A320 Review Book

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A319, A320, A321 Oral System Review©

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legal statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 2 review book . . . . . . . . . . . .p’s 3 - 128 index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p’s 129 - 132 other products . . . . . . . . . . .133 - 134

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 2004 Tom Sceurman d/b/a trs-digital-presentation™. All rights reserved. Permission to use, duplicate or copy and distribute this document and/or any included text or graphics or Compact Disc content contained in this publication is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. TRADEMARKS trs-digital-presentation and digitial-presentation.net are trademarks owned by Tom Sceurman. All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER This guide is for familiarization purposes ONLY. This guide is not approved by the aircraft manufacturer or the FAA/CAA/JAA or Transport Canada and does not supercede, replace, or overrule the aircraft manufacturer's AOM or FCOM. Tom Sceurman d/b/a trs-digital-presentation™ makes NO WARRANTY or REPRESENTATIONS about the suitability of the information contained in the documents or attached Compact Discs and related graphics/text published in this guide. All such documents and related graphics are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Tom Sceurman d/b/a trs-digital-presentation™ hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to this information including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non- infringement. In no event shall Tom Sceurman d/b/a trs-digital-presentation™ be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages what so ever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance or information available from this Documents contents. The documents and related graphics published in this guide could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. Tom Sceurman d/b/a trs-digital-presentation™ may make improvements and/or changes in the document(s) and/or the CD program(s) described herein at any time.

page 2

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review©



TOILET OCCPD (green) - forward lav occupied.

READING LT - for each pilot with OFF to BRT selection. OVHD DOOR CONTROL PANEL STRIKES’ status lights OFF: upper, mid or lower locking latch is operative. ON: upper, mid or lower locking latch is faulty. Pressure sensor status lights OFF: corresponding (1 or 2) press sensor is operative. ON: corresponding (1 or 2) press sensor is faulty. Pressure sensors - two redundant differential pressure sensors enable rapid pressure variation in the cockpit to be detected, in order to command simultaneous opening of all latches when a defined pressure drop is detected. NOTE: these indications allow crew to identify fault when Ctr Ped FAULT indicator is illuminated.

Overhead CB, Reading Lt. & Door Control Panel Aug 2004

page 3

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© CVR HEADSET JACK OXYGEN TMR RESET PB SWITCH ON - PASSENGER SYS ON light goes off and tape announcement stops, - TMR RESET ON light comes on. FAULT - Illuminates when the door latch solenoids are enegized for more than 30 seconds.

SVCE INT OVRD PB SWITCH AUTO - communication via service interphone jacks is possible when on the ground,10 seconds after landing, - inoperative when the landing gear is not compressed. ON - communication is possible with the landing gear not compressed.

RESET PB PUSH - test circuit is reset. TEST PB SWITCH (pb sw must be held - MASTER sw must be ON) - APU FIRE warning auto extinguishing and shutdown circuits are tested (ten sec duration). - OK light on to indicates test successful. BLUE PUMP OVRD PB SWITCH ON - blue electric pump is energized provided the ELEC PUMP pb switch on HYD panel is at AUTO position.

AVIONICS COMPT LT PB SWITCH AUTO - avionics compartment lighting is automatically controlled by door opening. ON - avionics compartment lighting is on. LEAK MEASUREMENT VALVES BLUE & YELLOW OFF - respective electohydraulic valve closes and hydraulic supply to pri-flight controls is shut off. GREEN VALVE - PB not active, - valve always open.

FADEC GND PWR PB SWITCH ON - FADEC is electrically supplied on the ground.

AUDIO SWITCHING SELECTOR NORMAL - each crewmember uses its dedicated communication equipment. CAPT 3 - Capt uses its acoustic equipment and the 3rd occupant ACP. F/O 3 - F/O uses its acoustic equipment and the 3rd occupant ACP.

Audio Switching & OVHD Panel page 4

Aug 2004

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Pilot’s Overhead Panel Aug 2004

page 5

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© DISPLAY WINDOWS - display the data selected by the DATA selector, - keyboard entry will override the selected display.

SYS SEL OFF - CDU display is not energized, - ADIRS are still energized provided associated IR mode selectors are not at OFF. 1,2,3 - system selected for data display.

DATA SELECTOR WIND - true wind direction and wind speed are displayed. P POS - present latitude and longitude are displayed. HDG - true heading and the minutes remaining until alignment is completed are displayed STS - action code is displayed. TK/GS - true track & ground speed are displayed TEST - lights (ENT and CLR) and all 8’s are displayed in the windows. ON BAT LIGHT ILLUMINATED - a few seconds during initial alignment (but) not during a fast alignment, - when one or more ADIRUs is supplied by aircraft battery power only. IR 1 (2) (3) FAULT LIGHT - steady: fault affects respective IR, - flashing if: Heading and Attitude are usable. ALIGN LIGHT - steady: IR in align mode, - flashing if: IR alignment fault, or no present position entry after 10 min, or difference between position at shutdown and entered position exceeds 1° of latitude or longitude. - extinguished if:alignment is complete. IR MODE ROTARY SELECTOR OFF - ADR and IR data not available. NAV - provides full inertial data to aircraft sys. ATT - IR providing only attitude and heading information. ADR 1 (2) (3) SWITCH OFF - air data output disconnected. FAULT - accompanied by ECAM activation if a fault is detected in the air data reference.

KEYBOARD - allows present position, or HDG in ATT mode, to be entered in the selected system. ALPHA KEYS - N, S, E & W for position entry, - H for heading entry (ATT mode). NUMERIC KEYS - permits manual entry of present position (or present magnet heading in ATT mode). CLR KEY - the integral cue light illuminates following an entry operation if the dat is of an unreasonable value, - when depressed the data display of data keyed-in (but not yet entered) is cleared. ENT KEY - the integral cue light illuminates when N, S, W & E or H entry has been keyed, - when depressed the data keyed is entered into the ADIRS.

ADIRS page 6

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© SEC PB SWITCH - Control of the spoiler & elevator computer. - Three SECs are identical, but are used differently depending on their positions 1, 2 or 3. ON (following functions provided to both) - roll normal (spoilers control) - speed brakes/Grnd spoilers (SEC 1 & 3 only) - pitch alternate (SEC 1 & 2 only), - roll direct (SEC 1 and 2 only) - roll direct, - LAF alternate - abnormal attitude OFF - computer not active, - selecting OFF then ON resets computers. FAULT (with ECAM Caution) - fault detected, - FAULT light out when selected OFF

FAC PB SWITCH - Control of Flight Augmentation Computers ON - roll normal (Turn coordination & dutch roll damping) - rudder trim, - rudder travel unit, - yaw alternate. OFF - computer not active, - selecting OFF then ON resets computers. FAULT (with ECAM Caution) - fault detected, - FAULT light out when selected OFF

ELAC 1 (2) PB SWITCH - Control of the elevator & aileron computers. ON (following functions provided to both) - pitch, roll, - pitch, - pitch & roll direct, - abnormal attitude, - aileron droop, - A/P orders acquisition. OFF - corresponding computer is not active, - selecting OFF then ON resets computer. FAULT (with ECAM Caution) - failure detected, - during ELAC power up test (8 sec. duration), - light off when OFF selected, or at the end of ELAC power up test provided test is satisfactory.

COMMAND PB SWITCH EVAC LIGHT ILLUMINATED - flashes RED when alert is activated. ON: on the flight deck - EVAC light flashes RED, - specific horn is triggered. in the cabin - EVAC lights flash at fwd & aft attendant panels, - specific EVAC tone sounds, - PINK light comes on and «EVAC ALERT» message is displayed on AIPs, - PINK lights flash at all attendant panels. OFF - alert stops.

(as installed) CAPT & PURS/CAPT SWITCH CAPT & PURS - alert may be activated from either flight deck or cabin. CAPT - alert may be activated from flight deck only.

HORN SHUT OFF PB SWITCH PUSH - flight deck horn is silenced.

FLT CTL (left side) & EVAC Panel Aug 2004

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EMER GEN TEST PG (guarded) PUSH AND HELD • if AC NORMAL BUSSES are supplied: - CSM/G is hydraulically powered, provided blue electric pump is running. - AC ESS BUS and the DC ESS BUS are connected to the emergency generator (the DC SHED ESS and AC ESS SHED busses are not powered), - ELEC page is automatically displayed on ECAM (only on ground) • if BAT only supplies the airplane: -AC ESS BUS is powered by the static inverter. SMOKE LIGHT ILLUMINATED - associated with ECAM warning when smoke is detected in the anionic ventilation duct.

GEN 1 LINE PB SWITCH PUSH - GEN 1 line contactor opens - AC BUS 1 channel is supplied from GEN 2 through bus tie contractors.

FAULT LIGHT ILLUMINATED - if the emergency generator is not supplying power when: - AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are not powered, and - nose landing gear is up.

MAN 0N PB (guarded) AUTO when all the following conditions are met: - AC BUS 1 not electrically supplied - AC BUS 2 not electrically supplied - airplane speed above 100 kts. - RAT extends, - with gear up, CSM/G is hydraulically powered by the blue system, - when emergency generator within tolerances, emergency generator is connected to the airplane network. PUSH - RAT manually extended, - emergency generator coupling occurs if the gear is up.

EMER ELEC PWR Panel page 8

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LDG FLAP 3 ON - warning mode 4 is inhibited for flaps at position 3, - NOTE: LDG MEMO displays FLAPS ... 3 instead of “CONF ... FULL” FLAP MODE PB SWITCH OFF - Mode 4 warning (TOO LOW FLAPS) is inhibited. (To avoid nuisance warning in case of landing with reduced flaps setting.)

G/S MODE PB SWITCH OFF - Glide Slope Mode (Mode 5) Warning is inhibited.

TERR PB SWITCH OFF - inhibits the Terrain Awareness Display (TAD) and Terrain Clearance Floor (TCF) modes, and does not affect the basic GPWS mode 1 to 5. FAULT - illuminated along with ECAM caution, if the TAD or TCF mode fails, - basic GPWS mode 1 to mode 5 are still operative if the SYS pb switch lights OFF or FAULT are not illuminated.

SYS PB SWITCH OFF - all basic warning are inhibited. FAULT - indicates a malfunction of the GPWS is detected, - ECAM activated.

GPWS Panel Aug 2004

page 9

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© GND CTL SWITCH ON - the CVR and DRDR are energized. AUTO - the CVR and DFDR are energized according to the logic. CVR ERASE PB PUSH (two seconds) - complete erasure of the tape if: • on ground, • parking brake is ON. CVR TEST PB PUSH (and hold) - test is activated provided CVR is energized (by pressing the GND CTL pb switch or during the first five minutes following energiztion of AC electrical network) and parking brake is ON. - low frequency signal is heard on the flight deck loudspeakers, - after test activation the CVR is de-energized by pressing again the GND CTL pb switch. MASK MAN ON PB (guarded in AUTO) AUTO - oxygen generator/mask PSU doors open automatically when cabin altitude exceeds 14,000 ft. (+0, –500). DEPRESSED - oxygen generator/mask PSU doors open. SYS ON - indicates when system is activated.

CREW SUPPLY PB SWITCH ON - supply valve is open, low pressure oxygen is supplied to the masks. OFF - the valve is closed.

CVR, OXYGEN Panel page 10

Aug 2004

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OXY Indication - normally green - becomes amber when: • pressure goes below 400 psi, • low oxygen pressure is detected, • the OXYGEN CREW SUPPLY pb switch on overhead panel is OFF.


OXY High Pressure Indication GREEN - when pressure is ≥ 400 psi. AMBER - when pressure is < 400 psi. - an amber half frame appears when oxygen pressure is < 1500 psi. In this case the flight crew must check that the remaining quantity is not below the minimum (refer to Operating Limitations).


REGUL LO PR Indication - appears amber if oxygen pressure on the low-pressure circuit is low (50 psi).


DOOR Symbol (includes avionics, cargo, pax doors & overwing exits) GREEN - door is closed and locked. AMBER - door is not locked.


DOOR Indication - appears amber when a door is not locked.


SLIDE Indication - appears white when slide is armed.

ECAM DOOR/OXY Display Aug 2004

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Intentionally left blank

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Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© EMER PB SWITCH ON - all PINK lights at all attendant stations flash, - «EMERGENCY CALL» msg appears at the Attendant Indication Panels, - 3 HI/LO chime at all loudspeakers CALL LIGHT - flashes with buzzer when an emergency call is performed from cabin to flight deck.

FWD/AFT PB PRESSED - a RED and a GREEN light illuminate at the fwd/aft attendant panel - «CAPTAIN CALL» msg appears at Attendant Indication Panels, - HI/LO chime sounds at fwd/aft attendant loudspeaker.

MECH PB PRESSED (and held) - COCKPIT CALL light on the nose L/G panel illuminates BLUE, - external mechanical call horn sounds. RELEASED - COCKPIT CALL light remains illuminated until pressing RESET on interphone panel, - external horn stops.

WIPER ROTARY SELECTOR - controls Capt’s wiper to either low or high speed - when selected off the wiper (parks) out of view. RAIN REPELLENT - DEACTIVATED

Max Speed for wiper operations: 230 kts

CALLS & WIPER Panel Aug 2004

page 13

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© AGENT 1 (2) (active when corresponding ENG FIRE pb is pushed) PUSH - bottle is discharged. SQUIB LIGHTs - illuminate when corresponding ENG FIRE pb is pushed to facilitate identification of the agent pb to be activated. DISCH LIGHTs - illuminate when the related fire extinguisher bottle is depressurized.

