A2 Workbook Answer Key PDF

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Practice test Workbook: answer key Starter unit


Vocabulary  p4 1


1 b  ​ 2  a  ​3  f  ​ 4  d  ​5  c  ​6  e

1 Australian  ​ 2  Canada  ​ 3  Irish  ​ 4 the UK  ​5  American  ​ 6 New Zealand


a How are you?  ​b  What’s your name?  ​c  How do you spell that?  ​ d Nice to meet you!  ​e  How old are you?   ​f  Are you Irish?

Grammar in context  p6 1

1 the UK  ​2  New Zealand  ​ 3 Australia  ​ 4  Canada  ​ 5 Ireland  ​6  the US


1 Australia, New Zealand  ​2  Ireland, the UK  ​3  Canada, the US


Liam: Hi. How are you? My name’s Liam and this is Noah. He’s from Australia. Madisen: Hi, nice to meet you. Liam: Nice to meet you, too. Are you American? Madisen: No, I’m from Canada. Liam: Are you from the capital, Toronto? Madisen: I’m from Toronto, but it isn’t the capital. The capital is Ottawa. Noah: Oh yes, sorry! How do you spell Ottawa? Is it with one ‘t’ or two? Madisen: Two: O-T-T-A-W-A. Are you from Sydney, Noah? Noah: No, I’m from Melbourne. Madisen: Are you from Australia too, Liam? Liam: No! I’m from New Zealand but my parents are British.

1 Are, ’m  ​2  is, ’s  ​3  Are, aren’t  ​ 4 Are, aren’t  ​5  Is, is


1 Is  ​ 2  aren’t  ​ 3  Is  ​4  Are, aren’t  ​ 5 am, are  ​6  is  ​7  Is, is  ​8  Are


1 New York isn’t the capital of the US.  ​ 2 You aren’t 14.  ​3  My teacher isn’t from New Zealand.  ​4  I am not Irish.  ​ 5 We aren’t in Sydney today.   ​6 Iris isn’t a new student.  ​ 7 They aren’t Canadian


1 Yes, she is. 2 No, they aren’t. (They’re in Canada.) 3 No, he isn’t. (He’s English.) 4 Yes, they are. 5 Yes, it is. 6 No, he isn’t. (He’s English.)


1 f  ​2  a  ​ 3  g  ​4  c  ​5  b  ​6  e  ​7  d


1 Her  ​2  Its  ​3  your  ​4  His  ​ 5 their  ​6  My  ​7  our  ​8  They



1 Open  ​2  Be  ​3  Don’t use  ​ 4 Don’t write  ​5  Sit  ​ 6  Don’t look


Speaking  p7 1

1 F  ​2  T  ​3  F  ​ 4  F  ​5  T  ​6  T  ​7  F 1 pen  ​ 2  desk  ​3  notebook  ​ 4 chair  5  window  ​6  pencil  ​ 7 dictionary  ​ 8  board  ​ 9 pencil sharpener  ​10  rubber Classroom object: pencil case


1 bag  ​2  door  ​ 3  ruler  ​ 4 textbook  ​5  board rubber

Vocabulary  p7 1

Speaking  p5 1

1 What does ‘pencil’ mean?  ​ 2 How do you say libreta in English?  ​ 3 How do you spell that?  ​4  Can you repeat that, please?  ​5  I’m sorry, I don’t understand.


1 b  ​2  a  ​3  b  ​4  b  ​5  b


1 six o’clock  ​2  quarter past eight  ​ 3 half past eleven  ​4  five to ten  ​ 5 twenty-five to seven  ​6  ten past three  ​7  quarter to four  ​8  five past five

A2 Vocabulary  p8 1

Eyes: blue, brown, green Hair: blonde, brown, curly, dark, long, red, short, straight, wavy On the face: beard, glasses, moustache Body type: heavy, medium built, short, tall, thin


a beard  ​b  short  ​c  dark  ​ d blonde  ​e  straight  ​f  long  ​ g curly  ​h  brown


1 German  ​2  Spanish  ​3  French  ​ 4 chemistry  ​5  physics  ​6  biology  ​ 7 drama  ​8  music  ​9  computer science  ​10  media studies  ​ 11  history  ​12  geography

Vocabulary and Grammar in context  p8 1

1 Incorrect. Gianna’s dogs’ names are Fina and Star. 2 Incorrect. Molly’s eyes are green. 3 Correct​ 4 Correct 5 Incorrect. My sisters’ names are Olga and Annika. 6 Correct 7 Incorrect. Gema’s son Oliver is José’s best friend. 8 Incorrect. Are Harry’s mother’s eyes green? 9 Correct 10 Incorrect. Fiona’s grandchildren’s dog is black and white.

Grammar in context  p9 1

a have /’ve got  ​b  has/’s got  ​ c has/’s got  ​d  have got  ​ e has/’s got   f  have got   ​ g has/’s got   ​h  has/’s got   ​ i has/’s got   ​j  have got


2 grandfather  ​ 3  uncle  ​4  aunt  ​ 5 father  ​6  mother  ​ 7  cousin  ​ 8 brother

1 have got  ​2  has/’s got  ​ 3 have not/haven’t got  ​ 4 has not/hasn’t got  ​5  have got  ​ 6 have got



1 grandson  ​2  children  ​3  sister  ​ 4 husband  ​5  wife  ​6  nephew  ​ 7 niece  ​8  grandchildren  ​ 9 grandparents  ​10  daughter

1 Has, hasn’t  ​2  Have, haven’t  ​ 3 Have, have  ​ 4  Has, has


1 This is  ​ my pencil.  ​2  Those are my cousins.  ​3  That is my school.  ​ 4 These are my glasses.

1 c  ​2  b  ​3  e  ​ 4  d  ​5  a  ​6  f

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Practice test Workbook: answer key Grammar review: Starter unit p10


1 chemistry  ​2  PE  ​ 3  computer science  ​4  art  ​5  music  ​6  drama


1 Is, is/’s  ​ 2  are, am/’m  ​ 3 Are, are not/aren’t, are/’re  ​ 4 Are, aren’t  ​5  Is, is  ​6  Is, isn’t


a I  ​b  my  ​c  She  ​d  Her   ​e  she   ​ f His   ​g  he   ​h  I   ​i  you


1 d  ​2  a  ​3  e  ​4  b  ​5  f  ​6  c


1 My children’s birthdays are in April and May.  ​2  Our Great-Aunt Mabel’s eyes are brown.  ​3  Those are Lucca’s mother’s books.  ​4  Our teacher’s desk is by the window.  ​ 5 My grandparents’ dogs are black.  ​ 6 The walls in Caleb’s maths class are white.​


1 has  ​2  haven’t  ​ 3  have  ​ 4 Have, have  ​ 5  have  ​6  hasn’t


1 a  ​2  c  ​3  b  ​4  c  ​5  c

1 Irish  ​ 2  heavy  ​3  maths  ​ 4  wife  ​ 5 drama  ​6  cousin  ​7  blonde  ​ 8 Canada

Unit 1 Vocabulary in context  p12 1

1 have a shower  ​2  get dressed  ​ 3 go on social media  ​4  go to school by bike  ​ 5  pack your school bag  ​ 6 have breakfast


a go  ​b  lunch  ​c  up  ​d  by  ​ e start   ​f  finish   ​g  up   ​h  brush   ​ i home   ​j  do 1 c  ​2  g  ​3  h  ​4  d  ​5  e  ​6  b  ​ 7 f  ​8  i  ​9  j  ​10  a


1 online  ​2  photos  ​3  do  ​4  to  ​ 5 out



1 These are my dogs, Rusty and Betsy. 2 I’ve got French class at half past one. 3 My grandparents haven’t got glasses. 4 Monica’s cat has got blue eyes. 5 It’s quarter past eight. 6 How do you spell it? 7 Have you got curly hair? 8 Those/These are my pens.

Vocabulary review: Starter unit p11

1 d  ​ 2  f  ​3  c  ​4  e  ​ 5  a  ​6  b


b They like listening to music. c She hates drawing pictures. d He doesn’t like playing board games/chess. e He doesn’t mind shopping. a 1  ​b  2  ​c  5  ​d  4  ​e  3


1 have  ​2  play  ​3  play  ​4  play  ​ 5 have  ​6  have

1 the UK  ​2  Australia  ​3  New Zealand  ​4  the US  ​ 5  Canada


1 dictionary  ​ 2  board  ​ 3  window  ​ 4  pencil sharpener  ​ 5  ruler


1 rubber  ​2  bag  ​3  textbook  ​ 4  chair  ​ 5  desk  ​6  door  ​ 7  notebook  ​8  pencil


Across: 1 son 3 cousins 5 uncle 7 grandmother 8 aunt 9 daughter Down: 2 niece 3 children 4 grandfather 6 nephew a straight  ​ b  wavy  ​ c  dark  ​ d short  ​ e  beard   ​f  tall​


1 doesn’t go 2 like 3 watches 4 goes 5 don’t work


a gets  ​ b  has  ​c  goes  ​d  starts  ​ e doesn’t have   ​f  brings   ​g  finishes  ​ h doesn’t go   ​i  gets   ​j  does   ​ k helps   ​l  have   ​m  watch   ​n  plays  ​ o brushes   ​p  goes


1 on  ​2  in  ​3  at  ​ 4  in  ​5  at  ​6  on


1 at  ​2  on  ​3  in  ​4  in  ​5  on  ​6  at  ​ 7 in  ​8  at


1 Hollie likes maths and science. 2 Alexis doesn’t like music or dance. 3 My friends start school at 9.30 am. 4 My brother doesn’t go to school by bus. 5 I love listening to music. 6 We don’t have art lessons this year. 7 The teacher asks us lots of questions. 8 Sarah and Ben don’t study computer science or design technology.

