Aafricap's Capoeira Manual - Movements

December 2, 2018 | Author: Ryan Sutherland | Category: Foot, Anatomical Terms Of Motion, Musculoskeletal System, Limbs (Anatomy), Human Anatomy
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Capoeira moves...


AAFRIC AAFR ICAP AP's 's Capoeira Manual

Below follows a description of some of the strikes and movements included in the Technical Regulations Of Capoeira (1973!

Basic movements / Movimentos Basicos Ginga (Peneirar ou pentear) Ginga (comb)

Rolé (Roll) s!uiva ("e#ence)

"t is the constant change of #ase! Characteristic of  Capoeira that consists of the constant movement of arms and legs e$ecuted #% the capoeirista& in movements of coming and going& advances and retreats& eluding the adversar% and alwa%s looking for the #est opportunit% to launch strikes and counter strikes 'a% #e done standing or on the floor  'a% #e done with hands on the floor or not& to the side or to the #ack!

$e#ences / s!uivas A% (cart&eel)

Cocorina (n our aunces)

*egativa (*egative)

This is a characteristic movement of Capoeira in that the practitioner takes #oth his hands to the floor throwing #oth legs immediatel% in an upward direction& generall% straightened& and falling on #oth #oth feet standing up! "t is alwa%s done done to the side& #eing that there are alwa%s possi#ilit% for variations& such as one or #oth legs #eing #ent to increase defence of the #od% (thora$! The leg that gives the impulse (push is the leg that is closest to the side where the movement is to #e done! The first leg to touch the the floor is&  ustifia#l%& the first one to leave the floor! "t is  #ent a little to #etter take the weight of the #od% when touching the the floor! "t can also #e an offensive strike! "t is a defence of Capoeira where the practitioner ducks& facing the adversar%& with the arms  protecting the face& and not #eing allowed to touch the floor with the hands! The supporting of the #od% is achieved with the #od% #eing centred over the two feet& these #eing allowed to #e flat) footed or on the tips of the feet! "t is a defence where the Capoeira practitioner ducks and holds his #od% up with one #ent leg and one straight leg! The hand on on the floor will #e #e the same hand as the outstretched outstretched leg! "ts

+ue"a "e !uatro (Fall o# #our)

+ue"a "e rim (#all o# ,i"ne)

Resist-ncia (Resistance)

characteristic is almost e$clusivel% of defence although if the hands are on the side of the #ent leg it opens up possi#ilit% for appl%ing a rasteira! This can also #e done with one hand on the floor on the side of the outstretched leg with the other arm protecting the face*head! "t is a defence where the practitioner of Capoeira ducks throwing his #od% #ackwards and holding himself up with his hands& therefore characterised  #% the four points of support (hands (hands and feet! "f the Capoeirista moves around the floor in this  position& it is known as arana (spider "t is a defence in the form of a roll& where the  practitioner of Capoeira goes to the floor and rolls over the top of the head on the floor supporting himself with one of his el#ows placed on the kidne%! kidne%! +t the end of the the movement& the  practitioner will normall% #e in the position of a negativa  or resist-ncia ! "t can also #e an offensive movement! This is a defence where the Capoeira practitioner ducks and sta%s in a position with three supports (#oth feet and one hand! The hand*arm closest to the attack will defend the face*head! Both legs should #e #ent and the hand that goes to the floor can #e #ehind the #od%& to the right or left lef t of the  #od%!  #od%! The #od% can #e #ent #ack #ack or up straight! ,hat characterises the techni-ue are the three  points of support with #oth legs legs #ent!

.nbalancing stri,es / Golpes "esi!uilibrantes This is an% movement or strike where the practitioner of Capoeira successfull% makes the adversar% lose his #alance or in the least interrupts it!

*egativa Arrasto (0&eeping negativa)

Ban"a Ban"a 1oga"a

Ban"a tran2a"a

"t is an un#alancing strike! ,hen in the

negativa and the outstretched leg is #ehind the supporting leg of the adversar%& the leg is pulled in towards the practitioner& looking to un#alance him or make him fall! "t is a rasteira  (sweep with with semi)fle$ed leg! "t is applied while standing up! "t is a Capoeira techni-ue in which the  practitioner gets close to the adversar%& applies applies a knee strike to the thigh and then proceeds with the ban"a! "t is a strike applied while standing up! The  practitioner.s foot is placed #ehind the foot of the standing leg of the adversar%& while the knee of

