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Objectives After completing this learning unit you should be able to: ♦♦ Identify the clauses, tables and figures within CSA Standard W59-13 ♦♦ Answer technical questions on the standard. ♦♦ Navigate the standard and obtain the required information for successful completion of a welded fabrication.

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WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

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Table of Contents (Study Guide) Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding) CSA Standard W59-13

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Section 1 Short Format Questions


Section 2 Short Format Answers


Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions


Section 4 Multiple Choice/ True or False Answers


WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

cwbinstitute Building Futures

Introduction In order to assist welding supervisors in their study of CSA Standard W59, the Canadian Welding Bureau has compiled this study guide. It includes questions with short answers, multiple choice and true or false exercise questions. The clause reference for the correct answer is shown in brackets followed by the answer. When using this standard, the table of contents is very helpful. The topic of clauses and sub-clauses have page number beside them. The titles of tables and figures are also in the table of contents. Find the clause title that matches the information you are looking for Then look for a sub-clause that matches more detail. Go to the page number listed beside it. If the answer is not there go back to the table of contents.

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WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 1

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Answer the questions in the space provided quoting the clause in the Standard where the answer was obtained. The answers to the questions are in Section.

Short Format Questions

Clause 1 1. CSA Standard W59 covers the welding requirements for what type of steel construction?

2. What types of structures are covered in CSA Standard W59?

Clause 2 3. What is a low-hydrogen electrode?

4. Who is the Engineer as described in CSA Standard W59?

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WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 1 Short Format Questions

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Clause 3 5. What are the requirements for contractor certification?

6. What welding processes are covered in CSA Standard W59?

7. Does CSA Standard W59 specify requirements for stud welding?

8. Does CSA Standard W59 contain provisions for prequalified joints?

9. What base metals can be welded under CSA Standard W59?

10. The requirements for welding symbols are specified in what standard?

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WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 1 Short Format Questions

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Clause 4 11. What information should be given on a design drawing?

12. What typical welding information would you expect to find on an erection or detail drawing?

13. What requirements are specified in CSA Standard W59 to minimize the possibility of lamellar tearing?

14. What are the types of welds as specified in CSA Standard W59?

15. What is a complete joint penetration (CJP) groove weld?

16. What is a partial joint penetration groove weld?

17. What is a complete joint penetration (CJP) groove weld?

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18. Can single fillet welds or single partial joint penetration welds be subjected, in service, to bending about the longitudinal axis of the weld if it produces tension at the root of the weld?

Short Format Questions

19. What are the restrictions to the geometry of fillet welds?

20. What is the effective length of a skewed groove weld?

21. What is the effective throat of a complete joint penetration groove weld connecting a 19 mm (3/4 in) plate to a 25 mm (1 in) plate?

22. What is the effective throat of a partial joint penetration groove weld with zero root opening?

23. If a partial joint penetration groove weld is reinforced with a fillet can the fillet portion be included as part of the effective throat of the weld?

24. Is a flare bevel groove weld considered a complete or partial joint penetration weld?

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25. What is the effective throat thickness of a flare bevel groove weld in a butt joint?

Short Format Questions 26. What is the effective length of a fillet weld?

27. How is the length of a curved fillet weld measured?

28. What is the minimum allowable effective length of a fillet weld?

29. What is the maximum fillet weld size that can be detailed along the edges of a plate?

30. What is the minimum diameter of the hole or the width of the slot for plug and slot welds?

31. What is the required depth of filling for plug and slot welds?

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32. What are the requirements in CSA Standard W59 for filler plates?

Section 1 Short Format Questions 33. What is the minimum groove depth for a partial joint penetration groove weld in a 25 mm (1 in) plate with a 45° groove angle?

34. Two plates, each 12 mm thick are to be joined by a fillet weld. What is the minimum fillet size that may be made?

Clause 5 35. What environmental factors must be taken into account when welding?

36. Can welding be performed when the ambient temperature is below –18°C (0°F)?

37. Are there special provisions in CSA Standard W59 for weld metal with atmospheric corrosion resistance and colour matching of weathering steels?

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38. If atmospheric corrosion resistance is required but exact colour matching is not required, can you deviate from the requirements of Table 5-1?

Short Format Questions

39. What is the meaning of “H-X”, as you may see after a FCAW electrode classification?

40. Do electrodes with diffusible hydrogen designators have to be used for welding of all steels?

41. What action must be taken when a container of low-hydrogen electrodes is damaged before opening?

42. What is the maximum time that an E4918 electrode may remain out of an electrode oven before it requires reconditioning?

43. Low-hydrogen electrodes with a strength higher than E49XX (E70XX) must be used within what time period?

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44. How many times can a low-hydrogen electrode be rebaked, and what must be done if the electrode becomes wet?

Short Format Questions 45. Are the GTAW and GMAW processes designated as low-hydrogen processes with an H4 designator without an actual test?

46. Surfaces and edges to be welded must be clean and free from paint, grease, moisture, etc. for what distance from the weld area?

47. Can occasional notches be repaired on the edge of material that is to be welded?

48. The separation between parts to be joined by fillet welds shall not exceed what limits?

49. What is the maximum gap between the faying surfaces of a lap joint or between the faying surfaces of a butt joint and steel backing?

50. What is the allowable offset between abutting parts to be joined by a groove weld?

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51. If a tack weld is to be incorporated into the final weld must it be subject to the same quality requirements as the final weld?

Short Format Questions 52. What are the requirements for seal welds?

53. What steel should be used for extension bars, run-off plates and backing?

54. What is the purpose of extension bars or run-off plates?

55. What are the requirements for the depth to width ratio of weld passes?

56. What are the maximum preheat recommendations for welding quenched and tempered steels?

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57. What actions will help to control distortion and shrinkage stresses due to welding?

Short Format Questions 58. Are preheats higher than required by Table 5-3 sometimes used?

59. If a weldment is heated to correct distortion from welding, the maximum localized heat shall not exceed what temperature?

60. Does CSA Standard W59 allow welds to be peened?

61. If an arc strike occurs outside of the weld area what action should be taken?

62. What is the required preheat temperature for welding a 25 mm (1 in) thick G40.21 grade 350W steel with a SMAW electrode with a diffusible hydrogen designator of H8?

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63. When preheating, how far in advance of the welding arc must the base material be at or above the specified preheat temperature?

Short Format Questions 64. What is the workmanship tolerance on the root face of a groove weld if the root is not to be gouged?