Vocabulary and listening  p15 1

Across: 3 library  ​5 stadium  ​8 café  ​ 9 park  ​10 museum Down: 1 pool  ​2 gym  ​4 restaurant  ​ 6 theatre  ​7 cinema

Reading  p13 1









1 A  ​2  B  ​3  B  ​4  B  ​5  A  ​ 6  C  ​ 7 A  ​8  C


1 unique  ​2  memorising  ​ 3 improve  ​ 4  software  ​ 5 countryside  ​6  skills


1 Skills  ​ 2  memorise  ​ 3  unique  ​ 4 software  ​ 5  countryside  ​ 6 improve


b The Levelfield School

Grammar in context 1  p14 1

1 art gallery  ​2  sports centre  ​ 3 library  ​4  park  ​5  restaurant  ​ 6 shopping centre 2


1 d  ​2  h  ​3  a  ​4  g  ​5  e


1 I  ​2  I  ​3  C  ​4  C  ​5  C


1 T (He likes his home and the school. He is also happy with the places in the town.)  ​2  F (He talks about the park, swimming pool, gym and cinema.)


1 skate park  ​2  ice rink  ​3  nightclub  ​ 4 spa  ​5  concert hall  ​6  theme park

1 get  ​2  don’t  ​3  goes  ​4  gives  ​ 5 like  ​ 6  don’t

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Practice test Workbook: answer key Grammar in context 2  p16 1

Developing speaking  p17 1

1 never  ​ 2  hardly ever  ​ 3 sometimes  ​4  usually  ​ 5 often  ​ 6  always

b a family member  ​c  a family member  ​d  a school subject  ​ e a school subject   ​f  a time   ​ g an activity   ​h  a free-time activity


1 We often go to the library. 2 They are always busy at the weekend. 3 I sometimes eat lunch in a café. 4 Marta is never late for school. 5 My friends hardly ever do sport after school. 6 Jack usually has a shower in the morning.


1 do you go  ​2  does he have  ​ 3 do they  ​ 4  Do your friends  ​ 5 Does he do


1 b  ​2  e  ​3  f  ​4  a  ​5  c  ​6  d


1 Do they study music? Yes, they do. 2 Does your sister play the guitar? No, she doesn’t. 3 Does your school start at 8 am? Yes, it does. 4 Do you go to school by car? No, I don’t. 5 Does your brother like going to the gym? Yes, he does.


2 What do people do in the morning in the park? 3 Where do people have lunch/ picnics in the park? 4 Where do parents take their children? 5 When do fans of John Lennon/the famous musician go to Strawberry Fields? 6 What do visitors do in the park on summer evenings? 7 What time does Central Park close (every day)?


Lisa:  ​What subjects do you do like at school? Paolo:  ​I like art and music. How about you? Do you You like music? Lisa:  ​Yes, I do like. Do you like dancing? Paolo:  ​I don’t like to dancing, but I like sports. Lisa:  ​Really? What sports do you like? Paolo: I like playing football, but I watch never never watch it.

A2 9

Students’ own answers

Unit 2


Vocabulary in context  p20 1



a 14  ​b  brother  ​c  sister  ​ d  music  ​ e PE   ​f  7.30 am   ​g  homework   ​ h photos 1 Tell us something about yourself. 2 Tell us about your family. 3 What are your favourite subjects? 4 What do you do in your free time? 5 What do you do after school? 6 Where do you go at the weekend?


1 but  ​2  so  ​3  and  ​4  so  ​ 5 because  ​6  and


/s/ city, class, gets, lesson, parents, place /z/ computers, games, music, has, she’s, does, goes


Students’ own answers

Developing writing  p18 1

1 B  ​ 2  C  ​3  C  ​4  A  ​ 5  A  ​6  C  ​ 7 A  ​8  B  ​9  D


1 F (He has got one sister.)  ​2  T  ​ 3 F (He isn’t good at art.)  ​ 4 F (He sometimes goes by bus.)  ​ 5 T  ​6  F (He plays football and goes cycling.)

3 1

  ​2    ​3    ​4    ​5    ​6 


1 Antonio, Martin, Ella, Greg  ​ 2 Gothenburg  ​3  Sweden, Denmark  ​ 4 Swedish, English  ​6  Saturday  ​ 7 My, I’ve, I’m, But, Her, She’s, He’s, We, At, On, In


1 Canada  ​2  Jack  ​3  Québec  ​ 4 French  ​5  Tuesdays  ​6  Thursdays

Developing writing  p19 6 Students’ own answers

1 garage  ​2  hall  ​3  bathroom  ​ 4 kitchen  ​5  garden  ​6  basement  ​ 7 attic  ​8  bedroom 1 wardrobe  ​2  cooker  ​3  toilet  ​ 4 armchair


1 cupboard  ​2  microwave  ​ 3 dishwasher  ​4  lamp  ​5  carpet  ​ 6 washing machine  ​7  sink  ​ 8 poster  ​9  cooker  ​10  wardrobe  ​ 11  fridge  ​12  chest of drawers


Kitchen: cooker, dishwasher, fridge, microwave, sink, washing machine Bedroom: carpet, chest of drawers, lamp, poster, wardrobe; both: cupboard


a armchair  ​b  table  ​c  cookers  ​ d fridge   ​e  TV   ​f  bed


1 wall  ​2  ceiling  ​3  roof  ​4  fire  ​ 5 chimney  ​6  floor

Reading  p21 1 3


1 T  ​ 2  T  ​3  F  ​4  F  ​5  T  ​6  F  ​7  F


1 lava  ​2  disabilities  ​3  cherry  ​ 4 apartment  ​5  charity  ​6  feature


1 the cherry tree  ​2  pieces of furniture  ​ 3  seats in the cinema  ​ 4 the (size of the) mansion  ​ 5 bedrooms  ​6  the swimming pool


a river and a cherry tree

Grammar in context 1  p22 1

1 is  ​2  isn’t  ​ 3  Are  ​ 4  Is  ​5  are  ​ 6 aren’t



Students’ own answers

a There is  ​ b  Is there  ​ c  there is  ​ d There are   ​e  Are there   ​f  there aren’t   ​g  Is there   ​h  there isn’t



Students’ own answers

1 on  ​2  in  ​3  next to  ​ 4  near  ​ 5 between  ​6  above

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Practice test Workbook: answer key 4

1 T  ​2  F – There’s a/one chair next to the desk./There aren’t two chairs next to the desk.  ​3  T  ​4  F – There’s a bag on the bed./There isn’t a bag under the bed.  ​5  T  ​6  F – There’s a games console between the books on the chest of drawers./There isn’t a TV between the books on the chest of drawers.


Taylor Swift’s home in Westerly, Rhode Island on in the US is a large, beautiful house near of the sea. There is are eight bedrooms, over ten bathrooms, two kitchens and a big garden. There are is a huge dining room with lots of space for dinners and parties. There are big windows all around the home, so you can see the sea from every side. There’s a swimming pool behind of the house. There are trees and plants on in the garden. There isn’t aren’t any houses next to or in front of her house, so there aren’t any noisy neighbours. The house is also right next to a beautiful white sandy beach. It’s a dream house!

Vocabulary and listening  p23 1

1 a  ​2  c  ​3  f  ​4  b  ​5  g  ​6  d  ​7  e


1 make  ​2  clean  ​3  do  ​ 4  do  ​ 5 does  ​6  clean/sweep  ​7  makes


1 c  ​2  b  ​3  c


1 has  ​2  never  ​ 3  windows  ​ 4 doesn’t think  ​ 5  watching TV  ​ 6 chatting on the phone


Gaby, because she promised to help wash the car and the carpet in her room is clean and Jack, because he’s in the kitchen doing the washing up while his dad watches TV and his sister chats on the phone


1 hang out  ​2  feed  ​3  cut  ​4  walk  ​ 5 fold  ​6  water

Grammar in context 2  p24 1

1 are/’re having  ​ 2  are/’re sitting  ​ 3 are waiting  ​4  are not/aren’t listening  ​5  is/’s chatting   ​6 is not/isn’t doing


1 Are, making, are  ​2  Is, doing, isn’t  ​ 3 Is, practising, is  ​4  Are, studying, aren’t  ​5  Are, putting, am  ​ 6 Is, writing, is


1 listen  ​2  have  ​3  ‘m tidying  ​ 4 isn’t doing  ​5  are making  ​6  wash


1 I am/’m not sweeping the floor right now. 2 She does not/doesn’t go to school on Saturdays. 3 Neema is not/isn’t working on her computer now. 4 Nicki is/’s having a shower at the moment. 5 Jason and his friend are playing tennis today. 6 We eat pizza every Friday.


a go  ​b  do not/don’t go  ​c  do not/ don’t play  ​d  clean   ​e  are standing   ​ f collecting   ​g  are carrying  ​ h is/’s picking up   ​i  are/’re putting   ​ j are/’re working   ​k  clean   ​l  find


How are you? I’m having a fantastic time here in Greece with my parents. We stay are staying at a beautiful hotel near the beach. In the morning, we are always visiting visit famous galleries or museums. In the afternoons, we swim in the sea. There are lots of nice cafés and restaurants close to the hotel. At the moment, we sit are sitting in my favourite café. I’m drinking lemonade and my parents drink are drinking tea. We are eating a delicious Greek salad and a pizza. We are usually having usually have breakfast at the hotel and then we go to a restaurant for lunch or dinner. It’s really hot and sunny here! See you soon!

Developing speaking  p25 1

2 They are/’re in a cinema. They are/’re watching a film. 3 They are/’re in the library. They are/’re reading. 4 They are/’re in/at a restaurant. They are/’re eating pizza. 5 They are/’re in a (skate)park. They are/’re skateboarding.


a 2, 4 b 1, 2, 3


1 shopping  ​2  library  ​ 4 cinema  ​5  eating in/going to restaurants  ​6  skateboarding

A2 4

1 Personally, I don’t enjoy shopping. 2 I find it really boring. 3 I really like going to the cinema. 4 In my opinion, the library is an interesting place. 5 I don’t mind going to restaurants. 6 I prefer eating at home to eating at restaurants. 7 I really think that it’s fun to try new recipes. 8 I find skateboarding really difficult.


/iː/ feel, leave, meet, speak, these /ɪ/ finish, live, swim, think, this


Students’ own answers

Developing writing  p26 1 Students’ own answers

2 1


Type of house and location: old farmhouse, in the countryside, in France, not far from the town Rooms and furniture: living room, 2–3 bedrooms, sofas, chairs, TV, music system, speakers Activities/good time to visit: have dinner outside, have parties, go shopping, go for walks, spring, summer


1 having beautiful trees and flowers 2 a garden 3 a market 4 flowers and trees 5 sofas and chairs 6 the holiday home


1 unimportant  ​2  small  ​3  modern  ​ 4 ugly  ​5  uncomfortable  ​6  (very) bad/terrible


1 Those red chairs are very comfortable. 2 My house has got a very big living room. 3 There are two big swimming pools at the sports centre. 4 It’s a very modern house with a beautiful garden. 5 The apartment has got some fantastic views of Central Park. 6 That local restaurant serves traditional food.