TEST PB (tests detection & protection sys) PRESSED - continuous repetitive chime, - MASTER WARN light flashes, - ECAM ENG FIRE warning active, - ENG FIRE pb illuminates, - SQUIB lights illuminate, - DISCH lights illuminate, - ENG FIRE lights on pedestal ON.

AGENT 1 (2) (active when corresponding ENG FIRE pb is pushed) PUSH - bottle is discharged. SQUIB LIGHTs - illuminate when corresponding ENG FIRE pb is pushed to facilitate identification of the agent pb to be activated. DISCH LIGHTs - illuminate when the related fire extinguisher bottle is depressurized.

ENG 1 (2) FIRE PB NORMAL POSITION - in and guarded. RELEASED (out) - aural warning cancelled, - squib armed, - fuel LP valve closed, - ENG fuel return valve closed, - hydraulic fire valve closed, - bleed valve closed, - pack flow control valve closed, - elec IDG deactivated. ENG 1 (2) FIRE LIGHT - illuminates independently of pb position as long as fire warning active..

APU FIRE PB NORMAL POSITION - in and guarded. RELEASED (out) - APU automatic shutdown, - aural warning cancelled, - squib armed, - APU fuel LP valve closed, - APU fuel pump off, - APU bleed & x bleed valves closed, - APU GEN deactivated. APU TEST PB (tests detection & protection sys) - continuous repetitive chime, - MASTER WARN light flashes, - ECAM APU FIRE warning active, - APU FIRE pb illuminates, - SQUIB lights illuminate, - DISCH lights illuminate, NOTE: Automatic shutdown on ground does not occur during test.

ENG 2 same as ENG 1

ENG 1 or 2 & APU FIRE Panel page 14

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review©

APU FIRE LT - illuminates with warning horn when fire detected. - APU extinguisher auto discharges within three seconds of fire detection. - light out when fire extinguished. APU (FIRE) SHUTOFF pb - if selected, shuts down APU and silences horn.

Engine Fire Schematic & APU EXT FIRE Panel Aug 2004

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ENG 1 (2) PUMP PB SWITCHES ON - pump pressurizes system when engine running. OFF - pump depressurized. FAULT LIGHT - reservoir low level, - reservoir overheat, (light on as long as overheat is present), - reservoir low air pressure, - pump low press (inhibited on ground when engine stopped). RAT MAN ON PB (guarded) PRESS - RAT extended. NOTE: RAT automatically extended in case of total electrical failure. BLUE ELEC PUMP PB SWITCH AUTO - electric pump is energized provided AC power available: • in flight, • on ground provided one engine is running or the BLUE PUMP OVRD pb has been pressed. FAULT (with ECAM Caution) - reservoir low level, - reservoir low air press, - reservoir overheat (light remains on as long as overheat is present), - pump low pressure, - pump overheat

PTU PB SWITCH AUTO - bidirectional PTU unit armed, - both yellow & green electrohydraulic valves are open, - runs automatically when the differential pressure between green & yellow sys is more than 500 psi, - PTU inhibited during first eng. start, & auto tested during the second eng. start. OFF - both green & yellow PTU electrohydraulic valves close, - transfer stops. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM caution) - green or yellow reservoir overheat, (light on as long as overheat is present), - green or yellow reservoir low air pressure, - green or yellow reservoir low level. YELLOW ELEC PUMP PB SWITCH ON - electric pump is energized. (If the electric power supply is removed the pump will remain de-energized at the next electrical power application.) OFF - pump is de-energized. (It is automatically energized when the lever of the cargo door manual selector valve is set to the OPEN or CLOSED position. FAULT (with ECAM Caution) - reservoir low level, - reservoir low air press, - reservoir overheat (light remains on as long as overheat is present), - pump low pressure, - pump overheat.

HYDRAULIC Panel page 16

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Hydraulic Schematic Aug 2004

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7 6




4 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8

RESERVOIR Quantity - indicates green with normal fluid level. - indicates amber when fluid level is below warning level. Reservoir LO AIR PRESS - appears amber if air pressure drops below normal, and a caution appears on ECAM. Reservoir OVHT - appears amber if temperature of return fluid is above normal, and a caution appears on ECAM. FIRE VALVE - Cross Line Amber: valve fully closed - In Line Green: valve fully open. OVHT (amber) - electric pump for r blue or yellow system reaches an overheat condition. RAT - WHITE: RAT stowed. - GREEN: RAT extended. - AMBER: pressure for stowing RAT has been applied, or RAT pump is not available. ELEC - normally indicates white. - indicates amber if associated power supply fails. YELLOW ELEC PUMP Control - WHITE: Electric Pump OFF - GREEN: Electric Pump ON - AMBER: Electric Pump ON and yellow system pressure is low.

HYD ECAM Display page 18

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11 12 9 LO

10 13


PTU Control

1 2 3 1

GREEN: PTU pb in AUTO and PTU not transferring pressure. AMBER: PTU pb is OFF


GREEN: PTU is supplying the green hydraulic system.


GREEN: PTU is supplying the yellow hydraulic system.


ENG PUMP Control & Low Pressure Indication - In line (Green): the pb for designated PUMP is ON - Press normal - Cross line (Amber): the pb for designated PUMP is OFF - “LO” (Amber): the pb for designated PUMP is ON - Press low


System Label


pressure > 1450 psi

pressure < 1450 psi






System Pressure - normally green - becomes amber when pressure is below 1450 psi.


PUMP - normally white. - becomes amber when N2 below idle.

HYD ECAM Display (cont) Aug 2004

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L & R TK PUMPS PB SWITCHES ON - pump is energized, but fuel feeds only when CTR TK PUMPS delivery pressure drops below threshold. OFF - pump deactivated. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - low pressure, - inhibited when OFF selected.

X FEED PB SWITCH OFF - valve closed, - no light. ON - valve open, - ON light illuminated. OPEN LIGHT - illuminated when valve is fully open.

CTR TK PUMPS 1 (2) PB SWITCHES ON - pump runs if MAN mode is selected on MODE SEL pb switch, - pump is automatically controlled when AUTO mode is selected. OFF - pump is deactivated. FAULT (with ECAM Caution) - pump is on with pressure low. MODE SEL PB SWITCH AUTO - center tank pumps control is automatic, - on with engine start (for 2 min.), - before or after engine start sequence pumps run provided slats are up. - automatically switched off 5 min. after center tank low level is reached. MAN - center tank pumps are manually controlled with CTR TK pb sws. FAULT (with ECAM Caution) - pump is on with pressure low.

FUEL LIMITATIONS: Minimum fuel quantity for takeoff: 7000lbs. Max imbalance inner tanks: 3300 lbs. Max imbalance outer tanks: 1100 lbs. ACT PB SWITCH (A321 only) * Control of ACT transfer is automatic: - the automatic forward transfer occurs if: • aircraft is in flight • slat are retracted • at least one ACT low level sensor is wet, and • center tank high level sensor has been dry for at least 10 minutes - automatic forward transfer stops as soon as one of the above conditions is not met. FWD LIGHT - manual tansfer to the center tank is initiated by opening • ACT transfer valve, and • ACT 1 or 2 inlet valve - the ACT transfer is then commanded on. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) • center tank has less than 6614 lbs and one ACT has more than 550 lbs, and • the ACT pb is in AUTO

* A321 Fuel Panel

FUEL Panel page 20

Oct 2004

Fuel Schematic

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Aug 2004

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Fuel Used indication - eng id # amber when eng below idle - eng id # white when eng at or above idle - ind green flt phase 2 until elec pwr cut off



Fuel Temperature Indication - normally green - temp above high limit or below low limit displays an ECAM caution

MEMO indications (green) - examples shown TOTAL Fuel Indication






880 x 2

6924 x 2



(US Gallons)

232 x2

1829 x 2




691 x 2

5435 x 2




1520 x 2

11982 x 2





* Fuel density: 0.785 kg/1 or 6.5551 lb/US Gal.

Fuel Tanks, Quantities & ECAM Display page 22

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7 3 4

1 2 5









Wing Pump Indications In Line - GREEN: pump pressure is normal (pump contactor on). “LO” - AMBER: pump pressure is low (pump contactor on). Cross LIne - AMBER: pump contactor is off. CTR Tank Pumps indications In LIne - GREEN: pump pressure is normal (pump contactor on) “LO” - AMBER: pump pressure is low (pump contactor on). Cross Line - GREEN: pump contactor is off and auto shut off is required. Cross LIne - AMBER: pump contactor is off and auto shut off is not required. LP valve (eng-apu) indications In LIne - GREEN: valve is open In Line - AMBER: valve is open with ENG (APU) MASTER sw OFF or FIRE pb out. Cross LIne - GREEN: APU valve is closed. Cross Line - AMBER: ENG valve is closed or APU valve is closed with master sw. on. Transit - AMBER: valve is in transit. X Feed indications In LIne - GREEN: valve is open In Line - AMBER: valve is open with pb sw off. Cross LIne - GREEN: valve is closed with pb sw on Cross Line - AMBER: valve is closed with pb sw. on. Transit - AMBER: valve is in transit. Transfer valves indications

closed transit open low level open Fuel Quantity indication - GREEN normal indication - AMBER line across last two digits when FQI is inaccurate. - outer indication is boxed AMBER if both ctr tank pumps fail to open when inner low - ctr tank is boxed AMBER if both ctr tank pumps fail or ares selected OFF. - advisory in flt phases 2 & 6, when difference in two wings is > 1500kg (3300lb) - indications of the wing inner and outer tanks with the highest fuel level pulses. Fuel on board (FOB) indication (green - normal) - amber line across last two digits when FQI inaccurate - boxed AMBER ctr tank pumps failed or switched OFF/xfr valves failed to open when inner cell low.

FUEL ECAM Display (cont) Aug 2004

page 23

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© BAT 1 (2) INDICATOR - shows battery voltage. GALLEY PB SWITCH AUTO - main & secondary galleys are powered, - main galley shed: • in flight if only one gen operating • on grd if only one gen operating (all galleys are avail. when APU GEN or EXT PWR is on). OFF - main & secondary galleys are off. FAULT (with ECAM activation) - load of any GEN above 100% of rated output. COMMERCIAL pb sw as installed ON - all aircraft commercial electrical loads are supplied: • cabin & cargo lights • water & toilet system • drainb mast ice protection • galley • passengers entertainment • semi-auto cargo loading (if Installed) OFF - switches off all aircraft commercial electrical loads

BAT 1 (2) PB SWITCH (controls Batt Charge Limit.) AUTO - battery charge limiter auto.controls the connection/ disconnection of corresponding battery to the DC BAT BUS (3 PP) by closing/opening of the battery line contactor. - battery is connected to the DC BAT BUS in the following cases: • APU starting (Master Sw at ON and N< 95%) The connection is limited to 3min when the Emer-Gen is running. • batt voltage below 26.5. On the grd - immediately in flight, after a time delay of 30 min. • loss of AC BUS 1 * 2 when below 100 kt (EMER GEN not operating). The batteries are connected to the DC ESS BUS provided - airplane speed lower than 50 kt, and - AC BUS 1 & 2 are not supplied. NOTE 1: In normal config. the batteries are disconnected most of the time. NOTE 2: A battery’s auto cut off logic prevents batteries from complete discharge when on grd (parking) Auto battery contactors opening occurs when: • airplane is on ground, • BAT pb sw are at auto, • main power supply (EXT PWR + GEN) is cut off, • batt voltage is lower than 23V for >16 sec. NOTE 3: Reset is achieved by switching BAT pb sw at OFF then Auto OFF - battery line contactor is open, - battery charge limiter is not operating. OFF LIGHT - illuminates provided the DC bat bus is supplied, - hot busses remain powered. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - illuminated if battery is being charged at an abnormal rate. (Battery contactor opens).

ELECTRICAL Panel page 24

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© AC ESS FEED PB SWITCH NORMAL - AC ESS BUS is powered from AC BUS 1. ALTN - AC ESS BUS is powered from AC BUS 2. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM activation) - illuminated when the AC ESS BUS is not powered. NOTE: with total loss of main GENS, the AC ESS BUS is automatically powered by the emergency generator or by the static inverter if the emergency generator is not available.

IDG 1 (2) PB SWITCH (guarded) CAUTION: 1) if pb is held longer than 3 sec, damage may occur to disconnect mechanism. 2) do not disconnect the IDG when eng. not running. PRESS - IDG is disconnected, - can only be reconnected by maint. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - IDG oil outlet temp above 185°C, - IDG oil press is low. (Inhibited with N2 below 14%). GEN 1 (2) PB SWITCH ON - GEN field energized, - line contactor closed (provided elec. parameters are normal). OFF - GEN field open, - line contactor open, - fault circuit reset. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - indicates protection trip initiated by associated GCU. NOTE: if the protection trip is initiated by a differential fault the reset action has no affect after two attempts. - line contactor open (except if GEN pb s selected OFF).

EXT PWR PB (momentary action) AVAIL LIGHT - external power plugged in, - external power parameters are normal. PRESS - ext pwr contactor closes, - AVAIL light goes out, - ON light illuminates, If the ON light was illuminated: - ext pwr contactor opens, - ON light extinguishes, - AVAIL light illuminates NOTE: external power has priority over the APU GEN. ENG GENs have priority over EXT PWR and the APU GEN. ON light remains on even when the ENG GENs supply the airplane. BUS TIE PB SWITCH AUTO - BTCs open or closes automatically in order to maintain power supply to both AC BUS 1 and 2. • one contactor is closed when: - one ENG GEN supplies the assoc. AC BUS bar and, - APU GEN or EXT PWR supplies the other side. • both contactors are closed in case of one engine, or APU GEN, or EXT PWR supply. OFF - both bus tie contactors open.

