000) M 82-75 (2000) M 140-03 M 156-97 (2001) M 208-01 M 226-80 (2000) M 303-89 (2002) M 316-99 M 320-03 R 5-03 R 12-85 (2002) R 14-88 (2002) R 15-00 R 26-01 R 28-02 R 29-02 R 30-02



M 6-1 M 17-1 M 29-1

1A 1A 1A

M 43-1


M 45-1


M 80-1 M 195-1


M 20-1 M 81-1


M 82-1

1A 1A 1A

M 140-1


Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures ............................................ Cationic Emulsified Asphalt ............................................................ Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cement ................................................... Lime for Asphalt Mixtures ...............................................................

M 156-1 M 208-1 M 226-1 M 303-1

1A 1A 1A

Polymer-Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt .............................. Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder ...............................................

M 3 16-1 M 320-1

1B 1B

R 5-1


R 12-1 R 14-1


R 15-1 Asphalt Additives and Modifiers ...................................................... Certifying Suppliers of Performance-Graded Asphalt Binders ......... R 26-1 Acclerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV) ........................................................................ R 28-1 Grading or Verifying the Performance Grade of an Asphalt Binder ................................................................................. R 29-1 R 30-1 Mixture Conditioning of Hot-Mix Asphalt ......................................

1B 1B

........................................ Emulsified Asphalt ...........................................................................

Cutback Asphalt (Medium-Curing Type)

Selection and Use of Emulsified Asphalts


Bituminous Mixture Design Using the Marshall and Hveem Procedures ........................................................................... Classifying Hot-Mix Recycling Agents ............................................


xi Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1B 1B 1B

M 86M-98 (2002)

Concrete Sewer. Storm Drain. and Culvert Pipe [Metric] ................ M 86M-1

M 167-03

Corrugated Steel Structural Plate. Zinc.Coated. for Field-Bolted Pipe. Pipe-Archesj and Arches .............................. M 167-1 Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ........... M 170-1 Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .................................................................................... M 17OM-1 Perforated Concrete Pipe .................................................................. M 175-1

M 170-02 M 17OM-O1 M 175-97 (2001) M 175M-97 (2001) M 176-98 (2002) M 176M-98 (2002) M 178-95 (1999) M 178M-95 (1999)

................................................... Porous Concrete.Pipe ....................................................................... Porous Concrete Pipe [Metric] ......................................................... Concrete Drain Tile .......................................................................... Concrete Drain Tile [Metric] ............................................................ Perforated Concrete Pipe [Metric]

Volume 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 175M-1


M 176-1


M 176M-1 M 178-1

1A 1A

M 178M-1


M 190-1

M 196-92 (2000)

Bituminous-Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe-Arches ............................................................................... Corrugated Aluminum Pipe for Sewers and Drains .........................

M 196-1

1A 1A

M 197-01

Aluminum Alloy Sheet for Corrugated Aluminum Pipe .................. M 197-1


M 198-03

Joints for Concrete Pipe. Manholes. and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants ......................................... Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ...............................

1A 1A

M 190-95 (2000)

M 199-99 M 199M-99 M 206-02 M 206M-O1 M 207-02 M 207M-01 M 218-03 M 219-92 (2000) M 242-03 M 242M-O3

M 243-96 (2000) M 245-00 M 246-00

M 198-1 M 199-1

Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections [Metric] ................ M199M- 1 Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert. Storm Drain. and M 206-1 Sewer Pipe ........................................................................................ Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert. Storm Drain. M 206M-1 and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................... Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ................................................................................. M 207-1 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................... M 207M-1 Steel Sheet. Zinc-Coated (Galvanized). for Corrugated Steel Pipe .......................................................................................... M 218-1 Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Field-Bolted M 219-1 Pipe. Pipe-Arches. and Arches .......................................................... Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert. Storm Drain. M 242-1 and Sewer Pipe .................................................................................. Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .................................................................................... M 242M-1 Field-Applied Coating of Corrugated Metal Structural Plate for Pipe. Pipe-Arches. and Arches ................................................... M 243-1 Corrugated Steel Pipe. Polymer-Precoated. for Sewers M 245-1 and Drains ........................................................................................ Steel Sheet. Metallic-Coated and Polymer-Precoated. M 246-1 for Corrugated Steel Pipe .................................................................. ..

xii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A IA 1A


Page Number Title BOX CULVERT. CULVERT PIPE. AND DRAIN TILE Corrugated Steel Pipe. Metallic.Coated. for Sewers and Drains ...... M 36-1 M 36-03 M 86-1 Concrete Sewer. Storm Drain. and.CulvertPipe .............................. M 86-98 (2002)


Number M 252-02 M 259-98 (2002)

Title Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe


M 262-00

Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts. Storm Drains. and Sewers ................................................................ Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers [Metric] ............................................................. Concrete Pipe and Related Products ................................................

M 264-03

Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene(ABS) and Poly(Viny1 Chloride)

M 259M-00

M 273-00

M 273M-00

M 274-87 (2000) M 278-02 M 289-91 (2000) M 294-03 M 304-03 M 306-89 (2000) M 315-03 M 315M-O3

BRICK M 91-95 (2000) M 114-03

(PVC) Composite Sewer Piping ....................................................... Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than Two Feet of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings ....................................................................... Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than 0.6 m of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings [Metric] ......................................................... Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated (Type i),for Corrugated Steel Pipe .......................................................................................... Class PS46 Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Pipe .................................

Page M 252- 1

Volume 1B

M 259-1


M 259M-1 M 262- 1

1B 1B

M 264- 1


M 273-1


M 273M-1


M 274-1 M 278-1

1B 1B

Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Sheet Steel for Corrugated Steel Pipe .......................................................................................... M 289-1 Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300- to 1200-mm Diameter ............ M 294-1 Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Profile Wall Drain Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter ........................... M 304-1 M 306-1 Drainage Structure Castings ............................................................. Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets ...................................................................... M 315-1 Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric] ........................................................ M 315M-1

Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or Shale)


M 91-1

Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay or Shale) .... M 114-1

CONCRETE. CURING MATERIALS. AND ADMIXTURES M 148-01 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete .......'.. M 148-1 M 154-1 Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete .......................................... M 154-00 M 157-97 (2001) M 157-1 Ready-Mixed Concrete .................................................................... M 171-1 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ................................................ M 171-00 M 182-1 Burlap Cloth Made from Jute or Kenaf ............................................ M 182-91 (2000) M 194-00 M 205-97 (2001)

M 210-03 M 224-91 (2OOO)

1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

1A 1A

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

Chemical Admixtures for Concrete .................................................. M 194-1 Molds for Forming Concrete Test Cylinders Vertically ................... M 205- 1


Use of Apparatus for the Determination of Length Change of Hardened Cement Paste, Mortar, and Concrete ........................... M 210-1 Use of Protective Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete .................M 224-1

1A 1A


XI11 Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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M 233-86 (2000) M 241-97 (2001)

M 295-00 M 302-00

Title Boiled Linseed Oil Mixture for Treatment of Portland Cement Concrete .............................................................................. Concrete Made by Volumemc Batching and Continuous Mixing Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete ................................... Grouid Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars ......................................................................................