Clause 6 65. Are stud welds applied in the flat position considered prequalified?

66. Can the welding of studs be carried out when the temperature of the base metal is below 0° C (32° F)?

Clause 7 67. What information should be made available to the welding inspector?

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Section 1 Short Format Questions

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Clause 8 68. The procedures in CSA Standard W59 for radiography apply to what types of joints?

69. What is the recommended minimum steel thickness for performing radiography using radioactive isotopes?

Clause 9 70. What should be done when welding in the field on structures that have been painted?

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Section 1 Short Format Questions

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Clause 10 71. CSA Standard W59 specifies requirements for prequalified joints for which welding processes?

72. For the SMAW process, are there additional requirements placed on the welding of designated prequalified joints?

73. Prequalified joints are specified in CSA Standard W59 for the SAW process in what welding position?

74. What are the maximum allowable welding currents when making a prequalified groove weld with the SAW process using two electrodes in parallel?

75. When welding prequalified joints with the single electrode SAW process what are the requirements for the allowable thickness of each weld pass?

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Section 1 Short Format Questions

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Clause 11 76. Clauses 1 through 10 inclusive relate to structures, which are either statically-loaded or cyclically-loaded. What do Clauses 11 and 12 cover?

77. In bearing type connections, are high strength bolts and welds permitted to share the load in statically-loaded structures?

78. When specified, what size should the reinforcing fillet weld be for Tand corner joints?

79. What is the visual examination acceptance criteria for welds in a statically loaded structure?

80. Two CSA G40.21 Grade 300W steel plates are to be joined using the SMAW process. What would be the matching electrode classification to weld this grade of steel?

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Section 2 Short Format Answers

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Clause 1 1. (Cl. 1.1, 1.2) The welding requirements of CSA Standard W59 can be applied to carbon and low-alloy welded steel construction, except where other special codes such as API or ASME. (Cl. 1.4) The standard is not intended for use with steels having a minimum specified yield strength > 700 MPa (100,000 psi) or for stainless steels. 2. (Cl.1.1) CSA Standard W59 covers statically- and cyclically-loaded (repetitive loading) structures. Clause 12 deals with provisions that are specific to cyclically-loaded structures only, and Clause 11 deals with provisions specific to statically-loaded structures only. Clause 3-10 are common to all structures.

Clause 2 Cl 2.1 Definitions 3. Low hydrogen - a term applied to consumables manufactured to deposit weld metal having a specified maxiimun limit to the diffusible hydrogen content or to a processes having inherently low diffusible hydrogen. 4. The Engineer is the professionally qualified person representing the regulatory authority, or the purchaser.

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Clause 3 5. (Cl. 3.1.1) When mandated in the contract or in the governing design Standard*, all Contractors performing work under this Standard must be certified to CSA W47.1 for welded fabrications. 6. (Cl. This standard covers the SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, MCAW, FCAW, SAW, ESW, EGW and SW processes.

7. (Cl. Yes, Clause 6 and Annex H4 has requirements for stud welding. 8. (Cl. Yes, Clause 10 has details for the geometry of joints that are prequalified, provided the welding procedures also conform to Clauses 4, 5 and 10 of CSA Standard W59 (See Clause 10) are followed. There are prequalified joints for SMAW, SAW, FCAW, MCAW (spray transfer mode only) GTAW and GMAW (spray transfer and pulse transfer mode) processes. 9. (Cl 3.2 ( Base Metal), 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3) Clause 3.2.1 states: steel base metal to be welded under this Standard shall conform to the requirements of the CSA or ASTM Standards listed in Clauses 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 or other recognized specifications of equivalent welding quality as determined by the Contractors Engineer and approved by the Engineer. 10. (Cl. 3.4) Welding symbols shall be as shown in AWS Standard A2.4, together with the additional conventions developed for CSA Standard W59 and shown in Annex D of CSA Standard W59.

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Clause 4 11. (Cl. to Cl A design drawing should contain: ♦♦ information for preparation of detail and erection drawings; ♦♦ the effective throat thickness shall be defined for partial penetration joints, fillet welds and groove welds in skewed joints.

12. (Cl., Cl, Cl., CI An erection or detail drawing should contain the following information: ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦

location, type, size and length of all welds: distinguish between shop and field welds; identify groove welds as either CJP or PJP; for partial joint penetration groove welds, the groove depths and joint preparations, together with the position of welding; ♦♦ for skewed joints, the effective leg size for fillet welds and the effective throat for groove welds; ♦♦ any notes required, e.g. welding sequence, control of distortion, etc.

13. (Cl., Cl. Corner or T-joint details causing throughthickness tensile stresses resulting from welding executed under conditions of restraint shall be avoided when possible. If this type of joint cannot be avoided, measures shall be taken to minimize the possibility of lamellar tearing, such as the selection of material with improved through-thickness ductility. In the case of corner joints using single bevel or J-grooves, the preferred preparation is as shown in Figure 4.1. See Annex Q for additional information on lamellar tearing. 14. (Cl. Welds are classified as groove, fillet, plug or slot welds. 15. (Cl. A CJP groove weld is one that has complete penetration and fusion of weld and base metal throughout the thickness of the joint.

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Section 2 Short Format Answers

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16. (Cl. A partial joint penetration groove weld is defined as one having joint penetration less than the thickness of the joint. 17. (Cl. No. Groove welds shall be continuous for the full length of the joint, except as provided in Clause or as otherwise permitted by the Engineer. 18. (Cl. No. These welds shall not be subject to bending about their longitudinal axis if such bending produces tension at the root of the weld. 19. (Cl. Fillet welds may be used in joints with fusion faces forming an included angle of 60° to 135° (see Figure 4.8). Angles less than 60° are permitted; however, in such cases the weld shall be considered to be a partial joint penetration groove weld. For angles over 135° fillet welds shall not be relied upon to transmit calculated loads (see Clause 4.5). 20. (Cl. The effective length is the width of the part joined. 21. (Cl. The effective weld throat is equal to the thickness of the thinnest part joined, which in this case is 19 mm (3/4 in). 22. (Cl. If the groove angle is equal to or greater than 60°, the effective throat is equal to the depth of preparation. If the groove angle is between 45° and 59° and not 60°, the effective throat is equal to the depth of preparation (chamfer) less 3 mm (1/8 in). 23. (Cl. Yes. The effective throat for shear forces will be the shortest distance between the root of the groove and the surface of the fillet weld less 3 mm (1/8 in), where such reduction is required by Clause The effective throat for tensile forces normal to the weld axis the factored resistance shall be calculated including the fillet weld. 24. (Cl., Cl. It can be both.