ELECTRICAL Panel (cont) Aug 2004

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Electrical Schematic page 26

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4 5 6 4



3 4 5

BATTERY Indications - BAT pushbutton switch at OFF, legend is in white (OFF replaces volts & amps), - BAT pushbutton switch at AUTO, legend is white “BAT 1 or 2” but becomes amber when: • voltage and current indications changes to amber or, • in case of a BAT FAULT warning. - BAT voltage is normally green - but becomes amber if V > 31 V or V < 25 V. - BAT amps normally green - but become amber if discharge current > 5 A. BATTERY Charge/Discharge Indication battery contactor closed. Battery charging current > 1A (green) battery contactor closed. Battery discharge current > 1A (amber) battery contactor closed. Current < 1A (as shown) battery contactor open. DC BAT Indication - legend normally green - becomes amber if DC BAT voltage ≤ 25 V. BUS Indication - label normally green - becomes amber when corresponding bus is off, - SHED appears in amber when AC or DC SHED ESS BUS is off. TR 1 (2) Indication - legend “TR 1 or 2” normally white - becomes amber when volts & amps become amber. - TR volts normally green - become amber if V > 31 V or V < 25 V. - TR amps normally green - becomes amber when TR current ≤ 5 A. EMER GEN Indication - legend “EMERG GEN” normally white - becomes amber when either the volts or freq become amber, - volts legend normally green - becomes amber if V > 120 V or V< 110, - frequency legend normally green - becomes amber if F > 410 Hz or F < 390 Hz, - Volts and freq indications are not displayed (as shown) when the EMER GEN line contactor is open.

ECAM ELEC Display Aug 2004

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GEN (1) 2 Indications - GEN pushbutton switch is OFF (no load, volts or frequency indicated), • GEN legend is amber, • “OFF” indication is white - replaces load, volts and frequency, • 1 or 2 indication is white if associated engine running, amber if not. - GEN pushbutton switch is ON: • GEN 1 or GEN 2 normally white - becomes amber if any of the following legends become amber, • load % legend normally green - amber if load > 100%, • volts normally green - becomes amber if V > 120 V or V < 110 V, • freq normally green - becomes amber if F > 410 Hz or F < 390 Hz. IDG Indications (example: 115°C IDG 2) 115°C - oil outlet temperature, - legend normally green - appears amber if T > 185°C, - flashes if 147°C < T < 185°C (advisory). IDG (1) or 2 - normally white - amber if • oil outlet temp > 185°C • oil pressure gets too low • IDG becomes disconnected - the 1 or 2 is white if the corresponding engine is running, or the FADEC is not powered, amber if the engine is not running and the FADEC is powered. DISC/LO PR (not displayed in example - would occupy second line of info)* - legend in amber when IDG disconnected, - LO PR appears in amber when IDG low pressure is detected. RISE (not displayed in example - would occupy third line of info)* - normally green, - difference between temp at IDG inlet and that at the outlet. ESS TR Indication - legend follows the logic of TR 1 (2), - the volts and amps are not displayed (as shown) when the essential TR contactor is open. * see next page

ECAM ELEC Display (cont) page 28

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EXT PWR Indications - not displayed if external power is not available (see previous examples). - EXT PWR normally white - becomes amber if either of the following legends turn amber. - volts normally green - becomes amber if V > 120 V or if V < 110 V. - freq normally green - becomes amber if F > 410 Hz or if F < 390 Hz. NOTE: EXT PWR replaced by STAT INV during static inverter test. It is normally green - but becomes amber if: - V < 110 V or V > 120 V. - F < 390 Hz or F > 410 Hz


APU GEN Indications - when APU MASTER switch is OFF legend is white regardless of the position of the APU GEN pushbutton switch. - when APU MASTER switch is ON, and the APU GEN pushbutton switch is OFF: •APU GEN legend is amber, •OFF legend is white. - when APU MASTER switch is ON and the APU GEN pushbutton is ON: • indications are the same as for GEN 1 (2).


GALLEY SHED Indication - legend appears in white when: • GALLEY pushbutton switch is OFF, or, • main galleys are shed meaning: - in flight, only one generator operating, - on ground, the aircraft is being supplied by one generator only. - legend not displayed when aircraft is in its normal configuration.

ECAM ELEC Display (cont) Aug 2004

page 29

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© ZONE TEMPERATURE SELECTORS - 12 o’clock position: 24° C (76°F) - COLD position: = 18° C (64° F) - HOT position: = 30° C (86° F) PACK FLOW SELECTOR Permits selection of pack flow according to number of passengers & ambient conditions (smoke removal, hot or wet conditions). LO - 80% If low is selected, pack flow can be automatically selected up to 100% when cooling demand cannot be satisfied. NORM - 100% HI - 120% The manual selection is irrelevant in single pack operation or with APU bleed supply. In these cases, HI is automatically selected.

PACK PB SWITCH ON - pack flow control valve is automatically controlled. - valve opens except in the following cases: • upstream pressure below minimum, • compressor outlet overheat, • engine start sequence: Both valves close when the MODE Sel. is set to IGN (or CRK) and when either ENG: - MASTER sw is set to ON (or MAN START ps sw is set to ON), and - the start valve is open, and - N2 < 50% On ground, the valves reopening is delayed 30 sec to avoid a supplementary pack closure cycle during second engine start. - onside engine fire pb depressed, - ditching is selected. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) • valve disagrees with selected position • compressor outlet overheat, or • pack outlet overheat. OFF • pack flow control valve closes.

HOT AIR PB SWITCH ON - valve regulates hot air pressure. OFF - valve closes, - trim air valves close, - FAULT circuit is reset. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - duct overheat (88° C) - light out when temp drops below 70° C and OFF is selected.

ENG 1 (2) BLEED PB SWITCH ON - bleed valve opens provided: • upstream pressure is above 8 psi., • APU BLEED pb sw is OFF, or APU bleed valve is closed, • there is no onside wing or pylon leak, and no OVER PRESS or OVER TEMP detected. • ENG FIRE pb not released out, • ENG start valve closed. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - overpressure downstream of the bleed val. - bleed overheat, - wing or ENG leak on the related side, - bleed valve not closed during engine start, - bleed valve not closed with APU bleed ON. It extinguishes when the ENG BLEED pb sw is at OFF provided the failure has disappeared. OFF - bleed valve & HP valve close, - OFF light illuminates.


Oct 2004

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RAM AIR PB SWITCH (guarded) ON - provided the DITCHING pb sw on the CABIN PRESS panel is in normal position: • RAM air inlet opens, • if ∆P ≥ 1 psi: the outflow valve control remains normal. • if ∆P < 1 psi: the outflow valve opens to about 50% when not under manual control. OFF - RAM air inlet closes.

X BLEED SEL AUTO - X bleed valve is open if APU bleed valve is open, - X bleed valve is closed if APU bleed valve is closed or in case of wing, pylon or APU leak (except during engine start). OPEN - X bleed valve is open. SHUT - X bleed is closed.

APU BLEED PB SWITCH ON - APU valve opens provided N > 95% and there is no leak on APU or left side bleed. (Should a leak occur on the right side, the X-bleed would close). - ON light illuminates. OFF - APU valve closes. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - APU leak is detected.

AIR CONDITIONING Panel (cont) Aug 2004

page 31

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Air Conditioning Schematic page 32

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4 3


TEMP - unit of measure (°C or °F) is indicated in cyan


HOT AIR Pressure Regulating Valve - fully closed & PB at AUTO -open

- closed & PB at OFF or valve disagree closed - not closed, disagree with control position


ZONE TRIM Air Valve Position - indication is normally green - becomes amber if valve fails. - C = Cold Valve fully closed, - H = Hot Valve fully open.


ZONE DUCT Temperature - normally green, becomes amber at 80°C (176°F).


ZONE Temperature - indication is green.


CABIN FAN Fault Indication - appears amber if fault detected.


ZONE CONTROLLER Fault Indication ALTN MODE - primary zone controller fault (green). PACK REG - zone controller fault (basic regulation by packs only) (green). No Indication - zone controller normal operation.

ECAM (Air) COND Display Oct 2004

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Pneumatic Schematic page 34

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1 2 8 3 7 6 4 5


PACK Outlet Temperature - indication is green - becomes amber if temperature above 90°C.


RAM AIR Inlet - fully open in flight -fully closed

- amber in transit


PACK Bypass Valve Position - indication is green, - C = Cold - valve closed - H = Hot - valve open.


ENGINE Bleed Valves - BLEED valve normally opened - BLEED valve normally closed


- fully open on ground

- BLEED valve not in commanded (open) position - BLEED valve not in commanded (closed) position

HP Valves - HP valve normally fully closed

- HP valve not in commanded (closed) position

- HP valve not fully closed


PACK Flow Control Valve - valve open -fully closed

- not closed, disagree with control position - fully closed, disagree with control position.


PACK Flow - indication is green - becomes amber if pack flow control valve is closed. NOTE: the pack flow indication can be up to 30% below the actual flow rate.


PACK Compressor Outlet Temperature - indication is green - becomes amber if temperature above 230°C.

ECAM BLEED Display Aug 2004

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5 1





CROSS BLEED Valve - crossbleed valve normally closed - crossbleed valve normally open



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- crossbleed valve not in commanded (closed) position. - crossbleed valve not in commanded (open) position.

- crossbleed valve in transit APU Bleed Valve - APU valve not fully open and APU master switch ON, - APU valve fully open and APU master switch ON ENGINE Bleed Indications Precooler inlet pressure (example 30 PSI) - normally green, - becomes amber if under 4 psi or if overpressure detected by the BMC (threshold between 57 and 60 psi). Precooler outlet temperature (example 160°C) - normally green, - becomes amber if BMC detects overheat or low temperature. ‘ - overheat: temperature exceeds • 290°C for more than 5 seconds, or • 270°C for more than 15 seconds, or • 257°C for more than 55 seconds. - low temperature is detected if the temperature is lower than 150°C NOTE: on the ground with engines at idle, depending on ambient temperature, the precooler outlet temperature may be below 150°C. ENGINE IDENTIFICATION (1 or 2) - normally white - becomes amber when engine N2 below idle. GND HP Ground Connection Indication - displayed in green on ground. ANTI-ICE Indication - displayed in white when the WING PB switch on ANTI-Ice panel is ON. ARROW - normally not displayed when the corresponding valve is closed, - normally green when corresponding valve is open - amber when valve is open and air pressure is low or high, or valve is open on ground for more than 10 seconds.

ECAM BLEED Display (cont) page 36

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© WING ANTI-ICE PB SWITCH ON - «ON» light illuminates, - WING ANTI ICE indications appears on ECAM MEMO page, - wing anti-ice control valve opens if pneumatic air is available. On ground wing control valves open for 30 seconds (test sequence). OFF - «ON» light extinguishes, - wing anti-ice control valves close. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM activation) - anti-ice control valve disagree, - valve intransit, - low pressure detected.

ENG 1 (2) PB SWITCH ON - «ON» light illuminates, - ENG ANTI ICE indications appears on ECAM MEMO page, - eng anti-ice control valve opens if pneumatic air is available. - continuous ignition is selected when valve is open and Anti-ice Eng pb is ON. OFF - «ON» light extinguishes, - eng anti-ice control valves close. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM activation) - anti-ice control valve disagree, - valve intransit. PROBES/WINDOW HEAT PB AUTO - probes/windows auto heated in flight, - on ground with one engine operating (except TAT probes). ON - «ON» illuminated, - probes/windows heated.

ANTI-ICE Panel Aug 2004

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Wing & Engine Anti-Ice Schematics page 38

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Window & Probe Anti-Ice Schematics Aug 2004

page 39

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review MODE SEL PB SWITCH AUTO - auto mode operating (one system at a time), NOTE: if pressurization degraded performance is suspected, a selection of the pressurization system which is not active could be attempted by switching the MODE SEL pb to MAN for at least 10 sec - then to AUTO. MAN - «MAN» illuminates, - «FAULT» extinguishes, - manual control is then operative by the MAN V/S CTL switch. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM Caution) - both automatic systems indicate faults. MAN V/S CTL TOGGLE SWITCH (spring loaded to neutral) - controls outflow valve position by the MAN motor when MODE SEL P/B switch is at MAN position. UP - valve moves towards open position. DN - valve moves toward closed position.

LDG ELEV ROTARY SELECTOR AUTO - pressurization system uses FMGS data to elaborate an optimized pressure schedule. OTHER POSITIONS - landing elevation from FMGS is not used by the pressurization system, - landing elevation selected (from –2,000 to 14,000 ft) is taken as reference. DITCHING PB SWITCH (guarded) NORMAL (de-selected) - normal system operation. ON - a closed signal is sent to the outflow valve, emergency ram air inlet, avionics ventilation extract valve and pack flow control valves. NOTE: if the MODE SEL pb sw is at MAN, the outflow valve remains controlled by the MAN V/S CTL switch.

