AAC Block Report

January 31, 2019 | Author: KvvPrasad | Category: Industries, Materials, Building, Nature, Manmade Materials
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Sample AAC block DPR...


Laxmi En Fab Pvt. Ltd.


Laxmi En Fab Pvt. Ltd. AUTOCLAVED AREATED CONCRETE REG. OFFICE: 25 nilsin plot near patel alloy steelphase I , Vatva G.I.D.C. AHMEDABAD,GUJARATPh. +91 9725012749/9712570097

Website : www.aacplant.co.in,www.aacautoclave.com Email: [email protected] [email protected] ,  , [email protected] [email protected]

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 1

Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), also known as autoclaved cellular concrete (ACC) or autoclaved lightweight concrete (ALC), was invented in the mid-1920s by the Swedish architect and inventor Johan Axel Eriksson It is a lightweight, precast building material that simultaneously provides structure, insulation, and fire and mold resistance. AAC products include blocks, wall panels, floor and roof panels, and lintels It has been refined into a highly thermally insulating concrete-based material used for both internal and external construction. Besides AAC's insulating capability, one of its advantages in construction is its quick and easy installation, for the material can be routed, sanded, and cut to size on site using standard carbon steel band saws, hand saws, and drills. Even though regular cement mortar can be used, 98% of the buildings erected with AAC materials use thin bed mortar, which comes to deployment in a thickness of  inch. This varies according to national building codes and creates solid and compact building members. AAC material can be coated with a stucco compound or plaster against the elements. Siding materials such as brick or vinyl siding can also be used to cov er the outside of AAC materials

    

AAC has been produced for more than 70 years, and it offers advantages over other cementations construction materials, one of the most important being its lower environmental impact. AAC’s improved thermal efficiency reduces the heating and cooling load in buildings AAC’s workability allows accurate cutting, which minimizes the generation of solid waste during use AAC’s resource efficiency gives it lower environmental impact in all phases of its life cycle, from processing of raw materials to the disposal of AAC waste. AAC’s light weight also saves cost & energy in transportation. AAC’s light weight saves labors.

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 2

Main ingredients include fly ash, water, quicklime, cement, aluminum powder and gypsum. The block hardness is being achieved by cement strength, and instant curing mechanism by autoclaving. Gypsum acts as a long term strength gainer. The chemical reaction due to the aluminum paste provides AAC its distinct porous structure, lightness, and insulation properties, completely different compared to other lightweight concrete materials. The finished product is a 2.5 times lighter Block compared to conventional Bricks, while providing the similar strengths. The specific gravity stays around 0.6 to 0.65. This is one single most U SP of the AAC blocks, because by using these blocks in structural buildings, the builder saves around 30 to 35 % of structural steel, and concrete, as these blocks reduce the dead load on the building significantly.

ASSUMPTIONS: The major raw material Fly-Ash, an indispensable by-product of Thermal Power Plants, is an environmental threat across the globe. Power plants are facing an ever increasing challenge disposal of this polluting agent. This unit is proposed to manufacture AAC Bricks & Blocks by consuming the Fly-Ash as one of the prime raw material. Secondly, it also helps environment by saving the invaluable top soil by not using them in brick making like conventional brick making. Thirdly, they need no burning, thus further enhancing their Eco-Friendly Brand. The steam curing requires far less fuel, compared to the backing for each cubic meter of Bricks. This is the reason these bricks are also referred as Eco Bricks or popularly Green Bricks, Carbon Credit is estimates are for reference purpose. The Project owner must handle his part of CDM project to get Carbon credits, through independent consultants. Carbon credit can be transacted on registration. The PCN  preparation & presentation, the PDD preparation & presentation, host country approval and the UNFCCC Registration might take somewhat 6 months to 2 years year. So it may be wise to start early.

Sale price at site is estimated a conservative Rs 3200/- per cubic meter. AAC B locks of all sizes will be manufactured according to the market requirement, though mainly stipulated sizes as per the BIS standards. Production is estimated at 80% capacity, 300 working days is considered in a year during the first year

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 3

Why AAC Bricks? Energy saving

Easy to install

Less Weight



Energy Efficient

Non Toxic

Thermal Insulation

Fire Resistance

Acoustic Performance

Moisture Resistance


Non Toxic

Thermal Insulation

Fire Resistance

Acoustic Performance

Moisture Resistance


Earthquake Resistant

cost saving

Fire Resistant

Pest Resistant

Water Barrier

High Strength

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 4

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 5

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 6

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 7

            

