A109A109M-14 Standard Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon (0.25 Maximum Percent), Cold- Rolled

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Descripción: A109A109M-14 Standard Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon (0.25 Maximum Percent), Cold- Rolled...


Designation: A109/A109M −  14

Standard Specification for

Steel, Strip, Carbon (0.25 Maximum Percent), Cold-Rolled 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation A109/A109M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Sco Scope* pe*

each system may not be exa exact ct equ equiva ivalen lents; ts; the theref refore ore,, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.

1.1 This specification covers cold-rolled carbon steel strip in cut lengths or coils, furnished to closer tolerances than coldrolled carbon steel sheet, with specific temper, with specific edge or specific finish, and in sizes as follows: W i d th , i n .

Thickness, in.

16 Over  1 ⁄ 2  to 2315 ⁄ 16 Over 12.5 to 600 mm

0.300 and under 7 .6 m m a n d u n d e r

1.7 This specification specification is expressed in both inch-pound inch-pound units and SI units. However, unless the order specifies the applicable “M” specification designation (SI units), the material shall be furnished furn ished to inch-p inch-pound ound units.

1.2 ColdCold-rolled rolled strip is produced produced with a maximu maximum m specified carbon not exceeding 0.25 percent.

2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards: 2 A370 Test A370  Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products A568/A568M Sp Speci ecific ficati ation on fo forr Ste Steel, el, Sh Sheet eet,, Car Carbo bon, n, Structural, and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, Cold-R olled, Gener General al Requir Requirements ements for A682/A682M Specifi Specification cation for Steel, Strip, HighHigh-Carbo Carbon, n, Cold-R Col d-Roll olled, ed, Gen Genera erall Req Requir uireme ements nts For   (Withdrawn 2009)3 A700 Practices A700  Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Shipment  (Withdrawn 2014) 3 A751 Test A751  Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products A941 Terminology A941  Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys,, and Ferro Alloys Ferroalloys alloys E8 Test E8  Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials E29 Pra Practic cticee for Usi Using ng Sig Signifi nifican cantt Dig Digits its in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications E430 Test E430  Test Methods for Measurement of Gloss of High-Gloss Surfaces by Abridged Goniophotometry 2.2   Military Standard: MIL-STD-129  Marking for Shipment and Storage 4 2.3   Federal Standard: 123 Marking 123  Marking for Shipments (Civil Agencies) 4

1.3 Strip tolerance tolerance pro produc ducts ts may be ava availab ilable le in wid widths ths 15 wider than 23  ⁄ 16 16  in. [600 mm] by agreement between purchaser and suppl supplier ier.. Howev However er,, such products are techni technically cally classi cla ssified fied as col cold d rol rolled led she sheet. et. The tol tolera erance nces, s, fini finish shes, es, tempers, edges, and available widths and thicknesses differentiate cold rolled strip from the product known as cold rolled sheet which is defined by Specification A568/A568M Specification A568/A568M and  and from cold rolled high carbon strip which is defined by Specification A682/A682M.. A682/A682M 1.4 For the purpose of determining conforman conformance ce with this specification, values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the right rig ht han hand d pla place ce of figu figures res used in exp expres ressin sing g the limiting limiting values valu es in acc accord ordanc ancee with the rou roundi nding ng meth method od of Pra Practic cticee E29.. E29 1.5 Th 1.5 Thee SI po port rtio ions ns of th thee ta tabl bles es co cont ntain ained ed he here rein in lis listt permissible permis sible variations in dimens dimensions ions and mass (see Note (see  Note 1) 1) in SI (metric) units. The values listed are not exact conversions of  the val values ues listed in the inch-pou inch-pound nd tab tables, les, but ins instead tead are rounded or rationalized values. Conformance to SI tolerances is mandatory when the “M” specification is used. NOTE   1—The 1—The term   weight   is use used d whe when n inch inch-po -pound und units are the standard. However, under SI the preferred term is   mass.

1.6 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in


For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website. 3 The last app approv roved ed ver versio sion n of thi thiss his histor torica icall sta standa ndard rd is refe referen renced ced on www.astm.org. 4 Availab vailable le from Stand Standardiza ardization tion Docum Documents ents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4, Secti Se ction on D, 700 Rob Robbin binss Ave. ve.,, Ph Phila iladel delphi phia, a, PA 191 19111 11-50 -5098, 98, htt http:/ p://  /  quicksearch.dla.mil/ 


This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee  A01  A01 on  on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.19 on A01.19  on Steel Sheet and Strip. Curren Cur rentt edi editio tion n app approv roved ed May 1, 201 2014. 4. Pub Publis lished hed May 201 2014. 4. Ori Origin ginall ally y approved in 1926. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as A109/A109M – 13. DOI: 10.1520/A0109_A0109M-14.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States


A109/A109M − 14 183 Con Contin tinuou uouss Ide Identifi ntificat cation ion Mar Markin king g of Iro Iron n and Stee Steell 4 Products

composit compo sition ion,, by amo amoun unts ts of co cold ld red reduct uction ion,, by the therma rmall treatment, and by skin-rolling. 3.2 Refer to Termino Terminology logy A941  A941 for  for additional definitions of  terms used in this Specification.

3. Terminology 3.1  Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.1.1   annealing— the the process of heating to and holding at a suitable temperature and then cooling at a suitable rate, for such purposes as reduci reducing ng hardn hardness, ess, facilitating cold worki working, ng, prod pr oduc ucing ing a de desir sired ed mic micro rostr struc uctur ture, e, or ob obtai tainin ning g des desire ired d mechanical, physical, or other properties.