the practitioner is placed on the front of the standing leg of the adversar%! adversar%! ,e ,eight ight is then  placed on the knee& so that the adversar% is pushed  #ack and at the same time& the weight of the #od% is thrown #ackward causing the adversar% to fall  #ack! The capoeirista in the #ase& one leg at the front B-n2o (Blessing) and the other at the #ack& looking to hit the adversar% with the #ack leg& either with the heel or tip of the foot (ensuring the digits are pointing up! "t can also #e an offensive offensive strike! This is a linear strike! + rasteira "e #rente  (forward sweep is applied Culipa on the adversar%& as if to un#alance him or make him fall! "f the rasteira is given given with the left leg&  #efore completing the turn& a tele#one  or galopante  should #e applied with the left hand "t is an un#alancing movement of Capoeira in Cru3 or cruci#i4o (Cross or cruci#i4) which the practitioner& on the receiving end of a high kick& enters the adversar%.s space placing his arm under the elevated leg of the opponent and causes the opponent to lose his #alance #% lifting the leg even higher  "t is a capoeira techni-ue that constitutes different scala "e pé (escala o# te #oot) variations with the intention of making the adversar% lose his #alance in the following #asic format/ the practitioner falls into a !ue"a "e !uatro and puts his feet #etween the legs of his opponent! 0e then pulls his legs& or opens his his legs or does #oth at the same time! "t is applied with the leg in the form of a hook& Ganco (5oo,)  pushing his #ase leg #ack! The #ase leg is the leg with the weight on it! "t is an un#alancing strike applied #% the Paulista (name given to someone #rom 0o Paulo) / ban"a "e letra (ta,e"o&n  practitioner after the escora (#locking of a high strike (kick from the adversar%! adversar%! The practitioner o# letters) does an escora and comes in appl%ing a rapa (rasteira)  with the legs crossed in the form of a letter (a movement well well known in soccer! This rapa is applied to the standing leg of the adversar%! Block with escora  and apple rapa! Rasteira "e mo (s&eep &it te an") "t is a strike applied on the adversar% in ver% rare opportunities! "t consists of gra##ing& gra##ing& pulling or  pushing the foot of support of of the opponent while he doing an% high rotating strike! "t is accomplished with the hand! Rasteira "e meia lua presa (s&eep #rom "t is a strike where the capoeirista crouches over one leg& places the hands on the floor and meia lua presa6 i7e7 0&eep #rom a meia e$ecutes a traditional meia lua! "nstead of lua &it one an" on te #loor) kicking high& the kicking leg takes a much lower

Rasteira "eita"a (ling s&eep)

Rapa Rasteira em pé (stan"ing s&eep)

8esoura no co (scissors on te #loor)

8esoura "e a% (scissors #rom an a%)

8esoura voa"ora (#ling scissors)


traector%& close to the floor! floor! Because this strike is emplo%ed to achieve the goal of hitting the opponent.s opponent.s standing leg during a high strike& and with the intention of un#alancing them& it is therefore under the section of un#alancing techni-ues! The difference difference to the the other meia lua (compasso6 presa an" solta)  is that the kicking foot in this one has to #e close to the floor to remove the #ase of support! "t is a movement of Capoeira where the  practitioner tries to get close to the floor and applies a rapa! +ction of hooking the foot #ehind the opponent.s  #ase of support and pulling it from under under him! "t is a movement identical to rasteira "eita"a & with the difference that the practitioner sta%s standing in order to appl% the rapa& alwa%s with the vision*intention of un#alancing the adversar% The Capoeira practitioner tries to envelop the adversar%.s #od% with his legs in the form of a scissors& looking to un#alance the adversar%! The lead)up to the movement can #e done from the front& side or #ack! The capoeirista applies an a% close to the adversar%! The legs separate and envelop the adversar%.s #od% to appl% the scissors! "t is applied on the adversar% #% umping at him from the front or #ack! #ack! The legs must envelop envelop the adversar%.s #od% and then a simple twist in the  #od% will result in the un#alancing of the adversar%! "t is a techni-ue of Capoeira where the  practitioner rapidl% approaches the adversar%&  placing himself side #% side with the adversar%& adversar%& with one of the legs #ehind serving as tripping*throwing lever& and using the arm& head or shoulder& throws the adversar% to the floor! The leg that should #e #ehind the adversar% is the one that would #e side to side with him! "t can also #e an offensive strike!

