A-Z of Almost Everything - Montague

May 27, 2016 | Author: Radebe5 | Category: N/A
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This sixth edition of the A to Z of almost Everything has been exhaustively and painstakingly updated and rationalised to accommodate new, and for the expansion of existing, material. No sections have been omitted although I have taken heed of the feedback from the general public and trimmed areas that might not necessarily be as helpful as I originally imagined. To that end I have removed my duplicate sorts of data throughout the book and more specifically the very obscure capitals from my gazetteer. This has enabled me to introduce a plethora of new facts across every section. For this edition every section through Abbreviations, Art, Astronomy, Britain, Cinema, Famous People, Literature, Music, Nature, Politics, Science, Sport, and Transport has been revised and added to as new terms become en vogue, young artists flourish, planetary moons continue to be discovered, films win awards and chemical elements previously unnamed are now given nomenclature - albeit temporary in some cases The Current Affairs section again covers three years, rather than the usual two, and the sporting record inevitably highlights the magnificent London Games of 2012 as does the sports section itself. The Geography section is always a major undertaking and two countries, Libya and Burma (Myanmar) have new flags and of course I have introduced the flag of South Sudan. My cut-off point for new information is usually the December of the previous year of publication but I have endeavoured to maintain records right up to going to press in October 2013 so you will notice many of the lists are updated to 2013 unless the event takes place after this date. The general revision of the book is the most extensive yet and although no information has been lost I have tweaked the sections and adjusted the format to cram in as much useful information as possible and consequently the book has a rather different, perhaps fresher look. I hope you will be edified and entertained when dipping in to the book. As always I have done my utmost to achieve 100 per cent accuracy, but if I have fallen short or you would like to suggest new topics or discuss existing ones, then please write to me via my website.

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A to Z of Britain and Ireland A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture

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MONTAGUE PUBLISHING First published in Great Britain in 2001 by Little, Brown Second edition published in 2003 Third edition published in 2005 Fourth edition published in 2007 Fifth edition published in 2010 Sixth edition published in 2013 Copyright © 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013 Trevor Montague Introduction copyright © 2001 Magnus Magnusson The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN 978-0-7481-9998-3 Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY Papers used by Clowes are natural, renewable and recyclable products sourced from well-managed forests and certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council.

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Trevor Montague is a Masterminder. That is to say, in 1995 he became one of the 1,231 bravehearts who appeared on the television Mastermind during its twenty-five-year run. But Trevor Montague is much more than that: he is that notquite-so-rare-now animal, a quiz addict. Trevor is also a begetter of quiz-teams. There is an unofficial Mastermind mafia which meets every month in the Grape Street wine bar in London, and from its regulars Trevor puts together formidable scratch teams of veteran Masterminders to take part in all and any quiz challenges. Trevor is also the question-setter of the fledgling British Quiz Championship which is a part of the annual Mind Sports Olympiad at London’s Olympia. That in itself is a sign of the immense and growing popularity of quizzes of all kinds on television, on radio, in pubs, in the Civil Service, and now even on the Internet. And it has given rise to Trevor’s most ambitious project yet – An A–Z of Almost Everything : a massive factfile of information calculated to be of value to anyone and everyone interested in quizzes. But how does one define ‘General Knowledge’ as opposed to ‘Specialised Knowledge’? Indeed, when does ‘Specialised Knowledge’ become ‘General Knowledge’? With the staggering growth of pub quiz-teams and television game-shows over recent years, the reservoir of what used to be considered ‘General Knowledge’ has expanded out of all recognition. Over the twenty-five years of Mastermind, for instance, questions which would once have come into the specialised category became demoted to the General Knowledge sets. I tried to make that very point, as subtly as possible, in the last round of the last Final of the last Mastermind series (in Kirkwall Cathedral, Orkney, in 1997): the last question echoed the very first question I had asked, in the University of Liverpool back in 1972: Q: During the Spanish Civil War, which town in the Basque country was destroyed by German bombers, an event which was commemorated in a painting by Picasso? A: Guernica When that question was first asked in 1972, it was in a set of specialised questions on ‘The Visual Arts’; in 1997 it was in a General Knowledge set. So, what exactly makes up an A–Z of Everything? For Trevor, everything is grist to his insatiable mill. He has produced a monster factfile on an astonishing array of subjects from abbreviations to zodiac, embracing Americanisms, animal adjectives, assassination attempts, Carry On films, dubbed singing voices, famous dogs, gestation periods, London postal areas, middle names, nursery rhymes, obituaries, pub names, quantum theory, Schrödinger’s cat, sculptors, trains, Visigoth rulers and zip codes. I can think of few subjects which have been omitted, except perhaps for some of the classic Mastermind offerings which never made it to the screen: ‘orthopaedic bone cement in total hip-replacement’; ‘self-service petrol stations from 1963– 68’; ‘perfect squares from 992–9801’; and ‘motorway routes to anywhere in mainland Britain from Letchworth’. To put together this weighty tome, Trevor called upon his network of friends and colleagues in the Mastermind Club – that remarkable association of survivors of the Black Chair. The Club membership represents an astonishing reservoir of knowledge which its owners are always ready to impart to others. Many is the time I found myself marooned in a hotel without reference books and phoned friends in the Club to check on some vital detail which I needed for an occasion in the next morning. The quiz cognoscenti who will avidly devour this book may well start off feeling superior (‘I know that, of course!’), but I am pretty sure that even they will find much to intrigue them in this shrine of serendipity.

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Introduction to the First Edition by Magnus Magnusson xii ABBREVIATIONS 1

Sporting Record 2011 148 Obituaries 2011 155 Daily Record 2012 159 Sporting Record 2012 164 Obituaries 2012 170

ARCHITECTURE Famous Architects 8 Architectural Terms 10 Pritzker Architecture Prize 12 ART Famous Artists and Sculptors 13 Painting Movements and Terms 23 Famous Works of Art General Information 30 ASTRONOMY Constellations 32 The Traditional Planets 32 Astronomers Royal 32 Planetary Satellites 33 Astronomy and Space: Selected Data 34 BRITAIN United Kingdom: Administration Centres 36 English County Councils 36 London Boroughs 36 Unitary Authorities 37 Scottish Districts 37 Welsh Districts 38 Northern Irish Districts 38 Shopping Centres 38 Pub Names 39 National Parks 40 Prisons 40 British Castles 41 Castles: General Information 49 British Cathedrals 50 British Cathedrals: General Information 52 Top 100 Greatest Britons 53 CALENDAR Wedding Anniversaries 54 Months of the French Revolutionary Calendar 54 Months of the Jewish Calendar 54 Months of the Muslim Calendar 54 Other Calendars 55 Commemorative Days 55 Birthstones 56 Chinese Years 56 Watches At Sea 56 Zodiac 56 CINEMA A-Z of Films 57 Films: General Information 111 First Films 113 Last Films 119 Oscars (Academy Awards) 123 COMPUTERS Common Terms 128 Internet Chat Abbreviations 129 CURRENT AFFAIRS Daily Record 2010 131 Sporting Record 2010 134 Obituaries 2010 140 Daily Record 2011 143

EDUCATION Public Schools 173 British Universities 173 Former Polytechnics 173 University of Cambridge 174 University of Oxford 174 University of London: Colleges 175 University of Durham: Colleges 175 Miscellaneous Information 175 FAMOUS PEOPLE Occupations, Former and Alternative 177 Assassinations 179 Attempted Assassinations 180 Catchphrases and Slogans 181 Causes of Death 186 Countries of Birth 189 Dying Words 192 First Names (of people better known By other names) 196 Firsts 197 Initials: Known by 199 Inventions and Discoveries 201 Marriages: By Female Spouse 203 Middle Names: By Surname 214 Nicknames 226 Traditional Occupations and Hobbies 229 Philosophers and Political Thinkers 230 An Explanation of Some Philosophical Terms 234 Real Names: By Assumed Name 235 Relationships 247 Crime and Punishment 249 FASHION AND DRESS General Information 252 Fashion Designers 259 British Designer of the Year 259 Clothes Care Instructions 260 Miss World Winners 260 British Hairdressers of the Year 260 FOOD AND DRINK Dishes, Ingredients and Terms 261 Fruit and Vegetable Varieties 264 Fruit: Latin Names and Origin 265 Vegetables: Latin Names and Origin 266 Spices: Latin Names and Origin 266 Food: Miscellaneous Information 268 Beers and Ales of the World 272 Cocktails 273 Flavouring 275 Drink: General Information 275 GEOGRAPHY British Overseas Territories 278 Capitals: By Country 278 Capitals: Other Useful to Know 279 Capitals: Former 280 Continents 281 Deserts: World’s Largest 281 Earth’s Extremes 281 Major Earthquakes 282 European Capitals of Culture 282 General Information 283 Geological Ages 284 Ice Ages: Years Before Present 284 Island Groups 285

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Islands 287 Islands: World’s Largest 289 Lakes: World’s Largest 289 Lakes: Other Notable 292 Mountains 292 Mountain Ranges: Longest 293 Mountain Ranges: General 293 Mountain Passes, Valleys & Gorges 296 Mountains: General 296 Oceans 301 British Place Names: Suffix & Prefix meanings 301 British Place Names: Meanings 302 World Place Names: Meanings 302 Places: Alternative Names 304 Places: Former Names 305 Rivers: World’s Longest 306 Rivers: Other Notable 306 Seas of the World 310 Seas: World’s Largest 311 Straits of the World 311 Towns and Cities on Rivers 312 Trenches: Deepest 313 Waterways 313 Definitions of Waterways 315 Sea Areas 315 Beaufort Scale 316 Roman Place Names of Britain 316 Roman Place Names of the World 317 World Table: Geographical Gazetteer 318 National Anthems 327 HISTORY Chronicles of World History 329 Modern History 371 LANGUAGE Derivation of Popular Phrases 375 Foreign Words and Phrases 379 Cockney Rhyming Slang 382 Greek Alphabet 384 Hebrew Alphabet 384 Americanisms 384 Forenames: Meanings 386 LITERATURE Autobiographies: By Title 389 First Lines of Books and Poems 391 Closing Words of Books and Poems 401 Index of Books (in title order) 402 Books: General Information 410 Jane Austen’s Characters 413 Charles Dickens’ Characters 418 The Pilgrim’s Progress Précis 430 Plays and Playwrights 432 Theatre: General Information 437 Theatres of the British Isles 438 Poetry: By Poet 440 Poetry: General Information 444 Whitbread Literary Award Winners 445 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 448 Booker Prize for Fiction 449 Orange Prize for Fiction 449 Fictional Literary Characters 449 Chaucer’s Canterbury Pilgrims 452 Mr Men and Little Misses 452 Poets Laureate 453 Servants (and Masters) 453 LONDON Theatres 454 Statues 455 Bridges 456 Postal Areas 457 General Information 458

MEDICINE Medical Discoveries 461 Bones in the Human Body 461 General Information 462 Phobias 465 MILITARY Operations: Military and Social 467 General Information 471 Comparative Ranks in the Armed Forces 472 Battles 472 The Victoria Cross 483 MUSIC: CLASSICAL Opera: Précis of Plots 485 Composers 487 Opera Characters 500 Operas and Operettas: First Performances 507 Operatic Suicides and Deaths 519 Opera: General Information 519 Hymns, Anthems, Songs and Ballads 520 Ballets 521 Ballet: General Information 522 Dance Types 523 Organ Stops 524 Ballet Dancers and Choreographers 524 Orchestral Positions 525 Master of the Queen’s Music 525 Classical Works 525 Musical Instructions 528 Names and Nicknames of Symphonies 529 Nicknames of Classical Works 531 General Information 534 Musical Instruments 536 Famous Musicians 539 Famous Singers 542 Conductors 545 MUSIC: POP Show and Film Songs 547 Dubbed Singing Voices of Well-known Actors 554 Theme Songs or Signature Tunes 554 TV and Radio Theme Tunes 555 Eurovision Song Contest Winners 556 Classical-based Pop Tunes 558 Composers of Pop Songs and Tunes 558 Derivation of Names 561 UK Number One Singles 565 Christmas No. 1s 581 LPs 582 Nationalities of Pop Groups and Soloists 586 Composition of Pop Groups 587 General Information 606 Previous Names of Groups 606 MYTHOLOGY AND LEGEND Deities 607 Groups 608 Twelve Labours of Hercules 608 General Information 609 Zeus’s Conquests 615 Famous Horses of Myth and History 615 Famous Dogs (Fact and Fiction) 616 NATURE Living Creatures (except birds) 617 Miscellaneous Information 623 Gestation Periods 625 Maximum Life Spans 625 Animal Cries 626 Animal Habitations 626 Animals: Young 626 Plants and Trees 626 Plants and Trees: Miscellaneous Information 630 Alternative Names of Flowers, Plants & Trees 631

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County Flowers 632 Birds 634 Birds: Miscellaneous Information 637 Collective Nouns 638 NEWSPAPERS National Newspapers 639 International Newspapers 639 Regional Newspapers 640 Editors 640 Agony Aunts, Horoscopes, Crosswords & Chess 640 Newspaper Cartoons and Cartoonists 641 General Information 641 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS 643 ORGANISATIONS Chairmen or Chief Executives 654 Organisations, Movements and Bodies 655 PERFUME Animal Sources 659 Plant, Mineral and Synthetic Sources 659 Perfumes and Perfume Houses 659 Miscellaneous 660 Founders 660 Perfume Families or Classification 660 Strengths and Forms of Perfume 660 PHOTOGRAPHY Photography and Cinematography 661 POLITICS Country – Name of Governmental Chambers 662 British Prime Ministers 666 General Election Results 2010 plus subsequent changes 670 Miscellaneous Information: after 2010 General Election 674 Cabinet Positions (past and present) 675 PROVERBS Biblical Proverbs (from the Book of Proverbs) 706 General Proverbs 706 QUOTATIONS Quotations 707 Nursery Rhymes 710 RELIGION Popes (List of) 711 Popes: Miscellaneous Information 714 Religion: General Information 715 Archbishops of York 716 Patron Saints 716 Archbishops of Canterbury 717 Miscellaneous Information 718 The Bible: précis 719 SCIENCE Chemical Elements 727 Periodic Table of Elements 728 Chemistry: General Information 729 Geochemical Abundances of the Elements 729 Mathematics: General Information 730 Physics: SI Units 731 Derived Units 731 Physics: General Information 732 SHAKESPEARE Plays 733 Chronology of Plays (and other works) 759 Films Based on Shakespearian Works 759 General Information 760 First and Last Lines of Plays 761 Shakespearian Characters 762 First Lines of Shakespearian Sonnets 769

SOVEREIGNS General Information on Sovereigns of Britain 771 Kings and Queens of Britain 775 British Royalty: Miscellaneous Details 779 Order of Precedence 780 Order of Succession 780 Rulers of the British Isles 781 Other Important Historic Rulers 781 Holy Roman Emperors 783 Roman Emperors 784 SPORT AND LEISURE American Football 785 American Football: General Information 785 Angling: British Freshwater Records 786 Angling: Freshwater Champions 786 World Fly Fishing Champions 787 Archery: Target World Champions 787 Athletics: Olympic Games 2012 788 Athletics: General Information 789 Athletics: World Record Holders 789 Baseball: World Series 790 Baseball: General Information 792 Boxing Champions 792 Cricket: Trophy Winners from 1946 793 Cricket: General Information 794 Darts: World Champions 795 Darts: General Information 795 Darts: News of the World Champions 796 Football: English League Winners 796 English League Clubs 798 Scottish League Clubs 799 European Nations Championship 800 PFA Young Player of the Year 800 PFA Player of the Year 800 FIFA World Footballer of the Year 801 Football Writers’ Player of the Year 801 European Footballer of the Year 801 General Information 802 FA Cup Winners 803 European Cup Winners’ Cup 805 European Champions Club Cup 806 European Super Cup 807 Original 12 Football League Clubs 807 Women’s World Cup 807 Asian Cup 807 African Champions Cup 807 African Cup of Nations 807 FIFA Club World Cup 808 Copa America 808 Copa Libertadores 808 Scottish Cup Finals 808 World Cup 810 Inter-Cities Cup (became UEFA Cup in 1972) 811 Football League Cup 811 Scottish League Cup 812 Scottish League Champions 813 Golf: Majors 813 Golf: World Matchplay Championship 815 Golf: Ryder Cup 815 Golf: General Information 816 Greyhound Racing 816 Horse Racing: British Classics & Grand National 816 Horse Racing: General Information 822 Motor Racing: Formula 1 World Champions 823 Motor Racing: General Information 824 Olympics: Venues 824 Olympics: General Information 825 Olympics (Summer) British Gold Medal Winners 825 Rugby League Challenge Cup Winners 832 Rugby League – Man of Steel 834 Rugby Union Six Nations Championship 834 Tennis: Wimbledon Champions 835 Tennis: US Open 836

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Tennis: Australian Open 838 Tennis: French Open 839 Tennis: General Information 840 Sporting Trophies 840 Television Sports Personality of the Year 842 Commonwealth Games Venues 842 Number of Players in a Team 843 Sportspeople 843 Sporting Terms 846 World’s Strongest Man & Superstars 850 Miscellaneous Information: Sport 850 Games: Miscellaneous 852 Stamps: First Issues 855 TELEVISION Programmes 856 Television, Radio and Media Adverts 868 Television and Radio: Miscellaneous Information 869 TRANSPORT: AIRCRAFT Chronology 871 Airports: UK 875 Airlines 875 Airport Codes 876 Airports: International 876 TRANSPORT: CARS Makes and Models 878 Motorways 879 Vehicle Number Plates 879 General Information 880 TRANSPORT: SHIPS Famous Ships: Miscellaneous 880 Famous Ships: Naval 881 Famous Ships: Voyages of Exploration 882 General Information 883 TRANSPORT: TRAINS Railway Tunnels: World’s Longest 883 Railway Bridges: World’s Longest 883 London Underground Stations: Name Changes 884 Current British Railway Operating Companies 884 Railway Stations: Locations 884 Railways: General Information 884 UNITED STATES Presidents 886 Vice Presidents 886 Presidents & Vice Presidents: Miscellaneous Information 887 States 888 States: Bordered by 890 Statistical Information 891 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS OF INTEREST Units of Length 893 Paper Sizes 893 Book Sizes 893 Morse Code 893 Mnemonics 893 Colours 893 Angles 894 Adjectives 894 Roman Roads 894 Alphabets 895 US Money 895 British Money 895 UK Telephone STD Codes 896 And finally 896

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ASB Alternative Service Book ASBM Air-to-Surface Ballistic Missile ASBO Anti-Social Behaviour Order ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASDA ASsociated DAiries ASDE Airport Surface Detection Equipment ASDIC Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations ASH Action on Smoking and Health ASLEF Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen ASSC Accounting Standards Steering Committee ASSR Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic ASTMS Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staff AT & T American Telephone and Telegraph Company ATC Air Traffic Control; Air Training Corps ATM Automated Teller Machine; Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATOL Air Travel Organisers Licence ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service; Automated Traffic Signal ATV Associated TeleVision AUC Anno Urbis Conditae (in the year of the founding of the city); Ab Urbe Condita (years since the foundation of Rome) AUEW Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (now AEU) AUT Association of University Teachers AVR Army Volunteer Reserve AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System AWOL Absent WithOut Leave / Absent Without Official Leave AWP Amusement With Prizes AWRE Atomic Weapons Research Establishment BA Bachelor of Arts; British Airways BAA British Airports Authority BAC British Aircraft Corporation BACS Bankers’ Automated Clearing Service BACUP British Association of Cancer-United Patients BAF British Athletics Federation BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts BALPA British AirLine Pilots’ Association BANANA Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone BAOR British Army Of the Rhine BARB British Audience Research Bureau; Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board BART Baronet BART Bay Area Rapid Transit BASIC Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BAT British American Tobacco Company BBBC British Boxing Board of Control BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BBFC British Board of Film Censors / Classification (new title) BC Before Christ; British Colombia BCC British Chamber of Commerce BCE Before Common / Christian Era BCh(D) / BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery BEBO Blog Early Blog Often BEC Building Employers’ Confederation BECTU Broadcasting, Entertainment and Cinematograph Technicians Union BEF British Expeditionary Force BEM British Empire Medal BES Business Expansion Scheme BEST British Expertise in Science and Technology BFI British Film Institute BFPO British Forces Post Office BHF British Heart Foundation BHI British Horological Institute BIFU Banking, Insurance and Finance Union BIM British Institute of Management BIT BInary DigiT BLitt Bachelor of Letters BLOG weB LOG BMA British Medical Association BMJ British Medical Journal BMR Basal Metabolic Rate BMX Bicycle Motocross BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation BOGOFF Buy One, Get One For Free

A & E Accident and Emergency A & P Advertising and Promotion A & R Artists and Repertoire / Recording AA Automobile Association; Alcoholics Anonymous AAA Amateur Athletic Association; Anti-Aircraft Artillery AAM Air-to-Air Missile ABC Atomic, Biological and Chemical; American Broadcasting Company; Australian Broadcasting Commission ABH Actual Bodily Harm ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile ABRACADABRA ABbreviations and Related ACronyms Associated with Defense, Astronautics, Business and RAdioelectronics ABS Anti-lock Braking System ABTA Association of British Travel Agents AC Alternating Current; Audit Commission A/C Account ACAS Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service ACCA Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants ACLU American Civil Liberties Union ACM Air Chief Marshal ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers ACPOS Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland ACT Advance Corporation Tax ACTT Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Technicians ACV Air-Cushion Vehicle AD Anno Domini ADC Aide-De-Camp ADCM Archbishop of Canterbury’s Diploma in Church Music ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AEEU Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union AEGIS Aid for the Elderly in Government InstitutionS AEU Amalgamated Engineering Union AFP Agence France Press AFR Automatic Fingerprint Recognition AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle AG Attorney General; Adjutant General AGM Air-to-Ground Missile; Annual General Meeting AGR Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor AH Anno Hegirae (from 622 AD, the start of the Muslim calendar) AI Artificial Intelligence; Amnesty International; Artificial Insemination AID Artificial Insemination by Donor AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIM Alternative Investment Market AKA Also Known As ALGOL ALGOrithmic Language ALICE Autistic and Language-Impaired Children’s Education ALWR Advanced Light Water Reactor AM Ante Meridiem; Amplitude Modulation AMCST Associate, Manchester College of Science and Technology AMICE Associate Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers ANC African National Congress ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition ANZAC Australian and New Zealand Army Corps AOL America On Line AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty AP Associated Press; Artist’s Proof APEX Advance Purchase EXcursion; Association of Professional, EXecutive, Clerical and Computer Staff APR Annual / Annualised Percentage Rate APT Advanced Passenger Train APWR Advanced Pressurised Water Reactor ARCO Associate of the Royal College of Organists ARCS Associate of the Royal College of Science ARP Association of Retired Persons; Air-Raid Precautions AS Advanced Subsidiary (Education) ASA Advertising Standards Authority; Amateur Swimming Association ASAP As Soon As Possible


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ABBREVIATIONS BOOTP BOOTstrap Protocol BPD Barrels Per Day BPS Bits Per Second; Bytes Per Second BRCS British Red Cross Society BSA Birmingham Small Arms BSAD British Sports Association for the Disabled BSB British Satellite Broadcasting BSc Bachelor of Science BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BSI British Standards Institution BSL British Sign Language BST British Summer Time BSW British Standard Whitworth Bt Baronet BTEC Business and Technology Education Council BTP British Transport Police BUNA BUtadiene and NAtrium (synthetic rubber) BUPA British United Provident Association BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server BVM Blessed Virgin Mary BWIA British West Indian Airways BWR Boiling Water Reactor BYO Bring Your Own CAA Civil Aviation Authority CAB Citizens Advice Bureau CAD Computer Aided Design CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting CAFOD CAtholic Fund for Overseas Development CAL Computer Aided Learning CAMRA CAMpaign for Real Ale CAN Christian Advertising Network Cantab Cantabrigiensis (of Cambridge) CAP Computer Aided Publishing; Common Agricultural Policy CARE Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere CAT Computerised Axial Tomography CB Companion of the order of the Bath CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBD Central Business District CBE Commander of the Order of the British Empire CBI Confederation of British Industry CBS Columbia Broadcasting System CCRC Criminal Cases Review Commission CCTV Closed Circuit TeleVision CDI Compact Disc Interactive CDS Chief of the Defence Staff CE Christian Era; Common Era CEO Chief Executive Officer CERN Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire CET Central European Time; Common External Tariff cf confer (compare) CFC ChloroFluoroCarbon CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (see ME) CGM Conspicuous Gallantry Medal CGS Centimetre-Gramme-Second; Chief of General Staff CH Companion of Honour CHP Combined Heat and Power CIA Central Intelligence Agency CICB Criminal Injuries Compensation Board CID Criminal Investigations Department CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy CIS Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet republics) CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CIWF Compassion In World Farming CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease CLA Country Landowners’ Association CM Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery) CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament CNN Cable News Network COBOL COmmon Business-Oriented Language COBRA Cabinet Office Briefing Room A COD Cash On Delivery COHSE Confederation Of Health Service Employees (Now UNISON) COI Central Office of Information

COMECON COuncil for Mutual ECONomic aid / assistance COMINTERN COMmunist INTERNational CPRE Council for the Protection of Rural England CPS Crown Prosecution Service; Characters Per Second CPSA Civil and Public Services Association CPU Central Processing Unit CRC Carbon Reduction Commitment CRE Commission for Racial Equality CRT Cathode Ray Tube CS (gas) Carson and Staughton CSA Child Support Agency CSE Certificate of Secondary Education CSO Central Statistical Office CT Computerised Tomography CTO Cancelled To Order (Philately) CTS Counter Terrorist Search CTT Capital Transfer Tax CURE Care, Understanding, REsearch CV Curriculum Vitae; Cardio Vascular CVD Compact Video Disc CVO Commander of the Royal Victorian Order CVP Climate, Vegetation and Productivity CWU Communication Workers’ Union CYP Children and Young Persons DA District Attorney DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting DAGMAR Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results D & C Dilatation and Curettage DAR Daughters of the American Revolution DAT Digital Audio Tape DBE Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire DBS Direct Broadcasting by Satellite DC Direct Current; District of Columbia DCL Doctor of Civil Law DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal DCMG Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George DCMS Department for Culture, Media and Sport DD Doctor of Divinity DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery DDT DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DERV Diesel-Engined-Road Vehicle DFC Distinguished Flying Cross DFM Distinguished Flying Medal DHTML Dynamic HyperText Mark-up Language DIF Data Interchange Format DINKY Double Income No Kids Yet DipSW Diploma in Social Work DLitt Doctor of Letters DLR Docklands Light Railway DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid DOA Dead On Arrival DORA Defence Of the Realm Act (1914) DOS Disc Operating System DPA Data Protection Act DPP Director of Public Prosecutions DQL Data Query Language DSA Driving Standards Agency DSC Distinguished Service Cross DSL Digital Subscriber Line DSM Distinguished Service Medal DSO Distinguished Service Order DSS Department of Social Security DTI Department of Trade and Industry DTLR Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions DTP Desk-Top Publishing DVD Digital Versatile / Video Disc DVLA Driver Vehicle Licensing Authority DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DWI Drinking Water Inspectorate DWP Department for Work and Pensions DWT Denarius WeighT (pennyweight); Dead Weight Tonnage EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory


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ABBREVIATIONS FRAM Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music FRAS Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society FRBS Fellow of the Royal Botanical Society FRCGP Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners FRCM Fellow of the Royal College of Music FRCOG Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists FRCP Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians FRHS Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society FTP File Transfer Protocol FTSE Financial Times Stock Exchange FTW For The Win FWTK FireWall Tool Kit FYI For Your Information GAA Gaelic Athletic Association GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GBE Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire GBH Grievous Bodily Harm GC George Cross GCB Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters GCS Glasgow Coma Scale GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education GCVO Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order GDBA Guide Dogs for the Blind Association GDP Gross Domestic Product Gestapo GEheime STAatsPOlizei GIF Graphics Interchange Format GIFT Gamete IntraFallopian Transfer GMB Grand Master Bowman GMT Greenwich Mean Time GNP Gross National Product GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification GPMU Graphical, Paper and Media Union GPS Global Positioning System GRAS Generally Regarded As Safe GRU Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye (military counterpart of KGB in former Soviet Union) GSOH Good Sense Of Humour HB Hard Black (pencil) HBM Her / His Britannic Majesty HCF Highest Common Factor HDRA Henry Doubleday Research Association (Gardening) HDTV High-Definition TeleVision HF High Frequency HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HJ Hic Jacet (here lies, seen on gravestones) HMCE Her/His Majesty’s Customs and Excise HMSO Her / His Majesty’s Stationery Office HNC Higher National Certificate HND Higher National Diploma HOLMES Home Office Large Major Enquiry System (police computer system) HOTOL HOrizontal Take-Off and Landing HRH Her/His Royal Highness HSH Her / His Serene Highness HSV Herpes Simplex Virus HTHL Horizontal Take-Off Horizontal Landing HTML HyperText Mark-up Language HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol HTVL Horizontal Take-Off Vertical Landing HWM High Water Mark IATA International Air Transport Association ib. ibidem (in the same place) IBA International Broadcasting Authority ibid. Ibidem (in the same place) ICAEW Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation ICBM InterContinental Balistic Missile ICU Intensive Care Unit IDDS Insulin Dependent Diabetic Syndrome i.e. id est (that is) IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare IFOR Implementation FORce

EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBV Epstein-Barr Virus EC European Commission/Community ECG ElectroCardioGram / Graph ECGD Export Credit Guarantee Department ECHR European Court of Human Rights; European Convention on Human Rights ECJ European Court of Justice ECO English Chamber Orchestra ECSC European Coal and Steel Community ECT Electro-Convulsive Therapy ECU European Currency Unit EDI Electronic Data Interchange EDM Early Day Motion EDP Electronic Data Processing EEC European Economic Community EEG ElectroEncephaloGram / Graph EFA European Fighter Aircraft; Extended File Attribute EFTA European Free Trade Association EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System e.g. exempli gratia (for example) EHF Extremely High Frequency EIB European Investment Bank EIS Educational Institute of Scotland E-Mail Electronic Mail EMF Electro-Motive Force; European Monetary Fund EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference EMS European Monetary System EMU ElectroMagnetic Unit; European Monetary Union ENEA European Nuclear Energy Agency ENG Electronic News Gathering ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyser and Computer ENO English National Opera ENSA Entertainments National Service Association ENT Ear, Nose and Throat EOC Equal Opportunities Commission EPCOT Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow ER Elizabeth Regina ERA Engine Room Artificer (navy) ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism ERNIE Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment EROM Erasable Read Only Memory ESA European Space Agency ESF European Social Fund ESP ExtraSensory Perception ESSO Standard Oil et seq. et sequentia (and the following) ETA Estimated Time of Arrival; Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (Basque separatist organisation) ETD Estimated Time of Departure EU European Union EVA ExtraVehicular Activity EWCB England and Wales Cricket Board E-ZINE Electronic magaZINE FANY First Aid Nursing Yeomanry FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation; For Attention Of FAP File Access Protocol FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Fax Facsimile transmission FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FBOU Fellow of the British Ornithologists’ Union FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office FGS Fellow of the Geographical Society FHS Fellow of the Heraldry Society FIA Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries FICE Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association FIFO First In, First Out FILO First In, Last Out FIRST Fixed Interest Rate Savings Tax free FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods FOIA Freedom Of Information Act FOREST Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco FORTRAN Formula Translation FPN Fixed Penalty Notice


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ABBREVIATIONS IFS Institute for Fiscal Studies IGC Inter-Governmental Conference IGY International Geophysical Year ILO International Labour Organisation IM Instant Message IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol IMO International Maritime Organisation INRI Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews) INSET INSErvice Training INST INSTant (current month) INTEGRAL INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory INTERPOL INTERnational Criminal POLice Organisation IOM Isle Of Man IOTA Infrared-Optical Telescope Array; International Occultation Timing Association IOW Isle Of Wight IPA International Phonetic Alphabet IQ Intelligence Quotient IRC International Red Cross IRS Internal Revenue Service IRSF Inland Revenue Staff Federation ISA Individual Savings Account ISBN International Standard Book Number ISH Information Super Highway ISO In Search Of; International Organisation for Standardisation ISP Internet Service Provider ISY International Space Year IT Information Technology ITA Initial Teaching Alphabet ITC Independent Television Commission ITU International Telecommunications Union; Intensive Therapy Unit ITV Independent TeleVision IV Intra Vires (within power); IntraVenous IVF In Vitro Fertilisation IWC International Whaling Commission J & B Justerini and Brooks JCR Junior Common Room JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff JP Justice of the Peace JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory JRDF Joint Rapid Deployment Force KBE Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire KCVO Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order KG Knight of the Order of the Garter KGB Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (State Security Committee in former Soviet Union) KT Knight of the Order of the Thistle LACS League Against Cruel Sports LAN Local Area Net (computer Internet) LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LAUTRO Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation LBO Leveraged BuyOut LCD Liquid Crystal Display LCE London Commodities Exchange LCJ Lord Chief Justice LCM Lowest Common Multiple LDOS Lord’s Day Observance Society LDV Local Defence Volunteers (Home Guard) LED Light Emitting Diode LEM Lunar Excursion Module LGV Light Goods Vehicle LH Liquid Hydrogen LIDAR LIght Detection And Ranging LIFFE London International Financial Futures and options Exchange LIFO Last In, First Out LIFT London International Festival Theatre LILO Last In, Last Out LLD Doctor of Laws LMS / LMSR London, Midland and Scottish Railway LNER London and North Eastern Railway LORAN Long RAnge Navigation LOX Liquid OXygen LSD Librae Solidi Denarii; LySergic Acid Diethylamide

LSE London School of Economics LSO London Symphony Orchestra LULU Locally Unacceptable Land Use LWM Low Water Mark M & B May and Baker (forerunner of antibiotics) MAD Mutually Assured Destruction MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving MAFF Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food MANWEB Merseyside And North Wales Electricity Board MASER Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Mb Mega Bit MB Mega Byte MBA Master of Business Administration MBE Member of the Order of the British Empire MBO Management BuyOut MBR Master Boot Record MCC Marylebone Cricket Club MCS Marine Conservation Society ME Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (see CFS) MEP Member of the European Parliament MFH Master of Fox Hounds MFN Most Favoured Nation M. ft. mistura fiat (let a mixture be made) MIDAS Missile Defence Alarm System MIG Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee MIPS Millions of Instructions Per Second MIRAS Mortgage Income Relief At Source MIRV Multiple Independently targeted Re-entry Vehicle MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology MKS Metre Kilogram Second MLR Minimum Lending Rate MM Messieurs; Military Medal MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella MNR Marine Nature Reserve MO Modus Operandi MOBO MOther BOard; Music Of Black Origin MOMA Museum Of Modern Art MOD Ministry Of Defence MOMI Museum Of Moving Image MORI Market and Opinion Research Institute MoT Ministry of Transport MP Member of Parliament; Military Police MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group MPLA Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRSA Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus MRT Magnetic Resonance Tomography MSF Manufacturing, Science and Finance (Union) MSP Member of Scottish Parliament MST Mountain Standard Time MWA Member of the Welsh Assembly MWGM Most Worthy Grand Master (Masons) NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAAFI Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes NABISCO NAtional BIScuit COmpany NACODS National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers NACRO National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders NALGO National Association of Local Government Officers (now UNISON) NAO National Audit Office NARAS National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation NAS / UWT National Association of Schoolmasters / Union of Women Teachers NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NB Nota Bene (note well) NBC National Broadcasting Company NBL National Book League NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties


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ABBREVIATIONS PCB Printed Circuit Board PCS Public and Commercial Services Union PCT Primary Care Trust PDA Personal Digital Assistant. Public Display of Affection PDF Portable Document File; Package Definition File PDSA People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals PEP Personal Equity Plan pH potential of Hydrogen ions PIA Personal Investment Authority (replaced LAUTRO) PIN Personal Identification Number PIPO Parallel In, Parallel Out Pixel Picture Element PLA Port of London Authority PLC Public Limited Company PLO Palestine Liberation Organisation PLR Public Lending Rights PM Post Mortem PMT Pre-Menstrual Tension PNMPB Police National Missing Persons Bureau POP Post Office Protocol POS Point Of Sale POW Prisoner Of War PP Per Procurationem (by proxy); Parallel Port PPI Pixels Per Inch PPS Parliamentary Private Secretary PPV Pay Per View pro tem. pro tempore (for the time being) PROM Programmable Read Only Memory PRP Profit-Related Pay PRS Performing Rights Society PS Post Scriptum PSBR Public Sector Borrowing Requirement PSDR Public Sector Debt Repayment PSV Public Service Vehicle PTI Physical Training Instructor PTO Please Turn Over PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PVC PolyVinylChloride QA Quantitative Analysis; Quality Assurance QANTAS Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Service QARANC Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps QARNNS Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service QBD Queen’s Bench Division QC Queen’s Counsel; Quality Control QED Quod Erat Demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated) QGM Queen’s Gallantry Medal QMG QuarterMaster General QMV Qualified Majority Voting QPM Queen’s Police Medal; Quality and Performance Management QSO Quasi-Stellar Object (quasar) QUANGO QUasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation qv quod vide (which see) RAC Royal Automobile Club RADA Royal Academy of Dramatic Art RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging RAEC Royal Army Educational Corps RAFVR Royal Air Force Voluntary Reserve RAM Random-Access Memory RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps RAVC Royal Army Veterinary Corps RBA Royal Society of British Artists RC Roman Catholic; Red Cross RCA Radio Corporation of America RCM Royal College of Music RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCN Royal College of Nursing REM Rapid Eye Movement REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers RFA Royal Fleet Auxiliary RFDS Royal Flying Doctor Service RH Relative Humidity RHA Regional Health Authority RHS Royal Historical / Horticultural / Humane Society

NCDL National Canine Defence League NCIS National Criminal Intelligence Service NCVO National Council for Voluntary Organisations NCVQ National Council for Vocational Qualifications NEDC National Economic Development Council (Neddy) NEET Not in Employment, Education or Training NFT National Film Theatre NFU National Farmers’ Union NGA National Graphical Association (now merged with SOGAT to form GPMU) NHI National Health Insurance NICE National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence NIDDS Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Syndrome NIMBY Not In My Back Yard NIREX Nuclear Industry Radioactive waste Executive NMRI Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging NORWICH (K)Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home NP Notary Public NPT Non-Proliferation Treaty NRA National Rifle Association; National Rivers Authority NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children NUCPS National Union of Civil and Public Servants (now the PCS) NUJ National Union of Journalists NUMAST National Union of Marine, Aviation and Shipping Transport Officers NUPE National Union of Public Employees (now UNISON) NUS National Union of Students NUT National Union of Teachers NVQ National Vocational Qualification NW Neighbourhood Watch NYO National Youth Orchestra NYT National Youth Theatre O & M Organisation and Method OAPEC Organisation of Arab Petroleum-Exporting Countries OAS Organisation of American States OAU Organisation of African Unity OBE Officer of the Order of the British Empire; Out-of-Body Experience OBO Ore Bulk Oil (carrier) OCR Optical Character Recognition OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OED Oxford English Dictionary OFFER OFFice of Electricity Regulation OFGAS OFfice of GAS Supply OFGEM OFfice of Gas and Electricity Markets OFSTED OFfice for STandards in EDucation OFTEL OFfice of TELecommunications OFWAT Office of Water Services OHMS On Her / His Majesty’s Service OM Order of Merit OMOV One Member One Vote ONO Or Near Offer OP Opposite Prompt side (theatre); Out of Print (publishing) op. cit. opere citato (in the work cited) OPCS Office of Population Censuses and Surveys OPEC Organisation of Petroleum-Exporting Countries OS Old Style; Ordnance Survey OSP Obiit Sine Prole (died without issue) OST Office of Science and Technology OT Old Testament OUDS Oxford University Dramatic Society OXFAM OXford Committee for FAMine Relief Oxon Oxoniensis (of Oxford) P & O Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company PABX Private Automatic Branch eXchange PACE Police And Criminal Evidence act parSec parallax second (3.26 light-years) PAL Phase Alternating Line PAN Personal Area Network PAS Power-Assisted Steering PAYE Pay As You Earn PBX Private Branch eXchange PC Personal Computer; Privy Council; Police Constable; Prince Consort; Politically Correct PCA Police Complaints Authority


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ABBREVIATIONS SOGAT Society Of Graphical and Allied Trades (now merged with NGA to form GPMU) SOM Start Of Message SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging SOS Save Our Souls SOWETO SOuth WEstern TOwnships (South Africa) SP Sine Prole (without issue) SPCK Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SPF Sun Protection Factor SPG Special Patrol Group SPQR Senatus PopulusQue Romanus (the Senate and People of Rome) SRA Squash Rackets Association SRN State Registered Nurse SS SchutzStaffel SSP Statutory Sick Pay SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest SST SuperSonic Travel START STrategic Arms Reduction Talks STD Subscriber Trunk Dialling; Sexually Transmitted Disease STOL Short TakeOff and Landing STRIVE Society for The Preservation of Rural Industrial and Village Enterprises STROBE Satellite TRacking Of Balloons and Emergencies STV Single Transferable Vote SVQ Scottish Vocational Qualification SWALK Sealed With A Loving Kiss SWAPO South West African People’s Organisation SWAT Special Weapons And Tactics TA Territorial Army TAMBA Twins And Multiple Births Association TASS Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Section (of AUEW); Telegrafnoye Agentsvo Sovetshkovo Soyuza (news agency) TAURUS Transfer and AUtomated Registration of Uncertified Stock TAVR Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve TAVRA Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Reserve Association TBA To Be Advised / Agreed / Announced / Arranged TCCB Test and County Cricket Board TEC Training and Enterprise Corporation TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language TELEX TELeprinter EXchange TES Times Educational Supplement TGWU Transport and General Workers Union 3GL Third Generation Language TIFF Tag Image File Format (computing) TIROS Television and InfraRed Observation Satellite TLD Top Level Domain TLR Twin Lens Reflex TLS Times Literary Supplement TM Transcendental Meditation; Trade Mark TNT TriNitroToluene Toc H Talbot House (Christian aid organisation) TSB Trustee Savings Bank TT Tuberculin Tested; Tourist Trophy TUC Trades Union Congress TVP Textured Vegetable Protein TWAIN Technology Without Any Interesting Name 24/7 Twenty-Four Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week TWOC Take WithOut Consent UA Unitary Authority UAE United Arab Emirates UCAS Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (replaced UCCA in 1993) UCATT Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians UCCA Universities Central Council on Admissions (replaced by UCAS in 1993) UCLA University of California Los Angeles UDA Ulster Defence Association UDC Urban Development Corporation (e.g. Docklands) Urban District Council UDI Unilateral Declaration of Independence UDM Union of Democratic Mineworkers UDP United Democratic Party; Ulster Democratic Party UDR Ulster Defence Regiment UEFA Union of European Football Associations

RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects RKO Radio-Keith-Orpheum RMT (National Union of) Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers RNA RiboNucleic Acid RNAS Royal Naval Air Service RNIB Royal National Institute for the Blind RNID Royal National Institute for the Deaf RNLI Royal National Lifeboat Institution RNR Royal Naval Reserve ROC Royal Observer Corps ROI Return On Investment ROM Read-Only Memory ROSPA ROyal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RP Received Pronunciation RPI Retail Price Index RRP Recommended Retail Price RSC Royal Shakespeare Company RSI Repetitive Stress/Strain Injury RSM Regimental Sergeant Major RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals RSV Revised Standard Version (Bible) RSVP Répondez S’il Vous Plaît RTA Road Traffic Accident RTE Radio Telefis Eireann RTS Royal Television Society RTZ Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation Ltd RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary RYS Royal Yacht Squadron SA Sociedad Anónima (Spanish: limited company); Société Anonyme (French: limited company) SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder SAE Stamped Addressed Envelope SAFE Saving Animals From Extinction SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SANE Schizophrenia – A National Emergency SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SAS Special Air Service SATB Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass SATS Standard Assessment TestS SBS Special Boat Squadron; Sick Building Syndrome SCM State Certified Midwife SCO Scottish Chamber Orchestra SCR Senior Common Room SCREAM Society for the Control and Registration of Estate Agents and Mortgage brokers SCUBA Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus SDA Severe Disability Allowance SDI Strategic Defence Initiative SDLP Social Democratic and Labour Party SDP Social Democratic Party SEA Single European Act SEC Securities Exchange Commission SEN Special Educational Needs; State Enrolled Nurse SERPS State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme SETI Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence SFO Serious Fraud Office SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe SHF Super High Frequency SI Système International (of units); Statutory Instrument SIB Securities and Investments Board SIG Special Interest Group SIM Subscriber Identity Module SIPP Self-Invested Personal Pension SJ Society of Jesus (Jesuits) SLBM Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile SLDP Social and Liberal Democratic Party SLR Single Lens Reflex SMMT Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders SMP Statutory Maternity Pay SMS Short Message Service SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNAFU Situation Normal All Fouled / Fucked Up SNCF Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer français SNP Scottish National Party SOCO Scene Of Crime Officer


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ABBREVIATIONS WTO World Trade Organisation WVS Women’s Voluntary Service WWF World Wide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) WWW World Weather Watch; World Wide Web WYSBYGI What You See Before You Get It WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle YCNAC Young Conservative National Advisory Committee YHA Youth Hostels Association YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association YOC Young Ornithologists’ Club Y2K Year 2000 YTD Year To Date YUPPIE Young Upwardly mobile / Urban Professional YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association ZANU Zimbabwe African National Union ZAPU Zimbabwe African People’s Union ZEBRA Zero-Energy Breeder-Reactor Assembly ZEG Zero Economic Growth ZENITH Zero-Energy NITrogen-Heated thermal reactor ZIP Zone Improvement Plan; Zigzag In-line Package ZPG Zero Population Growth

UFC Universities’ Funding Council UFO Unidentified Flying Object UGC University Grants Committee UHF Ultra High Frequency UHT Ultra High Temperature; Ultra Heat Treatment UKAEA United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier ULTRA Unrelated Live Transplant Regulatory Authority UMIST University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade And Development UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund (formerly United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) UNITA União Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola) UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training And Research UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Force UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration UPC Universal Product Code UPU Universal Postal Union URL Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus USDAW Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers USM Unlisted Securities Market USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics UUP Ulster Unionist Party UV Ultra Violet UVF Ulster Volunteer Force VASCAR Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder VAT Value Added Tax VC Victoria Cross VDU Video / Visual Display Unit VHF Very High Frequency VHS Video Home System vix. vixit (she / he lived) viz. videlicet (namely) VLF Very Low Frequency VLT Very Large Telescope VOD Video On Demand VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol VOOs Violent Offender Orders VR Virtual Reality VRY ViceRoY VSO Voluntary Service Overseas VSOP Very Special Old Pale VTOL Vertical TakeOff and Landing WAGS Wives And GirlfriendS WAN Wide Area Net (computer Internet) WAP Wireless Application Protocol WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant WCC World Council of Churches WDCS Whales and Dolphins Conservation Society WEA Workers’ Educational Association WEU Western European Union WFP World Food Programme WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions WHAM Winning Hearts And Minds (Vietnam propaganda slogan) WHO World Health Organisation WIBF Women’s International Boxing Federation WIMP Windows Icons Menus Pointing (computing); Weakly Interacting Massive Particle WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction WMO World Meteorological Organisation WOMAN World Organisation for Mothers of All Nations WORM Write Once Read Many (times) WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network WPBSA World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association WRAC Women’s Royal Army Corps WRAF Women’s Royal Air Force WRNS Women’s Royal Naval Service WRP Worker’s Revolutionary Party WRVS Women’s Royal Voluntary Service WSPA World Society for the Protection of Animals

NB: The TGWU merged with Amicus (itself a merger of MSF and AEEU) on 1 May 2007 to form Unite, the largest trade union in the UK.


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Famous Architects

Aalto, Alvar (1898–1976) Finnish architect and designer whose work included the Hall of Residence, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Finlandia Concert Hall, Helsinki and Nordic Centre in Reykjavik. He also invented bent plywood furniture in 1932. Abercrombie, (Sir) Patrick (1879–1957) English architect and pioneer of town planning in Britain, brother of the poet Lascelles Abercrombie. His major work was the replanning of London (County of London Plan, 1943, and Greater London Plan, 1944). Adam, Robert (1728–92) Scottish architect and interior designer, leader of the British Neo-Classical revival. Famous works include the interiors of Harewood House, Luton Hoo, Syon House and Osterley Park. He worked with his brother James Adam, on the Adelphi near Charing Cross, largely rebuilt in 1936. Alsop, Will (1947– ) Northampton-born architect with practices in London, Beijing, Singapore, Toronto and Shanghai. Alsop’s book SuperCity was particularly controversial, suggesting a futuristic conurbation stretching along the M62 corridor from Liverpool to Hull. Alsop’s design of Peckham Library won the Stirling Prize in 2000 and the Sharp Centre for Design in Toronto won him the RIBA Worldwide Award in 2004. More recent designs include an arts gallery The Public, West Bromwich and Stratford Docklands Light Railway Station. Archer, Thomas (1668–1743) Along with Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor, the third member of the great triumvirate of English Baroque architects. The north elevation at Chatsworth with its pilastered bow front is his best-known remaining work. Born in Tamworth, Archer’s work was chiefly in ecclesiastical architecture. He designed the church of St Paul’s, Deptford (1712–30), the church of St John’s, Westminster (1714–28) and Birmingham Cathedral (1709–15). Baker, (Sir) Benjamin (1840–1907) Civil engineer and designer knighted for his work on designing the Forth Rail Bridge (1883–90). Baker worked in partnership with Sir John Fowler and their collaboration is probably most famous for the London Underground system, completed in 1890. Barry, (Sir) Charles (1795–1860) British architect of the Neo-Gothic Houses of Parliament (1840–60), which were completed after his death by his son Edward Middleton Barry. Other works included the church of St Peter, Brighton; Travellers’ Club, Pall Mall; the Reform Club, London; King Edward’s School, Birmingham, and the Manchester Athenaeum. His fifth son Sir John Wolfe-Barry (1836–1918) was engineer of Tower Bridge and Barry Docks. Bramante, Donato (1444–1514) Italian High Renaissance architect, born near Urbano. Designed the new Basilica of St Peter’s as well as the Belvedere courtyard, the Tempietto di S Pietro in Montorio and the Palazzo Caprini. Brown, Lancelot (1716–83) English landscape-gardener and architect, nicknamed ‘Capability’ due to his stock reply to clients that their gardens had ‘excellent capabilities’. Works include the gardens at Blenheim, Kew, Stowe, and Warwick Castle. Brunel, Isambard Kingdom (1806–59) English engineer and inventor, born in Portsmouth, son of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel. His numerous works include the original Thames Tunnel, Clifton and Hungerford Suspension Bridges, and the Saltash Bridge over the Tamar. His ship designs include the Great Western (1838), the Great Britain (1845) and the Great Eastern, in collaboration with John Scott Russell. Chambers, (Sir) William (1723–96) Swedish-born, Scottish architect. He popularised Chinese influence (Kew Garden pagoda) and designed Somerset House, London (1776). Cockerell, Charles Robert (1788–1863) English architect, son of Samuel Pepys Cockerell. He designed the Taylorian Institute at Oxford, Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge, and Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Foster, Norman (Lord Foster of Thames Bank) (1935– ) British architect of the high-tech school. His best-known buildings include the Willis Faber office, Ipswich (1975), the Sainsbury Centre for the visual arts, Norwich (1978), the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong (1986), the Stansted Airport Terminal Building (1991), the American Air Museum, Duxford, Cambridgeshire (1998), the Millennium Footbridge, London (1999), 30 St Mary Axe (Swiss Reinsurers building aka The Gherkin), London (2004), the Millau Viaduct, France (2004 – the tallest bridge in the world), the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Astana, Kazakhstan (2006), the new Wembley Stadium, Terminal 3 of the Beijing Capital International Airport, and the Willis Building (all completed in 2007). Lord Foster, who was knighted in 1990 and appointed to the Order of Merit in 1997, also designed the National Police Memorial in The Mall, London (2005). Fowler, (Sir) John (1817–98) Civil engineer and designer who worked in partnership with Benjamin Baker on the Forth Rail Bridge (1883–90) and the London Underground system (1890). He was made a baronet in 1890. Fuller, Richard Buckminster (1895–1983) American architect who invented the Geodesic Dome. Examples of his works are at the Union Tank Car Repair Shop, Louisiana (1958), and the US Pavilion, Montreal Exhibition (1967). Gaudí, Antonio (1852–1926) Spanish architect, noted for his flamboyant style. His work on the Church of the Holy Family in Barcelona begun in 1883 was unfinished at his death. Gehry, Frank (1929– ) Born Frank Owen Goldberg, in Toronto, Canada. Architect who moved to California when he was 17 and became a naturalised American citizen. Known for his curvaceous free-form sculptural style, often encompassing titanium sheathing for his buildings. His best-known buildings include the Frederick Weisman Museum of Art, University of Minnesota (1990), the Dancing House, Prague (aka Fred and Ginger) the Nationale-Nederlanden building (in conjunction with Croatian-Czech architect Vlado Miluni), the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain (1997), the Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles (2003) and the Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park, Chicago (2004). Known for his recurrent fish theme in his buildings and also his jewellery and furniture designs. Gehry was portrayed in an episode of The Simpsons. Gibbs, James (1682–1754) Scottish Neo-Classical architect whose works include St Martin-in-the-Fields, London (1722), and the Radcliffe Camera, Oxford (1737). Grimshaw, Sir Nicholas (1939– ) Baron Grimshaw of Peterloo is noted for several modernist buildings including the railway terminal at London’s Waterloo station (1993), the Eden Project, Cornwall (2001), the National Space Centre, Leicester (2001), the Thermae Bath Spa, Bath (2006) and the London School of Economics New Academic Building (2008). In 2004, he was elected President of the Royal Academy. Hadid, Zaha (1950– ) British architect born in Baghdad, Iraq. Became the first woman to win the $100,000 Pritzker Architecture Prize, in 2004. Her projects to date include the Vitra Fire Station (1994) and the LFone pavilion (1999), in Weil am Rhein, Germany, the Mind Zone at the Millennium Dome, London (1999), a ski jump in Innsbruck, Austria (2002), the Contemporary Arts Centre, Cincinnati (2003),


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the Maggie’s Centre at the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, Scotland (2006), the London Aquatics Centre (2011) and the Riverside Museum, Glasgow (2011). She won the Stirling Prize in 2010, for the Maxxi in Rome, and in 2011 for the Evelyn Grace Academy, a Z-shapes school in Brixton. Appointed DBE in 2012. Hawksmoor, Nicholas (1661–1736) English Baroque architect born in Nottingham. He designed many London churches including St George’s, Bloomsbury, and Christ Church, Spitalfields. Assisted Vanbrugh at Blenheim Palace and Castle Howard and was clerk to Wren. Jones, Inigo (1573–1652) English architect, born in London. The founder of Classical English architecture whose innovations include the introduction of the proscenium arch and movable scenery to the English stage. In 1616 he designed the Queen’s House at Greenwich. Other commissions included the rebuilding of the Banqueting Hall at Whitehall, the nave and transepts and a large Corinthian portico of old St Paul’s, Marlborough Chapel, the Double-Cube room at Wilton, and possibly the York Water Gate. Jones also laid out Covent Garden and Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Kent, William (1684–1748) Born in Yorkshire. After studying painting in Rome became a leading light in the introduction of the Palladian style of architecture into Britain. He designed many public buildings in London, including the Royal Mews in Trafalgar Square, the Treasury buildings and the Horse Guards block in Whitehall (1745). An example of his gardens is at Stowe House in Buckinghamshire and his artistry is visible in the Gothic screens at Westminster Hall and Gloucester Cathedral. He also designed the interiors of Burlington House and Chiswick House in London. Lasdun, (Sir) Denys Louis (1914–2001) English architect whose works include the Royal College of Physicians, London; University of East Anglia, Norwich; National Theatre, London; and the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg. Le Corbusier (1887–1965) Pseudonym of Charles Édouard Jeanneret, Swiss-born French architect, famous for his proclamation that the house is a habitable machine to be designed to functional criteria. His works include the Palace of the Nations, Geneva; and Cité Radieuse, Marseilles; as well as the town plan for Chandigarh, India. Lutyens, (Sir) Edwin Landseer (1869–1944) English architect whose designs ranged from the picturesque of his early country houses, including Marsh Court, Stockbridge, and the restoration of Lindisfarne Castle, which owed much to the Arts and Crafts movement, to those in the Renaissance style such as Heathcote, Ilkley and Salutation, Sandwich. He finally evolved a classical style exhibited in the Cenotaph, Whitehall, which reached its height in his design – never built – for Liverpool Roman Catholic Cathedral. Other works include the Viceroy’s House, New Delhi, and the British Embassy in Washington. Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868–1928) Scottish architect, designer, and water colourist. Outstanding exponent of the Art Nouveau style in Scotland. Born in Glasgow, the son of a police superintendent, he married Margaret Mackintosh in 1900. His output included the Glasgow School of Art, Cranston tearooms, and houses such as Hill House in Helensburgh. By the end of World War I he had given up architecture for a career in water colours, mainly in France. Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig (1886–1969) German-born American architect, born in Aachen. A pioneer of glass skyscrapers and highrise flats, he also designed tubular-steel furniture, particularly the ‘Barcelona Chair’. Became professor of architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago and designed two glass apartment towers on Lake Shore Drive, and the Seagram Building in New York. He also designed the Washington DC Public Library and two art galleries in Berlin. Nash, John (1752–1835) British architect who designed Regent’s Park and its terraces, Regent Street and Marble Arch. He also recreated Buckingham Palace from old Buckingham House and rebuilt Brighton Pavilion in oriental style. Trafalgar Square and St James’s Park were also laid out by Nash. Paxton, (Sir) Joseph (1801–65) British architect and garden superintendent to the Duke of Devonshire. By far his most famous work was the design of the Great Exhibition Building of 1851, the Crystal Palace, the first example of a prefabricated industrialised building on a large scale. Pei, Ieoh Ming (1917– ) Known as I. M. Pei. Chinese-born American architect whose works include the John Hancock Tower, Boston; the Mile High Center, Denver, the glass pyramid at the Louvre, the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar and the Macao Science Center . Piano, Renzo (1937– ) Born in Genoa, Italy, and graduated from the University of Milan in 1964. The Italian designer and lecturer is bestknown for his partnership with Richard Rogers (1970–78) during which time they designed the Pompidou Centre in Paris. He received the Pritzker Prize in 1998 and has designed buildings in Italy, France, the United States, Germany, Japan, and notably Dakar, Senegal. His most recent high-profile project is the Shard (aka the London Bridge Tower). Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is the tallest completed building in the European Union, and the second-tallest free-standing structure in the UK, after the 330-metre (1,083 ft) concrete tower at the Emley Moor transmitting station. Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore (1812–52) British architect and leader of the Gothic revival movement, a fine example of his style being the church of St Giles in Cheadle, Staffordshire. Pugin was employed by Sir Charles Barry to work on the Houses of Parliament and although controversy surrounds his precise input he certainly designed its Gothic interiors and the clocktower in which Big Ben hangs. Rogers, Richard (Lord Rogers of Riverside) (1933– ) Florence-born British architect whose works include the Pompidou Centre in Paris (1977), the Lloyd’s building, London (1986) the Channel 4 Headquarters, London (1994), the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg (1995), the Millennium Dome (1999), Terminal 4 at Barajas Airport, Madrid (2005) and the National Assembly for Wales (2006). He was created a life peer in 1996. Founder member with Norman Foster and their wives of ‘Team 4’. He has been chosen as the architect of Tower 3 of the new World Trade Center in New York. Pioneer of ‘Bowellism’ whereby internal features such as lifts and pipes were made visible on the outside of the structures in order to maximize space to appreciate his exhibitions. Married to Ruth Rogers, chef and co-owner of The River Café restaurant in west London. Saarinen, Eero (1910–61) Finnish-born American architect whose works include the American Embassy in London and Dulles Airport near Washington DC. Scott, (Sir) George Gilbert (1811–78) English architect, born in Gawcott, Bucks. His works include the Albert Memorial, St Pancras station, and the Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh. Scott, (Sir) Giles Gilbert (1880–1960) English architect, grandson of Sir George Gilbert Scott. Won a competition in 1903 for the design of the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool (consecrated 1924). Other works include the new Bodleian Library at Oxford and the new Cambridge University Library. He also planned the new Waterloo Bridge and was responsible for the rebuilding of the House of Commons after World War II. Shaw, Norman (1831–1912) English architect born in Edinburgh. Worked with his partner William Eden Nesfield (1835–88) in many styles ranging from Gothic Revival to Neo-Baroque, but became an acknowledged leader in the trend away from the Victorian style back to traditional Georgian design, leading to the English Domestic Revival. His major buildings include the Old Swan House, Chelsea (1876), New Scotland Yard (1888), the Gaiety Theatre, Aldwych (1902, now demolished), and Piccadilly Hotel (1905). He also designed the garden suburb at Bedford Park, London. Smirke, (Sir) Robert (1781–1867) English architect, son of Robert Smirke (1752–1845) the painter and book illustrator. His works in London include Covent Garden Theatre (destroyed), British Museum, King’s College and the Royal College of Physicians (now Canada House). Soane, (Sir) John (1753–1837) English architect, born near Reading, the son of a mason. His works included the Bank of England, the Dulwich Picture Gallery and his own house in Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London which he bequeathed to the nation.


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Spence, (Sir) Basil Urwin (1907–76) Scottish architect, born in India. His works include the conversions at Queen’s College, Cambridge; the pavilions for the Festival of Britain and the British Embassy in Rome. His best-known work is his prize design for the new Coventry Cathedral (1951). Sullivan, Louis (1856–1924) Architect born in Boston, Massachusetts but studied in Paris. Won the New Exposition building contract (1886) with Dankmar Adler (1844–1900). Sullivan was an early pioneer of the skyscraper: e.g. the Wainwright building in St Louis (1891). His experimental, functional skeleton constructions of skyscrapers and office blocks, particularly the Stock Exchange, Chicago, earned him the title ‘Father of Modernism’. Tange, Kenzo (1913–2005) Japanese architect who designed the National Gymnasium for the Tokyo Olympics and the city plan for the new Nigerian capital of Abuja (completed 1986). Telford, Thomas (1757–1834) Began life as a stonemason but appointed as surveyor of public works for Shropshire in 1786. Telford is famous for his road-building and bridge-building, particularly those over the River Severn, but he also built the Caledonian Canal (1803– 22). Utzon, Jørn (1918–2008 ) Danish architect born in Copenhagen. Came to prominence after winning a competition to design Sydney Opera House in 1956. The building, completed between 1957 and 1973, is one of the most famous landmarks of the 20th century. Other works include the Municipal Theatre in Zurich (1964) and the Kuwait Parliamentary Building (1983). His awards include the gold medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects (1978), the Alvar Aalto medal (1982), the Fritz Schumacher prize (1988) and the Pritzker Prize (2003). Vanbrugh, (Sir) John (1664–1726) English playwright and Baroque architect, born in London, the son of a tradesman. Educated in France and commissioned into Lord Huntingdon’s regiment, he suffered imprisonment in the Bastille as a suspected spy. His major architectural work was Blenheim Palace at Woodstock, Oxfordshire, which was so disliked by the Duchess of Marlborough that she refused to pay him for some time. Wilkins, William (1778–1839) Son of an architect, he was educated at Cambridge and established a reputation as an enthusiastic Greek revivalist with the publication of his Antiquities of Magna Graecia. In London he built St George’s Hospital at Hyde Park Corner (1827–8) and the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square (1832). Wren, Christopher (1632–1723) Wren was educated at Westminster School and Wadham College, Oxford, and became a fellow of All Souls, Oxford. He became professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London, 1657, before returning to Oxford to take up a similar position. The chapel at Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1663, was the first design of Wren’s to be built and later that year he began designs for Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford. Following the Great Fire he designed over 50 London churches including St Paul’s (1675– 1710). Other works included the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, Chelsea Hospital, Greenwich Observatory, parts of Hampton Court Palace, Royal Exchange, and parts of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Wren was a founder of the Royal Society, was knighted in 1673, and became MP for Plympton in 1685, Windsor in 1689, and finally, Weymouth in 1701. Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867–1959) American architect, born in Richland Center, Wisconsin. Studied civil engineering at Wisconsin University, but the collapse of a newly-built wing of the Wisconsin State Capitol caused him to apply engineering principles to architecture. After setting up in practice in Chicago he became known for low-built prairie-style bungalows like Robie House. His bestknown public buildings include the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo (1916–20), the ‘Falling Water’ weekend retreat at Mill Run in Pennsylvania (1936), the Johnson Wax office block in Racine, Wisconsin (1936), Florida Southern College (1940) and the Guggenheim Museum of Art in New York (1959), in which the exhibits line the walls of a continuous spiral ramp. Wyatt, James (1746–1813) Born in Staffordshire, he closely followed the style of Robert Adam in his early days, so much so that Adam accused him of plagiarism. Wyatt won a competition to redesign the Pantheon in Oxford Street (1772) and his reputation was made. Fonthill Abbey in Wiltshire displays the extravagant Gothic Revival country house he built for William Thomas Beckford. Zumthor, Peter (1943– ) Swiss architect, winner of the 2009 Pritzker Prize, best known for the design of the Vals Spa hotel complex in Graubünden, Switzerland (1996) and the Kunsthaus Bregenz (art museum) in Austria (1997).

Architectural Terms Abacus The top member of a capital, usually a square or rounded slab of stone or marble Acanthus Conventionalised acanthus leaf used to decorate Corinthian and Composite capitals Adobe Sun-dried brick mainly of clay; also the name of buildings constructed of such bricks Architrave Lowest part of an entablature, resting immediately upon the abacus (flat slab) on the capital of a column. The term also describes the moulding around the exterior of an arch or the various parts surrounding a door or window Art Deco Popular design style of the 1920s and at its height in the 1930s, characterised by geometrical shapes, bold outlines and zigzag forms Ashlar Hewn and squared stones prepared for building Astragal Small convex moulding usually with a semi-circular cross-section Atrium Inner courtyard of a home or other building that is open to the sky or covered by a skylight Baluster Short post or pillar in a series that supports a rail, thus forming a balustrade Bauhaus German school of architecture and design founded by Walter Gropius in 1919 and closed in 1933 Bay, bow and oriel windows These windows project out from the front or side of a house. Oriel windows generally project from an upper storey, supported by a bracket. Bay windows are angled projections that rise up from the ground on the first floor. Bow windows are rounded projections, often formed of the window glass itself Brickwork: Types English Bond: Bricklaying with alternate courses of headers and stretchers. Flemish Bond: Bricklaying with courses of alternate headers and stretcher. Monk Bond: Bricklaying with courses alternating with pairs of stretchers Buttress Structure of wood, stone or brick built against a wall to strengthen or support it Campanile A free-standing bell-tower Cantilever Horizontal projection from a building, such as a step, beam, balcony or canopy, that is without external bracing and appears self-supporting Capital Head of a column, usually featuring mouldings or carvings Cartouche Scroll-shaped ornament or corbel. Term also describes a tablet representing a scroll with rolled-up ends or edges, with or without an inscription Caryatid Female figure used as a pillar to support an entablature Clerestory Row of windows in the upper part of the wall of a church that divides the nave from the aisle, set above the aisle roof


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Column Tall, often slightly tapering, cylinder usually surmounted by an entablature and forming part of an arcade or colonnade, or standing alone as a monument Console Ornamental flat-sided bracket or corbel, usually incorporating a volute at each end Corbel Projection of stone or timber jutting out from a wall to support weight Corinthian Column One of the five classical orders of architecture, characterised by a bell-shaped capital having carved ornamental decorations of acanthus leaves Cornice Horizontal, usually moulded projection crowning the outside of a building or structure, especially the uppermost part of an entablature, above the frieze. Term also applies to an ornamental moulding running round the wall of a room near the ceiling Cupola Rounded vault or dome forming part of a roof of a building. Term also describes the ceiling of a dome Curtain Wall External non-loadbearing wall composed of repeated modular elements generally of glass in metal framing. These are prefabricated then erected on site. Cyma Moulding in a section of two contrasting curves, either cyma recta or cyma reversa Dado The plain portion of a pedestal between the base and the cornice. Term also describes the lower part of an interior wall when faced or coloured differently from the upper part Dome: Geodesic Invented by Richard Buckminster Fuller, the geodesic dome, built with lightweight rods arranged as linked hexagons, is the only practical kind of building that has no limiting dimensions, i.e. beyond which the structural strength must be insufficient Dome: Onion A dome larger in diameter than the drum it is set upon, its height also usually exceeding its width. These bulbous structures taper smoothly to a point. A good example of onion domes are those atop St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow Doric Column Greek-style column with only a simple decoration around the top, usually a smooth or slightly rounded band of wood, stone or plaster Dormer Window Window placed vertically in a sloping roof that has a tiny roof of its own. Most often seen in second-floor bedrooms Ell Single-storey extension to a building, usually at right angles Engaged Column Column that is attached to the wall so that only a half to three-quarters of its circumference stands visible Entablature The part of a classical temple above the columns, having an architrave, a frieze, and a cornice Fanlight Fan-shaped window over a door or other window Flute Vertical channelling in the shaft of a column Flying Buttress Buttress, usually on an arch, which slants upwards to a wall from a pier or other support Frieze Central member of the classical entablature Gable Triangular upper portion of a wall at the end of a pitched roof Gargoyle Grotesque carving, usually in the form of a human or real or fantastic animal mouth, head, or body projecting from the gutter of a building, especially in Gothic architecture, and used as a spout to drain off rainwater Gazebo Building or structure that commands a view, i.e. a summer-house or balcony Gothic Style of architecture prevalent in western Europe from the 12th to the 16th century, of which familiar features include the pointed arch and the flying buttress Greek Orders The three original classical orders of architecture, i.e. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Groin The edge formed by the intersection of two vaults. Term also describes an arch supporting a vault Hammerbeam Horizontal beam in timber roof situated as a tie beam but in two sections with main opening in the centre Hypocaust Hollow space under the floor where hot air was sent from a furnace to provide heating in Roman houses Keystone The wedge-shaped block or central voussoir at the summit of an arch built of stone Kouros Sculptured representation of a youth on Ionic architecture Lancet High, narrow window with a lancet arch Lancet Arch An arch with a head resembling the blade of a lancet (surgical knife) Lintel Horizontal stone slab or timber beam spanning an opening and supported on columns or walls Loggia Covered area on the side of a building that opens on one or more sides Lunette Semicircular panel, often ornamented in the form of stone, wood or glass Mansard Roof in which each face has two slopes, the lower one steeper than the upper Mezzanine Low storey between two others in a building, usually between the ground floor and the floor above. Term also describes the floor beneath the stage in a theatre, from which the traps are worked Mullion Vertical bar dividing the lights in a window, especially in Gothic architecture Niche Artificially constructed wall recess often holding a statue or urn Ogee Moulding consisting of a continuous double curve, especially with the upper part concave and the lower part convex Ogee Arch Arch formed by two contrasted ogees which meet at its apex, often called a pointed or Gothic arch Ogive The diagonal groin or rib of a vault, two of which cross each other at the vault’s centre; or any pointed arch Oriel Porch or balcony at the head of an outdoor staircase Oriel Window Large polygonal recess with a window, projecting from upper storey of a building, and supported from the ground or on corbels Palladian Window A window with three openings, the central one arched and wider than the others Pediment Triangular part crowning the front of a building in the classical style, usually situated over a portico and consisting of a flat recessed field, framed by a cornice and often ornamented with sculptures Pergola Covered walk in a garden, usually formed by a double row of posts or pillars with joists above and covered by climbing plants Pier Solid support designed to sustain vertical pressure, e.g. a doorpost or gatepost; also a massive supporting column, holding up a nave or a bridge Porte-cochere Large covered entrance for vehicles leading into a courtyard Portico Formal entrance to a classical temple, church, or other building, consisting of columns at regular intervals supporting a roof often in the form of a pediment, a covered walkway Porticus Addition on north or south side of a church of the Anglo-Saxon period, resembling an aisle or transept and containing a chapel Prefabrication The manufacture of whole buildings or components cast in a factory or on site before being placed in position Purlin Horizontal beam along the length of a roof, resting on principals (pairs of angled supporting beams that meet at the top) and supporting the common rafters Quoin Dressed stones at the corners of a building Rib A curved member supporting a vault or defining its form. The term also describes the curved pieces of stone, timber or metal strips forming the framework of a dome or the arched or flat beam or girder supporting a bridge Roman Orders The two classical orders of architecture, i.e. Tuscan and Composite, which were added to the earlier Greek orders Rotunda Building with a circular interior and plan, especially one with a dome, e.g. the Pantheon in Rome


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Rustication Style of masonry in which the surface of the blocks is roughened. Rustication also refers to masonry cut in massive blocks separated from each other by deep joints Soffit Underside of any architectural element such as an arch, beam or stair Spandrel Originally, a space between timbers supporting a building, but now refers to the almost triangular space between one side of the outer curve of an arch and the rectangle formed by the mouldings enclosing it. The term also applies to the area of support between a set of steps and the ground Stucco Fine plaster usually made from gypsum and pulverised marble, for covering walls and ceilings Stupa Domed structure erected as a Buddhist burial mound Styles Regency, Baroque, Palladian, Rococo, International Telamon Male figure used as a pillar to support an entablature or other structure Terrazzo Floor or wall finish made by setting marble or other stone chips into a layer of mortar and polishing the surface Tracery Ornamentation in the upper part of a Gothic window, consisting of a perforated design or of an intersecting pattern, formed by the elaboration of the mullions. Tracery also refers to the interlaced work of a vault or panel Transom Horizontal supporting or strengthening crossbar in any structure but usually refers to a window frame Tuscan Order Simplest of the five classical orders of architecture, resembling the Doric, but devoid of all ornaments Tympanum Triangular space between the sloping and horizontal cornices of a classical pediment Vault Continuous arch, or a series of arches radiating from a central point or line, used to form a roof over a space inside a building Venetian Window Composite window with three separate openings, the central one being arched and taller than the others Volute Spiral scroll characteristic of Ionic capitals and also used in Corinthian and Composite capitals Voussoir Each of the wedge-shaped or tapered stones forming an arch or vaulting Wainscoting Decorative panelling applied to the lower half of an interior wall; usually wood in a plain design but may be painted Wattle-and-Daub Walling made from vertical timber stakes woven horizontally with branches and reeds. The whole is then surfaced with mud Wonders of the World: Ancient Colossus of Rhodes: bronze statue of Apollo erected c 280 BC; Hanging Gardens of Babylon: adjoining Nebuchadnezzar’s palace 60 miles south of Baghdad; Pharos of Alexandria: lighthouse erected c 270 BC; Pyramids of Gizeh (Giza) near Cairo: Zoser, at Saqqara built c 2650 BC; Cheops built c 2580 BC (both still standing); Statue of Zeus: marble statue, built by Phidias c 430 BC, in the plains of Elis, Olympia; Temple of Artemis at Ephesus: Ionic temple built c 350 BC and burned by the Goths in AD 262; Tomb of Mausolus at Halicarnassus: built by the widowed Queen Artemisia c 350 BC

Pritzker Architecture Prize The most prestigious award in the world of architecture is the Pritzker Architecture Prize, often referred to as ‘architecture’s Nobel’. Inaugurated in 1979 by the wealthy Pritzker family of Chicago through their Hyatt Foundation, and awarded each year to a living architect for lifetime achievement. The presentation ceremonies move around the world each year, paying homage to the architecture of other eras and also to works of previous winners. The bronze medallion awarded to each Laureate is based on the designs of Chicago architect Louis H Sullivan, widely acknowledged as the father of the skyscraper. On one side is the name of the prize and the winner’s name and on the other the words ‘firmness, commodity and delight’. These are the three conditions for good architecture referred to by Henry Wotton, England’s first ambassador to Venice, in his 1624 treatise, The Elements of Architecture, which was a translation of Marcus Vitruvius’ work, Ten Books of Architecture, dedicated to the Roman Emperor Augustus. The panel of judges (usually between six and ten) consists of internationally respected architects and design experts. The complete list of Pritzker Architecture Prize winners is as follows: 1979 Philip Johnson (USA) presented at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC 1980 Luis Barragán (Mexico) presented at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC 1981 James Stirling (Great Britain) presented at the National Building Museum, Washington, DC 1982 Kevin Roche (USA) presented at the Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois 1983 Ieoh Ming Pei (USA) presented at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1984 Richard Meier (USA) presented at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC 1985 Hans Hollein (Austria) presented at the Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California 1986 Gottfried Boehm (Germany) presented at Goldsmiths’ Hall, London, England 1987 Kenzo Tange (Japan) presented at the Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas 1988 Gordon Bunshaft (USA) and Oscar Niemeyer (Brazil) presented at the Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois 1989 Frank Gehry (USA) presented at Todaiji Buddhist Temple, Nara, Japan 1990 Aldo Rossi (Italy) presented at Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Italy 1991 Robert Venturi (USA) presented at Palacio de Iturbide, Mexico City, Mexico 1992 Alvaro Siza (Portugal) presented at the Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago, Illinois 1993 Fumihiko Maki (Japan) presented at Prague Castle, Czech Republic 1994 Christian de Portzamparc (France) presented at The Commons, Columbus, Indiana 1995 Tadao Ando (Japan) presented at the Grand Trianon and Chateau of Versailles, France 1996 Rafael Moneo (Spain) presented at the construction site of the Getty Center, Los Angeles, California 1997 Sverre Fehn (Norway) presented at the construction site of the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain 1998 Renzo Piano (Italy) presented at the White House, Washington, DC 1999 Lord Foster of Thames Bank (Great Britain) presented at the Altes Museum, Berlin, Germany 2000 Rem Koolhaas (Netherlands) presented at the Jerusalem Archaeological Park, Israel 2001 Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron (Switzerland) presented at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, Virginia 2002 Glenn Murcutt (Australia) presented at Michelangelo’s Campidoglio, Rome, Italy 2003 Jørn Utzon (Denmark) presented at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid, Spain 2004 Zaha Hadid (Great Britain) presented at the State Hermitage Museum of St Petersburg, Russia 2005 Thom Mayne (USA) presented at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois 2006 Paulo Mendes da Rocha (Brazil) presented at the Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul, Turkey 2007 Lord Rogers of Riverside (Great Britain) presented at the Banqueting House, London, England 2008 Jean Nouvel (France) presented at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC 2009 Peter Zumthor (Switzerland) presented at the Legislative Palace of the City Council, Buenos Aires 2010 Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa (Japan) presented at Ellis Island 2011 Eduardo Souto de Moura (Portugal) presented at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, Washington, D.C. 2012 Wang Shu (China) presented at the Great Hall of the People, Beijing 2013 Toyo Ito (Japan) presented at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston


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ART There are a number of points to be considered with reference to the following section. The history of art is a complex subject and although it is traditional to fix a label on artists and their works, in fact not only is it often impossible to identify a painter with any one group, it is also just as precarious to attach one term to the whole oeuvre of an artist. Even the historical styles overlap in many instances. The problem is that painters do not like to be pigeonholed, as styles and moods change and very often one style or school may become defunct or develop into something else. In researching this section I have also found that the nationalities of artists, especially those of the Low Countries, are open to interpretation, dependent not only on place of birth or naturalisation but also on style. I have endeavoured to qualify any contentious entries so as to give a more complete picture of the nature of the artist and his or her work. A problem when listing artworks is that not only are particular subjects covered as ‘stock’ pieces by numerous artists (such as The Adoration of the Magi) but also many individual artists often paint more than one version of a particular work – for example, Cézanne painted several versions of The Card Players and Millet painted several versions of The Sower. The final observation I have to offer in this web of intrigue is that when I came to list paintings in alphabetical order it occurred to me that many have alternative titles. For instance Vermeer’s The Kitchen-Maid is listed in reputable sources with the alternative titles of The Milkmaid, The Maid with a Milk Jug, The Cook, The Maid-Servant Pouring Milk and The Servant Pouring Milk.

Famous Artists and Sculptors (selected work at end of each entry) Abbate, Niccolo dell’ (c1512–71) Italian Mannerist landscapist. Rape of Proserpine. Albers, Josef (1888–1976) German-born founder of American Bauhaus in 1933. Homage to the Square series. Alma-Tadema, (Sir) Lawrence (1836–1912) Dutch-born British painter of Classical genre. The Visit, Parthenon Frieze. Altdorfer, Albrecht (c1480–1538) German painter and engraver, a pioneer of copperplate etching. Landscape with a Bridge. Amigoni, Jacopo (c1682–1752) Venetian history and portrait painter. The altarpiece of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, is his. André, Carl (1935– ) American Minimalist sculptor famous for his 120 bricks (Equivalent VIII) in the Tate. Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530) Florentine High Renaissance painter. His original name was Andrea D’Agnolo, but his father’s family (from Lanfranchi) were tailors, hence del Sarto. Madonna of the Harpies; St John the Baptist ; A Young Man. Angelico, Fra (c1387–1455) Florentine religious painter and Dominican (monastic name Giovanni da Fiesole). Annunciation; St Lawrence Receiving the Treasure of the Church; The Coronation of the Virgin. Antonello da Messina (c1430–79) Sicilian Renaissance landscapist. St Sebastian; Salvator Mundi ; A Man. Appel, Karel (1921–2006) Dutch Abstract Expressionist who founded the CoBrA group. The Horseman. Arp, Jean (1886–1966) French artist, co-founder of Dadaism. Aka Hans Arp. Arp's first wife was the artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889-1943) Avercamp, Hendrick (1585–1634) Deaf and dumb Dutch landscapist. Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters. Bacon, Francis (1909–92) Dublin-born figurative painter, influenced by Surrealism and violent imagery; studied under Graham Sutherland. Three Studies for a Crucifixion; Triptych inspired by the Oresteia trilogy of Aeschylus. Baily, Edward Hodges (1788–1867) English sculptor whose most famous work is his Nelson for the column in Trafalgar Square. Baldung (aka Grien), Hans (1484–1545) German religious painter of the macabre. Selected works: A Man ; Allegorical Figure. Balla, Giacomo (1871–1958) Italian Futurist who signed the Futurist Manifesto (1910) but by 1930 adopted a more conventional style of painting. Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash. Bambi Graffiti Unknown female street artist said to be a famous London-based pop star. Best known for her stencilled images of Amy Winehouse and David Beckham, in 2011 she commemorated the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton with the satirical slogan 'A Bit Like Marmite' across their chests. Banksy Bristol-born artist who has managed to keep his identity relatively unknown. Thought to have been born Robert (or Robin) Banks or Robin Gunningham in 1974/5, he first achieved fame by sticking fake objects to walls of museums and art galleries. In April 2006 he protested at the way BT has been replacing the classic telephone kiosk by placing one in Soho, London with a pickaxe embedded in it. His best known work was painted on the side of a sexual health clinic in Bristol later in 2006. Well Hung Man depicts a naked man dangling from a window as a suspicious husband peers out. Banksy’s works are currently selling for huge prices and almost always depict an ironic view of life, occasionally making a political or social statement. In 2010 he made his debut as a film director in the acclaimed documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, telling the story of Thierry Guetta, a French immigrant in Los Angeles who is obsessed with filming his every life experience and who eventually becomes a noteworthy street artist. Barocci, Federico (1530–1612) Born Federico Fiori, and nicknamed Il Baroccio. The Circumcision ; Madonna of the Rosary; Ecce Homo. Bassano, Jacopo (c1510/17–92) Italian Mannerist and specialist in religious scenes. The Holy Family; The Adoration of the Magi; Adoration of the Shepherds; The Good Samaritan; Calvary; Flight into Egypt; Susannah and the Elders. Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent (1872–98) Brighton-born art nouveau artist. Became famous for his fantastic posters and illustrations for Morte d’Arthur, Wilde’s Salome, Pope’s Rape of the Lock, as well as for the Yellow Book magazine (1894–6) and his own Book of Fifty Drawings. With Wilde he is regarded as leader of the ‘Decadents’ of the 1890s. Died of TB at Menton, France, having embraced Catholicism. Beckmann, Max (1884–1950) German figurative painter and draughtsman who emigrated to the USA in 1947. Night. Beechey, Sir William (1753–1839) English portraitist who was knighted for George III and the Prince of Wales Reviewing Troops. Beerbohm, Max (1872–1956) English writer and caricaturist famous for his watercolours of Oscar Wilde and Edward VII. Bell, Vanessa (1879–1961) English painter and decorative designer, a member of the Bloomsbury group, and the sister of Virginia Woolf. Bellini Family Jacopo (c1400–70) founder of Venetian Renaissance art. His sons were Gentile (1429–1507), a portrait and panorama painter, and Giovanni (c1430–1516), the first Renaissance master of Venetian art, who taught both Giorgione and Titian. Selected works (Giovanni): Descent into Limbo; Doge Leonardo Loredan; Pietà. Bellotto, Bernardo (1720–80) Venetian topographical artist, nephew of Canaletto. Painted a masterly interior of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. View of Dresden. Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (1598–1680) Italian sculptor, architect and painter, born in Naples. Patronised by Cardinal Scipione Borghese. He designed the monumental baldacchino (choir canopy) for Saint Peter’s in the Vatican. Although frequently used by Pope Urban VIII he was less popular with Innocent X, who preferred Alessandro Algardi. His most famous works include the Cornaro Chapel in the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, the tomb of Alexander VII in Saint Peter’s and the small Jesuit church of San Andrea al Quirinale, all in Rome. He was buried in Rome in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Bevan, Robert Polhill (1865-1925) Hove-born artist famous for his paintings of horses. Founding member of the Camden Town Group, the London Group, and the Cumberland Market Group. Friend of, and influenced by, Gauguin. Married Polish painter Stanisawa de Karowska in 1897. Best-known paintings include: Breton Churchyard (1893), Breton Mother and Child (1894), Horse Sale at the Barbican (1912), The Feathered Hat (1915), Mare and Foal (1917), A Devon Cottage (1920) and Mount Stephen (1924). In 1913 The Cabyard, Night (1910) was bought by the Contemporary Art Society to become the only painting acquired for a public collection during his lifetime. Bewick, Thomas (1753–1828) English wood engraver, born a farmer’s son in Ovingham, Northumberland. His History of British Birds (1797–1804) was his masterpiece and the Bewick’s Swan was named in his honour shortly after his death. Blake, Peter (1932–) British Pop artist of the 1960s (now more conventional) famous for the cover of The Beatles’ album Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967). Knighted in 2002; in 2006, he designed the cover for Stop the Clocks - Oasis’ greatest hits album. Toy Shop; Montgomery Clift was a Twin; The Owl and the Pussycat; Portrait of David Hockney in a Hollywood Spanish Interior; Self Portrait with Badges. Blake, Quentin (1932- ) English cartoonist, illustrator and children's author best known for his illustration of books written by Roald Dahl. Blake, William (1757–1827) English painter and poet. Heads of the Poets; The Circle of the Lustful; 20 illustrations to Dante’s Divine Comedy.


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Bonington, Richard Parkes (1802–28) English topographical watercolourist. View of Normandy. Bonnard, Pierre (1867–1947) French landscape painter who also specialised in domestic scenes. Bonnard joined the Nabis, who included Denis and Vuillard, with whom he formed the Intimiste group. Women with a Dog. Bosch, Hieronymus (c1450–1516) Netherlandish painter of the macabre, best known for his triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights (Prado, Madrid). The Adoration of the Magi; The Ship of Fools; Christ Mocked; The Crowning with Thorns. Botticelli, Sandro (1445–1510) Florentine allegorical painter with distinctive linear style. Mars and Venus; La Primavera; The Birth of Venus. Boucher, François (1703–70) French Rococo court painter and decorator to Louis XV; also director of the famous French tapestry workshop the Gobelins. Diana after her Bath; Reclining Girl; Madame de Pompadour. Boudin, Eugène Louis (1824–98) French ‘plein-airiste’ - collections of his work are in the Musée de Doctor Faure, Aix-les-Bains, and the Musée des Beaux-Arts Jules Chéret, Nice. Deauville; Harbour of Trouville; Corvette Russe; Beach Scene. Bourgeois, Louise (1911–2010) Born in Paris and studied under Léger before moving to New York in 1938. Regarded in later life as one of the most important artists working, she explored her ideas in painting, sculpture, printmaking, installation and performance, using various media from wood and stone to latex and rubber. In 2000 she was commissioned to exhibit the first of the annual Unilever Series at the Turbine Hall of Tate Modern. The installation consists of three steel towers, entitled I Do, I Undo and I Redo. Each tower is 9m high; I Do and I Redo are encircled by spiral staircases while I Undo has an additional staircase in its core. Bourgeois was famous for her drawings and sculpture of spiders. Brancusi, Constantin (1876–1957) Romanian sculptor, born in Pestisani, near Turgujiu. In his youth he was a shepherd boy in the Carpathians. Brancusi worked in Rodin’s atelier and produced his The Kiss (1908) 22 years after Rodin’s. His Sleeping Muse (1910) also shows Rodin’s influence, but is the first of his characteristic highly polished egg-shaped carvings. The Prodigal Son (1925) shows the influence of African sculpture. Brancusi was a pioneer of modern abstract sculpture. Adam and Eve; Flying Turtle. Brangwyn, Sir Frank (1867–1956) Welsh painter, initially apprenticed to the Socialist designer William Morris. He presented a collection of his work to the city of Bruges in 1936 which is now housed in the Brangwyn Museum, and there is a substantial collection in the McManus Gallery, Dundee, and Brangwyn Hall, Swansea. British Empire Panels (Swansea Guildhall). Braque, Georges (1882–1963) French pioneer of Cubism, with Picasso, who designed scenes for two Diaghilev ballets, Les Fâcheux and Zéphyr et Flore. Braque was the first man to have his work exhibited in the Louvre during his lifetime. Still Life with Playing Cards; The Woman Musician; The Candlestick; L’Estaque, l’embarcadère; Piano and Lute; Violin and Jug. Bronzino, Agnolo (1503–72) Florentine Mannerist and portraitist. Noli Me Tangere; Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time; Portrait of Don Garzia de Medici ; Eleanora da Toledo with Her Son; Christ in Limbo. Brouwer, Adriaen (c1605–38) Flemish-born low-life painter who studied at Haarlem under Frans Hals and is regarded as ‘culturally’ Dutch, although eventually settling in Antwerp, where he died of the plague. A Boor Asleep; Interior of an Alehouse; Man with a Pointed Hat. Brown, Ford Madox (1821–93) French-born British painter associated with Pre-Raphaelites and William Morris in particular. He completed twelve frescoes for Manchester Town Hall, just before his death. His most famous picture, Work, was first exhibited at a retrospective exhibition held in London but is now hung in Manchester. Brown was the early tutor of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Last of England. Brueghel, Jan (1568–1625) Flemish painter (nicknamed ‘Velvet’); son of ‘Peasant’ Brueghel. Still Life with Garland of Flowers. Brueghel the Elder, Pieter (c1520–69) Flemish allegorical and religious painter of the Antwerp School, nicknamed ‘Peasant’ Brueghel. Adoration of the Magi; Death of the Virgin; Peasant Dance; The Massacre of the Innocents; The Tower of Babel; The Way to Calvary. Brueghel the Younger, Pieter (c1564–1636) Flemish painter nicknamed ‘Hell’ because of fantastic treatments of fire and grotesque imagery. The son of Pieter ‘Peasant’ Brueghel and famous for numerous copies after his father such as the Tower of Babel and Way to Calvary. Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833–98) British painter associated with Pre-Raphaelites and the Arts and Crafts Movement. Adoration of the Magi (tapestry); Perseus series; Legend of the Briar Rose series; King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid. Calder, Alexander (1898–1976) American kinetic sculptor, abstract painter and illustrator of children’s books. Calder invented the mobile. Canaletto, Antonio (1697–1768) Venetian topographical artist who was the uncle of Bellotto. Canaletto was associated with his views of London and Venice, where the entrepreneur Joseph Smith was responsible for popularising his work. View of the Grand Canal, Venice; View of the City of London from Richmond House; Stonemason’s Yard; Piazza San Marco Looking East from South of the Central Line. Canova, Antonio (1757–1822) Venetian Neoclassicist sculptor whose work includes The Three Graces and Daedalus and Icarus. Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da (c1573–1610) Italian Baroque painter who fled Rome in 1606 after killing a man and spent the rest of his life as a refugee, moving between Naples, Sicily and Malta. Adoration of the Shepherds; The Young Bacchus; Beheading of St John; Supper at Emmaus; La Zingara (The Fortune-Teller); Boy Bitten by a Lizard; The Calling of St Matthew; Crucifixion of St Peter. Caro, (Sir) Anthony (1924– ) English sculptor. Assistant to Henry Moore between 1951 and 1953 specialising in clay figures. From 1953 he was influenced by the American sculptor David Smith and began to use steel as his medium. He was knighted in 1987. In the 1990s he turned his attention to installation pieces, notably Sea Music (1991), located on Poole Quayside in Dorset, and Chapel of Light in the St Jean-Baptiste Church of Bourbourg in France. Married since 1949 to artist Sheila Girling. The Tower of Discovery; Dream City; Black Cover Flat. Carpaccio, Vittore (c1450–1525) Venetian religious painter. His most characteristic work is seen in the nine subjects from the life of St Ursula, and in his masterpiece, the Presentation in the Temple, both now in the Accademia, Venice. The Preaching of St Stephen; Courtesans. Carrà, Carlo (1881–1966) Italian Futurist who founded the Metaphysical School with de Chirico in 1917. Carracci, Annibale (1560–1609) Most important of the family of Bolognese Mannerists. The Butcher’s Shop; Bacchus and Silenus; Coronation of the Virgin. Castagno, Andrea del (c1420–57) Florentine Early Renaissance fresco painter. Dante; The Youthful David. Cézanne, Paul (1839–1906) French Post-Impressionist who married Hortense Fiquet (subject of many of his paintings) in 1886, the year his friendship with Émile Zola ended, due to the publication of Zola’s L’Oeuvre, in which the central figure is unflatteringly Cézanne. The Bather; The Lake at Annecy; Card Players; The Blue Vase; Uncle Dominic as a Monk; Boy in a Red Waist-Coat. Chagall, Marc (1887–1985) Russian-born figurative painter, active in France and the USA. The Musée Marc Chagall in Nice is entirely devoted to his work. The Dead Man; I and the Village; Self Portrait with Seven Fingers; The Juggler. Champaigne, Philippe de (1602–74) Brussels-born French Baroque court painter to Louis XIII patronised by Cardinal Richelieu. After 1647 he was associated with the Jansenists, a strict Roman Catholic sect. Ex Voto of 1662 (The Louvre, Paris); Cardinal Richelieu. Chapman Brothers Jake (1966–) and Dinos Chapman (1962–) are former assistants of Gilbert and George and are identified with the YBA movement. Their sculpture Hell (2000) consists of miniature figures of Nazis arranged in nine glass cases laid out in the shape of a Swastika. Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon (1699–1779) French still-life genre painter. Grace before Meat; Housewife; The Young Schoolmistress. Chirico, Giorgio de (1888–1978) Italian Surrealist and co-founder of Metaphysical School with Carlo Carrà. The Pink Tower. Christo (1935– ) Bulgarian-born, American sculptor famous for his ‘wrappings’, e.g. of the Reichstag building. His full name is Javacheff Christo. Christo often worked in collaboration with his wife Jeanne-Claude (1935–2009). Cimabue, Giovanni (c1240–1302) Florentine fresco painter who is accepted as the teacher of Giotto. Madonna and Child. Claude (le) Lorrain (1600–82) French Classical landscapist (born Claude Gellée). Village Fête; Aeneas at Delos; Ascanius Shooting the Stag of Sylvia; The Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca (aka The Mill). Close, Chuck (1940– ) American painter and photographer who pioneered photorealism, the technique of producing a painting from a photograph. Close continues to paint despite being partially paralysed since 1988 following a spinal artery collapse. Clouet the Younger, Jean (c1485–1541) French court painter to François I. Guillaume Budé. Clouet, François (c1510–72) French court painter to Francis I, Henri II, Francis II, and Charles IX. Elizabeth of Austria; Mary Queen of Scots; Portrait of Henri II. Constable, John (1776–1837) English landscapist, born in East Bergholt, Suffolk, the county where many of his most famous works are set. Dedham Vale; The Haywain; Harnham Ridge from Archdeacon Fisher’s House, Salisbury; Dedham Lock and Mill; The Leaping Horse; Various depictions of Salisbury Cathedral.


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Cook, Beryl (1926–2008) Beryl took up painting in her thirties and immediately chose a humorous niche. In 1975 the Plymouth Arts Centre exhibited her work and in 1979 her life was featured on LWT’s The South Bank Show, bringing her popular acclaim. Football on Looe Beach. Cooper, Samuel (c1608–72) English miniaturist whose Oliver Cromwell (Buccleuch College) was his most famous work. Copley, John Singleton (1738–1815) American portraitist and history painter working in England from 1775. Hugh Montgomery, 12th Earl of Eglinton; The Siege of Gibraltar; The Copley Family; Brook Watson and the Shark. Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille (1796–1875) French landscapist. Louis Robert as a Child; Avignon. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da (c1490–1534) Italian High Renaissance painter, active mainly in Parma. The Adoration of the Kings; Ecce Homo; The Agony in the Garden; St Mary Magdalen; Danae; Ascension of Christ; Assumption of the Virgin; Four Saints; The Nativity (aka The Holy Night or Adoration of the Shepherds); Venus with Mercury and Cupid (aka The School of Love). Cortona, Pietro Berrettini da (1596–1669) Italian painter and architect, creator of Roman High Baroque. The Rape of the Sabines; Allegory of Divine Providence and Barbarian Power (a ceiling frescoe in the Galleria Nazionale, Rome). Cotman, John Sell (1782–1842) English landscapist, co-founder of the Norwich School. The Devil’s Elbow; Greta Bridge; Seashore with Boats. Courbet, Gustave (1819–77) French Realist who joined the Paris Commune, was imprisoned for his part in the destruction of the Vendôme Column and died in exile in Switzerland. Battle between Two Stags; Studio of the Painter: an Allegory of Realism; Les Demoiselles de Village; Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet ; Stream in a Ravine; Young Women on the Banks of the Seine. Craig-Martin, Michael (1941– ) Dublin-born conceptual artist who influenced many of the so-called ‘Young British Artists’ while teaching at Goldsmiths College, London (1974–88). His best known work, An Oak Tree, consists of a glass of water placed on a small glass shelf of the type normally found in a bathroom. In 1989 a major retrospective of his work was held at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London. He has done installations for the Projects exhibition series at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (1991) and at the Centre Pompidou in Paris (1994). He was a Trustee of the Tate Gallery, London, from 1989 to 1999. In 2006, the Irish Museum of Modern Art displayed 40 years of his work. Cranach the Elder, Lucas (1472–1553) German court painter to the Elector of Saxony. He had three sons, one of them Lucas the Younger (1515–86) specialised in recreating his father’s work. A Young Girl; Adam and Eve; Stag Hunt of the Elector Frederick the Wise; A Crucifixion; Martin Luther; The Judgement of Paris; Hercules and Antaeus; Paradise; Venus and Cupid. Crome, John (1768–1821) English topographical artist and founding member of the Norwich Society (1803), now known as the Norwich School. Yarmouth Jetty; The Beaters; Marlingford Grove. Cuyp, Aelbert (1620–91) Dutch landscapist who was greatly influenced by Jan van Goyen. He also painted animals, seascapes and still lifes. River Scene with a View of Dordrecht ; Sunset after Rain; Resting Horsemen in a Landscape. Daddi, Bernardo (c1290–1348) Florentine Early Renaissance contemporary of Giotto. Virgin and Child. Dali, Salvador (1904–89) Spanish Surrealist. Born in Figueras but lived in Paris and, from 1940, in the USA. Dali collaborated with Luis Buñuel on such Surrealist films as Le Chien Andalou (1928) and L’Age d’Or (1930). Young Virgin Auto-Sodomized by the Horns of Her Own Chastity; Accommodations of Desire; Christ of St John of the Cross; Inventions of the Monsters; Galacidalacideoxyribonucleicacid; Inventions of the Monsters; Tuna Fishing (Homage to Meissonier); The Persistence of Memory (aka The Limp Watches). Daubigny, Charles-François (1817–78) French landscapist of the Barbizon School who was a pupil of Paul Delaroche. Evening Landscape. Daumier, Honoré (1808–79) French caricaturist and political satirist. Most famous work: The Washerwoman (The Laundress) David, Gerard (c1460–1523) Netherlandish painter who became dean of the Painters’ Guild of Bruges in 1501. The Transfiguration; The Marriage at Cana; The Tree of Jesse . David, Jacques-Louis (1748–1825) French Neo-classicist who voted in the National Convention for the death of Louis XVI and after Robespierre’s death was twice imprisoned. He produced his masterpiece The Rape of the Sabines in 1799 and in 1804 became court painter to Napoleon, but was eventually banished as a regicide after the Bourbon restoration. The Death of Marat; Death of Socrates; Madame Récamier; Napoleon Crowning Josephine; Three Women of Ghent; Oath of the Tennis Court. Degas, Edgar (1834–1917) French Impressionist painter and sculptor who specialised in dancers. The Ballet Scene; Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando; The Dancing Class; L’Absinthe; The Dancer; Semiramis Founding Babylon; At the Races. Delacroix, Eugène (1798–1863) French Romantic painter. Delacroix’s Paris studio-apartment is now a museum for his work. The Abduction of Rebecca; The Death of Sardanapalus; Battle of Taillebourg; Baron Schwiter; The Execution of Faliero; Liberty Leading the People. Delaroche, Paul (1797–1859) French history painter whose Children of King Edward is housed in the Louvre. Delaunay, Robert (1885–1941) French Cubist and exponent of Orphism, husband of the pioneer abstract painter Sonia Delaunay Terk (1885– 1979). L’Equipe de Cardiff; various depictions of The Eiffel Tower. Delvaux, Paul (1897–1994) Belgian Neo-Impressionist, Expressionist and Surrealist. Sleeping Venus. Denis, Maurice (1870–1943) French painter, founder of the ‘Nabis’ group. Hommage à Cézanne. Derain, André (1880–1954) French Fauvist painter and sculptor. Mountains at Collioure; Blackfriars. Dix, Otto (1891–1969) German Expressionist painter, a leader of the Neue Sachlichkeit group. Sylvia von Harden; Nude Girl in a Fur . Dobson, William (c1610–46) English portrait painter who succeeded Van Dyck as painter to the exiled Charles I (1641). Endymion Porter . Doesburg, Theo van (1883–1931) Dutch artist and architect. Leader of De Stijl movement with Mondrian and devotee of a severe form of geometrical abstraction known as Neo-Plasticism. He was originally called Christian Emil Marie Kupper. Domenichino (1581–1641) Bolognese artist. Portrait of Monsignor Agucchi ; Sibyl ; Last Communion of St Jerome; Tobias. Domenico Veneziano (c1400–61) Florentine Early Renaissance painter. St Lucy Altarpiece. Donatello (c1386–1466) Florentine sculptor whose work included his David and St George Killing the Dragon (properly, Donato di Niccolò.) Dongen, Kees van (1877–1968) Dutch painter active in Paris. Fauvist and member of Die Brücke (The Bridge). Women on the Balcony. Dossi, Dosso (c1479–1542) Ferrarese fresco painter. The Christ Child Learning to Walk; The Sorceress Circe. Dou, Gerrit (or Gerard) (1613–75) Dutch painter and former collaborator with Rembrandt. Started the ‘Fijnschilder’ (fine painter) School in Leiden. A Woman at a Window; The Young Mother; A Poulterer’s Shop; The Astronomer; The Hermit; Night-School; Rembrandt’s Mother. Duccio di Buoninsegna (c1260–c1318) Sienese painter. Maestà; Rucellai Madonna; Christ Healing the Blind Man; The Annunciation. Duchamp, Marcel (1887–1968) French-born American painter and sculptor, brother of Jacques Villon. Inventor of the ‘Ready-Made’ and leader of the New York Dadaists. The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even, also known as The Large Glass; Mona Lisa with Moustache and Goatee; Sad Young Man in a Train. Dufy, Raoul (1877–1953) French artist and designer, born in Le Havre. Dufy played a big part in popularising Fauvism. In 1911 he illustrated Guillaume Apollinaire’s Bestiary. Château and Horses. Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528) German artist, born in Nuremberg, the son of a Hungarian goldsmith. Dürer is often considered the inventor of etching and was a supreme master of the woodcut. Self Portrait in a Fur-collared Robe; A Young Man; Adoration of the Magi; Anna Selbdritt; Job and His Wife; Madonna with Musical Angels; The Feast of the Rose Garlands; Hercules Killing the Stymphalian Birds; Lucretia. Dyce, William (1806–64) Scottish painter and pioneer of state art education in Great Britain. Dyck, (Sir) Anthony van (1599–1641) Anglo-Flemish court painter to Charles l of England and pupil of Rubens. Member of the Antwerp School. Triple Portrait of Charles l; Portrait of the Earl of Strafford; The Lornellini Family; Carrying of the Cross; Samson and Delilah; Emmanuel Philibert; The Entry into Jerusalem; King Charles on Horseback; Lamentation for Christ; Cupid and Psyche. Eakins, Thomas (1844–1916) American painter and photographer, born in Philadelphia. His composite plates inspired Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase. Max Schmitt in a Single Scull; Chess Players. Eliasson, Olafur (1967– ) Born in Copenhagen, Denmark and attended the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen from 1989 to 1995. He specialises in large installation works and The Weather Project is the fourth in the annual Unilever Series of commissions for the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern. Currently based in Berlin. In May 2009 Eliasson completed The Parliament of Reality, a permanent sculpture based on the Icelandic Althing. Situated at Bard College, New York, the man-made island project is surrounded by a 30ft circular lake and 24 trees. In 2011 he designed the facade of Harpa, Reykjavík's new concert hall and conference centre notable for its glass panels of different colours.


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Elsheimer, Adam (1578–1610) German painter on copper. St Paul on Malta; Judith and Holofernes; Tobias and the Angel . Emin, Tracey (1963– ) Croydon-born modern artist who was brought up in Margate. Her best-selling autobiography is entitled Exploration of the Soul. In 1993, she opened ‘The Shop’ with fellow artist Sarah Lucas. In May 2004, a fire in a Momart storage warehouse in East London destroyed several of her works, includingಝThe Hut and Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–95, consisting of a tent with a montage of names of old lovers embroidered on its walls. A recent public work is a neon artwork sign reading "More Passion"; installed outside the Terracotta Room at Number 10 Downing Street in August 2011. Every Part of Me’s Bleeding; People Like You Need to Fuck People Like Me; My Bed. Ensor, James (1860–1949) Belgian painter of the macabre and precursor of Surrealism. Entry of Christ into Brussels. Epstein, (Sir) Jacob (1880–1959) American-born British sculptor, born a Russian-Polish Jew in New York. His early commissions included 18 nude figures for the façade of the British Medical Association building in the Strand (1907–8) and Night and Day (1929) for the London Transport Building in Westminster. These and later symbolic sculptures, such as the marble Genesis (1930), the Ecce Homo (1934) and the alabaster Adam (1939), resulted in accusations of indecency and blasphemy. His last two large commissioned works were Christ in Majesty (Llandaff Cathedral) and St Michael and the Devil (Coventry Cathedral). Ernst, Max (1891–1976) German painter and sculptor who was a founder of the Surrealist movement. He invented the technique of frottage (pencil rubbings on canvas). The Elephant Celebes; Le Grand Amoureux. Estes, Richard (1932– ) US founder of the photorealism movement of the 1960s; Telephone Booths (1968) being one of the first examples. Etty, William (1787–1849) English artist who specialised in nudes. Monk Bar, York; The Combat; Somnolency; The Fairy of the Fountain. Eyck, Hubert van (c1366–1426) Flemish painter; the brother of Jan van Eyck. Eyck, Jan van (c1389–1441) Netherlands painter, successively in the service of John of Bavaria, the Count of Holland and Philip the Good of Burgundy. The Arnolfini Wedding; Adoration of the Lamb; The Madonna with Chancellor Rolin; Man in a Red Turban. Fabritius, Carel (1622–54) Dutch painter of still lifes and street-scenes. Worked under Rembrandt around 1641 and lived mainly at Delft, where he was killed in the explosion of the municipal ammunition depot. View of Delft ; An Old Man); The Goldfinch. Fairhurst, Angus (1966–2008) English installation and video artist known for his collaborations with Damien Hirst and Sarah Lucas. As a sculptor he was most famous for his gorillas. On the final day of his exhibition at Sadie Coles HQ in London in March 2008 he was found hanging from a tree near Bridge of Orchy in the Scottish Highlands, having taken his own life. Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836–1904) French genre, still-life and Symbolist painter, born in Grenoble. Flowers and Fruit ; Homage to Delacroix. Feininger, Lyonel (1871–1956) American artist and cartoonist, born in New York of German immigrant parents. Taught at the Bauhaus at Weimar and Dessau, but when the Nazis came to power he returned to the USA and, with Gropius and Mies van der Rohe, founded the Chicago Bauhaus. Sailing Boats; Gelmeroda III. Fini, Leonor (1908–96) Argentinian graphic artist often associated with the surrealist movement. Prolific painter of beautiful women but possibly best known for her flamboyant Parisian lifestyle. She was photographed nude in a swimming pool by Cartier-Bresson, a photo that sold for $305,000 in 2007. Flanagan, Barry (1941–2009) Welsh sculptor, best known for his bronze statues of hares. Fouquet, Jean (c1420–81) French court painter to Louis I. Pope Eugenius IV commissioned a portrait from him, now lost. Etienne Chevalier with St Stephen; Madonna and Child ; Charles VII. Fragonard, Jean-Honoré (1732–1806) French Rococo painter. The Swing; Bathers. Frankenthaler, Helen (1928–2011 ) American Abstract Expressionist painter, who devised a technique for staining unprimed canvases with washes of colour. Blue Territory. Freud, Lucian (1922–2011) German-born, English figurative painter. In his early years he was one of the Neo-Romantic group along with Minton, Craxton, Sutherland and Piper; but from the 1950s he developed a realist style. One of the most respected artists since World War II. Freud’s work does not lend itself to be pigeon-holed in any particular style and includes portraits ranging from Francis Bacon in the Tate (stolen in 1988 whilst on exhibition in Germany) to the painting of a man in a raincoat with a yucca – Interior in Paddington (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool). Sigmund Freud was the artist’s grandfather. In 1948 he married Kitty Garman, the daughter of Jacob Epstein, and after the marriage was annulled in 1952 he married Lady Caroline Maureen Blackwood (marriage dissolved in 1957; she died in 1996). Freud is known to have sired numerous offspring by various mistresses. In May 2008, his 1995 portrait Benefits Supervisor Sleeping was sold at Christie’s in New York for $33.6m, a world record by a living artist at the time. Friedrich, Caspar David (1774–1840) German Romantic painter of nature, and particularly forest scenes. His works are included in the German Romantic collection in the Schinkel Pavilion at Schloss Charlottenburg and in the Neue National Galerie, both in Berlin. Man and Woman Gazing at the Moon; Wreck of the Hope. (Dame) Elizabeth Frink (1930–93) English sculptress. The horror of war ran through her entire oeuvre. Gogglehead; Arrival at Canterbury. Frith, William Powell (1819–1909) English genre painter who became the wealthiest painter of his time by selling both paintings and their copyright. The Derby Day; The Railway Station. Fuseli, Henry (1741–1825) Swiss Romantic fantasy painter who took British citizenship and became professor of painting at the Royal Academy, and Keeper in 1804. Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking; Titania and Bottom; The Three Witches from Macbeth; The Nightmare. Gabo, Naum (1890–1977) Russian-born, US artist; the brother of Antoine Pevsner, with whom he founded Constructivism. Gaddi, Taddeo (c1300–66) Florentine painter and mosaicist who was Giotto’s best pupil and also his godson. Life of the Virgin. Gainsborough, Thomas (1727–88) English portrait and landscape painter, born in Sudbury, Suffolk. Married Margaret Burr, the illegitimate daughter of the 4th Duke of Beaufort. Most famous work: The Blue Boy (depiction of his friend Master Jonathan Buttall). Harvest Wagon; Portrait of Mary, Countess Howe; The Watering Place; Mrs Graham; George III & Queen Charlotte; The Market Cart; The Morning Walk; Mrs Robinson (aka Perdita); The Painter’s Daughters Chasing a Butterfly; Peasants Returning from Market; Woodcutter Courting a Milkmaid. Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri (1891–1915) French Cubist sculptor born in St Jean de Braye. Came to England in 1911 with his partner Sophie Brzeska (a Polish writer of almost twice his age he had met the previous year in a Paris library), and founded the London Group of Sculpture. In 1914 he signed the Vorticist Manifesto. Joined the French army at the outbreak of WWI and was killed in action. Armour. Gauguin, Paul (1848–1903) French Post-Impressionist who gave up a stockbroking career to devote himself to painting. He evolved a style known as ‘Synthetism’ in a reaction against Impressionism. Lived in Tahiti 1891–1901 and then the Marquesas Islands. Fell out with his friend Van Gogh at Arles in 1888. The Vision after the Sermon; Tahitian Women; La Seine au Pont d’Iéna; The King’s Wife (aka Women with Mangoes); The Swineherd; When Shall We Be Married. Gentile da Fabriano (c1370–1427) Italian International Gothic painter (properly, Niccolo di Giovanni di Massio). Adoration of the Magi . Gentileschi, Artemisia (c1597–c1651) Daughter of the Bolognese painter Orazio Gentileschi. Self-portrait as Pittura; Susannah and the Elders. Gérard, François (1770–1837) French artist, born in Rome. Cupid and Psyche; Battle of Austerlitz; Josephine Bonaparte. Géricault, Théodore (1791–1824) French Romantic history painter. He died following a fall from his horse. His tomb in Père Lachaise cemetery, Paris, has a brass relief of The Raft of the Medusa. The Wounded Cuirassier; Mad Woman with a Mania of Envy; The Charging Chasseur. Gheeraerts, Marcus, the Younger (c1561–1636) Flemish portraitist. Court painter to Elizabeth I and James I of England (VI of Scotland). Portrait of Arabella Stuart in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery is possibly by Gheeraerts. Sir Thomas Lee; William Camden. Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1449–94) Florentine Renaissance fresco painter (properly, Domenico di Tommaso Bigordi). Life of the Virgin; Visitation of the Virgin; Old Man and His Grandson. Giacometti, Alberto (1901–66) Swiss sculptor and painter best known for his attenuated sculptures of solitary figures. Gibson, John (1790–1866) Welsh Neo-classical sculptor whose Tinted Venus is in the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. Gilbert & George (1943– / 1942– ) English avant-garde artists, noted for painting their faces gold and wearing identical outfits. Their full names are Gilbert Proesch and George Passmore. Gilbert, (Sir) Alfred (1854–1934) English sculptor and goldsmith, leader of the New Sculpture movement. The Clarence Memorial in Windsor is considered the climax of his work although Eros (Piccadilly Circus, London) his most famous. Other works include Joule (Manchester Town Hall); the Alexandra Memorial in Marlborough Road, London, and the Queen Victoria statue in Winchester.


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Gill, Eric (1882–1940) English sculptor, engraver, writer and typographer, born in Brighton, the son of a clergyman. In 1909 he carved his first stone figure The Madonna and Child. Through the influence of Augustus John he exhibited at the Chenil Galleries, Chelsea (1911). He maintained a steady output for the rest of his life, during which he designed the classic typeface Gill. Joined the Fabian movement and eventually became Catholic. Mankind; Stations of the Cross; Prospero and Ariel (BBC Broadcasting House, London). Gillray, James (1756–1815) English political and social caricaturist and printmaker, born in Chelsea, the son of a Lanark trooper. Gillray had a life-long partnership with the publisher Mrs Humphrey. From 1810 until his death he was hopelessly insane. Giordano, Luca (1634–1705) Neapolitan decorative painter, precursor of Rococo and court painter to Charles II of Spain. Renowned for his speed of working, hence his nickname ‘Luca Fa Presto’ (Luke Go Quickly). Apotheosis of the Medici. Giorgione (c1478–1510) Venetian Renaissance painter (properly, Giorgio Barbarelli). The Adulteress before Christ; The Adoration of the Magi ; The Tempest ; Judgement of Solomon; Trial of Moses. Giotto di Bondone (c1266–1337) Florentine painter who introduced sculptural solidity into painting and heralded the Renaissance. He was a pupil of Cimabue, but because of confusion as to his early life it is not known for sure if the St Francis of Assisi frescoes were attributable to him. Often called the ‘Father of Modern Painting’. Both he and Cimabue are mentioned by Dante. Legend says he drew a perfect circle freehand for the Pope. The Arena Chapel murals at S. Maria Annunziata dell’Arena, Padua; Ognissanti Madonna; Lamentation. Giulio Romano (1492–1546) Roman Mannerist painter and architect. An indication of his fame is a mention in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale. Isabella d’Este; Allegory of Immortality; fresco decorations at the Palazzo del Te, Mantua. Goes, Hugo van der (c1440–82) Flemish painter of religious subjects. Adoration of the Shepherds; Death of the Virgin; Adoration of the Magi. Gogh, Vincent van (1853–90) Dutch Post-Impressionist. The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh in Amsterdam houses over 700 of his paintings and drawings. Cornfield and Cypress Trees; Irises; Church at Auvers; Pipe and Bandaged Ear (Self-portrait); The Chair and the Pipe (aka Van Gogh’s Chair); In the Field; Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette. Gore, Spencer Frederick (1878–1914) English painter, born in Epsom, Surrey. Gore was a founder member and first president of the Camden Town Group (1911). From a Window in Cambrian Road, Richmond. Gorky, Arshile (1904–48) Armenian-born US painter influenced by Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism. Original name: Vosdanig Manoog Adoian. The Liver Is the Cock’s Comb. Gormley, Antony (1950– ) At the forefront of a generation of British artists who emerged during the 1980s. Another Place, first exhibited on the beach at Cuxhaven, Germany in 1997, but now permanently erected on Crosby Beach, near Liverpool, consists of 100 nude cast iron figures in the artist’s image which emerge from the sea at low tide. Public work in Britain can be seen in locations as diverse as the crypt at Winchester Cathedral and Birmingham city centre. In 1994 he won the Turner Prize and in 1997 was awarded the OBE for services to sculpture. His bestknown work is The Angel of the North (see entry below). In May 2003 Domain Field, a room full of life-size depictions of the human form made out of stainless steel rods, was unveiled at the Baltic Arts Centre in Gateshead. The 2006 Sydney Biennale featured Gormley’s Asian Field, an installation of 180,000 small clay figurines crafted by 350 Chinese villagers in five days from 100 tons of red clay. In July 2009 Gormley presented One and Other, a Fourth Plinth Commission, whereby members of the public chosen by lot were able to spend one hour on the vacant plinth in Trafalgar Square, London. Goya y Lucientes, Francisco (1746–1828) Court painter to Charles IV of Spain. His series of etchings, The Disasters of War, describe the horrors of the Peninsular war in Spain. Family of Charles IV; The Naked Maja; The Duke of Wellington; The Annunciation; The Madhouse. Goyen, Jan van (1596–1656) Dutch landscapist. Cottages & Fishermen by a River; Leiden from North-East; Dordrecht from Papendrecht . Gozzoli, Benozzo (c1421–97) Florentine fresco painter, a pupil of Fra Angelico. Journey of the Magi. Greco, El (1541–1614) Cretan-born Spanish Mannerist (properly, Domenico Theotocopoulos). The Saviour ; The Tears of St Peter; The Disrobing of Christ; Assumption of the Virgin; Trinity. Greuze, Jean-Baptiste (1725–1805) French genre and portrait painter. The Broken Pitcher ; Girl with Doves. Grimshaw, (John) Atkinson (1836–93) Leeds-born artist who specialised in nocturnal townscapes with gas lights and wet streets. Gris, Juan (1887–1927) Spanish Cubist (properly, José Victoriano González). Still Life with Dice; The Glass. Grosz, George (1893–1959) German-born American Expressionist and Dadaist whose depictions of the depravity of war were so graphic that the Nazis called him ‘Cultural Bolshevist Number One’. Although starting as a Dadaist, he was a co-founder of the Neue Sachlichkeit movement. Kristallnacht ; To Oskar Panizza. Grünewald, Matthias (c1470/80–1528) German visionary artist (properly, Mathis Gothardt – although he occasionally added his wife’s surname Neithardt to his own). Grünewald is the ‘Mathis der Maler’ of Hindemith’s opera of that name. The Isenheim Altarpiece; The Mocking of Christ; The Miracle of the Snow. Guardi, Francesco (1712–93) Italian topographical artist, born in Pinzolo. Pupil of Canaletto, and like his master famous for his views of Venice. Ascent in a Balloon; The Doge Embarking on the Bucintoro; The Doge’s Palace. Guardi, Giovanni (1699–1760) Venetian painter, born in Vienna, brother of Francesco Guardi. Guercino (1591–1666) Bolognese early Baroque painter (properly, Gian-Francesco Barbieri). The Incredulity of St Thomas; Susanna Bathing. Gursky, Andreas (1955–) German visual artist known for his digitally enhanced images often mounted to plexiglass. Chicago Board of Trade II. Hals, Frans (c1580–1666) Dutch genre and portrait painter, born in Antwerp. The Laughing Cavalier ; Married Couple in a Garden; Aletta Hannemans; The Merry Toper ; Merry Company; Hamlet (aka Young Man Holding a Skull); Nurse and Child. Hamilton, Gavin (1723–98) Scottish painter in Rome, who pioneered the depiction of Homeric subjects in a severe manner. Hamilton, Richard (1922–2011 ) English artist who became a pioneer of Pop Art after attending the This is Tomorrow exhibition in Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, in 1956. He reconstructed Duchamp’s Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even, by consulting the original notes and studies by the artist. Adonis in Y-Fronts; Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing. Heartfield, John (1891–1968) German painter, originally Helmut Herzfelde, a leading member of Berlin Dada and a lifelong pacifist. Hepworth, (Dame) Jocelyn Barbara (1903–75) Born in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, her first marriage was to fellow sculptor John Skeaping and her second to painter Ben Nicholson. Noted for the strength and formal discipline of her carving, e.g. Contrapuntal Forms, exhibited at the Festival of Britain, 1951. Such pieces as Wave (1944) and Mr & Mrs Ashley (Havinden Collection, England) became increasingly open, hollowed out and variously perforated, so that the interior space became as important as the mass surrounding it. Pelagos; Pendour . Hilliard, Nicholas (1537–1619) English miniature-painter at the courts of Elizabeth I and James I of England. Young Man among Roses; Elizabeth I Playing a Lute; Self-portrait Aged 31. Hirst, Damien (1965– ) Avant-garde artist, born in Bristol. Following a disappointing ‘D’ in his A-Level art exam went on to train at Goldsmiths College, London. Became known for his works which made use of parts or all of dead animals preserved in formaldehyde, such as I Want You Because I Can’t Have You (1992), a series of fish behind a perspex casing enclosed within a steel, melamine and wood exterior, and Mother and Child Divided (1993) – four tanks containing the severed halves of a cow and calf. His 1994 exhibition contained a dead lamb Away from the Flock, suspended within a tank. In 1995 he was awarded the Turner Prize and in 1996 his New York exhibition ‘No Sense of Absolute Corruption’ (Gagosian Gallery), contained several large paintings, as well as earlier works including an 8.3ins porcelain ashtray full of cigarette butts entitled Home Sweet Home. In December 2004, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living was sold for $12m, the most expensive work by a living artist ever sold, with the exception of some early work by Jasper Johns. He then beat this record in June 2007 when Lullaby Spring, a 3m wide cabinet with 6,136 pills, sold for $19.2m (but see Lucian Freud). Later in 2007 he created For the Love of God, a platinum human skull adorned with 8,601 diamonds weighing a total of 1,106.18 carats. Approximately £15m worth of diamonds were used and a price tag of £50m asked for. His representation of the British Union Flag formed the arena centrepiece for the 2012 Summer Olympics closing ceremony in London. Hobbema, Meindert (1638–1709) Dutch landscapist and pupil of Jacob von Ruysdael. The Avenue at Middleharnis; A Watermill; A Peasant Cottage on a Water Course; The Ruins of Brederode Castle. Hockney, David (1937– ) Versatile Bradford-born artist. Californian swimming pools were prolifically painted in his early career, notably A Bigger Splash (1967). In the Seventies his style became more traditional with a series of portraits of couples such as Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy (1970 depicting the fashion designer Ossie Clark and the textile designer Celia Birtwell shortly after their wedding at which Hockney was Clark's best man


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– Percy is a white cat) and My Parents (1977), both displayed in Tate Britain, London. Hockney is also a celebrated graphic artist, photographer and stage designer of operatic productions. Le Plongeur (The Diver); Rocky Mountains and Tired Indians. Hogarth, William (1697–1764) English painter and satirist, born in Smithfield, the son of a teacher. Studied under Sir James Thornhill and married Thornhill’s daughter in 1729. Lord George Graham in His Cabin; The Rake’s Progress series; Self-portrait with His Pug; A Fishing Party; Garrick in the Character of Richard III. Hokusai, Katsushika (1760–1849) Japanese engraver and watercolourist whose work became extremely popular in England after the AngloJapanese trade agreements of the 1880s. His work influenced Whistler. Famous for the Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series displayed at the Art Institute of Chicago. Holbein the Younger, Hans (c1497–1543) German portraitist who was court painter to Henry VIII. His father, Hans Holbein the Elder (c1460– 1524), was also a painter of note. The Ambassadors; Sir Thomas Moore; Jane Seymour ; Anne of Cleves; Erasmus in the Roundel; Henry VIII. Homer, Winslow (1836–1910) American painter, born in Boston. Began as an illustrator for magazines such as Harper’s Weekly and Ballou’s Pictorial. Worked for many years at his Prouts Neck studio in Maine, where the local sea area became a favourite subject for depiction. Fog Warning; Pitching Quoits. Honthorst, Gerrit van (1590–1656) Dutch genre and night-scene painter who was the court painter to the Stadholder of Holland and Charles I of England. Winter Queen (Elizabeth of Bohemia); Willem II, Prince of Orange; The Death of Seneca. Hooch (or Hoogh), Pieter de (1629–84) Dutch genre painter. Backgammon Players; A Musical Party; A Courtyard in Delft; At the Linen Closet. Hoppner, John (1758–1810) English portraitist whose masterpiece was The Countess of Oxford. Hopper, Edward (1882–1967) New York-born painter, mostly of urban scenes. Early Sunday Morning; Model Reading; Room in Brooklyn. Hughes, Arthur (1830–1915) English painter associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, although never formally. Hume, Gary (1962– ) YBA member who came to prominence via his ‘door paintings’ (life-size representations of hospital doors). Known for his simplistic use of colour as in his 1996 work Snowman consisting of a head, body and background in three shades of red. Hunt, William Holman (1827–1910) English painter and founder member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The Scapegoat ; Claudio and Isabella; The Light of the World (Keble College, Oxford). Hunt, William Morris (1824–79) American Romantic painter who created a fashion in the USA for the luminous, atmospheric painting of the Barbizon School. Girl at a Fountain (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). Huysum, Jan van (1682–1749) Dutch still-life painter. Fruit, Flowers and Insects (Alte Pinakothek, Munich). Ibbetson, Julius Caesar (1759–1817) English landscapist who specialised in the scenery of the Lakes and his native Yorkshire. Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780–1867) French Classical painter of portraits and history pictures. Ingres bequeathed much of his work to his home town of Montauban, and the collection is now housed in the town’s Musée Ingres. His motto was ‘A thing well drawn is well enough painted’. Ingres became a senator in 1862. Madame Moitessier ; The Turkish Bath; Oedipus and the Sphinx. Inness, George (1825–94) American landscapist, later influenced by the Barbizon School. The Delaware Valley; Rainbow after a Storm. Jackson, Alison (1970- ) Hampshire-born artist best known for her lookalike photographs of celebrities. She won a BAFTA for directing the BBC2 comedy series Doubletake. Jawlensky, Alexej von (1864–1941) Russian Expressionist working in Munich from 1896 and France from 1905. In 1924 he co-founded Der Blaue Vier (Blue Four group) with Kandinsky, Klee and Feininger. Head of a Woman. John, Augustus Edwin (1878–1961) Welsh painter, born in Tenby. Graduated from the Slade School of Art, London, with his elder sister, Gwen John. His favourite themes were gypsies, fishing folk and wild, lovely, yet regal women. Smiling Woman; Richard Hughes. John, Gwen (1876–1939) Welsh painter who worked as an artist’s model and became Rodin’s mistress. A Corner of the Artist’s Room. Johns, Jasper (1930– ) American Neo-Dadaist painter and sculptor, a strong influence on Pop Art, whose sculptures are of everyday items. Throughout his career he has specialised in numerous drawings and prints of flags in various media. His 1987 etching with aquatint, The Seasons (Summer) is highly acclaimed, although his best-known work is probably Flag (1955). Although Lucian Freud had the world record auction sale by a living artist, Johns’ False Start (1959) was bought privately for $80m in 2006. In “Mom and Pop Art”, a 1999 episode of The Simpsons, Johns guest starred as himself. Zero Through Nine. Jordaens, Jacob (1593–1678) Flemish low-life and religious painter. Pupil of Rubens. Commerce and Industry Protecting the Fine Arts; Presentation in the Temple; The Fruit Seller. Jorn, Asger Oluf (1914–73) Danish Expressionist (properly, Asger Jorgensen). Founded the CoBrA group, which was named after COpenhagen, BRussels, Amsterdam. The Lost World. Judd, Donald (1928–1994) American Minimalist artist and sculptor who has geometric boxes built especially to use in his work. Kahlo, Frida (1907–54) Mexican painter noted for her communist sympathies, unconventional lifestyle and flamboyant dress sense. She also sported a small moustache and unibrow, which she exaggerated in self-portraits. Frida suffered polio when she was six and this, coupled with a serious road accident in 1925, left her suffering pain for much of her life. Frida married Mexican muralist and cubist painter Diego Rivera and they were known as ‘the elephant and the dove’ due to their difference in size. In 2002 Miramax released Frida, a film of her life starring Salma Hayek in the title role. The Bus; Thinking of Death. Kandinsky, Wassily (1866–1944) Russian pioneer of abstract art who was influenced by the Fauves, Bauhaus, and Surrealists. He founded Der Blaue Reiter group with Franz Marc. First Abstract Watercolour ; Blue Mountain; Composition II; Tempered Elan; White Line. Kapoor, Anish (1954– ) Born in Bombay but lives and works in London. Renowned for his enigmatic sculptural forms that permeate physical and psychological space. His versatility and inventiveness have resulted in works ranging from powdered pigment sculptures and site-specific interventions on wall or floor, to gigantic installations both in and outdoors. Throughout, he has explored what he sees as deep-rooted metaphysical polarities: presence and absence, being and non-being, place and non-place and the solid and the intangible. His Sky Mirror sculptures, reflecting the sky and surroundings, have been shown in Nottingham (2004) and New York (2006). Kapoor is currently working on the Tees Valley Giants, with structural designer Cecil Balmond. The first of the five sculptures, Temenos, has been completed. If the project is completed it will become the world’s biggest public art project. His best-known works to date are Marsyas, the third in the Unilever series of commissions for the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern and the ArcelorMittal Orbit (see entry in current affairs section 28 October 2011). He was awarded the CBE in 2003. Kauffmann, Angelica (1741–1807) Swiss Neo-classical painter in England who co-founded the Royal Academy (1768). She married the Venetian painter Antonio Zucchi. Rinaldo and Armida; Euphrosyne Complains to Venus of the Wounds of Cupid. Kiefer, Anselm (1945– ) German avant-garde artist whose work tends to concentrate on German history. Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (1880–1938) German Expressionist, influenced by Neo-Impressionism, Fauvism and Primitive art. Die Brücke painters – portraits of Otto Muller, Erich Heckel, Schmidt-Rotluff and Kirchner; Japanisches Theater. Kitaj, Ron B. (1932–2007) US Pop artist, introducing cultural and political elements. Active in the UK. Committed suicide in 2007. If Not . . . Not. Klee, Paul (1879–1940) Swiss painter and etcher. Blaue Reiter member and teacher at the Bauhaus. Described his work as ‘taking a line for a walk’. Death and Fire; Around the Fish; Ad Marginem. Klein, Yves (1928–62) French revolutionary Minimalist, painting only in blue. Klein was a celebrated exponent of judo and lived in Japan in 1952–3. ANT 143 The Handsome Teuton. Klimt, Gustav (1862–1918) Austrian Art Nouveau painter, founder member of the Vienna Secession, 1898, artists who resigned as a group from conventional academic bodies. Salome; The Kiss; Frau Adele Bloch-Bauer; Frau Fritza Riedler. Kline, Franz Joseph (1910–62) American artist who became an Abstract Expressionist around 1950, using black shapes on white canvas. Kneller, (Sir) Godfrey (1646–1723) German portrait painter in England, court painter to William III and George I. Famous for painting 42 portraits of the members of the literary association called the Kit-Kat Club, now in the National Portrait Gallery, London. These pictures were painted between 1700 and 1720 and are of a size (36’’ x 28’’) now known as ‘Kit-Kat’ size. Isaac Newton; James, Duke of Monmouth. Knight, (Dame) Laura (1877–1970) British artist best known for her beautifully tranquil beach and seaside paintings, paintings of the circus and of ballet. Elected a Royal Academician in 1936. Dame Laura was an official war artist who was sent to make portraits at the Nuremberg Trials.


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Kokoschka, Oskar (1886–1980) Austrian Expressionist working in England and Switzerland. Signed many of his paintings ‘OK’. Still Life with Tortoise and Hyacinth; The Tempest (aka Bride of the Wind); Sir Stanley Unwin. Koninck, Philips de (1619–88) Dutch panoramic landscapist. Landscape (Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow). Kooning, Willem de (1904–97) Dutch-born American Abstract Expressionist. Woman I (Museum of Modern Art, New York). La Tour, Georges de (1593–1652) French artist of candle-lit scenes, active in Lorraine. St Joseph the Carpenter; The Dice Players; St Jerome. La Tour, Maurice Quentin de (1704–88) French pastellist and portrait painter whose works are celebrated in the Musée Antoine Lecuyer in Saint-Quentin, France. Mr and Mrs Angerstein; Madame de Pompadour ; Lamentation over St Sebastian. Lancret, Nicholas (1690–1743) French Rococo genre and fêtes galantes painter in the style of Watteau. Mademoiselle Camargo Dancing. Landseer, (Sir) Edwin Henry (1802–73) English animal painter and engraver – a favourite of Queen Victoria. Landseer is famous for his Monarch of the Glen and for sculpting the lions at the foot of Nelson’s Column. Buried in St Paul’s Cathedral, London. Dignity and Impudence; The Rout (Defeat) of Comus. Lawrence, (Sir) Thomas (1769–1830) Bristol-born artist, the son of an innkeeper. In 1792 he became painter to George III. Queen Charlotte. Le Brun, Charles (1619–90) French artist; first director of the Gobelins tapestry works. Banker Jabach and His Family; The Chancellor Séguier. Le Nain Brothers Antoine (c1588–1648), Louis (c1593–1648) and Mathieu (c1607–77). French painters, born in Laon. All painted scenes of peasant life but did not sign work with their initials, thus making attributions almost impossible. Peasant Children; A Blacksmith in His Forge. Lear, Edward (1812–88) English landscape painter, youngest of 21 children, famous for his nonsense verse. Léger, Fernand (1881–1955) French Cubist who has a museum dedicated to him on the Côte d’Azur. Homage to David ; Woman and Still Life. Leighton, (Lord) Frederick (1830–96) English painter of classical subjects, who became the 1st Baron Leighton of Stretton, the first British artist to be awarded a peerage; Leighton is buried in St Paul’s Cathedral, London. The Garden of the Hesperides. Lely, (Sir) Peter (1618–80) Dutch portrait painter working in England. Court painter to Charles II. Ladies of the Lake Family; The Windsor Beauties; Duchess of Cleveland. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) Italian painter, sculptor, scientist and creator of the High Renaissance style. Worked in the pay of Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander VI, as senior military architect and general engineer, and then for François I of France. Mona Lisa (aka La Gioconda); The Virgin of the Rocks (two versions, one in The Louvre and one in the National Gallery, London); The Last Supper ; The Annunciation; Salvator Mundi (Saviour of the World – attributed to). Leyster, Judith (1609–60) Dutch portrait painter, pupil of Hals. She married the painter Jan Molenaer (c1609–68). The Lute-Playing Fool . Lichtenstein, Roy (1923–97) American Pop artist, whose works were inspired by comic strips. Whaam!; In the Car. Liebermann, Max (1847–1935) German painter and etcher, leader of the German Impressionist school. Limbourg Brothers (early 15th-century) Flemish family of miniature painters in the International Gothic style. The three brothers were Pol, Jehanequin and Hermann de Limbourg. Les Très Riches Heures (Musée Condé, Chantilly). Lippi, Filippino (c1457–1504) Florentine painter of the transition from Early to High Renaissance. Son of Fra Filippo Lippi. Vision of St Bernard. Lippi, Fra Filippo (c1406–69) Florentine fresco painter. Aka ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’. Annunciation; The Adoration of the Magi. Lissitzky, Eleazar M (1890–1941) Russian Constructivist painter, influenced by Malevich. Victory over the Sun. Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (c1290/1300–c1348) Sienese landscapist and realist famous for his frescoes in the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena. Lorenzo, Monaco (the Monk) (c1370–1425) Sienese painter in the International Gothic style who took holy orders in 1391. Lotto, Lorenzo (c1480–1556) Italian Renaissance painter. Portrait of Andreas Odoni ; Madonna and Child with Saints; A Gentleman in His Study. Louis, Morris (1912–62) American Cubist until 1952 and then influenced by Jackson Pollock. He pioneered Colorfield painting, using bands of colour. Louis was further influenced by Helen Frankenthaler’s Mountains and Sea, which prompted him to throw acrylic paint onto unprimed canvases to create brilliant patches of abstract colour. Alpha-Phi. Low, (Sir) David (1891–1963) New Zealand-born British political cartoonist. Joined the Evening Standard in 1927. His most famous creation was ‘Colonel Blimp’, an embodiment of the die-hard British bigot. Lowry, Laurence Stephen (1887–1976) Salford painter famous for his matchstick-like men and women. Lowry was only ever a part-time painter and worked most of his life as a clerk. The Pond (Tate Britain, London). Lucas, Sarah (1962– ) British modern artist who works with a variety of materials and media, including photographs, sculpture and installations. Her work often features images of herself in a confrontational stance, eg Self Portrait: Eating a Banana (1990) and Divine (1991). In 1993 she opened ‘The Shop’ with Tracy Emin in Bethnal Green and shares a similar level of notoriety in her work. Lucas is said to have declined nomination for the Turner Prize on several occasions. In 1996 she was the subject of a BBC documentary, Two Melons and a Stinking Fish. Mabuse, Jan (c1478–1532) Flemish Mannerist allegorical painter (properly, Jan Gossaert). The Adoration of the Kings; Little Girl. Macke, August (1887–1914) German painter and leader of Der Blaue Reiter group killed in action in WWI. Maes, Nicolaes (1634–93) Dutch portrait and genre painter, pupil of Rembrandt.The Idle Servant. Magritte, René (1898–1967) Belgian Surrealist, influenced by de Chirico. Black Flag; Golconda; Threatening Weather. Malevich, Kasimir (1878–1935) Russian Suprematist, producing the first strictly geometrical art of the 20th century. Woman with Water Pails. Manet, Edouard (1832–83) French precursor of Impressionism. A Bar at the Folies Bergère; The Absinthe Drinker; Blonde with Bare Breasts; Music in the Tuileries Garden; Olympia; Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe; Skating; The Street Singer. Mantegna, Andrea (1431–1506) Italian Renaissance painter working in Padua and Mantua. Mantegna married a daughter of Jacopo Bellini. The Triumph of Caesar ; Crucifixion; frescoes in the Camera degli Sposi, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua. Marc, Franz (1880–1916) German Expressionist and member of Der Blaue Reiter. Marc was killed at Verdun. Large Blue Horses; Red Woman. Marclay, Christian (1955– ) American visual artist and composer often identified as the inventor of turntablism (term coined by DJ Babu in 1995 to describe a DJ that manipulates the stylus and mixer). Martini, Simone (c1280–1344) Artist of the Sienese School. Madonna with Angels and Saints, Maesta; Christ Returns to his Parents. Masaccio (1401–28) Florentine painter (properly Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone dei Guidi), whose nickname literally means ‘Hulking Tom’. Madonna and Child ; Crucifixion; frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence. Masson, André (1896–1987) French Surrealist painter and graphic artist who was famous for working whilst in a state of trance. Massys, Quentin (c1465–1530) Netherlandish portrait painter, influenced by Italian art. Jesus and the Infant St John Embracing; Virgin and Child with Angels; The Entombment of the Lord; Money Changer and His Wife; The Old Man and the Courtesan; The Virgin in Prayer. Matisse, Henri (1869–1954) French painter who was leader of the Fauves, 1905–6, before changing his style. The Chapelle de Rosaire in Vence, France, was entirely designed and decorated by him. The Musée Matisse in Nice houses a collection donated by the artist’s family. The Painting Lesson; Interior with Aubergines; The Dinner Table; Open Window; Woman with the Hat; The Snail. Memling, Hans (c1430–94) Flemish biblical and portrait painter. Bathsheba; St John; The Adoration of the Magi . Mengs, Anton-Raphael (1728–79) German painter, born in Bohemia, the son of a Danish artist. Maria Luisa of Parma; Richard Wilson. Metsu, Gabriel (1629–67) Dutch genre painter, particularly of domestic scenes, a pupil of Dou. The Sick Child; The Music Lesson ; Woman at the Spinet ; Artist and His Wife; The Duet ('Le corset bleu'). Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475–1564) High Renaissance and later Mannerist painter, sculptor and architect, born near Florence, where he grew up. Patronised by Pope Julius II, for whom he decorated the ceiling of Sistine Chapel (1508–12). The marble statue of a nude David located at the Accademia Gallery in Florence is another iconic masterpiece. Millais, (Sir) John Everett (1829–96) Southampton-born co-founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. In 1840 he became the youngest ever student at the Royal Academy, and in 1896 its President. The Blind Girl; Christ in the House of His Parents; The Return of the Dove to the Ark; Ophelia; Autumn Leaves. Millet, Jean François (1814–75) French artist at Barbizon 1849. The Angelus; The Gleaners ; La Famille du Paysan; The Milkmaid; The Sower. Miró, Joan (1893–1983) Spanish Abstract painter, sculptor and ceramicist, influenced by Cubism and Surrealism. Samurai ; The Egg.


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Modigliani, Amedeo (1884–1920) Italian painter and sculptor, working in Paris from 1906. Seated Nude. Moholy-Nagy, László (1895–1946) Hungarian-born, American experimental artist and photographer, influenced by Lissitzky and Constructivism. He developed kinetic art and taught at the Bauhaus and in Chicago. Z IV (Marlborough Gallery, London). Mondrian, Piet (1872–1944) Dutch member of De Stijl and developer of Neo-Plasticism, who influenced the Bauhaus School. Broadway Boogie Woogie; Victory Boogie Woogie; Composition in Black and White; Composition in Diamond Shape; The Grey Tree; The Red Cloud; The Red Tree; Woods near Oele; Still Life with Gingerpot. Monet, Claude (1840–1926) Father of Impressionism, whose Impression: Sunrise gave its name to the movement. Monet’s Déjeuner sur l’herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) should not be confused with Manet’s. Field with Poppies; The Beach at Trouville; Rouen Cathedral: Sunset; Antibes; Haystacks at Giverny; Hyde Park, London; The River. Moore, Henry Spencer (1898–1986) English sculptor, born in Castleford, Yorkshire, the son of a coal-miner. Moore is best known for his reclining female figures, carved in wood and stone or cast in bronze. He was an official war artist 1940–42, during which time he produced a famous series of drawings of air-raid shelter scenes. His principal commissions included the Madonna and Child in St Matthew’s Church, Northampton; the decorative frieze on the Time-Life building, London; and the massive reclining figures for the UNESCO building in Paris and the Lincoln Center in New York. Moore was awarded the Order of Merit in 1963. Moreau, Gustave (1826–98) French Symbolist painter whose Paris home and studio is now the Musée Gustave Moreau. The Apparition. Morisot, Berthe (1841–95) French Impressionist, granddaughter of Fragonard, who married Eugène, the brother of Manet. Cradle. Moro, Antonio (c1519–76) Dutch court painter to the Habsburgs and Mary I of England, who knighted him as Sir Anthony More. Queen Anna of Spain); Sir Henry Lee. Morse, Samuel (1791–1872) American painter and first President of the National Academy (1826), but better known for his invention of the electric telegraph. House of Representatives); Lafayette. Moses, Anna Mary (‘Grandma’) (1860–1961) American Primitive artist who did not start to paint until she was 75 years old. Motherwell, Robert Burns (1915–91) US artist who wed fellow Expressionist Helen Frankenthaler, 1955. Elegy to the Spanish Republic XXXIV. Mucha, Alphonse (1860–1939) Czech painter, graphic artist and designer, chiefly known for his Art Nouveau illustration style, especially the posters for the actress Sarah Bernhardt. Job and Lorenzaccio (Victoria and Albert Museum, London). Munch, Edvard (1863–1944) Norwegian Expressionist. Important collections of his work are at the Rasmus Meyers Samlinger, Bergen, and the Munch Museum and the National Gallery, Oslo. The Scream ; Vampire; Ashes ; The Evening Hour; The Sick Child. Muñoz, Juan (1953–2001) Born in Madrid, Spain, and studied at the Central School of Art, London and the Pratt Centre, New York. A leading exponent of installation sculpture, he was commissioned to submit the second of the Unilever Series at the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern. The work, entitled Double Bind consisted of a series of optical illusions and spectacular follies. He died of a stomach haemorrhage in August 2001. Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (c1618–82) Spanish Baroque painter of religious and genre subjects. Born in Seville, Murillo fell from a scaffold when painting an altarpiece at Cadiz, and died shortly afterwards in Seville. Virgin of the Rosary; The Two Trinities, aka The Holy Family; Boys with Fruit; Ecstasy of St Diego of Alcalá. Nash, Paul (1889–1946) English painter and co-founder of the Modern Movement. Nash was an official war artist in both world wars. Landscape of the Vernal Equinox; Pillar and Moon; Totes Meer (Dead Sea). Nauman, Bruce (1941– ) Born in Indiana, USA. After studying mathematics at university he has established himself as a leading installation artist. His large-scale video installation Mapping the Studio II (2001) has been acquired by the Tate and Raw Materials, consisting of 22 spoken texts from existing works to create an aural collage, is the fifth in the Unilever Series of commissions for the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern. He currently lives and works in New Mexico. Newman, Barnett (1905–70) American painter who founded the ‘subject of the Artist’ school with William Baziotes, Rothko and Motherwell. Nicholson, Ben (1894–1982) English Abstract painter who used a restricted palette of greys and muted tones. Married three times; his second wife was the sculptor Barbara Hepworth. Still Life (Glasgow Art Gallery & Museum); White Relief (Tate Britain, London). Nolan, (Sir) Sidney (1917–92) Australian artist noted for his series of Ned Kelly paintings, begun in 1946. Nolde, Emil (1867–1956) German Expressionist and printmaker (properly, Emil Hansen). His Art Nouveau house in Seebull, Germany, is now a museum. Doubting Thomas; Death of Mary; The Flower Garden. Ofili, Chris (1968– ) Born in Manchester but heavily influenced by his African roots. His controversial collage The Holy Virgin Mary, which featured a black Virgin Mary with elephant dung on one breast and cut-outs from pornographic magazines glued in the background, created a stir when exhibited in New York. He is currently based in Trinidad. The Adoration of Captain Shit and the Legend of the Black Stars Part 2. O’Keeffe, Georgia (1887–1986) US Surrealist and Abstract painter who married photographer Alfred Stieglitz. In May 2001 her 1928 painting Calla Lilies with Red Anemone was sold at Christie’s, New York, for $6,166,000, the top auction price for a work by a woman artist. Black Iris. Oldenburg, Claes Thure (1929– ) Swedish-born, US sculptor specialising in representing giant foodstuffs, such as hamburgers. Oliver, Isaac (c1560–1617) French-born English miniaturist who married the half-sister of Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger. Oliver’s work included a famous miniature of Elizabeth I of England that displeased her immensely. Self Portrait (National Portrait Gallery, London). Opie, John (1761–1807) Cornish portrait and history painter, son of a carpenter. Nicknamed the ‘Cornish Wonder’. Patronised by John Wolcot (the political satirist Peter Pindar). His first exhibited historical work was The Assassination of James I of Scotland (1786), followed by The Murder of Rizzio (1787), both destroyed by bombing in 1941. Mary Wollstonecraft (Tate Britain, London). Oudry, Jean-Baptiste (1686–1755) French artist. The Dog (Burrell Collection, Glasgow); The Calling of the Hounds (Pitti Palace, Florence). Palma Vecchio (c1480–1528) Venetian painter of sacra conversazione altarpieces (b. Jacopo Palma). Venus and Cupid; The Assumption. Palmer, Samuel (1805–81) English landscapist and etcher, influenced by William Blake. Coming from Evening Church. Parmigianino, Il (1503–40) Italian early Mannerist (properly, Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola). The Marriage of St Catherine; Madonna with the Long Neck; frescoes in S. Maria della Steccata, Parma. Pasmore, Victor (1908–98) English portrait, still-life and landscape painter. Co-founder of the Euston Road School. In the late 1940s he turned towards abstract art. Inland Sea; Wine Red. Pechstein, Max Hermann (1881–1955) Co-founder of German Expressionism and member of Die Brücke from 1906 before helping to found the rival Neue Sezession (New Secession). Indian and Woman. Perugino, Pietro (c1445–1523) Umbrian painter (properly, Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci). Perugino was the master of Raphael. Virgin and Child. Pevsner, Antoine (1886–1962) Russian-born French Constructivist painter, brother of Naum Gabo. Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista (1682–1754) Venetian painter, illustrator and designer. Fortune Teller; fresco The Crucifixion (Church of S. Maddalena de’ Pazzi, Florence). Picabia, Francis (1879–1953) French Cubist, Dadaist and Surrealist who also dabbled in Futurism. Married Gabrielle Buffet in 1909. Udnie. Picasso, Pablo (1881–1973) Malaga-born painter and sculptor who embraced Surrealism and Expressionism. Picasso, along with Braque, pioneered Cubism. Picasso’s blue period was from 1901 to 1904, followed by his pink period (1904–6) and a short brown period (1905–6). He was director of the Prado during the Spanish Civil War and joined the Communist Party in 1944. Picasso died in Mougins, France. The Musée Picasso in Antibes was decorated by him in 1946, and many works are in the Musée Picasso, Paris. His mural War and Peace is housed in the Musée National Picasso in Vallauris, and Man with a Lamb is in the public square. The Museo Pablo Picasso in Barcelona holds early works donated by the painter in 1970. Three Dancers; Les Demoiselles d’Avignon; Guernica; Woman in an Armchair; The Soup; Woman with Pears. Piero della Francesca (c1419–92) Umbrian painter, scientist and mathematician. The Nativity; Constantine’s Dream; Federigo da Montefeltro. Piper, John (1903–92) English artist, born in Epsom, Surrey. Originally an abstract painter, he turned to Romantic realism under the influence of Palmer and the earlier English topographical painters. As an official war artist (1940–42), he painted many successful war pictures, but his design of the stained glass windows for Coventry Cathedral and Eton are his best-known works. Pisanello, Antonio (c1390–1455) Italian painter and follower of the International Gothic style of Gentile da Fabriano. The Vision of St Eustace; Lionello d’Este; St George and the Princess.


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Pisano, Andrea (c1290–c1349) Italian sculptor born in Pontadera and trained in Pisa. Considered the founder of the Florentine School of sculpture. Best known for his relief panels on the bronze south door of the Florence Baptistry. Weaver (Campanile, Florence cathedral); Noah (Museo dell’Opere del Duomo, Florence). Pissarro, Camille (1830–1903) French Impressionist and Pointillist, born in St Thomas, West Indies. Boulevard Montmartre by Night; Lower Norwood, London, Snow (both National Gallery, London). Pollaiuolo, Antonio (c1431–c1498) Florentine painter, sculptor, goldsmith and engraver, properly Antonio di Jacopo d’Antonio Benci, but took his name from his father’s profession as a poulterer. Collaborated with his brother Piero (c1443–c1496) on the bronze tomb of Sixtus IV and the monument to Pope Innocent VIII, both in Saint Peter’s, Rome. Other notable works include the bronze statuette Hercules and Antaeus in the Bargello, Florence, and the signed engraving Battle of the Ten Nude Gods. It is not always clear which brother should be credited with some of their oeuvre, but Piero, principally a painter, is thought to be responsible for at least three of the Seven Virtues in the Uffizi, Florence; three others were probably collaborations with Antonio, and the seventh by Botticelli. Pollock, Jackson (1912–56) American Abstract Expressionist and early exponent of tachisme (action painting). Full Fathom Five was probably the first work of this controversial ‘poured painting’ style. Alcoholism and his death in a car crash added to Pollock’s notoriety. His painting No. 5, 1948 is reputed to be the most expensive ever sold at approximately $140m although Paul Cézanne’s The Card Players is rumoured to have been bought by the Royal Family of Qatar for an estimated $250m in April 2011. Enchanted Wood; Summertime: Number 9a. Pontormo, Jacopo Carrucci (1494–1557) Florentine early Mannerist. Four Scenes from the Life of Joseph; Cosimo I de Medici. Poussin, Nicolas (1594–1665) French Classical landscapist who was court painter to Louis XIII. His oeuvre included mythological works and biblical subjects; he was an early exponent of history painting. The Nurture of Jupiter; Tancred and Erminia; Inspiration of the Poet; The Adoration of the Golden Calf; Holy Family on the Steps. Primaticcio, Francesco (1504–70) Italian Mannerist painter, sculptor and architect. The Rape of Helen. Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824–98) French decorative, symbolic painter, noted for his murals. A number of huge canvases are set in to the walls of the grand staircase of the Musée de Picardie, Amiens. Poor Fisherman (Louvre, Paris). Quelling, Arnold (1653–1686) English sculptor who collaborated with Grinling Gibbons on many works. Quinn, Marc (1964– ) Although not represented in the 1988 Damien Hirst-curated Freeze exhibition which brought the Young British Artists (YBAs) to public attention, Quinn is readily identified with the movement. He is best known for Alison Lapper Pregnant, a statue of an armless artist which adorned the fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square, London, until 2007. Quinn’s signature piece is Self (1991), a frozen sculpture of the artist’s head made from 10 pints of his own blood. He is also known for his Kate Moss sculptures. Quinn is married to author Georgia Byng. Rackham, Arthur (1867–1939) English artist best known for his illustrations of Peter Pan and of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales. Raeburn, (Sir) Henry (1756–1823) Scottish portraitist, elected to the Royal Academy in 1815. Best known work The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch aka The Skating Minister (National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh). Lady Dalrymple; The MacNab. Ramsay, Allan (1713–84) Scottish portrait painter to George III of England. Raphael (1483–1520) Italian High Renaissance painter who worked on a number of Papal commissions. Raphael (properly, Raffaello Santi or Sanzio) was born in Urbino. Leo X selected him to succeed Donato Bramante (a relative) as architect of St Peter’s in 1514. His last work, the Transfiguration was left unfinished when he died. Pope Julius II ; The Madonna of the Goldfinch; frescoes in the Vatican Palace, Rome. Rauschenberg, Robert (1925–) US avant-garde artist specialising in works constructed from everyday rubbish. Also a noted Pop silk-screenist. Ray, Man (1890–1976) American painter, photographer and film-maker; he co-founded the New York Dadaist movement. Redon, Odilon (1840–1916) French Symbolist painter and graphic artist; a precursor of Surrealism. Violette Heyman. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606–69) Dutch painter, etcher and graphic artist whose home is now a museum in Amsterdam. Born in Leiden, the son of a prosperous miller, his first wife was Saskia van Ulenburgh (d. 1642). He failed to achieve financial security and, despite being the most famous painter of his time, died a pauper. Balaam’s Ass and the Angel; Portrait of Titus; The Night Watch (aka The Militia Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq); Christ before Pilate; Capture of Samson (aka The Blinding of Samson). Reni, Guido (1575–1642) Bolognese Classical painter of Baroque religious works. St John the Baptist (Dulwich Gallery , London). Renoir, Pierre Auguste (1841–1919) French Impressionist, born in Limoges. He visited Italy in 1880 and during the next few years painted a series of Bathers in a colder, more classical style, influenced by Ingres and Raphael. He then returned to hot reds, orange and gold to portray nudes in sunlight. Renoir’s hands were crippled by arthritis in later years. His son Jean (1894–1979) became a great film director. Bather; Umbrellas (Les Parapluies); Dancer; Moulin de la Galette; Madame Charpentier and Her Children; La Loge (aka The Theatre Box). Reynolds, (Sir) Joshua (1723–92) English portraitist and art theorist. Co-founder and first President of the Royal Academy, 1768. Principal painter to George III of England, 1784. Mrs Siddons as the Tragic Muse; Three Ladies Adorning a Term of Hymen: The Montgomerie Sisters; Admiral Lord Anson; The Pembroke Family. Ribera, Jusepe de (c1591–1652) Spanish Baroque painter, known as Lo Spagnoletto (The Little Spaniard). Martyrdom of St Bartholomew . Richter, Hans (1888–1976) American painter, sculptor and film-maker, born in Berlin. Member of the Zurich Dadaists, 1917. Rigaud, Hyacinthe (1659–1743) French Rococo painter. Portraitist to Louis XIV and Louis XV of France. A small collection of his works is housed in the Musée Rigaud, Perpignan. Cardinal de Bouillon; Louis XIV; Louis XV (both Musée de l’Histoire de la France, Versailles). Riley, Bridget (1931– ) English Op artist since the early 1960s. Crest; Punjab; Winter Palace - composed of vertical stripes of the same length and width covering the entire picture area. Rodin, Auguste (1840–1917) French sculptor, born in Paris, the son of a clerk. Produced his first great work in 1864, L’Homme au nez cassé. In 1877 he made a tour of the French cathedrals and published Les Cathédrales de la France in 1914. From 1886 to 1895 he worked on Les Bourgeois de Calais. His statues include a nude Victor Hugo and Balzac in a dressing gown. His works are represented in the Musée Rodin, Paris; the Rodin Museum, Philadelphia; and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, where there is a collection of his bronzes that he presented to the British nation in 1914. Le Penseur (The Thinker) (Musée Rodin, Paris); Le Baiser (The Kiss) (Tate Britain, London). Romney, George (1734–1802) English portraitist and history painter, born in Lancashire. At the height of his fame he rivalled both Reynolds and Gainsborough and his later history paintings and portraits of Emma Hart (later Lady Hamilton) enhanced his reputation, but he eventually died insane. Self-portrait (National Gallery, London). Rosa, Salvator (1615–73) Neapolitan Baroque and macabre painter. Landscape (National Gallery, London). Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828–1882) Anglo-Italian painter and poet, brother of the poet Christina Rossetti. DG Rossetti was born in London and his mother was Frances Mary Lavinia Polidori, daughter of Gaetano Polidori and sister of Lord Byron’s physician, Dr John Polidori. Rossetti was a co-founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. St George and the Princess Sabra; Ecce Ancilla Domini; The Blessed Damozel. Rothko, Mark (1903–70) American Abstract Expressionist and co-founder of Colorfield painting. Latvian-born (properly, Marcus Rothkovitch). Two Openings in Black over Wine. Rouault, Georges (1871–1958) French Expressionist painter often on religious themes. Many of his works were acquired by the art dealer Ambroise Vollard. Head of Christ; Two Nudes. Rousseau, Henri (1844–1910) French Primitive painter, known as ‘Le Douanier’ due to his early occupation as a tax collector in the Paris customs office. Banks of the Seine; The Child among Rocks; The Sleeping Gypsy; Cascade. Rousseau, Théodore (1812–67) French landscape painter whose best known work was The Forest of Compiègne. Rubens, (Sir) Peter Paul (1577–1640) Flemish Baroque painter and diplomat of the Antwerp School. Rubens’s Antwerp home is now a museum. He married his first wife, Isabella Brandt, in 1609 (d. 1626) and his second, Helen Fourment, in 1630. The Judgement of Paris; Descent from the Cross; Peace and War; Portrait of Isabella Brandt; Apotheosis of James I; Helen Fourment with Two of Her Children; Miracle of St Bavo. Ruysdael, Jacob van (1628–82) Dutch landscapist whose work was only appreciated after his death. Bentheim Castle; Jewish Cemetery; View on the Amstel Looking toward Amsterdam; Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede. Ruysdael, Salomon van (c1600–70) Dutch realist landscapist, properly, Salomon de Goyer. Uncle of Jacob van Ruysdael. River Scene; River Scene near Utrecht; Landscape with a Carriage and Horsemen at a Pool. Saenredam, Pieter Janszoon (1597–1665) Dutch architectural painter. Interior of the Grote Kerk at Haarlem; Interior of the Nieuwe Kerk.


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Sargent, John Singer (1856–1925) American portraitist of fashionable London society from 1884. Born in Florence, Sargent was an official war artist during World War I. Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose; Madame Gautreau; The Three Vickers Sisters; Gassed. Sassetta, Stefano di Giovanni (c1392–1450) Sienese painter of altarpieces. St Francis Renounces His Earthly Father; Journey of the Magi. Schiele, Egon (1890–1918) Austrian Expressionist painter who died in the influenza epidemic of 1918. Sebastiano del Piombo (c1485–1547) Venetian painter. Raising of Lazarus; The Madonna and Child with SS. Catherine and John the Baptist. Seurat, Georges Pierre (1859–91) French Pointillist. Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte; Circus; Bathers at Asnières. Sickert, Walter Richard (1860–1942) German-born, English painter, influenced by Degas and Whistler. Co-founder of the Camden Town Group. The Lion of St Mark; View at Ramsgate. Signac, Paul (1863–1935) French painter akin to Seurat, but using mosaic-like patches of colour as opposed to dots. Sisley, Alfred (1839–99) French landscape Impressionist of British parentage, noted for his subtle treatment of skies. Flood at Port Marly; The Boat during the Flood. Smetham, James (1821–89) Yorkshire-born Pre-Raphaelite painter of landscapes who died insane. Smith, David Roland (1906–65) American sculptor who specialised in welded metal pieces. Snyders, Frans (1579–1657) Born in Antwerp. Pupil of Pieter Brueghel the Younger. He specialised in still life and animals, often assisting Rubens in hunting scenes. In 1611he married Margaretha de Vos, sister of Flemish painters Cornelis and Paul de Vos. Stag Hunt. Soutine, Chaim (1893–1943) Lithuanian painter, in Paris from 1913, influenced by Die Brücke group. Les Gorges du Loup sur Vence. Spencer, (Sir) Stanley (1891–1959) English painter of portraits, landscapes and religious works. Born in Cookham, Berkshire. Spencer was an official war artist in World War II. The Garden at Cookham Rise. Steen, Jan (c1626–79) Dutch painter. The Effects of Intemperance; Romping Couple; Anthony and Cleopatra; The World Upside-down Steer, Philip Wilson (1860–1942) Member of the New English Art Club. Mrs Cyprian Williams and Her Daughters; The Last Chapter . Stella, Frank (1936– ) American Abstract Expressionist and Minimalist. Hyena Stomp. Streeter, Robert (1624–79) Pepys’s famous history painter who became Charles II’s serjeant-painter in 1660. The ceiling of Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre is one of his few remaining decorative works. Stubbs, George (1724–1806) English animal painter and engraver, born in Liverpool. Stubbs specialised in painting horses. Mares and Foals in a River Landscape ; Self-portrait (National Portrait Gallery, London); Molly Long Legs with a Jockey (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool). Sutherland, Graham Vivian (1903–80) English portraitist and official war artist, WW2. His official portrait of Sir Winston Churchill was destroyed by Lady Churchill, as she detested it. The Graham Sutherland Gallery in Haverfordwest was devoted almost entirely to his work until 1996, when it was closed, and the nearly 800 works have been displayed at Tenby Art Gallery (1996), Bodelwyddan Castle (1997) and the Turner House Gallery, Penarth (1998 and 2000-1). Somerset Maugham; Christ in Majesty (tapestry in Coventry Cathedral). Tanguy, Yves (1900–55) French Surrealist in the USA from 1939, influenced by de Chirico. The Furniture of Time. Tàpies, Antoni (1923–2012 ) Spanish painter; a founder member of the Dau al Set (Die with the Seven) and El Paso groups. Tatlin, Vladimir (1885–1953) Russian painter and designer, the founder of Constructivism. Taylor-Wood, Sam (1967– ) London-born conceptual artist, photographer and film-maker. In 2002 she was commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery to make a video portrait of David Beckham sleeping. Her debut as a film director was Nowhere Boy, the biopic of John Lennon (2009). Taylor-Wood married art dealer Jay Jopling in 1997 but they divorced in 2008. In June 2012 she married Aaron Johnson (b. 1990), the actor who played Lennon in Nowhere Boy. They took the name Taylor-Johnson. Teniers, the Elder, David (1582–1649) Flemish genre painter whose best-known work is Temptation of St Anthony. Teniers the Younger, David (1610–90) Flemish painter. Curator of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm’s picture gallery in Brussels, and copyist of many of its masterpieces. Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in His Gallery; The Dentist ; Interior with a Peasant; Peasants Playing Music; The Village Fête. Tenniel, (Sir) John (1820–1914) English illustrator and political satirist (especially in Punch), best known for his illustrations of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Terborch, Gerard (1617–81) Dutch genre painter of domestic scenes. A Man; A Woman Playing a Theorbo to Two Men; Woman at a Mirror. Terbrugghen, Hendrick (c1588–1629) Dutch religious and genre painter, influenced by Caravaggio. Jacob, Laban and Leah. Thompson, Elizabeth (1846–1933) Swiss-born British painter. Specialised in painting battle scenes, notably of the Crimean War and Battle of Waterloo. Her sister was the essayist and poet Alice Meynell. In 1877 she married Sir William Francis Butler (1838–1910). Scotland Forever!. Thornhill, (Sir) James (1675–1734) English Baroque painter, born in Melcombe Regis, Dorset. His paintings for the dome of St Paul’s (1707), the hall at Blenheim Palace, Hampton Court and the Painted Hall at Greenwich Hospital – on a scale unrivalled in Britain in the 15th century – made his reputation. He was the father-in-law of William Hogarth. Knighted by George I (1720) and appointed serjeant-painter; from 1722 became MP for Melcombe Regis. Thornycroft, (Sir) William Hamo (1850–1925) London-born sculptor. Works include public statues of General Gordon in Trafalgar Square; John Bright in Rochdale; and Cromwell outside the Houses of Parliament. Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696–1770) Venetian Rococo painter whose frescoes are prominent in palaces and churches throughout Europe. Allegory of Fortitude and Wisdom; Finding of Moses; Banquet of Anthony and Cleopatra. Tinguely, Jean (1925–91) Swiss sculptor who pioneered kinetic and auto-destructive art. Tintoretto (1518–94) Venetian Mannerist (properly, Jacopo Robusti). The son of a silk dyer (tintore), hence his nickname of Tintoretto (Little Dyer). In March 2007 Miguel Falomir, a biographer of Tintoretto, suggested his real name was Jacopo Comin. St George Killing the Dragon (National Gallery, London); Miracle of S. Marco (Galleria dell’Accademia, Venice); The Washing of the Feet (Wilton House, Wiltshire). Titian (c1487–1576) Venetian painter (properly, Tiziano Vecellio); renowned for his use of colour. The Prado in Madrid has a superb collection of his work, particularly the paintings done under the patronage of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Titian was buried in the Church of S. Maria dei Frari, Venice. The Three Ages of Man; Venus, Cupid and a Lute Player; Ecce Homo; The Assumption of the Virgin. Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864–1901) French painter, graphic artist and lithographer who forsook his noble origins for the cafés of Montmartre. He was influenced by Degas and by Japanese prints. Much of his work is housed in the Musée Toulouse-Lautrec et Galerie d’Art Moderne, Albi, France. Best known for his posters of the Moulin Rouge and his extremely short legs. Jane Avril at the Moulin Rouge; La Toilette; The Artist’s Mother ; In the Circus Fernando: The Ringmaster ; At the Moulin de la Galette; At the Bar; At the Nouveau Cirque: The Dancer and Five Stuffed Shirts; Tête-à-Tête Supper. Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775–1851) English Romantic landscapist and precursor of Impressionism. A superb collection of Turner’s work is in the Clore Gallery, attached to the Tate Britain, London. Turner entered the Royal Academy at the age of 14 and was patronised by Lord Egremont of Petworth. He died in temporary lodgings in Chelsea under the assumed name of Booth. Battle of Trafalgar ; Norham Castle, Sunrise; The Fall of the Clyde; The Field of Waterloo; Linlithgow Palace; St Mawes at the Pilchard Season; Venus and Adonis. Twygge, Richard (1476–1510) English painter on glass whose work can be seen in many Malvern buildings. Uccello, Paolo (1397–1475) Florentine artist noted for his sophisticated use of perspective. The Hunt ; The Rout of San Romano; The Deluge. Utrillo, Maurice (1883–1955) French painter, born in Montmartre, Paris, the illegitimate son of painter Suzanne Valadon. Adopted by the Spanish writer Miguel Utrillo, he began to paint at Montmagny in 1902. Utrillo specialised in Paris street scenes. Despite acute alcoholism and drug addiction, his output was astonishing. His ‘White Period’ paintings of about 1908–14 are much sought after. He signed his works ‘Maurice Utrillo V’, incorporating the initial of his mother’s family name. Van Loo, Charles André (Carle) (1705–65) Prolific French artist and Rococo decorator; principle painter to Louis XV from 1762; the most talented of the artistic Van Loo family. Van Loo, Jean-Baptiste (1684–1745) French portrait painter in England also notable for historical subjects. Brother of Charles André. Vasarely, Victor (1908–97) Hungarian-born, French precursor of Op art. The 16th-century Château de Gordes in Vaucluse, France, is now the Musée Didactique Vasarely. Sirius II; Ondho; Supernovae. Vasari, Giorgio (1511–74) Italian Mannerist fresco painter, architect and biographer. His Lives of the Artists was first published in Florence in 1550. The Casa Vasari in Arezzo was decorated by him. Allegory of the Immaculate Conception; Lorenzo the Magnificent .


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Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y (1599–1660) Spanish Baroque genre and royal portrait painter to Philip IV of Spain. Born in Seville and pupil of Francisco Pacheco, whose daughter he married in 1618. Las Meninas (aka Maids of Honour); An Old Woman Cooking Eggs; The Toilet of Venus, known as The Rokeby Venus. Velde, Esaias van de (c1591–1630) Dutch realistic landscapist who was the master of Jan van Goyen. Ice Scene (Alte Pinakothek, Munich). Vermeer, Jan (1632–75) Dutch genre painter of domestic scenes. Born in Delft, the son of an art dealer, he married Caterina Bolnes, who was to bear him eleven children. Fewer than 40 of his paintings are known. During World War II, forged Vermeers were produced by Jan Van Meegeren, who for some time deceived the experts. A Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window; Head of Girl with a Pearl Earring; Woman with a Pearl Necklace; Girl Drinking Wine with a Gentleman; Woman Weighing Gold (aka Woman with a Balance). Veronese (c1528–88) Venetian biblical and allegorical painter (properly, Paolo Caliari). The Adoration of the Kings; Hermes, Herse and Aglauros; Mars and Venus; frescoes in the Palazzo Ducale, Venice; Christ among the Doctors. Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth Louise (1755–1842) French painter famous for her female subjects such as Marie Antoinette. She did paint male subjects, notably the Prince of Wales and Lord Byron. Villon, Jacques (1875–1963) French painter (real name Gaston Duchamp) who specialised in Cubist works. Vlaminck, Maurice de (1876–1958) French Fauve who was also a noted violinist, author and racing cyclist. Woody River Scene. Vouet, Simon (1590–1649) French Baroque history and portrait painter. Court painter to Louis XIII. La Richesse. Vuillard, Edouard (1868–1940) French painter. Member of the Nabis in the 1890s. The Mantelpiece; The Open Window. Wallinger, Mark (1959– ) London-born member of the YBA movement. Best known for his sculpture for the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square, London, Ecce Homo (1999), State Britain (2007), and for winning the competition to design the Angel of the South. Wallis, Alfred (1855-1942) Devon-born artist who spent his working life as a fisherman, taking up painting when he was 67. Much of his work depicts Cornish seascapes in a naïve style and can be seen at Tate St Ives. Warhol, Andy (1928–87) American Pop Art painter, graphic artist and film-maker, famous for the Campbell soup-can labels and magazine illustrations directly reproduced by silk-screen. His controversial films included Sleep (1963) and Chelsea Girls (1966). In 1968 he was shot and wounded by Valerie Solanis, an actress in one of his films. Green Coca-Cola Bottles (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York). Waterhouse, John William (18491917) Italian-born English Pre-Raphaelite famous for depicting women from ancient mythology. Watteau, Jean-Antoine (1684–1721) French Rococo painter of fêtes galantes. The Music Party; Gilles; Mezzetin; L’Enseigne de Gerseint (Gerseint’s Signboard); L’île de Cythère. Watts, George Frederick (1817–1904) English artist who first drew attention with his cartoon of Caractacus in the competition for murals for the new Houses of Parliament. In 1864 he married actress Ellen Terry but parted from her within a year. Found Drowned; Hope. West, Benjamin (1738–1820) American Neo-classical painter, in England from 1763. Founding member of the Royal Academy and its President in 1792. Court painter to George III of England. The Death of General Wolfe; The Apotheosis of Lord Nelson; Mrs Worrall as Hebe. Westmacott, (Sir) Richard (1775–1856) Leading Neo-classical sculptor of public monuments and statues. After studying in Italy he returned to London and became a favourite sculptor of the Committee of Taste. His most accomplished monument was a public subscription commission commemorating Charles James Fox, in Westminster Abbey. His bronze monuments include the Achilles at Hyde Park Corner, Park Lane. Weyden, Rogier van der (c1399–1464) Netherlandish painter of portraits and altarpieces, noted for his technical brilliance and emotional intensity. Lamentation (Pietà) over the dead Christ; Antoine de Bourgogne; Deposition; Bladelin Altarpiece; St Luke Painting the Virgin. Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834–1903) American painter who lived in London and Paris. The critic John Ruskin’s vitriolic criticism of his contributions to the Grosvenor Gallery exhibition of 1877, accusing him of ‘flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face’, provoked the famous lawsuit in which Whistler was awarded a farthing’s damages. Famous for his evening scenes, called nocturnes, such as the well-known impression of Battersea Bridge in the Tate Gallery, London. Whistler often dressed as the typical stereotype of an artist. Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. I: The Artist’s Mother; Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 2: Thomas Carlyle; Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket; Nocturne in Blue and Gold: Old Battersea Bridge; Miss Cicely Alexander: Harmony in Grey and Green; Symphony in Grey and Green: The Ocean; Symphony in White No. 1: The White Girl. Whiteread, Rachel (1963– ) London-born sculptor and the first woman to win the Turner Prize. She is probably best known for House (1993), a large concrete cast of the inside of a Victorian house. In the autumn of 2005 her work Embankment was installed at the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall as part of the annual Unilever Series. It consists of 14,000 translucent, white polyethylene boxes stacked in a variety of ways. Wilkie, (Sir) David (1785–1841) Scottish painter famous for his genre pictures in the Dutch style, eg, Card Players, and Penny Wedding. Wilson, Richard (1714–82) Welsh Classical landscapist. The National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, holds an important collection of his British and Italian landscapes. In 1776 he became librarian to the Royal Academy. Caernarvon Castle; Flora Macdonald; Hadrian’s Villa. Wright, Joseph (1734–97) English genre and portrait painter who specialised in fireside portraits and industrial scenes. He is known as Wright of Derby. A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery; An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump; Sir Brooke Boothby. Wyeth, Andrew Newell (1917–97) American figurative painter of scenes in Pennsylvania. His Christina’s World in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, is probably the most famous American picture of the mid 20th century. Young America. Yeats, Jack Butler (1870–1957) Irish painter, born in London, brother of the poet William Butler Yeats. Grief; The Two Travellers. Zincke, Christian Frederick (c1683–1767) German enamel portraitist in London from 1714. Zoffany, Johann (1733–1810) German portraitist working in England from 1758, Italy from 1772 and India from 1783. Patronised by George III of England and a founder member of the Royal Academy. Garrick, Ackman and Bransby in Lethe; The Bradshaw Family; Charles Towneley among His Marbles. Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598–1664) Spanish Baroque religious painter whose earliest known painting, Immaculate Conception dated 1616, suggests he was schooled in the same naturalistic style as Velazquez. The Vision of St Peter Nolasco; Death of St Bonaventure.

Painting Movements and Terms Abstract Art Non-representational forms, relying on line, form and colour, rather than realistic depiction. Originally formulated by Kandinsky c1912, the art form was embraced by all media, including sculpture. The early years of English Abstract art are represented in the Jim Ede collection at Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, which includes a large collection by Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and works by Nicholson and Brancusi. Abstract Expressionism American painting movement developed in the 1940s from Surrealism, in which the idea is to make painting a spontaneous act, devoid of premeditation. Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning are the foremost exponents of Action Painting (or Tachisme, as it is called in France), using riotous swirls and splatters of colour. Rothko, Motherwell and Gorky were also Abstract Expressionists. Academic Painting Traditional and figurative painting, often representing the work of a school or academy. Action Painting see Abstract Expressionism. Alla Prima Describes the technique, general since the 19th century but considered freakish and slapdash before then, of completing the picture surface in one session in full colour and with such opacity that neither any previous drawing nor underpainting (if in existence) modifies the final effect. The French term is ‘Au Premier Coup’. Altarpiece Decorated screen or panel placed behind an altar. The number of panels is indicated by the words diptych (2), triptych (3) or polyptych (many). Armory Show, 1913 This exhibition introduced New York to modern European painting and sculpture, including the work of Marcel Duchamp. Arts and Crafts English aesthetic movement that grew out of disenchantment at the mass-produced and trite decorative arts that followed the Industrial Revolution. By 1861, the social reformer, poet and designer William Morris had co-founded a firm of interior decorators dedicated to


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recapturing the essence and quality of medieval craftmanship. Together with artists Edward Burne-Jones and Ford Madox Brown, and architect Philip Webb, Morris set out to produce hand-crafted jewellery, wallpaper, textiles, furniture and books. Many of Morris’s wallpaper and furniture designs continue to be popular today. Art Brut (Raw Art) Term coined by Jean Dubuffet, referring to spontaneous and untrained artworks, often by criminals or the mentally ill. Art Nouveau (New Art) Art and design style developed at the end of the 19th century, incorporating angular or sinuous vegetable forms into furniture and architecture. The style had its roots in the Arts and Crafts Movement and was popular all over Europe and North America. Samuel Bing coined the term when he opened his Paris gallery under the name L’Art Nouveau in 1895, although in Germany it was known as ‘Jugendstil’, in Italy as ‘Stile Floreale’ or ‘Stile Liberty’, in Spain as ‘Modernismo’ and in Austria as ‘Sezession’. Leading exponents included René Lalique (glassware), Louis Comfort Tiffany (lamps and jewellery), Alphonse Mucha (graphic design), Alfred Gilbert (sculpture), Charles Rennie Mackintosh (interiors, buildings, furniture), Victor Horta and Hector Guimard (architecture), and Klimt, Beardsley, Jan Toorop and Ferdinand Hodler (art). Ashcan School Painting group preoccupied with depicting the low-life of New York in the early 20th century. George Wesley Bellows and his master, Robert Henri, were leading exponents. Attribution An artwork is ‘attributed’ to an artist when its provenance has not been proven. Au Premier Coup see Alla Prima. Automatism The method of producing a painting spontaneously and without conscious control. Used by Surrealists such as Miró and Abstract Expressionists such as Pollock. Avant-garde Literally ‘Vanguard’. In the forefront of artistic development, often with a conscious rejection of traditional methods or prior art forms. Barbizon School Mid-19th-century French school of landscape painting based in the village of Barbizon, near Fontainebleau. Members included Théodore Rousseau, Narcisse Diaz, Daubigny and Millet. As the precursors of Impressionism they painted en plein air observing light. Baroque European style of art and architecture following the High Renaissance and Mannerism, c1600–1740. It was a particularly Catholic style, popular in Italy, France and Spain in churches and public buildings, and encouraged as an integral part of the Counter-Reformation to appeal to the emotions and the senses of a still largely illiterate population. It was also eminently suitable for dramatising the idea of the divine right of kingship, and was fostered by many monarchs, such as Louis XIV of France. Exponents included the sculptor Bernini and the painters Rubens and da Cortona. Bauhaus School of modern art and design originally based in Weimar, founded and headed by the architect Walter Gropius in 1919. Its policy was to explore the avant-garde and to reforge the link between art and design and industry, which the Arts and Crafts Movement had largely surrendered. The Bauhaus moved to Dessau in 1925, and then to Berlin, where it was closed by the Nazis in 1933. The new Bauhaus was set up by László Moholy-Nagy in Chicago in 1937. Blaue Reiter, Der (Blue Rider) German Expressionist group that exhibited in Munich in 1911 and 1912. Among its members was the Russian émigré Kandinsky, who developed one of the earliest forms of abstract painting, and Franz Marc. It was an early titlework of Kandinsky’s which provided the name. Other key members were Georges Braque, Robert Delaunay, André Derain, Paul Klee, August Macke, Henri Rousseau and Maurice de Vlaminck. Representative works are at the Kunsthalle, Bielefeld, Germany. Bloomsbury Group British group of the 1920s and 1930s, influenced by French Post-Impressionism and later developments. Members included Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry and Duncan Grant. Roger Fry staged the first Post-Impressionist exhibition in London in 1910. Brücke, Die (The Bridge) Among the earliest of the German Expressionist groups, Die Brücke was founded in Dresden in 1905. Founding members were Fritz Bleyl, Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Later members were Emil Nolde, Max Pechstein and Otto Mueller. The group disbanded in 1913. Cabinet Picture Small easel picture, usually not more than about 3 or 4 feet across, and often much less. The minor Dutch masters were the principal painters of this type of furniture picture at its best. Camera Obscura Mechanical means of securing accuracy in drawing, particularly of topographical detail. Invented in the 16th century and consisting of an arrangement of lenses and mirrors in a darkened tent or box. The view seen through the lens is reflected through the mirrors on to a sheet of paper, so that all the observer has to do is to trace round the edges. Canaletto is known to have used the device in making studies for his ‘Vedute’ (views). Camera Lucida is a more sophisticated optical instrument incorporating a prism. Camden Town Group British group formed in 1911 and influenced by the Post-Impressionists. Members included Sickert, Gore, Augustus John, Harold Gilman, Charles Ginner, Lucien Pissaro and Robert Bevan. Capriccio A picture in which real scenes, forms and figures are rearranged to suit a particular composition. Caravaggisti Those artists heavily influenced by the style of Caravaggio, particularly in his use of chiaroscuro – contrasting light and dark. A strong Dutch Caravaggist school in the 17th century included van Honthorst, Terborch and Dirk van Baburen. Cartoon Originally a full-size preparatory drawing of an intended artwork (painting, fresco or tapestry). Chiaroscuro (Italian, light and dark) Defined contrast of light and dark most particularly in candle-lit scenes. Term used to describe works by Rembrandt and Caravaggio. Classicism The imitation of Classical art, i.e. the style of Ancient Greece or Rome. An ordered style based on the harmony of perspective and composition, devised in the early Renaissance period by Filippo Brunelleschi. Classicism influenced thinking in the Renaissance period, leading to the philosophies of Platonism and Humanism, and the stories of Homer and other ancients provided a host of popular subjects which were applied to portraits, history subjects (Titian, Jacques-Louis David) and landscape (Poussin, Claude) into the 18th century. The Stoicism of ancient Rome provided the inspiration for the Neo-classical reaction to the Rococo style in the 1780s. In the 19th century the more mundane details of life in ancient Greece or Rome became the vehicle for finely executed decorative works by Leighton, Alma-Tadema and Albert Moore. CoBrA Painting group that drew members from Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam, including Appel and Jorn; founded in 1948. Their style incorporated violent figurative forms with Action Painting. Collections are in the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, the Stedelijk Van AbbeMuseum, Eindhoven, and the Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent. Collage Picture built up wholly or partly from pieces of paper, cloth or other material stuck on to the canvas or other ground. The word comes from the French coller (to stick). The device was much used by the early Cubists and by the Dadaists, such as Kurt Schwitters. In his last years Matisse used pieces of coloured paper as a complete substitute for painting. Colorfield Painting American offshoot of Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism, exploring monochromes or restricted contrasts in paint. The original of this idea was Malevich’s Black Square of 1913. Rothko and Klein were typical exponents. Constructivism Russian abstract sculptural and architectural movement from 1917 to 1921, founded by Vladimir Tatlin and developed by Naum Gabo and Antoine Pevsner, whose interest centred on movement in space and a reflection of the modern age. Counterproof Mirror-image reproduction made by damping an original drawing or engraving, laying a damp sheet of clean paper on it, and then running both through a press. It is sometimes done by an artist in order to bring a fresh eye to his/her work by seeing it in reverse, but it is also the commonest method of faking ‘original’ drawings. Such fakes are obviously easily detectable because of the reversal. An offset is the same as a counterproof but has a wider meaning, for example in printing. Cubism In 1907 Picasso and Braque began what was perhaps the first major development in painting away from figurative art. They were influenced by African tribal masks and by Cézanne, who looked at the world in terms of subtle coloured planes. This was the basis of Facet Cubism (1907–9). Analytical Cubism (1910–12) further fragmented basic shapes from all angles, and Synthetic Cubism (1913–14) totally recreated new objects. Delaunay (see Orphism), Léger and Gris were prominent Cubists. Although, as a particular style of art, Cubism developed into other things, it changed forever the way objects, and even the human form, were looked at. Dada Formulated as an anarchic form of Expressionism during World War I in Zurich, 1916, possibly by the poet Tristan Tzara. The main centres of Dada in Germany were in Berlin, Hanover and Cologne. Its purpose was to discomfit and enrage the viewer. One of its major exponents was Kurt Schwitters, whose Elterwater Merz is in the Hatton Gallery at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Other exponents included Man Ray, Jean Arp, Duchamp, Ernst, Hannah Hoch and Picabia. Dada eventually developed into Surrealism.


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Euston Road School Originally known as the Fitzroy Street School, this was a London-based school of painting and drawing, 1937–9, established by Victor Pasmore, Claude Rogers and William Coldstream. It aimed to counteract the tendencies of Surrealism and abstract art by returning to more figurative and natural forms of expression. Exponents included Vanessa Bell, Eric Gill, Duncan Grant, Augustus John, Kenneth Martin, John Nash and Fred Uhlman. Expressionism Early 20th-century painting movement that expressed highly charged emotions and thoughts through colour, violence, distortion and exaggeration. The German Expressionist groups were among the first so to characterise their work, which itself developed further into Dada and Abstract Expressionism. Fauves (Wild Beasts) An initially derogatory label applied by the critics of artists such as Derain, Matisse, Rouault and Vlaminck when their work was exhibited in one room at the Paris Salon d’Automne of 1905. The distortion and flat patterns, along with the intensity of the colour, created a furore, and the Fauves were born. Matisse came to be regarded as their leader, although the movement itself had fallen apart by 1908 as a number of its members defected to Cubism. Fête champêtre Typical Rococo scene of lovers in an ideal setting, as epitomised by Lancret and Fragonard. Fête galante Pastoral masquerade in dreamlike setting, as painted by Lancret and Watteau. Figurative Art Artworks that contain recognisable objects. Found Object (objet trouvé) A Dadaist and Surrealist technique of taking any given object and displaying it as an art form, as in Bicycle Wheel. Fresco Wall-painting using water-based paints on damp plaster, particularly in European churches and ancient Greek and Egyptian temples. Giotto was one of the masters of fresco painting. Futurism Italian art movement developed in Venice c1909–15, embracing the machine and new technology. Balla, Carrà, Umberto Boccioni and Gino Severini were its leading exponents. The term was born in Paris, in an article in Le Figaro by the poet Filippo Marinetti (1876–1944). Although Futurism is sometimes used to mean any art more recent than 1900, as a discrete aesthetic movement it died early in World War I. Genre Type of subject painting or, more particularly, paintings of everyday life in a naturalistic style, reported without idealisation. Extremely popular in 17th-century Holland. German Expressionism Much of German Expressionism grew out of a painterly reaction to modernity, but most particularly to the horrors of World War I. Die Brücke was one of the first Expressionist groups, and the movement also embraced Der Blaue Reiter and Dada. Representative artists include Ernst Barlach, Beckmann, Grosz, Kirchner and Nolde. German Romantic Painting Early 19th-century forerunner of the English Pre-Raphaelite school. Artists were inspired by the collection of 14th and 15th century painting at the home of Bernhard August von Lindenau, now the Staatliches Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg. Friedrich, Philip Otto Runge and the Nazarenes are typical exponents. Gothic A generic term first used in the Renaissance period to describe the style of the 11th to 15th centuries. It was initially a critical term implying barbarism because the style made no reference to Classical precedents. In the 19th century medieval architecture and painting ‘pre-Raphael’ became the inspiration for a Victorian resurgence, led by the critic John Ruskin and the architect-designer A.W. Pugin, which produced ‘Gothic’ fantasies far removed from the original inspiration. William Morris, whilst also taking the medieval Gothic period for inspiration, went back to basics and developed the culture of craftsmanship and simple forms. Grisaille A painting done in tones of grey to define shadows or modelling. Often used in trompe l’oeil. Happening An art form developed from the 1960s in which an artist participates in an action that encompasses the whole purpose of the piece, and once over is gone. Similar to Performance Art. Largely developed by Joseph Beuys. High Victorian Art The British art of the 1870s until the turn of the century, epitomised by the languid classical beauties of Albert Moore, Leighton and Alma-Tadema – fabulously painted, very beautiful and often low on meaning. Fine collections are in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight; Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery; and the Tate Gallery, London, as well as at Leighton’s House in Holland Park Road, London. History Painting After portraiture, the painting of uplifting scenes from history, the Bible or allegory was the highest form of art according to Reynolds. It was also used very effectively for propaganda purposes by the Neo-Classical painters such as Jacques-Louis David. (See his Death of Marat.) Hudson River School 19th-century American landscape painting school, highly Romantic in feeling and glorifying the wonders of nature. The name is properly applied to the period after 1825 when leading exponent Thomas Cole, painter of The Voyage of Life, settled in New York. Other members include Albert Bierstadt, Asher B. Osmond and Frederick Church. Impasto Word used to describe the thickness of the paint applied to a canvas or panel. When the paint is so heavily applied that it stands up in lumps, with the tracks of the brush clearly evident, it is said to be ‘heavily’ impasted. Impressionism Essentially the painting of light and its effects on nature and objects. Developed in France in the late 19th century and influential all over Europe. Monet’s Impression: Sunrise (Musée Marmottan, Paris) of 1872 was the work that suggested the name of the movement. Other leading protagonists included Cézanne, Degas, Morisot, Pissarro, Renoir and Sisley. The Impressionist exhibitions were held between 1874 and 1886. Seurat and Paul Signac took Impressionism a stage further with Pointillism. International Gothic Late 14th-century form of Gothic which spread throughout Europe. Leading exponents were Gentile da Fabriano and Pisanello. Kinetic Art Art that relies on real or apparent movement. Kitchen Sink School Term coined by art critic David Sylvester in 1954 , referring to a group of British social realist painters popular in mid-1950s who focused their work on the unglamorous. Members: John Bratby, Derrick Greaves, Edward Middleditch, Leslie Duxbury and Jack Smith. Land Art, Earth Art Arrangements of earth mounds or natural elements in situ, often in rural areas. Developed in the USA from the 1960s as a reaction to materialistic Pop Art. Richard Long is a leading exponent. Grizedale Forest in Cumbria is one of the foremost sculpture parks here, specialising in sculpture within natural settings. Maestà (Majesty) A term used to describe a painting of the Virgin and Child enthroned, with saints or angels. Mannerism The style that succeeded the High Renaissance, c1520–1600, exemplified by exaggerated figure drawing. Bronzino, El Greco, Michelangelo, Parmigianino and Pontormo were all Mannerists. Metaphysical School Surrealist art group formed in Ferrara in 1917 by Giorgio de Chirico and Carlo Carrà, which survived until 1920. Minimalism American art movement in painting and sculpture, essentially paring ideas down to bare essentials. Exponents include Carl André and Richard Serra. Mobile A form of sculpture invented in 1932 by Alexander Calder, and named by Marcel Duchamp. Usually a mobile consists of a number of shapes cut from wood, cardboard, plastic or metal, connected by wires or rods and suspended so that a gentle touch will cause the whole to revolve and produce transforming 3D patterns of planes, solids and colours, and sometimes sounds. Modern Art Accepted as the course of art in the 20th century from Impressionism up to the present day, embracing all major artistic developments including Cubism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Art, Pop Art, Minimalism and Performance Art. Excellent British public collections are in the Tate Galleries in London, Liverpool and St Ives; and the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh. Nabis (Prophets) French anti-Impressionist art group inspired by Paul Gauguin’s use of outline and flat colour which exhibited from 1892 to 1899. Members included Pierre Bonnard, Maurice Denis, Paul Sérusier and Edouard Vuillard. Nazarenes Group of early 19th-century German and Austrian Romantic religious painters, founded by Friedrich Overbeck and Franz Pforr. Neo-classicism Often described as the art of the French Revolution, it was a late 18th-century reaction to the fussiness of the Rococo, embracing noble simplicity and stoic grandeur. Jacques-Louis David was its leading exponent in painting, and Antonio Canova in sculpture. Neo-Expressionism Refers to an International art movement of the late 1970s and 1980s involving revival of expressionist concerns Neo-Impressionism A pre-Cubist movement which examined Impressionism from a scientific standpoint rather than an aesthetic one. An offshoot of Neo-Impressionism was Pointillism. Neo-Plasticism Name used by Mondrian & van Doesburg for their style of pure abstract art, first used in De Stijl magazine in 1917. Neo-Romanticism British art movement existing before WW2, reviving the interest in the Romantic landscapes of Blake and Samuel Palmer


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Neue Sachlichkeit An inter-war German brutal realism art style represented by Dix, Grosz and Christian Schad. The literal meaning is ‘New Objectivity’. Name coined by G.F. Artlaub. Newlyn School Group of British painters based in the fishing village near Penzance, Cornwall, and dedicated to Plein air, following the lead in France. The school was founded by Stanhope Forbes (1857-1947) and his wife Elizabeth (1857–1912). Other members included Walter Langley (1852–1922) and Laura Knight (née Johnson) and her husband Harold. New English Art Club British art group founded in 1886, which included George Clausen, Stanhope Forbes, Sargent, Steer and Edward Stott’s work. The Club is well represented in the collection at Cartwright Hall, Bradford. Norwich School A group of early 19th-century landscape painters led by John Cotman and John Crome. Novecento Italiano Italian art movement of the 1920s which encouraged a return to the renaissance art. Novembergruppe Formed in Berlin 1918 and advocating art for the masses. Led by Max Pechstein and César Klein. Omega Workshops Co-operative workshop-cum-showroom at 33 Fitzroy Square, London, founded by critic Roger Fry in 1913, for the production of painted furniture, textiles, artefacts and decorative commissions. Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant produced designs for Omega. Op Art (short for Optical Art) is a style of painting which manipulates overall patterns, using repeated shapes or undulating lines which give an optical illusion of movement and often dazzles the beholder. Victor Vasarely (1908–97) is often considered a precursor of the op art movement with his black and white geometrical paintings but the movement became established in the early 1960s by Bridget Riley when she began to use colour in her optical paintings. The term became popularised following the 1965 New York City exhibition ‘The Responsive Eye’ at the Museum of Modern Art. Perspective Quasi-mathematical system for the representation of three-dimensional objects in spatial recession on a two-dimensional surface, i.e. for the creation of an independent pictorial space as a microcosm of nature. The basic assumption of all perspective systems is that parallel lines never meet, but they appear to do so; and that, further, all parallel lines going in any one direction meet at a single point on the horizon, known as a vanishing point. Pietà (Pity) Painting or sculpture showing the dead Christ cradled in the lap of the Virgin Mary. Plein air 19th- and 20th-century landscape painting carried out in the open air, depicting nature and light as realistically as possible, as opposed to the deliberate Classicism of Old Masters such as Claude Lorrain and Poussin. Plein airists included the Barbizon School, the Impressionists, the Pre-Raphaelites, Millais, Ford Madox Brown and William Holman Hunt. Pointillism Also known as ‘Divisionism’. Seurat developed the Neo-Impressionist technique of using tiny dots of colour to build up form and subject; most notably used in his Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grand Jatte. Pop Art American-formulated art form embracing painting, graphic design and sculpture, and preoccupied with modern technology, materialism and advertising. Exponents included Warhol, Blake, Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Hamilton, Hockney, Lichtenstein and Claes Oldenburg. Post-Impressionism Roger Fry of the Bloomsbury Group coined the term when he staged the ‘Manet and the Post-Impressionists’ Exhibition in London in 1910. They were artists whose chief feature in common was that they had rejected naturalism in various ways, through form, colour and subject, and included Cézanne, Denis, Gauguin, van Gogh, Picasso, Rouault, Seurat, Paul Sérusier, and Vlaminck. Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood The dream of a new generation to return art to its original purity of form and colour by preferring truth to nature to the stylised ideals of the Royal Academy and the ground rules laid down by its first president, Reynolds. The group was formed in London in 1848 by the painters Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt, Millais and James Collinson, the art critics William Michael Rossetti and Frederick Stephens, and the sculptor Thomas Woolner. The group itself was shortlived, as its members were following separate artistic paths by 1853, but its impact on contemporary Victorian art was far more long-lasting. Pre-Raphaelitism strongly influenced Ford Madox Brown, Burne-Jones, Augustus Egg, Frith, Hubert Herkomer, Watts, among others, and formed the basis of High Victorian Art. It was also a foundation stone of the Arts and Crafts Movement, led by William Morris, and the English Art Nouveau of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow School, Scottish painters of the late 19th century. The style also opened the way for a new class of art collectors in the form of major industrialists based in the north, important contemporary art galleries such as the Grosvenor Gallery, and satire in the form of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience and the cartoons in Punch. Subject matter varies from the willowy and lush allegorical beauties of Rossetti and Burne-Jones to the real-life and religious subjects of Holman Hunt and Ford Madox Brown. Major collections of Pre-Raphaelite art are in the Tate Gallery, London; Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool; Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight; Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, and Manchester City Art Gallery. Primitive Term applied to pre-Renaissance art and provincial or naive art by untrained artists often ignoring perspective (see Alfred Wallis). Provenance The documented history – and hence authenticity – of an artwork: who created it, who owned it, etc. Rayonism Combination of Cubism, Futurism and Orphism developed by Russian artists Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova in 1911. Ready-Made Term coined by Duchamp for his found objects, such as the urinal he exhibited at the 1913 Armory Show, signed ‘R. Mutt’. Realism Term applied to the realistic painting of artists such as Courbet, using a precision of detail and natural colour without idealisation. Renaissance The ‘rebirth’ of art and ideas in Italy after the Dark Ages and Gothic art, starting in the 14th century. It had repercussions around the European world on artistic expression, intellectual discussion, religious thought and scientific experiment. It was inspired by the rediscovery of the Classicism of the ancient civilisations of Rome and Greece in Italy and the rise of humanism. The Early Renaissance period, up to c1500, includes the artists Giotto, Duccio and Uccello, and the first experiments in art with perspective and painterly modelling. The High Renaissance saw the development of architecture, sculpture and painting by men such as Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael and Titian, leading to Mannerism and the late Renaissance of Correggio, Veronese and the sculptor Benvenuto Cellini. Dürer was responsible for introducing new ideas into Germany, and Holbein the Younger into England. France embraced Renaissance ideals following the rise of Italian influence after the marriage of Catherine de’ Medici to the future Henri II in 1533. Rococo 18th-century French decorative style, epitomised by the paintings of Rigaud, Boucher, Fragonard and Watteau. It illustrated the dream world in which the nobility wished to live, of sunlit fêtes galantes, garden swings, cherry-picking and whimsical shepherdesses. The French Revolution forced them to face an unpleasant reality. Rococo also influenced painters, architects and sculptors in Austria , Germany and Italy. Romanticism The early 19th-century reaction to the cold formality of Neo-classicism, the style introduced a new depth of colour, expression and passion into painting not seen since Titian, particularly in the works of Delacroix and Géricault. Stylistically different Romanticists were William Blake, Constable, Friedrich, Fuseli, Turner, the Nazarenes and the Pre-Raphaelites. Sacra conversazione A painting of the Virgin and Child, often with saints or family in an informal setting, first depicted by Fra Angelico in the 15th-century. The term literally means ‘Holy Conversation’. Slade School of Art London art school, founded 1871, that in the 1890s and under the professorship in 1918–30 of Henry Tonks produced some of the most important painters of British 20th-century art. Slade teachers and graduates included David Bomberg, Mark Gertler, Harold Gilman, Spencer Gore, Duncan Grant, Augustus John, Gwen John, Wyndham Lewis, Ambrose McEvoy, Paul Nash, C.R.W. Nevinson, Ben Nicholson, William Orpen, William Rothenstein, Matthew Smith, Stanley Spencer and Edward Wadsworth. Socialist Realism A realistic if stylised art form officially sponsored and sanctioned for propaganda purposes in the Soviet Union, where it was first defined in 1932, and later in China and Cuba. Stijl, De (‘The style’) Dutch 20th-century art movement which embraced painting, sculpture, graphic design, interior design and architecture. Exponents include Mondrian, van Doesburg, Bart van der Leck and the architects Rietveld and Jacobus Oud. De Stijl architecture includes the Zonnestraal Sanatorium by Johannes Duiker, and Rietveld’s Schröder house at Utrecht. Suprematism Malevich produced his first non-representational Suprematist painting in 1913, Black Square, exploring elementary forms and restricted contrasts of colour which in turn influenced Expressionism, Abstract Art and Colorfield Painting. Surrealism Term coined in 1922 by the poet André Breton to describe the real and unreal world of waking and dreaming as depicted by the artist. Breton chose term from earlier description of a Chagall work by Guillaume Apollinaire. Developed from Dada and influenced by Sigmund Freud’s ideas. Exponents included de Chirico, Dali, Duchamp, Ernst, Klee, Magritte, Miró, Man Ray and Tanguy. Symbolism Late figurative style of painting, associated with the Art Nouveau period. Jan Toorop, Johan Thorn Prikker, Munch, Arnold Böcklin, Redon, Puvis de Chavannes, Rouault and Moreau were all exponents. Tachisme Term often used synonymously with Abstract Expressionism, but it strictly refers to a French movement of the 1950s which consisted of paintings composed of large blobs of colour.


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Tempera Although this term actually means any kind of binder which will serve to ‘temper’ powder colour and make it workable, in practice it is confined to egg tempera (using the yolk of the egg), which was until the late 15th century the commonest technique of painting easel pictures. Tenebrism Sombrely atmospheric painting particularly as seen in the works of those early 17th-century painters, mostly Neapolitan and Spanish, who were much influenced by Caravaggio. The term literally means ‘Dark colouring’. Trompe l’oeil Illusionistic painting effect, such as painting a ceiling to look as if it is open to the sky. The term literally means ‘Deceive the eye’. Veduta (View) Detailed topographical painting of an existing place. Leading ‘Vedutisti’ were Guardi and Canaletto. Vernissage The practice – once common, now discontinued – by which painters would enter an exhibition after the pictures had been hung but before it was open to the public, so that they could varnish and also retouch their pictures. Turner would often submit his pictures incomplete and take advantage of Vernissage (Varnishing Day). Nowadays the custom is merely to invite favoured patrons to see the pictures before the public are allowed in. Vorticism Brief English movement from 1914 with similar influences to Futurism, led by Percy Wyndham Lewis. Watercolour The English landscapists were particularly strong in their use of watercolour, especially the artists of the Norwich School, William Blake, Girtin, Bonington and Turner. Dante Gabriel Rossetti brought a new jewel-like richness to watercolour painting in the 1850s, which raised the medium from insipidity. Young British Artists Movement having its foundation in the exhibition ‘Freeze’, organised while he was a student at Goldsmiths College, London, in 1988 by Damien Hirst, who became the most celebrated of the YBAs. Goldsmiths, which numbered Michael Craig-Martin among its teachers, encouraged new forms of creativity. Leading artists have preserved dead animals (Hirst), presented her own bed (Tracey Emin) and made sculpture from women’s tights (Sarah Lucas). Artists include: Fiona Banner, Christine Borland, Mark Wallinger, Rachel Whiteread.

Famous Works of Art (permanently housed) Painting



Adam and Eve Adam and Eve Adoration of the Lamb, The Adoration of the Magi, The Adoration of the Magi, The Adoration of the Magi, The Adoration of the Magi, The Adoration of the Magi, The Adoration of the Magi, The After Cézanne Allegory of Spring (aka La Prima vera) Ambassadors, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Jan Deyman Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp Andromeda Annunciation, The Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer Arnolfini Portrait, The Around the Fish At the Moulin Rouge Avenue at Middelharnis, The Bar at the Folies-Bergère, A Baron Schwiter Bathsheba Beggar’s Opera, The Belle Jardinière, La Belshazzar’s Feast Bicycle Wheel Birth of Venus, The Blue Rider, The Boatbuilding near Flatford Mill Boyhood of Raleigh, The Broadway Boogie Woogie Bubbles Burial of the Count de Orgaz Capt Woodes Rogers and Family Cartoons Charge of the Mamelukes, The Chess Players, The Christ Crowned With Thorns Christ Healing the Blind Man Christ in the House of His Parents Christ Nailed to the Cross Christ on the Cross Christ on the Cross Christ Taking Leave of His Mother Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan Church at Blainville Clothed Maja, The Colossus, The Conversion of St Paul, The Conversion of St Paul, The Conversion of St Paul, The Cornfield, The Coronation of the Virgin, The Country Festival near Antwerp Cripples, The Crucifixion of St Peter Crucifixion Triptych Cupid and Psyche Danae

Lucas Cranach Dürer Jan van Eyck Jacopo Bassano Botticelli Dürer Da Vinci Lippi Velazquez Lucian Freud Botticelli Holbein the Younger Rembrandt Rembrandt Rembrandt Jan van Eyck Rembrandt Jan van Eyck Klee Toulouse-Lautrec Hobbema Manet Delacroix Rembrandt Hogarth Raphael Rembrandt Duchamp Botticelli Kandinsky Constable Millais Mondrian Millais El Greco Hogarth Raphael Goya Duchamp Titian Duccio Millais Gerard David Goya Velazquez Correggio Holbein the Younger Duchamp Goya Goya Michelangelo Caravaggio Pieter Brueghel (Elder) Constable Raphael Teniers the Younger Pieter Brueghel (Elder) Michelangelo Francis Bacon François Gérard Correggio

Courtauld Gallery, London Prado, Madrid St Bavo Cathedral, Ghent Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Uffizi, Florence (1475) Uffizi, Florence (1504) Uffizi, Florence (1481) Uffizi, Florence (1496) Prado, Madrid (1619) National Gallery of Australia Uffizi, Florence National Gallery, London Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Mauritshuis, The Hague Mauritshuis, The Hague National Gallery, Washington DC Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY National Gallery, London Museum of Modern Art, New York Art Institute of Chicago National Gallery, London Courtauld Gallery, London National Gallery, London Louvre, Paris Tate Britain, London Louvre, Paris National Gallery, London Museum of Modern Art, New York Uffizi, Florence Ernst Bührle Collection, Zürich Victoria and Albert Museum, London Tate Britain, London Museum of Modern Art, New York Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight Church of Santo Tomé, Toledo, Spain National Maritime Museum, Greenwich V&A, London Prado, Madrid Philadelphia Museum of Art Louvre, Paris National Gallery, London Tate Britain, London National Gallery, London Prado, Madrid Prado, Madrid National Gallery, London National Gallery, London Philadelphia Museum of Art Prado, Madrid Prado, Madrid Pauline Chapel, Vatican Sta Maria del Popolo, Rome Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna National Gallery, London Vatican Museum, Rome National Gallery, London Louvre, Paris Pauline Chapel, Vatican Tate Britain, London Louvre, Paris Borghese Gallery, Rome


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Danae Dance of Four Breton Women Death of the Virgin Demoiselles d’Avignon, Les Descent from the Cross Descent from the Cross Ditchley Portrait of Elizabeth I Duke of Wellington, The Early Sunday Morning Ecce Homo Ecce Homo Ecce Homo Education of Cupid Execution of Faliero Fable of Arachne (aka The Spinners) Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke Fight between Carnival and Lent Fighting Temeraire, The Flatford Mill on the River Stour Football Players Fortune-Teller (aka La Zingara) From the Week of Hell ’94 Gardener, The Gilles and His Family Girl Asleep, A Girl at a Window Girl Balancing on a Ball Girl With a White Dog Girl with Bare Feet Goldfish and Sculpture Good Samaritan, The Graham Children, The Great Wave, The Greenwich Hospital from the North Grey Tree, The Guernica Gypsy Girl Half-Past Three (The Poet) Haywain, The (triptych) Haywain, The Holy Family (Doni Tondo) Holy Family Holy Family (aka The Two Trinities) Horatius Cocles Defending the Bridge House by the Railroad Hunters in the Snow I and the Village Impression: Sunrise Jewish Bride, The Jewish Cemetery Jupiter and Io Kiss, The Kitchen-Maid (aka The Milk Maid) Lady of Shalott Landscape with a Footbridge Last Judgement, The Last Supper, The Last Supper, The Last Supper, The (mural) Laughing Cavalier, The Leda Liberty Leading the People Light of the World, The Little Street, The Luncheon in the Studio Luncheon of the Boating Party, The Lute Player, The Madame Charpentier and Her Children Mademoiselle Gachet at the Piano Madonna in Glory, The Madonna of St Jerome, The Madonna of the Basket, The Madonna of the Goldfinch, The Madonna of the Rosary Madonna of the Star Madonna with Angels and Saints Madonna with Chancellor Rolin, The Madonna with the Carnation Maestà Maids of Honour (aka Las Meninas) Man with a Straw Hat, The Marriage at Cana Mars and Venus Massacre at Chios, The Merry Drinker, The Milkmaid of Bordeaux, The Miss Harriet Cholmondeley

Rembrandt Gauguin Caravaggio Picasso Rembrandt Rubens Marcus Gheeraerts (Younger) Goya Hopper Bosch Caravaggio Correggio Correggio Delacroix Velazquez Richard Dadd Pieter Brueghel (Elder) Turner Constable Henri Rousseau Caravaggio Emin Cézanne Watteau Vermeer Rembrandt Picasso Freud Picasso Matisse Hogarth Hogarth Hokusai Canaletto Mondrian Picasso Hals Chagall Bosch Constable Michelangelo Turner Murillo Le Brun Hopper Pieter Brueghel (Elder) Chagall Monet Rembrandt Jacob van Ruysdael Correggio Klimt Vermeer John William Waterhouse Altdorfer Michelangelo Dali Holbein the Younger Leonardo da Vinci Hals Correggio Delacroix Holman Hunt Vermeer Manet Renoir Caravaggio Renoir Van Gogh Giotto Correggio Correggio Raphael Van Dyck Fra Angelico Gerard David Jan van Eyck Leonardo da Vinci Duccio di Buoninsegna Velazquez Cézanne Veronese Botticelli Delacroix Hals Goya Hoppner


Hermitage, St Petersburg Neue Pinakothek, Munich Louvre, Paris Museum of Modern Art, New York Alte Pinakothek, Munich Antwerp Cathedral National Portrait Gallery National Gallery, London Whitney Museum of American Art, NY Stadelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt Galleria di Palazzo Rosso, Genoa National Gallery, London National Gallery, London Wallace Collection, London Prado, Madrid Tate Britain, London Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna National Gallery, London Tate Britain, London Guggenheim Museum, New York Louvre, Paris Tate Britain, London Tate Britain, London Wallace Collection, London Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY Dulwich Picture Gallery Pushkin Museum, Moscow Tate Britain, London Picasso Museum, Paris Museum of Modern Art, New York St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London National Gallery, London British Museum, London National Maritime Museum, Greenwich Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid Louvre, Paris Philadelphia Museum of Art Prado, Madrid National Gallery, London Uffizi, Florence Tate Britain, London National Gallery, London Dulwich Gallery, London Museum of Modern Art, New York Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Museum of Modern Art, New York Musée Marmottan, Paris Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Gemäldegalerie, Dresden Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Österreichische Galerie, Vienna Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Tate Britain, London National Gallery, London Sistine Chapel, Vatican National Gallery, Washington DC Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switzerland S. Maria delle Grazie, Milan Wallace Collection, London Berlin Museum Louvre, Paris Keble College, Oxford Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Neue Staatsgalerie, Munich Phillips Collection, Washington DC Hermitage, St Petersburg Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY Kunstmuseum, Basel Uffizi, Florence National Gallery, Parma National Gallery, London Uffizi, Florence Oratorio del Rosario, Palermo Museo di San Marco, Florence Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen Louvre, Paris Alte Pinakothek, Munich Cathedral Museum, Siena Prado, Madrid Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY Louvre, Paris National Gallery, London Louvre, Paris Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Prado, Madrid Tate Britain, London

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Mocker Mocked, The Mona Lisa (aka La Gioconda) Mr and Mrs Andrews Mrs Siddons My Parents Naked Maja, The Nevermore Night Watch, The Nighthawks Nude Descending a Staircase, No 2 Odalisque Officer and Laughing Girl Old Walton Bridge Old Woman Cooking Eggs, An Old Woman Praying Old Women of Arles On the Balcony Order of Release, The Painting (1946) Pantry, The Paris through the Window Parting of Hero and Leander, The Peasant Wedding Peter Denying Christ Piazza San Marco and the Colonnade Potato Eaters, The Primavera, La (aka Allegory of Spring) Rabbi of Vitebsk (aka The Praying Jew) Raft of the Medusa, The Rain, Steam and Speed Raising of Lazarus Raising the Cross Rake’s Progress, The Rape of the Sabine Women, The Repudiation of Hagar Return of the Dove to the Ark, The Return of the Prodigal Son Rokeby Venus (aka Toilet of Venus) Sabines, Les Sad Shower in New York St Jerome Curing the Lion St Joseph the Carpenter St Michael Vanquishing Satan Scream, The Seven Deadly Sins, The Shoeing Shrimp Girl, The Skittle Players outside an Inn Sleeping Gypsy, The Snail, The Spanish Singer Standing by the Rags Starry Night, The Stoning of St Stephen Sunflowers Three Dancers Three Flags Three Graces Three Lawyers in Conversation Triumph of Bacchus (aka The Topers) Triumph of the Innocents, The Tropical Forest with Monkeys Turkish Bath, The Twittering Machine Two Haystacks Ugolino Vampire Van Gogh’s Chair Venus and Adonis Venus of Urbino View of Delft Wedding Dance, The Whaam! Wheatfields Whistler’s Mother White Crucifixion Windsor Beauties, The Women of Algiers in Their Apartment Wounded Cuirassier, The Wounded Heron, The Wreck of a Transport Ship Yellow Christ, The Young Bacchus, The Young Woman Holding a Powder-Puff Young Woman Standing at a Virginal Young Woman with a Water Jug Zoological Garden

Klee Leonardo da Vinci Gainsborough Gainsborough Hockney Goya Gauguin Rembrandt Hopper Duchamp Renoir Vermeer Canaletto Velázquez Rembrandt Gauguin Peter Blake Millais Francis Bacon Hooch Chagall Turner Pieter Brueghel (Elder) Rembrandt Canaletto Van Gogh Botticelli Chagall Géricault Turner Rembrandt Rubens Hogarth Poussin Tiepolo Millais Rembrandt Velázquez Jacques-Louis David Emin Dürer La Tour Raphael Munch Bosch Landseer Hogarth Steen Henri Rousseau Henri Matisse Manet Freud van Gogh Rembrandt Van Gogh Picasso Johns Raphael Daumier Velázquez Holman Hunt Rousseau, Henri Ingres Klee Monet Reynolds Munch Van Gogh Titian Titian Vermeer Pieter Brueghel (Elder) Lichtenstein van Ruysdael, Jacob Whistler Chagall Lely Delacroix Géricault Watts Turner Gauguin Caravaggio Seurat Vermeer Vermeer Klee

Museum of Modern Art, New York Louvre, Paris National Gallery, London National Gallery, London Tate Britain, London Prado, Madrid Courtauld Gallery, London Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Art Institute of Chicago Philadelphia Museum of Art National Gallery of Art, Washington DC Frick Collection, New York Dulwich Gallery, London National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh Residenz Gallery, Salzburg Art Institute of Chicago Tate Modern, London Tate Britain, London Museum of Modern Art, New York Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Guggenheim Museum, New York National Gallery, London Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam National Gallery, London Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Uffizi, Florence Art Institute of Chicago Louvre, Paris National Gallery, London Los Angeles County Museum of Art Antwerp Cathedral Sir John Soane’s Museum, London Louvre, Paris Rasini Collection, Milan Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Hermitage, St Petersburg National Gallery, London Louvre, Paris Tate Britain, London Kunstmuseum, Basel Louvre, Paris Louvre, Paris National Gallery, Oslo Prado, Madrid Tate Britain, London National Gallery, London National Gallery, London Museum of Modern Art, New York Tate Modern, London Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY Tate Modern, London Museum of Modern Art, New York Museum of Fine Arts, Lyons National Gallery, London Tate Modern, London Whitney Museum of Art, New York Musée Condé, Chantilly Phillips Collection, Washington DC Prado, Madrid Tate Britain, London John Hay Whitney Collection, NY Louvre, Paris Museum of Modern Art, New York Art Institute of Chicago Knole House, Sevenoaks, Kent Munch-Museet, Oslo National Gallery, London Prado, Madrid Uffizi, Florence Mauritshuis, The Hague Detroit Institute of Arts Tate Modern, London Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY Musée d'Orsay, Paris Art Institute of Chicago Hampton Court Palace, London Louvre, Paris Louvre, Paris Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY Uffizi, Florence Courtauld Gallery, London National Gallery, London Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Klee Foundation, Bern


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Art: General Information Action Painting: aka Adoration of the Magi (Botticelli) Ambassadors, The

Abstract Expressionism The Medici family are depicted as the Magi Jean de Dinteville, French ambassador to the court of Henry VIII and Georges de Selve, bishop of Lavaur are believed to be the two ambassadors depicted amid the scientific instruments and skull. Angel of the North: details Sculpted by Antony Gormley and situated on the site of an old coal mine next to the A1 at Eighton Banks, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. The 20m (65ft) high figure in steel with a copper mixture has a wingspan of 54m (175ft), a weight of 200 tonnes (100 tonnes for the body and 50 tonnes per wing), and cost £800,000 to construct, largely funded by National Lottery donations. As the surface oxidises to form a patina the sculpture has become a rich brown colour Arnolfini Portrait Aka The Arnolfini Wedding. Portrait of a black-robed Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini and his greenfrocked wife (not pregnant just over-elaborate material) with their dog. Art Deco Refers to a decorative style of the 1920s and 1930s Art Gallery: largest The Hermitage in St Petersburg Beggarstaff Brothers Sir William Nicholson (1872–1949) and James Pryde (1866–1941), still-life and poster painters Brueg(h)el: spelling Pieter the Elder spelt the name with an ‘H’ until 1559 and his children resorted back to original spelling Bubbles: subject Millais’ grandson, the future Admiral William James Churchill Portrait (Sutherland) Destroyed by Churchill’s wife Cire Perdue Modern bronzes are made either in sand moulds or by the ‘cire perdue’ (lost wax) method, which consists of a model smaller than the mould, the space between being filled with wax and vent pipes inserted. The molten bronze is poured in the top and takes the place of the wax which has been melted out Claude Lorrain Glass Black convex glass used by artists to reflect the landscape in miniature and, in doing so, to merge details and reduce the strength of colour so that the artist is presented with a broad picture of the scene Collage Objects such as newspaper, string or cloth which are pasted onto paper or canvas. Picasso’s Still Life with Chair Caning may have been the first example of collage Correggio Named from the town in Modena where he was born Courtauld Gallery, London Art museum in Somerset House, on the Strand - houses the art collection of the Courtauld Institute of Art, a self-governing college of the University of London. Cranach the Elder, Lucas: epitaph Pictor Celerrimus (swiftest of painters) is how Cranach is described on his tombstone Cubism: first picture Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Picasso Customs Officer: former Henri Rousseau (hence his byname ‘Le Douanier’) Dada: formed where In a nightclub in Zurich (Cabaret Voltaire) 1916 Duke of Wellington (Goya) Stolen in 1961 but later found Fakers: famous Tom Keating faked Samuel Palmer paintings; Hans van Meegeren faked Vermeers Frottage Technique employed by Surrealists such as Max Ernst, which involves placing a piece of paper over an object and rubbing the paper with chalk or charcoal Green Lady, The Popular name of Vladimir Tretchikoff’s ‘Chinese Girl’ one of the best-selling art prints ever. The original painting was sold to British jeweller Laurence Graff for £982,050 in March 2013. Hay-Wain, The: farm Willy Lott’s farm I Want You: Recruiting Poster James Montgomery Flagg Intaglio Term used to describe types of printing such as etching and engraving whereby the design is incised as opposed to relief printing, such as wood cutting, where the raised portion creates the design Killed a man in argument Caravaggio in 1606 forced to flee Rome after killing a man in fit of temper Kiss, The Sculpture by Rodin depicting Francesca da Rimini (aka Francesca da Polenta - 1255-85) immortalised in Dante's Inferno, and Paolo Malatesta locked in an amorous embrace after reading the story of Lancelot and Guinevere. Knighted by Britain & Spain Sir Peter Paul Rubens Libel Action Against John Ruskin James Whistler, for Ruskin’s attack on his Falling Rocket (won the case but received only one farthing) Madonna Rucellai Now attributed to Duccio Di Buoninsegna: formerly thought to be a work of Cimabue (Vasari’s attribution) Magic Realism Refers to a type of painting which combines a realistic technique with fanciful designs, as in the paintings of René Magritte and other surrealists. In its strict sense it refers to German realist art of the 1920s Marsyas: details The title refers to a satyr in Greek mythology who was flayed alive by the god Apollo. The PVC membrane has a fleshy quality and the dark red colour suggests something ‘of the physical, of the earthly, of the bodily’. Marsyas confounds spatial perception, immersing the viewer in a monochromatic field of colour. It is impossible to view the entire sculpture from any one position. The sculpture comprises three steel rings joined together by a single span. The flute-shaped structure is 500ft long and 10 storeys high, filling the entire space of the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall Montage Form of collage but refers specifically to the use of components which are complete in themselves Murdered His Father Richard Dadd (1817–86) English literary painter later confined in an asylum Myra (Hindley): painter Marcus Harvey painted this controversial painting on display at the ‘Sensations’ exhibition of 1997 Obscene: exhibition closed as Modigliani Oil Painting: largest Tintoretto’s Paradiso in the Doge’s Palace, Venice (30ft by 74ft) Oil Painting: largest painted in the open air David Hockney’s Bigger Trees Near Warter is made up of 50 canvases totalling 40ft by 15ft Old Master: definition A European painter of skill who worked before the 19th century Old Masters: highest price at auction Rubens (Massacre of the Innocents) £49.5m ($76.6m) in 2002 at Sotheby’s, London.


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Orphism Painting: highest price at auction

Patina Pears Soap Advertisement Pentimento Pink Boy Pop Art: term coined by Post-Painterly Abstraction Primary Colours Purism Putto Quattrocento Renoir’s Nude Sitter Rheumatism Sufferer Rokeby Venus (Velázquez) Saturday Evening Post Sculpture: highest price at auction Scumbling Secondary Colours Sensation

Stole Mona Lisa 1914 Stolen from National Gallery Tempest, The (Kokoschka) Thousand Years Turner Prize winners

Van Gogh: only painting sold

Term coined by poet Apollinaire in 1912 to distinguish the fragmented use of colour from the Cubist approach Edvard Munch's The Scream (1895) sold at Sotheby's in New York City on 2 May 2012. The masterpiece is one of four versions created by Munch and the only one that is privately owned. The painting sold for $119,922,500. Term used to describe the beautiful greenish surface alteration on a bust or statue caused by age Bubbles by Sir John Everett Millais Phenomenon of earlier painting showing through a layer or layers of paint on a canvas Master Nichols by Thomas Gainsborough, a portrait currently part of the Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire The critic Lawrence Alloway Term coined by the critic Clement Greenberg in 1964 to refer to non-objective artists who were not members of the Abstract Expressionist movement The colours from which all other colours are made up i.e. Blue, Yellow and Red Term coined in 1918 by Amédée Ozenfant in ‘Après le Cubisme’ which rejected decorative qualities of Cubism A plump naked boy used as a decorative addition to painting and sculpture, especially in the Baroque The 15th century, especially with reference to Renaissance Italian Art (literally four hundred, i.e. short for 14 hundred) Renoir’s maid, Gabrielle, would often sit as nude model for his paintings In later life Renoir was forced to paint with the brush tied to his fingers Slashed by suffragette in the National Gallery Norman Rockwell was famous for the covers A life-sized bronze by Alberto Giacometti, L’Homme qui marche (Walking Man I) sold for $104,327,006 (£65,001,250) at Sotheby’s in London (Feb 2010). Term used to describe the effect when an opaque colour is applied over another colour but allows the original colour to show through Aka Complementary Colours; produced when two primary colours are mixed together, i.e. Green, Orange & Violet Charles Saatchi’s controversial 1997 exhibition at the Royal Academy which includes such items as Damien Hirst’s Tiger Shark, Bisected Pig & Thousand Years; Marcus Harvey’s Myra, and Tracey Emin’s Everyone I have ever slept with Vincenzo Perugia (sentenced to one year, 15 days imprisonment) The Scream (stolen in 1994 but returned 2 months later) Depicts the artist and Alma Mahler resting in a huge cockleshell in the midst of a raging sea Damien Hirst’s rotting cow head in a smear of blood, beset by flies Sponsored by Channel 4 and awarded to a British artist under 50. Inaugurated in 1984, the prize is worth £20,000 to the winner and is awarded at a ceremony at Tate Britain where an exhibition of the short-listed artists is on display for several months before the prize is announced. The full list of winners is Malcolm Morley (1984), Howard Hodgkin (1985), Gilbert and George (1986), Richard Deacon (1987), Tony Cragg (1988), Richard Long (1989), Prize suspended (1990), Anish Kapoor (1991), Grenville Davey (1992), Rachel Whiteread (1993), Antony Gormley (1994), Damien Hirst (1995), Douglas Gordon (1996), Gillian Wearing (1997), Chris Ofili (1998), Steve McQueen (1999), Wolfgang Tillmans (2000), Martin Creed (2001), Keith Tyson (2002), Grayson Perry (2003), Jeremy Deller (2004), Simon Starling (2005), Tomma Abts (2006), Mark Wallinger (2007), Mark Leckey (2008), Richard Wright (2009), Susan Philipsz (2010), Martin Boyce (2011), Elizabeth Price (2012). Red Vineyard was the only painting he sold in his lifetime


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ASTRONOMY Constellations Latin name

English name

Latin name

English name

Latin name

Andromeda Antlia Apus

Andromeda Air Pump Bird of Paradise Water Bearer Eagle Altar Ram Charioteer Herdsman Chisel Giraffe Crab Hunting Dogs Great Dog Little Dog Sea Goat Keel Cassiopeia Centaur Cepheus Whale Chameleon Compasses Dove Berenice’s Hair Southern Crown Northern Crown Crow

Crater Crux

Cup Southern Cross Swan Dolphin Swordfish or Goldfish Dragon Foal River Eridanus Furnace Twins Crane Hercules Clock Sea Serpent Water Snake Indian Lizard Lion Little Lion Hare Scales Wolf Lynx Lyre Table Microscope Unicorn Fly Level Octant

Ophiuchus Orion Pavo Pegasus Perseus Phoenix Pictor Pisces Piscis Austrinus Puppis Pyxis

Aquarius Aquila Ara Aries Auriga Boötes Caelum Camelopardalis Cancer Canes Venatici Canis Major Canis Minor Capricornus Carina Cassiopeia Centaurus Cepheus Cetus Chamaeleon Circinus Columba Coma Berenices Corona Australis Corona Borealis Corvus

Cygnus Delphinus Dorado Draco Equuleus Eridanus Fornax Gemini Grus Hercules Horologium Hydra Hydrus Indus Lacerta Leo Leo Minor Lepus Libra Lupus Lynx Lyra Mensa Microscopium Monoceros Musca Norma Octans

English name

Serpent Bearer Orion Peacock Winged Horse Perseus Phoenix Painter Fishes Southern Fish Poop or Stern Mariner’s Compass Reticulum Net Sagitta Arrow Sagittarius Archer Scorpius Scorpion Sculptor Sculptor Scutum Shield Serpens Serpent Sextans Sextant Taurus Bull Telescopium Telescope Triangulum Triangle Triangulum Australe Southern Triangle Tucana Toucan Ursa Major Great Bear Ursa Minor Little Bear Vela Sails Virgo Virgin Volans Flying Fish Vulpecula Fox

The Traditional Planets Planetary data Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Diameter km miles 4878 12104 12756 6794 142800 120000 52000 48400 2300

3031 7521 7927 4222 88700 74600 32300 30000 1430

Maximum distance from Sun (millions) km miles 69.4 109 152.6 249.2 817.4 1512 3011 4543 7364

43 67.6 94.6 154.5 506.8 937.6 1867 2817 4566

Minimum distance from Sun (millions) km miles

Sidereal period

Axial rotation period

46.8 107.6 147.4 207.3 741.6 1346 2740 4466 4461

88 days 224.7 days 365.26 days 687 days 11.86 years 29.46 years 84.01 years 164.79 years 248.5 years

58d 16h 243 days 23h 56m 24h 37m 23s 9h 50m 30s 10h 14m 16-28 hours 18-20 hours 6d 9h

29 66.7 91.4 128.5 459.8 834.6 1699.0 2769.0 2766.0

NB: In 2006 the International Astronomical Union voted on a new definition for a planet. Pluto was subsequently relegated to the status of dwarf planet and is now considered as a prototype for a new category of trans-Neptunian objects. There are now only eight planets recognised by the IAU, while solar system objects classified as dwarf planets are: Ceres, Pluto Haumea, Eris and Makemake. Planets, according to the IAU definition, must be in orbit around the sun, be almost spherical, and must have cleared the neighbourhood around their orbits. Small Solar System Body (SSSB) is the new term used to describe objects in the solar system that are neither planets nor dwarf planets. The term encompasses all the classical asteroids, with the exception of Ceres; all trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), with the exception of the aforementioned dwarf planets; all comets; and the remaining minor planets (i.e. the centaurs and Trojans).

Astronomers Royal

John Flamsteed Edmund Halley James Bradley Nathaniel Bliss Nevil Maskelyne John Pond Sir George Airy Sir William Christie

1675–1719 1720–1742 1742–1762 1762–1764 1765–1811 1811–1835 1835–1881 1881–191

Sir Frank Dyson Sir Harold Jones Sir Richard Woolley Sir Martin Ryle Sir Francis Graham–Smith Sir Arnold Wolfendale Sir Martin Rees

1910–1933 1933–1955 1956–1971 1972–1982 1982–1990 1991–1995 1995–


Until 1972 the title of Astronomer Royal was given to the director of Greenwich Observatory. It is now an honorary title for an outstanding astronomer, who receives a stipend of approx £100 per year.

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Planetary Satellites (named) Discovered Earth Mars Jupiter


Moon Phobos Deimos Ganymede Callisto Io Europa Amalthea Himalia Elara Pasiphae Sinope Carme Lysithea Ananke Leda Thebe Metis Adrastea Callirrhoe Praxidike Themisto Megaclite Iocaste Kalyke Taygete Harpalyke Chaldene Isonoe Erinome Aitne Autonoe Hermippe Thyone Euanthe Eurydome Euporie Kale Orthosie Pasithee Sponde Carpo Cyllene Eukelade Helike Aoede Arche Hegemone Kallichore Mneme Thelxinoe Herse Kore Titan Iapetus Rhea Dione Tethys Enceladus Mimas Hyperion Phoebe Janus Epimetheus Prometheus Pandora Atlas Helene Calypso Telesto Pan Siarnaq Albiorix Paaliaq Ymir Kiviuq Tarvos Ijiraq Erriapo

1877 1877 1610 1610 1610 1610 1892 1904 1905 1908 1914 1938 1938 1951 1974 1979 1979 1979 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 1655 1671 1672 1684 1684 1789 1789 1848 1898 1966 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1990 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000

Diameter km miles 3476 2160 27 17 15 9 5260 3270 4800 3000 3650 2268 3138 1950 270 168 180 110 80 50 50 30 40 25 40 25 40 25 30 19 20 12 100 62 40 25 24 15 10 6 36 22.5 8 5 5.4 3.5 5.2 3.4 5.2 3.4 5 3.1 4.3 2.6 3.8 2.2 3.8 2.2 3.2 2 4 2.5 4 2.5 4 2.5 4 2.5 3 1.9 3 1.9 2 1.25 2 1.25 2 1.25 2 1.25 2 1.25 4 2.5 4 2.5 4 2.5 4 2.5 3 1.9 3 1.9 3 1.9 3 1.9 3 1.9 3 1.9 2 1.25 2 1.25 5150 3200 1440 900 1530 950 1120 700 1050 650 500 310 390 240 349 217 220 135 200 120 140 90 140 90 100 60 40 25 35 22 30 19 24 15 20 12 45 28 30 19 25 15 20 12 17 10.6 16 10 14 8.8 10 6

Discovered Skathi 2000 Mundilfari 2000 Suttungr 2000 Thrymr 2000 Narvi 2003 Pallene 2004 Polydeuces 2004 Methone 2004 Bestla 2004 Aegir 2004 Bebhionn 2004 Bergelmir 2004 Fornjot 2004 Hati 2004 Farbouti 2004 Fenrir 2004 Daphnis 2005 Hyrrokkin 2006 Kari 2006 Greip 2006 Jamsaxa 2006 Loge 2006 Skoll 2006 Surtur 2006 Tarqeq 2007 Anthe 2007 Aegaeon 2008 Uranus Oberon 1787 Titania 1787 Ariel 1851 Umbriel 1851 Miranda 1948 Puck 1986 Portia 1986 Cressida 1986 Juliet 1986 Belinda 1986 Bianca 1986 Desdemona 1986 Rosalind 1986 Ophelia 1986 Cordelia 1986 Sycorax 1997 Caliban 1997 Prospero 1999 Setebos 1999 Perdita 1999 Stephano 1999 Trinculo 2001 Ferdinand 2001 Francisco 2001 Mab 2003 Cupid 2003 Margaret 2003 Neptune Triton 1846 Proteus 1989 Nereid 1949 Larissa 1989 Galatea 1989 Despina 1989 Naiad 1989 Thalassa 1989 Halimede 2002 Neso 2002 Sao 2002 Laomedeia 2002 Psamathe 2003 Pluto Charon 1978 Hydra 2005 Nix 2005 Kerberos 2011 Styx 2012


Diameter km miles 8 5 7 4.3 7 4.3 7 4.3 6.6 4.1 4 2.5 3.5 2.2 3 1.9 7 4.3 6 3.8 6 3.8 6 3.8 6 3.8 6 3.8 5 3.1 4 2.5 7 4.3 8 5 7 4.3 6 3.8 6 3.8 6 3.8 6 3.8 6 3.8 7 4.3 2 1.25 0.5 0.31 1600 1000 1600 1000 1300 800 1100 700 400 250 170 105 90 55 70 40 70 40 50 30 50 30 50 30 50 30 20 12 15 9 160 100 80 50 30 19 30 19 26.6 16.1 20 12 20 12 12 7.5 12 7.5 24.8 14.9 17.5 11 11 6.8 2700 1678 415 260 300 190 190 118 160 100 150 95 50 30 50 30 62 38 60 36 44 27 42 26 38 24 1207 750 61 37 46 28 34 21 25 16

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Astronomy and Space: Selected Data Albedo Reflecting power of a planet or other non-luminous body American in Space: 1st Alan Shepard in Freedom 7 (5 May 1961); duration of flight 15 minutes 28 seconds American to Orbit the Earth: 1st John Glenn in Friendship 7 (20 Feb 1962); for 3 orbits, duration of flight 4 hrs 55 mins 23 secs Animals in Space Laika (meaning ‘barker’ in Russian) the dog was the first animal in space aboard Sputnik 2 (3 November 1957). The first monkey in space was Gordo aboard the US Army rocket Jupiter AM-13 (13 December 1958). Both animals died during re-entry. Aphelion Furthest distance of a planet from the Sun Apogee Furthest point of the Moon from the Earth Apollo 13: Crew James Lovell, Jack Swigert and Fred Haise. The service module exploded 55 hrs into the mission to the Moon, but the lunar module was used to reach home safely on 17 Apr 1970 Appleton Layer Highest region of the Ionosphere, extending from a height of about 150 to about 1,000 kilometres. It contains the highest proportion of free electrons and is the most useful region for longrange radio transmission. The layer is also called the F-region Artificial Satellite: 1st Sputnik 1, launched by Soviet Union on 4 October 1957. Sputnik was an 83.6 kg metal sphere, transmitting signals for three weeks before failing batteries caused it to fall to Earth on 4 January 1958 Asteroid Another name for a minor planet. Eros, discovered in 1898, comes closer to the Earth (every 37 years) than anything except the Moon. The first asteroid to be discovered, Ceres, is also the largest and is now classified as a dwarf planet. All others are classified as Small Solar System Bodies, a term introduced by the IAU in 2006. The majority of asteroids have elliptical orbits in the Asteroid Belt; some have moons or are found in pairs known as binary systems. Asteroid: brightest Vesta Asteroid: largest 1. Ceres 2. Pallas 3. Vesta 4. Hygeia Asteroid Belt The 4,000-plus minor planets (asteroids) that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter Astrolabe Ancient device for measuring heights of celestial bodies Astronomical Unit Mean distance between the Earth and the Sun: 149,598,500 km Baikonur Launch site for manned Soviet space flights in Kazakhstan Baily’s Beads Brilliant points seen around the Moon just before and after a total solar eclipse Big Bang Theory First advanced by Georges Lemaître: idea that the universe began, 15-17 billion years ago, as a point of superdense matter that exploded and has been expanding ever since Black Hole Region of immense gravitational pull around a massive collapsed star from which not even light can escape Bolide A brilliant exploding meteor Brightest Stars in the celestial sphere 1. Sirius 2. Canopus 3. Alpha Centauri 4. Arcturus 5. Vega. It is traditional to omit our own sun from this list although it is easily the brightest object in the sky. Cassini-Huygens Probe Launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, October 1997, to seek out the moons of Saturn. The probe flew by the moon Phoebe on 11 June 2004. Several new moons were discovered, giving a total of 37 Cassini’s Division Dark gap between rings A and B of Saturn discovered by Gian Domenico Cassini, among others Celestial Sphere Imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth on which all heavenly bodies appear to move, and whose centre is the same as that of the Earth’s globe Challenger US space shuttle exploded 72 seconds after lift-off on 28 Jan 1986, killing all 7 crew members, including schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe Chinaman in Space: 1st Lt Col Yang Liwei (October 2003) Chromosphere Part of the Sun’s atmosphere lying above the Photosphere Coldest Planet Pluto Comet: Shortest known orbital period Encke’s Comet, 3.3 years Comet: meaning From the Latin ‘Coma’, which means hair Constellations 31 in Northern and 52 in Southern hemisphere, with 5 ‘floaters’ overlapping. Largest: Hydra. Smallest: Crux Australis Corona Outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere visible with the naked eye only during a total solar eclipse Cosmogony Study of the origin and evolution of the universe Cosmology Study of the universe considered as a whole Declination Angular distance of celestial body north or south of celestial equator, corresponding to latitude on the Earth Doppler Effect Apparent change in wavelength of the light from a luminous body in motion relative to the observer D-region Lowest layer of the Ionosphere. Extends from a height of about 60 to about 90 kilometres, contains a low concentration of free electrons, and reflects low-frequency radio waves

Earth: mean distance from Sun 150 million kms (93 million miles) Ecliptic Apparent yearly path of the Sun among the stars Ephemeris Table showing the predicted positions of a celestial body such as a planet, comet or asteroid Equinox Equinoxes are two points at which the ecliptic cuts the celestial equator; vernal equinox 21 Mar, autumnal 22 Sep Eris Largest known dwarf planet and the ninth-largest body known to orbit the Sun. It is approximately 2,500 km (1,554 miles) in diameter and has 27 per cent greater mass than Pluto. It was identified in 2005 by Mike Brown and Chad Trujillo at the Palomar Observatory in San Diego, California. Dysnomia, also discovered in 2005 by Mike Brown, is the only known moon of Eris. European Space Agency Created 1975 by merger of European Space Research Organisation and European Launcher Development Organisation. Members are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Canada being non-European is deemed a co-operating state. Head Office is at 8– 10 Rue Mario Nikis, 75738 Paris, France Exosphere Outermost part of a planet’s atmosphere Expanding Universe Observation made by Edwin Hubble in 1929 that the universe appears to be expanding; this confirms the Big Bang Theory Flocculi Patches on the Sun’s surface: bright (calcium) and dark (hydrogen) Galaxies Systems made up of stars, nebulae and interstellar matter, forming star families held together by their own gravitational pull and separate from other such galaxies Gibbous Phase Phase of the Moon or planet when between half and full Golf Shot on the Moon Alan Shepard made the first-ever golf shot on the moon on 6 February 1971, using a six-iron head attached to the handle of a rock sample collector Great Red Spot Enormous red feature in the atmosphere of Jupiter, visible since the 17th century Haumea Located beyond Neptune's orbit, Haumea is a dwarf planet discovered by Mike Brown in 2004. It has two moons, Hi'iaka and Namaka. Heaviside Layer Region of the Ionosphere, extending from a height of 90 to about 150 kilometres. It reflects radio waves of medium wavelength. This layer is also called the E-region or KennellyHeaviside layer Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Diagram in which stars are plotted according to their spectral types and their absolute magnitudes Hottest Planet Venus Hubble Space Telescope Placed in the Earth’s orbit by the space shuttle Discovery (24 April 1990) Inferior Planets Mercury and Venus: closer to the Sun than the Earth is Inner Planets The 4 planets that orbit the Sun within the Asteroid Belt; i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Ionosphere Region of the Earth’s atmosphere lying above the Stratosphere Jupiter Galileo discovered satellites Callisto, Europa, Ganymede and Io. Atmosphere: hydrogen, ammonia and methane. Temperature can be as low as -200° C. Probes: Pioneer 10 and 11 (1973/4); Voyager 1 and 2 (1979); Galileo (1995); Ulysses (1992 and 2004); Cassini (2000); New Horizons (2007). Galileo (1995) remains the only spacecraft to orbit Jupiter, the other probes merely conducting flyby missions. Although there are 50 named moons there are at least 17 additional minor moons awaiting nomenclature Kuiper Belt Region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune and named after astronomer Gerard Kuiper (1905–73). The Kuiper Belt is home to the dwarf planets – Pluto, Makemake and Haumea Largest Planet Jupiter Light Year Distance travelled by light in a year: 9.4607 million million km. Light travels at 186,000 mps (7½ times round the Earth) Local Group Group of more than two dozen galaxies, including our own galaxy. Largest member is the Andromeda Galaxy, M.31 Lunar Eclipse Passage of the Moon through the shadow cast by the Earth Magnitude Measurement unit for the brightness of a star or planet Mariner 9 US space probe to Mars in 1971 Mars Atmosphere nearest to our own, but there is no water on Mars. Also known as the ‘Red Planet’, it is the site of Olympus Mons, the highest known mountain in the solar system, and of Valles Marineris, the largest canyon. Probes: Mariner 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 (1965–71); and 1 and 2 landed 1976; Pathfinder landed 1997 Mercury Atmosphere: non-existent – burnt off by closeness to Sun. Probe: Mariner 10 (1974 & 1975)


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Mesosphere Region of the Earth’s atmosphere between the Stratosphere and the Thermosphere, sometimes called the D-region and characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with height Messier, Charles (1730–1817) French astronomer nicknamed the ‘comet ferret’ who compiled the first catalogue of galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters. The 103 items on his list were assigned ‘Messier’ numbers. Although these were replaced by New General Catalogue (NGC) numbers from 1888. Meteor Particle or small rock moving around Sun and destroyed when entering atmosphere Meteorite Larger object that reaches the ground without being destroyed Metonic Cycle 19-year cycle (6940 days), observed by the fifth century BC Greek astronomer Meton of Athens, used as the basis for various civilisation’s calendar systems. Aka Enneadecaeteris Milky Way The galaxy of which our Sun is a member. It contains approx 100,000m stars, of which 5,776 are visible to the naked eye Mir Advanced space station launched by the Soviet Union in 1986 Moon Mean distance from Earth: 384,000 km (239,900 miles). Diameter: 3,476 km (2,160 miles). Revolves around the Earth from west to east. First soft landing by Soviet Luna 9, launched on 31 Jan 1966, landed 3 Feb. First manned flight around the Moon: Apollo 8 in Dec 1968. First manned landing and walk: Apollo 11 on 20 Jul 1969. Last man on the Moon was Eugene Cernan in Apollo 17 on 11 Dec 1972 Moon Walks 12 men, all American, have walked on the surface of the Moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11), Charles Conrad Jr and Alan Bean (Apollo 12), Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14), David Scott and James Irwin (Apollo 15), John Young and Charles Duke (Apollo 16), Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17) Moon’s Rotation Rotates about its own axis in 29½ days, which is about the same time it takes to orbit the Earth. Hence the same face of the Moon is always presented to the Earth Nadir Point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith Nearest Galaxy Andromeda (2.3 million light years) Nearest Planet to Earth Venus Nearest Star to Earth Sun Nearest Stars to Sun 1. Proxima Centauri (4.26 light years) 2. Alpha Centauri (4.34) 3. Barnard’s Star (5.88) Nebula Cloud of gas and dust in space Neptune Discovered by JG Galle in 1846. Atmosphere: hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia. First suggested name was ‘Janus’. Probe: Voyager 2 (1989). To date 13 moons have been discovered Neutron Star Remnant of a star that once exploded as a supernova Nova Star that suddenly flares up to many times its normal brilliancy and then fades back to obscurity Occultation The obscuring of one celestial body by another Oldest person in space John Glenn, aged 77, on 29 Oct 1998 (aboard space shuttle Challenger - returned on 6 November) Oort Cloud Hypothesised spherical cloud of comets thought to lie beyond the Kuiper Belt, its outer extent defining the gravitational boundary of our solar system Ophiuchus Often called the 13th constellation of the Zodiac Orbit of the Earth: 1st Yuri Gagarin (12 April 1961). 1st American, John Glenn in Mercury Friendship 7 (20 February 1962). Orrery Model showing the Sun and the orbiting planets, capable of being moved mechanically to scale Outer Planets The 4 planets that orbit the Sun beyond the Asteroid belt; i.e. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Ozone Layer Located in the Stratosphere approx 19-30 km above the surface of the Earth. Ozone is created when energetic solar radiation strikes molecules of oxygen and causes the oxygen atoms to split apart. These atoms can then reform with O2 molecules to form ozone (O3) – a process known as photolysis. Ozone absorbs most of the incoming solar UV radiation which can be harmful to life on Earth Parsec Unit used to measure astronomic distances: 3.26 light years Perigee Position of the Moon in its orbit when closest to the Earth Perihelion Position in orbit of a planet when closest to the Sun Photosphere The bright surface of the Sun Planet Large body orbiting a star - name means ‘Wanderer’ in Greek Pluto Atmosphere: tenuous. Discovered by Clyde Tombaugh 1930; named by Venetia Burney, it is currently thought to have 5 moons Polaris Also called the Pole Star, it is 680 light years from the Earth Quadrant Ancient astronomical instrument used for measuring the apparent positions of celestial bodies Rings of Saturn Discs composed of ice and rock orbiting Saturn. Major subdivisions of the rings include the Roche Division and the Maxwell, Colombo, Bond and Dawes Gaps.

Rotating Backwards Venus (east to west) Saturn Mean distance from the Sun: 1,427 million km (891 million miles). Atmosophere: mostly hydrogen and helium, some methane and ammonia. Christiaan Huygens discovered the rings in 1655. Cassini discovered 4 of the satellites. The satellite Phoebe revolves in the opposite direction to the others. Probes: Voyager 1 and 2, 1980–81; Cassini-Huygens, 1997–present. Saturn is now thought to have 62 moons, 53 named and 9 awaiting nomenclature Second Space Flight Virgil ‘Gus’ Grissom, the second American in space aboard Liberty Bell 7 (21 July 1961), became the first person to make two space flights aboard Gemini 3 (23 March 1965) Sirius Also called the ‘Dog Star’, it is 8.7 light years from the Earth Solar Cycle Discovered by H. Schwabe in 1826. He found that there is an 11-year solar cycle of sunspot activity Solar Eclipse Blotting out of the Sun by the Moon, so that the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun Solar Flares Brilliant eruptions of hydrogen in Sun’s atmosphere Solar Wind Flow of ionised hydrogen and helium from the Sun Solstices When Sun is at its maximum declination of 23 1/2 degrees Space Flight: 1st Yuri Gagarin in Vostok 1 (12 Apr 1961); duration of flight 1 hr 48 mins. 2nd, Alan Shepard in Freedom 7 (5 May 1961), the first American in space Space Flight: 1st Briton Helen Sharman (18 May 1991) Space Station: 1st Salyut 1, launched on 19 April 1971 from Baikonur (orbited for 179.93 days). First US – Skylab in May 1973 Space Walk: 1st American Ed White (June 1965 from Gemini IV) Space Walk: 1st US Woman Dr Kathryn Sullivan (1984 Challenger) Space Walk: 1st Briton Michael Foale Space Walk: 1st Untethered Bruce McCandless (USA) (3 Feb 1984) Space Walk: 1st Woman Svetlana Savitskaya (USSR) (17 Jul 1984) Stratosphere Region of the Earth’s atmosphere lying above the Troposphere and below the Ionosphere Sun Distance from the Earth: 149,597,900 km on average. Diameter: 1,392,000 km. Light takes 8 minutes 14.2 seconds to reach the Earth. Most common elements in the sun 1. Hydrogen 2. Helium 3. Oxygen Sunspot Region of lower temperature and therefore less brilliance, on the surface of the Sun Superior Planets Those whose orbits lie outside the Earth’s Supernova Cataclysmic explosion of a massive star, which ends its career as a patch of expanding gas with a neutron star at its centre Syzygy Position of the Moon in its orbit when new or full Telescope: Largest Gran Telescopio Canarias, La Palma 10.4m lens Troposphere Lowest part of Earth’s atmosphere, reaching to 11km Umbra Cone of shadow cast by Earth. Also darkest part of a sunspot United Kingdom Space Agency Replaced the British National Space Centre in April 2010. HQ Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1SZ Unmanned Moon Landing: 1st Lunik 2 (USSR) 1959. First US landing, Ranger 4 in 1962, although this was a crash-landing Uranus Atmosphere: hydrogen and helium. Discovered by William Herschel 1781. Probe: Voyager 2 (1986). Currently there are 27 named moons, all named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope Van Allen Radiation Belts Zones of charged particles around the Earth, held captive by the Earth’s magnetic field Venera Space Probes Russian series commencing with Venera 4 in 1967 to explore Venus, the first planetary probe Venus Atmosphere is largely carbon dioxide. Probes: Russian Venera series (1962–71); US Mariners 2, 5, and 10; Magellan (1990). AkaಝHesperus (evening star), Phosphorus (morning star) Voyager Pair of US interplanetary probes launched to observe and transmit to Earth data about the outer planetary system. Voyager runs out of power around 2020. Voyager 1 was Launched on 5 Sep 1977, flew by Jupiter in March 1979, reached Saturn in Nov 1980, then flew out of the solar system. Voyager 2 was launched on 20 Aug 1977. It flew by Jupiter (Jul 1979), Saturn (Aug 1981), Uranus (Jan 1986) and Neptune (Aug 1989), then on into interstellar space Walk in Space: 1st Alexei Leonov (18 Mar 1965) Woman in Space: 1st Valentina Tereshkova (1963) 1st American woman, Sally Ride aboard the space shuttle Challenger (1983) Youngest Man in Space Gherman Titov, aged 25yrs 10 months 25 days (6 August 1961) Zenith Point on the celestial sphere directly above the observer Zodiac Belt stretching around the sky 8 degrees to either side of ecliptic. The constellations Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces lies within this belt, and so do the apparent paths of the Sun and all the planets except Pluto, which sometimes moves outside


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BRITAIN United Kingdom: Administration Centres A restructure of the old County boundaries has been ongoing throughout the UK. Formerly there were 46 English County Councils, but this has been reduced to 27, all of which have the same Administrative Headquarters as before. The other 19 Counties, along with parts of still existing Counties, have been restructured and are now known officially as Unitary Authorities. There are 92 such authorities at present, plus the 32 London Boroughs and the City of London Corporation. A similar position exists in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland’s six Counties have been rationalised across 26 districts (the same number as there are Counties of the Irish Republic), although at present only the traditional six Counties plus Belfast City and Londonderry City have Lord-Lieutenants.

English County Councils (as at 31 Aug 2013) County

Admin Headquarters


Admin Headquarters

Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Dorset East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Hampshire Hertfordshire Kent Lancashire Leicestershire

Aylesbury Cambridge Carlisle Matlock Exeter Dorchester Lewes Chelmsford Gloucester Winchester Hertford Maidstone Preston Leicester

Lincolnshire Norfolk Northamptonshire North Yorkshire Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Somerset Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Warwickshire West Sussex Worcestershire

Lincoln Norwich Northampton Northallerton Nottingham Oxford Taunton Stafford Ipswich Kingston-upon-Thames Warwick Chichester Worcester

NB: The five inhabited islands of the Scillies, i.e. St Mary’s (Admin HQ), Tresco, Bryher, St Agnes and St Martin’s, although not constituting a separate County, do however have their own Council.

London Boroughs (these are also Unitary Authorities) Council


* * *

Barking & Dagenham Barnet Bexley Brent Bromley Camden City of London Croydon Ealing Enfield Greenwich Hackney Hammersmith & Fulham Haringey Harrow Havering Hillingdon

Admin Headquarters Dagenham Hendon Bexleyheath Wembley Bromley Camden Guildhall, London Croydon Ealing Enfield Woolwich Hackney Hammersmith Wood Green Harrow Romford Uxbridge

Council Hounslow * Islington * Kensington and Chelsea # Kingston-upon-Thames # * Lambeth * Lewisham Merton Newham Redbridge Richmond-upon-Thames * Southwark Sutton * Tower Hamlets Waltham Forest * Wandsworth *Westminster City

* denotes Inner London Borough # denotes Royal Borough


Admin Headquarters Hounslow Islington Kensington Kingston-uponThames Brixton Catford Morden East Ham Ilford Twickenham Southwark Sutton Tower Hamlets Walthamstow Wandsworth Westminster

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Unitary Authorities (as at 31 Aug 2013) Authority




Barnsley* Bath and North East Somerset Bedford Birmingham* Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Bolton* Bournemouth Bracknell Forest Bradford* Brighton and Hove Bristol Bury* Calderdale* Central Bedfordshire Cheshire East Cheshire West and Chester Cornwall Coventry* Darlington Derby Doncaster* Dudley* Durham East Riding of Yorkshire Gateshead* Halton Hartlepool Herefordshire Isle of Wight Isles of Scilly Kingston-upon-Hull Kirklees* Knowsley* Leeds* Leicester Liverpool* Luton Manchester* Medway Towns Middlesbrough Milton Keynes Newcastle-upon-Tyne*

Barnsley Bath Bedford Birmingham Blackburn Blackpool Bolton Bournemouth Bracknell Bradford Brighton Bristol Bury Halifax Chicksands Sandbach Chester Truro Coventry Darlington Derby Doncaster Dudley Durham Beverley Gateshead Widnes Hartlepool Hereford Newport Hugh Town Kingston-upon-Hull Huddersfield Huyton Leeds Leicester Liverpool Luton Manchester Rochester Middlesbrough Milton Keynes Newcastleupon-Tyne Grimsby Brigg Weston-SuperMare

North Tyneside* Northumberland Nottingham Oldham* Peterborough Plymouth Poole Portsmouth Reading Redcar and Cleveland Rochdale* Rotherham* Rutland St Helens* Salford* Sandwell* Sefton* Sheffield* Shropshire Slough Solihull* Southampton Southend-on-Sea South Gloucestershire South Tyneside* Stockport* Stockton-on-Tees

North Shields Morpeth Nottingham Oldham Peterborough Plymouth Poole Portsmouth Reading Redcar Rochdale Rotherham Oakham St Helens Swinton West Bromwich Southport Sheffield Shrewsbury Slough Solihull Southampton Southend Thornbury South Shields Stockport Stockton-onTees Stoke-on-Trent Sunderland Swindon Ashton-underLyme Telford Grays Torquay Stretford Wakefield Walsall Warrington Newbury Trowbridge Maidenhead Wigan Wallasey Wokingham Wolverhampton York

North East Lincolnshire North Lincolnshire North Somerset

Stoke-on-Trent Sunderland* Swindon Tameside* Telford and Wrekin Thurrock Torbay Trafford* Wakefield* Walsall* Warrington West Berkshire Wiltshire Windsor and Maidenhead Wigan* Wirral* Wokingham Wolverhampton* York

* denotes Metropolitan Authority

Scottish Districts (Unitary Authorities) Council Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Angus Argyll and Bute Clackmannanshire Comhairlenan Eilean Siar Dumfries and Galloway Dundee East Ayrshire East Dunbartonshire East Lothian East Renfrewshire Edinburgh Falkirk Fife Glasgow City

Admin Headquarters Aberdeen Aberdeen Forfar Lochgilphead Alloa Stornoway Dumfries Dundee Kilmarnock Kirkintilloch Haddington Glasgow Edinburgh Falkirk Glenrothes Glasgow

Council Highland Inverclyde Midlothian Moray North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Orkney Perth and Kinrosshire Renfrewshire Scottish Borders Shetland South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire Stirling West Dunbartonshire West Lothian


Admin Headquarters Inverness Greenock Dalkeith Elgin Irvine Motherwell Kirkwall Perth Paisley Melrose Lerwick Ayr Hamilton Stirling Dumbarton Livingston

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Welsh Districts (Unitary Authorities) District Council Anglesey Blaenau Gwent Bridgend Caerphilly Cardiff Carmarthenshire Ceredigion Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Gwynedd

Admin Headquarters

District Council

Llangefni Ebbw Vale Bridgend Ystad Mynach Cardiff Carmarthen Aberystwyth Conwy Ruthin Mold Caernarfon

Admin Headquarters

Merthyr Tydfil Monmouth Neath Port Talbot Newport Pembrokeshire Powys Rhondda, Cynon, Taff Swansea, City and County Torfaen Vale of Glamorgan Wrexham

Merthyr Tydfil Cwmbran Port Talbot Newport Haverfordwest Llandrindod Wells Cardiff Swansea Pontypool Barry Wrexham

Northern Irish Districts (Unitary Authorities) District Council Antrim Ards Armagh Ballymena Ballymoney Banbridge Belfast Carrickfergus Castlereagh Coleraine Cookstown Craigavon Derry

Admin Headquarters

District Council

Antrim Newtownards Armagh Ballymena Ballymoney Banbridge Belfast Carrickfergus Castlereagh Coleraine Cookstown Craigavon Derry

Down Dungannon Fermanagh Larne Limavady Lisburn Magherafelt Moyle Newry and Mourne Newtownabbey North Down Omagh Strabane

Admin Headquarters Downpatrick Dungannon Enniskillen Larne Limavady Lisburn Magherafelt Ballycastle Newry Newtownabbey Bangor Omagh Strabane

Shopping Centres by Towns and Cities Aberdeen Accrington Aldershot Andover Ashford, Kent Aylesbury Banbury Barking Barnet Barnsley Barnstaple, Devon Basildon Basingstoke Bath Bayswater Bedford Belfast Bexleyheath Bideford Birmingham Blackburn Blackpool Bolton Bournemouth Bracknell Bradford Brighton Bristol Bromley Burgess Hill Burnley Bury

Bredero; The Academy; Trinity Mall Arndale Centre The Arcade Chantry Park Mall; County Square Hale Leys; Friar Square Castle Quay Vicarage Field Brent Cross (Hendon) Mall Alhambra Green Lanes Eastgate Centre Festival Place Green Park Whiteleys Centre Harpur Castle Court; Victoria Square Broadway Atlantic Village; Pyramids Bull Ring; City Plaza; The Fort The Mall Hounds Hill Crompton Place; Market Place Castle Point Princess Square Kirkgate Mall Churchill Square Galleries; Clifton Arcade; Cabot Circus; Broadmead; The Mall at Cribbs Causeway Glades The Martletts Charter Walk Millgate

Cambridge Cardiff Carlisle Carmarthen Caterham Chatham Chelmsford Cheltenham Chester Chippenham Colchester Coventry Cowley Crawley Crewe Croydon Darlington Dartford Derby Doncaster Dorking Dover Dudley Dundee Durham Eastbourne Eastleigh Edgware Edinburgh


Grafton Centre; Castle Mall St Davids; Queens Arcade; Capitol The Lanes Greyfriars Church Walk Pentagon; Dockside Meadows; High Chelmer Regent Arcade; Beechwood Arcade Grosvenor; The Forum Borough Parade Culver Square; St John’s Walk; Lion Walk Cannon Park; West Orchard; Lower Precinct Templars Square County Mall Market Centre Whitgift Centre; Centrale Cornmill Centre Orchards; Copperfields Eagle Centre; Westfield Derby Frenchgate Centre St Martin’s Walk De Bradelei Wharf Trident; Westfield Merry Hill Wellgate Centre; Overgate Milburngate; Arnison Centre; Prince Bishops Centre Arndale Centre Swan Broad Walk Cameron Toll; Gyle; Princess Mall; St James Centre; Ocean Terminal

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Ellesmere Port Epsom Exeter Falkirk Fareham Farnborough Finchley Fleet Gateshead Gillingham Glasgow Gloucester Gravesend Greenhithe, Kent Grimsby Guildford Halifax Hanley Harlow Harrogate Hartlepool Hastings Hatfield Havant Hemel Hempstead Hereford High Wycombe Hinckley, Leics Horsham Hounslow Huddersfield Hull Ilford Inverness Ipswich Kendal Kettering Kingston Upon Thames Lancaster Leatherhead Leeds Leicester Lincoln Liverpool Livingston Lowestoft Luton Maidenhead Maidstone Manchester Mansfield Middlesbrough Milton Keynes Morecambe Newbury Newcastle Newton Abbot Northampton Norwich Nottingham

Cheshire Oaks Ashley Centre Guildhall; Harlequins Howgate Mall Market Quay Kingsmead; Princes Mead O2 Centre Hart Centre MetroCentre (largest in the UK) Hempstead Valley St Enoch; Sauchiehall Centre; Braehead Centre; Forge Centre; Buchanan Galleries; Silverburn Centre Kings Square St Georges; Thamesgate Bluewater (4th largest) Freshney Place; Abbeygate Friary, White Lion Walk Woolshops The Potteries Harvey Centre Victoria Shopping Centre Middleton Grange Priory Meadow Galleria Outlet Centre Meridian Centre The Marlowes Maylord; The Atrium Chilterns; Eden Britannia Swan Walk; Piries Place Treaty Centre Kingsgate North Point; Princess Quay; Prospect Exchange Eastgate Centre Tower Ramparts Elephant Yard; Westmorland Shopping Centre Newlands Bentalls St Nicholas; Marketgate Swan Centre Bramley Centre; Crossgates; Merrion Centre; White Rose; The Light; Victoria Quarter; Trinity Highcross; Beaumont; Fosse Waterside Clayton Square; Liverpool One; St John’s Precinct The Centre The Britten Centre Arndale Centre (now renamed The Mall) The Nicholsons Centre The Corn Exchange; Chequers Arndale Centre; Trafford Centre (2nd largest) Four Seasons Captain Cook Square; Cleveland Mall thecentre:mk; Midsummer Place Arndale Kennet Shopping intu Eldon Square; Metro Centre Trago Mills Grosvenor Centre; Weston Favell; Peacock Place Castle Mall; Chapelfield Broadmarsh; Victoria; Exchange

Nuneaton Oldham Oxford Penzance Peterborough

Abbey Gate Spindles Westgate; Clarendon; Templars Square Wharfside Queensgate; Rivergate Centre; Serpentine Green Petersfield Rams Walk Piccadilly, London The London Pavilion Plymouth The Armada Centre Poole Dolphin Centre Portsmouth Bridge; Cascades; Gun Wharf Quays Preston Fishergate; St Georges Reading Oracle; Broad Street Mall Redditch Kingfisher Centre Redhill Belfry Renfrew intu Braehead Ringwood Furlong Centre Rochdale Wheatsheaf Romford Liberty 2 Ross-on-Wye The Maltings St Albans Christopher Place; The Maltings St Helens St Mary’s Arcade; Church Square Sale Square Shopping Centre Scarborough Brunswick; Balmoral Scunthorpe The Parishes; The Foundry Sheffield Forum; Meadowhall; Crystal Peaks; The Moor Shepherd’s Bush Westfield London (5th largest) Shrewsbury Darwin; Pride Hill Skegness Hildreds Centre Skipton, North Yorks Craven Court Slough Queensmere; Observatory Centre Solihull Mell Square; Touchwood Southampton Marlands; WestQuay; Bargate Centre Southend Victoria Plaza, Royals Southport Marble Place Staines Elmsleigh Centre Stevenage Westgate Stockport Mersey Way Stockton Teeside Park; Castlegate Stoke-on-Trent Potteries Stratford (London) Westfield Stratford City (3rd largest) Street, Somerset Clarks Village Sunderland Bridges Sutton Coldfield Sainsbury Centre; Gracechurch Centre Sutton (Surrey) St Nicholas; Times Square Swansea St Davids Swindon Brunel Centre Thurrock Lakeside Torquay Fleet Walk; Union Square Tunbridge Wells Royal Victoria Place Uxbridge The Chimes Wakefield The Ridings Wandsworth Arndale; Southside Warrington Cockhedge; Golden Square Washington The Galleries Watford Harlequin Centre Wellingborough Swansgate Welwyn Garden City Howard Centre Weston-super-Mare Sovereign Wigan Galleries; Marketgate Winchester Brooks Woking Peacock Centre; Wolsey Place Wolverhampton Mander Centre Wood Green Shopping Centre Worcester Crowngate York Coppergate; Swinegate; Monks Cross; Clifton Moor

Pub Names Bear & Ragged Staff Blind Beggar Clachan Inn Five Alls Greyhound

Heraldic sign of the Earl of Warwick. Situated in Whitechapel Road, London and famous as the site of Ronald Kray’s murder of George Cornell. Situated in Drymen nr Glasgow and dating from 1734; the oldest pub in Scotland. Sign depicts a king with the caption ‘I rule for all’, a parson with ‘I pray for all’, a lawyer with ‘I plead for all’ a soldier with ‘I fight for all’ and a labourer with ‘I work for all’. Situated in Tinsley Green, Crawley and famous for hosting the World Marbles Championships at Easter.


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Marquis of Granby Most Popular Name

Named after John Manners, Marquis of Granby (1721–70). C-in-C of the British army in 1766. No longer unequivocal as the boundaries blur as to what constitutes the name ‘Pub’. Traditionally the Red Lion has topped most lists although The Crown has also been mentioned in despatches closely followed by The Royal Oak. Nutshell Situated in Bury St Edmunds; the smallest pub in England. Red Lion The badge of John of Gaunt. James I (VI of Scotland) ordered Red Lions to be displayed outside all public places as it is part of the Royal Arms of Scotland. Royal Oak Named after the oak tree that Charles II hid in after the battle of Worcester in 1651. Skirrid, The Situated in Llanvihangel, Crucorney, near Abergavenny, South Wales; the oldest pub in Wales. Tan Hill Inn Situated in Arkengarthdale, near Reeth, N. Yorks; the highest pub in Britain. White Hart Named after Richard II’s heraldic symbol. White Lion Named after Edward IV’s heraldic symbol. Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Situated in Nottingham, dates to time immemorial ie 1189 AD, the oldest pub in Britain. There is now well under 60,000 pubs in Britain. Since 1988 they can remain open any time between 11am and 11pm, although new legislation permits 24-hour opening on application.

National Parks Brecon Beacons (1957) Broads (1989) Cairngorms (2003) Dartmoor (1951) Exmoor (1954) Lake District (1951) Loch Lomond and the Trossachs (2002)

sq. miles 519 117 1,461 368 268 885 720

New Forest (2005) Northumberland (1956) North York Moors (1952) Peak District (1951) Pembrokeshire Coast (1952) Snowdonia (1951) South Downs (2010) Yorkshire Dales (1954)

sq. miles 224 405 554 555 240 835 628 683

The Peak District was the first British National Park to be established. The South Downs became the latest on 31 March 2010. Scotland has two National Parks, the first established in July 2002.

Prisons Name


* Aberdeen Acklington ** Addiewell Albany Aldington ** Altcourse Armley ** Ashfield Ashwell * Askham Grange Aylesbury Barlinnie

Aberdeen Morpeth, Northumberland West Lothian Newport, Isle of Wight Ashford, Kent (closed 1999) Liverpool Leeds Bristol Oakham, Leics (closed 2011) Askham Richard, York Aylesbury, Bucks Glasgow (holds the most prisoners in Scotland, approx 1,000) Bedford Thamesmead, London Redditch, Worcs Cranbrook, Kent Lowestoft, Suffolk Wolverhampton Bristol Brixton, London Redditch, Worcs Ashford Rochdale, Lancs Bicester, Oxon Hockley, Essex Newport, Isle of Wight see Longport Cardiff, South Wales Morpeth Longforgan, nr Dundee Newton Abbott, Devon Chelmsford, Essex Woking, Surrey Rochester, Kent Stirling Belfast Princetown, Yelverton, Devon Barnard Castle Marshgate, Doncaster

Bedford Belmarsh ** Blakenhurst Blantyre House Blundeston Brinsford Bristol Brixton * Brockhill * Bronzefield Buckley Hall Bullingdon * Bullwood Hall Camp Hill Canterbury Cardiff Castington Castle Huntly Channings Wood * Chelmsford Coldingley * Cookham Wood * Cornton Vale Crumlin Road Dartmoor Deerbolt ** Doncaster

Name Dorchester ** Dovegate Dover Downview * Drake Hall * Dumfries Dungavel * Durham * East Sutton Park * Eastwood Park Edinburgh Edmunds Hill Elmley Erlestoke House Everthorpe Exeter Featherstone Ford ** Forest Bank * Foston Hall Frankland Friarton Full Sutton Garth Gartree Gateside Glenochil Glen Parva Gloucester Grendon Guys Marsh Haslar Hatfield Haverigg Hewell Grange High Down * Highpoint Hindley Hollesley Bay


Location North Square, Dorchester Uttoxeter Dover, Kent Sutton, Surrey Eccleshall, Staffs Dumfries Strathaven, Lanark Old Elvet, Durham Maidstone, Kent Falfield Edinburgh Newmarket, Suffolk Sheerness, Kent Devizes, Wilts Brough, Yorks Exeter Featherstone, Wolverhampton Arundel, West Sussex Pendlebury, Manchester Ashbourne, Derby Brasside, Durham Perth Full Sutton, Yorks Preston, Lancs Market Harborough, Leics Greenock Clackmannanshire Leicester Barrack Square, Gloucester Aylesbury, Bucks Shaftesbury, Dorset Gosport, Hants Hatfield, Doncaster Millom, Cumbria Redditch, Worcs Sutton, Surrey Newmarket, Suffolk Wigan, Lancs Woodbridge, Suffolk

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* Holloway Holme House Hull Hydebank Wood ** Kilmarnock Kingston Kirkham Kirklevington Grange Lancaster Castle Lancaster Farms Latchmere House Leicester Lewes Leyhill Lincoln Lindholme Littlehey Liverpool Long Lartin Longport Longriggend ** Lowdham Grange Low Moss * Low Newton Maghaberry Magilligan Maidstone Manchester Maze (formerly ‘Long Kesh’) Moorland Morton Hall Mount Mountjoy Mousehold * New Hall Noranside Northallerton North Sea Camp Norwich Nottingham ** Oakwood

Parkhurst Rd, London Stockton-on-Tees Hull, Yorks Belfast Kilmarnock Portsmouth Preston, Lancs Yarm, Cleveland Lancaster (closed 2011) Lancaster Richmond, Surrey (closed 2011) Leicester Lewes, East Sussex Wotton-under-Edge, Glos Lincoln Doncaster Huntingdon Liverpool Evesham, Worcs Canterbury, Kent Airdrie Lowdham, Notts Glasgow Brasside, Durham Lisburn, Co Antrim Londonderry Maidstone Manchester Lisburn, Co Antrim

Penninghame Pentonville Perth ** Peterborough Peterhead Polmont * Porterfield Portland Prescoed Preston Ranby Reading * Risley Rochester ** Rye Hill Send Shepton Mallet Shotts Shrewsbury Spring Hill Stafford Standford Hill Stocken Stoke Heath * Styal Sudbury Swaleside Swansea Swinfen Hall Thorn Cross Usk Verne, The Wakefield Wandsworth Wayland Wealston Weare Wellingborough Werrington Wetherby Whatton Whitemoor * Winchester ** Winson Green ** Wolds, The Woodhill Wormwood Scrubs Wymott

Newton Stewart London Perth Cambs - mixed prison Aberdeenshire Falkirk Inverness Portland, Dorset Pontypool Preston, Lancs Retford, Notts Reading Warrington Rochester, Kent Rugby, Warks Woking, Surrey Somerset Shotts, Lanarkshire The Dana, Shrewsbury (closed 2013) Buckinghamshire Gaol Rd, Stafford Sheerness, Kent Stretton, Leics Market Drayton, Shrops Wilmslow, Cheshire Sudbury, Derbyshire Isle of Sheppey, Kent Swansea Lichfield, Staffs Warrington Usk, Gwent Portland, Dorset Wakefield, Yorks London Thetford, Norfolk Wetherby, W. Yorks Portland Harbour (ship closed 2005) Northants (closed 2012) Stoke-on-Trent Wetherby, Yorks Notts March, Cambs Winchester, Hants Birmingham Brough, Yorks Milton Keynes DuCane Rd, London Preston, Lancs

Onley ** Parc Parkhurst

Doncaster Lincoln Hemel Hempstead Dublin Norwich Wakefield, Yorks Angus (closed 2011) Northallerton, N. Yorks Boston, Lincs Norwich Nottingham Featherstone, Staffs (highest operating capacity in UK approx. 1605 although currently 1346 at 31/8/2013) Rugby, Warks Bridgend, S. Wales (although less Capacity than Oakwood currently more inmates 1439 at 31/8/2013 Newport, Isle of Wight

* denotes women’s prison (or women’s wing attached)

** denotes private prison

British Castles Name


General Information





Abinger Aboyne Acton Burnell Airlie Alfred’s Castle Allington

Surrey Grampian Shropshire Tayside Oxfordshire Kent





Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Hamelin of Ballon between 1087 & 1100, rebuilt in stone C12, captured by Welsh. c1172, recaptured by William de Braose c1175, ordered to be destroyed by Charles I in 1645. Edwardian concentric castle erected 1277–90 under aegis of Edmund Crouchback and Master Giles of St George (after destruction in 1282 by Welsh). Held by Glyndwr 1404–9, slighted by Parliament in 1649. Norman Motte & Bailey erected c1100. Wooden Donjon on stilts, excavated 1947–9. Motte castle erected C13, stone additions by 1300. Fortified manor founded by Bishop Burnell c1284–90. Enclosure castle founded by Ogilvy family c1432. Small Iron Age hill fort behind Ashdown Park in the civil parish of Ashbury. Founded by Stephen of Penchester 1281 beside site of Norman Motte & Bailey. Altered C15 by Sir Henry Wyatt, restored by Lord Conway 1905–30. Now a Carmelite nunnery. Norman castle founded by Gilbert de Tesson, C12 shell keep, seat of Percy family since 1309, remodelled by Salvin C19. Founded by Bertram de Verdon and built on a rocky precipice overlooking the River Churnet in the 12th century (Alton Towers is close by). Now a residential youth centre.


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West Sussex



Anstey Appleby Ardrossan Arundel Ashby de la Zouch

Herts Cumbria Strathclyde West Sussex Leicestershire

Astley Auchen Auckland

Warwickshire Dumfries & Galloway County Durham

Ayr Balmoral Balvenie Bamburgh

Strathclyde Grampian Grampian Northumberland

Bampton Banbury Barnard Castle

Oxfordshire Oxfordshire Durham

Barnstaple Barnwell Barry

Devon Northants Vale of Glamorgan

Bass of Inverurie Beaumaris Bedford

Grampian Gwynedd Bedfordshire

Beeston Belvoir

Cheshire Lincolnshire







Berry Pomeroy Berwick Bewcastle Bickleigh

Devon Northumberland Cumbria Devon

Bishop’s Stortford Blackness Blair

Hertfordshire Lothian Tayside


East Sussex

Bolingbroke Bolsover

Lincolnshire Derbyshire

Bolton Bothwell

North Yorkshire Strathclyde

Bowes Bramber

County Durham West Sussex

Brampton Bryan



County Durham







Bronllys Brough

Powys Cumbria



Buckingham Builth

Buckinghamshire Powys

Built for the Bishops of Chichester, licence to crenellate 1377. Partially ruined, now a private residence. Norman Motte & Bailey, later rebuilt as a small 12th century stone castle. Part of the 14th century gateway remains. Situated near Tenby. C12 Motte & Bailey, now lost. Norman castle erected C12 by Henry II, restored by Lady Anne Clifford 1651. Courtyard castle founded late C13, gatehouse improved C15/16. Norman castle, founded 1069 by Roger of Montgomery. Seat of Dukes of Norfolk. Norman hall founded C12 by Zouch family. Converted into a castle 1474 by Lord Hastings, slighted by Parliament 1648. Now owned by English Heritage. C16 manor house damaged by fire in 1978 but reopened as a holiday let in 2012. Castle founded C13, slighted by Bruce, rebuilt C14 as quadrangular castle. Situated in Bishop Auckland. It is the residence of the Bishop of Durham and has been owned by the diocese for 800 years. Castle founded C12 by William the Lion, besieged by English 1298. Private royal residence on Deeside designed by William Smith of Aberdeen 1853–6. Enclosure castle founded late C13 by Douglases, remodelled C16 by 4th Earl of Atholl. Norman castle with C12 tower keep erected by Henry II, besieged in 1095, 1462 and 1464, ‘restored’ by Lord Armstrong 1894–1905. Quadrangular castle founded 1315 by Aymer de Valence, now lost. Norman castle built C12 by Bishops of Lincoln, extended 1400, now lost. Norman castle erected by Guy de Balliol c1100, C13 round keep, dismantled 1630 by Sir Henry Vane, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle erected C11 by Judhael, C12 shell keep now lost. Norman castle founded 1132 by Reginald de Moine. Rebuilt c1265, now ruined. Originally two stone buildings erected C13 to replace an earlier earthwork. Hall and gatehouse added C14. The remains of which still stand. Motte & Bailey castle founded c1180 by David, Earl of Huntingdon. Concentric Edwardian castle erected by Master James of St George 1295–1330. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded late C11, modified and enlarged C12, besieged by Henry III 1224 and destroyed shortly after. Built by Ranulf of Chester c1220, slighted in Civil War, owned by English Heritage. Gothic style C19 castle, seat of Dukes of Rutland on site of Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Robert de Todeni C11, destroyed by King John. Motte & Bailey fortress founded by Peter de Valoignes in 1136 but destroyed in 1212. Situated in Stevenage, the foundations of the keep and some earthworks still remain. Norman castle founded by William Fitz Osbern pre-1086, current building erected 1154 by Robert Fitzhardinge. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Robert of Mortain, rebuilt by Thomas Becket 1155–65 and King John, rare double moat, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle probably founded C12. Founded C12 by the Scottish King David I, only the western wall remains. Built C11 on the site of a Roman fort, only part of the gatehouse still remains. Norman Motte & Bailey castle dismantled mid-C12; Courtenay family built fortified mansion on site C14. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, now lost. Tower castle founded C15, extended C16 with plan resembling that of a ship. Tower founded c1270, last castle to be besieged (1746), C18 mansion, seat of Dukes of Atholl. Quadrangular moated castle built by Edward Dalyngrigge 1386, restored by Lord Curzon. National Trust property. Built by Ranulf, Earl of Chester, c1220, now ruined. Norman castle founded by William Peverel, rebuilt by Smythson in Jacobean Romantic style, owned by English Heritage. Quadrangular castle built by Lord Scrope c1381–99, slighted during Civil War. Castle founded in 1270s by Moravia family, captured by Scots 1297, English 1301 & 1331, dismantled by Sir Andrew de Moravia 1337, rebuilt by Black Douglas in 1360s. Tower castle built by the Earl of Richmond 1170–87, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded by William de Braose c1070, slighted during Civil War, now owned by National Trust. Motte castle cC12, curtain walls, and the ruins of the towers and square gatehouse remain following damage incurred during the English Civil War. Norman castle replaced in 1820 by John Matthew Russell; improved in 1841 by Anthony Salvin for William Russell, High Sheriff of Durham. Now owned by the Dobson family. Norman castle founded 1090 by Bernard de Neufmarche, extended and fortified in stone C12, unsuccessfully besieged by Welsh 1216, 1233 & 1404. Norman castle founded by Robert de Belleme C11, C12 keep erected by Henry II, slighted during Civil War. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded after Conquest; Tower Keep erected C12 by Stephen, destroyed in 1650s. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded C12, cylindrical tower added c1176 after a fire. Norman castle founded by William Rufus c1095 in ruins of a Roman fort, destroyed 1174 by William the Lion, rebuilt by Theobald de Valoires, restored C17 by Lady Anne Clifford. Now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle built C12 by Hugh d’Albini, pulled down c1700, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle now covered by a church. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Philip de Braose c1100, destroyed by Llywelyn ap Gruffyd 1260, rebuilt 1277–82 by Edward I under direction of Master James of St George, severely damaged by Glyndwr.


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Caerleon Caernarfon

Gwent Gwynedd


Mid Glamorgan

Cainhoe Caister Caldicot

Bedfordshire Norfolk Gwent



Camber Cambridge Canterbury Cardiff

East Sussex Cambs Kent South Glamorgan






Isle of Wight





Carreg Cennen Castell y Bere

Carmarthenshire Gwynedd

Castle Acre, priory


Castle Bytham


Castle Drogo Castle Hedingham

Devon Essex

Castle of Mey


Castle Rising Castle Rushen

Norfolk Castletown, I.O.M.



Cawdor Cawood

Inverness North Yorkshire



Chester Chilham Chillingham

Cheshire Kent Northumberland





Cilgerran Clare Clavering Claypotts Clifford’s Tower

Pembrokeshire Suffolk Essex Tayside York

Clitheroe Clun

Lancashire Shropshire



Coity Colchester

Mid Glamorgan Essex



Norman castle founded by Roger Bigod c1105, demolished 1176, shell keep & bailey erected c1295 by Roger Bigod. Built c1280 to a triangular plan, captured by Edward I 1300, slighted by Bruce, rebuilt C15, now owned by Historic Scotland. Norman Motte & Bailey castle erected c1086, great tower added 1158–73. Norman Motte & Bailey castle erected 1093 by Earl Hugh of Chester, destroyed by Welsh 1115, Edwardian castle on site constructed by Master James of St George 1283– 1330, designed to resemble walls of Constantinople. Built by Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, 1271–80 after original castle of 1267–70 destroyed by Llywelyn, now owned by Welsh Historic Mons. Norman castle founded by Nigel d’Albini, motte and 3 bailleys. Built by Sir John Fastolf 1432–6, made of brick and surrounded by a moat. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Walter Fitzroger early C12, developed by de Bohun Earls of Hereford late C12/early C13, gatehouse extended c1385, repaired C19. Circular blockhouse with three storey central keep erected in 1540, to protect Southampton Water , using stone from Beaulieu Abbey. Now owned by English Heritage. C16 Henrician Castle, built to protect the Rye anchorage. Owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded by William I 1068, rebuilt 1284–98, slighted in 1647. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William I 1066, Keep erected early C12. Norman Motte built C1080 by Robert Fitzhamon on site of Roman fort, shell keep erected C12, further additions by Gilbert de Clare C13, castle remodelled by William Burges for 3rd Marquess of Bute C19. Norman castle founded c1093, captured by Welsh c1170 and converted to stone, sold to John 1199, destroyed by Llywelyn the Great 1231, new castle built near original site by English in 1240s. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Gerald de Windsor 1105, extended by Nicholas de Carew in C13, damaged by Parliamentary forces in 1645. Norman castle founded by William Fitz Osbern c1070, extended by Baldwin de Redvers in 1130s gatehouse erected c1335, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle built by William Rufus in 1192, improved by David I of Scotland, rebuilt 1541 for Henry VIII by Stefan von Hashenperg, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded early C12, captured by Llywelyn the Great 1215, rebuilt and extended by English during C13, held by Glyndwr 1403–9. Courtyard castle built in C13 on site of Roman fort, demolished by Yorkists 1462. Enclosure castle founded c1221 by Llywelyn the Great, captured by Edward I 1283, restored 1286–90, abandoned by 1300. Norman castle founded by William de Warenne C11, stone keep rebuilt C1140, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded c1169, besieged and demolished 1221, rebuilt by William de Colville 1220s. Granite castle designed by Edwin Lutyens 1910–30. Tower keep built by Aubrey de Vere III 1141 on site of late C11 timber castle, now owned by English Heritage. C16 Z-plan castle built by George Sinclair. Situated on the coast between Thurso and John O’Groats, the estate was bought by Her Majesty the Queen Mother in 1952. Tower keep built by William II d’Albini c1140, now owned by English Heritage. Probably the best-preserved medieval castle in the British Isles. Built c1200; partly destroyed in a siege by Robert the Bruce in 1313, but rebuilt by Sir William Montacute in c1344. The castle chapel houses a clock presented by Queen Elizabeth I in 1597. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Roger Fitz Corbet, fortified in stone C12, demolished 1645. Built 1454, seat of Earls of Cawdor. Built C12, formerly a residence of the Archbishop of York. Only the gatehouse and the banqueting hall now remain Norman castle with stone keep founded by William Fitz Osbern 1070, extended C13, disused from 1690, now owned by Welsh Historic Monuments. Norman Motte & Bailey castle built on site of Roman fortress, improved C13, now lost. Norman castle founded by Fulbert of Dover, octagonal keep built for Henry II 1171–5. Built as monastery C12 but later developed into sturdy fortress with four towers. Billed as the most haunted castle in Britain by its present owners. Motte & Bailey castle founded mid-C12, new castle founded nearby by Roger Mortimer 1274–1310. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Richard de Redvers c1100, ruins now owned by English Heritage. Norman enclosure castle founded by Gerald of Windsor c1110, rebuilt c1233. Norman Motte & Bailey founded by Richard Fitzgilbert, improved by Gilbert de Clare. Norman castle founded by Robert Fitz Wimarc c1050. Built C16. Quatrefoil keep on motte founded by Henry III 1245 on site of Norman castle of 1069, burnt down 1190 whilst housing Jewish refugees, rebuilt and blown down 1228, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded by Roger de Poitou. Norman castle founded by Roger de Say, tower keep built in motte C12 by William Fitz Alan. Built C13 by William de Fortibus, rebuilt by Anthony de Lucy in 1360, slighted in Civil War. Norman castle founded by Payn de Turberville, extended late C12, altered C14. Norman castle founded by William the Conqueror 1076–80; largest Norman tower keep, partly demolished 1683. Norman castle founded by William de Warenne, rebuilt with cylindrical tower keep by Hamelin, Earl of Surrey c1180, now owned by English Heritage.


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Conwy Cooling Corfe

Gwynedd Kent Dorset

Coulthalley Coventry

Strathclyde West Midlands





Crichton Croft

Lothian Herefordshire

Cruggleton Dartmouth

Dumfries & Galloway Devon

Deal Deganwy

Kent Gwynedd







Dirleton Dolbadarn

Lothian Gwynedd

Dolwyddelan Donnington

Gwynedd Berkshire

Doune Dover

Perth & Kinrosshire Kent


West Midlands



Dumbarton Dundonald Dunstaffnage Dunstanburgh

Strathclyde Strathclyde Strathclyde Northumberland



Dunvegan Durham

Skye County Durham



Edlingham Egremont Eilean Donan Etal

Northumberland Cumbria Western Ross Northumberland

Ewloe Ewyas Harold Exeter

Clwyd Herefordshire Devon

Eynsford Farleigh Hungerford

Kent Somerset







Fotheringhay Framlingham

Northants Suffolk





Edwardian castle erected by Master James of St George 1283–7. Double quadrangular castle founded in 1380s, erected by Henry Yevele. Norman castle founded by William I c1080, great tower erected by Henry I, gloriette erected by John, dismantled in Civil War (1646), now owned by National Trust. Founded C12, rebuilt c1375, altered c1415 and c1520, rebuilt after siege 1557. Built C11 by Ranulf Meschines, Earl of Chester, the 12th century Caesar's Tower still exists and is now part of St Mary's Guildhall. In November 1569, Mary, Queen of Scots was detained in Caesar's Tower. Built in C16 by Sir James Hamilton, fortified courtyards with provision for artillery surrounding tower house, slighted 1579. Enclosure castle founded early C13, probably by Llywelyn the Great, Edwardian additions to site 1290, ruined by Glyndwr 1404. Castle founded by John de Crichton late C14, extended C15. Medieval quadrangular castle of C14, named after family who built it, now owned by National Trust. Motte & Bailey castle founded C12, reinforced in stone C13. Artillery fort built 1481 by Dartmouth corporation to protect town, now owned by English Heritage. Henrician artillery fort built in 1539–40, besieged 1648, now owned by English Heritage. Double Motte & Bailey castle founded c1090, taken by Henry III 1241 and rebuilt/extended, destroyed by Llywelyn 1257. Edwardian castle built by Henry de Lacy, designed by Master James of St George, 1282–1311, destroyed in 1650s. Norman castle founded late C11, used as prison by Henry II and Henry III, demolished in Civil War. Castle founded C12, rebuilt with cylindrical donjon C13, damaged by fire C18, modern castle constructed 1856. Founded by de Vaux family C12, stone buildings built C13, extended C14/C15. Castle with cylindrical donjon erected by Llywelyn the Great early C13, partially dismantled by Edward I in 1284. Castle founded by Iorwerth Trwyndwn c1170, captured by English 1282 and repaired. Enclosure castle founded late C14 by Richard de Adderbury, destroyed in 1646, now owned by English Heritage. Enclosure castle founded by Duke of Albany late 14th Century. Norman castle founded 1066 by William I, rebuilt with tower keep designed by Maurice the Engineer for Henry II in 1180–9, concentric fortifications built at same time, besieged 1216, extra fortifications added C19. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William Fitzansculf, destroyed by Henry II 1175, rebuilt c1270 by John de Somery, extended early C14 by John de Somery, slighted 1647. Motte & Bailey castle founded by Freskin de Moravia C12, rebuilt c1300 in stone, northwest corner of Donjon slid down motte late C14. Built upon Dumbarton Rock. Founded by Walter Stewart c1250, expanded by Robert II, 1371–90. Enclosure castle built by MacDougall in the 13th century. Enclosure castle founded by Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster 1313–16, altered by John of Gaunt, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded by William de Mohun, fortified manor built on site C14, owned by Luttrells from 1376, remodelled by Salvin C19, now owned by National Trust. Home of the Chiefs of Clan Macleod since foundation in C13. Norman castle founded by William I c1072, rebuilt C12 in stone, keep C14, rebuilt 1840, now used by University of Durham. Wooden fortress founded by Malcolm III C11, rebuilt C12/13, taken by Edward I 1296, taken by Earl of Moray and destroyed 1313, rebuilt C14. Castle founded by Sir William Felton late C12, triangular enclosure with separate tower. Norman castle built by William de Meschines in 1130. Built in C13, probably by Alexander II, rebuilt in C20. Castle with donjon and gatehouse tower at opposing corners, founded 1342 by Manners family, captured 1513 by James IV. Castle founded 1146 by Owain Gwynedd, rebuilt in stone c1200 by Llywelyn the Great. Norman castle built c1050, refortified by William FitzOsbern. Norman castle founded by William I in 1067 in corner of Roman walls, largely demolished in 1744, stone gatehouse c1068 still extant. Norman enclosure castle fortified in stone c1088, extended C12. Castle erected c1370–83 by Sir Thomas Hungerford, enlarged C15 by Walter Hungerford, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey founded by Henry de Blois C12, slighted by Henry II 1155, rebuilt late C12 with stone encasing motte, slighted 1648, now owned by English Heritage. Edwardian castle erected by Master James of St George 1277–80, donjon separate from rest of castle, slighted 1646. Quadrangular castle founded 1338 by William Heron, attacked by Scots 1385, 1513, 1549, rebuilt 1861 by Marchioness of Waterford. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, famous as the site of Mary Queen of Scots’ beheading. Norman castle founded c1100 by Roger Bigod, destroyed by Henry II 1175, rebuilt as enclosure castle by Roger II Bigod c1189–1200. Fortified manor house built by William de Prouz c1324. Only ruined keep tower with two storeys, an undercroft and a first floor hall remain. Family seat of the Earls of Strathmure and Kinghorne. Built late C14. The 6th Earl entertained James Stuart (the Old Pretender) here in 1715. Childhood home of HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, the youngest daughter of the 14th Earl. Also the birthplace of HRH the Princess Margaret in 1930.


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Gloucester Goodrich

Gloucestershire Hereford



Grosmont Guildford Hadleigh

Gwent Surrey Essex

Hailes Hallaton Harbottle Harlech

Lothian Leicestershire Northumberland Gwynedd


East Sussex

Haughley Haverfordwest

Suffolk Pembrokeshire








North Yorkshire





Herstmonceux Hertford

East Sussex Herts



Holt Hopton Hornby

Clwyd Shropshire Lancashire







Inverlochy Inverness Jedburgh Kendal Kenilworth

Highland Highland Borders Cumbria Warwickshire



Kiessimut Kildrummy Kirby Muxloe

Barra, Western Isles Grampian Leicestershire


North Yorkshire



Laugharne Launceston

Carmarthenshire Cornwall






East Sussex





Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William I, Great Tower built by Henry I c1112. Keep built mid-C12, converted into quadrangular castle by de Valence family late C13. Barbican erected C14, slighted 1646, now owned by English Heritage. Original castle built C11 and once owned by Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, before being ruined in the English Civil War. Rebuilt by Anthony Salvin C19. Castle founded late C11, rebuilt in stone c1210, extended by Hubert de Burgh 1220–40. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, keep erected on side of motte mid-C12. Enclosure castle founded by Hubert de Burgh C13, extended by Edward III 1361–70, now owned by English Heritage. Founded C13, owned from C14 by Hepburns, besieged by Percys c1400. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, motte almost as large as bailey. Motte & Bailey castle with shell keep erected 1159–60 by Robert d’Umfraville. Edwardian concentric castle erected 1283–9 by Master James of St George, besieged 1294, 1401–5, 1408–9, 1468, 1647, now owned by Welsh Historic Monuments. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William I 1066, appears in Bayeux Tapestry, later converted to stone, only C13 ruins extant. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, one of largest in Britain, dismantled by Henry II c1173. Norman castle founded c1120 by Gilbert de Clare, strengthened by William de Valence C13, besieged by Glyndwr 1405. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, fortified in stone early C13, destroyed by Llywelyn 1265, rebuilt 1277, slighted 1647/8. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded early C12 by William Revell, destroyed by King John, C13 replacement built on different site, destroyed by Glyndwr. Norman Motte & Bailey castle rebuilt C12. Former seat of the de Vere family, Earls of Oxford. Five storey keep remains. Privately owned and used for functions. Norman castle founded by Robert de Mortain, held by Walter l’Espec and de Roos family, who constructed current structure 1186–1227. Enclosure castle with keep, keep heightened early C14, slighted 1644/5. Norman Motte & Bailey castle possibly founded c1050, held by William Fitz Osbern 1066–71, stoneworks C13 with tower on motte, now destroyed. Founded early C14, captured by Scots 1338, owned by the Douglases, who extended it C14/15. Brick quadrangular castle founded 1441 by Sir Roger Fiennes, restored C20. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1067 by William I, major works on castle C15, demolished C17. Manor house founded 1270s, fortified 1340 by William de Hever and in 1384 by Sir John Cobham, bought by Boleyn family 1462 & modified, restored by Viscount Astor 1903–7. Edwardian enclosure castle founded by John de Warenne 1280s, demolished late C17. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded C12, donjon built by Walter de Hopton c1300. Originally built for the Neville family in the 13th century, the polygonal tower dates from the 16th century. Reconstructed C19 and now privately owned. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded 1069 by William I, 2nd motte added C12, demolished 1174 by Henry II. Motte & Bailey castle founded C12, rebuilt in stone and extended by 1st Earl of Huntly C15, blown up by James VI 1594, rebuilt by 1st Marquis of Huntly c1600–06. Henrician device fort built in 1544 on a shingle spit at the western entrance to the Solent. Charles I was imprisoned there in 1648 before being taken to London to his trial and execution. The castle was retained by the War Office until 1933 and then handed over to the Ministry of Works. It is now owned by English Heritage. Enclosure castle founded c1270–80. Founded C12, later reclad in stone. Destroyed by Young Pretender 1746. Motte & Bailey castle founded C12 by David I, destroyed c1410 by Regent Albany. Built cC12 but only one of the towers and the keep are still standing. Enclosure castle with motte & donjon founded c1120 by William de Clinton, donjon rebuilt later C12, water defences added C13, besieged for 6 months 1266, remodelled by John of Gaunt 1370s, slighted 1649, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded by Roger, Bishop of Salisbury c1106, burnt by Welsh 1215, enclosure castle built 1270s, concentric curtain added C14. Enclosure castle of late C12/early C13, restored by MacNeils. Enclosure castle of C13 on site of C12 Motte & Bailey castle. Unfinished quadrangular castle built by Lord Hastings c1480–3, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle built C12 by Eustace Fitzjohn, improved by Edward II and III 1307–50, slighted 1648. Norman castle built early C12 by Roger de Poitou, extended by King John, improved by Henry IV, partially demolished 1649. Founded C12, rebuilt in C13 and 14 including cylindrical keep. Norman Motte & Bailey castle of Dunheved, built by Robert of Mortain, rebuilt with shell keep C13 by Richard of Cornwall. George Fox imprisoned in gatehouse 1656, owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded by the de Crevecoeur family, rebuilt by Edward I after 1278, restored C19. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1068, fortified in stone by 2nd Earl of Leicester mid-C12, improved by Henry IV and V. Norman double Motte & Bailey castle built by William de Warenne c1069–70, shell keep added C13, barbican added C14. Norman Double Motte & Bailey castle founded by William 1 1068, shell keep (Lucy Tower) added C12. Fort built on Holy Island C16 and reconstructed by Lutyens in 1901 and turned into an Edwardian fantasy house, sometimes called a "Gothic" castle. Gertrude Jekyll designed the gardens. Now owned by the National Trust.


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Loch Doon Loch Leven

Strathclyde Tayside

Longtown Ludgershall

Hereford Wiltshire

Ludlow Lydford

Shropshire Devon

Lympne Maiden Castle

Kent Dorset



Marisco Marlborough

Lundy Wiltshire


North Yorkshire







Montfichet Montgomery (I) Montgomery (II) Morpeth

London Powys Powys Northumberland

Mountsorrell Neath

Leicestershire Neath Port Talbot



Nether Stowey Newark

Somerset Nottinghamshire

New Buckenham


Newcastle Newcastle

Vale of Glamorgan Tyne & Wear

Newport Norham

Gwent Northumberland

Northampton Norwich

Northants Norfolk





Oakham Odiham Ogmore Okehampton

Rutland Hampshire Mid Glamorgan Devon

Old Sarum


Ongar Orford Oswestry Oxford

Essex Suffolk Shropshire Oxfordshire

Oystermouth Peel Castle

West Glamorgan Peel, I.O.M.

Peel of Lumphanan Pembridge

Grampian Hereford

Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded early C12 by Robert Fitzpons, captured by Welsh 1116, recovered c1158, stonework added late C12, slighted by Cromwell. Enclosure castle founded C12, captured by Welsh 1146, retaken by Henry II, given to William de Camville, strengthened c1192, extended C13, captured by Glyndwr 1403. C13 enclosure castle erected on an island; moved to western shore of loch 1934-5. Built on an island towards the western end of Loch Leven, the C13 building was the prison of Mary Queen of Scots from 17 June 1567 to 2 May 1568. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded C11, cylindrical donjon added on motte C14. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded late C11, unfinished donjon added mid-C12, replacement tower added c1200, now owned by English Heritage. Norman enclosure castle with flanking towers erected c1086 by Roger de Lacy. Norman castle founded C11, donjon added C12 and extended with motte built around base C13. Norman castle founded 1080s, reconstructed C14. Lying two miles south of Dorchester, covering an area of 47 acres, the largest hill fort in Britain. Norman enclosure castle founded by Otto de Barri late C11, strengthened C12, birthplace of Giraldus Cambrensis 1146. Remains of a moat, walls and keep of castle built by Henry III c1242. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, extended by Henry II, shell keep added by King John and added to by Henry III. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1086, tower keep built on nearby site by Robert Fitzranulph c1170, quadrangular curtain added C13, slighted in Civil War, now owned by English Heritage. Small rectangular castle built after a licence to crenellate was granted by Edward III in 1335. Now ruined but the great tower and walls survive. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William FitzOsbern c1070, keep added on motte c1120–30, birthplace of Henry V 1387, slighted during Civil War. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Robert of Mortain 1069/70, dismantled C12 by Cluniac monks of Montacute Priory. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William I 1066/7, dismantled C13. Norman Motte & Bailey castle built by Roger de Montgomery c1071, dismantled C12. Enclosure castle founded 1223 by Baldwin de Boller, slighted 1649. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded late C11, destroyed by King John 1215, castle rebuilt in bailey mid-C13. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, dismantled 1217. C12 motte & bailey built on an earlier earthwork. Only the Gatehouse and adjoining walls remain standing. Norman enclosure castle founded C11 by Robert of Mortain, motte added early C12, shell keep added mid-C12. Norman Motte & 2 Bailey castle, tower keep added on motte mid-C12. Norman enclosure castle built by Bishop of Lincoln 1130s, major reconstruction early C13, slighted 1646. Built by William II d’Albini c1140, cylindrical tower keep (first in Britain), demolished by Sir Philip Knyvey 1649. Located in Bridgend, ruined fortress built C12. Only gateway and a piece of wall remain. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1080, rebuilt with keep designed by Maurice the Engineer 1068–77. Norman castle founded C12, rebuilt C13, sacked by Glyndwr and rebuilt C15. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1120 by Ranulf Flambard, destroyed by Scots 1140s, rebuilt by Bishop Hugh of Durham 1158–74, taken by Scots 1513, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey founded c1080, enlarged by Henry I, tower keep added c1170. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William FitzOsbern for William I 1067, tower keep added on motte 1125–35, stone curtain added 1268–70, keep restored by Salvin 1834–9, now serving as museum (since 1894). Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded 1068 by William I, modified by Henry II. Keep built 1213, demolished 1651 by Colonel Hutchinson, renovated 1878 and now a museum. Rectangular moated Great Tower with cylindrical towers at corners built 1373 by Sir John de la Mare, slighted 1645, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey, stone added C12, Great Hall built by Wakelin de Ferrers c1180. Octagonal keep built by King John 1207–12. Norman castle founded c1110, stone donjon built late C12, fortified in stone C13. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Baldwin Fitzgilbert c1070, extended and tower built on motte early C14. Iron Age fort occupied by the Romans who built a Motte and Bailey castle and cathedral inside its ramparts. Norman Motte & Bailey founded C12 by de Lucy family, stone tower built 1150s. Castle with polygonal keep founded by Henry II 1165, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded C11 by Rainald de Bailleul, shell keep built C12. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1071 by Robert d’Oilly, St George’s Tower built on motte late C11, shell keep built on motte C12. The Queen officially opened the restored castle on 5 May 2006. Norman castle built c1100, destroyed 1215, rebuilt C13 by William de Braose. Situated on St Patrick’s Isle near Peel harbour and built by William Le Scrope in 1392. The castle houses the ruins of St German’s Cathedral, named from Germanus a disciple of Patrick who is thought to have brought Christianity to the island. Motte & Bailey castle founded C12, shell keep erected early C13. Castle founded C13 by Ralph de Pembridge, includes moat and cylindrical donjon, ruined in Civil War.


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Pendennis Pendragon Penhow Penrice

Cornwall Cumbria Gwent West Glamorgan




East Sussex



Pickering Picton

North Yorkshire Pembrokeshire






West Yorkshire











Ravenscraig Restormel

Fife Cornwall



Richards Castle





North Yorkshire


Harrogate, North Yorks





Rothesay Roxburgh

Isle of Bute, Strathclyde Borders





Saffron Walden St Andrews

Essex Fife

St Briavels


St Catherine’s St Donats St Mawes Saffron Walden Saltwood

Cornwall South Glamorgan Cornwall Essex Kent


West Yorkshire

Norman enclosure castle founded c1090 by Arnulf de Montgomery, extended and cylindrical donjon built by William Marshal early C13, slighted by Cromwell 1648/9. Henrician artillery fort built to protect Falmouth, now owned by English Heritage. C12 fortified tower, located in Mallerstang dale; enlarged C14 but now ruined. Enclosure castle founded early C13 by Sir William St Maur. Norman enclosure castle founded c1100, stone castle raised on nearby site mid-C13, cylindrical donjon. Tower built C14, quadrangular castle erected on site c1397–9 by William Strickland, Bishop of Carlisle. Norman castle built within the site of old Roman fort, founded C11 by Robert of Mortain, donjon added c1100 by William of Mortain, strengthened early C13, now owned by English Heritage. Norman castle founded by William Peverel, also known as Peak Castle, improved by Henry II, tower keep erected 1176, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey founded c1100, shell keep built c1218–36, improved early C14. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1090 by William de Picton, enclosure castle built on nearby site mid-C13. Concentric fortification with keep and 3 towers built on Piel Island in 1327 at the entrance to Barrow harbour to protect Furness Abbey, near to the site of an earlier C12 castle. Ruined by C16, but there is a well preserved keep and 2 baileys. Also known as Fouldry (or Fouldrey) Castle. Now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded early C12, destroyed 1157, refortified 1167–80, donjon on motte. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded 1069 by Ilbert de Lacy, improved by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, and John of Gaunt C14, destroyed 1649. Norman castle founded by Henry I c1120 in corner of old Roman fort, keep raised by Henry II, palace constructed for Richard II 1396–9, now owned by English Heritage. Henrician device fort built in 1539 to guard the Portland anchorage. Although neighbouring Weymouth was a Parliamentary stronghold during the English Civil War, Portland was a Royal Manor and as such supported King Charles and the castle was set siege upon several times. Now owned by English Heritage. Castle founded C13 by Gruffydd, Baron de la Pole, destroyed in 1270s by Llywelyn the Last and rebuilt, modified by the Herberts after purchase in 1587, now owned by the National Trust. Built C12 on the site of C11 motte on south bank of the River Tyne. Gatehouse and keep date from 1175 and barbican added C14. A 19th century house has been built within the ruins. Now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey founded c1070 by the Bloet family, major reconstruction C15, hexagonal Yellow Tower of Gwent built by Sir William ap Thomas, other works 1450–69 by Sir William Herbert, slighted 1646, now owned by Welsh Historic Monuments. Coastal artillery fortress founded 1460 by James II, erected 1460–3. Norman castle founded C11 by Baldwin FitzUrstin, C12 shell keep built by Robert of Cardinham, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1070, Edwardian concentric castle erected nearby by Master James of St George 1282, slighted 1648. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Richard Fitzscrub pre-Conquest, stone tower built on motte c1175. Roman fort situated near Sandwich and thought to be the landing point of the Roman invasion armies in AD 43. Norman enclosure castle founded by Count of Penhievre 1071, late C11 stone hall (Scolland’s Hall) built by Alan the Red, great tower added by Conan, Duke of Brittany, c1150–70, now owned by English Heritage. C19 castle owned by Sir Thomas Ingilby, a baronet, who inherited the stately home on his 18th birthday. Norman Motte & Bailey built by Bishop Gundulf c1080, stone curtain added c1088 and stone keep c1126–40 by William de Corbeuil, besieged by John 1215, recaptured by Louis of France 1216, keep repaired c1225 with cylindrical corner added, besieged by de Montfort 1264, captured by Wat Tyler 1381, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William I, improved by Henry II, gatehouse built by Edward I c1280, damaged in Civil War, alterations by Salvin C19. Motte & Bailey castle founded C12, shell keep erected C13. Motte & Bailey founded C12, captured 1314 by Scots and demolished, rebuilt by Edward III 1335–7, extended by Richard II, taken by Scots 1460 with loss of James II and destroyed. C15 ruined castle overlooking Church Ope Cove on Portland, built on site of C11 Norman castle. Aka Bow and Arrow Castle. Edwardian castle founded 1277, held by Prince Dafydd to 1282 when taken by Reginald de Grey, slighted 1647, converted into a hotel C19. Norman Motte & Bailey founded C11 by Geoffrey de Mandeville, flint tower added C12. Castle founded late C12, slighted by Andrew Moray 1337, rebuilt late C14, extended early C16, besieged and damaged 1546–7, John Knox amongst besieged. Norman enclosure castle founded C12 by Milo Fitzwalter, tower added mid-C12, gatehouse built by Edward I c1292–3, keep collapsed 1752. C16 Henrician device fort built to protect Fowey Harbour. Owned by English Heritage. Double enclosure castle founded by the Stradlings c1300. Henrician artillery fort built 1540 to protect Falmouth, now owned by English Heritage. C12 castle built during the Anarchy. Flint core of three storey keep is all that remains. Norman enclosure castle founded by Henry of Essex c1150–60, improved by Archbishop Courtenay of Canterbury 1380s, designed by Henry Yevele, rendered uninhabitable by an earthquake 1580, formerly owned by Alan Clark MP. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1157, converted to stone c1200–80, besieged 1645 and slighted 1646.


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Sauvey Scarborough

Leicestershire North Yorkshire










East Yorkshire


North Yorkshire



South Mimms










Stokesay Sulgrave Sutton Valence Swansea

Shropshire Northants Kent West Glamorgan



Tamworth Tantallon

Staffordshire Lothian





Tenby Thetford Thornbury

Pembrokeshire Norfolk Gloucestershire


Dumfries and Galloway


South Yorkshire





Totnes Tower of London

Devon London

Trematon Tretower

Cornwall Powys

Turnberry Tutbury

Strathclyde Staffordshire

Tynemouth Urquhart

Tyne and Wear Highland

Usk Wakefield Wallingford Walmer

Gwent West Yorkshire Oxfordshire Kent



Wareham Wark

Dorset Northumberland



Motte & Bailey castle founded by King John early C13, disused from 1260s. Norman castle founded c1136 by William of Aumale, keep built by Henry II, barbican added c1240, Piers Gaveston besieged 1312, now owned by English Heritage. Moated castle founded late C14 by Roger Ashburnham, only cylindrical turret remaining, now owned by National Trust. Norman enclosure castle founded by Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, c1107–35, l-shaped donjon added mid-C12, besieged and ruined 1645, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Roger de Montgomery c1067–9, converted to stone by Henry II, tower on motte collapsed c1270, altered by Thomas Telford C18 for Sir William Pulteney. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded late C11, cylindrical donjon and stone curtain walls built c1220–40 by Hubert de Burgh. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1086, motte separated from bailey by a marsh, destroyed by Henry III. Norman D-shaped enclosure castle founded c1080, extended with six round towers added by Robert Clifford c1310–14, besieged and severely damaged 1645, renovated by Lady Anne Clifford C17. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded early C12, refortified C14 by Richard II with tower built by Henry Yevele. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1140–2 by Geoffrey de Mandeville, motte built around base of tower. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1070, destroyed by 1086, restored late C11, tower built on motte 1348 by Ralph, 1st Earl of Stafford, decayed C16. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded late C11, shell enclosure built on motte C12, extended late C12. Timber castle founded C12, taken 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1304, 1314 (whence dismantled), rebuilt under the Stewarts C15. Norman enclosure castle founded late C11, improved by de Courcys C12, demolished c1216. Fortified manor house crenellated by Lawrence de Ludlow 1291. Norman triangular enclosure castle founded late C11, stone tower added early C12. Castle founded mid-C12 with great tower, altered by William de Valence C13. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Henry Beaumont, burned 1115/6, C12 enclosure castle constructed nearby, rebuilt early C14, damaged by Glyndwr. Castle founded by McSwine family early C12, earliest stone castle in Scotland. Remodelled by Earls of Menteith C13 and extended by Lords of the Isles C14. Norman castle with shell enclosure founded early C12 by the Marmions. Founded by the 1st Earl of Douglas c1360, besieged by Stewarts 1492 and 1526, damaged by General Monck 1651. Castle with Great Tower built in brick by Ralph, Lord Cromwell 1433–43, rescued by Lord Curzon 1911, now owned by National Trust. Norman enclosure castle founded c1110 by William Gifford, tower and other buildings raised by Henry de Blois mid-C12, improved 1207. Norman castle founded after 1153, sacked by Welsh 1187 and 1260. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded C11, destroyed by Henry II 1174. Last military castle built in England c1511 by Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, never completed. Founded by Archibald, 3rd Earl of Douglas, c1370, extended c1454, taken by James II 1455. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded late C11 by Robert de Belleme, 11-sided tower built on motte c1178–80 by Henry II. Norman castle built c1145 by Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, modified by Richard, Earl of Cornwall, C13, now owned by English Heritage. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded 1080s by Richard Fitzgilbert, shell enclosure added C12, gatehouse built by Gilbert de Clare C13. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded C11 by the Nonants, shell keep added C13. Norman enclosure castle founded by William I 1067, White Tower built by Gundulf of Rochester 1078–c1100, concentric fortifications added C13 by Henry III & Edward I. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded C11, shell keep added C12. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Sir Miles Picard c1100, shell keep added by Simon Picard mid-C12, cylindrical donjon added by Roger Picard c1220. Cylindrical Tower castle of C13, childhood home of Robert Bruce. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Henry de Ferrers, improved by John of Gaunt from 1350, added to C15, slighted 1646. Enclosure castle crenellated by Robert de Mowbray 1296, gatehouse added 1390s. Motte & Bailey castle founded c1150, taken by Edward I, in 1313 passed to Randolph, Earl of Moray, extended C14. Norman earthwork castle founded by de Clares c1138, rebuilt C14, slighted in Civil War. Motte & 2 Bailey castle erected c1140–50, possibly by William de Warenne. Norman Motte & Bailey castle erected c1071, stonework added C12, demolished 1652. C16 Henrician artillery fortress converted into a stately home and used since 1708 as the residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, a position held by the Duke of Wellington and Winston Churchill. Now owned and managed by English Heritage. Old Wardour castle – hexagonal construction founded by John, 5th Lord Lovell, 1393, damaged after siege 1644. New Wardour ‘Castle’ built 1769–76. Norman castle with keep founded by Henry I, destroyed in Civil War. Norman Motte & Bailey castle dismantled by David I of Scotland 1138, rebuilt by Henry II 1158, decayed C14. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by Henry, Earl of Northumberland, c1140, taken by William the Lion 1173, rebuilt by Clavering family C13, multiangular tower added by Henry Percy mid-C14, owned by Percys 1332–1922, now owned by English Heritage.


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West Malling White Castle

Kent Gwent
















East Yorkshire

Yester York

Lothian North Yorkshire

Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded by William I 1068, shell keep added C12, rebuilt C14 by Thomas Beauchamp, unfinished additions by Richard III C15, repaired by Fulke Greville C17. Stone tower built c1100 by Bishop Gundulf of Rochester, now ruined. Norman castle founded by Pain Fitzjohn, stone fortifications built c1184–6 by William de Braose, refortified by Edward I 1260s. Norman Motte & Bailey castle, improved by Fulke de Warenne from 1219 with tower built on motte. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1067 by William FitzOsbern, shell keep built C12, reconstructed C14. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded 1067 by William I, Domesday Book originally housed in castle, site destroyed 1141, rebuilt shortly after, donjon added by Henry II, cylindrical tower on motte and Great Hall added by Henry III, only the Great Hall presently remains. Norman Motte & 2 Bailey castle founded 1067 by William I, shell keep added by Henry I, site rebuilt in stone and keep improved by Henry II, major rebuilding by Edward III c1350–77 with keep raised, alterations by Wyatville for George IV C19, damaged by fire 1992. Ecclesiastical castle-palace founded c1100, rebuilt in quadrangular form with great tower by Henry of Blois c1135–70. Converted Edwardian castle in the parish of Etton, Peterborough, built at the end of the 13th century. Remains of the castle include a front, a circular tower and a gatehouse. Norman Motte & Bailey castle founded c1069, burned down 1113, rebuilt C12, motte levelled 1830. Quadrangular enclosure castle founded c1380 by Sir Thomas Percy, damaged in Civil War. Motte & Bailey castle founded C12, C13 tower erected on motte, extended C15. Norman Motte & Bailey castle on Baile Hill founded by William I 1068–9, destroyed 1069 and rebuilt, now lost.

