Aab 21265 Aaa Ii

October 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 1 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9


 Autt l e r o zatoe  Au zat oe ` Dat Datc c 7 1>-GA@-1??9 1>-G A@-1??9

Debumc`t Vcvoso Vcvoso e` 7 1>-GA@-1??9

K. Møhhcr / M. Hye`s

Erojo`ah Debumc`t

Bepyrojlt 1??9, ETOR JmfL Fcrho` @e part ei tlos debumc`t may fc bepocd er rcpredubcd o` a`y ierm er fy a`y mca`s wotleut tlc proer wrottc` be`sc`t ei ETOR JmfL

ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 6 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Tafhc ei Be`tc`ts


1. 1. 1

O` t r e d u b t o e ` Addotoe`ah Debumc`ts

4 4


Ch cb t r o b ah Be ` ` cb t o e ` s


2. 2. 1

^r c-^e w cr Bl cb k s Duty ^huj ^BF (?^B)

3 3


^e w cr Bl cb k s



Rct u p i e r Ma` u ah Me d c


9. 9. 1 9. 6 9. 2 9. 4 9. 3 9. 9

Ad g u s t m c` t s e i DF RR Re i t w ar c Meter Iochd ^aramctcr Frakc ^aramctcr Rtafohoty ^aramctcr Meter ^aramctcr Drovc ^aramctcr Ma`uah ^aramctcr



Vo p p h c Io h t cr Ad g u s t m c` t


. 6 1>. 2 1>. 4 1>. 3 1>. 9

16 RBV A` ah e j Ad g u s t m c` t s Adgustmc`t ei Ircquc`by Rwotbl Adgustmc`t ei IIM Rwotbl G9 er G11 Adgustmc`t Adgustmc`t ei Bressevcr Rctto`j A Ad dgustmc`t ei Y/HO Adgustmc`t ei Iccd Ierward

1< 1< 1? 1? 1? 6> 6>

11. 11. 1

DF RR Be ` t r e h ^BF A` ah e j Ad g u s t m c` t s Adgustmc`t ei I/Y Jao`

6> 61

11. 6

Eiisct Adgustmc`t ei Rpccd Iccdfabk



^e h ar o t y Ad g u s t m c` t s


Tafhc ei Be`tc`ts ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.

: < ? ? 1> 1>






Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 2 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9


Max F o as Ad g u s t m c` t s

14. 14. 1 14. 6

Dr o v c Be m m a` d s Bemmu`obatoe` irem tlc MBRR te tlc DFRR Be`treh ^BF Drovc Rtatc Mcssajc irem DFRR Be`treh ^BF te tlc MBRR


O` t r e d u b t o e ` ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.

66 62 62 64





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 4 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Tlos ma`uah bevcrs o`strubtoe`s ier blcbkeut a`d adgustmc`t ei tlc DB-Dorcbt Drovc Frakc Rufsystcm (LRDD/DFRR) uscd o` Meduhar Chcvater Be`treh Rystcms Rystcms (MBR) subl as C411/211. Tlc DB-Dorcbt Drovc os uscd e` fetl jcarcd a`d jcarhcss, lojl a`d mod-rosc o`stahhatoe`s a`d ba` fc be`iojurcd ier ahh ETOR a`d mest etlcr typcs ei DB-Mablo`cs.  Addotoe`ah wotl cvcry drovc be`trehhcr a be`trabt spcboiob tcbl`obah ma`uah os supphocd wlobl be`tao`s sblcmatob doajrams a`d be`trabt spcboiob data ei tlc bemphctc DFRR sufsystcm. wotl iurtlcr o`strubtoe`s. 1.1

Ad d o t o e ` ah D De e b u m c` t s

Te juard yeu tlreujl tlc C411 (M) Lojl Rpccd Dorcbt Drovc - Rufsystcm ‐ Rtartup Veuto`c‘, ot os rcbemc`dcd te k`ew a`d werk wotl tlc debumc`ts as iehhew 7 IBM77 DFR IBM DFRR-L R-LRDD RDD,, Ju Juodc odc Ho` Ho`cscs-AAF AAF619 6193AA 3AA O DFRR-LRDD, Rtartup Veuto`c-AAF6193AA OO DFRR-LRDD, Rcrvobc La`dho`j-AAF6193AA OOO MBR411 (M)-Chcve`ob411, Juodc Ho`cs-JFA612AA_ O MBR411 (M)-Chcve`ob411, Rcrvobc La`dho`j-AAA69>>AFA OOO MBR-MBRR, Juodc Ho`cs-AAA69>AFA O MBR-MBRR, Rtartup Veuoto`c -AAA69>AFA OO MBR-MBRR, Rcrvobc La`dho`j -AAA69>AFA OOO MBR-MBRR, Rcrvobc Teeh Ma`uah-AAA69> OYa MBR-R^^T-Rtartup Veuto`c

Hatc dcvoatoe`s arc sc`t te yeur hebah IED er C411/BVB as 7 IBH7 Ioch IBH7 Iochd d Bo Borb rbuh uhar ar H Hat atcr cr ‐ CT CTEE-C4 C411 11 @ @CZR CZR ‘‘.. BO 7 Berrcbtovc O`strubtoe`   Ier prepcr epcratoe` ei tlc dorcbt drovc u`ot, y yeu eu lavc te be`bodcr tlos debumc`ts, te

makc surc 7 tlc u`ot o s upd updatc atc te tlc tl c hatcst saicty sta`dards a`d BOns arc omphcmc`tcd tlc u`ot o s pre pcr adgustc adgustcd d a`d epcratc epcratcs s w otleut Bahhfabks ahhfabks 6.

Ch cb t r o b ah B Be e ` ` cb t o e ` s

Vcicr te tlc woro`j doajram ier ahh be``cbtoe`s. Tlc DFRR Be`trehhcr ba` fc startcd up wlc` tlc iehhewo`j parts arc worcd te tlc Be`trehhcr 7 ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 3 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

1. Ma Mao` o` ^ ^ew ewcr cr tte e tr tra` a`sie siermc rmcrr 1^ 1^T T 6. 2. 4. 3.

Arma Armaturc turc e eii tlc mab mablo` lo`c c o`b o`bhud hudo`j o`j V Vopp opphc hc Io Iohtc htcr  r  Meter I Ioochd Frakc Beoh ^YT

C`surc tlat worc sozc be`ierms te hebah bedc a`d `etc o` he`j bafhc ru`s, takc barc te prcvc`t cxbcssovc vehtajc drep. Rcpcratc hew hcvch soj`ahs a`d pewcr hcads. De `et ru` o` samc be`duot er worc treujl.


^r c-^e w cr Bl cb k s

1. O`spcb O`spcbtt ahh cq cquopmc` uopmc`tt ier soj soj`s `s ei dama damajc, jc, he heesc esc be` be``cbtoe `cbtoe`s `s er etl etlcr cr dcicb dcicbts. ts. 6. C`surc pew pewcr cr supp supphy hy ve vehtajc htajc,, plaso plaso`j a`d ir ircquc` cquc`by by ar arc c berrc berrcbt bt `amcphatc ier tlc dr drovc ovc systcm.tlc ^ewcr supphy spcboiobatoe`s arc`j be`tao`cd e` tlc Be`trehhcr er e` tlc drovc systcm sblcmatob doajram. 2. Vcmev Vcmevc c ahh slopp sloppo`j o`j dcv dcvobcs obcs a`d rrchay chay w wcdjcs cdjcs.. Ma`uah e epcratc pcratc ah ahhh be`tab be`tabters ters a`d rchays te c`surc tlcy mevc ircchy. 4. C`surc tlat ahh ttra`sier ra`siermcrs mcrs ar arc c be``c be``cbtcd btcd ier p prepcr repcr v vehtaj ehtajc c taps abberdo abberdo`j `j te tl tlc c woro`j doajram er tlc be`trehhcr `amcphatc 2.1

Du t y ^ ^hh u j -^BF ((? ?^B)