##ensive stri,es / golpes o##ensivos Arma"a (Arma"a as in nav / 0panis arma"a)

Arpo (arpoon)

"t is applied standing up! "t consists of #alancing #alancing on one leg so that the other leg can e$ecute a rotational movement& sweeping in the horiontal direction! 2oint of strike will #e the lateral part of  the foot (outside of the foot "t is a strike accomplished with the knee against

the adversar%& from #ottom to top or laterall% (from the side

*egativa arrasto empurran"o (s&eeping pusing negativa)

*egativa arrasto baten"o (s&eeping itting negativa)

A% agula (nee"le a%)

A% capa "e costas

A% capa lateral

A% cibata com uma perna (a% cibata &it one leg)

A% cibata com "uas pernas (a% cibata &it bot legs) A% corta"o

A% "e rol- (a% #rom te rol-)

Capa em pé (capa stan"ing up)

Casa da Capoeira ) oelhada "n the negativa & when the foot is #ehind the adversar%.s supporting leg& a capa "e #rente is applied with the other leg& or #e it& the leg that is  #ent on the shin of the adversar%! adversar%! "t can also #e an un#alancing techni-ue! This is a traumatic strike! "n the negativa & when the outstretched leg is #ehind the #ase of support of the adversar% and the foot wraps around the adversar%.s heel& a strong hit is applied with the heel of the other leg (#ent (#ent leg! The strike is achieved in the form of a ganco& from the outside to the inside& on the lateral part of the supporting leg of the adversar%! adversar %! "t is a cartwheel where the practitioner takes #oth hands to the floor& immediatel% lifting #oth legs&  oining them in a stretched fashion! ,hile upside down& a twist is given to the #od%& landing on the floor with the tips of #oth legs& and in this  position& the capoeirista is 74 degrees from the direction he started in! Consists of the application of an a%& and straight awa%& cutting the movement (or alternativel%& %ou twist the #od%& hitting him with the heel of the foot and falling into the #ase of rol-! Consists in the application of an a%& and from this  position& a strike is applied with the sole of the foot or feet on the adversar%& completing the movement with a rol-! "t.s a strike applied in the #ase of an a%! The a% is applied and from this position a cibata is applied with one leg& in other words the adversar% is struck with the top of the foot! This movement is e$ecuted well in front of the adversar%! 5ame as a#ove #ut with #oth feet striking the adversar%! Consists of appl%ing an a% when the adversar% is on the floor! The a% is applied to one of the sides of the adversar%& and when the legs are stretched in the air& a strong twist twis t is given to the #od%& falling over the opponent with one of the legs stretched out& hitting him with the heel! This consists of appl%ing an a% to the front& and rapidl% twisting the #od% falling on the adversar% with #ent legs and hitting him with the heels! "t is the interruption of an arma"a or meia lua solta! The leg is #ent and then kicked out to the

side! "t is done standing standing up!

Capa no co (capa on te #loor)

Cibata presa

Cibata solta

Cotovela"a (elbo&) Cru3a"o (crosse") $e"o nos olos (#or!uila) Finger in te ees $uble s ou s:"obra"o ("ouble s or #ol"e" s)

scala "e mo

Casa da Capoeira 6 chapa giratoria "t is a strike applied from the #ack or side of the  practitioner& having as support support one or #oth hands and one of the the legs! +ppl%ing +ppl%ing it from the side and  #eing in the negativa  with the right leg stretched out& the leg that touches the adversar% is the left leg! To appl% it from the #ack& a half rotation is done (half rol landing up with the #ack facing the adversar%! The leg of support is #ent& let.s let.s sa% right leg and the strike is accomplished with the same leg #% stretching it out! The strike is applied with the sole of the foot or the heel& stretching the leg out horiontall% or from #ottom to top! "t consists of the application of the a% and cibata ! The a% is applied laterall% to the adversar% (to the side "t is the application of a cibata without the support of the floor! floor! "t consist of umping forward& to the side or up& appl%ing the cibata  #efore hitting the floor  Consists of appl%ing an el#ow strike on an% part of the adversar%.s #od%! #od%! "t is a martelo applied to the centre of the #od%& normall% the chest! "t is the action of introducing one or more fingers in the adversar%.s e%es! "t is called s "obra"o #ecause& to appl% it& it is necessar% to e$ecute a movement in the form of an upside down down 5! "t is initiated with a rasteira & with the left leg& for e$ample! e$ample! The left leg comes from the #ack& goes through a three)-uarter rotation& and lands up on the right hand side without touching the floor! floor! +t this point& two  points of support will #e initiated& one with the left hand in front fr ont of and close to the #od%& and the other point of support with the right leg& alread%  #ent! The right arm should alread% #e fle$ed&  protecting the face! +t this point& we have have a  position ver% similar to a negativa & #% virtue that the left leg is stretched in the direction to the right hand side& while the head and thora$ are orientated towards the adversar%! The first turn of  the 5 has #een initiated! 8ow an impulse*ump impulse*ump should #e done up and to the front& in the form of a rotation (macaco) & and the right leg should hit the adversar% like a cibata ! 5trike similar to a punch! +ppl% it with the #ase of the hand& hitting the opponent on the shoulder



Martelo em pé (ammer stan"ing up)

Martelo no co (5ammer on te #loor)

Meia lua "e compasso (al# moon o# te compass)

Meia lua presa (8ie" al# moon)

Meia lua solta (;oose al# moon)