ENVIRONMENTALTESTS Chemical. Biological. and Physical Analysis of Water .................... R 23-99 Collection and Preservation of Water Samples ................................ R 24-99




M 233-1 M 241-1

1A 1A

M 295-1


M 302-1


R 23-1 R 24-1

1B 1B

GUARDRAIL AND FENCING Cormgated Sheet Steel Beams for Highway Guardrail .................... M 180-00 Chain-Link Fence ............................................................................. M 181-98

M 180-1


M 181-1


M 269-96 (2000) M 279-03

Turnbuckles and Shackles ................................................................ Metailic-Coated, Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric ...........................

M 269-1 M 279-1


M 280-03 M 281-96 (2000) M 305-02

.................................. Steel Fence Posts and Assemblies, Hot-Wrought ............................ Discontinued-Aiuminum-Coated Steel Barbed Wire ....................

M 280-1


M 281-1 M 305-1

1B 1B

M 85-1 M 240-1

1A 1A

M 307- 1


M 321-1


M 33-1


M 153-1 M 173-1

1A 1A

Metailic-Coated (Carbon) Steel Barbed Wire

HYDRAULIC CEMENT . M 85-03 Portland Cement .............................................................................. Blended Hydraulic Cement .............................................................. M 240-03 M 307-03 M 321-03


Use of Silica Fume as a Mineral Admixture in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. Mortar. and Grout ............................................................ High-Reactivity Pozzolans for Use in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. Mortar. and Grout ............................................................

JOINT FILLER AND ASPHALT PLANK Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete M 33-99 (Bituminous Type) ........................................................................... Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers M 153-98 (2002) for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction ............................. Concrete JoinGSealer. Hot-Poured Elastic Type .............................. M 173-01 Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving M 213-01 and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ........................................................................... Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals M 220-84 (1999) for Concrete Pavements ................................................................... Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bridge Bearings .......................... M 251-97 (2001) M 282-99

Joint Sealants, Hot-Poured, Elastomeric-Type, for Portland .. Cement Concrete Pavements ............................................................

M 213-1



M 220- 1 M 251-1

1A 1B

M 282-1


xiv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


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Title Page Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Bridges ..... M 297-1 Joint Sealants, Hot-Poured, for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements ... M 301-1

METALLIC MATERIALS FOR BRIDGES M 102Mí Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General Industrial Use ........ M 102W M 102-1 M 102-98 (2002) M 103M M 103Mí Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Application ............................. M103-1 M 103-97 (2001) Gray Iron Castings ........................................................................... M 105-1 M 105-96 (2000) M 107-97 (2001) M 108-98 (2002) M 111Mí M 111-03 M 120-01

Bronze Castings for Bridges and Turntables ....................................

Wrought Copper-Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets M 108-1 for Bridge and Other Structural Use ................................................. Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products .... M 111 W M 111-1 Zinc .................................................................................................. M 120-1


M 138M M 138-02 M 160Mí M 160-03

Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar

M 163IW M 163-00

Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application ...................................................

M 164-03

High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints

M 164M-01 M 169-02

M 107-1

General Requirements for Steel, Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use .........................................

M 138Mí M 138-1

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 160W M 16OM-1


M 163W M 163-1 M 164-1


................................ High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints [Metric] ..................M 164M-1 Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished, Standard Quality ...................... M 169-1 M 202W Steel Sheet Piling .............................................................................

M 202Mí M202-1 M 202-02 Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, Mechanical Properties ........ M 2271 M 227Mí M227M-1 M 227-97 (2001) M 232W Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware ....................... M 232W M232-1 M 232-03 Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 150 ksi Minimum M 253-03 M 253-1 Tensile Strength ............................................................................... M 253M-96 (2001) High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel Joints [Metric] ......................................................................... M 253M-1 Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, M 255W M 255-97 (2001) Mechanical Properties ...................................................................... M 255W M 255-1 Carbon and High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Shapes, M 270W Plates, and Bars and Quenched-and-Tempered Alloy Structural M 270-03 Steel Plates for Bridges .................................................................... M 270W M 270-1 Wire Rope and Sockets for Movable Bridges .................................. M 277-1 M 277-81 (2000)

xv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Volume 1B 1B

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1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1B 1B 1B

1B 1B


Number M 297-98 (2002) M 301-01



M 285W M 285-1 M 291-1 M 29 1M-1


Number M 285Ml M 285-03

Title Castings. Iron.Chromium.Nicke1. Corrosion Resistant. for Severe Service ............................................................................

M 291-01 M 29 1M-03

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts ............................................................ Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Metric] .............................................

M 292W M 292-03

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-pressure or High-Temperature Service, or Both .............................................

M 293-93 (2001)

.................................................................. Hardened Steel Washers [Metric] .................................................... M 293M-1 Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel ........... M 298-1 M 299-1 Coatings of Cadmium Mechanically Deposited ............................... M 314-1 Steel Anchor Bolts ...........................................................................

M 293M-97 (2001)

M 298-01 M 299-01 M 3 14-90 (2000)

M 292W . M 292-1 M 293-1

Hardened Steel Washers

MISCELLANEOUS M 143-03 Sodium Chloride

M 144-86 (2000) M 200-73 (2000) --``,,`,,````,``,`,,,``,```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

M 230-98 (2002) M 2 3 5 m 235-03

R 1-00 R 8-96 (2000)

R 10-98 (2002) R 16-02 R 25-00 R 34-03

.............................................................................. M 143-1 Calcium Chloride ............!................................................................ M 144-1 M 200-1 Epoxy Protective Coatings ............................................................... Extruded Foam Board (Polystyrene) ................................................ M 230-1 Epoxy Resin Adhesives .................................................................... M 235-1 R 1-1 Use of the International System of Units ......................................... Evaluation of Transportation-Related Earthborne Vibrations .......... R 8-1 Definition of Terms for Specificationsand Procedures ................... R 10-1

1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1B

Regulatory Information for Chemicals Used in AASHTO Tests

..... R 16-1

1B 1B 1B

Technician Training and Qualification Programs ............................ Evaluating Deicing Chemicals .........................................................