 A duty phuj os uscd te bahofratc tlc 16RBV Be`trehhcr ^BF te a be`trabt spcboiob duty. Tlc phuj G4 be``cbts tlc duty phuj te tlc 16RBV Be`trehhcr ^BF. ^BF. Tlc bahofratoe` rcsosters arc 7 1. BT fu furdc rdc` ` rcs rcsost oster er (s (s)) ier tlc b burr urrc`t c`t ic iccdf cdfabk abk hheep eep 6. Bahofr Bahofratoe` atoe` rcsost rcsoster er ier evcr evcrhead head iu`btoe iu`btoe` ` (j (jao` ao` rrcsost csosters) ers) 2. Bahofr Bahofratoe` atoe` rcsost rcsosters ers ier tlc be be`vcr `vcrtcr tcr O` O`-- a`d Eutput vehta vehtajc jc C`surc tlat tlc Duty ^huj Asscmfhy os tlc rojlt part `umfcr ier tlc be`trabt spcboiob drovc duty. Tlc drovc duty may fc eftao`cd irem tlc 32R `umfcr stampcd e` tlc DFRR Be`trehhcr `amcphatc er tlc Maj`cTck tcbl`obah ma`uah. Cxamphc7 32R>9?>1->A1< os duty A1YAB er 143YAB ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 9 / 63

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7 1>-Ga`-1??9

must fc mcasurcd dcpc`do`j e` Iochd & Frakc Vcjuhater typc os uscd. Rcbe`dary vehtajc must fc 0 113YAB mcasurcd.  Addotoe`ah mcasurcmc`ts arc e` tlc ^ewcr supphy ^BF tcst peo`ts. Tlc vehtajc sleuhd fc as spcboiocd 7 + 13 YD YDB B rcju rcjuha hatc tcd d   - 1 13 3 YD YDB B rcju rcjuha hatc tcd d + 3 YD YDB B rcju rcjuha hatc tcd d + ? YDB rcj rcjuha uhatcd tcd (^Y (^YT T Rup Rupphy phy)) + 64 64YD YDB B u` u`rc rcju juha hatcd tcd  - 64YD 64YDB B u` u`rc rcju juha hatcd tcd @etc7 ^ewcr supphy tehcra`bc = +/- 1>%, Chcbtre`ob pewcr supphy tehcra`bc = +/- 3%.


Rct u p i e r Ma` u ah m e d c

Tlc Ma`uah Medc er Rta`d ahe`c medc ahhew tlc hoit te ru` wotleut tlc Bar be`trehhcr fco`j be``cbtcd te tlc DFRR be`trehhcr er oi ot os be``cbtcd, ot oj`ercs tlc MBRR drovc bemma`ds. Tlc dciauht spccd os sct te 1>> mm/scb, abbchcratoe` os sct 3>> mm/scb6 a`d dcbchcratoe` te 9>> mm/scb6. Tlos sctto`js arc uscd fy tlc DFRR systcm wlc` tlc hoit os o` Rta`d ahe`c medc o.c. be`strubtoe`, tlos medc os bhescd heep a`d rcquorcs tlc ^romary Ycheboty Tra`sdubcr te fc be``cbtcd. Tlc sctto`js ba` fc bla`jcd voa RYT (M-4-2-9) be``cbtcd te tlc DFRR Be`treh ^BF. Te ru` o` ma`uah medc a gumpcr must fc be``cbtcd te tlc iehhewo`j be``cbter 7 Dorcbt Drovc 7 BMTF-1 - BMTF-< Vchay O`criabc ^BF (9^B) BMTF-1 - BMTF-? BMTF-3 - BMTF-1> Sso`j a tcmperary sct ei ru` futte`s be``cbtcd te 7 Dorcbt Dor cbt Dro Drovc vc 7 BMT BMTF-1 F-1 --0 bem bemme` me` iccd te fut futte`s te`s BMTF-6 --0 up futte` BMTF-2 --0 dew` futte` @etc 7 Ier merc o`iermatoe` e` tlc be``cbtoe` rcicr te tlc Maj`ctck ma`uahs 7 D.D. pajc 6, Rblcmatob Doajram Dorcbt Drovc Rufsystcm 16 RBV Be`trehhcr  Zlc` tlos os ablocvcd, tlc Ma`uah HCD e` tlc DFRR ^BF wohh ohhumo`atc te o`dobatc tlat tlc systcm os o` ma`uah medc.

ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1




7 : / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Zlc` prcsso`j tlc dorcbtoe` futte`s tlc rcspcbtovc HCDns e` tlc DFRR ^BF wohh ohhumo`atc te o`dobatc tlc dorcbtoe` ei travch. O` basc tlc dorcbtoe` ei travch bemparcs `et wotl tlc dorcbtoe` bemma`d yeu lavc te iehhew o`strubtoe`s o` blaptcr 11 ^eharoty Adgustmc`ts. Makc surc wlc` tlc drovc os ru``o`j o` sta`d st a`d ahe`c medc, tlc saicty sai cty borbuots arc be``cbtcd. te tlc DFRR. Ahh ha`do`j deers must fc be`trehhcd. Ier saicty saicty rc rcase`s ase`s de `et gump eut t los borb uots.



Ad g u s t m mc c` t s e i DF RR Re i t w a arr c

 Abbcss voa RYT tlc DFRR Be`treh ^BF te adgust tlc dciauht sctto`j as tlcy rcqorcd ier tlc be`trabt duty. 9. 1

M-4-2-1 (Mete eterr Iochd ochd ^ara ramc mctc tcrs) rs)

ISHH IOCHD Burrc`t vahuc ier iuhh meter iochd VS@ IOCHD Burrc`t vahuc ier ru``o`j meter iochd ODHC IOCHD % ^crbc`tajc vahuc ei ISHH IOCHD typobahhy sct te 2> % ier jcard a`d jcarhcss mablo`cs. (Rcc blaptcr < Meter Iochd Adgustmc`t ) MA\ BCMI Meter armaturc vehtajc rcicrc`bc peo`t at wlobl meter iochd wcakc`o`j starts. Rct te meter  @E Head Yehtajc (scc meter dataphatc Y/@H). BCMI HAJ Tomc rcicrc`bc ier wcakc`o`j er strc`jtlc`o`j meter iochd. Meter armaturc vehtajc must fc afevc er fchew tlc MA\ BCMI tlrcslehd ier tlos ameu`t ei tomc fcierc wcakc`o`j er  strc`jtlc`o`j fcjo`s. Typobahhy sct te >.3 ier dorcbt drovc. RC@REV TSV@R Sscd ier ehdcr typcs ei Iochd & Frakc Vcjuhaters te adgust tlc ra`jc ei meter iochd burrc`t iccdfabk sc`ser. Ier dorcbt drovc sc`ser tur`s arc 1 er 4. Ier a sc`ser wotl 4 tur`s iochd burrc`t ba` je as lojl as 1> amps ier a iuhh iochd burrc`t ei 1>.1 te 6> amps usc 1 tur`. RTA@DF_ C@ ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 < / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Rct te > te dosafhc slutdew` ei meter iochd a`d frakc pewcr supphy as wchh as bafo`ct ia`s a`d mablo`c fhewcr. Zotl tlc seitwarc ier DR^V iu`btoe` sct te 633 a`d c`afhc afevc iu`btoe`s. Tlos rcquorcs tlc usc ei 49R>69?1->>4> DFRR Be`treh ^BF. RTA@DF_ TOMC Tlc tomc o` mo`utcs mo`ut cs wlc` slutdew` ei RTA@DF_ C@ dcvobcs takcs phabc. @etc ot ahse wohh slutdew` wlc` bar os e` O@R er CVE. 9. 6

M-4-2-6 (Fra Frakc ^aramc ramctc tcrs rs))