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Section 2 Short Format Answers

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25. (Cl. The effective throat for partial joint penetration flare bevel groove welds in butt joints shall not be greater than the wall of thickness of the HSS member or 60% of the thickness of the planar edge (see Figure 4.3). 26. (Cl. The effective length is the overall length of the full-size fillet including end returns. 27. (Cl. The length of a curved fillet is measured along the centreline of the effective throat. 28. (Cl. The minimum fillet weld length shall be 38 mm (1-1/2 in) or 4 times the size of the fillet, whichever is larger. If the minimum length cannot be achieved then the effective fillet size shall be one quarter of its effective length. 29. (Cl. For plate thicknesses less than 6 mm (1/4 in), the fillet weld size may be equal to the thickness of the plate. For plate thicknesses 6 mm (1/4 in) or more, the fillet weld size shall not exceed the thickness of the plate less 2 mm (1/16 in) unless designated on the drawing to be built out to obtain full throat thickness. 30. (Cl., Cl. The minimum diameter or width is equal to the thickness of the material containing the hole or slot plus 8 mm (5/16 in). 31. (Cl. For parts 16 mm (5/8 in) or less, the depth of filling must be the thickness of the part. For part thickness greater than 16 mm (5/8 in), the weld thickness must be at least half the material thickness, but not less than 16 mm (5/8 in). 32. (Cl. 4.6.2, Cl. 4.6.3) Fillers 6 mm (1/4 in) in thickness or less shall not be used to transfer stress. For fillers 6 mm or less the size of the weld shall be increased by the thickness of the filler. Fillers over 6 mm (1/4 in) in thickness shall be extended beyond the edges of the splice plate or connection material and connected with sufficient weld to transmit the splice plate or connection material stress.

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33. (Cl., Table 4-3) 11 mm (7/16 in).

Section 2 Short Format Answers

34. (Cl., Table 4-4) 5 mm (3/16 in).

Clause 5 35. (Cl. 5.1.1) The welder or welding operator, the work and welding consumables must be adequately protected against the direct effect of wind, rain and snow and all necessary means shall be provided to enable the welder or welding operator to work in reasonable comfort. 36. (Cl. 5.1.2) Welding in such temperatures may only be done with the express consent of the Contractor’s Engineer. 37. (Cl. Yes. Table 5-1, gives filler metal requirements for exposed bare applications of weathering steels. 38. (Cl. a-f) Yes. Allowable deviations are specified in Clause (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f). 39. (Cl. An electrode designated as “H” deposits weld metal with a controlled amount of diffusible hydrogen. 40. (Cl. No. Electrodes with no diffusible hydrogen designators or with a hydrogen designator of H16 or less, may be used for welding the steels listed in Column 2 of Table 5-3. 41. (Cl. Carbon steel electrodes conforming to CSA Standard W48 shall be baked for at least 2 h at a temperature between 230°C (450°F) and 260°C (500°F) before being used. Low-alloy steel electrodes conforming to CSA Standard W48 shall be baked for at least 1 h at a temperature between 370°C (700°F) and 430°C (800°F). Alternative baking temperatures may be used if procedures have been developed and are recommended by the manufacturer. Page 23

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42. (Cl. Electrodes of the E49 classification shall be used within a 4 h period unless Clause applies, otherwise they must be reconditioned in a baking oven.

Short Format Answers 43. (Cl. Low-hydrogen electrodes with strength levels higher than the E49 classification must be used within a time period equal to 50% of the maximum permissible exposure time for E49 electrodes as specified in Clauses or otherwise they must be baked at 370°C (700°F) to 430°C (800°F) for 1 h. 44. (Cl., Low-hydrogen electrodes shall only be rebaked once. Wet electrodes must be discarded. 45. (Cl. Yes, provided the shielding gas mixtures do not contain hydrogen. 46. (Cl. 5.3.1) The material must be cleaned within 50 mm (2 in) of any weld location. 47. (Cl. 5.3.4) Yes, however, a low-hydrogen electrode and an approved welding procedure must be used. 48. (Cl. 5.4.1) The parts to be joined by fillet welds shall be brought into as close a contact as practicable. The separation between parts shall normally not exceed 5 mm (3/16 in) except in cases involving shapes and plates 75 mm (3 in) thick or greater when, after straightening and in assembly, the gap cannot be closed sufficiently to meet this tolerance. In such cases, a maximum gap of 8 mm (5/16 in) is acceptable, provided that a sealing weld or suitable backing material* is used to prevent melt-through. If the separation is 2 mm (1/16 in) or greater, the leg of the fillet weld shall be increased by the amount of the separation.

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*Backing to prevent burn-through may be of flux, glass tape, iron powder, or similar material or it may be provided by means of root passes deposited by low-hydrogen electrodes or electrodes of other arc welding processes that are specified to an appropriate diffusible hydrogen designator.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

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49. (Cl. 5.4.2, The gap shall not exceed 2 mm (1/16 in).

Section 2 Short Format Answers

50. (Cl. 5.4.4) The abutting parts are to be aligned so that the offset does not exceed 10% of the thickness of the thinner part but in no case more than 3mm (1/8 in). 51. (Cl. Yes. When they are incorporated into the final weld, minor defects may be acceptable provided the quality of the final weld is acceptable. 52. (Cl. 5.4.10) The minimum preheat requirements shall apply. Seal welds shall meet all workmanship requirements of CSA Standard W59 but do not require approved welding procedures. 53. (Cl. Extension bars, run-off plates, and backings used for the welding of steels up to and including 480 MPa (70 ksi) minimum specified tensile strength and referred to in Clause 11.2.1 or 12.2.1 may be any of the listed steels. Extension bars, run-off plates, and backings used for the welding of steels of over 480 MPa (70 ksi) minimum specified tensile strength and referred to in Clause 11.2.1 or 12.2.1 shall be of the same material as the base material. Spacers shall be of the same material as the base material. 54. (Cl. These are bars or plates tacked at each end of the groove to serve as a starting and termination point for the arc and to ensure that sound welds with the specified throat are made. 55. (Cl. For all processes except ESW and EGW, neither the depth nor the maximum width in the cross-section of weld metal deposited in each weld pass shall exceed the width of the face of the weld pass (See Figure 5.2). This is intended to help prevent centreline cracking when the weld cools. 56. (Cl. For welding of quenched and tempered steels, the steel manufacturer’s recommendations stating the maximum permissible heat input, preheat and interpass temperature necessary to achieve proper welding shall be taken into account.