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Practice test Workbook: answer key Developing writing  p27 7

Cumulative review: Unit 2 p29

Students’ own answers



A2 Reading  p31 1 1

Students’ own answers

1 are  ​ 2  aren’t  ​3  Is  ​4  aren’t  ​ 5 Are








Grammar in context 1  p32 1

1 behind  ​2  in  ​3  at  ​4  above  ​ 5 between  ​6  under

Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

1 are playing  ​2  Is, doing  ​ 3 are/’re listening  ​4  is/’s having  ​ 5 is/’s laying

Cumulative review: Unit 1 p29 1

1 go  ​2  hangs out  ​ 3  do  ​ 4 leave  ​ 5  gets up


1 Julie doesn’t/does not like waking up early. 2 They don’t/do not eat food in class. 3 Tom and his brothers don’t/do not have lunch at school. 4 We don’t/do not brush our teeth before breakfast. 5 I don’t/do not pack my school bag on Saturdays.


1 in  ​2  at  ​3 on  ​4 at  ​5 on


1 Their father hardly ever drives them to school. 2 His big brother often goes on social media. 3 We sometimes watch a film on TV in the evening. 4 My brother is always very happy. 5 We never watch TV at lunchtime.


1 Does your sister go home at 4 pm? 2 Does she go to the shopping centre? 3 Do we have a maths lesson today? 4 Do they play the guitar every day? 5 Does he watch Spanish films? 6 Do you have history lessons on Tuesdays?


1 gets up  ​ 2  finishes  ​3  does  ​ 4 goes  ​5  plays  ​6  goes  ​7  plays  ​ 8 has  ​9  hangs


1 art gallery  ​2  cinema  ​ 3  stadium  ​ 3 café  ​4  shopping centre  ​ 5 sports centre  ​ 6  library


a Irish  ​ b  dance  ​ c  hang out  ​ d cinema   ​e  films   ​f  sister

1 Is Dad cooking  ​2  we’re studying  ​ 3 my  ​ 4  have  ​5  don’t speak  ​ 6 are you doing  ​7  Do you eat, I don’t  ​8  Daniel’s  ​9  play  ​ 10  Has, she has


1 c  ​2  b  ​3  a  ​4  a  ​5  c 1 take part  ​2  step  ​ 3  skyscraper  ​ 4 view  ​5  test  ​ 6  stamina Students’ own answers

1 can’t  ​2  can  ​3  can’t  ​4  can  ​ 5 can’t  ​6  can’t


1 C  ​2  A  ​3  B  ​4  B  ​5  A  ​6  C


1 c  ​2  b  ​3  d  ​4  f  ​5  a  ​6  e

1 Can you say that again? 2 You can’t use this computer. 3 Which languages can you speak? 4 We can watch the rugby match on TV. 5 Where can we go running? 6 You can wait here during the break.



1 always  ​ 2  Does  ​3  on  ​4  Do  ​ 5 at  ​6  never


a kitchen  ​b  fridge  ​ c  microwave  ​ d washing machine   ​e  garage


Everyday activities: get dressed, go to bed, pack your school bag Free-time activities: draw, play an instrument, take photos Furniture: cooker, rug, wardrobe Housework: do the ironing, tidy up, do the washing up

Unit 3 Vocabulary in context  p30 1

2 A: Can she ride a horse? B: No, she can’t. 3 A: Can Mark and Simon play tennis? B: Yes, they can. 4 A: Can they fix your computer? B: No, they can’t. 5 A: Can we climb a 15-metre wall? B: Yes, we can. 6 A: Can Maria ski? B: No, she can’t.

5 add -ly


1 hand  ​2  wrist  ​3  foot  ​4  elbow  ​ 5 knee  ​6  stomach  ​7  ear   ​8 ankle  ​ 9  shoulder  ​10  chest  ​ 11  leg  ​12  arm  ​13  finger  ​14  toe










1 wrist  ​ 2  chin  ​3  nose  ​4  neck  ​ 5 lips  ​6  forehead


slowly usually

1 kick  ​2  running  ​3  hit  ​ 4 dancing  ​ 5  jumping  ​6  riding  ​ 7 swim  ​ 8  dive  ​9  climbing  ​ 10  sailing



2 Leon talks quietly.  ​3  They don’t speak slowly on TV.  ​4  Please don’t get up late tomorrow.  ​5  Her brother works hard.  ​6  Answer the question carefully.

a hit  ​b  kick  ​c  ride  ​d  jump   ​ e surf   ​f  climb


1 nail  ​2  eyebrow  ​3  eyelashes  ​ 4 jaw  ​ 5  hip  ​6  tongue

a hard  ​b  easily  ​c  well  ​ d  early   ​ e late   ​f  carefully


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Practice test Workbook: answer key Vocabulary and listening  p33 1 badminton, climbing, football, hockey, rugby, running, skiing, surfing, tennis, volleyball


1 sailing  ​ 2  basketball  ​ 3 ice skating  ​4  surfing  ​ 5 skateboarding  ​ 6  horse-riding  ​ 7 diving  ​8  table tennis  ​ 9 cycling  ​10  baseball


1 b  ​2  d  ​3  c  ​4  a


a every weekend  ​b  warm clothes  ​ c school  ​d  50   ​e  white   ​f  arm   ​ g ballet/dancing   ​h  knees



a she he  ​b  you wants want  ​ c in at the weekend, on in 2020, in on Friday  ​d  mustn’t, answer, ironing   ​ e swimming, volleyball, shopping

Developing speaking  p35 1

Students’ own answers


1 T  ​2  F  ​3  T  ​4  F  ​5  F


-er/-or: diver, footballer, sailor, surfer

1 e  ​2  g  ​3  c  ​4  b  ​5  a  ​6  d  ​ 7 h  ​8  f


Grammar in context 2  p34 1



1 don’t have to  ​2  doesn’t have to  ​ 3 have to  ​ 4  Does, have to  ​ 5 have to  ​ 6  do, have to


2 must  ​3  mustn’t  ​ 4  must  ​ 5 mustn’t  ​ 6  mustn’t


1 f, don’t have to  ​2  d, mustn’t  ​ 3 a, mustn’t  ​ 4  c, don’t have to  ​ 5 b, doesn’t have to  ​6  e, mustn’t


2 You must wear pool shoes.  ​ 3 You mustn’t run around the pool.  ​ 4 You must be quiet/talk quietly.  ​ 5 You mustn’t use/talk on your phone.  ​6  You mustn’t eat or drink/ have food or drink in the gym.


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers


Unit 4

Across  3 egypt  ​ 5 poland  ​ 8 france  ​9 china  ​ 11 switzerland


-ist/-ast: gymnast

1 Does Ali have to buy a sports kit? 2 How often do they have to practise gymnastics? 3 He doesn’t have to go to training today. 4 I have to get up early tomorrow. 5 We don’t have to do any sports after school today.

Students’ own answers

Vocabulary in context  p38 1



player: football, player, hockey player, tennis player, volleyball, player


age, clothing, start date 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8

1, 3 and 4


1 I have to feed the cat. 2 I have to tidy my room. 3 I have to buy milk and biscuits. 4 I don’t have to make dinner. 5 I don’t have to wait for Dad for dinner. 6 I don’t have to do the washing. 7 I mustn’t forget to phone Mum. 8 I mustn’t go to bed late. 9 I mustn’t eat all the biscuits.

Students’ own answers Ooo




equipment afternoon



horse-riding ice skating skateboarding volleyball

Down  1 italy  ​2 spain  ​4 greece  ​ 6 argentina  ​7 brazil  ​10 peru


1 Colombian  ​2  Czech Republic/ Czechia  ​3  Ecuadorian  ​4  Germany  ​ 5 Hungarian  ​6  India  ​7  Japanese  ​ 8 Mexico  ​9  Russian  ​10  Scotland  ​ 11  Slovak  ​12  Ukrainian  ​13  Wales


1 flight  ​ 2  excursion  ​3  package holiday  ​4  souvenir  ​5  travel agency  ​ 6 tour guide


a book  ​b  travel agency  ​c  flights  ​ d package   ​e  trips   ​f  tour guide



Developing writing  p36 1


Students’ own answers

a flights  ​ b  passengers  ​c  passport  ​ d luggage  ​e sightseeing  ​f  book   ​ g tickets   ​h  trips   ​i  souvenir

1 Katie 2 She’s asking her friend if she wants to join a judo club. 3 Informal – She starts with ‘Hi’ and ends with ‘Bye for now’.

