A320 FMGS Codes Braga

April 1, 2017 | Author: Marcos Braga | Category: N/A
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A32F Alpha Call-Up list Braga A320 Airbus FMGS AMM airbus maintenance manual...



Ref: Airbus A.M.M., FCOM 1, 2, 3 & 4

By Marcos Braga

ACTYP ! A/C Type (DMU computed) ACW1 ! APU control word #1 (DMU computed) (KK3) ACW2 ! APU control word #2 (DMU computed) (KK3) ACW3 ! APU control word #3 (DMU computed) (KK3) ACW4 ! APU control word #4 (DMU computed) (KK3) ACYC ! APU cycles (DMU computed) (KK3) ACYI ! APU start cycles (cycles) (KK3) ADW1 ! APU:Discrete status word #1 (KK3) AHRI ! APU operating hours (hours) (KK3) AHRS ! APU hours (DMU computed (hours) (KK3) AIL ! Aileron position left (º) ! Aileron position right (º) AILL ! Aileron position left (º) (KK3) ! Aileron position right (º) (KK3) ALT ! Altitude (1013.25mb) (switched parameter) (feet) (KK3) ALT3 ! Altitude 3 (1013.25 ha) (feet) ALTR ! Altitude rate (VZBI) (Ft/Min) (KK3) AMW1 ! APU:Maintenance word #1 (KK3) AMW2 ! APU:Maintenance word #2 (KK3) AMW3 ! APU:Maintenance word #3 (KK3) AOA ! Corrected angle of attack system #1 (º) (KK3) ! Corrected angle of attack system #2 (º) AOA3 ! Corrected angle of attack 3 (º) AP ! Auto pilot status (AP) left (KK3) ! Auto pilot status (AP) right (KK3) APLAT ! A/P lateral mode left ! A/P lateral mode right APLON! A/P longitudinal mode left A/P longitudinal mode right ASN ! APU serial number (KK3) BAF ! 2.5 Bleed actuator feedback engine #1 (%)(KK3) ! 2.5 Bleed actuator feedback engine #2 (%)(KK3) BP1 ! Brake 1 pressure (BAR) BP2 ! Brake 2 pressure (BAR) BP3 ! Brake 3 pressure (BAR) BP4 ! Brake 4 pressure (BAR) BT1 ! Brake 1 temperature (ºC)


! Brake 2 temperature (ºC) ! Brake 3 temperature (ºC) ! Brake 4 temperature (ºC) ! Scavenge valve open engine #1 (KK3) ! Scavenge valve open engine #2 (KK3) ! Computed air speed (Kts) (KK3) ! Calibrated air speed 3 (Kts) ! Calculated flight path acceleration system #1 (KK3) ! Calculated flight path acceleration system #2 (%MAC) (KK3) ! Long center of gravity (%MAC) ! Calculated inertial vertical speed system #1 (KK3) ! Calculated inertial vertical speed system #2 (KK3) ! Report count (KK3) ! Pack Compressor outlet temperature LH (ºC) (KK3) ! Pack Compressor outlet temperature RH (ºC) (KK3) ! Current SVN1 (Ma) ! Current SVN2 (Ma) ! Current SVN3 (Ma) ! Current SVN4 (Ma) ! Drift angle (º) (KK3) ! GMT date (KK3) ! DME 1 frequency (MHz) ! DME 2 frequency (MHz) ! BSCU discrete status word 1 ! BSCU discrete status word 2 ! BSCU discrete status word 3 ! Engine #1 control word #1 (KK3) ! Engine #2 control word #1 (KK3) ! Engine #1 control word #2 (KK3) ! Engine #2 control word #2 (KK3) ! Engine #1 control word #3 (KK3) ! Engine #2 control word #3 (KK3) ! Engine #1 control word #4 (KK3) ! Engine #2 control word #4 (KK3) ! Engine #1 control word #5 (KK3) ! Engine #2 control word #5 (KK3)