4. Order Ordering ing Information Information 4.1 Order Orderss for material to this specification shall shall include the following information, as necessary, to describe adequately the desired product: 4.1.1 Quant Quantity ity,, 4.1.2 Name of material (cold-rolled (cold-rolled carbon steel strip), 4.1.3 Condi Condition tion (oiled or not oiled), 4.1.4 Temper (Section (Section 7), 4.1.5 Edge (Section (Section 8), 4.1.6 Dimens Dimensions ions (Section (Section 9), 4.1.7 Workm orkmanship anship,, Finish Finish,, and Appearance Appearance (Sectio (Section n  10  10), ), 4.1.8 Coil size requirements requirements (15.2 15.2)), 4.1.9 ASTM designation designation and year of issue, 4.1.10 4.1.1 0 Copper Copper-bear -bearing ing steel, if required, 4.1.11 4.1.1 1 Appli Application cation (part identi identification fication or descri description) ption),, 4.1.12 4.1.1 2 Cast or heat analysis (request, (request, if requir required), ed), and 4.1.13 4.1.1 3 Special requirements, requirements, if required.   box annealing— involves involves annealing in a sealed container under conditions that minimize oxidation. The strip is usually heated slowly to a temperature below the transformation range, but sometimes above or within it, and is then cooled slowly.   continuous annealing— involves involves heating the strip in contin con tinuou uouss str strand andss thr throug ough h a fur furnac nacee hav having ing a con contro trolled lled atmosphere followed by a controlled cooling. 3.1.2   carbon steel— the the designation for steel when no minimum content is specified or required for aluminum, chromium, cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungs tungsten, ten, vanadium, zirconium or any other element added to obtain a desired alloying effect; when the specified minimum for copper does do es no nott ex exce ceed ed 0. 0.40 40 % or wh when en th thee ma maxi ximu mum m co cont nten entt specified for any of the following elements does not exceed the percen per centag tagee not noted: ed: man mangan ganese ese 1.6 1.65, 5, sili silicon con 0.6 0.60, 0, or cop copper per 0.60.   Discussion— In In all carbon steels small quantities of  certain residual elements unavoidably retained from raw materials are sometimes found which are not specified or required, such as coppe copper, r, nickel, molyb molybdenum denum,, chrom chromium, ium, etc. These elements elem ents are con consid sidered ered as inc incide idental ntal and are not nor normal mally ly reported.

NOTE   2—A typical typical ord orderin ering g des descrip cription tion is as fol follow lows: s: 20 000 lb Cold-Rolled Strip, Oiled, Temper 4, Edge 3, Finish 3, 0.035 by 9 in. by coil, 5000 lb max, 16-in. ID ASTM A 109-XX, for Toaster Shells.

5. Mater Materials ials and Manuf Manufactu acture re 5.1 Th 5.1 Thee ste steel el sh shall all be ma made de by th thee op open en-h -hear earth th,, ba basic sic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process. 5.2 Cold-r Cold-rolled olled carbon steel strip is norm normally ally manufactured manufactured from fr om co cont ntin inuo uous usly ly cas castt ste steel el wi with th alu alumi minu num m us used ed as th thee deoxidizer. However, some applications are specified as silicon killed. Ingot cast rimmed, capped and semi-killed steels are subject to limited availability.

3.1.3   cold reduction— the the process of reducing the thickness of the strip at room temperature. The amount of reduction is greater than that used in skin-rolling (see  3.1.7  3.1.7). ).

5.3 Cold-rol Cold-rolled led car carbon bon stee steell str strip ip is man manufa ufactu ctured red fro from m hot-ro hotrolle lled d de desc scale aled d co coils ils by co cold ld re redu ducin cing g to th thee de desi sire red d thickness on a single stand mill or on a tandem mill consisting of several single stands in series. Sometimes an anneal is used at some intermediate thickness to facilitate further cold reduction or to obtain desired temper and mechanical properties in the finished strip. An anneal and skin pass is typically used as the final step for Temper 4 and 5.

3.1.4   dead soft— the the temper of strip produced without definite control of stretcher straining or fluting. It is intended for deep drawing applications where such surface disturbances are not objectionable. 3.1.5   finish— the the degree of smoothness or luster of the strip. The production of specific finishes requires special preparation and control of the roll surfaces employed.

6. Chem Chemical ical Compositio Composition n

3.1.6   normalizing— heating heating to a suitable temperature above the transformation range and then cooling in air to a temperaturee sub tur substan stantial tially ly bel below ow the tra transf nsform ormatio ation n ran range. ge. In bri bright ght normalizing norma lizing the furna furnace ce atmosp atmosphere here is contr controlled olled to preve prevent nt oxidizing of the strip surface.

6.1   Heat Analysis—  An   An analysis for each heat of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentage of  elements shown in Table in  Table 1. 1.  This analysis shall conform to the requirements shown in Table in  Table 1. 1.  When requested, heat analysis shall be reported to purchaser or his representative.

3.1.7   skin-rolled— a ter term m den denotin oting g a rel relativ atively ely light col cold d rolling operation following annealing. It serves to reduce the tendency of the steel to flute or stretcher strain during fabrication. It is also used to impart surface finish, or affect hardness or other mechanical properties, or to improve flatness.

6.2  Product, Check, or Verification Analysis  may be made by the purchaser on the finished material. 6.2. 6. 2.1 1 Cap Cappe ped d or ri rimm mmed ed st stee eels ls ar aree no nott te tech chno nolo logi gica cally lly suited to product analysis due to the nonuniform character of  their the ir che chemica micall com compos positio ition n and ther therefo efore, re, the tole toleran rances ces in Table 2 do 2  do not apply. Product analysis is appropriate on these types typ es of ste steel el onl only y whe when n misa misappl pplicat ication ion is app appare arent nt or for copper when copper steel is specified.