1 b  ​2  a  ​3  d  ​4  e  ​ 5  c



1 judo – fantastic way to keep fit, learn something new!  ​2  £5 per class – no equipment, the sports centre has judo suit  ​3  10.30 at my house

Reading  p39 1

Students’ own answers 1


1 D  ​2  B  ​3  A  ​4  C


1 C  ​2  D  ​3  B  ​4  A


1 e  ​2  d  ​3  c  ​4  b  ​5  a

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6 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 4

Possible answers 1 More tourists in a place than they can deal with. 2 Crowds seeing the Mona Lisa in Paris, thousands of passengers on cruise ships visiting Venice and a line of people waiting to arrive at the top of Mount Everest. 3 Any three of: There are problems with traffic, rubbish and damage to buildings and prices of houses and restaurants increase in tourist areas. 4 They use it to pay for collecting rubbish, fixing buildings and streets. 5 8,000 people a day 6 Any four of: They can visit smaller towns, or places that aren’t as popular. Visit popular places when there aren’t many tourists. Spend money in local restaurants and hotels. They need to be careful with the buildings and they mustn’t leave rubbish behind.



a were  ​b  was  ​c  could  ​d  was   ​ e was   ​f  could   ​g  couldn’t   ​h  was   ​ i were   ​j  couldn’t

Vocabulary and listening  p41 1 Air: plane, spaceship Rail: train, tram Sea: boat, ship Road: car, coach, lorry, van, moped, scooter, bike


1 taxi  ​2  spaceship  ​3  motorbike  ​ 4 bus  ​5  underground  ​ 6 helicopter

1 F  ​ 2  F  ​3  T  ​4  F  ​5  F  ​6  T  ​ 7 T  ​8  F


amazing, great, beautiful


Grammar in context 2  p42 1

1 kicked  ​ 2  wanted  ​3  hated  ​ 4 loved  ​5  carried  ​6  hurried  ​ 7 chatted  ​8  jogged


1 Were, were, was  ​2  was, Was, wasn’t, was  ​3  Was, was, were  ​ 4 Were, weren’t, was  ​5  were, Were, were, was, were

1 worked  ​2  studied  ​3  stayed  ​ 4 stopped  ​5  arrived  ​ 6  decided  ​ 7 chatted



a There was  ​ b  Was there  ​ c there was  ​d  there were    ​e Were there   ​f  there weren’t

1 did not/didn’t go  ​2  did not/didn’t wear  ​ 3  did not/didn’t finish  ​ 4 did not/didn’t see  ​5  did not/ didn’t reach  ​6  did not/didn’t cycle


1 Maria could swim when she was seven years old 2 There wasn’t any snow, so we couldn’t go snowboarding 3 Could you ride a bike when you were five? 4 The ticket office was closed, so they couldn’t buy a ticket 5 Could you use a computer when you were seven?


b could, walk  ​c  could take  ​ d could sit   ​e  could buy   ​ f couldn’t take   ​g  couldn’t travel   ​ h could change

Bye for now! Emily


1 single  ​2  terminal  ​3  return  ​ 4 runway  ​5  reservation  ​ 6 platform


We’re having a lovely time in Scotland. We arrived here two days ago. On the first day, we did some sightseeing in Edinburgh. We saw the castle and the old town and we bought some souvenirs.  ​The next day, we drove to Loch Lomond and went on a boat trip across the lake. Fortunately, it didn’t rain!  ​What did you do last week? Did you go on any trips?


cycling, shopping, sightseeing


1 were  ​ 2  weren’t  ​3  was  ​ 4 Was, was  ​5  Were, weren’t  ​ 6 wasn’t, was

Dear Aunt Sophie,


old, traditional, wooden, cold

Grammar in context 1  p40 1


Developing speaking  p43 1

1 harbour  ​ 2  tax  ​3  increase  ​ 4 damage  ​5  deal with  ​6  repairing Tourism gives people money and jobs.


3 – Gillette Stadium

1 with family  ​2  history  ​ 3 interesting  ​ 4  at the beach  ​ 5 parents


1 c  ​2  b  ​3  f  ​4  a  ​5  e  ​ 6  g  ​ 7  d


a by plane  ​b  my (older) brother  ​ c Boston, Massachusetts in the US  ​ d a hat and a T-shirt   ​e  Boston city and old town, New England Aquarium and Carson Beach   ​f  at my cousins’ house   ​g  clambake


1 in  ​2  with  ​3  to  ​4  at  ​5  in  ​ 6 by  ​7  to

6 /eɪ/ (take)

/ɔː/ (door)

/æ/ (cat)















Students own answers’


Students own answers’

1 a  ​ 2  d  ​3  f  ​ 4  e  ​5  b  ​6  c a went  ​b  travelled  ​c  took  ​ d didn’t have   ​e  got   ​f  made   ​ g carried   ​h  spent   ​i  began


Developing writing  p44 1 the weather on the first day


1 four days  ​2  she says ‘I loved it!’  ​ 3 Yes, she had a great time.


1 Day 2  ​2  Day 1  ​3  Day 2  ​ 4 Day 4  ​5  Day 4  ​6  Day 1

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Practice test Workbook: answer key 4

1 amazing  ​2  awful  ​ 3  incredible  ​ 4 delicious  ​5  huge  ​6  freezing  ​ 7 exhausted  ​ 8  tiny

Cumulative review: Unit 4 p47 1

A2 Reading  p49 1 1


1 awful  ​2  exhausted  ​ 3 spectacular  ​ 4  delicious  ​5  tiny  ​ 6 freezing  ​7  huge  ​ 8  amazing

a weren’t  ​b  were  ​c  couldn’t  ​ d Were   ​e  wasn’t



Developing writing  p45 6




a weren’t  ​ b  wasn’t  ​ c  was  ​ d  were  ​ e weren’t   ​f  was 1 didn’t speak  ​2  did  ​3  Did, buy  ​ 4 made  ​5  Did, watch  ​6  came

Students’ own answers

7 8

Students’ own answers

Cumulative review: Unit 3 p46



It vibrates when it is near an object. It has GPS technology to help people walk around. It has a computer to help identify people.

1 Wales, Welsh  ​2  Scotland, Scottish  ​ 3 Spain, Spanish  ​4  Greece, Greek  ​ 5 Argentina, Argentinian


1 can  ​2  can’t  ​ 3  can’t  ​4  can  ​ 5 can’t  ​6  can


1 patiently  ​ 2  hard  ​3  fast  ​ 4  well  ​ 5 badly  ​6  slowly


2 We never sit in the classroom quietly when we’re waiting for the teacher./ We never sit quietly in the classroom when we’re waiting for the teacher. 3 Do you usually type carefully when you’re working on your computer? 4 It is sometimes difficult to work hard when we’re feeling tired./ Sometimes it is difficult to work hard when we’re feeling tired. 5 My dad hardly ever walks slowly because he’s always in a hurry.


1 souvenir  ​2  package holiday  ​ 3 tour guide  ​4  passport  ​ 5 passengers


1 trains, underground, tram  ​ 2 bus, coach, ships  ​3  spaceship  ​ 4 plane, helicopter


1 fingers  ​2  mirror  ​ 3  arm  ​ 4 skating  ​5  hall  ​6  get up

Unit 5 Vocabulary in context  p48 1

1 plumber  ​ 2  astronaut  ​ 3 hairdresser  ​ 4  dentist  ​ 5  athlete  ​ 6 firefighter  ​ 7  engineer  ​8  chef





1 mustn’t  ​2  has to  ​3  have to  ​ 4 must  ​ 5  don’t have to 1 Are, doing  ​2  are  ​3  goes  ​ 4 ’m/am chatting  ​5  is


1 neck  ​2  elbow  ​3  eyes  ​ 4 stomach  ​5  toes

1 volleyball  ​2  diving  ​3  rugby  ​ 4 hockey  ​5  gymnastics 1 d  ​2  a  ​3  e  ​4  c  ​5  b

1 journalist  ​2  scientist  ​ 3 plumber  ​ 4  nurse  ​5  politician  ​ 6 architect  ​7  businessman/woman  ​ 8 psychologist


Grammar in context 1  p50 1

1 were making  ​2  was sleeping  ​ 3 was eating  ​4  was writing  ​ 5 were running  ​6  were looking


1 was having a meeting  ​2  were studying  ​3  was doing the washing  ​ 4 was cleaning the house  ​5  were watching TV  ​6  was doing homework


1 was raining  ​2  were having  ​ 3 wasn’t/was not wearing  ​4  were cleaning  ​5  wasn’t/was not listening  ​ 6 were, waiting


1 c  ​2  f  ​3  e  ​4  d  ​5  a  ​ 6  b


1 Were you doing (your) homework yesterday evening? Yes, we were./ Yes, I was. 2 Was Sally watching a film at 6 pm? No, she wasn’t. 3 Were your friends playing football last weekend? Yes, they were. 4 Was your brother running in the park on Saturday? Yes, he was. 5 Was the band recording in the studio last month? No, it wasn’t.

a shop assistant  ​ b  chef  ​c  lawyer  ​ d doctor   ​e  vet   ​f  teacher   ​ g musicians   ​h  writers / authors / novelists

1 run  ​2  swim  ​ 3  skate  ​ 4 kicks  ​5  climbing, jump


1 firefighter  ​2  dentist  ​3  astronaut  ​ 4 engineer  ​5  athlete  ​6  chef


2 3

1 R  ​2  B  ​3  H  ​4  R  ​5  B  ​ 6 H  ​7  R 1 GPS  ​2  vibrate/vibrates  ​ 3 identify  ​4  pence  ​5  blind  ​ 6 sweet/sweets

a had  ​b  broke  ​c  hate  ​d  does  ​ e was   ​f  went   ​g  do not/don’t have to   ​h  am/’m sitting   ​i  want   ​j  gave  ​ k read   ​l  liked

Students’ own answers

1 a  ​2  b


1 recording studio  ​2  office  ​ 3 clinic  ​4  shop  ​5  garage  ​ 6 laboratory  ​7  outdoors  ​ 8 hospital


1 d  ​ 2  b  ​3  f  ​ 4  c  ​5  a  ​6  e

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8 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 6

James: Hi! Were you studying at 8 pm last night? You didn’t to answer your phone. Chloe: Yes, I was chatting online and I didn’t heard it. Sorry! What did you want to talk about? James: I wanted to ask you about our geography homework. I couldn’t understanding it! Chloe: I can to help you now. I was did it on Monday. It was easy. James: That’s OK. My sister was helped me so I finished it.

Vocabulary and listening  p51 1 1 painter  ​ 2  dancer  ​ 3 photographer  ​ 5  singer  ​ 5 conductor  ​ 6  songwriter


1 Were you going to the supermarket when I saw you this morning? Yes, I was. 2 Did your teacher go into the classroom while she was talking on her phone? No, she didn’t. 3 Was Luke studying in the library when we left school? Yes, he was. 4 Did we drive past Martin while he was walking to school? No, we didn’t. 5 Were you listening to music when I emailed you last night? No, I wasn’t. 6 Did Marta and Joe buy milk when they went shopping this morning? Yes, they did.



1 d  ​2  b  ​3  c  ​4  a  ​5  f  ​6  e


1 theatre  ​ 2  exhibition  ​3  concert  ​ 4 operas  ​5  poetry  ​6  classical music  ​7  musicals  ​8  ballet


He’s a songwriter and (music) producer.

1 2 When she was looking in her school bag, was did Laya find her pencil sharpener? 3 Dad was doing the washing while when we arrived home after school. 4 5 I didn’t look wasn’t looking when I was hitting hit my head. 6

A2 7

Possible answers 1 Did you?  ​2  Really?  ​3  Do you?  ​ 4 Were they?  ​ 5  Did it?  ​6  Oh, no!