ECYC ! Engine # 1 cycles (DMU computed) (KK3) ! Engine # 2 cycles (DMU computed) (KK3) EECD1 ! EEC Discrete status word #1 engine #1 ! EEC Discrete status word #1 engine #2 EECD2 ! EEC Discrete status word #2 engine #1 ! EEC Discrete status word #2 engine #2 EECD3 ! EEC Discrete status word #3 engine #1 ! EEC Discrete status word #3 engine #2 EECD7 ! EEC Discrete status word #7 engine #1 ! EEC Discrete status word #7 engine #2 EECD8 ! EEC Discrete status word #8 engine #1 ! EEC Discrete status word #8 engine #2 EECM2! EEC Maintenance data word #2 engine #1 ! EEC Maintenance data word #2 engine #2 EECM6 ! EEC Maintenance data word #6 engine #1 ! Maintenance data word #6 engine #2 EGT ! EGT LPT exit temp engine #1 (ºC) (KK3) ! EGT LPT exit temp engine #2 (ºC) (KK3) EGTA ! APU EGT (ºC) (KK3) EGTF ! EGT LPT exit temp engine #1:Filtered parameter (ºC) ! EGT LPT exit temp engine #2:Filtered parameter (ºC) EGTK ! EGT corrected left (DMU computed) (KK3) ! EGT corrected right (DMU computed) (KK3) EGTP ! APU EGT PEAK during APU start (ºC) (KK3) EGTR ! Delta EGT reference value in climb (º) (KK3) ! Delta EGT reference value in cruise (º) (KK3) EHRS ! Engine #1 hours (DMU computed) (hours) (KK3) ! Engine #2 hours (DMU computed) (hours) (KK3) ELEV ! Elevator position left (º) (KK3) ! Elevator position right (º) (KK3) ENGFA! A/C type engine ENTYP ! Engine type (DMU computed) EPR ! EPR actual engine #1 (KK3) ! EPR actual engine #2 (KK3) EPRC ! EPR command engine #1 (KK3) ! EPR command engine #2 (KK3)

EPRT ! EPR Take Off engine #1 (KK3) ! EPR Take Off engine #2 (KK3) EPRTG ! Target EPR (echo) (send by AT) engine #1 ! Target EPR (echo) (send by AT) engine #2 ESN ! Engine #1 serial number (DMU computed) (KK3) ! Engine #2 serial number (DMU computed) (KK3) ESN1 ! Engine serial number (First half) engine #1 ! Engine serial number (Last half) engine #1 ESN2 ! Engine serial number (First half) engine #2 ! Engine serial number (Last half) engine #2 EVM ! EVM discrete word #1 engine #1 ! EVM discrete word #1 engine #2 F319 ! FLAP actual position left for A319 (º) ! FLAP actual position right for A319 (º) F320 ! FLAP actual position left for A320 (º) ! FLAP actual position right for A320 (º) F321 ! FLAP actual position left for A321 (º) ! FLAP actual position right for A321 (º) FD ! Fuel density left wing tank (DMU computed) ! Fuel density right, wing tank (DMU computed) FDC ! Fuel density center wing tank (DMU computed) FDL ! Fuel density left wing tank (DMU computed) FDR ! Fuel density right wing tank (DMU computed) FDRAW! Fuel density FF ! Fuel mass flow rate engine #1 (Pph/Kg) (KK3) ! Fuel mass flow rate engine #2 (Pph/Kg) (KK3) FFK ! Fuel flow corrected engine #1 (KK3) ! Fuel flow corrected engine #2 (KK3) FLAP ! FLAP actual position left (º) (KK3) ! FLAP actual position right (º) (KK3) FLAPW! FLAP actual position switched (º) FLCNT ! Flight counter FLNUM! Flight number (DMU computed) FM ! Flight phase to display (DMU computed) FMB ! Flight phase broadcasted to ACARS(DMU computed) FMF ! FWC Flight phases FMGD1! FMGC discrete status word #1