3.1.8   temper—   a de desi sign gnati ation on by nu numb mber er to in indi dica cate te th thee hardness as a minimum, as a maximum, or as a range. The tempers are obtained by the selection and control of chemical 2

A109/A109M − 14 TABLE 1 Heat Analysis


TABLE 3 Hardness Requirements

Composition– Wt % Temper No. 1, 2, 3


Carbon, max M a n g a n e s e, m a x Phosphorous, max Sulfur, max SiliconA AluminumA,B  CopperC  Nickel, maxD  Chromium, maxD , E  Molybdenum, maxD  Vanadium F  ColumbiumF  TitaniumF 

INCH-POUND UNITS Thic Th ickn knes ess, s, in in..

Temper No. 4, 5

0. 25 0. 90 0 .0 2 5 0 .0 2 5 ... ... 0. 20 0. 20 0. 15 0. 06 ... ... ...

Temper Under 0 .0 2 5 0. 04 0 0. 07 0 0. 30 0

Through ... 0. 02 5 0. 04 0 0. 07 0

No. 2A (half-hard)

0 .0 2 5 0. 04 0 0. 30 0

... 0. 02 5 0. 04 0

15T83.5 30T63.5 B 7 0 .0

15T88.5 30T73.5 B85

No. 3A (quarter-hard)

0. 02 5 0. 04 0 0. 30 0

... 0. 02 5 0. 04 0

15T80 30T56.5 B 60

15T85 30T67 B7 5

No. 4A,B  (skin-rolled)

0 .0 2 5 0. 04 0 0. 30 0

... 0. 02 5 0. 04 0

... ... ...

15T82 30T60 B6 5

No. 5A,B  (dead-soft)

0 .0 2 5 0. 04 0 0. 30 0

.... ... ...

15T78.5 30T53 B5 5

No. 1 (hard)

0 .1 5 0. 60 0. 02 5 0 .0 2 5 ... ... 0. 20 0. 20 0. 15 0. 06 ... ... ...


Where an ellipsis (. . .) appears in this table, there is no requirement, but the analysis analys is shall be report reported ed unless otherwise otherwise specifi specified ed in this specification. specification. B  The analysis shall be reported. When killed steel is specified and aluminum is the deoxidizing element, the minimum is 0.02, and the analysis shall be reported. C  When Whe n cop copper per steel is spe specifi cified, ed, the cop copper per limit specified specified is a min minimu imum m requirement. When copper steel is not specified, the copper limit is a maximum requirement. D  The sum of copper, nickel, chromium, and molybdenum shall not exceed 0.50 % on heat analysis. When one or more of these elements is specified, the sum does not apply; in which case, only the individual limits on the remaining elements will apply. E  Chromium is permitted, at the producer’s option, to 0.25 % maximum when the carbon is less than or equal to 0.05 %. In such case, the limit on the sum of the four elements in Footnote D does not apply. F  Reporting shall be required when the level for any of these elements exceeds 0.008 wt%.


Carbon M an g an es e Phosphorus S u l fur Copper

Limit or Maximum of Specified Element %

Under Minimum Limit

Over Maximum Limit

0.02 0.03 0 .0 3 ... ... 0 .0 2

0.03 0.04 0. 03 0. 01 0 .0 1 ...

to 0 .1 5 , i n c l over 0.15 to 0.25, incl to 0 . 6 0 , i n c l

Roc ockw kwel elll Hard Hardne ness ss Maximun M i ni m u m (approx.) 15T90 ... 30T76 ... B 9 0. 0 ... B 8 4. 0 ...

Through ... 0 .6 1 .0 1 .8

No. 2A (half-hard)

0 .6 1 .0 7 .6

... 0 .6 1 .0

15T83.5 30T63.5 B 7 0. 0

15T88.5 30T73.5 B85

No. 3A (quarter-hard)

0. 6 1 .0 7 .6

... 0 .6 1 .0

15T80 30T56 B 60

15T85 30T67 B 75

No. 4A,B  (skin-rolled)

0 .6 1 .0 7 .6

... 0 .6 1 .0

... ... ...

15T82 30T60 B6 5

No. 5A,B  (dead-soft)

0 .6 1 .0 7 .6

... 0 .6 1 .0

... ... ...

15T78.5 30T53 B5 5

Tolerance Element

... 0. 02 5 0. 04 0 SI UNITS Thic Th ickn knes ess, s, mm

Under 0. 6 1 .0 1 .8 7 .6

No. 1 (hard)

TABLE 2 Tolerances for Product Analysis

Roc ockw kwel elll Hard Hardne ness ss Maximum M i ni m u m (approx.) 15T90 ... 30T76 ... B 9 0 .0 ... B 8 4 .0 . ..


Rockwell hardness values apply at time of shipment. Aging may cause slightly higher values when tested at a later date. B  Where No. 4 and 5 tempers are ordered with a carbon range of 0.15 to 0.25 %, the maximum hardness requirement is established by agreement.

6.2.2 For steels other than rimmed or capped, capped, when product product analysis is made by the purchaser, the chemical analysis shall not vary from the limits specified by more than the amounts in Table 2. 2.   The several determinations of any element shall not vary both above and below the specified range.

7.1.1 Whe 7.1.1 When n a temp temper er num number ber is not specified, specified, Rockwell Rockwell hardness requirements are established by agreement. 7.2 It is recommended recommended that hardness values values be specifi specified ed in the same scale as that which will be used in testing the strip.

6.3 For re 6.3 refer feree ee pu purp rpose oses, s, if req requir uired, ed, Test Me Metho thods, ds, Practices, and Terminology A751 Terminology  A751 shall  shall be used.

7.3 Bend tests shall be conducted conducted at room temperature temperature and test specimens shall be capable of being bent to the requirements shown in  Table 4. 4.

6.4 For applications applications where cold-rolle cold-rolled d strip is to be welded welded,, care must be exercised in selection of chemical composition, as well as mech mechani anical cal pro proper perties ties,, for com compat patibil ibility ity with the welding process and its effect on altering the properties.