Castles: General Information Adulterine Castles Berkeley Castle Bolingbroke Castle Caernarfon Castle Cardiff Castle Carisbrooke Castle Carlisle Castle Castle: Terms allure bailey barbican bartizan bastion battlement berm buttery caponier casemate concentric counterscarp crenel curtain wall drawbridge embrasure forebuilding garderobe gatehouse great tower hourd keep loop machicolation mangonel merlon mews moat motte murder hole oubliette palisade portcullis postern rampart revetment

Unlicensed private castles built by barons primarily during the Anarchy (1135–54) of King Stephen’s reign Edward II murdered in south tower Henry IV born Apr 1366 Edward II born 25 Apr 1284 Built on the site of a Roman fort. Robert Curthose imprisoned for 28 years Prison of Charles I 1647–8 Prison of Mary Queen of Scots when she first entered England Wall-walk along the top of the battlements: the basic fighting platform for archers and crossbowmen A courtyard in a castle An outer fortification in front of the gate of a castle Turret projecting from a tower or wall Tower projecting from a wall length or junction of two walls, designed to cover dead ground Parapet or wall with indentures or embrasures, originally for shooting through Space between curtain wall and moat One of the 2 service rooms (the other is the kitchen), used for dispensing drinks A covered gallery running across a ditch, housing guns to fire along the ditch Armoured compartment in which guns are mounted Possessing more than one curtain wall Outer side of the moat Openings formed in top of a wall or parapet between the merlons, having slanting sides as in a battlement Wall around the perimeter of a castle or one of its courtyards Bridge that may be raised to prevent access The opening in a wall behind a window or an arrow loop Structure protecting the entrance to a tower Latrine Guarded building above or beside an entrance gate Most important tower also called the donjon and, since the 16th century, the keep (also hoarding) Timber gallery carried on beams outside the battlements. Stones could be dropped on attackers via holes in the floor see great tower Slit in wall for firing arrows Permanent stone version of a hourd Stone-throwing siege machine Length of protective parapet between the openings of a battlement Building or yard where the hawks are kept Wide, often water-filled ditch surrounding a castle preventing land access Large, usually round flat-topped mound which supported a tower Opening over an entrance passage Dungeon or pit under the floor, usually below ground level, reached by a trap-door Strong wooden fence Iron or wooden grating hanging vertically in gateway of castle, set in grooves and able to be raised and lowered Subsidiary gate in the outer wall Surrounding embankment of a castle Facing of stones or sandbags to protect a wall or embankment


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scarp trebuchet

Side of a moat surrounding a castle cut nearest to and immediately below a rampart Stone-throwing siege engine powered by counterpoise weights; successor to the mangonel, and far more powerful turret Small tower that projects from the wall of a castle ward Courtyard in a castle Dover Castle Known as the ‘Key of England’ First Castles Imported by the Normans after 1066, although four possible sites c1050 built by Norman friends of Edward the Confessor Flint Castle Richard II formally surrendered his crown to Henry Bolingbroke Fotheringhay Castle Richard III born 2 Oct 1452; Mary Queen of Scots executed 8 Feb 1587 Framlingham Castle Mary Tudor proclaimed Queen while staying there Henry VIII’s reign: built Calshot, Camber, Deal, Hurst, Pendennis, St Mawes, Sandgate, Southsea, Walmer Keep: largest Colchester castle Largest Castle : England Windsor Scotland Doune Wales Caerphilly Leaning Keep Bridgnorth, Shropshire Lewes Castle Two mottes Ludlow Castle King Edward IV made Royal property when he ascended the throne Marlborough Castle John Lackland was married in the castle chapel and Henry III was married in the chapel Newark Castle King John died of dysentery 19 Oct 1216 Oldest inhabited, UK Berkeley, Gloucestershire Pembroke Castle Birthplace of Henry VII Pontefract Castle Richard II died c14 Feb 1400 Powys Castle Clive of India Museum Roman forts: built in Pevensey and Portchester Castles built within old Roman forts Sherborne Castle Once owned by Sir Walter Raleigh Stone-built: first Chepstow, Gwent Stone keep: first Tower of London (White Tower) 1078; Colchester built c1087 Thornbury Castle Last built for military purposes Tintagel Castle Linked with Arthurian legend Towers of similar design : Colchester and White Tower, London Castle Rising, Norwich and Falaise (Normandy) Castle Hedingham and Rochester Dover and Newcastle Walmer Castle Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports resides there; it houses a Madame Tussaud’s Waxworks Windsor Castle Queen Mary’s dolls’ house, St George’s Chapel, Royal Mausoleum Frogmore. Oldest royal residence still in regular use. Edward III born 13 Nov 1312. George III, George IV, William IV all died there

British Cathedrals



General Information

Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Arundel

Grampian Grampian Grampian West Sussex

Ayr Bangor Birmingham Birmingham Blackburn Bradford Brechin Brecon

Ayrshire Gwynedd West Midlands West Midlands Lancashire West Yorkshire Tayside Powys

Brentwood Bristol Bristol Bury St Edmunds

Essex Bristol Bristol Suffolk

Canterbury Cardiff

Kent Glamorgan

Carlisle Chelmsford

Cumbria Essex

Chester Chichester Coventry Derby Dornoch

Cheshire West Sussex West Midlands Derbyshire Highland



Dedicated to St Andrew. Seat of Episcopal diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney. Dedicated to St Machar. Presbyterian cathedral founded 1424. Dedicated to St Mary. RC Gothic revival Victorian cathedral. Dedicated to Our Lady and St Philip Howard. RC since 1965 for see of Arundel and Brighton, designed by J.A. Hansom. RC cathedral, seat of Bishop of Galloway. Founded by and dedicated to St Deiniol and extensively restored in 1866. Dedicated to St Philip. Built by Thomas Archer 1715, became a cathedral 1905. Dedicated to St Chad. RC cathedral from 1850, designed by Augustus Pugin 1841. Dedicated to St Mary, became Anglican cathedral 1927. Dedicated to St Peter, designed by Sir Edward Maufe, became Anglican cathedral 1914. Founded as a monastery by David I c1150. Dedicated to the Triune God. Benedictine priory of St John the Evangelist became cathedral 1923 for the see of Swansea and Brecon. Dedicated to St Mary and St Helen, RC cathedral from 1917. Dedicated to the Holy Trinity, Anglican cathedral founded 1142 but rebuilt by G.E. Street. Dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, RC cathedral, seat of Bishop of Clifton since 1850. Dedicated to St James, Anglican cathedral designed by John Wastell / Gilbert Scott 1914, seat of Bishop of St Edmonsbury and Ipswich. Dedicated to Christ, rebuilt 1174 by William of Sens. Dedicated to St David, RC cathedral from 1920, replacing Belmont, designed by Edward Pugin. Dedicated to the Holy Trinity, original site of Church of the Augustinian priory, founded 1093. Dedicated to SS. Mary, Peter and Cedd, refurbished by Charles Nicholson 1913, became cathedral 1914. Dedicated to Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary, Henry VIII gave cathedral status in 1541. Dedicated to the Holy Trinity, founded by Bishop Ralph de Luffa 1108. Dedicated to St Michael, designed by Basil Spence, dedicated 1962. Dedicated to All Saints, became Anglican cathedral 1927, designed by James Gibbs. Founded by Gilbert de Moravia, Bishop of Caithness in C13. Dedicated to the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Built on the site of a Celtic Christian foundation, the church was established in C12. Also known as the Cathedral Church of St Blane and St Laurence.


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Dundee Dundee Dunkeld Durham Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Elgin Ely Exeter Glasgow Glasgow Gloucester Guildford

Tayside Tayside Tayside Durham Lothian Lothian Lothian Grampian Cambridgeshire Devon Strathclyde Strathclyde Gloucestershire Surrey







Lancaster Leeds Leicester Lichfield Lincoln Lismore Liverpool

Lancashire West Yorkshire Leicestershire Staffordshire Lincolnshire Strathclyde Merseyside



Llandaff London Manchester Middlesbrough Millport Motherwell Newcastle Newcastle Newport Northampton Norwich Norwich Nottingham Oban Oban Oxford Paisley Perth

Cardiff London Greater Manchester North Yorkshire Great Cumbrae Island, Ayrshire Strathclyde Tyne & Wear Tyne & Wear Newport Northamptonshire Norfolk Norfolk Nottinghamshire Strathclyde Strathclyde Oxfordshire Strathclyde Perthshire



Plymouth Portsmouth Portsmouth Ripon Rochester

Devon Hampshire Hampshire North Yorkshire Kent

Salford Salisbury

Greater Manchester Wiltshire

Sheffield Sheffield

South Yorkshire South Yorkshire



Southwark Southwark Southwell St Albans St Andrews St Asaph St Davids Swansea Truro Wakefield Wells Westminster Winchester

London London Nottinghamshire Hertfordshire Fife Clwyd Dyfed Swansea Cornwall West Yorkshire Somerset London Hampshire

Dedicated to St Paul. Seat of Episcopal Bishop of Brechin. RC cathedral, seat of Bishop of Dunkeld. Dedicated to St Columba. Partly destroyed during the Battle of Dunkeld in 1689. Dedicated to Christ and Blessed Mary the Virgin c1093. Dedicated to St Giles. High Kirk & National Church of Scotland. Dedicated to St Mary. Episcopal cathedral. RC cathedral, seat of Bishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh. Founded in 1224, rebuilt in form of Jerusalem cross, now ruined. Dedicated to the Holy Trinity, founded by Simeon, Abbot of Ely, became cathedral 1109. Dedicated to St Peter, consecrated 1133 and rebuilt c1275. Dedicated to St Mary. Seat of Episcopal Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway. Dedicated to St Mungo (St Kentigern). Built in C12. Dedicated to St Peter and Holy Trinity, founded 681, became cathedral 1541. Dedicated to the Holy Spirit, Anglican cathedral designed by Sir Edward Maufe, completed 1968. Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Ethelbert, founded 676 by Bishop Putta, restored 1908. Dedicated to St Andrew. Seat of Episcopal Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness. Part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Dedicated to St Magnus. Founded in 1137 by St Rognvald, a Viking ruler, in honour of his martyred uncle. Dedicated to St Peter, built 1859, became RC cathedral 1924. Dedicated to St Anne, RC cathedral from 1878. Dedicated to St Martin, redesigned by Sir Charles Nicholson 1927. Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad. Built in C13/14. Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Norman cathedral built by Geoffrey de Noiers. Ruins of a C13/14 cathedral which fell into disrepair following the Reformation. Dedicated to Christ. Neo-Gothic Anglican cathedral founded 1904 but completed 1978. Largest in the UK by floor area. Dedicated to Christ the King. Roman Catholic Metropolitan cathedral completed 1967. Nicknamed ‘Paddy’s Wigwam’. Original design by Lutyens rejected on grounds of cost. Dedicated to St Peter and St Paul. Founded by St Teilo, rebuilt by Bishop Urban C12. Dedicated to St Paul. Designed by Sir Christopher Wren, built 1675–1710. Dedicated to St Mary, St Denys and St George. Cathedral founded 1847. Dedicated to St Mary. RC cathedral completed 1986. Collegiate Church of the Holy Spirit. Anglican church known as the Cathedral of the Isles. Roman Catholic cathedral designed by Edward Pugin. Dedicated to St Nicholas. C14 cathedral rebuilt by R.J. Johnson. Dedicated to St Mary. RC cathedral from 1850, seat of Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle. Dedicated to St Woolos. Seat of Bishop of Monmouth. Dedicated to Our Lady and St Thomas. RC cathedral completed in 1864. Dedicated to the Holy Trinity. Norman cathedral founded by William I in 1068. Dedicated to St John the Baptist. RC cathedral from 1976, seat of Bishop of East Anglia. Dedicated to St Barnabas. RC cathedral from 1850, designed by Augustus Pugin 1842. Dedicated to St John. Seat of Episcopal Bishop of Argyll and the Isles. Roman Catholic cathedral, seat of Bishop of Argyll and the Isles. Dedicated to St Columba. Dedicated to St Frideswide. Smallest cathedral in England, also known as Christ Church. Roman Catholic cathedral built in the 1930s and dedicated as St Mirin’s Cathedral. Dedicated to St Ninian. Seat of Episcopal Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane. Built 1849–90. Dedicated to St Peter, St Paul and St Andrew. Consecrated 1238 and became cathedral 1541. Dedicated to St Mary and St Boniface. RC cathedral completed 1858. Dedicated to St Thomas of Canterbury. Founded in C12, became a cathedral in 1927. Dedicated to St John the Evangelist. RC cathedral from 1882. Dedicated to St Peter and St Wilfred. Built in the C15. Dedicated to Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Medieval church renovated by Bishop Gundulf 1125–30. Dedicated to St John the Evangelist. RC cathedral from 1850, designed by Matthew Hadfield. Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Founded 1220 by Richard Poore replacing prior foundation at Old Sarum. Dedicated to St Peter and St Paul. Built by Charles Nicholson. Dedicated to Saint Marie. RC cathedral from 1980, designed by Matthew Hadfield. Seat of the Bishop of Hallam. Dedicated to Our Lady Help of Christians and St Peter of Alcontara. RC cathedral built by Edward Pugin, completed 1856. Dedicated to St Saviour and St Mary Overie. Sir Arthur Blomfield rebuilt 1890s. Dedicated to St George. RC cathedral from 1850, rebuilt 1858. Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dedicated to St Alban. Built in 1077 and designated a cathedral in 1877. Medieval cathedral completed in 1144, now ruined. Dedicated to St Asaph. Restored C19 by Gilbert Scott. Dedicated to St David & St Andrew. Norman cathedral restored in C19. Dedicated to St Joseph. RC cathedral 1875, seat of Bishop of Menevia. Dedicated to St Mary. Designed by J.L. Pearson 1879–1910. Dedicated to All Saints. Designed by J.L. Pearson. Dedicated to St Andrew. Built C12 by Reginald de Bohun. Dedicated to the Most Precious Blood. RC cathedral designed by James Bentley 1895. Dedicated to Holy Trinity, St Peter, St Paul and St Swithin. Restored by Bishop Walkelin c1090.


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Wrexham York Minster

Clwyd North Yorkshire

Dedicated to Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary. Wulfstan restored Worcester cathedral 1084, improved C19. Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows. RC cathedral built by Edward Pugin. Dedicated to St Peter. Thomas of Bayeux built St Peter’s church c1070; restored C13.

NB: Although St Giles is known as Edinburgh Cathedral it does not have a cathedra so is technically a church. However, it is included in the listing because it has the same standing in Scotland as Westminster Abbey in England.

British Cathedrals: General Information Magna Carta: copies Lincoln and Salisbury cathedrals; the other two are in the British Library. Mostyn Christ Bangor cathedral. Nelson’s Column Hereford cathedral had a Nelson’s Column long before the London monument. New Cathedrals of 1927 Isle of Wight and South Hampshire became Anglican Diocese, creating many new cathedrals. Norwich Cathedral Edith Cavell buried. It also has the largest cloisters in England. Old St Paul’s The Norman cathedral was 600 ft (183 m) long; its spire was 490 ft (149 m) high. Oldest clock (1380) Salisbury cathedral (no dial). Peterborough Cathedral Catherine of Aragon buried there 1536 and Mary Queen of Scots 1587 (moved to Westminster Abbey). Priest and people: face East, traditionally. Ribbed Vault 1st Durham cathedral. Ripon Cathedral Crypt by St Wilfred and Reredos by Ninian Comper. Scott, Sir George Gilbert Restored Westminster Abbey, Ely, Lichfield and Salisbury cathedrals. Smallest Cathedral St Asaph’s, Clwyd. Smallest Cathedral City In England – Wells. In UK – St David’s Southwark Cathedral John Harvard, founder of Harvard University, baptised 1607. Bunyan and Chaucer windows. St Albans: dedicatee St Alban, Britain’s first Christian martyr (executed circa 209). St Augustine’s Chair Canterbury cathedral. St David’s Cathedral Based on the Spanish Santiago de Compostela. St Giles Cathedral Jenny Geddes flung stool at preacher for reading an Anglican text. John Knox, the religious reformer, was buried there in 1572. White stork’s nest was recorded on roof in 1416, the only British breeding occurrence. St Lucy’s Chapel Oxford cathedral. St Paul’s Cathedral Henry Moore’s statue Mother and Child. Bombed in December 1940. Statue of Queen Anne outside. St Paul’s destroyed by fire in 1666. All Souls Chapel is memorial to Kitchener and other casualties of World War I. Whispering Gallery is famous for its acoustics. Frescoes on the inside of the dome by Sir James Thornhill. Houses Wellington’s monument by Alfred Stevens and Nelson’s statue by John Flaxman. Three Spires Lichfield, Truro and St Mary’s Edinburgh. Triforium 1st Canterbury cathedral. Twenty-four-hour clock Wells cathedral. Wastell’s Tower Canterbury cathedral. Westminster Abbey Not a cathedral as such, as it lacks a Bishop’s Throne. Official name is the Collegiate Church of St Peter. George II was last Sovereign to be buried in the Abbey, as Windsor Castle was subsequently used. Tombs include Henry III, Edward I, Edward III, Henry V, Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Scots and the Unknown Warrior. Westminster Cathedral Houses Eric Gill’s 14 Stations of the Cross. Whispering Gallery St Paul’s cathedral. Winchester Cathedral Canute and other Danish kings are buried here. So are Jane Austen and Izaak Walton. When St Swithin’s remains were transferred in 971 it rained for 40 days. Nave was built C14 by William of Wykeham and William of Edington. Worcester Cathedral Houses the tomb of King John. Wren’s tomb inscription Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice – ‘Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you.’ York Minster Great East window by John Thornton 1405–8; St Cuthbert’s (bishop in 685) window 1440.

Arundel Screen Part of Chichester cathedral. Bell Harry Tower Tower of Canterbury cathedral erected 1490. Bell-tower: detached Chichester. Birmingham Cathedral Edward Burne-Jones designed four windows in 1880 and William Morris made them. Bishop’s eye window Lincoln cathedral. Black stone fonts Lincoln and Winchester both have black stone fonts from Belgium. Canterbury Cathedral Tombs for Henry IV and Edward the Black Prince and Trinity Chapel Shrine of Thomas Becket. William of Sens fell from scaffolding and work completed by William the Englishman. T.S. Eliot’s play Murder in the Cathedral’ first performed in the Chapter House in 1935. Destroyed by fire in 1174, rebuilt by William of Sens with stone from Caen. Based on the Monastic Church of St Etienne in Caen where Lanfranc had been Abbot. Carlisle Cathedral Sir Walter Scott was married there. Cathedral: definition Church that contains a cathedra, or throne of the bishop of the diocese. Cathedral: longest Winchester 556 ft (169 m). Cathedral: widest in England Manchester at 114 ft (35 m). Cathedrals: shape Cruciform, traditionally. Chichester Cathedral Houses tomb for Bishop Robert Sherburne, who died in 1536. Houses monument for Walter Huskisson, Chichester MP (dressed as Roman). Chichester: windows Designed by Marc Chagall. Christ Church Gateway Canterbury cathedral. Clock with no face Salisbury cathedral. Coventry Cathedral Tapestry of the Risen Christ by Graham Sutherland 1952. Statue of Christ being doomed (behold the man) by Jacob Epstein. Windows by John Piper. Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem first performed. Coventry Cathedral: Old Destroyed by bombing 1940. Durham Cathedral Completed by Ranulf Flambard and houses tomb of St Cuthbert. Gloucester Cathedral Contains tomb of Edward II, murdered in Berkeley castle; also tomb of Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy. Great Paul 17-ton bell in St Paul’s. Hedda Stone: Sculpture Peterborough Cathedral. Hereford Cathedral Map of the World (Mappa Mundi) by Richard of Haldingham and Lafford C13, based on C5 work of Orosius. Africa is labelled as Europe, and vice versa. Jerusalem is centre of the world. Largest chained library (1,450 books) includes Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Restored by Lewis Cottingham and Sir George Gilbert Scott. Houses shrine of St Thomas Cantilupe. Highpoint of Hereford is a tower, not a spire. Highest Spire Salisbury cathedral 404 ft (123 m); 2nd highest spire is Norwich at 315 ft (96 m). Inverted Arches Wells cathedral. Largest Gothic Church York Minster, in England. Lichfield Cathedral Houses the Sleeping Children statue. Three spires named The Ladies of the Vale. Name means Field of the Dead (Emperor Diocletian martyred 1,000 Christians). Previous name – Bishopric called the diocese of ‘Lichfield and Coventry’ until 1836. Lincoln Highest spire 524 ft (160 m) until it was blown down in 1584. Liverpool Anglican Designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott after winning competition. Llandaff Cathedral Houses Christ in His Majesty by Jacob Epstein. Longest Nave St Albans has England’s longest nave at 348 ft (106 m).


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Top 100 Greatest Britons of All Time, as Voted by Internet and BBC Viewers 1Winston Churchill 2 Isambard Kingdom Brunel 3 Diana, Princess of Wales 4 Charles Darwin 5 William Shakespeare 6 Isaac Newton 7 Elizabeth I 8 John Lennon 9 Horatio Nelson 10 Oliver Cromwell 11 Ernest Shackleton 12 James Cook 13 Robert Baden Powell 14 Alfred the Great 15 1st Duke of Wellington 16 Margaret Thatcher 17 Michael Crawford 18 Queen Victoria 19 Paul McCartney 20 Alexander Fleming 21 Alan Turing 22 Michael Faraday 23 Owain Glyndwr 24 Elizabeth II 25 Stephen Hawking 26 William Tyndale 27 Emmeline Pankhurst 28 William Wilberforce 29 David Bowie 30 Guy Fawkes 31 Leonard Cheshire 32 Eric Morecambe 33 David Beckham 34 Thomas Paine 35 Boudicca 36 Steve Redgrave 37 Thomas More 38 William Blake 39 John Harrison 40 Henry VIII 41 Charles Dickens 42 Frank Whittle 43 John Peel 44 John Logie Baird 45 Aneurin Bevan 46 Boy George 47 Douglas Bader 48 William Wallace 49 Francis Drake 50 John Wesley

51King Arthur (mythical king) 52 Florence Nightingale 53 TE Lawrence 54 Robert Falcon Scott 55 Enoch Powell 56 Cliff Richard 57 Alexander Graham Bell 58 Freddie Mercury 59 Julie Andrews 60 Edward Elgar 61 Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother 62 George Harrison 63 David Attenborough 64 James Connolly 65 George Stephenson 66 Charlie Chaplin 67 Tony Blair 68 William Caxton 69 Bobby Moore 70 Jane Austen 71 William Booth 72 Henry V 73 Aleister Crowley (occult leader) 74 Robert the Bruce 75 Bob Geldof 76 The Unknown Soldier 77 Robbie Williams 78 Edward Jenner 79 David Lloyd George 80 Charles Babbage 81 Geoffrey Chaucer 82 Richard III 83 JK Rowling 84 James Watt 85 Richard Branson 86 Bono 87 John Lydon 88 Montgomery of Alamein 89 Donald Campbell 90 Henry II 91 James Clerk Maxwell 92 JRR Tolkien 93 Walter Raleigh 94 Edward I 95 Barnes Wallis 96 Richard Burton (actor) 97 Tony Benn 98 David Livingstone 99 Tim Berners Lee (WWW inventor) 100 Marie Stopes


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CALENDAR Wedding Anniversaries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Cotton / Paper Paper / Cotton Leather Fruit / Flowers Wood Sugar Wool / Copper

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Bronze / Pottery Pottery / Willow Tin Steel Silk / Linen Lace Ivory

15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Crystal China Silver Pearl Coral Ruby Sapphire

50 55 60 65 70 75

Golden Emerald Diamond Blue Sapphire Platinum Gold or Diamond

NB: Wedding anniversaries are an area of frustration for quiz players because there are slight variations to many of the gifts that are traditionally given on wedding anniversaries, and to complicate matters even more, some of the gifts have changed over the years: e.g. diamonds were traditionally given on a 75th wedding anniversary but after Queen Victoria celebrated her ‘Diamond’ Jubilee in 1897, this became the established gift for a 60th anniversary, and the 75th which was previously Diamond then became Gold, as opposed to ‘Golden’ for a 50th. A more common cause of frustration is the gift for a first anniversary. Cotton was traditionally given, as the ‘binding’ of two people who have tied the knot, but as in the case of so many infrequently used customs it has become traditional to think of a first anniversary as a paper one, after the certificate of marriage. Neither is right or wrong, as they have never been observed for any reason other than a convenient question to ask in a quiz. In fairness, it would be better for quiz-setters to avoid the more controversial anniversaries – e.g. 1st, 2nd, 75th – or if insisting on using them, it would be advisable to phrase the question in the form ‘If paper is a first anniversary, what is a second?’

Months of the French Revolutionary Calendar (each month was divided into three 10-day weeks) Vendémiaire Brumaire Frimaire Nivôse Pluviôse Ventôse

(Grape harvest) (Mist) (Frost) (Snow) (Rain) (Wind)

23 Sep –22 Oct

Germinal Floréal Prairial Messidor Thermidor Fructidor

23 Oct –21 Nov 22 Nov –21 Dec 22 Dec –20 Jan 21 Jan –19 Feb 20 Feb –21 Mar

(Buds) (Flowers) (Meadows) (Harvest) (Heat) (Fruit)

22 Mar –20 Apr 21 Apr –20 May 21 May –19 Jun 20 Jun –19 Jul 20 Jul –18 Aug 19 Aug –22 Sep

Months of the Jewish Calendar Tishri Marheshvan Kislev Tevet Shevat

30 days 29 / 30 days 29 / 30 days 29 / 30 days 30 days

Adar* Ve-Adar† Nisan Iyyar Sivan

29 days 30 days 30 days 29 days 30 days

Tammuz Av Elul

29 days 30 days 29 days

*30 days in a leap year 13th month every 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, & 19th year of a 19-year cycle NB: The Jewish calendar places the creation at 3761 BCE.

Months of the Muslim Calendar 1 2 3 4

Muharram Safar Rabia I Rabia II

30 days 29 days 30 days 29 days

5 6 7 8

Jumâda I Jumâda II Rajab Shaaban

30 days 29 days 30 days 29 days

9 10 11 12

Ramadan Shawwal Dhâl-Qa’da Dhâl-Hijja

30 days 29 days 30 days 29 days*

*30 days in a leap year NB: The first day of the first month of the Islamic calendar (1 Muharram 1 AH) was Friday, 16 July AD 622 marking the Prophet’s move from Mecca to Medina.


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Other Calendars Indian

Vikrama Era Saka Era Buddhist Era Jain Era Parsee Era


Dates from 23 Feb 57 BC Dates from 3 Mar AD 78 Dates from 543 BC Dates from 527 BC (death of Vardhamana) Dates from 16 Jun AD 632

Japanese Days (months are numbered)

Nichiyobi Getsuyobi Kayobi Suiyobi Mokuyobi Kinyobi Doyobi

Sun-day Moon-day Fire-day Water-day Wood-day Metal-day Earth-day

Egypt and Ethiopia; dates from 29 Aug AD 284

Commemorative Days Advent Sunday All Saints’ Day All Souls’ Day Andrew’s Day, St Ascensiontide Ash Wednesday Assumption Australia Day Barnabas’s Day, St Bartholomew’s Day, St Bastille Day Burns Night Calends / Kalends Cecilia’s Day, St Commonwealth Day Corpus Christi Crispin’s Day, St David’s Day, St Easter Sunday Epiphany First day of year pre-1752 Francis of Assisi’s Day, St George Washington Day George’s Day, St Giles’ Day, St Good Friday Holy Saturday Immaculate Conception Day Independence Day (USA) John the Baptist’s Day, St John the Evangelist’s, St Labor Day (USA) Lady Day

Sunday nearest to 30 Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 30 Nov Ascension day to Whitsun Eve (10 days) The 1st day of Lent 15 Aug 26 Jan 11 Jun 24 Aug 14 Jul 25 Jan First day of each month in ancient Roman Calendar 22 Nov 2nd Monday in March Thursday after Trinity Sunday 25 Oct 1 Mar The 1st Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox 6 Jan 25 Mar 4 Oct 17 Feb (USA) 23 Apr 1 Sept Day before Easter Saturday Last day of Lent 8 Dec 4 Jul 24 Jun 27 Dec Equivalent to our May Day, First Monday of September 25 Mar


The 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Saturday excluding Sundays Low Sunday The 1st after Easter Luke’s Day, St 18 Oct Maggie Thatcher Day 10 Jan on Falkland Islands Mark’s Day, St 25 Apr Martin Luther King Day (USA) 15 Jan Martin’s Day, St 11 Nov Matthew’s Day, St 21 Sept Maundy Thursday Day before Good Friday May Day Became public holiday in 1978 Michael’s Day, St 29 Sept Mothering Sunday 4th in Lent and 3rd before Easter New Year’s Day Became public holiday in 1974 Nicholas’ Day, St 6 Dec Nones (Roman Calendar) The 9th day before the ides of each month i.e. 7th of March, May, July and October and 5th of other months Orangeman’s Day Celebrated by Irish protestants on 12 July Palm Sunday Sunday before Easter Sunday Passion Sunday Sunday before Palm Sunday Patrick’s Day, St 17 Mar Paul’s Day, St 29 Jun Pentecost (Whit Sunday) 7th Sunday after Easter Sunday Peter’s Day, St 29 Jun Shrove Tuesday Day before Ash Wednesday Stephen’s Day, St 26 Dec Swithin’s Day, St 15 Jul Sylvester’s Day, St 31 Dec Thomas’ Day, St 21 Dec Trafalgar Day 21 Oct Trinity Sunday 1st Sunday after Whitsun Twelfth Night 5 Jan United Nations Day 24 Oct Valentine’s Day, St 14 Feb


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Scottish Quarter Days

English Quarter Days Lady Day Midsummer Day Michaelmas Christmas Day

25 March 24 June 29 September 25 December

NB: A useful mnemonic for remembering English Quarter Days is that three of the days end with the same number as letters in the month e.g. March has five letters so Lady Day is the 25th, June has four letters so Midsummer Day is 24th, September has nine letters so Michaelmas is 29th. Christmas Day should never be forgotten.

Candlemas Whitsuntide Lammas Martinmas

NB: Although the names of the four Scottish Quarter Days have remained the same, the dates changed in 1991. Candlemas used to be on 2 Feb, Lammas was 1 Aug and Martinmas was on 11 Nov. The date of Whitsuntide varied.

Birthstones January February March April May June July August September October November December

Chinese Years

Garnet Amethyst Bloodstone or Aquamarine Diamond Emerald Pearl, Agate Moonstone, or Alexandrite Ruby or Cornelian Sardonyx or Peridot Sapphire or Chrysolite Opal or Tourmaline Topaz Turquoise or Zircon

NB: Birthstones are also controversial, as once again some months have more than one stone. Attempts to introduce birthstones for each sign of the Zodiac have fallen largely out of use.

Snake (serpent) Horse Sheep (ram) Monkey Rooster (cock) Dog Pig Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon

8pm–midnight midnight–4am 4am–8am 8am–midday midday–4pm 4pm–6pm 6pm–8pm

NB: A bell is rung every half-hour during a watch, which therefore ends on eight bells or four for a dog watch. The New Year is brought in with 16 bells. Incidentally ‘Dog’ is thought to be a corruption of ‘dodge’, which was introduced to enable easier rostering.

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

NB: The calendar goes in 12-year cycles, so it continues Snake, 2013; Horse, 2014; and so on.

Watches at Sea First Watch Middle Watch Morning Watch Forenoon Watch Afternoon Watch First Dog Watch Last Dog Watch

28 February 28 May 28 August 28 November

Zodiac Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


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CINEMA A–Z of Films A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) Haley Joel Osment (David), Jude Law (Gigolo Joe), William Hurt, Brendan Gleeson, Frances O’Connor. Child robot searches for the mother who abandoned him. Dir. Steven Spielberg. À Nous la Liberté (1931) Raymond Cordy, Henri Marchand. Factory owner is blackmailed about his past and is helped by an old prison friend. US title: Freedom for Us. Dir. René Clair. Abbott & Costello Go to Mars (1953) Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Mari Blanchard, Martha Hyer, Robert Paige. Despite the title, they land first in Louisiana and then on Venus! Dir. Charles Lamont. Abbott & Costello Meet Captain Kidd (1952) Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Charles Laughton, Leif Erickson. Dir. Charles Lamont. Abbott & Costello Meet Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (1953) Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Boris Karloff, Craig Stevens. This film starring Boris Karloff was given an ‘X’ certificate in its day. Dir. Charles Lamont. Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jnr. Dracula and the Wolf Man also -feature. GB title: Abbott & Costello Meet the Ghosts. Dir. Charles Barton. Abbott & Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (1948) Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Boris Karloff, Gary Moore. Boris Karloff is not the killer and appears very little. Dir. Charles Barton. Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940) Raymond Massey (Abraham Lincoln), Ruth Gordon. GB title: Spirit of the People. Dir. John Cromwell. Abominable Dr Phibes, The (1971) Vincent Price, Joseph Cotten, Terry-Thomas. Dr Phibes, a disfigured musical genius, avenges his wife’s death at the hands of surgeons. Sequel: Dr Phibes Rises Again (1972), starred Price, Terry-Thomas, Beryl Reid, John Thaw. Dir. Robert Fuest. Abominable Snowman, The (1957) Peter Cushing, Forrest Tucker, Richard Wattis. US title: The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas. Dir. Val Guest. About a Boy (2002) Hugh Grant (Will Freeman), Nicholas Hoult, Sharon Small, Madison Cook, Jordan Cook, Toni Collette, Rachel Weisz. Layabout philanderer exploits single mothers but has responsibility, in the form of a 12-year-old boy, thrust upon him. Based on a Nick Hornby novel. Dir. Chris and Paul Weitz. About Schmidt (2002) Jack Nicholson (Warren Schmidt), Hope Davis (Jeannie), Dermot Mulroney (Randall Hertzel), Kathy Bates (Roberta Hertzel), Len Cariou (Ray), Howard Hesseman (Larry), June Squibb (Helen Schmidt). A retired actuary has to deal with life as an aged widower. Dir. Alexander Payne. Above and Beyond (1952) Robert Taylor (Colonel Paul Tibbets, who dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan). Dirs. Melvin Frank and Norman Panama. Absence of Malice (1981) Paul Newman, Sally Field. Dir. Sydney Pollack. Absent-Minded Professor, The (1961) Fred MacMurray, Tommy Kirk, Keenan Wynn, Ed Wynn. Lighter than air substance called ‘Flubber’ allows the Professor’s Model-T Ford to fly. Sequel Son of Flubber. Dir. Robert Stevenson. Absolute Beginners (1986) Eddie O’Connell, Patsy Kensit, David Bowie (Vendice Partners), Ray Davies, James Fox, Steven Berkoff, Mandy Rice Davies, Robbie Coltrane, Irene Handl, Eric Sykes, Lionel Blair. Teen life in 1958 London. Dir. Julien Temple. Absolute Power (1997) Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, EG Marshall, Laura Linney, Judy Davis. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Accident (1967) Dirk Bogarde, Stanley Baker, Vivien Merchant, Michael York. Screenplay by Harold Pinter. Dir. Joseph Losey. Accidental Hero (1992) Dustin Hoffman (Bernie Laplante), Geena Davis (Gale Gayley), Andy Garcia (John Bubber). Screenplay by David Webb Peoples, the writer of Unforgiven and Blade Runner. Dir. Stephen Frears. Accidental Tourist, The (1988) William Hurt, Kathleen Turner, Geena Davis. Geena Davis won Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Dir. Lawrence Kasdan. Accused, The (1988) Kelly McGillis (Kathryn Murphy), Jodie Foster (Sarah Tobias), Bernie Coulson. Jodie Foster won Academy Award for Best Actress. Dir. Jonathan Kaplan. Ace in the Hole (1951) Kirk Douglas (Chuck Tatum), Jan Sterling (Lorraine), Porter Hall (Boot), Ray Teal (Sheriff). In order to boost newspaper sales a journalist delays the rescue of a man trapped in a cave. Aka: The Big Carnival. Dir. Billy Wilder. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective (1994) Jim Carrey, Courteney Cox, Sean Young, Tone Loc. Ace is hired to recover the Miami Dolphins’ dolphin mascot. Dir. Tom Shadyac. Ace Ventura, When Nature Calls (1995) Jim Carrey, Ian McNeice, Simon Callow, Adewalé. Ace goes to Africa to find a sacred white bat. Dir. Steve Oedekerk. Across the Pacific (1942) Humphrey Bogart (Rick Leland), Mary Astor (Alberta Marlow), Sydney Greenstreet (Dr Lorenz). Huston was called up mid-film and it was eventually completed by Vincent Sherman. Dir. John Huston. Actress, The (1928) Norma Shearer, Ralph Forbes. This film was the opening attraction at London’s Empire Theatre, Leicester Square. GB title: Trelawney of the Wells. Dir. Sidney Franklin. Adam’s Rib (1949) Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Judy Holliday. Dir. George Cukor. Adaptation (2002) Nicolas Cage (Charlie Kaufman/Donald Kaufman), Meryl Streep (Susan Orlean), Chris Cooper (John Laroche), Tilda Swinton (Valerie), Cara Seymour (Amelia), Brian Cox (Robert McKee), Judy Greer (Alice the Waitress), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Caroline). Cage plays twin brothers, a neurotic screenwriter with writer’s block struggling to adapt a book about a Florida orchid-breeder and a happier individual who writes a script about a serial killer. Dir. Spike Jonze. Addams Family, The (1991) Anjelica Huston (Morticia), Raul Julia (Gomez), Christopher Lloyd (Uncle Fester). Impostor arrives at the Addams family home purporting to be a long-lost elder brother. Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld. Addams Family Values (1993) Anjelica Huston (Morticia), Raul Julia (Gomez), Christopher Lloyd (Uncle Fester). Sequel in which the Addams children try, unsuccessfully, to kill the new baby. Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld. Addicted To Love (1997) Meg Ryan (Maggie), Matthew Broderick (Sam), Kelly Preston (Linda), Tcheky Karyo (Anton) Dir. Griffin Dunne. Addiction, The (1996) Christopher Walken, Lili Taylor. Dir. Abel Ferrara. Admirable Crichton, The (1957) Kenneth More, Cecil Parker, Sally Ann Howes, Diane Cilento, Peter Graves, Gerald Harper. US title: Paradise Lagoon. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Adolf Hitler – My Part In His Downfall (1972) Jim Dale (Spike Milligan), Spike Milligan (Milligan’s father), Arthur Lowe, Bill Maynard. Notable for appearance of Spike Milligan playing the part of his father. Dir. Norman Cohen. Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother, The (1975) Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman, Madeline Kahn, Thorley Walters. Dir. Gene Wilder. Adventures of Arsène Lupin, The (1956) Robert Lamoureux, Liselotte Pulver, Otto Hasse. Based on the Jewel Thief character created by Maurice Leblanc. Dir. Jacques Becker. Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1989) John Neville, Eric Idle, Sarah Polley, Oliver Reed, Uma Thurman. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Adventures of Barry Mackenzie, The (1972) Barry Crocker, Barry Humphries (Edna Everage), Peter Cook, Spike Milligan, Dennis Price. Private Eye comic strip fantasy. (The 1974 sequel was called Barry Mackenzie Holds His Own.) Dir. Bruce Beresford. Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941) Tom Tyler (Billy Batson alias Captain Marvel). Assistant radio operator on scientific trip to Siam is endowed with superpowers by the mysterious ‘Shazam’ and battles against the evil ‘Scorpion’. Dir. John English & William Witney. Adventures of Mark Twain (1944) Fredric March (Twain), Alexis Smith, Alan Hale. Dir. Irving Rapper.


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Adventures of Milo and Otis (1986) Narrated by Dudley Moore, the tale of a puppy in search of his friend, a -kitten. This film was the second most popular film ever made in Japan. Dir. Masanori Hata. Adventures of Pinocchio, The (1996) Martin Landau, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Geneviève Bujold, Griff Rhys Jones, Dawn French. Dir. Steve Barron. Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (1994) Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving, Bill Hunter, Guy Pearce. Two transvestites and a transsexual drive a bus from Sydney to Alice Springs for a cabaret gig. Dir. Stephan Elliott. Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938) Errol Flynn (Robin), Basil Rathbone (Guy of Gisbourne), Claude Rains (Prince John), Olivia de Havilland (Marian), Alan Hale (Little John), Ian Hunter (King Richard), Melville Cooper (Sheriff of Nottingham). Won Academy Awards for Music and Editing. Dir. William Keighley and Michael Curtiz. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The (1953) Dan O’Herlihy (Crusoe), Jaime Fernandez (Friday). Dir. Luis Buñuel. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (1939) Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, George Zucco (Moriarty), Mary Gordon (Mrs Hudson). GB title: Sherlock Holmes. Dir. Alfred Werker. Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (1938) Tommy Kelly (Tom), Jackie Moran (Huck), Ann Gillis (Becky Thatcher). Dir. Norman Taurog. Advise and Consent (1962) Charles Laughton, Henry Fonda, Walter Pidgeon, Don Murray. Dir. Otto Preminger. African Queen, The (1951) Humphrey Bogart (Charlie Allnutt), Katharine Hepburn (Rose Sayer), Robert Morley. Based on the CS Forester novel. Humphrey Bogart awarded the Best Actor Oscar. Dir. John Huston. Agatha (1979) Vanessa Redgrave (Agatha Christie), Dustin Hoffman, Timothy Dalton. Tells the story of Agatha Christie’s disappearance in 1926. Dir. Michael Apted. Age of Innocence, The (1993) Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder, Richard E Grant. Wealthy lawyer falls in love with his wife’s cousin. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Agony and the Ecstasy, The (1965) Charlton Heston (Michelangelo), Rex Harrison (Pope Julius II). Based on the Irving Stone novel. Dir. Carol Reed. Aida (1953) Sophia Loren, Lois Maxwell. Based on Verdi’s opera. Dir. Clemente Fracassi. Airborne (1993) Shane McDermott, Seth Green, Brittney Powell. Surfer moves to Cincinnati and becomes a rollerblade champion. Dir. Rob Bowman. Airforce One (1997) Harrison Ford (President James Marshall), Jurgen Prochnow (General Radek), Gary Oldman (Korshunov) Dir. Wolfgang Petersen. Airplane! (1980) Robert Stack, Lloyd Bridges, Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Julie Hagerty. (The 1982 sequel, Airplane II, was directed by Ken Finkleman.) Dir. J. Abrahams, David and Jerry Zucker. Airport (1970) Burt Lancaster, Dean Martin, Jean Seberg, Helen Hayes (Best Supporting Actress Oscar). Based on the Arthur Hailey novel. Dir. George Seaton. Al Capone (1959) Rod Steiger (Capone), Fay Spain, Nehemiah Persoff, Martin Balsam. Dir. Richard Wilson. Aladdin (1992) Voices of Robin Williams (Genie), Linda Larkin (Jasmine), Scott Weinger (Aladdin). ‘Whole New World’ won Best Song Oscar (music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Tim Rice) Dir. John Musker and Ron Clements. Alamo, The (1960) John Wayne (Davy Crockett), Richard Widmark (Jim Bowie), Laurence Harvey (Travis), Frankie Avalon (Smitty), Richard Boone (Houston) Dir. John Wayne. Alamo, The (2004) Dennis Quaid (Sam Houston), Billy Bob Thornton (Davy Crockett), Jason Patric (Jim Bowie), Patrick Wilson (William Travis), Emilio Echevarria (Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana). Based on the 1836 battle. Dir. John Lee Hancock. Albert RN (1953) Jack Warner, Anthony Steel, Robert Beatty, Anton Diffring. POWs build a life-like dummy to cover the absence of escapers. US title: Break to Freedom. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Albino Alligator (1997) Faye Dunaway, Matt Dillon. Villains hold a group of New Yorkers hostage in a bar. Dir. Kevin Spacey. Alexander (2004) Colin Farrell (Alexander the Great), Jared Leto (Hephaestion), Angelina Jolie (Queen Olympias), Val Kilmer (King Philip II), Raz Degan (Darius III of Persia), Christopher Plummer (Aristotle), Anthony Hopkins (Ptolemy I Soter). Dir. Oliver Stone. Alexander the Great (1956) Richard Burton (Alexander), Fredric March, Claire Bloom. Dir. Robert Rossen. Alexander’s Ragtime Band (1938) Tyrone Power, Alice Faye, Don Ameche, Ethel Merman. Dir. Henry King. Alf Garnett Saga, The (1972) Warren Mitchell, Dandy Nichols. The Una Stubbs and Tony Booth parts were played by Adrienne Posta and Mike Angelis. Dir. Bob Kellett. Alfie (1966) Michael Caine (Alfie), Vivien Merchant, Shirley Anne Field, Jane Asher, Millicent Martin, Shelley Winters. Theme song sung by Cher. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Alfie (2004) Jude Law (Alfie), Marisa Tomei (Julie), Omar Epps (Marlon), Nia Long (Lonette), Jane Krakowski (Dorie), Sienna Miller (Nikki), Tara Summers (Carol), Susan Sarandon (Liz). A reinvention of of the 1960s film. Dir. Charles Shyer. Alfie Darling (1975) Alan Price, Jill Townsend, Joan Collins, Annie Ross, Hannah Gordon, Rula Lenska. Alan Price takes over the Michael Caine role as well as contributing the music. Dir. Ken Hughes. Algiers (1938) Charles Boyer, Hedy Lamarr, Alan Hale. The famous line ‘Come with me to the Casbah’ was never actually said in this film. Dir. John Cromwell. Ali (2001) Will Smith (Ali), Jamie Foxx (Drew ‘Bundini’ Brown), Jon Voight (Howard Cosell), Mario Van Peebles (Malcolm X), Ron Silver (Angelo Dundee), Mykelti Williamson (Don King), LeVar Burton (Martin Luther King Jr), Albert Hall (Elijah Muhammad), Giancarlo Esposito (Ali’s father), Michael Michele (Veronica), Nona Gaye (Belinda). Dir. Michael Mann. Ali G Indahouse (2002) Sacha Baron Cohen, Michael Gambon, Charles Dance, Kellie Bright (Me Julie), Martin Freeman. Black rapper becomes a national hero after becoming an MP. Dir. Mark Mylod. Alice (1990) Mia Farrow, Joe Mantegna, Alec Baldwin, William Hurt. Dir. Woody Allen. Alice Doesn’t Live Here Any More (1974) Ellen Burstyn, Kris Kristofferson, Jodie Foster, Diane Ladd, Alfred Lutter. Ellen Burstyn won Academy Award for Best Actress. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Alice in Wonderland (1933) Charlotte Henry (Alice), WC Fields (Humpty Dumpty), Cary Grant (Mock Turtle), Gary Cooper (White Knight). Ida Lupino was brought from the UK for the title role but ultimately not used. Dir. Norman Z McLeod. Alice in Wonderland (2010) Mia Wasikowska (Alice Kingsleigh), Johnny Depp (Tarrant Hightopp - The Hatter), Helena Bonham Carter (Iracebeth of Crims - The Red Queen), Anne Hathaway (Mirana of Marmoreal - The White Queen), Matt Lucas (Tweedledee and Tweedledum). Voice actors: Stephen Fry (Chessur – The Cheshire Cat), Alan Rickman (Absolem The Caterpillar), Christopher Lee (The Jabberwocky), Paul Whitehouse (Thackery Earwicket - The March Hare), Michael Sheen (Nivens McTwisp - The White Rabbit), Barbara Windsor (Mallymkun - The Dormouse). Computer-animated and live action reinvention of the classic story. Dir. Tim Burton. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1972) Fiona Fullerton (Alice), Michael Crawford (White Rabbit), Robert Helpmann (Mad Hatter), Dudley Moore (Dormouse), Spike Milligan (Gryphon), Peter Sellers (March Hare), Michael Hordern (Mock Turtle), Ralph Richardson (Caterpillar) Dir. William Sterling. Alice’s Restaurant (1969) Arlo Guthrie, Pat Quinn, James Broderick. Dir. Arthur Penn. Alien (1979) Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Ian Holm, Harry Dean Stanton. Dir. Ridley Scott. Alien Resurrection (1997) Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder, Dominique Pinou, Ron Perlman. Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Aliens (1986) Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn, Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton. Sequel to Alien which won Academy Award for Special Visual Effects. Dir. James Cameron. Alien 3 (1992) Sigourney Weaver, Charles S Dutton, Charles Dance, Paul McGann. Dir. David Fincher.


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All about Eve (1950) Bette Davis (Margo Channing), George Sanders (Addison de Witt; Best Supporting Actor, Anne Baxter (Eve), Marilyn Monroe (Miss Caswell). Won Best Film Oscar. As well as Oscars above, Joseph L Mankiewicz won Academy Awards for Writing & Directing. Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz. All Creatures Great and Small (1974) Anthony Hopkins, Simon Ward, TP McKenna. Sponsored by Reader’s Digest. Dir. Claude Whatham. All of Me (1984) Steve Martin (Roger Cobb), Lily Tomlin (Edwina Cutwater), Victoria Tennant (Terry Hoskins) Dir. Carl Reiner. All or Nothing (2002) Timothy Spall, Lesley Manville, Alison Garland, James Cordon, Ruth Sheen, Marion Bailey. Dir. Mike Leigh. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) Lew Ayres (Paul Baumer), Louis Wolheim (Katczinsky). Based on novel by Erich Maria Remarque. Dir. Lewis Milestone. All That Jazz (1979) Roy Scheider, Jessica Lange, Ann Reinking, Leland Palmer, Ben Vereen. Semi-autobiographical musical of Fosse’s life which won Oscars for Editing, Art Direction, Musical Adaptation & Costume Design. Dir. Bob Fosse. All That Money Can Buy (1941) Walter Huston (Mr Scratch), Edward Arnold (Daniel Webster). Bernard Herrmann won Oscar for his music for this Faustian version of Stephen Vincent Benet’s The Devil and Daniel Webster. Dir. William Dieterle. All the Fine Young Cannibals (1960) Robert Wagner, Natalie Wood, Pearl Bailey. A fine young pop group took their name from the title of this film. Dir. Michael Anderson. All the King’s Men (1949) Broderick Crawford, Joanne Dru, John Ireland, Mercedes McCambridge (Best Film Oscar). Academy Awards for Broderick Crawford (Best Actor) and Mercedes McCambridge (Best Supporting Actress). Dir. Robert Rossen. All the President’s Men (1976) Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Robards Jnr. Reconstruction of the White House link with the Watergate affair by the Washington Post. Dir. Alan J Pakula. Almost an Angel (1990) Paul Hogan (Terry Dean), Elias Koteas (Steve), Linda Kozlowski (Rose Garner) Dir. John Cornell. Alphabet Murders, The (1965) Tony Randall, Robert Morley, Anita Ekberg, Margaret Rutherford (cameo role as Miss Marple). Based on The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie. Notable for the fact that Randall plays several characters as well as Poirot. Dir. Frank Tashlin. Always (1989) Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, Audrey Hepburn. Remake of the 1944 film A Guy Named Joe about a dead pilot’s ghostly return to matchmake his girlfriend. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Amadeus (1984) F Murray Abraham (Salieri), Tom Hulce (Mozart), Elizabeth Berridge (Constance Mozart). Filmed mainly in Prague. The part of Constance was originally Meg Tilly’s but she was injured in a soccer match the day before shooting began. Dir. Milos Forman. Amélie (2001) Audrey Tautou (Amélie), Mathieu Kassovitz (Nino Quincampoix), Rufus (Raphael Poulain). A young woman full of joie de vivre has a rejuvenating effect on the people of a French town. French title: Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain. Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet. American Beauty (1999) Kevin Spacey (Lester Burnham), Annette Bening, Thora Birch, Wes Bentley. Dir. Sam Mendes. American Gigolo (1980) Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton. Music by Giorgio Moroder. Christopher Reeve allegedly refused $1 million to play the lead. Dir. Paul Schrader. American Graffiti (1973) Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Candy Clark. Film was set in 1962 California. Dir. George Lucas. American in Paris, An (1951) Gene Kelly, Oscar Levant, Leslie Caron. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. America’s Sweethearts (2001) Julia Roberts, Billy Crystal, Catherine Zeta-Jones, John Cusack, Christopher Walken. Dir. Joe Roth. Amityville Horror, The (1979) James Brolin, Margot Kidder, Rod Steiger, Don Stroud. (The 1982 film Amityville II: The Possession was in fact a prequel.) Dir. Stuart Rosenberg. Amour (2012) Jean-Louis Trintignant (Georges Laurent), Emmanuelle Riva (Anne Laurent), Isabelle Huppert (Eva Laurent). The story of a couple’s struggle with age-related illness which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Dir. Michael Haneke. An Education (2009) Carey Mulligan (Jenny Miller), Peter Sarsgaard (David Goldman), Dominic Cooper (Danny), Rosamund Pike (Helen), Emma Thompson (Miss Walters), Alfred Molina (Jack Miller), Olivia Williams (Miss Stubbs), Cara Seymour (Marjorie Miller). Written by Nick Hornby and Lynn Barber and set in England in 1961. Schoolgirl Jenny is given a lift home by David, an older man, and the two strike up a relationship. Dir. Lone Scherfig. Anaconda (1997) Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Jon Voight, Eric Stoltz. Dir. Luis Llosa. Anastasia (1956) Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, Helen Hayes. Bergman’s award-winning performance was all the more noteworthy as this was her comeback after being ostracised for ‘immoral behaviour’. Dir. Anatole Litvak. Anchors Aweigh (1945) Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Katherine Grayson. Notable for the homophonic spelling of the title and a memorable dance scene between Gene Kelly and Jerry Mouse. Dir. George Sidney. And God Created Woman (1988) Rebecca DeMornay (Robin Shay), Frank Langella (Jim Tiernan), Donovan Leitch (Pete Moran). Remake of the 1957 classic starring Brigitte Bardot. Dir. Roger Vadim. And Soon The Darkness (1970) Michele Dotrice, Pamela Franklin, Sandor Eles, John Nettleton. Cult film about 2 young nurses on a cycling holiday in France. Dir. Robert Fuest. And Then There Were None (1945) Walter Huston, Barry Fitzgerald, Richard Haydn, Queenie Leonard. GB title: Ten Little Niggers (after the novel it was based on by Agatha Christie) Dir. René Clair. And Then There Were None (1974) Oliver Reed, Richard Attenborough, Elke Sommer, Charles Aznavour, Herbert Lom. US title: Ten Little Indians. The writer Peter Welbeck is in fact Harry Alan Towers, a curious -character who has made a living out of remaking this film. Dir. Peter Collinson. Angela’s Ashes (1999) Emily Watson (Angela), Robert Carlyle, Joe Breen (Young Frank), Ciaran Owen (Adolescent Frank), Michael Legge (Grown-up Frank). Based on Frank McCourt bestseller about the life of a Roman Catholic writer brought up in poverty-stricken Limerick. Ultimately fails to capture the spirit and sense of identity of the Irish people but a touching story of triumph over adversity. Dir. Alan Parker. Angels With Dirty Faces (1938) James Cagney, Pat O’Brien, Dead End Kids, Ann Sheridan, Humphrey Bogart. Memorable final scenes when the gangster goes to the electric chair. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Animal Crackers (1930) Groucho Marx (Captain Spaulding), Chico, Harpo, Zeppo, and Margaret Dumont. Thieves covet a valuable oil painting unveiled at a swank party. Dir. Victor Heerman. Anna and the King of Siam (1946) Irene Dunne, Rex Harrison, Linda Darnell. In 1862 an English governess arrives in Bangkok to teach the 67 children of the King. Dir. John Cromwell. Anna Christie (1930) Greta Garbo, Charles Bickford, Marie Dressler. Prostitute falls in love with a seaman. This was the film in which Garbo first talked. Dir. Clarence Brown. Anna Karenina (1935) Greta Garbo (Anna), Fredric March (Count Vronsky). Based on the Tolstoy novel. Dir. Clarence Brown. A 1948 British version starring Vivien Leigh was less successful although the 2012 Tom Stoppard film adaptation of the novel directed by Joe Wright and starring Keira Knightley as Anna Arcadievna Karenina, Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Count Alexei Vronsky and Jude Law as Alexei Karenin won an Oscar for Costume Design. Anne of Green Gables (1934) Anne Shirley (Anne), Tom Brown. Based on the LM Montgomery novel set on Prince Edward Island and notable for the fact that its star changed her name from Dawn O’Day to Anne Shirley to play the part. Dir. George Nicholls Jnr. Anne of the Thousand Days (1969) Richard Burton (Henry VIII), Geneviève Bujold (Boleyn) John Colicos (Thomas Cromwell). Highly acclaimed film with many Oscar nominations but no awards. Dir. Charles Jarrott. Annie Get Your Gun (1950) Betty Hutton (Annie Oakley), Howard Keel, Edward Arnold. Judy Garland was originally cast but was fired after her displays of temperament. Dir. George Sidney. Annie Hall (1977) Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Paul Simon, Shelley Duvall. Oscars for Best Picture, Script, Direction Actress. Classic line by Woody Allen: ‘Hey, don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone I love’. Dir. Woody Allen.


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Another Woman (1988) Gena Rowlands, Mia Farrow, Ian Holm, Gene Hackman. Dir. Woody Allen. Anthony Adverse (1936) Fredric March, Olivia de Havilland, Claude Rains, Akim Tamiroff. Based on the novel by Hervey Allen, this film won minor Academy Awards. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. Antonia’s Line (1995) Willeke van Ammelrooy, Els Dottemans, Jan Decleir. Dir. Marleen Gorris. Antony and Cleopatra (1972) Charlton Heston, Hildegarde Neil, Fernando Rey, John Castle (Octavius). Based on Shakespeare’s play. Both Olivier and Orson Welles were sought for the lead. Dir. Charlton Heston. Antz (1998) Voices of Woody Allen, Dan Aykroyd, Anne Bancroft, Sharon Stone, Sylvester Stallone. Dir. Eric Darnell and Tim Johnson. Anything Goes (1936) Bing Crosby, Ethel Merman, Charles Ruggles, Ida Lupino. PG Wodehouse adapted much of the script from the successful Broadway show but only 3 of Cole Porter’s songs were retained. Dir. Lewis Milestone. Anything Goes (1956) Bing Crosby, Donald O’Connor, Zizi Jeanmaire, Mitzi Gaynor. Same story of the stars of a musical comedy each signing a different female lead. Dir. Robert Lewis. Apartment, The (1960) Jack Lemmon (CC Baxter), Shirley Maclaine (Fran Kubelik), Fred MacMurray (Jeff D Sheldrake). Insurance co. name: Consolidated Life. Last line of film by Miss Kubelik: ‘Shut up and deal’. Dir. Billy Wilder. Apocalypse Now (1979) Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall, Marlon Brando, Harrison Ford. Vittorio Storaro won Oscar for Photography. Harvey Keitel originally played Willard but was replaced by Martin Sheen. Dir. Francis Coppola. Apollo 13 (1995) Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Ed Harris, Emile Ann Lloyd. Won Oscar for Sound Effects. Dir. Ron Howard. Arbitrage (2012) Richard Gere (Robert Miller), Susan Sarandon (Ellen Miller), Tim Roth (Det Bryer), Brit Marling (Brooke Miller). A hedge fund manager’s life takes a turn for the worse following his attempt to cover up a fraud. Dir. Nicholas Jarecki. Argo (2012) Ben Affleck (Tony Mendez), Bryan Cranston (Jack O'Donnell), Alan Arkin (Lester Siegel), John Goodman (John Chambers). Adapted from the book The Master of Disguise by CIA operative Tony Mendez, and Joshuah Berman's 2007 article "The Great Escape" in Wired magazine about the "Canadian Caper", in which Mendez led the rescue of six US diplomats from Tehran, Iran, during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. The film won three Academy Awards. Dir. Ben Affleck. Aria (1987) Theresa Russell, Nicola Swain, Jack Kyle, Marion Peters, Beverley D’Angelo, Elizabeth Hurley, John Hurt, Bridget Fonda. Ten episodes each based on a different opera. Ten Directors: Nicolas Roeg, Jean-Luc Godard, Charles Sturridge, Julien Temple, Bruce Beresford, Robert Altman, Franc Roddam, Ken Russell, Derek Jarman, Bill Bryden. Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) David Niven, Cantinflas, Robert Newton, Shirley Maclaine. Although, winning a Best Film Oscar, this film is more notable for the galaxy of stars that had cameos., e.g. Sinatra, George Raft, John Mills, Noël Coward, Buster Keaton, Marlene Dietrich. Dir. Mike Anderson and Kevin McClory. Arsenic and Old Lace (1942) released 1944. Cary Grant (Mortimer Brewster), Josephine Hull (Abby), Jean Adair (Martha), Raymond Massey (Jonathan), John Alexander (Teddy), Peter Lorre (Dr Einstein), Grant Mitchell (Rev Harper). Two old ladies poison unsuspecting visitors with elderberry wine and have their mad brother, who believes they are yellow fever victims, bury them in the cellar. Raymond Massey was imitating Boris Karloff. Dir. Frank Capra. Arthur (1981) Dudley Moore (Arthur Bach), John Gielgud (Hobson), Liza Minnelli (Linda Marolla). Gielgud won Oscar as Best Supporting Actor and ‘Best That You Can Do’ won Best Song Oscar. Dir. Steve Gordon. A 2011 remake, directed by Jason Winer, with Russell Brand taking over the title role performed poorly at the box office. Arthur 2: On the Rocks (1988) Dudley Moore (Arthur Bach), John Gielgud (Hobson), Liza Minnelli (Linda Marolla Bach). Brogan Lane, the ex-Mrs Moore, appears briefly as ‘Cindy’. Dir. Bud Yorkin. Artist, The (2011) Jean Dujardin (George Valentin), Bérénice Bejo (Peppy Miller), Uggie (Jack - the dog), John Goodman (Al Zimmer), Penelope Ann Miller (Doris Valentin), Malcolm McDowell (The Butler). Story of a fading silent film actor and his relationship with a rising young actress of talking films. The film won five Academy Awards. Dir. Michel Hazanavicius. As Good As It Gets (1997) Jack Nicholson (Best Actor Oscar), Helen Hunt (Best Actor Oscar), Greg Kinnear. Dir. James L Brooks. Ashanti (1979) Michael Caine, Omar Sharif, Peter Ustinov, Rex Harrison, William Holden. Wife of a member of the World Health Organisation is seized by slave traders in West Africa. Dir. Richard Fleischer. Ask a Policeman (1938) Will Hay, Graham Moffatt, Moore Marriott. Classic written by Val Guest and remade by him in 1983 as the somewhat less popular The Boys in Blue starring Cannon and Ball. Dir. Marcel Varnel. Asphalt Jungle, The (1950) Sterling Hayden (Dix Handley), Louis Calhern (Alonzo D Emmerich), Marilyn Monroe (Angela Phinlay) Dir. John Huston. Assassination Bureau, The (1968) Oliver Reed, Diana Rigg, Telly Savalas, Curt Jurgens. In 1906, a woman journalist breaks up an international gang of professional killers by falling in love with their leader. Dir. Basil Dearden. Assassins (1995) Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, Julianne Moore. Hitman decides to quit but is menaced by a younger rival. Dir. Richard Donner. Associate, The (1996) Whoopi Goldberg (Laurel Ayres and ‘male’ alter ego Robert S Cutty), Dianne Wiest (Sally), Tim Daly, Eli Wallach. Dir. Donald Petrie. Asterix and the Big Fight (1989) Voices of Bill Oddie, Bernard Bresslaw, Ron Moody, Sheila Hancock, Brian Blessed, Peter Hawkins. Asterix attempts to restore the village soothsayer’s memory in order to make a potion to defeat the invading Romans. Dir. Philippe Grimond. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) Voices of Michael J Fox (Milo Thatch), Claudia Christian (Helga Sinclair), James Garner (Commander Rourke), John Mahoney (Preston B Whitmore), Corey Burton (Mole), Cree Summer (Princess Kida). Animated film in which a polyglot leads an expedition to discover Atlantis in 1914. Dir. Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise. Atonement (2007) Keira Knightley (Cecilia Tallis), James McAvoy (Robbie Turner), Saoirse Ronan (Briony Tallis, age 13), Romola Garai (Briony Tallis, age 18), Vanessa Redgrave (Older Briony), Brenda Blethyn (Grace Turner), Harriet Walter (Emily Tallis), Patrick Kennedy (Leon Tallis), Juno Temple (Lola Quincey). A young fledgling writer, Briony Tallis, irrevocably changes the course of several lives when she accuses her older sister’s lover of a crime he did not commit. The film comprises four parts, corresponding to the four parts of the novel. Some scenes are shown several times from different perspectives. Screenplay by Christopher Hampton based on the British romance novel by Ian McEwan. Dir. Joe Wright. Attila the Hun (1954) Anthony Quinn, Sophia Loren. Dir. Pietro Francisci. August (1995) Anthony Hopkins, Leslie Phillips, Kate Burton. Dir. Anthony Hopkins. Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) Mike Myers (Austin Powers/Goldmember/Fat Bastard/Dr Evil), Beyoncé Knowles (Foxxy Cleopatra), Michael Caine (Nigel Powers), Seth Green (Scott Evil), Verne Troyer (Mini-Me), Michael York (Basil Exposition), Robert Wagner (No. 2), Mindy Sterling (Frau Farbissina). Dir. Jay Roach. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997) Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, Michael York, Mimi Rogers, Robert Wagner, Seth Green. Dir. Jay Roach. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) Mike Myers (Austin Danger Powers/Dr Evil/Fat Bastard), Robert Wagner (No 2), Elizabeth Hurley (Vanessa Kensington Powers), Heather Graham (Felicity Shagwell), Michael York (Basil Exposition), Rob Lowe (Young No. 2), Seth Green (Scott Evil). Dir. Jay Roach. Autumn Leaves (1956) Joan Crawford, Cliff Robertson, Lorne Greene, Vera Miles. Spinster marries a young man who turns out to be a pathological liar and tries to murder her. Dir. Robert Aldrich. Avatar (2009) Sam Worthington (Jake Sully), Zoe Saldana (Neytiri), Sigourney Weaver (Dr Grace Augustine), Stephen Lang (Col Miles Quaritch), Michelle Rodriguez (Trudy Chacon), Giovanni Ribisi (Parker Selfridge), Joel Moore (Norm Spellman), CCH Pounder (Moat), Wes Studi (Eytukan), Laz Alonso (Tsu’tey), Dileep Rao (Dr Max Patel), Matt Gerald (Cpl Lyle Wainfleet), Sean Anthony Moran (Pte Fike). Jake Sully, a paraplegic marine on Earth, is morphed into becoming one of the indigenous population of Pandora, in order to


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communicate an evacuation order, but falls in love with the chief’s daughter, Neytiri, and becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home. The film is notable for its stunning 3D effects. Dir. James Cameron. Aviator, The (2004) Leonardo DiCaprio (Howard Hughes), Cate Blanchett (Katharine Hepburn), Kate Beckinsale (Ava Gardner), John C Reilly (Noah Dietrich), Alec Baldwin (Juan Trippe), Alan Alda (Senator Ralph Owen Brewster), Ian Holm (Professor Fitz), Kelli Garner (Faith Domergue), Brent Spiner (Robert Gross), Jude Law (Errol Flynn), Matt Ross (Glenn Odekirk), Adam Scott (Johnny Meyer), Gwen Stefani (Jean Harlow), Willem Dafoe (Roland Sweet), Danny Huston (Jack Frye). Biopic of a 20-year period in the life of Howard Hughes. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Awakening, The (1980) Charlton Heston, Susannah York, Jill Townsend, Stephanie Zimbalist. Based on Bram Stoker novel Jewel of the Seven Stars about an archaeologist who believes the spirit of an Egyptian queen has entered the soul of his daughter. Dir. Mike Newell. Awakenings (1990) Robert De Niro (Leonard Lowe) Robin Williams (Dr Sayer) Max Von Sydow (Dr Ingham). Based on factual development in treatment of mental illness. Robin Williams broke De Niro’s nose accidentally. Dir. Penny Marshall. Awfully Big Adventure, An (1994) Georgina Cates, Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Peter Firth, Prunella Scales, Nicola Pagett. Romance in a Liverpool repertory theatre in 1947. Dir. Mike Newell. Babe (1995) James Cromwell, Magda Szubanski, Roscoe Lee Browne (Narrator). Orphaned piglet is adopted by a sheepdog. Based on a book by Dick King-Smith. Dir. Chris Noonan. Babe, The (1992) John Goodman, Kelly McGillis, Bruce Boxleitner. Dir. Arthur Hiller. Babel (2006) Brad Pitt (Richard Jones), Cate Blanchett (Susan Jones), Mohamed Akhzam (Anwar), Peter Wight (Tom), Harriet Walter (Lilly), Michael Maloney (James). Abdullah, a goatherd, buys a high-powered calibre .270 Winchester M70 rifle and a box of ammunition from his neighbour Hassan to shoot the jackals that have been preying on his goats. Abdullah gives the rifle to his two young sons, Yussef and Ahmed (played by local non-professional actors Boubker Ait El Caid and Said Tarchini), and sends them out to tend the herd, with tragic consequences for a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert. The drama completes Gonzalez Iñarritu’s Death Trilogy, with Amores Perros (2000) and 21 Grams (2003). Dir. Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. Babette’s Feast (1987) Stéphane Audran, Jean-Philippe Lafont, Jarl Kulle, Birgitte Federspiel. Best Foreign Language Oscar for this Danish film about a Lottery winner laying on an enormous banquet. The original story on which the film was based was written by Karen Blixen. Dir. Gabriel Axel. Baby Doll (1956) Karl Malden, Eli Wallach, Carroll Baker. Dir. Elia Kazan. Back to the Future (1985) Michael J Fox (Marty McFly), Christopher Lloyd (Dr Emmett Brown), Crispin Glover (George McFly). Notable for cameo roles by Billy Zane as Match, and Huey Lewis, who sings ‘Power of Love’. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Back to the Future II (1989) Michael J Fox (Marty McFly), Christopher Lloyd (Dr Emmett Brown), Lea Thompson (Lorraine Baines). Crispin Glover refused to take part for less than $1 million so lookalikes were used. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Back to the Future III (1990) Michael J Fox (Marty / Seamus McFly), Christopher Lloyd (Dr Emmett Brown), Lea Thompson (Lorraine Baines / Maggie McFly). Set in the Wild West of the 1880s. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Backdraft (1991) Kurt Russell (Stephen McCaffrey), William Baldwin (Brian McCaffrey), Rebecca DeMornay (Helen McCaffrey) Robert De Niro (Donald Rimgale) Donald Sutherland (Ronald Bartel). Two brothers track down an arsonist and expose corruption in the fire department. Dir. Ron Howard. Bad and the Beautiful, The (1952) Kirk Douglas (Jonathan Shields), Lana Turner (Georgia Lorrison), Walter Pidgeon (Harry Pebbel), Dick Powell (James Lee Bartlow). A director, a star, a screenwriter and an executive recall their experiences at the hands of a go-getting Hollywood producer. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Lee Marvin, Walter Brennan. Action takes place within 24 hours and concerns a one-armed stranger greeted with hostility by a town with something to hide. Dir. John Sturges. Bad Education (2004) Fele Martinez (Enrique Goded), Gael Garcia Bernal (School Friend/Zahara), Daniel Giménez Cacho (Father Manolo), Lluis Homar (Sir Berenguer), Javier Camara (Paca), Petra Martinez (Mother), Raul Garcia Forneiro (Young Enrique). A director, inspired by meeting an actor who claims to be his childhood lover, makes a film based on his schooldays; its story concerns a transsexual who, as a boy, was abused by a priest and later attempted to blackmail him. Dir. Pedro Almodóvar. Bad Influence (1990) Rob Lowe (Alex), James Spader (Michael Ball). Notable scene where Lowe tries to blow up a car by connecting a broken tail-light with a petrol tank is apparently a terrorist trick from which one important step was omitted. Dir. Curtis Hanson. Badlands (1973) Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek, Warren Oates. Teenage girl and garbage collector wander across America leaving a trail of murder. Dir. Terrence Malick. Ballad of the Sad Café, The (1991) Vanessa Redgrave (Miss Amelia Evans), Keith Carradine (Marvin Macy), Rod Steiger (Reverend Willin). Tale of a Southern town run by the despotic Redgrave, based on the novella by Carson McCullers. The film was shot at Willie Nelson’s farm. Dir. Simon Callow. Bananas (1971) Woody Allen, Louise Lasser, Carlos Montalban, Sylvester Stallone (walk-on as mugger). When asked why he called the film Bananas, Allen replied, ‘Because there are no bananas in it.’ Dir. Woody Allen. Bandit Queen (1994) Seema Biswas, Nirmal Pandey, Manjoj Baipal. Story of Phoolan Devi, a real-life Indian bandit and rape victim. Dir. Sheka Kapur. Bandits (2001) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Cate Blanchett, Troy Garity. Dir. Barry Levinson. Bank Dick, The (1940) WC Fields, Franklin Pangborn, Shemp Howard, Jack Norton. Fields wrote the script using his nom de plume of Mahatma Kane Jeeves, which derived from characters in old English plays. They would say ‘M’Hat, M’cane, Jeeves’. GB title: The Bank Detective. Dir. Eddie Cline. Barabbas (1962) Anthony Quinn, Silvano Mangano, Ernest Borgnine, Jack Palance. The eclipse of the Sun at the beginning was a real one filmed in Nice. Dir. Richard Fleischer. Barb Wire (1996) Pamela Anderson Lee, Temuera Morrison, Victoria Rowell. Set in civil-war-ravaged USA in 2017. Dir. David Hogan. Barbarella (1967) Jane Fonda, John Phillip Law, Milo O’Shea, David Hemmings, Marcel Marceau. Beautiful 40th-century astronaut prevents positronic ray from getting into the wrong hands. Dir. Roger Vadim. Barbarian Invasions, The (2003) Rémy Girard (Rémy), Stéphane Rousseau (Sebastien), Marie-Josée Croze (Nathalie), Marina Hands (Gaelle), Dorothée Berryman (Louise), Johanne Marie Tremblay (Sister Constance), Dominique Michel (Dominique), Louise Portal (Diane). French-Canadian film set in Montreal. A dying philandering academic is gradually reconciled with his son, a wealthy city trader. Dir. Denys Arcand. Barbarosa (1981) Willie Nelson (Barbarosa), Gary Busey (Karl), Isela Vega (Josephina). Old-style Western that was well received by critics. Dir. Fred Schepisi. Barbary Coast (1935) Edward G Robinson, Miriam Hopkins, Joel McCrea, Walter Brennan. Set during the San Francisco gold rush. Dir. Howard Hawks. Barefoot Contessa, The (1954) Humphrey Bogart (Harry Dawes), Ava Gardner (Maria Vargas), Edmond O’Brien (Muldoon). O’Brien won Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz. Barefoot in the Park (1967) Robert Redford (Paul Bratter), Jane Fonda (Corie Bratter), Charles Boyer (Victor Velasco), Mildred Natwick (Ethel Banks). Based on Neil Simon’s play. Dir. Gene Saks. Barkleys of Broadway, The (1949) Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Oscar Levant. Judy Garland was originally cast but withdrew through illness. Dir. Charles Walters. Barretts of Wimpole Street, The (1934) Norma Shearer (Elizabeth Barrett), Fredric March (Robert Browning), Charles Laughton (Edward Moulton-Barrett), Maureen O’Sullivan (Henrietta). The 1956 remake starred Jennifer Jones and Bill Travers. Dir. Sidney Franklin.


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Basic Instinct (1992) Michael Douglas (Nick Curran), Sharon Stone (Catherine Tramell), George Dzundza (Gus), Jeanne Tripplehorn (Dr Beth Garner), Leilani Sarelle (Roxy). Famous for a scene where the knickerless Stone crosses her legs. Dir. Paul Verhoeven. Sharon Stone reprised her role in Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction, opposite David Morrissey as Dr Michael Glass. Dir. Michael Caton-Jones. Basket Case (1982) Kevin Van Hentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, Beverly Bonner. First of 3 (to date) cult films – followed by Basket Case II (1990) and Basket Case 3: The Progeny (1992) – depicting Siamese twins with attitude. Dir. Frank Henenlotter. Batman (1989) Michael Keaton (Batman), Jack Nicholson (Joker), Kim Basinger (Vicki Vale), Jerry Hall (Alicia) Jack Palance (Grissom). Batman Returns (1992) starred Danny De Vito as Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot). Dir. Tim Burton. Batman and Robin (1997) George Clooney (Batman), Chris O’Donnell (Robin), Alicia Silverstone (Batgirl), Arnold Schwarzenegger (Mr Freeze), Uma Thurman (Poison Ivy). Schwarzenegger line: ‘Revenge is a dish best served cold’ originally heard in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Dir. Joel Schumacher. Batman Begins (2005) Christian Bale (Bruce Wayne/Batman), Michael Caine (Alfred), Liam Neeson (Henri Ducard), Katie Holmes (Rachel Dawes), Gary Oldman (Jim Gordon), Cillian Murphy (Dr Jonathan Crane), Tom Wilkinson (Carmine Falcone), Rutger Hauer (Earle), Ken Watanabe (Ra’s Al Ghul), Mark Boone Jnr (Flass), Linus Roache (Thomas Wayne). The story of how Bruce Wayne became what he was destined to be: Batman. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Batman Forever (1995) Val Kilmer (Batman), Tommy Lee Jones (Harvey Two-Face), Jim Carrey (Riddler), Chris O’Donnell (Robin), Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore. Dir. Joel Schumacher. Battle of Britain (1969) Laurence Olivier (Dowding), Robert Shaw, Michael Caine, Christopher Plummer, Kenneth More, Susannah York, Trevor Howard, Ralph Richardson, Michael Redgrave, Edward Fox. Dir. Guy Hamilton. Battle of the Bulge (1965) Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, Robert Ryan, Telly Savalas, Ty Hardin. Story of the German counter-attack in the Ardennes in December 1944. Dir. Ken Annakin. Battle of the River Plate (1956) John Gregson, Anthony Quayle, Peter Finch. US title: Pursuit of the Graf Spee. Dir. Emeric Pressburger & Michael Powell. Beach, The (2000) Leonardo DiCaprio (Richard), Tilda Swinton (Sal), Virginie Ledoyen (Françoise), Guillaume Canet (Etienne), Robert Carlyle (Duffy), Peter Youngblood Hills (Zeph). American traveller discovers a hippy community living by a perfect beach on a remote island in Thailand. Dir. Danny Boyle. Beaches (1988) Bette Midler (CC Bloom), Barbara Hershey (Hillary Whitney Essex). Singer visits her dying friend, a lawyer, and recalls their long and volatile friendship. Dir. Garry Marshall. Bean (1997) Rowan Atkinson, Peter MacNicol, Pamela Reed, Burt Reynolds, John Mills, Peter Egan, Harris Yulin, Richard Gant, Tricia Vessey, Peter Capaldi, Andrew Lawrence. Dir. Mel Smith. Beau Brummell (1954) Stewart Granger, Elizabeth Taylor, Robert Morley (George III), Peter Ustinov (Prince of Wales). Remake of the 1924 film starring John Barrymore and Mary Astor. Dir. Curtis Bernhardt. Beau Geste (1939) Gary Cooper, Ray Milland, Brian Donlevy, Susan Hayward. Remake of the 1926 film starring Ronald Colman and based on PC Wren’s novel. Dir. William Wellman. Beautiful Mind, A (2001) Russell Crowe (John Nash), Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris, Christopher Plummer, Paul Bettany. Biopic of Nobel Prize-winning mathematician John Nash’s struggle against mental illness. Multiple Oscar-winning film. Dir. Ron Howard. Beauty and the Beast (1991) Voices of Robby Benson (Beast), Paige O’Hara (Belle), Angela Lansbury (Mrs Potts). Disney classic which became the best-selling video of all time in the USA. Dir. Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise. Beavis and Butthead Do America (1996) Created by animator Mike Judge. Voices include Robert Stack and Bruce Willis. Dir. Mike Judge. Becket (1964) Richard Burton (Becket), Peter O’Toole (Henry II), John Gielgud, Sian Phillips. Based on Jean Anouilh’s bitter stage play. Dir. Peter Glenville. Bed Sitting Room, The (1969) Ralph Richardson, Rita Tushingham, Michael Hordern, Arthur Lowe, Spike Milligan, Harry Secombe, Peter Cook, Dudley Moore. After a nuclear war, survivors turn into bed sitting rooms, cupboards and parakeets. Dir. Richard Lester. Bedazzled (1967) Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Michael Bates, Raquel Welch, Eleanor Bron. Dir. Stanley Donen. Short-order cook is saved from suicide by Mr Spiggott, who offers him seven wishes in exchange for his soul. Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson, Bruce Forsyth, Tessie O’Shea. Dir. Robert Stevenson. Beetlejuice (1988) Alec Baldwin (Adam), Geena Davis (Barbara), Michael Keaton (Betelgeuse), Winona Ryder (Lydia Deetz). Dir. Tim Burton. Before Sunset (2004) Ethan Hawke (Jesse), Julie Delpy (Celine). Nine years after Jesse and Celine first meet they encounter one another on the French leg of Jesse’s book tour. Dir. Richard Linklater. Beguiled, The (1971) Clint Eastwood, Geraldine Page, Elizabeth Hartman, Darleen Carr. Wounded Union soldier hides out in a Confederate girls’ school. Dir. Don Siegel. Behind Enemy Lines (2001) Owen Wilson, Gene Hackman, Gabriel Macht, Charles Malik Whitfield, David Keith, Joaquim de Almeida. US naval pilot is shot down over Bosnia and hunted by Serbian troops. Dir. John Moore. Beijing Bastards (1993) Cui Jian, Li Wei, Wu Gang, Bian Tianshuo. Original title: Beijing Zazhong. Story of disillusionment by the young Chinese. Dir. Zhang Yuan. Being Human (1994) Robin Williams, John Turturro, Anna Galiena, Theresa Russell (as narrator). Box office flop about a father who fails to provide for his family in five historic eras. Dir. Bill Forsyth. Being John Malkovich (1999) John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Keener, John Malkovich. Dir. Spike Jonze. Being There (1979) Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine, Melvyn Douglas. Melvyn Douglas won Best Supporting Actor Oscar for this film about a simple gardener who becomes philosopher and sage to the American people. Dir. Hal Ashby. Bell, Book and Candle (1958) James Stewart, Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon, Hermione Gingold. Publisher slowly realises that his girlfriend is a witch. Dir. Richard Quine. Belles of St Trinian’s, The (1954) Alastair Sim, George Cole (Flash Harry), Joyce Grenfell, Beryl Reid, Irene Handl. Based on Ronald Searle’s cartoons. Dir. Frank Launder. Bells of St Mary’s, The (1945) Bing Crosby (Father O’Malley), Ingrid Bergman (Sister Benedict). Sequel to Going My Way. Dir. Leo McCarey. Belstone Fox, The (1973) Eric Porter, Rachel Roberts, Dennis Waterman, Jeremy Kemp, Bill Travers. Based on the novel The Ballad of the Belstone Fox by David Rook. Dir. James Hill. Ben Hur (1925) Ramon Novarro, Francis X Bushman, Carmel Myers. Based on the Lew Wallace novel. Originally, Charles Brabin was director and George Walsh the star; both were replaced when Louis Mayer saw the first rushes. Dir. Fred Niblo. Ben Hur (1959) Charlton Heston, Haya Harareet, Jack Hawkins, Stephen Boyd, Hugh Griffith. Multi-award-winning film but critics generally regard the 1925 silent epic as definitive. Dir. William Wyler. Bend it Like Beckham (2002) Parminder K Nagra, Keira Knightley, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Anupam Kher, Shaznay Lewis. Teenage London girl wants to become a professional footballer but is thwarted by her Punjabi Sikh parents, who want her to study law. Dir. Gurinder Chadha. Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) James Franciscus, Charlton Heston, Linda Harrison, Kim Hunter. Sequel to Planet of the Apes. Dir. Ted Post. Benji (1974) Peter Breck, Edgar Buchanan, Christopher Connelly. Popular film about a stray mongrel dog who saves two kidnapped children. Dir. Joe Camp.


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Benny Goodman Story (1955) Steve Allen (Goodman), Donna Reed, Berta Gersten, Harry James, Gene Krupa, Sammy Davis Snr. Steve Allen went on to host one of America’s leading variety shows on television. Dir. Valentine Davies. Beowulf (2007) Ray Winstone (Beowulf/Golden Man/Dragon), Angelina Jolie (Grendel’s Mother), Anthony Hopkins (King Hrothgar), Crispin Glover (Grendel), John Malkovich (Unferth), Robin Wright Penn (Wealthow). IMAX 3D experience based on the anonymous epic poem Beowulf. The warrior Beowulf fights and defeats the monster Grendel, and later has to deal with Grendel’s monstrous mother, who begins killing townsfolk out of revenge. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Bequest to the Nation (1973) Peter Finch, Glenda Jackson, Michael Jayston, Margaret Leighton, Anthony Quayle. US title: The Nelson Affair. Story of Nelson’s long affair with the tempestuous Lady Hamilton. Dir. James Cellan Jones. Bespoke Overcoat, The (1956) Alfie Bass, David Kossoff. Won Academy Award for Best Short Film and launched its stars as successful TV actors. Dir. Jack Clayton. Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The (2012) Judi Dench (Evelyn Greenslade), Bill Nighy (Douglas Ainslie), Penelope Wilton (Jean Ainslie), Maggie Smith (Muriel Donnelly), Tom Wilkinson (Graham Dashwood), Ronald Pickup (Norman Cousins), Celia Imrie (Madge Hardcastle), Dev Patel (Sonny). A group of British pensioners move to a retirement hotel in India, run by the young and enthusiastic Sonny Kapoor. Dir. John Madden. Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946) Fredric March, Myrna Loy, Teresa Wright, Dana Andrews, Virginia Mayo, Hoagy Carmichael. Multiaward-winning film notable for the performance of Harold Russell, a veteran who had lost his hands; he had no previous acting experience. Dir. William Wyler. Beverly Hillbillies, The (1993) Diedrich Bader, Dabney Coleman, Erika Elaniak, Cloris Leachman, Buddy Ebsen, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Dolly Parton. Dir. Penelope Spheeris. Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Eddie Murphy (Axel Foley), Judge Reinhold (Det Billy Rosewood), Steven Berkoff (Victor Maitland). Detroit cop races to Los Angeles to track down the killers of his best friend. Dir. Martin Brest. Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987) Eddie Murphy (Axel Foley), Judge Reinhold (Det Billy Rosewood), Brigitte Nielsen (Karla Fry). Ironically Sylvester Stallone was to play Axel Foley in the original film and his ex Brigitte Nielsen appears in this sequel. Dir. Tony Scott. Beverly Hills Cop 3 (1994) Eddie Murphy (Axel Foley), Judge Reinhold (Det Billy Rosewood), John Saxon. Cop discovers that the head of security at a Los Angeles theme park is a murderer. Dir. Tony Scott. Beyond Bedlam (1994) Craig Fairbrass, Elizabeth Hurley, Keith Allen, Anita Dobson, Georgina Hale. Dir. Vadim Jean. Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979) Michael Caine, Telly Savalas, Karl Malden, Sally Field. Not so much a sequel, more an alternative ending to the original. Dir. Irwin Allen. Bible, The (1966) Michael Parks (Adam), Ulla Bergryd (Eve), Richard Harris (Cain), John Huston (Noah), George C Scott (Abraham), Peter O’Toole (the 3 Angels). Remembered for Huston’s whispered commentary and the eye-catching photography as well as Toshiro Mayuzumi’s musical interpretation. Dir. John Huston. Big (1988) Tom Hanks (Josh Baskin), Elizabeth Perkins (Susan), Robert Loggia (MacMillan). Story of 12-yr-old who wishes he were ‘Big’ and wakes up 20 yrs older. Steven Spielberg was originally going to direct and Harrison Ford to star. Dir. Penny Marshall. Big Business (1929) Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel, James Finlayson. Laurel & Hardy classic about their failure to sell a Christmas tree to a belligerent householder. Memorable for the scene of mutual destruction. Dir. James W Horne. Big Business (1988) Bette Midler (Sadie Shelton / Ratcliff), Lily Tomlin (Rose Shelton / Ratcliff). Story of twins mixed up at birth. Dir. Jim Abrahams. Big Chill, The (1983) Tom Berenger (Sam), Glenn Close (Sarah), William Hurt (Nick), Jeff Goldblum (Michael), Kevin Kline (Harold), Meg Tilly (Chloe). Story of a students’ reunion after the suicide of one of them. Kevin Costner plays the corpse, Alex, although only his hands, torso and legs are seen in the final version. Dir. Lawrence Kasdan. Big Country, The (1958) Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Charlton Heston, Burl Ives, Carol Baker, Charles Bickford, Chuck Connors. Story of the Terrills’ and the Hannesseys’ feud over water rights. Burl Ives won Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Dir. William Wyler. Big Fat Liar (2002) Frankie Muniz, Paul Giamatti, Amanda Bynes, Amanda Detmer, Lee Majors. Dir. Shawn Levy. Big Fish (2003) Ewan McGregor (Ed Bloom (young)), Albert Finney (Ed Bloom (senior)), Billy Crudup (Will Bloom), Jessica Lange (Sandra Bloom (senior)), Helena Bonham Carter (Jenny (young and senior) and The Witch), Alison Lohman (Sandra Bloom (young)), Robert Guillaume (Dr Bennett (senior)), Matthew McGrory (Karl the Giant), Loudon Wainwright (Beamen), Steve Buscemi (Norther Winslow), Danny DeVito (Amos Calloway). A salesman, prone to telling fantastic tales, reconciles with his son. Dir. Tim Burton. Big Hand for the Little Lady, A (1966) Henry Fonda, Joanne Woodward, Jason Robards, Kevin McCarthy, Charles Bickford, Burgess Meredith. GB title: Big Deal at Dodge City (though the action, in fact, takes place in Laredo). Dir. Fielder Cook. Big Man, The (1990) Liam Neeson, Joanne Whalley-Kilmer, Billy Connolly, Ian Bannen. Unemployed miner becomes a bare-knuckle fighter. Dir. David Leland. Big Sleep, The (1946) Humphrey Bogart (Philip Marlowe), Lauren Bacall (Vivian Sherwood Rutledge), John Ridgely (Eddie Mars), Martha Vickers (Carmen Sternwood). Based on Raymond Chandler’s Novel but adapted by William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman. (Alternative version with 18 minutes of different footage exists.) Dir. Howard Hawks. Big Sleep, The (1978) Robert Mitchum (Philip Marlowe), Sarah Miles, Richard Boone, Candy Clark, James Stewart, Edward Fox, Oliver Reed, Richard Todd. Remake of the 1946 film but set in London. Dir. Michael Winner. Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Kurt Russell (Jack Burton), Kim Cattrall (Gracie Law). Dir. John Carpenter. Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989) Keanu Reeves (Ted ‘Theodore’ Logan), Alex Winter (Bill S Preston). Napoleon, Billy the Kid, Socrates, Freud, Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc and Abe Lincoln are some of the famous people met on their journey. Dir. Stephen Herek. Billy Bathgate (1991) Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman, Bruce Willis. Based on EL Doctorow’s novel. Teenager becomes an assistant to top gangster Dutch Schultz. Dir. Robert Benton. Billy Budd (1962) Peter Ustinov, Robert Ryan, Terence Stamp, Melvyn Douglas, David McCallum. Based on Herman Melville’s novel about the young Billy Budd, who kills the sadistic master-at-arms of a British warship in 1797. Dir. Peter Ustinov. Billy Elliot (2000) Julie Walters (Mrs Wilkinson), Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot), Gary Lewis (Billy’s Dad), Jamie Draven (Tony). Young son of a working-class miner has aspirations to become a ballet dancer. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Billy Liar (1963) Tom Courtenay, Julie Christie, Wilfred Pickles, Leonard Rossiter. Written by Keith Waterhouse and inspired by The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Dir. John Schlesinger. Birdcage, The (1996) Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Gene Hackman, Dianne Wiest. Remake of French film, La Cage aux Folles. Son of a homosexual club-owner persuades his father to act the heterosexual with his future very conservative in-laws. Dir. Mike Nichols. Birdman of Alcatraz (1962) Burt Lancaster (Stroud), Karl Malden, Thelma Ritter, Edmond O’Brien, Neville Brand, Telly Savalas. True story of Robert Stroud, who spent nearly 60 years in prison and made a name for himself as an ornithologist. Dir. John Frankenheimer. Birds, The (1963) Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette. Birds turn against humans. Action takes place at Bodega Bay, California. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Birdy (1984) Matthew Modine (Birdy), Nicolas Cage (Al Columbato). Dir. Alan Parker. Birth of a Nation (1915) Lillian Gish, Henry B Walthall, Mae Marsh, Donald Crisp. Originally The Clansman, this story of US Civil War strife was the first big screen epic. Dir. DW Griffith. Black Beauty (1994) Alan Cummings (voice), Sean Bean, David Thewlis, Jim Carter, Peter Davison, Eleanor Bron, Peter Cook. Story is told by the horse itself. Dir. Caroline Thompson. Black Hawk Down (2001) Josh Hartnett, Eric Bana, Tom Sizemore, Ewan McGregor, Sam Shepard, William Fichtner. Graphic war film set in 1993 troubled Mogadishu. Won Oscars for sound and editing. Dir. Ridley Scott.


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Black Narcissus (1946) Deborah Kerr, Sabu, Jean Simmons, Flora Robson. Anglo-Catholic nuns in the Himalayas have trouble with climate and morale. Dir. Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger. Black Robe (1991) Lothaire Bluteau, Aden Young, Sandrine Holt. Jesuit priest travels through Quebec to convert the Indians in the 17th century. Dir. Bruce Beresford. Black Swan (2010) Natalie Portman (Nina Sayers/The Swan Queen), Mila Kunis (Lily/The Black Swan), Vincent Cassel (Thomas Leroy/The Gentleman), Barbara Hershey (Erica Sayers/The Queen), Winona Ryder (Beth MacIntyre/The Dying Swan), Benjamin Millepied (David Moreau/The Prince). Plot revolves around the casting of a production of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake ballet by a prestigious New York City company. Dir. Darren Aronofsky. Blackboard Jungle, The (1955) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis, Louis Calhern, Sidney Poitier, Vic Morrow. Notable for the music of Bill Haley and the Comets. Dir. Richard Brooks. Blackmail (1929) Anny Ondra, Sara Allgood, Charles Paton. Hitchcock’s first talkie involves a Scotland Yard inspector who finds his girl is involved in a murder but conceals the fact and is blackmailed. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Blade Runner (1982) Harrison Ford (Deckard), Rutger Hauer (Roy Batty), Sean Young (Rachel), Daryl Hannah (Pris). Set in LA in 2019. Ridley Scott released his ‘Director’s Cut’ in 1992 which had a more satisfactory conclusion. Based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick. Dir. Ridley Scott. Blair Witch Project, The (1999) Heather Donahue, Michael C Williams, Joshua Leonard. Dir. Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez. Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows (2000) Tristen Skyler, Stephen B Turner, Jeffery Donovan. Dir. Joe Berlinger. Blazing Saddles (1974) Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Slim Pickens, Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn. Black railroad worker and an alcoholic ex-gunfighter foil a crooked attorney. Famous for its beans scene. Dir. Mel Brooks. Blind Shaft (2003) Li Yixiang (Song Jinming), Wang Shuangbao (Tang Zhaoyang). Set in northern China. Two workmen blackmail mine owners into paying them compensation for the deaths of their fellow workers due to deficiencies in their working environment. Dir. Li Yang. Blind Side, The (2009) Sandra Bullock (Leigh Anne Tuohy), Tim McGraw (Sean Tuohy), Kathy Bates (Miss Sue), Quinton Aaron (Michael ‘Big Mike’ Oher), Lily Collins (Collins Tuohy), Jae Head (Sean ‘SJ’ Tuohy Jr), Ray McKinnon (Coach Cotton), Kim Dickens (Mrs Boswell), Adriane Lenox (Denise Oher), Catherine Dyer (Mrs Smith). American football drama written by John Lee Hancock, and based on Michael Lewis’s 2006 book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game. The true-life action concerns the rise of Mike Oher from his humble beginnings, his adoption by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, and his eventual success as an offensive lineman playing for the Baltimore Ravens of the NFL. Dir. John Lee Hancock. Blob, The (1958) Steve McQueen, Aneta Corseaut, Earl Rowe. Dir. Irwin S Yeaworth. Blockheads (1938) Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel, Billy Gilbert. Twenty years after WW1, Stan is still guarding a trench because nobody told him to stop. Dir. John G Blystone. Blondie (1938) Arthur Lake, Penny Singleton, Daisy the Dog, Jonathan Hale. Mr & Mrs Small Town America, Dagwood Bumstead and wife Blondie, spawned many sequels. Dir. Frank R Strayer. Blow (2001) Johnny Depp (George Jung), Penelope Cruz, Franka Potente, Rachel Griffiths, Jordi Molla. True-life story of a Boston boy who grows up in the 1970s to become the biggest smuggler of cocaine into the United States from Colombia. Dir. Ted Demme. Blow Up (1966) David Hemmings, Sarah Miles, Vanessa Redgrave. London fashion photographer thinks he sees a murder, but the evidence disappears. Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni. Blue Angel, The (1930) Emil Jannings, Marlene Dietrich (Lola). Story of a professor’s infatuation with a nightclub singer. Dir. Josef von Sternberg. Blue Bird, The (1940) Shirley Temple, Johnny Russell, Gale Sondergaard (the cat), Eddie Collins (the dog). Two children of a poor woodcutter seek the bluebird of happiness. Dir. Walter Lang. Blue Bird, The (1976) Elizabeth Taylor (Mother, Maternal Love, Light & The Witch), Ava Gardner, Jane Fonda, George Cole. Remake of the 1940 classic. Dir. George Cukor. Blue Dahlia (1946) Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, William Bendix, Howard de Silva. Raymond Chandler story of a returning war veteran who finds his faithless wife murdered and himself suspected. Dir. George Marshall. Blue Lagoon (1949) Jean Simmons, Donald Houston, Cyril Cusack. Shipwrecked boy and girl grow up on a desert island. Dir. Frank Launder. Blue Lagoon (1980) Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins, Leo McKern. Remake of the 1949 film. Dir. Randal Kleiser. Blue Lamp, The (1949) Jack Warner, Jimmy Hanley, Dirk Bogarde, Dora Bryan. Famous for its opening shooting scene and the subsequent reincarnation of George Dixon for Dixon of Dock Green, which ran for 20 years on Television. Dir. Basil Dearden. Blue Max, The (1966) George Peppard, James Mason, Ursula Andress, Jeremy Kemp. Dir. John Guillermin. Blues Brothers, The (1980) John Belushi (Jake), Dan Aykroyd (Elwood), Carrie Fisher, Cab Calloway. Dir. John Landis. Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice (1969) Robert Culp, Natalie Wood, Elliott Gould, Dyan Cannon. Dir. Paul Mazursky. Body Heat (1981) William Hurt, Kathleen Turner, Richard Crenna, Ted Danson. Florida lawyer becomes involved with a married woman and they plot to kill her husband. Dir. Lawrence Kasdan. Bodyguard, The (1992) Kevin Costner (Frank Farmer), Whitney Houston (Rachel Marron), Gary Kemp (Sy Spector). Dir. Mick Jackson. Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) Tom Hanks (Sherman McCoy), Bruce Willis (Peter Fallow), Melanie Griffith (Maria Ruskin). Based on Tom Wolfe’s novel of the same name. Dir. Brian de Palma. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Warren Beatty (Clyde Barrow), Faye Dunaway (Bonnie Parker), Gene Hackman (Buck), Estelle Parsons, Michael J Pollard, Gene Wilder. Estelle Parsons won Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Dir. Arthur Penn. Boom! (1968) Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Noël Coward. Based on Tennessee Williams’s play The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore. Dir. Joseph Losey. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan (2006) Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat Sagdiyev), Ken Davitian (Azamat Bagatov), Luenell (Luenell), Pamela Anderson (as herself). Controversial comedy built around a character from Baron Cohen’s television spoof. Kazakhstani TV talking head Borat (Cohen) is dispatched to the United States to report on the greatest country in the world. With a documentary crew in tow, Borat becomes more interested in locating and marrying Pamela Anderson. Dir. Larry Charles. Born on the Fourth of July (1989) Tom Cruise (Ron Kovic), Kyra Sedgwick (Donna), Willem Dafoe, Tom Berenger. Dir. Oliver Stone. Bourne Identity, The (2002) Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Clive Owen, Brian Cox. Story of a secret agent trying to piece together the threads of his life whilst suffering total amnesia. Dir. Doug Liman. Bourne Legacy, The (2012) Jeremy Renner (Aaron Cross/Kenneth Kitsom), Rachel Weisz (Dr Marta Shearing), Edward Norton (Eric Byer), Albert Finney (Dr Albert Hirsch), Stacy Keach (Mark Turso). Jason Bourne does not appear in the film as Matt Damon, who played Bourne in the first three films, chose not to return for a fourth film. However, there are several references to him throughout the film. Aaron Cross, a member of Operation Outcome, a US Defense Department black ops program whose agents are genetically enhanced, goes on the run once Bourne's actions lead to the public exposure of Operations Treadstone and Blackbriar. Dir. Tony Gilroy. Bourne Supremacy, The (2004) Sequel to The Bourne Identity in which Jason Bourne (Matt Damon), a former CIA assassin attached to their Special Activities Division, continues to suffer from psychogenic amnesia but begins to get flashbacks. Dir. Paul Greengrass. Bourne Ultimatum, The (2007) Third film of the series based on the Robert Ludlum novel of the same name. Jason Bourne travels through Europe in search of his identity. Dir. Paul Greengrass. Bowling for Columbine (2002) Documentary examining America’s attitude towards guns, beginning with the shooting rampage by students at Columbine High School. Cleverly edited film to ensure the point is made effectively. Dir. Michael Moore.


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Box of Moonlight (1996) John Turturro (Al Fountain), Sam Rockwell (The Kid). Dir. Tom DiCillo. Boxing Helena (1993) Julian Sands, Sherilyn Fenn, Bill Paxton, Art Garfunkel. Most memorable for Kim Basinger being sued for changing her mind over starring in it. Court ordered her to pay $8 million but studio settled for $3 million. Dir. Jennifer Chambers Lynch. Boys Don’t Cry (1999) Peter Sarsgaard (John), Brendan Sexton III (Tom), Alison Folland (Kate). Dir. Kimberly Peirce. Boys from Brazil, The (1978) Gregory Peck (Josef Mengele), Laurence Olivier, James Mason, Lilli Palmer. Based on the Ira Levin novel. Dir. Franklin Schaffner. Brassed Off (1996) Peter Postlethwaite (Danny), Tara Fitzgerald (Gloria), Ewan McGregor. Dir. Mark Herman. Brave (2012) Voices of Kelly Macdonald (Merida), Billy Connolly (King Fergus of Dunbroch), Emma Thompson (Queen Elinor), Julie Walters (The Witch), Robbie Coltrane (Lord Dingwall), Kevin McKidd (Lord MacGuffin/Young MacGuffin), Craig Ferguson (Lord Macintosh), John Ratzenberger (Gordon, the guard). Computer-animated fantasy produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Disney. Set in the Scottish Highlands, Merida, a skilled archer defies an age-old custom, causing mayhem in the kingdom. Dir. Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman Braveheart (1995) Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan, Ian Bannen. Dir. Mel Gibson. Brazil (1985) Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro, Michael Palin, Peter Vaughan, Bob Hoskins. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Breaking the Waves (1996) Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgard, Katrin Cartlidge, Jean-Marc Barr. Award-winning film set in Scotland. A woman humiliates herself in the hope of saving the life of her husband, paralysed in an oil rig accident. Dir. Lars von Trier. Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Alec Guinness (Colonel Nicholson), Sessue Hayakawa (Colonel Saito), William Holden (Shears), Jack Hawkins (Major Warden). Based on the novel by Pierre Boulle. Dir. David Lean. Bridges of Madison County (1995) Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep, Annie Corley. Written by Richard LaGravenese. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001) Renée Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent. Cameo performances by Jeffrey Archer and Salman Rushdie. Dir. Sharon Maguire. Brief Encounter (1945) Celia Johnson (Laura Jesson), Trevor Howard (Alec Harvey), Stanley Holloway, Joyce Carey. Based on a Noël Coward play, Still Life. The theme music was Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No 2 and the railway station was Carnforth. Dir. David Lean. Brigadoon (1954) Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse, Van Johnson. Scottish village awakens once every hundred years. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Bringing Up Baby (1938) Katharine Hepburn (Susan), Cary Grant (David Huxley), May Robson. The baby of the title was, in fact, a leopard. Dir. Howard Hawks. Brokeback Mountain (2006) Heath Ledger (Ennis Del Mar), Jake Gyllenhaal (Jack Twist), Randy Quaid (Joe Aguirre), Valerie Planche (Waitress), David Trimble (Basque), Michelle Williams (Alma). Based on the E Annie Proulx story about a forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys and their lives over the years. The film won three Academy Awards: Best Achievement in Directing (Ang Lee), Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score (Gustavo Santaolalla), Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published (Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana). Dir. Ang Lee. Broken Arrow (1996) John Travolta, Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis. Dir. John Woo. Broken Embraces (2009) Penelope Cruz (Lena), Lluís Homar (Mateo Blanco/Harry Caine), Blanca Portillo (Judit), Jose Luis Gomez (Ernesto Martel), Tamar Novas (Diego), Ruben Ochandiano (Ray X), Angela Molina (Lena’s mother). Harry Caine is a blind writer who shares his life with his agent Judit and her adult son Diego. Slowly, events in the present begin to bring back memories of the past. Dir. Pedro Almodovar. Browning Version, The (1951) Michael Redgrave, Jean Kent, Nigel Patrick, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Bill Travers. Based on Terence Rattigan’s one-act play. Dir. Anthony Asquith. Browning Version, The (1994) Albert Finney, Greta Scacchi, Matthew Modine, Julian Sands, Michael Gambon. Ronald Howard’s adaptation of Terence Rattigan play. Dir. Mike Figgis. Brubaker (1980) Robert Redford, Yaphet Kotto, Jane Alexander, Morgan Freeman, Murray Hamilton. Setting: Wakefield Prison Farm. Dir. Stuart Rosenberg. Brüno (2009) Sacha Baron Cohen (Brüno), Gustaf Hammarsten (Lutz), Clifford Bañagale (Diesel, Brüno’s lover), Josh Meyers (Kookus). Irreverent comedy, the third such effort based on characters from Da Ali G Show, following Ali G Indahouse and Borat. Gay Austrian fashionista Brüno attempts to make it big in America. Dir. Larry Charles. Bugsy Malone (1976) Scott Baio, Jodie Foster, Florrie Dugger. Parts are played by children and the guns fire ice cream. Dir. Alan Parker. Bullitt (1968) Steve McQueen, Jacqueline Bisset, Robert Vaughn, Robert Duvall. Based on the novel Mute Witness by Robert L Pike. Dir. Peter Yates. Burbs, The (1989) Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Carrie Fisher, Corey Feldman. Dir. Joe Dante. Buster (1988) Phil Collins, Julie Walters (June Edwards), Larry Lamb, Stephanie Lawrence, Martin Jarvis. Dir. David Green. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross. ‘Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head’ won Oscar for Best Song. Dir. George Roy Hill. Butterfield 8 (1960) Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey, Eddie Fisher. Taylor won Best Actress Oscar for her role as a society call girl. The title Butterfield 8 was her telephone number. Dir. Daniel Mann. Cabaret (1972) Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey, Michael York. Based on the novel Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood and John Van Druten’s play I Am a Camera. Dir. Bob Fosse. Cabin in the Sky (1943) Eddie ‘Rochester’ Anderson (Little Joe), Lena Horne (Georgia Brown), Ethel Waters (Petunia), Louis Armstrong. All black cast. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Cable Guy, The (1996) Jim Carrey, Matthew Broderick, George Segal. Dir. Ben Stiller. Caché – see Hidden (2006) Cactus Jack (1979) Kirk Douglas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ann-Margret. US title: The Villain. Dir. Hal Needham. Caesar and Cleopatra (1945) Claude Rains, Vivien Leigh, Stewart Granger, Flora Robson. Britain’s most expensive film to this date was based on George Bernard Shaw’s comedy. Dir. Gabriel Pascal. Caine Mutiny, The (1954) Humphrey Bogart (Capt Queeg), José Ferrer (Lt Barney Greenwald), Van Johnson (Lt Steve Maryk), Fred MacMurray (Lt Tom Keefer), Lee Marvin (Meatball), Claude Akins (Horrible). Based on Herman Wouk’s novel. Dir. Edward Dmytryk. Calamity Jane (1953) Doris Day, Howard Keel. Memorable for its opening rendition of ‘The Deadwood Stage’ and the Oscar-winning song ‘Secret Love’. Dir. David Butler. California Suite (1978) Michael Caine, Maggie Smith, Walter Matthau, Alan Alda, Jane Fonda, Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor. Misadventures of 4 groups of guests at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Dir. Herbert Ross. Caligula (1979) Malcolm McDowell, John Gielgud, Peter O’Toole, Helen Mirren. Dir. Tinto Brass. Callan (1974) Edward Woodward, Eric Porter, Carl Mohner, Catherine Schell, Peter Egan, Russell Hunter. Aka: The Neutralizer. Dir. Don Sharp. Camille (1936) Greta Garbo (Marguerite Gautier), Robert Taylor (Armand Duval), Lionel Barrymore, Henry Daniell. Based on Alexandre Dumas’ novel. Dir. George Cukor. Candyman (1992) Virginia Madsen, Tony Todd, Xander Berkeley, Vanessa Williams. Story of a mythical hook-handed serial killer which had an unsuccessful 1995 sequel Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh. Dir. Bernard Rose. Cape Fear (1991) Robert De Niro (Max Cady), Nick Nolte (Sam Bowden), Jessica Lange (Leigh Bowden), Robert Mitchum (Lt Elgart), Gregory Peck (Lee Heller). Notable for cameo roles of Mitchum, Peck and Martin Balsam, who were all in original 1962 film. Dir. Martin Scorsese.


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Capote (2005) Philip Seymour Hoffman (Truman Capote), Clifton Collins Jnr (Perry Smith), Craig Archibald (Christopher), Bronwen Coleman (Barbara), Kate Shindle (Rose), David Wilson Barnes (Grayson), Catherine Keener (Harper Lee). In 1959, Truman Capote, a popular writer for the New Yorker, learns about the horrific and senseless murder of a family of four in Holcomb, Kansas. Inspired by the story material, Capote and his partner, Harper Lee, travel to the town to research for an article. However, as Capote digs deeper into the story, he is inspired to expand the project into what will prove his greatest work, In Cold Blood. Hoffman won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of Capote. Dir. Bennett Miller. Captain America (1944) Dick Purcell, Lionel Atwill, Lorna Gray. District Attorney in guise of Capt America battles The Scarab (in guise of a museum curator). Dir. John English. Captain America (1989) Matt Salinger, Ronny Cox, Ned Beatty, Bill Mumy. Captain America is freed from his deep-ice captivity to battle arch-enemy The Red Skull. Dir. Albert Pyun. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (2001) Nicholas Cage (Corelli), Penelope Cruz, John Hurt, Christian Bale, David Morrissey. Dir. John Madden. Captains Courageous (1937) Spencer Tracy, Lionel Barrymore, Freddie Bartholomew, Mickey Rooney. Spoiled rich boy falls off a cruise liner and lives for a while among fisherfolk. Dir. Victor Fleming. Caravaggio (1986) Nigel Terry, Sean Bean, Tilda Swinton, Robbie Coltrane. Dir. Derek Jarman. Caretaker, The (1964) Alan Bates, Robert Shaw, Donald Pleasence. Based on Pinter’s play about 2 men who invite a tramp to share their attic. US title: The Guest. Dir. Clive Donner. Carnal Knowledge (1971) Jack Nicholson, Art Garfunkel, Candice Bergen, Ann-Margret, Rita Moreno. Dir. Mike Nichols. Carousel (1956) Gordon Macrae, Shirley Jones, Cameron Mitchell. Dir. Henry King. Carpetbaggers, The (1964) George Peppard, Alan Ladd, Carroll Baker, Martin Balsam, Elizabeth Ashley, Lew Ayres, Archie Moore, Leif Erickson. Dir. Edward Dmytryk. Carrie (1952) Laurence Olivier, Jennifer Jones, Eddie Albert. Based on Theodore Dreiser’s novel Sister Carrie. Dir. William Wyler. Carrie (1976) Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, Amy Irving, John Travolta. Based on the Stephen King novel. Dir. Brian De Palma. Carrington (1995) Emma Thompson (Carrington), Jonathan Pryce (Strachey), Janet McTeer (Vanessa Bell). Based on Lytton Strachey’s book. Dir. Christopher Hampton. Carry On Columbus (1992) Jim Dale (Chris Columbus), Bernard Cribbins (Mort), Maureen Lipman (Countess Esmerelda), Alexei Sayle, Julian Clary, Rik Mayall. Last of the series of Carry Ons. Dir. Gerald Thomas. Carry On Sergeant (1958) Bob Monkhouse, William Hartnell, Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey, Shirley Eaton, Kenneth Connor. First of the series of 30 Carry Ons. Dir. Gerald Thomas. Cars (2006) Voices of Owen Wilson (Lightning McQueen), Paul Newman (Doc Hudson), Bonnie Hunt (Sally Carrera), John Ratzenberger (Mack/Hamm Truck/Abominable Snow Plow/PT Flea Car), Michael Keaton (Chick Hicks), Katherine Helmond (Lizzie). A hot-shot race car named Lightning McQueen gets waylaid in Radiator Springs, where he finds the true meaning of friendship and family. Dir. John Lasseter and Joe Ranft. Carve Her Name With Pride (1958) Virginia McKenna (Violette Szabo), Paul Scofield, Jack Warner, Sydney Tafler. Based on RJ Minney’s book about young British WW2 spy shot by a German firing squad. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Casablanca (1942) Humphrey Bogart (Rick Blaine), Ingrid Bergman (Ilse Lund), Paul Henreid (Victor Laszlo), Claude Rains (Captain Louis Renault), Sydney Greenstreet (Ferrari), Peter Lorre (Ugarte), Conrad Veidt (Major Strasser), Dooley Wilson (Sam). Closing line, ‘Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.’ Ronald Reagan and Ann Sheridan were originally cast as the leads. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Casanova (1976) Donald Sutherland, Tina Aumont, Cicely Browne. Aka Fellini’s Casanova. Dir. Federico Fellini. Casino (1995) Sharon Stone, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, James Woods. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Casino Royale (1967) David Niven, Deborah Kerr, Orson Welles, Peter Sellers, Ursula Andress, Woody Allen, William Holden, Charles Boyer, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Peter O’Toole, John Huston, George Raft. Sir James Bond is called out of retirement to tackle the power of ‘SMERSH’. Joe McGrath was originally the sole director but was fired after Sellers walked out and Huston, Ken Hughes, Robert Parrish, Val Guest and Richard Talmadge finished the film.This was the first James Bond book but clearly not the first film. Dir. John Huston & others. Casino Royale (2006) Daniel Craig (James Bond), Eva Green (Vesper Lynd), Mads Mikkelsen (Le Chiffre), Judi Dench (M), Jeffrey Wright (Felix Leiter), Giancarlo Giannini (Mathis), Caterina Murino (Solange), Simon Abkarian (Alex Dimitrios), Isaach De Bankolé (Steven Obanno), Jesper Christensen (Mr White), Ivana Milicevic (Valenka), Tobias Menzies (Villiers), Claudio Santamaria (Carlos), Sebastien Foucan (Mollaka), Malcolm Sinclair (Dryden). Casino Royale introduces James Bond before he holds his license to kill. After two professional assassinations, he is elevated to ‘00’ status. Bond’s first 007 mission takes him to Uganda where he is to spy on a terrorist, Mollaka. Following a lead to the Bahamas, he encounters Dimitrios and his girlfriend, Solange. He learns that Dimitrios is involved with Le Chiffre, banker to the world’s terrorist organisations. Secret Service intelligence reveals that Le Chiffre is planning to raise money in a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro, at Le Casino Royale. MI6 assigns 007 to play against him, knowing that if Le Chiffre loses, it will destroy his organisation. M places Bond under the watchful eye of the beguiling Vesper Lynd. The title song ‘You Know My Name’ is performed by Chris Cornell. Producer Michael G Wilson appears as the corrupt Montenegrin police chief, continuing his long-standing tradition of Bond film cameos dating from Goldfinger. Two major exclusions from the film are the characters of Q and Miss Moneypenny, making this only the second Bond film without Q (Live and Let Die being the other) and the first without Moneypenny. Dir. Martin Campbell. Cassandra Crossing, The (1976) Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Martin Sheen, OJ Simpson. Dir. George Pan Cosmatos. Cast a Dark Shadow (1955) Dirk Bogarde, Margaret Lockwood. Wife-murderer marries an ex-barmaid and tries again. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Cast a Giant Shadow (1966) Kirk Douglas, Angie Dickinson, Chaim Topol, John Wayne, Frank Sinatra, Yul Brynner, Gordon Jackson, Jeremy Kemp, Michael Hordern. Biopic of Colonel David Marcus’s fight against the Arabs in the Israel of 1947. Dir. Melville Shavelson. Castaway (1987) Oliver Reed (Gerald Kingsland), Amanda Donohue, Georgina Hale, John Sessions. Based on Lucy Irvine’s autobiographical book. Dir. Nicolas Roeg. Casualties of War (1989) Michael J Fox (Eriksson), Sean Penn (Sgt Meserve). Story of the gang rape of a Vietnamese girl. Dir. Brian De Palma. Cat and the Canary, The (1939) Bob Hope (Wally Campbell), Paulette Goddard (Joyce Norman), Gale Sondergaard (Miss Lu). Dir. Elliott Nugent. Cat Ballou (1965) Jane Fonda, Lee Marvin, Nat King Cole, Stubby Kaye. Oscar-winning performances by Lee Marvin as twin brothers. Dir. Elliot Silverstein. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) Paul Newman (Brick), Burl Ives (Big Daddy), Elizabeth Taylor (Maggie). Based on the play by Tennessee Williams. Dir. Richard Brooks. Cat People (1942) Simone Simon, Tom Conway, Kent Smith. Yugoslavian girl believes she can turn into a panther and deaths follow, although the monster is never seen. Dir. Jacques Tourneur. Cat People (1982) Nastassja Kinski, Malcolm McDowell. Kinky version of the 1942 classic. Dir. Paul Schrader. Catch Me If You Can (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio (Frank Abagnale Jnr), Tom Hanks (Carl Hanratty), Christopher Walken (Frank Abagnale Snr), Martin Sheen (Roger Strong), James Brolin (Jack Barnes), Nathalie Baye (Paula Abagnale), Amy Adams (Brenda Strong). True-life story of a con-man and his attempts to remain one step ahead of an FBI agent. Dir. Steven Spielberg.


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Catch My Soul (1973) Richie Havens, Lance LeGault, Season Hubley, Tony Joe White. Rock and country musical version of Othello. Dir. Patrick McGoohan. Catch 22 (1970) Alan Arkin (Yossarian), Martin Balsam, Richard Benjamin, Art Garfunkel, Bob Newhart, Orson Welles, Martin Sheen, Jon Voight, Anthony Perkins. Based on Joseph Heller’s novel. Dir. Mike Nichols. Catholic Boys (1985) Donald Sutherland (Brother Thadeus), John Heard (Brother Timothy). Originally called Heaven Help Us. Dir. Michael Dinner. Cats & Dogs (2001) Jeff Goldblum (Professor Brody), Elizabeth Perkins (Mrs Brody), Alexander Pollock (Scott Brody), Miriam Margolyes (Sophie). Story of a Persian cat’s attempt to conquer the world, mixing actors and animation. Voices of Tobey Maguire (Lou), Alec Baldwin (Butch), Susan Sarandon (Ivy), Charlton Heston (The Mastiff), Sean Hayes (Mr Tinkles), Joe Pantoliano (Peek), Jon Lovitz (Calico). Dir. Lawrence Guterman. Catwoman (2004) Halle Berry (Patience Phillips/Catwoman), Benjamin Bratt (Tom Lone), Sharon Stone (Laurel Hedare), Lambert Wilson (George Hedare), Frances Conroy (Ophelia). Dir. Pitof. Celebrity (1998) Kenneth Branagh, Hank Azaria, Judy Davis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Melanie Griffith, Winona Ryder. Dir. Woody Allen. Celia (1989) Rebecca Smart (Celia), Nicholas Eadie (Ray). Dir. Ann Turner. Cemetery Man (1994) Rupert Everett, François Hadji-Lazaro, Anna Falci. Dir. Michele Soavi. Central Station (1998) Fernanda Montenegro, Marilia Pera, Vinicius de Oliveira, Soia Lira, Othon Bastos. Dir. Walter Salles. Chain Reaction (1996). Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, Rachel Weisz. Dir. Andrew Davis. Chamber, The (1996) Gene Hackman (Sam Cayhall), Chris O’Donnell (Adam Hall), Faye Dunaway. Dir. James Foley. Champ, The (1931) Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper. Frances Marion won Oscar for Best Original Story. Dir. King Vidor. Champ, The (1979) Jon Voight, Faye Dunaway, Ricky Schroeder. Remake of the 1931 classic. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Champions (1983) John Hurt (Bob Champion), Edward Woodward (Josh Gifford). Story of a jockey’s fight against cancer and his subsequent Grand National success in 1981. Dir. John Irvin. Chance of a Lifetime (1950) Bernard Miles, Kenneth More, Hattie Jacques. Dir. Bernard Miles. Changeling (2008) Angelina Jolie (Christine Collins), Jeffrey Donovan (Capt JJ Jones), John Malkovich (Rev Gustav Briegleb), Jason Butler Harner (Gordon Northcott), Michael Kelly (Det Lester Ybarra), Amy Ryan (Carol Dexter), Geoff Pierson (Sammy Hahn). Based on real-life events in 1928 Los Angeles. Christine Collins is a woman who is reunited with her missing son but is sure he is an impostor. The city authorities vilify her as an unfit mother and brand her delusional. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Changing Lanes (2002) Ben Affleck, Samuel L Jackson, Kim Staunton, Toni Collette, Sydney Pollack, William Hurt, Amanda Peet. Dir. Roger Michell. Chaplin (1992) Robert Downey Jnr, Dan Aykroyd (Mack Sennett), Geraldine Chaplin (Hannah Chaplin), Kevin Dunn (J Edgar Hoover), Kevin Kline (Douglas Fairbanks), John Thaw (Fred Karno), Marisa Tomei (Mabel Normand). Dir. Richard Attenborough. Chariots of Fire (1981) Ben Cross (Harold Abrahams), Ian Charleson (Eric Liddell), Nigel Havers. Oscars include: Best Film, Costume Design, Music and Script (Colin Welland). Dir. Hugh Hudson. Charley Varrick (1973) Walter Matthau, Joe Don Baker. A bank robber discovers he has stolen mafia money. Dir. Don Siegel. Charley’s Aunt (1941) Jack Benny, Kay Francis, Anne Baxter, Laird Cregar. Based on play by Brandon Thomas. Dir. Archie Mayo. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Johnny Depp (Willy Wonka), Freddie Highmore (Charlie Bucket), David Kelly (Grandpa Joe), Helena Bonham Carter (Mrs Bucket), Noah Taylor (Mr Bucket), Missi Pyle (Mrs Beauregarde), James Fox (Mr Salt), Deep Roy (Oompa Loompa), Christopher Lee (Dr Wonka), Adam Godley (Mr Teavee), Franziska Troegner (Mrs Gloop), Anna Sophia Robb (Violet Beauregarde), Julia Winter (Veruca Salt), Jordan Fry (Mike Teavee). Based on Roald Dahl’s book of the same name. Spectacular, but ultimately inferior remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971). Dir. Tim Burton. Charlie Chan (Series) Warner Oland (1931–37), Sidney Toler (1938–47), Roland Winters (1947–49). Based on Earl Derr Biggers’s character. Dir. Various. Charlotte Gray (2001) Cate Blanchett (Charlotte), Billy Crudup, Michael Gambon, James Fleet, Jack Shepherd. Based on a Sebastian Faulks bestseller about a young Scotswoman who becomes a spy in France during the Second World War. Dir. Gillian Armstrong. Che! (1969) Omar Sharif (Che Guevara), Jack Palance (Castro). Dir. Richard Fleischer. Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie (1980) Cheech Marin, Thomas Chong, Evelyn Guerrero. GB title: High Encounters of the Ultimate Kind. Dir. Thomas Chong. Cheyenne Autumn (1964) Richard Widmark, Carroll Baker, Karl Malden, Dolores del Rio, Sal Mineo, Edward G Robinson, James Stewart (Wyatt Earp). Dir. John Ford. Chicago (2002) Richard Gere (Billy Flynn), Renée Zellweger (Roxie Hart), Catherine Zeta-Jones (Velma Kelley), Queen Latifah, Taye Diggs. Adaptation of Bob Fosse’s 1975 Broadway musical about two dreamers Velma Kelley and Roxie Hart. Velma is the Windy City’s top nightclub star until the night she guns down her cheating husband, after which she becomes an even bigger celebrity, thanks to smooth lawyer Billy Flynn. Roxie also desperately wants fame, so decides to shoot her abusive lover dead. After Roxie replaces her, an outraged Velma plots Roxie’s demise. Dir. Rob Marshall. Chicago Joe and the Showgirl (1990) Kiefer Sutherland (Ricky Allen), Emily Lloyd (Georgina Grayson), Patsy Kensit (Joyce Cook). Dir. Bernard Rose. Children of a Lesser God (1986) William Hurt (James), Marlee Matlin (Sarah), Piper Laurie (Mrs Norman). Deaf woman falls in love with her speech therapist. Dir. Randa Haines. Children of Men (2006) Clive Owen (Theodore Faron), Julianne Moore (Julian Taylor), Michael Caine (Jasper Palmer), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Luke), Charlie Hunnam (Patric), Claire-Hope Ashitey (Kee), Pam Ferris (Miriam). In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child’s birth may help scientists secure the future of humankind. Dir. Alfonso Cuarón. Child’s Play (1988) Catherine Hicks (Karen Barclay), Chris Sarandon (Mike Norris). Dying killer Brad Dourif’s soul passes into a Chucky Doll. Dir. Tom Holland. China Syndrome, The (1979) Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, Michael Douglas. Dir. James Bridges. Chinatown (1974) Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston, Roman Polanski, Diane Ladd. Dir. Roman Polanski. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) Dick Van Dyke, Sally Ann Howes (Truly Scrumptious), Lionel Jeffries, Benny Hill, Robert Helpmann, Gert Frobe, James Robertson Justice. Roald Dahl adapted the original Ian Fleming story. Dir. Ken Hughes. Chocolat (2000) Juliette Binoche (Vianne Rocher), Alfred Molina (Comte de Reynaud), Carrie-Anne Moss (Caroline Clairmont), Johnny Depp (Roux), Judi Dench (Armande Voizin), Lena Olin (Josephine Muscat). Based on Joanne Harris bestseller. Dir. Lasse Hallstrom. Chorus, The (2004) Gérard Jugnot (Clément Mathieu), François Berléand (Rachin), Kad Merad (Chabert), Jean-Paul Bonnaire (La Père Maxence), Marie Bunel (Violette Morhange), Jean-Baptiste Maunier (Pierre Morhange), Maxence Perrin (Pépinot). Set in 1949, Clément Mathieu is hired by a boarding school for troubled children to supervise the students. Nothing, it would seem, can bring the children into line. Nothing, that is, until Mathieu introduces them to singing. Undoubtedly one of the films of the year. French title: Les Choristes. Dir. Christophe Barratier. Chorus Line, A (1985) Michael Douglas (Zach), Alyson Reed (Cassie), Terrence Mann (Larry). Dir. Richard Attenborough. Chorus of Disapproval (1989) Anthony Hopkins (Dafydd Ap Llewellyn), Jeremy Irons (Guy Jones), Prunella Scales (Hannah), Jenny Seagrove (Fay Hubbard). Dir. Michael Winner. Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001) Simon Callow (Charles Dickens), voices of Kate Winslet (Belle), Nicolas Cage (Jacob Marley), Jane Horrocks (Ghost of Christmas Past), Simon Callow (Scrooge), Michael Gambon (Ghost of Christmas Present), Rhys Ifans (Cratchit), Juliet Stevenson (Mrs Cratchit/Mother Gimlet). Animated version – other than Callow’s Dickens. Dir. Jimmy T Murakami.


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Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992) Marlon Brando (Torquemada), Tom Selleck (King Ferdinand), Georges Corraface (Columbus), Rachel Ward (Queen Isabella), Catherine Zeta Jones (Beatriz). Dir. John Glen. Chronicles of Narnia, The: Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (2005) Georgie Henley (Lucy), Skandar Keynes (Edmund), William Moseley (Peter), Anna Popplewell (Susan), Tilda Swinton (Jadis the White Witch), James McAvoy (Mr Tumnus, a Faun), Jim Broadbent (Professor Digory Kirke), Kiran Shah (Ginarrbrik), James Cosmo (Father Christmas), Judy McIntosh (Mrs Pevensie), Liam Neeson (voice of Aslan). CS Lewis’s timeless adventure follows the exploits of the four Pevensie siblings – Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter – in Second World War England who enter the world of Narnia through a magical wardrobe while playing a game of hide-and-seek in the rural country home of an elderly professor. Won an Academy Award for Best Makeup. Dir. Andrew Adamson. The second film in the series, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) included Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian and Eddie Izzard as the voice of Reepicheep, a swashbuckling mouse. The third film in the series, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010), unlike the first two films, which were distributed by The Walt Disney Company, was distributed by 20th Century Fox and released in Digital 3D. The two younger Pevensie children are joined by their cousin Eustace Scrubb (played by Will Poulter) to help save Narnia from a corrupting evil that resides on a dark island. Simon Pegg replaced Eddie Izzard as the voice of Reepicheep because director Michael Apted thought that his voice was more suited to the mature and serious side of the valiant mouse. Cincinnati Kid, The (1965) Steve McQueen, Edward G Robinson, Karl Malden, Ann-Margret, Tuesday Weld. Based on Richard Jessup’s novel concerning battle for supremacy among stud poker experts. Dir. Norman Jewison. Cinderella Man (2005) Russell Crowe (Jim Braddock), Renée Zellweger (Mae Braddock), Craig Bierko (Max Baer). The true story of James Braddock, a supposedly washed up boxer who came back despite crippling hand injuries to pursue his dream of winning the world heavyweight boxing championship in the 1930s. Dir. Ron Howard. Citadel, The (1938) Robert Donat, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Richardson, Rex Harrison. Based on AJ Cronin’s novel, which also spawned the TV series Dr Finlay’s Casebook. Dir. King Vidor. Citizen Kane (1941) Orson Welles (Kane), Joseph Cotten (Jedediah Leland), Agnes Moorehead (Kane’s mother). Based loosely on the newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. Welles also co-wrote the script with Herman J Mankiewicz. Dir. Orson Welles. City Hall (1996) Al Pacino, John Cusack, Bridget Fonda, Danny Aiello. Dir. Harold Becker. City Heat (1984) Clint Eastwood (Lt Speer), Burt Reynolds (Mike Murphy), Madeline Kahn (Caroline Howley). Reynolds broke his jaw when a prop chair turned out to be a real one!. Dir. Richard Benjamin. City of God (2003) Matheus Nachtergaele (Sandro Cenoura), Seu Jorge (Mane Galinha), Buscape (Alexandre Rodrigues). Set in the slums of Rio; a poor wretch, eager to improve himself, watches his contemporaries turn to drugs and crime. Dir. Fernando Meirelles. City of Industry (1997) Harvey Keitel, Stephen Dorff, Timothy Hutton. Dir. John Irvin. City Slickers (1991) Billy Crystal (Mitch Robbins), Daniel Stern (Phil Berquist), Jack Palance (Curly). Oscar for Jack Palance as Best Supporting Actor. Dir. Ron Underwood. Class Act (1992) Christopher Reid, Christopher Martin, Karyn Parsons. Two students swap identities. Dir. Randall Miller. Class Action (1991) Gene Hackman, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Colin Friels. Father and daughter, both lawyers, find themselves on opposing sides in the courtroom. Dir. Michael Apted. Cleopatra (1934) Claudette Colbert, Henry Wilcoxon (Antony), Warren William (Caesar). Dir. Cecil B de Mille. Cleopatra (1963) Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison. Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz. Click (2006) Adam Sandler (Michael Newman), Kate Beckinsale (Donna Newman), Christopher Walken (Morty), David Hasselhoff (Mr Ammer), Henry Winkler (Ted Newman), Julie Kavner (Trudy Newman), Sean Astin (Bill Rando), Joseph Castanon (Ben Newman, age 7), Jonah Hill (Ben Newman, age 17), Jake Hoffman (Ben Newman, age 22–30), Tatum McCann (Samantha Newman, age 5), Lorraine Nicholson (Samantha Newman, age 15), Katie Cassidy (Samantha Newman, age 28). A workaholic architect finds a universal remote that allows him to fast-forward and rewind to different parts of his life. Complications arise when the remote starts to overrule his choices. Dir. Frank Coraci. Clockers (1995) Harvey Keitel, John Turturro, Delroy Lindo, Mekhi Phifer, Pee Wee Love, Sticky Fingaz. A clocker is a small-time crack dealer working on the streets. Dir. Spike Lee. Clockwise (1986) John Cleese (Timpson), Alison Steadman (Gwenda), Penelope Wilton (Pat Garden). Dir. Christopher Morahan. Clockwork Orange, A (1971) Malcolm McDowell, Adrienne Corri, Patrick Magee, Michael Bates, Warren Clarke. Based on Anthony Burgess’s novel. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Richard Dreyfuss, François Truffaut, Teri Garr. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Closer (2004) Natalie Portman (Alice), Jude Law (Dan), Julia Roberts (Anna), Clive Owen (Larry), Nick Hobbs, Colin Stinton. Set in London, the story of four strangers and their chance meetings, instant attractions and subsequent betrayals. Based on the play by Patrick Marber. Dir. Mike Nichols. Cloud Atlas (2012) Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, James D'Arcy, Zhou Xun, Keith David, David Gyasi, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant. German production based on the 2004 novel Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. The plotlines cover six time periods with actors taking various roles. Dirs. Lana and Andy Wachowski and Tom Tykwer. Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980) Sissy Spacek (Loretta Lynn), Tommy Lee Jones. Dir. Michael Apted. Cocktail (1988) Tom Cruise (Brian Flanagan), Bryan Brown (Doug Coughlin), Elizabeth Shue (Jordan Mooney). Dir. Roger Donaldson. Cocoanuts, The (1929) Four Marx Brothers, Margaret Dumont. First of the Marx Brothers films. Dir. Robert Florey and Joseph Santley. Cocoon (1985) Don Ameche (Art Selwyn), Steve Guttenberg (Jack Bonner), Jessica Tandy (Alma Finley), Tahnee Welch,ಝ(Kitty). There was a 1988 sequel Cocoon: The Return. Dir. Ron Howard. Cold Comfort Farm (1995) Kate Beckinsale (Flora Poste), Joanna Lumley, Stephen Fry, Eileen Atkins, Ian McKellen. Dir. John Schlesinger. Cold Mountain (2003) Jude Law (Inman), Nicole Kidman (Ada Monroe), Renée Zellweger (Ruby Thewes), Donald Sutherland (Reverend Monroe), Ray Winstone (Teague), Brendan Gleason (Stobrod), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Veasey), Natalie Portman (Sara), Kathy Baker (Sally Swanger), Giovanni Ribisi (Junior), Eileen Atkins (Maddy), Charlie Hunnam (Bosie). Set in 1864 during the American Civil War, a Confederate soldier deserts to make his way back to the woman he fleetingly loved. Dir. Anthony Minghella. Color of Money, The (1986) Paul Newman (Eddie Felson), Tom Cruise (Vincent), Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (Carmen). Sequel to The Hustler. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Color of Night (1994) Bruce Willis, Jane March, Ruben Blades, Lesley Ann Warren, Scott Bakula. Psychiatrist takes over a group that includes the person who murdered a colleague. Dir. Richard Rush. Color Purple, The (1985) Whoopi Goldberg (Celie), Danny Glover (Albert Johnson) Oprah Winfrey (Sofia), Willard Pugh (Harpo). Based on the novel by Alice Walker. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Comfort and Joy (1984) Bill Paterson (Alan), Eleanor David (Maddy), CP Grogan (Charlotte). Ice cream empires are called ‘Mr McCool’ and ‘Mr Bunny’ and the music is by Mark Knopfler. Dir. Bill Forsyth. Coming Home (1978) Jane Fonda, Jon Voight, Bruce Dern. Dir. Hal Ashby. Commitments, The (1991) Robert Arkins (Jimmy Rabbitte), Andrew Strong (Deco Cuffe), Michael Aherne (Steve Clifford). Story of a Dublin soul band. Dir. Alan Parker. Con Air (1997) Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, John Malkovich. Dir. Simon West. Conspiracy Theory (1997) Mel Gibson (Jerry Fletcher), Julia Roberts (Alice Sutton). Dir. Richard Donner. Constant Gardener, The (2005) Ralph Fiennes (Justin Quayle), Rachel Weisz (Tessa Quayle), Hubert Koundé (Arnold Bluhm), Danny Huston (Sandy Woodrow), Daniele Harford (Miriam), Bill Nighy (Sir Bernard Pellegrin). A widower is determined to get to the bottom of a


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potentially explosive secret involving his wife’s murder, big business, and corporate corruption. Based on a John le Carré novel adapted for the screen by Jeffrey Caine. Rachel Weisz won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Dir. Fernando Meirelles. Contact (1997) Jodie Foster (Ellie). Based on Carl Sagan’s book. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Control Room (2004) Documentary on perception of the United States’ war with Iraq, with an emphasis on Al Jazeera’s coverage. Dir. Jehane Noujaim. Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, The (1989) Richard Bohringer (Richard the Cook), Michael Gambon (Albert the Thief), Helen Mirren (Georgina, His Wife), Alan Howard (Michael, Her Lover). Dir. Peter Greenaway. Cool Hand Luke (1967) Paul Newman (Lucas Jackson), George Kennedy, Jo Van Fleet. Luke was imprisoned for sawing off a parking meter. Famous scene where Luke swallows 50 eggs in an hour. Dir. Stuart Rosenberg. Cotton Club, The (1984) Richard Gere (Dixie Dwyer), Gregory Hines (Sandman Williams), Bob Hoskins (Owney Madden), Nicolas Cage (Vincent Dwyer). Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Courage under Fire (1996) Denzel Washington (Colonel Serling), Meg Ryan (Captain Karen Walden). Gulf War story. Dir. Edward Zwick. Courtneys of Curzon Street, The (1947) Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding, Michael Medwin. Dir. Herbert Wilcox. Cousins (1989) Ted Danson (Larry Kozinski), Isabella Rossellini (Maria Hardy), Sean Young (Tish Kozinski), Lloyd Bridges (Uncle Vince). Dir. Joel Schumacher. Cowboy Way, The (1994) Woody Harrelson, Kiefer Sutherland, Ernie Hudson. Dir. Gregg Champion. Craft, The (1996) Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk. Dir. Andrew Fleming. Crash (1996) James Spader (James), Deborah Unger (Catherine), Holly Hunter (Helen). Dir. David Cronenberg. Crash (2004) Sandra Bullock (Jean Cabot), Matt Dillon (Officer John Ryan), Don Cheadle (Det Graham Waters), Michael Peña (Daniel), Jennifer Esposito (Ria), Art Chudabala (Ken Ho), Tony Danza (Fred), Keith David (Lt Dixon), Loretta Devine (Shaniqua Johnson), Marina Sirtis (Shereen). For two days in Los Angeles, a racially and economically diverse group of people pursue lives that collide with one another in unexpected ways. Won Academy Awards for Best Film, Original Screenplay and Best Film Editing. Dir. Paul Haggis. Crazy Heart (2009) Jeff Bridges (Bad Blake), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Jean Craddock), Colin Farrell (Tommy Sweet), Robert Duvall (Wayne Kramer), Beth Grant (JoAnne), Sarah Jane Morris (Marissa Reynolds), Annie Corley (Donna), Tom Bower (Bill Wilson). Musical drama written by Scott Cooper and based on the 1987 novel of the same name by Thomas Cobb. Bad Blake, an alcoholic country music singer/songwriter, tries to turn his life around after beginning a relationship with young journalist Jean Craddock. Dir. Scott Cooper. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) Caroline Aaron (Barbara), Alan Alda (Lester), Woody Allen (Cliff Stern), Claire Bloom (Miriam Rosenthal), Mia Farrow (Halley Reed), Anjelica Huston (Dolores Paley). Dir. Woody Allen. Crimes of the Heart (1986) Diane Keaton (Lenny Magrath), Jessica Lange (Meg), Sissy Spacek (Babe). Three kooky sisters argue about which one of them is going to go completely mad, first. Dir. Bruce Beresford. Critters (1986) Dee Wallace Stone, M Emmet Walsh, Billy Green Bush. Hair-ball creatures arrive from an asteroid and devastate Kansas. Dir. Stephen Herek. Crocodile Dundee (1986) Paul Hogan (Mick Dundee), Linda Kozlowski (Sue Charlton), John Meillon (Wally Reilly). As so often the case with sequels, Crocodile Dundee II was not as big a hit. Dir. Peter Faiman. Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001) Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski, Jere Burns, Jonathan Banks, Mike Tyson (as himself). Second sequel made 13 years after the previous one but similar plot. Dir. Simon Wincer. Cromwell (1970) Richard Harris, Alec Guinness, Frank Finlay, Robert Morley. Dir. Ken Hughes. Crossing Guard, The (1995) Jack Nicholson, David Morse, Anjelica Huston, Piper Laurie. Alcoholic jeweller plans to kill the man who killed his daughter in a drink driving incident. Dir. Sean Penn. Crossroads (2002) Britney Spears (Lucy), Zoe Saldana (Kit), Justin Long, Dan Aykroyd, Anson Mount, Kim Cattrall, Taryn Manning (Mimi). Three girls go to Los Angeles following their graduation. Dir. Tamara Davis. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (1999) Michelle Yeoh, Chang Chen, Zhang Ziyi, Chow Yun-Fat. Dir. Ang Lee. Crow, The (1994) Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott. Brandon Lee died in a shooting accident during filming. Dir. Alex Proyas. Cruel Sea, The (1953) Jack Hawkins, Donald Sinden, Stanley Baker. Eric Ambler adapted Nicholas Monsarrat’s novel. Dir. Charles Frend. Crumb (1994) Robert Crumb, Charles Crumb, Maxon Crumb, Dana Crumb, Beatrice Crumb, Aline Kominsky. Documentary about the creator of Fritz the Cat and Mr Natural. Dir. Terry Zwigoff. Cry Freedom (1987) Kevin Kline (Donald Woods), Denzel Washington (Steve Biko). Dir. Richard Attenborough. Cry in the Dark, A (1988) Meryl Streep (Lindy Chamberlain), Sam Neill (Michael). True story of a mother, convicted of killing her baby, who maintained a dingo had run off with it. Dir. Fred Schepisi. Crying Freeman (1995) Mark Dacascos, Julie Condra (Emu O’Hara). Dir. Christophe Gans. Crying Game, The (1992) Stephen Rea (Fergus), Miranda Richardson (Jude), Forest Whitaker (Jody). Dir. Neil Jordan. Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The (2008) Brad Pitt (Benjamin Button), Cate Blanchett (Daisy Fuller), Spencer Daniels (Benjamin Button, looking like a minor), Shiloh Jolie-Pitt (Benjamin Button, looking like a baby), Elle Fanning (Daisy Fuller, age 6), Madisen Beaty (Daisy Fuller, age 11), Taraji P Henson (Queenie), Julia Ormond (Caroline Fuller), Jason Flemyng (Thomas Button), Mahershalalhashbaz Ali (Tizzy Weathers), Jared Harris (Capt Mike), Elias Koteas (Monsieur Gateau), Ed Metzger (Theodore Roosevelt), Phyllis Somerville (Grandma Fuller), Josh Stewart (Pleasant Curtis), Tilda Swinton (Elizabeth Abbott). Fantasy adventure. A boy is born in New Orleans on 11 November 1918, just after the end of the Great War. The baby’s mother dies shortly after giving birth, and the father, Thomas Button, abandons the infant on the porch of a nursing home. Queenie and Mr ‘Tizzy’ Weathers find the baby and Queenie, who is unable to conceive, decides to take it in as her own, naming it Benjamin. The plot revolves around the love between Benjamin and Daisy, whose grandmother resides at the nursing home, and the extraordinary life of a man who is unique in that as he gets older he looks younger. Based on Scott Fitzgerald’s short story of the same name (although Benjamin is born in 1860 in the book). Dir. David Fincher. Curse of the Pink Panther, The (1983) David Niven (Sir Charles Litton), Robert Wagner (George Litton), Herbert Lom (Dreyfus), Joanna Lumley (Chandra), Capucine (Lady Litton). David Niven’s voice was dubbed by Rich Little. Dir. Blake Edwards. Cutthroat Island (1995) Geena Davis (Morgan), Matthew Modine (William Shaw), Frank Langella. Dir. Renny Harlin. Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) Gérard Depardieu, Anne Brochet, Vincent Perez. Dir. Jean-Paul Rappeneau. Da Vinci Code, The (2006) Tom Hanks (Dr Robert Langdon), Audrey Tautou (Agent Sophie Neveu), Ian McKellen (Sir Leigh Teabing), Jean Reno (Captain Bezu Fache), Paul Bettany (Silas), Alfred Molina (Bishop Manuel Aringarosa), Jürgen Prochnow (Andre Vernet), Jean-Yves Berteloot (Remy Jean), Etienne Chicot (Lt Collet). Based on Dan Brown’s best-selling novel, adapted for the screen by Akiva Goldsman. Dir. Ron Howard. Daddy Longlegs (1931) Janet Gaynor, Warner Baxter. Orphan girl grows up to fall in love with a mysterious benefactor. Dir. Alfred Santell. Daddy Longlegs (1955) Fred Astaire, Leslie Caron, Fred Clark. Musical remake of the 1931 film. Dir. Jean Negulesco. Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD (1966) Peter Cushing, Bernard Cribbins. Dir. Gordon Flemyng. Dam Busters, The (1954) Michael Redgrave (Barnes Wallis), Richard Todd (Guy Gibson). Dir. Michael Anderson. Damien: Omen Two (1978) William Holden, Lee Grant, Jonathan Scott-Taylor, Sylvia Sidney. Dir. Don Taylor. Dance with a Stranger (1985) Miranda Richardson (Ruth Ellis), Rupert Everett (David Blakely), Ian Holm, Stratford Johns. Dir. Mike Newell. Dances with Wolves (1990) Kevin Costner (Lt John J Dunbar), Mary McDonnell (Stands With a Fist), Graham Greene (Kicking Bird). Dir. Kevin Costner. Dangerous Ground (1997) Elizabeth Hurley, Ice Cube. Dir. Darrell James Roodt.


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Dangerous Liaisons (1988) Glenn Close (Marquise de Merteuil), John Malkovich (Vicomte de Valmont), Michelle Pfeiffer (Madame de Tourvel), Keanu Reeves (Chevalier Danceny), Uma Thurman (Cecile de Volanges). Dir. Stephen Frears. Danny the Champion of the World (1989) Jeremy Irons (William Smith), Samuel Irons (Danny), Robbie Coltrane (Victor Hazell). Based on a Roald Dahl book. Dir. Gavin Millar. Dante’s Peak (1997) Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton. Dir. Roger Donaldson. Dark Knight, The (2008) Christian Bale (Bruce Wayne/Batman), Heath Ledger (The Joker), Aaron Eckhart (Harvey Dent/Two-Face), Michael Caine (Alfred Pennyworth), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Rachel Dawes), Gary Oldman (James Gordon), Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox), Monique Gabriela Curnen (Det Anna Ramirez), Ron Dean (Det Michael Wuertz), Cillian Murphy (Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow). Sequel to the 2005 film Batman Begins. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Dark Knight Rises, The (2012) Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman reprise their roles. Final installment in Nolan's Batman film trilogy has Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) and Bane (Tom Hardy) as super villains. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Darkman (1990) Liam Neeson (Peyton Westlake / Darkman). Scientist left for dead by thugs re-emerges as Darkman. Dir. Sam Raimi. Darling (1965) Julie Christie, Dirk Bogarde, Laurence Harvey. Dir. John Schlesinger. Dave (1993) Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, Frank Langella, Ben Kingsley. US President suffers a stroke and a Baltimore businessman is hired to impersonate him. Dir. Ivan Reitman. David Copperfield (1934) Freddie Bartholomew (young David), Frank Lawton (David as a man), WC Fields (Micawber). Charles Laughton was original choice for Micawber but resigned after 2 days. Dir. George Cukor. Day at the Races, A (1937) First of the high-budget Marx Brothers films. Dir. Sam Wood. Day of the Beast (1995) Alex Angulo, Armando de Razza, Santiago Segura. Priest attempts to track down the Anti-Christ who is to be born in Madrid. Dir. Alex de la Iglesia. Day of the Jackal, The (1973) Edward Fox, Michael Lonsdale, Alan Badel, Eric Porter. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Day of the Triffids, The (1962) Howard Keel, Kieron Moore, Janette Scott, Nicole Maurey. Dir. Steve Sekely. Daylight (1996) Sylvester Stallone, Amy Brenneman, Viggo Mortensen, Karen Young, Claire Bloom. Diverse group of people are trapped in Manhattan’s Holland Tunnel. Dir. Rob Cohen. Days of Thunder (1990) Tom Cruise (Cole Trickle), Robert Duvall (Harry Hogge), Nicole Kidman (Dr Claire Lewicki). Dir. Tony Scott. Dead Again (1991) Kenneth Branagh (Roman Strauss / Mike), Andy Garcia (Gray Baker), Derek Jacobi (Franklyn Madson), Emma Thompson (Margaret Strauss / Grace). Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Dead Calm (1989) Sam Neill (John Ingram), Nicole Kidman (Rae Ingram), Billy Zane (Hughie Warriner). Dir. Phillip Noyce. Dead Man Walking (1995) Susan Sarandon (Sister Helen Prejean), Sean Penn (Matthew Poncelet). Dir. Tim Robbins. Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid (1982) Steve Martin, Rachel Ward, Carl Reiner, Reni Santoni. Bogart, Ladd, Bacall, Stanwyck also appear in film-clip editing. Dir. Carl Reiner. Dead Poets Society (1989) Robin Williams (John Keating), Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke, Josh Charles. Keating’s motto: ‘Carpe Diem (Seize the Day)’. Dir. Peter Weir. Dead Pool, The (1988) Clint Eastwood (Harry Callahan), Patricia Clarkson, Liam Neeson, Evan C Kim. Famous scene of a car chase involving a toy car. Jim Carrey has small part as a murder victim. Dir. Buddy van Horn. Dead Ringers (1988) Jeremy Irons (Beverly / Elliot Mantle), Geneviève Bujold (Claire Niveau). Concerns identical twins, gynaecologists. Dir. David Cronenberg. Dealers (1989) Paul McGann (Daniel Pasco), Rebecca DeMornay (Anna Schuman), Derrick O’Connor (Robby Barrell). TV series Capital City was a spin-off. Dir. Colin Bucksey. Dear Diary (1994) Jennifer Beals, Nanni Moretti, Alexandre Rockwell. Dir. Nanni Moretti. Death in Venice (1971) Dirk Bogarde, Bjorn Andresen, Silvana Mangano Gustav Mahler’s music is memorable. Dir. Luchino Visconti. Death of a Salesman (1985) Dustin Hoffman (Willy Loman), Charles Durning (Charley), Kate Reid (Linda), Stephen Lang (Happy), John Malkovich. Screenplay: Arthur Miller. Film was made for cable TV. Dir. Volker Schlondorff. Death on the Nile (1978) Peter Ustinov, Bette Davis, Mia Farrow, David Niven, Maggie Smith. Agatha Christie novel with Hercule Poirot. Dir. John Guillermin. Death Race 2000 (1975) David Carradine, Simone Griffeth, Sylvester Stallone. Dir. Paul Bartel. Death Wish (1974) Charles Bronson, Hope Lange, Vincent Gardenia. Four follow-on films – 1981, 1985, 1987, 1993 -– similar plots. Dir. Michael Winner. Deathtrap (1982) Michael Caine, Christopher Reeve, Dyan Cannon. From the play by Ira Levin. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Deepstar Six (1989) Taurean Blacque, Nancy Everhard, Greg Evigan. Underwater thriller. Dir. Sean Cunningham. Deer Hunter, The (1978) Robert De Niro, John Savage, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep. Vietnam thriller that won 3 Oscars. Dir. Michael Cimino. Defence of the Realm (1985) Gabriel Byrne (Nick Mullen), Greta Scacchi (Nina Beckman), Denholm Elliott (Vernon Bayliss), Robbie Coltrane (Leo McAskey). Dir. David Drury. Defiant Ones, The (1958) Tony Curtis, Sidney Poitier, Theodore Bikel, Lon Chaney Jnr. Prison escape drama, with black and white prisoners chained together, that won 3 Oscars. Dir. Stanley Kramer. Delinquents, The (1989) Notable only for being Kylie Minogue’s debut feature. Dir. Chris Thomson. Deliverance (1972) Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, Ned Beatty. From James Dickey’s novel. Dir. John Boorman. Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone (John Spartan), Wesley Snipes (Simon Phoenix), Lori Petty, Nigel Hawthorne, Melinda Dillon. Futuristic thriller with Stallone as former cop released from suspended animation. Dir. Marco Brambilla. Dennis the Menace (1993) Walter Matthau, Mason Gamble, Joan Plowright, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson. Story of the 6-yr-old menace. Dir. Nick Castle. Departed, The (2006) Leonardo DiCaprio (Billy Costigan), Matt Damon (Colin Sullivan), Jack Nicholson (Frank Costello), Mark Wahlberg (Dignam), Martin Sheen (Oliver Queenan), Ray Winstone (Mr French), Alec Baldwin (Ellerby), Robert Wahlberg (FBI Agent Frank Lazio), Kristen Dalton (Gwen). Two men from opposite sides of the law are undercover within the Massachusetts State Police and the Irish mafia, but bloodshed boils when the infiltration is discovered, and the pair are sent to find their enemy’s identities. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Desert Fox, The (1951) James Mason, Jessica Tandy, Cedric Hardwicke. Biography of Erwin Rommel. Dir. Henry Hathaway. Desert Rats, The (1953) James Mason (Rommel), Richard Burton, Robert Newton. Dir. Robert Wise. Desperado (1995) Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Joaquin de Almeida, Cheech Marin, Quentin Tarantino. Man with guitar case full of weapons walks into a Mexican town and starts shooting. Dir. Robert Rodriguez. Desperate Hours (1990) Mickey Rourke (Michael Bosworth), Anthony Hopkins (Tim Cornell), Mimi Rogers (Nora). Dir. Michael Cimino. Desperate Measures (1998) Michael Keaton, Andy Garcia. Detective Frank Connor is forced to choose between his badge and his son. Dir. Barbet Schroeder. Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) Madonna, Aidan Quinn, Rosanna Arquette. Madonna’s first starring role. Dir. Susan Seidelman. Destiny Turns on the Radio (1995) James LeGros, Dylan McDermott, Quentin Tarantino, James Belushi, Nancy Travis. Bank robber gets out of jail and travels to Las Vegas to reclaim his loot. Dir. Jack Baran. Devil Rides Out, The (1968) Christopher Lee, Charles Gray, Patrick Mower. From Dennis Wheatley’s novel. Dir. Terence Fisher. Devil Wears Prada, The (2006) Meryl Streep (Miranda Priestly), Anne Hathaway (Andy Sachs), Emily Blunt (Emily). A naive young woman comes to New York and manages to get a job as assistant to ruthless and cynical Miranda Priestly, one of the city’s biggest magazine editors. Dir. David Frankel.


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Devils, The (1970) Vanessa Redgrave, Oliver Reed, Dudley Sutton, Gemma Jones. Dir. Ken Russell. Devil’s Own, The (1997) Harrison Ford (Tom O’Meara), Brad Pitt (Frankie McGuire). Dir. Alan J Pakula. Diabolique (1996) Sharon Stone, Isabelle Adjani, Kathy Bates. Wife and mistress of unpleasant schoolmaster conspire to murder him. Dir. Jeremiah Chechnik. Dial M for Murder (1954) Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings. Shot in 3D but never released in 3D form. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Sean Connery, Charles Gray (Blofeld), Jill St John (Tiffany Case), Lana Wood (Plenty O’Toole). Theme song sung by Shirley Bassey. Dir. Guy Hamilton. Dick Tracy (1990) Warren Beatty, Madonna (Breathless Mahoney), Dick Van Dyke, Al Pacino (Big Boy Caprice), Dustin Hoffman (Mumbles), Charlie Korsmo (Kid), Kathy Bates (Mrs Green), James Caan (Spaldini). Won 3 Oscars. Dir. Warren Beatty. Dictator, The (2012) Sacha Baron Cohen (President Prime Minister Admiral General Haffaz Aladeen/Alison Burgers/Efawadh). The cruel and egotistical dictator of the fictional Republic of Wadiya is kidnapped and replaced by a double, Efawadh. Dir. Larry Charles. Die Another Day (2002) Pierce Brosnan (James Bond), Halle Berry (Jinx), Rick Yune (Zao), Madonna (Verity), Judi Dench (M), John Cleese (Q), Rosamund Pike (Miranda Frost), Michael Madsen (Damian Falco), Toby Stephens (Gustav Graves), Samantha Bond (Moneypenny). Theme song sung by Madonna. Dir. Lee Tamahori. Die Hard (1988) Bruce Willis (John McClane), Bonnie Bedelia (Holly Gennaro McClane), Alan Rickman (Hans Gruber). 3 sequels followed. Dir. John McTiernan. Diner (1982) Steve Guttenberg (Eddie), Daniel Stern (Shrevie), Mickey Rourke (Boogie), Kevin Bacon (Fenwick), Ellen Barkin (Beth), Timothy Daly (Billy). Five men on verge of manhood hang out at Fells Point Diner. Dir. Barry Levinson. Dirty Dancing (1987) Patrick Swayze (Johnny Castle), Jennifer Grey (Baby Houseman). Variant on Saturday Night Fever. Dir. Emile Ardolino. Dirty Dingus Magee (1970) Frank Sinatra, George Kennedy. Western comedy. Dir. Burt Kennedy. Dirty Dozen, The (1967) Lee Marvin, Robert Ryan, Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas, Ernest Borgnine, Jim Brown, John Cassavetes, George Kennedy, Richard Jaeckel, Trini Lopez, Ralph Meeker, Clint Walker, Donald Sutherland. Dir. Robert Aldrich. Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry (1974) Peter Fonda, Susan George, Roddy McDowall (uncredited). Dir. John Hough. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) Steve Martin (Freddie Benson), Michael Caine (Lawrence Jamieson). Remake of Bedtime Story (1964). Dir. Frank Oz. Distinguished Gentleman, The (1992) Eddie Murphy (Thomas Jefferson Johnson), Lane Smith (Dick Dodge), James Garner. Dir. Jonathan Lynn. Django Unchained (2012) Jamie Foxx (Django Freeman), Christoph Waltz (Dr King Schultz), Leonardo DiCaprio (Calvin J. Candie), Kerry Washington (Broomhilda Von Shaft), Samuel L. Jackson (Stephen), Don Johnson (Spencer 'Big Daddy' Bennett), Ato Essandoh (D'Artagnan), Franco Nero (Amerigo Vessepi). Western. Django, a freed slave who, accompanied by Schultz (a German dentist and bounty hunter), is on a mission to rescue his wife Broomhilda from Calvin Candie, a cruel plantation owner . Dir. Quentin Tarantino. DOA (1950) Edmond O’Brien, Pamela Britton, Neville Brand, Luther Adler. Title stands for ‘Dead on Arrival’ and concerns a professor, who has been poisoned by a slow-acting drug, in a race against time to track down his murderer. Dir. Rudolph Maté. DOA (1988) Dennis Quaid (Dexter Cornell), Meg Ryan (Sydney Fuller), Charlotte Rampling (Mrs Fitzwaring). Remake of the 1950 classic. Dir. Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel. Doc Hollywood (1991) Michael J Fox (Dr Benjamin Stone), Julie Warner (Lou), Bridget Fonda (Nancy Lee), George Hamilton (Dr Halberstrom). Famous scene of Warner urinating to throw hunters off their prey’s scent. Dir. Michael Caton-Jones. Doctor and the Devils (1986) Timothy Dalton (Dr Thomas Rock), Jonathan Pryce (Robert Fallon), Twiggy (Jenny Bailey), Beryl Reid, TP McKenna, Patrick Stewart. Screenplay by Dylan Thomas. Dir. Freddie Francis. Dr Dolittle (1967) Rex Harrison, Anthony Newley, Samantha Eggar, Richard Attenborough. Oscars for Best Song (‘Talk to the Animals’) and Special Effects. LB Abbott. Dir. Richard Fleischer. Dr Dolittle (1998) Eddie Murphy (Dr Dolittle), Ossie Davis, Oliver Platt, Peter Boyle. Dir. Betty Thomas. Dr Dolittle 2 (2001) Sequel to the 1998 film with similar cast. Dir. Steve Carr. Doctor in the House (1954) Dirk Bogarde, Kenneth More, Kay Kendall, Donald Sinden. First of many Doctor stories, followed by TV series. Dir. Ralph Thomas. Doctor No (1962) Sean Connery, Ursula Andress (Honeychile Rider), Joseph Wiseman (Dr No), Jack Lord. First of the James Bond stories to be filmed (James Bond theme by Monty Norman). Dir. Terence Young. Dr Strangelove (1963) Peter Sellers, George C Scott. Black comedy Peter Sellers plays 3 parts. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. Dr Who and the Daleks (1965) Peter Cushing, Roy Castle, Roberta Tovey, Jennie Linden. First Dr Who film; sequel in 1966. Dir. Gordon Flemyng. Doctor Zhivago (1965) Omar Sharif, Julie Christie, Rod Steiger, Alec Guinness, Rita Tushingham, Geraldine Chaplin, Tom Courtenay, Adrienne Corri. Oscars for Maurice Jarre (Music), Freddie Young (Photography), and Robert Bolt (Screenplay). Dir. David Lean. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) Al Pacino, John Cazale, Charles Durning, Chris Sarandon, Sully Boyar. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Dog Soldiers (2002) Sean Pertwee (Sgt Harry Wells), Kevin McKidd, Emma Cleasby. Story of an army patrol in the Highlands of Scotland besieged by werewolves. Dir. Neil Marshall. Dogville (2003) Nicole Kidman (Grace), Harriet Anderson (Gloria), Lauren Bacall (Ma Ginger), Jean-Marc Barr (The Man with the Big Hat), Paul Bettany (Tom Edison), Blair Brown (Mrs Henson), James Caan (The Big Man), Patricia Clarkson (Vera), Jeremy Davies (Bill Henson), Ben Gazzara (Jack McKay), Philip Baker Hall (Tom Edison Snr), Udo Kier (The Man in the Coat), Chloe Sevigny (Liz Henson), Stellan Skarsgard (Chuck), John Hurt (Narrator). Set in the 1930s. A woman flees from gangsters and is protected by the residents of a small town until they realise the risks involved. Innovative film methods are used including lines of white paint to depict streets and buildings in order to distinguish public and private behaviour. Dir. Lars von Trier. Dolores Claiborne (1995) Kathy Bates, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judy Parfitt, Christopher Plummer. Housekeeper acquitted of murder is then arrested for killing her boss. Dir. Taylor Hackford. Donnie Brasco (1997) Al Pacino (Ben ‘Lefty’ Ruggiero), Johnny Depp (Donnie Brasco / Joe Pistone), Michael Madsen (Sonny). Dir. Mike Newell. Don’t Look Now (1973) Donald Sutherland, Julie Christie. Daphne du Maurier story, set in Venice. Dir. Nicolas Roeg. Doors, The (1991) Val Kilmer (Jim Morrison), Meg Ryan (Pamela Courson), Billy Idol (Cat). Dir. Oliver Stone. Double Indemnity (1944) Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G Robinson, Tom Powers, Porter Hall, Jean Heather, Byron Barr. An insurance agent connives with the wife of a client to kill her husband and claim on the policy. Screenplay by Billy Wilder and Raymond Chandler based on the novel by James M Cain. Dir. Billy Wilder. Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986) Nick Nolte (Jerry Baskin), Richard Dreyfuss (Davie Whiteman), Bette Midler (Barbara Whiteman), Little Richard (Orvis Goodnight). Dir. Paul Mazursky. Downhill Racer (1969) Robert Redford, Gene Hackman, Camilla Sparv. Plotless film about a skier. Dir. Michael Ritchie. Dracula (1931) Bela Lugosi, Helen Chandler, David Manners. Numerous follow-on films from this Bram Stoker novel. Dir. Tod Browning.


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Dracula 2001 (2000) Christopher Plummer (Van Helsing), Jonny Lee Miller, Justine Waddell, Gerard Butler (Dracula). US title: Dracula 2000. Dir. Patrick Lussier. Dragnet (1987) Dan Aykroyd (Joe Friday), Tom Hanks (Streebek), Christopher Plummer (Whirley), Harry Morgan (Bill Gannon). Dir. Tom Mankiewicz. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) Jason Scott Lee, Robert Wagner, Michael Learned, Lauren Holly, Nancy Kwan. Dir. Rob Cohen. Dragonheart (1996) Dennis Quaid, David Thewlis, Pete Postlethwaite, voice of Sean Connery. Dir. Rob Cohen. Dream Team, The (1989) Michael Keaton (Billy Caulfield), Christopher Lloyd (Henry Sikorsky), Peter Boyle (Jack McDermott), Stephen Furst (Albert Ianuzzi). Four mental patients have to fend for themselves in Manhattan. Dir. Howard Zieff. Dreamscape (1984) Dennis Quaid (Alex), Max Von Sydow (Paul), Christopher Plummer (Bob), Kate Capshaw (Jane), George Wendt (Charlie). Dir. Joseph Ruben. Dressed to Kill (1980) Michael Caine, Angie Dickinson, Nancy Allen. Michael Caine plays a transvestite killer. Dir. Brian De Palma. Dresser, The (1983) Albert Finney (Sir), Tom Courtenay (Norman), Edward Fox (Oxenby). Dir. Peter Yates. Driven (2001) Sylvester Stallone (Joe Tanto), Burt Reynolds (Carl Henry), Kip Pardue (Jimmy Bly), Gina Gershon (Cathy Moreno), Stacy Edwards (Lucretia Clans). Dir. Renny Harlin. Driving Miss Daisy (1989) Jessica Tandy (Daisy Werthan), Morgan Freeman (Hoke Colburn), Dan Aykroyd (Boolie). Won 4 Oscars. Dir. Bruce Beresford. Drugstore Cowboy (1989) Matt Dillon (Bob Hughes), Kelly Lynch (Dianne Hughes), Heather Graham (Nadine), William S Burroughs (Tom the Priest). Dir. Gus Van Sant. Dry White Season, A (1989) Donald Sutherland (Ben Du Toit), Janet Suzman (Susan), Susan Sarandon (Melanie Bruwer), Marlon Brando (Ian McKenzie). Set in apartheid South Africa. Dir. Euzhan Palcy. Duchess, The (2008) Keira Knightley (Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire), Ralph Fiennes (William Cavendish, 5th Duke of Devonshire), Hayley Atwell (Lady Elizabeth ‘Bess’ Foster), Charlotte Rampling (Countess Spencer), Dominic Cooper (Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey), Aidan McArdle (Richard Brinsley Sheridan), Simon McBurney (Charles James Fox). Drama based on Amanda Foreman’s biography of the C18 English aristocrat Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, the Lady Di of her day. Dir. Saul Dibb. Duck Soup (1933) The Marx Brothers, Margaret Dumont. According to Time Out the best Marx Bros film. Dir. Leo McCarey. Duet for One (1986) Julie Andrews (Stephanie Anderson), Alan Bates (David Cornwallis), Max Von Sydow (Dr Louis Feldman), Liam Neeson (Totter). Famous violinist develops multiple sclerosis. Dir. Andrei Konchalovsky. Duke Wore Jeans, The (1958) Tommy Steele, June Laverick, Michael Medwin. Dir. Gerald Thomas. Dune (1984) Kyle MacLachlan (Paul Atreides), Francesca Annis (Lady Jessica), Sting (Feyd Rautha), Kenneth McMillan (Baron Harkonnen). Based on Frank Herbert’s epic SF novel. Dir. David Lynch. Dunkirk (1958) John Mills, Richard Attenborough, Bernard Lee. Directed by Barry Norman’s father. Factual story. Dir. Leslie Norman. Eagle Has Landed, The (1976) Michael Caine, Donald Sutherland, Jenny Agutter, Robert Duvall, Donald Pleasence (Himmler). Involves a Nazi plot to kill Churchill. Dir. John Sturges. Earth Girls Are Easy (1988) Geena Davis (Valerie Dale), Jeff Goldblum (Mac), Jim Carrey (Wiploc), Julie Brown (Candy Pink). Dir. Julien Temple. Earthquake (1974) Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, Lorne Greene, George Kennedy. First film to use ‘Sensurround’. Big box-office hit. Dir. Mark Robson. East of Sudan (1964) Anthony Quayle, Sylvia Syms, Jenny Agutter. Dir. Nathan Juran. Easter Parade (1948) Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Ann Miller. Music by Irving Berlin. Dir. Charles Walters. Easy Street (1917) Charles Chaplin, Edna Purviance, Albert Austin. Tramp is reformed by missionary and becomes a policeman. Dir. Charles Chaplin. Eddie (1996) Whoopi Goldberg (Eddie), Frank Langella (Wild Bill Burgess), Dennis Farina (John Bailey). Dir. Steve Rash. Educating Rita (1983) Michael Caine (Dr Frank Bryant), Julie Walters (Rita), Maureen Lipman (Trish), Michael Williams (Brian). From the play by Willie Russell; shot in Ireland for tax reasons. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Edward Scissorhands (1990) Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder (Kim Boggs), Dianne Wiest (Peg), Alan Arkin (Bill), Vincent Price (Inventor). Dir. Tim Burton. Eiger Sanction, The (1975) Clint Eastwood, George Kennedy, Vonetta McGee. Art teacher returns to CIA post as an exterminator. Dir. Clint Eastwood. 8 Mile (2002) Eminem, Kim Basinger, Brittany Murphy, Mekhi Phifer. Dir. Curtis Hanson. Eight and a Half (1963) Marcello Mastroianni, Claudia Cardinale, Anouk Aimée. Fellini self portrait. Best Foreign Film Oscar. (The 8 1/2 refers to the number of films Fellini had then made.) Dir. Federico Fellini. 18 Again! (1988) George Burns (Jack Watson), Charlie Schlatter (David Watson), Tony Roberts (Arnold). Dir. Paul Flaherty. 84 Charing Cross Road (1987) Anne Bancroft (Helene), Anthony Hopkins (Frank Doel), Judi Dench (Nora Doel). Based on a true story of the late Helene Hanff. Dir. David Jones. Elephant (2003) Alex Frost (Alex), Eric Deulen (Eric), John Robinson (John McFarland), Elias McConnell (Elias), Jordan Taylor (Jordan), Timothy Bottoms (John McFarland’s father), Matt Molloy (Mr Luce). Drama depicting real high school students and adult actors. Based on the Columbine High School killings of 1999 where two Colorado students killed 12 other students and a teacher. The action is set in Portland, Oregon. Executive producer was Diane Keaton. Dir. Gus Van Sant. Elephant Boy (1937) Sabu, Wilfrid Hyde-White. Based on a Kipling novel, made a star of Sabu. Dir. Robert Flaherty. Elephant Man, The (1980) Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt (John Merrick), Anne Bancroft, John Gielgud. Dir. David Lynch. Elizabeth (1998) Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth I of England), Geoffrey Rush (Francis Walsingham), Christopher Eccleston (Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk), Joseph Fiennes (Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester), Kathy Burke (Mary I of England), Richard Attenborough (William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley), George Yiasoumi (Philip II of Spain), Emily Mortimer (Kat Ashley), Edward Hardwicke (Henry FitzAlan, 19th Earl of Arundel), Daniel Craig (John Ballard), James Frain (Alvaro de la Quadra), Kelly Macdonald (Lettice Knollys), Angus Deayton (Waad, Chancellor of the Exchequer), Wayne Sleep (Dance Tutor), John Gielgud (the Pope), Fanny Ardant (Mary of Guise), Vincent Cassel (Duc d’Anjou), Eric Cantona (Monsieur de Foix). Drama written by Michael Hirst based on the early reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. Dir. Shekhar Kapur. A 2007 sequel, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, also directed by Kapur, was written by Hirst and William Nicholson and starred Clive Owen (Walter Raleigh) and Samantha Morton (Mary, Queen of Scots). Both Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush reprised their earlier roles. Elmer Gantry (1960) Burt Lancaster, Jean Simmons, Arthur Kennedy, Shirley Jones. Oscars for Lancaster, Jones and Brooks (writer). Dir. Richard Brooks. Emma (1996) Gwyneth Paltrow, Toni Collette, Ewan McGregor, Greta Scacchi, Sophie Thompson, Phyllida Law. Rachel Portman won Oscar for Music. Dir. Douglas McGrath. Emmanuelle (1974) Sylvia Kristel, Marika Green, Daniel Sarky. Big soft-porn cinema hit, spawned 6 sequels. Dir. Just Jaeckin. Empire of the Sun (1987) Christian Bale (Jim), John Malkovich (Basie), Miranda Richardson (Mrs Victor), Screenplay by Tom Stoppard, from JG Ballard’s autobiographical novel. Dir. Steven Spielberg.


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Empire Strikes Back, The (1980) Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. Second of the Star Wars films. Dir. Irvin Kershner. Enchanted April (1991) Miranda Richardson (Rose Arbuthnot), Joan Plowright (Mrs Fisher), Alfred Molina (Mellersh Wilkins), Josie Lawrence (Lottie Wilkins). A quartet of Edwardian ladies go on holiday in an Italian villa. Dir. Mike Newell. Endless Summer, The (1966) Study of surfing round the world. Documentary which has become a cult among surfers. Dir. Bruce Brown. Enemy at the Gates (2001) Joseph Fiennes (Danilov), Jude Law (Vassili Zaitsev), Rachel Weisz, Bob Hoskins, Ed Harris. Setting of the Siege of Stalingrad. Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud. Enforcer, The (1976) Clint Eastwood, Tyne Daly, Bradford Dillman. Third of the Dirty Harry films. Dir. James Fargo. English Patient (1996) Ralph Fiennes (Count Almasy), Kristin Scott-Thomas, Juliette Binoche, Willem Dafoe, Colin Firth. Dying Hungarian count recalls his doomed affair with the English wife of a colleague. Based on Michael Ondaatje’s book. Won 9 Academy Awards. Dir. Anthony Minghella. Entertainer, The (1960) Laurence Olivier, Joan Plowright, Alan Bates, Albert Finney. Dir. Tony Richardson. Equinox (1992) Matthew Modine, Lara Flynn Boyle, Marisa Tomei, Fred Ward, Lori Singer. Timid garage mechanic discovers he has a killer brother. Dir. Alan Rudolph. Eraser (1996) Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Caan, James Coburn, Vanessa Williams. Agent for the Federal Witness Protection Program discovers he can trust no one. Dir. Charles Russell. Erik the Viking (1989) Tim Robbins (Erik), Mickey Rooney (Erik’s grandfather), Eartha Kitt (Freya), Terry Jones (King Arnulf), John Cleese. Dir. Terry Jones. Erin Brockovich (1999) Julia Roberts, Aaron Eckhart, Albert Finney, Marg Helgenberger, Cherry Jones, Peter Coyote, Veanne Cox. Dir. Steven Soderbergh. (The film was made in late 1999, too late for the 2000 Oscars.) True story of a twice-divorced single parent lawyer who took on the might of the Pacific Gas and Electric, accusing them of contaminating a town’s water supply. Escape from Alcatraz (1979) Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, Jack Thibeau. Dir. Don Siegel. Escape from LA (1996) Kurt Russell (Snake Plissken), Steve Buscemi. Set in year 2013. Dir. John Carpenter. ET – The Extra Terrestrial (1982) Dee Wallace (Mary), Henry Thomas (Elliott), Drew Barrymore (Gertie). ET was 3 million light years from home. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Jim Carrey (Joel Barish), Kate Winslet (Clementine Kruczynski), Kirsten Dunst (Mary), Mark Ruffalo (Stan), Elijah Wood (Patrick), Tom Wilkinson (Dr Howard Mierzwiak), Jane Adams (Carrie), David Cross (Rob). A man discovers that his former lover has had all memory of their romance erased from her mind and decides to do the same. Dir. Michel Gondry. Ethan Frome (1993) Liam Neeson, Patricia Arquette, Joan Allen. Massachusetts community is setting for story of minister and his crippled driver. Dir. John Madden. Etre et Avoir (2002) Georges Lopez (the teacher), Alizé (female student), Axel (male student), Guillaume (male student). English title: To Be and to Have. Documentary portrait of a one-room school in rural France. Dir. Nicolas Philibert. Eureka (1983) Gene Hackman, Theresa Russell, Rutger Hauer, Jane Lapotaire, Mickey Rourke, Joe Pesci. Gold prospector strikes it rich, but at a price. Dir. Nicolas Roeg. Every Which Way But Loose (1978) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Ruth Gordon. The 1980 sequel Any Which Way You Can is the same story. Dir. James Fargo. Everyone Says I Love You (1996) Woody Allen, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Alan Alda, Goldie Hawn. Dir. Woody Allen. Evil That Men Do, The (1984) Charles Bronson (Holland), Theresa Saldana, José Ferrer. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Evil under the Sun (1982) Peter Ustinov, James Mason, Diana Rigg, Maggie Smith, Roddy McDowall. Agatha Christie novel starring Hercule Poirot. Dir. Guy Hamilton. Evita (1996) Madonna, Antonio Banderas, Jonathan Pryce, Jimmy Nail. Best Song Oscar: ‘You Must Love Me’ (Andrew Lloyd-Webber & Tim Rice). Dir. Alan Parker. Evolution (2001) David Duchovny, Julianne Moore, Orlando Jones, Seann William Scott, Ted Levine. Dir. Ivan Reitman. Executive Suite (1954) Fredric March, William Holden, June Allyson, Barbara Stanwyck, Walter Pidgeon, Shelley Winters. Boardroom battle. Dir. Robert Wise. Exorcist, The (1973) Ellen Burstyn, Max Von Sydow, Linda Blair, Lee J Cobb. Dir. William Friedkin. Expresso Bongo (1959) Cliff Richard, Laurence Harvey, Sylvia Syms, Gilbert Harding. Dir. Val Guest. Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Tom Cruise (Dr Bill Hayard), Nicole Kidman, Madison Eginton, Marie Richardson. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. Fabulous Baker Boys, The (1989) Jeff Bridges (Jack Baker), Beau Bridges (Frank), Michelle Pfeiffer (Susie Diamond). Pianist brothers ginger up their act by taking on a singer. Dir. Steve Kloves. Face (1997) Robert Carlyle, Ray Winstone, Damon Albarn. Five criminals undertake a robbery, one of them is a traitor. Dir. Antonia Bird. Face Off (1997) John Travolta, Nicolas Cage. Dir. John Woo. Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) Michael Moore’s view on what happened to the United States after September 11; and how the Bush administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Dir. Michael Moore. Faithful (1996) Cher, Chazz Palminteri, Ryan O’Neal, Paul Mazursky, Amber Smith. Hitman chats to his victim whilst waiting for the signal to kill. Dir. Paul Mazursky. Falling Down (1993) Michael Douglas (D-Fens), Robert Duvall (Prendergast), Barbara Hershey (Beth), Tuesday Weld (Mrs Prendergast). Dir. Joel Schumacher. Fan, The (1996) Robert De Niro (Gil Renard), Wesley Snipes (Bobby Rayburn), Ellen Barkin. Baseball fan kidnaps the son of a star player. Dir. Tony Scott. Fantasia (1940) Cartoon characters to music of Bach, Tchaikovsky, Dukas, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Ponchielli, Schubert and Mussorgsky. Dir. Ben Sharpsteen. Fantastic Voyage (1966) Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch, Edmond O’Brien, Donald Pleasence, Arthur O’Connell, Arthur Kennedy. Dir. Richard Fleizcher. Far From Heaven (2002) Julianne Moore (Cathy Whitaker), Dennis Quaid (Frank Whitaker), Dennis Haysbert (Raymond Deagan), Patricia Clarkson (Eleonor Fine). In a wealthy suburb during 1957 a wife discovers her marriage is a sham and develops a love for her black gardener. Dir. Todd Haynes. Far from the Madding Crowd (1967) Julie Christie, Peter Finch, Alan Bates, Terence Stamp (Sgt Troy). Set in Victorian Wessex. Dir. John Schlesinger. Farewell My Lovely (1944) Dick Powell, Claire Trevor, Anne Shirley, Mike Mazurki, Otto Kruger. Aka: Murder My Sweet. Dir. Edward Dmytryk. Farewell My Lovely (1975) Robert Mitchum, Charlotte Rampling, John Ireland, Sylvia Miles. Remake of the Raymond Chandler classic. Dir. Dick Richards. Fargo (1996) Frances McDormand, William H Macy, Steve Buscemi, Harve Presnell, Peter Stormare. Car salesman with money troubles hires criminals to kidnap his wife for ransom. Nothing goes to plan. Dir. Joel Coen. Fast and the Furious, The (2001) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Rick Yune, Jordana Brewster. Dir. Rob Cohen.


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Fatal Attraction (1987) Michael Douglas (Dan Gallagher), Glenn Close (Alex Forrest), Anne Archer (Beth Gallagher), Fred Gwynne (Arthur). Dir. Adrian Lyne. Father of the Bride (1950) Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor, Leo G Carroll. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Father of the Bride (1991) Steve Martin (George Banks), Diane Keaton (Nina Banks), Kimberly Williams (Annie Banks). Remake of the Spencer Tracy classic. Dir. Charles Shyer. Father’s Day (1997) Robin Williams (Dale), Billy Crystal (Jack), Nastassja Kinski (Colette), Charlie Hofheimer (Scott), Mel Gibson. Dir. Ivan Reitman. Fear (1996) Reese Witherspoon, Mark Wahlberg. Dir. James Foley. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) Matthew Broderick (Ferris Bueller), Alan Ruck (Cameron Frye), Mia Sara (Sloane Peterson). Dir. John Hughes. Fever Pitch (1996) Colin Firth, Ruth Gemmell, Neil Pearson. Obsession with Arsenal FC creates romantic problems for teacher. Dir. David Evans. Few Good Men, A (1992) Tom Cruise (Lt JG Kaffee), Jack Nicholson (Colonel Jessep), Demi Moore (Lt Cdr Galloway), Kevin Bacon (Capt Ross), Kiefer Sutherland (Lt Kendrick). Dir. Rob Reiner. Fiddler on the Roof (1971) Topol, Norma Crane, Molly Picon. Topol recreates his classic stage role. Dir. Norman Jewison. Field, The (1990) Richard Harris (Bull McCabe), Sean Bean (Tadgh McCabe), Frances Tomelty (Widow), Brenda Fricker (Maggie McCabe), John Hurt (Bird O’Donnell), Tom Berenger (The American). Dir. Jim Sheridan. Field of Dreams (1989) Kevin Costner (Ray Kinsella), Amy Madigan (Annie), James Earl Jones (Terence Mann), Burt Lancaster (Dr Moonlight Graham), Ray Liotta (Shoeless Joe Jackson). Famous line: ‘If you build it, he will come’. Dir. Phil Alden Robinson. Fierce Creatures (1997) John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, Michael Palin, Ronnie Corbett, Robert Lindsay. Follow-up to A Fish Called Wanda. Fred Schepisi replaced Young as director for three weeks whilst refilming the final scenes. Dir. Robert Young. Fifth Element, The (1997) Gary Oldman (Zorg), Bruce Willis (Will Dallas), Milla Jovovich (Leeloo), Ian Holm (Cornelius). Costumes by Jean-Paul Gaultier. Dir. Luc Besson. 51st State, The (2001) Samuel L Jackson (Elmo McElroy), Meatloaf (The Lizard), Robert Carlyle (Felix DeSouza), Sean Pertwee (Detective Virgil Kane), Ricky Tomlinson (Leopold Durant), Emily Mortimer (Dakota Phillips), Steven Walters (Blowfish). American inventor of a new drug goes to Liverpool to sell the formula for $20 million to a local drug baron. Dir. Ronny Yu. Fight Club (1999) Brad Pitt (Tyler Durden), Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter, Meatloaf. Dir. David Fincher. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) Voices of Ming-Na, Alec Baldwin, Ving Rhames, Steve Buscemi, Peri Gilpin, Donald Sutherland, James Woods, Jean Simmons. Animation film about a female scientist in 2065 and her battle to rid the world of powerful aliens known as phantoms. Dir. Hironobu Sakaguchi and Moto Sakakibara. Finding Nemo (2003) Voices of Albert Brooks (Marlin), Ellen DeGeneres (Dory), Alexander Gould (Nemo), Willem Dafoe (Gill), Brad Garrett (Bloat), Allison Janney (Peach), Austin Pendleton (Gurgle), Geoffrey Rush (Nigel), Barry Humphries (Bruce), Eric Bana (Anchor), Bruce Spence (Chum), Bill Hunter (Dentist). A neurotic clownfish goes in search of his adventurous son, who has been captured and placed on display in an aquarium. Dirs. Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich. Finding Neverland (2004) Johnny Depp (JM Barrie), Kate Winslet (Sylvia Llewelyn Davies), Julie Christie (Mrs Emma du Maurier), Radha Mitchell (Mary Ansell Barrie), Dustin Hoffman (Charles Frohman), Kelly Macdonald (Peter Pan). The story of JM Barrie’s friendship with a family who inspired him to create Peter Pan. Dir. Marc Forster. Finian’s Rainbow (1968) Fred Astaire, Petula Clark, Tommy Steele. Tommy Steele plays a leprechaun. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Firm, The (1993) Tom Cruise (Mitch Deere), Gene Hackman, Jeanne Tripplehorn. Cruise is the new boy at a Memphis law firm run, unknown to him, by the Mafia. Based on bestseller by John Grisham. Dir. Sydney Pollack. First Blood (1982) Sylvester Stallone (John Rambo), Richard Crenna (Trautman), Brian Dennehy (Teasle). Q Moonblood on the writing credits is Stallone. Dir. Ted Kotcheff. First Great Train Robbery, The (1978) Sean Connery, Donald Sutherland, Lesley-Anne Down. Wayne Sleep makes his first movie appearance. Dir. Michael Crichton. First Knight (1995) Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Julia Ormond, Ben Cross, John Gielgud. King Arthur story that lost money at the box office. Dir. Jerry Zucker. Fish Called Wanda, A (1988) John Cleese (Archie Leach), Jamie Lee Curtis (Wanda), Kevin Kline (Otto), Michael Palin (Ken ). Big box office hit, Oscar for Kevin Kline. Dir. Charles Crichton. Fish Tank (2009) Katie Jarvis (Mia Williams), Michael Fassbender (Connor), Kierston Wareing (Joanne Williams), Rebecca Griffiths (Tyler Williams). Volatile 15-year-old Mia lives on an Essex council estate with her single mother Joanne and younger sister Tyler. Mia’s only escape from her misery takes the form of street dance. Dir. Andrea Arnold. Fisher King, The (1991) Robin Williams (Parry), Jeff Bridges (Jack Lucas), Amanda Plummer (Lydia), Ted Ross (Limo Bum), Tom Waits. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Five Easy Pieces (1970) Jack Nicholson, Karen Black, Fannie Flagg. Jack Nicholson plays a pianist. Dir. Bob Rafelson. Flash Gordon (1980) Topol, Max Von Sydow, Brian Blessed, Timothy Dalton. Music by Queen. Dir. Michael Hodges. Flashdance (1983) Jennifer Beals (Alex Owens), Michael Nouri (Nick Hurley), Lilia Skala (Hanna Long). Dir. Adrian Lyne. Flatliners (1990) Kiefer Sutherland (Nelson Wright), Julia Roberts (Rachel Mannus), Kevin Bacon (David Labraccio), William Baldwin (Joe Hurley). Dir. Joel Schumacher. Fletch (1985) Chevy Chase (Fletch), Joe Don Baker (Chief Karlin). Sequel: Fletch Lives (1989). Dir. Michael Ritchie. Flintstones, The (1994) John Goodman, Elisabeth Perkins, Rick Moranis, Rosie O’Donnell, Elizabeth Taylor. Dir. Brian Levant. Fly, The (1958) David Hedison, Patricia Owens, Vincent Price, Herbert Marshall. Classic horror film. Dir. Kurt Neumann. Fly, The (1986) Jeff Goldblum (Seth Brundle), Geena Davis (Veronica Quaife). David Cronenberg makes a cameo performance as the gynaecologist. Dir. David Cronenberg. Fools Rush In (1997) Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Jill Clayburgh. Dir. Andy Tennant. Footloose (1984) Kevin Bacon (Ren), Lori Singer (Ariel), John Lithgow (Reverend Shaw Moore). Dir. Herbert Ross. For Me and My Gal (1942) Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, George Murphy. Dir. Busby Berkeley. For the Boys (1991) Bette Midler (Dixie Leonard), James Caan (Eddie Sparks), George Segal (Art Silver). Dir. Mark Rydell. For Your Eyes Only (1981) Roger Moore, Topol, Carole Bouquet (Melina), Julian Glover (Kristatos). Ian Fleming does not get credit of any kind for this film. (Theme song: Sheena Easton.) Dir. John Glen. Forbidden Planet (1956) Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen, Warren Stevens, Jack Kelly. Set in AD 2200 and follows the plot of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Dir. Fred M Wilcox. Forever Amber (1947) Linda Darnell, Cornel Wilde, George Sanders (Charles II), Richard Greene, Jessica Tandy. Costume drama set in the reign of Charles II. Dir. Otto Preminger. Forever Young (1992) Mel Gibson (Daniel), Jamie Lee Curtis (Claire), Elijah Wood (Nat), George Wendt (Harry). Dir. Steve Miner. Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Sally Field, Hanna R Hall. Won 6 Oscars. Dir. Robert Zemeckis.


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Fort Apache (1948) Henry Fonda, John Wayne, Shirley Temple, Victor McLaglen, Ward Bond. Dir. John Ford. Fort Apache, the Bronx (1980) Paul Newman, Ed Asner, Ken Wahl, Danny Aiello. Dir. Daniel Petrie. Fortune Cookie, The (1966) Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon. GB title: Meet Whiplash Willie. Dir. Billy Wilder. 40 Days and 40 Nights (2002) Josh Hartnett (Matt), Shannyn Sossamon (Erica Sutton), Paulo Costanzo (Ryan), Adam Trese (John), Emmanuelle Vaugier, Vinessa Shaw. Computer whizz-kid gives up sex for Lent. Dir. Michael Lehmann. 48 Hrs (1982) Nick Nolte (Jack Cates), Eddie Murphy (Reggie Hammond), Annette O’Toole (Elaine). Sequel: Another 48 Hrs (1990). Dir. Walter Hill. 49th Parallel (1941) Eric Portman, Laurence Olivier, Leslie Howard, Raymond Massey, Glynis Johns. US title: The Invaders. Dir. Michael Powell. Foul Play (1978) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase, Burgess Meredith, Rachel Roberts, Dudley Moore. Two innocents in San Francisco get involved in plot to assassinate the Pope. Dir. Colin Higgins. Four for Texas (1963) Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Anita Ekberg, Ursula Andress, Charles Bronson, Victor Buono, 3 Stooges. Dir. Robert Aldrich. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (1921) Rudolph Valentino, Alice Terry, Alan Hale, Wallace Beery. Young Argentinian fights for his father’s country, France, in WWI. 1961 remake starred Glenn Ford. Dir. Rex Ingram. Four Musketeers, The (Revenge of Milady), (1974) Michael York, Oliver Reed, Frank Finlay, Richard Chamberlain, Raquel Welch, Faye Dunaway, Charlton Heston. Dir. Richard Lester. Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) Hugh Grant (Charles), Andie MacDowell, Kristin Scott Thomas, Simon Callow. Dir. Mike Newell. 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) Gérard Depardieu (Columbus), Armand Assante (Sanchez), Sigourney Weaver (Queen Isabel). Dir. Ridley Scott. Fourth Protocol, The (1987) Michael Caine (John Preston), Pierce Brosnan (Petrofsky), Joanna Cassidy (Vassileva). Thriller by Frederick Forsyth. Dir. John Mackenzie. Fox, The (1968) Anne Heywood, Sandy Dennis, Keir Dullea. Based on DH Lawrence’s novella. Dir. Mark Rydell. Francis (1949) Donald O’Connor, Patricia Medina, Chill Wills (as voice of Francis the Mule). Series of sequels followed. Dir. Arthur Lubin. Frankenstein (1931) Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, Edward Van Sloan. Series of sequels followed. Dir. James Whale. Frankie and Johnny (1966) Elvis Presley, Donna Douglas, Nancy Kovack. Dir. Frederick De Cordova. Frankie and Johnny (1991) Al Pacino (Johnny), Michelle Pfeiffer (Frankie). Dir. Garry Marshall. Frantic (1988) Harrison Ford (Richard Walker), Betty Buckley (Sondra Walker), Emmanuelle Seigner. American cardiologist searching for his kidnapped wife in Paris becomes embroiled with Arabs. Dir. Roman Polanski. Freebie and the Bean (1974) Alan Arkin, James Caan, Loretta Swit. Dir. Richard Rush. French Connection, The (1971) Gene Hackman (Popeye Doyle), Roy Scheider, Fernando Rey. Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Hackman) and Ernest Tidyman took Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay. Dir. William Friedkin. French Lieutenant’s Woman (1981) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons, Leo McKern, Peter Vaughan. Harold Pinter adaption of John Fowles’s novel. Dir. Karel Reisz. Frenzy (1972) Barry Foster, Jon Finch, Alec McCowen, Vivien Merchant, Anna Massey, Billie Whitelaw. Anthony Shaffer adapted Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square by Arthur La Bern. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Freshman, The (1990) Marlon Brando (Carmine Sabatini), Matthew Broderick (Clark Kellogg), Maximilian Schell (Larry London). Dir. Andrew Bergman. Freud (1962) Montgomery Clift, Larry Parks, Susannah York, David McCallum. Dir. John Huston. Friday the 13th (1980) Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Jeannine Taylor, Robbi Morgan. Others in series include part 4 The Final Chapter and the last (part 8), Jason Takes Manhattan. Dir. Sean S. Cunningham. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (1992) Kathy Bates (Evelyn Couch), Jessica Tandy (Ninny Threadgoode). Dir. Jon Avnet. Friendly Persuasion (1956) Gary Cooper, Dorothy McGuire, Anthony Perkins. No script credit (the writer, Michael Wilson, was blacklisted). Dir. William Wyler. Fright Night (1985) Chris Sarandon (Jerry Dandridge), Roddy McDowall (Peter Vincent). William Ragsdale (Charley Brewster). Presentday vampires. McDowall’s character named as tribute to Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. Dir. Tom Holland. Fright Night Part 2 (1988) Roddy McDowall, William Ragsdale. Dir. Tommy Lee Wallace. Frisco Kid, The (1979) Gene Wilder, Harrison Ford, Leo Fuchs. Dir. Robert Aldrich. Fritz the Cat (1971) First ‘X’-rated cartoon, about the adventures of an alleycat in New York. Dir. Ralph Bakshi. From Hell (2001) Johnny Depp (Inspector Fred Abberline), Heather Graham (Mary Kelly), Ian Holm, Robbie Coltrane. Twist on the Jack the Ripper story. Dir. Albert Hughes and Allen Hughes. From Here to Eternity (1953) Burt Lancaster, Deborah Kerr, Frank Sinatra, Montgomery Clift. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. From Russia with Love (1963) Sean Connery, Robert Shaw (Red Grant), Daniela Bianchi (Tatiana Romanova), Lotte Lenya (Rosa Kleb), Bernard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Pedro Armendariz.Theme song sung by Matt Monro. Dir. Terence Young. Front Page, The (1931) Adolph Merjon, Pat O’Brien, Mary Brian, Walter Catlett, Edward Everett Horton. Dir. Lewis Milestone. Front Page, The (1974) Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon, Susan Sarandon, David Wayne, Vincent Gardenia. Dir. Billy Wilder. Fugitive, The (1993) Harrison Ford (Dr Richard Kimble), Tommy Lee Jones (Lt Gerard). Dir. Andrew Davis. Full Metal Jacket (1987) Matthew Modine (Private Joker), Adam Baldwin (Animal Mother), Dorian Harewood (Eightball), Vincent D’Onofrio (Private Pyle). Dir. Stanley Kubrick. Full Monty, The (1997) Robert Carlyle (Gaz), Mark Addy (Dave), Tom Wilkinson (Gerald), Hugo Speer (Guy), Paul Barber (Horse), Steve Huison (Lomper). Unemployed Sheffield welders decide to become male strippers. Dir. Peter Cattaneo. Funeral, The (1996) Christopher Walken, Isabelle Adjani, Chris Penn, Annabella Sciorra. Dir. Abel Ferrara. Funeral in Berlin (1967) Michael Caine (Harry Palmer), Oscar Homolka, Eva Renzi, Hugh Burden. Dir. Guy Hamilton. Funny Girl (1968) Barbra Streisand (Fanny Brice), Omar Sharif, Walter Pidgeon, Kay Medford. Dir. William Wyler. Funny Lady (1975) Barbra Streisand, James Caan, Ben Vereen, Omar Sharif, Roddy McDowall. Dir. Herbert Ross. Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A (1966) Zero Mostel, Phil Silvers, Michael Crawford, Michael Hordern, Buster Keaton. Dir. Richard Lester. Futureworld (1976) Peter Fonda, Blythe Danner, Yul Brynner, Arthur Hill, Stuart Margolin. Dir. Richard T Heffron. Game, The (1997) Michael Douglas (Nicholas Van Orton), Sean Penn (Conrad Van Orton). Dir. David Fincher. Games, The (1970) Stanley Baker, Michael Crawford, Ryan O’Neal, Charles Aznavour. Four men take part in the Rome Olympics marathon. Dir. Michael Winner. Gandhi (1982) Ben Kingsley (Gandhi), Candice Bergen (Margaret Bourke-White), Edward Fox (General Dyer), Daniel Day Lewis (Colin). Dir. Richard Attenborough.


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Gangs of New York (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio (Amsterdam Vallon), Daniel Day-Lewis (William ‘Bill the Butcher’ Cutting), Cameron Diaz (Jenny Everdeane), Jim Broadbent (William ‘Boss’ Tweed), Henry Thomas (Johnny Sirocco), Liam Neeson (Priest Vallon, Amsterdam’s father), Brendan Gleeson (Walter ‘Monk’ McGinn), John C Reilly (‘Happy’ Jack Mulraney), David Hemmings (Mr Schermerhorn). In 1863, Amsterdam Vallon returns to the Five Points area of New York City seeking revenge against Bill the Butcher, his father’s killer. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Garden State (2004) Zach Braff (Andrew Largeman), Kenneth Graymez (Busboy), George C Wolfe (Restaurant Manager), Austin Lysy (Waiter), Gary Gilbert (Young Hollywood Guy), Jill Flint (Obnoxious Girl), Ian Holm (Gideon Largeman). A young man returns home for his mother’s funeral after being estranged from his family for a decade. Dir. Zach Braff. Gardens of Stone (1987) James Caan (Clell Hazard), Anjelica Huston (Samantha Davis), James Earl Jones (Goody Nelson). Vietnam War from the perspective of soldiers guarding Arlington National Cemetery. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Gaslight (1940) Anton Walbrook, Diana Wynyard, Frank Pettingell, Robert Newton, Jimmy Hanley. Victorian schizophrenic tries to drive his wife insane because of his guilty past. Dir. Thorold Dickinson. Gaslight (1944) Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, Angela Lansbury. Remake of the 1940 film. Dir. George Cukor. Genevieve (1953) Dinah Sheridan, John Gregson, Kay Kendall, Kenneth More, Joyce Grenfell. Genevieve was a classic car (Darracq). Dir. Henry Cornelius. Genghis Khan (1964) Omar Sharif, Stephen Boyd, James Mason, Telly Savalas, Françoise Dorléac. Dir. Henry Levin. Gentleman Jim (1942) Errol Flynn, Alan Hale, Ward Bond. Based on the life of world heavyweight boxing champion Jim Corbett. Dir. Raoul Walsh. Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (1955) Jane Russell, Jeanne Crain, Alan Young, Rudy Vallee. Sequel to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Dir. Richard Sale. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Charles Coburn. Based on Anita Loos’s novel. Dir. Howard Hawks. Geordie (1955) Bill Travers, Alastair Sim, Stanley Baxter. Sickly Scottish boy becomes Olympic hammer thrower. Dir. Frank Launder. George Raft Story, The (1961) Ray Danton, Julie London, Jayne Mansfield, Frank Gorshin, Neville Brand (Al Capone). GB title: Spin of a Coin. Dir. Joseph M Newman. Georgy Girl (1966) James Mason, Lynn Redgrave, Charlotte Rampling, Alan Bates, Rachel Kempson. Dir. Silvio Narizzano. Gerald McBoing Boing (1951) Cartoon written by Dr Seuss (Theodore Geisel), which won an Oscar. Dir. Robert Cannon. Gerry (2003) Matt Damon, Casey Affleck, Gus Van Sant. Drama of two friends (Damon and Affleck) each called ‘Gerry’, who go hiking in a remote area and lose their way in the forbiddingly beautiful terrain. Dir. Gus Van Sant. Get Carter (1971) Michael Caine, John Osborne, Ian Hendry, Britt Ekland. Based on Ted Lewis’s novel Jack’s Return Home. Dir. Mike Hodges. Remake starring Sly Stallone as Carter was made in 2000, directed by Stephen Kay. Caine had a small cameo as Cliff Brumby. Get Shorty (1995) John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Rene Russo, Danny De Vito. Miami debt collector for the Mob goes to Las Vegas and discovers a talent for film production. Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld. Getaway, The (1972) Steve McQueen, Ali MacGraw, Ben Johnson, Sally Struthers, Slim Pickens. Dir. Sam Peckinpah. Getaway, The (1994) Alec Baldwin, Kim Basinger, Michael Madsen, James Woods. Dir. Roger Donaldson. Ghost (1990) Patrick Swayze (Sam Wheat), Demi Moore (Molly Jensen), Whoopi Goldberg (Oda Mae Brown). Dir. Jerry Zucker. Ghost in the Machine (1993) Karen Allen, Chris Mulkey, Ted Marcoux, Nancy Fish. Dir. Rachel Talalay. Ghost World (2001) Thora Birch (Enid), Scarlett Johansson (Rebecca), Steve Buscemi (Seymour), Teri Garr (Maxine). Two teenagers leave high school and feel inadequate in the adult world. Dir. Terry Zwigoff. Ghostbusters (1984) Bill Murray (Dr Peter Venkman), Dan Aykroyd (Dr Raymond Stantz), Harold Ramis (Dr Egon Spengler), Sigourney Weaver (Dana Barrett), Rick Moranis (Louis Tully). Ghostbusters II (1989), was sequel. Ramis and Aykroyd also wrote the screenplay. Dir. Ivan Reitman. Ghosts from the Past (1997) Alec Baldwin (DeLaughter), Whoopi Goldberg (Myrlie), James Woods (Byron De La Beckwith). Original title: Ghosts of Mississippi. Dir. Rob Reiner. GI Jane (1997) Demi Moore (Lt Jordan O’Neill), Anne Bancroft (Senator Lillian DeHaven). Dir. Ridley Scott. Giant (1956) Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, James Dean, Mercedes McCambridge, Carroll Baker, Chill Wills, Rod Taylor, Earl Holliman. Dir. George Stevens. Gigi (1958) Leslie Caron, Louis Jourdan, Maurice Chevalier, Hermione Gingold, Eva Gabor. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Gilda (1946) Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, George Macready. Dir. Charles Vidor. Girl 6 (1996) Theresa Randle, Isaiah Washington, Spike Lee. Unsuccessful actress is employed as a sex chat operator. Dir. Spike Lee. Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The (2011) Daniel Craig (Mikael Blomkvist), Rooney Mara (Lisbeth Salander), Yorick van Wageningen (Nils Bjurman), Christopher Plummer (Henrik Vanger), Joely Richardson (Anita Vanger / Harriet Vanger). Mystery thriller based on the Swedish novel of the same name by Stieg Larsson. Story of journalist Mikael Blomkvist's investigation to find out what happened to a woman from a wealthy family who disappeared 40 years earlier. Dir. David Fincher. Girls Girls Girls (1962) Elvis Presley, Stella Stevens, Laurel Goodwin. Dir. Norman Taurog. Give My Regards to Broad Street (1984) Paul McCartney, Bryan Brown, Ringo Starr, Barbara Bach, Tracey Ullman, Ralph Richardson. Dir. Peter Webb. Gladiator (2000) Russel Crowe (Maximus), Joaquin Phoenix (Commodus), Connie Nielson, Derek Jacobi, Richard Harris (Emperor Marcus Aurelius), Oliver Reed (Proximo). Dir. Ridley Scott. Glass Menagerie, The (1950) Gertrude Lawrence, Jane Wyman, Kirk Douglas, Arthur Kennedy. Shy, crippled girl seeks escape from her shabby life in St Louis. Dir. Irving Rapper. Glass Menagerie, The (1987) Joanne Woodward, John Malkovich, Karen Allen. Remake of earlier version of Tennessee Williams’ play. Dir. Paul Newman. Glass Mountain, The (1949) Michael Denison, Dulcie Gray, Tito Gobbi. Nino Rota’s music score is memorable and haunting. Dir. Henry Cass. Gleaming the Cube (1988) Christian Slater, Steven Bauer, Richard Herd. Skateboarding film. Dir. Graeme Clifford. Glenn Miller Story, The (1954) James Stewart, June Allyson, Charles Drake, Louis Armstrong, Gene Krupa. Dir. Anthony Mann. Gloria (1980) Gena Rowlands, John Adames, Buck Henry. Dir. John Cassavetes. Glory (1989) Matthew Broderick (Col Robert G Shaw), Denzel Washington (Private Trip), Cary Elwes (Maj Cabot Forbes), Morgan Freeman (Sgt Maj John Rawlins). Dir. Edward Zwick. Go-Between, The (1970) Alan Bates, Julie Christie, Michael Redgrave, Dominic Guard, Michael Gough, Margaret Leighton, Edward Fox. Harold Pinter adaptation of LP Hartley’s novel. Dir. Joseph Losey. Godfather, The (1972). Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Richard Conte. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Godfather Part II, The (1974) Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall, Lee Strasberg, Troy Donahue. The first sequel to win a Best Picture Oscar (and 5 others). Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Godfather Part III, The (1990) Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, Andy Garcia, Eli Wallach, Sofia Coppola. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Godzilla (1955) Raymond Burr, Takashi Shimura, Momoko Kochi. Dir. Inoshiro Honda.


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Godzilla (1998) Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Pitillo, Hank Azaria, Kevin Dunn, Michael Lerner, Harry Shearer. As a result of French nuclear tests in the Pacific, a giant lizard invades Manhattan. Remake of the Japanese classic. Dir. Roland Emmerich. Goin’ South (1978) Jack Nicholson, Mary Steenburgen, Christopher Lloyd, John Belushi. Dir. Jack Nicholson. Going My Way (1944) Bing Crosby (Father O’Malley), Barry Fitzgerald, Rise Stevens, Gene Lockhart. Dir. Leo McCarey. Golden Compass, The (2007) Daniel Craig (Lord Asriel), Nicole Kidman (Marisa Coulter), Dakota Blue Richards (Lyra Belacqua), Sam Elliott (Lee Scoresby, a Texan aeronaut), Eva Green (Serafina Pekkala, a witch queen), Tom Courtenay (Farder Coram), Christopher Lee (Magisterium’s First High Councillor), Derek Jacobi (the Magisterial Emissary), Ian McKellen (voice of Iorek Byrnison, an armoured bear), Ian McShane (voice of Ragnar Sturlusson, king of the panserbjørner), Kathy Bates (voice of Hester, Lee Scoresby’s dæmon), Kristin Scott Thomas (voice of Stelmaria, Lord Asriel’s dæmon). Fantasy based on Northern Lights, the first novel in Philip Pullman’s trilogy His Dark Materials. Lyra, an orphan living in a parallel universe in which a person’s soul resides outside the body in an animal-like form called a ‘dæmon’, fights against the evil Magisterium in an attempt to rescue her friend who has been kidnapped. Dir. Chris Weitz. Goldeneye (1995) Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean (Alec Trevelyan), Izabella Scorupco (Natalaya Simonova), Famke Janssen (Xenia Onatopp), Judi Dench (M), Desmond Llewelyn (Q), Samantha Bond (Miss Moneypenny), Joe Don Baker (Jack Wade), Robbie Coltrane (Valentin). Title song written by Bono and The Edge and performed by Tina Turner. Dir. Martin Campbell. Goldfinger (1964) Sean Connery, Honor Blackman (Pussy Galore), Gert Fröbe (Auric Goldfinger), Harold Sakatá (Oddjob), Bernard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Desmond Llewellyn, Shirley Eaton. Theme song sung by Shirley Bassey. Dir. Guy Hamilton. Gone with the Wind (1939) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Olivia de Havilland, Leslie Howard, Thomas Mitchell, Hattie McDaniel, Butterfly McQueen. Dir. Victor Fleming (with George Cukor, Sam Wood, B Reeves Eason). Good Earth, The (1937) Paul Muni, Luise Rainer, Keye Luke. Chinese peasant grows rich but loses his wife. Dir. Sidney Franklin. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) Robin Williams (Adrian Cronauer), Forest Whitaker (Edward Garlick). Dir. Barry Levinson. Good Mother, The (1988) Diane Keaton (Anna), Liam Neeson (Leo). Dir. Leonard Nimoy. Good Son, The (1993) Macaulay Culkin, Elijah Wood, Wendy Crewson, Quinn Culkin. Ten-year-old boy is a sadistic killer. Dir. Joseph Ruben. Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The (1966) Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef. Dir. Sergio Leone. Good Will Hunting (1997) Robin Williams, Matt Damon (Will Hunting), Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver, Stellan Skarsgard. Janitor is spotted as a mathematical genius. Dir. Gus Van Sant. Good Year, A (2006) Russell Crowe (Max Skinner), Albert Finney (Uncle Henry Skinner), Freddie Highmore (Young Max Skinner). A British investment broker inherits his uncle’s chateau and vineyard in Provence, where he spent much of his childhood, and discovers a new laid-back lifestyle. Dir. Ridley Scott. Goodbye, Columbus (1969) Richard Benjamin, Ali MacGraw, Jack Klugman. Jewish librarian has an affair with daughter of a nouveau riche family. Dir. Larry Peerce. Goodbye Girl, The (1977) Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason, Quinn Cummings. Neil Simon story. Dir. Herbert Ross. Goodbye, Mr Chips (1939) Robert Donat, Greer Garson, Paul Henreid, John Mills. James Hilton’s novel adapted by RC Sherriff, Claudine West & Eric Maschwitz. Dir. Sam Wood. Goodbye, Mr Chips (1969) Peter O’Toole, Petula Clark, Michael Redgrave, Sian Phillips. Musical remake of the 1939 classic. Dir. Herbert Ross. Goodfellas (1990) Robert De Niro (James Conway), Ray Liotta (Henry Hill), Joe Pesci (Tommy De Vito), Lorraine Bracco (Karen Hill), Catherine Scorsese (Tommy’s mother). Dir. Martin Scorsese. Goonies, The (1985) Sean Astin (Mickey), Josh Brolin (Brand), Jeff Cohen (Chunk), Corey Feldman (Mouth). Screenplay by Chris Columbus, based on a Steven Spielberg story. Dir. Richard Donner. Gorillas in the Mist (1988) Sigourney Weaver (Diane Fossey), Bryan Brown (Bob Campbell). Dir. Michael Apted. Gorky Park (1983) William Hurt (Arkady Renko), Lee Marvin (Jack Osborne). Filmed mainly in Helsinki. Dir. Michael Apted. Gosford Park (2001) Maggie Smith (Constance, Countess of Trentham), Michael Gambon (Sir William McCordle), Kristin Scott Thomas (Lady Sylvia McCordle), Camilla Rutherford (Isobel McCordle), Eileen Atkins (Mrs Croft), Jeremy Northam (Ivor Novello), Clive Owen (Robert Parks), Alan Bates (Jennings), Helen Mirren (Mrs Wilson), Stephen Fry (Inspector Thompson), Sophie Thompson (Dorothy), Derek Jacobi (Probert), Richard E Grant (George). Set in a country house in the 1930s, the weekend guests fall under suspicion when the host is killed twice! Julian Fellowes won an Oscar for his script. Dir. Robert Altman. Grace of My Heart (1996) Illeana Douglas, John Turturro, Eric Stoltz, Patsy Kensit, Bridget Fonda, Matt Dillon. Based loosely on Carole King, with Illeana Douglas’s voice dubbed by Kristen Vigard. Dir. Allison Anders. Graduate, The (1967) Dustin Hoffman (Benjamin Braddock), Anne Bancroft (Mrs Robinson), Katharine Ross. Dir. Mike Nichols. Gran Torino (2008) Clint Eastwood (Walt Kowalski), Bee Vang (Thao Vang Lor), Ahney Her (Sue, Lor Thao’s older sister), Christopher Carley (Father Janovich), Doua Moua (Fong ‘Spider’), Sonny Vue (Smokie), Brian Haley (Mitch Kowalski), Brian Howe (Steve Kowalski), Geraldine Hughes (Karen Kowalski), Dreama Walker (Ashley Kowalski), Michael E Kurowski (Josh Kowalski). Recently widowed Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski is alienated from his family and angry at the politically correct world. Walt’s young Hmong neighbour, Thao, tries to steal Walt’s prized 1972 Ford Gran Torino on a dare by his cousin for initiation into a gang. Walt develops a relationship with the boy and his family. Eastwood’s son Scott (as Scott Reeves) has a small role as Trey. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Grand Canyon (1991) Danny Glover, Kevin Kline, Steve Martin. Black truck driver and white lawyer form an unlikely friendship. Dir. Lawrence Kasdan. Grand Hotel (1932) Greta Garbo (Grusinskaya), John Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore, Joan Crawford. Famous Garbo line: ‘I want to be alone’. Dir. Edmund Goulding. Grand Prix (1966) James Garner, Eva Marie Saint, Yves Montand. Dir. John Frankenheimer. Grande Illusion, La (1937) Pierre Fresnay, Erich Von Stroheim, Jean Gabin. Three captured French WWI pilots have uneasy relationship with their German commandant. Dir. Jean Renoir. Grapes of Wrath, The (1940) Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, John Carradine, Grant Mitchell. From the John Steinbeck novel. Oklahoma farmers trek to California after dust bowl disaster of the Thirties. Dir. John Ford. Grease (1978) John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, Frankie Avalon, Jeff Conaway, Sha Na Na, Eve Arden, Sid Caesar. School: Rydell High. Dir. Randal Kleiser. Grease 2 (1982) Maxwell Caulfield, Michelle Pfeiffer, Lorna Luft, Eve Arden, Sid Caesar. Dir. Patricia Birch. Great Balls of Fire (1989) Dennis Quaid (Jerry Lee Lewis), Winona Ryder (Myra Gale Lewis), John Doe (JW Brown). Peter Cook is ‘First English Reporter’. Dir. Jim McBride. Great Caruso, The (1951) Mario Lanza, Ann Blyth, Jarmila Novotna, Alan Napier. Dir. Richard Thorpe. Great Escape, The (1963) James Garner, Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasence, James Coburn, David McCallum, Gordon Jackson, John Leyton. Dir. John Sturges. Great Expectations (1934) Phillip Holmes (Pip), Jane Wyatt (Estella), Henry Hull (Magwitch), Alan Hale (Joe Gargery), Francis L Sullivan (Jaggers), Florence Reed (Miss Havisham). Dir. Stuart Walker.


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Great Expectations (1946) John Mills, Bernard Miles, Finlay Currie, Martita Hunt, Valerie Hobson, Jean Simmons, Alec Guinness, Francis L Sullivan. Dir. David Lean. Great Gatsby, The (1949) Alan Ladd, Macdonald Carey, Barry Sullivan. Based on novel by F Scott Fitzgerald. Dir. Elliott Nugent. Great Gatsby, The (1974) Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Karen Black, Sam Waterston, Lois Chiles. Screenplay by Francis Ford Coppola. Nelson Riddle gained Oscar for music. Dir. Jack Clayton. Great Muppet Caper, The (1981) Diana Rigg, Charles Grodin, John Cleese, Peter Ustinov, Robert Morley, Trevor Howard. Peter Falk has cameo as a tramp. Dir. Jim Henson. Great St Trinian’s Train Robbery, The (1966) Frankie Howerd, Dora Bryan, Reg Varney, George Cole. Dir. Frank Launder. Great Santini, The (1979) Robert Duvall, Michael O’Keefe, Blythe Danner, Julie Anne Haddock. Dir. Lewis John Carlino. Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday, The (1976) Lee Marvin, Oliver Reed, Kay Lenz, Robert Culp, Elizabeth Ashley, Sylvia Miles, Strother Martin. Dir. Don Taylor. Great Waldo Pepper, The (1975) Robert Redford, Bo Svenson, Bo Brundin, Susan Sarandon. Dir. George Roy Hill. Great Waltz, The (1938) Fernand Gravet, Luise Rainer, Miliza Korjus. Biopic of Johann Strauss the Younger. Dir. Julien Duvivier. Great White Hope, The (1970) James Earl Jones, Jane Alexander, Lou Gilbert, Hal Holbrook. Jack Johnson story (he’s called Jefferson in the film). Dir. Martin Ritt. Great White Hype, The (1996) Samuel L Jackson, Jeff Goldblum, John Rhys-Davies. Dir. Reginald Hudlin. Great Ziegfeld, The (1936) William Powell, Luise Rainer (Anna Held), Myrna Loy (Billie Burke), Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Fanny Brice. Biopic of impresario Florenz Ziegfeld. Dir. Robert Z Leonard. Greatest, The (1977) Muhammad Ali, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Duvall, Ben Johnson, James Earl Jones. Dir. Tom Gries. Greatest Show on Earth, The (1952) Betty Hutton, Cornel Wilde, Charlton Heston, James Stewart, Dorothy Lamour, John Ringling North. Dir. Cecil B de Mille. Greatest Story Ever Told, The (1965) Max Von Sydow, Dorothy McGuire, Claude Rains, José Ferrer, David McCallum, Charlton Heston, Sidney Poitier, John Wayne, Pat Boone, Telly Savalas, Angela Lansbury. Famous John Wayne line: ‘Truly this man was the Son of God’. Dir. George Stevens. Greed (1925) Gibson Gowland, Zasu Pitts, Jean Hersholt. Ex-miner dentist kills his wife and later in Death Valley kills her lover but is bound to him by handcuffs. Re-edited by June Mathis and notable for its original length of nearly 9 hours. Dir. Erich Von Stroheim. Green Berets, The (1968) John Wayne, David Janssen, Jim Hutton, Aldo Ray, Patrick Wayne. Vietnam War film. Dir. John Wayne. Gremlins (1984) Zach Galligan (Billy), Hoyt Axton (Rand Peltzer), Phoebe Cates (Kate), Keye Luke (Grandfather), Judge Reinhold (Gerald). Don’t get them wet and never feed them after midnight. Sequel: Gremlins II (The New Batch). Dir. Joe Dante. Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984) Christopher Lambert (John Clayton / Tarzan), Ralph Richardson (Lord Greystoke), Andie MacDowell (Jane Porter). Dir. Hugh Hudson. Gridlock’d (1997) Tim Roth (Stretch), Tupac Shakur (Spoon), Thandie Newton (Cookie). Dir. Vondie Curtis-Hall. Grifters, The (1990) Anjelica Huston (Lily Dillon), John Cusack (Roy Dillon), Annette Bening (Myra Langtry). Dir. Stephen Frears. Groundhog Day (1993) Bill Murray (Phil), Andie MacDowell (Rita). Weatherman Murray is cursed to live the same day over and over. Dir. Harold Ramis. Groundstar Conspiracy, The (1972) George Peppard, Michael Sarrazin, James Olson. Dir. Lamont Johnson. Group, The (1966) Joanna Pettet, Candice Bergen, Jessica Walter, Joan Hackett, Elizabeth Hartman, Kathleen Widdoes, Larry Hagman, Hal Holbrook, Robert Emhardt. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Guarding Tess (1994) Shirley MacLaine, Nicolas Cage, Austin Pendleton, Richard Griffiths. Secret Service agent engages in battle of wills with a former First Lady. Dir. Hugh Wilson. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967) Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier, Katharine Houghton. Katherine Houghton is the niece of Katharine Hepburn. Dir. Stanley Kramer. Gunfight at the OK Corral (1957) Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Jo Van Fleet, Rhonda Fleming, John Ireland. Dir. John Sturges. Gunfighter, The (1950) Gregory Peck, Helen Westcott, Karl Malden. Dir. Henry King. Guns of Navarone (1961) Gregory Peck, David Niven, Stanley Baker, Anthony Quinn, Anthony Quayle, James Darren, James Robertson Justice, Richard Harris. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Guys and Dolls (1955) Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando, Jean Simmons, Vivian Blaine, Stubby Kaye. Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz. Gypsy (1962) Rosalind Russell, Natalie Wood, Karl Malden. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. Hairspray (1988) Sonny Bono (Franklin Von Tussle), Ruth Brown (Motormouth Maybell), Divine (Edna Turnblad / Arvin Hodgepile), Deborah Harry (Velma Von Tussle), Ricki Lake (Tracy Turnblad), Pia Zadora (Beatnik chick). Dir. John Waters. Half Moon Street (1986) Sigourney Weaver (Lauren Slaughter), Michael Caine (Lord Bullbeck). Dir. Bob Swaim. Halloween (1978) Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence (Dr Loomis). Dir. John Carpenter. The franchise was rebooted by the Rob Zombie-directed remakes Halloween (2007) and Halloween II (2009). Halloween 2 (1981) Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence (Dr Loomis). Dir. Rick Rosenthal. Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (1983) Tom Atkins, Stacey Nelkin, Dan O’Herlihy. Dir. Tommy Lee Wallace. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) Donald Pleasence, Ellie Cornell, Danielle Harris. Dir. Dwight H Little. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) Donald Pleasence, Danielle Harris, Wendy Kaplan, Ellie Cornell, Donald L Shanks, Jeffrey Landman, Beau Starr. Dir. Dominique Othenin-Girard. Halloween H2O (1998) Jamie Lee Curtis, Adam Arkin, Josh Harnett, Michelle Williams, Adam Hann-Byrd. Dir. Steve Miner. Halloween: Resurrection (2002) Jamie Lee Curtis, Brad Loree, Busta Rhymes, Tyra Banks, Luke Kirby. When a group of teenagers win a contest to spend a night in Michael Myers’s childhood home to be broadcast live on the internet, they believe they are in for a little fun and some free publicity. But it all goes frightfully wrong and the game turns into a battle for survival. Dir. Rick Rosenthal. Hamlet (1948) Laurence Olivier, Eileen Herlie, Jean Simmons, Peter Cushing, Patrick Troughton. Dir. Laurence Olivier. Hamlet (1990) Mel Gibson, Glenn Close, Alan Bates, Paul Scofield, Helena Bonham Carter, Ian Holm. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Hancock (2008) Will Smith (John Hancock), Jason Bateman (Ray Embrey), Charlize Theron (Mary Embrey), Eddie Marsan (Kenneth ‘Red’ Parker Jr). Comedy telling the story of a bumbling vigilante superhero, John Hancock, whose reckless actions routinely cost the city of Los Angeles millions of dollars. Eventually one person he saves, Ray Embrey, decides to change Hancock’s public image. Dir. Peter Berg. Hand that Rocks the Cradle, The (1992) Rebecca DeMornay (Peyton Flanders), Annabella Sciorra (Claire Bartel), Matt McCoy (Michael Bartel). Dir. Curtis Hanson. Handful of Dust (1988) James Wilby (Tony Last), Kristin Scott Thomas (Brenda Last), Anjelica Huston (Mrs Rattery), Stephen Fry (Reggie), Alec Guinness (Mr Todd), Judi Dench (Mrs Beaver). Dir. Charles Sturridge. Hang ’em High (1967) Clint Eastwood, Inger Stevens, Pat Hingle. Dir. Ted Post. Hangover, The (2009) Bradley Cooper (Phil Wenneck), Ed Helms (Stu Price), Zach Galifianakis (Alan Garner), Heather Graham (Jade), Sasha Barrese (Tracy Garner), Rachael Harris (Melissa), Jeffrey Tambor (Sid Garner), Bryan Callen (Eddie Palermo), Mike Tyson (as


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himself). Comedy following the exploits of four friends who travel to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, only to wake up the next morning not remembering a thing and missing the groom, whose wedding is scheduled to occur the next day! Dir. Todd Phillips. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Woody Allen (Micky), Michael Caine (Elliot), Mia Farrow (Hannah), Carrie Fisher (April), Barbara Hershey (Lee), Maureen O’Sullivan (Hannah’s mother). Dir. Woody Allen. Hannibal Brooks (1968) Oliver Reed, Michael J Pollard. Dir. Michael Winner. Hanover Street (1979) Harrison Ford, Lesley-Anne Down, Christopher Plummer, Alec McCowen, Max Wall. Dir. Peter Hyams. Hans Christian Andersen (1952) Danny Kaye, Zizi Jeanmaire, Farley Granger. Dir. Charles Vidor. Happiest Days of Your Life, The (1950) Alastair Sim, Margaret Rutherford, Joyce Grenfell, Richard Wattis. Dir. Frank Launder. Happy Feet (2006) Voices of Elijah Wood (Mumble), Brittany Murphy (Gloria), Hugh Jackman (Memphis), Nicole Kidman (Norma Jean), Hugo Weaving (Noah the Elder), Robin Williams (Ramón/Lovelace), Johnny A Sanchez (Lombardo), Carlos Alazraqui (Néstor), Jeff Garcia (Rinaldo), Miriam Margolyes (Mrs Astrakhan). Into the world of Emperor penguins, who find their soul mates through song, a penguin is born who cannot sing. But instead he is blessed with a talent for tap dancing. Dir. George Miller. Happy Hooker, The (1975) Lynn Redgrave (Xaviera Hollander). Dir. Nicholas Sgarro. Hard Candy (2005) Patrick Wilson (Jeff Kohlver), Ellen Page (Hayley Stark), Sandra Oh (Judy Tokuda), Odessa Rae as Jennifer Holmes (Janelle Rogers), Gilbert John (Nighthawks Clerk). A mature 14-year-old girl meets a charming 32-year-old photographer on the Internet. Suspecting that he is a paedophile, she goes to his home in an attempt to expose him. Dir. David Slade. Hard Day’s Night, A (1964) Beatles, Wilfrid Brambell, John Junkin, Norman Rossington, Victor Spinetti, Brian Epstein. Dir. Richard Lester. Hard Way, The (1991) Michael J Fox (Nick Lang), James Woods (John Moss), Annabella Sciorra (Susan). Dir. John Badham. Harder They Fall, The (1956) Humphrey Bogart, Rod Steiger, Max Baer, Jan Sterling. Bogart’s last film. Dir. Mark Robson. Hardy Family (1936–58) Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone, Fay Holden, Cecilia Parker, Sara Haden, Spring Byington, Lionel Barrymore. Howard Koch directed the last of the series: Andy Hardy Comes Home. Dir. George B Seitz. Harry and Tonto (1974) Art Carney, Ellen Burstyn, Chief Dan George, Larry Hagman. Tonto was a cat. Dir. Paul Mazursky. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Largely the same cast and characters as in Philosopher’s Stone although new characters include Kenneth Branagh (Gilderoy Lockhart). Dir. Chris Columbus. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 1 (2010) Additions to the usual suspects include Rhys Ifans as Xenophilius Lovegood, the eccentric father of the trio's friend Luna; Bill Nighy as Rufus Scrimgeour, the new Minister for Magic; and Warwick Davis as Griphook, a goblin and former employee at Gringotts Bank. Davis, who had previously played Professor Filius Flitwick, replaced Verne Troyer, who portrayed the character physically in the first film, though Davis had dubbed Griphook's lines.The story follows Harry’s quest to find and destroy Lord Voldemort's secret to immortality – the Horcruxes. Dir. David Yates. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 2 (2011) Additions to the usual suspects include Ciarán Hinds who assumes the role of Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore's brother and bartender of the Hog's Head inn; and Kelly Macdonald as Helena Ravenclaw, the ghost of Ravenclaw at Hogwarts. The eighth and final instalment in the Harry Potter film series. Dir. David Yates. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Robbie Coltrane (Rubeus Hagrid), Ralph Fiennes (Lord Voldemort), Maggie Smith (Minerva McGonagall), Alan Rickman (Severus Snape), Miranda Richardson (Rita Skeeter), Gary Oldman (Sirius Black), Shirley Henderson (Moaning Myrtle), Robert Hardy (Cornelius Fudge), David Tennant (Barty Crouch Jnr), Eric Sykes (Frank Bryce), Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley), James Phelps (Fred Weasley), Timothy Spall (Wormtail – Peter Pettigrew), Oliver Phelps (George Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), Jeff Rawle (Amos Diggory), Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggory), Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy), Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), Stanislav Ianevski (Viktor Krum), Michael Gambon (Albus Dumbledore), David Bradley (Argus Filch), Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan), Frances de la Tour (Madame Olympe Maxime), Roger Lloyd Pack (Barty Crouch), Warwick Davis (Filius Flitwick), Jarvis Cocker (Band Lead Singer). Harry finds himself selected as an underaged competitor in a dangerous multi-wizardry school competition. Dir. Mike Newell. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) The sixth film in the Harry Potter series sees Jim Broadbent join the cast as Horace Slughorn, the newly appointed Hogwarts Potions master, while the rest of the cast reprise their earlier roles. Dir. David Yates. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) The fifth film in the Harry Potter series follows Harry in his fifth year at Hogwarts. The Ministry of Magic refuses to believe the return of Lord Voldemort and plants bureaucrat Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton) as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. The other new main character is Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter), one of Lord Voldemort’s right-hand Death Eaters who leads the battle at the Department of Mysteries. Dir. David Yates. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid), Richard Griffiths (Uncle Vernon Dursley), Richard Harris (Albus Dumbledore), Ian Hart (Professor Quirrell / Voldemort), John Hurt (Mr Ollivander), Alan Rickman (Professor Snape), Fiona Shaw (Aunt Petunia Dursley), Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall), Julie Walters (Mrs Weasley), John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick), Richard Bremner (He Who Must Not Be Named), Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy). US title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Dir. Chris Columbus. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), Gary Oldman (Sirius Black), David Thewlis (Professor Lupin), Michael Gambon (Albus Dumbledore), Alan Rickman (Professor Severus Snape), Maggie Smith (Professor Minerva McGonagall), Robbie Coltrane (Rubeus Hagrid), Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), Emma Thompson (Professor Sybil Trelawney), Julie Walters (Mrs Weasley), Timothy Spall (Peter Pettigrew), Julie Christie (Madame Rosmerta). Sirius Black, the wizard imprisoned for killing Harry’s father, escapes and heads for Hogwarts in search of Harry. Dir. Alfonso Cuarón. Harvey (1950) James Stewart (Elwood P Dowd), Josephine Hull (Veta Louise), Victoria Horne. Dir. Henry Koster. Hawk the Slayer (1980) Jack Palance, John Terry, Bernard Bresslaw. Dir. Terry Marcel. Head (1968) Monkees, Victor Mature. Written by Jack Nicholson & Bob Rafelson. Dir. Bob Rafelson. Heading South (2006) Charlotte Rampling (Ellen), Karen Young (Brenda), Menothy Cesar (Legba), Lys Ambroise (Albert), Louise Portal (Sue), Jackenson Pierre Olmo Diaz (Eddy). On the sun-drenched island of Haiti in the 1970s, Brenda, Ellen and Sue, three North American women, are looking for flirtation, relaxation and respite from their colourless jobs and marriages. They find what they are looking for in Legba, an enigmatic local Adonis. Dir. Laurent Cantet. Hear My Song (1992) Ned Beatty (Josef Locke: voice of Vernon Midgley), Adrian Dunbar (Mickey O’Neill), Shirley Anne Field (Cathleen Doyle), David McCallum (Jim Abbott). Dir. Peter Chelsom. Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The (1968) Alan Arkin, Sondra Locke, Stacy Keach. Based on Carson McCullers’s story of a deaf mute. Dir. Robert Ellis Miller. Heartbreak Ridge (1986) Clint Eastwood (Highway), Marsha Mason (Aggie). Dir. Clint Eastwood. Heartburn (1986) Meryl Streep (Rachel), Jack Nicholson (Mark), Jeff Daniels (Richard), Stockard Channing (Julie). Dir. Mike Nichols. Heat (1995) Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight. Based on TV movie: L.A. Takedown. First film in which the 2 stars actually filmed scenes together. Dir. Michael Mann. Heathers (1989) Winona Ryder (Veronica Sawyer), Christian Slater (JD), Shannen Doherty (Heather Duke), Lisanne Falk (Heather McNamara), Kim Walker (Heather Chandler). Dir. Michael Lehmann. Heaven and Earth (1993) Tommy Lee Jones, Joan Chen, Haing S Ngor, Debbie Reynolds. Vietnamese woman endures hardships and torments from both sides during the war. Dir. Oliver Stone.


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Heaven Can Wait (1943) Don Ameche, Gene Tierney, Laird Cregar, Charles Coburn. Dir. Ernst Lubitsch. Heaven Can Wait (1978) Warren Beatty, Julie Christie, James Mason (Mr Jordan), Dyan Cannon, Vincent Gardenia. Remake of Here Comes Mr Jordan (1941). Dir. Warren Beatty. Heaven Knows, Mr Allison (1957) Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr. Marine and nun marooned on Pacific island during WW2. Dir. John Huston. Heavenly Creatures (1994) Melanie Lynskey, Kate Winslet, Diane Kent. Dir. Peter Jackson. Heavens Above (1963) Peter Sellers, Isabel Jeans, Ian Carmichael, Irene Handl, Eric Sykes, Bernard Miles. Dir. John Boulting. Heaven’s Gate (1980) Kris Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, John Hurt, Jeff Bridges. Famous Western, remembered as a box office disaster. Dir. Michael Cimino. Hedda (1975) Glenda Jackson, Peter Eyre, Jennie Linden, Patrick Stewart, Timothy West. Dir. Trevor Nunn. Heidi (1937) Shirley Temple, Jean Hersholt, Arthur Treacher. Based on Johanna Spyri’s novel. Dir. Allan Dwan. Heiress, The (1949) Olivia de Havilland, Ralph Richardson, Montgomery Clift, Miriam Hopkins, Ray Collins. Based on Henry James’s novel Washington Square and the play of the same name by Ruth and Augustus Goetz. Dir. William Wyler. Helen Morgan Story, The (1957) Ann Blyth, Paul Newman, Walter Woolf King (Ziegfeld). GB title: Both Ends of the Candle. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Hellfire Club, The (1960) Keith Michell, Peter Arne, Adrienne Corri, Peter Cushing, David Lodge. Dir. Robert S Baker and Monty Berman. Hello Dolly (1969) Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael Crawford, Marianne McAndrew, Tommy Tune. Based on Thornton Wilder’s play The Matchmaker. Dir. Gene Kelly. Hell’s Angels (1930) Ben Lyon, James Hall, Jean Harlow. Dir. Howard Hughes. Hellzapoppin (1942) Ole Olsen, Chic Johnson, Hugh Herbert, Martha Raye, Mischa Auer. Montage of Mirth and Madness. Dir. HC Potter. Help! (1965) Beatles, Leo McKern, Eleanor Bron, Victor Spinetti. Dir. Dick Lester. Help, The (2011) Emma Stone (Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan), Viola Davis (Aibileen), Bryce Dallas Howard (Hilly Holbrook), Octavia Spencer (Minny). Highly acclaimed film, set in Jackson, Mississippi, about a young white woman, Skeeter Phelan, and her relationship with two black maids, Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson during the early 1960s. Skeeter decides to write a book from the point of view of the maids (referred to as "the help"), exposing the racism they are faced with as they work for white families. Dir. Tate Taylor. Henry and June (1990) Fred Ward (Henry Miller), Uma Thurman (June Miller), Maria De Medeiros (Anaïs Nin). Censors created a new ‘NC-17’ rating to cover rude but artistically worthwhile films. Dir. Philip Kaufman. Henry V (1944) Laurence Olivier, Robert Newton, Leslie Banks, Esmond Knight, Renée Asherson. Dir. Laurence Olivier. Henry V (1989) Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Brian Blessed, Ian Holm, Alec McCowen, Robbie Coltrane (Falstaff), Emma Thompson (Katherine). Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Henry VIII and His Six Wives (1972) Keith Michell, Frances Cuka (Aragon), Charlotte Rampling (Boleyn), Jane Asher (Seymour), Jenny Bos (Cleves), Lynne Frederick (Howard), Barbara Leigh-Hunt (Parr). Dir. Waris Hussein. Hercules (1997) Voices of: Tate Donovan (Hercules), Rip Torn (Zeus), James Woods (Hades), Danny De Vito (Philoctetes), Susan Egan (Meg). Cartoons by Gerald Scarfe. Dir. John Musker & Ron Clements. Here Come the Huggetts (1948) Jack Warner, Kathleen Harrison, Susan Shaw, Petula Clark, Jimmy Hanley, Diana Dors. Britain’s answer to the Hardys. Dir. Ken Annakin. Here Comes Mr Jordan (1941) Robert Montgomery, Evelyn Keyes, Claude Rains. Much-copied plot about a prizefighter cum saxophonist arriving in heaven too early. Dir. Alexander Hall. Hero (2004) Jet Li, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Maggie Cheung Man-Yuk. The Kingdom of Qin is the most ruthless and ambitious of China’s seven warring states. Its king is the target of numerous assassins, including Broken Sword, Flying Snow and Sky. When Nameless kills all three he is offered an audience with the king and explains how he used the personal relationships of the assassins to expose their weaknesses. The king tells a different version of the same story. Dir. Yimou Zhang. Heroes of Telemark, The (1965) Kirk Douglas, Richard Harris, Ulla Jacobsson, Roy Dotrice, Michael Redgrave. Dir. Anthony Mann. Hidden (Caché) (2006) Juliette Binoche (Anne Laurent), Daniel Auteuil (Georges Laurent), Annie Girardot, Maurice Benichou, Bernard Le Coq, Daniel Duval, Denis Podalydes, Walid Afkir, Lester Makedonsky, Aissa Maiga. Georges, who hosts a TV literary review, receives packages containing videos of himself with his family – shot secretly from the street – and alarming drawings whose meaning is obscure. He has no idea who may be sending them. Gradually, the footage on the tapes becomes more personal, suggesting that the sender has known Georges for some time. Georges feels a sense of menace hanging over him and his family but, as no direct threat has been made, the police refuse to help. Another French film that is certain to be regarded as one of the most critically acclaimed of 2006. Dir. Michael Haneke. High Anxiety (1977) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn, Cloris Leachman. Psychologist suspects his predecessor was murdered. Dir. Mel Brooks. High Noon (1952) Gary Cooper (Will Kane), Grace Kelly, Thomas Mitchell, Lloyd Bridges, Lon Chaney. Tex Ritter sang Dimitri Tiomkin’s theme tune. Action takes place during the 85 minutes of running time. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. High School High (1996) Jon Lovitz (Mr Clark), Tia Carrere (Victoria). School is Marion Berry High. Dir. Hart Bochner. Highlander (1986) Christopher Lambert (Connor MacLeod), Roxanne Hart (Brenda Wyatt), Sean Connery (Ramirez). Highlander II: The Quickening was the 1990 sequel. Dir. Russell Mulcahy. His Girl Friday (1940) Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy, Gene Lockhart. Remake of The Front Page (1931). Dir. Howard Hawks. History of Mr Polly, The (1949) John Mills, Sally Ann Howes, Megs Jenkins, Finlay Currie. Based on HG Wells’s novel. Dir. Anthony Pelissier. Hit, The (1984) John Hurt, Terence Stamp, Tim Roth, Laura Del Sol, Fernando Rey. Dir. Stephen Frears. Hitch (2005) Will Smith (Alex ‘Hitch’ Hitchens), Eva Mendes (Sara). While helping his latest client woo the fine lady of his dreams, a professional ‘date doctor’ (Smith) finds the game doesn’t quite work on the gossip columnist (Mendes) with whom he’s smitten. Dir. Andy Tennant. Hitler – The Last Ten Days (1973) Alec Guinness, Simon Ward, Doris Kunstmann, Diane Cilento, Eric Porter, Joss Ackland. Dir. Ennio de Concini. Hobson’s Choice (1953) Charles Laughton, Brenda de Banzie, John Mills, Helen Haye, Prunella Scales. Based on Harold Brighouse’s play. Dir. David Lean. Hoffa (1992) Jack Nicholson, Danny De Vito, Armand Assante. Dir. Danny De Vito. Holiday Inn (1942) Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, Walter Abel, Marjorie Reynolds. Won Oscar for the song ‘White Christmas’. Dir. Mark Sandrich. Hollywood or Bust (1956) Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Pat Crowley, Anita Ekberg. Last of the Martin & Lewis films. Dir. Frank Tashlin. Home Alone (1990) Macaulay Culkin (Kevin McCallister), Joe Pesci (Harry), Daniel Stern (Marv), John Candy (Gus). Dir. Chris Columbus.


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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) Macaulay Culkin (Kevin McCallister), Joe Pesci (Harry), Daniel Stern (Marv), Brenda Fricker (Pigeon Lady). Dir. Chris Columbus. Homeboy (1988) Mickey Rourke (Johnny Walker), Christopher Walken (Wesley), Kevin Conway (Grazziano). Dir. Michael Seresin. Honey, I Blew up the Kid (1992) Rick Moranis (Wayne Szalinski), Lloyd Bridges (Clifford Sterling), Marcia Strassman (Diane). ‘Blew up’ in as much as the baby grows to 100 feet tall. Dir. Randal Kleiser. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) Rick Moranis (Wayne Szalinski), Matt Frewer (Big Russ Thompson), Marcia Strassman (Diane), Kristine Sutherland (Mae Thompson). Dir. Joe Johnston. Honkytonk Man (1982) Clint Eastwood (Red Stovall), Kyle Eastwood (Whit), John McIntire (Grandpa). Dir. Clint Eastwood. Honorary Consul, The (1983) Michael Caine (Charley Fortnum), Richard Gere (Dr Plarr), Bob Hoskins (Col Perez). US title: Beyond the Limit. Dir. John MacKenzie. Hook (1991) Dustin Hoffman (Capt Hook), Robin Williams (Peter Banning / Pan), Julia Roberts (Tinkerbell), Bob Hoskins (Smee). Dir. Steven Spielberg. Hoop Dreams (1994) William Gates, Arthur Agee, Emma Gates. Dir. Steve James. Hooper (1978) Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Brian Keith, Jan Michael Vincent, Adam West. Ageing stuntman decides on one last sensational stunt. Dir. Hal Needham. Hoosiers (1986) Gene Hackman, Barbara Hershey, Dennis Hopper, Sheb Wooley. Triumphs of an Indiana high school basketball team. Dir. David Anspaugh. Horse Feathers (1932) Groucho (Wagstaff), Chico, Zeppo, Harpo Marx, Thelma Todd. College football team needs to win. Dir. Norman Z McLeod. Hostel (2005) Jay Hernandez (Paxton), Derek Richardson (Josh), Eythor Gudjonsson (Oli), Barbara Nedeljakova (Natalya), Jan Vlasák (The Dutch Businessman), Jana Kaderabkova (Svetlana), Jennifer Lim (Kana), Keiko Seiko (Yuki), Lubomir Bukovy (Alex), Petr Janis (The German Surgeon). Three backpackers head to a Slovakian city that promises to meet their hedonistic expectations, with no idea of the horror that awaits them. Dir. Eli Roth. Sequels - Hostel : Part II (2007) and Hostel: Part III (2011), the latter directed by Scott Spiegel. Hotel Rwanda (2004) Don Cheadle (Paul Rusesabagina), Sophie Okonedo (Tatiana Rusesabagina), Nick Nolte (Colonel Oliver), Joaquin Phoenix (Jack). True story of hotel manager Paul Rusesabagina, who sheltered over a thousand Tutsis refugees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in Rwanda. Dir. Terry George. Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Richard Greene, John Carradine. Dir. Sidney Lanfield. Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) Peter Cushing, André Morell, Christopher Lee, John Le Mesurier. Dir. Terence Fisher. Hound of the Baskervilles (1977) Peter Cook (Sherlock Holmes), Dudley Moore (Watson), Denholm Elliott (Stapleton), Terry-Thomas (Mortimer), Max Wall, Spike Milligan, Penelope Keith. Dir. Paul Morrissey. Hours, The (2002) Meryl Streep (Clarissa Vaughan), Julianne Moore (Laura Brown), Nicole Kidman (Virginia Woolf), Ed Harris (Richard Brown), Toni Collette (Kitty Barlowe), Claire Danes (Julia Vaughan), Jeff Daniels (Louis Waters), Stephen Dillane (Leonard Woolf). Explores how Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway affects three generations of women, all of whom have dealt with suicides in their lives. Dir. Stephen Daldry. House of Flying Daggers (2004) Takeshi Kaneshiro (Jin), Andy Lau (Leo), Ziyi Zhang (Mei), Dandan Song (Yee). Beautifully filmed martial arts film of undercover espionage and romance. Dir. Yimou Zhang. Houseboat (1958) Cary Grant, Sophia Loren, Martha Hyer, Harry Guardino. Dir. Melville Shavelson. Housesitter (1992) Steve Martin (Davis), Goldie Hawn (Gwen). One-night stand turns into a comic fatal attraction. Dir. Frank Oz. How Green Was My Valley (1941) Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O’Hara, Roddy McDowall. Based on Richard Llewellyn’s novel. Dir. John Ford. How I Won the War (1967) Michael Crawford, John Lennon, Roy Kinnear, Lee Montague, Michael Hordern. Dir. Richard Lester. How the West Was Won (1962) Debbie Reynolds, Carroll Baker, Lee J Cobb, Henry Fonda, James Stewart, Gregory Peck. Spencer Tracy was the narrator. Dir. Henry Hathaway, John Ford, George Marshall. How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, William Powell, Cameron Mitchell. Dir. Jean Negulesco. Howard’s End (1992) Anthony Hopkins (Henry Wilcox), Vanessa Redgrave (Ruth), Helena Bonham Carter (Helen), Emma Thompson (Margaret Schlegel). The Howard’s End of the title is a house. Dir. James Ivory. Howling, The (1980) Dee Wallace, Patrick Macnee, Kevin McCarthy. Dir. Joe Dante. Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1985) Christopher Lee, Annie McEnroe, Reb Brown. Filmed in Czechoslavakia and not a sequel to The Howling. Dir. Philippe Mora. Hud (1963) Paul Newman, Patricia Neal, Melvyn Douglas, Brandon De Wilde. Dir. Martin Ritt. Hue and Cry (1946) Alastair Sim, Jack Warner, Harry Fowler. First of the Ealing comedies concerns crooks passing information in a boys’ paper. Dir. Charles Crichton. Hugo (2011) Asa Butterfield (Hugo Cabret), Ben Kingsley (Georges Méliès / Papa Georges), Chloë Grace Moretz (Isabelle), Sacha Baron Cohen (Inspector Gustave), Ray Winstone (Claude Cabret), Jude Law (Hugo's father), Christopher Lee (Monsieur Labisse), Emil Lager (Django Reinhardt), Ben Addis (Salvador Dalí), Robert Gill (James Joyce), Richard Griffiths (Monsieur Frick). 3D historical adventure film based on Brian Selznick's novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret about a boy who lives alone in the Gare Montparnasse railway station in Paris. The film won five Oscars. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1939) Charles Laughton, Cedric Hardwicke, Maureen O’Hara, Edmond O’Brien, Thomas Mitchell. Remake of the Lon Chaney 1923 film. Dir. William Dieterle. Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1956) Anthony Quinn, Gina Lollobrigida. French / Italian production of the classic story. Dir. Jean Delannoy. Hunger, The (1983) Catherine Deneuve (Miriam), David Bowie (John), Susan Sarandon (Sarah Roberts). Dir. Tony Scott. Hunt for Red October, The (1990) Sean Connery (Capt Marko Ramius), Alec Baldwin (Jack Ryan), Sam Neill (Capt Borodin). Dir. John McTiernan. Hunter, The (1980) Steve McQueen, Eli Wallach, Ben Johnson. McQueen’s last film. Dir. Buzz Kulik. Hurlyburly (1998) Sean Penn (Eddie), Kevin Spacey (Mickey), Robin Wright Penn, Garry Shandling, Meg Ryan, Chazz Pálminteri, Anna Paquin. Dir. Anthony Drazan. Hurt Locker, The (2008) Jeremy Renner (Sgt William James), Anthony Mackie (Sgt J T Sanborn), Brian Geraghty (Specialist Owen Eldridge), Ralph Fiennes (PMC Team Leader), Evangeline Lilly (Connie James), Christian Camargo (Lt Col John Cambridge), Guy Pearce (Staff Sgt Matt Thompson). Story of an American bomb disposal squad serving in Iraq. Multi-award-winning film written by Mark Boal. Dir. Kathryn Bigelow. Husbands and Wives (1992) Woody Allen (Gabe Roth), Judith Lewis (Rain), Blythe Danner (Rain’s mother), Mia Farrow (Judy Roth), Judy Davis (Sally). Dir. Woody Allen. Hustler, The (1961) Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, George C Scott, Piper Laurie. Dir. Robert Rossen. Hustler White (1996) Tony Ward, Bruce LaBruce, Kevin Kramer. Dir. Bruce LaBruce. I Accuse (1958) José Ferrer (Dreyfus), Anton Walbrook (Esterhazy), Emlyn Williams (Zola). Written by Gore Vidal. Dir. José Ferrer.


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I Am a Camera (1955) Julie Harris, Laurence Harvey, Shelley Winters, Anton Diffring. John Collier adaptation of Isherwood stories and the stage play by John Van Druten. Dir. Henry Cornelius. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) Paul Muni, Glenda Farrell, Helen Vinson, Preston Foster. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. I Confess (1953) Montgomery Clift, Anne Baxter, Brian Aherne, Karl Malden. Priest hears confession of a murderer and has a dilemma. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. I Married a Witch (1942) Fredric March, Veronica Lake, Cecil Kellaway, Susan Hayward, Elizabeth Patterson. Dir. René Clair. I Wanna Hold Your Hand (1978) Nancy Allen, Bobby diCicco, Marc McClure. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. I Want to Live (1958) Susan Hayward, Simon Oakland, Virginia Vincent, Theodore Bikel. Based on the Barbara Graham story of a prostitute executed despite doubts as to her guilt. Dir. Robert Wise. I Was a Male War Bride (1949) Cary Grant, Ann Sheridan, Marion Marshall. Dir. Howard Hawks. dI Was Monty’s Double (1958) John Mills, Cecil Parker, ME Clifton-James. US title: Hell, Heaven and Hoboken. Dir. John Guillermin. Ice Age (2002) Voices of Ray Romano (Manfred), John Leguizamo (Sid), Denis Leary (Diego), Goran Visnjic (Soto), Jack Black (Zeke), Tara Strong (Roshan). Animated sloth, mammoth and sabre-toothed tiger combine to return a lost child to his tribe during the ice age. Dir. Carlos Saldanha and Chris Wedge. Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) The fourth instalment of the Ice Age series sees Scrat (voiced by Chris Wedge), an acorn-obsessed sabre-toothed squirrel, inadvertently cause the break up of Pangaea. Jennifer Lopez voices Shira, a Smilodon, and Diego's love interest. Dirs. Steve Martino and Mike Thurmeier. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) The third instalment of the Ice Age series has Sid being taken by a female Tyrannosaurus rex after stealing her eggs, leading the rest of the protagonists to rescue him in a tropical lost world inhabited by dinosaurs beneath the ice. The voice actors from the second film reprise their roles. Dir. Carlos Saldanha and Michael Thurmeier. Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) Voices of Ray Romano (Manny), John Leguizamo (Sid), Denis Leary (Diego), Seann William Scott (Crash), Josh Peck (Eddie), Queen Latifah (Ellie), Will Arnett (Lone Gunslinger Vulture), Jay Leno (Fast Tony), Joseph Bologna (Mr Start). Diego, Manny and Sid return in this sequel to the hit animation film, Ice Age. This time around the ice age is over and the ice is starting to melt, threatening to destroy their valley. So they must unite and warn everyone about the situation. Dir. Carlos Saldanha. Ice Cold in Alex (1958) John Mills, Sylvia Syms, Anthony Quayle, Harry Andrews. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Ice Station Zebra (1968) Rock Hudson, Patrick McGoohan, Ernest Borgnine, Jim Brown. Based on the Alistair MacLean story. Dir. John Sturges. Ideal Husband, An (1999) Cate Blanchett, Minnie Driver, Rupert Everett, Peter Vaughan, Julianne Moore. Dir. Oliver Parker. If (1968) Malcolm McDowell, David Wood, Richard Warwick, Arthur Lowe. Dir. Lindsay Anderson. If These Walls Could Talk (1996) Demi Moore, Cher. TV movie. Dir. Nancy Savoka and Cher. I’m All Right Jack (1959) Ian Carmichael, Peter Sellers, Irene Handl, Richard Attenborough, Terry-Thomas, Dennis Price, Margaret Rutherford. Dir. John Boulting. Importance of Being Earnest, The (1952) Michael Redgrave, Michael Denison, Edith Evans, Margaret Rutherford, Dorothy Tutin. Dir. Anthony Asquith. Importance of Being Earnest, The (2002) Rupert Everett, Colin Firth, Frances O’Connor, Reese Witherspoon, Judi Dench. Dir. Oliver Parker. In Good Company (2004) Dennis Quaid (Dan Foreman), Topher Grace (Carter Duryea), Scarlett Johansson (Alex Foreman). A middleaged advertising executive is faced with a new boss nearly half his age who is sleeping with his daughter. Dir. Paul Weitz. In Search of the Castaways (1961) Maurice Chevalier, Hayley Mills, George Sanders, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Wilfrid Brambell. Dir. Robert Stevenson. In the Bleak Midwinter (1995) Michael Maloney, Richard Briers, Julia Sawalha, Joan Collins, Jennifer Saunders. Story of a production of Hamlet in a village church. Dir. Kenneth Branagh. In the Heat of the Night (1967) Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger, Warren Oates. Dir. Norman Jewison. In Which We Serve (1942) Noël Coward, Bernard Miles, John Mills, Richard Attenborough, Celia Johnson, Michael Wilding. Viewed as one of the best propaganda wartime films. Dir. Noël Coward and David Lean. Inchon (1981) Laurence Olivier (General MacArthur), Jacqueline Bisset, David Janssen, Ben Gazzara, Richard Roundtree. Dir. Terence Young. Incredible Journey, The (1963) Disney cartoon about 2 dogs and a cat and their 250-mile journey home after being separated from their owners. Dir. Fletcher Markle. Incredible Shrinking Man, The (1957) Grant Williams, Randy Stuart, April Kent. Radioactive mist is the cause of the shrinking. Dir. Jack Arnold. Incredible Shrinking Woman, The (1981) Lily Tomlin, Charles Grodin, Ned Beatty, Henry Gibson. A new perfume causes the diminution in this case. Dir. Joel Schumacher. Incredibles, The (2004) Voices of Craig T Nelson (Mr Incredible/Bob Parr), Holly Hunter (Elastigirl/Helen Parr), Samuel L Jackson (Frozone/Lucius Best), Jason Lee (Syndrome/Buddy Pine), Dominique Louis (Bomb Voyage), Teddy Newton (Newsreel Narrator), Jean Sincere (Mrs Hogenson), Eli Fucile and Maeve Andrews (Jack Jack Parr), Wallace Shawn (Gilbert Huph), Spencer Fox (Dashiell ‘Dash’ Parr), Lou Romano (Bernie Kropp), Sarah Vowell (Violet Parr), Michael Bird (Tony Rydinger). Animation in which insurance man Bob Parr and his family try to live a quiet suburban life but are forced to adopt their former superhero guises in order to save the world. Dir. Brad Bird. Indecent Proposal (1993) Robert Redford (John Gage), Demi Moore (Diana Murphy), Woody Harrelson (David Murphy), Billy Connolly (Auction MC). Dir. Adrian Lyne. Independence Day (1996) Will Smith (Capt Steve Hiller), Bill Pullman (President Whitmore), Jeff Goldblum, Judd Hirsch, Harry Connick Jnr, Brent Spiner. Pilot and computer expert battle an alien force. Dir. Roland Emmerich. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Harrison Ford (Dr Henry ‘Indiana’ Jones, Jr), Cate Blanchett (Irina Spalko), Shia LaBeouf (Henry ‘Mutt Williams’ Jones III), Karen Allen (Marion Ravenwood/Williams), Ray Winstone (George ‘Mac’ McHale), John Hurt (Harold ‘Ox’ Oxley), Jim Broadbent (Dean Charles Stanforth). The fourth film in the Indiana Jones series is set in 1957 and sees Jones and his sidekick, Mac, kidnapped by a group of Soviet agents led by the psychic Colonel Dr Irina Spalko. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Harrison Ford, Sean Connery (Professor Henry Jones), Denholm Elliott (Marcus Brody), John Rhys-Davies (Sallah), Julian Glover (Walter Donovan). Dir. Steven Spielberg. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw (Willie Scott), Ke Huy Quan (Short Round). Prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark (action takes place in 1935). Dir. Steven Spielberg. Indiscreet (1958) Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Phyllis Calvert, Cecil Parker, David Kossoff, Megs Jenkins. Not very indiscreet as it happens, as the loving couple are both single. Dir. Stanley Donen. Informer, The (1935) Victor McLaglen, Heather Angel, Margot Grahame, Una O’Connor. Story of IRA allegiances. Dir. John Ford. Inglourious Basterds (2009) Brad Pitt (Lt Aldo ‘the Apache’ Raine), Christoph Waltz (SS Col Hans ‘The Jew Hunter’ Landa), Eli Roth (Staff Sgt Donny Donowitz), Mélanie Laurent (Shosanna ‘Emmanuelle Mimieux’ Dreyfus), Til Schweiger (Hugo Stiglitz), B J Novak (PFC Smithson ‘The Little Man’ Utivich), Mike Myers (Gen Ed Fenech), Gedeon Burkhard (Cpl Wilhelm Wicki), Omar Doom (PFC Omar


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Ulmer), Samm Levine (PFC Gerold Hirschberg), Michael Fassbender (Lt Archie Hicox), Rod Taylor (Winston Churchill), Diane Krüger (Bridget von Hammersmark), Sylvester Groth (Joseph Goebbels), Martin Wuttke (Adolf Hitler), Samuel L Jackson (Narrator), Harvey Keitel (voice-only – OSS Commander), Quentin Tarantino (unnamed Nazi footman), Bo Svenson (American colonel). The film develops over five chapters: Once Upon a Time . . In Nazi-Occupied France; Inglourious Basterds; A German Night in Paris; Operation Kino; Revenge of the Giant Face. The setting is first German-occupied France in 1941 and then Italy in the spring of 1944, where the take-noprisoners ‘Basterds’ operate. The title of the film was inspired by the English title of director Enzo Castellari’s 1978 war film, The Inglorious Bastards. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Inherit the Wind (1960) Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Dick York, Florence Eldridge, Gene Kelly. Fictionalised account of the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 when a teacher was accused of teaching Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and, consequently, blasphemy. Dir. Stanley Kramer. Inn of the Sixth Happiness, The (1958) Ingrid Bergman, Curt Jurgens, Robert Donat. Biopic of the missionary Gladys Aylward and her work in China. Dir. Mark Robson. Inner Circle, The (1991) Tom Hulce (Ivan Sanshin), Lolita Davidovich (Anastasia), Bob Hoskins (Beria), Alexandre Zbruev (Stalin). Cinema projectionist goes to work for Stalin. Dir. Andrei Konchalovsky. Innerspace (1987) Dennis Quaid (Lt Tuck Pendleton), Martin Short (Jack Putter), Meg Ryan (Lydia Maxwell), Kevin McCarthy (Victor Scrimshaw). Version of The Fantastic Voyage. Dir. Joe Dante. Insider, The (1999) Al Pacino (Lowell Bergman), Russell Crowe (Jeffrey Wigand), Rip Torn (John Scanlon), Christopher Plummer (Mike Wallace), Diane Venora (Liare Wigand) Michael Gambon (Thomas Sandefor). Dir. Michael Mann. Insignificance (1985) Gary Busey (The Ballplayer), Tony Curtis (The Senator), Michael Emil (The Professor), Theresa Russell (The Actress), Will Sampson (The Elevator Attendant). Four people resembling Monroe, Einstein, McCarthy & Di Maggio meet in New York hotel. Dir. Nicolas Roeg. Insomnia (2002) Al Pacino, Martin Donovan, Hilary Swank, Paul Dooley. Not to be confused with the 1997 Norwegian film of the same name. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Inspector Calls, An (1954) Alastair Sim, Jane Wenham, Bryan Forbes, Arthur Young. Dir. Guy Hamilton. International Velvet (1978) Nanette Newman, Tatum O’Neal, Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Plummer. Dir. Bryan Forbes. Intersection (1994) Sharon Stone, Richard Gere, Martin Landau. Dir. Mark Rydell. Intermezzo (1939) Leslie Howard, Ingrid Bergman, John Halliday, Edna Best, Cecil Kellaway. A virtuoso violinist has an affair with his musical protégée. Dir. Gregory Ratoff (William Wyler is thought to have assisted). Intolerance (1916) Mae Marsh, Lillian Gish, Constance Talmadge. Four stories depicting intolerance and persecution through the ages. Dir. DW Griffith. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter, Larry Gates, King Donovan, Carolyn Jones, Sam Peckinpah. Small American town is taken over by aliens. Dir. Don Siegel. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams, Leonard Nimoy, Jeff Goldblum, Kevin McCarthy, Don Siegel. San Francisco becomes the venue for the remake of the 1956 classic. Dir. Philip Kaufman. Invictus (2009) Morgan Freeman (Nelson Mandela), Matt Damon (François Pienaar), Adjoa Andoh (Brenda Mazikubo), Julian Lewis Jones (Etienne Feyder), Matt Stern (Hendrik Booyens), Scott Eastwood (Joel Stransky). Drama based on Nelson Mandela’s life during the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Invisible Man, The (1933) Claude Rains (Dr Griffin), Gloria Stuart, Una O’Connor. Dir. James Whale. Ipcress File, The (1965) Michael Caine (Harry Palmer), Nigel Green, Sue Lloyd, Gordon Jackson. The Michael Caine character was never named in the novel by Len Deighton. Dir. Sidney J Furie. IQ (1994) Tim Robbins, Meg Ryan, Walter Matthau (Einstein), Stephen Fry, Keene Curtis (Eisenhower). Dir. Fred Schepisi. Iris (2001) Judi Dench (Iris Murdoch), Jim Broadbent (John Bayley), Kate Winslet (Young Iris), Hugh Bonneville (Young John), Penelope Wilton (Janet Stone), Juliet Aubrey (Young Janet), Eleanor Bron, Joan Bakewell. Jim Broadbent won Oscar as Best Supporting Actor. Dir. Richard Eyre. Irma La Douce (1963) Shirley MacLaine, Jack Lemmon, Lou Jacobi. Paris policeman falls for a prostitute and becomes her pimp. Dir. Billy Wilder. Iron Lady, The (2011) Meryl Streep (Margaret Thatcher), Jim Broadbent (Denis Thatcher), Alexandra Roach (young Margaret Thatcher), Harry Lloyd (young Denis Thatcher), Iain Glen (Alfred Roberts), Olivia Colman (Carol Thatcher), Anthony Head (Geoffrey Howe), Nicholas Farrell (Airey Neave), Richard E. Grant (Michael Heseltine), Paul Bentley (Douglas Hurd), Robin Kermode (John Major), John Sessions (Edward Heath), Michael Pennington (Michael Foot), Angus Wright (John Nott), Julian Wadham (Francis Pym), Nick Dunning (Jim Prior), Reginald Green (Ronald Reagan). Controversial film looking back at the career of Britain’s first woman Prime Minister – mainly told in flashback by an ageing dementia-ridden Mrs Thatcher. Dir. Phyllida Lloyd. Iron Man (2008) Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark/Iron Man), Terrence Howard (Lt Col James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes), Jeff Bridges (Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger), Gwyneth Paltrow (Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts). Based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Engineering genius and playboy Tony Stark, head of Stark Industries, a major military contracting company which he inherited when his parents died in a traffic accident, builds a suit of armour for protection after being captured and severely injured by terrorists. He becomes the superhero Iron Man. Paul Bettany voices JARVIS, Stark’s personal Artificial Intelligence computer program, which assists him in the construction and programming of the Iron Man suit. Dir. Jon Favreau. Ishtar (1987) Warren Beatty (Lyle Rogers), Dustin Hoffman (Chuck Clarke), Isabelle Adjani (Shirra Assel). Second biggest flop of all time. Dir. Elaine May. Island of Dr Moreau (1977) Burt Lancaster, Michael York, Nigel Davenport, Barbara Carrera. Story of shipwrecked sailors on a Pacific Island in 1911. Dir. Don Taylor. It Happened One Night (1934) Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Walter Connolly, Alan Hale, Ward Bond. Dir. Frank Capra. It Takes Two (1995) Kirstie Alley, Steve Guttenberg, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Dir. Andy Tennant. Italian Job, The (1969) Michael Caine, Noël Coward, Benny Hill, Rossano Brazzi, Irene Handl, Fred Emney, John Le Mesurier, Simon Dee, Robert Powell. Crooks stage a traffic jam in Turin to pull off a robbery. Dir. Peter Collinson. It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963) Spencer Tracy, Jimmy Durante, Mickey Rooney, Phil Silvers, Terry-Thomas, Peter Falk, Buster Keaton, The 3 Stooges. Buried loot is the instigator of mayhem. Dir. Stanley Kramer. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) James Stewart, Henry Travers (Clarence), Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell. James Stewart’s favourite film and many believe Frank Capra’s finest. Dir. Frank Capra. It’s a Wonderful World (1939) James Stewart, Claudette Colbert, Frances Drake, Guy Kibbee. Dir. WS Van Dyke II. Jack (1996) Robin Williams, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez, Bill Cosby. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Jack the Bear (1993) Danny De Vito, Robert J Steinmiller Jnr, Miko Hughes. Dir. Marshall Herskovitz. Jackal, The (1997) Bruce Willis (The Jackal), Richard Gere (Declan Mulqueen), Sidney Poitier (Preston), Diane Venora (Valentina Koslova), Mathilda May (Isabella). Dir. Michael Caton-Jones.


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Jackie Brown (1998) Pam Grier (Jackie Brown), Samuel L Jackson (Ordell Robbie), Robert Forster (Max Cherry), Michael Keaton, Michael Bowen, Robert De Niro (Louis Gara). Air stewardess smuggles cash into America for a gun-runner. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Jagged Edge (1985) Jeff Bridges (Jack Forrester), Glenn Close (Teddy Barnes), Robert Loggia (Sam Ransom). Dir. Richard Marquand. Jailhouse Rock (1957) Elvis Presley (Vince Everett), Judy Tyler (Peggy Van Alden), Mickey Shaughnessy, Vaughn Taylor, Jennifer Holden. After serving a stretch for manslaughter, young tearaway Vince Everett becomes a rock star. Dir. Richard Thorpe. James and the Giant Peach (1996) Paul Terry, Joanna Lumley, Pete Postlethwaite. Dir. Henry Selick. Jason X (2002) Kane Hodder (Jason), Lexa Doig (Rowan), Chuck Campbell (Tsunaron), Lisa Ryder (KAY-EM 14), Peter Mensah (Sgt Brodski), David Cronenberg (Dr Wimmer). Science fiction story set in the 25th century concerning students aboard a spaceship who revive a frozen serial killer. Dir. Jim Isaac. Jaws (1975) Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary. Long Island resort: Amity. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Jaws 2 (1978) Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary. Dir. Jeannot Szwarc. Jaws 3-D (1983) Dennis Quaid (Mike), Bess Armstrong (Kathryn), Simon MacCorkindale (Philip), Louis Gossett Jr (Calvin). Dir. Joe Alves. Jaws: the Revenge (1987) Lorraine Gary (Ellen Brody), Lance Guest (Michael), Mario Van Peebles (Jake), Karen Young (Carla), Michael Caine (Hoagie). Dir. Joseph Sargent. Jazz Singer, The (1927) Al Jolson, May McAvoy, Warner Oland. Notable for being the first talkie. Dir. Alan Crosland. Jean de Florette (1987) Yves Montand (Cesar Soubeyran), Gérard Depardieu (Jean de Florette), Daniel Auteuil (Ugolin), Elisabeth Depardieu (Aimée), Ernestine Mazurowna (Manon). Sequel: Manon des Sources. Dir. Claude Berri. Jennifer 8 (1992) Andy Garcia (John Berlin), Uma Thurman (Helena Robertson). Serial killer preys on blind women. Dir. Bruce Robinson. Jerry Maguire (1996) Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jnr. Dir. Phillip Noyce. Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Ted Neeley, Carl Anderson, Yvonne Elliman. Melvyn Bragg wrote the screenplay with Jewison. Dir. Norman Jewison. Jewel of the Nile (1985) Michael Douglas (Jack), Kathleen Turner (Joan), Danny De Vito (Ralph). Film is dedicated to Diane Thomas, the writer of Romancing the Stone. Dir. Lewis Teague. Jezebel (1938) Bette Davis, Henry Fonda. US Civil War epic. Dir. William Wyler. JFK (1991) Kevin Costner (Jim Garrison), Sissy Spacek (Liz Garrison), Tommy Lee Jones (Clay Shaw), Joe Pesci (David Ferrie), Gary Oldman (Lee Harvey Oswald), Brian Doyle-Murray (Jack Ruby). Dir. Oliver Stone. Jim Thorpe, All-American (1951) Burt Lancaster (Thorpe), Charles Bickford, Phyllis Thaxter.Truish story of the Native American who became a star footballer. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Jingle All the Way (1996) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Howard Langston), Rita Wilson (Liz Langston), Jake Lloyd (Jamie Langston), Sinbad, James Belushi. Dir. Brian Levant. Joan of Arc (1948) Ingrid Bergman, José Ferrer, Francis L Sullivan. Dir. Victor Fleming. John Paul Jones (1959) Robert Stack, Charles Coburn (Benjamin Franklin), Bette Davis (Catherine the Great). Notable for its unending list of star cameos. Dir. John Farrow. Johnny Belinda (1948) Jane Wyman, Lew Ayres, Charles Bickford, Agnes Moorehead. Deaf mute is raped and the local doctor is suspected of being the father of the baby. Dir. Jean Negulesco. Joker Is Wild, The (1957) Frank Sinatra, Mitzi Gaynor, Eddie Albert, Jeanne Crain. The song ‘All the Way’ won an Academy Award. Dir. Charles Vidor. Jokers, The (1967) Michael Crawford, Oliver Reed, Harry Andrews, James Donald, Daniel Massey, Michael Hordern, Frank Finlay, Rachel Kempson. Two brothers decide to ‘borrow’ and replace the crown jewels. Dir. Michael Winner. Jolson Story, The (1946) Larry Parks (voice of Jolson), Evelyn Keyes. Dir. Alfred E Green. Journey into Fear (1942) Joseph Cotten, Dolores del Rio, Orson Welles. Munitions expert finds himself in danger from assassins in Istanbul. Dir. Norman Foster. Journey to Shiloh (1967) James Caan, Michael Sarrazin, Brenda Scott, Paul Petersen, Don Stroud, Harrison Ford. Seven young Texans leave home to fight in the Civil War. Dir. William Hale. Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) James Mason, Arlene Dahl, Pat Boone, Diane Baker. Film ends with the team being catapulted out of Stromboli. Dir. Henry Levin. Judge Dredd (1995) Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante, Diane Lane, Ian Dury, Max Von Sydow. Set in Mega City One in AD 2139. Dir. Danny Cannon. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) Spencer Tracy, Marlene Dietrich, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Maximilian Schell, Judy Garland, Montgomery Clift, William Shatner. Dir. Stanley Kramer. Judgment in Berlin (1988) Martin Sheen (Herbert J Stern), Sam Wanamaker (Bernard Hellring). Director is Sean Penn’s father. Dir. Leo Penn. Juggernaut (1974) Richard Harris, David Hemmings, Omar Sharif, Anthony Hopkins. Transatlantic liner is threatened by a mad bomber. Dir. Richard Lester. Jules et Jim (1962) Jeanne Moreau (Catherine), Oskar Werner (Jules), Henri Serre (Jim). A love triangle that develops with tragic consequences. Dir. François Truffaut. Julia (1977) Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, Jason Robards Jnr, Maximilian Schell, Hal Holbrook. Based on Lillian Hellman’s book Pentimento. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Julie & Julia (2009) Meryl Streep (Julia Child), Amy Adams (Julie Powell), Stanley Tucci (Paul Child), Chris Messina (Eric Powell), Linda Emond (Simone ‘Simca’ Beck), Helen Carey (Louisette Bertholle), Jane Lynch (Dorothy McWilliams), Mary Lynn Rajskub (Sarah), Joan Juliet Buck (Madame Bassart). Comedy depicting true-life events of chef Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career, contrasting her life with Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes from Child’s cookbook (Mastering the Art of French Cooking) during a single year. Dir. Nora Ephron. Julius Caesar (1953) John Gielgud (Cassius), Marlon Brando (Marc Antony), Louis Calhern (Julius Caesar), Edmond O'Brien (Casca), James Mason (Brutus), Greer Garson (Calpurnia), Deborah Kerr (Portia). Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz. Jumanji (1995) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Kirsten Dunst. Two children play a mysterious board game that releases, after 25 years, a child and some ferocious animals. Dir. Joe Johnston. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (1986) Whoopi Goldberg (Terry Doolittle), Tracey Ullman, James Belushi, Jonathan Pryce. Dir. Penny Marshall. Jungle Fever (1991) Wesley Snipes (Flipper Purify), Annabella Sciorra (Angela Tucci), Spike Lee (Cyrus), Anthony Quinn (Lou Carbone), Samuel L Jackson (Gator Purify). Dir. Spike Lee. Jurassic Park (1993) Richard Attenborough, Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Samuel L Jackson, Bob Peck. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Jurassic Park III (2001) Sam Neill (Dr Alan Grant), William H Macy, Tea Leoni, Laura Dern. Dir. Joe Johnston. Just a Gigolo (1978) David Bowie, Sydne Rome, Kim Novak, Marlene Dietrich, David Hemmings, Curt Jurgens. Dir. David Hemmings. K-9 (1989) James Belushi (Thomas Dooley), Mel Harris (Tracy), Kevin Tighe (Lyman). Not the same K-9 as in Dr Who. Dir. Rod Daniel. K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) Harrison Ford (Captain Alexi Vostrikov), Sam Spruell, Liam Neeson (Mikhail Polenin), Peter Sarsgaard (Vadim Ratchenko), George Anton (Konstantin Poliansky), Steve Cumyn, Steve Nicholson, Chris Redman, Tygh Runyan. Based on a true-life story which follows the fate of Captain Alexi Vostrikov who, at the height of the Cold War, is ordered to take over command of nuclear missile submarine K-19, pride of the Soviet Navy. His assignment: prepare the K-19 for sea and take her out on patrol – no matter what the cost. But problems with the K-19 arise that may lead to a core meltdown and explosion that will certainly kill all aboard,


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and possibly trigger nuclear war. In a daring act of heroism, Vostrikov must choose between his orders from the Kremlin and the lives of his men and his country. Dir. Kathryn Bigelow. Kaleidoscope (1966) Warren Beatty, Susannah York, Clive Revill, Eric Porter. Playboy breaks into card factory to mark the cards and so enable him to clean up. Dir. Jack Smight. Kansas City (1996) Jennifer Jason Leigh, Miranda Richardson, Harry Belafonte. Woman kidnaps a politician’s drug addicted wife in a bid to get her husband released by the gangsters holding him. Dir. Robert Altman. Karate Kid, The (1984) Ralph Macchio (Daniel), Pat Morita (Miyagi), Elisabeth Shue (Ali), Martin Kove (Kreese), William Zabka (Johnny). Dir. John G Avildsen. Karate Kid Part II, The (1986) Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita, Nobu McCarthy (Yukie), Danny Kamekona (Sato). Dir. John G. Avildsen. Karate Kid III, The (1989) Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita (Miyagi), Robyn Lively (Jessica Andrews). Dir. John G Avildsen. The fourth and final film in the original Karate Kid series The Next Karate Kid (1994) (aka The Karate Kid Part IV) stars Hilary Swank as Julie Pierce as replacement for Ralph Macchio in the lead role. The film was directed by Christopher Cain. A 2010 remake of the original Karate Kid film starred Jackie Chan as Mr Han and Jaden Smith as Dre Parker – the karate kid. This film was directed by Harald Zwart. Kate and Leopold (2001) Meg Ryan (Kate McKay), Hugh Jackman (Leopold), Liev Schreiber, Natasha Lyonne, Breckin Meyer. An English duke is transported from 1876 to the present day and falls in love. Dir. James Mangold. Kelly’s Heroes (1970) Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles, Donald Sutherland. Dir. Brian G Hutton. Kentuckian, The (1955) Burt Lancaster, Dianne Foster, Walter Matthau, John McIntire. Dir. Burt Lancaster. Kes (1969) David Bradley, Lynne Perrie, Colin Welland, Brian Glover. Dir. Ken Loach. Key Largo (1948) Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Claire Trevor, Edward G Robinson, Lionel Barrymore. Dir. John Huston. Kickboxer (1989) Jean Claude Van Damme, Dennis Alexio, Tong Po (Michel Qissi). Dir. Mark DiSalle and David Worth. Kid, The (1921) Charles Chaplin, Jackie Coogan, Edna Purviance. Dir. Charles Chaplin. Kid for Two Farthings, A (1955) Celia Johnson, Diana Dors, David Kossoff, Primo Carnera, Sydney Tafler. Dir. Carol Reed. Kid from Brooklyn, The (1946) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo, Eve Arden, Walter Abel. Timid milkman becomes a prizefighter. Dir. Norman Z McLeod. Kid Galahad (1937) Edward G Robinson, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Harry Carey. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Kid Galahad (1962) Elvis Presley, Lola Albright, Gig Young, Charles Bronson. Dir. Phil Karlson. Kidnapped (1971) Michael Caine, Lawrence Douglas, Trevor Howard, Jack Hawkins, Donald Pleasence, Gordon Jackson. Other versions starred Warner Baxter and Freddie Bartholomew (1938), and Peter Finch and James MacArthur (1959). Dir. Delbert Mann. Kids (1995) Lee Fitzpatrick, Sarah Henderson, Justin Pearce. Day in the life of teenagers includes sex and skateboarding. Dir. Larry Clark. Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003) Uma Thurman (The Bride/Black Mamba), Lucy Liu (O-Ren Ishii/Cottonmouth), Vivica A Fox (Vernita Green/Copperhead), Daryl Hannah (Elle Driver/California Mountain Snake), Michael Madsen (Budd/Sidewinder), David Carradine (Bill), Michael Parks (Sheriff), Sonny Chiba (Hattori Hanzo), Chiaki Kuriyama (Go Go Yubari), Gordon Liu Chia-hui (Johnny Mo). An assassin, left for dead by her former colleagues, awakens from four years in a coma to exact her revenge. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004) Uma Thurman (The Bride/Black Mamba), Daryl Hannah (Elle Driver/California Mountain Snake), Michael Madsen (Budd/Sidewinder), David Carradine (Bill), Gordon Liu (Pai-Mei), Michael Parks (Esteban Vihaio), Perla Haney-Jardine (BB), Samuel L Jackson (Rufus), Bo Svenson (Reverend Harmony). An assassin continues seeking her revenge for the murder of her friends. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Killer: A Journal of Murder (1996) James Woods (Carl Panzram), Robert Sean Leonard (Henry Lesser). True story set in Leavenworth Prison, Kansas. Dir. Tim Metcalfe. Killers, The (1946) Burt Lancaster, Edmond O’Brien, Ava Gardner. Dir. Robert Siodmak. Killers, The (1964) John Cassavetes, Lee Marvin, Clu Gulager, Angie Dickinson, Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan’s last film and the first in which he played a bad guy. Dir. Don Siegel. Killing Fields, The (1984) Sam Waterston (Sydney Schanberg), Haing S Ngor (Dith Pran), John Malkovich (Al Rockoff). Dir. Roland Joffé. Killing of Sister George, The (1969) Beryl Reid, Susannah York, Coral Browne, Patricia Medina, Roland Fraser. Dir. Robert Aldrich. Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) Dennis Price, Alec Guinness, Valerie Hobson, Joan Greenwood, Arthur Lowe. Alec Guinness plays the 8 members of the D’Ascoyne family. Dir. Robert Hamer. Kind of Loving, A (1962) Alan Bates, June Ritchie, Thora Hird, Bert Palmer. Keith Waterhouse & Willis Hall adapted Stan Barstow’s story. Dir. John Schlesinger. Kindergarten Cop (1990) Arnold Schwarzenegger (John Kimble), Penelope Ann Miller (Joyce Paulmarie), Pamela Reed (Phoebe O’Hara), Linda Hunt (Miss Schlowski). Dir. Ivan Reitman. King and I, The (1956) Yul Brynner, Deborah Kerr, Rita Moreno. Dir. Walter Lang. King and I, The (1999) Voices of Miranda Richardson, Ian Richardson, Martin Vidnovic, Darrell Hammond. Dir. Richard Rich. King David (1985) Richard Gere (David), Edward Woodward (Saul), Alice Krige (Bathsheba), Dennis Quilley (Samuel). Dir. Bruce Beresford. King Kong (1933) Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong (Carl Denham), Bruce Cabot. Dir. Merian C Cooper & Ernest B Schoedsnack. King Kong (1976) Jeff Bridges, Charles Grodin, Jessica Lange. Dino de Laurentiis production - something of a spoof. Dir. John Guillermin. King Kong (2005) Naomi Watts (Ann Darrow), Jack Black (Carl Denham), Adrien Brody (Jack Driscoll), Thomas Kretschmann (Captain Englehorn), Colin Hanks (Preston), Andy Serkis (Kong/Lumpy), Evan Parke (Hayes), Jamie Bell (Jimmy), Lobo Chan (Choy), John Sumner (Herb), Craig Hall (Mike), Kyle Chandler (Bruce Baxter), Bill Johnson as William Johnson (Manny), Mark Hadlow (Harry), Geraldine Brophy (Maude). In 1933 New York, an ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter Kong, a giant ape who is immediately smitten with leading lady Darrow. Won Academy Awards for Sound Mixing and Visual Effects. Dir. Peter Jackson. King of Comedy, The (1983) Robert De Niro (Rupert Pupkin), Jerry Lewis (Jerry Langford), Diahnne Abbott (Rita). Dir. Martin Scorsese. King of Kings (1961) Jeffrey Hunter, Robert Ryan, Siobhan McKenna. Dir. Nicholas Ray. King Ralph (1991) John Goodman (Ralph Jones), Peter O’Toole (Sir Cedric Willingham), John Hurt (Lord Graves), Joely Richardson (Princess Anna), Leslie Phillips (Gordon), Julian Glover (King Gustav), Judy Parfitt (Queen Katherine). The whole of the Royal Family are wiped out, leaving a lounge pianist as King. Dir. David S Ward. King Rat (1965) George Segal, Tom Courtenay, John Mills, James Fox, Leonard Rossiter. Based on James Clavell novel about collaboration in Changi POW camp during WW2. Dir. Bryan Forbes. King Solomon’s Mines (1950) Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr, Richard Carlson. Dir. Compton Bennett. King Solomon’s Mines (1985) Richard Chamberlain, Sharon Stone, Herbert Lom, John Rhys-Davies. Dir. J Lee Thompson. King’s Row (1941) Ann Sheridan, Robert Cummings, Ronald Reagan (Drake), Claude Rains. Reagan took the name of his autobiography from a line in this film. Dir. Sam Wood. King’s Speech, The (2010) Colin Firth (King George VI), Geoffrey Rush (Lionel Logue), Helena Bonham Carter (Queen Elizabeth), Guy Pearce (King Edward VIII), Timothy Spall ( Winston Churchill), Derek Jacobi (Archbishop Cosmo Lang), Jennifer Ehle (Myrtle Logue), Anthony Andrews (Stanley Baldwin), Claire Bloom (Queen Mary), Eve Best (Wallis Simpson), Freya Wilson (Princess Elizabeth), Tim Downie (The Duke of Gloucester), Roger Hammond (Dr. Blandine Bentham), Ramona Marquez (Princess Margaret), Michael Gambon (King George V). The relationship between King George VI and his Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue. The film won four Academy Awards. Dir. Tom Hooper.


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Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Orlando Bloom (Balian), Liam Neeson (Godfrey), Michael Sheen (Priest), Nathalie Cox (Balian’s Wife), Eriq Ebouaney (Firuz), Jouko Ahola (Odo), David Thewlis (Hospitaller). Balian of Ibelin travels to Jerusalem during the crusades of the 12th century, and there finds himself the defender of the city and its people. Dir. Ridley Scott. Kinsey (2004) Liam Neeson (Alfred Kinsey), Laura Linney (Clara McMillen), Chris O’Donnell (Wardell Pomeroy), Peter Sarsgaard (Clyde Martin), Timothy Hutton (Paul Gebhard), John Lithgow (Alfred Seguine Kinsey), Tim Curry (Thurman Rice). Biopic of Alfred Kinsey, a pioneer in the area of human sexuality research. Dir. Bill Condon. Kipps (1941) Michael Redgrave, Phyllis Calvert, Diana Wynyard, Michael Wilding. Turned into musical Half a Sixpence. Dir. Carol Reed. Kismet (1955) Howard Keel, Ann Blyth, Vic Damone, Sebastian Cabot. Musical based on Borodin. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Kiss Me Kate (1953) Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson, Ann Miller, Keenan Wynn. Musical version of The Taming of the Shrew. Dir. George Sidney. Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) William Hurt (Molina), Raul Julia (Valentin), Sonia Braga (Leni Lamaison / Marta). Flamboyant gay shares South American prison cell with a radical activist. Dir. Hector Babenco. Kissin’ Cousins (1963) Elvis Presley, Arthur O’Connell, Glenda Farrell, Jack Albertson. Presley plays 2 parts. Dir. Gene Nelson. Kitty Foyle (1940) Ginger Rogers, Dennis Morgan, James Craig, Eduardo Ciannelli. Dir. Sam Wood. Klansman, The (1974) Lee Marvin, Richard Burton, Cameron Mitchell, OJ Simpson, Linda Evans. Dir. Terence Young. Klute (1971) Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Roy Scheider. Dir. Alan J Pakula. Knack, The (1965) Michael Crawford, Ray Brooks, Rita Tushingham. Dir. Richard Lester. Knight’s Tale, A (2001) Heath Ledger, Rufus Sewell, Paul Bettany (Chaucer), Laura Fraser, Mark Addy. Dir. Brian Helgeland. Kotch (1971) Walter Matthau, Deborah Winter. Dir. Jack Lemmon. Krakatoa, East of Java (1968) Maximilian Schell, Diane Baker, Brian Keith, Rossano Brazzi, Sal Mineo. Krakatoa is actually west of Java. Dir. Bernard Kowalski. Kramer versus Kramer (1979) Dustin Hoffman, Justin Henry, Meryl Streep, Jane Alexander, Howard Duff. Based on an Avery Corman novel. Dir. Robert Benton. Krays, The (1990) Gary Kemp (Ronnie), Martin Kemp (Reggie), Billie Whitelaw (Violet), Susan Fleetwood (Rose), Jimmy Jewell (Cannonball Lee), Tom Bell (Jack ‘The Hat’ McVitie). Dir. Peter Medak. Kung Fu Panda (2008) Voices of Jack Black (Po, a giant panda), Dustin Hoffman (Master Shifu, a red panda), Angelina Jolie (Master Tigress, a South China tiger), Ian McShane (Tai Lung, a snow leopard), Lucy Liu (Master Viper, a green tree viper), Seth Rogen (Master Mantis), Jackie Chan (Master Monkey, a golden langur), David Cross (Master Crane, a red-crowned crane), Randall Duk Kim (Master Oogway, a tortoise), James Hong (Mr Ping, a goose), Dan Fogler (Zeng, a goose), Michael Clarke Duncan (Commander Vachir, a Javan rhinoceros). DreamWorks animation. The Valley of Peace in China is protected by the Furious Five – Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper and Crane – a quintet of warriors trained in kung fu by the wise tortoise Master Oogway and his protégé, the red panda Master Shifu. The ruthless snow leopard Tai Lung is soon to escape from prison and return to the valley and a kung fu tournament is held to find the allpowerful Dragon Warrior. Po, a young giant panda and kung fu fanatic, unwittingly gatecrashes the end of the competition just as the Dragon Warrior is to be announced. Dir. Mark Osborne and John Wayne Stevenson. Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) was directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson, the new villain, Lord Shen, voiced by Gary Oldman. L-Shaped Room, The (1962) Leslie Caron, Tom Bell, Brock Peters, Cicely Courtneidge, Bernard Lee, Avis Bunnage, Pat Phoenix, Emlyn Williams. Dir. Bryan Forbes. La Bamba (1987) Lou Diamond Phillips (Ritchie Valens), Esai Morales (Bob Morales), Rosana De Soto (Connie Valenzuela). Dir. Luis Valdez. LA Confidential (1997) Danny De Vito (Sid Hudgens), Kim Basinger (Lynn Bracken), Kevin Spacey (Jack Vincennes), Russell Crowe (Bud White), Guy Pearce (Ed Exley). Hooker with a facial similarity to Veronica Lake gets mixed up in murder case. Dir. Curtis Hanson. LA Story (1991) Steve Martin (Harris K Telemacher), Victoria Tennant (Sara McDowel), Iman (Cynthia), Richard E Grant (Roland), Marilu Henner (Trudi), Patrick Stewart (Maître d’ at L’Idiot). Dir. Mick Jackson. La Vie en Rose (2007) Marion Cotillard (Edith Piaf), Sylvie Testud (Mômone), Jean-Pierre Martins (Marcel Cerdan), Gérard Depardieu (Louis Leplée), Emmanuelle Seigner (Titine), Pascal Greggory (Louis Barrier), Caroline Sihol (Marlene Dietrich), Manon Chevallier (Edith age 5), Pauline Burlet (Edith age 10), Laurent Olmedo (Jacques Pills), Dominique Bettenfeld (Albert). The life story of French singer Edith Piaf was released in France as La Môme (literally ‘The Kid’, but ‘La Môme Piaf’ is ‘The Little Sparrow’). Dir. Olivier Dahan. Labyrinth (1986) David Bowie (Jareth), Jennifer Connelly (Sarah), Toby Froud (Toby), Shelley Thompson (Stepmother). Dir. Jim Henson. Lady Caroline Lamb (1972) Sarah Miles, Jon Finch, Richard Chamberlain (Byron), Margaret Leighton, John Mills (Canning), Ralph Richardson (George III), Laurence Olivier (Wellington). Dir. Robert Bolt. Lady Sings the Blues (1972) Diana Ross (Billie Holliday), Billy Dee Williams, Richard Pryor. Dir. Sidney J Furie. Lady Vanishes, The (1938) Margaret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave, Dame May Whitty, Googie Withers. A 1979 remake starring Cybill Shepherd and Elliott Gould flopped. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Lady with the Lamp, The (1951) Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding. Dir. Herbert Wilcox. Ladykillers, The (1955) Alec Guinness, Katie Johnson, Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Frankie Howerd. Dir. Alexander Mackendrick. Lake House, The (2005) Keanu Reeves (Alex Wyler), Sandra Bullock (Kate Forster), Shohreh Aghdashloo (Anna Klyczynski), Christopher Plummer (Simon Wyler). Offbeat romantic fantasy in which Kate, a lonely doctor who once occupied an unusual lakeside home, begins exchanging love letters with a frustrated architect, Alex, its former resident. The mailbox they use seems to defy the normal rules of physics. Dir. Alejandro Agresti. Lamerica (1994) Enrico Lo Verso, Michele Placido. Dir. Gianni Amelio. Land and Freedom (1995) Ian Hart, Rosana Pastor, Iciar Bollain. Dir. Ken Loach. Lantana (2001) Anthony LaPaglia, Geoffrey Rush, Barbara Hershey, Kerry Armstrong. Dir. Ray Lawrence. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) Angelina Jolie (Lara), Iain Glen, Noah Taylor, Leslie Philips, Chris Barrie, Daniel Craig. Dir. Simon West. Angelina Jolie’s father Jon Voight is cast as her on-screen father in this film. Jolie reprised her role in the 2003 film Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, directed by Jan de Bont. Lassie Come Home (1943) Roddy McDowall, Elizabeth Taylor, Donald Crisp. Based on an Eric Knight story. Dir. Fred M Wilcox. Last Action Hero, The (1993) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mercedes Ruehl, F Murray Abraham, Art Carney, Anthony Quinn. Dir. John McTiernan. Last Boy Scout, The (1992) Bruce Willis (Joe Hallenbeck), Damon Wayans (Jimmy Dix), Chelsea Field (Sarah Hallenbeck). Dir. Tony Scott. Last Dance (1996) Sharon Stone (Cindy Liggett), Rob Morrow (Rick Hayes). Dir. Bruce Beresford. Last Detail, The (1973) Jack Nicholson, Otis Young, Randy Quaid, Clifton James. Dir. Hal Ashby. Last Emperor, The (1987) John Lone (Pu Yi), Peter O’Toole (RJ), Joan Chen (Wan Jung). Dir. Bernardo Bertolucci. Last Exit to Brooklyn (1990) Stephen Lang (Harry Black), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Tralala), Burt Young (Big Joe), Ricki Lake (Donna), Peter Dobson (Vinnie). Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits provided the film score. Dir. Uli Edel. Last Hard Men, The (1976) Charlton Heston, James Coburn, Barbara Hershey, Christopher Mitchum. Dir. Andrew V McLaglen. Last King of Scotland, The (2006) Forest Whitaker (Idi Amin), James McAvoy (Dr Nicholas Garrigan), Kerry Washington (Kay Amin), Gillian Anderson (Sarah Merrit). Based on the events of the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin’s brutal and bloody regime as seen by his personal physician during the 1970s. The title comes from a reporter in a press conference who wishes to verify whether Idi Amin declared himself king of Scotland, a country the despot had a lifelong fascination with. Dir. Kevin Macdonald.


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Last Man Standing (1996) Bruce Willis, Christopher Walken, Bruce Dern, Alexandra Powers. Set in Texas during the Depression of the 1930s, it concerns a gunman on the run and rival bootleggers. Dir. Walter Hill. Last of the Dogmen (1995) Tom Berenger, Barbara Hershey, Kuttwood Smith, Steve Reevis. Bounty hunter discovers a group of Cheyenne in Montana. Dir. Tab Murphy. Last of the Mohicans, The (1992) Daniel Day-Lewis (Hawkeye), Madeleine Stowe (Cora), Russell Means (Chingachgook), Eric Schweig (Uncas). Dir. Michael Mann. Last Orders (2001) Michael Caine (Jack), Bob Hoskins (Ray), Tom Courtenay (Vic), David Hemmings (Lenny), Ray Winstone (Vince), Helen Mirren (Amy). Three elderly Londoners reminisce on past lives and loves as they gather for a trip to the seaside to scatter the ashes of a mutual friend. Based on a novel by Graham Swift. Dir. Fred Schepisi. Last Picture Show, The (1971) Timothy Bottoms, Jeff Bridges, Cybill Shepherd, Ben Johnson, Cloris Leachman, Ellen Burstyn. Dir. Peter Bogdanovich. Last Seduction, The (1994) Linda Fiorentino, Peter Berg, Bill Nunn, Bill Pullman. Woman leaves her husband taking with her a million dollars he made from a drug deal. Dir. John Dahl. Last Summer (1969) Barbara Hershey, Richard Thomas, Bruce Davison, Cathy Burns, Ralph Waite. Dir. Frank Perry. Last Tango in Paris (1972) Marlon Brando, Maria Schneider. Dir. Bernardo Bertolucci. Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988) Willem Dafoe (Jesus), Harvey Keitel (Judas), Barbara Hershey (Mary Magdalene), David Bowie (Pontius Pilate). Dir. Martin Scorsese. Last Tycoon, The (1976) Robert De Niro, Robert Mitchum, Tony Curtis, Jeanne Moreau, Jack Nicholson, Donald Pleasence. Dir. Elia Kazan. Lavender Hill Mob, The (1951) Alec Guinness, Stanley Holloway, Sid James, Alfie Bass, Audrey Hepburn. Bank clerk masterminds bullion robbery by moulding Eiffel Towers in gold to be smuggled to France. Dir. Charles Crichton. Lawless (2012) Shia LaBeouf (Jack), Tom Hardy (Forrest), Jason Clarke (Howard), Guy Pearce (Charlie Rakes). Set in the early 1930s, the brothers Jack, Forrest and Howard Bondurant, sell moonshine in Franklin County, Virginia, during Prohibition. Dir. John Hillcoat. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Peter O’Toole, Omar Sharif, Arthur Kennedy, Jack Hawkins, Alec Guinness. Screenplay by Robert Bolt. The film is unusual in that it has no women in credited speaking roles. Dir. David Lean. Le Fils (2002) Olivier Gourmet (Olivier), Morgan Marinne (Francis), Isabella Soupart (Magali). A carpentry teacher working with delinquent boys takes on a youth who killed his son. Dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne. League of Gentlemen, The (1960) Jack Hawkins, Richard Attenborough, Roger Livesey, Bryan Forbes, Nigel Patrick, Nanette Newman. Dir. Basil Dearden. Leaving Las Vegas (1995) Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue, Julian Sands, Richard Lewis. Alcoholic writer goes to Las Vegas to drink himself to death. Dir. Mike Figgis. Left-Handed Gun, The (1958) Paul Newman (Billy the Kid), John Dehner (Pat Garrett). Dir. Arthur Penn. Legally Blonde (2001) Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson, Selma Blair, Matthew Davis, Victor Garber. Dir. Robert Luketic. Legend of the Lone Ranger, The (1981) Klinton Spilsbury, Michael Horse, Christopher Lloyd, Matt Clark. Dir. William A Fraker. Lemon Drop Kid, The (1951) Bob Hope, Marilyn Maxwell, Lloyd Nolan. Based on a Damon Runyon story. Dir. Sidney Lanfield. Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) Jim Carrey (Count Olaf), Meryl Streep (Aunt Josephine), Jude Law (Lemony Snicket (voice)), Emily Browning (Violet Baudelaire), Liam Aiken (Klaus Baudelaire), Timothy Spall (Mr Poe), Billy Connolly (Uncle Monty). Three wealthy children’s parents are killed in a fire. When they are sent to a distant relative, they find out that he is plotting to kill them and seize their fortune. Based on the books of Daniel Handler. Dir. Brad Silberling. Lenny (1974) Dustin Hoffman (Lennie Bruce), Valerie Perrine. Dir. Bob Fosse. Les Misérables (1995) Jean-Paul Belmondo, Michel Boujenah, Rufus. Dir. Claude Lelouch. Les Misérables (2012) Hugh Jackman (Jean Valjean), Russell Crowe (Javert), Anne Hathaway (Fantine), Amanda Seyfried (Cosette), Eddie Redmayne(Marius Pontmercy), Aaron Tveit (Enjolras), Samantha Barks(Éponine), Isabelle Allen (Young Cosette), Daniel Huttlestone (Gavroche), Colm Wilkinson (Bishop Myriel), Helena Bonham Carter (Madame Thénardier), Sacha Baron Cohen (Thénardier). Based on the musical of the same name by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg which is in turn based on Les Misérables, the 1862 French novel by Victor Hugo. Won three Oscars. Dir. Tom Hooper. Lethal Weapon (1987) Mel Gibson (Martin Riggs), Danny Glover (Roger Murtaugh), Gary Busey (Joshua). Vietnam veteran turned cop is unhinged by his wife’s death and has a death wish. Dir. Richard Donner. Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci (Leo Getz), Patsy Kensit (Rika Van Den Haas), Joss Ackland. South African drug runners unfortunately meet Martin Riggs. Dir. Richard Donner. Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo (Lorna Cole). Dir. Richard Donner. Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) had the same main cast and director as the previous films. Let’s Make Love (1960) Yves Montand, Marilyn Monroe, Tony Randall, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Frankie Vaughan, Bing Crosby, Gene Kelly. Multi-millionaire learns he is to be burlesqued, so joins the cast. Dir. George Cukor. Letter to Brezhnev (1985) Alfred Molina (Sergei), Peter Firth (Peter), Margi Clarke (Teresa), Tracy Lea (Tracy). Liverpool lass falls in love with a Russian sailor. Dir. Chris Bernard. Liar Liar (1997) Jim Carrey (Fletcher Reede), Amanda Donohoe, Justin Cooper, Jennifer Tilly. Dir. Tom Shadyac. Licence to Kill (1989) Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell (Pam Bouvier), Anthony Zerbe (Milton Krest), Robert Davi (Frank Sanchez), Caroline Bliss (Moneypenny), Robert Brown (M), Talisa Soto (Lupe Lamora). Book title: Licence Revoked. Title song by Gladys Knight. Dir. John Glen. Licensed to Kill (1965) Tom Adams, Veronica Hurst, Karel Stepanek. US title: The Second Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World. Dir. Lindsay Shonteff. Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, The (2004) Bill Murray (Steve Zissou), Owen Wilson (Ned Plimpton), Cate Blanchett (Jane WinslettRichardson), Anjelica Huston (Eleanor Zissou), Willem Dafoe (Klaus Daimler), Jeff Goldblum (Alistair Hennessey), Michael Gambon (Oseary Drakoulias). Seeking revenge on the mythical shark that killed his partner, oceanographer Zissou assembles a crew including his estranged wife (Huston), a journalist (Blanchett), and a man who may or may not be his son (Wilson). Dir. Wes Anderson. Life at the Top (1965) Laurence Harvey (Joe Lampton), Jean Simmons, Honor Blackman, Michael Craig, Margaret Johnston. Dir. Ted Kotcheff. Life Is Beautiful (1997) Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giustino Durano, Horst Buchholz. Dir. Roberto Benigni. Life of Pi (2012) Gautam Belur (Pi -age 6), Ayush Tandon (Pi - age 13), Suraj Sharma (Pi - age 16), Irrfan Khan (Pi - adult), Tabu (Gita Patel - Pi's mother), Adil Hussain (Santosh Patel - Pi's father), Gérard Depardieu (the Cook), Rafe Spall (the Writer - Yann Martel). 16year old Indian boy Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel survives a shipwreck in which his family dies, and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. 3D live-action/computer-animated adventure drama film based on Yann Martel's 2001 novel of the same name. Dir. Ang Lee. Lilo & Stitch (2002) Voices of Daveigh Chase (Lilo), Chris Sanders (Stitch), Tia Carrere, Zoe Caldwell, Ving Rhames. Lilo is a young Hawaiian girl who adopts a ‘dog’ named Stitch who is actually an alien genetic experiment gone horribly awry. Stitch has crash-landed on Earth, where he immediately begins wreaking havoc. Through her generosity, Lilo teaches Stitch the one thing he wasn’t designed to do: to care about others. Dir. Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders. Limelight (1952) Charlie Chaplin, Claire Bloom, Buster Keaton, Sydney Chaplin. Dir. Charlie Chaplin.


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Lincoln (2012) Daniel Day-Lewis (President Abraham Lincoln), Sally Field (First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln), Tommy Lee Jones (Thaddeus Stevens), Jared Harris (Lt-Gen Ulysses S. Grant). Historical drama covering the final four months of Lincoln's life, focusing on his efforts in January 1865 to have the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution (abolition of slavery) passed by the United States House of Representatives. The film won two Academy Awards. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Lion in Winter, The (1968) Katharine Hepburn (Eleanor of Aquitaine), Peter O’Toole (Henry II), Anthony Hopkins. Dir. Anthony Harvey. Lion King, The (1994) Voices of Matthew Broderick, Rowan Atkinson, Whoopi Goldberg, Jeremy Irons, Robert Guillaume, James Earl Jones. Songs include: ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight’, ‘Circle of Life’ & ‘Hakuna Matata’. (Music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice.) Dir. Roger Allers. Liquidator, The (1965) Rod Taylor, Trevor Howard, David Tomlinson, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Derek Nimmo. Dir. Jack Cardiff. List of Adrian Messenger, The (1963) George C Scott, Kirk Douglas, Clive Brook, Dana Wynter, Robert Mitchum, Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis, Burt Lancaster. The cameos by the last 4 listed stars are debatable as they are unrecognisable. Dir. John Huston. Lisztomania (1975) Roger Daltrey, Sara Kestelman, Paul Nicholas, Fiona Lewis, Ringo Starr. Dir. Ken Russell. Little Big Man (1970) Dustin Hoffman, Martin Balsam, Faye Dunaway, Chief Dan George. Dir. Arthur Penn. Little Caesar (1931) Edward G Robinson, Douglas Fairbanks Jnr, Glenda Farrell. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. Little Children (2006) Kate Winslet (Sarah Pierce), Patrick Wilson (Brad Adamson), Jennifer Connelly (Kathy Adamson), Gregg Edelman (Richard Pierce), Sadie Goldstein (Lucy Pierce), Ty Simpkins (Aaron Adamson), Noah Emmerich (Larry Hedges), Jackie Earle Haley (Ronald James McGorvey), Phyllis Somerville (May McGorvey), Raymond J Barry (Bullhorn Bob). A group of young married couples’ lives intersect on the playgrounds, town pools and streets of their small community in potentially dangerous ways. Dir. Todd Field. Little Dorrit (1987) Derek Jacobi (Arthur Clennam), Alec Guinness (William Dorrit), Max Wall (Flintwinch). There are 211 people named on the cast list, which is a record for a British film. Dir. Christine Edzard. Little Foxes, The (1941) Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, Teresa Wright, Dan Duryea. Based on a Lillian Hellman story. Dir. William Wyler. Little Giants (1994) Rick Moranis, Ed O’Neil, John Madden. Wimp creates a young football team full of misfits. Dir. Duwayne Dunham. Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Rick Moranis (Seymour Krelborn), Ellen Greene (Audrey), Vincent Gardenia (Mushnik), Steve Martin (Orin Scrivello, DDS). Voice of the plant (Audrey II): Levi Stubbs of the Four Tops. Dir. Frank Oz. Little Women (1933) Katharine Hepburn, Paul Lukas, Joan Bennett, Frances Dee, Spring Byington. Dir. George Cukor. Little Women (1949) June Allyson, Elizabeth Taylor, Peter Lawford, Margaret O’Brien, Janet Leigh, Mary Astor. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. Little Women (1994) Winona Ryder, Gabriel Byrne, Trini Alvarado, Samantha Mathis, Susan Sarandon. Dir. Gillian Armstrong. Live and Let Die (1973) Roger Moore, Yaphet Kotto (Dr Kananga), Jane Seymour (Solitaire). Paul McCartney wrote and performed theme song. Dir. Guy Hamilton. Living Daylights (1987) Timothy Dalton, Maryam d’Abo (Kara Milovy), Jeroen Krabbe (Gen Georgi Koskov), Joe Don Baker (Brad Whitaker), John Rhys-Davies (Gen Leonid Pushkin), Robert Brown (M), Desmond Llewellyn (Q), Caroline Bliss (Moneypenny), John Terry (Felix Leiter). Theme Song by A-Ha. Dir. John Glen. Local Hero (1983) Burt Lancaster (Happer), Peter Riegert (Mac), John Gordon Sinclair (Ricky). TV series Northern Exposure was strongly influenced by this film. Dir. Bill Forsyth. Loch Ness (1995) Ted Danson, Joely Richardson, Ian Holm, John Savident. US scientist tries to debunk the monster myth. Dir. John Henderson. Lock Up (1989) Sylvester Stallone (Frank Leone), Donald Sutherland (Warden Drumgoole). Dir. John Flynn. Logan’s Run (1976) Michael York, Richard Jordan, Jenny Agutter, Farrah Fawcett-Majors, Peter Ustinov. Based on SF novel by William F Nolan. Dir. Michael Anderson. Lolita (1962) James Mason, Shelley Winters, Sue Lyon, Peter Sellers. Lolita is 14 years old. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. London Kills Me (1991) Justin Chadwick, Steven Mackintosh, Emer McCourt, Roshan Seth, Fiona Shaw. Down on his luck drug pusher is told he can have a job as a waiter if he can acquire a decent pair of shoes. Dir. Hanif Kureishi. Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The (1962) Tom Courtenay, Michael Redgrave, James Bolam, Avis Bunnage. Dir. Tony Richardson. Lonely Are the Brave (1962) Kirk Douglas, Walter Matthau, Gena Rowlands, Carroll O’Connor. Modern technology is pitted against a last rebel cowboy. Dir. David Miller. Long and the Short and the Tall, The (1960) Laurence Harvey, Richard Todd, David McCallum, Richard Harris. US title: Jungle Fighters. Dir. Leslie Norman. Long Good Friday, The (1980) Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, Dave King, Bryan Marshall, Eddie Constantine. Dir. John Mackenzie. Long Goodbye, The (1973) Elliott Gould, Nina Van Pallandt, Sterling Hayden, Mark Rydell, Henry Gibson. Dir. Robert Altman. Long Kiss Goodnight, The (1996) Geena Davis, Samuel L Jackson, Patrick Malahide. Dir. Renny Harlin. Long Riders, The (1980) Stacy Keach, James Keach, David Carradine, Keith Carradine, Robert Carradine, Dennis Quaid, Randy Quaid. Story of the Younger, Miller and James boys. Dir. Walter Hill. Longest Day, The (1962) John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Henry Fonda, Robert Ryan, Roddy McDowall, Robert Wagner, Paul Anka, Fabian, Jeffrey Hunter, Rod Steiger, Red Buttons, Richard Burton, Sean Connery. Dir. Andrew Marton. Look Back in Anger (1959) Richard Burton, Mary Ure, Claire Bloom, Edith Evans, Donald Pleasence. Dir. Tony Richardson. Look Who’s Talking (1989) John Travolta (James), Kirstie Alley (Mollie), Olympia Dukakis (Rosie), George Segal (Albert). Bruce Willis was the voice of Mikey. Dir. Amy Heckerling. Look Who’s Talking Too (1990) John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Olympia Dukakis, Roseanne Arnold (voice of Julie), Mel Brooks (voice of Mr Toilet Man), Bruce Willis (voice of Mikey). Dir. Amy Heckerling. Loot (1970) Richard Attenborough, Lee Remick, Hywel Bennett, Milo O’Shea, Dick Emery. Dir. Silvio Narizzano. Lord of the Flies (1963) James Aubrey, Tom Chapin, Hugh Edwards. Remake in 1990 was directed by Harry Hook. Dir. Peter Brook. Lord of the Rings (1978) Cartoon version of Tolkien’s book with voices of Christopher Guard and John Hurt. Dir. Ralph Bakshi. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins), Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn), Sean Astin (Sam), Cate Blanchett (Galadriel), Sean Bean (Boromir), John Rhys-Davies (Gimli), Liv Tyler (Arwen), Billy Boyd (Pippin), Christopher Lee (Saruman), Ian Holm (Bilbo Baggins), Andy Serkis (Gollum), Dominic Monaghan (Merry), Orlando Bloom (Legolas). Multiple Oscar winner concerning a hobbit who inherits a magic ring that could enslave all the people of Middle Earth unless it is destroyed. Dir. Peter Jackson. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) The third chapter in Tolkien’s trilogy is the longest and most spectacular of them all. The former Fellowship of the Ring prepare for the final battle for Middle Earth, while the hobbits Frodo and Sam approach Mount Doom to destroy the cursed ring. The usual cast is reprised without Sean Bean, Brad Dourif, Christopher Lee, Karl Urban and David Wenham. Dir. Peter Jackson. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) The second chapter in the JRR Tolkien saga. The hobbits Frodo and Sam brave terrible dangers in an attempt to have the evil ring destroyed, while Aragorn, Legolas and their allies strive to rescue the abducted hobbits Pippin and Merry from the clutches of evil. The great wizard Gandalf also makes his miraculous return to aid in the struggle against the united towers of Saruman and Sauron (Sala Baker). The Two Towers has the same cast as The Fellowship of the Ring but new characters include Bernard Hill’s Théoden, David Wenham’s Faramir, Karl Urban’s Éomer, and Brad Dourif as Grima Wormtongue. Dir. Peter Jackson. Lost Highway (1997) Bill Pullman, Patricia Arquette, Balthazar Getty. Dir. David Lynch.


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Lost Horizon (1937) Ronald Colman, HB Warner, Thomas Mitchell, Sam Jaffe. Remade in 1972 with Peter Finch in Colman role. Dir. Frank Capra. Lost in Translation (2003) Bill Murray (Bob Harris), Scarlett Johansson (Charlotte), Giovanni Ribisi (John), Anna Faris (Kelly), Fumihiro Hayashi (Charlie), Catherine Lambert (Jazz Singer). A tired actor, making a whisky advert in Tokyo, meets a young married woman and they imagine how their lives could have been different. Dir. Sofia Coppola. Lost Weekend, The (1945) Ray Milland (Don Birnam), Jane Wyman, Howard da Silva. Dir. Billy Wilder. Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (1997) Jeff Goldblum (Dr Ian Malcolm), Julianne Moore, Pete Postlethwaite, Richard Attenborough (John Hammond). Dir. Steven Spielberg. Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955) Jennifer Jones, William Holden, Torin Thatcher. Sammy Fain & Paul Francis Webster won an Academy Award for the title song. Dir. Henry King. Love Me Tender (1956) Richard Egan, Debra Paget, Elvis Presley, Neville Brand, James Drury. Dir. Robert D Webb. Love Me Tonight (1932) Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald, Charles Butterworth, Myrna Loy. Dir. Rouben Mamoulian. Love on the Dole (1941) Deborah Kerr, Clifford Evans, George Carney. Based on Walter Greenwood’s novel. Dir. John Baxter. Love Story (1970) Ali MacGraw, Ryan O’Neal (Oliver Barrett IV), Ray Milland. 1978 sequel: Oliver’s Story. Dir. Arthur Hiller. Lust for Life (1956) Kirk Douglas (Vincent Van Gogh), Anthony Quinn (Paul Gauguin). Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Mad Dog and Glory (1992) Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, Bill Murray. Timid cop is given a present of a beautiful girl for a week by a gangster. Dir. John McNaughton. Mad Max (1979) Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel. Dir. George Miller. Mad Max 2 (1981) Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Vernon Wells. Dir. George Miller. Mad Max beyond Thunderdome (1985) Mel Gibson, Tina Turner, Angelo Rossitto, Helen Buday. Dir. George Miller. Madagascar (2005) Voices of Ben Stiller (Alex), Chris Rock (Marty), David Schwimmer (Melman), Jada Pinkett Smith (Gloria), Sacha Baron Cohen (Julien). Spoiled by their upbringing and with no idea what wildlife is really like, four animals from New York Central Zoo escape, unwittingly assisted by four absconding penguins, and find themselves in Madagascar, among a bunch of merry lemurs. Dir. Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath. The production team and cast reprised their roles in the 2008 sequel, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. Madame Bovary (1949) Jennifer Jones, Van Heflin, James Mason, Louis Jourdan. A 1991 remake starring Isabelle Huppert kept to the original plot a little better. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Made in America (1993) Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Danson, Will Smith. Black teenager, born by artificial insemination, discovers her father is a white car salesman. Dir. Richard Benjamin. Madness of King George, The (1994) Nigel Hawthorne, Helen Mirren, Ian Holm, Amanda Donohoe, Rupert Everett, Rupert Graves. Dir. Nicholas Hytner. Magic Christian (1969) Peter Sellers, Ringo Starr, Richard Attenborough, Laurence Harvey, Spike Milligan, Raquel Welch, John Cleese. Yul Brynner cameo as a transvestite nightclub singer. Dir. Joseph McGrath. Magnificent Seven, The (1960) Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, Brad Dexter, Horst Buchholz. Dir. John Sturges. Malcolm X (1992) Denzil Washington, Angela Bassett, Albert Hall, Al Freeman Jnr, Spike Lee. Based on the book Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. Dir. Spike Lee. Mame (1974) Lucille Ball, Beatrice Arthur, Robert Preston, Bruce Davison. Dir. Gene Saks. Mamma Mia! (2008) Meryl Streep (Donna Sheridan), Amanda Seyfried (Sophie Sheridan), Pierce Brosnan (Sam Charmichael), Colin Firth (Harry Bright), Stellan Skarsgård (Bill Anderson), Julie Walters (Rosie Mulligan), Christine Baranski (Tanya Wilkinson), Dominic Cooper (Sky). Musical film adaptation of the 1999 West End musical of the same name, based on the songs of the pop group ABBA, with additional music by ABBA member Benny Andersson, who also has a cameo performance in the film as the piano player during ‘Dancing Queen’. On the fictional Greek island of Kalokairi, 20-year-old bride-to-be Sophie Sheridan posts three wedding invitations to three different men, any of whom might be her father. Dir. Phyllida Lloyd. Man and a Woman, A (1966) Anouk Aimée, Jean-Louis Trintignant. Best Foreign Film Oscar. Concerns a racing driver and a script girl who fall in love. Dir. Claude Lelouch. Man Called Horse, A (1970) Richard Harris, Judith Anderson, Jean Gascon, Manu Tupou. Sequels: Return of a Man Called Horse (1976), & Triumphs of a Man Called Horse (1984). Dir. Elliot Silverstein. Man for All Seasons, A (1966) Paul Scofield, Wendy Hiller, Susannah York, Robert Shaw, Orson Welles, John Hurt, Corin Redgrave. Events leading to the execution of Sir Thomas More. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Man in the Iron Mask, The (1939) Louis Hayward, Warren William (D’Artagnan), Alan Hale, Bert Roach, Joseph Schildkraut. King Louis XIV keeps his twin brother prisoner. Dir. James Whale. Man of the Year (1995) Dirk Shafer, Vivian Paxton, Deidra Shafer. Documentary about events surrounding the homosexual Dirk Shafer’s awarding of the 1992 Playgirl magazine’s Man of the Year. Dir. Dirk Shafer. Man on Wire (2008) Documentary film covering Philippe Petit’s 1974 high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of New York’s World Trade Center. Based on Petit’s book, To Reach the Clouds, later republished with the new title Man on Wire. Dir. James Marsh. Man Who Came to Dinner, The (1941) Bette Davis, Monty Woolley, Ann Sheridan, Jimmy Durante (spoofing Harpo Marx). Dir. William Keighley. Man Who Could Work Miracles, The (1936) Roland Young, Ralph Richardson, Ernest Thesiger, George Sanders. Based on the HG Wells story. Dir. Lothar Mendes. Man Who Fell to Earth, The (1976) David Bowie, Rip Torn, Candy Clark. Dir. Nicolas Roeg. Man Who Knew too Much, The (1934) Leslie Banks, Edna Best, Peter Lorre. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Man Who Knew too Much, The (1956) James Stewart, Doris Day, Bernard Miles. Remake of the 1934 film. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962) John Wayne, James Stewart, Lee Marvin, Vera Miles. John Wayne shot Liberty Valance. Dir. John Ford. Man Who Wasn’t There, The (2001) Billy Bob Thornton (Ed Crane), Frances McDormand (Doris Crane), Michael Badalucco, James Gandolfini. Set in the 1940s. Dir. Joel Coen. Man Who Would Be King, The (1975) Sean Connery, Michael Caine, Christopher Plummer (Kipling), Shakira Caine, Saeed Jaffrey. Based on a Rudyard Kipling story. Dir. John Huston. Man with the Golden Arm (1956) Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak, Eleanor Parker, Arnold Stang. Golden Arm refers to the card-dealing expertise of the lead character. Dir. Otto Preminger. Man with the Golden Gun (1974) Roger Moore, Christopher Lee (Scaramanga), Britt Ekland (Mary Goodnight), Maud Adams (Andrea Anders), Hervé Villechaize, Clifton James, Richard Loo. Title song performed by Lulu. Dir. Guy Hamilton. Man without a Face, The (1993) Mel Gibson, Margaret Whitton, Fay Masterson, Viva. Boy remembers how he was helped to enter a military academy by a disfigured former teacher. Dir. Mel Gibson. Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) Frank Sinatra (Capt./Maj. Bennett Marco), Laurence Harvey (Sgt Raymond Shaw), Janet Leigh (Eugenie Rose Chaney), Angela Lansbury (Mrs Iselin), Henry Silva (Chunjin). A former Korean War veteran is brainwashed by Communists into becoming a political assassin. Dir. John Frankenheimer. Manchurian Candidate, The (2004) Denzel Washington (Ben Marco), Meryl Streep (Eleanor Shaw), Liev Schreiber (Raymond Shaw), Jon Voight (Senator Thomas Jordan). In the midst of the Gulf War, soldiers are kidnapped and brainwashed for sinister purposes. Dir. Jonathan Demme.