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57. (a) Balance the applied heat of welding, (Cl. 5.6.2).

Section 2

(b) Develop a welding sequence plan, (Cl. 5.6.3).

Short Format Answers

(c) The progression of welding must be from points where the parts are relatively fixed in position to points that have a greater relative freedom of movement, (Cl. 5.6.4).

(d) Joints in which shrinkage will be most significant must be welded first, (Cl. 5.6.5).

(e) Complete the welding of each component before connecting the components to one another, (Cl. 5.6.6).

58. (Cl. 5.7.1) Yes. Preheats above the minimum may be required for highly restrained joints, for certain combinations of steel thickness and weld energy input levels when the steel composition contains certain elements that are at or near the maximum values permitted for the steel grade, for high-strength weld metals, and for welding joints where transfer of tensile stress occurs in the through thickness direction of the material. 59. (Cl. 5.10.5, Cl. 5.15) Maximum localized heat shall not exceed 590°C (1100°F) for quenched and tempered steel, nor 650°C (1200°F) for other steels. 60. (Cl. 5.11) Peening is permitted only when specified by the Contractor’s Engineer under the supervision of the Engineer responsible for welding. Peening is not permitted on the root and surface layers of a weld and on quenched and tempered steels. 61. (Cl. 5.14) Arc strikes should be avoided on any material. If they occur on cyclically loaded structures, they should be ground smooth and the surface checked for soundness by the magnetic particle inspection method. 62. (Table 5-3) 10°C (50°F)

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63. (Table 5-3, Note 2) The welding joint must be preheated laterally and in advance of the welding arc for a distance equal to the thickness of the part being welded, but not less that 75 mm (3 in).

Short Format Answers 64. (Table 5.5) ±2 mm (±1/16 in).

Clause 6 65. (Cl. 6.3.1) Yes. Studs that are shop or field applied in the flat (downhand) position to a planar and horizontal surface are deemed prequalified within the extent of the manufacturer’s stud base qualification tests (Annex H) and no further testing is required other than the procedural controls of Clause 6.5 and inspection requirements and repair procedures of Clause 6.6. The limit of flat position is defined as a 0° to 15° slope on the surface to which the stud is applied. 66. (Cl. 6.4.8) Yes. When the base metal is below –18 °C (0°F), welding of studs may be done only with the expressed consent of the Contractor’s Engineer. Welding of studs shall not be done when the surface is wet or exposed to falling rain or snow. When the temperature of the base metal is below 0 °C (32°F), one additional stud in each 150 studs welded shall be tested by methods specified in Clauses 6.5.4 and 6.5.5, except that the angle of testing shall be approximately 15°. These tests are in addition to the first two studs tested for each start of new production and to those required by Clause 6.6.4.

Clause 7 67. (Cl. 7.1.3) Complete detail drawings showing size, length, type and location of all welds.

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Clause 8 68. (Cl. The procedures apply solely for examination of groove welds in butt joints. Radiographic methods are not recommended for fillet welds. 69. (Cl. Ir192 - the recommended minimum is 12 mm (1/2 in), Co60 – the recommended minimum is 38 mm (1-½ in).

Clause 9 70. (Cl. 9.4.1) Surfaces to be welded shall be cleaned thoroughly, including removal of paint film.

Clause 10 71. (Cl. Prequalified joints in CSA Standard W59 cover 6 welding processes - SMAW, SAW, FCAW, MCAW-SP, GMAW-SP pulse transfer, GTAW. 72. (Cl., Table 10-1) Yes, Table 10-1 defines the maximum size of electrode, the maximum thickness of weld layers and the maximum one-pass fillet size. 73. (Cl. SAW prequalified joints are for flat position welding only, with the exception of fillet welds.

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74. (Cl. The maximum welding current in making a groove weld shall be as follows: ♦♦ 700 A for parallel electrodes when making the root pass in a groove that has no root opening and does not fill the groove; ♦♦ 900 A for parallel electrodes when making the root pass in a groove that has steel backing or a spacer bar; ♦♦ 1200 A for parallel electrodes for all passes except in the final layer; and ♦♦ no restriction on welding current for the final layer. 75. (Cl. The thickness of weld layers, except root and surface layers shall not exceed 6 mm (1/4 in).

Clause 11 76. Clause 11.1.1 contains special clauses, clauses that are applicable to statically-loaded structures. Similarly, Clause 12.1.1 applies to cyclically-loaded structures. 77. (Cl. No. The load cannot be distributed between bolts and welds. Welds shall be provided to carry the entire load in the connection. 78. (Cl. 11.4.12) The minimum fillet size shall be not less than t/4 where t is the thickness of the groove welded member, but it need not be more than 10 mm (3/8 in). cyclically-loaded structures.

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Section 2 Short Format Answers

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79. (Cl. A weld subject to visual inspection shall be acceptable if visual inspection shows. ♦♦ no surface cracks; ♦♦ no visible lack of fusion between welds and base metal; ♦♦ no craters; ♦♦ weld profiles in accordance with Clause 5.9; ♦♦ that the sum of diameters of visible porosity does not exceed 10 mm (3/8 in) in any linear 25 mm (1 in) length of weld and does not exceed 20 mm (3/4 in) in any 300 mm (12 in) length of weld. Any individual pore shall have a dimension not exceeding 2.5 mm (3/32 in); ♦♦ that, irrespective of length, undercut does not exceed the value shown in Figure 11.4 for the primary stress direction category applicable to the area containing the undercut. Further, the undercut may be twice the value permitted by Figure 11.4 (for the applicable load category) for an accumulated length of 50 mm (2 in) in a 300 mm (12 in) length of weld, but in no case may the undercut be greater than 1.6 mm (1 /16 in). For weld lengths of less than 300 mm (12 in), the permitted accumulated length of undercut shall be proportional to the actual length of weld. 80. (Table 11-1 or Table 12-1) E4918.

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WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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Answer the questions in this section by circling the correct answer. The applicable clause from CSA Standard W59-13 is shown in brackets at the end of each question. Complete the questions before referring to the answer key in Section 4.