7.4 All mechanical mechanical tests are to be condu conducted cted in accordance accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370 Definitions  A370..

7. Temper and Bend Test Test Requirement

8. Edg Edgee

7.1 Col Cold-r d-roll olled ed car carbon bon str strip ip spe specifie cified d to temp temper er num number berss shall conform to the Rockwell hardness requirements shown in Table 3. 3.

8.1 The desired edge edge number shall be specified as follows: follows: 8.1.1   Numbe prep epar ared ed ed edge ge of a sp speci ecifie fied d Numberr 1 Ed Edge ge   is a pr contou con tourr (ro (round und or squ square are), ), whi which ch is pro produc duced ed whe when n a ver very y 3

A109/A109M − 14 TABLE 4 Bend Test Requirement

8.1.5   Numb approx roxima imately tely squ square are edg edgee Number er 5 Ed Edge ge   is an app produced from slit-edge material on which the burr is eliminated usually by rolling or filing. 8.1.6   Number 6 Edge   is a square edge produced by edge rolling the natural edge of hot-rolled strip or slit-edge strip. Thiss edg Thi edgee is pro produc duced ed whe when n the width tolerance tolerance and edg edgee condition are not as exacting as for No. 1 edge. 8.1.7   Skived Edges   are custom shaped edges produced by mechanical edge shaving with special tooling.

NOTE   1—Test specimens shall be capable of being bent as specified above without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. (See applicable figure in Test Metho Methods ds and Definitions A370 Definitions A370..) Temper No. 1 (h No. (har ard) d) No.. 2 (hal No (halff-ha hard rd)) No. 3 (quar (quarter ter-ha -hard) rd)

No. 4 (s No. (ski kinn-ro roll lled ed)) No.. 5 (dea No (deadd-so soft ft))

Bend Test Requirement Not re Not requ quir ired ed to ma make ke be bend nds s in an any y di dire rect ctio ion. n. Bend Be nd 90 90°° tr tran ansv sver erse se ar arou ound nd a ra radi dius us eq equa uall to th that at of the thickness. Bend Ben d 180° 180° tra transv nsvers erse e over over one one thic thickne kness ss of of the the strip and 90° longitudinal around a radius equal to the thickness. Bend Be nd fla flatt up upon on it itse self lf in an any y di dire rect ctio ion. n. Bend Be nd fla flatt up upon on it itse self lf in an any y di dire rect ctio ion. n.

9. Dimensional Tolerances Tolerances 9.1 The dimensional dimensional tolerances tolerances shall be in accord accordance ance with Tables 5-11 as 5-11  as follows:

accurate width is required or when an edge condition suitable for electroplating is required, or both. 8.1.2  Number 2 Edge  is a natural mill edge carried through the col cold d rol rolling ling fro from m the hot hot-ro -rolled lled str strip ip with without out add additio itional nal processing of the edge. 8.1.3   Numb approx roximat imately ely squ square are edg edge, e, Number er 3 Ed Edge ge   is an app produc pro duced ed by slit slitting ting,, on whi which ch the burr is not eliminate eliminated. d. Normal coiling or piling does not necessarily provide a definite positioning of the slitting burr. 8.1.4   Number 4 Edge  is a rounded edge produced by edge rolling either the natural edge of hot-rolled strip or slit-edge strip. This edge is produced when the width tolerance and edge condition are not as exacting as for No. 1 edge.

Tolerances for

Table Number

Thickness, in. W i d th , i n . Le n gt h, i n. Camber, in. Flatness, in.

5 6, 7, 8 9 10 11

10. Wo Workmanship, rkmanship, Finish, and Appearance Appearance 10.1 Cut lengths shall have a workmanlike workmanlike appearance appearance and shall sh all no nott ha have ve im impe perf rfec ectio tions ns of a na natu ture re or de degr gree ee fo forr th thee produc pro duct, t, the gra grade, de, and the des descri criptio ption n ord ordere ered d tha thatt will be detrimental to the fabrication of the finished part. 10.2 Coils may contain some abnormal imperfections imperfections which render a portion of the coil unusable since the inspection of 

TABLE 5 Thickness Tolerances of Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip A,B ,C  Cold-Rolled Carbon Strip Steel Including High-Carbon Strip Steel

Nominal Gage (in.) 0 . 2 5 1 - 0 .3 0 0 0 . 1 6 0 - 0 .2 5 0 0 .1 2 5 - 0 .1 5 9 9 0 .0 7 0 - 0 .1 2 4 9 0 .0 4 0 - 0 .0 6 9 9 0 .0 3 0 - 0 .0 3 9 9 0 .0 2 0 - 0 .. 0 2 9 9 0 .0 1 5 - 0 .0 1 9 9 0 .0 1 0 - 0 .0 1 4 9 < 0. 01 0

Nominal Gage (mm) 6 .4 0 - 7 .5 0 4 .0 0 - 6 .3 9 3 .2 0 - 3 .9 9 1 .8 0 - 3 .1 9 1 .0 0 - 1 .7 9 0 .7 5 - 0 .9 9 0 .5 0 - 0 .7 4 0 .3 8 - 0 .4 9 0 .2 5 - 0 .3 7 < 0 .2 5

Inch-Pound Units (in.) Thickness Tolerances (Plus or Minus, in.) Over 1 ⁄ 2  to 12 to less less than than 18 12 wide 0 .0 0 3 0 0. 00 3 5 0 .0 0 2 5 0. 00 3 2 0 .0 0 2 2 0 .0 0 2 8 0 .0 0 1 8 0 .0 0 2 2 0 .0 0 1 4 0 .0 0 1 8 0 .0 0 1 2 0 .0 0 1 5 0 .0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 1 3 0 .0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 0 5 0 .0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 0 3 0 .0 0 0 6 SI Units (mm) Thickness Tolerances (Plus and Minus, mm) Over 12.7 to less than 300 to less 300 th a n 4 5 0 0 .0 8 0 0 .0 9 0 0 .0 6 5 0 .0 8 0 0 .0 5 5 0 .0 7 0 0 .0 4 5 0 .0 5 5 0 .0 3 5 0 .0 4 5 0 .0 3 0 0 .0 3 5 0 .0 2 5 0 .0 3 0 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 2 5 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 0 7 0 .0 1 5