Large size, however light weight Light weight = saves foundation cost, helps the mason High load-bearing strength High durability = long life, impervious to rot or pest Dimensional accuracy High economy Effortless handling, rapid construction Best thermal insulation, 6 - 10 times better than regular dense concrete Unsurpassed fire-resistance = life, property and insurance cost saver Excellent sound absorption, ideal for the hospitality industry Good workability, better than wood (can be sawn, drilled, nailed, milled at site) Hurricane and earthquake resistance Not rotting (contrary to timber)

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 8


Fly ash is available incessantly and of satisfactory quality. Users are of the opinion that strength, sturdiness, finish, availability, price are the important qualities in blocks. Very high attention is observed among traditional manufacturers regarding use of fly ash in their products. Technical assistance & increased product awareness among the public and considered important for promoting the shift in the manufacturing practices. High preference for fly ash products is observed among those customers contacting manufacturers. Increased media coverage & favorable policies are considered key to increasing utilization of fly ash bricks & blocks. The current prices of fly ash blocks are in the same range of cement blocks & traditional bricks. But comparatively fly ash blocks are having more strength, fire resistance, earthquake resistance, light weight, lesser brakeage and saves structural cost by 40%. Average 60% of electricity comes from coal based power station, the country has a huge stock of fly ash amounting to 60 million tons annually. Despite the entire efforts present scenario is not too encouraging as only 5% country’s total ash has been consumed in different sector. With the rise in population and increase in constructional activities considering the Improvement in the standard of living the demand for building bricks is increasing day by day. Market share of different walling materials Type of walling material Burnt Clay Brick Fly Ash Bricks Cement Concrete Blocks

Market Size (Rs. Crores) 32825 1135 485

% of

95.3 3.3 1.4




Total market

The project activity product output AAC Blocks  awareness levels were very low and are yet to penetrate in the markets. As stated above the prime reason why clay brick accounts for 95% of the share is that they are cheap and have traditionally been believed to be the most suitable walling material for building construction 

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 9


FLY A H : Fly ash raw aterial is freely av ilable in hermal P wer plants. A lot has been s id about this ra material in this p oject pro ile itself. There are no taxes on this it m wh tsoever. ransport tion charges are o ly to be ttended y the ent epreneur.

Lime: Active powered lime is a req produc In pha In pha poweri a lime

irement or giving the real aeration to the

. e 1 we can aim to uy the active lime irectly. e-2 we c n think o  having back word integration and ma ing a lim g unit at site to have a more competitive advantage, we an also t ink of urning kiln inside he factor  premise

The pr  ject financials however have not considered the costs of owering nit, and the lime kiln in thi  project. Differe t qualities of lime re availa le, and d pending on the ra materials. The mix design c n be chosen to get the optimal quality of production

OPC This Project aim to utilize opc cem nt as main binder aterial. It will give faster strength to the bricks, besides givin  improved consist nt qualit . It also e nsures a better cost effectiveness for the s me. Usin  OPC will be a standardized practic . The other prime dvantage of using pc (com ared to o her bind rs) is it’s easy availability locall  through nationwide retail N twork of Cement Compa ies.

Gypsu 4%

Main row m terial OPC 10%

Aluminu m 1%

Lime 15%

ly Ash 70%

Lax  Ah edabad – Gujarat –India,

i En- ab Pvt. Ltd

We  : www.aa cplant.co.i , www.aa autoclave. com,

Gyps m: This to is an industrial w ste. This is available as an industrial byproduct Fer ilizer Pla t. Gypsu  is responsible to ive long erm strength to th Blocks.


Alum num Powder: Fin ly groun  Aluminu powder is used i very limited quantity (less t an 0.5%), so tha  it reacts with acti e lime, a d silica in  base ma erial to make the a ration, a d sw ll the pro uct, making it ver  light weight product.

PR JECT T A GL NCE: Product Details:

AAC light weight


Fly Ash


ased or and Base

Technology Area: Infr structure & Green- Tech Capacity Utilization:





con umtion of r  w mat rial in Kg/ 3

80 60

Consumtion of nergy in Kw /M3

40 20

Clay Bricks  p=1. kg/m3

Porous Clay Masonr y  p=0.8kg/ 3

Lax  Ah edabad – Gujarat –India,

Calcium silicat m sonry unit  p 1.4kg/m3

Aac mas nary unit  p=0.4kg/m3

i En- ab Pvt. Ltd

We  : www.aa cplant.co.i , www.aa autoclave. com,


COAL FLY ASH: The fly ash of coal will be sent to the slurry preparing pond by wheel loader to be prepared required concentration coal fly ash slurry by add rated water, which will be pumped into slurry tank to be stored and ready to be used

