How to be happy Presentation You are going to listen to an expert on happiness, Dr Hann, give a presentation about things things you can do to feel happier.
Listen and choose the eight things Dr Hann advises you to do.
do exer exercise cise smile more drink wine spen sp end d ti time me wi with th fa fami mily ly an and d friends eat well sleep well plan a holiday or trip go outsi out side de work hard help people live near your work
Listen again and complete the sentences. Write one word or number. 1
People Peo ple are are bette betterr at the their ir jobs jobs when when they they sm smil ile e .
We fe feel el hap happy py wh when en we ar are e plann pl anning ing
We feel feel bett better er when when we we are out outsid side e in tthe he fresh fre sh air
You sho shoul uldn dn’t ’t ha have ve a long
minutes of exercise a day helps us to feel happier. a holiday in the future.
journey to work.
Match 1–5 to a–e to make sentences from the presentation.
1 You will look better and feel better 2 When you smile,
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