Learning activity 2 / A ctividad de aprendizaje 2 Evidence: A world of differences and similarities / Evidencia: Un mundo de diferencias y semejanzas Read the following paragraph about Scott Dinsmore’s morning routine. Scott is a 32year-old year-old entrepreneur entrepreneur,, writer, writer, and ultra-runner ultra-runner.. Find similaritie similarities s and differences differences betw betwee een n his his rout routine ine and and your your rout routin ine. e. rit rite e at leas leastt si! sent senten ences ces usin using g the the grammar and "ocabulary you ha"e learned in this learning acti"ity. # Lea el siguiente párrafo sobre la rutina de la mañana de Scott Dinsmore. Scott es un empresario, escritor y ultra-corredor de 32 años de edad. Encuentre similitudes y diferencias entre su rutina y la rutina de Scott. Escribe al menos seis frases utilizando la gramática y el ocabulario aprendido en esta actiidad de aprendiza!e. $!ample% # E!emplo" #. Scott and & usually get up at '.(( am. # Scott y yo por lo general nos leantamos a las $"%% a. m. 2. Scott e!ercises in the morning. & don’t li)e to e!ercise. # Scott &ace e!ercicio en la mañana. ' m( no me gusta &acer e!ercicio.
Scott Dinsmore’s morning routine
Fuente: S$*+
Scott usually wa)es up at '.(( am. e always drin)s a liter of water after he gets up. e says it is "ery important to be hydrated. e meditates from '.( to '.3( am. e feels meditation is an essential element to a"oid stress. e watches a $D tal) or reads a little from '.3( to /.(( am. hese acti"ities gi"e him inspiration to start the day. e e!ercises from /.(( to 0.(( am. e says e!ercising clarifies his ideas. hen hen,, he ta)es ta)es a cold cold showe showerr at 0.( 0.( am. am. e thin thin)s )s cold cold show showers ers incr increa ease se testosterone le"els and impro"e circulation. e has brea)fast at 0.1( am. e usually has "egetable uice, bananas, peanut butter, and almonds. Finally, he does all his creati"e wor) from 0.1( to 2.(( m.
Similarities and differences 1. Scott and got u! every day at " am. 2. Scott ta#es a liter of water to get u! and do not li#e to drin# water. $. Scott and do e%ercise &efore going to wor#. '. Scott meditates ":1( to ":$( and do not. ). Scott wor#s in t*e mornings and instead wor# all day. ". Scott usually *as vegeta&le +uice, &ananas, !eanut &utter and almonds and &rea#fast cereal. hen you finish your wor), send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows% . lic) on the title of this e"idence. 2. lic) on E)aminar mi e*uipo and loo) for the file in your computer. 4a)e sure the file is attached. 3. 5ea"e a comment for the instructor 6optional7. 1. lic) Eniar . +na ez finalice la eidencia en(e al instructor el arc&io a tras de la plataforma, as(" #. D clic en el t(tulo de esta eidencia. 2. D clic en el enlace E)aminar mi e*uipo y bus*ue el arc&io en su computador. 'segrese de ad!untar el arc&io. 3. Escriba algn comentario si lo considera pertinente. . D clic en Eniar. -ote: his e"idence is an indi"idual acti"ity. Remember to chec) the learning guide in order to )now if you ha"e done all the assigned acti"ities, )now how to de"elop them and deli"er them correctly.
Nota: esta eidencia es de carácter indiidual. /ecuerde reisar la gu(a de aprendiza!e con el fin de erificar *ue &a realizado todas las actiidades propuestas, saber c0mo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente. Criterios de evaluación •
1ntercambia informaci0n respecto a rutinas, usando la estructura y ocabulario re*ueridos en un conte)to. 'plica la &ora empleando la estructura y ocabulario re*ueridos en un conte)to.
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