R 25-1 R 34-1

1B 1B

M 69- 1


M 229-1


M 237-1 M 247-1 M 248-1

1A 1A 1A

M 249-1 M 268-1

1A 1B

M 271-1


M 290-1 M 300-1

1B 1B

PAINTING AND TRAFFIC MARKING AND SIGNING Aluminum'Paint ............................................................................... M 69-70 (2000) M 229-91 (2000) Discontinued-Basic Lead Silico.Chromate. Ready. . Mixed Primer ................................................................................... M 237-96 (2000) Epoxy Resin Adhesives for Bonding Traffic Markers to Hardened Portland Cement and Asphalt Concrete ....................... M 247-02 Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paints .................................................. M 248-91 (2000) Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints ............................... M 249-98 White and Yellow Reflective Thermoplastic Striping Material (Solid Form) ........ ............................................................. M 268-03 Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control .................................... M 27 1-02 The Evaluation of Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces .............................. M 290-96 (2000) Acrylic Prismatic Reflectors and Embossed Aluminum Frames for Signs .............................................................................. . M 300-03 Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primer .............................................................

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Title Page Evaluation of Coating Systems with Zinc-Rich Primers .................. R 31-1

QUALITY ASSURANCE Statistical Procedures ....................................................................... R 4-1 R 4-97 (2000) Acceptance Sampling Plans for Highway Consûuction ................... R 9-1 R 9-97 (2000) Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered R 11-82 (2002) Significant in Specified Limiting Values ......................................... R 11-1 R 18-01 Establishing and Implementing a Quality System R 18-1 for Construction Materials Testing Laboratories ............................. R 20-1 Procedures for Measuring Highway Noise ...................................... R 20-99 REINFORCING STEEL AND WIRE ROPE Zinc-Coated Steel Wire Rope and Fittings for M 30-02 Highway Guardrail ........................................................................... M 30-1 M 31W Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for M 31-03 Concrete Reinforcement ....................................................,.............. M 3 1M/ M 31-1 M 32M/ Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement ................................ M 32IW M 32-1 M 32-03 M 42W Discontinued-Rail-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete M 42W M 42-95 (1999) Reinforcement .................................................................................. M 42-1 Discontinued-Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete M 53Nu M 53M/ M 53-95 (1999) Reinforcement ................................................................................... M 53-1 M 54IW Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................... M 54W M 54-02 M 54-1 Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete ................... M 55W M 55W M 55-1 M 55-03 Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Concrete Reinforcement .... M 203W M 203W M 203-1 M 203-01 Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete ....... M 204M/ M 204W M 204-1 M 204-01 Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete ........... M 221W M 221W M 221-1 M 22 1-03 M 225W Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement ........................ M 225W M 225-1 M 225-03 M 254-1 Corrosion-Resistant Coated Dowel Bars .......................................... M 254-77 (2000) Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for Prestressing Concrete .......... M 275W M 275W M 275-1 M 275-00 Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Materials and Coating M 284W Requirements ................................................................................... M 284W M 284-03 M 284-1 Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Handling Requirements M 317W for Fabrication and Job Site ............................................................. M 317W M 317-03 M 317-1

xvii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Volume 1B

1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

1A 1A

1A 1A



1A 1A 1A 1A 1A lB 1B 1B



Number R 31-03

Number M 322M/M 322-03

Title Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ..................................................................................



M 322W M 322-1


SOILS AND STABILIZATION Materials for Embankments and Subgrades ..................................... M 57-1 M 57-80 (2000) Classification of Soils and Soil-AggregateMixtures M 145-91 (2000) for Highway Construction Purposes ................................................ M 145-1 .... M 146-1 Terms Relating to Subgrade. SoiLAggregate. and Fill Materials M 146-91 (2000) Materials for Aggregate and Soil-Aggregate Subbase. Base. M 147-65 (2000) M 147-1 and Surface Courses ......................................................................... Granular Material to Control Pumping Under M 155-87 (2000) Concrete Pavement ........................................................................... M 155-1 Lime for Soil Stabilization ............................................................... M 2 16-1 M 216-02 M 288-1 Geotextile Specification for Highway Applications ......................... M 288-00 Glass Cullet Use for Soil-Aggregate Base Course ...........'................M 318-1 M 3 18-02 Reclaimed Concrete Aggregate for Unbound Soil-Aggregate M 319-02 M 319-1 Base Course ...................................................................................... Conducting Geotechnical Subsurface Investigations ....................... R13-1 R 13-03 R 21-96 (2000) R 22-97 (2001) R 27-01

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1B 1B 1B 1B

Drilling for Subsurface Investigations-Unexpectedly R 2 1-1 Encountering Suspected Hazardous Material ................................... Decommissioning Geotechnical Exploratory Boreholes .................. R 22- 1

1B 1B

Assessment of Corrosion of Steel Piling for Non-Marine Applications .....................................................................................

R 27-1


M 92-1 M 152-1


M 201-1 M 231-1

1A 1A

M 261-1


M 286-1


R 19-1


R 32-1


R 33-1


TESTING EQUIPMENT Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes .......................................... M 92-03 M 152M.N 152-03 Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement ........................... Moist Cabinets. Moist Rooms. and Water Storage Tanks Used M 201-00 in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes ........................ Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials ........................ M 23 1-95 (2002) Standard Tire for Pavement Frictional-Property Tests ..................... M 261-96 (2000) Smooth-Tread Standard Tire for Special-PurposePavement M 286-96 (2000) Frictional-Property Tests .................................................................. Operational Guidelines on Test Pits for Evaluating R 19-94 (1999) Pavement Performance ..................................................................... Calibrating the Load Cell and Deflection Sensors for a Falling R 32-03 Weight Deflectometer ...................................................................... Calibrating the Reference Load Cell Used for Reference R 33-03 Calibrations for Falling Weight Deflectometer ................................