PRESSURIZATION LIMITATIONS Max cabin differential pressure 8.6 psi Neg cabin differential pressure - 1.0 psi

CABIN PRESS Panel page 40

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8 9

LDG ELEV AUTO/MAN - LDG ELEV AUTO appears in green when the LDG ELEV selector is in AUTO, - LDG ELEV MAN appears in green when the LDG ELEV selector is not in AUTO, - neither appears when the MODE SEL pushbutton switch is in MAN Landing Elevation - the landing elevation selected either automatically by the FMGS or manually by the pilot appears in green (but not when the MODE SEL pushbutton is in MAN). ∆P PSI (Cabin Differential Pressure) - analog and digital presentations appear in green when ∆P is in the normal range. - they appear amber when ∆P ≤ 0.4 psi or ≥ 8.5 psi, - digital presentation pulses if ∆P > 1.5 psi (resets at 1 psi) during flight phase 7. V/S FT/MIN (Cabin Vertical Speed) - analog and digital presentations appear in green when V/S is in the normal range, - they appear amber when V/S ≥ 2000 feet/minute, - digital presentation pulses when V/S > 1800 feet/minute (resets at 1600 fpm). CAB ALT FT (Cabin Altitude) - analog and digital presentations appear in green, in normal range, - they appear in red if the cabin altitude goes above 9550 feet, - digital presentation pulses if the cabin altitude is at or above 8800 feet (resets at 8600 ft.) Active System Indication (SYS 1 or SYS 2 or MAN) - SYS 1 or SYS 2 appears in green when active and in amber when fault, - when either system is inactive, its title does not appear, - MAN appears in green when the MODE SEL switch is in MAN. SAFETY VALVE Position - SAFETY appears in white & diagram in green when both safety valves are fully closed, - SAFETY & the diagram appear in amber when either valve is not closed. NOTE: Safety valve opens when the cabin differential pressure is between 8.2 and 8.9 psi.The range is due to the reduced accuracy of ∆P measurements (in MAN mode),combined with the decrease in cabin differential pressure that occurs immediately after the safety valve opens. OUTFLOW VALVE Position - indicates green with valve operating normally - amber when valve opens more than 95% during flight. PACK Indication - triangle normally green, PACK 1 (2) indication normally white. Both become amber when pack flow control valve is closed with associated engine running.

ECAM CAB PRESS Display Aug 2004

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P 6.4 PSI




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4 5

LDG ELEV AUTO/MAN Identical to CAB PRESS page. CAB V/S FT/MIN (cabin vertical speed) - GREEN normal range - AMBER out of normal range: V/S > 2000 feet/min - pulses when V/S > 1800 feet/min (resets at 1600 fpm)

CAB ALT FT (cabin altitude) - GREEN normal range. - RED: excessive cabin altitude > 9550 feet - pulses when cabin altitude at or above 8800 feet (resets at 8,600 feet) P indication - GREEN normal indication - AMBER when out of normal range P < - 0.4 psi or > 8.5 psi ZONE indication and temperature - temperature scale in use (C or F)

CRUISE ECAM Display (cont) page 42

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© NAV & LOGO SWITCH NAV & LOGO - navigation & logo lights activation, • Navigation lights are located at each wing tip and the APU tail cone. • Logo lights are installed in the upper surface of each horizontal stabilizer to illuminate the the vertical stabilizer provided the main gear struts are compressed or the slats are out. WING SWITCH ON - illuminates two single beam lights on each side of the fuselage to illuminate the wing leading edge & engine air intake. BEACON SWITCH ON - illuminated the two flashing red (anti-collision) lights on the top and bottom of the fuselage. STROBE SWITCH ON - stobe lights on each wing tip flash. AUTO - stobe lights are automatically switched on when the shock absorber is not compressed. OFF - all strobe lights are off.

RWY TURN OFF SWITCH ON - illuminates runway turnoff light on the nose gear strut. - lights auto off when gear retracted. L & R LAND SELECTORS ON - related landing light is extended & comes on when fully extended. OFF - related light is extended but off. RETRACT - retracts the LDG lights & shuts them off. NOSE SWITCH TO - both taxi & take-off lights are illuminated. TAXI - only taxi light is illuminated. OFF - taxi & take-off lights are off, NOTE: lights also automatically off with gear retraction.

EXT LT Panel Aug 2004

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MASTER PB SWITCH (controls power supply for APU operation and protections) ON - «ON» illuminates - APU system is active, ECB completes power up test, - APU air intake flap opens, - APU fuel isolation valve opens, - if not tank fuel pump is running, APU fuel pump operates, - if grd pwr or main gen pwr is used, APU page appears on ECAM system display. OFF - manual shutdown sequence starts. - ON and/or AVAIL lights extinguish, - if bleed air used, APU runs for a cooling period of 60 to 120 seconds at 75% speed (rpm), - at 7% speed (rpm), air inlet flap closes. FAULT (with ECAM activation - when auto shutdown occurs) Auto shutdown when: - low oil pressure, - Fire (on ground), - high oil temp, - air inlet flap closed, - DC power lost, - overspeed, - over-current, - no acceleration, - sensor failure, - slow start, - IGV failure, - overtemp, - ECB failure. - no flame (no light-off) - reverse flow START PB SWITCH ON - «ON» illuminates, starter is energized, - 7% speed (rpm) ignition, - 50% speed (rpm) starter cut-out, ignition turned off, - 95% speed (rpm) «ON» on START pb extinguishes and «AVAIL» light illuminates. - APU now available for bleed air and/or electrical power, - 15 seconds later, APU page is removed from ECAM display. AVAIL LIGHT - on at 95% speed (rpm).

APU LIMITATIONS: Max start temp: 1038° C Max continuous: 725 ° C Max RPM: 107% 3 Start attempts Generator operation to FL 390 Bleed operation to FL 200 Batt Start altitude FL250 Full 90 KVA altitude FL250

APU Panel page 44

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AVAIL - displayed in green when APU N is above 95%. APU Bleed Valve Position - valve open - valve fully closed - valve fully closed if APU bleed ON APU Bleed Air Pressure - box displays the relative bleed air pressure in green, - XX in amber is displayed when ADIRS2 is not available or selected OFF. APU GEN Line Contactor Indication - displayed in green when the APU GEN line contactor is closed. APU GEN Parameters - identical to the APU GEN parameters on the ELEC page. FUEL LO PR - displayed in amber if APU fuel pressure gets low. FLAP OPEN - displayed in green when APU air intake flap is fully open (MASTER SW ON). APU N -displays APU speed in green, - becomes amber when N ≥ 102%, - becomes red when N ≥ 107% APU EGT - displays APU EGT in green, - becomes amber when EGT ≥ EGT max* – 33°C (stead during APU start, pulsing when APU is running). [Amber line] - becomes red when EGT ≥ EGT max* (automatic shutdown begins). [Red line] * ECB calculates EGT max and transmits it to ECAM. It is a function of N during start and a function of ambient temperature when the APU is running. Maximum EGT during start: 1038°C Maximum EGT with APU running: 690 - 725°C depending on ambient temperature. LOW OIL LEVEL - ADVISORY: displayed if the ECB detects a low APU oil level when on the ground and APU not running.

ECAM APU Display Aug 2004

page 45

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© ANN LIGHT SEL TEST - all flight deck annunciator lights illuminate, - all LCDs indicate “eight”. DIM - annunciator lights dim, BRT - normal position. DOME SELECTOR BRT - both dome lights on. DIM - dome lights dim. OFF - lights off. ICE IND & STBY COMPASS SWITCH ON - turns on integral lighting for standby compass and visual ice indicator on and off. OVHD INTEG LIGHT KNOB ROTATE - overhead integral lighting intensity adjustment. SEAT BELTS SWITCH ON - «FASTEN SEAT BELT» signs (in cabin) and «RETURN TO YOUR SEAT» signs (in lav) illuminate with low chime. OFF - signs off, - low chime sounds NO SMOKING SWITCH ON - «NO SMOKING & EXIT» signs (in cabin) illuminate with low chime. AUTO - «NO SMOKING & EXIT» signs (in cabin) illuminate when gear is down and go out when retracted. - low chime sounds each event. OFF - signs off, - low chime sounds. NOTE: FASTEN SEAT BELT, NO SMOKING & EXIT signs (in cabin & lavs) illuminate automatically regardless of switch position if cabin alt. exceeds 11,300 feet ± 350 feet.

EMER EXIT LT OFF LIGHT PB OFF - «OFF» illuminated - if EMER PB switch at Purser’s panel is pressed to activate emergency lighting, light is off. EMER EXIT LT SWITCH ON - overhead emergency lights, exit signs and floor proximity marking system illuminate. OFF - all lights off. ARM - floor prox. emerg. escape path system and ovhd emer. lighting auto on if: • DC SHED ESS BUS failure, or • AC BUS 1 failure - exit signs auto on if: • DC SHED ESS BUS failure, or, • excessive cabin alt, or • NO SMOKING sing illumination. NOTE: Purser panel can over-ride emergency lights.

INT LT & SIGNS Panels page 46

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© TRANSMISSION KEYS DEPRESSED - associated channel is selected for transmission, - three green lines illuminate, - channel is deselected by pushing sw again or selecting another channel. CALL LIGHT - flashes with buzzer for call from SELCAL system. MECH LIGHT - flashes with buzzer for call from nose gear bay, - light out if not reset within 60 seconds. ATT LIGHT - flashes with buzzer for call from cabin attendant, - light out if not reset within 60 seconds. RECEPTION KNOBS (alternate action) PRESSED - KNOB OUT - associated knob illuminates, - associated audio reception channel is selected - rotate knob for volume adjustment. PRESSED - KNOB IN - audio reception channel is disconnected.

PA KEY PRESSED (and held) - green bars illuminate and boom set, oxygen mask or hand mic may be used for PA RESET KEY PRESS - CALL, MECH and ATT lights extinguish. NOTE: MECH & ATT lights out after 60 sec. if call not cancelled by RESET key.

INT/RAD SWITCH (PTT) INT - flight interphone transmission mode is selected when using boomset or mask mic’s regardless of the transmission key selection, - for reception, INT knob must be selected. NEUTRAL (position) - reception normal, - boomset & mask mic’s disconnected. RAD (switch must be held - PTT) - used to talk by boomset or mask mic’s through facility selected on the ACP.

ON VOICE KEY DEPRESSED - «ON» light illuminates, - ident signals (Morse code nav signals [VOR & ADF] are filtered.


page 47

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© STBY/CRS WINDOW - displays a stby freq which can be made active by depressing the Transfer Key or changed by rotating the Tuning Knob, - if course is displayed associated freq is in ACTIVE window. NOTE: if a course is displayed, depressing the transfer key will show active freq on both windows. TRANSFER KEY PRESSED - ACTIVE and STY freq are interchanged, - selected receiver is now turned to new ACTIVE freq.

ACTIVE WINDOW - shows active freq of selected radio which is identified by a green bar on selection key. RADIO COMM SEL KEYS PRESSED (green dot or bars illuminated) - ACTIVE and STBY/CRS windows display frequencies previously selected. - example of bars display.

NAV KEY (with transparent switch-guard) PRESSED - green monitor light illuminates, - Radio Nav Back-up mode is engaged, - VOR, ILS, MLS & ADF receivers controlled by RMP (no longer from FMGS), - pressing again returns control to FMGS. NOTE 1: back up tuning mode must be selected on RMP 1 and 2 in case of both FMGCs or MCDU failure. In case of emergency electrical config RMP 1 only is powered. NOTE 2: pressing NAV key on RMP3 (if installed) has no effect. NOTE 3: in NAV back-up mode, radio comm. systems can be selected as in normal mode. NOTE 4: setting one RMP to NAV back-up mode removes NAV AIDS tuning capability from both FMGCs. NOTE 5: when an ILS/DME is tuned using the RMPs, the DME distance is not displayed in the PFDs. ON LIGHT - illuminates when RMP has control. NAV LIGHT - light always on.

STBY NAV KEYS PRESSED (with NAV KEY on) - when appropriate key pressed, the ACTIVE window displays the present freq., - the green dot or bars illuminate on the selected key (and previous STBY NAV or COM key lights extinguish. ROTATING (Frequency) KNOBS - Two concentric knobs allow preselection of freq for radio comm systems, standby nav systems and selection of the required course for VOR or ILS. A rate multiplier speeds up tuning if knob is rotated rapidly. - preselected frequency (STBY) becomes active by pressing Transfer Key. OUTER KNOB - controls the most significant digits of the freq. INNER KNOB - controls the least significant digits of the freq. ON/OFF SWITCH - controls the power to each RMP NOTE: when RMP 1 or 2 are off, RMP 3 is still able to control UHF/VHF transceivers.


Aug 2004

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SAME AS Pg. 7 (left side)

DISCH PB SWITCH PRESS - ignites squib to discharge agent in corresponding compartment (FWD or AFT). DISCH LIGHT ON - bottle discharged. SMOKE LIGHT (with ECAM Warning) ON - both channels detect smoke, or - one channel detects smoke and the SDCU detects a fault in the other channel. TEST PB PRESS - tests smoke detector lights in sequence, - «SMOKE» light flashes twice, and - displays the ECAM Warning, - closes the isolation valves of the ventilation system, - «DISCH»light illuminates.

FLT CTL (right side) & CARGO SMOKE Panel Aug 2004

page 49

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Cargo Compt Fire Detection Schematic page 50

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NOTE: ETOPS aircraft have two bottles.

Cargo Compt Fire Protection Schematic Aug 2004

page 51

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CAB FANS PB SWITCH ON - two cabin fans run. OFF - two cabin fans stop NOTE: a double fan failure an ECAM Caution is activated.