Developing writing  p54 1 3


1 Last year, in a subway in New York  ​2  a big crowd watching a man and woman singing and they had cameras  ​3  They thought they were street musicians.  ​4  Her singing was amazing.  ​5  They put videos on YouTube


Explain the sequence of events: First, In the end, Next, Finally, The following year, Suddenly, Then, Two years later, To say when something happened: In 2019, Last summer, Two months ago, When (I was 12/the play started),


a ago  ​b  First  ​c  Then  ​ d  when   ​ e Suddenly   ​f  After   ​g  end   ​ h later


Students’ own answers


a 22  ​ b  26th  ​ c  music  ​ d  1985   ​ e 1993   ​f  DJ   ​g  London

Developing speaking  p53 1

a musical



Students’ own answers


Possible answers Big names want to work with him.  ​ His songs are number one hits.  ​He has won many prizes for his music.


1 rock  ​2  folk  ​3  jazz  ​ 4 hip hop/rap  ​5  electronica  ​ 6 reggae

Grammar in context 2  p52 1


1 F  ​ 2  T  ​3  F  ​4  F  ​5  T


a Really?  ​ b  That’s interesting.  ​ c Wow!  ​d  Does she?   ​e  what happened?   ​f  Did you?   ​g  Oh, no!   ​ h What a shame!


1 Were, went  ​ 2  Did, finished  ​ 3 were you, was playing  ​ 4 did you buy, gave  ​ 5 didn’t you say, didn’t see


1 was listening, fell  ​2  met, were studying  ​ 3  wasn’t carrying, started  ​ 4 weren’t waiting, arrived  ​5  weren’t looking, showed


1 stage  ​2  costumes  ​3  set  ​ 4 props  ​ 5  backstage

a was living  ​b  was trying  ​ c wasn’t/was not earning  ​d  needed  ​ e went   ​f  was asking   ​g  was waiting   ​h  was watching   ​i  was talking   ​j  helped   ​k  gave   ​ l introduced

1 Did you?  ​2  What a shame!  ​ 3 That’s amazing!/Did you?  ​ 4 Do you?  ​5  Were they?


1 Then what happened? 2 Really? 3 That’s amazing! 4 Oh, no! 6 What a shame! 6 I see. 7 Oh dear! 8 Did you?

Students’ own answers

7 8

Students’ own answers

Unit 6 Vocabulary in context  p56 1

1 garlic  ​2  grapes  ​3  peppers  ​ 4 tomatoes  ​5  strawberries  ​ 6 broccoli  ​7  cabbage  ​8  carrots  ​ 9 jam  ​10  butter  ​11  yoghurt  ​ 12  pizza


2 Lentil, fruit  ​ 3  Egg, meat  ​ 4 Toast, drink  ​5  Honey, vegetable  ​ 6 Beans, snack


1 Salads contain many different vegetables. 2 You make paella with rice. 3 Spinach is a green vegetable. 4 Fizzy drinks usually have a lot of sugar. 5 Carrots are an orange vegetable. 6 Eggs come from chickens.

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Practice test Workbook: answer key 4


Vocabulary and listening  p59 1

1 curry  ​ 2  mushroom  ​3  pancake  ​ 4 lettuce  ​ 5  lemonade  ​ 6  burger​ 7 cream  ​8  pear

1 tin  ​2  carton  ​3  packet  ​4  box  ​ 5 can  ​6  jar

Down:  1 cucumber

1 cup  ​2  glass  ​3  bag/packet  ​ 4 bottle  ​5  tin  ​6  packet



1 Stir  ​ 2  Grate  ​ 3  Pour  ​4  Chop  ​ 5 Fry  ​6  Melt


Reading  p57 1


1 b  ​ 2  a  ​3  d

1 D  ​2  C  ​3  B  ​4  A



1 F  ​2  F  ​3  T  ​4  T  ​5  F  ​ 6  F  ​7  T


1 container  ​ 2  re-use  ​3  reduce  ​ 4 revolution  ​ 5  weigh  ​ 6  waste


1 re-use  ​2  weigh  ​ 3  reduce  ​ 4 waste  ​5  container  ​6  revolution


Natural Weigh in Crickhowell in Wales and Earth. Food. Love in Devon.

Grammar in context 1  p58 1 singular countable noun

plural countable noun

uncountable noun







mushroom eggs






strawberries water

a melon  ​b  carrots  ​c  strawberries  ​ d pepper   ​e  mushrooms   ​f  honey   ​ g lentils   ​h  burger   ​i  rice


how to cook, how to organise your time and plan your work, how to deal with stressful situations


1 piece  ​2  mug  ​3  bar  ​4  bowl  ​ 5 slice  ​ 6  loaf

Grammar in context 2  p60 1

1 a lot of  ​2  many  ​3  much  ​ 4 A lot of  ​5  much  ​6  many


a many  ​ b  a lot of  ​c  a lot of  ​ d many/a lot of   ​e  much/a lot of   ​ f a lot of   ​g  a lot of/much   ​ h a lot of   ​i  a lot of/much   ​ j A lot of   ​k  a lot of   ​l  much


1 should  ​2  should  ​3  shouldn’t  ​ 4 should  ​5  shouldn’t



1 an  ​2  some  ​3  a  ​4  any  ​ 5 some  ​6  some  ​ 7  any  ​ 8  some


1 an, any, some  ​2  any, any, some  ​ 3 any, a, some  ​4  some, some, a


a a  ​b  some  ​c  some  ​ d  any   ​ e any   ​f  a   ​g  some   ​h  a   ​i  a   ​ j some   ​k  some   ​l  some   ​m  any


a two-day trip to a cookery school in Italy

a OK. Have you got any/some food? b I can make you a salad. Do you like salads? c Yes, I do. Have you got any eggs to put in it? d No, sorry, but I’ve got some tomatoes. e OK. Would you like a drink? f Can I have some milk, please? g There’s an apple in the fridge, do you want that for dessert?

1 You should to have a good breakfast every day. 2 What she should she do after lunch today? 3 You shouldn’t try this cake. It’s delicious. 4 Should we Do we should make some sandwiches for lunch? 5 He shouldn’t not should eat so fast. It’s not healthy.


1 b should 2 d should 3 a shouldn’t 4 f should 5 e shouldn’t 6 c should

A2 6

Possible answers 2 You should eat healthy food for dinner./You shouldn’t always eat cheese sandwiches. 3 You shouldn’t drink lemonade all the time./You should drink water. 4 You shouldn’t drink tea before you go to bed. 5 You shouldn’t eat a lot of chocolate. 6 You should go to bed early/earlier.

Developing speaking  p61 1

1 Sandwiches  ​2  Snacks  ​3  Drinks


1 cheese and tomato sandwich 2 large lemonade 3 £5.00 4 small orange juice 5 (cheese and onion) crisps 6 £3.00 7 chicken salad sandwich 8 large water 9 £5.80


1 Waiter  ​2  Waiter  ​3  Customer  ​ 4 Waiter  ​5  Waiter  ​6  Waiter  ​ 7 Customer  ​8  Customer  ​ 9  Waiter  ​ 10  Waiter


2 c  ​3  g  ​4  h  ​5  e  ​6  d  ​7  f  ​ 8 i  ​9  a


a 2, 1  ​b  2, 1  ​c  1, 2  ​d  2, 1   ​ e 1, 2   ​f  1, 2


2 12.19 3 2.15 4 10.40 5 3.70 6 4.18


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

Developing writing  p62 1

a 7  ​b  2  ​c  6  ​d  5   ​e  3   ​g  4


b (Tara’s) birthday party  ​c  your phone  ​d  Saturday at 3.00 pm   ​ e Zelda’s Tea Shop   ​f  Hi Faizan!   ​ g my friends / Millie and Sam


1 b  ​2  d  ​3  c  ​4  a

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10 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 4

a Hi, everyone!  ​b  Can you come  ​ c It starts at seven  ​d  please bring your dancing shoes   ​e  Hope you can come   ​f  Let me know   ​g  Cheers


Students’ own answers


1 make  ​2  ride  ​3  guide  ​4  pack  ​ 5 to  ​6  does

Cumulative review: Unit 6 p65 1


Countable: apple, grape, melon, pear, strawberry, tomato

Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

Uncountable: broccoli, butter, honey, pasta, spinach, tea



1 any  ​2  some  ​3  an  ​4  many  ​ 5 much  ​6  a lot of  ​7  any  ​8  a

Students’ own answers

Cumulative review: Unit 5 p64 1 was playing  ​2  was not/ wasn’t studying  ​ 3  Were, swimming  ​ 4 were standing  ​ 5  was looking  ​ 6 were packing


1 What was Ana doing at 6 o’clock in the evening? She was doing her homework. 2 What were you watching on television at 8 o’clock last night? We were watching a film. 3 What was your sister doing on the computer last night? She was playing computer games.


a was cycling  ​ b  saw  ​ c were walking  ​d  were watching   ​ e did not/didn’t know   ​ f was phoning   ​g  arrived  ​h knew  ​ i took   ​j  gave   ​k  were following


1 at 2 Do you usually read, do 3 are, Are 4 don’t have to 5 couldn’t, was 6 came, weren’t 7 can’t

1 songwriter  ​ 2  poet  ​ 3  photographer  ​ 4  conductor  ​ 5  director  ​ 6  singer


1 dentist, teeth  ​2  plumber, sink  ​ 3 shop assistant, shop  ​4  producer  ​ 5 dancer, ballet, theatre  ​6  Painters, exhibitions

1 bat  ​2  parrot  ​3  seahorse  ​ 4 frog  ​5  ant  ​6  turtle

Reading  p67 1

Elephants: Zimbabwe, Namibia; Turtles: Ecuador, Costa Rica


1 c  ​2  c  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  a  ​6  b

3 4

1 mustn’t  ​2  doesn’t have to  ​ 3 should  ​4  mustn’t  ​ 5  have to/ must  ​6  have to must  ​7  shouldn’t  ​ 8 don’t have to


1 biscuit  ​2  carrot  ​3  chicken  ​ 4 pepper  ​5  spinach  ​6  milkshake  ​ 7 cabbage  ​ 8  mushroom  ​ 9 cucumber  ​10  lentil


1 beens beans  ​2  tomatos tomatoes  ​ 3 yogur yoghurt  ​4  graps grapes  ​ 5 soap soup