F^BK AM^R @emo`ah burrc`t `ccdcd te pobk tlc frakc. FLHD AM^R @emo`ah burrc`t `ccdcd te lehd tlc frakc up. F^BK VATC Vamp up tomc irem > burrc`t te F^BK burrc`t. Typobahhy sct ier >.1 te >.3 scbe`ds. FDV^ VATC Vamp dew` tomc irem FLHD burrc`t te > burrc`t. Typobahhy sct ier >.1 te >.3 scbe`ds. ^OBK S^ % ^crbc`tajc ei F^BK burrc`t at wlobl tlc frakc os dcbharcd pobkcd. Sscd wotleut a frakc swotbl, FVK RZ O/E sct te >. Typobahhy sct te :3 %. LEHD % ^crbc`tajc ei FLHD burrc`t at wlobl tlc frakc os dcbharcd dreppcd. Sscd wotleut a frakc swotbl, FVK RZ O/E sct te >. Typobahhy sct te 63 %. FVK RZ O/E Frakc swotbl o`dobater ihaj. Rct te 633 c`afhcs tlc frakc swotbl O/E. Zotl tlc FVK RZ O/E sct te >, tlc burrc`t sc`sc tlreujl tlc frakc os uscd. 6@D FVK RZOTBL Rcbe`d frakc swotbl o`dobater ihaj. Rct te > te dosafhc rcado`j ei a 6`d frakc swotbl O/E bla``ch. Vcquorcd e`hy fy Ba`adoa` F44 bedc. Vcquorcs tlc usc ei 49R>69?1->>4> DFRR Be`treh ^BF. FVK DV^ DH_  Aitcr tlc frakc swotbl jecs lojl o`dobato`j a frakc drep, a seitwarc tomcr os startcd. Zlc` Z lc` tlc tomcr c`ds tlc armaturc burrc`t ramps dew`. Tlos tomcr os be`iojurafhc irem 2>>mscb. te 4 scb. Tlos icaturc sleuhd ahhew io`c tu`o`j te chomo`atc rehh fabk. VATCD AM^R ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 ? / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Tlc F^BK a`d FLHD vahucs dovodcd fy tlc VATCD AM^R c`tcrcd, prevodc a ratoe wlobl tra`shatc o`te a "rcicrc`bc ^crbc`tajc". Tlos ratoe os bhampcd te a` uppcr homot ei "1" a`d at a vahuc ei 1 soj`oiocs 1>>% ei tlc cxpcbtcd vahuc. Tlos os tlc maxomum frakc pobk burrc`t. Tlc seitwarc wohh abbcpt a vahuc ei 4, < er 19 dcpc`do`j e` tlc Iochd & Frakc ^BF lardwarc. (Rcc blaptcr < Frakc Beoh Adgustmc`t ) 9. 2

M-4-2-2 ((R Rta tafo fohot hoty y^ ^a ara ramc mctc tcrs rs))

JAO@ Jao` ei tlc vcheboty heep rcjuhater. Yahuc irem 6 te 6>. Cxbcssovc JAO@ wohh bausc esbohhatoe` duro`j abbchcratoe`. Typobahhy sct te 1> ier i er dorcbt drovc. VCR^E@RC Vcspe`sc ei tlc vcheboty heep rcjuhater. Yahuc irem >.6 te 6. Cxbcssovc Vcspe`sc wohh bausc esbohhatoe` duro`j iuhh spccd ru`. Typobahhy sct te 1 ier dorcbt drovc. ^.S. O@CVTOA ^cr S`ot O`crtoa dcio`cs tlc tomc ot sleuhd takc te abbchcratc a iuhhy headcd bar te be`trabt spccd at O abbch burrc`t.  A^^EVT Maj`cTck c`jo`ccro`j paramctcr. Must ahways fc sct te 1. 9. 4

M-4-2-4 (Met eter er ^ara ramc mctc tcrs) rs)

DST_ R^CCD Be`trabt spccd o` mohomctcrs pcr scbe`ds (mm/s). TABL B@T ^uhsc pcr rcvehutoe` ei tlc ^romary Ycheboty Tra`sdubcr (^YT). 1>.>>> ^/V ier jcarhcss mablo`cs, 3.>>> ^/V ier LRYI jcarhcss mablo`cs a`d 1.>64 ^/V er 6.3>> ^/V ier jcarcd mablo`cs. VATCD V^M Iuhh spccd V^M ei tlc meter (scc meter dataphatc).

MTV ELMR Vcsosta`bc ei tlc meter armaturc a`d o`tcrpehcs takc` irem tlc meter o`iermatoe` tafhc. Ba` fc bahbuhatcd fy uso`j Elmns Haw (C = O * V) uso`j tlc t lc armaturc vehtajc a`d armaturc burrc`t at zcre (>) vcheboty. (scc Blaptcr ? Armaturc Vcsosta`bc Adgustmc`t) ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


9. 3


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 1> / 63

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7 1>-Ga`-1??9

M-4-2-3 (Dro rovc vc ^ara ramc mctc tcrs rs))

MA\ FOAR Maxomum burrc`t ahhewcd o` tlc prc-terquc statc. Yahuc os fascd e` burrc`t te lehd 16: % ei head at zcre (>) vcheboty. (scc blaptcr 12 Max Foas Adgustmc`t) O ABBCH Maxomum iuhh head abbchcrato`j burrc`t. \IMV RCB Y Vatcd pewcr tra`siermcr (1^T) scbe`dary vehtajc. Takc` irem tlc tra`siermcr data phatc er fc mcasurcd. Makc surc tlc promary vehtajc os o` ho`c as spcboiocd. Tlc tra`siermcr  vehtajc ba` fc ahtcrcd promary te +/- 3%. Tlos vehtajc os uscd te sc`sc "Ho`c Hess" iauhts. YISHH HEAD Meter armaturc vehtajc at iuhh head a`d iuhh spccd (scc meter dataphatc IH/Y). HOMOT ^EO@T Yahuc o` amps at wlobl tlc homot peo`t fot o` tlc DFRR te MBRR bemmu`obatoe`s os sct . O VS@ Yahuc o` amps at iuhh head up ru``o`j burrc`t. Sscd ier bahbuhatoe`s ier seitwarc armaturc evcrburrc`t trop. Vcquorcs tlc usc ei 49R>69?1->>4> DFRR Be`treh ^BF. 9. 9

M-4-2-9 ((M Ma`u `ua ah ^ ^a aramc ramctc tcrs rs))

MA@ R^CCD Ycheboty uscd ier Ma`uah drovc sta`d ahe`c epcratoe`. MA@ ABBCH  Abbchcratoe` ratc uscd ier Ma`uah drovc sta`d ahe`c epcratoe`. MA@ DCBCH Dcbchcratoe` ratc uscd ier Ma`uah drovc sta`d ahe`c epcratoe` MA@ YEHTR Dobtatoe` vehtajc uscd ier Yehtajc Vcjuhater er Epc` Heep Medc. (scc IBM, DFRR-LRDD, Rcrvobc La`dho`j - AAF61693AAA OOO)


Vo p p h c Io h t cr Ad g u s t m c` t

Dorcbt Drovc u`ots usc iohtcr te supprcss ropphca`d predubcd fy tlc er  tlyroster stabk, tlc(Maj`cTck) stabk be`sost ei a 16ropphc tlyrosters 9 ier ierwardtlc metoe` 9 ier rcvcrsc frako`j metoe`. ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1




7 11 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Tlc tlyroster stabk predubcs a 2>> Lz ropphc e` a 3> Lz pewcr supphy, tlos ropphc os tlc rcsuht ei a 3> Lz supphy muhtophocd fy tlc `umfcr ei tlyrosters o.c. 3> x 9 = 2>> Lz. Lz. Tlc meter fco`j drovc` fy tlc dorcbt drovc u`ots os a DB meter, apphyo`j AB te a DB meter  os tlc samc a apphyo`j a chcbtrobah frako`j te tlc meter, ot bauscs tlc meter te step chcbtrobahhy a`d ahse bauscs tlc meter te cmot a` audofhc `eosc. Tlc hewcr tlc ircquc`by ei AB vehtajc apphocd te tlc meter tlc merc tlc frako`j ciicbt, at 2>> Lz tlc frako`j ciicbt os mo`omozcd fut tlc audofhc `eosc os be`sodcrafhc, te chomo`atc tlc ropphc fco`j apphocd te tlc meter a ropphc iohtcr os uscd. Tlc ropphc ioht cr be`sost ei tw e parts7 Tlc o`dubta`bc blekc, tlos blekc os o` ho`c wotl tlc meter a`d os uscd te rcdubc tlc suddc` burrc`t bla`jcs apphocd te tlc meter tlreujleut ot epcrato`j ra`jc. Tlc blekc sleuhd fc ratcd subl tlat burrc`t be`sumcd fy tlc meter decs `et saturatc tlc blekc, cspcboahhy duro`j tlc iuhh head up ru``o`j be`dotoe` a`d pessofhy duro`j iuhh head up abbchcratoe`. Oi tlc blekc decs saturatc tlc burrc`t homoto`j ciicbt ei tlc blekc os ba` ba`bchcd bchcd a`d tlc ropphc predubcd fy tlc dorcbt drovc u`ot os passcd e` te tlc meter a`d tlc rcsuht os audofhc `eosc a`d shojlt vofratoe`s. Tlc scbe`d brotcroa wlc` schcbto`j a blekc os ot epcrato`j vehtajc, tlc blekc must fc schcbtcd se tlat ot epcrato`j vehtajc a`d burrc`t rato`j suots tlc duty tlat os las fcc` schcbtcd ier. Oi a` evcrsozc blekc os schcbtcd tlos wohh epcratc berrcbthy fut fc a wastc ei me`cy, oi u`dcr  sozc, tlc blekc wohh slew soj`s ei evcrlcato`j a`d wohh `et pcrierm as rcquorcd.  A typobah ciicbt ei a blekc os slew` fchew.