BLOWER PB SW & EXTRACT PB SW AUTO (both switches are in AUTO) On ground before power application: - ventilation system is in open circuit configuration (closed configuration when skin temp below the ground threshold). On ground after TO power application, or in flt: - ventilation system is in closed circuit config. OVRD (either switch is at OVRD) - system goes to closed circuit configuration. - air from air conditioning system is added to ventilation air (the blower fan stops if BLOWER pb sw at OVRD position). OVRD (both switches are at OVRD) - air is provided from the air conditioning system and then extracted overboard, - extract fan remains energized. FAULT LIGHT (with ECAM activation) Blower Fault Light - blowing pressure low* - duct overheat* - computer power supply failure - smoke warning. Extract Fault Light - extract pressure low* - computer power supply failure, - smoke warning* * if the warning occurs on the ground, engines stopped, the external horn is triggered.

VENTILATION Panel page 52

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Ventilation Schematic Aug 2004

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N1 MODE PB SWITCH ON - «ON» light illuminates. - thrust control reverts from EPR mode to rated N1 mode, - following an automatic reversion to N1, rated or unrated mode, pressing the pb sw confirms the mode. OFF - if available, EPR mode is selected.

MAN START PB SWITCH ON - «ON» light illuminates. - start valve opens provided MODE sel is on the IGN/START position and N2 < 15%. - on ground both pack valves close provided MODE sel is on the IGN/START position and N2 is < idle. They reopen when IGN is deselected. OFF - start valve closed unless a start cycle is in progress.

ENG Panel page 54

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WIPER LIMITATION: Wiper operation - 230 kts.

F/O WIPER PANEL Same as Capt’s controls

WIPER (right side) Panel Aug 2004

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Wet Compass & Glareshield page 56

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© CHRONO SWITCH PUSH - used to stop/start ECAM chronometer. MASTER WARNING LIGHTS FLASH - for level 3 warning, - accompanied by an aural warning (continuous repetitive chime, specific sounds or synthetic voice.

AUTO LAND LIGHT ILLUMINATED if - excessive deviation, - loss of second autopilot, - long flare, - greater than 10 ft. difference between radio altimeters.

MASTER CAUTION LIGHT ILLUMINATES - for level 2 cautions, - accompanied by a single chime, EXTINGUISHED when - pressed, - warning/caution no longer exists, - pressing CLR pb on the ECAM control panel, - pressing the EMERG CANCEL pb on ECAM control panel (for Master Caution only). SIDE STICK PRIORITY ARROW LIGHT ILLUMINATES - on side losing authority, - remains on as long as authority is no recovered: • because the other TAKE OVER pb is released in less than 40 sec, or • because TAKE OVER pb used to cancel a latched priority situation (> 30 sec). CAPT F/O LIGHT ILLUMINATES - on side who has taken priority by depressing the takeover pb if the opposite stick is not at neutral. EXTINGUISHES when - opposite stick is returned to the neutral position.

Glareshield Panel Aug 2004

page 57

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© OPTIONAL DATA DISPLAY PB SWITCHES PUSH - enables display of optional data in addition to the data permanently displayed in PLAN, ARC or ROSE modes, - green stripes illuminate, - only one activated at at time. BARO REFERENCE DISPLAY WINDOW

FD PB SWITCH PUSH (on) - allows FD bars (or FPD Symbol) to be displayed, - green stripes illuminate. PUSH (off) - removes FD bars from associated PFD (or FPD Symbol, if the TRK FPA is selected. ILS PB SWITCH PUSH - LOC and GS scales and deviation symbols displayed on PFD, - green stripes illuminate.

ADF - VOR BEARING SWITCHES SELECT - enables selection of ADF and/or VOR bearing pointers and DME distance on onside ND as well as the corresponding navigation station characteristics in any mode except PLAN mode. RANGE SELECTOR SWITCH - enables selection of required scale on onside ND. MODE SELECTOR SWITCH - enables selection of required navigation display on onside ND.

Glareshield Panel (cont) page 58

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© ALT WINDOW - displays altitude selected by the pilot on the FCU, - ALT is never dashed.










FLIGHT CONTROL UNIT - two types of guidance and their associated modes are available. Those managed by the FMGS are associated with dashed windows and their illuminated lights. Those selected by the crew are displayed on the windows with the corresponding lights extinguished. - in order to engage MANAGED guidance, the pilot must push the associated selector. - in order to engage a SELECTED guidance mode, the pilot must TURN (to select the required parameter value) and PULL the selector.

GLARESHIELD LIGHTING KNOBS TURN - to adjust integral and flood lighting.



Glareshield Panel (cont) Aug 2004

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same as opposite side

same as opposite side

Glareshield Panel (cont) page 60

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Instrument Panel Flow Aug 2004

page 61

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© HANDWHEEL (interconnected) - steer nosewheel up to 75 degrees in either direction. Rudder PEDAL DISC PB - removes control of nose wheel steering from the rudder pedals until the button is released.

PUSH-TO-TALK SW A/P DISCONNECT/SIDESTICK PRIORITY PB - controls general brightness of ND symbology. - extreme left position switches off ND.

ARM REST Pitch Adjustment Height Adjustment (similar wheel on arm edge - not shown on this photo) Protection Wheel

POSITION display - arm rest memory display in pitch and height

Captain’s Tiller, Side Stick & Arm Rest page 62

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© GPWS - G/S PB GPWS LIGHT - illuminates when any mode 1 to 4 is activated, - accompanied by specific voice warning, - ECAM activation. G/S LIGHT - illuminates when mode 5 is activated, - «GLIDESLOPE» voice warning, - ECAM activation.

ND BRIGHTNESS CONTROL KNOB OUTER KNOB - controls brightness of weather radar image only, INNER KNOB - controls general brightness of ND symbology. - extreme left position switches off ND.

PFD/ND XFR PUSH (each push) - PFD and ND images will be interchanged. NOTE: in case of PFDU failure, PFD display automatically transferred on the NDU.

LOUD SPEAKER VOLUME CONTROL PDF BRIGHTNESS CONTROL KNOB OFF - PFD off, - PDF image automatically displayed on the ND - pilot may recover the ND by means of the PFD-ND XFR pb switch. CONSOLE/FLOOR SWITCH (Capt and for) BRT & DIM control - permits illumination of side consoles, - brief cases, - floor around each pilot seat.

Captains Instrument Panel Aug 2004

page 63

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Captains Instrument Panel (cont)







Radio Height

Vertical Speed

Mach ILS data

Heading / Track

Altitude Baro Set


Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© APPROACH CAPABILITIES AND DA/MDA













page 65

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29.88 QNH



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VFE NEXT - VFE corresponding to next flap lever position when aircraft below FL150 or FL200. NOTE: see next page for Symbology & Definitions.


page 67

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© SYMBOLOGY & DEFINITIONS: Vs - reference stalling speed (Equal to Vs1g). VMCG

- minimum control speed on ground from which a sudden failure of the critical engine can be controlled by use of primary flight controls only, the other engine remaining at TO power.


- represented by “1” on airspeed scale (or (V1 value when out of range). Manually inserted by the crew through the MCDU.


- manually inserted by the crew through the MCDU.


- represented by the SPEED SELECT symbol on airspeed scale. - minimum value for V2 is equal to 1.13 Vs of the corresponding configuration. - manually inserted by the crew through the MCDU.


- minimum controls speed in flight at which aircraft can be controlled with 5° max bank, in case of failure of one engine, the other engine remaining at TO power (TO flaps setting, gear retracted).


- is the minimum speed at which the flaps may be retracted to CONF 1. Represented by “F” on airspeed scale. It is equal to about 1.23 Vs of CONFIGURATION 1+F.


- is the minimum speed at which the slats may be retracted to CONF 0. Representated by “S” on airspeed scale. It is equal to about 1.29 Vs of CLEAN CONFIGURATION.


- ENGINE OUT OPERATING (Green Dot) speed (Best lift to drag ration speed or DRIFT DOWN SPEED) in clean configuration. It corresponds also the the FINAL TAKEOFF SPEED. It is calculated by FACs and represents: • below 20,000 ft: Green dot = 2 x weight (t) +80 • above 20,000 ft. add 1 kt per 1,000 ft.


- max speed for each flaps and/or slats configuration.


- reference speed used for a normal final approach, it is equal to 1.23 Vs of configuration “FULL” - represented on the MCDU APP page. page 68 Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© SYMBOLOGY & DEFINITIONS: (cont) - Lowest Selectable Speed. VLS - it is represented by the top of an amber strip along the airspeed scale. It corresponds to 1.13 Vs during the takeoff or following a touch-and-go. As soon as the flap/slat selection is made VLS becomes: • 1.23 Vs for CONF other than CLEAN CONF • !.28 Vs for CONF 0 NOTE: if in CONF 0 VLS was 1.23 Vs (instead of 1.28 Vs) the VLS strip on PFD would be hidden by the alpha prot. strip. - above 20,000 ft. VLS is corrected for Mach effect to maintain 0.2g buffet margin. VAPP

- FINAL APPROACH SPEED - displayed on MCDU APPR page. It is calculated by the FMGC and represents: VAPP = VLS + Wind correction + 5 kts. NOTE: 5 kts increment is required for autoland only. Never the less, this increment is always added by FMGC. WIND correction is 1/3 of headwind component based upon wind direction and speed entered on the MCDU APPR page. - VAPP may be modified and manually entered through MCDU. For failure cases VAPP should be entered as follows: VAPP = VREF + CONF CORR + WIND CORRECTION* * WIND CORRECTION: • if configuration correction > 20 kts: WIND CORRECTION = 0 • if configuration correction < 20 kts: WIND CORRECTION = 1/3 of headwind component limited such that the configuration correction plus the wind correction do not exceed 20 kts.

VAPP - it is represented by a magenta triangle. It is calculated by FMGC TARGET and provides an efficient speed guidance in approach in various windy conditions. It represents: VAPP TARGET = GS mini + actual headwind (measured by ADRIS) with GS mini = VAPP - TOWER WIND (headwind component on runway axis calculated by FMGC from tower wind entered on the MCDU APPR page). VSW

- Stall Warning Speed. It is represented by a red and black strip along the speed scale when the flight controls normal law is inoperative. It is equal to 1.05 Vs of the present configuration.

Aug 2004

page 69

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1

SI Flag (red) appears if the sideslip information is lost or any reverse is deployed in flight, the index disappears.


SPD SEL Flag (red) indicates failure of selected speed information.


V1 INOP Flag (red) flag replaces digital value when V1 signal is not valid.


FD Flag (red) appears when both FMGC’s fail, or if both FD’s are disengaged and the FD pb is ON and the attitude is valid.


CHECK ATT Flag (amber) appears when there is a disagreement (of at least 5°) in the attitude information displayed by the two PFD’s. CHECK ATT appears on both PFD’s and a caution appears on the ECAM.


SPD Flag (red) replaces the speed scale when the speed information fails.


WINDSHEAR Flag (red) flashes for nine seconds, then steady if appropriate navigation receivers fails.


FPV Flag (red) appears in the TRK FPA mode, when the drift angle or flight path angle is not valid.


SPD LIM Flag (red) appears when both FAC’s are inoperative, or in the case of SFCC dual flap/ slat channel failure. the PFD information is lost: VLS, S, F, Green Dot, Vtrend, Vmax, VFE next and VSW.


MACH Flag (red) appears when Mach data fails.


ILS 1 Flag (red) appears with ILS frequency failure, or if either the LOC or G/S signals fail, an ILS 1 (on PDF1) or ILS 2 (on PDF2) fail.


DME 1 Flag (red) appears when DME distanceis not valid, a DME 1 (on PFD1) or DME 2 (on PFD2 replaces the DME distance indication.

PFD Flags page 70

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© 25 24 23 22 15 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 13

CHECK HDG Flag (amber) appears with a 5° discrepancy between the Captain’s and First Officer’s heading indications.


HDG Flag (red) replaces the heading indicator with failure of heading information..


LOC & G/S Flag (red) appears with failure of the localizer or glideslope receiver.


RA Flag (red) replaces RA height information when both radio altimeters fail.


ILS Flag (red) appears when APPR mode is armed & ILS display not selected.


DH Flag (amber) appears when the aircraft reaches the selected DH.


V/DEV Flag (red) flashes when FINAL mode is armed or engaged, and the ILS pb is selected.


V/S Flag (red) replaces VS scale if vertical speed information fails.


ALT Flag (red) replaces altitude scale with failure of altitude information.


CHECK ALT Flag (amber) appears along with an ECAM caution if the difference between the two PDF altitude indications is greater than 250 feet when QNH is selected, or 500 feet when STD is selected. .


ALT SEL Flag (red) appears when selected altitude information fails.


V/DEV Flag (amber) flashes when in approach phase and, when either the FINAL mode is armed/engaged or a non-ILS aproach has been selected and the ILS pb is selected.


ATT Flag (red) if PFD loses all attitude data, its entire sphere is cleared to display the ATT flag.

PFD Flags (cont) Aug 2004

page 71

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© GROUND SPEED/TRUE AIRSPEED WIND ORIGIN/FORCE DIRECTION ARROW





“TRU” appears at the top of the rose when it is displaying true heading instead of magnetic heading (latitude above 73°N and 60°S)

Navigation Display (ND) Rose NAV Mode page 72

Aug 2004

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Range Marks & Values The range scale value selected on the EFIS control panel (10 to 320 NM) governs the scale on the ND. The values displayed on the ND are: In ROSE NAV mode - 1/4 of the selected range for the inner circle - 1/2 of the selected range for the heading scale circle In ROSE ARC mode - 1/4 of the selected range for the first inner circle - !/2 of the selected range for the second inner arc - 3/4 of the selected range for the third inner arc.