2. QUICK LIME: The powder will sent into the lime powder silo for storage and read to be used by bucket elevator, after coming into the factory. 3. GYPSUM: The gypsum in the storage shed will be added into slurry pond according to the required proportion, while preparing slurry 4. CEMENT: The cement will be transported into factory by tank truck and directly is pu mped into cement silo to be used 5. ALUMINUM POWDER PAST: The purchased aluminum powder past in the bucket or bag will be stored in its store house, When being used, it will be lifted to second floor of the batching building, then measured and added in to aluminum mixer to prepare 5% suspending liquid to be used. 6. SCRAPE AND WASTE SLURRY: The cleaning waste water under the casting machine will be pumped to ball mill to be used as grinding water. The scrape from the cutting machine will be prepared to slurry and pumped into waste slurry tank to be used. 7. BATCHING, MIXING, CASTING:

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 12

Coal fly ash will be sent to electronic scale in the batching building by pump at the bottom slurry tank to be measured. When the slurry concentration arrives at batching requirement, the control system will turn of the pump to stop pump slurry. The measured the slurry will be directly discharged into casting mixer. Lime and cement will be sent to electronic scale in the batching buildin g by single screw conveyer at the bottom of their silos. When measuring ar rives at the required quantity, they will be sent to casting mixer by screw conveyer. Aluminum Powder will be measured by manual and added in to aluminum mixer to be prepared suspending liquid one by one for each mould. The finished suspending liquid can be directly added into the casting mixer. The slurry temperature should be arrived at required process temperature before coasting. And mold will be moved to the bottom of the casting mixer by ferry car. 8. CUTTING AND GROUPING: After precuring, the green block arrive at the required strength, the crane will take it to the cutting machine section. After remove the mould, the green block will be cut according to the required size. The green block after cutting will be move to the curing trolley with the bottom plate by crane in front of autoclave for grouping. The seven trolley for each autoclave with 14 pieces of green block. 9. AUTOCLAVED AND FINISHED PRODUCT: The green block after grouping, will be move into autoclave by windlass for curing. The whole curing period is approx 12 hours, pressure approx 1.2mpa, temperature approx 1850. After curing, the product will be pulling out of auto clave and be sent to the store yard. 10. THE BOTTOM PLATE RETURNING, COMBINING WITH MOULD AND OILING: After unloading, the side plate on the trolley will be lifted to returning rail by crane, and be returned to the side of the cutting machine, which will be combined with the mould and sent to mold returning line for cleaning and oiling  to be reused.

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 13

Equipments Equipment is depend of selection of process , base material , selection of automization etc. below is given general base equipment

Raw material processing equipment •

Jaw crsher

Hoist conveyor

Block lime silo

Electronic vibrating feeder

Ball mill –lime

Sand silo

Electronic vibrating feeder

Belt conveyor

Ball mill -wet -sand

Bucket elevator

Cement silo

Gypsum silo

Pouring processing equipment

Weighted / batch slurry mixer

Main Mixer desert mortar after Cutting Balance desert mortar for per mould

Lime –OPC – gypsum mixer

Screw conveyor for lime

Aluminum mixer

Main pouring mixer

Lime &gypsum measure

Spiral gate valve

Pneumatic controlling valve

Slurry measurer

PLC electric measuring controlling system

Air compressor


Mould bottom plate

Steam curing car

Electronic platform balance

Main Slurry mixer –fly ash

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 14

Cutting processing equipment

Hoist for mould move


Vertical cutting machine with arrangement

Hoist for semi finish product Horizontal cutting machine with Arrangement

Cutting processing equipment

Hoist for mould move


Vertical cutting machine with arrangement

Hoist for semi finish product Horizontal cutting machine with Arrangement

Hardening or curing process equipment


Steam boiler

Coal crushing and handling equipment


Dust collector

Steam controlling valve

Steam controlling penal

Steam line

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 15

Photograph of plant equipment

Storage silo

Fly ash mixing tank

Mould mover

final mixer

cutting machine

Steam curing car

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 16

Boiler-dust collector-chimney

Mixing section



mould goes to autoclave


Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 17

ready AAC block

fitting of AAC block

AAC block construction

AAC block wall

Housing make by AAC block

Housing make by AAC block

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 18

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 19

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 20

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 21

LAYOUT This is basic layout actual layout depend on plant size, design, degree of automization,land size, scope of raw material coming as well outgoing position, many factor affect on plant design

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 22


Approximately 95% of the waste materials can be made suitable for AAC line through proper mixdesign. Also we can have many different mix designs for the same density…same strength of Blocks. We will help you to get the Best quality blocks at optimal cost by means of designing proper Mix as per your inp ut raw materials. The following are  basic guidelines (certainly not the final call) on the suitability of basic raw materials for AAC.