TIMBER AND PRESERVATIVES Preservatives and Pressure Treatment Processes for Timber ........... M 133-1 M 133-03 Wood Products ................................................................................. M 168-1 M 168-96 (1999)


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1A .1A

DELETED SPECIFICATIONS --``,,`,,````,``,`,,,``,```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

The following specifications have been deleted from the 23d Edition: M 191-93 (1998)

Distillation Equipment

R 7-81 (2000)

Monitoring Air Quality

xix Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Number M 6-03 M 17-95 (1999)

Title Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete .............................. Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures .............................

Page M 6-1 M 17-1

M 20-70 (2000) M 29-03

Penetration-Graded Asphalt Cement .............................................. Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ...........................

M 20-1 M 29-1

Volume 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 30-02

Zinc-Coated Steel Wire Rope and Fittings for Highway Guardrail ......................................................................... Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................................

M 30-1


M 31W M 31-1 M 32W M 32-1


M 3 1 W 31-03



M 3 2 W 32-03

Steel Wire. Plain. for Concrete Reinforcement

M 33-99

M 43-88 (2003)

Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) .............................................................................................. M 33-1 Corrugated Steel Pipe. Metallic.Coated. for Sewers and Drains .... M 36-1 Discontinued-Rail-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for M 42W Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................. M 42-1 Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction .................. M 43-1

M 45-99 (2003)

Aggregate for Masonry Mortar

M 53W M 53-95 (1999)

Discontinued-Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement .................................................................

M 54W M 54-02

Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................................

M 55MM 55-03

Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement. Plain. for Concrete .................

M 57-80 (2000) M 69-70 (2000) M 80-87 (2003) M 81-92 (2000)

Materials for Embankments and Subgrades ...................................

M 36-03 M 42W M 42-95 (1999)

M 82-75 (2000) M 85-03 M 86-98 (2002) M 86M-98 (2002) M 91-95 (2000)


............................................................................. Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete .......................... Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing Type) .......................................... Cutback Asphalt (Medium-Curing Type) ...................................... Portland Cement ............................................................................. Aluminum Paint

Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe ............................

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


1A 1A 1A 1A

M 45-1


M 53W M 53-1


M 54W M 54-1 M 55W M 55-1 M 57- 1


M 69-1 M 80-1 M 81-1

1A 1A 1A

M 82-1


M 85-1 M 86-1

1A 1A

Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe [Metric] .............. M 86M-1 Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or Shale)


.................. M 91-1

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1A 1A

1A 1A

Number M 92-03 M 102W M 102-98 (2002) M 103Mí M 103-97 (2001) M 105-96 (2000) M 107-97 (2001) M 108-98 (2002) M 111W M 111-03 M 114-03 M 120-01 M 133-03 M 138Mí M 138-02 M 140-03 M 143-03 M 144-86 (2000) M 145-91 (2000) --``,,`,,````,``,`,,,``,```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

M 146-91 (2000) M 147-65 (2000) M 148-01 M 152M/M 152-03 M 153-98 (2002) M 154-00

Title Page Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes ........................................ M 92-1 Steel Forgings. Carbon and Alloy. for General Industrial Use ....... M 102Mí M 102-1 M 103W Steel Castings. Carbon. for General Application ........................... M 103-1 M 105-1 Gray iron Castings ......................................................................... Bronze Castings for Bridges and Turntables .................................. M 107-1 M 108-1 Wrought Copper-Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and Other Structural Use ............................. Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ................................................................................. M 111M/ M 111-1 Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made from M 114-1 Clay or Shale) ................................................................................. M 20-1 Zinc ................................................................................................ Preservatives and Pressure Treatment Processes for Timber ......... M 133-1 Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar


......................................................................... Sodium Chloride ............................................................................ Calcium Chloride ...........................................................................

Emulsified Asphalt

1A 1A


1A 1A 1A

M 143-1 M 144-1

1A 1A


1A 1A 1A 1A

Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement .........................

M 152-1


Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction ........................... Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete ........................................

M 153-1 M 154-1

1A 1A

M 155-1


M 156-1 M 157-1

1A 1A

M 160W M 160-1


M 163W M 163-1 M 164-1


M 164M-1


M 160W M 160-03

General Requirements for Steel, Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural Use ............................................................

M 163Mí M 163-00

Castings, iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel. Corrosion Resistant, for General Application .................................................

M 164-03

.............................. High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints [Metric] ................

M 164M-01



Materials for Aggregate and Soil-AggregateSubbase, Base, and Surface Courses ....................................................................... M 147-1 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete ....... M 148-1

M 157-97 (2001)

M 156-97 (2001)


M 138W M 138-1 M 140-1

Classification of Soils and Soil-AggregateMixtures for Highway Construction Purposes ............................................... M 145-1 Terms Relating to Subgrade, Soil-Aggregate,and Fill Materials ... M 146-1

Granular Material to Control Pumping Under Concrete Pavement ........................................................................................ Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures .......................................................... Ready-Mixed Concrete ..................................................................

M 155-87 (2000)

Volume 1A 1A

High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Number M 167-03 M 168-96 (1999) M 169-02 M 170-02 M 17OM-O1 M 171-00 M 173-01 M 175-97 (2001) M 175M-97 (2001) M 176-98 (2002) M 176M-98 (2002) M 178-95 (1999) M 178M-95 (1999) M 180-00 M 181-98 (2002) M 182-91 (2000) M 190-95 (2000) M 194-00 M 195-00 M 196-92 (2000) M 197-01 M 198-03 M 199-99 M 199M-99 M 200-73 (2000) M 201-00 M 202W M 202-02 M 203W M 203-01 M 204W M 204-01 M 205-97 (2001) M 206-02 M 206M-O1

Title Page Corrugated Steel Structural Plate. Zinc.Coated. M 167-1 for Field-Bolted Pipe. Pipe.Arches. and Arches ............................ Wood Products ............................................................................... M 168-1 Steel Bars. Carbon. Cold.Finished. Standard Quality .................... M 169-1 Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ......... M 170-1

Volume 1A 1A 1A 1A

Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .......................................................................................... Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete .............................................. Concrete Joint-Sealer. Hot-Poured Elastic Type ............................

M 17OM-1 M 171-1 M 173-1

1A 1A 1A

Perforated Concrete Pipe ................................................................ Perforated Concrete Pipe [Metric] .................................................

M 175-1 M 175M-1

1A 1A

..................................................................... Porous Concrete Pipe [Metric] ....................................................... Concrete Drain Tile ........................................................................ Concrete Drain Tile [Metric] .......................................................... Corrugated Sheet Steel Beams for Highway Guardrail .................. Chain-Link Fence ........................................................................... Burlap Cloth Made from Jute or Kenaf ..........................................