Clause 1 1. CSA Standard W59 can be applied to: (Cl. 1.2) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Pressure Vessels. Structures governed by American Water Works Association. Structures governed by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Structures governed by American Petroleum Institute (API). None of the above answers are correct.

2. CSA Standard W59 contains provisions for which of the following welding processes? (Cl. 1.3)

(a) (b) (c) (d)


3. The provisions of CSA Standard W59 are not intended for use with steels having a specified minimum yield strength of over 700 MPa (100,000 psi). (Cl. 1.4)

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(a) (b)

True. False.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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Clause 2 4. What is a low-hydrogen electrode? (Cl 2.1.1) (a) (b) (c) (d)

An electrode depositing weld metal having a specified maximum limit to the diffusible hydrogen content. Any electrode that is being used. E41010 (E6010) electrodes. An electrode used for basic flat only type of welding.

5. “Contractor” refers to: (Cl. 2.1.1)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

The steel supplier. The general contractor responsible for the whole job. The Fabricator or Erector who performs the welding. The Canadian Welding Bureau.

Clause 3 6. CSA Standard W59 contains requirements for stud welding. (Cl.

(a) (b)

True False

7. Clause 10 has details of joint geometry for joints, which are prequalified, providing that welding procedures also conform to Clauses 4, 5 and 10 of CSA Standard W59. (Cl.

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(a) (b)

True False

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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8. Prequalified joints are included in CSA Standard W59 for which of the following welding processes? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

FCAW, SMAW, GMAW (spray and pulse transfer mode), MCAW (spray transfer mode),SAW , GTAW SMAW, SAW, FCAW. GTAW, GMAW (spray transfer mode), SW. ESW, EGW, SAW.

9. Steel base metals must conform to the requirements of CSA or ASTM standards or other recognized specifications of equivalent welding quality approved by the Engineer. (Cl. 3.2.1)

(a) (b)

True False

Clause 4 10. What information must be included on design drawings? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

All information necessary for preparation of erection drawings. All information necessary for preparation of detail drawings. Length and type of groove weld requirements. (a) and (b).

11. What information must be shown on erection and detail drawings? (Cl.,, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

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Location, type, size, and length of all welds. Shop and field welds. Groove depth and geometry if the weld is a partial joint penetration groove weld. For skewed welds, the effective leg size for fillet welds or the effective throat for groove welds. All of the above.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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12. What weld types does CSA Standard W59 cover? (Cl.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Groove and fillet welds. Plug and slot welds. Corner and T welds. (a) and (b).

13. What is a complete joint penetration groove weld? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

A type of fillet weld. A weld having fusion of weld and base metal throughout the thickness of the joint. A weld having joint penetration less than complete. A weld having complete side-wall fusion of weld and base metal only.

14. A partial joint penetration groove weld is defined as one having joint penetration that is less than complete. (Cl.

(a) (b)

True False

15. Single fillet and single partial joint penetration groove welds shall not be subjected to bending about the longitudinal axis of the weld if tension is produced at the root of the weld. (Cl.

(a) (b)

True False

16. What is the effective weld length for any groove weld, perpendicular or skewed to the direction of stress? (Cl.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

The skewed length of the weld. The width of the part joined. The length of the part joined. None of the answers are correct.

17. All flare bevel groove welds in butt joints made from one side are classified as partial joint penetration grooves. (Cl. Page 34

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(a) (b)

True False

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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18. What is the effective throat thickness for flare-bevel-groove welds on a 25 mm solid bar with a radius greater than 10 mm when filled flush to the surface of the bar? (Cl., Table 4.1)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Two-tenths of the radius of the bar. One-quarter of the radius of the bar. Three-tenths of the radius of the bar. One-half of the radius of the bar.

19. What is the effective length of a fillet weld? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

The overall length of the full-size fillet, not including end returns. The overall length of the full-size fillet, including end returns. Two inches minimum. Five times the size of the fillet minimum.

20. What is the minimum fillet size required when joining a 12 mm (1/2 in) plate to a 20 mm (3/4 in) plate with E4918-H16 electrode? (Table 4.4)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5 mm (3/16 in). 6 mm (1/4 in). 8 mm (5/16 in). 10 mm (3/8 in).

21. What is the minimum effective length of a fillet weld? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

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38 mm (1-1/2 in) or 4 times the size of the fillet, whichever is larger. 50 mm (2 in) or 4 times the size of the fillet, whichever is larger. 60 mm (2-1/2 in) or 5 times the size of the fillet, whichever is larger. 75 mm (3 in) or 5 times the size of the fillet, whichever is larger.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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22. What is the maximum fillet weld size that shall be detailed along the edges of material? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

The thickness of the material, for material less than 6 mm (1/4 in) thick. The thickness of the material less 2 mm (1/16 in), for material 6 mm (1/4 in) or more in thickness, that has not been detailed to be built to obtain the full throat thickness. The maximum fillet weld size shall always be the full thickness of the material. (a) and (b).

Clause 5 23. The operator and the work shall be adequately protected against the direct effect of the wind, rain, and snow, and all necessary means shall be provided to enable the operator to work in reasonable comfort. (Cl. 5.1.1)

(a) (b)

True False

24. Below what ambient temperature shall welding not be done without the express consent of the engineer? (Cl. 5.1.2)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Temperature is not a concern. -32°C (26°F). -18°C (0°F). 0°C (32°F).

25. The size, length and location of welds shall be: (Cl. 5.1.3) (a) (b) (c) (d) Page 36

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Modified as necessary to conform to actual job site conditions. Increased slightly to ensure that there is enough weld metal to achieve the required factor of safety. Changed to make the job easier for the steel erector. Not less than those specified by design requirements and detail drawings, nor shall they be substantially in excess of those requirements without approval of the Engineer.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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26. Back-gouging shall conform to the geometry of a prequalified joints described in Clause 10. (Cl. 5.1.4)

(a) (b)

True False

27. Electrodes must: (Cl.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Meet AWS specifications. Be packaged in hermetically sealed packages. Conform to CSA W48 or the applicable AWS A5 Standard. Meet certain length and weight requirements.

28. All low-hydrogen electrodes shall be delivered in sealed containers? (Cl.

(a) (b)

True False

29. A container of low-alloy steel electrodes has been delivered in a damaged condition. What shall be done with the electrodes? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

The electrodes shall be used immediately. The electrodes shall be stored in an oven and held at a temperature of at least 120°C (250°F) for 4 h prior to use. The electrodes shall be baked for at 1 h hour at a temperature between 370°C and 430°C (700°F and 800°F) before being used. The electrodes must be discarded and new ones ordered.