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Mandy (1952) Jack Hawkins, Terence Morgan, Phyllis Calvert, Mandy Miller. Little deaf girl is sent to a special school. Dir. Alexander Mackendrick. Manhattan (1979) Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Meryl Streep, Mariel Hemingway. Dir. Woody Allen. Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993) Woody Allen, Alan Alda, Anjelica Huston, Diane Keaton. Dir. Woody Allen. Marathon Man (1976) Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier, Roy Scheider, William Devane. Dir. John Schlesinger. March of the Penguins (2005) French title La Marche de l’empereur. A look at the annual journey of Emperor penguins as they march – single file – to their traditional breeding ground. Morgan Freeman is the narrator of the English version. Won an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. Dir. Luc Jacquet. Maria Full of Grace (2004) Catalina Sandino Moreno (Maria Alvarez), Yenny Paola Vega (Blanca). A young Colombian girl accepts a risky offer in order to escape her country for the United States. Dir. Joshua Marston. Marnie (1964) Tippi Hedren, Sean Connery, Martin Gabel, Diane Baker. Rich man marries a kleptomaniac who sees red when she sees red! Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Mars Attacks! (1996) Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Michael J Fox, Pierce Brosnan, Rod Steiger, Danny De Vito, Tom Jones. Dir. Tim Burton. Marty (1955) Ernest Borgnine, Betsy Blair, Jerry Paris. Dir. Delbert Mann. Mary of Scotland (1936) Katharine Hepburn, Fredric March, Donald Crisp. Dir. John Ford. Mary Poppins (1964) Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, Glynis Johns, David Tomlinson, Elsa Lanchester, Arthur Treacher. Among many other awards, the song ‘Chim Chim Cheree’ won the Oscar for Best Song. Dir. Robert Stevenson. Mary Queen of Scots (1971) Vanessa Redgrave, Glenda Jackson, Trevor Howard, Patrick McGoohan, Nigel Davenport. Dir. Charles Jarrott. M*A*S*H (1970) Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould, Sally Kellerman, Robert Duvall, Gary Burghoff. Dir. Robert Altman. Mask, The (1994) Jim Carrey, Amy Yasbeck, Peter Riegert. Dir. Charles Russell. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) Russell Crowe (Captain Jack Aubrey), Paul Bettany (Dr Stephen Maturin), Billy Boyd (Barrett Bonden), James D’Arcy (First Lt Thomas Pullings), Lee Ingleby (Hollom), George Innes (Joe Plaice), Mark Lewis Jones (Mr Hogg), Chris Larkin (Captain Howard, Royal Marines), David Threlfall (Killick), Max Pirkis (Lord Blakeney). Based on the Patrick O’Brian novels. Although his ship is almost destroyed in an attack, a British sea captain chases a superior French warship across the oceans. Dir. Peter Weir. Matilda (1997) Danny De Vito, Mara Wilson (Matilda), Rhea Perlman, Pam Ferris. Based on Roald Dahl’s bestseller. Dir. Danny De Vito. Matter of Life and Death, A (1946) David Niven, Roger Livesey, Kim Hunter, Marius Goring, Raymond Massey, Abraham Sofaer. US title: Stairway to Heaven. Dir. Michael Powell. Maverick (1994) Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster, James Garner, Graham Greene, James Coburn, Alfred Molina. Dir. Richard Donner. Mean Creek (2004) Rory Culkin (Sam), Ryan Kelley (Clyde), Scott Mechlowicz (Marty ‘Martini’ Blank), Trevor Morgan (Rocky). When a teenager is bullied, his brother and friends lure the bully into the woods to seek revenge. Dir. Jacob Aaron Estes. Mean Streets (1973) Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Amy Robinson. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Meet Me in St Louis (1944) Judy Garland, Margaret O’Brien, Tom Drake, Mary Astor. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) Ziyi Zhang (Chiyo/Sayuri), Suzuka Ohgo (Young Chiyo), Ken Watanabe (The Chairman), Kôji Yakusho (Nobu), Youki Kudoh (Pumpkin), Zoe Weizenbaum (Young Pumpkin). Nitta Sayuri reveals how she transcended her fishing-village roots and became one of Japan’s most celebrated geisha. The film won three Academy Awards: Art Direction, Cinematography and Costume Design. Dir. Rob Marshall. Men, The (1950) Marlon Brando, Teresa Wright, Everett Sloane, Jack Webb. Reissue title: Battle Stripe. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Men in Black II (2002) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Rip Torn. Sequel to MIB (Men In Black). Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld. Men of Respect (1990) John Turturro, Katherine Borowitz, Dennis Farina, Peter Boyle, Rod Steiger. Gangster setting for Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Dir. William Reilly. Mercury Rising (1998) Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, Miko Hughes, Chi McBride, Kim Dickens, Robert Stanton, Carrie Preston, Bodhi Pine Elfman, LL Ginter, John Carroll Lynch, Peter Stormare. Dir. Harold Becker. Mermaids (1990) Cher, Bob Hoskins, Winona Ryder. Daughter, torn between becoming a nun and her feelings for a handsome boy, resolves her difficulties with her flirtatious mother. Dir. Richard Benjamin. Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence (1982) David Bowie, Tom Conti, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Takeshi. Dir. Nagisa Oshima. Metro (1997) Eddie Murphy (Scott Roper), Michael Rapaport, Kim Miyori. Dir. Thomas Carter. Mexican, The (2001) Brad Pitt (Jerry Welbach), Julia Roberts (Samantha), James Gandolfini (Leroy). Incompetent crook is sent to Mexico to bring back a priceless pistol for his boss whilst his girlfriend is held as ransom. Gene Hackman as Arnold Margolese is uncredited. Dir. Gore Verbinski. Miami Rhapsody (1995) Sarah Jessica Parker, Gil Bellows, Antonio Banderas, Mia Farrow, Paul Mazursky, Naomi Campbell. Woman contemplating marriage observes the marital errors being committed by her siblings and friends. Dir. David Frankel. Miami Vice (2006) Colin Farrell (Det. James ‘Sonny’ Crockett), Jamie Foxx (Det. Ricardo ‘Rico’ Tubbs). Based on the 1980s TV action/drama. Dir. Michael Mann. MIB (Men in Black), (1997) Tommy Lee Jones (K), Will Smith (J), Linda Fiorentino (Dr Weaver), Tim Blaney (voice of Frank the Pug), Rip Torn (Zed). SF film in which Will Smith performs title track & Snoop Doggy Dogg the soundtrack album. Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld. Michael Clayton (2007) George Clooney (Michael Clayton), Tom Wilkinson (Arthur Edens), Tilda Swinton (Karen Crowder), Sydney Pollack (Marty Bach), Michael O’Keefe (Barry Grissom). Law firm brings in its gambling-addicted ‘fixer’ after a lawyer has a breakdown while representing a chemical company that he knows is guilty in a multi-billion-dollar action suit. Dir. Tony Gilroy. Michael Collins (1996) Liam Neeson (Michael Collins), Aidan Quinn (Harry Boland), Julia Roberts (Kitty Kiernan). Dir. Neil Jordan. Microcosmos (1996) French documentary film revolving around stag beetles’ attempts to gain control of a twig. Dir. Marie Perennau & Claude Nuridsany. Midnight Cowboy (1969) Dustin Hoffman, Jon Voight, Brenda Vaccaro, Sylvia Miles. Dir. John Schlesinger. Midnight Express (1978) John Hurt, Brad Davis, Randy Quaid, Bo Hopkins. Dir. Alan Parker. Midnight’s Children (2012) Satya Bhabha, Shriya Saran, Siddharth Narayan, Anupam Kher, Shabana Azmi, Seema Biswas, Shahana Goswami, Samrat Chakrabarti, Rahul Bose, Soha Ali Khan, Anita Majumdar and Darsheel Safary. Film adaptation of Salman Rushdie's 1981 novel of the same name dealing with India's transition from British colonialism to independence. Dir. Deepa Mehta. Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (1935) James Cagney, Dick Powell, Jean Muir, Mickey Rooney, Olivia de Havilland. Dir. Max Reinhardt. Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (1996) Lindsay Duncan, Alex Jennings, Alfred Burke. Dir. Adrian Noble. Mighty, The (1998) Sharon Stone, Gena Rowlands Harry Dean Stanton, Gillian Anderson, Meatloaf. Dir. Peter Chelsom. Mighty Aphrodite (1995) Woody Allen, Helena Bonham Carter, Mira Sorvino, F Murray Abraham, Olympia Dukakis, Peter Weller, Claire Bloom, Michael Rapaport. Sportswriter’s attempt to rescue the mother of his adopted son from life as a prostitute. Dir. Woody Allen. Mighty Ducks, The (1992) Emilio Estevez, Joss Ackland, Lane Smith, Heidi King. Lawyer on community service for drink-driving adopts a hockey team. GB title: Champions. Dir. Stephen Herek. Mighty Quinn, The (1989) Denzel Washington, James Fox, Mimi Rogers, M Emmet Walsh, Norman Beaton. Caribbean police investigate the murder of an American. Dir. Carl Shenkel. Mike Bassett: England Manager (2001) Ricky Tomlinson (Mike Bassett), Amanda Redman, Bradley Walsh, Philip Jackson, Phil Jupitus, Pele (as himself). Dir. Steve Barron.


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Milk (2008) Sean Penn (Harvey Milk), Emile Hirsch (Cleve Jones), Josh Brolin (Dan White), Diego Luna (Jack Lira), James Franco (Scott Smith), Alison Pill (Anne Kronenberg), Victor Garber (Mayor George Moscone), Denis O’Hare (State Senator John Briggs), Joseph Cross (Dick Pabich), Stephen Spinella (Rick Stokes), Lucas Grabeel (Danny Nicoletta), Jeff Koons (Art Agnos). Biographical film about rights activist Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California. The film begins at Milk’s 40th birthday and covers the last eight years of his life, including his move from New York City to settle in the Castro district of San Francisco in 1972 and his ultimate murder, alongside that of Mayor George Moscone, by former city supervisor Dan White in November 1978. Dir. Gus Van Sant. Million Dollar Baby (2004) Clint Eastwood (Frankie Dunn), Hilary Swank (Maggie Fitzgerald), Morgan Freeman (Eddie ‘Scrap-Iron’ Dupris). Moving story set around a boxing gym, and in particular the relationship between a wannabe female fighter in her early 30s and her reluctant trainer. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Million Pound Note, The (1953) Gregory Peck, Jane Griffiths, Ronald Squire, Joyce Grenfell, Wilfrid Hyde-White. Based on a Mark Twain story. Dir. Ronald Neame. Minority Report (2002) Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Lois Smith. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Miracle (2004) Kurt Russell (Herb Brooks), Patricia Clarkson (Patty Brooks), Noah Emmerich (Craig Patrick). Story of player-turnedcoach Herb Brooks, who led the 1980 US Olympic hockey team to victory over the previously invincible Russians. Dir. Gavin O’Connor. Miracle on 34th Street (1994) Richard Attenborough (Kris Kringle), Elizabeth Perkins, Robert Prosky. Remake of the 1947 film starring Edmund Gwenn (Kris Kringle) and Maureen O’Hara. Dir. Les Mayfield. Miracle Worker, The (1962) Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke, Victor Jory. Dir. Arthur Penn. Miranda (1947) Glynis Johns, Griffith Jones, Googie Withers, Margaret Rutherford, David Tomlinson. Sequel to this mermaid movie was Mad About Men, starring Johns and Donald Sinden. Dir. Ken Annakin. Misery (1990) James Caan, Kathy Bates, Richard Farnsworth, Lauren Bacall. Disturbed fan kidnaps an injured novelist and forces him to write a novel. Dir. Rob Reiner. Misfits, The (1961) Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Montgomery Clift, Eli Wallach, Kevin McCarthy. Film about cowboys in the Nevada desert roping mustangs but more famous for its co-stars’ imminent deaths. Dir. John Huston. Mission, The (1986) Robert De Niro, Jeremy Irons, Ray McAnally, Liam Neeson, Cherie Lunghi. Music by Ennio Morricone. Dir. Roland Joffe. Mission: Impossible (1996) Tom Cruise, Jon Voight, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Vanessa Redgrave. Dir. Brian De Palma. Mission: Impossible II (2000) Tom Cruise (Ethan Hunt), Dougray Scott (Sean Ambrose), Thandie Newton (Nyah Nordoff-Hall), Ving Rhames (Luther Stickell), William Mapother (Wallis). A secret agent is sent to Sydney, to find and destroy a genetically modified disease called ‘Chimera’. Incidentally, William Mapother is a cousin of Tom Cruise and Lee Anne De Vette. Dir. John Woo. Mission: Impossible III (2006) Tom Cruise (Ethan Hunt), Ving Rhames (Luther Stickell), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Owen Davian), Billy Crudup (Musgrave), Michelle Monaghan (Julia Meade), Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Declan Gormley), Keri Russell (Lindsey Farris), Maggie Q (Zhen Lei), Laurence Fishburne (Theodore Brassel). Ethan Hunt comes face to face with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer while trying to keep his identity secret in order to protect his girlfriend. Although the plot line and action sequences are improbable, this second sequel is critically acclaimed as the best of the three films. Dir. JJ Abrams. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011) Tom Cruise (Ethan Hunt), Simon Pegg (Benji Dunn), Michael Nyqvist (Kurt Hendricks aka Cobalt), Jeremy Renner (William Brandt), Paula Patton (Jane Carter), Michelle Monaghan (Julia Mead – Ethan’s wife), Ving Rhames (Luther Stickell). The fourth film in the Mission: Impossible series Ethan infiltrate secret Moscow Kremlin archives and locate files identifying a Swedish nuclear strategist, codenamed Cobalt. Dir. Brad Bird. Missionary, The (1983) Michael Palin, Maggie Smith, Trevor Howard, Michael Hordern, Denholm Elliott. Dir. Richard Loncraine. Mississippi Burning (1988) Gene Hackman, Willem Dafoe, Frances McDormand. Dir. Alan Parker. Missouri Breaks (1976) Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Randy Quaid, Kathleen Lloyd. Dir. Arthur Penn. Moby Dick (1956) Gregory Peck, Richard Basehart, Orson Welles, James Robertson Justice. Based on Herman Melville’s novel. Dir. John Huston. Mommie Dearest (1981) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwid, Steve Forrest, Howard da Silva (Louis B Mayer). Joan Crawford life story. Dir. Frank Perry. Mona Lisa (1986) Bob Hoskins, Cathy Tyson, Michael Caine, Robbie Coltrane. Dir. Neil Jordan. Money Train (1995) Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Lopez. Dir. Joseph Ruben. Monster (2003) Charlize Theron (Aileen Wuornos), Christina Ricci (Selby Wall), Bruce Dern (Thomas), Scott Wilson (Horton), Pruitt Taylor Vince (Gene), Lee Tergesen (Vincent Corey), Annie Corley (Donna Tentler). True-life crime story of Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who shot at least six men. Dir. Patty Jenkins. Monster’s Ball (2001) Billy Bob Thornton (Hank Grotowski), Halle Berry (Leticia Musgrove), Heath Ledger (Sonny Grotowski), Peter Boyle, Sean Combs, Mos Def, Amber Rules. After a family tragedy, a racist prison guard re-examines his attitudes while falling in love with the African-American wife of the last prisoner he executed. Dir. Marc Forster. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Terry Jones. Dir. Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones. Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979) The Python team spoof the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Dir. Terry Jones. Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life (1983) The Python team return to their roots with some original sketches. Dir. Terry Jones. Moolaadé (2004) Fatoumata Coulibaly (Collé Gallo Ardo Sy), Maimouna Hélène Diarra (Hadjatou). Set in Burkina Faso, an examination of the subject of female circumcision. Dir. Ousmane Sembene. Moon is Blue, The (1953) Maggie McNamara, David Niven, William Holden, Tom Tully, Dawn Addams. Dir. Otto Preminger. Moonlighting (1982) Jeremy Irons, Eugene Lipinski, Jiri Stanislaw. Four Polish building workers arrive in London to renovate a house and hear of social unrest at home. Dir. Jerzy Skolimowski. Moonraker (1979) Roger Moore, Lois Chiles (Holly Goodhead), Michael Lonsdale (Hugo Drax). Title song performed by Shirley Bassey. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Moonstruck (1987) Cher, Nicolas Cage, Vincent Gardenia, Olympia Dukakis, Danny Aiello. Young widow falls for the estranged brother of her husband-to-be. Dir. Norman Jewison. Moonwalker (1988) Michael Jackson, Joe Pesci, Sean Lennon. Dir. Colin Chilvers. Motorcycle Diaries, The (2004) Gael Garcia Bernal (Che Guevara), Rodrigo de la Serna (Alberto Granado). True story of a 23-year-old medical student from Argentina, Che Guevara, who travelled across South America on a motorcycle with his friend Alberto Granado in 1951–2, in a personal odyssey which would ultimately inspire him to become a revolutionary. Dir. Walter Salles. Moulin Rouge (2001) Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, Jim Broadbent, John Leguizamo (Toulouse-Lautrec), Matthew Whittet (Satie), Kylie Minogue (Green Fairy), Garry McDonald (The Doctor). Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Mouse on the Moon, The (1963) Margaret Rutherford, Ron Moody, Bernard Cribbins, David Kossoff, Terry-Thomas, Michael Crawford. Sequel to The Mouse That Roared; concerning home-made wine making excellent rocket-fuel. Dir. Richard Lester. Mouse That Roared, The (1959) Peter Sellers (three roles), Jean Seberg, David Kossoff, William Hartnell, Leo McKern. Tiny Duchy of Grand Fenwick is bankrupt, so decides to declare war on USA, be defeated, and then accept aid. Dir. Jack Arnold. Move over Darling (1963) Doris Day, James Garner, Polly Bergen, Chuck Connors. Wife returns home after shipwreck to find her husband remarried. Dir. Michael Gordon. Mr and Mrs Bridge (1990) Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Robert Sean Leonard, Blythe Danner, Simon Callow. Inhibited lawyer gradually erodes his wife’s personality. Dir. James Ivory.


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Mr & Mrs Smith (2005) Brad Pitt (John Smith), Angelina Jolie (Jane Smith). A bored married couple are surprised to learn that they are both assassins hired by competing agencies to kill each other. Dir. Doug Liman. Mr Deeds Goes to Town (1936) Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur, Raymond Walburn, Margaret Seddon. Small-town poet inherits fortune and sets New York on its heels with his honesty. Dir. Frank Capra. Mr Jones (1993) Richard Gere, Lena Olin, Anne Bancroft. Manic depressive begins an affair with his psychiatrist. Dir. Mike Figgis. Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939) James Stewart, Claude Rains, Jean Arthur, Thomas Mitchell, Edward Arnold. Senator exposes corruption in high places. Dir. Frank Capra. Mrs Brown (1997) Billy Connolly (John Brown), Dame Judi Dench (Queen Victoria). Dir. John Madden. Mrs Dalloway (1998) Vanessa Redgrave, Rupert Graves, Natascha McElhone, Michael Kitchen. Dir. Marleen Gorris. Mrs Doubtfire (1993) Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, Robert Prosky. Dir. Chris Columbus. Mrs Miniver (1942) Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Teresa Wright. Multi-award winning film. Dir. William Wyler. Mrs Pollifax – Spy (1970) Rosalind Russell, Darren McGavin. Written by CA McKnight, who was, in fact, Rosalind Russell. Dir. Leslie Martinson. Much Ado about Nothing (1993) Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson, Richard Briers, Michael Keaton, Denzel Washington. Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Mudlark, The (1950) Alec Guinness, Irene Dunne, Andrew Ray, Anthony Steel, Finlay Currie. Scruffy boy from the docks breaks into Windsor Castle to visit Queen Victoria. Dir. Jean Negulesco. Mulholland Falls (1996) Nick Nolte, Melanie Griffith, Treat Williams, John Malkovich, Bruce Dern. Dir. Lee Tamahori. Multiplicity (1996) Michael Keaton, Andie MacDowell, Ann Cusack. Dir. Harold Ramis. Mummy, The (1932) Boris Karloff, Zita Johann, David Manners, Arthur Byron, Edward Van Sloan. Boris Karloff was billed as ‘Karloff the Uncanny’. Dir. Karl Freund. Mummy, The (1959) Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Yvonne Furneaux, Eddie Byrne, Felix Aylmer, John Stuart. Dir. Terence Fisher. Mummy, The (1999) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo, Kevin O’Connor. Dir. Stephen Sommers. Mummy Returns, The (2001) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo (The Mummy), Kevin O’Conner. Dir. Stephen Sommers. Acting debut of wrestling superstar ‘The Rock’ as The Scorpion King. Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, The (2008) Brendan Fraser (Rick O'Connell), Jet Li (Emperor Han), Maria Bello (Evelyn Carnahan O'Connell), John Hannah (Jonathan Carnahan), Luke Ford (Alex O'Connell), Michelle Yeoh (Zi Yuan). Dir. Rob Cohen. Sequel to the two Stephen Sommers’ films. Munich (2005) Eric Bana (Avner), Daniel Craig (Steve), Ciarán Hinds (Carl), Mathieu Kassovitz (Robert), Hanns Zischler (Hans), Geoffrey Rush (Ephraim), Michael Lonsdale (Papa), Marie-Josée Croze (Jeanette The Dutch Assassin). The world was watching in 1972 as 11 Israeli athletes were murdered at the Munich Olympics. This is the story of what happened next. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Muppet Christmas Carol, The (1992) Michael Caine (Ebenezer Scrooge). Dir. Brian Henson. Muppet Movie, The (1979) Charles Durning, Edgar Bergen, Bob Hope, Milton Berle, Mel Brooks, James Coburn, Dom DeLuise, Elliott Gould, Cloris Leachman, Telly Savalas, Orson Welles. Dir. James Frawley. Muppet Treasure Island (1996) Tim Curry (Long John Silver), Billy Connolly (Billy Bones), Kevin Bishop (Jim Hawkins), Jennifer Saunders (Mrs Bluberidge). Dir. Brian Henson. Muppets, The (2011) Musical comedy film, the seventh in the franchise. Dir. James Bobin. Muppets From Space (1999) The sixth feature film to star The Muppets (see also The Great Muppet Caper). Dir. Tim Hill. Muppets Take Manhattan, The (1984) Dabney Coleman, Art Carney, James Coco, Joan Rivers, Gregory Hines. Dir. Frank Oz. Murder by Decree (1978) Christopher Plummer, James Mason, Anthony Quayle, David Hemmings, Susan Clark, John Gielgud, Donald Sutherland, Frank Finlay, Geneviève Bujold. Sherlock Holmes investigates the murders of ‘Jack the Ripper’. Dir. Bob Clark. Murder Most Foul (1964) Margaret Rutherford, Ron Moody, Charles Tingwell, Andrew Cruickshank, Megs Jenkins, James Bolam, Francesca Annis, Dennis Price, Terry Scott. Based on the Agatha Christie novel Mrs McGinty’s Dead. Dir. George Pollock. Murder on the Orient Express (1974) Albert Finney (Poirot), Ingrid Bergman, Lauren Bacall, Wendy Hiller, Sean Connery, Vanessa Redgrave, Michael York, Martin Balsam, Richard Widmark, Jacqueline Bisset, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Rachel Roberts, George Coulouris, John Gielgud, Anthony Perkins, Colin Blakely, Jeremy Lloyd, Denis Quilley. Agatha Christie story. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) Bela Lugosi, Sidney Fox, Leon Ames, Bert Roach, Brandon Hurst. Dir. Robert Florey. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1971) Jason Robards Jnr, Herbert Lom, Lilli Palmer, Adolfo Celi, Michael Dunn. Dir. Gordon Hessler. Muriel’s Wedding (1994) Toni Collette, Bill Hunter, Rachel Griffiths, Jeanie Drynan. Dir. PJ Hogan. Murphy’s Law (1986) Charles Bronson, Carrie Snodgress, Kathleen Wilhoite, Robert F Lyons, Richard Romanus. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Murphy’s War (1971) Peter O’Toole, Sian Phillips, Philippe Noiret, Horst Janson. Dir. Peter Yates. Music Lovers, The (1970) Richard Chamberlain, Glenda Jackson, Christopher Gable, Max Adrian, Isabelle Telezynska, Maureen Pryor, Andrew Faulds. Screenplay written by Melvyn Bragg. Dir. Ken Russell. Music Man, The (1962) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones, Buddy Hackett, Hermione Gingold, Pert Kelton, Paul Ford. Dir. Morton da Costa. Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) Charles Laughton, Clark Gable, Franchot Tone, Movita, Dudley Digges. Dir. Frank Lloyd. Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) Trevor Howard, Marlon Brando, Richard Harris, Hugh Griffith, Tarita, Gordon Jackson. Dir. Lewis Milestone. My Beautiful Laundrette (1985) Saeed Jaffrey, Roshan Seth, Daniel Day-Lewis, Shirley Anne Field. Based on the Hanif Kureishi work. Dir. Stephen Frears. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Michael Constantine, Andrea Martin. Low-budget, unlikely smash hit of the year. Apparently the wedding dress featured in the film was bought by a viewer for a pittance and sold following the film’s success for an amount approaching the budget of the film!! Dir. Joel Zwick. My Favourite Martian (1999) Christopher Lloyd, Jeff Daniels, Elizabeth Hurley, Daryl Hannah, Ray Walston. Dir. Donald Petrie. Based on the TV series starring Ray Walston and Bill Bixby. My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006) Uma Thurman (Jenny Johnson/G-Girl), Luke Wilson (Matt Saunders), Anna Faris (Hannah Lewis), Rainn Wilson (Vaughn Haige), Eddie Izzard (Professor Bedlam/Barry). When a regular guy (Luke Wilson) dumps a superhero (Uma Thurman), it’s payback time! Dir. Ivan Reitman. Mysterious Dr Fu Manchu, The (1929) Warner Oland played the Sax Rohmer character in early films in the series. Dir. Various. Mystic River (2003) Sean Penn (Jimmy Markum), Tim Robbins (Dave Boyle), Kevin Bacon (Sean Devine), Laurence Fishburne (Whitney Powers), Marcia Gay Harden (Celeste Boyle), Laura Linney (Annabeth Markum), Kevin Chapman (Val Savage), Thomas Guiry (Brendan Harris), Emmy Rossum (Katie Markum). Situated in Boston, concerns the murder of the daughter of an ex-con and the interaction of three old friends whose lives were devastated by a previous tragedy. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Naked (1993) David Thewlis, Lesley Sharp, Katrin Cartlidge, Greg Cruttwell. Dir. Mike Leigh. Naked Edge, The (1961) Gary Cooper, Deborah Kerr, Peter Cushing, Michael Wilding, Diane Cilento. Dir. Michael Anderson. Naked Gun, The: From the Files of Police Squad (1988) Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, Ricardo Montalban, OJ Simpson, George Kennedy. Dir. David Zucker. Naked Gun 2 1/2, The: The Smell of Fear (1991) Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, Robert Goulet, OJ Simpson, George Kennedy. Dir. David Zucker. Naked Gun 33 1/3, The: The Final Insult (1994) Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, Fred Ward, OJ Simpson, George Kennedy, Anna Nicole Smith. Dir. Peter Segal.


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Naked in New York (1993) Eric Stoltz, Mary-Louise Parker, Ralph Macchio, Jill Clayburgh, Tony Curtis, Kathleen Turner, Timothy Dalton, Whoopi Goldberg, Quentin Crisp. Dir. Dan Algrant. Naked Lunch (1991) Peter Weller, Judy Davis, Ian Holm, Roy Scheider, Julian Sands. Drug-addicted writer emulates William Tell with fatal results. Dir. David Cronenberg. Name of the Rose, The (1986) Sean Connery (William of Baskerville), F Murray Abraham (Bernardo Gui), Christian Slater (Adso of Melk), Feodor Chaliapin (Jorge de Burgos), William Hickey (Ubertino de Casale). Based on Umberto Eco novel. Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud. Narrow Margin (1952) Charles McGraw, Marie Windsor, Jacqueline White, Queenie Leonard. Police try to guard a witness on a train from Chicago to LA. The 1990 remake starred Gene Hackman and Anne Archer. Dir. Richard Fleischer. National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978) John Belushi, Tim Matheson, Donald Sutherland, John Vernon. First of the series which continued with Movie Madness (1981), Class Reunion (1982), Vacation (1983), European Vacation (1985), Christmas Vacation (1989), Loaded Weapon (1993), and Senior Trip (1995). The Chevy Chase character in 3 of the films was Clark Griswold. Dir. John Landis. National Velvet (1945) Mickey Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor, Anne Revere, Donald Crisp, Angela Lansbury. Dir. Clarence Brown. Natural, The (1984) Robert Redford (Roy Hobbs), Robert Duvall (Max Mercy), Glenn Close (Iris), Kim Basinger (Memo Paris), Barbara Hershey (Harriet Bird), Robert Prosky (Judge), Joe Don Baker (The Whammer). Ups and downs of a baseball star. Dir. Barry Levinson. Natural Born Killers (1994) Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey Jnr, Tommy Lee Jones. Young couple become mass murderers while winning the affection of the media. Dir. Oliver Stone. Ned Kelly (1970) Mick Jagger, Allen Bickford, Geoff Gilmour, Mark McManus. Story of the 19th-century Australian outlaw. Dir. Tony Richardson. Nell (1994) Jodie Foster, Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson. Two doctors endeavour to talk to a young woman who speaks a solitary language. Dir. Michael Apted. Net, The (1995) Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Miller, Diane Baker. Dir. Irwin Winkler. Network (1976) Peter Finch (Howard Beale), William Holden (Max Schumacher), Faye Dunaway, Robert Duvall, Ned Beatty. Peter Finch was awarded a posthumous Academy Award. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Nevada Smith (1966) Steve McQueen, Karl Malden, Brian Keith, Suzanne Pleshette. Scenes from the early life of the Carpetbaggers character. Dir. Henry Hathaway. Never Been Kissed (1998) Drew Barrymore, David Arquette, Michael Vartan, Leelee Sobieski, Jeremy Jordan. Dir. Raja Gosnell. Never on Sunday (1959) Melina Mercouri, Jules Dassin. Original title: Pote tin Kyriaki. Dir. Jules Dassin. Never Say Never Again (1983) Sean Connery, Klaus Maria Brandauer (Largo), Max Von Sydow (Blofeld), Alec McCowen (Q), Kim Basinger (Domino), Edward Fox, Rowan Atkinson, Barbara Carrera (Fatima). Remake of Thunderball, so titled because Connery vowed he would never make another Bond movie after Diamonds Are Forever. Dir. Irvin Kershner. New York, New York (1977) Liza Minnelli, Robert De Niro, Lionel Stander, Barry Primus. Dir. Martin Scorsese. New York Stories (1989) Life Lessons: Nick Nolte, Patrick O’Neal, Rosanna Arquette, Steve Buscemi, Debbie Harry, Peter Gabriel. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Life without Zoe: Talia Shire, Giancarlo Giannini, Heather McComb, Carmine Coppola. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Oedipus Wrecks: Woody Allen, Mia Farrow, Julie Kavner, Mae Questel, Mayor Ed Koch. Dir. Woody Allen. Teacher sets the 3 top boys an essay – topic: ‘My Story about New York’ and the 3 separately directed stories follow. Next of Kin (1989) Patrick Swayze (Truman Gates), Liam Neeson (Briar Gates), Adam Baldwin (Joey Rosselini). Dir. John Irvin. Niagara (1952) Joseph Cotten, Jean Peters, Marilyn Monroe. Dir. Henry Hathaway. Nicholas and Alexandra (1971) Michael Jayston, Janet Suzman, Laurence Olivier, Jack Hawkins, Tom Baker, Michael Redgrave. Life of Tsar Nicholas II from 1904 until the execution of his family in 1918. Dir. Franklin Schaffner. Nickelodeon (1976) Ryan O’Neal, Burt Reynolds, Tatum O’Neal, Brian Keith, Stella Stevens. Events leading up to the premiere of The Birth of a Nation. Dir. Peter Bogdanovich. Night and Day (1946) Cary Grant (Cole Porter), Alexis Smith, Monty Woolley, Mary Martin, Jane Wyman, Eve Arden. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Night and the City (1992) Robert De Niro (Harry Fabian), Jessica Lange (Helen Nasseros), Alan King (Boom Boom Grossman). Remake of the 1950 classic starring Richard Widmark and Gene Tierney. Dir. Irwin Winkler. Night at the Museum (2006) Ben Stiller (Larry Daley), Robin Williams (Theodore Roosevelt), Dick Van Dyke (Cecil Fredericks), Mickey Rooney (Gus), Jake Cherry (Nick), Ricky Gervais (Dr McPhee), Owen Wilson (Jedediah Smith), Steve Coogan (Octavius), Patrick Gallagher (Attila the Hun). Comedy based on the 1993 children’s book by Milan Trenc. Larry Daley is a divorced father with a list of failed business ventures. Desperate to win the support of his son Nick, he is hired as a night guard at the American Museum of Natural History. Stiller’s real-life mother, actress Anne Meara, has a cameo as Debbie. Dir. Shawn Levy. Most of the leading actors reprised their roles in a 2009 sequel, Night at the Museum 2 (also known as Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian). Night at the Opera, A (1935) Groucho Marx, Chico Marx, Harpo Marx, Margaret Dumont. Dir. Sam Wood. Night Crossing (1982) John Hurt, Jane Alexander, Beau Bridges, Ian Bannen. East Germans escape to the West via air balloon. Dir. Delbert Mann. Night Falls on Manhattan (1997) Andy Garcia (Sean Casey), Ian Holm. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Night in Casablanca, A (1946) Groucho Marx (Kornblow), Chico Marx, Harpo Marx, Lisette Verea (Beatrice). Dir. Archie Mayo. Night of the Hunter (1955) Robert Mitchum, Shelley Winters, Lillian Gish, Peter Graves. Psychopathic preacher on the trail of hidden loot. Dir. Charles Laughton. Night of the Iguana (1964) Richard Burton, Deborah Kerr, Ava Gardner, Sue Lyon. Disbarred clergyman becomes a courier in Mexico and is chased by teenage nymphomaniac. Dir. John Huston. Night on Earth (1992) Winona Ryder (Corky), Gena Rowlands (Victoria Snelling), Giancarlo Esposito (Yo Yo). Five people take simultaneous taxi rides in 5 cities, i.e. LA, New York, Paris, Rome & Helsinki. Dir. Jim Jarmusch. Night Porter, The (1973) Dirk Bogarde, Charlotte Rampling. Conductor’s wife recognises porter as former SS officer. Dir. Liliana Cavani. Night Shift (1982) Henry Winkler, Michael Keaton, Shelley Long, Gina Hecht, Kevin Costner (Frat Boy). Dir. Ron Howard. Night They Raided Minsky’s, The (1968) Jason Robards, Britt Ekland, Norman Wisdom, Bert Lahr. Dir. William Friedkin. Night to Remember, A (1958) Kenneth More, Honor Blackman, David McCallum. Dir. Roy Baker. Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993) Voices of Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon, William Hickey, Catherine O’Hara. Based on a Tim Burton story. Dir. Henry Selick. Nightmare on Elm Street, A (1984) John Saxon, Ronee Blakley, Robert Englund (Freddie). Dir. Wes Craven. Nightmare on Elm Street, A, 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985) Mark Patton, Clu Gulager, Hope Lange, Robert Englund. Dir. Jack Sholder. Nightmare on Elm Street, A, 3: Dream Warriors (1987) Heather Langenkamp, Patricia Arquette, Robert Englund. Dir. Chuck Russell. Nightmare on Elm Street, A, 4: The Dream Master (1988) Rodney Eastman, Danny Hassel, Robert Englund. Dir. Renny Harlin. Nightmare on Elm Street, A: The Dream Child (1989) Lisa Wilcox, Kelly Jo Minter, Danny Hassel, Robert Englund. Last of the series called Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991). Dir. Stephen Hopkins. Nil by Mouth (1997) Ray Winstone (Ray), Kathy Burke (Valerie). Dir. Gary Oldman. Nine and a Half Weeks (1986) Mickey Rourke, Kim Basinger. Dir. Adrian Lyne. 976–EVIL (1988) Stephen Geoffreys (Hoax), Sandy Dennis (Aunt Lucy). The title refers to the Devil’s freephone number. Dir. Robert Englund. 9/30/55 (1977) Richard Thomas, Susan Tyrrell, Dennis Quaid. Title refers to the death of James Dean and the effect on an Arkansas student. Dir. James Bridges.


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Nine to Five (1980) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, Dabney Coleman, Sterling Hayden. Three office women plot to get rid of their boss. Dir. Colin Higgins. 1984 (1984) John Hurt (Winston Smith), Richard Burton (O’Brien), Suzanna Hamilton (Julia), Cyril Cusack (Carrington). A 1955 version starred Michael Redgrave and Edmond O’Brien. Dir. Michael Radford. 1941 (1979) Dan Aykroyd, Ned Beatty, John Belushi, Christopher Lee, Robert Stack, Lorraine Gary. Farce concerning a stray Japanese submarine terrorising Hollywood after Pearl Harbor. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Ninotchka (1939) Greta Garbo, Melvyn Douglas, Bela Lugosi. Dir. Ernst Lubitsch. Nixon (1995) Anthony Hopkins (Nixon), Joan Allen (Pat Nixon), Powers Boothe (Alexander Haig), Ed Harris (E Howard Hunt), Paul Sorvino (Henry Kissinger). Dir. Oliver Stone. No Country For Old Men (2007) Tommy Lee Jones (Sheriff Ed Tom Bell), Javier Bardem (Anton Chigurh), Josh Brolin (Llewelyn Moss), Woody Harrelson (Carson Wells), Kelly Macdonald (Carla Jean Moss), Garret Dillahunt (Deputy Wendell), Tess Harper (Loretta Bell), Barry Corbin (Ellis), Stephen Root (Man who hires Wells), Rodger Boyce (Sheriff Roscoe Giddens), Beth Grant (Carla Jean’s Mother), Ana Reeder (Poolside Woman), Kit Gwin (Sheriff Bell’s Secretary), Zach Hopkins (Strangled Deputy), Chip Love (Man in Ford). Based on the 2003 novel by Cormac McCarthy. Hunter Llewelyn Moss stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong in the Texan desert. Moss makes off with a case containing $2m and sets in motion a chain of events that leaves a bloody trail of carnage across the state as he is pursued by the psychopathic and totally dedicated hit man Anton Chigurh, who sometimes decides whether or not to kill a person by the simple toss of a coin. The darkest of film noirs, the film ultimately leaves the viewer unsatisfied as to its outcome but appreciative of its honesty. Dir. Ethan Coen and Joel Coen. Nobody’s Fool (1994) Paul Newman, Jessica Tandy, Bruce Willis, Melanie Griffith. A 60-yr-old handyman has a chance to make up for a disappointing life. Dir. Robert Benton. Noises Off (1992) Carol Burnett (Dotty Otley / Mrs Clackett), Michael Caine (Lloyd Fellowes), Denholm Elliott, Julie Hagerty, Marilu Henner, Christopher Reeve. Adaptation of Michael Frayn’s farce about a second-rate touring company. Dir. Peter Bogdanovich. No Place To Go (Die Unberührbare) (2001) Hannelore Elsner (Hanna), Vadim Glowna, Tonio Arango, Michael Gwisdek, Bernd Stempel. Dir. Oskar Röhler. North by Northwest (1959) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. North Dallas Forty (1979) Nick Nolte, Mac Davis, Charles Durning, Bo Svenson. Gruelling life of an American football player. Dir. Ted Kotcheff. Notorious (1946) Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, Louis Calhern. Lady marries a Nazi in Rio to help the American government. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Notorious Bettie Page, The (2005) Gretchen Mol (Bettie Page). The story of Bettie Page, a successful 1950s American pin-up model, the target of a Senate investigation (based on her bondage photos). Dir. Mary Harron. Notre Musique (2004) Sarah Adler (Judith Lerner), Nade Dieu (Olga Brodsky), Rony Kramer (Ramos Garcia). Divided into three ‘kingdoms’ – Enfer (Hell), Purgatoire (Purgatory) and Paradis (Paradise) – An insight into war and memory. Dir. Jean-Luc Godard. Notting Hill (1999) Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Hugh Bonneville, Emma Chambers, Alec Baldwin. Dir. Roger Michell. Nuns on the Run (1990) Eric Idle, Robbie Coltrane, Janet Suzman, Doris Hare. Dir. Jonathan Lynn. Nun’s Story, The (1959) Audrey Hepburn, Peter Finch, Edith Evans, Peggy Ashcroft. Belgian girl joins a strict order of nuns. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Nurse Edith Cavell (1939) Anna Neagle, George Sanders. Based on Reginald Berkeley’s novel Dawn. Dir. Herbert Wilcox. Nutty Professor, The (1996) Eddie Murphy (plays 7 roles), James Coburn, Jada Pinkett. Dir. Tom Shadyac. Object of Beauty, The (1991) John Malkovich, Andie MacDowell, Joss Ackland, Bill Paterson, Jack Shepherd. Dir. Michael LindsayHogg. Objective Burma! (1945) Errol Flynn, James Brown, William Prince. Exploits of a US platoon during the Burma campaign. The film caused a furore among the Burma Star Organisation and nearly created a diplomatic fallout by failing to mention the British contribution. Dir. Raoul Walsh. Obsession (1976) Cliff Robertson, Geneviève Bujold, John Lithgow. Widower meets the double of his dead wife. Dir. Brian De Palma. Ocean’s Eleven (1960) Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jnr, Dean Martin, Richard Conte, Ilka Chase, Cesar Romero, Joey Bishop, Patrick Wymore, Akim Tamiroff, Henry Silva, Angie Dickinson. Dir. Lewis Milestone. Ocean’s Eleven (2001) George Clooney (Danny Ocean), Julia Roberts (Tess Ocean), Brad Pitt (Rusty Ryan), Matt Damon (Linus), Andy Garcia (Terry Benedict), Casey Affleck (Virgil Malloy), Scott Caan (Turk Malloy), Don Cheadle (Basher Tarr), Elliott Gould (Reuben Tishkoff), Carl Reiner (Saul Bloom). Remake of the 1960 film of the same name. Dir. Steven Soderbergh. A 2004 sequel, Ocean’s Twelve, was a critical flop. Catherine Zeta-Jones was added to the cast as Europol agent Isabel Lehiri, although the 12th member of Danny’s gang is his wife Tess. The remaining cast and director were the same. In Ocean’s Thirteen (2007) Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta-Jones do not reprise their roles, the three newbies being Eddie Jemison (Livingston Dell), Eddie Izzard (Roman Nagel) and Shaobo Qin (Mr Weng/The Amazing Yen). Octopussy (1983) Roger Moore, Maud Adams (Octopussy), Louis Jourdan (Prince Kamel Khan), Steven Berkoff (Orlov), Robert Brown (M), Desmond Llewelyn (Q). Tennis player Vijay Amritraj appeared in a cameo. Title song performed by Rita Coolidge. Dir. John Glen. Odd Couple, The (1968) Jack Lemmon (Felix Unger), Walter Matthau (Oscar Goldman). Written by Neil Simon. Dir. Gene Saks. Odessa File, The (1974) Jon Voigt, Maria Schell, Maximilian Schell, Derek Jacobi. Dir. Ronald Neame. Of Mice and Men (1939) Burgess Meredith, Lon Chaney Jnr, Betty Field, Charles Bickford. Itinerant worker looks after his immensely strong but mentally retarded cousin. The 1992 remake starred John Malkovich and Gary Sinise. Dir. Lewis Milestone. Officer and a Gentleman, An (1982) Richard Gere (Zack Mayo), Debra Winger, Lou Gossett Jnr, David Keith, Lisa Blount. Oscars for Lou Gossett Jnr (Best Supporting), and song (‘Up Where We Belong’). Dir. Taylor Hackford. Oh What a Lovely War (1969) Ralph Richardson, Meriel Forbes, John Gielgud, Kenneth More, John Clements, Joe Melia, Paul Daneman, Jack Hawkins, Maggie Smith, John Mills, Michael Redgrave, Laurence Olivier, Susannah York, Dirk Bogarde, Phyllis Calvert, Vanessa Redgrave. Musical fantasia of World War I. Dir. Richard Attenborough. O.H.M.S. (1936) John Mills, Wallace Ford, Anna Lee. British forces in China are joined by an American gangster on the run, who dies a hero. US title: You’re in the Army Now. Dir. Raoul Walsh. Oklahoma (1955) Gordon Macrae, Shirley Jones, Rod Steiger, Eddie Albert. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Oklahoma Kid, The (1939) James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Rosemary Lane, Donald Crisp, Ward Bond. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. Old Gringo (1989) Jane Fonda (Harriet Winslow), Gregory Peck (Ambrose Bierce), Jimmy Smits (Tomas Arroyo). Dir. Luis Puenzo. Old Man and the Sea, The (1958) Spencer Tracy, Felipe Pazos, Harry Bellaver. Dir. John Sturges. Old Mother Riley (1935–52) Arthur Lucan (Riley), Kitty McShane (his daughter). Series of films with Lucan and his real-life wife playing mother and daughter. Stars on Parade was the first of the series and Mother Riley Meets the Vampire the last. Dir. Maclean Rogers. Oliver! (1968) Ron Moody, Oliver Reed, Harry Secombe, Mark Lester, Shani Wallis, Jack Wild. Dir. Carol Reed. Oliver Twist (1948) Alec Guinness, Robert Newton, Francis L Sullivan, John Howard Davies, Anthony Newley, Diana Dors, Mary Clare, Kay Walsh. Dir. David Lean. Oliver’s Story (1978) Ryan O’Neal, Candice Bergen, Nicola Pagett, Ray Milland. Dir. John Korty. Omega Man, The (1971) Charlton Heston, Rosalind Cash, Anthony Zerbe. Based on the novel I am Legend by Richard Matheson. Set in 1977 Los Angeles after a germ warfare plague has decimated the world’s population. Dir. Boris Sagal. Omen, The (1976) Gregory Peck, Lee Remick, David Warner, Billie Whitelaw, Leo McKern, Patrick Troughton. Three inferior sequels were made. Dir. Richard Donner.


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Omen, The (2006) Liev Schreiber (Robert Thorn), Julia Stiles (Katherine Thorn), Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick (Damien), Michael Gambon (Bugenhagen), Mia Farrow (Mrs Baylock), Pete Postlethwaite (Father Brennan), David Thewlis (Keith Jennings), Amy Huck (Nanny), Giovanni Lombardo Radice (Father Spiletto), Baby Zikova, Baby Morvas, Baby Muller and Baby Litera (Damien, newborn), Tomas Wooler (Damien, age 2), Carlo Sabatini (Cardinal Fabretti), Bohumil Svarc (Pope). Faithful remake of the 1976 classic. Dir. John Moore. On Deadly Ground (1994) Steven Seagal, Michael Caine, Joan Chen, Chief Irvin Brink. Dir. Steven Seagal. On Golden Pond (1981) Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Dabney Coleman, Doug McKeon. Dir. Mark Rydell. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) George Lazenby, Diana Rigg (Tracy Vicenzo née Draco), Telly Savalas (Blofeld). Avengers fans note: not only does Diana Rigg become Mrs Bond but Joanna Lumley is one of the lovelies in the Swiss Alps and Honor Blackman is visible in a clip from Goldfinger in the opening titles. Dir. Peter Hunt. Theme song: ‘We have all the time in the world’ performed by Louis Armstrong. On the Beach (1959) Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire, Anthony Perkins, Donna Anderson. Crew of serving American submarine wait for the devastation of atomic war to catch up with them in Australia. Dir. Stanley Kramer. On the Buses (1971) Reg Varney, Doris Hare, Anna Karen, Michael Robbins, Stephen Lewis. Sequels: Mutiny on the Buses (1972), and Holiday on the Buses (1973). Dir. Harry Booth. On the Double (1961) Danny Kaye, Dana Wynter, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Diana Dors, Margaret Rutherford, Allan Cuthbertson, Jesse White. American private is asked to impersonate a British Intelligence officer. Dir. Melville Shavelson. On the Fiddle (1961) Alfred Lynch, Sean Connery, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Kathleen Harrison, Cecil Parker, Alan King, Eleanor Summerfield, Eric Barker, John Le Mesurier. US title: Operation Snafu. Wide boy and slow-witted gypsy’s adventures in the RAF. Dir. Cyril Frankel. On the Town (1949) Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Jules Munshin, Ann Miller, Vera-Ellen, Betty Garrett. Gene Kelly directed the dance scenes. Dir. Stanley Donen. On the Waterfront (1954) Marlon Brando, Eva Marie Saint, Rod Steiger, Lee J Cobb, Karl Malden. Dir. Elia Kazan. Once (2007) Glen Hansard (Guy), Markéta Irglová (Girl), Darren Healy (Heroin Addict), Hugh Walsh (Timmy Drummer), Gerard Hendrick (Lead Guitarist), Alaistair Foley (Bassist), Geoff Minogue (Eamon), Bill Hodnett (Guy’s Dad), Danuse Ktrestova (Girl’s Mother), Mal Whyte (Bill), Marcella Plunkett (Ex Girlfriend), Niall Cleary (Bob). A modern-day musical about a busker and an immigrant and their eventful week in Dublin, as they write, rehearse and record songs that tell their love story. The two lead characters are unnamed but listed as Guy and Girl in the film credits. Dir. John Carney. Once a Jolly Swagman (1948) Dirk Bogarde, Renée Asherson, Bonar Colleano, Bill Owen. US title: Maniacs on Wheels. Factory worker becomes a speedway rider. Dir. Jack Lee. Once Around (1991) Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, Danny Aiello, Gena Rowlands, Laura San Giacomo. Dir. Lasse Hallstrom. Once Bitten (1985) Lauren Hutton, Jim Carrey, Karen Kopins, Cleavon Little. Teenage sex problems are complicated by a visiting vampiress. Dir. Howard Storm. Once More with Feeling (1960) Yul Brynner, Kay Kendall, Geoffrey Toone, Maxwell Shaw, Mervyn Johns. Volatile private life of an orchestral conductor. Dir. Stanley Donen. Once Upon a Crime (1992) John Candy, James Belushi, Cybill Shepherd, Sean Young, Joss Ackland. Dir. Eugene Levy. Once Upon a Horse (1958) Dan Rowan, Dick Martin, Martha Hyer, Leif Erickson, Nita Talbot, James Gleason. Two cowboys steal a herd of cattle but can’t afford to feed them. The two stars later went on to revolutionise TV comedy with their Laugh-in shows. Dir. Hal Kanter. Once Upon a Time in America (1984) Robert De Niro (Noodles), James Woods (Max), Elizabeth McGovern (Deborah), Treat Williams (Jimmy O’Donnell), Tuesday Weld (Carol), Joe Pesci (Frankie), Danny Aiello (Police Chief Aiello), William Forsythe (Cockeye). Story of 4 Jewish gangsters known as the ‘Kosher Nostra’, from 1922 to 1968. 228-minute film which has a 147-minute version. Dir. Sergio Leone. Once Upon a Time in the West (1969) Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale, Jason Robards, Charles Bronson. Notable for its opening credits which last for the first 12 minutes of film time. Dir. Sergio Leone. Once Were Warriors (1994) Rena Owen, Temuera Morrison. This film is the top NZ film as regards box office takings. Dir. Lee Tamahori. One-Eyed Jacks (1961) Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Pina Pellicer, Katy Jurado, Slim Pickens, Ben Johnson. Based on the novel The Authentic Death of Hendry Jones by Charles Neider. Dir. Marlon Brando. One False Move (1992) Bill Paxton (Dale ‘Hurricane’ Dixon), Cynda Williams (Fantasia / Lila), Michael Beach (Pluto), Billy Bob Thornton (Ray Malcolm), Jim Metzler (Dud Cole). Two killers on the run with their black girlfriend go to Alabama where the sheriff is waiting. Cynda Williams and Billy Bob Thornton fell in love on set and married soon after. Dir. Carl Franklin. One Fine Day (1996) Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney, Charles Durning. Two busy single parents fall in love. Dir. Michael Hoffman. One from the Heart (1982) Frederic Forrest (Hank), Teri Garr (Frannie), Raul Julia (Ray), Nastassja Kinski (Leila). Rebecca DeMornay’s screen debut in the restaurant scene with the line: ‘Excuse me, I think those are my waffles’. First film for Coppola’s Zoetrope studios. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. 187 (1997) Samuel L Jackson (Trevor Garfield), Tony Plana. Title refers to the Californian penal code for murder. School: John Quincy Adams High. Dir. Kevin Reynolds. 101 Dalmatians (1996) Glenn Close, Jeff Daniels, Joan Plowright, Joely Richardson, Hugh Laurie. Live-action remake of the 1961 animated film. Dir. Stephen Herek. The sequel 102 Dalmatians was released in 2000. One Hundred Men and a Girl (1937) Deanna Durbin was the girl and the men were an orchestra. Dir. Henry Koster. One Million Years BC (1966) John Richardson, Raquel Welch, Robert Brown. Dir. Don Chaffey. One Woman or Two (1985) Gérard Depardieu (Julien Chayssac), Sigourney Weaver (Jessica Fitzgerald), Dr Ruth Westheimer (Mrs Heffner). Advertising woman uses an archaeologist as basis for a new campaign and falls in love. Dir. Daniel Vigne. Onibaba (1964) Nobuko Otowa, Jitsuko Yoshimura, Kei Sato. Mother and daughter live by preying on stray soldiers. Aka: The Hole. Dir. Kaneto Shindo. Operation Crossbow (1965) George Peppard, Tom Courtenay, John Mills, Sophia Loren, Lilli Palmer, Trevor Howard. Dir. Michael Anderson. Ordinary People (1980) Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Timothy Hutton, Judd Hirsch. Oscars for Hutton, Redford and Alvin Sargent (screenplay). Dir. Robert Redford. Othello (1965) Laurence Olivier, Frank Finlay, Maggie Smith, Derek Jacobi. The 1995 Oliver Parker film starred Laurence Fishburne and Ken Branagh (Iago). Dir. Stuart Burge. Others, The (2001) Nicole Kidman (Grace), Christopher Eccleston (Charles), Fionnula Flanagan (Mrs Mills), James Bentley (Nicholas), Eric Sykes (Mr Tuttle), Elaine Cassidy (Lydia). Set in the 1940s. Dir. Alejandro Amenabar. Our Man Flint (1965) James Coburn, Lee J Cobb. Dir. Daniel Mann. Our Man in Havana (1965) Alec Guinness, Noël Coward, Burl Ives, Maureen O’Hara, Ralph Richardson. Dir. Carol Reed. Out of Africa (1985) Robert Redford (Denys), Meryl Streep (Karen Blixen), Klaus Maria Brandauer, Michael Gough. Dir. Sydney Pollack. Outbreak (1995) Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman, Donald Sutherland, Kevin Spacey. Dir. Wolfgang Petersen. Outland (1981) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle, Kika Markham. Dir. Peter Hyams. Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976) Clint Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Sondra Locke. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Outrageous Fortune (1987) Bette Midler (Sandy), Shelley Long (Lauren), Robert Prosky, Peter Coyote. Dir. Arthur Hiller. Outsiders, The (1983) Matt Dillon (Dallas Winston), Ralph Macchio (Johnny Cade), Patrick Swayze (Darrel Curtis), Robb Lowe (Sodapop Curtis), Emilio Estevez (Two-Bit Matthews), Tom Cruise (Steve Randle). Dir. Francis Ford Coppola.


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Over The Hedge (2006) Voices of Bruce Willis (RJ), Garry Shandling (Verne), William Shatner (Ozzie), Nick Nolte (Vincent), Catherine O’Hara (Penny), Avril Lavigne (Heather). A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched family of forest creatures into helping him repay a debt of food, by invading the new suburban sprawl that popped up while they were hibernating. Dir. Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick. Over the Top (1987) Sylvester Stallone (Lincoln Hawk), Robert Loggia (Jason Cutler), Susan Blakely (Chris Hawk). Dir. Menahem Golan. Overboard (1987) Goldie Hawn (Joanna / Annie), Kurt Russell (Dean Proffitt), Roddy McDowall (Andrew). Dir. Garry Marshall. Owl and the Pussycat, The (1970) Barbra Streisand, George Segal, Robert Klein, Allen Garfield. Dir. Herbert Ross. Paint Your Wagon (1969) Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood (Pardner), Jean Seberg, Harve Presnell, Ray Walston. Dir. Joshua Logan. Pal Joey (1957) Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth, Kim Novak. Dir. George Sidney. Pale Rider (1985) Clint Eastwood (Preacher), Michael Moriarty, Carrie Snodgrass, Chris Penn, Richard Kiel. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Paleface, The (1948) Bob Hope, Jane Russell, Robert Armstrong. Song ‘Buttons and Bows’ (music by J Livingston, lyrics by Ray Evans) won Oscar. Sequel was Son of Paleface and 1968 remake was The Shakiest Gun in the West. Dir. Norman Z Mcleod. Pallbearer (1996) David Schwimmer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Rapaport, Barbara Hershey. Dir. Matt Reeves. Palm Beach Story, The (1942) Claudette Colbert, Joel McCrea, Rudy Vallee (Hackensacker), Robert Dudley (Weenie King). Engineer’s wife travels to Florida with her sights set on a millionaire. Dir. Preston Sturges. Palookaville (1996) Adam Trese (Jerry), William Forsythe (Sid), Vincent Gallo (Russ), Frances McDormand. Story of 3 bungling wouldbe criminals. Dir. Alan Taylor. Panic Room (2002) Jodie Foster, Kristen Stewart, Forest Whitaker, Jared Leto, Dwight Yoakam. Dir. David Fincher. Panther (1995) Kadeem Hardison, Bokeem Woodbine, Joe Don Baker, Nefertiti. Black Vietnam vet recalls his role in the Black Panther movement. Dir. Mario Van Peebles. Paper, The (1994) Michael Keaton, Glenn Close, Marisa Tomei, Robert Duvall, Randy Quaid. Dir. Ron Howard. Paper Chase, The (1973) Timothy Bottoms, Lindsay Wagner, John Houseman, Graham Bickel. Based on John Jay Osborn Jnr novel. Houseman won Oscar and film spawned a successful TV series of the same name. Dir. James Bridges. Paper Moon (1973) Ryan O’Neal, Tatum O’Neal, Madeline Kahn, John Hillerman. Tatum O’Neal won an Oscar. Dir. Peter Bogdanovich. Paper Tiger (1975) David Niven, Toshiro Mifune, Hardy Kruger, Ando, Ronald Fraser, Ivan Desny. Englishman becomes tutor to the son of a Japanese ambassador. Dir. Ken Annakin. Papillon (1973) Dustin Hoffman, Steve McQueen. Dir. Franklin Schaffner. Paradise (1991) Melanie Griffith (Lily Reed), Don Johnson (Ben Reed), Elijah Wood, Louise Latham. The first film that Griffith and Johnson starred in together. Remake of Le Grand Chemin directed in 1987 by Jean-Loup Hubert. Dir. Mary Agnes Donoghue. Parallax View, The (1974) Warren Beatty, Paula Prentiss, William Daniels. Witnesses to political assassination are systematically killed. Dir. Alan J Pakula. Paranormal Activity (2009) Katie Featherston (Katie), Micah Sloat (Micah). Horror film. Katie, a student, and her boyfriend Micah, a day trader, live in a two-storey tract house in suburban San Diego, California. Katie claims that a ghostly presence has haunted her since her youth and believes that it has followed her to their new home. Micah sets up cameras to record any movement within the house. Dir. Oren Peli. Sequels have been released annually and Paranormal Activity 5 will be released on October 25th 2013. Parenthood (1989) Steve Martin (Gil), Mary Steenburgen (Karen), Dianne Wiest (Helen), Jason Robards (Frank), Rick Moranis (Nathan), Tom Hulce (Larry), Keanu Reeves (Tod), Leaf Phoenix (Gary). Four generations of a large family have different approaches to parenthood. Dir. Ron Howard. Parole Officer, The (2001) Steve Coogan (Simon Garden), Lena Headey, Om Puri, Steven Waddington, Ben Miller, Stephen Dillane, Jenny Agutter, Omar Sharif (Victor Bondarenko). Dir. John Duigan. Passage to India, A (1984) Judy Davis (Adela Quested), Victor Banerjee (Dr Aziz), Peggy Ashcroft (Mrs Moore), James Fox (Richard Fielding), Alec Guinness (Godbole), Nigel Havers, Art Malik Richard Wilson (Turton), Saeed Jaffrey, Clive Swift, Roshan Seth. David Lean’s first film for 14 years. It was also his last. Dir. David Lean. Passion of the Christ, The (2004) Jim Caviezel (Jesus), Monica Bellucci (Mary Magdalen), Hristo Naumov Shopov (Pontius Pilate), Maia Morgenstern (Mary), Francesco De Vito (Peter), Luca Lionello (Judas), Mattia Sbragia (Caiaphas), Rosalinda Celentano (Satan). This truly graphic and disturbing film based on the last hours of Jesus Christ serves as both a memento mori and memento vivere to all who watch it. Dialogue in Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew with English subtitles. Dir. Mel Gibson. Passport to Pimlico (1949) Stanley Holloway, Margaret Rutherford, Basil Radford, Sydney Tafler, Hermione Baddeley. Part of postwar London is discovered to belong to Burgundy and the residents find themselves free of rationing restrictions. Based on a real-life story whereby the Canadian government presented to Holland the room where Princess Juliana was to bear a child. Dir. Henry Cornelius. Pat and Mike (1952) Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Aldo Ray. Sports promoter takes on a female intellectual. Dir. George Cukor. Patriot Games (1992) Harrison Ford (Jack Ryan), Anne Archer, Patrick Bergin, Sean Bean, Samuel L Jackson James Fox, Richard Harris, James Earl Jones, Thora Birch. Dir. Philip Noyce. Patton (1969) George C Scott, Karl Malden, Michael Bates. Famous for Scott’s refusal to collect his Oscar. Dir. Franklin Schaffner. Patty Hearst (1988) Natasha Richardson, William Forsythe, Ving Rhames, Frances Fisher. Dir. Paul Schrader. Peacemaker, The (1997) Nicole Kidman (Dr Julia Kelly), George Clooney (Lt Col Thomas Devoe). First film from Steven Spielberg’s Dreamworks Studio. Dir. Mimi Leder. Pearl Harbor (2001) Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, Cuba Gooding, Jon Voight, Dan Aykroyd, Alec Baldwin, James King, Tom Sizemore, Dir. Michael Bay. Pearl of Death, The (1944) Basil Rathbone (Holmes), Nigel Bruce (Watson), Dennis Hoey, Miles Mander, Rondo Hatton. Based on Conan Doyle’s ‘The Six Napoleons’. Dir. Roy William Neill. Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) Kathleen Turner (Peggy Sue), Nicolas Cage (Charlie Bodell), Jim Carrey (Walter Getz), Barry Miller, Catherine Hicks, Joan Allen, Helen Hunt (Beth Bodell). Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Pelican Brief, The (1993) Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, Sam Shepard, John Heard, Robert Culp. Law student is stalked by hitmen after she suspects their involvement in murder of 2 judges. Dir. Alan J Pakula. People vs Larry Flint, The (1996) Woody Harrelson (Larry Flynt, the self-styled King of Sleaze), Courteney Love, Edward Norton. Biopic of the publisher of soft porn mag Hustler. Dir. Milos Forman. Perez Family, The (1995) Marisa Tomei, Alfred Molina, Anjelica Huston. Dir. Mira Nair. Perfect (1985) John Travolta (Adam), Jamie Lee Curtis (Jessie), Anne De Salvo (Frankie). Journalist falls in love with aerobics teacher he is investigating. Dir. James Bridges. Perfect Storm, The (1999) George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Michael Ironside. Six Massachusetts fishermen encounter a raging storm in their boat ‘Andrea Gail’. Dir. Wolfgang Peterson. Perfect World, A (1993) Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, Laura Dern. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Performance (1970) James Fox, Mick Jagger, Anita Pallenberg, Allan Cuthbertson. Dir. Nicolas Roeg & Donald Cammell. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006) Ben Whishaw (Jean-Baptiste Grenouille), Dustin Hoffman (Giuseppe Baldini), Rachel HurdWood (Laura Richis), Alan Rickman (Antoine Richis), John Hurt (Narrator). Set in C18 France, the film tells the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a young man with a discerning sense of smell who goes on a homicidal quest for the perfect scent. Based on the 1985 novel Das Parfum by German writer Patrick Süskind. Dir. Tom Tykwer. Perils of Pauline, The (1934) Betty Hutton, John Lund, Billy de Wolfe. The career of silent serial queen Pearl White. Dir. George Marshall.


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Personal Services (1987) Julie Walters (Christine Painter), Alec McCowen (Wing Commander Morton), Shirley Stellfox. Read ‘Cynthia Payne’ for Christine Painter. Dir. Terry Jones. Peter’s Friends (1992) Kenneth Branagh (Andrew), Alphonsia Emmanuel (Sarah), Stephen Fry (Peter), Hugh Laurie (Roger), Phyllida Law (Vera), Rita Rudner (Carol), Emma Thompson (Maggie). Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Phantom of the Opera (1925) Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry. Remakes include 1943 version with Claude Rains, 1962 film with Herbert Lom and 1989 version with Robert Englund. Dir. Rupert Julian. Phantom of the Opera, The (2004) Gerard Butler (The Phantom), Emmy Rossum (Christine), Patrick Wilson (Raoul), Miranda Richardson (Madame Giry), Minnie Driver (Carlotta), Ciarán Hinds (Firmin), Simon Callow (Andre), Victor McGuire (Piangi), Jennifer Ellison (Meg Giry), Murray Melvin (Reyer), Kevin McNally as Kevin R McNally (Buquet), James Fleet (Lefevre). A disfigured musical genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera House, terrorises the opera company for the unwitting benefit of a young protégée whom he trains and loves. Based on Andrew Lloyd Webber’s stage adaptation of the Gaston Leroux novel. Dir. Joel Schumacher. Phenomenon (1996) John Travolta, Kyra Sedgwick, Robert Duvall, Forest Whitaker, Brent Spiner. Simpleton is struck by a strange light which raises his IQ and his sensitivity. Dir. James Cameron. Philadelphia (1993) Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Jason Robards, Mary Steenburgen, Antonio Banderas, Joanne Woodward, Robert Ridgely. Homosexual lawyer with AIDS sues his firm for unfair dismissal. Dir. Jonathan Demme. Philadelphia Story, The (1940) Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, James Stewart, Ruth Hussey. Dir. George Cukor. Pianist, The (2002) Adrien Brody (Wladyslaw Szpilman), Thomas Kretschmann (Captain Wilm Hosenfeld), Frank Finlay (the father), Maureen Lipman (the mother), Emilia Fox (Dorota), Ed Stoppard (Henryk), Julia Rayner (Regina), Jessica Kate Meyer (Halina), Ruth Platt (Janina). Based on the autobiography of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Polish Jew who survived the Nazi occupation of World War II. A composer and pianist, he plays the last live music heard over Polish radio before the invasion. Eluding deportation, he remains in the devastated Warsaw ghetto and struggles to stay alive. Dir. Roman Polanski. Piano, The (1993) Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, Genevieve Lemon. Dir. Jane Campion. Picnic (1955) William Holden, Kim Novak, Rosalind Russell, Susan Strasberg. Dir. Joshua Logan. Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) Rachel Roberts, Dominic Guard, Helen Morse, Vivian Gray. Dir. Peter Weir. Picture of Dorian Gray, The (1945) Hurd Hatfield (Gray), George Sanders (Sir Henry), Donna Reed, Angela Lansbury. Dir. Albert Lewin. Pierrepoint (2005) Timothy Spall (Albert Pierrepoint), Juliet Stevenson (Annie Pierrepoint), Eddie Marsan (James ‘Tish’ Corbitt), Mary Stockley (Ruth Ellis), Ben McKay (Timothy Evans). The life and times of Albert Pierrepoint, Britain’s most prolific hangman and one of a family of hangmen. The film was also known as The Last Hangman. Dir. Adrian Shergold. Pillow Talk (1959) Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Tony Randall, Thelma Ritter. First of the partnership films of Day and Hudson, this one concerning a party line love affair. Dir. Michael Gordon. Pink Panther, The (1963) David Niven, Peter Sellers, Capucine, Claudia Cardinale, Robert Wagner. The seven sequels were A Shot in the Dark, Inspector Clouseau, Return of the Pink Panther, The Pink Panther Strikes Again, The Revenge of the Pink Panther, Trail of the Pink Panther and Son of the Pink Panther. Dir. Blake Edwards. Pink Panther, The (2006) Steve Martin (Insp. Jacques Clouseau), Kevin Kline (Chief Insp. Dreyfus), Jean Reno (Gendarme Gilbert Ponton), Beyoncé Knowles (Xania). Inferior remake of the 1964 Peter Sellers classic. Dir. Shawn Levy. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) The third film in the series sees Rolling Stone Keith Richards join the regular crew of the Black Pearl as Captain Teague, father of Captain Jack Sparrow. Dir. Gore Verbinski. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, The (2003) Johnny Depp (Jack Sparrow), Geoffrey Rush (Barbossa), Orlando Bloom (Will Turner), Keira Knightley (Elizabeth Swann), Jack Davenport (Norrington), Kevin R McNally (Joshamee Gibbs), Zoe Saldana (Anamaria), Jonathan Pryce (Governor Weatherby Swann). Dir. Gore Verbinski. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006) Johnny Depp (Jack Sparrow), Orlando Bloom (Will Turner), Keira Knightley (Elizabeth Swann), Jack Davenport (Norrington), Bill Nighy (Davy Jones), Jonathan Pryce (Governor Weatherby Swann), Lee Arenberg (Pintel), Mackenzie Crook (Ragetti), Kevin McNally (Gibbs), Stellan Skarsgård (Bootstrap Bill), Naomie Harris (Tia Dalma). Dir. Gore Verbinski. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) The fourth film in the series sees Captain Jack Sparrow joined by Angelica (Penélope Cruz) in his search for the Fountain of Youth, confronting the infamous pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane). Dir. Rob Marshall. Pit and the Pendulum, The (1961) Vincent Price, Barbara Steele, John Kerr. Dir. Roger Corman. Place in the Sun, A (1951) Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor, Shelley Winters, Raymond Burr. Man is offered the chance of a rich wife, but allows himself to be convicted and executed for the accidental death of his former fiancée. Dir. George Stevens. Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) Steve Martin (Neal Page), John Candy (Del Griffith), Laila Robbins, Kevin Bacon. Yuppie attempts to get home to his family for a snowy Thanksgiving. Dir. John Hughes. Planet of the Apes (1968) Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, James Whitmore. John Chambers won Oscar for Make-up. Sequels included Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1969), Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1970), Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972), and Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973). Dir. Franklin Schaffner. Platoon (1986) Tom Berenger (Sgt Barnes), Willem Dafoe (Sgt Elias), Charlie Sheen (Chris), Johnny Depp (Lerner), Forest Whitaker (Big Harold). Dir. Oliver Stone. Play Misty for Me (1971) Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter, Donna Mills, John Larch. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Player, The (1992) Tim Robbins (Griffin Mill), Greta Scacchi (June Gudmundsdottir), Fred Ward (Walter Stuckel), Whoopi Goldberg (Det. Avery), Richard E Grant (Tom Oakley), Sydney Pollack (Dick Mellen). This satire on Hollywood also starred 65 other stars who accepted nominal fees, including, Steve Allen, Cher, James Coburn, Peter Falk, Teri Garr, Jeff Goldblum, Elliott Gould, Joel Grey, Anjelica Huston, Sally Kellerman, Jack Lemmon, Marlee Matlin, Nick Nolte, Malcolm McDowell, Burt Reynolds, Julia Roberts, Mimi Rogers, Annie Ross, Jill St John, Susan Sarandon, Rod Steiger, Lily Tomlin, Robert Wagner, Bruce Willis. Dir. Robert Altman. Ploughman’s Lunch, The (1983) Jonathan Pryce (James Penfield), Tim Curry (Jeremy Hancock), Charlie Dore (Sue Barrington). British journalist furthers his career by rewriting history. Dir. Richard Eyre. Pocahontas (1995) Voices: Mel Gibson, Irene Bedard, David Ogden Stiers, Judy Kuhn, Billy Connolly. Dir. Mike Gabriel & Eric Goldberg. Point Blank (1967) Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson, Keenan Wynn, Carroll O’Connor. Based on the novel The Hunter by Richard Stark. Dir. John Boorman. Point Break (1991) Patrick Swayze (Bodhi), Keanu Reeves (Johnny Utah), Gary Busey, Lori Petty. FBI man Reeves infiltrates a gang of surfers to investigate bank robberies. Dir. Kathryn Bigelow. Pokemon: The First Movie (1999) Animation based on the popular Japanese characters. To date two subsequent sequels have arisen – Pokemon 2: The Power of One; Pokemon 3 the Movie: Spell of the Unknown. Dir. Kunihiko Yuyama. Polar Express, The (2004) Tom Hanks (Hero Boy/Father/Conductor/Hobo/Scrooge/Santa Claus), Leslie Harter Zemeckis (Sister Sarah/Mother (as Leslie Zemeckis), Eddie Dezeen (Know-it-All). Santa Claus does not exist. Or does he? For one doubting boy (voice of Daryl Sabara and Tom Hanks), an astonishing event occurs. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Police Academy (1984) Steve Guttenberg (Carey), Kim Cattrall (Karen), Bubba Smith (Moses), GW Bailey (Lt. Harris), David Graf (Tackleberry), Donovan Scott (Leslie). Sequels include 2: Their First Assignment; 3: Back in Training; 4: Citizens on Patrol; 5: Assignment Miami Beach; 6: City under Siege. Dir. Hugh Wilson. Poltergeist (1982) JoBeth Williams, Craig T Nelson, Beatrice Straight, Oliver Robbins, Dominique Dunne. Two inferior sequels were made. Dir. Tobe Hooper. Pope Joan (1972) Liv Ullmann, Trevor Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Franco Nero, Maximilian Schell. Dir. Michael Anderson. Pope Must Die, The (1991) Robbie Coltrane, Beverly D’Angelo, Herbert Lom, Alex Rocco, Annette Crosbie. Dir. Peter Richardson.


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Popeye (1980) Robin Williams, Shelley Duvall, Ray Walston. Dir. Robert Altman. Postcards From the Edge (1990) Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine, Dennis Quaid, Gene Hackman, Richard Dreyfuss, Annette Bening. Dir. Mike Nichols. Postman Always Rings Twice, The (1981) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange, Anjelica Huston. Remake of the 1946 film starring Lana Turner & John Garfield. Dir. Bob Rafelson. Precious (2009) Mo’Nique (Mary Lee Johnston), Gabourey Sidibe (Precious Jones), Paula Patton (Ms Blu Rain), Mariah Carey (Ms Weiss), Lenny Kravitz (Nurse John McFadden), Sherri Shepherd (Cornrows), Grace Hightower (Social Worker), Kimberly Russell (Katherine), Bill Sage (Mr Wicher), Sapphire (Day Care Woman). Set in Harlem in 1987, adaptation of the award-winning 1996 novel Push by Sapphire. Obese, illiterate black 16-year-old Claireece ‘Precious’ Jones lives with her dysfunctional mother, Mary. She has been raped and impregnated twice by her father, Carl, and also suffers physical, mental and sexual abuse from her mother. Dir. Lee Daniels. Predator (1987) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Dutch), Carl Weathers (Dillon), Kevin Peter Hall (The Predator). Predator 2 starred Danny Glover and Gary Busey. Dir. John McTiernan. Prestige, The (2006) Hugh Jackman (Robert Angier), Christian Bale (Alfred Borden), Michael Caine (Cutter), Piper Perabo (Julia Angier), Rebecca Hall (Sarah Borden), Scarlett Johansson (Olivia Wenscombe), Samantha Mahurin (Jess), David Bowie (Nikola Tesla). Robert and Alfred are rival magicians. After Alfred performs the ultimate magic trick, Robert tries desperately to find out its secret and their rivalry knows no bounds. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Prêt-à-Porter (1994) Anouk Aimée, Lauren Bacall, Kim Basinger, Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Julia Roberts, Teri Garr, Tracey Ullman, Richard E Grant. Aka Ready to Wear. Dir. Robert Altman. Pretty Woman (1990) Richard Gere (Edward Lewis), Julia Roberts (Vivian Ward), Ralph Bellamy (James Morse). Dir. Garry Marshall. Prick up Your Ears (1987) Gary Oldman (Joe Orton), Alfred Molina (Kenneth Halliwell), Vanessa Redgrave (Peggy), Julie Walters (Elsie Orton), Lindsay Duncan (Anthea Lahr). Dir. Stephen Frears. Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (1969) Maggie Smith, Robert Stephens, Pamela Franklin, Celia Johnson, Gordon Jackson. Dir. Ronald Neame. Prince and the Pauper (1937) Errol Flynn, Claude Rains, Billy and Bobby Mauch, Montagu Love (Henry VIII). Edward VI changes place with a street urchin. Dir. William Keighley. The 1977 remake starred Mark Lester, Oliver Reed and Raquel Welch (Dir. Richard Fleischer). Prince and the Showgirl (1957) Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, Sybil Thorndike. Dir. Laurence Olivier. Prince of Tides, The (1991) Nick Nolte (Tom Wingo), Barbra Streisand (Susan Lowenstein), Blythe Danner, Kate Nelligan. Dir. Barbra Streisand. Prisoner of Zenda (1952) Stewart Granger, James Mason, Deborah Kerr, Louis Calhern. Dir. Richard Thorpe. Remake of the 1937 classic starring Ronald Colman and Douglas Fairbanks Jr (Dir. John Cromwell). A further remake of 1979 starred Peter Sellers and Lynne Frederick (Dir. Richard Thorpe). Private Function, A (1984) Michael Palin, Maggie Smith, Denholm Elliott, Richard Griffiths, Betty the Pig. Dir. Malcolm Mowbray. Private Life of Henry VIII, The (1933) Charles Laughton, Elsa Lanchester, Robert Donat, Merle Oberon. Dir. Alexander Korda. Private Parts (1996) Howard Stern (as himself), Mary McCormack (Alison). Screen biography of top US disc jockey. Dir. Betty Thomas. Prizzi’s Honor (1985) Jack Nicholson, Kathleen Turner, Robert Loggia, Anjelica Huston. Dir. John Huston. Producers, The (1968) Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, Kenneth Mars. The play within the film is Springtime for Hitler. Dir. Mel Brooks. Prospero’s Books (1991) John Gielgud, Michael Clark, Tom Bell, Mark Rylance. Dir. Peter Greenaway. Psycho (1960) Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, Janet Leigh, John Gavin, Martin Balsam. Shower stabbing scene was directed by Saul Bass. Two sequels also starring Perkins in 1983 and 1986. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Pulp Fiction (1994) John Travolta, Samuel L Jackson, Uma Thurman, Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Bruce Willis, Rosanna Arquette. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Punchline (1988) Sally Field (Lilah Krytsick), Tom Hanks (Steven Gold), John Goodman (John Krytsick), Mark Rydell (Romeo), Kim Greist (Madeline Urie). As the title suggests the film examines the world of a stand-up comedian. Dir. David Seltzer. Quadrophenia (1979) Phil Daniels, Mark Wingett, Philip Davis, Sting, Leslie Ash, Toyah Willcox. Dir. Frank Roddam. Quantum of Solace (2008) Daniel Craig (James Bond), Judi Dench (M), Olga Kurylenko (Camille Montes), Giancarlo Giannini (René Mathis), Mathieu Amalric (Dominic Greene), Gemma Arterton (MI6 Agent Strawberry Fields), Jeffrey Wright (Felix Leiter). Sequel to Casino Royale (2006). Bond battles wealthy businessman Dominic Greene, a member of the Quantum organisation posing as an environmentalist who intends to stage a coup d’état in Bolivia to take control of the nation’s water supply. Bond seeks revenge for the death of his lover, Vesper Lynd, and is assisted by Camille Montes, who is also on her own revenge mission. Jack White of The White Stripes and Alicia Keys collaborated on the theme song Another Way to Die, the first Bond music duet. Dir. Marc Forster. Queen, The (2006) Helen Mirren (HM Queen Elizabeth II), Michael Sheen (Tony Blair), James Cromwell (Prince Philip), Sylvia Syms (HM The Queen Mother), Alex Jennings (Prince Charles), Helen McCrory (Cherie Blair). Based on events after the untimely death of Lady Diana Spencer, when Queen Elizabeth’s restrained reaction causes a public relations debacle that Prime Minister Tony Blair must defuse. Dir. Stephen Frears. Queen Christina (1933) Greta Garbo, John Gilbert, Ian Keith, Lewis Stone, Reginald Owen. Queen of Sweden roams the country to escape a political marriage. Dir. Rouben Mamoulian. Quick and the Dead, The (1995) Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Leonard DiCaprio. Dir. Sam Raimi. Quiet American, The (2002) Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser, Do Thi Hai Yen, Rade Sherbedgia. Set in Vietnam in 1952 during the Vietnamese liberation war against French rule, this is the story of a love triangle between a young CIA agent (Fraser), a beautiful young Vietnamese woman (Do Hai Yen) and a British reporter (Caine). Based on the Graham Greene novel. Dir. Phillip Noyce. Quiet Man, The (1952) John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, Barry Fitzgerald, Victor McLaglen, Ward Bond. Dir. John Ford. Quigley Down Under (1990) Tom Selleck, Laura San Giacomo, Alan Rickman, Chris Haywood. In 1860s Australia, an American hired gun is outlawed. Dir. Simon Wincer. Quiller Memorandum, The (1966) George Segal, Max Von Sydow, Alec Guinness, Senta Berger, George Sanders. Dir. Michael Anderson. Quiz Show (1994) John Turturro, Ralph Fiennes, Rob Morrow, Paul Scofield, Martin Scorsese. Dir. Robert Redford. Quo Vadis (1951) Robert Taylor, Deborah Kerr, Peter Ustinov, Leo Genn. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) Everlyn Sampi (Molly Craig), Tianna Sansbury (Daisy Craig), Laura Monaghan (Gracie Fields), David Gulpilil (Moodoo), Kenneth Branagh (AO Neville), Deborah Mailman (Mavis), Jason Clarke (Constable Riggs), Ningali Lawford (Molly’s Mother). True story based on the book Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence by Molly’s daughter Doris Pilkington Garimara, concerning three young aborigine girls who are taken away from their mother to be integrated into white society in 1930s Australia. Dir. Phillip Noyce. Radio Days (1987) Woody Allen (Narrator), Mia Farrow (Sally White), Seth Green (Little Joe), Julie Kavner (Mother), Michael Tucker (Father), Diane Keaton (New Year’s singer). Dir. Woody Allen. Rage, The: Carrie 2 (1999) Emily Bergl, Jason London, Dylan Bruno, Amy Irving, John Doe, Zachery Ty Bryan. Dir. Katt Shea. Rage in Harlem, A (1991) Forest Whitaker, Gregory Hines, Robin Givens, Danny Glover. Dir. Bill Duke. Raging Bull (1980) Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Railway Children, The (1970) Dinah Sheridan, William Mervyn, Jenny Agutter, Sally Thomsett, Bernard Cribbins. Dir. Lionel Jeffries. Rain Man (1988) Dustin Hoffman (Raymond Babbitt), Tom Cruise (Charles Babbitt), Valerie Golino (Susanna). Dir. Barry Levinson. Raising Arizona (1987) Nicolas Cage (HI), Holly Hunter (Ed), Trey Wilson (Nathan Arizona Sr), John Goodman (Gale). Dir. Joel Coen.


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Raising Victor Vargas (2002) Victor Rasuk (Victor Vargas), Judy Marte (Judy Ramirez), Melonie Diaz (Melonie), Altagracia Guzman (Grandma), Silvestre Rasuk (Nino Vargas), Krystal Rodriguez (Vicki Vargas), Kevin Rivera (Harold), Wilfree Vasquez (Carlos). A 16year-old in New York’s Lower East Side struggles to come to terms with growing up. Dir. Peter Sollett. Rambo (2008) After reprising the role of Rocky, 16 years after the last film, Stallone left a 20-year gap between the third and the fourth instalment of the Rambo franchise. Dir. Sylvester Stallone. Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Steven Berkoff. Written by Sylvester Stallone & James Cameron. Dir. George Pan Cosmatos. Rambo III (1988) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Marc de Jonge. Written by Sylvester Stallone and Sheldon Lettich. Dir. Peter MacDonald. Ran (1985) Tatsuya Nakadai, Satoshi Terao. Japanese version of King Lear. Dir. Akira Kurosawa. Rango (2011) Voices of Johnny Depp (Rango - a chameleon), Isla Fisher (Beans - a desert iguana), Ned Beatty (Tortoise John - Mayor of Dirt - a desert tortoise), Alfred Molina (Roadkill - a nine-banded armadillo), Bill Nighy (Rattlesnake Jake), Harry Dean Stanton (Balthazar - a mole), Ray Winstone (Bad Bill - a Gila monster). Computer-animated action comedy western film. Dir. Gore Verbinski. Ratatouille (2007) Voices: Patton Oswalt (Remy), Peter Sohn (Emile, Remy’s older brother), Brian Dennehy (Django, father of Remy and Emile), Lou Romano (Alfredo Linguini), Janeane Garofalo (Collette Tatou), Ian Holm (Skinner), Peter O’Toole (Anton Ego), Brad Garrett (Chef Auguste Gusteau – his motto was ‘anyone can cook’), John Ratzenberger (Mustafa, Gusteau’s head waiter), Brad Bird (Ambrister Minion, Ego’s butler). Computer animation produced by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a chef and tries to achieve his goal by forming an alliance with a Parisian restaurant’s garbage boy. The film’s title refers to the traditional French dish which is served late in the film, but is also a play on words on the species of the main character. Dir. Brad Bird. Ray (2004) Jamie Foxx (Ray Charles), CJ Sanders (young Ray Robinson), Regina King (Margie Hendricks), Kerry Washington (Della Bea Robinson), Clifton Powell (Jeff Brown), Aunjanue Ellis (Mary Ann Fisher), Harry Lennix, Terrence Dashon Howard, Larenz Tate (Quincy Jones), Sharon Warren. The life story of legendary singer Ray Charles, who went blind, aged seven, after witnessing his younger brother’s accidental death. Dir. Taylor Hackford. Reach for the Sky (1956) Kenneth More (Douglas Bader), Muriel Pavlow. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Reader, The (2008) Kate Winslet (Hanna Schmitz), Ralph Fiennes (Adult Michael Berg), David Kross (Young Michael Berg), Bruno Ganz (Professor Rohl), Lena Olin (Rose Mather and older Ilana Mather), Alexandra Maria Lara (Younger Ilana Mather), Vijnessa Ferkic (Sophie), Hannah Herzsprung (Julia, Michael’s daughter), Karoline Herfurth (Martha), Burghart Klaußner (Judge). Set in Berlin and Neustadt, the film crosses three time frames to tell the story of the young Michael Berg’s affair with an older woman, Hanna Schmitz, and his re-encounter with his former lover as she defends herself in a war-crime trial. Michael then realises Hanna’s secret (she is a functional illiterate) and the devastating effect this has had on her life. The film adaptation was written by David Hare and based on the 1995 German novel of the same name by Bernhard Schlink. The concentration camp scenes were filmed at the Majdanek concentration camp, Lublin, Poland. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Rear Window (1954) James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Raymond Burr. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Rebecca (1940) Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, George Sanders. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Rebel without a Cause (1955) James Dean, Natalie Wood, Jim Backus, Sal Mineo, Dennis Hopper. Dir. Nicholas Ray. Red Heat (1988) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Ivan Danko), James Belushi (Art Ridzik), Peter Boyle (Lou Donnelly). Dir. Walter Hill. Red Sonja (1985) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Kalifor), Brigitte Nielsen (Red Sonja). Dir. Richard Fleischer. Reds (1981) Warren Beatty (John Reed), Diane Keaton, Edward Herrmann, Jerzy Kosinski, Jack Nicholson. Dir. Warren Beatty. Relic, The (1997) Tom Sizemore (D’Agosta), Penelope Ann Miller (Dr Margo Green). Dir. Peter Hyams. Remains of the Day, The (1993) Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, James Fox, Christopher Reeve, Peter Vaughan, Hugh Grant. Dir. James Ivory. Repulsion (1965) Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry, John Fraser, Patrick Wymark. Dir. Roman Polanski. Reservoir Dogs (1991) Lawrence Tierney, Harvey Keitel (Mr White), Tim Roth (Mr Orange), Eddie Bunker (Mr Blue), Michael Madsen (Mr Blonde), Steve Buscemi (Mr Pink), Quentin Tarantino (Mr Brown). Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Resident Evil (2002) Milla Jovovich (Alice), Michelle Rodriguez (Rain), Eric Mabius (Matt), Michaela Dicker (Red Queen). Virus turns workers into flesh-eating zombies. Dir. Paul WS Anderson. Return of the Swamp Thing (1989) Louis Jourdan (Dr Anton Arcane), Heather Locklear (Abby Arcane), Dick Durock (Swamp Thing). Dir. Jim Wynorski. Return of the Jedi (1983) Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams. Dir. Richard Marquand. Revenge (1990) Kevin Costner (Jay Cochran), Anthony Quinn (Tiburon), Madeleine Stowe (Miryea). Dir. Tony Scott. Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Dyan Cannon. Dir. Blake Edwards. Reversal of Fortune (1990) Jeremy Irons (Claus Von Bulow), Glenn Close (Sunny Von Bulow), Julie Hagerty (Alexandra). Dir. Barbet Schroeder. Revolution (1985) Al Pacino (Tom Dobb), Donald Sutherland (Sgt Major Peasy), Nastassja Kinski (Daisy). Notable for being the biggest flop of all time. Dir. Hugh Hudson. Revolutionary Road (2008) Leonardo DiCaprio (Frank Wheeler), Kate Winslet (April Wheeler), Kathy Bates (Helen Givings), Kathryn Hahn (Milly Campbell), David Harbour (Shep Campbell), Michael Shannon (John Givings), Richard Easton (Howard Givings), Zoe Kazan (Maureen Grube), Jay O Sanders (Bart Pollock). Husband and wife Frank and April Wheeler move from New York City to Revolutionary Road in a middle-class Connecticut suburb, but become disillusioned with their lives. Dir. Sam Mendes. Rhapsody in Blue (1945) Robert Alda (George Gershwin), Joan Leslie, Alexis Smith. Dir. Irving Rapper. Richard III (1995) Ian McKellen, Annette Bening, Jim Broadbent, Robert Downey Jnr, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Maggie Smith, Nigel Hawthorne. Ian McKellen wrote the screenplay. Dir. Richard Loncraine. Rififi (1955) Jean Servais, Carl Mohner, Jules Dassin. Famous for its 25 minutes of silence whilst robbery is taking place. Dir. Jules Dassin. Right Stuff, The (1983) Sam Shepard (Chuck Yeager), Barbara Hershey (Glennis), Scott Glenn (Alan Shepard), Ed Harris (John Glenn), Fred Ward (Gus Grissom), Dennis Quaid (Gordon Cooper). Dir. Philip Kaufman. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) James Franco (Dr William Rodman), Freida Pinto (Caroline Aranha), John Lithgow (Charles Rodman), Andy Serkis (Caesar). Origin story in which Will Rodman’s research into a cure for his father’s dementia leads him into rearing a super-intelligent chimpanzee, Caesar. Dir. Rupert Wyatt. Rising Sun (1993) Sean Connery, Harvey Keitel, Wesley Snipes, Mako. Dir. Philip Kaufman. Road House (1989) Patrick Swayze, Kelly Lynch, Sam Elliott, Ben Gazzara, Marshall Teague. Dir. Rowdy Herrington. Road to Hong Kong (1962) Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, Joan Collins, Peter Sellers, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, David Niven. Last of the seven Road films. Dir. Norman Panama. Road to Perdition (2002) Tom Hanks (Michael Sullivan), Paul Newman (John Rooney), Jude Law (Maguire), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Annie Sullivan), Tyler Hoechlin (Michael Sullivan Jr) Dir. Sam Mendes. Road to Singapore (1940) Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, Anthony Quinn. First of the seven Road films, destination followed by Zanzibar, Moscow, Utopia, Rio, Bali and Hong Kong. Dir. Victor Schertzinger. Rob Roy (1995) Liam Neeson, Jessica Lange, John Hurt, Tim Roth. Dir. Michael Caton-Jones. Robe, The (1953) Richard Burton, Jean Simmons, Michael Rennie, Victor Mature, Richard Boone. Dir. Henry Koster. Robin Hood (1991) Patrick Bergin, Uma Thurman, Edward Fox. Dir. John Irvin.


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Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) Cary Elwes, Richard Lewis, Roger Rees, Tracey Ullman, Mel Brooks, Isaac Hayes, Patrick Stewart. Dir. Mel Brooks. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, Alan Rickman, Sean Connery (uncredited). Title song: ‘Everything I Do I Do for You’ by Bryan Adams. Dir. Kevin Reynolds. Robocop (1987) Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Ronny Cox. Dir. Paul Verhoeven. Rock, The (1996) Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris. Dir. Michael Bay. Rocking Horse Winner, The (1949) John Mills, Valerie Hobson, John Howard Davies, Cyril Smith. Based on a DH Lawrence short story. Dir. Anthony Pelissier. Rocky (1976) Sylvester Stallone, Burgess Meredith, Talia Shire, Carl Weathers. Written by Sylvester Stallone. Dir. John G Avildsen. Rocky II (1979) Stallone, Meredith, Shire, Weathers. Written and directed by Stallone. Rocky III (1982) Stallone, Meredith, Shire, Weathers, Mr T, Hulk Hogan. Written and directed by Stallone. Rocky IV (1985) Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, T Shire, Weathers, Brigitte Nielsen. Written and directed by Stallone. Rocky V (1990) Stallone, Meredith, Shire, Burt Young, Sage Stallone. Written by Stallone. Dir. John G Avildsen. Rocky Balboa (2006) Sylvester Stallone reprises the role of Rocky for the sixth time. Antonio Tarver, former world light-heavyweight champion, plays Mason ‘The Line’ Dixon, Rocky’s opponent and current heavyweight champion of the world. Dir. Sylvester Stallone. Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (1975) Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Meat Loaf, Little Nell. Dir. Jim Sharman. Roman Holiday (1953) Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert, Hartley Power. Dir. William Wyler. Roman Scandals (1933) Eddie Cantor, Gloria Stuart, Ruth Etting, Edward Arnold. Dir. Frank Tuttle. Romancing the Stone (1984) Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny De Vito, Zack Norman. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Rookie, The (1990) Clint Eastwood (Nick Pulovski), Charlie Sheen (David Ackerman), Raul Julia (Strom). Dir. Clint Eastwood. Rookie of the Year (1993) Gary Busey, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Albert Hall, John Candy (uncredited). Young boy becomes pitcher for the Chicago Cubs after his arm is injured in an accident. Dir. Daniel Stern. Room at the Top (1959) Laurence Harvey, Simone Signoret, Heather Sears, Donald Wolfit. Based on John Braine’s novel. Dir. Jack Clayton. Room with a View, A (1986) Maggie Smith (Charlotte Bartlett), Helena Bonham Carter (Lucy Honeychurch). Opens in Italy in 1907. Dir. James Ivory. Rope (1948) James Stewart, John Dall, Farley Granger, Joan Chandler. Two homosexuals murder a friend for the thrill of it and hide his body in a trunk from which they serve cocktails to a party. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Rose, The (1979) Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton. Dir. Mark Rydell. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1990) Gary Oldman (Rosencrantz), Tim Roth (Guildenstern), Iain Glen (Prince Hamlet). Dir. Tom Stoppard. Running Man, The (1987) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Ben Richards), Maria Conchita Alonso (Amber Mendez), Yaphet Kotto (Laughlin), Jim Brown (Fireball). Dir. Paul Michael Glaser. Rush Hour (1998) Jackie Chan (Lee), Chris Tucker (Carter), Tom Wilkinson, Elizabeth Pena, Mark Rolston, Tzi Ma, Philip Baker Hall. Chinese detective joins a disgraced LA cop in bringing a master criminal to justice. Dir. Brett Ratner. Rush Hour 2 (2001) Jackie Chan (Lee), Chris Tucker (Carter), John Lone (Ricky Tan), Zhang Ziyi (Hui Li). Sequel set in Hong Kong. Dir. Brett Ratner. Russia House, The (1990) Sean Connery, Michelle Pfeiffer, Roy Scheider, James Fox. Dir. Fred Schepisi. Ruthless People (1986) Bette Midler, Danny De Vito, Judge Reinhold, Helen Slater. Dir. Jim Abrahams. Ryan’s Daughter (1970) Robert Mitchum, Sarah Miles, John Mills, Trevor Howard. Dir. David Lean. Saint, The (1997) Val Kilmer (Simon Templar), Elisabeth Shue (Emma Russell). Roger Moore’s voice heard on car radio. Dir. Phillip Noyce. St Trinian’s (2007) Rupert Everett (Miss Camilla Fritton, St Trinian’s headmistress/Carnaby Fritton, Camilla’s brother), Colin Firth (Geoffrey Thwaites, the Education Minister), Russell Brand (Flash Harry), Talulah Riley (Annabelle Fritton, the new girl), Gemma Arterton (Head Girl Kelly Jones), Tamsin Egerton (Chelsea Parker, posh totty no. 1), Paloma Faith (Andrea, the emo), Juno Temple (Celia, the ‘trustafarian’), Kathryn Drysdale (Taylor, the chav), Lily Cole (Polly, the geek), Fenella Woolgar (Miss Cleaver, the sports teacher), Celia Imrie (Matron), Stephen Fry (Himself, the School Challenge presenter), Mischa Barton (JJ French, the PR guru, and previous head girl). The band members of Girls Aloud make cameo appearances as members of St Trinian’s school band while Zöe Salmon makes a cameo appearance as an emo girl. The plot revolves around a stolen painting and St Trinian’s success in the School Challenge quiz. Dir. Oliver Parker and Barnaby Thompson. St Trinian’s 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009) Much the same cast as the 2007 film although Everett’s dual role is now of headmistress and Pirate Fritton, as the plot concerning a stolen ring begins 400 years ago and unearths the remarkable revelation that Pirate Fritton was in fact Shakespeare and a woman to boot! Miss Fritton’s daughter, Annabelle, is now head girl although Kelly Jones returns to offer field advice. David Tennant plays Pomfrey, the main antagonist, and Sarah Harding has a more prominent role as Roxy (an independent girl with no allegiance to any of the school factions). The seventh film based on Ronald Searle’s cartoons, the others being The Belles of St Trinian’s (1954 – see entry), Blue Murder at St Trinian’s (1957), The Pure Hell of St Trinian’s (1960), The Great St Trinian’s Train Robbery (1966 – see entry for the final film of the quartet), The Wildcats of St Trinian’s (1980 – also directed by Frank Launder but different cast) and St Trinian’s (2007), St Trinian’s 2 is the first of the genre without the appearance of the iconic Flash Harry. Dir. Oliver Parker and Barnaby Thompson. Santa Claus: The Movie (1985) Dudley Moore (Patch), John Lithgow (BZ), David Huddleston (Claus), Burgess Meredith (Elf). Dir. Jeannot Szwarc. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960) Albert Finney, Shirley Anne Field, Rachel Roberts. Nottingham factory worker is dissatisfied with his lot. Dir. Karel Reisz. Saturday Night Fever (1977) John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Barry Miller. Dir. John Badham. Save the Last Dance (2001) Julia Stiles (Sara), Sean Patrick Thomas (Derek), Kerry Washington (Chenille), Fredro Starr (Malakai). Young white ballerina moves to Chicago and falls in love with a black youth. Dir. Thomas Carter. Saving Private Ryan (1998) Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, Tom Sizemore, Matt Damon, Ted Danson, Harve Presnell. Dir. Steven Spielberg. (Author’s Note: I believe this is the first work to be published which highlights a subtle continuity error. After losing one of the eight original platoon members all eight can be seen marching across a field, but fortunately become seven again on arrival at a radar station!) Scandal (1989) John Hurt (Stephen Ward), Joanne Whalley-Kilmer (Christine Keeler), Bridget Fonda (Mandy Rice-Davies), Ian McKellen (John Profumo), Leslie Phillips, Britt Ekland, Jean Alexander, Jeroen Krabb, Michael Ironside. Dir. Michael Caton-Jones. Scanners (1981) Stephen Lock, Jennifer O’Neill, Patrick McGoohan, Michael Ironside. Dir. David Cronenberg. Scanners II: The New Order (1991) David Hewlett, Yvan Ponton, Raoul Trujillo. Dir. Christian Duguay. Scanners III: The Takeover (1992) Liliana Komorowska, Valerie Valcis, Steve Parrish, Harry Hill. Dir. Christian Duguay. Scarface (1983) Al Pacino (Tony Montana), Steven Bauer (Manny Ray), Michelle Pfeiffer (Elvira), Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (Gina), Robert Loggia (Frank Lopez), F Murray Abraham (Omar). Dir. Brian De Palma. Scarlet Letter, The (1995) Demi Moore, Gary Oldman, Robert Duvall, Robert Prosky, Joan Plowright. Set in C17 Massachusetts; a settler’s wife gives birth to an illegitimate daughter. Based on the Nathaniel Hawthorne novel, the scarlet letter is ‘A’ for adultery. Dir. Roland Joffé.


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Scary Movie (2000) Marlon Wayans (Shorty), Shawn Wayans (Ray), Anna Faris (Cindy), Shannon Elizabeth (Buffy), Cheri Oteri (Gail Hailstorm). A killer murders high-school children in this horror-movie spoof. Dir. Keenen Ivory Wayans. Scary Movie 2 (2001) Marlon Wayans (Shorty), Shawn Wayans (Ray), Anna Faris (Cindy), Regina Hall (Brenda), Chris Masterson (Buddy), Tim Curry (The Professor), Kathleen Robertson (Theo), James Woods (Father McFeely). Sequel concerning psychology professor who invites students to spend a weekend in a haunted house. Dir. Keenen Ivory Wayans. Scenes from a Mall (1991) Bette Midler, Woody Allen, Paul Mazursky. Dir. Paul Mazursky. Scent of a Woman (1992) Al Pacino, Chris O’Donnell, Gabrielle Anwar. Blind ex-officer takes young man under his wing. Dir. Martin Brest. Schindler’s List (1993) Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes. Dir. Steven Spielberg. School of Rock, The (2003) Jack Black (Dewey Finn), Joan Cusack (Rosalie Mullins), Mike White (Ned Schneebly), Sarah Silverman (Patty Di Marco), Joey Gaydos Jnr (Zack), Robert Tsai (Lawrence), Maryam Hassan (Tomika), Kevin Clark (Freddy Jones). A wannabe rock musician impersonates a teacher at an upmarket school and turns a class of ten-year-olds into a rock band. Dir. Richard Linklater. Scooby-Doo (2002) Freddie Prinze Jr (Fred), Sarah Michelle Gellar (Daphne), Matthew Lillard (Shaggy), Linda Cardellini (Velma). Reallife version of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon. Dir. Raja Gosnell. Scorpion King, The (2002) Dwayne Johnson, Steven Brand, Michael Clarke Duncan, The Rock (Mathayus/The Scorpion King), Kelly Hu, Bernard Hill. Spin-off from The Mummy Returns. Dir. Chuck Russell. A 2008 direct-to-DVD prequel, The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (aka The Scorpion King: Rise of the Akkadian) was directed by Russell Mulcahy and starred Michael Copon as Mathayus. Scream (1996) David Arquette, Neve Campbell (Sidney), Courteney Cox (Gale Weathers), Drew Barrymore. Dir. Wes Craven. Screamers (1996) Peter Weller, Roy Dupuis, Jennifer Rubin, Ron White. Set in 2078 on the planet Sirius 6B where killer robots run amok. Dir. Christian Duguay. Sea of Love (1989) Al Pacino (Frank Keller), Ellen Barkin (Helen Cruger), John Goodman (Sherman Touhy). Cop investigating murders of lonely hearts advertisers places an ad himself. Dir. Harold Becker. Seabiscuit (2003) Tobey Maguire (Red Pollard), Jeff Bridges (Charles Howard), Chris Cooper (Tom Smith), Elizabeth Banks (Marcela Howard), Gary Stevens (George Woolf), William H Macy (Tick-Tock McGlaughlin), Kingston DuCoeur (Sam), Eddie Jones (Samuel Riddle). Based on Laura Hillenbrand’s book about the true story of champion racehorse Seabiscuit. Dir. Gary Ross. Searchers, The (1956) John Wayne (Ethan Edwards), Jeffrey Hunter (Martin Pawley), Vera Miles (Laurie Jorgenson), Natalie Wood (Debbie Edwards), Ward Bond (Rev. Capt. Samuel Johnston Clayton), Henry Brandon (Chief Cicatrice, aka Scar), Lana Wood (Debbie Edwards (child)). A civil war veteran spends years searching for his young niece, captured by Indians. Dir. John Ford. Sebastiane (1976) Leonardo Treviglio, Barney James, Neil Kennedy, Ken Hicks. Title character is banished by Emperor Diocletian and suffers further tragedy. Dialogue is in Latin with English subtitles. Dir. Derek Jarman and Paul Humfress. Secret Garden, The (1949) Margaret O’Brien, Herbert Marshall, Gladys Cooper, Elsa Lanchester, Dean Stockwell, Brian Roper. Adaptation of the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett which was shot in black and white but the scenes in the garden were filmed in Technicolor. A 1993 remake starred Maggie Smith. Dir. Fred M Wilcox. Secrets and Lies (1995) Timothy Spall, Phyllis Logan, Brenda Blethyn, Claire Rushbrook, Marianne Jean-Baptiste. Dir. Mike Leigh. See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989) Gene Wilder (Dave Lyons), Richard Pryor (Wally Karew). Pryor is blind and Wilder is deaf. Dir. Arthur Hiller. Seize the Day (1986) Robin Williams, Joseph Wiseman. Based on a Saul Bellow novel. Dir. Fielder Cook. Sense and Sensibility (1995) Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, Hugh Laurie, Gemma Jones. Emma Thompson wrote the screenplay. Dir. Ang Lee. September (1987) Denholm Elliott (Howard), Dianne Wiest (Stephanie), Mia Farrow (Lane), Elaine Stritch. Dir. Woody Allen. Serendipity (2001) John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, Jeremy Piven, Molly Shannon. Dir. Peter Chelsom. Sgt Bilko (1996) Steve Martin, Dan Aykroyd. Dir. Jonathan Lynn. Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978) Peter Frampton, Bee Gees, George Burns, Frankie Howerd, Donald Pleasence, Paul Nicholas, Alice Cooper, Steve Martin, Earth Wind & Fire, Sandy Farina. Dir. Michael Schultz. Seven (1995) Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Richard Roundtree, Kevin Spacey. Dir. David Fincher. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) Howard Keel, Jane Powell, Jeff Richards, Russ Tamblyn. Dir. Stanley Donen. Seven Year Itch, The (1955) Tom Ewell, Marilyn Monroe, Sonny Tufts, Evelyn Keyes. Dir. Billy Wilder. Seven Years in Tibet (1997) Brad Pitt, David Thewlis, BD Wong. Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud. Sex and the City (2008) Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie Bradshaw), Kim Cattrall (Samantha Jones), Kristin Davis (Charlotte York Goldenblatt), Cynthia Nixon (Miranda Hobbes), Chris Noth (John James ‘Mr Big’ Preston), Jennifer Hudson (Louise), David Eigenberg (Steve Brady), Jason Lewis (Smith Jerrod), Evan Handler (Harry Goldenblatt), Willie Garson (Stanford Blatch), Mario Cantone (Anthony Marantino), Lynn Cohen (Magda), Candice Bergen (Enid Frick). Film adaptation of the television comedy series of the same name (itself based on the novel of the same name by Candace Bushnell) about four female friends: Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, dealing with their lives as 40-something year olds in New York City. Dir. Michael Patrick King. Shadow, The (1994) Alec Baldwin, Penelope Ann Miller, Tim Curry. In the 1930s a former criminal battles against a descendant of Genghis Khan. Dir. Russell Mulcahy. Shakespeare in Love (1998) Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth, Ben Affleck, Judi Dench, Rupert Everett, Simon Callow, Martin Clunes, Antony Sher, Imelda Staunton. Dir. John Madden. Judi Dench won Best Supporting Actor Oscar although only on screen for eight minutes. Daniel Day-Lewis and Julia Roberts turned down the lead roles. Shadowlands (1993) Anthony Hopkins, Debra Winger, John Wood. Biopic of CS Lewis and his love for an American woman. Dir. Richard Attenborough. Shallow Hal (2001) Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black (Hal), Jason Alexander, René Kirby. Man who judges women on superficial looks is hypnotised to see only their inner beauty and falls for a 300Ib woman. Dir. Bobby Farrelly and Peter Farrelly. Shaun of the Dead (2004) Simon Pegg (Shaun), Kate Ashfield (Liz), Lucy Davis (Di), Nick Frost (Ed), Dylan Moran (David), Bill Nighy (Philip), Penelope Wilton (Barbara), Jessica Stevenson (Yvonne). Spoof horror movie concerning flesh-eating zombies which arrive in North London but are thwarted by a shop assistant and his dishevelled friend. Written by Simon Pegg & Edgar Wright. Dir. Edgar Wright. Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, James Whitmore. Dir. Frank Darabont. Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (1984) Tanya Roberts, Ted Wass, Donovan Scott. Dir. John Guillermin. Sheik, The (1921) Rudolph Valentino, Agnes Ayres. English heiress falls for a desert chieftain. Notable for two reasons: it was the film that made a star of Valentino; and it was based on the novel by EM Hull, often considered the first novel of the Romantic Fiction genre. Dir. George Melford. Sherlock Holmes (2009) Robert Downey Jr (Holmes), Jude Law (Dr John Watson), Rachel McAdams (Irene Adler), Mark Strong (Lord Avery Blackwood), Kelly Reilly (Mary Morstan), Eddie Marsan (Inspector Lestrade), Hans Matheson (Lord Coward, Home Secretary), Geraldine James (Mrs Hudson), James Fox (Sir Thomas Blackwood). Modernisation of the classic Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories made famous on film by Basil Rathbone in The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939 – see entry), Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror (1942), Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon, Sherlock Holmes in Washington, Sherlock Holmes Faces Death, Crazy House (1943), The Spider Woman, The Scarlet Claw, The Pearl of Death (1944), The House of Fear, The Woman in Green, Pursuit to Algiers (1945), Terror by Night and Dressed to Kill (1946). Dir. Guy Ritchie. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011) Robert Downey Jr (Holmes), Jude Law (Dr John Watson), Rachel McAdams (Irene Adler), Stephen Fry (Mycroft Holmes), Jared Harris (Professor James Moriarty). Dir. Guy Ritchie.


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Shine (1996) Armin Mueller-Stahl, Geoffrey Rush, Noah Taylor, Lynn Redgrave, Googie Withers, John Gielgud. Based on the life of pianist David Helfgott. Dir. Scott Hicks. Ship of Fools (1965) Vivien Leigh, Simone Signoret, Oskar Werner, Lee Marvin. German line Vera Cruz leaves for Bremerhaven with a mixed bag of passengers. Dir. Stanley Kramer. Shirley Valentine (1989) Pauline Collins, Tom Conti, Julia McKenzie, Alison Steadman, Joanna Lumley, Bernard Hill. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Shooting Dogs (2005) John Hurt (Christopher), Hugh Dancy (Joe Connor), Dominique Horwitz (Capitaine Charles Delon), Louis Mahoney (Sibomana), Nicola Walker (Rachel), Steve Toussaint (Roland), David Gyasi (François), Susan Nalwoga (Edda), Victor Power (Julius), Jack Pierce (Mark), Musa Kasonka Jnr (Boniface), Kizito Ssentamu Kayiira (Pierre), Claire-Hope Ashitey (Marie). Touching but deeply disturbing film, based on a true story. An exhausted Catholic priest (Hurt) and a young idealistic English teacher (Dancy) find themselves caught in the 1994 Rwandan genocide where 800,000 were killed in 100 days. They must choose whether to stay with the thousands of Tutsis about to be massacred or flee for safety. Dir. Michael Caton-Jones. Shooting Fish (1997) Dan Futterman, Stuart Townsend, Kate Beckinsale, Annette Crosbie, Jane Lapotaire. Dir. Stefan Schwartz. Shooting Party, The (1984) James Mason (Ralph Nettleby), Dorothy Tutin, Edward Fox, Cheryl Campbell, John Gielgud. Dir. Alan Bridges. Shootist, The (1976) John Wayne, Lauren Bacall, James Stewart, Ron Howard, Hugh O’Brian. Dir. Don Siegel. Short Cuts (1993) Andie MacDowell, Bruce Davison, Jack Lemmon, Robert Downey Jnr. Lives of 9 dysfunctional suburban couples intertwine. Dir. Robert Altman. Shrek (2001) Voices of Mike Myers (Shrek), Eddie Murphy (Donkey), Cameron Diaz (Princess Fiona), John Lithgow (Lord Farquaad), Vincent Cassel (Monsieur Hood). Animation in which an ugly green ogre agrees to rescue a princess in return for having his swamp vacated but falls in love with her. Dir. Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson. Shrek 2 (2004) Voices of Mike Myers (Shrek), Eddie Murphy (Donkey), Cameron Diaz (Princess Fiona), Julie Andrews (Queen), Antonio Banderas (Puss in Boots), John Cleese (King), Rupert Everett (Prince Charming), Jennifer Saunders (Fairy Godmother), Aron Warner (Wolf), Cody Cameron (Pinocchio/Three Pigs), Conrad Vernon (Gingerbread Man/Cedric/Announcer/Muffin Man/Mongo), Christopher Knights (Blind Mouse), David P Smith (Herald/Man with Box), Kelly Asbury (Page/Elf/Nobleman/Nobleman’s Son), Mark Moseley (Mirror/Dresser). Princess Fiona’s parents invite her and Shrek to dinner to celebrate her marriage, unaware the newlyweds are both ogres. Dir. Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury, Conrad Vernon. Shrek 3 (2007) The third film in the series sees Shrek, Donkey and Puss in Boots set out to find Arthur Pendragon, the heir to the dying King Harold. Justin Timberlake joins the usual cast as the voice of Arthur. Dir. Chris Miller and Raman Hui. Shrek Forever After (2010) The fourth and final film in the series sees the fiendish Rumpelstiltskin (voiced by Walt Dohrn) conning King Harold (John Cleese), Queen Lillian (Julie Andrews) and the usual suspects in his bid to be King of Far Far Away. Dir. Mike Mitchell. Sideways (2004) Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, Patrick Gallagher, Alex Kalognomos, Virginia Madsen, Joe Marinelli, Sandra Oh, Alysia Reiner. Comedy concerning Miles Faymond, a failed writer teaching junior high school English, and his best friend, Jack, an actor whose popularity is diminishing, who take a week-long drive up to ‘wine country’ in California to explore the nature of their failures. Dir. Alexander Payne. Signs (2002) Mel Gibson (Graham Hess), Joaquin Phoenix (Merrill Hess), Cherry Jones (Officer Caroline Paski), Rory Culkin (Morgan Hess). A lapsed priest regains his faith after a supernatural experience. Dir. M Night Shyamalan. Silence of the Lambs (1991) Jodie Foster (Clarice Starling), Anthony Hopkins (Dr Hannibal Lecter), Scott Glen. Dir. Jonathan Demme. Silkwood (1983) Meryl Streep, Cher, Kurt Russell. Female worker in nuclear processing plant mysteriously dies before she denounces safety aspects of the plant. Dir. Mike Nichols. Silverado (1985) Scott Glen, Kevin Costner, John Cleese, Kevin Kline, Rosanna Arquette, Danny Glover. Dir. Lawrence Kasdan. Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Bradley Cooper (Patrizio "Pat Jr." Solitano), Jennifer Lawrence (Tiffany Maxwell), Robert De Niro (Patrizio "Pat Sr." Solitano), Jacki Weaver (Dolores Solitano). Comedy drama adapted from the novel of the same name by Matthew Quick. Pat Solitano suffers from bipolar disorder and after his release from a psychiatric hospital moves back in with his parents and sets out to to win back his estranged wife. Pat meets recently-widowed sex addict Tiffany Maxwell who vows to help Pat if he enters a dance competition with her. Dir. David O. Russell. Single Man, A (2009) Colin Firth (George Carlyle Falconer), Julianne Moore (Charlotte), Nicholas Hoult (Kenny Potter), Matthew Goode (Jim), Jon Kortajarena (Carlos). Set in Los Angeles on 30 November 1962, a month after the Cuban missile crisis. A gay middle-aged English college professor struggles to find meaning in his life since the death of his partner, Jim. Dir. Tom Ford. Single White Female (1992) Bridget Fonda (Allison Jones), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Hedra Carlson), Steven Weber. Dir. Barbet Schroeder. Sirens (1994) Hugh Grant, Tara FitzGerald, Sam Neill, Elle MacPherson. Dir. John Duigen. Sister Act (1992) Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith, Harvey Keitel. Dir. Emile Ardolino. Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith, James Coburn. Dir. Bill Duke. 16 Blocks (2006) Bruce Willis (Jack Mosley), Mos Def (Eddie Bunker), David Morse (Frank Nugent), Jenna Stern (Diane Mosley), Casey Sander (Captain Gruber), Cylk Cozart (Det. Jimmy Mulvey). An ageing cop (Willis) is assigned the straightforward task of escorting a fast-talking witness (Def) from police custody to a courthouse. There are however forces at work trying to prevent them from making it. Dir. Richard Donner. Sixth Sense, The (1999) Bruce Willis (Malcolm Crowe), Toni Collette, Haley Joel Osment (Cole). Dir. M. Night Shyamalan. Skyfall (2012) Daniel Craig (James Bond), Judi Dench (M), Javier Bardem (Raoul Silva - born Tiago Rodriguez), Ben Whishaw (Q), Naomie Harris (Eve Moneypenny), Ralph Fiennes (Gareth Mallory - Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee). The 23rd James Bond film centres on Bond investigating an attack on MI6. The theme song, sung by Adele, won an Oscar. Sleeper (1973) Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, John Beck. Dir. Woody Allen. Sleeping with the Enemy (1990) Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin. Dir. Joseph Ruben. Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Ross Malinger. Dir. Nora Ephron. Sleepy Hollow (1999) Johny Depp (Ichabod Crane), Christina Ricci (Katrina Van Tassel), Michael Gambon (Bactus Van Tassel), Christopher Lee (Burgomaster), Christopher Walken (Hessian Horseman). Dir. Tim Burton. Sliding Doors (1998) Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, John Lynch, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Virginia McKenna. Dir. Peter Howitt. Sliver (1993) Sharon Stone, William Baldwin, Tom Berenger, Martin Landau. Based on an Ira Levin novel. Dir. Philip Noyce. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Dev Patel (Jamal K Malik), Anil Kapoor (Prem Kumar, WWTBAM host), Freida Pinto (Latika), Madhur Mittal (Salim Malik, Jamal’s elder brother), Saurabh Shukla (Sgt Srinivas), Ayush Mahesh Khedekar (Youngest Jamal), Tanay Hemant Chheda (Early Teenage Jamal), Rubina Ali (Youngest Latika), Tanvi Ganesh Lonkar (Early Teenage Latika), Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail (Youngest Salim), Ashutosh Lobo Gajiwala (Early Teenage Salim). This adaptation of Vikas Swarup’s 2005 novel Q & A was nominated for ten Academy Awards and won eight. The film tells the story of how a young man from the Mumbai slums (Dev Patel) happens to know the answer to all the questions on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and the suspicion he is treated with by the authorities. Many of the young children who appear in the slum scenes (including Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail) are actual residents of the Mumbai slums. Dir. Danny Boyle. Smile Pinki (2008) The story of a poor girl in rural India whose life is transformed when she receives free surgery to correct her cleft lip. Dir. Megan Mylan. Smilla’s Feeling for Snow (1997) Julia Ormond (Smilla), Gabriel Byrne, Richard Harris (Tork), Vanessa Redgrave, Bob Peck, Jim Broadbent, Robert Loggia. Dir. Bille August. Sneakers (1992) Robert Redford, Dan Aykroyd, Ben Kingsley, River Phoenix, Sidney Poitier. Experts hired to recover electronic device that can penetrate the government’s most secure computer systems. Dir. Phil Alden Robinson.


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Snow Dogs (2002) Cuba Gooding Jr (Ted Brooks), James Coburn (Thunder Jack), Sisqo, Graham Greene, Michael Bolton (as himself). Dentist goes to Alaska to search for his roots. Dir. Brian Levant. Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997) Monica Keena (Lilli), Sam Neill (Baron Hoffman), Sigourney Weaver (Claudia). Social Network, The (2010) Jesse Eisenberg (Mark Zuckerberg), Andrew Garfield (Eduardo Saverin), Justin Timberlake (Sean Parker). Adaptation of Ben Mezrich's book The Accidental Billionaires, portraying the founding of Facebook. Dir. David Fincher. Some Like It Hot (1939) Bob Hope, Shirley Ross, Una Merkel, Gene Krupa. Sideshow owner runs out of money. Dir. George Archainbaud. Some Like It Hot (1959) Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe, Joe E Brown, George Raft. Dir. Billy Wilder. Somebody up There Likes Me (1956) Paul Newman (Rocky Graziano), Pier Angeli, Sal Mineo, Steve McQueen. Dir. Robert Wise. Something’s Gotta Give (2003) Jack Nicholson (Harry Sanborn), Diane Keaton (Erica Barry), Keanu Reeves (Julian Mercer), Frances McDormand (Zoe), Amanda Peet (Martin), Jon Favreau (Leo), Paul Michael Glaser (Dave), Rachel Ticotin (Dr Martinez). While convalescing, a middle-aged playboy begins to develop feelings for his girlfriend’s mother. Dir. Nancy Meyers. Sommersby (1993) Richard Gere, Jodie Foster. Remake of The Return of Martin Guerre. Dir. Jon Amiel. Son of Lassie (1945) Peter Lawford, Donald Crisp, Nigel Bruce. The first sequel to Lassie Come Home. Dir. S Sylvan Simon. Son of the Pink Panther (1993) Robert Benigni, Herbert Lom, Claudia Cardinale, Burt Kwouk. Dir. Blake Edwards. Song of Bernadette, The (1943) Jennifer Jones, Charles Bickford, William Eythe. Dir. Henry King. Song to Remember, A (1944) Cornel Wilde, Merle Oberon, Paul Muni. Life and death of Chopin. Dir. Charles Vidor. Sophie’s Choice (1982) Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Josh Mostel. Dir. Alan J Pakula. Sound of Music, The (1965) Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Richard Haydn, Marni Nixon. Dir. Robert Wise. Soylent Green (1973) Charlton Heston, Edward G Robinson, Leigh Taylor-Young. Set in 2022, the Soylent Green of the title is synthetic food. Dir. Richard Fleischer. Space Jam (1996) Michael Jordan, Bugs Bunny, voice of Danny De Vito. Dir. Joe Pytka. Space Truckers (1997) Dennis Hopper, Stephen Dorff, Debi Mazar, Charles Dance. Set in 2196; BMW’s Bio-Mechanical Warriors. Dir. Stuart Gordon. Specialist, The (1994) Sharon Stone, Sylvester Stallone, Rod Steiger, James Woods. Dir. Luis Llosa. Speed (1994) Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Jeff Daniels. Dir. Jan de Bont. Spellbound (2002) Documentary following eight children taking part in the final of the US National Spelling Bee. Dir. Jeffrey Blitz. Spiceworld (1997) Spice Girls, Richard E Grant. Originally called: Five. Dir. Bob Spiers. Spider-Man (2002) Tobey Maguire (Peter Parker / Spider-Man), Willem Dafoe (Norman Osborn / The Green Goblin), Kirsten Dunst (Mary Jane Watson), James Franco (Harry Osborn), Cliff Robertson (Ben Parker), Rosemary Harris (May Parker). Dir. Sam Raimi. Spider-Man 2 (2004) Tobey Maguire (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Willem Dafoe (Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin), Kirsten Dunst (Mary Jane Watson), James Franco (Harry Osborn), Alfred Molina (Doc Ock/Dr Otto Octavius), Rosemary Harris (May Parker), Cliff Robertson (Ben Parker), JK Simmons (J Jonah Jameson), Donna Murphy (Rosalie Octavius), Daniel Gillies (John Jameson), Ted Raimi (Hoffman). While Peter Parker is beset with personal problems, his alter-ego confronts the brilliant Dr Octavius who has been transformed into ‘Doctor Octopus’ (aka Doc Ock), a multi-tentacled super-villain. Dir. Sam Raimi. Spider-Man 3 (2007) The third and final film in the series sees Spidey pitched against two new adversaries, Flint Marko, a small-time crook who becomes Sandman (played by Thomas Haden Church), and Eddie Brock Jr, Peter’s rival at the Daily Bugle who becomes Venom (played by Topher Grace). Other actors reprise their earlier roles. Dir. Sam Raimi. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) is a reboot of the franchise starring Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors/Lizard; directed by Marc Webb. Spitfire Grill, The (1996) Ellen Burstyn, Marcia Gay Harden, Alison Elliott. Dir. Lee David Zlotoff. Splash! (1984) Tom Hanks (Allen Bauer), Daryl Hannah (Madison), John Candy, Eugene Levy. Dir. Ron Howard. Splitting Heirs (1993) Rick Moranis (Henry), Eric Idle (Tommy Patel), Barbara Hershey, Catherine Zeta Jones, John Cleese (Raoul P Shadgrind), Stratford Johns, Eric Sykes. Dir. Robert Young. Spy Hard (1996) Leslie Nielsen (Agent WD-40), Andy Griffith, Nicollette Sheridan. Dir. Rick Friedberg. Spy Who Loved Me, The (1977) Roger Moore, Barbara Bach (Major Anya Amasova), Curt Jurgens (Stromberg). Theme song ‘Nobody Does it Better’ performed by Carly Simon. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Stagecoach (1939) John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Thomas Mitchell, Andy Devine. The 1966 remake starred Ann-Margret & Bing Crosby. Dir. John Ford. Stalag 17 (1953) William Holden, Don Taylor, Otto Preminger, Peter Graves, Neville Brand. Dir. Billy Wilder. Stanley and Iris (1990) Jane Fonda, Robert De Niro. Dir. Martin Ritt. Stanza del Figlio, La (2001) Nanni Moretti (Giovanni), Laura Morante (Paola). Apparent family bliss falls apart when the young son dies in an accident. Dir. Nanni Moretti. Star! (1968) Julie Andrews, Richard Crenna, Daniel Massey (Noël Coward), Bruce Forsyth, Beryl Reid. Biopic of Gertrude Lawrence. Dir. Robert Wise. Star Is Born, A (1937) Janet Gaynor, Fredric March, Adolphe Menjou, Andy Devine. Dir. William A Wellman. Star Is Born, A (1954) Judy Garland, James Mason, Charles Bickford. Dir. George Cukor. Star Is Born, A (1976) Barbra Streisand, Kris Kristofferson, Gary Busey, Paul Mazursky. Dir. Frank Pierson. Star Trek (2009) Chris Pine (James T Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Leonard Nimoy (Spock Prime), Eric Bana (Nero), Bruce Greenwood (Pike), Karl Urban (Bones), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Simon Pegg (Scotty), John Cho (Hikaru Sulu), Anton Yelchin (Chekov), Ben Cross (Sarek), Winona Ryder (Amanda Grayson), Chris Hemsworth (George Kirk), Jennifer Morrison (Winona Kirk). The film follows Kirk and Spock before they unite aboard the USS Enterprise to combat Nero, a Romulan from their future who threatens the United Federation of Planets. Dir. JJ Abrams. Star Trek: First Contact (1996) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton. Dir. Jonathan Frakes. Star Trek: Generations (1994) Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Whoopi Goldberg. Dir. David Carson. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Persis Khambatta. Dir. Robert Wise. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Ricardo Montalban. Sequel to TV episode ‘Space Seed’. Dir. Nicholas Meyer. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Robert Hooks. Dir. Leonard Nimoy. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Catherine Hicks, Jane Wyatt. Dir. Leonard Nimoy. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, David Warner. Dir. William Shatner. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, David Warner, Christian Slater, Christopher Plummer. Dir. Nicholas Meyer. Star Wars (1977) Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Alec Guinness, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels (C3PO), Kenny Baker (R2D2), Dave Prowse. Dir. George Lucas. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Frank Oz, Ray Park, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L Jackson, Brian Blessed, Sofia Coppola, Pernilla August. Dir. George Lucas. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Natalie Portman (Padme), Christopher Lee (Count Dooku), Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker), Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu), Yoda (voice of Frank Oz), Kenny Baker (R2D2), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO). Dir. George Lucas.


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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Natalie Portman (Padmé), Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker), Ian McDiarmid (Supreme Chancellor Palpatine), Samuel L Jackson (Mace Windu), Jimmy Smits (Senator Bail Organa), Frank Oz (Voice of Yoda), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Christopher Lee (Count Dooku), Keisha Castle-Hughes (Queen of Naboo), Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), George Lucas (Baron Papanoida – uncredited). After three years of fighting in the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker (pre-Darth Vader) concludes his journey towards the Dark Side of the Force, putting his friendship with Obi-Wan Kenobi and his marriage at risk. Dir. George Lucas. Starman (1984) Jeff Bridges, Karen Allen. Alien arrives in Wisconsin. Dir. John Carpenter. Starship Troopers (1997) Casper van Dien, Dina Meyer, Denise Richards, Jake Busey, Michael Ironside. Dir. Paul Verhoeven. Starter for 10 (2006) James McAvoy (Brian Jackson), Dominic Cooper (Spencer), James Corden (Tone), Simon Woods (Josh), Catherine Tate (Julie Jackson), Elaine Tan (Lucy Chang), Alice Eve (Alice Harbinson), Rebecca Hall (Rebecca Epstein), Charles Dance (Michael Harbinson), Lindsay Duncan (Rose Harbinson), Benedict Cumberbatch (Patrick Watts), Mark Gatiss (Bamber Gascoigne). Brian Jackson, a student in his first year at Bristol University, has been a fan of University Challenge since childhood and seizes upon the opportunity to join Bristol’s University Challenge team. The film’s title is taken from the quiz show’s famous catchphrase ‘Your starter for 10’. David Nicholls wrote the screenplay from his own novel of the same name. Tom Hanks was the producer. Dir. Tom Vaughan. Stay Hungry (1976) Jeff Bridges, Sally Field, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Englund. Dir. Bob Rafelson. Staying Alive (1983) John Travolta, Cynthia Rhodes, Finola Hughes, Steve Inwood. Sequel to Saturday Night Fever, Tony Manero becomes a Broadway dancer. Dir. Sylvester Stallone. Steaming (1985) Vanessa Redgrave (Nancy), Sarah Miles (Sarah), Diana Dors (Violet), Patti Love, Brenda Bruce. Dir. Joseph Losey. Steel Magnolias (1989) Sally Field, Dolly Parton, Shirley MacLaine, Daryl Hannah, Olympia Dukakis, Julia Roberts, Tom Skerritt. Dir. Herbert Ross. Stepford Wives, The (1974) Katharine Ross, Paula Prentiss, Nanette Newman, Patrick O’Neal. Dir. Bryan Forbes. Stepford Wives, The (2004) Nicole Kidman (Joanna), Glenn Close, Christopher Walken, John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler. Inferior remake of the 1974 film based on Ira Levin’s novel. Dir. Frank Oz. Sting, The (1973) Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw. Dir. George Roy Hill. Stormy Monday (1988) Melanie Griffith (Kate), Tommy Lee Jones (Cosmo), Sting (Finney), Sean Bean (Brendan). Dir. Mike Figgis. Strange Days (1995) Ralph Fiennes (Lenny Nero), Angela Bassett, Juliette Lewis, Tom Sizemore, Michael Wincott. Dir. Kathryn Bigelow. Strangers on a Train (1951) Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman, Patricia Hitchcock. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Straw Dogs (1971) Dustin Hoffman, Susan George, Peter Vaughan, David Warner, TP McKenna. Based on Gordon M Williams novel The Siege of Trencher’s Farm. Dir. Sam Peckinpah. A 2011 remake was directed, produced, and written by Rod Lurie. Striptease (1996) Demi Moore (Erin Grant), Burt Reynolds (David Dilbeck). Strip club name: The Eager Beaver. Dir. Andrew Bergman. Stuart Little (1999) Geena Davis (Mrs Little), Hugh Laurie (Mr Little), Jonathan Lipnicki (George Little), Dabney Coleman (Dr Beechwood), voices of Michael J Fox (Stuart Little), Nathan Lane. Dir. Rob Minkoff. Stuart Little 2 (2002) Geena Davis (Mrs Little), Hugh Laurie (Mr Little), voice of Michael J Fox (Stuart Little). Dir. Rob Minkoff Substitute, The (1996) Tom Berenger, Ernie Hudson, Diane Venora. Commando-trained man takes over teaching position when his girlfriend is beaten up. Dir. Robert Mandel. Sudden Impact (1983) Clint Eastwood (Callahan), Sondra Locke (Jennifer Spencer), Pat Hingle. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Suddenly Last Summer (1959) Katharine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Mongomery Clift. Dir. Joseph L Mankiewicz. Summer Holiday (1962) Cliff Richard, Lauri Peters, Melvyn Hayes, Una Stubbs. Dir. Peter Yates. Summer of ’42 (1971) Jennifer O’Neill, Gary Grimes, Jerry Houser. Dir. Robert Mulligan. Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971) Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch, Murray Head. Dir. John Schlesinger. Sundowners, The (1960) Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr, Glynis Johns, Peter Ustinov. Dir. Fred Zinnemann. Sunset (1988) Bruce Willis (Tom Mix), James Garner (Wyatt Earp), Malcolm McDowell. Dir. Blake Edwards. Sunset Boulevard (1950) William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stroheim, Cecil B de Mille, Buster Keaton, Hedda Hopper. Dir. Billy Wilder. Sunshine State (2002) Edie Falco (Marly Temple), Angela Bassett (Desiree Perry), Jane Alexander (Delia Temple), Ralph Waite (Furman Temple), James McDaniel (Reggie), Timothy Hutton (Jack Meadows), Mary Alice (Eunice Stokes), Bill Cobbs (Dr Lloyd), Mary Steenburgen (Francine Pickney), Miguel Ferrer (Lester). Attempts by property companies to redevelop a small Florida coastal town meet resistance by local residents. Dir. John Sayles. Super Mario Brothers (1993) Bob Hoskins, Dennis Hopper, John Leguizamo. Dir. Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel. Supergirl (1984) Faye Dunaway (Selena), Helen Slater (Supergirl / Linda Lee), Peter O’Toole (Zeitar), Peter Cook, Simon Ward, Brenda Vaccaro, Mia Farrow. Dir. Jeannot Szwarc. Superman (1978) Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Susannah York, Margot Kidder, Glenn Ford, Gene Hackman, Trevor Howard. Dir. Richard Donner. Superman 2 (1980) Christopher Reeve, Susannah York, Margot Kidder, Gene Hackman, Ned Beatty, Terence Stamp. Dir. Richard Lester. Superman 3 (1983) Christopher Reeve, Richard Pryor, Jackie Cooper, Margot Kidder, Pamela Stephenson, Robert Vaughn. Dir. Richard Lester. Superman 4: The Quest for Peace (1987) Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Jackie Cooper, Margot Kidder. Dir. Sidney J Furie. Superman Returns (2006) Brandon Routh (Clark Kent/Superman), Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane), Kevin Spacey (Lex Luthor), James Marsden (Richard White), Parker Posey (Kitty Kowalski), Frank Langella (Perry White), Sam Huntington (Jimmy Olsen), Eva Marie Saint (Martha Kent). Superman returns from a long and painful visit to Krypton in order to save Metropolis once more. Dir. Bryan Singer. Surviving Picasso (1996) Anthony Hopkins (Picasso), Natascha McElhone (Françoise). Dir. James Ivory. Swallows and Amazons (1974) Virginia McKenna, Ronald Fraser, Simon West, Sophie Neville. Dir. Claude Whatham. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) Johnny Depp (Benjamin Barker/Sweeney Todd), Helena Bonham Carter (Mrs Lovett), Alan Rickman (Judge Turpin), Jamie Campbell Bower (Anthony Hope), Timothy Spall (Beadle Bamford), Sacha Baron Cohen (Davie Collins/Signor Adolfo Pirelli), Ed Sanders (Tobias ‘Toby’ Ragg), Laura Michelle Kelly (Beggar Woman/Lucy Barker), Jayne Wisener (Johanna Barker). Adaptation of Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s Tony Award-winning 1979 musical thriller. It retells the Victorian melodramatic tale of Sweeney Todd, an English barber who murders his customers with a straight razor and, with the help of his accomplice, Mrs Lovett, turns their remains into meat pies. All the songs are by Sondheim and include ‘The Worst Pies in London’ (sung by Bonham Carter), ‘Green Finch and Linnett Bird’ (sung by Wisener), ‘Ladies in Their Sensitivities’ (sung by Spall) and ‘No Place Like London’ (sung by Bower and Depp). Dir. Tim Burton. Sweet Charity (1969) Shirley MacLaine, Ricardo Montalban, Chita Rivera, Stubby Kaye, Sammy Davis Jnr. Dir. Bob Fosse. Sweet Liberty (1986) Alan Alda, Michael Caine, Michelle Pfeiffer, Lilian Gish, Bob Hoskins. College professor is alarmed as he watches the Hollywood filming of his historical novel. Dir. Alan Alda. Swing Shift (1984) Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Fred Ward, Christine Lahti. Dir. Jonathan Demme. Swiss Family Robinson, The (1960) John Mills, Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur, Janet Munro. Dir. Ken Annakin. Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) Richard Greene, Peter Cushing, Richard Pasco, Niall MacGinnis, Oliver Reed. Dir. Terence Fisher. Swordfish (2001) John Travolta (Gabriel Shear), Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry (Ginger), Don Cheadle, Vinnie Jones (Marco). Computer hacker is hired by a secret agent and thief to steal government funds. Dir. Dominic Sena. Syriana (2005) George Clooney (Bob Barnes), Matt Damon (Bryan Woodman), Christopher Plummer (Dean Whiting), Chris Cooper (Jimmy Pope), Robert Foxworth (Tommy Barton), Nicky Henson (Sydney Hewitt). Convoluted and contrived film about the politics of the


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oil industry, explored through the lives of those personally involved and affected by it. Clooney won an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role and thoroughly deserved it for putting on 50lb for the role. Dir. Stephen Gaghan. Taking of Pelham 123, The (1974) Walter Matthau, Robert Shaw, Martin Balsam, Hector Elizondo. Four gunmen hold a New York subway train to ransom. Dir. Joseph Sargent. Tale of Two Cities, A (1958) Dirk Bogarde, Dorothy Tutin, Christopher Lee, Donald Pleasence, Alfie Bass. Remake of 1935 classic. Dir. Ralph Thomas. Talented Mr Ripley, The (1999) Matt Damon (Tom Ripley), Jude Law (Dickie Greenleaf), Gwyneth Paltrow (Marge Sherwood), Cate Blanchett (Meredith Logue), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Freddie Miles). Dir. Anthony Minghella. Anthony Minghella wrote the screen play based on Patricia Highsmith’s novel. The film was also a remake of the 1960 classic French film Purple Noon (French: Plein Soleil) starring Alain Delon in the title role and directed by René Clément. Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1991) Debbie Harry is a cannibal waiting to eat a young boy once he has told her 3 stories. The Wraparound Story: Debbie Harry (Betty), Matthew Lawrence (Timmy). Lot 249: Christian Slater, Steve Buscemi, Robert Sedgwick, Julianne Moore. Cat from Hell: David Johansen, William Hickey. Lover’s Vow: James Remar, Rae Dawn Chong, Robert Klein. Dir. John Harrison. Talk Radio (1988) Eric Bogosian (Barry Champlain), Ellen Greene, Leslie Hope, Alec Baldwin. Dir. Oliver Stone. Tall Guy, The (1989) Jeff Goldblum (Dexter King), Emma Thompson (Kate Lemon), Rowan Atkinson (Ron Anderson). Dir. Mel Smith. Tango and Cash (1989) Kurt Russell, Sylvester Stallone, Jack Palance, Teri Hatcher, Michael J Pollard. Dir. Andrei Konchalovsky. Tank Girl (1994) Lon Petty, Ice T, Naomi Watts, Malcolm McDowell. Dir. Rachel Talalay. Tank Malling (1988) Ray Winstone, Jason Connery, Amanda Donohoe, John Conteh, Terry Marsh, Nick Berry. Dir. James Marcus. Tap (1989) Gregory Hines, Suzanne Douglas, Sammy Davis Jnr (Little Mo). Dir. Nick Castle. Taps (1981) Timothy Hutton, George C Scott, Sean Penn, Tom Cruise. Dir. Harold Becker. Taras Bulba (1962) Yul Brynner, Tony Curtis, Christine Kaufmann, Sam Wanamaker. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Tarnation (2004) Having documented his life since the age of 11, Jonathan Caouette weaves a psychedelic whirlwind of snapshots, Super8 movies, answering machine messages, video diaries, early short films, snippets of ’80s pop culture and dramatic re-enactments to create an epic portrait of an American family torn apart by dysfunction and reunited through the power of love. Dir. Jonathan Caouette. Tarzan the Apeman (1981) Bo Derek, Miles O’Keeffe (Tarzan), Richard Harris, John Phillip Law, Wilfrid Hyde-White. Dir. John Derek. Taste of Honey, A (1961) Rita Tushingham, Dora Bryan, Murray Melvin. Based on Shelagh Delaney play. Dir. Tony Richardson. Taxi Driver (1976) Robert De Niro (Travis Bickle), Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel. Dir. Martin Scorsese. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) Judith Hoag (April O’Neil), Elias Koteas (Casey Jones), Josh Pais (Raphael), Michelan Sisti (Michelangelo), Leif Tilden (Donatello), David Forman (Leonardo). Michael Pressman’s 1991 sequel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze. Dir. Steve Barron. 10 (2002) Mania Akbari (Driver), Amin Maher (Amin), Roya Arabshahi, Katayoun Taleidzadeh, Mandana Sharbaf, Amerie Moradi. Thought-provoking film about 10 conversations between a woman driver and the people to whom she gives lifts over a period of two days in Tehran. Dir. Abbas Kiarostami. Ten Commandments, The (1956) Charlton Heston (Moses), Yul Brynner, Edward G Robinson, Anne Baxter, Yvonne De Carlo. Dir. Cecil B de Mille. Ten Little Indians (1965) Wilfrid Hyde-White, Dennis Price, Stanley Holloway, Shirley Eaton, Hugh O’Brian, Daliah Lavi, Fabian, Mario Adorf. Based on Agatha Christie’s novel. Dir. George Pollock. Ten Rillington Place (1971) Richard Attenborough, John Hurt, Judy Geeson. Account of the Christie murders of the 1940s. Dir. Richard Fleischer. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Andrew Keegan, Susan May Pratt. Dir. Gil Junger. Teenage comedy loosely based on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. 10 to Midnight (1983) Charles Bronson (Leo Kessler), Lisa Eilbacher (Laurie), Andrew Stevens, Gene Davis. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Tender Mercies (1982) Robert Duvall, Tess Harper, Betty Buckley. Robert Duvall sang the songs himself. Dir. Bruce Beresford. Tequila Sunrise (1988) Mel Gibson (McKussic), Michele Pfeiffer, Kurt Russell, Raul Julia. Dir. Robert Towne. Terminator, The (1984) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn. Dir. James Cameron. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong. Dir. James Cameron. Terms of Endearment (1983) Shirley MacLaine, Jack Nicholson, Debra Winger, Danny De Vito. Dir. James L Brooks. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (1974) Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A Partain. Dir. Tobe Hooper. Thelma and Louise (1991) Susan Sarandon (Louise Sawyer), Geena Davis (Thelma Dickinson), Harvey Keitel, Brad Pitt. Dir. Ridley Scott. There Will Be Blood (2007) Daniel Day-Lewis (Daniel Plainview), Paul Dano (Paul Sunday/Eli Sunday), Dillon Freasier (Young HW Plainview), Russell Harvard (Adult HW Plainview), Colleen Foy (Adult Mary Sunday), Hans Howes (William Bandy), Kevin J O’Connor (Henry), Barry Del Sherman (HB Ailman), Randall Carver (Mr Bankside), Coco Leigh (Mrs Bankside), David Warshofsky (HM Tilford), Tom Doyle (JJ Carter), Hope Elizabeth Reeves (Elizabeth), Ciarán Hinds (Fletcher), Sydney McCallister (Young Mary Sunday), David Willis (Abel Sunday), Kellie Hill (Ruth Sunday), Christine Olejniczak (Mother Sunday). Tough and passionate oil man Daniel Plainview adopts HW, the son of one of his workers killed in an accident. The complex plot sees HW lose his hearing in another accident but become his stepfather’s partner of convenience. The subplot revolves around Plainview’s relationship with the Bible-bashing Eli Sunday, who is ultimately killed by Plainview with a bowling ball. Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson. There’s No Business Like Show Business (1954) Ethel Merman, Dan Dailey, Marilyn Monroe, Donald O’Connor, Johnny Ray, Mitzi Gaynor, Hugh O’Brian. Dir. Walter Lang. They Died with Their Boots On (1941) Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Arthur Kennedy, Anthony Quinn, Sidney Greenstreet. Biopic of General Custer. Dir. Raoul Walsh. They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (1969) Gig Young, Jane Fonda, Susannah York, Red Buttons. Tragedy during a six-day marathon dance contest in the 1930s. Dir. Sydney Pollack. Thief of Baghdad (1940) Conrad Veidt, John Justin (died in 2002), Sabu, June Duprez. The visual effects make this the best version of this oft-filmed story. The 1924 film starred Douglas Fairbanks, the 1960 film Steve Reeves, and the 1978 film Roddy McDowall, Frank Finlay, Terence Stamp and Peter Ustinov. The 1924 film won Oscars for photography and art direction. Dir. Michael Powell, Ludwig Berger and Tim Whelan. Thin Man, The (1934) William Powell, Myrna Loy, Maureen O’Sullivan. Dir. WS Van Dyke. Thing, The (1951) Robert Cornthwaite, Kenneth Tobey, James Arness (the Thing). GB title: The Thing from Another World. Dir. Christian Nyby. Thing, The (1982) Kurt Russell, A Wilford Brimley, TK Carter. Remake of the 1951 film, although this ‘Thing’ is a metamorphic creature that can now enter and take over the protagonists. Dir. John Carpenter. Things To Do in Denver When You’re Dead (1995) Andy Garcia (Jimmy the Saint), Christopher Walken, Christopher Lloyd. Dir. Gary Fleder. Thinner (1987) Robert John Burke (William Halleck). Stephen King wrote the novel under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. Dir. Tom Holland. Third Man, The (1949) Orson Welles (Harry Lime), Joseph Cotten, Trevor Howard, Alida Valli, Bernard Lee, Wilfrid Hyde-White. Dir. Carol Reed.


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Thirteen (2003) Holly Hunter (Melanie), Evan Rachel Wood (Tracy), Nikki Reed (Evie Zamora), Jeremy Sisto (Brady), Brady Corbett (Mason), Deborah Kara Unger (Brooke), Kip Pardue (Luke), Sarah Clarke (Birdie), DW Moffett (Travis). A young teenager becomes a drug-taking delinquent under the influence of her new best friend. Dir. Catherine Hardwicke. Thirty-Nine Steps, The (1935) Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll, Peggy Ashcroft. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Thirty-Nine Steps, The (1959) Kenneth More, Taina Elg, Barry Jones. Dir. Ralph Thomas. Thirty-Nine Steps, The (1978) Robert Powell, Karen Dotrice, John Mills. Dir. Don Sharp. This Is Spinal Tap (1984) Michael McKean (David St Hubbins), Christopher Guest (Nigel Tufnel), Harry Shearer (Derek Smalls), RJ Parnell (Mick Shrimpton), Rob Reiner (Marti DiBerti). Cameos by Anjelica Huston, Patrick Macnee and Billy Crystal. Dir. Rob Reiner. This Sporting Life (1963) Richard Harris, Rachel Roberts, Alan Badel, William Hartnell, Arthur Lowe. Dir. Lindsay Anderson. Thomas Crown Affair, The (1968) Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway, Yaphet Kotto. Dir. Norman Jewison. The 1999 remake starred Pierce Brosnan in the title role and was directed by John McTiernan. Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) Julie Andrews, Mary Tyler Moore, James Fox. Dir. George Roy Hill. Three Amigos! (1986) Chevy Chase (Dusty Bottoms), Steve Martin (Lucky Day), Martin Short (Ned Nederlander). Dir. John Landis. Three Colours: Blue (1993) Juliette Binoche, Benoît Régent, Florence Pernel. First part of trilogy based on the colours of the French tricolour. Dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski. Three Colours: Red (1994) Juliette Binoche, Irene Jacob, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Julie Delpy. Third part of trilogy based on the colours of the French tricolour. Dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski. Three Colours: White (1993) Zbigniew Zamachowski, Julie Delpy, Juliette Binoche, Florence Pernel. Second part of trilogy based on the colours of the French tricolour. Dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski. Three Days of the Condor (1975) Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway, Cliff Robertson, Max Von Sydow. Dir. Sydney Pollack. Three Faces of Eve, The (1957) Joanne Woodward, Lee J Cobb. Introduced by Alistair Cooke. Dir. Nunnally Johnson. Three Fugitives (1989) Nick Nolte (Dan Lucas), Martin Short (Ned Perry), Sarah Rowland Doroff, James Earl Jones. Dir. Francis Veber. 300 (2007) Gerard Butler (King Leonidas of Sparta), Lena Headey (Queen Gorgo of Sparta), Giovani Cimmino (Pleistarchus, son of Leonidas and Gorgo), Dominic West (Theron, a corrupt Spartan politician), David Wenham (Dilios, narrator and Spartan soldier), Vincent Regan (Capt Artemis, Leonidas’ captain), Tom Wisdom (Astinos, Capt Artemis’ eldest son), Andrew Pleavin (Daxos, Arcadian soldier), Andrew Tiernan (Ephialtes, deformed Spartan outcast), Rodrigo Santoro (King Xerxes of Persia), Stephen McHattie (loyalist Spartan politician), Michael Fassbender (Stelios, highly skilled Spartan soldier), Peter Mensah (Persian messenger), Kelly Craig (Pythia), Tyler Neitzel (Young Leonidas), Robert Maillet (Über Immortal, giant), Patrick Sabongui (Persian General). Adaptation of the graphic novel of the same name by Frank Miller recounting the Battle of Thermopylae, albeit in a fantasy style. Dir. Zack Snyder. Three Kings (1999) George Clooney (Major Archie Gates), Ice Cube (Chief Elgin), Mark Wahlberg (Sgt Barlow). Dir. David O. Russell. Three Men and a Baby (1987) Tom Selleck (Peter), Steve Guttenberg (Michael), Ted Danson (Jack), Nancy Travis. Dir. Leonard Nimoy. Three Men and a Little Lady (1990) Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson, Nancy Travis, Sheila Hancock. Dir. Emilio Ardelino. Three Men in a Boat (1956) David Tomlinson, Jimmy Edwards, Laurence Harvey, Shirley Eaton, Jill Ireland. Dir. Ken Annakin. Three Musketeers, The (1993) Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland, Chris O’Donnell, Rebecca DeMornay. Dir. Stephen Herek. Three Musketeers, The (The Queen’s Diamonds), (1973) Michael York, Oliver Reed, Richard Chamberlain, Frank Finlay, Raquel Welch, Geraldine Chaplin, Spike Milligan, Faye Dunaway, Charlton Heston, Christopher Lee. Dir. Richard Lester. Throw Momma from the Train (1987) Danny De Vito (Owen), Billy Crystal (Larry), Kim Greist (Beth), Anne Ramsey (Momma), Kate Mulgrew, Rob Reiner, Annie Ross, Oprah Winfrey (as herself). Dir. Danny De Vito. Thunderball (1965) Sean Connery, Adolfo Celi (Emilio Largo), Claudine Auger (Domino). Title song performed by Tom Jones. Dir. Terence Young. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974) Clint Eastwood, Jeff Bridges, George Kennedy, Catherine Bach. Dir. Michael Cimino. THX 1138 (1970) Robert Duvall, Donald Pleasence. Dir. George Lucas. Tiger Bay (1959) Hayley Mills, John Mills, Horst Buchholz, Megs Jenkins. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Tightrope (1984) Clint Eastwood (Wes Block), Geneviève Bujold (Beryl Thibodeax), Alison Eastwood (Amanda). Dir. Richard Tuggle. Time after Time (1980) Malcolm McDowell, David Warner, Mary Steenburgen. Jack the Ripper in modern San Francisco via HG Wells’s time machine. Dir. Nicholas Meyer. Time Bandits (1981) John Cleese (Robin Hood), Sean Connery (Agamemnon), Ian Holm (Napoleon), Ralph Richardson (God), David Warner (Satan). Dir. Terry Gilliam. Time Machine, The (1960) Rod Taylor, Yvette Mimieux, Alan Young, Sebastian Cabot. Victorian scientist builds a machine which transports him to the year 802701. Dir. George Pal. Time of Your Life (1948) James Cagney, William Bendix, Jeanne Cagney, Wayne Morris, Broderick Crawford, Ward Bond. Group of eccentrics meet in a San Francisco bar. Dir. HC Potter. Time to Kill, A (1996) Sandra Bullock, Matthew McConaughey, Samuel L Jackson, Donald & Kiefer Sutherland. Ku Klux Klan still has power in small Mississippi town. Dir. Joel Schumacher. Tin Cup (1996) Kevin Costner, Rene Russo, Don Johnson. Dir. Ron Shelton. Tin Men (1987) Richard Dreyfuss (Bill ‘BB’ Babowsky), Danny De Vito (Ernie Tilley), Barbara Hershey (Nora). Dir. Barry Levinson. Titanic (1997) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio. Famous song: ‘My Heart Will Go On’ sung by Céline Dion. Dir. James Cameron. To Be or Not to Be (1983) Mel Brooks (Frederick Bronski), Anne Bancroft (Anna), Tim Matheson (Lt Andre Sobinski), Charles Durning (Col Erhardt), José Ferrer (Prof Siletski), Christopher Lloyd (Capt Schultz). Dir. Alan Johnson. To Catch a Thief (1955) Cary Grant, Grace Kelly. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. To Die For (1995) Nicole Kidman, Matt Dillon, Joaquin Phoenix, David Cronenberg, George Segal (uncredited). Fame-obsessed weather woman on local TV station describes how she murdered her husband. Dir. Gus Van Sant. To Have and Have Not (1945) Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Walter Brennan, Hoagy Carmichael. US charter boat captain in Martinique gets involved with Nazis. Dir. Howard Hawks. To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) Gregory Peck (Atticus Finch), Mary Badham (Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch), Philip Alford (Jem Finch), John Megna (Dill Harris), Frank Overton (Sheriff Heck Tate), Brock Peters (Tom Robinson), Rosemary Murphy (Miss Maudie Atkinson), Robert Duvall (Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley). Kim Stanley was the narrator as the older Scout Finch. Screenplay by Horton Foote and based on Harper Lee novel about a black man, Tom Robinson, being falsely accused of rape and the attempt to defend him by Atticus Finch, the whole struggle seen through the eyes of his young daughter, Scout. Music by Elmer Bernstein. Won Oscars for Best Screenplay and Best Actor. Dir. Robert Mulligan. To Sir with Love (1967) Sidney Poitier, Judy Geeson, Suzy Kendall, Lulu. Dir. James Clavell. Tokyo Godfathers (2003) Voices of Toru Emari (Gin), Yoshiaki Umegaki (Hana), Ava Okamoto (Miyuki), Shozo Iizuka (Oota), Seizo Kato (Mother), Hiroya Ishimaru (Yasuo). Animated story concerning three motley vagrants, an alcoholic, a teenage runaway and a former drag queen, who discover an abandoned baby and wander the streets of Tokyo in search of its mother. Dir. Satoshi Kon. Tom Brown’s Schooldays (1940) Freddie Bartholomew, Jimmy Lydon, Cedric Hardwicke, Billy Halop, Gale Storm. The 1951 remake starred Robert Newton and John Howard Davies (Tom). Dir. Robert Stevenson. Tom Horn (1979) Steve McQueen, Linda Evans, Slim Pickens. Dir. William Wiard. Tombstone (1993) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Charlton Heston. Narrated by Robert Mitchum. Dir. George P Cosmatos. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Pierce Brosnan (James Bond), Michelle Yeoh (Wai Lin), Teri Hatcher (Paris Carver), Jonathan Pryce (Elliot Carver). Theme song sung by Sheryl Crow. Dir. Roger Spottiswoode.


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Too Hot to Handle (1991) Kim Basinger (Vicki Rosemary Anderson), Alec Baldwin (Charley Raymond Pearl), Robert Loggia, Elisabeth Shue, Armand Assante. Dir. Jerry Rees. Tootsie (1982) Dustin Hoffman (Michael Dorsey / Dorothy), Teri Garr, Dabney Coleman, Jessica Lange, Charles Durning, Bill Murray, Sydney Pollack, Geena Davis. Dir. Sydney Pollack. Top Gun (1986) Tom Cruise (Maverick), Kelly McGillis (Charlie), Val Kilmer (Ice), Tom Skerritt (Viper), Anthony Edwards (Goose), Michael Ironside (Jester), John Stockwell (Cougar), Meg Ryan (Carole), Tim Robbins (Merlin), Barry Tubb (Wolfman), Clarence Gilyard (Sundown). Dir. Tony Scott. Top Hat (1935) Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers. Dir. Mark Sandrich. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) Martin Balsam, Joseph Cotten, Jason Robards. Events leading up to Pearl Harbor. Dir. Richard Fleischer. Torn Curtain (1966) Paul Newman, Julie Andrews. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Total Eclipse (1995) Leonardo DiCaprio (Arthur Rimbaud, the 19th-century poet), David Thewlis (Verlaine). Dir. Agnieszka Holand. Total Recall (1990) Sharon Stone, Arnold Schwarzenegger (Doug Quaid), Rachel Ticotin, Michael Ironside. Dir. Paul Verhoeven. Touching the Void (2003) Brendan Mackey (Joe Simpson), Nicholas Aaron (Simon Yates), Ollie Ryall (Richard Hawking), Joe Simpson (as himself), Simon Yates (as himself), Richard Hawking (as himself). Based on Joe Simpson’s book. Two mountaineers recall an accident during a climb in Peru that left one of them for dead. Dir. Kevin Macdonald. Tough Guys (1986) Burt Lancaster (Harry Doyle), Kirk Douglas (Archie Long), Charles Durning, Eli Wallach. Dir. Jeff Kanew. Towering Inferno, The (1974) Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, William Holden, Faye Dunaway, Fred Astaire, OJ Simpson, Robert Wagner, Jennifer Jones, Robert Vaughn, Richard Chamberlain. Dir. John Guillermin. A Town Like Alice (1956) Virginia McKenna, Peter Finch, Takagi, Marie Lohr, Maureen Swanson, Jean Anderson. Life among women prisoners of the Japanese in Malaya. Based on Nevil Shute’s novel. Dir. Jack Lee. Toxic Avenger, The (1985) Andree Maranda, Mitchell Cohen, Pat Ryan Jnr. Archetypal Troma trash-fest. Ron Fazio took over the role of the supercharged weakling in the sequels. Dir. Michael Herz. Toy Story (1995) Voices of Tom Hanks, Don Rickles, Jim Varney, Tim Allen, John Ratzenberger. First full-length computer-animated feature film. Song: ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’ (music and lyrics by Randy Newman). Dir. John Lasseter. Toy Story 2 (1999) Voice of Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), Hamm (John Ratzenberger ), Mr Potato Head (Don Rickles), Slinky Dog (Jim Varney). Dirs. Ash Brannan, Lee Unkrich and John Lasseter. Toy Story 3 (2010) New characters include Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (Ned Beatty), Mr Pricklepants (Timothy Dalton), Stretch (Whoopi Goldberg) and Ken (Michael Keaton). The plot concerns the uncertain futures of the toys as their owner, Andy, prepares to leave for college. Blake Clark took over the role of Slinky Dog after Jim Varney’s death. Currently the highest-grossing animated film of all time worldwide (surpassing Shrek 2). Dir. Lee Unkrich. Toys (1992) Robin Williams, Michael Gambon, LL Cool J, Joan Cusack, Donald O’Connor. Dir. Barry Levinson. Trading Places (1983) Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy, Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche, Jamie Lee Curtis, Denholm Elliott. Dir. John Landis. Trail of the Pink Panther (1982) Peter Sellers, Joanna Lumley, Herbert Lom, David Niven. Dir. Blake Edwards. Trainspotting (1996) Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller, Robert Carlyle, Kelly MacDonald. Dir. Danny Boyle. Transformers (2007) Shia LaBeouf (Sam Witwicky), Megan Fox (Mikaela Banes), John Turturro (Agent Simmons), Jon Voight (John Keller, US Secretary of Defense), Josh Duhamel (Capt William Lennox), Tyrese Gibson (Technical Sergeant Robert Epps), Anthony Anderson (Glen Whitmann). Teenager Sam Witwicky is involved in a war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, two factions of alien robots who can disguise themselves by transforming into everyday machinery. Peter Cullen voices Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader who comes to Earth to destroy the All Spark in order to end the war. Dir. Michael Bay. The second film in the live-action Transformers series was released in 2009; Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, produced by Steven Spielberg, opened to a disappointing critical response but huge box office success. Trapeze (1956) Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina Lollobrigida, Sid James. Dir. Carol Reed. Treasure Island (1990) Charlton Heston, Oliver Reed, Christian Bale, Christopher Lee, Richard Johnson. Dir. Raúl Ruiz. Earlier versions 1934 (Dir. Victor Fleming); 1950 (Dir. Byron Haskin). Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948) Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston, Tim Holt, John Huston. Dir. John Huston. Tree of Life, The (2011) Brad Pitt (Mr O'Brien), Sean Penn (Jack). Film chronicling the origins and meaning of life by way of a middleaged Texan’s boyhood memories of the 1950s, against a narrative backdrop of the origins of the universe and the inception and end of life on Earth. Despite winning several awards the global response was divided with mass walkouts commonplace. Dir. Terrence Malick. Trial, The (1962) Orson Welles, Jeanne Moreau, Anthony Perkins. Joseph K is tried and condemned for an unspecified crime. Dir. Orson Welles. 1992 remake (Dir. David Jones) starred Anthony Hopkins & Kyle MacLachlan. Trilogy: On the Run, An Amazing Couple, After Life (2002) Francois Morel (Alain Costes), Dominique Blanc (Agnes Manise), Gilbert Melki (Pascal Manise), Lucas Belvaux (Bruno Le Roux), Catherine Frot (Jeanne), Valerie Mairesse (Claire), Raphaele Godin (Louise). The lives of a left-wing revolutionary, who is now a school teacher, a policeman and his drug-addicted wife, and a lawyer and his 1 suspicious wife become intertwined. Three films that total 5 2 hours viewing but stand alone although featuring the same characters. Dir. Lucas Belvaux. Triplettes de Belleville, Les (2002) Voices of Jean-Claude Donda, Michel Robin, Monica Viegas. A club-footed old lady, an overweight dog and a trio of aged singers help rescue a cyclist who is kidnapped during the Tour De France. GB title: Belleville Rendezvous. Dir. Sylvain Chomet. Trouble with Girls, The (1969) Elvis Presley, Marlyn Mason, Vincent Price. Manager of an educational medicine show (a chautauqua) gets involved in a murder. Dir. Peter Tewksbury. Troy (2004) Brad Pitt (Achilles), Brian Cox (Agamemnon), Brendan Gleeson (Menelaus), Diane Kruger (Helen), Eric Bana (Hector), Orlando Bloom (Paris), Julian Glover (Triopas), John Shrapnel (Nestor), Sean Bean (Odysseus), Julie Christie (Thetis, mother of Achilles), Peter O’Toole (King Priam of Troy). An adaptation of Homer’s great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved. Dir. Wolfgang Petersen. True Grit (1969) John Wayne, Kim Darby, Glen Campbell, Robery Duvall, Dennis Hopper. Dir. Henry Hathaway. The 2010 remake starred Jeff Bridges as US Marshal Reuben J. "Rooster" Cogburn and was directed by Joel & Ethan Coen. True Lies (1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, Charlton Heston. US secret agent pretends to be a computer salesman to his wife. Dir. James Cameron. True Romance (1993) Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Dennis Hopper, Val Kilmer, Brad Pitt, Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken. Quentin Tarantino story about a shop assistant and a callgirl who go on the run with a case full of cocaine. Dir. Tony Scott. True Stories (1986) David Byrne (Narrator), John Goodman (Louis Fyne), Annie McEnroe (Kay Culver). Famous for the club scene where a multitude of characters mime to Byrne’s voice. Dir. David Byrne. Truly, Madly, Deeply (1990) Juliet Stevenson (Nina), Alan Rickman (Jamie), Bill Paterson, Michael Maloney. Dir. Anthony Minghella. Truman Show, The (1998) Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Ed Harris, Natascha McElhone. Dir. Peter Weir. Tunes of Glory (1960) Alec Guinness, John Mills, Susannah York, Dennis Price, Kay Walsh, Duncan Macrae. Dir. Ronald Neame. Tupac: Resurrection (2003) Home movies, photographs and recited poetry illuminate the life of Tupac Shakur, the godfather of gangsta rap. Dir. Lauren Lazin. Turbulence (1997) Lauren Holly (Teri Halloran), Ray Liotta (Ryan Weaver), Brenda Gleeson (Stubbs). Dir. Robert Butler. Turner & Hooch (1989) Tom Hanks, Mare Winningham, John McIntire. Cop teams up with a dog to solve a murder. Dir. Roger Spottiswoode. Turning Point, The (1977) Anne Bancroft, Shirley MacLaine, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Tom Skerritt. Dir. Herbert Ross.


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Twelfth Night (1996) Helena Bonham Carter, Richard E Grant, Nigel Hawthorne, Mel Smith, Imogen Stubbs. Dir. Trevor Nunn. Twelve Angry Men (1957) Henry Fonda, Lee J Cobb, EG Marshall, Jack Warden, Ed Begley, George Voskovec, Jack Klugman, John Fiedler, Martin Balsam, Robert Webber, Edward Binns, Joseph Sweeney. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Twelve Monkeys (1995) Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Madeleine Stowe, Christopher Plummer. Set in 2035; a convict is sent back to 1996 to discover cause of pandemic disease. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Twelve O’Clock High (1949) Gregory Peck, Hugh Marlowe, Gary Merrill, Dean Jagger. Dir. Henry King. 28 Days (2000) Sandra Bullock (Gwen Cummings), Viggo Mortensen (Eddie Boone), Dominic West (Jasper), Diane Ladd (Bobbie Jean), Elizabeth Perkins (Lily), Steve Buscemi (Cornell). An alcoholic woman is sent to a rehabilitation centre to dry out, hence the title. Dir. Betty Thomas. 28 Days Later … (2002) Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Megan Burns, Brendan Gleeson, Noah Huntley. Not a sequel to 28 Days but a science fiction drama concerning a deadly virus unleashed on the British public following a raid on a primate research centre. The virus causes a deadly rage. Dir. Danny Boyle. 21 Grams (2003) Sean Penn (Paul), Benicio Del Toro (Jack), Naomi Watts (Cristina), Charlotte Gainsbourg (Mary), Melissa Leo (Marianne), Clea DuVall (Claudia), Danny Huston (Michael), Paul Calderon (Brown). After her family are killed in a traffic accident, a middle-class housewife’s life becomes intertwined with those of an academic and an ex-convict in ways that involve drug-taking, adultery and murder. Dir. Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (1954) Kirk Douglas, James Mason, Paul Lukas, Peter Lorre. Dir. Richard Fleischer. Twilight (2008) Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen), Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan), Peter Facinelli (Carlisle Cullen), Elizabeth Reaser (Esme Cullen), Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen), Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale), Nikki Reed (Rosalie Hale), Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen), Billy Burke (Charlie Swan), Cam Gigandet (James), Rachelle Lefèvre (Victoria), Edi Gathegi (Laurent), Sarah Clarke (Renée Dwyer), Matt Bushell (Phil Dwyer), Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black), Gil Birmingham (Billy Black). Romantic fantasy with screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg, based on the novel of the same name by Stephenie Meyer, focusing on the development of the relationship between human teenager Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen. Although Edward only consumes animal blood Bella is threatened by three nomadic vampires, James, Victoria and Laurent. Meyer makes a cameo appearance as a customer in the diner where Bella and her father frequently eat. Dir. Catherine Hardwicke. Twilight Saga, The: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 (2011) The fourth installment of The Twilight Saga series was directed by Bill Condon. Twilight Saga, The: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (2012) The fifth installment of The Twilight Saga series was directed by Bill Condon. Twilight Saga, The: Eclipse (2010) The third installment of The Twilight Saga series was directed by David Slade. Twilight Saga, The: New Moon (2009) The second film in the Twilight Saga series sees many of the original cast reprising their roles. Michael Sheen plays Aro, the leader of an ancient Italian vampire coven known as the Volturi. Dir. Catherine Hardwicke. Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) Dan Aykroyd, Vic Morrow, Scatman Crothers, Kevin McCarthy. Four supernatural stories. Dir. John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, George Miller. Twin Town (1997) Rhys Ifans, Llyr Evans, Keith Allen. Dir. Kevin Allen. Twinky (1969) Charles Bronson, Susan George, Trevor Howard. 16-yr-old schoolgirl marries a dissolute 40-yr-old American author. Dir. Richard Donner. Twins (1988) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Julius Benedict), Danny De Vito (Vincent Benedict). Dir. Ivan Reitman. Twister (1996) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Lois Smith. Dir. Jan de Bont. Two Days in the Valley (1996) Danny Aiello, James Spader, Jeff Daniels, Teri Hatcher, Louise Fletcher, Keith Carradine. Dir. John Herzfeld. Two Much (1996) Antonio Banderas, Melanie Griffith, Danny Aiello, Daryl Hannah. Art dealer, engaged to wealthy woman, invents a twin brother so that he can marry her sister. Dir. Fernando Trueba. Two Mules for Sister Sara (1969) Clint Eastwood, Shirley MacLaine. Dir. Don Siegel. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, Leonard Rossiter, Robert Beatty, Douglas Rain (voice of Hal). Film based on Arthur C Clarke story ‘The Sentinel’. Computer: Hal 9000 stands for Holistic Algorithmic. Journeyed to moon of Jupiter, although it was to the rings of Saturn in the book. Dir. Stanley Kubrick. 2010 (1984) Roy Scheider, Helen Mirren, John Lithgow, Keir Dullea. Dir. Peter Hyams. Two-Way Stretch (1960) Peter Sellers, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Lionel Jeffries, Bernard Cribbins, David Lodge, Beryl Reid, Irene Handl. Three convicts break out of jail to do a robbery. Dir. Robert Day. Ultimate Warrior, The (1975) Yul Brynner, Max Von Sydow, Joanna Miles. Set in New York AD 2012. Dir. Robert Clouse. Unfinished Life, An (2005) Robert Redford (Einar Gilkyson), Jennifer Lopez (Jean Gilkyson), Morgan Freeman (Mitch Bradley). A woman, down on her luck and desperate to provide care for her daughter, moves in with her father-in-law from whom she is estranged. Through time, they learn to forgive each other and heal old wounds. Dir. Lasse Hallström. Unforgiven (1992) Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Richard Harris. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Unforgiven, The (1960) Burt Lancaster, Audrey Hepburn, Audie Murphy. Dir. John Huston. Universal Soldier (1992) Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren. Dir. Roland Emmerich. Unsinkable Molly Brown, The (1964) Debbie Reynolds, Harve Presnell, Ed Begley. Dir. Charles Walters. Untouchables, The (1987) Kevin Costner, Sean Connery (Jim Malone), Robert De Niro (Al Capone), Andy Garcia. Dir. Brian De Palma. Up (2009) Voices of Ed Asner (Carl), Jordan Nagai (Russell), Christopher Plummer (Charles F Muntz). Computer-animated comedydrama concerning elderly widower Carl Fredricksen and a young over-eager ‘wilderness explorer’ named Russell, who fly to South America in a floating house suspended from helium balloons. Dir. Pete Docter and Bob Peterson. Up in the Air (2009) George Clooney (Ryan Bingham), Vera Farmiga (Alex Goran), Anna Kendrick (Natalie Keener), Jason Bateman (Craig Gregory), Amy Morton (Kara Bingham), Melanie Lynskey (Julie Bingham), JK Simmons (Bob), Sam Elliott (Maynard Finch), Danny R McBride (Jim Miller), Zach Galifianakis (Steve). Adaptation of Walter Kirn’s 2001 novel Up in the Air. Ryan Bingham visits workplaces around the United States in order to conduct employee layoffs but his livelihood becomes threatened by the internet. Dir. Jason Reitman. Uptown Saturday Night (1974) Sidney Poitier, Bill Cosby, Harry Belafonte, Flip Wilson, Richard Pryor. Friends pursue crooks who have stolen a winning lottery ticket. Dir. Sidney Poitier. Urban Cowboy (1980) John Travolta, Debra Winger. Dir. James Bridges. Used Cars (1980) Kurt Russell, Gerrit Graham, Jack Russell. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Usual Suspects, The (1995) Gabriel Byrne, Stephen Baldwin, Kevin Spacey, Pete Postlethwaite. Dir. Bryan Singer. V for Vendetta (2005) Hugo Weaving (V), Natalie Portman (Evey Hammond), John Hurt (Chancellor Adam Sutler), Rupert Graves (Dominic), Sinéad Cusack (Delia Surridge), Stephen Rea (Chief Inspector Eric Finch), Clive Ashborn (Guy Fawkes), Tim Pigott-Smith (Creedy), Stephen Fry (Gordon Deitrich). A shadowy freedom fighter known only as ‘V’ uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Dir. James McTeigue. Valentino (1977) Rudolf Nureyev, Leslie Caron, Michelle Phillips. Dir. Ken Russell. Valley of the Dolls (1967) Barbara Parkins, Patty Duke, Susan Hayward, Sharon Tate, Martin Milner. Dir. Mark Robson. Vanilla Sky (2001) Tom Cruise (David Aames), Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Kurt Russell, Jason Lee, Noah Taylor, Timothy Spall, Tilda Swinton. Accused of murder, a publishing tycoon explains to a prison psychiatrist how his life fell apart. Dir. Cameron Crowe. Vera Drake (2004) Imelda Staunton (Vera Drake), Richard Graham (George), Eddie Marsan (Reg), Anna Keaveney (Nellie), Sam Troughton (David), Alex Kelly (Ethel). Abortionist Vera Drake finds her beliefs and practices clash with the morals of 1950s Britain, a conflict that leads to tragedy for her family. Extraordinary film veiled in secrecy throughout its unscripted filming which gives a dramatic heightening of its content. Dir. Mike Leigh.


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Verdict, The (1982) Paul Newman, James Mason, Charlotte Rampling. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Vertigo (1958) James Stewart (Detective John ‘Scottie’ Ferguson), Kim Novak (Madeleine Elster / Judy Barton), Barbara Bel Geddes (Marjorie ‘Midge’ Wood), Tom Helmore (Gavin Elster), Henry Jones (Coroner). A detective with a fear of heights is hired by old schoolfriend Gavin Elster to follow his wife Madeleine. Ferguson falls in love with her but she apparently falls to her death. Then he meets her double. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Very Important Person (1961) James Robertson Justice, Stanley Baxter, Leslie Phillips. Dir. Ken Annakin. Vice Versa (1988) Judge Reinhold, Fred Savage, Corinne Bohrer. Dir. Brian Gilbert. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) Javier Bardem (Juan Antonio Gonzalo), Penelope Cruz (María Elena), Scarlett Johansson (Cristina), Rebecca Hall (Vicky), Chris Messina (Doug), Patricia Clarkson (Judy Nash), Kevin Dunn (Mark Nash). Two American women, Vicky and Cristina, spend a summer in Barcelona, where they meet an artist who is attracted to both of them while still enamoured of his mentally and emotionally unstable ex-wife María Elena. Dir. Woody Allen. Victor / Victoria (1982) James Garner, Julie Andrews, Robert Preston, John Rhys-Davies. Dir. Blake Edwards. View to a Kill, A (1985) Roger Moore, Christopher Walken (Max Zorin), Grace Jones (May Day), Tanya Roberts (Stacey Sutton), Patrick MacNee, Fiona Fullerton, David Yip. Title song performed by Duran Duran. Dir. John Glen. Vikings, The (1958) Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, Ernest Borgnine. Orson Welles was the narrator. Dir. Richard Fleischer. Village of the Damned (1960) George Sanders, Barbara Shelley, Laurence Naismith. Village women simultaneously give birth to fairhaired, genius level, telepathic children with eerie results. Dir. Wolf Rilla. Village of the Damned (1995) Christopher Reeve, Kirstie Alley, Linda Kozlowski, Mark Hamill. Dir. John Carpenter. Villain (1971) Richard Burton, Ian McShane, Nigel Davenport, TP McKenna. Dir. Michael Tuchner. VIPs, The (1963) Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Rod Taylor, Maggie Smith, Orson Welles, Louis Jourdan, Lance Percival. Dir. Anthony Asquith. Virginian, The (1929) Gary Cooper, Walter Huston. 1946 remake starred Joel McCrea & Brian Donlevy. Dir. Victor Fleming. Viva Las Vegas (1964) Elvis Presley, Ann-Margret. Presley plays a sports car racer. Dir. George Sidney. Viva Zapata (1952) Marlon Brando, Anthony Quinn, Jean Peters, Joseph Wiseman. Dir. Elia Kazan. Volcano (1997) Tommy Lee Jones (Mike Roark), Gaby Hoffmann, Don Cheadle, Anne Heche (Dr Amy Barnes). Dir. Mick Jackson. Von Ryan’s Express (1965) Frank Sinatra, Trevor Howard, Sergio Fantoni. Dir. Mark Robson. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961) Walter Pidgeon, Robert Sterling, Joan Fontaine, Peter Lorre, Barbara Eden. Spawned a longrunning TV series. Dir. Irwin Allen. Wag the Dog (1998) Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro. Dir. Barry Levinson. Wages of Fear, The (1953) Yves Montand, Folco Lulli, Peter Van Eyck, Charles Vanel. Nitro-glycerine is the substance transported over dangerous roads to put out oil well fire. Dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot. Wait until Dark (1967) Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin, Richard Crenna, Efrem Zimbalist Jnr. Dir. Terence Young. Walk the Line (2005) Joaquin Phoenix (Johnny Cash), Reese Witherspoon (June Carter), Ginnifer Goodwin (Vivian Cash), Robert Patrick (Ray Cash), Dallas Roberts (Sam Phillips), Dan John Miller (Luther Perkins), Larry Bagby (Marshall Grant), Shelby Lynne (Carrie Cash), Tyler Hilton (Elvis Presley), Waylon Malloy Payne (Jerry Lee Lewis), Shooter Jennings (Waylon Jennings), Sandra Ellis Lafferty (Maybelle Carter), Dan Beene (Ezra Carter), Clay Steakley (WS ‘Fluke’ Holland), Johnathan Rice (Roy Orbison), Johnny Holiday (Carl Perkins). Chronicles the first half of country music legend Johnny Cash’s life, from his childhood on an Arkansas cotton farm to his rise to fame after recording alongside Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins at Sun Records in Memphis. Reese Witherspoon won an Academy Award as Best Actress for her role as the country singer’s wife June Carter. Dir. James Mangold. Walkabout (1970) Jenny Agutter, Lucien John, David Gulpilil. Dir. Nicolas Roeg. WALL·E (2008) Voices of Ben Burtt (WALL·E), Elissa Knight (EVE), Jeff Garlin (Capt B McCrea), Fred Willard (Shelby Forthright), John Ratzenberger (John), Kathy Najimy (Mary), Sigourney Weaver (Axiom’s computer). Computer-animated science-fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The plot concerns the title character, a robot (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth Class), who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth of the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot, EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator), and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity. Dir. Andrew Stanton. Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) Voices of Peter Sallis (Wallace/Hutch), Ralph Fiennes (Victor Quartermaine), Helena Bonham Carter (Lady Campanula Tottington), Liz Smith (Mrs Mulch), Geraldine McEwan (Miss Thripp), Peter Kay (PC Mackintosh), Mark Gatiss (Miss Blight), Nicholas Smith (Reverend Clement Hedges), John Thomson (Mr Windfall). Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, set out to discover the mystery behind the garden sabotage that plagues their village and threatens the annual giant vegetable growing contest. The film won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. Dir. Steve Box and Nick Park. War, The (1994) Kevin Costner, Elijah Wood, LaToya Chisholm. Dir. Jon Avnet. War Games (1983) Matthew Broderick, Dabney Coleman, John Wood. Dir. John Badham. War of the Roses, The (1989) Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny De Vito. Dir. Danny De Vito. War of the Worlds, The (1953) Gene Barry (Dr Clayton Forrester), Ann Robinson (Sylvia Van Buren), Les Tremayne (Maj. Gen. Mann), Robert Cornthwaite (Dr Pryor), Sandro Giglio (Dr Bilderbeck), Lewis Martin (Pastor Dr Matthew Collins). The film adaptation of the HG Wells story told on radio of the invasion of Earth by Martians. Dir. Byron Haskin. The 2005 Steven Spielberg film War of the Worlds was an inferior remake starring Tom Cruise as Ray Ferrier, who tries to save his family from alien tripod machines ripping up the tarmac of American cities. The film featured cameos by the original stars, Gene Barry and Ann Robinson, as grandparents. Waterworld (1995) Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Tripplehorn. Dir. Kevin Reynolds. Way We Were, The (1973) Robert Redford, Barbra Streisand, Patrick O’Neal. Dir. Sydney Pollack. Wedding Banquet, The (1993) Mitchell Lichtenstein, Winston Chao, May Chin. Dir. Ang Lee. Welcome II The Terrordome (1994) Suzette Llewellyn, Saffron Burrows. Dir. Ngozi Onwurah. Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995) Heather Matarazzo, Victoria Davis. Dir. Todd Solondz. We’re No Angels (1954) Humphrey Bogart, Peter Ustinov, Aldo Ray, Basil Rathbone. Dir. Michael Curtiz. We’re No Angels (1989) Robert De Niro, Sean Penn, Demi Moore. Remake of the 1954 film. Dir. Neil Jordan. West Side Story (1961) Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn, George Chakiris, Rita Moreno. Dir. Robert Wise. Westerner, The (1940) Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Charlton Heston. Dir. William Wyler. Westworld (1973) Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin. Dir. Michael Crichton. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Victor Buono. Dir. Robert Aldrich. What’s New Pussycat? (1965) Peter O’Toole, Peter Sellers, Woody Allen, Ursula Andress, Capucine. Dir. Woody Allen. What’s Up Doc? (1972) Barbra Streisand, Ryan O’Neal. Dir. Peter Bogdanovich. When Saturday Comes (1996) Sean Bean (Jimmy Muir), Emile Lloyd (Annie Doherty), Pete Postlethwaite. Dir. Maria Giese. When We Were Kings (1996) Documentary of Muhammad Ali’s defeat of George Foreman in Zaïre. Dir. Leon Gast. Where Eagles Dare (1969) Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood, Mary Ure. Seven Allied agents land in Bavarian Alps to rescue officer from impregnable castle during World War II. Dir. Brian G Hutton. Whistle down the Wind (1961) Hayley Mills, Bernard Lee, Alan Bates, Norman Bird. Three children think a murderer on the run is Jesus. Dir. Bryan Forbes. White Christmas (1954) Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Dean Jagger. Dir. Michael Curtiz. White Countess, The (2005) Natasha Richardson (Countess Sofia Belinskya), Ralph Fiennes (Todd Jackson), Vanessa Redgrave (Princess Vera Belinskya), Lynn Redgrave (Olga Belinskya), Madeleine Potter (Grushenka), Madeleine Daly (Katya), John Wood (Prince


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Peter Belinsky). Set in 1930s Shanghai, where a blind American diplomat develops a curious relationship with a young Russian refugee who works odd – and sometimes illicit – jobs to support members of her dead husband’s aristocratic family. Notable for being the final Merchant Ivory production. Dir. James Ivory. White Heat (1949) James Cagney, Edmond O’Brien, Margaret Wycherly, Virginia Mayo. Dir. Raoul Walsh. White Hunter, Black Heart (1990) Clint Eastwood (John Wilson), Jeff Fahey (Pete Verrill), Marisa Berenson (Kay Gibson), Timothy Spall (Hodkins). Fictionalised account of John Huston during the shooting of The African Queen. Dir. Clint Eastwood. White Men Can’t Jump (1992) Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson, Rosie Perez. Dir. Ron Shelton. White Mischief (1987) Charles Dance, Greta Scacchi, John Hurt, Sarah Miles, Trevor Howard. Dir. Michael Radford. White Nights (1985) Mikhail Baryshnikov, Gregory Hines, Helen Mirren, Isabella Rossellini. Best Song Oscar for ‘Say You, Say Me’ by Lionel Richie. Dir. Taylor Hackford. White Ribbon, The (2009) Christian Friedel (school teacher), Ernst Jacobi (narrator/school teacher as an old man), Leonie Benesch (Eva), Ulrich Tukur (baron), Ursina Lardi (Baroness Marie-Louise), Fion Mutert (Sigmund), Michael Kranz (private tutor), Burghart Klaußner (pastor), Rainer Bock (doctor), Steffi Kühnert (Anna), Maria-Victoria Dragus (Klara), Leonard Proxauf (Martin), Levin Henning (Adolf), Johanna Busse (Margarete), Thibault Sérié (Gustav). Drama set in the Protestant village of Eichwald, Germany between July 1913 and 10 August 1914. The pastor, the doctor and the baron rule the roost over women, children and peasant farmers. The film’s name derives from the puritanical pastor’s persuasion to make his errant children wear white ribbons of purity to remind them of the path of righteousness from which they have strayed. The film ends with the assassination of the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in Sarajevo, and the declaration of war on Serbia by Austria–Hungary. Dir. Michael Haneke. White Squall (1996) Jeff Bridges (Christopher ‘Skipper’ Sheldon). Boat: The Albatross. Dir. Ridley Scott. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988) Bob Hoskins (Eddie Valiant). Animation synchronised with live action. Christopher Lloyd (Judge Doom). Jessica Rabbit’s speaking voice was Kathleen Turner and singing voice was Amy Irving. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Whoops Apocalypse (1986) Loretta Swit (President Adams), Peter Cook (Sir Mortimer Chris). Dir. Tom Bussmann. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, George Segal, Sandy Dennis. Based on Edward Albee’s play. Dir. Mike Nichols. Wicked Lady, The (1945) Margaret Lockwood, James Mason, Michael Rennie. The 1983 remake starred Faye Dunaway in the Lockwood role. Dir. Leslie Arliss. Wild Bunch, The (1969) William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Ryan, Warren Oates, Edmond O’Brien. Dir. Sam Peckinpah. Wild One, The (1954) Marlon Brando, Lee Marvin, Mary Murphy. The Garutso lens created the sharpness of photography. Dir. Laslo Benedek. Willard (1971) Bruce Davison, Elsa Lanchester, Ernest Borgnine, Sondra Locke. Shy, introverted man breeds and trains rats to kill his enemies. Dir. Daniel Mann. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (1996) Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, Brian Dennehy, Pete Postlethwaite. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) Gene Wilder (Willy Wonka), Jack Albertson (Grandpa Joe), Peter Ostrum (Charlie Bucket), Roy Kinnear (Mr Henry Salt), Julie Dawn Cole (Veruca Salt), Leonard Stone (Mr Sam Beauregarde), Denise Nickerson (Violet Beauregarde), Nora Denney as Dodo Denney (Mrs Teevee), Paris Themmen (Mike Teevee). Screen adaptation of Roald Dahl’s famous book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The world is astounded when Willy Wonka, for years a recluse in his factory, announces that five lucky people will be given a tour of the factory and shown all the secrets of his amazing candy, and one will win a lifetime supply of Wonka chocolate. Young Charlie is the proud owner of one of the five golden tickets and along with four somewhat odious other children, gets the chance of a lifetime. Along the way, mild disasters befall each of the other children, but can Charlie beat the odds and grab the brass ring? Dir. Mel Stuart. See also Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). Wind in the Willows, The (1996) Steve Coogan (Mole), Eric Idle (Rat), Terry Jones (Toad), Stephen Fry, Julia Sawalha. Dir. Terry Jones. Wind that Shakes the Barley, The (2006) Cillian Murphy (Damien), Padraic Delaney (Teddy), Liam Cunningham (Dan), Gerard Kearney (Donnacha), William Ruane (Gogan). A sympathetic look at Republicans in early 20th century Ireland, and in particular two brothers torn apart by anti-British rebellion. Dir. Ken Loach. Winslow Boy, The (1948) Robert Donat, Cedric Hardwicke, Margaret Leighton, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Kathleen Harrison. Father endeavours to prove the innocence of naval cadet son, expelled for stealing postal order. Dir. Anthony Asquith. Wish You Were Here (1987) Emily Lloyd, Tom Bell, Clare Clifford. Dir. David Leland. Witches of Eastwick, The (1987) Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer. Dir. George Miller. Witness (1985) Harrison Ford, Kelly McGillis, Lukas Haas, Alexander Godunov. Dir. Peter Weir. Witness for the Prosecution (1957) Charles Laughton, Tyrone Power, Marlene Dietrich, Elsa Lanchester. Dir. Billy Wilder. Wiz, The (1978) Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Lena Horne, Richard Pryor. Dir. Sidney Lumet. Wizard of Oz, The (1939) Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Bert Lahr (Lion), Jack Haley (Tin Man), Ray Bolger (Scarecrow). Dir. Victor Fleming. Wolf (1994) Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, James Spader, Kate Nelligan, Christopher Plummer. Dir. Mike Nichols. Woman in a Dressing Gown (1957) Yvonne Mitchell, Anthony Quayle, Sylvia Syms, Andrew Ray. Dir. J Lee Thompson. Women in love (1969) Glenda Jackson, Jennie Linden, Alan Bates, Oliver Reed. Famous for its nude wrestling scene between Bates and Reed. Dir. Ken Russell. Working Girl (1988) Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, Melanie Griffith, Alec Baldwin, Olympia Dukakis. Dir. Mike Nichols. Working Girls (1986) Louise Smith, Ellen McElduff, Amanda Goodwin. Dir. Lizzie Borden. World Is Not Enough, The (1999) Pierce Brosnan, Robert Carlyle (Renard), Sophie Marceau (Elektra), Denise Richards (Christmas Jones), Judi Dench (M), Robbie Coltrane, John Cleese (R). Theme song performed by Shirley Manson of Garbage. Dir. Michael Apted. World of Suzie Wong, The (1960) William Holden, Nancy Kwan, Sylvia Syms, Michael Wilding, Jackie Chan. Dir. Richard Quine. World Trade Center (2006) Nicolas Cage (John McLoughlin), Michael Pena as Michael Peña (Will Jimeno), Maria Bello (Donna McLoughlin), Connor Paolo (Steven McLoughlin), Anthony Piccininni (JJ McLoughlin), Alexa Gerasimovich (Erin McLoughlin), Morgan Flynn (Caitlin McLoughlin), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Allison Jimeno). Two Port Authority police officers become trapped under the rubble of the World Trade Center. Dir. Oliver Stone. Wrong Box, The (1966) Ralph Richardson, John Mills, Michael Caine, Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Peter Sellers, Tony Hancock, Nanette Newman. Two Victorian brothers are last survivors of a tontine agreement and try to kill each other. Dir. Bryan Forbes. Wrong Man, The (1957) Henry Fonda, Vera Miles, Anthony Quayle. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Wuthering Heights (1939) Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, David Niven, Flora Robson. Dir. William Wyler. Wuthering Heights (1970) Timothy Dalton, Anna Calder-Marshall, Ian Ogilvy. Dir. Robert Fuest. Wyatt Earp (1994) Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid, Gene Hackman, Mark Harmon, Isabella Rossellini. Dir. Lawrence Kasdan. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Patrick Stewart (Professor Charles Xavier), Hugh Jackman (Logan/Wolverine), Halle Berry (Ororo Munroe/Storm), Ian McKellen (Eric Lensherr/Magneto), Famke Janssen (Jean Grey/Phoenix), Anna Paquin (Marie/Rogue), Kelsey Grammer (Dr Hank McCoy/Beast), James Marsden (Scott Summers/Cyclops), Rebecca Romijn (Raven Darkholme/Mystique), Shawn Ashmore (Bobby Drake/Iceman), Aaron Stanford (John Allerdyce/Pyro), Vinnie Jones (Cain Marko/Juggernaut), Ben Foster (Warren Worthington III/Angel), Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde), Michael Murphy (Warren Worthington II). When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn among the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organised under Xavier’s former ally, Magneto. Dir. Brett Ratner. The third in a series of X-Men films; the first two, X-Men (2000) and X–2 (2003), were


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directed by Bryan Singer. The series continued with X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) directed by Gavin Hood and X-Men: First Class (2011) directed by Matthew Vaughn (a prequel set primarily in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis). Xanadu (1980) Olivia Newton-John, Gene Kelly, Michael Beck. Dir. Robert Greenwald. xXx (2002) Samuel L Jackson (Agent Gibbons), Vin Diesel (Xander Cage / Triple X), Marton Csokas (Yorgi), Asia Argento (Yelena). Spy thriller in which agents infiltrate a cult group, Anarchy 99, who have made a biological weapon named Silent Night. Dir. Rob Cohen. Y Tu Mama También (2001) Maribel Verdu (Luisa Cortes), Gael Garcia Bernal (Julio Zapata). Two Mexican youths learn about life and love from an older woman while travelling to find the perfect beach. Dir. Alfonso Cuaron. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) James Cagney, Walter Huston, Eddie Foy Jnr. Life story of dancer George M Cohan. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Yanks (1979) Vanessa Redgrave, Richard Gere, Rachel Roberts. Dir. John Schlesinger. Year of the Dragon, The (1985) Mickey Rourke, John Lone, Ariane. Dir. Michael Cimino. Yearling, The (1946) Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman. Dir. Clarence Brown. Yellow Rolls Royce, The (1964) Rex Harrison, Jeanne Moreau, Omar Sharif, Ingrid Bergman, Shirley MacLaine. Aristocrat, gangster and millionairess in turn own an expensive car. Dir. Anthony Asquith. Yellowbeard (1983) Graham Chapman, Peter Cook, Marty Feldman, Eric Idle, John Cleese, Spike Milligan, Beryl Reid, Susannah York. Dir. Mel Damski. Yentl (1983) Barbra Streisand, Mandy Patinkin, Amy Irving, Nehemiah Persoff. Barbra Streisand also co-wrote with Jack Rosenthal. Dir. Barbra Streisand. You Only Live Twice (1967) Sean Connery, Akiko Wakabayashi (Aki), Tetsuro Tamba, Charles Gray, Donald Pleasence (Blofeld), Bernard Lee, Mie Hama (Kissy Suzuki). Theme song sung by Nancy Sinatra. Dir. Lewis Gilbert. Young Adam (2003) Ewan McGregor (Joe Taylor), Tilda Swinton (Ella Gault), Peter Mullan (Les Gault), Emily Mortimer (Cathie Dimly). Set in the 1950s, concerning a Scottish drifter who brings death and mayhem to those who cross his path. Based on a novel by Alexander Trocchi. Dir. David Mackenzie. Young Bess (1953) Jean Simmons, Stewart Granger, Charles Laughton (Henry VIII), Kay Walsh, Deborah Kerr. Dir. George Sidney. Young Frankenstein (1974) Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman, Madeline Kahn, Gene Hackman. Dir. Mel Brooks. Young Guns (1988) Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Charlie Sheen, Terence Stamp, Jack Palance, Patrick Wayne. Dir. Christopher Cain. Young Guns II (1990) Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Christian Slater, James Coburn. Dir. Geoff Murphy. Zardoz (1974) Sean Connery, Charlotte Rampling, John Alderton. Set in the year 2293. Dir. John Boorman. Ziegfeld Follies (1946) Fred Astaire, Lucille Ball, Jimmy Durante, Fanny Brice, Lena Horne, Esther Williams, Judy Garland, Red Skelton, Gene Kelly. Dir. Vincente Minnelli. Zorba the Greek (1964) Anthony Quinn, Alan Bates, Lila Kedrova. Dir. Michael Cacoyannis. Zorro the Gay Blade (1981) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton, Brenda Vaccaro, Ron Leibman, James Booth. Dir. Peter Medak. Zulu (1964) Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins, Michael Caine, James Booth, Ivor Emmanuel. Dir. Cy Endfield. Zulu Dawn (1979) Burt Lancaster, Denholm Elliott, Peter O’Toole, John Mills. Dir. Douglas Hickox. Famous for being the last listed film in Halliwell’s Film Guide. NB: It is hoped that this is a fairly representative catalogue of cinematic history, but it is inevitable that some films of quality will not be listed.

Films: General Information

Abba hits featured Muriel’s Wedding, Mamma Mia! Acromegaly: sufferer Rondo Hatton (d.1946), often billed as ‘The Brute Man’ or ‘The Creeper’, suffered from this enlargement of the bones. Aramaic dialogue Passion of the Christ (2004). Archers: nickname Film-makers Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger (and name of their film company). Bafta Presidents The Duke of Edinburgh (1959–65), Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1966–72), The Princess Royal (1972–2001), Lord (Richard) Attenborough (2002–10), Prince William (2010– ) Barons Richard Attenborough (Richmond on Thames), Laurence Olivier (Brighton). Benchley shorts Popular one-reel shorts delivered by Robert Benchley, sitting behind a desk, pontificating on aspects of modern living. Bond Cars All four-wheeled transport driven by the six Bonds. Dr No (Sunbeam Alpine), From Russia with Love (Bentley Mark IV), Goldfinger (Aston Martin DB5), Thunderball (Aston Martin DB5), Casino Royale (black Bentley), On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (Aston Martin DBS), Diamonds Are Forever (moon buggy and Ford Mustang Mach 1), Live and Let Die (double-decker bus and white Coronado), The Man with the Golden Gun (red AMC Hornet), The Spy Who Loved Me (white Lotus Esprit), Moonraker (MP Roadster), For Your Eyes Only (Lotus Esprit Turbo and Citroen 2CV), Octopussy (Mercedes 250SE), Never Say Never Again (black Bentley), A View to a Kill (Renault 11), The Living Daylights (Aston Martin DBS V8 Vantage as a coupé and as a soft-top Volante version, also drove an Audi 200 Quattro), Licence to Kill (Kenworth W900B Truck), Goldeneye (BMW Z3 Roadster and Aston Martin DB5), Tomorrow Never Dies (BMW 750iL and Aston Martin DB5), The World Is Not Enough (silver BMW Z8), Die Another Day (Aston Martin V12 Vanquish), Casino Royale (Aston Martin DBS and DB5), Quantum of Solace (Aston Martin DB5 V12, also drove Ford Edge and Volvo 540 TS), Skyfall (Aston Martin DB5, also drove Mercedes S65). Bowery Boys Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bob Jordan, Gabriel Dell, Bernard Gorcey, David Gorcey, Billy Benedict, Bennie Bartlett. Carry On Cleo: US video title Caligula’s Funniest Home Videos. Carry On films Carry On Sergeant (1958), Carry On Nurse (1959), Carry On Teacher, (1959), Carry On Constable (1960), Carry On Regardless (1961), Carry On Cruising (1962), Carry On Cabby (1963), Carry On Cleo (1964), Carry On Spying (1964), Carry On Jack (US title: Carry On Venus) (1964), Carry On Cowboy (1965), Carry On – Don’t Lose Your Head (1966), Carry On – Follow that Camel (1966), Carry On Screaming (1966), Carry On Doctor (1968), Carry On Up the Khyber (1968), Carry On Again Doctor (1969), Carry On Camping (1969), Carry On Up the Jungle (1970), Carry On Loving (1970), Carry On Henry (1971), Carry On at Your Convenience (1971), Carry On Abroad (1972), Carry On Matron (1972), Carry On Girls (1973), Carry On Dick (1974), Carry On Behind (1975), Carry On England (1976), Carry On Emmanuelle (1978), Carry On Columbus (1992). Celluloid film: innovator William Friese-Greene (1888). Cinéma vérité Film technique that utilises raw, natural sound, hand-held cameras and little rehearsal. Cinemascope: first film The Robe (1953).


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Cinematic projections: early examples Stroboscope, zoetrope, thaumatrope and praxinoscope. Cinerama: invented New York 1952. Documentary: term coined by John Grierson (8 February 1926) while reviewing Robert Flaherty’s ethnographic film Moana for the New York Sun. Dolby Stereo: invented 1980. Film à clef Film that appears to be a fictional work, but is in fact based on a true story. Film festival: first Venice, 1932. Film: first British feature Oliver Twist (Aug 1912). Film: first before paying audience Young Griffo v Battling Charles Barnett (New York, 20 May 1895). Film: first over one hour long The Story of the Kelly Gang (Melbourne, 24 Dec 1906). Hitchcock cameos The Lodger (1926) Seen seated at desk in a newsroom, and later he’s one of the onlookers watching arrest of Ivor Novello. Blackmail (1929) Bothered by a young boy on the Underground as he is trying to read a book. Murder! (1930) He is a passer-by on the street. The Thirty-Nine Steps (1935) Again, he is a passer-by on the street. Young and Innocent (1937) Appears as a clumsy press photographer. The Lady Vanishes (1938) Appears in a London railway station. Rebecca (1940) Appears standing outside a telephone booth while George Sanders is making a call. Foreign Correspondent (1940) Reading newspaper on the street, before Joel McCrea meets Van Meer (Albert Basserman). Mr & Mrs Smith (1941) On the street, unaware of Robert Montgomery. Saboteur (1942) At the news-stand. Shadow of a Doubt (1943) Holding a full house whilst playing poker on a train. Lifeboat (1944) Pictured in a beforeand-after weight reduction advertisement in paper read by William Bendix. Spellbound (1945) Getting out of a crowded hotel lift. Notorious (1946) Drinking champagne at a party. The Paradine Case (1948) Carrying a cello case. Rope (1948) Crossing the street during the opening credits. Under Capricorn (1949) Seen first at Governor’s house and then on steps of Government House. Stage Fright (1950) Turning round in the street to look at Jane Wyman, who’s talking to herself. Strangers on a Train (1951) Boarding a train carrying a bass violin. I Confess (1953) Crossing the screen at the top of a long staircase. Dial M for Murder (1954) In a class reunion photo. Rear Window (1954) Winding a clock in the musician’s apartment. To Catch a Thief (1955) On a bus, next to Cary Grant. The Trouble with Harry (1955) At an outdoor exhibition. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) Watching Arab acrobats in Marrakesh marketplace. Vertigo (1958) Crossing the street. North by Northwest (1959) Running to catch a bus, with the door slamming in his face. Psycho (1960) Standing outside the real-estate office, wearing a ten gallon hat. The Birds (1963) Exiting a pet shop, with 2 Scottie dogs. Marnie (1964) Coming out of a hotel room. Torn Curtain (1966) In hotel lobby with baby on his lap (his theme tune playing softly). Topaz (1969) Wheelchair-bound being attended by a nurse (in an airport). Frenzy (1972) Spectator in a crowd scene. Family Plot (1976) In silhouette behind the door of the Office of Vital Statistics. Hollywood studio: first Centaur Film Company (Horsley). Latin dialogue Sebastiane (directed by Derek Jarman), Passion of the Christ (directed by Mel Gibson). Marilyn Monroe: film shooting when died Something’s Gotta Give. Miss Ohio winner Halle Berry (also Miss Teen All-American, and in 1986 was first runner-up in the Miss USA pageant, becoming the first African-American to represent the USA in Miss World). Monarch acted in film Edward VIII (whilst Prince of Wales), The Power of Right & The Warrior Strain (1919). Prince Charles was the first member of the Royal Family to speak in a fiction film: Grime Goes Green (1990). Movie camera: first patent William Friese-Greene (1888). Oscar: first British Charles Laughton for Private Life of Henry VIII in 1934. Oscar nominations: most without winning The Color Purple and The Turning Point each had 11 Oscar nominations but failed to win a single award. Oscar nominations: records Meryl Streep was nominated for a record 15th time in the acting category as at 2009. Oscar statuettes Designed by Cedric Gibbons and sculpted by George Stanley. Oscars: film with most awards Ben Hur (1959), Titanic (1997), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003): 11. Oscars: films with most nominations All About Eve (1950) and Titanic (1998), each nominated in 14 categories. Oscars: most won Walt Disney (26) Pamela Stephenson: film sued for £3.5m Hello, She Lied (renamed Miami Hustle); replaced by Kathy Ireland. Pearl and Dean: music called Asteroid. Picasso painting in lieu of cash Robin Williams received a $7 million Picasso in lieu of earnings for Aladdin. Pixar films Founded in 1979 as the Graphics Group and based in Emeryville, California. Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple Inc.) became its majority shareholder in 1986. The Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006. As at 31 December 2012 Pixar have released 13 films – Toy Story (1995), A Bug’s Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Cars (2006), Ratatouille (2007), WALL-E (2008), Up (2009), Toy Story 3 (2010), Cars (2011) and Brave (2012). John Ratzenberger has voiced characters in all 13 films to-date. Road films: first in colour Road to Bali (1952). Road films: order Singapore, Zanzibar, Morocco, Utopia, Rio, Bali, Hong Kong. Ronald Reagan films: include Accidents Will Happen (1938), Angels Wash their Faces (1939), Bedtime for Bonzo (1951), Hellcats of the Navy (1957), Cattle Queen of Montana (1954), The Killers (1964). Smell-O-Vision: first film The Scent of Mystery (1959). Sound film: first Jazz Singer (1927). Tarzan: actors played Johnny Weissmuller 1932–48, Lex Barker 1949–53, Gordon Scott 1955–60, Jock Mahoney 1962–3, Mike Henry 1966–8. Also Miles O’Keeffe, Buster Crabbe, Frank Merrill, Christopher Lambert. Third Man: famous quote ‘In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace – and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock.’ Triangle Film Corporation Formed in 1915 by DW Griffith, Thomas Ince and Mack Sennett. United Artists Formed in 1919 by Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin and DW Griffith. In November 2006, producer/actor Tom Cruise and his production partner, Paula Wagner, signed an agreement with the holding company, MGM, to run United Artists. Videodrome: presenters Alex Cox, Mark Cousins. Western film: first in USA The Great Train Robbery (directed by Edwin Porter, 1903).


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First Films Actor Danny Aiello Claude Akins Alan Alda Woody Allen Kirstie Alley June Allyson Mädchen Amick Dana Andrews Harry Andrews Julie Andrews


Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) A Place in the Sun (1951) Gone Are the Days (1963) What’s New Pussycat (1965) One More Chance (1981) All Girl Revue (1937) The Borrower (1989) Lucky Cisco Kid (1938) Red Beret, The (1952) Mary Poppins (1964) As extra: The Reluctant Debutante (1958) Voice only: Rose of Baghdad (1952) Gabrielle Anwar Manifesto (1988) Anne Archer The All-American Boy (1970; released 1973) Eve Arden Song of Love (1929) Alan Arkin Calypso Heat Wave (1957) George Arliss Devil, The (1921) Edward Arnold The Heart of Virginia Keep (1916) Short: When the Man Speaks (1916) Rosanna Arquette More American Graffiti (1979) TV film: Having Babies II (1977) Jean Arthur Cameo Kirby (1923) Short: Somebody Lied (1923) Armand Assante The Lords of Flatbush (1974) Fred Astaire Dancing Lady (1933) Short: Municipal Bandwagon (1932) Mary Astor Hope (1922) Short: The Beggar Maid (1921) Rowan Atkinson The Secret Policeman’s Ball (1979) Richard Attenborough In Which We Serve (1942) Gene Autry In Old Santa Fe (1934) Love at First Sight (1976) Dan Aykroyd Short and voice only: The Gift of Winter (1974) Lew Ayres The Sophomore (1929) Charles Aznavour Les Disparus de Saint-Agil (1938) US title: Boys’ School Lauren Bacall To Have and Have Not (1944) Kevin Bacon National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978) Carroll Baker Easy to Love (1953) Joe Don Baker Cool Hand Luke (1967) Stanley Baker Undercover (1943) Alec Baldwin Forever Lulu (1987) TV film: Sweet Revenge (1984) William Baldwin Born on the Fourth of July (1989) Christian Bale Empire of the Sun (1987) TV film: Anastasia: Mystery of Anna (1986) Martin Balsam On the Waterfront (1954) Anne Bancroft Don’t Bother to Knock (1952) Theda Bara A Fool There Was (1914) Javier Bardem El Picaro (1974) Brigitte Bardot Le Trou Normand (1952) Ellen Barkin The Diner (1982) Drew Barrymore Altered States (1980) Ethel Barrymore The Nightingale (1914) John Barrymore An American Citizen (1913) Lionel Barrymore Men and Women (1914) Short: Friends (1969) Kim Basinger Hard Country (1981) Alan Bates It’s Never Too Late (1956) Kathy Bates Taking Off (1971) Anne Baxter Twenty Mule Team (1940) Sean Bean Caravaggio (1986) TV film: Winter Flight (1984) Warren Beatty Splendor in the Grass (1961) Bonny Bedelia The Gypsy Moths (1969) Harry Belafonte Bright Road (1953) Ralph Bellamy The Secret Six (1931) William Bendix Woman of the Year (1942) Tom Berenger The Sentinel (1976) Candice Bergen The Group (1966) Ingrid Bergman Munkbrogreven (1934) Halle Berry Jungle Fever (1991)



Juliette Binoche Jacqueline Bisset Honor Blackman Cate Blanchett

Liberty Belle (1981) The Knack (1964) Daughter of Darkness (1947) Paradise Road (1997) Australia-only release: Police Rescue (1994) The Blind Goddess (1948) Wilde (1997) Dancing With Crime (1947) As extra: Come on George (1939) A Devil with Women (1930). As extra: The Dancing Team (1928) China Corsair (1951) Beyond the Rainbow (1921) Lilacs in the Spring (1954) US title: Let’s Make Up L’Homme du Large (1920) High Season (1986) The Men (1950) Watch Your Wife (1926) No Minor Vices (1948) The Company She Keeps (1950) (as baby) They Dare Not Love (1941) New York Stories (1989) (‘Life Without Zoe’ segment) You’re in the Navy Now (1951) Aka USS Teakettle (as Charles Buchinski) Putney Swope (1969) As narrator: The Critic (1963) The Long Good Friday (1980) Short: Resting Rough (1979) Port of New York (1949) A Fool and His Money (1988) Lamb Chops (1929) San Quentin (1946) The Last Days of Dolwyn (1948) Bless ’em All (1949) The Outsider (1979) BFI ‘Art’ film: On a Paving Stone Mounted (1978) Irma La Douce (1963) Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) TV film: The Best of Times (1981) Both films as Nicolas Coppola Sinner’s Holiday (1930) A Hill in Korea (1956) Amadeus (1984) Class of ’44 (1973) Goha (1957) Short: Chaines d’Or (1956) Bond Street (1948) An American in Paris (1951) Taggart (1965) A Gunfight (1970) Introducing Janet (1982) TV film: Rubberface (1981) The Secret of the Purple Reef (1960) Storm and Sunshine (1910) Charlie as a Piano Mover (1910) Something to Shout About (1942) Short: Rhumba Serenade (1941) Wild on the Beach (1965) Le Mauvais Garçon (1921) Short: Trop Crédule (1908) Crooks Anonymous (1962) Interlude (1968) The Search (1948) Grizzly II – The Predator (1982) The World According to Garp (1982) TV film: Orphan Train (1979) Ride Lonesome (1959) For the Love of Mike (1927) Cottage to Let (1941) Lady Godiva Rides Again (1951)

Claire Bloom Orlando Bloom Dirk Bogarde Humphrey Bogart Ernest Borgnine Clara Bow Stephen Boyd Charles Boyer Kenneth Branagh Marlon Brando Walter Brennan Beau Bridges Jeff Bridges Lloyd Bridges Adrien Brody Charles Bronson Mel Brooks Pierce Brosnan Yul Brynner Sandra Bullock George Burns Raymond Burr Richard Burton Max Bygraves Gabriel Byrne James Caan Nicolas Cage James Cagney Michael Caine Simon Callow John Candy Claudia Cardinale Ian Carmichael Leslie Caron David Carradine Keith Carradine Jim Carrey Richard Chamberlain Lon Chaney Charlie Chaplin Cyd Charisse Cher Maurice Chevalier Julie Christie John Cleese Montgomery Clift George Clooney Glenn Close James Coburn Claudette Colbert George Cole Joan Collins


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Ronald Colman

The Toilers (1919) Short: The Live Wire (1917) Lilacs in the Spring (1954) Flame (1974) Skinner’s Baby (1916) Blind Justice (1923) Never Look Back (1952) Night Shift (1982) (Sizzle Beach, USA made in late 70s but not shown till 1986) Citizen Kane (1941) Unreleased: Too Much Johnson (1938) Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962) Hearts of the World (1918) Woman Chases Man (1937) Lady of the Night (1925) Short: Miss MGM (1925) Soap Box Derby (1957) The Pride of St Louis (1952) King of Jazz (1930) Short: Ripstitch the Tailor (1930) Blood Oath (1990) My Bodyguard (1980) Jamón, Jamón (1992) Rabbit Test (1978) TV film: Death Flight (1977) Rocket Gibraltar (1988) You Can Count On Me (2000) PT 109 (1963) Halloween (1978) TV film: Operation Petticoat (1977) Criss Cross (1948) Class (1983) The Man in the Iron Mask (1939) Heaven’s Gate (1980) 6.5 Special (1958) The Lion in Winter (1968) Mystic Pizza (1988) The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) Ragtime (1981) The Onion Field (1979) The Restless Ones (1965) As extra: Bye Bye Birdie (1963) The Benny Goodman Story (1956) Short: Rufus Jones for President (1933) Bad Sister (1931) Tootsie (1982) Shadow on the Wall (1950) Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971) Romance on the High Seas (1948) GB title: It’s Magic Short: My Lost Horizon (1941) Harvard Here I Come (1941) GB title: Here I Come Short: I Look at You (1941) A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1935) One From the Heart (1982) Trois Chambres à Manhattan (1966) Dreams of Glass (1969) Sailor Beware (1951) The Third Secret (1964) Les Collégiennes (1956) Le Beatnik et le Minet (1965) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) Wild River (1960) Teachers (1984) As child actress: White Lightning (1973) The Asphalt Jungle (1950) The Mask (1994) Critters 3 (1991) So Sind die Männer (1922) Aka Der Kleine Napoleon Over the Edge (1979) Men of Tomorrow (1932) Foreign Body (1986) Castaway (1986) released at same time The Shop at Sly Corner (1946) The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)

Michael Douglas

Hail, Hero (1969) TV film: The Experiment (1968) Pound (1970) The Graduate (1967) The Happening (1967) Three Smart Girls (1936) Short: Every Sunday (1936) To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) TV film: John Brown’s Raid (1960) Revenge of the Creature (1955) Short: A Day in a Hollywood Star Factory (1955) Fraulein Doktor (1968) Da Hip Hop Witch (2000) A Honeymoon for Three (1915) The Lamb (1915) Stephen Steps Out (1923) Wind across the Everglades (1958) The War Zone (1999) John Paul Jones (1959) The Bed Sitting Room (1969) Moon Pilot (1962) Sally in Our Alley (1931) Janice Meredith (1924) GB title: The Beautiful Rebel Short: Pool Sharks (1915) Stealing Beauty (1996) Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1992) A Dangerous Man – Lawrence after Arabia (1991) was a TV film never released in cinemas Dad and Dave Come to Town (1938) Unreleased: Magic Shoes (1935) The Entertainer (1960) Dr H. Erben’s New Guinea Expedition (1932) The Farmer Takes a Wife (1935) Tall Story (1960) No More Ladies (1935) (as Joan Burfield) Heaven With a Barbed Wire Fence (1939) Short: Night in Manhattan (1937) Dead Heat on a Merry-Go- Round (1966) By the Shortest of Heads (1915) Napoleon and Samantha (1972) The Mind Benders (1962) The Miniver Story (1950) (as William Fox) Letters From Frank (1979) Toys (1992) A Face in the Crowd (1957) Who Says I Can’t Ride a Rainbow (1971) Forbidden Paradise (1924) Fortune Hunter (1921) Short: How Not to Dress (1921) Blue Skies Again (1983) TV film: Hill Street Blues (1980) Pilot for series HM Pulham Esq (1941) Short: Fancy Answers (1941) Pigskin Parade (1936) GB title: Harmony Parade. Short: The Meglin Kiddie Revue (1929) (billed as a Gumm sister) Toward the Unknown (1956) GB title: Brink of Hell Goodbye Mr Chips (1939) As extra: 21 Days (1937) US title: 21 Days Together Report to the Commissioner (1974) GB title: Operation Undercover Summer City (1977) Who is the Man? (1924) Judith of Bethulia (1914) Short: Oil and Water (1912) Citizen (1982) (released 1983) Death Wish (1974) The Confession (1964) GB title: Quick, Let’s Get Married!

Sean Connery Tom Conti Jackie Coogan Gary Cooper Harry H Corbett Kevin Costner Joseph Cotten Tom Courtenay Noël Coward Broderick Crawford Joan Crawford Michael Crawford Richard Crenna Bing Crosby Russell Crowe Tom Cruise Penélope Cruz Billy Crystal Macaulay Culkin Rory Culkin Robert Culp Jamie Lee Curtis Tony Curtis John Curtis Peter Cushing Willem Dafoe Jim Dale Timothy Dalton Matt Damon Charles Dance Jeff Daniels Ted Danson Kim Darby Sammy Davis Jr Bette Davis Geena Davis Nancy Davis Daniel Day-Lewis Doris Day Yvonne De Carlo Olivia De Havilland Rebecca DeMornay Robert De Niro Danny De Vito James Dean Judi Dench Catherine Deneuve Gérard Depardieu Johnny Depp Bruce Dern Laura Dern Brad Dexter Cameron Diaz Leonardo DiCaprio Marlene Dietrich Matt Dillon Robert Donat Amanda Donohoe Diana Dors Kirk Douglas

Robert Downey Jr Richard Dreyfuss Faye Dunaway Deanna Durbin Robert Duvall Clint Eastwood Michael Elphick Eminem Edith Evans Douglas Fairbanks Douglas Fairbanks Jr Peter Falk Colin Farrell Mia Farrow Marty Feldman Sally Field Gracie Fields WC Fields Joseph Fiennes Ralph Fiennes

Peter Finch Albert Finney Errol Flynn Henry Fonda Jane Fonda Joan Fontaine Glenn Ford Harrison Ford George Formby Jodie Foster Edward Fox James Fox Michael J Fox Jamie Foxx Tony Franciosa Morgan Freeman Clark Gable Greta Garbo Andy Garcia Ava Gardner Judy Garland

James Garner Greer Garson Richard Gere Mel Gibson John Gielgud Lillian Gish Whoopi Goldberg Jeff Goldblum Elliott Gould


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Betty Grable Stewart Granger

Happy Days (1929) A Southern Maid (1933) As stand-in: I Spy (1933) This Is the Night (1932) Privileged (1982) Withnail and I (1986) TV film: Honest, Decent and True (1985) Four Men and a Prayer (1938) The Maltese Falcon (1941) Saraband for Dead Lovers (1948) Smith! (1969) Rosemary’s Baby (1968) TV film: The Meanest Men in the West (1962) Great Expectations (1946) As extra: Evensong (1934) Mad Dog Coll (1961) Ensign Pulver (1964) TV film: The Member of the Wedding (1958) The Woman in the Hall (1947) Orders Are Orders (1954) He Knows You’re Alone (1980) The Fury (1978) Outwitting Dad (1913) Moran of the Marines (1928) Harper Valley PTA (1978) Coma (1977) TV film: The Amazing Howard Hughes (1977) Alive and Kicking (1958) The Great Game (1930) House of Darkness (1948) Repelstweltje (1973) Explorers (1985) Birds of Prey (1930) The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band (1968) Those Were the Days (1934) Short: Know Your Apples (1933) Hollywood Hotel (1937) Cruz Diablo (1934) Short: La Fiesta (1926) (as Rita Cansino) A Woman Rebels (1936) Night and the City (1950) Simon and Laura (1955) Nederlan in 7 Lessen (1948) A Bill of Divorcement (1932) With Six You Get Egg Roll (1968) Peer Gynt (1941) Lancashire Luck (1937) The Tiger Makes Out (1967) Fatty Finn (1980) Prison Farm (1938) Greenwich Village (1944) Unreleased: Too Much Johnson (1938) The Rotters (1921) Girls at Sea (1958) The Big Broadcast of 1938 (1938) Short: Paree, Paree (1934) The Lion in Winter (1968) Short: Changes (1963) Johnny Guitar (1954) Up the Front (1972) The Happy Warrior (1917) Short: The Heroine of Mons (1914) Volga-Volga (1944) (dubbed voice) The Runaway Bus (1954) Fighter Squadron (1948) The Burning (1981) A Date with Judy (1948) Faustine et le Bel Été (1971) GB title: Faustine The Wild and the Willing (1962) Altered States (1980) TV film: Verna the USO Girl (1978) Sinful Davey (1969)

John Huston Jeremy Irons Burl Ives Glenda Jackson Gordon Jackson Derek Jacobi Sid James Martin Jarvis Lionel Jeffries Scarlett Johansson Celia Johnson Don Johnson

The Shakedown (1928) Nijinsky (1980) Smoky (1946) The Extra Day (1956) The Foreman Went to France (1942) Othello (1965) Black Memory (1947) Secrets of a Windmill Girl (1965) Stage Fright (1950) North (1994) Dirty Work (1934) Good Morning … and Goodbye! (1967) GB title: The Lust Seekers (Russ Meyer epic!) Looking to Get Out (1982) The Jazz Singer (1927) Short: April Showers (1926) Love Story (1970) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) Le Corsaire (1939) The Dumb Girl of Portici (1916) Up in Arms (1944) Short: Dime a Dance (1937) The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968) The Saphead (1920) Short: A Reckless Romeo (1917) Lovers and Other Strangers (1970) Night Shift (1982) The Small Voice (1948) (as Harold Keel) Who’s That Knocking at My Door (1968) Unreleased: Bring on the Dancing Girls (1965) For Me and My Gal (1942) GB title: For Me and My Girl Fourteen Hours (1951) The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961) For the Love of Ada (1972) Major Barbara (1941) Contraband (1940) first film but scene was cut Bush Christmas (1982) Top Secret! (1984) Fear Is the Key (1972) Falsche Bewegung (1975) GB title: Wrong Movement Casbah (1948) Sophie’s Choice (1982) Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999) The Last Movie (1971) Once in a Lifetime (1932) All Women Have Secrets (1939) (as Constance Keane) Geld auf der Strasse (1930) (as Hedy Kiesler) Le Bar du Téléphone (1981) The Jungle Princess (1936) Short: The Stars Can’t Be Wrong (1936) The Killers (1946) I Was A Teenage Werewolf (1957) King Kong (1976) Short: Home Is Where the Heart Is (1970) Gaslight (1944). GB title: The Murder in Thornton Square Winged Victory (1944) Piccadilly (1929) Short: Bluebottles (1928) Lucky Dog (1917) Shopping (1994) Poor Old Bill (1930) Golden Gate Girl (1941, aged 3 months) The Birth of Mankind (1946, first professional role) Corridor of Mirrors (1948)

Cary Grant Hugh Grant Richard E Grant Richard Greene Sydney Greenstreet John Gregson Melanie Griffith Charles Grodin Alec Guinness Gene Hackman Larry Hagman Susan Hampshire Tony Hancock Tom Hanks Daryl Hannah Oliver Hardy Jean Harlow Woody Harrelson Ed Harris Richard Harris Rex Harrison Laurence Harvey Rutger Hauer Ethan Hawke Jack Hawkins Goldie Hawn Will Hay Susan Hayward Rita Hayworth Van Heflin David Hemmings Ian Hendry Audrey Hepburn Katharine Hepburn Barbara Hershey Charlton Heston Wendy Hiller Dustin Hoffman Paul Hogan William Holden Judy Holliday Stanley Holloway Ian Holm Bob Hope Anthony Hopkins Dennis Hopper Bob Hoskins Leslie Howard Trevor Howard Frankie Howerd Rock Hudson Holly Hunter Jeffrey Hunter Isabelle Huppert John Hurt William Hurt Anjelica Huston

Angelina Jolie Al Jolson Tommy Lee Jones Vinnie Jones Louis Jourdan Boris Karloff Danny Kaye Stacy Keach Buster Keaton Diane Keaton Michael Keaton Howard Keel Harvey Keitel Gene Kelly Grace Kelly George Kennedy Patsy Kensit Deborah Kerr Nicole Kidman Val Kilmer Ben Kingsley Nastassja Kinski Eartha Kitt Kevin Kline Keira Knightley Kris Kristofferson Alan Ladd Veronica Lake Hedy Lamarr Christopher Lambert Dorothy Lamour Burt Lancaster Michael Landon Jessica Lange Angela Lansbury Mario Lanza Charles Laughton Stan Laurel Jude Law Peter Lawford Bruce Lee Christopher Lee


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Gypsy Rose Lee

You Can’t Have Everything (1937) (as Louise Hovick) The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947) Eyes of a Stranger (1981) Things Are Looking Up (1934) It Should Happen to You (1953) My Friend Irma (1949) Any Which Way You Can (1980) Shaolin Temple (1982) Wish You Were Here (1987) Samson and Delilah (1913) Lorna Doone (1934) L’Aguila Nera (1946) Zena Pod Krizem (1937) A Perfect Crime (1921) (as Jane Peters) Cuori Sul Mare (1950) (as Sofia Scicolone) Bomben auf Monte Carlo (1931) The Outsiders (1983) TV film: Thursday’s Child (1982) Pretty Ladies (1925) Alarscobal (1917) For Your Eyes Only (1981) The Love Race (1932) The Near Room (1995) Ill Met By Moonlight (1956) The Love Parade (1929) Grime Doesn’t Pay (1935) Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan Lord of Apes (1984) If (1968). Poor Cow (1967) first film but scene was cut Reuben, Reuben (1983) The Dam Busters (1954) A Lovely Way to Die (1968) GB title: A Lovely Way to Go Being Human (1993) TV film: Lipstick On Your Collar (1993) Father’s Doing Fine (1952) Murder in the Cathedral (1952) Dune (1984) The Call of the Road (1920) The Trouble with Harry (1955) Girls Gone Wild (1929) Sailors Three (1940) Somebody up There Likes Me (1956) The Wild and the Willing (1962) A Certain Sacrifice (1978) Scampolo (1927) This Boy’s Life (1993) Strait-Jacket (1964) (as Lee Yeary) They Knew What They Wanted (1940) Places in the Heat (1984) TV film: Word of Honor (1981) Prehistoric Women (1950) The Devil (1920) My Friend Irma (1949) Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band (1978) Short: The Absent-Minded Waiter (1977) Teresa (1950) The Cocoanuts (1929) Limited release: Humorist (1926) Too Many Kisses (1925) Late Extra (1935) (The name of his fan club’s news letter) The Crooked Billet (1929) Aka International Spy I Miserabili (1947) As extra: Marionette (1938) The Kentuckian (1955) The Beloved Vagabond (1923) The Housekeeper’s Daughter (1939) Stand by for Action (1942) GB title: Cargo of Innocents Stella (1954) Follow the Leader (1930)

Bette Midler Toshiro Mifune Sarah Miles Ray Milland Max Miller Spike Milligan Hayley Mills John Mills

Hawaii (1966) Shin Baka Jidai (1946) Term of Trial (1962) The Plaything (1929) (as Spike Milland) The Good Companions (1933) Penny Points to Paradise (1951) Tiger Bay (1959) The Midshipmaid (1932) Limited release: Words and Music (1932) In Which We Serve (1942) (as baby) Easter Parade (1948) (as baby) The Delinquents (1989) A Voz do Carnaval (1933) Herostratus (1967) Hoppy Serves a Writ (1943) The Heart of Texas Ryan (1917) Short: On the Little Big Horn (1909) The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1946) Etoile sans Lumière (1945) Choices (1981) The Wrong Box (1966) As narrator: The Hat (1964) Tales From the Darkside (1990) TV film: Money, Power, Murder (1989) Limited release: Slaughterhouse II (1988) Caesar and Cleopatra (1945) Dernier Amour (1948) Look up and Laugh (1935) Marie Antoinette (1938) DuBarry Was a Lady (1943) The Valiant (1929) 48 Hrs (1982) Beyond Glory (1948) Meatballs (1979) Short: The Hat Act (1976) Voice only: Jungle Burger (1975) Those Who Love (1929) (as Marjorie Robertson) Excalibur (1981) Ashes (1975) The Little Ballerina (1947) Short: Dusty Bates (1947) The Silver Chalice (1954) The Cry Baby Killer (1958) The Vagabond King (1956) Rhubarb (1951) There Goes the Bride (1932) The Feather Farm (1965) The Wrecking Crew (1968) The Veils of Baghdad (1953) Call of the Blood (1919) Up Periscope! (1958) The Three Passions (1929) Prison Break (1938) Compliments of the Season (1930) Melody for Two (1937) Kicking the Moon Around (1938) as Maureen Fitzsimmons Remembrance (1982) Too Many Crooks (1930) The Big Bounce (1969) TV film: This Rugged Land (1962) Paper Moon (1973) Song o’ My Heart (1930) Dance Little Lady (1954) The Savage Innocents (1959) Me Natalie (1969) Panic in the Streets (1950) (as Walter Palance) Crime Unlimited (1935) Shout (1991) Noce Blanche (1990) The Nashville Sound (1970) Days of Glory (1944) Taps (1981) TV film: The Killing of Randy Webster (1980) The Strange One (1957) GB title: End as a Man

Janet Leigh Jennifer Jason Leigh Vivien Leigh Jack Lemmon Jerry Lewis Juliette Lewis Jet Li Emily Lloyd Harold Lloyd Margaret Lockwood Gina Lollobrigida Herbert Lom Carole Lombard Sophia Loren Peter Lorre Rob Lowe Myrna Loy Bela Lugosi Dolph Lundgren Ida Lupino James McAvoy David McCallum Jeanette MacDonald Roddy McDowall Andie MacDowell Malcolm McDowell Kelly McGillis Patrick McGoohan Ali MacGraw Ewan McGregor Virginia McKenna Leo McKern Kyle MacLachlan Victor McLaglen Shirley MacLaine Fred MacMurray Patrick MacNee Steve McQueen Ian McShane Madonna Anna Magnani Tobey Maguire Lee Majors Karl Malden John Malkovich Jayne Mansfield Fredric March Dean Martin Steve Martin Lee Marvin Marx Brothers Harpo Marx James Mason Raymond Massey Marcello Mastroianni Walter Matthau Jessie Matthews Victor Mature Virginia Mayo Melina Mercouri Ethel Merman

Juliet Mills Liza Minnelli Kylie Minogue Carmen Miranda Helen Mirren Robert Mitchum Tom Mix Marilyn Monroe Yves Montand Demi Moore Dudley Moore Julianne Moore Roger Moore Jeanne Moreau Kenneth More Robert Morley Zero Mostel Paul Muni Eddie Murphy Audie Murphy Bill Murray Anna Neagle Liam Neeson Sam Neill Anthony Newley Paul Newman Jack Nicholson Leslie Nielsen Leonard Nimoy David Niven Nick Nolte Chuck Norris Kim Novak Ivor Novello Warren Oates Merle Oberon Edmond O’Brien Pat O’Brien Donald O’Connor Maureen O’Hara Gary Oldman Laurence Olivier Ryan O’Neal Tatum O’Neal Maureen O’Sullivan Richard O’Sullivan Peter O’Toole Al Pacino Jack Palance Lilli Palmer Gwyneth Paltrow Vanessa Paradis Dolly Parton Gregory Peck Sean Penn George Peppard


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Anthony Perkins Joe Pesci Michelle Pfeiffer Leslie Phillips River Phoenix

The Actress (1953) Hey, Let’s Twist (1961) (as Joe Ritchie) Falling in Love Again (1979) A Lassie from Lancashire (1935) Explorers (1985) TV film: Surviving (1985) Through the Breakers (1909) Mannequin (1925) Cutting Class (1989) TV film: A Stoning in Fulham County (1988) The Beachcomber (1954) Wind Across the Everglades (1958) From Whence Cometh My Help (1949) The Girl from Maxim’s (1933) Street Scene (1931) Robbery (1967) When Knighthood Was In Flower (1922) Tom Brown of Culver (1932) Tammy Tell Me True (1961) Love Me Tender (1956) King of Alcatraz (1938) A Canterbury Tale (1944) As extra: No Parking (1938) Service de Luxe (1938) The Busy Body (1966) Ruthless People (1986) Crazy Mama (1975) Moscow Nights (1935) Reckless (1984) The Milky Way (1936) Queen of the Night Clubs (1929) Ja, der Himmel über Wien (1930) Build Thy House (1920) The Knack and How to Get it (1965) Innocent (1921) Love Is on the Air (1937) GB title: The Radio Murder Mystery War Hunt (1962). TV film: In the Presence of Mine Enemies (1960). (Charles Laughton played a rabbi in this film!) Tom Jones (1963) Secret Agent (1936) Behind the Mask (1958) Value for Money (1955) Gray Lady Down (1977) The Prodigal (1984). Video only: Act of Vengeance (1984) A Face in the Crowd (1957) Angel Baby (1961) June Bride (1948) Serious Charge (1959) The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968) Dance with a Stranger (1984) The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968) The Ghoul (1933) Reluctant Heroes (1951) The Journey (1958) No Small Affair (1984) Blood Red (1988 but released 1990) Baja Oklahoma (shown in selected cinemas) 1988 Valley of Song (1953) Corvette K-225 (1943) GB title: The Nelson Touch The Boy with Green Hair (1948) Body and Soul (1924) Arms and the Woman (1916) Gentleman of Paris (1931) Queen High (1930) Short: Campus Sweethearts (1929) Way Up Thar (1935)ಝ(as Dick Weston) Short: Slightly Static (1935) (as Leonard Slye) Laughing Bill Hyde (1918) The Lady Who Lied (1925) The Shadow Laughs (1933)

Mickey Rooney

Mary Pickford Walter Pidgeon Brad Pitt Donald Pleasence Christopher Plummer Sidney Poitier Eric Portman Dick Powell Robert Powell William Powell Tyrone Power Stefanie Powers Elvis Presley Robert Preston Dennis Price Vincent Price Richard Pryor Bill Pullman Dennis Quaid Anthony Quayle Aidan Quinn Anthony Quinn George Raft Luise Rainer Claude Rains Charlotte Rampling Basil Rathbone Ronald Reagan Robert Redford

Lynn Redgrave Michael Redgrave Vanessa Redgrave Oliver Reed Christopher Reeve Keanu Reeves Lee Remick Burt Reynolds Debbie Reynolds Cliff Richard Joely Richardson Miranda Richardson Natasha Richardson Ralph Richardson Brian Rix Jason Robards Jnr Tim Robbins Julia Roberts Rachel Roberts Cliff Robertson Dale Robertson Paul Robeson Edward G Robinson Flora Robson Ginger Rogers Roy Rogers Will Rogers Gilbert Roland Cesar Romero


Orchids and Ermine (1927) Short: Not to Be Trusted (1926) Katharine Ross Shenandoah (1965) Isabella Rossellini A Matter of Time (1976) Leonard Rossiter The Two-Headed Spy (1958) Tim Roth Meantime (1983) TV film: Made in Britain (1983) Richard Roundtree What Do You Say to a Naked Lady (1969) Mickey Rourke 1941 (1979). TV film: Panic on Page One (1979) Aka City in Fear Gena Rowlands The High Cost of Loving (1958) Geoffrey Rush Hoodwink (1981) Jane Russell The Outlaw (1943) Kurt Russell The Absent-Minded Professor (1961) Rosalind Russell Forsaking All Others (1934) Theresa Russell The Last Tycoon (1976) Rene Russo Major League (1989) Margaret Rutherford Talk of the Devil (1936) Meg Ryan Rich and Famous (1981) Robert Ryan The Ghost Breakers (1940) Winona Ryder Lucas (1986) George Sanders Love, Life and Laughter (1934) Susan Sarandon Joe (1970) Telly Savalas The Young Savages (1961) John Saxon It Should Happen to You (1953) Greta Scacchi Das Zweite Gesicht (1982) Short: Dead on Time (1981) Roy Scheider The Curse of the Living Corpse (1963) as Roy R Scheider Maximilian Schell Die Letzte Brücke (1954) Romy Schneider Wenn der Weisse Flieder Wieder Blüht (1953) Arnie Schwarzenegger Hercules Goes Bananas (1969) (as Arnold Strong) Paul Scofield That Lady (1955) Kristin Scott-Thomas Under the Cherry Moon (1986) Randolph Scott Sharp Shooters (1928) George C Scott The Hanging Tree (1959) Steven Seagal Above the Law (1988) GB title: Nico Jean Seberg Saint Joan (1957) Harry Secombe Hocus Pocus (1948) George Segal The Young Doctors (1961) Tom Selleck Myra Breckinridge (1970) Judd for the Defense: The Holy Ground (1969) was a made-for-TV film series Peter Sellers Penny Points to Paradise (1951) As extra: Oliver Twist (1948) Voice only: The Black Rose (1950) Jane Seymour Oh What a Lovely War (1969) Omar Sharif The Blazing Sun (1954) (as Omar el Cherif) William Shatner The Brothers Karamazov (1958) TV film: The Defenders (1957) Robert Shaw The Lavender Hill Mob (1951) Norma Shearer Way Down East (1920) Charlie Sheen Grizzly II: The Predator (1982) TV film: The Execution of Private Slovik (1974) Martin Sheen The Incident (1967) Sam Shepard Renaldo and Clara (1977) Voice only: Easy Rider (1969) Cybill Shepherd The Last Picture Show (1971) Ann Sheridan Search for Beauty (1934) (as Clara Lou Sheridan) Dinah Sheridan I Give My Heart (1934) Brooke Shields Communion / Alice Sweet Alice (1977) Dinah Shore Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943) Simone Signoret Le Prince Charmant (1942) Phil Silvers Hit Parade of 1941 (1940) Short: Here’s Your Hat (1937) Alicia Silverstone The Crush (1993) TV film: Scattered Dreams (1992) Riverside Murder (1935) Alastair Sim Jean Simmons Give Us the Moon (1944) Frank Sinatra Las Vegas Nights (1941) GB title: The Gray City Short: Major Bowes’ Amateur Theatre of the Air (1935)


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Donald Sinden Christian Slater

Portrait from Life (1948) The Legend of Billie Jean (1985) TV film. Living Proof: The Hank Williams Jr Story (1983) Child in the House (1956) Where the Day Takes You (1992) Running Scared (1986) TV film: Rockabye (1986) Wildcats (1986) Das Totenschiff (1958) Broadway Nights (1927) Prime Cut (1972) As extra: Trash (1970) Team-Mates (1978) First Love (1939) Party at Kitty and Studs (1970) Re-released as: The Italian Stallion Billy Budd (1962) Broadway Nights (1927) Comrades (1987) Quartet (1948) Kill Me Tomorrow (1957) Goin’ South (1978) Teresa (1951) Man on Fire (1957) Say One for Me (1959) The Murder Man (1935) Short: Important News (1935) Quadrophenia (1979) Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) TV film: The Grass Is Always Greener over the Septic Tank (1978) Stardust Memories (1980) Hollywood on Parade (1930) Julia (1977) Voice only: Everybody Rides a Carousel (1976) Funny Girl (1968) The World Ten Times Over (1963) Max Dugan Returns (1983) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) Her Decision (1918) Short: The Romance of an American Duchess (1915) Skatetown USA (1979) Caravaggio (1986) Uncredited: Monty Python’s Meaning of Life (1983) Orders Are Orders (1954) My Teenage Daughter (1955) Boy with Green Hair (1948) (as Rusty Tamblyn) Retour à la Terre (1938) Short: Oscar, Champion de Tennis (1932) One Born Every Minute (1942) Short: Man or Mouse (1942) Handy Andy (1934) The Sturt Expedition (1951) (as Rodney Taylor) The Red-Haired Alibi (1932) Short: War Babies (1932) 2 Days in the Valley (1996) As extra: Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1995) It’s Love Again (1936) The Tall Guy (1989) Moth and Rust (1921) Kiss Daddy Good Night (1987) The Return of Frank James (1940) For Them That Trespass (1948) The Flamingo Kid (1984) Nashville (1975) Garrison Follies (1940) Short: Name, Rank and Number (1940) Up the River (1930) Short: Taxi Talks (1930)

Bill Travers John Travolta Claire Trevor Tommy Trinder Jean-Louis Trintignant

Maggie Smith Will Smith Jimmy Smits Wesley Snipes Elke Sommer Ann Sothern Sissy Spacek James Spader Robert Stack Sylvester Stallone Terence Stamp Barbara Stanwyck Imelda Staunton Anthony Steel Tommy Steele Mary Steenburgen Rod Steiger Inger Stevens Stella Stevens James Stewart Sting Eric Stoltz Sharon Stone The 3 Stooges Meryl Streep Barbra Streisand Donald Sutherland Kiefer Sutherland Hilary Swank Gloria Swanson Patrick Swayze Tilda Swinton Eric Sykes Sylvia Syms Russ Tamblyn Jacques Tati Elizabeth Taylor Robert Taylor Rod Taylor Shirley Temple Charlize Theron Terry Thomas Emma Thompson Sybil Thorndike Uma Thurman Gene Tierney Richard Todd Marisa Tomei Lily Tomlin David Tomlinson Spencer Tracy


Conspirator (1950) The Devil’s Rain (1975) Life in the Raw (1933) Almost a Honeymoon (1938) Si Tous les Gars du Monde (1955) GB title: Race for Life Short: Pechinef (1955) Forrest Tucker The Westerner (1940) Kathleen Turner Body Heat (1981) Lana Turner A Star Is Born (1937) Rita Tushingham A Taste of Honey (1961) Twiggy The Boy Friend (1971) Liv Ullman Fjol til Fjells (1957) Robert Urich Magnum Force (1973) Peter Ustinov Hullo Fame! (1940) Rudolph Valentino My Official Wife (1914) Rudy Vallee Vagabond Lover (1929) Short: Radio Rhythm (1929) Lee Van Cleef The Showdown (1950) Rue Barbar (1983) US title: Jean-Claude Van Damme Street of the Damned Dick Van Dyke Bye Bye Birdie (1963) Frankie Vaughan Ramsbottom Rides Again (1957) Singing commentary: Escape in the Sun (1956) Robert Vaughn The Ten Commandments (1956) Conrad Veidt Der Spion (1916) Monica Vitti Ridere, Ridere, Ridere (1955) Jon Voight The Hour of the Gun (1967) Erich Von Stroheim Captain McLean (1914) Max Von Sydow Bara en Mor (1949) Robert Wagner The Happy Years (1950) Christopher Walken Me and My Brother (1968) Clint Walker Mighty Joe Young (1949) (as Norman Walker) Eli Wallach Baby Doll (1956) TV film: Danger (1952) Julie Walters Educating Rita (1983) Short: Occupy! (1976) Rachel Ward Night School (1980) GB title:Terror Eyes Simon Ward If (1968) David Warner Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962) Jack Warner The Dummy Talks (1943) Denzel Washington Carbon Copy (1981) TV film: Wilma (1977) Dennis Waterman Night Train for Inverness (1959) John Wayne Brown of Harvard (1926) Dennis Weaver Riders of Vengeance (1952) Sigourney Weaver Annie Hall (1977) Clifton Webb Polly with a Past (1920) Glorifying the American Girl (1929) Johnny Weissmuller Raquel Welch Roustabout (1964) Tuesday Weld The Wrong Man (1956) Orson Welles Citizen Kane (1941) Short: The Hearts of Age (1934) Unreleased: Too Much Johnson (1938) As narrator: Swiss Family Robinson (1940) Mae West Night after Night (1932) Joanne Whalley-Kilmer The Wall (1982) Forest Whitaker Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) Billie Whitelaw The Fake (1953) Pearl White The Life of Buffalo Bill (1910) Richard Widmark Kiss of Death (1947) Gene Wilder Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Cornel Wilde The Lady With Red Hair (1940) Michael Wilding Heads We Go (1933) As extra: Bitter Sweet (1933) Nicol Williamson Inadmissible Evidence (1968) Short: The Six-Sided Triangle (1963) Emlyn Williams The Frightened Lady (1932) Esther Williams Andy Hardy’s Double Life (1942) Kenneth Williams Trent’s Last Case (1952) Robin Williams Can I Do It ’til I Need Glasses (1977) Bruce Willis The First Deadly Sin (1980) TV film: Ziegfeld – The Man & His Women (1978)


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Barbara Windsor Oprah Winfrey Debra Winger Kate Winslet Shelley Winters

Belles of St Trinian’s (1954) The Color Purple (1985) Slumber Party ‘57 (1976) Heavenly Creatures (1994) What a Woman! (1943) GB title: The Beautiful Cheat A Date with a Dream (1948) The Girl in the Crowd (1934) Down River (1931) Happy Land (1943) (as Natasha Gurdin) The Visitors (1971) Where There’s a Will (1955) Count Three and Pray (1955) What Price Goofy (1925) Short: Gasoline Love (1923)

Teresa Wright Jane Wyman

Norman Wisdom Googie Withers Sir Donald Wolfit Natalie Wood James Woods Edward Woodward Joanne Woodward Fay Wray


The Little Foxes (1941) The Kid from Spain (1932) (as Sarah Jane Fulks) Michael York The Mind Benders (1962) Susannah York Tunes of Glory (1960) Gig Young Misbehaving Husbands (1940) (as Byron Barr) Loretta Young The Only Way (1917) (as Gretchen Young) Robert Young The Black Camel (1931) Sean Young Stripes (1981). TV film: Jane Austen in Manhattan (1980) Pia Zadora Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) Catherine Zeta-Jones Les Mille et Une Nuits (1001 Nights) (1989) Mai Zetterling Lasse-Maja (1941)

NB: This is an area where many fine sources of information will inevitably differ, depending on the definition given of ‘first film’. To give an example of the inherent dangers in answering questions on screen debuts, we can look at the early career of Orson Welles. The 1941 classic, Citizen Kane, is often considered to be Welles’s first film performance; but whilst it was certainly his first feature film, he did in fact do various film work before this. His potential was first spotted in his home-made film of 1934, The Hearts of Age, a film short that never went on general release. The unreleased film Too Much Johnson (1938) was shown to private audiences, although it was eventually lost to the world in a fire at Welles’s Spanish home. If narration is considered a film role, then the 1940 film Swiss Family Robinson, starring Thomas Mitchell and Freddie Bartholomew, could also be regarded as his big screen debut. The approach taken in listing these is to cite an actor’s debut in a film on general release and to mention prior work underneath. Many jobbing screen actors start their careers making ‘film shorts’, often shown before a main feature, but these films are rarely listed in cinema catalogues and are only included here if they predate a debut in a full-length feature. ‘Made for television’ films are treated in a similar vein.

Last Films Actor



Dev Anand Fred Astaire Mary Astor Gene Autry Lew Ayres

Chargesheet (2011) Ghost Story (1981) Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) It’s Showtime (1976) Letters from Frank (1979) TV film: Cast the First Stone (1989) Back to the Secret Garden (2001) Autumn Sonata (1978) TV film: A Woman Called Golda (1982) The Harder They Fall (1956) The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez (2012) The Squeeze (1977) A Matter of Time (1976) The Score (2001) Death Wish V:The Face of Death (1994) TV film: Family of Cops III (1998) Futureworld (1976) The Enemy (2000) Radioland Murders (1994) Delirious (1991) TV film: Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss (1993) 1984 (1984) TV film: Ellis Island (1984) Ragtime (1981) TV film: Terrible Joe Moran (1984) Canadian Bacon (1995) Stretch (2010) The Unholy Three (1930) A Countess from Hong Kong (1966) Monkeys Go Home (1967) Voice only: The Aristocats (1970) The Boy Who Had Everything (1985) The Defector (1966) Snow Dogs (2002) Parrish (1961) TV film: The Two Mrs Grenvilles (1987) The Story of Mankind (1957)

Jackie Coogan Gary Cooper Harry H Corbett Joseph Cotten Noël Coward Broderick Crawford Joan Crawford

George Baker Ingrid Bergman Humphrey Bogart Ernest Borgnine Stephen Boyd Charles Boyer Marlon Brando Charles Bronson Yul Brynner Horst Buchholz George Burns Raymond Burr Richard Burton James Cagney John Candy David Carradine Lon Chaney Charlie Chaplin Maurice Chevalier Diane Cilento Montgomery Clift James Coburn Claudette Colbert Ronald Colman


The Prey (1983) The Naked Edge (1961) Silver Dream Racer (1980) Rambo Sfida la Citta (1982) The Italian Job (1969) Liar’s Moon (1981) Trog (1970) TV film: We’re Going to Scare You to Death (1975) Richard Crenna Wrongfully Accused (1998) TV film: Out of the Ashes (2003) Bing Crosby That’s Entertainment (1974) Peter Cushing Biggles (1986) Bette Davis Wicked Stepmother (1989) Short: Hairway to the Stars (1989) Sammy Davis Jnr Tap (1988) TV film: The Kid Who Loved Christmas (1990) James Dean Giant (1956) Brad Dexter Secret Ingredient (1990) Marlene Dietrich Marlene (1984) Robert Donat The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958) Diana Dors Steaming (1985) Michael Clarke Duncan The Challenger (2013) Michael Elphick TV film: Ken Russell’s Treasure Island (1995) Edith Evans Nasty Habits (1976) Douglas Fairbanks The Private Life of Don Juan (1934) Peter Falk American Cowslip (2009) Farrah Fawcett The Cookout (2004) Marty Feldman Yellowbeard (1983) Gracie Fields Madame Pimpernel (1945) WC Fields Sensations of 1945 (1944) Peter Finch Network (1976) TV film: Raid on Entebbe (1977) Errol Flynn Cuban Rebel Girls (1959) On Golden Pond (1981) Henry Fonda TV film: Summer Solstice (1981) Glenn Ford Raw Nerve (1991)


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George Formby Harry Fowler Anthony Franciosa

George in Civvy Street (1946) Chicago Joe and the Showgirl (1990) TV film: Manifest Mysteries: Coronation (2006) The Misfits (1961) Two-Faced Woman (1941) Roma Regina (1982) I Could Go on Singing (1963) Directed by William Wyler (1986) Ristabbànna (2011) The Whales of August (1987) How to Be Very Very Popular (1955) Oro Fina (Fine Gold) (1988) TV film: Chameleons (1989) Elvis – That’s the Way It Is (1970) Addams Family Values (1993) TV film: Jack's Family Adventure (2010) Welcome, Mr Beddoes (1966) Malaya (1949) GB title: East of the Rising Sun The Tiger Lily (1975) Private Peaceful (2012) The Flight of the Swan (2011) The Wrong Box (1966) Meet Bela Lugosi and Oliver Hardy (1952) Saratoga (1937) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) A Time to Die (1983). Aka Seven Graves for Rogan The Last Lion (1973) TV film: QB VII (1974) The Revengers (1972) TV film: Say Goodbye, Maggie Cole (1972) Circle (1976) My Learned Friend (1943) The Big Bounce (1969) TV film: The Last Child (1971) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) Always (1989) Love Affair (1994) My Father, Rua Alguem 5555 (2003) Julie and the Cadillacs (1999) S.O.B. (1981) TV film: Mysteries of the Sea (1981) (as narrator) Bells Are Ringing (1960) Journey into Fear (1976) The First of the Few (1942) The Dawning (1988) Died whilst filming Stille Nacht, about the author of the carol ‘Silent Night’ Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978) The Ambassador (1984) TV film: The Vegas Strip Wars (1985) Mafia Mob (1969) John Huston and the Dubliners (1987) Two Moon Junction (1988) The Whistle Blower (1986) TV film: Lady and the Highwayman (1989) Carry On Dick (1974) The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1968) TV film: The Hostage Tower (1980) Rhapsody in Blue (1945) Voice only: Jolson Sings Again (1949) The Towering Inferno (1974) The Incredible Invasion (1969). Limited release: House of Evil (1972) Unseen footage: Transylvania Twist (1989) The Madwoman of Chaillot (1969) Short: Pied Piper (1972) TV film: Once They Marched through a Thousand Towns (1981) US title: Skokie

Buster Keaton

Clark Gable Greta Garbo Ava Gardner Judy Garland Greer Garson Ben Gazzara Lillian Gish Betty Grable Stewart Granger Cary Grant Peter Graves Dulcie Gray Sydney Greenstreet John Gregson Richard Griffiths Larry Hagman Tony Hancock Oliver Hardy Jean Harlow Richard Harris Rex Harrison Jack Hawkins Susan Hayward Rita Hayworth Will Hay Van Heflin David Hemmings Audrey Hepburn Katharine Hepburn Charlton Heston Thora Hird William Holden Judy Holliday Stanley Holloway Leslie Howard Trevor Howard Frankie Howerd Rock Hudson Jeffrey Hunter John Huston Burl Ives Gordon Jackson Sid James Celia Johnson Al Jolson Jennifer Jones Boris Karloff Danny Kaye


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966) Short: The Scribe (1966) Howard Keel My Father’s House (2002) Gene Kelly That’s Entertainment III (1994) Grace Kelly Invitation to Monte Carlo (1959) As narrator: The Children of Theatre Street (1978) Deborah Kerr The Assam Garden (1985) Jack Klugman Camera Obscura (2010) Alan Ladd The Carpetbaggers (1964) Veronica Lake Flesh Feast (1970) Dorothy Lamour Creepshow 2 (1987) Burt Lancaster Field of Dreams (1989) TV film: Separate but Equal (1991) Dinsdale Landen The Steal (1994) Mario Lanza For the First Time (1959) Charles Laughton Advise and Consent (1962) Stan Laurel Atoll K (1951). GB title: Robinson Crusoeland Peter Lawford Where Is Parsifal? (1984) Heath Ledger The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) Bruce Lee Game of Death (1978, posthumously) Gypsy Rose Lee The Trouble with Angels (1966) TV film: The Over the Hill Gang (1969) Vivien Leigh Ship of Fools (1965) Harold Lloyd The Sins of Harold Diddlebock (1947) GB title: Mad Wednesday Margaret Lockwood The Slipper and the Rose (1976) Carole Lombard To Be or Not to Be (1942) Peter Lorre Muscle Beach Party (1964) Myrna Loy Just Tell Me What You Want (1980). TV film: Summer Solstice (1981) Bela Lugosi Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957) Ida Lupino Deadhead Miles (1982) Jeanette MacDonald The Sun Comes Up (1948) TV film: Charley’s Aunt (1957) Leo McKern Molokai – The Story of Father Damien (1999) Victor McLaglen The Italians Are Crazy (1958) Fred MacMurray The Swarm (1978) Philip Madoc Y Mabinogi (2003) Short: Hawk (2011) Anna Magnani Fellini’s Roma (1972) Karl Malden Nuts (1987) Jayne Mansfield Mondo Hollywood (1967) Fredric March The Iceman Cometh (1973) Dean Martin Cannonball Run II (1983) TV film: Half Nelson (1985) Lee Marvin The Delta Force (1986) Marx Brothers Love Happy (1950) Guest appearances in separate episodes of The Story of Mankind (1957) TV film: Incredible Jewel Robbery (1960) Later films didn’t include all 3 main brothers James Mason The Assisi Underground (1984) Raymond Massey MacKenna’s Gold (1969) TV film: The President’s Plane Is Missing (1973) Marcello Mastroianni Journey to the Beginning of the World (1996) Jessie Matthews Never Never Land (1980) Victor Mature Firepower (1979) TV film: Samson and Delilah (1984) Simon MacCorkindale 13Hrs (2010) Patrick McGoohan Treasure Planet (2002) TP McKenna The Libertine (2004) Short: Death's Door (2009) Steve McQueen The Hunter (1980) Melina Mercouri Keine Zufallige Geschichte (1983) US title: Not by Coincidence Ethel Merman Airplane! (1980) Ray Milland The Sea Serpent (1985) Max Miller Asking for Trouble (1943) John Mills Bright Young Things (2003) Carmen Miranda Scared Stiff (1953)


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Robert Mitchum Tom Mix

Waiting for Sunset (1997) Rustlers’ Roundup (1933) Short film Series: The Miracle Rider (1935) The Misfits (1961) (uncompleted) Something’s Got to Give The Ant Bully (2006) IP5: L’Ile aux Pachydermes (1992) The Spaceman and King Arthur (1979) TV film: A Tale of Two Cities (1981) Istanbul (1989) TV film: The Lady and the Highwayman (1989) Best Boy (1979) The Last Angry Man (1959) A Time for Dying (1969) The Lady Is a Square (1959) Cars (2006) The Waterman Movie (2013) Curse of the Pink Panther (1983) Autumn Crocus (1934) Blue Thunder (1983) Interval (1973) Dream No Evil (1976) Ragtime (1981) War Requiem (1988) Mystics (2003) TV film: Back When We Were Grownups (2004) The Holcroft Covenant (1985) TVಝfilm: Peter the Great (1986) Smoky (1966) TV film: Climb an Angry Mountain (1972) Cape Fear (1991) TV film: Moby Dick (1998) The Tigress (1992) The Mummy Lives (1992) TV film: In the Deep Woods (1992) The Thing Called Love (1993) Uncompleted: Dark Blood (1994) Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove (1935) Sextette (1977) Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) Uncompleted: Fotogrammi Mortal (1996) (aka Fatal Frames). After he died his role was played by an actor in his face mask (as was Rossano Brazzi’s, who also died). David Warbeck (the ‘Milk Tray’ man) died soon after release of the film Deadfall (1968) Killing Bono (2011) Susan Slept Here (1954) Mister Roberts (1955) Witness for the Prosecution (1957) That’s the Way It Is (1970) TV film: Elvis on Tour (1972) The Last Starfighter (1984) TV film: Outrage (1986) Theatre of Blood (1973) Unreleased: Son of Dracula (1974) Aka Count Downe (also starred Ringo Starr) Edward Scissorhands (1990) TV film: The Heart of Justice (1992) Voice only: The Thief and the Cobbler (1995) Aka Arabian Knight Lost Highway (1997) King of the Wind (1989) The Man with Bogart’s Face (1979) The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) Hillbillies in a Haunted House (1968) The Killers (1964) My Dog Tulip (2009) Nicholas and Alexandra (1971) As narrator: Roosevelt: The Power behind the Smile (1975)

Angharad Rees Christopher Reeve

The Wolves of Kromer (1998) Village of the Damned (1995) TV film: Rear Window (1998) The Vision (1987) Wild Child (2008) Directed by William Wyler (1986) (posthumously) The Magic of Lassie (1978) TV film: Donor (1990) Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen (1980) TV film: The Hostage Tower (1980) Spider-Man 3 (2007) Aru heishi no kake (1970) TV film: Wind in the Wire (1993) Paul Robeson: Tales of Manhattan (1979) Soylent Green (1973) Clash of the Titans (1981) The Confession (1964) GB title: Let’s Get Married TV film: Harlow (1964) In Old Kentucky (1935) Barbarosa (1982) The Player (1992) The Godfather and the Lady (1975) Mrs Pollifax – Spy (1970) TV film: The Crooked Hearts (1972) Arabella (1969) The Outfit (1973) Psychomania (1972) On the Road (2012) Backfire (1994) La Passante du Sans-Souci (1981) Ride the High Country (1962). GB title: Guns in the Afternoon The Wild Duck (1976) Trail of the Pink Panther (1982) (posthumous) Avalanche Express (1979) (posthumous) Her Cardboard Lover (1942) Triangle on Safari (1957) TV film: Without Incident (1957) Health (1979) TV film: Death Car on the Freeway (1979) L’Etoile du Nord (1982): As narrator: Des ‘Terroristes’ à la Retraite (1983) Hollywood Blue (1980) aka The Happy Hooker Goes to Hollywood Escape from the Dark (1976) Shadows in the Sun (2009) Killer Bud (2001) The Night Walker (1965) TV film: The Thorn Birds (1983) The Monster Club (1981) Poolhall Junkies (2002) A Tale of Africa (1981) TV film: North and South II (1986) Voice only: An American Tail 2: Fievel Goes West (1991) Dr Death – Seeker of Souls (1973) Airport 1975 (1974) Powder Blue (2009) Son of Rambow (2007) Traffic (1971) Limited release: Parade (1974) The Flintstones (1994) TV film: These Old Broads (2001) The Glass Sphinx (1968) A Kiss for Corliss (1949) Chaplin (1992) TV film: Buried Treasure (2001) Happy Birthday Harry! (1981) Uncle Vanya (1963) The Pleasure Seekers (1964) TV film: Daughter of the Mind (1969)

Marilyn Monroe Ricardo Montalban Yves Montand Kenneth More Robert Morley Zero Mostel Paul Muni Audie Murphy Anna Neagle Paul Newman Leslie Nielsen David Niven Ivor Novello Warren Oates Merle Oberon Edmond O’Brien Pat O’Brien Laurence Olivier Milo O’Shea Jack Palance Lili Palmer Fess Parker Gregory Peck George Peppard Anthony Perkins River Phoenix Mary Pickford Walter Pidgeon Donald Pleasence

Eric Portman Peter Postlethwaite Dick Powell William Powell Tyrone Power Elvis Presley Robert Preston Dennis Price

Vincent Price

Richard Pryor Anthony Quayle George Raft Claude Rains Basil Rathbone Ronald Reagan Lynn Redgrave Michael Redgrave

Lee Remick Natasha Richardson Ralph Richardson Pernell Roberts Rachel Roberts Cliff Robertson Dale Robertson Paul Robeson Edward G Robinson Flora Robson Ginger Rogers Will Rogers Gilbert Roland Cesar Romero Jane Russell Rosalind Russell Margaret Rutherford Robert Ryan George Sanders Michael Sarrazin Telly Savalas Romy Schneider Randolph Scott Jean Seberg Peter Sellers Robert Shaw Norma Shearer Ann Sheridan Dinah Shore Simone Signoret Phil Silvers Alastair Sim Jean Simmons Robert Stack Barbara Stanwyck Anthony Steel Rod Steiger James Stewart

The 3 Stooges Gloria Swanson Patrick Swayze Eric Sykes Jacques Tati Elizabeth Taylor Robert Taylor Shirley Temple John Thaw Terry Thomas Sybil Thorndike Gene Tierney


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Richard Todd Spencer Tracy Bill Travers

House of the Long Shadows (1983) Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967) Christian the Lion (1973) TV film: Bloody Ivory (1979) Barry McKenzie Holds His Own (1974) Witches’ Brew (1978; released 1985) Jock – A True Tale of Friendship (2001) Luther (2003) Son of the Sheik (1926) The Perfect Woman (1978) Speed Zone (1989) Above Suspicion (1943) L’Homme Aux Cent Visages (1956). GB title: Man of a Thousand Faces Wuthering Heights (1992) TV film: Atrapa-la (2000) Dominique (1978) The Shootist (1976) Throttle (2005) Satan Never Sleeps (1962) Devil Goddess (1955) Guest appearance: That’s Entertainment II (1976) Someone to Love (1987) (posthumous) Sextette (1977) Perils of Paris (1925)

Cornel Wilde

Vultures in Paradise / Flesh and Bullets (1983) Lady Caroline Lamb (1972) TV film: Frankenstein: The True Story (1973) The Walking Stick (1970) TV film: Past Caring (1985) Carry On Emmanuelle (1978) Spawn (1997) Yesterday's Dreams (2005) Short: Just (2006) Five Children and It (2004) Short: Expresso (2007) Video: Labrats (2010) Shine (1996) The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968) Brainstorm (1981; released posthumously, 1983) Summer Love (1957). TV film: Gideon’s Trumpet (1980) Le Sauvage (1975) TV film: The Return of Ironside (1993) The Calling (2009) Game of Death (1978) Morfars Resa (1993)

Tommy Trinder Lana Turner Robert Urich Peter Ustinov Rudolph Valentino Rudy Vallee Lee Van Cleef Conrad Veidt Erich Von Stroheim Simon Ward Jack Warner John Wayne Dennis Weaver Clifton Webb Johnny Weissmuller Orson Welles Mae West Pearl White

Michael Wilding Emlyn Williams Kenneth Williams Nicol Williamson William Windom Norman Wisdom Googie Withers Sir Donald Wolfit Natalie Wood Fay Wray Dana Wynter Susannah York Gig Young Mai Zetterling


The Broadway Melody All Quiet on the Western Front Cimarron (1930) Grand Hotel

1930 1931 1932 1933



1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968

1959 1960 1961 1962

1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958

1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947


Wings (1927)


Emil Jannings (The Way of All Flesh)

Best Actor


Cliff Robertson (Charly)

Warner Baxter (In Old Arizona) George Arliss (Disraeli) Lionel Barrymore (A Free Soul) Fredric March (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) Wallace Beery (The Champ) Cavalcade (1932) Charles Laughton (Private Life of Henry VIII) It Happened One Night Clark Gable (It Happened One Night) Mutiny on the Bounty Victor McLaglen (The Informer) The Great Ziegfeld Paul Muni (The Story of Louis Pasteur) The Life of Emile Zola Spencer Tracy (Captains Courageous) You Can’t Take It with You Spencer Tracy (Boys Town) Gone with the Wind Robert Donat (Goodbye Mr Chips) Rebecca James Stewart (The Philadelphia Story) How Green Was My Valley Gary Cooper (Sergeant York) Mrs Miniver James Cagney (Yankee Doodle Dandy) Casablanca (1942) Paul Lukas (Watch on the Rhine) Going My Way Bing Crosby (Going My Way) The Lost Weekend Ray Milland (The Lost Weekend) The Best Years of Our Lives Fredric March (The Best Years of Our Lives) Gentleman’s Agreement Ronald Colman (A Double Life) Hamlet Laurence Olivier (Hamlet) All the King’s Men Broderick Crawford (All the King’s Men) All about Eve José Ferrer (Cyrano de Bergerac) An American In Paris Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen) The Greatest Show on Earth Gary Cooper (High Noon) From Here to Eternity William Holden (Stalag 17) On the Waterfront Marlon Brando (On the Waterfront) Marty Ernest Borgnine (Marty) Around the World in Eighty Days Yul Brynner (The King and I) The Bridge on the River Kwai Alec Guinness (The Bridge on The River Kwai) Gigi David Niven (Separate Tables) Ben Hur Charlton Heston (Ben Hur) The Apartment Burt Lancaster (Elmer Gantry) West Side Story Maximilian Schell (Judgment at Nuremberg) Lawrence of Arabia Gregory Peck (To Kill a Mockingbird) Tom Jones Sidney Poitier (Lilies of the Field) My Fair Lady Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady) The Sound of Music Lee Marvin (Cat Ballou) A Man for All Seasons Paul Scofield (A Man for All Seasons) In the Heat of the Night Rod Steiger (In the Heat of the Night)

Best Film


Anne Bancroft (The Miracle Worker) Patricia Neal (Hud) Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins) Julie Christie (Darling) Elizabeth Taylor (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf) Katharine Hepburn (Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner) Katharine Hepburn (The Lion in Winter) Barbra Streisand (Funny Girl)†

Susan Hayward (I Want To Live) Simone Signoret (Room at the Top) Elizabeth Taylor (Butterfield 8) Sophia Loren (Two Women)

Loretta Young (The Farmer’s Daughter) Jane Wyman (Johnny Belinda) Olivia De Havilland (The Heiress) Judy Holliday (Born Yesterday) Vivian Leigh (A Streetcar Named Desire) Shirley Booth (Come Back Little Sheba) Audrey Hepburn (Roman Holiday) Grace Kelly (The Country Girl) Anna Magnani (The Rose Tattoo) Ingrid Bergman (Anastasia) Joanne Woodward (The Three Faces of Eve)

Claudette Colbert (It Happened One Night) Bette Davis (Dangerous) Luise Rainer (The Great Ziegfeld) Luise Rainer (The Good Earth) Bette Davis (Jezebel) Vivien Leigh (Gone with the Wind) Ginger Rogers (Kitty Foyle) Joan Fontaine (Suspicion) Greer Garson (Mrs Miniver) Jennifer Jones (The Song of Bernadette) Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight) Joan Crawford (Mildred Pierce) Olivia de Havilland (To Each His Own)

Katharine Hepburn (Morning Glory)

Mary Pickford (Coquette) Norma Shearer (The Divorcee) Marie Dressler (Min and Bill) Helen Hayes (The Sin of Madelon Claudet)

Janet Gaynor (Seventh Heaven)

Best Actress

Oscars (Academy Awards)

Carol Reed (Oliver!)

David Lean (Lawrence of Arabia) Tony Richardson (Tom Jones) George Cukor (My Fair Lady) Robert Wise (The Sound of Music) Fred Zinnemann (A Man for All Seasons) Mike Nichols (The Graduate)

Vincente Minnelli (Gigi) William Wyler (Ben Hur) Billy Wilder (The Apartment) Jerome Robbins & Robert Wise (West Side Story)

Elia Kazan (Gentleman’s Agreement) John Huston (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre) Joseph L Mankiewicz (A Letter To Three Wives) Joseph L Mankiewicz (All About Eve) George Stevens (A Place in the Sun) John Ford (The Quiet Man) Fred Zinnemann (From Here to Eternity) Elia Kazan (On the Waterfront) Delbert Mann (Marty) George Stevens (Giant) David Lean (The Bridge on the River Kwai)

Frank Capra (It Happened One Night) John Ford (The Informer) Frank Capra (Mr Deeds Goes to Town) Leo McCarey (The Awful Truth) Frank Capra (You Can’t Take It With You) Victor Fleming (Gone with the Wind) John Ford (The Grapes of Wrath) John Ford (How Green Was My Valley) William Wyler (Mrs Miniver) Michael Curtiz (Casablanca) Leo McCarey (Going My Way) Billy Wilder (The Lost Weekend) William Wyler (The Best Years of Our Lives)

Frank Lloyd (Cavalcade)

Frank Borzage (Seventh Heaven) Lewis Milestone (Two Arabian Knights)† Frank Lloyd (The Divine Lady) Lewis Milestone (All Quiet on the Western Front) Norman Taurog (Skippy) Frank Borzage (Bad Girl)

Best Director

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Rocky Annie Hall The Deer Hunter Kramer versus Kramer Ordinary People Chariots of Fire Gandhi Terms of Endearment Amadeus Out of Africa Platoon The Last Emperor Rain Man Driving Miss Daisy Dances with Wolves Silence of the Lambs Unforgiven Schindler’s List Forrest Gump Braveheart The English Patient Titanic Shakespeare in Love American Beauty Gladiator A Beautiful Mind Chicago The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Million Dollar Baby Crash The Departed No Country For Old Men Slumdog Millionaire The Hurt Locker (2008) The King’s Speech The Artist Argo

1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Jamie Foxx (Ray) Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote) Forest Whitaker (Last King of Scotland) Daniel Day-Lewis (There Will Be Blood) Sean Penn (Milk) Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart) Colin Firth (The King’s Speech) Jean Dujardin (The Artist) Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln)

Best Actor John Wayne (True Grit) George C Scott (Patton) Gene Hackman (The French Connection) Marlon Brando (The Godfather) Jack Lemmon (Save the Tiger) Art Carney (Harry and Tonto) Jack Nicholson (One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest) Peter Finch (Network) Richard Dreyfuss (The Goodbye Girl) Jon Voight (Coming Home) Dustin Hoffman (Kramer versus Kramer) Robert De Niro (Raging Bull) Henry Fonda (On Golden Pond) Ben Kingsley (Gandhi) Robert Duvall (Tender Mercies) F Murray Abraham (Amadeus) William Hurt (Kiss of the Spider Woman) Paul Newman (The Color of Money) Michael Douglas (Wall Street) Dustin Hoffman (Rain Man) Daniel Day Lewis (My Left Foot) Jeremy Irons (Reversal of Fortune) Anthony Hopkins (Silence of the Lambs) Al Pacino (Scent of a Woman) Tom Hanks (Philadelphia) Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump) Nicolas Cage (Leaving Las Vegas) Geoffrey Rush (Shine) Jack Nicholson (As Good As it Gets) Roberto Benigni (Life is Beautiful) Kevin Spacey (American Beauty) Russell Crowe (Gladiator) Denzel Washington (Training Day) Adrien Brody (The Pianist) Sean Penn (Mystic River) Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby) Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line) Helen Mirren (The Queen) Marion Cotillard (La Vie en Rose) Kate Winslet (The Reader) Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side) Natalie Portman (Black Swan) Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady) Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)

Best Actress Maggie Smith (The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie) Glenda Jackson (Women in Love) Jane Fonda (Klute) Liza Minnelli (Cabaret) Glenda Jackson (A Touch of Class) Ellen Burstyn (Alice Doesn’t Live Here Any More) Louise Fletcher (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) Faye Dunaway (Network) Diane Keaton (Annie Hall) Jane Fonda (Coming Home) Sally Field (Norma Rae) Sissy Spacek (Coal Miner’s Daughter) Katharine Hepburn (On Golden Pond) Meryl Streep (Sophie’s Choice) Shirley MacLaine (Terms of Endearment) Sally Field (Places in the Heart) Geraldine Page (The Trip to Bountiful) Marlee Matlin (Children of a Lesser God) Cher (Moonstruck) Jodie Foster (The Accused) Jessica Tandy (Driving Miss Daisy) Kathy Bates (Misery) Jodie Foster (Silence of the Lambs) Emma Thompson (Howard’s End) Holly Hunter (The Piano) Jessica Lange (Blue Sky) Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking) Frances McDormand (Fargo) Helen Hunt (As Good As it Gets) Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love) Hilary Swank (Boys Don’t Cry) Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich) Halle Berry (Monster’s Ball) Nicole Kidman (The Hours) Charlize Theron (Monster)

Director John Schlesinger (Midnight Cowboy) Franklin Schaffner (Patton) William Friedkin (The French Connection) Bob Fosse (Cabaret) George Roy Hill (The Sting) Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather Part II) Milos Forman (One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest) John G Avildsen (Rocky) Woody Allen (Annie Hall) Michael Cimino (The Deer Hunter) Robert Benton (Kramer versus Kramer) Robert Redford (Ordinary People) Warren Beatty (Reds) Richard Attenborough (Gandhi) James L Brooks (Terms of Endearment) Milos Forman (Amadeus) Sydney Pollack (Out of Africa) Oliver Stone (Platoon) Bernardo Bertolucci (The Last Emperor) Barry Levinson (Rain Man) Oliver Stone (Born on the Fourth of July) Kevin Costner (Dances with Wolves) Jonathan Demme (Silence of the Lambs) Clint Eastwood (Unforgiven) Steven Spielberg (Schindler’s List) Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump) Mel Gibson (Braveheart) Anthony Minghella (The English Patient) James Cameron (Titanic) Steven Spielberg (Saving Private Ryan) Sam Mendes (American Beauty) Steven Soderbergh (Traffic) Ron Howard (A Beautiful Mind) Roman Polanski (The Pianist) Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King) Clint Eastwood (Million Dollar Baby) Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain) Martin Scorsese (The Departed) Joel and Ethan Coen (No Country For Old Men) Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech) Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist) Ang Lee (Life of Pi)

Separate award for Comedy Director.

* The Oscars are awarded for films made the previous year – e.g. the 1997 Best Film Oscar was awarded to The English Patient, which was a 1996 film release. All of the above films were premiered in the year prior to the award unless the date is specifically given, since as on rare occasions a film has been released too late for consideration for a nomination, as in the case of Casablanca.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Best Film Midnight Cowboy Patton The French Connection The Godfather The Sting The Godfather Part II One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

*Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976

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Oscars (Academy Awards) Continued Best Supporting Actor

Best Supporting Actress






1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950

Walter Brennan Joseph Schildkraut Walter Brennan Thomas Mitchell Walter Brennan Donald Crisp Van Heflin Charles Coburn Barry Fitzgerald James Dunn Harold Russell Edmund Gwenn Walter Huston Dean Jagger

Come and Get it The Life of Emile Zola Kentucky Stagecoach The Westerner How Green Was My Valley Johnny Eager The More the Merrier Going My Way A Tree Grows in Brooklyn The Best Years of Our Lives Miracle on 34th Street The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Twelve O’Clock High

Anthony Adverse In Old Chicago Jezebel Gone with the Wind The Grapes of Wrath The Great Lie Mrs Miniver For Whom the Bell Tolls None but the Lonely Heart National Velvet The Razor’s Edge Gentleman’s Agreement Key Largo All the King’s Men

1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

George Sanders All about Eve Karl Malden A Streetcar Named Desire Anthony Quinn Viva Zapata! Frank Sinatra From Here to Eternity Edmond O’Brien The Barefoot Contessa Jack Lemmon Mister Roberts Anthony Quinn Lust for Life Red Buttons Sayonara Burl Ives The Big Country Hugh Griffith Ben-Hur Peter Ustinov Spartacus George Chakiris West Side Story Ed Begley Sweet Bird of Youth Melvyn Douglas Hud Peter Ustinov Topkapi Martin Balsam A Thousand Clowns Walter Matthau The Fortune Cookie George Kennedy Cool Hand Luke Jack Albertson The Subject Was Roses Gig Young They Shoot Horses Don’t They? John Mills Ryan’s Daughter Ben Johnson The Last Picture Show Joel Grey Cabaret John Houseman The Paper Chase Robert De Niro The Godfather Part II George Burns The Sunshine Boys Jason Robards All the President’s Men Jason Robards Julia Christopher Walken The Deer Hunter Melvyn Douglas Being There Timothy Hutton Ordinary People John Gielgud Arthur Louis Gossett Jr An Officer and a Gentleman Jack Nicholson Terms of Endearment Haing S Ngor The Killing Fields Don Ameche Cocoon Michael Caine Hannah and Her Sisters Sean Connery The Untouchables Kevin Kline A Fish Called Wanda Denzel Washington Glory Joe Pesci Goodfellas Jack Palance City Slickers Gene Hackman Unforgiven Tommy Lee Jones The Fugitive Martin Landau Ed Wood Kevin Spacey The Usual Suspects Cuba Gooding Jr Jerry Maguire Robin Williams Good Will Hunting James Coburn Affliction Michael Caine The Cider House Rules Benicio Del Toro Traffic Jim Broadbent Iris Chris Cooper Adaptation Tim Robbins Mystic River Morgan Freeman Million Dollar Baby George Clooney Syriana Alan Arkin Little Miss Sunshine Javier Bardem No Country For Old Men Heath Ledger The Dark Knight Christoph Waltz Inglourious Basterds Christian Bale The Fighter Christopher Plummer Beginners Christoph Waltz Django Unchained

Gale Sondergaard Alice Brady Fay Bainter Hattie McDaniel Jane Darwell Mary Astor Teresa Wright Katina Paxinou Ethel Barrymore Anne Revere Anne Baxter Celeste Holm Claire Trevor Mercedes McCambridge Josephine Hull Kim Hunter Gloria Grahame Donna Reed Eva Marie Saint Jo Van Fleet Dorothy Malone Miyoshi Umeki Wendy Hiller Shelley Winters Shirley Jones Rita Moreno Patty Duke Margaret Rutherford Lila Kedrova Shelley Winters Sandy Dennis Estelle Parsons Ruth Gordon Goldie Hawn Helen Hayes Cloris Leachman Eileen Heckart Tatum O’Neal Ingrid Bergman Lee Grant Beatrice Straight Vanessa Redgrave Maggie Smith Meryl Streep Mary Steenburgen Maureen Stapleton Jessica Lange Linda Hunt Peggy Ashcroft Anjelica Huston Dianne Wiest Olympia Dukakis Geena Davis Brenda Fricker Whoopi Goldberg Mercedes Ruehl Marisa Tomei Anna Paquin Dianne Wiest Mira Sorvino Julliette Binoche Kim Basinger Judi Dench Angelina Jolie Marcia Gay Harden Jennifer Connelly Catherine Zeta-Jones Renée Zellweger Cate Blanchett Rachel Weisz Jennifer Hudson Tilda Swinton Penelope Cruz Mo’Nique Melissa Leo Octavia Spencer Anne Hathaway


Harvey A Streetcar Named Desire The Bad and the Beautiful From Here to Eternity On the Waterfront East of Eden Written on the Wind Sayonara Separate Tables The Diary of Anne Frank Elmer Gantry West Side Story The Miracle Worker The V.I.P.s Zorba the Greek A Patch of Blue Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Bonnie and Clyde Rosemary’s Baby Cactus Flower Airport The Last Picture Show Butterflies Are Free Paper Moon Murder on the Orient Express Shampoo Network Julia California Suite Kramer vs. Kramer Melvin and Howard Reds Tootsie The Year of Living Dangerously A Passage to India Prizzi’s Honor Hannah and Her Sisters Moonstruck The Accidental Tourist My Left Foot Ghost The Fisher King My Cousin Vinny The Piano Bullets over Broadway Mighty Aphrodite The English Patient L.A. Confidential Shakespeare in Love Girl Interrupted Pollock A Beautiful Mind Chicago Cold Mountain The Aviator The Constant Gardener Dreamgirls Michael Clayton Vicky Cristina Barcelona Precious The Fighter The Help Les Miserables

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Best Original Song Year 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978

Film The Gay Divorcee

Artist Con Conrad (composer), Herb Magidson (lyricist) Gold Diggers Harry Warren (composer), Al Dunin (lyricist) Swing Time Jerome Kern (composer), Dorothy Fields (lyricist) Waikiki Wedding Harry Owens The Big Broadcast Ralph Rainger (composer), Leo Robin (lyricist) The Wizard of Oz Harold Arlen (composer), EY Harburg (lyricist) Pinocchio Leigh Harline (composer), Ned Washington (lyricist) Lady Be Good Jerome Kern (composer), Oscar Hammerstein II (lyricist) Holiday Inn Irving Berlin Hello, Frisco, Hello Harry Warren (composer), Mack Gordon (lyricist) Going My Way James Van Heusen (composer), Johnny Burke (lyricist) State Fair Richard Rodgers (composer), Oscar Hammerstein II (lyricist) The Harvey Girls Harry Warren (composer), Johnny Mercer (lyricist) Song of the South Allie Wrubel (composer), Ray Gilbert (lyricist) The Paleface Jay Livingston (composer), Ray Evans (lyricist) Neptune’s Daughter Frank Loesser Captain Carey U.S.A. Jay Livingston (composer), Ray Evans (lyricist) Here Comes the Groom Hoagy Carmichael (composer), Johnny Mercer (lyricist) High Noon Dimitri Tiomkin (composer), Ned Washington (lyricist) Calamity Jane Sammy Fain (composer), Paul Francis Webster (lyricist) Three Coins in the Fountain Jule Styne (composer), Sammy Cahn (lyricist) Love is a Many-Splendored Thing Sammy Fain (composer), Paul Francis Webster (lyricist) The Man Who Knew Too Much Jay Livingston (composer), Ray Evans (lyricist) The Joker Is Wild James Van Heusen (composer), Sammy Cahn (lyricist) Gigi Frederick Loewe (composer), Allan Jay Lerner (lyricist) A Hole in the Head James Van Heusen (composer), Sammy Cahn (lyricist) Never on Sunday Manos Hadjidakis Breakfast at Tiffany’s Henry Mancini (composer), Johnny Mercer (lyricist) Days of Wine and Roses Henry Mancini (composer), Johnny Mercer (lyricist) Papa’s Delicate Condition James Van Heusen (composer), Sammy Cahn (lyricist) Mary Poppins Richard M Sherman (composer), Robert B Sherman (lyricist) The Sandpiper Johnny Mandel (composer), Paul Francis Webster (lyricist) Born Free John Barry (composer), Don Black (lyricist) Doctor Dolittle Leslie Bricusse The Thomas Crown Affair Michel Legrand, Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman Butch Cassidy and the Burt Bacharach (composer), Sundance Kid Hal David (lyricist) Lovers and Other Strangers Fred Karlin, Robb Royer [aka Robb Wilson] James Griffin [aka Arthur James] Shaft Isaac Hayes The Poseidon Adventure Al Kasha (composer), Joel Hirschhorn (lyricist) The Way We Were Marvin Hamlisch, Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman The Towering Inferno Al Kasha (composer), Joel Hirschhorn (lyricist) Nashville Keith Carradine A Star is Born Barbara Streisand (composer), Paul Williams (lyricist) You Light Up My Life Joseph Brooks


Song The Continental Lullaby of Broadway The Way You Look Tonight Sweet Leilani Thanks for the Memory Over the Rainbow When You Wish upon a Star The Last Time I Saw Paris White Christmas You’ll Never Know Swinging on a Star It Might As Well Be Spring On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Buttons and Bows Baby, It’s Cold Outside Mona Lisa In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin’) Secret Love Three Coins in the Fountain Love is a Many-Splendored Thing Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera) All The Way Gigi High Hopes Never On Sunday Moon River Days of Wine and Roses Call Me Irresponsible Chim Chim Cher-ee The Shadow of Your Smile Born Free Talk to the Animals The Windmills of Your Mind Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head For All We Know Theme from Shaft The Morning After The Way We Were We May Never Love Like This Again I’m Easy Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star is Born) You Light Up My Life

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1979 1980

Thank God It’s Friday Norma Rae

Paul Jabara David Shire (composer), Norman Gimbel (lyricist) Michael Gore (composer), Dean Pitchford (lyricist) Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager, Christopher Cross, Peter Allen Jack Nitzsche, Buffy Saint-Marie, Will Jennings Giorgio Moroder, Keith Forsey, Irene Cara Stevie Wonder Lionel Richie Giorgio Moroder (composer), Tom Whitlock (lyricist) Franke Previte, John DeNicola, Donald Markowitz Carly Simon Alan Menken (composer), Howard Ashman (lyricist) Stephen Sondheim






An Officer and a Gentleman



1985 1986 1987

The Woman in Red White Nights Top Gun


Dirty Dancing

1989 1990

Working Girl The Little Mermaid


Dick Tracy


Beauty and the Beast



1994 1995

Philadelphia The Lion King






Titanic (1997)

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

The Prince of Egypt Tarzan Wonderboys Monsters Inc 8 Mile The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King The Motorcycle Diaries

Alan Menken (composer), Howard Ashman (lyricist) Alan Menken (composer), Tim Rice (lyricist) Bruce Springsteen Elton John (composer), Tim Rice (lyricist) Alan Menken (composer), Stephen Schwartz (lyricist) Andrew Lloyd Webber (composer), Tim Rice (lyricist) James Horner (composer), Will Jennings (lyricist) Stephen Schwartz Phil Collins Bob Dylan Randy Newman Eminem Frances Walsh, Howard Shore, Annie Lennox Jorge Drexler

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Hustle & Flow An Inconvenient Truth Once Slumdog Millionaire Crazy Heart Toy Story 3 The Muppets Skyfall

Three 6 Mafia Melissa Etheridge Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova AR Rahman and Gulzar Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett Randy Newman Bret McKenzie Adele Adkins and Paul Epworth

Last Dance It Goes Like It Goes Fame Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do) Up Where We Belong Flashdance . . . What a Feeling I Just Called to Say I Love You Say You, Say Me Take My Breath Away (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life Let the River Run Under the Sea Sooner Or Later (I Always Get My Man) Beauty and the Beast A Whole New World Streets of Philadelphia Can You Feel the Love Tonight Colors of the Wind You Must Love Me My Heart Will Go On When You Believe You’ll Be In My Heart Things Have Changed If I Didn’t Have You Lose Yourself Into the West Al Otro Lado Del Rio (To the other side of the river) It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp I Need to Wake Up Falling Slowly Jai Ho The Weary Kind We Belong Together Man or Muppet Skyfall

Recent winners of the lesser known categories follow 2011 Academy Awards Original Screenplay: David Seidler, The King's Speech; Adapted Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network; Foreign Language Film: In a Better World (Denmark); Animated Feature: Toy Story 3; Cinematography: Wally Pfister, Inception; Costume Design: Colleen Atwood, Alice in Wonderland; Makeup: Rick Baker and Dave Elsey, The Wolfman; Visual Effects: Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb, Inception; Short Film – Animated: The Lost Thing; Short Film – Live Action: God of Love; Original Score: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, The Social Network; Art Direction: Robert Stromberg and Karen O'Hara, Alice in Wonderland; Documentary Feature: Inside Job; Documentary Short Subject: Strangers No More; Sound Mixing: Lora Hirschberg, Gary A Rizzo and Ed Novick, Inception; Sound Editing: Richard King, Inception; Film Editing: Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter, The Social Network. 2012 Academy Awards Original Screenplay: Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris; Adapted Screenplay: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon, and Jim Rash, The Descendants; Foreign Language Film: A Separation (Iran); Animated Feature: Rango; Cinematography: Robert Richardson, Hugo; Costume Design: Mark Bridges, The Artist; Makeup: Mark Coulier and J. Roy Helland, The Iron Lady; Visual Effects: Rob Legato, Joss Williams, Ben Grossmann, and Alex Henning, Hugo; Short Film – Animated: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore; Short Film – Live Action: The Shore; Original Score: Ludovic Bource, The Artist; Art Direction: Dante Ferretti and Francesca Lo Schiavo, Hugo; Documentary Feature: Undefeated; Documentary Short Subject: Saving Face; Sound Mixing: Tom Fleischman and John Midgley, Hugo; Sound Editing: Philip Stockton and Eugene Gearty, Hugo; Film Editing: Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. 2013 Academy Awards Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained; Adapted Screenplay: Chris Terrio, Argo; Foreign Language Film: Amour (Austria); Animated Feature: Brave; Cinematography: Claudio Miranda, Life of Pi; Costume Design: Jacqueline Durran, Anna Karenina; Makeup: Lisa Westcott and Julie Dartnell, Les Misérables; Visual Effects: Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan De Boer and Donald R. Elliott, Life of Pi; Short Film – Animated: Paperman; Short Film – Live Action: Curfew; Original Score: Mychael Danna, Life of Pi; Art Direction: Rick Carter and Jim Erickson: Lincoln; Documentary Feature: Searching for Sugar Man; Documentary Short Subject: Inocente; Sound Mixing: Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson and Simon Hayes, Les Misérables; Sound Editing: Per Hallberg and Karen Baker Landers, Skyfall; and Paul N.J. Ottosson, Zero Dark Thirty (tied); Film Editing: William Goldenberg, Argo.


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COMPUTERS Common Terms Artificial Intelligence A word coined in the USAಝin 1956 as the ultimate aim for electronic processing ability. Although great strides have been made towards a device that would simulate human thought processes, as yet, no such device exists and the term is used to describe advanced programs such as PROLOGಝwhich allows empirical evidence to guide future decisions. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange (computer code for representing alphanumeric characters. Bebo Social networking website founded in January 2005 by Michael and Xochi Birch. bit (binary digit) Smallest unit of data manageable by a computer. bootstrap Technique for loading the first few program instructions into a computer main store to enable the rest of the program to be introduced from an input device. busbar Group of electrical conductors maintained at low voltage, used for carrying data in binary form between the various parts of a computer or its peripherals. byte Equivalent of eight bits (generally makes up a character of information). It is possible to have a six-bit byte. computer: definition A machine that carries out a programmed sequence of instructions by translation of coded data. Digital computers use binary code which is represented by eletrical current being turned off and on. Analogue computers use continuous variables as opposed to the discreet data of digital machines. A simple example of an analogue computer would be a set of scales. computer generations The developement of computers is sometimes viewed as falling into several phases or generations. First generation began with the ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and calculator) modern computers designed by J. Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly, both of the University of Pennsylvania. Completed in 1946, this was first all-purpose, allelectronic digital computer. A special-purpose, all-electronic computing machine called Colossus had earlier been developed at Bletchley Park, in England, and was in operation by December 1943. The Colossus was designed (by the computer genius Alan Turing) to decipher codes generated by the German electromechanical enciphering devices known as Enigma machines. The successor to ENIAC was EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer). The ‘second generation’ of modern computers began in 1959, when machines employing semiconductor devices known as transistors became commercially available. The ‘third generation’ of modern computers began in the late 1960s, when integrated circuits were imprinted on silicon chips. This permitted the construction of large ‘mainframe’ computers with much higher operating speeds. The ‘fourth generation’ of modern computers began in the 1980s. This and subsequent generations have continued to develop very large-scale integration (VLSI) and have promoted the advancement of virtual reality (VR) and computer aided design (CAD). The ‘fifth generation’ of modern computers is an ongoing general development of recent technological advances. Using recent engineering advances for example, computers are able to accept spoken word instructions (voice recognition) and imitate human reasoning. The ability to translate a foreign language is now commonplace. Computer Programming languages (high-level) ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming. ADA Designed for dealing with real-time processing problems and used for military and other systems. It was named after Augusta Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace (assistant to Charles Babbage), and developed in the late 1970s by the US Defense Department. AED Algol Extended for Design. ALGOL ALGorithmic Orientated Language, principally used for scientific and mathematical problems (types: ALGOL 60 and ALGOL 68).

APL A Programming Language. APT Automatically Programmed Tools. ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems. BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. BCPL Basic Computer Programming Language. BLISS Developed in 1970 by Wulf, Russell and Habermann. It was perhaps the best-known systems programming language before C. BOO An object-oriented statically typed programming language developed in 2003. C Introduced at Bell Laboratories in 1974 and originally developed for use in the UNIX operating system. C Sharp Designed by Microsoft in 2001. CHEY Chain Hypertext Emotion for You. Developed by Aleta Manske in late 1990. COBOL COmmon Business-Oriented Language (developed in 1959). COGO CO-ordinate GeOmetry. COMAL COMmon Algorithmic Language. CORAL Computer On-line ReAL time. FORTH Name derives from an intention to provide a language for fourth-generation computers. It uses a notation called reverse polish, in which an operator is always preceded by its arguments. FORTH is popularly used for writing video game programs. FORTRAN FORmula TRANslation (Invented in 1956). GPSS General Purpose Systems Simulation. LISP LISt Processor (introduced in 1960). Its basic entity is an s-expression (symbolic expression) which is either an atomic symbol or a list structure. LOGO A simple, interactive language which is compact enough to run on most microcomputers but also embodies powerful programming facilities. It is used extensively for teaching programming to children. ML Meta Language. PASCAL ALGOL-related language named after the scientistphilosopher Blaise Pascal (1623–62). Pascal is a teaching language developed in the late 1960s. PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language. PL/1 Programming Language 1, a multipurpose programming language designed for solving both business and scientific problems. PL/M Programming Language for Micro Computers. PROLOG PROgramming in LOGic. There the emphasis is on description rather than on action, eg to find the greater of two input numbers, one would describe what ‘greater of’ meant and then query it with the given numbers as data. SAIL Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language. SIMULA SIMUlation LAnguage. SNOBOL StriNg-Oriented symBOlic Language, provides facilities for the manipulation of strings of characters by patternmatching expressions. SNOBOL is particularly applicable for text editing, linguistics and the compiling and symbolic manipulation of algebraic expressions. SQL Structured Query Language. Visual Basic Designed by Microsoft in 1998. computer: makes and models: Commodore: Amiga and PET; Apple: Macintosh; Sinclair: Spectrum and ZX80 / 1; Packard Bell: Legend; DEC: Vax; IBM: PS/2; Acorn: BBC Micro; Digital: Equipment Corporation-PDP Series. computer: mechanical pioneers Charles Babbage (1791–1871) designed computing machines that he called the ‘Difference Engine’ and ‘Analytical Engine’ in the 1820s and 30s. They were never built but the first practical programmed computer built by Georg Scheutz of Stockholm and exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1855 was based on Babbage’s Difference Engine. The mechanical adding machine developed by Blaise Pascal in 1642 which used a 10:1 gearing ratio to represent decimal columns, can be regarded as the ancestor of the computer.


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computer programmer: first Ada Byron, Countess Lovelace, assistant to Charles Babbage (see computer mechanical pioneers), is generally recognised as the first ‘computer programmer’.The first proposal for a computer language, however, was by German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz (1646– 1716), who devised a system allowing logic statements to be dealt with mathematically, using the digit 0 for false and 1 for true.) computer: types Micro, mini, mainframe (computers can also be categorised as digital and analog). CPU Central Processing Unit; the electronic decision making device within a computer. DTP Desktop Publishing; the production of high-quality printed matter using a desktop computer and a laser printer. Some examples of packages are Pagemaker and QuarkXpress, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Publisher, Corel Draw, GST and Serif. exabyte one billion billion characters of information. Facebook Social networking website founded in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Friends Reunited Portfolio of social networking websites founded in 1999 by Steve and Julie Pankhurst. gigabyte one billion characters of information. GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out. Computer user’s proverb meaning if you use unreliable data you will get unreliable results. Hardware The electronic and mechanical components of a computer are called the hardware; this includes the processing unit. high-level language Computer programming language that is closer to human language or mathematical notation than to machine language. home computer: first Apple-1; created by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1977. k Kilobyte (1,024 bytes). Internet An international computer network linking computers from educational institutions, government agencies, and industry. Lara Croft Heroine of the video game ‘Tomb Raider’. Laptops: first Became prevalent in 1987, although the first laptop machine with a full colour screen was developed in 1990. Laser printer developed in 1987 using the principle of the Xerox copier. LCD Liquid Crystal Display. low-level language Computer-programming. language that is closer to machine language than to human language. m Megabyte (1,024 kilobytes). microprocessor: first Intel 4004. modem Acronym for MOdulator DEModulator, a device used to enable computers to communicate with one another via telephone lines. Moshi Monsters Website with more than 80 million registered users worldwide. Children choose from one of six virtual pet monsters (Divalo, Luvli, Katsuma, Poppet, Zommer and Furi) that they can create, name and nurture for navigation around Monstro City and take daily puzzle challenges to earn ‘Rox’ (virtual currency). motherboard Printed circuit board through which all hardware and software devise send electronic to talk to each other. MS-DOS MicroSoft Disc Operating System. network Group of computers connected in order to share and exchange information.

nibble Equivalent of four bits. OS Operating System: a program that controls the overall operation of a computer system, typically by performing such tasks as memory allocation, job scheduling and input/output control. pixel Picture element: one of the number of very small dots that make up the picture on a visual display unit. port Socket used to connect a computer to other devices. punched card: inventor The American Dr Herman Hollerith (1860–1929) invented the punched-card system in 1890; his company, the Tabulating Machine Co. became IBM in 1924. Hollerith’s device enabled a census to be taken in six weeks rather than the six years required by manual analysis. Mechanical punched cards had been suggested earlier by Charles Babbage; and the ‘Jacquard Loom’ of 1801 is an even earlier example of punched card principles but Hollerith patented the system and was the first to use electrical contacts. RAM Random Access Memory; temporary storage space that is lost when the computer is switched off. ROM Read-Only Memory; permanent storage device that holds data that cannot be altered by the user. software the programs and operating information used by a computer. spreadsheets: first The first spreadsheet program Visicalc was developed on the Apple-2 in 1979. terabyte Approximately a thousand billion characters of information. Turing Test Test for successful artificial intelligence that depends on a human not being able to tell that he or she is communicating with a computer. No computer has ever passed the Turing Test. Twitter Online social networking service created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey - its microblogging function enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets". VGA Video Graphics Array (Super VGA is the advanced array). video games: 1st Pong (established in Italy in the early 1970s). Video games: famous Super Mario Brothers by Nintendo, Sonic the Hedgehog by Sega, Donkey Kong by Atari, Tomb Raider by Eios, Duke Nukem by 3D Realms, The Sims by Maxis, Doom by Idoh and Temple Run by Imangi Studios - the controllable characters being explorers Guy Dangerous, Montana Smith and Karma Lee, escape artist Scarlett Fox, cop Barry Bones, conquistador Francisco Montoya and football star Zack Wonder. In Temple Run II the three chasing monkeys are replaced by one giant monkey Cuchanck. This version became the fastest app to hit 50 million downloads beating the record of Angry Birds by Rovio Entertainment – a game in which players launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures. Wikipedia Founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Windows User-friendly operating system created by Microsoft. World Wide Web A system of interlinked hypertext documents usually referred to as the ‘Web’. The Web was created around 1990 by Englishman Sir Tim Berners-Lee working at CERN in Geneva. The Internet and the Web are not synonymous; the Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks, linked by copper wires, cables and wireless connections. The Web is accessible via the Internet but is a collection of interconnected documents linked by hyperlinks and Uniform Resource Locators. YouTube Video sharing website created in February 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim.

NB: Many computer acronyms (eg AI, DOS, WYSIWYG, VDU, and MIPS) can be found listed in the Abbreviations section

Internet Chat Abbreviations AAMOF AFAIK AFK AIM ASAP ASL? ATK B4

as a matter of fact as far as I know away from keyboard AOL instant messenger as soon as possible age, sex, location? at the keyboard before



be back in a bit bye bye for now bye bye for now be back later be back soon big evil grin boyfriend bye for now

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believe it or not back on topic be right back be right back, nature calls big red switch by the way bursting with laughter crying in disgrace crying real big tears chuckle, snigger, grin see you later see you later see ya (you) disconnected do I know you evil grin frequently asked questions for crying out loud for fuck sake friend of a friend face to face face to face fucked up beyond all recognition fear, uncertainty and doubt for what it’s worth for your information girlfriend good game great minds think alike great good luck got to go hugs and kisses have a good night have a nice day hurry back hysterically laughing out loud hope that helps I am an accountant I am a lawyer I am not a lawyer ... but I see I just want to say I love you I love you in my humble opinion I miss you in no particular order in other words in real life I’ll stop rambling now I totally agree in the final analysis I will always love you I will always love you just kidding joke just my opinion okay keep it simple, stupid kiss on lips later later ’gator let’s just be friends laughing my arse off laughing out loud laughing out loud online long time no see long time no type love ya (you) love you for ever male or female? message of the day message

MYOB NBD N1 NM NP NQA NRN OAUS OMG OIC OTOH 12345 PDS PM PMBI PML POV PTMM RHIP ROFL ROTF ROTFL ROTFLMAO RTBM RTFM RTM RTSM RYS SICS SLM SO SS SUAKM SWIM SWL SYT TANJ TCOB TOBAL TPTB TSR TTFN TTYL TY TYCLO TYVM VG VN WAEF WB WG WTF WTG WTGP WTH WUWH YGLT YMMV YW :-) :-0 :’-( X= :-w :=) :* :-X $-) :-L~~ }: (diminuendo). Hallé Orchestra Founded in 1857 by Charles Hallé and based in Manchester. Sir John Barbirolli was the principal conductor from 1943 to his death in 1970. Kent Nagano has been the conductor since 1992. Haydn’s Symphony No. 45 Haydn directed his musicians to gradually leave the stage during the last movement, hence the nickname ‘Farewell’. Henry Wood: pseudonym Paul Klenovsky was the cryptic name (Klen means maple tree) under which Wood transcribed for orchestra Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor. Hexameron Six variations for piano on a march from Bellini’s I Puritani, each written by a different composer/pianist, i.e. Liszt, Pixis, Herz, Thalberg, Czerny and Chopin, each of whom played his variation at the first performance of the work in a charity concert in Paris in 1837 (first of the super groups one might say!). Liszt later added orchestral accompaniments and played whole series at recitals. humoresque Humorous or capricious instrumental piece. Famous examples are by Dvorák and Schumann. Images Title used by Debussy for two works: 1) Images for Orchestra, including Gigues, Ibéria and Rondes de Printemps; 2) two sets for solo piano: Reflets dans l’eau, Hommage à Rameau, Movement, Cloches à travers les feuilles, Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut and Poissons d’or. Jena Symphony A work found by Fritz Stein in 1909 in Jena, Germany, and linked until 1957 with Beethoven; it turned out that Friedrich Witt was the composer. La Jeune France (Young France) Group of four French composers (Yves Baudrier, André Jolivet, Daniel Lesur and Olivier Messiaen) who resolved in Paris in 1936 to carry out ‘a return to the human’ in composition. jubilate Hymn of praise, usually based on Psalm 100 (in Roman Catholic Psalter, Psalm 99). Juilliard Quartet Founded by William Schuman in New York in 1946; the line-up as at October 2009 is Nick Eanet and Ronald Copes (violins), Samuel Rhodes (viola) and Joel Krosnick (cello). K numbers Named after the cataloguers of two composers: Mozart – Ludwig von Köchel; Scarlatti – Ralph Kirkpatrick. karaoke (empty orchestra) Singing along with recorded accompaniment. Kneller Hall Headquarters, founded in 1857 at Twickenham, Middlesex, of Royal Military School of Music. La Scala (The Staircase) Milan opera house built in 1778 on the site of a church founded in the 18th century by Regina della Scala, wife of a Duke of Milan. Last Post British Army bugle call sounded at 10 p.m. that ends the day. It is customary to play the Last Post at military funerals. Leeds Piano Competition Established in 1963 by Fanny Waterman and Marion Thorpe and held triennially. The first winner was Michael Roll, and many placed pianists have won international reputations, notably Peter Donohoe, who was placed sixth in 1981. Leitmotiv Term first used by A W Ambrose (c.1865) in an article about Wagner’s operas and Liszt’s symphonic poems; it was later used by F W Jähns, to denote a short and recurrent musical figure standing for an idea or character. Les Six Term coined by Henri Collet in 1920 to describe the avantgarde French composers Georges Auric (1899–1983), Louis Durey (1888–1979), Arthur Honegger (1892–1955), Darius Milhaud (1892–1974), Francis Poulenc (1899–1963) and Germaine Tailleferre (1892–1983). Leventritt Competition International competition alternately for pianists and violinists, established in 1939 by Leventritt Foundation, New York. Winner’s prize consists of engagements with prominent orchestras and offer of recording contract. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts New York arts centre consisting of Metropolitan Opera House, Avery Fisher Hall, Juilliard School and various theatres and societies. London Philharmonic Orchestra Founded by Sir Thomas Beecham in 1932.


London Symphony Orchestra Founded by players who seceded from Henry Wood’s Queen’s Hall orchestra in 1904 and run by its own members ever since. Má Vlast Cycle of 6 symphonic poems by Smetana: 1) The High Citadel (Vysehrad); 2) River Moldau (Vltava); 3) Sàrka; 4) From Bohemia’s Meadows and Forests (Z Ceskych Luhu a Haju); 5) Tabor; 6) Blánik (The Valhalla of the Hussite heroes). madrigal Song form for two or more voices developed in 13th- and 14th-century Italy, most often secular and unaccompanied; revived and enhanced during the Renaissance into an expressive, polyphonic form introduced into Elizabethan England. Manchester School Name given to group of composers (Maxwell Davies, Harrison Birtwistle, Alexander Goehr and John Ogdon) taught in Manchester by Richard Hall in the late 1950s. masque Courtly entertainment that evolved in 17th-century England, incorporating music, acting and spectacular costumes and scenery. Mighty Handful (aka The Five) Alternative name for ‘The Five’ (coined by Vladimir Stasov). minimalism Style of music that developed in the 1960s, involving repetition of short musical motifs in simple harmonic idiom. Prominent members include Philip Glass, Steve Reich and Terry Riley. minuet Movement (usually the 3rd) in sonatas and symphonies of the classical period, derived from the dance of the same name. Miserere Psalm 51 (50 in Roman Catholic Psalter) set to music by various composers. most prolific composer Georg Philipp Telemann is often assigned this title; among his output are over 600 overtures, 44 Passions, 40 operas and numerous other works. motet Choral composition, generally on a sacred text. motif Short melodic pattern or idea that runs throughout a piece. Mourning Music (Trauermusik) Paul Hindemith work composed within hours of the death of George V in 1936. Mozart: wrote down on first hearing Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere was supposedly sacrosanct to the Vatican; Mozart went to a service there and went home and wrote it down from memory, thereby risking excommunication. It is however very likely that Mozart had heard the piece on at least one occasion prior to his visit to Rome. Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Given nickname of ‘Elvira Madigan’ in 1967 because it was the theme tune of the film of that name. Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 26 in D Given nickname of ‘Coronation’ because it was played at King Leopold II of Prussia’s coronation. Mozart’s String Quartets 14–19 Dedicated to Haydn with the words ‘I send my six sons to you’. Mozart: work falsely attributed to Adélaïde violin concerto. In 1977 Marius Casadesus admitted he composed it. musical epochs Medieval 600–1425; Renaissance 1425–1600; Baroque 1600–1750; Classical 1750–1825; Romantic 1820–80; Post-Romantic 1880–1910; Modern since 1910; some historians also identify a Nationalist epoch 1860–1910 and an Impressionist epoch 1890–1920. musique concrète Music composed by manipulating recorded sounds, especially natural sounds rather than electronic. National Gallery Recitals During the Second World War Dame Myra Hess founded and directed a series of lunchtime recitals, which became very popular and helped to sustain morale. New Symphony Orchestra London orchestra founded by Sir Thomas Beecham in 1905 and became Royal Albert Hall Orchestra in 1920 and later disbanded. New York Philharmonic Orchestra Oldest US symphony orchestra, founded in 1842 as Philharmonic Society of New York; merged with New York Symphony Orchestra in 1928 to become Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York; now known as the NYPO. nocturne Night-piece, serenade. notes of the scale: English to Italian A=la, B=si, C=do, D=re, E=mi, F=fa, G=sol. octet A group of 8 musicians, or a piece of music written for such a group. A string octet is usually a double string quartet. opus (work) Opus numbers are used to designate the order in which a given composer’s works were written or published. oratorio Musical setting for voices and orchestra of a text based on the Scriptures or an epic theme. Could be described as an opera without staging, scenery or costumes. Parthenia Title of the first book of keyboard music printed in England (1611), collecting pieces by William Byrd, John Bull and Orlando Gibbons. pastorale Either a musical play based on a rustic subject, or a composition with rustic overtones.

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Performing Right Society Society of composers, authors, and music publishers founded in Britain in 1914 to collect royalties for nondramatic public performance and broadcasting of members’ works. Philharmonia Orchestra English symphony orchestra founded in 1945 by Walter Legge. piano quartet Piano, violin, viola and cello. piano quintet Usually string quartet plus piano. piano trio Piano, violin, and cello. Pictures at an Exhibition Mussorgsky’s versions in music of 10 pictures displayed at a memorial exhibition for Russian artist Victor Hartmann: 1) The Gnome; 2) The Old Castle; 3) Tuileries; 4) Bydlo (a farm cart); 5) Unhatched Chickens; 6) Samuel Goldenberg and Shmuyle; 7) Market-Place at Limoges; 8) Catacombs; 9) Baba-Yaga (The Hut on Fowl’s Legs); 10) The Great Gate of Kiev. Pierrot Players Instrument ensemble founded in 1967 by Maxwell Davies and Harrison Birtwistle, regrouped to form the Fires of London in 1970 before disbanding in 1987. Pomp and Circumstance Elgar’s title (taken from Act 3 of Othello) for his set of five marches for symphony orchestra, the first of which was the basis for ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ (words by A C Benson). Pre-classical Term applied to composers such as C P E Bach who are considered to be later than baroque and leading to the ‘Classical’ style of Haydn and Mozart. Promenade Concerts Although promenade concerts (at which listeners could saunter around) were put on in London as early as 1838, it was not until 1895 that they became a regular annual feature when Robert Newman began a series at Queen’s Hall with Henry Wood as conductor. Wood’s name became synonymous with the Proms, and after his death in 1944, Malcolm Sargent became principal conductor (1948–67). Royal Albert Hall became venue in 1941 on the destruction of Queen’s Hall. Proms: centenary 1995; Harrison Birtwistle composed Panic. Queen’s Hall Once London’s chief concert hall, situated in Langham Place, opened in 1893 and destroyed by fire in 1941, following a Nazi bombing raid. rãga Indian musical form that represents a mood, concept or occasion by one of many patterns of notes presented as an ascending and descending scale used as a basis for improvisation. Ring Cycle Full title Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung). Often referred to as the tetralogy although Wagner himself called the first opera, Das Rheingold, the prologue. After it comes Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), followed by Siegfried and finally, Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods). Royal Academy of Music Founded in London in 1822 and situated in Tenterden Street but moved to Marylebone Road in 1912. The RAM has about 700 students and 150 staff. Royal College of Music Founded in 1882 but moved to its present site at Prince Consort Road, South Kensington in 1894. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Founded in 1946 by Sir Thomas Beecham, who was principal conductor until his death in 1961. St Louis Symphony Orchestra Founded in March 1881, the second oldest symphony orchestra in the USA. Scottish Chamber Orchestra Founded in 1974 with headquarters in Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh. septet Make-up varies, but typical format would be violin, viola, French horn, clarinet, bassoon, cello and double bass. sextet String sextet usually two each of violins, violas and cellos. sonata Instrumental composition usually in three or four movements for unaccompanied piano or, more rarely, for another stringed instrument with piano accompaniment.

stanza One of a number of sections of a song, two or more lines long, characterised by a common metre, rhyme and number of lines. string quartet Violins (1st and 2nd), viola and cello. string quintet String quartet with added viola or cello. string trio Violin, viola and cello. Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress) Term applied to a period (c.1760–80) of great emotional intensity in German literature and music. Musically, it is particularly associated with F J Haydn’s works around the time of his Symphonies 40–59. Suite bergamasque Piano suite by Debussy, its 4 movements: Prélude, Menuet, Clair de Lune, and Passepied. symphonic structure In the Classical model, 4 movements: 1) a fast sonata; 2) a slow movement; 3) a minuet scherzo; 4) a fast movement, mostly a rondo. Tchaikovsky Piano Competition Quadrennial competition first held in Moscow in 1954. Famous winners include Van Cliburn, John Ogdon, Vladimir Ashkenazy. Three Bs Bach, Beethoven, Brahms (coined by Hans von Bülow). Three Choirs Festival Annual meeting that rotates among the 3 cathedral choirs of Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester, held almost continuous since the early 18th century. tonic sol-fa System of sight-singing and notation devised by Sarah Ann Glover in England in the 1840s, though much the same system had been introduced in the USA by D Sower in 1832. toy symphony Term for a symphony in which toy instruments are used as well as strings and piano; the most popular example is a work by Leopold Mozart, with toy instruments now thought to have been added by Michael Haydn. train wreck Colloquial term for what happens when the parts in an ensemble collide because the musicians are not playing together. The Triumphs of Oriana Collection of 5- and 6-part English madrigals by 24 composers assembled by Thomas Morley in 1601 in honour of Elizabeth I. trumpet voluntary Piece that imitates a trumpet but is, in fact, played using a similar sounding organ stop. The best known version is a transcription by Henry Wood of a piece originally ascribed to Purcell but now credited to Jeremiah Clarke. He called it ‘The Prince of Denmark’s March’, but Wood’s title has superseded Clarke’s. Tuning of Strings Cello: C, G, D, A (octave lower than the viola). Violin: G, D, A, E. Double-bass: E, A, D, G. Banjo: 4 strings C, G, D, A; 5 strings G, D, G, B, D. Viola: C, G, D, A (5th lower than violin). Tweedledum and Tweedledee Name coined by John Byrom (1692–1763) to satirise the public feuding between composers G F Handel and G Bononcini. violinists: known for revealing garments Vanessa Mae, AnneSophie Mutter, Linda Lampenius. Wagner’s patron Ludwig II, King of Bavaria (1845–86). The Walk to the Paradise Garden Intermezzo before concluding scene of Delius’s opera A Village Romeo and Juliet. The Paradise Garden is actually a public house. Wedding March Played at the end of Act 4 of Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night’s Dream and traditionally used on exit from the church. The Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin commonly announces the entry. Wigmore Hall London concert hall in Wigmore Street, opened in 1901 as Bechstein Hall. WoO Werk ohne Op. zahl (work without opus number): system of cataloguing used where a composer’s work lacks opus numbers. woodwind quintet Usually flute, clarinet, oboe, French horn and bassoon.

Musical Instruments accordion Invented by Friedrich Buschmann of Berlin in 1822. Aeolian harp Box and strings that sound when hit by a current of air. aeolina Mouth organ. angelica Instrument of the lute family with 16 or 17 strings. arpeggione Six-stringed cello invented by G Staufer of Vienna in 1823. Aka guitare d’amour. aulos Double-reed wind instrument of ancient Greece. autoharp Zither on which chord keys are pressed by one hand and strings strummed by the other. Bach trumpet Valveless trumpet in either C or D. backfall Part of an organ that connects the rods to the keyboard. bagpipes Ancient instrument popular throughout the world but particularly identified with Scotland. The Scottish Highland bagpipe has two tenor drones and a bass drone, tuned an octave apart. The chanter is the pipe that plays the tune. Versions of the bagpipe around the world include the Bulgarian gaida, the cornemuse of France and Belgium, the gaita of northwestern Spain and the Irish Uilleann pipes.

balalaika Russian three-stringed instrument of the lute family with a triangular belly and moveable frets on the arm. The balalaika was developed in the 18th century from the domra. bamboula West Indian tambourine. bandoneon Argentinian variant of the accordion. baritone horn Brass instrument in B flat, related to the euphonium with a smaller bore and 3 valves. baryton Stringed instrument similar to viola da gamba but with sympathetic strings. Played by Prince Esterházy (Haydn’s patron); it has made a revival in recent years. Basque drum Tambourine. bassanello Shawm-like woodwind instrument, no longer played. bassoon Bass member of the double-reed oboe family, pitched in C. bell lyra Type of portable glockenspiel. bissex Twelve-string guitar invented in 1770 by Vanhecke. bodhran Irish frame drum played with a double-ended stick. bombard Alto-pitched shawm. bombardon Form of bass tuba with 3 piston valves.