FMGD2! FMGC discrete status word #2 FMGD4! FMGC discrete status word #4 FMI ! Internal flight phase (DMU computed) FPA ! Flight path angle (º) (KK3) FPAC ! Flight path acceleration (G) (KK3) FPPU ! FLAP actual position (FPPU angle value) (º) FROM ! Departure (DMU computed) FRTO ! Departure (DMU computed) Origin (KK3) ! Destination (DMU COMPUTED) (KK3) FT ! Fuel temperature engine #1 (ºC) (KK3) ! Fuel temperature engine #2 (ºC) (KK3) GLA ! APU Generator load (%)(KK3) GLE ! Generator load engine #1 (%)(KK3) ! Generator load engine #2 (%)(KK3) GLS ! ILS1 glideslope deviation (DDM) (KK3) ! ILS2 glideslope deviation (DDM) (KK3) GS ! Ground speed (Kts) (KK3) GW ! Actual Gross Weight - FMGS (Kg) (KK3) GWFK ! Gross weight FAC (kg) GWFL ! Gross weight FAC (lbs) HPT ! ACC feedback engine #1 (%)(KK3) ! ACC feedback engine #2 (%)(KK3) HPTC ! HPTC demand #1 (%) ! HPTC demand #2 (%) IALT ! Inertial altitude (Feet) (KK3) IGV ! APU IGV position (º) (KK3) ILS ! ILS 1 frequency (MHz) ! ILS 2 frequency (MHz) IVV ! Initial vertical speed (Ft/Min) (KK3) K ! K value for divergence (EGT or TN) computing (KK3) LATA ! Lateral acceleration (G) (KK3) Jeppesen – Meteorology - METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION - AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS - ANNEX 3 - 2.6 - 2.6.2 Interpretation of the turbulence report

LATG ! body lateral acceleration (G) (KK3) Jeppesen – Meteorology - METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION - AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS - ANNEX 3 - 2.6 - 2.6.2 Interpretation of the turbulence report

LATP ! Present position latitude system 1 (KK3) ! Present position latitude system 2 (KK3) LCDT ! APU Bleed air temperature (ºC) (KK3) LCIT ! APU Load compressor inlet temperature (ºC) (KK3) LGDW ! LGCIU discrete word #2 (KK3) LOC ! ILS1 localizer deviation (DDM) (KK3) ! ILS2 localizer deviation (DDM) (KK3) LONA ! Longitudinal acceleration (G) (KK3) LONG ! Body longitudinal acceleration (G) (KK3) Jeppesen – Meteorology - METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION - AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS - ANNEX 3 - 2.6 - 2.6.2 Interpretation of the turbulence report

LONP ! Present position longitude System 1 (º) (KK3) ! Present position longitude system 2 (º) (KK3) LOPP ! Left brake pedal angle (º) MFDI ! FDIU maintenance word (KK3) MH ! Magnetic heading (º) (KK3) MN ! Mach (switched parameter) (Mach) (KK3) MN3 ! Mach 3 (Mach) MW1 ! ECU Maintenance data word #1 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Maintenance data word #1 engine #2 (KK3) MW2 ! ECU Maintenance data word #2 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Maintenance data word #2 engine #2 (KK3) MW3 ! ECU Maintenance data word #3 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Maintenance data word #3 engine #2 (KK3) MW4 ! ECU Maintenance data word #4 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Maintenance data word #4 engine #2 (KK3) MW5 ! ECU Maintenance data word #5 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Maintenance data word #5 engine #2 (KK3) MW6 ! ECU Maintenance data word #6 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Maintenance data word #6 engine #2 (KK3) MW7 ! ECU Maintenance data word #7 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Maintenance data word #7 engine #2 (KK3) MW8 ! ECU Maintenance data word #8 engine #1 ! ECU Maintenance data word #8 engine #2 N1 ! Actual (low rotor speed) engine #1 (%RPM) (KK3) ! Actual (low rotor speed) engine #2 (%RPM) (KK3)