30. A batch of low-hydrogen electrodes has become wet. At what temperature must the electrodes be baked to remove the moisture? (Cl. (a) (b) (c) (d)

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Wet low-hydrogen electrodes cannot be rebaked. They must be discarded. 120°C (250°F). 150°C (300°F). 370°C (700°F).

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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31. At what minimum temperature shall low-hydrogen electrodes be stored immediately after being removed from sealed containers or from drying ovens? (Cl.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

65°C (150°F). 95°C (200°F). 120°C (250°F). 150°C (300°F).

32. How many times can low-hydrogen electrodes be rebaked? (Cl.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Low-hydrogen electrodes cannot be rebaked. Once. Twice. Three times.

33. The separation between parts to be joined by fillet welds shall normally not exceed: (Cl. 5.4.1)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2 mm (1/16 in). 3 mm (1/8 in). 5 mm (3/16 in). 8 mm (5/16 in).

34. What is maximum gap permitted between faying surfaces of lap joints? (Cl. 5.4.2)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2 mm (1/16 in). 3 mm (1/8 in). 5 mm (3/16 in). 6 mm (1/4 in).

35. What is the workmanship tolerance on a groove angle of a joint? (Cl., Table 5.5)

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(a) (b) (c) (d)

+5, -10. +10, -5. +5, -5. +10, -10.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

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Section 3

36. Tack welds that are incorporated into the final weld shall be made with electrodes meeting the requirements of the final welds and shall be cleaned thoroughly. (Cl.

Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

(a) (b)

True False

37. Seal welds do not have to meet the minimum preheat requirements of W59. (Cl. 5.4.10)

(a) (b)

True False

38. A welding procedure and sequence shall be such as to minimize distortion and shrinkage when welding reinforcing parts to members. (Cl. 5.6.1)

(a) (b)

True False

39. The direction of general progression in welding on a member shall be from points that are relatively fixed to points that have a greater relative freedom of movement. (Cl. 5.6.4)

(a) (b)

True False

40. Under what conditions may preheat temperatures that are above the minimum shown in Table 5-3 be required? (Cl. 5.7.1) (a) (b) (c) (d)

For highly restrained welds. For high-strength weld metal. For joints where transfer of tensile stress occurs in the through-thickness direction of the material. All of the above.

41. Preheat temperatures lower than shown in Table 5-3 may be used. (Cl.,

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(a) (b)

True False

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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42. What is the minimum preheat temperature requirement for welding a 40 mm (1-1/2 in) thick G40.21 grade 300W (44W) steel with a consumable with a diffusible hydrogen designator of H8? (Cl. 5.7.1, Table 5-3)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

10°C (50°F). 50°C (125°F). 80°C (175°F). 110°C (225°F).

43. What is the maximum allowable groove weld reinforcement in a butt joint? (Cl. 5.9.3)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2 mm (1/16 in). 3 mm (1/8 in). 5 mm (3/16 in). 6 mm (1/4 in).

44. What corrective action must be taken for excessive convexity? (Cl. 5.10.1)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Reduce by removal of excess weld metal. Remove defective portions and reweld. Clean and deposit additional weld. All of the above.

45. Under what conditions may peening be used on a weld? (Cl. 5.11) (a) (b) (c) (d)

On quenched and tempered steel. On the root and surface layers of the weld. Only when specified by the Contractor’s Engineer and under the supervision of the engineer responsible for welding. To repair any defects such as cracks.

46. Slag shall be removed from all finished welds and before welding over previously deposited metal. (Cl. 5.13)

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(a) (b)

True False

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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47. Arc strikes outside of the area of permanent welds should be avoided on any materials. (Cl. 5.14)

(a) (b)

True False

Clause 6 48. The minimum distance from the edge of a stud to the edge of a flange shall be the diameter of the stud plus 3 mm (1/8 in) but preferably not less than 38 mm (1-1/2 in) unless specified otherwise on the drawings by the Engineer.

(a) (b)

True False

49. How many stud welds are tested with a particular set-up and size and type of stud, at the start of each day or shift’s production?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

One Two Three Four

Clause 7 50. The welding inspection organization or welding inspector shall be notified, in advance, of the start of any welding operations. (Cl. 7.1.4)

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(a) (b)

True False

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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51. Who is responsible for meeting all of the quality control requirements of this Standard? (Cl. 7.3.1)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

The welding supervisor. The Engineer responsible for welding. The Contractor. The welder.

Clause 8 52. What type of weld is suitable for inspection by radiographic methods? (Cl.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fillet welds in lap joints. Groove welds in butt joints. Groove welds in T joints. Fillet welds in corner joints.

53. What is the minimum recommended material thickness for which the radioactive isotope IR192 may be used for radiographing a steel weld? (Cl.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

3 mm (1/8 in). 6 mm (1/4 in). 12 mm (1/2 in). 25 mm (1 in).

Clause 9 54. What is to be done before welding on existing structures? (Cl. 9.4.1) (a) (b) (c) (d) Page 42

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Increase the amperage to burn through the paint and other foreign matter. Clean thoroughly all foreign matter, including paint film in the area immediately adjacent to the weld. Wash the old material with soap and water. Use a larger diameter electrode.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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Clause 10 55. Clause 10 contains provisions for prequalified joints for which of the following welding processes? (Cl. 10.1.1, Cl., 10.5) (a) (b) (c) (d)


56. What is the maximum size SMAW electrode that is permitted under any conditions for welding prequalified joints? (Cl., Table 101)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

4 mm (5/32 in). 5 mm (3/16 in). 6 mm (1/4 in). 8 mm (5/16 in).

Clause 11 57. Clause 11 supplements Clauses 1 through 10 and covers the: (Cl. 11.1.1) (a) (b) (c) (d)

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Design and construction of statically-loaded steel structures. Design and construction of cyclically-loaded steel structures. Design and construction of cyclically- and statically-loaded steel structures. None of the answers are correct.

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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58. Side or end fillet welds terminating at ends or sides, respectively, of parts or members shall, wherever practicable, be returned continuously around the corners for a distance at least twice the nominal size of the weld. (Cl.