1 carton  ​2  glass  ​3  packet  ​ 4 slice  ​5  cup  ​6  jar  ​7  cans  ​ 8 tins  ​9  box


1 vest  ​2  attic  ​3  garden  ​ 4 helicopter  ​5  elbow  ​6  toilet  ​ 7 Germany  ​8  golf

Land: bear, fox, leopard, lizard, monkey, rat, rhino, scorpion, snake, tiger, wolf




Vocabulary in context  p66 1

1 c  ​2  a  ​3  e  ​4  b  ​5  d  ​ 6  f

1 flowers  ​2  hill  ​3  grass  ​4  beach  ​ 5 field  ​ 6  forest  ​ 7  island  ​8  sky

1 track  ​2  feed  ​ 3  valuable  ​ 4 measure  ​ 5  tusks  ​ 6  shell

Unit 7




1 c  ​2  a  ​3  d  ​4  b



Water: hippo, jellyfish, penguin, shark, whale Air: bee, butterfly, eagle, owl


Across: 1 Bee  ​ 3 Tiger  ​4 Whale  ​ 6 Owl  ​8 Penguin  ​9 Shark

1 measure  ​ 2  feed  ​ 3  tusks  ​ 4 valuable  ​5  shell  ​6  track


They have less land; Some people kill them

Grammar in context 1  p68 1

1 to watch  ​2  are  ​3  going  ​ 4 is  ​5  cycle


1 is not/isn’t going to meet  ​ 2 are/’re going to go  ​3  am/’m not going to chat  ​4  aren’t going to get  ​ 5 am/’m going to sleep


a am/’m going to travel  ​b  are/’re going to study  ​c  are/’re  ​going to visit  ​ d  are not/aren’t going to stay   ​ e are/’re going to book   ​f  are going to join   ​g  is not/isn’t going to sail   ​ h is/’s going to be   ​i  are/’re going to collect


2 Tia is not/isn’t going to study at university after leaving school. 3 Lucas is going to check his social media this afternoon. 4 Lucas is going to travel to Australia after leaving school. 5 Ella and Leo are not/aren’t going to practise with their band this afternoon. 6 Ella and Leo are going to join a wildlife project after leaving school.

Down: 1 Butterfly  ​2 Bear  ​ 5 Monkey  ​7 Snake


1 mountain  ​2  oceans  ​3  waterfall  ​ 4 river  ​5  valley  ​6  lake

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11 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 5

1 Are you going to eat pizza tonight? No, we aren’t./ No, I’m not. 2 Are your friends going to have lunch with us tomorrow? No, they aren’t. 3 Is Teresa going to visit her aunt this summer? Yes, she is. 4 Are your parents going to come to the concert tonight? No, they aren’t. 5 Is Jason going to do his homework this weekend? Yes, he is.


1 Which places are you going to visit? 2 How long are you going to stay there? 3 How are you going to travel there? 4 What are you going to take with you? 5 Where are you going to stay? 6 What are you going to do there?

Vocabulary and listening  p69 1

1 sun, sunny  ​ 2  rain, rainy  ​ 3 cloud, cloudy  ​4  snow, snowy  ​ 5 storm, stormy  ​6  fog, foggy  ​ 7 wind, windy  ​ 8  ice, icy


1 dry  ​2  rain  ​3  foggy  ​4  snow  ​ 5 ice  ​6  windy  ​ 7  wet  ​ 8 cold/stormy


1  3  5


1 T  ​2  F  ​3  F  ​ 4  T  ​5  F  ​6  F  ​ 7 T  ​8  F


Suggested answer Because the climate is warm in winter and not too hot in summer.


1 hurricane  ​ 2  thunder  ​ 3  drought  ​ 4 lightning  ​ 5  blizzard  ​6  flood


1 blizzard  ​2  flood  ​3  thunder  ​ 4 drought  ​5  lightning  ​6  hurricane

Grammar in context 2  p70 1


a won’t go  ​b  will study  ​c  will drive  ​ d won’t eat  ​e will have   ​f  won’t work   ​g  will do   ​h  won’t do   ​ i will clean   ​j  will look


1 F  ​ 2  F  ​3  P  ​4  F  ​5  P  ​6  F


1 Are you meeting Nicky after school? 2 We are not/aren’t playing basketball this weekend. 3 Where are you having your birthday party? 4 My sister is/’s starting her new job tomorrow. 5 The teacher is/’s giving us a vocabulary test on Tuesday. 6 I am not/’m not going to the wildlife park on Saturday.


a Are you doing  ​b  will rain  ​ c am not going  ​d  will/’ll   ​ e are you going   ​f  is driving   ​ g will be

Developing speaking  p71 1

a will  ​b  will  ​c  will  ​d  won’t   ​ e will   ​f  will   ​g  won’t   ​h  will   ​ i won’t   ​j  will


1 down 2 up 3 up 4 down 5 up 6 up


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

Developing writing  p72 1 2


1 T  ​ 2  F  ​3  F  ​4  F  ​5  T  ​6  T


1 What time does your train arrive?  ​ 2 Do you want to go to the farmer’s market?  ​3  What time do you want to leave on Sunday?  ​4  Are there any types of food that you don’t like?

1 aquarium  ​ 2  museum  ​ 3 shopping centre




1 aquarium


1 Sunday (afternoon)  ​2  2 pm  ​ 3 at the bus stop (in front of Becky’s house)


1 Are you doing anything this weekend? (A) 2 Shall we go ice-skating on Saturday? (M) 3 What about going to the aquarium? (M) 4 Are you free on Sunday afternoon? (A) 5 Let’s meet at the bus stop at 2 pm. (M) 6 Do you want to go to the science museum? (M)


2 M  ​3  M  ​4  A  ​5  M  ​6  M

1 be  ​2  close  ​3  won’t  ​4  won’t  ​ 5 there be  ​ 6  will you




b 1  ​c 2  ​d 4  ​e 3 1 We often go to the forest for walks. 2 friends. 3 She is never late for her lesson. 4 We’re meeting him at the cinema. 5 Do you want to go to the park tomorrow?


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

Unit 8 Vocabulary in context  p74 1 1 cheerful  ​ 2  generous  ​ 3 responsible  ​4  kind  ​ 5 hard-working  ​6  lazy


Accepting suggestions

Rejecting suggestions

OK. Great!

Sorry, I can’t.

Good idea.

Sorry, I’m busy.

Yes, sure.

Thanks, but ...

1 serious  ​2  irresponsible  ​3  shy  ​ 4 intelligent  ​5  tight  ​ 6  confident


angry, confused, disappointed, embarrassed, excited, happy, interested, sad, stressed, upset

Yes, that’s fine.

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12 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 4


1 stressed  ​2  confused  ​ 3 disappointed  ​4  excited  ​ 5 embarrassed  ​ 6  interested


a frightened  ​ b  worried/stressed  ​ c bored  ​ d  relaxed   ​ e stressed/worried   ​f  tired


1 confusion  ​2  intelligence  ​ 3 kindness  ​4  generosity  ​ 5 disappointment  ​ 6  excitement

Reading  p75 1


a bigger  ​b  wetter  ​c  colder  ​ d hotter   ​e  greener   ​f  more popular

1 You choose a shape. 2 Students’ own answers



1 square  ​2  square, rectangle  ​ 3 circle  ​ 4  triangle  ​5  circle  ​ 6 squiggle  ​7  circle  ​8  triangle


1 accurate  ​ 2  goals  ​3  brave  ​ 4 details  ​5  uncertain


1 details  ​2  accurate  ​3  uncertain  ​ 4 brave  ​5  goal


The squiggle, because they can think of new ideas easily.

Grammar in context 1  p76 1 add -ier

use more

1 hotter 5 more cheerful 2 older 6 more 3 lazier creative 4 thinner 7 more interesting

1 Taking the train is faster than taking the bus. 2 The students at my new school are friendlier than my old school. 3 My sister is two years younger than me. 4 Which place is more interesting than, Paris or Berlin? 5 Is Tokyo more expensive than London? 6 My new bicycle is better than my old one.

irregular 8 better 9 farther/ further 10 worse

2 Logan’s hair is darker than Mason’s (hair). 3 Mason’s hair is longer than Logan’s (hair). 4 Mason is more serious than Logan. 5 Mason is taller than Logan. 6 Logan is thinner than Mason. 7 Logan is younger than Mason.

Vocabulary and listening  p77 1

1 hunger  ​2  poverty  ​3  violence  ​ 4 cyberattack  ​5  unemployment  ​ 6 corruption  ​7  homelessness  ​ 8 crime  ​9  pollution


1 homelessness  ​ 2  unemployment  ​ 3 pollution  ​4  hunger  ​5  poverty  ​ 6 cyberattack


1 homelessness  ​ 2  the manager of a local charity  ​3  three


1 c  ​2  a  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  a  ​6  c


1 smaller, F  ​2  colder, T  ​3  wetter, T  ​ 4 higher, F  ​5  more expensive, F  ​ 6 larger, T




2 William is more excited than James. 3 Evelyn is happier than Elijah. 4 Amelia is more embarrassed than Harper. 5 Carlo is better at computer science than Adam is. 6 Divisha is kinder than Stefan.