! N1 corrected left (DMU computed) (%RPM) (KK3) ! N1 corrected right (DMU computed) (%RPM) (KK3) N2 ! N2 Actual (high rotor speed) engine #1 (%RPM) (KK3) ! N2 Actual (high rotor speed) engine #2 (% RPM) (KK3) N2F ! N2 Actual (high rotor speed) engine #1:Filtered (% RPM) ! N2 Actual (high rotor speed) engine #2:Filtered (% RPM) N2K ! N2 corrected left (DMU computed) (%RPM) (KK3) ! N2 corrected right (DMU computed) (%RPM) (KK3) NA ! APU RPM (%RPM) (KK3) NAI ! Nacelle anti-ice engine #1 open ! Nacelle anti-ice engine #2 open NPA ! APU RPM at APU EGT peak during APU start (%RPM) (KK3) NRA ! NWS angle (º) NSVC ! Current servo valve NWS (Ma) NWSA ! NWS angle (º) OIP ! OIL pressure engine #1 (PSI) (KK3) ! OIL pressure engine #2 (PSI) (KK3) OIQ ! OIL quantity engine #1 (Quart) ! OIL quantity engine #2 (Quart) OIQH ! OIL consumption from the previous flight Eng.#1 (Quarts/Hour) (KK3) ! OIL consumption from the previous flight Eng.#2 (Quarts/Hour) (KK3) OIT ! OIL temperature engine #1 (ºC) (KK3) ! OIL temperature engine #2 (ºC) (KK3) OTA ! APU OIL sum temperature (ºC) (KK3) OVP ! Outflow valve position (%)(KK3) P125 ! P12.5 (FAN exit pressure) engine #1 (PSIA) (KK3) ! P12.5 (FAN exit pressure) engine #2 (PSIA) (KK3) P2 ! PT2 (FAN inlet pressure) engine #1(PSIA) (KK3) ! PT2 (FAN inlet pressure) engine #2 (PSIA) (KK3)


P2A P3 P49



! P2.5 (Low Pressure Compressor exit pressure) #1 (PSIA) (KK3) ! P2.5 (Low Pressure Compressor exit pressure) #2 (PSIA) (KK3) ! APU inlet pressure (Bar) (KK3) ! Pb burner pressure engine #1 (PSIA) (KK3) ! Pb burner pressure engine #2 (PSIA) (KK3) ! Low Pressure Turbine exit pressure engine #1 (PSIA) (KK3) ! Low Pressure Turbine exit pressure engine #2 (PSIA) (KK3) ! Pb burner pressure engine #1 (PSIA) ! Pb burner pressure engine #2 (PSIA) ! P10 engine #1 (PSIA) ! P10 engine #2 (PSIA) ! Pack bypass valve position system #1 (%)(KK3) ! Pack bypass valve position system #2 (%)(KK3) ! Press control bus: Status + Fault info (KK3) ! Precooler inlet pressure engine #1 (PSI) (KK3) ! Precooler inlet pressure engine #2 (PSI) (KK3) ! Cabin differential pressure (PSI) (KK3) ! Pack flow system #1 (Kg/s) (KK3) ! Pack flow system #2 (Kg/s) (KK3) ! APU: Performance adjustments (KK3) ! Flight phase to display (DMU computed) (KK3) ! N1 phase unbalance brgl engine #1 (º) (KK3) ! N1 phase unbalance brgl engine #2 (º) (KK3) ! N1 phase unbalance TRF engine #1 (º) ! N1 phase unbalance TRF engine #2 (º) ! Nº4 bearing pressure engine #1 (PSIA) (KK3) ! Nº4 bearing pressure engine #2 (PSIA) (KK3) ! Discrete data word (Label 062) of pack control bus system #1 (KK3) ! Discrete data word (Label 062) of pack control bus system #2 (KK3) ! Bleed air pressure (Bar) (KK3) ! Pitch angle (º) (KK3)