(a) (b)

True False

59. Under Clause 11 extensions or run-off bars used at termination of groove welds need not be removed unless required by the Engineer. (Cl. 11.5.1)

(a) (b)

True False

60. Under Clause 11 steel backing in groove welds need not be removed unless required by the Engineer. (Cl. 11.5.2)

(a) (b)

True False

61. The visual inspection of completed welds is optional. (Cl.

(a) (b)

True False

62. Craters are not considered a weld defect in statically-loaded steel structures. (Cl.

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(a) (b)

True False

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 3 Multiple Choice/ True or False Questions

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Clause 12 63. Clause 12 supplements Clauses 1 through 10 and covers the: (Cl. 12.1). (a) (b) (c) (d)

Design and construction of statically-loaded structures. Design and construction of cyclically-loaded structures. Design and construction of cyclically- and statically-loaded structures. None of the above answers are correct.

64. Under Clause 12, extensions or run-off bars used in groove welds shall be removed upon completion of welding. (Cl. 12.5.1)

(a) (b)

True False

65. Under Clause 12, steel backing of welds that are transverse to the direction of applied load shall be removed and the joint shall be ground or finished smooth. (Cl.

(a) (b)

True False

66. Visible porosity in groove welds is not a consideration in cyclicallyloaded structures. (Cl.

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(a) (b)

True False

WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 4 Multiple Choice/ True or False Answers

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WSS Study Guide WXE-2-1 CSA Standard W59-13

Section 4 Multiple Choice/ True or False Answers

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Objectives After completing this learning unit you should be able to: ♦♦ Gain a better understanding of CSA Standard W59-13 ♦♦ Complete exercises on the application of CSA Standard W59-13 to practical situations ♦♦ Navigate the standard and answer questions on welded steel construction

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

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Summary of Clauses

Clause 1


Clause 2

Definitions and Reference Publications

Clause 3

General Requirements - Components of Contract Specifications

Clause 4

Welding Design

Clause 5

Electrodes, Workmanship and Technique - Fabrication and visual inspection (Except criteria specific to Static or Cyclic loading

Clause 6

Stud Welding

Clause 7

Welding Inspection - General requirements

Clause 8

Radiographic and Ultrasonic examination of Welds

Clause 9

Strengthening and Repair of Existing Structures

Clause 10

Details and Welding Procedure Requirements for Prequalified Joints

Clause 11

Statically Loaded Structures – Design and Construction

Clause 12

Cyclically Loaded Structures – Design and Construction

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

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Exercise 1

FIGURE Beam to Column Welded Connection

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

cwbinstitute Building Futures

Exercise 1

Information Available Process : Grade of Steel : Position : Plate Surface : Ambient Temperature : Type of Loading :

SMAW G40.21-300W (44W) Flat Thick layer of loose scale 20°C (70°F) Static

Answer the following questions, indicating the area of Standard W59 where the information was located.

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 1

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1. Verify if the base material satisfies CSA or ASTM Standards listed in CSA W59-13.

2. a) Identify the type of joint (the answer is found in Annex E).

b) Identify the type of weld.

3. Identify the prequalified characteristics of this weld.

4. What degrees of workmanship tolerances are allowed for the groove angle?

5. What preparation requirements must the finished bevelled surfaces and edges meet prior to welding?

6. What are the requirements for the weld access holes?

7. a) Which materials could be used for backing bars?

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b) What must be done to the surface of the plate prior to welding?

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 1

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8. a) Which electrode classification matches the base material?

b) Could we use an electrode with a lower classification?

c) Can we use an electrode with a diffusible hydrogen designator H16 or less?

9. a) What is the minimum preheat required if we use: ♦♦ Electrodes with a diffusible hydrogen less than or equal to H8? ♦♦ Electrodes with a diffusible hydrogen less than or equal to H16, or without a designator or any non low-hydrogen electrode ?

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b) In which situation(s) would higher preheat temperature be necessary?

c) Which of these situations could apply to our assembly?

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 1

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 1

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10. a) If we use the following prequalified dimensions: G = 12mm (1/2”) & angle = 20° Draw on the figure, the number of layers and weld beads for this prequalified joint.

b) Is it necessary to fuse the backing bar with the weld?

c) Which minimum interpass temperature should we maintain during welding?

d) At what distance in front and beside the point of welding should we maintain that temperature? e) What is the maximum width of the weld bead allowed in this joint?

11. Is it necessary to remove the slag between passes and from the finished weld?

12. a) If there is a stress perpendicular to the axis of the weld: ♦♦ Is it necessary to finish with a fillet weld in order to achieve a smooth transition? ♦♦ If yes, what dimension should the fillet be?

13. Is the weld acceptable if a visual inspection reveals? ♦♦ Undercut 1mm (.04”) deep on each side of the weld if the load is applied perpendicular to the axis of the undercut. ♦♦ Craters 2mm (.08”) deep?

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 1

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14. If necessary, how can we repair the above defects?

15. What other types of non-destructive examinations could you use to check the integrity of these welds?

FIG. 11.4 Permissible Undercut Values (See Clause

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

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Exercise 2

FIGURE Welded Wide Flange Beam

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

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Exercise 2

Information Available Grade of Steel : Position : Type of Loading :

CSA G40.21-350W (50W) Horizontal Cyclical

Answer the following questions, indicating the area of Standard W59 where the information was located.

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 2

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1. Does this grade of steel conform to the requirements of W 59?

2. a) Identify the type of joint (answer is found in Annex E)

b) Identify the type of weld.

3. Are these fillet welds considered prequalified?

4. a) What is the maximum allowable gap, between parts, for this assembly?

b) Would this affect the size of the fillet weld used in this assembly?

5. a) What requirements apply to the tack welds?

b) Do tack welds require preheating?

6. Choice of electrodes:

a) What is the matching electrode classification?

b) What are the hydrogen requirements for this electrode?

7. Is it necessary to preheat the parts before welding?

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 2

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8. Prequalification requirements Find:

a) The maximum permissible electrode diameter.

b) The maximum fillet weld made in one pass.

c) The minimum fillet weld made in one pass for this WWF beam.

9. What are the requirements concerning slag removal?

10. Requirements relative to the quality of the weld.

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a) Where can we find the requirements relating to weld profiles in W59?

b) What is the maximum convexity allowed for a 8mm (5/16”) fillet weld where the face of the weld equals 11.3mm (7/16”)?

c) What is the maximum amount a fillet weld can be undersized (underrun) along the length of the weld?

d) What are the acceptance criteria for visual inspection?

e) If the loading of the assembly is parallel to the axis of the undercut, what is the maximum depth of undercut allowed?