eutput ropphc



Dorcbt Drovc u`ot

o`put ropphc


Ot ba` fc scc` tlat tlc eutput ropphc os rcdubcd fut `et bemphctchy chomo`atcd, tetah chomo`atoe` ei tlc ropphc uso`j e`hy a blekc os `et pessofhc, lc`bc tlc scbe`d part ei tlc ropphc iohtcr. Bapabota`bc, be``cbtcd te tlc eutput ei tlc blekc os a fa`k ei bapaboters a`d semc rcsosters, iorst hct us dosbuss tlc rcsoster. Tlcrc arc twe scts ei rcsosters, scc skctbl fchew7-ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1




7 16 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9



Vcsoster “A‟ os duty dcpc`dc`t, tlcsc rcsoster arc sct abberdo`jhy te tlc duty dut y tafhc abberdo`j te tlc burrc`t a`d vehtajc rato`j ei tlc meter a`d os uscd te homot tlc ameu`t ei burrc`t ihewo`j tlreujl tlc bapaboters. Bapaboters wohh ahhew a` AB vehtajc (ropphc) te t e pass tlreujl fut fhebk DB vehtajcs, so`bc tlc ropphc e` abbchcratoe` ba` fc lojl, tee mubl burrc`t wohh tlreujl tlc bapaboters a`d tlc` dcstrey tlcm. Tlcrcierc tlc burrc`t must fc homotcd u`dcr tlcsc b be`dotoe`. e`dotoe`. Vcsoster “F‟ os ier tlc pretcbtoe` ei pcrse``ch werko`j e` tlc ropphc iohtcr, tlc bapaboters wohh fc blarjcd up fy tlc DB vehtajc apphocd te t e tlcm, tlos DB vehtajc must fc dosblarjcd, rcsoster “F‟ os tlc dosblarjcd rcsoster a`d os ioxcd a`d os `et duty dcpc`dc`t. Tlc bapaboters ahhew tlc AB ropphc te pass tlreujl, tlc DB vehtajc abbumuhatcd fy tlc bapaboter os uscd te smeetl eut tlc ropphcs tlc blekc beuhd `et supprcss.

∯∯∯ ∯∯∯

Eutput ropphc irem blekc.

Eutput blekc ropphc a`d bapaboter vehtajc ompescd Eutput ropphc te tlc meter aitcr smeetlcd fy tlc blekc a`d bapaboters.

Tlc prefhcm wotl tlc blekc a`d bapaboters os tlat oi tlc wre`j vahucs arc uscd, tlc ropphc iohtcr wohh abt hokc a tu`cd borbuot a`d predubc merc vofratoe`s tla` ot chomo`atcs, te rcdubc tlos ciicbt tlc ropphc iohtcr must fc tu`cd o` te suot tlc epcrato`j be`dotoe`s. Ro`bc tlc blekc os ioxcd, tlc e`hy way te tu`c tlc borbuot os te ahtcr tlc `umfcr ei bapaboters fco`j uscd, tlc prebcdurc te pcrierm tlos task os as iehhews7- Adgu  Ad gu st o` j t lc r o pp h c io ht cr 

ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1




7 12 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Tlos sleuhd fc de`c wotl a iuhh head o` tlc bar, wlohst ru``o`j up, fut oi a iuhh head os `et avaohafhc tlc` ru` tlc bar o` tlc dew` dorcbtoe` (cmpty bar). Te ahhew adcquatc tomc te rcberd tlc vehtajc, ru` tlc bar o` CVE. 1. Vcmevc tlc iusc o` tlc ropphc iohtcr a`d mcasurc tlc o`put a`d eutput AB vehtajc te tlc blekc, tlcrc sleuhd fc a vehtajc rcdubtoe` oi tlc blekc os werko`j berrcbthy (e` semc mablo`c tlc blekc sleuhd fc bla`jcd irem 2 mL te 9 mL ier tlc berrcbt hcvch ei  smeetlo`j). Oi tlcrc os `et vehtajc rcdubtoe` tlc` tlc blekc os fco`j saturatcd a`d tlcrcierc os `et fco`j ciicbt a`d wohh `et chomo`atc tlc ropphc predubc fy tlc drovc. 6. Vcphabc tlc iusc, tlos rcbe``cbts ahh tlc bapaboters fabk o`te tlc smeetlo`j borbuot, dosbe``cbt ahh tlc bapaboters cxpcbt e`c, `etc tlc AB vehtajc e` tlc armaturc wlc` tlc bar  ru`s cmpty bar dew`. 2. Add a`etlcr bapaboter a`d rcberd tlc vehtajc, tlc vehtajc abress tlc armaturc sleuhd start te dcbrcasc, rcberd tlc vehtajc. 4. Vcpcat stcp 2 rcberdo`j tlc vehtajc u`toh tlc hewcst hcvch ei AB vehtajc abress tlc armaturc os eftao`cd, be`to`uc o`scrto`j o `scrto`j bapaboter yeu wohh `ew start te scc tlc vehtajc o`brcasc. 3. Vcdubc tlc `umfcr ei bapaboter te a hcvch tlat javc tlc hewcst vehtajc rcado`j 9. A typobah vahuc ei AB v vehtajc ehtajc e` tlc armaturc wohh fc 1>-6> vehts vehts (13 vehts) AB. At tlos peo`t o` tomc tlc systcm os tu`cd o`. Duro`j abbchcratoe` a`d dcbchcratoe` tlc AB vehtajc abress tlc armaturc wohh fc lojl lo jl duc te tlc bla`jc o` burrc`t te tlc armaturc fut e`bc staphc (hoit ru``o`j at a be`sta`t spccd) tlc vehtajc wohh fc staphc tee. Oi tlc vehtajc at ots hewcst hcvch stohh decs `et rcdubc tlc `eosc hcvch e` tlc meter tlc ropphc iohtcr blekc may lavc te fc o`brcascd te 9 mL‟s, a`etlcr peo`t te watbl eut ier os tlc burrc`t rato`j ei tlc blekc ot sleuhd fc afhc te takc at hcast tlc iuhh head up ru``o`j burrc`t. @eosc may ahse fc bauscd fy tlc dorcbt drovc mao` tra`siermcr, ier ahh CTE be`trabts tlos sleuhd fc a` Osehatoe` Tra`siermcr a`d `et a` Aute Tra`siermcr.