M 176-1


M 176M-1 M 178-1


Porous Concrete Pipe

M 178M-1 M 180-1 M 181-1 M 182-1

Bituminous-Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe-Arches ............................................................................. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ................................................

M 190-1 M 194-1

Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete ............................

M 195-1

....................... Aluminum Alloy Sheet for Corrugated Aluminum Pipe ................

M 196-1 M 197-1

Corrugated Aluminum Pipe for Sewers and Drains

Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections M 198-1 Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants ....................................... M 199-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ............................. Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections [Metric] .............. M 199M-1 Epoxy Protective Coatings ............................................................. M 200-1 Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms. and Water Storage Tanks Used in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes ...................... Steel Sheet Piling ............................................................................

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

M 201-1 M 202W M 202-1

1A 1A

M 203MJ M 203-1 Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete ..... M 204W M 204-1 Molds for Forming Concrete Test Cylinders Vertically ................. M 205-1


Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Concrete Reinforcement .................................................................

Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe ...................................................................................... Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe [Metric] .................................................................


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

1A 1A

M 206-1


M 206M-1


xxiii Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

Number M 207-02 M 207M-01 M 208-01 M 2 10-03 M 213-01

M 216-02 M 218-03 M 219-92 (2000) M 220-84 (1999) M 221W M 22 1-03 M 224-91 (2000) M 225M/ M 225-03 M 226-80 (2000) M 227W M 227-97 (2001) M 229-91 (2000)

M 230-98 (2002) M 231-95 (2002) M 232W M 232-03 M 233-86 (2000) M 235MIM 235-03 M 237-96 (2000) M 240-03 M 241-97 (2001)

M 242-03 M 242M-03 M 243-96 (2000) M 245-00

Title Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert. Storm Drain. and Sewer Pipe ................................................................................................. Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................. Cationic Emulsified Asphalt .......................................................... Use of Apparatus for the Determination of Length Change of Hardened Cement Paste, Mortar, and Concrete ......................... Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ......................................................................... Lime for Soil Stabilization .............................................................. Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized), for Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................................................................ Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Field-Bolted Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches ....................................................... Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements ....................................................................... Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete .........



M 207-1


M 207M-1 M 208- 1

1A 1A

M 2 10-1


M 213-1 M 216-1

1A 1A

M 218-1


M 219-1


M 220- 1 M 221W M 221-1 Use of Protective Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete ............... M 224-1 M 225Ml Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement ...................... M 225-1 M 226-1 Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cement ................................................. Steel Bars. Carbon. Merchant Quality. Mechanical Properties

...... M 227W

1A 1A 1A 1A 1A


M 227-1 Discontinued-Basic Lead Silico-Chromate, ReadyMixed Primer ................................................................................. Extruded Foam Board (Polystyrene) .............................................. Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials ...................... Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware .....................

M 229-1


M 230-1 M 231-1 M 232W M 232-1

1A 1A

Boiled Linseed Oil Mixture for Treatment of Portland Cement Concrete .........................................................................................M 233- 1 Epoxy Resin Adhesives .................................................................. M 235-1 Epoxy Resin Adhesives for Bonding Trafic Markers to Hardened Portland Cement and Asphalt Concrete ......................... M 237-1 Blended Hydraulic Cement ............................................................ M 240-1 Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Continuous Mixing ....................................................... :................. M 241-1 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe ...................................................................................... M 242- 1 Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric] ................................................................. M 242M-1 Field-Applied Coating of Corrugated Metal Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches ....................................................... M 243-1 Corrugated Steel Pipe, Polymer-Precoated, for M 245-1 Sewers and Drains ..........................................................................


xxiv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

Number M 246-00 M 247-02 M 248-91 (2000) M 249-98 M 251-97 (2001) M 252-02 M 253-03

Title Steel Sheet. Metallic-Coated and Polymer.Precoated. for Corrugated Steel Pipe ............................................................... Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paints ................................................ Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints .............................



M 246-1 M 247-1 M 248-1

1A 1A 1A

White and Yellow Reflective Thermoplastic Striping Material (Solid Form) .................................................................... Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bridge Bearings ........................ Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe ........................................

M 249-1 M 251-1 M 252-1

1A 1B

M 253-1


M 253M-1 M 254-1

1B 1B

M 255W M 255-1



M 254-77 (2000)

Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 1.50 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength ............................................................................. High-Strength Steel Bolts. Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel Joints [Metric] ................................................. Corrosion-Resistant Coated Dowel Bars ........................................

M 255W M 255-97 (2001)

Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties ....................................................................

M 259-98 (2002)

Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers .............................................................. M 259-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, M 259M-1 Storm Drains, and Sewers [Metric] ................................................ Standard Tire for Pavement Frictional-Property Tests ...................M 261-1 M 262-1 Concrete Pipe and Related Products ..............................................


Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene(ABS) and Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Composite Sewer Piping ..................................... Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control ..................................

M 264-1 M 268-1

1B 1B

Turnbuckles and Shackles ..............................................................

M 269-1


M 270W M 270-1 M 271-1


M 253M-96 (2001)

M 259M-00 M 261-96 (2000) M 262-00 M 264-03 M 268-03 M 269-96 (2000) M 270W M 270-03

M 271-02 M 273-00

M 273M-O0

M 274-87 (2000) M 275W M 275-00 M 277-81 (2000)

M 278-02 M 279-03 M 280-03

Carbon and High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Shapes, Plates, and Bars and Quenched-and-Tempered Alloy Structural Steel Plates for Bridges ..................................................................

The Evaluation of Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces ............................ Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than Two Feet of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings ..................................................... M 273-1 Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers with Less Than 0.6 m of Cover Subjected to Highway Loadings [Metric] ...................................... M 273M-1 Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated (Type 2), for Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................................................................ M 274-1 Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for Prestressing Concrete ........ M 275W M 275-1 M 277-1 Wire Rope and Sockets for Movable Bridges ................................ Class PS46 Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Pipe ............................... M 278-1

.......................... Metallic-Coated (Carbon) Steel Barbed Wire ................................ Metallic-Coated Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric

xxv Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

1B 1B 1B



1B 1B 1B 1B

M 279-1

1B 1B

M 280-1



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Number M 28 1-96 (2000) M 282-99

Title Steel Fence Posts and Assemblies. Hot-Wrought


M 284W M 284-03

Joint Sealants. Hot.Poured. Elastomeric.Type. for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements .......................................................... Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Materials and Coating Requirements ....................................................................

