My Family I have a beautiful family that God gifted me they are: My wife Ana Lucia, My daughters Eidy Lizeth, Karen Dallana, Lina Maite and Emanuel Matias of Three months.
My Daily Routine My day ends when a new one begins. What's my bedtime? It is always 21: 00h to 22: 00h of nights. At what time I get up? I almost always wake up at 04: 00 h to 04: 45 h in the morning.
My Daily Routine
Always turn on the stove to boil water and make coffee. I brush my teeth and take a bath with cold water for me is very healthy. When I leave the bathroom of 05:00 h to 05:15 h, on occasion I lift my wife.
My Daily Routine My wife makes breakfast. Children 5:15 to 5:30 rising, tend bed, they brush their teeth and bathe with hot water. We make family prayer of thanks before taking food.
My Daily Routine The Breakfast is from six o'clock to half past six the morning. We turned off the lights, disconnect all, close the doors and go to school. I returned home with my wife, she always stays, I job always of seven o'clock to two o'clock pm
My Daily Routine my daughters study until two o'clock, always they expect me at school. I go to school, she they like to go by car to the house. It is relatively serca my work to school and school to home.
My Daily Routine
e got home, is very beautiful. Ana she is our, lover and mother welcomes us with lots of hugs and kisses. hugs and kisses you never forget.
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