16 18 to 2315 ⁄ 16

0 .0 0 4 0 0 .0 0 3 6 0. 00 32 0. 00 28 0. 00 24 0. 00 20 0. 00 1 5 0. 00 12 0. 00 10 0. 00 08

4 5 0 to 6 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 .0 9 0 0 .0 8 0 0 .0 7 0 0 .0 6 0 0 .0 5 0 0 .0 4 0 0 .0 3 0 0 .0 2 5 0 .0 2 0

Measured 3 ⁄ 8  in. or more in from edge; and on narrower than 1 in., at any place between edges. Measured 10 mm or more in from edge; and on narrower than 25 mm, at any place between edges. C  Number 3 edge strip with thickness tolerance guaranteed at less than 3 ⁄ 8  in. [10 mm] from the slit edge is available by agreement between the consumer and the strip manufacturer. B 


A109/A109M − 14 TABLE 6 Width Tolerances of Edge Numbers 1, 4, 5, and 6 of Cold-Rolled Carbon-Steel Strip

10.3.1   Number 1 or Matte (Dull) Finish  is a finish without luster produced by rolling on rolls roughened by mechanical or other means. This finish is especially suitable for paint adhesion and may aid in drawing by reducing friction between die and steel surface. The user and the producer should agree on the permissible surface roughness range, based on the intended end-use. 10.3.2   Number 2 or Regular Bright Finish  is produced by rollin rol ling g on mod modera erately tely smooth smooth rol rolls. ls. It is sui suitab table le for many requirements, but not generally applicable to bright plating. 10.3.3   Number smoo ooth th Number 21 ⁄ 2   or Bett Better er Bri Bright ght Fin Finish ish   is a sm finish suitable for those plating applications where high luster is not required. 10.3.4  Number 3 or Best Bright Finish  is generally of high luster produced by special rolling practices, including the use of sp spec ecial ially ly pr prep epar ared ed ro rolls lls.. It is th thee hi high ghes estt qu qual ality ity fin finis ish h comm co mmon only ly pr prod oduc uced ed an and d is pa part rticu icular larly ly su suite ited d fo forr br brig ight ht plating. The production of this finish requires extreme care in proces pro cessin sing g and ext extens ensive ive ins inspec pectio tion. n. Pap Paper er int interl erleav eaving ing is freq fr eque uent ntly ly us used ed fo forr pr prot otec ectio tion. n. In ad addi ditio tion n to th thee su surf rface ace roughness values in Table in  Table 12, 12,  the user and producer may agree on gonio goniophoto photometric metric measurement measurement values (Rs/DI) in accor accor-dance with Test Methods E430 Methods  E430..




mi n



 ⁄  3  ⁄ 4


 ⁄  5

... ...

0 .0 9 3 8 0. 12 5

Width Tolerance, Plus and Minus, in.C  0 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5

 ⁄ 2 1 2 4

1 2 4 6

0 .0 2 5 0 .0 2 5 0 .0 3 5 0 .0 4 7

0 .1 8 7 5 0 .2 4 9 9 0 .2 4 9 9 0 .2 4 9 9

0 .0 1 5 0. 02 5 0. 04 7 0. 04 7

... ... 0 .0 0 8 0 .0 1 5 0 .0 2 3

0 .0 9 3 8 0. 12 5 0 .1 2 5 0. 0 .1 0 5 0 .0 8 0

0 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 0. 01 0 0. 01 0 0. 01 5

1 2 4 6

0 .0 2 5 0 .1 8 7 5 0 .0 2 5 0 .2 4 9 9 0 .0 3 5 0 .2 4 9 9 0 .0 4 7 0 .2 4 9 9 SI UNITS Specified Width, mmA Specified Specific Thickness, mmB  Over Through mi n max

0 .0 1 5 0. 02 5 0. 04 7 0. 04 7

200 25 50 15 0 10 0 5 00 6 00 25 50 15 0

Width Tolerance, Plus and Minus, in.C  0 .1 3 0 .3 8 0. 65 1 .2 0 0 .1 3 0 .2 5 0 .3 8 0 .3 8 0. 65 1 .2 0

Specified Specifi ed Width, in.A

1 1 4 4 4 4


5 5 5 5 5

 ⁄   ⁄ 4 5 9 20 12 3

6 6 6 6

 ⁄  1 2 4


Edge No. 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6

1 2. 5 ... 25 50 ... 1 00 5 00 ... 25 50

 ⁄  5 9 20 16 2315 ⁄ 16 34

Specified Thickness, in.B 

... 0 .6 0. 6 1. 0 ... 0 .4 0 .6 0 .6 0. 6 1. 0

3 .0 5 .0 6. 0 6. 0 3. 0 3 .0 2 .0 5 .0 6. 0 6. 0

11. Inspection 11.1 11 .1 When purchaser’s purchaser’s order stipulates that inspection and tests (except product analysis) for acceptance on the steel be made prior to shipment from the mill, the manufacturer shall affor af ford d the pur purcha chaser ser’s ’s ins inspec pector tor all reas reasona onable ble fac facilit ilities ies to satisfy him that the steel is being manufactured and furnished in acco accorda rdance nce with the spe specific cificatio ation. n. Mil Milll ins inspec pectio tion n by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’ tur er’ss ope operat ration ion.. All test testss and ins inspec pection tion (ex (excep ceptt pro produc ductt analys ana lysis) is) sha shall ll be mad madee at the place of man manufa ufactur cturee unl unless ess otherwise agreed.