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boobams Percussion instrument consisting of bamboo tubes. bottleneck Tube that fits over a finger on the fretting hand used for slide-guitar playing. bouzouki Greek fretted string instrument with a long neck and 4 sets of strings. cabaca/cabasa Latin American percussion instrument, around or pear-shaped gourd covered with beads and fitted with a handle. calliope Literally meaning ‘beautiful-voiced’ after the Muse of epic poetry; US name for a steam-driven organ. campanelle Glockenspiel. canale Psaltery. canntaireachd Ancient Highland bagpipe notation, using syllables to represent a group of notes. carillon Alternative name for glockenspiel, so called by Handel in 1739 when he first used the instrument in Saul. castanets Twin cup-shaped clappers; name derives from the Spanish castaña, chestnut wood. celesta Small keyboard instrument patented by Auguste Mustel in 1886 and famously used in Tchaikovsky’s ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’. cello: full name Violoncello. cembalo Short for clavicembalo, the Italian word for harpsichord. cetera Zither. chalumeau Forerunner of the clarinet with 6 to 8 finger-holes. chanterelle The E string on a violin, or the highest string on any instrument in the violin or lute family. charivari Cacophonous, extemporised music produced with any household utensil or object that will make a noise. chitarrone Lute similar to a theorbo but longer. choke cymbal: aka High-hat cymbal. chromatic harp Harp built by Pleyel in 1897; equipped with a string for every semitone, it needed no pedals. cimbalom Form of dulcimer native to Hungary, made up of a box on which strings are hit with mallets. cittern A 15th-century forerunner of the lute with metal strings tuned in pairs and plucked. clapper Striker in the middle of a bell. clarinet Single-reed woodwind instrument developed by J C Denner of Nuremberg in the late 17th century. clàrsach Ancient small Celtic harp having brass strings instead of gut or nylon ones. clavecin Harpsichord. claves Cuban percussion instruments consisting of round wooden sticks that are stuck together. clavichord/clarichord Small keyboard instrument invented in 14th century. Aka manichord or chekker. colascione European version of oriental long-necked lute popular in the Tudor period. colophony Bow rosin (named after Colophon in Asia Minor, the source of the best rosin). concertina Invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1829 as the ‘Symphonium’. Similar to accordion but no keyboard. console Operational part of organ cor anglais French for English horn, but in fact an alto oboe; invented by Ferlandis of Bergamo. cor de chasse Hunting horn developed in France in 17th century. cornopean Late 19th-century brass instrument similar to a trumpet. crembalum Type of Jew’s harp. crook Tube inserted into a brass instrument to lengthen its tube and change its pitch. crotales Ancient Greek percussion instrument in form of a rattle or clapper. crumhorn Early and widely used Renaissance double-reed instrument. Name means ‘curved horn’. crwth Welsh medieval instrument with 6 strings, a bowed lyre. cuckoo Two-note wind instrument imitating the bird. damper Felt piece that damps the vibration of the string on a piano until the key is depressed. didjeridu (didgeridoo) Native Australian wind instrument, which allows player to breathe through nose while playing. digitorium Small keyboard machine usually having 5 keys, which are sprung more severely than usual so as to strengthen fingers. Invented by Myer Marks in the mid-19th century. domra Type of early balalaika with a round body and two or three metal strings tuned a fourth apart. double bass: aka Bull-fiddle, doghouse. Dudelsack German form of bagpipe. dulcimer Ancient instrument with wire strings stretching over a shallow box which are struck with rods. dulcitone Instrument similar to celesta but with steel tuning forks instead of steel plates.

duplex-coupler piano Invented by Emanuel Moór in 1921; has 2 keyboards, upper tuned an octave higher. electronde Electronic instrument invented by Martin Taubman in 1933, like the theramin but can create staccato effect. embouchure Mouthpiece of a brass instrument. emicon Electric instrument invented in USA in 1931 and producing notes from air in graded chromatic scale. English flute: aka Recorder. English horn Alto oboe, pitched a 5th lower and having a conical shape and bulbous bell. euphonium Tenor tuba in B flat. Also name of instrument made of glass plates and rods by Ernst Chladni in 1790. fagotto Bassoon. fipple Mouthpiece for all wind instruments. flageolet Small type of recorder. flexatone Patented in 1922 and consisting of a flexible metal sheet suspended in a wire frame with handle. Shaking produces a tremolo sound. flugelhorn Brass instrument in the cornet family but with a wider bore and larger bell. flûte à bec (beak flute) Type of recorder. French harp Harmonica. French horn Coiled brass wind intrument extending to 11ft when uncoiled with a bell of 14in diameter. Early form supposedly introduced to the orchestra by Lully; modern form uses valves introduced in the 1820s. frog On bowed instruments, the end of the bow that is held in the hand. Aka nut. Geigenwerk Type of hurdy-gurdy invented in Nuremberg in 1575 by Hans Haiden. gekkin Japanese instrument with circular body like banjo but with 9 frets and 4 strings tuned in pairs. gemshorn Type of flute made of horn, not used since 16th century. Aka chamois horn. gittern Medieval ancestor of guitar. glockenspiel (lit. bell play) Musical instrument consisting of hanging metal bars, which are struck with a hammer. gong Ancient percussion instrument first found in China, a metal disc generally with upturned edges, usually with indefinite pitch but sometimes tuned. grelots Little bells, e.g. sleigh bells, used as percussion. gusla One-stringed bowed instrument long popular in Slavonic cultures. gusli Ancient Russian instrument of the zither family. harmonica Mouth organ with metal reeds, first produced by Friedrich Buschman of Berlin in 1821 as the ‘Mundäoline’. The two main types of harmonicas are the chromatic and the diatonic. The chromatic harmonica is preferred by blues players such as Bob Dylan and NeilಝYoung. The diatonic harmonica has a wider range and more suited to the virtuoso such as Larry Adler. harmonium Small portable reed organ perfected by Alexandre Debain of Paris in the early 1840s. harp Forty-seven-stringed instrument whose modern orchestral version with a pedal mechanism was developed by Sébastien Érard. harpsichord Wing-shaped keyboard instrument in which the strings are mechanically plucked rather that struck with a hammer. hautbois French name for oboe, (lit. ‘high wood’). Hawaiian guitar Ukulele (also nickname of steel guitar) introduced by the Portuguese. heckelphone Double-reed, baritone oboe with a conical bore and bulbous bell. helicon Tuba with a circular construction that can be wrapped around the body for marching bands. hellertion Electric instrument developed in Frankfurt in 1936 by Bruno Helberger and Peter Lertes, similar to Theremin but with a range of 6 octaves. hitschiriki Japanese instrument like a bamboo flute with 7 fingerholes and 2 thumb-holes. hityokin Japanese vertical flute made of bamboo. hornpipe Wind instrument with a single reed and a cow’s horn fitted on the end. hummel Swedish zither. hurdy-gurdy Medieval instrument resembling a viol but whose sound is produced by friction of hand-cranked wooden wheel on strings that could be stopped by keys. huruk Hourglass-shaped Indian drum. hydraulis Ancient instrument, aka water organ, supposedly invented in Greece by Ktesibios in the 3rd century BC. idiophone Term used for instrument whose own material makes a characteristic sound such as castanets, gongs, bells, etc. Irish harp Small harp played while held in the lap.


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Japanese fiddle One-stringed instrument played by street performers. Jew’s harp Folk instrument consisting of a metal frame that contains a flexible strip of metal. The frame is held between the player’s teeth while the metal strip is twanged. kazoo Short tube open at both ends, with a vibrating membrane in between, played by humming into it; a kind of mirliton. kin Japanese string instrument, a small koto. kithara Ancient but sophisticated Greek lyre, which is finger plucked. klavier Keyboard instrument (with strings). knollhorn Soft-sounding herald horn from the mid-western region of the US. Korean temple block Oriental addition to the 20th-century danceband drummer’s equipment, constituting a skull-shaped hollow block of wood, in several sizes, and struck with a drumstick. koto Japanese instrument resembling a zither, with 7 to 13 silk strings plucked by the fingers. lira A 16th-century string instrument with drones, played with a bow. loure French bagpipe. lute Ancient musical instrument with a pear-shaped belly and a long, fretted fingerboard and played like a modern guitar. lutherie The art of making string instruments – not only lutes, but also guitars and the violin family. luthier One who practises lutherie. lyra (lyre) Ancient Greek instrument with a 4-sided frame, encompassing strings attached from a soundbox to a crossbar. Played like a harp. machete Portuguese 4-string folk guitar. mandocello Bass mandolin. mandola/mandora Small, early precursor of the lute and mandolin with 9 frets and up to 6 strings. mandolin Instrument in the lute family, fretted and with 8 wire strings tuned in four pairs, G, D, A, E. maracas Latin American percussion instrument consisting of two seed-filled gourds, which are shaken by handles. mardakion Accordion-like instrument from the mid-west US. marimba African percussion instrument introduced to Latin America, a deeper pitched version of the xylophone with metal resonators. m’bira African ‘thumb piano’ made up of a number of metal or cane tongues held in position with a bar attached to a box or board. The free ends are twanged with the thumbs. mellophone Variation of the French horn constructed for marching. melodeon Related to the concertina, with 10 treble keys on the right, bellows and 4 bass keys on the left. metallophone Percussion instrument consisting of tuned metal bars arranged in single or double rows. mirliton Instrument containing a membrane to modify a sound made when the player hums or sings into or against it. monochord Musical instrument with one string, used for determining the ratios of musical intervals. Moog synthesizer Earliest commercial, voltage-controlled synthesizer, invented by Robert Moog in 1965. mouth organ The term covers many instruments with metal reeds but nowadays is synonymous with the harmonica. musetta Bellows-operated French bagpipe popular in the court of Louis XIV. mute Device usually conical in shape, that muffles a brass instrument’s sound. nightingale Toy instrument used in by Scarlatti in an oratorio by Scarlatti and by Leopold Mozart in his Toy Symphony. nose flute Originating in Polynesia, a bamboo flute blown through the nostrils. nut On bowed instruments, device fitted on to the end of the bow that is held in the hand, and used to adjust the bow’s tension. oboe Double-reed woodwind instrument with a conical bore in C and a natural scale of D. oboe d’amore Slightly bigger than the normal oboe, with a pearshaped bell, and pitched a minor third lower. ocarina (little goose) Small, round, wind instrument with finger holes, and made out of clay or porcelain; so named by Giuseppe Donati in mid-1800s; aka sweet potato. oliphant Small medieval horn made from an elephant’s tusk. ondes Martenot Electronic keyboard instrument developed by Maurice Martenot in the 1920s; shaped like a spinet. ophicleide Large, brass, keyed bass bugle played in the upright position, developed from the serpent (name is Greek for ‘serpent with keys’) but displaced by the bass tuba. panharmonicon Mechanical orchestra invented by Johann Maelzel in 1805; inspiration of Beethoven’s Battle Symphony. panpipes (aka syrinx) Ancient wind instrument consisting of several pipes of graduated lengths bound together.

pegbox Box at the end of the neck on string instruments into which the pegs that adjust the strings are inserted. phagotum Type of bellows-blown bagpipe invented by Canon Afranio of Ferrara in the early 1500s. pianoforte Full name of the piano, with 88 keys, first made in Florence around 1700 by Bartolomeo Cristofori; name is Italian for soft-loud. pianola Player piano manufactured in the early 1900s by the Aeolian Corporation; the first of the kind was the Welte-Mignon. piccolo Small flute that sounds an octave higher than written (piccolo in C) or, less often, a minor ninth higher than written (piccolo in D flat). point Tip of the bow of a string instrument. poliphant Thirty-seven-stringed instrument of early 17th century; a cross between harp, lute and theorbo. posthorn Cylindrical, valveless straight horn used by coachmen and mailcarriers to announce arrival. psaltery Ancient string instrument, similar to the dulcimer. purfling Decorative strip inlaid around edges of a string instrument. pyiba Pear-shaped, four-stringed, ancient Chinese lute. racket Double-reed instrument consisting of short, thick cylinder of wood drilled along its length with a bore-holes connected into a single air channel. raspa Cuban percussion instrument made out of gourd with notches that are scraped with a stick. ratamacue Drum rudiment consisting of an alternating-hand sticking pattern. ratchet/rattle Percussion instrument with a cogwheel that strikes one or more metal or wooden projections when twirled. rebab An ancient North African and Middle Eastern short-necked fiddle with two strings. rebec Small, pear-shaped, medieval bowed instrument, a development of the Arab rebab, with a short neck and three to five strings. recorder End-blown wooden flute without keys, with a tapering bore. reed(s) Clarinet is a single-reed instrument; oboe and bassoon are double-reed. regal Portable reed organ of the 16th century. Rhodes piano Electric piano developed by Harold Rhodes. rhythmicon Keyboard percussion instrument using photoelectric cell and devised by Lev Theremin and Henry Cowell in 1931. rosin Block of hardened tree resin that is rubbed across the bow hairs to enhance the friction. rote (rotta) Lyre-type instrument from the Middle Ages. sackbut Renaissance name for the slide trombone, which then had a smaller bell and narrower bore. saddle On guitar, a thin strip of ivory, bone or plastic set into the bridge. saltbox Charivari instrument used by flipping the lid and beating the side with a rolling pin or spoon. samisen Flat-backed, long-necked lute from Japan with a skincovered belly and three silk strings. sarangi Northern Indian fiddle with short, thick neck and 3 to 4 bowed strings plus sympathetic strings. sarod Indian instrument usually having 6 main strings and 12 to 15 sympathetic strings. sarrusophone Double-reed woodwind instrument related to the oboe but made of brass, invented by French bandleader Sarrus in 1856. saxophone Single-reed family of instruments, usually metal but sometimes plastic, invented by Adolphe Sax around 1840 and patented in 1846. scordatura Changing the tuning of one or more strings from their standard pitch. scroll Ornamental curled portion at the end of the pegbox on instruments of the violin family. Scruggs picking Banjo finger-picking style developed by Earl Scruggs, using the thumb and two fingers. serpent S-curved wooden horn with a conical bore, finger holes and a cup-shaped mouthpiece. seven-string guitar Has an extra, high A string. shakuhachi End-blown bamboo flute from Japan. shawm Family of high-pitched, double-reed woodwind instruments of the Middle Ages; precursors of the oboe. sheng Chinese mouth organ made up of wind chamber fitted with pipes with reeds that vibrate. shofar Ancient Hebrew ceremonial wind instrument made of a ram’s horn. simandl bow For string basses; a bow configured to be held with the palm up.


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sistrum Ancient percussion instrument made up of metal disc rattles threaded on rods. sitar Long-necked Indian lute with moveable arched frets, a gourd resonator close to the pegboard, and 3 to 7 strings, below which are sympathetic strings, often as many as 12. Made popular in the West by Ravi Shankar. skirl On bagpipe, the sounds made by the upper pipes. sousaphone Tuba that encircles the body and made specifically for John Philip Sousa’s band. spinet Small Renaissance keyboard instrument with a plucking action like a harpsichord. steel drums Made out of various-sized oil drums, with deeply incised patterns with different pitches. stick, Chapman Electric 10-stringed (5 bass and 5 guitar) instrument that utilises tapping technique on strings. swell Mechanical device on some keyboard instruments for adjusting the volume of sound. switch Percussion instrument, made up of wires bound at one end, that is struck against the hand. sympathetic string String that vibrates in an instrument without being plucked in response to the vibrations of strings that are plucked, or to a percussion impact. tablas Asymmetrical pair of conical, tuned, wooden Indian drums, beaten with the hands. tabor Earliest form of the snare drum, which evolved into a military instrument. talon The nut end of the bow used to play string instruments. tambour Type of drum. tambourine Percussion instrument of Arab origin consisting of a small, shallow, circular drum with metal discs inserted into its frame. The discs are known as jingles. tambur(a) Long-necked, round-bodied lute. Indian tamburas have 4 strings, drones and a moveable ivory bridge to adjust pitch; Balkan tamburas are fretted. tam-tam Large, flat, thin metal saucer suspended on a frame and struck with a soft beater. theorbo Sixteenth-century arch-lute with numerous stopped and unstopped strings attached to separate pegbox. Theremin Electronic instrument developed by Lev Theremin (1920); the hands do not touch the instrument but produce oscillations when they move around the antenna. ti tzu Chinese flute with 6 finger-holes and a 7th hole covered with thin membrane whose vibration dictates the tone. timbrel Ancient Middle Eastern tambourine, and its medieval European descendant. tin whistle High-pitched, end-blown Irish flute with 6 holes, made out of metal. tonette Wood or plastic end-blown flute with finger-holes.

tremolo arm Device that changes the pitch of the strings by moving the bridge with a type of spring action. trombone Brass instrument, larger than a trumpet, and with a sliding tube to extend notes. trumpet Brass wind instrument consisting of a long tubular central piece with a cup-shaped mouth-piece and wide, bell-shaped base. A trumpet has three valves. tuba Bass instrument patented by W Wieprecht and Moritz in Berlin (1835). tubular bells Percussion instrument in the form of suspended tubes, tuned to the diatonic scale, and struck with a hammer. tuning-fork Two-pronged metal instrument invented in 1711 by the trumpeter John Shore. The pure tone that it emits when set vibrating helps to give the pitch to singers or instruments. uilleann pipes Irish bagpipes worked by bellows held under one arm. ukelele (ukulele) Four-stringed instrument developed in Hawaii in the 1870s from a kind of Portugese guitar upright piano Piano in which strings are vertical. John Isaac Hawkins of Philadelphia first built iron-framed uprights in 1800. vibraphone (vibes) Xylophone with metal bars and a wide vibrato effect produced by electrically operated fans. vihuela Six-string Spanish instrument of the 1600s that looks like a guitar but is tuned as a lute. vina Indian stringed instrument, those from northern India having a long stick-like unfretted fingerboard resting on two resonating gourds, those from southern India having a much broader fingerboard and a wooden body in place of one of the gourds. viola da braccio Tenor viol played under the arm. viola da gamba Bass viol played between the knees. viola d’amore Unfretted tenor instrument with 7 strings and 7 to 14 sympathetic strings. violin Treble stringed instrument with 4 strings tuned to G, D, A, E. violoncello Tenor stringed instrument of the violin family, played between the knees, using bass clef, with 4 strings tuned to C, G, D, A. virginal Small, soft-sounding harpsichord of the 16th and 17th centuries, with one string to a note. Wagner tuba Invented by Richard Wagner specifically for his Ring Cycle; look is more of a horn than a tuba. whammy bar Another name for tremolo arm. woodwind Recorders, flutes, clarinets, saxophones, oboes, piccolos, cor anglais and bassoons (lowest pitch). xylophone (lit. wood sound) Percussion instrument consisting of graduated, tuned wooden bars which are struck with a hammer. xylorimba Combination of xylophone and marimba. zither Family of plucked string instruments including the dulcimer, hummel, koto, autoharp and psaltery, where the (up to 45) strings run the entire length of a flat body.

Famous Musicians Bassoonists Archie Camden John Hebden D Kern Holoman Jacques Hotteterre Edwin James John Lampe William Waterhouse Cellists Hugo Becker Luigi Boccherini Anner Bylsma Pablo Casals Gaspar Cassadó Mischel Cherniavsky Myung-Wha Chung Robert Cohen Christopher Coin Karl Davidoff Jean Louis Dufort Jean Pierre Dufort Jacqueline Du Pré Maurice Eisenberg Emanuel Feuermann Amaryllis Fleming Pierre Fournier Auguste Franchomme Carl Fuchs Karine Georgian

Georg Goltermann Bernard Greenhouse Natalia Gutman Lynn Harrell Beatrice Harrison Nicola Haym John Hebden Thomas Igloi Steven Isserlis Giuseppe Maria Jacchini Ivor James Antonio Janigro Hans Kindler Ralph Kirshbaum Anton Kraft Nicolaus Kraft Robert Lindley Julian Lloyd Webber Martin Lovett Antonio Lysy Yo-Yo Ma Enrico Mainardi Mischa Maisky António Meneses Howard Mitchell May Mukle André Navarra Charles Neate Zara Nelsova Arto Noras

Vladimir Orloff Siegfried Palm Stephen Paxton Boris Pergamenschikov Gregor Piatigorsky Alfredo Piatti Anthony Pini William Pleeth David Popper Julius Rietz Bernhard Romberg Leonard Rose Mstislav Rostropovich Milos Sádlo Felix Salmond Samuil Samosud Heinrich Schiff Johann Schlick Georg Schnéevoigt Mátyás Seiber Adrien François Servais Raphael Sommer William Henry Squire János Starker Guilhermina Suggia Paul Tortelier Arturo Toscanini Christopher Van Kampen Alfred Wallenstein Raphael Wallfisch


Moray Welsh August Wenzinger Gay-Yee Westerhoff Hanus Wihan Clarinettists John Adams Heinrich Bärmann Jack Brymer Louis Cahuzac Benny Goodman Woody Herman Janet Hilton Emma Johnson Reginald Kell Thea King Hyacinth Klosé Henry Lewis Richard Mühlfeld Gervase de Peyer Artie Shaw Anton Stadler Richard Stolzman Morton Subotnick Frederick Thurston Bernard Walton Double Bass Giovanni Bottesini Ida Carroll

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Eugene Cruft Domenico Dragonetti Barry Guy Gary Karr Franz Kotzwara Serge Koussevitzky Flautists Richard Adeney Bruno Bartoletti Michel Blavet Theobald Boehm Giulio Briccialdi Franz Doppler Karl Doppler Louis François Fleury James Galway Severino Gazzelloni Geoffrey Gilbert Dave Heath Hans-Joachim Koellreutter Hans-Martin Linde Johann Bernhard Logier Edward McGuire Susan Milan Gareth Morris Marcel Moyse Aurèle Nicolet Johann Quantz Jean-Pierre Rampal Elaine Shaffer Fritz Spiegl Adolf Terschak David Van Vactor French Horn Hermann Baumann Aubrey Brain Dennis Brain Alan Civil Anthony Halstead David Pyatt Barry Tuckwell Guitarists Julian Bream Leo Brouwer Cornelius Cardew Ferdinando Carulli Tommy Emmanuel Mauro Giuliani Peter Katona Zoltan Katona Miguel Llobet Carlos Montoya Gaspar Sanz Andrés Segovia Philip Selby Fernando Sor Francisco Tárrega Jason Vieaux John Williams Narciso Yepes Harpists Osian Ellis Félix Godefroid Marie Goossens Sidonie Goossens Alphonse Hasselmans Ursula Holliger Alfred Hol´y Maria Korchinska Johann Krumpholtz François Naderman Elias Parish-Alvars John Parry Nansi Richards Marisa Robles Carlos Salzédo Marcel Tournier Nicanor Zabaleta Horns Johannes Amon

David Amram Adolph Borsdorf Alan Civil Louis-François Dauprat John Denison Heinrich Domnich Anton Joseph Hampel Maurice Handford Ifor James Ignaz Leutgeb Giovanni Punto Timothy Reynish Franz Joseph Strauss Barry Tuckwell Mouth Organists Larry Adler Tommy Reilly Oboists Evelyn Barbirolli (née Rothwell) Neil Black Janet Craxton John Cruft Johann Fischer Leon Goossens Heinz Holliger John Lancie Ludwig August Lebrun Charles Mackerras Jean-Claude Malgoire Friedrich Ramm Ray Still Edo de Waart Organists Herbert Andrews Jennifer Bate Jonathan Battishill William Best E Power Biggs John Birch John Blitheman John Blow Léon Boëllmann Georg Böhm Kevin Bowyer John Dykes Bower Ernest Bullock Charles Burney John Camidge Matthew Camidge Thomas Camidge Melville Cook George Cunningham Carlo Curley John Danby Thurston Dart Christopher Dearnley William Done Maurice Dupré Hermann Finck Grattan Flood Virgil Fox Alfred Gaul Nicolas Gigault Eugène Gigout Johann Goldberg John Goss Alan Gray Nicolas de Grigny Douglas Guest George Guest Christopher Herrick Edward Hopkins Karl Friedrich Horn Francis Jackson Geraint Jones Johann Kerll Jacob Kirckman Leonhard Kleber Carlmann Kolb Johann Krebs Jean Langlais Philip Ledger Edwin Lemare

Henry Ley Gaston Litaize Charles Lloyd Vincent Lübeck David Lumsden André Marchal Louis Marchand Giovanni Martini Olivier Messiaen Georg Monn James Nares Edward Naylor Martin Neary Sydney Nicholson Thomas Noble Vincent Novello Herbert Oakeley Boris Ord Johann Pachelbel Jane Parker-Smith Peter Pears Simon Preston Daniel Purcell Henry Purcell James Pyne Helmuth Rilling Edward Rimbault Alec Robertson Douglas Robinson Lionel Rogg Cyril Rootham Barry Rose Bernard Rose Francisco de Salinas Sir Malcolm Sargent Heinrich Scheidemann Samuel Scheidt Albert Schweitzer John Scott George Sinclair Johann Staden Paul Steinitz Leopold Stokowski Karl Straube Herbert Sumsion Richard Terry George Thalben-Ball David Titterington Thomas Trotter David Tudor Franz Tunder Denis Vaughan Louis Vierne Helmut Walcha William Walond Henry Watson Gillian Weir Charles Wesley Allan Wicks Charles-Marie Widor David Willcocks Charles Lee Williams Malcolm Williamson Arthur Wills Philipp Wolfrum Leslie Woodgate Henry Wood Klaus Wunderlich Pietro Alessandro Yon Pietro Ziani Percussionists James Blades Evelyn Glennie Stomu Yamashita Pianists Jacques Abram Joaquin Achucarro Thomas Ades Daniel Adni Roy Agnew Martha Argerich Vladimir Ashkenazy Stefan Askenase Victor Babin Gina Bachauer


Paul Badura-Skoda Daniel Barenboim Hans Barth Ethel Bartlett Harold Bauer Malcolm Bilson Christian Blackshaw Marc Blitzstein Michel Block Susan Bradshaw Alfred Brendel Yefim Bronfman Bruno Canino Teresa Carreño Jean Casadesus Robert Marcel Casadesus Yihan Chen Shura Cherkassky Aldo Ciccolini Van Cliburn Harriet Cohen Elizabeth Coolidge Imogen Cooper Joseph Cooper Alfred Cortot Johann Cramer Paul Crossley Clifford Curzon Karl Czerny György Cziffra Michel Dalberto Edward Dannreuther Bella Davidovich Peter Donohoe Ania Dorfmann Barry Douglas Karl Engel John Field Margaret Fingerhut Rudolf Firkusny Annie Fischer Edwin Fischer Leon Fleisher Myers Foggin Andor Foldes Hubert Foss Ian Fountain Fou Ts’ong Philip Fowke Homero Francesch Samson François Peter Frankl Justus Frantz Géza Frid Ignaz Friedman Benjamin Frith Liza Fuchsova Ossip Gabrilowitsch Irwin Gage Andrei Gavrilov Walter Gieseking Emil Gilels Arabella Goddard Leopold Godowsky Anthony Goldstone Richard Goode Glenn Gould Gary Graffman Percy Grainger Arthur de Greef Gordon Green Horacio Gutiérrez Monique Haas Ingrid Haebler Charles Hallé Mark Hambourg Paul Hamburger Iain Hamilton Clara Haskil Claude Helffer Clifton Helliwell Myra Hess Rolf Hind Alfred Hipkins Ludwig Hoffman Vladimir Horowitz Colin Horsley

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Louis Horst Mieczyslaw Horszowski Stephen Hough Andrew Imbrie John Ireland Edward Isaacs Leonard Isaacs Michael Isador Martin Isepp Eugene Istomin Paul Jacobs Byron Janis Grant Johannesen Graham Johnson Geneviève Joy Eileen Joyce Terence Judd Jeffrey Kahane Joseph Kalichstein Friedrich Kalkbrenner William Kapell Jean-Rodolphe Kars Julius Katchen Peter Katin Mindru Katz Wilhelm Kempff John Kirkpatrick Evgeny Kissin Bernhard Klee Walter Klien Karl Klindworth Zoltán Kocsis Alfons Kontarsky Aloys Kontarsky Lili Kraus Katia Labèque Marielle Labèque Frederic Lamond Lang Lang Alicia de Larrocha Philip Ledger Lee Pui Ming Yvonne Lefébure Theodor Leschetizky Oscar Levant Raymond Lewenthal Paul Lewis Hans Leygraf Josef Lhévinne Rosina Lhévinne John Lill Eugene List Kathleen Long Marguérite Long Alessandro Longo Yvonne Loriod Radu Lupu Moura Lympany Alexei Lyubimov Joanna McGregor Witold Malcuzynski Leopold Mannes Tobias Matthay Denis Matthews Florence May Fanny Mendelssohn Hephzibah Menuhin Frank Merrick Noel Mewton-Wood Nina Milkina Benno Moiseiwitsch Federico Mompou David Money Stephen Montague Gerald Moore Angus Morrison Ignaz Moscheles Charles Neate Marc Neikrug Ivor Newton Joaquin Nin David Owen Norris Lev Oborin Noriko Ogawa John Ogdon Garrick Ohlsson Mercedes Olivera

Georges Onslow Ursula Oppens Rafael Orozco Leslie Orrey Cristina Ortiz George Osborne Cécile Ousset Vladimir Ovchinikov Vladimir de Pachmann Ignacy Jan Paderewski Kun Woo Paik Maria von Paradis (blind) Jon Kimura Parker Eric Parkin Geoffrey Parsons Güher Pekinel Süher Pekinel Leonard Pennario Murray Perahia Vlado Perlemuter Egon Petri Nikolai Petrov Isidor Philipp Maria-João Pires Johann Peter Pixis Artur Pizarro Barbara von Ployer Ivo Pogorelich Maurizio Pollini Jean-Bernard Pommier Viktoria Postnikova Leff Pouishnoff Ferdinand Praeger André Previn Stephen Pruslin Gwenneth Pryor Anne Queffélec Qin Chuan Ruth Railton Thomas Rajna Dezsö Ránki Clarence Raybould Julius Reubke Robert Riefling Ferdinand Ries Bernard Roberts Rae Robertson Pascal Rogé Michael Roll Martin Roscoe Charles Rosen Moriz Rosenthal Mstislav Rostropovich Anton Rubinstein Arthur Rubinstein Nikolay Rubinstein Mikhail Rudy Christian Rummel Walter Rummel Harold Rutland Vasily Safonov Harold Samuel György Sándor Jesús Maria Sanromá Vasily Sapellnikov Sir Malcolm Sargent Irene Scharrer Xaver Scharwenka Ernest Schelling Heinrich Schenker Andras Schiff Allan Schiller Artur Schnabel Karl Ulrich Schnabel Irina Schnittke Clara Schumann Phyllis Sellick Yitkin Seow Peter Serkin Rudolf Serkin Shulamith Shafir William Shakespeare Howard Shelley Maxim Shostakovich Béla Siki Constantin Silvestri Abbey Simon

Leonard Slatkin Jan Smeterlin Cyril Smith Ronald Smith Yonty Solomon Georg Solti Peter Stadlen Bernhard Stavenhagen Wilhelm Stenhammar Ronald Stevenson Soulima Stravinsky Walter Susskind Roberto Szidon Carl Tausig André Tchaikowsky Boris Tchaikovsky Alec Templeton Sigismond Thalberg Jean-Yves Thibaudet Tian Jiang Michael Tilson Thomas Martino Tirimo Donald Tovey Valerie Tryon Norman Tucker David Tudor Rosalyn Tureck Mitsuko Uchida Nick Van Bloss Sergio Varella-Cid Tamás Vásáry Bálint Vazsonyi Isabelle Vengerova Adela Verne Mathilde Verne Roger Vignoles Ricardo Viñes Lucille Wallace Peter Wallfisch Fanny Waterman Sydney Watson André Watts Daniel Wayenberg Joseph Weingarten Erik Werba Jósef Wieniawski Earl Wild David Wilde Malcolm Williamson Paul Wittgenstein Roger Woodward Enloc Wu Friedrich Wührer Marie Wurm Jürg Wyttenbach Théophile Ysaye Yuja Wang Carlo Zecchi Géza Zichy Alexander Ziloti Krystian Zimerman Jan Zimmer Agnes Zimmermann Trumpeters Maurice André Malcolm Arnold Alison Balsom Ernest Hall Håkan Hardenberger Philip Jones Humphrey Lyttelton Johann Petzold Gerard Schwarz Crispian Steel-Perkins Edward Tarr John Wilbraham Tuba Eleazar de Carvalho Violists Yuri Bashmet Tania Davis Paul Doktor Watson Forbes Rivka Golani


Karel Hába Nobuko Imai Allan Pettersson Jean Pougnet William Primrose Frederick Riddle Hermann Ritter Jordi Savall Peter Schidlof Bernard Shore Lionel Tertis Walter Trampler Efrem Zimbalist Violinists Joseph Achron Delphin Alard Pierre Amoyal Jelly Arányi Alexandre-Joseph Artôt Thomas Baltzar John Banister Angel Barrios Richard Barth Yuri Bashmet Rudolf Baumgartner Hugh Bean Paul Beard Boris Belkin Joshua Bell Nicola Benedetti Norbert Brainin George Bridgetower Adolph Brodsky Ole Bull Alfredo Campoli John Carrodus Marius Casadesus Arthur Catterall Eos Chater Levon Chilingiran Kyung-Wha Chung Raymond Cohen Béla Dekany Gioconda De Vito Augustine Dumay Haylie Ecker John Ella Mischa Elman Devy Erlih Adila Fachiri Carlo Farina Alfonso Ferrabosco Christian Ferras Michael Festing Carl Flesch Giovanni Fontana Zino Francescatti Miriam Fried Joseph Fuchs Mayumi Fujikawa Ivan Galamian David Garrett Saschko Gawriloff André Gertler Rivka Golani Szymon Goldberg Stephane Grappelli Hyam Greenbaum Sidney Griller Frederick Grinke Ida Haendel Marie Hall Jascha Heifetz Joseph Hellmesberger Willy Hess Ulf Hoelscher Karl Hoffmann Ralph Holmes Henry Holst Yuzuko Horigome Jenö Hubay Bronislaw Huberman Monica Huggett Shizuka Ishikawa Feliks Janiewicz Joseph Joachim

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Leila Josefowicz Joseph Kaminski Mark Kaplan Louis Kaufman Hans Keller Nigel Kennedy Willem Kes Isabelle van Keulen Young-Uck Kim Pawel Kochánski Leonid Kogan Franz Kotzwara Fritz Kreisler Gidon Kremer Rodolphe Kreutzer Wenzel Krumpholtz Oleg Krysa Jan Kubelik Sigiswald Kuijken Georg Kulenkampff Franz Lamotte Linda Lampenius Jaime Laredo Cho-Liang Lin Tasmin Little Alan Loveday Mark Lubotsky Anne Macnaghten Vanessa Mae André Mangeot Mantovani Alessandro Marcello Silvia Marcovici Johanna Martzy Joseph Massart Nicola Matteis Eduard Melkus Isolde Menges Yehudi Menuhin

Goto Midori Stoika Milanova Nathan Milstein Shlomo Mintz Lydia Mordkovitch Viktoria Mullova Charles Munch Anne-Sophie Mutter Pietro Nardini Yfrah Neaman Wilma Neruda Ginette Neveu Sigmund Nissel David Oistrakh Igor Oistrakh Raphael Oleg Frantisek Ondncek Igor Ozim Niccolò Paganini Manoug Parikian György Pauk Edith Peinemann Itzhak Perlman George Frederic Pinto Adolf Pollitzer Jean Pougnet Maud Powell William Primrose Gaetano Pugnani Giovanni Punto Michael Rabin John Ravenscroft Ede Reményi Vadim Repin Ruggiero Ricci Franz Anton Ries Hubert Ries Alexander Ritter Andreas Jakob Romberg

Arnold Rosé Carl Rosiers Max Rostal Christian Rummel George Saint-George Prosper Sainton Johann Peter Salomon Albert Sammons Eugene Sarbu Emile Sauret Rosario Scalero Anton Schindler Alexander Schneider Wolfgang Schneiderhan Jaap Schröder Franz Schubert Ignaz Schuppanzigh Otakar Sevcik Emily Shinner Oscar Shumsky Joseph Silverstein Dmitry Sitkovetzky Camillo Sivori Nikolay Sokoloff Paolo Spagnoletti Albert Spalding Theodore Spiering Johann Wenzel Stamitz Simon Standage Isaac Stern Julius Stern Frederick Stock George Stratton Josef Suk Zoltán Székely Henryk Szeryng Josef Szigeti Gabor Takács-Nagy Václav Talich

Giuseppe Tartini Vilmos Tátrai Charles Taylor Arve Tellefsen Emil Telmányi Henri Temianka Klaus Tennstedt Carlo Tessarini Jacques Thibaud César Thomson Luigi Tomasini Giuseppe Torelli Yan Pascal Tortelier Roman Totenberg Berthold Tours Chrétien Urhan Tibór Varga Sándor Végh Maxim Vengerov Henri Verbrugghen Henri Vieuxtemps H. Waldo Warner Joseph Miroslav Weber Henryk Wieniawski Wanda Wilkomirska Marie Wilson Michael Zacharewitsch Christian Zacharias Zvi Zeitlin Jakob Zeugheer Efrem Zimbalist Frank Peter Zimmermann Louis Zimmermann Yossi Zivoni Olive Zorian Pinchas Zukerman Paul Zukofsky

Famous Singers Sopranos Aïno Ackté Roberta Alexander Jeannine Altmeyer Elly Ameling Marie Angel Sheila Armstrong Martina Arroyo Florence Austral Lilian Bailey Isobel Baillie Josephine Barstow Kathleen Battle Hildegard Behrens Elizabeth Billington Judith Blegen Hannelore Bode Barbara Bonney Lucrezia Bori Inge Borkh Sarah Brightman Gré Brouwenstijn Norma Burrowes Montserrat Caballé Teresa Cahill Maria Callas Emma Calvé Maria Caniglia Maria Caradori-Allan Margherita Carosio Katharina Cavalieri Maria Cebotari Maria Chiara Charlotte Church Gina Cigna Mimi Coertse Isabella Colbran Elizabeth Connell Mary Costa Régine Crespin Joan Cross Lella Cuberli Maud Cunitz

Toti Dal Monte Suzanne Danco Barbara Daniels Gloria Davy Anne Dawson Lynne Dawson Lisa Della Casa Joséphine De Reszke Emmy Destinn Libuse Domaninska Helen Donath Dorothy Dorow Dorothy Dow Elizabeth Duparc Denise Duval Noël Eadie Jean Eaglen Emma Eames Florence Easton Christiane Eda-Pierre Mary Ellis Anne Evans Carole Farley Geraldine Farrar Eileen Farrell Helen Field Sylvia Fischer Kirsten Flagstad Mirella Freni Elizabeth Fretwell Marya Freund Marta Fuchs Johanna Gadski Amelita Galli-Curci Mary Garden Lesley Garrett Catherine Gayer Mechthild Gessendorf Sona Ghazarian Christel Goltz Jill Gomez Linda Esther Gray Silvia Greenberg

Giulia Grisi Reri Grist Edita Gruberova Nora Gruhn Elisabeth Grümmer Hilde Gueden Nancy Gustafson Marie Gutheil-Schoder Alison Hagley Joan Hammond Heather Harper Eiddwen Harrhy Kathryn Harries Elizabeth Harwood Minnie Hauk Cynthia Haymon Lorna Haywood Frieda Hempel Elvira de Hidalgo Judith Howarth Karen Huffstodt Rita Hunter Maria Ivogün Gundula Janowitz Maria Jeritza Sumi Jo Eva Johannson Gwyneth Jones Ava June Sena Jurinac Raina Kabaivanska Kiri Te Kanawa Julie Kaufmann Adelaide Kemble Barbra Kemp Yvonne Kenny Adele Kern Emma Kirkby Dorothy Kirsten Katharina Klafsky Anny Konetzni Hilde Konetzni Annelies Kupper


Selma Kurz Dora Labbette Aloysia Lange Nanny Larsén-Todsen Magda Laszló Marjorie Lawrence Evelyn Lear Lilli Lehmann Liza Lehmann Lotte Lehmann Frida Leider Adèle Leigh Hellen Lemmens Tiana Lemnitz Mary Lewis Miriam Licette Caterina Ligendza Jenny Lind Berit Lindholm Wilma Lipp Pilar Lorengar Victoria de Los Angeles Felicity Lott Germaine Lubin Pauline Lucca Sylvia McNair Catherine Malfitano Mathilde Mallinger Blanche Marchesi Lois Marshall Margaret Marshall Eva Marton Valerie Masterson Amalie Materna Edith Mathis Karita Mattila Johanna Meier Nellie Melba Janine Micheau Julia Migenes Zinka Milanov Anna von Mildenburg Audrey Mildmay

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Aprile Millo Nelly Miricioiu Martha Mödl Anna Moffo Fanny Moody Grace Moore Elsie Morison Edda Moser Maria Müller Yuriy Mynenko Carol Neblett Judith Nelson Anna Netrebko Mignon Nevada Agnes Nicholls Birgit Nilsson Christine Nilsson Alda Noni Elizabeth Norberg Lillian Nordica Jessye Norman Clara Novello Jarmila Novotná Magda Olivero Elaine Padmore Felicity Palmer Euphrosyne Parepa Anne Pashley Giuditta Pasta Adelina Patti Rose Pauly Fanny Persiani Roberta Peters Helga Pilarczyk Rosalind Plowright Deborah Polaski Lily Pons Rosa Ponselle Lucia Popp Leontyne Price Margaret Price Yvonne Printemps Ana Pusar Ashley Putnam Louisa Pyne Rosa Raisa Hildegard Ranczak Judith Raskin Aulikki Rautawaara Delia Reinhardt Maria Reining Elisabeth Rethberg Esther Réthy Katia Ricciarelli Margaret Ritchie Faye Robinson Joan Rodgers Amanda Roocroft Annaliese Rothenberger Hermine Rudersdorff Leonie Rysanek Hilde Sadek Sibyl Sanderson Sylvia Sass Bidú Sayão Marianne Schech Erna Schlüter Elisabeth Schumann Vera Schwarz Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Graziella Sciutti Renata Scotto Nadine Secunde Irmgard Seefried Meta Seinemeyer Marcella Sembrich Luciana Serra Ellen Shade Ekaterina Shcherbachenko Honor Sheppard Margaret Sheridan Amy Shuard Margarethe Siems Anja Silja Dorothy Silk Beverly Sills Jeannette Sinclair

Victoria Sladen Oda Slobodskaya Elisabeth Söderström Henriette Sontag Elena Souliotis Maria Stader Eleanor Steber Hanny Steffek Sophie Stehle Anna Steiger Teresa Stich-Randall Lilian Stiles Allen Teresa Stolz Anna Storace Rosina Storchio Teresa Stratas Rita Streich Cheryl Studer Rosa Sucher Elsie Suddaby Susan Sunderland Joan Sutherland Helena Tattermuschová Renata Tebaldi Giusto Tenducci (male) Milka Ternina Margarete Teschemacher Eva Tetrazzini Luisa Tetrazzini Maggie Teyte Thérèse Tietjens Pauline Tinsley Anna Tomowa-Sintow Helen Traubel Carrie Tubb Eva Turner Dawn Upshaw Viorica Ursuleac Leontina Vaduva Benita Valente Anita Välkki Ninon Vallin Carol Vaness Julia Varady Astrid Varnay Elizabeth Vaughan Galina Vishnevskaya Deborah Voigt Jennifer Vyvyan Johanna Wagner Yoko Watanabe Claire Watson Janice Watson Lilian Watson Aloysia Weber Gillian Webster Lucie Weidt Ljuba Welitsch Ruth Welting Catherine Wilson Marie Wittich Sophie Wyss Rachel Yakar Mara Zampieri Ruth Ziesak Teresa Zylis-Gara Mezzo-sopranos Janet Baker Agnes Baltsa Cecilia Bartoli Teresa Berganza Faustina Bordoni Olga Borodina Marianne Brandt Marie Brema Grace Bumbry Sally Burgess Majorano Caffarelli Sarah Jane Cahier Susanna Cibber Katherine Ciesinski Cynthi Clarey Sarah Connolly Girolamo Crescentini Claire Croiza

Janice De Gaetani Astra Desmond Joyce DiDonato Oralia Dominguez Nancy Evans Maria Ewing Brigitte Fassbaender Linda Finnie Muriel Forster Elena Gerhardt Rita Gorr Bernadette Greevy Giuditta Grisi Barbara Hendricks Jane Henschel Alfreda Hodgson Grace Hoffman Elisabeth Höngen Marilyn Horne Anne Howells Eirian James Katherine Jenkins Della Jones Fiona Kimm Louise Kirkby-Lunn Gillian Knight Nadezda Kniplová Kathleen Kuhlmann Lotte Lenya Marjana Lipovsek Martha Lipton Jean Madeira Maria Malibran Mathilde Marchesi Waltraud Meier Susanne Mentzer Kerstin Meyer Yvonne Minton Diana Montague Ann Murray Hyacinth Nicholls Elena Obraztsova Maria Olczewska Anne Sofie von Otter Rosa Papier Anna Pollak Florence Quivar Eva Randová Nell Rankin Regina Resnik Anna Reynolds Jean Rigby Vera Rozsa Trudeliese Schmidt Hanna Schwarz Constance Shacklock Mitsuko Shirai Giulietta Simionato Monica Sinclair Doris Soffel Frederica von Stade Risë Stevens Ebe Stignani Conchita Supervia Gladys Swarthout Klara Takács Blanche Thebom Kerstin Thorborg Jennie Tourel Zélia Trebelli Tatiana Troyanos Lucia Valentini-Terrani Josephine Veasey Shirley Verrett Pauline Viardot-Garcia Sieglinde Wagner Edyth Walker Sarah Walker Carolyn Watkinson Lucie Weidt Eugenia Zareska Delores Ziegler Counter-tenors James Bowman Michael Chance Alfred Deller


Jochen Kowalski Andreas Scholl Contraltos Muriel Brunskill Clara Butt Giovanni Carestini Kathleen Ferrier Birgit Finnilä Maureen Forrester Louise Homer Mary Jarred Sigrid Onegin Norma Procter Gladys Ripley Charlotte Sainton-Dolby Ernestine Schumann-Heink Antoinette Sterling Caroline Unger Lucia Elizabeth Vestris Mary Wakefield Helen Watts Baritones Thomas Allen Carlos Álvarez Pasquale Amato Ettore Bastianini Pierre Bernac John Brownlee Sesto Bruscantini Renato Bruson Delme Bryn-Jones Renato Capecchi Piero Cappuccilli Clive Carey Ulrik Cold Brian Cooke Peter Dawson Giuseppe De Luca Willi Domgraf-Fassbänder Geraint Evans Keith Falkner David Ffrangcon-Davies Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Lucien Fugère Peter Glossop Tito Gobbi John Goss Franz Grundheber Hakan Hagegard Derek Hammond-Stroud Thomas Hampson Percy Heming Thomas Hemsley Roy Henderson George Henschel Jason Howard Neil Howlett Gerhard Hüsch Dmitri Hvorostovsky Jorma Hynninen Richard Jackson Herbert Janssen Phillip Joll Dimitri Kharitonov Peter Knapp Otakar Kraus Tom Krause Jean-Louis Lassalle Sergei Leiferkus François Le Roux George London Benjamin Luxon Donald McIntyre James Maddalena Victor Maurel Donald Maxwell Michael Maybrick Yury Mazurok Robert Merrill Johannes Messchaert Dennis Noble John Noble Alan Opie Rolando Panerai

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Charles Panzéra Kostas Paskalis Antonio Pini-Corsi Juan Pons Hermann Prey Gino Quilico Louis Quilico Frederick Ranalow John Rawnsley Theodor Reichmann Maurice Renaud Marko Rothmüller Titta Ruffo Kennerley Rumford Karel Salomon Mario Sammarco Charles Santley Heinrich Schlusnus Andreas Schmidt Paul Schöffler Antonio Scotti William Shimell John Shirley-Quirk Paolo Silveri Knut Skram Russell Smythe Gérard Souzay Oley Speaks Mariano Stabile Thomas Stewart Richard Stilwell Julius Stockhausen Jonathan Summers Giuseppe Taddei Carlo Tagliabue Antonio Tamburini Lawrence Tibbett Alan Titus Hermann Uhde Theodor Uppman Giuseppe Valdengo Anton Van Rooy Ramón Vinay Michael Vogl Eberhard Wächter Ian Wallace Jess Walters William Warfield Leonard Warren Bernd Weikl Willard White Clarence Whitehill David Wilson-Johnson Ingvar Wixell Ekkerhard Wlaschiha Gregory Yurisich Giorgio Zancanaro Tenors Valentin Adamberger John Aler John Alexander Luigi Alva Max Alvary Francisco Araiza John Beard Karl Beck Kim Begley Carlo Bergonzi Jussi Björling Beno Blachut Rockwell Blake Alfie Boe Dino Borgioli Stuart Burrows José Carreras Enrico Caruso Richard Cassilly Graham Clark John Coates Vinson Cole Peter Cornelius Jean Cox Charles Craig Richard Crooks Hugues Cuénod Arthur Davies

Ben Davies Ryland Davies Tudor Davies Mario Del Monaco François Delsarte Fernando De Lucia Gregory Dempsey Jean De Reszke Anton Dermota Plácido Domingo Nigel Douglas Ronald Dowd Warren Ellsworth Poul Elming Gervase Elwes Karl Erb Bruce Ford Paul Frey Manuel del Garcia Nicolai Gedda Giuseppe Giacomelli Beniamino Gigli Reiner Goldberg Karl Graun Donald Grobe Jerry Hadley Ben Heppner Martyn Hill Joseph Hislop Werner Hollweg Hans Hopf Walter Hyde Hermann Jadlowker Neil Jenkins Siegfried Jerusalem Edward Johnson Parry Jones Manfred Jung Michael Kelly Jan Kiepura Waldemar Kmentt Heinrich Knote Alfredo Kraus Werner Krenn David Kuebler Charles Kullman Gary Lakes Philip Langridge Mario Lanza Giacomo Lauri-Volpi Jeffrey Lawton Richard Leech Keith Lewis Richard Lewis Luis Lima Edward Lloyd Max Lorenz Giordano Lucà Veriano Lucheti John McCormack James McCracken Giovanni Mario Giovanni Martinelli Yury Marusin Helmut Melchert Lauritz Melchior Chris Merritt Thomas Moser Frank Mullings Heddle Nash Angelo Neumann Albert Niemann Adolphe Nourrit Karl Oestvig Alexander Oliver Joseph O’Mara Juan Oncina Dennis O’Neill Ian Partridge Julius Patzak Luciano Pavarotti Peter Pears Jan Peerce Aureliano Pertile Alfred Piccaver Paul Potts Vilém Pribyl

Josef Protschka Anton Raaff Torsten Ralf Thomas Randle Sims Reeves Alberto Remedios David Rendall Kenneth Riegel Anthony Rolfe Johnson Vladimir Rosing Helge Roswaenge Robert Rounseville Giovanni-Battista Rubini Thomas Salignac Giovanni-Battista Sbriglia Benedikt Schack Aksel Schiotz Tito Schipa Erik Schmedes Ludwig Schnorr Rudolf Schock Peter Schreier Peter Seiffert William Shakespeare George Shirley Léopold Simoneau Leo Slezak Fritz Soot Gerhard Stolze Ian Storey Kurt Streit Ludwig Suthaus Set Svanholm Ferruccio Tagliavini Francesco Tamagno Enrico Tamberlik Richard Tauber John Templeton Jess Thomas Joseph Tichatschek Richard Tucker Fritz Uhl Ragnar Ulfung Georg Unger Gerhard Unger Jon Vickers Ramón Vinay Heinrich Vogl Joseph Ward Russell Watson Spas Wenkoff Walter Widdop Steuart Wilson Gösta Winbergh Wolfgang Windgassen Hermann Winkelmann Hermann Winkler Ludwig Wüllner Fritz Wunderlich Alexander Young Heinz Zednik Giovanni Zenatello Ivo Zidek Castrato Domenico Annibali Majorano Caffarelli Girolano Crescentini Carlo Farinelli Gaetano Guadagni Domenico Mustafa Senesino Bass Donald Adams Paul Bender Kurt Böhme Kim Borg Fyodor Chaliapin Boris Christoff Henry Cooke Stafford Dean Otto Edelmann Signor Foli David Franklin Gottlob Frick Manuel Garcia


Nicolai Ghiaurov Nicola Ghiuselev Josef Greindl Paul Hillier Robert Holl Gwynne Howell Marcel Journet Manfred Jungwirth Alexander Kipnis Paul Knüpfer Luigi Lablache Charles Manners Josef von Manowarda Jan Martinik Kurt Moll Paolo Montarsolo Yevgeny Nesterenko Robert Newman Siegmund Nimsgern Ezio Pinza Pol Plançon Paul Plishka Robert Radford Ruggero Raimondi Karl Ridderbusch Michael Rippon Paul Robeson Forbes Robinson Nicola Rossi-Lemeni Joseph Rouleau Kurt Rydl Matti Salminen Manfred Schenk Andrew Shore Cesare Siepi Hans Sotin Roger Soyer Horace Stevens Fyodor Stravinsky Mihály Székely Italo Tajo Martti Talvela Bryn Terfel David Thomas John Tomlinson Richard Van Allan José Van Dam Norman Walker Gustavus Waltz David Ward Ludwig Weber Nicola Zaccaria

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Conductors Claudio Abbado Komei Abe Hermann Abendroth Maurice Abravanel Byron Adams John Adams Kurt Adler Peter Adler Yuri Ahronovitch Gerd Albrecht John Alldis Antonio Almeida Marin Alsop Petr Altricher Carl Alwin Gilbert Amy Karel Ancerl Géza Anda Karsten Andersen Martin André Volkmar Andreae Paul Angerer Enrique Arbós Richard Armstrong Vladimir Ashkenazy David Atherton Moshe Atzmon Daniel Barenboim Thomas Beecham Jiri Belohlavek Richard Bernas Leonard Bernstein Henry Bishop Stanley Black Richard Blackford Nadia Boulanger Pierre Boulez Adrian Boult Martyn Brabbins Joly Braga-Santos Nicholas Braithewaite Warwick Braithwaite Max Bruch Hans Bülow Fritz Busch Ferruccio Busoni Basil Cameron Philip Cannon Guido Cantelli André Caplet Franco Capuana John Carewe Mosco Carner Jean-Claude Casadesus Fritz Cassirer Aldo Ceccato Zdenek Chalabala Harry Christophers Myung-Whun Chung Nicholas Cleobury Stephen Cleobury André Cluytens Albert Coates James Conlon Emil Cooper Michael Costa Robert Craft John Crosby Edric Cundell William Cusins Henryk Czyz Frank Damrosch Leopold Damrosch Walter Damrosch Paul Daniel Oskar Danon Stephen Darlington Dennis Russell Davies Andrew Davis Colin Davis Jacques Delacôte Norman Del Mar Gaetano Delogu John DeMain

Neville Dilkes Christoph von Dohnányi Antal Dorati Clive Douglas Edward Downes Sian Edwards Mark Elder Karl Elmendorff Alberto Erede Mark Ermler Franco Faccio Bryan Fairfax Charles Farncombe Robert Farnon Vladimir Fedoseyev Frederick Fennell Arthur Fiedler Max Fiedler Adam Fischer Ivan Fischer Anatole Fistoulari Grzegorz Fitelberg Claus Peter Flor Lawrence Foster Myer Fredman Ferenc Fricsay Oskar Fried Lionel Friend Janos Fürst Wilhelm Furtwängler Piero Gamba John Eliot Gardiner Valery Gergiev Alexander Gibson Michael Gielen Carlo Maria Giulini Jane Glover Daniel Godfrey Walter Goehr Georg Göhler Vladimir Golschmann Reginald Goodall Roy Goodman Ron Goodwin Eugene Goossens (Belg.) Eugene Goossens (Fr.) Eugene Goossens (GB) Hans Graf Michael Graubart Noah Greenberg Bohumil Gregor Charles Groves Hermann Grunebaum Marco Guidarini Karl Haas Robert Haas François Habeneck Alan Hacker Hartmut Haenchen Bernard Haitink Charles Hallé Louis Halsey Simon Halsey Maurice Handford Vernon Handley Nikolaus Harnoncourt Trevor Harvey László Heltay Philippe Herreweghe Bernard Herrmann Alfred Hertz Leslie Heward Richard Hickox Alfred Hill Jun’ichi Hirokami Irwin Hoffman Christopher Hogwood Heinrich Hollreiser Imogen Holst Bo Holten Anthony Hopkins John Hopkins Jascha Horenstein Milan Horvat

Anthony Hose Elgar Howarth Owain Arwel Hughes Donald Hunt George Hurst Eliahu Inbal Michiyoshi Inoue Ernest Irving Robert Irving José Iturbi Hiroyuki Iwaki René Jacobs Reginald Jacques Jussi Jalas Marek Janowski Arvid Jansons Mariss Jansons Neeme Järvi Paavo Järvi Graeme Jenkins Newell Jenkins Eugen Jochum Jullien Joly Simon Joly Enrique Jordá Armin Jordan James Judd Louis Julien Jürgen Jürgens Robert Kajanus Okko Kamu Herbert von Karajan Jacek Kasprzyk Bernard Keeffe Christopher Keene Joseph Keilberth Rudolf Kempe Paul van Kempen István Kertész Willem Kes Hans Kindler Robert King Bernhard Klee Carlos Kleiber Erich Kleiber Otto Klemperer Paul Kletzki Berislav Klobucar Hans Knappertsbusch Kazuhiro Koizumi Kyril Kondrashin Franz Konwitschny Kazimierz Kord Zdenek Kosler André Kostelanetz Serge Koussevitzky Jiri Kout Karel Kovarovic Clemens Krauss Yakov Kreizberg Jan Krenz Henry Krips Josef Krips Jaroslav Krombholc Karl Krueger Rafael Kubelik Gustav Kuhn Efrem Kurtz Franz Lachner Charles Lamoureux Michael Lankester Joseph Lanner Lars-Erik Larsson Eduard Lassen Ashley Lawrence Alexander Lazarev Philip Ledger Michel Legrand György Lehel Erich Leinsdorf Lawrence Leonard Raymond Leppard Hermann Levi James Levine


Anthony Lewis Henry Lewis András Ligeti Andrew Litton Grant Llewellyn David Lloyd-Jones James Lockhart Alain Lombard Jesus Lopez-Cobos James Loughran Ferdinand Löwe John Lubbock Leighton Lucas Leopold Ludwig Alexandre Luigini Peter Maag Lorin Maazel Zdenek Macal Denis McCaldin Nicholas McGegan Charles Mackerras Ernest MacMillan Fritz Mahler Gustav Mahler Jerzy Maksymiuk Jean-Claude Malgoire Nikolay Malko Luigi Mancinelli August Manns Mantovani Gino Marinuzi Neville Marriner Odaline de la Martinez Jean Martinon Giuseppe Martucci Diego Masson Kurt Masur Eduardo Mata Lovro von Matacic Muir Mathieson John Mauceri Peter Maxwell Davies Zubin Mehta Willem Mengelberg Herbert Menges Howard Mitchell Bernardino Molinari Francesco Molinari-Pradelli Pierre Monteux Kenneth Montgomery Rudolf Moralt Wyn Morris Felix Mottl Evgeny Mravinsky Karl Muck Michael Mudie Leopoldo Mugnone Charles Munch Karl Münchinger Riccardo Muti Kent Nagano Garcia Navarro Boyd Neel John Nelson Woldemar Nelsson Frantisek Neumann Václav Neumann Roy Newsome Harry Newstone Arthur Nikisch Roger Norrington David Oistrakh Sakari Oramo Eugene Ormandy Tadaaki Otaka Willem van Otterloo Seiji Ozawa Ettore Panizza Paul Paray Alain Paris Andrew Parrott Jules-Étienne Pasdeloup Giuseppe Patanè

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Bernhard Paumgartner Emil Paur Wilfrid Pelletier Murray Perahia Libor Pesek Zoltán Peskó Trevor Pinnock Percy Pitt Michel Plasson Giorgio Polacco Egon Pollak John Poole Frederik Prausnitz Georges Prêtre André Previn Fernando Previtali Brian Priestman Klaus Pringsheim John Pritchard Felix Prohaska Eve Queler Peter Raabe Ruth Railton Karl Rankl Simon Rattle Clarence Raybould Ernest Read Hans Redlich Leopold Reichwein Fritz Reiner Edouard van Remoortel Timothy Reynish Hans Richter Karl Anton Rickenbacher Kathleen Riddick Hugo Rignold Helmuth Rilling Carlo Rizzi James Robertson Christopher Robinson Stanford Robinson Arthur Rodzinski Landon Ronald Karl Rosa Hans Rosbaud Albert Rosen Joseph Rosenstock Antoni Ros Marbá Mario Rossi Mstislav Rostropovich Walter Rothwell Tony Rowe Witold Rowicki Gennady Rozhdestvensky Julius Rudel Max Rudolf Christian Rummel Donald Runnicles John Rutter

Paul Sacher Vasily Safonov Karel Salomon Esa-Pekka Salonen Samuil Samosud Kurt Sanderling Nello Santi Gabriele Santini Nino Sanzogno Jukka-Pekka Saraste Sir Malcolm Sargent Wolfgang Sawallisch Franz Schalk Xaver Scharwenka Hermann Scherchen Heinrich Schiff Anton Schindler Thomas Schippers Erich Schmid Ole Schmidt Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt Georg Schnéevoigt Alexander Schneider Max Schönherr Michael Schonwandt Hans-Hubert Schönzeler Peter Schreier Ernst von Schuch Ignaz Schuppanzigh Carl Schuricht Gerard Schwarz Rudolf Schwarz Claudio Scimone Christopher Seaman Uri Segal Leif Segerstam Karel Sejna Jerzy Semkow Tullio Serafin Robert Shaw Howard Shelley Maxim Shostakovich Oscar Shumsky Joseph Silverstein Constantin Silvestri Geoffrey Simon Yury Simonov Vassily Sinaisky George Sinclair Dmitri Sitkovetsky Stanislaw Skrowaczewski Leonard Slatkin Nicolas Slonimsky Alexander Smallens George Smart Váslav Smetácek Nicholas Smith Ethel Smyth Nikolay Sokoloff

Georg Solti Marc Soustrot Theodore Spiering Peter Stadlen Simon Standage Bernhard Stavenhagen Erwin Stein Fritz Stein Horst Stein Emil Steinbach Fritz Steinbach Pinchas Steinberg William Steinberg Markus Stenz Fritz Stiedry Frederick Stock Leopold Stokowski Josef Stransky George Stratton Karl Straube Eduard Strauss I Eduard Strauss II Richard Strauss Igor Stravinsky Simon Streatfeild Wolfgang Stresemann Frank van der Stucken Otmar Suitner Walter Susskind Yevgeny Svetlanov Hans Swarowsky Ward Swingle Tadeusz Sygietynski Georg Szell Eugen Szenkar Michel Tabachnik Anu Tali Václav Talich Egisto Tango Jeffrey Tate Vilem Tausky Pyotr Tchaikovsky Yuri Temirkanov Klaus Tennstedt Richard Terry Christian Thielemann Michael Tilson Thomas Theodore Thomas Bryden Thomson Heinz Tietjen Martino Tirimo Paul Tortelier Yan Pascal Tortelier Arturo Toscanini Geoffrey Toye Barry Tuckwell Rosalyn Tureck Martin Turnovsky Erik Tuxen


Heinz Unger Eduard Van Beinum André Vandernoot Osmo Vanska Silvio Varviso Tamás Vásáry Denis Vaughan Sándor Végh Henri Verbrugghen Gilbert Vinter Jaroslav Vogel Hans Vonk Edo de Waart Roger Wagner Siegfried Wagner Alfred Wallenstein Bruno Walter Günter Wand Volker Wangenheim Guy Warrack Akeo Watanabe Sydney Watson Joseph Miroslav Weber Martin Wegelius Bruno Weil Felix Weingartner George Weldon Walter Weller Franz Welser-Möst August Wenzinger Ian Whyte Günther Wich Allan Wicks Mark Wigglesworth David Wilde Stephen Wilkinson Jósef Wilkomirski David Willcocks Malcolm Williamson Antoni Wit Albert Wolff Hugh Wolff Henry Wood David Wooldridge Barry Wordsworth Franz Wüllner Jürg Wyttenbach Arvid Yansons Simone Young Eugène Ysaye Takuo Yuasa Lothar Zagrosek Carlo Zecchi Hans Zender Jakob Zeugheer Alexander Ziloti David Zinman Pinchas Zukerman Paul Zukofsky Herman Zump

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MUSIC: POP Show and Film Songs: By Show or Film Show/Film After Midnight A Hard Day’s Night

Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp Alexander’s Ragtime Band

All This and World War II Allegro (show) American Gigolo Americana Americana (show) An American in Paris

Anchor’s Aweigh And the Angels Sing Annie Get Your Gun

Anything Goes

Anything Goes (show) April in Paris April Showers Aspects of Love (show) Atlantic City At Long Last Love At the Circus Avenue Q (show)

Babes in Arms Babes in Arms (show)

Back to the Future

Song Mona Lisa All My Loving Can’t Buy Me Love She Loves You Genie With the Light Brown Lamp Alexander’s Ragtime Band All Alone Blue Skies Everybody’s Doing It What’ll I Do With a Little Help from My Friends A Fellow Needs a Girl The Gentleman Is a Dope Call Me Brother, Can You Spare a Dime Sunny Disposish By Strauss Embraceable You I Got Rhythm I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise Liza Nice Work If You Can Get It Our Love Is Here to Stay S’Wonderful The Charm of You It Could Happen to You Anything You Can Do Doin’ What Comes Naturally I Got the Sun in the Morning There’s No Business Like Show Business All Through the Night Blow, Gabriel, Blow I Get a Kick out of You It’s d’Lovely You’re the Top The Gipsy in Me April in Paris April Showers Carolina in the Morning Love Changes Everything Ain’t Misbehavin’ At Long Last Love Lydia the Tattooed Lady Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist Fantasies Come True If You Were Gay I’m Not Wearing Underwear Today The Internet is for Porn It Sucks to Be Me My Girlfriend Who Lives in Canada School for Monsters There is Life Outside Your Apartment There’s a Fine Fine Line What Do You Do with a BA in English Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider Where or When I Wish I Were in Love Again Johnny One Note The Lady Is a Tramp My Funny Valentine The Power of Love

Show/Film Bambi The Band Wagon The Barkleys of Broadway

Beaches Beau James Because You’re Mine The Belle of New York Bells Are Ringing The Benny Goodman Story Best Foot Forward The Best Things in Life Are Free

The Best Years of Our Lives Beverly Hills Cop The Big Beat The Big Broadcast

The Big Broadcast of 1936 The Big Broadcast of 1938 Birth of the Blues Bitter-Sweet

The Blackboard Jungle Black Joy Black Vanities (show) Black Velvet (show) The Blue Angel Blue Hawaii The Blue Paradise Blue Skies

Bonnie and Clyde Born Free Born to Dance Both Ends of the Candle

The Boy Friend


Song Little April Shower That’s Entertainment They Can’t Take That Away from Me Shoes With Wings On Wind beneath My Wings Someone to Watch over Me All the Things You Are Baby Doll Just in Time Avalon On the Sunny Side of the Street Buckle Down, Winsocki The Best Things in Life are Free The Birth of the Blues Broken Hearted Button Up Your Overcoat If I Had a Talking Picture of You Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries Lucky in Love My Sin Sonny Boy Together You’re the Cream in My Coffee Among My Souvenirs The Heat Is On As I Love You Marta Minnie the Moocher Where the Blue of the Night Goodnight, Sweetheart Thanks for the Memory Blues in the Night By the Light of the Silvery Moon Dear Little Cafe I’ll See You Again To-Kay Rock around the Clock When Will I See You Again? Let’s Be Buddies Most Gentlemen Don’t Like Love Falling in Love Again Can’t Help Falling in Love Auf Wiederseh’n Always Blue Skies Puttin’ on the Ritz White Christmas Foggy Mountain Breakdown Born Free (1966) I’ve Got You under My Skin April in Paris Avalon Bill Can’t Help Loving Dat Man Do Do Do Don’t Ever Leave Me I’ve Got a Crush on You The Man I Love On the Sunny Side of the Street Someone to Watch Over Me All I Do is Dream of You I Could Be Happy With You Nicer in Nice Perfect Young Ladies

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Show/Film The Boy Friend (continued) The Boys from Syracuse

Breakfast at Tiffany’s Bridge on the River Kwai Brigadoon Bright Eyes Broadway Broadway (show) Broadway Gondolier Broadway Melody of 1936 Broadway Melody of 1938 Broadway Melody of 1940

Broadway Rhythm

Buck Privates

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid The Caddy Calamity Jane

Call Me Madam Call of the Canyon Camelot Can-Can

Careless Lady Carmen Jones Carousel

Casablanca Casbah Casino Royale Cats

Chasing Rainbows Chess (show) Christmas Holiday Chu Chin Chow Cinderella Cinderella (show) The Cockeyed World College Rhythm Company

A Connecticut Yankee

Song The Riviera Safety in Numbers Won’t You Charleston With Me? Falling in Love with Love Sing for Your Supper This Can’t Be Love Moon River (1961) Colonel Bogey March The River Kwai March Almost Like Being in Love On the Good Ship Lollipop Alabamy Bound Yes, Sir, That’s My Baby Lulu’s Back in Town All I Do Is Dream of You You Made Me Love You Begin the Beguine I Concentrate on You I’ve Got My Eyes on You All the Things You Are Irresistible You Somebody Loves Me Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy I’ll Be with You in Apple Blossom Time Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head That’s Amore The Black Hills of Dakota The Deadwood Stage Secret Love It’s a Lovely Day Today Boots and Saddle How to Handle a Woman If Ever I Would Leave You C’est Magnifique I Love Paris It’s All Right with Me Just One of Those Things Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love) All of Me Beat Out Dat Rhythm on a Drum Dat’s Love If I Loved You June Is Busting Out All Over Mister Snow You’ll Never Walk Alone As Time Goes By For Every Man There’s Woman The Look of Love Bustopher Jones Mr Mistofolees Memory Happy Days Are Here Again I Know Him So Well One Night in Bangkok Always Any Time’s Kissing Time Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo Do I Love You BecauseYou’re Beautiful? You’re the Cream in My Coffee Stay as Sweet as You Are Another Hundred People Getting Married Today Marry Me a Little Side By Side By Side My Heart Stood Still Thou Swell

Show/Film A Connecticut Yankee (show) Convoy Cooley High

Song To Keep My Love Alive Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue Dancing in the Street Road Runner Countess from Hong Kong This Is My Song Cover Girl Long Ago and Far Away Cuban Pete The Breeze and I Curly Top Animal Crackers in My Soup Damn Yankees (show) Whatever Lola Wants A Damsel in Distress A Foggy Day Nice Work If You Can Get It A Day at the Races All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm Days of Wine and Roses Days of Wine and Roses Deep in My Heart Auf Wiederseh’n When I Grow Too Old to Dream Deliverance Duelling Banjos The Desert Song French Military Marching Song The Riff Song Destry Rides Again The Boys in the Backroom The Diamond Horseshoe The More I See You Dirty Dancing Time of My Life (1987) Doctor Dolittle Talk to the Animals Doctor No The James Bond Theme The Dolly Sisters Carolina in the Morning Give Me the Moonlight I’m Always Chasing Rainbows Don’t Fence Me In Don’t Fence Me In Don’t Knock the Rock Tutti Frutti Down Dakota Way Candy Kisses Dr Zhivago Lara’s Theme (somewhere my love) DuBarry Was a Lady Do I Love You, Do I Friendship I’m Getting Sentimental over You DuBarry Was a Lady (show) Well, Did You Evah? Easter Parade A Couple of Swells Everybody’s Doing It I Love a Piano The Eddie Cantor Story Bye Bye Blackbird Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider Yes Sir, That’s My Baby You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby The Eddie Duchin Story April Showers Brazil Just One of Those Things On the Sunny Side of the Street Stardust What Is This Thing Called Love? The Man I Love The Emperor Waltz Kiss in Your Eyes Evergreen Dancing on the Ceiling Over My Shoulder Everybody’s Welcome (show) As Time Goes By Evita Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina Oh, What a Circus Evita (show) Another Suitcase in Another Hall The Exorcist Tubular Bells The Fabulous Dorseys Everybody’s Doing It Fame Fame Feather Your Nest Leaning on a Lamp Post Fiddler on the Roof Sunrise, Sunset If I Were a Rich Man Finian’s Rainbow How Are Things in Glocca Morra? The Firefly The Donkey Serenade Five Easy Pieces D.I.V.O.R.C.E. The Five Pennies Won’t You Come Home Bill Bailey Flashdance Flashdance – What a Feeling The Fleet’s In I Remember You


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Show/Film The Fleet’s Lit Up (show) Flower Drum Song Follow the Band Follow The Boys Follow the Fleet Follow Through Footloose For Me and My Gal The French Doll (show) Funny Face

Funny Girl Funny Lady The Gay Divorcee

Gentlemen Marry Brunettes

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes George White’s Scandals George White’s Scandals of 1922 (show) George White’s Scandals of 1924 (show) George White’s Scandals of 1945 George White’s Scandals (show) G.I. Blues Gigi

The Girl Can’t Help It Girl Crazy

The Girl He Left Behind Girls! Girls! Girls! The Glenn Miller Story

Glorifying the American Girl The Glorious Days (show) Godspell Going My Way Going Places Gold Diggers of 1933 Gold Diggers of 1935 The Goldwyn Follies Gone with the Wind Good Boy (show) Good News


Song It’s d’Lovely You Are Beautiful Ain’t Misbehavin’ I’ll See You in My Dreams Let’s Face the Music and Dance Button Up Your Overcoat Let’s Hear It for the Boy Oh, You Beautiful Doll Please Do It Again Clap Yo’ Hands How Long Has This Been Going On My One and Only S’Wonderful Don’t Rain on My Parade Second-Hand Rose Clap Hands, Here Comes Charley The Continental I’ve Got You on My Mind Night and Day Have You Met Miss Jones I Wanna Be Loved by You I’ve Got Five Dollars My Funny Valentine Ain’t Misbehavin’ Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries I’ll Build a Stairway To Paradise Somebody Loves Me

Show/Film The Great American Broadcast The Great Schnozzle Gulliver’s Travels Guys and Dolls

Guys and Dolls (show) Gypsy Hair

Half a Sixpence (show) Hands across the Water Hans Christian Andersen Hard to Get The Harvey Girls Has Anybody Seen My Gal? Heads Up Hello, ’Frisco, Hello Hellzapoppin Help! Here Comes Elmer Here Comes the Band Here Comes the Groom

Liza Here Come the Waves The Black Bottom Here Is My Heart Wooden Heart Gigi (1958) Night They Invented Champagne Thank Heaven for Little Girls Be-Bop-A-Lula Bidin’ My Time But Not for Me Embraceable You Fascinating Rhythm I Got Rhythm Brazil Return to Sender At Last Basin Street Blues Bidin’ My Time Chattanooga Choo Choo In the Mood Baby Face Blue Skies Swanee Day by Day Swingin’ on a Star Jeepers Creepers We’re in the Money Lullaby of Broadway Love Walked In Our Love Is Here to Stay Tara’s Theme I Wanna Be Loved by You The Best Things in Life Are Free Lucky in Love Varsity Drag Blue Moon Hopelessly Devoted to You Summer Nights You’re the One That I Want

Her Kind of Man Her Soldier Boy (show) Hey Boy! Hey Girl! Hi Diddle Diddle (show) High Noon High Society

High Time High, Wide and Handsome Hi Neighbour Hold That Ghost Hole in the Head Holiday Inn

Hollywood Canteen Hollywood Revue of 1929 Hot Chocolates (show) Hullo America Hullo Tango (show) Idiot’s Delight If I Had My Way I’ll Cry Tomorrow I’ll Get By I’ll See You in My Dreams

I Married an Angel Incendiary Blonde


Song Alabamy Bound If I Didn’t Care Inka Dinka Doo It’s A Hap-Hap-Happy Day Adelaide If I Were a Bell Luck Be a Lady Tonight Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat Bushel and a Peck Everything’s Coming Up Roses Ain’t Got No – Got Life Aquarius Good Morning Starshine Flash Bang Wallop Cool Water Anywhere I Wander The Ugly Duckling You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby On the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue When the Red Red Robin Ship Without a Sail You’ll Never Know Watch the Birdie Help Straighten Up and Fly Right Roll Along, Prairie Moon In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening That Old Black Magic Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive June in January With Every Breath I Take It Had to Be You Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag Fever Miss Otis Regrets High Noon (1952) I Love You, Samantha True Love Well, Did You Evah? Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The Second Time Around Can I Forget You The Folks Who Live on the Hill Deep in the Heart of Texas Me and My Shadow High Hopes (1959) Be Careful, It’s My Heart Happy Holiday White Christmas Don’t Fence Me In Singin’ in the Rain Ain’t Misbehavin’ Give Me the Moonlight Get Out and Get Under Puttin’ on the Ritz April Played the Fiddle I’m Sitting on Top of the World When the Red Red Robin You Make Me Feel So Young Carolina in the Morning I’ll See You in My Dreams It Had to Be You Spring Is Here Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider It Had to Be You

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Show/Film Indian Territory Innocents of Paris Irene Is Everybody Happy Istanbul It’s Trad, Dad I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now Jailhouse Rock The James Dean Story Jazz on a Summer’s Day The Jazz Singer Jericho Jesus Christ Superstar Jewel of the Nile Jigsaw (show) John, Paul, George, Ringo and Bert The Joker Is Wild Jolson Sings Again

The Jolson Story

Jubilee (show) Jumbo

Karate Kid II The King and I

The King of Jazz Kismet

Kiss Me, Kate

Kiss Them for Me Knickerbocker Holiday Lady, Be Good!

Song Chattanoogie Shoeshine Boy Louise Alice Blue Gown On the Sunny Side of the Street When I Fall in Love Beale Street Blues I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now Baby I Don’t Care Let Me Be Loved Tea for Two Blue Skies I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover Short’nin’ Bread I Don’t Know How to Love Him When the Going Gets Tough Swanee Help Here Comes the Sun Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds All the Way April Showers Baby Face California, Here I Come Carolina in the Morning I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover Sonny Boy Swanee You Made Me Love You After the Ball The Anniversary Song April Showers Avalon By the Light of the Silvery Moon California, Here I Come I’m Sitting on Top of the World Liza Swanee When the Red Red Robin You Made Me Love You Begin the Beguine Just One of Those Things Little Girl Blue The Most Beautiful Girl in the World My Romance This Can’t Be Love The Glory of Love Getting to Know You The March of the Siamese Children Hello, Young Lovers I Whistle a Happy Tune Shall We Dance? We Kiss in the Shadow Rhapsody in Blue And This Is My Beloved Baubles, Bangles and Beads Stranger in Paradise Always True to You in My Fashion I Hate Men So in Love Too Darn Hot Why Can’t You Behave? Wunderbar Blue Moon I’ve Got a Gal in Kalamazoo September Song Fascinating Rhythm The Last Time I Saw Paris Oh, Lady Be Good

Show/Film Lady, Be Good (show) Lady in the Dark Lady on a Train Lady Sings the Blues

Las Vegas Story Latin Quarter (show) Leave It to Me (show) Les Misérables Les Girls Let’s Make Love Lilacs in the Spring Lillian Russell Little Jesse James (show) Little Nellie Kelly A Little Night Music (show) Looking for Love Love, Honour and Behave Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing Lovely to Look At

Song So Am I Jenny Night and Day All of Me The Man I Love Our Love Is Here to Stay My Resistance Is Low C’est Si Bon Get Out of Town Most Gentlemen Don’t Like Love Empty Chairs at Empty Tables God on High Ça C’est l’Amour My Heart Belongs to Daddy We’ll Gather Lilacs After the Ball I Love You (Archer and Thompson) Singin’ in the Rain Send in the Clowns Be My Love Bei Mir Bist Du Schön Love is a Many- Splendored Thing

I Won’t Dance Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Love Me Or Leave Me I’m Sitting on Top of the World You Made Me Love You Love Me Tonight Isn’t It Romantic? Mimi Love Never Dies (show) The Coney Island Waltz Gustave! Gustave! Mother Did You Watch? Once Upon Another Time Lovers and Other Strangers For All We Know Love Thy Neighbour My Heart Belongs to Daddy Lucky Boy California, Here I Come Lullaby of Broadway Just One of Those Things Somebody Loves Me Lullaby of Broadway Mad Dogs and Englishmen Delta Lady The Magic Christian Come and Get It Mahogany Do You Know Where You’re Going To? Make It Snappy (show) The Sheik of Araby A Man Could Get Killed Strangers in the Night Man from the Folies Bergere Rhythm of the Rain The Man I Love Bill Liza The Man I Love Man of La Mancha The Impossible Dream The Man Who Knew Too Much Que Sera, Sera Mary Poppins Chim Chim Cheree Feed the Birds Jolly Holiday Let’s Go Fly a Kite A Spoonful of Sugar Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Mary Poppins (show) Practically Perfect M.A.S.H. Suicide Is Painless Mayfair and Montmartre Please Do it Again (show) Me and My Girl The Lambeth Walk Leaning on a Lamp Post Meet Danny Wilson All of Me I’ve Got a Crush on You That Old Black Magic When You’re Smiling Meet Me in St Louis Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas The Trolley Song


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Show/Film Meet the People Mexican Hayride Midnight Cowboy Mississippi Monkey Business Moonlight in Havana Moon over Miami Mother Wore Tights Music Man My Dream Is Yours My Fair Lady

My Man Nancy Goes to Rio Neptune’s Daughter Never on Sunday New Faces The New Moon Night and Day

A Night in Casablanca The Night Is Young No, No, Nanette Nymph Errant (show) Octopussy An Officer and a Gentleman Of Thee I Sing (show) Oh Kay (show)

Oh, Look (show) Oh, You Beautiful Doll Oklahoma!


One Minute to Zero One Night of Love On Her Majesty’s Secret Service On Moonlight Bay On Stage Everybody On the Sunny Side of the Street On the Town On Your Toes On Your Toes (show)

Song I Like to Recognise the Tune I Love You (Porter) Everybody’s Talkin’ It’s Easy to Remember When I Take My Sugar to Tea I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now You Started Something Burlington Bertie from Bow Seventy-Six Trombones Till There Was You You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby Get Me to the Church On Time I Could Have Danced All Night I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face On the Street Where You Live With a Little Bit of Luck Wouldn’t It Be Loverly Second-Hand Rose Embraceable You Baby It’s Cold Outside Never on Sunday C’est Si Bon Wanting You Begin the Beguine Do I Love You, Do I I Get a Kick out of You In the Still of the Night I’ve Got You under My Skin Just One of Those Things Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love) Miss Otis Regrets My Heart Belongs to Daddy Night and Day What Is This Thing Called Love You’re the Top Who’s Sorry Now? When I Grow Too Old to Dream I Want To Be Happy Tea for Two Experiment The Physician All Time High Up Where We Belong Love Is Sweeping the Country Clap Yo’ Hands Do Do Do Maybe I’m Always Chasing Rainbows Oh You Beautiful Doll I Cain’t Say No Oh What a Beautiful Morning Out of My Dreams People Will Say We’re in Love The Surrey With the Fringe On Top As Long As He Needs Me Consider Yourself I’d Do Anything When I Fall in Love Indian Love Call All the Time in the World I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles Straighten Up and Fly Right On the Sunny Side of the Street New York, New York Slaughter on Tenth Avenue There’s a Small Hotel You Took Advantage of Me

Show/Film Orchestra Wives

Song At Last I’ve Got a Gal in Kalamazoo Painting the Clouds with The Birth of the Blues Sunshine We’re in the Money With a Song in My Heart Paint Your Wagon I Talk to the Trees They Call the Wind Maria Wanderin’ Star The Pajama Game Hernando’s Hideaway The Paleface Buttons and Bows Pal Joey Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered I Could Write a Book I Didn’t Know What Time It Was The Lady is a Tramp My Funny Valentine There’s a Small Hotel Panama Hattie Just One of Those Things Let’s Be Buddies Papa’s Delicate Condition Call Me Irresponsible Paramount on Parade Come Back to Sorrento Sweeping the Clouds Away Pardon My Rhythm I’ll See You in My Dreams Pardon My Sarong Do I Worry Paris Among My Souvenirs Paris (show) Let’s Do it (Let’s Fall in Love) Paris Holiday April in Paris The Last Time I Saw Paris Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door Pepe Mimi September Song Perchance to Dream (show) We’ll Gather Lilacs Performance Memo to Turner The Perils of Pauline I Wish I Didn’t Love You So Pete Kelly’s Blues Bye Bye Blackbird Somebody Loves Me Phantom of the Opera (show) All I Ask of You Music of the Night Pickwick (show) If I Ruled the World Pinocchio Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee (An Actor’s Life For Me) When You Wish upon a Star The Pirate Be a Clown Play It Cool Once upon a Dream The Pleasure Seekers (show) Get Out and Get Under Porgy and Bess I Got Plenty of Nuttin’ It Ain’t Necessarily So Summertime Present Arms You Took Advantage of Me The Prime of Miss Jean Jean Brodie Prince for Tonight (show) I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now Privilege I’ve Been a Bad Bad Boy The Producers Along Came Bialy (flop play ‘Funny Boy’ – In Old Bavaria a musical version of Keep It Gay Hamlet) The King of Broadway Springtime for Hitler Promises, Promises (show) I’ll Never Fall in Love Again Province Town Follies (show) Red Sails in the Sunset Puttin’ on the Ritz Puttin’ on the Ritz Radio Stars on Parade That Old Black Magic Rain or Shine Happy Days Are Here Again Rainbow Round My Shoulder Bye Bye Blackbird Red Hot and Blue (show) It’s d’Lovely Reveille with Beverley Night and Day Rhapsody in Blue Bidin’ My Time Clap Yo’ Hands Embraceable You Fascinating Rhythm I Got Rhythm


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Show/Film Rhapsody in Blue (continued)

Rhythm on the River Road House Road to Morocco Road to Rio Road to Utopia Roberta Rock around the Clock Rocky III Romance in the Dark Roman Scandals Rosalie Rosalie (show) Rose Marie Rose of Washington Square Sadie McKee Sailors Three St Louis Blues Salad Days Saludos Amigos Sanders of the River The Sandpiper Satchmo the Great Saturday Night Fever September Affair Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Serious Charge Set to Music (show) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers The Seven Hills of Rome

Seven Lively Arts (show) Shaft Shall We Dance?

She Loves Me Not Shipyard Sally The Shocking Miss Pilgrim Show Boat

Show Business Show Girl (show) The Show Is On (show)

Song I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise Liza Love Walked In The Man I Love Oh, Lady Be Good Please Do It Again Rhapsody in Blue Somebody Loves Me Someone to Watch over Me Swanee S’Wonderful Ain’t It a Shame about Mame Again Ain’t Got a Dime to My Name Moonlight Becomes You But Beautiful Put It There, Pal Welcome to My Dream I Won’t Dance Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Only You Rock around the Clock Eye of the Tiger The Nearness of You Keep Young and Beautiful In the Still of the Night How Long Has This Been Going On Indian Love Call California, Here I Come All I Do Is Dream of You All Over the Place Beale Street Blues Cleopatra We’re Looking for a Piano Brazil The Canoe Song The Shadow of Your Smile Mack the Knife Staying Alive September Song With a Little Help from My Friends Living Doll Mad about the Boy Bless Yore Beautiful Hide Arriverderci Darling Jezebel Memories are Made of This Ev’ry Time We Say Goodbye Shaft (1971) Beginner’s Luck Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off Slap That Bass They All Laughed They Can’t take that away from Me Love in Bloom Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye For You, for Me, for Everyone Bill Can’t Help Loving Dat Man Make Believe Ol’ Man River Why Do I Love You? Alabamy Bound It Had to Be You Liza By Strauss

Show/Film Silk Stockings Sinbad (show) Sincerely Yours

Since You Went Away The Singing Fool The Singing Hill The Singing Nun Singin’ in the Rain Singin’ in the Rain (show) Sleepy Lagoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs So Dear to My Heart Somebody Loves Me Some Like It Hot

Something to Shout About Song of Norway Song of the South Son of Paleface The Sound of Music

South Pacific

Spring Is Here Springtime in the Rockies The Spy Who Loved Me Star

Stardust A Star Is Born


Star Spangled Rhythm State Fair

The Sting The Stooge Stop Flirting (show) Stop the World – I Want To Get Off Stormy Weather


Song All of You Swanee Embraceable You The Man I Love Swanee Tea for Two Together I’m Sitting on Top of the World Sonny Boy Blueberry Hill Dominique All I Do Is Dream of You Singin’ in the Rain Be a Clown Fascinating Rhythm By the Sleepy Lagoon Some Day My Prince Will Come Whistle While You Work Lavender Blue Somebody Loves Me Down among the Sheltering Palms Sweet Georgia Brown I Wanna Be Loved by You You’d Be So Nice to Come Home to Strange Music Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Buttons and Bows Climb Ev’ry Mountain Do-Re-Mi Edelweiss My Favourite Things Bali Ha’i A Cock-Eyed Optimist Happy Talk I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair I’m in Love with a Wonderful Guy Some Enchanted Evening There Is Nothing Like A Dame This Nearly Was Mine Younger Than Springtime With a Song in My Heart Chattanooga Choo Choo Nobody Does It Better Burlington Bertie from Bow Do Do Do Jenny The Physician Someone to Watch over Me With a Little Help from My Friends You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ Evergreen The Black Bottom Swanee You Took Advantage of Me Liza S’Wonderful What Is This Thing Called Love? That Old Black Magic Isn’t It Kinda Fun It Might As Well Be Spring That’s For Me The Entertainer Louise I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise What Kind of Fool Am I? Gonna Build a Mountain Ain’t Misbehavin’

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Show/Film The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle

Song Hello, Hello, Who’s Your Lady Friend? Oh, You Beautiful Doll Strike Up the Band (show) I’ve Got a Crush on You Soon The Strip Ain’t Misbehavin’ Basin Street Blues The Stud Emotions The Student Prince The Drinking Song Summer Holiday Bachelor Boy The Sun Also Rises I Love You Sunbonnet Sue By the Light of the Silvery Moon Sunny Two Little Blue Birds Sunny Side of the Street I Get a Kick Out of You Sunny Side Up If I Had a Talking Picture of You Sunset Boulevard Charmaine Sun Valley Serenade At Last Chattanooga Choo Choo In the Mood Swanee River Beautiful Dreamer Sweet Adeline Don’t Ever Leave Me Sweet Adeline (show) Why Was I Born? Sweet and Low (show) Cheerful Little Earful Sweet Charity Big Spender Rhythm of Life Swing Parade of 1946 On the Sunny Side of the Street Swing Time The Way You Look Tonight Swingtime Johnny Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Syncopation You Made Me Love You Take a Chance It’s Only a Paper Moon Tea for Two Do Do Do Here in My Arms I Want to Be Happy Tea for Two Thank Your Lucky Stars I’m Riding for a Fall That Certain Feeling That Certain Feeling That Midnight Kiss Down among the Sheltering Palms That Night in Rio Chica Chica Boom Chic I Yi Yi Yi Yi I Like You Very Much That Summer Because the Night There’s No Business Like Alexander’s Ragtime Band Show Business There’s No Business Like Show Business After You Get What You Want You Don’t Want It These Foolish Things (show) Music, Maestro, Please This Could Be the Night I’ve Got You under My Skin Blue Moon This Is the Life With a Song in My Heart This Time for Keeps Inka Dinka Doo The Thomas Crown Affair Windmills of Your Mind Thoroughly Modern Millie Baby Face Please Do It Again Thousands Cheer Honeysuckle Rose Three Coins in the Fountain Three Coins in the Fountain Three for the Show I’ve Got a Crush on You Someone to Watch over Me Three Little Girls in Blue You Make Me Feel So Young Three Little Words I Wanna Be Loved by You Who’s Sorry Now? Threepenny Opera (show) Mack the Knife Till the Clouds Roll By Long Ago and Far Away All the Things You Are Can’t Help Loving Dat Man I Won’t Dance The Last Time I Saw Paris Make Believe Ol’ Man River Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Show/Film Time The Time, the Place and the Girl Tin Pan Alley Tip-Toes (show)

Tip Top (show) The Toast of New Orleans To Have and Have Not Tommy Too Many Girls Too Many Girls (show) Too Young to Know Top Gun Top Hat Torch Song A Trip to Chinatown (show) Trouble in Store Two for the Show Two for Tonight Two Girls and a Sailor Two Weeks with Love Up in Central Park The Vagabond King Variety Jubilee Waikiki Wedding Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie Wake Up and Dream Wake Up and Dream (show) The Wall Watership Down Way Out West The Way We Were Wedding Bells Weekend Pass We’re Not Dressing West Side Story

Wharf Angel What Lola Wants What’s Cooking? White Christmas White Nights Whoopee The Wicked Lady Will o’ the Whispers (show) With a Song in My Heart

The Wizard of Oz Woman in Red Wonderful Life


Song She’s So Beautiful I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now Honeysuckle Rose The Sheik of Araby Looking for a Boy Sweet and Lowdown That Certain Feeling Feather Your Nest Be My Love Hong Kong Blues I’m Free Pinball Wizard I Didn’t Know What Time It Was I Like to Recognize the Tune It’s Only a Paper Moon Take My Breath Away Cheek to Cheek Isn’t This a Lovely Day Blue Moon After the Ball Don’t Laugh at Me How High the Moon? From the Top of Your Head Inka Dinka Doo By the Light of the Silvery Moon Close As Pages in a Book Only a Rose Some Day Keep the Home Fires Burning A Little of What You Fancy Sweet Leilani Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag What Is This Thing Called Love? Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love) Another Brick in the Wall Bright Eyes Trail of the Lonesome Pine The Way We Were How Could You Believe Me? All or Nothing at All Love Thy Neighbour America I Feel Pretty Maria Something’s Coming Somewhere Tonight Oh, You Beautiful Doll You Made Me Love You Whatever Lola Wants Woodchoppers’ Ball Blue Skies White Christmas Say You, Say Me My Baby Just Cares for Me Love Steals Your Heart The Man I Love, California, Here I Come Deep in the Heart of Texas Embraceable You Tea for Two Alabamy Bound Blue Moon With a Song in My Heart Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead Over the Rainbow I Just Called to Say I Love You On the Beach

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Show/Film Woodstock

Song Dance to the Music With a Little Help from My Friends Slaughter on Tenth Avenue Blue Moon I Wish I Were in Love Again Johnny One Note The Lady Is a Tramp Mountain Greenery My Heart Stood Still There’s a Small Hotel This Can’t Be Love Thou Swell Where or When Where’s That Rainbow? With a Song in My Heart Mad about the Boy Right Back Where We Started From

Words and Music

Words and Music (show) The World Is Full of Married Men

Show/Film Yellow Submarine

Song All You Need Is Love Eleanor Rigby With a Little Help from My Friends Yesterday’s Heroes Hold the Line You Can’t Have Everything Afraid to Dream You Never Know (show) At Long Last Love Young at Heart Just One of Those Things The Man I Love Someone to Watch over Me Young Man of Music With a Song in My Heart You’re My Everything Ain’t She Sweet? California, Here I Come You Were Meant for Me Ain’t Misbehavin’ Ain’t She Sweet? Goodnight, Sweetheart Ziegfeld Follies of 1921 (show) Second-Hand Rose The Ziegfeld Girl I’m Always Chasing Rainbows You Stepped Out of a Dream Zorba the Greek Zorba’s Dance

Dubbed Singing Voice of Well-Known Actors Actor Ann Blyth Audrey Hepburn Christopher Plummer Cyd Charisse Deborah Kerr Diahann Carroll Dorothy Dandridge Edmund Purdom Franco Nero Harry Belafonte Jean Seberg Jeanne Crain Joan Leslie Joe Adams

Voice and film Gogi Grant (Both Ends of the Candle) Marni Nixon (My Fair Lady) Bill Lee (Sound of Music) India Adams (The Band Wagon) Marni Nixon (King and I) Bernice Peterson (Carmen Jones) Marilyn Horne (Carmen Jones) Mario Lanza (The Student Prince) Gene Merlina (Camelot) LeVerne Hutcherson (Carmen Jones) Anita Gordon (Paint Your Wagon) Anita Ellis (Gentlemen Marry Brunettes) Louanne Hogan (Rhapsody in Blue) Marvin Hayes (Carmen Jones)

Actor John Kerr Juanita Hall Larry Parks Lucille Bremer Natalie Wood Ned Beatty Peter O’Toole Richard Beymer Rita Moreno Rita Moreno Rossano Brazzi Sophia Loren Susan Hayward Vera-Ellen

Voice and film Bill Lee (South Pacific) Muriel Smith (South Pacific) Al Jolson (The Jolson Story) Trudy Erwin (Till the Clouds Roll By) Marni Nixon (West Side Story) Vernon Midgley (Hear My Song) Simon Gilbert (Man of La Mancha) Jim Bryant (West Side Story) Leona Gordon (King and I) Betty Wand (West Side Story) Giorgio Tozi (South Pacific) Renata Tebaldi (Aida) Jane Froman (With a Song in My Heart) Carole Richards (Call Me Madam)

Theme Songs or Signature Tunes Song/Tune




Back to Those Happy Days Be My Love Because of You Begin the Beguine Bei Mir Bist Du Schön Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered Bill Blue Flame (opening theme) Bugle Call Rag Ciribiribin Clap Hands Here Comes Charlie Cocktails for Two Coquette Cry Cuban Love Song Dancing Time Darling, Je Vous Aime Beaucoup Dear Old Southland Deep Forest Dinah Don’t Laugh at Me Dream Dream Along with Me

Herman Darewski Mario Lanza Tony Bennett Leslie (Hutch) Hutchinson Andrews Sisters Bill Snyder

Everybody Loves Somebody Give Me the Moonlight Give My Regards to Broadway Goodbye (closing theme) Goodnight Goodnight, Sweetheart (closing theme) Here’s to the Next Time How High the Moon Hurry on Down Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside I Don’t Care If I Didn’t Care I Got Rhythm I’ll See You Again I’ll See You in My Dreams I Love a Lassie I’m Getting Sentimental Over You Inka Dinka Doo In the Mood I Used to Sigh for the Silvery Moon

Dean Martin Frankie Vaughan George M Cohan

Helen Morgan Woody Herman Harry Roy Harry James Charlie Kunz Carl Brisson Guy Lombardo Johnnie Ray Edmundo Ros Oscar Rabin Hildegarde Layton and Johnstone Earl Hines Dinah Shore Norman Wisdom The Pied Pipers Perry Como


Benny Goodman Cavan O’Connor Ray Noble Henry Hall Les Paul and Mary Ford Nellie Lutcher Eddie Cantor Reginald Dixon Eva Tanguay Ink Spots Ethel Merman Noël Coward Tony Martin Harry Lauder Tommy Dorsey Jimmy Durante Joe Loss G H Elliott (Chocolatecoloured Coon)

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J’Attendrai Just an Old-Fashioned Girl Just Like a Melody from Out of the Sky La Mer Leaning on a Lamp Post Let’s Dance (opening theme) Life Is Nothing without Music Louise Love in Bloom Love Is Like a Violin Lullaby of Broadway Makin’ Whoopee Mañana Is Soon Enough For Me Marigold Marta Minnie the Moocher Moonlight Serenade Mother Machree Music, Maestro, Please My Blue Heaven My Heart Belongs to Daddy My Mammy My Time Is Your Time Near You Nightmare Oh Monah O Mein Papa One O’Clock Jump On the Air Over the Rainbow Paper Doll Rags, Bottles or Bones Red Sails in the Sunset Rhapsody in Blue Rose of Washington Square Sally Say It With Music Sentimental Journey She’s My Lovely Shine On Harvest Moon Skyliner Sleepy Serenade

Jean Sablon Eartha Kitt Jay Wilbur

Smoke Rings Some of These Days Somebody Stole My Gal So Rare (closing theme) So Tired Speak to Me of Love Stage Coach Stormy Weather Straighten Up and Fly Right Sugar Blues Summertime Sunrise Serenade Sweet and Lovely Take Me to Your Heart Again Take the ‘A’ Train Tenderly Thanks for the Memory That Old Black Magic

Glen Gray Sophie Tucker Billy Cotton Jimmy Dorsey Russ Morgan Lucienne Boyer Eric Winstone Lena Horne Nat King Cole Clyde McCoy Bob Crosby Frankie Carle Russ Columbo Edith Piaf Duke Ellington Rosemary Clooney Bob Hope Stanley Black Billy Daniels Phil Harris

Charles Trenet George Formby Benny Goodman Fred Hartley Maurice Chevalier Jack Benny Ken Dodd George Shearing Eddie Cantor Peggy Lee Billy Mayerl Arthur Tracy (The Street Singer) Cab Calloway Glenn Miller John MacCormack Harry Leader Gene Austin Mary Martin Al Jolson Rudy Vallee Francis Craig Artie Shaw Lew Stone Eddie Calvert Count Basie Carroll Gibbons Judy Garland Mills Brothers Syd Walker Suzette Tarri Paul Whiteman Fanny Brice Gracie Fields Jack Payne Les Brown Billy Ternent Nora Bayes Charlie Barnet Cyril Stapleton

That’s What I Like about the South The Dicky Bird Hop The Donkey Serenade The Jolly Brothers The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven The Very Thought of You (opening theme) The Wheel of Fortune Tumbling Tumbleweeds We’ll Be Together Again What’s New When Day Is Done When It’s Sleepy Time Down South When My Baby Smiles At Me When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain When You’re Smiling Where the Blue of the Night Whispering Woodchoppers’ Ball You’re Dancing on My Heart Yours

Ronald Gourlay Monte Rey Albert Whelan Maurice Winnick Ray Noble Kay Starr Sons of the Pioneers Frankie Laine Billy Butterfield Ambrose Louis Armstrong Ted Lewis Kate Smith George Elrick Bing Crosby Roy Fox Woody Herman Victor Sylvester Vera Lynn

NB: The theme tunes or signature tunes above are the ones the people themselves considered to be so, and not always the one most readily identifiable with the artist. For example, few would consider ‘Yours’ to be more identifiable with Vera Lynn than ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’. Similarly, ‘Take Me To Your Heart Again’ is certainly not the most famous Edith Piaf song. It is probably a good idea at this stage to lay to rest once and for all the most common source of frustration for quiz players on the topic of signature tunes, i.e. is Glenn Miller’s signature tune ‘In the Mood’ or ‘Moonlight Serenade’? The problem arises because ‘In the Mood’ was one of Glenn Miller’s most popular tunes and was featured in both Sun Valley Serenade and The Glenn Miller Story; however, Glenn Miller himself composed ‘Moonlight Serenade’ and always considered this to be his signature tune. Joe Loss did in fact record ‘In the Mood’ and subsequently adopted it as his signature.

TV and Radio Theme Tunes Programme

Tune (and/or composer)


Tune (and/or composer)

Absolutely Fabulous Angel

‘This Wheel’s on Fire’ by Julie Driscoll Theme tune performed by Darling Violetta ‘Barwick Green’ from My Native Heath suite written in 1922 by Arthur Wood ‘That’s Living Alright’ sung by Joe Fagin Theme by Laurie Johnson Theme tune by Element Four (aka Paul Oakenfold and Andy Gray) ‘Somebody Stole My Gal’ Music by Dudley Simpson

Blue Peter

‘Barnacle Bill the Sailor’ by Robison and Luther (famous adaptation by Mike Oldfield) Music by David Rose ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’ Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik Theme written and performed by rock band Nerf Herder ‘Hornblower’ (played on the accordion by Tommy Edmondson) Theme by Tony Hatch and later adapted by Paul McCartney

The Archers Auf Wiedersehen Pet The Avengers Big Brother Billy Cotton Band Show Blake’s 7

Bonanza Bootsie and Snudge Brain of Britain Buffy the Vampire Slayer Captain Pugwash Crossroads


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Tune (and/or composer)

‘Who Do You Think You’re Kidding, Mr Hitler?’ sung by Bud Flanagan Danger Man Music by Edwin Astley Desert Island Discs ‘By the Sleepy Lagoon’ by Eric Coates Doctor Kildare ‘Three Stars Will Shine Tonight’ (vocal version by Richard Chamberlain) Dr Who Theme by Ron Grainer The Dukes of Hazzard Theme tune by Waylon Jennings EastEnders Theme tune by Simon May EastEnders: vocal version ‘Anyone Can Fall in Love’ sung by Anita Dobson Equaliser Theme tune by Stewart Copeland Friends ‘I’ll Be There For You’ by Rembrandts Grand Prix BBC – ‘The Chain’ by Fleetwood Mac Great Antiques Hunt Theme tune by the Brodsky Quartet Harry’s Game Theme by Clannad Have Gun, Will Travel ‘The Ballad of the Paladin’ Hawaii Five O Music by Morton Stevens Horse of the Year Show Mozart’s ‘A Musical Joke’ Howards Way Theme tune by Simon May Howards Way: vocal ‘Always There’ by Marti Webb version I’m Sorry I’ll Read ‘The Angus Prune Tune’ That Again Inspector Morse Theme tune by Barrington Pheloung Ironside Theme by Quincy Jones Jason King Theme by Laurie Johnson Juke Box Jury ‘Hit and Miss’ by John Barry Just a Minute Minute Waltz by Chopin The Killing Game ‘Tom Hark’ by the Piranhas Kojak Theme by Billy Goldenberg Life and Times of David ‘Chi Mai’ by Ennio Morricone Lloyd George Light of Experience Theme by Doina De Jale The Lone Ranger William Tell Overture by Rossini M.A.S.H. ‘Suicide Is Painless’ by Mash Mastermind ‘Approaching Menace’ by Neil Richardson Match of the Day Drum Majorette Miami Vice ‘Miami Vice Theme’ and ‘Crockett’s Theme’ (both by Jan Hammer) Minder ‘I Could Be So Good For You’ by Pat Waterman and Gerard Kenny Theme by Lalo Schifrin Mission Impossible Mistral’s Daughter ‘Only Love’ (sung by Nana Mouskouri) Monty Python’s ‘Liberty Bell’ by John Paul Souza Flying Circus Moonlighting ‘Moonlighting Theme’ by Al Jarreau Neighbours Theme by Tony Hatch

Dad’s Army


Tune (and/or composer)

Noddy No Honestly Onedin Line One Foot in the Grave Owen MD Perry Mason The Persuaders The Prisoner Prisoner Cell Block H Protectors

Paul K Joyce ‘No Honestly’ by Lynsey de Paul Spartacus by Khatchaturian Composed and sung by Eric Idle ‘Sleepy Shores’ by Johnny Pearson Theme by Fred Steiner Music by John Barry Music by Ron Grainer ‘On the Inside’ sung by Lynne Hamilton ‘Avenues and Alleyways’ by Tony Christie Music by Edwin Astley

Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) Rawhide Ready Steady Go! The Saint The Seven Faces of Woman The Sky at Night The Snowman South Bank Show Star Trek Stingray Supergran Test Match Special That Was the Week That Was The Third Man Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Top of the Pops

Top Secret Two-Way Family Favourites Van Der Valk What the Papers Say X Files Yes Honestly Z Cars

Theme sung by Frankie Laine ‘Wipe Out’ (The Surfaris); ‘5-4-3-2-1’ (Manfred Mann) Music by Edwin Astley ‘She’ (sung by Charles Aznavour) At the Castle Gate by Sibelius (from Pelléas et Mélisande) ‘Walking in the Air’ sung by Aled Jones Variations on a Theme of Paganini by Julian Lloyd Webber Music by Alexander Courage ‘Aquamarina’ (sung by Garry Miller) Theme composed and sung by Billy Connolly ‘Soul Limbo’ by Booker T & The MGs Sung by Millicent Martin ‘Harry Lime Theme’ by Anton Karas Nunc Dimittis, arranged by Geoffrey Burgon ‘Yellow Pearl’ by Phil Lynott (co-written by Lynott and Ray Davies); ‘Whole Lotta Love’ by CCS (instrumental version of Led Zeppelin song); ‘The Wizard’ by Paul Hardcastle; ‘Get Out of That’ by Tony Gibber ‘Sucu Sucu’ ‘With a Song in My Heart’ by Richard Rodgers ‘Eye Level’ by Simon Park From the Cornish Dances by Malcolm Arnold Music by Mark Snow ‘Yes Honestly’ by Georgie Fame ‘Theme from Z Cars’ aka ‘Johnny Todd’ by the Johnny Keating Orchestra

Eurovision Song Contest Winners Year


Country (and Singer)

UK Entry

1956 1957 1958 1959

Refrain Net Als Toen Dors, Mon Amour Een Beetje

Switzerland (Lys Assia) Holland (Corry Brokken) France (André Claveau) Holland (Teddy Scholten)


Tom Pillibi

France (Jacqueline Boyer)

1961 1962 1963

Nous, les Amoureux Un Premier Amour Dansevise


Non Ho L’Eta (This Is My Prayer)

Luxembourg (Jean-Claude Pascal) France (Isabelle Aubret) Denmark (Grethe Jorgen Ingmann) Italy (Gigliola Cinquetti)

No entry All (Patricia Breden) 6th No entry Sing Little Birdie (Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson) 2nd Looking High, High, High (Bryan Johnson) 2nd Are You Sure (Allisons) 2nd Ring-a-ding Girl (Ronnie Carroll) 4th Say Wonderful Things (Ronnie Carroll) 4th I Say the Little Things (Matt Monro) 2nd


UK Posn

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Country (and Singer)

UK Entry


Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son Merci Chérie

Luxembourg (France Gall)

I Belong (Kathy Kirby)


Austria (Udo Jurgens)

A Man without Love (Kenneth McKellar) Puppet on a String Congratulations (Cliff Richard) Boom Bang-A-Bang


1966 1967 1968 1969

UK (Sandie Shaw) Spain (Massiel) Spain (Salome) UK (Lulu) Holland (Lennie Kuhr) France (Frida Boccara) Ireland (Dana) Monaco (Séverine)


Puppet on a String La La La Viva Cantando Boom Bang-A-Bang De Troubadour Un Jour Un Enfant All Kinds of Everything Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue Après Toi (Come What May) Tu Te Reconnaîtras (Wonderful Dream) Waterloo

1975 1976 1977 1978

Ding A Dong Save Your Kisses for Me L’Oiseau et L’Enfant A-ba-ni-bi




What’s Another Year?

Holland (Teach In) UK (Brotherhood of Man) France (Marie Myriam) Israel (Izhar Cohen and the Alpha-Beta) Israel (Milk and Honey featuring Gali Atari) Ireland (Johnny Logan)

1981 1982

UK (Buck’s Fizz) Germany (Nicole)


Making Your Mind Up Ein Bisschen Frieden (A Little Peace) Si la Vie Est Cadeau


Diggi loo-Diggi Ley

Sweden (Herreys)


Norway (Bobbysocks)

1986 1987 1988 1989

La Det Swinge (Let it Swing) J’aime la Vie Hold Me Now Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi Rock Me

Belgium (Sandra Kim) Ireland (Johnny Logan) Switzerland (Celine Dion) Yugoslavia (Riva)



Italy (Toto Cutugno)


Fångad Av En Stormvind Sweden (Carola)


Why Me?

Ireland (Linda Martin)


In Your Eyes

Ireland (Niamh Kavanagh)


Rock ’n’ Roll Kids



Ireland (Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan) Norway (Secret Garden)

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

The Voice Love Shine a Light Diva Take Me to Your Heaven Fly on the Wings of Love

Ireland (Eimear Quinn) UK (Katrina and the Waves) Israel (Dana International) Sweden (Charlotte Nilsson) Denmark (Olsen Brothers)



2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

I Wanna Every Way That I Can Wild Dances MyಝNumber One Hard Rock Hallelujah Molitva Believe Fairytale

Estonia (Tanel Pader and Dave Benton) Latvia (Marija Naumova) Turkey (Sertab Erener) Ukraine (Ruslana) Greece (Helena Paparizou) Finland (Lordi) Serbia (Marija Serifovic) Russia (Dima Bilan) Norway (Alexander Rybak)

1970 1971 1972 1973

Luxembourg (Vicky Leandros) Luxembourg (Anne-Marie David) Sweden (Abba)

Luxembourg (Corinne Hermes)

UK Posn

Knock Knock (Mary Hopkin) Jack in the Box (Clodagh Rodgers) Beg, Steal or Borrow (New Seekers) Power to all our Friends (Cliff Richard) Long Live Love (Olivia Newton-John) Let Me Be the One (Shadows) Save Your Kisses For Me Rock Bottom (Lynsey de Paul) The Bad Old Days (Coco)

2nd 1st 2nd 11th

Mary Ann (Black Lace)


Love Enough for Two (Prima Donna) Making Your Mind Up One Step Further (Bardo)


I’m Never Giving Up (Sweet Dreams) Love Games (Belle and the Devotions) Love Is (Vikki)


Runner in the Night (Ryder) Only the Light (Rikki) Go (Scott Fitzgerald) Why Do I Always Get It Wrong (Live Report) Give a Little Love Back to the World (Emma) A Message to Your Heart (Samantha Janus) One Step Out of Time (Michael Ball) Better the Devil You Know (Sonia) We Will Be Free - Lonely Symphony (Frances Ruffelle) Love City Groove (Love City Groove) Just a Little Bit (Gina G) Love Shine a Light Where Are You? (Imaani) Say It Again (Precious) Don’t Play That Song Again (Nikki French) No Dream Impossible (Lindsay Dracass) Come Back (Jessica Garlick) Cry Baby (Jemini) Hold onto Our Love (James Fox) Touch My Fire (Javine Hylton) Teenage Life (Daz Sampson) Flying the Flag (Scooch) Even If (Andy Abraham) It’s My Time (Jade Ewen)


1st 2nd 1st

2nd 4th 2nd 3rd 4th

1st 7th

7th 4th 7th 13th 2nd 2nd 6th 10th 2nd 2nd 10th 10th 8th 1st 2nd 12th 16th 15th 3rd equal Last 16th 22nd 18th 23rd 25th 5th

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Country (and Singer)

UK Entry



Germany (Lena Meyer-Landrut)

2011 2012

Running Scared Euphoria

Azerbaijan (Ell & Nikki) Sweden (Loreen)


Only Teardrops

Denmark (Emmelie de Forest)

That Sounds Good to Me (Josh Dubovie) I Can (Blue) Love Will Set You Free (Englebert Humperdinck) Believe in Me (Bonnie Tyler)

UK Posn Last 11th 25th 19th

Classical-based Pop Tunes Baubles, Bangles and Beads Adapted from the String Quartet in D major by Alexander Borodin Beat Out Dat Rhythm on a Drum Based on ‘The Gypsy Song’ from the opera Carmen by Georges Bizet Can Can (Bad Manners) Adapted from Orpheus in the Underworld by Jacques Offenbach Can’t Help Falling in Love Based on Plaisir d’Amour by Giovanni Martini Capstick Comes Home Based on Dvorák’s Symphony No. 9 in E minor (2nd movement, Largo) Danny Boy Lyrics by Frederick Weatherly (1848–1929) and based on ‘The Londonderry Air’ Dat’s Love Based on ‘Habañera’ from the opera Carmen by Georges Bizet Fanfare for the Common Man (ELP) Based on Aaron Copland’s orchestral piece of the same name Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh Adapted from ‘Dance of the Hours’, Act 3 of La Gioconda by Amilcare Ponchielli Hot Diggity Adapted from España (Spanish Rhapsody) by Emmanuel Chabrier I Believe in Father Christmas Adapted from the Lieutenant Kijé Suite, Op. 60 by Sergei Prokofiev I’d Climb the Highest Mountain Based on Humoresque Opus 101 No. 7 by Antonín Dvoák If I Had Words Adapted from the 3rd movement of Symphony No. 3 Op. 78 by Charles Camille Saint-Saëns If You Are But a Dream Adapted from Romance in E flat by Anton Rubinstein I’m Always Chasing Rainbows Adapted from Fantaisie Impromptu in C sharp minor Op. 66 by Frederic Chopin In An Eighteenth-century Drawing Room Adapted from Piano Sonata No. 3 in C by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Joybringer Adapted from the 4th movement of The Planets Suite Op. 32 by Gustav Holst (‘Jupiter – Bringer of Jollity’) Kiss in Your Eyes Adapted from Une Chambre séparée by Richard Heuberger Lamp Is Low Adapted from Pavane pour une infante défunte by Maurice Ravel Land of Hope and Glory Based on Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 by Edward Elgar Like I Do Adapted from ‘Dance of the Hours’, Act 3 of La Gioconda by Amilcare Ponchielli Moon Love Based on the 2nd movement of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5

More Than Love Adapted from the 2nd movement of the Sonata for Piano No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 by Ludwig van Beethoven My Reverie Based on Debussy’s Rêverie Narcissus Adapted from the Water Scenes Suite, Op. 13 No. 4 by Ethelbert Nevin Nut Rocker Adapted from the March from Casse-noisette Suite, Op. 71 by Tchaikovsky On the Isle of May Based on Tchaikovsky’s Andante Cantabile Our Love Based on Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture Question and Answer Adapted from Petite Suite de Concert, Op. 77 by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor River Kwai March Based on ‘Colonel Bogey March’ by Kenneth Alford Rodrigo’s Concerto An arrangement of the 2nd movement of the Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra in D major by Joaquin Rodrigo Sabre Dance Adapted from Gayaneh Ballet by Aram Khatchaturian So Deep Is the Night Adapted from Etude in E minor, Op. 10 No. 3 by Frédéric Chopin Song of India Adapted from Chanson indoue by Nikolai RimskyKorsakov The Story of a Starry Night Based on the 1st movement of Symphony No. 6 by Tchaikovsky Strange Music Adapted from Wedding-Day in Troldhaugen by Edvard Grieg Stranger in Paradise Adapted from a theme of the Polovtsian Dances by Alexander Borodin Suddenly (Tony Bennett) Adapted from Une Chambre Séparée by Richard Heuberger Surrender (Elvis Presley) Adapted from ‘Torna A Surriento’ by Ernesto De Curtis The Things I Love Based on Melodie in E flat major, Op. 42 No 3 by Tchaikovsky Till the End of Time Based on Chopin’s Polonaise No. 6 in A flat for piano Toccata and Fugue (Vanessa Mae) Variation of a Toccata and Fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach Under the Lilac Bough From the musical Lilac Time, based on various pieces of music of Franz Schubert Wagon Wheels Adapted from the 2nd movement of Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 in E minor Wild Horses Based on ‘Wilder Reiter’ by Robert Schumann Wooden Heart Adapted from the German folk song ‘Muss I denn’

Composers of Pop Songs and Tunes Song Alexander’s Ragtime Band Alfie All along the Watchtower All of You All the Young Dudes Alternate Title Always Something There To Remind Me And I Love You So Anything You Can Do Automatically Sunshine Baby I Don’t Care Bad To Me Batdance

Composer Irving Berlin Burt Bacharach and Hal David Bob Dylan Cole Porter David Bowie Mickey Dolenz Burt Bacharach and Hal David Don McLean Irving Berlin William ‘Smokey’ Robinson Leiber and Stoller Lennon and McCartney Prince

Song Beautiful Dreamer Begin the Beguine Boat That I Row, The Born Free Bright Eyes Bring it on Home to Me Brown Eyed Handsome Man Carnival Is Over Chain Reaction Chantilly Lace Cheek to Cheek Close to You Come and Get It


Composer Stephen Foster Cole Porter Neil Diamond Don Black and John Barry Mike Batt Sam Cooke Chuck Berry Tom Springfield Bee Gees J P Richardson (The Big Bopper) Irving Berlin Burt Bacharach and Hal David Paul McCartney

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Song A Couple of Swells Cupid Dancing in the Street Dancing on a Saturday Night The Day I Met Marie Dick-A-Dum Dum (Kings Road) Do They Know It’s Christmas? Do You Know Where You’re Going To? Do You Love Me Do You Want To Know a Secret Doctorin’ the Tardis Doin’ What Comes Naturally Don’t Cry Out Loud Don’t Give Up On Us Don’t Sleep in the Subway Easter Parade Eloise Fascinating Rhythm First Cut Is the Deepest Floy Joy For the Good Times Genie with the Light Brown Lamp Georgy Girl Giving It All Away Goldfinger Goodbye Goodbye (Mary Hopkin) Got to Get You into My Life Grease A Groovy Kind of Love Halfway to Paradise Happy Holiday A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall Have I Told You Lately Help Me Make It through The Night Hey, Good Looking Hopelessly Devoted to You The Hustle I Don’t Wanna Fight I Don’t Want to Talk About it If Not for You I Get a Kick Out of You I Got Plenty of Nuttin’ I Got Rhythm I Got the Sun in the Morning I Just Don’t Know What to do with Myself I’ll Keep You Satisfied I’ll Never Fall in Love Again I’ll Never Fall in Love Again (Tom Jones) I Love You, Samantha I’m a Believer I’m a Tiger I’m into Something Good

Composer Irving Berlin Sam Cooke Marvyn Gaye and William Stevenson Barry Blue and Lynsey De Paul Hank Marvin Jim Dale Bob Geldof and Midge Ure Gerry Goffin and Michael Masser Berry Gordy Jr Lennon and McCartney Gary Glitter, Ron Grainer, Chapman and Chinn Irving Berlin Carole Bayer Sager and Peter Allen Tony Macaulay Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent Irving Berlin Paul Ryan George and Ira Gershwin Cat Stevens William ‘Smokey Robinson’ Kris Kristofferson Marvin, Welch, Bennett, Rostill (Shadows) Jim Dale and Tom Springfield Leo Sayer and David Courtney Tony Newley, John Barry and Leslie Bricusse Lennon and McCartney Lennon and McCartney Lennon and McCartney Barry Gibb Carole Bayer Sager and Tony Wine Gerry Goffin and Carole King Irving Berlin Bob Dylan Van Morrison Kris Kristofferson Hank Williams John Farrar Van McCoy Lulu Cat Stevens and Danny Whitten Bob Dylan Cole Porter George and Ira Gershwin George and Ira Gershwin Irving Berlin Burt Bacharach and Hal David Lennon and McCartney Burt Bacharach and Hal David Lonnie Donegan and Jimmie Currie Cole Porter Neil Diamond Marty Wilde and Ronnie Scott Gerry Goffin and Carole King

Song I Say a Little Prayer I Shot the Sheriff Isn’t This a Lovely Day It Doesn’t Matter Anymore It Don’t Mean a Thing It Might as Well Rain until September It’s All in the Game I’ve Got You under My Skin I Wanna Be Your Man I Will Drink the Wine Jackie Wilson Said Jambalaya The James Bond Theme Just Like a Woman Killing Me Softly with His Song Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door Lady The Lady is a Tramp Leaning on a Lamp Post Leavin’ on a Jet Plane Legend of the Glass Mountain Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love) Let’s Face the Music and Dance Little Bit Me, Little Bit You Living Doll The Locomotion Love and Marriage

Composer Burt Bacharach and Hal David Bob Marley Irving Berlin Paul Anka Duke Ellington and Irving Mills Gerry Goffin and Carole King Charles Dawes and Carl Sigman Cole Porter Lennon and McCartney Paul Ryan Van Morrison Hank Williams Monty Norman Bob Dylan Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel Bob Dylan Lionel Richie Rodgers and Hart Noel Gay John Denver Nino Rota George and Ira Gershwin Cole Porter Irving Berlin

Neil Diamond Lionel Bart Gerry Goffin and Carole King Sammy Cahn and Jimmy Van Heusen MacArthur Park Jim Webb Mack the Knife Weill, Brecht, Blitzstein Mad about the Boy Noël Coward Mad Dogs and Englishmen Noël Coward Magic Moments Burt Bacharach and Hal David Mama Told Me Not to Randy Newman Come The Man Who Sold the David Bowie World The March of the Siamese Richard Rodgers Children Mighty Quinn Bob Dylan Miss Otis Regrets Cole Porter Mr Tambourine Man Bob Dylan Money (That’s What Berry Gordy Jr and Janie Bradford I Want) Mrs Brown You’ve Got Trevor Peacock a Lovely Daughter My Guy William ‘Smokey’ Robinson My Heart Belongs to Daddy Cole Porter My Resistance Is Low Hoagy Carmichael and Harold Adamson Needles and Pins Sonny Bono and Jack Nitzche A Nice Cup Of Tea A P Herbert Night and Day Cole Porter Nothing Compares 2 U Prince Oh, Carol Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield Oh No, Not My Baby Gerry Goffin and Carole King Photograph Ringo Starr and George Harrison Pink Cadillac Bruce Springsteen The Purple People Eater Sheb Wooley Puttin’ on the Ritz Irving Berlin Rhapsody in Blue George Gershwin River Kwai March Malcolm Arnold


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Song Roamin’ in the Gloamin’ Rocket Man Roll Over Beethoven Running Bear Saving All My Love for You September Song Simon Smith and His Amazing Dancing Bear Something’s Gotten Hold of My Heart Something Tells Me Sophisticated Lady Step Inside Love The Stripper S’Wonderful Take Five Take Good Care of My Baby Tara’s Theme Tears of a Clown This Guy’s in Love With You This is My Song This Wheel’s on Fire Throw Down A Line To Keep My Love Alive To Know Him is To Love Him To Love Somebody Too Darn Hot Trains and Boats and Planes True Love

Composer Harry Lauder Elton John and Bernie Taupin Chuck Berry J P Richardson (The Big Bopper) Gerry Goffin and Michael Masser Maxwell Anderson and Kurt Weill Randy Newman

Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway Duke Ellington, Irving Mills and Mitchell Parish Lennon and McCartney David Rose George and Ira Gershwin Paul Desmond and Lola Brubeck Gerry Goffin and Carole King Max Steiner Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Henry Cosby Burt Bacharach and Hal David Charlie Chaplin Bob Dylan and Rick Danko Hank B Marvin Rodgers and Hart Phil Spector Barry and Robin Gibb Cole Porter Burt Bacharach and Hal David

Song Twenty-Four Hours from Tulsa Twisting the Night Away Up on the Roof Up Where We Belong We Are the World Well, Did You Evah? What’ll I Do What’s New, Pussycat? When I’m Dead and Gone When I Need You

Composer Burt Bacharach and Hal David Sam Cooke Gerry Goffin and Carole King Buffy St Marie, Jack Nitzche, William Jennings Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie Cole Porter Irving Berlin Burt Bacharach and Hal David Gallagher and Lyle Carole Bayer Sager and Albert Hammond Marvin Gaye and Norman Whitfield Keith Reid, Matt Fisher, Gary Brooker Cole Porter

Wherever I Lay My Hat A Whiter Shade of Pale Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Wichita Lineman JimಝWebb Wild Thing Chip Taylor Wild World Cat Stevens Will You Love Me Tomorrow Gerry Goffin and Carole King A Winter’s Tale Mike Batt Wired for Sound B A Robertson and Alan Tarney Without You Peter Ham and Tony Evans (Badfinger) Woman in Love Barry and Robin Gibb Woodstock Joni Mitchell A World Without Love Lennon and McCartney Wunderbar Cole Porter You Make Me Feel So Mack Gordon and Joseph Myrow Young Your Cheating Heart Hank Williams You’re the One That I Want John Farrar You’re the Top Cole Porter You’ve Got Your Troubles Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway

Cole Porter


The initials of of its members’ Christian names Adopted his surname as collective name for his group of four Keyboardist Mags Furuholmen chose name as it was a universally accepted expression Spelt out by a ouija board Met at London school; all 3 members were sons of US Air Force officers stationed in UK Named after a popular CBS cartoon series based on John Goldwater comic book characters The name of an Italian futurist manifesto Arabic for ‘Black’ Added name of a trucking magazine, Overdrive, to those of its founding members From a Jeff Bridges film Forced to change name from the Bangs because of existing band Named after the German art movement Chosen by sticking pin in map of USA and pricking Bay City From the initials of their founder Barry Gibb. There is no substance to the myth that a racetrack promoter (Bill Goode) and a DJ (Bill Gates) inspired the name Southern US nickname for a bouffant hairstyle adopted by its female members Lead singer’s hair colour Named after an Aboriginal televiision detective Originally Nightlife Thugs; changed name to phrase in Woody Guthrie biography Bound For Glory Chosen after they were stuck behind a Wonder Bread truck in a traffic jam A make of steamroller From 1928 song by Mississipi bluesman Tommy Johnson, ‘Canned Heat Blues’ Mike Love of the Beach Boys called Daryl Dragon ‘Captain Keyboards’ and the name stuck; other member Toni Tennille Collective Consciousness Society, a collaboration between Alexis Korner, Mickie Most and John Cameron Gaelic for ‘Family’ Random choice from dictionary (nearly called the Commodes, so they say) Thought themselves the best so named themselves accordingly Creedence was a friend of the band and Clearwater came from a beer commercial After Crystal Bates, daughter of their first songwriter, Leroy Bates Originally called Southern Death Cult, taken from a newspaper headline Originally called the Easy Cure, a stock phrase of the day From the Dracula-style fancy dress worn by lead singer Dave Vanian From a Steely Dan record Name was designed to shock, as it refers to the Kennedy brothers John and Robert Chosen as a contrast to Vanilla Fudge, on whom they based their early music Corruption of Deaf Leopard, proposed by band’s lead singer Joe Elliott From a French fashion magazine, meaning ‘Fast Fashion’ From video Truth about De-evolution, award winner at Ann Arbor Film Festival Slang term for the pep pill Dexedrine From the financial plight of the group when formed After ‘doobie’ the Californian nickname for a marijuana cigarette From Aldous Huxley book The Doors of Perception (Huxley took title from Blake work) From 1962 US hit ‘Doctor Feel-Good’ by bluesman Piano Red

Abba (1972) Adam and the Ants (1977) A-Ha (1982) Alice Cooper (1965) America (1967) Archies (1967) Art of Noise (1983) Aswad (1983) Bachman-Turner Overdrive (1973) Bad Company (1973) Bangles (1981) Bauhaus (1980) Bay City Rollers (1970) Bee Gees (1959)


CCS (1970) Clannad (1981) Commodores (1968) Cream (1966) Creedence Clearwater Revival (1968) Crystals (1961) Cult (1982) Cure (1976) Damned (1976) Deacon Blue (1987) Dead Kennedys (1978) Deep Purple (1968) Def Leppard (1977) Depeche Mode (1980) Devo (1972) Dexy’s Midnight Runners (1978) Dire Straits (1977) Doobie Brothers (1970) Doors (1965) Dr Feelgood (1971)

B-52’s Blondie (1975) Boney M (1975) Boomtown Rats (1978) Bread (1968) Buffalo Springfield (1966) Canned Heat (1966) Captain And Tennille (1971)



Derivations of Names

UK Ireland USA UK USA USA UK Crawley UK UK San Francisco UK Sheffield UK Akron, Ohio Birmingham UK San Jose, California Los Angeles UK

Georgia New York West Indies Dublin Los Angeles California Los Angeles San Francisco

Sweden/Norway London Norway USA USA USA UK UK Canada UK Los Angeles UK UK Australia

Where from

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Prompted by the eye patch (as in Captain Hook) worn by lead singer Ray Sawyer First gig was at Barbarella’s in Birmingham so used a name from the Jane Fonda film Singer and drummer Maurice White named band after 3 of the ancient elements From a BBC Light programme pop show hosted by Brian Matthew Echo was the nickname for their drum machine, which was replaced by Pete de Freitas Named in 1980 after ‘Rhythm Gymnastics’ style devised by Emile Jaques-Dalcroze Took their name from a local furniture store Steve Marriot left the Small Faces to form Humble Pie and the ‘Small’ was dropped After the house, ‘Fairport’, in which its guitarist Simon Nicol lived in Muswell Hill After a greyhound on which they had a bet Originally called Versatiles changed name to reflect being beyond the 4th dimension From the Robert Wagner/Natalie Wood film All the Fine Young Cannibals Originally called the Portraits but changed it to Fix then to Fixx because of drug slur From 2 members, drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie From cult novel by Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (1970) Headline in Variety magazine about Sinatra moving from Las Vegas to Hollywood All four members are graduates of the Guildhall School of Music. Name derives from Guildhall and the number in the band Originally Garden Wall; Jonathan King renamed them in 1967 as they were being ‘born’ Said to come from an Egyptian prayer book Forerunner of Bachman-Turner Overdrive; name based on British band The Who Combination of former guitarist Tracii Guns and the lead singer’s assumed name Variation on the magazine Harper’s Bazaar (Harper’s and Queen) Motorhead and Girlschool united for one-hit wonder ‘The St Valentine’s Day Massacre’ Named after a group in Anthony Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange The Herman was derived from Sherman, the flying squirrel in Rocky and Bullwinkle Show Tribute to Buddy Holly Named by an agent from the Apple record company as a pun on their colour and style From a science-fiction computer game Superstars Frampton and Marriott named band to contrast with their pop idol status Originally Flowers; changed name to that of their 1st album so as not to clash with existing group Originally called Farriss Brothers after 3 members but changed to a pun on In Excess From a medieval instrument of torture Thought up by Paul Weller’s sister at the breakfast table: ‘We’ve had the Bread and we’ve had the Marmalade, so let’s have the Jam’ Hippie jargon for a paper match split at one end to hold a reefer; subsequently changed name to Jefferson Starship (1974) then Starship (1985) After Alan McGee’s club in London, where they performed early hits From the famous agriculturist, author of Horse Hoeing Husbandry Nazi slang term for a military brothel From Bob Dylan song, ‘Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest’ Named after a successful South African football team Supposedly from original surname of film director Elia Kazan ‘Kazanjoglou’ From Linda Kasabian, a former member of Charles Manson’s ‘Family’ Named after founder Harry Wayne Casey Named by pop impresario Larry Page, based on ‘Kinky,’ a vogue word of swinging London

Dr Hook (1968) Duran Duran (1978) Earth, Wind and Fire (1969) The Easybeats Echo and the Bunnymen (1977) Eurythmics (1977) Everything But the Girl (1982) Faces (1969) Fairport Convention (1967) Faith No More (1980) Fifth Dimension (1966) Fine Young Cannibals (1984) Fixx (1980) Fleetwood Mac (1967) Flock of Seagulls (1979) Frankie Goes to Hollywood (1980) G4 (2004)


Jesus and Mary Chain (1983) Jethro Tull (1967) Joy Division (1977) Judas Priest (1973) Kaiser Chiefs (2003) Kajagoogoo (1983) Kasabian (1999) KC and the Sunshine Band (1973) Kinks (1963)

Jefferson Airplane (1965)

Genesis (1965) Grateful Dead (1963) Guess Who (1965) Guns N’ Roses (1985) Harpers Bizarre (1963) Headgirl (1981) Heaven 17 (1980) Herman’s Hermits (1961) Hollies (1962) Hot Chocolate (1969) Human League (1977) Humble Pie (1969) Icehouse (1980) INXS (1977) Iron Maiden (1976) Jam (1972)



Scotland Blackpool UK Birmingham Leeds UK Leicester Florida London

San Francisco

London San Francisco Canada Los Angeles San Francisco UK Sheffield Manchester Manchester London Sheffield London Sydney Australia London Woking

New Jersey Birmingham USA USA Liverpool UK Hull London London Los Angeles Los Angeles UK UK UK Liverpool Liverpool UK

Where from

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From a track on David Bowie’s Hunky Dory album German for power plant referring to their electronic synthesisers From the answer to the meaning of life in Douglas Adams’s The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy From a line in a song by bluesman John Hurt Named after the gym teacher who had expelled them from school From a Prince Buster song Named from 2 married couples in group, John and Michelle Phillips and Cass Elliot and John Hendricks From novel by Jon Dos Passos Named after the schoolboy hero of the film Back to the Future From road sign ‘Danger Men at Work’ Adopted a name to suit their particular type of rock music The name of a Dirk Bogarde film Originally called the Muthers but changed to echo proverb ‘necessity is the . . .’ Play on phrase motley crew, which was an apt name for their bizarre appearance Song written by Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilminster for Hawkwind, group he was sacked from From an obscure novel by Willard Manus published in 1967 From the 5 members various moves from their prior bands Named by manager Maurice Starr as a white equivalent to his other band, New Edition After suicide of Ian Curtis, Joy Division became New Order, which was also a Nazi term Originally called The Rain (after a 1966 Beatles B-side). Liam took the name Oasis from Oasis Leisure Centre, Swindon on an Inspiral Carpets tour poster Named by its members for friends who worked in an Ealing pet shop Named as tribute to bluesmen Pink Anderson and Floyd Council From an Irish folk dance Black American group took their name from the slang term for gramophone records Originally called Pogo after a comic strip but forced to amend it when creator objected Original name was Pogue Mahone (‘Kiss my arse’); changed after BBC banned them Named by Chrissie Hynde after a Platters hit, ‘The Great Pretender’ After the Bo Diddley hit ‘Pretty Thing’ Originally called the Paramounts, said to have been renamed after someone’s cat From Velvet Underground hit ‘Venus in Furs’ Although an abbreviation for rapid eye movement, the name was arbitrarily arrived at From an early make of fire engine, Ransom E. Olds Speedwagon Originally called Paramours; took their name from the slang for excellent performers From the Muddy Waters song ‘Rolling Stone’ From the nickname of Veronica Bennett (Ronnie), one of the founder members Based on the Roxy cinema chain Nicknames of their 2 lead singers, Joseph ‘Run’ Simmons and Darryl ‘D’ McDaniels From the interlocking sexual position of lesbians Based on the Italian phrase for ‘political writings’ Named after the John Wayne film From the ‘B’ side of their debut single ‘Gangsters’, written by Noel Davies Malcolm McLaren named them after his boutique ‘Sex’ and Shakespeare character Originally called the Drifters; Jet Harris changed name in a Ruislip pub in 1959 From a local boutique From a Smiths’ song (spelt wrongly)

Kooks (2004) Kraftwerk (1970) Level 42 (1980) Lovin’ Spoonful (1965) Lynyrd Skynyrd (1966) Madness (1976) Mamas and the Papas (1965) Manhattan Transfer (1969) McFly (2002) Men at Work (1979) Metallica (1981) Mindbenders (1965) Mothers of Invention (1965) Motley Crue (1981) Motorhead (1975) Mott the Hoople (1968) Move (1966) New Kids on the Block (1984) New Order (1980) Oasis (1991)

Pet Shop Boys (1981) Pink Floyd (1965) Planxty (1972) Platters (1953) Poco (1968) Pogues (1983) Pretenders (1978) Pretty Things (1963) Procul Harum (1967) Psychedelic Furs (1977) R.E.M. (1980) REO Speedwagon (1967) Righteous Brothers (1962) Rolling Stones (1962) Ronettes (1959) Roxy Music (1971) Run DMC (1982) Scissor Sisters (1999) Scritti Politti (1977) Searchers (1961) Selecter (1979) Sex Pistols (1975) Shadows (1959) Shakatak (1980) Shakespears Sister (1989)



Where from

London London Ireland Los Angeles Los Angeles UK/Ireland UK/USA Sidcup, Kent Southend, Essex London Athens, Georgia Champaign, Illinois Anaheim, California London New York London New York New York Leeds Liverpool Coventry London London London UK

UK Düsseldorf UK USA/Canada Jacksonville, Florida UK New York New York UK Melbourne Los Angeles UK Los Angeles USA UK Hereford Birmingham Massachusetts UK Manchester

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Derivation Named after the Shalimar Gardens near Lahore in Pakistan Name based on their lead singer Shirley Owens From ‘Bop bop showaddywaddy’ backing of ‘Little Darlin’ by the Diamonds Self-deprecatory name adopted during the Punk era Named after the red hair of its lead singer Mick Hucknall Originally Ambrose Slade among other names, shortened to Slade in 1969 Suggests the anonymity its members are said to have sought Pun on ‘soft sell’, a term used for selling by inducement After the William Burroughs novel of 1961 Name derived from 2 contrasting words as an oxymoron to give effect Originally called Split Ends after hair that has split, but changed spelling in 1975 From a Velvet Underground album Named after the 1970 album by Tim Buckley Name adopted from the traditional Lincolnshire ballad ‘Horkston Grange’ Name of steam-powered dildo in novel The Naked Lunch by William Burroughs From the Herman Hesse novel Originally played as Patrol and English Rose; chose similar name to Rolling Stones Originally the Guildford Strangler; shortened name when gaining following Originally the Strawberry Hill Boys, from the area of London they were from From the W H Davies book Autobiography of a Super-tramp Originally called the Primettes as they supported the Primes (Temptations) Originally called Wainwright’s Gentlemen then Sweetshop Originally called Bluegenes; changed name on gaining sponsorship from jeans company From the caption beside a Madonna poster From the television jargon for a kind of static presentation From a caption in a Marvel science fiction comic From Arthur Janov’s book on primal therapy Prisoners of Pain Named by Jonathan King, because the average male semen ejaculation was 9 cc Name resulted from mishearing of film title 12,000 Maniacs Originally called Jaybirds changed name in 1966 on 10th anniversary of rock ’n’ roll Parody of the many rock groups whose name begins with ‘The’ From ‘Tin Lizzy,’ colloquial name for an old car From the characters in the Tintin cartoons by Hergé Australian expression for a cold night when 3 dogs are needed to keep warm Named after a waitress colleague of singer Katie White’s at a Chinese restaurant Corruption of real name of lead singer, Toteaux, to give the name of dog in The Wizard of Oz Carol Decker named group from the high priestess of Vulcan, a character in Star Trek Said to be suggestive of the words ‘You too’ From designation of Unemployment Benefit form Name means ‘beyond the voice’, but may also refer to founder John Foxx From the title of a pornographic publication From a lyric on a Scritti Politti record From group’s lead singer Exene Cervenka, nicknamed X Suggests ‘ecstasy’, but last 2 letters are initials of their drummer Terry Chambers From the jazzman Charlie Parker, nicknamed Yardbird From an early blues record label


Shalamar (1977) Shirelles (1957) Showaddywaddy (1973) Simple Minds (1977) Simply Red (1985) Slade (1969) Smiths (1982) Soft Cell (1979) Soft Machine (1966) Spandau Ballet (1979) Split Enz (1972) Squeeze (1974) Starsailor (2000) Steeleye Span (1969) Steely Dan (1972) Steppenwolf (1968) Stone Roses (1980) Stranglers (1974) Strawbs (1967) Supertramp (1969) Supremes (1959) Sweet (1966) Swinging Blue Jeans (1958) Take That (1994) Talking Heads (1975) Teardrop Explodes (1978) Tears for Fears (1981) Ten cc (10cc) (1972) Ten Thousand Maniacs (1981) Ten Years After (1965) The The (1980) Thin Lizzy (1969) Thompson Twins (1977) Three Dog Night (1968) Ting Tings (2006) Toto (1978) T’Pau (1986) U2 (1977) UB40 (1978) Ultravox (1976) Velvet Underground (1965) Wet Wet Wet (1986) X (1977) XTC (1977) Yardbirds (1963) Yazoo (1982)

Los Angeles Passaic, New Jersey Leicester Glasgow Manchester Wolverhampton Manchester Leeds Canterbury London Auckland, NZ London Chorley/Wigan UK Los Angeles USA/Canada Manchester Guildford London London Detroit UK Liverpool UK New York Liverpool UK Manchester Jamestown, New York Nottingham London Dublin Sheffield USA Salford Los Angeles London Dublin Birmingham London London UK Los Angeles Swindon Kingston-upon-Thames UK

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UK Number One Singles (The following is a list of every No. 1 record from the inception of the charts until the beginning of October 2013) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Artist Al Martino Jo Stafford Kay Starr Eddie Fisher Perry Como Guy Mitchell Stargazers Lita Roza Frankie Laine Eddie Fisher Mantovani Guy Mitchell Frankie Laine David Whitfield Frankie Laine Eddie Calvert Stargazers Doris Day Johnnie Ray David Whitfield Kitty Kallen Frank Sinatra Don Cornell Vera Lynn Rosemary Clooney Winifred Atwell Dickie Valentine Rosemary Clooney Ruby Murray Tennessee Ernie Ford Perez ‘Prez’ Prado & His Orchestra Tony Bennett Eddie Calvert Jimmy Young Alma Cogan Slim Whitman Jimmy Young Johnston Brothers Bill Haley & His Comets Dickie Valentine Tennessee Ernie Ford Dean Martin Dream Weavers Kay Starr Winifred Atwell Ronnie Hilton Pat Boone Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers Doris Day Anne Shelton Frankie Laine Johnnie Ray Guy Mitchell Tommy Steele Frankie Vaughan Tab Hunter Lonnie Donegan Guy Mitchell Andy Williams Johnnie Ray Lonnie Donegan Elvis Presley Paul Anka The Crickets Harry Belafonte Jerry Lee Lewis Elvis Presley Michael Holliday Perry Como Marvin Rainwater Connie Francis Vic Damone Everly Brothers

Song Here In My Heart You Belong To Me Comes A-Long A-Love Outside Of Heaven Don’t Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes She Wears Red Feathers Broken Wings (How Much Is) That Doggie In The Window I Believe I’m Walking Behind You Song from ‘The Moulin Rouge’ Look At That Girl Hey Joe Answer Me Answer Me Oh Mein Papa I See The Moon Secret Love Such A Night Cara Mia Little Things Mean A Lot Three Coins In The Fountain Hold My Hand My Son My Son This Ole House Let’s Have Another Party Finger Of Suspicion Mambo Italiano Softly, Softly Give Me Your Word Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White Stranger In Paradise Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White Unchained Melody Dreamboat Rose Marie The Man From Laramie Hernando’s Hideaway Rock Around The Clock Christmas Alphabet Sixteen Tons Memories Are Made Of This It’s Almost Tomorrow Rock And Roll Waltz Poor People Of Paris No Other Love I’ll Be Home Why Do Fools Fall in Love Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera, Sera) Lay Down Your Arms A Woman In Love Just Walking In The Rain Singing The Blues Singing The Blues The Garden Of Eden Young Love Cumberland Gap Rock-A-Billy Butterfly Yes Tonight Josephine Puttin’ On The Style / Gamblin’ Man All Shook Up Diana That’ll Be The Day Mary’s Boy Child Great Balls Of Fire Jailhouse Rock The Story Of My Life Magic Moments Whole Lotta Woman Who’s Sorry Now On The Street Where You Live All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette


Date 14 Nov 1952 16 Jan 1953 23 Jan 1953 30 Jan 1953 6 Feb 1953 13 Mar 1953 10 Apr 1953 17 Apr 1953 24 Apr 1953 26 June 1953 14 Aug 1953 11 Sept 1953 23 Oct 1953 6 Nov 1953 13 Nov 1953 8 Jan 1954 12 Mar 1954 16 Apr 1954 30 Apr 1954 2 July 1954 10 Sept 1954 17 Sept 1954 8 Oct 1954 5 Nov 1954 26 Nov 1954 3 Dec 1954 7 Jan 1955 14 Jan 1955 18 Feb 1955 11 Mar 1955 29 Apr 1955 13 May 1955 27 May 1955 24 June 1955 15 July 1955 29 July 1955 14 Oct 1955 11 Nov 1955 25 Nov 1955 16 Dec 1955 20 Jan 1956 17 Feb 1956 16 Mar 1956 30 Mar 1956 13 Apr 1956 4 May 1956 15 June 1956 20 July 1956 10 Aug 1956 21 Sept 1956 19 Oct 1956 16 Nov 1956 4 Jan 1957 11 Jan 1957 25 Jan 1957 22 Feb 1957 12 Apr 1957 17 May 1957 24 May 1957 7 June 1957 28 June 1957 12 July 1957 30 Aug 1957 1 Nov 1957 22 Nov 1957 10 Jan 1958 24 Jan 1958 14 Feb 1958 28 Feb 1958 25 Apr 1958 16 May 1958 27 June 1958 4 July 1958

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74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153

Artist Kalin Twins Connie Francis Tommy Edwards Lord Rockingham’s XI Conway Twitty Jane Morgan Elvis Presley Shirley Bassey The Platters Russ Conway Buddy Holly Elvis Presley Russ Conway Bobby Darin Cliff Richard Craig Douglas Jerry Keller Bobby Darin Cliff Richard Adam Faith Emile Ford & The Checkmates Michael Holliday Anthony Newley Adam Faith Johnny Preston Lonnie Donegan Anthony Newley Everly Brothers Eddie Cochran Jimmy Jones Cliff Richard Johnny Kidd & The Pirates Shadows Ricky Valance Roy Orbison Elvis Presley Cliff Richard Johnny Tillotson Elvis Presley Petula Clark Everly Brothers Elvis Presley The Marcels Floyd Cramer The Temperance Seven Elvis Presley Del Shannon Everly Brothers Eden Kane Helen Shapiro John Leyton Shirley Bassey Shadows The Highwaymen Helen Shapiro Elvis Presley Frankie Vaughan Danny Williams Cliff Richard Elvis Presley Shadows B Bumble & The Stingers Elvis Presley Mike Sarne with Wendy Richard Ray Charles Frank Ifield Elvis Presley Tornados Frank Ifield Elvis Presley Cliff Richard Shadows Jet Harris & Tony Meehan Frank Ifield Cliff Richard Shadows Gerry & The Pacemakers Beatles Gerry & The Pacemakers Frank Ifield

Song When Carolina Moon / Stupid Cupid All In The Game Hoots Mon It’s Only Make Believe The Day The Rains Came I Got Stung / One Night As I Love You Smoke Gets In Your Eyes Side Saddle It Doesn’t Matter Anymore A Fool Such As I / I Need Your Love Tonight Roulette Dream Lover Living Doll Only Sixteen Here Comes Summer Mack The Knife Travellin’ Light What Do You Want What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For Starry Eyed Why Poor Me Running Bear My Old Man’s A Dustman Do You Mind Cathy’s Clown Three Steps To Heaven Good Timin’ Please Don’t Tease Shakin’ All Over Apache Tell Laura I Love Her Only The Lonely It’s Now Or Never I Love You Poetry In Motion Are You Lonesome Tonight Sailor Walk Right Back / Ebony Eyes Wooden Heart Blue Moon On The Rebound You’re Driving Me Crazy Surrender Runaway Temptation Well I Ask You You Don’t Know Johnny Remember Me Reach For The Stars / Climb Ev’ry Mountain Kon Tiki Michael Walkin’ Back To Happiness His Latest Flame Tower Of Strength Moon River The Young Ones Can’t Help Falling In Love / Rock-A-Hula Baby Wonderful Land Nut Rocker Good Luck Charm Come Outside I Can’t Stop Loving You I Remember You She’s Not You Telstar Lovesick Blues Return To Sender The Next Time / Bachelor Boy Dance On Diamonds Wayward Wind Summer Holiday Foot Tapper How Do You Do It? From Me To You I Like It Confessin’ (That I Love You)


Date 22 Aug 1958 26 Sept 1958 7 Nov 1958 28 Nov 1958 19 Dec 1958 23 Jan 1959 30 Jan 1959 20 Feb 1959 20 Mar 1959 27 Mar 1959 24 Apr 1959 15 May 1959 19 June 1959 3 July 1959 31 July 1959 11 Sept 1959 9 Oct 1959 16 Oct 1959 30 Oct 1959 4 Dec 1959 18 Dec 1959 29 Jan 1960 5 Feb 1960 10 Mar 1960 17 Mar 1960 31 Mar 1960 28 Apr 1960 5 May 1960 23 June 1960 7 July 1960 28 July 1960 4 Aug 1960 25 Aug 1960 29 Sept 1960 20 Oct 1960 3 Nov 1960 29 Dec 1960 12 Jan 1961 26 Jan 1961 23 Feb 1961 2 Mar 1961 23 Mar 1961 4 May 1961 18 May 1961 25 May 1961 1 June 1961 29 June 1961 20 July 1961 3 Aug 1961 10 Aug 1961 31 Aug 1961 21 Sept 1961 5 Oct 1961 12 Oct 1961 19 Oct 1961 9 Nov 1961 7 Dec 1961 28 Dec 1961 11 Jan 1962 22 Feb 1962 22 Mar 1962 17 May 1962 24 May 1962 28 June 1962 12 July 1962 26 July 1962 13 Sept 1962 4 Oct 1962 8 Nov 1962 13 Dec 1962 3 Jan 1963 24 Jan 1963 31 Jan 1963 21 Feb 1963 14 Mar 1963 29 Mar 1963 11 Apr 1963 2 May 1963 20 June 1963 18 July 1963

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154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233

Artist Elvis Presley Searchers Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas Beatles Brian Poole & The Tremeloes Gerry & The Pacemakers Beatles Dave Clark Five Searchers Bachelors Cilla Black Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas Beatles Peter & Gordon Searchers Four Pennies Cilla Black Roy Orbison Animals Rolling Stones Beatles Manfred Mann Honeycombs Kinks Herman’s Hermits Roy Orbison Sandie Shaw Supremes Rolling Stones Beatles Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames Moody Blues Righteous Brothers Kinks Seekers Tom Jones Rolling Stones Unit Four Plus Two Cliff Richard Beatles Roger Miller Jackie Trent Sandie Shaw Elvis Presley Hollies Byrds Beatles Sonny & Cher Rolling Stones Walker Brothers Ken Dodd Rolling Stones Seekers Beatles Spencer Davis Group Overlanders Nancy Sinatra Walker Brothers Spencer Davis Group Dusty Springfield Manfred Mann Rolling Stones Frank Sinatra Beatles Kinks Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames Chris Farlowe Troggs Beatles Small Faces Jim Reeves Four Tops Beach Boys Tom Jones Monkees Petula Clark Engelbert Humperdinck Frank Sinatra & Nancy Sinatra Sandie Shaw Tremeloes

Song (You’re The) Devil In Disguise Sweets For My Sweet Bad To Me She Loves You Do You Love Me You’ll Never Walk Alone I Want To Hold Your Hand Glad All Over Needles And Pins Diane Anyone Who Had A Heart Little Children Can’t Buy Me Love A World Without Love Don’t Throw Your Love Away Juliet You’re My World It’s Over The House Of The Rising Sun It’s All Over Now A Hard Day’s Night Do Wah Diddy Diddy Have I The Right You Really Got Me I’m Into Something Good Oh Pretty Woman (There’s) Always Something There To Remind Me Baby Love Little Red Rooster I Feel Fine Yeah Yeah Go Now! You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling Tired Of Waiting For You I’ll Never Find Another You It’s Not Unusual The Last Time Concrete And Clay The Minute You’re Gone Ticket To Ride King Of The Road Where Are You Now (My Love) Long Live Love Crying In The Chapel I’m Alive Mr Tambourine Man Help! I Got You Babe (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction Make It Easy On Yourself Tears Get Off Of My Cloud The Carnival Is Over Day Tripper / We Can Work It Out Keep On Running Michelle These Boots Are Made For Walking The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore Somebody Help Me You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me Pretty Flamingo Paint It Black Strangers In The Night Paperback Writer Sunny Afternoon Getaway Out Of Time With A Girl Like You Yellow Submarine / Eleanor Rigby All Or Nothing Distant Drums Reach Out I’ll Be There Good Vibrations Green Green Grass Of Home I’m A Believer This Is My Song Release Me Somethin’ Stupid Puppet On A String Silence Is Golden


Date 1 Aug 1963 8 Aug 1963 22 Aug 1963 12 Sept 1963 10 Oct 1963 31 Oct 1963 12 Dec 1963 16 Jan 1964 30 Jan 1964 20 Feb 1964 27 Feb 1964 19 Mar 1964 2 Apr 1964 23 Apr 1964 7 May 1964 21 May 1964 28 May 1964 25 June 1964 9 July 1964 16 July 1964 23 July 1964 13 Aug 1964 27 Aug 1964 10 Sept 1964 24 Sept 1964 8 Oct 1964 22 Oct 1964 19 Nov 1964 3 Dec 1964 10 Dec 1964 14 Jan 1965 28 Jan 1965 4 Feb 1965 18 Feb 1965 25 Feb 1965 11 Mar 1965 18 Mar 1965 8 Apr 1965 15 Apr 1965 22 Apr 1965 13 May 1965 20 May 1965 27 May 1965 17 June 1965 24 June 1965 22 July 1965 5 Aug 1965 26 Aug 1965 9 Sept 1965 23 Sept 1965 30 Sept 1965 4 Nov 1965 25 Nov 1965 16 Dec 1965 20 Jan 1966 27 Jan 1966 17 Feb 1966 17 Mar 1966 14 Apr 1966 28 Apr 1966 5 May 1966 26 May 1966 2 June 1966 23 June 1966 7 July 1966 21 July 1966 28 July 1966 4 Aug 1966 18 Aug 1966 15 Sept 1966 22 Sept 1966 27 Oct 1966 17 Nov 1966 1 Dec 1966 19 Jan 1967 16 Feb 1967 2 Mar 1967 13 Apr 1967 27 Apr 1967 18 May 1967

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234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311

Artist Procol Harum Beatles Scott McKenzie

Song A Whiter Shade Of Pale All You Need Is Love San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair) Engelbert Humperdinck The Last Waltz Bee Gees Massachusetts Foundations Baby Now That I’ve Found You Long John Baldry Let The Heartaches Begin Beatles Hello Goodbye Georgie Fame The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde Love Affair Everlasting Love Manfred Mann The Mighty Quinn Esther & Abi Ofarim Cinderella Rockefella Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich Legend Of Xanadu Beatles Lady Madonna Cliff Richard Congratulations Louis Armstrong What A Wonderful World / Cabaret Union Gap featuring Gary Puckett Young Girl Rolling Stones Jumpin’ Jack Flash Equals Baby Come Back Des O’Connor I Pretend Tommy James & The Shondells Mony Mony Crazy World of Arthur Brown Fire Beach Boys Do It Again Bee Gees I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You Beatles Hey Jude Mary Hopkin Those Were The Days Joe Cocker With A Little Help From My Friends Hugo Montenegro Orchestra The Good The Bad And The Ugly Scaffold Lily The Pink Marmalade Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da Fleetwood Mac Albatross Move Blackberry Way Amen Corner (If Paradise Is) Half As Nice Peter Sarstedt Where Do You Go To My Lovely? Marvin Gaye I Heard It Through The Grapevine Desmond Dekker & The Aces Israelites Beatles Get Back Tommy Roe Dizzy Beatles The Ballad Of John And Yoko Thunderclap Newman Something In The Air Rolling Stones Honky Tonk Women Zager & Evans In The Year 2525 (Exordium And Terminus) Creedence Clearwater Revival Bad Moon Rising Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg Je T’Aime ... Moi Non Plus Bobbie Gentry I’ll Never Fall In Love Again Archies Sugar Sugar Rolf Harris Two Little Boys Edison Lighthouse Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) Lee Marvin Wand’rin’ Star Simon & Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water Dana All Kinds Of Everything Norman Greenbaum Spirit In The Sky England World Cup Squad Back Home Christie Yellow River Mungo Jerry In The Summertime Elvis Presley The Wonder Of You Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Tears Of A Clown Freda Payne Band Of Gold Matthews Southern Comfort Woodstock Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Chile Dave Edmunds I Hear You Knocking Clive Dunn Grandad George Harrison My Sweet Lord Mungo Jerry Baby Jump T Rex Hot Love Dave & Ansil Collins Double Barrel Dawn Knock Three Times Middle Of The Road Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep T Rex Get It On Diana Ross I’m Still Waiting Tams Hey Girl Don’t Bother Me Rod Stewart Maggie May Slade Coz I Luv You Benny Hill Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In The West) New Seekers I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony) T Rex Telegram Sam Chicory Tip Son Of My Father Nilsson Without You


Date 8 June 1967 19 July 1967 9 Aug 1967 6 Sept 1967 11 Oct 1967 8 Nov 1967 22 Nov 1967 6 Dec 1967 24 Jan 1968 31 Jan 1968 14 Feb 1968 28 Feb 1968 20 Mar 1968 27 Mar 1968 10 Apr 1968 24 Apr 1968 22 May 1968 19 June 1968 3 July 1968 24 July 1968 31 July 1968 14 Aug 1968 28 Aug 1968 4 Sept 1968 11 Sept 1968 25 Sept 1968 6 Nov 1968 13 Nov 1968 11 Dec 1968 1 Jan 1969 29 Jan 1969 5 Feb 1969 12 Feb 1969 26 Feb 1969 26 Mar 1969 16 Apr 1969 23 Apr 1969 4 June 1969 11 June 1969 2 July 1969 23 July 1969 30 Aug 1969 20 Sept 1969 11 Oct 1969 18 Oct 1969 25 Oct 1969 20 Dec 1969 31 Jan 1970 7 Mar 1970 28 Mar 1970 18 Apr 1970 2 May 1970 16 May 1970 6 June 1970 13 June 1970 1 Aug 1970 12 Sept 1970 19 Sept 1970 31 Oct 1970 21 Nov 1970 28 Nov 1970 9 Jan 1971 30 Jan 1971 6 Mar 1971 20 Mar 1971 1 May 1971 15 May 1971 19 June 1971 24 July 1971 21 Aug 1971 18 Sept 1971 9 Oct 1971 13 Nov 1971 11 Dec 1971 8 Jan 1972 5 Feb 1972 19 Feb 1972 11 Mar 1972

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312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390

Artist The Pipes & Drums & Military Band of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards T Rex Don McLean Slade Donny Osmond Alice Cooper Rod Stewart Slade David Cassidy Lieutenant Pigeon Gilbert O’Sullivan Chuck Berry Little Jimmy Osmond Sweet Slade Donny Osmond Gilbert O’Sullivan Dawn featuring Tony Orlando Wizzard Suzi Quatro 10CC Slade Peters & Lee Gary Glitter Donny Osmond Wizzard Simon Park Orchestra David Cassidy Gary Glitter Slade New Seekers Mud Suzi Quatro Alvin Stardust Paper Lace Terry Jacks Abba Rubettes Ray Stevens Gary Glitter Charles Aznavour George McCrae Three Degrees Osmonds Carl Douglas John Denver Sweet Sensation Ken Boothe David Essex Barry White Mud Status Quo Tymes Pilot Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel Telly Savalas Bay City Rollers Mud Tammy Wynette Windsor Davies & Don Estelle 10CC Johnny Nash Bay City Rollers Typically Tropical Stylistics Rod Stewart David Essex Art Garfunkel David Bowie Billy Connolly Queen Abba Slik Four Seasons Tina Charles Brotherhood Of Man Abba J J Barrie Wurzels

Song Amazing Grace

Date 15 Apr 1972

Metal Guru Vincent Take Me Bak ’Ome Puppy Love School’s Out You Wear It Well Mama Weer All Crazee Now How Can I Be Sure Mouldy Old Dough Clair My Ding-A-Ling Long Haired Lover From Liverpool Blockbuster Cum On Feel The Noize The Twelfth Of Never Get Down Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree See My Baby Jive Can The Can Rubber Bullets Skweeze Me Pleeze Me Welcome Home I’m The Leader Of The Gang (I Am) Young Love Angel Fingers Eye Level Daydreamer / The Puppy Song I Love You Love Me Love Merry Xmas Everybody You Won’t Find Another Fool Like Me Tiger Feet Devil Gate Drive Jealous Mind Billy Don’t Be A Hero Seasons In The Sun Waterloo Sugar Baby Love The Streak Always Yours She Rock Your Baby When Will I See You Again Love Me For A Reason Kung Fu Fighting Annie’s Song Sad Sweet Dreamer Everything I Own Gonna Make You A Star You’re The First, The Last, My Everything Lonely This Christmas Down Down Ms Grace January Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) If Bye Bye Baby Oh Boy Stand By Your Man Whispering Grass I’m Not In Love Tears On My Pillow Give A Little Love Barbados Can’t Give You Anything (But My Love) Sailing Hold Me Close I Only Have Eyes For You Space Oddity D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Bohemian Rhapsody Mamma Mia Forever And Ever December ’63 (Oh, What A Night) I Love To Love (But My Baby Loves To Dance) Save Your Kisses For Me Fernando No Charge Combine Harvester (Brand New Key)

20 May 1972 17 June 1972 1 July 1972 8 July 1972 12 Aug 1972 2 Sept 1972 9 Sept 1972 30 Sept 1972 14 Oct 1972 11 Nov 1972 25 Nov 1972 23 Dec 1972 27 Jan 1973 3 Mar 1973 31 Mar 1973 7 Apr 1973 21 Apr 1973 19 May 1973 16 June 1973 23 June 1973 30 June 1973 21 July 1973 28 July 1973 25 Aug 1973 22 Sept 1973 29 Sept 1973 27 Oct 1973 17 Nov 1973 15 Dec 1973 19 Jan 1974 26 Jan 1974 23 Feb 1974 9 Mar 1974 16 Mar 1974 6 Apr 1974 4 May 1974 18 May 1974 15 June 1974 22 June 1974 29 June 1974 27 July 1974 17 Aug 1974 31 Aug 1974 21 Sept 1974 12 Oct 1974 19 Oct 1974 26 Oct 1974 16 Nov 1974 7 Dec 1974 21 Dec 1974 18 Jan 1975 25 Jan 1975 1 Feb 1975 22 Feb 1975 8 Mar 1975 22 Mar 1975 3 May 1975 17 May 1975 7 June 1975 28 June 1975 12 July 1975 19 July 1975 9 Aug 1975 16 Aug 1975 6 Sept 1975 4 Oct 1975 25 Oct 1975 8 Nov 1975 22 Nov 1975 29 Nov 1975 31 Jan 1976 14 Feb 1976 21 Feb 1976 6 Mar 1976 27 Mar 1976 8 May 1976 5 June 1976 12 June 1976


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391 392

Artist Real Thing Demis Roussos

393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405

Elton John & Kiki Dee Abba Pussycat Chicago Showaddywaddy Johnny Mathis David Soul Julie Covington Leo Sayer Manhattan Transfer Abba Deniece Williams Rod Stewart

406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450

Kenny Rogers Jacksons Hot Chocolate Donna Summer Brotherhood Of Man Floaters Elvis Presley David Soul Baccara Abba Wings Althia & Donna Brotherhood Of Man Abba Kate Bush Brian & Michael Bee Gees Boney M John Travolta & Olivia Newton John Commodores 10CC John Travolta & Olivia Newton John Boomtown Rats Rod Stewart Boney M Village People Ian Dury & The Blockheads Blondie Bee Gees Gloria Gaynor Art Garfunkel Blondie Anita Ward Tubeway Army Boomtown Rats Cliff Richard Gary Numan Police Buggles Lena Martell Dr Hook Police Pink Floyd Pretenders Specials

451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461

Kenny Rogers Blondie Fern Kinney Jam Detroit Spinners Blondie Dexy’s Midnight Runners Johnny Logan MASH Don McLean Olivia Newton John & Electric Light Orchestra Odyssey Abba David Bowie Jam Kelly Marie

462 463 464 465 466

Song You To Me Are Everything The Roussos Phenomenon EP (main track: Forever And Ever) Don’t Go Breaking My Heart Dancing Queen Mississippi If You Leave Me Now Under The Moon Of Love When A Child Is Born (Soleado) Don’t Give Up On Us Don’t Cry For Me Argentina When I Need You Chanson D’Amour Knowing Me Knowing You Free I Don’t Want To Talk About It / First Cut Is The Deepest Lucille Show You The Way To Go So You Win Again I Feel Love Angelo Float On Way Down Silver Lady Yes Sir I Can Boogie The Name Of The Game Mull Of Kintyre / Girls’ School Up Town Top Ranking Figaro Take A Chance On Me Wuthering Heights Matchstalk Men And Matchstalk Cats And Dogs Night Fever Rivers Of Babylon / Brown Girl In The Ring You’re The One That I Want Three Times A Lady Dreadlock Holiday Summer Nights Rat Trap Da Ya Think I’m Sexy Mary’s Boy Child / Oh My Lord Y.M.C.A. Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick Heart Of Glass Tragedy I Will Survive Bright Eyes Sunday Girl Ring My Bell Are ‘Friends’ Electric I Don’t Like Mondays We Don’t Talk Anymore Cars Message In A Bottle Video Killed The Radio Star One Day At A Time When You’re In Love With A Beautiful Woman Walking On The Moon Another Brick In The Wall Brass In Pocket The Special AKA Live EP (main track: Too Much Too Young) Coward Of The County Atomic Together We Are Beautiful Going Underground / Dreams Of Children Working My Way Back To You / Forgive Me Girl Call Me Geno What’s Another Year Suicide Is Painless (Theme from M*A*S*H) Crying Xanadu Use It Up And Wear It Out The Winner Takes It All Ashes To Ashes Start Feels Like I’m In Love


Date 26 June 1976 17 July 1976 24 July 1976 4 Sept 1976 16 Oct 1976 13 Nov 1976 4 Dec 1976 25 Dec 1976 15 Jan 1977 12 Feb 1977 19 Feb 1977 12 Mar 1977 2 Apr 1977 7 May 1977 21 May 1977 18 June 1977 25 June 1977 2 July 1977 23 July 1977 20 Aug 1977 27 Aug 1977 3 Sept 1977 8 Oct 1977 29 Oct 1977 5 Nov 1977 3 Dec 1977 4 Feb 1978 11 Feb 1978 18 Feb 1978 11 Mar 1978 8 Apr 1978 29 Apr 1978 13 May 1978 17 June 1978 19 Aug 1978 23 Sept 1978 30 Sept 1978 18 Nov 1978 2 Dec 1978 9 Dec 1978 6 Jan 1979 27 Jan 1979 3 Feb 1979 3 Mar 1979 17 Mar 1979 14 Apr 1979 26 May 1979 16 June 1979 30 June 1979 28 July 1979 25 Aug 1979 22 Sept 1979 29 Sept 1979 20 Oct 1979 27 Oct 1979 17 Nov 1979 8 Dec 1979 15 Dec 1979 19 Jan 1980 2 Feb 1980 16 Feb 1980 1 Mar 1980 15 Mar 1980 22 Mar 1980 12 Apr 1980 26 Apr 1980 3 May 1980 17 May 1980 31 May 1980 21 June 1980 12 July 1980 26 July 1980 9 Aug 1980 23 Aug 1980 6 Sept 1980 13 Sept 1980

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Artist 467 Police 468 Barbra Streisand 469 Blondie 470 Abba 471 John Lennon 472 St Winifred’s School Choir 473 John Lennon 474 John Lennon 475 Joe Dolce Music Theatre 476 Roxy Music 477 Shakin’ Stevens 478 Bucks Fizz 479 Adam & The Ants 480 Smokey Robinson 481 Michael Jackson 482 Specials 483 Shakin’ Stevens 484 Aneka 485 Soft Cell 486 Adam & The Ants 487 Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin 488 Police 489 Queen & David Bowie 490 Julio Iglesias 491 Human League 492 Bucks Fizz 493 Shakin’ Stevens 494 Kraftwerk 495 Jam 496 Tight Fit 497 Goombay Dance Band 498 Bucks Fizz 499 Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder 500 Nicole 501 Madness 502 Adam Ant 503 Charlene 504 Captain Sensible 505 Irene Cara 506 Dexy’s Midnight Runners 507 Survivor 508 Musical Youth 509 Culture Club 510 Eddy Grant 511 Jam 512 Renee & Renato 513 Phil Collins 514 Men At Work 515 Kajagoogoo 516 Michael Jackson 517 Bonnie Tyler 518 Duran Duran 519 David Bowie 520 Spandau Ballet 521 New Edition 522 Police 523 Rod Stewart 524 Paul Young 525 K C & The Sunshine Band 526 UB40 527 Culture Club 528 Billy Joel 529 Flying Pickets 530 Paul McCartney 531 Frankie Goes To Hollywood 532 Nena 533 Lionel Richie 534 Duran Duran 535 Wham! 536 Frankie Goes To Hollywood 537 George Michael 538 Stevie Wonder 539 Wham! 540 Chaka Khan 541 Jim Diamond 542 Frankie Goes To Hollywood 543 Band Aid** 544 Foreigner 545 Elaine Paige & Barbara Dickson 546 Dead Or Alive

Song Don’t Stand So Close To Me Woman In Love The Tide Is High Super Trouper (Just Like) Starting Over There’s No One Quite Like Grandma Imagine Woman Shaddap You Face Jealous Guy This Ole House Making Your Mind Up Stand And Deliver Being With You One Day In Your Life Ghost Town Green Door Japanese Boy Tainted Love Prince Charming It’s My Party Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Under Pressure Begin The Beguine (Volver A Empezar) Don’t You Want Me Land Of Make Believe Oh Julie The Model / Computer Love Town Called Malice / Precious The Lion Sleeps Tonight Seven Tears My Camera Never Lies Ebony And Ivory A Little Peace House Of Fun Goody Two Shoes I’ve Never Been To Me Happy Talk Fame Come On Eileen Eye Of The Tiger Pass The Dutchie Do You Really Want To Hurt Me I Don’t Wanna Dance Beat Surrender Save Your Love You Can’t Hurry Love Down Under Too Shy Billie Jean Total Eclipse Of The Heart Is There Something I Should Know Let’s Dance True Candy Girl Every Breath You Take Baby Jane Wherever I Lay My Hat Give It Up Red Red Wine Karma Chameleon Uptown Girl Only You Pipes Of Peace Relax 99 Red Balloons Hello The Reflex Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go Two Tribes Careless Whisper I Just Called To Say I Love You Freedom I Feel For You I Should Have Known Better The Power Of Love Do They Know It’s Christmas I Want To Know What Love Is I Know Him So Well You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)


Date 27 Sept 1980 25 Oct 1980 15 Nov 1980 29 Nov 1980 20 Dec 1980 27 Dec 1980 10 Jan 1981 7 Feb 1981 21 Feb 1981 14 Mar 1981 28 Mar 1981 18 Apr 1981 9 May 1981 13 June 1981 27 June 1981 11 July 1981 1 Aug 1981 29 Aug 1981 5 Sept 1981 19 Sept 1981 17 Oct 1981 14 Nov 1981 21 Nov 1981 5 Dec 1981 12 Dec 1981 16 Jan 1982 30 Jan 1982 6 Feb 1982 13 Feb 1982 6 Mar 1982 27 Mar 1982 17 Apr 1982 24 Apr 1982 15 May 1982 29 May 1982 12 June 1982 26 June 1982 3 July 1982 17 July 1982 7 Aug 1982 4 Sept 1982 2 Oct 1982 23 Oct 1982 13 Nov 1982 4 Dec 1982 18 Dec 1982 15 Jan 1983 29 Jan 1983 19 Feb 1983 5 Mar 1983 12 Mar 1983 26 Mar 1983 9 Apr 1983 30 Apr 1983 28 May 1983 4 June 1983 2 July 1983 23 July 1983 13 Aug 1983 3 Sept 1983 24 Sept 1983 5 Nov 1983 10 Dec 1983 14 Jan 1984 28 Jan 1984 3 Mar 1984 24 Mar 1984 5 May 1984 2 June 1984 16 June 1984 18 Aug 1984 8 Sept 1984 20 Oct 1984 10 Nov 1984 1 Dec 1984 8 Dec 1984 15 Dec 1984 19 Jan 1985 9 Feb 1985 9 Mar 1985

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Artist 547 Philip Bailey & Phil Collins 548 USA For Africa 549 Phyllis Nelson 550 Paul Hardcastle 551 Crowd 552 Sister Sledge 553 Eurythmics 554 Madonna 555 UB40 & Chrissie Hynde 556 David Bowie & Mick Jagger 557 Midge Ure 558 Jennifer Rush 559 Feargal Sharkey 560 Wham! 561 Whitney Houston 562 Shakin’ Stevens 563 Pet Shop Boys 564 A-Ha 565 Billy Ocean 566 Diana Ross 567 Cliff Richard & The Young Ones 568 George Michael 569 Falco 570 Spitting Image 571 Doctor & The Medics 572 Wham! 573 Madonna 574 Chris De Burgh 575 Boris Gardiner 576 Communards 577 Madonna 578 Nick Berry 579 Berlin 580 Europe 581 Housemartins 582 Jackie Wilson 583 Steve ‘Silk’ Hurley 584 George Michael & Aretha Franklin 585 Ben E King 586 Boy George 587 Mel & Kim 588 Ferry Aid 589 Madonna 590 Starship 591 Whitney Houston 592 The Firm 593 Pet Shop Boys 594 Madonna 595 Los Lobos 596 Michael Jackson 597 Rick Astley 598 M/A/R/R/S 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624

Bee Gees T’Pau Pet Shop Boys Belinda Carlisle Tiffany Kylie Minogue Aswad Pet Shop Boys S’Express Fairground Attraction Wet Wet Wet / Billy Bragg with Cara Tivey Timelords Bros Glenn Medeiros Yazz & The Plastic Population Phil Collins Hollies U2 Whitney Houston Enya Robin Beck Cliff Richard Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan Marc Almond with Gene Pitney Simple Minds Jason Donovan

Song Easy Lover We Are The World Move Closer 19 You’ll Never Walk Alone Frankie There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart) Into The Groove I Got You Babe Dancing in the Street If I Was The Power Of Love A Good Heart I’m Your Man Saving All My Love For You Merry Christmas Everyone West End Girls The Sun Always Shines On TV When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going Chain Reaction Living Doll A Different Corner Rock Me Amadeus The Chicken Song Spirit In The Sky The Edge Of Heaven Papa Don’t Preach The Lady In Red I Want To Wake Up With You Don’t Leave Me This Way True Blue Every Loser Wins Take My Breath Away The Final Countdown Caravan Of Love Reet Petite Jack Your Body I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) Stand By Me Everything I Own Respectable Let It Be La Isla Bonita Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) Star Trekkin’ It’s A Sin Who’s That Girl La Bamba I Just Can’t Stop Loving You Never Gonna Give You Up Pump Up The Volume / Anitina (The First Time I See She Dance) You Win Again China In Your Hand Always On My Mind Heaven Is A Place On Earth I Think We’re Alone Now I Should Be So Lucky Don’t Turn Around Heart Theme from S’Express Perfect With A Little Help From My Friends / She’s Leaving Home Doctorin’ The Tardis I Owe You Nothing Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You The Only Way Is Up A Groovy Kind Of Love He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother Desire One Moment In Time Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) The First Time Mistletoe & Wine Especially For You Something’s Gotten Hold Of My Heart Belfast Child Too Many Broken Hearts


Date 23 Mar 1985 20 Apr 1985 4 May 1985 11 May 1985 15 June 1985 29 June 1985 27 July 1985 3 Aug 1985 31 Aug 1985 7 Sept 1985 5 Oct 1985 12 Oct 1985 16 Nov 1985 30 Nov 1985 14 Dec 1985 28 Dec 1985 11 Jan 1986 25 Jan 1986 8 Feb 1986 8 Mar 1986 29 Mar 1986 19 Apr 1986 10 May 1986 17 May 1986 7 June 1986 28 June 1986 12 July 1986 2 Aug 1986 23 Aug 1986 13 Sept 1986 11 Oct 1986 18 Oct 1986 8 Nov 1986 6 Dec 1986 20 Dec 1986 27 Dec 1986 24 Jan 1987 7 Feb 1987 21 Feb 1987 14 Mar 1987 28 Mar 1987 4 Apr 1987 25 Apr 1987 9 May 1987 6 June 1987 20 June 1987 4 July 1987 25 July 1987 1 Aug 1987 15 Aug 1987 29 Aug 1987 3 Oct 1987 17 Oct 1987 14 Nov 1987 19 Dec 1987 16 Jan 1988 30 Jan 1988 20 Feb 1988 26 Mar 1988 9 Apr 1988 30 Apr 1988 14 May 1988 21 May 1988 18 June 1988 25 June 1988 9 July 1988 6 Aug 1988 10 Sept 1988 24 Sept 1988 8 Oct 1988 15 Oct 1988 29 Oct 1988 19 Nov 1988 10 Dec 1988 7 Jan 1989 28 Jan 1989 25 Feb 1989 11 Mar 1989

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625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672

Artist Madonna Bangles Kylie Minogue Gerry Marsden, Paul McCartney, Holly Johnson & The Christians Jason Donovan Soul II Soul (ft Caron Wheeler) Sonia Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers Black Box Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers Lisa Stansfield New Kids On The Block Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers Band Aid II** New Kids On The Block Kylie Minogue Sinead O’Connor Beats International Snap Madonna Adamski EnglandNewOrder Elton John Partners In Kryme Bombalurina Steve Miller Band Maria McKee Beautiful South Righteous Brothers Vanilla Ice Cliff Richard Iron Maiden Enigma Queen KLF Simpsons Clash Hale & Pace Chesney Hawkes Cher Color Me Badd Jason Donovan Bryan Adams U2 Vic Reeves & The Wonder Stuff Michael Jackson George Michael & Elton John Queen

673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688

Wet Wet Wet Shakespears Sister Right Said Fred KWS Erasure Jimmy Nail Snap Shamen Tasmin Archer Boyz II Men Charles & Eddie Whitney Houston 2 Unlimited Shaggy Bluebells George Michael & Queen with Lisa Stansfield 689 Ace Of Base 690 UB40 691 Gabrielle 692 Take That 693 Freddie Mercury 694 Culture Beat 695 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (Will Smith) 696 Take That (ft Lulu) 697 Meat Loaf 698 699

Mr Blobby Take That

Song Like A Prayer Eternal Flame Hand On Your Heart Ferry ’Cross The Mersey

Date 25 Mar 1989 15 Apr 1989 13 May 1989 20 May 1989

Sealed With A Kiss Back To Life You’ll Never Stop Me Loving You Swing The Mood Ride On Time That’s What I Like All Around The World You Got It (The Right Stuff) Let’s Party Do They Know It’s Christmas Hangin’ Tough Tears On My Pillow Nothing Compares 2 U Dub Be Good To Me The Power Vogue Killer World In Motion Sacrifice / Healing Hands Turtle Power Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini The Joker Show Me Heaven A Little Time Unchained Melody Ice Ice Baby Saviour’s Day Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter Sadness Part 1 Innuendo 3AM Eternal Do The Bartman Should I Stay Or Should I Go The Stonk The One And Only Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss) I Wanna Sex You Up Any Dream Will Do (Everything I Do) I Do It For You The Fly Dizzy Black Or White Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me Bohemian Rhapsody / These Are The Days Of Our Lives Goodnight Girl Stay Deeply Dippy Please Don’t Go / Game Boy Abba-esque EP Ain’t No Doubt Rhythm Is A Dancer Ebeneezer Goode Sleeping Satellite End Of The Road Would I Lie To You I Will Always Love You No Limit Oh Carolina Young At Heart Five Live (EP)

10 June 1989 24 June 1989 22 July 1989 5 Aug 1989 9 Sept 1989 21 Oct 1989 11 Nov 1989 25 Nov 1989 16 Dec 1989 23 Dec 1989 16 Jan 1990 27 Jan 1990 3 Feb 1990 3 Mar 1990 31 Mar 1990 14 Apr 1990 12 May 1990 9 June 1990 23 June 1990 28 July 1990 25 Aug 1990 15 Sept 1990 29 Sept 1990 27 Oct 1990 3 Nov 1990 1 Dec 1990 22 Dec 1990 5 Jan 1991 19 Jan 1991 26 Jan 1991 2 Feb 1991 16 Feb 1991 9 Mar 1991 23 Mar 1991 30 Mar 1991 4 May 1991 8 June 1991 29 June 1991 13 July 1991 2 Nov 1991 9 Nov 1991 23 Nov 1991 7 Dec 1991 21 Dec 1991

All That She Wants (I Can’t Help) Falling In Love With You Dreams Pray Living On My Own Mr Vain Boom! Shake The Room

22 May 1993 12 June 1993 26 June 1993 17 July 1993 14 Aug 1993 28 Aug 1993 25 Sept 1993

Relight My Fire I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That) Mr Blobby Babe

9 Oct 1993 23 Oct 1993


25 Jan 1992 22 Feb 1992 18 Apr 1992 9 May 1992 13 June 1992 18 July 1992 8 Aug 1992 19 Sept 1992 17 Oct 1992 31 Oct 1992 21 Nov 1992 5 Dec 1992 13 Feb 1993 20 Mar 1993 3 Apr 1993 1 May 1993

11 Dec 1993 18 Dec 1993

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700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750

Artist Chaka Demus & Pliers D:Ream Mariah Carey Doop Take That Prince Tony Di Bart Stiltskin Manchester United 1994 Football Squad Wet Wet Wet Whigfield Take That Pato Banton (with Robin & Ali Campbell) Baby D East 17 Rednex Celine Dion Cher, Chrissie Hynde, Neneh Cherry & Eric Clapton Outhere Brothers Take That Oasis Livin’ Joy Robson Green & Jerome Flynn Outhere Brothers Take That Blur Michael Jackson Shaggy Simply Red Coolio featuring LV Robson & Jerome Michael Jackson George Michael Babylon Zoo Oasis Take That Prodigy Mark Morrison George Michael Gina G Baddiel, Skinner & Lightning Seeds Fugees Gary Barlow Spice Girls Peter Andre Fugees Deep Blue Something Chemical Brothers Boyzone Spice Girls Robson & Jerome

751 Prodigy 752 Peter Andre 753 Boyzone 754 Dunblane 755 Spice Girls 756 Tori Amos 757 White Town 758 Blur 759 LL Cool J 760 U2 761 No Doubt 762 Spice Girls 763 Chemical Brothers 764 R Kelly 765 Michael Jackson 766 Gary Barlow 767 Olive 768 Eternal (ft Bebe Winans) 769 Hanson 770 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans 771 Oasis 772 Will Smith 773 Verve 774 Elton John

Song Twist & Shout Things Can Only Get Better Without You Doop Everything Changes The Most Beautiful Girl In The World The Real Thing Inside Come On You Reds

Date 8 Jan 1994 22 Jan 1994 19 Feb 1994 19 Mar 1994 9 Apr 1994 23 Apr 1994 7 May 1994 14 May 1994 21 May 1994

Love Is All Around Saturday Night Sure Baby Come Back

4 June 1994 17 Sept 1994 15 Oct 1994 29 Oct 1994

Let Me Be Your Fantasy Stay Another Day Cotton Eye Joe Think Twice Love Can Build A Bridge

26 Nov 1994 10 Dec 1994 14 Jan 1995 4 Feb 1995 25 Mar 1995

Don’t Stop (Wiggle Wiggle) 1 Apr 1995 Back For Good 8 Apr 1995 Some Might Say 6 May 1995 Dreamer 13 May 1995 Unchained Melody / White Cliffs Of Dover 20 May 1995 Boom Boom Boom 8 July 1995 Never Forget 5 Aug 1995 Country House 26 Aug 1995 You Are Not Alone 9 Sept 1995 Boombastic 23 Sept 1995 Fairground 30 Sept 1995 Gangsta’s Paradise 28 Oct 1995 I Believe / Up On The Roof 11 Nov 1995 Earth Song 9 Dec 1995 Jesus To A Child 20 Jan 1996 Spaceman 27 Jan 1996 Don’t Look Back In Anger 2 Mar 1996 How Deep Is Your Love 9 Mar 1996 Firestarter 30 Mar 1996 Return Of The Mack 20 Apr 1996 Fastlove 4 May 1996 Ooh Aah ... Just A Little Bit 25 May 1996 Three Lions 1 June 1996 Killing Me Softly 8 June 1996 Forever Love 20 July 1996 Wannabe 27 July 1996 Flava 14 Sept 1996 Ready Or Not 21 Sept 1996 Breakfast At Tiffany’s 5 Oct 1996 Setting Sun 12 Oct 1996 Words 19 Oct 1996 Say You’ll Be There 26 Oct 1996 What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted / Saturday 9 Nov 1996 Night At The Movies / You’ll Never Walk Alone Breathe 23 Nov 1996 I Feel You 7 Dec 1996 A Different Beat 14 Dec 1996 Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door / Throw These Guns Away 21 Dec 1996 2 Become 1 28 Dec 1996 Professional Widow (It’s Got To Be Big) 18 Jan 1997 Your Woman 25 Jan 1997 Beetlebum 1 Feb 1997 Ain’t Nobody 8 Feb 1997 Discotheque 15 Feb 1997 Don’t Speak 22 Feb 1997 Mama / Who Do You Think You Are 15 Mar 1997 Block Rockin’ Beats 5 Apr 1997 I Believe I Can Fly 12 Apr 1997 Blood On The Dance Floor 3 May 1997 Love Won’t Wait 10 May 1997 You’re Not Alone 17 May 1997 I Wanna Be The One 31 May 1997 MmmBop 7 June 1997 I’ll Be Missing You 28 June 1997 D’You Know What I Mean 19 July 1997 Men In Black 16 Aug 1997 The Drugs Don’t Work 13 Sept 1997 Candle In The Wind ’97 / Something About The Way 20 Sept 1997 You Look Tonight


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775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854

Artist Spice Girls Aqua Various Artists* Teletubbies Spice Girls All Saints Oasis Usher Aqua Celine Dion Cornershop Madonna Run DMC vs Jason Nevins Boyzone All Saints Aqua Tamperer featuring Maya B*Witched Baddiel, Skinner & Lightning Seeds Billie Another Level Jamiroquai Spice Girls Boyzone Manic Street Preachers All Saints Robbie Williams Melanie B (ft Missy Elliott) B*Witched Billie Spacedust Cher B*Witched Spice Girls Chef Steps Fatboy Slim 911 Offspring Armand van Helden ft Duane Harden Blondie Lenny Kravitz Britney Spears Boyzone B*Witched Mr Oizo Martine McCutcheon Westlife Backstreet Boys Boyzone Shanks & Bigfoot Baz Luhrmann S Club 7 Vengaboys ATB Ricky Martin Ronan Keating Westlife Geri Halliwell Lou Bega Vengaboys Eiffel 65 Christina Aguilera Westlife Five Geri Halliwell Robbie Williams Wamdue Project Cliff Richard Westlife Manic Street Preachers Britney Spears Gabrielle Oasis All Saints Madonna Chicane featuring Bryan Adams Geri Halliwell Melanie C with Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes Westlife

Song Spice Up Your Life Barbie Girl Perfect Day Teletubbies Say Eh-oh! Too Much Never Ever All Around The World You Make Me Wanna ... Doctor Jones My Heart Will Go On Brimful Of Asha Frozen It’s Like That All That I Need Under The Bridge / Lady Marmalade Turn Back Time Feel It C’est La Vie Three Lions ’98 Because We Want To Freak Me Deeper Underground Viva Forever No Matter What If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next Bootie Call Millennium I Want You Back Rollercoaster Girlfriend Gym And Tonic Believe To You I Belong Goodbye Chocolate Salty Balls (PS I Love You) Heartbeat / Tragedy Praise You A Little Bit More Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) You Don’t Know Me Maria Fly Away Baby One More Time When The Going Gets Tough Blame It On The Weatherman Flat Beat Perfect Moment Swear It Again I Want It That Way You Needed Me Sweet Like Chocolate Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) Bring It All Back Boom Boom Boom Boom 9PM (Till I Come) Livin’ La Vida Loca When You Say Nothing At All If I Let You Go Mi Chico Latino Mambo No 5 We’re Going To Ibiza Blue (Da Ba Dee) Genie In A Bottle Flying Without Wings Keep On Movin’ Lift Me Up She’s The One / It’s Only Us King Of My Castle Millennium Prayer I Have A Dream / Seasons In The Sun The Masses Against The Classes Born To Make You Happy Rise Go Let It Out Pure Shores American Pie Don’t Give Up Bag It Up Never Be The Same Again Fool Again


Date 25 Oct 1997 1 Nov 1997 29 Nov 1997 13 Dec 1997 27 Dec 1997 17 Jan 1998 24 Jan 1998 31 Jan 1998 7 Feb 1998 21 Feb 1998 28 Feb 1998 7 Mar 1998 21 Mar 1998 2 May 1998 9 May 1998 16 May 1998 30 May 1998 6 June 1998 20 June 1998 11 July 1998 18 July 1998 25 July 1998 1 Aug 1998 15 Aug 1998 5 Sept 1998 12 Sept 1998 19 Sept 1998 26 Sept 1998 3 Oct 1998 17 Oct 1998 24 Oct 1998 31 Oct 1998 19 Dec 1998 26 Dec 1998 2 Jan 1999 9 Jan 1999 16 Jan 1999 23 Jan 1999 30 Jan 1999 6 Feb 1999 13 Feb 1999 20 Feb 1999 27 Feb 1999 13 Mar 1999 27 Mar 1999 3 Apr 1999 17 Apr 1999 1 May 1999 15 May 1999 22 May 1999 29 May 1999 12 June 1999 19 June 1999 26 June 1999 3 July 1999 17 July 1999 7 Aug 1999 21 Aug 1999 28 Aug 1999 4 Sept 1999 18 Sept 1999 25 Sept 1999 16 Oct 1999 30 Oct 1999 6 Nov 1999 13 Nov 1999 20 Nov 1999 27 Nov 1999 4 Dec 1999 25 Dec 1999 22 Jan 2000 29 Jan 2000 5 Feb 2000 19 Feb 2000 26 Feb 2000 11 Mar 2000 18 Mar 2000 25 Mar 2000 1 Apr 2000 8 Apr 2000

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Artist 855 Craig David 856 Fragma 857 Oxide & Neutrino 858 Britney Spears 859 Madison Avenue 860 Billie Piper 861 Sonique 862 Black Legend 863 Kylie Minogue 864 Eminem 865 Corrs 866 Ronan Keating 867 Five and Queen 868 Craig David 869 Robbie Williams 870 Melanie C 871 Spiller 872 Madonna 873 A1 874 Modjo 875 Mariah Carey & Westlife 876 All Saints 877 U2 878 Steps 879 Spice Girls 880 Westlife 881 A1 882 LeAnn Rimes 883 Destiny’s Child 884 S Club 7 885 Eminem 886 Bob The Builder 887 Rui Da Silva (ft Cassandra) 888 Jennifer Lopez 889 Limp Bizkit 890 Atomic Kitten 891 Shaggy (ft Rikrok) 892 Westlife 893 Hear’Say 894 Emma Bunton 895 Destiny’s Child 896 S Club 7 897 Geri Halliwell 898 DJ Pied Piper 899 Shaggy (ft Rayvon) 900 Christina Aguilera with Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink 901 Hear’Say 902 Roger Sanchez 903 Robbie Williams 904 Atomic Kitten 905 So Solid Crew 906 Five 907 Blue 908 Bob The Builder 909 DJ Otzi 910 Kylie Minogue 911 Afroman 912 Westlife 913 Blue 914 S Club 7 915 Daniel Bedingfield 916 Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman 917 Aaliyah 918 George Harrison 919 Enrique Iglesias 920 Westlife 921 Will Young 922 Gareth Gates 923 Oasis 924 Sugababes 925 Holly Valance 926 Ronan Keating 927 Liberty X 928 Eminem 929 Will Young 930 Elvis vs JXL 931 Gareth Gates 932 Darius 933 Sugababes

Song Fill Me In Toca’s Miracle Bound 4 Da Reload (Casualty) Oops! ... I Did It Again Don’t Call Me Baby Day & Night It Feels So Good You See The Trouble With Me Spinning Around Real Slim Shady Breathless Life Is A Rollercoaster We Will Rock You 7 Days Rock DJ I Turn To You Groovejet (If This Ain’t Love) Music Take On Me Lady (Hear Me Tonight) Against All Odds Black Coffee Beautiful Day Stomp Holler / Let Love Lead The Way My Love Same Old Brand New You Can’t Fight The Moonlight Independent Women Part 1 Never Had A Dream Come True Stan Can We Fix It Touch Me Love Don’t Cost A Thing Rollin’ Whole Again It Wasn’t Me Uptown Girl Pure And Simple What Took You So Long Survivor Don’t Stop Movin’ It’s Raining Men Do You Really Like It Angel Lady Marmalade

Date 15 Apr 2000 22 Apr 2000 6 May 2000 13 May 2000 20 May 2000 27 May 2000 3 June 2000 24 June 2000 1 July 2000 8 July 2000 15 July 2000 22 July 2000 29 July 2000 5 Aug 2000 12 Aug 2000 19 Aug 2000 26 Aug 2000 2 Sept 2000 9 Sept 2000 16 Sept 2000 30 Sept 2000 14 Oct 2000 21 Oct 2000 28 Oct 2000 4 Nov 2000 11 Nov 2000 18 Nov 2000 25 Nov 2000 2 Dec 2000 9 Dec 2000 16 Dec 2000 23 Dec 2000 13 Jan 2001 20 Jan 2001 27 Jan 2001 10 Feb 2001 10 Mar 2001 17 Mar 2001 24 Mar 2001 14 Apr 2001 28 Apr 2001 5 May 2001 12 May 2001 2 June 2001 9 June 2001 30 June 2001

The Way To Your Love Another Chance Eternity / The Road To Mandalay Eternal Flame 21 Seconds Let’s Dance Too Close Mambo No 5 Hey Baby Can’t Get You Out Of My Head Because I Got High Queen of My Heart If You Come Back Have You Ever Gotta Get Thru This Somethin’ Stupid More Than A Woman My Sweet Lord Hero World Of Our Own Anything Is Possible / Evergreen Unchained Melody The Hindu Times Freak Like Me Kiss Kiss If Tomorrow Never Comes Just A Little Without Me Light My Fire A Little Less Conversation Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake) Colourblind Round Round

7 July 2001 14 July 2001 21 July 2001 4 Aug 2001 18 Aug 2001 25 Aug 2001 8 Sept 2001 15 Sept 2001 22 Sept 2001 29 Sept 2001 27 Oct 2001 17 Nov 2001 24 Nov 2001 1 Dec 2001 8 Dec 2001 22 Dec 2001 19 Jan 2002 26 Jan 2002 2 Feb 2002 2 Mar 2002 9 Mar 2002 30 Mar 2002 27 Apr 2002 4 May 2002 11 May 2002 18 May 2002 25 May 2002 1 June 2002 8 June 2002 22 June 2002 20 July 2002 10 Aug 2002 24 Aug 2002


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934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971

Artist Blazin’ Squad Atomic Kitten Pink Will Young & Gareth Gates Las Ketchup Nelly (ft Kelly Rowland) DJ Sammy & Yanou featuring Do Westlife Christina Aguilera Daniel Bedingfield Eminem Blue (ft Elton John) Girls Aloud David Sneddon Tatu Christina Aguilera Gareth Gates Room 5 (ft Oliver Cheatham) Busted Tomcraft R Kelly Evanescence Beyonce Daniel Bedingfield Blu Cantrell (ft Sean Paul) Elton John Black Eyed Peas Sugababes Fatman Scoop Kylie Minogue Busted Westlife Will Young Kelly & Ozzy Osbourne Michael Andrews (ft Gary Jules) Michelle McManus LMC vs U2 Sam & Mark

972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012

Busted Peter Andre Britney Spears DJ Casper Usher McFly Eamon Frankee Mario Winans (ft Enya & P Diddy) Britney Spears McFly Usher Shapeshifters The Streets Busted 3 Of A Kind Natasha Bedingfield Nelly Brian McFadden Eric Prydz Robbie Williams Ja Rule (ft R Kelly & Ashanti) Eminem U2 Girls Aloud Band Aid 20** Steve Brookstein Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Ciara (ft Petey Pablo) Elvis Presley Eminem U2 Jennifer Lopez Nelly (ft Tim McGraw) Stereophonics McFly Tony Christie (ft Peter Kay) Akon Oasis Crazy Frog

Song Crossroads The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling) Just Like A Pill The Long And Winding Road / Suspicious Minds The Ketchup Song (Asereje) Dilemma Heaven Unbreakable Dirrty If You’re Not The One Lose Yourself Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word Sound Of The Underground Stop Living The Lie All The Things She Said Beautiful Spirit In The Sky Make Luv You Said No Loneliness Ignition Bring Me To Life Crazy In Love Never Gonna Leave Your Side Breathe Are You Ready For Love? Where Is The Love? Hole In The Head Be Faithful Slow Crashed The Wedding Mandy Leave Right Now Changes Mad World All This Time Take Me To The Clouds Above With A Little Help From My Friends / Measure Of A Man Who’s David Mysterious Girl Toxic Cha Cha Slide Yeah Five Colours In Her Hair F**k It (I Don’t Want You Back) F.U.R.B. (F U Right Back) I Don’t Wanna Know Everytime Obviously Burn Lola’s Theme Dry Your Eyes Thunderbirds / 3AM Babycakes These Words My Place / Flap Your Wings Real To Me Call On Me Radio Wonderful Just Lose It Vertigo I’ll Stand By You Do They Know It’s Christmas Against All Odds Jailhouse Rock I Got Stung / One Night Goodies It’s Now Or Never Like Toy Soldiers Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own Get Right Over And Over Dakota All About You / You’ve Got A Friend (Is This The Way To) Amarillo Lonely Lyla Axel F


Date 31 Aug 2002 7 Sept 2002 28 Sept 2002 5 Oct 2002 19 Oct 2002 26 Oct 2002 9 Nov 2002 16 Nov 2002 23 Nov 2002 7 Dec 2002 14 Dec 2002 21 Dec 2002 28 Dec 2002 25 Jan 2003 8 Feb 2003 8 Mar 2003 22 Mar 2003 5 Apr 2003 3 May 2003 10 May 2003 17 May 2003 14 June 2003 12 July 2003 2 Aug 2003 9 Aug 2003 6 Sept 2003 13 Sept 2003 25 Oct 2003 1 Nov 2003 15 Nov 2003 22 Nov 2003 29 Nov 2003 6 Dec 2003 20 Dec 2003 27 Dec 2003 17 Jan 2004 7 Feb 2004 21 Feb 2004 28 Feb 2004 6 Mar 2004 13 Mar 2004 20 Mar 2004 27 Mar 2004 10 Apr 2004 24 Apr 2004 22 May 2004 12 June 2004 26 June 2004 3 July 2004 10 July 2004 24 July 2004 31 July 2004 7 Aug 2004 21 Aug 2004 28 Aug 2004 11 Sept 2004 18 Sept 2004 25 Sept 2004 16 Oct 2004 6 Nov 2004 13 Nov 2004 20 Nov 2004 27 Nov 2004 11 Dec 2004 8 Jan 2005 15 Jan 2005 22 Jan 2005 29 Jan 2005 5 Feb 2005 12 Feb 2005 19 Feb 2005 26 Feb 2005 5 Mar 2005 12 Mar 2005 19 Mar 2005 26 Mar 2005 8 May 2005 22 May 2005 5 June 2005

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1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085

Artist 2Pac (ft Elton John) James Blunt McFly Oasis Gorillaz Pussycat Dolls (ft Busta Rhymes) Sugababes Arctic Monkeys Westlife Madonna Pussycat Dolls Nizlopi Shayne Ward Arctic Monkeys Notorious BIG (ft Diddy, Nelly, Jagged Edge & Avery Storm) Meck (ft Leo Sayer) Madonna Chico Orson Ne-Yo Gnarls Barkley Sandi Thom Nelly Furtado Shakira (ft Wyclef Jean) Lily Allen McFly Shakira (ft Wyclef Jean) Beyonce (ft Jay-Z) Justin Timberlake Scissor Sisters Razorlight My Chemical Romance McFly Fedde Le Grande Westlife Akon (ft Eminem) Take That Leona Lewis Mika Kaiser Chiefs Take That Sugababes vs Girls Aloud Proclaimers (ft Brian Potter & Andy Pipkin) Timbaland / Nelly Furtado / Justin Timberlake Beyonce & Shakira McFly Rihanna (ft Jay-Z) Timbaland (ft Keri Hilson & DOE) Robyn with Kleerup Kanye West Sean Kingston Sugababes Leona Lewis Katie Melua & Eva Cassidy Leon Jackson Basshunter (ft DJ Mental, Theo’s Bazzheadz & Seb Westwood Duffy Estelle (ft Kanye West) Madonna (ft Justin Timberlake & Timbaland) Ting Tings Rihanna Mint Royale Coldplay Ne-Yo Dizzee Rascal (ft Calvin Harris & Chrome) Kid Rock Katy Perry Kings of Leon P!nk Girls Aloud X Factor Finalists 2008 Beyoncé Take That

Song Ghetto Gospel You’re Beautiful I’ll Be OK The Importance Of Being Idle Dare Don’t Cha Push The Button I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor You Raise Me Up Hung Up Stickwitu JCB Song That’s My Goal When The Sun Goes Down Nasty Girl

Date 26 June 2005 17 July 2005 21 Aug 2005 28 Aug 2005 4 Sep 2005 11 Sep 2005 2 Oct 2005 23 Oct 2005 30 Oct 2005 13 Nov 2005 4 Dec 2005 18 Dec 2005 25 Dec 2005 22 Jan 2006 29 Jan 2006

Thunder In My Heart Again Sorry It’s Chico Time No Tomorrow So Sick Crazy I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair) Maneater Hips Don’t Lie Smile Don’t Stop Me Now / Please Please Hips Don’t Lie Deja Vu Sexyback I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ America Welcome To The Black Parade Star Girl Put Your Hands Up For Detroit The Rose Smack That Patience A Moment Like This Grace Kelly Ruby Shine Walk This Way I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)

12 Feb 2006 26 Feb 2006 5 Mar 2006 19 Mar 2006 25 Mar 2006 2 Apr 2006 4 June 2006 11 June 2006 2 July 2006 9 July 2006 23 July 2006 30 July 2006 27 Aug 2006 3 Sept 2006 10 Sep 2006 8 Oct 2006 15 Oct 2006 29 Oct 2006 5 Nov 2006 12 Nov 2006 19 Nov 2006 26 Nov 2006 24 Dec 2006 21 Jan 2007 25 Feb 2007 4 Mar 2007 18 Mar 2007 25 Mar 2007

Give It To Me

15 Apr 2007

Beautiful Liar Baby’s Coming Back / Transylvania Umbrella The Way I Are With Every Heartbeat Stronger Beautiful Girls About You Now Bleeding Love What A Wonderful World When You Believe Now You’re Gone

22 Apr 2007 13 May 2007 20 May 2007 29 July 2007 12 Aug 2007 19 Aug 2007 2 Sept 2007 30 Sept 2007 28 Oct 2007 16 Dec 2007 23 Dec 2007 13 Jan 2008

Mercy American Boy 4 Minutes

17 Feb 2008 23 Mar 2008 20 Apr 2008

That’s Not My Name Take A Bow Singin’ In The Rain Viva La Vida Closer Dance Wiv Me

18 May 2008 25 May 2008 8 June 2008 22 June 2008 29 June 2008 6 July 2008

All Summer Long I Kissed A Girl Sex On Fire So What The Promise Hero If I Were A Boy Greatest Day

3 Aug 2008 10 Aug 2008 14 Sept 2008 5 Oct 2008 26 Oct 2008 2 Nov 2008 23 Nov 2008 30 Nov 2008


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1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164

Artist Leona Lewis Alexandra Burke Lady Gaga (ft Colby O’Donis) Lily Allen Kelly Clarkson Flo Rida (ft Ke$ha) Vanessa Jenkins & Bryn West ft Sir Tom Jones & Robin Gibb Lady Gaga Calvin Harris Tinchy Stryder (ft N-Dubz) Black Eyed Peas Dizzee Rascal & Armand Van Helden Black Eyed Peas Pixie Lott David Guetta (ft Kelly Rowland) La Roux Cascada JLS Black Eyed Peas Tinchy Stryder (ft Amelle) Black Eyed Peas David Guetta (ft Akon) Dizzee Rascal Jay-Z (ft Rihanna & Kanye West ) Pixie Lott Taio Cruz Chipmunk (ft Dayo Olatunji) Alexandra Burke (ft Flo Rida) Cheryl Cole JLS Black Eyed Peas X Factor Finalists 2009 Peter Kay’s Animated All Star Band Lady Gaga Rage Against The Machine Joe McElderry Lady Gaga Iyaz Owl City Helping Haiti Jason Derülo Tinie Tempah Lady Gaga (ft Beyonce) Scouting for Girls Usher (ft Will I Am) Diana Vickers Roll Deep BoB (ft Bruno Mars) Dizzee Rascal David Guetta (ft Chris Willis) Dizzee Rascal (ft James Corden) Katy Perry (ft Snoop Dogg) JLS B.o.B (ft Hayley Williams) Yolanda Be Cool vs D Cup Wanted Ne-Yo Flo Rida (ft David Guetta) Roll Deep Taio Cruz Olly Murs Alexandra Burke (ft Laza Morgan) Bruno Mars Tinie Tempah (ft Eric Turner) Cee Lo Green Cheryl Cole Rihanna JLS The X Factor Finalists 2010 The Black Eyed Peas Matt Cardle Rihanna (ft Drake) Bruno Mars Ke$ha Jessie J (ft B.o.B) Adele Nicole Scherzinger Adele Jennifer Lopez (ft Pitbull)

Song Run Hallelujah Just Dance The Fear My Life Would Suck Without You Right Round Islands In The Stream

Date 7 Dec 2008 21 Dec 2008 11 Jan 2009 1 Feb 2009 1 Mar 2009 8 Mar 2009 15 Mar 2009

Poker Face I’m Not Alone Number 1 Boom Boom Pow Bonkers Boom Boom Pow Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh) When Love Takes Over Bulletproof Evacuate The Dancefloor Beat Again I Gotta Feeling Never Leave You I Gotta Feeling Sexy Bitch / Sexy Chick Holiday Run This Town Boys And Girls Break Your Heart Oopsy Daisy Bad Boys Fight For This Love Everybody In Love Meet Me Halfway You Are Not Alone The Official BBC Children In Need Medley Bad Romance Killing In The Name The Climb Bad Romance Replay Fireflies Everybody Hurts In My Head Pass Out Telephone This Ain’t a Love Song OMG Once Good Times Nothin’ On You Dirtee Disco Getting’ Over You Shout California Gurls The Club Is Alive Airplanes We No Speak Americano All Time Low Beautiful Monster Club Can’t Handle Me Green Light Dynamite Please Don’t Let Me Go Start Without You Just the Way You Are Written in the Stars Forget You Promise This Only Girl (In the World) Love You More Heroes The Time (Dirty Bit) When We Collide What's My Name? Grenade We R Who We R Price Tag Someone Like You Don't Hold Your Breath Someone Like You On the Floor

22 Mar 2009 12 Apr 2009 26 Apr 2009 17 May 2009 24 May 2009 7 June 2009 14 June 2009 21 June 2009 28 June 2009 5 July 2009 19 July 2009 2 Aug 2009 9 Aug 2009 16 Aug 2009 23 Aug 2009 30 Aug 2009 6 Sept 2009 13 Sept 2009 20 Sept 2009 11 Oct 2009 18 Oct 2009 25 Oct 2009 8 Nov 2009 15 Nov 2009 22 Nov 2009 29 Nov 2009 13 Dec 2009 20 Dec 2009 27 Dec 2009 3 Jan 2010 10 Jan 2010 24 Jan 2010 14 Feb 2010 28 Feb 2010 7 Mar 2010 28 Mar 2010 11 Apr 2010 25 Apr 2010 2 May 2010 9 May 2010 30 May 2010 6 June 2010 13 June 2010 20 June 2010 4 July 2010 18 July 2010 25 July 2010 1 Aug 2010 8 Aug 2010 15 Aug 2010 22 Aug 2010 29 Aug 2010 5 Sept 2010 12 Sept 2010 19 Sept 2010 3 Oct 2010 10 Oct 2010 17 Oct 2010 7 Nov 2010 14 Nov 2010 28 Nov 2010 5 Dec 2010 19 Dec 2010 26 Dec 2010 16 Jan 2011 23 Jan 2011 6 Feb 2011 13 Feb 2011 27 Feb 2011 27 Mar 2011 3 Apr 2011 10 Apr 2011


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Artist 1165 LMFAO (ft Lauren Bennett & GoonRock) 1166 Bruno Mars 1167 Pitbull (ft Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer) 1168 Example 1169 Jason Derülo 1170 DJ Fresh (ft Sian Evans) 1171 The Wanted 1172 JLS (ft Dev) 1173 Cher Lloyd 1174 Nero 1175 Wretch 32 (ft Josh Kumra) 1176 Olly Murs (ft Rizzle Kicks) 1177 Example 1178 Pixie Lott 1179 One Direction 1180 Dappy 1181 Sak Noel 1182 Rihanna (ft Calvin Harris) 1183 Professor Green (ft Emeli Sandé) 1184 Rihanna (ft Calvin Harris) 1185 The X Factor Finalists 2011 1186 Olly Murs 1187 Little Mix 1188 Military Wives with Gareth Malone 1189 Coldplay 1190 Flo Rida 1191 Jessie J 1192 Cover Drive 1193 David Guetta (ft Sia) 1194 Gotye (ft Kimbra) 1195 DJ Fresh (ft Rita Ora) 1196 Gotye (ft Kimbra) 1197 Katy Perry 1198 Chris Brown 1199 Carly Rae Jepsen 1200 Tulisa 1201 Rita Ora (ft Tinie Tempah) 1202 Fun (ft Janelle Monáe) 1203 Rudimental (ft John Newman) 1204 Gary Barlow and the Commonwealth Band featuring Military Wives 1205 Cheryl 1206 Maroon 5 (ft Wiz Khalifa) 1207 will.i.am (ft Eva Simons) 1208 Maroon 5 (ft Wiz Khalifa) 1209 Florence and the Machine 1210 Wiley (ft Ms D) 1211 Rita Ora 1212 Sam and the Womp 1213 Little Mix 1214 Ne-Yo 1215 The Script (ft will.i.am) 1216 Psy 1217 Rihanna 1218 Swedish House Mafia ft John Martin 1219 Calvin Harris (ft Florence Welch) 1220 Labrinth (ft Emeli Sandé) 1221 Robbie Williams 1222 One Direction 1223 Olly Murs (ft Flo Rida) 1224 Gabrielle Aplin 1225 James Arthur 1226 The Justice Collective 1227 James Arthur 1228 will.i.am (ft Britney Spears) 1229 Bingo Players ft Far East Movement 1230 Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft Wanz 1231 Avicii vs. Nicky Romero 1232 One Direction 1233 Justin Timberlake 1234 The Saturdays (ft Sean Paul) 1235 PJ & Duncan 1236 Duke Dumont (ft A*M*E) 1237 Rudimental (ft Ella Eyre) 1238 Daft Punk (ft Pharrell Williams) 1239 Naughty Boy (ft Sam Smith) 1240 Robin Thicke (ft T.I. & Pharrell) 1241 Icona Pop (ft Charli XCX) 1242 John Newman

Song Party Rock Anthem

Date 24 Apr 2011

The Lazy Song Give Me Everything Changed the Way You Kiss Me Don't Wanna Go Home Louder Glad You Came She Makes Me Wanna Swagger Jagger Promises Don’t Go Heart Skips a Beat Stay Awake All About Tonight What Makes You Beautiful No Regrets Loca People We Found Love Read All About It We Found Love Wishing On a Star Dance with Me Tonight Cannonball Wherever You Are Paradise Good Feeling Domino Twilight Titanium Somebody That I Used to Know Hot Right Now Somebody That I Used to Know Part of Me Turn Up the Music Call Me Maybe Young R.I.P. We Are Young Feel the Love Sing Call My Name Payphone This is Love Payphone Spectrum (Say My Name) Heatwave How We Do (Party) Bom Bom Wings Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself) Hall of Fame Gangnam Style Diamonds Don't You Worry Child Sweet Nothing Beneath Your Beautiful Candy Little Things Troublemaker The Power of Love Impossible He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother Impossible Scream & Shout Get Up (Rattle) Thrift Shop I Could Be the One One Way or Another (Teenage Kicks) Mirrors What About Us Let's Get Ready to Rhumble Need U (100%) Waiting All Night Get Lucky La La La Blurred Lines I Love it Love Me Again


22 May 2011 29 May 2011 19 June 2011 3 July 2011 17 July 2011 24 July 2011 7 Aug 2011 14 Aug 2011 21 Aug 2011 28 Aug 2011 4 Sept 2011 11 Sept 2011 18 Sept 2011 25 Sept 2011 2 Oct 2011 9 Oct 2011 16 Oct 2011 6 Nov 2011 20 Nov 2011 11 Dec 2011 18 Dec 2011 25 Dec 2011 1 Jan 2012 8 Jan 2012 15 Jan 2012 22 Jan 2012 5 Feb 2012 12 Feb 2012 19 Feb 2012 26 Feb 2012 4 Mar 2012 1 Apr 2012 8 Apr 2012 15 Apr 2012 13 May 2012 20 May 2012 3 June 2012 10 June 2012 17 June 2012 24 June 2012 1 July 2012 8 July 2012 15 July 2012 22 July 2012 12 Aug 2012 26 Aug 2012 2 Sept 2012 9 Sept 2012 16 Sept 2012 23 Sept 2012 7 Oct 2012 14 Oct 2012 21 Oct 2012 28 Oct 2012 4 Nov 2012 11 Nov 2012 25 Nov 2012 2 Dec 2012 16 Dec 2012 23 Dec 2012 30 Dec 2012 6 Jan 2013 20 Jan 2013 3 Feb 2013 17 Feb 2013 24 Feb 2013 3 Mar 2013 10 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2013 7 Apr 2013 14 Apr 2013 28 Apr 2013 5 May 2013 2 June 2013 9 June 2013 7 July 2013 14 July 2013

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1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248

Artist Robin Thicke (ft T.I. & Pharrell) Avicii Miley Cyrus Ellie Goulding Katy Perry Jason Derulo (ft 2 Chainz)

Song Blurred Lines Wake Me Up We Can’t Stop Burn Roar Talk Dirty

Date 21 July 2013 28 July 2013 18 Aug 2013 25 Aug 2013 15 Sept 2013 29 Sept 2013

*The artists on the 777th No. 1, ‘Perfect Day’, were the BBC Symphony Orchestra with Andrew Davis, Thomas Allen, Brett Anderson (Suede), Laurie Anderson, Joan Armatrading, Bono (U2), David Bowie, Boyzone, Brodsky Quartet, Ian Broudie (Lightning Seeds), Burning Spear, Robert Cray, Evan Dando (Lemonheads), Dr John, Gabrielle, Lesley Garrett, Emmylou Harris, Huey Morgan (Fun Lovin’ Criminals), Elton John, Tom Jones, Shane McGowan, Courtney Pine, Lou Reed, Skye (Morcheeba), Heather Small (M People), Suzanne Vega, Visual Ministry Orchestra, Sheona White, Tammy Wynette. **The artists on Band Aid were Keren Woodward, Sarah Dallin, Siobhan Fahey (Bananarama); Bob Geldof, Johnny Fingers, Simon Crowe, Pete Briquette (Boomtown Rats); David Bowie; Phil Collins; Boy George, Jon Moss (Culture Club); Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes, Andy Taylor, John Taylor, Roger Taylor (Duran Duran); Holly Johnson (Frankie Goes to Hollywood); Martin Ware, Glenn Gregory (Heaven 17); Robert ‘Kool’ Bell, James Taylor, Dennis Thomas (Kool and the Gang); Marilyn; Paul McCartney; George Michael; Jody Watley (Shalimar); Tony Hadley, John Keeble, Gary Kemp, Martin Kemp, Steve Norman (Spandau Ballet); Francis Rossi, Rick Parfitt (Status Quo); Sting; Adam Clayton, Bono (U2); Midge Ure, Chris Cross (Ultravox); Paul Weller; Paul Young. The artists on Band Aid II were Bananarama, Big Fun, Bros, Cathy Dennis, D Mob, Jason Donovan, Kevin Godley, Glen Goldsmith, Kylie Minogue, The Pasadenas, Chris Rea, Cliff Richard, Jimmy Somerville, Sonia, Lisa Stansfield, Technotronic, Wet Wet Wet. The artists on Band Aid 20 were Damon Albarn (made the tea); Tim Wheeler (Ash); Daniel Bedingfield; Natasha Bedingfield; James Bourne, Mattie Jay, Charlie Simpson (Busted); Chris Martin (Coldplay); Ed Graham, Dan Hawkins, Justin Hawkins, Frankie Poullain (The Darkness); Dido; Ms Dynamite; Grant Nichols (Feeder); Bob Geldof; Neil Hannon (The Divine Comedy); Jamelia; Tom Chaplin, Richard Hughes, Tim Rice-Oxley (Keane); Beverley Knight; Lemar; Shaznay Lewis; Paul McCartney; Madonna; Katie Melua; Roisin Murphy (Moloko); Skye (Morcheeba); Jonny Greenwood, Thom Yorke (Radiohead); Dizzee Rascal; Richard Colburn, Gary Lightbody, Mark McClell, John Quinn (Snow Patrol); Rachel Stevens; Joss Stone; Keisha Buchanan, Mutya Buena, Heidi Range (The Sugababes); Danny Goffey (Supergrass); Ben Carrigan, Connor Deasy, Kevin Horan, Padraic MacMahon, Daniel Ryan (The Thrills); Andy Dunlop, Fran Healy, Dougie Payne, Neil Primrose (Travis); Olly Knights, Gail Paradjanian (Turin Brakes); Bono, The Edge (U2); Midge Ure; Robbie Williams; Will Young. The featured artists in the original recording with their lyrics are as follows: (Paul Young) It’s Christmas time, There’s no need to be afraid. At Christmas time, We let in light and we banish shade (Boy George) And in our world of plenty We can spread a smile of joy, Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time (George Michael) But say a prayer, Pray for the other ones, At Christmas time it’s hard (Simon Le Bon) But when you’re having fun, There’s a world outside your window (Sting) And it’s a world of dread and fear, Where the only water flowing is (Bono joins in) The bitter sting of fears, And the Christmas bells that are ringing, Are clanging chimes of doom (Bono only) Well, tonight thank God it’s them instead of you (All) And there won’t be snow in Africa this Christmas time, The greatest gift they’ll get this year is life, Where nothing ever grows, No rain or river flows, Do they know it’s Christmas time at all? Feed the world, Let them know it’s Christmas time, Feed the world, Do they know it’s Christmas time at all? (Paul Young) Here’s to you raise a glass for everyone, Here’s to them underneath the burning sun, Do they know it’s Christmas time at all? (All) chorus repeat. The official BBC Children in Need Medley performed by Peter Kay’s Animated All Star Band consisted of the following songs, in order: ‘Can You Feel It’ (The Jacksons), ‘Don’t Stop’ (Fleetwood Mac/Status Quo), ‘Jai Ho’ (A R Rahman & The Pussycat Dolls), ‘Tubthumping’ (Chumbawamba), ‘Never Forget’ (Take That), ‘Hey Jude’ (The Beatles), ‘One Day Like This’ (Elbow). The artists performing ‘Everybody Hurts’ as Helping Haiti in order of appearance: Leona Lewis, Rod Stewart, Mariah Carey, Cheryl Cole, Mika, Michael Bublé, Joe McElderry, Miley Cyrus, James Blunt, Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Jon Bon Jovi, James Morrison, Alexandra Burke, Jason Orange, Susan Boyle, JLS, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Williams, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne. The artists performing ‘He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother’ as The Justice Collective included Melanie C, Robbie Williams, Paul Heaton, Paloma Faith, Paul McCartney, Gerry Marsden, Kenny Dalglish, Alan Hansen, Rebecca Ferguson and Beverley Knight - for various charities associated with the Hillsborough disaster.

Christmas No. 1s 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981

Here in My Heart – Al Martino Answer Me – Frankie Laine Let’s Have Another Party – Winifred Atwell The Christmas Alphabet – Dickie Valentine. Just Walkin’ in the Rain – Johnnie Ray Mary’s Boy Child – Harry Belafonte It’s Only Make Believe – Conway Twitty What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For – Emile Ford and the Checkmates I Love You – Cliff Richard and the Shadows Moon River – Danny Williams Return to Sender – Elvis Presley I Want to Hold Your Hand – Beatles I Feel Fine – Beatles Day Tripper/We Can Work It Out – Beatles Green Green Grass of Home – Tom Jones Hello Goodbye – Beatles Lily the Pink – Scaffold Two Little Boys – Rolf Harris I Hear You Knockin’ – Dave Edmunds Ernie – Benny Hill Long Haired Lover from Liverpool-Little Jimmy Osmond Merry Xmas Everybody – Slade Lonely This Christmas – Mud Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen When a Child Is Born – Johnny Mathis Mull of Kintyre/Girls’ School – Wings Mary’s Boy Child – Boney M Another Brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd There’s No One Quite Like Grandma – St Winifred’s School Choir Don’t You Want Me – Human League

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


Save Your Love – Renee and Renato Only You – Flying Pickets Do They Know It’s Christmas – Band Aid Merry Christmas Everyone – Shakin’ Stevens Reet Petite – Jackie Wilson Always on My Mind – Pet Shop Boys Mistletoe and Wine – Cliff Richard Do They Know It’s Christmas? – Band Aid II Saviour’s Day – Cliff Richard Bohemian Rhapsody / These Are the Days of Our Lives – Queen I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston Mr. Blobby – Mr. Blobby Stay Another Day – East 17 Earth Song – Michael Jackson 2 Become 1 – Spice Girls Too Much – Spice Girls Goodbye – Spice Girls I Have a Dream/Seasons in the Sun – Westlife Can We Fix It – Bob The Builder Somethin’ Stupid – Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman Sound Of The Underground – Girls Aloud Mad World – Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules Do They Know It’s Christmas? – Band Aid 20 That’s My Goal – Shayne Ward A Moment Like This – Leona Lewis When You Believe – Leon Jackson Hallelujah – Alexandra Burke Killing In the Name – Rage Against the Machine When We Collide – Matt Cardle Wherever You Are – Military Wives & Gareth Malone He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother - Justice Collective

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LPs Title Abacab Abbey Road Accelerate (1) According to My Heart Achtung Baby Actually Adrenalize Aerial Affection Afterburner Aftermath The Age of Consent The Age of the Understatement (1) Agent Provocateur Aja Aladdin Sane Album of the Year Alf All Change All the Lost Souls (1) All Things Must Pass Amarantine Ancient Heart Andromeda Heights An End Has A Start (1) Another Time, Another Place Anthem The Anvil Appetite for Destruction Are You Experienced? Are You Gonna Go My Way Argus Armed Forces Arrival Astral Weeks Atlantic Crossing Atom Heart Mother Attack of the Grey Lantern Auberge Autobahn Automatic for the People Avalon Babylon and On Back Home (1) Back in Black Back to Basics Back to Bedlam Back to Front (1) Back to Front (1) Bad Bagsy Me Band of Gypsies Band on the Run Batman Bat Out Of Hell Beautiful World Because of the Times (1) Before the Rain Beggars Banquet Be Here Now (1) Behind the Mask The Best Damn Thing (1) Big Bang Big River Billion Dollar Babies Black Ice (1) Black Tie White Noise Blast Blonde on Blonde Blondes Have More Fun Blood on the Dance Floor (1) Blood Sugar Sex Magik Bloody Tourists Blue for You Blue Is the Colour

Group/Artiste Genesis Beatles R.E.M. Jim Reeves U2 Pet Shop Boys Def Leppard Kate Bush Lisa Stansfield ZZ Top Rolling Stones Bronski Beat Last Shadow Puppets Foreigner Steely Dan David Bowie Faith No More Alison Moyet Cast James Blunt George Harrison Enya Tanita Tikaram Prefab Sprout Editors Bryan Ferry Toyah Visage Guns ’N’ Roses Jimi Hendrix Experience Lenny Kravitz Wishbone Ash Elvis Costello Abba Van Morrison Rod Stewart Pink Floyd Mansun Chris Rea Kraftwerk R.E.M. Roxy Music Squeeze Westlife AC/DC Christina Aguilera James Blunt Gilbert O’Sullivan (1972) Lionel Richie (1992) Michael Jackson Wannadies Jimi Hendrix Wings Prince Meat Loaf Take That Kings of Leon Eternal Rolling Stones Oasis Fleetwood Mac Avril Lavigne We’ve Got a Fuzzbox and We’re Gonna Use it Jimmy Nail Alice Cooper AC/DC David Bowie Holly Johnson Bob Dylan Rod Stewart Michael Jackson Red Hot Chili Peppers 10cc Status Quo Beautiful South

Title Blue Sky on Mars Bookends Both Sides Boys and Girls Brand New Eyes (1) Breakfast In America Breathless Bridge of Spies Bridge Over Troubled Water British Steel Brothers in Arms Buddah and the Chocolate Box Bullet in a Bible Bursting at the Seams Business as Usual Cafe Bleu Call off the Search Can’t Slow Down Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy Captain Paralytic and the Brown Ale Cowboy Caribou Carry On up the Charts Catch Bull at Four Celebration (1) Change (1) China Town Chorus Circle of One The Circus The Circus (1) Cloud Nine Collection (1) Colour The Colour and the Shape Colour By Numbers The Colour of My Love Come On Over Coming Up Communiqué Confessions on a Dance Floor Connected Conscience Conversation Peace Cosmo’s Factory Cracked Rear View Crazy Love (1) Crazy You Cricklewood Green Crime of the Century Crocodiles Cross of Changes Crossroads Cuts Both Ways Dancin’ in the Key of Life Dangerous Dare Dark Side of the Moon Day & Age (1) A Day at the Races Daydream Days of Future Passed Death Magnetic (1) Demon Days Destination Anywhere Destiny Devil Without a Cause Diamond Dogs Diamond Life A Different Beat Different Class Dig Out Your Soul (1) Dig Your Own Hole Discovery Disraeli Gears


Group/Artiste Matthew Sweet Simon and Garfunkel Phil Collins Bryan Ferry Paramore Supertramp Kenny G T’Pau Simon and Garfunkel Judas Priest Dire Straits Cat Stevens Green Day Strawbs Men at Work Style Council Katie Melua Lionel Richie Elton John Mike Harding Elton John Beautiful South Cat Stevens Madonna Sugababes Thin Lizzy Erasure Oleta Adams Erasure Take That George Harrison Travelling Wilburys Christians Foo Fighters Culture Club Celine Dion Shania Twain Suede Dire Straits Madonna Stereo MCs Womack and Womack Stevie Wonder Creedence Clearwater Revival Hootie and the Blowfish Michael Buble G.U.N. Ten Years After Supertramp Echo and the Bunnymen Enigma Tracy Chapman Gloria Estefan Steve Arrington Michael Jackson Human League Pink Floyd Killers Queen Mariah Carey Moody Blues Metallica Gorillaz Jon Bon Jovi Gloria Estefan Kid Rock David Bowie Sade Boyzone Pulp Oasis Chemical Brothers Electric Light Orchestra Cream

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Title Diva The Division Bell Dizzy Heights Do It Yourself Don’t Be Cruel Don’t Believe the Truth Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Only the Piano Player Dookie Double Fantasy Down Drury Lane to Memory Lane Down in Albion Drag Dreamland Dreams Are Nothin’ More Than Wishes Dr Feelgood Duke Eat to the Beat Echo (1) Echoes Silence Patience & Grace (1) Electric Ladyland Electric Warrior Elegantly Wasted The Element of Freedom (1) Eliminator Emergency on Planet Earth Emotional Rescue Employment Endless Flight English Settlement Enjoy Yourself Every Good Boy Deserves Favour Every Picture Tells a Story Everybody Else Is Doing it, So Why Can’t We Everything Changes Everything Must Go Exile on Main Street Extra Virgin Eyes Open Façades Face to Face Face Value Falling Into You The Fame (1) Fantastic! Faster Than the Speed of Night The Fat of the Land (1) Favourite Worst Nightmare (1) Fear of the Dark Fever In Fever Out The Final Cut Fireball First Impressions of Earth Flaming Pie (1) Flesh and Blood Flowers in the Dirt Flying Colours Fog on the Tyne Foreign Affair Forever Forever Changes Forth (1) 461 Ocean Boulevard Four Symbols Foxtrot Fresh Fresh Cream From the Cradle Funhouse (1) The Game Germ Free Adolescents Ghost in the Machine The Gift

Group/Artiste Annie Lennox Pink Floyd Lightning Seeds The Seahorses Bobby Brown Oasis Elton John Green Day John Lennon One Hundred and One Strings Babyshambles kd lang Robert Miles David Cassidy Motley Crue Genesis Blondie Leona Lewis Foo Fighters Jimi Hendrix Experience T Rex INXS Alicia Keys ZZ Top Jamiroquai Rolling Stones Kaiser Chiefs Leo Sayer X-Ray Specs Kylie Minogue Moody Blues Rod Stewart Cranberries Take That Manic Street Preachers Rolling Stones Olive Snow Patrol Sad Cafe Westlife Phil Collins Celine Dion Lady Gaga Wham! Bonnie Tyler Prodigy Artic Monkeys Iron Maiden Luscious Jackson Pink Floyd Deep Purple The Strokes Paul McCartney Roxy Music Paul McCartney Chris De Burgh Lindisfarne Tina Turner Damage Love Verve Eric Clapton Led Zeppelin Genesis Gina G Cream Eric Clapton Pink Queen X-Ray Spex Police Jam

Title Group/Artiste Give Me the Reason Luther Vandross Glittering Prize Simple Minds Goat’s Head Soup Rolling Stones Going for the One Yes Going to a Go-Go Smokey Robinson & the Miracles Gold Blade Hometurf Goodbye Cream Goodbye Cruel World Elvis Costello Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Elton John Good Girl Gone Bad (1) Rihanna Goodnight Vienna Ringo Starr Graceland Paul Simon Graduation (1) Kanye West Graffiti Bridge Prince A Grand Don’t Come For Free The Streets Blur The Great Escape Great Expectations Tasmin Archer The Great Rock ’N’ Roll Swindle Sex Pistols Guilty Barbra Streisand Handbuilt by Robots (1) Newton Faulkner Happy Nation Ace of Base Hard Candy (1) Madonna Harvest Neil Young Headquarters Monkees The Healing Game Van Morrison Hearsay Alexander O’Neal Heaven and Hell Vangelis Heavy Soul (1) Paul Weller Hedgehog Sandwich Not the 9 O’Clock News Cast Hello Status Quo Help! Beatles Here I Stand (1) Usher Hergest Ridge Mike Oldfield High on the Happy Side Wet Wet Wet Highway 61 Revisited Bob Dylan History – Past Present and Michael Jackson Future Book Hit Wannadies Home Before Dark (1) Neil Diamond Hopes and Fears Keane Horses Patti Smith Hotel California Eagles Hot Rats Frank Zappa Hounds of Love Kate Bush Houses of the Holy Led Zeppelin Human Racing Nik Kershaw Human’s Lib Howard Jones Human Touch Bruce Springsteen Humbug (1) Arctic Monkeys Hunky Dory David Bowie Hunting High and Low A-Ha The Hurting Tears for Fears Hypnotised Undertones Hysteria (1) Def Leppard Hysteria (3) Human League I Am Earth Wind and Fire Icky Thump (1) White Stripes I Do Not Want What I Sinead O’Connor Haven’t Got I Dreamed a Dream (1) Susan Boyle If the Beatles Had Read Wonder Stuff Hunter . . . The Singles The Immaculate Collection Madonna In Blue Corrs Supergrass In It for the Money Innervisions Stevie Wonder An Innocent Man Billy Joel The Innocents Erasure Innuendo Queen In Rainbows (1) Radiohead Intensive Care Robbie Williams Invaders Must Die (1) Prodigy In Search of the Lost Chord Moody Blues In Square Circle Stevie Wonder In Through the Out Door Led Zeppelin Into the Gap Thompson Twins Invaders Must Die (1) Prodigy Invisible Touch Genesis I Say I Say I Say Erasure


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Title I Should Coco It Doesn’t Matter Anymore It’s Better to Travel It’s Great When You’re ... Straight Yeah! It’s Not Me It’s You (1) It Won’t Be Soon Before Long (1) I’ve Been Expecting You Jagged Little Pill Jam John Wesley Harding Join With Us (1) Jollification The Joshua Tree Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants Journey to the Centre of the Earth Ju Ju Jumping All Over the World (1) Junction Seven K Kaleidoscope Kavana Keep the Faith Kimono My House Kings of the Wild Frontier Konk (1) Koo Koo L Labour of Love La Passione Ladies and Gentlemen The Last Waltz L.A. Woman Legend Let It Bleed Let’s Talk About Love The Lexicon of Love Lie Life Life After Death Life Thru a Lens Lights (1) Lil’ Darlin’ The Lion and the Cobra Little Creatures Live at the BBC Live in the City of Light Liverpool Living in Oz Living in the Material World Living in the Past The Lone Ranger Long Road Out of Eden Love Love at the Greek Love de Luxe Love Hurts Love Is the Answer (1) Love over Gold Lovesexy Lungs (1) Machine Head Mad Dogs and Englishmen Made in Heaven Made of Bricks (1) Magic (1) Magic and Medicine (1) Make It Big Makin’ Movies Manifesto The Man Who Meat is Murder Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy Medusa Middle of Nowhere (1) Millennium

Group/Artiste Supergrass Supernaturals Swing Out Sister Black Grape Lily Allen Maroon 5 Robbie Williams Alanis Morissette Little Angels Bob Dylan Feeling Lightning Seeds U2 Stevie Wonder Rick Wakeman Siouxsie and the Banshees Scooter Steve Winwood Kula Shaker Siouxsie and the Banshees Kavana Bon Jovi Sparks Adam Ant Kooks Debbie Harry Steve Hillage UB40 Chris Rea George Michael The Band Doors Bob Marley and the Wailers Rolling Stones Celine Dion ABC Charles Manson Simply Red Notorious B.I.G. Robbie Williams Ellie Goulding Thomas Ribeiro Sinead O’Connor Talking Heads Beatles Simple Minds Frankie Goes to Hollywood Rick Springfield George Harrison Jethro Tull Suggs Eagles Beatles Neil Diamond Sade Cher Barbra Streisand Dire Straits Prince Florence & The Machine Deep Purple Joe Cocker Queen Kate Nash Bruce Springsteen Coral Wham! Dire Straits Roxy Music Travis Smiths Who Annie Lennox Hanson Backstreet Boys

Title Minutes to Midnight (1) The Miracle Mirror Ball Misplaced Childhood Missing ... Presumed Having a Good Time Mondo Bongo Monster The More Things Change Morning Glory Mother Nature Calls Mr Fantasy Mr Wonderful Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon Music Box Music for the Jilted Generation Music from Big Pink My Aim Is True Naked Nashville Skyline Natural Never a Dull Moment Never for Ever Nevermind Never Mind the Bollocks Here’s the Sex Pistols New Boots and Panties!! A New Flame New Jersey A New World Record A Night at the Opera Night Birds Night Flight to Venus Nightfreak and the Sons of Becker A Night on the Town Night Owl Nine Lives 19 (1) 1982 Nobody Else A Nod’s as Good as a Wink To a Blind Horse No Fences No Jacket Required No More Heroes No Need to Argue No Parlez No Sleep till Hammersmith No Strings Attached Nothing Like the Sun The Number of the Beast Ocean Drive Oceans of Fantasy Odds and Sods Off the Wall Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake OK Computer (1) Old New Borrowed and Blue Older On an Island Once Upon a Star Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in the West (1) One Chance (1) One Hot Minute On Every Street Only By the Night (1) Only Human Only Yesterday On the Level On the Threshold of a Dream Ooh-La-La Open Road (1) Original Pirate Material Our Favourite Shop Out of Control (1)


Group/Artiste Linkin Park Queen Neil Young Marillion Notting Hillbillies Boomtown Rats R.E.M. Machine Head Oasis Cast Traffic Fleetwood Mac James Taylor Mariah Carey Prodigy The Band Elvis Costello Talking Heads Bob Dylan Peter Andre Rod Stewart Kate Bush Nirvana Sex Pistols Ian Dury & the Blockheads Simply Red Bon Jovi Electric Light Orchestra Queen Shakatak Boney M Coral Rod Stewart Gerry Rafferty Aerosmith Adele Status Quo Take That Faces Garth Brooks Phil Collins Stranglers Cranberries Paul Young Motorhead ’N Sync Sting Iron Maiden Lighthouse Family Boney M Who Michael Jackson Small Faces Radiohead Slade George Michael David Gilmour Bay City Rollers Simple Minds Hard-Fi Paul Potts Red Hot Chili Peppers Dire Straits Kings of Leon Dina Carroll Carpenters Status Quo Moody Blues Faces Gary Barlow The Streets Style Council Girls Aloud

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Title Out of Time Outlandos d’Amour Overcome (1) Oxygene Parallel Lines Paranoid Parklife Pastpresent Pearl Pearls Perfect Symmetry (1) Pet Sounds Phuq Physical Graffiti Picture This Piece By Piece Pieces of You Pills ’N’ Thrills and Bellyaches Pin-Ups Piper at the Gates of Dawn Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones Ltd Play (1) The Pleasure Principle Pocketful of Kryptonite Pop Popped in Souled Out Porcupine Pornography Postcard Pot Luck Presence Private Collection Private Dancer The Promise (1) Promises and Lies Prophets, Seers and Sages Protection Pull the Pin (1) Pulse Pump Pump Up the Jam Push A Question of Balance Quick Step and Side Kick Rage Rage in Eden Ram Rattle and Hum The Raw and the Cooked Ready for the Weekend (1) Real Things Reality Killed the Video Star Red River Valley Regatta de Blanc Relapse (1) Reload Reminiscing Replicas Republic The Resistance (1) Return of the Space Cowboy Return to Fantasy Revenge Revolver Rhythm of the Saints The Riddle Rising from the East Rockferry (1) Roping the Wind Rubber Soul Rumours Rum, Sodomy and the Lash Runaway Horses Said and Done Saturday Night Savage Scary Monsters and Super Creeps

Group/Artiste R.E.M. Police Alexandra Burke Jean-Michel Jarre Blondie Black Sabbath Blur Clannad Janis Joplin Elkie Brooks Keane Beach Boys Wildhearts Led Zeppelin Wet Wet Wet Katie Melua Jewel Happy Mondays David Bowie Pink Floyd Monkees Moby Gary Numan Spin Doctors U2 Wet Wet Wet Echo and the Bunnymen Cure Mary Hopkin Elvis Presley Led Zeppelin Cliff Richard Tina Turner II Divo UB40 T Rex Massive Attack Stereophonics Pink Floyd Aerosmith Technotronic Bros Moody Blues Thompson Twins T’Pau Ultravox Paul and Linda McCartney U2 Fine Young Cannibals Calvin Harris 2 Unlimited Robbie Williams Slim Whitman Police Eminem Tom Jones Buddy Holly and the Crickets Tubeway Army New Order Muse Jamiroquai Uriah Heep Eurythmics Beatles Paul Simon Nik Kershaw Bally Sagoo Duffy Garth Brooks Beatles Fleetwood Mac Pogues Belinda Carlisle Boyzone Zhane Eurythmics David Bowie

Title Group/Artiste Script for a Jester’s Tear Marillion The Secret of Association Paul Young The Seeds of Love Tears for Fears Sensational Michelle Gayle Sentimental Journey Ringo Starr Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Beatles Hearts Club Band Seven and the Ragged Tiger Duran Duran Seventh Son of a Seventh Son Iron Maiden Share My World Mary J. Blige Shaved Fish John Lennon Shelter Brand New Heavies Shepherd Moons Enya She’s So Unusual Cyndi Lauper She’s the Boss Mick Jagger Silk and Steel Five Star Singles Alison Moyet The Six Wives of Henry VIII Rick Wakeman Sleeping with the Past Elton John Sleep Through the Static (1) Jack Johnson The Slider T Rex Slippery When Wet Bon Jovi Slowhand Eric Clapton Smiler Rod Stewart The Smoker You Drink The Joe Walsh Player You Get So Peter Gabriel So Far So Good Bryan Adams Solitude Standing Suzanne Vega So Long So Wrong Alison Krauss and Union Station Some Friendly Charlatans So Much for the City The Thrills Song Bird Eva Cassidy The Song Remains the Same Led Zeppelin Songs About Jane Maroon 5 Songs For My Mother (1) Ronan Keating Songs in the Key of Life Stevie Wonder Songs of Faith and Devotion Depeche Mode The Soul Cages Sting Soul Provider Michael Bolton Sound of Lies Jayhawks Sparkle in the Rain Simple Minds Spartacus Farm Speak and Spell Depeche Mode Spellbound Paula Abdul Spirit (1) Leona Lewis Spirits Having Flown Bee Gees Sports Car Judie Tzuke Stadium Arcadium Red Hot Chili Peppers Standing Stone Paul McCartney Stand Up Jethro Tull Stanley Road Paul Weller Staring at the Sun U2 Stars Simply Red Station to Station David Bowie Stay on These Roads A-Ha Steel Wheels Rolling Stones Steeltown Big Country Step by Step New Kids on the Block Sticky Fingers Rolling Stones Still Crazy after All These Paul Simon Years Still Waters Bee Gees Stop the Clocks Oasis Stranded Roxy Music The Stranger Billy Joel Street Fighting Years Simple Minds Shadows String of Hits Stripped Rolling Stones Stupidity Dr Feelgood Sunny Side Up (1) Paolo Nutini Supernatural Santana Surrealistic Pillow Jefferson Airplane Sweet Baby James James Taylor Symbol Prince Synchronicity Police Take Two Robson and Jerome Tales from Topographic Oceans Yes Talk On Corners Corrs


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Title Talking Back to the Night Talking Book Talking with the Taxman about Poetry Tango in the Night Tanx Tapestry A Tapestry of Dreams   Tarkus Tears and Laughter Tease Me Teaser and the Firecat Technique Telekon Tell Me on a Sunday Tellin’ Stories 10 Ten Ten Good Reasons Tennis The Man and His Music This Is the Life (1) 3 Words (1) Thriller Through the Barricades Thunder and Lightning Time for Healing Timeless To Lose My Life (1) To the Extreme To the Faithful Departed Together Through Life (1) Touch Tragic Kingdom Transformer Travelling without Moving The Trick To Life (1) Trout Mask Replica True Stories Tubular Bells Tuesday Night Music Club Tug of War Tunnel of Love Turn Back the Clock Turn It Upside Down Tusk 12 Gold Bars 21 21st Century Breakdown (1) 21 Today U.F. Orb 22 Dreams (1) Ultra Under the Iron Sea Under the Pink Undiscovered The Unforgettable Fire Universal Soldier

Group/Artiste Steve Winwood Stevie Wonder Billy Bragg Fleetwood Mac T Rex Carole King Charles Aznavour  Emerson, Lake and Palmer Johnny Mathis Chaka Demus and Pliers Cat Stevens New Order Gary Numan Marti Webb The Charlatans Wet Wet Wet Pearl Jam Jason Donovan Chris Rea Sam Cooke Amy MacDonald Cheryl Cole Michael Jackson Spandau Ballet Thin Lizzy Sounds of Blackness Sarah Brightman White Lies Vanilla Ice Cranberries Bob Dylan Eurythmics No Doubt Lou Reed Jamiroquai Hoosiers Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band Talking Heads Mike Oldfield Sheryl Crow Paul McCartney Bruce Springsteen Johnny Hates Jazz Spin Doctors Fleetwood Mac Status Quo Adele Green Day Cliff Richard Orb Paul Weller Depeche Mode Keane Tori Amos James Morrison U2 Donovan

Title Up  Upstairs at Eric’s Urban Hymns (1) Use Your Illusion Vauxhall and I Very Viva Hate Voice of Love Voices from the Holy Land Voodo Lounge Voulez-Vous Wake Up! Waking Up the Neighbours Walking Wounded Walthamstow Wanted War Water Sign Watermark We All Had Doctors’ Papers We Are the Night (1) We Can Make It We Can’t Dance We’ll Live And Die in These Towns (1) We’ll Meet Again (1) We Started Nothing (1) We Too Are One Welcome to the Pleasuredome Welcome to Wherever You Are West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum (1) Whatever People Say I am, That’s What I’m Not Whatever You Want When the World Knows Your Name Where We Belong Whipped Cream and Other Delights White Feathers White on Blonde The Whole Story Wicked Game Wild! Wild Wood Wish Wish You Were Here Women and Captain First Words of Love Working On a Dream (1) Wu-Tang Forever You and Me Both Young Americans Your Secret Love You Showed Me Youthquake Zenyatta Mondatta Zooropa

Group/Artiste Right Said Fred  Yazoo Verve Guns ’N’ Roses Morrissey Pet Shop Boys Morrissey Diana Ross Aled Jones Rolling Stones Abba Boo Radleys Bryan Adams Everything But the Girl East 17 Yazz U2 Chris Rea Enya Max Boyce Chemical Brothers Peters and Lee Genesis Enemy Vera Lynn Ting Tings Eurythmics Frankie Goes to Hollywood INXS Kasabian Arctic Monkeys Status Quo Deacon Blue Boyzone Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Kajagoogoo Texas Kate Bush Chris Isaak Erasure Paul Weller Cure Pink Floyd Captain Sensible Buddy Holly and the Crickets Bruce Springsteen Wu-Tang Clan Yazoo David Bowie Luther Vandross Lightning Seeds Dead or Alive Police U2

Nationalities of Pop Groups and Soloists Abba Sweden and Norway AC/DC UK and Australia Adamski UK Air Supply UK and Australia Alphabeat Denmark Alphaville Germany Aneka UK Angry Anderson Australia Anthrax USA Aphrodite’s Child Greece Aqua Denmark Babyshambles UK Baccara Spain Basia Poland

Belle Stars UK Black Box Italy Boney M Jamaica, Antilles, Montserrat Boris Gardiner Jamaica Cappella Italy Cardigans Sweden Catatonia Wales Champs Boys France Chicory Tip UK Coral UK Crowded House Australia and NZ Curved Air UK Cutting Crew UK and Canada Danny Mirror Holland


Darts UK Deee-Lite USA, Russia and Japan Del Amitri UK Eddy Grant Guyana Edmund Hockridge Canada Emile Ford UK Enigma Germany and Romania Enya Ireland Europe Sweden Father Abraham Holland Fleetwood Mac UK and USA Foreigner UK and USA Fox UK and USA FPI Project Italy

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Franz Ferdinand Scotland Funkadelic USA Gallagher and Lyle UK Gibson Brothers Martinique Go-Gos USA Golden Earring Holland Greyhound Jamaica Guess Who Canada Hawkwind UK (German dancer) Helmut Zacharias Germany Hothouse Flowers Ireland Human Resource Holland Icehouse New Zealand Incognito UK and France Inner Circle Jamaica Jam and Spoon Germany Jam Machine Italy Jam Tronik Germany Jan Hammer Czechoslovakia John Farnham Australia John Parr UK John Paul Young Australia JT and the Big Family Italy Kaoma France Keane UK Kraftwerk Germany Lobo (70s band) USA Lobo (80s band) Holland Mai Tai Holland Manfred Mann South Africa M/A/R/R/S UK

Martha and the Muffins Canada Martika USA McFly UK Men at Work Australia Men Without Hats Canada Mental As Anything Australia Metallica USA and Denmark Mezzoforte Iceland Midnight Oil Australia Milk and Honey Israel Millie Jamaica Milli Vanilli France and Germany Mixmaster Italy Modern Talking Germany Mouth and MacNeal Holland New Seekers UK Norman Greenbaum USA Opus Austria Ottawan France Pasadenas UK Patsy Gallant Canada Peppers France Percy Faith Canada Perez Prado Cuba Plastic Bertrand Belgium Poppy Family Canada Praga Khan Belgium Prefab Sprout UK Pseudo Echo Australia Python Lee Jackson Australia Razorlight England and Sweden

Rob ’N’ Raz (featuring Leila K) Sweden Roxette Sweden Rozalla Zimbabwe Rush Canada Shocking Blue Holland Silver Convention Germany and USA Snap Germany and USA Soeur Sourire (Singing Nun) Belgium Spagna Italy Split Enz New Zealand and UK Starlight Italy Starsound Holland Stereophonics Wales Sweet People France Sylvia Sweden Teach-In Holland Technotronic Belgium Ten Sharp Holland Third World Jamaica Thomas Dolby UK Thompson Twins New Zealand and UK Thrills Ireland 2 Unlimited Holland Vanessa Paradis France Van Halen Holland and USA Whigfield Denmark Wigan’s Chosen Few USA Wombats UK Yello Switzerland Zucchero Italy Zutons UK

Composition of Pop Groups A1 Ben Adams Christian lngebrigtsen Paul Marazzi Mark Read ABBA Benny Andersson Agnetha Fältskog Anni-Frid Lyngstad Björn Ulvaeus Swedish group except for the Norwegian brunette Anni-Frid Lyngstad ABC Martin Fry – Vocals Mark Lickley – Bass Dave Robinson – Drums Steve Singleton – Saxophone Mark White – Guitar AC/DC Dave Evans – Vocals (left 1977) Mark Evans – Bass Brian Johnson – Vocals (replaced Bon Scott) Phil Rudd – Drums (Left in 1982) Bon Scott – Vocals (previously drums, died 1980) Chris Slade Cliff Williams (replaced Dave Evans) Simon Wright (replaced Phil Rudd) Angus Young – Lead Guitar Malcolm Young – Guitar Ace of Base Jonas ‘Joker’ Berggren Jenny Berggren Linn Berggren Ulf ‘Buddha’ Ekberg Adam and the Ants Matthew Ashman – Guitar and Piano Melanie Blatt

Dave Barbe ‘Barbarossa’ – Drums Johnny Bivouac – Guitar Stuart Goddard (Adam) – Lead Vocals and Guitar Jordan – Vocals Andy Warren – Bass Aerosmith Jimmy Crespo – Guitar (joined after Whitfield left) Rick Dufay – Guitar (joined after Whitfield left) Tom Hamilton – Bass Joey Kramer – Drums Joe Perry – Guitar Ray Tabano – Guitar (replaced by Brad Whitfield) Steve Tyler – Lead Vocals Brad Whitfield – Guitar (left in 1980) A-Ha Magne Furuholmen – Keyboards, Guitar, Backing Vocals Morten Harket – Lead Vocals Paul Waaktaar-Savoy – Guitar and Backing Vocals Airforce Ginger Baker – Drums and Percussion Graham Bond – Saxophone Rick Grech – Bass and Violin Jeanette Jacobs – Vocals Remi Kabaka – Percussion Denny Laine – Guitar Steve Winwood – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Chris Wood – Saxophone and Flute Alarm, The Eddie MacDonald – Guitar and Vocals Mike Peters – Bass and Vocals Dave Sharp – Guitar and Vocals Mark Taylor – Keyboards Nigel Twist – Drums All Saints Natalie Appleton Nicole Appleton Robert Henrit – Drums and Percussion


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Jim Rodford – Bass and Vocals John Verity – Guitar and Vocals

Shaznay Lewis Alphabat Anders B – Guitar Stine Bramsen – Vocals Troels Hansen – Drums Rasmus Nagel – Keyboards Anders Reinholdt – Bass Anders SG – Vocals Altered Images Michael ‘Tich’ Anderson – Drums Caesar – Guitar Claire Grogan – Vocals Tony McDaid – Guitar Johnny McElhone – Bass Amazulu Sharon Bailey – Percussion Lesley Beach – Saxophone Debbie Evans – Drums Clare Henny – Bass Rose Minor – Vocals Margo Sagov – Guitar Amen Corner Dennis Bryon – Drums Andy Fairweather Lowe – Guitar and Lead Vocals Alan Jones – Saxophone Neil Jones – Guitar Mike Smith – Saxophone Clive Taylor – Bass Blue Weaver – Guitar Animals Vic Briggs – Bass George Bruno – Keyboards and Vocals Eric Burdon – Vocals Charles ‘Chas’ Chandler – Bass Luke Francis – Guitar and Vocals Barry Jenkins – Drums and Percussion Danny McCullough – Bass, Guitar and Vocals Zoot Money – Organ Alan Price – Piano and Vocals Dave Rowberry – Organ Andy Somers – Guitar John Steele – Drums Hilton Valentine – Guitar John Weider – Guitar, Violin and Bass Another Level Mark Baron Dane Bowers Bobak Kianoush Wayne Williams Aphrodite’s Child Silver Koulouris – Guitar and Percussion Vangelis Papathanassiou – Keyboards, Flute and Vocals Demis Roussos – Vocals Lucas Sideras – Drums and Vocals Aqua René Dif – Bald-headed Vocalist Claus Noreen Lene Nystrom – Lead Vocalist Soren Rasted Danish group except for Nystrom, who is Norwegian Arctic Monkeys Jamie Cook – Guitar and Vocals Matt Helders – Drums Nick O’Malley – Bass Alex Turner – Vocals and Guitar Glyn Jones – Vocals (replaced by Turner) Andy Nicholson – Bass (replaced by O’Malley) Argent Rod Argent – Keyboards and Vocals Russ Ballard – Guitar, Piano and Vocals Jim Grimaldi – Guitar

Art of Noise Anne Dudley – Keyboards JJ Jeczalik – Keyboards Ash Mark Hamilton – Bass Charlotte Hatherly – Guitar Rick ‘Rock’ McMurray – Drums Tim Wheeler – Vocals, Guitar Asia Geoff Downes – Keyboards Steve Howe – Guitar Greg Lake – Vocals and Bass Mandy Meyer – Guitar Carl Palmer – Drums John Payne – Vocals and Bass Al Pitrelli – Guitar John Wetton – Vocals and Bass Aswad Donnal Benjamin – Guitar and Vocals Brinsley Forde – Guitar and Vocals Tony Gadd – Bass Angus ‘Drummie Zeb’ Gaye – Drums Donald ‘Dee’ Griffiths – Guitar Courtney Hemmings – Keyboards Bunny McKenzie – Harmonica and Vocals Candy McKenzie – Vocals George ‘Ras’ Oban – Bass Tony Robinson – Bass and Keyboards Atomic Kitten Jenny Frost Natasha Hamilton Liz McLarnon Kerry McFadden (née Katona) – replaced by Jenny Frost Atomic Rooster Steve Bolton – Guitar John Cann – Guitar and Vocals Vincent Crane – Keyboards and Vocals Chris Farlowe – Vocals Pete Frenchy – Vocals Paul Hammond – Drums and Percussion Johnny Mandala – Guitar Carl Palmer – Drums and Percussion Ric Parnell – Drums and Percussion Average White Band Roger Ball – Keyboards and Saxophone Malcolm Duncan – Saxophone Alan Gorrie – Vocals Robbie Mcintosh – Drums and Percussion Onnie Mcintyre – Guitar and Vocals Hamish Stuart – Bass, Guitar and Vocals Aztec Camera Roddy Frame – Guitar and Vocals Dave Mulholland – Drums Campbell Owens – Bass B-52s, The Fred Schneider – Keyboards and Vocals Kate Pierson – Organ and Vocals Keith Strickland – Drums Cindy Wilson – Guitar and Vocals Ricky Wilson – Guitar Babyshambles Gemma Clarke – Drums (left in 2005) Pete Doherty – Guitar and Vocals Adam Ficek – Drums (replaced Gemma Clarke) Drew McConnell – Bass Patrick Walden – Guitar Bachelors Con and Declan Cluskey John Stokes


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Backstreet Boys Nick Carter Howie Dorough Brian Littrell AJ McLean Kevin Richardson Bad Manners Buster Bloodvessel – Vocals Louis Cook – Guitar and Vocals Dave Farren – Bass Paul Hyman – Trumpet Chris Kane – Tenor Sax Andrew Marson – Alto Sax Alan Sayag – Harmonica and Vocals Martin Stewart – Keyboards Brian Tuitt – Drums Badfinger Tom Evans – Bass, Guitar and Vocals Mike Gibbons – Drums Pete Ham – Vocals Joey Molland – Guitar and Vocals Bananarama Sarah Dallin Siobhan Fahey (left 1987 and formed Shakespears Sister) Jacquie O’Sullivan (1988–1991) Keren Woodward Band, The Rick Danko – Bass and Vocals Levon Helm – Drums, Keyboards and Vocals Garth Hudson – Accordion, Keyboards and Saxophone Richard Manuel – Harmonica, Drums, Sax, Organ and Vocals Robbie Robertson – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Band of Gypsies, The Billy Cox – Bass Jimi Hendrix – Guitar and Vocals Buddy Miles – Drums Bangles, The Lyne Elklnad – Guitar, Vocals (replaced by Susanna Hoffs) Susanna Hoffs – Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Amanda Mills – Vocals, Bass (replaced by Annette Zilinkas Debbi Peterson – Vocals, Drums Vicki Peterson – Vocals, Lead Guitar Michael ‘Mickis’ Steele – Bass and Vocals Annette Zilinkas – Bass, Harmonica Bardot Belinda Chapple Sophie Monk Sally Polyhronas Katie Underwood (left in May 2001) Tiffany Wood Winners of the Australian ‘Popstars’, disbanded in May 2002 Barron Knights, The Barron Anthony – Vocals Butch Baker – Guitar and Vocals Dave Ballinger – Drums Duke D’Mond – Vocals Peanuts Langford – Guitar and Vocals Bay City Rollers Eric Faulkner – Guitar, Mandolin and Vocals Alan Longmuir – Accordion, Bass, Piano and Vocals Derek Longmuir – Drums and Percussion Les McKeown – Guitar and Lead Vocals Ian Mitchell – Guitar and Vocals Stuart Wood – Bass, Guitar, Piano and Vocals Beach Boys Glen Campbell – Guitar and Vocals Blondie Chapman Ricky Fataar Al Jardine – Rhythm Guitar and Vocals Bruce Johnstone Mike Love – Lead Vocals

David Marks John Stamos Brian Wilson – Vocals, Keyboard and Bass Carl Wilson – Vocals and Guitar Dennis Wilson – Drums Beastie Boys Michael Diamond Adam Horowitz Adam Yauch Beatles, The Pete Best – Drums George Harrison – Lead Guitar and Vocals John Lennon – Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica and Piano Paul McCartney – Vocals, Bass, Guitar and Piano Ringo Starr – Drums Stu Sutcliffe – Guitar and Vocals Brian Epstein – Manager (died in 1967) Beautiful South Jacqui Abbot – Vocals Briana Corrigan – Vocals (replaced by Jacqui Abbot in 1994) Paul Heaton – Vocals David Hemmingway – Drums David Rotheray – Guitar David Stead – Drums Sean Welch – Bass Bee Gees Barry Gibb Maurice Gibb (died 12 Jan 2003) Robin Gibb (died 20 May 2012) Bellamy Brothers, The David Bellamy – Vocals Howard Bellamy – Vocals Richard Bennett – Guitar King Errison – Percussion Alan Estes – Drums Emory Gordy – Bass B*witched Lindsay Armaou Edele Lynch Keavy Lynch Sinead O’Carroll Big Brother and the Holding Company Peter Albin – Bass and Vocals Sam Andrew – Guitar and Vocals David Getz – Drums and Vocals James Gurley – Guitar and Vocals Janis Joplin – Lead Vocals Big Country Stuart Adamson – Lead Vocals and Guitar (died 2001) Pat Ahern – Drums Mark Brzezicki – Drums Tony Butler – Bass and Vocals Bruce Watson – Guitar and Vocals Björn Again Benny Anderwear Agnetha Falstart Frida Longstokin Bjorn Volvo-us Australian tribute-band backed by Ola Drumkitt and Rutger Sonofagunn Black Box Daniele Davoli – Lead Vocals Mirko Limoni Valeno Semplici Black Eyed Peas Will.ia.m (born William Adams) apl.de.ap (born Allan Pineda) Fergie (born Stacy Ann Ferguson) Taboo (born Jaime Gomez) Duncan James


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Lee Ryan Simon Webbe

Dante Santiago (1992–95) Kim Hill (1995–2000) Black Sabbath Vinnie Apice – Drums Terry ‘Geezer’ Butler – Bass Ian Gillan – Vocals Glen Hughes – Vocals Tony lommi – Guitar Ronnie James – Vocals (replaced by Ian Gillan) Geoff Nicols – Keyboards Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals and Harmonica (replaced by James) Cozy Powell – Drums Eric Singer – Drums Dave Spitz – Bass Rick Wakeman – Keyboard Bill Ward – Drums Blazin’ Squad DJ Tommy B Flava MC Freek Kenzie Krazy Melo-D Reepa Rocky B Spike-E Strider Blind Faith Ginger Baker – Drums Eric Clapton – Lead Guitar Rick Grech – Bass and Violin Steve Winwood – Vocals Bloc Party Russell Lissack – Lead Guitar George Moakes – Bass Kele Okereke – Vocals and Guitar Matt Tong – Drums Blodwyn Pig Mick Abrahams – Guitar and Vocals Ron Berg – Drums and Percussion Jack Lancaster – Cornet, Saxophone and Violin Andy Pile – Bass Blondie Clement Burke – Drums Paul Carbonara – Guitar James Destri – Keyboard Leigh Foxx – Bass Debbie Harry – Lead Vocals Nigel Harrison – Bass Frank Infante – Guitar Chris Stein – Guitar Blood, Sweat and Tears Dave Bergeron – Trombone and Tuba David Clayton-Thomas – Vocals Bobby Colomby – Drums Jim Fielder – Bass Jerry Hyman – Trombone Steve Katz – Guitar, Harmonica and Vocals Tom Klatka – Trumpet Al Kooper – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Jerry La Croix – Saxophone and Vocals Fred Lipsius – Saxophone and Piano Ron McLure – Bass Dick Nalligan – Keyboards Alan Rubin – Trumpet Lou Soloff – Trumpet William Tillman – Saxophone George Wadenius – Guitar Larry Willis – Keyboards Chuck Winfield – Trumpet

Blur Damon Albarn – Lead Vocals and Keyboards Graham Coxon – Guitar Alex James – Bass Dave Rowntree – Drums Bon Jovi Jon Bon Jovi – Lead Vocals and Guitar Richie Sambora – Lead Guitar Dave Bryan – Keyboardist Tico Torres – Drums Alec John Such – Bass (replaced by Hugh McDonald) Hugh McDonald – Bass Boney M Marcia Barrett Bobby Farrell Liz Mitchell Maisie Williams Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band Vernon Dudley Bowhay-Nowell – Percussion Glen Colson – Drums Neil Innes – Guitar, Piano and Vocals Rodney Slater – Saxophone Larry ‘Legs’ Smith – Drums Roger Ruskin Spear – Percussion, Saxophone, Trumpet Sam Spoons – Acoustic Bass and Percussion Vivian Stanshall – Lead Vocals and Various Instruments Boomtown Rats Pete Briquette – Bass and Vocals Gerry Cott – Guitar Simon Crowe – Drums and Vocals Johnny Fingers – Keyboards Bob Geldof – Lead Vocals Gary Roberts – Guitar and Vocals Bow Wow Wow Matthew Ashman – Guitar and Vocals Dave Barbe ‘Barbarossa’ – Drums Leigh Gorman – Bass and Vocals Annabella Lu-Win – Lead Vocals Boyz II Men Mike McCaryI Nathan Morris Wanya Morris Shawn Stockman Boyzone Keith Duffy Stephen Gately Mikey Graham Ronan Keating Shane Lynch Bread Mike Botts – Drums and Percussion David Gates – Lead Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards, Violin, Bass James Griffin – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Larry Knechtel – Harmonica (replaced Rob Royer) Rob Royer – Vocals, Guitar and Keyboards British Sea Power Hamilton (Neil Wilkinson) – Bass Noble (Martin Noble) – Guitar and Keyboards Wood (Matthew Wood) – Drums Yan (Scott Wilkinson) – Vocals and Guitar Bronski Beat Steve Bronski – Keyboards John Foster – Vocals (replaced Jimmy Somerville in 1986) Jimmy Somerville – Lead Vocals Larry Steinbeck – Keyboards

Blue Anthony Costa


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Bros Matt Goss Luke Goss Craig Logan Brotherhood of Man Tony Burrows (founder member left before Eurovision) Sue Glover (founder member left before Eurovision) Johnny Goodison (founder member left before Eurovision) Roger Greenaway (founder member left before Eurovision) Martin Lee (Eurovision winner) Sunny Leslie (founder member left before Eurovision success) Lee Sheriden (Eurovision winner) Nicky Stevens (Eurovision winner) Sandra Stevens (Eurovision winner) Russell Stone (founder member left before Eurovision) Tony Burrows was also lead singer with The Ivy League, White Plains, Flowerpot Men, Pipkins and Edison Lighthouse Bucks Fizz Jay Aston Cheryl Baker Bobby G (real name Robert Gubby) Mike Nolan Shelley Preston (replaced Jay Aston in 1985) David Van Day (ex Dollar) replaced Mike Nolan in 1995 but then formed another version of the band with Nolan, whilst Bobby G continued as the only founder member of his version. When Nolan left after a dispute with Van Day, Bobby G sued for improper use of name and although it was originally found in favour of Van Day in 2001 the verdict was set aside out of court in 2002 and Bobby G was given the proprietary use of the group’s name whilst the other version was then called David Van Day’s Bucks Fizz. Buffalo Springfield Richie Furay – Guitar and Vocals Doug Hastings – Vocals Dewey Martin – Drums Jim Messina – Bass and Vocals Bruce Palmer – Bass Stephen Stills – Guitar and Piano Neil Young – Guitar and Vocals BuggIes Geoff Downes – Keyboards Trevor Horn – Vocals and Various Instruments Busted Charlie Simpson Matt Jay James Bourne Buzzcocks Garth Davies – Bass Howard Deveto – Vocals Steve Diggle – Bass and Guitar Steve Garvey – Bass John Maher – Drums Pete Shelley – Guitar and Vocals Byrds, The Skip Battin Gene Clark (co-founder but left in 1966 and died in 1991) Michael Clarke – Drums (founding member, died in 1993) David Crosby – Guitar and Vocals (founding member) John Guerin Chris Hillman – Bass and Mandolin (founding member) Kevin Kelley Roger McGuinn – Lead Vocals and Guitar (founding member) Gene Parsons – Drums (replaced David Crosby) Gram Parsons – Guitar Clarence White – Guitar John York Two of the five founding members have now died, but the other three get together with various combinations of the abovenamed musicians to perform as The Byrds, although the last gig by the original five was in 1991. Calling, The Alex Band – Lead Vocals

Aaron Kamin – Guitar Billy Mohler – Bass Nate Wood – Drums Sean Woolstenhulme – Guitar Captain and Tennille Daryl Dragon – Keyboards Toni Tennille – Lead Vocals Carpenters, The Karen Carpenter – Vocals and Drums Richard Carpenter – Vocals and Piano Catatonia Paul Jones – Bass Dafydd Ieuan – Drums (left 1995 to join Super Furry Animals) Cerys Matthews – Lead Vocals Clancy Pegg – Keyboard (left in 1995) Owen Powell – Guitar (joined after Ieuan and Pegg left) Aled Richards – Drums (replaced Dafydd Ieuan) Mark Roberts – Guitar CCS (Collective Consciousness Society) Alexis Korner – Vocals, Guitar Peter Thorup – Vocals Various guest musicians including Tony Carr – Drums Herbie Flowers – Bass Henry Lowther – Trumpet Chairmen of the Board General Norman Johnson – Lead Vocals Ken Knox – Saxophone Danny Woods – Vocals Charlatans John Baker – Guitar Martin Blunt – Bass (nervous breakdown after Baker left) Jon Brookes – Drums Tim Burgess – Lead Vocals Mark Collins – Guitar (replaced John Baker) Rob Collins – Organ (died in a car crash 23 July 1996) Tony Rogers – Keyboards Chemical Brothers Tom Rowlands Ed Simons Chic Bernard Edwards – Bass (died 1996) Nile Rodgers – Guitar Chicago DaWane Bailey (joined temporarily between 1991 and 1993) Peter Cetera – Vocals & Bass (founding member left 1985) Bill Champlin – Keyboards (joined in 1982) Donnie Dacus – Guitar (replaced Kath after shooting accident) Marty Grebb – Saxophone and Guitars (briefly played in 1981) Keith Howland – Guitars (joined in 1995) Tris Imboden – Drums (replaced Danny Seraphine in 1991) Terry Kath – Guitar and Vocals (founding member died 1978) Robert Lamm – Keyboard and Vocals (founding member) Lee Loughnane – Trumpet and Percussion (founding member) Laudir De Oliveira – Congas, Bongos and Percussion (1974–82) James Pankow – Trombone (founding member) Walter Parazaider (Walt Perry) – Saxophone (founding member) Chris Pinnick – Guitar (replaced Dacus in 1980, left in 1981) Jason Scheff – (replaced Peter Cetera in 1985) Danny Seraphine – Drums and Percussion (founding member) Steven Stills – Guitar (replaced by Chris Pinnick) Originally named Chicago Transit Authority when having their first hit ‘I’m a Man’ but forced to change it after being threatened with legal action by Mayor Richard Daley. Clash, The Terry Chimes – Drums (replaced by Topper Headon in 1977) Topper Headon – Drums Mick Jones – Guitar and Vocals Paul Simonon – Bass Joe Strummer – Lead Vocals and Guitar (died December 2002)


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Cliff Richard and The Shadows Cliff Richard – Vocals See separate entry for The Shadows Coldcut Matt Black Jonathan Moore Coldplay Guy Berryman – Bass Jon Buckland – Guitar Will Champion – Drums Chris Martin – Lead Vocals, Keyboard Commodores, The William King – Trumpet Ronald LaPread – Bass Thomas McClary – Guitar JD Nicholas – (formerly of Heatwave, replaced Lionel Richie) Walter ‘Clyde’ Orange – Drums Lionel Richie – Lead Vocals, Piano and Saxophone Milan Williams – Keyboards Communards Richard Coles – Keyboard Jimmy Somerville – Vocals Coral, The Paul Duffy – Bass and Saxophone Nick Power – Keyboards and Vocals Bill Ryder-Jones – Guitar and Trumpet Ian Skelly – Drums James Skelly – Lead Vocals Lee Southall – Guitar and Vocals Corrs, The Andrea Corr – Lead Vocals Caroline Corr – Drums and Vocals Jim Corr – Guitar and Keyboard Sharon Corr – Violin and Vocals Courteeners, The Michael Campbell – Drums and Vocals Mark Cuppello – Bass Liam Fray – Guitar and Lead Vocals Daniel Conan Moores – Guitar Cranberries Mike Hogan – Bass Noel Hogan – Guitarist (main song writer) Feargal Lawler – Drums Dolores O’Riordan – Lead Vocals Cream Peter ‘Ginger’ Baker – Drums Jack Bruce – Bass and Vocals Eric Clapton – Guitar and Vocals Crickets Jerry Allison – Drums Sonny Curtis – Guitar and Vocals (joined in circa 1961) Buddy Holly – Guitar and Lead Vocals Joe B Mauldin – Bass Niki Sullivan – Rhythm Guitar (founding member left in 1958) Crowded House Neil Finn (New Zealander founding member) Tim Finn (songwriting brother of Neil joined band 1989–91) Mark Hart – Guitarist (American joined in 1993) Paul Hester – Drums (Australian founding member) Craig Hooper – Guitar (founding member 1985–6) Nick Seymour – Bass (Australian founding member) Formed in 1985 as the Mullanes (founder Neil Finn’s middle name) but became Crowded House in 1986. Disbanded 1996. Culture Club Mikey Craig – Bass Boy George – Lead Vocals Rob Hay – Guitar Jon Moss – Drums Nick Semper – Bass (founding member)

Cure, The Andy Anderson – Drums Perry Bamonte – Guitar Jason Cooper – Drums Michael Dempsey – Bass Simon Gallup – Bass Roger O’Donnell – Keyboards Robert Smith – Guitar and Vocals Porl Thompson – Guitar Phil Thornalley – Bass Lol Tolhurst – Keyboards Boris Williams – Drums Cutting Crew Martin ‘Frosty’ Beedle – Drummer Nick Van Eede – Lead Vocals Colin Farley – Bass Kevin MacMichael – Guitar Damned, The Brian James – Guitar Rat Scabies – Drums Captain Sensible – Bass Dave Vanian – Vocals Dave Clark Five Dave Clark – Drums Lenny Davidson Guitar Rick Huxley – Guitar Denis Payton – Saxophone Mike Smith – Keyboards and Lead Vocals Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich Ian Amey (Tich) – Guitar Trevor Davies (Dozy) – Bass John Dymond (Beaky) – Guitar David Harman (Dave Dee) – Vocals Michael Wilson (Mick) – Drums Dawn Telma Hopkins Tony Orlando Pam Vincent Joyce Vincent-Wilson Deacon Blue Guy Barker – Trumpet Pete Beachill – Trombone Dave Bishop – Baritone Saxophone Stuart Elliot – Bodhran Mark Feltham – Harmonica Simon Gardener – Trumpet Graham Kelling – Guitar (founding member) Lorraine Mcintosh – Vocals (founding member) James Prime – Piano Ricky Ross – Vocals (founding member) Neil Sidwell – Trombone Jamie Talbot – Baritone Saxophone Phil Todd – Tenor Saxophone Ewen Vernal – Bass Douglas Vipond – Drums (founding member) Chris White – Tenor Saxophone Gavin Wright – Fiddle Husband and wife team of Ricky Ross and Lorraine Mcintosh played with various artists on LPs and the above are mostly session musicians. Deep Purple Don Airey – Keyboards (joined in 2002) Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar (founder left 1975 returned 1989–92) Tommy Bolin – Guitar and Vocals (replaced Blackmore 1975) David Coverdale – Guitar and Vocals (replaced Gillan 1973–6) Rod Evans – Vocals (founding member) Ian Gillan – Vocals (replaced Evans 1969 left, returned 1994) Roger Glover – Bass (replaced Nick Semper in June 1969) Glenn Hughes – Bass (replaced Roger Glover in 1973) John Lord – Keyboards (founding member) Steve Morse – Guitar (joined in 1994) Ian Paice – Drums (founding member) Joe Satriani – Guitar (1993–4)


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Ben E King Rudy Lewis (died in 1964) Clyde McPhatter (founder died in 1972) Johnny Moore (died 1998) Bill Pinkney (only living founding member in 1953) Charlie Thomas Andrew Thrasher Gearhardt Thrasher Since 1958 Pinkney has used the name The Original Drifters to differentiate themselves from a British group that became The Shadows

Joe Lyn Turner – Vocals (1989–92) Founded in 1968 as Roundabout but changed name in April to Deep Purple Def Leppard Richard Allen – Drums (lost left arm in car accident) Vivian Campbell – Guitar (replaced Steve Clark) Steve Clark – Guitar joined in 1977, died 1991) Phil Cohen – Guitar (replaced Pete Willis) Joe Elliott – Vocals (joined in 1977) Rick Savage – Bass Pete Willis – Guitar (fired from the band for alcoholism) Depeche Mode Vince Clarke – Synthesiser (replaced by Wilder in 1982) Andy Fletcher – Keyboard and Backing Vocals David Gahan – Lead Vocals Martin Gore – Guitar, Keyboard and Backing Vocals Alan Wilder – Keyboard, Piano and Drums (left in 1995) Destiny’s Child Beyonce Knowles Kelly Rowland Michelle Williams Dexy’s Midnight Runners Kevin ‘Billy’ Adams – Guitar and Banjo Kevin ‘Al’ Archer – Keyboards and Vocals (founding member) Mickey Billingham – Keyboards Geoff Blythe – Tenor Saxophone Steve Brennan – Violin Andy ‘Stoker’ Growcott – Drums (replaced Bobby Junlor) Bobby Junior – Drums Giorgio Kilkenny – Bass (replaced Steve Wynn) Andy Leek – Keyboards Roger MacDuff – Violin Brian Maurice – Alto Saxophone Helen O’Hara – Violin Jim Paterson – Trombone Kevin Rowlands – Lead Vocals (founding member) Peter Saunders – Alto Saxophone Seb Shelton – Drums Paul Speare – Tenor Saxophone Steve ‘Babyface’ Spooner – Alto Sax (replaced Saunders) Mick Talbot – Keyboards Pete Williams – Bass Steve Wynn – Bass Dire Straits John IlIsley – Bass Dave Knopfler – Guitar Mark Knopfler – Lead Vocals and Guitar Pick Withers – Drums Dirty Pretty Things Carl Barât – Vocals and Guitar Didz Hammond – Bass Gary Powell – Drums Anthony Rossomando – Guitar Dollar Thereze Bazar David Van Day Doobie Brothers Mike Hossack – Drums Tom Johnston – Guitar Keith Knudsen – Drums and Vocals Michael McDonald – Vocals John McFee – Guitar and Violin Patrick Simmons – Guitar and Vocals Doves Jimi Goodwin – Bass and vocals Andy Williams – Drums Jez Williams – Guitar (Martin Roman Rebelski is touring keyboard player) Drifters Willie Ferbie Eric Troyer – Keyboards and Backing Vocals Colin Walker – Cello

Duran Duran Simon Le Bon – Lead Vocals Nick Rhodes – Keyboards Andy Taylor – Guitar John Taylor – Bass Roger Taylor – Drums Eagles Dan Felder – Guitar and Lead Vocals Glenn Frey – Guitar, Piano, Keyboard and Vocals Don Henley – Drums Timothy B Schmit – Bass Joe Walsh – Guitar, Organ and Vocals Earth, Wind and Fire Philip Bailey – Drums and Vocals (founding member) Ronald Bautista – Guitar and Vocals Michael Beal – Guitar and Harmonica Leslie Drayton – Trumpet Larry Dunn – Keyboards Sonny Emory – Drums Wade Flemons – Backing Vocals John Graham – Guitar Yackov Ben Israel – Conga and Percussion Ralph Johnson – Drums Ronnie Laws – Saxophone and Flute Al McKay – Rhythm Guitar (founding member) Sheldon Reynolds – Backing Vocals Sherry Scot – Backing Vocals Alexander Thomas – Trombone Chet Washington – Tenor Saxophone Fred White – Drums and Percussion Maurice White – Drums and Vocals (founder 1970) Verdine White – Bass Don Whitehead – Keyboards and Backing Vocals Andrew Woolfolk – Saxophone Band’s name derived from the astrological signs of the three founding members East 17 Terry CaIdwell – Vocals Brian Harvey – Lead Singer John Hendy – Vocals Tony Mortimer – Keyboards Elbow Guy Garvey – Guitar and Vocals Richard Jupp – Drums Craig Potter – Keyboards Mark Potter – Guitar Pete Turner – Bass Electric Light Orchestra Michael De Albuquerque – Bass and Cello Phil Bates – Guitar and Backing Vocals Bev Bevan – Drums, Percussion and Backing Vocals Louis Clark – Keyboards and Backing Vocals Mike Edwards – Cello Melvyn Gale – Cello Wilf Gibson – Violin Kelly Groucutt – Bass and Backing Vocals Pete Haycock – Bass and Backing Vocals Parthenon Huxley – Guitar and Backing Vocals Mik Kaminski – Violin Neil Lockwood – Backing Vocals Jeff Lynne – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Hugh McDowell – Cello Richard Tandy – Piano, Harmonica and Backing Vocals


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Peter Green – Guitar Christine McVie née Perfect – Keyboards and Vocals John McVie – Bass Stevie Nicks – Vocals

Roy Wood – Guitar, Banjo, Sitar and Vocals EMF James Atkin – Lead Vocals Derry Brownson – Keyboards Mark Decloedt – Drums Ian Dench – Guitar and Keyboards Zac Foley – Bass En Vogue Terry Ellis Cindy Herron-Braggs Maxine Jones Dawn Robinson (left in 1995) Erasure Andy Bell Vince Clarke eScala Nastasya Hodges – Cello Izzy Johnston – Violin Chantal Leverton – Viola Victoria Lyon – Violin Eternal Easther Bennett Vernette Bennett Kelle Bryan Louise Redknapp (née Nurding) Eurythmics Annie Lennox Dave Stewart Faces, The Kenney Jones – Drums Ronnie Lane – Bass Ian McLagan – Keyboards Rod Stewart – Lead Vocals Ronnie Wood – Guitar and Backing Vocals Following Marriott’s defection to form Humble Pie in 1969, Ron Wood and Rod Stewart were brought in and the Small Faces became The Faces Fairground Attraction Roy Dodds – Drums Simon Edwards – Bass Mark Nevin – Guitar Eddi Reader – Lead Vocals Feeder Taka Hirose – Bass Jon Lee – Drums Grant Nicholas – Vocals, Guitar Feeling, The Ciaran Jeremiah – Keyboards Kevin Jeremiah – Guitar Richard Jones – Bass Dan Gillespie Sells – Guitar and Vocals Paul Stewart – Drums Fine Young Cannibals Andy Cox – Guitar Roland Gift – Lead Vocals David Steele – Bass Five Richard Abidin Breen ‘Abs’ Jason Brown ‘J’ Sean Conlon Ritchie Neville Scott Robinson Five Star Delroy, Deniece, Doris, Lorraine and Stedman Pearson – all five members brothers and sisters from Romford. Fleetwood Mac Lindsey Buckingham – Vocals and Guitar (joined in 1974) Mick Fleetwood – Drums

Florence and the Machine Robert Ackroyd – Guitar Christopher Lloyd Hayden – Drums Tom Monger – Harp Isabella Summers – Keyboards Florence Welch – Lead Vocals Foo Fighters William Goldsmith – Drums Dave Grohl – Vocals and Guitar Nate Mendel – Bass Pat Smear – Guitar Foreigner Thom Gimbel – Saxophone, Guitar Lou Gramm – Lead Vocals Jeff Jacobs – Piano, Vocals Mick Jones – Guitar, Piano, Vocals Mark Schulman – Drums Bruce Turgon – Bass Four Tops Renaldo Benson Abdul Fakir Lawrence Payton Levi Stubbs Frankie Goes to Hollywood Peter Gill – Drums Holly Johnson – Lead Vocals Nasher Nash – Guitar Mark O’Toole – Bass Paul Rutherford – Vocals Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers Sherman Garnet – Vocals Frankie Lymon – Vocals James Merchant – Vocals Joe Negroni – Vocals Herman Santiago – Vocals Franz Ferdinand Robert Hardy – Bass Alexander Kapranos – Guitar and Vocals Nicholas McCarthy – Guitar Paul Thomson – Drums Fray, The Joe King – Guitar and Vocals Dan Lavery – Touring Bass Player Isaac Slade – Piano and Vocals Dave Welsh – Guitar Ben Wysocki – Drums Free Andy Fraser – Bass Simon Kirke – Drums Paul Kossoff – Guitar Paul Rodgers – Vocals Fugees Lauryn ‘L’ Hill Wyclef ‘Clef’ Jean Prakazrel ‘Pras’ Michel Fun Boy Three Lynval Golding – Guitar and Vocals Terry Hall – Vocals Neville Staples – Vocals Fun Lovin’ Criminals Steve ‘O’ Borovini – Drums (left 1999 replaced by Jayson) Maxwell ‘Mackie’ Jayson – Drums Brian ‘Fast, Fisty, etc’ Leiser – Guitar Huey ‘DiFontaine’ Morgan – Lead Vocals and Guitar


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G4 Jonathan Ansell Mike Christie Matt Stiff Ben Thapa Genesis Tony Banks – Keyboard Phil Collins – Drums (joined in 1970, left in 1996) Peter Gabriel – Lead Vocals (left in 1975) Steve Hackett – Guitar (joined in 1970, left in 1977) Anthony Philips – Guitar (left in 1970) Mike Rutherford – Bass John Silver – Drums (replaced by Collins) Chris Stewart – Drums (replaced by John Silver) Ray Wilson – Drums (replaced Phil Collins) Gerry and the Pacemakers Les Chadwick – Bass Arthur Mack – Piano (replaced by Les Maguire) Les Maguire – Piano Freddie Marsden – Drums Gerry Marsden – Lead Vocals and Guitar Girls Aloud Nadine Coyle Sarah Harding Nicola Roberts Cheryl Tweedy Kimberley Walsh Girl group formed through ITV’s Popstars: The Rivals Gladys Knight and the Pips William Guest – Vocals Gladys Knight – Lead Vocals Merald Knight – Vocals Edward Patten – Vocals Glasvegas James Allan – Vocals and Guitar Rab Allan – Lead Guitar Paul Donoghue – Bass Caroline McKay – Drums Go West Peter Cox – Vocals Richard Drummie – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Gorillaz Paula Cracker – Guitar (replaced by Noodle) Del – (the blue phantom in the ‘Clint Eastwood’ and ‘Rock the House’ videos) Russel Hobbs – Drums Murdoc Niccals – Bass Noodle – Guitar, Vocals 2D – Vocals, Keyboards Guillemots Fyfe Dangerfield – Keyboard, Guitar and Vocals Aristazabal Hawkes – Double Bass and Vocals McLord Magräo – Guitar and Bass Greig Stewart – Drums Green Day Billie Joe Armstrong – Vocals and Guitar Tre Cool – Drums Mike Dirnt – Bass John Kiffmeyer – Drums (replaced by Tre Cool) Guns ’N’ Roses Steven Adler – Drums (replaced by Matt Sorum) Duff ‘Rose’ McKagan – Bass Dizzy Read – Keyboard (added in 1990) AxI Rose – Lead Vocals Slash – Guitar Matt Sorum – Drums Izzy Stradlin – Guitar

Happy Mondays Bez – Percussion Paul Davis – Keyboards Mark ‘Cow’ Day – Guitar Paul Ryder – Bass Shaun Ryder – Vocals Gary Whelan – Drums Hawkwind Dave Brock – Guitar and Vocals Robert Calvert – Vocals Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister – Lead Vocals and Bass Stacia – Dancer Nik Turner – Saxophone and Flute Memorable for Lemmy’s vocals on ‘Silver Machine’ and the nude gyrations of six-foot dancer Stacia Hear’Say Danny Foster Mylenne Klass Kim Marsh (left in 2001 and was replaced by Shentall) Suzanne Shaw Johnny Shentall Noel Sullivan Heaven 17 Glenn Gregory – Vocals Ian Craig Marsh – Keyboards (previously in Human League) Martin Ware – Keyboards (previously in Human League) Carol Kenyon was the uncredited vocalist on ‘Temptation’ Hollies, The Bernard Calvert – Bass (replaced Eric Haydock in 1966) Alan Clarke – Lead Vocals (founding member) Bobby Elliott – Drums (replaced Rathbone in 1963) Eric Haydock – Bass (founding member 1962–6) Tony Hicks – Guitar Graham Nash – Guitar and Vocals (founder 1962–8, and 1983) Don Rathbone – Drums (founding member 1962–3) Mikael Rikfors – Lead Vocals (replaced Alan Clarke 1971–3) Terry Sylvester – Guitar and Vocals (replaced Nash in 1968) Founded in 1962 Hot Chocolate Franklyn De Allie – Guitar Errol Brown – Lead Vocals Tony Connor – Drums Larry Ferguson – Pianist Harvey Hinsley – Guitar Ian King – Drums (replaced by Tony Connor) Patrick Olive – Percussionist Tony Wilson – Bass (left in 1976) Housemartins, The Stan Cullimore – Bass Norman Cook – Guitar Paul Heaton – Vocals and Guitar (later formed Beautiful South) David Hemmingway – Drums (later formed Beautiful South) Ted Key – Guitar (replaced by Norman ‘Fat Boy Slim’ Cook) Hugh Whitaker – Drums (replaced by David Hemmingway) Hue and Cry Greg Kane Pat Kane Huey Lewis and the News Mario Cipollina – Bass Johnny Colla – Guitar and Saxophone Bill Gibson – Drums Chris Hayes – Guitar Sean Hopper – Keyboards Huey Lewis – Lead Vocals Human League, The Ian Burden (joined in 1981) Jo Callis – Synthesiser (joined in 1981) Joanne Catherall Ian Craig Marsh (left in 1980 to form Heaven 17) Philip Oakley


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Susan Anne Sulley Martyn Ware (left in 1980 to form Heaven 17) Adrian Wright – Synthesiser Humble Pie Dave ‘Clem’ Clempson – Guitar and Vocals (replaced Frampton) Dave ‘Bucket’ CoIwell (member of Humble Pie 2000) Peter Frampton – Guitar and Vocals (left in 1971) Steve Marriott – Guitar and Lead Vocals Zoot Money – Keyboards (member of Humble Pie 2000) Greg Ridley – Bass and Vocals Jerry Shirley – Drums Bob Tench – Guitar (member of Humble Pie 2000) Il Divo Urs Buhler – Tenor (Swiss) Sebastien Izambard (French) Carlos Marin – Baritone (Spanish) David Miller – Tenor (American) Ink Spots Jerry Daniels (founding member) Charles Fuqua (founding member) Orville ‘Hoppy’ Jones (founding member) Bill Kenny (replaced Jerry Daniels in 1936) Jim ‘Mr inkspots’ Nabbie (replaced Kenny 1945, died 1992) Ivory ‘Deek’ Watson (founding member) Founded in 1932 Inspiral Carpets Clint Boon – Organ Craig Gill – Drums Stephen Holt – Vocals Graham Lambert – Guitar David Swift – Bass INXS Michael Hutchence – Lead Vocals (died in 1997) Garry Beers – Bass, Vocals Andrew Farriss – Keyboard Jon Farriss – Drums Tim Farriss – Guitar Kirk Pengilly – Guitar, Saxophone and Vocals Isley Brothers Ernie Isley – Drums, Guitar and Percussion Marvin Isley – Bass and Percussion O’Kelly Isley – Vocals Ronald Isley – Vocals Rudolph Isley – Vocals Chris Jasper – Drums and Keyboards Jackson Five Jackie Jackson (born Sigmund Jackson) Jermaine Jackson – Bass and Lead Vocals Marlon Jackson Michael Jackson – Lead Vocals Randy Jackson – (replaced Jermaine 1976) Tito Jackson (born Toriano Jackson) – Guitar Jam, The Rick Buckler – Drums (replaced David Waller in 1978) Bruce Foxton – Bass David Waller – Drums Paul Weller – Vocals, Guitar James Tim Booth – Vocals Saul Davies – Violin (added 1990) Andy Diagram – Trumpet (added 1990) Paul Gilbertson – Guitar Jim Glennie – Bass Larry Gott – Guitar (replaced Paul Gilbertson 1985) Mark Hunter – Keyboard (added 1990) Michael Kulas – Guitar (added 1999) Adrian Oxaal – Guitar (added 1997) David Baynton-Power – Drums (replaced Gavan Whelan 1990) Gavan Whelan – Drums Jamiroquai Wallis Buchanan – Vibraphone

Nick Fyffe – (replaced Stuart Zender) J (Jason) K (Kay) – Lead Vocals Derrick McKenzie – Drums Toby Smith – Keyboard Stuart Zender – Bass (left October 1998) Jethro Tull Mick Abrahams – Guitar and Vocals Ian Anderson – Flute, Guitar, Mandolin, Saxophone and Vocals Barriemore Barlow – Drums (replaced Clive Bunker in 1971) Clive Bunker – Drums Glen Cornick – Bass Martin Barre – Flute and Guitar John Evan – Keyboards John Glascock – Bass and Vocals (replaced Hammond, 1976) Jeffrey Hammond – Bass (replaced Glen Cornick in 1971) David Palmer – Keyboard JLS (Jack the Lad Swing) Jonathan ‘JB’ Gill Marvin Humes Aston Merrygold Oritsé Williams Joy Division Ian Curtis – Vocals and Guitar Peter Hook – Bass and Vocals Stephen Morris – Drums and Percussion Bernard Sumner – Guitar and Keyboards Kaiser Chiefs Nick ‘Peanuts’ Baines – Keyboards Nick Hodgson – Drums and Vocals Simon Rix – Bass Andrew ‘Whitey’ White – Guitar Ricky Wilson – Lead Vocals Kasabian Chris Edwards – Bass Ash Hannis – Drums (replaced by Ian Matthews) Chris Karloff – Guitar and Keyboards (replaced by Jay Meyler) Tom Meigham – Vocals Sergio Pizzorno – Guitar and Vocals Keane Tom Chaplin – Vocals Richard Hughes – Drums Tim Rice-Oxley – Keyboards King Crimson Robert Fripp – Guitar and Mellotron Michael Giles – Drums and Vocals Greg Lake – Bass and Vocals Ian McDonald – Flute, Keyboards and Saxophone Kings of Leon Caleb Followill – Lead Vocals and Guitar Jared Followill – Bass Matthew Followill – Lead Guitar Nathan Followill – Drums Kinks, The Mick Avory – Drums John Beecham – Trombone and Tuba Laurie Brown – Vocals Mike Cotton – Trumpet John Dalton – Bass (left in 1976) Dave Davies – Guitar, Vocals Raymond Douglas Davies – Vocals, Guitar, Piano John Gosling – Keyboards Alan Holmes – Saxophone and Clarinet Davy Jones – Saxophone and Clarinet Peter Quaife – Bass (left in 1969 and replaced by Dalton) Kiss Peter Criss – Drums and Vocals Ace Frehley – Guitar and Vocals Gene Simmons – Bass and Vocals Paul Stanley – Guitar


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Kooks, The Paul Garrad – Drums Hugh Harris – Guitar Dan Logan – Bass (replaced Max Rafferty in 2008) Luke Pritchard – Vocals and Guitar Kool & The Gang Clifford Adams – Trombone Robert ‘Kool’ Bell – Bass Robert ‘The Captain’ Bell – Keyboards and Saxophone Gary Brown – Vocals ‘Funky’ George Brown – Drums Skip Martin – Vocals Odeen Mays – Vocals Robert ‘Spike’ Mickens – Trumpet Michael Ray – Trumpet Pharoah Sanders Charles ‘Calydes’ Smith – Guitar James ‘JT’ Taylor – Vocals (joined in 1979, left after Toon) Dennis ‘DT’ Thomas – Saxophone Leon Thomas Earl Toon Jnr – Vocals (left and Taylor became front man) Kraftwerk Klaus Dinger Wolfgang Flur – Electronic Drums Thomas Homann (left the band) Ralf Hutter – Organ Eberhardt Khranemann – Bass (left the band) Klaus Roeder – Guitar, Violin, Keyboards Michael Rother – Guitar Florian Schneider – Woodwind Kula Shaker Alonza Bevan – Bass Jay Darlington – Keyboard Crispian Mills – Lead Vocals Paul Winterhart – Drums Last Shadow Puppets, The Miles Kane – Guitar and Vocals Alex Turner – Guitar and Vocals Led Zeppelin Jason Bonham – Drums (replaced his father in 1980) John ‘Bonzo’ Bonham – Drums (died in 1980) John Paul Jones – Bass Jimmy Page – Lead Guitar Robert Plant – Lead Vocals Jimmy Page decided to reform the Yardbirds under the name of the New Yardbirds. Keith Moon commented that it would go down like a lead balloon, in fact, a Le(a)d Zeppelin. Level 42 Boon Gould – Guitar Phil Gould – Drums Mark King – Bass and Vocals Mark Lindup – Keyboards and Vocals Libertines, The Carl Barat – Vocals Pete Doherty – Vocals and Guitar (fired in 2004) John Hassall – Bass Gary Powell – Drums Anthony Rossomando – Guitar (replaced Doherty) Liberty X Michelle Heaton Tony Lundon Kevin Simm Jessica Taylor Kelli Young Lighthouse Family, The Tunde Baiyewu – Lead Vocals Paul Tucker – Keyboards

Lightning Seeds Ian Broudie – Lead Vocals and Guitar Martyn Campbell – Bass Paul Hemmings – Guitar Ali Kane – Keyboards (replaced by Angie Pollock in 1996) Angie Pollock – Keyboards Mat Priest – Drums Chris Sharrock – Drums (replaced by Mat Priest in 1996) Limp Bizkit Wes Borland – Guitar Fred Durst – Lead Vocals DJ Lethal (joined in 1996) John Otto – Drums Sam Rivers – Bass Lonestar Michael Britt – Guitar and Vocals Richie McDonald – Lead Vocals Keech Rainwater – Drums Dean Sams – Keyboard and Vocals Love Affair Maurice Bacon – Drums Rex Brayley – Guitar Steve Ellis – Vocals Morgan Fisher – Organ Lynton Guest – Organ Mick Jackson – Bass A less well-known US band had the same name Lynyrd Skynyrd Bob Burns – Drums Allen Collins – Guitar Steve Gaines – Guitar Ed King – Guitar Billy Powell – Keyboards Gary Rossington – Guitar Leon Williams – Bass Ronnie Van Zant – Vocals M People Paul Heard Mike Pickering Heather Small Madcon Critical (Yosef Wolde-Mariam) Kapricon (Tshawe Baqwa) Madness Mike ‘Barso’ Barson – Keyboards Mark ‘Bedders’ Bedford – Bass Chris ‘Chrissy Boy’ Foreman – Guitar Graham ‘Suggs’ McPherson – Lead Vocals Carl ‘Chas’ Smash – Trumpet and Backing Vocals Lee ‘Kix’ Thompson – Saxophone and Vocals Daniel ‘Woody’ Woodgate – Drums and Percussion Magic Band, The Captain Beefheart – Vocals and Harmonica John ‘Drumbo’ French – Drums and Vocals Gary Lucas – Guitar Rockette Morton (Mark Boston) – Bass Zoot Horn Rollo (Bill Harkleroad) – Guitar Denny ‘Feelers Rebo’ Walley – Guitar Mamas and the Papas Denny Doherty – Vocals Mama Cass Elliot – Vocals John Phillips – Guitar and Vocals Michelle Phillips – Vocals Manfred Mann Michael D’Abo – Lead Vocals (replaced Paul Jones in 1966) Mike Hugg – Drums and Percussion Paul Jones – Lead Vocals Tom McGuinness – Bass Manfred Mann – Keyboards Mike Vickers – Guitar


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Manhattan Transfer Tim Hauser Laurel Masse Alan Paul Janis Siegel Manic Street Preachers James Dean Bradfield – Lead Vocals, Lead and Rhythm Guitar Richey Edwards – Rhythm Guitar (went missing in 1995) Sean Moore – Drums Nicky Wire – Bass Marillion Fish – Vocals (left in 1988) Steve Hogarth – Vocals (replaced Fish in 1989) Mark Kelly – Keyboards Ian Mosley – Drums Mick Pointer – Drums Steve Rothery – Guitar Pete Trewavas – Bass Marmalade William ‘Junior’ Campbell – Guitar and Vocals (founding member) Raymond Duffy – Drums (founding member) Patrick Fairley – Guitar (founding member) Dean Ford – Lead Vocals (founding member) Graham Knight – Bass and Vocals (founding member) Alan Whitehead – Drums (replaced Duffy in late 1966) Founded in 1966 having previously been named Dean Ford and the Gaylords Martha Reeves and the Vandellas Rosalind Ashford, Betty Kelly, Lois Reeves Martha Reeves, Sandra Tilley, Gloria Williams McFly Tom Fletcher – Guitar and Vocals Danny Jones – Guitar and Vocals Harry Judd – Drums Dougie Poynter – Bass and Vocals Middle of the Road Phil Anderson – Guitar and Vocals Ken Andrew – Drums and Vocals (founding member) Eric Campbell-Lewis – Guitar (founding member) Ian Campbell-Lewis – Guitar (founding member) Sally Carr – Lead Vocals (founding member) Shug Devun – Keyboards Derek Hall – Guitar and Vocals Neil Henderson – Bass and Vocals Kenny McKay – Guitar and Vocals Pat Monaghan – Guitar and Vocals Mindbenders Wayne Fontana – Lead Vocals Graham Gouldman – Guitar Paul Hancox – Drums James O’Neill – Guitar Eric Stewart – Guitar, Piano and Vocals Mis-Teeq Alesha Dixon Su-Elise Nash Sabrina Washington Monkees, The Mickey Dolenz – Drums and Vocals Davy Jones – Tambourine and Vocals Mike Nesmith – Guitar and Vocals Peter Tork – Bass and Vocals Moody Blues Graeme Edge – Drums and Vocals (founder member) Justin Hayward – Guitar and Vocals (replaced Laine) Denny Laine – Guitar and Vocals (founder member left, 1966) John Lodge – Bass, Cello, Guitar and Vocals Mike Pinder – Keyboards and Vocals (founder member) Ray Thomas – Reeds and Vocals (founder member) Clint Warwick – Guitar (founder member left in 1966)

Motorhead Phil Campbell – Guitar Mikkey Dee – Drums Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister – Lead Vocals and Bass Mott the Hoople Dale Griffin – Drums and Vocals Ian Hunter – Piano, Guitar and Lead Vocals Mick Ralphs – Guitar and Vocals Overend Watts – Bass and Vocals Move, The Bev Bevan – Drums Trevor Burton – Guitar and Vocals Chris Kefford – Bass Jeff Lynn – Guitar and Vocals Rick Pride – Bass and Vocals Carl Wayne – Guitar and Vocals Roy Wood – Guitar, Banjo, Sitar and Vocals Mud Rob Davis Les Gray Dave Mount Ray Stiles Mugwumps Denny Doherty – Vocals Cass Elliot – Vocals James Hendricks – Vocals Zal Yanovsky – Guitar and Vocals Mungo Jerry Mike Cole – Bass Ray Dorset – Vocals, Guitar Colin Earl – Piano, Vocals Paul King – Banjo, Guitar, Vocals My Chemical Romance Bob Bryar – Drums Frank Iero – Guitar Matt Pelissier – Drums (replaced by Bryar) Ray Toro – Lead Guitar Gerard Way – Lead Vocals Mikey Way – Bass N-Dubz Dino ‘Dappy’ Contostavlos Tula ‘Tulisa’ Contostavlos Richard ‘Fazer’ Rawson ’N Sync Lance Bass JC Chasez Joey Fatone Chris Kirkpatrick Justin Timberlake Nazareth Pete Agnew – Bass (founding member) Manny Charlton – Guitar (founding member) Zal Cleminson – Guitar (1979–81) Ronnie Leahy – Keyboards John Locke – Keyboards (replaced Zal Cleminson) Dan McCafferty – Vocals (founding member) Jimmy Murrison – Guitar Bill Rankin – Guitar and Keyboards (replaced Locke in 1981) Darrell Sweet – Drummer (founding member) N*E*R*D Shay Haley Chad Hugo Pharrell Williams New Christy Minstrels, The Karen Black (better known nowadays as an actress) Bob Buchanan Gene Clark (left to join The Byrds) Barry McGuire – Lead Vocals Larry Ramos


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Kenny Rogers – Vocals (1966–7) Mike Settle (left 1967 to start First Edition with Rogers) Randy Sparks (founder of the group) New Kids on the Block Jonathan Knight Jordan Knight Joe McIntyre Donnie Wahlberg Danny Wood New Order Phil Cunningham – Guitar & Synthesiser (replaced Gilbert 2005) Gillian Gilbert – Guitar and Keyboards Peter Hook – Bass and Vocals Stephen Morris – Drums and Percussion Bernard Sumner – Guitar and Keyboards New Seekers Chris Barrington – Bass (founding member left in 1970) Peter Doyle (joined in 1970) Eve Graham (founding member) Sally Graham (founding member left in 1970) Laurie Heath – Guitar (founding member left in 1970) Marty Kristian (founding member) Paul Layton (joined in 1970) Peter Oliver (replaced Peter Doyle in 1973) Lyn Paul (joined in 1970) Keith Potger (founder but only played on one LP) Nice, The Brian ‘Blinky’ Davison – Drums Keith Emerson – Keyboards Lee Jackson – Bass David O’List – Guitar and Vocals Nickelback Chad Kroeger – Vocals and Guitar Mike Kroeger – Guitar Ryan Peake – Guitar and Vocals Ryan Vikedal – Bass 911 Lee Brennan Jimmy Constable Simon ‘Spike’ Dawbarn Nirvana Kurt Cobain – Lead Vocals and Guitar (died in 1994) David Grohl – Drums and Vocals Chris Novoselic – Bass and Vocals Noisettes Jamie Morrison – Drums Shingai Shoniwa – Vocals and Bass Dan Smith – Guitar Oasis Gem Archer – Guitar (replaced Paul Arthurs in 1999) Paul ‘Bonehead’ Arthurs – Rhythm Guitar Andy Bell – Bass (replaced Paul McGuigan) Liam Gallagher – Vocals Noel Gallagher – Vocals and Guitar Tony McCarroll – Drums Paul ‘Guigsy’ McGuigan – Bass Alan White – Drums (replaced Tony McCarroll in 1994) Ocean Colour Scene Steve Craddock – Lead Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Simon Fowler – Lead Vocals, Guitar and Harmonica Oscar Harrison – Drums and Vocals Damon Minchela – Bass

@ \^` {| Louis Tomlinson

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD) Malcolm Holmes – Keyboards Dave Hughes – Drums and Percussion Paul Humphreys – Keyboards Andy McCluskey – Bass and Vocals Osmonds, The Donny Osmond Alan Osmond Little Jimmy Osmond Wayne Osmond Jay Osmond Merrill Osmond Pet Shop Boys Chris Lowe Neil Tennant – Lead Vocals Peter, Paul and Mary Paul Stookey – Guitar and Vocals Mary Travers – Vocals Peter Yarrow – Guitar and Vocals Pink Floyd Syd Barrett – Guitar and Vocals Dave Gilmour – Guitar and Vocals Nick Mason – Drums and Percussion Roger Waters – Bass, Piano and Percussion Rick Wright – Keyboards Plastic Ono Band Eric Clapton – Guitar John Lennon – Vocals, Guitar and Piano Yoko Ono – Vocals Ringo Starr – Drums Klaus Voorman – Bass Alan White – Drums Platters Alex Hodge David Lynch (died in 1981) Herb Reed Paul Robi (died in 1989) Zola Taylor Sonny Turner Tony Williams (died in 1992) Managed by Sam ‘Buck’ Ram Pogues, The James Feamley – Piano Accordion and Guitar Jim Finer – Banjo and Mandolin Darryl Hunt – Bass Shane MacGowan – Lead Vocals (replaced by Joe Strummer) Cait O’Riordan – Bass (replaced by Darryl Hunt) Andrew Ranken – Drums Peter ‘Spidey’ Stacy – Tin Whistle Joe Strummer – Lead Vocals Terry Woods Police Stewart Copeland – Drums Sting (Gordon Sumner) – Lead Vocals and Bass Andy Summers – Guitar

O’Jays Bill Isles, Eddie Levert, Bobby Massey, William Powell Walter Williams - Formed in 1958 as the Mascots and became the O’Jays in honour of Cleveland DJ Eddie O’Jay

Pretenders, The Martin Chambers – Drums Pete Farndon – Bass (left 1982, died 1983) Malcolm Foster – Bass (added 1983) James Honeyman-Scott – Guitar (died in 1982) Chrissie Hynde – Lead Vocals Robbie McIntosh – Guitar (added 1983)


Proclaimers Charlie and Craig Reid


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Procol Harum Gary Brooker – Piano and Lead Vocals Alan Cartwright – Bass Chris Copping – Bass and Organ Matthew Fisher – Guitar and Organ Mick Grabham – Guitar Bobby Harrison – Drums and Percussion David Knights – Bass Ray Royer – Guitar Peter Solley – Organ Robin Trower – Guitar and Vocals BJ Wilson – Drums and Percussion Prodigy Graham ‘Gizz’ Butt – Guitar Keith Flint – Lead Vocals Liam Howlett – Keyboards Alison ‘Alli’ Maclnnes – Guitar Sharky – Dancer and Backing Vocals Leeroy Thornhill – Dancer MC Maxim Reality (born Keith Palmer) Public Image Ltd Keith Levine – Guitar John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) – Lead Vocals Jim Walker – Drums Jah Wobble – Bass Pulp Jarvis Cocker – Lead Vocals and Guitar Peter Dalton – Keyboard Wayne Furniss – Drums Jamie Pinchbeck – Bass Pussycat Dolls, The Carmit Bachar – Dance, Vocals Ashley Roberts – Dance, Vocals Nicole Scherzinger – Lead Vocals Jessica Sutta – Dance, Vocals Melody Thornton – Vocals Kimberley Wyatt – Dance, Vocals Former members include: Cyia Batten, Carmen Electra, Nadine Ellis, Erica Gudis, Kaya Jones, Rebecca Pickering, Rachel Sterling Quarrymen, The George Harrison – Lead Guitar and Vocals John Lennon – Rhythm Guitar and Vocals Paul McCartney – Bass and Vocals Pete Best – Drums Formed 1958 and became The Silver Beatles in 1959 when Tony Sheridan joined them. Whatever became of them? Queen John Deacon – Bass Brian May – Guitar and Vocals Freddie Mercury (born Freddie Bulsara) – Vocals and Keyboard Roger Taylor – Drums Q-Tips, The Stewart Blandmer – Saxophone and Vocals Steve Farr – Saxophone and Vocals Tony Hughes – Trumpet Mick Pearl – Bass Garth Watt Roy – Guitar and Vocals Barry Watts – Drums Paul Young – Guitar and Lead Vocals Radiohead Johnny Greenwood – Lead Guitar Colin Greenwood – Bass Ed O’Brien – Rhythm Guitar Phil Selway – Drums Thom Yorke – Lead Vocals and Rhythm Guitar Rainbow Don Airey – Keyboards (replaced David Stone) Jimmy Bain – Bass (replaced Craig Gruber) Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Graham Bonnet – Vocals (replaced Ronnie James Dio) Tony Carey – Keyboards (replaced Mickey Lee Soule) Mark Clarke – Bass (replaced Jimmy Bain)

Bob Daisley – Bass (replaced Mark Clarke) Ronnie James Dio – Vocals Gary Driscoll – Drums Roger Glover – Bass (replaced Bob Daisley) Craig Gruber – Bass Cozy Powell – Drums (replaced Gary Driscoll) Mickey Lee Soule – Keyboards David Stone – Keyboards (replaced Tony Carey) Rascals, The Joe Edwards – Bass Miles Kane – Vocals and Guitar Greg Mighall – Drums Razorlight Björn Agren – Guitar Johnny Borrell – Vocals and Guitar Andy Burrows – Drums Carl Dalemo – Bass Christian Smith Pancorvo – Drums (replaced by Burrows) Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Flea (Michael Balzary) – Trumpet, Bass (founding member) John Frusciante – (replaced Duane ‘Blackbird’ McKnight) Jack Irons – Drums (left to form What Is This) Anthony Kiedis – Vocals (founding member) Duane ‘Blackbird’ McKnight – Guitar (replaced Hillel Slovak) Arik Marshall – Guitar (replaced John Frusciante) Cliff Martinez – Bass Dave Navarro – (replaced Jesse Tobias) DH Peligro – Drums (formerly with Dead Kennedys) Jack Sherman – Guitar Hillel Slovak – Guitar (died 25 June 1988) Chad Smith – Drums (replaced DH Peligro) Jesse Tobias – Guitar (replaced Arik Marshall) The Red Hot Chili Peppers were once known as Tony Flow and the Miraculously Majestic Masters of Mayhem REM Bill Berry – Drums (left in 1996) Peter Buck – Lead Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo Mike Mills – Bass, Keyboard Michael Stipe – Lead Vocals and Guitar Righteous Brothers Bobby Hatfield Bill Medley Jimmy Walker (replaced Bill Medley in 1968) Right Said Fred Fred Fairbrass Richard Fairbrass Rob Manzoli Rolling Stones, The Mick Jagger – Lead Vocals Brian Jones – Guitar (died in 1969) Darryl Jones – Bass (joined in 1994) Keith ‘The Human Riff’ Richards – Guitar Ian Stewart – Piano (died 12 December 1985) Mick Taylor – Guitar (1969–74) Charlie Watts – Drums Ron Wood – Bass (joined in 1975) Bill Wyman – Bass (left in 1992) Andrew Loog Oldham – Manager Ronettes Estelle Bennett Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Bennett Nedra Talley Roxette Marie Fredriksson – Vocals Per Gessle – Guitar and Vocals Roxy Music Roger Bunn – Guitar Brian Eno – Synthesiser Bryan Ferry – Lead Vocals and Keyboards John Gustafson – Bass (replaced Sal Maida) Eddie Jobson – Keyboards Rik Kenton – Bass (replaced Graham Simpson)


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Andy MacKay – Saxophone Sal Maida – Bass (replaced John Porter) Phil Manzanera – Guitar David O’List – Guitar John Porter – Bass (replaced Rik Kenton) Graham Simpson – Bass David Skinner – Keyboards Paul Thompson – Drums Gary Tibbs – Bass (replaced John Wetton) John Wetton – Bass Rutles, The Dirk McQuickly (Eric Idle) Ron Nasty (Neil Innes) Stig O’Hara (Ricky Fataar) Barry Wom (John Halsey) Leggy Mountbatten (Terence Bayler) – Manager Spoof group invented by Eric Idle and Gary Weiss and modelled on The Beatles. Had a minor hit in actuality with ‘I Must Be In Love’ S Club Tina Barrett Paul Cattermole (left 2002) Jon Lee Bradley McIntosh Jo O’Meara Hannah Spearritt Rachel Stevens Formerly known as S Club 7 until Paul Cattermole left S Club Juniors Aaron, Calvin, Daisy, Frankie, Hannah, Jay, Rochelle, Stacey Saint Etienne Sarah Cracknell – Vocals Bob Stanley – Keyboards and Xylophone Pete Wiggs – Keyboards Salt-N-Pepa Sandra ‘Pepa’ Denton DJ Pamela Green Cheryl ‘Salt’ James DJ Dee Dee ‘Spinderella’ Roper (replaced Pamela Green) Saturdays, The Una Healy Mollie King Frankie Sandford Vanessa White Rochelle Wiseman Savage Garden Darren Hayes – Lead Vocals Daniel Jones – Guitar Scaffold John Gorman,Mike McGear, Roger McGough Scissor Sisters Babydaddy (Scott Hoffman) – Bass and Keyboards Paddy Boom (Patrick Seacor) – Drums Del Marquis (Derek Gruen) – Guitar Ana Matronic (Ana Lynch) – Vocals Jake Shears (Jason Sellards) – Lead Vocals Searchers, The Chris Curtis Tony Jackson John McNally Mike Pinder Seekers Judith Durham – Vocal Athol Guy – Bass Keith Potger – Guitar Bruce Woodley – Guitar Sex Pistols Paul Cook – Drums

Steve Jones – Guitar Glen Matlock – Bass (replaced by Sid Vicious in 1977) Wally Nightingale – Lead Vocals Jonny Rotten – Vocals Sid Vicious – Bass (died in 1979) Malcolm McLaren – Manager Reformed in 1996 for the ‘Filthy Lucre’ tour Shadows, The Brian Bennett – Drums (founding member) Warren Bennett – Guitar and Keyboards (son of Brian) John Farrar – Bass Guitar (replaced Alan Tarney in 1977) Mo Foster – Bass (classed as an honorary Shadow) Mark Griffiths – Bass (replaced Alan Jones in 1987) Cliff Hall – Piano (from 1978 an honorary Shadow) Jet Harris – Bass (replaced by Brian Locking in 1962) Alan Hawkshaw – Piano and Keyboards (joined 1968) Alan Jones – Bass (from 1977 an honorary Shadow) Brian ‘Licorice’ Locking – Bass (left for religious reasons 1964) Ben Marvin – Guitar (son of Hank) Hank Marvin – Lead Guitar Tony Meehan – Drums (replaced by Brian Bennett in 1961) John Rostill – Bass Guitar (joined 1964, died in 1973) Alan Tarney – Bass Guitar and Piano (1973–7) Bruce Welch – Rhythm Guitar Shakespears Sister Marcella Detroit Siobhan Fahey Shalamar Jeffrey Daniel Howard Hewett Jody Watley Shamen, The Colin Angus Derek McKenzie (replaced by William Sinnott) Keith McKenzie William Sinnott (drowned in 1991) Peter Stephenson Richard ‘Mr C’ West Simply Red Tony Bowers – Bass Mick ‘Red’ Hucknall – Lead Vocals Chris Joyce – Drums Tim Kellett – Brass, Keyboards Fritz McIntyre – Keyboards Sylvan Richardson – Guitar Slade Dave Hill – Lead Guitar and Backing Vocals Noddy Holder – Lead Vocals and Guitar Jim Lea – Bass and Violin Don Powell – Drums Small Faces Kenney Jones – Drums Ronnie Lane – Bass Ian McLagan – Keyboards Steve Marriott – Vocals and Guitar Following Marriott’s defection to form Humble Pie in 1969, Ron Wood and Rod Stewart were brought in and the Small Faces became The Faces Smashing Pumpkins Jimmy Chamberlin – Drums Billy Corgan – Lead Vocals and Guitar James Iha – Lead Guitar Melissa Auf Der Maur – Bass D’Arcy Wretzky – Bass (replaced by Melissa Auf Der Maur) Smiths Mike Joyce – Drums Johnny Marr – Guitar Stephen Morrissey – Vocals Andy Rourke – Bass


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Smokey Robinson and the Miracles Bill Griffin – Vocals Pete Moore – Vocals Smokey Robinson – Lead Vocals Bobby Rogers – Vocals Ronny White – Vocals So Solid Crew Harvey Lisa Romeo Band is reputed to have at least 30 transient -members Soft Cell Marc Almond – Lead Vocals Dave Ball – Synthesiser Spandau Ballet Tony Hadley – Lead Vocals John Keeble – Drums Gary Kemp – Guitar Martin Kemp – Bass Steve Norman – Guitar, Saxophone and Percussion Steve Dagger – Manager Spencer Davis Group Spencer Davis – Guitar and Vocals (founding member) Ray Fenwick – Guitar (replaced Phil Sawyer) Eddie Hardin – Keyboards (replaced Phil Sawyer) Phil Sawyer – Guitar and Keyboards (joined 1967 after Steve Winwood left) Muff Winwood – Bass (founding member left in 1967) Steve Winwood – Vocals, Guitar and Piano (founding member) Peter York – Drums (founding member) Steve Winwood left in 1967 to form Traffic Spice Girls Victoria Beckham (née Adams) ‘Posh Spice’ Melanie ‘B’ Brown ‘Scary Spice’ Emma Bunton ‘Baby Spice’ Melanie ‘C’ Chisholm ‘Sporty Spice’ Geri Halliwell ‘Ginger Spice’ (left the group in 1999) Spinal Tap Joe ‘Mama’ Bessemer – Drums (replaced Mick Shrimpton) Peter James Bond (replaced Childs, spontaneously combusted) Eric ‘Stumpy Joe’ Childs – Drums (died in 1974 after choking) Ian Faith – Manager (replaced Hampton) Glyn Hampton – Manager (left in 1975) Ross MacLochness – Keyboards (replaced Denny Upham) John ‘Stumpy’ Pepys – Drums (died in gardening accident 1969) Jeanine Pettibone – Manager (replaced Ian Faith) Ronnie Pudding – Bass David St Hubbins (Michael McKean) Viv Savage – Keyboards (replaced MacLochness) Mick Shrimpton – Drums (replaced Bond but suffered same fate) Ric Shrimpton – Drums (played in the 1992 revival group) Derek Smalls (Harry Shearer) – Bass Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) Denny Upham – Keyboards CJ Vanston – Keyboards (played in the 1992 revival group) Fictitious group played by McKean, Guest and Shearer in the 1984 satirical film This Is Spinal Tap, although spawning minor hits such as ‘Bitch School’ and ‘The Majesty of Rock’. Squeeze Paul Carrack – Keyboards and Vocals Chris Difford – Guitar and Vocals Paul Gunn – Drums (replaced by Gilson Lavis) Jools Holland – Keyboards and Vocals Gilson Lavis – Drums Glenn Tilbrook – Guitar and Vocals Miles Copeland – Manager (in the early days) Starsailor Ben Byrne – Drums James Stelfox – Bass James Walsh – Vocals and Guitar Barry Westhead – Keyboards

Status Quo John Coghlan – Drums Alan Lancaster – Bass Roy Lynes – Keyboards Rick Parfitt – Guitar and Vocals Francis Rossi – Guitar and Vocals The above are the five founding members, although various other musicians have played with the Quo over the years Steps Lee Latchford-Evans Claire Richards Lisa Scott-Lee Faye Tozer Ian ‘H’ Watkins Stereophonics Stuart Cable – Drummer Kelly Jones – Lead Vocals and Guitar Richard Jones – Bass Stone Roses Ian Brown – Vocals Andy Couzens – Guitar Pete Garner – Bass (replaced by Gary ‘Mani’ Mounfield) Gary ‘Mani’ Mounfield – Bass John Squire – Guitar Simon Wolstencroft – Drums (replaced by Alan ‘Reni’ Wren) Alan ‘Reni’ Wren – Drums Stranglers, The Jet Black – Drums Jean-Jacques Burnel – Bass and Vocals Hugh Cornwell – Guitar and Vocals Dave Greenfield – Keyboards Streets, The Mike Skinner Strokes, The Julian Casablancas – Lead Vocals Nikolai Fraiture – Bass Albert Hammond Jr – Guitar Fabrizio Moretti – Drums Nick Valensi – Guitar Suede Brett Anderson – Lead Vocalist Bernard Butler – Guitar (replaced by Richard Oakes) Neil Codling – Keyboard, Vocals Justine Frischmann – Guitar (left) Simon Gilbert – Drums Richard Oakes – Guitar Mat Osman – Bass Sugababes, The Amelle Berrabah (replaced Buena) Keisha Buchanan Mutya Buena Siobhan Donaghy (left in 2001) Heidi Range (replaced Donaghy) Super Furry Animals Huw ‘Bunf’ Bunford – Guitar and Vocals Cian Ciaran – Keyboards Dafydd leuan – Drums Guto Pryce – Bass Gruff Rhys – Lead Vocals and Guitar Supergrass Gaz Coombes – Lead Vocals and Guitar Danny Goffey – Drums Micky Quinn – Bass Supertramp Rick Davies – Keyboards, Harmonica and Vocals Mark Hart – Keyboards and Vocals John Helliwell – Keyboards and Saxophones Cliff Hugo – Bass Bob Sjebenberg – Drums


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Alan Henderson – Bass John McAuley – Drums, Harmonica and Vocals Ray Ken McPowell – Vocals Van Morrison – Harmonica, Tenor Saxophone and Vocals

Jesse Sjebenberg – Keyboards, Guitar, Percussion and Vocals Dougie Thompson – Bass Lee Thornburg – Trumpet and Trombone Carl Verheyen – Guitar and Vocals Supremes Florence Ballard Cindy Birdsong Diana Ross Jean Terrell (joined after Ross left) Mary Wilson (replaced by Birdsong on becoming Supremes) Jean Terrell (joined after Ross left) Originally called Primettes Sweet Brian Connolly – Vocals (founding member, died in 1997) Steve Priest – Bass (founding member) Andy Scott – Guitar Mick Stewart – Guitar Frank Torpey – Guitar (founding member) Mick Tucker – Drums (founding member) Phil Wainman – Drums Take That Gary Barlow – Lead Vocals, Piano and Composer Howard Donald Jason Orange Mark Owen Robbie Williams (left in 1995 but rejoined in 2010) Disbanded in February 1996, reformed (without Williams) 2005 Talking Heads David Byrne – Guitar and Lead Vocals Chris Frantz – Drums Jerry Harrison – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals Martina Weymouth – Bass Tears For Fears Oleta Adams – Vocals Roland Orzabal – Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals (founder) Curt Smith – Bass and Vocals (founding member) Ian Stanley – Keyboards Basically a duo that became a one-man band when Curt Smith left in 1991 Temptations Dennis Edwards Mel Franklin Eddie Kendricks David Ruffin Otis Williams Paul Williams 10CC Lol Creme – Guitar and Keyboards Kevin Godley – Drums, Percussion and Vocals Graham Gouldman – Bass, Guitar and Vocals Eric Stewart – Guitar, Piano and Vocals Ten Years After Chick Churchill – Keyboards Alvin Lee – Guitar and Vocals Ric Lee – Drums and Percussions Leo Lyons – Bass Texas Eddie Campbell – Keyboards Richard Hynde – Drums Stuart Kerr – Drums Johnny McElhone – Bass Ally McErlaine – Guitar Tony McGovern – Guitar Sharleen Spiteri – Lead Vocals and Guitar Mykey Wilson – Drums Them Jim Armstrong – Sitar, Guitar and Drums Peter Bardens – Organ Ray Elliot – Organ, Flute, Saxophone Billy Harrison – Guitar David Harvey – Drums

Them Crooked Vultures Dave Grohl – Drums Josh Homme – Guitar and Vocals John Paul Jones – Bass and Keyboard Thin Lizzy Eric Bell – Guitar (founding member 1970–74) Brian Downey – Drums (founding member 1970–83) John DuCann – Guitar (January to April 1974) Dave Flett – Guitar (1979–80) Andy Gee – Guitar (January to April 1974) Scott Gorham – Guitar (1974–83) Phil Lynott – Bass and Vocals (founding member, died 1986) Gary Moore – Guitar (January to April 1974 and 1977–9) Mark Nauseef – Drums (1978–9) Brian ‘Robbo’ Robertson – Guitar and Vocals (1974–8) Midge Ure – Guitar (1979–80) Darren Wharton – Keyboards (1980-83) Snowy White – Guitar (1980–82) Eric Wrixon – Keyboards (founding member, 1970) Thompson Twins Tom Bailey – Synthesiser and Vocals Chris Bell – Drums Alannah Currie – Percussion, Saxophone and Vocals Joe Leeway – Percussion John Roog – Guitar Matthew Seligman – Bass Pete Todd – Guitar Three Degrees Sheila Ferguson Valerie Holiday Fayette Pinkney Three Dog Night Michael Allsup – Guitar Jimmy Greenspoon – Keyboards Danny Hutton – Vocals Chuck Negren – Vocals Joe Schermie – Bass Floyd Sneed – Drums and Percussion Cory Wells – Vocals Thrills, The Ben Carrigan – Drums Conor Deasy – Vocals Kevin Horan – Keyboards Patraic McMahon – Bass Daniel Ryan – Guitar Thunderclap Newman Speedy Keen – Drums, Guitar and Vocals Jimmy McCulloch – Guitar Andy Newman – Keyboards Ting Tings Jules De Martino – Drums and Guitar Katie White – Vocals and Guitar TLC Lisa ‘Left-eye’ Lopes (died in 2002) Rozonda ‘Chilli’ Thomas Tionne ‘T-Boz’ Watkins Toploader Julian Deane – Lead Guitar and Vocals Rob Green – Drums Dan Hipgrave – Rhythm and Acoustic Guitar Matt Knight – Bass Joseph Washbourn – Lead Vocals, Piano and Organ T’Pau Tim Burgess – Drums Michael Chetwood – Keyboards Carol Decker – Vocals Paul Jackson – Bass


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Laurence Parry – Trumpet and Trombone Brian Travers – Saxophone and Horn Michael Virtue – Keyboards

Ron Rogers – Guitar Taj Wyzgowski – Guitar Traffic Reebop Kwaku Baah – Percussion Barry Beckett – Keyboards Jim Capaldi – Drums, Percussion and Vocals Jim Gordon – Drums Rick Grech – Bass and Violin Roger Hawkins – Drums David Hood – Bass Dave Mason – Bass, Guitar, Sitar and Vocals Steve Winwood – Lead Vocals, Guitar and Keyboard Chris Wood – Flute, Organ, Percussion, Saxophone, Vocals) Travelling Wilburys Bob Dylan George Harrison Jeff Lynne Roy Orbison Tom Petty Travis Andy Dunlop – Lead Guitar Fran Healey – Lead Vocals and Guitar Douglas Payne – Bass Neil Primrose – Drums Tremeloes, The Alan Blakely – Guitar Dave Munden – Drums Len ‘Chip’ Hawkes – Bass and Vocals Rick West – Guitar Formed 1959 and began life as backing group to Brian Poole. Signed by Decca in preference to The Beatles, who auditioned on the same day. When Poole went solo in 1966 they became equally -successful in their own right. T Rex Miller Anderson – Guitar Marc Bolan – Guitar and Vocals (died 1977) Steve Currie – Bass Dino Dines – Keyboards Mickey Finn – Drums and Percussion Herbie Flowers – Bass Jack Green – Guitar Gloria Jones – Vocals and Clarinet Bill Legend – Drums Dave Lutton – Drums Tony Newman – Drums Tyrone Scott – Keyboards Steve ‘Peregrine’ Took – Percussion (replaced by Finn in 1969) Tony Visconti Formed in 1968 as Tyrannosaurus Rex but shortened to T Rex by the time of their first number one, ‘Hot Love’, in 1971 Troggs Ronnie Bond – Drums and Percussion Chris Britton – Guitar Reg Presley – Lead Vocals Peter Staples – Bass 2 Unlimited Anita Doth (stage name of Anita Dells) Ray Slijngaard U2 Adam Clayton Dave ‘The Edge’ Evans Paul ‘Bono’ Hewson Larry Mullen Jr UB40 Astro – Trumpet, Vocals James Brown – Drums Ali Campbell – Lead Vocals Robin Campbell – Guitar and Vocals Earl Falconer – Bass and Vocals Norman Hassan – Percussion and Vocals Martin Meredith – Saxophone and Keyboards

Velvet Revolver Dave Kushner – Guitar Duff McKagan – Bass Slash – Lead Guitar Matt Sorum – Drums Scott Weiland – Vocals (left in 2008) Velvet Underground Willie ‘Loco’ Alexander – (replaced Lou Reed) John Cale – Vocals and various stringed instruments Sterling Morrison – Guitar Nico – Occasional Lead Singer (died 1988) Lou Reed – Lead Vocals, Keyboards, Guitar Maureen Tucker – Vocals, Guitar and Drums Doug Yule – Vocals and Bass (replaced John Cale) Vengaboys DJ Dansky DJ Delmundo Denice Kim Robin Roy Yorick (replaced Robin in 1999) Formed by Spanish DJs Dansky and Delmundo but the four singer / dancers from Hungary, Trinidad, Brazil and Holland became the live performers. Vengaboys became the first Netherlands-based act to score six successive Top 5 singles. Verve Richard Ashcroft – Lead Vocals and Guitar Simon Jones – Bass Nick McCable – Lead Guitar Peter Salisbury – Drums Simon Tang – Guitars, Keyboard Village People Eric Anzalone – Biker (replaced Glenn Hughes) Alexander Briley – G.l. David Hodo – Construction Worker Glenn Hughes – Biker Jeff Olson – Cowboy Felipe Rose – Indian Victor Willis – Cop (replaced by Ray Simpson) Visage Rusty Egan – Founding Member Sandrine Gouriou – Present Member Rosie Harris – Present Member Steve Strange – Founding and present member Ross Tregenza – Present Member Midge Ure – Founding Member Seven Young – Present Member Vixen Janet ‘Patricia’ Gardner – Vocals Laurie Hedlund – Drums Tamara lvanov – Rhythm Guitar Pia Koko – Bass Jan ‘Lynn’ Kuehnemund – Lead Guitar and Founder Sharon ‘Share’ Pederson – Bass (replaced Pia Koko) Maxine Petrucci – Bass (replaced Share Pederson) Roxy Petrucci – Drums (replaced Laurie Hedlund) Rana Ross – Bass (replaced Maxine Petrucci) Gina Stile – Rhythm Guitar (replaced Tamara lvanov) Wailers Aston Barrett – Bass, Guitar and Percussion Carlton Barrett – Drums and Percussion Tyrone Downie – Bass, Keyboards and Percussion Bob Marley – Guitar, Percussion and Lead Vocals (died in 1981) Alvin Patterson – Percussion Earl Smith – Guitar and Percussion I-Threes – Marcia Griffiths, Rita Marley, Judy Mowati I-Threes were a vocal trio that backed Marley


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Walker Brothers Scott Engel (assumed the name Scott Walker) Gary Leeds – Drums John Maus – Guitar and Vocals Was (Not Was) Don Fagenson David Weiss Weather Girls Izora Redman Martha Wash Weezer Brian Bell – Guitar and Vocals Rivers Cuomo – Lead Vocals and Rhythm Guitar Matt Sharp – Bass and Vocals Patrick Wilson – Drums Westlife Nicky Byrne Klan Egan – Piano Mark Feehily Shane Filan – Lead Vocals Bryan McFadden Only act to reach No 1 with their first 7 reIeases, all entered at the top, and only band to have 4 number ones in a single year. Wet Wet Wet Graeme Clark – Bass and Vocals Tom Cunningham – Drums Neil Mitchell – Keyboard and Vocals Marti Pellow (born Mark McLoughlin) – Lead Vocals Wham! George Michael Andrew Ridgeley Whitesnake Tommy Aldridge – Drums Richard Bailey – Keyboards Vivian Campbell – Guitar Denny Carmassi – Drums David Coverdale – Guitar and Vocals Warren DeMartini – Guitar David Dowle – Drums Aynsley Dumber – Drums Mel Galley – Guitar Colin Hodgkinson – Bass Brian Johnston – Keyboards Jon Lord – Keyboards Bernie Marsden – Guitar Micky Moody – Guitar Neil Murray – Bass Ian Paice – Drums Cozy Powell – Drums Guy ‘Starka’ Pratt Rudy Sarzo – Bass Rick Serrate – Keyboards Pete Solley – Keyboards John Sykes – Guitar Brett Tuggle – Keyboards Steve Vai – Guitar Adrian Vandenberg – Guitar White Stripes, The Jack White – Lead Vocals, Guitar and Piano Meg White – Drums and Vocals Who, The Roger Daltrey – Lead Vocals John Entwistle – Bass, Vocals, Piano and Brass (died in 2002) Kenny Jones – Drums (replaced Keith Moon) Keith Moon – Drums and Percussion (died in 1978) Pete Townshend – Guitar, Organ, Synthesizer and Vocals Wings Geoff Britton – Drums Joe English – Vocals, Drums (1975–6 replaced Sewell) Denny Laine – Vocals, Keyboards, Guitar Linda McCartney – Vocals, Keyboard (died in 1998) Paul McCartney – Vocals, Piano, Bass

Jimmy McCulloch – Guitar and Vocals Denny Sewell – Drums, Percussion and Vocals (1971–5) Wizzard Mike Burney – Saxophone Charlie Grima – Drums and Percussion Bill Hunt – Keyboards Hugh McDowell – Cello Nick Pentelow – Saxophone Rick Price – Bass and Vocals Keith Smart – Drums Roy Wood – Guitar and Vocals Wombats, The Dan Haggis – Drums Matthew Murphy – Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards Tord Øverland-Knudsen – Bass Wu Tang Clan Genius, Ghostface KiIlah, Inspectah Deck, Masta Killa, Method Man, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Raekwon, RZA, U-God X-Ray Spex Jak ‘Airport’ Stafford – Guitar Paul Dean – Bass Glyn Johns – Saxophone Paul ‘BP’ Hurding – Drums Lora Logic and Steve ‘Rudi’ Thompson – Saxophones Poly Styrene – Vocals Yardbirds Jeff Beck – Lead Guitar (replaced Eric Clapton in 1965) Eric Clapton – Lead Guitar (replaced Top Topham in 1963) Chris Dreja – Guitar (became bass after Samwell-Smith left) Jim McCarty – Drums Jimmy Page – Lead Guitar (replaced Samwell-Smith in 1966) Keith ReIf – Lead Vocals and Harmonica Paul Samwell-Smith – Bass Anthony ‘Top’ Topham – Lead Guitar Yazoo Vince Clarke – Drum Machine, Guitar and Keyboards Alison ‘Alf’ Moyet – Vocals Yes Jon Anderson – Vocals (left briefly in 1980 but rejoined 1983) Peter Banks – Guitar Bill Bruford – Drums Geoff Downes – Keyboards (replaced Rick Wakeman 1980) Trevor Horn – Guitar and Vocals (replaced Anderson in 1980) Steve Howe – Guitar (replaced Peter Banks in 1970) Tony Kaye – Organ (1968–71 and then rejoined in 1983) Patrick Moraz – Keyboards (replaced Rick Wakeman 1974) Trevor Rabin – Guitar joined in 1983) Chris Squire – Bass (remained with the band throughout) Rick Wakeman – Keyboards (1971–4, rejoined 1976–80) Alan White – Drums (replaced Bill Bruford in 1972) Young Knives, The Oliver Askew – Drums Henry Dartnell – Vocals, Guitar Thomas ‘House of Lords’ Dartnall – Vocals, Bass Zombies Rod Argent – Clarinet, Keyboards, Violin and Vocals Paul Atkinson – Guitar, Violin and Harmonica Colin Blunstone – Guitar, Percussion and Vocals Hugh Grundy – Drums Chris White – Bass and Vocals Zutons, The Boyan Chowdhury – Guitar Abi Harding – Saxophone David McCabe – Vocals Sean Payne – Drums Russell Pritchard – Bass ZZ Top Frank Beard – Drums (ironically only clean-shaven member) Billy Gibbons – Vocals, Guitar Dusty Hill – Bass


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General Information album charts: first No. 1 South Pacific, Original Soundtrack. album charts: started 1958. album cover: famous designers Peter Blake (Sgt Peppers), Klaus Voorman (Revolver) and Storm Thorgerson (Dark Side of the Moon). best-selling UK single ‘Candle in the Wind ’97’ (by Elton John) B sides: famous ‘I Talk to the Trees’ by Clint Eastwood, B side of ‘Wand’rin Star’; ‘I Do it For You’ by Fatima Mansions, B side of ‘Theme from Mash’ by Manic Street Preachers. bongo player on ‘Apache’ Cliff Richard. Booker T. and the M.G.s MG stands for Memphis Group. charts: symbol indicating rise or fall Bullet. Crowd: ‘Ferry ’Cross the Mersey’ Christians, Holly Johnson, Paul McCartney, Gerry Marsden and Stock Aitken Waterman. David Bowie First TV appearance on Gadzooks! It’s All Happening in 1965 with the Manish Boys. Other groups he formed included King Bees, Kon-Rads, Feathers, Hype, and the Lower Third. Demis Roussos Phenomenon EP: Tracks ‘Forever and Ever’, ‘Sing an Ode To Love’, ‘So Dreamy’, ‘My Friend the Wind’. download chart ‘Flying Without Wings’ by Westlife was No. 1 in the first official download chart, announced on BBC Radio 1 on 1 September 2004. Gorillaz Virtual band created by Damon Albarn & Jamie Hewlett. Madonna: father of children Carlos Leon, actor and personal trainer, Guy Ritchie, film director (husband).