PTCR ! Body axis pitch rate (º/s) (KK3) RALT ! Radio height (R/A1) (Feet) (KK3) ! Radio height (R/A2) (Feet) (KK3) RI ! Pack ram inlet position LH (%)(KK3) ! Pack ram inlet position RH (%)(KK3) RO ! Pack ram outlet position LH (%)(KK3) ! Pack ram outlet position RH (%)(KK3) ROLL ! ROLL angle (º) (KK3) ROLR ! Body axis roll rate (º/s) (KK3) ROPP ! Right brake pedal angle (º) RSCC ! Reference speed command channel (Kts) RSP2 ! LH spoiler #2 position (º) (KK3) ! RH spoiler #2 position (º) (KK3) RSP3 ! LH spoiler #3 position (º) (KK3) ! RH spoiler #3 position (º) (KK3) RSP4 ! LH spoiler #4 position (º) (KK3) ! RH spoiler #4 position (º) (KK3) RSP5 ! LH spoiler #5 position (º) (KK3) ! RH spoiler #5 position (º) (KK3) RUDD ! Rudder position (º) (KK3) RUDT ! Rudder trim (º) (KK3) SAT ! Static air temperature (BNR) (ºC) (KK3) SC1 ! Selected ckpt compt temp (ºC/F) (KK3) SC2 ! Sel fwd cab compt temp (ºC/F) (KK3) SC3 ! Sel aft cab compt temp (ºC/F) (KK3) SCC ! Steering command captain (º) SCFD ! Steering command F/0 (º) SDS1 ! SDAC discrete word #1 (KK3) SDS2 ! SDAC discrete word #2 (KK3) SLAT ! SLAT actual position system #1 (º) (KK3) ! SLAT actual position system #2 (º) (KK3) SLP ! Estimd sideslip (side slip angle) system #1 (º) (KK3) ! Estimd sideslip (side slip angle) system #2 (º) (KK3) SM ! Autostart mode active engine #1 (KK3) ! Autostart mode active engine #2 (KK3) STA ! APU start time (Sec) (KK3)

STAB ! Stabilizer position #1 (º) (KK3) STVC ! Scavenge valve stuck closed engine #1 (KK3) ! Scavenge valve stuck closed engine #2 STVO ! Scavenge valve stuck open engine #1 ! Scavenge valve stuck open engine #2 SV ! Starter air valve open (local switch) engine #1 ! Starter air valve open (local switch) engine #2 ! SVA (stator vane actuator feedback) engine #2 (%)(KK3) SW1 ! ECU Discrete status word #1 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #1 engine #2 (KK3) SW2 ! ECU Discrete status word #2 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #2 engine #2 (KK3) SW3 ! ECU Discrete status word #3 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #3 engine #2 (KK3) SW4 ! ECU Discrete status word #4 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #4 engine #2 (KK3) SW5 ! ECU Discrete status word #5 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #5 engine #2 (KK3) SW6 ! ECU Discrete status word #6 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #6 engine #2 (KK3) SW7 ! ECU Discrete status word #7 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #7 engine #2 (KK3) SW8 ! ECU Discrete status word #8 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #8 engine #2 (KK3) SW9 ! ECU Discrete status word #9 engine #1 (KK3) ! ECU Discrete status word #9 engine #2 (KK3) T2 ! T2 (FAN inlet temp) engine #1 (ºC) (KK3) ! T2 (FAN inlet temp) engine #2 (ºC) (KK3) T25 ! T2.5 (Low Pressure Compressor exit temperature) engine #1 (ºC) (KK3) ! T2.5 (Low Pressure Compressure exit temperature) engine #2 (ºC) (KK3) T3 ! T3 (High Pressure Compressor exit temperature) engine #1 (ºC) (KK3) ! T3 (High Pressure Compressor exit temperature) engine #2 (ºC) (KK3)

TAIL1 ! A/C ident word #1 (DMU computed) TAIL2 ! A/C ident word #2 (DMU computed) TAT ! Total air temperature (BNR) (switched param.) (ºC) (KK3) THDG ! TRUE HEADING system #1 (º) (KK3) ! TRUE HEADING system #2 (º) (KK3) TN ! Nacelle temperature engine #1 (ºC) (KK3) ! Nacelle temperature engine #2 (ºC) (KK3) TNR ! Delta TN reference value in climb (º) (KK3) ! Delta TN reference value in cruise (KK3) TO ! Destination (DMU COMPUTED) TP ! Pack outlet temperature LH (ºC) (KK3) ! Pack outlet temperature RH (ºC) (KK3) TPO ! Precooler eng #1 outlet temperature (ºC) (KK3) ! Precooler eng #2 outlet temperature (ºC) (KK3) TRA ! TRA (Throttle resolver angle) engine #1 (KK3) ! TRA (Throttle resolver angle) engine #2 (KK3) TRP ! Thrust reserver pos. engine #1 (KK3) ! Thrust reserver pos. engine #2 (KK3) TW ! Pack water extr. temperature LH (ºC) (KK3) ! Pack water extr. temperature RH (ºC) (KK3) UTC ! UTC (Universal time coordinated BNR) (UTC) (KK3) V3 ! V3 (min speed flaps retracted ) (Kts) (KK3) V4 ! V4 (min speed slats retracted ) (Kts) (KK3) ! V4 (min speed slats retracted ) (Kts) (KK3) VA ! CAB temp regulator valve pos group 3 (%)(KK3) VACC ! Vertical acceleration (G) (KK3) Jeppesen – Meteorology - METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGATION - AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS - ANNEX 3 - 2.6 - 2.6.2 Interpretation of the turbulence report - Severe EDR exceeds 0.7 - Moderate above 0.4 below or equal 0.7 - Light above 0.1 and below or equal 0.4 - Nil below or equal 0.1