Specified width must be withi Specified within n ranges stated for specifi specified ed edge number number.. Specified Specifi ed thickness must be within ranges stated for specified width. C  When edge, width and thickness are not defined by this table, tolerances are by agreement between producer and supplier. B 

TABLE 7 Width Tolerance Tolerances s of Edge Numbe Numberr 2 of Cold-Rolled Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip

12. Reje Rejectio ction n and Rehe Rehearin aring g 12.1 Un 12.1 Unles lesss ot othe herw rwis isee sp spec ecifi ified ed,, an any y re reje jecti ction on sh shall all be reported to the producer within a reasonable time after receipt of material by the purchaser.

INCH - POUND UNITS Specified Specifi ed Width, in. Width Tolerance, Plus and Over Through Minus, in. 1 1 32  ⁄ 2 2  ⁄ 32 3 64 2 5  ⁄ 64 5 64 5 10  ⁄ 64 3 32 10 15  ⁄ 32 18 15 20  ⁄  5 32 16 20 2315 ⁄ 16  ⁄ 32 SI UNITS S p e c i fi e d W i d th , m m Width Tolerance, mm Over Through P l us an d M i n us 1 2 .5 50 0 .8 50 1 00 1. 2 10 0 200 1. 6 20 0 400 2. 5 40 0 500 3. 0 50 0 600 4. 0

12.2 Materi Material al that is repor reported ted to be defective subsequent subsequent to the acceptanc acceptancee at the purchase purchaser’s r’s works shall be set asid aside, e, adequately adequ ately prote protected, cted, and corre correctly ctly identifi identified. ed. The prod producer ucer shall be notified as soon as possible so that an investigation may be initiated. 12.3 Sample Sampless that are repre representati sentative ve of the rejecte rejected d material shall be made available to the producer. In the event that the producer is dissatisfied with the rejection, he may request a rehearing. 13. Test Reports and Certification 13.1 Whe 13.1 When n test reports reports are required required by the purchase purchaser, r, the supplier shall report the results of all tests required by this specification and any additional tests required by this specification and/or the purchase order.

coils does not afford opportunity to remove portions containing imperfections as in the case with cut lengths. 10.3 Cold-r Cold-rolled olled strip steel finishes are usually specified specified to one of the following finishes. Typical surface roughness (Ra) ranges for each are included in  Table 12. 12.

13.2 When certification certification is requi required red by the purchase order, order, the supplier shall furnish a certification that the material has 5

A109/A109M − 14 TABLE 8 Width Tolerance Tolerances s for Edge Numbe Numberr 3 (Slit (Slit), ), Cold-Rolled Cold-Rolled Carbo Carbon n Steel Strip Specified Thickness, in. Over


... 0.01 6 0.06 8 0.09 9 0.16 0

0. 01 6 0. 06 8 0. 09 9 0. 16 0 0. 30 0

Over  1 ⁄ 2 Through 6 0 .0 0 5 0. 00 5 0. 00 8 0. 01 0 0. 01 6

Specified Thickness mm




... 1 .5 2 .5 4 .5

1. 5 2 .5 4 .5 7 .5


Through 100 0 .1 3 0 .2 0 0 .2 5 0 .4 0

INCH-POUND UNITS Width Tolerance, Plus and Minus, in. For Specified Width, in.A Over 6 Over 9 Over 12 Through Through Through 9 12 20 0. 00 5 0. 01 0 0. 01 6 0 .0 0 5 0. 01 0 0 .0 1 6 0 .0 1 0 0. 01 0 0 .0 1 6 0 .0 1 6 0. 01 6 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 2 0 0. 02 0 0 .0 3 1 S.I. UNITS Width Tolerance, Plus and Minus, mm For Specified Width, mmA Over Over 100 Over 300 200 Through Through Through 200 400 300 0 .1 3 0 .2 5 0 .4 0 0. 25 0 .2 5 0. 40 0. 40 0 .4 0 0. 50 0. 50 0 .5 0 0. 80

Over 20 Through 16 2315 ⁄ 16 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 3 1

Over 450 Through 600 0 .5 0 0. 50 0. 50 0. 80

Width is measured from the shear surface of the slit edge and not from the break.

TABLE 9 Length Tolerances of Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip INCH-POUND UNITS Specified Width, in. Over


 ⁄ 2 12

12 16 2315 ⁄ 16


From 24 Through 60 1  ⁄ 4 1  ⁄ 2 SI UNITS

Specified Width, mm Over ... 30 0

Through 300 60 0

From 600 Through 1500 10 15

been manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of this specification.

Length Tolerance, Plus Only, in. for Specified Length, in. Over 60 Through 120 1  ⁄ 2 3  ⁄ 4

Over 120 Through 240 3  ⁄ 4 1

Length Tolerance, Plus Only, mm for Specified Specifi ed Length Length,, mm Over 1500 Through 3000 15 20

Over 3000 25 25

standard format such as ANSI ASC X12.

14. Pro Product duct Marking Marking

13.3 A signature signature is not required on test reports. However, However, the document shall clearly identify the organization submitting the document. Notwithstandin Notwithstanding g the absence of a signat signature, ure, the organizatio orga nization n submit submitting ting the docum document ent is respo responsible nsible for the content of the document.

14.1 14 .1 As a mi mini nimu mum m re requ quir ireme ement nt,, th thee ma mate teria riall sh shall all be identifi iden tified ed by ha havi ving ng th thee ma manu nufa fact ctur urer er’s ’s na name me,, AS ASTM TM designation, design ation, weight, purch purchaser’s aser’s order numb number, er, and materia materiall identification legibly stenciled on the top of each lift or shown on a tag attached to the coils or shipping units.