Monkees Advertisement in the Los Angeles Daily Vanity in September 1965 by Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider led to the formation of the band. Of the 437 hopefuls who were auditioned, Stephen Stills, Charles Manson and Danny Hutton (later of Three Dog Night) were among those turned down. most weeks on LP charts Bat Out of Hell No. 1 in LP charts throughout year South Pacific, Original Soundtrack (1959). pop star thrown off plane in Germany Keith Flint of Prodigy. single charts: started 14 November 1952 (12 records). single: wrong name on label ‘Elizabethan Reggae’ by Boris Gardiner originally had ‘Byron Lee’ on label. Spice Girls: No. 1s Four of the five original members have had solo No. 1s, although Victoria Beckham’s highest chart entry is at number two. That’s What Friends Are For Dionne Warwick and Friends featuring Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Gladys Knight. 1000th No. 1 ‘One Night’ / ‘I Got Stung’ double A-side for Elvis Presley. Also became his 20th No. 1. Top of the Pops: theme tunes ‘Whole Lotta Love’ (CCS), ‘Yellow Pearl’ (Phil Lynott), ‘The Wizard’ (Paul Hardcastle), ‘Get out of That’ (Tony Gibber). Vice-President of USA wrote: No. 1 Hit Charles Dawes adapted his ‘Melodie’ with Carl Sigman, which became ‘It’s all in the game’. Vince Clarke: bands involved with Depeche Mode, Yazoo (with Alison Moyet) and Erasure (with Andy Bell).

Previous Names of Groups The Alarm Toilets, 17 Alphabeat Sodastar America Daze Applejacks Jaguars, Crestas Badfinger Iveys Bangles Supersonic Bangs, The Bangs Bauhaus Bauhaus 1919 Beach Boys Carl and the Passions Beatles Silver Beatles, Quarrymen, Beatals, Beat Brothers Black Eyed Peas Atban Klann Black Sabbath Earth Boomtown Rats Nightlife Thugs Boyz II Men Unique Attraction The Christians Natural High The Commodores Mighty Mystics The Cult Southern Death Cult Culture Club In Praise of Lemmings, Sex Gang Children The Cure The Easy Cure Deep Purple Roundabout Depeche Mode Composition of Sound Dire Straits Cafe Racers Doobie Brothers Pud Dr Hook Chocolate Papers Eurythmics The Catch, Tourists Faces Quiet Melon, Small Faces Family Farinas Fifth Dimension Versatiles The Fixx Portraits, The Fix The Fourmost Blue Jays, Four Jays The Four Seasons Variatones, Four Lovers The Four Tops Four Aims Frankie Goes to Hollywood Hollycaust Freddie and the Dreamers Kingfishers Genesis Garden Wall Gerry and the Pacemakers Mars Bars The Grateful Dead Warlocks Herman’s Hermits Heartbeats Hollies Fourtones, Deltas Human League Dead Daughters, Future Icehouse Flowers

INXS Farriss Brothers JLS UFO (Unique Famous Outrageous) Joy Division Warsaw Led Zeppelin New Yardbirds, Birmingham Water Buffalo Society Madness The Invaders Mamas and the Papas The New Journeymen, Mugwumps Manfred Mann Mann-Hugg Blues Brothers Marillion Silmarillion The Mission Sisters of Mercy Mothers of Invention Muthers, Mothers Mott the Hoople Silence New Order Joy Division Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD) VCL XL Pogo Poco Pogues Pogue Mahone Procol Harum Paramounts Righteous Brothers Paramours Shadows Drifters Simon and Garfunkel Tom and Jerry Simply Red Frantic Elevators Slade Ambrose Slade, ’N’ Betweens Sonny and Cher Caesar and Cleo Spice Girls Touch (without Emma Bunton) Split Enz Split Ends Starsailor Waterface Starship Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship Status Quo Spectres, Traffic Jam Stone Roses Patrol, English Rose Stranglers Guildford Stranglers Strawbs Strawberry Hill Boys Supremes Primettes Sweet Wainwright’s Gentlemen, Sweetshop Swinging Blue Jeans Bluegenes Talking Heads Portable Crushers, Vague Dots Ten Years After Jaybirds T Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex Ultravox Zips, Innocents, London Soundtrack, Fire of London Wham Executive (Paul Ridgeley and David Mortimer in line-up) The Who High Numbers The Young Knives Simple Pastoral Existence


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Deities Role





Principal god Principal goddess Messenger of the gods God of agriculture Goddess of agriculture Goddess of childbirth Goddess of the dawn God of the dead Goddess of death God of destruction God of dreams God of the Earth Goddess of the Earth God of fertility Goddess of fertility God of fire Goddess of flowers Goddess of health Goddess of the hearth God of heaven Goddess of the hunt Goddess of justice God of love Goddess of love Goddess of magic God of marriage God of the Moon Goddess of the Moon Goddess of motherhood God of music Goddess of night Goddess of peace God of poetry Goddess of the rainbow God of the sea Goddess of the sea God of the sky Goddess of the sky God of sleep Goddess of spring God of the sun God of thunder Goddess of truth God of the Underworld Goddess of the Underworld Goddess of victory God of war Goddess of war God of water God of wine God of wisdom Goddess of wisdom God of woods Goddess of youth

Zeus Hera Hermes Cronus Demeter Eileithyia Eos Thanatos Hecate Ares Morpheus Aesculapius Gaia Priapus Artemis Hephaestus Hestia Hygeia Hestia Zeus Artemis Themis Eros Aphrodite Hecate Hymen Apollo Selene Rhea Apollo Nyx Irene Apollo Iris Poseidon Amphitrite Uranus Hera Hypnos Persephone Helios Hephaestus Themis Pluto/Hades Hecate Nike Ares Athene Ganymede Dionysus Apollo Athene Pan Hebe

Jupiter Juno Mercury Saturn Ceres Juno Aurora Mors Libitina Mars Morpheus Aesculapius Tellus Faunus Diana Vulcan Flora Salus Vesta Jupiter Diana Uncertain Cupid Venus Uncertain Hymen Apollo Luna Ops Apollo Uncertain Pax Apollo Uncertain Neptune Salacia Jupiter Juno Somnus Proserpine Sol Jupiter Justitia Orcus/Dis Proserpine Victoria Mars Minerva Uncertain Bacchus/Liber Apollo Minerva Silvanus Juventas

Am(m)on Mut Thoth Osiris Renenutet Apet Uncertain Anubis Nephthys Seth Uncertain Geb Maat Ing Bastet Ptah Qudshu Meresger Uncertain Ptah Neith Maat Uncertain Hathor Isis Bes Neferhotep Isis Taweret Uncertain Nephthys Uncertain Thoth Uncertain Nun Tefenet Uncertain Nut Uncertain Renpet Ra (Re) Seth Maat Osiris Hathor Apet Seth Sekhmet Hapi Bes Thoth Neith Min Renpet

Odin Frigg Hermod Frey Rindr Uncertain Uncertain Odin Hel Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Nerthus Frey Gefjon Loki Nanna Eir Sigyn Uncertain Skadi Forseti (god) Baldur Freyja Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Mani Uncertain Bragi Nott Eir Odin/Bragi Uncertain Aegir/Njord Ran Odin Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Sol Thor Uncertain Villi Hel Uncertain Tyr/Odin Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Odin Snotra Uncertain Uncertain

Sumerian An Inanna Uncertain Emesh Nisaba Ninhursaga Anahita Nergal Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Ki Ninurta Inanna Gerra Uncertain Nininsina Dazimus Uncertain An Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Inanna Uncertain Uncertain Nanna Ningal Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Apsu Nammu An Inanna Uncertain Ninkasi Utu Adad Uncertain Endugukka Ereshkigal Uncertain Ninurta Inanna Enki Uncertain Enki Hea Ashnan Uncertain

Deities of Other Mythologies Role King of the gods God of agriculture Goddess of childbirth Goddess of the dawn God of the Dead Goddess of death God of destruction God of the Earth Goddess of the Earth God of fertility Goddess of fertility God of fire

Babylonian Marduk Tammuz Uncertain Aja Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Apsu Tiamat Hadad Ishtar Uncertain

Hindu Indra Sita Shashti Ushas Yama Kali Shiva Uncertain Pitthivi Dyaus Prithivi Agni

Phoenician Kumarbi/El Telepinu Ashtaroth Shachar Mot Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Beruth Baal Anath/Astarte Uncertain


Celtic Dagda Amaethon Brigit Uncertain Dagda Morrígan Balor Dagda Danu Cernunnos Danu Belenus

Aztec Tezcatlipoca Centeotl Chihuacoatl Uncertain Mictlantecuhtli Mictlantecuhtli Itzlacoliuhqui Ometecuhtli Coatlicue Tlaloc Chalchiuhtlicue Xiuhtecuhtli

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Role Goddess of flowers God of heaven Goddess of the hunt God of love Goddess of love Goddess of magic/witchcraft God of the Moon Goddess of the Moon Goddess of motherhood God of music Goddess of night God of poetry God of the sea Goddess of the sea God of the sky Goddess of the sky God of the sun God of thunder God of war Goddess of war God of water God of wine God of wisdom Goddess of wisdom

Babylonian Uncertain Apsu Uncertain Uncertain Ishtar Uncertain Sin Anunitu Nintur Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Tiamat Anu Tiamat Shamash Hadad Uncertain Ishtar Ea Uncertain Ea Uncertain

Hindu Uncertain Dyaus Minakshi Kama Rati Dursa Chandra Candi Devi Uncertain Ratri Uncertain Varuna Uncertain Dyaus Aditi Surya Indra Karttikeya Durga Varuna Uncertain Ganes(h)a Uncertain

Phoenician Uncertain Anu Uncertain Uncertain Astarte Kamrusepa Yarikh Nikkal Hannahanna Uncertain Shalim Uncertain Yamm Asherat Teshub Shapash Nergal Taru Astabis Astarte Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain

Celtic Olwen Uncertain Abnoba Angus Aine Bodhbh Uncertain Arianrhod Danu Maponus Uncertain Ogma Manannan Don Camulus Don Lug Taranis Uncertain Morrígan Nechtan Uncertain Uncertain Sul

Aztec Xochiquetzal Ometeotl Uncertain Huehuecoyotl Xochiquetzal Malinalxochi Uncertain Coyolxauhqui Chalchiuhtlicue Macuilxochitl Itzlacoliuhqui Huitzilopochtli Uncertain Chalchiuhtlicue Tlaloc Uncertain Tonatiuh Tlaloc Huitzilopochtli Clhvacoatl Tlaloc Tepoztecatl Uncertain Uncertain

NB: There are a number of points that should be borne in mind when studying the above tables. First, it should be remembered that in many instances there would be more than one representation of a god for a particular subject. For example, as well as Aegir, both Njord and Vili are often described as Norse gods of the sea. In all cases I have listed the main god who is usually identified with the subject. Second, there is often a transposition of gods in some mythologies, and in particular the Middle East should be treated with some care. Babylonian mythology is often called Assyrian, Akkadian or Persian, while Phoenician can also be called Hittite as well as Assyrian and Akkadian. Third, where there is controversy over an entry or there is no god who represents a subject, the word ‘Uncertain’ has been entered; this does not mean, for instance, that there was no Egyptian god of love but merely that there is not a single god who unequivocally fits the criteria of being both universally accepted and identifiable.

Groups Muses (9) Thalia Clio Melpomene Urania Polyhymnia Erato Euterpe Calliope Terpsichore

Of Comedy History Tragedy Astronomy Song and mime Love poetry Lyric poetry Epic poetry Dance

Furies (Erinyes or Eumenides) Tisiphone (avenger of murder) Alecto (relentless) Megaera (resentful) Useful mnemonic: Furies aren’t TAMe

Literal meaning Good cheer Fame Singing Celestial Many songs Lovely Joy Beautiful voice Joyful dance

Pleiades (7) Maia Taygete Elektra Alkyone Asterope Kelaino Merope

against Thebes (7) Polynices Tydeus Adrastus Capaneus Hippomedon Parthenopaeus Amphiarus

Sages of India (7) Atri Bharadvaja Gautama Jamadagni Kashyapa Vashista Visvamitra

Graces (Charites)

Fates (Moerae)

Gorgons (3)

Euphrosyne (jollity)

Clotho (spun the thread of life) Atropos (cut off the thread) Lachesis (measured the thread)

Medusa Euryale Stheno

Aglaia (splendid/bright one) Thaleia (good cheer)

Useful mnemonic: CALl the fates in time of trouble

Useful mnemonic: Say Grace before you EAT

Hills of Rome (7) Capitoline (can) Quirinal (queen) Viminal (victoria) Esquiline (Eat) Caelian (cold) Aventine (apple) Palatine (pie)

Useful mnemonic: Medusa’s hair was a MESs

Twelve Labours of Heracles Killing of the Nemean lion Heracles beat the lion senseless and throttled it; he then skinned the lion with its own claws and donned the pelt to render himself invulnerable. Killing of the Lernaean Hydra Iolaus cauterised the neck of the Hydra to prevent the two new heads growing each time that Heracles chopped off one of its nine heads. Capture of the Hind on Mt Ceryneia Heracles chased the Hind for a year, for its golden horns and bronze hoofs. He blamed Eurystheus for its capture so as not to bring the wrath of Artemis on himself. Capture of the Boar of Mt Erymanthus Heracles returned with the Boar to Tiryns, and Eurystheus hid in an urn at its sight. Cleansing of the Augean stables Heracles cleaned the stables, which had not been cleaned in 30 years, by diverting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus through them.

Killing of the Birds of Lake Stymphalos Heracles scared them from the trees with bronze castanets and shot them with arrows. Capture of the Cretan Bull Heracles captured the Bull and returned it to Greece. Capture of the Mares of Diomedes Heracles slew Diomedes, fed him to the Mares and tamed them. Capture of the Girdle of Hippolyte Heracles slew the queen of the Amazons and took the Girdle for Eurystheus’ daughter. Capture of Geryon’s Cattle Heracles slew Geryon and returned to Greece with the Cattle. Capture of the Apples of the Hesperides Heracles slew Ladon, the dragon that guarded the tree tended by the Hesperides, and took the Golden Apples (later returned by Athene). Capture of Cerberus Heracles entered the underworld to capture the 3-headed dog.


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General Information Abderus Friend of Heracles in whose care Heracles left the mares of Diomedes. The horses ate him and Heracles founded a town in Thrace in his honour. Abnoba The goddess of the hunt in the mythology of Gaul. Identified with the Roman Diana. Acheloüs Greek river god, the son of Oceanus and Tethys. Achilles Greek hero, born in Thessaly, son of Peleus and the goddess Thetis. When he was a baby his mother dipped him in the Styx, making him invulnerable save for his right heel, by which she held him. Actaeon Greek hero, grandson of Cadmus, changed into a stag by Artemis and killed by his own hounds because he spied her bathing. Admetus In Greek mythology the king of Pherae in Thessaly. Apollo served him for a year and introduced him to Alcestis. Adonis Syrian god, the son of Myrrha and her father Cinyras. He was born from the bark of a tree and brought up by Persephone and forced to spend a third of his time with her and a third with Aphrodite. He was mortally wounded by a wild boar sent by a hostile god or goddess. Aeacus Son of Zeus and Aegina and king of the Myrmidones. The Myrmidones were originally ants, transformed into men by Zeus at the request of Aeacus. He had two sons, Peleus and Telamon, by his wife Endeis and was also the father of Phocus by a Nereid. Aeacus was one of the three judges of the Underworld. Aeëtes In Greek mythology, the king of Colchis and possessor of the Golden Fleece sought by Jason. Aegeus Greek king of Athens and father of Theseus by Aethra, daughter of Pittheus, king of Troezen. Aethra brought Theseus up secretly at her father’s court, during which time Aegeus married Medea. When Theseus finally returned to his father’s court, Medea fled. Before Theseus went to slay the Minotaur he and Aegeus agreed that he would hoist a white sail when returning to Athens to signal his success. On returning, Theseus forgot to do this and Aegeus, seeing a black sail on his son’s ship, supposed him dead and, in grief, threw himself into the sea, henceforth called the Aegean. Aegisthus In Greek mythology the seducer of Clytemnestra, the wife of his cousin Agamemnon, whom the two lovers conspired to kill. Agamemnon’s son Orestes avenged the assassination by killing Aegisthus and Clytemnestra. Aeneas Trojan hero, son of Aphrodite and Anchises, bravest of the Trojans after Hector and, according to some Roman lines of mythology, the founder of Rome. Aeneas was the lover of Dido, queen of Carthage. Aeneid Virgil’s unfinished epic poem in 12 volumes recounting the deeds of Aeneas, supposed ancestor of Emperor Augustus of Rome. The epic begins after the fall of Troy and ends with the defeat of Turnus the Rutulian prince and the subsequent marriage of Aeneas and Lavinia, the Latin princess. Aeolus Greek god of the winds and son of Poseidon who gave Odysseus a sack containing all the winds. Aesculapius Roman god of medicine. Greek -counterpart is Asclepius. Aesir Norse race of warlike gods, who lived in Asgard. They included Odin, Thor, Tyr, Baldur and Frigg (see Vanir). Aetolus Conqueror of Aetolia. The son of Endymion, king of Elis, he was banished across the Corinthian Gulf after accidentally killing Apis in a chariot race. Agamemnon Greek king of Argos, murdered by his wife Clytemnestra. Aganippe Fountain at the foot of Mt Helicon, sacred to the Muses, who are sometimes called the Aganippides. Ajax (the greater) Greek hero, a giant of a man, the son of Telamon. Killed himself in fury at not receiving Achille’s armour after his death. Ajax (the lesser) Greek hero, son of Oileus. Raped King Priam’s daughter Cassandra on the altar of Athene. Alcestis Greek heroine who saved her husband Admetus by offering her own life. Alcheringa According to Australian aboriginal mythology, the Golden Age when the first ancestors were created. Alcides Another name for Heracles, whose grand-father was reputed to be Alcaeus. Alcmene Wife of Amphitrion, son of Alcaeus. Alcmene mothered Heracles by Zeus in the guise of her husband. Married Rhadamanthus after Amphitrion’s death.

Alphito Greek barley goddess of Argos. Amalthea She-goat. Zeus broke off one of Amalthea’s horns to make the Cornucopia (Horn of Plenty). Amazons Warrior women of Greek mythology who removed a breast to give free play to bow arm. Amphitrion In Greek mythology king of Tiryns and husband of Alcmene. Amphitrite Daughter of Nereus, leader of the Nereids. Mothered Triton by Poseidon. Anchises According to Greek and Roman mytho-logy, the Trojan father of Aeneas by Aphrodite. Androcles Roman slave who aided and befriended a lion that later saved his life when he was thrown to the lions for attempting to escape. Andromache In Greek mythology, the wife of Hector and slave of Neoptolemus. Andromeda According to Greek mythology, daughter of king Cepheus and queen Cassiopeia; she was rescued by Perseus from a sea-monster and subsequently married him. Angels Nine choirs divided into three ranks: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones; Dominions, Powers and Virtues; Principalities, Archangels and Angels. Antaeus Libyan giant, son of Poseidon and Ge, who was an invincible wrestler until Hercules – realising he drew his strength from his mother, Earth – held him in the air and squeezed him to death. Antigone In Greek mythology the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta and sister of Ismene. Anubis Egyptian god who guides souls to the world beyond. Often depicted with the head of a jackal. Aphrodite Greek goddess of love and beauty and wife of Hephaestus. Apis In Egyptian mythology, the sacred bull of Memphis, seen as an incarnation of Osiris. Apollo Greek and Roman god of prophecy, music, youth, archery and healing, and son of Zeus and Leto (Jupiter and Latona in Roman myth). Arachne According to Greek mythology, a weaver from Lydia who was changed into a spider by Athena. Ares Greek god of war, son of Zeus and Hera and lover of Aphrodite. Arethusa Greek goddess of springs and fountains. Argo The 50-oared longship which carried Jason and the Argonauts to Colchis in their quest for the Golden Fleece. Argonauts The band of heroes chosen by Jason to man the Argo and sail in search of the Golden Fleece. The Argonauts included Argus, Atalanta, Calais, Castor and Polydeuces, Heracles, Meleager, Orpheus, Peleus, Telamon and Zetes. Argus (1) Greek watchman with 100 eyes who watched over Io but was killed by Hermes. His eyes were placed in the peacock’s tail by Hera. (2) The faithful hound of Odysseus/Ulysses. (3) The builder of the Argo. Ariadne In Greek mythology, the daughter of King Minos of Crete and wife of Dionysus after Theseus abandoned her. Arjuna The Hindu god of dawn and charioteer of the sun, often identified with the Greek and Roman goddesses Eos and Aurora. Arjuna was also known as Rumra (lit. rosy). Artemis Greek goddess of fertility and the hunt, daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo. Arthur Legendary British king, son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine, said to have lived in the 6th century. He was born in Tintagel and buried in Glastonbury; Arthur’s court was at Camelot (Winchester, according to Malory’s Morte d’Arthur). Aruru One of the names of the Sumerian goddess of childbirth, Ninhursaga (lit. germ loosener). Asclepius Greek god of healing. Asgard In Norse mythology the realm of the gods in heaven and connected to the earth by the rainbow bridge, Bifrost, which was guarded by Heimdall. Ask In Norse mythtology the ash tree from which man was hewn. Asphodel, Plain of That part of Hades reserved for the great proportion of the dead. There they continued a shadowy existence in continuance of their former lives since they were bodiless. Contrast Elysium and Tartarus. Ataentsic According to Iroquois and Huron mythology, the first woman and ancestor of the human race. Atalanta Greek heroine who refused to marry any man unless he could beat her in a foot race. Milanion became her husband after


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Aphrodite helped him defeat her. Atalanta was the sole female Argonaut. Aten Egyptian god; took the form of a solar disc. Athene According to Greek mythology, the daughter of Zeus and Metis who sprang from her father’s head fully armed. Among her titles was Parthenos (Virgin), from which the Parthenon was named. Atlas Titan that bears up the earth. Son of Iapetus and Clymene and brother of Prometheus. Attis Greek god of vegetation. Autolycus Son of Hermes and Chione and grand-father of Odysseus. Baba Yaga Witch or ogress in Slav mythology. Bacchae Female followers of the cult of Bacchus or Dionysus. Bacchus Roman mythological counterpart of the Greek Dionysus, god of wine and ecstasy. Baldur Norse favourite of the gods and son of Odin and Frigg. Baldur was invulnerable to everything except mistletoe, and Loki tricked the blind god Hoder into throwing a mistletoe dart that killed him. Balmung Siegfried’s sword, according to the Nibelungenlied. Basilisk Greek monster also called a Cockatrice, that killed with a stare. Bastet According to Egyptian mythology, the cat-headed goddess of fertility, love and sex. Befana Good fairy of Italian children who is supposed to fill their stockings with toys on Twelfth Night. Belenus The Celtic god of healing and light, referred to as ‘The Shining One’. He was in charge of the welfare of sheep and cattle. His wife is the goddess Belisama; they are often compared to the Roman Apollo and Minerva. Bellerophon Greek hero who tamed Pegasus and killed the Chimera. Bellona Greek goddess of war. Beowulf Norse warrior prince who killed the man-eating monster Grendel in a wrestling match. Bifrost In Norse mythology, the rainbow bridge that led from Asgard to Earth. Literally means quivering path. Biton and Cleobis Sons of a priestess of Hera in Argos who drew their mother’s chariot several miles to the goddess’s temple when no oxen could be found. Bor (Burr) Norse god who married the giantess Bestla. She bore him three sons, Odin, Villi and Vé. Boreas Greek god of the north wind. Bragi Norse god of poetry and music, son of Odin. Briareus One of the Hecatoncheires. Aka Aegaeon. Brigit Celtic goddess of the poetic arts, childbirth and divination. Bunyip In Australian aboriginal mythology, monster who was the source of evil. Cadmus In Greek mythology, the son of Agenor, king of Phoenicia and grandson of Poseidon. When Zeus carried off his sister Europa, he went to look for her but was told by the Delphic oracle to relinquish the search and to follow a magical cow. Where the cow lay down he was to found a city, the future city of Thebes. Cadmus married Harmonia. Caishen Chinese god of wealth. Calais Twin brother of Zetes. The winged sons of Boreas and Oreithyia, they accompanied the Argonauts and drove off the Harpies. Calchas Renegade Trojan seer who helped the Greeks at Troy and foretold that Troy would not fall without Achilles’ presence and that the sacrifice of Iphigenia was necessary to secure a favourable wind. Callisto Daughter of Lycaon, who became one of Artemis’s huntresses. She bore Arcas to Zeus, who sought to conceal their affair from his wife Hera by turning Callisto into a bear. Calypso (Hidden) Nymph of the island of Ogygia who tended Odysseus there for 8 years until Zeus ordered him home to Ithaca. Cassandra Greek heroine given the gift of prophecy by Apollo with the proviso that, although telling the truth, she would not be believed. Cassiopeia Wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda. Castor and Pollux Roman counterpart of Castor and Polydeuces. Castor and Polydeuces Aka the Dioscuri, sons of Zeus and Leda. Castor was an expert horseman and Polydeuces was the best boxer in Greece. Some versions have the mortal Castor as son of Tyndareus (Leda lay with both Zeus and Tyndareus). They were transformed into the Gemini constellation Centaur In Greek mythology the hybrid offspring of Centaurus,

son of Ixion, and the mares of Mt Pelion in Thessaly. Cepheus In Greek mythology, the husband of Cassiopeia and father of Andromeda. Cerberus According to Greek mythology, the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the Underworld. Offspring of Echidna and Typhon. Chac Maya god of rain and lightening. Chaos In Greek creation myth, Chaos was the infinite space existing before creation, from which Ge (the Earth) sprang. Charon According to Greek mythology, the ferryman of the underworld. Offspring of Erebos and Nyx. Greeks to this day place a coin in the mouth of corpses to pay for the ferry charge. Charybdis Greek mythological monster resembling a giant whirlpool which infested the Strait of Messina together with Scylla. Chimera Greek monster with the head of lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a serpent. Offspring of Echidna and Typhon. Chiron Centaur who was untypically wise and civilised. When Chiron died he became the constellation Sagittarius. Circe Greek sorceress who turned Odysseus’s men into swine. Daughter of Helios and Perse. Clytemnestra Greek twin sister of Helen and wife of Agamemnon. Conán the Bald According to Celtic mythology, a warrior and follower of the hero Finn Mac Cumhall. Conán was the son of Morna and brother of Goll. Conchobar Celtic king of Ulster and illegitimate son of Nessa, queen of Ulster, and the druid Cathbhadh. Consus Roman god of seed sowing. Cressida According to Greek mythology, she deserted Troilus, a Trojan prince, for Diomedes. Cretan bull Magnificent white bull sent by Poseidon to Minos for sacrifice. Minos’s wife Pasiphaë so admired the bull that she had Daedalus construct a hollow cow for her to get inside and mate with the bull – that was how she came to bear the Minotaur. The bull was captured by Heracles, freed by Eurystheus and finally recaptured by Theseus at Marathon and sacrificed to Athene. Croesus Last king of Lydia, famous for his vast wealth. Cronus Greek god of agriculture and father of Zeus. Cuchulainn In Celtic mythology the legendary Irish hero, called the ‘Hound of Culann’ because, having accidentally slain the watchdog of the smith, Culann, he subsequently took the animal’s place as penance. He was brought up in the court of King Conchobar of Ulster, whose kingdom he defended against all invaders. Cuchulainn’s parents were the sun god Lug, and Dechtire, the wife of an Ulster chieftain. Although Cuchulainn was a handsome youth, in battle he would turn into a frenzied monster, with one eye receding into his head while the other stood out huge and red on his cheek. Cuchulainn’s wife was Emer, daughter of the chieftain Forgall. Women continued to fall in love with Cuchulainn after his marriage, and his eventual death was as a result of rebuffing the war goddess Morrigan, who assaulted him with innumerable foes. Cupay In the mythology of the Peruvian Inca people, the god of death. He is sometimes known as Supay. Cybele Greek goddess of the earth and lover of Attis. Cyclops One-eyed giants descended from Gaia and Uranus. Polyphemus is most famous for his capture of Odysseus, who blinded him. Daedalus In Greek mythology the greatest of mortal craftsmen who made wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son Icarus to escape imprisonment in the Cretan labyrinth. However, Icarus flew too near the sun and fell to his death when the wax melted. Damocles Member of the court of Dionysius I, tyrant of Syracuse. Cicero tells how the tyrant had him eat a sumptuous dinner while a sword was suspended by a hair over his head, to show him the limits of rank and power. Danu (Dana) The Celtic earth-mother goddess, also identified with fertility, wisdom and the wind. In Welsh versions she is known as Don and is associated with the air and the sea. Daphne Greek heroine turned into a laurel bush to evade Apollo. Daphnis Son of Hermes and a nymph. The originator of pastoral poetry. Deianeira Greek princess, the daughter of King Oenus and Queen Althaea of Aetolia, and the second wife of Heracles, whom she killed by mistake when she smeared his garment with a centaur’s poisonous blood, thinking it was a love charm. Deidamia Maiden who fell in love with Achilles and bore him Neoptolemus.


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Deirdre According to Irish legend, she killed herself after being forced to marry King Conchobar. Delphi Site of Apollo’s Dorian shrine and oracle, the most famous centre of his worship. Deucalion Greek hero, son of Prometheus, who repopulated the earth with his wife Pyrrha after Zeus’s flood. Devi (Mahadevi) In Hindu mythology the wife of S(h)iva. Originally there were several goddesses acknowledged as the wives of S(h)iva by different Hindu castes, but eventually they merged into the one manifestation, Devi. Other forms of Devi include, Bhairavi, Chandi, Durga, Gauri (Jagadgauri), Jaganmata, Kali, Parvati, Sati and Uma. Dian-Cecht The Celtic god of medicine and healing, and the grandfather of the sun god Lug. Dido Greek heroine, daughter of the King of Tyre, who founded Carthage. Virgil told of her suicide when abandoned by her lover, Aeneas. Dioscuri (sons of Zeus) Zeus had intercourse with Leda in the form of a swan and she produced two eggs. From one came Castor and Clytemnestra and from the other came Polydeuces and Helen. Draupnir Odin’s magic ring. Dryad In classical mythology a tree-nymph, sometimes called a hamadryad, which was supposed to die when the tree died. Oak trees were usually favoured by dryads. Durga In Hindu mytholog a fierce form of Devi who was born fully grown and beautiful; she was immediately armed by the gods and sent forth against the buffalo demon Mahisha. Although blessed with beautiful golden skin, Durga had a fixed, menacing expression and rode upon a tiger. In each of her 10 hands she held one of the god’s weapons, i.e. Agni’s flaming dart, Indra’s thunderbolt, Kubera’s club, Shesha’s garland of snakes, S(h)iva’s trident, Surya’s quiver and arrow, Varuna’s conch shell, Vayu’s bow, Vishnu’s discus and Yama’s iron rod. Echidna In Greek mythology, she was the offspring of the earth goddess Gaia and her brother Tartarus. Echidna had the upper body of a nymph and the lower body of a serpent. Echo Greek nymph who pined away till she was only a voice for the love of Narcissus. Edda Norse collection of mythological and heroic lays. Also the title of a manual of mythology compiled by the Icelandic historian Snorri Sturluson (1178–1241). Egeria Roman goddess of fountains and childbirth. Electra Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, and sister of Orestes and Iphegenia. Electryon Son of Perseus and Andromeda, king of Mycenae and father of Alcmene, the wife of Amphitrion. Elysian Fields (Elysium) Greek mythological paradise to which the great and virtuous went after death. Embla In Norse mythology the elm tree from which woman was hewn. Endymion King of Elis who was visited by Selene while sleeping in a cave and forced into an endless sleep so she could admire his beauty. Enlil In Sumerian mythology one of the triad of creator-gods with Enki and An. Epeius Cowardly son of Panopeus who built the Trojan horse. Epigoni Greek sons of the 7 against Thebes who succeeded in destroying the city. Epimetheus In Greek mythology, the brother of Prometheus and husband of Pandora. Epona Roman goddess of horses. Erebus (Darkness) Son of Chaos and father of Aether and Hemera by Night, his sister. Eros (Desire) Greek god of love, the offspring of Aphrodite and Ares. Eshmun The Phoenician god of healing, identified with the Greek Asclepius and Roman Aesculapius. Europa According to Greek mythology, the daughter of King Agenor and Queen Telephassa of Phoenicia. Zeus wooed Europa as a bull and had intercourse with her in the guise of an eagle. She bore him three sons: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon. Europa married the Cretan king Asterius. Eurus South-east wind, son of Astraeus and Eos. Eurydice Greek dryad, wife of Orpheus. She was lost forever after Orpheus looked back to make sure she was following as he led her out of Hades. Eurystheus King of the Argolid region of the Peloponnese, son of King Sthenelus and Queen Nicippe of Mycenae. Heracles was sentenced to serve him for 12 years as penance for killing his

wife, Megara. Eurystheus subsequently set him the twelve labours. Fafnir In Germanic mythology a dragon who guarded the Nibelung hoard of treasure. Fauna Roman goddess of fertility. Faunus Roman god of crops, herds and woodlands. Fenrir In Norse mythology a monstrous wolf who was the offspring of Loki. Ferghus Irish hero of superhuman size and strength. King of Ulster before Conchobar, Ferghus was the lover of Nessa, the mother of Conchobar. Feronia Roman goddess of spring flowers. Fides Roman god of honesty. Finn mac Cumhal Irish hero who possessed the gift of foresight when biting his thumb. Fintan In Irish mythology the salmon of knowledge, which Finn mac Cumhal tasted accidentally. He burned his thumb on the flesh as he turned it on a spit. Once he sucked the thumb he became a sage. Fjorgyn Norse goddess, mother of Thor. Fortuna Roman goddess of chance and fate. Frey Norse god of fertility. Freyja Norse goddess of love, twin sister of Frey. Frigg Norse goddess of fertility, wife of Odin. Ganesha Hindu god depicted with the head of an elephant; the offspring of Parvati, the wife of S(h)iva. Ganymede Greek god of rain and cupbearer to the gods; the son of King Tros of Troy. Garang The first man according to the Dinka people of the Sudan. Genius Roman protective god, one for every individual, group and State. Geryon Three-bodied monster living on the island of Erythia who owned cattle guarded by Eurytion. Gilgamesh Sumerian king of Uruk, son of the goddess Ninsun and a mortal. His story is told in the Gilgamesh epic, the oldest extant work of literature (c. 2000 BC), which tells of his search for the secret of eternal life. Gimli In Norse mythology the highest heavenly abode that was not consumed in Ragnarok. Ginnungagap In Norse mythology the ‘Yawning Gap’ or primeval emptiness, which held all the potential energy of creation. Glaucus (1) King of Corinth, son of Sisyphus and Merope and father of Bellerophon. He fed his horses on human flesh but Aphrodite caused them to devour Glaucus himself because he mocked her. Glaucus (2) Grandson of Bellerophon who fought for the Trojans and was slain by Ajax. Glaucus (3) Son of Minos and Pasiphaë who was drowned in a barrel of honey. Glaucus (4) Boeotian fisherman who pursued Scylla and was turned into a sea god on eating a magic herb. Golden Age Concept of the Greek poet Hesiod, who listed Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron as the four ages of man in his Works and Days. Golden Bough A gift Aeneas had to take to Proserpina before he could enter the underworld. Golden Fleece Fleece of the golden ram of Colchis, kept by King Aeëtes of Colchis and guarded by an unsleeping dragon. Gorgons Three sisters – Eurydale, Medusa and Scheno – offspring of Phorcys and Ceto. Medusa was the mortal sister killed by Perseus. The Gorgons were the sisters of the Graiae. Götterdämmerung Literally means ‘Twilight of the Gods’; in Germanic mythology the equivalent of the Norse final battle, Ragnarok. Graces Daughters of Zeus and the sea nymph Eurynome. Graiae In Greek mythology, three sisters who had one eye and one tooth between them; sisters of the Gorgons. Great Mother of the Gods Oriental and Greco-Roman deity, known as Cybele in Latin literature. Her full Roman name was Mater Deum Magna Idaea (Great Idaean Mother of the Gods). Her Phrygian name was Agdistis or Dindymus. Griffin Greek monster with lion’s body and eagle’s head and wings. Gula In Babylonian mythology the goddess of healing corresponding to the Sumerian Bau. Hades In Greek mythology the son of Cronus and Rhea, and brother of Zeus and Poseidon. The three brothers drew lots for their realms and Hades drew the underworld. Although this nether world was not originally given a name, it became known by the name of its chief god Hades (unseen). The god Hades was also known as Pluto (rich), and the Roman equivalent was Dis or


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Orcus. The realm of Hades can be sub-divided into Elysium, Tartarus and the Plain of Asphodel. Hamadryad See Dryad. Hanuman In Indian mythology the monkey that became the most loyal companion of Rama and his consort Sita. Harpies Greek spirits with heads of women and bodies of birds. Hebe Greek goddess of youth and spring, daughter of Zeus and Hera, and wife of Heracles after his death. Hecate Greek goddess of the underworld and daughter of Coeus and Phoebe. Hector According to Greek mythology, the bravest Trojan and son of Priam; the brother of Paris and husband of Andromache. Killed by Achilles. Hecuba Wife of King Priam of Troy and mother of Hector, Paris, Troilus and Cassandra. Heimdall Norse god, and guardian of the bridge, Bifrost. Born of nine mothers. Hekatoncheires (100 hands) In Greek mythology, the name of three giants with 100 hands and 50 heads each: Briareus, Cottus and Gyges. They were the offspring of Gaia and Uranus. Helen Greek heroine, daughter of Zeus and Leda, sister of Clytemnestra and Castor and Pollux. Hephaestus Son of Zeus and Hera who was thrown from Olympia by his mother and landed in the sea. Hephaestus made the armour for Achilles. Hera Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth and queen of the gods. Heracles Greek hero who performed the Twelve Labours of Eurystheus. Offspring of Zeus and Alcmene. Hercules Roman equivalent of Heracles. Hermaphroditus Son of Hermes and Aphrodite. Salmacis embraced him so closely that they became fused as one, with a woman’s breasts and a man’s genitals. Hermes Son of Zeus and Maia. Hermes invented the lyre soon after birth. Hermione Daughter of Helen and Menelaus. Hermod Norse god, son of Odin. Hero Greek high priestess and lover of Leander, who swam the Hellespont every night to see her but was eventually drowned causing Hero to throw herself in the sea. Hesperides In Greek mythology, the daughters of the evening star who guarded the Golden Apples together with the dragon Ladon. Hindu myth and religion Of all the world’s leading mythologies, by far the most complex and expansive are Hindu beliefs. Even the term ‘mythology’ does not sit easily with a body of culture that is still revered today. It is beyond the scope of this work to trace the roots of Hindu beliefs and philosophy with its many tributaries, which themselves form a whole, separate strata of mythology. Many of the gods have personifications under differing names, and others have re-incarnations (avatars), which may bring with them a whole new substrata of mythology. Hindu mythology does not lend itself to fall comfortably within the table of comparative gods, indeed, the choice of Indra as principal god, or king of the gods, can only be loosely adhered to as a comparative to Zeus or Jupiter. Hindu mythology can be further divided into pre-Vedic, late-Vedic, post-Vedic, pre-Aryan post-Aryan and Classical, all of which has its own version of the creation. In the late-Vedic period, c.1200 BC, Brahma might have been considered the most important Hindu god, but he was gradually eclipsed by Vishnu and S(h)iva. Strict adherence to the Veda would place Prajapati (Lord of Creatures) as the creator god. In another version, the Prajapatis are the 10 ‘mind-born’ children of Brahma. The -traditional Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu and S(h)iva, would be considered the most important Hindu gods, but it is true to say that Indra is the equivalent of Zeus in Greek mythology or Jupiter in Roman. Hippolyte Queen of the Amazons and sister of Antiope. Hoder Blind Norse god who killed Baldur. Horus Egyptian god of light with a falcon’s head, son of Osiris and Isis. Huitzilopochtli Chief Aztec god, linked with the sun, fire, war and human sacrifice. Hyacinthus Peloponnesian youth loved by Apollo who was killed when the jealous Zephyrus diverted a discus to hit him. Hydra Greek monster usually depicted with 9 heads; slain by Heracles. Hyperion Greek Titan, son of Uranus and Gaia. Iapetus Greek Titan, father of Prometheus and Atlas, grandfather of Deucalion.

Icarus Son of Daedalus; he flew too near the sun while escaping from Crete and fell into the Aegean Sea and drowned. Idavold In Norse mythology the playground of the gods. Idomeneus King of Crete who contributed 100 ships to the expedition against Troy. Idunn Norse goddess of the golden apples of youth, wife of Bragi. Iliad Homer’s epic poem on the siege of Troy. Imhotep The Egyptian god of medicine and healing. Io Greek heroine turned into a heifer by Zeus to save her from the wrath of Hera. Iphigenia Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, sacrificed by her father at Aulis to gain a favourable wind for the Greek fleet sailing to Troy. Isis Egyptian goddess of magic and mother of Horus. Ismene Daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. She followed her father and her sister, Antigone, into exile. Isthmian Games Quadrennial games held at Corinth in honour of Poseidon. Ithaca Island home of Odysseus, one of the Ionian Islands. Ixion Greek king of Thessaly who was the first to murder a kinsman, his father-in-law; he was bound to a wheel of fire in Tartarus for trying to rape Hera. Janus Roman god of entrances, travel and the dawn, depicted as a man with two faces. Jason Son of Aeson, the Aeolian King of Iolcos. Aeson’s halfbrother Pelias usurped the throne and Queen Alcimede was forced to smuggle her son to safety, entrusting him to the care of Chiron, the centaur. Jason returned to Iolcos to regain his father’s kingdom and was told by Pelias that he would step down in return for the golden fleece of a ram, which hung from a tree in Colchis, and was guarded by a dragon. Jason engaged Argus to build a large galley for the journey and successfully attained his goal with the help of some legendary Greek heroes. During his adventures he married the sorceress Medea, but whether he ever attained the throne of Iolcos is doubtful. Jason eventually died when the decaying prow of the Argo fell on him. Jimmu-tenno Legendary first Emperor of Japan, aka Kamuyamato-iware-biko. Jocasta Wife of King Laius and mother of Oedipus. Jotunheim In Norse mythology the land of the race of giants, said to lie among the roots of Yggdrasil. Jumala Finnish supreme god. Juno Roman goddess of marriage, childbirth and light, and queen of the gods. Jupiter Originally a Roman sky god, but then regarded by the Romans as Dies Pater (Father Day), and later still became the Roman equivalent of Zeus. Kama Hindu god of love and pleasure. Khnum Egyptian goddess of creation. Khonsou Egyptian god, son of Ammon. Kvasir Norse god of wisdom. Laertes King of Ithaca and father of Odysseus by Anticleia. Lakshmi In Hindu mythology, also known as Sri, attained importance as the consort of Vishnu under each of his incarnations; when he became Rama she was faithful Sita, and when he became Krishna she became his wife, Rukmini. Lamia In Greek mythology a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating demon. Sometimes depicted with a serpent’s tail, Lamia was the daughter of King Belus of Egypt, making her the granddaughter of Poseidon and Lybie. Through unification with Zeus she was the mother of Herophile, a noted sibyl. Lapithes Mythological race that fought a famous war with the centaurs. Lares Roman gods of the house and fertility. Leander Mythical youth of Abydos who drowned while swimming the Hellespont to meet Hero. Leda Seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan and gave birth to Helen and Polydeuces in one egg and Castor and Clytemnestra in another. Other versions record that Helen and Polydeuces were children of Zeus and that Castor and Clytemnestra were children of her husband, Tyndareus. Leviathan Sea monster mentioned in the book of Job, resembling a crocodile. Liber Pater Roman god of agriculture and human fertility. Libitina Roman goddess of funeral rites. Lilith Demonic first wife of Adam in Hebrew mytholgy. Lohengrin In Germanic legend, the son of Parsifal. Loki Norse god of mischief. Lorelei In German mythology a siren said to dwell on a rock at the


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edge of the Rhine, south of Koblenz, who lures boatmen to destruction. Lud(d) Mythical king of Britain whose temple in Roman London was near St Paul’s Cathedral. Ludd was also the name of a Celtic god of the sea. Llyr (Lir) A Celtic god of waters and the sea; father of Manannan. Maat Egyptian goddess of sterility, truth and justice. Mabinogion A collection of stories written in Welsh in medieval times, the principal source of ancient Welsh and British myths. Macha In Celtic mythology a collective name for the trinity of war goddesses Macha, Morrígan and Nemain. As an individual, Macha was sometimes known as Dana (crow) or Badb (raven). Mahabharata Sanskrit verse epic composed between 400 BC and AD 400. It relates a dynastic feud between the Pandavas and their cousins the Kauravas, respectively gods and demons. Maia Roman goddess of fertility. Manasa Serpent goddess of Hindu mythology. Manitou Supreme deity of the Algonquian people of North America. Manticore A fabulous monster with the body of a lion, the head of a man, porcupine’s quills, and the tail or sting of a scorpion. Marduk Supreme god of Babylon. Mazda Persian god of wisdom. Medea In Greek mythology a princess of Colchis and powerful sorceress; deserted by Jason after helping him to steal the Golden Fleece, she killed their two children. Megara Daughter of King Creon of Thebes and first wife of Heracles, who killed her in a fit of madness caused by the goddess Hera. Megingjord Name of Thor’s belt, which magnifies his strength. Meleager In Greek mythology the heir of King Oeneus of Calydon. The Fates appeared to his mother, Althaea, when he was seven days old, they pointed to a burning stick in the fireplace and told her that her son’s life would last as long as the stick would burn. Althaea snatched the stick from the fire and hid it away. His father incurred the wrath of Artemis and she sent a wild boar to Calydon to ravage his crops. Meleager offered the boar’s pelt and tusks to anyone who could deliver the death blow. Many of his fellow Argonauts joined the hunt, including Atalanta, who he was besotted by. Although Meleager himself delivered the final death thrust, he gave the pelt to Atalanta, which upset his two uncles. In a rage he killed them both, and his mother, seeing the corpses of her brothers, threw the stick into the fire, and Meleager’s life drained away Menelaus King of Sparta, younger brother of Agamemnon and husband of Helen. Merope A Pleiad and wife of Sisyphus. Metis In Greek mythology the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and first wife of Zeus. Mictlan Aztec land of the dead. Midas Mythical king of Phygian. In one story, Apollo burdens him with ass’s ears for fudging badly in a music contest. In another, he receives but manages to shed the gift of turning all he touches to gold. Midgard In Norse mythology the dwelling place of mankind, formed from the body of the giant Ymir and linked to Asgard by Bifrost, the rainbow bridge. Milo Champion wrestler in Greek mythology. Mimir Norse giant who guarded the well of wisdom near the roots of Yggdrasil. Minos In Greek mythology the son of Europa and Zeus and brother to Sarpedon and Rhadamanthys. Following a dispute with his two brothers, Minos succeeded to the throne of Crete. The issue of the succession was decided when, having prayed for a divine sign, Poseidon sent Minos a magnificent bull from the sea. However, because Minos neglected to sacrifice the bull, Poseidon cursed him, causing his wife, Pasiphaë, to fall madly in love with the creature. With the help of the craftsman Daedalus, Pasiphaë was able to satisfy her lust by hiding in a decoy cow. The offspring of this union was the Minotaur, a monster with the head of a bull but the body of a man. Minos commissioned Daedalus to construct a labyrinth to house the Minotaur, and each year 9 boys and 9 girls were brought from Athens as food for the monster. One year the Greek hero Theseus was chosen for sacrifice and slew the Minotaur with the help of Minos’s daughter Ariadne, who supplied him with a thread to enable him to retrace his steps after the slaying. King Minos -followed Daedalus to Sicily with his mind set on revenge, but Daedalus was warned of his presence and arranged for boiling oil to kill the king when he took a bath at Kamikos.

Minotaur Greek monster, son of Pasiphaë and a bull, kept in a labyrinth on Crete by King Minos. Mithra(s) Persian god of light, justice and war. Mjollnir Thor’s hammer, said to cause lightning. Mnemosyne Greek Titan who was the mother of all the Muses. Morrígan Irish war goddess whose name means phantom queen; also the collective name of the trinity of war goddesses Macha, Morrígan and Nemain. Muses Sacred to Mount Helicon, the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne are the personification of knowledge and the arts. Myrmidons People of Aegina, created by Zeus for King Aeacus; some of them fought for Achilles at Troy. Myth The term was first used by the Greek historian Herodotus (c.484 BC – c.420 BC) to describe a body of knowledge or beliefs that have no foundation in fact and so must be distinguished from history although recorded fact can take mythical proportions due to historical interpretation. Nabu (Nebo) In Babylonian mythology, son of Marduk, and the scribe and herald of the gods. Naiads Freshwater nymphs in Greek mythology. Nanna Norse goddess, wife of Baldur. Narcissus Greek hero whom Nemesis caused to fall in love with his own reflection. Nataraja Title of the Hindu god S(h)iva, meaning lord of the dance. Nehallenia Norse goddess of plenty. Nemesis Greek goddess of destiny, the daughter of Oceanus. Nereids Fifty beautiful sea nymphs, the daughters of Nereus and Doris, of whom the most famous were Amphitrite and Thetis. Nereus Greek god of the sea. Nessus Greek centaur whose blood caused the death of his killer, Heracles. Nestor King of Pylos and only one of Neleus’s 12 sons spared by Heracles. The oldest of the Greeks at Troy and the only one to return home without mishap. Nibelung In German legend, any of the race of dwarfs who possessed a treasure hoard stolen by Siegfried. Nibelungenlied Heroic epic of unknown authorship written in the early 13th centruy and based on German history and legend. Niflheim In Norse mythology the abode of the dead, sometimes identified with hell. Niobe In Greek mythology, queen of Thebes, wife of King Amphion and daughter of Tantalus and Dione. Njord Norse god, father of Frey and Freyja. Norns Norse goddesses of destiny: Urdr – the past, Verdandi – the present, and Skuld – the future. Notus Greek mythology. South-west wind known to the Romans as Auster. Son of Astraeus and Eos. Numa Pompilius Legendary second King of Rome who succeeded Romulus. Nun In Egyptian mythology, the dark primeval ocean of chaos, which existed before the first gods. Nymph Any one of a class of mythological, youthful female divinities inhabiting woods, springs, mountains or the sea. Although nymphs were not immortal, their life span was usually several thousand years. Oceanid(e)s Greek sea-nymphs, daughters of Oceanus and Tethys. Oceanus Greek god of the River Oceanus and son of Gaia and Uranus. Odysseus (aka Ulysses) Greek hero, the son of Laertes and Anticlea, king and queen of Ithaca, a key figure in Homer’s Iliad and central in the Odyssey. Oedipus (swollen foot) Greek hero, king of Thebes, who inadvertently killed his father and married his mother. Oisin In Celtic mythology, a warrior and poet, son of Finn mac Cumhall and Sadb. Ops Roman goddess of the harvest, and consort of Saturn. Oread A Greek mountain-nymph. Orestes In Greek mythology the king of Argos and Sparta, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Orion In Greek mythology a giant hunter, son of Poseidon and Euryale. Orpheus Greek musician and poet, son of King Oeagrus of Thrace and Calliope. He married Eurydice, failed to rescue her from Hades after she was killed by a snake, and was finally torn to pieces by the women of Thrace. Osiris Egyptian god of vegetation, brother of Seth and husband of Isis. Otr Norse otter god.


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Otus and Ephialtes Twin sons of Iphimedeia and Poseidon. Pales Roman goddess of flocks. Palladium Mythical statue of Athene given to Dardanus by Zeus to ensure the protection of Troy. Pan Greek god of male sexuality, herds and woods. Pandora In Greek mythology the first woman on earth. When her dowry box was opened it released all the world’s ill and retained only hope. Paris A prince of Troy, the son of Priam. He abducted Helen, the wife of Menelaus, so causing the Trojan War. Parvati In Hindu mythology Parvati (the mountaineer) was one of the forms of Devi and as such, the mother of the elephantheaded god of wisdom, Ganes(h)a. Parvati became the goldenskinned Gauri. Pasiphaë In Greek mythology the daughter of Helios and mother of the Minotaur. Patroclus Greek warrior who, while wearing Achilles’ armour, was killed by Hector during the siege of Troy. Pegasus Greek winged horse that sprang from the body of Medusa after her death. Pelasgus The first man, according to one version of the Greek creation myth. Peleus In Greek mythology the King of Phythia in Thessaly. He married Thetis and fathered Achilles. Penates Roman gods of food and drink. Penelope The wife of Odysseus. During his long absence after the Trojan war, she tricked the suitors who were plaguing her to marry by unravelling a shroud every night, having promised to make her decision when she had finished weaving it. Persephone Greek goddess of the underworld, corn and the spring. Perse Daughter of Oceanus and wife of Helios, to whom she bore Circe, Pasiphaë, Aeëtes and Perses. Perses (1) Son of Perseus and Andromeda. Said to have given his name to Persia. Perses (2) Son of Helios and Perse and father of Hecate. Perseus Greek hero, son of Zeus and Danaë; he slew the Gorgon Medusa and married Andromeda. Phaeton Greek hero, son of Helios and Clymene. Killed by a thunderbolt from Zeus after losing control of the sun-chariot and endangering the safety of the world. Phaeton’s body fell into the river Eridanus (Po). Philoctetes Greek hero who killed Paris. Pleiades The 7 daughters of Atlas and Pleione, born on Mount Cyllene. They are the sisters of Calypso, Hyas, the Hyades, and the Hesperides and are nymphs in the train of Artemis, and together with the seven Hyades were called the Atlantides, Dodonides, or Nysiades - nursemaids and teachers to the infant Bacchus. Plutus Greek god of wealth. Polybus In Greek mythology the king of Corinth, husband of Merope and adoptive father of Oedipus. Pomona Roman goddess of fruit trees. Portunus Roman god of husbands and harbours. Poseidon Greek god of the sea and earthquakes. Priam In Greek mythology the king of Troy, son of King Laomedon and Queen Strymo. Priapus Son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, a fertility god, often portrayed with a grotesquely large phallus. Procrustes (Stretcher) In Greek mythology an innkeeper who killed travellers on the road between Athens and Eleusis by lopping or stretching their bodies to fit his bed. Theseus killed him by decapi-tation. Prometheus In Greek mythology a Titan, sometimes credited with making mankind out of clay. Because he stole fire from the gods and gave it to man, Zeus bound him to a rock for an eagle to peck out his liver, which always regrew because Prometheus was immortal. Proserpine Roman goddess of the Underworld, corn and the spring. Proteus Sea god, the son of Oceanus and Tethys. Proteus was a seer but would take any form to avoid questioning. Psyche In Greek mythology the soul, often portrayed as a butterfly. Personified as a woman, she fell in love with Eros and suffered many ordeals before they were united. Ptah Egyptian god of creation. Pygmalion In Greek mythology the king of Cyprus who fell in love with Aphrodite and, because she would not lie with him, made an ivory image of her and laid it in his bed. Aphrodite brought the statue to life as Galatea.

Pyrrha Daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora and wife of Deucalion with whom she repopulated the earth after the flood. Quetzalcoatl Toltec and Aztec god of vegetation and the wind, sometimes depicted as a bearded man wearing a mask, sometimes as a feathered serpent.. Quirinus Roman god of war, after whom a hill of Rome was named. Ragnarok Final destruction of the Norse gods in a battle to the death with evil. Ramayana One of the two great Sanskrit verse epics (along with the Mahabharata) dating back to the 3rd century BC, the story of Prince Rama, his struggle for the throne of Ajodhya, and his war with the demon Ravana to rescue his abducted wife Sita, with Hanuman’s help Remus See Romulus and Remus. Rhadamanthus Son of Europa and Zeus and brother to Minos and Sarpedon. After death he became a judge in the underworld. Rhea Greek goddess of motherhood; sister and wife of Cronus. Rhesus Thracian king who helped the Trojans but was slain by Odysseus. Rhiannon In Welsh Celtic mythology, the daughter of the King of the Otherworld and wife of Pwyll, prince of Dyfed. Romulus and Remus Twin sons of Mars, and legendary founders of Rome. Round Table In Arthurian legend the great table of Camelot that seated King Arthur’s knights. The Siege Perilous (dangerous seat) remained vacant because only the bringer of the Holy Grail could use it without coming to harm. Rumina Roman goddess of nursing mothers. Sarpedon In Greek mythology the son of Europa and Zeus and brother to Minos and Rhadamanthus. Satyr A Greek mythological creature, part man, part goat; the satyrs were followers of Dionysus. Scaean (Left-Hand) Gate Situated in the walls of Troy; the spot where Achilles fell. Scylla Greek sea monster; originally the daughter of Poseidon, she was turned into a monster by Amphitrite. In Strait of Messina located opposite Charybdis and depicted as snake with 6 heads that lived in a cave. Sekmet Egyptian goddess of power and battle, depicted with the head of a lioness. Selene Greek goddess of the moon, daughter of Hyperion and Thea; she was most notably the lover of Endymion. Semiramis In Assyrian mythology the wife of Ninus and cofounder with him of Nineveh. Set(h) Egyptian god of evil. Seven against Thebes Greek champions who failed to overthrow Eteocles from his Kingship. Seven Kings of Rome Romulus (753–715 BC), Numa Pompilius (715–673 BC), Tullius Hostilius (673–642 BC), Ancus Marcius (642–616 BC), Tarquin the Elder (616–579 BC), Servius Tullius (579–534 BC), Tarquinius Superbus (Proud Tarquin) (534–510 BC). Seven Sages of India aka Saptarishi, the seven rishis who are extolled at many places in the Vedas and Hindu literature. Shu Egyptian god of Air. Sibyl Roman prophetess. Sibylline Books Roman tradition tells how a sibyl offered Tarquinius Priscus 9 prophetic books which he refused to buy at the price. She destroyed three and he still refused them; she burned three more and he took the remaining three at the price demanded for the nine. Special priests kept them and they were consulted only when the Senate authorised it in time of need. In 83 BC the originals were destroyed by fire. The original books instructed the Romans to convey the sacred stone of Cybele to Rome. Sif Norse goddess, wife of Thor. Sigmund In Germanic legend the son of Volsung who won the divine sword Gram by extracting it from a tree trunk. Sigurd In Germanic legend the son of Sigmund and Hjordis and owner of the horse, Grani. Sigyn Norse goddess, wife of Loki. Silvanus Roman god of trees and forests. Siren In Homer’s Odyssey one of a group of creatures, half woman and half bird, who lure sailors to their death by their singing. Odysseus and the Argonauts withstood their fatal charms, the latter because Orpheus outsang them. Sisyphus In Greek mythology a Corinthian king -destined in Hades to roll a large stone up a hill for evermore, only for it to keep rolling back when it reaches the top. Skadi In Norse mythology the wife of Njord.


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Skan Lakota god embodying the sky. Sleipnir Odin’s 8-legged horse. Sobek Egyptian crocodile god. Soma In Hindu mythology an intoxicating drink. Soma was also an early god of the moon. Spartoi (sown men) Sprang up fully armed when Cadmus sowed the dragon’s teeth and killed each other until five remained: Echion, Udaeus, Chthonius, Hyperenor and Pelorus. Sphinx Greek monster with a woman’s head and lion’s body. Stentor Greek herald during the Trojan War, famous for his very loud voice. Stymphalian birds In Greek mythology a flock of man-eating birds, which infested Lake Stymphalos in Arcadia. Killed by Heracles. Surabhi In Indian mythology a divine cow of plenty. Syrinx Greek nymph of Arcadia.ಝShe was pursued by Pan, who made the first pan-pipes from her embodiment, as turning into a bed of reeds was the only way she could escape him. Tantalus Greek mythological king of Sipylos in Lydia, who stole the food of the gods and was condemned to stand thirsty and hungry forever in a pool that receded when he bent down to drink, beneath fruit trees whose branches retreated when he reached to pick their fruit. Tarpeian Rock Named after Tarpeia, the traitor daughter of the keeper of the Roman citadel. Became the rock from which Roman traitors were thrown. Tartarus That part of Hades reserved for those that offended the gods during their lifetime. Taweret Egyptian protector goddess of women and children, often depicted as part crocodile, part lion and part hippopotamus. Telamon Son of Aeacus and brother of Peleus; Telamon fathered Ajax by Periboea. Telemachus Greek hero, son of Odysseus and Penelope. Tenes Son of Apollo who gave his name to the Greek island of Tenedos. Themis Daughter of Ge and Uranus and sister of Cronus. The wife of Zeus before Hera. Theseus Mythical Greek hero, king of Athens and son of King Aegeus and Queen Aethra; it was Theseus who defeated the Minotaur in its labyrinth home in Crete. Thetis Greek goddess and mother of Achilles. Thunderbird Totem figure of Native Americans from the northwest. Aka Skyamsen. Tiresias Legendary blind prophet of Thebes who had been both male and female and estimated that women had 9 times more pleasure during intercourse than men. Titans In the first generation of twelve Titans, the males were Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius, and Iapetus and the females Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, and Themis. The second generation of Titans consisted of Hyperion's children Eos, Helios, and Selene; Coeus's daughters Leto and Asteria; Iapetus's children Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius; Oceanus' daughter Metis; and Crius's sons Astraeus, Pallas, and Perses.

Tonalpohualli Aztec sacred calendar consisting of 260 days which were divided into 20 weeks of 13 days. Trimurti Trinity of Hindu gods: Brahma(n) the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and S(h)iva the Destroyer. Tristan and Isolde Celtic legend. Tristan was a harpist and Isolde was the daughter of the king of Ireland. They drank a love potion together by mistake and fell irretrievably in love. Triton Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. He was a merman, the upper half human, the lower half fish. Triton used a conch shell trumpet to calm the waves. Troilus In Greek mythology, the young son of Priam, slain by Achilles. His romance with Cressida is a medieval invention. Ull Norse god and stepson of Thor. Underworld Rivers The five rivers of the Greek underworld (where souls went after death) are Cocytus (wailing), Lethe (forgetfulness), Acheron (grief), Styx (hate) and Phlegethon (fire). Useful mnemonic: CLASP Valhalla In Norse mythology the great hall of Odin in Asgard, where warriors who died as heroes in battle dwelled eternally. Valkyries Norse warrior handmaidens to Odin. Vanir Norse race of benevolent gods including Njörd, Frey and Freyja. The Vanir warred with the Aesir and were eventually absorbed into their number. Varuna In Hindu mythology, the upholder of heaven and earth and often associated with Surya as the creator of the sun. In post-Vedic mythology he became god of the seas and rivers. Vertumnus Roman god of fertility. Vestal virgins College of priestesses of the Roman cult of Vesta, the hearth goddess. Originally four of them; later 6 (generally considered as the number); and finally 7. Vidar Norse god, a son of Odin and slayer of the wolf Fenir. Vishnu’s Incarnations The 10 avatars of Vishnu are 1. Matsya, 2. Kurma, 3. Varaha, 4. Narasinha, 5. Vamana 6. Paras(h)urama, 7. Ramachandra (Rama), 8. Krishna, 9. Buddha, 10. Kalki. Völund In Norse mythology, a smith and artificer and king of the elves. In Germanic legends he appears as Wieland; in English folklore as Wayland Smith. Völuspá First and best known poem of the Edda, telling the story of the creation of the world and its coming end. Wyvern Mythical beast with a dragon’s head, a -serpent’s tail and a body with wings and two legs. Yggdrasil In Norse mythology, the ash tree that binds the heavens, earth and the underworld with its roots and branches. It shelters the remnants of humanity when Ragnarok destroys the gods and sets the world on fire. Ymir The first being and forefather of all the Norse giants. Slain by Odin, who made the earth from his flesh, the water from his blood and the sky from his skull. Zephyrus West Wind, the son of Astraeus and Eus and father of Xanthus and Balius, the talking horses of Achilles. Roman counterpart was Favonius. Zetes Twin of Calais; winged sons of Boreas and Oreithyia- they accompanied the Argonauts and drove off the Harpies.

Zeus’s Conquests The supreme god of the Greek parthenon took many forms in his amorous pursuit of goddesses, nymphs and humans. See a few below. Conquest Form Offspring Conquest Form Offspring Alcmene Antiope Danaë Demeter Europa Eurynome

Amphitryon Satyr Shower of gold Himself Bull and eagle Himself

Heracles Amphion & Zetheus Perseus Persephone Minos, Sarpedon Graces

lo Leda Leto Maia Mnemosyne Semele

Cloud Swan Quail Himself Himself Mortal

Epaphos Helen, Pollux Apollo and Artemis Hermes Muses Dionysus

Famous Horses of Myth and History Name Aethenoth Arvak Abaster Abatos Abraxa Actaeon

Owner Lady Godiva Sol Pluto Pluto Aurora Helios

Owner’s identity Anglo-Saxon noblewoman Norse maiden Greek god Greek god Roman goddess Greek sun god

Name Aethon Aeton Al Borak Alfana Alsvid Amethea


Owner Helios Pluto Mohammed Gradasso Sol Helios

Owner’s identity Greek sun god Greek god Founder of Islam Literary creation Norse maiden Greek sun god

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Name Arion Arundel Babieca Balios Barbary Roan Bayard

Owner Hercules Bevis of Hampton El Cid Achilles Richard II Renaud de Montauban Black Agnes Mary Queen of Scots Black Bess Dick Turpin Brigliadoro Orlando Bronte Helios Bucephalus Alexander the Great Carman Chevalier de Bayard Celer Lucius Verus Cerus Adrastus Champion Gene Autry Comanche US cavalry Copenhagen Duke of Wellington Cyllaros Castor and Pollux Dapple Sancho Panza Diablo Cisco Kid Dinos Diomedes Doublet Princess Anne Eos Aurora Erythreos Helios Ethon Hector Fadda (mule) Mohammed Ferrant Oliver d’Espagne Foxhunter Col Harry Llewellyn Galathe Hector Grani Siegfried Gringolet Sir Gawain Grizzle Dr Syntax Gulltoppr Heimdall Haizum Gabriel Harpagus Castor and Pollux Hercules The Steptoes

Owner’s identity Mythological hero Literary creation Spanish hero Greek hero English king Legendary Frankish knight Scottish queen Literary creation Legendary character Greek sun god Macedonian ruler French knight Roman emperor Mythological king of Argos TV cowboy Only survivor Little Big Horn Soldier and statesman Roman mythological twins Literary character Literary creation Mythological king of Argos Royal Olympian Roman goddess Greek sun god Trojan hero Founder of Islam Legendary Frankish knight Olympic champion Trojan hero German legend Arthurian Knight Literary creation Norse god Archangel Roman mythological twins TV creation

Name Hippocampus Hrimfaxi Incitatus Kantanka Lampon Lampos Lamri Marengo Marocco Marsala Nonios Pegasus Phaeton Phallus Phlegon Phrenicos Podarge Purocis Ronald Rosabelle Rosinante Savoy Scout Sefton Shadowfax Shibdiz Silver Skinfaxi Sleipnir Sorrel Strymon Tachebrune Tony Topper Trebizond Trigger White Surrey Xanthus

Owner Neptune Nott Caligula Prince Gautama Diomedes Helios King Arthur Napoleon Mr Banks Garibaldi Pluto Bellerophon Aurora Heraclius Helios Hiero of Syracuse Hector Helios Lord Cardigan Mary Queen of Scots Don Quixote Charles VIII Tonto British Army Gandalf Chosroes II Lone Ranger Dagr Odin William III Xerxes Ogier the Dane Tom Mix Hopalong Cassidy Guarinos Roy Rogers Richard III Achilles

Owner’s identity Roman god Horse of Night (Norse myth) Roman emperor The Buddha Mythological king of Argos Greek sun god Legendary Anglo-Saxon king French emperor Elizabethan horseman Italian patriot Greek god Greek hero Roman goddess Byzantine emperor Greek sun god Winner of 73rd olympiad Trojan hero Greek sun god British soldier Scottish queen Literary creation French king TV creation Bomb victim Wizard in Lord of the Rings Persian ruler TV creation Horse of Day (Norse myth) Norse supreme god British king Persian king Hero of chansons de geste Film cowboy Film cowboy French knight Roncesvalles TV cowboy English king Greek hero

Famous Dogs (Fact and Fiction) Name Argos Asta Blondie Boatswain Boot Bounce Boy Bran Brutus Bullseye Cabal (Cavall) Cerberus Checkers Crab Daisy Dash Diamond Dougal Dragon Flash Fluffy Flush Freeway Gargittios Geist Gelert Giallo Gnasher Goofy Greyfriars Bobby Hamlet Hodain Kaiser Lady Laika

Owner or details Ulysses Thin Man series Hitler Lord Byron (Newfoundland) Old English sheepdog Perishersಝ(cartoon strip) Alexander Pope Prince Rupert’s dog, killed at Marston Moor Finn mac Cumhal Landseer’s greyhound (invader of the larder) Bill Sykes in Oliver Twist King Arthur’s favourite hound Three-headed dog that guards Hades Richard Nixon Launce in Two Gentlemen of Verona Blondie Charles Lamb Isaac Newton Character in Magic Roundabout Aubry of Montdidier Dukes of Hazzard Three-headed dog that guarded the Philosopher’s Stone in Harry Potter Elizabeth Barrett Browning Jonathan and Jennifer Hart One of Geryon’s dogs slain by Hercules Matthew Arnold’s dachshund Prince Llewellyn’s greyhound Walter Savage Landor Dennis the Menace Disney cartoon dog Watched over owner’s grave for 14 years (Skye terrier) Sir Walter Scott’s black greyhound Tristan (Hodain aka Leon) Matthew Arnold’s dachshund Poodle owned by Walt Disney Fox terrier that was the first dog in space

Name Lassie Luath Lufra Maida Mathe Montmorency Nana Nigger Nipper Olaf Orthos Paddy Pearl Perdita Peritas Petra Pickles Pluto Pongo Rin Tin Tin Robot Rufus Sandy Scamper Sceolang Snoopy Snowy Spike Spottie Strelka Theron Thisbe Timmy Toby Toto Well’ard Won Ton Ton


Owner or details Actually a female dog named Pal Cuchulainn (Robbie Burns also owned a Luath) Douglas’s hound in Scott’s Lady of the Lake Sir Walter Scott’s deerhound Richard II’s greyhound Three Men in a Boat Darling family (Peter Pan) Guy Gibson Fox terrier logo for His Master’s Voice (HMV) Snoopy’s brother One of Geryon’s dogs slain by Hercules Harold Wilson Beryl the Peril 101 Dalmations Alexander the Great Blue Peter (Shep was also a famous dog) Found the World Cup Disney cartoon dog 101 Dalmations Died in Jean Harlow’s arms (German Shepherd) Discovered Lascaux cave paintings in 1940 Sir Winston Churchill’s poodle Little Orphan Annie Secret Seven Finn mac Cumhal Beagle in Peanutsಝ(cartoon strip) Tintin Snoopy’s brother The Woodentops Survived an orbital space mission Roderick the Goth Marie Antoinette Famous Five member Punch Cairn terrier owned by Dorothy in Wizard of Oz EastEnders. Dog’s real name is Kyte Saved Hollywood in 1976 film

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NATURE Living Creatures (except birds) aardvark nocturnal mammal, inhabiting the grasslands of Africa south of the Sahara and feeding on ants and termites. It is the sole member of its family (Orycteropodidae) and order (Tubulidentata). Research by British, Chinese and South African scientists in 2003 reveals that the aardvark has the greatest number of features in common with other mammals, which makes it the closest living relative of our common ancestor. The aardvark is also called an ant bear. Sp.: Orycteropus afer. aardwolf nocturnal mammal, inhabiting the plains of east and southern Africa, feeding on termites and insect larvae. Family: Hyaenidae (Hyenas) and Order: Carnivora. Sp.: Proteles cristatus. abalone gastropod mollusc with a shallow, ear-shaped shell lined with mother-of-pearl. Gen.: Haliotis. albacore long-finned tunny fish. Sp.: Thunnus alalunga. alewife fish of the north-west Atlantic related to the herring. Sp.: Alosa pseudoharengus. alligator either of two crocodilian reptiles of the family Alligatoridae (alligators and caymans) and distinguished from true crocodiles by their shorter and broader snouts. The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), the larger of the two species, can grow to a length of almost 6 metres, and the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) to about a quarter of that length. alpaca South American herbivore mammal of the Andes with long shaggy hair, related to the llama. Sp.: Lama pacos. anchovy small marine food fish of the herring family. Sp.: Engraulis encrasicholus. ant small social insect of the order Hymenoptera, typically living in organised colonies of winged males (drones), wingless sterile females (workers) and fertile females (queens). The body of an ant has three segments, i.e. head, abdomen and thorax. Family: Formicidae. ant: Amazon ant which captures pupae of other ant species to raise as slaves. Gen.: Polyergus. antelope bovid mammals of Africa and Asia that include bushbucks, elands, gnus, gazelles, impalas, springboks, dik-diks, blackbucks, oryxes, gerenuks and nilgai. Antelopes have unbranched horns, which they do not shed. Family: Boridae. ape primates characterised by long arms and the absence of a tail. Great apes are the chimpanzee, gorilla and orang-utan (Family: Pongidae). Lesser apes are the various gibbons (Family: Hylobatidae). argalis large Asiatic wild sheep with massive horns. Sp.: Ovis ammon. armadillo nocturnal insect-eating but generally omnivorous edentate mammal native to the southern USA and Central and S. America, with large claws for digging and a body covered in bony plates, often rolling itself into a ball when threatened. They range from 3- to as many as 13-banded. Burmeister’s and pink fairy armadillos are endangered species. Family: Dasypodidae. axolotl aquatic newt-like salamander from Mexico, which in natural conditions retains its larval form for life but is able to breed. Name means ‘water servant’. Sp.: Ambystoma mexicanum. aye-aye nocturnal arboreal prosimian primate of Madagascar related to the lemurs. Sp.: Daubentonia madagascariensis. babirusa wild hog with upturned tusks native to the Malay archipelago. Sp.: Babyrousa babyrussa. baboon primate of the family Cercopithecidae, characterised by its fox-like muzzle and long tail. Gen.: Papio. badger (American) stout-bodied carnivore with greyish to reddish coat and black facial stripes. Sp.: Taxidea taxus. badger (Eurasian) stout-bodied carnivore with greyish coat and black and white facial stripes. All badgers are members of the family Mustelidae. Sp.: Meles meles. badger (honey) aka ratel. Musteline mammal inhabiting wooded regions of Africa and Asia. Sp.: Mellivora capensis. bandicoot any small, agile terrestrial marsupial of the family Peramelidae of Australia and New Guinea. Bandicoots typically have long, pointed muzzles, large ears and long tails, and feed mainly on small invertebrates. bandicoot rat large, dark brown, burrowing rat of the family Muridae, order Rodentia, of India and Sri Lanka, sometimes known as a mole rat. The bandicoot rat makes a grunting noise similar to that of a pig. Sp.: Bandicota indica. barnacle small marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia that, as an adult, lives head-down attached to rocks or the bottom of the hull of a ship. barnacle: goose common barnacle found worldwide, living attached by a stalk to driftwood. Gen.: Lepas.

basking shark large slow-moving shark of the family Cetorhinidae, prone to swimming or floating at the surface with its mouth agape. The basking shark is the second largest shark after the whale shark, growing up to 14 metres in length. Sp.: Cetorhinus maximus. bear large plantigrade, omnivorous mammal of the family Ursidae, order Carnivora. The smallest species is the Malaysian sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), and the largest is the Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi). beluga large kind of Russian sturgeon from which caviar is obtained. Sp.: Huso huso. bib light brown European marine gadoid food fish. Aka pout. Sp.: Gadus luscus. binturong arboreal civet of southern. Asia with a shaggy black coat and a prehensile tail. Sp.: Arctictis binturong. bison: American ox-like grazing mammal with short-haired body and longer, darker hair on its head. Aka plains buffalo. Sp.: Bison bison. black widow any venomous spider of the family Theridiidae, inhabiting warm climates throughout the world. The venom of the spider causes sharp pain and some muscle cramping but is usually only temporary and never fatal. The female is characterised by its dark colour and red hourglass marking on its abdomen. The males are rarely seen as they are often eaten by the female after mating. Black widows are known as button spiders in South Africa, redbacks in Australia and katipos in New Zealand. Gen.: Latrodectus. bobcat small Northern American lynx with a spotted, reddish-brown coat and a short tail. Sp.: Felis rufus. bonito one of several small, tuna-like marine food fishes of the family Scombridae (tunnies and mackerels) inhabiting warm Atlantic and Pacific waters. Gen.: Sarda. boomslang venomous tree-snake native to sub-Saharan Africa. Sp.: Dispholidus typus. brachiosaurus herbivorous dinosaurs, probably the largest land animals ever known (80 tons+). Gen.: Brachiosaurus. brandling red earthworm with rings of a brighter colour, which is often found in manure and used as fishing bait. Sp.: Eisenia foetida. brown recluse North American venomous spider with a dark brown body about 3 centimetres long with a distinct violin-shaped design on its back. Sp.: Loxosceles reclusa. buffalo (African) large, black, sparsely haired animal weighing up to 700kg. Sp.: Syncerus caffer. buffalo (Indian) aka water buffalo or carabao. South-east Asian domestic beast of burden weighing up to 1200kg. Sp.: Bubalus bubalis. bullfrog large frog native to North America and Mexico and known for its loud croak. Sp.: Rana cateseiana. bumble-bee large social bee with a loud hum. Aka humble-bee. Gen.: Bombus. bummalo small fish of south Asian coasts, dried and used as food, especially Bombay duck. Sp.: Harpodon nehereus. bush baby small nocturnal tree-dwelling African primate with very large eyes. Aka galago. Six species of the family Lorisidae. cacomistle raccoon-like animal of North America with a dark ringed tail. Sp.: Bassariscus sumichrasti. callop gold-coloured freshwater fish of Australia. Aka golden perch. Sp.: Plectroplites ambiguus. camel: Arabian camel with one hump native to the deserts of North Africa and the Near East (aka dromedary). Sp.: Camelus dromedarius. camel: Bactrian camel with two humps native to central Asia. Sp.: Camelus bactrianus. capelin small smeltlike fish of the North Atlantic used as food and as bait for catching cod. Sp.: Mallotus villosus. capuchin monkey of the family Cebidae, characterised by its head hair suggestive of a cowl. Gen.: Cebus. capybara very large, semi-aquatic rodent (up to 65 kg) native to South America east of the Andes. Sp.: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. caracal lynx native to Norht Africa and south-west. Asia. Sp.: Felis caracal. caribou large deer of Arctic regions of North America, having large branched antlers in the male and female, the only species of deer to do so. The caribou is known as a reindeer in Eurasia. Sp.: Rangifer tarandus. carpenter ant large ant which bores into wood to nest. Gen.: Camponotus. cat: domestic small feline mammal often kept as household pet. The cat is thought to have originated in Egypt. Unusual breeds include the Angora, which is usually deaf, the Manx, which is tailless,


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and the Siamese, which has blue eyes. Cats move in the same way as the camel and giraffe, i.e. by moving first the front and back legs on one side, then the front and back legs on the other side. Most cats have 18 toes, 5 on the front foot and 4 on the back. Sp.: Felis domesticus. cat: wild feline mammal living in the wild. Sp.: Felis silvestris. cattle dairy breeds include Ayrshire, Danish Red, Friesian, Guernsey, Jersey and Kerry. Beef cattle include Aberdeen Angus, Blonde d’Aquitaine, Blue Grey, Charolais, Chianina, Devon, Galloway, Hereford, Highland, Limousin, Lincoln Red, Luing, MaineAnjou, Shorthorn and Sussex. Dual-purpose breeds include Dexter, Meuse-Rhine-Ijssel, Red Poll, Dairy Shorthorn, Simmental, South Devon and Welsh Black. Gen.: Bos. cavy any small South American rodent of the family Caviidae, especially of the genus Cavia. cayman (caiman) reptile of the family Alligatoridae (alligators and caymans), inhabiting riverbanks of Central and South America. centipede carnivorous arthropod, having a body of between 14 and 190 segments, each bearing one pair of legs. The common house centipede, order Scutigerida, is 25 millimetres (1 inch) long with a black striped body and 15 pairs of legs. Class: Chilopoda. chamois agile goat-antelope native to the mountains of Europe and Asia. Sp.: Rupicapra rupicapra. cheese-fly small black fly that breeds in cheese. Sp.: Piophila casei. cheetah fastest-running feline with a leopard-like spotted coat and non-retractable claws. Sp.: Acinonyx jubatus. chigger tropical flea of which females burrow under people’s skin, causing painful sores. Aka chigoe, sand flea and jigger. Sp.: Tunga penetrans. chimpanzee tailless primate of the family Pongidae, inhabiting forests and savannahs of tropical west and central Africa. The two species are the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus). chinchilla small South American rodent of the family Chinchillidae, which is bred in captivity for its soft grey fur. Chinchillas resemble longtailed rabbits, although their ears are smaller. Sp.: Chinchilla laniger. Chinese water deer along with the musk deer, one of only two species of deer that do not have antlers. Sp.: Hyfropotes inermis. chipmunk North American ground squirrel having alternate light and dark stripes running down the body. Gen.: Tamias. cicada any of 1,500 varieties of winged-insects of the order Homoptera. The dog-day cicada of the genus Tibicen, is typically 3 centimetres long with greenish head and wings, acting as a canopy over its abdomen and thorax. The so-called periodic cicadas of the genus Magicicada, including the 17-year and 13-year cicadas, are darker in colour and have red eyes. civet cat-like mammals of Africa and Southern Asia with spotted fur, noted for the powerful-smelling fluid from their anal glands from which they bear their name. Family: Viverridae. clouded leopard large spotted arboreal cat of South-east Asia. Sp.: Neofelis nebulosa. coati raccoon-like, omnivorous mammals of Central and South America with a long flexible snout and a long, usually ringed, tail. Gen.: Nasua and Nasuella. coelacanth primitive lobe-finned fish of the Indian Ocean, thought to be many millions of years extinct until a living specimen was caught in 1938. Sp.: Latimeria chalumnae. colugo see flying lemur. coral any of a variety of invertebrate marine organisms of the phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, characterised by having spikey, leathery or stonelike skeletons. Stony coral, of the order Madreporaria, form reefs and islands. Red coral, of the genus Corallium, also known as precious coral, is used to make ornaments and jewellery. cougar see puma. coyote aka prairie wolf. Predatory canine mammal of North America, smaller than the wolf. Sp.: Canis latrans. crane-fly large two-winged flies with very long legs. Aka daddy-longlegs or leatherjacket. Family: Tipulidae. crayfish small lobster-like freshwater crustacean. Aka spiny lobster. Gen.: Astacus. cribo large, non-venomous American snake. Aka indigo snake or gopher snake. Sp.: Drymarchon corais. crocodile any reptile of the family Crocodilidae, typically having a broad head, tapering snout, massive jaws, and a thick outer covering of boney scales. The salt water crocodile may grow up to 7 metres long and is the world’s largest reptile. The sex of a crocodile is decided during incubation: a male is born if the egg is maintained at a constant 31.6 ° Celsius; hotter or colder and the sex is female. Gen.: Crocodilus. crown of thorns starfish that feeds on coral polyps and has increasingly threatened Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The species can grow up to 50 centimetres, has numerous red spines and may have up to 19 arms. Sp.: Acanthaster planci.

dace freshwater fish related to the carp. Sp.: Leuciscus leuciscus. death’s-head hawk-moth Large dark hawk-moth with yellowish underwings and skull-like markings on the back of the thorax. Sp.: Acherontia atropos. death-watch beetle small beetle which makes a sound like a watch ticking, once supposed to portend death, and whose larva bores in dead wood. Sp.: Xestobium rufovillosum. deer any ruminant quadruped of the family Cervidae, distinguished in the male by the presence of deciduous branching horns or antlers, and in the young by the presence of spots. The furry covering of the newly formed antlers is given the name velvet. devil’s coach-horse large rove beetle. Sp.: Ocypus olens. devil’s darning needle alternative name for a dragonfly or damselfly. Order: Odonata. dhole fierce canine pack-hunting mammal of the forests of central and South-east Asia. Sp.: Cuon alpinus. dik-dik dwarf antelope native to Africa. Gen.: Madoqua. dingo wild dog of the family Canidae, generally light brown in colour with long muzzle and bushy tail. The dingo, also known as the warrigal, can be found throughout mainland Australia and Tasmania. It is a scavenging carnivore and has a distinct howl but does not bark. Sp.: Canis dingo. diplodocus four-legged plant-eating dinosaur with the longest known tail of all dinosaurs (11 metres). Gen.: Diplodocus. dog domesticated carnivorous mammal. Sp.: Canis familiaris. dolphin any of various marine cetacean mammals of the family Delphinidae, which are typically larger than porpoises but smaller than whales. The common dolphin is Delphinus delphis. dolphin: bottle-nosed inhabiting all the world’s oceans and named after its beak-like snout, which is shaped like a bottle and gives the impression of having a permanent smile. Sp.: Tursiops truncatus. dormouse: common nocturnal squirrel-like rodent with bushy tail. Sp.: Muscardinus avellanarius. dormouse (edible) aka fat dormouse. Largest of the dormice, once prized as food by the Romans. Sp.: Glis glis. douroucouli monkey of South America having large, staring eyes. Aka night monkey or owl monkey. Sp.: Aotus trivirgatus. dragonet Any scaleless, spiny marine fish of the family Callionymidae, the males of which are brightly coloured. dragonfly predatory insect of the suborder Anisoptera, order Odonata, having a large head and eyes, long slender body and two pairs of iridescent wings, which may have a span in excess of 15 centimetres. Sp.: Libellula forensis. Alternative names of the dragonfly include devil’s darning needle and devil’s arrow. drosophila small fruit fly used extensively in genetic research because of its large chromosomes, numerous varieties and rapid rate of reproduction. Gen.: Drosophila. duck-billed platypus amphibious egg-laying mammal of eastern Australia, having dense fur, a broad flat bill and tail and webbed feet. The platypus and echidna are the only two members of the order Monotremata, i.e. mammals that lay eggs. The male has a toxic horny spur on both hind legs, the venom of which is powerful enough to kill a dog and cause excruciating pain to humans. An excellent swimmer, the platypus has a buoyant body so always swims in a downward tract and is capable of being submerged for up to 10 minutes if resting. Sp.: Ornithorhynchus anatinus. dugong large marine mammal of the order Sirenia, closely related to the manatee; the sole extant member of the family Dugongidae. The dugong is shorter than the manatee and darker skinned but has the same body shape. Manatees inhabit the waters of the Caribbean, South America and West Africa, while the dugongs are found in East African and Australian waters. Like the manatee, the dugong is also sometimes called a sea cow because of its grass-eating habits. Sightings of dugongs and manatees by early explorers gave rise to the mythology of mermaids and sirens. Sp.: Dugong dugon. duiker mostly forest-dwelling African antelopes having a crest of long hair between their horns. Gen.: Cephalophus and Sylvicapra. eagle ray large ray with long pointed pectoral fins. Family: Myliobatidae. earth worm any of various species of ground worms of the phylum Annelida, class Oligochaeta, especially members of the genera Lumbricus, Allolobophora and Eisenia. echidna egg-laying insectivorous mammals native to Australia and New Guinea, with a covering of spines, a long snout and long claws. Aka spiny anteater. Family: Tachyglossidae. eel teleost fish having long, snake-like body, smooth slimy skin and reduced fins. Gen.: Anguilla. eland antelope native to Africa, having spirally twisted horns. The giant eland is the largest of living antelopes. Gen.: Taurotragus. elephant: African larger of the two species of elephant. Sp.: Loxodonta africana. elephant: Indian smaller of the two species of elephant. Gen.: Elephas maximus.


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emperor moth large moth related to the silk moths with eye-spots on all four wings. Sp.: Saturnia pavonia. eyra reddish-brown variety of jaguarondi. Sp.: Felis yagouaroundi. fallfish freshwater fish of North America resembling the chub. Sp.: Semotilus corporalis. fallow deer small deer having a white-spotted reddish-brown coat in the summer. Sp.: Dama dama. false gavial (gharial) Southeast Asian reptile of the family Crocodilidae with long straight snout, giving the impression of being a gavial. Sp.: Tomistoma schlegeli. fennec smallest fox, native to North Africa and Arabia, having large pointed ears. Sp.: Vulpes zerda. fer-de-lance large, highly venomous pit viper of tropical South America and the West Indies. Sp.: Bothrops atrox. ferret domesticated albino variety of the polecat, bred for hunting rats and rabbits. Sp.: Mustela putorius. fly member of the insect order Diptera, containing over 85,000 species divided into the suborders Nematocera (midges, gnats, crane flies and mosquitoes), Brachycera (bee flies, robber flies and horse flies) and Cyclorrhapha (house flies, fruit flies, blow flies, and leafminers). Dipterans are distinguished from other insects (such as dragonflies and mayflies) by their wing structure, the so-called ‘true’ flies being characterised by the use of only one pair of wings for flight, the second pair becoming fixed and being used for balance. The smallest two-winged flies are midges, and the largest are robber flies of the family Asilidae, which can attain lengths of up to 8 centimetres. flying fish warm-water fish with wing-like pectoral fins for gliding through the air. Family: Exocoetidae. flying fox fruitbats with fox-like heads, largest species with wingspan approaching 2 metres. Family: Pteropodidae. flying lemur either of two lemur-like mammals of South-east Asia, having a membrane between the fore and hind limbs for gliding from tree to tree. Aka colugo. Gen.: Cynocephalus. flying lizard long-tailed lizard of S.E. Asia with elongated ribs supporting membranes for gliding. Gen.: Draco. flying squirrel any squirrel with skin joining the fore and hind limbs for gliding from tree to tree. Gen.: Aeromys, Belomys, Eupetdurus, Glaucomys, Hylopetes, Petaurista, Petinomys, Pteromys, Pteromyscus, Trogopterus. fox various members of the dog family, Canidae, typically small in stature with a bushy tail known as a brush. They include the African Sand, Bat-eared, Bengal, Black, Blanford’s, Brant, Chama, Corsac, Hoary, Indian, Kit, Pale, Rüppell’s, Samson, Sand, Silver, Steppe, Swift and Tibetan Sand. Gen.: Vulpes, Dusicyon, Alopex, Otocyon. frog several families of the order Anura, mainly insectivorous amphibians having a short, tailless body with long hind legs for hopping. The European common frog is Sp.: Rana temporaria. furniture beetle beetle whose larvae bore into wood and are known as ‘woodworm’. Sp.: Anobium punctatum. galago see bush baby. galliwasp West Indian lizard. Sp.: Diploglossus monotropis. garfish marine fish having long, beak-like jaws with sharp teeth. Aka needlefish. Family: Belonidae. gavial (gharial) long-snouted reptile of the order Crocodilia, and the only species of the family Gavialidae. The gavial inhabits the rivers of northern India and grows to a length of up to 5 metres. Sp.: Gavialis gangeticus. gazelle antelope of Asia or Africa. Gen.: Gazella, Antilope, Antidoreas, Procapra, Ammodoreas, Litocranius. gecko nocturnal lizards found in warm climes, with adhesive feet for climbing purposes, the only lizards with voices. Family: Gekkonidae. gelada brownish baboon with a bare red patch on its chest, native to Ethiopia. Sp.: Theropithecus gelada. gemsbok large antelope of south-west and east Africa. Sp.: Oryx gazella. genet (genette) cat-like mammal native to Africa and Southern Europe with spotted fur and a long, ringed, bushy tail. Gen.: Genetta. gerbil various genera of mouse-like desert rodents. The species often kept as a pet is Meriones unguiculatus, the Mongolian gerbil. gerenuk antelope native to east Africa, with a very long neck and small head. Sp.: Litocranius walleri. giant anteater edentate (toothless) mammal of Central and South America with long snout used for feeding on termites. Sp.: Myrmecophaga tridactyla. gila monster venomous lizard of southwest USA and northwestern Mexico. The gila monster is stout-bodied with black and pink markings and grows to about 45 centimetres (18 inches). Sp.: Heloderma suspectum. giraffe ruminant mammal of Africa with a long neck and forelegs and a skin of dark patches separated by lighter lines. It is the tallest living animal (over 5 metres). Sp.: Giraffa camelopardalis. gnu two antelope species of the genus Connochaetes, native to

southern Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, with a large, erect head and brown stripes on the neck and shoulders. Aka wildebeest. goat males are called rams or billies and females are does or nannies. Domesticated breeds include Angora, Kashmir, Nubian, Saanen and Toggenburg. Sp.: Capra hircus. goldfish freshwater cyprinid fish of eastern Europe and Asia, especially China. Sp.: Carassius auratus. gopher burrowing rodents of the family Geomyidae native to North America, having food pouches on the cheeks. Aka pocket gopher. gopher tortoise tortoise native to southern USA, that excavates tunnels to shelter from the sun. Gen.: Gopherus. gorilla largest anthropoid ape, native to central Africa. Sp.: Gorilla gorilla. gourami large freshwater fish native to South-east Asia. Aka labyrinth fish. Sp.: Osphronemus goramy. grampus dolphin with a blunt snout and long, pointed black flippers. Aka Risso’s dolphin. Sp.: Grampus griseus. grasshopper any orthopterous insect of the families Acrididae (short-horned grasshoppers) and Tettigoniidae (long-horned grasshoppers). The grasshopper frequents semi-arid regions and grasslands. Many species are green in colour, although some are brownish-grey with red or yellow markings. The upper hind legs of a grasshopper are elongated, and the males tend to produce a buzzing sound by rubbing the femur against its wings. The young of a grasshopper is called a nymph. grayling silver-grey freshwater fish with a long, high dorsal fin. Gen.: Thymallus. grayling butterfly having wings with grey undersides and bright eyespots on the upper side. Sp.: Hipparchia semele. greenbottle fly of the genus Lucilia - lays eggs in the flesh of sheep. grunion slender Californian silverside fish, which spawns on beaches. Sp.: Leuresthes tenuis. gudgeon: common small European freshwater fish, often used as bait. Sp.: Gobio gobio. guinea pig domesticated Southern American cavy kept as a pet or for research in biology. Sp.: Cavia porcellus. haddock edible marine fish of the north Atlantic, similar to cod but smaller. Sp.: Melanogrammus aeglefinus. hairstreak species of butterfly of the family Lycaenidae, distinguished by the hair-like markings on the underside of their wings. Usually brown or grey in colour but occasionally red and black. Gen.: Callophrys. hamadryas large, powerful monkey of the plains and open-rock areas of southern Arabia and northeast Africa. Aka sacred baboon or Arabian baboon. Sp.: Papio hamadryas. hamster: common Eurasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae, having a short tail and large cheek pouches for storing food. Sp.: Cricetus cricetus. hamster: golden Eurasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae, having a short tail and large cheek pouches for storing food and often kept as a pet or as a laboratory animal. Sp.: Mesocricetus auratus. hanuman Indian langur venerated by Hindus. Aka wanderoo. Sp.: Semnopithecus entellus. hare larger than a rabbit, with longer ears, its habitat is called a form. Sp.: Lepus europaeus. harp seal earless seal of the family Phocidae, found in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The typical male is golden-grey with dark markings on its back and face and can grow up to 2 metres long and weigh in excess of 200 kilograms (440 pounds). A young harp seal is variously named bedlamer, beater or greyback, depending on its age and development. Sp.: Pagophilus groenlandicus. hartebeest large African antelope with ringed horns bent back at the tips. Gen.: Alcelaphus. harvest mouse small mouse with a prehensile tail, which nests in the stalks of growing grain. Sp.: Micromys minutus. hedgehog Old World mammal of the order Insectivora with spiny back and very small tail. The common western European species is Erinaceus europaeus. hellbender large, brownish-grey North American salamander measuring up to 75 centimetres in length, with a flat head, short stout legs and a wrinkled fold of skin down its sides. Sp.: Cryptobranchus alleganiensis. hercules beetle large South American beetle with two horns extending from its head. Sp.: Dynastes hercules. herring soft-finned fish of northern seas with elongated scaled body and smooth head. Sp.: Clupea harengus. horned toad South-east Asian toads with horn-shaped extensions over the eyes. Family: Pelobatidae. horned toad American lizard covered with spiny scales. Gen.: Phrynosoma. hornet large wasp with brown and yellow striped body, capable of inflicting a severe sting. Sp.: Vespa crabro.


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horseshoe bat bat of the Old World with a horseshoe-shaped ridge on the nose. Family: Rhinolophidae. horseshoe crab large marine arthropod with a horseshoe-shaped shell and a long tail-spine. Gen.: Limulus. house mouse very common grey mouse, which scavenges around human dwellings. Often kept as pets or used in laboratory experiments. Sp.: Mus musculus. housefly fly of the family Muscidae, breeding in decaying organic matter and often entering houses. Sp.: Musca domestica. hyena (spotted) long-legged, carnivorous, dog-like mammal of Africa. Aka laughing hyena. Sp.: Crocuta crocuta. ibex wild goat of mountainous areas of Europe, north Africa and Asia, with a beard and thick, curved, ridged horns. Sp.: Capra ibex. iguanodon large, herbivorous, long-tailed bipedal dinosaur of the Cretaceous period. Gen.: Iguanodon. impala medium-size antelope of South and East Africa capable of long high jumps. Sp.: Aepyceros melampus. indigo snake see cribo. jackal four species of African or South Asian canine mammals of the genus Canis. jackrabbit North American hare with long hind legs and large ears. The white-tailed jackrabbit is Lepus townsendii. jaguar large feline mammal of south-west USA and Central and South America, similar to the leopard but with a shorter tail and larger spots on its coat. Sp.: Panthera onca. jaguarondi North and South American small grey cat with short legs and long tail. Sp.: Felis yagouaroundi. jellyfish marine coelenterate of the class Scyphozoa having an umbrella-shaped, jelly-like body and stinging tentacles. kalong fruit-eating bat. Aka flying fox. Sp.: Pteropus edulis. kangaroo any of up to 50 species of Australasian marsupial mammals of the family Macropodidae. Kangaroos may grow to a height in excess of 2.5 metres and leap a distance of over 13 metres in a single bound at a speed of 50 km per hour. katipo venomous spider of New Zealand, usually black with a red or orange stripe on its abdomen. Sp.: Latrodectus katipo. katydid orthopterous insect of the family Tettigoniidae (long-horned grasshopper). The katydid is usually coloured green and lives among the foliage of North American trees. Its name derives from the cry of ‘katydid, katy didn’t’ which is heard throughout the night and produced by the insect rubbing its wings together. kiang wild ass of a race native to Tibet with a thick furry coat, a subspecies of the Asiatic ass, Equus hemionus. killer whale actually a kind of dolphin, with a black back, white belly and prominent dorsal fin. Sp.: Orcinus orca. king cobra world’s largest venomous snake (up to 5.5 metres), found from southern China to the Philippines and Indonesia. Aka hamadryad. Sp.: Ophiophagus hannah. kinkajou nocturnal fruit-eating mammal of Central and South America, with a prehensile tail and a very long tail. Sp.: Potos flavus. kissing gourami small, brightly coloured freshwater fish, a popular aquarium pet. Sp.: Helostoma temminckii. koala slow-moving, arboreal marsupial of eastern Australia, having grey fur and feeding on eucalyptus leaves and bark. The koala is also known as a koala bear, although not related to the Ursidae family. It is the only animal apart from humans with unique fingerprints. Sp.: Phascolarctos cinereus. kolinsky Siberian and Asian weasel with a rich brown coat. Sp.: Mustela sibirica. Komodo dragon predatory lizard native to the East Indies, largest of all surviving lizards, reaching over 3 metres long. Sp.: Varanus komodoensis. kouprey rare grey ox, native to forests in Indo-China. Sp.: Bos sauveli. krait any venomous snake of the Asiatic genus Bungarus. lamprey mostly parasitic, eel-like fish of the family Petromyzontidae, without scales, paired fins or jaws, but having a sucker mouth with horny teeth and a rough tongue. land crab crab that lives in burrows inland and migrates in large numbers to the sea to breed. Sp.: Cardisoma guanhumi. langur any of various agile arboreal Old World monkeys of the family Cercopithecidae. laughing hyena see hyena (spotted). leafcutter ant ant of tropical America, which cuts pieces from leaves to cultivate fungus. Gen.: Atta. leafcutter bee solitary bee, which lines its nest with leaf fragments. Family: Megachilidae. lemon shark member of the shark family Carcharhinidae breeding in western Atlantic waters. Have a short, blunt, rounded nose and feed on bony fish and molluscs. They grow up to 3.3 metres long. lemon sole flatfish of the plaice family. Sp.: Microstomus kitt. lemur any Madagascan prosimian primate of the family Lemuridae.

leopard large African or Asian feline mammal with either a blackspotted yellowish fawn or all-black coat. Aka panther. Sp.: Panthera pardus. limpet marine gastropod mollusc with a shallow conical shell and a broad muscular foot that sticks tightly to rocks. The common limpet is Patella vulgata. lion large predatory feline mammal of Africa and north-west India, often called the king of beasts. Sp.: Panthera leo. llama South American ruminant related to the camel, kept as a beast of burden and for its soft woolly fleece. Sp.: Lama glama. loach small, edible freshwater fish of the family Cobitidae. locust orthopterous insect of the family Acrididae (short-horned grasshopper), which is prone to multiply quickly and migrate long distances in destructive swarms billions strong. loris: slender and slow small slow-moving nocturnal tree-dwelling primates with small ears and a very short tail. The slender loris, Loris tardigradus, is found in southern India. The slow loris, Nycticebus coucang, is found in south-west Asia and the East Indies. louse wingless insect parasitic on a wide range of birds and mammals. Those that infest the human hair and skin and transmit various diseases are Pediculus humanus. lynx short-tailed cat inhabiting forests of Europe, Asia and North America. The lynx is distinguished by its tufted ears, hairy soles, broad short head and mottled fur. Sp.: Felis lynx. macaque medium-sized monkey of the Old World genus Macaca, including the rhesus monkey and barbary ape, typically having a rather long face with cheek pouches. mackerel (common) North Atlantic marine fish with a greenish-blue body, used for food. Sp.: Scomber scombrus. magpie moth white geometrid moth with black and yellow markings whose caterpillars feed on fruit bushes. Sp.: Abraxas grossulariata. Malayan stink badger aka teledu or skunk badger. Strong-smelling dark coat is key feature. Sp.: Mydaus javanensis. mamba any venomous African snake of the genus Dendroaspis, especially the green and black mambas, Dendroaspis angusticeps and Dendroaspis polylepis. mammoth large, extinct elephant of the Pleistocene period. Gen.: Mammuthus. mammoth (woolly) large extinct elephant of the Pleistocene period having a hairy coat and long tusks. Sp.: Mammuthus primigenius. manatee large, aquatic, plant-eating, sirenian mammal with paddlelike forelimbs, no hind limbs and a powerful tail. Aka sea cow. Gen.: Trichechus. mandrill large West African baboon, the adult of which has a brilliantly coloured face and blue-coloured buttocks. Sp.: Papio sphinx. mangabey various small long-tailed West and Central African monkeys of the genus Cercocebus. Named after a region of Madagascar. marbled white whitish butterfly with black markings. Sp.: Melanargia galathea. margay small wild Central and South American cat. Sp.: Felis wiedii. markhor large, spiral-horned wild goat of Central Asia. Sp.: Capra falconeri. marmoset tropical American monkeys having a long silky coat and a bushy tail. Gen.: Callithrix. marmot burrowing, hibernating rodents of the squirrel family with a heavy-set body and short bushy tail, living in colonies in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Gen.: Marmota. marten any weasel-like carnivore of the genus Martes, having valuable fur. massasauga small North American rattlesnake named from corruption of Mississagi River, Ontario. Sp.: Sistrurus catenatus. mastodon extinct, elephant-like proboscidean mammal common in the Miocene period. Gen.: Mammut. mayfly insects with an acquatic nymph and a fragile-winged adult, which lives only briefly in spring. Aka green drake. Order: Ephemeroptera. meadow brown common brown butterfly with eye-spots on the upper wing. Sp.: Maniola jurtina. megaloceros giant deer whose antlers had a 3.5 metre span; it lived in Eurasia during the last Ice Age. Gen.: Megaloceros. megalosaurus flesh-eating dinosaur, the first to receive a scientific name. Gen.: Megalosaurus. Mexican bearded lizard related to the gila monster and inhabiting the same territory, the Mexican bearded lizard is similar in colour but grows to about 80 centimetres (32 inches). Together they are the only species of poisonous lizards. Sp.: Heloderma horridum. miller’s thumb small, spiny, freshwater fish with a large head. Aka bullhead. Sp.: Cottus gobio. millipede herbivorous arthropod of the class Diplopoda, which can have up to 200 pairs of legs.


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mink: American semi-aquatic musteline mammal having slightly webbed feet, often hunted for their valuable fur. Sp.: Mustela vison. mink: European slightly smaller version of the American mink. Sp.: Mustela lutreola. mite small parasitic arachnid of the order Acarina, similar to ticks but distinguished by the lack of a sensory pit, known as Haller’s organ, on the end segment of the first of four pairs of legs. mola (ocean sunfish, headfish) large grey heavy ocean fish with short body, flattened sideways. Aka Sp.: Mola mola. mole small burrowing mammals of the order Insectivora, family Talpidae, found in Europe, Asia and North America. The British mole is Talpa europaeus. mongoose small predatory mammals of Africa, southern Europe and Asia, having long tail and brindled coat. Two sub-families: Galidinae and Herpestinae. monkey any of numerous primates of a group including the families Cebidae (capuchins), Callithricidae (marmosets and tamarins) and Cercopithecidae (baboons and macaques), especially any of the long-tailed varieties. moonfish see opah. moose North American elk. Sp.: Alces alces. mouf(f)lon wild mountain sheep of South Europe. Sp.: Ovis musimon. mud puppy large, grey, neotenous aquatic salamander of eastern USA with conspicuous red feathery gills. Sp.: Necturus maculosus. mudskipper any small goby of the family Periophthalmidae, found along the coasts of the Indian and Pacific oceans, able to leave the water and scramble over mud. mulloway large Australian marine fish used as food. Sp.: Argyrosomos hololepidotus. muntjac any small deer of the genus Muntiacus, native to Southeast Asia, the male having tusks and small antlers. musk deer three species of small Asian deer of the genus Moschus, having no antlers and in the male having long protruding canine teeth. The musk gland of the male is valued for its use in perfume and medicines. musk ox large goat-antelope native to North America with a thick, shaggy coat and small, curved horns. Sp.: Ovibos moschatus. muskellunge large North American pike particularly inhabiting the Great Lakes. Aka maskinonge. Sp.: Esox masquinongy. muskrat large aquatic rodent of the vole tribe, native to North America, having a musky smell. Aka musquash. Gen.: Ondata zibethicus. narwhal small Arctic whale, the male of which has a long, straight, spirally twisted tusk developed from one of its teeth. Sp.: Monodon monoceros. natterjack toad of western Eurasia with a bright yellow stripe down its back and moving by running not hopping. Sp.: Bufo calamita. newt any of more than 40 species of tailed amphibian of the order Urodela and family Salamandridae. Aquatic newts have smooth moist skins, while terrestrial species have rough skin and are known as efts. British newts are of the genera Triturus (tritons), the most common being the smooth newt (Triturus vulgaris). nilgai large short-horned Indian antelope. Sp.: Boselaphus tragocamelus. Norway lobster small European lobster or scampi. Aka Dublin Bay prawn. Sp.: Nephrops norvegicus. numbat small western Australian termite-eating marsupial with a bushy tail and black and white striped back. Sp.: Myrmecobius fasciatus. nurse shark Atlantic and Caribbean shark of the family Orectolobidae. Yellow-brown or grey-brown in colour and growing up to 4.2 metres, they are the most common hazard to divers although rarely fatally as their teeth are relatively small. Sp.: Ginglymostoma cirratum. ocelot medium-size cat native to the Americas, having a deep yellow or orange coat with black striped and spotted markings. Sp.: Felis pardalis. octopus any cephalopod mollusc of the order Octopoda, varying in size from 1 centimetre to almost 6 metres, with an armspan of almost 9 metres. Octopuses (or octopi) have 8 tentacles and eject an inky fluid when attacked. The largest species is the North Pacific octopus (Octopus dofleini) and the smallest is the Californian octopus (Octopus micropyrsus).The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) reaches an average size of 1 metre. The octopus has the most complex brain of any invertebrate, having both long-term and short-term memories. opah large, rare, deep-sea fish having a silver-blue back with white spots and crimson fins. Aka moonfish. Sp.: Lampris guttatus. opossum any mainly tree-living marsupial of the family Didelphidae, native to North and South America, and having a prehensile tail and hind feet with an opposable thumb. orang-utan large, red, long-haired, tree-living ape native to Borneo

and Sumatra. Aka wild man of the woods. Sp.: Pongo pygmaeus. orfe freshwater cyprinid fish of Europe that occurs in two colour varieties i.e. golden and silver. Orfes are often called goldfish. Sp.: Idus idus. oribi small African grazing antelope having reddish-fawn back and white underparts. Sp.: Ourebia ourebi. oryx large African antelope having long straight nearly upright horns. Gen.: Oryx. otter freshwater carnivorous mammals of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, with smooth fur and webbed feet. Sub-family Lutrinae. ounce see snow leopard. paddlefish primitive bony fish of the Mississippi and Yangtze rivers, leaden grey, with a long flat snout. Sp.: Polyodon spathula and Psephurus gladius paddymelon (pademelon) small wallaby of coastal scrubby regions of Australia. Gen.: Thylogale. painted lady orange-red butterfly with black and white spots. Sp.: Cynthia cardui. panda: giant large, rare, bear-like mammal native to certain mountain bamboo forests of China, having characteristic black and white markings. Sp.: Ailuropoda melanoleuca. panda: red Himalayan raccoon-like mammal with reddish-brown fur and a long, bushy tail. Sp.: Ailurus fulgens. pangolin various mammal species native to Asia and Africa covered with overlapping horny scales and having a small head with elongated snout and tongue, with which they feed on ants, and a tapering tail. Aka scaly anteater. Gen.: Manus. peacock butterfly butterfly with eye-like markings on its wings. Sp.: Inachis io. pearl-oyster any of various marine bivalve molluscs of the genus Pinctada, bearing pearls. peccary three species of American, wild, pig-like mammals of the family Tayassuidae. Sp.: Tayassu tajacu, Tayassu pecari and Catagonus wagneri. Père David’s deer large, slender-antlered deer, named after Father A David, French missionary and naturalist (d. 1900). Sp.: Elaphurus davidiensis. phalanger any of various species of Australasian marsupial mammals of the family Phalangeridae, also known as possums on the Australian mainland and Tasmania. plaice European flatfish having a brown back with orange spots and a white underside, much used for food. Sp.: Pleuronectes platessa. polar bear white carnivorous bear of coastal regions of the North Pole. Sp.: Ursus maritimus. polecat (European) small, brownish-black, fetid flesh-eating mammal of the weasel family. Sp.: Mustela putorius. porpoise any of various marine cetacean mammals of the families Delphinidae and Phocoenidae, which are typically smaller than dolphins and with chubbier shape and blunter snout. Sp.: Phocoena phocoena. possum any member of the Phalangeridae family of marsupial mammals native to Australasia. Possums are tree-dwellers. The brush-tailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the most common marsupial in Australia. potto short-tailed prosimian primate, of the family Lorisidae, having vertebral spines protruding through its neck. The potto is often confused with the kinkajou, as it is a slow-moving, nocturnal, arboreal mammal. prawn any of various marine decapod crustaceans of the genera Palaemon and Penaeus, similar to shrimps but having two pairs of pincers. pterodactyl extinct flying reptile of the late Jurassic, having membranous wings supported on an elongated 4th digit. Gen.: Pterodactylus. puma largest American feline mammal, resembling a lion. It is the best jumper of the cat family. Aka cougar or mountain lion. Sp.: Felis concolor. pygmy white-toothed shrew smallest member of the mouse-like, long-snouted mammals of the family Soricidae. Sp.: Suncus etruseus. quokka small marsupial resembling a wallaby, primarily inhabiting Rottnest Island off the coast of Perth, Western Australia. Sp.: Setonix brachyurus. rabbit burrowing leporid mammal which is smaller than a hare and has much shorter ears. The European rabbit is Oryctolagus cuniculus. raccoon omnivorous mammal of the genus Procyon occupying diverse habitats in North and South America. It has a pointed muzzle, long tail and greyish-black fur with black bands around the tail and across the face. The common raccoon of North America is Procyon lotor. ratel see badger (honey).


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red deer forest-dweller of Europe and western to central Asia. Males are called harts and females, hinds. Harts with 12 tines are known as ‘Royal’ and one with 14 tines is a ‘Wilson’. Sp.: Cervus elaphus. reindeer see caribou. ring-tailed lemur rock-dwelling lemur with elongated hind legs and a long tail with brown and white ringed markings. Sp.: Lemur catta. Rocky Mountain goat massive, yellowish-white goat-antelope inhabiting mountains in western North America. Sp.: Oreamnos americanus. roe deer small, graceful woodland deer of Eurasia, the males having small antlers and a reddish-brown summer coat. Sp.: Capreolus capreolus. sable marten of northern Asian and Japanese forests, with dark brown luxuriant fur. Sp.: Martes zibellina. sabre-toothed tiger extinct, lion-size mammal of the cat family (only distantly related to the tiger) with long, curved, upper canine teeth. Aka sabre-toothed cat. Gen.: Smilodon. salamander any tailed amphibian of the order Urodela that most commonly inhabit freshwater and damp woodlands. Salamanders resemble lizards but are related to newts in the family Salamandridae, and can be aquatic, semi-aquatic, or terrestrial. They are generally very small (10–15 centimetres) but giant salamanders may attain a length of up to 180 centimetres. The semiaquatic Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) grows in excess of 1 metre but the largest salamander is the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus). sand lizard small, green-grey-brown Eurasian lizard with long clawed digits. Sp.: Lacerta agilis. scorpion arachnid of the order Scorpionida, having an elongated body and a segmented, upwardly curving tail that is tipped with a venomous stinger. During mating the male and female perform a courtship dance and after copulation the female often devours the male. seal: eared carnivorous pinniped (paddle-footed) aquatic mammal of the family Otariidae, which comes to shore to breed. Eared seals swim by ‘rowing’ with their front flippers and can turn their hindflippers forward to walk on land. seal: elephant large seal, the male having an inflatable snout. Aka sea elephant. Gen.: Mirounga. seal: true carnivorous pinniped (paddle-footed) aquatic mammal of the family Phocidae, which comes to shore to breed. They are earless, swim with their hindflippers, and hump along on land, unable to use their hindflippers as support. sea lion any of five species of eared seal of the South Atlantic and Pacific. The Californian sea lion (Zalophus californianus) is the species trained for circus performances. sea squirt any small primitive marine animal of the class Ascidiacea, having a sac-like body with openings through which water enters and leaves. Sea squirts are sedentary and sessile and can be found on coral reefs, pier pilings, ships’ hulls, rocks and seashells. Peculiarly, they can be found on the backs of some species of crabs, while other species of crabs may dwell inside the cavities of a sea squirt. serval slender feline mammal of the African savanna, having an orange-brown coat with black spots, large ears and long legs. Sp.: Felis serval. shark any of the cartilaginous fish of the class Chondrichthyes with pointed snouts extending over a crescent-shaped mouth. Sharks do not have a swim bladder. There are more than 200 living species of shark including the hammerhead, mako, thresher, bull, bonnethead and Greenland. See also separate entries. sheep any of various bovid mammals having ribbed horns and a narrow face. Domesticated breeds, genus Ovis, include Border Leicester, Cheviot, Clun Forest, Cobb 101, Cotswold, Dartmoor, Devon Longwool, Dorset Down, Dorset Horn, Exmoor Horned, Hampshire, Herdwick, Ile-de-France, Karakul, Kerry Hill, Leicester, Lincoln, The Lonk, Masham, Merino, Oxford, Rambouillet, Romney, Roscommon, Ryeland, Scottish Blackface, Shropshire, Southdown, Suffolk, Swaledale, Welsh Mountain, Wensleydale and Wiltshire Horned. shrew small, mouse-like, long-snouted mammals of the order Insectivora, family Soricidae. The European common shrew is Sorex araneus. Aka shrewmouse. shrew: elephant small, insect-eating mammals native to Africa, having a long snout and long hind limbs Family: Macroscelididae. shrimp any of various marine decapod crustaceans of the genus Crangon, having a slender flattened body, long tail and a single pair of pincers. Although large shrimps in excess of 5 millimetres are sometimes called prawns, this is misleading as a prawn is a distinct species with two sets of pincers. The two most important shrimps are the common shrimp (Crangon vulgaris) and the edible shrimp (Peneus setiferus). skunk American musteline mammals of the sub-family Mephitinae, typically having a black and white coat and bushy tail.They eject a

foul-smelling fluid from the anal gland when attacked. The familiar striped skunk is Mephitis mephitis. slender-tailed meerkat see suricate. sloth shaggy-coated, arboreal edentate mammals of Central and South America that hang upside down by their arms. Three-toed sloths, genus Bradypus; two-toed sloths, genus Choloepus. slow worm Eurasian legless lizard with brownish-grey, snake-like body. Sp.: Anguis fragilis. snake (grass) non-venomous European snake having brownishgreen body. Sp.: Natrix natrix. snow leopard large, feline, mammal of mountainous regions of central Asia, having a long, pale brown coat marked with black rosettes. Aka ounce. Sp.: Panthera uncia. solenodon rare, shrew-like, nocturnal mammal of the West Indies, having a long hairless tail and an elongated snout. Cuban species, Solenodon cubanus; Hispaniola species, Solenodon paradoxus. spectacled bear solitary South American species of the family Ursidae and inhabiting mountainous terrain, which gives it an alternative name of Andean bear. It grows up to 180 centimetres long (6 feet) and has a dark brown coat, with whitish markings around its eyes and facial circumference. Sp.: Tremarctos ornatus. sponge any member of primitive multicellular aquatic animals of the phylum Porifera, which have porous, baglike bodies with a skeleton of hard spicules or elastic fibres. The dried skeleton of sponges are procured for commercial purposes as bathroom sponges because of their ability to hold water. squirrel (grey) grey-furred squirrel native to eastern North America but found worldwide. Sp.: Sciurus carolinensis. squirrel (red) reddish-brown squirrel inhabiting woodlands of Europe and Asia. Sp.: Sciurus vulgaris. starfish any echinoderm of the classes Asteroidea (sea stars) and Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), typically having a flat body and 5 tentacles, although some species may have many more. stoat small, long-bodied carnivorous mammal of the weasel family having reddish-brown upper parts and a black-tipped tail and in northern areas turning white in winter, when it is known as ermine. Sp.: Mustela erminea. sturgeon primitive bony fish of temperate waters of the northern hemisphere, valued as a source of caviar and isinglass. Lake sturgeons can live to well over 100 years old. Family: Acipenseridae. sugar glider Australian possum that glides from tree to tree by means of a fold of skin that joins its front and hind legs. The sugar glider is also known as the flying possum or flying phalanger. Sp.: Petaurus breviceps. suricate southern African mongoose which has a lemur-like face. Aka slender-tailed meerkat. Sp.: Suricata suricatta. swallowtail butterfly member of the subfamily Papilioninae, order Lepidoptera. Swallowtails are found worldwide and are named for the tail-like extensions of their hindwings. Gen.: Papilio. taipan large highly venomous snake of north-east Australia, dark brown with a creamy-coloured head. Sp.: Oxyuranus scutellatus. tapeworm any of various parasitic flatworms of the order Cestoda, which attack the liver and digestive tract of vertebrates. tapir four species of forest-dwelling perissodactyl mammals of South and Central America and South-east Asia, having an elongated snout, three-toed hind legs and four-toed forelegs. Genus Tapirus. tarpon large, silvery, game fish of warm Atlantic waters, having a compressed, scaled body. Tarpon atlanticus is the best-known species. Tasmanian devil small, ferocious, carnivorous marsupial having black fur with pale markings, strong jaws and short legs. Aka ursine dasyure. Sp.: Sarcophilus harrisi. Tasmanian wolf see thylacine. tayra large, arboreal, musteline mammal of Central and South America, having a dark brown body and paler head. Sp.: Eira barbata. teledu see Malayan stink badger. tenrec: tailless small mammal of Madagascar (but largest insectivore), resembling a hedgehog or shrew. Sp.: Tenrec ecaudatus. termite whitish, ant-like insect of the order Isoptera. The two main species are ‘ground’ termites and ‘drywood’ termites. Termites feed on cellulose, which is found in wood and wood products. They are social insects, and a typical colony would include workers, soldiers, winged reproductives, and a king and queen. The alternative name for a termite is ‘white ant’, although there are subtle differences between the body shape of an ant and a termite. An ant has a tapered abdomen, while that of a termite is straight. The ant also has bent antennae whereas the termite’s are straight. The winged reproductives are similar to flying ants, although their double wings are even in size while the ant’s double wings are uneven in size. terrapin web-footed chelonian reptile that lives on land or in fresh water. Family: Emydidae.


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thylacine presumed extinct, dog-like carnivorous marsupial of Tasmania, having greyish-brown fur with dark vertical stripes on the back. Aka Tasmanian wolf. Sp.: Thylacinus cynocephalus. tick small parasitic arachnid of the families Ixodidae and Nuttalliellidae (hard ticks) and Argasidae (soft ticks). Ticks dwell on the skin of warm-blooded animals and feed on the blood and tissues of their hosts. tiger large Asian feline mammal with yellowy coat and black stripes. Sp.: Panthera tigris. tiger shark large voracious shark of the family Carcharhinidae. Possess a reputation as a man-eater, but although undoubtedly capable of eating almost anything, in actuality they swim away from divers. Tiger sharks grow up to a length of 7.3 metres and have commercial use as a source of leather and liver oil. Sp.: Galeocerdo cuvier. timber rattlesnake heavy-bodied snake with a broad head that is distinct from its narrow neck. The rattlesnake inhabits the prairies of North America, where it feeds on a variety of small mammals, which are killed by its venomous bite. Humans are not under threat from rattlesnakes as 60 per cent of all bites are dry, and even venomous bites rarely cause more than temporary discomfort. The rattlesnake is generally golden-brown with black markings except for the head, which is plain brown, and its rattler, at the tip of its tail, which is dark black. Sp.: Crotalus horridus. toad anuran amphibian, secreting a poisonous fluid, similar to frogs but more terrestrial, having drier, warty skin. The Eurasian common toad is Bufo bufo. tokay large (35 cm) grey gecko with orange and deep blue spots, of South-east Asia. Sp.: Gekko gecko. tortoise herbivorous chelonian reptile found in warm regions worldwide except Australia. Family: Testudinidae. tree frog arboreal frog of the family Hylidae, with sucker-like pads to aid in climbing. Tree frogs are also known as tree toads. triceratops rhinoceros-like herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period, up to 9 metres long, having three horns and a short armoured neck frill. Gen.: Triceratops. turtle aquatic chelonian reptiles with a flattened shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming. Several families of the order Chelonia. Tyrannosaurus rex 14 metres long, 6 metres tall, flesh-eating dinosaur with relatively small 2-fingered hands. Gen.: Tyrannosaurus. unau aka Linné’s two-toed sloth. Sp.: Choloepus didactylus. vervet small, yellowish-grey, African, long-tailed monkey. Sp.: Cercopithecus aethiops. vicuña South American mammal of the high Andes related to the llama, with fine silky wool. Sp.: Vicugna vicugna. viscacha large South American burrowing rodent related to the chinchillas. Gen.: Lagidium and Lagostomus. vole (field) small, rodent of the family Cricetidae with stocky body, short tail and small ears. Sp.: Microtus agrestis. vole (water) large amphibious vole of Eurasian river banks. Sp.: Arvicola terrestris. wallaby (hare) small rodent-like herbivorous marsupial of Australia and New Guinea, family Macropodidae. Gen.: Lagorchestes. wallaby (rock) herbivorous marsupial of Australia and New Guinea, resembling a small kangaroo, of the family Macropodidae. Gen.: Protemnodon. walrus large, tusked, aquatic mammal of the Arctic, a bottom feeder – mainly on molluscs – related to the eared seals. Its family, Odobenidae, has only one species: Odobenus rosmarus.

wapiti big North American deer, which is now considered as a larger race of the red deer. Sp.: Cervus canadensis. warble fly any of various flies of the genus Hypoderma, whose larvae infest the skin of cattle and horses. warthog African wild pig with a large head, warty lumps on its face and large curved tusks. Sp.: Phacochoerus aethiopicus. wasp stinging insect of the order Hymenoptera, with black and yellow stripes and a very thin waist. water moccasin (cottonmouth) poisonous, semi-aquatic pit viper of south-eastern USA. Sp.: Agkistrodon piscivorus. water opossum semi-aquatic tropical American opossum with darkbanded grey fur. Aka yapok. Sp.: Chironectes minimus. weasel (European common) small, brown and white carnivorous mammal with a slender body, related to the stoat. Gen.: Mustela nivalis. whale any of the larger marine mammals of the order Cetacea, having a streamlined body and horizontal tail, and breathing air through a blowhole on the head. Gen.: Cetacea. whale shark large, tropical whale-like shark feeding close to the surface, mainly on plankton. It is however the world’s largest living fish, attaining a maximum length of 16.9 metres. Sp.: Rhincodon typus. white admiral mottled brown butterfly with a white splashed band down its wings. Sp.: Limenitis camilla. wildcat wild cat of Eurasia and Africa with a grey and black coat and a bushy tail. Sp.: Felis silvestris. wildebeest see gnu. wisent the European bison. Sp.: Bison bonasus. witch North Atlantic flatfish resembling the lemon sole. Sp.: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus. wobbegong (spotted) carpet shark of the family Orectolobidae, inhabiting Australian waters and having a richly patterned brown and white skin. Sp.: Orectolobus maculatus. wolf (grey) wild, flesh-eating mammal of the northern hemisphere, ancestor of the domestic dog. Gen.: Canis lupus. wolf-fish large, voracious blenny of the North Atlantic. Family: Anarhichadidae. wolverine large, musteline mammal of northern forests of Eurasia and North America, a predator and scavenger, having dark very thick water-resistant fur. Aka glutton. Sp.: Gulo gulo. wombat (common) Australian bear-like terrestrial marsupial with coarse dark hair and small ears. Sp.: Vombatus ursinus. wombat (hairy nosed) two marsupial species of Queensland and central south Australia, with fine grizzled fur and longer ears than the common wombat. Sp.: Lasiorhinus krefftii and Lasiorhinus latifrons. woodchuck reddish-brown and grey North American burrowing marmot. Aka groundhog. Sp.: Marmota monax. woodlouse small, terrestrial, isopod crustacean of the order Oniscoidae, feeding on rotten wood and plant matter, some of them (pill bugs) able to roll into ball. Common woodlouse: Oniscus asellus. yapok see water opossum. yellowfin tuna fish of warm seas with yellowish fins, widely fished for food. Sp.: Thunnus albacares. yellowtail game fish of coastal waters of southern California and Mexico, having a yellow tail fin. Sp.: Seriola dorsalis. zebra (plains) African quadruped related to the ass and horse, with black and white stripes. Sp.: Equus burchelli. zebu domestic humped ox of Asia and Africa. Sp.: Bos indicus. zorilla flesh-eating African mammal of the weasel family, aka African polecat. Sp.: Ictonyx striatus.

Miscellaneous Information abranchiate having no gills. amphibian: largest Japanese giant salamander. anadromous of a fish (e.g. the salmon), swimming up a river from the sea to spawn. anthrax fatal bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, transmissible to humans and affecting the skin and lungs; aka wool-sorters’ disease. ants: noses five. apatosaurus: aka Brontosaurus. ape: smallest gibbon (apes have no tails). artiodactyl any placental ungulate mammal whose hoofs have an even number of toes – e.g. pigs, sheep, camels, deer, cattle, antelope and hippopotamuses. batrachian of or relating to frogs or toads. bees: eyes five. braxy acute and usually fatal bacterial disease of sheep characterised by high fever, coma and inflammation of the fourth stomach, caused by infection with Clostridium septicum.

butterfly: largest Queen Alexandra’s birdwing of Papua New Guinea has a wingspan of up to 25 centimetres (10 inches). butterfly: tastes with back feet. carnivore: largest the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus is the largest so far known; today the Kodiak bear is largest. The badger is the largest British carnivore. carnivores: largest molars giant panda. cat breeds: Abyssinian, Balinese, Birman, Bombay, Burmese, Burmilla, Chartreux, Cornish Rex, Cymric (tailless), Devon Rex, Donskoy, Havana Brown, Javanese, Korat, Manx (tailless), Minskin, Munchkin, Persian, Russian Blue, Siamese (blue, lilac and seal points), Turkish Van (white with patterned colour on head and tail). catadromous of a fish (e.g. the eel), swimming down a river to the sea to spawn. chelonian reptiles including turtles, terrapins and tortoises, having upper and lower shells of bony plates – the carapace and plastron – covered with horny scales.


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cladistics method of classifying animals and plants on the basis of shared characteristics that indicate the relative recency of common ancestry. class major taxonomic division of animals that contain one or more orders e.g. Amphibia, Mammalia and Reptilia. The class Mammalia includes the orders Carnivora, Primates and Rodentia. coarse fish any freshwater fish other than salmon and trout. crab: lives in cast-off mollusc shell hermit crab. cricket: ears situated on front legs. crops: damage boll weevil (cotton); Colorado beetle (potato); locust (most vegetation); phylloxera (vine). daddy-long-legs: aka cranefly or harvestman (US); the larvae are called leatherjackets. death-watch beetle the ticking is caused by knocking its head against wood. dinosaur: heaviest Brachiosaurus (up to 100 tons). dinosaur: longest Diplodocus (up to 30 metres). dog breeds: Affenpinscher, Afghan, Airedale, Alaskan Malamute, Alsatian, Basenji (often called the barkless dog), Basset, Beagle, Bearded Collie, Bedlington Terrier, Bichon Frisé, Bloodhound, Borzoi, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Bull, Cairn Terrier, Chihuahua, Chow Chow (bluish tongue), Clumber Spaniel, Dachshund, Dalmatian, Dandy Dinmont, Doberman Pinscher, Fox Terrier, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Great Dane, Greyhound, Griffon, Irish Setter, Irish Wolfhound, Jack Russell, Kerry Blue, Labrador, Lhasa Apso, Mexican Hairless, Newfoundland, Norfolk Terrier, Papillon, Pekingese, Pointer, Pomeranian, Poodle, Pug, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rottweiler, Saluki, Samoyed (white fluffy), Schnauzer, Sealyham, Shar Pei (wrinkled), Shih Tzu, Skye Terrier, St Bernard, Staffordshire Bull, Vizsla, Whippet, Yorkshire Terrier. dog licences: year abolished 1988. droppings deer – crotties, hare – currants, otter – spraints. elephant: teeth number four. elytron either of the two wing cases of a beetle. family major taxonomic division of animals that contain one or more genera e.g. Canidae (dogs) and Felidae (cats). The family Canidae includes the genus Vulpes (foxes). fish: fastest cosmopolitan sailfish. fish: most poisonous stone fish. fly: wings trues flies (including craneflies, gnat, mosquitos) have two; the four-winged caddis flies, dragonflies, etc., are not true flies. genus major taxonomic division of animals that contain one or more species e.g. Vulpes (foxes). The genus Vulpes (foxes) includes the species Vulpes bengalensis (Bengal fox). giant panda: related to raccoons (family Procyonidae). glanders contagious and fatal disease of horses, mules and donkeys, caused by the bacterium Actinobacillus mallei and characterized by swellings below the jaw and mucous discharge from the nostrils. hedgehog: fleas one hedgehog may have up to 500 fleas, but the hedgehog flea (Archaeopsylla erinacei) does not bite humans. hedgehog: no. of spines usually about 5,000. hinny offspring of a female donkey and a male horse. horse: colours bay – brown with black mane and legs; chestnut – reddish-brown; dun – sandy with black mane; palomino – golden with pale mane; piebald – black and white; skewbald – brown and white; strawberry roan – chestnut and white. insect: heaviest goliath beetle. insects: segments head, abdomen, thorax (mnemonic: insects wear HATs). invertebrate: largest giant squid. kangaroo: name means ‘I don’t understand’. kingdom any of the three groups into which natural objects may be divided i.e. animals, plants and minerals. koala: name means ‘no drink’ (feeds on eucalyptus leaves). lobster: colour Bluish but goes red when cooked. louping-ill viral disease of animals, especially sheep, transmitted by ticks and causing staggering and jumping. males give birth seahorse, from a pouch where the female deposits her eggs. mallenders dry, scabby eruption behind a horse’s knee. metazoan any animal of the subkingdom Metazoa, having multicellular and differentiated tissues and comprising all animals except Protozoa and Parazoa (sponges). mirror: response to the chimpanzee is the only animal, apart from humans, able to recognise itself in a mirror. mule cross between a male horse and a female donkey or a female horse and male donkey. murrain infectious disease of cattle caused by parasites.

octopus: hearts three. omasum the third stomach of a ruminant. ophidian reptile of the suborder Serpentes, comprising snakes. order Major taxonomic division of animals that contain one or more families e.g. Carnivora, Primates and Rodentia. The order Carnivore includes the families Canidae (dogs) and Felidae (cats). pandas: born January (feed on bamboo shoots). perissodactyl any placental ungulate mammal whose hoofs have an odd number of toes – e.g. horses, tapirs and rhinoceroses. pets: legal age to buy in Britain 12 years old is the minimum legal age to purchase a pet. phylum major taxonomic division of animals that contains one or more classes, e.g. Arthropoda and Chordata. The phylum Arthropoda includes the classes, Arachnids, Centipedes, Crustaceans and insects. The phylum Chordata includes the classes, Amphibia, Aves, Mammalia and Reptilia. pinnipeds: definition carnivorous aquatic mammals with flippers for feet (name means wing-foot). pismire Middle English name for an ant deriving from the smell of an anthill. reproduces: young axolotl often reproduces before reaching adult stage itself. rhinoceros: number of horns Indian and Javan, one; Black, Sumatran and White, two. rodents: largest capybara (in world), beaver (in Europe), coypu (in UK). ruminant herbivorous animal that chews the cud. scrapie fatal disease of sheep and goats, a spongiform encephalopathy producing degeneration of the central nervous system, caused by changes in prion proteins. sex: changes annually oyster. silkworm: food mulberry leaves. snake: heaviest South American anaconda. spavin disease of a horse’s hock with a hard bony swelling or excrescence. species any of the taxonomic groups into which a genus is divided; e.g. the genus Vulpes (foxes) has many different species, such as Vulpes bengalensis (Bengal fox) and Vulpes pallida (pale fox). Species are denoted by two words, the first being the genus and the second the species. spider: eyes eight. stomach: turns inside out starfish. strangles acute bacterial disease of horses caused by infection with Streptococcus equi, characterised by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Aka equine distemper. sunburn: suffers from the pig is the only non-human animal to suffer from sunburn. taxonomy the branch of biology concerned with the classification of organisms into groups based on similarities of structure, origin and type. Carolus Linnaeus (1707–78) was the first person to structure principles for defining genera and species of organsims and to create a uniform system for naming them. The seven tiers of the hierarchy are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. The first six ranks use a single word to describe their members, but the names of species are binomial. Various intermediary divisions of the seven main ranks have been necessitated by the continuing discovery of new species: the prefixes sub-, super- and infra- are often applied to create new categories, and further tiers are established by using headings such as tribe or cohort. All intermediary divisions use a single word to describe their members, but subspecies become trinomial. Conventionally, the names of superfamilies end in ‘oidea’, families in idae’, subfamilies in ‘inae’ and tribes in ‘ini’. taxonomy: mnemonic Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (Kent Play Cricket On Fridays, Girls Spectate). turning sickness affliction of wildebeest whereby loss of balance faculties causes a never-ending walking in circles until death; it happens when bot-flies lay eggs in their nose and larvae find their way into the brain. twins: consistent production armadillos and salamanders always give birth to twins. ungulates all mammals with hoofs; they are divided into odd-toed (perissodactyl) and even-toed (artiodactyl). vision: rear-view giraffes have ability to see behind them without turning. woodlouse: legs fourteen. WWF: symbol World Wide Fund for Nature symbol is a giant panda. zoophyte plantlike animal, e.g. coral, sea anemone or sponge.


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Gestation Periods

aardvark alpaca anteater, giant antelope armadillo ass baboon badger bear, grizzly polar bear beaver bison boar, wild bobcat buffalo bush baby capybara cat, domestic cattle chamois cheetah chimpanzee civet coati coyote deer, fallow deer, musk dhole dingo dog, domestic dog, African wild dolphin dormouse dromedary elephant, Asiatic ermine

210 345 190 280 60–120 350 180 100–360 230 240 105 280 115 63 310 110–193 150 52 283 165 95 235 80 77 63 230 170 61 63 60 72 350 30 400 608 28

ferret fox, red gazelle gerbil gibbon giraffe goat gorilla guinea pig hamster hare hare, mountain hedgehog hippopotamus horse hyena jackal jaguar kangaroo koala lemming lemur leopard lion llama lynx macaque marmoset mink mole mongoose moose mouse narwhal ocelot opossum

60 63 188 28 230 460 150 260 63 25 32 50 30 240 350 93 63 100 180–335 36 21 60–160 100 110 360 63 180 150 50 35 60 264 25 435 70 12

orang-utan otter panda, giant pig porcupine porpoise puma rabbit raccoon rat, black reindeer rhinoceros, black seal, common seal, eared sea lion sheep shrew skunk sloth squirrel tapir tiger vole wallaby walrus warthog weasel whale whale, beluga whale, sperm wolf wolverine yak zebra zorilla

240 55 138 115 210 183 93 30 63 21 225 450 245 360 350 148 18 63 180–340 40 370 103 90 40 460 172 40 350 435 435 62 270 258 340 43

Maximum Life Spans Species Marion’s tortoise quahog man spur thighed tortoise deep sea clam killer whale sea anemone European eel lake sturgeon freshwater mussel Asiatic elephant tuatara Andean condor African elephant great eagle owl American alligator blue macaw horse ostrich orang-utan chimpanzee pike hippopotamus

Years 152 150 123 116 100 90 90 88 82 80 78 77 72 70 68 66 64 62 62 57 56 55 54



slow-worm gorilla domestic goose Indian rhinoceros European brown bear grey seal blue whale goldfish common boa common toad Cape giraffe Bactrian camel Hoffmann’s sloth domestic cat canary American bison bobcat red kangaroo domestic dog budgerigar lion theraphosid spider domestic pig

54 53 50 49 47 46 45 41 40 40 36 35 34 34 34 33 32 30 29 29 29 28 27


Species giant panda red deer tiger grey squirrel domestic goat blue sheep queen ant common rabbit hedgehog land snail guinea pig capybara tree shrew giant centipede golden hamster fat dormouse millipede house mouse moonrat monarch butterfly bedbug house fly

Years 27 26 26 23 20 20 18 18 16 15 14 12 11 10 10 8 7 6 4 1 0.5 0.04

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Animal Cries Animal






apes asses bears bees beetles bitterns blackbirds blackcaps bulls calves cats chaffinches chickens cocks cows crows cuckoos deer dogs doves ducks eagles

gibber bray growl hum drone boom whistle chick-chack bellow bleat mew, purr, swear chirp, pink peep crow moo, low caw cuckoo bell bark, bay, howl, yelp coo quack scream

falcons flies foxes frogs geese grasshoppers guineafowls guineapigs grouse hares hawks hens horses hyenas jays kittens lambs linnets lions magpies mice monkeys

chant buzz bark, yelp croak cackle, hiss chirp, pitter come back squeak drum squeak scream cackle, cluck neigh, whinny laugh chatter mew bleat, baa chuckle roar, growl chatter squeak, squeal chatter, gibber

nightingales owls oxen parrots peacocks peewits pigs pigeons ravens rooks sheep snakes sparrows stags swallows swans thrushes tigers turkeys vultures whitethroat wolves

pipe, warble, jug-jug hoot, screech low, bellow talk scream peewit grunt, squeak, squeal coo croak caw bleat, baa hiss chirp bellow, call twitter cry, sing (before death) whistle roar, growl gobble scream chirr howl

Animal rabbit spider squirrel tiger wasp wolf

Habitation burrow, warren web drey lair vespiary, nest lair

Animal pigeon pike rabbit roe deer salmon seal sheep squirrel swan whale zebra

Young squab jack kit kid parr, smolt, grilse pup lamb kitten cygnet calf foal

Animal Habitations Animal ant ape badger bear beaver bee bird eagle

Habitation formicary, ant-hill tree-nest set, earth den, lair lodge apiary, hive nest, aviary eyrie

Animal fox hare horse lion mole mouse otter penguin

Habitation earth, lair form, down stable den fortress hole, nest holt rookery

Animals: Young Animal ass bear beaver cat cod cow crane-fly deer duck eagle eel elephant fish

Young foal, hinny cub kitten kitten codling calf, heifer leather jacket fawn duckling eaglet elver calf fry

Animal fox frog gnat goat goose grouse hare hippopotamus horse kangaroo lion otter pig

Young cub tadpole, froglet bloodworm kid gosling poult leveret calf foal joey cub whelp piglet

Plants and Trees abele the white poplar. Sp.: Populus alba. alder betulaceous tree having toothed leaves and cone-like fruits. The bark is used in dying and tanning and the wood for bridges (as it resists under-water rot). Gen.: Alnus. alfalfa leguminous plant with clover-like leaves and flowers, grown for fodder and as a salad vegetable. Aka lucerne. Sp.: Medicago sativa. almond small rosaceous tree native to western Asia with pink flowers and green fruit containing edible nut. Sp.: Prunus amygdalus. aloe vera Caribbean aloe yielding a gelatinous substance used in cosmetics as an emollient. Sp.: Aloe vera. alsike species of clover named after Swedish town. Sp.: Trifolium

hybridum. anise umbelliferous plant having aromatic seeds. Sp.: Pimpinella anisum. arum lily tall, lily-like, aroid plant found mainly in Southern Africa. Sp.: Zantedeschia aethiopica. ash oleaceous tree with compound leaves, winged seeds and clusters of greenish flowers. Gen.: Fraxinus. aspen poplar tree with tremulous leaves. Sp.: Populus tremula. balsa bombacaceous tree of tropical America, distinguished by its very light wood. Sp.: Ochroma lagopus. banyan moraceous tree of tropical India and the East Indies, having aerial roots that grow down from the branches into the soil, forming additional trunks. Sp.: Ficus benghalensis.


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baobab African tree with an enormously thick trunk and large, edible, pulpy fruit hanging down on stalks. Sp.: Adansonia digitata. barley erect, annual, temperate grass with short leaves and bristly flowers used for grain. Sp.: Hordeum vulgares. bayberry North American shrub having aromatic leaves and bearing berries covered in a wax coating. Sp.: Myrica cerifera and Myrica cerifera. beech hardwood tree having smooth, greyish bark. Gen.: Fagus. bee orchid European and North Africa orchid with bee-shaped flowers. Sp.: Ophrys apifera. betony purple-flowered plant. Sp.: Stachys officinalis. bilberry hardy dwarf shrub of North Europe growing on heaths and mountains and having red drooping flowers and dark blue berries. Sp.: Vaccinium myrtillus. birch hardwood, close-grained tree with thin, peeling bark. Gen.: Betula. black bryony climbing plant with dark tubers and poisonous red berries. Sp.: Tamus communis. black-eyed Susan flower with yellow petals and a dark centre. Gen.: Rudbeckia. bladderwort aquatic plant whose leaves have small bladders for trapping and digesting insects. Gen.: Utricularia. bladderwrack common brown seaweed with fronds containing air bladders that give buoyancy. Sp.: Fucus vesiculosus. bleeding heart plant with heart-shaped, rose pink flowers hanging from an arched stem. Sp.: Dicentra spectabilis. borage plant with bright blue flowers and hairy leaves used as flavouring. Sp.: Borago officinalis. brookweed small, white-flowered plant of the primrose family growing in wet ground. Sp.: Samolus valerandi. buckbean bog plant with white or pinkish hairy flowers. Sp.: Menyanthes trifoliata. buckthorn (common) thorny shrub with berries formerly used as a cathartic. Sp.: Rhamnus cathartica. buckwheat cereal plant with seeds used for fodder and for flour to make bread. Sp.: Fagopyrum esculentum. burdock plant with prickly flowers and dock-like leaves. Gen.: Arctium. busy Lizzie East African plant with abundant red, pink or white flowers, often grown as bedding or house plants. Sp.: Impatiens walleriana. butterbur waterside plant with pale purple flowers and large, soft leaves formerly used to wrap butter. Gen.: Petasites. buttercup yellow-flowered meadow plant of Europe and North America. Gen.: Ranunculus. butterfly bush common name given to buddleia bush. Sp.: Buddleia davidii. calabash tree evergreen tree, bearing fruit in the form of large gourds, native to tropical America. Sp.: Crescentia cujete. calluna common heather native to Europe and North Africa. Sp.: Calluna vulgaris. caper perennial spiny bush native to the area around the Mediterranean Basin. A caper is also the pickled bud of this plant. Gen.: Capparis. carambola small tree native to South-east Asia bearing goldenyellow ribbed fruit. Aka star fruit. Sp.: Averrhoa carambola. cashew bushy evergreen tree native to Central and North America bearing kidney-shaped nuts attached to fleshy fruits. Sp.: Anacardium occidentale. cassava (bitter) plant of the spurge family having starchy tuberous roots. Aka manioc tapioca. Sp.: Manihot esculenta. catmint plant with downy leaves, purple-spotted white flowers, and a mint-like smell attractive to cats. Sp.: Nepeta cataria. cedar coniferous tree having spreading branches, needle-like evergreen leaves and cones. Gen.: Cedrus. celery pine Australasian tree with branchlets like celery leaves. Sp.: Phyllocladus trichomanoides. charlock a wild mustard with yellow flowers. Sp.: Sinapis arvensis. checkerberry North American evergreen shrub of the health family with spiny, scented leaves, white flowers and crimson fruits. Aka wintergreen. Sp.: Gaultheria procumbens. cherry plum tree native to south-western Asia with solitary white flowers and red fruit. Sp.: Prunus cerasifera. chervil umbelliferous plant with small white flowers; its aniseed flavoured leaves used as a herb for flavouring soup and salads. Sp.: Anthriscus cereifolium. chestnut broad-leaved tree, which produces flowers in long catkins and nuts in a prickly bur. Gen.: Castanea. chickpea leguminous plant with short, swollen pods containing yellow-beaked edible seed. Aka garbanza. Sp.: Cicer arietinum. chicory blue-flowered plant cultivated for its salad leaves and its root, which is ground for coffee. Sp.: Cichorium intybus.

Chinese water chestnut sedge with rushlike leaves arising from a corm, which is used as food. Sp.: Eleocharis tuberosa. chives small allium with purple-pink flowers and dense tufts of long tubular leaves, which are used as a herb. Sp.: Allium schoenoprasum. Christmas rose small, white-flowered, winter-blooming plant. Sp.: Helleborus niger. cinchona evergreen trees of South America, of the madder family, having fragrant flowers; the bark of this tree contains quinine. Gen.: Cinchona. cineraria plant cultivated for its bright flowers. Sp.: Pericallis cruenta. cloudberry small mountain bramble with a white flower and an orange-coloured fruit. Sp.: Rubus chamaemorus. coco de mer palm tree of the Seychelles producing a large fruit containing a two-lobed, edible nut (world’s largest seed). Sp.: Lodoicea maldivica. coltsfoot plant of the daisy family with large leaves and yellow flowers. Sp.: Tussilago farfara. columbine an aquilegia with purple-blue flowers. Sp.: Aquilegia vulgaris. cork oak evergreen Mediterranean oak. Sp.: Quercus suber. cowbane poisonous plant found in marshes. Sp.: Cicuta virosa. cow parsley hedgerow plant having lacelike umbels of flowers. Sp.: Anthriscus sylvestris. cowslip primula with fragrant yellow flowers, which grows in pastures and meadows. Sp.: Primula veris. cranesbill any of various plants of the genus Geranium, having pink or purple flowers and long, slender, beaked fruit. cuckoo flower meadow plant with pale lilac flowers. Aka lady’s smock. Sp.: Cardamine pratensis. cuckoo pint wild arum with arrow-shaped leaves and scarlet berries. Sp.: Arum maculatum. daffodil bulbous plant with a yellow, trumpet-shaped corona. Sp.: Narcissus pseudonarcissus. daisy small, low-growing European plant having a rosette of white leaves and yellow centre. Sp.: Bellis perennis. dawn redwood Chinese deciduous coniferous tree of a genus first known only from fossils. Sp.: Metasequoia glyptostroboides. dead man’s fingers species of orchid, Orchis mascula. deadly nightshade highly poisonous plant with drooping purple flowers and black, cherry-like fruit. Sp.: Atropa belladonna. death cap poisonous toadstool of deciduous woodland. Sp.: Amanita phalloides. deodar Himalayan cedar with drooping branches bearing large barrel-shaped cones. Tallest of the cedar family. Sp.: Cedrus deodara. destroying angel poisonous white toadstool. Sp.: Amanita virosa. dewberry shrub with bluish fruit similar to a blackberry. Sp.: Rubus caesius. dill umbelliferous herb with yellow flowers and aromatic seeds. Sp.: Anethum graveolens. divi-divi tree native to tropical America, bearing curved pods, which are a source of tannin. Sp.: Caesalpinia coriaria. dog’s tooth violet plant of the Liliaceae family with speckled leaves, purple flowers and a toothed perianth. Sp.: Erythronium dens-canis. Douglas fir large conifer over 100m tall of western North America. Sp.: Pseudotsuga menziesii. doum palm tree with edible fruit. Sp.: Hyphaene thebaica. dove’s foot type of cranesbill. Sp.: Geranium molle. dragon tree palm-like tree of the Canary Islands. Sp.: Dracaena draco. durian large tree native to South-east Asia, bearing oval spiny fruit containing a creamy pulp with a fetid smell but an agreeable taste. Sp.: Durio zibethinus. Dutchman’s breeches plant of eastern North America with white flowers and finely divided leaves. Sp.: Dicentra cucullaria. Dutchman’s pipe climbing vine of eastern North America with hooked tubular flowers. Sp.: Aristolochia durior. ebony tree with hard, dark wood often used for cabinetwork. Sometimes called persimmon. Sp.: Diospyros ebenum. eglantine wild rose with small fragrant leaves and flowers. Sp.: Rosa eglanteria. elm tree with serrated leaves and winged fruits (samaras), the wood being hard and heavy. Gen.: Ulmus. endive curly-leaved plant used in salads. Sp.: Cichorium endivia. eucalyptus myrtaceous tree native to Australia; species include blue gum and ironbark. Gen.: Eucalyptus. false acacia the locust tree, often grown for ornament. Sp.: Robinia pseudoacacia. felwort purple-flowered gentian. Sp.: Gentianella amarella.


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fennel yellow-flowered umbelliferous plant with fragrant seeds and fine leaves used as flavourings. Sp.: Foeniculum vulgare. fenugreek leguminous plant with aromatic seeds, which are often used in curry powder. Sp.: Trigonella foenum-graecum. fern pteridophyte plant having roots, stems and fronds and reproducing by spores formed in structures (sori) on the fronds. Division: Pteridophyta (syn. Filicinophyta). fever tree yellow-flowered southern African tree. Sp.: Acacia xanthophloea. feverfew aromatic, bushy plant with feathery leaves and white, daisy-like flowers, used to treat migraine and formerly to reduce fever. Sp.: Tanacetum parthenium. figwort plant of the genus Scrophularia with dull, purplish-brown flowers, once believed to be useful against scrofula. flax-lily New Zealand plant of the agave family yielding valuable fibre. Sp.: Phormium tenax. forget-me-not plant with small, yellow-eyed, bright blue flowers. Gen.: Myosotis. foxglove tall plant with erect spikes of purple or white bell-shaped flowers. Sp.: Digitalis purpurea. frangipani deciduous tree of Central America producing flowers ranging from yellow to pink. The tree was named after an Italian perfume used to scent gloves in the 16th century; the perfume itself after its creator, Marquis Frangipani. Gen.: Plumeria. fraxinella aromatic plant of rue family having foliage that emits an ethereal inflammable oil. Aka burning bush. Sp.: Dictamnus albus. gentian plants found in mountainous regions, having violet or blue trumpet-shaped flowers. Gen.: Gentiana. gerbera any plant of the genus Gerbera, of Africa or Asia, especially the Transvaal daisy. Gen.: Gerbera. germander any of various plants of the genus Teucrium, typically a mildly aromatic, white-felted perennial shrublet with a compact domed shape. The flowers, which appear between April and July, are reddish or purplish in colour. Germander was used in Cypriot folk-medicine as a cure for stomach ailments and jaundice. germander speedwell creeping plant with germander-like leaves and blue flowers. US name: bird’s-eye speedwell. Sp.: Veronica chamaedrys. ginger hot, spicy root, which can be powdered for use in cooking, or preserved in syrup, or candied. Sp.: Zingiber officinale. gladiolus plants of Iridaceae family with sword-shaped leaves and brightly coloured flower spikes. Gen.: Gladiolus. goatsbeard Eurasian plant with woolly stems and large heads of yellow-rayed flowers surrounded by large, green bracts. Sp.: Tragopogon pratensis. goatsbeard American rosaceous plant with long spikes of small white flowers. Gen.: Aruncus. goat’s-rue Eurasian leguminous plant cultivated for its white, mauve or pinkish flowers. Sp.: Galega officinalis. goat’s-rue North American leguminous plant with pink-and-yellow flowers. Sp.: Tephrosia virginiana. good King Henry weed of the goosefoot family. Sp.: Chenopodium bonus-henricus. goosefoot plant that has small greenish flowers and leaves like the foot of a goose. Gen.: Chenopodium. gopher North American tree, yielding yellowish timber aka yellowwood. Not to be confused with the field gopher tree from which Noah’s Ark was reputedly built. Sp.: Cladrastis lutea. grass monocotyledonous plants encompassing all the cereal plants as well as reeds and bamboos. Family Gramineae. greenheart tropical American evergreen tree of the laurel family. Gen.: Ocotea rodiaei. guaiacum trees native to tropical America with hard, dense, oily timber. Gen.: Guaiacum. guava small tropical American tree bearing an edible, pale orange fruit with pinky, juicy flesh. Sp.: Psidium guajava. guelder rose deciduous shrub with round bunches of creamy-white flowers. Sp.: Viburnum opulus. guernsey lily nerine, originally from South Africa, with large, pink, lilylike flowers. Sp.: Nerine sarniensis. hare’s-foot clover with soft hair on flowers. Sp.: Trifolium arvense. hart’s tongue fern with narrow undivided fronds. Sp.: Phyllitis scolopendrium. hawthorn thorny shrub or tree with white, red or pink blossom and small, dark red fruit or haws. Sp.: Crataegus monogyna. hazel small tree bearing round brown edible nuts. Sp.: Corylus avellana. henbane poisonous herbaceous plant with sticky hairy leaves and an unpleasant smell. Sp.: Hyoscyamus niger. henna tropical shrub having small pink, red or white flowers; the reddish dye from its shoots and leaves is used to colour hair. Sp.: Lawsonia inermis.

herb Christopher white-flowered baneberry. Sp.: Actaea spicata. herb Paris plant with a single flower and four leaves in a cross shape on an unbranched stem. Sp.: Paris quadrifolia. herb Robert common cranesbill with red-stemmed leaves and pink flowers. Sp.: Geranium robertianum. holly evergreen tree with prickly leaves and red berries, often used as Christmas decorations. Gen.: Ilex. hop climbing plant cultivated for the cones borne by the female, used in brewing. Sp.: Humulus lupulus. hornbeam tree of the genus Carpinus with a smooth bark and a hard tough wood. Gen.: Carpinus. horse chestnut Eurasian tree with palmate leaves and inedible nuts enclosed in a spiky bur (conkers). Sp.: Aesculus hippocastanum. horse mushroom large, edible mushroom. Sp.: Agaricus arvensis. horseradish cruciferous plant with long, lobed leaves. Sp.: Armoracia rusticana. hortensia kind of hydrangea (distinct from lacecap) with large, round, infertile flower heads. Sp.: Hydrangea macrophylla. huckleberry North American shrub with blue or black soft fruit. Gen.: Gaylussacia. Iceland poppy Arctic poppy with white or yellow flowers. Sp.: Papaver nudicaule. Indian hemp strong-smelling Asian moraceous plant. Aka marijuana, Cannabis. Sp.: Cannabis indica. ivy climbing plants having lobed evergreen leaves and black, berrylike fruits. Gen.: Hedera. jack-by-the-hedge white-flowered cruciferous plant of shady places. Sp.: Alliaria petiolata. jackfruit East Indian tree bearing fruit resembling breadfruit. Sp.: Artocarpus heterophyllus. japonica flowering shrub with round white, green or yellow, edible fruit and bright red flowers. Sp.: Chaenomeles speciosa. jarrah the Western Australian mahogany gum tree. Sp.: Eucalyptus marginata. jasmine oleaceous shrub or climbing plant whose fragrant flowers are used in perfumery. Gen.: Jasminum. kangaroo paw Australian plant with irregular woolly flowers. Floral emblem of Western Australia. Sp.: Anigozanthos manglesii. kangaroo vine evergreen climbing plant with serrated leaves. Sp.: Cissus antarctica. kidney vetch yellow-flavoured leguminous plant found in grassland. Aka lady’s finger. Sp.: Anthyllis vulneraria. knotweed fast-growing Japanese plant. Sp.: Fallopia japonica. ladino large type of white clover native to Italy and cultivated for fodder. Sp.: Trifolium repens. lamb’s ears garden plant with whitish, woolly leaves. Sp.: Stachys byzantina. lemon balm bushy plant with leaves smelling and tasting of lemon. Sp.: Melissa officinalis. lemon geranium lemon-scented pelargonium. Sp.: Pelargonium crispum. lemon verbena shrub with lemon-scented leaves. Aka lemon plant. Sp.: Aloysia triphylla. leopard’s bane any plant of the genus Doronicum with large, yellow, daisy-like flowers. Sp.: Doronicum. live oak American evergreen tree. Sp.: Quercus virginiana. loquat tree of the Rosaceae family, bearing small, yellow, eggshaped fruit. Sp.: Eriobotrya japonica. love-in-a-mist blue-flowered garden plant with many delicate green bracts. Sp.: Nigella damascena. love-lies-bleeding garden plant with drooping spikes of purple-red blooms. Sp.: Amaranthus caudatus. lungwort Eurasian plant with spotted leaves and clusters of blue or purple flowers. Sp.: Pulmonaria officinalis. lungwort (sea) boraginaceous plant of the northern temperate genus Mertensia, with drooping clusters of tubular, usually blue flowers. Aka oyster plant. Gen.: Mertensia maritima. madder plant with yellow flowers and red fleshy root. Gen.: Rubia. mahogany tropical tree yielding a hard, reddish-brown wood used for furniture making. Sp.: Swietenia mahagoni. mandrake poisonous plant with white, or purple flowers and large yellow fruit, having emetic and narcotic properties and possessing a root once thought to resemble the human form and to shriek when plucked. Sp.: Mandragora officinarum. mangosteen Malaysian tree bearing a white juicy-pulped fruit with a thick, reddish-brown rind. Sp.: Garcinia mangostana. mangrove any tropical tree or shrub of the genus Rhizophora growing in shore-mud with many tangled roots above ground. Gen.: Rhizophora. Manila hemp Philippine plant with a strong fibre used for ropemaking. Sp.: Musa textilis.


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manuka small New Zealand tree with aromatic leaves and hard timber. Sp.: Leptospermum scoparium. maple any tree or shrub of the genus Acer, grown for shade, ornament, wood, or sugar. marsh mallow herbaceous plant, the roots of which were formerly used to make a sweet confection. Sp.: Althaea officinalis. marsh marigold golden-flowered plant, which grows in moist pastures. Sp.: Caltha palustris. martagon lily with small, purple, turban-like flowers. Sp.: Lilium martagon. marvel of Peru showy garden plant with flowers opening at dusk. Sp.: Mirabilis jalapa. mayapple American herbaceous plant bearing a yellow, egg-shaped fruit in May. Sp.: Podophyllum peltatum. mayflower In North America trailing arbutus that blooms in May. Sp.: Epigaea repens. maz(z)ard the wild sweet cherry of Europe. Sp.: Prunus avium. meadow rue plants of the buttercup family with small yellow or purple flowers. Gen.: Thalictrum. meadow saffron meadow plant resembling a crocus and producing lilac flowers in autumn, while still leafless. Sp.: Colchicum autumnale. meadowsweet plant of the Rosaceae family, common in meadows and damp places, with creamy-white fragrant flowers. Also the name of a North American plant of the genus Spiraea. Sp.: Filipendula ulmaria. medlar tree of the rose family bearing small brown apple-like fruits, which are best eaten when overripe. Sp.: Mespilus germanica. mignonette plants of the genus Reseda, some having aromatic grey-green flowers. mimosa Leguminous shrub having globular yellow flowers and sensitive leaflets, which droop when touched. Sp.: Mimosa pudica. mistletoe parasitic plant growing on apple and other trees and bearing white, glutinous berries in winter. Americans have a related plant of the genus Phoradendron. Sp.: Viscum album. mock pennyroyal North American aromatic plant. Sp.: Hedeoma pulegioides. moneywort trailing evergreen plant with round glossy leaves and yellow flowers. Sp.: Lysimachia nummularia. monkey flower short creeping plant with bright yellow flowers. Sp.: Mimulus guttatus. monkey-puzzle coniferous tree native to Chile with downwardpointing branches and small, close-set leaves. Aka Chile pine. Sp.: Araucaria araucana. montbretia hybrid plant of genus Crocosmia with bright, orangeyellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. morning glory any of various twining plants, with trumpet-shaped flowers, of the genus Ipomoea. mother-in-law’s tongue plant with long, erect, pointed leaves. Sp.: Sansevieria trifasciata. mung bean leguminous plants of the genus Vigna, native to India and yielding a small bean used as food. musk-rose rambling rose with large, white flowers smelling of musk. Sp.: Rosa moschata. musk thistle nodding thistle whose flowers have a musky fragrance. Sp.: Carduus nutans. musk tree Australian tree with a musky smell. Sp.: Olearia argyrophylla. mustard plant eaten at the seedling stage, often with cress, and whose seeds are crushed and made into a paste and used as a spicy condiment. Sp.: Sinapis alba. mustard plant with slender pods and yellow flowers. Sp.: Brassica nigra. myrtle evergreen shrub with aromatic foliage and white flowers with purple-black ovoid berries. Sp.: Myrtus communis. narcissus yellow, orange or white flowered plants with crown surrounded by spreading segments. Gen.: Narcissus nardoo clover-like plant of Australian origin. Sp.: Marsilea drummondii. nasturtium Any cruciferous plant of the genus Nasturtium, including watercress. Trailing plants of the Americas with rounded edible leaves and bright orange, yellow or red flowers of the genus Tropaeolum. nopal cactus having yellow flowers and purple fruits, sometimes called prickly pear. Gen.: Opuntia. oak any tree of the genus Quercus, having lobed leaves and bearing acorns. obeche West African tree. Sp.: Triplochiton scleroxylon. okra African edible plant of the mallow family. Aka gumbo or ladies’ fingers. Sp.: Abelmoschus esculentus. orpin(e) succulent, herbaceous, purple-flowered plant. Sp.: Sedum telephium.

ox-eye daisy plant of the daisy family, with large white flowers with yellow centres. Sp.: Leucanthemum vulgare. oxlip woodland primula. Sp.: Primula elatior. ox-tongue plant of daisy family with yellow flowers. Gen.: Picris. palmyra Asian palm with fan-shaped leaves used for matting. Sp.: Borassus flabellifer. parsley biennial herb with white flowers and crinkly aromatic leaves. Sp.: Petroselinum crispum. parsley fern fern with leaves like parsley. Sp.: Cryptogramma crispa. passion flower any climbing plant of the genus Passiflora with a flower that was supposed to suggest the instruments of the Crucifixion. patchouli strongly scented south Asian shrub from which a perfume is made. Gen.: Pogostemon. peanut leguminous plant bearing pods that ripen underground and contain seeds used as food and yielding oil. Sp.: Arachis hypogaea. pedunculate oak a common oak in which clusters of acorns are borne on long stalks. Sp.: Quercus robur. peepul (pipal) moraceous tree of tropical India and the East Indies, resembling the banyan, and thought of as sacred by Buddhists because the founder of the religion is said to have found enlightenment while sitting under its branches. Sp.: Ficus religiosa. pennyroyal creeping mint cultivated for its supposed medicinal properties. Sp.: Mentha pulegium. periwinkle tropical shrub native to Madagascar. Sp.: Catharanthus roseus. periwinkle any of several Eurasian apocynaceous evergreen plants of the genus Vinca, having trailing stems and blue flowers. Aka creeping myrtle or trailing myrtle (USA). pine coniferous evergreen with long, needle-shaped leaves and brown cones. Gen.: Pinus. pinkster flower the pink azalea. Sp.: Rhododendron periclymenoides. piripiri plant of the rose family native to New Zealand and having prickly burs. Sp.: Acaena anserinifolia. poplar salicaceous tree with triangular leaves, light, soft wood and flowers borne in catkins. Gen.: Populus. prickly pear cactus of the genus Opuntia, native to arid regions of America and bearing barbed bristles and large, pear-shaped, prickly fruits. ragged robin pink-flowered campion with spiky, tattered-looking petals. Aka cuckoo flower. Sp.: Lychnis flos-cuculi. rose shrub or climbing plant having prickly stems and fragrant flowers. Gen.: Rosa. rowan tree with delicate pinnate leaves and scarlet berries. Sp.: Sorbus aucuparia. rue dwarf shrub with bipinnate or tripinnate glaucous leaves and yellow flowers. Gen.: Ruta. salsify Mediterranean plant having grass-like leaves, purple flower heads and a long, white edible taproot. Aka oyster plant or vegetable oyster. Sp.: Tragopogon porrifolius. shaddock tree named after Captain Shaddoch who brought the seed to Barbados. Aka pomelo. Sp.: Citrus maxima. shamrock most common shamrock is the wood sorrel, Oxalis acetosella, and this is the plant worn on St Patrick’s Day. Other trifoliate shamrocks include black medic (Medicago lupulina) and white clover (Trifolium repens). snake’s head bulbous plant with bell-shaped, pendent flowers. Sp.: Fritillaria meleagris. southernwood bushy kind of wormwood. Sp.: Artemisia abrotanum. sweet marjoram one of two aromatic herbs (the other being wild marjoram) whose fresh dried leaves are used as a flavouring in cookery. Sp.: Majorana hortensis. teak large, verbenaceous tree of East Indies yielding a hard, valuable yellow-brown wood. Sp.: Tectona grandis. tobacco solanaceous plant having hairy leaves, and funnel-shaped, fragrant flowers. Gen.: Nicotiana. tomatillo Mexican ground cherry bearing purplish, edible fruit. Sp.: Physalis philadelphica. tomato plant of the nightshade family bearing glossy red or yellow pulpy edible fruit. Sp.: Lycopersicon esculentum. toothwort parasitic plant with toothlike, root scales. Sp.: Lathraea squamaria. toquilla palm-like tree native to South America. Sp.: Carludovica palmata. trailing arbutus see mayflower. Transvaal daisy plant of the Asteraceae family. Gen.: Gerbera. traveller’s joy wild clematis. Aka old man’s beard. Sp.: Clematis vitalba. tree mallow tall, woody-stemmed European mallow of cliffs and rocks. Sp.: Lavatera arborea.


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tree tomato South American shrub with egg-shaped, red fruit. Sp.: Cyphomandra betacea. tulip bulbous, spring-flowering plant of a variety of colours. The word tulip is derived from the Turkish Tülbend, meaning turban, from the shape of the expanded flower. Gen.: Tulipa. tulip tree North American tree with tulip-like flowers and lobed leaves. Gen.: Liriodendron tulipifera. tumbleweed plant of arid areas of North America and Australia. Its globular bush breaks off in late summer and is tumbled about by the wind, spreading its seed. Gen.: Amaranthus alba. turmeric tropical Asian plant of the Zingiberaceae family, yielding aromatic rhizomes used as a spice and for yellow dye. Sp.: Curcuma longa. umbrella plant African sedge having large umbrella-like whorls of slender leaves and widely grown as an ornamental water plant. Sp.: Cyperus alternifolius. umbrella tree North American magnolia having long leaves clustered into an umbrella formation at the ends of the branches and unpleasant-smelling, white flowers. Sp.: Magnolia tripetala. vetch plant largely used for silage and fodder. Sp.: Vicia sativa. violet low-growing plant characterised by horizontal petals and purple, cordate leaves. Gen.: Viola. viper’s bugloss bristly blue-flowered plant. Sp.: Echium vulgare. wall fern an evergreen polypody with very large leaves. Sp.: Polypodium vulgare. wallflower spring-flowering garden plant with fragrant yellow, orange-red or dark red flowers. Sp.: Cheiranthus cheiri. wall germander European germander having two-lipped pinkishpurple flowers with a very small upper lip. Sp.: Teucrium chamaedrys. wall rue small fern with leaves like rue, growing on walls and rocks. Aka spleewort. Sp.: Asplenium ruta-muraria. walnut tree having aromatic leaves and drooping catkins, the nut of which contains a wrinkled edible kernel in two halves and enclosed in a green fruit. Gen.: Juglans. wandering jew climbing plant with stemless, variegated leaves. Gen.: Tradescantia albiflora. water chestnut aquatic plant bearing an edible seed. Sp.: Trapa natans. water hyacinth tropical American aquatic plant which is a serious weed of waterways in warm countries. Sp.: Eichhornia crassipes. watercress hardy perennial cress growing in running water, with pungent leaves used in salad. Sp.: Nasturtium officinale. wayfaring tree white-flowered European and Asian shrub, common along roadsides, with berries turning from green through red to black. Sp.: Viburnum lantana.

wild marjoram one of two aromatic herbs (the other being sweet marjoram) whose fresh dried leaves are used as a flavouring in cookery. Sp.: Origanum vulgare. wild pansy Eurasian plant having purple, yellow, and pale mauve spurred flowers, aka heartsease, love-in-idleness. Sp.: Viola tricolor. willow white-wood tree with graceful flexible branches and catkins. Gen.: Salix. wintergreen low-growing plants with drooping spikes of white, bellshaped flowers. Gen.: Pyrola. witch alder American shrub with leaves like that of the alder. Sp.: Fothergilla gardenii. witch hazel North American shrub with yellow flowers, the leaves and bark used to treat bruises. Gen.: Hamamelis virginiana. woad glaucous, yellow-flowered cruciferous plant formerly grown for its blue dye. Sp.: Isatis tinctoria. wolfsbane various ranunculaceous plants with hooded purple or yellow flowers. Aka aconite, monkshood. Gen.: Aconitum. wood anemone wild spring-flowering, anemone. Sp.: Anemone nemorosa. woodruff white-flowered plant grown for the fragrance of its whorled leaves when dried or crushed. Sp.: Galium odoratum. woody nightshade scrambling woody Eurasian plant with purple flowers and recurved petals with protruding cone of yellow anthers and poisonous, red, berry-like fruits. Aka bittersweet. Sp.: Solanum dulcamara. wych elm Eurasian elm with large rough leaves and pliant branches. Sp.: Ulmus glabra. yellow archangel Eurasian yellow-flowered nettle. Sp.: Lamiastrum galeobdolon. yellow flag yellow-flowered iris with slender, sword-shaped leaves. Sp.: Iris pseudacorus. yellow rattle yellow-flowered herb, which is partly parasitic. Sp.: Rhinanthus minor. yellow toadflax plant with narrow leaves like flax and spurred yellow flowers. Sp.: Linaria vulgaris. yerba buena (good herb) North American trailing plant with lilac flowers formally used by Californian Americans to make a medicinal tea. Sp.: Satureja douglasii. yerba santa North American shrub whose leaves are used medicinally. Lit. ‘holy herb’. Sp.: Eriodictyon californicum. yew Dark-leaved evergreen coniferous tree having seeds enclosed in a fleshy red aril, and often planted in churchyards. Gen.: Taxus. ylang-ylang / ilang-ilang Malaysian tree from which a fragrant perfume is distilled. Sp.: Cananga odorata. Yorkshire fog fodder grass. Sp.: Holcus lanatus. yucca plant of Agavaceae family with woody stem and swordshaped leaves. Aka Adam’s needle. Gen.: Yucca.

Miscellaneous Information agriculture: soilless hydroponics. allogamy cross-fertilisation in plants. angiosperm flower-producing plants that reproduce by seeds enclosed within a carpel, including herbaceous plants, herbs, shrubs, grasses and most trees. carnations: types of self (one colour), fancy (multi-coloured), picotee (pale with darker edge). carnivorous plants pitcher plant, sundew, venus fly trap. deciduous conifer larch, swamp cypress. Dutch elm disease disease of elms, often fatal, caused by the fungus Ceratocystis ulmi and spread by bark beetles. entomophily pollination by insects. entophyte plant growing inside a plant or animal. epiphyte plant growing on another but not parasitic on it, e.g. a moss on a tree trunk. fastest growth bamboo (about 38 cm, 15 inches a day). flower parts female part: pistil male part: stamen Perfect flower: contains male and female parts. Stigma: mouth of the pistil, which receives the pollen in impregnation. Style: neck of the pistil, which contains the stigma. Ovary: swollen basal part of the pistil containg the ovules. frond the compound leaf of a fern or a palm. garden city: first Letchworth in Herts (1903), founded by Ebenezer Howard. gymnosperm any of various plants having seeds unprotected by an ovary, including conifers, cycads and ginkgo. halophyte plant adapted to saline conditions. largest living thing a Californian redwood tree, Sequoia sempervirens, nicknamed the General Sherman (275 feet high and 1,385 tons in weight). leaves: types of bract, stipule and pinnate.

mulch half-rotten vegetable matter used to prevent soil erosion. nettle sting: cause formic acid. oak apples: caused by wasp eggs. oldest tree a bristlecone pine (Pinus longaera) nicknamed Old Methuselah. Approx 5,000 years old and situated in the White Mountains, California. osmosis the passage of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution until both solutions are of the same concentration. Wilhelm Pfeffer, a German plant physiologist, first studied osmosis in 1877, although the term was introduced by the British chemist Thomas Graham in 1854. Osmosis is the method used by plants for water absorption. pergola arbour or covered walk, formed of growing plants trained over trellis-work. plant families apple – rose (Rosaceae); ash – olive (Oleaceae); asparagus – lily (Liliaceae); aubergine – nightshade (Solanum); avocado – laurel (Lauraceae); bamboo - grass (Gramineae); barley – grass (Gramineae); blackberry – rose (Rosaceae); bluebell – lily (Liliaceae); breadfruit – mulberry (Moraceae); broccoli – cabbage (Brassica); brussels sprout – cabbage (Brassica); buckwheat – dock (Polygonaceae); camellia – tea (Theaceae); carrot – parsley (Apiaceae); cauliflower – cabbage (Brassica); celery – parsley (Apiaceae); cherry – rose (Rosaceae); chives – lily (Liliaceae); cinnamon – laurel (Lauraceae); coffee – madder (Rubiaceae); cork oak – beech (Fagacrab); cotton – mallow (Malvaceae); dandelion – daisy (Compositae); elder – honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae); fig – mulberry (Moraceae); garlic – lily (Liliaceae); gooseberry – Grossulariaceae; guelder Rose – (Caprifoliaceae); hemlock – parsley (Apiaceae); hemp - mulberry (Moraceae); hop – mulberry (Moraceae); hyacinth – lily (Liliaceae); jasmine –olive (Oleaceae); Jerusalem artichoke – daisy (Compositae); knotgrass (Aka Allseed) – dock (Polygonaceae); leek – lily (Liliaceae); lemon – rue


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(Rutaceae); lettuce – daisy (Compositae); lilac – olive (Oleaceae); lime – rue (Rutaceae); maize – grass (Gramineae); marijuana – mulberry (Moraceae); mustard – cabbage (Brassica); okra – mallow (Malvaceae); onion – lily (Liliaceae); orange – rue (Rutaceae); parsnip – parsley (Apiaceae); peach – rose (Rosaceae); pear – rose (Rosaceae); plum – rose (Rosaceae); potato – nightshade (Solanum); privet – olive (Oleaceae); radish – cabbage (Brassica); rape – cabbage (Brassica); raspberry – rose (Rosaceae); rhubarb – dock (Polygonaceae); rye – grass (Gramineae); shallot – lily (Liliaceae); sorrel – dock (Polygonaceae); strawberry – rose (Rosaceae); swede – cabbage (Brassica); thistle – daisy (Compositae); tobacco – nightshade (Solanum); tomato – nightshade (Solanum); tulip – lily (Liliaceae); turnip – cabbage (Brassica); vanilla – orchid (Orchidaceae); wheat – grass (Gramineae). plants: products from agar agar – seaweed; amber – pine tree resin; aspirin – willow tree (originally); atropine – deadly nightshade; cocaine – coca plant; cochineal – beetles; copra – coconut; digitalis – foxglove; frankincense (Olibanum) – tree bark resin (Boswellia); henna dye – leaves of henna plant; heroin – opium poppy; hessian – plant root; linen – spun flax; linseed oil – seeds of flax plant; madder – plant root; morphine – opium poppy; myrrh – myrrh tree resin; opium – opium poppy (Papaver somniferum); quinine – cinchona bark; raffia – palm; saffron – crocus; semolina – wheat; tapioca – cassava root; turmeric – curcuma plant; turpentine – coniferous trees (especially pine).

pomegranate: varieties paper-shell, Spanish ruby, wonderful. roots: types of adventitious, aerial, climbing, contratile, lateral, pneumatophore, prop. Royal Horticultural Society Founded in 1804 and in its centenary year of 1904 established Wisley as its Show Garden. sacking: fibre used for jute. scandents climbing plants. sweet pea: from Sicily. tallest tree Douglas fir. taxonomy classification of living organisms into groups in an organised hierarchy. Largest group is kingdom e.g. Plants (Plantae); Animals (Animalia). Below the Kingdom; in descending order, come: Phylum, Class, Subclass; Order, Family, Genus, Species. toadstool: most poisonous deathcap. tomato: original name love apple. tudor rose conventionalized 5-lobed figure of a rose; the white and the red rose were adopted as the symbols of the Houses of York and Lancaster during the Wars of the Roses. tulip: named from the Turkish turban Tülbend. underwater: grows rice. vanilla: family orchid family. variegation different colourings of a leaf. xerophyte plant, such as cacti, that grows in dry conditions. yucca tree: pollination only by the yucca moth, Pronuba (Tegetierila) yuccasella.

Alternative Names of Flowers, Plants and Trees Aaron’s beard abele abelmosk amaryllis antirrhinum aquilegia arum lily Australian sword lily baby’s breath baobab bayberry belladonna bluebell bo tree bog myrtle buckbean carnation catmint Chile pine clematis cow parsley cowslip cranberry cuckoo flower delphinium dogtooth violet eglantine elephant’s ear field mustard frangipani fraxinella French lilac ginkgo gladiolus glory-of-the-snow guelder Rose

rose of Sharon, althaea white poplar musk mallow belladonna lily snapdragon columbine calla lily kangaroo paw gypsophila monkey bread tree wax myrtle deadly nightshade, dwale wild hyacinth peepul sweet gale bogbean gillyflower catnip monkey puzzle traveller’s joy Queen Anne’s lace marsh marigold (USA) fen-berry ragged Robin, lady’s smock larkspur adder’s tongue sweet brier bergenia, Chinese eddo, dasheen, eddo charlock plumeria burning bush, dittany, gas plant goat’s-rue, (Eurasian plant) maidenhair tree sword lily chionodoxa snowball tree

hawthorn heartsease iris Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon Jack-in-the-pulpit japonica kingcup laburnum lady’s finger larkspur lignum vitae lime tree livelong lords and ladies may apple mayflower meadow saffron moneywort nasturtium okra old man’s beard periwinkle pink azalea rowan salsify scarlet lobelia screw-pine southernwood spider plant Virginia creeper wake-Robin water hemlock wild honeysuckle winter cress wintergreen


may, quickthorn, whitethorn Johnny-jump-up (USA) love-in-idleness, wild pansy fleur-de-lis goatsbeard (Eurasian plant) cuckoo pint Japanese quince marsh marigold golden chain kidney vetch delphinium guaiacum linden tree orpin(e) cuckoo pint mandrake trailing arbutus autumn crocus, naked boys, naked ladies wandering sailor Indian cress gumbo, ladies’ fingers traveller’s joy creeping myrtle, trailing myrtle pinkster flower mountain ash oyster-plant, vegetable oyster, lungwort cardinal flower pandanus lad’s love chlorophytum woodbine (USA) cuckoo pint cowbane woodbine yellow rocket checkerberry

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County Flowers Plantlife International launched a County Flowers campaign in 2002 asking members of the public to nominate a wild flower emblem for their designated areas. The English Bluebell topped the poll but was so far ahead of the competition that it was excluded as a choice. In addition to the present counties of England, the poll also included the traditional counties of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, several of the old English counties plus some other important areas. A total of 50,000 people voted and the results were as follows. ENGLAND Bedfordshire: Bee orchid (Ophrys apifera). The mauve orchids mimic a bumblebee and are seen in disused quarries, on roadsides, even on waste ground in towns. Berkshire: Summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum). Because they grow beside the River Loddon, the tall-stemmed plants with drooping white flowers are known in the county as Loddon lilies. Birmingham: Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). Tall purple flowers found in parks and industrial wastelands. William Withering, the discoverer of the heart drug digitalis, which was derived from the foxglove, was chief physician of Birmingham General Hospital from 1775. Bristol: Maltese cross (Lychnis chalcedonica). Introduced to Britain in the 16th century, the delicate red petals can be seen in waste ground and on roadsides. It is known as the Flower of Bristol. Buckinghamshire: Chiltern gentian (Gentianella germanica). Grows on the chalk downs of Buckinghamshire and flowers in late summer. Cambridgeshire: Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla vulgaris). Has been a famous Cambridgeshire flower since its discovery on the Gog Magog hills by John Ray in 1660. According to legend, the fluffystemmed purple plants grow on the graves of Viking warriors. Cheshire: Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis). Also known as ‘milkmaids’. It is a delicate flower of wet meadows and pond margins, befitting a county with more ponds than any other. Cornwall: Cornish heath (Erica vagans). Lilac blooms are found on the Lizard moors (exclusively) in late summer. Cumbria: Grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia palustris). The tallish whitepetalled flowers appear on the county arms. Legend has it that the cattle of the gods of Mount Parnassus fed on the plant, and so it was given honorary status as a grass. Derbyshire: Jacob’s ladder (Polemonium caeruleum). The bright blue flowers and delicate ladder-shaped leaves of the wild plant are common in the Peak District and Yorkshire Dales. Devon: Primrose (Primula vulgaris). The yellowy-white flowers have a strong presence in Devon’s high-banked scenic country lanes. Local papermakers used to present little bunches to their customers to provide a ‘breath of Devon’. Dorset: Dorset heath (Erica ciliaris). This tall crimson heather is a defining species of Dorset’s heathland and bogs. Durham: Spring gentian (Gentiana verna). Even if Upper Teesdale had no other plant, botanical die-hards would flock there to see this deep-blue five-petalled favourite. Essex: Common poppy (Papaver rhoeas). The unmistakable bloodred flowers still adorn cornfields in the county, though they are just as common on disturbed ground, especially on the chalk. Gloucestershire: Wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). The county’s golden triangle around the villages of Newent and Dymock is famous for its wild daffodils or Lent lilies. A 10-mile footpath known as ‘The Daffodil Way’ runs through the heart of Gloucestershire. Hampshire: Dog rose (Rosa canina). The lilac-petalled flower has long been the county’s emblem. Herefordshire: Mistletoe (Viscum album). In Hereford, mistletoe grows on apple trees and hawthorns, from which it can be harvested as a winter crop. Hertfordshire: Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla vulgaris). To be seen in abundance on the limestone hillsides. Huntingdonshire: Water violet (Hottonia palustris). The dainty fivepetalled lilac flowers are hardier than they appear and can survive summer droughts. Isle of Man: Fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica). On the island this exotic plant with its red shrimp-like blossom grows unusually tall. Isle of Wight: Pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis). The coneshaped lilac plant abounds on the undercliff and across the island’s hog’s-back of chalk in June. Isles of Scilly: Thrift (Armeria maritima). The lilac-coloured thrift can be seen on rocks and sea cliffs. The old threepenny bit used to have a depiction of thrift on the reverse. Kent: Hop (Humulus lupulus). The pale green and white plants are unobtrusive climbers in hedgerows and thickets. Lancashire: Red rose (Rosa species). The Red Rose county since the Middle Ages, when the House of Lancaster adopted the flower as its heraldic badge. The true red rose of Lancashire is supposedly the red rose of the Mediterranean (Rosa gallica). Leeds: Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). The bulbous purple berries are a symbol of the open air of the hills around Bradford and Leeds. Leicestershire: Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). The foxglove helps to define Leicestershire’s uplands, the woods and bracken swards of Charnwood Forest, but is scarce in the agricultural east. Lincolnshire: Common dog violet (Viola riviniana). Carpets the great limewoods of Bardney Forest near Lincoln. The term ‘dog’ denotes

its lack of scent and is contrasted to ‘sweet’ violet. Liverpool: Sea holly (Eryngium maritimum). Its powder-blue coneshaped flowers emerge in July, protected by prickly, wax-covered leaves. London: Rosebay willowherb (Epilobium angustifolium). The tall purple flowers mingle with buddleias and Michaelmas daisies on railway banks, walls and waste ground. Manchester: Common cotton-grass (Eriophorum angustifolium). The white hairy plumes are an emblem of their boggy habitat and the wide open spaces. Middlesex: Wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa). The longstemmed pale-blue, white or pink unsymmetrical flowers are seen in woods and hedgebanks. Newcastle upon Tyne: Monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus). From midsummer, the banks and shingles of the Tyne are bright with the yellowy-orange, red-spotted ‘monkey faces’ more common in rural Northumberland. Norfolk: Common poppy (Papaver rhoeas). Original choice was Alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum) but natives demanded a re-vote and out of five possible alternatives the poppy won. North Norfolk has long been known as ‘poppyland’. Northamptonshire: Cowslip (Primula veris). Frequently seen on road verges, quarries and railway banks, the tubular budded longstemmed flowers adorned with beautiful orangey-yellow petals were chosen by three English counties. Northumberland: Bloody crane’s-bill (Geranium sanguineum). The vivid magenta flowers adorn coastal cliffs and dunes and spread inland on the rocks of the Whin Sill. Nottingham: Nottingham catchfly (Silene nutans). The spider-like flowers were once seen on the walls of the castle but since renovation are not to be found anywhere in Nottingham. Nottinghamshire: Autumn crocus (Crocus nudiflorus). The tightly petalled purple flowers used to adorn the meadows of the Trent and were sold at Nottingham market. Oxfordshire: Fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris). Some of the best-known fritillary fields are in Oxfordshire, along the flood-meadows of the Thames, the purple bells bowing on their snakey stalks. Rutland: Clustered bellflower (Campanula glomerata). The familiar rich-blue flowers of the southern limestone are scarce and therefore highly regarded. Sheffield: Wood crane’s-bill (Geranium sylvaticum). A much-loved flower of old hay-meadows and damp, open woods near Sheffield, with its distinctive flowers the colour of runny blue ink. Shropshire: Round-leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia). This crimson-leaved carnivore, with glues and acids to trap and devour careless insects, is a bog plant. Somerset: Cheddar pink (Dianthus gratianopolitanus). Discovered on ‘Chidderoks’ 300 years ago, it grows in several places in the Mendip Hills but nowhere more profusely than the original site at Cheddar Gorge. Staffordshire: Heather (Calluna vulgaris). Traditionally a Scottish flower but Staffordshire is proud of its heather moors, blooming purple beyond the Potteries and manufacturing towns. Suffolk: Oxlip (Primula elatior). The signature flower of wellestablished woods on the East Anglian boulder clay. The apricot scents of the drooping yellow blooms made this a popular choice. Surrey: Cowslip (Primula veris). In Surrey, cowslips grow in contrasting places – dry chalk downs and damp meadows. Sussex: Round-headed rampion (Phyteuma orbiculare). East and West Sussex are considered one county in the survey. Known as the Pride of Sussex, the sharp-blue flowers are common on the South Downs and bear resemblance to a many-tentacled jellyfish ready for its prey. Warwickshire: Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum). Honeysuckle is Shakespeare’s ‘woodbine’, mentioned in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a play thought to have been set in the Forest of Arden. Westmorland: Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis alpestris). The blue flowers of this prettiest of forget-me-nots are confined in England to a few limestone hill-tops in the North Pennines. Wiltshire: Burnt orchid (Orchis ustulata). This dwarf orchid belongs to the chalky core of Wiltshire, its white cone-shaped bloom turning pink and then dark red at the top. Worcestershire: Cowslip (Primula veris). In parts of the county there are still small cowslip meadows hidden behind tall hedges. Locals call them ‘cowslups’. Yorkshire: Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia). It may appear surprising that the white rose was not chosen, but the blue and white blossom of the harebell matches the native folk for toughness and resilience, making it a perfect choice.


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SCOTLAND Aberdeenshire: Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi). This red-berried trailing shrub is widespread at beautiful sites like the Muir of Dinnet. Angus/Forfarshire: Alpine catchfly (Lychnis alpina). A single, remote hilltop of Angus boasts almost the whole British population of this pink alpine, although it is also seen in small areas of Cumbria. Argyll: Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). Seen on roadside banks in the mild, humid climate, foxgloves here look bigger and redder than those seen further south. Ayrshire: Green-winged orchid (Orchis morio). Vary from pink-purple to almost white, the upper petals marked with dark veins and often suffused green. Unfortunately, although this beautiful flower is seen throughout the British Isles it is rare in Ayrshire. Banffshire: Dark-red helleborine (Epipactis atrorubens). This rare and beautiful wild red orchid is a special plant of old Banff. Berwickshire: Rock rose (Helianthemum nummularium). The fivepetalled ‘solflowers’ form spectacular golden banks on some coastal cliffs in early summer. Bute: Thrift (Armeria maritima). At its brightest and best on the rocky headlands and islands of the west coast. Caithness: Scots primrose (Primula scotica). Scots primrose grows on promontories on the north coast including the most northerly point of mainland Britain, Dunnet Head. The rich purple flower is native to Orkney and Pentland Firth but is found nowhere else. Clackmannanshire: Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium). Creeping plant characteristic of the shaded, wooded glens. Cromarty: Spring cinquefoil (Potentilla neumanniana). This pretty five-petalled golden trailing flower reaches its northern limit on the sea cliffs. Dumfriesshire: Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia). The true bluebell of Scotland, aka the ‘cuckoo’s shoe’. Dunbartonshire: Lesser water-plantain (Baldellia ranunculoides). This pale pink-flowered aquatic brightens a few bays and shores of Loch Lomond, Scotland’s first National Park. East Lothian and Haddingtonshire: Viper’s bugloss (Echium vulgare). Rich blue and black flower found on dry banks and dunes. Edinburgh: Sticky catchfly (Lychnis viscaria). The pale purple flower has grown on rocks in Holyrood Park for at least 400 years. Fife: Coralroot orchid (Corallorrhiza trifida). This pale yellow clawfingered flower grows in quarries and disused railway lines. Glasgow: Broom (Cytisus scoparius). The pale orange-brown vanillascented flowers of broom brighten many braes and railway lines. Inverness-shire: Twinflower (Linnaea borealis). A shy species that creeps over the shady floor of mossy pinewoods, its drooping bellshaped flowers hiding their inner beauty. Kinross: Holy-grass (Hierochloe odorata). This delicate, scented grass grows on the banks of Loch Leven, the castle on a small island in the loch being the prison for a year of Mary, Queen of Scots. Kirkcudbright: Bog rosemary (Andromeda polifolia). The delicate bulbous pink flowers are a particular feature of the much-reduced bogs of Galloway. Lanarkshire: Dune helleborine (Epipactis leptochila). The county’s coal ‘bings’ are home to two exotic orchids: the narrow-lipped or dune helleborine and Young’s helleborine. Moray: One-flowered wintergreen (Moneses uniflora). This starshaped white plant needs mossy hollows in undisturbed pinewoods. Aka St Olaf’s candle stick. Nairn: Chickweed wintergreen (Trientalis europaea). This six-petalled white flower is not a true wintergreen but surprisingly, a relative of the primrose. Orkney: Alpine bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpinus). The black berries amid the lightly veined leaves that turn red in autumn are in evidence on the path to the Old Man of Hoy rock stack. Peebles: Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus). A miniature bramble of high places. The four-petalled, large white flowers with marmalade berries are hard to find but can be seen on the Pentland Hills. Perthshire: Alpine gentian (Gentiana nivalis). This sweet ‘gentian of the snows’ is among the gems of Ben Lawers, the highest of the Perthshire hills. Renfrewshire: Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata). A plant of dark, moorland waters, the bogbean’s feathery flowers somewhat resemble an azalea. Ross: Bog asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum). The golden spires of bog asphodel light up dark, peaty places after midsummer. Roxburghshire: Maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides). Purple five-petalled scentless flower inhabiting dry banks and hill pastures. Selkirkshire: Mountain pansy (Viola lutea). Largest of the native pansies, a flower of upland pastures, sheep and trout becks. Shetland: Shetland mouse-ear (Cerastium nigrescens). This white ten-petalled flower is entirely confined to the island of Unst.

Stirlingshire: Scottish dock (Rumex aquaticus). Confined to the banks of Loch Lomond, the towering russet spires are sometimes called the Loch Lomond dock. Sutherland: Grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia palustris). Increasingly scarce elsewhere, this flower of wet flushes and hollows is still fairly common here. West Lothian and Linlithgowshire: Common spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii). The lilac spikes and red spotted leaves of this flower enliven many wild places in West Lothian. Western Isles: Hebridean spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii subspecies hebridensis). Believed to be a low-growing form of the much more widespread common spotted orchid, although more conical in shape and a richer lilac in colour. Wigtownshire: Yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus). Known locally as ‘segg’ or ‘sword-grass’, a reference to the remarkable blade-like leaves. The flagging appearance belies a hardiness demanded by its habitat of wet fields and marshes. WALES Anglesey/Sir Fon: Spotted rock rose (Tuberaria guttata). Yellow fivepetalled flower with distinct crimson spots near the base of each petal. Predominant on Anglesey’s Holy Island. Brecknockshire/Sir Frycheiniog: Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis). The delicate tall-stemmed lilac flowers appear in the meadows of Brecknock when the cuckoo returns in mid-April. Caernarvonshire/Sir Gaernarfon: Snowdon lily (Lloydia serotina). The pride of Wales, unlike most alpines, blooms alone, and often out of reach, in rock crevices. Cardiff/Caerdydd: Wild leek (Allium ampeloprasum). The lilac globes of the flowering wild leek were used to identify Welsh soldiers in battle against the English. The traditional emblem of Wales. Cardiganshire/Ceredigion: Bog rosemary (Andromeda polifolia). A speciality of mid-west Wales, with delicate pink bells and rosemarylike foliage. Also chosen by Kirkcudbright. Carmarthenshire/Sir Gaerfyddin: Whorled caraway (Carum verticillatum). Found on rough pasture, its frothy blossom symbolises the battle between conservation and intensive agriculture. Denbighshire/Sir Ddinbych: Limestone woundwort (Stachys alpina). Grows among rocks by roadsides and is seen only in Denbigh and Gloucestershire. Flintshire/Sir Fflint: Bell heather (Erica cinerea). Bell heather announces the brief blaze of colour that lights up the moors at the end of summer. Glamorgan/Morgannwg: Yellow whitlow grass (Draba aizoides). Confined to cliffs and old walls on the Gower, this tiny cress flowers in the early spring. Merioneth/Merionnydd: Welsh poppy (Meconopsis cambrica). The bright yellow Welsh poppy is a native of rocky gullies and stream sides in Merioneth. Monmouthshire/Sir Fynwy: Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). The foxglove is a common wayside flower in Gwent. Also chosen by Argyll, Birmingham and Leicestershire. Montgomeryshire/Sir Drefaldwyn: Spiked speedwell (Veronica spicata). The tall, deep blue spikes of this rock plant are one of the celebrated rarities of Craig Breidden. Pembrokeshire: Thrift (Armeria maritima). Thrift brightens up the county’s coastline of headlands, rock arches and bays in May. Also chosen by the Isles of Scilly, Bute. Radnorshire/Sir Faesyfed: Radnor lily (Gagea bohemica). Aka ‘earlystar-of-Bethlehem’ and sometimes flowering as early as mid-winter. NORTHERN IRELAND Antrim: Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia). Known as the ‘goblin’s thimble’ in Co. Antrim; legend has it that you pick it at your peril. Also chosen by Dumfriesshire and Yorkshire. Armagh: Cowbane (Cicula virosa). As its name implies the plant is poisonous to cattle, and it is consequently slowly being eradicated. Belfast: Gorse (Ulex europaeus). The bright yellow sweetly scented flowers are ever-present in heathland, waste ground, banks and coastal regions. Derry: Purple saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia). Inhabits cliff edges and rocks, and flowers early spring, often amid the lying snow. Down: Spring squill (Scilla verna). The lilac petals of the squill inhabit coastal grasslands and cliffs. Fermanagh: Globeflower (Trollius europaeus). The distinctive golden puffballs adorn the lake margins of west Fermanagh. Tyrone: Bog rosemary (Andromeda polifolia). One of the special plants of the central Irish peat-bogs. Also chosen by Kirkcudbright and Cardiganshire.


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Birds alcid bird of the auk famil, Sp.: Alcidae. Andean condor world’s largest bird of prey with a wingspan of 3 metres and body weight of up to 15 kilograms. Sp.: Vultur gryphus. avadavat: green and red South Asian waxbills (aka amadavat). Sp.: Amandava formosa and Amandava amandava. avocet white bird with black-patterned head and back; its most notable feature is the upcurved bill. Sp.: Recurvirostra avosetta. bateleur short-tailed African eagle. Sp.: Terathopius ecaudatus. bean goose similar to the pink-footed goose but distinguished by its orange bill and feet. Sp.: Anser fabalis. bee-eater exotic European bird with yellow throat and multi-coloured plumage. Sp.: Merops apiaster. bittern bird of the heron family with a brown and buff plumage barred with black, and famous for its booming call. Sp.: Botaurus stellaris. black grouse spectacular bird with a lyre-shaped tail, the cocks having black plumage and the hens, grey. The black grouse is famous for its courtship display during the mating season. Sp.: Lyrurus tetrix. blackbird aka merle, black bird of the thrush family having a yellow beak, the female having a dark brown plume. Sp.: Turdus merula. blackcap small songbird, nicknamed ‘the monk’ in Germany because of its grey plumage and distinct black cap. Sp.: Sylvia atricapilla. bobolink North American oriole originally called Bob o’ Lincoln. Sp.: Dolichonyx oryzivorus. boobook brown spotted owl, native to Australia and New Zealand. Sp.: Ninox novaeseelandiae. booby tropical marine bird, similar to a gannet, with a straight, stout bill and white plumage with darker markings. Gen.: Sula. bowerbird bird native to Australia and New Guinea; the males construct elaborate bowers of feathers, grasses and shells. Family Ptilonorhynchidae. budgerigar small, green parakeet native to Australia, bred in coloured varieties and often kept as cage birds. Sp.: Melopsittacus undulatus. bulbul Asian or African songbird of dull plumage with contrasting bright patches. Family Pycnonotidae. bullfinch aka nope; small plump finch with black head, grey-blue back and red breast. Sp.: Pyrrhula pyrrhula. bunting: corn. seed-eating bird related to the finches with a streaked, sparrow-like plumage. Sp.: Emberiza calandra. bustard: great large, mainly terrestrial bird with long neck, long legs and stout tapering body. Sp.: Otis tarda. buzzard predatory bird of the hawk family with broad wings, well adapted for soaring flight. Sp.: Buteo buteo. capercaillie largest of the grouse family and extinct in Britain from the late 18th until mid-19th century. Sp.: Tetrao urogallus. cassowary large, flightless bird of Australia and the Malay Archipelago, with heavy body, stout legs, a wattled neck and a bony crest on its forehead. Gen.: Casuarius. chaffinch common European finch, the male of which has a bluegrey head with pinkish cheeks and breast. Sp.: Fringilla coelebs. chough large black bird of the crow family, seen in Europe, Asia and Africa, with a long, downward-curving red bill and red legs. Sp.: Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax. chukar red-legged Eurasian partridge. Sp.: Alectoris chukar. collared turtle dove similar to the turtle dove but with a black half moon on the back of its neck, which gives rise to the name. Sp.: Streptopelia decaocto. coot resembles an oversized moorhen, although the breast is greyblack and beak is white rather than yellow and red. Sp.: Fulica atra. cormorant diving seabird with lustrous black plumage. Sp.: Phalacrocorax carbo. corncrake rail with a rasping call, inhabiting grassland and nesting on the ground. Aka land rail Sp.: Crex crex. cotinga any member of the large and varied New World tropical family Cotingidae, many with vivid plumage and unusually modified heel feathers. cowbird North American oriole which often eats insects stirred up by grazing cattle and is known to lay its eggs in other birds’ nests. Gen.: Molothrus. crane long-legged, long-necked wading bird, which inhabits marshes and plains in most parts of the world except South America. Sp.: Grus grus. crested lark often kept as a cage bird, not only for its own song but also for its ability to imitate the calls and cries of other birds. Sp.: Galerida cristata. crossbill finch having a bill with crossed mandibles with which it opens pine cones. Gen.: Loxia curvirostra.

crow: carrion common predatory and scavenging European crow, similar to the rook but having a pure black bill. Sp.: Corvus corone. crow: hooded highly intelligent bird with jet black and ashen grey plumage. Sp.: Corvus cornix. cuckoo aka gowk; known as the harbinger of spring, the adult birds are slate blue-grey above, white underneath with dark grey barring. The cuckoo builds no nest of its own but parasitises other birds by laying in their nests. Sp.: Cuculus canorus. curlew bird with brownish plumage that is barred and patterned, and bill that is long and slightly curved downwards. Sp.: Numenius arquata. demoiselle small crane native to Asia and North Africa Sp.: Anthropoides virgo. dipper diving bird of mountain streams. Aka water ouzel. Gen.: Cinclus. dotterel small migratory plover named from the ease with which it is caught (word supposedly signifying stupidity). Sp.: Eudromias morinellus. dowitcher wading bird breeding in North America and related to sandpipers. Gen.: Limnodromus. drongo any insect-eating bird of the family Dicruridae, possessing a long, forked tail, native to Asia, Africa and Australia. duiker long-tailed cormorant. Sp.: Phalacrocorax africanus. dunlin long-billed sandpiper. Sp.: Calidris alpina. dunnock aka hedge sparrow; small European songbird with brown and grey plumage. Sp.: Prunella modularis. eagle large bird of prey with keen vision and powerful flight. Family Accipitridae. eider sea duck of which the female’s brownish plumage is the source of eiderdown, while the male plumage is white and black. Sp.: Somateria mollissima. emu Australian flightless bird, second in size only to the ostrich, which it resembles, although the emu has three-toed feet as opposed to the ostriches’ two-toed. Sp.: Dromaius novaehollandiae. falcon any diurnal bird of prey of the family Falconidae, having long pointed wings and sometimes trained to hunt small game for sport. fieldfare large Old World thrush having a pale grey head and rump, brown wings and back and a blackish tail. Sp.: Turdus pilaris. finch any small seed-eating songbird of the family Fringillidae, including canaries, crossbills and chaffinches. finch: zebra small Australian waxbill with black and white stripes on face, popular as a cage bird. Sp.: Poephila guttata. frigate bird aka man-of-war bird; seabird found in tropical seas, with a wide wingspan and deeply forked tail. Sp.: Fregata magnificens. fulmar gull-like seabird, Britain’s longest-lived bird, often reaching 40 years of age. Sp.: Fulmarus glacialis. gadwall brownish-grey freshwater duck. Sp.: Anas strepera. gannet heavily built marine bird, a spectacular diver for fish, having a long stout bill and typically white plumage with dark markings. Sp.: Sula bassana. garganey small duck, the drake of which has a white stripe from the eye to the neck. Sp.: Anas querquedula. gerfalcon (gyrfalcon) large falcon of cold northern regions. Sp.: Falco rusticolus. glaucous gull large gull with typical brown and white speckled plumage, of Arctic coasts. Sp.: Larus hyperboreus. go-away bird any of several touracos of the genus Corythaixoides. godwit wading bird with long legs and a long, straight or slightly upcurved bill. Gen.: Limosa. goldcrest smallest British 1and European bird, usually growing to a maximum of about 9cm (3 2in), with an olive green plumage and yellow or orange crest. Sp.: Regulus regulus. golden eagle large eagle with yellow-tipped head-feathers. Sp.: Aquila chrysaetos. golden-eye black-and-white diving duck of northern waters. Sp.: Bucephala clangula. golden-eye black-and-white diving duck, slightly larger than the above. Sp.: Bucephala islandica. goldfinch exotically coloured bird with an unusual tinkling, twittering song, often compared to little bells. Sp.: Carduelis carduelis. goosander large diving duck with a narrow serrated bill. Sp.: Mergus merganser. goose any of various large waterbirds of the family Anatidae, with short legs, webbed feet and a broad bill. goose: barnacle an Arctic goose which winters in northern Europe. Sp.: Branta leucopsis. goose: Brent small migratory Arctic-breeding goose with black, grey and white plumage. Sp.: Branta bernicla. goose: Canada wild goose with brownish-grey plumage and white


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cheeks and breast, native to northern America. Sp.: Branta canadensis. goshawk large, short-winged hawk often used in falconry. Sp.: Accipiter gentilis. great crested grebe large Old World grebe with a crest and eartufts. Nests on the water’s edge. Sp.: Podiceps cristatus. greenfinch aka green linnet; finch with green and yellow plumage. Sp.: Carduelis chloris. greylag goose native to Europe. Sp.: Anser anser. grosbeak Any of various finches and cardinals having stout conical bills and brightly coloured plumage. The largest species is the pine grosbea,. Pinicola enucleator. guillemot narrow-billed auk, nesting on cliffs or islands. Sp.: Uria aalge. guinea fowl African fowl with slate-coloured white-spotted plumage. Sp.: Numida meleagris. hammerhead heron-like African and Arabian marsh bird with a heavy black bill and an occipital crest. Sp.: Scopus umbretta. harpy eagle South American crested bird of prey, one of the largest of eagles. Sp.: Harpia harpyja. harrier any bird of prey of the genus Circus with long wings for swooping over the ground. hawk any of various diurnal birds of prey of the family Accipitridae, having a curved beak, rounded short wings and a long tail. heron: grey long-necked wading bird with a blue-grey plumage and yellow beak. Sp.: Ardea cinerea. herring gull becomes progressively greyer as it matures and also changes colour from winter to summer. Sp.: Larus argentatus. hobby small, long-winged falcon, which catches prey on the wing. Sp.: Falco subbuteo. hoopoe Eurasian bird whose crest is held erect at moments of excitement. Sp.: Upupa epops. hornbill tropical Old World bird with a horn-like excrescence on its large curved bill. Family Bucerotidae. house martin black and white swallow-like bird, which builds a mud nest under the eaves of houses. Sp.: Delichon urbica. ibis any wading bird of the family Threskiornithidae, with a long down-curved bill, long neck and long legs, and nesting in colonies. Iceland gull although many spend the winter in Iceland the Iceland gull breeds in Greenland and north Alaska. Sp.: Larus glaucoides. jabiru large black-necked stork of Central and South America, with mainly white plumage. Sp.: Ephippiorhynchus mycteria. jacamar small insect-eating bird with partly iridescent plumage, of the tropical South American family Galbulidae. jacana tropical wading bird with elongated toes and hind claws, which enable them to walk on floating leaves. Family Jacanidae. jack snipe small snipe often seen in marshy areas. Sp.: Lymnocryptes minimus. jackdaw small grey-headed crow often frequenting rooftops and nesting in tall buildings and noted for its inquisitiveness and magpie tendencies to thieve bright objects. Sp.: Corvus monedula. Java sparrow waxbill native to Java and Bali. Sp.: Padda oryzivora. jay brownish-pink bird of crow family, whose wings are decorated with flashes of blue. Sp.: Garrulus glandarius. kaka large New Zealand parrot with olive-brown plumage. Sp.: Nestor meridionalis. kestrel aka windhover; Britain’s most common true falcon; often mistaken for a sparrowhawk, but is a hoverer rather than a glider and is far less ferocious. Sp.: Falco tinnunculus. killdeer large North American plover with a plaintive song. Sp.: Charadrius vociferus. kingfisher poetically known as halcyon; slightly larger than the house sparrow and brilliantly plumed - a swift flying, swooping bird that feeds on insects and small fish. Sp.: Alcedo atthis. kittiwake small gull that nests on sea cliffs of the north Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Sp.: Rissa tridactyla. kiwi flightless New Zealand birds with hairlike feathers and a long bill, nesting in burrows. Gen.: Apteryx. knot small northern sandpiper with a short bill and grey plumage. Sp.: Calidris canutus. lammergeier large vulture of Africa, central Asia and southern Europe, with a very large wingspan and dark, beard-like feathers on either side of its beak. Sp.: Gypaetus barbatus. lapwing aka green plover or peewit; plover with black and white plumage, crested head, and a shrill cry. Sp.: Vanellus vanellus. lesser whitethroat slightly smaller than its namesake and tends to be somewhat shyer. Sp.: Sylvia curruca. limpkin wading marsh bird of the Americas whose name derives from its limping gait. Aka courlan. Sp.: Aramus guarauna. linnet small European songbird; grey-brown plumage with red forehead and breast in summer; famous for its wide range of singing voice. Sp.: Acanthis cannabina.

little auk small Arctic auk. Sp.: Plautus alle. little grebe aka dabchick; small waterbird of the grebe family. Sp.: Tachybaptus ruficollis. lory any of various brightly coloured Australasian and South-east Asian parrots of the subfamily Loriinae. lorikeet any of various small brightly coloured parrots of the subfamily Loriinae. lovebird any of various African and Madagascan parrots. Gen.: Agapornis. lyre-bird either of two Australian birds of the family Menuridae, the male of which has a lyre-shaped tail. macaw any long-tailed, brightly coloured parrot of the genus Ara or Anodorhynchus, native to South and Central America. magpie black and white plumed bird of the crow family, often regarded as a pest by farmers as it has thieving tendencies, especially for bright shiny objects. Sp.: Pica pica. magpie lark Australian bird of the family Grallinidae, in particular a common long-legged black and white bird, Sp.: Grallina cyanoleuca. mallard duck which is common over most of the northern hemisphere, the drake having a bottle green head and rufous markings. The mallard is thought to be the ancestor of all domestic breeds of duck. Sp.: Anas platyrhynchos. mandarin duck originally from eastern Asia but introduced in many other regions; although the female has typical looks, the drake is exotically coloured. Sp.: Aix galericulata. Manx shearwater European oceanic bird with long slender wings and black and white plumage. Sp.: Puffinus puffinus. marabou large West African stork whose down is used as a trimming for hats. Sp.: Leptoptilos crumeniferus. meadow pipit common pipit native to Europe, Asia and Africa. Sp.: Anthus pratensis. meadowlark North American songbirds with a yellow breast. Sp.: Sturnella magna and slightly smaller Sturnella reglecta. merganser aka sawbill; any of various diving fish-eating northern ducks of the genus Mergus, with a long narrow serrated hooked bill. merlin small European or N. American falcon that hunts small birds. Sp.: Falco columbarius. mistle (missel) thrush large thrush with a spotted breast that feeds on mistletoe berries. Sp.: Turdus viscivorus. mockingbird long-tailed songbirds of the American family Mimidae noted as mimics of other birds’ calls. The common mockingbird of the eastern USA is Mimus polyglottos. Montagu’s harrier aka ash-coloured falcon; slender migratory Eurasian bird of prey named after George Montagu 1751–1815, a British naturalist. Sp.: Circus pygargus. moorhen aka marsh hen; black plumage, blue breast and a white line along the flanks. Red & yellow beak. Sp.: Gallinula chloropus. Muscovy musk duck tropical American duck, having a small crest and red markings on its head. Sp.: Cairina moschata. musk duck Australian duck, having a musky smell. Sp.: Biziura lobata. mutton-bird Southern hemisphere birds of the genus Puffinus, especially the short-tailed shearwater. Sp.: Puffinus tenuirostris. nightingale aka Philomel; loud songbird with dark brown plumage and lighter underparts. Sp.: Luscinia megarhynchos. nightjar aka goatsucker; nocturnal birds with a cryptic plumage and large eyes - feeds on insects. Sp.: Caprimulgus. nutcracker forest-dwelling Old World bird of the crow family, having speckled plumage. Sp.: Nucifraga caryocatactes. nuthatch small songbird that climbs up and down tree trunks and feeds on nuts and insects. Sp: Sitta europaea. oriole: golden yellow-plumed Eurasian bird with black wings and red beak. Sp.: Oriolus oriolus. osprey aka fish hawk; bird of prey with a dark back and whitish head and underparts praying on fish. Sp.: Pandion haliaetus. ostrich world’s largest living bird can weigh in excess of 180 kilograms and stand 2.5 metres high. The ostrich can attain running speed of 40 mph, which it can sustain for up to 30 minutes. The ostrich lays the largest egg, weighing up to 2 kg and measuring 15 cm in diameter. Sp.: Struthio camelus. ovenbird any Central or South American bird of the family Furnariidae, which build domed nests out of clay or tunnel underground to lay their eggs. owl: barn aka white owl or yellow owl. Type of owl that likes to nest in barns and other accessible rural buildings. Sp.: Tyto alba. owl: eagle large Eurasian owl with long ear-tufts. Sp.: Bubo bubo. owl: horned North American owl with hornlike feathers over the ears. Sp.: Bubo virginianus. owl: little small owl of Africa and Eurasia, with speckled plumage. Sp.: Athene noctua. owl: long-eared known for its peculiar barking cry, broken by ‘yaps’; its long ears are in reality tufts of feathers. Sp.: Asio otus.


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owl: tawny aka wood owl; familiar owl with rich brown plumage, barred and checked with darker bars and streaks. Sp.: Strix aluco. oystercatcher wading bird with black and white plumage and long laterally compressed orange-red bill. Sp.: Haematopus ostralegus. partridge game bird with light grey plumage, barred and streaked with chestnut. Sp.: Perdix perdix. penguin flightless seabird of the southern hemisphere with black upper parts and white underparts, and wings developed into scaly flippers for swimming underwater. Family Spheniscidae. penguin: Adélie Most common species of penguin. Sp.: Pygoscelis adeliae. penguin: emperor largest species of penguin, which can grow to a height of 120 cm (4 ft). Sp.: Aptenodytes forsteri. penguin: fairy smallest species of penguin, average height of 41 cm (16 in). Aka little blue penguin. Sp.: Eudyptula minor. penguin: Galápagos unlike the emperor and the Adélie, the Galápagos penguin is confined to the tropics of South America. Sp.: Spheniscus mendiculus. penguin: gentoo abundant in the Falkland and other Atlantic islands. Sp.: Pygoscelis papua. peregrine falcon powerful falcon, breeding on coastal cliffs and much used for falconry. Sp.: Falco peregrinus. petrel small wave-hanging seabirds, blackish with a white rump. Family: Hydrobihdar. petrel: Wilson’s common petrel that breeds around Antarctica but is often seen in the Atlantic. Sp.: Oceanites oceanicus. phalarope any small wading bird or swimming bird of the family Phalaropodidae, with a straight bill and lobed feet. pheasant game bird introduced to Britain from its native home in south-eastern Europe and central Asia; the cock birds show a wide colour variation, with brown and buff common specimens, although some almost black birds have been sighted in recent years. Sp.: Phasianus colchicus. pipit: tree light brown plumed bird of the wagtail family. Sp.: Anthus trivialis. plover: golden a wader noted for its musical but sad rising whistle, the golden plover is a golden speckled colour with a white or sometimes black underparts. Sp.: Pluvialis apricaria. plover: ringed small chunky wader with brown plumage, white underparts and a black ring round the neck. Sp.: Charadrius hiaticula. pochard familiar diving duck, the male having silvery plumage with chestnut head and black underparts whilst the females are silverybrown. Sp.: Aythya ferina. ptarmigan high mountain grouse whose grey-brown and black plumage changes to white in the winter. Sp.: Lagopus mutus. puffin aka sea parrot; Britain’s most recognisable seabird, with its large multicoloured bill and awkward movement; the main colonies are in north Scotland, the largest on St Kilda, west of the Outer Hebrides. Sp.: Fratercula arctica. quail game bird, which looks like a miniature partridge although its plumage is a red-buff carrying streaks of cream and black. The quail is rarely sighted, due largely to its habit of taking refuge in grassland when spotted. Sp.: Coturnix coturnix. quetzal spectacular tree bird of central America, a member of the trogon family, with green back and crimson and white under parts; the male’s green tail plumes grow to 60 cm (2 feet). Sp.: Pharomachons mocinno. raven large passerine bird of the crow family, having a large,straight, black bill, long, wedge-shaped tail and black plumage. Sp.: Corvus corax. razorbill common auk of the north Atlantic which typically nests in colonies on cliffs. Sp.: Alca torda. red kite once a common scavenger in the streets during Elizabethan and the early Stuart period, this bird of prey gradually died out but has been reintroduced into England and Wales. Sp.: Milvus milvus. redpoll soft striped brown plumed songbird of the finch family. Sp.: Acanthis flammea. redstart similar in size and habit to the robin, with a grey plumage and black throat. Sp.: Phoenicurus phoenicurus. redstart: black darker than its namesake but has similar feeding habits of taking insects, mainly on the wing. Sp.: Phoenicurus ochruros. redwing small European thrush, having a speckled breast, reddish flanks and brown back. Sp.: Turdus iliacus. rhea either of two large flightless birds of South Africa, Rhea americana and Pterocieia pennara, similar to ostrich but hairy, threetoed feet. ring ouzel thrush with a white crescent across its breast. Sp.: Turdus torquatus. robin aka poetically as Ruddock; well-loved bird with brown plumage and red breast with yellow throat. Sp.: Erithacus rubecula.

roller beautifully coloured migrant from Africa. The plumage shows a brown back, with blue wing coverts, greenish-blue head, blue undersurface and purplish tail and wings. Sp.: Coracias garrulus. rook most common member of the crow family, notable for its jet black plumage and depredations among the eggs of smaller birds. Sp.: Corvus frugilegus. ruff Eurasian member of the sandpiper family. The males’ communal dancing display is called ‘lekking’. The female is called a reeve. Sp.: Philomachus pugnax. Sabine’s gull fork-tailed seabird breeding on islets and marshy tundra in Arctic Greenland, Alaska and northern Siberia. Sp.: Larus sabini. sanderling small busy sandpiper of the genus Calidris that frequents sandy shores. Sp.: Calidris alba. sand martin slightly smaller than the house martin, with dark brown plumage and a brown band across its white breast. Sp.: Riparia riparia. sandpiper various smallish members of the family Scolopacidae, walkers with long legs and long slender bills, which includes the curlew, dunlin and snipe. shag aka green cormorant; very similar to the cormorant but smaller and darker green, no white marking on face and more of a crest. Sp.: Phalacrocorax aristotelis. shoveler duck with spoon-shaped bill, a blue patch on each wing, and in the male a green head, white breast and reddish-brown body. Sp.: Anas clypeata. shrike: red-backed chestnut-backed bird with grey head and rump and black ear coverts. Aka butcher bird because it impales its prey on thorn-bushes for storage. Sp.: Lanius collurio. siskin small finch with brownish-green back with yellow shades and black cap. Sp.: Carduelis spinus. skua: Arctic smaller member of this predatory seabird genus with dark plumage and a hooked bill, all of them famous for harassing terns or gulls into dropping or disgorging fish they have caught. Sp.: Stercorarius parasiticus. skua: great aka bonxie; heavy, broad-winged seabird with brown plumage and wings with white bar on wings. Sp.: Stercorarius skua. skylark like the cuckoo, this ground-dwelling songbird is often thought of as a harbinger of spring; it has a dull brown plumage with white ribbing. Sp.: Alauda arvensis. smew aka white nun; merganser of north Europe and Asia with white plumage with black markings. Sp.: Mergus albellus. snipe bird of the sandpiper family inhabiting marshy areas. Collective noun is a ‘wisp’. Sp.: Gallinago gallinago. snow bunting bunting of northern and arctic regions having a white plumage with dark markings on the wings, back and tail. Sp.: Plectrophenax nivalis. social weaver small gregarious Old World passerine songbird of the chiefly African family Ploceidae, having a short thick bill and a dull plumage. The name derives from the bird’s characteristic of building covered nests in trees and living in communities of hundreds. Sp.: Philetairus socius. song thrush aka mavis or throstle; song bird with brown plumage and white underparts speckled brown; its repetitive refrain sounds rather like ‘Come out, come out, come out’. Sp.: Turdus philomelos. sparrowhawk fiercest of our native hawks, identified by its rapid flight with long gliding intervals and sudden swoops on prey. Sp.: Accipiter nisus. sparrow: house small common brown and grey bird which nests in the eaves and roofs of houses. Sp.: Passer domesticus. spoonbill wading bird of warm regions, having white plumage and a long, horizontally flattened bill. Sp.: Platalea leucorodia. spotted flycatcher sparrow-sized grey-brown bird with a whitish breast, able to catch insects in flight. Sp.: Muscicapa striata. starling distinctly coloured bird with black, iridescently green-tinged plumage, white flecks throughout its cover, and a yellow beak. Sp.: Sturnus vulgaris. stock dove similar to the wood-pigeon but smaller. Sp.: Columba oenas. storm(y) petrel aka Mother Carey’s chicken or witch; Europe’s smallest seabird. Sp.: Hydrobates pelagicus. swallow streamlined insect-hunter with a distinctive blue sheen on the back and wings, chestnut throat and white breast. Sp.: Hirunda rustica. swan: Bewick’s smallest swan, rarely seen in England outside the Slimbridge Wildfowl Trust and the Ouse Washes. Sp.: Cygnus columbianus. swan: mute commonest Eurasian swan, having white plumage and an orange-red bill with a swollen black base. Sp.: Cygnus olor. swan: trumpeter large North American wild swan. Sp.: Cygnus buccinator. swan: whooper black bill with yellow nose, most of Britain’s winter whoopers are from Iceland. Sp.: Cygnus cygnus.


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swift fast-flying bird with dark brown plumage; it is a summer bird in Britain and spends its winters in Africa. Sp.: Apus apus. teal smallest of Europe’s wintering ducks, appearing like a smaller wigeon. Sp.: Anas crecca. tern graceful, slender-winged seabird that dives headlong after small fish. Gen.: Sterna. tern: Arctic greyer than the common or sandwich tern, can be seen at close hand on the Farne Islands. Sp.: Sterna paradisaea. tern: common most familiar tern, with grey-white plumage, black cap and red bill. Sp.: Sterna hirundo. tern: little small tern distinguished from other terns by its yellow bill. Sp.: Sterna albifrons. tern: roseate rare bird with white plumage, black cap and extremely long tail streamers. Sp.: Sterna dougallii. tern: Sandwich largest of the terns found regularly in Britain, distinguished from other terns by its pale white plumage and black bill with yellow tip. Sp.: Sterna sandvicensis. tit: bearded Aka reedling. Eurasian songbird common in reed beds; it has a tawny back and tail and, in the male, a grey and black head. Sp.: Panurus biarmicus. tit: blue aka tinnock, tom tit; gymnastic bird with bright blue cap and yellow underparts, often seen hanging upside down while hunting for food. Sp.: Parus caeruleus. tit: crested chubby bird with dull brown plumage and white crest marked with black, in Britain restricted to the Scottish Highlands but more common on the Continent. Sp.: Parus cristatus. tit: great Eurasian songbird with black-and-white head markings. Sp.: Parus major. tit: long-tailed black and white plumed tit distinguished from other tits by its long tail. Sp.: Aegithalos caudatus. tit: marsh grey-backed tit that inhabits woods and hedges. Sp.: Parus palustris. tit: penduline southern European bird that derives its name from the hanging nest characteristic of the species. Sp.: Remiz pendulinis. tit: willow Eurasian black-capped tit. Sp.: Parus montanus. touraco (turaco) any brightly coloured crested arboreal African bird of the family Musophagidae. tragopan tree-dwelling Asian pheasant; the male displays erect fleshy horns on its head. Gen.: Tragopan. tree sparrow two distinct species. Passer montanus is a Eurasian sparrow inhabiting agricultural land. Spizella arborea is a North American sparrow-like bird of the bunting family, breeding on the edge of the tundra. treecreeper small passerine songbirds of the family Certhiidae of the northern hemisphere, having a brown-and-white plumage and slender downward-curving bill. Named from their characteristic of creeping up trees to feed on insects. Gen.: Certhia. turkey buzzard aka turkey vulture; American vulture, unrelated to the Old World vultures, so called because of its bare reddish head and dark plumage. Sp.: Cathartes aura. turtle dove small slim dove with thin neck, protruding round white head, deep chest and brownish-grey plumage with black marks. Sp.: Streptopelia turtur. umbrella bird cotinga of tropical America, with a large, black, overhanging crest and a long feathered wattle. Gen.: Cephalopterus. Victoria crowned pigeon large blue-crested pigeon of New Guinea. Sp.: Goura victoria. vulture any of various large birds of prey of the distinct Old and New World families Accipitridae and Cathartidae, with the head and neck more or less bare of feathers, feeding mainly on carrion and reputed to gather with others in anticipation of a death. wagtail: white terrestrial bird, named from the up and down waggings of the tail at each halt that accompany its short darting rushes in a zigzag course. Sp.: Motacilla alba alba. wandering albatross very large white albatross of southern oceans, having very long and narrow black-tipped wings. Sp.: Diomedea exulans. warbler: barred arrives in Europe, from Africa, later than the other warblers and rarely visits Britain. Sp.: Sylvia nisoria.

warbler: Cetti’s named after an 18th-century Italian Jesuit; it is the only European passerine with 10 tail feathers, rather than 12. Sp.: Cettia cetti. warbler: Dartford until recently Britain’s only resident warbler; it was first described from Bexley Heath, near Dartford in Kent, in 1773. Sp.: Sylvia undata. warbler: great reed migrant bird seen frequently in the reed beds of East Anglia and the southern coast. Sp.: Acrocephalus arundinaceus. warbler: icterine migratory warbler with brownish plumage and olive green underparts. Sp.: Hippolais icterina. warbler: reed inconspicuous bird with overall brown colouring with lighter underparts. Sp.: Acrocephalus scirpaceus. water rail highly nervous and secretive bird, more often heard than seen; it hides in its reed-bed home at the slightest disturbance. Sp.: Rallus aquaticus. wattlebird various Australian honeyeaters with a wattle hanging from each cheek. Gen.: Anthochaera and Melidectes. Also various NZ songbirds of the family Callaeidae, with wattles hanging from the base of the bill, e.g. the saddleback. Sp.: Creadion carunculatus. waxbill any small finch-like bird of the family Estrildidae, with a red bill resembling sealing wax in colour. waxwing any of three species of crested perching birds of the genus Bombycilla, with small tips like red sealing wax to wing feathers. weka large flightless New Zealand rail. Sp.: Gallirallus australis. whale-headed stork aka shoebill; grey African stork with a large bill shaped like a clog. Sp.: Balaeniceps rex. wheatear small northern thrush having a grey back, black wings and tail, white rump and pale brown underparts. Sp.: Oenanthe oenanthe. whimbrel small migratory curlew with a striped crown and trilling call. Sp.: Numenius phaeopus. whinchat Old World songbird having mottled brown-and-white plumage with pale cream underparts; it is a member of the subfamily of thrushes. Sp.: Saxicola rubetra. white stork widely protected in Europe, a pure white bird with black wing tips and long red beak and legs. Sp.: Ciconia ciconia. whitethroat warbler with greyish plumage, rusty wings and white underparts. Sp.: Sylvia communis. wi(d)geon gregarious duck, the male of which has a reddish-brown head and chest, and grey and white back and wings. Sp.: Anas penelope. woodchat shrike shrike of southern Europe, north Africa and the Middle East, having black and white plumage with a chestnut head. Sp.: Lanius senator. woodcock any game bird of the genus Scolopax that inhabits woodlands. The common Eurasian species is Scolopax rusticola. woodpecker any bird of the family Picidae that climbs and taps tree trunks in search of insects. woodpecker: black largest of the European woodpeckers; the jetblack plumage is broken only by its red cap. Sp.: Dryocopus martius. woodpecker: great spotted black and white plumage with a large red patch on the nape of the neck (male only); noted for its repeated drumming on the trunks of trees. Sp.: Dendrocopos major. woodpecker: green aka yaffle; large green and yellow European woodpecker with a red crown. Sp.: Picus viridis. woodpecker: pileated large North American woodpecker with a redtopped head. Sp.: Dryocopus pileatus. wood pigeon aka cushat or ring dove; large pigeon, having white patches like a ring round its neck. Sp.: Columba palumbus. wren small light brown bird famous for its building of more than one nest, the hen making her choice and the ‘spares’ used as roosting spots in bad weather. Sp.: Troglodytes troglodytes. wryneck small bird of the woodpecker family, able to turn its head over its shoulder. Sp.: Jynx torquilla. yellowhammer aka yellow bunting; bunting of which the male has a yellow head, neck and breast. Sp.: Emberiza citrinella. yellowlegs: greater and lesser two migratory sandpipers with yellow legs. Sp.: Tringa melanoleuca and Tringa flavipes.

Birds: Miscellaneous Information altricial of a young bird or animal requiring care and feeding by the parents after hatching or birth arctic tern: migrates to Antarctica backwards-flying hummingbird is only bird that can fly backwards beaks: characteristics insect-eating birds usually have pointed bills while carnivorous birds have hooked bills bird: smallest bee hummingbird bird of paradise: from New Guinea (hang upside down)

bird of prey: largest Andean condor bird of prey: largest UK golden eagle British bird: biggest mute swan British bird: fastest runner pheasant (up to 21 mph) British bird: highest flier whooper swans sighted at 27,000 feet British bird: largest egg mute swan British bird: longest-lived Manx shearwater (29.82 years) British bird: most common wren


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largest birds ostrich is clearly the largest living bird (moas extinct); the largest flying bird is more contentious but is possibly the kori bustard of sub-Saharan Africa longest migration Arctic tern (11,222 miles Anglesey to Australia) nests at end of riverbank tunnels kingfisher New World: definition term used to differentiate between the time before and after the Americas were discovered. New World relates to the Americas: the western hemisphere – Old World, the eastern nostrils at tip of beak kiwi owl: smallest elf owl painter of USA birds John Audubon palmiped web-footed bird ratite of a bird having a keelless breastbone and therefore unable to fly; opposite of carinate sacred birds quetzal (Aztecs), ibis (Egyptians) seabird: largest emperor penguin smells when excited hoopoe emits a foul-smelling liquid smell: keenest sense of kiwi snail shells: breaks with stone thrush sonar-equipped the guacharo, or oilbird, is capable of flying in total darkness in a similar way to bats strigiformes order of birds that solely includes owls underwater: longest emperor penguin (up to 18 minutes) underwater: walks dipper web-footed bird: smallest petrel wingspan: longest albatross, although the largest wings belong to the Andean condor

British bird: smallest goldcrest (and smallest egg) British Isles: exclusive to red grouse and Scottish crossbill do not migrate and are found only in the UK carinate of a bird having a keeled breastbone; opposite of ratite deepest diving bird emperor penguin drops bones on rocks to break the bearded vulture (lammergeyer) ducks: sex that quacks only females egg: smallest hummingbird (in USA and the world) extinct birds dodo lived on the island of Mauritius and became extinct in the late 17th century; great auk or Atlantic pigeon became extinct in the  mid-19th century; moa of New Zealand became totally extinct by early 19th century falconry breeding and training of hawks for sporting purposes. The female is called a falcon, the male is a tiercel fastest bird peregrine falcon has been timed at 217 mph during swoop as part of the courtship display. The golden eagle has reached speeds exceeding 150 mph during a vertical dive, but the fastest bird in level flight, with recorded speeds exceeding 110 mph, is the Alpine swift fastest runner ostrich first known bird archaeopteryx (name means ‘ancient wing’) gizzard muscular thick-walled part of a bird’s stomach, used for grinding food, usually with the help of grit grallatorial of or relating to long-legged wading birds e.g. flamingos and storks (from Latin grallator, ‘stiltwalker’) guano excrement of seabirds found on islands off South America, Africa and the West Indies and used as manure

Collective Nouns actors cast, company, troupe aeroplanes flight, squadron, angels host antelopes herd ants colony, army apes shrewdness arrows sheaf, quiver asparagus bundle asses pace badgers cete barracuda battery bass fleet bears sleuth, sloth beauties galaxy beavers colony bees swarm, grist bells peal birds flock, volery bishops bench bitterns sedge, siege bloodhounds sute boars sounder books library bowls set boy scouts jamboree boys blush bread batch, caste bucks brace, leash budgerigars chatter butlers draught camels caravan, flock capercaillie tok capitalists syndicate cars fleet cats clowder cattle herd, drove chickens brood choughs chattering clams bed clergy assembly, convocation colts rag coots covert corn sheaf cranes sedge, siege cricket team eleven crockery service crows murder cubs litter curlews herd dancers troupe deer herd

dogs show, kennel donkeys drove dottrel trip ducks (flight) flush, pump,team ducks (on ground) badelynge ducks (in water) paddling dunlins flight eagles convocation eels swarm eggs clutch elk gang falcons cast ferrets fesnyng, business finches charm firewood bundle fish shoal flamingos flurry, regiment flies swarm foresters stalk foxes skulk, earth frogs army, colony fruit orchard geese (in flight) skein geese (on ground) gaggle girls/women bevy gnats swarm, cloud goats herd, tribe, trip goldfinches charm goldfish troubling grapes bunch, cluster grass tuft grouse (several broods) pack grouse (single brood) covey guardians board guillemots bazaar gulls colony guns battery, park hares down, husk harpists melody hawks cast hay truss hedgehogs array hermits observance herons sedge, siege horses haras hounds pack, mute hunters blast hunting dogs cry ibis crowd islands archipelago, chain jellyfish smuck


kangaroos troop kittens kindle knaves rayful labourers gang lapwings deceit larks exaltation leopards leap lions pride magistrates bench magpies tiding, tittering majors morbidity mallards flush mares stud martens richesse mice nest minstrels troupe moles labour monkeys troop mules barren nightingales watch onions rope owls parliament oxbirds fling oxen yoke, team parrots company partridges covey passenger pigeons roost peacocks muster pearls string, rope penguins rookery, colony pheasants nye pigs litter, drove plovers congregation, wing plums basket pochards rush polecats chine police posse. detachment politicians caucus porpoises school poultry run pups litter quail bevy rabbits nest race horses string rags bundle ravens unkindness rhinoceros crash roes bevy rooks clamour, building sailors crew, deck, watch sails outfit

saints community sandpipers fling sardines family savages horde seals herd, pod servants staff sheep flock sheldrakes dopping ships fleet, flotilla slaves gang smelt quantity snakes den, pit snipe wisp, walk soldiers detachment spiders cluster, clutter stamps collection starlings murmuration stars cluster, constellation steps flight sticks faggot strawberries punnet subalterns simplicity swans herd, bevy swifts flock swine sounder, drift, dryet swine (tame) doylt teals spring thieves gang thrush mutation tigers ambush toads knot, knab trees orchard, spinney, thicket troops brigade, division trout hover turkeys rafter turtles bale, dole turtle doves pitying wasps nest whales school, pod, gam whelps litter whiskey case whiting pod wigeon company wild cats dout wildfowl plump, sord, sute wine vintage witches coven wolves pack woodcock fall, plump woodpeckers descent worshippers congregation

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NEWSPAPERS National Newspapers Name Belfast News Letter Courier Daily Courant Daily Express

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Details The UK’s oldest surviving daily newspaper Founded as the Dundee Courier and Argus First successful daily newspaper Founded by C Arthur Pearson. Pro-Conservative. 10 Lower Thames St, London EC3R 6EN. Tel: 0871 434 1010 Merged into the Sun in 1964 Founded by Alfred Harmsworth (Lord Northcliffe). Pro-Conservative tabloid. 2 Derry St, Kensington, London W8 5TT. Tel: 020 7938 6000 Founded by Alfred Harmsworth (Lord Northcliffe). Pro-Labour tabloid. 1 Canada Square, Canary gfWharf, London E14 5AP. Tel: 020 7293 3000 Scottish equivalent of the Daily Mirror until the launch of the Scottish Mirror Merged into the Daily Mail in 1971 Founded and owned by David Sullivan, David Gold and Ralph Gold – now online only Owned by United Newspapers (Express Group) Amalgamated in 1937 with Morning Post. 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT. Tel: 020 7931 2000 Founded by Robert Maxwell and sold on Thursdays until it ceased publication in 1999. Owned by Associated Newspapers, part of the Daily Mail Group Merged with Financial Times in 1945 Adopted its pink paper in 1893 Founded as the Manchester Guardian and became a daily in 1855. 119 Farringdon Rd, London EC1R 3ER. Tel: 020 7278 2332 Founded as Glasgow Advertiser, changed name to Glasgow Herald 1802–1992 Originally part of the Mirror Group and founded by three Daily Telegraph journalists. Independent House, 191 Marsh Wall, London E14 9RS. Tel: 020 7005 2000 Originally part of the Mirror Group

London London London London

1982 1843 1791 1881

Sister paper to the Daily Mail Now defunct – see current affairs section 10 July 2011 Founded by W S Bourne. 119 Farringdon Rd, London EC1R 3ER. Tel: 020 7278 2332 Founded to support the Conservative cause originally. 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf,

1748 1988 1817 1964 1918 1963 1914 1986 1961 1822 1785 1986

5AP. Tel: 020 7293 3000 Founded by James Chalmers as Aberdeen’s Journal Sister paper to the Scotsman First non-London newspaper to open an office in Fleet Street Founded in 1911 as the Daily Herald. 1 Virginia St, London E1 9XR. Tel: 020 7782 4100 Founded by Lord Beaverbrook Founded by Harold Harmsworth as the Sunday Pictorial in 1915 Launched as the Post Sunday Special, it is the leading Scottish Sunday paper Founded and owned by David Sullivan, David Gold and Ralph Gold Sister paper to the Daily Telegraph Launched as The New Observer and then The Independent Observer in 1821 Founded by John Walter. 1 Pennington St, London E1 9XN. Tel: 020 7782 5000 Founded by Eddie Shah; launched on 4 March 1986. Ceased publication 16 November 1995.

Press and Journal Aberdeen Scotland on Sunday Edinburgh Scotsman Edinburgh Sun London Sunday Express London Sunday Mirror London Sunday Post Glasgow Sunday Sport Manchester Sunday Telegraph London Sunday Times London Times London Today London

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Newspaper Cartoons and Cartoonist(s) Alisdair Times Pugh and Way Andy Capp Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror Reg Smythe As If Independent Sally Ann Lasson Augusta Evening Standard Angus McGill and Dominic Poelsma Austin Guardian Austin Badlands Sun Steve McGarry Beau Peep Daily Star Kettle and Christine Ben and Katie Daily Star Doug Baker and Roca Bill Caldwell (cartoonist) Daily Star Bogart Daily Mail Peter Plant Bristow Evening Standard Frank Dickens Clogger F.C. Daily Star Bill Caldwell Colonel Blimp Evening Standard David Low Dilbert Telegraph and Express Scott Adams Doonesbury Guardian Garry Trudeau Dreadnoughts, The Sun Martin Fish Faith, Hope and Sue Express Lisa Wild Flatmates Daily Record Michael Atkinson Flook (1949–84) Daily Mail Trog (Wally Fawkes) Fred Basset Daily Mail Alex Graham Gambols Express Barry Appleby Garfield Evening Standard and Express Jim Davis George & Lynne Sun Conrad and Gual Giles Daily and Sunday Express Carl Ronald Giles Grandad and the Lad Daily Record Bryan Walker Griffin Express Griffin Hagar the Horrible Sun Chris Browne Heath Telegraph Heath Hector Breeze Express Hector Breeze Horace Daily Mirror Kettle and Christine I Don’t Believe It Daily Mail Dick Millington

If Guardian Steve Bell Jane Daily Mirror Norman Pett (originally) The Johnsons Daily Express Peter Plant Judge Dredd of 2000 AD Daily Star Smith and Rennie Kipper Williams (cartoonist) Guardian Liberty Meadows Express Frank Cho Livvy Sun Bob Maher Mandy Capp Daily Mirror Carla Ostrer and Mahoney Matt Telegraph Matt Pritchett Modesty Blaise (1963–2001) Evening Standard Peter O’Donnell Morten Morland Times Morten Morland (untitled cartoon) Paul Thomas Express Paul Thomas (untitled -cartoon) Peanuts Daily Mail Charles Schulz Perishers Daily Mirror Bill Mevin and Maurice Dodd Peter Brookes Times Peter Brookes (untitled cartoon) Potto Evening Standard Frank Dickens Psycops Sun Wilbur Real Life Daily Mirror Johnston Rupert Bear Express Mary Tourtel (1920–48) Scorer Daily Mirror Tomlinson, Gillat and Pugh Shuggie and Duggie Daily Record Bullimore and Anderson Steve Bell (cartoonist) Guardian Striker Sun Pete Nash & Simon Ravenhill The Stringalongs Timesಝ(originally) Mark Boxer Teenage Mum Daily Star Graham Hey Tim Independent The Ultimate Daily Sport Paul Martin Up and Running Daily Mail Gray and Shack Wallace & Gromit Sun Aardman & Titan Comics Weber Family Guardian Posy Simmonds Wizard of Id Evening Standard Parker and Hart

General Information Asahi Shimbun Japan’s leading newspaper has been produced ‘untouched by human hands’ since 24 September 1980. Avanti: famous editor Benito Mussolini edited the Milan-based socialist paper from 1912 to 1914. Mussolini subsequently founded the newspaper Il Popolo d’Italia in 1914. Beachcomber Column Began in the Daily Express in 1917 under the name ‘By the Way’ its author inheriting the name ‘Beachcomber’, J B Morton wrote the column from 1924 to 1975 and the present author is William Hartston. Boy’s Own: founded in 1879 by the Religious Tract Society and ceased in 1967. cartoon: first drawn by John Wesley Jarvis in 1814 for the Washington Federal Republican. cartoon: first UK ‘The Unknown Tongue’ (printed in Bell’s New Weekly Messenger) 8ಝJan. 1832. Children’s Newspaper founded by Arthur Mee in 1919. Christian Science Monitor: founder Mary Baker Eddy in Boston 1908. clock on Times Diary page always set on 4.30. colour supplement: first four-page section of the New York World 19 November 1893. colour supplement: first UK Sunday Times Colour Section (became Sunday Times Magazine) 4 February 1962. comic strip: first Yellow Kid by R F Outcault -(published in the New York World in 1896). Corriere della Sera although this newspaper translates as ‘Evening Courier’, it is a morning daily newspaper. crossword puzzle: first compiled by Liverpool-born Arthur Wynne (published New York World Sunday 21 December 1913). crossword puzzle: first UK Sunday Express 2 November 1924. crossword puzzle: first Times 1 February 1930 and compiled by Adrian Bell (father of ex-MP Martin Bell). crusader logo introduced on Express by Lord Beaverbrook 1930. daily newspaper: first UK The Perfect Diurnall Feb. 1660 (Daily Courant of 1702 was first successful daily). Hitler diaries extracts published by Stern magazine in May 1983

daily poem Independent. Daily Telegraph editor: former W F (Bill) Deedes. Daily Telegraph: news first published on front page 1969. Daily Worker Communist newspaper founded in 1932. Name changed to Morning Star in 1966 but Daily Worker revived in 1992. Der Spiegel the German news magazine was founded in 1947. Edinburgh Gazette Scottish equivalent of the London Gazette, founded in 1699 and appearing twice a week. Evening News: merger on 31 October 1980 the Evening News was merged into the Evening Standard. evening newspaper: first Dawks’s News-Letter (published in London) 23 June 1696. famous columnists Daily Mirror political cartoonist Vicky and columnist Cassandra. famous sale Max Aitken sold the Express group to Trafalgar House 30 June 1977 (re-sold to United Newspapers 1985). Foreign newspapers El Pais – Argentina, Avanti – Milan, Exame – Brazil, Feral Tribune – Croatia, Hihon Keizai Shimbun – Japan, La Presse – Quebec, Moderna Tider – Stockholm, Qianshao – Hong Kong. founded as women’s paper Daily Mirror. Globe the British paper was suppressed in November 1915 for spreading false rumours about Lord Kitchener’s resignation. Good Housekeeping: founded British magazine was founded in 1922, although the US version was founded much earlier. Guardian Until 1959, the Manchester Guardian. Owned by the Scott Trust and dubbed ‘The Grauniad’ by Private Eye magazine due to the paper’s reputation for typographical errors. Socially liberal political bias. Harijan: founder Mahatma Gandhi founded the Indian weekly publication in 1933. Hearst, William Randolph: castle San Simeon, California. Hearst: famous newspapers Examiner (1887 his first), Morning Journal (1895 later became Journal-American).


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and considered authentic by historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, but later exposed as a fake produced by a dealer in Nazi memorabilia. Independent launched by Andreas Whittam-Smith and associates on 7 Oct. 1986 and subsequently acquired by a consortium led by Mirror Group Newspapers, 18 March 1994. John Bull: date commenced 1906, although the character first appeared in 1712 in a pamphlet by John Arbuthnot (1667–1735). The Liberator influential anti-slavery weekly newspaper of Abolitionist crusader William Lloyd Garrison between 1831 and 1865, published in Boston. Life magazine: first published 1936 by Henry Luce, publisher of Time. Life magazine ceased on 29 December 1972 but was relaunched in October 1978. Listener: founded by the BBC in 1929 and closed in January 1991. London Daily News: founded by Robert Maxwell in February 1987 but it folded in July when the Evening News was temporarily relaunched. London Gazette Government’s bulletin in which official announcements are made. Founded in 1665 as the Oxford Gazette and appearing 4 times a week. magazine: shortest title Ms, the American feminist magazine founded in 1972, may lay claim to that title. Marie-Claire: founded the French women’s magazine was founded in 1954. Messenger Group: launched by The free news-papers were launched by Eddie Shah in Warrington in 1983 and produced by non-union workers. Metro Free daily newspaper published by Associated Newspapers (part of Daily Mail Group) across the UK on many public transport services. The paper was launched in 1999. New Republic: founded by the American paper was founded by H D Croly in 1914. New Society: founded the weekly sociology magazine was founded in 1962 and merged into the New Statesman in 1988. newspaper: best-selling News of the World is Britain’s largestselling newspaper (approx 3 -million). newspaper: first Acta Diurna (Daily Events) dating from 59 BC and attributed to Julius Caesar. newspaper: first surviving English Weekly News 1622. (Newspapers were printed before this date but none survive.) New Statesman: founded by Beatrice and Sidney Webb in 1913 and aided by leading Fabians such as G B Shaw. Now: founder the magazine was founded by James Goldsmith in September 1979 and ceased in March 1981. page 3 girls: year started 1970. People: famous libel case an article in 1909 alleged that chancellor David Lloyd George had committed adultery and had paid £20,000 to keep the case out of court. Picture Post: first published 1938 and founded by Edward Hulton. It closed in 1957.

Playboy: founded by Hugh Hefner, December 1953. Post: launched by Eddie Shah in November 1988 and folded after 33 issues. Press Council: founded 1953 (replaced by the Press Complaints Commission 1 January 1991). Private Eye: founded In February 1962 and saved from financial ruin by Peter Cook in April 1962. Punch first published in 1841 and ceased production on 8 Aril 1992. Aka The London Charivari. Radio Times: founded 1923. Radio Times: first woman editor Sue Robinson. Reader’s Digest: founded DeWitt Wallace and his wife Lila Acheson published the first issue in Greenwich Village, New York 5 February 1922. Scottish Daily News: founded launched by a workers’ cooperative 5 May 1975 but closed in Oct. 1975 despite intervention by Robert Maxwell. Sun founded 15 September 1964 when the TUC sold its shares in the Daily Herald. Average circulation of almost 3m, the highest in the world for a daily. Pro-Conservative since 2009. Sunday Correspondent: launched on 17 September 1989 and closed in Nov. 1990. Sunday Herald: founded in 1915 and -subsequently renamed the Sunday Graphic; closed down in 1960. Tatler founded by Richard Steele in 1709 and assisted by Joseph Addison until its closure in 1711. It was replaced by the nonpolitical Spectator in 1711 but the name was revived in 1901 for an illustrated monthly magazine which is still published today. Telegraph Group moved from Fleet Street to Docklands in 1987 and printed in London and new site (1986) in Manchester. Owned by identical twins David and Frederick Barclay, who also own The Ritz; the newspapers have a Conservative bias. Time magazine: founded by Henry A Luce and Briton Hadden in 1923. Times: previous name Daily Universal Register until 1788. Times: nickname The Thunderer (the nickname of Thomas Barnes, editor of the Times 1817–41). Times: news first appeared on front page 3 May 1966. Today: date commenced launched by Eddie Shah 4 March 1986 as Britain’s first full-colour, low-cost tabloid, its sales failed to achieve targets and it was subsequently sold to Tiny Rowland’s Lonrho Co. Wapping: exodus to Times, Sunday Times, Sun and News of the World moved overnight to a new plant in Wapping 25 Jan. 1986. William Hickey column pen-name of Tom Driberg when writing for the Daily Express between 1928 and 1943. Having become an MP, Driberg later used the name as a columnist with the Daily Mail and New Statesman. The name derives from a famous 18th century diarist. The Express still has a Hickey column, although the ‘William’ has been dropped. yellow journalism term coined to describe the sensationalistic reporting and frenzied promotional schemes adopted in the fierce circulation wars between William Randolph Hearst’s Journal and Joseph Pulitzer’s World.


Wilhelm Ostwald (Ger.) Pioneer work on catalysis, chemical equilibrium and reaction velocities Otto Wallach (Ger.) Alicyclic combinations Marie Curie (Fr.) Discovered/isolated radium Discovered Polonium Victor Grignard (Fr.) Paul Sabatier (Fr.) Discovery of Grignard reagents and hydrogenating organic compounds

1909 Guglielmo Marconi (Ita.) Karl Braun (Ger.) Wireless telegraphy

1910 J van Der Waals (Neth.) Gas and liquid equation

1911 Wilhelm Wien (Ger.) Discoveries regarding laws governing heat radiation

1912 Nils Gustaf Dalén (Swed.) Invention of automatic regulators for lighting coastal beacons and light buoys

Henri Moissan (Fr.) Isolation of fluorine Moissan furnace

1906 Sir J J Thomson (Brit.) Research into electrical conductivity of gases

Lord Rutherford (Brit.) Disintegration of elements Chemistry of radioactivity

Adolf von Baeyer (Ger.) Work on organic dyes

1905 Philipp Lenard (Ger.) Research on cathode rays

1908 Gabriel Lippman (Fr.) Photographic reproduction of colours

Sir William Ramsay (Brit.) Discovery of inert gases

1904 Lord Rayleigh (Brit.) Discovery of argon

Eduard Buchner (Ger.) Discovery of non-cellular fermentation

Svante Arrhenius (Swed.) Theory of electrolytic dissociation

1903 Antoine-Henri Becquerel (Fr.) Pierre and Marie Curie (Fr.) Radioactivity

1907 A A Michelson (US) Spectroscopic and metrological investigations

Emil Fischer (Ger.) Work on sugar and purine syntheses

1902 Hendrik Lorentz (Neth.) Pieter Zeeman (Neth.) Magnetism on radiation

Chemistry Jacobus van’t Hoff (Neth.) Laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure


1901 Wilhelm Röntgen (Ger.) Discovery of X-rays

643 Gerhart Hauptmann (Ger.) Dramatist

Maurice Maeterlinck (Belg.) Dramatist

Paul von Heyse (Ger.) Poet and novelist

Selma Lagerlöf (Swed.) Novelist

Rudolf Eucken (Ger.) Philosopher

Rudyard Kipling (Brit.) Poet and novelist

Giosuè Carducci (Ita.) Poet

H Sienkiewicz (Pol.) Novelist

Frédéric Mistral (Fr.) Poet J Echegaray Eizaguirre (Sp.)

Björnsterne Björnson (Nor.) Novelist, poet, dramatist

Theodor Mommsen (Ger.) Historian

René Sully-Prudhomme (Fr.) Poet


Alexis Carrel (Fr.) Work on vascular suture Transplantation of organs

Allvar Gullstrand (Swed.) Work on dioptrics of the eye

Albrecht Kossel (Ger.) Cellular chemistry research

Emil Kocher (Switz.) Physiology, pathology and surgery of thyroid gland

Paul Ehrlich (Ger.) Ilya Mechnikov (Russ.) Work on immunity

Alphonse Laveran (Fr.) Discovery of the role of protozoa in diseases

Camillo Golgi (Ita.) and S Ramon y Cajal (Sp.) Structure of nervous system

Robert Koch (Ger.) Tuberculosis research

Ivan Pavlov (Russ.) Physiology of digestion

Niels Finsen (Den.) Phototherapy

Sir Ronald Ross (Brit.) Discovery of how malaria enters an organism

Emil von Behring (Ger.) Work on serum therapy Pioneer in immunology



Elihu Root (US)

Tobias Asser (Neth.) Alfred Fried (Austria)

International Peace Bureau (founded 1891)

Baron d’Estournelles de Constant (Fr.) Auguste Beernaert (Belg.)

Klas P Arnoldson (Swed.) Fredrik Bajer (Den.)

Ernesto T Moneta (Ita.) Louis Renault (Fr.)

Theodore Roosevelt (US)

Bertha von Suttner (Austria)

Institute of International Law (founded 1873)

Sir William Cremer (Brit.) Founder of Workmen’s Peace Association

Elie Ducommun (Switz.) Charles Gobat (Switz.)

Jean Henri Dunant (Switz.) Frédéric Passy (Fr.)


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no award

1919 Johannes Stark (Ger.) Doppler effect in positive ions and spectral line division

644 Fritz Pregl (Austria) Method of microanalysis of organic substances no award

Richard Zsigmondy (Austria) Elucidation of heterogeneous nature of colloidal solutions

1924 Karl Siegbahn (Swed.) Work in X-ray spectroscopy

1925 James Franck (Ger.) Gustav Hertz (Ger.) Discovery of laws governing impact of electrons upon an atom

Work with mass spectrograph

1923 Robert Millikan (US) Work on elementary electric charge

Investigation of atomic structure and radiation

Francis Aston (Brit.)

Fritz Haber (Ger.) Synthesis of ammonia

1918 Max Planck (Ger.) Elemental quantum theory

1922 Niels Bohr (Den.)

no award

1917 Charles Barkla (Brit.) Discovery of characteristic X-radiation of elements

Frederick Soddy (Brit.) Chemistry of radioactive substances and occurrence and nature of isotopes

no award

1916 no award

1921 Albert Einstein (Switz.) Services to theoretical physics

Richard Willstätter (Ger.) Pioneer researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll

1915 Sir William Bragg (Brit.) Sir Lawrence Bragg (Brit.) Analysis of crystals by means of X-rays

Walther Nernst (Ger.) Work in thermochemistry

Theodore Richards (US) Accurate determination of atomic weights of elements

1914 Max von Laue (Ger.) Discovery of diffraction of X-rays by crystals

1920 Charles Guillaume (Switz.) Discovery of anomalies in alloys

Chemistry Alfred Werner (Switz.) Work on the linkage of atoms in molecules

Physics 1913 H Kamerlingh Onnes (Neth.) Liquid helium production Low temperature properties

George Bernard Shaw (Ire.) Dramatist

Wladyslaw Reymont (Pol.) Novelist

W B Yeats (Ire.) Poet

Jacinto Benavente y Martinez (Spa.) Dramatist

Anatole France (Fr.) Novelist

Knut Hamsun (Nor.) Novelist

Carl Spitteler (Switz.) Poet and novelist

no award

Karl Gjellerup (Den.) H Pontoppidan (Den.) Novelists

V von Heidenstam (Swed.) Poet

Romain Rolland (Fr.) Novelist

no award

Literature Sir R Tagore (India) Poet

no award

Willem Einthoven (Neth.) Discovery of electrocardiogram mechanism

Sir F G Banting (Can.) J J R Macleod (Brit.) Discovery of insulin

Discovery relating to heat production in muscles

Archibald Hill (Brit.)

no award

August Krogh (Den.) Discovery of capillary motor regulating mechanism

Jules Bordet (Belg.) Discoveries in regard to immunity`

no award

no award

no award

no award

Robert Barany (Austria) Work on vestibular apparatus

Medicine Charles Richet (Fr.) Work on anaphylaxis

Austen Chamberlain (Brit.) Charles G Dawes (US)

no award

no award

Fridtjof Nansen (Nor.)

Karl Branting (Swed.) Christian Louis Lange (Nor.)

Léon Bourgeois (Fr.)

Woodrow Wilson (US)

no award

International Red Cross Committee (founded 1863)

no award

no award

no award

Peace Henri Lafontaine (Belg.)

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Chemistry Theodor Svedberg (Swed.) Work on disperse systems Heinrich Wieland (Ger.) Researches into the constitution of bile acids

Adolf Windaus (Ger.) Sterols + vitamin connection Sir Arthur Harden (Brit.) H von Euler-Chelpin (Swed.) Fermentation of sugars and connective enzymes Hans Fischer (Ger.) Chlorophyll research Karl Bosch (Ger.) Friedrich Bergius (Ger.) High pressure methods Irving Langmuir (US) Discoveries in surface chemistry no award

Harold Urey (US) Discovery of heavy hydrogen Frédéric Joliot-Curie (Fr.) Irène Joliot-Curie (Fr.) Radioactive element theory Peter Debye (Neth.) Work on dipole moments and diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases Walter Haworth (Brit.) Research on carbohydrates and vitamin C Paul Karrer (Switz.) Research on Carotenoids

Physics 1926 Jean-Baptiste Perrin (Fr.) Work on discontinuous structure of matter

1927 Arthur Holly Compton (US) Discovery of wave change in diffused X-rays Charles Wilson (Brit.) Visibility of electric particles

1928 Owen Richardson (Brit.) Richardson’s Law

1929 Louis de Broglie (Fr.) Discovery of the wave nature of electrons

1930 Sir C Raman (India) Work on light diffusion

1931 no award

1932 Werner Heisenberg (Ger.) Indeterminacy principle of quantum mechanics

1933 P A M Dirac (Brit.) Erwin Schrödinger (Austria) Intro of wave equations in quantum mechanics


1934 no award

1935 Sir James Chadwick (Brit.) Discovery of the neutron

1936 Victor Hess (Austria) Cosmic radiation discovery Carl Anderson (US) Positron discovery

1937 Clinton Davisson (US) George P Thomson (Brit.) Interference phenomenon in crystals irradiated by electrons

Roger Martin du Gard (Fr.) Novelist

Eugene O’Neill (US) Dramatist

no award

Luigi Pirandello (Ita.) Dramatist

Ivan Bunin (USSR) Novelist

John Galsworthy (Brit.) Novelist

Erik Axel Karlfeldt (Swed.) Poet

Sinclair Lewis (US) Novelist

Thomas Mann (Ger.) Novelist

Sigrid Undset (Nor.) Novelist

Henri Bergson (Fr.) Philosopher

Literature Grazia Deledda (Ita.) Novelist

Carl von Ossietzky (Ger.)

Arthur Henderson (Brit.)

Sir Norman Angell (Brit.)

no award

Jane Addams (US) Nicholas Murray Butler (US)

Nathan Söderblom (Swed.)

Frank B Kellogg (US)

no award

Ferdinand Buisson (Fr.) Ludwig Quidde (Ger.)

Peace Aristide Briand (Fr.) Gustav Stresemann (Ger.)

Albert Szent-Györgyi (Hung.) Work on biological combustion

Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (Brit.)

Sir H H Dale (Brit.) Carlos S Lamas (Arg.) Otto Loewi (Ger.) Work on chemical transmission of nerve impulses

Hans Spemann (Ger.) Organizer effect in embryo

George R Minot (US) William P Murphy (US) George H Whipple (US) Anaemia treatments

Thomas Hunt Morgan (US) Heredity transmission functions of chromosomes

Edgar D Adrian (Brit.) Sir C Sherrington (Brit.) Neuron investigations

Otto Warburg (Ger.) Discovery of nature and action of respiratory enzyme

Karl Landsteiner (US) Human blood grouping

Christiaan Eijkman (Neth.) Antineuritic vitamin Sir F Hopkins (Brit.) Growth stimulating vitamins

Charles Nicolle (Fr.) Work on typhus

J Wagner-Jauregg (Austria) Work on malaria inoculation in dementia paralytica

Medicine Johannes Fibiger (Den.) Contributions to cancer research

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Chemistry Richard Kuhn (Ger.) Research on carotenoids (declined) Adolf Butenandt (Ger.) Work on sexual hormones (declined) Leopold Ru zi cka (Switz.) Polymethylenes research no award no award no award George de Hevesy (Hung.) Use of isotopes as tracers in chemical research Otto Hahn (Ger.) Discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei Artturi Virtanen (Fin.) Invention of fodder preservation method James Sumner (US) Wendell Stanley (US) John Northrop (US) Enzyme research Robert Robinson (Brit.) Investigations on alkaloids and other plant products Arne Tiselius (Swed.) Researches on electrophoresis and adsorption William Giauque (US) Behaviour of substances at extremely low temps Otto Diels (Ger.) Kurt Alder (Ger.) Discovery and development of diene synthesis

Physics 1938 Enrico Fermi (Ita.) Artificial radioactive element by neutron irradiation

1939 Ernest Lawrence (US) Invented cyclotron

1940 no award

1941 no award

1942 no award

1943 Otto Stern (US) Discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton

1944 Isidor Rabi (US) Resonance method for registration of magnetic properties of atomic nuclei

1945 Wolfgang Pauli (Austria) Discovery of the exclusion principle

1946 Percy Bridgman (US) Discoveries in the domain of high-pressure physics


1947 Edward Appleton (Brit.) Discovery of Appleton layer in upper atmosphere

1948 Patrick Blackett (Brit.) Discoveries in the domain of nuclear physics analysis; serum proteins

1949 Yukawa Hideki (Jap.) Prediction of the existence of mesons

1950 Cecil Powell (Brit.) Photographic method of studying nuclear processes; discoveries about mesons

Bertrand Russell (Brit.) Philosopher

William Faulkner (US) Novelist

T S Eliot (Brit.) Poet and critic

André Gide (Fr.) Novelist and essayist

Herman Hesse (Switz.) Novelist

Gabriela Mistral (Chile) Poet

J V Jensen (Den.) Novelist

no award

no award

no award

no award

Frans Eemil Sillanpää (Fin.) Novelist

Literature Pearl Buck (US) Novelist

Philip S Hench (US) Edward C Kendall (US) Tadeus Reichstein (Switz.) Cortex hormones research

Walter Rudolf Hess (Switz.) Middle brain function Antonio Egas Moniz (Port.) Leucotomy research

Paul Müller (Switz.) Properties of DDT

Carl F Cori (US) Gerty T Cori (US) Bernardo Houssay (Arg.) Glycogen conversion

Hermann J Muller (US) Production of mutations by X-ray irradiation

Sir Alexander Fleming (Brit.) Ernst B Chain (Brit.) Lord Florey (Aus.) Penicillin discovery

Joseph Erlanger (US) Herbert S Gasser (US) Research on differentiated functions of nerve fibres

Henrik Dam (Den.) Discovery of vitamin K Edward A Doisy (US) Chemical nature of vitamin K

no award

no award

no award

Gerhard Domagk (Ger) Antibacterial effect of Prontosil (declined)

Medicine Corneille Heymans (Belg.) Discovery of sinus role in respiration regulation

Ralph Bunche (US)

Lord Boyd-Orr (Brit.)

no award

American Friends Service Committee (US) Friends Service Council (London)

Emily Greene Balch (US) John R Mott (US)

Cordell Hull (US)

International Red Cross Committee (founded 1863)

no award

no award

no award

no award

no award

Peace Nansen International Office for Refugees (founded 1931)

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Chemistry Edwin McMillan (US) Glenn Seaborg (US) Transuranium element work Archer Martin (Brit.) Richard Synge (Brit.) Development of partition chromatography Hermann Staudinger (Ger.) Work on macromolecules Linus Pauling (US) Study of the nature of the chemical bond Vincent du Vigneaud (US) First synthesis of a polypeptide hormone Nikolay Semyonov (USSR) Cyril Hinshelwood (Brit.) Work on the kinetics of chemical reactions Alexander Todd (Brit.) Work on nucleotides and nucleotide coenzymes Frederick Sanger (Brit.) Determination of structure of the insulin molecule

Jaroslav Heyrovsky (Czech) Discovery + development of polarography Willard Libby (US) Development of radiocarbon dating Melvin Calvin (US) Study of chemical steps that take place during photosynthesis John C Kendrew (Brit.) Max F Perutz (Brit.) Hemoprotein research

Physics 1951 John Cockcroft (Brit.) Ernest Walton (Ire.) Atomic nuclei research

1952 Felix Bloch (US) Edward Purcell (US) Discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance in solids

1953 Frits Zernike (Neth.) Method of phase contrast microscopy

1954 Max Born (Brit.) Wave functions studies Walther Bothe (Ger.) Coincidence method

1955 Willis Lamb Jnr (US) Hydrogen spectrum study Polykarp Kusch (US) Magnetic electron study

1956 William Shockley (US) John Bardeen (US) Walter Brattain (US) Discovery of transistor effect

1957 Tsung-Dao Lee (China) Chen Ning Yang (China) Principle of parity research

1958 Pavel A Cherenkov (USSR) Ilya M Frank (USSR) Igor Y Tamm (USSR) Discovery and interpretation of Cherenkov effect


1959 Emilio Segrè (US) Owen Chamberlain (US) Antiproton research

1960 Donald Glaser (US) Development of the bubble chamber

1961 Robert Hofstadter (US) Atomic nucleon research Rudolf Mössbauer (Ger.) Mössbauer effect

1962 Lev D Landau (USSR) Research into condensed state of matter John Steinbeck (US) Novelist

Ivo Andri´c (Yug) Novelist

Saint-John Perse (Fr.) Poet

Salvatore Quasimodo (Ita.) Poet

Boris Pasternak (USSR) Novelist and poet (declined)

Albert Camus (Fr.) Novelist and dramatist

Juan Ramon Jimenez (Spa.) Poet

Halidor Laxness (Ice.) Novelist

Ernest Hemingway (US) Novelist

Winston Churchill (Brit.) Historian and orator

François Mauriac (Fr.) Poet, novelist, dramatist

Literature Pär Lagerkvist (Swed.) Novelist

Francis H C Crick (Brit.) James D Watson (US) Maurice Wilkins (Brit.) DNA molecular structure

Georg von Békésy (US) Functions of the inner ear

Macfarlane Burnet (Aus.) Peter B Medawar (Brit.) Tissue transplant research

Severo Ochoa (US) Arthur Kornberg (US) Nucleic acids research

George W Beadle (US) Edward L Tatum (US) Joshua Lederberg (US) Research in genetics

Daniel Bovet (Ita.) Production of curare

Werner Forssman (Ger.) Dickinson Richards (US) André F Cournand (US) Heart catheterisation

Axel Hugo Theorell (Swed.) Nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes

John F Enders (US) Thomas H Weller (US) Frederick Robbins (US) Polio virus in tissue culture

Fritz A Lipman (US) H A Krebs (Brit.) Discovery of coenzyme A

Selman A Waksman (US) Discovery of streptomycin

Medicine Max Theiler (SA) Yellow fever research

Linus Pauling (US)

Dag Hammarskjöld (Swed.)

Albert Lutuli (SA)

Philip Noel-Baker (Brit.)

Dominique G Pire (Belg.)

Lester B Pearson (Can.)

no award

no award

Office of the UN High Commisioner for Refugees (founded 1951)

George C Marshall (US)

Albert Schweitzer (Alsace)

Peace Léon Jouhaux (Fr.)

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Robert B Woodward (US) Synthesis of chlorophyll

Robert S Mulliken (US) Research into electronic structure of molecules Manfred Eigen (Ger.) Ronald G W Norrish (Brit.) George Porter (Brit.) Chemical reaction research Lars Onsager (US) Work on theory of thermodynamics of irreversible processes Derek H R Barton (Brit.) Odd Hassel (Nor.) Organic compound research Luis Leloir (Arg.) Discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates Gerhard Herzberg (Can.) Molecule structure research Christian B Anfinsen (US) Stanford Moore (US) William H Stein (US) Enzyme chemistry research Ernst Fischer (Ger.) Geoffrey Wilkinson (Brit.) Organometallic chemistry

1965 Julian Schwinger (US) Richard Feynman (US) Tomonaga Shin’ichiro (Jap.) Quantum electrodynamics

1966 Alfred Kastler (Fr.) Optical methods for studying Hertzian resonances in atoms

1967 Hans A Bethe (US) Discoveries concerning the energy production of stars

1968 Luis W Alvarez (US) Discovered resonance states

1969 Murray Gell-Mann (US) Discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles

1970 Hannes Alfvén (Swed.) Louis Néel (Fr.) Work in magnetohydrodynamics and magnetism


1971 Dennis Gabor (Brit.) Holography invention

1972 John Bardeen (US) Leon N Cooper (US) John R Schrieffer (US) Superconductivity theory

1973 Leo Esaki (Jap.) Ivar Giaever (US) Brian Josephson (Brit.) Superconductivity research

Patrick White (Aus.) Novelist

Heinrich Böll (Ger.) Novelist

Pablo Neruda (Chile) Poet

A Solzhenitsyn (USSR) Novelist

Samuel Beckett (Ire.) Novelist and dramatist

Kawabata Yasunari (Jap.) Novelist

Miguel Angel Asturias (Guat.) Novelist

Shmuel Yosef Agnon (Isr.) Nelly Sachs (Swed.) Novelist and poet

Mikhail Sholokhov (USSR) Novelist

Dorothy Hodgkin (Brit.) Jean-Paul Sartre (Fr.) Determining the structure Philosopher and dramatist of biochemical compounds used (declined) to control pernicious anaemia

1964 Charles H Townes (US) Nikolay G Basov (USSR) Aleksandr Prokhorov (USSR) Maser/laser research

Literature George Seferis (Gre.) Poet

Chemistry Giulio Natta (Ita.) Karl Ziegler (Ger.) Research into polymers in the field of plastics

Physics 1963 J H D Jensen (Ger.) Maria Goeppert Mayer (US) Eugene Paul Wigner (US) Atomic nuclei research

Karl von Frisch (Austria) Konrad Lorenz (Austria) Nikolaas Tinbergen (Neth.) Animal behaviour patterns

Gerald M Edelman (US) Rodney Porter (Brit.) Research on the chemical structure of antibodies

Earl W Sutherland Jr (US) Action of hormones

Julius Axelrod (US) Bernard Katz (Brit.) Ulf von Euler (Swed.) Nerve transmission research

Max Delbrück (US) Alfred D Hershey (US) Salvador E Luria (US) Research of viruses

Robert W Holley (US) H Gobind Khorana (US) Marshall Nirenberg (US) Genetic code deciphering

Haldan Keffer Hartline (US) George Wald (US) Ragnar A Granit (Swed.) Eye research

Charles B Huggins (US) Francis Peyton Rous (US) Cancer research

François Jacob (Fr.) Jacques Monod (Fr.) André Lwolf (Fr.) Body cells research

Konrad Bloch (US) Feodor Lynen (Ger.) Cholesterol research

Medicine Sir John Eccles (Aus.) Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (Brit.) Andrew Huxley (Brit.) Nerve fibre research

Henry Kissinger (US) Le Duc Tho (N. Viet.) (declined)

no award

Willy Brandt (Ger.)

Norman Borlaug (US)

International Labour Organization (founded 1919)

René Cassin (Fr.)

no award

no award

UN Children’s Fund (founded 1946)

Martin Luther King Jr (US)

Peace International Red Cross and League of Red Cross (HQ of both in Geneva)

Wassily Leontief (US) Input analysis

John Hicks (Brit.) Kenneth J. Arrow (US) Welfare theory and economic equilibrium theory

Simon Kuznets (US) Economic growth of nations

Paul Samuelson (US) Work in scientific analysis of economic theory

Ragnar Frisch (Nor.) Jan Tinbergen (Neth.) Work in econometrics


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Chemistry Paul J Flory (US) Studies of long-chain molecules J W Cornforth (Brit.) Vladimir Prelog (Switz.) Work in stereochemistry

William Lipscomb (US) Structure of boranes Ilya Prigogine (Belg.) Widening the scope of thermodynamics

Peter D Mitchell (Brit.) Formulation of a theory of energy transfer processes in biological systems

Herbert C Brown (US) Georg Wittig (Ger.) Introduction of compounds of boron and phosphorus in the synthesis of organic substances Paul Berg (US) 1st preparation of hybrid DNA Walter Gilbert (US) Frederick Sanger (Brit.) Development of chemical analysis of DNA structure Fukui Kenichi (Jap.) Roald Hoffmann (US) Orbital symmetry interpretation of chemical reactions

Physics 1974 Sir Martin Ryle (Brit.) Antony Hewish (Brit.) Work in radio astronomy

1975 Aage Bohr (Den.) Ben R Mottelson (Den.) L James Rainwater (US) Atomic nucleus research paved way for nuclear fusion

1976 Burton Richter (US) Samuel C C Ting (US) Elementary particles research

1977 Philip W Anderson (US) Sir Nevill Mott (Brit.) John H Van Vleck (US) Studies into behaviour of electrons in magnetic noncrystalline solids

1978 Pyotr L Kapitsa (USSR) Invention of helium liquefier Robert W Wilson (US) Arno A Penzias (US) Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation

1979 Sheldon Glashow (US) Abdus Salam (Pak.) Steven Weinberg (US) Establishment of analogy between electromagnetism and subatomic particles

1980 James W Cronin (US) Val L Fitch (US) Demonstration of simultaneous violation of both charge-conjugation + parity inversion symmetries


1981 Kai M Siegbahn (Swed.) Nicolaas Bloembergen (US) Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis Arthur L Schawlow (US) Applications of lasers in spectroscopy

Elias Canetti (Bulg.) Novelist and essayist

Czeslaw Milosz (US) Poet

Odysseus Elytis (Greece) Poet

Isaac Bashevis Singer (US) Novelist

Vicente Aleixandre (Spa.) Poet

Saul Bellow (US) Novelist

Eugenio Montale (Ita.) Poet

Literature Eyvind Johnson (Swed.) Harry Martinson (Swed.) Novelist and poet

Roger W Sperry (US) Functions of the cerebral hemispheres Torsten N Wiesel (Swed.) David H Hubel (US) Processing of visual information by the brain

Baruj Benacerraf (US) George D Snell (US) Jean Dausset (Fr.) Investigations of genetic control of the response of immunological system to foreign substances

Allan M Cormack (US) Godfrey N Hounsfield (Brit.) Development of computed axial tomography scan

Werner Arber (Switz.) Daniel Nathans (US) Hamilton O Smith (US) Discovery of enzymes that fragment DNAs

Rosalyn S Yalow (US) Roger Guillemin (US) Andrew Schally (US) Development of radioimmunoassay, research on pituitary hormones

Baruch Blumberg (US) D Carleton Gajdusek (US) Infectious diseases research

Renato Dulbecco (US) Howard M Temin (US) David Baltimore (US) Tumour viruses research

Medicine Albert Claude (US) Christian R de Duve (Belg.) George E Palade (US) Cell structure research

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (founded 1951)

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Arg.)

Mother Teresa of Calcutta (India)

Menachem Begin (Isr.) Anwar Sadat (Egy.)

Amnesty International (founded 1961)

Mairead Corrigan (N. Ire.) Betty Williams (N. Ire.)

Andrey D Sakharov (USSR)

Peace Sato Eisaku (Jap.) Sean MacBride (Ire.)

James Tobin (US) Empirical macro-economic theories

Lawrence R Klein (US) Development and analysis of empirical models of business fluctuations

W Arthur Lewis (Brit.) Theodore W. Schultz (US) Analyses of economic processes in developing nations

Herbert A Simon (US) Decision-making processes in economic organisations

Bertil Ohlin (Swed.) James Meade (Brit.) Contributions to theory of International trade

Milton Friedman (US) Consumption analysis and monetary theory

Leonid Kantorovich (USSR) Tjalling Koopmans (US) Contribution to the theory of optimum allocation of resources

Economics Gunnar Myrdal (Swed.) Friedrich von Hayek (Brit.) Economic, social and institutional phenomena

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Sydney Altman (US) Thomas Cech (US) RNA research Elias James Corey (US) Retrosynthetic analysis

Richard R Ernst (Switz.) Spectroscopy development Rudolph A Marcus (US) Electron transfer

1989 Hans Dehmelt (US) Wolfgang Paul (Ger.) Norman Ramsey (US)

1990 Jerome Friedman (US) Henry Kendall (US) Richard Taylor (Can.) Quark model theory

1991 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Fr.) Superconductivity theory

1992 George Charpak (Fr.) Elementary particle study

Dudley Herschbach (US) Yuan T Lee (US) John C Polyani (Can.) Analytical methodology

1986 Ernst Ruska (Ger.) Gerd Binnig (Ger.) Heinrich Rohrer (Switz.) Electron microscopes

Johann Deisenhofer (Ger.) Robert Huber (Ger.) Hartmut Michel (Ger.) Photosynthesis research

Herbert A Hauptman (US) Jerome Karle (US) Mapping chemical structure of small molecules

1985 Klaus von Klitzing (Ger.) Discovery of quantised Hall effect concerning exact measurement of electrical resistance

1988 Leon Lederman (US) Melvin Schwartz (US) Jack Steinberger (US) Subatomic particle research

Bruce Merrifield (US) Development of a method of polypeptide synthesis

1984 Carlo Rubbia (Ita.) Simon van der Meer (Neth.) Discovery of subatomic particles W and Z which supports electro weak theory

Charles J Pedersen (US) Donald J Cram (US) Jean-Marie Lehn (Fr.) molecule development

Henry Taube (Can.) Study of electron transfer reactions

1983 S Chandrasekhar (US) William A Fowler (US) Research into stars

1987 J Georg Bednorz (Ger.) K Alex Müller (Switz.) Discovery of new superconducting materials

Chemistry Aaron Klug (Brit.) Determination of structure of biological substances

Physics 1982 Kenneth G Wilson (US) Analysis of continuous phase transitions

650 Derek Walcott (St Lucia) Poet

Nadine Gordimer (SA)

Octavio Paz (Mex.) Poet

Camilo Jose Cela (Spa.) Poet and novelist

Naguib Mahfouz (Egypt) Novelist

Joseph Brodsky (US) Poet and essayist

Wole Soyinka (Nigeria) Playwright and poet

Claude Simon (Fr.) Novelist

Jaroslav Seifert (Czech.) Poet

William Golding (Brit.) Novelist

Literature Gabriel G Márquez (Col.) Novelist, journalist and social critic

Edmond H Fischer (US) Edwin G Krebs (US) Protein regulation

Erwin Neher (Ger.) Bert Sakmann (Ger.) Patch-clamp technique

Joseph E Murray (US) E Donnall Thomas (US)

J Michael Bishop (US) Harold E Varmus (US)

James W Black (Brit.) Gertrude B Elion (US) George H Hitchings (US) Drug research

Tonegawa Susumu (Jap.) Study of genetic aspects of antibodies

Stanley Cohen (US) Rita Levi-Montalcini (Ita.) Discovery of regulatory agents concerning cell growths

Michael S Brown (US) Joseph L Goldstein (US) Cholesterol metabolism cell receptors

Niels K Jerne (Den.) Georges J F Kohler (Ger.) Cesar Milstein (Arg.) Study of monoclonal antibodies

Barbara McLintock (US) Discovery of mobile plant genes affecting heredity

Medicine Sune K Bergström (Swe.) Bengt I Samuelsson (Swe.) John R Vane (Brit.) Prostaglandins research

Rigoberta Menchú (Guat.)

Aung San Suu Kyi (Burma)

Mikhail Gorbachev (Rus.)

Tenzin Gyatso (Tib.) Dalai Lama XIV

UN Peacekeeping Forces

Oscar Arias Sanchez (Costa Rica)

Elie Wiesel (Fr.)

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (founded 1980)

Desmond Tutu (SA)

Lech Walesa (Pol.)

Peace Alva Myrdal (Swed.) Alfonso G. Robles (Mex.)

Gary S Becker (US) Microeconomic analysis

Ronald Coase (Brit.) Transaction cost theory

Harry M Markowitz (US) Merton Miller (US) William Sharpe (US) Financial economic theory

Trygve Haavelmo (Nor.) Quantitative economics

Maurice Allais (Fr.) Market theory

Robert M Solow (US) Economic growth theory

James M Buchanan (US) Political theories advocating limited government role in the economy

Franco Modigliani (US) Financial market theory and household savings

Richard Stone (Brit.) Development of national income accounting system

Gerard Debreu (US) Mathematical proof of supply and demand theory

Economics George Stigler (US) Economic effects of governmental regulation

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Alan J Heeger (US) Alan G MacDiarmid (US) Hideki Shirakawa (Japan) Discovery of conductive polymers

William S Knowles (US) Ryoji Noyori (Jap.) Work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions K Barry Sharpless (US) Work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions

2000 Herbert Kroemer (Ger.) Zhores Alferov (Ger.) Developing semiconductor heterostructures Jack S Kilby (US) Invention of the integrated circuit

2001 Eric A Cornell (US) Wolfgang Ketterle (Ger.) Carl E Wieman (US) Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms and studies of the properties of the condensates

John Walker (Brit.) Paul Boyer (US) Jens Skou (Den.) Molecular biology research

1997 Steven Chu (US) Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Fr.) William D Phillips (US) Atom research

Ahmed Zewai (Egypt) Femtosecond spectroscopy

Harry Kroto (Brit.) Robert Curl (US) Richard Smalley (US) Discovery of C60 molecule

1996 David M Lee (US) Douglas D Osheroff (US) Robert C Richardson (US) Discovery of superfluidity in helium-3

1999 Gerardus T Hooft (Neth.) Martinus J G Veltman (Neth.) Study of electro-weak interactions

F Sherwood Rowland (US) Mario Molina (Mex.) Paul Crutzen (Ned.) Ozone layer research

1995 Martin L Pearl (US) Tau lepton discovery Frederick Reines (US) Neutrino detection

John Pople (Brit.) Walter Kohn (USA) Quantum theory application to molecules

George Olah (US) Carbocations

1994 Clifford Shull (US) Bertram Brockhouse (Can.) Study of neutron beams

1998 Robert B Laughlin (US) Horst L Stormer (Ger.) Daniel C Tsui (US) Quantum fluids

Chemistry Kary Banks Mullis (US) Polymerase chain reaction Michael Smith (Can.) Mutagenesis theory

Physics 1993 Russell Hulse (US) Joseph Hooton Taylor (US) Discovery of new type of pulsar

651 V S Naipaul (Trin.)

Gao Xingjian (China)

Günter Grass (Ger.) Novelist

José Saramago (Port.) Novelist

Dario Fo (Ita.) Playwright

Wislawa Szymborska (Pol.) Poet

Seamus Heaney (Ire.) Poet

Kenzaburo Oe (Jap.) Novelist

Literature Toni Morrison (US) Novelist

Leland H Hartwell (US) R Timothy Hunt (Brit.) Sir Paul M Nurse (Brit.) Discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle

Arvid Carlsson (Sweden) Paul Greengard (US) Eric Kandel (US) Research into signal transduction in the nervous system

Günter Blobel (Ger.) Study of proteins

Robert S Furghgott (US) Louis J Ignarro (US) Ferid Murad (US) Cardiovascular research

Stanley B Prusiner (US) Discovery of prions

Peter C Doherty (Aus.) Rolf M Zinkernagel (Switz.)

Edward B Lewis (US) Eric F Wieschaus (US) C Nüsslein-Volhard (Ger.) Genes theory

Martin Rodbell (US) Alfred G Gilman (US) Discovery of G protein

Medicine Richard Roberts (Brit.) Phillip Allen Sharp (US) Mosaic genes discovery

Robert E Lucas (US) Macroeconomic analysis

John Nash (US) John Harsanyi (US) Reinhard Selten (Ger.) Games theory

Economics Robert Fugel (US) Douglas North (US) Quantitative methods as reasons for economic change

United Nations Kofi Annan (Gha.) for their work for a better-organised and more peaceful world

Kim Dae Jung (S. Korea) Work in reconciliation with North Korea

Médecins Sans Frontières (Belg.)

John Hume (N. Ire.) David Trimble (N. Ire.) For ‘Good Friday’ Agreement

Ms Jodie Williams (US) and International Campaign to Ban Landmines

George A Akerlof (US) A Michael Spence (US) Joseph E Stiglitz (US) Analyses of markets with asymmetric information

James J Heckman (Ger.) Daniel L McFadden (US) Contribution to economic theory and analysis

Robert A Mundell (Can.) Fiscal policy analysis

Amartya Sen (India) Welfare economics

Robert Merton (US) Myron Scholes (US) Fischer Black (US) Contribution to economic theory

Jose Ramos-Horta (E. Timor) James Mirrlees (Brit.) Bishop Carlos Belo of Dili William Vickrey (Can.)

Joseph Rotblat (Brit.) Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs

Yasser Arafat (Pal.) Shimon Peres (Isr.) Yitzhak Rabin (Isr.)

Peace Nelson Mandela (SA) F W de Klerk (SA)

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Aaron Ciechanover (Isr.) Elfriede Jelinek (Austria) Avram Hershko (Isr.) Irwin Rose (US) Discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation Robert Grubbs (US) Richard Schrock (US) Yves Chauvin (Fr.) Work in the field of olefin metathesis

Roger D Kornberg (US) Study of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription

Gerhard Ertl (Ger.) Study of chemical processes on solid surfaces

Osamu Shimomura (Jap.) Martin Chalfie (US) Roger Y Tsien (US) Discovery and development of green fluorescent protein

2004 David J Gross (US) H David Politzer (US) Frank Wilczek (US) Discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction

2005 Roy J Glauber (US) John L Hall (US) Theodor W Hänsch (US) Glauber awarded half the prize for quantum theory of optical coherence. Hall and Hänsch awarded half for work in precision spectroscopy

2006 John C Mather (US) George F Smoot (US) Discovery of the black body form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation

2007 Albert Fert (Fr.) Peter Grünberg (Ger.) Discovery of giant magnetoresistance which revolutionised read heads in disk drives


2008 Yoichiro Nambu (US) Makoto Kobayashi (Jap.) Toshihide Maskawa (Jap.) Discovery of mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics

J M G Le Clézio (Fr.)

Doris Lessing (Brit.)

Orhan Pamuk (Turkey)

Harold Pinter (Brit.)

John M Coetzee (SA)

Peter Agre (US) Roderick MacKinnon (US) Discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes

2003 Alexei A Abrikosov (Rus.) Vitaly L Ginzburg (Rus.) Anthony J Leggett (Brit.) Pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids

Literature Imre Kertész (Hung.)

Chemistry John B Fenn (US) Koichi Tanaka (Jap.) Soft desorption ionisation methods Kurt Wüthrich (Switz.) Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Physics 2002 Raymond Davis Jr (US) Masatoshi Koshiba (Jap.) Detection of cosmic neutrinos Riccardo Giacconi (US) Discovery of cosmic X-ray sources

Al Gore (US) ᪽Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Muhammad Yunus (Bang.) Grameen Bank For efforts to create economic and social development

Mohamed ElBaradei (Egy.) International Atomic Energy Agency For efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used by military

Wangari Maathai (Ken.) For her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace

Shirin Ebadi (Iran) For her efforts for democracy and human rights, particularly those of women and children

Peace Jimmy Carter (US) for his efforts to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts

Harald zur Hausen (Ger.) Martti Ahtisaari (Fin.) Discovery of the role of ᪽Peace negotiations in papilloma viruses Kosovo Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (Fr.) Luc Montagnier (Fr.) For their discovery of HIV

Mario Capecchi (US) Martin Evans (Brit.) Oliver Smithies (US) Gene targeting research

Andrew Z Fire (US) Craig C Mello (US) Discovery of RNA interference

Barry J Marshall (Aus.) J Robin Warren (Aus.) Discovery of bacterium Helicobacter pylori

Richard Axel (US) Linda B Buck (US) Discoveries of odorant receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system

Paul C Lauterbur (US) Sir Peter Mansfield (Brit.) Discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging

Medicine Sydney Brenner (Brit.) H Robert Horvitz (US) John E Sulston (Brit.) Study of genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death

Paul Krugman (US) Contributions to New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography

Leonid Hurwicz (US) Eric Maskin (US) Roger Myerson (US) Mechanism design

Edmund Phelps (US) Analysis of short-run and long-run effects of economic policy

Robert Avmann (Isr.) Thomas Schelling (US) Game theory analysis

Finn E Kydland (Nor.) Edward C Prescott (US) Contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic ᪽policy and the driving forces behind business cycles

Robert F Engle III (US) Clive W J Granger (Brit.) Engle: methods of analysing economic time series with time-varying volatility Granger: methods of analysing economic time series with common trends

Economics Daniel Kahneman (Isr.) Application of psychological research into economic science Vernon L Smith (US) Experiments in the study of alternative market mechanisms

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Richard F. Heck (US) Ei-ichi Negishi (US) Akira Suzuki (Jap.) palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis Dan Shechtman (Isr.) discovery of quasicrystals

Robert J. Lefkowitz (US) Brian K. Kobilka (US) studies of G-proteincoupled receptors

2010 Andre Geim (Rus.) Konstantin Novoselov (Rus.) groundbreaking experiments regarding two-dimensional material grapheme

2011 Saul Perlmutter (US) Brian P. Schmidt (US) Adam G. Riess (US) discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe

2012 Serge Haroche (Fra.) David J. Wineland (US) measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems

Mo Yan (China)

Tomas Tranströmer (Sweden)

Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru)

Literature Herta Müller (Ger.)

Sir John B. Gurdon (Brit.) Shinya Yamanaka (Jap.) discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent

Bruce A. Beutler (US) Jules A. Hoffmann (Fra.) Ralph M. Steinman (US) immunity research

Robert G. Edwards (Brit.) development of in vitro fertilization

Medicine Elizabeth Blackburn (US) Carol W Greider (US) Jack W Szostak (US) Chromosome research

European Union (EU)

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Lib.) Leymah Gbowee (Lib.) Tawakkol Karman (Yem.) women’s rights

Liu Xiaobo (China) long struggle for human rights in China

Peace Barack Obama (US) Efforts to strengthen international diplomacy

General Information Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Physics, Chemistry and Economics Prizes. Swedish Karolinska Institute awards the Medicine Prize. Swedish Academy of Arts awards the Literature Prize. The Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of 5 members of the Norwegian Storting. Nils Dalen, the 1912 Nobel Prizewinner for Physics, was blinded in 1913 by an explosion whilst conducting an experiment. Eight fathers and sons have won Nobels although William and Lawrence Bragg were the only father and son to win a prize in the same year. A woman had never won the Economics Prize until 2009. Jan and Niko Tinbergen are the only siblings to win Nobels. Husband and wife Pierre and Marie Curie, and their daughter Irene and her husband Frédéric Joliot-Curie, all won Nobels.

NB: Many of the award winners listed above have dual nationalities. The nationality given is therefore not necessarily the country of birth.