Because it’s difficult to get a job when you are homeless/haven’t got a home. 1 hungry  ​2  polluted  ​ 3 unemployed  ​4  criminal  ​ 5 homeless  ​6  violent

A2 Grammar in context 2  p78 1 Ending -est

Use most


1 the easiest 5 the most 8 the best difficult 2 the funniest 9 the 6 the most farthest/ 3 the oldest important furthest 4 the saddest 7 the most 10 the worst useful


1 the most popular  ​ 2 the most serious  ​3  the hottest  ​ 4 the best  ​ 5  the most important  ​ 6 the biggest  ​ 7  the cleanest  ​ 8 the most difficult


a the biggest  ​ b  the happiest  ​ c the most beautiful  ​ d the highest   ​e  richer   ​ f more important   ​g  stronger   ​ h the longest   ​i  friendlier   ​j  larger


1 The  ​ 2  a  ​3  –  ​4  the  ​5  –  ​6  a


1 the  ​ 2  an  ​3  the  ​ 4  a  ​ 5  –  ​6  –


Hi Julia, Guess what? Next week is Red Nose Day! It’s the funniest day of the year at our school! We’re doing lots of events to raise money for charity. To start with, everyone’s going to wear a red nose! I’ve got three sponsors. They’ll donate three pounds each if I come to school with a red hair! Some people are going to wear the pyjamas. Our class is organising a bake sale and we’re going to sell lots of the cakes and biscuits to raise money. Last time we raised over a hundred pounds. We raised the biggest amount of money in the whole school. I hope we’ll do even better this time! What are you doing for Red Nose Day? See you soon! Billie

Developing speaking  p79 1

1 In a park  ​2  picking up/collecting rubbish/litter  ​3  friends or school/ classmates


1 In a park  ​2  picking up/collecting rubbish/litter  ​3  friends or school/ classmates

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13 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 3

This photo shows young people outside. I think they’re in a park. There are three people in the photo. Perhaps they are friends or maybe classmates at school or university. It looks like they are collecting rubbish and cleaning up the park because they are carrying plastic bags and they’re all wearing gloves. The girl in the middle is putting something into a plastic bag with a stick. In front of her on the ground is a plastic bottle. She looks very serious. There is a rubbish bin near her. There are two young men behind the girl. The man on the left is on one knee. He’s putting something into a plastic bag with his hands. The man on the right has got something on his stick, I think it’s a piece of plastic. He’s looking for more rubbish to collect. In the background, there are lots of trees. It looks like it’s late afternoon because the sun looks low in the sky.


Starting a description: This photo shows Saying where people and things are: in front of, near, behind, on the left/ right, in the background/middle Talking about people’s actions: they are collecting, they’re carrying, they’re all wearing, he’s putting, He’s looking Guessing and speculating: I think, maybe; perhaps, it looks like; looks


Starting a description: I can see, This is a picture of Saying where people and things are: below, in, on Guessing and speculating: probably /ð/ (than)

/θ/ (throw)












Students’ own answers




The writer agrees.

1 because they think that studying academic subjects is more important  ​ 2 It helps us learn about others in society, to build community and to learn important life skills.


1 D  ​2  C  ​3  B  ​4  A


1 however  ​2  in my opinion  ​ 3 I agree  ​4  In my view  ​ 5 I disagree  ​ 6  I think  ​ 7 In conclusion  ​8  secondly


1 However  ​ 2  but  ​3  Firstly; Secondly  ​4  don’t agree  ​5  both  ​ 6 In my opinion


Students’ own answers Students’ own answers



Developing writing  p80 1


Students’ own answers



Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

Cumulative review: Unit 7 p82 1

a is/’s going to go  ​b  is/’s going to meet  ​c  is/’s going to do  ​d  is/’s going to have   ​e  is not/isn’t going to buy   ​f  is/’s going to make


1 eagle  ​2  waterfall  ​3  plants  ​ 4 ocean  ​5  jellyfish 1 scorpion, bee, jellyfish  ​2  rhino, hippo  ​3  leopard, tiger  ​4  lizard, snake


1 leg, kick  ​2  river, valley  ​3  vet, clinic  ​4  field, flowers  ​ 5  sink, make  ​ 6 clouds, rain


1 opera  ​2  Spanish  ​3  basement  ​ 4 armchair  ​5  helicopter

Cumulative review: Unit 8 p83 1

1 further/farther  ​ 2  happier  ​ 3 worse  ​4  more interesting  ​ 5 more relaxed  ​6  easier


a the best  ​ b  the quickest  ​ c the fastest  ​ d  the youngest   ​ e older   ​f  taller   ​g  most intelligent


1 kinder  ​2  the kindest​  ​ 3 frightened  ​ 4  the most frightened 5 hot  ​6  hotter  ​7  lazier  ​ 8 the laziest  ​ 9  bad  ​10  the worst


a was  ​b  the  ​ c  some  ​d  –   ​ e will take   ​f  laziest   ​ g don’t have to   ​h  sometimes   ​ i the   ​j  –   ​k  don’t


1 hard-working  ​2  irresponsible  ​ 3 shy  ​4  kind  ​5  cheerful

1 will disappear  ​2  will be  ​ 3 will snow  ​4  won’t go  ​ 5 won’t pass



1 pollution  ​2  Homelessness  ​ 3 cyberattack  ​4  Hunger  ​ 5 poverty  ​6  crime

1 ’ll phone  ​2  going to be  ​ 3 ’m meeting  ​4  ’m playing  ​ 5 will be


1 I am/’m going to ask Holly to the party. 2 We are/’re visiting the wildlife park next week. 3 I have to make dinner soon. 4 You should talk to the teachers at school first. 5 While I was walking in the park, I met Adam.


1 doesn’t  ​2  can/will  ​3  going  ​ 4  on  ​5  shouldn’t  ​6  was

1 c  ​2  a  ​3  e  ​4  d  ​5  b



1 c  ​2  b  ​3  c  ​4  b  ​5  a

Unit 9 Vocabulary in context  p84 1

Across: 1 Shorts  ​5 Suit  ​6  Tracksuit  ​ 8 Joggers  ​9 Dress Down: 2 Trainers  ​3 Socks  ​4  Boots  ​ 7 Tie  ​8 Jacket


1 jumper  ​2  leggings  ​3  trainers  ​ 4 tie  ​5  shirt  6  jeans

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14 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 3

1–3: bandana, earrings, sunglasses/ shades 4–6: gloves, ring, watch 7–9: handbag, necklace, scarf


1 glasses  ​2  handbag  ​ 3  watch  ​ 4 gloves  ​ 5  scarf  ​ 6  ring  ​7  belt


1 buttons  ​ 2  pockets  ​3  bracelet  ​ 4 sleeves  ​5  chain  ​ 6  zip

Reading  p85 1

1 Katrina and Paul/They have/They’ve never bought designer clothing. 2 Paul/He has/’s met a famous actor. 3 Katrina/She has/’s been to a fashion show. 4 Katrina and Paul have won a competition. (also accept ‘They have’ and ‘They’ve’) 5 Katrina/She has/’s never run in a marathon. 6 Paul/He has/’s never flown in a helicopter.


Hi Mum,

1 B  ​2  D  ​3  A  ​4  C


1 F  ​2  T  ​3  F  ​ 4  F  ​5  T  ​6  T


1 tapping  ​2  sensors  ​ 3  fabric  ​ 4 stylish  ​ 5  data  ​6  collaborated  ​ 7 brands


1 data  ​2  fabric  ​3  collaborated  ​ 4 sensors  ​ 5  tapping  ​6  brands  ​ 7 stylish


1 A, B, D  ​2  A  ​3  B, D  ​4  A  ​5  C

Grammar in context 1  p86 1

1 slept  ​2  been  ​3  gone  ​4  done  ​ 5 ridden  ​ 6  broken  ​7  known  ​ 8 driven  ​ 9  eaten  ​ 10  drunk  ​ 11  written  ​ 12  heard


a has appeared  ​b  have taken  ​ c has worn  ​d  has acted   ​ e has written   ​f  has directed   ​ g have seen   ​h  has done


1 Have you ever danced at the top of a mountain? 2 My sister has never eaten snails. 3 Have you ever finished first in a race? 4 They have never been to the US. 5 Has he ever had a picnic on the beach? 6 I have never won a singing competition.



1 Have, seen, have  ​2  Has, bought, hasn’t  ​3  Have, been, haven’t  ​ 4 Have, given, haven’t

I’ve be been to the shopping centre and I has have/’ve bought some new trainers, but they gave me the wrong size!  ​William was here when I came back and we’ve both have had lunch and he have has walked the dog. Now he’s go gone to play football and I’m going back to the shop to exchange the trainers. Since I’ve been home, Sylvie has invite invited me to go to her house this afternoon. I have ever never been to her house before! I’m going at three o’clock, but I’ll be home by 6pm. By the way, has have you seen my new scarf? I can’t find it anywhere. Do you think Dad has took taken it by mistake? See you later, Laura

Vocabulary and listening  p87 1

1 jeweller’s  ​2  stationery shop  ​ 3 newsagent’s  ​4  butcher’s  ​ 5 sports shop  ​6  shoe shop  ​ 7 bookshop  ​8  electrical goods shop  ​ 9 supermarket  ​ 10  department store


1 clothes shop  ​2  chemist’s  ​ 3 post office  ​4  bakery  ​ 5 greengrocer’s  ​6  bank


newsagent’s  ​bookshop  ​sports shop  ​stationery shop  ​jeweller’s  ​ chemist’s


1 C  ​2  B  ​3  B  ​4  A


1, 2, 3


1 trolley  ​2  queue  ​3  basket  ​ 4 receipt  ​5  checkout  ​6  customer

A2 Grammar in context 2  p88 1 1 T  ​ 2  T  ​3  F  ​4  F  ​5  T


1 already read  ​2  yet  ​ 3  just been  ​ 4 has already  ​5  yet  ​ 6 already eaten


1 It’s Amy’s birthday today and you haven’t bought her a present yet! 2 What were you doing in that shop a minute ago? Have you just bought those trainers? 3 Do you want this card for Lauren?/ No, thanks. I already have one. 4 I’m exhausted. I have just been for a run in the park. 5 The homework is for next Monday but I have already done it. 6 Don’t tell me how the film ends – I haven’t seen it yet!


1 Have you finished it yet, have/ ’ve just finished (it) 2 Have they arrived yet, have/ ’ve already been 3 have/’ve already seen, haven’t seen it yet


1 Holly and Luke have already taken their books to the library. 2 Holly hasn’t bought new trainers yet. 3 Luke has already sent Jake a birthday card. 4 Luke hasn’t bought food for the picnic yet. 5 Holly and Luke haven’t got the tickets yet. 6 Holly has already phoned Grandma.


1 I have ever never been to Canada. Have you? 2 I haven’t finished my project already yet, but I will soon. 3 Have you seen the new Star Wars film yet? 4 I’ve already cooked dinner so you don’t have to worry. 5 We’ve painted already painted the room and it looks great. 6 I yet haven’t started looking for a part-time job yet. 7 I just have just arrived at the coffee shop.

