AA16 - Evidencia 4 Taller Safety Signs JOSE LUIS VICUÑA

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Tecnología en Gestión Logística Ficha: 2104783


Taller “Safety signs”

Presentado a Instructor   ANGIE KATHERIN SALAZAR NUÑEZ

Presentado por  JOSE LUIS VICUÑA PAZ



FICHA 2104783



Actividad de aprendizaje 16 Evidencia 4: Taller “Safety signs”  Cada debidamente con los señales de seguridad, tanto empresa en inglésdebe comoestar en español, y asíadecuada cumplir con requerimientos de segu seguri rida dad d e in info form rmac ació ión n que que exig exige e el esta estado do.. Por Por esto esto,, se cons consid ider era a indispensable tener claridad acerca de las características de estas señales, con el fin de implementarlas de manera adecuada. Es aquí, donde el material de formación: "Permission "Permission and request in security and health" , junto con el material comp comple leme ment ntari ario, o, cu cump mple len n una fu funci nción ón relev relevant ante e du dura rant nte e el proc proceso eso de formación de este programa. Para la presente actividad de aprendizaje, el aprendiz deberá desarrollar un taller que dé cuenta de los conocimientos que ha adquirido en el área técnica y que qu e ha af afia ianz nzado ado medi median ante te el mate materi rial al de form formac ació ión n del del área área de ingl inglés és,, anteri ant eriorme ormente nte nombra nombrado. do. Para Para realiza realizarr esta esta eviden evidencia, cia, se deberá deberá tener tener en cuenta lo siguiente:

1. Estudi Estudiar ar el materi material al de formac formación ión:: "Permission and request in security  and health" health" y consultar el material complementario. 2. Des Desarro arrolla llarr el taller taller “Safet “Safety y signs”   en la herrami herramient enta a ofi ofimát mática ica de su preferencia. 3. Enviar el archivo al instructor en formato .doc o .pdf a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.


Workshop: safety sings Safety Signs can be found in different places and situations. Each signal type comes in a standardized color and shape, and are placed in very specific places, so people can recognize r ecognize them easily. This information was studied on the training material "“Permission "“Permission and request in security and health” health ” " and the complementary material. Now, it's time for you to evidence your learning.

1. Matching Match each Safety Sign with its name. Write the letter of the definition on the line below the sign.

 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.











General indication indication of “towards” “towards” direction You must must wear wear hearin hearing g protect protection ion Cauti Caution on.. Risk Risk of corros corrosión ión Forbidde Forbidden n on matches matches and smoke smoke General General preve preventio ntion, n, cau caution tion,, risk of harm Cauti Caution on.. Risk Risk of of poiso poisonin ning g Forbidde Forbidden n from using water water as an extinguishing extinguishing agent General General indica indication tion of of “towards” “towards” direct direction ion Safe Safety ty go gogg ggle les s mus mustt b be e wor worn n Gene Genera rall acti action on com comma mand nd First a aiid


2. True or false Look at the next Safety Signs and read its statements. Indicate whether the statements are true or false by placing a T or F in the space preceding the sign. f 


You need to to  wear a half face mask in this place t

You can get burned f 

You can't can't smoke  smoke in this place t

You can can evacuate  evacuate on this direction f 

To wear Safety boots in this place is a must

You could could get  get an electrical shock t

f   All personnel personnel may enter her  with the adequate equipment.

3. Completing information

This is a dangerous place, to be  be careful we need to


Check the next chart very carefully and complete it. Y You ou might be useful to check the complementary material. Safety Sign

Type of Safety Sing

Where can you find it? (Write the name of the sign and sign and use prepositions of place) place)

    e      l     p     m     a     x      E



Prevention si signal gnal / Warning Warning sign

Control action signal /Mandatory action sign

signal / Warning Prevention signal Warning sign

signal / Warning Prevention signal Warning sign


Control action signals


Preventon signs


Informaton concerning safey conditons signs

Risk of poisoning signs are usually placed on containers on containers with toxic products.

Safety helmets must be worn  worn   signs are usually placed around construction sites.

Risk of explotion  explotion sings are usually placed around around gas  gas stations

General prevention, caution, risk of harm  harm sings are usually placed around work around work places.

command  General action command  sings are usually placed  placed in in sites  sites with specific recomendations

Caution. Electric shock risk  sings are usually placed on on   electric fences.

First aid sings are usually

placed around infirmaries around infirmaries



Forbiddance signals

Forbidden from using water as an extinguishing agent  agent  sings are usually placed in in   Visible places of public and private buildings. The installation of this signal must be placed on walls or doors, in which an imminent danger is opened, such as: permanently energized equipment


Conrol acton signals


Forbiddance signals


Informaton concerning safey conditons signs



 Forbiddance signals

Safe condition sign

Half face mask must be worn  worn   sings are usually placed in in sites  sites manipulation of toxic agents

Forbidden on matches and smoke  sings are usually placed smoke in places in places with risk of explotion

General indicaon of “towards direcon.”sings are

usually placed in sities in sities of work

No smoking signs are usually placed  in Visible places of public placed and private buildings (Rooms: recovery,, laboratories, waiting, recovery reading, exhibitions, warehouses, public attention offices,

First Aid Bed  Bed sings are usually placed in placed  in  civil and construction works, schools, kindergartens, swimming pools, residential complexes and buildings, shopping centers, commercial establishments,, companies, establishments hotels, among others.




Prevention signal /Warning sign

Control action signal /Mandatory action sign


Safe condition sign


Prevention signal /Warning sign

Wet floor   sings are usually on wet  wet placed  in work places on placed floors to avoid falls

Safety gloves must be worn  worn  sings are usually placed in areas of chemicals manipulation point sings are usually assebly point sings placed in a in a safe place outside the work center 

warning sudder drop, drop, sings are usually placed on stairs

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