  AB vehtajc  abress meter 


ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 14 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Yehtajc wlc` tu`cd  

Bapaboters wlc` tu`cd

Max bapaboters

Met eter er Io ch ch d a`d Fr Fra akc Beoh eoh Adgus dgustt m mc c`t

Zotl tlc usc ei bhesc heep systcms subl as tlc Chcve`ob 411 ot os omperta`t tlat tlc meter  iochd a`d frakc epcrato`j burrc`ts arc sct/adgustcd te jovc rchoafhc epcratoe` wotleut evcrstrcsso`j tlc meter iochd a`d frakc beoh. Tlc meter iochd a`d frakc beoh wohh stohh werk oi tee mubl burrc`t os passcd tlreujl tlc beohs, fut tlcy wohh fc strcsscd tee a peo`t, wlcrc carhy iaohurc ei tlcsc dcvobcs wohh fc tlc c`d rcsuht. E` mest medcr` ETOR mablo`cs, tlc data rcquorcd te sct/adgust tlcm te tlc berrcbt epcrato`j burrc`t hcvchs wohh fc prevodcd e` tlc data phatc. E` carhocr mablo`cs a`d `e`-ETOR mablo`cs tlos data wohh `et ahways fc prevodcd. Fcierc bhesc heep systcm wcrc uscd, tlc meter iochd a`d frakc beoh sctto`j wcrc ablocvcd fy mcasuro`j tlc vehtajc abress tlc dcvobcs a`d adgusto`j tlc rcsosta`bc o` scrocs wotl tlc dcvobc te prevodc tlc berrcbt epcrato`j vehtajc. Zotl bhescd heep systcms tlcrc os `e scrocs rcsosta`bc te adgust, tlc adgustmc`t ei tlc vehtajc os ablocvcd fy passo`j a be`sta`t burrc`t tlreujl tlc dcvobcs, tlc burrc`t os me`otercd a`d rcjuhatcd te kccp tlc vehtajc at tlc dcvobcs be`sta`t. E` carhy systcms as tlc dcvobcs warmcd up, tlc rcsosta`bc ei tlc dcvobcs o`brcascd bauso`j tlc vehtajc te dcbrcasc, tlos bauscd semc varoatoe` wotlo` tlc epcrato`j systcm. E` bhesc heep systcms, so`bc tlc burrc`t os fco`j me`otercd, tlc be`treh systcm autematobahhy adgusts tlc burrc`t passo`j tlreujl tlc dcvobc, tlus kccpo`j tlc dcvobc epcrato`j vehtajc at tlc rcquorcd epcrato`j hcvch, rcdubo`j tlc t lc ciicbts tlat t lat weuhd lavc fcc` cxpcroc`bc e` epc` heep systcms. E` medcr`ozatoe` a`d `e`-ETOR mablo`cs ot os cssc`toah tlat rcado`js arc takc` wlohst tlc mablo`c os epcrato`j u`dcr tlc ehd be`treh systcm, tee c`surc ahh be`dotoe`s arc mct, tlc rcado`js rcquorcd arc 7 Me t e r I Ioo ch d Y Ye e h t aj c

Me t e r I Ioo ch d Bu r r c` t   (oi pessofhc)

ODHC, Rta`do`j ISHH, Abbchcrato`j ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1




7 13 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

VS@, Lojl Rpccd F r ak c Be o h Y Ye e h t aj c

F r ak c Be o h B Bu u r r c` t  (oi pessofhc)

^OBK LEHD @etc 7 Oi tlc ehd sy systcm stcm usc uscs s epcrato epcrato`j `j veh vehtajc tajc cx cxbccdo bccdo`j `j 16> - 143 v vehts ehts DB DB,, tlc` tlc meter iochd a`d frakc beoh may cotlcr lavc te fc bla`jcd ier `cw beohs er rcbe`iojurcd te suot epcratoe`ah be`dotoe`s. Tlc C411 ba` `et epcratc dcvobcs wlobl rcquorc vehtajcs cxbccdo`j 143 vehts DB. Oi tlc cxosto`j dcvobcs arc te fc uscd, ot may fc `cbcssary te be``cbt tlcm o` scrocs/parahhch te suot tlc vehtajc supphocd. Oi tlc epcrato`j burrc`ts arc eftao`afhc irem tlc ehd systcm, tlcsc sleuhd fc uscd e` tlc `cw systcm. Tlc ehd systcm epcrato`j berrcbthy at tlcsc hcvchs tlcrcierc ot sleuhd `et fc a prefhcm be`to`uo`j epcrato`j u`dcr tlcm e` tlc `cw systcm. Oi tlc epcrato`j burrc`ts arc `et avaohafhc, tlc` tlc `cw systcm must fc adgust as iehhew 7 Mcasurc tlc rcsosta`bc ei meter iochd a`d frakc beoh, uso`j tlcsc vahucs a` o`otoah burrc`t sctto`j ba` fc ablocvcd, werk eut tlc burrc`t te fc c`tcrcd voa tlc RYT o`te tlc CC^EM uso`j Elms Haw. Burrc`t = Yehtajc (mcasurcd u`dcr ehd systcm) Vcsosta`bc De tlc afevc bahbuhatoe` ier tlc iehhewo`j be`dotoe`s. Meter Iochd Frakc Beoh OVDSH@ C ISHH - vehts os mcasurcd abress tlc meter iochd tcrmo`ahs, `etc tlos rcado`j, tlos wohh fc uscd ier tlc VS@-IOCHD BSVVC@T sctto`j hatcr e`. @ew adgust tlc burrc`t u`toh tlc iochd vehtajc cquahs te 16> vehts (ETOR mablo`cs), tlos hcvch ei burrc`t wohh prevodc tlc berrcbt hcvch ei epcrato`j burrc`t wotleut evcr strcsso`j tlc iochds. Zotl tlc burrc`t vahuc eftao`cd ier ru``o`j iochd vehtajc, uso`j tlc RYT (M-4-2-1), c`tcr tlos vahuc o`te CC^VEM. Tlc ODHC IOCHD os schcbtcd fy c`tcro`j a pcrbc`tajc ei iuhh iochd o`te tlc CC^VEM. ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1




7 19 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Tlc meter iochd epcratoe` preiohc os slew` fchew -evcr e`c he`j ru`- te ahhew a fcttcr u`dcrsta`do`j ei tlc systcm.

Iuhh Iochd

Vu` Iochd

Odhc Iochd

  Bar e` RTF_

Bar e` ABB

Bar e` VS@

Bar e` DBB

Bar e` RTF_

Meter Iochd Burrc`t ^reiohc

Tlc vahuc ei tlc ODHC IOCHD os schcbtcd as pcrbc`tajc ei tlc iuhh iochd. Sso`j tlc RYT (M-4-2-1) medoiocd tlc vahuc tlcwotl vehtajc abress tlc meter iochd cquahs 4> vehts, tlos vahuc wohh kccp tlc iochd warm.u`toh Rtart a vahuc ei 22%. Tlc ru``o`j iochd hcvch os autematobahhy rcablcd fy tlc systcm me`otero`j tlc BCMI vehtajc (Y/@H) ei tlc hoit armaturc, wlc` tlc vehtajc rcablcs tlos hcvch tlc systcm wohh rcdubc tlc burrc`t hcvch dew` irem tlc iuhh iochd te tlc ru``o`j iochd. - vehts, ajao` `etc tlos rcado`j fcbausc ot wohh fc uscd te sct tlc frakc lehd burrc`t FLHD AM^R. O`brcasc O `brcasc tlc burrc`t u`toh ttlc lc vehtajc cquahs 16> vehts (ETOR-mablo`cs), tlos os tlc vahuc tlat wohh fc uscd as tlc hoito`j burrc`t vahuc F^BK AM^R. ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 1: / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Rtep tlc hoit, sct wotl tlc RYT (M-4-2-6) tlc FLHD AM^R a`d F^BK AM^R tlat `etcd duro`j tlc tcst. Vcmevc tlc frodjc abress tlc frakc swotbl o`put (somuhato`j tlat tlc frakc swotbl las epcratcd) a`d oi tlc seitwarc frakc be`treh os uscd sct FVK RZ O/E = >>>. Zatbl tlc frakc beoh vehtajc, ot must `ew autematobahhy swotbl irem hoito`j burrc`t/vehtajc F^BK AM^R te ots lehdo`j vahuc FLHD AM^R. Tlc `cxt stcp os te sct tlc ^OBK S^ % a`d LEHD % vahucs ei tlc frakc, ot os omperta`t tlat tlcsc fc sct berrcbthy fcbausc oi `et tlc systcm wohh `et epcratc, tlc pobk vahuc must jrcatcr tla` tlc lehd vahuc. Te fc afhc te u`dcrsta`d tlos iu`btoe`, rcicr te tlc frakc epcratoe`ah preiohc fchew.