Navigation Display (ND) Rose ARC Mode Aug 2004

page 73

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Navigation Display Modes page 74

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Navigation Display Modes (cont) Aug 2004

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8 2 1

4 3








1 2 3

HDG Flag (red) flashes for nine seconds, then steady if heading data fails, rose, arc and associated symbols disappear. CHECK HDG Flag (amber) when flight warning computer detects a discrepancy (5°) between sides 1 and 2, this flag appears on both ND’s, along with a caution on the ECAM. MODE CHANGE (green) when there is a discrepancy between the selected mode on the EFIS control panel and the mode sent from the outside FMGC, or while the DMC is preparing a new page for display. [MODE CHANGE has priority over RANGE CHANGE] RANGE CHANGE (green) when there is a discrepancy between the the EFIS range and the outside FMGC range. MAP NOT AVAIL (red) - MODE CHANGE and RANGE CHANGE displayed for more than six seconds. - FMGC has failed. - FMGC has delivered an invalid aircraft position. W/S SET RING 10 NM (red for warning, amber for caution) is displayed if a predictive windshear alert is triggered and the range is above 10 NM. W/S CHANGE MODE (red for warning, amber for caution) is displayed if a predictive windshear alert is triggered and the ND is not in ARC or ROSE mode.


LOC Flag (red) flashes for nine seconds, then steady if LOC data fails.


G/S Flag (red) flashes for nine seconds, then steady if G/S data fails.


VOR Flag (red) flashes for nine seconds, then steady if ROSE VOR bearing data is not valid.


VOR1(2) or ADF1(2) or DME1(2) Flag (red) flashes for nine seconds, then steady if appropriate navigation receivers fails. VOR Course Flag if VOR course fails, a red CRSXXX flag appears. If there is non-computed data (NCD), a blue CRS_ _ _ appears.


ND Flags page 76

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Other messages MAP PARTLY DISPLAYED (amber) incomplete data transmission between FMGC (priority criteria) and the DMC, or if the DMC cannot draw the complete MAP. This messages is also displayed when a very long leg [when the starting point (or endpoint) is located more than 45° from aircraft location (45° of longitude or latitude)] exists in the flight plan. NAV ACCUR UPGRADE (white) or NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD (amber) signals a change in navigation accuracy. SPECIFIC VOR/D UNAVAIL (amber) navaid that is tuned for selected approach or departure is not available. SET OFFSIDE RING/MODE (amber) displayed on ND1(2) in case of an FMGC1(2) failure when the two ND ranges or modes selected on the EFIS control panels are different. GPS PRIMARY (white, boxed white) GPS PRIMARY mode is availalble, or has been recovered. Pilot can clear this message by pressing the CLR key on the MCDU. GPS PRIMARY LOST (amber, boxed white) GPS PRIMARY is not available and not clearable. NOTE: a green (down) arrow is displayed when more than one of these messages are present at the same time.


OFST R(L) XX Flag (yellow) when temporary or an offset flight plan is entered in NM.


PRED W/S Flag (amber) when the WINDSHEAR switch on the weather radar is set to AUTO, and a Predictive Windshear System fault is detected appears on the ground or when flaps and slats are extended. A single chime sounds, and the radar image remains available, provided the fault does not affect the radar mode.


GPS Flag (green) is displayed when a GPS approach is selected.

ND Flags (cont) Aug 2004

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Intentinally left blank

page 78

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© NAVAIDS are displayed in: BLUE when tuned and selected for display MAGENTA when presented on the ND as an option (not part of the F-PLN) GREEN when the current waypoint of the F-PLN WHITE when the navaid is the TO waypoint SYMBOL TYPE



Position where the A/C will reach

FCU selected altitude (Blue)

Top of DES

DES not armed (White)

Constrained altitude (Magenta)

DES armed (Blue)

Start of CLIMB

CLB not armed (White) CLB armed (Blue) Indicates the point where the A/C meets the FMGC computed vertical profile Selected (White)

Intercept point

Managed (Blue) Indicates the point where the A/C will initiate an automatic ACCEL or DECEL from current speed to new computed speed in case of SPD, LIM, SPD CSTR or HOLDING SPD (Magenta)

Speed change

Decelerate point


Indicates where the A/C will initiate an automatic DECEL to reach Vapp (When APPR phase starts) (Magenta)

EFIS Symbology Aug 2004

page 79

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review SYMBOL TYPE



DEFINITION CSTR is predicted to be met (Magenta)

CSTR is predicted to be missed (Amber)

CSTR is not being considered (White) SYMBOL DEFINITION


COLOR (NAV Engaged) (NAV Not Engaged)

Active Flight Plan Route


Secondary Flight Plan Route


Temporary Flight Plan Route


Alternate Flight Plan Route

Blue in Plan Green in ARC or Rose

Missed Approach Flight Plan Route

Blue in Plan Green in ARC or Rose

Engine Out Flight Plan Route

Blue (F-PLN Not Active) Green (F-PLN Active)

Pre-Nav Engage Path Vector




Runway Symbol


Tuned ILS




Collocated Tuned VORTAC or VOR/DME NAVAID






EFIS Symbology (cont) page 80

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© SYMBOL DEFINITION



DME NAVAID, i.e. TACAN (no azimuth)


Tuned DME NAVAID (no azimuth)






Waypoint (option to ND)


Active Waypoint


Right Holding Pattern or Procedure Turn (Not active or Next Leg)


Left Holding Pattern or Procedure Turn (Not active or Next Leg)


Right Holding Pattern (Active or Next Leg)


Left Holding Pattern (Active or Next Leg)


Cross Track Error information



EFIS Symbology (cont) Aug 2004

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Pitot-Static Schematic Aug 2004

page 83

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© STANDBY AIRSPEED INDICATOR AIRSPEED POINTER AIRSPEED BUGS (4) - provided for marking airspeed reference.

STANDBY ALTIMETER ALTITUDE COUNTER ALTITUDE POINTER BARO-SET COUNTER - display pressure setting in “INHg”. BARO-SET KNOB - adjusts number in lower window.

TERR ON ND pb (Capt) ON - terrain is displayed on the ND, if TERR sw ON and FAULT light is not on. OFF - terrain data is not displayed on ND

STANDBY HORIZON ROLL SCALE - measures bank angle up to 60°. FLAG - appears if instrument or power supply fails. PITCH SCALE - measures pitch angle. A/C REFERENCE - fixed symbol. CAGING KNOB Pull - gyro is erected, - horizon is leveled and centered (airplane should be level during this procedure).

Standby Instruments & TERR ON ND Panel page 84

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© DME 1 (2) WINDOWS - DME 1 and 2 distances are indicated in NM.

COMPASS CARD - normally supplied from ADIRU 1, - can be selected to ADIRU 3 by the ATT HD G SWITCHING Selector.

BEARING POINTERS - indicate magnetic bearing to the station received by VOR 1 or ADF 1 (narrow or single needle), - indicate magnetic bearing to the station received by VOR 2 or ADF 2.


VOR or ADF receiver failure, internal failure of RMI, heading signal from ADIRS invalid, power supply failure.

VOR/ADF SELECTOR - selects VOR or ADF on dashed or double pointer.

TERR ON ND pb ON - terrain is displayed on the ND, if TERR sw ON and FAULT light is not on. OFF - terrain data is not displayed on ND

Captain’s Panel

Digital Distance & Radio Magnetic Indicators Aug 2004

page 85

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FLIGHT PHASE RELATED SYSTEMS PAGE Crusie page in this example.


Engine Limitations: Max engine start EGT 635°C Start Attempts 3 1st attempt 2 min. 2nd attempt 2 min. 3rd attempt 1 min (15 sec between attempts- then 30 minute cool) Max re-engage 10% N2 Max oil temp for start; neg 40° Min oil quantity : 13 qts Min oil press: 60 psi Min oil temp above idel - 10° C Min oil temp for Takeoff 50° C

Max cont oil temp: 155° C Max transient oil temp 165° C Max time in TOGA: 5 min (single eng - 10 min) Max assumed temp for flex TO ISA + 65° (A319) ISA + 55° (A320 A5) ISA + 46° (A320 A1) Max EGT for MCT: 610° C Max EPR with parking brake: 1.18 Max N1: 100% Max N2: 100% Min speed for full reverse: 60 kts

ECAM page 86

Aug 2004

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Primary Failures are identified by a boxed title. Secondary Failures are identified by a star preceding name of affected system. NOTE: overflow symbol will be displayed in case of overflow of sec. failures.

Primary & Secondary Failures INDEPENDENT FAILURE (AMBER or RED)

Name of another independent failure. Displayed here in case of overflow.



Scrolling of the messages is controlled by depressing the CLR key on the ECAM Control Panel.

Independent Failures

ECAM Checklists


ECAM (cont) Aug 2004

page 87

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Memo’s are listed on the ECAM as a reminder of temporary components currently in use: i.e. LDG LTS, SEAT BELTS, NO SMOKING Memo’s are normally green, but can be amber in case of an abnormal situation.


TO MEMO appears 2 mins after 2nd engine start, or when TO CONFIG key is pressed (at least 1 engine running)

T - O Memo

Begins when 1st engine is set to TO power and ends crossing 1500 ft. RA or 2 minutes after takeoff. Most critical failures are inhibited durning this phase of flight.


ECAM (cont) page 88

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LDG MEMO appears below 2000 ft.if L/G is down, or below 800 ft. if L/G is not down. Memo disappears after touchdown

LANDING Memo’s LDG INHIBIT MEMO begins descending through 800 ft and ends when decelerating through 80 kts. Most critical failures will be inhibited during this phase of flight.



Inoperative Systems

Approach Procedures

General Information Maintenance Status

Cancelled Cautions

Permanent Data (on all SD pages)


ECAM (cont) Aug 2004

page 89

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© LANDING GEAR INDICATOR PANEL NOTE: LDG GEAR indicator panel does not illuminate when LGCIU is not electrically powered. UNLK lt. - illuminates RED if the gear is not locked in selected position. - GREEN down indicator when gear is locked down BRK FAN pb sw ON - brake fans run if the left-hand main gear is down and locked. OFF - brake fans stop HOT - AMBER light on when brakes get too hot (A caution ECAM also appears). A/SKID and N/W STRG sw ON - if green hydraulic pressure available • Anti-skid is available • Nose wheel steering is available - if green hydraulic press lost • Yellow hyd press take over automatically • Anti-skid remains available • Nose wheel steering is lost • Brake yellow press is displayed on triple indicator OFF - yellow hydraulic pressure supplies the brakes. • Anti-skid deactivated. Brake pressure has to be limited by the pilot by referring to the triple indicator to avoid wheel locking. • Nose wheel steering lost • Differential braking remains available by pedals • Yellow brake pressure is displayed on the triple indicator. AUTO BRAKE pb sw (spring loaded) MAX - normally selected for TO; aborted TO max pressure is sent to the brakes as soon as ground spoiler deploy MED or LO - normally selected for landing. - LO: progressive pressure sent to brakes four sec. after the ground spoiler deploy (5.6ft/sec sq) deceleration. - MED: increases deceleration to 9.8 ft/sec sq. • ON illuminates blue for positive arming • DECEL (green) when deceleration at 80% of selected rate. • OFF: mode deactivated. TRIPLE INDICATOR ACCU PRESS indicator - indicates pressure in yellow brakes accumulator. BRAKE PRESSURE indicator - indicates yellow pressure delivered to LH and RH brakes measured upstream of alternate servo-valves.

Landing Gear Panel page 90

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© CLOCK CHR pb - FIRST PUSH: starts CHR counter - SEC PUSH: stops CHR counter, keeps display at last indication CHRONO (CHR) counter - registers elapsed time from “0” to “99” hrs 59 min. RST pb - counter restarts from “0” if chrono is running. GPS (UTC) selector -time (or date, if selected) is displayed, and date is sync’d on GPS information. NOTE: Signal lost dashes displayed. Signal detected, GPS invalid - clock runs on internal time. Clock auto sync on GPS info when available. INT: internal time (or date) displayed. - sysn’d with valid GPS - no GPS, 00:00:00 until initialized or valid GPS information is present. SET: internal time and date initialized DATE/SET button - FIRST PUSH: sets clock to date mode - SEC PUSH: sets clock to time mode NOTE: to select date, UTC selector must be in GPS or INT position UTC (GMT) counter - displays time in 24hr - from “0” to 23hrs, 59min, 59 sec. ET counter - registers flight time from 0 to 99 hrs. 59 mins. RUN/STP/RST selector - RUN: ET counter starts counting - STP: ET counter stops counting - RST (spring loaded): ET counter blanked. NOTE: cumulative elapsed time can be realized by alternately setting switch in RUN and STP position.