M 285Ml M 285-03

Castings. Iron.Chromium.Nicke1. Corrosion Resistant. for Severe Service ................................................................................

M 286-96 (2000)

Smooth-Tread Standard Tire for Special-PurposePavement Frictional-Property Tests ................................................................ Geotextile Specification for Highway Applications .......................

M 288-00



M 281-1


M 282-1


M 284W M 284-1


M 285W M 285-1


M 286-1 M 288-1

1B 1B

M 289-1


M 290-1 M 291-1 M 291M-1

1B 1B

M 292W M 292-1 M 293-1


M 291M-03

Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Sheet Steel for Corrugated Steel Pipe ........................................................................................ Acrylic Prismatic Reflectors and Embossed Aluminum Frames for Signs ............................................................................ Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts .......................................................... Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Metric] ...........................................

M 292W M 292-03

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure or High-Temperature Service, or Both ...............................................

M 293-93 (2001)

Hardened Steel Washers .................................................................

M 293M-97 (2001) M 294-03

Hardened Steel Washers [Metric] .................................................. M 293M-1 Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe. 300- to 1200-mm Diameter .......... M 294-1

1B 1B

M 295-00

Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan M 295-1 for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete .................................. Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Bridges ... M 297-1

1B 1B

M 289-91 (2000) M 290-96 (2000) M 291-01

M 297-98 (2002)

......... M 298-1 M 299-1 Coatings of Cadmium Mechanically Deposited ............................. M 300-1 Inorganic Zinc-Rich Primer ........................................................... Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel

M 298-01 M 299-01 M 300-03 M 301-01 M 302-00 M 303-89 (2002)

M 305-02 M 306-89 (2000) M 307-03 M 3 14-90 (2000)


1B 1B 1B

M 301-1


'M 302-1 M 303-1

1B 1B

Poly(Viny1 Chloride) (PVC) Profile Wall Drain Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter ............................... M 304-1 Discontinued-Aluminum-Coated Steel Barbed Wire .................. M 305-1

M 304-03

M 315-03

Joint Sealants. Hot-Poured. for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements ......................................................................... Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars ..................................................................... Lime for Asphalt Mixtures .............................................................


Drainage Structure Castings ...........................................................

M 306-1

1B 1B 1B

Use of Silica Fume as a Mineral Admixture in HydraulicCement Concrete, Mortar, and Grout ............................................. Steel Anchor Bolts .........................................................................

M 307-1 M 314-1

1B 1B

Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets ....................................................................




Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

xxvi Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

M 3 16-99 M 317Mí M 317-03

Title Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe. Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric] ...................................................... Polymer-Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt ............................ Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars: Handling Requirements for Fabrication and Job Site ...........................................................


M 3 18-02

Glass Cullet Use for Soil-AggregateBase Course

M 319-02

Reclaimed Concrete Aggregate for Unbound Soil-Aggregate Base Course .................................................................................... Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder .............................................

M 320-03 M 321-03 M 322M/M 322-03

High-ReactivityPozzolans for Use in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. Mortar. and Grout .......................................................... Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement .................................................................



M 315M-1 M 3 16-1

1B 1B

M 317W M 317-1 M 318-1


M 319-1 M 320- 1

1B 1B

M 321-1

1B 1B 1B


R 1-00

Use of the International System of Units

M 322W M 322-1 R 1-1

R 4-97 (2000)

Statistical Procedures

R 4-1


R 5-03

Selection and Use of Emulsified Asphalts

..................................... R 5-1 Evaluation of Transportation-RelatedEarthborne Vibrations ........ R 8-1


Acceptance Sampling Plans for Highway Construction .................R 9-1

1B 1B

R 8-96 (2000) R 9-97 (2000) R 10-98 (2002) R 11-82 (2002)

....................................... .....................................................................

Definition of Terms for Specifications and Procedures

................. R 10-1


R 13-03

Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values ....................................... Bituminous Mixture Design Using the Marshall and Hveem Procedures ......................................................................... Conducting Geotechnical Subsurface Investigations .....................

R 14-88 (2002)

Classifying Hot-Mix Recycling Agents

R 14-1


R 15-00 R 16-02 R 18-01

Asphalt Additives and Modifiers

R 15-1


... R 16-1


R 18-1


R 19-1


R 12-85 (2002)

R 19-94 (1999)

......................................... ...................................................

Regulatory Information for Chemicals Used in AASHTO Tests Establishing and Implementing a Quality System for Construction Materials Testing Laboratories ................................. Operational Guidelines on Test Pits for Evaluating Pavement Performance ...................................................................

R 11-1


R 12-1 R 13-1

1B 1B

R 20-99

Procedures for Measuring Highway Noise .....................................

R 20-1


R 21-96 (2000)

Drilling for Subsurface Investigations-Unexpectedly Encountering Suspected Hazardous Material ................................. Decommissioning Geotechnical Exploratory Boreholes ................ Chemical. Biological. and Physical Analysis of Water .................. Collection and Preservation of Water Samples .............................. Technician Training and Qualification Programs ..........................

R 21-1 R 22- 1 R 23-1 R 24-1 R 25-1

1B 1B 1B 1B

R 22-97 (2001) R 23-99 R 24-99 R 25-00 R 26-01

R 27-01

Certifying Suppliers of Performance-Graded Asphalt Binders Assessment of Corrosion of Steel Piling for Non-Marine Applications ...................................................................................

...... R 26-1

1B 1B

R 27-1


xxvii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Number M 315M-03

Number R 28-02

R 29-02 R 30-02 R 31-03

R 32-03 R 33-03

R 34-03

Title Page Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV) ....................................................................... R 28-1 Grading or Verifying the Performance Grade of an Asphalt Binder ............................................................................... R 29-1 Mixture Conditioning of Hot-Mix Asphalt .................................... R 30-1 Evaluation of Coating Systems with Zinc-Rich Primers ................ R 31-1 Calibrating the Load Cell and Deflection Sensors for a Falling Weight Deflectometer .................................................................... Calibrating the Reference Load Cell Used for Reference Calibrations for Falling Weight Deflectometer .............................. Evaluating Deicing Chemicals .......................................................