1. Fly Ash (6570%) Grade (%)

Index Item Degree of fineness

Gr  I

Gr  II

(0.045 square hole sieve left amount) 



(0.080 square hole sieve left amount) 



Ignition loss 



SiO2 



SO3 



Reference: The fineness can be 0.045 or 0.080 square sieve left amount. 2. Lime (825%) Grade Item

Super Gr

1st Gr.

2nd Gr.

A(CaO +MgO) Quailty Fraction%




MgO Quality Fraction %




SiO2 Quality Fraction %




CO2 Quality Fraction %




Digestion speed ,min

Digestion temperature , 

Undigested residue quality fraction ,%




Fineness (0.080 square hole sieve left amount) %





3. Cement (615%) SiO2


















Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 23

4. Gypsum/Plaster (35%) CaSO4









Preferably ground residue



5. Aluminum Power (about 0.08%) Type and recommendation for supply depend on raw materials and mix formula Metal Content




NOTE: Use of Cement is depend on moisture, if moisture is high cement requirement becomes high. Soluble Oil usage per process is 1 liter.


AAC Block


(600x200x100-300) mm

Variation in dimensions Compressive strength Dry Density

+/-1mm 30-50 kg/cm2 550-700 kg/m3 4-6 Hour depending on thickness

Fire Resistance Sound Reduction Index (dB) Thermal Conductivity W/(Km)

Concrete Block


(400x200x100-200) mm +/-3mm 40-50 kg/cm2 1800 kg/m3

(230x115x75) mm +/-5mm 25-30 kg/cm2 1950 Kg/m3

4 hours

2 hour 40 for 230 mm thick wall

60 for 200 mm thick wall 0.122







Compressive strength


30 - 50 kg/cm


30 - 50 kg/cm


30 - 50 kg/cm

100 mm

200 mm

600 mm

550-700 kg/m

150 mm

200 mm

600 mm

550-700 kg/m

200 mm

200 mm

600 mm

550-700 kg/m




Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 24

Main Technical Specifications of AAC Lightweight Block Production Line

Mainly plant capacity


Capacity per Annume Per day production As per 300 day 50,000 CM 160 CM 100,000 CM 320 CM 150,000 CM 480 CM 2,00,000 CM 640 CM 3,00,000 CM 960 CM 5,00,000 CM 1600 CM

LAAC-50 LAAC-100 LAAC-150 LAAC-200 LAAC-300 LAAC-500 Cover

shed area

Model Capacity per Annume LAAC-50 50,000 CM LAAC-100 100,000 CM LAAC-150 150,000 CM Total land for building and shed , material stock 2-5 acre

Work shed cover area 20,000 Square feet 25,000 Square feet 30,000 Square feet raw material ,finish

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 25

Raw material consumption for AAC block Ingredients Fly ash Lime Cement Anhydride Aluminioum ( metel powder )

Raw material consumption per CM of AAC block 272 KG 71 KG 95 KG 12 KG 0.46 KG

Total solid

450 KG

Water in mix ( total ,excl. steam ) Condensate which can be reused In the mix ( water consumption Above reduce correspondingly)

370 KG 90 KG

Above data is not full and final but for better understanding project is given Actual Ingredients mixing is depend on client & client technical team

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 26

Energy and mass flow and balance diagram

Compressed air


Raw material Fly ash, lime,Gypsum ,aluminium, cement

Raw material  pouring & mixing


 New grid Moulding & cutting


DG set Diesel Curing at autoclave


Finish product


Fuel oil

The above figure represents the ENERGY and Mass Flow and the balance of the system and equipments include in the project activit.in the project activity electricity, steam & compressor air are the main type of energy used and main source of these energy are as follows: Electricity : from new NEgrid & DG set Steam : from boiler fuel oil combustion

Compressed air – from air compressor

Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

Page 27

Laxmi En Fab Pvt. Ltd. AUTOCLAVED AREATED CONCRETE REG. OFFICE: 25 nilsin plot near patel alloy steelphase I , Vatva G.I.D.C. AHMEDABAD,GUJARATPh. +91 9725012749/9712570097

Website : www.aacplant.co.in,www.aacautoclave.com Email: [email protected] , [email protected] [email protected]


Laxmi En-Fab Pvt. Ltd  Ahmedabad – Gujarat –India, +91 9712570097,9725012740/49

Web : www.aacplant.co.in , www.aacautoclave.com , E mail: [email protected],[email protected] ,

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