Chemistry Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (US) Thomas A Steitz (US) Ada E Yonath (Isr.) Study of the structure and function of the ribosome

Physics 2009 Charles K Kao (US) Development and use of fibre optics in telecommunications Willard S Boyle (US) George E Smith (US) Invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor. Kao was awarded half the prize and other half was shared

Alvin E. Roth (US) Lloyd S. Shapley (US) theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design

Thomas J. Sargent (US) Christopher A. Sims (US) empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy

Peter A. Diamond (US) Dale T. Mortensen (US) Christopher A. Pissarides (Brit.) analysis of markets with search frictions

Economics Elinor Ostrom (US) Oliver E Williamson (US) Analysis of economic governance

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ORGANISATIONS Chairmen or Chief Executives (as at October 2013)

Aberdeen Football Club Stewart Milne (C) Adidas-Salomon Herbert Hainer (CE) Amstrad Simon Ball (CE) Ann Summers Jacqueline Gold (CE) Apple Inc Arthur D. Levinson (C); Tim Cook (CE) Arsenal Football Club Sir John "Chips" Keswick (C) Arts Council England Sir Peter Bazalgette (C); Alan Davey (CE) Aston Villa Football Club Randy Lerner (C) AT&T Inc Randall Stephenson (C & CE) @UK (aka ATUK) Ronald Duncan (C); Lyn Duncan (CE) Barclays Sir David Walker (C); Antony Jenkins (CE) BAT (British American Tobacco) Richard Burrows (C); Nicandro Durante (CE) BBC Lord Patten of Barnes (C); Lord Hall of Birkenhead (DirectorGeneral) BMW Dr Norbert Reithofer (CE) Boeing W James McNerney Jr (C & CE) Boosey & Hawkes John Minch (CE) BP Bob Dudley (CE) Bradford & Bingley Richard Pym (C) British Airways Keith Williams (CE) BSkyB Nicholas Ferguson (C); Jeremy Darroch (CE) BT Sir Michael Rake (C); Gavin Patterson (CE) BUPA Stuart Fletcher (CE) Burger King Alexandre Behring (C); Bernardo Hees (CE) Cadbury Irene Rosenfeld (C & CE) Camelot Dianne Thompson (CE) Carillion Philip Rogerson (C); Richard Howson (CE) Carpetright Lord Harris of Peckham (C); Darren Shapland (CE) Carrefour Georges Plassat (C & CE) Centrica Roger Carr (C); Sam Laidlaw (CE) Channel 4 Lord Burns (C); David Abraham (CE) Coca Cola Company Muhtar Kent (C & CE) Coutts and Company Lord Home (C), Rory Tapner (CE) Daimler Dieter Zetsche (C & CE) DC Thomson Andrew Thomson (C) Debenhams Nigel Northridge (C); Michael Sharp (CE) De La Rue Nicholas Brookes (C); Tim Cobbold (CE) Diageo (Guinness & Grand Met) Franz Humer (C); Ivan Menezes (CE) Easyjet Carolyn McCall (CE) Economist Group, The Rupert Pennant-Rea (C); Chris Stibbs (CE) EDF Energy Vincent de Rivaz (CE) Energis Archie Norman (C); John Pluthero (CE) Eurotunnel PLC Jacques Gounon (C&CE) Fiat John Elkann (C); Sergio Marchionne (CE) First City Care Grahame Harding (C) Ford Motor Company William C. Ford, Jr (C); Alan R. Mulally (CE) France Telecom Didier Lombard (C&CE) Friends Provident Trevor Matthews (CE) Friends Reunited Owned by DC Thomson FTSE Group Mark Makepeace (CE) General Motors Daniel Akerson (C & CE) GKN Roy Brown (C); Nigel Stein (CE) GlaxoSmithKline Sir Christopher Gent (C); Andrew Witty (CE) Greene King Timothy Bridge (C); Rooney Anand (CE) Guardian Media Group Amelia Fawcett (C); Andrew Miller (CE) GUS Sir Victor Blank (C) Halfords Matt Davies (CE) Hanson PLC Patrick O’Shea (CE) Harrods Michael Ward (CE) Hays Alan Thomson (C); Alistair Cox (CE) HBOS Lord Stevenson of Coddenham (C) House of Fraser Don McCarthy (C); John King (CE) HSBC Douglas Flint (C); Stuart Gulliver (CE) IBM Ginni Rometty (C & CE) Imperial Tobacco Iain Napier (C); Alison Cooper (CE)

ITV PLC Archie Norman (C); Adam Crozier (CE) J D Wetherspoon Tim Martin (C); John Hutson (CE) Jessops Peter Jones (C & CE) J J B Sports Keith Jones (C); David Williams (CE) Johnson Matthey Tim Stevenson (C); Neil Carson (CE) John Lewis Partnership Charlie Mayfield (C) John Menzies Iain Napier (C) J Sainsbury David Tyler (C); Justin King (CE) Kellogg James M Jenness (C); John A. Bryant (CE) KFC Roger Eaton (C & CE) Kingfisher Daniel Bernard (C); Ian Cheshire (CE) Laura Ashley Khoo Kay Peng (C); Lilian Tan (CE) Lego Jørgen Vig Knudstorp (CE) Leicester City Football Club Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha (C) Liverpool FC Tom Werner (C) Lloyds Banking Group Sir Win Bischoff (C); António Horta Osório (CE) London Stock Exchange Christopher Gibson-Smith (C); Xavier Rolet (CE) Manchester City PLC Khaldoon Al Mubarak (C) Manchester United PLC Joel and Avram Glazer (joint C) Marks & Spencer Robert Swannell (C); Mark Bolland (CE) Wm Morrison Sir Ian Gibson (C); Dalton Philips (CE) Motorola Dennis Woodside (C & CE) National Westminster Bank Sir Philip Hampton (C); Stephen Hester (CE) Nestlé Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (C); Paul Bulcke (CE) Newcastle United Mike Ashley (C) News Corp K R Murdoch (C&CE) Nissan Carlos Ghosn (C & CE) Nottingham Forest PLC Fawaz Al-Hasawi (C) Ocado Michael Grade (C); Tim Steiner (CE) Old Mutual PLC Patrick O’Sullivan (C) Orange S.A (formerly France Télécom S.A.) Stéphane Richard (C & CE) Orange UK Olaf Swantee (CE) Pearson PLC Glen Moreno (C); John Fallon (CE) Pension Protection Fund Lady Judge (C); Alan Rubenstein (CE) Prudential Paul Manduca (C); Tidjane Thiam (CE) Railway Heritage Trust Sir William McAlpine (C) Rio Tinto Jan du Plessis (C); Sam Walsh (CE) Rolls-Royce PLC Simon Robertson (C); John Rishton (CE) Royal Bank of Scotland Ross McEwan (CE) Royal Opera House Alex Beard (CE) Ryanair Michael O’Leary (CE) Sage Group Donald Brydon (C); Guy Berruyer (CE) Santander UK Lord Burns (C); Ana Patricia Botín (CE) Scottish Power Ignacio Sánchez Galán (C); Jose Luis del Valle Doblado (CE) Siemens Gerhard Cromme (C); Joe Kaeser (CE) Signet Jewelers Todd Stitzer (C); Terry Burman (CE) Sony Osamu Nagayama (C); Kazuo Hirai (CE) Sports Direct Keith Hellawell (C); Dave Forsey (CE) Tata Steel Europe (formerly Corus) Karl-Ulrich Kohler (CE) Tate and Lyle Sir Peter Gershon (C); Javed Ahmed (CE) Taylor Woodrow Norman Askew (C); Ian Smith (CE) Tesco Sir Richard Broadbent (C); Philip Clarke (CE) Thomson Reuters David Thomson (C); James C. Smith (CE) Time Warner Jeffrey Bewkes (C&CE) Tottenham Hotspur PLC Daniel Levy (C) Toyota Takeshi Uchiyamada (C); Akio Toyoda (CE) Unilever Michael Treschow (C); Paul Polman (CE) Virgin Group Sir Richard Branson (C) Vodafone Gerard Kleisterlee (C); Vittorio Colao (CE) Volkswagen Group Ferdinand K. Piëch (C); Martin Winterkorn (CE) Walmart Samuel Robson Walton (C); Mike Duke (CE) Wellcome Trust Sir William Castell (C)

Key: C = Chairman; CE = Chief Executive


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Organisations, Movements and Bodies ACP the 68 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries which have special trade relations with the European Union. Action Directe left wing French revolutionary group formed in 1979 and responsible for numerous bombings. Agenda 21 blueprint for action adopted at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio setting out requirements for sustainable development. Aipac American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Israel’s official lobbying arm in the USA and as such part of the influential US Jewish lobby. Based in Washington, DC. Akali Dal supreme political organisation of the Indian Sikh community. Founded in December 1920 and based in the Punjab. Alawi Islamic sub-sect signifying followers of the Caliph Ali, revered by Shias. Prominent in Syria, Lebanon and Turkey. Alfaro Vive Carajo! translates as ‘Alfaro Lives, Dammit!’ Ecuadorean left-wing nationalist guerrilla group named in memory of the President 1895–1901, 1906–11. Al-Fatah (Arabic: victory) Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine. Mainstream component of the PLO founded by Yasser Arafat in 1958. Alpha 66 paramilitary group of anti-Castroites based in Miami. Formed in 1962 and named after its 66 founder members. Al-Qaeda international terrorist group formed in the late 1980s by Osama bin Laden and Muhammad Atef and dedicated to opposing non-Islamic governments with force and violence. Amazon Pact signed in July 1978 by Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. Committed to preserving ecological balance of the Amazon region. Amnesty International founded in 1961 by Peter Benenson and Sean Macbride Kropotkin, it campaigns for the release of prisoners of conscience. ANC African National Congress, South Africa’s principal antiapartheid organisation, banned 1960–90 but now the majority party in ruling coalition. Angry Brigade small anarchistic group in the UK in existence in 1968–71, which carried out several bombings. Anti-Nazi League left wing organisation in the UK formed in the 1970s to combat racist parties and more recently the BNP. Anzus security pact between Australia, NZ and the USA signed in San Francisco on 1 September 1951. Initially formed as deterrent to Japan but no longer operational. Apostles Cambridge University Conversation Society founded in 1820. Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt were recruited from the Apostles by Soviet Intelligence. Arab League organisation formed in 1945 originally for mutual economic aid but now dealing with the Middle East peace process. ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations. Founded in 1967, members include Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Brunei. Baader-Meinhof Gang extremist left wing terrorist group active in Germany in the late 1960s; later became the Rote Armee Fraktion. Ba’ath movement founded in Syria in the 1940s by Michel Aflaq with the aim of creating a single socialist Arab nation. Band Aid charity formed by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure in December 1984 for the purpose of famine relief in Ethiopia. BCCI Bank of Credit and Commerce International which collapsed in July 1991. Lord Justice Bingham criticised the Bank of England’s supervisory role. Benelux grouping of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg for a mutually advantageous economic climate. Founded in 1932 by the Convention of Ouchy. Black Berets élite paramilitary police force formed by the Soviet Interior Ministry in 1987. Aka Omon, they had a reputation for ruthlessness, especially in the Baltic States. Black Sash South African women’s anti-apartheid organisation formed in 1955 as the Women’s Defence of the Constitution League in response to the removal of the vote for coloureds. The black sash was worn as a peaceful protest against violation of rights. Black September Palestinian terrorist group, named in memory of the Jordanian expulsion of Palestinians in Sepember 1970. Responsible for the Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes. B’Nai B’rith international Jewish organisation founded in 1843 and based in Washington, DC. BND the German Federal Intelligence Service, founded in 1956 under the ex-Nazi Reinhard Gehlen and based in Munich. Boss Bureau of State Security, a now defunct branch of the South African Intelligence Service. Founded in 1969 by PM J B Vorster. Boundaries Commission UK body responsible for defining the boundaries of parliamentary constituencies. Boys Brigade founded by William Smith in 1883. Boys’ Clubs although boys’ clubs were in existence in British cities in the 19th century, the National Association was founded in 1925. BRA Bougainville Revolutionary Army, a guerrilla force fighting for independence for the mineral-rich island of Bougainville from the state of Papua New Guinea.

Brigate Rosse (Red Brigades) leftwing urban guerrillas responsible for a spate of kidnappings and bombings in the 1970s culminating in the murder of former PM Aldo Moro in 1978. British Academy Established in 1901; full title ‘British Academy for the Promotion of Historical, Philosophical and Philological Studies’. British Council Established in 1934 and funded by the government for the purpose of representing British culture abroad. With offices in more than 80 countries, it arranges for visits by British artists, lecturers and performers, mounts exhibitions, teaches English and provides libraries of British books. Brookings Institution Influential US think-tank based in Washington, DC, and comprised of distinguished figures from various fields. Bruges Group Informal Conservative grouping of ‘Eurosceptics’, named from a speech made in the Belgian city of Bruges on 20 September 1988 by Margaret Thatcher. Camorra Network of groups engaged in organised crime in Naples. Caricom Caribbean Community and Common Market, an alliance of English-speaking Caribbean countries promoting economic, political and cultural unity. Central African Federation Federation of the British colonies of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Nyasaland (Malawi). Established in 1953 and dissolved in 1963. Central Committee Organ of the Communist Party of Soviet Union whose full members elected the powerful Politburo and secretariat. CERM Centre d’Exploitation du Renseignement Militaire (Centre for Exploitation of Military intelligence). French internal security agency, formerly called Deuxième Bureau until 10 Dec. 1971. CERN European Centre for Nuclear Research, a co-operative agency with 12 member countries founded in 1952 and located outside Geneva. Charter 88 Pressure group demanding a new constitutional settlement guaranteeing human rights in the UK. In November 2007 it merged with the New Politics Network to form Unlock Democracy. Chetniks Serbian nationalist army of resistance led by Draza Mihailovic, which occupied parts of east and south Yugoslavia during the second world war. Term now applies to all Serb irregulars. CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, the main policy-making body of the Commonwealth, meeting every 2 years. CIA Central Intelligence Agency, often referred to internally as ‘The Company’. Its HQ is at Langley, Virginia. Civic Forum Czech coalition of parties formed during the Velvet Revolution in November 1989 as opposition to communism. Club of Rome non-governmental association of industrialists, policy analysts and scientists, seeking to bring their different perspectives to bear on problems of the global economy. CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, a British organisation which mobilised mass opposition to nuclear weapons in general and the UK’s independent nuclear deterrent in particular. Founder members in 1958 include Bertrand Russell. Comecon Informal name for the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), founded in 1949 as a response to the USA’s Marshall Plan. Members included Warsaw Pact countries (excluding Albania) and Cuba, Mongolia and Vietnam. Committee of 100 Militant offshoot of CND, formed in 1960, headed by Bertrand Russell; its main weapon was ‘sit down’ protests. Commonwealth of Nations Voluntary association of 53 member states which evolved from the British Empire, latterly concerned with postcolonial economic and cultural development. Originated with the 1931 Statute of Westminster. Elizabeth II is monarch of sixteen Commonwealth states. Current (2013) Secretary-General is Kamalesh Sharma, a former High Commissioner for India in London. Confederation of British Industry CBI, formed in 1965 via merger of Federation of British Industries, British Employers’ Confederation and National Association of British Manufacturers. Congress Bicameral legislature of the USA consisting of a 100member senate elected for 6 years, with a third being renewed every 2 years, and a 435-member House of Representatives (lower house) elected for 2 years. Each state sends 2 senators to the upper house. Contadora Group Latin American peace initiative in Central America set up by Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela in January 1983; controversially recognises Nicaraguan Sandinistas. Contras Nicaraguan counter-revolutionary forces financed during the 1980s by the US Reagan administration, in part illegally, as revealed by the Iran–Contra affair. Many Contras offered allegiance to the dictator Anastasio Somoza, ousted in 1979. Council of Europe Intergovernmental organisation with its HQ in Strasbourg. Founded on 5 May 1949 to promote civil society and human rights. CPLA Cordillera People’s Liberation Army, a guerrilla group operating in the Philippines until it signed a ceasefire with President Corazon Aquino on 13 Sept. 1986. Creep Committee to Re-elect the President. Established to re-elect Richard Nixon in 1972 by orchestrating a dirty tricks campaign against his Democratic opponents, which led to Watergate scandal.


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Dáil Éireann 166-seat lower house of the legislature of Eire. Members are elected for 5-year term on the basis of proportional representation. Translates as ‘Assembly of Ireland’. Death Squads Rightwing paramilitary groups often associated with conniving governments who assassinate those deemed a threat to the state. Term was coined in the 1960s in Brazil, when the police force used such squads, perhaps financed by the CIA. Dergue Military ruling body in Ethiopia (1973-91), closely associated with the Marxist-Leninist regime of Lt-Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam. Deuxième Bureau French internal security agency run by the Ministry of the Interior and Administative Reform. Changed its name to CERMಝin 1971. DGSE Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (General Directorate for External Security), the French foreign secret service established on 4 April 1982. Diet Japanese bicameral legislature consisting of a House of Representatives (lower chamber) elected for a 4-year term and a House of Councillors (upper chamber), half of whose members are elected every 3 years. Dina Chilean secret police serving the military junta during 1970s. DST Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire. The French counterpart to the FBI or MI5. Duma The name of the parliament of Imperial Russia but now referring to the lower house of the new Russian parliament. Earth Day Annual worldwide effort on 22 April by pressure groups to focus public attention on environmental issues. Earth Summit World environmental conference also known as the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro on 3–14 June 1992 and billed as the largest-ever gathering of world leaders. EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, founded May 1990 by 39 countries (including USA and Russia), plus the European Commission and the European Investment Bank. Conceived by French president François Mitterrand to aid the Eastern European transition to a market economy. Economic and Social Council ECOSOC, one of the 6 principal organs of the UN, established under Chapter X of the UN Charter, responsible for co-ordination of UN specialised agencies. ECSC European Coal and Steel Community, which brought Italy and Benelux countries into Franco-German co-operation framework of 1950 Schuman Plan, forerunner of EEC. EEC European Economic Community, founded under Treaty of Rome in March 1957 by France, Germany, Italy and Benelux countries; came into operation in January 1958. EFTA European Free Trade Association, set up in 1960 under the Stockholm Convention. Its 7 original members were UK, Denmark (left in 1973 to join the EC), Portugal (left 1986), Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Sweden. EMS European Monetary System, an arrangement for closer monetary co-operation within the EC, operational from March 1979. EMU European Monetary Union, dating back to the Werner report of 1971; works to promote the smooth operation of capital transfers within participating countries. EOKA National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters, Greek Cypriot movement which from 1955 until the independence of Cyprus in 1960 fought a guerrilla campaign against British rule. ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism, regarded as the core of the EMS but badly damaged when the UK and Italy pulled out as a result of Black Wednesday in September 1992. ESA European Space Agency, formed in 1973 as a result of the merger of the European Space Research Organisation and the European Launcher Development Organisation and committed to a European Space policy. ETA Basque Fatherland and Freedom, militant separatist organisation which fights for the independence of the Basque country from Spain. EU European Union, currently consisting of 27 member states: Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands (1957), Denmark, Eire, UK (1973), Greece (1981), Portugal, Spain (1986), Austria, Finland, Sweden (1995), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia (2004), Bulgaria and Romania (2007). Motto: United in Diversity; anthem: Ode to Joy. European Communities more generally referred to as the EU since 1 November 1993, the date on which the Maastricht Treaty on the European Union came into force. European Court of Justice set up in Luxembourg under 1958 Treaty of Rome and responsible for ruling on whether EU member countries are acting in accord with Community Law. European Parliament one of 3 principal institutions of the EU, with the Council of Ministers and European Commission. Elections held every 5 years and parliament meets in Strasbourg. Falange Spain’s rightwing nationalist party formed in 1937 by General Francisco Franco and formally abolished on 1 April 1977. Falashas name assigned to Ethiopian Jews, which they themselves reject in favour of the name Beta Israel (House of Israel). FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation founded in 1945; it aims to combat malnutrition and hunger.

Fascism a 20th-century ideology which has been interpreted as rightwing or centrist in orientation. Derived from the Latin fasces (bundle of rods sometimes including an axe used by Roman magistrates as a symbol of authority), term became prominent following Mussolini’s ‘March on Rome’ in 1922. FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, part of US Justice Department dealing with violations of federal law; has its HQ in Washington DC. FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK government department responsible for external relations and representation. The FCO was created in 1968 through the merger of the original Foreign Office (formed in 1782) and the Commonwealth Office. FLN Front de Libération Nationale (National Liberation Front), political organisation during Algeria’s independence struggle (1954– 62). Founded 1954 under leadership of Ahmed Ben Bella. FLNC Front de Libération Nationale de la Corse (Corsican National Liberation Front). Formed in May 1976, it is a clandestine extremist group fighting for self-determination from France. Force de Frappe independent French nuclear weapons strike force instigated by Charles de Gaulle in December 1960 as a protest at the special relationship between the UK and USA. Four D’s democratisation, disarmament, decartelisation and denazification, implemented against the defeated Germans by the Allies and agreed at Potsdam. Friends of the Earth international environmental pressure group, originating in the USA as an offshoot of the Sierra Club. It supports research on environmental issues, lobbies policy makers, and has been most successful in increasing public awareness. G8 Group of 8 most powerful industrialised countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, USA and the UK. GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters, part of the UK intelligence machinery which provides government departments and military commands with signals intelligence. Established in 1946 as the successor to the Government Code and Cipher School. Geneva Conventions body of international humanitarian laws adopted in Geneva on 12 August 1949 and endorsed by the UN, which are intended to protect and assist war victims. Gleneagles Agreement the 1977 decision by Commonwealth heads of government to ban official sporting links with South Africa until the dismantling of apartheid. Named after the golf club in Scotland which was the venue for the meeting. Gosplan Soviet Union’s State Planning Committee established in 1921 to work out a single state economic plan. Greenpeace pressure group whose members, now organised internationally with a headquarters in Amsterdam, engage in nonviolent action to disrupt environmentally damaging projects. Founded 1971 when nuclear tests on Amchitka Island, Alaska were disrupted. Grey Panthers US pressure group organised to promote the interests of the elderly. Name derived from the Black Panthers. Guardian Angels US volunteer group founded in 1979 to fight crime in New York City. Wearing red berets, they have been accused of being vigilantes. Gulag Soviet acronym, Chief Directorate of Labour Camps. Established in 1930, estimates put number of inmates in the 1940s at over 8 million, of whom 85% were political prisoners. Haganah Jewish defence force which operated from 1920 until the creation of Israel in 1948 to defend Jewish settlements in Palestine. Hallstein Doctrine West German policy in 1950s and 1960s of severing diplomatic relations with any state recognising East Germany and refusing relations with any communist country except the Soviet Union. Hamas acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement, a radical islamic group operating in Israeli-occupied territorities. Founded in February 1988 by Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Yassin. harkis Algerian Muslim auxiliary soldiers in the service of the French army during the French occupation of Algeria 1938–62. Hezbollah Party of God. The main fundamentalist, Shia movement in Lebanon, operating in the south against Israel. Human Rights Watch US-based international human rights organisation, the second largest worldwide after Amnesty International. Originated in 1978 with HQ in New York. IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, autonomous organisation within the UN which aims to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy; founded in 1957, and based in Vienna. IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a UN specialised agency more commonly known as the World Bank. Based in Washington, DC, and established in 1945 following the Bretton Woods conference, it is the largest single source of lending for development by its worldwide members. ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation, UN specialised agency which aims to establish international standards necessary for the safety and security of air transport. ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross, founded in 1863 by Swiss philanthropist Henry Dunant after witnessing the battle of Solferino in 1859. IMF International Monetary Fund, usually deemed synonymous with the World Bank, but to gain access to IBRD funds, member states must be members of the IMF.


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Inkatha Zulu word meaning ‘Mystical Coil’, a reference to the coil worn by African women to help them carry heavy weights on their heads. Conservative South African organisation led by Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, founded in 1975 and based in Durban. International Court of Justice based at The Hague and founded in 1946, the ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the UN and is authorized to resolve disputes between UN member states. It is assisted by a governing body composed of 15 judges of differing nationalities, elected for a 9-year term. Interpol International Criminal Police Organisation established in 1923 and based in Lyon. IRA Irish Republican Army, currently the main militant republican movement in Northern Ireland, originally formed in 1919 to fight for Irish independence. John Birch Society extreme right wing group founded in the USA in 1958 by Robert H W Welch, its name deriving from an American intelligence worker killed by Chinese communists in 1945. KGB Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (Committee of State Security), Soviet Union’s security police established in 1954. The KGB was scrapped after the August coup of 1991 and replaced in Russia in Jan. 1994 by the Federal Counterintelligence Service. Knesset The Israeli unicameral legislature, located in Jerusalem. KNU Karen National Union - guerrilla organisation in Burma, which has fought for a separate Karen state since the late 1940s. Ku Klux Klan US white racist paramilitary organisation with long history of violence against blacks. Established in Tennessee at the end of the US Civil War in 1865 and still active. Lok Sabha lower house of the Indian Parliament. Mafia in Italy, the network of organised crime, including the Sicilian Mafia, the Neapolitan Camorra and the Calabrian ’Ndrangheta. Matrix Churchill UK machine tool company at the centre of the events that led to the Scott inquiry established on 15 February 1996, into defence-related exports to Iraq. Paul Henderson, Trevor Abrahams and Peter Allen, executives of the Iraqi-owned Matrix Churchill, were arrested in October 1990 and charged with illegally exporting machine tools to Iraq. All three were acquitted and it emerged that Henderson had acted as an MI6 agent. Mau Mau secret political society in Kenya which developed into a violent anti-colonial rebellion in the 1950s. Médecins Sans Frontières founded in Paris by a group of French doctors in 1971 to provide emergency medical aid worldwide, it is funded by donations. MSF has offices in 20 countries worldwide, the international office being in Brussels MI5 the UK Security Service. The counterintelligence service was originally established in 1909 to assess and combat threats to UK security. MI6 UK’s Secret Intelligence Service. Formed in 1909, its role is to gather intelligence abroad in support of the government’s security, defence, foreign and economic policies. Monday Club right-wing grouping of the UK Conservative Party, formed in 1960. Established in reaction to Harold Macmillan’s wind of change speech, the Club was characterised by support for the South African regime, and subsequently the Rhodesian UDI regime, by advocacy of voluntary repatriation of black Commonwealth immigrants, and by opposition to anti-apartheid activities such as sporting boycotts. Moral Rearmament revivalist movement established in the UK in 1938 by the US-born Lutheran pastor Frank Buchman, which succeeded Buchman’s previous ‘Oxford Movement’, based its teachings on the 4 absolutes of purity, unselfishness, honesty and love, and on the importance of ‘life-change’. Mossad the most important, powerful and prominent of the Israeli intelligence agencies. Founded in 1951 by Isser Harel, who served as its director until 1963, it concerns itself with matters of espionage, intelligence gathering and covert political operations in foreign countries. Mujaheddin-I-Khalq lay guerrilla organisation representing leftwing Muslim groups in Iran. Founded in the early 1970s, it was banned after the Islamic Revolution for its espousal of a variant of Islamic socialism and its criticism of the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini. NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the US government agency created in 1958 to co-ordinate civilian activities in space. National Front fringe UK racist party founded in 1967 from small neo-fascist groups, including League of Empire Loyalists, British National Party, and Racial Preservation Society. National Health Service UK’s state health care system. The architect of the service was Aneurin Bevan, health minister in the Labour government of Clement Attlee, drawing on the Beveridge Report of 1942 on the welfare state. The NHS was officially inaugurated on 5 July 1948. National Trust National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, founded by Octavia Hill in 1895. Nato North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, based in Brussels and formed in April 1949. Nato came into being during the Soviet blockade of Berlin, taking as its basic tenet that an armed attack on any Nato country would be seen as an attack on them all.

New Jewel Movement leftwing party founded in Grenada in 1973 which in 1979 overthrew the government of Sir Eric Gairy and set up a People’s Revolutionary Government under PM Maurice Bishop. 1922 Committee consisting of all Conservative back-bench MPs in the House of Commons. Name commemorates the decision in 1922, forced on the party leadership by Tory backbenchers, to bring down Lloyd George’s coalition government. Graham Brady is the chairman Non-Proliferation Treaty arms control agreement approved by the UN in June 1968 and effective from March 1970. OECD Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, formed in 1961 as the instrument for international co-operation among member states on economic and social policies. HQ in Paris. Oireachtas bicameral legislature of the Republic of Ireland, comprising the 166-seat lower house, the Dáil Éireann, and the 60seat upper house or Senate, the Seanad Éireann. OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Established in Sept. 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, subsequently enlarged to include Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador and Gabon. It aims to unify petroleum policies among member countries in order to ensure stable prices. Ecuador left OPEC in 1993. Organisation of African Unity established in 1963 by 32 African countries to promote continental unity and solidarity of African states. Headquarters are in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. OSS Office for Strategic Services, US intelligence organisation which was the predecessor of the CIA. Established in June 1942. Oxfam Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, founded in 1942 to aid women and children in Nazi-occupied Greece and based in Oxford, it now has 40 overseas field offices. PDSA People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, founded by Mary Dickin in 1917. Pearce Commission UK government body established in Nov. 1971 to investigate whether proposals to settle the dispute with Rhodesia over UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) were acceptable to the Rhodesian people. Pentagon HQ, in Arlington, VA, of the US Defense Department and the Departments of the Army, Navy and Airforce. Phalange main right wing Maronite Christian movement in Lebanon. Phalangist Party spearheaded the Christian side in the Lebanese civil war 1975–91, during which they were allied with Israel. PLO Palestine Liberation Organisation, founded in 1964 as spokesman for all matters concerning the Palestinian people. Yasser Arafat led the PLO between 1969 and 2004 and was succeeded on his death by Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen). Politburo key committee in the leadership structures of most communist parties, elected in the case of the Soviet Union by the central committee of the CPSU. Quai d’Orsay term used for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose HQ is located in this street alongside the River Seine in Paris. Radio Free Europe broadcasting operation covering the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, funded by the US government and operating from Munich under US management. Founded in 1949, it merged with Radio Liberty in 1976 and its aims are to broadcast non-partisan information. Red Army Russian army formed in 1917 by the Bolsheviks and organised by Leon Trotsky to fight the anti-communist white armies. Red Guards groups composed of students and schoolchildren in China who as ‘Red Guards of the Cultural Revolution’ had the task of unmasking revisionists and promoting Maoism. Emerging in 1966, the Red Guard operated for over a year before being disbanded. Risorgimento the 19th-century movement for the political unification of Italy. Royal Academy (of Arts) founded in 1768 at Somerset House but eventually moved to Burlington House. First president was Joshua Reynolds. Royal Automobile Club founded in 1897 and responsible for many aspects of motoring safety and control. Royal Exchange founded by Thomas Gresham in 1568 and home to various financial institutions. The present building was built by William Tite in 1844. Royal Geographical Society founded in 1830 as the Geographical Society of London, it has been sited at Kensington Gore since 1912 in a house designed by Norman Shaw. Royal Horticultural Society established in 1804 and awarded its royal charter in 1861, the RHS holds many shows but is primarily concerned with the Chelsea Flower Show held in Ranelagh Gardens since 1913. The Society has gardens at Wisley, Rosemoor near Great Torrington, Devon, and Hyde Hall, Essex. Royal Institute of British Architects founded in 1834 under the patronage of William IV and given its Royal Charter in 1837. Membership in excess of 30,000; headquarters at Portland Place, London. Royal Institution (of GB) established in 1799 by Count Rumford (Benjamin Thompson), this scientific organisation still has its headquarters in Albemarle St, London W1. Royal Scottish Academy founded in 1826 and occupying a Greek Revival building in Edinburgh built by William Playfair.


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Royal Society founded in 1660, early members included Christopher Wren and Samuel Pepys. Isaac Newton was president 1703–27. SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, held between USSR and USA. Salt I, 1969–72, and Salt II, 1973–4, between Nixon and Brezhnev. Salt II talks were concluded in 1979 by Carter and Brezhnev in Vienna, after which the SALT talks were renamed START. Samaritans Founded by the Rev Chad Varah in November 1953. At this time Varah was Vicar of St Paul’s, Clapham Junction, as well as being the scientific and astronautical consultant to Dan Dare in the Eagle comic strip. He was haunted by the suicide of a 14-year-old girl, who killed herself in 1935 when her periods started because she thought she had VD, and when the opportunity arose the helpline phone number of MAN 9000 was set up on 2 November 1953. In 1974 Chad Varah set up Befrienders International, the overseas equivalent of the Samaritans. Sandinista leftwing Nicaraguan revolutionary movement that overthrew President Anastasio Somoza in 1979. Founded in 1961 and named in honour of Augusto César Sandino, the leader of a small peasant army that waged a campaign (1926–33) against the US occupation of Nicaragua. SAVAK defunct Iranian security organisation established in 1957 with the aid of USA and Israeli intelligence services, and used to crush opposition to Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. Save the Children Fund founded by Eglantyne Jebb, an Englishwoman, who saw starving children in Austria (1919). The Princess Royal is the President. Schengen Group European mainland countries within the EU which are party to the Schengen Agreement on abolishing border controls between their territories while improving police co-operation. The original group which met in Schengen in Luxembourg in June 1985 consisted of the Benelux countries and France and Germany; Spain and Portugal soon ratified the treaty, followed by Italy, Greece and Austria. Securitate communist Romania’s security police which mounted a brutal defence of the regime of Nicolae Ceausescu during the December 1989 revolution. Sejm the lower house of the Polish National Assembly, comprising 460 directly elected members. SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, the NATO military HQ of Allied Command Europe. SHAPE was moved from Paris to near Mons in Belgium in 1967, after De Gaulle’s decision to withdraw France from NATO. Shin Bet the Israeli internal security agency, aka the General Security Service. Sierra Club probably the world’s first environmental pressure group, formed in 1892 in California by naturalist John Muir. Sinn Fein (ourselves alone) prominent revolutionary party fighting initially for the republican independence of Ireland, and, since partition, for the reunification of the country. Situationist International revolutionary group founded by writer Guy Debord and artist Asger Jorn. Active between 1957 and 1972, its ethos was the rejection of capitalism which effectively led to the wildcat strikes of May 1968 in France. Snowdrop Campaign founded after the killing of 16 children in Dunblane on 13 March 1996 and named after the only flower in bloom that day. The campaign, backed by international film star Sean Connery, aims to ban civilian ownership of firearms. Solidarity Polish trade union and opposition movement founded in 1980 by striking workers at the Gdansk shipyard. Its first leader was the future President Lech Walesa. Stasi the Ministry of State Security of communist East Germany, which operated from 1950 to 1990. Stern Gang British name for the Zionist guerrilla group founded in Palestine in 1940 by Abraham Stern and responsible till 1949 for several terrorist attacks. Stormont the Northern Ireland parliament buildings in Belfast, the seat of the N.I. parliament from 1932 until the introduction of direct rule in 1972. Tamil Tigers militant organisation formed in 1976 aiming to achieve and independent Tamil state in northern Sri Lanka. TASS Soviet Union’s state news agency. Tontons Macoutes (from a Creole word meaning ‘Uncle Knapsack’, a bogeyman), the notorious Haitian right-wing secret police, set up in 1958 by Papa Doc Duvalier. TUC Trades Union Congress, the key umbrella employees’ organisation in the UK, founded in 1868. Tulip Revolution Name given to the uprising in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan in March 2005. Many species of tulip are native to the mountains and steppes of Central Asia. Tupamaros Uruguayan guerrilla group named after an 18th-century Peruvian Indian chief Tupac Amarú, and founded in 1962 by Raúl Antonaccio, an activist in sugar cane cutters’ strikes. The group is still active today under the name ‘National Liberation Movement’.

Tynwald parliament of the Isle of Man, a UK Crown Dependency. The principal chamber of Tynwald is the 24-member directly elected House of Keys. Tynwald celebrated its millennium in 1979; only the Althing of Iceland claims to be older (dating back to at least 930). UN General Assembly established under Chapter IV of the UN Charter to act as the organisation’s plenary body, representing all member states, it oversees the work of the UN’s subsidiary bodies. UN Secretariat listed in Chapter III of its Charter, the Secretariat, and the functions of the Secretary-General, are covered in detail in Chapter XV of the Charter. Elected by the Security Council. Secretariatship is usually for a term of 5 years with an automatic option to carry on unless vetoed by a member of the Council. Trygve Lie of Norway took office in Feb. 1946 and his term was extended until he resigned in November 1952, despite a Soviet veto. Other holders have been Dag Hammarskjöld of Sweden (April 1953 until his death in the Congo in September 1961), U Thant of Burma (1961–71), Kurt Waldheim of Austria (1972–81), Javier Pérez de Cuéllar of Peru (1982–91), Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt (1 January 1992 – 1 January 1997, US vetoed continuation), Kofi Annan (1997–2006) and the incumbent Ban Ki-moon of South Korea (from 1 January 2007). UN Security Council established under Chapter V of the Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. It presently has 15 member states, 10 non-permanent members plus China, France, Russia, UK and USA, which are permanent members and carry power of veto. UNESCO Paris-based UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, founded in 1946 to promote international collaboration in those fields of endeavour. USA, UK and Singapore are not members at present after suggestions of financial mismanagement. UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. Founded by Jonas Savimbi in March 1966, UNITA fought alongside the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola during the struggle against colonial rule, but following the Portuguese withdrawal in 1975 it began a rivalry with the MPLA, backed by South Africa and the USA and not yet concluded. Since the death of Savimbi in February 2002, UNITA has been led by Paulo Lukamba Gato. United Arab Republic political union of Egypt and Syria proclaimed between 1958 and 1961. Egypt retained the title of UAR until 1971, when it took the name Arab Republic of Egypt. United Nations Established on 24 Oct. 1945 with its HQ completed in New York in 1952, the UN replaced the inter-war League of Nations, and its 111 articles of the Charter were proposed at the San Francisco Conference from 25 April – 25 June 1945. Its 6 principal organs are the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. Membership has risen from 51 at inception to 192 as at 31 March 2010. Current Secretary-General is Ban Ki-moon of South Korea. United Nations Budget Top 5 countries contributing to the UN are USA (24%), Japan (19%), Germany (8.4%), UK (5.96%), France (5.85%) as at 30 April 2005. Universal Postal Union UN specialised agency based in Berne, Switzerland, first established in 1875 and taken over by the UN in 1948, charged with promoting international collaboration in postal services. UNPROFOR UN Protection Force, established in January 1992 and dispatched to Croatia in March 1992 to monitor a ceasefire between Croatia and Krajina Serbs. Velvet Revolution near-bloodless overthrow of Czech communist regime in November–December 1989 resulting in the ousting of the leader, Milos Jakes, and subsequent presidency of Vaclav Havel. Warsaw Pact Warsaw Treaty Organisation, which was the communist counterpart to NATO during the cold war. Original signatories in May 1955 were Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the USSR. Albania withdrew in 1968 and following the collapse of communism in central and Eastern Europe the Warsaw Pact was dissolved in February 1991. Women’s Institute founded in 1897 at Stoney Creek, Canada. World Health Organisation UN specialised agency based in Geneva and founded in 1948 with the aim of attaining the highest level of health for mankind. World Wide Fund for Nature known until 1988 as the World Wildlife Fund, it was formed in 1961 and raises funds for a variety of conservation projects. Yakuza Japanese criminal organisation comparable to US mafiatype syndicates.


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PERFUME Animal Sources ambergris found floating on the sea in oily grey lumps; excreted by the sperm whale after feeding on cuttlefish. Used as a base. castoreum comes from the follicles in the genital areas of both male and female beavers. Used as a fixative. civet comes from a pouch beneath the tails of both male and female civet cats. Used as a fixative. hyraceum excreted by the hyrax, a rabbit-like animal of the Middle East. Used in ancient Arabic perfumes but rarely used nowadays.

musk comes from the preputial follicle of the male musk deer. It is used as a fixative and is also thought to be an aphrodisiac. Chinese courtesans were fed bland foods perfumed with musk, so that when aroused the warmth of their bodies released the scent. propolis a sticky brown fixative which bees collect from trees to use as a cement in their hives. sweet hoof or onycha an ingredient of incense that comes from the shells of marine snails found around India and the Red Sea.

Plant, Mineral and Synthetic Sources angelica root of the holy ghost (Angelica archangelica). It has a strong musky aroma. bdellium myrrh (see also opoponax), an aromatic gum. ben oil an essential oil from the winged seeds of the horseradish tree, used as a base oil for perfumes. burning bush white dittany. The oil from the plant can vaporise in hot weather and catch fire without harming the plant itself. The fragrant essential oil is used in pot-pourri. cherry pie heliotrope, used in pot-pourri and in modern perfumes such as ‘Lou Lou’ (Cacharel). coumarin a white crystalline substance with a scent of new-mown hay, found in withered herbs and fruits. It is also manufactured synthetically from coal tar. devil’s dung asafoetida, a tall evil-smelling plant used as a fixative. farnesol manufactured synthetically, but also found in musk. It gives a scent of lily of the valley. frangipani the first plant to be named after a perfume. In 15thcentury Rome, one of the Frangipani family made the perfume from orris, spices, civet and musk digested in wine alcohol. Later, French colonists in the West Indies found a bush (Plumeria alba) which had the same smell and named it frangipani. galbanum small drops of it ooze from the stems of the giant fennel. It is mentioned in the Old Testament. It has a spicy-green scent with a hint of musk and is used in the ‘top notes’ of quality perfumes like Chanel No. 19. handflower wallflower. The name ‘handflower’ comes from the practice, stemming from ancient Greece, of carrying the flowers in the hand as a nosegay during festivals. indole the synthetic material derived from coal tar used to produce the scent of jasmine and neroli. ionone the synthetic material used to make the scent of violets.

Labdanum comes from rock-rose shrubs found around the Mediterranean; often gathered by combing the beards of goats which have browsed on the bushes. It was thought to have aphrodisiac qualities. Assyrian kings liked young women who had spent time soaking during a six-month period in baths of labdanum or bdellium, after six months soaking in myrrh. linalol the synthetic material used to make the scents of lilac, lily and honeysuckle. love-in-the-mist nigella, a hardy annual which grows to a height of about 1.5 m and has a fragrance of ambrette seeds. malabathrum a dried aromatic leaf from a species of cinnamon, used by the Romans in the making of unguents. muguet lily of the valley. It is used in many ‘quality’ perfumes such as ‘Opium’ (Yves St Laurent), and ‘Florissa’ (Floris). Its fragrance is manufactured synthetically as farnesol. olibanum frankincense, a fragrant gum resin often used as an incense and, in perfumes, as a fixative. opoponax myrrh (probably the Biblical myrrh collected from the land of Punt). Its oil, with a scent of fenugreek, is distilled from the yellowish lumps which occur on the plant. It is used mainly for incense and pot-pourri. orris comes from iris roots; has a violet-like scent. storax originally from the bark of the liquidamber tree which grows in Turkey, Asia Minor and Rhodes, but now manufactured synthetically. It has a smell of cinnamon, and is used as a fixative. syringa lilac. The flowers are used mainly in pot-pourri, and its oil is used in ‘quality’ perfumes such as ‘Chamade’ (Guerlain), ‘Florissa’ (Floris) and ‘Soir de Paris’ (Bourjois). verbena holy wort. The leaves have a lemon scent. It is used mainly in cosmetics and soaps and the leaves are sometimes dried for use in sachets.

Perfumes and Perfume Houses Alliage Amarige Anaïs Anaïs Arpège Bal à Versailles Beautiful Brut Cabochard Calandre Chamade Charlie Cheap and Chic Chlöe Chypre CKOne Devin Diva Drakkar Noir Dune Eau de Bonpoint Eau Sauvage Eden Escape Eternity Fahrenheit Femme Fidgi Fleurs de Fleurs Gentleman Imprévu Intimate Ivoire Jardins de Bagatelle Je Reviens

Estée Lauder (1972) Givenchy (1991) Cacharel (1978) Lanvin (1927; relaunched 1994) Jean Desprez (1962) Estée Lauder (1985) Fabergé (1964) Grès (1959) Paco Rabanne (1969) Guerlain (1969) Revlon (1973) Moschino (1996) Lagerfeld (1975) Coty (1917) Calvin Klein (1994) Aramis (1978) Ungaro (1983) Guy Laroche (1982) Christian Dior (1991) Annick Goutal (1989) Dior (1966) Cacharel (1994) Calvin Klein (1991) Calvin Klein (1988) Dior (1988) Rochas (1944) Guy Laroche (1962) Nina Ricci (1980) Givenchy (1974) Coty (1965) Revlon (1955) Balmain (1979) Guerlain (1983) Worth (1932)

Jicky Joy Knowing L’Aimant L’Air du Temps L’Egoïste Le Jardin Lou Lou Ma Griffe Mon Parfum Must Obsession Old Spice Only Opium Paris Parure Pleasures Poême Poison Polo Red Red Door Rive Gauche Samsara Shalimar Shocking So Pretty Special No. 127 Trésor Tweed Vent Vert Youth Dew Ysatis


Guerlain (1889) Patou (1930) Estée Lauder (1988) Coty (1927) Nina Ricci (1948) Chanel (1990) Max Factor (1986) Cacharel (1987) Carven (1946) Paloma Picasso / L’Oréal (1984) Cartier (1981) Calvin Klein (1985) Shulton (1937) Julio Iglesias / Myrurgia (1989) Yves St Laurent (1977) Yves St Laurent (1983) Guerlain (1975) Estée Lauder (1996) Lancôme (1995) Christian Dior (1985) Ralph Lauren (1978) Giorgio Beverly Hills (1989) Elizabeth Arden (1990; relaunched 1996) Yves St Laurent (1971) Guerlain (1989) Guerlain (1925) Schiaparelli (1936) Cartier (1995) Floris (1890) Lancôme (1990) Lenthéric (1933) Balmain (1947) Estée Lauder (1953) Givenchy (1984)

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Miscellaneous Abir perfumed powder used in India, usually sprinkled on linen. Its ingredients include sandalwood, aloes, cardamon, cloves, civet and rose. acerra small box used by the Romans to contain incense burned in temples. alabastrum pot, usually made from alabaster, agate or onyx, used by the Romans to contain perfumed oils. Aldehyde a group of alcohol-derived chemicals which form other groups of chemicals known as benzoid compounds. Their discovery led to the manufacture of synthetic perfume ingredients. aqua angeli a perfumed water made from aloewood, nutmeg, clove, storax, benzoin and rosewater, first made for scenting the shirts of Louis XIV of France. aryballos / ampulla small flask used by the ancient Greeks to contain perfumed oils, often carried hanging from the wrist by a small strap. Baur Albert Baur was patenter of the first synthetic musk perfume, Musk Baur, in 1988. Beaux Ernest Beaux developed the first aldehyde-based perfume, Chanel No. 5. Carles Jean Carles, of Grasse, insured his nose for $1 million. His creations include ‘Canoe’ in 1935 (for Dana) and ‘Shocking’ in 1936 (for Schiaparelli). He founded the School of Perfumery in Grasse, Provence. Chanel No. 5 named because the fragrance chosen by Coco Chanel from specimens supplied by Ernest Beaux was sample No. 5. Chanel No. 19 named for Coco Chanel’s birthday (19 August). chypre originally a famous Roman perfume made in Cyprus (hence the name). Nowadays used to describe perfumes with fresh top notes of bergamot, with other citrus ingredients such as neroli, lemon and orange, with middle notes of jasmine and rose and a base of oakmoss, with labdanum, storax, civet, patchouli and musk. The first modern chypre perfume was ‘Chypre by Coty’ (1917). Cliff Richard: perfume brands Miss You Nights – a warm oriental scent containing rose, jasmine and ylang ylang, combined with sandalwood. Dream Maker – a floral scent, with notes of citrus fruits and a hint of peach. damask water popular in 16th-century England. It is made mainly from rosewater. Eau de Bonpoint by Annick Goutal (1989). First fragrance for babies. eau-de-Cologne first developed by Paul Feminis in Cologne in the early 18th century. Its main ingredients were lavender and citrus, neroli, bergamot and lemon. 4711 Mullhens of Cologne still uses the original formula. Farina Jean-Marie Farina opened a shop in Paris in 1806 to sell eaude-Cologne. He sold his business in 1840 to Léonce Collas, who passed it on in 1862 to his cousins, Messrs Roger & Gallet. Floris Oldest perfume house in the world, founded 1730 as barber’s shop in Jermyn Street, London, by Juan Floris from Minorca. Hermès arose from a harness-making, then glove-making business. Many of its perfumes are named after horse and carriage parts, for example ‘Calèche’ (a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage).

Imperial Leather first made in 1768 by Bayleys, the court perfumers in London, as a result of a challenge by the Russian Count Orloff, to make a perfume with the scent of worn leather. It became a favourite of Catherine the Great, under the name ‘Eau de Cologne Impériale Russe’. Cussons took over Bayleys and renamed the perfume Imperial Russian Leather, but dropped ‘Russian’ in 1939. khaluq unguent made by early Arabs - men were forbidden to use. kyphi an incense made by the ancient Egyptians, based on wine, honey, raisins, herbs, frankincense, myrrh and juniper berries. kypros an ancient Greek perfume which contained wine and cardamon and a sweet-scented substance called aspalathus. L’Interdit launched for Audrey Hepburn in 1957. It was Givenchy’s first perfume. The name means ‘the forbidden one’ – forbidden, at first, to all but Audrey Hepburn, whose face graced the advertisement. Jicky the first ‘modern’ perfume, created in 1889 by Aimé Guerlain. Joy the most expensive perfume on the market soon after its manufacture by Jean Patou in 1930. magma the dried dregs from unguent bottles which the ancient Greeks and Romans added to scented powders. olla-podrida pot-pourri made by perfume-makers from their waste materials with which they mixed herbs and lavender and rose petals. Only launched in 1989 by Myrurgia in association with singer Julio Iglesias. perfumer’s organ not his or her nose! It is the work bench and surrounding ingredients and equipment. Perkin William Perkin found out how to synthesise coumarin from coal tar, a much-used ingredient with a new-mown-hay fragrance. This was one of the first major discoveries in synthetic perfumery. pomander a solid ball of perfumed material, such as crushed petals bound with a gum. In Tudor times they were carried to mask unpleasant smells and to ward off infection. In the 16th century it became popular to make them from oranges with cloves pushed into them, then baked. People fastened them to their belts or wrists. Nowadays they are sometimes used to perfume wardrobes. pouncet box box used since Elizabethan times to contain perfumed powders placed between bedlinen. Originally used to hold pumice stone which was needed in the preparation of parchment for writing. Special No. 127 created by Floris in 1890 for Grand Duke Orloff of Russia. No. 127 was the page in Floris’ Book where he wrote formulae which were created uniquely for individual customers. tussie-mussie a nosegay dating from Elizabethan times, when it was originally made from flowers and herbs chosen for their symbolic meanings, e.g. rosemary for remembrance, daisy for faithfulness etc. unguent cone cone made from perfumed fat (usually ox-tallow), which was fixed on to the hair or head-dress so that it melted and ran down the hair and body, perfuming them as it did so. Vent Vert launched in 1947 by Balmain - the first ‘green’ perfume. vinaigrette small metal box whose inner lid was pierced, popular in 18th/19th-century Europe. It held a sponge soaked in aromatic vinegar and was used as a smelling bottle.

Founders Amouage The Hamood family of the Sultanate of Oman (1983). Avon David McConnell (1886), Suffern, California. He was a travelling book-salesman who liked to give his customers free gifts of inexpensive perfume. Originally called the California Perfume Co., its name changed to Avon (after Stratford-on-Avon) in 1959. Cacharel Jean Bosquet (1962), Paris. The name comes from a wild duck found in Provence. Charles of the Ritz Charles Jundt (1934), New York. Coty François Sputorno (1905), Paris. Elizabeth Arden Florence Graham (1910), New York. Name derived from the title of the book Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim. Fragonard Eugene Fuchs (1783), Grasse - after painter Fragonard. Lancôme Armand Petitjean (1935), Paris. Mary Chess Grace Mary Chess Robinson (1932), London. Revlon Charles and Joseph Revson and Charles Lachmann (1932), Boston, originally to market nail varnish.

Perfume Families or Classification Perfumes are usually classified according to seven ‘family’ groups which form a continuum from floral to fougère. floral mainly made from flower oils. These are light, daytime perfumes, e.g. ‘Anaïs Anaïs’ (Cacharel), ‘L’Air du Temps’ (Nina Ricci). green giving an impression of new-mown grass. Fresh-smelling perfumes which include among their ingredients mosses, ferns, citrus fruits and herbs, e.g. ‘Alliage’ (Estée Lauder), ‘Chanel No. 19’ (Chanel). aldehydic based on synthetic aldehydes. They range from floral through woody to powdery, e.g. ‘Chanel No. 5’ (Chanel), ‘White Linen’ (Estée Lauder). chypre their fragrance is floral or green but with a heavy base such as ambergris, e.g. ‘Cabochard’ (Grès), ‘Chypre’ (Coty). oriental their fragrance is spicy, strong and exotic and has a heavy sweetness which comes from ingredients such as musk, vanilla and sandalwood, e.g. ‘Poison’ (Christian Dior) and ‘Opium’ (Yves St Laurent). tobacco / leather they have a hint of tobacco, leather and woody aromas, e.g. ‘Antaeus’ (Chanel) and ‘Cuir de Russie’ (Chanel). fougère their fragrance is fresh, with a note of lavender, herbs, oakmoss, coumarin and new-mown hay, e.g. ‘Drakkar Noir’ (Guy Laroche), ‘Brut’ (Fabergé).

Strengths and Forms of Perfume in Descending Order Concentration


15–30% in high-grade alcohol 15–18% in 80–90% grade alcohol 4–8% in alcohol 3–5% in 70% alcohol/water 3% in 80% pure alcohol

extrait eau de parfum eau de toilette eau de Cologne eau fraiche


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Photography (and Cinematography) Ansel Easton Adams (1902–84) US photographer who co-founded Group f/64 with Edward Weston (1932) and best-known for his black-and-white landscape photographs of the American West, especially Yosemite National Park. Diane Arbus (1923–71) US photographer famous for her intense portraits of American social outcasts. Eugène Atget (1857–1927) French photographer famous for recording the streets and scenes of old Paris. Richard Avedon (1923–2004) US photographer who made his name as a fashion photographer with Harper’s Bazaar. His first sitter was Russian pianist-composer Sergei Rachmaninov. David Royston Bailey (1938–) English photographer who started his professional life as a fashion photographer but developed as a portraitist during the 1960s, specialising in nudes. His 1965 collection David Bailey’s Box of Pin-ups (1965) included pictures of celebrities of the day, from the Beatles to the Krays. Billy Bitzer (1874–1944) US motion picture cameraman who, in partnership with director D W Griffiths, developed techniques that set the standard for all future motion pictures. He was the first to use artificial lighting for his work, and his other innovations included the use of soft-focus photography, using a light-diffusion screen in front of the camera lens, the fade-out, and the iris shot, in which the frame is either gradually blacked out in a shrinking circle, thereby ending a scene, or gradually opened in a widening circle, beginning a scene. Margaret Bourke-White (1904–71) US photo-journalist employed by Fortune magazine (1929) and became staff photographer and associate editor on Life magazine (1936). First woman photographer to be attached to the US armed forces, producing outstanding reports of the siege of Moscow in 1941, and the opening of the concentration camps in 1944. She married the American author Erskine Caldwell in 1939 but was divorced in 1942. Mathew Brady (1823–96) New York-born photographer famous for his record of the American Civil War with the Union armies. Bill Brandt (1904–83) English photographer who studied with Man Ray in London before working for the Ministry of Information and recording conditions during the Blitz. Subsequently found fame with landscapes & nudes. His publications include The English at Home (1936), Perspective of Nudes (1961) and Shadows of Light (1966). Brassaï (1899–1984) Professional name of Gyula Halász, the Hungarian-born French painter and photographer. His photography included the nightlife of 1930s Paris. Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) French photographer who initially studied painting with André Lhote before working as an assistant to film director Jean Renoir. His publications include The Decisive Moment (1952) and The Europeans (1955). See also Leonor Fini in Art section. Julia Margaret Cameron (1815–79) British pioneer of portrait photography. Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre (1787–1851) French painter and physicist who invented the daguerreotype, requiring exposure of 20 minutes as opposed to Niépce’s method requiring 8 hours. Terence Donovan (1936–96) London-born photographer and film director whose work covered a wide spectrum of contemporary life. He worked for Vogue, Harpers & Queen, Elle, and Marie Claire. George Eastman (1854–1932) US manufacturer who introduced the Kodak camera (1888) and Brownie camera (1900). Walker Evans (1903–75) US photographer who produced a powerful record of the faces, homes and lives of America’s 1930s rural poor. Roger Fenton (1819–69) English photographer who was famous for his Crimean War pictures. William Henry Fox Talbot (1800–77) English chemist, linguist and photographer who in 1839 invented the photographic negative and whose The Pencil of Nature (1844) was the first photographic book. William Friese-Greene (1855–1921) British photographer often credited with the invention of cinematography, although Thomas Edison would appear to have a stronger claim. The film, The Magic Box (1951) was based on his life. John Heartfield (1891–1968) Aka Helmut Herzfelde, German pioneer of the photomontage, e.g. Hurrah, the Butter is Finished (1935). Lewis Wickes Hine (1874–1940) US photographer who studied sociology before making a photographic study of Ellis Island immigrants and child labourers. He recorded the construction of the Empire State Building in his survey Men at Work (1932). James Wong Howe (1899–1976) Chinese-born US cinematographer who started work in 1917 as assistant cameraman to Cecil B De Mille. Howe pioneered the use of the wide-angle lens, deep focus, and ceilinged sets to replicate shipboard claustrophobia. He won Oscars for his work on The Rose Tattoo (1955) and Hud (1963). Yousuf Karsh (1908–2002) Armenian-born Canadian photographer who was appointed official portrait photographer to the Canadian government in 1935. A 1941 portrait of Sir Winston Churchill led to his reputation of photographing all the world’s leading statesmen. André Kertész (1894–1985) Hungarian-born US photographer famous for his pioneering use of the small hand-held camera

Herbert Land (1909–91) US inventor and physicist whose invention of the Polaroid (one-step) process for developing and printing photographs culminated in a revolution in photography. Dorothea Lange (1895–1965) US photographer who became famous for her social records of migrant workers during the 1930s. Lord Patrick Lichfield (1939–2005) British aristocratic photographer known for his royal photographs and nude calendars. Auguste Lumière (1862–1954), Louis Lumière (1864–1948) French chemist brothers who invented the first successful cine camera and projector (1895) and a process of colour photography. They also produced the first film newsreels, and the first movie, La Sortie des usines Lumière (1895). László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946) Hungarian-born US photographer famous for his inspirational teaching at the Bauhaus. Eadweard Muybridge (1830–1904) Original name Edward James Muggeridge. English photographer famous for his landscapes of the American West. Muybridge was employed by the railroad magnate Leland Stanford in 1872 to prove that during a particular moment in trotting, all four legs of a horse are off the ground simultaneously. His studies were interrupted while he was tried for the murder of his wife’s lover, but after his acquittal he developed a special shutter giving an exposure of 2/1,000 of a second which proved the theory. Nadar (1820–1910) Working name of Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, French artist and photographer whose Paris studio became a favourite haunt of the intelligentsia. In 1886 he produced the first photo interview, a series of 21 photographs of the centenarian scientist Eugène Chevreul, each captioned with the sitter’s replies to Nadar’s questions. He pioneered the use of aerial photographs for map-making and in 1858 took the first pictures from a balloon. Joseph-Nicéphore Niépce (1765–1833) French inventor who was the first to make a permanent photographic image (1826). Man Ray (1890–1976) US photographer, painter & film-maker, born Emanuel Rabinovich. He founded the New York Dadaist movement with Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia before moving to Paris and working with René Clair. Man Ray pioneered the use of photographic images made without a camera - ‘Rayographs’. Henry Peach Robinson (1830–1901) English photographer who specialised in images of costumed models. He was a founder member of the Linked Ring (1892), a group of photographers seeking to excel in artistic creation. Alexander Rodchenko (1891–1956) Soviet photographer and photomontagist who introduced ‘New Photography’ to Russia. Erich Salomon (1886–1944) German photojournalist who was master of the candid shot whereby he caught politicians and celebrities off guard for new magazines of the 1920s. He died in Auschwitz. August Sander (1876–1964) German photographer celebrated for his ambitious project ‘Man in the Twentieth Century’, a picture of the doomed Weimar Republic through the faces of its people. Aaron Siskind (1903–91) US photographer and teacher; his Dead End: The Bowery and Harlem Document depicted the depression but in a stylised form. He later photographed the mundane. W Eugene Smith (1918–78) US photojournalist for Life magazine in the 1940s and 50s noted for his impassioned work of the times. Edward Steichen (1879–1973) Luxembourg-born US photographer who became a member of the Linked Ring in England and made his reputation with his studies of the nude. In 1902 he co-founded the American Photo-Secession Group with Alfred Stieglitz. In WW1 he served as commander of the photographic division of the US army. In the 1920s Steichen became involved in fashion photography. He was head of US Naval Film Services during WW2, and director of photography at the New York Museum of Modern Art 1945-62 Alfred Stieglitz (1864–1946) US photographer who was a major figure in establishing photography as an art form and his gallery of modern art at 291 Fifth Avenue, NY, was the linchpin of his work. Paul Strand (1890–1976) US photographer and documentary filmmaker who studied under Lewis Hine. In 1933 he was appointed chief of photography and cinematography in the government Secretariat of Education in Mexico. Known for his architectural studies and photographic books on regions of the world. Weegee (1899–1968) Pseudonym of Polish photographer Arthur Fellig, known for his stark black and white street photography. His first collection Naked City (1945) became the inspiration for a later movie. His nickname was a corruption of ‘ouija’ due to his almost supernatural attendance at crime scenes. Edward Weston (1886–1958) US photographer who produced notable landscapes of the Mojave Desert, and in 1937, with the firstever award of a Guggenheim Fellowship to a photographer, travelled the American West before touring the Eastern States to illustrate an edition of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. Minor White (1908–76) US photographer and editor who founded the periodicals Aperture and Image. Garry Winogrand (1928–84) US photographer who created a highly influential brand of urban street photography, fusing the ‘snapshot’ approach with a sense of energy and crowded events in his images.


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Country -– Name of Governmental Chambers – Type of Government NB The upper chambers of bicameral parliaments are listed first in this table, and the name of parliaments are the most commonly accepted, e.g. the parliament of Afghanistan is bicameral, the upper house being the Meshrano Jirga and the lower house the Wolesi Jirga. The combined assemblies are generally referred to as the National Assembly. Parliaments are generally elected for a term of years but in some bicameral assemblies the two chambers may have differing lengths of term. In our example of Afghanistan, the lower house is elected for a five-year term but the upper house has a third (34) of its members elected by district councils (one per province) for three-year terms, one-third (34) by provincial councils (one per province) for four-year terms, and one-third (34) are nominated by the president for five-year terms. The membership is the statutory capacity as at October 2013. Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada

Name of Chamber (members)

Name of Parliament

Years of Office Meshrano Jirga (House of Elders) (102) National Assembly 3, 4, & 5 Wolesi Jirga (House of People) (249) 5 National Assembly (140) People’s Assembly 4 Majlis el-Umma (Council of the Nation) (144) Majlis 5 National Assembly (462) 6 Senate (18) Fono 4 House of Representatives (21) 2 General Council of the Valleys (28) General Council of the Valleys 4 National Assembly (220) National Assembly 4 House of Assembly (11) National Assembly 5 Senate (17) Parliament 5 House of Representatives (19) 5 Senate (72) Congress 6 Chamber of Deputies (257) 4 Azgayin Zhoghov (National Assembly) (131) Azgayin Zhoghov 4 Legislative Assembly (21) Staten 4 Senate (76) Federal Parliament 6 House of Representatives (150) 3 Bundesrat (Federal Council) (62) National Assembly 5&6 Nationalrat (National Council) (183) 5 Milli-Mejlis (National Council) (125) Milli-Mejlis 5 Senate (16 members) Parliament 5 House of Assembly (38) 5 Consultative Council (40) Majlis al-Shura 4 Assembly of Representatives (40) 4 Jatiya Sangshad (house of the nation) (345) Jatiya Sangshad 5 Senate (21) Parliament 5 House of Assembly (30) 5 Council of the Republic (64) National Assembly 5 House of Representatives (110) 5 Senate (71) Federal Parliament 4 Chamber of Representatives (150) 4 Senate (12) National Assembly 5 House of Representatives (31) 5 National Assembly (83) National Assembly 4 Senate (11) Parliament 5 House of Assembly (36) 5 National Council (25) Gyelong Tshogdu 4 National Assembly (47) 5 Senate (36) Congress 5 Chamber of Deputies (130) 5 House of Peoples (15- 5 Croat, 5 Muslim, 5 Serb) Skupština 4 House of Representatives (42) 4 House of Chiefs (35) National Assembly 5 National Assembly (63) 5 Senate (81) Congress 8 Chamber of Deputies (513) 4 Sultan rules since a revolt in December 1962. National Assembly (240) Narodno sabranie 4 Assembly of People’s Deputies (111) National Assembly 5 Senate (49) National Assembly 5 National Assembly (118) 5 Senate (61) National Assembly 5 National Assembly (123) 5 National Assembly (180) National Assembly 5 Senate (105) Federal Parliament 4


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Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Channel Islands (less Sark) – Sark Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Islands Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy

House of Commons (308) National Assembly (102) National Assembly (100)

National Assembly National Assembly

4 5 5

National Assembly (155) States of Deliberation (132)

National Assembly The States

4 4

Chief Pleas (5) Senate (38) Chamber of Deputies (120) National People’s Congress (2,987) Senate (102) House of Representatives (166) Assembly of the Union (33) Senate (108) National Assembly (500) Senate (52) National Assembly (153) Legislative Assembly (57) National Assembly (70) Croatian Assembly (151) National Assembly of People’s Power (614) House of Representatives (59) Senate (81) Chamber of Deputies (200) Folketing (175 + 2 Greenland and 2 Faroes) National Assembly (65) House of Assembly (21) Senate (32) Chamber of Deputies (183) National Assembly (65) National Assembly (124) Consultative Council (Majilis Al-Shura (270) Majlis Ash-Sha’Ab (People’s Assembly) (508) Legislative Assembly (84) National Assembly (100) Hagerawi Baito (National Assembly) (104) Riigikogu (National Assembly) (101) Federation Council (112) Council of People’s Representatives (547) Legislative Council (11) National Assembly (33) Senate (32) House of Representatives (71) Eduskunta (parliament) (200) Senate (348) National Assembly (577) Senate (102) National Assembly (121) National Assembly (53) Parliament (150) Bundesrat (Federal Council) (69) Bundestag (Federal Assembly) (620) Parliament (228) House of Assembly (17) Hellenic Parliament (300) National Assembly (31) Senate (13) House of Representatives (15) National Congress (158) Parliament (45 members) National Assembly (114) National People’s Assembly (100) National Assembly (65) Senate (30) Chamber of Deputies (99) National Congress (128) Legislative Council (70 members) Országgyülés (National Assembly) (386) Althingi (Parliament) (63) Rajya Sabha (Council of States) (250) Lok Sabha (House of the People) (552) Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (132) Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (560) Assembly (Majilis) (290) Majlis Watani (Council of the Nation) (325) Seanad Eireann (Senate) (60) Dáil Eireann (House of Representatives) (166) Knesset (Assembly) (120) Senate (315) Chamber of Deputies (630)

Chief Pleas Congress

4 8 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 6 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 6 5 3 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 6 5 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5


National People’s Congress Congress Assembly of the Union Parliament Parliament Legislative Assembly National Assembly Hrvatski sabor National Assembly Parliament Federal Assembly Folketing (lit, people’s thing) National Assembly National Assembly Congress National Assembly National Assembly Majlis Legislative Assembly National Assembly Hagerawi Baito Riigikogu Mekir Bet Legislative Council Logting Parliament Eduskunta Parliament Parliament National Assembly Parliament Parliament Parliament House of Assembly Vouli Ton Ellinon Landstinget Parliament Congress States of Deliberation National Assembly National People’s Assembly National Assembly National Assembly Congress Legislative Council Országgyülés Althingi Sansad (Parliament) Majelis Majles Majlis Oireachtas (parliament) Knesset Parliament

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Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea North Korea South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Man, Isle of Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States) Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland

Senate (20) House of Representatives (63) Sangiin (House of Councillors) (242) Shugiin (House of Representatives) (480) Parliament (55 members) Al-Aayan (Senate) (60) Al-Nuwaab (House of Representatives) (120) Senate (47) Mazhilis (Council) (77) Bunge (National Assembly) (224) House of Assembly (46) Supreme People’s Assembly (687) Kuk Hoe (National Assembly) (300) Majlis Al-Umma (Council of the Nation) (50) Joghorku Kenes (High Council) (120) Sapha Heng Xat (National Assembly) (115) Saeima (Supreme Council) (100) Majlis Al-Nuwwab (Council of Deputies) (128) Senate (33) National Assembly (120) Senate (30) House of Representatives (73) General National Congress (200) Landtag (25 members) Seimas (Supreme Council) (141) Chamber of Deputies (60) Sobranie (Assembly) (123) Senate (33) National Assembly (160) National Assembly (194) Dewan Negara (Senate) (70) Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) (222) Majlis (77) National Assembly (160) House of Representatives (69) Legislative Council (11) House of Keys (24) House of Assembly (33) Majlis-Al-Shuyukh (Senate) (56) National Assembly (81) National Assembly (70) Senate (128) Chamber of Deputies (500) Congress (14 members, four of whom are elected for four years) Parliament (101) National Council (24) Ulsyn Ikh Khural (The Great Hural) (76) Skupština (Parliament) (81) Chamber of Counsellors) (270) Majlis Nawab (Chamber of Representatives (325) People’s Assembly (250) National Assembly (Amyotha Hluttaw) (224) People’s Assembly (Pyithu Hluttaw) (440) National Council (26) National Assembly (78) Parliament (18) Constitutional Assembly (601) First Chamber (75) Second Chamber (150) House of Representatives (120) National Assembly (92) National Assembly (113) Senate (109) House of Representatives (360) Great Assembly (Storting) (169) Majlis al-Dawla (Council of State) (83) Majlis al-Shura (Consultative Assembly) (84) Senate (104) National Assembly (336) Senate (9) House of Delegates (16) Legislative Assembly (71) National Parliament (109) Senate (45) Chamber of Deputies (80) National Congress (130) Senate (24) House of Representatives (286) Senate (100) Sejm (Parliament) (460)



5 5 Kokkai (Diet) 6 4 Assembly of the States varies Majlis Al-Umma 6 4 Mazhilis 6 5 Bunge 5 Maneaba Ni Maungatabu 4 Ch’oe-go In-min Hoe-ui 5 Gukhoe 4 Majlis Al-Umma 4 Joghorku Kenesh 5 Sapha Heng Xat 5 Saeima 4 Majlis Al-Nuwwab 4 Parliament 5 5 National Assembly 9 6 Al-Wa‫ډ‬an€ el-Mu'tammar al 'âmmT.B.A Landtag 4 Seimas 4 Parliament 5 Sobranie 4 Antenimieram-Pirenena 5 National Assembly Dewan Rakyat Majlis National Assembly Kamra Tad-Deputati Tynwald Nitijela Al Jamiya-Al-Wataniya National Assembly Congress Congress Parliament National Council Ulsyn Ikh Khural Skupština Majlis National Assembly Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Parliament Parliament Parliament States General Parliament National Assembly National Assembly National Assembly Storting Majlis Majlis-e-Shoora Olbiil Era Kelulau (Congress) Legislative Assembly Parliament Congress Congress Congress Sejm

5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 6 5 5 6 3 2 4 5 4 4 9 6 5 5 5 6 5 3 5 4 4 3 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 3 4 4

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Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and Grenadines Samoa San Marino São Tomé and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tadzhikstan Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom USA Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (US) Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Assembly of the Republic (230) Consultative Assembly (35) Senate (137) Chamber of Deputies (326) Federation Council (166) Duma (450) Senate (Umutwe wa Sena) (26) Chamber of Deputies (80) National Assembly (15) Senate (11) National Assembly (17) National Assembly (21)

Assembly of the Republic Majlis ash-Shura Parliament

National Assembly

4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5

Legislative Assembly (49) Consiglio grande e generale (60) National Assembly (55)

Legislative Assembly Consiglio grande e generale National Assembly

5 5 4

Majlis al Shura (Council of State) (150) Senate (100) National Assembly (150) National Assembly (250) National Assembly (31) Parliament (124) Parliament (99) National Council (150) State Council (40) National Assembly (90) Parliament (50) Senate (56) House of the People (275) National Council of Provinces (90) Volksraad (National Assembly) (400) Council of States (70) National Legislature Assembly (170) Congress Senate (266) Congress of Deputies (350) Parliament (225) Majlis Welayat (Council of States) (50) Majlis Watani (National Assembly) (450) National Assembly (51) Senate (30) House of Assembly (55) Riksdag (349) Council of States (46) National Council (200) Majlis Al-Shaab (250) Majlisi Milliy (33) Assembly of Representatives (63) Yuan (225 members) Bunge (National Assembly) (357) Wuthisapha (Senate) (150) House of Representatives (500) National Assembly (81) Fale Alea (Legislative Assembly) (26) Senate (31) House of Representatives (41) Council of Deputies (217) Millet Meclisi (National Assembly) (550) Mejlis (Council) (125) Parliament (15) Parliament (375) Supreme Council (450) Federal National Assembly (40) House of Lords (765) House of Commons (650) Senate (100) House of Representatives (435) Senate (30) Chamber of Deputies (99) Senate (100) Legislative Chamber (150) Parliament (52) Pontifical Commission (7) National Assembly (165) Quoc Hoi (National Assembly) (498) Senate (15) Assembly of Representatives (301) House of Assembly (150) Senate (40) House of Assembly (210)

Majlis National Assembly

Federal Assembly Inteko Ishinga Amategeko National Assembly National Assembly

Narodna Skupština National Assembly Parliament Parliament Národná rada Državni zbor Parliament National Assembly Volksraad National Legislature Cortes (Courts) Parliament Majlis National Assembly Libandla (Parliament) Riksdag(en) Federal Assembly Majlis Majlis Oli (Supreme Council) Yuan Bunge Rathasapha (Parliament) National Assembly Fale Alea Parliament Majlis Millet Meclisi Mejlis Parliament Parliament Verkhovna Rada Majlis Watani Itihad Parliament Congress General Assembly Oliy Majlis Parliament Pontifical Commission National Assembly Quoc Hoi Parliament Majlis al-Nuwaab National Assembly National Assembly


4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 T.B.A. T.B.A. 5 5 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 5 6 4 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 2 varies 5 6 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 2 6 5 5 5


25 Charles Grey (Earl Grey) (1764–1845) 26 Henry William Lamb (Viscount Melbourne) (1779–1848)

23 Frederick John Robinson (Viscount Goderich) (1782–1859) 24 Arthur Wellesley (duke of Wellington) (1769–1852)

Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) Westminster & Cambridge (St John’s) Westminster & Cambridge (Peterhouse) Eton, Oxford (Trinity), Leipzig Westminster & Cambridge (St John’s) Oxford (Christ Church) Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) Cambridge (Pembroke Hall) Cheam, Winchester, Lincoln’s Inn & Oxford (Brasenose) Cambridge (Pembroke Hall) Eton, Oxford (Christ Church), Lincoln’s Inn Westminster & Oxford (Christ Church) Harrow & Cambridge (Trinity) Charterhouse & Oxford (Christ Church) Eton, Oxford (Christ Church), Lincoln’s Inn Harrow, Cambridge (St John’s), Lincoln’s Inn Browns Seminary, King’s Rd, Chelsea, Eton, Brussels & Angers Military Acad. Eton, Cambridge (Trinity) & Middle Temple Eton, Cambridge (Trinity), Glasgow, Lincoln’s Inn

Whig Whig



Whig Whig



1828–1830 1830–1834




Tory Tory


Tory Coalition

Tory Tory





Westminster & Cambridge (Clare) Eton

Westminster & Oxford (Hart Hall) Westminster & Cambridge (Clare) private education

St Pauls & Oxford (Trinity)

Education Eton & Cambridge (King’s)




4 Thomas Pelham-Holles 1754–1756 (duke of Newcastle) (1693–1768) 5 William Cavendish 1756–1757 (duke of Devonshire) (1720–1764) 6 Thomas Pelham-Holles 1757–1762 (duke of Newcastle) (1693–1768) 7 John Stuart 1762–1763 (earl of Bute) (1713–1792) 8 George Grenville (1712–1770) 1763–1765 9 Charles Watson Wentworth 1765–1766 (marquis of Rockingham) (1730–1782) 10 Augustus Henry Fitzroy 1766–1770 (duke of Grafton) (1735–1811) 11 Lord Frederick North 1770–1782 (earl of Guildford) (1732–1792) 12 Charles Watson Wentworth 1782 (marquis of Rockingham) (1730–1782) 13 William Petty (earl of Shelburne) 1782–1783 (1737–1805) 14 William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck 1783 (duke of Portland) (1738–1809) 15 William Pitt the Younger (1759–1806) 1783–1801 16 Henry Addington 1801–1804 (Viscount Sidmouth) (1757–1844) 17 William Pitt the Younger (1759–1806) 1804–1806 18 William Wyndham Grenville 1806–1807 (1759–1834) 19 William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck 1807–1809 (duke of Portland) (1738–1809) 20 Spencer Perceval (1762–1812) 1809–1812 21 Robert Banks Jenkinson 1812–1827 (earl of Liverpool) (1770–1828) 22 George Canning (1770–1827) 1827


1742–1743 Whig

Party Whig

Term of Office 1721–1742


3 Henry Pelham (1695–1754)

Name 1 Sir Robert Walpole (earl of Orford) (1676–1745) 2 Sir Spencer Compton (earl of Wilmington) (1673–1743)

Carlow (1806–7) & Ripon (1807–27) Rye (1806), Newport IOW (1807–9) St Michael (1807) Northumberland (1786–1807) Appleby (1807), Tavistock (1807) see n. 4 below

Appleby (1781–1806) Buckingham (1782–4) Buckinghamshire (1784–90) Weobly, Herefordshire (1761–2) (as Whig) Northampton Rye (1791–1803) elected for Appleby 1790 but too young see note 4 below

Weobly, Herefordshire (1761–2) (as Whig) Appleby (1781–1806) Devizes (1784–1805)

Chipping Wycombe (1760–61)

House of Lords

Banbury (1754–90)

Bury St Edmunds (1756)

Buckingham (1741–70) House of Lords

House of Lords

House of Lords

Derbyshire (1741–51)

Constituency Castle Rising (1701–2) King’s Lynn (1702–42) Eye (Suffolk) (1698–1710) East Grinstead (1713–15) Sussex (1715–28) Seaford (1717–22) Sussex (1722–54) House of Lords

British Prime Ministers

Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Caroline Ponsonby

Catherine Pakenham

Sarah Hobart

Jane Spencer-Wilson Louisa Hervey Mary Chester Joan Scott

Dorothy Cavendish

Unmarried Ursula Mary Hammond Marianne Townshend Unmarried Anne Pitt

Sophia Carteret Louisa FitzPatrick Dorothy Cavendish

Mary Bright

Anne Liddell Elizabeth Wrottesley Anne Speke

Elizabeth Wyndham Mary Bright

Mary Wortley-Montagu

Henrietta Godolphin

Baroness Clifford

Henrietta Godolphin

Catherine Manners

Marriage(s) Catherine Shorter Maria Skerrett Unmarried

Howick House, Northumberland Hatfield

St Paul’s Cathedral

Nocton, Lincs

Westminster Abbey

St Marylebone, London Charlton Hawkesbury

Westminster Abbey Burnham, Bucks

St Marylebone, London Westminster Abbey Mortlake

High Wycombe

All Saints, Wroxton, Oxfordshire York Minster

Euston, Suffolk

Wotton, Bucks York Minster

Laughton Church, nr Lewes, E. Sussex Rothesay, Bute

Laughton Church, nr Lewes, E. Sussex Laughton Church, nr Lewes, E. Sussex Derby Cathedral

Compton Wynates, Warwickshire

Buried Houghton, Norfolk

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49 Henry Campbell-Bannerman (1836–1908) 50 Herbert Henry Asquith (earl of Oxford) (1852–1928)

41 William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) 42 Robert Arthur Talbot Cecil (marquis of Salisbury) (1830–1903) 43 William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) 44 Robert Arthur Talbot Cecil (marquis of Salisbury) (1830–1903) 45 William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) 46 Archibald Philip Primrose (earl of Rosebery) (1847–1929) 47 Robert Arthur Talbot Cecil (marquis of Salisbury) (1830–1903) 48 Arthur Balfour (earl of Balfour) (1848–1930)

39 William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) 40 Benjamin Disraeli (earl of Beaconsfield) (1804–1881)

34 Edward George Stanley (earl of Derby) (1799–1869) 35 Henry John Temple (Viscount Palmerston) (1784–1865) 36 John Russell (Earl Russell) (1792–1878) 37 Edward George Stanley (earl of Derby) (1799–1869) 38 Benjamin Disraeli (earl of Beaconsfield) (1804–1881)

30 John Russell (Earl Russell) (1792–1878) 31 Edward George Stanley (earl of Derby) (1799–1869) 32 George Hamilton Gordon (earl of Aberdeen) (1784–1860) 33 Henry John Temple (Viscount Palmerston) (1784–1865) Conservative Harrow & Cambridge House of Lords (Peelite) (St John’s) Liberal Harrow, Edinburgh, Cambridge see n. 4 below (St John’s)


Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) see n. 4 below Conservative Lincoln’s Inn

1866–1868 1868





Conservative Eton & Cambridge (Trinity)



Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) Stamford (1853–68)








Glasgow & Cambridge (Trinity) City of London & Oxford (Balliol)

East Fife (1886–1918), Paisley (1920–4)

Hertford (1874–85), E. Manchester (1885–1906), London (1906–22) Stirling (1868–1908)

Seaforth Vicarage, Eton, see n. 4 below Oxford (Christ Church) Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) House of Lords

Seaforth Vicarage, Eton, see n. 4 below Oxford (Christ Church) Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) Stamford (1853–68)


Seaforth Vicarage, Eton, Oxford (Christ Church) Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) Stamford (1853–68)


Maidstone (1837–41), Shrewsbury (1841–7), Buckinghamshire (1847–76) see n. 4 below

Maidstone (1837–41), Shrewsbury (1841–7), Buckinghamshire (1847–76) see n. 4 below



Seaforth Vicarage, Eton, Oxford (Christ Church) Conservative Lincoln’s Inn







Harrow, Edinburgh, Cambridge see n. 4 below (St John’s) Westminster & Edinburgh see n. 4 below

Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) see n. 4 below



Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) see n. 4 below

see n. 4 below

see n. 4 below

see n. 4 below

Constituency see n. 4 below





28 Henry William Lamb (Viscount Melbourne) (1779–1848) 29 Robert Peel (1788–1850)

Education Harrow, Oxford (Christ Church), Lincoln’s Inn Whig Eton, Cambridge (Trinity), Glasgow, Lincoln’s Inn Conservative Harrow, Oxford (Christ Church), Lincoln’s Inn Whig Westminster & Edinburgh

Term of Office Party 1834–1835 Tory

Name 27 Robert Peel (1788–1850)

Drayton Bassett


Buried Drayton Bassett

Westminster Abbey

Helen Kelsall Melland Emma Tennant

Sarah Charlotte Bruce


Georgiana Alderson

Hannah de Rothschild

Catherine Glynne

Georgiana Alderson

Catherine Glynne

Georgiana Alderson

Catherine Glynne

Mrs Wyndham Lewis née Mary Ann Evans

Catherine Glynne

Mrs Wyndham Lewis née Mary Ann Evans

Sutton Courtney Church, Bucks

Meigle, Scotland

Whittinghame, East Lothian



Westminster Abbey


Westminster Abbey


Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire

Abigail Lister Chenies, Bucks Lady Frances Elliot Emma Wilbraham-Bootle Knowsley, Lancs

See above entry

Catherine Hamilton Stanmore, Gtr Harriet Douglas London Emile Lamb the Westminster Abbey Dowager Countess Cowper Emma Wilbraham-Bootle Knowsley, Lancs

Abigail Lister Chenies, Bucks Lady Frances Elliot Emma Wilbraham-Bootle Knowsley, Lancs

Julia Floyd

Caroline Ponsonby

Marriage(s) Julia Floyd

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Conservative Harrow & Cambridge (Trinity) Labour National National

1924–1929 1929–1935 1935–1937 1937–1940






668 1970–1974


1997–2007 2007–2010 2010–

71 Tony Blair (1953–)

72 Gordon Brown (1951–)

73 David Cameron (1966–)

69 Margaret Hilda Thatcher (1925–2013) 1979–1990 (Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven) 70 John Major (1943–) 1990–1997

67 James Harold Wilson (1916–1995) 1974–1976 (Lord Wilson of Rievaulx) 68 Leonard James Callaghan 1976–1979 (Lord Callaghan of Cardiff) (1912–2005)

65 James Harold Wilson (1916–1995) (Lord Wilson of Rievaulx) 66 Edward Heath (1916–2005)

Warwick & Leamington (1923–57)

Limehouse, Stepney (1922–50) West Walthamstow (1950–5) see n. 4 below

Ladywood, Birmingham (1918–29) Edgbaston (1929–40) see n. 4 below

Bewdley, Worcs (1908–37)

see n. 4 below

Bewdley, Worcs (1908–37)

see n. 4 below

Bewdley, Worcs (1908–37)

see n. 4 below

Constituency Caernarvon (1890–1945)

Durham Choristers, Fettes (Edinburgh), Oxford (St John’s) Labour Kirkcaldy High School, University of Edinburgh Conservative Eton & Oxford (Brasenose)


Dunfermline East (1983–2005) Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath (2005–) Witney (2001–)

Sedgefield (1983–2007)

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey (ashes) Bladon, Oxfordshire

Spynie Churchyard, Lossiemouth Worcester Cathedral

Spynie Churchyard, Lossiemouth Worcester Cathedral

Worcester Cathedral

Buried Bank of River Dwyfor Westminster Abbey

Samantha Sheffield

Sarah Macaulay

Cherie Booth

Royal Hospital Chelsea (ashes buried)

Cremated privately

Scilly Isles

Salisbury Cathedral

Scilly Isles


Clementine Ogilvy Bladon, Oxfordshire Hozier Beatrice Beckett Alvediston, Wiltshire Anne Spencer-Churchill Dorothy Cavendish Horsted Keynes

Clementine Ogilvy Hozier Violet Millar

Annie Vere Cole

Lucy Ridsdale

Margaret Gladstone

Lucy Ridsdale

Margaret Gladstone

Lucy Ridsdale

Marriage(s) Margaret Owen Frances Stevenson Annie Pitcairn Robley

Stockton on Tees (1924–9 & 1931–45), Bromley (1945–64) Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) S. Lanark (1931–45), Elizabeth Alington Lanark (1950–1), Kinross & West Perthshire (1963–74) Labour Milnsbridge, Royds Hall, Ormskirk (1945–50) Gladys Mary Baldwin Wirral, Oxford (Jesus) Huyton (1950–83) Conservative Chatham House, Ramsgate, Bexley (1950–74), Unmarried Oxford (Balliol) Bexley–Sidcup (1974–83), Old Bexley and Sidcup (1983–2001) Labour Milnsbridge, Royds Hall, Ormskirk (1945–50) Gladys Mary Baldwin Wirral, Oxford (Jesus) Huyton (1950–83) Labour Portsmouth Northern Sec. South Cardiff (1945–50), Audrey Moulton SE Cardiff (1950–83), Cardiff South and Penarth (1983–87) Conservative Kesteven & Grantham, Finchley (1959–74), Denis Thatcher Oxford (Somerville) Barnet, Finchley (1974–92) Conservative Rutlish Grammar Huntingdon (1983–2001) Norma Johnson

Rugby & Mason College (later Birmingham University) Coalition Harrow & Royal Military College, Sandhurst Labour Haileybury Coll. & Oxford (University) Conservative Harrow & Royal Military College, Sandhurst Conservative Eton & Oxford (Christ Church) Conservative Eton & Oxford (Balliol)

Harrow & Cambridge (Trinity)

Drainie Parish Board School

Drainie Parish Board School




Conservative Gilbertfield in Hamilton & Glasgow High School Conservative Harrow & Cambridge (Trinity)

Education Llanystumdwy Church School


Term of Office Party 1916–1922 Coalition

64 Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home 1963–1964 (Lord Home of the Hirsel) (1903–1995)

61 Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874–1965) 62 Anthony Eden (earl of Avon) (1897–1977) 63 Maurice Harold Macmillan (earl of Stockton) (1894–1986)

Name 51 David Lloyd George (earl of Dwyfor) (1863–1945) 52 Andrew Bonar Law (1858–1923) 53 Stanley Baldwin (1867–1947) (Earl Baldwin of Bewdley) 54 James Ramsay MacDonald (1866–1937) 55 Stanley Baldwin (1867–1947) (Earl Baldwin of Bewdley) 56 James Ramsay MacDonald (1866–1937) 57 Stanley Baldwin (1867–1947) (Earl Baldwin of Bewdley) 58 Neville Chamberlain (1869–1940) 59 Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874–1965) 60 Clement Attlee (1883–1967)

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Notes 1 Prime Minister Although the office of prime minister is traditionally stated as commencing in 1721, in fact there were chief ministers given this label long before this date, and conversely there have been chief ministers subsequent to this date who did not bear the title of prime minister, e.g. William Pitt the Elder and Charles James Fox, in the mid- and late 18th century. To confuse matters further, Walpole was designated First Lord of the Treasury until 1730, as were some other future prime ministers of the 18th and 19th centuries. It was not until 1905 that the title of prime minister became official. 2 Party A second point of conjecture concerns the designation of the ruling party of the day. Until the first Electoral Reform Act of 1832 and the subsequent rise of the Conservative and Liberal parties, the government of the day was often a coalition of sorts, and the ruling party is given as the party of the prime minister in power, unless unaffiliated. 3 Chief ministers not listed above Sir William Pulteney, earl of Bath, actually kissed the hand of George II on 10 Feb. 1746, but within three days was unable to form a government. James Waldegrave kissed the hand of George II on 8 June 1757 but returned seals on 12 June, unable to form a ministry. Charles James Fox and his erstwhile enemy Lord North were the de facto heads of government in 1783, while the duke of Portland was merely the nominal prime minister. William Pitt the Elder, earl of Chatham, although not included in the table above, was in effect the prime minister from 1756 to 1761 during most of the Seven Years’ War, although never taking up official office. From 1766 to 1768 Pitt was also Head of the Government but chose the secondary post of Lord Privy Seal; gout prevented him serving in anything but name for this second term. 4 Constituencies: See numbers in table above (22) George Canning’s: Newport IOW (1793–6 & 1806–7), Wendover (1796–1802), Tralee (1802–6), Hastings (1807–12), Liverpool (1812–23), Harwich (1823–6), Newport IOW (1826–7) & Seaford (1827). (26) Viscount Melbourne’s: Leominster (1806), Haddington Borough (1806–7), Portarlington (1807–12), Peterborough (1816–19), Hertfordshire (1819–26) Newport IOW (1827), Bletchingley (1827–8). (27) Robert Peel’s: Cashel (Tipperary) (1809–12), Chippenham (1812–17), Oxford University (1817–29), Westbury (1829–30), Tamworth (1830–50). (30) Earl Russell’s: Tavistock (1813–17, 1818–20, 1830–1), Huntingdonshire (1820–6), Bandon (1826–30), Devon (1831–2), South Devon (1832–5), Stroud (1835–41), London (1841–61). (31) Earl of Derby’s: Stockbridge (1822–6), Preston (1826–30), Windsor (1831–2), North Lancs (1832–44). (33) Viscount Palmerston’s: Newport IOW (1807–11), Cambridge University (1811–31), Bletchingley (1831–2), South Hants (1832–4), Tiverton (1835–65). (39) William Gladstone’s: Newark (1832–45 Tory), Oxford University (1847–65 as Peelite until 1859 then Liberal), South Lancs (1865–8), Greenwich (1868–80), Midlothian (1880–95). (52) Andrew Bonar Law’s: Blackfriars, Glasgow (1900–6), Dulwich (1906–10), Bootle (1911–18), Central Glasgow (1918–23). (54) Ramsay MacDonald’s: Leicester (1906–18), Aberavon (1922–9), Seaham, Co. Durham (1929–35), Scottish Universities (1936–7). (59) Winston Churchill’s: Oldham (1900–6, Conservative until 1904 then Liberal), NW Manchester (1906–8), Dundee (1908–22), Epping (1924–45), Woodford, Essex (1945–64 as Conservative). 5 Miscellaneous information (2) Sir Spencer Compton was a Tory until 1704. (8) George Grenville was nicknamed the Gentle Shepherd. (9) Charles Watson Wentworth repealed the Stamp Act. (10) Augustus Henry Fitzroy, the duke of Grafton, was a victim of the pseudonymous Junius letters which attacked various government ministers in the London Public Advertiser (1769–72), although the identity of Junius remains unknown. Sir Philip Francis is a possible candidate. He was also a direct descendant of the illegitimate son of Charles II. (11) Lord Frederick North became a Whig in 1783. (13) William Petty, the earl of Shelburne, was nicknamed Malagrida, after a notorious scheming Jesuit. He sat in the English House of Lords in his father’s English title of Baron Wycombe. (18) William Wyndham Grenville’s administration of February 1806–March 1807 was known as ‘The Ministry of All the Talents’ and comprised followers of Charles James Fox. Its greatest achievement was the abolition of slavery in March 1807. He was the son of George Grenville (PM 1763–65). (20) Spencer Perceval was assassinated by John Bellingham in the lobby of the Commons. (21) Robert Banks Jenkinson was created Lord Hawkesbury in 1803 and earl of Liverpool in 1808. (22) George Canning fought a duel with Viscount Castlereagh on Putney Heath in September 1809 but was only slightly wounded. (24) Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington, was known as Arthur Wesley until 1804. (27) Robert Peel created the Metropolitan Police Force in 1829 and drafted the ‘Tamworth Manifesto’ which laid down the ideology and objectives of the party which became the Conservatives. He died after a fall from a horse. (30) Abigail Lister, the wife of Lord John Russell, became Baroness Ribblesdale. (31) Edward George Stanley, the earl of Derby, became a Tory in 1835 (previously a Whig). (33) Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, was a Tory until 1829, then a Whig, and finally a Liberal. He was the last Prime Minister to die in office. (42) Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil was also known as Viscount Cranborne. (48) Arthur James Balfour was the son of James Balfour MP and his wife, the sister of the third marquess of Salisbury, later the Conservative Prime Minister. (49) Henry Campbell-Bannerman died at 10 Downing Street, three weeks after resigning. (50) Herbert Henry Asquith’s administration was a coalition from 1915. (52) Andrew Bonar Law was born in New Brunswick, Canada. His term of office was 209 days. (53) Stanley Baldwin was related to Rudyard Kipling and Sir Edward Burne-Jones. (56) Ramsay MacDonald’s second administration became a National Government, including Conservatives and Liberals, on 24 August 1931. (59) Winston Churchill’s first administration became Conservative from 23 May 1945. (62) Anthony Eden’s second wife was the niece of the former Prime Minister Winston Churchill. 6 William Pitt (the Elder) (1708–1778) Educated at Eton and Trinity College, Oxford. In 1735 he entered the House of Commons as member for the family borough of Old Sarum. In 1756 Pitt became nominally Secretary of State but was de facto Prime Minister from 1756 until October 1761. The King invited him to form a further government between 1766 and 1768 but he chose the secondary title of Lord Privy Seal while performing Prime Ministerial duties. Chronic gout caused a severe decline in his mental health and he died after making a speech in the House of Lords on 2 April 1778. His second son was William Pitt the Younger.


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General Election Results: 6 May 2010 (plus subsequent changes) Aberavon Aberconwy Aberdeen North Aberdeen South Aberdeenshire West and Kincardine Airdrie and Shotts Aldershot Aldridge-Brownhills Altrincham and Sale West Alyn and Deeside Amber Valley Angus Antrim East Antrim North Antrim South Arfon Argyll and Bute Arundel and South Downs Ashfield Ashford Ashton-under-Lyne Aylesbury Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock Ayrshire Central Ayrshire North and Arran Banbury Banff and Buchan Barking Barnsley Central Barnsley East Barrow and Furness Basildon and Billericay Basildon South and East Thurrock Basingstoke Bassetlaw Bath Batley and Spen Battersea Beaconsfield Beckenham Bedford Bedfordshire Mid Bedfordshire North East Bedfordshire South West Belfast East Belfast North Belfast South Belfast West Bermondsey and Old Southwark Berwick-upon-Tweed Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk Bethnal Green and Bow Beverley and Holderness Bexhill and Battle Bexleyheath and Crayford Birkenhead Birmingham, Edgbaston Birmingham, Erdington Birmingham, Hall Green Birmingham, Hodge Hill Birmingham, Ladywood Birmingham, Northfield Birmingham, Perry Barr Birmingham, Selly Oak Birmingham, Yardley Bishop Auckland Blackburn Blackley and Broughton Blackpool North and Cleveleys Blackpool South

Hywel Francis (L) Guto Bebb (C) Frank Doran (L) Anne Begg (L) Robert Smith (LD) Pamela Nash (L) Gerald Howarth (C) Richard Shepherd (C) Graham Brady (C) Mark Tami (L) Nigel Mills (C) Mike Weir (SNP) Sammy Wilson (DUP) Ian Paisley, Jr. (DUP) William McCrea (DUP) Hywel Williams (PC) Alan Reid (LD) Nick Herbert (C) Gloria De Piero (L) Damian Green (C) David Heyes (L) David Lidington (C) Sandra Osborne (L) Brian Donohoe (L) Katy Clark (L) Tony Baldry (C) Eilidh Whiteford (SNP) Margaret Hodge (L) Eric Illsley (L) replaced by Dan Jarvis (L) Mar 2011 Michael Dugher (L) John Woodcock (L) John Baron (C) Stephen Metcalfe (C) Maria Miller (C) John Mann (L) Don Foster (LD) Mike Wood (L) Jane Ellison (C) Dominic Grieve (C) Bob Stewart (C) Richard Fuller (C) Nadine Dorries (C) Alistair Burt (C) Andrew Selous (C) Naomi Long (APNI) Nigel Dodds (DUP) Alasdair McDonnell (SDLP) Gerry Adams (SF) replaced by Paul Maskey (SF) June 2011 Simon Hughes (LD) Alan Beith (LD) Michael Moore (LD) Rushanara Ali (L) Graham Stuart (C) Greg Barker (C) David Evennett (C) Frank Field (L) Gisela Stuart (L) Jack Dromey (L) Roger Godsiff (L) Liam Byrne (L) Shabana Mahmood (L) Richard Burden (L) Khalid Mahmood (L) Steve McCabe (L) John Hemming (LD) Helen Goodman (L) Jack Straw (L) Graham Stringer (L) Paul Maynard (C) Gordon Marsden (L)

Blaenau Gwent Blaydon Blyth Valley Bognor Regis and Littlehampton Bolsover Bolton North East Bolton South East Bolton West Bootle Boston and Skegness Bosworth Bournemouth East Bournemouth West Bracknell Bradford East Bradford South Bradford West Braintree Brecon and Radnorshire Brent Central Brent North Brentford and Isleworth Brentwood and Ongar Bridgend Bridgwater and West Somerset Brigg and Goole Brighton Kemptown Brighton Pavilion Bristol East Bristol North West Bristol South Bristol West Broadland Bromley and Chislehurst Bromsgrove Broxbourne Broxtowe Buckingham Burnley Burton Bury North Bury South Bury St Edmunds Caerphilly Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Calder Valley Camberwell and Peckham Camborne and Redruth Cambridge Cambridgeshire North East Cambridgeshire North West Cambridgeshire South Cambridgeshire South East Cannock Chase Canterbury Cardiff Central Cardiff North Cardiff South and Penarth Cardiff West Carlisle Carmarthen East and Dinefwr Carmarthen West & South Pembrokeshire Carshalton and Wallington Castle Point Ceredigion Charnwood Chatham and Aylesford Cheadle Chelmsford Chelsea and Fulham


Nick Smith (L) Dave Anderson (L) Ronnie Campbell (L) Nick Gibb (C) Dennis Skinner (L) David Crausby (L) Yasmin Qureshi (L) Julie Hilling (L) Joe Benton (L) Mark Simmonds (C) David Tredinnick (C) Tobias Ellwood (C) Conor Burns (C) Phillip Lee (C) David Ward (LD) Gerry Sutcliffe (L) Marsha Singh (L) replaced by George Galloway (Respect) Mar 2012 Brooks Newmark (C) Roger Williams (LD) Sarah Teather (LD) Barry Gardiner (L) Mary MacLeod (C) Eric Pickles (C) Madeleine Moon (L) Ian Liddell-Grainger (C) Andrew Percy (C) Simon Kirby (C) Caroline Lucas (Green) Kerry McCarthy (L) Charlotte Leslie (C) Dawn Primarolo (L) Stephen Williams (LD) Keith Simpson (C) Bob Neill (C) Sajid Javid (C) Charles Walker (C) Anna Soubry (C) John Bercow (C – Speaker) Gordon Birtwistle (LD) Andrew Griffiths (C) David Nuttall (C) Ivan Lewis (L) David Ruffley (C) Wayne David (L) John Thurso (LD) Craig Whittaker (C) Harriet Harman (L) George Eustice (C) Julian Huppert (LD) Stephen Barclay (C) Vera Shailesh (C) Andrew Lansley (C) Jim Paice (C) Aidan Burley (C) Julian Brazier (C) Jenny Willott (LD) Jonathan Evans (C) Alun Michael (L) replaced by Stephen Doughty (L) Nov 2012 Kevin Brennan (L) John Stevenson (C) Jonathan Edwards (PC) Simon Hart (C) Tom Brake (LD) Rebecca Harris (C) Mark Williams (LD) Stephen Dorrell (C) Tracey Crouch (C) Mark Hunter (LD) Simon Burns (C) Greg Hands (C)

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Cheltenham Chesham and Amersham Chester, City of Chesterfield Chichester Chingford and Woodford Green Chippenham Chipping Barnet Chorley Christchurch Cities of London and Westminster Clacton Cleethorpes Clwyd South Clwyd West Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill Colchester Colne Valley Congleton Copeland Corby Cornwall North Cornwall South East Cotswolds, The Coventry North East Coventry North West Coventry South Crawley Crewe and Nantwich Croydon Central Croydon North Croydon South Cumbernauld, Kilsyth & Kirkintilloch East Cynon Valley Dagenham and Rainham Darlington Dartford Daventry Delyn Denton and Reddish Derby North Derby South Derbyshire Dales Derbyshire Mid Derbyshire North East Derbyshire South Devizes Devon Central Devon East Devon North Devon South West Devon West and Torridge Dewsbury Don Valley Doncaster Central Doncaster North Dorset Mid and Poole North Dorset North Dorset South Dorset West Dover Down North Down South Dudley North Dudley South Dulwich and West Norwood Dumfries and Galloway Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale Dunbartonshire East Dunbartonshire West Dundee East Dundee West Dunfermline and West Fife

Martin Horwood (LD) Cheryl Gillan (C) Stephen Mosley (C) Toby Perkins (L) Andrew Tyrie (C) Iain Duncan Smith (C) Duncan Hames (LD) Theresa Villiers (C) Lindsay Hoyle (L) Christopher Chope (C) Mark Field (C) Douglas Carswell (C) Martin Vickers (C) Susan Elan Jones (L) David Jones (C) Tom Clarke (L) Bob Russell (LD) Jason McCartney (C) Fiona Bruce (C) Jamie Reed (L) Louise Bagshawe (C) replaced by Andy Sawford (L) Nov 2012 Dan Rogerson (LD) Sheryll Murray (C) Geoffrey Clifton-Brown C) Bob Ainsworth (L) Geoffrey Robinson (L) Jim Cunningham (L) Henry Smith (C) Edward Timpson (C) Gavin Barwell (C) Malcolm Wicks (L) d. replaced by Steve Reed (L) Nov 2012 Richard Ottaway (C) Gregg McClymont (L) Ann Clwyd (L) Jon Cruddas (L) Jenny Chapman (L) Gareth Johnson (C) Chris Heaton-Harris (C) David Hanson (L) Andrew Gwynne (L) Chris Williamson (L) Margaret Beckett (L) Patrick McLoughlin (C) Pauline Latham (C) Natascha Engel (L) Heather Wheeler (C) Claire Perry (C) Mel Stride (C) Hugo Swire (C) Nick Harvey (LD) Gary Streeter (C) Geoffrey Cox (C) Simon Reevell (C) Caroline Flint (L) Rosie Winterton (L) Ed Miliband (L) Annette Brooke (LD) Bob Walter (C) Richard Drax (C) Oliver Letwin (C) Charlie Elphicke (C) Sylvia Hermon (Ind) Margaret Ritchie (SDLP) Ian Austin (L) Chris Kelly (C) Tessa Jowell (L) Russell Brown (L) David Mundell (C) Jo Swinson (LD) Gemma Doyle (L) Stewart Hosie (SNP) Jim McGovern (L) Thomas Docherty (L)

Durham, City of Durham North Durham North West Dwyfor Meirionydd Ealing Central and Acton Ealing North Ealing Southall Easington East Kilbride, Strathaven & Lesmahagow East Lothian Eastbourne Eastleigh Edinburgh East Edinburgh North and Leith Edinburgh South Edinburgh South West Edinburgh West Edmonton Ellesmere Port and Neston Elmet and Rothwell Eltham Enfield North Enfield Southgate Epping Forest Epsom and Ewell Erewash Erith and Thamesmead Esher and Walton Falkirk Fareham Faversham and Kent Mid Feltham and Heston Fermanagh and South Tyrone Fife North East Filton and Bradley Stoke Finchley and Golders Green Folkestone and Hythe Forest of Dean Foyle Fylde Gainsborough Garston and Halewood Gateshead Gedling Gillingham and Rainham Glasgow Central Glasgow East Glasgow North Glasgow North East Glasgow North West Glasgow South Glasgow South West Glenrothes Gloucester Gordon Gosport Gower Grantham and Stamford Gravesham Great Grimsby Great Yarmouth Greenwich and Woolwich Guildford Hackney North and Stoke Newington Hackney South and Shoreditch Halesowen and Rowley Regis Halifax Haltemprice and Howden Halton Hammersmith Hampshire East Hampshire North East Hampshire North West


Roberta Blackman-Woods (L) Kevan Jones (L) Pat Glass (L) Elfyn Llwyd (PC) Angie Bray (C) Stephen Pound (L) Virendra Sharma (L) Grahame Morris (L) Michael McCann (L) Fiona O’Donnell (L) Stephen Lloyd (LD) Chris Huhne (LD) replaced by Mike Thornton (LD) Feb 2013 Sheila Gilmore (L) Mark Lazarowicz (L) Ian Murray (L) Alistair Darling (L) Michael Crockart (LD) Andy Love (L) Andrew Miller (L) Alec Shelbrooke (C) Clive Efford (L) Nick de Bois (C) David Burrowes (C) Eleanor Laing (C) Chris Grayling (C) Jessica Lee (C) Teresa Pearce (L) Dominic Raab (C) Eric Joyce (L) Mark Hoban (C) Hugh Robertson (C) Alan Keen (L) d. replaced by Seema Malhotra (L) Dec 2011 Michelle Gildernew (SF) Menzies Campbell (LD) Jack Lopresti (C) Mike Freer (C) Damian Collins (C) Mark Harper (C) Mark Durkan (SDLP) Mark Menzies (C) Edward Leigh (C) Maria Eagle (L) Ian Mearns (L) Vernon Coaker (L) Rehman Chishti (C) Anas Sarwar (L) Margaret Curran (L) Ann McKechin (L) Willie Bain (L) John Robertson (L) Tom Harris (L) Ian Davidson (L) Lindsay Roy (L) Richard Graham (C) Malcolm Bruce (LD) Caroline Dinenage (C) Martin Caton (L) Nicholas Boles (C) Adam Holloway (C) Austin Mitchell (L) Brandon Lewis C) Nick Raynsford (L) Anne Milton (C) Diane Abbott (L) Meg Hillier (L) James Morris (C) Linda Riordan (L) David Davis (C) Derek Twigg (L) Andy Slaughter (L) Damian Hinds (C) James Arbuthnot (C) George Young (C)

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Hampstead and Kilburn Harborough Harlow Harrogate and Knaresborough Harrow East Harrow West Hartlepool Harwich and Essex North Hastings and Rye Havant Hayes and Harlington Hazel Grove Hemel Hempstead Hemsworth Hendon Henley Hereford and Herefordshire South Herefordshire North Hertford and Stortford Hertfordshire North East Hertfordshire South West Hertsmere Hexham Heywood and Middleton High Peak Hitchin and Harpenden Holborn and St Pancras Hornchurch and Upminster Hornsey and Wood Green Horsham Houghton and Sunderland South Hove Huddersfield Hull East Hull North Hull West and Hessle Huntingdon Hyndburn Ilford North Ilford South Inverclyde Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey Ipswich Isle of Wight Islington North Islington South and Finsbury Islwyn Jarrow Keighley Kenilworth and Southam Kensington Kettering Kilmarnock and Loudoun Kingston and Surbiton Kingswood Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath Knowsley Lagan Valley Lanark and Hamilton East Lancashire West Lancaster and Fleetwood Leeds Central Leeds East Leeds North East Leeds North West Leeds West Leicester East Leicester South Leicester West Leicestershire North West Leicestershire South Leigh Lewes

Glenda Jackson (L) Edward Garnier (C) Robert Halfon (C) Andrew Jones (C) Bob Blackman (C) Gareth Thomas (L) Iain Wright (L) Bernard Jenkin (C) Amber Rudd (C) David Willetts (C) John McDonnell (L) Andrew Stunell (LD) Mike Penning (C) John Trickett (L) Matthew Offord (C) John Howell (C) Jesse Norman (C) Bill Wiggin (C) Mark Prisk (C) Oliver Heald (C) David Gauke (C) James Clappison (C) Guy Opperman (C) Jim Dobbin (L) Andrew Bingham (C) Peter Lilley (C) Frank Dobson (L) Angela Watkinson (C) Lynne Featherstone (LD) Francis Maude (C) Bridget Phillipson (L) Mike Weatherley (C) Barry Sheerman (L) Karl Turner (L) Diana Johnson (L) Alan Johnson (L) Jonathan Djanogly (C) Graham Jones (L) Lee Scott (C) Mike Gapes (L) David Cairns (L) d. replaced by Iain McKenzie (L) June 2011 Danny Alexander (LD) Ben Gummer (C) Andrew Turner (C) Jeremy Corbyn (L) Emily Thornberry (L) Christopher Evans (L) Stephen Hepburn (L) Kris Hopkins (C) Jeremy Wright (C) Malcolm Rifkind (C) Philip Hollobone (C) Cathy Jamieson (L) Ed Davey (LD) Chris Skidmore (C) Gordon Brown (L) George Howarth (L) Jeffrey Donaldson (DUP) Jimmy Hood (L) Rosie Cooper (L) Eric Ollerenshaw (C) Hilary Benn (L) George Mudie (L) Fabian Hamilton (L) Greg Mulholland (LD) Rachel Reeves (L) Keith Vaz (L) Peter Soulsby (L) replaced by Jon Ashworth (L) May 2011 Elizabeth Kendall (L) Andrew Bridgen (C) Andrew Robathan (C) Andy Burnham (L) Norman Baker (LD)

Joan Ruddock (L) Heidi Alexander (L) Jim Dowd (L) John Cryer (L) Michael Fabricant (C) Karl McCartney (C) Michael Connarty (L) Louise Ellman (L) Steve Rotheram (L) Luciana Berger (L) Stephen Twigg (L) Graeme Morrice (L) Nia Griffith (L) Gregory Campbell (DUP) Nicky Morgan (C) Peter Tapsell (C) Philip Dunne (C) Kelvin Hopkins (L) Gavin Shuker (L) David Rutley (C) Theresa May (C) Helen Grant (C) Yvonne Fovargue (L) John Whittingdale (C) Tony Lloyd (L) replaced by Lucy Powell (L) Nov 2012 Manchester, Gorton Gerald Kaufman (L) Manchester, Withington John Leech (LD) Mansfield Alan Meale (L) Meon Valley George Hollingbery (C) Meriden Caroline Spelman (C) Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney Dai Havard (L) Middlesbrough Stuart Bell (L) d. replaced by Andy McDonald (L) Nov 2012 Middlesbrough South & Tom Blenkinsop (L) East Cleveland Midlothian David Hamilton (L) Milton Keynes North Mark Lancaster (C) Milton Keynes South Iain Stewart (C) Mitcham and Morden Siobhan McDonough (L) Mole Valley Paul Beresford (C) Monmouth David Davies (C) Montgomeryshire Glyn Davies (C) Moray Angus Robertson (SNP) Morecambe and Lunesdale David Morris (C) Morley and Outwood Ed Balls (L) Motherwell and Wishaw Frank Roy (L) Na h-Eileanan an Iar Angus MacNeill (SNP) Neath Peter Hain (L) New Forest East Julian Lewis (C) New Forest West Desmond Swayne (C) Newark Patrick Mercer (C) Newbury Richard Benyon (C) Newcastle-under-Lyme Paul Farrelly (L) Newcastle upon Chi Onwurah (L) Tyne Central Newcastle upon Tyne East Nick Brown (L) Newcastle upon Tyne North Catherine McKinnell (L) Newport East Jessica Morden (L) Newport West Paul Flynn (L) Newry and Armagh Conor Murphy (SF) Newton Abbot Anne-Marie Morris (C) Norfolk Mid George Freeman (C) Norfolk North Norman Lamb (LD) Norfolk North West Henry Bellingham (C) Norfolk South Richard Bacon (C) Norfolk South West Elizabeth Truss (C) Normanton, Pontefract Yvette Cooper (L) and Castleford Northampton North Michael Ellis (C) Northampton South Brian Binley (C) Northamptonshire South Andrea Leadsom (C) Chloe Smith (C) Norwich North Norwich South Simon Wright (LD) Nottingham East Christopher Leslie (L) Nottingham North Graham Allen (L) Nottingham South Lilian Greenwood (L) Nuneaton Marcus Jones (C) Ochil and South Perthshire Gordon Banks (L) Ogmore Huw Irranca-Davies (L) Lewisham Deptford Lewisham East Lewisham West and Penge Leyton and Wanstead Lichfield Lincoln Linlithgow and East Falkirk Liverpool, Riverside Liverpool, Walton Liverpool, Wavertree Liverpool, West Derby Livingston Llanelli Londonderry East Loughborough Louth and Horncastle Ludlow Luton North Luton South Macclesfield Maidenhead Maidstone and The Weald Makerfield Maldon Manchester Central


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Old Bexley and Sidcup Oldham East and Saddleworth Oldham West and Royton Orkney and Shetland Orpington Oxford East Oxford West and Abingdon Paisley and Renfrewshire North Paisley and Renfrewshire South Pendle Penistone and Stocksbridge Penrith and The Border Perth and Perthshire North Peterborough Plymouth, Moor View Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport Pontypridd Poole Poplar and Limehouse Portsmouth North Portsmouth South Preseli Pembrokeshire Preston Pudsey Putney Rayleigh and Wickford Reading East Reading West Redcar Redditch Reigate Renfrewshire East Rhondda Ribble Valley Richmond Richmond Park Rochdale Rochester and Strood Rochford and Southend East Romford Romsey and Southampton North Ross, Skye and Lochaber Rossendale and Darwen Rother Valley Rotherham Rugby Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner Runnymede and Weybridge Rushcliffe Rutherglen and Hamilton West Rutland and Melton Saffron Walden St Albans St Austell and Newquay St Helens North St Helens South and Whiston St Ives Salford and Eccles Salisbury Scarborough and Whitby Scunthorpe Sedgefield Sefton Central Selby and Ainsty Sevenoaks Sheffield, Brightside and Hillsborough Sheffield Central Sheffield, Hallam

James Brokenshire (C) Phil Woolas (L) replaced by Debbie Abrahams (L) Jan 2011 Michael Meacher (L) Alistair Carmichael (LD) Joseph Johnson (C) Andrew Smith (L) Nicola Blackwood (C) Jim Sheridan (L) Douglas Alexander (L) Andrew Stephenson (C) Angela Smith (L) Rory Stewart (C) Pete Wishart (SNP) Stewart Jackson (C) Alison Seabeck (L) Oliver Colville (C) Owen Smith (L) Robert Syms (C) Jim Fitzpatrick (L) Penny Mordaunt (C) Mike Hancock (LD) Stephen Crabb (C) Mark Hendrick (L) Stuart Andrew (C) Justine Greening (C) Mark Francois (C) Rob Wilson (C) Alok Sharma (C) Ian Swales (LD) Karen Lumley (C) Crispin Blunt (C) Jim Murphy (L) Chris Bryant (L) Nigel Evans (C) William Hague (C) Zac Goldsmith (C) Simon Danczuk (L) Mark Reckless (C) James Duddridge (C) Andrew Rosindell (C) Caroline Nokes (C) Charles Kennedy (LD) Jake Berry (C) Kevin Barron (L) Denis MacShane (L) replaced by Sarah Champion (L) Nov 2012 Mark Pawsey (C) Nick Hurd (C) Philip Hammond (C) Kenneth Clarke (C) Tom Greatrex (L) Alan Duncan (C) Alan Haselhurst (C) Anne Main (C) Stephen Gilbert (LD) Dave Watts (L) Shaun Woodward (L) Andrew George (LD) Hazel Blears (L) John Glen (C) Robert Goodwill (C) Nic Dakin (L) Phil Wilson (L) Bill Esterson (L) Nigel Adams (C) Michael Fallon (C) David Blunkett (L) Paul Blomfield (L) Nick Clegg (LD)

Sheffield, Heeley Sheffield South East Sherwood Shipley Shrewsbury and Atcham Shropshire North Sittingbourne and Sheppey Skipton and Ripon Sleaford and North Hykeham Slough Solihull Somerset North Somerset North East Somerton and Frome South Holland and The Deepings South Ribble South Shields Southampton, Itchen Southampton, Test Southend West Southport Spelthorne Stafford Staffordshire Moorlands Staffordshire South Stalybridge and Hyde Stevenage Stirling Stockport Stockton North Stockton South Stoke-on-Trent Central Stoke-on-Trent North Stoke-on-Trent South Stone Stourbridge Strangford Stratford-on-Avon Streatham Stretford and Urmston Stroud Suffolk Central and Ipswich North Suffolk Coastal Suffolk South Suffolk West Sunderland Central Surrey East Surrey Heath Surrey South West Sussex Mid Sutton and Cheam Sutton Coldfield Swansea East Swansea West Swindon North Swindon South Tamworth Tatton Taunton Deane Telford Tewkesbury Thanet North Thanet South Thirsk and Malton* Thornbury and Yate Thurrock Tiverton and Honiton Tonbridge and Malling Tooting Torbay Torfaen Totnes Tottenham Truro and Falmouth Tunbridge Wells Twickenham


Meg Munn (L) Clive Betts (L) Mark Spencer (C) Philip Davies (C) Daniel Kawczynski (C) Owen Paterson (C) Gordon Henderson (C) Julian Smith (C) Stephen Philips (C) Fiona Mactaggart (L) Lorely Burt (LD) Liam Fox (C) Jacob Rees-Mogg (C) David Heath (LD) John Hayes (C) Lorraine Fullbrook (C) David Miliband (L) replaced by Emma Lewell-Buck (L) May 2013 John Denham (L) Alan Whitehead (L) David Amess (C) John Pugh (LD) Kwasi Kwarteng (C) Jeremy Lefroy (C) Karen Bradley (C) Gavin Williamson (C) Jonathan Reynolds (L) Stephen McPartland (C) Anne McGuire (L) Ann Coffey (L) Alex Cunningham (L) James Wharton (C) Tristram Hunt (L) Joan Walley (L) Rob Flello (L) Bill Cash (C) Margot James (C) Jim Shannon (DUP) Nadhim Zahawi (C) Chuka Umunna (L) Kate Green (L) Neil Carmichael (C) Daniel Poulter (C) Therese Coffey (C) Tim Yeo (C) Matthew Hancock (C) Julie Elliott (L) Sam Gyimah (C) Michael Gove (C) Jeremy Hunt (C) Nicholas Soames (C) Paul Burstow (LD) Andrew Mitchell (C) Sian James (L) Geraint Davies (L) Justin Tomlinson (C) Robert Buckland (C) Christopher Pincher (C) George Osborne (C) Jeremy Browne (LD) David Wright (L) Laurence Robertson (C) Roger Gale (C) Laura Sandys (C) Anne McIntosh (C) Steve Webb (LD) Jackie Doyle-Price (C) Neil Parish (C) John Stanley (C) Sadiq Khan (L) Adrian Sanders (LD) Paul Murphy (L) Sarah Wollaston (C) David Lammy (L) Sarah Newton (C) Greg Clark (C) Vince Cable (LD)

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Tynemouth Tyneside North Tyrone West Ulster Mid Upper Bann Uxbridge and South Ruislip Vale of Clwyd Vale of Glamorgan Vauxhall Wakefield Wallasey Walsall North Walsall South Walthamstow Wansbeck Wantage Warley Warrington North Warrington South Warwick and Leamington Warwickshire North Washington and Sunderland West Watford Waveney Wealden Weaver Vale Wellingborough Wells Welwyn Hatfield Wentworth and Dearne West Bromwich East West Bromwich West West Ham Westminster North

Alan Campbell (L) Mary Glindon (L) Pat Doherty (SF) Martin McGuinness (SF) replaced by Francie Molloy (SF) Mar 2013 David Simpson (DUP) John Randall (C) Chris Ruane (L) Alun Cairns (C) Kate Hoey (L) Mary Creagh (L) Angela Eagle (L) David Winnick (L) Valerie Vaz (L) Stella Creasy (L) Ian Lavery (L) Ed Vaizey (C) John Spellar (L) Helen Jones (L) David Mowat (C) Chris White (C) Dan Byles (C) Sharon Hodgson (L) Richard Harrington (C) Peter Aldous (C) Charles Hendry (C) Graham Evans (C) Peter Bone (C) Tessa Munt (LD) Grant Shapps (C) John Healey (L) Tom Watson (L) Adrian Bailey (L) Lyn Brown (L) Karen Buck (L)

Westmorland and Lonsdale Weston-Super-Mare Wigan Wiltshire North Wiltshire South West Wimbledon Winchester Windsor Wirral South Wirral West Witham Witney Woking Wokingham Wolverhampton North East Wolverhampton South East Wolverhampton South West Worcester Worcestershire Mid Worcestershire West Workington Worsley and Eccles South Worthing East and Shoreham Worthing West Wrekin, The Wrexham Wycombe Wyre and Preston North Wyre Forest Wythenshawe and Sale East Yeovil Ynys Môn (Anglesey) York Central York Outer Yorkshire East

Tim Farron (LD) John Penrose (C) Lisa Nandy (L) James Gray (C) Andrew Murrison (C) Stephen Hammond (C) Steve Brine (C) Adam Afriyie (C) Alison McGovern (L) Esther McVey (C) Priti Patel (C) David Cameron (C) Jonathan Lord (C) John Redwood (C) Emma Reynolds (L) Pat McFadden (L) Paul Uppal (C) Robin Walker (C) Peter Luft (C) Harriett Baldwin (C) Tony Cunningham (L) Barbara Keeley (L) Tim Loughton (C) Peter Bottomley (C) Mark Pritchard (C) Ian Lucas (L) Steven Baker (C) Ben Wallace (C) Mark Garnier (C) Paul Goggins (L) David Laws (LD) Albert Owen (L) Hugh Bayley (L) Julian Sturdy (C) Greg Knight (C)

Note: Due to death of UKIP candidate John Boakes the Thirsk and Malton result was not decided until 27 May 2010

Miscellaneous Information: After 2010 General Election Composition of the House of Commons

Conservative Party (10,828,916) Labour Party (8,606,518) Liberal Democrats (6,836,718) Democratic Unionist Party Scottish National Party Sinn Féin Plaid Cymru Social Democratic and Labour Party Green Party of England and Wales Alliance Party of Northern Ireland Independent Unionist (Sylvia Hermon) Speaker

307 258 57 8 6 5 3 3 1 1 1 1

(257 men, 50 women) (176 men, 82 women) (50 men, 7 women) (all men) (5 men, 1 woman) (4 men, 1 woman) (all men) (2 men, 1 woman) (woman) (woman) (woman) (man)

high-profile losers

Charles Clarke (former Labour Home Secretary) in Norwich South; Reg Empey (leader of the Ulster Unionists) in Antrim South; Lembit Opik for the Lib Dems in Montgomeryshire; Peter Robinson (First Minister of Northern Ireland since 5 June 2008 and leader of the DUP since 31 May 2008) in Belfast East; Jacqui Smith (former Labour Home Secretary) in Redditch.

high-profile winners

*Romantic novelist Louise Bagshawe in Corby; millionaire Zac Goldsmith (son of financier Sir James Goldsmith) in Richmond Park; Pamela Nash in Airdrie (at 25 she is the ‘Baby of the House’); Caroline Lucas (the Green Party’s first-ever MP in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom) in Brighton; Priti Patel (the first Asian female Conservative MP) in Witham; Michelle Gildernew (smallest majority – 4) in Fermanagh and South Tyrone; Helen Grant (first black female Conservative MP) in Maidstone & The Weald; Peter Tapsell (Father of the House – longest serving MP) in Louth & Horncastle.

* Louise Daphne Bagshawe (b. 28 June 1971) married Peter Mensch in 2011, retired and relocated to the United States, where her husband took up work. Technically, MPs cannot resign. However, they can effectively do so by requesting to be appointed as Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds or Steward of the Manor of Northstead, which automatically vacates their seat. NB Several serving MPs have ceased to be a member of their party, but continue to sit in the House of Commons as independents either through choice or because they have had the party whip withdrawn. As at October 2013 these include: Eric Joyce (Lab, Falkirk) who was suspended on 23 February 2012 following his arrest on suspicion of assault the night before; Patrick Mercer (Con, Newark) who resigned on 31 May 2013 after he was the subject of a journalistic sting exploring his conduct regarding lobbying companies; Mike Hancock (LD, Portsmouth South) who resigned on 3 June 2013 until a forthcoming court case, involving allegations of sexual offences made against him, has ended; David Ward (LD, Bradford East), who was suspended on 18 July 2013 after questioning the continuing existence of the state of Israel and refusing to apologise for his remarks; Nigel Evans (Con, Ribble Valley) who resigned as First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means and chose to sit as an independent in September 2013 after being charged with offences including sexual assault and rape.


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Cabinet Positions (past and present) The Cabinet is the traditional inner circle of the most senior ministers of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom, composed of the Prime Minister and 22 Cabinet ministers, although recently there has been a trend towards non-Cabinet ministers and even non-members of the Houses of Parliament attending meetings as guests. The incumbents, frequently entitled Secretaries of State of their various departments, are empowered to form policy and are the public face of their ministries, although the permanent secretaries, who are non-party civil servants, necessarily tend to perform much of the day to day running of the offices. It is a peculiarity of the UK system that the government of the day heads the departments while the civil servants carrying out its policy might be of a totally opposite political persuasion. This has sometimes been known to cause a certain inertia within departments. Cabinet members from the Commons are created Privy Councillors on appointment and are addressed as ‘The Right Honourable’. Cabinet members from the Lords (a rarity these days) are already Privy Councillors. The following is a list of the incumbents of the various Cabinet positions in all their guises.

Agriculture, Fisheries and Food The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food was a government department created by the Board of Agriculture Act 1889 and at that time called the Board of Agriculture. In 1903 the department was renamed the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and by 1919 it became a ministry. It was renamed the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) in 1954 after merging with the Ministry of Food which was set up to deal with food rationing in both world wars. Its functions were transferred to a new government department, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), in 2001 although MAFF was not formally disbanded until the following year. Name



Henry Chaplin Herbert Gardner Walter Hume Long Robert Hanbury William Onslow, 4th Earl of Onslow Ailwyn Fellowes Charles Robert Wynn Carrington, 1st Earl Carrington Walter Runciman Auberon Herbert, 9th Baron Lucas William Waldegrave Palmer, 2nd Earl of Selborne David Lindsay, 27th Earl of Crawford Rowland Edmund Prothero Arthur Hamilton Lee, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham Arthur Griffith-Boscawen Sir Robert Sanders Noel Buxton Edward F L Wood Walter Guinness Noel Buxton Christopher Addison Sir John Gilmour Walter Elliot William Shepherd Morrison Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith Robert Hudson Tom Williams Sir Thomas Dugdale Derick Heathcoat-Amory John Hare, 1st Viscount Blakenham Christopher Soames Fred Peart Cledwyn Hughes James Prior Joseph Godber Fred Peart John Silkin Peter Walker Michael Jopling John MacGregor John Gummer Gillian Shephard William Waldegrave Douglas Hogg Jack Cunningham Nick Brown Margaret Beckett

9 Sept. 1889–11 Aug. 1892 25 Aug. 1892–21 June 1895 4 July 1895–16 Nov. 1900 16 Nov. 1900–28 Apr. 1903 19 May 1903–12 Mar. 1905 12 Mar.–4 Dec. 1905 10 Dec. 1905–23 Oct. 1911 23 Oct. 1911–6 Aug. 1914 6 Aug. 1914–25 May 1915 25 May 1915–11 July 1916 11 July–10 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–15 Aug. 1919 15 Aug. 1919–13 Feb. 1921 13 Feb. 1921–24 Oct. 1922 24 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–4 Nov. 1925 4 Nov. 1925–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–5 June 1930 5 June 1930–24 Aug. 1931 25 Aug. 1931–28 Sept. 1932 28 Sept. 1932–29 Oct. 1936 29 Oct. 1936–29 Jan. 1939 29 Jan. 1939–14 May 1940 14 May 1940–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–26 Oct. 1951 31 Oct. 1951–20 July 1954 28 July 1954–6 Jan. 1958 6 Jan. 1958–27 July 1960 27 July 1960–16 Oct. 1964 16 Oct. 1964–6 Apr. 1968 6 Apr. 1968–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–5 Nov. 1972 5 Nov. 1972–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–10 Sept. 1976 10 Sept. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–27 May 1993 27 May 1993–20 July 1994 20 July 1994–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–27 July 1998 27 July 1998–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–27 Mar. 2002

Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour


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Board of Trade The Board of Trade came into existence in 1672 as an amalgamation of the Council of Trade and Council of Foreign Plantations, both formed in 1660. Initially the incumbent was known as First Lord of Trade, but in 1784 Baron Sydney (he who gave his name to cities in Canada and Australia) took office as President of the Committee on Trade and Foreign Plantations. Thereafter the holder was known as President of the Board of Trade until Edward Heath’s tenure in 1963, when the job description was widened and he became Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development, and President of the Board of Trade. Although the office reverted back to the Board of Trade between 1964 and 1970, both John Davies and Peter Walker were known as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, and President of the Board of Trade. Between 1974 and 1983 the duties were split and Tony Benn, Eric Varley, Sir Keith Joseph and Patrick Jenkin were Secretaries of State for Industry while the President of the Board of Trade became a secondary title of the Secretary of State for Trade. Between 1983 and 2007 the status quo ante resumed and the offices were again united. From 28 June 2007, the incumbent was known as the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, and President of the Board of Trade. Finally, on 5 June 2009, the holder of office became Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, and President of the Board of Trade. Name



Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury John Egerton, 3rd Earl of Bridgewater Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of Stamford Thomas Thynne, 1st Viscount Weymouth Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of Stamford Charles Finch, 4th Earl of Winchilsea Francis North, 2nd Baron Guilford William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley Henry Howard, 6th Earl of Suffolk Robert Darcy, 3rd Earl of Holdernesse Thomas Fane, 6th Earl of Westmorland Benjamin Mildmay, 1st Earl Fitzwalter John Monson, 1st Baron Monson George Montague-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax Samuel Sandys, 1st Baron Sandys Charles Townshend William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne Wills Hill, 1st Earl of Hillsborough William Legge, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth Wills Hill, 1st Earl of Hillsborough Robert Nugent, 1st Viscount Clare Wills Hill, 1st Earl of Hillsborough William Legge, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth Lord George Sackville-Germain Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle Thomas Robinson, 2nd Baron Grantham Thomas Townshend, 1st Baron Sydney Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst Richard Le Poer Trench, 2nd Earl of Clancarty Frederick John Robinson William Huskisson Charles Grant William Vesey Fitzgerald John Charles Herries George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland Charles Edward Poulett Thomson Alexander Baring Charles Edward Poulett Thomson Henry Labouchere Frederick John Robinson, 1st Earl of Ripon William Ewart Gladstone James Andrew Broun-Ramsay, 10th Earl of Dalhousie George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon Henry Labouchere Joseph Warner Henley Edward Cardwell Edward John Stanley, 2nd Baron Stanley of Alderley Joseph Warner Henley Richard John Hely-Hutchinson, 4th Earl of Donoughmore Thomas Milner Gibson Sir Stafford Northcote Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 6th Duke of Richmond John Bright Chichester Parkinson-Fortescue Sir Charles Adderley Dudley Francis Stuart Ryder, Viscount Sandon Joseph Chamberlain Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 6th Duke of Richmond Edward Stanhope Anthony John Mundella Frederick Stanley, 1st Baron Stanley of Preston

16 Sept. 1672–1676 16 Dec. 1695–9 June 1699 9 June 1699–8 Jan 1702 8 Jan. 1702–1705 1705–12 June 1711 12 June 1711–15 Sept. 1713 15 Sept. 1713–Sept. 1714 Sept. 1714–12 May 1715 12 May 1715–31 Jan. 1718 31 Jan. 1718–11 May 1719 11 May 1719–May 1735 May 1735–June 1737 June 1737–1 Nov. 1748 1 Nov. 1748–21 Mar. 1761 21 Mar. 1761–1 Mar. 1763 1 Mar.–20 Apr. 1763 20 Apr.–9 Sept. 1763 9 Sept. 1763–20 July 1765 20 July 1765–16 Aug. 1766 16 Aug.–Dec. 1766 Dec. 1766–20 Jan. 1768 20 Jan. 1768–31 Aug. 1772 31 Aug. 1772–10 Nov. 1775 10 Nov. 1775–6 Nov. 1779 6 Nov. 1779–9 Dec. 1780 9 Dec. 1780–11 July 1782 5 Mar. 1784–23 Aug. 1786 23 Aug. 1786–7 June 1804 7 June 1804–5 Feb. 1806 5 Feb. 1806–31 Mar. 1807 31 Mar. 1807–29 Sept. 1812 29 Sept. 1812–24 Jan. 1818 24 Jan. 1818–21 Feb. 1823 21 Feb. 1823–4 Sept. 1827 4 Sept. 1827–11 June 1828 11 June 1828–2 Feb. 1830 2 Feb.–22 Nov. 1830 22 Nov. 1830–5 June 1834 5 June–14 Nov. 1834 15 Dec. 1834–8 Apr. 1835 18 Apr. 1835–29 Aug. 1839 29 Aug. 1839–30 Aug. 1841 3 Sept. 1841–15 May 1843 15 May 1843–5 Feb. 1845 5 Feb. 1845–27 June 1846 6 July 1846–22 July 1847 22 July 1847–21 Feb. 1852 27 Feb.–17 Dec. 1852 28 Dec. 1852–31 Mar. 1855 31 Mar. 1855–21 Feb. 1858 26 Feb. 1858–3 Mar. 1859 3 Mar.–11 June 1859 6 July 1859–26 June 1866 6 July 1866–8 Mar. 1867 8 Mar. 1867–1 Dec. 1868 9 Dec. 1868–14 Jan. 1871 14 Jan. 1871–17 Feb. 1874 21 Feb. 1874–4 Apr. 1878 4 Apr. 1878–21 Apr. 1880 3 May 1880–9 June 1885 24 June–19 Aug. 1885 19 Aug. 1885–28 Jan. 1886 17 Feb.–20 July 1886 3 Aug. 1886–21 Feb. 1888

Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Tory Tory Whig Whig Tory n/a n/a Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Whig Tory Whig Whig Tory Peelite Peelite Liberal Whig Liberal Peelite Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Conservative


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Sir Michael Hicks Beach Anthony John Mundella James Bryce Charles Thomson Ritchie Gerald William Balfour James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury David Lloyd George Winston Churchill Sydney Charles Buxton John Burns Walter Runciman Sir Albert Henry Stanley Sir Auckland Geddes Sir Robert Horne Stanley Baldwin Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame Sidney James Webb Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame* William Graham Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister Walter Runciman Oliver Stanley Sir Andrew Duncan Oliver Lyttelton Sir Andrew Duncan John Llewellin Hugh Dalton Oliver Lyttelton Sir Stafford Cripps Harold Wilson Sir Hartley Shawcross Peter Thorneycroft Sir David Eccles Reginald Maudling Fred Erroll Edward Heath Douglas Jay Anthony Crosland Roy Mason Michael Noble John Davies Peter Walker Peter Shore Edmund Dell John Smith John Nott John Biffen Lord Cockfield Cecil Parkinson Norman Tebbit Leon Brittan Paul Channon David Young, Baron Young of Graffham Nicholas Ridley Peter Lilley Michael Heseltine Ian Lang Margaret Beckett Peter Mandelson Stephen Byers Patricia Hewitt Alan Johnson Alistair Darling John Hutton Peter Mandelson Vincent Cable

21 Feb. 1888–11 Aug. 1892 18 Aug. 1892–28 May 1894 28 May 1894–21 June 1895 29 June 1895–7 Nov. 1900 7 Nov. 1900–12 Mar. 1905 12 Mar.–4 Dec. 1905

Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative

10 Dec. 1905–12 Apr. 1908 12 Apr. 1908–14 Feb. 1910 14 Feb. 1910–11 Feb. 1914 11 Feb.–5 Aug. 1914 5 Aug. 1914–5 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–26 May 1919 26 May 1919–19 Mar. 1920 19 Mar. 1920–1 Apr. 1921 1 Apr. 1921–19 Oct. 1922 24 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 25 Aug.–5 Nov. 1931 5 Nov. 1931–28 May 1937 28 May 1937–5 Jan. 1940 5 Jan.–3 Oct. 1940 3 Oct. 1940–29 June 1941 29 June 1941–4 Feb. 1942 4–22 Feb. 1942 22 Feb. 1942–23 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 27 July 1945–29 Sept. 1947 29 Sept. 1947–23 Apr. 1951 24 Apr.–26 Oct. 1951 30 Oct. 1951–13 Jan. 1957 13 Jan. 1957–14 Oct. 1959 14 Oct. 1959–9 Oct. 1961 9 Oct. 1961–20 Oct. 1963 20 Oct. 1963–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–29 Aug. 1967 29 Aug. 1967–6 Oct. 1969 6 Oct. 1969–19 June 1970 20 June–15 Oct. 1970 15 Oct. 1970–5 Nov. 1972 5 Nov. 1972–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–11 Nov. 1978 11 Nov. 1978–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–5 Jan. 1981 5 Jan. 1981–6 Apr. 1982 6 Apr. 1982–12 June 1983 12 June–11 Oct. 1983 16 Oct. 1983–2 Sept. 1985 2 Sept. 1985–22 Jan. 1986 24 Jan. 1986–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–13 July 1990 14 July 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–27 July 1998 27 July–23 Dec. 1998 23 Dec. 1998–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–6 May 2005 6 May 2005–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–3 Oct. 2008 3 Oct. 2008–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Scottish Unionist Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative National Liberal Conservative National Conservative National Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Lib-Dem

*On 7 Nov. 1924 Philip Lloyd-Greame changed his surname to Cunliffe-Lister so as to be able to inherit property from his wife’s family.

Secretaries of State for Industry Tony Benn Eric Varley Sir Keith Joseph Patrick Jenkin

5 Mar. 1974–10 June 1975 10 June 1975–4 May 1979 7 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–12 June 1983


Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

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Cabinet Office The Minister for the Cabinet Office tends to have multi-purpose Cabinet duties in support of the Prime Minister. Hilary Armstrong for instance was Minister for the Cabinet Office, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for Social Exclusion during her term of office, and the present incumbent is Minister for the Olympics, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General. Name



Hilary Armstrong Ed Miliband Liam Byrne Tessa Jowell Francis Maude

5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–3 Oct. 2008 3 Oct. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Historically, the incumbent was the chief officer in the management of the considerable lands inherited by John of Gaunt after marriage. The so-called Duchy of Lancaster is still in existence today but is run on behalf of the Crown by a deputy, and the office of Chancellor has become a sinecure for a Cabinet minister without portfolio or an honorary secondary position within the Cabinet. Name



Sir Henry de Haydock Ralph de Ergham Thomas de Thelwall Sir John De Yerborough Sir Thomas Stanley Sir Thomas Scarle Sir William Okey John de Wakering William Burgoyne Sir Thomas Stanley John Springthorpe John Wodehouse William Troutbecke Walter Sherington William Tresham John Say Sir Richard Fowler Sir John Say Thomas Thwaites Thomas Metcalfe Sir Reginald Bray Sir John Mordaunt Sir Richard Empson Sir Henry Marney Sir Richard Wingfield Sir Thomas More Sir William Fitzwilliam Sir John Gage Sir William Paget Sir John Gates Sir Robert Rochester Sir Edward Waldegrave Sir Ambrose Cave Sir Ralph Sadler Sir Francis Walsingham Sir Thomas Heneage seal in commission Sir Robert Cecil seal in commission Sir John Fortescue seal in commission Sir John Fortescue Sir Thomas Parry Sir John Dacombe Sir Humphrey May Edward Barrett Francis, Lord Seymour Lord Grey of Warke William Lenthall Sir Gilbert Gerrard John Bradshaw John Bradshaw Thomas Fell John Bradshaw William Lenthall Sir Gilbert Gerrard Francis Seymour, 1st Lord Seymour of Trowbridge

1361–1373 1373–16 Apr. 1377 16 Apr. 1377–1378 1378–10 Nov. 1382 10–29 Nov. 1382 29 Nov. 1382–Oct. 1383 Oct. 1383–1400 1400 1400–15 May 1404 15 May 1404–30 Mar. 1410 30 Mar. 1410–4 Apr. 1413 4 Apr. 1413–10 June 1424 10 June 1424–16 Feb. 1431 16 Feb. 1431–3 July 1442 3 July 1442–10 June 1449 10 June 1449–10 June 1462 10 June 1462–3 Nov. 1477 3 Nov. 1477–2 Apr. 1478 2 Apr. 1478–7 July 1483 7 July 1483–13 Sept. 1486 13 Sept. 1486–24 June 1503 24 June 1503–3 Oct. 1505 3 Oct. 1505–14 May 1509 14 May 1509–14 Apr. 1523 14 Apr. 1523–31 Dec. 1525 31 Dec. 1525–3 Nov. 1529 3 Nov. 1529–10 May 1533 10 May 1533–1 July 1547 1 July 1547–7 July 1552 7 July 1552–1553 1553–1557 22 June 1558–1559 1559–16 May 1568 16 May 1568–15 June 1587 15 June 1587–1590 1590–7 Oct. 1595 1595–1597 8 Oct. 1597–1599 1599–16 Sept. 1601 16 Sept. 1601–1601 1601 1601–1607 1607–5 June 1616 27 May 1615–1618 23 Mar. 1618–16 Apr. 1629 16 Apr. 1629–10 Feb. 1644 1644–1645 for the King 1645–1648 for the King 10 Feb. 1644–1648 for Parliament 1648–1 Aug. 1649 1 Aug. 1649–1653 1653–1654 1653–1658 1658–1659 1659 14 May 1659–9 July 1660 9 July 1660–21 July 1664

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


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Sir Thomas Ingram 21 July 1664–22 Feb 1672 Sir Robert Carr 22 Feb. 1672–21 Nov. 1682 Sir Thomas Chicheley 21 Nov. 1682–1687 seal in commission 1687 Robert Phelipps 1687–21 Mar. 1689 Robert Bertie, 16th Baron Willoughby of Eresby 21 Mar. 1689–4 May 1697 Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of Stamford 4 May 1697–12 May 1702 Sir John Leveson-Gower 12 May 1702–10 June 1706 James Stanley, 10th Earl of Derby 10 June 1706–21 Sept. 1710 William Berkeley, 4th Lord Berkeley of Stratton 21 Sept. 1710–6 Nov. 1714 Heneage Finch, 1st Earl of Aylesford 6 Nov. 1714–12 Mar. 1716 Richard Lumley, 1st Earl of Scarborough 12 Mar. 1716–19 June 1717 Nicolas Lechmere, Baron Lechmere 19 June 1717–17 July 1727 John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland 17 July 1727–21 May 1735 George Cholmondeley, 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley 21 May 1735–22 Dec. 1742 Richard Edgcumbe, 1st Lord Edgcumbe of Mount Edgcumbe 22 Dec. 1742–27 Feb. 1759 Thomas Hay, 9th Earl of Kinnoull 27 Feb. 1759–13 Dec. 1762 James Stanley, Lord Strange 13 Dec. 1762–14 June 1771 Thomas Villiers, 1st Earl of Clarendon 14 June 1771–17 Apr. 1782 John Dunning, 1st Baron Ashburton 17 Apr. 1782–29 Aug. 1783 Edward Smith-Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby 29 Aug.–31 Dec. 1783 Thomas Villiers, 1st Earl of Clarendon 31 Dec. 1783–6 Sept. 1786 Charles Jenkinson, 1st Lord Hawkesbury 6 Sept. 1786–11 Nov. 1803 Thomas Pelham, Lord Pelham 11 Nov. 1803–6 June 1804 Henry Phipps 6 June 1804–14 Jan. 1805 Robert Hobart, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire 14 Jan.–10 July 1805 Dudley Ryder, 2nd Lord Harrowby 10 July 1805–12 Feb. 1806 Edward Smith-Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby 12 Feb. 1806–30 Mar. 1807 Spencer Perceval 30 Mar. 1807–23 May 1812 Robert Hobart, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire 23 May–23 June 1812 Charles Bathurst 23 June 1812–13 Feb. 1823 Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley 13 Feb. 1823–26 Jan. 1828 George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen 26 Jan.–2 June 1828 Charles Arbuthnot 2 June 1828–25 Nov. 1830 Henry Richard Vassall-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland 25 Nov. 1830–14 Nov. 1834 Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn 26 Dec. 1834–8 Apr. 1835 Henry Richard Vassall-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland 23 Apr. 1835–31 Oct. 1840 George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon 31 Oct. 1840–23 June 1841 Sir George Grey, Bt 23 June–30 Aug. 1841 Lord Granville Charles Henry Somerset 3 Sept. 1841–27 June 1846 John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell of St Andrews 6 July 1846–6 Mar. 1850 George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl of Carlisle 6 Mar. 1850–21 Feb. 1852 Robert Adam Christopher 1 Mar.–17 Dec. 1852 Edward Strutt 3 Jan. 1853–21 June 1854 Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 21 June 1854–30 Jan. 1855 Dudley Ryder, 2nd Earl of Harrowby 31 Mar.–7 Dec. 1855 Matthew Talbot Baines 7 Dec. 1855–21 Feb. 1858 James Graham, 4th Duke of Montrose 26 Feb. 1858–11 June 1859 Sir George Grey, Bt 22 June 1859–25 July 1861 Edward Cardwell 25 July 1861–7 Apr. 1864 George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon 7 Apr. 1864–3 Nov. 1865 George Joachim Goschen 26 Jan.–26 June 1866 William Reginald Courtenay, 11th Earl of Devon 10 July 1866–26 June 1867 John Wilson-Patten 26 June 1867–7 Nov. 1868 Thomas Edward Taylor 7 Nov.–1 Dec. 1868 Frederick Temple Blackwood, 5th Lord Dufferin 12 Dec. 1868–9 Aug. 1872 Hugh Culling Eardley Childers 9 Aug. 1872–30 Sept. 1873 John Bright 30 Sept. 1873–17 Feb. 1874 Thomas Edward Taylor 2 Mar. 1874–21 Apr. 1880 John Bright 28 Apr. 1880–25 July 1882 John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley 25 July–28 Dec. 1882 John George Dodson 28 Dec. 1882–29 Oct. 1884 George Otto Trevelyan 29 Oct. 1884–9 June 1885 Henry Chaplin 24 June 1885–28 Jan. 1886 Edward Heneage 6 Feb.–16 Apr. 1886 16 Apr.–20 July 1886 Sir Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth 3–16 Aug. 1886 Gathorne Hardy, 1st Viscount Cranbrook Lord John Manners 16 Aug. 1886–11 Aug. 1892 James Bryce 18 Aug. 1892–28 May 1894 Edward Marjoribanks, 2nd Baron Tweedmouth 28 May 1894–21 June 1895 Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross 29 June–4 July 1895 Sir Henry James 4 July 1895–8 Aug. 1902 Sir William Hood Walrond 8 Aug. 1902–4 Dec. 1905 Sir Henry Hartley Fowler 10 Dec. 1905–13 Oct. 1908 Edmond Petty-FitzMaurice, 1st Baron FitzMaurice 13 Oct. 1908–25 June 1909 Herbert Samuel 25 June 1909–14 Feb. 1910 Joseph Albert Pease 14 Feb. 1910–23 Oct. 1911 Sir Charles Edward Henry Hobhouse 23 Oct. 1911–11 Feb. 1914 Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman 11 Feb. 1914–3 Feb. 1915


Party n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Whig Whig Whig Whig Tory Whig Whig Whig Whig Tory Whig Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Whig Liberal Whig Tory Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Whig Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Unionist Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal

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Edwin Samuel Montagu Winston Churchill Herbert Samuel Edwin Samuel Montagu Thomas McKinnon Wood Sir Frederick Cawley William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook William Hayes Fisher, 1st Baron Downham David Alexander Edward Lindsay, 27th Earl of Crawford and 10th Earl of Balcarres William Robert Wellesley, 2nd Viscount Peel Sir William Sutherland James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury J C C Davidson Josiah Wedgwood Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood Ronald John McNeill, 1st Baron Cushendun Sir Oswald Mosley, Bt Clement Attlee Arthur Augustus William Harry Ponsonby, 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede Philip Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian J C C Davidson Edward Turnour, 6th Earl Winterton William Shepherd Morrison George Clement Tryon, 1st Baron Tryon Maurice Hankey, 1st Baron Hankey Alfred Duff Cooper Ernest Brown Sir Arthur Salter John Burns Hynd Francis Aungier Pakenham, 1st Baron Pakenham Hugh Dalton Lord Alexander of Hillsborough Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Viscount Swinton Frederick James Marquis, 1st Baron Woolton George Douglas-Hamilton, 10th Earl of Selkirk Charles Hill Iain Macleod John Hugh Hare, 1st Viscount Blakenham Douglas Houghton George Thomson Frederick Lee George Thomson Anthony Barber Geoffrey Rippon John Davies Harold Lever Norman St John-Stevas Francis Pym Janet Young, Baroness Young Cecil Parkinson Francis Cockfield, Baron Cockfield Alexander Patrick Greysteil Ruthven, 2nd Earl of Gowrie Norman Tebbit Kenneth Clarke Tony Newton Kenneth Baker Chris Patten William Waldegrave David Hunt Roger Freeman David G Clark Jack Cunningham Marjorie ‘Mo’ Mowlam Gus Macdonald, Baron Macdonald of Tradeston Douglas Alexander Alan Milburn John Hutton Hilary Armstrong Ed Miliband Liam Byrne Janet Royall, Baroness Royall of Blaisdon Thomas Galbraith, 2nd Baron Strathclyde Jonathan Hopkin Hill, Baron Hill of Oareford

3 Feb.–25 May 1915 25 May–25 Nov. 1915 25 Nov. 1915–11 Jan. 1916 11 Jan.–9 July 1916 9 July–10 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–10 Feb. 1918 10 Feb.–4 Nov. 1918 4 Nov. 1918–10 Jan. 1919 10 Jan. 1919–1 Apr. 1921

Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Unionist Conservative Conservative

1 Apr. 1921–7 Apr. 1922 7 Apr.–19 Oct. 1922 24 Oct. 1922–25 May 1923

Conservative Conservative Conservative

25 May 1923–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 10 Nov. 1924–19 Oct. 1927 19 Oct. 1927–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–19 May 1930 23 May 1930–13 Mar. 1931 13 Mar.–24 Aug. 1931

Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour

25 Aug.–10 Nov. 1931 10 Nov. 1931–28 May 1937 28 May 1937–29 Jan. 1939 29 Jan. 1939–3 Apr. 1940 3 Apr.–14 May 1940 14 May 1940–20 July 1941 20 July 1941–11 Nov. 1943 11 Nov. 1943–25 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 4 Aug. 1945–17 Apr. 1947 17 Apr. 1947–31 May 1948 31 May 1948–28 Feb. 1950 28 Feb. 1950–26 Oct. 1951 31 Oct. 1951–24 Nov. 1952 24 Nov. 1952–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–13 Jan. 1957 13 Jan. 1957–9 Oct. 1961 9 Oct. 1961–20 Oct. 1963 20 Oct. 1963–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–6 Apr. 1966 6 Apr. 1966–7 Jan. 1967 7 Jan. 1967–6 Oct. 1969 6 Oct. 1969–19 June 1970 20 June–28 July 1970 28 July 1970–5 Nov. 1972 5 Nov. 1972–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–5 Jan. 1981 5 Jan.–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–6 Apr. 1982 6 Apr. 1982–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–11 Sept. 1984 11 Sept. 1984–3 Sept. 1985 3 Sept. 1985–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–25 July 1988 25 July 1988–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–28 Nov. 1990 28 Nov. 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–20 July 1994 20 July 1994–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–27 July 1998 27 July 1998–11 Oct. 1999 11 Oct. 1999–11 June 2001 11 June 2001–13 June 2003 13 June 2003–8 Sept. 2004 8 Sept. 2004–6 May 2005 6 May–2 Nov. 2005 5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–3 Oct. 2008 3 Oct. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–7 Jan. 2013 7 Jan. 2013–present

n/a Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative n/a Conservative National Liberal Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Co-Op Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative


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Chancellor of the Exchequer The incumbent controls HM Treasury and the position is considered one of the four Great Offices of State (the other three being Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary); in recent times it has come to be the most powerful office in British politics after the Prime Minister. The Exchequer dates from the reign of Henry I (1100–35) and the first person outside the monarchy to be entrusted with its charge was Eustace de Fauconbridge, Bishop of London, in about 1221, although he was known as Lord High Treasurer. The position was only sporadically filled until 1559 and although Hervey de Stanton is often considered the first holder of office between 1316 and 1327, this title was merely a clerical position and had no political weight. Sir Walter Mildmay was the first incumbent of any significance, although only in the mid-19th century under William Gladstone did the holder become politically powerful – as the Second Lord of the Treasury. Name



Sir Walter Mildmay Sir John Fortescue George Home, 1st Earl of Dunbar Sir Julius Caesar Sir Fulke Greville Sir Richard Weston Edward Barrett, 1st Lord Barrett of Newburgh Francis Cottington, 1st Baron Cottington Sir John Culpepper Sir Edward Hyde Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury Sir John Duncombe Sir John Ernle Henry Booth, Baron Delamere Richard Hampden Charles Montagu John Smith Henry Boyle John Smith Robert Harley Robert Benson Sir William Wyndham Sir Richard Onslow Robert Walpole James Stanhope, 1st Viscount Stanhope John Aislabie Sir John Pratt Sir Robert Walpole Samuel Sandys Henry Pelham Sir William Lee Henry Bilson Legge Sir George Lyttelton Henry Bilson Legge William Murray, Baron Mansfield Henry Bilson Legge William Wildman Barrington-Shute Sir Francis Dashwood George Grenville William Dowdeswell Charles Townshend Frederick North, Lord North Lord John Cavendish William Pitt (the Younger) Lord John Cavendish William Pitt (the Younger) Henry Addington William Pitt (the Younger) Lord Henry Petty Spencer Perceval Nicholas Vansittart Frederick John Robinson George Canning Charles Abbott, Baron Tenterden John Charles Herries Henry Goulburn John Spencer, Viscount Althorp Lord Denman Sir Robert Peel Thomas Spring Rice Sir Francis Thornhill Baring Henry Goulburn Sir Charles Wood Benjamin Disraeli William Ewart Gladstone Sir George Cornewall Lewis Benjamin Disraeli William Ewart Gladstone Benjamin Disraeli George Ward Hunt Robert Lowe

1559–1589 1589–1603 1603–1606 1606–1614 1614–1621 1621–1628 1628–1629 1629–1642 1642–1643 19 July 1642–1646 13 May 1661–22 Nov. 1672 22 Nov. 1672–2 May 1676 2 May 1676–9 Apr. 1689 9 Apr. 1689–18 Mar. 1690 18 Mar. 1690–10 May 1694 10 May 1694–2 June 1699 2 June 1699–27 Mar. 1701 27 Mar. 1701–22 Apr. 1708 22 Apr. 1708–11 Aug. 1710 11 Aug. 1710–4 June 1711 4 June 1711–21 Aug. 1713 21 Aug. 1713–13 Oct. 1714 13 Oct. 1714–12 Oct. 1715 12 Oct. 1715–15 Apr. 1717 15 Apr. 1717–20 Mar. 1718 20 Mar. 1718–23 Jan. 1721 2 Feb.–3 Apr. 1721 3 Apr. 1721–12 Feb. 1742 12 Feb. 1742–12 Dec. 1743 12 Dec. 1743–8 Mar. 1754 8 Mar.–6 Apr. 1754 6 Apr. 1754–25 Nov. 1755 25 Nov. 1755–16 Nov. 1756 16 Nov. 1756–13 Apr. 1757 13 Apr.–2 July 1757 2 July 1757–19 Mar. 1761 19 Mar. 1761–29 May 1762 29 May 1762–16 Apr. 1763 16 Apr. 1763–16 July 1765 16 July 1765–2 Aug. 1766 2 Aug. 1766–4 Sept. 1767 11 Sept. 1767–27 Mar. 1782 27 Mar.–10 July 1782 10 July 1782–31 Mar. 1783 2 Apr.–19 Dec. 1783 19 Dec. 1783–14 Mar. 1801 14 Mar. 1801–10 May 1804 10 May 1804–23 Jan. 1806 5 Feb. 1806–26 Mar. 1807 26 Mar. 1807–12 May 1812 12 May 1812–31 Jan. 1823 31 Jan. 1823–20 Apr. 1827 20 Apr.–8 Aug. 1827 8 Aug.–3 Sept. 1827 3 Sept. 1827–26 Jan. 1828 26 Jan. 1828–22 Nov. 1830 22 Nov. 1830–14 Nov. 1834 15 Nov.–15 Dec. 1834 2 Dec. 1834–8 Apr. 1835 18 Apr. 1835–26 Aug. 1839 26 Aug. 1839–30 Aug. 1841 3 Sept. 1841–27 June 1846 6 July 1846–21 Feb. 1852 27 Feb.–17 Dec. 1852 28 Dec. 1852–28 Feb. 1855 28 Feb. 1855–21 Feb. 1858 26 Feb. 1858–11 June 1859 18 June 1859–26 June 1866 6 July 1866–29 Feb. 1868 29 Feb.–1 Dec. 1868 9 Dec. 1868–11 Aug. 1873

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Country Party Country Party Country Party Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig/Tory Tory Tory Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Tory Whig Whig Whig Tory Whig Whig Whig Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Whig Conservative Whig Whig Conservative Whig Conservative Peelite Whig Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal


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William Ewart Gladstone Sir Stafford Henry Northcote William Ewart Gladstone Hugh Childers Sir Michael Hicks Beach Sir William Vernon Harcourt Lord Randolph Churchill George Joachim Goschen Sir William Vernon Harcourt Sir Michael Hicks Beach Charles Thomson Ritchie Austen Chamberlain Herbert Henry Asquith David Lloyd George Reginald McKenna Andrew Bonar Law Austen Chamberlain Sir Robert Stevenson Horne Stanley Baldwin Neville Chamberlain Philip Snowden Winston Churchill Philip Snowden Neville Chamberlain Sir John Allsebrooke Simon Sir Kingsley Wood Sir John Anderson Hugh Dalton Sir Stafford Cripps Hugh Gaitskell Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler Harold Macmillan Peter Thorneycroft Derick Heathcoat-Amory Selwyn Lloyd Reginald Maudling James Callaghan Roy Jenkins Iain Macleod Anthony Barber Denis Healey Sir Geoffrey Howe Nigel Lawson John Major Norman Lamont Kenneth Clarke Gordon Brown Alistair Darling George Osborne

11 Aug. 1873–17 Feb. 1874 21 Feb. 1874–21 Apr. 1880 28 Apr. 1880–16 Dec. 1882 16 Dec. 1882–9 June 1885 24 June 1885–28 Jan. 1886 6 Feb.–20 July 1886 3 Aug.–22 Dec. 1886 14 Jan. 1887–11 Aug. 1892 18 Aug. 1892–21 June 1895 29 June 1895–11 Aug. 1902 11 Aug. 1902–9 Oct. 1903 9 Oct. 1903–4 Dec. 1905 10 Dec. 1905–12 Apr. 1908 12 Apr. 1908–25 May 1915 25 May 1915–10 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–10 Jan. 1919 10 Jan. 1919–1 Apr. 1921 1 Apr. 1921–19 Oct. 1922 27 Oct. 1922–27 Aug. 1923 27 Aug. 1923–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–5 Nov. 1931 5 Nov. 1931–28 May 1937 28 May 1937–12 May 1940 12 May 1940–24 Sept. 1943 24 Sept. 1943–26 July 1945 27 July 1945–13 Nov. 1947 13 Nov. 1947–19 Oct. 1950 19 Oct. 1950–26 Oct. 1951 28 Oct. 1951–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–13 Jan. 1957 13 Jan. 1957–6 Jan. 1958 6 Jan. 1958–27 July 1960 27 July 1960–13 July 1962 13 July 1962–16 Oct. 1964 16 Oct. 1964–30 Nov. 1967 30 Nov. 1967–19 June 1970 20 June–20 July 1970 25 July 1970–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–26 Oct. 1989 26 Oct. 1989–28 Nov. 1990 28 Nov. 1990–27 May 1993 27 May 1993–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Unionist Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Unionist Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative National Liberal Conservative non-party Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Created in 1961 as the second most significant ministerial role within the Treasury after the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The incumbent’s responsibilities include negotiating with departments about budget allocations, public sector pay, welfare reform, and procurement policy. Name



Henry Brooke John Boyd-Carpenter John Diamond Maurice Macmillan Patrick Jenkin Thomas Boardman Joel Barnett John Biffen Leon Brittan Peter Rees John MacGregor John Major Norman Lamont David Mellor Michael Portillo Jonathan Aitken William Waldegrave Alistair Darling Stephen Byers Alan Milburn Andrew Smith Paul Boateng Des Browne Stephen Timms

9 Oct. 1961–13 July 1962 13 July 1962–16 Oct. 1964 20 Oct. 1964–19 June 1970 23 June 1970–7 Apr. 1972 7 Apr. 1972–8 Jan. 1974 8 Jan.–4 Mar. 1974 7 Mar. 1974–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–5 Jan. 1981 5 Jan. 1981–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–2 Sept. 1985 2 Sept. 1985–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–28 Nov. 1990 28 Nov. 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–20 July 1994 20 July 1994–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–27 July 1998 27 July–23 Dec. 1998 23 Dec. 1998–11 Oct. 1999 11 Oct. 1999–29 May 2002 29 May 2002–6 May 2005 6 May 2005–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–27 June 2007

Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour


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Andy Burnham Yvette Cooper Liam Byrne David Laws Danny Alexander

28 June 2007–24 Jan. 2008 24 Jan. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May–29 May 2010 29 May 2010–present

Labour Labour Labour Lib-Dem Lib-Dem

Chief Whip Chief Whip is not a Cabinet position per se, as all major parties will have such a position. The Government Chief Whip is usually appointed as Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury so that the holder of office is able to take a seat in the Cabinet. Although the incumbent’s official residence is at 12 Downing Street, presently the Chief Whip’s office is located at 9 Downing Street. The following is a list of Chief Whips since the turn of the 20th century. Name Sir William Hood Walrond Sir Alexander Acland-Hood George Whiteley Joseph Pease Alexander Murray, Master of Elibank Percy Holden Illingworth John William Gulland Lord Edmund Talbot John William Gulland Lord Edmund Talbot Neil Primrose Frederick Guest Leslie Orme Wilson Charles McCurdy Leslie Orme Wilson Bolton Eyres-Monsell Ben Spoor Bolton Eyres-Monsell Tom Kennedy David Margesson Sir Charles Edwards James Gray Stuart William Whiteley Patrick Buchan-Hepburn Edward Heath Martin Redmayne Edward Short John Silkin Bob Mellish Francis Pym Humphrey Atkins Bob Mellish Michael Cocks Michael Jopling John Wakeham David Waddington Tim Renton Richard Ryder Alastair Goodlad Nick Brown Ann Taylor Hilary Armstrong Jacqui Smith Geoff Hoon Nick Brown Patrick McLoughlin Andrew Mitchell Sir George Young, Bt. CH

Period 1895–1902 1902–1905 1905–1908 1908–1910 1910–1912 1912–1915 1915 1915–1916 (joint) 1915–1916 (joint) 1916–1921 (joint) 1916–1917 (joint) 1917–1921 (joint) 1921–1922 (joint) 1921–1922 (joint) 1922–1923 1923–1924 1924 1924–1929 1929–1931 1931–1940 1940–1942 (joint) 1941–1945 (joint) 1942–1951 (joint until 1945) 1951–1955 1955–1959 1959–1964 1964–1966 1966–1969 1969–1970 1970–1973 1973–1974 1974–1976 1976–1979 1979–1983 1983–1986 1986–1989 1989–1990 1990–1995 1995–1997 1997–1998 1998–2001 2001–2006 2006–2007 2007–2008 2008–2010 2010–2012 Sept 2012–Oct 2012 2012–present

Party Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative

Communities and Local Government The post of Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government was created in 2006 by Tony Blair, having previously been under the domain of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Name



Ruth Kelly Hazel Blears John Denham Eric Pickles

6 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Labour Labour Labour Conservative


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Culture, Media and Sport Created in 1992 by John Major as Secretary of State for National Heritage, and took its current title on 14 July 1997. Name



David Mellor Peter Brooke Stephen Dorrell Virginia Bottomley Chris Smith Tessa Jowell James Purnell Andy Burnham Ben Bradshaw Jeremy Hunt Maria Miller

11 Apr.–22 Sept. 1992 25 Sept. 1992–20 July 1994 20 July 1994–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–24 Jan. 2008 25 Jan. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept. 2012 4 Sept. 2012–present

Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

Defence On his appointment as Prime Minister in 1940, Winston Churchill created the new post of Minister of Defence in response to criticism that there was no single minister in charge of the prosecution of the war. Although Churchill carried out his defence duties parallel to the premiership (as he did for four months in his second tenure), by the end of 1946 Clement Attlee had deferred the post to Albert Alexander as a distinct Cabinet position; it thus became the only Cabinet-level post representing the military, with the three service ministers – Secretary of State for War, First Lord of the Admiralty, and Secretary of State for Air – now formally subordinated to the Minister of Defence. The post of Minister of Defence was abolished on 1 April 1964 and replaced by the new post of Secretary of State for Defence. Name



Winston Churchill Clement Attlee A V Alexander Emanuel ‘Manny’ Shinwell Winston Churchill Earl Alexander of Tunis Harold Macmillan Selwyn Lloyd Walter Monckton Antony Head Duncan Sandys Harold Watkinson Peter Thorneycroft Denis Healey Lord Carrington Ian Gilmour Roy Mason Fred Mulley Francis Pym John Nott Michael Heseltine George Younger Tom King Malcolm Rifkind Michael Portillo George Robertson Geoff Hoon John Reid Des Browne John Hutton Bob Ainsworth Liam Fox Philip Hammond

10 May 1940–23 May 1945 27 July 1945–20 Dec. 1946 20 Dec. 1946–28 Feb. 1950 28 Feb. 1950–26 Oct. 1951 28 Oct. 1951–1 Mar. 1952 1 Mar. 1952–19 Oct. 1954 19 Oct. 1954–7 Apr. 1955 7 Apr.–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–18 Oct. 1956 18 Oct. 1956–9 Jan. 1957 13 Jan. 1957–14 Oct. 1959 14 Oct. 1959–13 July 1962 13 July 1962–16 Oct. 1964 16 Oct. 1964–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–8 Jan. 1974 8 Jan.–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–10 Sept. 1976 10 Sept. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–5 Jan. 1981 5 Jan. 1981–6 Jan. 1983 6 Jan. 1983–7 Jan. 1986 9 Jan. 1986–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–11 Oct. 1999 11 Oct. 1999–6 May 2005 6 May 2005–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–3 Oct. 2008 3 Oct. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 11 May 2010–14 Oct. 2011 14 Oct. 2011–present

Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative No affiliation Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

Deputy Prime Minister Honorific title conferred, from time to time, by the Prime Minister on a senior member of his Cabinet. Although the honour itself comes with no benefits, and the holder of office does not stand in for the Prime Minister on any official duties, the incumbent’s profile and stature is elevated within and without Parliament. The present incumbent is also the leader of the Liberal Democrats within a coalition government with the Conservatives. See also First Secretary of State. Name



Clement Attlee Herbert Morrison Sir Anthony Eden Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler William Whitelaw Sir Geoffrey Howe Michael Heseltine John Prescott Nick Clegg

19 Feb. 1942–23 May 1945 26 July 1945–24 Feb. 1951 26 Oct. 1951–6 Apr. 1955 13 July 1962–18 Oct. 1963 4 May 1979–10 Jan. 1988 24 July 1989–1 Nov. 1990 20 July 1995–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–27 June 2007 11 May 2010–present

Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Lib-Dem


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Education The position of President of the Board of Education was created at the turn of the 20th century. In July 1941, R A ‘Rab’ Butler became the last minister to hold this title. Butler was responsible for secondary education for all and the Education Act 1944, commonly named after the Conservative politician, prompted the transformation of the Board of Education into the Ministry of Education (3 August 1944) with Butler as its first minister, an office now subordinate to the Secretary of State. The Department of Education and Science was created in 1964 with the merger of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Quintin Hogg (formerly Viscount Hailsham) becoming Secretary of State. In 1992 responsibility for science was transferred to the Office of Public Service, and the department was renamed the Department of Education with John Patten as the first Secretary of State. In 1995 the department merged with the Department of Employment to become the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) and in June 2001 the employment functions were transferred to a newly created Department for Work and Pensions, the DfEE becoming the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). In June 2007 the DfES was split into two new departments: the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), under two new Secretaries of State. In June 2009 the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) was created by the merger of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. The office was again re-established in May 2010 and the incumbent became Secretary of State for Education. The following is a list of Ministers and Secretaries of State since the inception of the office. Name



Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry Augustine Birrell Reginald McKenna Walter Runciman Joseph Albert Pease Arthur Henderson Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of Crewe Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher Edward Wood Charles Philips Trevelyan Lord Eustace Percy Sir Charles Philips Trevelyan Hastings Lees-Smith Sir Donald Maclean Edward Wood Oliver Stanley James Stanhope, 7th Earl Stanhope Herbrand Sackville, 9th Earl De La Warr Herwald Ramsbotham Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler Richard Law Ellen Wilkinson George Tomlinson Florence Horsbrugh David Eccles Quintin Hogg, 2nd Viscount Hailsham Geoffrey Lloyd David Eccles Sir Edward Boyle Quintin Hogg Michael Stewart Anthony Crosland Patrick Gordon Walker Edward Short Margaret Thatcher Reginald Prentice Fred Mulley Shirley Williams Mark Carlisle Sir Keith Joseph, Bt Kenneth Baker John MacGregor Kenneth Clarke John Patten Gillian Shephard David Blunkett Estelle Morris Charles Clarke Ruth Kelly Alan Johnson Ed Balls – DCSF John Denham – DIUS Peter Mandelson, Baron Mandelson of Foy and Hartlepool – BIS Michael Gove

1 Apr. 1900–8 Aug. 1902 8 Aug. 1902–4 Dec. 1905

Liberal Conservative

10 Dec. 1905–23 Jan. 1907 23 Jan. 1907–12 Apr. 1908 12 Apr. 1908–23 Oct. 1911 23 Oct. 1911–25 May 1915 25 May 1915–18 Aug. 1916 18 Aug.–10 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–19 Oct. 1922 24 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–2 Mar. 1931 2 Mar.–24 Aug. 1931 25 Aug. 1931–15 June 1932 15 June 1932–7 June 1935 7 June 1935–28 May 1937 28 May 1937–27 Oct. 1938 27 Oct. 1938–3 Apr. 1940 3 Apr. 1940–20 July 1941 20 July 1941–25 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–6 Feb. 1947 10 Feb. 1947–26 Oct. 1951 2 Nov. 1951–18 Oct. 1954 18 Oct. 1954–13 Jan. 1957 13 Jan.–17 Sept. 1957 17 Sept. 1957–14 Oct. 1959 14 Oct. 1959–13 July 1962 13 July 1962–1 Apr. 1964 1 Apr.–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–22 Jan. 1965 22 Jan. 1965–29 Aug. 1967 29 Aug. 1967–6 Apr. 1968 6 Apr. 1968–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–10 June 1975 10 June 1975–10 Sept. 1976 10 Sept. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–21 May 1986 21 May 1986–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–2 Nov. 1990 2 Nov. 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–20 July 1994 20 July 1994–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–24 Oct. 2002 24 Oct. 2002–15 Dec. 2004 15 Dec. 2004–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–11 May 2010 28 June 2007–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010

Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Labour Liberal Liberal Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Labour Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour

12 May 2010–present



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Employment The department began life as the Ministry of Labour in 1916 but became the Ministry of Labour and National Service between 13 May 1940 and 12 November 1959, resuming under its original name until 6 April 1968. During Barbara Castle’s incumbency the office holder was known as Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity; 25 years later in 1995 the post of Secretary of State for Employment was merged with that of Secretary of State for Education to create the position of Secretary of State for Education and Employment. Name



John Hodge George Roberts Robert Stevenson Horne Thomas McNamara Anderson Montague Barlow Thomas Shaw Arthur Steel-Maitland Margaret Bondfield Henry Betterton Oliver Stanley Ernest Brown Ernest Bevin Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler George Isaacs Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan Alfred Robens Walter Monckton Iain Macleod Edward Heath John Hare Joseph Godber Ray Gunter Barbara Castle Robert Carr Maurice Macmillan William Whitelaw Michael Foot Albert Booth James Prior Norman Tebbit Tom King Lord Young Norman Fowler Michael Howard Gillian Shephard David Hunt Michael Portillo

10 Dec. 1916–17 Aug. 1917 17 Aug. 1917–10 Jan. 1919 10 Jan. 1919–19 Mar. 1920 19 Mar. 1920–19 Oct. 1922 31 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 25 Aug. 1931–29 June 1934 29 June 1934–7 June 1935 7 June 1935–13 May 1940 13 May 1940–23 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–17 Jan. 1951 17 Jan.–23 Apr. 1951 24 Apr.–26 Oct. 1951 28 Oct. 1951–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–14 Oct. 1959 14 Oct. 1959–27 July 1960 27 July 1960–20 Oct. 1963 20 Oct. 1963–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–6 Apr. 1968 6 Apr. 1968–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–7 Apr. 1972 7 Apr. 1972–2 Dec. 1973 2 Dec. 1973–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–16 Oct. 1983 16 Oct. 1983–2 Sept. 1985 2 Sept. 1985–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–3 Jan. 1990 3 Jan. 1990–11 Apr. 1992 11 Apr. 1992–27 May 1993 27 May 1993–20 July 1994 20 July 1994–5 July 1995

Labour Labour Unionist Liberal Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Liberal Labour Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative

Energy and Climate Change The Department of Energy was created in 1974 following the oil crisis of the year before. Previously, responsibility for energy production came under the auspices of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The department was abolished in 1992, with some of its functions transferred to government watchdog departments and others transferred back to the DTI. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) was created on 3 October 2008 and took over some of the functions of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Name



Lord Carrington Eric Varley Tony Benn David Howell Nigel Lawson Peter Walker Cecil Parkinson John Wakeham Ed Miliband Chris Huhne Ed Davey

8 Jan.–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–10 June 1975 10 June 1975–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–11 Apr. 1992 3 Oct. 2008–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–3 Feb 2012 3 Feb 2012–present

Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Lib-Dem Lib-Dem

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs The Secretary of State for the Environment was a Cabinet position created in 1970 by Edward Heath as a combination of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the Ministry of Public Building and Works. On 2 May 1997, the Department of the Environment was merged with the Department of Transport to form the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). On 8 June 2001, the environmental protection elements of the DETR were merged with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) to form the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Meanwhile, the transport, housing and planning, and local and regional government aspects went to a new Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR).


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Peter Walker Geoffrey Rippon Anthony Crosland Peter Shore Michael Heseltine Tom King Patrick Jenkin Kenneth Baker Nicholas Ridley Chris Patten Michael Heseltine Michael Howard John Gummer John Prescott Margaret Beckett David Miliband Hilary Benn Caroline Spelman Owen Paterson

15 Oct. 1970–5 Nov. 1972 5 Nov. 1972–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–6 Jan. 1983 6 Jan.–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–2 Sept. 1985 2 Sept. 1985–21 May 1986 21 May 1986–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–28 Nov. 1990 28 Nov. 1990–11 Apr. 1992 11 Apr. 1992–27 May 1993 27 May 1993–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept. 2012 4 Sept. 2012–present

Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

First Secretary of State Honorific title conferred on a senior member of the Cabinet and sometimes preferred to that of Deputy Prime Minister, as it implies seniority over all other Secretaries of State but is more constitutionally sound. In fact both honours amount to the same thing. See also Deputy Prime Minister. Name



Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler George Brown Michael Stewart Barbara Castle Michael Heseltine John Prescott Peter Mandelson, Baron Mandelson of Foy and Hartlepool William Hague

13 July 1962–18 Oct. 1963 16 Oct. 1964–11 Aug. 1966 11 Aug. 1966–6 Apr. 1968 6 Apr. 1968–19 June 1970 20 July 1995–2 May 1997 8 June 2001–27 June 2007 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Conservative

Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs The post of Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs was created on 17 October 1968 with the merger of the Commonwealth Office (dating only from 1966) and the Foreign Office. The Foreign Office itself was created in 1782 by combining the existing Northern and Southern Departments, their domestic responsibilities being assigned at the same time to the Home Office. The headquarters are at King Charles Street, London SW1. Name



Charles James Fox Thomas Robinson, 2nd Baron Grantham Charles James Fox George Nugent-Temple-Grenville, 1st Marquess of Buckingham Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville Robert Banks Jenkinson, Lord Hawkesbury Dudley Ryder Henry Phipps Charles James Fox Charles Grey George Canning Henry Bathurst Richard Wellesley Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh George Canning John Ward, 1st Earl of Dudley George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville James Howard Harris Lord John Russell George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon James Howard Harris Lord John Russell George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon Edward Henry Stanley

27 Mar.–5 July 1782 13 July 1782–2 Apr. 1783 2 Apr.–19 Dec. 1783 19 Dec.–23 Dec. 1783

Whig Whig Whig Tory

23 Dec. 1783–1 May 1791 8 June 1791–20 Feb. 1801 20 Feb. 1801–14 May 1804 14 May 1804–11 Jan. 1805 11 Jan. 1805–7 Feb. 1806 7 Feb.–13 Sept. 1806 24 Sept. 1806–25 Mar. 1807 25 Mar. 1807–11 Oct. 1809 11 Oct.–6 Dec. 1809 6 Dec. 1809–4 Mar. 1812 4 Mar.–12 Aug. 1822 16 Sept. 1822–30 Apr. 1827 30 Apr. 1827–2 June 1828 2 June 1828–22 Nov. 1830 22 Nov. 1830–15 Nov. 1834 15 Nov. 1834–18 Apr. 1835 18 Apr. 1835–2 Sept. 1841 2 Sept. 1841–6 July 1846 6 July 1846–26 Dec. 1851 26 Dec. 1851–27 Feb. 1852 27 Feb.–28 Dec. 1852 28 Dec. 1852–21 Feb. 1853 21 Feb. 1853–26 Feb. 1858 26 Feb. 1858–18 June 1859 18 June 1859–3 Nov. 1865 3 Nov. 1865–6 July 1866 6 July 1866–9 Dec. 1868

Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Whig Tory Tory Whig Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Whig Conservative Whig Whig Conservative Whig Whig Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative


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George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville Edward Henry Stanley Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery Stafford Henry Northcote Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery John Wodehouse Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice Sir Edward Grey Arthur Balfour George Nathaniel Curzon Ramsay MacDonald Austen Chamberlain Arthur Henderson Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading Sir John Allsebrook Simon Sir Samuel Hoare Anthony Eden Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 3rd Viscount Halifax Anthony Eden Ernest Bevin Herbert Morrison Sir Anthony Eden Harold Macmillan Selwyn Lloyd Alec Douglas-Home, 14th Earl of Home Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler Patrick Gordon Walker Michael Stewart George Brown Michael Stewart Sir Alec Douglas-Home James Callaghan Anthony Crosland Dr David Owen Lord Carrington Francis Pym Sir Geoffrey Howe John Major Douglas Hurd Malcolm Rifkind Robin Cook Jack Straw Margaret Beckett David Miliband William Hague

9 Dec. 1868–6 July 1870 6 July 1870–21 Feb. 1874 21 Feb. 1874–2 Apr. 1878 2 Apr. 1878–28 Apr. 1880

Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative

28 Apr. 1880–24 June 1885 24 June 1885–6 Feb. 1886

Liberal Conservative

6 Feb.–3 Aug. 1886 3 Aug. 1886–12 Jan. 1887 14 Jan. 1887–11 Aug. 1892

Liberal Conservative Conservative

18 Aug. 1892–11 Mar. 1894 11 Mar. 1894–21 June 1895 29 June 1895–12 Nov. 1900

Liberal Liberal Conservative

12 Nov. 1900–4 Dec. 1905 10 Dec. 1905–10 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–23 Oct. 1919 23 Oct. 1919–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 25 Aug.–5 Nov. 1931 5 Nov. 1931–7 June 1935 7 June–18 Dec. 1935 22 Dec. 1935–20 Feb. 1938 21 Feb. 1938–22 Dec. 1940 22 Dec. 1940–26 July 1945 27 July 1945–9 Mar. 1951 9 Mar.–26 Oct. 1951 28 Oct. 1951–7 Apr. 1955 7 Apr.–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–27 July 1960 27 July 1960–20 Oct. 1963 20 Oct. 1963–16 Oct. 1964 16 Oct. 1964–22 Jan. 1965 22 Jan. 1965–11 Aug. 1966 11 Aug. 1966–16 Mar. 1968 16 Mar. 1968–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–19 Feb. 1977 22 Feb. 1977–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–5 Apr. 1982 6 Apr. 1982–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–24 July 1989 24 July–26 Oct. 1989 26 Oct. 1989–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–28 June 2007 28 June 2007–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Liberal Unionist Liberal Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Liberal National Liberal National Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative

Health Sir Benjamin Hall (who in 1859 gave his name ‘Big Ben’ to the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London) became the first President of the Board of Health in 1854, but the department was discontinued in 1858 and its powers were eventually merged into the newly formed Local Government Board in 1871. The board was restructured in 1919 and the local government functions were transferred to the Minister of Housing and Local Government, while the Ministry of Health was created with Christopher Addison as First Minister. In 1968 the department was amalgamated with the Ministry of Social Security under Richard Crossman as Secretary of State for Social Services. In July 1988, following the demerger of the Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS), the office was split; John Moore became Secretary of State for Social Security while Kenneth Clarke became Secretary of State for Health. Name

Period Party

Sir Benjamin Hall Hon. William Cowper William Monsell, 1st Baron Emly Hon. William Cowper Charles Adderley James Stansfield George Sclater-Booth John George Dodson Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke Arthur Balfour Joseph Chamberlain

14 Oct. 1854–13 Aug. 1855 13 Aug. 1855–9 Feb. 1857 9 Feb.–24 Sept. 1857 24 Sept. 1857–21 Feb. 1858 8 Mar.–1 Sept. 1858 19 Aug. 1871–17 Feb. 1874 17 Feb. 1874–3 May 1880 3 May 1880–28 Dec. 1882 28 Dec. 1882–24 June 1885 24 June 1885–Feb. 1886 27 Feb.–27 Mar. 1886


Whig Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal

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Name James Stansfield Charles Ritchie Henry Fowler George John Shaw-Lefevre Henry Chaplin Walter Hume Long Gerald Balfour John Burns Herbert Samuel Walter Hume Long William Hayes Fisher Auckland Geddes Christopher Addison Alfred Mond Sir Arthur Griffith-Boscawen Neville Chamberlain Sir William Joynson-Hicks John Wheatley Neville Chamberlain Arthur Greenwood Neville Chamberlain Sir Edward Hilton Young Kingsley Wood Walter Elliot Malcolm MacDonald Ernest Brown Henry Willink Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan Hilary Marquand Harry Crookshank Iain Macleod Robin Turton Dennis Vosper Derek Walker-Smith Enoch Powell Anthony Barber Kenneth Robinson Richard Crossman Sir Keith Joseph, Bt Barbara Castle David Ennals Patrick Jenkin Norman Fowler John Moore Kenneth Clarke William Waldegrave Virginia Bottomley Stephen Dorrell Frank Dobson Alan Milburn John Reid Patricia Hewitt Alan Johnson Andy Burnham Andrew Lansley Jeremy Hunt

Period 3 Apr.–20 July 1886 20 July 1886–15 Aug. 1892 15 Aug. 1892–2 Mar. 1894 2 Mar. 1894–21 June 1895 29 June 1895–12 Nov. 1900 12 Nov. 1900–14 Mar. 1905 14 Mar.–4 Dec. 1905 10 Dec. 1905–11 Feb. 1914 11 Feb. 1914–25 May 1915 25 May 1915–28 June 1916 28 June 1916–4 Nov. 1918 4 Nov. 1918–24 June 1919 24 June 1919–1 Apr. 1921 1 Apr. 1921–19 Oct. 1922 24 Oct. 1922–7 Mar. 1923 7 Mar.–27 Aug. 1923 27 Aug. 1923–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 25 Aug.–5 Nov. 1931 5 Nov. 1931–7 June 1935 7 June 1935–16 May 1938 16 May 1938–13 May 1940 13 May 1940–8 Feb. 1941 8 Feb. 1941–11 Nov. 1943 11 Nov. 1943–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–17 Jan. 1951 17 Jan.–26 Oct. 1951 30 Oct. 1951–7 May 1952 7 May 1952–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–16 Jan. 1957 16 Jan.–17 Sept. 1957 17 Sept. 1957–27 July 1960 27 July 1960–20 Oct. 1963 20 Oct. 1963–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–1 Nov. 1968 1 Nov. 1968–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–25 July 1988 25 July 1988–2 Nov. 1990 2 Nov. 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–11 Oct. 1999 11 Oct. 1999–13 June 2003 13 June 2003–6 May 2005 6 May 2005–27 June 2007 27 June 2007–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept. 2012 4 Sept. 2012–present

Party Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Unionist Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Scottish Unionist Labour Liberal Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labourr Conservative Conservative

Home Office The Home Secretary is responsible for immigration control, security and order within the United Kingdom. He was formerly responsible for the Prison Service and Probation Service, but, since 2007 these are under a newly created Minister of Justice. The Home Office itself was created in 1782 by reallocating the domestic responsibilities of the existing Southern and Northern Departments, their overseas duties being assigned at the same time to the Foreign Office. The headquarters are at Marsham Street, London SW1. Name



William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney Frederick North, Lord North George Nugent-Temple-Grenville Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney William Wyndham Grenville Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland Thomas Pelham, 1st Lord Pelham Charles Philip Yorke Robert Banks Jenkinson George John Spencer Robert Banks Jenkinson

27 Mar.–10 July 1782 10 July 1782–2 Apr. 1783 2 Apr.–19 Dec. 1783 19 Dec.–23 Dec. 1783 23 Dec. 1783–5 June 1789 5 June 1789–8 June 1791 8 June 1791–11 July 1794 11 July 1794–30 July 1801 30 July 1801–17 Aug. 1803 17 Aug. 1803–12 May 1804 12 May 1804–5 Feb. 1806 5 Feb. 1806–25 Mar. 1807 25 Mar. 1807–1 Nov. 1809

Whig Whig Tory Whig Whig Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Tory Whig Tory


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Richard Ryder Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth Sir Robert Peel William Sturges-Bourne Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice Sir Robert Peel William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne John Ponsonby, Viscount Duncannon Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Henry Goulburn Lord John Russell Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby Sir James Graham, Bt Sir George Grey, Bt Spencer Horatio Walpole Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston Sir George Grey, Bt Spencer Horatio Walpole Thomas Sotheron-Estcourt Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bt Sir George Grey, Bt Spencer Horatio Walpole Gathorne Hardy Henry Austin Bruce Robert Lowe Richard Cross Sir William Vernon Harcourt Richard Cross Hugh Childers Henry Matthews Herbert Henry Asquith Sir Matthew White Ridley Charles Thomson Ritchie Aretas Akers-Douglas Herbert John Gladstone Winston Churchill Reginald McKenna Sir John Allsebrook Simon Herbert Samuel George Cave, 1st Viscount Cave Edward Shortt William Clive Bridgeman Arthur Henderson Sir William Joynson-Hicks John Robert Clynes Sir Herbert Samuel Sir John Gilmour Sir John Simon Sir Samuel Hoare Sir John Anderson Herbert Morrison Sir Donald Bradley Somervell James Chuter Ede Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe Gwilym Lloyd George Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler Henry Brooke Sir Frank Soskice Roy Jenkins James Callaghan Reginald Maudling Robert Carr Roy Jenkins Merlyn Rees William Whitelaw Leon Brittan Douglas Hurd David Waddington Kenneth Baker Kenneth Clarke Michael Howard Jack Straw David Blunkett Charles Clarke John Reid Jacqui Smith Alan Johnson Theresa May

1 Nov. 1809–8 June 1812 11 June 1812–17 Jan. 1822 17 Jan. 1822–10 Apr. 1827 30 Apr.–16 July 1827 16 July 1827–22 Jan. 1828 26 Jan. 1828–22 Nov. 1830 22 Nov. 1830–16 July 1834 19 July–15 Nov. 1834 15 Nov.–15 Dec. 1834 15 Dec. 1834–18 Apr. 1835 18 Apr. 1835–30 Aug. 1839 30 Aug. 1839–30 Aug. 1841 6 Sept. 1841–30 June 1846 6 July 1846–23 Feb. 1852 27 Feb.–19 Dec. 1852 28 Dec. 1852–6 Feb. 1855 8 Feb. 1855–26 Feb. 1858 26 Feb. 1858–3 Mar. 1859 3 Mar.–18 June 1859 18 June 1859–25 July 1861 25 July 1861–28 June 1866 6 July 1866–17 May 1867 17 May 1867–3 Dec. 1868 9 Dec. 1868–9 Aug. 1873 9 Aug. 1873–20 Feb. 1874 21 Feb. 1874–23 Apr. 1880 28 Apr. 1880–23 June 1885 24 June 1885–1 Feb. 1886 6 Feb.–25 July 1886 3 Aug. 1886–15 Aug. 1892 18 Aug. 1892–25 June 1895 29 June 1895–12 Nov. 1900 12 Nov. 1900–12 July 1902 12 July 1902–5 Dec. 1905 11 Dec. 1905–19 Feb. 1910 19 Feb. 1910–24 Oct. 1911 24 Oct. 1911–27 May 1915 27 May 1915–12 Jan. 1916 12 Jan.–7 Dec. 1916 11 Dec. 1916–14 Jan. 1919 14 Jan. 1919–23 Oct. 1922 25 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 23 Jan.–4 Nov. 1924 7 Nov. 1924–5 June 1929 8 June 1929–26 Aug. 1931 26 Aug. 1931–1 Oct. 1932 1 Oct. 1932–7 June 1935 7 June 1935–28 May 1937 28 May 1937–3 Sept. 1939 4 Sept. 1939–4 Oct. 1940 4 Oct. 1940–23 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–26 Oct. 1951 27 Oct. 1951–19 Oct. 1954 19 Oct. 1954–14 Jan. 1957 14 Jan. 1957–13 July 1962 13 July 1962–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–23 Dec. 1965 23 Dec. 1965–30 Nov. 1967 30 Nov. 1967–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–18 July 1972 18 July 1972–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–10 Sept. 1976 10 Sept. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–2 Sept. 1985 2 Sept. 1985–26 Oct. 1989 26 Oct. 1989–28 Nov. 1990 28 Nov. 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–27 May 1993 27 May 1993–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–15 Dec. 2004 15 Dec. 2004–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Whig Whig Tory Conservative Whig Whig Conservative Whig Conservative Whig Whig Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Liberal Scottish Unionist National Liberal Conservative National Independent Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative


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International Development The office responsible for promoting development overseas was created in 1997 when the Department for International Development was made independent of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Clare Short being the first Secretary of State. The Ministry of Overseas Development was established in 1964 but was conjoined with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 15 October 1970. Between 10 June 1975 and 8 October 1979 the Foreign Secretary served as Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Minister for Overseas Development in the Cabinet, while the Minister for Overseas Development held the rank of Minister of State within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Name



Barbara Castle Anthony Greenwood Arthur Bottomley Reginald Prentice Judith Hart Richard Wood Judith Hart Reginald Prentice Frank Judd Judith Hart Neil Marten Tim Raison Chris Patten Lynda Chalker Clare Short Valerie Amos, Baroness Amos Hilary Benn Douglas Alexander Andrew Mitchell Justine Greening

18 Oct. 1964–23 Dec. 1965 23 Dec. 1965–11 Aug. 1966 11 Aug. 1966–29 Aug. 1967 29 Aug. 1967–6 Oct. 1969 6 Oct. 1969–19 June 1970 23 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 7 Mar. 1974–10 June 1975 10 June 1975–21 Dec. 1976 21 Dec. 1976–21 Feb. 1977 21 Feb. 1977–4 May 1979 6 May 1979–6 Jan. 1983 6 Jan. 1983–10 Sept. 1986 10 Sept. 1986–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–12 May 2003 12 May–6 Oct. 2003 6 Oct. 2003–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept. 2012 4 Sept. 2012–present

Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

Leader of the House of Commons The office was more often than not held by the Prime Minister until Churchill’s wartime Cabinet, but in recent years the post has usually been combined with that of Lord President of the Council. From 2003 it has been combined instead with the office of Lord Privy Seal. The incumbent is responsible for arranging government business in the House of Commons. Name


Henry Pelham Thomas Robinson Henry Fox William Pitt (the Elder) George Grenville Henry Seymour Conway Frederick North, Lord North Charles James Fox Thomas Townshend Charles James Fox and Frederick North, Lord North William Pitt (the Younger) Henry Addington William Pitt (the Younger) Charles James Fox Charles Grey, Viscount Howick Spencer Perceval Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh George Canning William Huskisson Robert Peel John Charles Spencer, Viscount Althorp Lord John Russell Sir Robert Peel Lord John Russell Sir Robert Peel Lord John Russell Benjamin Disraeli Lord John Russell Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston Benjamin Disraeli Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston William Ewart Gladstone Benjamin Disraeli William Ewart Gladstone Benjamin Disraeli Sir Stafford Henry Northcote William Ewart Gladstone Sir Michael Hicks Beach William Ewart Gladstone

1743–1754 1754–1755 1755–1756 1756–1761 1763–1765 1765–1768 1768–1782 1782 1782–1783 1783 1783–1801 1801–1804 1804–1806 1806 1806–1807 1807–1812 1812–1822 1822–1827 1827–1828 1828–1830 1830–1834 1834 1834–1835 1835–1841 1841–1846 1846–1852 1852 1852–1855 1855–1858 1858–1859 1859–1865 1865–1866 1866–1868 1868–1874 1874–1876 1876–1880 1880–1885 1885–1886 1886


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Lord Randolph Churchill William Henry Smith Arthur Balfour William Ewart Gladstone Sir William Vernon Harcourt Arthur Balfour Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman Herbert Henry Asquith Andrew Bonar Law Austen Chamberlain Andrew Bonar Law Stanley Baldwin Ramsay MacDonald Stanley Baldwin Ramsay MacDonald Stanley Baldwin Neville Chamberlain Winston Churchill Sir Stafford Cripps Anthony Eden Herbert Morrison James Chuter Ede Harry Crookshank Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler Iain Macleod Selwyn Lloyd Herbert Bowden Richard Crossman Fred Peart William Whitelaw Robert Carr James Prior Edward Short Michael Foot Norman St John-Stevas Francis Pym John Biffen John Wakeham Sir Geoffrey Howe John MacGregor Tony Newton Ann Taylor Margaret Beckett Robin Cook John Reid Peter Hain Geoff Hoon Jack Straw Harriet Harman Sir George Young Andrew Lansley

1886–1887 1887–1891 1891–1892 1892–1894 1894–1895 1895–1905 1905–1908 1908–1916 1916–1921 1921–1922 1922–1923 1923–1924 1924 1924–1929 1929–1935 1935–1937 1937–1940 1940–1942 1942 1942–1945 1945–1951 1951 1951–1955 1955–1961 1961–1963 1963–1964 1964–1966 1966–1968 1968–1970 1970–1972 1972 1972–1974 1974–1976 1976–1979 1979–1981 1981–1982 1982–1987 1987–1989 1989–1990 1990–1992 1992–1997 1997–1998 1998–2001 2001–2003 2003 2003–2005 2005–2006 2006–2007 2007–2010 2010–2012 4 Sept.2012-present

Leader of the House of Lords The incumbent takes charge of the government’s business in the House of Lords but is always the holder of a formal Cabinet position, most often Lord President of the Council, Lord Privy Seal or Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Charles ‘Turnip’ Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend, is sometimes considered the first incumbent in 1721 although his actual title was Secretary of State. Name Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville Thomas Pelham, 2nd Baron Pelham Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Baron Hawkesbury William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville Lord Hawkesbury (2nd Earl of Liverpool from 1808) Frederick John Robinson, 1st Viscount Goderich Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville

Period 1782 1782–1783 1783 1783–1789 1789–1790 1790–1801 1801–1803 1803–1806 1806–1807 1807–1827 1827–1828 1828–1830 22 Nov. 1830–9 July 1834 16 July–14 Nov. 1834 17 Nov. 1834–8 Apr. 1835 18 Apr. 1835–30 Aug. 1841 3 Sept. 1841–27 June 1846 6 July 1846–21 Feb. 1852 23 Feb.–17 Dec. 1852 19 Dec. 1852–30 Jan. 1855 8 Feb. 1855–21 Feb. 1858


Party Whig Whig Whig Whig Tory Whig Whig Tory Whig Tory Tory Tory Whig Whig Tory Whig Conservative Whig Conservative Peelite Whig

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Name Period Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby 21 Feb. 1858–11 June 1859 Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 18 June 1859–29 Oct. 1865 John Russell, 1st Earl Russell 29 Oct. 1865–26 June 1866 Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby 28 June 1866–25 Feb. 1868 James Howard Harris, 3rd Earl of Malmesbury 27 Feb.–1 Dec. 1868 Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 9 Dec. 1868–17 Feb. 1874 Charles Gordon-Lennox, 6th Duke of Richmond 21 Feb. 1874–21 Aug. 1876 Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield 21 Aug. 1876–Apr. 1880 Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 28 Apr. 1880–9 June 1885 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury 23 June 1885–28 Jan. 1886 Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 6 Feb.–20 July 1886 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury 25 July 1886–11 Aug. 1892 John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley 18 Aug. 1892–5 Mar. 1894 Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery 5 Mar. 1894–21 June 1895 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury 25 June 1895–11 July 1902 Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire 12 July 1902–13 Oct. 1903 Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne 13 Oct. 1903–4 Dec. 1905 George Robinson, 1st Marquess of Ripon 10 Dec. 1905–14 Apr. 1908 Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of Crewe 14 Apr. 1908–10 Dec. 1916 George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston 10 Dec. 1916–22 Jan. 1924 Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston 6 Nov. 1924–27 Apr. 1925 James Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury 27 Apr. 1925–4 June 1929 Charles Cripps, 1st Baron Parmoor 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading 25 Aug.–5 Nov. 1931 Douglas Hogg, 1st Viscount Hailsham 5 Nov. 1931–7 June 1935 Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry 7 June–22 Nov. 1935 E F L Wood, 3rd Viscount Halifax 22 Nov. 1935–27 Oct. 1938 James Stanhope, 7th Earl Stanhope 27 Oct. 1938–14 May 1940 Thomas Inskip, 1st Viscount Caldecote 14 May–3 Oct. 1940 E F L Wood, 3rd Viscount Halifax 3 Oct.–22 Dec. 1940 George Lloyd, 1st Baron Lloyd 22 Dec. 1940–4 Feb. 1941 Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne 8 Feb. 1941–21 Feb. 1942 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cranborne 21 Feb. 1942–26 July 1945 Christopher Addison, 1st Viscount Addison 3 Aug. 1945–26 Oct. 1951 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of Salisbury 28 Oct. 1951–29 Mar. 1957 Alec Douglas-Home, 14th Earl of Home 29 Mar. 1957–27 July 1960 Quintin Hogg, 2nd Viscount Hailsham 27 July 1960–20 Oct. 1963 Peter Carrington, 6th Baron Carrington 20 Oct. 1963–16 Oct. 1964 Francis Augier Pakenham, 7th Earl of Longford 18 Oct. 1964–16 Jan. 1968 Edward Shackleton, Baron Shackleton 16 Jan. 1968–19 June 1970 George Jellicoe, 2nd Earl Jellicoe 20 June 1970–23 May 1973 David Hennessy, 3rd Baron Windlesham 5 June 1973–4 Mar. 1974 Malcolm Shepherd, 2nd Baron Shepherd 7 Mar. 1974–10 Sept. 1976 Fred Peart, Baron Peart 10 Sept. 1976–4 May 1979 Christopher Soames, Baron Soames 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 Janet Young, Baroness Young 14 Sept. 1981–11 June 1983 William Whitelaw, 1st Viscount Whitelaw 11 June 1983–10 Jan. 1988 John Julian Ganzoni, 2nd Baron Belstead 10 Jan. 1988–28 Nov. 1990 David Waddington, Baron Waddington 28 Nov. 1990–11 Apr. 1992 John Wakeham, Baron Wakeham 11 Apr. 1992–20 July 1994 Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cranborne 20 July 1994–2 May 1997 Ivor Richard, Baron Richard 2 May 1997–27 July 1998 Margaret Jay, Baroness Jay of Paddington 27 July 1998–8 June 2001 Gareth Williams, Baron Williams of Mostyn 8 June 2001–20 Sept. 2003 Valerie Amos, Baroness Amos 6 Oct. 2003–27 June 2007 Catherine Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland 27 June 2007–2 Oct. 2008 Janet Royall, Baroness Royall of Blaisdon 2 Oct. 2008–11 May 2010 Thomas Galbraith, 2nd Baron Strathclyde 12 May 2010–7 Jan. 2000 Jonathan Hopkin Hill, Baron Hill of Oareford 7 Jan. 2013–present

Party Conservative Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Unionist Liberal Unionist Liberal Liberal Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

Lord Chancellor The position of Lord Chancellor dates back to at least the Norman Conquest and until the reign of Elizabeth I was invariably held by a highranking church officer. The duties of the Lord Chancellor are varied, including responsibility for constitutional affairs and the effective administration of the court system as well as custodianship of the Great Seal. Reform during the past decade has changed the areas of responsibility of the incumbent and the present holder of the office, Kenneth Clarke, is also Secretary of State for Justice (a position created in May 2007 to replace the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs, itself created in 2003 – Lord Falconer being the sole incumbent). Formerly, there were separate Chancellors of England, Scotland and Ireland and although I have listed the English Lord High Chancellors for interest only, the first Lord Chancellor/Lord Keeper of Great Britain was William Cowper in May 1707. Any gaps in the periods of incumbency were when a commission of several men fulfilled the ministerial function. Name



Herfast Osmund Maurice, Archdeacon of Le Mans Gerard, Preceptor of Rouen Robert Blouet

1068–1070 1070–1078 1078–1085 1085–1092 1092–1093

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


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William Giffard Roger Waldric Ranulf Geoffrey Rufus Robert de Sigillo Roger le Poer Philip de Harcourt, Dean of Lincoln Robert of Ghent, Dean of York William FitzGilbert William de Vere Robert of Ghent, Dean of York Thomas Becket, Archdeacon of Canterbury Geoffrey Ridel, Archdeacon of Canterbury Ralph de Warneville, Treasurer of York Geoffrey, the Bastard, Plantagenet William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely Eustace, Dean of Salisbury Eustace, Bishop of Ely Hubert Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury Walter de Gray Richard Marsh Ralph Neville Richard le Gras, Abbot of Evesham Ralph Neville Silvester de Everdon, Archdeacon of Chester John Maunsell, Provost of Beverley Sir John Lexington John Maunsell Sir John Lexington William of Kilkenny Henry Wingham Nicholas of Ely, Archdeacon of Ely Walter de Merton, Archdeacon of Bath Nicholas of Ely, Archdeacon of Ely John Chishull, Archdeacon of London Thomas Cantilupe, Archdeacon of Stafford Ralph Sandwich Walter Giffard, Bishop of Bath and Wells Godfrey Giffard, Archdeacon of Wells John Chishull, Dean of St Paul’s Richard Middleton, Archdeacon of Northumberland Walter de Merton, Archdeacon of Bath Robert Burnell, Bishop of Bath John Langton, Canon of Lincoln William Greenfield, Dean of Chichester William Hamilton, Dean of York Ralph Baldock, Bishop of London John Langton, Bishop of Chichester Walter Reynolds, Bishop of Worcester John Sandall, Canon of Lincoln John Hotham, Bishop of Ely John Salmon, Bishop of Norwich Robert Baldock, Archdeacon of Middlesex William Airmyn, Bishop of Norwich Henry Burghersh, Bishop of Lincoln John de Stratford, Bishop of Winchester Richard Bury, Bishop of Durham John de Stratford, Archbishop of Canterbury Robert de Stratford, Bishop of Chichester Richard Bintworth, Bishop of London John de Stratford, Archbishop of Canterbury Sir Robert Bourchier Sir Robert Parning Sir Robert Sadington John Offord, Dean of Lincoln John Thoresby, Bishop of Worcester William Edington, Bishop of Winchester Simon Langham, Bishop of Ely William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester Sir Robert Thorp Sir John Knyvet Adam Houghton, Bishop of St David’s Richard Scrope, 1st Baron Scrope of Bolton Simon Sudbury, Archbishop of Canterbury Hugh Segrave William Courtenay, Bishop of London Richard Scrope, 1st Baron Scrope of Bolton Robert Braybrook, Bishop of London

1093–1101 1101–1102 1102–1107 1107–1123 1123–1133 1133–1135 1135–1139 1139–1140 1140–1141 1141–1142 1142 1142–1154 1155–1162 1162–1173 1173–1181 1181–1189 1189–1197 1197–1198 1198–1199 1199–1205 1205–1214 1214–1226 1226–1240 1240–1242 1242–1244 1244–1246 1246–1247 1247–1248 1248–1249 1249–1250 1250–1255 1255–1260 1260–1261 1261–1263 1263 1263–1264 1264–1265 1265 1265–1266 1266–1268 1268–1269 1269–1272 1272–1274 1274–1292 1292–1302 1302–1305 1305–1307 1307 1307–1310 1310–1314 1314–1318 1318–1320 1320–1323 1323–1327 1327–1328 1328–1330 1330–1334 1334–1335 1335–1337 1337–1338 1338–1339 1340 1340–1341 1341–1343 1343–1345 1345–1349 1349–1356 1356–1363 1363–1367 1367–1371 1371–1372 1372–1377 1377–1378 1378–1380 1380–1381 1381 1381 1381–1382 1382–1383

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


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Michael de la Pole, 1st Earl of Suffolk Thomas Arundel, Bishop of Ely William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of York Edmund Stafford, Bishop of Exeter Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury John Scarle, Archdeacon of Lincoln Edmund Stafford, Bishop of Exeter Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Lincoln Thomas Langley, Dean of York Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury Sir Thomas Beaufort Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester Thomas Langley, Bishop of Durham Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester John Kemp, Archbishop of York John Stafford, Bishop of Bath John Kemp, Archbishop of York Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester George Neville, Bishop of Exeter Richard Stillington, Bishop of Bath George Neville, Archbishop of York Richard Stillington, Bishop of Bath Laurence Booth, Bishop of Durham John Alcock, Bishop of Rochester Thomas Rotheram, Bishop of Lincoln John Russell, Bishop of Lincoln Thomas Rotheram, Archbishop of York John Alcock, Bishop of Worcester John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury Henry Deane, Archbishop of Canterbury William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cardinal Wolsey, Archbishop of York Sir Thomas More Thomas Audley, 1st Baron Audley of Walden Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Baron Wriothesley William Paulet, 1st Baron St John Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich Thomas Goodrich, Bishop of Ely Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester Nicholas Heath, Archbishop of York Sir Nicholas Bacon Sir Thomas Bromley Sir Christopher Hatton in commission Sir John Puckering Sir Thomas Egerton Francis Bacon, 1st Baron Verulam in commission John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln Thomas Coventry, 1st Baron Coventry John Finch, 1st Baron Finch Edward Littleton, 1st Baron Lyttleton of Mounslow Sir Richard Lane Sir Edward Herbert Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon Orlando Bridgeman Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury Heneage Finch, 1st Earl of Nottingham Francis North, 1st Baron Guilford George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys in commission John Somers, 1st Baron Somers Sir Nathan Wright William Cowper, 1st Baron Cowper Simon Harcourt, 1st Baron Harcourt William Cowper, 1st Baron Cowper Thomas Parker, 1st Earl of Macclesfield Peter King, 1st Baron King Charles Talbot, 1st Baron Talbot of Hensol Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke Robert Henley, 1st Earl of Northington Charles Pratt, 1st Baron Camden Charles Yorke Henry Bathurst, 1st Baron Apsley Edward Thurlow, 1st Baron Thurlow

1383–1386 1386–1389 1389–1391 1391–1396 1396–1399 1399 1399–1401 1401–1403 1403–1405 1405–1407 1407–1410 1410–1412 1412–1413 1413–1417 1417–1424 1424–1426 1426–1432 1432–1450 1450–1454 1454–1455 1455–1456 1456–1460 1460–1467 1467–1470 1470–1471 1471–1473 1473–1475 1475 1475–1483 1483–1485 1485 1485–1487 1487–1500 1500–1502 1502–1515 1515–1529 1529–1532 1532–1544 1544–1547 1547 1547–1551 1552–1553 1553–1555 1555–1558 1558–1579 1579–1587 1587–1591 1591–1592 1592–1596 1596–1617 1617–1621 1621 1621–1625 1625–1640 1640–1641 1641–1642 1645–1653 1653–1658 1658–1667 1667–1672 1672–1673 1673–1682 1682–1685 1685–1688 1689–1693 1693–1700 1700–1705 1705–1708 1710–1714 1714–Apr. 1718 1718–1725 1725–1733 1733–1737 1737–1756 1757–1766 1766–1770 1770 1771–1778 1778–1792

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Tory Tory


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Alexander Wedderburn, 1st Baron Loughborough John Scott, 1st Baron Eldon Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon John Singleton Copley, 1st Baron Lyndhurst Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux John Singleton Copley, 1st Baron Lyndhurst Charles Pepys, 1st Baron Cottenham John Singleton Copley, 1st Baron Lyndhurst Charles Pepys, 1st Baron Cottenham Thomas Wilde, 1st Baron Truro Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, 1st Baron St Leonards Robert Monsey Rolfe, 1st Baron Cranworth Frederic Thesiger, 1st Baron Chelmsford John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell of St Andrews Richard Bethell, 1st Baron Westbury Robert Monsey Rolfe, 1st Baron Cranworth Frederic Thesiger, 1st Baron Chelmsford Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Baron Cairns William Page Wood, 1st Baron Hatherley Roundell Palmer, 1st Baron Selborne Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns Roundell Palmer, 1st Earl of Selborne Hardinge Giffard, 1st Baron Halsbury Farrer Herschell, 1st Baron Herschell Hardinge Giffard, 1st Baron Halsbury Farrer Herschell, 1st Baron Herschell Hardinge Giffard, 1st Earl of Halsbury Robert Threshie Reid, 1st Earl of Loreburn Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane Stanley Buckmaster, 1st Baron Buckmaster Robert Bannatyne Finlay, 1st Baron Finlay Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead George Cave, 1st Viscount Cave Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane George Cave, 1st Viscount Cave Douglas Hogg, 1st Baron Hailsham John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey Douglas Hogg, 1st Viscount Hailsham Frederic Herbert Maugham, 1st Baron Maugham Thomas Inskip, 1st Viscount Caldecote John Allsebrook Simon, 1st Viscount Simon William Allen Jowitt, 1st Viscount Jowitt Gavin Turnbull Simonds, 1st Baron Simonds David Patrick Maxwell Fyfe, 1st Viscount Kilmuir Reginald Manningham-Buller, 1st Baron Dilhorne Gerald Gardiner, Baron Gardiner of Kittisford Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone Frederick Elwyn Jones, Lord Elwyn-Jones Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone Michael Havers, Baron Havers of St Edmundsbury James Mackay, Baron Mackay of Clashfern Derry Irvine, Baron Irvine of Lairg Charles Falconer, Baron Falconer of Thoroton Jack Straw Kenneth Clarke Chris Grayling

1793–1801 1801–1806 1806–1807 1807–1827 2 May 1827–24 Nov. 1830 22 Nov. 1830–9 July 1834 21 Nov. 1834–8 Apr. 1835 16 Jan. 1836–30 Aug. 1841 3 Sept. 1841–27 June 1846 6 July 1846–19 June 1850 15 July 1850–21 Feb. 1852 27 Feb.–17 Dec. 1852 28 Dec. 1852–21 Feb. 1858 26 Feb. 1858–11 June 1859 18 June 1859–24 June 1861 26 June 1861–7 July 1865 7 July 1865–26 June 1866 6 July 1866–29 Feb. 1868 29 Feb.–1 Dec. 1868 9 Dec. 1868–15 Oct. 1872 15 Oct. 1872–17 Feb. 1874 21 Feb. 1874–21 Apr. 1880 28 Apr. 1880–9 June 1885 24 June 1885–28 Jan. 1886 6 Feb.–20 July 1886 3 Aug. 1886–11 Aug. 1892 18 Aug. 1892–21 June 1895 29 June 1895–4 Dec. 1905 10 Dec. 1905–10 June 1912 10 June 1912–25 May 1915 25 May 1915–5 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–10 Jan. 1919 10 Jan. 1919–19 Oct. 1922 24 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–6 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–28 Mar. 1928 28 Mar. 1928–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–7 June 1935 7 June 1935–9 Mar. 1938 9 Mar. 1938–3 Sept. 1939 3 Sept. 1939–12 May 1940 10 May 1940–27 July 1945 27 July 1945–26 Oct. 1951 30 Oct. 1951–18 Oct. 1954 18 Oct. 1954–13 July 1962 13 July 1962–16 Oct. 1964 16 Oct. 1964–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–4 May 1979 4 May 1979–13 June 1987 13 June–26 Oct. 1987 26 Oct.–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–16 June 2003 16 June 2003–28 June 2007 28 June 2007–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept. 2012 4 Sept. 2012–present

Tory Tory Whig Tory Tory Whig Tory Whig Tory Whig Whig Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Liberal Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

Lord President of the Council Historically, the fourth of the Great Officers of State, the holder being responsible for presiding over meetings of the Privy Council. In recent years it has been usual for the Lord President also to serve as Leader of the House of Commons. Between 2003 and 2008 the office was combined with that of Leader of the House of Lords. Although Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, is often cited as the first holder of the office in 1530, the honour was conferred sporadically and it was not until 1679 that it became a regular Cabinet position. Name



Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury John Robartes, 1st Earl of Radnor Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland Richard Graham, 1st Viscount Preston Thomas Osborne, 1st Marquess of Carmarthen Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke John Somers, Lord Somers Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester

21 Apr.–15 Oct. 1679 24 Oct. 1679–24 Aug. 1684 24 Aug. 1684–18 Feb. 1685 18 Feb.–4 Dec. 1685 4 Dec. 1685–Oct. 1688 Oct. 1688–Feb. 1689 14 Feb.–18 May 1699 18 May 1699–29 Jan. 1702 29 Jan.–13 July 1702 13 July 1702–25 Nov. 1708 25 Nov. 1708–21 Sept. 1710 21 Sept. 1710–13 June 1711

Whig Independent Independent Independent Whig Tory Cavalier Whig Tory Whig Whig Tory


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John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby 13 June 1711–23 Sept. 1714 Daniel Finch, 2nd Earl of Nottingham 23 Sept. 1714–6 July 1716 William Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Devonshire 6 July 1716–16 Mar. 1718 Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of Sunderland 16 Mar. 1718–6 Feb. 1719 Evelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of Kingston-upon-Hull 6 Feb. 1719–11 June 1720 Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend 11 June 1720–25 June 1721 Henry Boyle, 1st Baron Carleton 25 June 1721–27 Mar. 1725 William Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Devonshire 27 Mar. 1725–8 May 1730 Thomas Trevor, 1st Baron Trevor 8 May–19 June 1730 Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington 31 Dec. 1730–13 Feb. 1742 William Stanhope, 1st Earl of Harrington 13 Feb. 1742–3 Jan. 1745 Lionel Cranfield Sackville, 1st Duke of Dorset 3 Jan. 1745–17 June 1751 John Carteret, 2nd Earl Granville 17 June 1751–2 Jan. 1763 John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford 9 Sept. 1763–12 July 1765 Daniel Finch, 8th Earl of Winchilsea and 12 July 1765–30 July 1766 3rd Earl of Nottingham Robert Henley, 1st Earl of Northington 30 July 1766–22 Dec. 1767 Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Gower 22 Dec. 1767–24 Nov. 1779 Henry Bathurst, 2nd Earl Bathurst 24 Nov. 1779–27 Mar. 1782 Charles Pratt, 1st Baron Camden 27 Mar. 1782–2 Apr. 1783 David Murray, 7th Viscount Stormont 2 Apr.–19 Dec. 1783 Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Gower 19 Dec. 1783–1 Dec. 1784 Charles Pratt, 1st Baron Camden 1 Dec. 1784–18 Apr. 1794 William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam 1 July–17 Dec. 1794 David Murray, 7th Viscount Stormont 17 Dec. 1794–21 Sept. 1796 John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham 21 Sept. 1796–30 July 1801 William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland 30 July 1801–14 Jan. 1805 Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth 14 Jan.–10 July 1805 John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd Earl Camden 10 July 1805–19 Feb. 1806 William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam 19 Feb.–8 Oct. 1806 Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth 8 Oct. 1806–26 Mar. 1807 John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd Earl Camden 26 Mar. 1807–8 Apr. 1812 Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth 8 Apr.–11 June 1812 Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of Harrowby 11 June 1812–17 Aug. 1827 William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, 4th Duke of Portland 17 Aug. 1827–28 Jan. 1828 Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst 28 Jan. 1828–22 Nov. 1830 Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne 22 Nov. 1830–15 Dec. 1834 James St Clair Erskine, 2nd Earl of Rosslyn 15 Dec. 1834–18 Apr. 1835 Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne 18 Apr. 1835–3 Sept. 1841 James Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, 1st Baron Wharncliffe 3 Sept. 1841–21 Jan. 1846 Walter Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 5th Duke of Buccleuch 21 Jan.–6 July 1846 Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne 6 July 1846–27 Feb. 1852 William Lowther, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale 27 Feb.–28 Dec. 1852 Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 28 Dec. 1852–12 June 1854 Lord John Russell 12 June 1854–8 Feb. 1855 Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 8 Feb. 1855–26 Feb. 1858 James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil, 26 Feb. 1858–18 June 1859 2nd Marquess of Salisbury Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville 18 June 1859–6 July 1866 Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 6 July 1866–8 Mar. 1867 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough 8 Mar. 1867–9 Dec. 1868 George Robinson, 1st Marquess of Ripon 9 Dec. 1868–9 Aug. 1873 Henry Austin Bruce, 1st Baron Aberdare 9 Aug. 1873–21 Feb. 1874 Charles Gordon-Lennox, 6th Duke of Richmond and Lennox 21 Feb. 1874–28 Apr. 1880 John Poyntz Spencer, 5th Earl Spencer 28 Apr. 1880–19 Mar. 1883 Chichester Parkinson-Fortescue 19 Mar. 1883–24 June 1885 Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Viscount Cranbrook 24 June 1885–6 Feb. 1886 John Poyntz Spencer, 5th Earl Spencer 6 Feb.–3 Aug. 1886 Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Viscount Cranbrook 3 Aug. 1886–18 Aug. 1892 18 Aug. 1892–10 Mar. 1894 John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley 10 Mar. 1894–29 June 1895 Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire 29 June 1895–19 Oct. 1903 Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry 19 Oct. 1903–11 Dec. 1905 Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Earl of Crewe 11 Dec. 1905–16 Apr. 1908 Edward Marjoribanks, 2nd Baron Tweedmouth 16 Apr.–19 Oct. 1908 Henry Hartley Fowler, 1st Viscount Wolverhampton 19 Oct. 1908–21 June 1910 William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp 21 June–7 Nov. 1910 John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley 7 Nov. 1910–5 Aug. 1914 William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp 5 Aug. 1914–25 May 1915 Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Earl of Crewe 25 May 1915–10 Dec. 1916 George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon of Kedleston 10 Dec. 1916–23 Oct. 1919 Arthur Balfour 23 Oct. 1919–19 Oct. 1922 James Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury 24 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 Charles Alfred Cripps, 1st Baron Parmoor 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon of Kedleston 6 Nov. 1924–27 Apr. 1925 Arthur Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour 27 Apr. 1925–4 June 1929 Charles Alfred Cripps, 1st Baron Parmoor 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 Stanley Baldwin 25 Aug. 1931–7 June 1935


Party Tory Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig Whig/Tory Whig Whig Whig Tory Tory Whig Whig Tory Whig Whig Whig Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Tory Whig Tory Whig Tory Conservative Whig Tory Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative

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Ramsay MacDonald Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 3rd Viscount Halifax Douglas Hogg, 1st Viscount Hailsham Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford James Stanhope, 7th Earl Stanhope Neville Chamberlain Sir John Anderson Clement Attlee Frederick Marquis, 1st Baron Woolton Herbert Morrison Christopher Addison, 1st Viscount Addison Frederick Marquis, 1st Baron Woolton Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of Salisbury Alec Douglas-Home, 14th Earl of Home Quintin Hogg, 2nd Viscount Hailsham Alec Douglas-Home, 14th Earl of Home Quintin Hogg, 2nd Viscount Hailsham Herbert Bowden Richard Crossman Fred Peart William Whitelaw Robert Carr James Prior Edward Short Michael Foot Christopher Soames, Baron Soames Francis Pym John Biffen William Whitelaw, 1st Viscount Whitelaw John Wakeham Sir Geoffrey Howe John MacGregor Tony Newton Ann Taylor Margaret Beckett Robin Cook John Reid Gareth Wyn Williams, Lord Williams of Mostyn Valerie Amos, Baroness Amos Catherine Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland Janet Royall, Baroness Royall of Blaisdon Peter Mandelson, Baron Mandelson of Foy and Hartlepool Nick Clegg

7 June 1935–28 May 1937 28 May 1937–9 Mar. 1938 9 Mar.–31 Oct. 1938 31 Oct. 1938–3 Sept. 1939 3 Sept. 1939–11 May 1940 11 May–3 Oct. 1940 3 Oct. 1940–24 Sept. 1943 24 Sept. 1943–23 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 27 July 1945–9 Mar. 1951 9 Mar.–26 Oct. 1951 28 Oct. 1951–25 Nov. 1952 25 Nov. 1952–29 Mar. 1957 29 Mar.–17 Sept. 1957 17 Sept. 1957–14 Oct. 1959 14 Oct. 1959–27 July 1960 27 July 1960–16 Oct. 1964 16 Oct. 1964–11 Aug. 1966 11 Aug. 1966–18 Oct. 1968 18 Oct. 1968–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–7 Apr. 1972 7 Apr.–5 Nov. 1972 5 Nov. 1972–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–7 Apr. 1982 7 Apr. 1982–11 June 1983 11 June 1983–10 Jan. 1988 10 Jan. 1988–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–1 Nov. 1990 2 Nov. 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–27 July 1998 27 July 1998–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–18 Mar. 2003 4 Apr.–13 June 2003 13 June –20 Sept. 2003 6 Oct. 2003–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–3 Oct. 2008 3 Oct. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 11 May 2010–present

Labour Conservative Conservative National Liberal Conservative Conservative National Labour Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Lib-Dem

Lord Privy Seal Historically, the fifth of the Great Officers of State although in recent times the holder has become a Minister without Portfolio, while still attending Cabinet meetings. The list below begins with the English Lords Privy Seal, John Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle, becoming the first British incumbent after the unification with Scotland in 1707. Name


William Melton Roger Northburgh Thomas Charlton Robert Baldock Robert Wodehouse Robert Ayleston William Airmyn Henry Cliff William Herlaston Robert Wyvell Richard Airmyn Adam Lymbergh Richard Bury, Bishop of Durham Robert Ayleston Robert Tawton William de la Zouch Richard Bintworth William Kilsby John Offord Thomas Hatfield John Thoresby Simon Islip, Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Northburgh Thomas Bramber John Winwick John Buckingham, Bishop of Lincoln William of Wykeham

1307–1312 1312–1316 1316–1320 1320–1323 1323 1323–1324 1324–1325 1325 1325–1326 1326–1327 1327–1328 1328–1329 1329–1334 1334 1334–1335 1335–1337 1337–1338 1338–1342 1342–1344 1344–1345 1345–1347 1347–1350 1350–1354 1354–1355 1355–1360 1360–1363 1363–1367


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Peter Lacy Nicholas Carew John Fordham William Dighton Walter Skirclaw, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield John Waltham, Bishop of Salisbury Edmund Stafford, Bishop of Exeter Guy Mone Richard Clifford Thomas Langley Nicholas Bubwith John Prophet John Wakering, Bishop of Norwich Henry Ware John Kemp, Bishop of Rochester John Stafford William Alnwick, Bishop of Norwich William Lyndwood, Bishop of St David’s Thomas Beckington, Bishop of Bath and Wells Adam Moleyns, Bishop of Chichester Andrew Holes Thomas Lisieux Laurence Booth, Bishop of Durham Robert Stillington, Bishop of Bath and Wells Thomas Rotheram, Bishop of Rochester John Hales, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield Thomas Rotheram, Bishop of Rochester John Russell, Bishop of Rochester, later Bishop of Lincoln John Gunthorp Peter Courtenay, Bishop of Exeter Richard Fox, Bishop of Exeter, later Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bishop of Durham and Bishop of Winchester Thomas Ruthall, Bishop of Durham Henry Marney, 1st Baron Marney Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of London Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire Thomas Cromwell, 1st Earl of Essex William Fitzwilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton John Russell, 1st Earl of Bedford William Paget, 1st Baron Paget William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley William Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Effingham Sir Thomas Smith Francis Walsingham William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury Henry Howard, 1st Earl of Northampton Robert Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset Edward Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester Sir John Coke Sir Robert Naunton Henry Montagu, 1st Earl of Manchester Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falkland Sir Edward Nicholas Henry Bourchier, 5th Earl of Bath John Robartes, 2nd Baron Robartes Arthur Annesley, 1st Earl of Anglesey George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of Clarendon Henry Arundell, 3rd Baron Arundell of Wardour George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax in commission Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke John Lowther, 1st Viscount Lonsdale Ford Grey, 1st Earl of Tankerville in commission John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby John Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle John Robinson, Bishop of Bristol William Legge, 1st Earl of Dartmouth Thomas Wharton, 1st Marquess of Wharton in commission Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of Sunderland Evelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of Kingston Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Kent Evelyn Pierrepont, 1st Duke of Kingston Thomas Trevor, 1st Baron Trevor Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington in commission William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire Henry Lowther, 3rd Viscount Lonsdale

1367–1371 1371–1377 1377–1381 1381–1382 1382–1386 1386–1389 1389–1396 1396–1397 1397–1401 1401–1405 1405–1406 1406–1415 1415–1416 1416–1418 1418–1412 1421–1422 1422–1432 1432–1443 1443–1444 1444–1450 1450–1452 1452–1456 1456–1460 1460–1467 1467–1470 1470–1471 1471–1474 1473–1483 1483–1485 1485–1487 1487–1516 1516–1523 1523 1523–1530 1530–1536 1536–1540 1540–1542 1542–1555 1555–1558 1571–1572 1572–1573 1573–1576 1576–1590 1590–1598 1598–1608 1608–1614 1614–1616 1616–1625 1625–1628 1628 1628–1642 1643 1643–1644 1644–1654 1661–1673 1673–1682 1682–1685 1685–1687 1687–1688 1689–1690 1690–1692 1692–1699 1699–1700 1700–1701 1701–1702 1702–1705 1705–1711 1711–1713 1713–1714 1714–1715 1715 1715–1716 1716–1718 1718–1719 1720–1726 1726–1730 1730–1731 1731 1731–1733 1733–1735


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Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey John Leveson-Gower, 2nd Baron Gower George Cholmondeley, 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley John Leveson-Gower, 1st Earl Gower Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Gower Richard Grenville-Temple, 2nd Earl Temple John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham George William Hervey, 5th Earl of Bristol George Montague-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax Henry Howard, 12th Earl of Suffolk Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd Duke of Grafton William Legge, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth Augustus Henry FitzRoy, 3rd Duke of Grafton Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle Charles Manners, 4th Duke of Rutland in commission Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Marquess of Stafford George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham John Fane, 10th Earl of Westmorland Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth Henry Richard Vassall-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland John Fane, 10th Earl of Westmorland William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, 4th Duke of Portland George Howard, 6th Earl of Carlisle Edward Law, 2nd Baron Ellenborough James St Clair-Erskine, 2nd Earl of Rosslyn John George Lambton, 1st Baron Durham Frederick John Robinson, 1st Earl of Ripon George Howard, 6th Earl of Carlisle Constantine Henry Phipps, 2nd Earl of Mulgrave James Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, 1st Baron Wharncliffe John William Ponsonby, Viscount Duncannon George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 5th Duke of Buccleuch Thomas Hamilton, 9th Earl of Haddington Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 2nd Earl of Minto James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil, 2nd Marquess of Salisbury George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll Dudley Ryder, 2nd Earl of Harrowby Ulick John de Burgh, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde Charles Philip Yorke, 4th Earl of Hardwicke George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll James Howard Harris, 3rd Earl of Malmesbury John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax James Howard Harris, 3rd Earl of Malmesbury Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield Algernon George Percy, 6th Duke of Northumberland George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll Chichester Parkinson-Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery Dudley Ryder, 3rd Earl of Harrowby William Ewart Gladstone George Henry Cadogan, 5th Earl Cadogan William Ewart Gladstone Edward Marjoribanks, 2nd Baron Tweedmouth Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury Arthur Balfour James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury George Frederick Samuel Robinson, 1st Marquess of Ripon Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Earl of Crewe Charles Robert Wynn Carrington, 1st Earl Carrington Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of Crewe George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Earl Curzon David Lindsay, 27th Earl of Crawford Andrew Bonar Law Austen Chamberlain Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood John Robert Clynes James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Salisbury James Henry Thomas Vernon Hartshorn

1735–1740 1740–1742 1742–1743 1743–1744 1744–1755 1755 1755–1757 1757–1761 1761–1763 1763–1765 1765–1766 1766–1768 1768–1770 1770–1771 1771 1771–1775 1775–1782 1782–1783 1783 1783–1784 1784 1784–1794 1794 1794–1798 1798–1806 1806 1806–1807 1807–1827 1827 1827–1828 1828–1829 1829–1830 1830–1833 1833–1834 1834 1834 1834–1835 1835–1840 1840–1841 1841–1842


1842–1846 1846 1846–1852 1852 1853–1855 1855–1858 1858 1858–1859 1859–1866 1866–1868 1868–1870 1870–1874 1874–1876 1876–1878 1878–1880 1880–1881 1881–1885 1885 1885–1886 1886 1886–1892 1892–1894 1894–1895 1895–1900 1900–1902 1902–1903 1903–1905 1905–1908 1908–1911 1911–1912 1912–1915 1915–1916 1916–1919 1919–1921 1921–1922 1922–1924 1924 1924–1929 1929–1930 1930–1931

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Thomas Johnston William Wellesley Peel, 1st Earl Peel Philip Snowden, 1st Viscount Snowden Stanley Baldwin Anthony Eden Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 3rd Viscount Halifax Herbrand Sackville, 9th Earl De La Warr Sir John Anderson Sir Samuel Hoare Sir Kingsley Wood Clement Attlee Sir Stafford Cripps Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cranborne William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook Arthur Greenwood Philip Inman, 1st Baron Inman Christopher Addison, 1st Viscount Addison Ernest Bevin Richard Stokes Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of Salisbury Harry Crookshank Richard Austen ‘Rab’ Butler Quintin Hogg, 2nd Viscount Hailsham Edward Heath Selwyn Lloyd Francis Aungier Pakenham, 7th Earl of Longford Sir Frank Soskice Francis Aungier Pakenham, 7th Earl of Longford Edward Shackleton, Baron Shackleton Fred Peart Edward Shackleton, Baron Shackleton George Jellicoe, 2nd Earl Jellicoe David Hennessy, 3rd Baron Windlesham Malcolm Shepherd, 2nd Baron Shepherd Fred Peart, Baron Peart Sir Ian Gilmour Humphrey Atkins Janet Young, Baroness Young John Biffen John Wakeham John Ganzoni, 2nd Baron Belstead David Waddington, Baron Waddington John Wakeham, Baron Wakeham Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cranborne Ivor Richard, Baron Richard Margaret Jay, Baroness Jay of Paddington Gareth Wyn Williams, Baron Williams of Mostyn Peter Hain Geoff Hoon Jack Straw Harriet Harman Sir George Young Andrew Lansley

1931 1931 1931–1932 1932–1934 1934–1935 1935 1935–1937 1937–1938 1938–1939 1939–1940 1940 1940–1942 1942 1942–1943 1943–1945 1945–1947 1947 1947–1951 1951 1951 1951–1952 1952–1955 1955–1959 1959–1960 1960–1963 1963–1964 1964–1965 1965–1966 1966–1968 1968 1968 1968–1970 1970–1973 1973–1974 1974–1976 1976–1979 1979–1981 1981–1982 1982–1983 1983–1987 1987–1988 1988–1990 1990–1992 1992–1994 1994–1997 1997–1998 1998–2001 2001–2003 2003–2005 2005–2006 2006–2007 2007–2010 2010–2012 4 Sept.2012–present

Minister without Portfolio A facility whereby the government of the day can second a prominent politician into the Cabinet despite not heading a particular ministry. In this respect the position is similar to the sinecure positions of Lord Privy Seal and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Name



William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd Earl Camden Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne William Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, 4th Duke of Portland George Howard, 6th Earl of Carlisle Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Lord John Russell Spencer Horatio Walpole Sir Michael Hicks Beach Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne Arthur Henderson Lord Milner Jan Smuts Sir Edward Carson George Barnes Sir Eric Geddes

1805–1806 1806–1807 1812 1819–1820 Apr.–Jul. 1827 and 1852–1858 Jul.–Sep. 1827 1830–1834 1841–1846 1853–1854 1867–1868 1887–1888 1915–1916 1916–1917 1916–1918 1917–1919 1917–1919 1917–1920 Jan.–Oct. 1919

Tory Whig Tory Tory Whig Tory Whig Tory Whig Liberal Conservative Liberal Labour Conservative n/a n/a Labour Conservative


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Name Sir Laming Worthington-Evans Christopher Addison Anthony Eden Lord Eustace Percy Leslie Burgin Lord Hankey Arthur Greenwood Sir William Jowitt A V Alexander Arthur Greenwood Geoffrey FitzClarence, 5th Earl of Munster Percy Herbert Mills, 1st Viscount Mills William Francis Deedes Lord Carrington George Thomson Lord Drumalbyn Lord Young Jeremy Hanley Brian Mawhinney Peter Mandelson Charles Clarke John Reid Ian McCartney Hazel Blears Baroness (Sayeeda) Warsi Kenneth Clarke and Grant Shapps

Period 1920–1921 1921–1922 June–Dec. 1935 1935–1936 Apr.–Jul. 1939 1939–1940 1940–1942 1942–1944 Oct.–Dec. 1946 Apr.–Sept. 1947 1954–1957 1961–1962 1962–1964 1963–1964 1968–1969 1970–1974 1984–1985 1994–1995 1995–1997 1997–1998 2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2006 2006–2007 2010–2012 4 Sept.2012–present

Party Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal n/a Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservatives

Northern Ireland The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is the chief minister in the government of the United Kingdom with responsibilities for Northern Ireland, although the Secretary is responsible only to the Westminster Parliament and not the Northern Ireland Assembly. The office was created following the suspension of the home rule Parliament of Northern Ireland in 1972. Name



William Whitelaw Francis Pym Merlyn Rees Roy Mason Humphrey Atkins James Prior Douglas Hurd Tom King Peter Brooke Sir Patrick Mayhew Marjorie ‘Mo’ Mowlam Peter Mandelson John Reid Paul Murphy Peter Hain Shaun Woodward Owen Paterson Theresa Villiers

24 Mar. 1972–2 Dec. 1973 2 Dec. 1973–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–10 Sept. 1976 10 Sept. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–11 Sept. 1984 11 Sept. 1984–3 Sept. 1985 3 Sept. 1985–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–11 Oct. 1999 11 Oct. 1999–24 Jan. 2001 25 Jan. 2001–24 Oct. 2002 24 Oct. 2002–6 May 2005 6 May 2005–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept.2012 4 Sept.2012–present

Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

Olympics The Minister for the Olympics is a temporary position created in July 2005 as a result of the selection of London to host the 2012 Summer Olympics. Not a Cabinet position per se but the incumbent is a Cabinet minister. Name



Tessa Jowell Jeremy Hunt

6 July 2005–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept.2012

Labour Conservative

Scotland The Secretary of State for Scotland is the chief minister in the government of the United Kingdom with responsibilities for Scotland, although the Secretary is responsible only to the Westminster Parliament and not the Scottish Assembly. The office was originally created for the Scottish Parliament in the 14th century (possibly the most famous incumbent being William Maitland of Lethington, who served Mary Queen of Scots) and only those holders since the Union of the Crowns in 1705 are relevant to British politics. The position was abolished in 1746 following the Jacobite rebellion, Scottish affairs thereafter being managed by the Lord Advocate until 1827, when responsibility passed to the Home Office. In 1885 the post was re-created, with the incumbent usually (though not always) in the Cabinet. In 1926 this post was upgraded to a full Secretary of State appointment but, as with its Welsh and Northern Irish counterparts, its responsibilities have been severely diluted since the introduction of the national assemblies of the home countries.


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John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar James Douglas, 2nd Duke of Queensberry John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar James Graham, 1st Duke of Montrose John Ker, 1st Duke of Roxburghe John Hay, 4th Marquess of Tweeddale Charles Gordon-Lennox, Duke of Richmond and Gordon George Otto Trevelyan John William Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie Arthur Balfour Schomberg Henry Kerr, Marquess of Lothian George Otto Trevelyan Alexander Bruce, Lord Balfour of Burleigh Andrew Murray John Adrian Hope, Marquess of Linlithgow John Sinclair Thomas McKinnon Wood Harold Tennant Robert Munro Ronald Munro-Ferguson William Adamson Sir John Gilmour William Adamson Sir Archibald Sinclair Sir Godfrey Collins Walter Elliot John Colville Ernest Brown Thomas Johnston Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery Joseph Westwood Arthur Woodburn Hector McNeil James Stuart John Maclay Michael Noble William Ross Gordon Campbell William Ross Bruce Millan George Younger Malcolm Rifkind Ian Lang Michael Forsyth Donald Dewar John Reid Helen Liddell Alistair Darling Douglas Alexander Des Browne Jim Murphy Danny Alexander Michael Moore Alistair Carmichael

1705–3 Feb. 1709 3 Feb. 1709–6 July 1711 30 Sept. 1713–24 Sept. 1714 24 Sept. 1714–Aug. 1715 13 Dec. 1716–Aug. 1725 16 Feb. 1742–3 Jan. 1746 17 Aug. 1885–28 Jan. 1886 8 Feb.–Mar. 1886 5 Apr.–20 July 1886 5 Aug. 1886–11 Mar. 1887 11 Mar. 1887–11 Aug. 1892 18 Aug. 1892–21 June 1895 29 June 1895–9 Oct. 1903 9 Oct. 1903–2 Feb. 1905 2 Feb.–4 Dec. 1905 10 Dec. 1905–13 Feb. 1912 13 Feb. 1912–9 July 1916 9 July–5 Dec. 1916 10 Dec. 1916–19 Oct. 1922 24 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 22 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 6 Nov. 1924–7 June 1929 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 25 Aug. 1931–28 Sept. 1932 28 Sept. 1932–29 Oct. 1936 29 Oct. 1936–16 May 1938 6 May 1938–10 May 1940 14 May 1940–8 Feb. 1941 8 Feb. 1941–23 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–7 Oct. 1947 7 Oct. 1947–28 Feb. 1950 28 Feb. 1950–26 Oct. 1951 30 Oct. 1951–13 Jan. 1957 13 Jan. 1957–13 July 1962 13 July 1962–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–11 Jan. 1986 11 Jan. 1986–28 Nov. 1990 28 Nov. 1990–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–17 May 1999 17 May 1999–25 Jan. 2001 25 Jan. 2001–13 June 2003 13 June 2003–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–3 Oct. 2008 3 Oct. 2008–11 May 2010 12 May–29 May 2010 29 May 2010–7 Oct. 2013 7 Oct. 2013–present

Whig Scottish Unionist Whig Scottish Unionist Whig Whig Conservative Liberal Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Liberal Liberal Coalition Coalition Liberal Labour Conservative Labour National Liberal National Liberal Scottish Unionist National Conservative Coalition Coalition National Liberal Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Lib-Dem Lib-Dem Lib-Dem

Transport Prior to 2002, the Department for Transport has been variously organised as the Ministry of Transport (1919–41, 1945–53, 1959–70, 1979– 81), Ministry of War Transport (1941–45), Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation (1953–59), Department for the Environment (1970–76), Department of Transport (1976–79, 1981–97, 2002– ), Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1997–2001) and Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (2001–02). The minister in control of the department has been known under various titles and has not always been a member of the Cabinet. Similarly, after the Cabinet reshuffle of 8 June 2009, Sadiq Khan, serving as Minister of State for Transport (under Lord Adonis as Secretary of State), was given the right to attend Cabinet. Name



Eric Campbell Geddes William Peel, 2nd Viscount Peel David Lindsay, 27th Earl of Crawford Sir John Baird Harry Gosling Wilfrid Ashley Herbert Morrison Percy John Pybus Oliver Stanley Leslie Hore-Belisha Leslie Burgin Euan Wallace John Reith

19 May 1919–7 Nov. 1921 7 Nov. 1921–12 Apr. 1922 12 Apr.–31 Oct. 1922 31 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 24 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 11 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 3 Sept. 1931–22 Feb. 1933 22 Feb. 1933–29 June 1934 29 June 1934–28 May 1937 28 May 1937–21 Apr. 1939 21 Apr. 1939–14 May 1940 14 May–3 Oct. 1940

Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Liberal Conservative National Liberal National Liberal Conservative National Independent


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John Moore-Brabazon Frederick Leathers – Minister of War Transport Alfred Barnes John Maclay Alan Lennox-Boyd Alan Lennox-Boyd John Boyd-Carpenter Harold Watkinson Ernest Marples Thomas Fraser Barbara Castle Richard Marsh Fred Mulley John Peyton Fred Mulley John Gilbert Bill Rodgers Norman Fowler David Howell Tom King Nicholas Ridley John Moore Paul Channon Cecil Parkinson Malcolm Rifkind John MacGregor Brian Mawhinney Sir George Young, Bt John Prescott Gavin Strang John Reid Helen Liddell Gus Macdonald, Baron Macdonald of Tradeston Stephen Byers Alistair Darling Douglas Alexander Ruth Kelly Geoff Hoon Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis Philip Hammond Justine Greening Patrick McLoughlin

3 Oct. 1940–1 May 1941 1 May 1941–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–26 Oct. 1951 31 Oct. 1951–7 May 1952 7 May 1952–1 Oct. 1953 1 Oct. 1953–28 July 1954 28 July 1954–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–14 Oct. 1959 14 Oct. 1959–16 Oct. 1964 16 Oct. 1964–23 Dec. 1965 23 Dec. 1965–6 Apr. 1968 6 Apr. 1968–6 Oct. 1969 6 Oct. 1969–19 June 1970 23 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 7 Mar. 1974–12 June 1975 12 June 1975–10 Sept. 1976 10 Sept. 1976–4 May 1979 11 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–11 June 1983 11 June–16 Oct. 1983 16 Oct. 1983–21 May 1986 21 May 1986–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–24 July 1989 24 July 1989–28 Nov. 1990 28 Nov. 1990–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–20 July 1994 20 July 1994–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–2 May 1997 2 May 1997–8 June 2001 3 May 1997–27 July 1998 27 July 1998–17 May 1999 17 May–29 July 1999 29 July 1999–8 June 2001 8 June 2001–29 May 2002 29 May 2002–5 May 2006 5 May 2006–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–3 Oct. 2008 3 Oct. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–14 Oct. 2011 14 Oct. 2011–4 Sept. 2012 4 Sept. 2012–present

Conservative Conservative Labour National Liberal Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative

Minister of Civil Aviation Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Viscount Swinton Reginald Thomas Herbert Fletcher, 1st Baron Winster Harry Louis Nathan Francis Aungier Pakenham, 1st Baron Pakenham David Rees-Williams, 1st Baron Ogmore John Maclay Alan Lennox-Boyd

8 Oct. 1944–26 July 1945 4 Aug. 1945–4 Oct. 1946 4 Oct. 1946–31 May 1948 31 May 1948–1 June 1951 1 June–26 Oct. 1951 31 Oct. 1951–7 May 1952 7 May 1952–1 Oct. 1953

Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour National Liberal Conservative

Wales The Secretary of State for Wales is the chief minister in the government of the United Kingdom with responsibilities for Wales, although the Secretary is responsible only to the Westminster Parliament and not the Welsh Assembly. Created in 1964, its responsibilities have been severely diluted since the introduction of the national assemblies of the home countries. Name



James Griffiths Cledwyn Hughes George Thomas Peter Thomas John Morris Nicholas Edwards Peter Walker David Hunt John Redwood David Hunt William Hague Ron Davies Alun Michael Paul Murphy Peter Hain Paul Murphy Peter Hain Cheryl Gillan David Jones

18 Oct. 1964–5 Apr. 1966 5 Apr. 1966–5 Apr. 1968 5 Apr. 1968–20 June 1970 20 June 1970–5 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–5 May 1979 5 May 1979–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–4 May 1990 4 May 1990–27 May 1993 27 May 1993–26 June 1995 26 June–5 July 1995 5 July 1995–3 May 1997 3 May 1997–27 Oct. 1998 27 Oct. 1998–28 July 1999 28 July 1999–24 Oct. 2002 24 Oct. 2002–24 Jan. 2008 24 Jan. 2008–5 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–4 Sept. 2012 4 Sept. 2012–present

Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative


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Women and Equality Although not a Cabinet position per se, the holder of office has always been a Cabinet minister with an extra responsibility for ensuring gender equality. The incumbent was entitled the Minister for Women until a reorganisation on 12 October 2007, whereby the Women and Equality Unit, based within the Department for Communities and Local Government, was converted into an independent department supported by the Government Equalities Office (GEO). Name



Harriet Harman Margaret Jay, Baroness Jay of Paddington Patricia Hewitt Tessa Jowell Ruth Kelly Harriet Harman Theresa May Maria Miller

1997–1998 1998–2001 2001–2005 2005–2006 2006–2007 2007–2010 2010–4 Sept. 2012 2012–present

Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative

Work and Pensions The Ministry of Pensions was created in 1916 to facilitate the payment of war pensions. On 8 October 1944, a separate Ministry of Social Insurance, under Sir William Jowitt, was formed (renamed the Ministry of National Insurance on 17 November 1944) and the two merged on 3 September 1953 as the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance. On 6 August 1966 it was renamed Ministry of Social Security, and on 1 November 1968 merged with the Ministry of Health to form the Department of Health and Social Security with the Secretary of State for Social Services as its helmsman. The Department was de-merged on 25 July 1988, creating the separate Department of Health, while the Department of Social Services was renamed the Department of Social Security. On 8 June 2001 it was renamed the Department for Work and Pensions after merging with the Employment element of the Department for Education and Employment. Name



George Nicoll Barnes John Hodge Sir Laming Worthington-Evans Ian Macpherson George Tryon Frederick Roberts George Tryon Frederick Roberts George Tryon Robert Hudson Herwald Ramsbotham Sir Walter Womersley Wilfred Paling John Hynd George Buchanan Hilary Marquand George Isaacs Derick Heathcoat-Amory Osbert Peake John Boyd-Carpenter Niall Macpherson Richard Wood Margaret Herbison Judith Hart Richard Crossman Sir Keith Joseph, Bt Barbara Castle David Ennals Patrick Jenkin Norman Fowler John Moore Tony Newton Peter Lilley Harriet Harman Alistair Darling Andrew Smith Alan Johnson David Blunkett John Hutton Peter Hain James Purnell Yvette Cooper Iain Duncan Smith

10 Dec. 1916–17 Aug. 1917 17 Aug. 1917–10 Jan. 1919 10 Jan. 1919–2 Apr. 1920 2 Apr. 1920–19 Oct. 1922 31 Oct. 1922–22 Jan. 1924 23 Jan.–3 Nov. 1924 11 Nov. 1924–4 June 1929 7 June 1929–24 Aug. 1931 3 Sept. 1931–18 June 1935 18 June 1935–30 July 1936 30 July 1936–7 June 1939 7 June 1939–26 July 1945 3 Aug. 1945–17 Apr. 1947 17 Apr.–7 Oct. 1947 7 Oct. 1947–2 July 1948 2 July 1948–17 Jan. 1951 17 Jan.–26 Oct. 1951 5 Nov. 1951–3 Sept. 1953 3 Sept. 1953–20 Dec. 1955 20 Dec. 1955–16 July 1962 16 July 1962–21 Oct. 1963 21 Oct. 1963–16 Oct. 1964 18 Oct. 1964–26 July 1967 26 July 1967–1 Nov. 1968 1 Nov. 1968–19 June 1970 20 June 1970–4 Mar. 1974 5 Mar. 1974–8 Apr. 1976 8 Apr. 1976–4 May 1979 5 May 1979–14 Sept. 1981 14 Sept. 1981–13 June 1987 13 June 1987–23 July 1989 23 July 1989–10 Apr. 1992 10 Apr. 1992–2 May 1997 3 May 1997–27 July 1998 27 July 1998–29 May 2002 29 May 2002–8 Sept. 2004 8 Sept. 2004–6 May 2005 6 May 2005–2 Nov. 2005 2 Nov. 2005–27 June 2007 28 June 2007–24 Jan. 2008 24 Jan. 2008–4 June 2009 5 June 2009–11 May 2010 12 May 2010–present

Labour Labour Conservative Liberal Conservative Labour Conservative Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative

Ministers of Social Insurance/National Insurance Sir William Jowitt Leslie Hore-Belisha James Griffiths Edith Summerskill Osbert Peake

8 Oct. 1944–23 May 1945 25 May–26 July 1945 4 Aug. 1945–28 Feb. 1950 28 Feb. 1950–26 Oct. 1951 31 Oct. 1951–3 Sept. 1953


Labour National Independent Labour Labour Conservative

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PROVERBS Biblical Proverbs (from the Book of Proverbs) A wise man will hear, and will increase learning: and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels (1.5). Listen to the discipline of your father and do not forsake the law of your mother (1.8). Happy is the man that has found wisdom, and the man that has discernment (3.13). Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do [it] (3.27). Do not fabricate against your fellow man anything bad, when he is dwelling in a sense of security with you (3.29). Do not quarrel with a man without cause, if he has rendered no bad to you (3.30). Do not become envious of a man of violence, nor choose any of his ways (3.31). Into the path of wicked ones do not enter, and do not walk straight on into the way of bad ones (4.14). Remove from yourself the crookedness of speech, and the deviousness of lips put far away from yourself (4.24). Smooth out the course of your foot, and may all your own ways be firmly established (4.26).

Go to the ant, see its ways and become wise (6.6). Do not reprove a ridiculer, that he may not hate you. Give a reproof to a wise person and he will love you (9.8). A wise son is one that makes a father rejoice, and a stupid son is the grief of his mother (10.1). He that is walking in integrity will walk in security, but he that is making his ways crooked will make himself known (10.9). Hatred is what stirs up contentions, but love covers over even all transgressions (10.12). The tongue of the righteous person is choice silver, whilst the heart of the wicked one is worth little (10.20). Deception is in the heart of those fabricating mischief, but those counselling peace have rejoicing (12.20). A prudent man concealeth knowledge (12.23). He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed (13.20). He that spareth his rod hateth his son (13.24). Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall (16.18).

General Proverbs All roads lead to Rome. An old poacher makes the best keeper. Beauty is potent but money is omnipotent. Better be stung by a nettle than pricked by a rose. Between two stools one falls to the ground. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. Cards are the devil’s books. All cats are grey in the dark. Caveat emptor (Let the buyer beware). Diligence is the mother of good luck. A drowning man will catch at a straw. Enough is as good as a feast. Every cloud has a silver lining. Experience is the mistress of fools. Faint heart never won fair lady. A fair exchange is no robbery. Fair words butter no parsnips. Far fowls have fair feathers. The folly of one man is the fortune of another. A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. The fool wanders, the wise man travels. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. He is a fool who makes his doctor his heir. He should have a long spoon that sups with the devil. He that sings on Friday will weep on Sunday. He was a bold man that first ate an oyster. A heavy purse makes a light heart. A hedge between keeps friendship green. If ifs and ands were pots and pans, there’d be no trade for tinkers. If St Vitus’s day [15 June] be rainy weather, it will rain for 30 days together. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.

If you sing before breakfast, you’ll cry before night. If you swear, you’ll catch no fish. Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it. Knowledge is power. A light purse makes a heavy heart. Lose an hour in the morning and you’ll be all day hunting for it. A mackerel sky is never long dry. Magpies: one’s sorrow, two’s mirth, three’s a wedding, four’s a birth, five’s a christening, six a dearth, seven’s heaven, eight is hell, and nine’s the devil his ane sel’. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. Monday’s child is fair of face,/Tuesday’s child is full of grace,/Wednesday’s child is full of woe,/Thursday’s child has far to go,/Friday’s child is loving and giving,/ Saturday’s child works hard for living. But the child who is born on the Sabbath day is lucky and happy and good and gay. Nature abhors a vacuum. Necessity is the mother of invention. Needs must when the devil drives. Never is a long day. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. Out of debt, out of danger. Penny wise, pound foolish. Prevention is better than cure. Procrastination is the thief of time Promises and pie-crusts are made to be broken. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Providence is better than rent. Rain before seven, fine before eleven. Red sky at night shepherd’s delight, red sky in the morning shepherd’s warning. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Salmon and sermon have their season in Lent. Save your breath to cool your porridge.

Sloth is the key to poverty. Sneeze on a Monday you sneeze for danger, sneeze on a Tuesday you kiss a stranger, sneeze on a Wednesday you sneeze for a letter, sneeze on a Thursday for something better, sneeze on a Friday you sneeze for sorrow, sneeze on a Saturday see your sweetheart tomorrow, sneeze on a Sunday your safety seek, the devil will have you the whole of the week. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing. Still waters run deep. A tale twice told is cabbage twice sold. Talk of the devil, and he’ll appear. Tell that to the marines. Thrift is good revenue. Time and tide wait for no man. Virtue is its own reward. Virtue never grows old. What can’t be cured must be endured. When the sun is highest he casts the least shadow. When the wind is in the east it’s good for neither man nor beast./When the wind is in the north the skilful fisher goes not forth./When the wind is in the south it blows the bait in the fish’s mouth./When the wind is in the west the weather is at the best. Who knows most says least. Whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad (Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat). A wild goose never laid a tame egg. A wonder lasts but nine days. You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Young men may die, old men must. Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. Zeal without prudence is frenzy.

NB Some of the proverbs above are corruptions of biblical proverbs. Others were coined by great thinkers and philosophers, and yet others have simply come into general usage through time.


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QUOTATIONS All Gaul is divided into three parts. All hope abandon ye who enter. (from Divine Comedy) All is for the best in the best of possible worlds. (from Candide) An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have – the older she gets the more interested he is in her. And so to bed. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. Arms and the man I sing. (from the Aeneid) Art for art’s sake. Attila the hen. (speaking about Margaret Thatcher) Balance of power. Bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it, A Because it’s there. (when asked why he wanted to climb Mt Everest) Before God we are all equally wise – and equally foolish. Better to err with Pope, than shine with Pye. Bigger they come the harder they fall, The Blood is thicker than water. Bread and circuses. (Panem et circenses, alluding to what the people desired) Buck stops here, The Bumping pitch and a blinding light, an hour to play and the last man in, A Candy is dandy - but liquor is quicker. Carthage must be destroyed. Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. Child is father of the man, The Claret is the liquor for boys, Port for men, but he who aspires to be a hero must drink Brandy. Classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read, A Comedian does funny things; a good comedian does things funny, A Cook was a good cook as cooks go; and as cooks go she went, The Cough and the world coughs with you. Fart and you stand alone. Desiccated calculating machine, A (writing about Hugh Gaitskell) Die is cast, The (on crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC) Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Don’t get mad, get even. Don’t one of you fire until you see the whites of their eyes. (at Bunker Hill in 1775) Each man kills the thing he loves. (from The Ballad of Reading Gaol) Ears made him look like a taxi cab with both doors open. (writing about Clark Gable) East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet. England is a nation of shopkeepers. Eureka (I have found it). Every man over forty is a scoundrel. Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes. (from Lady Windermere’s Fan) Fair stood the wind for France. Female of the species is more deadly than the male, The Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, For From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent (describing communism in a speech at Fulton, Missouri (5 Mar. 1946) From the sublime to the ridiculous there is only one step. (1812) Generals January and February. (referring to his chief allies) Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. Ghost in the machine, The Give a man a free hand and he’ll run it all over you. Give me a lever long enough and I will move the world. Give us the tools and we will finish the job. Go and catch a falling star. Go West, young man, and grow up with the country. God does not play dice. God made the country, and man made the town. God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform. God’s in his heaven – all’s right with the world. Golf is a good walk spoiled. Gondola of London, The (referring to the hansom cab) Good Americans, when they die, go to Paris. Grain, which in England is generally given to horses but in Scotland supports the People, A (definition of oats) Great Cham of literature Samuel Johnson, That Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em, and little fleas have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum. The greatest happiness of the greatest number. He can run but he can’t hide. He makes no friend who never made a foe. He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable scene. (‘An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland’) He speaks to me as if I were a public meeting. (referring to William Gladstone) Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned. Hell is other people. Here Skugg lies snug as a bug in a rug. History is bunk. The history of the world is but the biography of great men. Hope springs eternal in the human breast. How can they tell? (on being told Calvin Coolidge was dead) I am his Highness’ dog at Kew; Pray tell me sir, whose dog are you? I am just going outside and may be some time. I am not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.


Julius Caesar Dante Alighieri Voltaire Agatha Christie Samuel Pepys John Donne Virgil Victor Cousin Clement Freud Sir Robert Walpole Bob Hope George Mallory Albert Einstein Lord George Byron Robert Fitzsimmons Commodore Tattnall Juvenal Harry S Truman Sir Henry Newbolt Ogden Nash Senator Cato Mark Twain (from Pudd’nhead Wilson’s calendar) William Wordsworth Dr Samuel Johnson Mark Twain Buster Keaton Saki Trevor Griffiths Aneurin Bevan Julius Caesar Aesop Senator Everett Dirksen US General Israel Putnam Oscar Wilde Howard Hughes Rudyard Kipling Napoleon Bonaparte Archimedes G B Shaw Oscar Wilde Michael Drayton Rudyard Kipling Alexander Pope Winston Churchill Napoleon Bonaparte (after retreat from Moscow) Tsar Nicholas I (against Britain & France in Crimea) Thomas Alva Edison Gilbert Ryle Mae West Archimedes Winston Churchill John Donne Horace Greeley Albert Einstein William Cowper William Cowper Robert Browning Mark Twain Benjamin Disraeli Thomas Gold Appleton Dr Samuel Johnson Tobias Smollett (in a letter to John Wilkes) Augustus De Morgan Jeremy Bentham Joe Louis Lord Alfred Tennyson Andrew Marvell Queen Victoria William Congreve Jean-Paul Sartre Benjamin Franklin Henry Ford Thomas Carlyle Alexander Pope Dorothy Parker Alexander Pope Capt. Lawrence Oates Woody Allen

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I am the State (L’État, c’est moi). I awoke one morning and found myself famous. I beseech you in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken. I can resist everything except temptation. (from Lady Windermere’s Fan) I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying. I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts. (from the Aeneid) I have always thought that every woman should marry, and no man. I have been poor and I have been rich. Rich is better. I have nothing to declare but my genius. (at US customs) I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King. I look upon the world as my parish. I married beneath me, all women do. I never trust a man unless I’ve got his pecker in my pocket. I think, therefore I am (cogito ergo sum). I want to be the white man’s brother, not his brother-in-law. Ich bin ein Berliner. I’d like that translated, if I may. (reacting to Nikita Khrushchev’s banging of shoe on table at the UN) If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same If you can’t annoy somebody, there’s little point in writing. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance, Madam, pure ignorance. (when asked why he defined pastern as a knee of a horse in his dictionary). I’m going to spend, spend, spend. I’m not really a Jew, just Jew-ish, not the whole hog. (Beyond the Fringe sketch) I’m only a beer teetotaller not a champagne teetotaller. (from Candida) In my sport the quick are too often listed among the dead. In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. In the long run we are all dead. In this country [England] it is good to kill an admiral from time to time, to encourage the others. (re: shooting of Byng) In two words, Impossible. Include me out. Indomitable in retreat; invincible in advance; insufferable in victory. Into each life some rain must fall. Into the valley of death rode the six hundred. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. It is magnificent but it is not war. (referring to the Charge of the Light Brigade) It is no wonder that people are so horrible when they start their life as children. It is true that liberty is precious – so precious that it must be rationed. It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Keep a diary and one day it’ll keep you. Kind hearts are more than coronets. Knowledge is Power. Lady’s not for turning, The Lamps are going out all over Europe, The Laugh and the world laughs with you; Weep and you weep alone. Let them eat cake. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. Lies, damned lies and statistics. Life is too short to stuff a mushroom. Lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won’t get much sleep, The Little learning is a dangerous thing, A Love is like the measles, we all have to go through it. Love’s young dream. Macmillan’s role as a poseur was itself a pose. Mad is he? Then I hope he will bite some of my other generals. Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. (first line of The Social Contract) Man is only as old as the woman he feels, A Man is the hunter, woman is his game. Man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life, A Man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, A Manners maketh man. Marriage is a wonderful invention, but then again, so is the bicycle repair kit. Medium is the message, The Meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights, The Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. Modest little man with much to be modest about, A Mr Balfour’s poodle. (referring to the House of Lords) Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. Never trust a man with short legs – brains too near their bottom. Nice guys finish last. (referring to his baseball team) Night has a thousand eyes and the day but one, The No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. No man is an island. No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expediency. None but the brave deserves the fair. Nothing is certain but death and taxes.


Louis XIV Lord George Byron Oliver Cromwell Oscar Wilde Woody Allen Virgil Benjamin Disraeli Sophie Tucker Oscar Wilde Winston Churchill Elizabeth I John Wesley Nancy Astor Lyndon B Johnson René Descartes Martin Luther King John F Kennedy Harold Macmillan Voltaire Isaac Newton Rudyard Kipling (from ‘If’) Rudyard Kipling (from ‘If’) Kingsley Amis Albert Einstein Sir James Goldsmith Thomas Gray Dr Samuel Johnson Viv Nicholson Dr Jonathan Miller G B Shaw Jackie Stewart Andy Warhol J M Keynes Voltaire Sam Goldwyn Sam Goldwyn Winston Churchill (writing of Montgomery) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Lord Alfred Tennyson La Pasionaria General Pierre Bousquet Kingsley Amis Lenin Dr Samuel Johnson Dwight D Eisenhower Mae West Lord Alfred Tennyson Francis Bacon Margaret Thatcher Edward Gray Ella Wheeler Wilcox (from her poem ‘Solitude’) Marie Antoinette John F Kennedy Benjamin Disraeli Shirley Conran Woody Allen Alexander Pope Jerome K Jerome Thomas Moore Harold Wilson George II (on being told General Wolfe was mad) Jean-Jacques Rousseau Groucho Marx Lord Alfred Tennyson Charles Darwin Oscar Wilde (definition of a cynic) William of Wykeham Billy Connolly Marshall McLuhan J Paul Getty Dorothy Parker Winston Churchill (writing of Clement Attlee) Lloyd George William Congreve Winston Churchill (referring to Battle of Britain pilots) Noël Coward Leo Durocher Francis Bourdillon Dr Samuel Johnson John Donne Theodore Roosevelt John Dryden Benjamin Franklin

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Nuts! (replying to von Manteuffel’s surrender call during the Battle of the Bulge) O what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive. Oh liberty! what crimes are committed in your name! Old soldiers never die, they simply fade away. (from a popular song of the 1920s) One man’s wage rise is another man’s price increase. One swallow does not make a summer. Only good Indians I ever saw were dead, The Only reason so many people showed up was to make sure that he was dead, The Only thing we have to fear is fear itself, The Open my heart and you will see graved inside of it, ‘Italy’. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Peace for our time. (on returning from Munich in 1938) Peccavi. (‘I have sinned’ from a telegram sent after capturing Sind in 1834) Pen is mightier than the sword, The Penny Punch and Judy show, A (referring to television) Politics is the art of the possible. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Power without responsibility, the privilege of the harlot throughout the ages Procrastination is the thief of time. Property is theft. Public be damned, The Publish and be damned. Put your trust in God and keep your powder dry. Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore’. (from ‘The Raven’) Religion is the opium of the people. Remedy is worse than the disease, The Remember that time is money. Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, A (referring to the Soviet Union) Rose is a Rose is a Rose, A Seagreen incorruptible, The (referring to Robespierre) Secret of success is sincerity, once you can fake that you’ve got it made, The Seize the present day. (carpe diem) She is the best man in England. (referring to Margaret Thatcher) Sheep in sheep’s clothing, A (writing of Clement Attlee) Sic transit gloria mundi (So passes away the glory of the world). Single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic, A Speak softly and carry a big stick. Speech is silvern, Silence is golden. Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage. (from ‘To Althea from Prison’) Sweet Swan of Avon. (referring to William Shakespeare) Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn’t have in your home. Tell me the old, old story. There are two things no man will admit he can’t do well: drive and make love. There is no terror in a bang – only in the anticipation of it. There is properly no history; only biography. There never was a good war or a bad peace. There’s a sucker born every minute. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. (phrase from The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress) They also serve who only stand and wait. Thy need is greater than mine. (on giving his water to a soldier at Zutphen) ’Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. (from ‘In Memoriam’) To err is human, to forgive, divine. The trouble with Freud is that he never played the Glasgow Empire Saturday night. Turn on, Tune in, Drop out. Unpleasant and unacceptable face of Capitalism. (referring to Lonrho) Unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable, The (referring to foxhunting) Variety’s the spice of life. Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered). (from a letter written) Verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, A War is hell. Warts and everything. We are American at puberty. We die French. We are not amused. We must indeed all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately Week is a long time in politics, A What you said hurt me very much. I cried all the way to the bank. (replying to critics) When a man is tired of London he is tired of life. When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight it concentrates his mind wonderfully. When the eagles are silent the parrots begin to jabber. Where law ends, tyranny begins. Whoever is not against us is with us. Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? (referring to Thomas à Becket) Wind of change is blowing through the continent, The Winning is not everything. It’s the only thing. Wisest fool in Christendom. (speaking of James I of England and VI of Scotland) Woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke, A Women should be obscene and not heard. Wonders will never cease. Worth seeing, yes; but not worth going to see. (speaking about the Giant’s Causeway) Would you buy a second-hand car from this man? (writing about Richard Nixon) Writer of dictionaries, a harmless drudge, A (definition of a lexicographer) Ye distant spires, ye antique towers. (from ‘Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton’) You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time. You can have it any colour as long as it’s black.


Brigadier General McAuliffe Sir Walter Scott Madame Roland General MacArthur Harold Wilson Aristotle General Philip Sheridan Sam Goldwyn (of Louis Mayer’s funeral) F D Roosevelt Robert Browning Dr Samuel Johnson Neville Chamberlain Sir Charles Napier Bulwer Lytton Winston Churchill R A Butler Lord Acton Stanley Baldwin (referring to the press) Edward Young Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Cornelius Vanderbilt Duke of Wellington Oliver Cromwell Edgar Allan Poe Karl Marx Francis Bacon Benjamin Franklin Mark Twain Winston Churchill Gertrude Stein Thomas Carlyle Arthur Bloch Horace Ronald Reagan Winston Churchill Thomas à Kempis Joseph Stalin Theodore Roosevelt Thomas Carlyle Richard Lovelace Ben Jonson Sir David Frost Katherine Hankey Stirling Moss Alfred Hitchcock Ralph Waldo Emerson Benjamin Franklin P T Barnum Milton Friedman (also used by J K Galbraith) John Milton Sir Philip Sydney Lord Alfred Tennyson Alexander Pope Ken Dodd Timothy Leary Edward Heath Oscar Wilde William Cowper Julius Caesar (after his victory at Zela in Asia Minor) Sam Goldwyn General Sherman Oliver Cromwell Evelyn Waugh Queen Victoria Benjamin Franklin (on signing Dec of Independence) Harold Wilson Liberace Dr Samuel Johnson Dr Samuel Johnson Winston Churchill William Pitt (1st Earl of Chatham) Janos Kadar Henry II Harold Macmillan (to South African Parliament 1960) Vince Lombardi Henry IV of France Rudyard Kipling (from ‘The Betrothed’) John Lennon Sir Henry Bate Dudley Dr Samuel Johnson Mort Sahl Dr Samuel Johnson Thomas Gray Abraham Lincoln Henry Ford

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You can make a throne from bayonets but you can’t sit on it long. You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem. You’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. Youth is wasted on the young.

Boris Yeltsin Eldridge Cleaver Dean Martin G B Shaw

Nursery Rhymes As I was going to St Ives I met a man with seven wives, each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats, each cat had seven kits, kits, cats, sacks and wives, how many going to St Ives? Baa baa black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full; one for the master, and one for the dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane. Bobby Shafto’s gone to sea, silver buckles on his knee, he’ll come back and marry me, bonny Bobby Shafto. Dance to your daddy, my little babby, dance to your daddy, my little lamb; you shall have a fishy, in a little dishy, you shall have a fishy, when the boat comes in. Ding, dong, bell, pussy’s in the well. Who put her in? Little Johnny Green. Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout. Doctor Foster went to Gloucester, in a shower of rain; he stepped in a puddle, right up to his middle, and never went there again. Georgie Porgie pudding and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry; when the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away. Goosey, goosey gander, where shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs, in my lady’s chamber. There I met an old man who would not say his prayers, I took him by the left leg and threw him down the stairs. Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon; the little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon. Hickory, dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory, dickory dock. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again. I had a little nut tree, nothing would it bear, but a silver nutmeg, and a golden pear. If all the world were paper, and all the sea were ink, if all the trees were bread and cheese, what should we have to drink? Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candle stick. Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean, and so between them both, you see, they licked the platter clean. Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, and doesn’t know where to find them; leave them alone and they will come home, dragging their tails behind them. Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, the sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn. Where is the boy who looks after the sheep? He’s under a haystack fast asleep. Little Jack Horner sat in the corner, eating a Christmas pie; he put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum, and said, What a good boy am I. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey; along came a spider, who sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away. Little Polly Flinders, sat among the cinders, warming her pretty little toes; her mother came and caught her, and whipped her little daughter, for spoiling her nice new clothes. Little Tommy Tucker sings for his supper; what shall we give him? White bread and butter. How shall he cut it without a knife? How will he marry without a wife? Lucy Locket lost her pocket, Kitty Fisher found it; not a penny was there in it, only ribbon round it. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow; and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row. Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he; he called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl, and he called for his fiddlers three. Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard, to fetch her poor dog a bone; but when she came there, the cupboard was bare, and so the poor dog had none. On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five gold rings, four colly birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive; six, seven, eight, nine, ten, then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right. Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St Clement’s. You owe me five farthings, say the bells of St Martin’s. When will you pay me? say the bells of Old Bailey. When I grow rich, say the bells of Shoreditch. When will that be? say the bells of Stepney. I’m sure I don’t know, says the great bell at Bow. Here comes the candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head.


Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker’s man, bake me a cake as fast as you can; pat it and prick it and mark it with B, put it in the oven for baby and me. Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, pease porridge in the pot, nine days old. Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, we’ll all have tea. Sukey take it off again, Sukey take it off again, Sukey take it off again, they’ve all gone away. Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? I’ve been to London to visit the Queen. Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you there? I frightened a little mouse under her chair. Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross, to see a fine lady upon a white horse; rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, and she shall have music wherever she goes. Ring-a-ring o’roses, a pocket full of posies, A-tishoo, A-tishoo, we all fall down. Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub, and how do you think they got there? The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, they all jumped out of a rotten potato, ’twas enough to make a man stare. See-saw Margery Daw, Johnny shall have a new master; Johnny shall have but a penny a day, because he can’t work any faster. Simple Simon met a pieman, going to the fair; said Simple Simon to the pieman, let me taste your ware. Said the pieman to Simple Simon, show me first your penny; said Simple Simon to the pieman, indeed I have not any. Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye; four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie. When the pie was opened the birds began to sing; wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before the king? The king was in his counting-house, counting out his money, the queen was in the parlour, eating bread and honey, the maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes, along came a blackbird and pecked off her nose. Solomon Grundy, born on Monday, christened on Tuesday, married on Wednesday, took ill on Thursday, worse on Friday, died on Saturday, buried on Sunday, this is the end of Solomon Grundy. Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house and stole a leg of beef. I went to Taffy’s house, Taffy wasn’t in, I jumped upon his Sunday hat, and poked it with a pin. The Grand Old Duke of York, he had ten thousand men, he marched them up to the top of the hill, and he marched them down again; and when they were up they were up, and when they were down they were down, and when they were only halfway up, they were neither up nor down. The man in the moon came down too soon, and asked the way to Norwich; he went by the south, and burnt his mouth, with supping cold plum porridge. The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow, and what will poor Robin do then, poor thing? He’ll sit in a barn, and keep himself warm, and hide his head under his wing, poor thing. The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts, all on a summer’s day. The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts, and took them clean away. There was a crooked man, who walked a crooked mile, he found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile, he bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, and they all lived together in a little crooked house. There was a man lived in the moon, lived in the moon, lived in the moon, and his name was Aiken Drum, and he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children she didn’t know what to do; she gave them some broth without any bread, she whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed. This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none, and this little piggy went wee-wee-wee, all the way home. Tom, Tom, the piper’s son, stole a pig and away he run; the pig was eat, and Tom was beat, and Tom went howling down the street. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, upstairs and downstairs in his night-gown, rapping at the window, crying through the lock, are the children all in bed, it’s past eight o’ clock. What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy-dog tails. What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all things nice. Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the sparrow, with my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin. Who saw him die? I, said the fly, with my little eye, I saw him die. Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony; stuck a feather in his cap, and called it macaroni.

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RELIGION Popes *Popes and antipopes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

St Peter St Linus St Anacletus St Clement I St Evaristus St Alexander I St Sixtus I St Telesphorus St Hyginus St Pius I St Anicetus St Soter St Eleutherius St Victor I St Zephyrinus St Calixtus I Hippolytus St Urban I St Pontian St Anterus St Fabian St Cornelius Novatian St Lucius I St Stephen I St Sixtus II St Dionysius St Felix I St Eutychian St Gaius St Marcellinus St Marcellus I St Eusebius St Miltiades St Sylvester I St Mark St Julius I Liberius Felix II St Damasus I Ursinus St Siricius St Anastasius I St Innocent I St Zosimus St Boniface I Eulalius St Celestine I St Sixtus III St Leo I St Hilary St Simplicius St Felix III St Gelasius I Anastasius II St Symmachus Laurentius Laurentius St Hormisdas St John I Felix IV Dioscorus Boniface II John II St Agapetus I St Silverius Vigilius Pelagius I John III Benedict I Pelagius II St Gregory I Sabinian Boniface III St Boniface IV St Deusdedit Boniface V Honorius I Severinus John IV

Dates To 64 c. 67–76/79 c. 76/79–88/91 c. 88/92–97/101 c. 97–c107 c. 105/9–115/19 c. 115–c125 c. 125–c136 c. 136–c140 c. 140–c155 c. 155–c166 c. 166–c175 c. 175–c189 c. 189–c199 c. 199–c217 217–222 217–235 222–230 230–235 235–236 236–250 251–253 251 253–254 254–257 257–258 259–268 269–274 275–283 283–296 296–304 308–309 309–310 311–314 314–335 336 337–352 352–366 355–358 366–384 366–367 384–399 399–401 401–417 417–418 418–422 418–419 422–432 432–440 440–461 461–468 468–483 483–492 492–496 496–498 498–514 498 501–505 514–523 523–526 526–530 530 530–532 533–535 535–536 536–537 537–555 556–561 561–574 575–579 579–590 590–604 604–606 607 608–615 615–618 619–625 625–638 638–640 640–642

Original name, feast day or miscellaneous information feast day 29 June feast day 23 September feast day 26 April feast day 23 November feast day 6 October feast day 3 May feast day 3 April feast day 5 January (Greek) feast day 11 January (Greek) feast day 11 July feast day 17 April (Syria) feast day 22 April feast day 26 May feast day 28 July (African) feast day 26 August feast day 14 October first antipope feast day 25 May feast day 19 November feast day 3 January (Greek) feast day 20 January feast day 16 September Novatianus (antipope) feast day 4 March feast day 2 August feast day 6 August (Greek) feast day 6 December (Greek) feast day 30 May feast day 7 December feast day 22 April (Dalmatian) feast day 26 April feast day 16 January feast day 17 August (Greek) feast day 10 December feast day 31 December feast day 7 October feast day 12 April antipope 357–8 feast day 11 December (Latin Mass) Antipope feast day 26 November feast day 19 December feast day 28 July feast day 26 December (Greek) feast day 4 September antipope feast day 27 July feast day 28 March feast day 11 April (Leo the Great) feast day 28 February feast day 10 March feast day 1 March feast day 21 November feast day 19 July antipope antipope feast day 6 August feast day 27 May feast day 30 January Egyptian Mercurius (first pope to change name) feast day 22 April feast day 20 June Catelinus feast day 12 March

feast day 8 November (aka Adeodatus I)



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81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167

Theodore I St Martin I St Eugenius I St Vitalian Adeodatus II Donus St Agatho St Leo II St Benedict II John V Conon St Sergius I Theodore Paschal John VI John VII Sisinnius Constantine St Gregory II St Gregory III St Zacharias Stephen II Stephen III St Paul I Constantine II Philip Stephen IV Adrian I St Leo III Stephen V St Paschal I Eugenius II Valentine Gregory IV John Sergius II St Leo IV Benedict III Anastasius St Nicholas I Adrian II John VIII Marinus I St Adrian III Stephen VI Formosus Boniface VI Stephen VII Romanus Theodore II John IX Benedict IV Leo V Christopher Sergius III Anastasius III Lando John X Leo VI Stephen VIII John XI Leo VII Stephen IX Marinus II Agapetus II John XII Leo VIII Benedict V John XIII Benedict VI Boniface VII Benedict VII John XIV Boniface VII John XV Gregory V John XVI Sylvester II John XVII John XVIII Sergius IV Gregory VI Benedict VIII John XIX Benedict IX Sylvester III Benedict IX

642–649 649–655 654–657 657–672 672–676 676–678 678–681 681–683 684–685 685–686 686–687 687–701 687 687 701–705 705–707 708 708–715 715–731 731–741 741–752 752 752–757 757–767 767–768 768 768–772 772–795 795–816 816–817 817–824 824–827 827 827–844 844 844–847 847–855 855–858 855 858–867 867–872 872–882 882–884 884–885 885–891 891–896 896 896–897 897 897 898–900 900–903 903 903–904 904–911 911–913 913–914 914–928 928 929–931 931–935 936–939 939–942 942–946 946–955 955–964 963–965 964–966 965–972 973–974 974 974–983 983–984 984–985 985–996 996–999 997–998 999–1003 1003 1004–1009 1009–1012 1012 1012–1024 1024–1032 1032–1044 1045 1045

Jerusalem feast day 12 November feast day 2 June

feast day 10 January feast day 3 July feast day 8 May Syrian feast day 8 September antipope antipope Greek Greek feast day 11 February feast day 28 November (Syrian) feast day 15 March died after two days Papal States founder feast day 28 June antipope antipope feast day 12 June (Crowned Charlemagne) feast day 14 May feast day 14 February created 1 November All Saints day antipope feast day 17 July Anastasius the Librarian (antipope) crowned Charles the Fat Emperor feast day 8 July


Ottaviano (crowned Emperor Otto) Benedict the Grammarian Franco (first term) Pietro Canepanova Franco (second term) Bruno of Carinthia (first German pope) Giovanni Filagato (antipope) Gerbert of Aurillac (French) Secco Fasano Pietro Buccaporci antipope Teofilatto Romano (crowned Emperor Conrad II) Teofilatto (12 yrs old) John of Sabina Teofilatto (second term)


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168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254

Gregory VI Clement II Benedict IX Damasus II St Leo IX Victor II Stephen X Benedict X Nicholas II Alexander II Honorius II St Gregory VII Clement III Victor III Urban II Paschal II Theodoric Albert/Aleric Sylvester IV Gelasius II Gregory VIII Calixtus II Honorius II Celestine II Innocent II Anacletus II Victor IV Celestine II Lucius II Eugenius III Anastasius IV Adrian IV Alexander III Victor IV Paschal III Calixtus III Innocent III Lucius III Urban III Gregory VIII Clement III Celestine III Innocent III Honorius III Gregory IX Celestine IV Innocent IV Alexander IV Urban IV Clement IV Gregory X Innocent V Adrian V John XXI Nicholas III Martin IV Honorius IV Nicholas IV St Celestine V Boniface VIII Benedict XI Clement V John XXII Nicholas V Benedict XII Clement VI Innocent VI Urban V Gregory XI Urban VI Clement VII Boniface IX Benedict XIII Innocent VII Gregory XII Alexander V John XXIII Martin V Clement VIII Benedict XIV Eugenius IV Felix V Nicholas V Calixtus III Pius II Paul II Sixtus IV

1045–1046 1046–1047 1047–1048 1048 1049–1054 1055–1057 1057–1058 1058–1059 1058–1061 1061–1073 1061–1072 1073–1085 1080–1100 1086–1087 1088–1099 1099–1118 1100–1102 1102 1105–1111 1118–1119 1118–1121 1119–1124 1124–1130 1124 1130–1143 1130–1138 1138 1143–1144 1144–1145 1145–1153 1153–1154 1154–1159 1159–1181 1159–1164 1164–1168 1168–1178 1179–1180 1181–1185 1185–1187 1187 1187–1191 1191–1198 1198–1216 1216–1227 1227–1241 1241 1243–1254 1254–1261 1261–1264 1265–1268 1271–1276 1276 1276 1276–1277 1277–1280 1281–1285 1285–1287 1288–1292 1294 1294–1303 1303–1304 1305–1314 1316–1334 1328–1330 1334–1342 1342–1352 1352–1362 1362–1370 1370–1378 1378–1389 1378–1394 1389–1404 1394–1423 1404–1406 1406–1415 1409–1410 1410–1415 1417–1431 1423–1429 1425–1433 1431–1447 1439–1449 1447–1455 1455–1458 1458–1464 1464–1471 1471–1484

Giovanni Graziano Suidger Teofilatto (third term) Poppo (Bavarian) feast day 19 April (aka Bruno of Egisheim) Gebhard of Hirschberg Frederick of Lorraine Giovanni Mincio (antipope) Gerard of Burgundy Anselm of Baggio Cadelo (antipope) feast day 25 May 25 (aka Hildebrand) Guibert (antipope) feast day 16 September Odo of Lagery Raniero antipope antipope Maginulfo (antipope) Giovanni da Gaetan Maurice Bourdin (antipope) Guy of Burgundy Lamberto Scannabecchi Theobald Buccapecus Gregorio Papareschi Pietro Pierleoni (antipope) Gregory Conti (antipope) Guido de Castellis Gherardo Caccianemici feast day 8 July (aka Bernard of Pisa) Corrado di Suburra Nicholas Breakspear (only English pope) Rolando Bandinelli Ottaviano de Monticello (antipope) Guido da Crema (antipope) John of Struma (antipope) Lando di Sezze (antipope) Ubaldo Allucingoli Uberto Crivelli Alberto de Morra Paolo Scolari Giacinto Bobo-Orsini Lothair di Segni Cencio Savelli Ugolino di Segni (excommunicated Frederick II) Goffredo Castiglioni Sinibaldo Fieschi Rinaldo Deisegni Jacques Pantaleon Guido Fulcodi Tebaldo Visconti feast day June 22nd (first Dominican pope) Ottobono Fieschi Pedro Hispano (Portuguese) Giovanni Orsini Simon de Brion Giacomo Savelli Girolamo Masci feast day 19 May (first pope to abdicate) Benedict Caetani feast day 7 July Bertrand de Got (Avignon from 1309) Jacques Duese (Babylonian Captivity 1309–77) Pietro Rainalducci (antipope) Jacques Fournier (Avignon) Pierre Roger (Avignon) Etienne Aubert (Avignon) feast day 19 December (Avignon) Pierre de Beaufort (Avignon till 1377) Bartolomeo Prignano (Western Schism 1378–1417) Robert of Geneva (antipope) Pietro Tomacelli Pedro de Luna (antipope) Cosimo de Migliorati Angelo Correr Peter of Candia (antipope) Baldassare Cossa (antipope) Oddone Colonna Gil Sanchez Munoz (antipope) The Hidden Pope (counter antipope) Gabriele Condulmer Amadeus VIII the Peaceful (antipope) Tommaso Parentucelli Alfonso di Borgia (uncle of Rodrigo) Enea Piccolomini Pietro Barbo Francesco Dellarovere


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255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308

Innocent VIII Alexander VI Pius III Julius II Leo X Adrian VI Clement VII Paul III Julius III Marcellus II Paul IV Pius IV St Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX Clement X Innocent XI Alexander VIII Innocent XII Clement XI Innocent XIII Benedict XIII Clement XII Benedict XIV Clement XIII Clement XIV Pius VI Pius VII Leo XII St Pius VIII Gregory XVI Pius IX Leo XIII St Pius X Benedict XV Pius XI Pius XII John XXIII Paul VI John Paul I John Paul II Benedict XVI Francis

1484–1492 1492–1503 1503 1503–1513 1513–1521 1522–1523 1523–1534 1534–1549 1550–1555 1555 1555–1559 1559–1565 1566–1572 1572–1585 1585–1590 1590 1590–1591 1591 1592–1605 1605 1605–1621 1621–1623 1623–1644 1644–1655 1655–1667 1667–1669 1670–1676 1676–1689 1689–1691 1691–1700 1700–1721 1721–1724 1724–1730 1730–1740 1740–1758 1758–1769 1769–1774 1775–1799 1800–1823 1823–1829 1829–1830 1831–1846 1846–1878 1878–1903 1903–1914 1914–1922 1922–1939 1939–1958 1958–1963 1963–1978 1978 1978–2005 2005–2013 2013–

Giovanni Battista Cibo Rodrigo Borgia (father of Lucretia) Francesco Piccolomini Giuliano Dellarovere (patron of Michelangelo) Giovanni de Medici (excommunicated Luther 1521) Adrian Florenz Boeyens (only Dutch pope) Giulio de Medici Alessandro Farnese (called Council of Trent) Giovanni del Monte Marcello Cervini Gian Pietro Carafa Giovanni de Medici (concluded Council of Trent) Antonio Ghislieri (excommunicated Elizabeth I 1570) Ugo Boncompagni (Gregorian calendar) Felice Peretti (excommunicated Henry of Navarre) Giambattista Castagna Niccolo Sfondrato Giovanni Facchinetti Ippolito Aldobrandini Alessandro de Medici Camillo Borghese Alessandro Ludovisi Maffeo Barberini (patron of sculptor Bernini) Giovanni Pamphili Fabio Chigi Giulio Rospiglioso Emilio Altieri feast day 13 August Pietro Ottoboni Antonio Pignatelli Giovanni Albani Michelangelo dei Conti (recognised Old Pretender) Pietro Maria Orsini Lorenzo Corsini (condemned Freemasonry) Prospero Lambertini Carlo Rezzonico Giovanni Ganganelli (dissolved Jesuits 1773) Giannangelo Braschi Barnaba Chiaramonti (revived Jesuits 1814) Annibale Della Genga Francesco Castiglioni Bartolomeo Cappellari (Austrian) Giovanni Mastai-Ferretti (longest reign, 32 yrs) Vincenzo Pecci feast day 3 September (last to be canonised) Giacomo Della Chiesa Ambrogio Damiano Ratti Eugenio Maria Pacelli Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (second Vatican Council) Giovanni Battista Montini (first to visit Asia) Albino Luciani (reigned 34 days) Karol Wojtyla (Polish: first non-Italian since Adrian VI) Joseph Alois Ratzinger (German; oldest at election since 1730) Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Argentinian; 266th Pope but first Jesuit; feast day 4Oct.)

Popes: Miscellaneous Information antipope assassinated boy pope Britain: first to visit British Pope Cadaver Synod Celestine II Council of Trent crushed to death directives called double name: first female pope Humanae Vitae Infallibility John Paul II last antipope

an alternative claimant to the bishop of Rome who has just cause in disputing the papacy 26 Benedict IX (12 yrs old) John Paul II (1982) Adrian IV (Nicholas Breakspear) Formosus (896) tried and executed after his death! Theobald Buccapecus, elected pope in 1124, resigned after a few days and is often omitted in lists, hence the duplication. 19th ecumenical council of RC Church; 1545–63 in northern Italy John XXI; ceiling of papal palace at Viterbo collapsed Papal Bull John Paul I (named after two predecessors) Joan (fictional) encyclical of Paul VI condemning birth control (1968) doctrine promulgated in July 1870, reaffirmed 1973 archbishop of Cracow the count of Savoy took holy orders and set himself up as Clement XV in 1969 but was never recognised outside his own small circle. Felix X was the last elected antipope.

last non-Italian before John Paul II last to be canonised letters to churches longest reign new pope: how known non-existent pope

Adrian VI (1522) Dutch

Pius X on 29 May 1954 encyclicals Pius IX (32 yrs) White smoke from Vatican chimney John XX, due to error in numbering in 10th century Pacem in Terris encyclical of John XXIII (Peace on Earth) Pilgrim Pope Paul VI (because of his great travelling) pope’s blessing Urbi et Orbi (To the city and the world) pope: also called Sovereign of Vatican City Vicar of Christ on Earth Bishop of Rome Patriarch of the West Primate of Italy pope: elected by College of Cardinals: two-thirds majority required pope: means father Redemptor Hominus encyclical of John Paul II about respect for man Sacerdotalis Caelibatus encyclical of Paul VI concerning priestly celibacy throne Sedes Gestatoria Vatican Council: first 1869–70 (convoked by Pius IX) Vatican Council: second 1962–65 (convoked by John XXIII)


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Religion: General Information Adam’s first wife Lilith (according to Jewish folklore). Adulterer’s Bible edition of the Bible of 1631, with the misprinted commandment ‘thou shalt commit adultery’. Aka Wicked Bible. ahimsa law of Reverence for, and non-violence to, every form of life (Hindu, Buddhist and Jainist philosophy). Angels: hierarchy: 1 Seraphim; 2 Cherubim; 3 Thrones; 4 Dominions / Dominations; 5 Virtues; 6 Powers; 7 Principalities; 8 Archangels; 9 Angels Black Friars Dominicans (Friar Preachers are a mendicant order founded in 1215). Black Monks Benedictines (established c. AD 535–540). Buddhism founded by Siddhartha Gautama in the sixth century BC. Buddha means ‘Enlightened One’. Two main divisions are Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. The third minor division is Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism. The Buddha’s teachings are described as the Four Noble Truths. The Middle or Noble Eightfold Path is the finding of truth and leads to Nirvana. The ten precepts include five for laymen, i.e. prohibiting killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct and drinking intoxicating liquor, and five for monastic novices, i.e. not to eat at certain hours, not to take part in festivals, not to use garlands or perfumes, not to use a luxurious bed and not to accept money for oneself. The birth of the Buddha is celebrated in the festival of Vesak/Wesak. The Buddha’s first sermon is celebrated in the festival of Dhamma-cakka. Cathari Manichean order that flourished in western Europe during the 12th and 13th centuries. The name derives from the Greek ‘Katharos’ meaning pure. Christadelphians founded by John Thomas in 1848, although the name was adopted during the US Civil War. Christian Scientists founded in Boston, Massachusetts, by Mary Baker Eddy (1879). Church Army founded by Wilson Carlile (1882) in slums of London. Grey Friars Franciscans (founded c. 1207 and affiliated with the Poor Clares since 1212). Hinduism originated about 4,000 years ago in the land of the Indus River. The Veda is the most ancient body of religious literature. The power of the Brahmans (priest class) is central to the belief. Ahimsa is the doctrine of non-injury or the absence of the desire to harm. Brahma (creator), Vishnu (protector) and Siva (destroyer and restorer) constitute the Trimurti. Islam founded by Mohammed in AD 622 when he fled from Mecca to Medina (flight known as the Hegira). Koran (Qur’ãn) is regarded as the word of God given to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel. Five pillars of Islamic faith are: the Shahãdah – there is no god but God and Mohammed is the prophet of God; the salat – the five daily prayer sessions; the zakat – the tax that constitutes the giving of alms; the saum – fasting during daylight hours of Ramadan; hajj – the pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim should take at least once in their lifetime. The two major branches of Islam are the Sunnites (largest) and the Shi’ites. Jainism founded in India in the sixth century BC by Mahavira. Jains practise Ahimsa. Jehovah’s Witnesses founded by Charles Taze Russell (1881). Jerusalem centre of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The Wailing Wall is sacred to the Jews, the Dome of the Rock is sacred to Muslims and Church of the Holy Sepulchre is sacred to Christians. Jesse son of Obed, and father of David. Judaism the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law is contained in the Talmud, which comprises the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Hebrew Bible comprises 24 books. The civil calendar begins with the month of Tishri, the first day of which is the holiday of Rosh Hashana (New Year). Other Jewish holidays include Shavuot or Pentecost, which commemorates the revelation of the Torah (Law) at Sinai; Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), which ends the ten days of penitence from Rosh Hashana; and Sukkot (Tabernacles), in remembrance of the Israelites’ wanderings after the Exodus. Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashana, and Sukkot are celebrated in the Jewish month of Tishri. Purim celebrates the story of Esther and is celebrated in the month of Adar. Israeli Jews are divided equally among Ashkenazi (Germanic) and Sephardic (strictly speaking, descendants of Spanish Jews pre-1492; more loosely, nonAshkenazi), although the Ashkenazim constitute more than 80% of all Jews in the world. Koran (Qur’an) Sacred book of Islam, regarded by Muslims as the final revelation of God to humankind, passed by the archangel Gabriel in Arabic to Muhammmad, the last of the prophets. It consists of 114 chapters (s˜uras) containing Christian and Arabic legend as well as Old and New Testament stories. The first translation into English was by George Sale in 1734, although Alexander Ross translated the Koran into English in 1649, but this was from a French translation.

Manich(a)eism religious order founded by the Persian prophet Mani (c. 216–274) based on the conflict between goodness and evil. Manicheism also describes any heretical philosophy involving dualistic doctrines. Menorah seven-branched candelabrum that is now an emblem of Judaism and badge of Israel. Methodism founded by John Wesley (1738). Mormons aka Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 and not Brigham Young, who merely led them to Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1847. Panchen Lama one of the two great Lamas of Tibet. (The other is the Dalai Lama.) Penitential Psalms seven psalms (i.e. 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143) all expressing penitence. Plymouth Brethren founded in Dublin by the Reverend John Nelson Darby (1827) and named after the Devon town. Potiphar Pharaoh’s official who bought Joseph as a slave. Premonstratensians religious sect founded in the twelfth century by St Norbert. religious journals Christian Scientists – Citadel, Monitor; Jehovah’s Witnesses – Watchtower; Roman Catholics – Tablet, Universe, Herald; Salvation Army – War Cry. Salvation Army founded by William Booth (1865) as the New Christian Mission; name changed in 1878. Motto: Blood and Fire. Seven Sorrows of Mary 1 The prophecy of Simeon (that a sword would pierce her soul). 2 The flight into Egypt. 3 The loss of the holy child in Jerusalem. 4 Meeting with the Lord on the road to Calvary. 5 The Crucifixion (when she stood at the foot of the cross). 6 The Deposition (taking down of Christ from the cross). 7 The Entombment (burial of Christ). Shakers founded by James Wardley and Jane Wardley (1747). Shinto founded in Japan in the eighth century AD and divided into groups of which the best-known are Jinja and Kyoha. The sacred texts are Kojiki and Nihonshoki. Shinto literally means ‘the teaching’ or ‘the way of the Gods’. Sikhism founded by the Guru Nanak in the fifteenth century; the holy book is the Adi Granth. Society of Friends founded by George Fox (1650); aka Quakers. Society of Jesus founded by Ignatius Loyola (1534). Stations of the Cross 14 (aka Way of the Cross). Depict the final events in the Passion of Christ. Usually seen portrayed in churches but may also be found in cemeteries, hospitals and mountainsides. 1 Jesus is condemned to death. 2 Jesus is made to bear his cross. 3 Jesus falls the first time. 4 Jesus meets his mother. 5 Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross. 6 Veronica wipes Jesus’ face. 7 Jesus falls the second time. 8 Women of Jerusalem weep over Jesus. 9 Jesus falls the third time. 10 Jesus is stripped of his garments. 11 Jesus is nailed to the cross. 12 Jesus dies on the cross. 13 Jesus is taken down from the cross. 14 Jesus is placed in the sepulchre. Ten Commandments listed in Exodus and Deuteronomy. 1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2 Thou shalt not make any graven images or likeness of anything in Heaven. 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 4 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5 Honour thy father and thy mother. 6 Thou shalt not kill. 7 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8 Thou shalt not steal. 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, wife, manservant, ox or ass. Unification Church founded by Reverend Sun Myung Moon (1954). Visitation the visit of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. White Friars Carmelites (mendicant order established c. 1155 and approved in 1226 by Pope Honorius III). White Monks Cistercians (founded in 1098).


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Archbishops of York 734 767 780 796 808 837 854 900 928 931 956 971 971 992 1003 1023 1041 1051 1061 1070 1100 1109 1119 1143 1147 1153 1154 1191 1215 1256 1258

Egberht Æthelberht Eanbald I Eanbald II Wulfsige Wigmund Wulfhere Æthalbald Hrothweard Wulfstan I Osketel Oswald Edwald Ealdwulf Wulfstan II Ælfric Puttoc Æthelric Cynesige Ealdred Thomas I of Bayeux Gerard Thomas II Thurstan William Fitzherbert Henry Murdac William Fitzherbert Roger of Pont l’Eveque Geoffrey Plantagenet Walter de Gray Sewal de Bovill Godfrey Ludham

1266 1279 1286 1298 1300 1306 1317 1342 1352 1374 1388 1396 1398 1407 1426 1452 1464 1476 1480 1501 1508 1514 1531 1545 1555 1561 1570 1577 1589 1595 1606

Walter Giffard William Wickwane John Romanus Henry Newark Thomas Corbridge William Greenfield William Melton William de la Zouche John Thoresby Alexander Neville Thomas Arundel Robert Waldby Richard le Scrope Henry Bowet John Kempe William Booth George Nevill Lawrence Booth Thomas Rotherham Thomas Savage Christopher Bainbridge Thomas Wolsey Edward Lee Robert Holgate Nicholas Heath Thomas Young Edmund Grindal Edwin Sandys John Piers Matthew Hutton Tobias Matthew

1628 1629 1632 1641 1660 1664 1683 1688 1691 1714 1724 1743 1747 1757 1761 1777 1808 1847 1860 1863 1891 1891 1909 1929 1942 1956 1961 1975 1983 1995 2005

George Montaigne Samuel Harsnett Richard Neile John Williams Accepted Frewen Richard Sterne John Dolben Thomas Lamplugh John Sharp William Dawes Lancelot Blackburn Thomas Herring Matthew Hutton John Gilben Roben Hay Drumond William Markham Edward Venables Vernon Harcourt Thomas Musgrave Charles Thomas Longley William Thomson William Connor Magee William Dalrymple Maclagan Cosmo Gordon Lang William Temple Cyril Forster Garbett Arthur Michael Ramsey Frederick Donald Coggan Stuart Yarwonh Blanch John Stapylton Habgood David Michael Hope* John Sentamu

*retired in March 2005 to become vicar of St Margaret’s in Ilkley, Yorkshire

Patron Saints accountants actors advertising airmen animals archers architects Argentina army artists astronauts astronomers athletes Australia Austria authors bakers bankers barbers bastards battle beekeepers beggars Belgium blacksmiths Bolivia bookkeepers booksellers Brazil brewers bricklayers brides bridges broadcasters Brussels butchers button-makers

Matthew Genesius, Vitus Bernardino of Siena Our Lady of Loretto, Theresa Francis of Assisi Sebastian Thomas, Barbara Our Lady of Lujan Maurice Luke Joseph of Cupertino Dominic Sebastian Our Lady Help of Christians Leopold Francis of Sales Elizabeth of Hungary, Nicholas of Torentino, Zita Matthew Cosmas, Damian, Louis John Francis Regis Archangel Michael Ambrose Martin of Tours Joseph Dunstan Our Lady of Capucclana Matthew John of God Peter of Alcantara Augustine of Hippo, Luke, Nicholas of Myra Stephen Nicholas of Myra John Nepomucen Archangel Gabriel Michael Anthony the Abbot, Luke, Adrian of Nicomedia Louis


Vincent Ferrer, Barbara, Thomas cab-drivers Fiacre Canada Joseph, Anne (mother of Mary) cancer victims Peregrine Laziosi caretakers Joseph of Arimathea candle-makers Ambrose cavalry Martin of Tours chaplains John of Capistrano charcoal burners Alexander childbirth Gerard Majella, Margaret of Antioch choirboys Dominic Savio church Joseph carpenters Joseph children Nicholas chorea Vitus civil servants Thomas More clergy Gabriel Possenti coffin bearers Joseph of Arimathea colleges Thomas Aquinas comedians Vitus condemned criminals Dismas cooks Lawrence, Martha craftsmen Elegius crippled Giles Cuba Our Lady of Charity Cyprus Barnabas Czech Republic Wenceslas dairy workers Bridgid of Ireland dancers Vitus deacons Stephen deaf Francis of Sales death Archangel Michael, Margaret of Antioch Denmark Asgar/Canute dentists Apollonia dieticians Martha disabled Giles disasters Genevieve doctors Luke domestics Zita Dominican Republic Our Lady of Mercy doubters Thomas drunkards Martin of Tours


dyers earthquakes ecologists eczema Edinburgh editors Egypt El Salvador engineers England epilepsy Europe examination candidates farmers fathers Finland firemen flying fishermen Florence florists France funeral directors gardeners Germany Glasgow goldsmiths gravediggers Greece grocers Guatemala gunners haemorrhoids hairdressers Haiti headaches heart patients hernia sufferers Holland

Maurice Francis Borgia, Gregory the Wonderworker Francis of Assisi Anthony the Abbot Giles John Bosco Mark Our Lady of Peace Patrick, Ferdinand III George Dympna, Vitus Cyril, Benedict Joseph of Cupertino George, Isidore Joseph Henry Florian Joseph of Cupertino Peter, Andrew John the Baptist Dorothea, Therese Denis Joseph of Arimathea, Dismas Adelard, Phocas, Tryphon, Dorothea, Fiacre Boniface Kentigern (aka Mungo) Dunstan Anthony, Joseph Andrew, Nicholas, Paul Michael James the Greater Barbara Fiacre Martin of Porres Our Lady of Perpetual Help Teresa of Avila, Denis John of God Cathal Willibrord

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horseriders horses hospitals hoteliers housewives Hungary hunters ice skaters Iceland India infantrymen innkeepers Ireland Italy jewellers Jordan journalists judges jumping lame lawyers lepers librarians lighthouse keepers Lisbon London lost articles lost causes lovers Madagascar Madrid magistrates Malta marriage masons mental illness messengers metalworkers Mexico midwives milliners miners Moscow motorcyclists

Martin of Tours Eligius, Hippolytus John of God, Camillus de Lellis, Vincent de Paul Gentian, Amand Anne, Martha, Zita Stephen Eustace, Hubert Edwina Olaf Our Lady of the Assumption Maurice Amand, Martin of Tours, Gentian Patrick Francis of Assisi Eligius (Eloi) John the Baptist Francis of Sales John of Capistrano Venantius Giles Genesius, Ivo, Thomas More Giles Jerome, Catherine of Alexandria Clement, Venerius Vincent Paul Anthony of Padua Jude Valentine Vincent de Paul Isidore Ferdinand III of Castile Paul John Francis Regis Thomas Dymphna Archangel Gabriel Anastasius, Eligius Joseph Raymond Nonnatus James the Greater Barbara, Anne (mother of Mary) Boris Our Lady of Grace

motorists motorways musicians/singers neurological disorders New Zealand Norway numismatists nurses orphans Oslo painters Pakistan pallbearers Papua New Guinea paralysed paratroopers Paris pawnbrokers perfumers Peru pilots physicians pig herders plasterers poets Poland policemen politicians poor Portugal postal workers pregnancy printers prison officers quantity surveyors Quebec rabies victims radio radiologists Ripon Rome

Christopher, Frances of Rome John the Baptist Cecilia, Dunstan, Gregory Vitus Our Lady Help of Christians Olaf Eligius Agatha, Raphael, Camillus of Lellis Ivo of Kermartin Halivard Luke Thomas, Francis Xavier Joseph of Arimathea Archangel Michael Giles Archangel Michael Geneviève Nicholas Nicholas of Myra Joseph, Rose of Lima Mary, Our Lady of Loreto Luke Anthony Bartholomew Cecilia, David, Columbia Stanislaus, Casimir Michael Thomas More Anthony of Padua, Lawrence George, Anthony Archangel Gabriel Gerard Majella, Raymond Nonnatus Augustine of Hippo, John of God Hippolytus Thomas John the Baptist Hubert Archangel Gabriel Archangel Michael Wilfred Peter

Russia sailors

Andrew, Nicholas Christopher, Cuthbert, Francis of Paolo, Dhocas scholars Bede, Bridgit, Jerome scientists Albert Scotland Andrew scouts George sculptors Claude secretaries Genesius shoemakers Crispin singers Gregory skiers Bernard of Montjoux skin diseases Anthony soldiers George, Joan of Arc, Sebastian South Africa Our Lady of the Assumption Spain James speleologists Benedict stamp collectors Archangel Gabriel statesmen Thomas More students Thomas Aquinas surgeons Cosmas, Damian Sweden Bridget, Eric swimmers Adjutor Switzerland Nicholas tailors Homobonus tax collectors Matthew teachers Catherine, Gregory teenagers Maria Goretti telecommunications Archangel Gabriel telephone Gabriel television Clare thieves Dismas throat disorders Blaise toothache Apollonia travellers Christopher undertakers Dismas unmarried women Nicholas of Myra venereal disease Fiacre Venice Mark vets Eligius (Eloi) Vietnam Joseph volcanoes Agatha Wales David West Indies Gertrude wine merchants Amand, Vincent wine growers Vincent wool combers Blaise workers Joseph writers Francis of Sales yachtsmen Adjutor

NB Almost everyone, everything and everywhere can be included under the auspices of a patron saint. Sometimes the affiliation lies in historical events and sometimes in ancient folklore and, more frequently still, homage is often paid to a particular saint for convenience, for example, cabdrivers call on St Fiacre as their protector because the Hotel St Fiacre in Paris was the first establishment to offer coaches for hire. Confusion often arises in this field as to why a particular saint has been adopted by a particular group. For example, St Martin of Tours is identified with innkeepers and drunks but is often depicted as a young mounted soldier. It should also be noted that many occupations have more than one recognised patron saint, and extra care should therefore be taken when compiling questions on this subject. For example, do not ask who is the patron saint of soldiers unless you are prepared to accept any of the three possible answers.

Archbishops of Canterbury 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Augustine Lawrence (Laurentius) Mellitus Justus Honorius Deusdedit Theodore of Tarsus Berhtwald (Beorhtweald) Tatwine Nothelm Cuthbert (Cuthbeorht) Bregowine (Breguwine) Jaenberht (Jaenbeorht) Aethelheard Wulfred Feologild Ceolnoth Aethelred Piegmund Aethelhelm Wulfhelm Oda

597–604 604–619 619–624 624–627 627–653 655–664 668–690 693–731 731–734 735–739 740–760 761–764 765–792 793–805 805–832 832 833–870 870–889 890–914 914–923 923–942 942–958

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44


Aelfsige Beorhthelm Dunstan Aethelgar Sigeric Serio Aelfric Aelfheah Lyfing Aethelnoth Eadsige Robert of Jumièges Stigand Lanfranc Anselm Ralph d’Escures William of Corbeil Theobald Thomas à Becket Richard of Dover Baldwin Hubert Walter Stephen Langton

959 959 960–988 988–990 990–994 995–1005 1005–12 1013–20 1020–38 1038–50 1051–52 1052–70 1070–89 1093–1109 1114–22 1123–36 1138–61 1162–70 1174–84 1184–90 1193–1205 1206–28

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45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Richard le Grant Edmund Rich Boniface of Savoy Robert Kilwardby John Pecham Robert Winchelsey Walter Reynolds Simon Mepham John Stratford Thomas Bradwardine Simon Islip Simon Langham William Whittlesey Simon Sudbury William Courtenay Thomas Arundel Roger Walden Thomas Arundel (restored) Henry Chichele John Stafford John Kempe Thomas Bourchier John Morton Henry Deane William Warham Thomas Cranmer Reginald Pole Matthew Parker Edmund Grindal John Whitgift Richard Bancroft

1229–31 1233–40 1241–70 1272–78 1279–92 1293–1313 1313–27 1327–33 1333–48 1348–49 1349–66 1366–68 1368–74 1375–81 1381–96 1396–97 1397–99 1399–1414 1414–43 1443–52 1452–54 1454–86 1486–1500 1501–03 1503–32 1533–56 1556–58 1559–75 1575–83 1583–1604 1604–10

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

George Abbot William Laud William Juxon Gilbert Sheldon William Sancroft John Tillotson Thomas Tenison William Wake John Potter Thomas Herring Matthew Hutton Thomas Secker Frederick Cornwallis John Moore Charles Manners Sutton William Howley John Bird Sumner Charles Thomas Longley Archibald Campbell Tait Edward White Benson Frederick Temple Randall Thomas Davidson Cosmo Gordon Lang William Temple Geoffrey Francis Fisher Arthur Michael Ramsey Frederick Donald Coggan Robert Alexander Runcie George Carey Rowan Williams Justin Welby

1611–33 1633–45 1660–63 1663–77 1677–90 1691–94 1694–1715 1715–37 1737–47 1747–57 1757–58 1758–68 1768–83 1783–1805 1805–28 1828–48 1848–62 1862–68 1868–82 1883–96 1896–1902 1903–28 1928–42 1942–44 1945–61 1961–74 1974–80 1980–90 1990–2002 2002–2012 2012–

Miscellaneous Information Archbishop of Canterbury: 100th Archbishop: remained bishop Aristotle philosophies: taught at Oxford Augustine landed: where buried converted King founded church order of monks Roman prior of welcomed by Bishop of London Book of Common Prayer: drew up born on Greek island Carthusian monk Catholic archbishop: last Charles I: ministered on scaffold Edmund Rich: also known as English-born archbishop: first Father and son: only holders Henry Chichele: founded heresy: convicted of high treason: accused of investiture controversy: resolved by Lambeth Conference Lanfranc: originally trained as secured Crown for Laurentius’ dream Lombardy: born Maidstone Hospital: founder married Oliver Cromwell’s niece Mellitus: prayer legend Morton’s Fork: murdered in Canterbury Cathedral murdered during Peasant’s Revolt nicknames: John Whitgift Matthew Parker official residence of Archbishop of Canterbury ordination of women pallium Piers Gaveston excommunicated by plague: died of plot against William I: detected position created by Primate of prior of Bec Benedictine monastery Protestant archbishop: first published Antiquities of Greece Queen Elizabeth II: crowned refused oath of allegiance Repton School: former headmasters

Arthur Michael Ramsey Stigand remained bishop of Worcester Edmund of Abingdon: first to do so Isle of Thanet AD 597 SS Peter and Paul (later St Augustine’s), Canterbury King Aethelbert of Kent Christ Church Canterbury Benedictines St Andrews Benedictine monastery King Aethelbert of Kent Richard Chartres (132nd) since 26 January 1996. Traditional residence was Fulham Palace but now The Old Deanery, Dean’s Court, London Thomas Cranmer Frederick Temple Boniface of Savoy Reginald Pole William Juxon Edmund of Abingdon Deusdedit Frederick and William Temple St John’s and All Souls colleges at Oxford 1437 Thomas Cranmer (burned at stake) William Laud (beheaded on Tower Hill) Synod of Rockingham (temporarily) decennial meeting of Anglican bishops lawyer William II (Rufus) dream of St Peter reminded him of his mission Lanfranc and Anselm Boniface of Savoy John Tillotson 1664 caused wind to divert fire from Canterbury church ᪽rich pay taxes; poor are considered to be concealing wealth Thomas à Becket Simon Sudbury (first beheading on Tower Hill) Little black husband (by Elizabeth I) Nosey Parker Lambeth Palace, and Old Palace Canterbury promulgated in the General Synod in Feb. 1994 a mantle, and symbol of papal approval of archiepiscopal appointment Robert Winchelsey Thomas Bradwardine Lanfranc Pope Gregory I All England Lanfranc, Anselm, Theobald Thomas Cranmer John Potter Geoffrey Fisher William Sancroft: to William and Mary William Temple and Geoffrey Fisher


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Richard I: governor in absentia Rochester: first bishop of Scholasticism: founder of Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford: built son-in-law of Archbishop Tait St Dunstan: secured crown for Stigand: excommunicated by succeeded Thomas Arnold at Rugby Synod of Whitby 663/664 Tarsus: born in Theobald: patron of Thomas à Becket: also known as born shrine despoiled by York: first bishop of

Hubert Walter St Justus St Anselm Gilbert Sheldon Randall Thomas Davidson St Edward the Martyr AD 975 Pope Nicholas II 1059. Uncanonical behaviour caused Pope to support William I’s invasion Archibald Campbell Tait Northumbria decided to follow Roman Church Theodore Thomas à Becket, John of Salisbury, Vacarius Thomas of London Cheapside, London Henry VIII St Paulinus

The Bible Genesis

God creates Adam from dust. Garden of Eden planted. Trees of Life and Knowledge. Adam names all living beasts. Eve is created from Adam’s rib. Serpent deceives Eve into eating forbidden fruit. Birth of Cain and Abel. Cain becomes tiller of the soil, and Abel a shepherd. Cain kills Abel and when asked by the Lord as to his whereabouts replies, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’ Cain is ‘marked’ by God and flees to the land of Nod. Cain’s wife gives birth to a son, Enoch, and builds a city in his name. Adam’s third son Seth is fathered at the age of 130 and Adam dies at age 930. Methuselah is sired by Enoch (descendant of Seth, not Cain) and lives for 969 years. Methuselah sires Lamech who subsequently sires Noah. Noah begets three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. He was 500 years old. God destroys man by bringing great flood but reprieves Noah. Noah (aged 600) builds an ark of gopher wood (300 x 50 cubits, and 30 cubits high), three storeys in total. God directs Noah to take aboard seven of each type of clean beast but just two of each unclean. There were eight humans on the ark, i.e. Noah and his sons plus their wives. Ark comes to rest on Mt Ararat. Noah sends forth a raven and then a dove, which comes back with an olive leaf to show that the rains have ceased. Noah becomes the first ‘drunken man’ after planting a vineyard. Noah lives for 350 years after the flood and dies aged 950. Noah’s great grandson, Nimrod, begins to be a mighty one on the earth. Nimrod’s kingdom begins with Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh and Shinar. The whole earth is of one language, one speech. After the tower of Babel is built, the Lord scatters the people abroad to confound their language. The Lord calls unto Abram and blesses him. Abram, with his wife Sarai and nephew Lot, journey into the land of Canaan. Abram and Lot return from Egypt, after Sarai is taken by the Pharaoh. Lot moves to live in Sodom, but the men of Sodom are wicked and sinners. Then comes the ‘Battle of the Kings’. At the battle in the vale of Siddim, the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah are beaten and fall into slimepits. Lot is taken prisoner by the victors. Abram attacked at Hobah, and gains the release of Lot, all his goods, the women and the people. Abram’s wife Sarai cannot bear him children; she therefore gives Abram her maid Hagar, who bears him Ishmael. Abram is 86 years old when he fathers Ishmael. The Lord renames Abram – Abraham. The Lord makes a covenant with Abraham which states that every male child is to be circumcised at eight days old. The Lord renames Sarai – Sarah. At the age of 90, Sarah bears Abraham a son, Isaac. Two angels come to see Lot at the gates of Sodom. The men of Sodom are struck blind. Lot, his wife and two daughters leave Sodom. They are told not to look behind them. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by the Lord. Lot’s wife looks behind her and is turned into a pillar of salt. Lot’s two daughters get him drunk so that they may ‘lie’ with him to preserve his seed. Lot’s elder daughter has a son, Moab. Lot’s younger daughter also has a son called Ben-ammi. Abraham tells Abimelech, king of Gerar, that Sarah is his sister, and she is taken by Abimelech. Abraham casts Hagar and his son Ishmael away. Abimelech makes a covenant with Abraham and returns to the land of the Philistines. Abraham has his faith tested by the Lord. Sarah dies at the age of 127. A wife is sought for Isaac. Abraham’s servant finds and meets Rebekah. Rebekah consents to go to Isaac; she then becomes his wife. Abraham takes a second wife, Keturah. Keturah bears him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Abraham dies aged 175. Ishmael dies aged 137. Ishmael has 12 sons - Nebajoth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadar, Tems, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah. Rebekah gives birth to twins – Esau (a hunter) and Jacob (a tent-maker). Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage (bread and lentil stew). Jacob deceives his father, Isaac, into believing that he is his brother Esau. When Esau finds out about the deceit he threatens Jacob.


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While searching for a wife, Jacob dreams of the ladder reaching from earth to the heavens. Jacob dreams of the Angels of God ascending and descending on the ladder. Jacob meets Rachel. Jacob works for seven years in order to win Rachel. Jacob takes both Rachel and her younger sister Leah as his wives. Rachel is barren, but Leah bears Jacob a son, Reuben. Leah later bears Simeon, Levi and Judah. Rachel gives Jacob her handmaiden, Bilhah, to take as a wife. Bilhah bears Dan and Naphtali. Leah gives her maid, Zilpah, to Jacob to take as a wife. Zilpah bears Gad and Asher. Leah bears Jacob a fifth son, Issachar, a sixth, Zebulun, and a daughter, Dinah. Rachel herself then conceives and bears a son, Joseph. Jacob becomes very rich, with many cattle, maidservants, menservants, camels and asses. Jacob has a vision at Mahanaim. Jacob sends messengers to Esau, requesting his return to Laban. Esau comes to meet him with 400 men. Jacob sends a present to Esau of various animals. When Jacob meets Esau, Jacob bows seven times. Esau runs to meet Jacob, and embraces him. They both weep. Jacob builds an altar at Shalem, and calls it El-elohe-Israel. Dinah is defiled by Shechem, son of Hamor, the Hivite. Simeon and Levi slay all the males of the city, and take Dinah from Shechem’s house. Jacob is unhappy with his sons, because the Canaanites and Perizzites will now rise against him. God tells Jacob to move to Beth-el. Jacob and his household journey to Beth-el, build an altar and call it El-beth-el. Jacob is renamed Israel. Rachel dies while giving birth to Benjamin. While away from his household, Reuben lies with Bilhah, his father’s concubine. Jacob’s sons now number twelve. Jacob goes to his father, Isaac, at Hebron, where Isaac dies, aged 180. Jacob favours Joseph over his brothers. Joseph has dreams which cause his brothers to hate him. At first Joseph’s brothers plot to kill him. Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery with the Ishmaelites. The brothers dip Joseph’s long garment in goat’s blood, and take it to Jacob. Jacob mourns his son’s death. Judah meets and takes the daughter of a Canaanite, named Shuah. Shuah bears three sons: Er, Onan and Shelah. Judah takes a wife for Er, whose name is Tamar. Er displeases the Lord and He slays him. Judah tells Onan to marry Tamar, his brother’s widow. Onan spills his seed on the ground; this displeases the Lord also and He slays Onan. Judah tells Tamar to live in his house and wait until Shelah is grown. Tamar deceives Judah into thinking she is a harlot. When Judah hears that Tamar is pregnant, he orders her to be burnt. She is spared when Judah realises he is the father of her child. Tamar has twins, Pharez and Zarah. Joseph is sold in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of the Pharaoh. Joseph is promoted to overseer. Joseph’s master’s wife asks him to lie with her, but Joseph refuses. She later pulls his garment off him and Joseph flees. She lies to Potiphar, saying that Joseph came to her to force her to lie with him. Joseph is imprisoned in the King’s prison. He interprets the dreams of the Pharaoh’s officers. After being in prison for two years, the Pharaoh has a dream and is told of Joseph. Joseph interprets the Pharaoh’s dream. Joseph foretells the famine. Joseph is released from prison and lives in the Pharaoh’s house. The famine is worldwide, but Egypt has stockpiled corn. All the countries of the world come to Egypt to buy corn. Jacob sends Joseph’s brothers to Egypt to buy corn. Joseph is now governor of the land. His brothers come and bow before him. Joseph recognises his brothers but they not him. Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies. Joseph supplies them with food and returns all their money to them. At an inn the brothers realise that Joseph has returned their money. Joseph insists that his brothers bring Benjamin to him. Israel sends all the brothers to Egypt. All the brothers are taken to Joseph’s house for a feast. Again Joseph fills their sacks with food and also returns their money. Joseph puts his silver cup in the sack of Benjamin, the youngest brother. Joseph’s stewards find the silver cup and accuse the brothers of theft. Judah petitions Joseph, asking that Benjamin be allowed to return to his father. Joseph weeps and makes himself known to his brothers. Pharaoh commands the brothers to bring back to Egypt all their families. They tell Israel that Joseph is alive, but Israel does not believe them. When Israel sees the wagons that Pharaoh has given to them, he believes. Israel and his entire family return to Egypt to see Joseph. Joseph meets his father at Goshen. Israel is given Goshen by Pharaoh. When people run out of money to buy bread, Joseph sells bread in exchange for livestock. Joseph buys all the land of Egypt, except the land of the priests. Joseph gives the people seed to grow their own crops. The people must give one-fifth of their crops to Pharaoh. Joseph takes his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to Israel, where Israel blesses them.