LANDING GEAR LEVER (green hyd supply) UP - retraction selected - airspeed at 260 knots, pressure is shut off • interlock prevents unsafe retract by not allowing raising gear lever when either nose or any main gear strut is not extended or nose wheel is not centered. • main gear braked with gear door opening • nose gear braked by brake band. DOWN - airspeed below 260 kts, green pressure applied to sys. - landing gear extension is selected, the sys remains pressurized (if green pressure available) RED ARROW - illuminates RED if gear not down and locked in approach configuration at 750’ RA

TERR ON ND pb ON - terrain is displayed on the ND, if TERR sw ON and FAULT light is not on. OFF - terrain data is not displayed on ND

Clock, TERR ON ND & Landing Gear Panel (cont) Aug 2004

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page 92

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First Officers Instrument Panel same as the Capatin’s panels

First Officers Instrument Panel Aug 2004

page 93

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Center Console Responsibilities page 94

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© LINE SELECT KEYS (each side) PUSH -selects or enters data on adjacent line, - selects page, procedure, data or function identified on adjacent line, - if scratch pad blank, copies adjacent data in scratch pad, - if scratch pad contains data, transfers scratch pad data to adjacent line, replacing previous data on selected line. This is normal method for entering data, - scratch pad data cannot be moved to blank line, - some data cannot be moved or changed, - scratch pad displays message if inappropriate line selection made.

ALTN RTE _ _ _ _ _ _ FLT NBR LAT _ _ _ _._ _ COST INDEX _ _ _ CRZ FL / TEMP _ _ _ _ _ /___o


BOXES - require entry points



FROM / TO ALTN _ _ _ _

LONG _ _ _ _._ _ WIND > TROPO 36090

DASHES - data requested

SCRATCH PAD - displays system generated messages for crew, keyboard entries and data being moved from one line to another, - may be blanked by pushing CLR Key Brightness Knob

KMSP/KLGA FUNCTION KEYS - Direct Key - Progress Key - Performance Key - Initialization Key - Data Key - Flight Plan Key - Radio Navigation Key - Fuel Prediction Key - Secondary Flight Plan Key - MCDU Menu Key - Airport Key - Slew Up Key - Next Page Key - Slew Down Key ANNUNCIATOR - MCDU MENU ALPHA NUMERIC KEYS ANNUNCIATORS - FAIL/FMGC


MCDU Panel Aug 2004

page 95

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© ATT HDG and AIR DATA selectors NORM - ADIRU 1 supplies data to PFD 1, ND 1 and RMI/VOR, DME ADIRU 2 supplies data to PFD 2 and ND2. CAPT 3 - DR 3 or IR 3 replaces ADR 1 or IR 1. F/O 3 - ADR 3 or IR 3 replaces ADR 2 or IR 2 ECAM/ND XFR selector Allows transfer of lower ECAM page to either CAPT or F/O NDU EIS DMC selector NORM - DMC 1 supplies data to PFD 1, ND 1 and upper ECAM DU - DMC 2 supplies data to PFD 2 and ND2 and lower ECAM DU CAPT 3 - DMC 3 replaces DMC 1 F/O 3 - DMC 3 replaces DMC 2 NOTE: In case of DMC failure, the associated DU’s display a diagonal line.

OFF/BRT knobs - controls on/off and brightness for each ECAM DU - automatic adjustment of the display intensity with changing light conditions is combined with manual brightness control. NOTE: When the UPPER DISPLAY knob is turned OFF the engine/warning image is displayed on the lower display. (auto transfer).

ALL pb sw - When pressed all system pages are displayed successively at 1 sec. intervals. - In case of ECAM cont panel failure, the ALL pb allows a successive presentation of a ll pages and the ability to stop on the desired page.

SWITCHING Panel page 96

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© TO CONFIG pb sw - When depressed a TO power application is simulated. This test will trigger a warning if the aircraft is not in TO configuration. If the configuration is correct, the message “TO CONFIG NORMAL” is displayed on the upper ECAM DU. NOTE: In case of ECAM control panel failure, the CLR, RCL, STS, EMER CANC and ALL pb sw remain operative since the contacts are directly wired to the FWCs/DMCs. EMER CANC pb sw PRESSED - Any present aural warning is cancelled as long as the failure condition is present. The MASTER WARNING lights extinguish and the ECAM message display is not affected by the EMER CANC pb sw. - Any present caution (single chime, Master Caution lights, ECAM message) is cancelled for the rest of the flight. The STATUS page is automatically displayed and the following messages is presented: “CANCELLED CAUTION” & “ TITLE OF THE FAILURE WHICH IS INHIBITED” The inhibition is automatically suppressed when flight phase 1 is initiated. It may be manually restored by pressing the RECALL pb for more than 3 sec.

System pages pb sw - When pressed the lower ECAM DU displays the corresponding system page. - Illuminates after manual selection or when an advisory is detected. - By pressing the illuminated system page pb a second time, the A/C system page corresponding to the present flight phase or the current warning come in view. In mono ECAM display, system pages may be displayed by pressing and holding the system page pb sw. - in case of an advisory condition the concerned system page is not automatically displayed, the system page pb sw only pulses. - there is no automatic system page display, nor system page pb sw illumination, in the event of an ECAM warning triggered. STS pb sw - Illuminates when pressed as long as the STS page is displayed on the lower ECAM DU. If there is no status message present, “NORMAL” is displayed for 5 sec. The STATUS page may be cleared by the CLR pb or by depressing the STS pb a second time. - the STATUS page is only displayed when the STATUS pb is pressed and held. the next page, if any, is displayed by pressing it again. - holding the STS pb displays the STATUS page for a 30 sec max, then the Engine Warning page is automatically displayed. RCL pb sw - recalls messages which have been previously cancelled. If not warning/caution messages present, NORMAL is displayed for 5 sec. When held for more than 3 sec. the caution messages suppressed by the EMER CANC pb are recalled. CLR pb sw - is illuminated as long as a warning/caution message or status message is present on the ECAM DU - pressing it will change the ECAM display

ECAM Control Panel Aug 2004

page 97

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Both panels - Capt’s and F/Os are identical to those on the pilot’s overhead panel shown on page

Radio Management & Audio Control Panel page 98

Aug 2004

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Intentionally left blank

Aug 2004

page 99

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THRUST LEVERS - the thrust levers can only be moved manually. - they move over a sector that is divided into four operating segments. - the sector has five positions defined by detents or stops. - thrust lever position is transmitted to the FADEC, which computes and displays the thrust rating limit and the N1 for that Thrust Lever Angle (TLA). NOTE: there is no reverse ident. When the pilot moves the lever out of the idle stop by pulling up the reverse lever on the front of the thrust lever, he selects reverse idle. The FADEC computes the thrust rating limit for each thrust lever position. If the thrust lever is set in a detent, the FADEC selects the rating limit corresponding to this detent. If the thrust lever is set between two detents, the FADEC selects the rating limit corresponding to the higher detent.

Thrust Control System page 100

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© PITCH TRIM WHEELS - (BOTH WHEELS) provide mechanical control of the THS and have priority over electrical control. NOTE: Crew action on pitch trim wheel does not disconnect the ELAC’s (Microswitches actuated by the override mechanism ensure that the computers remain synchronized with the manually selected position). Trim position is indicated in degrees on a scale adjacent to each trim wheel. the THS mechanical control must be used when pitch direct law is in use. After landing, pitch trim is automatically reset to “0” as the pitch attitude becomes less than 2.5 degrees (confirmed 2.4 sec).

THRUST LEVERS The Thrust Levers are used as a thrust limit selector and as a classical thrust setting lever. The respective positions are: - Takeoff/Go-Around (TOGA) - Max continuous/flexible takeoff (FLEX/MCT) - Climb - Forward Idle - Reverse Idle - Full Reverse Thrust NOTE: the thrust levers don’t move when autothrust function is selected.

Thrust Lever & Trim Quadrant Aug 2004

page 101

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Engine Fuel Schematic page 102

Aug 2004

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OIL LOW PRESS (set at 60 psi) FUEL OUT




(20 psi) BYPASS


Engine Oil Schematic Aug 2004

page 103

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FLOOD LT MAIN PNL KNOB - Brightness adjustment of main panel flood lighting.


INTEG LT MAIN PNL & PED KNOB - Brightness adjustment of main panel and pedestal integral lighting.


FLOOD LT PED KNOB Brightness adjustment of pedestal flood lighting.




DFDR EVENT PB - Pressed (momentarily) sends an event mark to the DFDR.

INTERNAL LIGHT Panel page 104

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© GAIN knob - sdjusts sensitivity of transceiver in all modes - CAL is normal position; adjusts gain to calibrated setting PWS switch (operative only if predictive windshear function is embodied) - OFF: no predictive windshear function - AUTO: predictive windshear function is activated: windshear areas are detected by antenna scanning below 2300 feet RA, even if the SYS switch is set to OFF, and displayed on the ND is below 1500 feet. TILT knob - controls antenna tilt. - “0” represents horizon as seen by ADIR

MODE sel - WX: weather mode: colors indicate the intensity of precipitation (black for lowest intensity, green, amber and red indicating progressively higher intensities. - WX+T: the screen shows turbulence areas (in precipitation area) in magenta (within 40 NM). - TURB: the screen shows only turbulence areas. - MAP: radar operates in ground mapping mode: black indicates water, green indicates ground, and amber indicates cities and mountains. SYS switch - turns radar on or off. GND CLTR SPRS sw - ON: suppresses the ground echo on the screen. - OFF: normal use of the radar.

WEATHER RADAR Panel Aug 2004

page 105

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© MASTER sw 1 or 2 ON: - in automatic start, the LP fuel valve opens provided: MODE set at IGN/START - in manual start, the HP fuel valve opens provided: MODE switch selected to IGN START and MAN START pb sw selected to ON OFF: - closed signal sent directly to HP and LP fuel valves. - controls the reset of both channels of the FADEC.

MODE selector CRANK: - start valve opens provided MAN START pb is ON and N2 < 10%. - no ignition is provided NORM: - continuous ignition of both A + B igniters automatically activated when ENG ANTI-ICE is selected ON - or when the EIU fails - or if flame out is detected. IGN/START: - continuous ignition is activated provided - MASTER sw is ON and - N2 < 16% for Autostart, or - MAN START pb sw at ON for manual start, or - N2 > idle (continuous ignition) - both pack valves automatically close provided: 1. A/C is on ground 2. Either MASTER sw is ON (or manual start selected) 3. Corresponding engine N2 is below idle

FIRE/FAULT light 1 or 2 FIRE: - illuminates RED when a fire warning is activated FAULT: - illuminates AMBER with ECAM caution during: - automatic start abort - disagreement with HP fuel valves commanded position - start valve fault

ENGINE CONTROL Panel page 106

Aug 2004

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Further Start Requires Panel Reconfiguration


ENG MAN START pb OFF - START IDENT: ECAM displays ENG page. - PACK VALVE closes.

• LP & HP Fuel Valve Vavle Closes. • Ignition Stops. • Start Vavle Closes.

- LP fuel valve opens. - START VALVE opens. - After the auto dry crank sequence (approx 30 - 50 sec*) •Ignition starts. •HP fuel valve opens - When N2 > 43% • START VALVE closes. • Ignition stops. • PACK VALVE reopen after 30 seconds.

-ECAM ENG page disappears. - After engine start, moving the MODE SEL sw. to NORM and back to IGN/START activates cont. relight on running engine.

* depending of aircraft tail number

IGNITION - Automatic Starting Sequence Aug 2004

page 107

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- START IDENT: ECAM displays ENG page. • PACK VALVE closes.







• START VALVE opens. • APU speed (if APU used) increases 30 - 50 sec* after ENG MAN START is set ot the ON position, switch ENG master sw ON • Both igniters come on • LP & HP fuel valves open. • When N2 > 43% start valve closes and, (if on ground) ignition stops. • APU speed returns to normal (if APU used).

Select MAN START OFF and MODE NORM when N2 > 43% • PACK VALVES reopen after 30 seconds. • ECAM ENG page disappears.


NOTE: if the ENG MAN START pushbutton is not switched ON after 30 seconds, then the pack valves will open. * depending of aircraft tail number

IGNITION - Manual Start Sequence page 108

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© ATC panel ALT RPTG sw - ON: barometric standard altitude date is sent - OFF: no altitude data sent. With TCAS installed, upper ECAM displays TCAS STBY in green. ATC sel - selects transponder 1 or 2 Mode sel - STBY: both transponders are in standby mode. - ON: selected transponder operates - AUTO (in flight): selected transponder operates - AUTO (on ground): selected transponder operates only in mode S Code display - displays selected code. ATC FAIL - illuminates when selected transponder fails.

Keyboard - used to set code CLR pb - used to clear display NOTE: as long as the four digits of the new code are not entirely written, previous code remains. TRAFFIC sel THRT: proximate and other intruders are displayed only if a TA or RA is present and they are withing 2700 feet above ore below the aircraft. ALL: proximate and other intruders are displayed enven if no TA or RA is present (full time function). Altitude range is - 2700 feet to + 2700 feet. ABV: identical to ALL, except that other intruders are displayed if within 9900 feet above the aircraft and 2700 feet below. BLW: identical to ALL, except that other intruders are displayed if within 9900 feet below the aircraft and 2700 feet above. IDENT sw - selected to send aircraft identification signal. Mode sel TA/RA: normal position TA: TCAS will not generate any vertical orders. All RAs are donverted to TAs. TAs proximate and other intruders are displayed, if the ALT RPT switch is ON and the transponder is not on STBY. TA ONLY (white) memo is displayed on the NDs STBY: TCAS is in the standyb mode.

ATC Panel Aug 2004

page 109

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© SPEEDBRAKE lever Lever - controls position of speedbrake surfaces - manual preselection of ground spoilers. * push down to selected position - hard point at 1/2 position * to arm lever pulled up when in RET position - when lever armed, or reverse thrust selected, all spoilers on the upper wing will automatically extend on landing or in case of a rejected takeoff.