13.4 When test reports reports are required, it is acceptable for the suppli sup plier er to rep report ort tes testt dat dataa fro from m the ori origin ginal al man manufa ufactur cturer er,, provided such data is not rendered invalid by the stripmaking process.

14.2 Bar coding is acceptable as a suppl supplementar ementary y identificatio ca tion n me meth thod od.. Bar co codi ding ng sh shou ould ld be co cons nsist isten entt wi with th th thee Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) standard prepared by the primary metals subcommittee of the AIAG bar code project team.

13.5 A Mat 13.5 Materi erial al Test Rep Report ort,, Cer Certific tificate ate of Ins Inspec pectio tion, n, or similar document document printed from or used in electronic form from an elec electro tronic nic dat dataa int interc erchan hange ge (ED (EDI) I) tran transmis smissio sion n sha shall ll be regarded as having the same validity as a counterpart printed in the cer certifie tifier’s r’s faci facility lity.. The con conten tentt of the EDI tran transmit smitted ted document must meet the requirements of the invoked ASTM standard(s) standa rd(s) and conform to any existing EDI agreem agreement ent between twee n the pur purcha chaser ser and the sup suppli plier er.. Not Notwit withst hstand anding ing the absence of a signature, the organization submitting the EDI transmission is responsible for the context of the report.

15. Pack Packagin aging g and Pack Package age Marking Marking 15.1 15. 1 Unl Unless ess oth otherw erwise ise spe specifie cified, d, the str strip ip sha shall ll be pac packed ked and loaded in accordance with Practices A700 Practices  A700.. 15.2 Whe 15.2 When n coi coils ls are ord ordere ered d it is customary customary to spe specif cify y a mini mi nimu mum m or ra rang ngee of in insi side de di diam amete eterr, ma maxi ximu mum m ou outsi tside de diameter, and a maximum coil weight, if required. The ability of manufacturers to meet the maximum coil weights depends upon individual mill equipment. When required, minimum coil weights are subject to negotiation.

NOTE   3—The 3—The in indu dust stry ry de defin finiti ition on as in invo voke ked d he here re is is:: ED EDII is th thee computer to computer exchange of business information in an agreed upon


A109/A109M − 14 TABLE 10 Camber Tolerances of Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip INCH-POUND UNITS Note 1—Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line, the measurement being taken on the concave side with a straight edge. Note 2—Camber tolerances as shown in the table are for any 8 ft. of length. For strip length under 8 ft., camber tolerance shall be subject to negotiation. Note 3—When the camber tolerances shown in Table in Table 10 are 10  are suitable for a particular purpose, cold-rolled strip is sometimes machine straightened.

W  =   = Width of strip, in. C  =   = Camber, in.

Over 12  ⁄  11 ⁄ 2

Specified Specifi ed Width, in. Through 11 ⁄ 2 16 2315 ⁄ 16

Camber Tolerance, in.  ⁄   ⁄ 

12 14

SI UNITS Note 1—Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line, the measurement being taken on the concave side with a straight edge. Note 2—Camber tolerances as shown in the table are for any 2000 mm length. For strip length under 2000 mm, camber tolerance shall be subject to negotiation. Note 3—When the camber tolerances shown in Table in Table 10 are 10  are suitable for a particular purpose, cold-rolled strip is sometimes machine straightened.

W  =   = Width of strip, mm C  =   = Camber, mm Over ... 50

W i d th , i n . Through 50 6 00

Standard Camber Tolerance, mm 10 5

TABLE 11 Flatness Tolerances of Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip It has not been practi practical cal to formul formulate ate flatness tolerances for cold-rolled cold-rolled carbon steel strip to represent the wide range of widths and thicknesses and variety of tempers produced.

TABLE 12 Typical Surface Roughness Ranges A Number 1 or Matte (Dull)B  Number 2 or Regular BrightC  Number 21 ⁄ 2   or Better BrightC  Number 3 or Best BrightC 

Ra 20-80 µin. Ra 20 µin. max Ra 10 µin. max Ra 4 µin. max


Due to vagaries in measuring surface roughness, as well as the inherent variability in such rolled surfaces, these values are only typical, and values outside these ranges would not be consid considered ered unexpected. unexpected. B  Measured Measur ed either parall parallel el with or across the rolling direction. C  Measured across the rolling direction.

16. Keywo Keywords rds 16.1 carbo carbon n steel, strip; cold rolled steel strip; steel strip



test at a point midway between the side edges on a single thickness only. There is some overlapping among the different scales, but the best scale to use in any given case is the one which will give the maximum penetration, without showing undue evidence of impression on the undersurface and without exceeding B100 or its equivalent on the dial. The use of a lighter load results in a loss of sensitivity, while a heavier load leads to a loss in accuracy. If the Rockwell ball is flattened by using it on a hard sample, it should be replaced, otherwise the subsequent subse quent readings will be af affected fected.. A tolera tolerance nce for check  testi tes ting ng,, of tw two o Ro Rock ckwe well ll po poin ints ts on th thee B sc scale ale be belo low w th thee minimum and above the maximum of the range specified, is commonly commo nly allowed to compen compensate sate for normal differences differences in equi eq uipm pmen ent. t. It is re reco comm mmen ende ded d th that at ha hard rdne ness ss nu numb mber erss be specified to the same scale as that to be used during testing.