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Israel prophesies to his twelve sons, then dies, aged 147. Israel insists that he be buried with his ancestors. Pharaoh allows Joseph to travel to Canaan for the burial. Afterwards Joseph and his brothers return to Egypt. The brothers think that now Israel is dead, Joseph may seek retribution. Joseph reassures them. Joseph dies aged 110 and is buried in Egypt. Israel and his sons enter Egypt, each with his household. Joseph is already in Egypt. Their offspring multiply at an extraordinary rate until the land is filled with them. A new king of Egypt becomes worried that the sons of Israel are growing so numerous. The sons of Israel are oppressed. The more they are oppressed, the more they multiply. Eventually the Egyptians make the sons of Israel slaves. The king of Egypt orders the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, to put to death any male child at birth. Fearing God, the midwives disobey the Egyptian king. Finally Pharaoh orders all his people to throw every newborn son into the River Nile. A man from the house of Levi takes a daughter of Levi, and she becomes pregnant. She conceals her son for three months. She then places him in a basket, in the reeds, on the River Nile. Pharaoh’s daughter finds him, and realises he is a child of the Hebrews. The child grows up and becomes a son to the daughter of Pharaoh. She names him Moses. Moses sees an Egyptian striking a Hebrew; he strikes the Egyptian down and kills him. Pharaoh hears about it and tries to kill Moses. Moses runs away to the land of Midian. Moses meets the priest of Midian, who gives his daughter Zipporah to him. Zipporah bears Moses a son, Gershom. Moses becomes a shepherd. While with the flock, Moses comes to Horeb. Here, an Angel appears to him in a flaming bush. God speaks to Moses, instructing him to bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt. Moses wants a sign that this is God. God tells Moses to throw his rod on to the ground and it becomes a serpent. God then tells Moses to grab the serpent by its tail, and it becomes a rod. God gives Moses other signs, turning his hand into a leper’s hand and restoring it and turning water from the Nile into blood. Moses meets Aaron, his brother. Moses returns to Egypt with his wife and family. Moses and Aaron meet with the elders of the sons of Israel. Moses and Aaron meet with Pharaoh and ask that the Hebrews may go into the wilderness for a festival. Pharaoh refuses permission for the Hebrews to go into the wilderness. Pharaoh makes the sons of Israel work harder. The officers of the sons of Israel blame Moses and Aaron for this harsh treatment. Moses promises to deliver the sons of Israel from this oppression. Moses and Aaron again meet with Pharaoh; Moses is now 80 years old and Aaron 83. Aaron throws down his rod in front of Pharaoh and it becomes a serpent. The magic-practising priests of Egypt do the same thing. Aaron’s rod swallows their rods. Moses meets Pharaoh on the bank of the Nile, strikes the water with his rod and turns the water into blood. The magic-practising priests proceed to do the same thing. Moses tells Pharaoh that unless the people are allowed to go into the wilderness, there will be a plague of frogs. Aaron waves his staff over the Nile and a plague of frogs come to land. The magic-practising priests do the same thing. Aaron strikes the dust of Egypt, and it all becomes a swarm of gnats. The magic practising priests attempts to do the same but they fail. Moses tells Pharaoh that if the people are not released into the wilderness, gadfly will infest every house. Gadfly infest every house in Egypt. Finally Pharaoh calls Moses and Aaron and tells them to take their people into the wilderness. The gadfly disappear, so Pharaoh does not allow the people to go into the wilderness. Moses tells Pharaoh that if the people are not released, a pestilence will strike every animal in Egypt. Moses takes a handful of soot, throws it in the air, in sight of Pharaoh, and it becomes boils and blisters upon man and beast. The magic-practising priests are unable to attempt to copy this because the boils are affecting them. Moses again goes to Pharaoh and promises a hailstorm that will kill every man and beast in the field . The next day, a storm of hail, thunder and lightning strikes Egypt. Pharaoh now calls Moses and Aaron and release the people to go into the wilderness. Once the storm stops, Pharaoh again refuses to release the people into the wilderness. Moses and Aaron see Pharaoh and tell him that a plague of locusts will appear tomorrow unless the people are released. Locusts covers all of the land of Egypt. Moses stretches out his arm and darkness falls all over Egypt. The firstborn of every family in Egypt is threatened with death. Instructions for the feast of the Passover are given to Moses by the Lord. At midnight, the firstborn of every man and every beast dies. Finally Pharaoh tells the people to leave. The exodus takes place. The people of Israel reach the Red Sea. A pillar of cloud by daytime and a pillar of fire by night lead them into the wilderness. Pharaoh proceeds to give chase when he realises that the people are escaping. When Pharaoh reaches the people they are camped by the sea. Moses stretches his hand over the sea and it parts, allowing the sons of Israel to walk through the Red Sea. The Egyptians follows them into the Red Sea. Moses again stretches his hand over the sea and the water returns to its normal state, drowning the Egyptians. Moses leads the people into the wilderness for three days; they reach Marrah, but cannot drink the water because it is bitter. The Lord directs Moses to a tree, which he throws into the water and the water becomes sweet. At the wilderness of Sin, the sons of Israel begin to murmur against Moses and Aaron. Quails arrive in the evening, and in the morning the wilderness is covered in bread. By collecting double bread on the sixth day, and resting on the seventh, the Sabbath law is observed. The sons of Israel eat the manna for 40 years. At Massah, Moses is instructed to strike a stone with his rod, and water comes out of the rock.


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The Amalekites attack the sons of Israel. Moses instructs Joshua to choose men to go and fight the Amalekites. Moses watches from the top of a hill. When Moses lifts his rod, the Israelites are superior. When Moses lowers his rod, the Amalekites are superior. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, along with his wife Zipporah, his two children, Gershom and Eliezer, and Moses’ two sons, visits Moses in the wilderness. Jethro advises Moses to appoint Judges. Moses takes his advice. The people go to meet their God on Mount Sinai. The Lord calls Moses to the top of the mountain. Moses then returns down the mountain to take Aaron back to the top with him. Moses is given the Ten Commandments. Rules on how slaves are treated, including ‘eye for eye’. Further rules covering theft, seduction, sorcery, bestiality, bribery and many more are given to Moses. Three times a year the Israelites must celebrate a festival to the Lord. Boundary of the ‘promised land’ is set, from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines and from the wilderness to the river. Moses goes up the mountain to receive the stone tablets. Moses stays on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights. The people are instructed to build an ark of acacia wood, two and a half cubits in length, and one and a half cubits deep. The ark must be overlaid with gold, both inside and outside. The ark must have four gold rings, two either side. The people must make two poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold. These poles go through the rings in order for the ark to be carried. The poles must not be removed from the rings. The commandments must be placed within the ark. The people are instructed to build a tabernacle, with all its utensils. The design of the garments to be worn by priests is given to Moses. Instructions for the installation of priests are given. Instructions for keeping the Sabbath are given. When the Lord finishes speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, he gives to Moses two tablets of stone. The people are frustrated because Moses is on Mount Sinai for so long. The people persuade Aaron to make a ‘God’ for them. After melting down the people’s jewellery, he makes a golden calf. The making of the golden calf angers the Lord. When Moses sees the golden calf, he is so angry he smashes the two tablets and destroys the golden calf. Moses seeks out the loyal people and the sons of Levi gather themselves to him. Moses sends the sons of Levi back into the camp to kill the sinners; they kill about 3,000. Moses moves his tent outside the camp and calls it a tent of meeting. Whenever Moses enters the tent, a pillar of cloud descends and stands at the entrance. The Lord instructs Moses to carve out two tablets of stone and the Lord will rewrite the commandments. The Lord will not allow Moses to see his face. The Lord repeats the terms of the covenant between himself and the people of Israel. Moses again comes down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets. The people contribute gifts to the Lord. Bezalel and Oholiab are selected for special teachings and wisdom. The people begin to make the cloth and other finery for the tabernacle. Once completed, the Lord’s glory fills the tabernacle. Instructions for offerings of animals and grain are given to the people of Israel. All grain offerings must be seasoned with salt. A young bull must be sacrificed for a sin of a priest. A young goat must be sacrificed for a sin of a chieftain. Other sins demand other offerings. Even unintentional sins must be paid for with offerings. The eating of fat or blood is forbidden. Aaron and his sons are installed as priests. Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, make an offering to the Lord that was not prescribed. Fire from heaven consumes both. Instructions as to which animals and fish are clean or unclean are given. Instructions for the purification of women are given. Priests are to make leprosy tests; anybody with leprosy is declared unclean. Garments worn by lepers are also unclean. Instructions for offerings in the case of a cleansed leper are given. Uncleanliness in the case of male and female discharges is explained. Atonement Day procedures are given. The laws regarding incest are given. Similarly laws regarding sodomy and bestiality are given. Laws regarding gleaning of crops are given. Laws regarding slander, interbreeding, fruit trees and magic are given. Similarly, laws regarding spiritism, respect of parents and adultery are given. The law that priests are to be undefiled is explained. Laws regarding Sabbath, Pentecost, Day of Atonement, festival of Booths and loaves of showbread explained. The fiftieth year is to become a Jubilee. The Jubilee year is also a year of restorations. For example, if a man sells his house, he must repurchase it in the fiftieth year. Laws regarding the help to be given to the poor are explained. Regarding the poor, money given must bear no usury or interest charges. No idols or images of the Lord are to be worshipped. The Lord explains the blessings that the people will enjoy if they keep his laws and commandments. The Lord explains the chastisements that the people will suffer if they do not keep his laws and commandments. Values are put on sanctifying your soul, animal, house, field, etc. to the Lord. (Numbers is Bemidbar in Hebrew and means ‘In the wilderness’.) The Lord tells Moses to register every male over 20 years of age. The Lord also names the assembly; all are chieftains of the tribes of Israel. The tribes are registered for the army. All are registered except the Levites. Moses is told to appoint the Levites over the tabernacle and all the utensils. When the people set up camp, each tribe must camp with its (three-tribe) division.


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Each tribe is designated a place to camp, starting with the (three-tribe) division of Judah eastmost. The other tribes are designated a place in camp working westwards. The tribe of Levi must minister to Aaron, and must keep their obligation to him. Moses registers all the male Levites from the age of one month upwards. Each of the families of Levi are given a task to perform regarding the tabernacle and the utensils. Following instructions from Moses, all lepers, persons with discharges and anyone unclean are sent out of the camp. A water test is explained, to test for jealousy. If a man or woman takes a special vow to live as a Nazirite, they must stay away from grapes, wine and intoxicating liquor. Also during the time of living as a Nazirite, no razor should touch a hair. The further rules of the special vows of living as a Nazirite are explained. The wording of the Lord’s blessing is given to Moses. It is: May the Lord bless you and keep you, May the Lord make his face shine toward you and may he favour you, May the Lord lift up his face toward you and assign peace to you. Having had all the laws and commandments explained to him, Moses now anoints the tabernacle. All the chieftains make offerings of grain and cattle, of silver bowls, of other animals, which Moses accepts. These offerings continue for eleven days. On the twelfth day an offering by Naphtali is made; this is the inaugural offering at the altar. The Lord tells Moses to instruct Aaron to light the seven lamps. Moses is instructed to take the Levites among the people and cleanse them. Instructions for the cleansing are given. The Lord explains to Moses the preparation for the Passover. The Lord instructs Moses to make two trumpets of silver. These are to be used for convening the assembly or breaking up the camp. If one trumpet is blown, the chieftains meet with Moses. If two trumpets are blown, the whole assembly must meet with Moses. On the twentieth day of the second month, of the third year, the cloud lifts and the people begin to leave the wilderness. Moses asks Hobab to join the people going to Israel, but Hobab says that he wants to return to his own people. Moses pleads with Hobab, and he joins Moses and the people. Some of the people begin to complain about being in the wilderness. This angers the Lord, and He sends down fire. The people begin to cry for meat and fish. Moses asks the Lord for help, because he feels he cannot cope. The Lord tells Moses to select 70 of the oldest men, take them to the meeting tent, and He will place some of the spirit on them. The spirit also falls on Eldad and Medad, who were not in the meeting tent, and they begin acting as prophets. A wind blows quails from the coast to the camp. Those people who showed selfish craving are slaughtered by the Lord. Miriam and Aaron begin opposing Moses. The Lord tells Moses to take Miriam and Aaron to the meeting tent, where He will speak with them. The Lord is so angry that Miriam is struck with leprosy. Moses pleads for mercy, and after seven days in quarantine, she is allowed back into the camp. Moses sends out a man from each tribe, each a chieftain, to spy out the land of Canaan. After 40 days they return to Moses; ten spies give bad reports. The people begin to rebel. The Lord is very angry that the people do not respect Him; He tells Moses that He will strike them with pestilence. Moses pleads on their behalf. The punishment for rebellion is to remain in the wilderness for 40 years. Some of the people decide to leave the camp without Moses and the ark. These people are defeated by the Amalekites and Canaanites. Moses is instructed to tell the people of Isreal how they must render up burnt offerings on entering the promised land. Moses is instructed to tell the people how they must atone for a sin by mistake. Anyone who commits a deliberate sin must die. A man collecting pieces of wood on the Sabbath is stoned to death. Korah, Dathan and Abiram, together with 250 rebels, rise against Moses. All the rebels are instructed to attend a meeting, each carrying a fire holder. The earth swallows up Korah, Dathan and Abiram, their households and anything belonging to them. A fire comes from the Lord and consumes the 250 rebels. Some of the people still complain, so the Lord brings forth a scourge on them. Moses tells Aaron to go among them and atone for their sins. This Aaron does, and eventually stops the scourge. This scourge kills 14,700 people. A rod is taken from each of the twelve houses of Israel, placed in the meeting tent, and the Lord chooses one rod to bud. Aaron’s rod, for the house of Levi, has budded. The Lord explains to Aaron the obligations of Levi. Moses is instructed again regarding cleansing, especially regarding a man who dies in a tent. The people move into the wilderness of Zin. Here Miriam dies and is buried. The people now have no water and reproach Moses and Aaron. The Lord instructs Moses to strike a rock and water will come forth. Moses strikes the rock twice and water enough for all the people and beasts comes forth. These waters are called the Waters of Meribah. Moses sends messengers to the king of Edom, to seek permission to pass through his land. The king of Edom refuses. The people turn away and travel to Mount Hor. On Mount Hor, Moses strips Aaron of his clothes and places them on Eleazar (Aaron’s son). Aaron then dies. The people weep for Aaron for 30 days. The Canaanite king of Arad begins to attack the people and takes some captives. The Lord intervenes and strikes down the Canaanites. The people continue to trek around the land of Edom, but are not happy. Some of the people rebel, so the Lord sends poisonous serpents among them and many die. Moses is instructed to make a copper serpent and place it on a pole. Anyone who was bitten by the serpents will look at the copper serpent and will live. Moses sends messengers to Sihon, king of the Amorites, requesting permission to pass through his land. Sihon refuses, and gathers his people and begins to fight the Israelites at Jahaz. Sihon is defeated and the Israelites take possession of his land. The Israelites now attack Ogm, the king of Bashan; they defeat him and take possession of his land. Moab now grows very frightened of the Israelites. Balak, the king of Moab, sends messengers to Balaam.


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Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 1

Samuel 2

Kings 1

Kings 2

Chronicles 1 Chronicles 2 Ezra Nehemiah Esther

Balaam refuses to help. Balak sends more messengers, more important messengers than at first. Balaam goes with them to Balak, but on the journey meets with the Lord’s angel, which only Balaam’s she-ass sees. Balaam beats his she-ass, and passes by the angel by walking in a field. The angel reappears at a narrow place; again only Balaam’s she-ass sees the angel. Balaam beats his she-ass and he passes the angel by walking alongside the wall. The angel reappears at a place where he cannot pass by; the she-ass lies down in the road. Balaam beats his she-ass again. The Lord makes the she-ass speak. She asks Balaam, ‘Why have you beaten me three times?’ Balaam says that if he had a sword he would have killed her. The angel appears to Balaam and asks why he beats his she-ass. Balaam continues his journey to Moab. Balaam begins to speak the words that the Lord has put into his mouth. He orders Balak to build seven altars. He also orders him to provide seven bulls and seven rams. A bull and a ram are offered on each altar. Balaam refuses to help Balak. Balaam proceeds to utter four proverbial statements, all the word of the Lord. Balak is foiled. Israel abides in Shittim and the people begin to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. Israel joins himself unto Baal-peor and the anger of the Lord is blazed against him. The Lord tells Moses to take the heads of the people and hang them up before him. Zimri, a child of Israel, brings a Midianite woman into the sight of Moses. Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron, pierces both the man and woman and the plague is scourged. The Lord tells Moses to vex the Midianites and smite them. After the plague the Lord tells Moses and Eleazar to take the children of Israel, from 20 years onwards, out of Egypt. Reuben and his descendants, numbering 250, are swallowed by the earth and become a sign. The sons of Korah do not die. Census is taken of eight more tribes and the land is divided. Joshua is appointed to succeed Moses. The procedures for various feast days and solemn days are established. Moses equips an army to slay the Midianites. The Lord speaks to Moses on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan at Jericho, and tells him to dwell in Canaan. The fifth book of the Old Testament is written in the form of a farewell address by Moses to the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land of Canaan. The speeches recall Israel’s past, reiterate laws and emphasise that observance of these laws is essential for the well-being of the people. The title Deuteronomy derives from the Greek meaning ‘copy’, although the Hebrew translation means ‘words’. The book of Joshua was written while the people of Israel were exiles in Babylonia. It can be divided into three sections, i.e. the conquest of Canaan, the distribution of the land and Joshua’s farewell address and death. This book contains the destruction of the Wall of Jericho. The book of Judges was written at about the same time as the book of Joshua and the Judges were the leaders of Israel. Noteworthy events are the death of Joshua and the birth and death of Samson. The central character is a Moabite woman who marries the son of a Judaean couple living in Moab. Ruth moves to Judah with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and becomes the wife of Boaz. She bears Obed, the grandfather of David, Samuel anoints Saul as the first King of Israel and the book tells further of the exploits of his son Jonathan. The book continues with the story of David conquering Goliath and his great friendship with Jonathan. The book concludes with Abigail giving good counsel to David, Saul visiting the Witch of Endor, and the ultimate death of both Saul and Jonathan on Mount Gilboa. David is anointed king at age 30. He rules for a further 40 years. David commits adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and plots his death so he can marry her himself. The Lord sends Nathan, the anointer of David, to reprove him for his deed by telling him a parable of a ewe lamb. The Lord takes the life of the first-born of David and Bathsheba as penance. David and Bathsheba soon have another child, Solomon, and he is loved by the Lord. David’s son Absalom plots the death of his brother Amnon, for forcing his sister Tamar. Absalom is killed during the civil war and is mourned by David. Zadok the Priest anoints Solomon as king. David eventually dies. The Lord appears to Solomon in a dream and grants a request and is pleased that he asks for wisdom. Solomon builds a great temple as a place of worship to the Lord and also a great house for himself. Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon and is impressed by his demeanour and they exchange gifts. Solomon’s heart moves away from the Lord in his old age and he is told the kingship will be removed from his son. Solomon dies and is succeeded by his son, Rehoboam. The Lord’s words come true as Jeroboam replaces Rehoboam as king of all Israel except Judah. The divided kingdom of Israel is eventually ruled by Ahab, son of Omri. Ahab takes Jezebel for a wife and sets up an altar to Baal in Samaria. Elijah the Tishbite informs Ahab there will be a drought and indeed no rain falls for 312 years. Ahab tries to buy the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite but is refused. Ahab’s wife Jezebel plots the death of Naboth to gain possession of his vineyard. Ahab is slain in battle with the Syrians. Elijah is taken up into heaven by a whirlwind and is succeeded by his pupil, Elisha. Jezebel is thrown out of a window and killed. Elisha dies and is buried; a dead man laid on his bones comes to life. The Lord is incensed by the Israelites and removes them, leaving only the tribe of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar II, the king of Babylon, destroys Jerusalem. The first book of Chronicles details genealogies from Adam up to and including the reign of David. The chronicler used the books of Samuel and Kings as his main source, although modifications were made. The second book of Chronicles details the reign of Solomon to the end of the Babylonian exile. The chronicler has ignored the northern kingdom of Samaria. Ezra continues the history of Israel from the end of the Babylonian exile. The chronicler details the rising of the Persian Empire from its first king, Cyrus the Great. The chronicler continues the story of Israel in the time of another Jewish leader, Nehemiah, who was released from captivity in c. 444 BC, during the reign of Artaxerxes, king of Persia. The rebuilding of Jerusalem is highlighted and the great wall is built. Esther is the Jewish wife of the Persian King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I). Esther persuades the king to retract an order for the general annihilation of Jews throughout the Empire. The book explains how the feast of Purim came to be celebrated by the Jews.


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Job Psalms

Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah


Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel

Hosea Joel Amos

Obadiah Jonah

Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi

The book of Job is written in the form of a series of speeches whereby Job disputes with three friends and the Lord. Job proclaims his innocence and injustice of his suffering while his friends (Job’s comforters) blame his sin. Job personifies poverty and patience. The book of Psalms consists of 150 sacred poems, which are meant to be sung. Usually divided into five sections, i.e. psalms 1–41, 42–72, 73–89, 90–106, 107–150. The best-known psalm is no. 23, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’. Psalm 51 is often called the ‘Neck’ verse as its recitation would save the neck of those claiming Benefit of Clergy. Although the authors are of doubtful origin, 73 psalms are attributed to David. Book of wisdom with moral and ethical relevance, in a similar vein to the book of Job but with more finite thoughts. At the start of the text the proverbs are attributed to Solomon but it is known that many of them were written after his time. Another book of wisdom, which takes a fatalistic view of life and asks man not to question God’s love. Once again the book alludes to Solomon as being the author, but this is doubtful because of chronologies in the text. Collection of love poems spoken alternately by a man and a woman. This book is the festival scroll for Passover, which celebrates the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The authorship is unknown and Solomon’s name was added at a later date. The prophet Isaiah, son of Amos, reflects on the blasphemy of his people in the eyes of the Lord. Isaiah calls for a return to the worship of the Lord and talks of ‘beating swords into ploughshares’. Isaiah talks further of peace and his vision of the wolf residing with the lamb. Isaiah’s prophecy of the falling of Babylon comes true. The Judaean prophet Jeremiah lived during the reign of King Josiah and his ministry lasted until the Babylonian conquest. Chapters 1–25 consist of prophecies against Judah and Jerusalem. Chapters 26–45 consist of narratives about Jeremiah and may have been composed by Baruch. Chapters 46–51 consist of prophecies against foreign nations and chapter 52 is a historical appendix. The poems are laments over the destruction of Judah, Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians in 586 BC. Lamentations is often called ‘Lamentations of Jeremiah’, although authorship is uncertain. The prophet Ezekiel was active during the first quarter of the sixth century BC. The book was written in exile and is valuable for understanding the lives of exiles in Babylon. Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Nebuchadnezzar throws Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into a fiery furnace but the Lord sends an angel to help them. Belshazzar holds a feast and Daniel interprets the writing on the wall, ‘mene, mene, tekel, parsin’. The interpretation means that the Lord has numbered the days of the Babylonian kingdom and it is to be divided. King Darius reluctantly throws Daniel into the lions’ den but the Lord sends an angel to help Daniel The last twelve books of the Old Testament bear the name of the minor prophets and are sometimes known as ‘the Twelve’. The first chapter is a biographical report of the prophet Hosea’s marriage to Gomer, a harlot. A similar marriage is described in Chapter 3, which is thought to allude to the Lord’s love for Israel. Joel reiterates the concept that salvation will come to Judah and Jerusalem only when the people turn to the Lord. Amos, a Judaean prophet from Tekoa, was active during the reign of Jeroboam II. Most of the chapters form a collection of individual sayings and reports of visions. Much of the rest of the text is by way of a moral judgement on the rich and self-indulgent. The book ends with a promise of restoration for Israel. Shortest book of the Bible, with one chapter of 21 verses. The book announces that the Day of Judgement is nigh for all nations and that Jews will be restored to their native land. The book of Jonah recounts the story of the prophet. The Lord calls for Jonah to go to the Assyrian city of Nineveh to prophesy. Jonah is concerned that the city will repent and be forgiven, and tries to escape his bidding. Jonah is caught in a storm at sea while escaping and is thrown overboard at his own request. The Lord appoints a great fish to swallow Jonah and he remains in the fish’s maw for three days and nights. Jonah prays for deliverance and is vomited out of the fish and once again told to go to Nineveh. Jonah becomes angry as his fears of repentance are realised and he sits outside the city awaiting its destruction. A plant springs up overnight to give him shelter from the heat but it is destroyed by a great worm. Jonah is bitter about the destruction but the Lord chastises him for his care for a plant rather than people. The Judaean prophet Micah was active during the last half of the eighth century BC. Micah’s threats and promises are a reiteration of many of the other minor prophets. The book is an oracle concerning Nineveh and is attributed to the vision of Nahum of Elkosh. The fall of the city of Nineveh is the theme of the prophetic oracle. Similar to the book of Nahum; it is written in a liturgical style and portrays a moral theme. The dominant theme of the book is the ‘Day of the Lord’, which the prophet sees as imminent due to the sins of Judah. The ‘Humble’ and ‘Lowly’ will be saved through purification by judgement. The book comprises four prophecies delivered over a four-month period in the second year of the reign of Darius I. Chapters 1–8 contain the prophecies of Zechariah; the rest of the book is of unknown attribution. Zechariah was active from 520 to 518 BC and was a contemporary of Haggai. He shared the concern of Haggai that the Temple of Jerusalem must be rebuilt. Last of the twelve Old Testament books that bear the name of the minor prophets and, indeed, the last book of the OT. The book comprises four chapters, each in the form of a question-and-answer discussion. Malachi was probably written in the first half of the fifth century BC and its authorship is unknown.

NB The first five books of the Old Testament are usually called the Pentateuch, or Books of Moses. The contents of the first four of these books have been catalogued in the order that the events took place in the text of the Bible. The remaining books have important events highlighted but have no other great detail about them. The New Testament has been dealt with in a similar manner. The author does not wish to upset any religious denomination and it should be noted that texts can differ slightly from Bible to Bible. There are 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 of the New Testament, totalling 66 in all. New Testament Matthew

Mark Luke John

The first of the four New Testament Gospels recounting the life and death of Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as Synoptic Gospels, as they share a similar general view. The Gospel was composed in Greek c. AD 70 and is traditionally attributed to the Apostle Matthew the tax-collector. Chapters 5–7 describe Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, which includes the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer. The Gospel is attributed to John Mark (Acts 12:12; 15:37), a disciple of Peter and associate of Paul. Mark is the shortest and earliest of the four Gospels and was probably used by Matthew and Luke to compose their accounts. More than 90 per cent of the content of Mark’s Gospel appears in Matthew’s and more than 50 per cent in the Gospel of Luke. Luke was known as the beloved physician and was a close associate of the Apostle Paul. Luke gives details of Jesus’ infancy and the Ascension as well as Caesar Augustus’ census. Parables include the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. John was known as the beloved disciple of Jesus. John’s Gospel covers a different time span than the others, concentrating on Jesus’ ministry in Judea. John’s account differs in that it does not record many of the symbolic acts of Jesus but rather portrays Jesus as God’s son.


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Acts of the Apostles

Acts was traditionally written by Luke, whose Gospel concludes where Acts begins, that is, with Christ’s Ascension into heaven. The early chapters describe the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles at Pentecost, which was the birth of the Church. Chapter 3 describes Peter’s healing of a lame man and chapter 5 the death of Ananias for his false tongue. Chapter 7 describes the stoning of Stephen. Chapter 9 describes the healing of Aeneas by Peter and the conversion of Saul to Paul on the road to Damascus. Chapters 27 and 28 describe Paul’s shipwreck in Malta and his successful teaching in Rome. The underlying theme is the spreading of Christianity to the Gentile world under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Romans The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans’. The book was probably composed at Corinth in c. AD 57 and was addressed to the Christian Church at Rome. The letter is largely a morality and cautionary tale but is considered important in Lutheran teaching. Corinthians 1 The proper and full title of this book is ‘The First Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians’. Written c. AD 53 at Ephesus, Asia Minor, and addresses the problems of the early years of the Church. Paul begins his letter with a reminder that all are servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Paul goes on to address questions of immorality, marriage and celibacy as well as the worthy reception of the Eucharist. In chapter 13 Paul explains that no gift of God has meaning unless accompanied by love. Corinthians 2 The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Second Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians’. Written c. AD 55 in Macedonia, possibly after an unsatisfactory visit by Paul to Corinth. Paul urges the Corinthians to assist the poor of Jerusalem and is gratified when Titus reveals their repentance. Galatians The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians’. In this book, Paul defends his credentials as a true Apostle of Jesus Christ. Ephesians The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians’. Traditionally supposed to have been written while Paul was in prison, but this is doubtful. The text is in the form of an affirmation that there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of us all. Philippians The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians’. There is more evidence that this letter was written by Paul in prison (c. AD 62) than in the case of his letter to the Ephesians. His address to the Macedonian people was probably stirred by thoughts of his own mortality as he pondered execution. Colossians The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians’. Addressed to Christians at Colossae, Asia Minor, whose congregation was founded by Epaphras. The letter is in the form of a reminder of God’s love and a call for repentance for their wayward ways. Thessalonians 1 The proper and full title of this book is ‘The First Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians’. First letter was written after his co-worker, Timothy, returned from Thessalonia to report that the new converts were steadfast. Thessalonians 2 The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Second Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians’. The second letter explains that the final day will not come until after the Antichrist appears and proclaims himself God. Timothy 1 The proper and full title of this book is ‘The First Letter of Paul the Apostle to Timothy’. The book deals with Church administration and the growth of heresies. Timothy 2 The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Second Letter of Paul the Apostle to Timothy’. The letter urges Timothy to ‘guard the truth that has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit’. The letter urges Timothy to visit soon, although the writer believes he is ‘on the point of being sacrificed’. Ttus The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Letter of Paul the Apostle to Titus’. Titus was a close friend of Paul and was the organiser of the Church in Crete. The letter urges Titus to appoint worthy elders to positions of responsibility and to preach sound doctrine. The letter also warns against the disruptive influence of ‘Jewish myths’, especially those of the ‘circumcision party’. Philemon The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Letter of Paul the Apostle to Philemon’. The letter was written to Philemon, a wealthy Christian from Colossae, on behalf of Onesimus, Philemon’s former slave. Hebrews The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews’. The letter was addressed to a Christian community whose faith was faltering because of strong Jewish influences. The author concludes that Christianity is superior to Judaism. James The letter of James, a Christian Jew, is a moralistic reflection on early Jewish Christianity. The letter covers topics such as cursing, boasting, oaths, prayers, poverty and endurance under persecution. Peter 1 The first letter urges persecuted Christians to emulate the suffering Christ in their distress. He reminded them that after his Passion and death, Jesus rose from the dead and is now in glory. Peter 2 The second letter is principally concerned with the Second Coming of Christ. Peter also warns against false teachers, whose conduct is as immoral as their words are deceptive. John 1 The John in question is the disciple John the Evangelist, son of Zebedee. His first letter urges the Christian community to repudiate heretical teachings. John 2 The writer of both the second and the third letters calls himself ‘presbyter’, i.e. elder. John 3 Addressed to a certain Gaius and complaining of Diotrephes, who lies to put himself first. Jude The letter of Jude, brother of James and a servant of Jesus Christ, warns against false gods. Revelation The proper and full title of this book is ‘The Revelation of St John the Divine’. Attributed to John, the beloved disciple, and possibly written at Patmos in the Aegean Sea. The number 7 is used in a symbolic sense to represent totality or perfection. Chapter 6 describes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Chapter 7 describes the 12 tribes of Israel, which were sealed 12,000 of each, totalling 144,000. Chapter 13 gives the number of the beast, i.e. 666. Chapter 14 describes the 144,000 virgins who will have their place in heaven.


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SCIENCE Chemical Elements Name



Name source

Discovered or isolated by

actinium aluminium americium

Ac Al Am

89 13 95

beam alum America





argon arsenic astatine barium berkelium beryllium bismuth bohrium boron bromine cadmium caesium calcium californium carbon cerium chlorine chromium cobalt copernicium copper curium darmstadtium dubnium dysprosium einsteinium erbium europium fermium flerovium fluorine francium gadolinium gallium germanium gold hafnium hahnium hassium helium holmium hydrogen indium iodine iridium iron krypton lanthanum lawrencium lead lithium livermorium lutetium magnesium manganese meitnerium mendelevium mercury molybdenum neodymium neon neptunium nickel niobium nitrogen nobelium osmium oxygen palladium phosphorus platinum plutonium polonium

Ar As At Ba Bk Be Bi Bh B Br Cd Cs Ca Cf C Ce Cl Cr Co Cn Cu Cm Ds Db Dy Es Er Eu Fm Fl F Fr Gd Ga Ge Au Hf Ha Hs He Ho H In I Ir Fe Kr La Lr Pb Li Lv Lu Mg Mn Mt Md Hg Mo Nd Ne Np Ni Nb N No Os O Pd P Pt Pu Po

18 33 85 56 97 4 83 107 5 35 48 55 20 98 6 58 17 24 27 112 29 96 110 105 66 99 68 63 100 114 9 87 64 31 32 79 72 105 108 2 67 1 49 53 77 26 36 57 103 82 3 116 71 12 25 109 101 80 42 60 10 93 28 41 7 102 76 8 46 15 78 94 84

inactive yellow orpiment unstable heavy university beryl uncertain Niels Bohr Arabic, buraq stench zinc ore silvery white lime California charcoal asteroid Ceres greenish yellow colour goblin Nicolaus Copernicus Cyprus Pierre and Marie Curie Darmstadt, Germany Dubna, Russia hard to get at Einstein Ytterby (Sweden) Europe Enrico Fermi Flerov Lab, Dubna flowing France Johan Gadolin cock Germany colour gold Copenhagen Otto Hahn Hesse, Germany sun Stockholm water-producing indigo violet rainbow (iris) Anglo-Saxon word hidden lie unseen Ernest Lawrence Anglo-Saxon word stone Livermore, California Paris magnesia magnet Lise Meitner D I Mendeleyev planet Mercury lead new twin new planet Neptune copper demon Tantalus’s daughter nitre-forming Nobel Inst. Stockholm smell acid-producing asteroid Pallas light-bringer silvery element planet Pluto Poland

André-Louis Debierne 1899 Hans Christian Oersted 1825 Glenn Seaborg, Ralph James, Leon Morgan and Albert Ghiorso at the University of Chicago 1944 known to the ancients, its extraction from stibnite was first discovered by Basil Valentine c.1450, although its properties were first described by Nicholas Lémery in 1707 Lord Rayleigh and W Ramsay 1894 Albertus Magnus in the 13th century Berkeley University, California, 1940 Humphry Davy 1808 Berkeley University, California, 1949 Nicolas Louis Vauquelin 1797 Basil Valentine 1450 Dubna Institute for Nuclear Research 1976 Gay-Lussac, Thenard and Davy 1808 Antoine-Jérôme Balard 1826 Friedrich Stromeyer 1817 Robert Bunsen and G Kirchhoff 1860 Humphry Davy 1808 Berkeley University, California, 1950 prehistoric Hisinger, Klaproth and Berzelius 1803 Humphry Davy 1810 Nicolas Louis Vauquelin 1797 Georg Brandt 1735 Darmstadt Institute for Heavy Ion Research 1996 prehistoric Berkeley University, California, 1944 Dr Jorge Rigol 1994 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 1967 P E Lecoq de Boisbaudran 1886 Albert Ghiorso, Berkeley 1952 Carl Gustav Mosander 1843 Eugène-Anatole Demarçay 1901 Albert Ghiorso, Berkeley 1952 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia Henri Moissan 1886 Marguerite Perey 1939 P E Lecoq de Boisbaudran 1886 P E Lecoq de Boisbaudran 1875 Clemens Winkler 1886 prehistoric Dirk Coster and G von Hevesy 1923 disputed by Russia and USA Darmstadt Institute for Heavy Ion Research 1984 William Ramsay 1895 Soret, Delafontaine and Cleve 1878/9 Cavendish 1766 but Lavoisier named it Ferdinand Reich and Theo Richter 1863 Bernard Courtois 1811 Smithson Tennant 1804 prehistoric W Ramsay and Morris W Travers 1898 Carl Gustav Mosander 1839 Berkeley University, California, 1961 prehistoric Johan August Arfvedson 1817 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia Carl Auer von Welsbach and G Urbain 1907/8 Humphry Davy 1808 Carl W Scheele and Johan Gahn 1774 Darmstadt Institute for Heavy Ion Research 1982 Berkeley University, California, 1955 prehistoric Peter Jacob Hjelm 1782 Carl Auer von Welsbach 1885 W Ramsay and Morris W Travers 1898 Edwin McMillan and Philip Abelson 1940 Baron Axel Frederik Cronstedt 1751 discovered by Charles Hatchett 1801; first isolated by C W Blomstrand Daniel Rutherford 1772 Berkeley University, California, 1958 Smithson Tennant 1804 Scheele/Priestley 1772/4; Lavoisier name William Hyde Wollaston 1803 Hennig Brand 1669 known to the ancients; first reported by A de Ulloa in South America 1736 Berkeley University, California, 1940 Marie Curie 1898


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potassium praseodymium promethium protactinium radium radon rhenium rhodium roentgenium rubidium ruthenium rutherfordium samarium scandium seaborgium selenium silicon silver sodium strontium sulphur tantalum technetium

K Pr Pm Pa Ra Rn Re Rh Rg Rb Ru Rf Sm Sc Sg Se Si Ag Na Sr S Ta Tc

19 59 61 91 88 86 75 45 111 37 44 104 62 21 106 34 14 47 11 38 16 73 43

potash green twin Prometheus first actinium ray radium rhine rose Wilhelm Roentgen dark red Russia Ernest Rutherford samarskite Scandinavia Glenn T Seaborg moon hard stone colour silver soda Strontian (Scotland) sulphur Tantalus man-made

tellurium terbium thallium thorium thulium tin titanium

Te Tb Tl Th Tm Sn Ti

52 65 81 90 69 50 22

Earth Ytterby (Sweden) green shoot Thor Thule Anglo-Saxon word Titans

tungsten ununoctium ununpentium ununseptium ununtrium uranium vanadium xenon ytterbium yttrium zinc zirconium

W Uuo Uup Uus Uut U V Xe Yb Y Zn Zr

74 118 115 117 113 92 23 54 70 39 30 40

heavy stone temporary name temporary name temporary name temporary name planet Uranus Norse goddess stranger Ytterby (Sweden) Ytterby (Sweden) German word golden

Humphry Davy 1807 Carl Auer von Welsbach 1885 Marinsky, Glendenin and Coryell 1947 Kasmir Fajans and D Göhring 1913 Pierre and Marie Curie and G Bemont 1898 F Dorn 1901 I Tacke, W Noddack and O Berg 1925 William Hyde Wollaston 1803 Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenber 1994 R Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff 1861 Karl Klaus 1844 but named by G Osann in its impure form in 1827 disputed by Soviet and US scientists P E Lecoq de Boisbaudran 1879 Lars Nilson and Per Teodor Cleve 1879 American and Russian Institutes 1974 Jons Jacob Berzelius 1817 Jons Jacob Berzelius 1824 prehistoric Humphry Davy 1807 Humphry Davy 1808 known to ancients; first recognised as element by Antoine Lavoisier 1777 Anders Gustaf Ekeberg 1802 discovered by C Perrier and E G Segrè of Italy in a sample of molybdenum at Berkeley University, California, 1937 Franz J Müller von Reichenstein 1782 Carl Gustav Mosander 1843 discovered by Sir William Crookes 1861 Jons Jacob Berzelius 1828 Per Teodor Cleve 1879 prehistoric discovered by William Gregor 1771; rediscovered by Martin Heinrich Klaproth (who gave it its present name) 1795 Juan Jose and Fausto Elhuyar 1783 researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers at GSI from Lund University in Sweden Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia Martin Heinrich Klaproth 1789 Nils Gabriel Sefström 1830 W Ramsay and Morris W Travers 1898 J C G de Marignac 1878 Johan Gadolin 1794 known in China and India before 1500 discovered by Martin Klaproth 1789; isolated by J J Berzelius in 1824

Periodic Table of Elements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulphur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton rubidium strontium

H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr

gas gas metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid non-metallic solid gas gas gas gas metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid non-metallic solid non-metallic solid gas gas metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic liquid metalloid solid metalloid solid non-metallic solid non-metallic liquid gas radioactive semi- solid metallic solid

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76


yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antinomy tellurium iodine xenon caesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium

Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os

metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid from molybdenum metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid non-metallic solid solid but sublimates gas metallic liquid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid from uranium metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid

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77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon francium radium actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium

Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk

metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic liquid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid radioactive solid from bismuth gas radioactive liquid radioactive solid from uranium metallic solid from thorium metallic solid from plutonium from uranium-238 from plutonium from plutonium from americium

98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium Ununtrium Flerovium Ununpentium Livermorium Ununseptium Ununoctium

Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Fl Uup Lv Uus Uuo

from cerium from plutonium from plutonium from einsteinium from cerium from californium synthetic metal metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid metallic solid transition metal metallic solid non-metallic solid metallic solid radioactive solid not yet defined not yet defined

Chemistry: General Information atom and molecule: difference atoms are the smallest part of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction; molecules are the smallest particle of either an element or compound that can exist independently and at the same time keep the properties of original substance, e.g. the smallest unit of water is the water molecule, which is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. atom: meaning indivisible. chemical bonds there are two main types of chemical bonding, covalent and ionic, and two more specialised types, metallic and hydrogen bonding. chemical groups there are various ways elements can be subdivided, the most common being metallic and non-metallic. Metallic elements, or their oxides, dissolve in acids to form positively charged ions called cations. Non-metallic elements can be further subdivided into the unreactive noble gases, the reactive halogens, and others. chemical matter: three types compound, mixture or element. chemistry: definition chemistry is the scientific study of substances. isotopes atoms of a given element which have the same number of protons and electrons and the same chemical properties, but have a different number of neutrons in their nuclei, and consequently

different atomic masses. Isotopes may be either stable or radioactive. organic compounds all compounds that contain carbon. All other compounds are inorganic. polymers polymers are long-chain molecules in which a group of atoms are repeated. They can be natural – e.g. cellulose, DNA, fats, proteins and starches – or artificial – e.g. nylon, polystyrene, polythene, PVC, and in fact all by-products of ‘plastics’. states of matter solid, liquid or gas. sub-atomic particles chemical properties of elements depend on the structure of their atoms, which are made up of three sub-atomic particles, protons (positive charge), neutrons and electrons (negative charge). Protons and neutrons are situated in the nucleus of the atom and the electrons orbit this nucleus. The number of protons in the nucleus of an element determines the atomic number used in the periodic table. sublimation occurs when chemical matter changes directly from a solid to a gas without first melting into a liquid. valency property of atoms or groups, equal to the number of atoms of hydrogen that the atom or group will combine with or displace in forming compounds.

Geochemical Abundances of the Elements Lithosphere

oxygen silicon aluminium iron

% 46.60 27.72 8.13 5.00


oxygen hydrogen chlorine sodium

85.70 10.80 1.935 1.078


fluorine astatine bromine iodine chlorine

Noble gases†

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mohs scale of hardness talc gypsum calcite fluorite apatite orthoclase quartz topaz corundum diamond

helium argon radon krypton xenon neon

* Mnemonic: Fab(r)ic all end ine. † Also called inert or rare gases.

NB The table listing the chemical elements in alphabetical order contains the name of the person who discovered or first isolated the element. This may be different from the person who first prepared the chemical, e.g. chlorine was first prepared (from hydrochloric acid and manganese dioxide) by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1774 and was considered a compound until Sir Humphry Davy showed that it could not in fact be decomposed and that muriatic (hydrochloric) acid consists of hydrogen and another true element that he named chlorine.


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Mathematics: General Information algebra method of solving mathematical problems by the use of symbols when figures are inadequate due to their size or unknown nature. angles less than 90° = acute; more than 90° = obtuse; more than 180° = reflex. Archimedes’ principle states that any body submerged in a fluid at rest is acted upon by an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. binary numbers Comparison of decimal and binary numbers (decimal first) 1 = 1, 2 = 10, 3 = 11, 4 = 100, 5 = 101, 6 = 110, 7 = 111, 8 = 1000, 9 = 1001, 10 = 1010. books Euclid – Elements; Bertrand Russell (with A N Whitehead) - Principia Mathematica; Sir Isaac Newton – Principia. calculus branch of mathematics that permits the manipulation of continuously varying quantities. Subdivided into integral and differential. Calculus (which is Latin for pebble) was independently invented by Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton. circle: parts of chord = a line that joins two points of a circle; diameter = the longest chord of a circle; radius = point from centre of circle to perimeter; sector = portion of circle between centre and two points on perimeter; segment = portion of a circle between a chord and the perimeter. Circumference of a circle = 2 x pi x the radius (or pi x the diameter); the area of a circle = pi x radius2. complex number number having a real and an imaginary part, e.g. 5 + 3i coordinates technical names for graph coordinates are abscissa (the horizontal x) and ordinate (the vertical y coordinate). cylinder solid figure with straight sides and a circular section. Area of a cylinder = 2 x pi x radius x height + 2 x pi x radius squared. Volume = the area of the base x the height. ellipse an ellipse is a closed conic section with the appearance of a flattened circle. It is formed by an inclined plane that does not intersect the base of the cone. factorial the factorial of a number is the product of all the whole numbers inclusive between 1 and the number itself; the symbol is ! e.g. 6! = 1 x2 x 3 x 4 x5 x6 = 720. factors a factor is a number that divides exactly into another number, e.g. 6 divides exactly into 48 eight times; thus both 6 and 8 are factors of 48. Fibonacci numbers sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of its two predecessors, e.g. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. game theory branch of mathematics used to analyse competitive situations whose outcomes depend not only on one’s own choices, and perhaps chance, but also on the choices made by other parties, or ‘players’. Modern game theory was created practically at one stroke by the publication in 1944 of Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour by the mathematician John von Neumann and the economist Oskar Morgenstern. geometry branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, and solids. Euclid’s Elements, written about 330 BC, is the definitive origin of the subject. hexadecimal system base 16, uses digits 0–9 plus letters A–F to denote numbers 10 to 15. imaginary number the square root of –1 is denoted by the letter i, so i2 = –1; real multiples of i, such as 3i, 2.3i, etc., are known as imaginary numbers. line: definition a line is length without breadth. logarithms system invented by John Napier whereby multiplication and division of large

numbers are made simple by substituting the operations of addition and subtraction. matrix set of numbers arranged in rows and columns so as to form a rectangular array. The numbers are called the elements, or entries, of the matrix. Term was introduced by C19 English mathematician Arthur Cayley, who developed the algebraic aspect of matrices. mean in a series of values in a distribution the mean is the average value of all the values: e.g. in a series such as 1, 4, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 the mean would be 6. median in a series of values in a distribution the median is the middle value in order of size: e.g. in a series such as 1, 4, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 the median would be 5. In an even numbered sample the median is the mean of the central two numbers. mode in a series of values in a distribution the mode is the most frequently occurring value: e.g. in a series such as 1, 4, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 the mode would be 4. numbers chiliad – 1,000; myriad – 10,000; lakh – 100,000; crore – 10,000,000; billion – 1,000,000,000,000 (USA 1,000,000,000); googol – one followed by a hundred noughts; googolplex – one followed by a googol of noughts. octal system base 8; uses digits 0–7: e.g. 31 in base 10 would be 37 in base 8. parabola curve formed by cutting a right circular cone with a plane parallel to the sloping side of the cone. parallelogram quadrilateral with opposite pairs of sides equal in length and parallel. When all sides are of the same length it is known as a rhombus. The area of a parallelogram is base ˜ height. perfect numbers perfect numbers are equal to the sum of all their factors excluding the number itself, e.g. 6, whose factors are 1, 2, and 3. The first five perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128, and 33,550,336. pi ( ) pi has been measured to many thousands of decimal places but to six places = 3.141592. It is a transcendental number. polygons the sum of the interior angles = (2n – 4) x 90° where n = the number of sides. The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon = 360° regardless of the number of sides (an exterior angle of a polygon is the angle between one side extended and the adjacent side): e.g. triangle = 180°; quadrilateral = 360°; pentagon = 540°; hexagon = 720°; octagon = 1080°; nonagon = 1260°; decagon = 1440°; hendecagon = 1620°; dodecagon = 1800°; icosagon = 3240°. polyhedron solid figure with 4 or more faces. prime number a natural number (over 1) that has no proper factors, i.e. which cannot be divided by any natural numbers other than itself and 1 – e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 prism solid figure (polyhedron) with 2 equal polygonal faces in parallel planes, other faces being parallelograms. The volume of a prism = the area of either end ˜ the perpendicular distance between the ends. pyramid a solid figure whose base is a polygon and whose apex is joined to each vertex of the base. Therefore all its faces, apart from the base, are triangles. Any pyramid can be fitted inside a prism so that the base of the pyramid is one end of the prism, and the apex of the pyramid is on the other end of the prism. The volume of a pyramid on a rectangular base = 13 length x breadth x height. Pythagoras’ theorem in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.


quadratic equation equation containing as its highest power the square of a single unknown variable. Formula is ax2 + bx + c = 0, in which a, b, and c are constants and only the coefficient a cannot equal 0. rational number number that can be written in the form ab, where a and b are integers and b is not equal to zero. Reciprocal (of a quantity) that quantity divided into 1; thus the reciprocal of 2 is 12. rhombus diamond-shaped plane figure, a parallelogram with four equal sides and no right angles. The area of a rhombus = 12 the product of the diagonals. simultaneous equations two or more algebraic equations that contain two or more unknown quantities and are simultaneously true, e.g. x + 3y = 6 and 3y – 2x = 4. The solution is to eliminate one of the variables by multiplying the first equation by 2 and adding the two equations to give 9y = 16. sine in trigonometry, of an angle in a rightangled triangle, the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the hypotenuse. sphere circular solid with all points on its surface the same distance from its centre. The surface area = 4 x pi x radius squared. Volume = 43 pi xradius cubed A little-known fact about the sphere is that the area of any zone of its curved surface lying between two parallel planes is exactly equal to the curved surface of the surrounding cylinder between the same two planes. standard deviation in statistics, a measure of the variability (dispersion or spread) of any set of numerical values about their arithmetic mean. It is specifically defined as the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squared deviations. tetrahedron solid figure with four triangular faces, i.e. a pyramid on a triangular base. The volume of a tetrahedron = 13 (the area of the triangular base x height). topology branch of geometry which deals with those properties of a figure which remain unchanged even when the figure is continuously transformed. A famous topological problem was to prove that only three colours are needed to produce a map to give adjoining areas different colours. transcendental number real number that is not a root of a polynomial equation with integer coefficients. trapezium four-sided quadrilateral with two parallel sides of unequal length. The area of a trapezium = 12 the sum of the parallel sides x the perpendicular distance between them. To find the area three measurements have to be taken, i.e. the height between the pair of parallel sides and the length of both of the parallel sides. If a and b are the two sides the formula would be 12 (a + b)h. triangle Three-sided plane figure; scalene triangles have no two sides equal; isosceles triangles have two equal sides and angles, equilateral triangles have three equal sides and angles. The area of a triangle = 12 base xheight, however it is possible to calculate the area from the length of its sides using an Archimedean formula square root of (s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c)) where s = half the sum of the sides. trigonometry branch of mathematics which solves problems relating to plane and spherical triangles. vector physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction, such as velocity or acceleration of an object. Venn diagrams diagram representing sets and the logical relationships between them. Sets are drawn as circles whose overlap contains elements that are common to both sets and thus represent a third set.

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Physics: SI Units (Système International d’Unités) Base units Quantity













electric current



1,650,763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of the red-orange light given out by the krypton-86 isotope. Mass of international prototype of the kilogram, at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures at Sèvres, near Paris. Duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom. That constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 metre apart in a vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 ˜10–7 newtons per metre of length. The fraction 1273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water. The triple point of water is the point where water, ice and water vapour are in equilibrium. The luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 ˜ 1012 Hz, and has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1683 watts per steradian. Amount of substance of a system that contains as many elementary entities (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.) as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon-12.

thermodynamic temperature kelvin


luminous intensity



amount of substance



plane angle



solid angle



Supplementary units The plane angle between two radii of a circle that cut off on the circumference an arc equal in length to the radius. The solid angle that, having its vertex in the centre of a sphere, cuts off an area of the surface of the sphere equal to that of a square having sides of length equal to the radius of the sphere.

Derived Units Quantity



area volume velocity angular velocity acceleration angular acceleration frequency density momentum angular momentum moment of inertia force pressure (stress) work (energy) power surface tension dynamic viscosity kinematic viscosity temperature thermal coefficient of linear expansion thermal conductivity heat capacity specific heat capacity specific latent heat electrical charge electromotive force (potential difference) electrical resistance electrical conductance electrical capacitance inductance magnetic flux magnetic flux density magnetomotive force luminous flux illumination radiation activity radiation absorbed dose

square metre cubic metre metre per second radian per second metre per second squared radian per second squared hertz kilogram per cubic metre kilogram metre per second kilogram metre squared per second kilogram metre squared newton pascal joule watt newton per metre newton second per metre squared metre squared per second degree Celsius per degree Celsius (or kelvin)

m2 m3 m·s–1 rad s–1 m·s–2 rad s–2 Hz kg·m–3 kg·m·s–1 kg·m2·s–1 kg·m2 N Pa J W N·m–1 N·s·m–2 m2·s–1 °C °C–1, K–1

watt per metre degree Celsius joule per kelvin joule per kilogram kelvin joule per kilogram coulomb volt

W·m–1·°C–1 J·K–1 J·kg–1·K–1 J·kg–1 C V

kg·m·s–3·°C–1 kg·m2·s–2·K–1 m2·s–2K–1 m2 s–2 A·s W·A–1 = kg·m2·s–3·A–1

ohm siemens farad henry weber tesla ampere lumen lux becquerel gray

 S F H Wb T A Lm Lx Bq Gy

V·A–1 = kg·m2·s–3·A–2 A·V–1 = kg–1·m–2·s3·A2 A·s·V–1 = kg–1·m–2·s4·A2 V·s·A–1 = kg·m2·s–2·A–2 V·s = kg·m2·s–2·A–1 Wb·m–2 = kg·s–2·A–1


Other SI Units


kg·m·s–2 N·m–2 = kg·m–1·s–2 N·m = kg·m2·s–2 J·s–1 = kg·m2·s–3 kg·s–2 kg·m–1·s–1

cd·sr lm·m–2 = cd·sr·m–2 s–1 J·kg–1 = m2·s–2

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Physics: General Information Avogadro’s law law stating that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules. Avogadro’s constant the number of atoms or molecules in one mole of a substance. baryon subatomic particle that has a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton. Bernoulli’s principle the principle that in a liquid flowing through a pipe the pressure difference that accelerates the flow when the bore changes is equal to the product of half the density times the change of the square of the speed, provided friction is negligible. Named after Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician and physician 1700–82. Coriolis effect an effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system is accelerated perpendicular to its motion and to the axis of rotation, which helps to explain why wind patterns are clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern. Named after French engineer G G Coriolis 1792–1843. Doppler effect phenomenon observed for sound waves and electromagnetic radiation, characterised by a change in the apparent frequency of a wave as a result of relative motion between the observer and the source. entropy measure of the unavailability of a system’s thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as a measure of the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. fermion any of several subatomic particles with half-integral spin, e.g. nucleons. Feynman diagram diagram of interactions between subatomic particles. Named after Richard Feynman, US physicist (1918–88). Foucault’s pendulum pendulum which rotates in relation to the Earth’s surface and thus changes its plane in relation to the position of the Earth’s rotational plane. The pendulum swings in a clockwise plane in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern, and on the equator would therefore be stationary. This mathematical effect explains the trajectory of moving objects through the air. Named after Jean Bernard Foucault (1819–68), who set up the first pendulum. General relativity Einstein’s theory that the effects of acceleration and gravity were equivalent. Heisenberg uncertainty principle principle that the momentum and position of a particle cannot both be precisely determined at the same time. Latent heat heat required to convert a solid into a liquid or vapour, or a liquid into vapour, without change of temperature. Matter: four fundamental forces interactions between matter can be explained by four forces. 1) Gravitational: weakest of the four forces, whereby masses mutually attract. Gravity is the force that holds solar systems and galaxies together. 2) Electromagnetic: force maintaining the magnetic field and the electron-nucleus structure of an atom.

3) Strong: about 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force, it holds together the protons and neutrons within an atomic nucleus. 4) Weak: force associated with the radioactive beta-decay of some nuclei. Matter: three fundamental states gas, solid, liquid. Newton’s three laws of motion 1) A body will remain stationary or travelling at a constant velocity unless it is acted upon by an external force. 2) The resultant force exerted on a body is directly proportional to the acceleration produced by the force and takes place in the direction of the force. 3) To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Pauli exclusion principle the assertion that no two electrons in an atom can occupy the same energy state simultaneously, or in other words, that no two fermions can have the same quantum number. Named after Wolfgang Pauli, Austrian physicist (1900–58). Physics: definition physics is the study of the basic laws that govern matter. Quantum theory describes the behaviour of particles within atoms and the absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation by matter in its various states. Schrödinger’s cat hypothetical situation whereby a cat is placed inside a box for one hour with a radioactive atom whose probability of decay is 50% per hour. If the atom decays a Geiger counter triggers a mechanism breaking a cyanide capsule and killing the cat. If the atom does not decay the cat remains alive. Quantum theory suggests that until the box is opened at the end of the hour, the cat is neither alive nor dead. Special relativity states that nothing can exceed the speed of light, which is the same in all inertial time frames, and that all inertial time frames are equally good for carrying out experiments. Thermodynamics: three laws 1) First law states that the total amount of energy in any closed system always remains the same. 2) Second law states that heat will always flow from a hotter object to a colder one and not the other way round. 3) Third law states that on approaching absolute zero, extracting energy from a system becomes increasingly harder. Venturi tube device for measuring fluid flow, consisting of a tube so constricted that the pressure differential produced by fluid flowing through the constriction gives a measure of the rate of flow. Wheatstone bridge apparatus for measuring electrical resistances by equalising the potential at two points of a circuit. Young’s modulus measure of elasticity equal to the ratio of the stress acting on a substance to the strain produced. Named after Thomas Young, English scientist (1773–1829). Zeeman effect the splitting of the spectrum line into several components by a magnetic field. Named after Pieter Zeeman, Dutch physicist (1865–1943).


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SHAKESPEARE Plays 1 All’s Well That Ends Well The Persons of The Play The Dowager COUNTESS of Roussillon BERTRAM, Count of Roussillon, her son HELEN, an orphan, attending the Countess LAVATCH, a clown, the Countess’s servant REYNALDO, the Countess’s steward PAROLES, Bertram’s companion LAFEU, an old lord The KING of France

FIRST LORD DUMAINE SECOND LORD DUMAINE, his brother INTERPRETER, a French soldier The DUKE of Florence WIDOW Capilet DIANA, her daughter MARIANA, a friend of the widow Lords, attendants, soldiers, citizens

Quotations A young man married is a man that’s marr’d. From lowest place when virtuous things proceed. I have an answer will serve all men. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. Oft expectation fails and most oft there where most it promises. Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie which we ascribe to heaven. Praising what is lost makes the remembrance dear. The hind that would be mated by the lion must die for love. The web of our life is of a mingled yarn. There’s a place and means for every man alive. ’Twere all one that I should love a bright particular star.

Spoken by Paroles King of France Lavatch Countess of Roussillon Helen Helen King of France Helen First Lord Dumaine Paroles Helen

Précis of plot Helen, the daughter of a poor physician, Gerard de Narbonne, falls in love with Bertram, son of her guardian the Countess of Roussillon. Helen uses her magic to cure the King of France and as a reward he brings about the marriage of Helen and Bertram. The marriage is doomed to fail when Bertram takes flight to the Tuscan wars, and it is only consummated when Bertram seduces Helen in the guise of the Florentine maiden Diana. Setting France and Italy in the 14th century 2 Antony and Cleopatra Mark ANTONY, Triumvir of Rome Friends and followers of Antony: VENTIDIUS SILIUS EROS CAMIDIUS SCARUS DECRETAS Domitius ENOBARBUS DEMETRIUS PHILO SELEUCUS Octavius CAESAR, Triumvir of Rome OCTAVIA, his sister Friends and followers of Caesar: MAECENAS AGRIPPA TAURUS DOLABELLA THIDIAS GALLUS PROCULEIUS LEPIDUS, Triumvir of Rome Sextus POMPEY (Pompeius)

Friends of Pompey: MENECRATES MENAN VARRIUS CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt Cleopatra’s attendants: CHARMIAN IRAS ALEXAS DIOMED MARDIAN, a eunuch SOOTHSAYER AMBASSADOR MESSENGERS BOY who sings SENTRY and men of his WATCH Men of the GUARD EGYPTIAN CLOWN SERVANTS SOLDIERS Attendants, eunuchs, soldiers

Quotations Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety. Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent. Come thou monarch of the vine, plumpy Bacchus with pink eyne! Dost thou not see my baby at my breast. Finish, good lady; the bright day is done, and we are for the dark. Give me my robe, put on my crown; I have immortal longings in me. He wears the rose of youth upon him. His biting is immortal; those that do die of it seldom or never recover. His legs bestrid the ocean: his rear’d arm crested the world: his voice was propertied. I am dying, Egypt, dying; only I here importune death a while until of many thousand kisses the poor last I lay upon thy lips. I found you as a morsel cold upon dead Caesar’s trencher.


Spoken by Enobarbus Cleopatra Boy (sung) Cleopatra Iras Cleopatra Antony Clown Cleopatra Antony Antony

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I have yet room for six scotches more. I saw her once hop forty paces through the public street; and having lost her breath, she spoke, and panted, that she did make defect perfection. I wish you joy o’ the worm. If thou and nature can so gently part, the stroke of death is as a lover’s pinch. In nature’s infinite book of secrecy little can I read. In time we hate that which we often fear. It is well done, and fitting for a princess descended of so many royal kings. Let’s have one other gaudy night. My salad days, when I was green in judgement, cold in blood. Now boast thee, death, in thy possession lies a lass unparalleled. Out, fool – I forgive thee for a witch. O, wither’d is the garland of the war. The soldier’s pole is fall’n: young boys and girls are level now with men. The odds is gone. Sometime we see a cloud that’s dragonish, a vapour sometime like a bear or lion, a towered citadel, a pendant rock, a fork’d mountain, or blue promontory with trees upon’t. The barge she sat in, like a burnish’d throne, burn’d on the water. The nature of bad news infects the teller. There’s beggary in the love that can be reckon’d. Though I am mad I will not bite him. Call! Though it be honest, it is never good to bring bad news. To business that we love we rise betime, and go to’t with delight Unarm, Eros; the long day’s task is done, and we must sleep What’s brave, what’s noble, let’s do it after the high Roman fashion, and make death proud to take us. Where’s my serpent of old Nile.

Scarus Enobarbus Clown Cleopatra Soothsayer Charmian Charmian Antony Cleopatra Charmian Charmian Cleopatra Antony Enobarbus Messenger Antony Cleopatra Cleopatra Antony Antony Cleopatra Cleopatra

Précis of plot The second triumvirate is disintegrating and Mark Antony becomes infatuated with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. The play tells of the sea fight between Antony and Octavius near Actium and Antony’s subsequent suicide, believing Cleopatra dead. Cleopatra too commits suicide rather than be captured by Octavius. Setting Rome and Alexandria in the 1st century BC. 3 As You Like It DUKE SENIOR, living in banishment ROSALIND, his daughter, later disguised as Ganymede AMIENS, Lord attending on Duke Senior JAQUES, Lord attending on Duke Senior TWO PAGES DUKE FREDERICK CELIA, his daughter, later disguised as Aliena LE BEAU, a courtier attending on Duke Frederick CHARLES, Duke Frederick’s wrestler TOUCHSTONE, a jester OLIVER, eldest son of Sir Rowland de Bois JAQUES, Oliver’s brother

ORLANDO, Oliver’s brother ADAM, a former servant of Sir Rowland DENIS, Oliver’s servant SIR OLIVER MARTEXT, a country clergyman CORIN, an old shepherd SILVIUS, a young shepherd, in love with Phoebe PHOEBE, a shepherdess WILLIAM, a countryman, in love with Audrey AUDREY, a goatherd, betrothed to Touchstone HYMEN, God of marriage Lords, pages, and other attendants

Quotations All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.They have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. And rail’d on Lady Fortune in good terms And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, and then from hour to hour, we rot and rot; and thereby hangs a tale. An ill-favoured thing, sir, but mine own. Ay, now am I in Ardenne; the more fool I. When I was at home I was in a better place; but travellers must be content. Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. Blow, blow, thou winter wind, thou are not so unkind as man’s ingratitude. But whate’er you are that in this desert inaccessible under the shade of melancholy boughs, lose and neglect the creeping hours of time. Chewing the food of sweet and bitter fancy. Dead shepherd, now I find thy saw of might, ‘Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?’ Down on your knees, and thank heaven, fasting, for a good man’s love. Do you not know I am a woman? when I think I must speak, sweet, say on. Every one fault seeming monstrous till his fellow-fault came to match it. Fleet the time carelessly, as they did in the golden world. For in my youth I never did apply hot and rebellious liquors to my blood Hast any philosophy in thee, shepherd? He that wants money, means and content is without three good friends. He uses his folly like a stalking-horse and under the presentation of that he shoots his wit. How now, wit! whither wander you? I am not a slut, though I thank the gods I am foul. I can suck melancholy out of a song, as a weasel sucks eggs. I do desire we may be better strangers.


Spoken by Jaques Jaques Jaques Touchstone Touchstone Rosalind Amiens (sung) Orlando Oliver Phoebe (quoting Marlowe’s ‘Hero and Leander’) Rosalind Rosalind Rosalind Charles Adam Touchstone Corin Duke Senior Celia Audrey Jaques Orlando

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If ever – as that ever may be near – you meet in some fresh cheek the power of fancy, then shall you know the wounds invisible that love’s keen arrows make. If it be true that good wine needs no bush ’tis true that a good play needs no epilogue. If thou remember’st not the slightest folly that ever love did make thee run into, thou hast not loved. I had rather have a fool to make me merry than experience to make me sad. I must have liberty withal, as large a charter as the wind, to blow on whom I please. It is a melancholy of mine own, compounded of many simples, extracted from many objects, and indeed the sundry contemplation of my travels, in which my often rumination wraps me in a most humorous sadness. It is meat and drink to me to see a clown. It is to be all made of faith and service. It is to be all made of fantasy, all made of passion. It is to be all made of sighs and tears. Men are April when they woo, December when they wed, maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. Men have died from time to time and worms have eaten them, but not for love. Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly. Motley’s the only wear. My lungs began to crow like chanticleer, that fools should be so deepcontemplative, and I did laugh sans intermission an hour by his dial. ‘No sir,’ quoth he, ‘Call me not fool till heaven hath sent me fortune’ and then he drew a dial from his poke, and, looking on it with lack-lustre eye, says very wisely ‘it is ten o’ clock thus we may see,’ quoth he, ‘how the world wags.’ No sooner met but they looked; no sooner looked but they loved; no sooner loved but they sighed; no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason, no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy. O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes! O, how full of briers is this working-day world! O Sir, we quarrel in print, by the book; as you have books for good manners. I will name you the degrees. The first, the Retort Courteous; the second, the Quip Modest; the third, the Reply Churlish; the fourth, the Reproof Valiant; the fifth, the Countercheck Quarrelsome; the sixth, the Lie with Circumstance; the seventh, the Lie Direct. that, out of all whooping! Speak, sad brow and true maid. Sweep on, you fat and greasy citizens. Sweet are the uses of adversity, which like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in its head; and this our life exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. The big round tears coursed one another down his innocent nose in piteous chase. The fair, the chaste and unexpressive she. The horn, the horn, the lusty horn is not a thing to laugh to scorn. Therefore my age is as a lusty winter, frosty, but kindly. The ‘why’ is plain as way to parish church. This is the very false gallop of the verses. Thou mak’st a testament as worldlings do, giving thy sum of more to that which had too much. Time travels in divers paces with divers persons. Truly, I would the gods had made thee poetical. Truly thou art damned, like an ill-roasted egg all on one side. Under the greenwood tree, who loves to lie with me, and turn his merry note, unto the sweet bird’s throat, Come hither, come hither, come hither. Here shall he see: no enemy, but winter and rough weather. Very good orators, when they are out, they will spit. We’ll have a swashing and a martial outside, as many other mannish cowards have, that do outface it with their semblances. Well said: that was laid on with a trowel. We that are true lovers run into strange capers. Who doth ambition shun and loves to live i’ the sun seeking the food he eats and pleased with what he gets. Your ‘if’ is the only peacemaker; much virtue in ‘if’.

Rosalind Silvius Rosalind Jaques Jaques Touchstone Silvius Silvius Silvius Rosalind Rosalind Amiens (sung) Jaques Jaques Jaques Rosalind Orlando Rosalind Touchstone

Rosalind First Lord Duke Senior

First Lord Orlando Lords (sung) Adam Jaques Touchstone First Lord Rosalind Touchstone Touchstone Amiens (sung) Rosalind Rosalind Celia Touchstone Chorus Touchstone

Précis of plot The story of the love between a high-born maiden, Rosalind, oppressed by her uncle Duke Frederick, who has usurped his elder brother’s dukedom, and Orlando, the third and youngest son of Duke Frederick’s enemy Sir Rowland de Bois, himself oppressed by his tyrannical elder brother Oliver. Sub-plots include the romantic liaisons between Touchstone and Audrey, Celia and Oliver, and Silvius and Phoebe. Setting The Forest of Arden (possibly Ardenne). 4 The Comedy of Errors Solinus, DUKE of Ephesus EGEON, father of the Antipholus twins ANTIPHOLUS OF EPHESUS, Egeon’s son ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE, twin brother

ANGELO, a goldsmith BALTHASAR, a merchant A COURTESAN Doctor PINCH, a schoolmaster and exorcist


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DROMIO OF EPHESUS DROMIO OF SYRACUSE, his twin brother ADRIANA, wife of Antipholus of Ephesus LUCIANA, her sister NELL, Adriana’s kitchen-maid

MERCHANT OF EPHESUS SECOND MERCHANT, Angelo’s creditor EMILIA, an abbess at Ephesus Officers and attendants Jailer, messenger, headsman

Quotations A wretched soul, bruised with adversity. The pleasing punishment that women bear.

Spoken by Adriana Egeon

Précis of plot The Comedy of Errors is a true farce, in as much as the unlikely situations stretch the imagination of the audience. But the play itself is probably the most classically constructed of any of Shakespeare’s works. The action all takes place within a few hours and revolves around the mistaken identity of twin brothers and their bondmen, who also happen to be twins. The audience are further tested intellectually by the long-lost brothers sharing the same names as do their servants. Setting Ephesus circa 14th century. 5 Coriolanus Caius MARTIUS, later surnamed CORIOLANUS MENENIUS Agrippa Titus LARTIUS, a General COMINIUS, a General VOLUMNIA, Coriolanus’ mother VIRGILIA, his wife YOUNG MARTIUS, his son VALERIA, a chaste lady of Rome SICINIUS Velutus, tribune Junius BRUTUS, tribune CITIZENS of Rome SOLDIERS in the Roman army Tullus AUFIDIUS, General of the Volscian army

His LIEUTENANT His SERVINGMEN CONSPIRATORS with Aufidius Volscian LORDS Volscian CITIZENS SOLDIERS in the Volscian army ADRIAN, a Roman NICANOR, a Volscian A Roman HERALD MESSENGERS AEDILES Gentlewoman, usher, Volscian Senators, Roman Captains, officers and lictors

Quotations Bid them wash their faces and keep their teeth clean. Chaste as the icicle that’s candied by the frost from purest snow and hangs on Diana’s temple. Hear you this Triton of the minnows? His nature is too noble for the world. He would not flatter Neptune for his trident. If you have writ your annals true, ’tis there that, like an eagle in a dove-cote, I fluttered your Volscians in Corioles. Alone I did it. ‘Boy’! I thank you for your voices, thank you, your most sweet voices. Look, sir, my wounds, I got them in my country’s service when some certain of your brethren roar’d and ran from the noise of our own drums. My gracious silence, hail! O, a kiss long as my exile, sweet as my revenge! You common cry of curs! whose breath I hate.

Spoken by Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Menenius Coriolanus Third citizen Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus Coriolanus

Précis of plot Caius Marcius is granted the cognomen of Coriolanus for his fearlessness in the Roman struggle against the neighbouring Volsci, but this brave but tyrannical warrior ultimately rebels and the subsequent intrigues form the basis of the plot. Setting Rome circa 5th century BC, Corioli, Antium. 6 Cymbeline, King of Britain CYMBELINE, King of Britain Princess INNOGEN, his daughter GUIDERIUS, Cymbeline’s son, known as Polydore ARVIRAGUS, Cymbeline’s son, known as Cadwal QUEEN, Cymbeline’s wife, Innogen’s stepmother Lord CLOTEN, the Queen’s son BELARIUS, a banished Lord, calling himself Morgan CORNELIUS, a physician HELEN, a lady attending on Innogen Two LORDS, attending on Cloten Two GENTLEMEN Two British CAPTAINS Two JAILERS POSTHUMUS Leonatus, Innogen’s husband PISANIO, his servant FILARIO, a friend of Posthumus

Filario’s friends: FRENCHMAN DUTCHMAN SPANIARD GIACOMO, an Italian Caius LUCIUS, ambassador, later General Two Roman SENATORS Roman TRIBUNES Philharmonus, a SOOTHSAYER JUPITER Ghost of SICILIUS Leonatus, father of Posthumus Ghost of the MOTHER of Posthumus Ghosts of the BROTHERS of Posthumus Lords attending Cymbeline, ladies attending the Queen, musicians, messengers, soldiers

Quotations Fear no more the heat o’ th’ sun, nor the furious winter’ rages. Thou thy worldly task hast done, home art gone and ta’en thy wages. Golden lads and girls all must, as chimney-sweepers, come to dust. Hark, hark! the lark at heaven’s gate sings, and Phoebus gins arise. I have not slept one wink. Prouder than rustling in unpaid-for silk.


Spoken by Guiderius Musician (sung) Pisanio Belarius

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Slander, whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue outvenoms all the worms of Nile, whose breath rides on the posting winds and doth belie all corners of the world. The natural bravery of your isle, which stands as Neptune’s park, ribbed and paled in, with banks unscalable and roaring waters. There will be many Caesars, ere such another Julius. Britain’s a world by itself, and we will nothing pay for wearing our own noses. The sceptre, learning, physic, must all follow this, and come to dust Weariness can snore upon the flint, when resty sloth finds the down pillow hard. With fairest flowers whilst summer lasts and I live here Fidele, I’ll sweeten thy sad grave; thou shalt not lack the flower that’s like thy face, pale primrose, nor the azured harebell, like thy veins, no, nor the leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, out-sweeten’d not thy breath.

Pisanio Queen Cloten Arviragus Belarius Arviragus

Précis of plot Cymbeline is a tragicomedy full of intrigues and sub-plots, the most notable concerning the wager between Giacomo and Posthumus regarding the chastity of Posthumus’ wife Innogen. The subsequent ‘death’ and awakening of Innogen are central to the events that happily conclude this fantasy. Setting Britain and Rome circa 1st century AD. NB Cymbeline’s daughter’s name is given in the folio as Imogen, but this is thought to be a misprint. 7 Hamlet Prince HAMLET, son of King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude GHOST of Hamlet, late King of Denmark KING CLAUDIUS, his brother QUEEN GERTRUDE of Denmark, wife of Claudius POLONIUS, a Lord LAERTES, son of Polonius OPHELIA, a daughter of Polonius REYNALDO, servant of Polonius FORTINBRAS, Prince of Norway A CAPTAIN in his army AMBASSADORS from England PLAYERS, who play the Prologue, King and Queen, and Lucianus, in ‘The Mousetrap’ Lords, messengers, attendants, guards, soldiers followers of Laertes, sailors Two CLOWNS, gravedigger and his companion


Quotations A beast, that wants discourse of reason, would have mourned longer. A certain convocation of political worms are e’en at him. A countenance more in sorrow than in anger. A king of shreds and patches. Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio – a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. A little more than kin, and less than kind. A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm. A man that fortune’s buffets and rewards, hath ta’en with equal thanks. And then it started like a guilty thing upon a fearful summons. And these few precepts in thy memory keep. And to my mind – though I am native here, and to the manner born, it is a custom more honoured in the breach than the observance. Angels and ministers of grace defend us. Assume a virtue, if you have it not. A was a man. Take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again. Ay, springes to catch woodcocks. Be all my sins remembered. Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks. Be somewhat scanter of your maiden presence. Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Get thee to a nunnery, go, farewell. Beware of entrance to a quarrel, but being in, bear’t that the opposed may be aware of thee. Brevity is the soul of wit. But I am pigeon-liver’d and lack gall to make oppression bitter. But I have that within which passeth show – these but the trappings and the suits of woe. But in the gross and scope of my opinion, this bodes some strange eruption to our state. But, look, the morn, in russet mantle clad, walks o’er the dew of yon high eastern hill. But soft! methinks I scent the morning air. But that I am forbid to tell the secrets of my prison-house, I could a tale unfold. Come, give us a taste of your quality. Cudgel thy brains no more about it. Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin. Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, show me the steep and thorny way to heaven.


Spoken by Hamlet Hamlet Horatio Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Horatio Polonius Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Polonius Hamlet Hamlet Polonius Hamlet Polonius Polonius Hamlet Hamlet Horatio Horatio Ghost Ghost Hamlet First Clown Ghost Ophelia

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Doubt thou the stars are fire; doubt that the sun doth move; doubt truth to be a liar; but never doubt I love. For this relief much thanks; tis bitter cold and I am sick at heart. Frailty thy name is woman. Give it an understanding but no tongue. Give me that man that is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him in my heart’s core, ay, in my heart of heart, as I do thee. God’s bodykins, man, much better. Use every man after his desert, and who should ’scape whipping? Hath oped his ponderous and marble jaws. His greatness weighed, his will is not his own. How now, a rat? dead for a ducat, dead. I am but mad north-north-west; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. I do not set my life at a pin’s fee. I doubt some foul play. I have heard of your paintings too, well enough. God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another. I have thought some of nature’s journeymen had made men and not made them well, they impersonated humanity so abominably. Imperious Caesar, dead, and turn’d to clay. Might stop a hole to keep the wind away. I must be cruel only to be kind. In my mind’s eye, Horatio. In the dead waste and middle of the night. It goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory. It is not nor it cannot come to good. But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue. It out-Herods Herod. It was as I have seen it in his life, a sable silver’d. It will discourse most excellent music. I will speak daggers to her, but use none. Look with what courteous action, it wafts you to a more removed ground. Marry, this is miching malhecho. That means mischief. More matter, with less art. Murder most foul, as in the best it is. Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words. My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. Neither a borrower, nor a lender be. Now cracks a noble heart. Goodnight, sweet prince, and flight of angels sing thee to thy rest. O Hamlet, what a falling off was there! O, my offence is rank! it smells to heaven. O my prophetic soul! mine uncle? On fortune’s cap we are not the very button. O, that this too too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! O, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown! O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I. Rest, rest, perturbed spirit! Seems, madam? nay, it is; I know not ‘seems’. So excellent a king, that was, to this, Hyperion to a satyr: so loving to my mother, that he might not beteem the winds of heaven visit her face too roughly. Some say that ever ’gainst that season comes, wherein our saviour’s birth is celebrated, the bird of dawning singeth all night long. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you. Still harping on my daughter. Suit the action to the word, the word to the action. Take these again; for to the noble mind, rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. Tear a passion to tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings. That he is mad, ’tis true; ’tis true ’tis pity and pity ’tis ’tis true. The best actors in the world, either for tragedy, comedy, history pastoral, pastoricalcomical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited. Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light. The chariest maid is prodigal enough if she unmask her beauty to the moon. The glow-worm shows the matin to be near. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. The mobled queen. The play, I remember, pleased not the million; ’twas caviare to the general. The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray, love, remember. And there is pansies; that’s for thoughts. The rest is silence. O, O, O, O! These are but wild and whirling words, my lord. The time is out of joint. O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right. They are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time. This is the very coinage of your brain. This sweaty haste doth make the night joint-labourer with the day.


Polonius Francisco Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Laertes Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Horatio Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Horatio Hamlet Hamlet Marcellus Hamlet Queen Gertrude Ghost Hamlet King Claudius Polonius Horatio Ghost King Claudius Hamlet Guildenstern Hamlet Hamlet Ophelia Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Marcellus Marcellus Hamlet Polonius Hamlet Ophelia Hamlet Polonius Polonius Laertes Ghost Queen Gertrude Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Ophelia Hamlet Horatio Hamlet Hamlet Queen Gertrude Marcellus

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Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t. Thou know’st ’tis common; all that lives must die. Thrift, thrift, Horatio! the funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables. ’Tis now the very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world. To be, or not to be; that is the question: whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep – no more, and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to – ’tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. Unhand me, gentlemen; by heaven, I’ll make a ghost of him that lets me. Very like a whale. We do it wrong, being so majestical, to offer it the show of violence. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. What, frighted with false fire? What may this mean, that thou, dead corpse, again in complete steel, revisit’st thus the glimpses of the moon, making night hideous. What’s Hecuba to him or he to Hecuba, that he should weep for her? What should such fellows as I do, crawling between earth and heaven. When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions. Whether in sea or fire, in earth or air, the extravagant and erring spirit hies to his confine. While memory holds a seat in this distracted globe. While one with moderate haste might tell a hundred. Whose sore task does not divide the Sunday from the week. Why, let the stricken deer go weep, the hart ungalled play, for some must watch, while some must sleep, so runs the world away. Why, she would hang on him, as if increase of appetite had grown by what it fed on. With devotion’s visage and pious action we do sugar o’er the devil himself. With one auspicious and one dropping eye, with mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage.

Polonius Queen Gertrude Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet

Hamlet Polonius Marcellus Ophelia Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet King Claudius Horatio Hamlet Horatio Marcellus Hamlet Hamlet Polonius King Claudius

Précis of plot King Hamlet has been murdered by his brother Claudius, who has usurped the throne and married Gertrude, the King’s widow. Prince Hamlet gains his revenge by feigning madness and ultimately killing his would-be assassins and Claudius. Setting Denmark. 8 Henry IV Part 1 KING HENRY IV PRINCE HARRY, Prince of Wales, Henry’s son Lord JOHN OF LANCASTER, Henry’s son Earl of WESTMORLAND Sir Walter BLUNT Earl of WORCESTER Percy, Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND, his brother Henry Percy, known as HOTSPUR, Northumberland’s son Kate, LADY PERCY, Hotspur’s wife Lord Edmund MORTIMER, called Earl of March LADY MORTIMER, his wife OWAIN GLYNDWR, Lady Mortimer’s father Mistress Quickly, HOSTESS of an Eastcheap inn Sir Richard VERNON Scrope, ARCHBISHOP of York SIR MICHAEL, member of the Archbishop’s household


Quotations A fellow of no mark nor likelihood. And such a deal of skimble-skamble stuff. A plague of all cowards, I say. A plague of sighing and grief, it blows a man up like a bladder. Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world. By heaven, methinks it were an easy leap. Came there a certain lord, neat and trimly dressed, fresh as a bridegroom, and his chin, new reaped, showed like a stubble-land at harvest-home. He was perfumed like a milliner, and ’twixt his finger and his thumb he held a pouncet-box, which ever and anon he gave his nose and took’t away again. Company, villainous company hath been the spoil of me. Domesday is near: die all, die merrily. Farewell, the latter spring; farewell, All-hallown summer. He made me mad, to see him shine so brisk, and smell so sweet, and talk so like a waiting-gentlewoman, of guns and drums, and wounds, God save the mark! and telling me the sovereign’st thing on earth was parmacity for an inward bruise. He was but as the cuckoo is in June, heard, not regarded. I am bewitched by the rogue’s company. I am not in the role of common men. I am not yet of Percy’s mind, the Hotspur of the North – he that kills me some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast, washes his hands, and says to his wife, ‘Fie upon this quiet life! I want work.’


Spoken by King Henry Hotspur Sir John Sir John Sir John Hotspur Hotspur

Sir John Hotspur Prince Harry Hotspur King Henry Sir John Glyndwr Prince Harry

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I could brain him with his lady’s fan. If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work. If reasons were as plentiful as blackberries. In those holy fields, over whose acres walk’d those blessed feet; which fourteen hundred years ago were nailed, for our advantage, on the bitter cross. I saw young Harry, with his beaver on. It would be argument for a week, laughter for a month, and a good jest forever. I understand thy kisses, and thou mine. Let us be Diana’s foresters, gentlemen of the shade, minions of the moon. Look down into the pomegranate, Ralph! O, the blood more stirs to rouse a lion than to start a hare! Old father antic, the law. So shaken as we are, so wan with care. O, thou hast damnable iteration, and art indeed able to corrupt a saint. O, monstrous! eleven buckram men grown out of two! Tell truth and shame the devil. There lives not three good men unhanged in England, and one of them is fat and grows old. There’s neither honesty, manhood, nor good fellowship in thee. ’Tis my vocation, Hal. ’Tis no sin for a man to labour in his vocation. Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere What, in thy quips and thy quiddities. You rogue, they were bound every man of them, or I am a jew else, an Hebrew jew.

Hotspur Prince Harry Sir John King Henry Vernon Prince Harry Mortimer Sir John Francis Hotspur Sir John King Henry Sir John Prince Harry Hotspur Sir John Sir John Sir John Prince Harry Sir John Sir John

Précis of plot The main plot tells of the rebellions against King Henry by Worcester, Hotspur and Glyndwr. However, the sub-plots highlighting the characters of the young Prince Hal and the reprobate Sir John Oldcastle (Falstaff) lend the real substance to the play. Setting England in the early 15th century. 9 Henry IV Part 2 KING HENRY IV PRINCE HARRY, later crowned King Henry V PRINCE JOHN of Lancaster, Henry IV’s son SIR JOHN Falstaff Bardolf Poins Falstaff’s Page Humphrey, Duke of GLOUCESTER, Henry IV’s son Thomas, Duke of CLARENCE, Henry IV’s son Percy, Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND, of the rebels’ party NORTHUMBERLAND’S WIFE KATE, their son Hotspur’s widow TRAVERS, Northumberland’s servant MORTON, a bearer of news from Shrewsbury Scrope, ARCHBISHOP of York Thomas, Lord MOWBRAY, the Earl Marshal MISTRESS QUICKLY, hostess of a tavern PORTER of Northumberland’s household Robert SHALLOW, a country justice DAVY, Shallow’s servant SILENCE, a country justice Sneak and other musicians Lord Chief Justice’s men, soldiers and attendants

Ensign PISTOL PETO DOLL TEARSHEET, a whore GOWER, a messenger Sir John Blunt Sir John Coleville Lord Hastings SNARE, a sergeant FANG, a sergeant Neville, Earl of WARWICK Earl of SURREY Earl of WESTMORLAND HARCOURT Ralph MOULDY Simon SHADOW Thomas WART Francis FEEBLE Peter BULLCALF DRAWERS BEADLES GROOMS MESSENGER

Quotations A foutre for the world and worldlings base! I speak of Africa and golden joys. A joint of mutton, and any pretty little tiny kickshaws. A man can die but once. A rascally yea-forsooth knave. An habitation giddy and unsure, hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart. Away, you scullion, you rampallian, you fustilarian! I’ll tickle your catastrophe. By my troth, captain, these are very bitter words. Death, as the psalmist saith, is certain to all; all shall die. How a good yoke of bullocks at Stamford fair? Even such a man, so faint, so spiritless, so dull, so dead in look, so woe-begone, drew Priam’s curtain in the dead of night. For my voice, I have lost it with hallowing and singing of anthems. He hath eaten me out of house and home. He was indeed the glass wherein the noble youth did dress themselves. I am not only witty in myself, but the cause that wit is in other men. I beseek you now, aggravate your choler. I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse. Borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is incurable. If I do, fillip me with a three-man beetle. Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive performance. I know thee not old man, fall to thy prayers. It was always yet the trick of our English nation, if they have a good thing, to make it too common. Let the end try the man. Lord, Lord, how subject we old men are to this vice of lying.


Spoken by Pistol Shallow Feeble Sir John Archbishop of York Page Mistress Quickly Shallow Northumberland Sir John Mistress Quickly Lady Percy Sir John Mistress Quickly Sir John Sir John Poins King Harry Sir John Prince Harry Sir John

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O, sleep, O gentle sleep, nature’s soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, that thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, and steep my senses in forgetfulness. Past and to come seems best; things present, worst. Thou didst swear to me, upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea coal fire, upon Wednesday in Wheeson week. Under which king, Besonian? speak, or die. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. We have heard the chimes at midnight, Master Shallow. We that are in the vanguard of our youth, I must confess, are wags too. Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast, seal up the ship-boy’s eyes, and rock his brains. With all appliances, and means to boot. Yet the first bringer of unwelcome news hath but a losing office, and his tongue sounds ever after as a sullen bell remembered knolling a departing friend.

King Henry Archbishop of York Mistress Quickly Pistol King Henry Sir John Sir John King Henry King Henry Northumberland

Précis of plot The plot of the first part of Henry IV is continued, although there are subtle changes made to certain characters and the historical content is not so highlighted. Hal is still plagued with rebellions, albeit from different spheres, but his anxieties over Prince Harry’s behaviour are eventually alleviated in a touching scene, and this change of character is shown to the full in Harry’s rejection of Sir John after his crowning. Setting England in the early 15th century. 10 Henry V KING HARRY V of England, claimant to French throne Duke of GLOUCESTER, the King’s brother Duke of CLARENCE, the King’s brother Duke of EXETER, his uncle KING CHARLES VI of France ISABEL, his wife and queen The DAUPHIN, their son and heir CATHERINE, their daughter Archbishop of CANTERBURY ALICE, an old gentlewoman Richard, Earl of CAMBRIDGE Henry, Lord SCROPE of Masham The CONSTABLE of France MONTJOY, the French Herald GOVERNOR of Harfleur French AMBASSADORS to England BOY, formerly Falstaff’s page HOSTESS, formerly Mistress Quickly, now Pistol’s wife Captain GOWER, an Englishman Captain FLUELLEN, a Welshman Captain MACMORRIS, an Irishman Captain JAMY, a Scot


Quotations All hell shall stir for this. And gentlemen in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap while any speaks, that fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day. And make your chronicle as rich with praise, as is the ooze and bottom of the sea. As ’tis ever common that men are merriest when they are from home. Base is the slave that pays. But if it be a sin to covet honour, I am the most offending soul alive. Can this cock-pit hold the vasty fields of France? or may we cram, within this wooden O the very casques that did affright the air at Agincourt? Consideration like an angel came, and whipp’d the offending Adam out of him. Cry, ‘God for Harry! England and Saint George.’ Every subject’s duty is the king’s; but every subject’s soul is his own. For so work the honey-bees, creatures that by a rule in nature teach the act of order to a peopled kingdom. For these fellows of infinite tongue, that can rhyme themselves into ladies’ favours, they do always reason themselves out again. From camp to camp through the foul womb of night. He’s in Arthur’s bosom, if ever man went to Arthur’s bosom. I dare not fight, but I will wink and hold out mine iron. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips. If he be not fellow with the best king, thou shalt find the best king of good fellows. If we are marked to die, we are enough to do our country loss; and if to live, the fewer men, the greater share of honour. I thought upon one pair of English legs did march three Frenchmen. Men of few words are the best men. Now all the youth of England are on fire, and silken dalliance in the wardrobe lies. O that we now had here, but one ten thousand of those men in England that do no work today! Old men forget, yet all shall be forgot; but he’ll remember with advantages, what feats he did that day. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. On, on, you noblest English, whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof. Fathers that,


Spoken by Pistol King Harry Canterbury King Harry Pistol King Harry Chorus Canterbury King Harry King Harry Canterbury King Harry Chorus Hostess Nim King Harry King Harry King Harry King Harry Boy Chorus Warwick King Harry King Harry King Harry

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like so many Alexanders, have in these parts from morn til even fought, and sheathed their swords for lack of argument. Self love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self neglecting. Tennis balls, my liege. Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words – Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester – be in their flowing cups, freshly remember’d. There is occasions and causes why and wherefore in all things. There is some soul of goodness in these evils. This day is called the feast of Crispian. He that outlives this day and comes safe home will stand a-tiptoe when this day is named, and rouse him of the name of Crispian. Though patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod. Trust none, for oaths are straws, men’s faiths are wafer-cakes, and hold-fast is the only dog, my duck. Turn him to any cause of policy, the Gordian knot of it he will unloose. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

Dauphin Exeter King Harry Fluellen King Harry King Harry Nim Pistol Canterbury King Harry

Précis of plot The war against France dominates the play, although Shakespeare stayed loyal to many characters from the two parts of Henry IV to create comic diversion. Setting England and France 1414 to 1420. 11 Henry VI Part 1 KING HENRY VI Duke of GLOUCESTER, Lord Protector, uncle of Henry Duke of BEDFORD, regent of France Duke of EXETER Bishop of WINCHESTER (later Cardinal), uncle of Henry Duke of SOMERSET RICHARD PLANTAGENET, later DUKE OF YORK Duke of BURGUNDY, uncle of King Henry GENERAL of the French garrison at Bordeaux RENÉ, Duke of Anjou, King of Naples MARGARET, his daughter Sir William GLASDALE Sir Thomas GARGRAVE Sir John FASTOLF Sir William LUCY CHARLES, Dauphin of France WOODVILLE, Lieutenant of the Tower of London Porter, French sergeant, sentinels, scout, herald, officers Governor of Paris, fiends and soldiers, servingmen Messengers and keepers of the Tower of London

BASSET A LAWYER A LEGATE Earl of WARWICK Earl of SALISBURY Earl of SUFFOLK Edmund MORTIMER Duke of ALENÇON BASTARD of Orléans Lord TALBOT JOHN Talbot COUNTESS of Auvergne MASTER GUNNER of Orléans A BOY, his son JOAN la Pucelle A SHEPHERD, father of Joan MAYOR of London VERNON

Quotations And while I live, I’ll ne’er fly from a man. Between two hawks, which flies the higher pitch. Between two dogs, which hath the deeper mouth. Between two blades, which bears the better temper. Between two horses, which doth bear him best. Between two girls, which hath the merriest eye. I have perhaps some shallow spirit of judgement. Christ’s mother helps me, else I were too weak. Unbidden guests are often welcomest when they are gone.

Spoken by Joan Warwick

Joan Bedford

Précis of plot The first part of Henry VI covers the period between the funeral of Henry V and the end of the Hundred Years War, between England and France. As in many of the Shakespearian plays, the historical accuracy comes second to the plot. Setting England 1422 to 1453. 12 Henry VI Part 2 KING HENRY VI and QUEEN MARGARET William de la Pole, Marquis, later Duke of SUFFOLK Duke Humphrey of GLOUCESTER, the Lord Protector Dame Eleanor Cobham, the DUCHESS of Gloucester CARDINAL BEAUFORT, Bishop of Winchester Duke of BUCKINGHAM Duke of SOMERSET Old Lord CLIFFORD and YOUNG CLIFFORD, his son Duke of YORK EDWARD, Earl of March, the Duke’s son Crookback RICHARD, the Duke’s son Earl of SALISBURY and Earl of WARWICK, his son Emmanuel, the CLERK of Chatham Two or three PETITIONERS Thomas HORNER, an armourer PETER Thump, his man Three NEIGHBOURS, who drink to Horner

Gloucester’s SERVANTS Two SHERIFFS of London Sir John STANLEY HERALD Two MURDERERS COMMONS CAPTAIN of a ship MASTER of that ship The Master’s MATE Walter WHITMORE Two GENTLEMEN Jack CADE, a Kentishman Dick the BUTCHER Smith the WEAVER A sawyer JOHN REBELS


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Three PRENTICES, who drink to Peter Sir John HUME, a priest John SOUTHWELL, a priest Margery Jordan, a WITCH Roger BOLINGBROKE, a conjurer ASNATH, a spirit Three or four CITIZENS of London Simon SIMPCOX and SIMPCOX’S WIFE The MAYOR of Saint Albans Alexander IDEN, who kills Cade Aldermen of Saint Albans Attendants, guards, servants, soldiers, falconers

Sir Humphrey STAFFORD STAFFORD’S BROTHER Lord SAYE Lord SCALES Matthew Gough A SERGEANT A BEADLE of Saint Albans Townsmen of Saint Albans VAUX, a messenger A POST MESSENGERS A SOLDIER

Quotations Could I come near your beauty with my nails, I’d set my ten commandments in your face. Is not this a lamentable thing that of the skin of an innocent lamb should be made parchment? that parchment being scribbled o’er should undo a man? Sir, he made a chimney in my father’s house, and the bricks are alive at this day to testify. Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep. The first thing we do let’s kill all the lawyers. The gaudy, blabbing, and remorseful day, is crept into the bosom of the sea. There shall be in England seven halfpenny loaves sold for a penny, the three-hooped pot shall have ten hoops and I will make it a felony to drink small beer. Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm in erecting a grammar school; and, whereas before, our forefathers had no books but the score and tally, thou hast caused printing to be used and, contrary to the King, his crown and dignity, thou hast built a paper mill. What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted.

Spoken by Duchess Cade Weaver Suffolk Dick the Butcher Captain Cade Cade

King Henry

Précis of plot The original title of this play was The First Part of the Contention of the Two Famous Houses of York and Lancaster, and Shakespeare has stayed true, to a great extent, to this period of history, which includes the Kentish rebellion led by Jack Cade, and ultimately leads to the Wars of the Roses. Setting England 1445 to 1455. 13 Henry VI Part 3 KING HENRY VI QUEEN MARGARET PRINCE EDWARD, their son Duke of SOMERSET Duke of EXETER Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND Earl of WESTMORLAND Lord CLIFFORD Lord Stafford SOMERVILLE Henry, young Earl of Richmond A SOLDIER who has killed his father A HUNTSMAN who guards King Edward The divided House of Neville: Earl of WARWICK Marquis of MONTAGUE, his brother Earl of OXFORD, their brother-in-law Lord HASTINGS, their brother-in-law Of the Duke of York’s party: Richard Plantagenet, Duke of YORK EDWARD, Earl of March, his son, later KING EDWARD IV LADY GRAY, a widow, later Edward’s wife and queen Earl RIVERS, Lady Gray’s brother

GEORGE, later DUKE OF CLARENCE RICHARD, later DUKE OF GLOUCESTER Earl of RUTLAND, Edward’s brother Rutland’s TUTOR, a chaplain SIR JOHN Mortimer, York’s uncle Sir Hugh Mortimer, his brother Duke of NORFOLK Sir William Stanley Earl of Pembroke Sir John MONTGOMERY A NOBLEMAN Two GAMEKEEPERS Three WATCHMEN LIEUTENANT of the Tower The French: KING LOUIS LADY BONA, his sister-in-law Lord Bourbon, the French High Admiral A SOLDIER who has killed his son Mayor of Coventry MAYOR of York Aldermen of YORK Soldiers, messengers and attendants

Quotations Didst thou never hear that things ill got had ever bad success? Down, down to hell, and say I sent thee thither. Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade, to shepherds looking on their seely sheep, than doth a rich embroider’d canopy, to Kings that fear their subjects’ treachery? My crown is in my heart, not on my head. O God! methinks it were a happy life, to be no better than a homely swain, to sit upon a hill, as I do now; to carve out dials quaintly, point by point, thereby to see the minutes how they run. How many makes the hour full complete, how many hours bring about the day, how many days will finish up the year, how many years a mortal man may live. Oh tiger’s heart wrapp’d in a woman’s hide! Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind, the thief doth fear each bush an officer. Précis of plot


Spoken by King Henry Richard of Gloucester King Henry King Henry King Henry

York Richard of Gloucester

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This play chronicles the substantive episodes in the War of the Roses, although the usual Shakespearian anachronisms do not detract from the play’s subtleties. Setting England 1455 to 1471. 14 Henry VIII (All Is True) PROLOGUE KING HENRY VIII Duke of BUCKINGHAM Lord ABERGAVENNY Earl of SURREY Duke of NORFOLK Duke of SUFFOLK LORD CHAMBERLAIN LORD CHANCELLOR Lord SANDS (aka Sir William Sands) Sir Thomas LOVELL Sir Anthony DENNY Sir Henry GUILDFORD CARDINAL WOLSEY Two SECRETARIES Buckingham’s SURVEYOR CARDINAL CAMPEIUS GARDINER, King’s secretary, later Bishop of Winchester His PAGE Thomas CROMWELL CRANMER, Archbishop of Canterbury QUEEN KATHERINE, later KATHERINE, Princess Dowager GRIFFITH, her gentleman usher PATIENCE, her waiting woman Other WOMEN Six spirits who dance before Katherine in a vision At Cranmer’s trial: A DOOR-KEEPER Doctor BUTTS, the King’s physician Pursuivants, pages, footboys, grooms BRANDON SERJEANT-AT-ARMS Sir Nicholas VAUX Tipstaves, Halberdiers and common people Appearing at the Legatine Court: Two vergers Ladies, gentlemen, a SERVANT, attendants

Archbishop of Canterbury Bishop of LINCOLN Bishop of Ely Bishop of Rochester Bishop of Saint Asaph Two priests Serjeant-at-arms Two noblemen A CRIER Appearing in the Coronation: Three GENTLEMEN Two judges Choristers Lord Mayor of London Garter King of Arms Marquis of Dorset Four Barons of the Cinque Ports Stokesley, Bishop of London Old Duchess of Norfolk Countesses A MESSENGER Lord CAPUTIUS ANNE Boleyn An OLD LADY At the Christening: A PORTER His MAN Two aldermen Lord Mayor of London GARTER King of Arms Six noblemen Old Duchess of Norfolk, godmother Princess Elizabeth, the child Marchioness Dorset, godmother EPILOGUE Two SCRIBES

Quotations A peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience. Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition. By that sin fell the angels. Had I but serv’d my God with half the zeal I served my King, he would not in mine age have left me naked to mine enemies. Heaven is above all yet – there sits a judge that no king can corrupt. He gave his honours to the world again, his blessed part to heaven, and slept in peace. He was a man of an unbounded stomach. Love thyself last. Cherish those hearts that hate thee. He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one. Men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water So farewell – to the little good you bear me. Farewell, a long farewell, to all my greatness! So may he rest, his faults lie gently on him. Those twins of learning that he raised in you, Ipswich and Oxford. ’Tis better to be lowly born, and range with humble livers in content, than to be perk’d up in a glistering grief and wear a golden sorrow. Vain pomp and glory of this world, I hate ye!

Spoken by Cardinal Wolsey Cardinal Wolsey Cardinal Wolsey Queen Katherine Griffith Katherine Cardinal Wolsey Griffith Griffith Cardinal Wolsey Katherine Griffith Anne Cardinal Wolsey

Précis of plot The reign of Henry VIII from the opening description of the Field of the Cloth of Gold, of 1520, to the christening of Princess Elizabeth, in 1533. Setting England 1521 to 1533. 15 Julius Caesar Julius CAESAR CALPURNIA, his wife Marcus BRUTUS, a noble Roman, opposed to Caesar PORTIA, his wife LUCIUS, his servant Officers and soldiers in Brutus’ army: LUCILLIUS



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PINDARUS, Cassius’ bondman TITINIUS, an officer in Cassius’ army POPILLIUS Laena, a Senator Senators, soldiers and attendants

Quotations As Caesar loved me, I weep for him. As proper men as ever trod upon neat’s leather have gone upon my handiwork. Between the acting of a dreadful thing and the first motion, all the interim is like a phantasma, or a hideous dream. Beware the ides of March. But for your words, they rob the Hybla bees, and leave them honeyless. But I am constant as the Northern Star, of whose true fixed and resting quality, there is no fellow in the firmament. But when I tell him he hates flatterers; he says he does being then most flattered. But yesterday the word of Caesar might have stood against the world. Now lies he there, and none so poor to do him reverence. Caesar said to me ‘Darest thou, Cassius, now leap in with me into this angry flood, and swim to yonder point?’ Upon the word, accoutred as I was I plunged in and bade him follow. Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. Cry ‘havoc’ and let slip the dogs of war. Et tu, Brute? – then fall Caesar. Fierce fiery warriors fight upon the clouds, in ranks and squadrons and right form of war. For Brutus is an honourable man; so are they all, all honourable men. For he will never follow anything that other men begin. For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, action nor utterance, nor the power of speech, to stir men’s blood. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. He reads much, he is a great observer, and he looks quite through the deeds of men. His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up and say to all the world, ‘This was a man’. How hard it is for women to keep counsel! How many ages hence, shall this our lofty scene be acted over, in states unborn and accents yet unknown. I am no orator as Brutus is; but as you know me all, a plain blunt man. I am not gamesome; I do lack some part of that quick spirit that is in Antony. If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. I had rather be a dog and bay the moon than such a Roman. Let me have men about me who are fat. Let’s carve him as a dish fit for the gods. Lowliness is young ambition’s ladder, whereto the climber upward turns his face; but when he once attains the upmost round, he then unto the ladder turns his back, looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees by which he did ascend. Now in the name of all the gods at once, upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed, that he is grown so great? O judgement, thou art fled to brutish beasts, and men have lost their reasons! O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, that I am meek and gentle with these butchers! See what a rent the envious Casca made. Set honour in one eye and death i’th’other, and I will look on both indifferently. There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. There was a Brutus once that would have brooked the eternal devil to keep his state in Rome, as easily as a king. This was the most unkindest cut of all. This was the noblest Roman of them all. Well, honour is the subject of my story. I cannot tell what you and other men think of this life; but, for my single self, I had as lief not be, as live to be in awe of such a thing as I myself. When beggars die, there are no comets seen; the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. When love begins to sicken and decay, it useth an enforced ceremony. Why, he that cuts off twenty years of life, cuts off so many years of fearing death. Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honourable man. Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.


Spoken by Brutus Cobbler Brutus Soothsayer Cassius Caesar Decius Antony Cassius Caesar Antony Caesar (last words) Calpurnia Antony Brutus Antony Antony Caesar Antony Portia Cassius Antony Brutus Antony Brutus Caesar Brutus Brutus Cassius Antony Antony Antony Brutus Brutus Cassius Antony Antony Cassius Calpurnia Brutus Casca Cassius Antony Caesar

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You are my true and honourable wife, as dear to me as are the ruddy drops that visit my sad heart. You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!

Brutus Murellus

Précis of plot The play depicts the events that led to the assassination of Julius Caesar and the aftermath thereof. As in many Shakespearian History plays, facts are often altered and rearranged in the interests of dramatic economy and effectiveness. Setting Rome, Sardis and near Philippi 44 to 42 BC. 16 King John KING JOHN of England QUEEN ELEANOR, his mother LADY FALCONBRIDGE Philip the BASTARD, later knighted as Richard Plantagenet, her illegitimate son by King Richard I Robert FALCONBRIDGE, her legitimate son James GURNEY, her attendant Lady BLANCHE of Spain, niece of King John PRINCE HENRY, son of King John HUBERT, a follower of King John LOUIS THE DAUPHIN, his son ARTHUR, Duke of Brittaine, nephew of King John Lady CONSTANCE, his mother Duke of AUSTRIA (Limoges) CHÂTILLON, ambassador Cardinal PANDOLF, a legate from the Pope PETER OF POMFRET, a prophet Lords, soldiers, attendants


Quotations And oftentimes excusing of a fault doth make the fault the worser by th’ excuse. Another lean unwashed artificer cuts off his tale, and talks of Arthur’s death. For courage mounteth with occasion. Heat me these irons hot. Here is my throne; bid kings come bow to it. How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds, make deeds ill done! Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale, vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man. Lord of thy presence, and no land beside? Saint George that swinged the dragon, and e’er since sits on his horseback at mine hostess’ door. This England never did, nor never shall, lie at the proud foot of a conqueror. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily. When Fortune means to men most good, she looks upon them with a threatening eye. Zounds! I was never so bethumped with words, since first I called my brother’s father, dad.

Spoken by Pembroke Hubert Duke of Austria Hubert Constance King John Louis the Dauphin Queen Eleanor Bastard Bastard Salisbury Pandolf Bastard

Précis of plot Selected events from King John’s reign are portrayed, although Shakespeare concentrates on Philip Falconbridge, the illegitimate son of Richard I, for his sub-plot; and significant events such as Magna Carta are ignored. Setting England and France 1199 to 1216. 17 King Lear LEAR, King of Britain GONERIL, Lear’s eldest daughter Duke of ALBANY, her husband REGAN, Lear’s second daughter Duke of CORNWALL, her husband CORDELIA, Lear’s youngest daughter King of FRANCE, a suitor of Cordelia Duke of BURGUNDY, a suitor of Cordelia Earl of KENT, later disguised as Caius Earl of GLOUCESTER

EDGAR, later disguised as Tom o’ Bedlam EDMOND, bastard son of Gloucester OLD MAN, Gloucester’s tenant Lear’s FOOL OSWALD, Goneril’s steward A SERVANT of Cornwall A KNIGHT A HERALD A CAPTAIN Gentlemen, servants, soldiers, attendants

Quotations And my poor fool is hanged. No, No, no life? Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life and thou no breath at all? As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport A still soliciting eye, and such a tongue. Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage, blow, you cataracts and hurricanoes, spout. Drinks the green mantle of the standing pool. Fie, foe, and fum; I smell the blood of a British man. Fortune, good night; smile once more; turn thy wheel. Howl, howl, howl, howl! O, you are men of stones. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child. I am a man more sinned against than sinning.


Spoken by Lear Gloucester Cordelia Lear Edgar Edgar Kent Lear Lear Lear

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I have seen better faces in my time than stands on any shoulder that I see before me at this instant. I have seen the day, with my good biting falchion. I’ll talk a word with this same learned Theban. Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend. I tax you not, you elements, with unkindness. Mastiff, greyhound, mongrel grim. My cue is villainous melancholy, with a sigh like Tom o’ Bedlam. O, that way madness lies. Let me shun that. Out-paramoured the Turk. Poor naked wretches, whereso’er you are. Poor Tom’s a-cold. So young and so untender? Take physic, pomp, expose thyself to feel what wretches feel. The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices, make instruments to plague us. The little dogs and all, Tray, Blanch, and sweetheart see, they bark at me. The prince of darkness is a gentleman. These late eclipses in the sun and moon portend no good to us. The wheel has come full circle. The worst is not so long as we can say ‘This is the worst’. Things that love night, love not such nights as these. This is the excellent foppery of the world; that when we are sick in fortune – often the surfeits of our own behaviour – we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and stars, as if we were villains by necessity, fools by heavenly compulsion, knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical predominance, drunkards, liars, and adulterers by an enforced obedience of planetary influence; and all that we are evil in by a divine thrusting on. This is the foul fiend Flibbertigibbet; he begins at curfew, and walks ’til the first cock. Thou whoreson Z, thou unnecessary letter. ’Tis a naughty night to swim in. Vex not his ghost, O let him pass. You are not worth the dust which the rude wind blows in your face.

Kent Lear Lear Lear Lear Edgar Edmond Lear Edgar Lear Edgar Lear Lear Edgar Lear Edgar Gloucester Edmond Edgar Kent Edmond

Edgar Kent Fool Kent Albany

Précis of plot The story of a king who, angry with the failure of his virtuous youngest daughter, Cordelia, to compete for his favour in a love-test, divides his kingdom between her two malevolent sisters. The sub-plot depicts Lear’s madness and the blinding of Gloucester, as well as Edgar’s loyalty to his father. Setting Britain. 18 Love’s Labour’s Lost Ferdinand, KING of Navarre Lords attending on the King: BIRON LONGUEVILLE DUMAINE

BOYET Two other LORDS COSTARD, a Clown JAQUENETTA, a country wench Sir NATHANIEL, a curate HOLOFERNES, a schoolmaster Anthony DULL, a constable MERCADÉ, a messenger A FORESTER Don Adriano de ARMADO, a Spanish braggart MOTE, his page

PRINCESS of France Ladies attending on the Princess: ROSALINE KATHERINE MARIA

Quotations A jest’s prosperity lies in the ear of him that hears it, never in the tongue of him that makes it. A lover’s eyes will gaze an eagle blind; a lover’s ear will hear the lowest sound. At Christmas I no more desire a rose, than wish a snow in May’s new-fangled mirth. A very beadle to a humorous sigh. Devise wit, write pen, for I am for whole volumes, in folio. He draweth out the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple of his argument. He hath never fed of the dainties that are bred in a book. In the posteriors of this day, which the rude multitude call the afternoon. Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile. Remuneration – O, that’s the Latin word for three-farthings. Spite of cormorant devouring time. Study is like the heavens’ glorious sun, that will not be deep-searched with saucy looks. Small have continual plodders ever won, save base authority from others’ books. This wimpled, whining, purblind, wayward boy. Why, all delights are vain; but that most vain, which with pain purchased, doth inherit pain.

Spoken by Rosaline Biron Biron Biron Armado Holofernes Nathaniel Armado Biron Costard King Biron Biron Biron

Précis of plot The young King of Navarre, and three of his friends, vow to devote the following three years to austere self-improvement, forgoing the company of women. The ensuing farce is both sophisticated and cleverly staged. Setting Navarre circa 14th century.


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19 Macbeth KING DUNCAN of Scotland MALCOLM, King Duncan’s son DONALBAIN, King Duncan’s son A CAPTAIN in Duncan’s army MACBETH, Thane of Glamis, later Thane Cawdor, then King of Scotland LADY MACBETH, Macbeth’s wife A DOCTOR, attending on Lady Macbeth A Waiting-GENTLEWOMAN, attending on Lady Macbeth BANQUO, a Scottish Thane FLEANCE, his son MACDUFF, Thane of Fife LADY MACDUFF, his wife MACDUFF’S SON SIWARD, Earl of Northumberland YOUNG SIWARD, his son HECATE, Queen of the Witches A PORTER at Macbeth’s castle Three MURDERERS attending on Macbeth SEYTON, servant of Macbeth A show of eight kings, Lords and Thanes

Scottish Thanes: LENNOX ROSS ANGUS CAITHNESS MENTEITH Six WITCHES An English DOCTOR A SPIRIT LIKE A CAT Three APPARITIONS: an armed head a bloody child a child crowned Other SPIRITS An OLD MAN A MESSENGER MURDERERS SERVANTS soldiers, drummers

Quotations All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck. Blow wind, come wrack, at least we’ll die with harness on our back. But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we’ll not fail. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased. Come what, come may, time and the hour runs through the toughest day. Consider it not so deeply. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Hang out our banners on the outward walls. How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags. I am in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er. I dare do all that may become a man; who dares do more is none. If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not. I ’gin to be aweary of the sun. I had most need of blessing, and Amen stuck in my throat. I must become a borrower of the night, for a dark hour or twain. Infirm of purpose! give me the daggers. Is this a dagger which I see before me? the handle towards my hand? come let me clutch thee. It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman. I would applaud thee to the very echo. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t. Might be the be-all and the end-all here. Now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both. O, I could play the woman with mine eyes, and braggart with my tongue! Or have we eaten on the insane root, that takes the reason prisoner. Out, damned spot; out, I say. Shake off this downy sleep, death’s counterfeit, and look on death itself! Sleep shall neither night nor day, hang upon his pent-house lid. Stands not within the prospect of belief. That no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose. That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold. The attempt and not the deed confounds us. The earth hath bubbles, as the water has, and these are of them. The labour we delight in physics pain. There’s husbandry in heaven, their candles are all out. The Thane of Cawdor lives; why do you dress me in borrow’d robes. The weird sisters hand in hand. This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses. Throw physic to the dogs; I’ll none of it. To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. We have scotched the snake, not killed it. What, all my pretty chickens and their dam, at one fell swoop. What are these, so wither’d and so wild in their attire, that look not like the inhabitants o’ the earth, and yet are on’t. What bloody man is that? Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furious, loyal and neutral, in a moment? Yet I do fear thy nature; it is too full o’th’ milk of human kindness.


Spoken by Lady Macbeth Malcolm Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Second Witch Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Three Witches Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Banquo Macbeth Macbeth Banquo Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macduff Banquo Lady Macbeth Macduff First Witch Macbeth Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth Banquo Macbeth Banquo Three Witches King Duncan Macbeth Macbeth

Macbeth Macduff Banquo King Duncan Macbeth Lady Macbeth

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Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him. Your face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters.

Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth

Précis of plot A story of witchcraft, murder, and retribution, which can also be seen as a study in the philosophy and psychology of evil. Setting Scotland and England 1039 to 1057. 20 Measure for Measure Vincentio, the DUKE of Vienna ANGELO, appointed his deputy ESCALUS, an old Lord CLAUDIO, a young gentleman JULIET, betrothed to Claudio ISABELLA, Claudio’s sister LUCIO, ‘a fantastic’ Two other such GENTLEMEN FROTH, a foolish gentleman MISTRESS OVERDONE, a bawd POMPEY, her clownish servant

A PROVOST ELBOW, a simple constable A JUSTICE ABHORSON, an executioner BARNARDINE, a dissolute condemned prisoner MARIANA, betrothed to Angelo A BOY, attendant on Mariana FRIAR PETER FRANCESCA, a nun VARRIUS, a Lord, friend to the Duke Lords, officers, citizens, servants

Quotations Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; to lie in cold obstruction, and to rot. But man, proud man, dressed in a little brief authority, most ignorant of what he’s most assured, his glassy essence, like an angry ape, plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as makes the angels weep. Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it. Every true man’s apparel fits your thief. Heaven doth with us as we with torches do. If I must die, I will encounter darkness as a bride, and hug it in my arms. I hold you as a thing enskied and sainted. No ceremony that to great ones ’longs. Not the king’s crown, nor the deputed sword, the marshal’s truncheon, nor the judge’s robe, become them with one half so good a grace, as mercy does. O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. Our doubts are traitors, and makes us lose the good we oft might win. Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. That in the captain’s but a choleric word, which in the soldier is flat blasphemy. The jury passing on the prisoner’s life, may in the sworn twelve have a thief or two, guiltier than him they try. The miserable have no other medicine; but only hope. They say, best men are moulded out of faults; and for the most, become much more the better, for being a little bad. This will last out a night in Russia, when nights are longest there. Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful

Spoken by Claudio Isabella Angelo Abhorson Duke of Vienna Claudio Lucio Isabella Isabella Lucio Escalus Isabella Angelo Claudio Mariana Angelo Duke of Vienna

Précis of plot The central action revolves around the dilemma of Isabella, a novice nun, whose brother is to be executed unless she succumbs to the attentions of Angelo. Measure for Measure is a morality play with similar sentiments to The Merchant of Venice, but is far more explicitly concerned with sex, and death. Setting Vienna circa 1500. 21 The Merchant of Venice ANTONIO, a merchant of Venice BASSANIO, his friend and Portia’s suitor LEONARDO, Bassanio’s servant LANCELOT, a clown and servant GOBBO, his father Prince of MOROCCO, Portia’s suitor Prince of ARAGON, Portia’s suitor PORTIA, an heiress NERISSA, her waiting-gentlewoman BALTHASAR, Portia’s servant STEFANO, Portia’s servant Jailer, attendants, servants, magnificoes of Venice


Quotations A Daniel come to judgement, yea, a Daniel! All that glisters is not gold. And when I ope my lips, let no dog bark. But love is blind and lovers cannot see. But ships are but boards, sailors but men. There be land rats and water rats, water thieves and land thieves. How like a fawning publican he looks. I hate him for he is a Christian. How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! I am never merry when I hear sweet music I dote on his very absence.


Spoken by Shylock Morocco Graziano Jessica Shylock Shylock Lorenzo Jessica Portia

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If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? and if you wrong us shall we not revenge? It is a wise father that knows his own child. I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys. Mislike me not for my complexion, the shadowed livery of the burnished sun. The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven, upon the place beneath. You call me misbeliever, cut-throat, dog, and spit upon my Jewish gaberdine. You taught me first to beg, and now methinks, you teach me how a beggar should be answered.

Shylock Lancelot Shylock Morocco Portia Shylock Portia

Précis of plot The central plot involves an irascible Jewish money-lender and his efforts to exact full payment for a debt. The sub-plot involves the method of an heiress, Portia, of testing her suitors. The comedy is created by Shylock, the Jew’s, strict adherence to the letter of the law and his ultimate downfall by being hoist by his own petard. Setting Venice and Belmont circa 14th century. 22 The Merry Wives of Windsor MISTRESS Margaret PAGE Master George PAGE, her husband ANNE and WILLIAM Page, their children MISTRESS Alice FORD Master Frank FORD, her husband Doctor CAIUS, a French physician MISTRESS QUICKLY, his housekeeper John RUGBY, his servant Master FENTON, in love with Anne Page Master Abraham SLENDER Robert SHALLOW, his uncle, a justice The HOST of the Garter Inn Sir Hugh EVANS, a Welsh parson Peter SIMPLE, Slender’s servant Children of Windsor, appearing as fairies

ROBIN, Sir John’s page JOHN, a servant ROBERT, a servant SIR JOHN Falstaff BARDOLPH PISTOL NIM

Quotations A man of my kidney. Faith, thou hast some crotchets in thy head now. Here will be an old abusing of God’s patience and the King’s English. I cannot tell what the dickens his name is. I have a kind of alacrity in sinking. I hope good luck lies in odd numbers. I will make a Star Chamber matter of it. O, what a world of vile ill-favoured faults. There was the rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril. Vengeance of Jenny’s case! We burn daylight. Here: read, read. Why then, the world’s mine oyster, which I with sword will open.

Spoken by Sir John Mistress Ford Mistress Quickly Mistress Page Sir John Sir John Shallow Anne Sir John Mistress Quickly Mistress Ford Pistol

Précis of plot The central plot tells of Sir John Falstaff’s unsuccessful attempts to seduce Mistress Page and Mistress Ford, and of the unfounded jealousy of Master Ford. The sub-plot revolves around the wooing of Anne Page and ultimate success of Master Fenton. Setting Windsor mid-15th century. 23 A Midsummer Night’s Dream THESEUS, Duke of Athens HIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons EGEUS, father of Hermia HERMIA, daughter of Egeus LYSANDER, loved by Hermia DEMETRIUS, suitor to Hermia HELENA, in love with Demetrius OBERON, King of the Fairies TITANIA, Queen of the Fairies ROBIN GOODFELLOW, a puck Peter QUINCE, a carpenter Nick BOTTOM, a weaver Francis FLUTE, a bellows-mender Robin STARVELING, a tailor Attendant Lords and fairies


Quotations A calendar, a calendar! look in the almanac; find out moonshine, find out moonshine. A lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing; for there is not a more fearful wild-fowl than your lion living. A part to tear a cat in. A proper man, as one shall see in a summer’s day. And the imperial votaress passed on, in maiden meditation, fancy-free, yet marks I


Spoken by Bottom Bottom Bottom Quince Oberon

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where the bolt of Cupid fell: It fell upon a little western flower, before milk-white, now purple with love’s wound, and maidens call it love-in-idleness. Bless thee, Bottom! bless thee! thou art translated. But earthlier happy is the rose distilled than that which, withering on the virgin thorn, grows, lives, and dies in single blessedness. He bravely broach’d his boiling bloody breast. I am slow of study. I have a reasonable good ear in music. Let’s have the tongs and the bones. I have an exposition of sleep come upon me. I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, with sweet musk-roses and with eglantine. Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania. I’ll put a girdle round the earth in forty minutes. I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove; I will roar you as ’twere any nightingale. Lord, what fools these mortals be. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind. Masters, spread yourselves. My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind, so flew’d, so sanded, and their heads are hung, with ears that sweep away the morning dew; crook-knee’d, and dew-lapp’d like Thessalian bulls; slow in pursuit, but match’d in mouth like bells. Oh hell! to choose love by another’s eyes. Or in the night, imagining some fear, how easy is a bush supposed a bear. She was a vixen when she went to school; and though she be but little, she is fierce. Since once I sat upon a promontory, and heard a mermaid on a dolphin’s back uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath that the rude sea grew civil at her song and certain stars shot madly from their spheres, to hear the sea-maid’s music. So we grew together, like to a double cherry, seeming parted, but yet an union in partition; two lovely berries moulded on one stem. Swift as a shadow, short as any dream, brief as the lightning in the collied night, that, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and earth, and ere a man hath power to say ‘Behold’ the jaws of darkness do devour it up. That is the true beginning of our end. The best in this kind are but shadows; and the worst are no worse, if imagination amend them. The course of true love never did run smooth. The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve. The jaws of darkness do devour it up: so quick bright things come to confusion. The lover, all as frantic, sees Helen’s beauty in a brow of Egypt. The poet’s eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven. The lunatic, the lover and the poet, are of imagination all compact. This is ’erc’les’ vein. Very tragical mirth. What hempen homespuns have we swaggering here.

Quince Theseus Quince (as prologue) Snug Bottom Bottom Oberon Oberon Puck Bottom Puck Helena Bottom Theseus Hermia Theseus Helena Oberon Helena Lysander Quince (as prologue) Theseus Lysander Theseus Lysander Theseus Theseus Bottom Lysander (reads) Puck

Précis of plot Theseus, Duke of Athens, prepares to marry Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. The sub-plots include the tangled web of love between Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, and the production of a play, Pyramus and Thisbe (based on Ovid’s Metamorphoses), for the Duke’s wedding. Setting Athens and a nearby wood. 24 Much Ado About Nothing DON PEDRO, Prince of Aragon BALTHASAR, attendant on Don Pedro, a singer DON JOHN, the bastard brother of Don Pedro BORACHIO, follower of Don John CONRAD, follower of Don John LEONATO, Governor of Messina HERO, his daughter BEATRICE, an orphan, his niece ANTONIO, an old man, brother of Leonato MARGARET, attendant on Hero URSULA, attendant on Hero DOGBERRY, constable in charge of Watch VERGES, the Headborough, Dogberry’s partner

BENEDICK, of Padua CLAUDIO, of Florence FRIAR Francis A SEXTON WATCHMEN A BOY, serving Benedick Attendants and messengers

Quotations Are you good men and true? But then there was a star danced, and under that was I born. Comparisons are odorous. Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes. Flat burglary, as ever was committed. For there was never yet philosopher, that could endure the toothache patiently. Friendship is constant in all other things, save in the office and affairs of love. He hath indeed better bettered expectation. He is a very valiant trencherman, he has an excellent stomach. He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat. I have a good eye, uncle, I can see a church by daylight.


Spoken by Dogberry Beatrice Dogberry Hero Dogberry Leonato Claudio Messenger Beatrice Beatrice Beatrice

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I was not born under a rhyming planet. O that he were here to write me down an ass! O, what men dare do! what men may do! what men daily do, not knowing what they do! Patch grief with proverbs, make misfortune drunk. Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand. To be a well-favoured man is the gift of fortune, but to write and read comes by nature. Well, everyone can master a grief but he that has it. What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living? Yes, I thank God, I am as honest as any man living that is an old man and no honester than I.

Benedick Dogberry Claudio Leonato Beatrice Dogberry Benedick Benedick Verges

Précis of plot The central plot concerns Don John’s deception whereby Claudio believes his beloved Hero unfaithful. However, the sub-plot of the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick adds the real substance to the play, and the gradual realisation of their love for each other has spawned countless works. Setting Messina in Sicily. 25 Othello OTHELLO, the Moor of Venice DESDEMONA, his wife Michael CASSIO, his lieutenant BIANCA, a courtesan, in love with Cassio IAGO, the Moor’s Ensign EMILIA, Iago’s wife A CLOWN, servant of Othello BRABANZIO, Desdemona’s father, a senator GRAZIANO, Brabanzio’s brother LODOVICO, kinsman of Brabanzio RODERIGO, Venetian in love with Desdemona MONTANO, Governor of Cyprus Attendants, officers, sailors, gentlemen, musicians


Quotations A fellow almost damned in a fair wife, that never set a squadron in the field. Alas, what ignorant sin have I committed? And of the cannibals that each other eat, the Anthropophagi, and men whose heads do grow beneath their shoulders. Be sure thou prove my love a whore. Be sure of it. Give me the ocular proof. But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve, for daws to peck at. But men are men, the best sometimes forgot. But this denoted a foregone conclusion. Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul. He hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly. He that is robbed, not wanting what is stol’n, let him not know it and he’s not robbed at all. How poor are they that ha’ not patience! what wound did ever heal but by degrees? I am not merry, but I do beguile. I do perceive here a divided duty. If she be black, and thereto have a wit; she’ll find a white that shall her blackness fit. I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking, I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment. I would have him nine years a-killing. A fine woman, a fair woman, a sweet woman. Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust ’em. My story being done, she gave me for my pains a world of kisses. No hinge, nor loop to hang a doubt on. O beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on. O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains. O most lame and impotent conclusion. On horror’s head horrors accumulate. Potations pottle-deep. Pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war! Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. Silence that dreadful bell – It frights the isle from her propriety. Take note, take note, O world, to be direct and honest is not safe. Then must you speak of one that loved not wisely but too well. ’Tis neither here nor there. To mourn a mischief that is past and gone, is the next way to draw new mischief on. To suckle fools, and chronicle small beer. Your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. You are one of those that will not serve God, if the devil bids you.

Spoken by Iago Desdemona Othello Othello Iago Iago Othello Othello Iago Othello Iago Desdemona Desdemona Iago Cassio Othello Othello Othello Othello Iago Cassio Desdemona Othello Iago Othello Cassio Othello Iago Othello Emilia Duke of Venice Iago Iago Iago

Précis of plot The story of a Moorish commander deluded by his ensign into believing that his young wife has been unfaithful to him with another soldier. By subtle innuendo and apparent physical proof, Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona has slept with Cassio, his lieutenant; his deceit results in tragedy. Setting


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Venice and Cyprus circa 1570. 26 Pericles, Prince of Tyre John GOWER, the Presenter ANTIOCHUS, King of Antioch His DAUGHTER PERICLES, Prince of Tyre MARINA, Pericles’ daughter CLEON, governor of Tarsus DIONIZA, his wife LEONINE, a murderer CERIMON, a physician of Ephesus PHILEMON, his servant KING SIMONIDES of Pentapolis THAISA, his daughter Three FISHERMEN, his subjects Five PRINCES, suitors of Thaisa LYSIMACHUS, Governor of Mytilene Lords, ladies, pages, messengers, sailors and gentlemen


Quotations Master, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea. Why, as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the little ones. O you gods! why do you make us love your goodly gifts and snatch them straight away? See where she comes, apparell’d like the spring! ’Tis time to fear when tyrants seem to kiss.

Spoken by Third Fisherman First Fisherman (reply) Pericles Pericles Pericles

Précis of plot Pericles, Prince of Tyre, flees from the court of the King of Antioch after solving a riddle that incriminates the King in an incestuous relationship with his daughter. The play chronicles the ensuing travels of Pericles and culminates in his reunion with his long lost daughter, Marina. Setting Antioch, Tyre, Tarsus, Pentapolis, Ephesus, Mitylene. 27 Richard II KING RICHARD II The QUEEN, his wife JOHN OF GAUNT, Duke of Lancaster, Richard’s uncle Harry BOLINGBROKE, his son, later HENRY IV DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER Duke of YORK, King Richard’s uncle DUCHESS OF YORK Duke of AUMERLE, their son Thomas MOWBRAY, Duke of Norfolk

Followers of King Richard: GREEN BAGOT BUSHY Lord BERKELEY Lord FITZWATER Duke of SURREY Lord WILLOUGHBY ABBOT OF WESTMINSTER Sir Piers EXTON LORD MARSHAL HERALDS CAPTAIN of the Welsh army LADIES attending the Queen GARDENER Gardener’s MEN Exton’s MEN Lords, soldiers, attendants

Of Bolingbroke’s party: Percy, Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND HARRY PERCY, his son Lord ROSS Of King Richard’s party: Earl of SALISBURY BISHOP OF CARLISLE Sir Stephen SCROPE KEEPER of the prison at Pomfret GROOM of King Richard’s stable

Quotations A jewel in a ten-times barred-up chest is a bold spirit in a loyal breast Can sick men play so nicely with their names? For God’s sake let us sit upon the ground, and tell sad stories of the death of kings: how some have been deposed; some slain in war; some haunted by the ghost they have deposed; some poisoned by their wives; some sleeping kill’d; all murder’d. How long a time lies in one little word! Methinks I am a prophet new-inspired. Mount, mount, my soul; thy seat is up on high, whilst my gross flesh sinks downward, here to die. Not all the water in the rude rough sea, can wash the balm from an anointed king. O call back yesterday, bid time return. Of comfort no man speak. Let’s talk of graves, of worms and epitaphs. Peace shall go sleep with Turks and infidels. That which in mean men we entitle patience is pale cold cowardice in noble breasts. The daintiest last, to make the end most sweet. Things sweet to taste prove in digestion sour. This must my comfort be: the sun that warms you here shall shine on me. This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, this earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden, demi-paradise, this fortress built by nature for herself against infection and the hand of war, this happy breed of men, this little world, this precious stone set in the silver sea, which serves it in the office of a wall, or as a moat defensive to a house against the envy of less happier lands; this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.


Spoken by Mowbray King Richard King Richard Bolingbroke John of Gaunt Richard (last words) King Richard Salisbury King Richard Bishop of Carlisle Duchess of Gloucester Bolingbroke John of Gaunt Bolingbroke John of Gaunt

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Truth hath a quiet breast. We were not born to sue, but to command. You may my glories and my state depose, but not my griefs; still am I king of those.

Mowbray King Richard Richard

Précis of plot This tragical history play centres around the time of Richard’s enforced abdication. The substance of the play is historically accurate, although elements of fiction do exist to some degree, for example, the murder of Richard by Sir Piers Exton. Setting England and Wales at the turn of the 15th century. 28 Richard III KING EDWARD IV DUCHESS OF YORK, his mother PRINCE EDWARD, Edward IV’s son Richard, the young Duke of YORK, Edward IV’s son George, Duke of CLARENCE RICHARD, Duke of Gloucester, later KING RICHARD Clarence’s SON Clarence’s DAUGHTER QUEEN ELIZABETH, King Edward’s wife Anthony Woodville, Earl RIVERS, her brother Marquis of DORSET, her son Lord GRAY, her son Sir Thomas VAUGHAN GHOST OF KING HENRY the Sixth QUEEN MARGARET, his widow GHOST OF PRINCE EDWARD, his son LADY ANNE, Prince Edward’s widow William, LORD HASTINGS, Lord Chamberlain Lord STANLEY, Earl of Derby, his friend HENRY EARL OF RICHMOND, later KING HENRY VII Sir Robert BRACKENBURY, Lieutenant of the Tower

Sir James BLUNT Sir Walter HERBERT Duke of BUCKINGHAM Duke of NORFOLK Sir Richard RATCLIFF Sir William CATESBY Sir James TIRREL Two MURDERERS A PAGE CARDINAL Bishop of ELY John, a PRIEST CHRISTOPHER, a priest Earl of OXFORD Lord MAYOR of London A SCRIVENER Hastings, a PURSUIVANT SHERIFF Aldermen and citizens Attendants, two bishops, messengers and soldiers

Quotations A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse! And thus I clothe my naked villainy, with odd old ends stol’n forth of holy writ, and seem a saint, when I most play the devil. But soft, here come my executioners. High-reaching Buckingham grows circumspect. Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this son of York. O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me? Slave, I have set my life upon a cast, and I will stand the hazard of the die. I think there be six Richmonds in the field. Five have I slain today, instead of him. A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse. So wise so young, they say, do never live long. Their lips were four red roses on a stalk, and in their summer beauty kissed each other. Was ever woman in this humour wooed? Was ever woman in this humour won?

Spoken by King Richard Richard Gloucester Richard Gloucester King Richard Richard Gloucester King Richard King Richard (last words) Richard Gloucester Tyrrell Richard Gloucester

Précis of plot In this play, Shakespeare demonstrates a more complete artistic control of his historical material than in its predecessors, and historical events are freely manipulated in the interests of an overriding design. The play chronicles the period of about twelve years before Richard’s reign, highlighting his bloody progress to the crown and his short two-year reign, culminating in his defeat at Bosworth. Setting England 1471 to 1485. 29 Romeo and Juliet CHORUS ROMEO MONTAGUE, his father MONTAGUE’S WIFE BENVOLIO, Montague’s nephew ABRAHAM, Montague’s servingman BALTHASAR, Romeo’s man JULIET CAPULET, her father CAPULET’S WIFE TYBALT, her nephew His page Escalus, PRINCE of Verona Other CITIZENS OF THE WATCH Masquers, guests, gentlewomen, followers


Quotations A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life. A plague o’ both your houses. For you and I are past our dancing days. I do not bite my thumb at you sir, but I bite my thumb, sir. Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy.

Spoken by Chorus Mercutio Capulet Samson Mercutio


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O happy dagger, this is thy sheath! there rust, and let me die. One pain is lessened by another’s anguish. O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo. O then I see Queen Mab hath been with you. Parting is such sweet sorrow. See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek. Thus with a kiss I die. True, I talk of dreams, which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. When well-apparelled April on the heel of limping winter treads. With Rosaline, my ghostly father? No, I have forgot that name and that name’s woe.

Juliet (last words) Benvolio Juliet Mercutio Juliet Romeo Romeo (last words) Mercutio Juliet Capulet Romeo

Précis of plot This play tells of the bitter feud between the Montagues and Capulets. Romeo, a Montague, falls in love with Juliet, a Capulet, but their love is doomed from the outset as death and tragedy befall both families. Setting Verona and Mantua early in the 14th century. 30 The Taming of the Shrew In the Induction: CHRISTOPHER SLY, beggar and tinker A HOSTESS A LORD BARTHOLOMEW, his page HUNTSMEN, SERVANTS AND PLAYERS In the play-within-the-play: BAPTISTA Minola, a gentleman of Padua KATHERINE, his elder daughter BIANCA, his younger daughter PETRUCHIO, a gentleman of Verona, suitor of Katherine VINCENTIO, Lucentio’s father A PEDANT, schoolmaster from Mantua Other servants of Baptista and Petruchio LUCENTIO, disguised as Cambio, a teacher

GREMIO, suitor of Bianca HORTENSIO, another suitor TRANIO, a servant BIONDELLO, a servant GRUMIO, a servant CURTIS, a servant A WIDOW A TAILOR A HABERDASHER An OFFICER NATHANIEL, a servingman PHILIP, a servingman JOSEPH, a servingman PETER, a servingman

Quotations And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, so honour peereth in the meanest habit. A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, muddy, ill seeming, thick, bereft of beauty. No profit grows where is no pleasure ta’en. This is a way to kill a wife with kindness.

Spoken by Petruccio Katherine Tranio Petruccio

Précis of plot The play has three main strands. The first shows how a drunken tinker, Christopher Sly, is made to believe himself a lord for whose entertainment a play is to be presented. The second strand is the central plot of the play performed for Sly, in which the shrewish Katherine is wooed, won, and tamed by the fortune-hunting Petruchio. The third strand involves Lucentio, Gremio, and Hortensio, all of them suitors for the hand of Katherine’s sister, Bianca. Setting Padua and Petruchio’s house circa 14th century. 31 The Tempest PROSPERO, the rightful Duke of Milan MIRANDA, his daughter ANTONIO, his brother, the usurping Duke of Milan ALONSO, King of Naples SEBASTIAN, his brother FERDINAND, Alonso’s son GONZALO, an honest old counsellor of Naples ADRIAN, a Lord FRANCISCO, a Lord ARIEL, an airy spirit attendant upon Prospero CALIBAN, a savage and deformed native, who is also Prospero’s slave TRINCULO, Alonso’s jester STEFANO, Alonso’s drunken butler

The MASTER of a ship BOATSWAIN MARINERS SPIRITS The Masque Spirits appearing as: IRIS CERES JUNO Nymphs and reapers

Quotations A very ancient and fish-like smell. Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises, sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Fie, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue! Full fathom five thy father lies. Of his bones are coral made. He that dies pays all debts. How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in’t! In the dark backward and abyss of time? Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me from mine own library with volumes that I prize above my dukedom. Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.


Spoken by Trinculo Caliban Antonio Ariel (sung) Stefano Miranda Prospero Prospero Trinculo

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My library was dukedom large enough. They’ll take suggestions as a cat laps milk. We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. Where the bee sucks, there suck I. You taught me language, and my profit on’t is I know how to curse.

Prospero Antonio Prospero Ariel Caliban

Précis of plot The central plot of The Tempest is one of witchcraft and connivance. The action takes place on an island after a shipwreck, as Prospero explains to his daughter, Miranda, how they came to the island, some twelve years earlier, and how the shipwreck has brought his enemies, Alonso, King of Naples, and Prospero’s own brother, Antonio, face to face with their wrongdoings. The action takes place within a few hours, as in The Comedy of Errors. Setting A small island off the coast of Tunis. 32 Timon of Athens TIMON of Athens LUCILIUS, a servant An OLD ATHENIAN LORDS and SENATORS of Athens VENTIDIUS, one of Timon’s false friends ALCIBIADES, an Athenian Captain APEMANTUS, a churlish philosopher One dressed as CUPID in the Masque LADIES dressed as Amazons in the Masque FLAVIUS, Timon’s steward FLAMINIUS, a servant SERVILIUS, a servant Other SERVANTS of Timon LUCULLUS, a flattering Lord LUCIUS, a flattering Lord SEMPRONIUS, a flatterring Lord Three STRANGERS, one called Hostilius SOLDIER of Alcibiades’ army Two of VARRO’S SERVANTS Messengers, attendants, soldiers


Quotations I wonder men dare trust themselves with men. ’Tis not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.

Spoken by Apemantus Timon

Précis of plot Timon is a misanthrope because his friends flattered and sponged on him in prosperity but abandoned him in poverty. Timon finds gold once more and his friends return. Setting Athens and neighbouring woods. 33 Titus Andronicus SATURNINUS, later Emperor BASSIANUS, his brother TITUS ANDRONICUS, general against the Goths SEMPRONIUS, kinsman of Titus VALENTINE, kinsman of Titus TAMORA, Queen of the Goths, wife of Saturninus Her sons: ALARBUS DEMETRIUS CHIRON AARON, a Moor, her lover LAVINIA, daughter of Titus YOUNG LUCIUS, a boy, son of Lucius MARCUS ANDRONICUS, a tribune, Titus’ brother PUBLIUS, his son Senators, tribunes, Romans, Goths, soldiers and attendants


Quotations She is a woman, therefore may be wooed; she is a woman, therefore may be won; she is Lavinia, therefore must be loved. Sweet mercy is nobility’s true badge.

Spoken by Demetrius Tamora

Précis of plot Tamora, Queen of the Goths, seeks revenge on her captor, Titus, for the ritual slaughter of her son, Alarbus; she achieves it when her other sons, Chiron and Demetrius, rape and mutilate Titus’ daughter, Lavinia. Later, Titus himself seeks revenge on Tamora and her husband Saturninus, after Tamora’s black lover, Aaron, has falsely led him to believe that he can save his sons’ lives by allowing his own hand to be chopped off. Though he is driven to madness, Titus, with his brother Marcus and his last surviving son, Lucius, achieves a spectacular sequence of vengeance in which he cuts Tamora’s sons’ throats, serves their flesh baked in a pie to their mother, kills Lavinia to save her from her shame, and stabs Tamora to death. Then in rapid succession, Saturninus kills Titus and is himself killed by Lucius, who, as the new Emperor, is left with Marcus to bury the dead, to punish Aaron, and to ‘heal’ Rome. Setting


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Rome 4th century AD. 34 Troilus and Cressida HELEN, wife of Menelaus, now living with Paris ALEXANDER, servant of Cressida Servants of Troilus, musicians soldiers and attendants Greeks: AGAMEMNON, Commander-in-Chief MENELAUS, his brother NESTOR ULYSSES ACHILLES PATROCLUS, his companion DIOMEDES AJAX THERSITES MYRMIDONS, soldiers of Achilles Servants of Diomedes, soldiers CASSANDRA, Priam’s daughter, a prophetess ANDROMACHE, wife of Hector AENEAS, a commander ANTENOR, a commander PANDARUS, a Lord CRESSIDA, his niece CALCHAS, her father, who has joined the Greeks


Quotations For to be wise and love exceeds man’s might. I am giddy. Expectation whirls me round. The imaginary relish is so sweet, that it enchants my sense. I have had my labour for my travail. One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. The baby figure of the giant mass of things to come at large. Welcome ever smiles, and farewell goes out sighing.

Spoken by Cressida Troilus Pandarus Ulysses Nestor Ulysses

Précis of plot The war between Greece and Troy has been provoked by the abduction of the Greek, Helen, by the Trojan hero Paris, son of King Priam. Shakespeare’s play opens when the Greek forces, led by Menelaus’ brother Agamemnon, have already been besieging Troy for seven years. Shakespeare concentrates on the opposition between the Greek hero Achilles and the Trojan Hector. Shakespeare also shows how the war, caused by one love affair, destroys another. The story of the love between the Trojan, Troilus, and the Grecian, Cressida, encouraged by her uncle Pandarus, and of Cressida’s desertion of Troilus for the Greek Diomedes. Setting Troy and the Greek camp during the Trojan War. 35 Twelfth Night ORSINO, Duke of Illyria VALENTINE, attending Orsino CURIO, attending Orsino VIOLA, a lady, later disguised as Cesario SEBASTIAN, her twin brother ANTONIO, a sea-captain OLIVIA, a Countess MARIA, her waiting-gentlewoman SIR TOBY BELCH, Olivia’s kinsman

SIR ANDREW AGUECHEEK MALVOLIO, Olivia’s steward FABIAN, a member of Olivia’s household FESTE, the clown, her jester FIRST OFFICER SECOND OFFICER CAPTAIN PRIEST SERVANT of Olivia Musicians, sailors, lords, attendants

Quotations Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em. Cressida was a beggar. Farewell, fair cruelty. He does it with a better grace, but I do it more natural. He plays o’th’ viol-de-gamboys, and speaks three or four languages word for word without book. I am a great eater of beef, and I believe that does harm to my wit. I am all the daughters of my father’s house, and all the brothers too. I am sure care’s an enemy to life. If music be the food of love, play on. Is it a world to hide virtues in? Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better. Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage. My purpose is indeed a horse of that colour. No more cakes and ale. Not to be a-bed after midnight is to be up betimes. O world, how apt the poor are to be proud! Still you keep o’th’ windy side of the law. What is the opinion of Pythagoras concerning wildfowl? Wherefore are these things hid? Why, this is very midsummer madness.


Spoken by Malvolio Feste Viola Sir Andrew Sir Toby Sir Andrew Viola Sir Toby Orsino Sir Toby Olivia Feste Maria Sir Toby Sir Toby Olivia Fabian Feste Sir Toby Olivia

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Précis of plot The main plot is of a shipwrecked girl, Viola, who, disguised as a boy, Cesario, serves a young Duke, Orsino, and undertakes loveerrands on his behalf to a noble lady, Olivia, who falls in love with her but mistakenly betrothes herself to her twin brother Sebastian. Setting Illyria. 36 The Two Gentlemen of Verona DUKE of Milan SILVIA, his daughter PROTEUS, a gentleman of Verona LANCE, his clownish servant VALENTINE, a gentleman of Verona SPEED, his clownish servant THURIO, a foolish rival to Valentine EGLAMOUR, agent for Silvia in her escape

ANTONIO, father of Proteus PANTHINO, his servant JULIA, beloved of Proteus LUCETTA, her waiting-woman HOST, where Julia lodges OUTLAWS Servants and musicians

Quotations How use doth breed a habit in a man! I have no other but a woman’s reason, I think him so because I think him so. O heaven, were man but constant, he were perfect. Who is Silvia? What is she, that all our swains commend her?

Spoken by Valentine Lucetta Proteus Host (sung)

Précis of plot This play tells of the friendship of Valentine and Proteus and the strain their relationship is put under when they both fall in love with Silvia, the daughter of the Duke of Milan. Setting Verona, Milan, and Mantua. 37 The Two Noble Kinsmen THESEUS, Duke of Athens HIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons EMILIA, her sister PIRITHOUS, friend of Theseus PALAMON, a noble kinsman ARCITE, a noble kinsman Hymen, God of marriage ARTESIUS, an Athenian soldier Three QUEENS, widows of kings killed in Thebes VALERIUS, a Theban WOMAN, attending Emilia An Athenian GENTLEMAN Six KNIGHTS, attending Arcite and Palamon A JAILER, in charge of Theseus’ prison The WOOER of the jailer’s daughter Two FRIENDS of the jailer Six COUNTRYMEN, one dressed as a baboon GERALD, a schoolmaster NELL, a country wench Four other country wenches: Fritz, Madeleine, Luce and Barbara Timothy, a TABORER


Quotations New plays and maidenheads are near akin. Your grief is written on your cheek.

Spoken by Prologue Emilia

Précis of plot This play is based on Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale, on which Shakespeare had already drawn for episodes of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It tells of the conflicting claims of love and friendship between Palamon and Arcite, the Two Noble Kinsmen of the title, who, as in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, both fall in love with the same woman, but unlike the earlier play, decide to fight for their love. The play is sometimes not listed as a Shakespearian play, as there is a body of thought that believes it to be, at best, a collaboration with John Fletcher; unlike Henry VIII, their other joint work, it was not listed in the 1623 folio of Shakespeare’s works. Setting Athens. 38 The Winter’s Tale LEONTES, King of Sicily HERMIONE, his wife MAMILLIUS, his son PERDITA, his daughter POLIXENES, King of Bohemia FLORIZEL, his son, in love with Perdita, aka Doricles ARCHIDAMUS, a Bohemian Lord AUTOLYCUS, a rogue, once in the service of Florizel PAULINA, Antigonus’s wife EMILIA, a lady attending on Hermione MOPSA, a shepherdess DORCAS, a shepherdess

A JAILER A MARINER CAMILLO, a Lord ANTIGONUS, a Lord CLEOMENES, a Lord DION, a Lord CLOWN, his son Other shepherds and shepherdesses Twelve countrymen disguised as satyrs Other Lords and gentlemen, ladies, Officers and servants at Leontes’ court


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SERVANT of the old shepherd

TIME, as chorus

Quotations A sad tale’s best for winter. A snapper up of unconsidered trifles. Exit, pursued by a bear. For you there’s rosemary and rue. Good sooth, she is the queen of curds and cream. I would there were no age between ten and three-and twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting. Jog on, jog on, the footpath way. Lawn as white as driven snow. Let me have no lying. It becomes none but tradesmen. We were as twinned lambs that did frisk i’ th’ sun, and bleat the one at th’ other. When daffodils begin to peer.

Spoken by Mamillius Autolycus Stage direction Perdita Camillo Old Shepherd Autolycus (sung) Autolycus (sung) Autolycus Polixenes Autolycus (sung)

Précis of plot The improbable tale of King Leontes’ suspicions of his wife’s adultery with King Polixenes, his childhood friend. Leontes expels his newborn daughter, Perdita, thinking her the fruit of this unholy alliance, and she is brought up as a shepherdess. Perdita falls in love with Florizel, son of Polixenes, her supposed father, but she is eventually re-united with her true father. Setting Sicily and Bohemia circa 14th century.

Chronology of Shakespeare’s Plays 1589–92 1592–93 1593–94 1594–95 1595–96 1596–97 1597–98 1598–99 1599–1600 1600–01 1601–02 1602–03 1604–05 1605–06 1606–07 1607–08 1608–09 1609–10 1610–11 1611–12 1612–13

Henry VI Parts 1, 2, and 3 Richard III, The Comedy of Errors Titus Andronicus, The Taming of the Shrew The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo and Juliet Richard II, A Midsummer Night’s Dream King John, The Merchant of Venice Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V Julius Caesar, As You Like It Hamlet, The Merry Wives of Windsor Twelfth Night, Troilus and Cressida All’s Well That Ends Well Measure for Measure, Othello King Lear, Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra Coriolanus, Timon of Athens Pericles Cymbeline The Winter’s Tale The Tempest Henry VIII, The Two Noble Kinsmen

Other Works 1592–93 1593–94 1593–1600 1600–01 1609 circa

Venus and Adonis (narrative poem) The Rape of Lucrece (narrative poem) Sonnets (154 in total) The Phoenix and the Turtle (67-line elegy) A Lover’s Complaint (329-line poem) Various poems (attributed)

Original Titles Henry VI Part 2 – The First Part of the Contention Henry VI Part 3 – Richard Duke of York Henry VIII – All Is True

Full Titles Cymbeline, King of Britain Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Othello, the Moor of Venice Pericles, Prince of Tyre Twelfth Night, or What You Will

NB Shakespeare is generally credited with having penned 37 plays, but it can be argued that this figure could perhaps be just as easily 36, or 38, depending on the treatment given to the final two works, Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen. These plays are thought to be collaborations between Shakespeare and John Fletcher, although only Henry VIII appears in the First Folio of 1623. Therefore, when one is asked which was the last play Shakespeare wrote, it is true to say that it would be impossible to give an unqualified answer unless the question is very specific. The last play wholly credited to Shakespeare is The Tempest; the last play cited in the First Folio is Henry VIII; and the last play that Shakespeare wrote ignoring these two provisos is The Two Noble Kinsmen. It should also be noted that as well as doubts as to the degree of Shakespeare’s involvement in one or two of the plays, there are also doubts as to their chronological order. There is evidence to suggest, for instance, that Shakespeare’s first play was probably not Henry VI Part 1, but, Henry VI Part 2. However, an answer of Henry VI would seem to be the most equitable solution to this one.

Films Based on Shakespearian Works A Double Life – 1947 A Midsummer Night’s Rave – 2002 A Thousand Acres – 1997 All Night Long – 1961 An Honourable Murder – 1959 Angoor – 1992

based on Othello directed by George Cukor based on A Midsummer Night’s Dream directed by Gil Cates Jr based on King Lear directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse based on Othello directed by Basil Dearden based on Julius Caesar directed by Godfrey Grayson Bollywood comedy based on The Comedy of Errors


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Catch My Soul – 1974 Chimes at Midnight – 1966 Deliver Us from Eva – 2003 Forbidden Planet – 1956 Get Over It – 2001 King of Texas – 2002 Kiss Me Kate – 1953 Looking for Richard – 1996 Love + Hate – 2006 Men of Respect – 1990 My Own Private Idaho – 1991 Prospero’s Books – 1991 Ran – 1985 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead – 1990 She’s the Man – 2006 10 Things I Hate About You – 1999 The Boys from Syracuse – 1940 The Lion King– 1994 The Lion King II: Simba's Pride– 1998 Throne of Blood – 1957 Warm Bodies– 2008 Were the World Mine – 2008 West Side Story – 1961 Yellow Sky – 1948

directed by Gulzar based on Othello directed by Patrick McGoohan based on Henry V and the plays featuring Falstaff directed by Orson Welles based on The Taming of the Shrew directed by Gary Hardwick based on The Tempest directed by Fred M Wilcox based on A Midsummer Night’s Dream directed by Tommy O’Haver TV film based on King Lear directed by Uli Edel musical based on The Taming of the Shrew directed by George Sidney based on Richard III directed by Al Pacino based on Romeo and Juliet directed by Dominic Savage based on Macbeth directed by William Reilly based on Henry IV directed by Gus Van Sant based on The Tempest directed by Peter Greenaway Japanese version of King Lear three sons cast instead of three daughters written and directed by Akira Kurosawa based on Hamlet written and directed by Tom Stoppard based on Twelfth Night directed by Andy Fickman based on The Taming of the Shrew directed by Gil Junger musical based on The Comedy of Errors directed by Edward A Sutherland animation with themes of Hamlet & Macbeth directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff animation loosely based on Romeo and Juliet directed by Darrell Rooney Japanese version of Macbeth directed by Akira Kurosawa zombie film loose references to Romeo and Juliet directed by Jonathan Levine based on A Midsummer Night’s Dream directed by Tom Gustafson based on Romeo and Juliet directed by Robert Wise based on The Tempest directed by William A Wellman

NB The list above includes only films that do not specifically mention the title of the Shakespeare work: e.g. Joe Macbeth is a gangster film that follows a very similar plot to Men of Respect but includes a reference to Macbeth in the title. There are many films that allude to characters in Shakespeare but do not follow the plot closely enough to be included here. The Orson Welles film Chimes at Midnight is sometimes called Falstaff.

General Information As You Like It born children christened chronicler collaborators death

dedicatee Falstaff, Sir John


seven ages of man: 1) infant; 2) schoolboy; 3) lover; 4) soldier; 5) justice; 6) old age; 7) second childhood. 23 April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. This may or may not be the actual date, but St George’s Day seemed apt. three: Susanna, Judith and Hamnet. Susanna born 1582, and twins Hamnet and Judith born 1585. Hamnet died in 1596, aged 1112. Susanna married Dr John Hall and Judith married Thomas Quiney. Shakespeare’s line ended in 1670 with the death of Elizabeth, Susanna’s daughter. 26 April 1564 at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon. Francis Meres’ Palladis Tamia listed Shakespeare’s works up to 1598. John Fletcher and various others. 23 April 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare therefore, traditionally, died on his birthday, aged 52. There are no names on Shakespeare’s gravestone, but these words: Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forbear To dig the dust enclosed here. Blest be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones. Shakespeare’s family erected a monument in Holy Trinity church, Stratford, 1623. Henry Wriothesley, the 3rd Earl of Southampton, had the narrative poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece dedicated to him. based on Sir John Oldcastle, the Protestant martyr. Shakespeare was forced to change the name from Oldcastle to Falstaff after complaints from relatives. Henry IV Part 1 is here quoted using the original name. The original names of Sir John’s associates Bardolph and Peto have also been listed in Henry IV Part 1 in their original form, i.e. Russell and Harvey. John Shakespeare, a glover, wool dealer, and sometime Mayor; died 1601.


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First Folio first play great tragedy home

John Heminges and Henry Condell produced First Folio 1623. Henry VI (see notes at end of plays). the ‘four great tragedies’ are often listed as Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, and Othello. bought ‘New Place’ Stratford in 1597 Bishopsgate, and also lived with a French Huguenot family called Mountjoy for a short while during 1604, at Cripplegate. July: takes place in Romeo and Juliet. kin William was one of eight children of which he was the third child and first son. Only three brothers and a sister survived infancy. William’s brother Edmund was also an actor. last play The Tempest, Henry VIII, or The Two Noble Kinsmen (see notes at end of plays). lines: most Hamlet has the most lines spoken by any one character in a single play but is only third on the overall list if one takes into consideration other plays that a character may appear in. Richard III has more lines taking into account his appearances in Henry VI, but the most lines are spoken by Sir John Falstaff, if one considers that Shakespeare’s folio of 1623 had by then changed the name of Sir John Oldcastle in Henry IV Part 1. longest play this can be contentious due to disputed passages, but taking the 1623 folio as the basis of the question, then Hamlet is longest followed by Richard III. married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter, from Shottery, near Stratford, 28 November 1582. He was 18, she 26 and pregnant. Anne died in 1623. mother Mary Arden, from Wilmcote, Warwickshire; died in 1609. portraits Martin Droeshout’s engraving of Shakespeare, first published on the title-page of the First Folio 1623, is one of only two likenesses of Shakespeare; the other is the bust of Shakespeare in his monument, designed by Gheerart Janssen. It is unclear whether these are true likenesses, as it was common practice of many artists to use stencils, and it is thought possible that Droeshout may have used a common stencil of the day, possibly that of Elizabeth I. shortest play given the criteria used for deciding the longest play, the shortest play is clearly The Comedy of Errors. sobriquet the Sweet Swan of Avon, coined by Ben Jonson. sonnets published in 1609 by Thomas Thorpe, and dedicated to ‘Mr W.H.’ The sonnets pertain to a young man, a dark lady, and a rival poet. Sonnets 1 to 17 exhort a young man to marry; Sonnets 1 to 126 are all about a young man; Sonnets 127 to 154 are about the dark lady; Sonnet 126 is not in sonnet form, as it has only 12 lines. theatres Globe was built in 1599 on Bankside, south of the Thames. James Burbage founded the Lord Chamberlain’s Company within the Globe and his son Richard Burbage was the principal actor. Shakespeare bought an interest in the Globe, and also a half share in the Blackfriars Theatre, in 1608, and from then on Shakespeare produced winter plays at the Blackfriars and summer plays at the Globe. The Lord Chamberlain’s Men became the King’s Men on James I’s accession. Opposition to the King’s Men came mainly from Edward Alleyne’s ‘Admiral’s Men’. John Fletcher became chief dramatist of the King’s Men after Shakespeare. Will Kempe was the leading comedy actor of the King’s Men. Richard Tarleton was the leading comedy actor of the rival Admiral’s Men. Forerunners of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men were the Queen’s Men. The Chamberlain’s Men first performed at the ‘Theatre’, in Shoreditch, and then at the ‘Curtain’. The Globe caught fire and was destroyed in 1613 during performance of Henry VIII.

First and Last Lines of Shakespeare’s Plays (C = Comedy


H = History

First line

Spoken by

C All’s Well That Ends Well T C C T C T H H H H H H H T H T C T C C C C C T C H H T C

T = Tragedy)

In delivering my son from me I bury a second husband. Antony and Cleopatra Nay, but this dotage of our General’s o’erflows the measure. As You Like It As I remember, Adam, it was upon this fashion. The Comedy of Errors Proceed, Solinus, to procure my fall. Coriolanus Before we proceed any further, hear me speak. Cymbeline, King of Britain You do not meet a man but frowns. Hamlet Who’s there? Henry IV Part 1 So shaken as we are, so wan with care. Henry IV Part 2 Open your ears; for which of you will stop. Henry V O for a muse of fire. Henry VI Part 1 Hung be the heavens with black! Henry VI Part 2 As by your high imperial majesty. Henry VI Part 3 I wonder how the King escaped our hands. Henry VIII (All Is True) I come no more to make you laugh. Julius Caesar Hence, home, you idle creatures, get you home. King John Now say, Châtillon, what would France with us? King Lear I thought the King had more affected the Duke of Albany than Cornwall. Love’s Labour’s Lost Let fame, that all hunt after in their lives. Macbeth When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? Measure for Measure Escalus. The Merchant of Venice In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. The Merry Wives of Windsor Sir Hugh, persuade me not. I will make a Star Chamber matter of it. A Midsummer Night’s Dream Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on apace. Much Ado About Nothing I learn in this letter that Don Pedro of Aragon comes this night to Messina. Othello Tush, never tell me! Pericles, Prince of Tyre To sing a song that old was sung. Old John of Gaunt, time-honoured Lancaster. Richard II Richard III Now is the winter of our discontent. Romeo and Juliet Two households, both alike in dignity in fair Verona. The Taming of the Shrew I’ll feeze you, in faith.


Dowager Countess of Roussillon Philo Orlando Egeon first Citizen first Gentleman Barnardo King Henry IV Rumour Chorus (as Prologue) Bedford Suffolk Warwick Prologue Flavius King John Earl of Kent King Ferdinand First Witch Vincentio, Duke of Vienna Antonio Shallow Theseus Leonato Roderigo Gower, as Chorus King Richard II Richard Gloucester Chorus (as Prologue) Christopher Sly

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The Tempest Boatswain! Timon of Athens Good day, sir. Titus Andronicus Noble patricians, patrons of my right. Troilus and Cressida In Troy there lies the scene. From isles of Greece. Twelfth Night If music be the food of love, play on. The Two Gentlemen of Verona Cease to persuade, my loving Proteus. The Two Noble Kinsmen New plays and maidenheads are near akin. The Winter’s Tale If you shall chance, Camillo, to visit Bohemia.

Master of a ship Poet Saturninus Prologue Orsino Valentine Prologue Archidamus


Last line

Spoken by

C All’s Well That Ends Well

The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet.

T Antony and Cleopatra C As You Like it

High order in this great solemnity. Proceed, proceed. We’ll so begin these rites as we do trust they’ll end, in true delights. And now let’s go hand in hand, not one before another. Yet he shall have a noble memory. Assist. Ere bloody hands were washed, with such a peace. Go, bid the soldiers shoot. Let us not leave till all our own be won. Come, will you hence?

The King of France (N.B. Epilogue follows) Octavius Caesar Duke Senior (N.B. Epilogue follows) Dromio of Ephesus

C The Comedy of Errors T C T H H

Coriolanus Cymbeline, King of Britain Hamlet Henry IV Part 1 Henry IV Part 2

H Henry V

And may our oaths well kept and prosp’rous be.


Henry VI Part 1 Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 3 Henry VIII (All Is True)

But I will rule both her, the King, and realm. And more such days as these to us befall! For here, I hope, begins our lasting joy. This little one shall make it holiday.


Julius Caesar King John King Lear Love’s Labour’s Lost


To part the glories of this happy day. If England to itself do rest but true. Shall never see so much, nor live so long. The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo. You that way, we this way. Macbeth Whom we invite to see us crowned at Scone. Measure for Measure What’s yet behind that’s meet you all should know. The Merchant of Venice Well, while I live I’ll fear no other thing so sore as keeping safe Nerissa’s ring. The Merry Wives of Windsor For he tonight shall lie with Mistress Ford. A Midsummer Night’s Dream Meet me all by break of day.

C Much Ado About Nothing T C H H T

Othello Pericles, Prince of Tyre Richard II Richard III Romeo and Juliet

C The Taming of the Shrew, C The Tempest T T C C C C

Think not on him till tomorrow, I’ll devise thee brave punishments for him. Strike up, pipers. This heavy act with heavy heart relate. New joy wait on you. Here our play has ending. In weeping after this untimely bier. That she may long live here, God say ‘Amen’. For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo. ’Tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be tamed so. Please you, draw near.

Timon of Athens Let our drums strike. Titus Andronicus And being dead, let birds on her take pity. Troilus and Cressida Hope of revenge shall hide our inward woe. Twelfth Night And we’ll strive to please you every day. The Two Gentlemen of Verona One feast, one house, one mutual happiness. The Two Noble Kinsmen And bear us like the time.

C The Winter’s Tale

We were dissevered. Hastily lead away.

Aufidius Cymbeline Fortinbras King Henry IV Prince John (N.B. Epilogue follows) King Harry (N.B. Epilogue follows) Suffolk Warwick King Edward IV King Henry VIII Octavius Philip the Bastard Edgar Armado Malcolm Vincentio, Duke of Vienna Graziano Master Ford Oberon Benedick Lodovico Gower King Henry IV King Henry VII Escalus Lucentio Prospero (N.B. Epilogue follows) Alcibiades Lucius Troilus Feste Valentine Theseus (N.B. Epilogue follows) Leontes

Shakespearian Characters Character




AARON, a Moor ABERGAVENNY, Lord ABHORSON, an executioner ABRAHAM, Montague’s servingman ACHILLES ADAM, a former servant of Sir Rowland ADRIAN, a Lord ADRIAN, a Roman ADRIANA AEDILES AEMILIUS

Titus Andronicus Henry VIII Measure for Measure Romeo and Juliet

AENEAS, a commander AESCHINES AGAMEMNON, commander in chief AGRIPPA AGUECHEEK, Sir Andrew AJAX ALARBUS, son of Tamora ALBANY, Duke of, Goneril’s husband ALCIBIADES, an Athenian Captain ALENÇON, Duke of

Troilus and Cressida Pericles, Prince of Tyre Troilus and Cressida

Troilus and Cressida As You Like It The Tempest Coriolanus The Comedy of Errors Coriolanus Titus Andronicus


Antony and Cleopatra Twelfth Night Troilus and Cressida Titus Andronicus King Lear Timon of Athens Henry VI Part 1

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ALEXANDER, servant of Cressida ALEXAS ALICE, an old gentlewoman ALONSO, King of Naples AMIENS, Lord attending on Duke Senior ANDROMACHE, wife of Hector ANGELO, a goldsmith ANGELO, appointed Vincentio’s deputy ANGUS, a Thane ANNE, Lady ANTENOR, a commander ANTIGONUS, a Lord ANTIOCHUS, King of Antioch ANTIPHOLUS OF EPHESUS ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE ANTONIO, a merchant of Venice ANTONIO, a sea-captain ANTONIO, an old man

Troilus and Cressida Antony and Cleopatra Henry V The Tempest As You Like It Troilus and Cressida The Comedy of Errors Measure for Measure Macbeth Richard III Troilus and Cressida The Winter’s Tale Pericles, Prince of Tyre The Comedy of Errors The Comedy of Errors The Merchant of Venice

Twelfth Night Much Ado About Nothing ANTONIO, father of Proteus The Two Gentlemen of Verona ANTONIO, Prospero’s The Tempest brother ANTONY, Mark Antony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar APEMANTUS, a churlish Timon of Athens philosopher APOTHECARY Romeo and Juliet ARAGON, Prince of The Merchant of Venice ARCHBISHOP of York, Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 Scrope ARCHIDAMUS, a The Winter’s Tale Bohemian Lord The Two Noble Kinsmen ARCITE, a noble kinsman ARIEL, an airy spirit The Tempest ARMADO, Don Adriano de Love’s Labour’s Lost ARTEMIDORUS Julius Caesar ARTESIUS, an Athenian The Two Noble Kinsmen soldier ARTHUR, Duke of Brittaine King John ARVIRAGUS Cymbeline, King of Britain ASNATH, a spirit Henry VI Part 2 AUDREY, a goatherd As You Like It AUFIDIUS, General Coriolanus AUMERLE, Duke of Richard II AUSTRIA (Limoges), King John Duke of AUSTRINGER All’s Well That Ends Well AUTOLYCUS, a rogue The Winter’s Tale BAGOT Richard II BALTHASAR, a merchant The Comedy of Errors BALTHASAR, a singer Much Ado About Nothing BALTHASAR, Portia’s The Merchant of Venice servant BALTHASAR, Romeo’s man Romeo and Juliet BANDITTI, thieves Timon of Athens BANQUO, a Scottish Thane Macbeth BAPTISTA MINOLA The Taming of the Shrew BARDOLPH Henry IV Part 2 and Henry V The Merry Wives of Windsor BARNARDINE Measure for Measure BARNARDO Hamlet BARTHOLOMEW, a page The Taming of the Shrew BASSANIO The Merchant of Venice BASSET Henry VI Part 1 BASSIANUS, Saturninus’ Titus Andronicus brother

Character BASTARD of Orleans BATES, John BAWD BEADLE of Saint Albans BEATRICE, an orphan BEAUFORT, Cardinal Bishop of Winchester BEDFORD, Duke of, regent of France BELARIUS, a banished Lord BELCH, Sir Toby, Olivia’s kinsman BENEDICK, of Padua BENVOLIO, Montague’s nephew BERKELEY, Lord BERRI, Duke of BIANCA, a courtesan BIANCA, Baptista’s youngest daughter BIGOT, Lord BIONDELLO, a servant BIRON BLANCHE, Lady, of Spain BLUNT, Sir James BLUNT, Sir Walter BOATSWAIN BOLEYN, Anne BOLINGBROKE, Harry, Duke of Hereford BOLINGBROKE, Roger, a conjurer BONA, Lady BORACHIO, follower of Don John BOTTOM, a weaver

Play Henry VI Part 1 Henry V Pericles, Prince of Tyre Henry VI Part 2 Much Ado About Nothing Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 1 Cymbeline, King of Britain Twelfth Night Much Ado About Nothing Romeo and Juliet Richard II Henry V Othello The Taming of the Shrew King John The Taming of the Shrew Love’s Labour’s Lost King John Richard III Henry IV Part 1 The Tempest Henry VIII Richard II Henry VI Part 2

Henry VI Part 3 Much Ado About Nothing A Midsummer Night’s Dream BOULT Pericles, Prince of Tyre BOURBON, Duke of Henry V BOY who sings Antony and Cleopatra BOY who sings The Two Noble Kinsmen BOY, attendant on Mariana Measure for Measure BOY, formerly Falstaff’s page Henry V BOY, serving Benedick Much Ado About Nothing BOYET Love’s Labour’s Lost BRABANZIO, a senator Othello of Venice BRACKENBURY, Sir Robert Richard III BRANDON Henry VIII BRUTUS, Marcus, a noble Julius Caesar Roman BRUTUS, tribune Coriolanus BUCKINGHAM, Duke of Henry VIII BUCKINGHAM, Duke of Henry VI Part 2 and Richard III BULLCALF, Peter Henry IV Part 2 BURGUNDY, Duke of Henry V and Henry VI Part I BURGUNDY, Duke of King Lear BUSHY Richard II BUTTS, the King’s physician Henry VIII CADE, Jack Henry VI Part 2 CAITHNESS, a Thane Macbeth CAIUS, a French physician The Merry Wives of Windsor CALCHAS, Cressida’s Troilus and Cressida father CALIBAN, a deformed The Tempest savage CALPURNIA Julius Caesar CAMBRIDGE, Richard, Henry V Earl of CAMIDIUS Antony and Cleopatra CAMILLO, a Lord The Winter’s Tale CANTERBURY, Henry V Archbishop of


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CANTERBURY, Archbishop of CAPHIS CAPTAIN CAPTAIN CAPTAIN CAPTAIN in Duncan’s army CAPTAIN of a ship CAPTAIN of the Welsh army CAPULET’S COUSIN CAPULET’S WIFE CAPULET, Juliet’s father CAPUTIUS, Lord CARDINAL CARDINAL CAMPEIUS CARDINAL WOLSEY CARLISLE, Bishop of CARPENTER CARRIERS CASCA CASSANDRA, a prophetess CASSIO, Michael, a Lieutenant CASSIUS CATESBY, Sir William CATHERINE CELIA, later disguised as Aliena CERES, a spirit CERIMON, a physician of Ephesus CHAMBERLAIN CHARLES, Dauphin of France CHARLES, Duke Frederick’s wrestler CHARMIAN CHÂTILLON, an ambassador CHIEF WATCHMAN CHILDREN of WINDSOR CHIRON, son of Tamora CHRISTOPHER, a priest CICERO, a senator CINNA the conspirator CINNA the poet CITIZENS OF THE WATCH CLARENCE, Duke of CLARENCE, Duke of CLAUDIO CLAUDIO, a young gentleman CLAUDIO, of Florence CLEOMENES, a Lord CLEON, Governor of Tarsus CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt CLIFFORD, Lord CLIFFORD, Old Lord CLIFFORD, the younger CLITUS CLOTEN, the Queens’ son CLOWN CLOWN CLOWN, Autolycus’ son CLOWN, servant of Othello CLOWNS COBBLER COBHAM, Dame Eleanor COBWEB COLEVILLE, Sir John COMINIUS, a General CONRAD CONSTABLE of France CONSTANCE, Lady CORDELIA CORIN, an old shepherd CORIOLANUS CORNELIUS

Henry VIII

CORNELIUS, a physician Cymbeline, King of Britain CORNWALL, Duke of King Lear COSTARD, a Clown Love’s Labour’s Lost COUNTESS of Auvergne Henry VI Part 1 COURT, Alexander Henry V COURTESAN The Comedy of Errors CRANMER, Archbishop Henry VIII of Canterbury CRESSIDA, Pandarus’ niece Troilus and Cressida CRIER Henry VIII CROMWELL, Thomas Henry VIII CUPID Timon of Athens CURIO, attending Orsino Twelfth Night CURTIS, a servant The Taming of the Shrew CYMBELINE, King of Britain Cymbeline, King of Britain DARDANIUS Julius Caesar DAUPHIN, of France Henry V DAVY, Shallow’s servant Henry IV Part 2 DE LA POLE, William Henry VI Part 2 DECIUS BRUTUS Julius Caesar DECRETAS Antony and Cleopatra DEIPHOBUS, son of Priam Troilus and Cressida DEMETRIUS A Midsummer Night’s Dream DEMETRIUS Antony and Cleopatra DEMETRIUS Titus Andronicus DENIS, Oliver’s servant As You Like It DENNY, Sir Anthony Henry VIII DESDEMONA Othello DIANA All’s Well That Ends Well DIANA, Goddess of chastity Pericles, Prince of Tyre DICK the BUTCHER Henry VI Part 2 DIOMED Antony and Cleopatra Troilus and Cressida DIOMEDES DION, a Lord The Winter’s Tale DIONIZA, wife of Cleon Pericles, Prince of Tyre DOCTOR to Lady Macbeth Macbeth DOCTOR, an Englishman Macbeth DOGBERRY, the constable Much Ado About Nothing DOLABELLA Antony and Cleopatra DOLL TEARSHEET, a whore Henry IV Part 2 DONALBAIN Macbeth DON JOHN Much Ado About Nothing DON PEDRO, Prince of Much Ado About Nothing Aragon DOOR-KEEPER Henry VIII DORCAS, a shepherdess The Winter’s Tale DORSET, Marchioness of Henry VIII DORSET, Marquis of Henry VIII DORSET, Marquis of Richard III DOUGLAS, Earl of Henry IV Part 1 DROMIO OF EPHESUS The Comedy of Errors DROMIO OF SYRACUSE The Comedy of Errors DULL, Anthony, a constable Love’s Labour’s Lost DUMAINE Love’s Labour’s Lost DUNCAN, King of Scotland Macbeth DUTCHMAN Cymbeline, King of Britain EDGAR, aka Tom o’ Bedlam King Lear EDMOND King Lear EDWARD IV, King Richard III EDWARD, Earl of March Henry VI Parts 2 and 3 EGEON, merchant of The Comedy of Errors Syracuse EGEUS, father of Hermia A Midsummer Night’s Dream EGLAMOUR The Two Gentlemen of Verona Antony and Cleopatra EGYPTIAN ELBOW, a simple constable Measure for Measure ELIZABETH, Princess Henry VIII ELY, Bishop of Henry V ELY, Bishop of Henry VIII ELY, Bishop of Richard III EMILIA The Two Noble Kinsmen EMILIA, a lady The Winter’s Tale EMILIA, an abbess The Comedy of Errors EMILIA, Iago’s wife Othello EMMANUEL, Clerk Henry VI Part 2 of Chatham ENOBARBUS, Domitius Antony and Cleopatra EROS Antony and Cleopatra ERPINGHAM, Sir Thomas Henry V

Timon of Athens King Lear Titus Andronicus Twelfth Night Macbeth Henry VI Part 2 Richard II Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Henry VIII Richard III Henry VIII Henry VIII Richard II Julius Caesar Henry IV Part 1 Julius Caesar Troilus and Cressida Othello Julius Caesar Richard III Henry V As You Like It The Tempest Pericles, Prince of Tyre Henry IV Part 1 Henry VI Part 1 As You Like It Antony and Cleopatra King John Romeo and Juliet The Merry Wives of Windsor Titus Andronicus Richard III Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Romeo and Juliet Henry V Richard III Julius Caesar Measure for Measure Much Ado About Nothing The Winter’s Tale Pericles, Prince of Tyre Antony and Cleopatra Henry VI Part 3 Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 2 Julius Caesar Cymbeline, King of Britain Antony and Cleopatra Titus Andronicus The Winter’s Tale Othello Hamlet Julius Caesar Henry VI Part 2 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Henry IV Part 2 Coriolanus Much Ado About Nothing Henry V King John King Lear As You Like It Coriolanus Hamlet



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ESCALUS, an old Lord ESCALUS, Prince of Verona ESSEX, Earl of EVANS, Sir Hugh, a Welsh parson EXETER, Duke of EXETER, Duke of EXETER, Duke of EXTON, Sir Piers FABIAN FALCONBRIDGE, Lady FALCONBRIDGE, Robert FALSTAFF, Sir John

Measure for Measure Romeo and Juliet King John The Merry Wives of Windsor Henry V Henry VI Part 1 Henry VI Part 3 Richard II Twelfth Night King John King John Henry IV Part 2 The Merry Wives of Windsor Henry IV Part 2 Henry VI Part 1 Henry IV Part 2 The Merry Wives of Windsor The Tempest Love’s Labour’s Lost

GIACOMO, an Italian GLASDALE, Sir William GLOUCESTER, Duchess of GLOUCESTER, Duke Humphrey of GLOUCESTER, Duke of GLOUCESTER, Duke of GLOUCESTER, Earl of GLOUCESTER, Humphrey, Duke of GOBBO GONERIL GONZALO GOODFELLOW, Robin, a puck GOUGH, Matthew GOVERNOR of Harfleur GOWER, a messenger GOWER, Captain, an Englishman GOWER, John, the Presenter GRANDPRÉ, Lord GRAY, Lady GRAY, Lord GRAZIANO GRAZIANO GREEN GREGORY GREMIO GREY, Sir Thomas GRIFFITH, a gentleman usher GROOM of King Richard’s stable GRUMIO, a servant GUIDERIUS, known as Polydore GUILDENSTERN GUILDFORD, Sir Henry GURNEY, James HABERDASHER HAMLET, Prince HARCOURT HARVEY HASTINGS, a pursuivant HASTINGS, Lord HASTINGS, Lord HECATE, Queen of Witches HECTOR HELEN HELEN HELEN, an orphan HELENA HELENUS, a priest HELICANUS HENRY IV, King HENRY V, King HENRY VI, King HENRY VIII, King HENRY, Earl of Richmond HENRY, Lord Scrope of Masham HERBERT, Sir Walter HERMIA HERMIONE HERO HIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons HIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons HOLOFERNES, a schoolmaster HORATIO HORNER, Thomas, an armourer HORTENSIO, a teacher HORTENSIUS’ SERVANT HOST of the Garter Inn

Cymbeline, King of Britain Henry VI Part 1 Richard II Henry VI Part 2

FANG, a sergeant FASTOLF, Sir John FEEBLE, Francis FENTON, Master FERDINAND FERDINAND, King of Navarre FESTE, the clown FILARIO FIRST LORD DUMAINE FIRST OFFICER FITZWATER, Lord FIVE PRINCES FLAMINIUS, a servant FLAVIUS FLAVIUS, a tribune FLEANCE FLORENCE, Duke of FLORIZEL, aka Doricles FLUELLEN, Captain, a Welshman FLUTE, a bellows-mender FOOL FOOL FORD, Master Frank FORD, Mistress Alice FORESTER FORTINBRAS, Prince of Norway FRANCESCA, a nun FRANCIS, a drawer FRANCISCO FRANCISCO, a Lord FREDERICK, Duke FRENCHMAN FRIAR FRANCIS FRIAR JOHN FRIAR LAURENCE FRIAR PETER FROTH GADSHILL GALLUS GARDENER GARDINER, later Bishop of Winchester GARGRAVE, Sir Thomas GARTER King of Arms GENERAL of French garrison GEORGE, Duke of Clarence GEORGE, later Duke of Gloucester GERALD, a schoolmaster GERTRUDE, Queen of Denmark GHOST of Caesar GHOST of Hamlet GHOST of King Henry VI GHOST of Mother of Posthumus GHOST of Prince Edward GHOST of Sicilius Leonatus GHOSTS of brothers of Posthumus

Twelfth Night Cymbeline, King of Britain All’s Well That Ends Well Twelfth Night Richard II Pericles, Prince of Tyre Timon of Athens Timon of Athens Julius Caesar Macbeth All’s Well That Ends Well The Winter’s Tale Henry V A Midsummer Night’s Dream King Lear Timon of Athens The Merry Wives of Windsor The Merry Wives of Windsor Love’s Labour’s Lost Hamlet Measure for Measure Henry IV Part 1 Hamlet The Tempest As You Like It Cymbeline, King of Britain Much Ado About Nothing Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Measure for Measure Measure for Measure Henry IV Part 1 Antony and Cleopatra Richard II Henry VIII Henry VI Part 1 Henry VIII Henry VI Part 1 Richard III Henry VI Part 3 The Two Noble Kinsmen Hamlet Julius Caesar Hamlet Richard III Cymbeline, King of Britain Richard III Cymbeline, King of Britain Cymbeline, King of Britain


Henry V Henry VI Part 1 King Lear Henry IV Part 2 The Merchant of Venice King Lear The Tempest A Midsummer Night’s Dream Henry VI Part 2 Henry V Henry IV Part 2 Henry V Pericles, Prince of Tyre Henry V Henry VI Part 3 Richard III Othello The Merchant of Venice Richard II Romeo and Juliet The Taming of the Shrew Henry V Henry VIII Richard II The Taming of the Shrew Cymbeline, King of Britain Hamlet Henry VIII King John The Taming of the Shrew Hamlet Henry IV Part 2 Henry IV Part 1 Richard III Henry IV Part 2 Henry VI Part 3 Macbeth Troilus and Cressida Cymbeline, King of Britain Troilus and Cressida All’s Well That Ends Well A Midsummer Night’s Dream Troilus and Cressida Pericles, Prince of Tyre Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 Henry V Henry VI Parts 1, 2 and 3 Henry VIII Richard III Henry V Richard III A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Winter’s Tale Much Ado About Nothing A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Two Noble Kinsmen Love’s Labour’s Lost Hamlet Henry VI Part 2 The Taming of the Shrew Timon of Athens The Merry Wives of Windsor

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HOST, where Julia lodges HOSTESS, formerly Mistress Quickly HOTSPUR, Henry Percy HUBERT HUME, Sir John, a priest HUNTSMAN HYMEN, God of marriage HYMEN, God of marriage IAGO, the Moor’s ensign IDEN, Alexander INNOGEN, Princess INTERPRETER, a French soldier IRAS IRIS, a spirit ISABEL ISABELLA ISIDORE’S SERVANT JAILER JAILER’S BROTHER JAILER’S DAUGHTER JAMY, Captain, a Scot JAQUENETTA, a country wench JAQUES, Lord JESSICA JEWELLER JOAN la Pucelle JOHN JOHN OF GAUNT, Duke of Lancaster JOHN OF LANCASTER JOHN, a priest JOHN, a servant JOHN, King of England JOSEPH, a servingman JULIA JULIET JULIET JULIUS CAESAR JUNO, a spirit JUPITER JUSTICE KATE KATE, Lady Percy KATHERINE KATHERINE KEEPER of the prison KENT, Earl of KING CHARLES VI of France KING CLAUDIUS KING of France KING of France KING PHILIP of France KING SIMONIDES of Pentapolis LAERTES LAFEU, an old lord LANCE

The Two Gentlemen of Verona Henry V


Julius Caesar Henry VIII Othello Love’s Labour’s Lost Henry VIII Henry VIII Henry IV Part 2 Richard II Henry VIII Richard III The Merchant of Venice King John Henry VI Part 3 Henry VIII The Taming of the Shrew The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Comedy of Errors Timon of Athens Julius Caesar Measure for Measure Titus Andronicus Timon of Athens Julius Caesar Cymbeline, King of Britain Timon of Athens Timon of Athens Timon of Athens Henry VI Part 1 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Pericles, Prince of Tyre

Henry IV Part 1 King John Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 3 The Two Noble Kinsmen As You Like It Othello Henry VI Part 2 Cymbeline, King of Britain All’s Well That Ends Well Antony and Cleopatra The Tempest Henry V Measure for Measure Timon of Athens The Two Noble Kinsmen The Two Noble Kinsmen The Two Noble Kinsmen Henry V Love’s Labour’s Lost As You Like It The Merchant of Venice Timon of Athens Henry VI Part 1 Henry VI Part 2 Richard II Henry IV Part 1 Richard III The Merry Wives of Windsor King John The Taming of the Shrew The Two Gentlemen of Verona Measure for Measure Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar The Tempest Cymbeline, King of Britain Measure for Measure Henry IV Part 2 Henry IV Part 1 Love’s Labour’s Lost The Taming of the Shrew Richard II King Lear Henry V Hamlet All’s Well That Ends Well King Lear King John Pericles, Prince of Tyre

Hamlet All’s Well That Ends Well The Two Gentlemen of Verona LANCELOT, a clown The Merchant of Venice LARTIUS, a General Coriolanus LAVATCH, a clown All’s Well That Ends Well LAVINIA Titus Andronicus LEAR, King of Britain King Lear LE BEAU As You Like It LEGATE Henry VI Part 1 LENNOX, a Thane Macbeth LEONARDO The Merchant of Venice Much Ado About LEONATO, governor of Messina Nothing LEONINE, a murderer Pericles, Prince of Tyre LEONTES, King of Sicily The Winter’s Tale LEPIDUS Antony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar LICHORIDA, Thaisa’s nurse Pericles, Prince of Tyre LIEUTENANT of the Tower Henry VI Part 3


Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Henry V Antony and Cleopatra Macbeth Twelfth Night The Winter’s Tale Hamlet Titus Andronicus Antony and Cleopatra Henry VI Part 1 Much Ado About Nothing Troilus and Cressida Love’s Labour’s Lost Twelfth Night All’s Well That Ends Well Measure for Measure Pericles, Prince of Tyre The Winter’s Tale Pericles, Prince of Tyre As You Like It Titus Andronicus Henry VI Part 2 The Tempest Henry VI Part 1 Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 1 Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 3 King John Antony and Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra Troilus and Cressida Coriolanus Macbeth Love’s Labour’s Lost The Comedy of Errors Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Henry IV Part 1

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MILAN, Duke of MIRANDA MONTAGUE, Marquis of MONTAGUE, Romeo’s father MONTAGUE’S WIFE MONTANO, Governor of Cyprus MONTGOMERY, Sir John MONTJOY, the French Herald MOPSA, a shepherdess MOROCCO, Prince of MORTIMER, aka Earl of March MORTIMER, Edmund MORTIMER, Lady MORTIMER, Sir Hugh MORTIMER, Sir John MORTON MOTE MOTE, a page MOULDY, Ralph MOWBRAY, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk MURELLUS, a tribune MUSTARDSEED MUTIUS MYRMIDONS NATHANIEL, a servingman NATHANIEL, Sir, a curate NELL, a country wench NELL, a kitchen-maid NERISSA, a waiting-gentlewoman NESTOR NICANOR, a Volscian NIM NIM NORFOLK, Duke of NORFOLK, Duke of NORFOLK, old Duchess of NORTHUMBERLAND, Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND’S WIFE OBERON, King of the Fairies OCTAVIA OCTAVIUS Caesar OCTAVIUS CAESAR OLD ATHENIAN OLDCASTLE, Sir John OLD MAN OLD MAN, Gloucester’s tenant OLIVER OLIVIA, a Countess OPHELIA ORLANDO ORLÉANS, Duke of ORSINO, Duke of Illyria OSRIC OSTLER OSWALD, Goneril’s steward OTHELLO, the Moor of Venice OVERDONE, Mistress, a bawd OWAIN GLYNDWR OXFORD, Earl of PAGE, Anna PAGE, Master George PAGE, Mistress Margaret PAGE, William PAINTER PALAMON, a noble kinsman PANDARUS, a Lord

The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Tempest Henry VI Part 3 Romeo and Juliet

PANDER PANDOLF, Cardinal PANTHINO, a servant PARIS PARIS PAROLLES PATIENCE, a waiting woman PATROCLUS PAULINA PEASEBLOSSOM PEDANT, schoolmaster from Mantu PEMBROKE, Earl of PERCY, Earl of Northumberland PERCY, Earl of Northumberland PERCY, Harry PERDITA PERICLES, Prince of Tyre PETER PETER, a servingman PETER OF POMFRET, a prophet PETER THUMP PETO PETRUCCIO PETRUCHIO, a gentleman of Verona PHILEMON, Cerimon’s servant PHILIP, a servingman PHILIP the BASTARD PHILO PHILOTUS’ SERVANT PHOEBE, a shepherdess PHRYNIA, a whore PINCH, Doctor, a schoolmaster PINDARUS PIRITHOUS PISANIO, a servant PISTOL, Ensign

Pericles, Prince of Tyre King John The Two Gentlemen of Verona Romeo and Juliet Troilus and Cressida All’s Well That Ends Well Henry VIII Troilus and Cressida The Winter’s Tale A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Taming of the Shrew King John Henry IV Parts 1 and 2

Romeo and Juliet Othello Henry VI Part 3 Henry V The Winter’s Tale The Merchant of Venice Henry IV Part 1 Henry VI Part 1 Henry IV Part 1 Henry VI Part 3 Henry VI Part 3 Henry IV Part 2 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Love’s Labour’s Lost Henry IV Part 2 Richard II Julius Caesar A Midsummer Night’s Dream Titus Andronicus Troilus and Cressida The Taming of the Shrew Love’s Labour’s Lost The Two Noble Kinsmen The Comedy of Errors The Merchant of Venice Troilus and Cressida Coriolanus Henry V The Merry Wives of Windsor Henry VIII Henry VI Part 3 and Richard III Henry VIII Henry VI Part 3 Henry IV Part 2 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Antony and Cleopatra Julius Caesar Antony and Cleopatra Timon of Athens Henry IV Part 1 Macbeth King Lear As You Like It Twelfth Night Hamlet As You Like It Henry V Twelfth Night Hamlet Henry IV Part 1 King Lear Othello Measure for Measure Henry IV Part 1 Henry VI Part 3 and Richard III The Merry Wives of Windsor The Merry Wives of Windsor The Merry Wives of Windsor The Merry Wives of Windsor Timon of Athens The Two Noble Kinsmen Troilus and Cressida

POET POET POINS, Edward POLIXENES, King of Bohemia POLONIUS, a Lord POMPEY (Pompeius) POMPEY, a clownish servant POPILIUS Laena, a senator PORTER PORTER at Macbeth’s castle PORTER, at the christening PORTIA, an heiress PORTIA, Brutus’s wife POSTHUMUS Leonatus PRIAM, King of Troy PRIEST PRIEST PRINCE EDWARD PRINCE HAL PRINCE HENRY PRINCE JOHN of Lancaster PRINCESS of France PROCULEIUS PROSPERO PROTEUS, a gentleman of Verona PROVOST PUBLIUS PUBLIUS, a senator QUEEN, Cymbeline’s wife


Richard II Richard II The Winter’s Tale Pericles, Prince of Tyre Romeo and Juliet The Taming of the Shrew King John Henry VI Part 2 Henry IV Part 2 Romeo and Juliet The Taming of the Shrew Pericles, Prince of Tyre The Taming of the Shrew King John Antony and Cleopatra Timon of Athens As You Like It Timon of Athens The Comedy of Errors Julius Caesar The Two Noble Kinsmen Cymbeline, King of Britain Henry V The Merry Wives of Windsor Henry IV Part 2 Julius Caesar Timon of Athens Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 The Winter’s Tale Hamlet Antony and Cleopatra Measure for Measure Julius Caesar Henry IV Part 2 Macbeth Henry VIII The Merchant of Venice Julius Caesar Cymbeline, King of Britain Troilus and Cressida Hamlet Twelfth Night Henry VI Part 3 and Richard III Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 King John Henry IV Part 2 Love’s Labour’s Lost Antony and Cleopatra The Tempest The Two Gentlemen of Verona Measure for Measure Titus Andronicus Julius Caesar Cymbeline, King of Britain

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Richard II King John Richard III Henry VIII Henry VI Parts 2 and 3 Richard III Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 The Merry Wives of Windsor A Midsummer Night’s Dream Titus Andronicus Henry V Richard III King Lear Henry VI Part 1 Hamlet All’s Well That Ends Well Richard II Henry VI Parts 1, 2 and 3 Richard III

SHEPHERD, father of Joan SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHYLOCK, a Jew SICINIUS Velutus, tribune SILENCE, a country justice SILIUS SILVIA SILVIUS, a young shepherd SIMPCOX, Simon SIMPCOX’S WIFE SIMPLE, Peter, Slender’s servant SIWARD, Earl of Northumberland SIWARD, the younger SIX COUNTRYMEN SIX KNIGHTS SIX SPIRITS SIX WITCHES SLENDER, Master Abraham SLY, Christopher, beggar and tinker SMITH the WEAVER SNARE, a sergeant SNOUT, a tinker SNUG, a joiner SOLANIO SOLDIER of Alcibiades’ army SOLDIER who has killed his father SOLDIER who has killed his son SOLINUS, Duke of Ephesus SOMERSET, Duke of SOMERVILLE SOOTHSAYER SOOTHSAYER SOOTHSAYER, called Philarmonus SOUTHWELL, John, a priest SPANIARD SPEED SPIRIT LIKE A CAT STAFFORD, Sir Humphrey STAFFORD’S BROTHER STANLEY, Lord, Earl of Derby STANLEY, Sir John STARVELING, a tailor STEFANO, Alonso’s drunken butler STEFANO, Portia’s servant STOKESLEY, Bishop of London STRATO SUFFOLK, Duke of SUFFOLK, Earl of SURREY, Duke of SURREY, Earl of SURREY, Earl of TABORER, called Timothy TAILOR TALBOT, John TAMORA, Queen of the Goths TAURUS THAISA THALIART, a villain THERSITES THESEUS, Duke of Athens THESEUS, Duke of Athens THIDIAS THOMAS, Duke of Clarence THOMAS, Lord Mowbray THREE APPARITIONS

Henry VI Part 1 Henry IV Part 1 King John Richard III The Merchant of Venice Coriolanus Henry IV Part 2 Antony and Cleopatra The Two Gentlemen of Verona As You Like It Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 2 The Merry Wives of Windsor Macbeth

The Merry Wives of Windsor Henry VI Part 3 The Merry Wives of Windsor Henry VIII Othello Romeo and Juliet As You Like It Love’s Labour’s Lost Hamlet Macbeth Richard II All’s Well That Ends Well All’s Well That Ends Well The Merry Wives of Windsor Henry IV Part 2 Henry IV Part 1 Henry VI Part 3 Henry VIII The Merchant of Venice Henry V Henry VI Parts 1 and 2 King John Richard II Romeo and Juliet Henry VIII Titus Andronicus Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 2 Antony and Cleopatra Richard III Richard II The Tempest Twelfth Night All’s Well That Ends Well The Comedy of Errors Twelfth Night Antony and Cleopatra Titus Andronicus Timon of Athens As You Like It Antony and Cleopatra Henry VI Part 2 Henry VIII King Lear Twelfth Night The Winter’s Tale Timon of Athens Much Ado About Nothing Macbeth Henry IV Part 2 Henry IV Part 2 The Merry Wives of Windsor


Macbeth The Two Noble Kinsmen The Two Noble Kinsmen Henry VIII Macbeth The Merry Wives of Windsor The Taming of the Shrew Henry VI Part 2 Henry IV Part 2 A Midsummer Night’s Dream A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Merchant of Venice Timon of Athens Henry VI Part 3 Henry VI Part 3 The Comedy of Errors Henry VI Parts 1, 2 and 3 Henry VI Part 3 Antony and Cleopatra Julius Caesar Cymbeline, King of Britain Henry VI Part 2 Cymbeline, King of Britain The Two Gentlemen of Verona Macbeth Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 2 Richard III Henry VI Part 2 A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Tempest The Merchant of Venice Henry VIII Julius Caesar Henry VIII Henry VI Part 1 Richard II Henry IV Part 2 Henry VIII The Two Noble Kinsmen The Taming of the Shrew Henry VI Part 1 Titus Andronicus Antony and Cleopatra Pericles, Prince of Tyre Pericles, Prince of Tyre Troilus and Cressida A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Two Noble Kinsmen Antony and Cleopatra Henry IV Part 2 Henry IV Part 2 Macbeth

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Pericles, Prince of Tyre Macbeth Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 2 The Two Noble Kinsmen Timon of Athens The Two Gentlemen of Verona Timon of Athens The Winter’s Tale Timon of Athens Richard III A Midsummer Night’s Dream Julius Caesar Titus Andronicus Timon of Athens As You Like It The Taming of the Shrew Henry IV Part 2

VENTIDIUS VERGES, the Headborough VERNON VERNON, Sir Richard VINCENTIO, Lucentio’s father VINCENTIO, The Duke of Vienna VINTNER VIOLA, a lady VIRGILIA VOLUMNIA VOLUMNIUS WAITING-GENTLEWOMAN WART, Thomas WARWICK WARWICK, Earl of WARWICK, Neville, Earl of WATCHMEN WESTMINSTER, Abbot of WESTMORLAND WESTMORLAND, Earl of WHITMORE, Walter WIDOW WIDOW CAPILET WILLIAM, a countryman WILLIAM, Lord Hastings WILLIAMS, Michael WILLOUGHBY, Lord WINCHESTER, Bishop of WITCH, Margery Jordan WOMAN, attending Emilia WOODVILLE, Anthony, Earl RIVERS WOODVILLE, Lieutenant of Tower WOOER of the jailer’s daughter WORCESTER, Earl of YORK, Duchess of YORK, Duchess of YORK, Duke of YORK, Duke of YORK, Duke of YOUNG CATO YOUNG LUCIUS, a boy YOUNG MARTIUS

Timon of Athens Much Ado About Nothing Henry VI Part 1 Henry IV Part 1 The Taming of the Shrew Measure for Measure

Julius Caesar The Tempest Troilus and Cressida The Merchant of Venice Henry VI Part 3 The Winter’s Tale Romeo and Juliet Troilus and Cressida Much Ado About Nothing The Two Gentlemen of Verona Twelfth Night Titus Andronicus Coriolanus The Two Noble Kinsmen Hamlet Antony and Cleopatra Measure for Measure Julius Caesar Richard III Henry VI Part 2 Henry VIII Othello The Merchant of Venice Antony and Cleopatra

Henry IV Part 1 Twelfth Night Coriolanus Coriolanus Julius Caesar Macbeth Henry IV Part 2 Henry V Henry VI Parts 1, 2 and 3 Henry IV Part 2 Much Ado About Nothing Richard II Henry V Henry IV Parts 1, 2 and 3 Henry VI Part 2 The Taming of the Shrew All’s Well That Ends Well As You Like It Richard III Henry V Richard II Henry VI Part 1 Henry VI Part 2 The Two Noble Kinsmen Richard III Henry VI Part 1 The Two Noble Kinsmen Henry IV Part 1 Richard II Richard III Henry V Henry VI Part 2 Richard II Julius Caesar Titus Andronicus Coriolanus

First Lines of Shakespearian Sonnets No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

From fairest creatures we desire increase When forty winters shall besiege thy brow Look in thy glass, and tell the face thou viewest Unthrifty loveliness, why dost thou spend Those hours that with gentle work did frame Then let not winter’s ragged hand deface Lo, in the orient when the gracious light Music to hear, why hear’st thou music sadly? Is it for fear to wet a widow’s eye For shame deny that thou bear’st love to any As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow’st When I do count the clock that tells the time O that you were yourself! But, love, you are Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck When I consider everything that grows But wherefore do not you a mightier way Who will believe my verse in time to come Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Devouring time, blunt thou the lion’s paws A woman’s face with nature’s own hand painted So is it not with me as with that muse My glass shall not persuade me I am old As an unperfect actor on the stage Mine eye hath played the painter, and hath steeled

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


Let those who are in favour with their stars Lord of my love, to whom in vassalage Weary with toil I haste me to my bed How can I then return in happy plight When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes When to the sessions of sweet silent thought Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts If thou survive my well-contented day Full many a glorious morning have I seen Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day No more be grieved at that which thou hast done Let me confess that we two must be twain As a decrepit father takes delight How can my muse want subject to invent O, how thy worth with manners may I sing Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all Those pretty wrongs that liberty commits That thou hast her, it is not all my grief When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see If the dull substance of my flesh were thought The other two, slight air and purging fire Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took How careful was I when I took my way

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Against that time – if ever that time come How heavy do I journey on the way Thus can my love excuse the slow offence So am I as the rich whose blessed key What is your substance, whereof are you made O how much more doth beauty beauteous seem Not marble nor the gilded monuments Sweet love, renew thy force. Be it not said Being your slave, what should I do but tend That god forbid, that made me first your slave If there be nothing new, but that which is Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore Is it thy will thy image should keep open Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye Against my love shall be as I am now When I have seen by time’s fell hand defaced Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea Tired with all these, for restful death I cry Ah, wherefore with infection should he live Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn Those parts of thee that the world’s eye doth view That thou are blamed shall not be thy defect No longer mourn for me when I am dead O, lest the world should task you to recite That time of year thou mayst in me behold But be contented when that fell arrest So are you to my thoughts as food to life Why is my verse so barren of new pride Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear So oft have I invoked thee for my muse Whilst I alone did call upon thy aid O, how I faint when I of you do write Or I shall live your epitaph to make I grant thou wert not married to my muse I never saw that you did painting need Who is it that says most which can say more My tongue-tied muse in manners holds her still Was it the proud full sail of his great verse Farewell – thou art too dear for my possessing When thou shalt be disposed to set me light Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now Some glory in their birth, some in their skill But do thy worst to steal thyself away So shall I live supposing thou art true They that have power to hurt and will do none How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame Some say thy fault is youth, some wantonness How like a winter hath my absence been From you have I been absent in the spring The forward violet thus did I chide Where art thou, muse, that thou forget’st so long O truant muse, what shall be thy amends

102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154


My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming Alack, what poverty my muse brings forth To me, fair friend, you never can be old Let not my love be called idolatry When in the chronicle of wasted time Not mine own fears nor the prophetic soul What’s in the brain that ink may character O never say that I was false of heart Alas, ’tis true, I have gone here and there O, for my sake do you with fortune chide Your love and pity doth th’impression fill Since I left you mine eye is in my mind Or whether doth my mind, being crowned with you Those lines that I before have writ do lie Let me not to the marriage of true minds Accuse me thus: that I have scanted all Like as, to make our appetites more keen What potions have I drunk of siren tears That you were once unkind befriends me now ’Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain No, time, thou shalt not boast that I do change! If my dear love were but the child of state Were’t aught to me I bore the canopy O thou my lovely boy, who in thy power In the old age black was not counted fair How oft, when thou, my music, music play’st Th’ expense of spirit in a waste of shame My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun Thou art as tyrannous so as thou art Thine eyes I love, and they, as pitying me Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan So, now I have confessed that he is thine Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy Will If thy soul check thee that I come so near Thou blind fool love, what dost thou to mine eyes When my love swears that she is made of truth O, call not me to justify the wrong Be wise as thou art cruel; do not press In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate Lo, as a care-full housewife runs to catch Two loves I have, of comfort and despair Those lips that love’s own hand did make Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth My love is as a fever, longing still O me, what eyes hath love put in my head Canst thou, O cruel, say I love thee not O, from what power hast thou this powerful might Love is too young to know what conscience is In loving thee thou know’st I am forsworn Cupid laid by his brand and fell asleep The little love-god lying once asleep






Edward I aka Longshanks, Hammer of the Scots

Edward II

Edward III


Henry II Plantagenet Fitzempress Curtmantle

Henry III aka the Builder





Matilda ‘Empress Maud’

John aka Lackland


Henry I Beauclerc



William II Rufus

Richard I aka Lionheart


William I aka the Bastard, the Conqueror


25 Jan.

8 July

20 Nov.

28 Oct.

27 May

3 Sept.

19 Dec.

22 Dec.

5 Aug.

26 Sept.

25 Dec.

Date of accession Born

Arrow wound while hunting in the New Forest, nr Brockenhurst, Hants, 2 Aug. 1100. Buried in Winchester Cathedral.

Abdominal injury while riding via Mantes, died 5 weeks later on 9 Sept. 1087 at Rouen. Buried at the Abbey of St Stephen, Caen.


Windsor Castle, 13 Nov. 1312; elder son of Edward II and Isabella.

Caernarfon Castle, Wales, 25 April 1284; 4th and only surviving son of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile.

Westminster, 17 June 1239; eldest son (to survive infancy) of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence. Buried at Westminster Abbey.

Winchester, 1 Oct. 1207, elder son of John and Isabella of Angoulême.

Beaumont Palace, Oxford, 24 Dec. 1167, 5th son of Henry II and Eleanor.

Oxford, 8 Sept. 1157, 3rd son of Henry II and Eleanor.

Le Mans, France, 5 March 1133, eldest son of Geoffrey V, count of Anjou, and Matilda, only daughter of Henry I.

Blois, France, c. 1096, 3rd son of Stephen aka Henry, count of Blois, and Adela, 5th daughter of William I.

London, Feb. 1102, only legitimate daughter of Henry I.

Natural causes, Sheen, 21 June 1377. Buried at Westminster Abbey.

Murdered Berkeley Castle, Sept. 1327. Buried Gloucester Cathedral.

Natural causes, Burgh-on-the-Sands nr Carlisle, 7 July 1307, aged 68.

Natural causes, Westminster, aged 65, 16 Nov. 1272. Buried Westminster Abbey Church.

Dysentery, Newark Castle, Notts, Oct. 1216. Buried at Worcester Cathedral.

Arrow wound while besieging the castle of Chalus, Limousin, France, 6 April 1199. Buried at Fontevraud Abbey in Anjou, reburied Westminster Abbey.

Fever, castle of Chinon, Tours, 6 July 1199. Buried at Fontevraud Abbey in Anjou, reburied Westminster Abbey.

Heart attack, St Martin’s Priory, Dover, 25 Oct. 1154. Buried at Faversham Abbey.

Natural causes, Rouen, Normandy. Buried at Fontevraud Abbey church, Anjou.

Selby, Yorkshire, 1068, 4th son of Fever, St Denis-le-Ferment, Grisors. Aged 67, William I and Matilda. Buried at Reading Abbey. 1 Dec. 1135.

Normandy, c. 1056, 3rd son of William I and Matilda.

Falaise, France, c. 1028, illegitimate son of Robert I, 6th duke of Normandy, by Herleva/ Arlette, daughter of Fulbert the Tanner.

Kings and Queens of England and Great Britain Marriage(s)

Philippa (1314–69) daughter of count of Hainault and Holland; 7 sons, 5 daughters. Married at York, 24 June 1328

Isabella (1292–1358), daughter of King Philip IV of France; 2 sons, 2 daughters. Married Boulogne, Jan. 1308.

Eleanor, died 1290, daughter of king of Castile, Ferdinand III, 4 sons, 7 daughters. Married Las Huelgas, Oct. 1254. Margaret (1282–1317), daughter of King Philip III of France; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Married Canterbury Sept. 1299.

Eleanor, died 1291, daughter of count of Provence, Raymond Berengar. Married at Canterbury, 1236; 2 sons, 3 daughters

Isabel, died 1217. Wed 1191 at Marlborough, Wilts; no issue Isabella, died 1246, daughter of count of Angoulême; 2 sons, 3 daughters. Married at Angoulême, Aug. 1200.

Berengaria died c..1230, daughter of Sancho VI of Navarre. No issue. Married at Limassol, Cyprus, 1191.

Eleanor (1122–1204), daughter of duke of Aquitaine and divorced wife of Louis VII of France; 5 sons, 3 daughters. Married at Bordeaux, 1152.

Matilda, died 1151, daughter of count of Boulogne and Mary, sister of Matilda (wife of Henry I); 3 sons, 2 daughters. Married 1125.

Henry V, Emperor of Germany, married in 1114, died 1125 Geoffrey V, count of Anjou; 3 sons. Married 1128, died 1151.

Edith (aka Matilda), died 1118, daughter of Malcolm III and Margaret. Married Westminster Abbey, Nov. 1100. Adela, died 1151, daughter of Godfrey VII, count of Louvaine (granddaughter of Edmund Ironside); 1 son, 1 daughter.


Matilda (died 1083), daughter of Baldwin V, count of Flanders; 4 sons, 5 daughters. Married at Eu c. 1053.

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22 Aug.

22 April

28 Jan.










Henry VI

Edward IV

Henry VI

Edward IV

Edward V

Richard III aka Crookback

Henry VII

Henry VIII 1509–1547 aka Bluff King Hal, Old Copper Nose


Henry V aka Harry


Edward VI

Jane aka Nine-Day Queen

10 July

26 June

9 April

11 April

6 Oct.

4 March

1 Sept.

21 March

30 Sept.


Henry IV aka Bolingbroke

accession 22 June


Richard II

Date of Reign

Murdered by stabbing, Tower of London, 21 May 1471. Buried at Windsor.

Tower of London?

Bradgate Park, Leics, Oct. 1537; eldest daughter of Henry Grey, 3rd marquess of Dorset, and Frances, daughter of Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII.

Hampton Ct, 12 Oct. 1537; only surviving son of Henry VIII by Jane Seymour.

Greenwich, 28 June 1491; 2nd and only surviving son of Henry VII and Elizabeth.

Beheaded Tower of London Feb. 1554. Buried St Peter ad Vincula within the Tower.

Tuberculosis at Greenwich. Buried in Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey.

Sinusitis and periostitis of the leg at Whitehall, 28 Jan. 1547. Buried at Windsor.

Pembroke Castle, 27 Jan. 1457; only child of Rheumatoid arthritis and gout, 21 April 1509, Edmund Tudor, 1st earl of Richmond, and at Richmond. Buried in his own chapel at Margaret Beaufort, great-great-granddaughter Westminster. of Edward III.

Fotheringay, Northants, 2 Oct. 1452; 4th and Killed Bosworth 22 Aug.1485. Buried at the only surviving son of Richard, 3rd duke of York Abbey of the Grey Friars, Leicester. (the Protector), and Cecily Nevill.

Westminster, 2 Nov. 1470, eldest son of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville.

As above.

As above.

Mary de Bohun (1368–94), daughter of Humphrey of Hereford; 5 sons, 2 daughters. Married Rochford, Essex, 1380. Joan (1370–1437), 2nd daughter of King Charles II of Navarre. No issue. Married Winchester, Feb. 1403.

Anne of Bohemia (1366–94), daughter of Emperor Charles I. No issue. Married St Stephens Chapel, 1382. Isabelle (1389–1409), daughter of Charles VI of France. No issue. Wed St Nicholas, Calais, 1396.


Guilford Dudley, son of John Dudley, duke of Northumberland. Married Durham House, London May 1533.


See separate entry.

Elizabeth (1466–1503), daughter of Edward IV; 3 sons, 4 daughters. Married Westminster, Jan. 1486.

Anne (1456–85), daughter of Richard Nevill, earl of Warwick, and widow of Edward, prince of Wales; 1 son. Married 12 July 1472.


Elizabeth (1437–92), daughter of Sir Richard Woodville; 3 sons, 7 daughters. Wed Grafton, Northants, 1464

Margaret (1430–82), daughter of René, duke of Anjou; 1 son. Wed Tichfield Abbey, April 1445.

Dysentery, Bois de Vincennes, aged 34. Buried in Catherine of Valois (1401–37), daughter of Charles VI of Chapel of the Confessor, Westminster Abbey. France; 1 son. Married church of St John, Troyes, 2 June 1420.

Eczema and gout, Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster. Buried at Westminster Abbey.

Neurasthenia, Pontefract Castle. Buried at Westminster Abbey.


Rouen, France, 28 April 1442; eldest son of Pneumonia, Westminster, April 1483. Buried Richard, 3rd duke of York and the Lady Cecily at Windsor. Nevill, daughter of Ralph, earl of Westmorland.

Windsor, 6 Dec. 1421; only son of Henry V and Catherine of Valois.

Monmouth, Wales, 16 Sept. 1387; 2nd and eldest surviving son of Henry IV and Lady Mary de Bohun.

Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, April 1366; eldest son of John of Gaunt, 4th son of Edward III and Blanche, great-granddaughter of Henry III.

Bordeaux, France, 6 Jan. 1367; 2nd but only surviving son of Edward, the Black Prince, and Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent (granddaughter of Edward I).


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773 25 Oct.

29 Jan.

George III 1760–1820 aka Farmer George

George IV


11 Jun.

1 Aug.

8 March


13 Feb.

13 Feb.

George II


William III

6 Feb.



James II

29 May

George I


Charles II aka Old Rowley

27 March



Charles I

26 March

Anne aka Brandy Nan


James I

17 Nov.



Elizabeth I aka Virgin Queen

19 July

Date of accession

Mary II


Mary I aka Bloody Mary


Brain haemorrhage, Kensington. Buried Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster.

Smallpox at Kensington, 28 Dec. 1694. Buried Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster.

Pleuro-pneumonia following fracture of right collarbone after falling from his horse near Kensington. Buried Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster.

Cerebral haemorrhage, St Germain, France. Remains were interred at 5 different venues in France. All are now lost except for those at the parish church at St Germain.

Uraemia and mercurial poisoning, Whitehall. Buried Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster.

Beheaded at Whitehall, Jan 1649. Buried at Windsor.

Bright’s disease, Theobalds Park, Herts. Buried Westminster Abbey.

Sepsis from tonsillar abscess at Richmond. Buried Westminster Abbey.

Influenza in London. Buried Westminster Abbey.


St James’s Palace, 12 Aug. 1762; eldest son of George III and Charlotte.

Norfolk House, London, 24 May 1738; son of Frederick Lewis, prince of Wales, and Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.

Hanover, 30 Oct. 1683; son of George I and Sophia Dorothea.

Stomach rupture and dropsy, Windsor. Buried St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Senility, Windsor. St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Thrombosis, Palace of Westminster. Buried Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster.

Osnabrück, 28 May 1660; son of Ernest, Thrombosis, Ibbenburen. Buried Hanover. duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and elector of Hanover, and Sophia, daughter of Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia, eldest daughter of James I.

St James’s Palace, 6 Feb. 1665, daughter of James II and Anne Hyde.

St James’s Palace, 30 April 1662.

The Hague, 4 Nov. 1650; only son of William II, Prince of Orange, and Mary Stuart, daughter of Charles I.

St James’s Palace, 14 Oct. 1633; only surviving son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria.

St James’s Palace, 29 May 1630; eldest son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria.

Dunfermline Palace, 19 Nov. 1600; only surviving son of James I and Anne of Denmark.

Edinburgh Castle, 19 June 1566; son of Mary queen of Scots (daughter of James V) and Henry Darnley.

Greenwich, 7 Sept. 1533; daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

Greenwich, 18 Feb. 1516; only surviving child of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon.


Maria Fitzherbert, 1785, without king’s consent and denied by George IV. Caroline of Brunswick, 8 April 1795, Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace.

Charlotte Sophia (1744–1818), daughter of Charles Louis Frederick, duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 8 Sept. 1761

Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline of Ansbach (1683–1737), daughter of John Frederick, margrave of Brandenburg -Ansbach. Married 22 Aug. 1705.

Sophia Dorothea, daughter of George William, duke of Lüneburg-Celle. Wed 21 Nov. 1682, divorced 1694.

George of Denmark (1653–1708), son of Frederick III of Denmark. Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace, 1683.

William III.

Mary, daughter of James II and Anne Hyde. Married St James’s Palace, 4 Nov. 1677.

Anne Hyde, daughter of Edward Hyde. Married Worcester House, Strand, 3 Sept. 1660. Mary D’este, daughter of duke of Modena. Married Modena, 30 Sept. 1673, by proxy.

Catherine of Braganza, daughter of John. Married Portsmouth, 21 May 1662.

Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV of France. Married Paris, 1 May 1625, by proxy.

Anne, daughter of Frederick II of Denmark. Married 20 Aug. 1589, by proxy.


Philip, son of Emperor Charles V and later king of Spain in 1554.


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William IV aka Sailor King


Edward VII aka Denmark, Peacemaker

George V

Edward VIII aka People’s King

George VI

Elizabeth II


6 Feb.

11 Dec.

20 Jan.

6 May

22 Jan.

20 June

26 June

Date of Accession

17 Bruton St, London, 21 April 1926; elder daughter of George VI and Elizabeth.

York Cottage, Sandringham, 14 Dec. 1895; second son of George V and Mary.

White Lodge, Richmond Park, 23 June 1894; eldest son of George V and Mary.

Marlborough House, London, 3 June 1865; 2nd son of Edward and Alexander.

Buckingham Palace, 9 Nov. 1841; eldest son of Victoria and Albert.

Kensington Palace, 24 May 1819; daughter of Edward duke of Kent, 4th son of George III, and Victoria, daughter of Francis of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld.

Buckingham Palace, 21 Aug. 1765; son of George III and Charlotte.


Reigned since 6 Feb. 1952.

Lung cancer, Sandringham. Buried at St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Throat cancer, Paris, 28 May 1972. Buried at Frogmore, Windsor.

Bronchitis, Sandringham. Buried at St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Bronchitis, Buckingham Palace. Buried at St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Senility, Osborne House, IoW. Buried at Frogmore nr Windsor.

Pneumonia/cirrhosis, Windsor. Buried St George’s Chapel, Windsor.


Philip, son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice. Married in Westminster Abbey, 20 Nov. 1947.

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, daughter of 14th earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. Married 26 April 1922.

Wallis Simpson née Warfield. Married 3 June 1937 Château de Candé, near Tours, France

Mary, daughter of Francis, duke of Teck. Married 6 July 1893, St James’s Palace.

Alexandra, daughter of Christian IX of Denmark. Married 10 March 1863, St George’s Chapel.

Francis Albert (1819–61), 2nd son of Ernest I of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Married 10 Feb. 1840, St James’s Palace.

Adelaide, daughter of duke of Saxe- Meiningen. Married 11 July 1818, Kew.


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British Royalty: Miscellaneous Details abdicated: first Edward II (25 January 1327) Alexandra, Princess (the Hon. Lady Ogilvy) full name: Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga Christabel born: 25 December 1936, Belgrave Square, London relationship to Queen: Cousin (sister of Edward, Duke of Kent) husband: The Rt Hon. Sir Angus Ogilvy (b. 14 Sept. 1928) children: James Robert Bruce Ogilvy (b. 29 February 1964) Marina Victoria Alexandra Mowatt (b. 31 July 1966) house: Thatched House Lodge, Richmond Park, Surrey Alexandra Rose Day inaugurated in 1912 by Queen Alexandra Andrew, Prince married Sarah Ferguson in 1986 full name: Andrew Albert Christian Edward born: 19 February 1960, Buckingham Palace titles: The Duke of York, Earl of Inverness and Baron Killyleagh schools: Heatherdown, nr Ascot; Gordonstoun, Morayshire; Lakefield College School, Ontario children: Beatrice Elizabeth Mary, born 8 August 1988 Eugene Victoria Helena, born 23 March 1990 houses: Sunninghill Park, Ascot; Buckingham Palace, London Angevin kings Henry II, Richard I, John Anne, Princess Princess Royal since 1987 born: 15 August 1950, Clarence House full name: Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise school: Benenden, Kent marriages: Captain Mark Phillips (1973–92) Captain Tim Laurence (1992– ) children: Peter Mark Andrew Phillips (b. 15 November 1977) Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips (b. 15 May 1981) house: Gatcombe Park, Gloucestershire attempted kidnapping: by Ian Ball in 1974 in the Mall annus horribilis Queen Elizabeth’s name for 1992 anti-smoking tract: published James I Babington Plot Roman Catholic plot against Elizabeth I in 1586 bald as a young woman Elizabeth I baldness revealed after execution Mary, queen of Scots bathed every three months Elizabeth I battle: died in; last sovereign Richard III battle: led troops in; last George II (Dettingen) bigamist George IV Bill of Rights Act barring Catholics from succession bodyguard scandal Commander Michael Trestrail resigned as the Queen’s bodyguard (19 July 1982) after admitting to his part in a sexual scandal breast: extra Anne Boleyn Buckingham Palace: first to live in Queen Victoria bought by George III in 1762 burnt the cakes (traditionally) King Alfred Cabal advisers to Charles II: Clifford, Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington and Lauderdale Cabinet meetings: attended most Queen Anne Cavalier Parliament Charles II (aka Pensionary Parliament) first English Parliament 8 May 1661 Charles II: illegitimate son Duke of Monmouth, son of Lucy Walter Charles, Prince married 1981, divorced 1996; remarried 2005 full name: Charles Philip Arthur George born: 14 November 1948, Buckingham Palace titles: Duke of Cornwall,ಝEarl of Carrick and Baron Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, Duke of Rothsay, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland Prince of Wales: title bestowed in 1958; inaugurated in 1969 children: William Arthur Philip Louis, born 21 June 1982 Henry Charles Albert David, born 15 September 1984 houses: St James’s Palace, London and Highgrove, Gloucs Cherry B incident of 1963: Charles bought while under-age, in Outer Hebrides children’s nanny: Tiggy Legge-Bourke cherry brandy drinker George IV children: most Henry I (20 acknowledged bastards plus two legitimate) most legitimate Edward I (18) Christian: first Ethelbert Clarence, duke of: last Albert, eldest son of Edward VII commoner; first to wed Henry IV

corgis Princess Elizabeth was given Susan as a present from her parents on her 18th birthday, April 1944. Ten generations of corgis have been descended from Susan and owned by the Queen. In chronological order their names are Sugar, Honey, Bee, Whisky, Sherry, Heather, Buzz, Foxy, Busy, Tiny, Mask, Rufus, Brush, Cindy, Pickles, Tinker, Socks, Geordie, Jolly, Blackie, Edward, Sweep, Smoky, Chipper, Shadow, Piper, Spark, Myth, Fable, Apollo, Diamond, Kelpie, Ranger, Phoenix, Pharos, Monty, Emma, Linnet, Willow and Holly. crowned: battlefield Henry VII crowned: twice Charles II Defender of the Faith: first Henry VIII deposed James II divorced: first John dukes: royal Cornwall, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Kent, York education Prince Charles Cheam, Gordonstoun, Cambridge. The Prince of Wales also spent the 1966 school year as an exchange student at the Geelong Church of England Grammar School in Melbourne, Australia. Prince William Mrs Mynors’ Nursery School, London, Wetherby School, London, Ludgrove School, Wokingham, Eton College, Berkshire, St Andrews University (Scottish Master of Arts) Prince Harry Eton College Princess Beatrice St George’s School for Girls, Ascot, Berkshire Edward, Prince full name: Edward Antony Richard Louis born: 10 March 1964, Buckingham Palace titles: Earl of Wessex, Viscount Severn schools: Gibbs Preparatory School, Kensington; Heatherdown Preparatory School, nr Ascot; Gordonstoun, Morayshire; Jesus College,ಝCambridge marriage: Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones (19 June 1999) children: Louise Alice Elizabeth Mary, born 8 November 2003 James Alexander Philip Theo, born 17 December 2007 house: Bagshot Park,ಝSurrey Edward VII: House of Lords speech housing speech given while Prince of Wales Edward VIII abdication speech written by Walter Monckton Eleanor Crosses: 12 Marking resting place of Eleanor of Castile’s cortege; crosses at Lincoln, Grantham, Stamford, Stratford, Woburn, Dunstable, St Albans, Cheapside, Northampton Geddington and Waltham still standing; last, Charing Cross, is a replica Elizabeth I: favourite Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester Elizabeth II coronation day 2 June 1953 biographer Sarah Bradford (1996) royal arms insignia Dieu et Mon Droit aka Lord High Admiral of England married 20 Nov. 1947 fattest king George IV finger: extra Anne Boleyn Five Members Pym, Hampden, Heselrige, Holles and Strode, whom Charles I attempted to arrest on 4 Jan. 1642, as well as Lord Mandeville gilded coach used by the new Sovereign during Coronation ceremony Gloucester, Duke of full name: Richard Alexander Walter George born: 26 August 1944, Hadley Common, Herts relationship to Queen: cousin (his father Henry, Duke of Gloucester (1900–74) was the brother of the Queen’s father) wife: Birgitte Eva Van Deurs (born 20 June 1946) children: Earl of Ulster (Alexander Patrick, born 24 October 1974) Lady Davina Windsor, born 19 November 1977 Lady Rose Windsor, born 1 March 1980 house: Kensington Palace, London heirs to throne males are heirs apparent; females are heirs presumptive Henry, Prince (known as Harry) current military rank: Captain – The Blues and Royals attached to Army Air Corps Henry VIII: fate of wives divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived honours: awarded on New Year’s Day & Queen’s official birthday


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immoral queen Caroline of Brunswick Irish state coach used by British monarchs for State Opening of Parliaments and by family members at Coronations jewellers, Crown Garrards Kent, Duke of full name: Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick born: 9 October 1935, Belgrave Square, London relationship to Queen: cousin (his father George, Duke of Kent (1902–42), was the brother of the Queen’s father) wife: Katharine Worsley (born 22 Feb. 1933) children: George, Earl of St Andrews, born 26 June 1962 Lady Helen Taylor, born 28 April 1964 Lord Nicholas Windsor, born 25 July 1970 house: Wren House, Palace Green, London king over the water Jacobite term for pretenders Lancaster: House of Henry IV, V, VI Lollards: suppressed Henry V mad king George III madness: bouts of Henry VI Margaret, Princess married 1960 to Anthony Armstrong Jones (divorced 1978). Margaret died 9 February 2002 full name: Margaret Rose born: 21 August 1930, Glamis Castle, Scotland children: David Armstrong Jones (see Viscount Linley) Sarah (see separate entry) married kings of England and France Eleanor of Aquitaine (Louis VII and Henry II) Michael of Kent, Prince full name: Michael George Charles Franklin born: 4 July 1942, Coppins, Iver, Bucks relationship to Queen: cousin (brother of Edward, Duke of Kent) wife: Baroness Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz (born 15 January 1945) children: Lord Frederick Michael George David Louis Windsor, born 6 April 1979 Lady Gabriella Marina Alexandra Ophelia, born 23 April 1981 houses: Kensington Palace, London Nether Lypiatt Manor, Gloucestershire murdered by queen and her lover Edward II nicknames Elizabeth II ‘Lilibet’ (name originated because she could not pronounce Elizabeth when a child) Princess Margaret ‘Bud’ (coined by her sister Elizabeth as a play on her second name of Rose) oldest on accession William IV (64) oldest royal residence Windsor Castle Parliament: first; in the reign of Henry III pawned Crown jewels Richard II (to pay for wedding) Philip, Prince born: 10 June 1921, Corfu, Greece titles: Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, Baron Greenwich schools: Cheam, Salem School, Germany, Gordonstoun, Morayshire

Plantagenet: first Henry II last Richard II, although later kings from Plantagenet line pot-smoking Prince: Prince Harry (sent to drug rehabilitation clinic to warn him of dangers) Popish Plot fictitious Jesuit plot of Titus Oates and Israel Tonge against Charles II resulting in the execution of Oliver Plunket, primate of Ireland premier Duke of Scotland Dukes of Hamilton pretenders: Henry VII’s reign Perkin Warbeck (1498), hanged for treason; Lambert Simnel (1487), became kitchen hand prince of Wales: longest Edward VII (59 yrs) last before Charles Edward VIII last Welsh Llewellyn Prince Philip: parents Prince Andrew and Princess Alice of Greece queen never set foot in England Berengaria, wife of Richard I Richards all died violently Ridolfi Plot Catholic plot against Elizabeth I in 1571 Roman Catholic monarch: last James II royal allowance Civil List rugby Peter Phillips, son of the Princess Royal, played rugby for Scottish schools Rye House Plot plot to murder Charles II and his brother on the way home from Newmarket races Sarah Armstrong-Jones daughter of Princess Margaret, born 1 May 1964, Kensington Palace, married Daniel Chatto, 1994 shortest queen Matilda, wife of William I spoke little English George I stammered George VI St Edward’s crown made for Charles II’s coronation toilet: died on George II two queens: father of James II (Mary and Anne) urinated in font Ethelred the Unready USA: first to go to George VI Victoria’s gillie John Brown Viscount Linley son of Princess Margaret, born 3 November 1961, Clarence House married: Hon. Serena Stanhope, 1993 White Ship disaster William, son of Henry I, drowned at Barfleur, 25 Nov. 1120 wife: met at altar George III (Charlotte Sophia) William, Prince married Catherine Elizabeth Middleton (b. 9 January 1982) 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey titles: The Duke of Cambridge (in Scotland The Earl of Strathearn) and Baron Carrickfergus  ‚†‡ˆ‰\Š|‹Œ‘‘’Š‘“”• Wimbledon: played at George VI wisest fool in Christendom James I (coined by Henry IV of France) write name: first to do so Richard II York, House of Edward IV, V, Richard III

Order of Precedence (England and Wales) The sovereign Lord President of the Council The Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh Speaker of the House of Commons The Prince of Wales Lord Privy Seal The sovereign’s younger sons Ambassadors and High Commissioners The sovereign’s grandsons Lord Great Chamberlain The sovereign’s cousins Earl Marshal Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Steward of the Household Lord High Chancellor Lord Chamberlain of the Household Archbishop of York Master of the Horse The Prime Minister Then dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, barons NB The order of precedence is included in this section to show the distinction between precedence and succession. Precedence is a traditional ceremonial observation and, although closely following the order of succession in areas, is in fact a separate and distinct list. Order of Succession 1 HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales 2 HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge 3 HRH Prince George of Cambridge 4 HRH Prince Henry of Wales 5 HRH Prince Andrew, duke of Yorkss 6 HRH Princess Beatrice of York 7 HRH Princess Eugenie of York 8 HRH Edward, Earl of Wessex 9 James, Viscount Severn 10 Lady Louise Windsor

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

HRH Princess Anne, Princess Royal Peter Phillips, son of Princess Anne Savannah Phillips (b. 2010) Isla Phillips (b. 2012) Zara Tindall, daughter of Princess Anne Viscount Linley, David Armstrong-Jones Hon. Charles Armstrong-Jones Hon. Margarita Armstrong-Jones Lady Sarah Chatto (née Armstrong-Jones) Samuel Chatto (b.1996)


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Rulers of the British Isles Kings and Queens of Scotland House of Alpin 842–858 858–862 862–877 877–878 878–889 889–900 900–943 943–954 954–962 962–966 966–971 971–995 995–997 997–1005 1005–1034

Kenneth I (MacAlpin) Donald I Constantine I Aed Giric and Eochaid Donald II Constantine II Malcolm I Indulf Duf Culén Kenneth II Constantine III Kenneth III Malcolm II

House of Dunkeld 1034–1040 Duncan I House of Moray 1040–1057 Macbeth 1057–1058 Lulach House of Dunkeld 1058–1093 Malcolm III (Canmore, aka Big Head) 1093–1097 Donald III 1094 Duncan II 1097–1107 Edgar 1107–1124 Alexander I (the Fierce) 1124–1153 David I (the Saint) 1153–1165 Malcolm IV (the Maiden) 1165–1214 William I (the Lion) 1214–1249 Alexander II 1249–1286 Alexander III House of Norway 1286–1290 Margaret (Maid of Norway) 1290–1292 interregnum (disputed by 13 competitors)

House of Balliol 1292–1296 John Balliol 1296–1306 interregnum House of Bruce 1306–1329 Robert I (the Bruce) 1329–1371 David II House of Balliol 1332–1356 Edward (son of John, abdicated) House of Stewart 1371–1390 Robert II (Stewart) 1390–1406 Robert III 1406–1437 James I 1437–1460 James II 1460–1488 James III 1488–1513 James IV 1513–1542 James V 1542–1567 Mary 1567–1625 James VI Rulers of the Principality of Wales Kingdom of Gwynedd 825–844 Merfyn the Freckled 844–878 Rhodri I (the Great) 878–916 Anarawd 916–942 Idwal the Bald 942–950 Hywel I (the Good) 950–979 Iago I 979–985 Hywel II 985–986 Cadwallon 986–999 Maredudd 999–1005 Cynan I 1005–1018 Aeddan 1018–1023 Llywelyn I 1023–1039 Iago II 1039–1063 Gruffydd I

1081–1137 1137–1170 1170–1174 1174–1194 1174–1195 1174–1200 1194–1240 1240–1246

Gruffydd II Owain Cynan II David I (East) Rhodri II (West) Gruffydd III (South) Llywelyn II (The Great) David II

Principality of Wales 1246–1282 Llywelyn III (ap Gruffydd) 1282–1283 David III NB Although Llywelyn ap Gruffydd is invariably quoted as the last native prince of Wales, in fact it is true to say that his brother, David ap Gruffydd, was the last native prince of Wales. This confusion arises simply because England did not recognise anyone except Llywelyn as ruler. The Welsh would recognise David as their last prince, and the English Llywelyn. In 1301 the future Edward II became prince of Wales, and subsequently the eldest son of the reigning monarch has been given this title. The High Kingship of Ireland House of Ui Néill 445–452 Niall of the Nine Hostages 819–833 Conchobar 1002–1014 Brian Bóruma (king of Munster) 1166–1186 Ruaidri NB The short list above includes the first and last kings of Ireland and two other famous kings. Many of the other rulers are obscure and were not recognised as such until at least the 9th century.

Other Important Historical Rulers Israel 1020–1010 BC 1010–970 BC 970–931 BC

Saul David Solomon

Kingdom of Judah Rehoboam (son of Solomon) 930–914 BC Kingdom of Israel Jeroboam I (son of Solomon) 931–910 BC Lydia: last king 560–547 BC


Persian Empire 559–530 BC 529–522 BC 522 BC 521–486 BC 485–465 BC 464–424 BC 424 BC 424 BC 423–405 BC 404–359 BC 358–338 BC 337–336 BC 335–330 BC

Cyrus the Great Cambyses Smerdis (Bardiya) Darius I (The Great) Xerxes I Artaxerxes I Xerxes II Sogdianus Darius II Artaxerxes II Artaxerxes III Arses Darius III

Macedonia (selected kings) 399–397 BC Orestes Philip II 359–336 BC Alexander III (the Great) 336–323 BC 179–168 BC Perseus (the last king) Visigoth kingdom 395–410 Alaric I (first king of the Visigoths) 711–714 Agila II (last king of the Visigoths) Anglo-Saxon kingdoms 455–488 Hengest (first ruler of kingdom of Kent) 823–825 Baldred (last ruler of kingdom of Kent) 547–559 Ida (first ruler of Bernicia) 585–592 Hussa (last ruler of Bernicia) 569–599 Aelle (first ruler of Deira) 599–604 Aethelric (last ruler of Deira) 592–616 Aethelfrith (Northumberland: Bernicia and Deira) 913–927 Aldred (last ruler of Northumberland) 633–655 Penda (first ruler of Mercia) 757–796 Offa (kingdom of Mercia) 918–919 Aelfwyn (last ruler of Mercia) 519–534 Cerdic (first ruler of Wessex) 802–839 Egbert (last ruler of Wessex)


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Kingdom of France (selected) Carolingian House 751–768 Pepin the Short (first king of France) 768–814 Charlemagne (Holy Roman Emperor, 800) 840–877 Charles I (the Bald) 877–879 Louis II (the Stammerer) 885–888 Charles II (the Fat) 893–923 Charles III (the Simple) 986–987 Louis V (the Sluggard) Capetian House 987–996 996–1031 1108–1137 1137–1180 1223–1226 1285–1314 1314–1316 1316–1322 1322–1328

Hugh Capet Robert II (the Pious) Louis VI (the Fat) Louis VII (the Younger) Louis VIII (the Lion) Philip IV (the Fair) Louis X (the Stubborn) Philip V (the Tall) Charles IV (the Fair)

House of Valois 1328–1350 1350–1364 1364–1380 1380–1422 1422–1461 1483–1498

Philip VI John II (the Good) Charles V (the Wise) Charles VI (the Mad) Charles VII (the Victorious) Charles VIII

House of Angoulême 1515–1547 Francis I 1547–1559 Henry II 1559–1560 Francis II (husband of Mary of 1560–1574 Charles IX 1574–1589 Henry III

Napoleon I (king of Italy, 1805)

Second Empire 1852–1870

Napoleon III

Kingdom of Italy 1849–1878 1878–1900 1900–1946 1946–1946

Victor Emmanuel II Humbert I Victor Emmanuel III Humbert II

House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 1853–1861 Pedro V 1908–1910 Manuel II Kingdom of Norway (selected) 858–928 Harald I 1957–1991 Olav V 1991– Harald V Kingdom of Denmark (selected) 940–986 Harald I 1972– Margaret II Kingdom of Sweden (selected) 980–995 Erik the Victorious House of Vasa 1523–1560 1560–1568 1568–1592 1592–1599

Gustavus I Erik XIV John III Sigismund

House of Bernadotte 1818–1844 Charles XIV 1973– Charles XVI Gustavus Scots)

House of Bourbon 1589–1610 Henry IV (Paris is worth a mass) 1610–1643 Louis XIII 1643–1715 Louis XIV (the Sun King) 1715–1774 Louis XV 1774–1792 Louis XVI First Empire 1804–1814

House of Braganza 1640–1656 John IV 1706–1750 John V (the Magnanimous) 1834–1853 Maria II

Kingdom of Netherlands (selected) 1572–1584 William I (the Silent) 1806–1810 Louis Napoleon 1849–1890 William III 1890–1948 Wilhelmina 1948–1980 Juliana 1980–2013 Beatrix 2013– Willem-Alexander Tsars/Tsarinas of Russia 1462–1505 Ivan III (the Great) 1533–1584 Ivan IV (the Terrible) 1598–1605 Boris Godunov 1613–1645 Michael Romanov 1682–1725 Peter I (the Great) 1725–1727 Catherine I (Martha) 1762–1796 Catherine II (the Great, born Sophie of Anhalt) 1894–1917 Nicholas II Inca Empire 1532–1533 1571–1572

Atauhualpa Tupac Amaru

NB Although Victor Emmanuel III is often thought to be the last king of Italy, in fact, he was the last ‘crowned’ king. Humbert II (Umberto) was the last incumbent.

Aztec Empire 1372–1391 1427–1440

Acamapichtli Itzcoatl

Kingdom of Spain (selected) House of Habsburg 1516–1556 Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor, 1519–58) 1556–1598 Philip II (husband of Bloody Mary)

Japanese Empire 0–10 BC 1623–1651 1713–1716 1853–1858 1867–1868

Jimmu Iemitsu Ietsugu Iesada Keiki (Yoshinobu)

House of Bourbon 1700–1724 Philip V (grandson of Louis XIV of France) House of Bonaparte 1808–1813 Joseph Napoleon House of Bourbon 1975– Juan Carlos I Kingdom of Portugal (selected) 1139–1185 Afonso I House of Avis 1385–1433 1578–1580

John I (the Bastard) Henry (the Cardinal)

Chinese dynasties 18th–12th cent. BC Shang 1111–255 BC Chou Tung 770–221 BC Ch’in 221–206 BC 206–220 AD Han 581–618 Sui 618–907 T’ang 960–1279 Sung 1206–1368 Yüan 1368–1644 Ming 1644–1912 Manchu (Ch’ing)


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Last kings/queens of Romania Michael (1940–47) Bulgaria Simeon II (1943–46) Albania Zog I (1928–39) Afghanistan Muhammad Zahir Shah (1933–73) Korea Sunjong (1907–10) Burma Thibaw (1878–85) Laos SavangVatthana (1959–75) Bohemia Ferdinand I (1526–64)

Cambodia Ethiopia Madagascar Zululand Hawaii Hungary Poland

Sihanouk (1941–55) Monarchy re-established on 23 Sept. 1993 Asfa Wossen (1974–75) Ranavalona (1883–96) Dinuzulu (1884–87) Liliuokalani (1891–93) John Sigismund (1540–70) Stanislas II Augustus (1764–95)

Holy Roman Emperors Charlemagne (Charles I) Louis I (the Pious) civil war Lothair I Louis II Charles II (the Bald) interregnum Charles III (the Fat) interregnum Guido of Spoleto Lambert of Spoleto Arnulf Louis III (the Blind) Conrad I Berengar Henry I Otto I (the Great) Otto II Otto III Henry II (the Saint) Conrad II Henry III (the Black) Henry IV Rudolf Hermann Conrad Henry V Lothair II Conrad III Frederick I (Barbarossa) Henry VI Philip Otto IV Frederick II Henry VII Henry Raspe

800–814 814–840 840–843 843–855 855–875 875–877 877–881 881–887 887–891 891–894 892–898 898–899 901–905 911–918 915–924 919–936 936–973 973–983 983–1002 1002–1024 1024–1039 1039–1056 1056–1106 1077–1080 1081–1093 1093–1101 1106–1125 1125–1137 1138–1152 1152–1190 1190–1197 1198–1208 1198–1214 1215–1250 1220–1235 1246–1247

William of Holland Conrad IV great interregnum Richard Alfonso Rudolf I Adolf Albert I Henry VII Frederick III Louis IV Charles IV Wenceslas Rupert Jobst Sigismund Albert II Frederick III Maximillian I Charles V Ferdinand I Maximillian II Rudolf II Matthias Ferdinand II Ferdinand III Leopold I Joseph I Charles VI interregnum Charles VII Francis I Joseph II Leopold II Francis II

1247–1256 1250–1254 1254–1273 1257–1272 1257–1275 1273–1291 1292–1298 1298–1308 1308–1313 1314–1326 1314–1346 1346–1378 1378–1400 1400–1410 1410–1411 1410–1437 1438–1439 1440–1493 1493–1519 1519–1556 1556–1564 1564–1576 1576–1612 1612–1619 1619–1637 1637–1657 1658–1705 1705–1711 1711–1740 1740–1742 1742–1745 1745–1765 1765–1790 1790–1792 1792–1806

Roman Kings Romulus Numa Pompilius Tullus Hostilius

753–715 BC 715–673 BC 673–642 BC

Ancus Marcius Tarquinius Priscus

642–616 BC 616–578 BC

Servius Tullius Tarquinius Superbus

578–534 BC 534–509 BC

NB The traditional seven kings of Rome as listed above are of extremely dubious authenticity and nowadays are only observed as truth in the context of being a very popular quiz question, and to this end the ones to remember are the first, Romulus, and the last, Tarquinius Superbus (Proud Tarquin).


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Roman Emperors Augustus 27 BC–AD 14 Tiberius 14–37 Caligula 37–41 Claudius 41–54 Nero 54–68 Galba 68–69 Otho 69 Vitellius 69 Vespasian 69–79 Titus 79–81 Domitian 81–96 Nerva 96–98 Trajan 98–117 Hadrian 117–138 Antoninus Pius 138–161 Marcus Aurelius 161–180 Commodus 180–192 Pertinax 193 Didius Julianus 193 Septimius Severus 193–211 Geta 211 Caracalla 211–217 Macrinus 217–218 Diadumenian 218 Elagabalus 218–222 Severus Alexander 222–235 Maximinus the Thracian 235–238 Gordian I 238 Gordian II 238 Balbinus 238 Pupienus Maximus 238 Gordian III 238–244 Philip I the Arabian 244–249 Philip II 247–249 Decius 249–251 Herennius Etruscus 251 Hostilian 251 Trebonianus Gallus (co-ruler with Misson Volusian) 251–253 Volusian 251–253 Aemilian 253 Valerian (east) 253–260 Gallienus (west) 253–268 Saloninus 260 Claudius II 268–270 Quintillus 270 Aurelian 270–275 Tacitus 275–276 Florian 276

Probus 276–282 Carus 282–283 Numerian (east) 283–284 Carinus (west) 283–285 Postumus (Gaul) 260–269 Laelian (Gaul) 269 Marius (Gaul) 269 Victorinus (Gaul) 269–271 Tetricus (Gaul) 271–274 Diocletian (see below) 284–305 Maximian (see below) 286–305 Constantius I (see below) 305–306 Galerius (see below) 305–311 Severus (west) 306–307 Maxentius (west) 307–312 Constantine I (west until 324) 307–337 Licinius (Pannonia and east) 308–324 Maximinus II (east) 310–313 Valerius Valens 316–317 Martinian 324 Constantine II (Gaul, Britain, Spain) 337–340 Constans (west) 337–350 Constantius II (east) 337–361 Magnentius (west) 350–353 Julian the Apostate (Gaul until 361) 360–363 Jovian 363–364 Valentinian I (west) 364–375 Valens (east) 364–378 Gratian (west) 375–383 Valentinian II 375–392 Theodosius I (the Great) (east) 379–395 Maximus (west) 383–388 Victor (west) 387–388 Eugenius (west) 392–394 After a short interregnum the Empire split into east and west. Selected entries are as follows: Western Roman Emperors Honorius 395–423 (the first) Romulus Augustus 475–476 (the last) Eastern Roman Emperors Arcadius 395–408 (the first) Justinian I (the Great) 527–565 Constantine XI 1449–1453 (the last) Turkish capture of Constantinople ultimately ended the Byzantine Empire.

NB The names used in the above table are the ones familiarly adopted by history. The full names are complex and can be depicted in an imperial style or in Latin. It became increasingly impractical to rule over the whole of the Roman Empire and although the empire was not officially split until AD 395, many joint emperors divided their territories between east and west, with further subdivisions into Gaul, Britain, Illyria etc. To use the Diocletian tetrarchy as an example, Galerius, residing in Sirmium, administered Illyria, Achaea, and the Danubian provinces; Maximian, residing in Milan, administered Italy, Sicily, and Africa; Constantius I, residing in Trier, governed Gaul, Spain, and Britain; and Diocletian, residing in Nicomedia, watched over Thrace, Asia, and Egypt. AD 69 is often referred to as the year of the four emperors but in AD 238 there were six emperors. Maximinus became the first soldier who had started from the ranks to become Roman emperor, he was replaced by the aged proconsul Gordian, who ruled jointly with his son. Gordian committed suicide on learning of the death of his son in a battle with Capellianus, governor of Numidia. The Roman Senate then proclaimed two elderly senators Balbinus and Pupienus Maximus joint emperors. The imperial guards murdered the Senate’s nominees and the grandson of Gordian became emperor as Gordian III, at the age of 13. Valentinian II was proclaimed emperor in Budapest (Aquincum) at the age of 4, and ruled Italy, Africa, Illyricum, through his mother. He was found dead in his palace at Vienna, probably murdered by agents of Arbogast, the usurper in Gaul. In areas likely to confuse, I have added the administrative area in parenthesis. I have omitted usurpers such as Vetranio (abdicated in AD 351) and Procopius (reigned in Constantinople AD 365–6), as this would only confuse matters further.


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SOVEREIGNS General Information on Sovereigns of England and Great Britain William I

William II

Henry I


Stephen Henry II

Richard I


Henry III

Domesday Book of 1086 contained details of the land settlement of England and its purpose was to maximise the land tax yield. It received its name in the 12th century to signify that, like the day of judgement, there could be no appeal from its verdict. Hereward the Wake (‘Watchful One’), a Lincolnshire squire, raided Peterborough Abbey in 1070 as a protest against William’s appointment of a Norman abbot. He took refuge on the Isle of Ely and eventually escaped through the Fens. Bishop Odo of Bayeux was William’s half-brother and it was he who commissioned the Bayeux Tapestry (embroidery). Of William’s four sons, Robert became duke of Normandy and Richard died in infancy. William was Edward the Confessor’s cousin by way of his mother Emma, who was the sister of William’s grandfather, Count Richard II. Edward the Confessor was Harold II’s brother-in-law by way of his marriage to Edith, Harold’s sister. William’s invasion forces assembled at the mouth of the Dives river in September 1066 but adverse winds prevented a duenorth sailing to the Isle of Wight, so he regrouped at St Valéry on Somme and sailed on 27 September to the south coast of England and took Pevensey and Hastings. unchallenged. Harold was victorious against Tostig and Harald Hardraade at Stamford Bridge, near York, on 25 September and met William at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October. William only had about 7,000 troops but his archers won the day and, when Harold was killed, the English gave up. William was called Rufus because of his ruddy complexion. Malcolm III of Scotland (Malcolm Canmore, aka Great Head) became king of Scotland in 1057 on the death of Macbeth, who had killed Malcolm’s father, Duncan, in 1040. He invaded England five times between 1061 and 1093 and was killed at Alnwick in Northumberland. Four of his sons succeeded him – Duncan, Edgar, Alexander and David. Traditionally William was shot by an arrow fired by a Norman knight called Walter Tirel, although many believe that William’s younger brother Henry was the instigator. Henry was the only English-born son of William I. His brother Robert was paid a pension of 3,000 marks to resign his claim to the English throne and concentrate his attentions on Normandy, but in 1105–6 Henry was forced to make war against his brother’s maladministration. Robert was defeated at Tinchebrai in 1106, and was kept a prisoner for life. In 1120, Henry’s only legitimate son, William, was drowned on his way from Normandy to England in what is now known as the White Ship disaster. Matilda was pledged the throne in 1127 but Stephen became king in 1135. Matilda invaded the kingdom in 1139, landed at Arundel and established a stronghold in the West Country with her half-brother Robert of Gloucester. She captured Stephen at Lincoln and pronounced herself ‘Lady of the English’. Her forces were defeated September 14 1141 while besieging the royalist-held Wolvesey Castle in what is known as the ‘Rout of Winchester’. Robert Earl of Gloucester was taken prisoner and exchanged for King Stephen. Matilda was never crowned. Stephen usurped the crown by declaring Matilda illegitimate, as her father had remarried. Henry was the first Plantagenet king of England. He systematically destroyed the adulterine (unlicensed) castles which had sprung up during the reign of his predecessor. Henry’s conflict with Thomas à Becket was over a written statement made by Henry at Clarendon, near Salisbury, on 30 January 1164 whereby he wanted the benefit of clergy to be lifted and have lay authorities try clerks taking holy orders. The English pope, Adrian IV, gave Henry authority over the whole of Ireland. Incited by Queen Eleanor, Prince John and Richard rebelled against Henry and their cause was espoused by the kings of France and Scotland. William the Lion of Scotland was taken prisoner at Alnwick and forced to sign the Treaty of Falaise, 1174, thereby swearing allegiance to Henry. Henry, the first son of Henry II, died in 1183 and his second son, Geoffrey, was killed in a tournament in Paris in 1185. Henry’s mistress, the fair Rosamond, daughter of Walter Clifford, was said to have borne him two sons – William Longsword, earl of Salisbury, and Geoffrey, archbishop of York – but this is unlikely. Henry and his two sons were known as Angevin kings, and although Plantagenet was the other name for this royal House, subsequent members are not Angevin. To confuse matters further, although Richard II was traditionally the last king of the House of Plantagenet, the Yorkist Richard III was the last of the direct line. Henry’s second son, Henry (aka FitzHenry), was crowned on 14 June 1170, to rule in association with his father, and was known as Henry III or Henry the Young King; he died of dysentery in 1183. Richard was given the Duchy of Aquitaine aged 11, and was enthroned as duke of Aquitaine at Poitiers in 1172. He departed for the Holy Land to fight the third Crusade in 1190. Richard made a truce for three years with Saladin but was captured on his way home by Duke Leopold in December 1192. He was imprisoned at the duke’s castle at Durnstein on the Danube and then handed over to Henry VI of Germany. Richard was released in February 1194 after paying a ransom of nearly 150,000 marks. Richard left Hubert Walter as virtual ruler of England while he was away. John became count of Mortain on Richard’s accession in 1189. When Richard recognised his nephew, Arthur, duke of Brittany, as his heir in October 1190, John broke his oath to Richard not to enter England while he was away at the Crusades. Richard finally accepted John as his heir in 1196. John’s first marriage to Isabella of Gloucester was dissolved on the grounds of consanguinity, both parties being greatgrandchildren of Henry I. John’s second marriage, to Isabella of Angoulême, was largely responsible for the loss of many French territories. Pope Innocent III excommunicated John in November 1209 because of his refusal to accept Stephen Langton as archbishop of Canterbury. The Barons’ War of 1215–17 ensued after John sealed the Magna Carta of 15 June 1215 but did not abide by it. Magna Carta comprises a preamble and 63 clauses. The most famous clauses are (39), guaranteeing every free man security from illegal interference in his person or property, (40), which guaranteed justice to all, and (12), which stated that the king was not to levy taxes without reference to the ‘common council’. Henry was 9 years old when he became king, so William Marshal, First Earl of Pembroke and Striguil, acted as his regent for the first three years, followed by Hubert de Burgh for the next eight years. Henry was forced to agree to the Provisions of Oxford, 1258, which created a council of fifteen barons and formed the first judicial Parliament. The civil war between Henry III and his barons, led by Simon de Montfort, was called the Second Baron’s War (1264–7).


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Edward I

Edward II

Edward III

Richard II

Henry IV Henry V

Henry VI

Edward IV

Edward V

Richard III

Edward won great renown as a knight on the eighth, and last, Crusade of 1270 and did not return home for his coronation until 1274. He campaigned against Llewelyn ap Gruffud, of Gwynedd, and finally forced him into submission in 1276; and after his death in 1282 the principality was formally annexed to the English Crown by the Statute of Wales, 1284. In 1289 Edward betrothed his infant son to Margaret, the infant Queen of Scotland (Maid of Norway), in order to unite England and Scotland, but Margaret died the following year. Edward called the ‘Model Parliament’ of 1295 to allay discontent at home and the following year marched north, stripped John Balliol of his crown and carried the Stone of Scone back to England. He had a setback at Stirling Bridge in 1297, but the following year he trounced William Wallace at Falkirk. In 1301 Edward became the first English Prince of Wales. His favourite was Piers Gaveston, whom he made duke of Cornwall. When Gaveston was executed in 1312, Edward chose Hugh le Despenser and his son as his new favourites, and they aided in the overthrow of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, in 1321. Edward was defeated by Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn, 24 June 1314. Edward’s wife, Isabella, despised him and took a lover in Roger de Mortimer. In 1326 she landed on the coast of Suffolk, executed the Despensers and forced Edward to abdicate on 25 January 1327, in favour of his son. He was murdered later that year in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, probably by Isabella and Roger de Mortimer. Edward III was crowned in January 1327, eight months before his father died. In 1328 Edward married Philippa of Hainault and two years later put Mortimer to death and banished his mother to Castle Rising. Charles IV of France died without a son in 1328 and Edward claimed his kingdom by right of his mother, who was Charles’s sister. He declared war against Philip VI in 1337, which was in effect the start of the Hundred Years War. Accompanied by his eldest son, Edward the Black Prince, Edward had a great victory at Crécy in 1346 and another at Poitiers in 1356, where it is said the Black Prince gained his spurs. Edward’s mistress from 1366 onwards was Alice Perrers, his wife’s lady-in-waiting, who let the government slip into the hands of Edward’s fourth son, John of Gaunt. The Black Prince died in 1376 and his son by Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, succeeded Edward III, as Richard II. Although a council of twelve was officially entrusted to govern during Richard’s minority, in effect John of Gaunt was the regent. Poll tax of 1380 created national unrest and led to the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, when rebels under Wat Tyler took Rochester Castle in Kent and then marched on London with fellow radicals from Essex. Richard saw the Essex men at Mile End and made extensive promises, and the next day, 14 June, met Wat Tyler’s men at Smithfield. Tyler was struck down by the mayor of London, William Walworth, in revenge for the atrocities of the previous day when the archbishop of Canterbury, Simon of Sudbury, was murdered. John of Gaunt died in 1399 and his son succeeded him as duke of Lancaster. Richard went to Ireland in May 1399 and on 4 July Henry, duke of Lancaster, landed back in England. Although Richard hurried back to England, he submitted to his cousin at Flint on 19 August and was put in the Tower. On 29 September 1399 he resigned the Crown in favour of Henry and he seems to have been murdered at Pontefract Castle, Yorkshire, early in 1400. Henry was the first king of the House of Lancaster. His surname of Bolingbroke came from his birthplace in Lincolnshire. Henry defeated Harry Hotspur at Shrewsbury on 21 July 1403, when Hotspur was slain. Henry had Richard II’s body buried in Westminster Abbey. Henry thought he had a good claim to the French crown through his great-grandfather, Edward III. Henry’s famous victory at Agincourt was on 25 October 1415. In 1420 Henry became regent of France via the ‘Perpetual Peace’ of Troyes. Henry persecuted the Lollards, would-be Church reformers who had become the first group of English heretics to represent a political threat. Henry was less than a year old when he became king of England, and on the death of his maternal grandfather, King Charles VI, he became king of France when just over 1 year of age. He was officially crowned king of England in 1429 and of France in 1431. By 1453 the Hundred Years War was effectively over, with England expelled from all France except Calais. Cade’s Rebellion of 1450 was a revolt by Kentish gentry against the high taxes and alleged corruption in Henry’s council. On 18 June Cade defeated a royal army at Sevenoaks and then marched on London. He was eventually killed attempting to evade arrest at Heathfield, Sussex. Richard, duke of York, became protector while Henry VI suffered temporary madness in 1454. Richard had in fact a better title to the crown than Henry, as he was descended from Lionel, duke of Clarence, third son of Edward III. When Henry recovered, Richard refused to hand back the throne. He defeated Henry at St Albans on 22 May 1455, thereby starting the Wars of the Roses. Although in the ascendant, York did not claim the Crown until 1460, when he became Henry’s heir, resulting in Edward Prince of Wales being disinherited. Richard was killed at Wakefield soon after but his son claimed the Crown as Edward IV, after his victory at Mortimer’s Cross, and the second battle at St Albans. After a series of victories at Towton, Hedgeley Moor and Hexham, Edward married Elizabeth Woodvillle and the opposition to this family briefly restored Henry VI to the throne in 1470. Undeterred, Edward regrouped and with only 2,000 men, defeated the Lancastrians and killed Warwick at Barnet on 14 April 1471. Edward carried on to Tewkesbury and on 4 May 1471 his decisive victory and the death of Edward, Prince of Wales, effectively ended the Lancastrian resistance. Henry VI was killed soon after in the Tower of London. The 12-year-old King Edward V was escorted from Ludlow by Earl Rivers but Richard, duke of Gloucester, the future Richard III, intercepted him at Northampton, brought him to London on 4 May 1483 and was then made protector. In June, Edward’s brother, Richard, duke of York, joined him in the Tower of London and they were never seen again. In 1674 some bones were found and re-interred as theirs in Westminster Abbey. Richard became duke of Gloucester in 1461. On the death of Edward IV on 9 April 1483, Richard became Protector of the Realm for Edward’s son and successor, the 12-year-old King Edward V, whom he imprisoned in the Tower of London along with his younger brother Richard on the premise that Edward IV’s marriage was invalid and therefore his sons were illegitimate. Richard was proclaimed king in June 1483. It is possible that Richard had a hand in the murder of Henry VI in the Tower of London on the night of 21 May 1471. Richard’s chief supporter had been Henry Stafford, 2nd duke of Buckingham, but soon after Richard’s coronation he entered into a plot with friends of Henry, earl of Richmond, the future Henry VII. The attempt failed and Buckingham was


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executed. Henry landed at Milford Haven on 7 August 1485. Richard met him at Bosworth on 22 August, and there lost his kingdom and his life. He was the last British monarch to die in battle. Henry VII Henry was the first Tudor monarch of England. His claim to the throne became definite on the deaths of Henry VI’s only son, Edward, and Henry VI himself, which made Henry Tudor the last surviving male heir of the House of Lancaster. Henry’s victory at Bosworth owed a great deal to his stepfather, Lord Stanley, deserting to him. Henry united the houses of York and Lancaster by way of his marriage to Elizabeth of York. In 1487 Lambert Simnel, the son of a baker, under the influence of a priest named William Symonds, claimed to be Edward Plantagenet, son of George, duke of Clarence. He was crowned in Dublin in 1487, but his followers were defeated at Stoke and Henry gave Simnel a job in his kitchens. In 1491 Perkin Warbeck impersonated Richard, duke of York, one of the princes presumed dead in the Tower. Warbeck invaded south-west England in 1498 but was caught by Henry and eventually hanged. Henry VIII The six wives of Henry VIII were: Catherine of Aragon (1485–1536), daughter of Ferdinand II of Spain and Isabella I of Castile. Married 11 June 1509, Chapel of the Observant Friars. Anne Boleyn (1507–36), marchioness of Pembroke, daughter of Thomas Boleyn. Married 25 January 1533. Jane Seymour (1509–37), daughter of Sir John Seymour. Married 30 May 1536, Queen’s Closet, York Place, London. Anne of Cleves (1515–57), daughter of John, duke of Cleves. Married 6 January 1540, Greenwich. Catherine Howard (1521–42), daughter of Lord Edmund Howard. Married 28 July 1540, Oatlands. Catherine Parr (1512–48), daughter of Sir Thomas Parr. Married 12 July 1543, Hampton Court. Henry met Francis I in a field near Calais in June 1520, and although the display of friendship was short-lived, the lavish ceremonies became known as the Field of the Cloth of Gold. Henry accused Thomas Wolsey (1475–1530), Lord Chancellor England 1515–29, of high treason for failing to obtain the pope’s permission for the king’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon. Wolsey died on the journey from York to London and was succeeded by Thomas More (1478–1535), who was executed in 1535 for refusing to swear the oath to the Act of Succession and thereby denying papal supremacy. Thomas Cromwell now became Henry’s most trusted aide. After arranging Henry’s divorce from Catherine in 1533 he organised the dissolution of the monasteries, 1536–9, but was ultimately executed on a trumped-up charge of treason in 1540. Edward VI Edward was 10 years old when he became king and his uncle, Edward Seymour, duke of Somerset, acted as his first Lord Protector, followed by John Dudley, earl of Warwick. Lady Jane Grey Jane was married against her will to the son of the Lord Protector, John Dudley, earl of Warwick, who connived to put her on the throne because she was the great-granddaughter of Henry VII, through her mother Lady Frances Brandon, whose own mother was Mary, the younger of King Henry VIII’s two sisters. Jane ruled for only nine days and was beheaded with her husband on 12 February 1554 after her father was found to be involved in the Wyatt Rebellion. Mary I Mary was known as Bloody Mary because of her policy of burning heretics. After she lost Calais in 1554 she was reported to have said that when she died, Calais would be found writ on her heart. Elizabeth I Elizabeth was linked romantically with Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, and later in life with Robert Devereux, earl of Essex, whom she was forced to execute for treason. Two important conspiracies against Elizabeth were the Ridolfi Plot (1571) and the Babington Plot (1586), which ultimately caused the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, in 1587. Elizabeth’s chief minister for most of her reign was William Cecil, Lord Burghley. Elizabeth had a first-class intelligence network which was the envy of Europe; her minister in charge was Francis Walsingham. James I James was also James VI of Scotland (1567–1625), after his mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, was forced to abdicate. James’s slogan was ‘No Bishop, No King’, which was used to reassure the people that Elizabethan Church settlements were to be maintained and that he believed the Anglican Church and the monarchy to be interdependent. The leader of the Gunpowder Plot of 5 November 1605 was Robert Catesby, and his fellow conspirators included Thomas Winter, John Wright and Guido/Guy Fawkes, all staunch Roman Catholics. The plot was against James’s stance on religion, and the aim was to blow up him, his family and all the lords present. The plot failed when Francis Tresham, a newly enrolled conspirator, warned his brother-in-law, Lord Monteagle, not to attend parliament that day. James’s parliament of April–June 1614 was called the ‘Addled’ because it was dissolved without passing any bills. Before he became king of England, James was thought to be having a homosexual affair with Esmé Stuart. The ‘Main’ plot of 1603 was an attempt to put Arabella Stuart on the throne. Charles I The ‘Five Members’ that Charles attempted to arrest on 4 January 1642 were John Pym, John Hampden, Denzil Holles, Arthur Hesilrige and William Strode. Charles’s parliaments were: the ‘Short’, 13 April–5 May 1640, in which he demanded money for the Bishops’ War against the Scottish covenanters, and the ‘Long’, in which Charles impeached Strafford and Laud and which ran from 1640 to 1660 but became the ‘Rump’ after Pride’s purge of about 140 royalist MPs on 6 December 1648. The Bishops’ Wars of 1639–40 were provoked by the attempts of Charles to impose Anglicanism on Scotland. The English prayer book was refused and episcopacy was abolished in Scotland. Charles summoned the Short Parliament in order to obtain supplies for the resumption of the war. After the ‘Grand Remonstrance’, whereby parliament voiced its dissatisfaction with the monarchy, and the incident of the ‘Five Members’, civil war was imminent and Charles eventually raised his standard at Nottingham on 22 August 1642. After the indecisive battle of Edgehill, 23 October 1642, Charles was forced to retreat at Turnham Green, London, and for the duration of the Civil War based his capital at Oxford. After many more indecisive battles, the formation of the New Model Army in February 1645, commanded by Fairfax and Cromwell, and the royalist defeat at Naseby, June 1645, spelt the end for Charles. Charles II James, duke of Monmouth, was the illegitimate son of Charles II and Lucy Walter. The incident of Charles hiding up an oak tree to escape capture occurred during the Battle of Worcester in 1651. General George Monk organised the restoration of the monarchy, and Charles entered London in triumph on his birthday, 29 May 1660, after issuing his Declaration of Breda promising a general amnesty and liberty of conscience. In 1678 anti-Catholic feeling was stoked to fever-point by the trumped-up revelations of Titus Oates about a supposed Popish plot to murder Charles. In 1683 the Rye House Plot was a conspiracy to murder Charles and his brother James, duke of York, as they travelled from Newmarket races to London past Rye House in Hertfordshire. Monmouth, Algernon, Sidney and several prominent Whigs were implicated. James II In 1685 the Monmouth Rebellion was crushed and Judge Jeffreys’ Bloody Assizes followed. James was forced to abdicate because of his Catholic tendencies and was succeeded by the Protestant William of Orange.


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William III


George I

George II

George III George IV William IV Victoria

Edward VII George V Edward VIII George VI

Elizabeth II

Aided by a small body of French troops, James invaded Ireland and made an abortive attempt to reclaim his throne, but was defeated at the battle of the Boyne, 1690, and returned to St Germain. William landed at Torbay on 5 November 1688, following an invitation from the ‘Immortal Seven’ noblemen to protect the Protestant religion. When James fled to France, William and Mary were declared joint sovereigns. Jacobite resistance was ended by the battles of Killiecrankie, July 1689, and the Boyne, 1690. William died after his horse stumbled at seeing a mole run out from his hill, causing him to fall and break his right collarbone. Complications set in when William caught an infection and he died on 8 March 1702. Only one of Anne’s children survived infancy, William, duke of Gloucester, who died in 1700 at the age of 12. Sarah Churchill, later duchess of Marlborough, was the lifelong friend and confidante of Anne, and when corresponding they often used the names Mrs Freeman and Mrs Morley. Sarah Churchill’s cousin, Abigail Masham, née Hill, later became Anne’s favourite. In 1704 a fund was set up by Anne for the benefit of the poorer clergy and this ‘Queen Anne’s Bounty’ was amalgamated into the Church Commissioners when it was set up in 1948. The Act of Settlement of 1701 ensured the Crown for George. George married his cousin Sophia Dorothea of Zell in 1682, but divorced her in 1694 for adultery with a Swedish nobleman and kept her imprisoned in the castle of Ahlden until her death in 1726. The ‘15’ rebellion (1715) was an attempt by Jacobites to put James Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender (son of James II and Mary of Modena), on the throne. George’s unpopularity was not helped by the fact that he never learnt to speak fluently in English. George was the last British sovereign to lead an army into battle, in 1743 at Dettingen, which he won. The ‘45’ rebellion (1745) was an attempt to put Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender (son of James Edward Stuart), on the British throne. It was ruthlessly put down by William Augustus, the duke of Cumberland, the second son of George, at Culloden. George is said to have had a child by Hannah Lightfoot, a Quaker, and it is possible he even married her, although this is extremely doubtful. George had long periods of insanity and the Prince of Wales, later George IV, was appointed Regent from 1811 onwards. George had a much-publicised affair with an actress, Mrs Robinson, when aged 18; his ceremony of marriage with Mrs Maria Fitzherbert, when aged 23, was deemed unlawful in England. William was called the Sailor King. He lived with an actress, Dorothy Jordan, from 1790 to 1811 and she bore him ten children. Under Salic law, Victoria could not claim her dominion over Hanover, and this title passed to her uncle, Ernest Augustus, duke of Cumberland. She became Empress of India in 1876, although officially this title was conferred on her on 1 January 1877. Victoria published Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands (1869) and More Leaves (1884). Victoria was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace. Edward’s Christian name was Albert but he used his second name in deference to Queen Victoria. Edward was cited in a divorce scandal of 1870. George instigated the monarch’s Christmas Day broadcasts to the nation in 1932. Abdicated to marry a divorcee and became Governor of the Bahamas in WW2. George was a keen tennis player and played in the Wimbledon Championships of 1926. He substituted the title of Head of the Commonwealth for Emperor of India in 1947. George’s Christian name was Albert but he used his fourth name in deference to Queen Victoria. On 13 June 1996, Elizabeth II had ruled longer than Elizabeth I. Elizabeth was in Kenya when she heard she was Queen. The Queen’s actual birthday is 21 April; her official birthday falls on the second Saturday in June.

NB The list above contains information on sovereigns since the Norman invasion, which tends to be 90 per cent of any school history curriculum; other sovereigns, either of the whole or part of England, are listed below. House of Wessex 802–839 839–858 858–860 860–865 865–871 871–899 899–924 924–924 924–939 939–946 946–955 955–959 959–975 975–978 978–1016 1013–1014 1016–1016 1042–1066 1066–1066

Egbert (became ruler of all the English kingdoms from 829–30) Aethelwulf (son of Egbert) Aethelbald (son of Aethelwulf) Aethelbert (brother of Aethelbald) Aethelred I (brother of Aethelbert) Alfred (the Great, brother of Aethelred I) Edward (the Elder, son of Alfred) Aelfweard (son of Edward) Aethelstan (brother of Aelfweard) Edmund I (brother of Aethelstan) Eadred (brother of Edmund) Eadwig (son of Edmund) Edgar (the Peaceful, brother of Eadwig) St Edward (the Martyr, son of Edgar) Aethelred II (the Unready or Ill-Advised, brother of St Edward) Swein Forkbeard (deposed Aethelred II in this year) Edmund II (Ironside, son of Aethelred II) St Edward (the Confessor, son of Aethelred II) Harold II (Godwinson)

House of Denmark 1016–1035 Cnut (the Great, son of Swein Forkbeard) 1037–1040 Harold I (Harefoot, son of Cnut) 1040–1042 Harthacnut (brother of Harold)


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SPORT & LEISURE American Football Super Bowl winners 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Green Bay Packers Green Bay Packers New York Jets Kansas City Chiefs Baltimore Colts Dallas Cowboys Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins Pittsburgh Steelers Pittsburgh Steelers Oakland Raiders Dallas Cowboys Pittsburgh Steelers Pittsburgh Steelers Oakland Raiders San Francisco 49ers Washington Redskins Los Angeles Raiders San Francisco 49ers Chicago Bears New York Giants Washington Redskins San Francisco 49ers San Francisco 49ers New York Giants Washington Redskins Dallas Cowboys Dallas Cowboys San Francisco 49ers Dallas Cowboys Green Bay Packers Denver Broncos Denver Broncos St Louis Rams Baltimore Ravens New England Patriots Tampa Bay Buccaneers New England Patriots New England Patriots Pittsburgh Steelers Indianapolis Colts New York Giants Pittsburgh Steelers New Orleans Saints Green Bay Packers New York Giants Baltimore Ravens


35–10 33–14 16–7 23–7 16–13 24–3 14–7 24–7 16–6 21–7 32–14 27–10 35–31 31–19 27–10 26–21 27–17 38–9 38–16 46–10 39–20 42–10 20–16 55–10 20–19 37–24 52–17 30–13 49–28 27–17 35–21 31–24 34–19 23–16 34–7 20–17 48–21 32–29 24–21 21–10 29–17 17–14 27–23 31–17 31–25 21–17 34–31

Kansas City Chiefs Oakland Raiders Baltimore Colts Minnesota Vikings Dallas Cowboys Miami Dolphins Washington Redskins Minnesota Vikings Minnesota Vikings Dallas Cowboys Minnesota Vikings Denver Broncos Dallas Cowboys Los Angeles Raiders Philadelphia Eagles Cincinnati Bengals Miami Dolphins Washington Redskins Miami Dolphins New England Patriots Denver Broncos Denver Broncos Cincinnati Bengals Denver Broncos Buffalo Bills Buffalo Bills Buffalo Bills Buffalo Bills San Diego Chargers Pittsburgh Steelers New England Patriots Green Bay Packers Atlanta Falcons Tennessee Titans New York Giants St Louis Rams Oakland Raiders Carolina Panthers Philadelphia Eagles Seattle Seahawks Chicago Bears New England Patriots Arizona Cardinals Indianapolis Colts Pittsburgh Steelers New England Patriots San Francisco 49ers

(AFC = American Football Conference. NFC = National Football Conference.)

American Football: General Information field goals: points score most valuable player award players: number playing area playing period rules played safety touch: points score Super Bowl touchdown: points score trophy played for

3 Jim Thorpe Trophy 11 a side on pitch at any one time grid iron 60 minutes Harvard Rules 2 championship game of the National Football League played by the winners of league’s American Football Conference and National Football Conference 6 Vince Lombardi trophy


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Angling: British Freshwater Records (as at October 2013) Barbel Bleak Bream Carp: Common Carp: Mirror Carp: Crucian Carp: Grass Catfish Chub Dace Eel Golden Orfe Gudgeon Perch Pike Pumpkinseed Roach Rudd Tench Trout: Brown Trout: Rainbow Zander

21 lb 1oz Grahame King (Adams Mill, Bedfordshire) 4oz 9dm Dennis Flack (River Lark, Cambridgeshire) 20 lb 1oz Simon Lavin (Stoneacres Lake, Oxfordshire) 56lb 6oz K. Cummins (Wraysbury, Berks) 67 lb 8oz Austin Holness (Conningbrook Lake, Ashford, Kent) 4 lb 9oz Martin Bowler (Yateley Lake, Surrey) 44 lb 8oz Phillip Kingsbury (Horton Church Lake, Slough) 144 lb James Jones (Oak Lakes Fishery, Essex) 9 lb 5oz Neill Stephen (River Lea, Essex) 1 lb 5oz 2dm Simon Ashton (River Wear, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear) 11 lb 2oz Steve Terry (Kingfisher Lake, Ringwood, Hants) 8 lb 5oz M Wilkinson (Lymm Vale, Cheshire) 5oz D.H. Hull (River Nadder, Salisbury, Wilts) 5 lb 15oz Les Brown (Stillwater Crowborough, East Sussex) 46 lb 13oz Ray Lewis (Llandegfedd, Wales) 14oz B. Rushmer (Tanyards Fishery, East Sussex) 4 lb 4oz Keith Berry (Stillwater, Northern Ireland) 4 lb 10oz Simon Parry (Clay Lake, Co Armagh, NI) 15 lb 3oz Darren Ward (caught on private waters) 31 lb 12oz Brian Rutland (Lock Awe, Argull, Scotland) 33 lb 4oz J Lawson (Watercress Trout Fishery, Devon) 21 lb 5oz 8dm James Benfield (River Severn, Upper Loade, Loack)

Angling: Freshwater Champions 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



Robert Tesse (France) Robert Tesse (France) Ramon Legogue (France) Raimondo Tedasco (Italy) William Lane (England) Joseph Fontanet (France) Robert Tesse (France) Henri Guiheneuf (France) Jacques Isenbaert (Belgium) Gunter Grebenstein (W. Germany) Robin Harris (England) Marcel Van den Eynde (Belgium) Dino Bassi (Italy) Hubert Levels (Netherlands) Pierre Michiels (Belgium) Aribert Richter (W. Germany) Ian Heaps (England) Dino Bassi (Italy) Jean Mainil (Belgium) Jean-Pierre Fourgeat (France) Gérard Heulard (France) Wolf-Rudiger Kremkus (W. Germany) Dave Thomas (England) Kevin Ashurst (England) Wolf-Rudiger Kremkus (W. Germany) Bobby Smithers (Ireland) Dave Roper (England) Lud Wever (Netherlands) Clive Branson (Wales) Jean-Pierre Fourgeat (France) Tom Pickering (England) Bob Nudd (England) Bob Nudd (England) David Wesson (Australia) Mario Barros (Portugal) Bob Nudd (England) Paul Jean (France) Alan Scotthorne (England) Alan Scotthorne (England) Alan Scotthorne (England) Bob Nudd (England) Jacopo Falsini (Italy) Umberto Balabeni (Italy) G Blasco (Spain) Alan Scotthorne (England) Tamas Walter (Hungary) Guido Nullens (Belgium) Tamas Walter (Hungary) Alan Scotthorne (England) Will Raison (England)

France Belgium E. Germany Italy France France Romania France Belgium France Holland Belgium Italy France Belgium France France Italy Luxembourg France France W. Germany France Holland Belgium Luxembourg England Italy England England Wales France England Italy Italy England France Italy Italy England Spain Italy England Spain Hungary France England England Italy England


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Individual Igor Potapov (Russia) Meis Frank (Luxembourg) Andrea Fini (Italy) Shaun Ashby (England)

2009 2010 2011 2012

Team Slovakia England Italy Poland

World Fly Fishing Champions Individual




1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Netherlands Italy Italy Italy Poland Italy England England Poland Czechoslovakia NZ Italy England Czech Rep England Czech Rep

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

France Czech Rep Australia France France France France Slovakia France Czech Rep France Czech Rep England Czech Rep Italy Czech Rep

C Wittkamp (Netherlands) Viktor Diez (Spain) S Fernandez (Spain) Tony Pawson (England) Leslaw Frasik (Poland) Slivoj Svoboda (Czechoslovakia) Brian Leadbetter (England) John Pawson (England) Wladislaw Trzebuinia (Poland) Franciszek Szajnik (Poland) Brian Leadbetter (England) Perluigi Coccito (Italy) Russell Owens (Wales) Pascal Cognard (France) Jeremy Herrmann (England) Perluigi Coccito (Italy)

Pascal Cognard (France) T Starychfolta (Czech Rep) Ross Steward (Australia) Pascal Cognard (France) Vladimir Sedivy (Czech Rep) Jerome Brossutti (France) Stefano Cotugno (Italy) Miroslav Antal (Slovakia) Bertrand Jacquemin (France) Antonin Pesek (Czech Rep) Marek Walczyk (Poland) Martin Deoz (Czech Rep) Iain Barr (England) Chyba Pavel (Czech Rep) Valerio Santi Amanti (Italy) David Arcay Fernandez (Spain)

Archery: Target World Champions (Recurve) 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1952 1953 1955 1957 1958 1959 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013





M Sawicki (Poland) L Reith (Belgium) D McKenzie (USA) H Kjellson (Sweden) A van Kohlen (Belgium) E Heilborn (Sweden) G de Rons (Belgium) F Hadas (Czechoslovakia) R Beday (France) E T Holbek (Denmark) H Deutgen (Sweden) H Deutgen (Sweden) H Deutgen (Sweden) H Deutgen (Sweden) S Andersson (Sweden) B Lundgren (Sweden) N Andersson (Sweden) O Smathers (USA) S Thysell (Sweden) J Caspers (USA) J Thornton (USA) C Sandlin (USA) M Haikonen (Finland) Ray Rogers (USA) Hardy Ward (USA) J Williams (USA) V Sidoruk (USSR) Darrell Pace (USA) R McKinney (USA) Darrell Pace (USA) K Laasonen (Finland) R McKinney (USA) R McKinney (USA) V Yesheyev (USSR) S Zabrodskiy (USSR) S Fairweather (Australia) Kyung Mo Park (Korea) Lee Kyung-Chul (Korea) Kim Kyung-Ho (Korea) Hong Sung-Chil (Korea) Yeon Jung-Ki (Korea) M Frangilli (Italy) Chung Jae-Hun (Korea) Im Dong-Hyun (Korea) Lee Chang-Hwan (Korea) Kim Woo-Jin (Korea) Lee Seung-Yun (KOR)

France Poland Belgium Sweden Belgium Czechoslovakia Poland Czechoslovakia France Denmark Czechoslovakia Sweden Czechoslovakia Denmark Sweden Sweden Sweden USA Finland USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Korea W. Germany USSR Korea France Korea Korea Italy Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea USA

J Kurkowska (Poland) J Kurkowska (Poland) J Kurkowska (Poland) J Kurkowska (Poland) Ina Catani (Sweden) J Kurkowska (Poland) Ingo Simon (GB) N Weston Martyr (GB) J Kurkowska (Poland) N de Wharton Burr J Kurkowska (Poland) N de Wharton Burr B Waterhouse (GB) Jean Lee (USA) Jean Lee (USA) Jean Richards (USA) K Wisniowska (Poland) C Meinhart (USA) S Johansson (Sweden) Ann Corby (USA) N Vanderheide (USA) V Cook (USA) M Lindholm (Finland) M Maczynska (Poland) D Lidstone (Canada) E Gapchenko (USSR) Linda Myers (USA) Z Rustamova (USSR) Luann Ryon (USA) Kim Jin-Ho (Korea) N Butuzova (USSR) Kim Jin-Ho (Korea) I Soldatova (USSR) Ma Xiaojun (China) Kim Soo-Nyung (Korea) Kim Soo-Nyung (Korea) Kim Hyo-Jung (Korea) N Valeeva (Moldova) Kim Du-Ri (Korea) Lee Eun-Kyung (Korea) Park Sung-Hyun (Korea) Yun Mi-Jin (Korea) Lee Sung-Jin (Korea) N Valeeva (Italy) Joo Hyun-Jung (Korea) Denisse Van Lamoen (Chile) Maja Jager (DEN)

—— —— Poland Poland GB Poland GB Poland Poland GB Denmark Czechoslovakia GB Finland USA Finland GB USA USA USA USA USA USA Poland USSR Poland USSR USSR USA Korea USSR Korea USSR USSR Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Italy China Korea Korea Korea Korea Italy Korea


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Athletics: Olympic Games 2012 Men’s Results Gold



100m 200m 400m 800m 1,500m 5,000m 10,000m 110m H 400m H 3,000m s/chase 4 × 100m relay

Usain Bolt (Jam) 9.63 Usain Bolt (Jam) 19.32 Kirani James (Grn) 43.94 David Rudisha (Ken) 1:40.91 Taoufik Makhloufi (Alg) 3:34.08 Mo Farah (GB) 13:41.66 Mo Farah (GB) 27:30.42 Aries Merritt (USA) 12.92 Felix Sanchez (Dom) 47.63 Ezekiel Kemboi (Ken) 8:18.56

Justin Gatlin (USA) 9.79 Warren Weir (Jam) 19.84 Lalonde Gordon (TT) 44.52 Timothy Kitum (Ken) 1:42.53 Abdalaati Iguider (Mor) 3:34.21 Thomas Longosiwa (Ken) 13:42.36 Tariku Bekele (Eth) 27:31.43 Hansle Parchment (Jam) 13.12 Javier Culson (Pur) 48.10 Abel Kiprop Mutai (Ken) 8:19.73

4 × 400m relay

Bahamas Chris Brown Demetrius Pinder Michael Mathieu Ramon Miller

Trinidad & Tobago Lalonde Gordon Jarrin Solomon Ade Alleyne-Forte Deon Lendore


Marathon 20km walk 50km walk High jump

Stephen Kiprotich (Uga) 2:08:01 Chen Ding (Chn) 1:18:46

Yohan Blake (Jam) 9.75 Yohan Blake (Jam) 19.44 Luguelin Santos (Dom) 44.46 Nijel Amos (Bot) 1:41.73 Leonel Manzano (USA) 3:34.79 Dejen Gebremeskel (Eth) 13:41.98 Galen Rupp (USA) 27:30.90 Jason Richardson (USA) 13.04 Michael Tinsley (USA) 47.91 Mahiedine 8:19.08 Mekhissi-Benabbad (Fra) USA 37.04 Trell Kimmons Justin Gatlin Tyson Gay Ryan Bailey Jeff Demps* Darvis Patton* USA 2:57.05 Bryshon Nellum Joshua Mance Tony McQuay Angelo Taylor Manteo Mitchell* Abel Kirui (Ken) 2:08:27 Eric Barrondo (Gua) 1:18:57

Wilson Kiprotich (Ken) Wang Zhen (Chn)

2:09:37 1:19:25

Jared Tallent (Aus)


Si Tianfeng (Chn)


Erik Kynard Jr (USA)


Björn Otto (Ger)


Robert Grabarz (GB) Derek Drouin (Can) Mutaz Essa Barshim (Qat) Raphael Holzdeppe (Ger)

Jamaica Nesta Carter Michael Frater Yohan Blake Usain Bolt Kemar Bailey-Cole*

36.84 (WR)


Sergey Kirdyapkin (Rus) 3:35:59 (OR) Ivan Ukhov (Rus) 2.38m

Pole vault Renaud Lavillenie (Fra) 5.97m (OR) Long jump Greg Rutherford (GB) 8.31m Triple jump Christian Taylor (USA) 17.81m Shot put Tomasz Majewski (Pol) 21.89m Discus Robert Harting (Ger) 68.27m Hammer Krisztián Pars (Hun) 80.59m Javelin Keshorn Walcott (TT) 84.58m Decathlon Ashton Eaton (USA) 8869pts

Mitchell Watt (Aus) 8.16m Will Claye (USA) 17.62m David Storl (Ger) 21.86m Ehsan Haddadi (Ira) 68.18m Primoz Kozmus (Slo) 79.36m Oleksandr Pyatnytsya (Ukr) 84.51m Trey Hardee (USA) 8671pts

Trinidad & Tobago Keston Bledman Marc Burns Emmanuel Callender Richard Thompson

Will Claye (USA) Fabrizio Donato (Ita) Reese Hoffa (USA) Gerd Kanter (Est) Koji Murofushi (Jpn) Antti Ruuskanen (Fin) Leonel Suarez (Cub)


2.29m 5.91m 8.12m 17.48m 21.23m 68.03m 78.71m 84.12m 8523pts

Women’s Results Gold 100m 200m 400m 800m 1,500m 5,000m 10,000m 100m H 400m H 3,000m s/chase 4 × 100m relay

4 × 400m relay



Shelly-Ann Fraser –Pryce 10.75 Allyson Felix (USA) 21.88 Sanya Richards-Ross 49.55 Mariya Savinova (Rus) 1:56.19 Asl– Çak–r Alptekin (Tur) 4:10.23 Meseret Defar (Eth) 15:04.25 Tirunesh Dibaba (Eth) 30:20.75 Sally Pearson (Aus) 12.35 (OR) Natalya Antyukh (Rus) 52.70 Yuliya Zaripova (Rus) 9:06.72 USA Tianna Madison Alysson Felix Bianca Knight Carmelita Jeter Jeneba Tarmoh* Lauryn Williams* USA DeeDee Trotter Allyson Felix Francena McCorory Sanya Richards-Ross Keshia Baker* Diamond Dixon* Tiki Gelana (Eth)

40.82 (WR)


2:23:07 (OR)


Carmelita Jeter (USA) 10.78 Shelly-Ann Fraser -Pryce 22.09 Christine Ohuruogu (GB) 49.70 Caster Semenya (RSA) 1:57.23 Gamze Bulut (Tur) 4:10.40 Vivian Cheruiyot (Ken) 15:04.73 Sally Kipyego (Ken) 30:26.27 Dawn Harper (USA) 12.37 Lashinda Demus (USA) 52.77 Habiba Ghribi (Tun) 9:08.37

Veronica Campbell-Brown 10.81 Carmelita Jeter (USA) 22.14 DeeDee Trotter (USA) 49.72 Ekaterina Poistogova (Rus) 1:57.53 Maryam Yusuf Jamal (Brn) 4:10.74 Tirunesh Dibaba (Eth) 15:05.15 Vivian Cheruiyot (Ken) 30:30.44 Kellie Wells (USA) 12.48 Zuzana Hejnová (Cze) Sofia Assefa (Eth)

Jamaica 41.41 Ukraine Shelly-Ann Fraser -Pryce Olesya Povh Sherone Simpson Hrystyna Stuy Veronica Campbell-Brown Mariya Ryemyen Kerron Stewart Elyzaveta Bryzgina Samantha Henry-Robinson* Schillonie Calvert* Russia 3:20.23 Jamaica Yulia Gushchina Christine Day Antonina Krivoshapka Rosemarie Whyte Tatiana Firova Shericka Williams Natalya Antyukh Novlene Williams-Mills Natalya Nazarova* Shereefa Lloyd* Anastasiya Kapachinskaya* 2:23:12 Tatyana Arkhipova (Rus) Priscah Jeptoo (Ken)


53.38 9:09.84 42.04



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20km walk Elena Lashmanova

1:25:02 (WR) High jump Anna Chicherova (Rus) 2.05m Pole vault Jenn Suhr (USA) 4.75m Long jump Brittney Reese (USA) 7.12m Triple jump Olga Rypakova (Kaz) 14.98m Shot put Valerie Adams (NZL) 20.70m Discus Sandra Perkovi (Cro) 69.11m Hammer Tatyana Lysenko (Rus) 78.18m (OR) Javelin Barbora Spotáková (Cze) 69.55m Heptathlon Jessica Ennis (GB) 6955pts

Olga Kaniskina (Rus)

1:25:09 Qieyang Shenjie (Chn)


Brigetta Barrett (USA) 2.03m Yarisley Silva (Cub) 4.75m Yelena Sokolova (Rus) 7.07m Caterine Ibargüen (Col) 14.80m Yevgeniya Kolodko (Rus) 20.48m Li Yanfeng (Chn) 67.22m Anita Wodarczyk (Pol) 77.60m

Svetlana Shkolina (Rus) Yelena Isinbayeva Janay Deloach (USA) Olha Saladukha (Ukr) Gong Lijiao (Chn) Yarelys Barrios (Cub) Betty Heidler (USA)

2.03m 4.70m 6.89m 14.79m 20.22m 66.38m 77.12m

Christina Obergföll (Ger) 65.16m Lilli Schwarzkopf (Ger) 6649pts

Linda Stahl (Ger) Tatyana Chernova (Rus)

64.91m 6628pts

* Athletes who participated in the heats only but received medals.

Athletics: General Information Amateur Athletic Association AAA founded in 1880 from the Amateur Athletic Club of 1866. decathlon: order of events 100m, Long Jump; Shot; High Jump; 400m; 110m Hurdles; Discus; Pole Vault; Javelin; 1,500m. discus: weight and dimensions Men’s: 2kg (4 lb 612 oz), Women’s: 1kg Circle: 212m (8 feet 212 in). 5,000m: first under 13 minutes Said Aouita (Morocco). four-minute mile: first Roger Bannister wearing No. 41 ran 3 mins 59.4 secs at Iffley Rd, Oxford (6 May 1954). four-minute mile: second John Landy. hammer: weight 16 lb. heptathlon: order of events 100m Hurdles; High Jump; Shot; 200m (first day); Long Jump; Javelin and 800m (second day). high jump: first to 2m (woman) Rosie Ackerman (Germany). first to 6 ft (man) Marshall Jones Brooks (1876). first to 6 ft (woman) Iolanda Balas (1958). first to 7 ft (man) Charles Dumas (1956). 100m: first (man) under 10 seconds Jim Hines (1968). 100 yards: first (man) under 10 seconds J P Tennent (1868). 110 hurdles: first (man) under 13 seconds Renaldo Nehemiah. hurdles men’s 110m H: 3 ft 6 ins (106.7 cm). Women’s 100 H: 2 ft 9 ins (83.8 cm). Men’s 400 H: 3 ft high (91.4cm) and 35m between. Women’s 400 H: 2 ft 6 ins high (26.2cm) 35m between. javelin: weight and dimensions Men’s: 800 grams (1 lb 12 oz), minimum length 260 cm. Women’s: 600 grams (1lb 5oz), minimum length 220 cm.

marathon: distance 26 miles 385 yards. marathon: origin distance run by Pheidippides to relay news of battle of Marathon (extra 385 yards added in 1908 Olympics so as to finish race in front of Royal Box). mile: first man under 3 minutes 50 seconds John Walker (1975). mile: first woman under 5 minutes Diane Leather (1955). pentathlon: ancient running, jumping, discus, javelin, wrestling. pentathlon: modern riding, fencing, shooting, swimming, cross country run. pentathlon: women 200m; 100 Hurdles; Shot; High Jump; Long Jump (800m and Javelin added for Heptathlon). pole vault: first man over 6m Sergey Bubka (1985). shot: dimensions Men’s: 7.26 kg (16 lb). Women’s: 4kg (8 lb 13 oz). Circle: 2.134m (7 feet). steeplechase: waterjump not jumped on first lap so seven times in all. tattoo British sprinter Mark Lewis-Francis sports a tattoo of the name of his illegitimate son Romeo (b. 2002) on his left arm. World Championships: won first six Sergey Bubka won the first six World Championship pole vault events (1983, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997). world record holders: became MPs Chris Chataway, Sebastian Coe and Lord Burghley. world records: five in a day Jesse Owens (1935). world records: not broken at Olympics only the Men’s Discus record has never been broken at an Olympic Games.

World Record Holders (as at 31 July 2013) Men 100m 200m 300m 400m 800m 1,000m 1,500m Mile 2 Miles 2,000m 3,000m 5,000m 10,000m 20,000m 1 Hour Half Marathon 25,000m (road) 30,000m (road) Marathon 3,000m S/Chase 110m Hurdles 400m Hurdles Pole Vault High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus

Usain Bolt (Jam) Usain Bolt (Jam) Michael Johnson (USA) Michael Johnson (USA) David Rudisha (Ken) Noah Ngeny (Ken) Hicham El Guerrouj (Mor) Hicham El Guerrouj (Mor) Daniel Komen (Ken) Hicham El Guerrouj (Mor) Daniel Komen (Ken) Kenenisa Bekele (Eth) Kenenisa Bekele (Eth) Haile Gebrselassie (Eth) Haile Gebrselassie (Eth) Zersenay Tadese (Eri) Dennis Kipruto Kimetto (Ken) Patrick Makau Musyoki (Ken) Patrick Makau Musyoki (Ken) Saif Saeed Shaheen (Qat) Aries Merritt (USA) Kevin Young (USA) Sergey Bubka (Ukr) Javier Sotomayor (Cub) Mike Powell (USA) Jonathan Edwards (GB) Randy Barnes (USA) Jürgen Schult (Ger)

9.58 19.19 30.85 43.18 1:40.91 2:11.96 3:26.00 3:43.13 7:58.61 4:44.79 7:20.67 12:37.35 26:17.53 56:25.98 21,285m 58:23 1:11:18 1:27:38 2:03:38 7:53.63 12.80 46.78 6.14 2.45 8.95 18.29 23.12 74.08


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Hammer Javelin Decathlon 4x100 4x200 4x400 4x800 4x1500

Yury Sedykh (URS) Jan Zelezny (Cz) Ashton Eaton (USA) Jamaica Santa Monica Track Club USA Kenya (Mutua, Yiampoy, Kombich, Bungei) Kenya (Tanui, Gathimba, Rono, Choge)

Women 100m 200m 400m 800m 1,000m 1,500m 2,000m Mile 3,000m 5,000m 10,000m 20,000m 25,000m 3,000m S/chase 1 Hour Half Marathon Marathon 30,000m 100m Hurdles 400m Hurdles Pole Vault High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus Hammer Javelin (pre 1999) Javelin (post 1999) Heptathlon 4x100 4x200 4x400 4x800

Florence Griffith-Joyner (USA) Florence Griffith-Joyner (USA) Marita Koch (Ger) Jarmila Kratochvilova (TCH) Svetlana Masterkova (Rus) Qu Yunxia (Chn) Sonia O’Sullivan (Ire) Svetlana Masterkova (Rus) Wang Junxia (Chn) Tirunesh Dibaba (Eth) Wang Junxia (Chn) Tegla Loroupe (Ken) Tegla Loroupe (Ken) Gulnara Samitova (Rus) Dire Tune (Eth) Mary Keitany (Ken) Paula Radcliffe (GB) Tegla Loroupe (Ken) Yordanka Donkova (Bul) Yuliya Pechonkina (Rus) Yelena Isinbayeva (Rus) Stefka Kostadinova (Bul) Galina Chistyakova (URS) Inessa Kravets (Ukr) Natalya Lisovskaya (URS) Gabriele Reinsch (Ger) Anita Wlodarczyk (Pol) Petra Felke (Ger) Barbora Spotáková (Cz) Jackie Joyner-Kersee (USA) USA USA Soviet Union Soviet Union

86.74 98.48 9039 36.84 1:18.68 2:54.29 7:02.43 14:36.23 10.49 21.34 47.60 1:53.28 2:28.98 3:50.46 5:25.36 4:12.56 8:06.11 14:11.15 29:31.78 1:05:26.06 1:27:05.84 8:58.81 18,517m 1:05:50 2:15:25 1:45.50 12.21 52.34 5.06 2.09 7.52 15.50 22.63 76.80 77.96 80.00 72.28 7291 40.82 1:27.46 3:15.17 7:50.17

NB Marathon and half marathon records are officially ‘World Bests’ rather than World Records due to the non-standardisation of courses.

Baseball: World Series Winners 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930

Boston Red Sox (AL) no series New York Giants (NL) Chicago White Sox (AL) Chicago Cubs (NL) Chicago Cubs (NL) Pittsburgh Pirates (NL) Philadelphia Athletics (AL) Philadelphia Athletics (AL) Boston Red Sox (AL) Philadelphia Athletics (AL) Boston Braves (NL) Boston Red Sox (AL) Boston Red Sox (AL) Chicago White Sox (AL) Boston Red Sox (AL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) Cleveland Indians (AL) New York Giants (NL) New York Giants (NL) New York Yankees (AL) Washington Senators (AL) Pittsburgh Pirates (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Philadelphia Athletics (AL) Philadelphia Athletics (AL)

Runners-up 5–3

Pittsburgh Pirates (NL)

4–1 4–2 4–0 4–1 4–3 4–1 4–2 4–3 4–1 4–0 4–1 4–1 4–2 4–2 5–3 5–2 5–3 4–0 4–2 4–3 4–3 4–3 4–0 4–0 4–1 4–2

Philadelphia Athletics (AL) Chicago Cubs (NL) Detroit Tigers (AL) Detroit Tigers (AL) Detroit Tigers (AL) Chicago Cubs (NL) New York Giants (NL) New York Giants (NL) New York Giants (NL) Philadelphia Athletics (AL) Philadelphia Phillies (NL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) New York Giants (NL) Chicago Cubs (NL) Chicago White Sox (AL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Giants (NL) New York Giants (NL) Washington Senators (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Pittsburgh Pirates (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Chicago Cubs (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL)


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Winners 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

St Louis Cardinals (NL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Giants (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Detroit Tigers (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) New York Yankees (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) New York Yankees (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Detroit Tigers (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) New York Yankees (AL) Cleveland Indians (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Giants (NL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) New York Yankees (AL) Milwaukee Braves (NL) New York Yankees (AL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) Pittsburgh Pirates (NL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) Baltimore Orioles (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Detroit Tigers (AL) New York Mets (NL) Baltimore Orioles (AL) Pittsburgh Pirates (NL) Oakland Athletics (AL) Oakland Athletics (AL) Oakland Athletics (AL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Pittsburgh Pirates (NL) Philadelphia Phillies (NL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Baltimore Orioles (AL) Detroit Tigers (AL) Kansas City Royals (AL) New York Mets (NL) Minnesota Twins (AL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) Oakland Athletics (AL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) Minnesota Twins (AL) Toronto Blue Jays (AL) Toronto Blue Jays (AL) no series Atlanta Braves (NL) New York Yankees (AL) Florida Marlins (NL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Arizona Diamondbacks (NL) Anaheim Angels (AL) Florida Marlins (NL) Boston Red Sox (AL) Chicago White Sox (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Boston Red Sox (AL) Philadelphia Phillies (NL) New York Yankees (AL)

Runners-up 4–3 4–0 4–1 4–3 4–2 4–2 4–1 4–0 4–0 4–3 4–1 4–1 4–1 4–2 4–3 4–3 4–3 4–2 4–1 4–0 4–2 4–3 4–2 4–0 4–3 4–3 4–3 4–3 4–2 4–3 4–1 4–3 4–0 4–3 4–3 4–0 4–3 4–3 4–1 4–1 4–3 4–3 4–3 4–1 4–3 4–0 4–2 4–2 4–3 4–2 4–2 4–3 4–1 4–1 4–3 4–3 4–3 4–1 4–0 4–0 4–3 4–2 4–2

Philadelphia Athletics (AL) Chicago Cubs (NL) Washington Senators (AL) Detroit Tigers (AL) Chicago Cubs (NL) New York Giants (NL) New York Giants (NL) Chicago Cubs (NL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) Detroit Tigers (AL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) New York Yankees (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) St Louis Browns (AL) Chicago Cubs (NL) Boston Red Sox (AL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) Boston Braves (NL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) Philadelphia Phillies (NL) New York Giants (NL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) Cleveland Indians (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) New York Yankees (AL) Milwaukee Braves (NL) Chicago White Sox (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) San Francisco Giants (NL) New York Yankees (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Minnesota Twins (AL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) Boston Red Sox (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Baltimore Orioles (AL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) Baltimore Orioles (AL) Cincinnati Reds (NL) New York Mets (NL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) Boston Red Sox (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) Baltimore Orioles (AL) Kansas City Royals (AL) New York Yankees (AL) Milwaukee Brewers (AL) Philadelphia Phillies (NL) San Diego Padres (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Boston Red Sox (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Oakland Athletics (AL) San Francisco Giants (NL) Oakland Athletics (AL) Atlanta Braves (NL) Atlanta Braves (NL) Philadelphia Phillies (NL)

4–2 4–2 4–3 4–0 4–0 4–1 4–3 4–3 4–2 4–0 4–0 4–1 4–0 4–1 4–2

Cleveland Indians (AL) Atlanta Braves (NL) Cleveland Indians (AL) San Diego Padres (NL) Atlanta Braves (NL) New York Mets (NL) New York Yankees (AL) San Francisco Giants (NL) New York Yankees (AL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) Houston Astros (NL) Detroit Tigers (AL) Colorado Rockies (NL) Tampa Bay Rays (AL) Philadelphia Phillies (NL)


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Winners 2010 2011 2012


San Francisco Giants (NL) St Louis Cardinals (NL) San Francisco Giants (NL)

(AL = American League.

4–1 4–3 4–0

Texas Rangers (AL) Texas Rangers (AL) Detroit Tigers (AL)

NL = National League.)

Baseball: General Information ball: weight between 5 and 5 4 oz. bat: dimensions maximum length of 42 inches, maximum thickness of 234 inches. Black Sox scandal eight members of the Chicago White Sox were accused of accepting bribes to throw the 1919 World Series. Although subsequently found not guilty the players were suspended for life from the 1921 season onwards. Black Sox scandal: judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis. commissioner: first Kenesaw Mountain Landis. Continental League: inaugurated 27 July 1959. first match under Cartwright Rules (1846) New York Nine (23) v Knickerbocker Club (1). Hall of Fame founded in 1936 in Cooperstown, NY. 1

innings per game nine. inventor of game Abner Doubleday, a Civil War general, credited with invention in 1839 although it was more likely derived from the game of rounders in the 18th century. number in team nine. playing area diamond. rules codified by Alexander Joy Cartwright (1845). Ruth: George Herman nicknamed ‘Babe’ and ‘The Sultan of Swat’. umpires four umpires run a game positioned near the home plate and the three bases. World Series: contestants winners of the American League and National League.

Boxing Champions (as at 31 July 2013) International Boxing Federation (IBF), World Boxing Association (WBA), World Boxing Council (WBC), World Boxing Organization (WBO)

Heavyweight Cruiserweight (200 pounds) Light Heavyweight (175 pounds) Super Middleweight (168 pounds) Middleweight (160 pounds) Junior Middleweight (154 pounds) Welterweight (147 pounds) Junior Welterweight (140 pounds) Lightweight (135 pounds) Junior Lightweight (130 pounds) Featherweight (126 pounds) Junior Featherweight (122 pounds) Bantamweight (118 pounds) Junior Bantamweight (115 pounds) Flyweight (112 pounds) Junior Flyweight (108 pounds) Strawweight (105 pounds)

IBF WBA Wladimir Klitschko Wladimir Klitschko Yoan Pablo Hernández Guillermo Jones

WBC Vitali Klitschko Krzysztof Wodarczyk

WBO Wladimir Klitschko Marco Huck

Bernard Hopkins

Beibut Shumenov

Adonis Stevenson

Nathan Cleverly

Carl Froch

Andre Ward

Sakio Bika

Robert Stieglitz

Daniel Geale

Gennady Golovkin

Sergio Gabriel Martínez Peter Quillin

Ishe Smith

Floyd Mayweather Jr

Saúl Álvarez


Devon Alexander

Adrien Broner

Floyd Mayweather Jr

Timothy Bradley

Lamont Peterson

Danny García

Danny García

Juan Manuel Márquez

Miguel Vázquez

Richar Abril

Adrien Broner

Ricky Burns

Argenis Méndez

Takashi Uchiyama

Takashi Miura

Román Martinez

Evgeny Gradovich

Chris John

Abner Mares


Jhonatan Romero

Guillermo Rigondeaux Victor Terrazas

Guillermo Rigondeaux

Jamie McDonnell

Anselmo Moreno

Shinsuke Yamanaka

Tomoki Kameda


Liborio Solís

Srisaket Sor Rungvisai Omar Andrés Narváez

Moruti Mthalane

Juan Francisco Estrada Akira Yaegashi

Juan Francisco Estrada

John Riel Casimero

Román González

Adrián Hernández

Donnie Nietes

Katsunari Takayama

Ryo Miyazaki

Xiong Zhao Zhong

Merlito Sabillo


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Cricket – Trophy Winners from 1946

1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

County Championship

Sunday League/ National League/ Pro40 League/ Yorkshire Bank 40

Yorkshire Middlesex Glamorgan Middlesex/Yorkshire Lancashire/Surrey Warwickshire Surrey Surrey Surrey Surrey Surrey Surrey Surrey Yorkshire Yorkshire Hampshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Worcestershire Worcestershire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Glamorgan Kent Surrey Warwickshire Hampshire Worcestershire Leicestershire Middlesex Kent/Middlesex Kent Essex Middlesex Nottinghamshire Middlesex Essex Essex Middlesex Essex Nottinghamshire Worcestershire Worcestershire Middlesex Essex Essex Middlesex Warwickshire Warwickshire Leicestershire Glamorgan Leicestershire Surrey Surrey Yorkshire Surrey Sussex Warwickshire Nottinghamshire Sussex Sussex Durham Durham Nottinghamshire Lancashire Warwickshire

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Lancashire Lancashire Worcestershire Kent Kent Leicestershire Hampshire Kent Leicestershire Hampshire Somerset Warwickshire Essex Sussex Yorkshire Essex Essex Hampshire Worcestershire Worcestershire Lancashire Derbyshire Nottinghamshire Middlesex Glamorgan Warwickshire Kent Surrey Warwickshire Lancashire Lancashire Gloucestershire Kent Glamorgan Surrey Glamorgan Essex Essex Worcestershire Sussex Sussex Warwickshire Surrey Hampshire

Benson and Hedges Cup

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Leicestershire Kent Surrey Leicestershire Kent Gloucestershire Kent Essex Northamptonshire Somerset Somerset Middlesex Lancashire Leicestershire Middlesex Yorkshire Hampshire Nottinghamshire Lancashire Worcestershire Hampshire Derbyshire Warwickshire Lancashire Lancashire Surrey Essex Gloucestershire Gloucestershire Surrey Warwickshire Surrey* Leicestershire Somerset Leicestershire Kent Middlesex Sussex Hampshire Leicestershire Hampshire

Friends Provident Trophy (Gillette Cup 1963–81; NatWest Trophy 1982–2000; C & G Trophy 2001–05) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Sussex Sussex Yorkshire Warwickshire Kent Warwickshire Yorkshire Lancashire Lancashire Lancashire Gloucestershire Kent Lancashire Northamptonshire Middlesex Sussex Somerset Middlesex Derbyshire Surrey Somerset Middlesex Essex Sussex Nottinghamshire Middlesex Warwickshire Lancashire Hampshire Northamptonshire Warwickshire Worcestershire Warwickshire Lancashire Essex Lancashire Gloucestershire Gloucestershire Somerset Yorkshire Gloucestershire Gloucestershire Hampshire Sussex Durham Essex Hampshire discontinued

*In 2003 the Benson & Hedges Cup was replaced by the Twenty20 Cup, currently named the Friends Life t20.


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Cricket: General Information ball: weight Between 512 and 534 ounces (159.9–163g). bat throwing controversy Dermot Reeves (Warks) threw bat away to avoid bat and pad catch. Benson and Hedges Cup in 1999, the Benson and Hedges Super Cup replaced the old format, but the original format was reverted to in 2000. best Test Match bowling figures Jim Laker 19 for 90, England v Australia at Old Trafford (1956). (Tony Locke took other wicket). best Test Match bowling figures in single innings Jim Laker 10 for 53 v Australia at Old Trafford (1956). Bodyline Series of 1932/3 (Australia v England) the leading bowler was Harold Larwood (33 wickets) and the England captain was Douglas Jardine, who instructed Larwood to bowl at the leg stump and into the batsman’s body. Bosie Aussie name for googly (named after its inventor B J T Bosanquet, father of newsreader Reginald). brothers: seven played for Worcestershire Foster brothers: Basil, Henry, Maurice, Neville, Reginald, Geoffrey, Wilfrid. captain of England also Olympic boxing gold medallist J W H T Douglas. Chinaman googly bowled by a left-hander, i.e. ball that breaks from off to leg. county captain: longest tenure W G Grace for Gloucester (1871–99). County Championship officially constituted in 1890, although counties existed prior to that date and claimed a sort of unofficial title. The 1890 championship was contested by eight counties, Gloucestershire, Kent, Lancashire, Middlesex, Nottinghamshire, Surrey, Sussex, and Yorkshire. The title was won in 1890, and the following two seasons, by Surrey. The sponsors since the 2002 season are Liverpool Victoria, branded under their affinity name of Frizzell until 2005 and currently branded as LV. Previous sponsors were Schweppes (1977–83), Britannic Assurance (1984–98), PPP Healthcare (1999–2000) and Cricinfo (2001). The only two counties to join the championship since World War One are Glamorgan (1921) and Durham (1992). The County Championship was split into two divisions each of nine teams from the 2000 season onwards. Teams are awarded 16pts for a win, 8pts for a tie and 3pts for a draw. Bonus pts are awarded thus: Batting - 200-249 runs: 1pt, 250-299 runs: 2 pts, 300-349 runs: 3 pts, 350-399 runs: 4 pts, 400+ runs: 5 pts; Bowling 3-5 wickets taken: 1 pt, 6-8 wickets taken: 2 pts, 9-10 wickets taken: 3 pts. county cricket: grounds Derbyshire – Nottingham Road, Derby; Durham – Riverside Ground, Chester-le-Street (officially the Emirates Durham International Cricket Ground); Essex – New Writtle St, Chelmsford; Glamorgan – Swalec Stadium, Cardiff; Gloucestershire – Nevil Road, Bristol; Hampshire – Rose Bowl, Southampton; Kent – St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury; Lancashire – Old Trafford, Manchester; Leicestershire – Grace Road, Leicester; Middlesex – Lord’s, London; Northants – Wantage Road, Northampton; Nottinghamshire – Trent Bridge, Nottingham; Somerset – St James’s Street, Taunton; Surrey – Kia Oval (formerly the Brit Oval), Kennington; Sussex – Probiz County Ground, Eaton Road, Hove; Warwickshire – Edgbaston, Birmingham; Worcestershire – New Road, Worcester; Yorkshire – Headingley, Leeds – Official name Headingley Carnegie Cricket Ground. dismissal: methods bowled, caught, handled the ball, hit the ball twice, hit wicket, leg before wicket (lbw), obstructing the field, run out, stumped, timed out. double: first to complete (1000 runs and 100 wickets in a season) W.G. Grace. Douglas, J W H T : nickname Johnny Won’t Hit Today. Douglas also won a gold medal for Great Britain in the 1908 Olympics at Middleweight Boxing. Duckworth/Lewis System used to determine the winning score in raininterrupted one-day matches. ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board): chairman Giles Clarke. fifty: slowest first class Trevor Bailey. googly off break bowled with a leg-break action. highest scorer in first class cricket Brian Lara 501 not out v Durham. highest scorer in test cricket Brian Lara 400 not out v England (Antigua, 2003–04).

hundred: first recorded John Minshull, 107 for Duke of Dorset’s XI v Wrexham (1769). last man to take hat trick in Test Match for England Matthew Hoggard v West Indies at Barbados (April 2004). Lords: three locations St John’s Wood, London (1814 to present); Marylebone Bank, Regent’s Park, London (1811–14); Dorset Fields, London (1787–1811). monarch made cricket illegal Edward IV in 1477 (revoked in 1748). Olympic champions Great Britain. one day internationals: fastest century Shahid Afridi (Pakistan) scored 100 in 37 balls against Sri Lanka in 1996. fastest 50 Sanath Jayasuriya (Sri Lanka) scored 50 in 17 balls against Pakistan in 1996. run: distance for completion of 58ft (17.68m). six 6’s in over: first Gary Sobers (for Notts v Glamorgan, bowler: Malcolm Nash); Ravi Shastri was the second man to accomplish the feat. stumps: height 28 inches (71.1cm). Sunday League John Player Special League (1969-86), Refuge Assurance League (1987-91), Axa Equity and Law (1993-98), CGU National League 1999-2000; Norwich Union League 2001-02; ECB National League 2003; Totesport League 2004–06; NatWest Pro40 League 2007–09. In 2010 the league was restructured and the 18 First Class county teams were joined by Scotland, Netherlands and the Unicorns. The new competition was called the Clydesdale Bank 40 between 2010-13 and is now the Yorkshire Bank 40. Sunday League: double century Ally Brown of Surrey. swearing incident Mike Gatting at umpire Shakoor Rana (1987). TCCB: name change in 1997 ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board). Test cricket: oldest player Wilfred Rhodes (52). Test cricket: youngest English player Brian Close (18). Test cricket: youngest player Hasan Raza (Pakistan) was 14 yrs 227 days old when he played against Zimbabwe in 1996–97. Test Match century: fewest balls Viv Richards (56) against England at St John’s in 1985–86. Test Match double century: fewest balls Nathan Astle (153) for New Zealand against England at Christchurch in March 2002. The first hundred took 114 balls and the second hundred only 39 balls. Test Match: first Australia v England, Melbourne Cricket Ground 1877. Test Match: tied Australia v West Indies (1960) and Australia v India (1986). university grounds Cambridge – Fenner’s, Oxford – The Parks. West Indies: three Ws Weekes, Worrell, Walcott. Wisden: colour yellow. World Cup football winner played County Cricket Geoff Hurst. World Cup winners West Indies beat Australia (1975); West Indies beat England (1979); India beat West Indies (1983); Australia beat England (1987); Pakistan beat England (1991); Sri Lanka beat Australia (1996); Australia beat Pakistan (1999); Australia beat India (2003); Australia beat Sri Lanka (2007), India beat Sri Lanka (2011). World Cup: defeated West Indies Kenya bowled West Indies out for 93 in group match of 1996 World Cup. Yorkshire Bank 40: nicknames Derbyshire (Falcons), Durham (Dynamos), Essex (Eagles), Glamorgan (Dragons), Gloucestershire (Gladiators), Hampshire (Royals – formerly Hawks), Kent (Spitfires), Lancashire (Lightning), Leicestershire (Foxes), Middlesex (Panthers), Northamptonshire (Steelbacks), Nottinghamshire (Outlaws), Scottish Saltires, Somerset (no nickname but formerly Sabres), Surrey (no nickname but formerly Lions and Brown Caps), Sussex (Sharks), Warwickshire (Bears), Worcestershire (Royals), Yorkshire (Vikings formerly Carnegie and Phoenix). The Unicorns entered the league in 2010 when it was still the Clydesdale Bank 40 and have amateur status.