Meia lua "e #rente or passa pé (al# moon to te #ront or pass #oot)

Piso (stamp)

or solar ple$us& chin or nose of the adversar%! adversar%! The  palm of the hand should #e facing the opponent opponent and the fingers fingers #ent #ack! ,hen hitting the chin or nose it should #e applied from #ottom up! ,hen appl%ing it to the solar ple$us or shoulder& then it must #e done horiontall% Traumatic strike that consists of hitting the adversar% in the ear with the hand in a cupped format! Consists of the application of a ump to the #ack& a movement that is initiated #% crouching and the relocation of the hand on the floor& to the #ack& and side of the #od%! #od%! +n impulse*ump is given to the #od%& initiating at the tips of the feet& and a complete rotation is e$ecuted to the  #ack*#ackwards! The movement is terminated #% landing on %our feet and in the same position %ou started the movement in! Being in front of the adversar%& the leg that is at the #ack kicks up in a (fle$ed position and then e$tends to hit the adversar%! The strike is with the top part of the foot! "t is a martelo  applied with the #ase of support  #eing one of the practitioner.s hands on the the floor! The hand that goes to the floor is the hand opposite to the leg appl%ing the strike! "t is a strike where#% the practitioner crouches over one of the legs and with the other free leg does a rotational movement sweeping in the horiontal or diagonal direction! ,hen the techni-ue is started& #oth hands go to the floor to  #etter the #alance of the practitioner! 5ame movement *techni-ue as meia lua "e compasso & #ut instead of two hands supporting the #od% weight& there is onl% one hand! "t is treated as a ump& rotating over the head (with the head to one side! +t the end of the movement& the practitioner falls on the floor in a #eginning of the turn& one negativa  #ase! +t the #eginning of the legs should #e #ent and in towards the #od% and the other stretched! This is a strike*techni-ue that can #e applied in the following manner/ The #ack leg kicks (with a straight leg making a rotational movement from the outside to the inside! The part of the foot foot that touches the adversar% is the medial (internal side of the foot! This is a strike*techni-ue that is applied while standing up! The practitioner.s #ase #ase of support support is one of the legs and the other leg e$tends towards

the opponent& hitting an% part of the the #od%! #od%! The  piso is applied in the horiontal or #ottom to top top direction& and the part of the foot that touches the opponent is the sole of the foot or the heel!

+uei4a"a (,ic, to te cin)

Rabo "e arraia (tail o# te s,ate)

Rabo "e arraia amarra"o capa (8ie" tail o# te s,ate capa)

Rabo "e arraia amarra"o martelo (8ie" tail o# te s,ate martelo)

0oco (as#i4iante) Punc (asp4iating) 8apas "iversos ($iverse slaps/an" stri,es) Martelo voa"ore/Para#uso (Fling ammer/0cre&)

Coice (Mule's ,ic,) sporo (boot spur)

8ele#one (telepone)

Cabe2a"a (ea" butt)

Casa da Capoeira 6 Chapa lateral& chapa de frente "t is a traumatic strike that is applied while standing up& having one leg as the #ase of support and the other swinging towards the opponent& having the chin as the target! The rotational direction of the strike is from the outside in and the part of the foot that touches the opponent is the lateral e$ternal side of the foot! This is a salto mortal  (somersault to the front! "n the turn& the heels aim for the head or the thora$ of the opponent! opponent! Can #e applied #% having  #oth hands on the floor for support& support& one or none! + false kick is applied so that the adversar% ma% catch and hold the foot! Once the opponent opponent is holding the foot the #ase leg is then free to turn and strike! B% putting the hands on the floor for support the #ase leg can then appl% the capa! + false kick is applied so that the adversar% ma% catch and hold the foot! Once the opponent opponent is holding the foot the #ase leg is then free to turn and strike! B% putting the hands on the floor for support the #ase leg can then appl% the martelo ! "t is a strike that is applied with a closed hand on the adversar%& aiming for #etween the nose and mouth of the adversar%! +re all the strikes applied with the open hand! This is a strike where#% the practitioner will  perform an aerial rotational strike to the upper  #od%!  #od%! The strike ios caccomplished with the top  part of the foot! "n the case of a parafuso& the striking leg is the leg the practitioner lands on! 5imilar to chapa de costas! :ick applied with the sole of the foot in a #ackwards direction This is a strike to the #ack of the head or the #ack! +ppl% chapa em p; past the head of the opponent& immeadiatel% snapping the leg #ack to accomplish the strike with the heel! This is a traumatic strike that consists of hitting the adversar% in the ears in the form of cupped hands (or with closed hands or outstretched hands!  8ormall% doen with the top of the head head with the intention to strike the softer parts of the #od% to un#alance the opponent! opponent!
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