X1.1 Mechanical Propertie Propertiess X1.1.1  Table X1.1 shows X1.1  shows the approximate mechanical properties corresponding to the five commercial tempers of coldrolled carbon steel strip. This table is presented as a matter of  generall infor genera information mation.. The limits of tensile streng strength, th, etc., are not intended as criteria for acceptance or rejection unless specifically agreed to by the manufacturer when accepting the order. The exact processing by different manufacturers will naturally vary slightly, so that absolute identity cannot be expected in their commercial tempers of cold-rolled strip. X1.2 Ident Identified ified Part Part X1.2.1 Cold-r X1.2.1 Cold-rolled olled carbon carbon steel strip can be furnished in the vari va riou ouss tem tempe pers rs to ma make ke an id iden entifi tified ed pa part rt pr prov ovid ided ed th thee fabrication of the part is compatible with the grade and temper of the steel specified. Proper identification of parts may include visual examination, examination, prints or descri descriptions ptions,, or a combin combination ation of  these. It is the general experience experience that most identified identified parts can be satisfactorily produced from one of the tempers. There are applications applica tions or requi requirement rementss that necessitate additional controls or limit the choice of processing methods. For most end part application only one kind of mechanical test requirement is normally employed. This test requirement is generally the Rockwell hardness test.

X1.4 Agin Aging g Phenomenon Phenomenon X1.4.1 Altho Although ugh the maximum ductility ductility is obtained in steel strip in its dead soft (annealed last) condition, such strip is unsuited for many forming operations due to its tendency to stre st retch tcher er st stra rain in or flu flute. te. A sm smal alll am amou ount nt of co cold ld ro roll llin ing g (skin-rolling) will prevent this tendency, but the effect is only temporary due to a phenomenon called aging. The phenomenon of aging is accompanied by a loss of ductility with an increase in hardness, yield point, and tensile strength. For those uses in which stretcher straining, fluting, or breakage due to agin ag ing g of th thee st stee eell is li like kely ly to oc occu curr, th thee st stee eell sh shou ould ld be fabricated fabric ated as promp promptly tly as possib possible le after skin-rolling. skin-rolling. When the above abo ve agi aging ng cha charact racteri eristic sticss are und undesir esirable able,, spe special cial kill killed ed (generally aluminum killed) steel is used.

X1.3 Rock Rockwell well Scal Scales es and Loads X1.3.1 Various scales and loads are employ X1.3.1 employed ed in Rockw Rockwell ell testing,, depen testing depending ding on the hardn hardness ess and thickn thickness ess of the strip to be tested. It is common practice to make the Rockwell hardness

TABLE X1.1 Approximate Mechanical Properties for Various Tempers of Cold-Rolled Carbon Strip

NOTE  1—These values are given as information only and are not intended as criteria for acceptance or rejection. S.I. units appear in brackets. Temper No. 1 (hard) No. 2 (half-hard) No.. 3 (q No (qua uart rter er-h -har ard) d) No. 4 (skin-rolled) No. 5 (dead-soft)

Tensile Strength,A † psi [MPa] 9 0 0 00 ± 1 0 00 0 [620 ± 70] 6 5 00 0 ± 10 0 0 0 [450 ± 70] 55 00 000 0 ± 10 00 000 0 [380 ± 70] 48 0 00 ± 6 0 00 [330 ± 40] 44 0 0 0 ± 6 0 0 0 [300 ± 40]

Elongation in 2 in. (50 mm) for 0.050 in. (1.27 mm) Thickness Thickn ess of Strip,B  %



A ve very ry st stif iff, f, co cold ld-r -rol olle led d st stri rip p in inte tend nded ed fo forr fla flatt bl blan anki king ng on only ly,, an and d no nott re requ quir irin ing g ability to withstand cold forming. A mo mode dera rate tely ly st stif ifff co cold ld-r -rol olle led d st stri rip p in inte tend nded ed fo forr li limi mite ted d be bend ndin ing. g.

10 ± 6 20 ± 7

A me medi dium um so soft ft co cold ld-r -rol olle led d st stri rip p in inte tend nded ed fo forr li limi mite ted d be bend ndin ing, g, sh shal allo low w dr draw awin ing g and stamping. A so soft ft du duct ctil ile e co cold ld-r -rol olle led d st stri rip p in inte tend nded ed fo forr dee deep p dr draw awin ing g wh wher ere e no su surf rfac ace e st stra rain in or fluting is permissible. permissible.C  A so soft ft du duct ctil ile e co cold ld-r -rol olle led d st stri rip p in inte tend nded ed fo forr dee deep p dr draw awin ing g wh wher ere e st stre retc tche herr st stra rain ins s or fluting are permis permissible. sible.C  Also for extrusions.

32 ± 8 39 ± 6


Tensile properties are based on the standard tension-test specimen for sheet metals, see appropriate figure in Test Methods and Definitions A370  A370.. Elongation in 2 in. (50 mm) varies with thickness of strip. For Temper No. 5, dead-soft temper, the percentage of elongation = 41 + 10 log “ t  “ t ” (t  =   = thickness, in. (mm)). Other tempers vary in a similar way. C  See X1.4 See  X1.4 for  for Aging Phenomenon. B 

† Editorially changed from ksi to psi.


A109/A109M − 14

SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committ Comm ittee ee A0 A01 1 ha hass id iden entifi tified ed th thee lo loca catio tion n of se selec lected ted ch chan ange gess to th this is st stan anda dard rd sin since ce th thee la last st iss issue ue (A109/A109M – 13) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2014.) Moved ed cop copper per req requir uiremen ements ts exp explan lanatio ation n in Tabl ablee 1 to (1) Mov Footnote C. Committ Comm ittee ee A0 A01 1 ha hass id iden entifi tified ed th thee lo loca catio tion n of se selec lected ted ch chan ange gess to th this is st stan anda dard rd sin since ce th thee la last st iss issue ue (A109/A109M – 08) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved October 1, 2013.) (1)  Updated the web site in Footnote 4.  7.1.1.. (2)  Corrected spelling in  7.1.1

 Corrected ed Table refere reference nce in in 10.3  10.3.. (3)  Correct

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm astm.org .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www .astm.org). org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the ASTM website (www.astm.or (www.astm.org/  g/  COPYRIGHT/).


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