RUDDER TRIM POSITION indicator - displays trim direction (L or R) and value (0 to 20 degrees). Selector - controls trim actuator moving neutral point of artificial feel by 1 degree per second of rudder travel. RESET pb - PUSH: resets trim actuator to zero trim.

FLAPS lever - selects simultaneous operation of slats & flaps. Takeoff in conf 1 - 1 + F (10/18). If conf. 0 is not selected after TO, the flaps automatically retract at 210 kts. Takeoff in conf 2 or 3 - at conf 1 selection: 1 + F (18/10) if speed 210 kts, only position 1 (18/0) will be available during the flight. (The reset of position 1 + F occurs at 100 kts.)

Speedbrake, Rudder Trim & Flap Lever page 110

Aug 2004

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Normal Computer Control Aug 2004

page 111

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Elevator / THS Architecture page 112

Aug 2004

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Speedbrake & Roll Schematic Aug 2004

page 113

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Rudder Schematic page 114

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Flaps / Slats max altitude: FL200

Flaps & Slats Schematic Aug 2004

page 115

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1 2 3 4 5


HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Pressure Indication - normally green - changes to amber if pressure in the system low.


SPOILER/SPEED BRAKES Indication spoiler deflection more than 2.5° spoiler retracted (as shown) spoiler fault deflected - 1 spoiler fault retracted


AILERON POSITION Indication - white scale & green index - changes to amber when neither (green nor blue) servo jack is available. - top tick = neutral position in clean configuration, - bottom tick neutral position when flaps are extended (5° aileron droop).


AILERON and ELEVATOR ACTUATOR Indication - “G” and “B” are normally green - changes to amber when: • corresponding actuator is not available (low hyd press, jamming, computer failure, etc.) • the partial box also changes to amber if the associated computer fails.


ELAC/SEC Indication - normally green - changes to amber if: • there is a failure in the ELAC or the SEC, • if ELAC or SEC pushbutton is OFF, • if both flight control data concentrators (FCDCs) fail. - surrounding box is normally grey - changes to amber if ELAC or SEC change to amber.

ECAM F/CTL Display page 116

Aug 2004

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1 2 3 4




HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Pressure Indication - normally green - changes to amber if pressure in the system low.


PITCH TRIM Position Indication - PITCH TRIM is white - changes to amber if there is a pitch trim jam, - numbers are green - change to amber if the hyd press gets low in the G and Y Systems.


AILERON and ELEVATOR ACTUATOR Indication - “G” and “B” are normally green - changes to amber when: • corresponding actuator is not available (low hyd press, jamming, computer failure, etc.) • the partial box also changes to amber if the associated computer fails.


ELEVATOR Position Indication - white scale and green index - index changes to amber when both associated actuators are not available.


HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Pressure Indication - normally green - changes to amber if pressure in the system low.


YAW CONTROL Indications RUDDER Position Indication - normally green, - symbol and scale become amber if all (GBY) hydraulic system pressure is low . RUDDER Travel Limiter (white tick either side of rudder trim position) - indication of high-speed position. RUDDER Trim Position - normally blue - changes to amber if rudder trim reset fails.

ECAM F/CTL Display Aug 2004

page 117

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COCKPIT DOOR toggle switch UNLOCK position: - this position used to enable the cabin crewmember to open the door. The switch must be pulled and maintained in the unlock position until the door is pushed open. NORM position: - all latches are locked, and EMERGENCY access is possible for the cabin crew. LOCK position: - once button has been moved to this position, the door is locked; emergency access, the buzzer and the keypad are inhibited for a preselected time (5 to 20 Minutes). NOTE:

1. if the LOCK position has not been used by the pilot, for at least 5 to 20 minutes, the cabin crew is able to request emergency access to open the cockpit door. 2. the UNLOCK position overrides and resets any previous selection. 3. in case of an electrical supply failure, the cockpit door is automatically unlocked, but remains closed.

COCKPIT DOOR Fault Open indicator OPEN light ON: - the door is not closed or not locked. OPEN light flashes: - the cabin crew has started an emergency access procedure. If there is no reaction from the flight crew, the door will unlock at the end of the adjustable time delay (15 to 120 seconds). FAULT: - this light comes on when a system failure has been identified (Example: Latch, pressure sensors, control unit). - the inoperative item can be identified by checking the strike and pressure sensor status lights on the CKPT DOOR CONT panel.

COCKPIT DOOR Panel page 118

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© PARKING BRAKE ON - clockwise (top picture OFF) - activation parking brake deactivates all of the braking modes. - displayed on ECAM memo page. NOTE: it is not necessary to step on the rudder pedals to set the brakes. Max brake temp for TO: 300° C Max tire speed : 195 kts.

GRAVITY GEAR EXTN PULL & TURN - pull and turn three times CW * cut off valve is closed * gear door uplocks released * gear uplocks are released

PRINTER DOOR LATCH - locks printer front door used for paper loading. SLEW switch - used to feed paper after loading a new roll NOTE: all reports printing selected through the MCDU’s.

PARK BRK, GEAR EXTN & Printer Aug 2004

page 119

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CREW OXYGEN MASKS Blinker - flashes yellow when oxygen is flowing RESET/TEST control slide PULL in direction of arrow - tests: * operation of blinker * regulator supply and sealing * system sealing downstream of the valve, * system operation - RESET: after masks has been used, cuts off oxygen mask microphone. N/100% selector 100%: - mask delivers 100% O2 - system is locked in this position N - mask delivers diluted O2. - this config reached by simultaneously activating the UNLOCK lever and the N/100% selector RED clips - squeezing clips unlocks the two-flap door and initiates harness inflation.

First Officer & Observers Masks Captain’s (single Mask identical) page 120

Aug 2004

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ENHANCED GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM The Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) generates aural and visual warnings when one of the following conditions occurs between radio altitudes 30 feet and 2450 feet. EGPWS Modes • Mode 1 - Excessive Descent Rate • Mode 2 - Excessive Terrain Closure Rate • Mode 3 - Altitude Loss After Takeoff or Go-Around • Mode 4 - Unsafe Terrain Clearance when not in landing configuration. • Mode 5 - Too Far Below Glide Slope Terrain Awareness Alerting and Display (TAAD) - provides a graphic display of the surrounding terrain on the weather radar indicator or EHSI. With the radar ON, the terrain display may be manually selected or “PopUp” automatically during an alert event. “Peaks” - is a TAAD supplemental feature providing additional terrain display features for enhanced situational awareness, independent of the aircraft’s altitude, such as in cruise. This includes digital elevations for the highest and lowest displayed terrain. “Obstacles” is a feature utilizing an obstacle data base for obstacle conflict alerting and display. EGPWS caution and warning visual and audio alerts are provided when a conflict is detected. Additional, when TAAD is on, obstacles are graphically displayed similar to terrain. Terrain Clearance Floor (TCF) is a feature that adds an additional element of protection by alerting the pilot of possible premature descent. The flight deck loudspeakers broadcast, even if turned off, the aural warning or caution messages associated with each mode. The uadio volume of these messages is not controlled by the loudspeaker volume knobs. (These knobs allow adjustment for radio communications only). GPWS lights come on to give a visual warning for modes 1 - 4. For mode 5 the glideslope (G/S) lights illuminate on the Captain’s and First Officer’s instrument panels. NOTE: A number of airporst throughout the world have approaches or departures that are not entirely compatable with standard GPWS operation. These airports are identified in the data base in such a way that when the GPWS recognizes such an airport, it modifies the profile to avoid nuisance warnings.

The following illustrates the Peaks display at a low relative altitude.

The following illustrates the Peaks display at a high relative altitude.

EGPWS Aug 2004

page 121

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© MODE 1 - EXCESSIVE DESCENT RATE Mode 1 has two boundaries and is independent of airplane configuration. Penetration of the first boundary generates a repeated aural alert of “SINK RATE”. Penetrating the second boundary causes the repeated aural warning “ PULL UP”. MODE 1 - EXCESSIVE DESCENT RATE FLIGHT PATH PROFILE - - - - - - - - - - - EXCESSIVE DESCENT RATE ENVELOPE Aural warning - “Whoop whoop pull up”

Aural alert - “Sink rate, sink rate”

Visual -

GPWS - Mode 1 page 122

Aug 2004

trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© MODE 2A - EXCESSIVE TERRAIN CLOSURE RATE WITH FLAPS NOT IN LANDING POSITION FLIGHT PATH PROFILE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXCESSIVE TERRAIN CLOSURE RATE ENVELOPE Aural warning - “ Pull up”

Aural alert - “Terrain, terrain”

Visual -

MODE 2B - EXCESSIVE TERRAIN CLOSURE RATE WITH FLAPS IN LANDING POSITION FLIGHT PATH PROFILE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXCESSIVE TERRAIN CLOSURE RATE ENVELOPE Aural alert - “Terrain, terrain” followed by “PULL UP” if aircraft remains in the envelope.

Visual -

GPWS - MODE 2 Aug 2004

page 123

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Visual - - -

GPWS - Mode 3 page 124

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Visual - -

MODE 4B - UNSAFE TERRAIN CLEARANCE WITH LANDING GEAR OR FLAPS NOT IN LANDING POSITION FLIGHT PATH PROFILE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNSAFE TERRAIN CLEARANCE ENVELOPE Aural warning - “Too low flap”, “Too low gear”, or “Too low terrain”

Visual - -

GPWS - Mode 4 Aug 2004

page 125

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MODE 4C - TO CLOSE TO TERRAIN FLIGHT PATH PROFILE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO CLOSE TO TERRAIN ENVELOPE Aural warning - - - - - “Too low - Terrain”

Visual - -

GPWS - Mode 4 (continued) page 126

Aug 2004

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MODE 5 - BELOW GLIDE SLOPE DEVIATION CAUTION FLIGHT PATH PROFILE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BELOW GLIDE SLOPE DEVIATION ENVELOPE (armed when ILS 1 receives a valid signal) Aural warning - - - - - “Glide slope”

Visual - -

both lights illuminate

GPWS - Mode 5 Aug 2004

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Intentionally left blank

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© Index ACARS Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 119 ADF Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.107 ADIRS Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 06 Aileron Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 111 Aileron Trim Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.112 Airconditioning Panell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 30 Airconditioning Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 32 Anti-Ice Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 37 Wing & Eng Anti-Ice Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 38 Window & Probe Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 39 Arm Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 63 ATC Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 109 Audio Selector Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 47 Audio Switching Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 APU EXT FIRE Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 15 APU Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 44 APU Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 44 APU Test pb & Reset pb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 AVIONICS COMPT LT pb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 BLUE PUMP OVRD pb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 CABIN PRESS Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 40 CALLS Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 13 CARGO SMOKE Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 49 Cargo Compt Fire Detection Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 50 Cargo Compt Fire Protection Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 51 Center Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 94 Circuit Breakers (Ovhd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 03 Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 91 Cockpit Door Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 03 Cockpit Door Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 118 CVR Headset Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 CVR Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 10 Digital Distance Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 85 ECAM Display (Air) COND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 33 APU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 45 BLEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 35 CAB PRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 41 Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 87 CRUISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 42 Door/Oxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 11 Aug 2004

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© Index ECAM (continued) Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 27 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 86 F/CTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 116 Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 22 Independent Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 87 Memo’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 88 Primary & Secondary Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 87 Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 89 ECAM Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 97 ELEC Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 24 Electrical Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 26 EXT LT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 43 Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 18 EFIS Symbology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 79 Elevator Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 112 EMER ELEC PWR Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 08 Engine Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 106 Automaic Start Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 107 Manual Start Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 108 Engine FADEC GND PWR pb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 Engine Fuel Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 102 Engine Oil Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 103 ENG Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 54 MAN START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 54 N1 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 54 EVAC Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 07 FIRE Panels (Engine & APU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 14 Fire Schematic (Engine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 15 Flap Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 110 Flap & Slats Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 115 FLT CTL (left) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 07 FLT CTL (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 49 Normal Computer Control (ELAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 111 FUEL Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 20 Fuel Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 21 Fuel Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 22 Fuel Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 22 GPWS Panel (EGPWS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 09 EGPWS Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 121 Glareshield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 56 page 130

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© Index GEAR EXTN (Gravity) Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 119 HYD Leak Measurement Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 HYD Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 16 Hydraulic Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 17 INT KT & SIGNS Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 46 Internal Light Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 104 Instrument Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 61 Captains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 63 Landing Gear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 90 MCDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 95 Navigation Display (ND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 72 Rose ILS, Rose VOR, Rose Nav, Arc & Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 74 Weather Radar and TCAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 75 ND Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 76 Oxygen Mask Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 120 Oxygen Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 05 Oxygen TMR Reset pbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 05l PARK BRK Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 119 Primary Flight Display (PFD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 64 PFD Altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 66 PFD Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 70 PFD Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 67 Pilots Overhead Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 05 Pitot-Static Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 83 Pneumatic Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 34 Radio Magnetic Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 85 Radio Management Panel (Ovhd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 48 Reading Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 03 Rudder Trim Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 110 Rudder Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 114 Side Stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 62 Speed Brake Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 110 Speedbranke & Roll Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 113 Standby Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 84 SVCE INT OVRD pb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 04 SWITCHING Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 96 Symbology & Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 68 TERR ON ND Panel (Capt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 84 TERR ON ND Panel (F/O) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 91 Thrust Contol System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 100 Thrust Lever & Trim Quadrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 101 Aug 2004

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trs-digital-presentation TM A319, A320, A321 System Review© Index Tiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 62 VENTILATION Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 52 Ventilation Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 53 Weather Radar Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 105 Wet Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 56 WIPER Panel (left) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 13 WIPER Panel (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 55

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