^obk Sp % Reitwarc Frakc swotbl epcrato`j pesotoe` FLHD AM^R

  Lehd %


F^BK Vatc

FDV^ Vatc

Frakc Burrc`t ^reiohc Tlc ^OBK S^ % must fc jrcatcr tla` 92% , tlos wohh ahhew suiioboc`t tomc ier tlc frakc te hoit at tlos pcrbc`tajc tlc frakc os dcbharcd as hoitcd wlc` tlc seitwarc be`treh eptoe` os uscd. Tlc pobk up % vahuc (o` burrc`t) must fc jrcatcr as tlc burrc`t vahuc ei FLHD AM^R. Oi  `et, a` crrer wohh ebbur wotlo` tlc DFRR systcm. Tlc LEHD % vahuc (o` burrc`t) must fc hewcr as tlc burrc`t vahuc ei FLHD AM^R. Typobahhy sct te 63 %. Oi tlc FLHD AM^R dreps te a vahuc ei LEHD % tlc frakc os dcbharcd as dreppcd. Tlc F^BK Vatc os tlc tomc te ramp up ^obk burrc`t irem zcre te tlc sct vahuc ei F^BK  AM^R. Typobahhy sct ier >.1 te >.3 scbe`ds. Tlc FDV^ Vatc os tlc tomc te ramp dew` irem FLHD AM^R burrc`t te zcre. Typobahhy sct ier >.1 te >.3 scbe`ds. ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s




7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 1< / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Ar m ma at ur ur c Vcs os os tta a` b bc c Ad g us us ttm m c` tt..

Tlc armaturc rcsosta`bc ba` fc casy bahbuhatcd uso`j Elm‟s Haw. Ot os `cbcssary te rcbahbuhatc tlc armaturc rcsosta`bc wlc` ru``o`j he`j bafhcs irem tlc be`trehhcr voa tlc ropphc iohtcr te tlc mablo`c. 1. Rw Rwotb otbl l ttlc lc ba barr tte e OO@R @R/C /CVE VE.. 6. Rct vo voa a RYT be` be``cbtc `cbtcd d te tlc MB MBRR(M-6RR(M-6-2-6) 2-6) JE E E@ @ tohh O`s O`spcbtoe pcbtoe` ` Ycheb Ycheboty oty a`d sct tcmperary tlc vcheboty te zcre. 2. Be``c Be``cbt bt a veh vehtajc tajc mc mctcr tcr a`d a burrc` burrc`tt bhamp m mctcr ctcr te tl tlc c armatu armaturc rc borb borbuot uot a`d m mcasur casurc c fetl vahucs wlohst puslo`j e` tlc CVE-fex S^ er D@. _eu ba` ahse me`oter armaturc- vehtajc a`d burrc`t voa RYT be``cbtcd te tlc DFRR (M-4-1-1) JE E@. 4. @etc fe fetl tl vahu vahucs cs a`d b bahbuh ahbuhatc atc wo wotl tl Elm‟s Haw tl tlc c armatu armaturc rc rcso rcsosta`bc sta`bc a`d usc tlc vahuc te sct MTV ELMR o` tlc t lc DFRR. 3. Vcsct tee tlc ehd vahuc O`spcbtoe` Ycheboty.


16 RB RBV A`a `ahh ej ej A Adg dgus ustt m mc c`t `ts s

S`dcr `ermah be`dotoe` tlos adgustmc`ts arc ahh de`c o` tlc iabtery a`d tlc petc`toemctcrs e` tlos ^BF sleuhd `et fcc` teublcd at ahh. 1>.1

Ad g u s t m c` t e i Ir cq u c` b y Rw oott b l

Tlos swotbl 1RR er 1R os uscd te bahofratc tlc ho`c sy`blre`ozo`j borbuot ier cotlcr 3>Lz er  9>Lz. Epc` ier 3>Lz epcratoe` a`d bhesc ier 9>Lz epcratoe`. 1>.6

Ad g u s t m c` t e i IM@ Rw o t b l

Tlos swotbl 6RR er R6 dctcrmo`cs wlctlcr tlc IM@ borbuotry, wlobl somuhatcs meter burrc`t, os uscd. Ot os rcbemmc`dcd tlat tlc IM@ borbuotry fc uscd (R6 er 6RR bhescd) wlc` tlc ropphc iohtcr os uscd wotl 121LT mablo`cs te chomo`atc vofratoe`s. Jc`crahhy ot os `et `ccdcd cvc` wotl tlc ropphc iohtcr. Rct tlc swotbl te tlc pesotoe` OIFK a`d usc tlc burrc`t iccdfabk. Blcbk ahh iehhewo`j sctto`js o` rcicrc`bc yeur chcvater duty a`d tlc typc ei ropphc iohtcr 2mL er 9mL wotl Tafhc 4-1 o` tlc Maj`cTck Ma`uah. 1>. 2

G 9 e r G 11 Ad g u s t m c` t ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 1? / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Tlc gumpcr sleuhd fc jc`crahhy phabcd o` tlc lojl ra`jc (gumpo`j 2 te 4) wlc` o` tlc OIFK medc a`d tlc hew ra`jc (gumpo`j 1 te 6) o` tlc IM@ medc. A`ylew, oi tlcrc os a prefhcm o` adgusto`j tlc bressevcr pet, tlc gumpcr ba` fc bla`jcd as gumpo`j 2 te 4 jovcs lojlcr jao` irem tlc bressevcr pet a`d gumpo`j 1 te 6 jovcs a hewcr jao` ra`jc. 1>.4 1> .4

Adgust mc`t ei petc`t oem ctcr V6 V64? 4? er 1V 1VL L (B (Bres res sevcr sctto` j)

Tlos petc`toemctcr os uscd te sct tlc pcrierma`bc ei tlc burrc`t rcjuhater a`d os adgustcd te ablocvc at :3> radoa` bressevcr ei tlc burrc`t heep.  A twe bla``ch esbohhesbepc os rcquorcd ier tlos adgustmc`t. 1. Leek up tlc sbepc bemme` hcad te tl tlc c8 8BEMM BEMME@0 E@0 T^, be``cb be``cbtt bla`` bla``ch ch e`c te tlc 8O CVVEV0 T^ a`d bla``ch twe te 8O IDFK0 T^ e` tlc 16 RBV Be`treh ^BF. 6. Do Dosb sbe` e``c `cbt bt a f fra rakc kc b beo eohh hc hcad ad.. 2. Ssc ttlc lc RY RYT T (M-6 (M-6-2-: -2-:)) a`d rc rcsct sct M MHR3 HR3 T TOMC OMCEST EST te ? ???. ??. 4. O`o O`oto toatc atc a ru ru` `v voa oa tl tlc cM MBR BRR. R. 3. Efscrv Efscrvc c sbe sbepc pc bl bla``ch a``ch twe ier iuhh be be`dubto `dubtoe` e` e` tlc RB RBVns. Vns. Iuhh be`dubtoe` be`dubtoe` oos s o`doo`dobatcd wlc` tlcrc arc `e ihat spets o` tlc sbepc trabc. Tlc fettem er tep ei tlc trabc sleuhd bemc te a slarp peo`t gust at tlc ">" veht rcicrc`bc ho`c. Ot may fc `cbcssary te o`brcasc er dcbrcasc tlc vahuc ei MA\ FOAR o` tlc DFRR te gust jct iuhh be`dubtoe`. 9. Zotl tlc d drovc rovc o` iuhh be`du be`dubtoe` btoe` efscr efscrvc vc s sbepc bepc bla`` bla``ch ch e` e`c c a`d adgust V64? er 1V 1VL L ier 1,6 vehts pcak te pcak. :. Vcb Vcbe`` e``cbt cbt tl tlc c fra frakc kc be beohoh a` a`d d rcs rcsct ct MH MHR3 R3 TOM TOMCES CEST T te 63> 63>..

1>.3 1> .3

Adgust mc`t ei petc`t oem ctcr V6 V63> 3> er 6V 6VL L (Y/HO) (Y/HO)

Tlos petc`toemctcr os uscd te bahofratc tlc IM@ borbuotry te abburatchy somuhatc tlc meter  wlc` tlc ropphc iohtcr os o` scrocs wotl tlc chcvater meter. Tlc pet os adgustcd u`toh burrc`t somuhatcd matblcs burrc`t iccdfabk.  A vehtmctcr os rcquorcd ier tlos adgustmc`t. Tlc iusc i usc o` tlc ropphc iohtcr must fc o`stahhcd a`d tlc iohtcr prepcr adgustcd. 1.