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15 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key Developing speaking  p89 1


2 and 3

Students’ own answers

Students’ own answers


1 a  ​2  c  ​3  b

a how much is this hat  ​b  Do you have it in red  ​c  What size is it?  ​ d I’ll take it   ​e  here’s your change   ​ f You’re welcome


1 c  ​2  d  ​3  a  ​4  f  ​5  g  ​6  e  ​7  b


a 4  ​b 3  ​ c 1  ​ d  5   ​e  9   ​f  8   ​ g 7   ​h  2   ​i  6


1 I’d like these, please. 2 I’ll take it. 3 That’s five pounds, please. 4 Here’s your change. 5 Sorry, we haven’t got any at the moment. 6 You’re welcome.


Unit 10 Vocabulary in context  p101 1

1 designed, c  ​2  invented, g  ​ 3 developed, d  ​4  composed, b  ​ 5 designed, h  ​6  discovered, a  ​ 7 built, f  ​8  planned, e


1 inventions  ​2  designer  ​ 3 discovery  ​4  creation  ​5  producer


1 fridge  ​2  digital camera  ​ 3 electric car  ​4  tablet  ​ 5 smartphone  ​6  satnav  ​ 7 light bulb  ​8  drone  ​9  vaccine  ​ 10  printer  ​11  laptop


1 electric car  ​2  digital camera  ​ 3 laptop  ​ 4  light bulb  ​5  printer  ​ 6 fridge

Students’ own answers

Developing writing  p90 1

A2 Grammar in context 1  p94 1

1 are made  ​2  were sold  ​ 3 are grown  ​4  was sent  ​ 5 aren’t found  ​6  was written  ​ 7 is worn  ​8  were invented


1 c  ​2  a  ​3  d  ​4  b  ​5  f  ​ 6  e


a was created  ​b  was introduced  ​ c process  ​d  use   ​e  are also seen   ​ f is produced   ​g  are sold   ​ h didn’t design


2 These electric cars were produced by robots. 3 Smartphones are often used to send photos and videos. 4 Tomatoes weren’t eaten in Europe until the 16th century. 5 School uniforms aren’t worn at this school. 6 A new app was developed by Robots Inc.


1 earphones/in-ear headphones  ​ 2 USB/flash drive  ​3  mouse, touchpad  ​4  keyboard  ​5  screen

It was found and given to a teacher. The owner was asked to come to the reception area to collect it. A lot of personal devices were lost last month. Several of these were not returned to their owners, because the owners weren’t found. You are reminded to be careful with your tablets, laptops and smartphones.


Reading  p93 1

Vocabulary and listening  p95 1




1 ugly  ​2  busy  ​3  expensive  ​ 4 interesting  ​5  relaxing  ​6  huge

1 mouse  ​2  touchpad  ​3  keyboard  ​ 4 screen  ​5  earphones/in-ear headphones  ​6  USB/flash drive



huge, beautiful, busy


1 The design and size of the shopping centre.  ​ 2  It is really busy.  ​ 3 wear comfortable walking shoes

1 c  ​2  a  ​3  b

1 B  ​2  D  ​3  A  ​4  C 1 One really good thing is the number of shops. 2 Remember that some shops are expensive. 3 My first impression of the shopping centre was really positive. 4 Unfortunately, the queues are often long. 5 It would be better to go during the week. 6 It is worth booking tickets to the theatre. 7 There is only one small negative point. 8 What I really liked was the relaxing spa.


Students’ own answers


1 electricity  ​2  sunlight  ​ 3 to the pot  ​4  (can be) dangerous  ​ 5 five hours  ​6  several materials including plastic  ​7  boxes  ​ 8 environment


1 smoke  ​ 2  sand  ​3  bowl  ​ 4 rural areas  ​5  foil  ​6  solar  ​7  pot


1 solar  ​2  bowl  ​3  foil  ​4  rural area  ​ 5 sand  ​6  smoke  ​ 7  pot


The cooker and the solar lights. It’s a problem if you don’t have enough sunshine.

1 demonstration  ​2  description  ​ 3 investigation  ​4  explanation  ​ 5 organisation  ​6  expression  ​ 7 information  ​8  imagination


1 introduction  ​2  decision  ​ 3 inspiration  ​4  conclusion  ​ 5 creation  ​6  actions  ​ 7 demonstration


2  ​3  ​5


1 b  ​2  a  ​3  c  ​4  c  ​5  c


b because it’s not an invention that would improve the world


a satisfaction  ​b  competition  ​ c prediction  ​d  invitation   ​ e suggestion   ​f  reaction   ​ g addition   ​h  collection

Students’ own answers

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16 of 18

Practice test Workbook: answer key 7

1 suggestion  ​2  prediction  ​ 3 invitation  ​4  competition  ​ 5 collection  ​ 6  satisfaction  ​ 7 reaction  ​ 8  addition

Grammar in context 2  p96 1

1 If you push this button it turns on the power. 2 This solar light doesn’t charge if there isn’t any sunshine. 3 The kettle starts to whistle when the water boils. 4 Milk and eggs stay fresh longer if you store them in the fridge. 5 When the weather is good I usually walk to work 6 If she doesn’t have breakfast she can’t concentrate.


a gets  ​ b  turn  ​ c  sends  ​d  leave   ​ e know   ​f  look up   ​g  need   ​ h increase   ​i  rings   ​j  takes


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

Developing writing  p98 1 1 F  ​ 2  F  ​3  T


1 In Boston. 2 He was a soap and candle maker. 3 He helped his father in his soap and candle shop. 4 He went to Pennsylvania to work as a printer. 5 the Franklin Stove, glasses, a type of swimming shoe, a musical instrument. 6 He helped to write and signed his name to the Declaration of Independence.



1 was chosen  ​2  He invented  ​ 3 he was working  ​4  but  ​ 5 because  ​6  and




Developing writing  p99 5

1 b  ​2  d  ​3  f  ​4  c  ​5  e  ​6  a 1 ’ll cook, wash  ​2  wins, ’ll get  ​ 3 have, ’ll help  ​4  will go, doesn’t  ​ 5 leave, will send  ​6  will buy, passes 1 turn  ​ 2  makes  ​3  go  ​ 4 will not/won’t be   ​e  use   ​f  gets   ​ g are   ​h  will/’ll understand   ​ i come   ​j  will/’ll be

Developing speaking  p97 1

1 B  ​ 2  A  ​3  D  ​4  C

Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers


Students’ own answers

1, 3


1 going  ​ 2  explain  ​3  Firstly  ​ 4 Secondly  ​ 5  true  ​ 6  thing  ​ 7 Last  ​8  example  ​9  sum


Three syllables: another, conclusion, example, finally, everything, secondly Four syllables: communicate, discovery, explanation, information, introduction, investigate


Cumulative review: Unit 9 p100 1

1 has/’s read  ​2  has/’s, given  ​ 3 have written  ​4  have worked  ​ 5 haven’t spoken


1 has taken  ​ 2  Has, won  ​ 3 haven’t sent  ​4  Have, drunk  ​ 5 Have, chosen  ​6  has seen


















1 Where have all the shop assistants gone? 2 You haven’t paid for those clothes. 3 What have you bought? 4 We haven’t seen any famous models. 5 Have you ever been to a fashion show?

A2 4

1 yet  ​ 2  ever  ​ 3  never  ​ 4  yet  ​ 5 already


1 was walking, fell 2 didn’t go 3 ‘m/am going to travel 4 chats 5 ’re/are doing


1 I have/’ve just seen a fox in our garden. 2 You should walk slowly on icy roads. 3 I bought a salad while I was shopping. 4 I am never late for school. 5 I was working hard when you phoned.


1 hoodie  ​2  sweatshirt  ​3  bandana  ​ 4 scarf  ​5  shirt


1 c  ​2  e  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  d


1 nurse  ​2  garden  ​3  hangs out  ​ 4 microwave  ​5  Scottish  ​6  bottle  ​ 7 souvenir

Cumulative review: Unit 10 p101 1

1 The first electric car was developed by Robert Anderson in 1832. 2 The FIFA World cup was won by France in 2018. 3 Smartphones are used to go on social media. 4 They were questioned by the police about the crime yesterday. 5 Nowadays, many popular TV series are available online.


1 receive, live  ​ 2  leave, becomes  ​ 3 will not/won’t be, go  ​4  Will, bring, make  ​ 5  starts, press  ​6  does not/ doesn’t rain, will/’ll go


a took  ​b  were looking  ​c  heard  ​ d decided   ​e  was   ​f  was given   ​ g thinks   ​h  wants   ​i  told   ​j  go   ​ k will/’ll borrow

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Practice test Workbook: answer key 4

1 She was driving her car very quickly when the police stopped her. 2 I mustn’t give in my homework late. 3 correct 4 We have a new boy in our class today 5 I bought some eggs and butter yesterday to make pancakes.

Part 6  p106 6

Sample answer Hi Jamie, I’m sorry, but I can’t go to the cinema with you on Saturday. It’s my brother’s birthday, and my parents are taking us to a restaurant. Why don’t we go to the cinema on Sunday?


Bye for now, Elena


Part 7  p107 7

1 satnav  ​2  electric car  ​ 3  tablet  ​ 4 vaccine 1 building  ​2  development  ​ 3 imagination  ​4  product/ production  ​ 5  organisation  ​ 6 conclusion  ​ 7  creation  ​ 8 introduction


1 helicopter, tram, ship 2 drone, satnav, vaccine 3 broccoli, mushroom, strawberry 4 generous, serious, responsible

Exam trainer Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Part 1  p102 1

Sample answer One day, Sara and her friends were playing rugby in the park. Sara fell and hurt her leg. She cried. Her friend Nina helped her walk to a seat. After a few minutes, Nina and the boys continued playing rugby. Sara watched them. Soon she felt much better.

Paper 2: Listening Listening part 1  p107 1 1 B  ​ 2  A  ​3  B

Listening part 2  p108 2

1 C  ​2  A  ​3  B

1 8.35  ​2  jacket  ​3  Engelbart

Part 2  p103 2

Listening part 3  p108 3

1 A  ​2  B  ​3  A  ​4  C  ​5  B

1 A  ​2  B  ​3  A

Part 3  p104 3

Listening part 4  p109 4

1 B  ​2  A  ​3  C  ​4  A

1 B  ​ 2  C  ​3  B

Part 4  p105 4

Listening part 5  p109 5

1 C  ​2  B  ​3  A  ​4  B

Part 5  p105 5


1 B  ​ 2  E  ​3  F

a are  ​b  have/’ve  ​ c  but  ​d  Do   ​ e could/can/should   ​f  me

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