R 33-1 R 34-1

1B 1B

Distillation Equipment Monitoring Air Qulaity


1B 1B


The following specifications have been deleted from the 23" Edition:

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


R 32-1


M 191-93 (1998) R 7-81 (2000)



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A s an aid to the user of this volume, the following tabulation shows equivalencies between AASHTO and ASTM specifications. Where an asterisk (*)follows the ASTM number, there is a difference between the two specifications. These differencesare explained in the endnote accompanying each individual specification.

AASHTO Specìfkzîions

ASTM Equivalent

AASHTO Specifications

ASTM Equivalent

M 17-95 (1999) M 29-03

D 242-95*

M 164-03 M 164M-O1

A 325-02* A 325M-00*

M 167-03

A 761lA 761M-02

M 169-02 M 170-02

A 108-99

M 17OM-O1

M 144-86 (2000)

D 1073-01 A 741-98* A 615lA 615M-O1b* A 82-01 D 994-98 A 76OlA 760M-Ola D 448-86 (1993) C 144-97* A 184lA 184M-O1 A 185-01 C 150-02* C 14-99* C 14M-99* C 32-93 (1999)" E 11-01 A 660lA 668M-96 A 27lA 27M-95 B 22-95* B 1ûû-97* A 123lA 123M-Ola C 62-01 B 6-00* B152/B 152M-00* D 977-98* D 632-01* D 98-93*

M 178-95 (1999) M 178M-95 (1999) M 194-00 M 195-00 M 196-92 (2000) M 197-01 M 198-03 M 199-99 M 199M-99 M 201-00 M 202M/M 202-02 M 203M/M 203-01 M 204M/M 204-01 M 205-97 M 206-02

C 76M-00* C 171-97a* D 1190-97* c 444-95 C 444M-95 C 654-99* C 654M-99* C 412-99* C 412M-99* C 494-98* C 330-98 B 745/B 745M-95 B 744/B 744M-99* C 990-01a* c 478-97* C 478M-97* C 511-98 A 328lA 328M-00 A 416lA 416M-99 A 421lA 421M-98a* c 470-94* C 506-00*

M 148-01

c 309-97*

M 206M-01

C 506M-00*

M 152M/M 152-03

C 230-98"2*

M 207-02

C 507-00*

M 153-98 (2002)

D 1752-84 (1996)*

M 207M-01

C 507M-00*

M 154-00

C 260-97*

M 208-01

D 2397-98

M 156-97 (2001)

D 995-95b*

M 210-03

C 490-00a*

M 160M/M 160-03

A 6/A 6M-O1b*

M 213-01

D 1751-99

M 1 6 3 W 163-00

A 743lA 743M-98a

M 216-02

c 977-00

M 30-02 M 31M/M 31-03 M 32M/M 32-03 M 33-99 M 36-03 M 43-88 (2003) M 45-99 (2003) M 54M/M 54-02 M 55M/M 55-03 M 85-03 M 86-98 (2002) M 86M-98 (2002) M 91-95 (2000) M 92-03 M 102M/M 102-98 (2002) M 103M/M 103-97 (2001) M 107-97 (2001) M 108-98 (2002) M 111M/M 111-03 M 114-03 M 120-01 M 138M/M 138-02 M 140-03 M 143-03

M 171-00 M 173-01 M 175-97 (2001) M 175M-97 (2001) M 176-98 (2002) M 176M-98 (2002)

C 76-00*


Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

ASTM Equivalent

AASHTO SpeciJicatians

ASTM Equivalent

M 219-92 (2000)

B 746B 746M-92

M 280-03

A 121-99

M 220-84 (1999)

D 2628-91 (1998)

M 281-96 (2000)

A 702-89 (1994)"

M 221M/M 221-03

A 497-01

M 282-99

D 3406-95 (2000)

M 225M/M 225-03

A 496-01

M 284M 284M-03

A 7751A 775M-01

M 227M/M 227-97 (2001)

A 663lA 663M-89 (2000)

M 285M/M 285-03

A 7441A 744M-00

M 232M/M 232-03

A 1531A 153M-Ola

M 286-96 (2000)

E 524-88 (2000)*

M 235M/M 235-03

c 881-99*

M 291-01

A 563-00*

M 240-03

C 595-02

M 29 1M-03

A 563M-01*

M 241-97 (2001)

C 685-95a*

M 292M/M 292-03

A 1941A 194M-Ola

M 242-03

C 655-00*

M 293-93 (2001)

F 436-93 (2000)*

M 242M-O3

C 655M-00*

M 293M-97 (2001)

F 436M-93 (2000)*

M 245-00

A 762lA 762M-98

M 295-00

C 618-98*

M 246-00

A 7421A 742M-98

M 297-98 (2002)

D 3542-92 (1998)"

M 253-03

A 490-02*

M 298-01

B 695-00*

M 253M-96 (2001)

A 49OM-00"

M 299-01

B 696-00

M 255M/M 255-97 (2001)

A 6751A 675M-90a (2000)

M 301-01

D 3405-97

M 259-98 (2002)

C 789-95a"

M 302-00

C 989-97b

M 259M-00

C 789M-98*

M 307-03

c 1240-01

M 261-96 (2000)

E 501-94 (2000)*

M 315-03

C 443-01

M 262-00

C 822-98"

M 3 15M-00

C 443M-01

M 264-03

D 2680-01*

M 317M/M 317-03

D 3963/D 3963M-01

M 268-03

D 4956-Ola

M 322MIM 322-03

A 9961A 996M-O1

M 270M/M 270-03

A 7091A 709M-01be3*

R 1-00

IEEE/ASTM SI 10-1997*

M 273-00

C 850-95a*

R 5-03

D 3628-01*

M 273M-00

C 850M-98*

R 11-82 (2002)

E 29-93a (1999)

M 275M/M 275-00

A 722/A 722M-98

R 13-03

D 420-98*

M 279-03

A 116-00

R 14-88 (2002)

D 4552-92 (1999)*

xxx Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


AASHTO Speci@ations

AASHTO Equivalent

ASTM Specifications

AASHTO Equivalent

A 61A 6M-O1b*

M 160MlM 160-03

A 76UA 762M-98

M 245-00

A 271A 27M-95

M 103MlM 103-97 (2001)

A 7751A 775M-01

M 284MlM 284-03

A 82-01

M 32MlM 32-03

A 9961A 996M-01

M 322MIM 322-03

A 108-99

M 169-02

B 6-00*

M 120-01

A 116-00

M 279-03

B 22-95*

M 107-97 (2001)

A 121-99

M 280-03

B 100-97*

M 108-98 (2002)