! N1 vibration eng #1 (Units) (KK3) ! N1 vibration eng #2 (Units) (KK3) ! N2 vibration eng #1 (Units) (KK3) ! N2 vibration eng #2 (Units) (KK3)


! Displace unbalance TRF (LPT) engine 1 (Mils) ! Displace unbalance TRF (LPT) engine 2 (Mils) VF ! CAB temp regulator valve pos group 1 (%)(KK3) VH ! N2 veloc unbalance BRG1 (HPC)engine #1 (IPS) ! N2 veloc unbalance BRG1 (HPC) engine #2 (IPS) VLS ! VLS (Min. airspeed) (Kts) (KK3) VMAN ! Vman (maneuvering speed ) (Green Dot) (Kts) (KK3) (FCOM 3.04.10 p2) A319 Below 20000 feet equal to 2 X weight (tonnes) + 85 (+ 80 A320) Above 20000 feet add 1 knot per 1000 feet A320 Below 20000 feet equal to 2 X weight (tonnes) + 80 Above 20000 feet add 1 knot per 1000 feet A321 Below 20000 feet equal to 1.5 X weight (tonnes) + 110 Above 20000 feet add 1 knot per 1000 feet

VMAX ! V Max (Max. allowable airspeed) (Kts) (KK3) VN ! Displace unbalance BRG1 or TRF engine 1 (Mils) (KK3) ! Displace unbalance BRG1 or TRF engine 2 (Mils) (KK3) VORF ! VOR 1 frequency (MHz) ! VOR 2 frequency (MHz) VRTA ! Normal acceleration (G) (KK3) VRTG ! Body normal acceleration (G) (KK3) VSCB ! Cabin v/s (Ft/min) (KK3) VW ! CAB temp regulator valve pos group 2 (%)(KK3) WAI ! LH wing anti ice valve closed system #1 (WAI) ! RH wing anti ice valve closed system #2 (WAI) WARN ! FWC Discrete status word (Label=1 26 SDI=00) (KK3) WB ! APU bleed air flow (Kg/s) (KK3) WD ! WIND DIRECTION true system #1 (º) (KK3) ! WIND DIRECTION true system #2 (º) (KK3) WFQ ! Fuel quantity LH inner cell system #1 (Kg/Lb) (KK3) ! Fuel quantity LH inner cell system #2 (Kg/Lb) (KK3) WS ! WIND SPEED system #1 (Kts) (KK3) ! WIND SPEED system #2 (Kts) (KK3) WS1 ! Wheel 1 speed (m/s) ! Wheel 1 speed (m/s) WS2 ! Wheel 2 speed (m/s) ! Wheel 2 speed (m/s) WS3 ! Wheel 3 speed (m/s) ! Wheel 3 speed (m/s)


! Wheel 4 speed (m/s) ! Wheel 4 speed (m/s) YAW ! Body axis YAW rate (º/s) (KK3) ! Body axis YAW rate (º/s) (KK3) ZCB ! Cabin altitude (Feet) (KK3) ZDW1 ! Discrete data word (Label 060) Zone Controller bus2 (KK3) ZLD ! Landing elevation (KK3)

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