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 2

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11. If this WWF beam was manufactured in a shop using the SAW process:

a) What would the matching electrode classification be?

b) Must the electrode be low hydrogen?

c) What would the maximum permissible electrode diameter be?

d) What would be the maximum fillet weld allowed in one pass?

e) What would be the minimum fillet weld allowed in one pass for this WWF beam?

The fillet weld sizes are usually measured in inches (in) in the imperial system or in millimeters (mm) in the metric system. The metric quivalents have been rounded off to the nearest millimeter.

TABLE Fillet weld sizes

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WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

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Exercise 3

FIGURE Lifting Device

Information Available Grade of Steel :

ASTM A 500 HSS Grade C (2” square tube with a .188 wall thickness) CSA G40.21 300W(44W) plate



Flat & Horizontal

Type of Loading



Welder Qualifications :

“T” Classification, all position

Welding Processes



Answer the following questions, indicating the area of Standard W59 where the information was located. Page 15

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 3

cwbinstitute Building Futures

1. Do these grades of steels conform to the requirements of W59?

2. a) Identify the types of joints used in this assembly. See Annex E

b) What types of welds are used?

3. Are all these welded joints deemed Prequalified?

4. What classification of electrode does the standard require to weld this assembly?

5. The fillet weld joining the HSS to the top plate is considered a skewed joint.

a) How would the engineer determine the minimum size weld required to carry the intended load?

b) How would the engineer convey this information to the welder on the shop floor?

6. A flare bevel groove weld is used to join the HSS to the bottom plate. Is this deemed a complete or partial penetration joint?

7. As a welding supervisor, how can you determine whether your welder has achieved the effective throat thickness (ETT) required by the engineer for a flare bevel groove weld in a T joint?

Page 16

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Exercise 3

cwbinstitute Building Futures

8. A “V” groove, full penetration weld is used to join together the HSS members.

a) Are these welds considered prequalified?

b) What must the company do to receive approval for these welds?

9. What are the criteria for visual inspection of this assembly? Would you utilize any other inspection methods?

Extra Question 10. How does a person, using this lifting device, know how much weight it is capable of lifting?

Page 17

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Convexity Exercises

cwbinstitute Building Futures

What is the maximum convexity allowed for a 8mm fillet weld in which the face of the weld equals 11.3 mm?

Note: Convexity, C, of a weld or individual surface bead shall not exceed 0.07 times the actual face width of the weld or Individual bead, respectively, plus 1.6 mm.

Formula C ≤ 0.07L + 1.6 mm Convexity ≤ 0.07 x Length + 1.6 mm

Page 18

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

cwbinstitute Building Futures

Convexity Exercises

Calculator C ≤ 0.07 x 10 mm + 1.6 mm = 2.39 mm BEDMAS 0.07 x 10 mm + 1.6 mm 0.791 mm + 1.6 mm = 2.39 mm

Page 19

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Convexity Exercises

cwbinstitute Building Futures

Determining the Length of the Actual Weld Face (AWF) for the Convexity Formula Fillet Weld Size: 8 mm

AWF = √ 82 + 82 AWF = 11 .3 m

Page 20

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Convexity Exercises

cwbinstitute Building Futures

What is the maximum convexity allowed for a 5/16” fillet weld in which the face of the weld equals 0.442”?

Note: Convexity, C, of a weld or individual surface bead shall not exceed 0.07 times the actual face width of the weld or Individual bead, respectively, plus 1/16”.

Formula C ≤ 0.07L + 1/16” Convexity ≤ 0.07 x Length + 1/16” C ≤ 0.07 x .442 + 1/16” = 0.07 x .442 + .0625 = .09344 = 3/32”

Page 21

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

WSC Workshop WXE-2-2 CSA Standard W59-13

Convexity Exercises

cwbinstitute Building Futures

Determining the Length of the Actual Weld Face (AWF) for the Convexity Formula Fillet Weld Size: 5/16”

AWF = √ .31252 + .31252 AWF = .441941738 AWF = .442 (rounded off)

Page 22

Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

Next Steps

This course is part of a larger set of courses that provide ongoing training opportunities throughout your career. The diagram below shows the next logical steps you should take to continue with your training. Within the Acorn system, you have been assigned a Welder Passport Number that will follow you for life; this is your key to future opportunities within Acorn as well as the welding industry.


Every industry has different requirements for the people it employs. Acorn Credentials are a way for industry to quickly identify students and experienced welders who meet their specific requirements. Credentials are automatically assigned based on your Assessment scores and show up (and can be printed) within Acorn Connect. Only those who have gone through an Acorn Assessment and actively use Acorn Connect can be awarded Credentials. A



Course length: 5 days Assessment: CSA Credential: None - CSA Qualification

Get Assessed

The Acorn Assessment is taken in two parts; an online theory portion, followed by an in-shop practical session. During the practical assessment, you will be asked to construct a sample project using your knowledge and skills as well as materials and equipment provided for you. The assessor will evaluate your progress throughout the practical assessment, scoring you on the various skills needed to successfully complete the project. Once completed, your scores will be added to a national database within Acorn Connect that will help you connect with future employers.

Acorn CWB Welding Supervisor

Acorn Advanced Supervisor Assessment

You are here


Acorn Advanced Welding Supervisor

find out more at


Acorn Preemployment Inspector Assessment

Qualified Welding Supervisor under CSA W47.1



A key part of most Acorn programs is the end of course Acorn Assessments. These are offered for most courses and provide a uniform and independent 3rd party assessment of your overall skills. Depending on your school, the cost for the Assessment may be part of your tuition fees, or you may have to pay separately. Either way, the Acorn Assessment is something you should consider doing.


Acorn Preemployment Inspector

Supervisor Steel

Welding Inspector W178.2 Level 1

Supervisor Aluminum

Welding Inspector W178.2 Level 2 Welding Inspector W178.2 Level 3

The future is yours for the taking. Welding is an in-demand career and your training plays a large part on the kind of work you will find now, as well as the future. Acorn Connect, when used with your Welder Number, is a key part of this process as it’s the central location for all things related to your welding skills. Within Connect, employers can find your Acorn marks, Assessments and Credentials, as well as your resume, welding tickets and current employment status. As an Acorn student you have full access to this information and can control what gets seen, and by whom.

Acorn Course Student ID


Copyright © 2015 CWB Group Industry Services

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