AA3-Evidence 2 The Perfect Neighborhood For Each Person

August 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Learning activity 3 / Actividad de aprendizaje aprendizaje 3 Desarrollar esta evidencia sin haber desarrollado el contenido del link Acvity 3, es equivalente a hacer el examen sin haber estudiado o haber leído el contenido del curso. Esta es una evidencia de aprendizaje, como tal es evaluada. Esta evidencia es evaluada con califcaciones que determinan si aprueban o no el curso. curso . Por lo tanto, se invita al aprendiz aprendiz desarrollar desarrollar el contenido contenido del Learning Actviy 3 del 3 del link en mención ANTES de desarrollar esta evidencia de manera cuidadosa.

Evidence: The perfect neighborhood for each person / Evidencia: Un barrio  perfecto para para cada persona persona

Esta evidencia califica y evalúa el uso correcto de las siguientes estructuras: Verbo to be para objetos plurales y singulares. Pronombres personales: IT  Vocabulario: There Is, There Are  Artículo A o An deacuerdo al caso Vocabulario: objetos del hogar           

Do the following practical exercises: / Complete los siguientes ejercicios prácticos: a. co Lisa Lisa and an dtion Davi Dausin vid ding are tawo lkin ing g s abou ab outt the Lis Liesa’s a’box. s x.new neTher w ere apar ap tmen t. re Comp Coword mple lete th e conv nver ersa sati on us gare the thetalk word rds from from th bo Th eartm are ar eent. more mo wo rds ste than ththe an option opt ions: s: / Lisa y David están hablando sobre el nuevo apartamento de Lisa. Complete la conversación usando las palabras del recuadro. Hay más palabras que opciones para completar: table / there are / behind / apartment apartmen t / sofa / are there / kitchen / there is / bus stop


Fuente: SENA Fuente:  SENA

David: Hey Lisa how are you?  Lisa: Fine, how about you?  David: I am ok, thanks. I heard you are living in a new Congratulations! What is it like? There are


Lisa: It is beautiful. 3 rooms the living room and

the dining room. David:

How Are there

many bathrooms



kitchen Lisa: Just one, but the is really beautiful. It has a microwave and some nice

cabinets. David: How about the Lisa: It’s really nice. My house Bus stop don’t have problems with transportation David: Are there any stores nearby? There is Lisa: Yes, a behind building. I buy all my groceries there.

neighborhood? is in front of the, so I



b. You are going to read about three people people and three three neighb neighborho orhoods. ods. After After you read, select the best neighborhood for each person by completing the chart next to the text. / Usted va a leer sobre tres personas y tres barrios. Después de leer, seleccione el barrio apropiado para cada persona completando el cuadro que aparece después de la actividad. Laura: I need a place where I can practice sports and ride my bike. I also like nature. I love walking in the forest. I do not like nois no is lace laces. s.

Dominic: I like a neighborhood with bars and restaurants. A shopping center is essential. I love shopping! I ride my bike, so trans tran s ortation ortation is not a roblem. roblem.

Daniel: I like a neighborhood near the airport because I travel a lot. I also like a central place with good transportation. I need a ark to walk m do .


Palm Boul Palm Boulev evar ard d  is a vibrant neigh ighborhoo hood. It is loc located in a commerc comm ercial ial district district.. There There are many stor stores es,, rest restau aura rant nts s and and bars bars.. The The place ace is really modern. rn. The only negative aspect is traffic jams.

Lakeview is a really nice place. There are many parks and natural places to enjo en joy. y. The The place place is far far from from the central city, so there isn’t any noise. House Ho uses s are big and tradit tradition ional. al. The The only on ly nega negati tive ve aspe aspect ct is that that ther there e aren’t many stores nearby.

New Aurora is a really noisy neig ne ighb hbor orho hood od.. It is near near the the metr metro o station, 5 minutes from the airport and 10 minutes from the city center. The plac place e is su surr rrou ound nded ed by a lake lake and and there is a park next to it.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA imágenes: SENA



Appropriate neighborhood

Example: Oak is appropriate is a for Luis because there is  park. OR Oak is appropriate for Monica because there are many buildings Lakeview is appropriate for Laura because there are meny parks.




Palm Boulevard.

Palm Boulevard is appropriate for Dominic because there are many bars and restaurants.


New Aurora.

New Aurora is appropriate for Daniel because there is a park and a airport.

Se debe presar aención especial a las palabras y esrucuras en negrilla de los ejemplos de esas insrucciones. Esas son las esrucuras a evaluar en esa evidencia.


When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows: 1. Click on on the title title of this evidence. evidence. Examinar ar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure 2. Clic Click k on on Examin the file is attached. 3. Leave a comment comment for the instructor instructor (optional) (optional).. 4. Clic Click k Enviar . Una vez Una vez fi fina nali lice ce la evid eviden enci cia a enví envíe e al in inst stru ruct ctor or el arch archiv ivo o a trav través és de la  plataforma, así: 1. Dé clic en el título título de esta esta evidencia. evidencia. 2. Dé clic en el enlace enlace Examinar mi mi equipo y busque el archivo archivo en su computador. computador.  Asegúrese de adjuntar el archivo. 3. Escriba Escriba algún comentario comentario si lo considera pertinente. pertinente. 4. Dé clic clic en Enviar Enviar.. Note:: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning Note guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly. esta ta ev evid iden enci cia a es de cará caráct cter er in indi divi vidu dual al.. Recu Recuer erde de revis revisar ar la guía guía de Nota:: es Nota apre ap rendi ndiza zaje je co con n el fin fin de veri verifi fica carr que que ha real realiz izad ado o todas todas las las acti activi vida dade des s  propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación  


Describe su entorno respecto a lugar de residencia, estudio y/o trabajo usando la estructura y vocabulario requeridos. Descr Des crib ibe e la ex exis iste tenci ncia a y ubic ubicac ació ión n de algo algo si sing ngul ular ar y plura plurall con con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos. Usa las las pr prepo eposi sici cion ones es de lu luga garr con con la es estr truc uctu tura ra y el vo vocab cabul ulari ario o requeridos.

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