A 1231A 123M-Ola

M 111MlM 111-03

B 152lB 152M-00*

M 138MlM 138-02

A 1531A 153M-Ola

M 232MlM 232-03

B 695-00*

M 298-01

A 184lA 184M-O1

M 54MlM 54-02

B 696-00

M 299-01

A 185-01

M 55MlM 55-03

B 744lB 744M-99*

M 197-01

A 1941A 194M-Ola

M 292MlM 292-03

B 745lB 745M-95

M 196-92 (2000)

A 325-02

M 164-03

B 746lB 746M-92

M 219-92 (2000)

A 325M-00*

M 164M-O1

C 14-99*

M 86-98 (2002)

A 3281A 328M-00

M 202M/M 202-02

C 14M-99*

M 86M-98 (2002)

A 4161A 416M-99

M 203MIM 203-01

C 32-93 (1999)*

M 91-95 (2000)

A 4211A 421M-98a*

M 204MIM 204-01

C 62-01

M 114-03

A 490-02*

M 253-03

C 76-OO*

M 170-02

A 490M-00*

M 253M-96 (2001)

C 76M-00*

M 17OM-O1

A 496-01

M 225MlM 225-03

C 144-97*

M 45-99 (2003)

A 497-01

M 221MlM 221-03

C 150-02*

M 85-03

A 563-00*

M 291-01

C 171-97a*

M 171-00

A 563M-01*

M 29 1M-03

C 230-98"2*

M 152MlM 152-03

A 6151A 615M-O1b*

M 31MlM 31-03

C 260-97*

M 154-00

A 6631A 663M-89 (2000)

M 227MlM 227-97 (2001)

c 309-97*

M 148-01

A 6681A 668M-96

M 102M/M 102-98 (2002)

C 330-98

M 195-00

A 6751A 675M-90a (2000)

M 255MlM 255-97 (2001)

C 412-99*

M 178-95 (1999)

A 702-89 (1994)"

M 281-96 (2000)

C 412M-99*

M 178M-95 (1999)

A 709lA 709M-01bc3*

M 270MJM 270-03

C 443-01

M 315-03

A 72UA 722M-98

M 275MlM 275-00

C 443M-01

M 315M-03

A 741-98*

M 30-02

c 444-95*

M 175-97 (2001)

A 74UA 742M-98

M 246-00

C 444M-95

M 175M-97 (2001)

A 7431A 743M-98a

M 163M/M 163-00

C 470-94*

M 205-97 (2001)

A 7441A 744M-00

M 285MlM 285-03

C 478-97*

M 199-99

A 7601A 760M-Ola

M 36-03

C 478M-97*

M 199M-99

A 7611A 761M-02

M 167-03

C 490-00a*

M 210-03

xxxi Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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ASTM Specifiations


ASTM Specifications

AASHTO Equivalent

ASTM Spec@caíbns

AASHTO Equivalent

C 494-98*

M 194-00

D 448-86 (1993)

M 43-88 (2003)

c 506-00*

M 206-02

D 632-01*

M 143-03

C 506M-00*

M 206M-O1

D 977-98*

M 140-03

C 507-00*

M 207-02

D 994-98

M 33-99

C 507M-00*

M 207M-01

D 995-95b*

M 156-97 (2001)

C 511-98

M 201-00

D 1073-01

M 29-03

C 595-02*

M 240-03

D 1190-97*

M 173-01

C 618-98*

M 295-00

D 1751-99

M 213-01

C 654-99*

M 176-98 (2002)

D 1752-84 (1996)*

M 153-98 (2002)

C 654M-99*

M 176M-98 (2002)

D 2397-98

M 208-01

C 655-00*

M 242-03

D 2628-91 (1998)

M 220-84 (1999)

C 655M-00*

M 242M-O3

D 2680-01*

M 264-03

C 685-95a*

M 241-97 (2001)

D 3405-97

M 301-01

C 789-95a*

M 259-98 (2002)

D 3406-95 (2000)

M 282-99

C 789M-98*

M 259M-00

D 3542-92 (1998)*

M 297-98 (2002)

C 822-98*

M 262-00

D 3628-01*

R 5-03

C 850-95a*

M 273-00

D 3963/D 3963M-01

M 3 1 7 W 317-03

C 850M-98*

M 273M-00

D 4552-92 (1999)*

R 14-88 (2002)

C 881-99*

M 2 3 5 W 235-03

D 4956-Ola

M 268-03

c 977-00

M 216-02

E 11-01

M 92-03

C 989-97b

M 302-00

R 11-82 (2002)

C 990-01a*

M 198-03

E 29-93a (1999) E 501-94 (2000)*

M 261-96 (2000)

c 1240-01

M 307-03

E 524-88 (2000)*

M 286-96 (2000)

D 98-93*

M 144-86 (2000)

F 436-93 (2000)*

M 293-93 (2001)

D 242-95*

M 17-95 (1999)

F 436M-93 (2000)*

M 293M-97 (2001)

D 420-98*

R 13-03


R 1-00

xxxii Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO

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Standard Specification for

Plain and Laminated Elastomeric Bridge Bearings




This specification covers the material requirements for plain and laminated elastomeric bridge bearings. Elastomeric bearings furnished under this specification shall adequately provide for thermal expansion and contraction, rotation, camber changes, and creep and shrinkage, where applicable, of structural members. Elastomeric bearings as herein defined shall include plain pads (consisting of elastomer only) and laminated bearings with steel or fabric laminates.




AASHTO Standards: W R 11, Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values W T 67, Standard Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines W Standard Specijìcationsfor Highway Bridges


ANSI Standards: W ANSI B46.1, Surfaces and Surfacing


ASTM Standards: W A 36lA 36M, Specification for Carbon Structural Steel W A 570M, Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality rn D 395, Rubber Property-Compression Set W D 412, Rubber Properties in Tension D 429, Rubber Property-Adhesion to Rigid Substrates W D 573, Rubber-Deterioration in Air Oven W D 1043, Stiffness Properties of Plastics as a Function of Temperature-Torsion Test W D 1149, Rubber Deterioration-Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber (Flat Specimens) W D 2137, Rubber Property-Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics, Test for W D 2240, Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness W D 4014, Specification for Plain and Steel-Laminated Elastomeric Bearings for Bridges

TS-4e Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO


M 251-1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=China Engineering Consultants/5923555101, 05/17/2004 23:14:07 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


AASHTO Designation: M 251-97 (2001)

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