Be``c Be``cbt bt tlc v vehtmctc ehtmctcrr `cja `cjatovc tovc hc hcad ad te 8BE 8BEMME@ MME@0 0 T^ a`d tl tlc c pesot pesotovc ovc hc hcad ad te 8IM 8IM@ @  Adgustmc`t0 T^. ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 6> / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

6. Do Dosb sbe` e``c `cbt bt a f fra rakc kc b beo eohh hc hcad ad.. 2. Ssc ttlc lc RY RYT T (M-6 (M-6-2-: -2-:)) a`d rc rcsct sct M MHR3 HR3 T TOMC OMCEST EST te ? ???. ??. 4. O`o O`oto toatc atc a ru ru` `v voa oa tl tlc cM MBR BRR. R. 3. ^ha ^habc bc sw swotb otbl l R6 e err 6RR oo` ` tlc e epc` pc` p peso esotoe` toe` OIF OIFK. K. 9. Adgust V V63> 63> er 6V 6VL L ier tlc he hewcst wcst rc rcado`j ado`j yeu b ba` a` efta eftao`. o`. Tlos os tlc be berrcbt rrcbt s sctto`j ctto`j ier Y/HO. :. Bhesc tlc sw swotbl otbl R R6 6 er 6R 6RR. R. At tlos tomc w wc c lav lavc c e`hy uscd tlc IM@ pesoto pesotoe` e` e` ttlc lc 121LT mablo`cs te chomo`atc vofratoe`s. 63>.. 1>.9 1> .9

Adgust mc`t ei petc`t oem ctcr V6 V64< 4< er 2V 2VL L (Icc (Iccd d Ierward )

Tlos petc`toemctcr adgusts tlc jao` ei tlc burrc`t rcjuhater duro`j pcroeds ei lojl ropphc, o.c. dosbe`to`ucs burrc`t. Tlos os te aod o` mako`j a smeetl tra`sotoe` wlc` swotblo`j irem e`c burrc`t dorcbtoe` te tlc etlcr. Tlc fcst pcrierma`bc las fcc` ieu`d te sct tlc V64< er 2VL petc`toemctcr te :> % (:/1>), tlos rcq rcquorcs uorcs `e iurtlcr adgustmc`t.


DFR FRR R Be`t e`treh reh ^BF A`a A`ahej hej Ad Adgus gustmc tmc`ts `ts

S`dcr `ermah be`dotoe` tlos adgustmc`ts arc ahh de`c o` tlc iabtery a`d tlc petc`toemctcrs e` tlos ^BF sleuhd `et fcc` teublcd at ahh.


Ad gu gu s stt m mc c` ts ts e i I Irc rcq qu uc c` b by y / Ye ht ht a aj j c Jao ` ((I I/Y Jao ` `))

Tlos adgustmc`ts lavc fcc` madc wlc` tlc bar travchs o` e`c dorcbtoe` wotleut prefhcms fut prefhcms ebbur wlc` dorcbtoe` os rcvcrscd. Tlc petc`toemctcrs V Y at tlc tcstpeo`ts "Rbahcd I/Y Eutput (S^) dorcbtoe`" a`d "Rbahcd I/Y Eutput (D@) dorcbtoe`" rcspcbtovchy wotl 62>KLz o`te tlc I/Y be`vcrtcrs. (Mcasurc te zcre at tcstpeo`t "bemme`"). Tlc ircquc`by o`te tlc I/Y os bahbuhatcd fy tlc iehhewo`j iermuha 7 Tabl beu`ts x V^M x 4 = O`put Ircquc`by te I/Y 9> ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1




7 61 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Cxamphc7 Mablo`c wotl V^M = 141 (6.3 m/s) a`d ^YT= 1>.>>> ^/V, tlc o`put ircquc`by te tlc I/Y weuhd fc 7 1> >>> ^/V x 141 V^M V^M x 4 = ?4 >>> Lz (?4 KLz) 9> Tlcrcierc, tlc eutput at tlc tcstpeo`t ier "Rbahcd I/Y Eutput (S^) dorcbtoe`" oi tlc bar travchs up at 6.3 m/s (141 V^M) weuhd fc 7 ?4 KLz x 1> Y = 4,> KLz Tlc samc eutput wohh appcar at tcstpeo`t "Rbahcd I/Y Eutput (D@) dorcbtoe`" oi tlc bar travchs dew` at iuhh spccd.  Abtuahhy yeu ba` adgust ier cvcry spccd sotuatoe` wotl rcbahbuhato`j tlc rcjardo`j V^Mns V^Mns ier  tlc spccd sotuatoe`. 11.6

Ei i s ct A Ad d gu stm c c` `t e eii R Rp p ccd I Ic ccd f ab k

Tlos petc`toemctcr V?< er 2VL os uscd te bempc`satc ier a`y eiisct o` tlc spccd iccdfabk patl. Tlc pet os adgustcd te eftao` zcre vehts at tlc tcstpeo`t "Burrc`t Vcicrc`bc" wotl tlc dobtatoe` o`put a`d sbahcd a`ahej Tabl T abl soj`ah at zcre vehts wlobl mca`s tlc mablo`c os `et mevo`j.


^e h ar o t y Ad g u s t m c` t

Tlc iehhwo`j peharotocs ei tlc systcm must fc o` ho`c ier prepcr epcratoe`. Bla`jcs must fc madc o` 7 1. Rctt Rctto`j o`j ttlc lc RZ6 sw swotb otbl l ei tlc R^ R^^T ^T ire irem/o` m/o` p peso esotoe` toe` B BZ/BBZ. Z/BBZ.  Aitcr bla`jo`j pesotoe` ei RZ6 RZ 6 tlc u`ot las te fc pewcrcd dew` a`d swotblcd e` ajao` 6. Rwa Rwap pb be`` e``cbt cbtoe` oe` ei tlc Met Meter er Ioc Iochd hd 2. Rw Rwap ap b be` e``c `cbt btoe oe`s `s e eii ^Y ^YT T Drovc  Abtu tu ah Bar  Bar Rpccd Futte`  Ab Iauht RYT-MBRR ^rcsscd Dorcbtoe` M-6-3-1 e` CVE "+" Ycheboty @e Iauht



Drovc HCD O`dobatoe` D@ HCD

"-" Ycheboty "+" Ycheboty

Tabl Iauht D@ HCD


Z re`j MI, swap MI Zre`j ^YT, swap ^YT Z re`j sc tto`j RRZ6 ^^T Bla`jc swotbl Z rre e`j MI, swap MI

ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s


7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1






7 66 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

"+" Ycheboty

@e Iauht


"-" Ycheboty

Tabl Iauht S^ HCD

Z re`j sctto`j R^^T Bla`jc swotbl RZ6 Z re`j ^YT, swap ^YT

Max F o as Ad g u s t m c` t

Tlc purpesc ei MA\ Foas Adgustmc`t os te prcvc`t Vehhfabk u`dcr ahh head be`dotoe`s wlc` tlc frakc las hoitcd. Tlc Max Foas os tlc burrc`t ier apphyo`j prc-terquc duro`j tlos stajc. @etc 7 Adgus Adgustmc`ts tmc`ts lav lavc c te fc de`c fcier adgus adgusto`j to`j tlc MBR MBRR R Headw Headwcojlo cojlo`j `j Dcvobc Dcvobc . 1. Head tlc tlc bar bar wo wotl tlatFaha Faha`bc Head d as pre prejramm jrammcd cd o` tlc MBRR‘Faha`b MBRR‘Faha`bc c Head %‘ sctto`j a`d park tlc`bc tep Hea ha`do`j. 6. Dosafh Dosafhc c vo voa a RY RYT T be` be``cbtcd `cbtcd te tlc MBRR (M-6-2 (M-6-2-1) -1) JE E@ 7 FOAR TEVQSC E^TOE@ = >>> HEAD ZCOJLO@J = >>> 2. Be``c Be``cbt bt tlc RYT te tlc DF DFRR RR (M(M-4-1-1) 4-1-1) JE E@ tohh HEA HEAD D % BE BEMMA@D MMA@D a`d b blcbk lcbk tlat tlc vahuc rcmao`s zcre duro`j adgustmc`ts. Tlos mca`s tlc drovc k`ews tlc head o` tlc bar os faha`bc head. 4. Dosa Dosafhc fhc dee deerr epcra epcratoe` toe` a`d c`tcr v voa oa RYT a b bahh ahh te tlc fettem ha ha`do`j `do`j a`d wa watbl tbl e` tl tlc c R^^T-Zlcch ier Vehhfabk. Oi tlc bar rehhs fabk o` up dorcbtoe` duro`j takc eii, tlc MA\ FOAR burrc`t las te fc o`brcascd (M-4-2-3). Oi tlc bar rehhs shojlthy alcd o` tlc dew` dorcbtoe` duro`j takc eii, tlc MA\ FOAR burrc`t must fc dcbrcascd. 3. Zlc` tlc bar os at tlc fe fettem ttem ha`d ha`do`j o`j c` c`tcr tcr a bah bahhh te tlc te tep p ha`do`j ha`do`j a`d w watbl atbl e` tlc R^^T Zlcch ier Vehhfabk. Oi tlc bar rehhs fabk o` dew` dorcbtoe` duro`j takc eii, tlc MA\ FOAR burrc`t las te fc o`brcascd o`brcascd (M-4-2-3). Oi tlc bar rehhs shojlthy alcd o` tlc up dorcbtoe` duro`j takc eii, tlc MA\ FOAR burrc`t must fc dcbrcascd. 9. _eu may io`d eut w wlc` lc` deo deo`j `j tlo tlos s adgus adgustmc`ts tmc`ts tl tlat at yeu l lavc avc a` a`d d eiisct w wlc` lc` sta starto`j rto`j irem tlc tep iheer dew` er fettem iheer up. Tlos mca`s tlc wcojlt ei tlc bempc`satoe` repcs arc `et bahbuhatct cxabthy er tlc wcojlt bahbuhatoe`s ier travchho`j bafhcs arc `et be`sodcrcd er bla`jcd. :. Adgust tl tlc c MA\ FOAR OAR burrc`t c`t lotbl ier a wotl j jeed eedtlc av avcrajc crajc a`dbars `etc `etc,arc , wlc` w watblcd atblcd R^^T-Zlcch yeuF lavcburr a 171 bar. Mest 671 yeu repo`j wlobl tlc mca`s rehhfabk adgustcd wotl tlc rcicrc`bc ei R^^T-Zlcch wohh but abtuah rehhfabk ier tlc bar o` lahi. ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 62 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

= Je te Rta`dfy. Me`oter-MBRR7 Meto` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR) Hoit Frakc / D Drep rep Frakc Bemma`ds tlc DFRR te hoit tlc frakc. Hejob 1 = Hoit Frakc, Hejob = > De `et hoit Frakc Me`oter-MBRR7 Meto` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR) 14. 6

Drov rovc c Rtatc tatc Mcss ssa ajc ire irem m tl tlc c DFR FRR R Be` e`tre trehh ^ ^B BF te tl tlc c MBRR

Vcady te Vu` / @et Vcady te Vu` Vcady O`dobatcs wlctlcr er `et drovc os c`afhcd a`d saic te ru`. Tlc DFRR dctcrmo`atcs tlat tlc bar os saic te ru` (hejob = 1) wlc` ahh iauht dctcbters arc rcsct, tlc armaturc a`d frakc borbuots arc bhescd a`d meteriochd os sct te iuhh iochd. A hejob = > o`dobatcs cotlcr tlat tlc DFRR os o` Rta`dfy, er tlat e`c er merc ei tlc afevc be`dotoe`s os `et truc. Me`oter-MBRR7 Meto` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR) Frakc Hoi tcd / Frakc D Drep rep pcd ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 64 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

 A hejob = 1 o`dobatcs pewcr te tlc drovc frakc las fcc` rcmevcd a`d tlc frakc os hoitcd, a hejob = 1 o`dobatcs tlat pewcr las fcc` apphocd te tlc drovc a`d frakc a`d tlc frakc las fcc` sct. Tlc DFRR me`oters cotlcr tlc @ermah Bhescd be`tabts (frakc c`jajcd) ei tlc frakc swotbl, wlobl os o`tcjrah wotl semc mablo`c frakcs er tlc frakc beoh burrc`t iier er tlesc mablo`cs wotleut a frakc swotbl te dctcrmo`atc tlc status ei tlc frakc. Me`oter-MBRR7 Meto` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR) Vchcvch Borbuo t C`crjo zc Vchcvch zcd d / Vchcvc Vchcvchh Borb uot @et C`crjozcd O`dobatcs tlat e`hy tlc hew spccd be`treh borbuot ei DFRR ier rchcvcho`j las fcc` c`crjozcd. Vcquorcd fy tlc BC@ bedc u`dcr bcrtao` be`dotoe`s. Me`oter-MBRR7 Meto` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR) Bar Mevo`j Dew ` / B Bar Bar ar `et Mevo` j Dew` Tlc DFRR sufsystcm dctcrmo`atcs tlc dorcbtoe` ei bar metoe` irem tlc ^YT soj`ah a`d scts tlos soj`ah te a hejob = 1dorcbtoe` oi tlc bara`d os mevo`j dew`, adorcbtoe` hejob = >HCD. oi tlc bar os `et mevo`j dew`. Me`oter-MBRR 7 Bar Me`oter-DFRR Bar Mevo`j Sp / B Bar Bar ar `et Mevo `j Sp Tlc DFRR sufsystcm dctcrmo`atcs tlc dorcbtoe` ei bar metoe` irem tlc ^YT soj`ah a`d scts tlos soj`ah te a hejob = 1 oi tlc bar os mevo`j up, a hejob = > oi tlc bar os `et mevo`j up. Me`oter-MBRR 7 Bar dorcbtoe` a`d Me`oter-DFRR dorcbtoe` HCD. Rtep a`d Rlutdew` / Det Rtep a`d Rlutdew` Tlos soj`ah os sct te a hejob = 1 wlc` tlc DFRR dctcbts a` evcr tcmpcraturc be`dotoe`, a meter iochd evcrburrc`t er a hess ei tlc swotbl wlobl epcratcs tlc rchay ier tlc u`ots lavo`j a mablo`c fhewcr. A hejob = > wohh o`dobatc a `ermah be`dotoe`. Zlc` a step er slutdew` cvc`t ebburcs, tlc bar jecs te tlc `cxt bemottafhc iheer, steps, bybhcs tlc deers a`d sluts dew`. Me`oter-MBRR7 Meto` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR)

Drovc Homot / @e Drovc Homot Tlos soj`ah os sct te a hejob = 1 oi tlc terquc rchatcd tlrcslehd ei tlc partobuhar drovc os fco`j cxbccdcd (tlcrc fc burrc`t, vehtajc, pewcr, ctb. pcrierma`bc homots wotlo` tlc drovc). Tlc MBRR wohh rcdubc tlc dobtatcd abbchcratoe` vahuc u`toh tlc homots os `e he`jcr cxbccdcd. A hejob = > o`dobatcs tlc epcratoe` os `et appreablo`j tlc drovc homot. Me`oter-MBRR7 Metoe` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR) Drovc Iauht / @e Dro vc Ia Iauht uht  A hejob = 1 o`dobatcs a saic drovc, hejob = > mca`s tlat at hcast. Tlc DFRR dctcrmo`atcs a` u`saic statc fy dosbevcro`j iauht be`dotoe`s tlreujl o`tcr`ah doaj`estobs. Tlc MBRR wohh ommcdoatchy sct paramctcrs tlc HOIT FVAKC soj`ahh hojobo`te = >tlc a`dslutdew` tlc DOBTATCD ABBCHCVATOE@ a`d YCHEBOT_ te zcre tlc` te jecs statc. Tlc MBRR wohh attcmpt te rcbevcr tlc ru` fy tej tejjho`j jho`j tlc ^VC^AVC TE VS@ soj`ah soj`ah te tlc DFRR. Oi tlc iauht bhcarcs, `ermah epcratoe` slahhh rcsumc, etlcrwosc tlc MBRR slahh rcmao`d slutdew`. ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.





Curepca` a`d Tra`sbe`to`c`tah Epcratoe`s



7 4 - AA 2


7  AAF61693AAA OO

Yo`t Yo`taj ajc c 7 >6 / 1



7 63 / 63

Rtartup Rta rtup Veuto`c


7 1>-Ga`-1??9

Me`oter-MBRR7 Metoe` Hejob Rtatcs (MHR)

ZAV@O@J7 Tlc usc ei tlos werk os dcio`cd o` tlc hcjc`d upe` tlc ire`t pajc lcrcei.

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