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Darts: World Champions Winner 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Leighton Rees (Wal) John Lowe (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Jocky Wilson (Sco) Keith Deller (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) John Lowe (Eng) Bob Anderson (Eng) Jocky Wilson (Sco) Phil Taylor (Eng) Dennis Priestley (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) John Lowe (Eng) John Part (Can) Dennis Priestley (Eng) Richie Burnett (Wal) Phil Taylor (Eng) Steve Beaton (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) Les Wallace (Sco) Phil Taylor (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) Phil Taylor (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) Phil Taylor (Eng) Ted Hankey (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) John Walton (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) Tony David (Aust) Phil Taylor (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) John Part (Can) Andy Fordham (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) Phil Taylor (Eng) Jelle Klaasen (Ned) Phil Taylor (Eng) Martin Adams (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) Mark Webster (Wal) John Part (Can) Ted Hankey (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) Martin Adams (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) Martin Adams (Eng) Adrian Lewis (Eng) Christian Kist (Ned) Adrian Lewis (Eng) Scott Waites (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng)

11–7 5–0 5–3 5–3 5–3 6–5 7–1 6–2 6–0 6–4 6–4 6–4 6–1 6–0 6–5 6–3 6–0 6–1 6–3 6–2 6–3 6–4 6–3 6–3 6–5 6–0 6–5 6–2 6–0 7–3 6–2 7–0 6–4 7–0 6–3 7–6 6–3 7–6 6–2 7–4 7–5 7–0 7–6 7–6 7–5 7–2 7–6 7–1 7–5 7–3 7–5 7–5 7–5 7–3 7–1 7–4

John Lowe (Eng) Leighton Rees (Wal) Bobby George (Eng) John Lowe (Eng) John Lowe (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Dave Whitcombe (Eng) John Lowe (Eng) Dave Whitcombe (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) John Lowe (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Eric Bristow (Eng) Mike Gregory (Eng) Alan Warriner (Eng) Bobby George (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) Rod Harrington (Eng) Richie Burnett (Wal) Dennis Priestley (Eng) Marshall James (Wal) Dennis Priestley (Eng) Richie Burnett (Wal) Dennis Priestley (Eng) Ronnie Baxter (Sco) Peter Manley (Eng) Ronnie Baxter (Sco) Dennis Priestley (Eng) Ted Hankey (Eng) John Part (Can) Mervyn King (Eng) Peter Manley (Eng) Ritchie Davies (Wal) Phil Taylor (Eng) Mervyn King (Eng) Kevin Painter (Eng) Martin Adams (Eng) Mark Dudbridge (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) Peter Manley (Eng) Phil Nixon (Eng) Phil Taylor (Eng) Simon Whitlock (NZ) Kirk Shepherd (Eng) Tony O’Shea (Eng) Ray Barneveld (Ned) Dave Chisnall (Eng) Simon Whitlock (NZ) Dean Winstanley (Eng) Gary Anderson (Sco) Tony O’Shea (Eng) Andy Hamilton (Eng) Tony O’Shea (Eng) Michael van Gerwen (Ned)

NB First named winners are BDO champions. Second named winners are PDC champions (formerly WDC).

Darts: General Information BDO: stands for News of the World Competition News of the World: best of legs PDC: stands for venues: BDO venue: PDC WDC: stands for World Champions: nine-dart legs

British Darts Organisation 1991–7 suspended sponsorship best of three throughout competition Professional Darts Council – from 2013 the winning trophy is named after Sid Waddell. Lakeside CC, Frimley Green, Surrey Heart of Midlands Club, Notts (1978) Jollees Night Club, Stoke (1979–85) Alexandra Palace Circus Tavern, Purfleet (1994-2008) World Darts Council John Lowe won £102,000 for achieving the first nine-dart 501 leg Paul Lim (USA) was second man to achieve a nine-dart leg but first in the world championship


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Darts: News of the World Champions 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959

Harry Leadbetter Jack Boyce Dixie Newberry Harry Perryman Tommy Gibbons Jimmy Carr Oliver James Tom Reddington Trevor Peachey Alwyn Mullins Tommy Gibbons Albert Welch

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971

Tom Reddington Alec Adamson Eddie Brown Robbie Rumney Tom Barrett Tom Barrett Wilf Ellis Wally Seaton Bill Duddy Barry Twomlow Henry Barney Dennis Filkins

1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978

Brian Netherton Ivor Hodgkinson Peter Chapman Derek White Bill Lennard Mick Norris Stefan Lord (Sweden) 1979 Bobby George 1980 Stefan Lord (Sweden) 1981 John Lowe

Football: English League Winners 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946

Division 1 Preston North End Preston North End Everton Sunderland Sunderland Aston Villa Sunderland Aston Villa Aston Villa Sheffield United Aston Villa Aston Villa Liverpool Sunderland The Wednesday The Wednesday Newcastle United Liverpool Newcastle United Manchester United Newcastle United Aston Villa Manchester United Blackburn Rovers Sunderland Blackburn Rovers Everton not held not held not held not held West Bromwich Albion Burnley Liverpool Liverpool Huddersfield Town Huddersfield Town Huddersfield Town Newcastle United Everton The Wednesday Sheffield Wednesday Arsenal Everton Arsenal Arsenal Arsenal Sunderland Manchester City Arsenal Everton not held not held not held not held not held not held not held

Division 2 — — — — Small Heath Liverpool Bury Liverpool Notts County Burnley Manchester City The Wednesday Grimsby Town West Bromwich Albion Manchester City Preston North End Liverpool Bristol City Nottingham Forest Bradford City Bolton Wanderers Manchester City West Bromwich Albion Derby County Preston North End Notts County Derby County not held not held not held not held Tottenham Hotspur Birmingham City Nottingham Forest Notts County Leeds United Leicester City The Wednesday Middlesbrough Manchester City Middlesbrough Blackpool Everton Wolverhampton Wanderers Stoke City Grimsby Town Brentford Manchester United Leicester City Aston Villa Blackburn Rovers not held not held not held not held not held not held not held

Division 3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Crystal Palace Stockport County Nelson Wolverhampton Wanderers Darlington Grimsby Town Stoke City Bradford Park Avenue Bradford City Port Vale Chesterfield Lincoln City Hull City Barnsley Doncaster Rovers Chesterfield Stockport County Tranmere Rovers Barnsley not held not held not held not held not held not held not held


Division 3 South — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Southampton Bristol City Portsmouth Swansea Town Reading Bristol City Millwall Charlton Athletic Plymouth Argyle Notts County Fulham Brentford Norwich City Charlton Athletic Coventry City Luton Town Millwall Newport County not held not held not held not held not held not held not held

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1997

Roy Morgan Eric Bristow Eric Bristow Dave Lee Bobby George Mike Gregory Mike Gregory Dave Whitcombe Paul Cook Phil Taylor

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1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958

Division 1 Liverpool Arsenal Portsmouth Portsmouth Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Arsenal Wolverhampton Wanderers Chelsea Manchester United Manchester United Wolverhampton Wanderers

Division 2 Manchester City Birmingham City Fulham Tottenham Hotspur Preston North End Sheffield Wednesday Sheffield United Leicester City Birmingham City Sheffield Wednesday Leicester City West Ham United

Division 3 Doncaster Rovers Lincoln City Hull City Doncaster Rovers Rotherham United Lincoln City Oldham Athletic Port Vale Barnsley Grimsby Town Derby County Scunthorpe United

Division 3 South Cardiff City Queen’s Park Rangers Swansea Town Notts County Nottingham Forest Plymouth Argyle Bristol Rovers Ipswich Town Bristol City Leyton Orient Ipswich Town Brighton & Hove Albion

1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

Division 1 Wolverhampton Wanderers Burnley Tottenham Hotspur Ipswich Town Everton Liverpool Manchester United Liverpool Manchester United Manchester City Leeds United Everton Arsenal Derby County Liverpool Leeds United Derby County Liverpool Liverpool Nottingham Forest Liverpool Liverpool Aston Villa Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Everton Liverpool Everton Liverpool Arsenal Liverpool Arsenal Leeds United

Division 2 Sheffield Wednesday Aston Villa Ipswich Town Liverpool Stoke City Leeds United Newcastle United Manchester City Coventry City Ipswich Town Derby County Huddersfield Town Leicester City Norwich City Burnley Middlesbrough Manchester United Sunderland Wolverhampton Wanderers Bolton Wanderers Crystal Palace Leicester City West Ham United Luton Town Queen’s Park Rangers Chelsea Oxford United Norwich City Derby County Millwall Chelsea Leeds United Oldham Athletic Ipswich Town

Division 3 Plymouth Argyle Southampton Bury Portsmouth Northampton Town Coventry City Carlisle United Hull City Queen’s Park Rangers Oxford United Watford Orient Preston North End Aston Villa Bolton Wanderers Oldham Athletic Blackburn Rovers Hereford United Mansfield Town Wrexham Shrewsbury Town Grimsby Town Rotherham United Burnley Portsmouth Oxford United Bradford City Reading Bournemouth Sunderland Wolverhampton Wanderers Bristol Rovers Cambridge United Brentford

Division 4 Port Vale Walsall Peterborough United Millwall Brentford Gillingham Brighton & Hove Albion Doncaster Rovers Stockport County Luton Town Doncaster Rovers Chesterfield Notts County Grimsby Town Southport Peterborough United Mansfield Town Lincoln City Cambridge United Watford Reading Huddersfield Town Southend United Sheffield United Wimbledon York City Chesterfield Swindon Town Northampton Town Wolverhampton Wanderers Rotherham United Exeter City Darlington Burnley

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Premier League Manchester United Manchester United Blackburn Rovers Manchester United Manchester United Arsenal Manchester United Manchester United Manchester United Arsenal Manchester United Arsenal Chelsea Chelsea Manchester United Manchester United Manchester United Chelsea Manchester United Manchester City Manchester United

Division 1 Newcastle United Crystal Palace Middlesbrough Sunderland Bolton Wanderers Nottingham Forest Sunderland Charlton Fulham Manchester City Portsmouth Norwich City Sunderland Reading Sunderland West Bromwich Albion Wolverhampton Wanderers Newcastle United Queen’s Park Rangers Reading Cardiff City

Division 2 Stoke City Reading Birmingham City Swindon Town Bury Watford Fulham Preston North End Millwall Brighton & Hove Albion Wigan Plymouth Argyle Luton Town Southend United Scunthorpe United Swansea City Leicester City Norwich Brighton & Hove Charlton Doncaster Rovers

Division 3 Cardiff City Shrewsbury Town Carlisle United Preston North End Wigan Athletic Notts County Brentford Swansea City Brighton & Hove Albion Plymouth Argyle Rushden and Diamonds Doncaster Rovers Yeovil Town Carlisle United Walsall MK Dons Brentford Notts County Chesterfield Swindon Notts County

The Premiership has been sponsored by Barclays since 2004 and was renamed the Barclays Premier League in 2007. In 2004 the former Division One was renamed the Football League Championship; the former Division Two was renamed Football League One; the former Division Three was renamed Football League Two. The current sponsors are Sky Bet. Previous sponsors of the Football League are Canon (1983–86), Today (1986–87), Barclays (1987–93), Endsleigh Insurance (1993–96), Nationwide (1996–2004), Coca-Cola (2004–10) and npower (2010–13).


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Football: English League Clubs (2013/14) Club

League debut Nickname(s)


Previous name(s)

Crown Ground Emirates Stadium Villa Park Oakwell

Stanley Villa Dial Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal none Barnsley St Peter’s

St Andrew’s Ewood Park Bloomfield Road The Reebok Stadium Goldsands Stadium, Dean Court Valley Parade Griffin Park Falmer Stadium

Small Heath Alliance, Small Heath, Birmingham none Blackpool St Johns, Blackpool South Shore Christ Church FC Boscombe St John’s, Boscombe, Bournemouth & Boscombe Athletic none none Brighton & Hove Rangers, Brighton & Hove United Bristol South End Black Arabs, Eastville Rovers, Bristol Eastville Rovers

Accrington Stanley Arsenal Aston Villa Barnsley

1921 1893 1888 1898

Birmingham City Blackburn Rovers Blackpool Bolton Wanderers AFC Bournemouth

1892 1888 1896 1888 1923

Stanley Gunners Villans Tykes, Reds, Colliers Blues Rovers Seasiders Trotters Cherries

Bradford City Brentford Brighton & Hove Albion Bristol City Bristol Rovers

1903 1920 1920

Bantams Bees Seagulls

1901 1920

Burnley Burton Albion Bury Cardiff City Carlisle United Charlton Athletic

1888 2009 1894 1920 1928 1921

Chelsea Cheltenham Town Chesterfield Colchester United Coventry City Crawley Town Crewe Alexandra

1905 1999 1899 1950 1919 2010 1892

Robins Pirates (originally The Purdown Poachers) Clarets Brewers Shakers Bluebirds Cumbrians, Blues Addicks, Valiants, Robins Blues Robins Spireites, Blues The ‘U’s’ Sky Blues Red Devils Railwaymen

Crystal Palace Dagenham & Redbridge Darlington Derby County Doncaster Rovers Everton Exeter City (NC) Fleetwood Town Fulham Gillingham Hartlepool United Huddersfield Town Hull City

1920 2007

Eagles Daggers

1921 1888 1901 1888 1920 2012 1907 1920 1921 1910 1905

Quakers Rams Rovers Toffees Grecians Cod Army Cottagers Gills Pool Terriers Tigers

Ipswich Town


Leeds United


Leicester City Leyton Orient

1894 1905

Liverpool Manchester City Manchester United Mansfield Town Middlesbrough Millwall MK Dons Morecambe Newcastle United Newport County Northampton Town Norwich City Nottingham Forest Notts County Oldham Athletic Oxford United

1893 1892 1892 1931 1899 1920 1977 2007 1893 1912 1920 1920 1892 1888 1907 1962

Peterborough United


Blues, Town, Tractor Boys United, The Whites, Elland Road The Peacocks Foxes, Filberts King Power Stadium The ‘O’s’ Leyton Stadium, Brisbane Road Reds, Pool Anfield Citizens, Blues City of Manchester Stadium Red Devils Old Trafford Stags Field Mill Boro Riverside Stadium Lions New Den, Bermondsey Dons Stadium:mk Shrimps, Erics Globe Arena Magpies St James’ Park Exiles, Ironsides Rodney Parade Cobblers Sixfields Stadium Canaries Carrow Road Forest, Reds City Ground Magpies County Ground, Meadow Lane Latics Boundary Park The ‘U’s’ Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road Posh London Road

Ashton Gate Memorial Ground Turf Moor Pirelli Stadium Gigg Lane Cardiff City Stadium Brunton Park The Valley

Burnley Rovers Burton Swifts, Burton United none Riverside, Riverside Albion amalgamation of Shaddongate Utd and Carlisle Red Rose none

Stamford Bridge Whaddon Road Proact Stadium Colchester Community Sixfields Stadium Broadfield Stadium Alexandra Stadium, Gresty Road Selhurst Park Victoria Road

none none Chesterfield Town Colchester Town Singers FC none none

Williamson Motors Stadium Pride Park Keepmoat Stadium Goodison Park St James Park Highbury Stadium Craven Cottage Priestfield Stadium Victoria Park John Smith’s Stadium Kingston Communications Stadium Portman Road

none none none St Domingo FC amalgamation of St Sidwell’s Utd and Exeter Utd Fleetwood FC Fulham St Andrew’s Excelsior, New Brompton Hartlepools United, Hartlepool none none

none Redbridge Forest & Dagenham


Ipswich Association FC formed after Leeds City disbanded by FA order Leicester Fosse Glyn Cricket & Football Club, Eagle FC, Orient, Clapton Orient none Ardwick FC Newton Heath Mansfield Wesleyans none Millwall Rovers, Millwall Athletic Wimbledon Old Centrals, Wimbledon none Stanley, Newcastle East End Newport & Monmouth County Association FC none none none Notts FC Pine Villa Headington, Headington United formed after Peterborough and Fletton disbanded

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League debut Nickname(s)

Plymouth Argyle Portsmouth Port Vale Preston North End

1920 1920 1892 1888

Queen’s Park Rangers Reading Rochdale Rotherham United

1920 1920 1921 1893

Pilgrims Pompey Valiants Lilywhites, North End Rangers, ‘R’s’, the Hoops Royals, Biscuitmen Dale Merry Millers


Previous name(s)

Home Park Fratton Park Vale Park Deepdale

Argyle Athletic Club none Burslem Port Vale none

Rangers Stadium, Loftus Road Madejski Stadium Spotland New York Stadium

St Jude’s

The Iron Blades Owls Shrews, Town Saints Shrimpers, Blues The Boro Potters Rokerites, Black Cats Swans, Jacks Robins

Glanford Park Bramall Lane Hillsborough Greenhous Meadow St Mary’s Stadium Roots Hall Broadhall Way The Britannia Stadium The Stadium of Light

Plainmoor White Hart Lane Prenton Park, Birkenhead Bescot Stadium Vicarage Road The Hawthorns

1919 1978 2011 1977 1888

Gulls Spurs Rovers Saddlers Hornets Throstles, Baggies, Albion Hammers, Irons Latics Dons, Wombles Dons Wolves

none none Thornhill United, Rotherham County, Rotherham Town Scunthorpe & Lindsey United none The Wednesday none Southampton St Mary’s none Stevenage Borough FC Stoke Sunderland and District Teachers Association FC Swansea Town Amalgamation of Spartans and St Mark’s Young Men’s Friendly Society Torquay Town Hotspur FC Belmont AFC Walsall Town Swifts West Herts West Bromwich Strollers

Boleyn Ground, Upton Park DW Stadium Cherry Red Records Stadium Selhurst Park Molineux

Thames Ironworks FC none none Wimbledon Old Centrals St Luke’s


Chairboys, Blues

Adams Park

North Town Wanderers

2003 1929

Glovers Minstermen

Huish Park Bootham Crescent

Yeovil Casuals none

Scunthorpe United 1950 Sheffield United 1892 Sheffield Wednesday 1892 Shrewsbury Town 1950 Southampton 1920 Southend United 1920 Stevenage 2010 Stoke City 1888 Sunderland 1890 Swansea City Swindon Town

1920 1920

Torquay United Tottenham Hotspur Tranmere Rovers Walsall Watford West Bromwich Albion West Ham United Wigan Athletic AFC Wimbledon Wimbledon Wolverhampton Wanderers Wycombe Wanderers Yeovil Town York City

1927 1908 1921 1892 1920 1888

Liberty Stadium County Ground

Football: Scottish League Clubs Club



Aberdeen Airdrieonians Albion Rovers Alloa Athletic Annan Athletic Arbroath Ayr United Berwick Rangers Brechin City Celtic Clyde Cowdenbeath Dumbarton Dundee Dundee United Dunfermline Athletic East Fife East Stirling Elgin City Falkirk Forfar Athletic Greenock Morton Hamilton Academical Heart of Midlothian Hibernian Inverness Caledonian Thistle Kilmarnock Livingston Montrose Motherwell Partick Thistle

Pittodrie Stadium New Broomfield Park Cliftonhill Stadium, Coatbridge Recreation Park Galabank Gayfield Park Somerset Park Shielfield Park Glebe Park Celtic Park (formerly Parkhead), Glasgow Broadwood Stadium, Cumbernauld Central Park Bet Butler Stadium Dens Park Tannadice Park East End Park Bayview Park, Methil Ochilview Park Borough Briggs Falkirk Stadium Station Park Cappielow Park New Douglas Park Tynecastle Park, Edinburgh Easter Road, Edinburgh Caledonian Stadium, East Longman Rugby Park Almondvale Stadium (aka Energy Assets) Links Park Fir Park Firhill Park, Glasgow

The Dons The Diamonds/Waysiders The Wee Rovers The Wasps Black and Golds The Red Lichties The Honest Men The Borderers City The Bhoys The Bully Wee Blue Brazil The Sons The Dark Blues/Dee The Terrors The Pars The Fifers The Shire City/Black & Whites The Bairns The Loons/Sky Blues The Ton The Accies The Jam Tarts The Hi-Bees Caley/The Jags The Killies Livi Lions The Gable Endies The Well The Jags


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Peterhead Queen of the South Queen’s Park Raith Rovers Rangers Ross County St Johnstone St Mirren Stenhousemuir Stirling Albion Stranraer

Balmoor Stadium Palmerston Park, Dumfries Hampden Park, Glasgow Stark’s Park, Kirkcaldy Ibrox Stadium, Glasgow Victoria Park (aka Global Energy) McDiarmid Park, Perth St Mirren Park, Love Street, Paisley Ochilview Park Forthbank Stadium Stair Park

Blue Toon The Doonhamers/Queens The Spiders The Rovers The Blues/Gers County The Saints The Buddies The Warriors The Binos/The Albion The Blues

NB Elgin City is now the most northerly club in the Football League.

European Nations Championship Date



1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012

Paris Madrid Rome Brussels Belgrade Rome Paris Munich Gothenburg London Rotterdam Lisbon Vienna Kiev

Soviet Union Spain Italy West Germany Czechoslovakia West Germany France Holland Denmark Germany France Greece Spain Spain

Runners-up 2–1 2–1 2–0 3–0 2–2 2–1 2–0 2–0 2–0 2–1 2–1 1–0 1–0 4–0

Yugoslavia Soviet Union Yugoslavia (replay after 1–1 draw) Soviet Union West Germany (5–3 on penalties) Belgium Spain Soviet Union Germany Czech Republic (golden goal after 1–1) Italy (golden goal after 1–1) Portugal Germany Italy

PFA Young Player of the Year Kevin Beattie (Ipswich) Mervyn Day (West Ham) Peter Barnes (Manchester City) Andy Gray (Aston Villa) Tony Woodcock (Notts Forest) Cyrille Regis (WBA) Glenn Hoddle (Tottenham) Gary Shaw (Aston Villa) Steve Moran (Southampton) Ian Rush (Liverpool) Paul Walsh (Luton) Mark Hughes (Manchester Utd) Tony Cottee (West Ham) Tony Adams (Arsenal) Paul Gascoigne (Newcastle) Paul Merson (Arsenal) Matt Le Tissier (Southampton) Lee Sharpe (Manchester Utd) Ryan Giggs (Manchester Utd) Ryan Giggs (Manchester Utd)

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Norman Hunter (Leeds) Colin Todd (Derby County) Pat Jennings (Tottenham) Andy Gray (Aston Villa) Peter Shilton (Notts Forest) Liam Brady (Arsenal) Terry McDermott (Liverpool) John Wark (Ipswich) Kevin Keegan (Southampton) Kenny Dalglish (Liverpool) Ian Rush (Liverpool) Peter Reid (Everton) Gary Lineker (Everton) Clive Allen (Tottenham) John Barnes (Liverpool) Mark Hughes (Manchester Utd) David Platt (Aston Villa) Mark Hughes (Manchester Utd) Gary Pallister (Manchester Utd) Paul McGrath (Aston Villa)

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Andy Cole (Newcastle) Robbie Fowler (Liverpool) Robbie Fowler (Liverpool) David Beckham (Manchester Utd) Michael Owen (Liverpool) Nicolas Anelka (Arsenal) Harry Kewell (Leeds) Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) Craig Bellamy (Newcastle) Jermaine Jenas (Newcastle) Scott Parker (Chelsea) Wayne Rooney (Manchester Utd) Wayne Rooney (Manchester Utd) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester Utd) Cesc Fàbregas (Arsenal) Ashley Young (Aston Villa) James Milner (Aston Villa) Jack Wilshere (Arsenal) Kyle Walker (Tottenham) Gareth Bale (Tottenham)

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

PFA Player of the Year Eric Cantona (Manchester Utd) Alan Shearer (Blackburn) Les Ferdinand (Newcastle) Alan Shearer (Newcastle) Dennis Bergkamp (Arsenal) David Ginola (Tottenham Hotspur) Roy Keane (Manchester Utd) Teddy Sheringham (Manchester Utd) Ruud van Nistelrooy (Manchester Utd) Thierry Henry (Arsenal) Thierry Henry (Arsenal) John Terry (Chelsea) Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester Utd) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester Utd) Ryan Giggs (Manchester Utd) Wayne Rooney (Manchester Utd) Gareth Bale (Tottenham) Robin Van Persie (Arsenal)


1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

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FIFA World Footballer of the Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Lothar Matthäus (Germany and Inter Milan) Marco Van Basten (Holland and AC Milan) Robert Baggio (Italy and Juventus) Romario (Brazil and Barcelona) George Weah (Liberia and AC Milan) Ronaldo (Brazil and Inter Milan) Ronaldo (Brazil and Inter Milan) Zinédine Zidane (France and Juventus) Rivaldo (Brazil and Barcelona) Zinédine Zidane (France and Juventus) Luis Figo (Portugal and Real Madrid)

Ronaldo (Brazil and Real Madrid) Zinédine Zidane (France and Real Madrid) Ronaldinho (Brazil and Barcelona) Ronaldinho (Brazil and Barcelona) Fabio Cannavaro (Italy and Real Madrid) Kaká (Brazil and AC Milan) Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal and Manchester Utd) Lionel Messi (Argentina and Barcelona) Lionel Messi (Argentina and Barcelona) Lionel Messi (Argentina and Barcelona) Lionel Messi (Argentina and Barcelona)

NB In 2010 the award became the FIFA Ballon d'Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award became a women-only award.

Football Writers’ Player of the Year 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980

Stanley Matthews (Blackpool) Johnny Carey (Manchester Utd) Joe Mercer (Arsenal) Harry Johnston (Blackpool) Billy Wright (Wolves) Nat Lofthouse (Bolton) Tom Finney (Preston North End) Don Revie (Manchester City) Bert Trautmann (Manchester City) Tom Finney (Preston North End) Danny Blanchflower (Tottenham) Syd Owen (Luton) Bill Slater (Wolves) Danny Blanchflower (Tottenham) Jimmy Adamson (Burnley) Stanley Matthews (Stoke City) Bobby Moore (West Ham) Bobby Collins (Leeds) Bobby Charlton (Manchester Utd) Jackie Charlton (Leeds) George Best (Manchester Utd) Tony Book (Manchester City) and Dave Mackay (Derby County) Billy Bremner (Leeds) Frank McLintock (Arsenal) Gordon Banks (Stoke City) Pat Jennings (Tottenham) Ian Callaghan (Liverpool) Alan Mullery (Fulham) Kevin Keegan (Liverpool) Emlyn Hughes (Liverpool) Kenny Burns (Notts Forest) Kenny Dalglish (Liverpool) Terry McDermott (Liverpool)

1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Frans Thijssen (Ipswich) Steve Perryman (Tottenham) Kenny Dalglish (Liverpool) Ian Rush (Liverpool) Neville Southall (Everton) Gary Lineker (Everton) Clive Allen (Tottenham) John Barnes (Liverpool) Steve Nicol (Liverpool) John Barnes (Liverpool) Gordon Strachan (Leeds) Gary Lineker (Tottenham) Chris Waddle (Sheffield Wednesday) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers) Jürgen Klinsmann (Tottenham) Eric Cantona (Manchester Utd) Gian Franco Zola (Chelsea) Dennis Bergkamp (Arsenal) David Ginola (Tottenham) Roy Keane (Manchester Utd) Teddy Sheringham (Manchester Utd) Robert Pires (Arsenal) Thierry Henry (Arsenal) Thierry Henry (Arsenal) Frank Lampard (Chelsea) Thierry Henry (Arsenal) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester Utd) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester Utd) Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) Wayne Rooney (Manchester Utd) Scott Parker (West Ham Robin Van Persie (Arsenal) Gareth Bale (Tottenham)

European Footballer of the Year (Ballon d’Or) 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974

Stanley Matthews (Blackpool) Alfredo Di Stefano (Real Madrid) Raymond Kopa (Real Madrid) Alfredo Di Stefano (Real Madrid) Luis Suarez (Barcelona) Omar Sivori (Juventus) Josef Masopust (Dukla Prague) Lev Yashin (Moscow Dynamo) Denis Law (Manchester Utd) Eusebio (Benfica) Bobby Charlton (Manchester Utd) Florian Albert (Ferencvaros) George Best (Manchester Utd) Gianni Rivera (AC Milan) Gerd Muller (Bayern Munich) Johann Cruyff (Ajax) Franz Beckenbauer (Bayern Munich) Johann Cruyff (Barcelona) Johann Cruyff (Barcelona)

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Oleg Blokhin (Dynamo Kiev) Franz Beckenbauer (Bayern Munich) Allan Simonsen (Borussia Moenchengladbach) Kevin Keegan (SV Hamburg) Kevin Keegan (SV Hamburg) Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (Bayern Munich) Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (Bayern Munich) Paolo Rossi (Juventus) Michel Platini (Juventus) Michel Platini (Juventus) Michel Platini (Juventus) Igor Belanov (Dynamo Kiev) Ruud Gullit (AC Milan) Marco Van Basten (AC Milan) Marco Van Basten (AC Milan) Lothar Matthäus (Inter Milan)

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Jean-Pierre Papin (Marseille) Marco Van Basten (AC Milan) Roberto Baggio (Juventus) Hristo Stoichkov (Barcelona) George Weah (AC Milan) Matthias Sammer (Borussia Dortmund) Ronaldo (Inter Milan) Zinédine Zidane (Juventus) Rivaldo (Barcelona) Luis Figo (Real Madrid) Michael Owen (Liverpool) Ronaldo (Real Madrid) Pavel Nedved (Juventus) Andriy Shevchenko (AC Milan) Ronaldinho (Barcelona) Fabio Cannavaro (Real Madrid) Kaká (ACಝMilan) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester Utd) Lionel Messi (Barcelona)

NB Between 1955 and 1994 the award was restricted to Europeans. From 1995 it was for all players in European clubs regardless of nationality. In 2010 the award was merged with the Fifa World Player of the Year to become the Fifa Ballon d’Or.


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Football: General Information Arsenal: unbeaten in League Arsenal tube station: former name artificial turf: 1st team to use ball: circumference black: 1st English international caps 1st awarded for internationals crossbar introduced England team from one club England: 1st home loss to foreign side England: 1st loss to foreign side European Footballer of the Year: 1st FA Community Shield: contestants FA Cup Final: 1st monarch to attend FA Cup: 15 original teams

2003/4 season (played 38, won 26, drew 12) Gillespie Road (one of the innovative Herbert Chapman’s ideas). Queen’s Park Rangers (1981). Luton followed soon after. between 27 and 28 inches (69–71cm). Viv Anderson (1978). 1886. 1875. In 1894 Corinthians supplied all eleven players for England v Wales at Wrexham. In 1953 Hungary defeated England 6–3. In 1929 Spain beat England 4–3 in Madrid. Stanley Matthews (1956). FA Cup winners v League winners. King George V (1914). Barnes, Civil Service, Clapham Rovers, Crystal Palace (not the present one), Donnington School (Spalding), Great Marlow, Hampstead Heathens, Harrow Chequers, Hitchin, Maidenhead, Queen’s Park, Reigate Priory, Royal Engineers (Chatham), Upton Park, Wanderers. FA Cup: 1st floodlit tie Kidderminster v Brierley Hill (1955). 1st player sent off in final Kevin Moran of Manchester Utd (1985). 1st replay (Wembley) 1970 (draw at Wembley, replayed at Old Trafford). 1st scorer M P Betts (a Harrow Chequer) scored the first goal in an FA Cup tie. broke neck in final Bert Trautmann of Manchester City (1956). horse cleared pitch PC George Storey on a white horse cleared overcrowded pitch at Wembley’s 1st Cup Final (1923). non-League winner Tottenham Hotspur (1901). played every year Great Marlow (now Marlow) have played in every FA Cup since 1872. stolen 1895 (from a Birmingham shop). floodlit game: 1st 1887. floodlit: international 1st England v Spain at Wembley (1955). Football Association: address Wembley Stadium, PO Box 1966, London SW1P 9EQ; tel: 020 7745 4545. Football Association: set up at Freemason’s Tavern, Lincoln’s Inn Fields (1863). goal nets: used for 1st time 1891 (North v South match). goal: dimensions height: 8 feet (2.4m), width: 8 yards (7.3m). home internationals: 1st played 1883 (Scotland v Ireland was the first match). home internationals: last played 1984 (Ireland won on goal difference after all four teams finished on 3 points). international: first official England v Scotland (1872). Irish club: Ist founded Cliftonville (1879). Irish FA: when formed 1880. League and Cup double: 1st Preston North End won FA Cup without conceding a goal and League without losing a game (1889). numbering of players introduced by Herbert Chapman, manager of Arsenal (1928). oldest club: when founded Sheffield (1857). oldest League club: when founded Notts County (1862). oldest Scottish club: when founded Queen’s Park (1867). Olympic Games: UK victory White City (1908) and Stockholm (1912). penalty kick introduced 1891 (at request of the Irish FA). penalty spot: distance from goal 12 yards (11m). points: 1st club to score over 100 in League York City (101) 1983/4 season. points: League record Reading (106) 2005/6. Rangers: won every league match 1898/9 season. religious support: Glasgow traditionally Catholics follow Celtic and Protestants follow Rangers. rules: codified at Cambridge University (1846). 1873. Scottish FA: when formed shinguards introduced 1874. stadiums: famous world football Amsterdam Arena, Amsterdam (Ajax); Azteca Stadium, Mexico; Bernabeu, Madrid (Real Madrid); Giuseppe Meazza, San Siro (AC and Inter Milan); Lansdowne Rd, Dublin; Maracana, Rio de Janeiro; Noucamp, Barcelona; Olympic Stadium, Munich (Bayern Munich); Parc des Princes, Paris (St Germain); Stade de France, St Denis; Stadio Delle Alpi, Torino (Juventus); Stadium of Light, Lisbon (Benfica); Windsor Park, Belfast (Linfield). stadium: largest capacity Rungnado May Day Stadium, Pyongyang, North Kora (50,000). Sunday football: 1st League game 20 Jan. 1974 (Millwall v Fulham). televised football: 1st 29 Aug. 1936 (Arsenal v Everton). BBC showed same evening. televised football: 1st live 30 April 1938, Wembley FA Cup final, shown by BBC. 3 points: 1st played 1981/2 season. 3 points: 1st played Scotland 1994/5 season. tragedies: Bolton 9 March 1946 (wall and barrier collapsed, 33 killed) Bolton v Stoke. Bradford 11 May 1985 (3rd Division game between Bradford City and Lincoln City), fire in main stand, 56 died. Heysel (Brussels) 29 May 1985 (European Cup final Liverpool v Juventus), Liverpool fans on rampage, 41 died. Hillsborough 15 April 1989 (Notts Forest v Liverpool, FA Cup semi-final), Leppings Lane end, 96 died. Ibrox 5 April 1902 (stand collapsed, 25 killed) Scotland v England. 2 Jan. 1971 (Celtic v Rangers who equalised in final minute, causing mayhem, 66 died). transfer: 1st £1,000 A Common from Sunderland to Middlesbrough (1905). 1st £10,000 D Jack from Bolton to Arsenal (1928). 1st £50,000 J Charles from Leeds to Juventus (1957). 1st £100,000 D Law from Manchester City to Torino (1961). 1st £100,000 (English clubs) A Ball from Blackpool to Everton (1966) (actual transfer price £110,000). 1st £200,000 M Peters from West Ham to Spurs (1970). 1st £500,000 K Keegan from Liverpool to Hamburg (1977). 1st £1 million T Francis from Birmingham to Nottingham Forest (1979). 1st £2 million M Hughes from Manchester United to Barcelona (1986). 1st £5 million David Platt from Aston Villa to Bari (1991).


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1st £10 million and £15 million 1st £30 million 1st £80 million two-handed throw introduced war started by football match Welsh FA: when formed white ball legalised World Cup: England 1st played World Cup: most tournaments World Cup: top scorer in single tournament

A Shearer from Blackburn to Newcastle (1996). R Ferdinand from Leeds to Manchester United (2002) C Ronaldo from Manchester United to Real Madrid (2009) 1895. El Salvador v Honduras (1969). 1876. 1950. in 1950 (England were beaten in the qualifying competition in Brazil). Antonio Carbajal, the Mexican goalkeeper (5). Lothar Matthäus, Germany (5). Just Fontaine of France (13), 1958.

Football Association Cup Date


1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890

Wanderers Wanderers Oxford University Royal Engineers Wanderers Wanderers Wanderers Old Etonians Clapham Rovers Old Carthusians Old Etonians Blackburn Olympic Blackburn Rovers Blackburn Rovers Blackburn Rovers Aston Villa West Bromwich Albion Preston North End Blackburn Rovers William Townley scored first-ever Cup Final hat-trick Blackburn Rovers West Bromwich Albion Wolverhampton Wanderers Notts County (first 2nd Division team to win the FA Cup) Aston Villa trophy was stolen on 11/9/95 and was never recovered The Wednesday new trophy was an exact replica of the original Aston Villa (second team to do ‘the double’) Nottingham Forest Sheffield United Bury Tottenham Hotspur Tottenham – only non-League team to win the FA Cup since the League started in 1888/9 – also started the tradition of decorating the cup with ribbons in the colours of the winning team Sheffield United Bury (record winning margin in FA Cup Final) Manchester City Aston Villa Everton The Wednesday Wolverhampton Wanderers Manchester United Newcastle United after this final it was discovered that the trophy had not been copyrighted and it had been copied for another tournament, so the trophy was presented to Lord Kinnaird and a new one was commissioned Bradford City first winners of new (present) trophy made by Fattorini & Sons of Bradford Barnsley Aston Villa Burnley Sheffield United not held not held not held not held Aston Villa Tottenham Hotspur Huddersfield Town

1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901

1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910

1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922

Runner-up 1–0 2–0 2–0 1–1, 2–0 1–1, 3–0 2–1 aet 3–1 1–0 1–0 3–0 1–0 2–1 aet 2–1 2–0 0–0, 2–0 2–0 2–1 3–0 6–1

Royal Engineers Oxford University Royal Engineers Old Etonians Old Etonians Oxford University Royal Engineers Clapham Rovers Oxford University Old Etonians Blackburn Rovers (1st appearance of a Northern club in final) Old Etonians (last appearance of English amateur finalists) Queen’s Park Queen’s Park West Bromwich Albion West Bromwich Albion Preston North End Wolverhampton Wanderers The Wednesday

3–1 3–0 1–0 4–1 1–0

Notts County Aston Villa Everton Bolton Wanderers West Bromwich Albion


Wolverhampton Wanderers

3–2 3–1 4–1 4–0 2–2, 3–1

Everton Derby County Derby County Southampton Sheffield United

1–1, 2–1 6–0 1–0 2–0 1–0 2–1 3–1 1–0 1–1, 2–0

Southampton Derby County Bolton Wanderers Newcastle United Newcastle United Everton Newcastle United Bristol City Barnsley

0–0, 1–0

Newcastle United

0–0, 1–0 aet 1–0 1–0 3–0

West Bromwich Albion Sunderland Liverpool Chelsea

1–0 aet 1–0 1–0

Huddersfield Town Wolverhampton Wanderers Preston North End


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Date 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946

1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

Winner Bolton Wanderers first Wembley Final – official crowd figure 126,047 – actual figure 180,000–200,000 Newcastle United Sheffield United Bolton Wanderers Cardiff City (only non-English team to win the Cup) Blackburn Rovers Bolton Wanderers Arsenal West Bromwich Albion Newcastle United Everton Manchester City Sheffield Wednesday Arsenal Sunderland Preston North End Portsmouth not held not held not held not held not held not held Derby County the ball burst during the final – also this was the only season when two-legged matches were played in the FA Cup – prior to the semi-final stage Charlton Athletic the ball burst again Manchester United only time winners have played against a team from top flight in every round Wolverhampton Wanderers Arsenal Newcastle United Newcastle United Blackpool ‘The Matthews Final’ – Stan Mortensen hat-trick – winner scored by Bill Perry West Bromwich Albion Newcastle United Manchester City Aston Villa Bolton Wanderers Nottingham Forest Wolverhampton Wanderers Tottenham Hotspur (3rd team to do ‘the double’ – first in 20th century) Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United West Ham United Howard Kendall was the then youngest finalist in 20th century Liverpool Everton Tottenham Hotspur first all-London Wembley final West Bromwich Albion Manchester City Chelsea Arsenal (4th team to do ‘the double’) Leeds United Sunderland (first 2nd division team to win the Cup since West Brom in 1931) Liverpool West Ham United Bobby Moore played for Fulham against West Ham Southampton Manchester United Ipswich Town (only team to play in every round of Cup including preliminary) Arsenal West Ham United (Paul Allen youngest FA Cup winner) Tottenham Hotspur Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Everton

2–0 2–0 1–0 1–0

Runner-up West Ham United

1–0 3–1 2–0 2–0 2–1 2–1 3–0 2–1 4–2 1–0 3–1 1–0 aet 4–1

Aston Villa Cardiff City Manchester City (1st team to reach the Cup Final and be relegated in same season) Arsenal Huddersfield Town Portsmouth Huddersfield Town Birmingham City Arsenal Manchester City Portsmouth West Bromwich Albion Sheffield United Preston North End Huddersfield Town Wolverhampton Wanderers

4–1 aet

Charlton Athletic

1–0 aet




3–1 2–0 2–0 1–0 4–3

Leicester City Liverpool Blackpool Arsenal Bolton Wanderers

3–2 3–1 3–1 2–1 2–0 2–1 3–0 2–0

Preston North End Manchester City Birmingham City Manchester United Manchester United Luton Town Blackburn Rovers Leicester City

3–1 3–1 3–2

Burnley Leicester City Preston North End

2–1 aet 3–2 2–1

Leeds United Sheffield Wednesday Chelsea

1–0 aet 1–0 2–2, 2–1 aet 2–1 aet 1–0 1–0

Everton Leicester City Leeds United Liverpool Arsenal Leeds United

3–0 2–0

Newcastle United Fulham

1–0 2–1 1–0

Manchester United Liverpool Arsenal

3–2 1–0 1–1, 3–2 1–1, 1–0 2–2, 4–0 2–0

Manchester United Arsenal Manchester City Queen’s Park Rangers Brighton & Hove Albion Watford


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Date 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Winner Manchester United 1–0 aet Liverpool 3–1 Coventry City 3–2 aet Wimbledon 1–0 Liverpool 3–2 aet Manchester United 3–3, 1–0 Tottenham Hotspur 2–1 aet Liverpool 2–0 Arsenal 1–1, 2–1 aet Manchester United (6th team to do ‘the double’) 4–0 Everton 1–0 Manchester United (1st team to do a second ‘double’) 1–0 Eric Cantona 1st foreign player to captain the FA Cup winners Chelsea 2–0 Arsenal 2–0 Manchester United (3rd double – also 1st team to do a 2–0 ‘treble’ of League, FA Cup and European Champions Cup) Chelsea 1–0 Liverpool 2–1 Arsenal 2–0 Arsenal 1–0 Manchester United 3–0 Arsenal 0–0 Liverpool 3–3, Chelsea 0–0, 1–0 aet Portsmouth 1–0 Chelsea 2–1 Chelsea 1–0 Manchester City 1–0 Chelsea 2–1 Wigan Athletic 1–0

Runner-up Everton Everton Tottenham Hotspur Liverpool Everton Crystal Palace Nottingham Forest Sunderland Sheffield Wednesday (also lost to Arsenal in League Cup final) Chelsea Manchester United Liverpool Middlesbrough Newcastle United Newcastle United Aston Villa Arsenal Chelsea Southampton Millwall Manchester United (lost 5-4 on penalties) West Ham United (lost 3-1 on penalties) Manchester United Cardiff City Everton Portsmouth Stoke City Liverpool Manchester City

European Cup Winners’ Cup Date


1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Fiorentina Atletico Madrid Tottenham Hotspur Sporting Lisbon West Ham United Borussia Dortmund Bayern Munich AC Milan Slovan Bratislava Manchester City Chelsea Glasgow Rangers AC Milan Magdeburg Dynamo Kiev Anderlecht SV Hamburg Anderlecht Barcelona Valencia Dynamo Tbilisi Barcelona Aberdeen Juventus Everton Dynamo Kiev Ajax Mechelen Barcelona Sampdoria Manchester United Werder Bremen Parma Arsenal Real Zaragoza Paris St-Germain Barcelona Chelsea Lazio

4–1 on agg. 1–1, 3–0 5–1 3–3,1–0 2–0 2–1 aet 1–0 aet 2–0 3–2 2–1 1–1, 2–1 aet 3–2 1–0 2–0 3–0 4–2 2–0 4–0 4–3 aet 0–0, 5–4 on pens 2–1 2–1 2–1 aet 2–1 3–1 3–0 1–0 1–0 2–0 2–0 2–1 2–0 3–1 1–0 2–1 1–0 1–0 1–0 2–1



Glasgow Rangers Fiorentina Atletico Madrid MTK Budapest Munich 1860 Liverpool Glasgow Rangers SV Hamburg Barcelona Gornik Zabrze Real Madrid Dynamo Moscow Leeds United AC Milan Ferencvaros West Ham United Anderlecht Austria Vienna Fortuna Düsseldorf Arsenal Carl Zeiss Jena Standard Liège Real Madrid FC Porto Rapid Vienna Atletico Madrid Lokomotiv Leipzig Ajax Sampdoria Anderlecht Barcelona AS Monaco Royal Antwerp Parma Arsenal Rapid Vienna Paris St-Germain VFB Stuttgart Real Majorca

Glasgow, Florence Glasgow, Stuttgart Rotterdam Brussels, Antwerp Wembley Glasgow Nuremberg Rotterdam Basle Vienna Athens, Athens Barcelona Salonika Rotterdam Basle Brussels Amsterdam Paris Basle Brussels Düsseldorf Barcelona Gothenburg Basle Rotterdam Lyon Athens Strasbourg Berne Gothenburg Rotterdam Lisbon London (Wembley) Copenhagen Paris Brussels Rotterdam Stockholm Birmingham

NB The European Cup Winners’ Cup was established in 1960 and was contested by national Cup winners or the runners-up if the winners were in the European Cup. 1999 was the last competition. As from 1999/2000 national Cup winners compete in an expanded UEFA Cup.


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European Champion Clubs’ Cup Date


1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977

Real Madrid Real Madrid Real Madrid Real Madrid Real Madrid Benfica Benfica AC Milan Inter Milan Inter Milan Real Madrid Celtic Manchester United AC Milan Feyenoord Ajax Ajax Ajax Bayern Munich Bayern Munich Bayern Munich Liverpool

4–3 2–0 3–2, aet 2–0 7–3 3–2 5–3 2–1 3–1 1–0 2–1 2–1 4–1, aet 4–1 2–1, aet 2–0 2–0 1–0 1–1, 4–0 2–0 1–0 3–1

1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Liverpool Nottingham Forest Nottingham Forest Liverpool Aston Villa SV Hamburg Liverpool Juventus Steaua Bucharest FC Porto PSV Eindhoven AC Milan AC Milan Red Star Belgrade Barcelona Marseille* AC Milan Ajax Juventus Borussia Dortmund Real Madrid Manchester United Real Madrid Bayern Munich Real Madrid AC Milan FC Porto Liverpool Barcelona ACಝMilan Manchester United Barcelona Inter Milan Barcelona Chelsea Bayern Munich

1–0 1–0 1–0 1–0 1–0 1–0 1–1, 4–2 on pens 1–0 0–0, 2–0 on pens 2–1 0–0, 6–5 on pens 4–0 1–0 0–0, 5–3 on pens 1–0, aet 1–0 4–0 1–0 1–1, 4–2 on pens 3–1 1–0 2–1 3–0 1–1, 5–4 on pens 2–1 0–0, 3–2 on pens 3–0 3–3, 3–2 on pens 2–1 2–1 1–1, 6–5 on pens 2–0 2–0 3–1 1–1, 4–3 on pens 2–1



Stade de Reims Fiorentina AC Milan Stade de Reims Eintracht Frankfurt Barcelona Real Madrid Benfica Real Madrid Benfica Partizan Belgrade Inter Milan Benfica Ajax Celtic Panathinaikos Inter Milan Juventus Atletico Madrid Leeds United St Etienne Borussia Moenchengladbach FC Bruges Malmo SV Hamburg Real Madrid Bayern Munich Juventus AS Roma Liverpool Barcelona Bayern Munich Benfica Steaua Bucharest Benfica Marseille Sampdoria AC Milan Barcelona AC Milan Ajax Juventus Juventus Bayern Munich Valencia Valencia Bayer Leverkusen Juventus Monaco ACಝMilan Arsenal Liverpool Chelsea Manchester United Bayern Munich Manchester United Bayern Munich Borussia Dortmund

Paris Madrid Brussels Stuttgart Glasgow Berne Amsterdam London Vienna Milan Brussels Lisbon London Madrid Milan London Rotterdam Belgrade Brussels Paris Glasgow Rome London Munich Madrid Paris Rotterdam Athens Rome Brussels Seville Vienna Stuttgart Barcelona Vienna Bari London Munich Athens Vienna Rome Munich Amsterdam Barcelona Paris Milan Glasgow Manchester (Old Trafford) Gelsenkirchen Istanbul Paris Athens Moscow Rome Madrid London Munich London

*Marseille were subsequently stripped of title following bribery scandal concerning Bernard Tapié, the club president. NB The European Cup was established in 1955 and was contested by the respective League champions of the member countries of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). In recent seasons, clubs finishing second, third and fourth in the League of those countries with the highest UEFA points coefficients can qualify for the European Champions Cup. From 1992/3 season the European Cup changed its format to include a qualifying competition, two group stages and a final knockout phase of quarterfinals, semi-finals, played over two legs, and a single-match final. Since 2003/4 there has been a single group stage, with 16 clubs advancing to the knockout phase. The competition since the rule changes is more properly called the UEFA Champions League.


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European Super Cup 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981

Ajax Ajax not contested Kiev Dynamo Anderlecht Liverpool Anderlecht Notts Forest Valencia not contested

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

Aston Villa Aberdeen Juventus not contested Steaua FC Porto Mechelen Milan Milan Manchester Utd

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Barcelona Parma Milan Ajax Juventus Barcelona Chelsea Lazio Galatasaray Liverpool

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Real Madrid AC Milan Valencia Liverpool Sevilla AC Milan Zenit St Petersburg Barcelona

NB The European Super Cup was for the winners of the UEFA Champions League and the European Cup Winners Cup. With the demise of the latter trophy the opponents have been the UEFA Cup winners.

Original 12 Football League Clubs

Women’s World Cup

Accrington Aston Villa Blackburn Rovers Bolton Wanderers Burnley Derby County

1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011

Everton Notts County Preston North End Stoke City West Bromwich Albion Wolverhampton Wanderers

USA Norway USA Germany Germany Japan

Asian Cup Date








1956 1960 1964 1968

South Korea South Korea Israel Iran

1972 1976 1980 1984

Iran Iran Kuwait Saudi Arabia

1988 1992 1996 2000

Saudi Arabia Japan Saudi Arabia Japan

2004 2007 2011

Japan Iraq Japan

African Champions Cup Date 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980

Winner Oryx Douala (Cameroon) not held Stade Abidjan (Ivory Coast) TP Englebert (Zaïre) TP Englebert (Zaïre) Al Ismaili (Egypt) Asante Kotoko (Ghana) Canon Yaoundé (Cameroon) Hafia Conakry (Ghana) AS Vita Kinshasa (Zaïre) CARA Brazzaville (Congo) Hafia Conakry (Ghana) MC Algiers (Algeria) Hafia Conakry (Ghana) Canon Yaoundé (Cameroon) Union Douala (Cameroon) Canon Yaoundé (Cameroon)





1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

JE Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria) Al Ahly (Egypt) Asante Kotoko (Ghana) Zamalek (Egypt) FAR Rabat (Morocco) Zamalek (Egypt) Al Ahly (Egypt) EP Setif (Algeria) Raja Casablanca (Morocco) JS Kabylie (Algeria) Club Africain (Algeria) Wydad Casablanca (Morocco) Zamalek (Egypt) Esperance (Tunisia) Orlando Pirates (South Africa) Zamalek (Egypt) Raja Casablanca (Morocco)

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

ASEC Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Raja Casablanca (Morocco) Hearts of Oak (Ghana) Al Ahly (Egypt) Zamalek (Egypt) Enyimba (Nigeria) Enyimba (Nigeria) Al Ahly (Egypt) Al Ahly (Egypt) Etoile du Sahel (Tunisia) Al Ahly (Egypt) Tout Puissant Mazembe (Congo) Democratic Republic of Tout Puissant Mazembe (Congo) Democratic Republic of Espérance Sportive de Tunis Al Ahly (Egypt)

2010 2011 2012

African Cup of Nations 1957 1959 1962 1963 1965 1968 1970

Egypt Egypt Ethiopia Ghana Ghana Zaïre Sudan

1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984

Congo Zaïre Morocco Ghana Nigeria Ghana Cameroon

1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998


Egypt Cameroon Algeria Ghana Nigeria South Africa Egypt

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013

Cameroon Cameroon Tunisia Egypt Egypt Egypt Zambia Nigeria

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FIFA Club World Cup Date






1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976

Real Madrid Peñarol (Montevideo) Santos (São Paulo) Santos (São Paulo) Internazionale (Milan) Internazionale (Milan) Peñarol (Montevideo) Racing Club (Arg) Estudiantes (La Plata, Argentina) AC Milan Feyenoord (Rotterdam) Nacional (Montevideo) Ajax (Amsterdam) Independiente (Argentina) Atletico Madrid not played Bayern Munich

1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

not played Boca Juniors (Buenos Aires) Olimpia (Paraguay) Nacional (Montevideo) Flamengo (Rio) Peñarol (Montevideo) Gremio (Porto Alegre, Brazil) Independiente (Argentina) Juventus (Turin) River Plate (Buenos Aires) FC Porto (Oporto) Nacional (Montevideo) AC Milan AC Milan Red Star Belgrade São Paulo São Paulo Velez Sarsfield (Argentina)

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Ajax (Amsterdam) Juventus (Turin) Borussia Dortmund Real Madrid Manchester United Boca Juniors (Buenos Aires) Bayern Munich Real Madrid Boca Juniors FC Porto São Paulo Internacional (Porto Alegre, Brazil) AC Milan Manchester United Barcelona Internazionale (Milan) Barcelona Corinthians

NB From 1960 to 1979 the competition was decided on points, not goal difference. From 1980 it was played as a single match in Tokyo. In 2000 the inaugural FIFA Club World Championship took place in Brazil and was won by the Brazilian side Corinthians. In 2005 the two competitions were merged.

Copa America South American Championship Date










1910 1916 1917 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924

Argentina Uruguay Uruguay Brazil Uruguay Argentina Brazil Uruguay Uruguay

1925 1926 1927 1929 1935 1937 1939 1941 1942

Argentina Uruguay Argentina Argentina Uruguay Argentina Peru Argentina Uruguay

1945 1946 1947 1949 1953 1955 1956 1957

Argentina Argentina Argentina Brazil Paraguay Argentina Uruguay Argentina


Argentina Uruguay Bolivia Uruguay Peru Paraguay Uruguay Uruguay Brazil

1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2004 2007 2011

Argentina Argentina Uruguay Brazil Brazil Colombia Brazil Brazil Uruguay

1963 1967 1975 1979 1983 1987 1989

Copa Libertadores South American Club Cup Date




1960 1964 1965 1969 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1985 1987 1989 1990 1991 1995 1996

Peñarol (Montevideo, Uruguay) Independiente (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Independiente (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Estudiantes (La Plata, Argentina) Estudiantes (La Plata, Argentina) Independiente (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Independiente (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Independiente (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Cruzeiro (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) Argentinos Juniors (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Peñarol (Montevideo, Uruguay) Atlético Nacional (Medellín, Colombia) Olimpia (Asunción, Paraguay) Colo Colo (Santiago, Chile) Gremio (Pôrto Alegre, Brazil) River Plate (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Cruzeiro (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) Vasco Da Gama (Rio, Brazil) Palmeiras (Såo Paulo, Brazil) Boca Juniors (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Olimpia (Asunción, Paraguay) Boca Juniors (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Once Caldas (Manizales, Colombia São Paulo (Brazil) Internacional (Pôrto Alegre, Brazil) Boca Juniors (Buenos Aires, Argentina) LDU Quito (Ecuador) Estudiantes (La Plata, Argentina) Internacional (Pôrto Alegre, Brazil) Santos (Brazil) Corinthians (Brazil) Atlético Mineiro (Brazil)

NB The competition has been held every year since 1960. Only the winners that did not go on to win the World Club Cup are listed up to 2000.

Scottish Cup Finals Date


1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879

Queen’s Park Queen’s Park Queen’s Park Vale of Leven Vale of Leven Vale of Leven

Runner-up 2–0 3–0 1–1, 2–0 0–0,1–1, 3–2 1–0 1–1, walkover

Clydesdale Renton Third Lanark Rangers Third Lanark Rangers


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1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915-19 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940-46 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

Queen’s Park Queen’s Park Queen’s Park Dumbarton Queen’s Park Renton Queen’s Park Hibernian Renton Third Lanark Queen’s Park Hearts Celtic Queen’s Park Rangers St Bernard’s Hearts Rangers Rangers Celtic Celtic Hearts Hibernian Rangers Celtic Third Lanark Hearts Celtic Celtic cup withheld (see below) Dundee Celtic Celtic Falkirk Celtic not held Kilmarnock Partick Thistle Morton Celtic Airdrieonians Celtic St Mirren Celtic Rangers Kilmarnock Rangers Celtic Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic East Fife Clyde not held Aberdeen Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic Motherwell Rangers Celtic Clyde Hearts Falkirk Clyde St Mirren Rangers Dunfermline Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers Celtic Dunfermline Celtic

Runner-up 3–0 3–1 2–2, 4–1 2–2, 2–1 walkover 0–0, 3–1 3–1 2–1 6–1 2–1 1–1, 2–1 1–0 5–1 2–1 3–1 2–1 3–1 5–1 2–0 2–0 4–3 4–3 1–0 0–0, 1–1, 2–0 3–2 0–0, 3–1 1–0 3–0 5–1

Thornlibank Dumbarton Dumbarton Vale of Leven Vale of Leven Vale of Leven Renton Dumbarton Cambuslang Celtic Vale of Leven Dumbarton Queen’s Park Celtic Celtic Renton Hibernian Dumbarton Kilmarnock Rangers Queen’s Park Celtic Celtic Hearts Rangers Rangers Third Lanark Hearts St Mirren

2–2, 0–0, 2–1 0–0, 2–0 2–0 2–0 0–0, 4–1

Clyde Hamilton Clyde Raith Rovers Hibernian

3–2 1–0 1–0 1–0 2–0 2–1 2–0 3–1 4–0 2–0 0–0, 2–1 2–2, 4–2 1–1, 3–0 1–0 5–0 2–1 1–0 2–1 1–1, 4–2 4–0

Albion Rovers Rangers Rangers Hibernian Hibernian Dundee Celtic East Fife Celtic Rangers Partick Thistle Motherwell Kilmarnock Motherwell St Mirren Hamilton Third Lanark Aberdeen Kilmarnock Motherwell

2–1 1–1, 1–0 4–1 3–0 1–0 4–0 1–1, 1–0 2–1 1–1, 1–0 3–1 1–1, 2–1 1–0 3–1 2–0 0–0, 2–0 2–0 1–1, 3–0 3–1 3–2 0–0, 1–0 2–0 3–1 4–0

Hibernian Morton Clyde East Fife Motherwell Dundee Aberdeen Aberdeen Celtic Celtic Kilmarnock Hibernian Aberdeen Kilmarnock Celtic St Mirren Celtic Dundee Dunfermline Celtic Aberdeen Hearts Rangers


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1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Aberdeen Celtic Celtic Rangers Celtic Celtic Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Celtic Aberdeen St Mirren Celtic Celtic Aberdeen Motherwell Rangers Rangers Dundee United Celtic Rangers Kilmarnock Hearts Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Celtic Celtic Hearts Celtic Rangers Rangers Dundee United Celtic Hearts Celtic

Runner-up 3–1 1–1, 2–1 6–1 3–2 3–0 3–1 3–1 1–0 2–1 0–0, 0–0, 3–2 1–0 0–0, 4–1 4–1 aet 1–0 aet 2–1 aet 2–1 3–0 1–0 aet 2–1 1–0 0–0, 9–8 pens 4–3 aet 2–1 2–1 1–0 1–0 5–1 1–0 2–1 1–0 4–0 3–0 3–2 1–0 3–1 1–0 1–1, 4–2 pens 1–0 3–2 1–0 3–0 3–0 5–1 3–0

Celtic Rangers Hibernian Celtic Dundee United Airdrieonians Hearts Rangers Aberdeen Hibernian Rangers Dundee United Rangers Rangers Celtic Dundee United Hearts Dundee United Dundee United Rangers Celtic Dundee United Airdrieonians Aberdeen Rangers Airdrieonians Hearts Falkirk Rangers Celtic Aberdeen Hibernian Celtic Dundee Dunfermline Athletic Dundee United Gretna Dunfermline Athletic Queen of the South Falkirk Ross County Motherwell Hibernian Hibernian

NB In 1879 Vale of Leven awarded cup as Rangers failed to appear for replay after 1–1 draw. In 1881 Dumbarton protested the first result in which Queen’s Park won 2–1. In 1884 Queen’s Park awarded the cup after Vale of Leven failed to appear. In 1889 Scottish FA ordered a replay because of playing conditions after Third Lanark won match 3–0. In 1892 both teams protested about first game in which Celtic won 1–0. In 1909 Celtic v Rangers 2–2, 1–1 with riot in extra time – clubs refused to play a third match – cup was withheld by Scottish FA.

World Cup Date


1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010

Uruguay Italy Italy Uruguay West Germany Brazil Brazil England Brazil West Germany Argentina Italy Argentina West Germany Brazil France Brazil Italy Spain

4–2 2–1 4–2 2–1 3–2 5–2 3–1 4–2 4–1 2–1 3–1 3–1 3–2 1–0 0–0 3–0 2–0 1–1 1–0



Argentina Czechoslovakia Hungary Brazil Hungary Sweden Czechoslovakia West Germany Italy Holland Holland West Germany West Germany Argentina Italy Brazil Germany France Holland

Uruguay Italy France Brazil Switzerland Sweden Chile England Mexico West Germany Argentina Spain Mexico Italy USA France Japan Germany South Africa

after extra time deciding match of pool

after extra time after extra time

Brazil won 3–2 on penalties Italy won 5–3 on penalties


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Inter-Cities Cup (became UEFA Cup in 1972) Date


1955–58 1958–60 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Barcelona Barcelona AS Roma Valencia Valencia Real Zaragoza Ferencvaros Barcelona Dynamo Zagreb Leeds United Newcastle United Arsenal Leeds United Tottenham Hotspur Liverpool Feyenoord Borussia Moenchengladbach Liverpool Juventus PSV Eindhoven Borussia Moenchengladbach Eintracht Frankfurt Ipswich Town IFK Gothenburg Anderlecht Tottenham Hotspur Real Madrid Real Madrid IFK Gothenburg Bayer Leverkusen Napoli Juventus Inter Milan Ajax Juventus Inter Milan Parma Bayern Munich Schalke 04 Inter Milan Parma Galatasaray Liverpool Feyenoord FC Porto Valencia CSKAಝMoscow Sevilla Sevilla Zenit St Petersburg Shakhtar Donetsk Atletico Madrid Porto Atletico Madrid Chelsea

Runner-up 8–2 agg. 4–1 agg. 4–2 agg. 7–3 agg. 4–1 agg. 2–1 (in Barcelona) 1–0 (in Turin) 4–3 agg. 2–0 agg. 1–0 agg. 6–2 agg. 4–3 agg. 3–3 agg., away goals 3–2 agg. 3–2 agg. 4–2 agg. 5–1 agg. 4–3 agg. 2–2 agg., away goals 3–0 agg. 2–1 agg. 3–3 agg., away goals 5–4 agg. 4–0 agg. 2–1 agg. 2–2 agg., 4–3 on pens 3–1 agg. 5–3 agg. 2–1 agg. 3–3 agg., 3–2 on pens 5–4 agg. 3–1 agg. 2–1 agg. 2–2 agg., away goals 6–1 agg. 2–0 agg. 2–1 agg. 5–1 agg. 1–1 agg., 4–1 on pens 3–0 (Paris) 3–0 (Moscow) 0–0, 4–1 on pens 5–4 on golden goal (Dortmund) 3–2 (Rotterdam) 3–2 on golden goal (Seville) 2–0 3–1 (Lisbon) 4–0 (Eindhoven) 2–2, 3–1 on pens (Glasgow) 2–0 (Manchester) 2–1 aet (Istanbul) 2–1 aet (Hamburg) 1–0 3–0 2–1

London Birmingham City Birmingham City Barcelona Dynamo Zagreb Valencia Juventus Real Zaragoza Leeds United Ferencvaros Ujpest Dozsa Anderlecht Juventus Wolverhampton Wanderers Borussia Moenchengladbach Tottenham Hotspur Twente Enschede FC Bruges Athletic Bilbao Bastia Red Star Belgrade Borussia Moenchengladbach AZ67 Alkmaar SV Hamburg Benfica Anderlecht Videoton Cologne Dundee United Espanol Stuttgart Fiorentina AS Roma Torino Borussia Dortmund Casino Salzburg Juventus Bordeaux Inter Milan Lazio Marseille Arsenal Alavés Borussia Dortmund Celtic Marseille Sporting Lisbon Middlesbrough Espanyol Rangers Werder Bremen Fulham Braga Athletic Bilbao Benfica

NB The 1998 UEFA Cup in Paris was held over one leg for the first time. Between 1967 and 1971 the competition was known as the European Fairs Cup. In June 2009 the competiton became the Europa League.

Football League Cup (currently known as the Capital One Cup) Date


1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

Aston Villa Norwich City Birmingham City Leicester City Chelsea West Bromwich Albion Queen’s Park Rangers Leeds United Swindon Town Manchester City Tottenham Hotspur Stoke City Tottenham Hotspur Wolverhampton Wanderers Aston Villa

Runner-up 3–2 on agg. aet 4–0 on agg. 3–1 on agg. 4–3 on agg. 3–2 on agg. 5–3 on agg. 3–2 1–0 3–1 2–1 2–0 2–1 1–0 2–1 1–0

Rotherham United Rochdale Aston Villa Stoke City Leicester City West Ham United West Bromwich Albion Arsenal Arsenal West Bromwich Albion Aston Villa Chelsea Norwich City Manchester City Norwich City


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1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Manchester City Aston Villa Nottingham Forest Nottingham Forest Wolverhampton Wanderers Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Norwich City Oxford United Arsenal Luton Town Nottingham Forest Nottingham Forest Sheffield Wednesday Manchester United Arsenal Aston Villa Liverpool Aston Villa Leicester City Chelsea Tottenham Leicester Liverpool Blackburn Rovers Liverpool Middlesbrough Chelsea Manchester United Chelsea Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Manchester United Birmingham City Liverpool Swansea City

Runner-up 2–1 0–0, 1–1, 3–2 aet 0–0, 1–0 aet 3–2 1–0 1–1, 2–1 3–1 aet 2–1 aet 0–0, 1–0 aet 1–0 3–0 2–1 3–2 3–1 1–0 1–0 1–0 2–1 3–1 2–1 3–0 1–1, 1–0 aet 1–0 1–0 2–1 1–1, 5–4 on pens 2–1 2–0 2–1 3–2 aet 4–0 2–1 2–1 aet 0–0, 4–1 on pens 2–1 2–1 2-2, 3–2 on pens 5-0

Newcastle United Everton Liverpool Southampton Nottingham Forest West Ham United Tottenham Hotspur Manchester United Everton Sunderland Queen’s Park Rangers Liverpool Arsenal Luton Town Oldham Athletic Manchester United Nottingham Forest Sheffield Wednesday Manchester United Bolton Wanderers Leeds United Middlesbrough Middlesbrough Leicester City Tranmere Rovers Birmingham City Tottenham Manchester United Bolton Wanderers Liverpool Wigan Athletic Arsenal Chelsea Tottenham Hotspur Aston Villa Arsenal Cardiff City Bradford City

NB In 1982 the League Cup became the Milk Cup following sponsorship by the Milk Marketing Board. Over the next few seasons it became the Littlewoods, Rumbelows, Coca Cola, Worthington Cup, Carling Cup and is now the Capital One Cup.

Scottish League Cup 1947

Winners Rangers


Runner-up Aberdeen

1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

East Fife Rangers East Fife Motherwell Dundee Dundee East Fife Hearts Aberdeen Celtic Celtic Hearts Hearts Rangers Rangers Hearts Rangers Rangers Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Rangers Partick Thistle Hibernian Dundee Celtic Rangers Aberdeen Rangers Rangers

1–1, 4–1 2–0 3–0 3–0 3–2 2–0 3–2 4–2 2–1 0–0, 3–0 7–1 5–1 2–1 2–0 1–1, 3–1 1–0 5–0 2–1 2–1 1–0 5–3 6–2 1–0 1–0 4–1 2–1 1–0 6–3 1–0 2–1 2–1 2–1

Falkirk Raith Rovers Dunfermline Hibernian Rangers Kilmarnock Partick Thistle Motherwell St Mirren Partick Thistle Rangers Partick Thistle Third Lanark Kilmarnock Hearts Kilmarnock Morton Celtic Rangers Rangers Dundee Hibernian St Johnstone Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Hibernian Celtic Celtic Celtic Aberdeen

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Winners Dundee Utd Dundee Utd Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Aberdeen Rangers Rangers Rangers Aberdeen Rangers Hibernian Rangers Rangers Raith Rovers Aberdeen Rangers Celtic Rangers Celtic Celtic Rangers Rangers Livingston Rangers Celtic Hibernian Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Kilmarnock St Mirren

0–0, 3–0 3–0 2–1 2–1 3–2 1–0 3–0 2–1 3–3, 5–3 3–2 2–1 2–1 2–0 2–1 2–1 2–2, 6–5 2–0 4–3 3–0 2–1 2–0 3–0 4–0 2–1 2–0 5–1 3–0 5–1 2–2, 3–2 2–0 aet 1–0 2–1 aet 1–0 3–2

Runner-up Aberdeen Dundee Dundee Utd Rangers Celtic Dundee Utd Hibernian Celtic Aberdeen (lost 5-3 on penalties) Aberdeen Rangers Celtic Dunfermline Aberdeen Hibernian Celtic (lost 6-5 on penalties) Dundee Hearts Dundee Utd St Johnstone Aberdeen Kilmarnock Ayr United Celtic Hibernian Motherwell Dunfermline Kilmarnock Dundee Utd (lost 3-2 on pens) Rangers St Mirren Celtic Celtic Hearts

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Scottish League Champions 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914

Dumbarton Celtic Celtic Hearts Celtic Hearts Celtic Rangers Rangers Rangers Rangers Hibernian Third Lanark Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic

1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937

Celtic Celtic Celtic Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Rangers Rangers Rangers Motherwell Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers

1938 1939 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967

Celtic Rangers Rangers Hibernian Rangers Rangers Hibernian Hibernian Rangers Celtic Aberdeen Rangers Rangers Hearts Rangers Hearts Rangers Dundee Rangers Rangers Kilmarnock Celtic Celtic

1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Golf: Majors Year

British Open

US Open


US Masters

1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907

W Park T Morris Snr T Morris Snr W Park T Morris Snr A Strath W Park T Morris Snr T Morris Jnr T Morris Jnr T Morris Jnr not held T Morris Jnr T Kidd M Park W Park R Martin J Anderson J Anderson J Anderson R Ferguson R Ferguson R Ferguson W Fernie J Simpson R Martin D Brown W Park Jnr J Burns W Park Jnr J Ball H Kirkaldy H Hilton W Auchterlonie J Taylor J Taylor H Vardon H Hilton H Vardon H Vardon J Ball H Kirkaldy A Herd H Vardon J White J Braid J Braid A Massy (France)

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — H Rawlins J Foulis J Lloyd F Herd W Smith H Vardon W Anderson L Auchterlonie W Anderson W Anderson W Anderson A Smith A Ross

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Celtic Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers Celtic Aberdeen Celtic Celtic Dundee Utd Aberdeen Aberdeen Celtic Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Rangers Rangers Rangers Rangers Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic Rangers Rangers Celtic Celtic Rangers Celtic Rangers Celtic Celtic Celtic Rangers Rangers Rangers Celtic Celtic

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British Open

US Open


US Masters

1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

J Braid J Taylor J Braid H Vardon Ted Ray J Taylor H Vardon not held not held not held not held not held G Duncan J Hutchison W Hagen A G Havers W Hagen J Barnes B Jones B Jones W Hagen W Hagen B Jones T Armour G Sarazen D Shute T Cotton A Perry A Padgham T Cotton R Whitcombe R Burton not held not held not held not held not held not held S Snead F Daly T Cotton B Locke B Locke M Faulkner B Locke B Hogan P Thompson P Thompson P Thompson B Locke P Thompson G Player K Nagle A Palmer A Palmer R Charles T Lema P Thompson J Nicklaus R de Vicenzo G Player A Jacklin J Nicklaus L Trevino L Trevino T Weiskopf G Player T Watson J Miller T Watson J Nicklaus S Ballesteros T Watson W Rogers T Watson T Watson S Ballesteros S Lyle G Norman

F McLeod G Sargent A Smith J McDermott J McDermott F Ouimet W Hagen J Travers C Evans Jnr not held not held W Hagen Ted Ray (GB) J Barnes G Sarazen B Jones C Walker W McFarlane B Jones T Armour J Farrell B Jones B Jones B Burke G Sarazen J Goodman O Dutra S Parks Jnr T Manero R Guldahl R Guldahl B Nelson L Little C Wood not held not held not held not held L Mangrum L Worsham B Hogan C Middlecoff B Hogan B Hogan J Boros B Hogan E Furgol J Fleck C Middlecoff D Mayer T Bolt W Casper A Palmer G Littler J Nicklaus J Boros K Venturi G Player W Casper J Nicklaus L Trevino O Moody A Jacklin L Trevino J Nicklaus J Miller H Irwin L Graham J Pate H Green A North H Irwin J Nicklaus D Graham (Aus) T Watson L Nelson F Zoeller A North R Floyd

— — — — — — — — J Barnes not held not held J Barnes J Hutchison W Hagen G Sarazen G Sarazen W Hagen W Hagen W Hagen W Hagen L Diegel L Diegel T Armour T Creavy O Dutra G Sarazen P Runyan J Revolta D Shute D Shute P Runyan H Picard B Nelson V Ghezzi S Snead not held B Hamilton B Nelson B Hogan J Ferrier B Hogan S Snead C Harper S Snead J Turnesa W Burkemo C Harbert D Ford J Burke L Hebert D Finsterwald B Rosburg J Hebert J Barber G Player J Nicklaus B Nicholls D Marr A Geiberger D January J Boros R Floyd D Stockton J Nicklaus G Player J Nicklaus L Trevino J Nicklaus D Stockton L Wadkins J Mahaffey D Graham (Aus) J Nicklaus L Nelson R Floyd H Sutton L Trevino H Green B Tway

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — H Smith G Sarazen H Smith B Nelson H Picard R Guldahl J Demaret C Wood B Nelson not held not held not held H Keiser J Demaret C Harmon S Snead J Demaret B Hogan S Snead B Hogan S Snead C Middlecoff J Burke Jnr D Ford A Palmer A Wall Jnr A Palmer G Player A Palmer J Nicklaus A Palmer J Nicklaus J Nicklaus G Brewer B Goalby G Archer W Caspar C Coody J Nicklaus T Aaron G Player J Nicklaus R Floyd T Watson G Player F Zoeller S Ballesteros T Watson C Stadler S Ballesteros B Crenshaw B Langer (Ger) J Nicklaus


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British Open

US Open


US Masters

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

N Faldo S Ballesteros M Calcavecchia N Faldo I Baker-Finch N Faldo G Norman N Price J Daly T Lehman J Leonard M O’Meara P Lawrie T Woods D Duval E Els B Curtis T Hamilton T Woods T Woods P Harrington P Harrington S Cink L Oosthuizen D Clarke E Els P Mickelson

S Simpson C Strange C Strange H Irwin P Stewart T Kite L Janzen E Els C Pavin S Jones E Els L Janzen P Stewart T Woods R Goosen T Woods J Furyk R Goosen M Campbell (NZ) G Ogilvy (Aus) A Cabrera T Woods L Glover G McDowell R McIlroy W Simpson J Rose

L Nelson J Sluman P Stewart W Grady (Aus) J Daly N Price P Azinger N Price S Elkington M Brooks D Love III V J Singh T Woods T Woods D Toms R Beem S Micheel V Singh P Mickelson T Woods T Woods P Harrington Yang Yong-eun M Kaymer K Bradley R McIlroy J Dufner

L Mize S Lyle N Faldo N Faldo I Woosnam F Couples B Langer J M Olazabal B Crenshaw N Faldo T Woods M O’Meara J M Olazabal V J Singh T Woods T Woods M Weir P Mickelson T Woods P Mickelson Z Johnson T Immelman A Cabrera P Mickelson C Schwartzel B Watson A Scott

Golf: World Matchplay Championship 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988



Arnold Palmer Gary Player Gary Player Arnold Palmer Gary Player Bob Charles Jack Nicklaus Gary Player Tom Weiskopf Gary Player Hale Irwin Hale Irwin David Graham Graham Marsh Isao Aoki Bill Rogers Greg Norman Severiano Ballesteros Severiano Ballesteros Greg Norman Severiano Ballesteros Severiano Ballesteros Greg Norman Ian Woosnam Sandy Lyle

Neil Coles Peter Thomson Jack Nicklaus Peter Thomson Bob Charles Gene Littler Lee Trevino Jack Nicklaus Lee Trevino Graham Marsh Gary Player Al Geiberger Hale Irwin Ray Floyd Simon Owen Isao Aoki Sandy Lyle Ben Crenshaw Sandy Lyle Nick Faldo Bernhard Langer Bernhard Langer Sandy Lyle Sandy Lyle Nick Faldo

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Winner Nick Faldo Ian Woosnam Severiano Ballesteros Nick Faldo Corey Pavin Ernie Els Ernie Els Ernie Els Vijay Singh Mark O’Meara Colin Montgomerie Lee Westwood Ian Woosnam Ernie Els Ernie Els Ernie Els Michael Campbell Paul Casey Ernie Els No tournament Ross Fisher No tournament Ian Poulter Nicolas Colsaerts Graeme McDowell

Runner-up Ian Woosnam Mark McNulty Nick Price Jeff Sluman Nick Faldo Colin Montgomerie Steve Elkington Vijay Singh Ernie Els Tiger Woods Mark O’Meara Colin Montgomerie Padraig Harrington Sergio Garcia Thomas Bjorn Lee Westwood Paul McGinley Shaun Micheel Angel Cabrera Anthony Kim Luke Donald Graeme McDowell Thongchai Jaidee

Golf: Ryder Cup Winner 1927 1929 1931 1933 1935 1937 1947 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959


Venue Worcester, Massachusetts Moortown, North Yorkshire Scioto, Ohio Southport & Ainsdale, Lancashire Ridgewood, New Jersey Southport & Ainsdale, Lancashire Portland, Oregon Ganton, Yorkshire Pinehurst, North Carolina Wentworth, Surrey Thunderbird G & C, California Lindrick, Yorkshire Eldorado CC, California

1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987



Venue Royal Lytham, Lancashire Atlanta, Georgia Royal Birkdale, Lancashire Houston, Texas Royal Birkdale, Lancashire St Louis, Missouri Muirfield, Scotland Laurel Valley, Pennsylvania Royal Lytham, Lancashire Greenbrier, Virginia Walton Heath Palm Beach Belfry Muirfield Village

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1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999

Winner tie USA USA Europe Europe USA

Venue Belfry Kiawah Island Belfry Oak Hill CC Valderrama Boston, Massachusetts

2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

Winner Europe Europe Europe USA Europe Europe

Venue Belfry Oakland Hills, Michigan K Club, Co Kildare Valhalla, Kentucky Celtic Manor Resort, Newport Medinah Country Club, Illinois

NB Since 1979 the Ryder Cup has been contested by USA and Europe. The 2001 event was cancelled due to the terrorist attack of 11 September.

Golf: General Information British Open: correct title oldest winner youngest winner youngest winner 20th century clubs: maximum allowed Curtis Cup golf balls: pimples Ryder Cup: father and sons played Samuel Ryder: profession Solheim Cup US Masters: oldest winner youngest winner US Open: oldest winner youngest winner US PGA: oldest winner youngest winner US Women’s Open: first UK winner Walker Cup

yips: coined by

The Open Championship (as it was the first championship open to the world) Old Tom Morris (46) Young Tom Morris (17) Seve Ballesteros (22) 14 Biennial tournament instituted in 1932 and played between amateur ladies’ teams from the United States and Great Britain and Ireland. Teams consist of six players, two substitutes and a captain. 332 Percy and Peter Alliss, Antonio and Ignacio Garrido seed-merchant Biennial tournament instituted in 1990 and played between professional ladies teams from the United States and Europe. It takes its name from Karsten Solheim, owner of golf club manufacturer Ping. Teams consist of 12 players and a non-playing captain. Jack Nicklaus (46) Tiger Woods (21) Hale Irwin (45) John McDermott (19) Julius Boros (48) Gene Sarazen (20) Laura Davies (1987) Inaugurated in 1921 and played between amateur teams from the United States and the British Isles. It was proposed by George Walker, the then president of the USGA, as the International Challenge Trophy but took its present name in 1922. It became a biennial event in 1924. Teams consist of eight players, two substitutes and a captain. Scottish professional Tommy Armour in the 1920s. Term describing inability to release the putter through the ball.

Greyhound Racing Derby Winners 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

Indian Joe Parkdown Jet Laurie’s Panther I’m Slippy Whisper Wishes Pagan Swallow Tico Signal Spark Hit the Lid

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Lartigue Note Slippy Blue Ballinderry Ash Farloe Melody Ringa Hustle Moral Standards Moaning Lad Shanless Slippy Some Picture

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Tom’s the Best Chart King Rapid Ranger Rapid Ranger Allen Gift Farloe Verdict Droopys Scholes Westmead Hawk Westmead Hawk

Horse Racing: British Classics and Grand National Winners St Leger



Year Horse






1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791

J Singleton J Cade G Hearon G Lowrey Snr J Mangle R Forster G Searle A Hall J Kirton G Searle J Mangle J Mangle J Mangle J Singleton G Searle J Jackson

— — — Bridget Teetotum Faith Ceres Maid of Oakes Stella Trifle Perdita by Tanden Annette Nightshade Tag Hippolyta Portia

— — — R Goodison R Goodison R Goodison S Chifney Snr S Chifney Snr C Hindley J Bird J Edwards Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick S Chifney Snr S Chifney Snr J Singleton

— — — — Diomed Young Eclipse Assassin Saltram Sergeant Aimwell Noble Sir Peter Teazle Sir Thomas Skyscraper Rhadamanthus Eager

— — — — S Arnull C Hindley S Arnull C Hindley J Arnull C Hindley J White S Arnull W South S Chifney Snr J Arnull Stephenson

Allabaculia Bourbon Hollandaise Tommy Ruler Serina Imperatrix Phoenomenon Omphale Cowslip Paragon Spadille Young Flora Pewett Ambidexter Young Traveller


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Westmead Lord Loyal Honcho Kinda Ready Bandicoot Tipoki Taylors Sky Blonde Snapper Sidaz Jack

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St Leger



Year Horse






1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839

Tartar Ninety-three Beningborough Hambletonian Ambrosio Lounger Symmetry Cockfighter Champion Quiz Orville Remembrancer Sancho Staveley Fyldener Paulina Petronius Ashton Octavian Soothsayer Ottrington Altisidora William Filho da Puta The Duchess Ebor Reveller Antonio St Patrick Jack Spiggot Theodore Barefoot Jerry Memnon Tarrare Matilda The Colonel Rowton Birmingham Chorister Margrave Rockingham Touchstone Queen of Trumps Elis Mango Don John Charles the Twelfth Launcelot Satirist Blue Bonnett Nutwith Foig a Ballagh The Baron

J Mangle W Peirse J Jackson Boyes J Jackson J Shepherd J Jackson T Fields F Buckle J Shepherd J Singleton Jnr B Smith F Buckle J Jackson T Carr W Clift B Smith B Smith W Clift B Smith R Johnson J Jackson J Shepherd J Jackson B Smith R Johnson R Johnson J Nicholson J Johnson W Scott J Jackson T Goodison B Smith W Scott G Nelson J Robinson W Scott W Scott P Conolly J B Day J Robinson S Darling G Calloway T Lye J B Day S Day Jnr W Scott W Scott

Volante Caelia Hermione Platina Parissot Nike Bellissima Bellina Ephemera Eleanor Scotia Theophania Pellisse Meteora Bronze Briseis Morel Maid of Orleans Oriana Sorcery Manuella Music Medora Minuet Landscape Neva Corinne Shoveler Caroline Augusta Pastille Zinc Cobweb Wings Lilias Gulnare Turquoise Green Mantle Variation Oxygen Galata Vespa Pussy Queen of Trumps Cyprian Miss Letty Industry Deception

C Hindley J Singleton S Arnull Fitzpatrick J Arnull F Buckle F Buckle F Buckle Fitzpatrick Saunders F Buckle F Buckle W Clift F Buckle W Edwards S Chifney W Clift J Moss W Peirse S Chifney W Peirse T Goodison Barnard T Goodison S Chifney F Buckle F Buckle S Chifney H Edwards J Robinson H Edwards F Buckle J Robinson S Chifney T Lye F Boyce J B Day G Dockeray G Edwards J B Day P Conolly J Chapple J B Day T Lye W Scott J Holmes W Scott J B Day

John Bull Waxy Daedalus Spreadeagle Didelot Brown c by fidget Sir Harry Archduke Champion Eleanor Tyrant Ditto Hannibal Cardinal Beaufort Paris Election Pan Pope Whalebone Phantom Octavius Smolensko Blucher Whisker Prince Leopold Azor Sam Tiresias Sailor Gustavus Moses Emilius Cedric Middleton Lap-dog Mameluke Cadland Frederick Priam Spaniel St Giles Dangerous Plenipotentiary Mundig Bay Middleton Phosphorus Amato Bloomsbury

F Buckle W Clift F Buckle A Wheatley J Arnull J Singleton S Arnull J Arnull W Clift Saunders F Buckle W Clift W Arnull Fitzpatrick J Shepherd J Arnull Collinson T Goodison W Clift F Buckle W Arnull T Goodison W Arnull T Goodison W Wheatley J Robinson S Chifney Jnr W Clift S Chifney Jnr S Day T Goodison F Buckle J Robinson J Robinson G Dockeray J Robinson J Robinson Forth S Day W Wheatley W Scott J Chapple P Conolly W Scott J Robinson G Edwards J Chapple S Templeman

W Scott W Scott T Lye J Marson H Bell F Butler

Crucifix Ghuznee Our Nell Poison The Princess Refraction

J B Day W Scott T Lye F Butler F Butler H Bell

Macdonald P Conolly W Scott W Scott E Flatman F Bell

Sir Tatton Sykes Van Tromp Surplice Flying Dutchman Voltigeur Newminster Stockwell West Australian Knight of St George Saucebox Warlock Imperieuse Sunbeam Gamester St Albans Caller Ou The Marquis Lord Clifden Blair Atholl Gladiateur Lord Lyon

W Scott J Marson E Flatman Marlow J Marson S Templeman J Norman F Butler Basham

Mendicant Miami Cymba Lady Evelyn Rhedycina Iris Songstress Catherine Hayes Mincemeat

S Day S Templeman S Templeman F Butler F Butler F Butler F Butler Marlow Charlton

Little Wonder Coronation Attila Cotherstone Orlando The Merry Monarch Pyrrhus the First Cossack Surplice Flying Dutchman Voltigeur Teddington Daniel O’Rourke West Australian Andover

J Wells E Flatman E Flatman L Snowden Aldcroft L Snowden T Challoner T Challoner J Osborne J Snowden H Grimshaw H Custance

Marchioness Mincepie Blink Bonny Governess Summerside Butterfly Brown Duchess Feu de Joie Queen Bertha Fille de l’Air Regalia Tormentor

S Templeman A Day Charlton Ashmall G Fordham J Snowden L Snowden T Challoner Aldcroft A Edwards Norman J Mann

Wild Dayrell Ellington Blink Bonny Beadsman Musjid Thormanby Kettledrum Caractacus Macaroni Blair Atholl Gladiateur Lord Lyon

R Sherwood Aldcroft Charlton J Wells J Wells H Custance Bullock J Parsons T Challoner J Snowden H Grimshaw H Custance

1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866


S Day S Templeman S Templeman Marlow J Marson J Marson F Butler F Butler A Day

Page 826

Job: 3940063_

St Leger



Year Horse






1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884

Achievement Formosa Pero Gomez Hawthornden Hannah Wenlock Marie Stuart Apology Craig Millar Patriarch Silvio Jannette Rayon d’Or Robert the Devil Iroquois Dutch Oven Ossian The Lambkin

T Challoner T Challoner J Wells J Grimshaw C Maidment C Maidment T Osborne J Osborne T Challoner J Goater F Archer F Archer J Goater T Cannon F Archer F Archer J Watts J Watts

Hippia Formosa Brigantine Gamos Hannah Reine Marie Stuart Apology Spinaway Enguerrande Placida Jannette Wheel of Fortune Jenny Howlet Thebais Geheimnis Bonny Jean Busybody

J Daley G Fordham T Cannon G Fordham C Maidment G Fordham T Cannon J Osborne F Archer Hudson H Jeffrey F Archer F Archer J Snowden G Fordham T Cannon J Watts T Cannon

J Daley J Wells J Osborne T French T French C Maidment F Webb H Custance Morris C Maidment F Archer H Constable G Fordham F Archer F Archer T Cannon C Wood C Wood/Loates

1885 1886 1887 1888 1889

Melton Ormonde Kilwarlin Seabreeze Donovan

F Archer F Archer W Robinson W Robinson F Barrett

F Archer J Watts C Wood W Robinson J Woodburn

1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900

Memoir Common La Fleche Isinglass Throstle Sir Visto Persimmon Galtee More Wildfowler Flying Fox Diamond Jubilee Doricles Sceptre Rock Sand Pretty Polly Challacombe Troutbeck Wool Winder Your Majesty Bayardo Swynford Prince Palatine Tracery Night Hawk Black Jester Pommern Hurry On Gay Crusader Gainsborough Keysoe Caligula Polemarch Royal Lancer Tranquil Salmon-Trout Solario Coronach Book Law Fairway Trigo Singapore Sandwich Firdaussi Hyperion Windsor Lad Bahram Boswell Chulmleigh Scottish Union no race held Turkhan Sun Castle

J Watts G Barrett J Watts T Loates M Cannon S Loates J Watts C Wood C Wood M Cannon H Jones

Lonely Miss Jummy Reve d’Or Seabreeze L’Abbesse de Jouarre Memoir Mimi La Fleche Mrs Butterwick Amiable La Sagesse Canterbury Pilgrim Limasol Airs and Graces Musa La Roche

Hermit Blue Gown Pretender Kingcraft Favonius Cremorne Doncaster George Frederick Galopin Kisber Silvio Sefton Sir Bevys Bend Or Iroquois Shotover St Blaise St Gatien/ Harvester Melton Ormonde Merry Hampton Ayrshire Donovan

J Watts F Rickaby G Barrett J Watts W Bradford S Loates F Rickaby W Bradford W Bradford O Madden M Cannon

Sainfoin Common Sir Hugo Isinglass Ladas Sir Visto Persimmon Galtee More Jeddah Flying Fox Diamond Jubilee

J Watts G Barrett Allsopp T Loates J Watts S Loates J Watts C Wood O’Madden M Cannon H Jones

Cap and Bells ll Sceptre Our Lassie Pretty Polly Cherry Lass Keystone ll Glass Doll Signorinetta Perola Rosedrop Cherimoya Mirska Jest Princess Dorrie Snow Marten Fifinella Sunny Jane My Dear Bayuda Charlebelle Love in Idleness Pogram Brownhylda Straitlace Saucy Sue Short Story Beam Toboggan Pennycomequick Rose of England Brulette Udaipur Chatelaine Light Brocade Quashed Lovely Rosa Exhibitionist Rockfel Galatea ll Godiva Commotion

M Henry H Randall M Cannon W Lane H Jones D Maher H Randall W Bullock F Wootton C Trigg F Winter J Childs F Rickaby Jnr W Huxley Walter Griggs J Childs O Madden S Donoghue J Childs A Whalley J Childs E Gardner V Smyth F O’Neill F Bullock R A Jones T Weston T Weston H Jelliss G Richards E C Elliot M Beary S Wragg B Carslake H Jelliss T Weston S Donoghue H Wragg R A Jones D Marks H Wragg

Volodyovski ard Patrick Rock Sand St Amant Cicero Spearmint Orby Signorinetta Minoru Lemberg Sunstar Tagalie Aboyeur Dubar ll Pommern Fifinella Gay Crusader Gainsborough Grand Parade Spion Kop Humorist Captain Cuttle Papyrus Sansovino Manna Coronach Call Boy Felstead Trigo Blenheim Cameronian April the Fifth Hyperion Windsor Lad Bahram Mahmoud Mid-day Sun Bois Roussel Blue Peter Pont L’Eveque Owen Tudor

L Reiff J Martin D Maher K Cannon D Maher D Maher J Reiff W Bullock H Jones B Dillon G Stern J Reiff E Piper M MacGee S Donoghue J Childs S Donoghue J Childs F Templeman F O’Neill S Donoghue S Donoghue S Donoghue T Weston S Donoghue J Childs C Elliot H Wragg J Marshall H Wragg F Fox F Lane T Weston C Smirke F Fox C Smirke M Beary C Elliot E Smith S Wragg W Nevett

1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941

K Cannon F W Hardy D Maher W Lane O Madden G Stern W Halsey W Griggs D Maher F Wootton F O’Neill G Bellhouse E Wheatley W Griggs S Donoghue C Childs S Donoghue J Childs B Carslake A Smith J Childs R Jones T Weston B Carslake J Childs J Childs H Jellis T Weston M Beary G Richards H Wragg F Fox T Weston C Smirke C Smirke P Beasley G Richards B Carslake G Richards G Bridgland


F Archer F Archer J Watts F Barrett T Loates

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job: 3940063_

St Leger



Year Horse






1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Sun Chariot Herringbone Tehran Chamossaire Airborne Sayajirao Black Tarquin Ridge Wood Scratch ll Talma ll Tulyar Premonition Never Say Die Meld Cambremer Ballymoss Alcide Cantelo St Paddy Aurelius Hethersett Ragusa Indiana Provoke Sodium Ribocco Ribero Intermezzo Nijinsky Athens Wood Boucher Peleid Bustino Bruni Crow Dunfermline Julio Mariner Son of Love Light Cavalry Cut Above Touching Wood Sun Princess Comanche Run Oh So Sharp Moon Madness Reference Point Minster Son Michelozzo Snurge Toulon User Friendly Bobs Return

G Richards H Wragg G Richards T Lowrey T Lowrey E Britt E Britt M Beary W R Johnstone W R Johnstone C Smirke E Smith C Smirke W H Carr F Palmer T P Burns W Carr E Hide L Piggott L Piggott W Carr G Bougoure J Lindley J Mercer F Durr L Piggott L Piggott R Hutchinson L Piggott L Piggott L Piggott F Durr J Mercer A Murray Y Saint-Martin W Carson E Hide A Lequeux J Mercer J Mercer P Cook W Carson L Piggott S Cauthen P Eddery S Cauthen W Carson S Cauthen A Quinn P Eddery G Duffield P Robinson

Sun Chariot Why Hurry Hycilla Sun Stream Steady Aim Imprudence Masaka Musidora Asmena Neasham Belle Frieze Ambiguity Suncap Meld Sicarelle Carrozza Bella Paola Petite Etoile Never Too Late Sweet Solera Monade Noblesse Homeward Bound Long Look Valoris Pia La Lagune Sleeping Partner Lupe Altesse Royale Ginevra Mysterious Polygamy Juliet Marny Pawneese Dunfermline Fair Salinia Scintillate Bireme Blue Wind Time Charter Sun Princess Circus Plume Oh So Sharp Midway Lady Unite Diminuendo Snow Bride Salsabil Jet Ski Lady User Friendly Intrepidity

G Richards C E Elliot G Bridgland H Wragg H Wragg W R Johnstone W Nevett E Britt W R Johnstone S Clayton E Britt J Mercer W R Johnstone W H Carr F Palmer L Piggott M Garcia L Piggott R Poincelet W Rickaby Y Saint-Martin G Bougoure G Starkey J Purtell L Piggott E Hide G Thiboeuf J Gorton A Barclay G Lewis A Murray G Lewis P Eddery L Piggott Y Saint-Martin W Carson G Starkey P Eddery W Carson L Piggott W Newmes W Carson L Piggott S Cauthen R Cochrane W Swinburn S Cauthen S Cauthen W Carson C Roche G Duffield M Roberts

H Wragg T Carey W Nevett W Nevett T Lowrey G Bridgland W Johnstone C Elliot W R Johnstone C Spares C Smirke G Richards L Piggott F Palmer W R Johnstone L Piggott C Smirke W Carr L Piggott R Poincelet N Sellwood Y Saint-Martin A Breasley T P Glennon A Breasley G Moore L Piggott E Johnson L Piggott G Lewis L Piggott E Hide B Taylor P Eddery L Piggott L Piggott G Starkey W Carson W Carson W Swinburn P Eddery L Piggott C Roche S Cauthen W Swinburn S Cauthen R Cochrane W Carson P Eddery A Munro J Reid M J Kinane

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Moonax Classic Cliché Shantou Silver Patriarch Nedawi Mutafaweq Millenary Milan Bollin Eric Brian Boru Rule of Law Scorpion Sixties Icon Lucarno Conduit Mastery Arctic Cosmos Masked Marvel Encke Leading Light

P Eddery L Dettori L Dettori P Eddery J Reid R Hills T Quinn M J Kinane K Darley J Spencer K McEvoy L Dettori L Dettori J Fortune L Dettori T Durcan W Buick W Buick M Barzalona J O’Brien

Balanchine Moonshell Lady Carla Reams of Verse Shahtoush Ramruma Love Divine Imagine Kazzia Casual Look Ouija Board Eswarah Alexandrova Light Shift Look Here Sariska Snow Fairy Dancing Rain Was Talent

L Dettori L Dettori P Eddery K Fallon M J Kinane K Fallon T Quinn M J Kinane L Dettori M Dwyer K Fallon R Hiller K Fallon T Durcan S Sanders J Spencer R Moore J Murtagh S Heffernan R Hughes

Watling Street Straight Deal Ocean Swell Dante Airborne Pearl Diver My Love Nimbus Galcador Arctic Prince Tulyar Pinza Never Say Die Phil Drake Lavandin Crepello Hard Ridden Parthia St Paddy Psidium Larkspur Relko Santa Claus Sea Bird II Charlottown Royal Palace Sir Ivor Blakeney Nijinsky Mill Reef Roberto Morston Snow Knight Grundy Empery The Minstrel Shirley Heights Troy Henbit Shergar Golden Fleece Teenoso Secreto Slip Anchor Shahrastani Reference Point Kayhasi Nashwan Quest for Fame Generous Dr Devious Commander-inChief Erhaab Lammtara Shaamit Benny the Dip High Rise Oath Sinndar Galileo High Chaparral Kris Kin North Light Motivator Sir Percy Authorized New Approach Sea the Stars Workforce Pour Moi Camelot Ruler of the World


W Carson W Swinburn M Hills W Ryan O Peslier K Fallon J Murtagh M J Kinane J Murtagh K Fallon K Fallon J Murtagh M Dwyer L Dettori K Manning M Kinane R Moore M Barzalona J O’Brien R Moore

Page 828

Job: 3940063_

Year Horse 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837

2000 Guineas Jockey

Wizard Hephestion Trophonius Cwrw Smolensko Olive Tigris Nectar Manfred Interpreter Antar Pindarrie Reginald Pastille Nicolo Schariar Enamel Dervise Turcoman Cadland Patron Augustus Riddlesworth Archibald Clearwell Glencoe Ibrahim Bay Middleton Achmet

W Clift F Buckle S Barnard S Chifney H Miller W Arnold W Arnold W Arnold W Wheatley W Clift E Edwards F Buckle F Buckle F Buckle W Wheatley W Wheatley J Robinson J B Day F Buckle J Robinson F Boyce P Conolly J Robinson Pavis J Robinson J Robinson J Robinson J Robinson E Edwards


1000 Guineas Jockey

— — — — — Charlotte Brown foal by Selim Rhoda Neva Corinne Catgut Rowena Zeal Whizgig Zinc Cobweb Tontine Problem Arab Zoe B foal by Godolphin Charlotte West Galantine Galata Tarantella May-Day Preserve Destiny Chapeau d’Espagne Barcarolle

— — — — — W Clift W Clift S Barnard W Arnold F Buckle F Buckle F Buckle F Buckle F Buckle F Buckle J Robinson W Alkover J Day F Buckle J Robinson Arnull J Robinson P Conolly Arnull Wright J Day E Flatman J Day J Day

1838 Grey Momus

J B Day

1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850

The Corsair Crucifix Ralph Meteor Cotherstone The Ugly Buck Idas Sir Tatton Sykes Conyngham Flatcatcher Nunnykirk Pitsford

Wakefield J B Day J B Day W Scott W Scott J Day Jnr E Flatman W Scott J Robinson J Robinson F Butler A Day

1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859

Hernandez Stockwell West Australian The Hermit Lord of the Isles Fazzaletto Vedette Fitz-Roland The Promised Land The Wizard Diophantus The Marquis Macaroni General Peel Gladiateur Lord Lyon Vauban Moslem Pretender Macgregor Bothwell Prince Charlie Gang Forward Atlantic Camballo Petrarch Chamant Pilgrimage Charibert Petronel Peregrine Shotover

E Flatman Norman F Butler A Day Aldcroft E Flatman J Osborne J Wells A Day

Cara Crucifix Potentia Firebrand Extempore Sorella Pic-nic Mendicant Clementina Canezou Flea Chestnut foal by Slane Aphrodite Kate Mentmore Lass Virago Habena Manganese Imperieuse Governess Mayonnaise

Ashmall A Edwards Ashmall T Challoner Aldcroft H Grimshaw Thomas G Fordham T Challoner J Osborne J Daley J Osborne J Osborne T Challoner F Archer J Osborne Luke J Goater T Cannon F Archer G Fordham F Webb T Cannon

Sagitta Nemesis Hurricane Lady Augusta Tomato Siberia Repulse Achievement Formosa Scottish Queen Hester Hannah Reine Cecilia Apology Spinaway Camelia Belphoebe Pilgrimage Wheel of Fortune Elizabeth Thebais St Marguerite

1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882

Grand National Horse Jockey

G Edwards J Day J Robinson S Rogers S Chifney J Robinson W Abdale S Day E Flatman F Butler A Day F Butler

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — The Duke (Maghull) Sir Henry (Maghull) Lottery (Liverpool) Jerry Charity Gaylad Vanguard Discount Cure-all Pioneer Matthew Chandler Peter Simple Abdel Kader

Jem Mason Mr Bretherton Mr Powell T Olliver T Olliver Crickmere W G Loft Taylor D Wynne Capt Little T Cunningham C Green

J Marson A Day Charlton J Wells S Rogers J Osborne E Flatman Ashmall G Fordham

Abdel Kader Miss Mowbray Peter Simple Bourton Wanderer Freetrader Emigrant Little Charley Half Caste

T Abbot Mr A Goodman T Olliver Tasker J Hanlon G Stevens C Boyce W Archer C Green

Aldcroft G Fordham Ashmall A Edwards J Wells G Fordham T Cannon H Custance G Fordham G Fordham J Grimshaw C Maidment H Parry J Morris J Osborne F Archer T Glover H Jeffery T Cannon F Archer C Wood G Fordham C Wood

Anatis Jealousy Huntsman Emblem Emblematic Alcibiade Salamander Cortolvin The Lamb The Colonel The Colonel The Lamb Casse Tete Disturbance Reugny Pathfinder Regal Austerlitz Shifnal The Liberator Empress Woodbrook Seaman

Mr Thomas J Kendall H Lamplugh G Stevens G Stevens Capt Coventry Mr A Goodman J Page Mr Edwards G Stevens G Stevens Mr Thomas J Page J M Richardson J M Richardson Mr Thomas J Cannon Mr F G Hobson J Jones G Moore T Beasley T Beasley Lord Manners

E Edwards


— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mr Potts T Olliver

Page 829

job: 3940063_

Year Horse

2000 Guineas Jockey


1000 Guineas Jockey

1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895

Galliard Scot-free Paradox Ormonde Enterprise Ayrshire Enthusiast Surefoot Common Bonavista Isinglass Ladas Kirkconnel

F Archer Platt F Archer G Barrett T Cannon J Osborne T Cannon Liddiard G Barrett W Robinson T Loates J Watts J Watts

Hauteur Busybody Farewell Miss Jummy Reve d’Or Briar-root Minthe Semolina Mimi La Fleche Siffleuse Amiable Galeottia

1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959

St Frusquin Galtee More Disraeli Flying Fox Diamond Jubilee Handicapper Sceptre Rock Sand St Amant Vedas Gorgos Slieve Gallion Norman lll Minoru Neil Gow Sunstar Sweeper ll Louvois Kennymore Pommern Clarissimus Gay Crusader Gainsborough The Panther Tetratema Craig An Eran St Louis Ellangowan Diophon Manna Colorado Adam’s Apple Flamingo Mr Jinks Diolite Cameronian Orwell Rodosto Colombo Bahram Pay Up Le Ksar Pasch Blue Peter Djebel Lambert Simnel Big Game Kingsway Garden Path Court Martial Happy Knight Tudor Minstrel My Babu Nimbus Palestine Ki Ming Thunderhead ll Nearula Darius Our Babu Gilles de Retz Crepello Pall Mall Taboun

T Loates C Wood S Loates M Cannon H Jones W Halsey H Randall J H Martin K Cannon H Jones H Jones W Higgs O Madden H Jones D Maher G Stern D Maher J Reiff G Stern S Donoghue J Clark S Donoghue J Childs R Cooper B Carslake J Brennan G Archibald C Elliot G Hulme S Donoghue T Weston J Leach C Elliot H Beasley F Fox J Childs R Jones R Brethes W Johnstone F Fox R Dick C Semblat G Richards E Smith C Elliot C Elliot G Richards S Wragg H Wragg C Richards T Weston G Richards C Smirke C Elliot C Smirke A Breasley R Poincelet E Britt E Mercer D Smith F Barlow L Piggott D Smith G Moore

Thais Chelandry Nun Nicer Sibola Winifreda Aida Sceptre Quintessence Pretty Polly Cherry Lass Flair Witch Elm Rhodora Electra Winkipop Atmah Tagalie Jest Princess Dorrie Vaucluse Canyon Diadem Ferry Roseway Cinna Bettina Silver Urn Tranquil Plack Saucy Sue Pillion Cresta Run Scuttle Taj Mah Fair Isle Four Course Kandy Brown Betty Campanula Mesa Tide-Way Exhibitionist Rockfel Galatea II Godiva Dancing Time Sun Chariot Herringbone Picture Play Sun Stream Hypericum Imprudence Queenpot Musidora Camaree Belle Of All Zabara Happy Laughter Festoon Meld Honeylight Rose Royale II Bella Paola Petite Etoile

Grand National Horse Jockey

G Fordham T Cannon G Barrett J Watts C Wood W Warne J Woodburn J Watts F Rickaby G Barrett T Loates W Bradford F Pratt

Zoedone Voluptuary Roquefort Old Joe Gamecock Playfair Frigate Ilex Come Away Father O’Flynn Cloister Why Not Wildman From Borneo J Watts The Soarer J Watts Manifesto S Loates Drogheda J T Sloan Manifesto S Loates Ambush II D Maher Grudon H Randall Shannon Lass H Randall Drumcree W Lane Moifaa G McCall Kirkland B Dillon Ascetic’s Silver B Lynham Eremon L Lyne Rubio B Dillon Lutteur III B Lynham Jenkinstown F Fox Glenside L H Hewitt Jerry M F Rickaby Jnr Covetcoat W Huxley Sunloch F Rickaby Jnr Ally Sloper F Rickaby Jnr Vermouth F Rickaby Jnr Ballymacad B Carslake Poethlyn A Whalley Poethlyn W Griggs Troytown G Bellhouse Shaun Spadah B Carslake Music Hall E Gardner Sgt Murphy E C Elliott Master Robert F Bullock Double Chance R Perryman Jack Horner A Balding Sprig J Childs Tipperary Tim W Sibbritt Gregalach T Weston Shaun Goilin E C Elliott Grakle E C Elliott Forbra J Childs Kellsboro Jack H Wragg Golden Miller W R Johnstone Reynoldstown R Perryman Reynoldstown S Donoghue Royal Mail S Wragg Battleship R A Jones Workman D Marks Bogskar R Perryman no race G Richards no race H Wragg no race E C Elliott no race H Wragg no race D Smith Lovely Cottage W R Johnstone Caughoo G Richards Sheila’s Cottage E Britt Russian Hero W R Johnstone Freebooter G Richards Nickel Coin K Gethin Teal E Mercer Early Mist A Breasley Royal Tan W H Carr Quare Times E Britt E.S.B. C Smirke Sundew S Boullenger Mr What D Smith Oxo


Count Kinsky Mr E P Wilson Mr E P Wilson T Skelton W Daniells Mawson T Beasley A Nightingall H Beasley Capt Owen Dollery A Nightingall J Widger D Campbell T Kavanagh J Gourley G Williamson A Anthony A Nightingall D Read P Woodland A Birch F Mason Hon A Hastings A Newey H B Bletsoe G Parfrement R Chadwick J R Anthony E Piggott P Woodland W J Smith J R Anthony J Reardon E Driscoll E Piggott E Piggott J R Anthony F B Rees F B Rees Capt Bennet R Trudgill Major Wilson W Watkinson T E Leader W P Dutton R Everett T Cullinan R Lyall J Hamey D Williams G Wilson F C Furlong F T Walwyn E Williams Bruce Hobbs T Hyde M Jones — — — — — Capt R Petre E Dempsey A P Thompson L McMorrow J Power J A Bullock A P Thompson B Marshall B Marshall P Taaffe D V Dick F Winter A R Freeman M Scudamore

Page 830

Job: 3940063_

Year Horse 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

2000 Guineas Jockey

Martial R Hutchinson Rockavon N Stirk Privy Councillor W Rickaby Only For Life J Lindley Baldric ll W Pyers Niksar D Keith Kashmir ll J Lindley Royal Palace G Moore Sir Ivor L Piggott Right Tack G Lewis Nijinsky L Piggott Brigadier Gerard J Mercer High Top W Carson Mon Fils F Durr Nonoalco Y Saint-Martin Bolkonski G Dettori Wollow G Dettori Nebbiolo G Curran Roland Gardens F Durr Tap on Wood S Cauthen Known Fact W Carson To-Agori-Mou G Starkey Zino F Head Lomond P Eddery El Gran Señor P Eddery Shadeed L Piggott Dancing Brave G Starkey Don’t Forget Me W Carson Doyoun W Swinburn Nashwan W Carson Tirol M Kinane Mystiko M Roberts Rodrigo De L Piggott Triano Zafonic P Eddery Mr Baileys J Weaver Pennekamp T Jarnet Mark of Esteem L Dettori Entrepreneur M J Kinane King of Kings M J Kinane Island Sands L Dettori King’s Best K Fallon Golan K Fallon Rock of Gibraltar J Murtagh Refuse to Bend P Smullen Haafhd R Hills Footstepsinthe- K Fallon sand George K Fallon Washington Cockney Rebel O Peslier Henrythenavigator J Murtagh Sea the Stars M Kinane Makfi C Lemaire Frankel T Queally Camelot J O’Brien Dawn Approach K Manning


1000 Guineas Jockey

Grand National Horse Jockey

Never Too Late Sweet Solera Abermaid Hula Dancer Pourparler Night Off Glad Rags Fleet Caergwrle Full Dress II Humble Duty Altesse Royale Waterloo Mysterious Highclere Nocturnal Spree Flying Water Mrs McArdy Enstone Spark One in a Million Quick as Lightning Fairy Footsteps On the House Ma Biche Pebbles Oh So Sharp Midway Lady Miesque Ravinella Musical Bliss Salsabil Shadayid Hatoof

R Poincelet W Rickaby W Williamson R Poincelet G Bougoure W Williamson P Cook G Moore A Barclay R Hutchinson L Piggott Y Saint-Martin E Hide G Lewis J Mercer J Roe Y Saint-Martin E Hide E Johnson J Mercer B Rouse L Piggott J Reid F Head P Robinson S Cauthen R Cochrane F Head G Moore W Swinburn W Carson W Carson W Swinburn

Merryman II Nicolaus Silver Kilmore Ayala Team Spirit Jay Trump Anglo Foinavon Red Alligator Highland Wedding Gay Trip Specify Well To Do Red Rum Red Rum L’Escargot Rag Trade Red Rum Lucius Rubstic Ben Nevis Aldaniti Grittar Corbiere Hallo Dandy Last Suspect West Tip Maori Venture Rhyme ’n Reason Little Polveir Mr Frisk Seagram Party Politics

G Scott R Beasley F Winter P Buckley W Robinson T Smith T Norman J Buckingham B Fletcher E Harty P Taaffe J Cook G Thorner B Fletcher B Fletcher T Carberry J Burke T Stack R Davies M Barnes C Fenwick R Champion R Saunders B De Haan N Doughty H Davies R Dunwoody S Knight B Powell J Frost Mr M Armytage N Hawke C Llewellyn

Sayyedati Las Meninas Harayir Bosra Sham Sleepytime Cape Verdi Wince Lahan Ameerat Kazzia Russian Rhythm Attraction Virginia Waters

W Swinburn J Reid R Hills P Eddery K Fallon L Dettori K Fallon R Hills P Robinson L Dettori K Fallon K Darley K Fallon

no race Minnehoma Royal Athlete Rough Quest Lord Gyllene Earth Summit Bobbyjo Papillon Red Marauder Bindaree Monty’s Pass Amberleigh House Hedgehunter

— R Dunwoody J Titley M Fitzgerald A Dobbin C Llewellyn P Carberry R Walsh R Guest J Culloty B Geraghty G Lee R Walsh


M Fenton

Numbersixvalverde N Madden

Finsceal Beo Natagora Ghanaati Special Duty Blue Bunting Homecoming Queen Sky Lantern

K Manning C Lemaire R Hills S Pasquier L Dettori R Moore R Hughes

Silver Birch R Power Comply or Die T Murphy Mon Mome L Treadwell Don’t Push It A P McCoy Ballabriggs J Maguire Neptune Collonges D Jacob Auroras Encore R Mania

Horse Racing: General Information all weather tracks: UK autumn double champion flat jockey: 13 times in a row champion jockey: shot himself Cheltenham Gold Cup: won five times in row classics: jockey won most crash helmets: made compulsory Derby: inaugurated by Derby: longest winning distance Derby: where run during WW2 Ffos Las Racecourse flat jockey: champion most times Fred Archer: nickname French Derby: run Gary Bardwell: nickname

Kempton, Lingfield, Southwell, Wolverhampton, Great Leighs (currently closed) Cesarewitch and Cambridgeshire E Flatman (1840–52) and Fred Archer (1874–86) but AP McCoy currently has 18 NH in a row Fred Archer (aged 29) Golden Miller (1932–36) Lester Piggott (30) 1924 Sir Charles Bunbury Shergar (10 lengths) Newmarket (1940–45) Situated in Trimsaran, Carmarthenshire; first new NH course in 80 years, opened on 18 June 2009. Also holds flat meetings. Gordon Richards (26) The Tinman Chantilly The Angry Ant


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Grand National winner: future monarch owned Grand National: 1st woman jockey Grand National: 1st woman jockey to complete Grand National: number of fences Grand National: royal horse that collapsed Grand National: where run during WW1 Grand National: youngest winning rider harness racing: gaits harness racing: vehicle pulled Harry Wragg: nickname Irish Classics: run Irish Grand National: run Irish Grand National: woman jockey won jockey: 1st knighted Lester Piggott: 1st winner Lester Piggott: nickname mare: age filly becomes Melbourne Cup: run Oaks: where run during WW2 pacing: US Triple Crown racehorse birthdays racehorses: maximum letters in name racing colours: Her Majesty the Queen racing colours: Queen Mother Scottish Grand National: run spring double stallion: age colt becomes starting stalls: 1st used in UK thoroughbred: ancestry trotting: US Triple Crown US Triple Crown virtual racetracks Welsh Grand National: run

Ambush II (King Edward VII in 1900) Charlotte Brew (1977) Geraldine Rees 30 Devon Loch, ridden by Dick Francis Gatwick (1916–18) as ‘War National Chase’ (1917–18), and ‘Race Course Association Chase’ 1916 Bruce Hobbs on Battleship in 1938 aged 17 trotting (striding with horse’s left front and right rear leg synchronised) pacing (moving both legs on one side of body at the same time) sulky The Head Waiter all at the Curragh Fairyhouse Ann Ferris Gordon Richards The Chase (1948) The Long Fellow five Flemington Park Newmarket (1940–45) William H Cane Futurity (1955); Messenger Stake (1957); Little Brown Jug (1946) 1 January (Northern Hemisphere) and 1 August (Southern Hemisphere) 18 purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap with gold fringe blue, buff stripes, blue sleeves, black cap, gold tassel Ayr Lincoln and Grand National five Newmarket in 1965 (8 July) Darley Arabian, Byerly Turk, Godolphin Arabian (aka barb) Hambleton (commenced 1926); Yonkers Futurity (1958); Kentucky Futurity (1893) Kentucky Derby (1st of the season), Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes (last of the season) Portman Park (Flat) Steepledown (Jumps) Chepstow

Motor Racing: Formula 1 World Champions Year

Winning driver





1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961

Giuseppe Farina Juan Manuel Fangio Alberto Ascari Alberto Ascari Juan Manuel Fangio Juan Manuel Fangio Juan Manuel Fangio Juan Manuel Fangio Mike Hawthorn Jack Brabham Jack Brabham Phil Hill

Italy Argentina Italy Italy Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina UK Australia Australia USA

Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo Ferrari Ferrari Maserati/Mercedes Mercedes-Benz Lancia-Ferrari Maserati Ferrari Cooper-Climax Cooper-Climax Ferrari

— — — — — — — — Vanwall Cooper-Climax Cooper-Climax Ferrari

1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

Graham Hill Jim Clark John Surtees Jim Clark Jack Brabham Denny Hulme Graham Hill Jackie Stewart Jochen Rindt Jackie Stewart Emerson Fittipaldi Jackie Stewart Emerson Fittipaldi Niki Lauda James Hunt Niki Lauda Mario Andretti Jody Scheckter Alan Jones Nelson Piquet Keke Rosberg

UK UK UK UK Australia New Zealand UK UK Austria UK Brazil UK Brazil Austria UK Austria USA South Africa Australia Brazil Finland

BRM Lotus-Climax Ferrari Lotus-Climax Brabham-Repco Brabham-Repco Lotus-Ford Matra-Ford Lotus-Ford Tyrrell-Ford Lotus-Ford Tyrrell-Ford McLaren-Ford Ferrari McLaren-Ford Ferrari Lotus-Ford Ferrari Williams-Ford Brabham-Ford Williams-Ford

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Nelson Piquet Niki Lauda Alain Prost Alain Prost Nelson Piquet Ayrton Senna Alain Prost Ayrton Senna

Brazil Austria France France Brazil Brazil France Brazil

Brabham-BMW McLaren-TAG McLaren-TAG McLaren-TAG Williams-Honda McLaren-Honda McLaren-Honda McLaren-Honda

Juan Manuel Fangio Alberto Ascari Giuseppe Farina Juan Manuel Fangio Jose Gonzalez (Argentina) Stirling Moss (GB) Stirling Moss (GB) Stirling Moss (GB) Stirling Moss (GB) Tony Brooks (GB) Bruce McLaren (NZL) Wolfgang von Trips (W. Germany) Jim Clark Graham Hill Graham Hill Graham Hill John Surtees Jack Brabham Jackie Stewart Jacky Ickx (Belgium) Jacky Ickx (Belgium) Ronnie Peterson (Sweden) Jackie Stewart Emerson Fittipaldi Clay Regazzoni (Switzerland) Emerson Fittipaldi Niki Lauda Jody Scheckter Ronnie Peterson (Sweden) Gilles Villeneuve (Canada) Nelson Piquet Carlos Reutemann (Argentina) J Watson (GB) and D Pironi (France) Alain Prost Alain Prost Michele Alboreto (Italy) Nigel Mansell Nigel Mansell Alain Prost Ayrton Senna Alain Prost


BRM Lotus-Climax Ferrari Lotus-Climax Brabham-Repco Brabham-Repco Lotus-Ford Matra-Ford Lotus-Ford Tyrrell-Ford Lotus-Ford Lotus-Ford McLaren-Ford Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Lotus-Ford Ferrari Williams-Ford Williams-Ford Ferrari Ferrari McLaren-TAG McLaren-TAG Williams-Honda Williams-Honda McLaren-Honda McLaren-Honda McLaren-Honda

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Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Winning driver Ayrton Senna Nigel Mansell Alain Prost Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher Damon Hill Jacques Villeneuve Mika Hakkinen Mika Hakkinen Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher Fernando Alonso Fernando Alonso Kimi Raikkonen Lewis Hamilton Jenson Button Sebastian Vettel Sebastian Vettel Sebastian Vettel

Country Brazil UK France Germany Germany UK Canada Finland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Spain Spain Finland UK UK Germany Germany Germany

Car McLaren-Honda Williams-Renault Williams-Renault Benetton-Ford Benetton-Renault Williams-Renault Williams-Renault McLaren-Mercedes McLaren-Mercedes Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Renault Renault Ferrari McLaren Brawn Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull

Runner-up Nigel Mansell Ricardo Patrese (Italy) Ayrton Senna Damon Hill Damon Hill Jacques Villeneuve Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher Eddie Irvine Mika Hakkinen David Coulthard (UK) Rubens Barrichello (Brazil) Kimi Raikkonen (Finland) Rubens Barrichello (Brazil) Kimi Raikkonen (Finland) Michael Schumacher Lewis Hamilton Felipe Massa (Brazil) Sebastian Vettel Fernando Alonso Jenson Button Fernando Alonso

Constructor McLaren-Honda Williams-Renault Williams-Renault Williams-Renault Williams-Renault Williams-Renault Williams-Renault McLaren-Mercedes Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari McLaren-Mercedes Ferrari McLaren Ferrari Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull

Motor Racing: General Information circuits: Formula 1

Abu Dhabi – Yas Marina; Argentinian – Buenos Aires; Australian – Adelaide, Melbourne; Austrian – A1 Ring, Spielberg; Bahrain – Bahrain International Circuit; Belgian – Spa-Francorchamps, Zolder; Brazilian – São Paolo, Interlagos (pre-1990 Jacarepagua circuit, Rio de Janeiro); British – Silverstone; Canadian – Montreal; Chinese – Shanghai International; Dutch – Zandvoort; European – Nurburgring, Germany; French – Magny Cours, Dijon; German – Hockenheim; Hungarian – Budapest; Italian – Monza; Japanese – Suzuka; Korean – Yeongam; Malaysian – Sepang; Mexican – Mexico City; Monaco – Monte Carlo; Portuguese – Estoril; San Marino – Imola; Spanish – Catalunya Montjuich (Barcelona); Turkish – Istanbul; US – Detroit, Long Beach, Indianapolis. Nurburgring is no longer used for German GP but has been the venue of the European GP in recent years. Similarly, Aida in Japan is no longer used for its own GP but has been the venue for Pacific GP. Formula 1: flags black – disqualification of a driver; black and white chequered – end of race; blue – car about to overtake; red – premature end of race; yellow – danger, no overtaking; yellow and red diagonal stripes – oil on track. Formula 1: most consecutive wins Alberto Ascari (9). Formula 1: oldest champion Juan Manuel Fangio (46). Formula 1: points system From the 2003 season onwards points were awarded for the top eight finishers thus: 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. From 2010 the top ten drivers score poiints thus: 25, 18, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1. Formula 1: posthumous champion Jochen Rindt (1970). Formula 1: woman driver, first Maria Teresa de Filippis (1958) fuel: used in Formula 1 pre 1961 nitro-methane, but since 1961 ordinary commercial fuel has been compulsory, although Indianapolis still uses nitro-methane. Indianapolis 500: first winner Ray Harroun in Marmon Wasp (1911). Indianapolis 500: laps 200 (although the race is 500 miles in length, hence the name). Indianapolis 500: Formula 1 winners Jim Clark (1965), Graham Hill (1966), Mario Andretti (1969), E Fittipaldi (1989 and 1993), J Villeneuve (1995). land speed record: holder Andy Green in Thrust SSC (760 mph) October 1997. The first over 100 mph: Louis Rigolly in 1904. Monaco GP: five times winner Graham Hill. most victories Michael Schumacher – 91 GP wins and 68 pole positions. motor cycling: nine championships Giacomo Agostini of Italy (eight consecutive 1965–72 and 1975 in the 500 cc class). speedway championships raced over four laps, the short track world championships commenced in 1936 and long track in 1971. UK motor racing circuit: first Brooklands.

Olympic Games: Venues 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1920 1924 1928 1932

Athens, Greece Paris, France St Louis, USA London, UK Stockholm, Sweden Antwerp, Belgium Paris, France Amsterdam, Holland Los Angeles, USA

1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976

1924 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960

Chamonix, France St Moritz, Switzerland Lake Placid, NY, USA Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany St Moritz, Switzerland Oslo, Norway Cortina, Italy Squaw Valley, California, USA

1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992

Berlin, Germany London, UK Helsinki, Finland Melbourne, Australia Rome, Italy Tokyo, Japan Mexico City Munich, Germany Montreal, Canada

1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016

Moscow, USSR Los Angeles, USA Seoul, South Korea Barcelona, Spain Atlanta, USA Sydney, Australia Athens, Greece Beijing, China London, UK Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018

Lillehammer, Norway Nagano, Japan Salt Lake City, USA Turin, Italy Vancouver, Canada Sochi, Russia Pyeongchang, South Korea

Winter Olympics: Venues Innsbruck, Austria Grenoble, France Sapporo, Japan Innsbruck, Austria Lake Placid, NY, USA Sarajevo, Yugoslavia Calgary, Canada Albertville, France


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Olympics: General Information ancient Olympics: in honour of appearances: most black power salute Briton took part in Summer and Winter Olympics British peer gold medallist cancelled games: intended hosts champions: father and son champion: five times in row champion: four times in row cheat: Modern Pentathlon country contested every games diplomas awarded to equestrian: disqualification

Zeus. Raymondo d’Inzeo (8). Tommie Smith and John Carlos 1968. (Other man on rostrum was Peter Norman of Australia.) Derek Allhusen.

The Marquess of Exeter (Lord Burghley) 1928, 400m Hurdles. 1916 – Berlin; 1940 – Tokyo (then Helsinki); 1944 – London. Imre Nemeth (Hammer) and Miklos Nemeth (Javelin). Steve Redgrave (Rowing 1984–2000). Al Oerter (Discus 1956–68), Carl Lewis (Long Jump 1984–96) Boris Onischenko in Fencing discipline (1976). UK (both Summer and Winter). fourth to eighth places. Cian O’Connor of Ireland was stripped of his gold medal won in the Individual Show Jumping event in 2004 following a positive drug test on his horse, Waterford Crystal. equestrian events: 1956 held in Stockholm. extra lap run in error Steeplechase 1932. father and son rowing gold medallists Charles and Richard Burnell. flag: colours blue, yellow, black, green, red rings on a white background. (Rings represent the five major continents.) gold medals: last given 1912 was the last time solid gold medals were given. gold medal: received by post Harold Abrahams (1924). golds: most in single games Mark Spitz (7) (Swimming 1972). high jump: youngest champion Ulrike Mayfarth (16), who was also the oldest winner aged 28. host country: no golds Canada (1976). IOC: presidents Dimitrios Vikélas (1894–96); Baron de Coubertin (1896–1925); Henri de Baillet-La Tour (1925–42); J. Sigfrid Edstrõm (1946–52); Avery Brundage (1956–72); Michael Morris, Lord Killanin (1972–80); Juan António Samaranch (1980–2001); Jacques Rogge (2001–ಝ). marathon: barefoot winner Abebe Bikila (1960). marathon: distance standardised 1924 (although first run as 26 miles 385 yds in 1908). medal withheld for professionalism Jim Thorpe in 1912 (he was reinstated in 1973). modern Olympics: instigator Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Munich massacre Black September terrorists killing of Israeli athletes (1972). oldest Briton to win gold medal Jerry Milner (60 years old in 1908 when winning Shooting gold). Olympiad: definition in ancient Greece the time between games was an Olympiad (four years). Olympic motto Citius Altius Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger). opening parade always led by Greece and completed by the host country. original location Olympia (776 BC–AD 393, abolished by Emperor Theodosius I). POW in World War Two Harold Cassells (1920 Hockey gold medallist). sex testing: year began 1968. swimming: first 100m under 1 minute Johnny Weismuller (1924) (59 seconds). walkover: champion Wyndham Halswelle in the 400m (1908). woman gold medallist: first Charlotte Cooper (GB) when she won Tennis Singles (1900). woman: running, throwing, jumping medals Mildred ‘Babe’ Didrikson won gold in 80m Hurdles and Javelin and silver medal in High Jump (1932). Zatopek gold medal treble In 1952 Emil Zatopek won 5k, 10k and Marathon.

Summer Olympics: British Gold Medal Winners Name




Abrahams, Harold Adams, Nicola Adlington, Rebecca

1924 2012 2008 2008 2000 2004 2008 2012 1920 1968 1908 1912 1908 1908 1920 2000 2004 2008 1908 1932 1908 2012 1908 1988 1908

Athletics Boxing Swimming Swimming Sailing Sailing Sailing Sailing Athletics Equestrian Shooting Athletics Yachting Rackets Hockey Rowing Sailing Sailing Wrestling Rowing Football Canoeing Hockey Hockey Tug of War

4 x 100m Relay Women's Flyweight 400m Freestyle 800m Freestyle Laser Class Finn Class Finn Class Finn Class 4 x 400m Relay 3-Day Event – Team Small-Bore Rifle Team 4 x 100m Relay 12 Metres Class Doubles

Ainslie, Ben

Ainsworth-Davis, Jack Allhusen, Derek Amoore, Edward Applegarth, Willie Aspin, John Astor, J J Atkin, Charles Attrill, Louis Ayton, Sarah Bacon, Stanley Badcock, Felix Bailey, Horace Baillie, Timothy Baillon, Louis Barber, Paul Barrett, Edward

Coxed Eight Yngling Class Yngling Class Middleweight Freestyle Coxless Fours Slalom C-2


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Barrett, Frederick Barrett, Roper Barridge, J E Bartlett, Charles Batchelor, Steve Beachcroft, Charles Bechtolsheimer, Laura Beesly, Richard Belville, Miles Bennett, Charles

1920 1908 1900 1908 1988 1900 2012 1928 1936 1900 1900 1920 1912 1924 1932 1936 1900 1908 1912 1928 1988 1908 1900 1908 1936 1992 1948 1900 2008 1968 2012 1956 1912 1936 2012 1908 1900 1900 1908 1984 1912 1920 1968 1908 1900 1912 1928 2012 1912 1908 1948 1948 1920 1908 1920 2004 2012 1920 1908 1920 1900 1908 2012 1900 1992 2008 2012 1988 1932 1908 1908 1980 1984 1900 1920 2004 2000 1920 2008

Polo Lawn Tennis Football Cycling Hockey Cricket Equestrian Rowing Yachting Athletics Athletics Hockey Swimming Rowing Rowing Rowing Polo Football Football Rowing Hockey Yachting Cricket Rowing Yachting Cycling Yachting Cricket Canoeing Shooting Equestrian Athletics Football Athletics Triathlon Yachting Football Cricket Rowing Rowing Swimming Swimming Equestrian Yachting Cricket Rowing Athletics Cycling Football Rowing Rowing Rowing Athletics Yachting Hockey Athletics Boxing Tug of War Shooting Hockey Football Football Equestrian Cricket Athletics Cycling Cycling Hockey Rowing Athletics Yachting Athletics Athletics Swimming Yachting Rowing Modern Pentathlon Hockey Cycling

Bennett, John Bentham, Isaac Beresford, Jack Beresford, John Berry, Arthur Bevan, Edward Bhaura, Kulbir Bingley, Norman Birkett, Arthur Blackstaffe, Harry Boardman, Chris Boardman, Chris Bond, David Bowerman, Alfred Brabants, Tim Braithwaite, Bob Brash, Scott Brasher, Chris Brebner, Ron Brown, Godfrey Brownlee, Alistair Buchanan, John Buckenham, Claude Buckley, George Bucknall, Henry Budgett, Richard Bugbee, Charlie Bullen, Jane Bunten, James Burchell, Francis Burgess, Edgar Burghley, Lord David Burke, Steven Burn, Tom Burnell, Charles Burnell, Richard Bushnell, Bertie Butler, Guy Campbell, Charles Campbell, Colin Campbell, Darren Campbell, Luke Canning, George Carnell, Arthur Cassels, Harold Chalk, Alfred Chapman, Frederick Charles, Peter Christian, Fred Christie, Linford Clancy, Ed Clift, Robert Clive, Lewis Coales, Bill Cochrane, Blair Coe, Sebastian Coe, Tom Coleman, Robert Coode, Ed Cook, Stephanie Cooke, Harold Cooke, Nicole



Indoor Men’s Doubles 100km Track Race Team Dressage Coxless Fours 6 Metres Class 1500m 5000m Team Water Polo Team Single Sculls Coxless Fours Double Sculls

Coxless Fours 7 Metres Class Single Sculls 6 Metres Class 4000m Pursuit Swallow Class Flatwater K-1 1000m Clay Pigeon Team Showjumping 3000m Steeplechase 4 x 400m Relay Individual 12 Metres Class Eights Coxed Fours Water Polo Team Water Polo Team 3-Day Event Team 12 Metres Class Eights 400m Hurdles Team Pursuit Eights Double Sculls Double Sculls 4 x 400m Relay 8 Metres Class 4 x 100m Relay Bantamweight Small-Bore Rifle

Team Showjumping 100m Team Pursuit Team Pursuit Coxless Pairs 3 Miles Team 8 Metres Class 1,500m 1,500m Water Polo Team 7 Metres Class Coxless Fours Individual Event Road Race

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Cooper, Charlotte

1900 1900 1984 1988 2012 1908 1900 1908 1912 2000 2004 1908 1920 1984 1920 1908 1900 1900 1900 1900 1912 1972 1964 1908 1908 1920 2008 2000 1900 1908 2004 1912 1912 1908 1908 1988 1900 1900 1900 1900 1908 1900 1908 2000 1908 1908 2012 2012 1908 1908 1908 2000 1932 1932 1924 1896 1984 2012 1908 1900 2012 2012 2000 1988 1908 1908 1968 1908 1912 1912 1908 1908 2000 1976 1908 1988 2004 1912 1932

Lawn Tennis Lawn Tennis Shooting Shooting Rowing Football Cricket Swimming Swimming Rowing Rowing Yachting Hockey Rowing Hockey Rowing Cricket Yachting Yachting Polo Athletics Yachting Athletics Wrestling Athletics Swimming Boxing Rowing Swimming Swimming Athletics Football Lawn Tennis Yachting Archery Hockey Lawn Tennis Lawn Tennis Lawn Tennis Lawn Tennis Lawn Tennis Cricket Boxing Rowing Yachting Yachting Equestrian Equestrian Yachting Shooting Lawn Tennis Athletics Rowing Rowing Rowing Weightlifting Rowing Athletics Rowing Yachting Athletics Athletics Shooting Hockey Rowing Motor Boating Boxing Shooting Rowing Swimming Swimming Swimming Rowing Modern Pentathlon Hockey Hockey Athletics Rowing Rowing

Women’s Singles Mixed Doubles Small-Bore Rifle, three positions Small-Bore Rifle, three positions Women's Lightweight Double Sculls

Cooper, Malcolm Copeland, Katherine Corbett, Walter Corner, Harry Cornet, George Cracknell, James Crichton, Charles Crockford, Eric Cross, Martin Crummack, Rex Cudmore, Collier Cuming, Fred Currie, Lorne Daly, Denis D’Arcy, Vic Davies, Chris Davies, Lynn De Relwyskow, George Deakin, Joe Dean, Billy DeGale, James Dennis, Simon Derbyshire, Rob Devonish, Marlon Dines, Joe Dixon, Charles Dixon, Richard Dod, William (brother of Lottie) Dodds, Richard Doherty, Laurie Doherty, Reggie (brother of Laurie Doherty) Donne, William Douglas, Johnny Douglas, Rowley Downes, Arthur Downes, Henry (Arthur’s brother) Dujardin, Charlotte Dunlop, David Easte, Philip Eastlake-Smith, Gladys Edwards, Jonathan Edwards, Jumbo Eley, Maxwell Elliot, Launceston Ellison, Adrian Ennis, Jessica Etherington-Smith, Raymond Exshaw, William Farah, Mo Faulds, Richard Faulkner, David Fenning, John Field-Richards, John Finnegan, Chris Fleming, John Fleming, Philip Fletcher, Jennie Forsyth, Charlie Foster, Bill Foster, Tim Fox, Jim Freeman, Harry Garcia, Russell Gardener, Jason Garton, Stanley George, Rowland


Water Polo Team Water Polo Team Coxless Fours Coxless Fours 6 Metres Class Coxed Fours Coxless Fours Open Class 0.5–1 Ton Class 4 x 100m Relay Flying Dutchman Class Long Jump Lightweight Freestyle 3 Miles Team Race Water Polo Team Middleweight Coxed Eight Water Polo Team 4 x 200m Freestyle Relay 4 x 100m Relay Indoor Mixed Doubles 7 Metres Class York Round Men’s Singles Men’s Doubles Men’s Doubles Mixed Doubles Men’s Doubles Middleweight Coxed Eight 12 Metres Class 12 Metres Class Team Dressage Individual Dressage 12 Metres Class Clay Pigeon Team Indoor Women’s Singles Triple Jump Coxless Pairs Coxless Fours Coxless Fours One-Handed Lift Coxed Fours (cox) Women's Heptathlon Eights 2–3 Ton Class 5,000mts 10,000mts Double Trap Coxless Pairs 8 Metres Class Middleweight Small-Bore Rifle, moving target Eights 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay Water Polo Team 4 x 200m Freestyle Relay Coxless Fours Team Event 4 x 100m Relay Eights Coxless Fours

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Gillan, Angus

1908 1912 1908 1908 2012 1920 1908 1980 2008 1972 1908 1908 1900 1908 2012 1908 1932 2012 1900 1900 1920 1988 1956 2000 1908 1992 1908 1932 1912 1912 1912 1908 1936 2000 1900 1920 1908 1968 1992 2012 1920 1920 1912 1956 1908 2012 1908 1912 1920 1908 1984 1988 1920 2004 2004 1912 2012 2004 2008 2008 2008 2012 2012 1908 1908 1920 1908 2000 2008 1908 1912 2008 2012 1900 1900 1908 1908 1908 1908

Rowing Rowing Rowing Yachting Rowing Lawn Tennis Tug of War Swimming Sailing Equestrian Lawn Tennis Lawn Tennis Football Boxing Rowing Hockey Athletics Rowing Yachting Yachting Athletics Hockey Swimming Rowing Boxing Athletics Athletics Athletics Lawn Tennis Lawn Tennis Football Football Yachting Boxing Football Hockey Football Athletics Rowing Equestrian Athletics Athletics Swimming Equestrian Lawn Tennis Cycling Tug of War Football Athletics Swimming Rowing Rowing Tug of War Athletics Athletics Rowing Rowing Cycling Cycling Cycling Cycling Cycling Cycling Shooting Tug of War Tug of War Football Rowing Rowing Tug of War Athletics Rowing Rowing Swimming Swimming Cycling Rowing Cycling Cycling

Coxless Fours Eights Eights 12 Metres Class Women's Coxless Pair Women’s Doubles

Gladstone, Albert Glen-Coats, Thomas Glover, Helen Godfree, Kitty Goodfellow, Fred Goodhew, Duncan Goodison, Paul Gordon-Watson, Mary Gore, Arthur Gosling, William Grace, Fred Grainger, Katherine Green, Eric Green, Tommy Gregory, Alex Gretton, John (serving MP) Griffiths, Cecil Grimley, Martyn Grinham, Judy Grubor, Luka Gunn, Dick Gunnell, Sally Halswelle, Wyndham Hampson, Tommy Hannam, Edith Hanney, Ted Hardman, Harry Harmer, Russell Harrison, Audley Haslam, A Haslam, Harry Hawkes, Robert Hemery, David Herbert, Garry Hester, Carl Hill, Albert Hill, Arthur Hill, Bertie Hillyard, George Hindes, Philip Hirons, Bill Hoare, Gordon Hodge, Percy Holman, Fred Holmes, Andy Holmes, Fred Holmes, Kelly Horsfall, Ewart Hosking, Sophie Hoy, Chris

Humby, Harry Humphreys, Fred Hunt, Kenneth Hunt-Davis, Ben Hunter, Mark Ireton, Albert Jacobs, David James, Tom Jarvis, John Arthur Johnson, Victor Johnstone, Banner Jones, Ben

100m Breaststroke Laser Class 3-Day Event Team Indoor Men’s Singles Indoor Men’s Doubles Lightweight Women's Double Sculls 50km Walk Men’s Coxless Four Open Class 0.5–1 Ton Class 4 x 400m Relay 100m Backstroke Coxed Eight Featherweight 400m Hurdles 400m 800m Indoor Women’s Singles Indoor Mixed Doubles 6 Metres Class Super Heavyweight

400m Hurdles Coxed Pairs (cox) Team Dressage 800m 1,500m Water Polo Team 3-Day Event Team Men’s Doubles Team Sprint 3,000m Steeplechase 200m Breaststroke Coxed Fours Coxless Pairs 800m 1,500m Eights Women's Lightweight Double Sculls 1km Sprint Individual Sprint Team Sprint Keirin Team Sprint Keirin Small-Bore Rifle Team

Coxed Eight Double Sculls (lightweight) 4 x 100m Relay Coxless Fours Coxless Fours 1,000m Freestyle 4,000m Freestyle One-Lap Race Eights 5,000m Track Race Three-Lap Pursuit


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Jones, Ben Jones, Chris Jones, Jade Jones, J H Joshua, Anthony Keene, Foxhall Kelly, Fred Kemp, Peter Kennaugh, Peter Kenny, Jason

1968 1920 2012 1900 2012 1900 1908 1900 2012 2008 2012 2012 1988 2012 1908 1908 1912 1912 1988 1912 1908 1920 1928 1908 1948 2004 1908 1936 1920 1988 1912 2000 2004 1924 2000 1920 1900 1912 1952 1920 1908 1960 1924 1928 1920 1968 1920 1920 1988 1900 2012 1908 1908 1924 1908 1908 1924 1920 1956 1912 1920 2012 1920 1924 2008 1920 1908 1936 1988 1964 1908 1908 1968 1972 1920 1908 1908 1908 1908

Equestrian Swimming Taekwondo Football Boxing Polo Rowing Swimming Cycling Cycling Cycling Cycling Hockey Cycling Cycling Cycling Rowing Rowing Hockey Football Lawn Tennis Cycling Rowing Athletics Rowing Equestrian Yachting Yachting Hockey Hockey Shooting Athletics Athletics Athletics Rowing Athletics Swimming Football Equestrian Polo Hockey Swimming Athletics Athletics Hockey Yachting Hockey Athletics Yachting Polo Canoeing Yachting Rowing Shooting Rowing Yachting Rowing Lawn Tennis Boxing Football Yachting Equestrian Boxing Boxing Cycling Hockey Yachting Yachting Hockey Athletics Shooting Shooting Equestrian Equestrian Polo Cycling Tug of War Polo Polo

3-Day Event Team Water Polo Team Women's 57 kg

Kerly, Sean King, Danielle Kingsbury, Clarrie Kinnear, Wally Kirby, Alister Kirkwood, Jimmy Knight, Arthur Lambert-Chambers, Dolly Lance, Tommy Lander, John Larner, George Laurie, Ran Law, Leslie Laws, Gilbert Leaf, Charles Leighton, Arthur Leman, Richard Lessimore, Edward Lewis, Denise Lewis-Francis, Mark Liddell, Eric Lindsay, Andrew Lindsay, Robert Lister, Bill Littlewort, Henry Llewellyn, Sir Harry (Foxhunter) Lockett, Vivian Logan, Gerald Lonsbrough, Anita Lowe, Douglas McBryan, Jack MacDonald-Smith, Iain McGrath, George Macintosh, Henry McIntyre, Mike Mackay, Frank (USA born) McKeever, Ed McKenzie, John MacKinnon, Duncan Mackworth-Praed, Cyril MacLagen, Gilchrist McMeekin, Tom Macnabb, James McNair, Winifred McTaggart, Dick McWhirter, Douglas Maddison, W J Maher, Ben Mallin, Harry (retired undefeated 300 fights) Manning, Paul Marcon, Sholto Martin, Albert Martin, Leonard Martin, Steve (played 1 minute) Matthews, Ken Matthews, M K Maunder, Alex Meade, Richard Melvill, Tim Meredith, Leon Merriman, Fred Miller, Charles Miller, George (brother of Charles)

Super Heavyweight Eights Water Polo Team Team Pursuit Team Sprint Team Sprint Individual Sprint Women’s Team Pursuit 20km Track Race Three-Lap Pursuit Single Sculls Eights Women’s Singles 2,000m Tandem Coxless Fours 3,500m and 10 Mile Walk Coxless Pairs 3-Day Event 6 Metres Class 6 Metres Class Small-Bore Rifle Team, 50m Heptathlon 4 x 100m Relay 400m Coxed Eight 4 x 400m Relay Water Polo Team Prix des Nations Team 200m Breaststroke 800m 800m Flying Dutchman Class 4 x 100m Relay Star Class K-1 200 m 12 Metres Class Coxless Fours Running Deer (double shot) Eights 6 Metres Class Coxless Fours Women’s Doubles Lightweight 7 Metres Class Team Showjumping Middleweight Middleweight Team Pursuit 12 Metres Class 6 Metres Class 20km Walk Small-Bore Rifle Team Clay Pigeon Team 3-Day Event Team 3-Day Event and Team Three-Lap Pursuit


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Millner, Jerry Mills, Edwin

1908 1908 1920 1924 1912 1908 1988 1948 1924 1924 2012 1912 1924

Shooting Tug of War Tug of War Boxing Swimming Shooting Swimming Yachting Rowing Swimming Tennis Shooting Shooting

Free Rifle

1908 1908 1900 1908 1908 1976 1908 1908 2008 1908 1908 1976 1980 1964 1908 1908 1988 1976 1972 1968 1972 1908

Swimming Archery Football Rowing Polo Modern Pentathlon Hockey Rackets Athletics Wrestling Boxing Yachting Athletics Athletics Hockey Shooting Hockey Modern Pentathlon Equestrian Yachting Yachting Cycling

Water Polo Team National Round

1920 2008 2012 1908 1912 2000 2008 1924 1972 1972 1908 1908 1912 1992 1996 2000 2004 1908 1988 1900 1908 1920

Swimming Cycling Cycling Rackets Shooting Sailing Sailing Shooting Athletics Equestrian Shooting Shooting Shooting Rowing Rowing Rowing Rowing Shooting Hockey Cricket Hockey Swimming

Water Polo Team Individual Sprint Women's Keirin Doubles Small-Bore Rifle Team, 50m Finn Class Star Class Running Deer (double shot) Pentathlon 3-Day Event Team Clay Pigeon Team Small-Bore Rifle Team Small-Bore Rifle Team, 50m Coxless Pairs Coxless Pairs Coxless Fours Coxless Fours Clay Pigeon Team

2008 1908 1900 2000 1908 1908 1912 1920 Rampling, Godfrey 1936 Rand, Mary 1964 (Mary won the full set of medals with silver in Pentathlon and bronze in the relay) Rawlinson, Alfred 1900 Rawson, Ronald 1920

Rowing Football Football Cycling Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Athletics Athletics

Double Sculls (lightweight) Kilometre Sprint Water Polo Team 4 x 200m Freestyle Relay Water Polo Team Water Polo Team 4 x 400m Relay Long Jump

Polo Boxing


Mitchell, Harry Moore, Bella Moore, F W Moorhouse, Adrian Morris, Stewart Morrison, Robert Morton, Lucy Murray, Andy Murray, Robert Neame, Philip (only man to be awarded Victoria Cross, knighthood and Olympic gold) Nevinson, George Newall, Queenie Nicholas, J Nickalls, Guy Nickalls, Patteson Nightingale, Danny Noble, Alan Noel, Evan Ohuruogu, Christine O’Kelly, Con Oldman, Albert Osborn, John Ovett, Steve Packer, Ann Page, Edgar Palmer, Charles Pappin, Veryan Parker, Adrian Parker, Bridget Pattisson, Rodney Payne, Ernest (known as the Worcester Wonder, Payne changed sports to become a Manchester Utd footballer) Peacock, Bill Pendleton, Victoria Pennell, Vane Pepe, Joseph Percy, Iain Perry, Herbert Peters, Mary Phillips, Mark Pike, J F Pimm, William Pinsent, Matthew

Postans, J M Potter, Jonathan Powlesland, Alfred Pridmore, Reggie Purcell, Noel (Purcell was also an Irish rugby international) Purchase, Zac Purnell, Clyde Quash, Bill Queally, Jason Radmilovic, Paul

Light-Heavyweight 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay Clay Pigeon Team 100m Breaststroke Swallow Class Coxless Fours 200m Breaststroke Singles Small-Bore Rifle Team Running Deer (double shot)

Eights Team Event Singles 400m Heavyweight, Freestyle Heavyweight Tornado Class 800m 800m Clay Pigeon Team Team Event 3-Day Event Team Flying Dutchman Class Flying Dutchman Class Three-Lap Pursuit

Water Polo Team


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Redgrave, Steve

1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 1908 1908 2008 2012 1908 1908 1900 1900 1908 1908 1908

Rowing Rowing Rowing Rowing Rowing Motor Boating Motor Boating Rowing Rowing Hockey Yachting Athletics Athletics Lawn Tennis Yachting Yachting

Coxed Fours Coxless Pairs Coxless Pairs Coxless Pairs Coxless Fours 8 Metres Class Under 60-Foot Class Coxless Fours Coxless Fours

Redwood, Bernard Reed, Peter Rees, Percy Rhodes, John Rimmer, J T Ritchie, Major Rivett-Carnac, Charles Rivett-Carnac, Frances (wife of Charles) Roberts, Bill Robertson, Arthur Robertson, Arthur Robertson, Shirley

8 Metres Class 4,000m Steeplechase 5,000m Team Race Men’s Singles 7 Metres Class 7 Metres Class

1936 Athletics 4 x 400m Relay 1908 Athletics Three Miles Team Race 1900 Swimming Water Polo Team 2000 Sailing Europe Dinghy Class 2004 Sailing Yngling Class Robinson, Eric 1900 Swimming Water Polo Team Robinson, John 1908 Hockey Robinson, Sidney 1900 Athletics 5,000m Team Race Romero, Rebecca 2008 Cycling Individual Pursuit Rook, Laurence 1956 Equestrian 3-Day Event Team Rowsell, Joanna 2012 Cycling Women’s Team Pursuit Russell, Arthur 1908 Athletics 3,200m Steeplechase Rutherford, Greg 2012 Athletics Long Jump Ryan, Harry 1920 Cycling 2,000m Tandem Sanders, Terence 1924 Rowing Coxless Fours Sanderson, Ronald 1908 Rowing Eights Sanderson, Tessa 1984 Athletics Javelin Scarlett, Fred 2000 Rowing Coxed Eight Searle, Greg 1992 Rowing Coxed Pairs Searle, Jonny 1992 Rowing Coxed Pairs Sewell, John 1912 Tug of War 1920 Tug of War Sharpe, Ivan 1912 Football Sheen, Gillian 1956 Fencing Individual Foil Shepherd, John 1908 Tug of War 1920 Tug of War Sherwani, Imran 1988 Hockey Shoveller, Stanley 1908 Hockey 1920 Hockey Simpson, Andrew 2008 Sailing Star Class Skelton, Nick 2012 Equestrian Team Showjumping Smith, Charles 1908 Swimming Water Polo Team 1912 Swimming Water Polo Team 1920 Swimming Water Polo Team Smith, Faulder 1920 Hockey Smith, Herbert 1908 Football Somers-Smith, John 1908 Rowing Coxless Fours Southwood, Dick 1936 Rowing Double Sculls Spackman, F G 1900 Football Spiers, Annie 1912 Swimming 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay Spinks, Terry 1956 Boxing Flyweight Staff, Jamie 2008 Cycling Team Sprint Stamper, Harry 1912 Football Stanning, Heather 2012 Rowing Women's Coxless Pair Stapley, Henry 1908 Football Steer, Irene 1912 Swimming 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay Stewart, Douglas 1952 Equestrian Prix des Nations Team (only British man to have competed at Olympic eventing and show jumping competitions) Stiff, Harry 1920 Tug of War Stott, Etienne 2012 Canoeing Slalom C-2 Strode-Jackson, Arnold 1912 Athletics 1,500m Styles, William 1908 Shooting Small-Bore disappearing target Sutton, Henry 1908 Yachting 8 Metres Class Swann, Sidney 1912 Rowing Eights Symes, John 1900 Cricket Tait, Gerald 1908 Yachting 12 Metres Class Taylor, Henry 1908 Swimming 400m Freestyle 1908 Swimming 1,500m Freestyle 1908 Swimming 4 x 200m Freestyle Relay Taylor, Ian 1988 Hockey Thomas, Geraint 2008 Cycling Team Pursuit 2012 Cycling Team Pursuit


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Thomas, Harry Thompson, Daley

1908 Boxing Bantamweight 1980 Athletics Decathlon 1984 Athletics Decathlon Thompson, Don 1960 Athletics 50km Walk Thomson, Gordon 1908 Rowing Coxless Pairs Thorne, Ernie 1920 Tug of War Thornycroft, Tom 1908 Motor Boating 8 Metres Class 1908 Motor Boating Under 60-Foot Class Thould, Tom 1908 Swimming Water Polo Team 1912 Swimming Water Polo Team Toller, Montague 1900 Cricket Trapmore, Steve 2000 Rowing Coxed Eight Triggs-Hodge, Andy 2008 Rowing Coxless Fours 2012 Rowing Coxless Fours Trott, Laura 2012 Cycling Women’s Team Pursuit 2012 Cycling Women’s Omnium Turnbull, Noel 1920 Lawn Tennis Men’s Doubles Turner, R R 1900 Football Tysoe, Alf 1900 Athletics 800m 1900 Athletics 5,000m Team Race Vaile, Bryn 1988 Yachting Star Class Voigt, Emil 1908 Athletics Five Miles Walden, Harry (also music-hall comic) 1912 Football Warriner, Michael 1928 Rowing Coxless Fours Watkins, Anna 2012 Rowing Women's Double Sculls Webb, Sarah 2004 Sailing Yngling Class 2008 Sailing Yngling Class Weldon, Frank 1956 Equestrian Three-Day Event Team (born in India, Weldon was the only British Olympic gold medal winner to escape from Colditz) Wells, Allan 1980 Athletics 100m Wells, Henry 1912 Rowing Eights (cox) West, Kieran 2000 Rowing Coxed Eight White, Reg 1976 Yachting Tornado Class White, Wilf 1952 Equestrian Prix des Nations Team Whitlock, Harold 1936 Athletics 50km Walk Whitty, Allen 1924 Shooting Running Deer (double shot) Wiggins, Bradley 2004 Cycling 4,000m Pursuit 2008 Cycling 4,000m Pursuit 2008 Cycling Team Pursuit 2012 Cycling Time Trial Wilkie, David 1976 Swimming 200m Breaststroke Wilkinson, Cyril 1920 Hockey Wilkinson, George 1900 Swimming Water Polo Team 1908 Swimming Water Polo Team 1912 Swimming Water Polo Team Williams, Steve 2004 Rowing Coxless Fours 2008 Rowing Coxless Fours Wilson, Herbert 1908 Polo Wilson, Jack 1948 Rowing Coxless Pairs Wilson, Peter 2012 Shooting Double Trap Wilson, Pippa 2008 Sailing Yngling Class Wodehouse, Lord John 1920 Polo Wolff, Freddie 1936 Athletics 4 x 400m Relay Wood, Arthur 1908 Yachting 8 Metres Class Wood, Harvey 1908 Hockey Woodward, Vivian 1908 Football 1912 Football Woosnam, Max 1920 Lawn Tennis Men’s Doubles (also played football for England and golf and cricket for Cambridge) Wormald 1912 Rowing Eights Wright, Cyril 1920 Yachting 7 Metres Class Wright, Dorothy 1920 Yachting 7 Metres Class (wife of Cyril) Wright, Gordon 1912 Football Zealey, Jim 1900 Football

Rugby League Challenge Cup Winners Year


1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904

Batley Batley Oldham Swinton Batley Broughton R Halifax Halifax

Runners Up 10 7 19 16 6 25 7 8

St Helens Bradford Hunslet Salford Warrington Salford Salford Warrington

Venue 3 0 9 8 0 0 0 3


Leeds Leeds Manchester Manchester Leeds Rochdale Leeds Salford

13,492 27,941 15,763 17,864 29,563 15,006 32,507 17,041


Man of Match (First awarded in 1946)

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1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 replay 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1941 1942 1943

0 0 3 0 0 7 12 0 5 5 0 3 10 0 9 3 4 3 3 7 3 2 3 8 8 17 5 8 2 5 4 3 2 10 9 6

1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 replay 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965

Warrington 6 Hull KR Bradford 5 Salford Warrington 17 Oldham Hunslet 14 Hull Wakefield T 17 Hull Leeds 7 Hull Leeds 26 Hull Broughton R 4 Wigan Dewsbury 8 Oldham Huddersfield 9 Warrington Hull 6 Wakefield T Huddersfield 37 St Helens Huddersfield 21 Wigan Leigh 13 Halifax Rochdale H 10 Hull Leeds 28 Hull Wigan 21 Oldham Oldham 16 Hull KR Swinton 9 Oldham Oldham 26 Swinton Swinton 5 Warrington Wigan 13 Dewsbury Widnes 10 St Helens Halifax 22 York Leeds 11 Swinton Huddersfield 21 Warrington Hunslet 11 Widnes Castleford 11 Huddersfield Leeds 18 Warrington Widnes 18 Keighley Salford 7 Barrow Halifax 20 Salford Leeds 19 Halifax Leeds 15 Halifax Dewsbury 16 Leeds Dewsbury 0 Leeds (Dewsbury win 16–15 on aggregate) Bradford N 0 Wigan Bradford N 8 Wigan (Bradford win 8–3 on aggregate) Huddersfield 7 Bradford N Huddersfield 6 Bradford N (Huddersfield win 13–9 on aggregate) Wakefield T 13 Wigan Bradford N 8 Leeds Wigan 8 Bradford N Bradford N 12 Halifax Warrington 19 Widnes Wigan 10 Barrow Workington T 18 Featherstone R Huddersfield 15 St Helens Warrington 4 Halifax Warrington 8 Halifax Barrow 21 Workington T St Helens 13 Halifax Leeds 9 Barrow Wigan 13 Workington T Wigan 30 Hull Wakefield T 38 Hull St Helens 12 Wigan Wakefield T 12 Huddersfield Wakefield T 25 Wigan Widnes 13 Hull KR Wigan 20 Hunslet

12 4 3 0 0 0 10 10 4 4 12 2 7 9 13 5 6 6 10 5 16

Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Bradford Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley

54,730 77,605 91,465 95,050 94,249 94,262 72,093 89,588 81,841 102,569 66,513 79,341 76,318 66,109 79,811 79,773 94,672 81,263 84,492 84,488 89,016

1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

St Helens Featherstone R Leeds Castleford Castleford Leigh St Helens Featherstone R Warrington Widnes St Helens Leeds Leeds Widnes

2 12 10 6 2 7 13 14 9 7 5 7 12 3

Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley

98,536 76,290 87,100 97,939 95,255 85,514 89,495 72,395 77,400 85,098 89,982 80,871 96,000 94,218

1944 1945

Runners Up

21 17 11 11 7 24 16 33 24 14 20 16 14 12

Wigan Barrow Wakefield T Salford Wigan Leeds Leeds Bradford N Featherstone R Warrington Widnes Widnes St Helens Wakefield T



Leeds Leeds Broughton Huddersfield Leeds Huddersfield Huddersfield Salford Leeds Leeds Halifax Oldham Leeds Broughton Leeds Wakefield Rochdale Leeds Rochdale Wigan Wigan Wembley Wembley Wembley Wigan Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Bradford Bradford Dewsbury Leeds

19,638 15,834 18,500 18,000 23,587 19,413 11,608 8,000 15,271 22,754 19,000 8,000 14,000 25,000 32,596 29,335 41,831 28,335 27,000 33,448 33,909 41,500 36,544 40,368 29,000 41,874 41,280 39,000 51,250 47,699 51,243 55,453 28,500 15,250 10,470 16,000

3 0

Wigan Bradford

22,000 30,000

4 5

Huddersfield Bradford

9,041 17,500


Man of Match

Billy Stott Willie Davies Frank Whitcombe Ernest Ward Gerry Helme Cec Mountford Billy Ivison Peter Ramsden Gerry Helme Jack Grundy Alan Prescott Jeff Stevenson Rees Thomas Brian McTigue Tommy Harris Dick Huddart Neil Fox Harold Poynton Frank Collier Ray Ashby & Brian Gabbitas Len Killeen Carl Dooler Don Fox Mal Reilly Bill Kirkbride Alex Murphy Kel Coslett Steve Nash Derek Whitehead Ray Dutton Geoff Pimblett Steve Pitchford George Nicholls Dave Topliss

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1980 1981 1982 replay 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Hull KR Widnes Hull Hull Featherstone R Widnes Wigan Castleford Halifax Wigan Wigan Wigan Wigan Wigan Wigan Wigan Wigan St Helens St Helens Sheffield E Leeds R Bradford N St Helens Wigan W Bradford B St Helens Hull St Helens St Helens St Helens Warrington Warrington Wigan Warrington

Runners Up 10 18 14 18 14 19 28 15 19 32 27 36 13 28 20 26 30 40 32 17 52 22 13 21 22 32 25 42 30 28 25 39 28 35

Hull Hull KR Widnes Widnes Hull Wigan Hull Hull KR St Helens Halifax St Helens Warrington St Helens Castleford Widnes Leeds Leeds Bradford B Bradford B Wigan W London B Leeds R Bradford B St Helens Leeds R Wigan W Leeds R Huddersfield Catalans Hull Huddersfield Leeds R Leeds R Leeds R

Venue 5 9 14 9 12 6 25 15 18 12 0 14 8 12 14 16 10 32 22 6 16 18 6 12 20 16 24 12 8 16 16 6 18 18


Wembley Wembley Wembley Leeds Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Edinburgh Twickenham Edinburgh Cardiff Cardiff Cardiff Twickenham Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley Wembley

Man of Match

95,000 92,496 92,147 41,171 84,969 80,116 97,801 82,134 91,267 94,273 78,000 77,729 75,532 77,286 77,684 78,348 78,550 75,994 78,022 60,699 73,242 75,356 68,250 62,140 71,212 73,734 74,213 65,187 84,241 82,821 76,560 85,217 78,482 79,180

Brian Lockwood Mick Burke Eddie Cunningham David Hobbs Joe Lydon Brett Kenny Bob Beardmore Graham Eadie Andy Gregory Ellery Hanley Andy Gregory Denis Betts Martin Offiah Dean Bell Martin Offiah Jason Robinson Robbie Paul Tommy Martyn Mark Aston Leroy Rivett Henry Paul Sean Long Kris Radlinski Gary Connolly Sean Long Kevin Sinfield Sean Long Paul Wellens/Leon Pryce Paul Wellens Michael Monaghan Lee Briers Jeff Lima Brett Hodgson

Rugby League – Man of Steel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

David Ward (Leeds) George Nicholls (St Helens) Doug Laughton (Widnes) George Fairbairn (Wigan) Ken Kelly (Warrington) Mick Morgan (Carlisle) Allan Agar (Featherstone Rovers) Joe Lydon (Widnes) Ellery Hanley (Bradford Northern) Gavin Miller (HKR) Ellery Hanley (Wigan) Martin Offiah (Widnes) Ellery Hanley (Wigan) Shaun Edwards (Wigan) Gary Schofield (Leeds) Dean Bell (Wigan) Andy Platt (Wigan) Jonathan Davies (Warrington)

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Denis Betts (Wigan) Andy Farrell (Wigan) James Lowes (Bradford Bulls) Iestyn Harris (Leeds Rhinos) Adrian Vowles (Castleford Tigers) Sean Long (St Helens) Paul Sculthorpe (St Helens) Paul Sculthorpe (St Helens) Jamie Peacock (Bradford Bulls) Andy Farrell (Wigan Warriors) Jamie Lyon (St Helens) Paul Wellens (St Helens) James Roby (St Helens) James Graham (St Helens) Brett Hodgson (Huddersfield) Pat Richards (Wigan) Rangi Chase (Castleford Tigers) Sam Tomkins (Wigan)

Rugby Union Six Nations Championships 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

France Wales Wales England France Ireland France / Ireland Scotland Ireland France / Scotland

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

France France / Wales France Scotland England England France Wales England England

1997 France 1998 France 1999 Scotland (last Five Nations Championship) 2000 England 2001 England 2002 France 2003 England 2004 France 2005 Wales


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

France France Wales Ireland France England Wales Wales

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Tennis: Wimbledon Champions Men 1877 S W Gore (GB) 1878 P F Hadow (GB) 1879 J T Hartley (GB) 1880 J T Hartley (GB) 1881 W Renshaw (GB) 1882 W Renshaw (GB) 1883 W Renshaw (GB) 1884 W Renshaw (GB) 1885 W Renshaw (GB) 1886 W Renshaw (GB) 1887 H FLawford (GB) 1888 E Renshaw (GB) 1889 W Renshaw (GB) 1890 W J Hamilton (GB) 1891 W Baddeley (GB) 1892 W Baddeley (GB) 1893 J Pim (GB) 1894 J Pim (GB) 1895 W Baddeley (GB) 1896 H S Mahony (GB) 1897 R F Doherty (GB) 1898 R F Doherty (GB) 1899 R F Doherty (GB) 1900 R F Doherty (GB) 1901 A W Gore (GB) 1902 L H Doherty (GB) 1903 L H Doherty (GB) 1904 L H Doherty (GB) 1905 L H Doherty (GB) 1906 L H Doherty (GB) 1907 N E Brookes (Aus) 1908 A W Gore (GB) 1909 A W Gore (GB) 1910 A F Wilding (NZ) 1911 A F Wilding (NZ) 1912 A F Wilding (NZ) 1913 A F Wilding (NZ) 1914 N E Brookes (Aus) 1915 not held 1916 not held 1917 not held 1918 not held 1919 G L Patterson (Aus) 1920 W T Tilden (US) 1921 W T Tilden (US) 1922 G L Patterson (Aus) 1923 W M Johnston (US) 1924 J Borotra (Fr) 1925 R Lacoste (Fr) 1926 J Borotra (Fr) 1927 H Cochet (Fr) 1928 R Lacoste (Fr) 1929 H Cochet (Fr) 1930 W T Tilden (US) 1931 S B Wood (US) 1932 H E Vines (US) 1933 J H Crawford (Aus) 1934 F J Perry (GB) 1935 F J Perry (GB) 1936 F J Perry (GB) 1937 J D Budge (US) 1938 J D Budge (US) 1939 R L Riggs (US) 1940-45 not held 1946 Y Petra (Fr) 1947 J Kramer (US) 1948 B Falkenburg (US) 1949 T Schroeder (US) 1950 B Patty (US) 1951 D Savitt (US) 1952 F Sedgman (Aus) 1953 V Seixas (US) 1954 J Drobny (Cze) 1955 M A Trabert (US) 1956 L A Hoad (Aus)


Men’s Doubles

Women’s Doubles

— — — — — — — M Watson (GB) M Watson (GB) B Bingley (GB) C Dod (GB) C Dod (GB) B Bingley Hillyard (GB) H Rice (GB) C Dod (GB) C Dod (GB) C Dod (GB) B Hillyard (GB) C Cooper (GB) C Cooper (GB) B Hillyard (GB) C Cooper (GB) B Hillyard (GB) B Hillyard (GB) C Cooper Sterry (GB) M E Robb (GB) D K Douglass (GB) D K Douglass (GB) M Sutton (US) D K Douglass (GB) M Sutton (US) C Sterry (GB) D P Boothby (GB) D K Douglass Chambers (GB) D K Douglass Chambers (GB) E W Larcombe (GB) D K Douglass Chambers (GB) D K Douglass Chambers (GB) not held not held not held not held S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) K McKane (GB) S Lenglen (Fr) K McKane Godfree (GB) H N Wills (US) H N Wills (US) H N Wills (US) H N Wills Moody (US) C Aussem (Ger) H N Wills Moody (US) H N Wills Moody (US) D E Round (GB) H N Wills Moody (US) H H Jacobs (US) D E Round (GB) H N Wills Moody (US) A Marble (US) not held P M Betz (US) M E Osborne (US) A L Brough (US) A L Brough (US) A L Brough (US) D J Hart (US) M Connolly (US) M Connolly (US) M Connolly (US) A L Brough (US) S J Fry (US)

— — — — — — — W Renshaw / E Renshaw W Renshaw / E Renshaw W Renshaw / E Renshaw W Wilberforce / P BLyon W Renshaw / E Renshaw W Renshaw / E Renshaw J Pim / F O Stoker W Baddeley / H Baddeley E W Lewis / H S Barlow J Pim / F O Stoker W Baddeley / H Baddeley W Baddeley / H Baddeley W Baddeley / H Baddeley R F Doherty / L H Doherty R F Doherty / L H Doherty R F Doherty / L H Doherty R F Doherty / L H Doherty R F Doherty / L H Doherty S H Smith / F L Riseley R F Doherty / L H Doherty R F Doherty / L H Doherty R F Doherty / L H Doherty S Smith / F Riseley N E Brookes / A F Wilding A F Wilding / M J G Ritchie A W Gore / H Roper Barrett A F Wilding / M J G Ritchie A H Gobert / M Decugis H Roper Barrett / C P Dixon H Roper Barrett / C P Dixon N E Brookes / A F Wilding not held not held not held not held R V Thomas / P O’Hara Wood R N Williams / C S Garland R Lycett / M Woosnam J O Anderson / R Lycett L A Godfree / R Lycett F T Hunter / V Richards J Borotra / R Lacoste J Brugnon / H Cochet F T Hunter / W T Tilden J Brugnon / H Cochet W L Allison / J Van Ryn W L Allison / J Van Ryn G M Lott / J Van Ryn J Borotra / J Brugnon J Borotra / J Brugnon G M Lott / L R Stoefen J H Crawford / A K Quist G P Hughes / C R D Tuckey J D Budge / G Mako J D Budge / G Mako E T Cooke / R L Riggs not held T Brown / J A Kramer R Falkenburg / J A Kramer J E Bromwich / F A Sedgman R A Gonzales / F A Parker J E Bromwich / A K Quist K B McGregor / F A Sedgman K B McGregor / F A Sedgman L A Hoad / K R Rosewall R N Hartwig / M G Rose R N Hartwig / L A Hoad L A Hoad / K R Rosewall

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — R J McNair / D P Boothby E Ryan / A M Morton not held not held not held not held S Lenglen / E Ryan S Lenglen / E Ryan S Lenglen / E Ryan S Lenglen / E Ryan S Lenglen / E Ryan H Wightman / H N Wills S Lenglen / E Ryan M K Browne / E Ryan H N Wills / E Ryan P Saunders / M Watson P Saunders Michell/ M Watson H N Wills Moody/ E Ryan P Mudford / D Shepherd-Barron D Metaxa / J Sigart E Ryan / R Mathieu E Ryan / R Mathieu F James / K E Stammers F James / K E Stammers S Mathieu / B Yorke S Palfrey Fabyan / A Marble S Palfrey Fabyan / A Marble not held L A Brough / M Osborne R B Todd / D J Hart A L Brough / M E Osborne du Pont A L Brough / M du Pont A L Brough / M du Pont D J Hart / S J Fry D J Hart / S J Fry D J Hart / S J Fry A L Brough / M du Pont A Mortimer /J A Shilcock A Buxton / A Gibson


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1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Men L A Hoad (Aus) A J Cooper (Aus) A Olmedo (Per) N A Fraser (Aus) R G Laver (Aus) R G Laver (Aus) C R McKinley (US) R S Emerson (Aus) R S Emerson (Aus) M Santana (Spa) J D Newcombe (Aus) R G Laver (Aus) R G Laver (Aus) J D Newcombe (Aus) J D Newcombe (Aus) S R Smith (US) J Kodes (Cze) J S Connors (US) A R Ashe (US) B Borg (Swe) B Borg (Swe) B Borg (Swe) B Borg (Swe) B Borg (Swe) J P McEnroe (US) J S Connors (US) J P McEnroe (US) J P McEnroe (US) B Becker (Ger) B Becker (Ger) P Cash (Aus) S Edberg (Swe) B Becker (Ger) S Edberg (Swe) M Stich (Ger) A Agassi (US) P Sampras (US) P Sampras (US) P Sampras (US) R Krajicek (Ned) P Sampras (US) P Sampras (US) P Sampras (US) P Sampras (US) G Ivanisevic (Cro) L Hewitt (Aus) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) R Nadal (Spa) R Federer (Swi) R Nadal (Spa) N Djokovic (Serb) R Federer (Swi) Andy Murray (GB)

Women A Gibson (US) A Gibson (US) M E Bueno (Braz) M E Bueno (Braz) A Mortimer (GB) K Hantze Susman (US) M Smith (Aus) M E Bueno (Braz) M Smith (Aus) B J Moffitt King (US) B J King (US) B J King (US) A Haydon Jones (GB) M Smith Court (Aus) E F Goolagong (Aus) B J King (US) B J King (US) C M Evert (US) B J King (US) C M Evert (US) S V Wade (GB) M Navratilova (Cze) M Navratilova (US) E F Goolagong Cawley (Aus) C M Evert Lloyd (US) M Navratilova (US) M Navratilova (US) M Navratilova (US) M Navratilova (US) M Navratilova (US) M Navratilova (US) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) M Navratilova (US) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) C Martinez (Spa) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) M Hingis (Swi) J Novotna (Cze) L Davenport (US) V Williams (US) V Williams (US) S Williams (US) S Williams (US) M Sharapova (US) V Williams (US) A Mauresmo (Fr) V Williams (US) V Williams (US) S Williams (US) S Williams (US) P Kvitová (Cze) S Williams (US) M Bartoli (Fra)

Men’s Doubles J E Patty / G Mulloy S Davidson / U Schmidt R Emerson / N A Fraser R H Osuna / R D Ralston R Emerson / N A Fraser R A J Hewitt / F S Stolle R H Osuna / A Palafox R A J Hewitt / F S Stolle J D Newcombe / A D Roche K N Fletcher / J D Newcombe R A J Hewitt / F D McMillan J D Newcombe / A D Roche J D Newcombe / A D Roche J D Newcombe / A D Roche R S Emerson / R G Laver R A J Hewitt / F D McMillan J S Connors / I Nastase J D Newcombe / A D Roche V Gerulaitis / A Mayer B E Gottfried / R Ramirez R L Case / G Masters R A J Hewitt / F D McMillan J P McEnroe / P Fleming P McNamara / P McNamee J P McEnroe / P Fleming P McNamara / P McNamee J P McEnroe / P Fleming J P McEnroe / P Fleming H P Gunthardt / B Taroczy J Nystrom / M Wilander R Seguso / K Flach R Seguso / K Flach J B Fitzgerald / A Jarryd R Leach / J Pugh J B Fitzgerald / A Jarryd J P McEnroe / M Stich T Woodbridge / M Woodforde T Woodbridge / M Woodforde T Woodbridge / M Woodforde T Woodbridge / M Woodforde T Woodbridge / M Woodforde J Eltingh / P Haarhuis M Bhupathi / L Paes T Woodbridge/M Woodforde D Johnson / J Palmer J Bjorkman / T Woodbridge J Bjorkman / T Woodbridge J Bjorkman / T Woodbridge S Huss / W Moodie B Bryan / M Bryan A Clement / M Lodra D Nestor / N Zimonjic D Nestor / N Zimonjic J Melzer / P Petzschner B Bryan / M Bryan J Marray / F Nielsen B Bryan / M Bryan

Women’s Doubles A Gibson / D R Hard M E Bueno / A Gibson J Arth / D R Hard M E Bueno / D R Hard K Hantze / B J Moffitt B J Moffitt / K Hantze Susman M E Bueno / D R Hard M Smith / L R Turner M E Bueno / B J Moffitt M E Bueno / N Richey R Casals / B J Moffitt King R Casals / B J King M Smith Court / J A M Tegart R Casals / B J King R Casals / B J King B J King / B Stove R Casals / B J King E F Goolagong / M Michel A Kiyomura / K Sawamatsu C M Evert / M Navratilova H Gourlay Cawley / J C Russell K Reid / W Turnbull B J King / M Navratilova K Jordan / A E Smith M Navratilova / P H Shriver M Navratilova / P H Shriver M Navratilova / P H Shriver M Navratilova / P H Shriver K Jordan / E Smylie M Navratilova / P H Shriver C Kohde-Kilsch / H Sukova S Graf / G Sabatini J Novotna / H Sukova J Novotna / H Sukova L Savchenko / N Zvereva G Fernandez / N Zvereva G Fernandez / N Zvereva G Fernandez / N Zvereva J Novotna / A Sanchez-Vicario M Hingis / H Sukova G Fernandez / N Zvereva M Hingis / J Novotna L Davenport / C Morariu V Williams / S Williams L Raymond / R Stubbs V Williams / S Williams K Clijsters / A Sugiyama C Black / R Stubbs C Black / L Huber Z Yan / Zheng Jie C Black / L Huber V Williams / S Williams V Williams / S Williams V King / Y Shvedova K Peschke / K Srebotnik V Williams / S Williams Hsieh Su-wei / Peng Shuai

Tennis: US Open 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891



Men’s Doubles

Women’s Doubles

R D Sears (US) R D Sears (US) R D Sears (US) R D Sears (US) R D Sears (US) R D Sears (US) R D Sears (US) H W Slocum (US) H W Slocum (US) O S Campbell (US) O S Campbell (US)

— — — — — — E Hansell (US) B L Townsend (US) B L Townsend (US) E C Roosevelt (US) M E Cahill (US)

C M Clark / F W Taylor R D Sears / J Dwight R D Sears / J Dwight R D Sears / J Dwight R D Sears / J S Clark R D Sears / J Dwight R D Sears / J Dwight O S Campbell / V G Hall H W Slocum / H A Taylor V G Hall / C Hobart O S Campbell / R P Huntington O S Campbell / R P Huntington C Hobart / F H Hovey C Hobart / F H Hovey

— — — — — — — — M Ballard / B L Townsend E C Roosevelt / G W Roosevelt M E Cahill / W F Morgan

1892 O S Campbell (US) M E Cahill (US) 1893 R D Wrenn (US) 1894 R D Wrenn (US)

A M Terry (US) H R Hellwig (US)


M E Cahill / A M McKinley A M Terry / H Butler H R Hellwig / J P Atkinson

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Men’s Doubles M G Chace / R D Wrenn C B Neel / S R Neel L E Ware / G P Sheldon L E Ware / G P Sheldon H Ward / D F Davis H Ward / D F Davis H Ward / D F Davis R F Doherty / H L Doherty R F Doherty / H L Doherty H Ward / B C Wright H Ward / B C Wright H Ward / B C Wright F B Alexander / B C Wright F B Alexander / H H Hackett F B Alexander / H H Hackett F B Alexander / H H Hackett R D Little / G F Touchard M E McLoughlin / T C Bundy M E McLoughlin / T C Bundy M E McLoughlin / T C Bundy W M Johnston / C J Griffin W M Johnston / C J Griffin F B Alexander / H A Throckmorton 1918 R L Murray (US) M Bjurstedt (Nor) W T Tilden / V Richards 1919 W M Johnston (US) H Hotchkiss Wightman (US) N E Brookes / G L Patterson 1920 W T Tilden (US) M Bjurstedt Mallory (US) W M Johnston / C J Griffin 1921 W T Tilden (US) M Mallory (US) W T Tilden / V Richards 1922 W T Tilden (US) M Mallory (US) W T Tilden / V Richards 1923 W T Tilden (US) H N Wills (US) W T Tilden / B I C Norton 1924 W T Tilden (US) H N Wills (US) H O Kinsey / R G Kinsey 1925 W T Tilden (US) H N Wills (US) R N Williams / V Richards 1926 R Lacoste (Fr) M Mallory (US) R N Williams / V Richards 1927 R Lacoste (Fr) H N Wills (US) W T Tilden / F T Hunter 1928 H Cochet (Fr) H N Wills (US) G M Lott / J F Hennessey 1929 W T Tilden (US) H N Wills (US) G M Lott / J H Doeg 1930 J H Doeg (US) B Nuthall (GB) G M Lott / J H Doeg 1931 H E Vines (US) H N Wills Moody (US) W L Allison / J Van Ryn 1932 H E Vines (US) H H Jacobs (US) H E Vines / K Gledhill 1933 F J Perry (GB) H H Jacobs (US) G M Lott / L R Stoefen 1934 F J Perry (GB) H H Jacobs (US) G M Lott / L R Stoefen 1935 W L Allison (US) H H Jacobs (US) W L Allison / J Van Ryn 1936 F J Perry (GB) A Marble (US) J D Budge / G Mako 1937 J D Budge (US) A Lizana (Chile) G Von Cramm / H Henkel 1938 J D Budge (US) A Marble (US) J D Budge / G Mako 1939 R L Riggs (US) A Marble (US) A K Quist / J E Bromwich 1940 W D McNeill (US) A Marble (US) J A Kramer / F R Schroeder 1941 R L Riggs (US) S Palfrey Cooke (US) J A Kramer / F R Schroeder 1942 F R Schroeder (US) P M Betz (US) G Mulloy / W F Talbert 1943 J R Hunt (US) P M Betz (US) J A Kramer / F A Parker 1944 F A Parker (US) P M Betz (US) W D McNeill / R Falkenburg 1945 F A Parker (US) S Palfrey Cooke (US) G Mulloy / W F Talbert 1946 J A Kramer (US) P M Betz (US) G Mulloy / W F Talbert 1947 J A Kramer (US) A L Brough (US) J A Kramer / F R Schroeder 1948 R A Gonzales (US) M E Osborne du Pont (US) G Mulloy / W F Talbert 1949 R A Gonzales (US) M E du Pont (US) J Bromwich / O W Sidwell 1950 A Larsen (US) M E du Pont (US) J Bromwich / F A Sedgeman 1951 F A Sedgeman (Aus) M Connolly (US) K B McGregor / F A Sedgeman 1952 F A Sedgeman (Aus) M Connolly (US) M G Rose / E VSeixas 1953 M A Trabert (US) M Connolly (US) R N Hartwig / M G Rose 1954 E V Seixas (US) D J Hart (US) E V Seixas / M A Trabert 1955 M A Trabert (US) D J Hart (US) K Kamo / A Miyagi 1956 K R Rosewall (Aus) S J Fry (US) L A Hoad / K R Rosewall 1957 M J Anderson (Aus) A Gibson (US) A J Cooper / N A Fraser 1958 A J Cooper (Aus) A Gibson (US) A Olmedo / H Richardson 1959 N A Fraser (Aus) M E Bueno (Braz) N A Fraser / R S Emerson 1960 N A Fraser (Aus) D R Hard (US) N A Fraser / R S Emerson 1961 R S Emerson (Aus) D R Hard (US) C McKinley / R D Ralston 1962 R G Laver (Aus) M Smith (Aus) R H Osuna / A Palafox 1963 R H Osuna (Mex) M E Bueno (Braz) C McKinley / R D Ralston 1964 R S Emerson (Aus) M E Bueno (Braz) C McKinley / R D Ralston 1965 M Santana (Spa) M Smith (Aus) R S Emerson / F S Stolle 1966 F S Stolle (Aus) M E Bueno (Braz) R S Emerson / F S Stolle 1967 J Newcombe (Aus) B J Moffitt King (US) J D Newcombe / A D Roche S V Wade / R C Lutz / S R Smith 1968 A R Ashe (US) B M Smith Court (Aus) 1969 R G Laver (Aus) / B M Court (Aus) K R Rosewall / F S Stolle S R Smith (US) D Crealy / A Stone 1970 K R Rosewall (Aus) B M Court (Aus) P Barthes / N Pilic 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917

Men F H Hovey (US) R D Wrenn (US) R D Wrenn (US) M D Whitman (US) M D Whitman (US) M D Whitman (US) W A Larned (US) W A Larned (US) H L Doherty (GB) H Ward (US) B C Wright (US) W J Clothier (US) W A Larned (US) W A Larned (US) W A Larned (US) W A Larned (US) W A Larned (US) M E McLoughlin (US) M E McLoughlin (US) R N Williams (US) W M Johnston (US) R N Williams (US) R L Murray (US)

Women J P Atkinson (US) E H Moore (US) J P Atkinson (US) J P Atkinson (US) M Jones (US) M McAteer (US) E H Moore (US) M Jones (US) E H Moore (US) M G Sutton (US) E H Moore (US) H Homans (US) Evelyn Sears (US) M Barger-Wallach (US) H Hotchkiss (US) H Hotchkiss (US) H Hotchkiss (US) K Browne (US) M K Browne (US) M K Browne (US) M Bjurstedt (Nor) M Bjurstedt (Nor) M Bjurstedt (Nor)


Women’s Doubles H R Hellwig / J P Atkinson E H Moore / J P Atkinson J P Atkinson / K Atkinson J P Atkinson / K Atkinson J W Craven / M McAteer E Parker / H Champlin J P Atkinson / M McAteer J P Atkinson / M Jones E H Moore / C B Neely M G Sutton / M Hall H Homans / C B Neely L S Coe / D S Platt M Wimer / C B Neely Evelyn Sears / M Curtis H V Hotchkiss / E E Rotch H V Hotchkiss / E E Rotch H V Hotchkiss / Eleanora Sears D Greene / MK Browne M K Browne / L Williams M K Browne / L Williams H V Hotchkiss Wightman /Eleanora Sears M Bjurstedt / Eleanora Sears M Bjurstedt / Eleanora Sears M Zinderstein / E E Goss M Zinderstein / E E Goss M Zinderstein / E E Goss M K Browne / L Williams M Zinderstein Jessup / H N Wills K McKane / P L Howkins Covell H Wightman / H N Wills M K Browne / H N Wills E Ryan / E E Goss K McKane Godfree / E H Harvey H Wightman / H N Wills P Watson / P Michel B Nuthall / S Palfrey B Nuthall / E Bennett Whittingstall H H Jacobs / S Palfrey B Nuthall / F James H H Jacobs / S Palfrey H H Jacobs / S Palfrey Fabyan M Van Ryn / C A Babcock S Palfrey Fabyan / A Marble S Palfrey Fabyan / A Marble S Palfrey Fabyan / A Marble S Palfrey Fabyan / A Marble S Palfrey Cooke / M E Osborne A L Brough / M E Osborne A L Brough / M E Osborne A L Brough / M E Osborne A L Brough / M E Osborne A L Brough / M E Osborne A L Brough / M E Osborne A L Brough / M E Osborne du Pont A L Brough / M E du Pont A L Brough / M E du Pont D J Hart / S J Fry D J Hart / S J Fry D J Hart / S J Fry D J Hart / S J Fry A L Brough / M E du Pont A L Brough / M E du Pont A L Brough / M E du Pont J M Arth / D R Hard J M Arth / D R Hard M E Bueno / D R Hard D R Hard / L Turner M E Bueno / D R Hard R Ebbern / M Smith B J Moffitt / K Hantze Susman C A Graebner / N Richey M E Bueno / N Richey R Casals / B J Moffitt King M E Bueno / B M Smith Court F Durr / D R Hard B M Court / S V Wade B M Court / J A M Dalton

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Men Women 1971 S R Smith (US) B J King (US) 1972 I Nastase (Rom) B J King (US) 1973 J Newcombe (Aus) B M Court (Aus) 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

J S Connors (US) M Orantes (Spa) J S Connors (US) G Vilas (Arg) J S Connors (US) J P McEnroe (US) J P McEnroe (US) J P McEnroe (US) J S Connors (US) J S Connors (US) J P McEnroe (US) I Lendl (Cze) I Lendl (Cze) I Lendl (Cze) M Wilander (Swe) B Becker (Ger) P Sampras (US) S Edberg (Swe) S Edberg (Swe) P Sampras (US) A Agassi (US) P Sampras (US) P Sampras (US) P Rafter (Aus) P Rafter (Aus) A Agassi (US) M Safin (Rus) L Hewitt (Aus) P Sampras (US) A Roddick (US) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) J M Del Potro (Arg) R Nadal (Spa) N Djokovic (Serb) A Murray (GB)

B J King (US) C M Evert (US) C M Evert (US) C M Evert (US) C M Evert (US) T A Austin (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) T A Austin (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) M Navratilova (US) M Navratilova (US) H Mandlikova (Cze) M Navratilova (US) M Navratilova (US) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) G Sabatini (Arg) M Seles (Yug) M Seles (Yug) S Graf (Ger) A Sanchez-Vicario (Spa) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) M Hingis (Swi) L Davenport (US) S Williams (US) V Williams (US) V Williams (US) S Williams (US) J Henin-Hardenne (Belg) S Kuznetsova (Rus) K Clijsters (Belg) M Sharapova (Rus) J Henin (Belg) S Williams (US) K Clijsters (Belg) K Clijsters (Belg) S Stosur (Aus) S Williams (US)

Men’s Doubles J D Newcombe / R Taylor C E Drysdale / R Taylor O K Davidson / J D Newcombe R C Lutz / S R Smith J S Connors / I Nastase T S Okker / M C Riessen R A J Hewitt / F D McMillan R C Lutz / S R Smith J P McEnroe / P Fleming R C Lutz / S R Smith J P McEnroe / P Fleming K Curren / S Denton J P McEnroe / P Fleming J B Fitzgerald / T Smid K Flach / R Seguso A Gomez / S Zivojinovic S Edberg / A Jarryd S Casal / E Sanchez J P McEnroe / M Woodforde P Aldrich / D Visser J B Fitzgerald / A Jarryd J Grabb / R Reneberg K Flach / R Leach J Eltingh / P Haarhuis T Woodbridge / M Woodforde T Woodbridge / M Woodforde Y Kafelnikov / D Vacek S Stolle / C Suk S Lareau / A O’Brien L Hewitt / M Mirnyi W Black / K Ullyett M Bhupathi / M Myrnyi J Bjorkman / T Woodbridge M Knowles / D Nestor B Bryan / M Bryan M Damm / L Paes S Aspelin / S Knowle B Bryan / M Bryan L Dlouhy / L Paes B Bryan / M Bryan J Melzer / P Petzschner B Bryan / M Bryan

Women’s Doubles R Casals / J A M Dalton F Durr / B Stove B M Court / S V Wade R Casals / B J King B M Court / S V Wade L Boshoff / I Kloss M Navratilova / B Stove B J King / M Navratilova W M Turnbull / B Stove B J King / M Navratilova K Jordan / A Smith R Casals / W M Turnbull M Navratilova / P H Shriver M Navratilova / P H Shriver C Kohde-Kilsch/ H Sukova M Navratilova / P H Shriver M Navratilova / P H Shriver G Fernandez / R White H Mandlikova / M Navratilova G Fernandez / M Navratilova P H Shriver / N Zvereva G Fernandez / N Zvereva A Sanchez-Vicario / H Sukova J Novotna / A Sanchez-Vicario G Fernandez / N Zvereva G Fernandez / N Zvereva J Novotna / L Davenport M Hingis / J Novotna S Williams / V Williams A Sugiyama / J Halard-Decugis L Raymond / R Stubbs V Ruano Pascual / P Suarez V Ruano Pascual / P Suarez V Ruano Pascual / P Suarez L Raymond / S Stosur N Dechy / V Zvonareva N Dechy / D Safina C Black / L Huber S Williams / V Williams V King / Y Shvedova L Raymond / L Huber S Errani / R Vinci

Tennis: Australian Open Men 1905 R W Heath (Aus) 1906 A F Wilding (NZ) 1907 H M Rice (Aus) 1908 F B Alexander (US) 1909 A F Wilding (NZ) 1910 R W Heath (Aus) 1911 N E Brookes (Aus) 1912 J C Parke (GB) 1913 E F Parker (Aus) 1914 A O’Hara Wood (Aus) 1915 F G Lowe (GB) 1916-18 not held 1919 A R F Kingscote (GB) 1920 P O’Hara Wood (Aus) 1921 R H Gemmell (Aus) 1922 J O Anderson (Aus) 1923 P O’Hara Wood (Aus) 1924 J O Anderson (Aus) 1925 J O Anderson (Aus) 1926 J B Hawkes (Aus) 1927 G L Patterson (Aus) 1928 J Borotra (Fr) 1929 J C Gregory (GB) 1930 E F Moon (Aus) 1931 J H Crawford (Aus) 1932 J H Crawford (Aus) 1933 J H Crawford (Aus) 1934 F J Perry (GB) 1935 J H Crawford (Aus) 1936 A K Quist (Aus)

Women — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — M Molesworth (Aus) M Molesworth (Aus) S Lance (Aus) D S Akhurst (Aus) D S Akhurst (Aus) E F Boyd (Aus) D S Akhurst (Aus) D S Akhurst (Aus) D S Akhurst (Aus) C Buttsworth (Aus) C Buttsworth (Aus) J Hartigan (Aus) J Hartigan (Aus) D E Round (GB) J Hartigan (Aus)

Men 1937 V B McGrath (Aus) 1938 J D Budge (US) 1939 J E Bromwich (US) 1940 A K Quist (Aus) 1941-45 not held 1946 J E Bromwich (US) 1947 D Pails (Aus) 1948 A K Quist (Aus) 1949 F A Sedgman (Aus) 1950 F A Sedgman (Aus) 1951 R Savitt (US) 1952 K B McGregor (Aus) 1953 K R Rosewall (Aus) 1954 M G Rose (Aus) 1955 K R Rosewall (Aus) 1956 L G Hoad (Aus) 1957 A J Cooper (Aus) 1958 A J Cooper (Aus) 1959 A Olmedo (Per) 1960 R G Laver (Aus) 1961 R S Emerson (Aus) 1962 R G Laver (Aus) 1963 R S Emerson (Aus) 1964 R S Emerson (Aus) 1965 R S Emerson (Aus) 1966 R S Emerson (Aus) 1967 R S Emerson (Aus) 1968 W W Bowrey (Aus) 1969 R G Laver (Aus) 1970 A R Ashe (US)


Women N M Wynne (Aus) D M Bundy (US) E Westacott (Aus) N M Wynne Bolton (Aus) not held N M Bolton (Aus) N M Bolton (Aus) N M Bolton (Aus) D J Hart (US) L A Brough (US) N M Bolton (Aus) T Long (Aus) M Connolly (US) T Long (Aus) B Penrose (Aus) M Carter (Aus) S J Fry (US) A Mortimer (GB) M Carter Reitano (Aus) M Smith (Aus) M Smith (Aus) M Smith (Aus) M Smith (Aus) M Smith (Aus) M Smith (Aus) M Smith (Aus) N Richey (US) B J Moffitt King (US) M Smith Court (Aus) M Court (Aus)

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1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 (Jan) 1977 (Dec) 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Men K R Rosewall (Aus) K R Rosewall (Aus) J D Newcombe (Aus) J S Connors (US) J D Newcombe (Aus) M Edmondson (Aus) R Tanner (US)

Women M Court (Aus) V S Wade (GB) M Court (Aus) E Goolagong (Aus) E Goolagong (Aus) E Goolagong Cawley (Aus) K Reid (Aus)

V Gerulaitis (US)

E Cawley (Aus)

G Vilas (Arg) G Vilas (Arg) B Teacher (US) J Kriek (SA) J Kriek (SA) M Wilander (Swe) M Wilander (Swe) S Edberg (Swe) not held S Edberg (Swe) M Wilander (Swe) I Lendl (Cze) I Lendl (Cze)

C O’Neill (Aus) B Jordan (US) H Mandlikova (Cze) M Navratilova (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) M Navratilova (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) M Navratilova (US) not held H Mandlikova (Cze) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger)

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Men B Becker (Ger) J Courier (US) J Courier (US) P Sampras (US) A Agassi (US) B Becker (Ger) P Sampras (US) P Korda (Cze) Y Kafelnikov (Rus) A Agassi (US) A Agassi (US) T Johansson (Swe) A Agassi (US) R Federer (Swi) M Safin (Rus) R Federer (Swi) R Federer (Swi) N Djokovic (Serb) R Nadal (Spa) R Federer (Swi) N Djokovic (Serb) N Djokovic (Serb) N Djokovic (Serb)

Women M Seles (Yug) M Seles (Yug) M Seles (Yug) S Graf (Ger) M Pierce (Fra) M Seles (US) M Hingis (Swi) M Hingis (Swi) M Hingis (Swi) L Davenport (US) J Capriati (US) J Capriati (US) S Williams (US) J Henin-Hardenne (Belg) S Williams (US) A Mauresmo (Fr) S Williams (US) M Sharapova (Rus) S Williams (US) S Williams (US) K Clijsters (Belg) V Azarenka (Bel) V Azarenka (Bel)

Tennis: French Open Men 1891 H Briggs 1892 J Schopfer (Fr) 1893 L Riboulet (Fr) 1894 A Vacherot (Fr) 1895 A Vacherot (Fr) 1896 A Vacherot (Fr) 1897 P Aymé (Fr) 1898 P Aymé (Fr) 1899 P Aymé (Fr) 1900 P Aymé (Fr) 1901 A Vacherot (Fr) 1902 A Vacherot (Fr) 1903 M Decugis (Fr) 1904 M Decugis (Fr) 1905 M Germot (Fr) 1906 M Germot (Fr) 1907 M Decugis (Fr) 1908 M Decugis (Fr) 1909 M Decugis (Fr) 1910 M Germot (Fr) 1911 A H Gobert (Fr) 1912 M Decugis (Fr) 1913 M Decugis (Fr) 1914 M Decugis (Fr) 1915 not held 1916 not held 1917 not held 1918 not held 1919 not held 1920 A H Gobert (Fr) 1921 J Samazeuilh (Fr) 1922 H Cochet (Fr) 1923 P Blanchy (Fr) 1924 J Borotra (Fr) 1925 R Lacoste (Fr) 1926 H Cochet (Fr) 1927 R Lacoste (Fr) 1928 H Cochet (Fr) 1929 R Lacoste (Fr) 1930 H Cochet (Fr) 1931 J Borotra (Fr) 1932 H Cochet (Fr) 1933 J H Crawford (Aus) 1934 G von Cramm (Ger) 1935 F J Perry (GB) 1936 G von Cramm (Ger) 1937 H Henkel (Ger) 1938 J D Budge (US) 1939 W D McNeill (US) 1940-45 not held

Women — — — — — — C Masson (Fr) C Masson (Fr) C Masson (Fr) Y Prévost (Fr) P Girod (Fr) C Masson (Fr) C Masson (Fr) K Gillou (Fr) K Gillou (Fr) K Fenwick M de Kermel (Fr) K Fenwick J Mattey (Fr) J Mattey (Fr) J Mattey (Fr) J Mattey (Fr) M Broquedis (Fr) M Broquedis (Fr) not held not held not held not held not held S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) D Vlasto (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) S Lenglen (Fr) K Bouman (Ned) H N Wills (US) H N Wills (US) H N Wills Moody (US) C Aussem (Ger) H N Wills (US) M C Scriven (GB) M C Scriven (GB) H Sperling (Den) H Sperling (Den) H Sperling (Den) S Mathieu (Fr) S Mathieu (Fr) not held

1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1955 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996


Men M Bernard (Fr) J Asboth (Hung) F A Parker (US) F A Parker (US) J E Patty (US) J Drobny (Cze) J Drobny (Cze) K R Rosewall (Aus) M A Trabert (US) M A Trabert (US) L A Hoad (Aus) S Davidson (Swe) M Rose (Aus) N Pietrangeli (Ita) N Pietrangeli (Ita) M Santana (Spa) R G Laver (Aus) R S Emerson (Aus) M Santana (Spa) F S Stolle (Aus) A D Roche (Aus) R S Emerson (Aus) K R Rosewall (Aus) R G Laver (Aus) J Kodes (Cze) J Kodes (Cze) A Gimeno (Spa) I Nastase (Rom) B Borg (Swed) B Borg (Swed) A Panatta (Ita) G Vilas (Arg) B Borg (Swed) B Borg (Swed) B Borg (Swed) B Borg (Swed) M Wilander (Swe) Y Noah (Fr) I Lendl (Cze) M Wilander (Swe) I Lendl (Cze) I Lendl (Cze) M Wilander (Swe) M Chang (US) A Gomez (Ecu) J Courier (US) J Courier (US) S Bruguera (Spa) S Bruguera (Spa) T Muster (Aut) Y Kafelnikov (Rus)

Women M E Osborne (US) P Todd (US) N Landry (Belg) M E Osborne du Pont (US) D J Hart (US) S J Fry (US) D J Hart (US) M Connolly (US) M Connolly (US) A Mortimer (GB) A Gibson (US) S J Bloomer (GB) S Kormoczy (Hung) C C Truman (GB) D R Hard (US) A S Haydon (GB) M Smith (Aus) L R Turner (Aus) M Smith (Aus) L R Turner (Aus) A S Haydon Jones (GB) F Durr (Fr) N Richey (US) M Smith Court (Aus) M Court (Aus) E Goolagong (Aus) B J Moffitt King (US) M Court (Aus) C M Evert (US) C M Evert (US) S Barker (GB) M Jausovec (Yug) V Ruzici (Rom) C M Evert Lloyd (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) H Mandlikova (Cze) M Navratilova (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) M Navratilova (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) C M Evert Lloyd (US) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger) A Sanchez-Vicario (Spa) M Seles (Yug) M Seles (Yug) M Seles (Yug) S Graf (Ger) A Sanchez-Vicario (Spa) S Graf (Ger) S Graf (Ger)

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1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Men G Kuerten (Braz) C Moya (Spa) A Agassi (US) G Kuerten (Braz) G Kuerten (Braz) A Costa (Spa) J C Ferrero (Spa) G Gaudio (Arg) R Nadal (Spa)

Women I Majoli (Croat) A Sanchez-Vicario (Spa) S Graf (Ger) M Pierce (Fra) J Capriatiಝ(US) S Williams (US) J Henin-Hardenne (Belg) A Myskina (Rus) J Henin-Hardenne (Belg)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Men R Nadal (Spa) R Nadal (Spa) R Nadal (Spa) R Federer (Swi) R Nadal (Spa) R Nadal (Spa) R Nadal (Spa) R Nadal (Spa)

Women J Henin-Hardenne (Belg) J Henin-Hardenne (Belg) A Ivanovic (Serb) S Kuznetsova (Rus) F Schiavone (Ita) Li Na (Chn) M Sharapova (Rus) S Williams (US)

Tennis: General Information Australian Open: venue Davis Cup: inaugurated most wins official title Federation Cup

Melbourne Park (formerly known as Flinders Park). 1900. USA. The International Men’s Team Championship of the World. women’s equivalent of the Davis Cup. Inaugurated in 1963. The United States defeated Australia 2–1 in the first final. ‘Four Musketeers’ Jean Borotra, Jacques (‘Toto’) Brugnon, Henri Cochet, René Lacoste. French Championships: made Open before 1925 the French Championships were open only to members of French clubs. French Open: venue Roland Garros Stadium, Paris, since 1928. Grand Slam: definition winning the four major titles consecutively irrespective of calendar year (formerly had to be achieved in the calendar year). holders Donald Budge, Maureen Connolly, Margaret Court, Steffi Graf, Rod Laver (twice) and Martina Navratilova. junior winner Earl Buchholz won all four junior titles in 1958 followed by Stefan Edberg in 1983. Hopman Cup international mixed teams event first held between 28 December 1988 and 1 January 1989, Czechoslovakia beating Australia in the first championship. net: height in middle 3 feet (91cm). nicknames: Bounding Basque Jean Borotra. Poker Face Helen Wills Moody. Rocket Rod Laver. The Ghost Harold Mahony. The Two Helens Helen Wills Moody and Helen Jacobs (great rivals and born on the same street in Berkeley, California). Olympic champions: 2012 Andy Murray (GB) and Serena Williams (USA). Olympic Games: ice hockey player Jaroslav Drobny (Cze, 1948). tennis challenge: battle of the sexes Bobby Riggs had beaten Margaret Court but was then beaten by Billie Jean King (and famously presented with a pig). tennis: original name sphairistiké. ‘Three Musketeers’ Jean Borotra, Henri Cochet, René Lacoste. US Open: venue Flushing Meadows, New York, since 1978. Finals showcourt named after Arthur Ashe. Wimbledon champion: 1st black man Arthur Ashe (1975). 1st black person Althea Gibson (1957). Mixed Doubles: brother and sister John and Tracy Austin won the 1981 Championship. man and wife Mr and Mrs L A Godfree won the 1926 Championship. boycott year 1973 (due to suspension of Nikki Pilic of Yugoslavia). champion at first and only attempt Bobby Riggs (1939) won all three titles on his only appearance at the Championships. first professional champion Rod Laver (1968). last amateur champion John Newcombe (1967). longest match 11 hours, 5 minutes: in 2010 John Isner (USA) defeated Nicolas Mahut (Fra) 6–4, 3–6, 6–7(7–9), 7– 6(7–3), 70–68, including a final set lasting 8 hours 11 minutes. oldest men’s champion Arthur Gore (41). champion later represented Robert Falkenburg. Brazil in Davis Cup unseeded champion Boris Becker (1985). unseeded player in two finals Kurt Nielsen (Den) beaten in 1953 and 1955. youngest champion Lottie Dod (GB) aged 15. youngest men’s champion Boris Becker (Ger) aged 17.

Sporting Trophies First held




Admirals Cup Air Canada Silver Broom

yachting curling

America’s Cup




Baron Matsui Inter-Club Cup Bledisloe Cup Bologna Trophy


biennial international competition for sailing yachts formerly the Scotch Whisky Cup, became Air Canada in 1959 originally called 100 Guineas Cup and raced around the Isle of Wight England v Australia test matches (since 1882 called ‘Ashes’) club competition named after the Japanese Ambassador New Zealand v Australia England v Scotland v Wales speed swimming contest

rugby union swimming


1957 1968 1851 1877 1928 1931 1929

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Name Borg-Warner Trophy Bowring Bowl Britannia Cup

Sport motor racing rugby union yachting

Britannia Shield Calcutta Cup Camanachd Cup Canada Cup Cole Cup Cowdray Park Gold Cup Currie Cup Currie Cup Curtis Cup Davis Cup Dewar Cup Diamond Challenge Doggetts Coat & Badge

speedway rugby union shinty golf fencing polo cricket rugby union golf tennis rifle shooting rowing rowing

Eisenhower Trophy Federation Cup George Hearn Cup Goldberg-Vass Memorial Trophy Gordon Bennett Trophy Grand Challenge Cup Grey Cup

golf tennis diving judo

G Melville Clark Trophy Harry Sunderland Trophy Heisman Memorial Trophy Henry Benjamin Trophy Iroquois Cup Jules Rimet Trophy King George V Gold Cup Kinnaird Cup Lance Todd Award Lapham Trophy Leonard Trophy Liam MacCarthy Cup Londonderry Cup Lonsdale Belt

Details winner of the Indianapolis 500 annual Oxbridge Varsity match for small yachts (under 32ft) of any country to challenge the holder inter-club challenge competition England v Scotland championship of Scotland world team championship (two per team) men’s sabre international competition South African Provincial competition South African Provincial Championship amateur women – USA v Great Britain and Ireland The International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy small-bore shooting competition blue riband of single sculling sculling contest on the Thames between ex-passenger skiffs biennial international competition women’s world amateur team championship awarded to England’s most successful diver London open competition

motor racing rowing Canadian football diving rugby league

First held 1932 1872 1951 1957 1870 1896 1953 1922 1956 1889 1892 1932 1900 1909 1884 1715 1958 1963 1954 1956

forerunner of the Grand Prix Henley Regatta – eights championship game between winners of Eastern and Western Conferences awarded to England’s most successful diving club man of the Premiership final. T Fogarty of Halifax first winner American football awarded annually by the Downtown Athlete Club of New York City to the outstanding college football player of the United States swimming and awarded to England’s most successful swimming and water polo water polo club lacrosse English club championship football world cup showjumping men’s international competition at Hickstead Eton fives public schools’ competition rugby league man of the match award in Challenge Cup final squash Canada v USA bowls World team championship Hurling Awarded to winner of All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship squash public schools’ Old Boys’ competition boxing British title – won outright for winning three title fights at the same weight walking world championship of race walking croquet international competition

1901 1839 1909

1961 1925

1951 1965 1935 1910 1890 1930 1934 1926 1897 1921 1966 1921 1934 1909

Lugano Trophy MacRobertson International Shield Manuel Avilla Camacho Cup Marcel Corbillon Cup Marchant Cup Middleton Cup Mosconi Cup Norman Brookes Trophy


Mexico v USA


table tennis rugby fives bowls pool lawn tennis

1934 1929 1911 1994 1905

Philadelphia Gold Cup Pilkington Cup Powergen Cup

rowing rugby union rugby union

Presidents Trophy Prince of Wales Cup Prince Rainier Cup

golf yachting fencing

Princess Elizabeth Cup Queen Elizabeth II Cup Queen’s Prize Ranfurly Shield Regal Trophy

rowing showjumping rifle shooting rugby union rugby league

Russell-Cargill Trophy Ryder Cup Sam MacGuire Trophy Scottish Tennant’s Cup Seawanhaka Cup

rugby union golf Gaelic football rugby union yachting

Sid Waddell Trophy


women’s world table tennis team championships London grammar schools competition inter-county championship USA v Europe annual event awarded to the winner of the men’s singles at the Australian Open Olympic single sculling trophy English club knockout cup (prev. National Cup) English club knockout cup (formerly John Player Cup, Pilkington Cup, Tetley’s Bitter Cup) USA v Rest of World (Men) international 14ft dinghy championship awarded to the nation with best results in World Championships Henley Regatta – eights for public schools women’s international competition at Hickstead open competition first competed for at Wimbledon NZ rugby trophy for provincial teams formerly sponsored by John Player, became Regal Trophy in 1989 Awarded to winner of Middlesex Sevens men – USA v Europe (USA v GB and Ire before 1979) All-Ireland Men’s Senior Football championship Scottish club knockout cup For small yachts (under 25ft) of any country to challenge the holder PDC World Darts Championship


1908 1972 1972 1994 1927 1950 1946 1949 1860 1902 1971 1951 1927 1928 1996 1895 2013

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Name Silver Goblets & Nickalls Cup Sir William Burton Trophy Solheim Cup Stanley Cup Strathcona Cup Subalterns’ Cup Super 12 Trophy SWALEC Cup Swaythling Cup Talbot Handicap

Details Henley Regatta: coxless pairs amateur international

yachting golf ice hockey curling polo rugby union rugby union

national 12 ft dinghy championship women – USA v Europe North American ice hockey championship Canada v Scotland international competition inter-services competition Southern Hemisphere provincial championship Welsh club knockout cup (prev. Welsh Cup, Schweppes Cup) men’s world table tennis team championships Blackpool-based open competition

1936 1990 1894 1903 1896 1995 1972

men’s world badminton team championship women’s world badminton team championships most stylish boxer at an Olympic Games superbowl

1949 1957 1904 1967

world championship competition amateur men – USA v Great Britain and Ireland the ‘Derby’ of coursing, named after a Liverpool hotel Blackpool-based open competition

1979 1922 1836 1907

world cup Great Britain v USA awarded to the leader of the Indianapolis 500 after 400 miles (160 laps), replaced in 1932 by the Borg-Warner Trophy annual team competition between USA and England USA v GB women’s match West Indies v Australia Henley Regatta awarded to the English swimmer whose performance is adjudged the best Awarded to winner of English club league championship

1987 1886

Webb Ellis Trophy Westchester Cup Wheeler-Schebber

table tennis crown green bowls badminton badminton boxing American football showjumping golf coursing crown green bowls rugby union polo motor racing

Wightman Cup Wolfe-Noel Cup Worrell Trophy Wyfold Challenge Cup Yeaden Memorial Trophy

tennis squash cricket rowing swimming

Zurich Premiership Trophy

rugby union

Thomas Cup Über Cup Val Barker Trophy Vince Lombardi Trophy Volvo World Cup Walker Cup Waterloo Cup Waterloo Cup

First held 1845

Sport rowing

1927 1882

1923 1933 1931 1847 1938 1987

NB The inaugural dates given are for the competition; in some cases the trophy has been renamed.

Television Sports Personality of the Year Chris Chataway Gordon Pirie Jim Laker Dai Rees Ian Black John Surtees David Broome Stirling Moss Anita Lonsbrough Dorothy Hyman Mary Rand Tommy Simpson Bobby Moore Henry Cooper David Hemery Ann Jones Henry Cooper HRH Princess Anne Mary Peters Jackie Stewart

1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Brendan Foster David Steele John Curry Virginia Wade Steve Ovett Sebastian Coe Robin Cousins Ian Botham Daley Thompson Steve Cram Torvill and Dean Barry McGuigan Nigel Mansell Fatima Whitbread Steve Davis Nick Faldo Paul Gascoigne Liz McColgan Nigel Mansell Linford Christie

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Damon Hill Jonathan Edwards Damon Hill Greg Rusedski Michael Owen Lennox Lewis Steve Redgrave David Beckham Paula Radcliffe Jonny Wilkinson Kelly Holmes Andrew Flintoff Zara Phillips Joe Calzaghe Chris Hoy Ryan Giggs AP McCoy Mark Cavendish Bradley Wiggins

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Commonwealth Games: Venues Hamilton, Canada London, England Sydney, Australia Auckland, NZ Vancouver, Canada Cardiff, Wales Perth, Australia

1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962

Kingston, Jamaica Edinburgh, Scotland Christchurch, NZ Edmonton, Canada Brisbane, Australia Edinburgh, Scotland Auckland, NZ

1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990


Victoria, Canada Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Manchester, England Melbourne, Australia Delhi, India Glasgow, Scotland

1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014

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Number of Players in a Team Details polo basketball ice hockey volleyball kabaddi netball water polo baseball rounders American football football cricket hockey

4 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 11 11 11 11

stoolball lacrosse (men’s) lacrosse (women’s) Canadian football shinty rugby league rugby union Gaelic football hurling Australian rules

11 10 12 12 12 13 15 15 15 18

Up to 8 chukkas of 71/2 min 4 periods 3 periods of 20 min Court size: 30ft x 60ft 2 halves of 20 minutes each 4 periods of 15 min blue or white caps (red for goalkeepers) 9 innings 2 innings 1 hour 2 halves of 45 min see relevant section field size: 100 yd x 60 yd (goal 4 yd x 7 ft high) men’s, 2 halves of 35 min; women’s, 2 of 30 min girls’ game resembling cricket 4 periods of 15 min 4 periods of 15 min field size: 110 yd x 65 yd field size: 160 yd x 80 yd no wing forwards 2 halves of 40 min 2 periods of 30 min women’s version called ‘camogie’ 4 periods of 25 min

Sportspeople Aaron, Hank Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem Ackland, Janet Adams, Neil Adams, Nicola Alexander, Wayne Allahgreen, Diane Allan, Alister Allen, Marcus Alonso, Fernando Alsop, Fred Altwegg, Jeannette Angus, Howard Aoki, Haruchika Aoki, Isao Appleyard, Bob Armitstead, Lizzie Armstrong, Gary Ascari, Alberto Ashton, Eric Aspinall, Nigel Astbury, Andrew Atkins, Geoffrey Atkins, John Baddeley, Steve Baddeley, Wilfred & Herbert Baerlein, Edgar Baggaley, Andrew Bailey, Bill Bailey, McDonald Bailey, William James Baillieu, Chris Baird, Charlotte Bairstow, Jonny Baker, Edwin Percy Baker, Philip Noel Baker, Zoe Bakewell, Enid Balashov, Alexandr Balding, Gerald Balding, Gerald Matthews Ball, John Ballington, Kork Barber, Bob Barber, Paul Barnato, Woolf

baseball basketball bowls judo boxing boxing athletics shooting American football motor racing triple jump figure skating rackets motor cycling golf cricket cycling rugby union motor racing rugby league croquet swimming rackets cyclo cross badminton tennis rackets table tennis cycling athletics cycling rowing surfing cricket bowls athletics swimming cricket ice speedway polo polo golf motor cycling cricket hockey motor racing

Barras, Sid Barrichello, Rubens Barry, Ernest Barton, Pam Beamish, George Beck, Margaret Bedell-Sivright, Darkie Bell, Diane Beresford, Jack Berra, Lawrence ‘Yogi’ Besford, Jack Biaggi, Massimiliano Bickers, Dave Bird, Larry Black, Dave Black, Ian Blankers-Koen, Fanny Blenkinsop, Ernie Bond-Williams, Louise Boocock, Nigel Boone, Willie Bourne, Teddy Bowman, George Bradley, Caroline Bradshaw, Harry Braid, James Braithwaite, Bob Briggs, Johnny Briggs, Karen Brinkley, Brian Brittin, Janette Brockway, John Bromfield, Percy Bullen, Jane Burns, Tommy Burton, Beryl Butcher, Don Cacho, Fermin Cadalora, Luca Caira, Philip Mario Callender, Simone Calvert, David Calzaghe, Joe Capirossi, Loris Carnill, Denys Cazelet, Victor Chamberlain, Wilt

cycling motor racing rowing golf rugby union badminton rugby union judo rowing baseball swimming motor cycling motocross basketball athletics swimming athletics football fencing speedway rackets fencing carriage driving show jumping golf golf shooting cricket judo swimming cricket swimming table tennis three-day event boxing cycling squash athletics motor cycling weightlifting judo shooting boxing motor cycling hockey squash basketball


Chapman, Vera Cheape, Leslie Cheeseborough, Susan Chester, Frank Chifney, Sam Childs, Joe Clancy, Ed Clark, Gillian Clark, Roger Clarke, Chris Cobb, John Cobb, Ty Cockell, Don Cockett, John Colclough, Maurice Colledge, Cecilia Collett, Rebecca Collins, Peter Collins, Peter Cook, Kathy (nee Smallwood) Cooke, Nicole Cooke, Rebecca Cooper, Charlotte Cooper, Malcolm Cotter, Edmond Couch, Jane Covey, Fred Craven, Peter Creus, Julian Cripps, Norwood Cronshey, John Dennis Crooks, Lee Crooks, Tim Cumming, Arthur Curry, Joan Curtis, Steve Cutler, David Daley, Tom Daly, Fred Datoo, Camille Davidge, Chris Davies, Terry Davis, Howard Dawes, Alison De Beaumont, Charles De Wharton Burr, Nilla Dear, Jim

hockey polo gymnastics cricket horse racing horse racing cycling badminton rallying croquet motor racing baseball boxing hockey rugby union figure skating figure skating motor racing speedway sprinting cycling swimming tennis shooting croquet boxing real tennis speedway weightlifting rackets speed skating rugby league rowing figure skating squash/ tennis powerboating bowls diving golf fencing rowing rugby union hockey show jumping fencing archery racket sports

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Deaton, Nicola Dempsey, Jack ‘Nonpareil’ Denny, Doreen Didrikson, Babe Di Maggio, Joe Disley, John Dixon, Charles Dixon, Karen Dixon, Robin Dod, Willie Doherty, Reggie Donaldson, Walter Doohan, Michael Doyle, Tony Driffield, Leslie Drinkhall, Paul Drummond, Des Drummond-Hay, Anneli Duke, Geoff Dugard, Martin Dundee, Johnny Eastman, Howard Eastwood, Vic Edwards, Hugh ‘Jumbo’ Edwards, Margaret Egan, Joe Egg, Oscar Elford, Vic Ellaby, Alf Elliot, Douglas Elliot, Helen Elliot, Launceston Elwell, Keith Engers, Alf Erhardt, Carl Erskine, Joe Evans, Mal Everts, Stefan Ewing, Patrick Fahey, Robert Fairbrother, Nicola Fairs, Punch Fallon, Craig Fangio, Juan Manuel Farina, Giuseppe Farndon, Tom Farr, Judy Farr, Tommy Ferris, Liz Ferris, Sam Figg, James Flockhart, Ron Fogarty, Carl Ford, Bernard Ford, Horace Ford, Trevor Fordham, George Foster, Bob Foster, Bob Foster, Jimmy Fox, Jim Fox, Neil Fox, Richard Fox-Pitt, William Foxx, Jimmie Freeman, Alfred ‘Tich’ Frentzen, Heinz-Harold Frith, Frederick Froome, Chris Fulford, Robert Fulton, Arthur Funnell, Pippa Furrer, Carl Fury, Tyson Galica, Davina Gallie, Christine Gans, Joe Gardner, Jason

table tennis boxing ice dancing athletics/ golf baseball steeplechase tennis three-day event bobsleigh archery tennis snooker motor cycling cycling billiards table tennis rugby league show jumping motor cycling speedway boxing boxing motocross rowing swimming rugby league cycling motor racing rugby league rugby union table tennis weightlifting rugby league cycling ice hockey boxing bowls motocross basketball real tennis judo real tennis judo motor racing motor racing speedway walking boxing diving marathon boxing motor racing superbikes ice dancing archery football football boxing motor cycling ice hockey modern pentathlon rugby league canoeing equestrianism baseball cricket motor racing motor cycling cycling croquet shooting equestrianism trampolining boxing skiing & motor racing judo boxing athletics

Gardner, Wayne Gault, Michael Gee, Kenneth George, Walter Giles, Jack Glen Haig, Mary Goddard, James Gordon, Winston Gower, Lily Grace, Edward Mills Graham, Leslie Gramigni, Alessandro Green, Tommy Greenwood, Giles Guthrie, Jimmy Haining, Peter Hakkinen, Mika Hale, Jack Hall, Darren Hallam, Ian Hallard, Steve Halliday, Jim Hamill, Billy Hamilton, Laird Hancock, Greg Hand, Tony Hann, Quinten Harding, Phyllis Hardisty, Alan Hardstaff, Joe Harlow, Greg Harper, Ernie Harris, Lord George Harris, Reg Hart, Marvin Harvey, Len Hatfield, Jack Hathorn, Gina Haughton, Colin Havelock, Gary Hawke, Lord Martin Hawthorn, Mike Hayles, Rob Healey, Donald Heaney, Julz Heaney, Nick Heatley, Basil Heatly, Peter Helme, Gerry Hendren, Patsy Herriott, Maurice Hicks, Humphrey Hide, Herbie Hide, Molly Hill, Albert Hill, Phil Hiller, Bob Hilton, Elliot Hipwood, Julian Hocking, Gary Hodgson, Neil Holden, Jack Holmes, Andrea Holmes, Terry Horgan, Denis Hoskyns, Bill Howland, Bonzo Hulme, Denny Hume, Donald Inkpen, Barbara Inman, Melbourne Ireland, Innes Ivy, Bill Jackson, Kanukai Jackson, Reggie James, Carwyn Jameson, Andrew Jameson, Tommy Jarrett, Keith Jarvis, John

motor cycling shooting rugby league athletics squash fencing swimming judo croquet cricket motor cycling motor cycling walking weightlifting motor cycling rowing motor racing swimming badminton cycling archery weightlifting speedway surfing speedway ice hockey snooker swimming rugby league cricket bowls marathon cricket cycling boxing boxing swimming skiing badminton speedway cricket motor racing cycling rallying water skiing water skiing marathon diving rugby league cricket steeplechaser croquet boxing cricket athletics motor racing rugby union ice skating polo motor cycling superbike racing marathon trampolining rugby union shot putter fencing shot putt motor racing badminton high jump billiards motor racing motor cycling gymnastics baseball rugby union swimming squash rugby swimming


Jay, Allan Jeeps, Dickie Jofre, Eder Johnson, Ralph Johnson, Tebbs Lloyd Jones, Cliff Jones, Cliff Jones, Courtney Jones, Mandy Jordan, Michael Jordan, Tony Joshua, Anthony Kane, Peter Kanu, Nwankwo Karalius, Vince Keane, Moss Keenan, Peter Kelly, Sean Kelly-Hohmann, Margaret Kelsey, Jack Kendall-Carpenter, John Kerly, Sean Kershaw, Cecil King, Dani King, Norman King, Shayne Kingpetch, Pone Kitchen, Bill Kluft, Carolina Knight, Billy Kocinski, John Laidlaw, Roy Langton, Eric Larcombe, Ethel Larner, George Latham, Peter Lawler, Ivan Lawson, Eddie Lawton, Barbara Leather, Diane Leden, Judy Lee, George Lee, Michael Lee, Norvel Lee, Sidney Legh, Alice Leman, Richard Lemon, Meadowlark Le Moignan, Martine Lennox, Avril Lerwill, Alan Lesnevich, Gus Lessing, Simon Levinsky, Battling Lewis-Francis, Mark Line, Peter Lloyd, Emrys Lombardi, Vincent Long, Liz Longo, Jeannie Loram, Mark Loris, Chris Lowe, Samantha Lucas, Muriel Lucchinelli, Marco Lumb, Margot Lumley, Penny Lunn family Lunn, Gladys Lycett, Randolph Lydon, Joe Lynch, Benny Mace, Jem Mack, Curly Macken, Eddie Mackey, Mick Mackinnon, Esmé MacLean, Craig Maduaka, Joice

fencing rugby union boxing fencing walking rugby union football ice dancing cycling basketball badminton boxer boxing football rugby league rugby union boxing cycling swimming football rugby union hockey rugby union cycling bowls motocross boxing speedway athletics tennis motor cycling rugby union speedway tennis walking rackets canoeing motor cycling high jump athletics hang gliding gliding speedway boxing billiards archery hockey basketball squash gymnastics long jumper boxing triathlon boxing athletics bowls fencing American football swimming cycling speedway speedway judo badminton motor cycling squash real tennis skiing athletics tennis rugby league boxing boxing badminton showjumping hurling skiing cycling athletics

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Maguire, Stephen Mahoney, Harold Male, James Mallin, Frederick Mallin, Harry Mann, Julia Mannion, Wilf Mansergh, Terence Mantle, Mickey Mapple, Andy Marques, David Marshall, Peter Martin, Louis Martin, Stephen Matthews, Ken Mays, Willie McAuliffe, Jack McAvoy, Jock McCoig, Robert McConnell, William McEvoy, Freddie McGregor, Yvonne McGwire, Mark McIntyre, Bob McKechnie, Neil McKenzie, George McKiernan, Catherina McKinlay, Ken McLean, William McLeod, Hugh McNeill, Carol McQueen, Delroy McRae, Alister McRae, Colin McRae, Jimmy McTigue, Mike Meade, Richard Melandri, Marco Menu, Alain Meredith, Billy Meredith, Leon Miles, Eustace Milford, David Millar, David Millar, Robert Miller, David Miller, Sammy Millward, Roger Minter, Derek Mirra, Dave Mitchell, Abe Mitchell, Beryl Mitchell, William Monaghan, Terry Montana, Joe Montgomerie, Robert Moore, Ann Moore, Steve Morgan, Janet Morris, Stewart Morton, Lucy Moss, Pat Mould, Marion Muckelt, Ethel Murphy, Catherine Mynn, Alfred Namath, Joe Nash, Tony Neale, Denis Nedved, Pavel Neligan, Gwen Nettleton, Louise Netzer, Gunter Nevett, Bill Neville, Gary & Phil Neville, Tracey Newall, Queenie

snooker tennis rackets boxing boxing badminton football hockey baseball water skiing rugby union squash weightlifting hockey walking baseball boxing boxing badminton hockey bobsleigh cycling baseball motor cycling swimming wrestling athletics speedway hockey rugby union orienteering weightlifting rallying rallying rallying boxing three-day event motor cycling touring cars football cycling rackets rackets cycling cycling bowls motor cycling rugby league motor cycling BMX golf rowing billiards speed skating American football fencing show jumping water skiing squash yachting swimming rallying show jumping figure skating athletics cricket American football bobsleigh table tennis football fencing archery football jockey football netball (sister of Gary & Phil) archery

Newman, Tom Nicholas, Alison Nielsen, Hans Nieto, Angel Noel, Susan Norman, Wendy Obolensky, Alex Obree, Graeme O’Dell, George Ogogo, Anthony O’Keefe, Dan Oliver, Alan Oliver, Eric Opie, Lisa O’Reilly, Wilf Ottley, Dave Paish, Geoff Palmer, Charles Palmer, Thomas ‘Pedlar’ Panis, Olivier Papke, Billy Papp, Lãszló Parke, James Parker, Jack Pastrano, Willie Paterson, Alan Pattisson, Rodney Patton, Peter Paul, René Payne, Howard Payne, Rosemary Paynter, Eddie Payton, Walter Peall, W J Peck, Geoff Pedersen, Nicki Pedrosa, Dani Pendleton, Victoria Pep, Willie Petersen, Jack Phelps, Brian Phelps, Richard Phelps, Ted Phillips, Mollie Pickering, Jean Pickering, Karen Pilch, Fuller Pinching, Evie Platt, Susan Pons, Sito Porter, Hugh Potter, Jon Potter, Martin Prenn, John Price, Berwyn Price, David Price, Sarah Price, Tommy Probyn, Jeff Pullin, John Queally, Jason Quixall, Albert Radford, Peter Radmilovic, Paul Raikkonen, Kimi Rainey, Wayne Randall, Graeme Ray, Ted Read, Phil Reade, Shanaze Redman, Jim Reece, Tom Rendle, Sharon Renshaw, William Rhodes, Ronald


billiards golf speedway motor cycling squash modern pentathlon rugby union cycling motor cycling boxing Gaelic football show jumping sidecar racing squash speed skating javelin tennis judo boxing motor racing boxing boxing tennis & rugby speedway boxing high jump yachting ice hockey fencing hammer throw discus cricket American football billiards orienteering speedway motor cycling cycling boxing boxing diving & trampolining modern pentathlon rowing figure skating long jump swimming cricket skiing javelin motor cycling cycling hockey surfing rackets athletics boxing swimming speedway rugby union rugby union cycling football athletics swimming & water polo motor racing motor cycling judo golf motor cycling cycling motor cycling billiards judo tennis canoeing

Rice, Jerry Richards, Gordon W Richards, Sir Gordon Richards, Tom Richardson, Peter Richardson, T D Richmond, Ken Ring, Christy Ringer, Anthony Riseley, Frank Ritchie, Margaret Roberts, John Roberts, Karen Roberts, Kenny Roberts, Philippa Robinson, Brian Robinson, Jack Robinson, Jem Robinson, Val Rodman, Dennis Rogers, Iris Rogers, Michelle Ronaldson, Chloe Root, Joe Rose, Justin Ross, Jonathan Rossi, Valentino Round, Dorothy Rowe, Arthur Rowe, Diana Rowe, Rosalind Rowsell, Joanna Ruffo, Bruno Russell-Vick, Mary Ruth, Babe Rutherford, Monica Salo, Mika Salvadori, Roy Sandford, Cecil Sarron, Christian Saunders, Vivien Savage, David Saville, Sammy Schofield, Garry Schwantz, Kevin Scotland, Ken Scott, Peter Scriven, Peggy Seaman, Dick Searle, Greg and Johnny Seaton, Paul Segrave, Henry Sekjer, Martyn Selby, Vera Seligman, Edgar Sharpe, Graham Shaw, Norma Sheen, Gillian Sheil, Norman Sheppard, Alison Sheridan, Eileen Shilcock, Anne Shotton, Sue Shoveller, Stanley Shrubb, Alf Simmers, Max Simmonds, Dave Simmonite, Rachael Simmonite, Stephanie Simpson, Cyril Simpson, Tommy Sindelar, Matthias Singleton, Georgina Singleton, Joey Sixsmith, Janet Skelton, Matt Slawinski, Kendra Small, Ruth

American football horse racing horse racing marathon cricket figure skating wrestling/ judo hurling shooting tennis discus billiards judo motor cycling water skiing cycling baseball horse racing hockey basketball badminton judo roller skating cricketer golf bowls motor cycling tennis shot putt table tennis table tennis cycling motor cycling hockey baseball gymnastics motor racing motor racing motor cycling motor cycling golf hockey hockey rugby league motor cycling rugby union yachting & gliding tennis motor racing rowing water skiing motor racing bowls snooker fencing figure skating bowls fencing cycling swimming cycling tennis trampolining hockey athletics rugby union motor cycling rallying rallying rackets cycling football judo boxing hockey boxing netball bowls

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Smith, Charles Smith, Jeff Smith, Lawrie Smith, Steve Smith, Steve Smith, Sydney Smithies, Karen Snode, Chris Snow, John Snow, Julian Snowball, Betty Solomon, John Sopwith, Sir Tommy Sosa, Samuel Spencer, Freddie Springman, Sarah Stammers, Kay Starbrook, Dave Steel, Dorothy Steele, Mavis Stevens, Ray Stewart-Wood, Jeannette Stoichkov, Hristo Stoner, Casey Stoop, Adrian Sturgess, Colin Sturgess, William Surtees, William Talbot, Derek Tancred, Bill Tanner, Haydn Tarleton, Nelson Tate, Maurice Tatum, Kelvin Taylor, Ian Terry, Simon Thomas, Neil Thompson, Don Thompson, Ian

water polo motocross yachting cricket high jump tennis cricket diving cricket real tennis cricket croquet yachting baseball motor cycling triathlon tennis judo croquet bowls badminton water skiing football motor cycling rugby union cycling walking rackets badminton discus rugby union boxing cricket speedway hockey archery gymnastics walking marathon

Thomson, Andy Thorpe, Dave Thorpe, Jim

bowls motocross American football/athletics 400m hurdles rugby union figure skating motocross ice dancing badminton fencing rugby union boxing badminton cycling cricket shooting rugby union tennis gymnastics high jump motor cycling badminton cricket motor cycling fencing football motor racing motor racing walking motor cycling football rugby league ice dancing cycling real tennis bowls tennis swimming

Tisdall, Bob Tomes, Alan Tomlins, Freddie Tortelli, Sébastien Towler, Diane Tredgett, Mike Tredgold, Roger Trew, Billy Trinidad, Felix Troke, Helen Trott, Laura Trott, Jonathan Tucker, Andrew Tucker, Sam Tuckey, Raymond Tweddle, Elisabeth Tyler, Dorothy Ubbiali, Carlo Uber, Betty Ulyett, George Uncini, Franco Usher, Georgina Valderrama, Carlos Verstappen, Jos Vettel, Sebastian Vickers, Stan Vincent, Arnaud Viollet, Denis Wagstaff, Harold Walker, Stefanie Wallace, Shaun Warburg, David Ward, David Ward, Pat Wardrop, Jack

Warner, Sir Pelham Warren, James Waterman, Split Watson, Maud Watson, Willie Weah, George Webb, Jonathan Webster, Steve Weetman, Harry Wells, Billy Welsh, Freddie Westwood, Jean White, Belle White, Wilf Whitehead, Adam Whiteley, Johnny Whitford, Arthur Whitlock, Harold Whittle, Harry Whyte, Jamie Wigg, Simon Wilkinson, Diana Wilkinson, George Williams, Amy Williams, Freddie Wills, Philip Wilson, Justin Wonderful Terrific Mons III Wooderson, Sydney Woodgate, W B Woodward, Clive Woodward, Vivian Wooller, Wilf Woosnam, Max Yardley, Norman Young, Cy Zale, Tony

cricket judo speedway tennis cricket/ football football rugby union motor cycling golf boxing boxing ice dance diving show jumping swimming rugby league gymnastics walking athletics ice dancing speedway swimming water polo skeleton bob speedway gliding motor racing baseball athletics rowing rugby union football rugby union tennis/ football cricket baseball boxing

NB The table above is merely a list of perhaps less well-known sports people, due either to their practising a minority sport or to the time elapsed since their success. A more thorough record of their achievements is beyond the scope of this book.

Sporting Terms adolph trampolining three-and-a-half front twisting somersault. airshot golf complete missing of ball which constitutes a stroke (unless mulligan awarded). albatross golf score of 3 under par on a particular hole. appel fencing beating or stamping of foot during contest. apron golf grass cut short between fairway and approach to the green. Arab spring gymnastics cartwheel with a quarter turn. assist basketball final pass given to shooter of a basket. axel ice skating a one-and-a-half turn jump from the forward outside edge of one skate to the backward outside edge of the other (named after Norwegian skater Axel Rudolph Paulser). back alley badminton the area at the back of the court. bai-hou karate white crane stance with one knee raised high (popularised in Karate Kid films). balestra fencing attack after an appel. barani trampolining front somersault with half twist. battery baseball originally a term for the pitcher but now incorporates the pitcher and catcher. baulk billiards line from which game begins. ba(u)lk baseball illegal action by a pitcher. beamer cricket ball bowled higher than a full toss so endangering the batsman. Bernouilli effect hang-gliding see venturi effect. besom curling type of broom used to sweep the ice to gain more distance. bib netball tie-up over top with player’s position labelled. birdie golf score of 1 under par on a hole. blind side rugby short side between scrum and touch line. block volleyball basic return at the net to counter the opponent’s spike. blocking basketball illegal personal contact that impedes the progress of an opponent who does not have the ball. bogey golf score of 1 over par on a hole. bonk cycling tiredness caused by lack of food.

bonspiel curling term used for an important match. boom yachting long spar or pole hinged at one end, securing the bottom of a ship’s sail. bosey / bosie cricket Australian name for a googly (named after B J T Bosanquet 1877–1936, an English cricketer). Boston crab wrestling manoeuvre whereby one fighter sits on the back of the other with legs tucked under his arms. bouncer cricket ball bowled short and fast in order to cause batsman to take evasive action. bowling crease cricket line extended from the stumps sideways and four feet behind the popping crease; the ball must be delivered between these two lines. brakeman bobsleigh person who operates the brakes in the sleigh. Brill bend high jumping named after Debbie Brill, equivalent to the Fosbury flop. brush curling implement for sweeping the ice, thereby causing the stone to travel further. bunt baseball to let the ball hit the bat without swinging at it. burgee yachting ornamental flag which serves no other purpose. buttonhook American football type of pass for the receiver running straight downfield and then doubling back a few steps to receive it. bye cricket extra gained by batting side when the batsmen run or the ball crosses the boundary after no contact with bat has taken place. calx Eton wall game area behind the goal-line. caman shinty stick used for striking. cannon billiards object ball hitting opponent’s ball and the red ball (scores 2 points). capriole dressage horse jumps straight upward with its forelegs drawn in, kicking back with its hind legs horizontal. catch real tennis obsolete former name for the game. catch a crab rowing to get an oar trapped underwater or to miss the water with a stroke. catenaccio system football sweeper system. checking ice hockey legal manoeuvre of physical contact to gain control of puck.


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chicane motor racing sharp double-bend. chinaman cricket left-handed bowler’s googly to a right-handed batsman. chistera pelota / jaïi alaïi curved glove with a chestnut or ash frame, aka Cesta. christiania skiing turn in which the skis are kept in parallel, used for stopping short. Aka christie. Christmas tree drag racing starting system. Christmas tree football descriptive formation. chui judo warning with 3 points deducted. chukka polo each of the 7½-minute periods into which a game is divided. Also spelt ‘chucker’ or ‘chukker’. close-hauled wind surfing area 45 degrees each side of wind direction. conversion Canadian football method of adding to score after touchdown has been scored. conversion rugby method of adding to score after try has been scored (2 points score). courbet / curvet dressage jump forward at the levade. cover cricket fielding position midway between infield and outfield in which a good fielder may save a single. cover point cricket fielding position on the off side and nearer the batsman than the non-striker. crampon curling device formerly used to enable a steady delivery but now obsolete. crampon rock-climbing frame with 10 or 12 metal spikes, strapped to boots to give a firmer footing. cross buttock wrestling throw in which a wrestler throws an opponent head first over his or her hip. crosse lacrosse stick between 40–72 inches long and 4–10 inches wide. crucifix gymnastics (rings) basic position with the arms held outstretched to the sides. curve ball baseball ball which deviates from the path it would otherwise take, because of the spin imparted by the pitcher. cut line squash line above which a served ball must strike the wall. dan martial arts each of the numbered grades of the advanced level of proficiency in many martial arts. diamond baseball the area formed by the four bases within the infield. dig volleyball defensive motion of digging the ball up from below the net height with two hands to counter a spike. ditch bowls the channel around the rink. dog-leg golf hole that bends sharply to one side, so ensuring a positional shot is played. domestiques cycling team members of tour teams who will sacrifice their position for team leaders. double eagle golf score of 3 under par on a particular hole (US term). down American football each of a fixed number of attempts to advance the ball 10 yards. drop-kick rugby kick made by dropping the ball and kicking it as it rebounds from the ground. drop-line angling weighted fishing-line for fishing near the bottom drop-out rugby a drop-kick made from within the defending team’s 22-metre (formerly 25yds) line in order to restart play after the ball has gone dead. dropped goal rugby goal scored with a drop-kick that propels the ball over the crossbar. dummy, sell a rugby to successfully feign a pass. dunk basketball shoot a basket by jumping so that the hands are above the ring and the ball is dunked down through the hoop. eagle American football defensive formation. eagle golf score of 2 under par on a hole. egg position skiing tucked position that ensures a good fast glide. en garde fencing call to a fencer to adopt a defensive stance in readiness for an attack or bout. end bowls division of a match whereby after all woods are bowled the next ‘end’ is played from the other end of the rink. end curling division of a match whereby after all stones are bowled the next ‘end’ is played from the other end of the rink. English pool north American term for using ‘side’ on the cueball. Eskimo roll canoeing a 360-degree roll starting and finishing above water but 180 degrees of which is underwater. expedite table tennis rule whereby a match is brought to a conclusion after a series of long rallies or deuces by setting a limit to the number of strokes per point. extras cricket generic name for all types of byes and penalty runs scored other than by the batsman hitting the ball. face-off ice hockey start of game. fairway golf part of golf course between tee and green in which the grass is cut short to reward accuracy. kinsa judo 3 point scoring technique.

feng taidu kung fu phoenix stance keeping low on one leg ready to rise. fine leg cricket fielding position between wicket keeper and square leg but deeper. flèche archery obsolete name for an arrow. flèche fencing a running attack. flic flac gymnastics simple back flip. fliffis trampolining double front somersault with twist. flying mare wrestling throw in which one wrestler throws the other over his or her back using the other’s arm as a lever. Fosbury flop high jumping technique named after Dick Fosbury, whereby head and shoulders are thrown over the bar first, chest upwards and with legs pulled back to ensure economical clearance. free throw basketball free shot at basket due to an infringement by the opposition. fukuro shinai kendo wooden sword often covered in cloth or leather. full-nelson wrestling two-handed hold whereby the arms are placed under the arms of the opponent and interlocked behind his neck, immobilising the upper body. gaff yachting spar situated on the after side of a mast and supporting the head of a fore-and-aft sail. garryowen rugby another name for an up and under. genoa yachting large jib with a low foot. gojo-ryu karate hard / soft technique. gokuhi martial arts techniques and ‘secrets’ of masters relayed to gifted students. googly cricket off-break ball bowled with apparent leg-break action. goosewinged yachting square-rigged boats having the topsail spread for scudding under when the wind is strong, the bunt of the sail being hauled up to the yard. gridiron American football the field of play. gully cricket fielding position a little wider than the slips. gybe yachting of a fore-and-aft sail or its boom, to swing from one side of a vessel to the other. hack curling notch made in the ice used to steady the foot when delivering a stone. hackamore horse racing bitless bridle with a hard oval noseband which allows pressure to be exerted on the nose by means of the reins attached just in front of a heavy counterbalancing knot. half-nelson wrestling hold whereby the arm of the opponent is bent behind his back and pushed upwards. halyard yachting rope or tackle for raising or lowering a sail. hammer grip table tennis rarely used method of holding the bat whereby no fingers touch its face. hand-in squash the server. hand-out squash when player loses a point on his service he becomes hand-out. haute école dressage advanced training methods (high school). head bowls the grouping of the woods around the jack. hecht gymnastics dismount from the asymmetric bars head and body first between bars. held ball basketball called when two opponents have one or two hands so firmly upon the ball that neither can gain possession. herringboning skiing method of climbing a slope by walking with the skis pointing outwards. hikiwake kendo a draw in a competitive match. hog line curling line behind which the stone must be delivered. hog’s back equestrianism sharp-ridged natural mound for jumping. honk cycling cycling out of the saddle. hooker rugby front row of scrum position player supported between the two props who attemps to hook ball back with his feet to be used by his team. hoop basketball the metal ring of the ‘basket’. hoop croquet arch through which the ball must be driven. house curling the round target area of concentric circles. I formation American football offensive formation. in touch rugby out of play. ippon judo full point in Japan (scores 10 points in competition). Irish whip wrestling one-handed throw whereby the arm is whipped back and forth forcing a somersault in the air by the opponent. jack bowls white ball which is the target for the woods. jib yachting triangular staysail stretching from the outer end of the jibboom to the fore-topmast. judoka judo judo player. jugogi judo judo suit. jump ball basketball method of putting the ball into play whereby the referee tosses it up between two opponents who try to tap it to a teammate. katame-waza judo basic hold. keikoku judo judge’s warning with 7 points deducted. piaffe dressage a trot in place.


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kip gymnastics movement whereby the body is straightened from a piked position by pushing the hips forward and the legs back. knock-on rugby illegal move that knocks the ball forward and on to the ground with hand or arm. koka judo hold between 10 and 20 seconds. kyu martial arts student. laundry drag racing the parachute that slows the cars down. leg-bye cricket run scored after the ball has touched any part of the batsman but his hand. leg side cricket the usual side of the wicket on which the receiving batsman stands. levade dressage horse raises and draws in its forelegs, standing balanced on its bent hind legs. line-out rugby method of throwing ball back into play between two lines of opposing forwards after it has gone out over the touchline. lock rugby one of two forwards in second row of scrum. long bomb roller hockey long pass from defence to set up sudden counter-attack. long dong kung fu eastern dragon position with one hand in front of forehead (palm out) and the other covering abdomen (palm down). long hop cricket ball that is bowled flat and short so as to almost bounce twice before reaching batsman. luff yachting the edge of a fore-and-aft sail next to the mast or stay (among other definitions it is also a term for obstructing the opposition attempting to pass on the windward side by sailing closer to the wind). lutz ice skating jump in which the skater takes off from the outside back edge of one skate and lands, after full rotation, on the outside back edge of the other. maiden cricket an over in which no runs have been scored. mallet croquet the striking implement used to hit the ball mashie golf obsolete colloquial name for a no. 5 iron. mashie-niblick golf obsolete colloquial name for a no. 7 iron. mata judo break of a hold. maul rugby distinguished from ruck by ball being held off the ground. men kendo the armour that covers the head and face. mid-off cricket fielding position on the side opposite to where the facing batsman stands; in the case of a right-handed batsman, to the left of the bowler during his run-up. mid-on cricket fielding position on the side where the facing batsman stands; in the case of a right-handed batsman, to the right of the bowler during his run-up. mid-wicket cricket self-explanatory fielding position whereby if an equilateral triangle was plotted using the 22 yards between the stumps, mid-wicket would lie on the apex. monkey climb wrestling move whereby one wrestler climbs up and wraps himself around the other to immobilise him. mulligan golf free stroke awarded informally after a poor shot, usually an air shot. nage-waza judo basic throw. niblick golf obsolete colloquial name for a sand wedge or sometimes a wedge. night watchman cricket lower-order batsman who comes in up the order to protect a key player if a wicket is lost near close of play. no side rugby official name for end of the game, no longer commonly used. nock archery notch at end of bow to run string through. nocking point archery point of a bowstring to which the notch of an arrow is applied. Notre Dame shift American football offensive move whereby the backs move just before the snap of the ball from their T-formation. nunchaku kung fu rice flail used in exhibitions. nutmeg football to play the ball between the legs of a defender and run around him to collect it. O’Brien shift shot putting common gliding technique named after Parry O’Brien. Oklahoma American football defensive formation. oxer equestrianism brush fence with a guard rail on one side. ozeki sumo the second rank after yokozuna (means ‘great barrier’). painter yachting short rope or chain by which the shank of an anchor is held fast. parallelogram Gaelic football playing area. parry fencing warding off an attack especially with a counter. passage dressage cadenced high-stepping trot. pebble curling another name for a stone. penholder grip table tennis method of holding the bat like a pencil popularised by the Chinese; quick footwork is essential as backhands are impossible to play. Aka eastern grip. penthouse real tennis sloping roof of the corridor or gallery running around three sides of the court. shukokai karate a karate school. shuriken karate one of various designs of small throwing weapons

pick basketball action of a player who, without causing contact, delays or prevents an opponent from reaching his desired position. pick-up sprinting second phase of race after the start during which the head is raised and relaxation starts. pile-driver wrestling up-ending the opponent and driving his head into the canvas. pinch-hitter baseball less technically accomplished player capable of hitting out forcefully. piste fencing total fencing area. piste skiing total skiing area. pitcher baseball specialist thrower of the ball towards the opposing batter. piton rock-climbing eye peg hammered into rock so that a rope can be attached. pivot basketball movement in which a player with the ball steps once or more in any direction with the same foot while the other foot is kept at its point of contact with the floor. plastron fencing padded, leather-covered breastplate. point cricket off-side fielding position wide of gully. popping crease cricket line four feet in front of and parallel to the wicket within which the batsmen must remain unless the ball is dead or they are running. press basketball defensive technique of harassing players into hurried play. prop rugby one of the two forwards in the front row of the scrum who support hooker. puck ice hockey flat rubber disc used in place of ball. puissance show jumping high jump event. punt rugby kick made by dropping the ball and kicking before it hits the ground. putout baseball self-explanatory term meaning to cause a batter or base runner to be out. quarterback American football player stationed behind the centre who directs a team’s attacking play. rack pool implement used for setting the red balls at the start of a frame (also the name used for an individual frame). randolph (randi) trampolining two-and-a-half twisting front somersault. repechage rowing a second chance for the best of the losing rowers in eliminating heats to progress to a final. return crease cricket the lines either side of the wicket at right angles to the bowling crease. riposte fencing a lunge or quick thrust after parrying. rocker ice skating a skate with a curved blade. roquet croquet to strike another player’s ball with your own. rover American football defensive linebacker assigned to move about to anticipate opponents’ plays. rover archery target chosen at random and at an undetermined range (also a mark for long-distance shooting). rover Australian rules football player forming part of the ruck. rover croquet ball that has passed through all the hoops but not pegged out (also a name for a player whose ball has done this). ruck rugby occurs when progress of the ball is checked and two or more players struggle to gain possession. Distinguished from maul by ball being on the ground and legally playable only with the feet. rush ice hockey sudden attack on goal often from a defensive position. salchow ice skating full-turn jump from the inside back edge of one skate to the outside back edge of the other. schuss skiing starting gate or housing. scissors high jump training technique of clearing bar with legs only and no rotation of hips. scissors rugby change of direction of attack by player running in diagonally opposite to the line of attacking play when receiving ball. screen basketball another name for ‘pick’. scrimmage American football offense and defense facing each other. scrum rugby formed by eight forwards of each side in three ranks for purpose of gaining possession with the feet. Note: rugby league scrummages contain six players. serpentine dressage series of half-circles alternately to right and left. shido judo judge’s warning with no point deducted. shime-waza judo strangulation technique. shinai kendo sword made up of four bamboo sticks bound together. shobu-ari kendo the end of a match. shopping, going billiards potting your opponent’s ball. short leg cricket fielding position close to the batsman and on the leg side. shotgun American football offensive formation. shroud yachting set of ropes supporting the mainsail. tolley marbles portmanteau word from ‘taw’ and ‘alley’. touchdown American football equivalent of a try in rugby, except that


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often eight-sided and sharp. side billiards off-centre striking of the cueball to make false angle in positional play. silly mid-off cricket close fielding position short of mid-off. silly mid-on cricket close fielding position short of mid-on. sleeper wrestling application of pressure on the nerves in the neck which can cause loss of consciousness. slip cricket fielding position next to the wicket-keeper. snap American football put the ball into play on the ground by a quick backward movement. soigneur cycling general dogsbody of team responsible for its physical and mental preparation. soop curling assist the progress of a curling stone by sweeping the ice in front of it. southpaw boxing boxer who leads with his right hand. space lob roller hockey use of end boards to pass to team mates. spare ten pin bowling knocking down all the pins with two successive bowls. spider billiards, snooker implement used when bridging directly over a ball. spider darts wire frame around the board. spike volleyball one-handed attacking shot from above and across the net. Spike serves are common at the higher levels. spinnaker yachting large triangular sail carried forward of or opposite the mainsail. spinner angling real or artificial bait or lure fixed so as to revolve when pulled through the water. spinnerama roller hockey complicated tactical move to deceive opposition. spinning cycling US term for twiddling now commonly used in UK. split ten pin bowling attempt to knock down pins which are wide apart. split weightlifting action of thrusting forward with one foot and backward with the other to aid leverage during lift. split T American football offensive formation. spoon angling artificial bait in the shape of the bowl of a spoon, used in spinning or trolling. spoon golf any club with a slightly concave wooden head, but often refers to a 3 wood specifically. stealing bases baseball reaching bases without the striker hitting the ball. stone curling the heavy ‘top’ with a handle which is aimed at the house. straddle high jump similar to western roll, but the straddle jumper keeps legs wide apart and body straight. strike baseball complete miss of the ball. strike ten pin bowling knocking all the pins down with one ball. suicide squad American football specialist players who deliberately block attacks. sulky harness racing vehicle used in harness racing. sweeper curling team member who sweeps the ice to gain distance for stone. swingtime trampolining a series of different moves performed between bounces. switch-hitting boxing changing from orthodox to southpaw during a bout. tack equestrianism saddle, bridle and bit. tack yachting zigzag movement of a boat. tagged out baseball self-explanatory term. tame-shiwari karate exercise for toughening using breaking techniques. taw marbles line from which a player shoots; also another name for the actual game and formerly a name for a large marble. tee curling centre point of the house. tee golf small peg on which to rest the ball when driving; also the name for the area where the initial drive is made. T formation American football offensive formation. third man cricket fielding position deep behind the slip area. tice cricket obsolete term for a yorker. tice croquet stroke tempting an opponent to aim at one’s ball. tiger country golf deep rough usually on high ground. tin squash the lower line on the wall above which all shots must be played. tkachyov gymnastics one-handed 360-degree swing on horizontal (high) bar.

the ball need not touch the ground when carried or received inside the opponents’ end zone (6 points score). touché fencing an acknowledgment that a scoring hit has been made in a bout. toucher bowls wood that has touched the jack in its travels. tram lines tennis the outer lines at each side of the court which become part of the court in doubles matches. trapeze yachting sliding support used for outboard balancing on a yacht. travelling basketball running with the ball without bouncing it. triangle angling set of three hooks fastened together so that the barbs form a triangle. triangle snooker implement used for setting the red balls at the start of a frame. troll angling fish by drawing bait along in the water. try rugby scoring method by means of touching the ball down in the opponents’ goal area behind their goal line (5 points score). tsuba kendo guard of the sword. tsuka kendo handle of the sword. tsukahara gymnastics vault consisting of a quarter or half turn on to the horse followed by one and half somersaults off. turkey ten pin bowling gaining three strikes in successive bowls. turnover basketball loss of possession of the ball by a team before any member has been able to try for a basket. twiddling cycling pedalling fast in a gear with no pressure asserted. up and under rugby kicking the ball up field high and long to make time for the kicker and attacking players to reach the point where it comes down. uwate-dashi-nage sumo one-handed throw. uwate-nage sumo hip throw using both hands. veer attack American football offensive formation. Venturi effect hang-gliding basis for wing design, explaining that air flowing over the upper part of a wing moves faster than the air on the underside of the wing, so that the pressure underneath is greater and hence creates lift. Aka Bernouilli effect. volley volleyball two-handed shot that may go over the net or to another team member to spike. vorlage skiing position in which the skier leans forward without lifting the heels from the skis. It is also a common name for skiing trousers when pluralized. vorlaufer skiing literally meaning ‘run on ahead’ in German, it is a term used for the pre-competition skiers who test the safety and degree of difficulty of a ski course. walkover horse racing horse having the formality of walking over the line as it is the only entrant in a race. wall pass football pass from one player to another and back to save having to face a defender (also called one-two). warner single wing American football offensive formation. wazari-ni-chikai-waza judo 5-point score (two make an ippon). wazari judo almost point in Japanese (scores 7 points in competition). western grip table tennis traditional method of holding a bat with fingers on face of bat. western roll high jumping technique, rarely used today, whereby the front leg is thrown high over the bar and the body and other leg roll over and parallel to the bar. wicket maiden cricket an over during which no runs have been scored and a wicket has been taken. wide cricket extra given to batting side due to ball being bowled too wide of the batsman. wipe out surfing tumbling off the board, often due to unforeseen wave. wired croquet prevented from taking a particular course by an intervening hoop or peg. wishbone yachting boom composed of two halves that curve outward from the mast on either side of the sail and in again, the clew of the sail between them being attached to the point where they meet aft. yamashita gymnastics flat handspring over the vaulting horse. yokozuna sumo grand champion. yori kiri sumo strong forward push. yorker cricket ball bowled at feet of batsman whether playing back or forward. yuko judo hold between 20 and 25 seconds.

NB This is far from being an exhaustive listing of sporting terminology. Dictionaries of terms are available on many individual sports and so it would be impossible to catalogue all known terms. What I have tried to do is give a good cross-section of technical terms over many sports. I should also point out that some terms will relate to other sports, e.g. billiards-based sports or running ball sports.


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Other Sports: World’s Strongest Man The World’s Strongest Man competition has been covered by BBC Television almost since the beginning and is based on all aspects of strength and not just the lifting of weights, although most of the very best competitors have also been champion weight-lifters. Geoff Capes of Great Britain ushered in a new breed of athlete: not only very large but also very fit and very quick. The competitions have had many great personalities over the years, from the great bullish Kazmaier to the very extrovert Sigmarsson (sadly no longer with us), with his ‘Viking’ chant, and of course the other great Icelander Magnusson. Zydrunas Savickas lays claim to be the strongest man that ever lived. 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

Bruce Wilhelm (United States) Bruce Wilhelm (United States) Don Reinhoudt (United States) Bill Kazmaier (United States) Bill Kazmaier (United States) Bill Kazmaier (United States) Geoff Capes (Great Britain) Jon Pall Sigmarsson (Iceland) Geoff Capes (Great Britain) Jon Pall Sigmarsson (Iceland) *Jon Pall Sigmarsson (Iceland) Jon Pall Sigmarsson (Iceland)

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Jamie Reeves (Great Britain) Jon Pall Sigmarsson (Iceland) Magnus Ver Magnusson (Iceland) Ted Van Der Parre (Holland) Gary Taylor (Great Britain) Magnus Ver Magnusson (Iceland) Magnus Ver Magnusson (Iceland) Magnus Ver Magnusson (Iceland) Jouko Ahola (Finland) Magnus Samuelsson (Sweden) Jouko Ahola (Finland) Janne Virtanen (Finland)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Sven Karlssen (Norway) Mariusz Pudzianowski (Poland) Mariusz Pudzianowski (Poland) Vasil Virastyuk (Ukraine) Mariusz Pudzianowski (Poland) Phil Pfister (United States) Mariusz Pudzianowski (Poland) Mariusz Pudzianowski (Poland Zydrunas Savickas (Lithuania) Zydrunas Savickas (Lithuania) Brian Shaw (United States) Zydrunas Savickas (Lithuania) Brian Shaw (United States)

*Competition known as Pure Strength

Other Sports: The Superstars The World Superstars competition ran for six years on the BBC and made stars of athletes such as Brian Budd, who treated the competition with the same professional approach as his own sport of soccer. Although Brian Hooper won the last of the competitions, the domestic Superstars was won by fine athletes such as Lynn Davies, Andy Ripley, John Conteh, David Hemery, Keith Fielding, and the most famous of all, judo player Brian Jacks, he of the dip-bar records. And who can ever forget the painful demise of Kevin Keegan on a bike. Austin Healey won the 2001 one-off special. The BBC resurrected the British version in 2003, athlete Duaine Ladejo having a comfortable victory. The series was axed again after the next competition in 2005, won by skier Alain Baxter after a close battle with Ladejo. The champions are listed together with their original sport. 1977 Bob Seagren, USA, Pole Vault 1978 Brian Budd, CAN, Soccer

1979 Brian Budd, CAN, Soccer 1980 Brian Budd, CAN, Soccer

1981 Jody Sheckter, RSA, Racing 1982 Brian Hooper, GBR, Pole Vault

Miscellaneous Information: Sport Acque Minerale and Tamburello archery: target colours Australian rules football: inventor backwards: sports where competitors move badminton: All-England champion seven successive years badminton: family won 35 All-England titles badminton: origin bagatelle: brief description bagatelle: variations basketball: court size basketball: famous US teams basketball: inventor beard: not allowed billiards: World Matchplay champion 1998 boat race: dead heat boat race: first woman cox boat race: reserve crews bowls: first world champion in 1966 bowls: invented by boxing: amateur weight limits champion at eight weights first champion first East European professional first fight with gloves first million dollar gate four main governing bodies heavyweight champion longest reign last bareknuckle champion oldest and youngest world champions

features of Imola and San Marino motor racing circuits. gold (centre), red, blue, black, white. George Ligowsky. back-stroke swimming; rowing; tug of war. Rudy Hartono (1968–74). Frank Devlin and his daughters Judy and Sue. originally called Shuttlecock and Battledore and named after the country estate of the Duke of Beaufort, where it originated in 1873. It was popularized by army officers in India who played it as an outdoor game. similar to bar billiards but board has nine holes and nine balls are used (four red, four white and a black ball that scores double). cannon game; Mississippi; sans égal. 50 ft x 94 ft Boston Celtics; Houston Rockets; Los Angeles Lakers; Milwaukee Bucks; New York Knickerbockers; Philadelphia 76ers; Phoenix Suns; Portland Trail Blazers; Seattle Supersonics; St Louis Hawks; Washington Bullets. Dr James Naismith invented basketball at the YMCA training school in Springfield, Mass. (1891). jockeys. Mike Russell of England defeated Peter Gilchrist of England 8–5. 1877 (although Oxford are said to have won by about six feet). The actual closest winning margin being the official one foot victory by Oxford in the 2003 race. Susan Brown in 1981. Cambridge – Goldie, Oxford – Isis. David Bryant (Eng). flat green bowls in its modern form began in 1848 when William Mitchell, a Glasgow solicitor, drew up the rules. light fly – 106lb/48kg; fly – 112lb/51kg; bantam – 119lb/54kg; feather – 126lb/57kg; light – 132lb/60kg; light welter – 140lb/63.5kg; welter – 148lb/67kg; light middle – 157lb/71kg; middle – 165lb/75kg; light heavy – 179lb/81kg; heavy – 201lb/91kg; super heavy – 201lb+/91kg+. Manny Pacquiao (Philippines). James Figg is generally regarded as the first modern champion when he set up his school in 1719. Laszlo Papp. Gentleman Jim Corbett defeated John L Sullivan in 1892. Jack Dempsey v Georges Carpentier in 1921. World Boxing Association (WBA), founded 1920; World Boxing Council (WBC), founded 1963; International Boxing Federation (IBF), founded 1983; World Boxing Organization (WBO), founded 1988. Joe Louis (1937–49). John L Sullivan. light heavyweight, Archie Moore (48); light welterweight, Wilfredo Benitez (17).


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professional weight limits

Queensberry Rules: first fight under initiated by undefeated heavyweight champion undisputed heavyweight champions

youngest world heavyweight champion bullfighting: barbed sticks cape term used for a pass terms for fighters croquet cycling: oldest British sprint champion terms Tour de France, first non-European winner Tour de France, five times winners Tour de France, seven times winner darts: sponsors fatalities: sport with highest rate of fencing: caught cheating heaviest weapon target areas technical term for guard weapons used by women frisbee: two forms of gong: banged for J Arthur Rank Greyhound Grand National: triple winner greyhound racing: most consecutive wins trap colours grouse shooting: season gymnastics: exercises for men exercises for women first perfect score of 10 London Marathon organisers martial arts: meanings Olympic Games: famous competitors

pelota vasca (jai alai): origins pheasant shooting: season polo: pitch dimensions racketball: inventors

straw/mini-fly – 105lb/48kg; light fly/jnr fly – 108lb/49kg; fly – 112lb/51kg; super fly/jnr bantam – 115lb/52kg; bantam – 118lb/54kg; super bantam/jnr feather – 122lb/55kg; feather – 126lb/57kg; super feather/jnr light – 130lb/59kg; light – 135lb/61kg; super light/jnr welter – 140lb/64kg; welter – 147lb/67kg; super welter/jnr middle – 154lb/70kg; middle – 160lb/73kg; super middle – 168lb/76kg; light heavy – 175lb/79kg; jnr heavy/cruiser – 190lb/86kg; heavy – 190lb+/86kg+. Jim Corbett beat John L Sullivan (1892). Jack Broughton devised first rules in 1743, but they were not codified until 1867 by 8th marquess of Queensberry. Rocky Marciano (49 fights). John L Sullivan (1882); James J Corbett (1892); Bob Fitzsimmons (1897); James J Jeffries (1899); Marvin Hart (1905); Tommy Burns (1906); Jack Johnson (1908); Jess Willard (1915); Jack Dempsey (1919); Gene Tunney (1926); Max Schmeling (1930); Jack Sharkey (1932); Primo Carnera (1933); Max Baer (1934); James J Braddock (1935); Joe Louis (1937); Ezzard Charles (1949); JerseyಝJoe Walcott (1951); Rocky Marciano (1952); Floyd Patterson (1956); Ingemar Johansson (1959); Floyd Patterson (1960); Sonny Liston (1962); Cassius Clay (1964); Joe Frazier (1970); George Foreman (1973); Muhammad Ali (1974); Leon Spinks (1978); Mike Tyson (1987); Lennox Lewis (2000). Mike Tyson. banderillas. muleta (red one side and yellow the other). veronica. matador – principal fighter appointed to kill the bull; picador – horseman who pricks the bull with a banderilla to weaken it; toreador – stock name for any fighter. four balls used; two to a team; red and yellow play against blue and black; six hoops are used. Reg Harris (aged 54). honking – cycling off the saddle; spinning – turning an easy gear very quickly with no effort. Greg Lemond of USA in 1986. Eddie Merckx, Jacques Anquetil, Bernard Hinault, Miguel Indurain. Lance Armstrong of USA (1999–2005). Lakeside Country Club sponsor the BDO World Championship while Ladbrokes.com sponsor the WDC Championship. angling (fish rather than folk!). Boris Onischenko of USSR in Modern Pentathlon (1976). épée. foil – body only; épée – no restriction; sabre – over waist. coquille. traditionally foil only but nowadays championships exist for sabre and épée. Ultimate and Guts. Bombardier Billy Wells (1889–1967), British heavyweight boxing champion, was succeeded by Ken Richmond, the wrestling gold medalist at the 1954 Commonwealth Games. Sherry’s Prince. Ballyregan Bob (32). red – 1; blue – 2; white – 3; black – 4; orange – 5; black and white striped – 6. Glorious Twelfth (August) to 10 December (30 November in Northern Ireland). floor, horizontal bar, parallel bars, pommel horse, rings, vault (lengthwise). floor, asymmetric bars, beam, vault (widthwise). Nadia Comaneci in 1976. John Disley and Chris Brasher organised first London Marathon in 1981. tae kwon do – way of the foot and fist; judo – gentle way; aikido – way of spirit harmony; karate – way of the empty hand; kyudo – way of the bow; kung fu – leisure time/hobby. Philip Noel Baker was an Olympic finalist at 1,500m in 1912 and silver medallist in 1920 before winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1959. Noel Harrison, who took part in Skiing in 1952, is the actor son of Rex Harrison. Harry Llewellyn, who won gold medal for Equestrianism in 1952, is father of Roddy Llewellyn. Charles Simmons, who took part in Gymnastics 1952, is father of Jean Simmons. John Kelly, who won gold medal for Rowing in 1920, was father of Grace Kelly. Prince Albert of Monaco took part in bobsleigh events in 1988. Godfrey Rampling, who ran in the 4 x 400m Relay in 1936, was the father of Charlotte Rampling. Bill Nankeville who ran in the 1500m in 1948, is the father of Bobby Davro. Ioannis Theodoracopulous, who was a hurdler in 1936, was the father of Taki. Arthur Porritt, who accompanied Harold Abrahams in the 1924 Games, was father of Jonathon Porritt the Green politician. invented in Italy as ‘longue paume’ and introduced to France in 13th century. It is the fastest ball game in the world. 1 October to 1 February. polo has the largest pitch of any sport with a maximum length of 300 yards and width of 200 yards. American racketball devised by Joe Sobek in 1949; British racketball was devised by Ian Wright in 1976.

real tennis: origins

developed from ‘jeu de paume’ (game of the palm) and played in Australia, England, France, Scotland and USA. First world champion in 1740 was a Frenchman named Clergé. World champion since 1994: Robert Fahey (Aus).

roller skating: first rink opened

Newport, Rhode Island, in 1866.

rowing: skimming of oar across water rugby league: nicknames rugby union: jersey colours

feathering. Australia – Kangaroos; New Zealand – Kiwis; Widnes – Chemics; Warrington – Wires. Australia – gold; Barbarians – black and white hoops; England – white; France – blue; Ireland – green; New Zealand – black; Scotland – blue; Wales – red. Argentina – Pumas; Australia – Wallabies; New Zealand – All Blacks; South Africa – Springboks. Martin Offiah left Wigan August 1996 to play union for Bedford and league for London Broncos. Toni Sailer (1956) and Jean-Claude Killy (1968). black – difficult run; red – intermediate run; blue – easy run; green – beginners’ slope.

nicknames played both codes at same time skiing: Olympic champions who won all titles piste grading


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snooker: first televised 147 maximum by Steve Davis (1982 Lada Classic). first to make 147 in World Championships Cliff Thorburn (1983). world champions at the Crucible John Spencer (1977), Ray Reardon (1978), Terry Griffiths (1979), Cliff Thorburn (1980), Steve Davis (1981), Alex Higgins (1982), Steve Davis (1983–84), Dennis Taylor (1985), Joe Johnson (1986), Steve Davis (1987–89), Stephen Hendry (1990), John Parrott (1991), Stephen Hendry 1992–96), Ken Doherty (1997), John Higgins (1998), Stephen Hendry (1999), Mark Williams (2000), Ronnie O’Sullivan (2001), Peter Ebdon (2002), Mark Williams (2003), Ronnie O’Sullivan (2004), Shaun Murphy (2005), Graeme Dott (2006), John Higgins (2007), Ronnie O’Sullivan (2008), John Higgins (2009), Neil Robertson (2010), John Higgins (2011), Ronnie O’Sullivan (2012), Ronnie O’Sullivan (2013). softball: inventor

George Hancock invented the indoor version of baseball in 1887 in Chicago.

speedway: laps 2012 world champion

four Chris Holder of Australia.

squash: origins world champion sixteen years running

Harrow school. Heather McKay Blundell of Australia.

stop on line: competitors do not pass finishing line


substitutes: allowed while game in play

ice hockey.

suicides: famous sportsmen

Fred Archer (1857–86), champion jockey for 13 years 1874–86, shot himself aged 29. George O’Dell (1945–81), a double world champion in side-car racing, took his own life aged 35. Recent sporting suicides include the Yorkshire cricketer David Bairstow, and footballers Justin Fashanu and Robert Enke (German goalkeeper).

table tennis: ball dimensions

from 2001 season ball diameter increased to 40mm.

expedite rule

comes into play in long game and means point must be won within so many strikes or receiver is awarded the point.

ten pin bowling: maximum score in one game


tennis champs: British, venue



Swedish marathon ski race over 85km between Sãlen and Mora, first run in 1922.

volleyball: former name

invented in 1895 by William Morgan of Massachusetts and called ‘Mintonette’.

weightlifting: Olympic lifts

clean and jerk, snatch.

weightlifting: power lifts

bench press, dead lift, squat.

wrestling: two styles

freestyle and Greco-Roman.

yachting: famous champion

Peter Scott, son of explorer Robert Falcon Scott, won bronze medal in 1936 Olympics and became British gliding champion in 1963. Europe, Finn (solo class), 470, Laser, Mistral, Star, Tornado (catamaran), Soling (three-man crew).

Olympic classes

Games: Miscellaneous baccarat backgammon bezique

gambling card game the object of which is to hold cards with values as near to nine as possible. dice number: 5; counters: 15 per player; points on board: 24. played with a 64-card double piquet deck, i.e. all cards below 7, except the ace, are removed from two standard 52-card decks.

bingo calls

The origins of Bingo can be traced back to Italy in the year 1530, when a State-run lottery game Lo Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia was originated. ‘Le Lotto’ migrated to France in the late 1700s in a form similar to the Bingo we know today, with a playing card, tokens and numbers read aloud. Throughout the 1800s these lottery type of games spread quickly throughout Europe and many offshoots of the game were created. In 1929, a game called ‘Beano’ was played at a carnival near Atlanta, Georgia. A New York toy salesman named Edwin Lowe observed the game, where players exclaimed ‘BEANO!’ if they filled a line of numbers on their card. Lowe introduced the game to his friends and one of them mistakenly yelled ‘BINGO!’ in her excitement . ‘Lowe’s Bingo’ was soon very popular and the name stuck. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Kelly’s eye, Buttered scone, At the beginning, Little Jimmy, Nelson’s column, B1 Baby of bingo One little duck, Baby’s done it, Doctor Who, Me and you, Little boy blue Dearie me, I’m free, Debbie McGee, You and me, Goodness me, One little flea, Cup of tea The one next door, On the floor, Knock at the door, B4 Crowd says ‘and after’ Man alive, Jack’s alive, Dead alive Tom Mix, Tom’s tricks, Chopsticks Lucky seven, God’s in heaven, One little crutch Garden gate, Golden gate, Harry Tate, One fat lady Doctor’s orders Downing street (UK prime minister’s address), Cock and hen (rhyming), Uncle Ben (rhyming), Tony’s Den (or whoever is the PM of the day) Legs eleven, Legs – they’re lovely, Kelly’s Legs Number eleven One dozen, One and two – a dozen, Monkey’s cousin (rhymes with ‘a dozen’) Unlucky for some, Devil’s number, Baker’s dozen Valentine’s day Rugby team, Young and keen Sweet sixteen, She’s lovely, Never been kissed Often been kissed, Old Ireland, Dancing queen, The age to catch ’em Key of the door, Now you can vote, Coming of age Goodbye teens One score, Getting plenty, Blind 20 Royal salute, Key of the door Two little ducks (suggesting the necks of two swans), Ducks on a pond, Dinky doo, All the twos


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23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 canasta

A duck and a flea, Thee and me, The Lord’s My Shepherd (based on 23rd Psalm) Two dozen, Hours from Tulsa Duck and dive Bed and breakfast (traditional price was 2 shillings 6 pence), Half a crown (equivalent to 2 shillings 6 pence), Pick and mix Little duck with a crutch, Gateway to heaven In a state, The old brags, Over weight You’re doing fine, Rise and shine Burlington Bertie, Dirty Gertie, Speed limit (in built-up area, UK), Blind 30, Flirty thirty Get up and run Buckle my shoe Dirty knees, All the feathers, All the threes, Gertie Lee, Two little fleas, Sherwood forest (all the trees) Ask for more Jump and jive Three dozen A flea in heaven, More than eleven Christmas cake Those famous steps, All the steps Two score, Life begins at, Blind 40, Naughty 40 Life’s begun, Time for fun That famous street in Manhattan, Winnie the Poo Down on your knees Droopy drawers, All the fours, Open two doors Halfway house, Halfway there Up to tricks Four and seven Four dozen PC (Police Constable), Copper, Nick nick, Rise and shine Bulls eye, Bung hole, Blind 50, Half a century I love my mum, Tweak of the thumb, The Highland Div[ision] Weeks in a year, The Lowland Div[ision], Danny La Rue Stuck in the tree, The Welsh Div[ision] Clean the floor Snakes alive, All the fives Was she worth it? Heinz varieties, All the beans (Heinz 57 varieties of canned beans) Make them wait, Choo choo Thomas Brighton line Three score, Blind 60, Five dozen Bakers bun Tickety boo, Turn of the screw Tickle me The Beatles number, Red raw Old age pension, Stop work (retirement age) Clickety click, All the sixes Made in heaven, Argumentative number Saving grace The same both ways, your place or mine?, Any way up, Either way up, Any way round, Meal for two Three score and ten, Blind 70 Bang on the drum A crutch and a duck, Six dozen, Par for the course (golf) Crutch with a flea, Queen B Candy store Strive and strive Trombones Sunset strip, All the sevens, Two little crutches Heaven’s gate One more time Gandhi’s breakfast, Blind 80, Eight and blank Fat lady and a little wee, Stop and run Fat lady with a duck, Straight on through Fat lady with a flea, Time for tea, Ethel’s Ear Seven dozen Staying alive Between the sticks Fat lady with a crutch, Torquay in Devon Two fat ladies, Wobbly wobbly, All the eights Nearly there, All but one Top of the shop, Top of the house, Blind 90, As far as we go, End of the line

played with two standard decks of 52 cards, plus four jokers, totalling 108 cards. Hands are played until one partnership reaches 5000 points. Canasta was developed in Uruguay and passed via Argentina to the USA in 1949.

card games: names

beggar my neighbour, boston, briscola, calabrasella, donkey, écarté, imperial, klaberjass, loo, michigan, napoleon, oh hell, old maid, Persian pasha, Pope Joan, skat, vint.

cards: Queen depicted

Elizabeth of York (wife of Henry VII).


parlour game whereby one person mimes and the other players guess the title.

chess: right-hand corner the right-hand corner square as white sets up is white (important to remember).


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chess: world champions

Wilhelm Steinitz (Austria) (1886–94), Emanuel Lasker (Ger) (1894–1921), Jose Capablanca (Cuba) (1921–27), Alexander Alekhine (USSR) (1927–35), Max Euwe (Neth) (1935–37), Alexander Alekhine (USSR) (1937–46), Mikhail Botvinnik (USSR) (1948–57), Vasily Smyslov (USSR) (1957–58), Mikhail Botvinnik (USSR) (1958–60), Mikhail Tal (USSR) (1960– 61), Mikhail Botvinnik (USSR) (1961–63), Tigran Petrosian (USSR) (1963–69), Boris Spassky (USSR) (1969–72), Bobby Fischer (US) (1972–75), Anatoly Karpov (USSR) (1975–1985), Garry Kasparov (USSR/Rus) (1985–2000), Vladimir Kramnik (Rus) (2000–2007), Viswanathan Anand (2007–present).


bridge hand without trumps or without cards of any one suit.

Cluedo: characters weapons crambo

Colonel Mustard, Professor Plum, Reverend Green, Mrs Peacock, Miss Scarlet, Mrs White, Dr Black (victim). knife, revolver, spanner, lead pipe, rope, and candlestick. game in which a player gives a word or verse line to which each of the others must find a rhyme.


developed by poet, Sir John Suckling, in the early 17th century and usually played to 121 points.


28 tiles in a set with a total of 168 pips (seven doubles).

El Gordo

Spanish National Lottery (largest in the world).


played with a 32-card deck (cards below 7 are removed).


chinese gambling game in which players try to guess the remainder after the banker has divided a number of hidden objects into four groups.


gambling card game in which bets are placed on the order of appearance of the cards. This is the game in which Count Rostov lost a fortune in Tolstoy’s War and Peace.

frisbee: original name

Pluto Platter.


Japanese board game using terms: false eyes, eyes and armies. Played on a grid of 19 horizontal and 19 vertical lines forming 361interactions.

jai alai

South American version of pelota played with large curved wicker baskets.


Chinese game using terms: pung, kong and chow. 144 tiles are usually used (36 bamboos, 36 circles, 36 characters, 12 honours, 16 winds, 8 flowers and seasons). The name was coined and copyrighted by Joseph P Babcock.

Monopoly: inventor original properties

Charles Darrow, a heating engineer. brown: Old Kent Road (cheapest), Whitechapel; light blue: Angel Islington (pub), Euston Road, Pentonville Road; mauve: Pall Mall, Whitehall, Northumberland Avenue; orange: Bow Street, Marlborough Street, Vine Street (statistically the most ‘landed on’ square); red: Strand, Fleet Street, Trafalgar Square; yellow: Leicester Square, Coventry Street, Piccadilly; green: Regent Street, Oxford Street, Bond Street; dark blue: Park Lane, Mayfair (most expensive).

stations corners USA version

King’s Cross, Marylebone, Fenchurch Street, Liverpool Street. Go, Just Visiting, Free Parking, Go to Jail. Atlantic City, New Jersey, is used, with ‘Boardwalk’ the most expensive property.


card game for three players that was popular throughout Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries.


game in which a ball is driven by a mallet along an alley and through an iron ring.


poor player at chess.


Basque and Spanish game played in a walled court with a ball and ‘basket-like’ rackets attached to the hand. Pelota is thought to be the fastest of ball sports outside golf.


pronounced ‘pea knuckle’, and played with 48 cards (two decks stripped of cards below 9). Within the game, pinochle stands for the Jack of Diamonds and Queen of Spades. The 9 of trumps is called the dix. Winner is player who first reaches 1000 points.


given the name by Charles I of England to honour Henrietta Maria, his French wife. Piquet deck is 32 cards with all cards below 7 stripped from deck.

poker: best hand

royal flush (ace to 10 in the same suit).

roulette: numbers

European wheels have 37 divisions (0–36), American wheels have 38 including a double zero.

Scrabble: inventor made by tile values original name

James Brunot in 1949, first used the name scrabble. Spear Games. highest Q and Z (10), J and X (8), K (5), Y H V W F (4), P M C B (3), D G (2), others 1 point except blank (0). criss cross (designed by Alfred M Butts, an architect, in 1931).


Australian ball game combining elements of cricket and baseball.


whist or bridge hand with no card above a 9. Named afer the earl of Yarborough who died in 1897, and was said to have bet against its occurrence.


originally 22 cards (the Major Arcana: see below). The Venetians added 56 cards (the Minor Arcana) split into 4 suits: the clubs, symbolising money matters; cups (hearts), symbolising love and friendship; swords (spades), symbolising ill fortune; denari (diamonds), symbolising business and travel. 0 Fool/Joker 11 Fortitude / Strength 1 Magician / Mountebank 12 Hanged Man 2 High Priestess / Popess 13 Death 3 Empress 14 Temperance 4 Emperor 15 Devil 5 Hierophant / Pope 16 Tower 6 Lovers 17 Star 7 Chariot 18 Moon 8 Justice 19 Sun 9 Hermit 20 Judgement 10 Wheel of Fortune 21 World / Universe NB In some versions of the Major Arcana nos. 8 and 11 are reversed.


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Stamps: First Issues Country




Aden Afghanistan Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Ascension Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Barbuda Belgium Belize Bermuda Bolivia Bosnia-Hercegovina Botswana Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Solomon Isles Brunei Bulgaria Burma/Myanmar Canada Cape of Good Hope Cayman Islands Channel Isles Chile China Cook Isles Crete Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Danish West Indies Danzig Denmark Dominica Dominican Republc Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Isles Fiji Finland France Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Great Britain Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Hawaii Heligoland Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Ionian Isles Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan

1937 1870 1928 1862 1858 1920 1922 1902 1850 1919 1859 1933 1971 1852 1922 1849 1866 1865 1866 1879 1886 1843 1968

Kenya Kiribati Latvia Lebanon Leeward Isles Liberia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malawi Malaysia Maldives Malta Mauritius Mexico Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Natal Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Guinea New South Wales New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norfolk Isles Northern Rhodesia Norway Orange Free State Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua Papua New Guinea Paraguay Philippines Pitcairn Isles Portugal Queensland Rhodesia Rhodesia and Nyasaland Russia Sabah (North Borneo) San Marino Sarawak Saudi Arabia Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa South Australia Southern Rhodesia South West Africa South Yemen Spain Sri Lanka St Helena Sudan Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tasmania Thailand Tokelau Isles Tonga Transvaal Turkey Uganda Uruguay USA USA: Confederacy Victoria Western Australia Yemen Zambia Zanzibar Zimbabwe Zululand

1890 1911 1918 1924 1890 1860 1912 1918 1852 1891 1867 1906 1860 1847 1856 1885 1924 1876 1857 1915 1881 1852 1914 1850 1855 1862 1914 1947 1925 1855 1868 1947 1918 1878 1901 1952 1870 1854 1940 1853 1860 1890 1954 1857 1883 1877 1869 1916 1866 1890 1860 1910 1855 1924 1923 1963 1850 1857 1856 1897 1889 1855 1843 1919 1853 1883 1948 1886 1869 1863 1895 1856 1845 1861 1850 1854 1926 1964 1895 1979 1888

1907 1906 1879 1937 1851 1853 1900 1941 1853 1878 1892 1900 1855 1880 1918 1855 1920 1851 1874 1865 1865 1866 1867 1918 1894 1940 1870 1856 1849 1869 1919 1872 1875 1886 1840 1861 1938 1861 1871 1850 1881 1851 1867 1866 1862 1871 1873 1852 1859 1922 1973 1948 1862 1860 1871 1920


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TELEVISION Programmes A For Andromeda Julie Christie (Christine/A for Andromeda). Absolutely Fabulous Jennifer Saunders (Edina Monsoon), Joanna Lumley (Patsy Stone), Julia Sawalha (Saffron), Jane Horrocks (Bubble), June Whitfield (Mother). Shopped at Harvey Nichols and based on Lynne Franks. Adam Adamant Lives! Gerald Harper (Adam Llewellyn De Vere Adamant), Juliet Harmer (Georgina Jones), Peter Ducrow (the Face). Entombed from 1902 to 1966. Addams Family, The Carolyn Jones (Morticia), John Astin (Gomez), Jackie Coogan (Uncle Fester Frump), Ted Cassidy (Lurch and Thing), Blossom Rock, sister of Jeanette McDonald (Grandmama). Lived in Cemetery Ridge with assortment of pets including octopus called Aristotle, black widow spider called Homer, man-eating African strangler called Cleopatra. Adventures of Black Beauty, The Judi Bowker (Victoria Gordon), William Lucas (Dr James Gordon). Adventures of Robin Hood, The Richard Greene (Robin), Bernadette O’Farrell and Patricia Driscoll (Maid Marian), Archie Duncan and Rufus Cruikshank (Little John), Alexander Gauge (Friar Tuck), Alan Wheatley (Sheriff of Nottingham). Theme sung by Dick James. Adventures of Tugboat Annie, The Minerva Urecal (Tugboat Annie Brennan, Capt. of Narcissus), Walter Sande (Capt. Bullwinkle). Adventures of William Tell, The Conrad Phillips (Tell), Jennifer Jayne (Hedda), Willoughby Goddard (Landburgher Gessler). After Henry Prunella Scales (Sarah France), Joan Sanderson (Eleanor Prescott). Originally a BBC radio series, it was transferred to television with the same two stars. Agony Maureen Lipman (Jane Lucas), Simon Williams (Laurence Lucas). Magazine: Person Series. Created by Anna Raeburn and Len Richmond. Airwolf Jan-Michael Vincent (Stringfellow Hawke, a keen cellist), Ernest Borgnine (Dominic Santini). Al Murray’s Happy Hour Murray’s pub landlord act thinly disguised in a chatshow format. Catchphrases include: ‘Pint for the fella – Glass of white wine/fruit-based drink for the lady!’ and ‘I was never confused.’ Albion Market ITV soap set in Manchester; aired between August 1985 and August 1986. Characters include: Alan Curtis (Simon Rouse), Anita Rai (Souad Faress), Carol Broadbent (Barbara Wilshere), Colette Johnson (Nimmy March), Debbie Taylor (Jane Hazlegrove), Derek Owen (David Hargreaves), Geoff Travis (Geoffrey Leesley), Janet Owen (Hetta Charnley), Jaz Sharma (Paul Bhattacharjee), Keith Naylor (Derek Hicks), Larry Rigg (Peter Benson), Lisa O’Shea (Sally Baxter), Louise Todd (Kelly Lawrence), Ly Nhu Chan (Pik-Sen Lim), Lynne Harrison (Noreen Kershaw), Miriam Ransome (Carol Kaye), Morris Ransome (Bernard Spear), Narya Vyas (Rashid Karapiet), Paul O’Donnell (Paul Beringer), Peggy Sagar (Maria Vega), Phil Smith (Burt Caesar), Ralph Friend (David Boyce), Roy Harrison (Jonathan Barlow), Sita Sharma (Seeta Indrani), Ted Pilkington (Anthony Booth), Terry Flynn (Alistair Walker), Tony Fraser (John Michie), Viv Harker (Helen Shapiro). Alf Alien Life Form (Michu Meszaros wore furry suit and Paul Fusco was the voice of ALF), Max Wright (Willie Tanner). Home planet: Melmac. Neighbours: Ochmoneks. Tanners’ pet cat was called Lucky. Alias Smith and Jones Pete Duel (Hannibal Heyes/Joshua Smith), Ben Murphy (Jed ‘Kid’ Curry/Thaddeus Jones). Roger Davis was narrator of first series but took over from Pete Duel after he committed suicide and Ralph Story took over voice-overs. All Creatures Great and Small Christopher Timothy (James Herriot), Robert Hardy (Siegfried Farnon), Tricki Woo (Pekinese), Peter Davison (Tristan Farnon), Carol Drinkwater and Lynda Bellingham (Helen Alderson/Herriot). All Gas and Gaiters Derek Nimmo (Rev. Mervyn Noote), William Mervyn (Bishop), Robertson Hare (Archdeacon). All in the Family Carroll O’Connor (Archie Bunker), Jean Stapleton (Edith ‘Dingbat’ Bunker), Rob Reiner (Mike ‘Meathead’ Stivic the Pole), Sally Struthers (Gloria). America’s answer to Alf Garnett. All Night Long Keith Barron (Bill Chivers). Sitcom set in a London bakery. All Our Yesterdays Presenters: James Cameron, Brian Inglis, Bernard Braden. ’Allo ’Allo Gorden Kaye (René Artois), Carmen Silvera (Edith), Vicki Michelle (Yvette), Guy Siner (Lt Gruber), Nicholas Frankou (Flying Officer Carstairs), John D. Collins (Flying Officer Fairfax), Kirsten Cooke (Michelle), Richard Gibson (Herr Flick), Richard Marner (Colonel Von Strohm), Kim Hartman (Helga Geerhart). Created by Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft. Ally McBeal Calista Flockhart (Ally McBeal), Gil Bellows (Billy Thomas), Courtney Thorne-Smith (Georgia Thomas), Greg Germann (Richard Fish), Peter MacNicol (John Cage), Lucy Liu (Ling Woo). And Mother Makes Three Wendy Craig (Sally Harrison/Redway). Follow-up series called And Mother Makes Five.

Andromeda Breakthrough, The Susan Hampshire (Christine/A for Andromeda). Follow-on series from A For Andromeda. Andy Pandy Created by Freda Lingstrom and Maria Bird. Friends: Teddy and Looby Loo. Angels Fiona Fullerton (Patricia Rutherford), Julie Dawn Cole (Jo Longhurst), Shirley Cheriton (Kathy Betts), Pauline Quirke (Vicky Smith). Hospital: St Angela’s, Battersea. Animal Hospital Rolf Harris, Shauna Lowry (Hamden Veterinary Hospital in Aylesbury). Animal Magic Presenters: Johnny Morris, Terry Nutkins. Antiques Roadshow Presenters: Angela Rippon, Bruce Parker, Arthur Negus, Hugh Scully, Michael Aspel, Fiona Bruce. See Going For A Song. Any Dream Will Do Nationwide talent search to find a male lead for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Panel: Denise van Outen, John Barrowman, Bill Kenwright and Zoe Tyler. Presented by Graham Norton with Andrew Lloyd Webber. Winner: Lee Mead. Apprentice, The Alan Sugar interviews 14 potential apprentices for his business empire. Winners: Tim Campbell, Michelle Dewberry, Simon Ambrose, Lee McQueen, Yasmina Siadatan, Stella English, Tom Pellereau, Ricky Martin, Leah Totton. Alan Sugar’s assistants: Margaret Mountford (replaced by Karren Brady) and Nick Hewer. Donald Trump starred in the American version. Aquarius Presenters: Humphrey Burton, Russell Harty, Peter Hall. Are You Being Served? John Inman (Mr Humphries), Mollie Sugden (Mrs Slocombe), Arthur Brough (Mr Grainger), Frank Thornton (Capt. Peacock), Nicholas Smith (Mr Rumbold), Arthur English (Mr Harman), Wendy Richard (Miss Brahms), Mike Berry (Mr Spooner), Trevor Bannister (Mr Lucas). Sequel: Grace and Favour. Army Game, The William Hartnell (CSM Bullimore), Bill Fraser (Sgt Claude Snudge), Michael Medwin (Corporal Springer), Harry Fowler (Corporal ‘Flogger’ Hoskins), Charles Hawtrey (Pte ‘Prof’ Hatchett), Bernard Bresslaw (Pte ‘Popeye’ Popplewell), Alfie Bass (Pte ‘Excused Boots’ Bisley), Norman Rossington (Pte ‘Cupcake’ Cook), Frank Williams (Capt. Pocket), Mario Fabrizi (Lance Corporal Ernest ‘Moosh’ Merryweather), Dick Emery (Pte ‘Chubby’ Catchpole). Base: Hut 29 of the Surplus Ordnance Depot at Nether Hopping, Staffordshire. Around the World in 80 Days Michael Palin’s reconstruction of Phileas Fogg’s journey. Arthur of the Britons Oliver Tobias (Arthur), Rupert Davies (Cerdig), Jack Watson (Llud), Brian Blessed (Mark of Cornwall), Michael Gothard (Kai). Ask the Family Brain-teasing quiz between families of four, usually mum and dad and two children. Robert Robinson was host throughout its original run, 1967–84, Alan Titchmarsh hosted a one-off series on UK Gold in 1999 and the series was revived by the BBC in April 2005 with children’s presenters Dick and Dom as hosts. A-Team, The George Peppard (Col. John ‘Hannibal’ Smith), Lawrence ‘Mr T’ Tureaud (Sgt Bosco ‘BA’ Baracus), Dwight Schultz (Capt. H M ‘Howling Mad’ Murdock), Dirk Benedict (Lt Templeton ‘Faceman’ Peck), Melinda Culea (Amy Amanda Allen alias Triple A). ‘BA’ stood for Bad Attitude. At Last the 1948 Show John Cleese, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graham Chapman, Marty Feldman, Aimi Macdonald. Auf Wiedersehen Pet Tim Healy (Denis Patterson), Jimmy Nail (‘Oz’ Osbourne), Kevin Whately (Neville Hope), Gary Holton (Wayne), Pat Roach (Bomber), Timothy Spall (Barry Taylor), Christopher Fairbank (Moxey). Gary Holton died during filming of the follow-up series in Spain. Pat Roach died after filming series four and did not appear in the Christmas special in 2004. Avengers, The Patrick MacNee (John Steed), Honor Blackman (Cathy Gale), Diana Rigg (Emma Peel), Linda Thorson (Tara King), Patrick Newell (Mother). Steed lived at 3 Duchess Mews, London. Originally a spin-off of a lesser known series called Police Surgeon, starring Ian Hendry as Dr David Keel. A J Wentworth, BA Arthur Lowe played the absent-minded teacher. Bagpuss Bagpuss owned by Emily. Narrator and writer: Oliver Postgate. Ballykissangel Niall Tobin (Father MacAnally), Gary Whelan (Brendan Kearney), Peter Caffrey (Padraig Kelly), Deirdre Donnelly (Siobhan Mehigan), Birdy Sweeney (Eamon), Victoria Smurfit (Orla), Don Wycherley (Father Aidan), Aine Ni Mhuiri (Kathleen), Joe Savino (Liam), Tina Kellegher (Niamh Egan), Lorcan Cranitch (Sean Dillon), Frankie McCafferty (Donal). Original series starred Stephen Tompkinson (Father Clifford) and Dervla Kirwan (Assumpta Fitzgerald) and the late Tony Doyle. Banacek George Peppard (Thomas Banacek). Banana Splits, The Voices: Fleegle (Paul Winchell), Bingo (Daws Butler), Drooper (Allan Melvin), Snorky (Don Messick).


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Batman Adam West (Batman/Bruce Wayne), Burt Ward (Robin/Dick Grayson), Frank Gorshin and John Astin (Riddler), Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt, Lee Meriwether (Catwoman), Vincent Price (Egg Head), Tallulah Bankhead (Black Widow), Burgess Meredith (Penguin), Carolyn Jones (Queen of Diamonds), Liberace (Chandel), Cliff Robertson (Shame), Van Johnson (Minstrel), Shelley Winters (Ma Parker), Ida Lupino (Dr Cassandra), Otto Preminger, George Sanders and Eli Wallach (Mr Freeze), Cesar Romero (Joker), Yvonne Craig (Batgirl alias Barbara Gordon). Battlestar Galactica Lorne Greene (Commander Adama), Dirk Benedict (Lt Starbuck). Baywatch David Hasselhoff (Lt Mitch Bucannon), Pamela Denise Anderson (C J Parker), Erika Eleniak (Shauni McLain), Nicole Eggert (Summer Quinn), Yasmin Bleeth (Caroline Holden). Story of Los Angeles County Lifeguards working on Malibu Beach. Spin-off from 1989 TV film Panic at Malibu Beach, starring David Hasselhoff. Beadle’s About Popular hidden-camera show starring Jeremy Beadle and still shown regularly on Challenge TV. Little-known fact: Jeremy was a trivia buff par excellence and entered the 2002 British Quiz Championships, placing a very respectable 30th. Beauty and the Beast Vincent (Ron Perlman), Assistant DA Catherine Chandler (Linda Hamilton), Roy Dotrice (Father), Stephen McHattie (Gabriel). Beiderbecke Affair James Bolam (Trevor Chaplin), Barbara Flynn (Jill Swinburne). The Beiderbecke of the title was Bix Beiderbecke the jazz great, whose music was played by Kenny Baker. Sequels were The Beiderbecke Tapes and The Beiderbecke Connection. Ben Casey Vince Edwards (Ben), Sam Jaffe (Dr David Zorba), Ben Piazza (Dr Mike Rogers). Hospital: County General. Produced by Bing Crosby Productions, which discovered Vince Edwards. Benidorm Steve Pemberton (Mick Garvey), Johnny Vegas (Geoff Maltby aka The Oracle). Sitcom depicting the working-class stereotype of the popular Spanish resort. Bergerac John Nettles (Det. Sgt Jim Bergerac), Terence Alexander (Charlie Hungerford), Lisa Goddard (Philippa Vale). Story of an alcoholic policeman in Jersey. Beverly Hillbillies Buddy Ebsen (Jed Clampett), Irene Ryan (Daisy Moses alias Granny), Donna Douglas (Elly May), Max Baer Jnr (Jethro Bodine and Jethrene Bodine), Nancy Kulp (Jane Hathaway), Sharon Tate (Janet Trego). Beverly Hills 90210 Shannen Doherty (Brenda Walsh), Jason Priestley (Brandon Walsh). Title is a Zip code. Bewitched Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha Stephens), Dick York and Dick Sargent (Darren), Agnes Moorhead (Endora), Marion Lorne (Aunt Clara), David White (Larry Tate). Big Big Talent Show, The Jonathan Ross hosts the star-spotting talent show. Big Break Snooker-based game show hosted by Jim Davidson and John Virgo. Big Brother Launched in July 2000. The original ten housemates were Anna, Andrew, Caroline, Craig, Darren, Melanie, Nick, Nichola, Sada and Thomas. Nick Bateman was evicted for cheating and replaced by Claire Strutton. The three finalists were Craig Philips, Anna Nolan and Darren Ramsey. The winner of the £70,000 first prize was Craig. Marjorie was the pet chicken, Juanita the toy baby, and Davina McCall the presenter. Subsequent winners: Brian Dowling (2001), Kate Lawler (2002), Cameron Stout (2003), Nadia Almada (2004), Anthony Hutton (2005), Pete Bennett (2006), Brian Belo (2007), Rachel Rice (2008), Sophie Reade (2009), Josie Gibson (2010), Aaron Allard-Morgan (2011), Luke Anderson (2012), Sam Evans (2013). Celebrity winners: Jack Dee, Mark Owen, Bez, Chantelle Houghton, Shilpa Shetty, Ulrika Jonsson, Alex Reid, Paddy Doherty, Denise Welch, Julian Clary, Ryland Clark. Presenters: Davina McCall, Brian Dowling, Emma Willis. Bill, The ITV soap (1984-2010). For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Birds of a Feather Pauline Quirke (Sharon Theodopolopoudos), Linda Robson (Tracey Stubbs), Lesley Joseph (Dorien Green), Peter Polycarpou and David Cardy (Chris Theodopolopoudos). Series created by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran. Blackadder Four series written by Rowan Atkinson, Richard Curtis and Ben Elton. Characters included Baldrick (Tony Robinson), Queen Elizabeth I (Miranda Richardson), Melchett (Stephen Fry), Captain Darling/Percy (Tim McInnerny). Black Adder, The (set during Wars of the Roses), Blackadder II (set in Elizabethan England), Blackadder the Third (set in Georgian England), Blackadder Goes Forth (set in World War I). Blake’s 7 Gareth Thomas (Blake), Paul Darrow (Kerr Avon), Sally Knyvette (Jenna Stannis), Michael Keating (Vila Restal), Jan Chappell (Cally from Auron), Josette Simon (Dayna Mellanby), David Jackson (Gan Olag), Steven Pacey (Capt. Del Tarrant), Peter Tuddenham (voice of Zen and Orac), Glynis Barber (Soolin), Jacqueline Pearce (Servalan). Spacecraft: Liberator and Scorpio Penal Colony, Cygnus Alpha. Dictatorship name: The Federation. Creator: Terry Nation. Gan Olag was implanted with a ‘Brain Limiter’ to stop him killing. Blooming Marvellous Sarah Lancashire (Liz), Clive Mantle (Jack).

Blott on the Landscape David Suchet (Blott), George Cole (Sir Giles Lynchwood MP), Simon Cadell (Dundridge). Adaption by Malcolm Bradbury of Tom Sharpe’s black comic novel. Filmed at Stanage Park, near Ludlow. Blue Peter Original presenters in 1958: Leila Williams and Christopher Trace. Other presenters include Valerie Singleton, Peter Purves, John Noakes, Lesley Judd, Simon Groom, Sarah Greene, Peter Duncan, Janet Ellis, Michael Sundin, Anthea Turner, Diane-Louise Jordan, Caron Keating, John Leslie, Mark Curry, Yvette Fielding, Tim Vincent, Romana D’Annunzio, Richard Bacon, Katy Hill, Konnie Huq, Simon Thomas, Matt Baker, Zoe Salmon, Liz Barker, Gethin Jones, Andy Akinwolere, Helen Skelton, Joel Defries, Barney Harwood, Lindsey Russell, Radzi Chinyanganya. Bob the Builder Neil Morrissey (voice of Bob). Machines: Scoop the yellow digger, Muck the red bulldozer, Lofty the blue crane, Roley the green steamroller and Dizzy the orange cement mixer. Bonanza Lorne Greene (Ben Cartwright), Michael Landon (Little Joe Cartwright), Dan Blocker (Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright, Norwegian for good luck), Pernell Roberts (Adam), Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing), Ray Teal (Sheriff Ray Coffee), David Canary (Mr ‘Candy’ Canaday), Tim Matheson (Griff King). The three sons had different mothers. Boon Michael Elphick (Ken Boon), Neil Morrissey (Rocky Cassidy). Boss Cat Cartoon characters include: Benny the Ball, Choo Choo, Spook, The Brain, Fancy-Fancy, Officer Dibble. Series called Top Cat outside UK. Bottom Rik Mayall (Richie Richard), Adrian Edmondson (Eddie Hitler). Bouquet of Barbed Wire Frank Finlay (Peter Manson), Sheila Allen (Cassie), Susan Penhaligon (Prue), James Aubrey (Gavin Sorenson). Boyd QC Michael Denison. Boys from the Blackstuff Bernard Hill (Yosser Hughes), Michael Angelis (Chrissie Todd), Julie Walters (Angie Todd). Written by Alan Bleasdale. Famous catchphrase: Gi’s a job. Boys from the Bush Tim Healy (Reg Toomer), Chris Haywood (Dennis Tontine). Brains Trust, The Chairmen: Hugh Ross Willliams, Michael Flanders. Branded Chuck Connors (Jason McCord), only survivor of Indian massacre at the Battle of Bitter Creek in Wyoming and thought therefore to be a coward. Opening court martial scene is memorable. Brass Timothy West (Bradley Hardacre), Caroline Blakiston (Patience), Geoffrey Hinsliff and Geoffrey Hutchings (George Fairchild). Set in Utterley. Bread Peter Howitt and Graham Bickley (Joey Boswell), Jean Boht (Nellie), Ronald Forfar (Freddie), Victor McGuire (Jack), Gilly Coman and Melanie Hill (Aveline), Jonathan Morris (Adrian), Nick Conway (Billy), Rita Tushingham (Celia Higgins). Series created by Carla Lane. Brideshead Revisited Anthony Andrews (Lord Sebastian Flyte), Jeremy Irons (Charles Ryder), Diana Quick (Lady Julia Flyte), Laurence Olivier (Lord Marchmain), John Gielgud (Edward Ryder), Claire Bloom (Lady Ryder). Britain’s Got Talent Simon Cowell idea began in 2007. Judges include: Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, David Walliams, Piers Morgan, Kelly Brook, David Hasselhoff, Michael McIntyre. Presented by Ant & Dec. Winners: Paul Potts, George Sampson, Diversity, Spelbound, Jai McDowall, Ashleigh and Pudsey, Attraction. Brittas Empire, The Chris Barrie (Gordon), Pippa Heywood (Helen), Julia St John (Laura Lancing). Leisure centre: Whitbury Newtown Leisure Centre. Brookside Soap, first broadcast 2 November 1982. For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Brothers, The Jean Anderson (Mary Hammond), Glyn Owen and Patrick O’Connell (Edward Hammond), Gabrielle Drake (Jill Hammond), Colin Baker (Paul Merroney), Liza Goddard (April Merroney), Kate O’ Mara (Jane Maxwell). Type of business: haulage. Brush Strokes Karl Howman (Jacko), Mike Walling (Eric), Nicky Croydon (Jean), Howard Lew Lewis (Elmo Putney), Gary Waldhorn (Lionel Bainbridge). Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Gil Gerard (Buck), Felix Silla (Twiki: voiced by Mel Blanc, Bob Elyea), Henry Silva and Michael Ansara (Kane), Wilfred Hyde-White (Dr Goodfellow), Pamela Hensley (Princess Ardala). Year 2491. Space capsule: Ranger 3, launched in 1987. City: New Chicago. Rivals: Draconians. Budgie Adam Faith (Budgie Bird), Iain Cuthbertson (Charlie Endell), Lynn Dalby (Hazel), Georgina Hale (Jean Bird), John Rhys-Davies (Laughing Spam Fritter), Rio Fanning (Grogan). Writers: Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy Summers), Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg), Nicholas Brendon (Xander Harris), Anthony Head (Rupert Giles), Emma Caulfield (Anya), Seth Green (Oz), Marc Blucas (Riley Finn), David Boreanaz (Angel), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia), James Marsters (Spike). Bulman Don Henderson (George Bulman). Character first appeared in The XYY Man and then in Strangers. His quirky nature included his wearing of fingerless gloves, constant use of an inhaler and carrying of a plastic bag whose contents we rarely saw. Busman’s Holiday Presenters: Julian Pettifer, Sarah Kennedy, Elton Welsby


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Butterflies Wendy Craig (Ria Parkinson), Geoffrey Palmer (Ben Parkinson, a dentist), Andrew Hall (Russell Parkinson), Nicholas Lyndhurst (Adam Parkinson). Series created by Carla Lane. By the Sword Divided Sharon Maughan (Anne Lacey/Fletcher), Julian Glover (Sir Martin Lacey), Tim Bentinck (Sir Thomas Lacey). Plot: a family is torn apart by the English Civil War. Cadfael Derek Jacobi (Cadfael). Story of the former crusading monk with supreme botanical knowledge. Based on stories by Ellis Peters. Cagney and Lacey Tyne Daly (Mary Beth Lacey), Meg Foster and Sharon Gless (Christine Cagney). Loretta Swit played Cagney in the pilot. Call My Bluff Presenters: Robert Robinson, Bob Holness, Fiona Bruce, Joe Melia, Peter Wheeler, Robin Ray. Callan Edward Woodward (Callan), Russell Hunter (Lonely), Ronald Radd, Michael Goodliffe, Derek Bond, William Squire (Hunter), Anthony Valentine (Toby Meres), Patrick Mower (Cross). Series started as an Armchair Theatre production, A Magnum For Schneider, with Peter Bowles playing Toby Meres. Camberwick Green Took over Monday Watch with Mother slot from ‘Picture Box’. Characters included Capt. Snort, Sgt Major Grout, Windy Miller of Colley’s Mill, Mickey Murphy the baker, Dr Mopp, Thomas Tripp the milkman, Mrs Dingle the postmistress, Mrs Honeyman, PC McGarry (No. 452). Campion Peter Davison (Albert Campion), Brian Glover (Magersfontein Lugg, Campion’s manservant). Candid Camera Presenters: Bob Monkhouse, Jonathan Routh, Peter Dulay. Captain Pugwash Characters included Capt. Horatio Pugwash (Skipper of the Black Pig), Able Seamen Barnabas and Willy, Master Mate (occasionally referred to as Master Bate), Tom and Cutthroat Jake. Theme music ‘The Hornblower’, performed by Tommy Edmondson. Narrator: Peter Hawkins. Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Voices: Francis Matthews (Paul Metcalfe/Capt. Scarlet), Donald Gray (Charles Gray/Col. White), Ed Bishop (Adam Svenson/Capt. Blue), Paul Maxwell (Bradley Holden/Capt. Grey), Sylvia Anderson (Magnolia Jones/Melody Angel), Liz Morgan (Juliette Pointon/Destiny Angel), Janna Hill (Karen Wainwright/Symphony Angel), Liz Morgan (Diane Sims/Rhapsody Angel), Lian-Shin (Chan Kwan/Harmony Angel), Donald Gray (Conrad Turner/Capt. Black), Charles Tingwell (Edward Wilkie/Dr Fawn), Gary Files (Patrick Donaghue/Capt. Magenta), Jeremy Wilkin (Richard Frazier/Capt. Ochre), Cy Grant (Seymour Griffiths/Lt Green), Paul Maxwell (World President). Year: 2068. Spectrum base: Cloudbase Angel. Interceptor aircraft codeword: SIG Spectrum is Green. Casey Jones Alan Hale Jnr (John Luther ‘Casey’ Jones). Worked for Illinois Central Railroad. Engine name: Cannonball Express. His faithful dog was called Cinders. Castaway Original series starred Ben Fogle and his black labrador Inca. Casualty Medical drama set in Holby City Hospital, first aired 1986. For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Catherine Tate Show Characters: Lauren the modern day schoolgirl with catchphrase ‘Am I bovvered?’, Nan Taylor with catchphrase ‘What a fucking liberty’, Derek the gay man with catchphrase ‘How very dare you’. Cathy Come Home Carol White (Cathy Ward), Ray Brooks (Reg Ward). Written by Jeremy Sandford, directed by Ken Loach. This drama brought Shelter, a campaign for the homeless, to the awareness of many. Catweazle Geoffrey Bayldon (Catweazle), Robin Davis (Carrot Bennett). Story of an 11th-century wizard stranded in the 20th century. Celeb Harry Enfield (Gary), Amanda Holden (Debs), Leo Bill (Troy), Rupert Vansittart (Johnson). Sit-com set in the home of a rock superstar. Based on a cartoon in Private Eye magazine. Champions Stuart Damon (Craig Stirling), William Gaunt (Richard Barrett), Alexandra Bastedo (Sharon McCready). Worked for Nemesis, based in Geneva. Changing Rooms Hosted by Carol Smillie. Designers include Graham Wynne and Linda Barker. DIY expert: Andy Kane. Charlie’s Angels Kate Jackson (Sabrina Duncan), Farrah Fawcett-Majors (Jill Munroe), Jaclyn Smith (Kelly Garrett), Cheryl Ladd (Kris Munroe), Shelley Hack (Tiffany Welles), Tanya Roberts (Julie Rogers). Voice of Charlie Townshend: John Forsythe. Cheers Ted Danson (Sam Malone), Shelley Long (Diane Chambers), Rhea Perlman (Carla Tortelli/Le Bec), Georg Wendt (Norm the accountant), John Ratzenberger (Cliff the mailman), Kelsey Grammer (Frasier Crane the psychiatrist), Woody Harrelson (Woody), Kirstie Alley (Rebecca Howe). Chef Lenny Henry (Gareth Blackstock), Caroline Lee Johnson (Janice), Roger Griffiths (Everton). Chef of Le Château Anglais in the Oxfordshire Cotswolds. Cheyenne Clint Walker (Cheyenne Bodie). Replaced for short time by Ty Hardin as Bronco Lane, who eventually gained his own series. Chigley Described as a hamlet near Camberwick Green, Trumptonshire. Characters included Mr Clutterbuck the Builder, Chipppy Minton the Carpenter, Lord Belborough, Mr Cresswell the owner of the biscuit factory, Harry Farthing the Potter, Mr Brackett the Butler. Chinese Detective, The David Yip (Det. Sgt Johnny Ho).

Chips Erik Estrada (Francis ‘Ponch’ Poncherello), Larry Wilcox (Jonathan Baker). Story of two Los Angeles police motorcyclists working for the California Highway Patrol (Chips). Circus Boy Notable for the casting of Mickey Braddock (formerly and latterly Dolenz) as Corky. Cisco Kid, The Duncan Renaldo (Cisco), Leo Carrillo (Pancho). Cisco’s horse: Diablo. Pancho’s horse: Loco. Pancho was expert with a whip. Based on stories by O’Henry. Citizen James Sid James (Sidney Balmoral James), Bill Kerr (William ‘Bill’ Kerr), Liz Fraser (Liz Fraser). Citizen Smith Robert Lindsay (Walter Henry ‘Wolfie’ Smith), Mike Grady (Ken), Tony Millan (Tucker), Cheryl Hall (Shirley), Peter Vaughan and Tony Steedman (Charlie Johnson). Leader of the Tooting Popular Front with his catchphrase ‘Power to the People’. Clangers, The Clangers were the pink and woolly, mouse-like creatures who took their names from the sound made when they battened down their dustbin-lid hatches and retreated underground. Other inhabitants of the planet were the Froglets, Soup Dragon and Iron Chicken. Cleopatras, The Actresses who played the Cleopatras included Michelle Newell, Elizabeth Shepherd, Caroline Mortimer, Sue Holderness, Amanda Boxer, Prue Clarke, Pauline Moran. Colby’s, The (spin-off from Dynasty set in Los Angeles; aired between 1985 and 1987) BBC1. Bliss Colby (Claire Yarlett), Constance Colby (Barbara Stanwyck), Fallon Carrington / Colby (Emma Samms), Francesca Scott Colby (Katherine Ross), Jason Colby (Charlton Heston), Miles Colby (Maxwell Caulfield), Monica Colby (Tracy Scoggins), Sable Scott Colby (Stephanie Beacham), Zachary Powers (Ricardo Montalban). Colditz Jack Hedley (Lt Col. John Preston), Robert Wagner (Flt Lt/Major Phil Carrington), David McCallum (Flt Lt Simon Carter), Bernard Hepton (Kommandant), Anthony Valentine (Major Horst Mohn). Come Dancing Presenters include McDonald Hobley, Angela Rippon, David Jacobs, Terry Wogan, Rosemarie Ford, Noel Edmonds, Judith Chalmers, Keith Fordyce, Michael Aspel, Peter West and Peter Dimmock. Compact Ronald Allen (Ian Harmon), Carmen Silvera (Camilla Hope), Vincent Ball (David Rome). Created by Hazel Adair and Peter Ling. Cool For Cats Britain’s first pop music show in 1956 and hosted by Ker Robertson and then Kent Walton. Coronation Street First broadcast Friday 9 December 1960. See The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture for comprehensive coverage. Cosby Show Bill Cosby (Heathcliff Huxtable, an obstetrician), Phylicia Ayres-Allen/Rashad (Clair, a lawyer). Their children: Sondra, Rudy, Denise, Theo, Vanessa. Countdown Words-and-numbers game hosted by Richard Whiteley between 1982 and 2005, Des Lynam (2005–6), Des O’Connor (2007–9), Jeff Stelling (2009–11) and Nick Hewer (2012-present). Carol Vorderman was the co-host between 1982 and 2009 but was then replaced by Rachel Riley. Based on the French version Des chiffres et des lettres (literally "numbers and letters"). Cracker Robbie Coltrane (Eddie ‘Fitz’ Fitzgerald). Created by Jimmy McGovern. Crackerjack Hosts: Eamonn Andrews, Leslie Crowther, Michael Aspel, Ed Stewart, Stu Francis. Stooges: Peter Glaze, Don Maclean, Leslie Crowther. Game: Double or Drop. Crime Traveller Michael French (David Wicks in EastEnders) starred in this time machine series. Criss Cross Quiz Popular quiz show hosted by Jeremy Hawk (father of actress Belinda Lang). Format after the American Tic Tac Dough. Crossroads Soap, first aired Monday 2 November 1964. For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. C.A.T.S. Eyes Jill Gascoigne (Maggie Forbes), Rosalyn Landor (Pru Standfast), Leslie Ash (Frederica ‘Fred’ Smith). C.A.T.S. stood for Covert Activities Thames Section. Dad’s Army Arthur Lowe (Capt. George Mainwaring, a bank manager), John Le Mesurier (Sgt Arthur Wilson), Clive Dunn (L/Corporal Jack Jones, a butcher), John Laurie (Pte James Frazier, an undertaker), James Beck (Pte James Walker, a spiv), Ian Lavender (Pte Frank Pike, a silly boy), Arnold Ridley (Pte Charles Godfrey), Bill Pertwee (ARP Warden William Hodges, a greengrocer), Frank Williams (the vicar), Colin Bean (Pte Sponge), Pamela Cundell (Mrs Fox). Created by Jimmy Perry and David Croft and set in Walmington-on-Sea (supposedly Bexhill). Dallas Soap, aired from 1978 to 1991) BBC1. Main location Southfork Ranch. John Ross ‘JR’ Ewing (Larry Hagman), Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy), Sue Ellen Ewing (Linda Gray), Ben Stivers / Wes Parmalee (Steve Forrest), Carter McKay (George Kennedy), Clayton Farlow (Howard Keel), Cliff Barnes (Ken Kercheval), Don Lockwood (Ian McShane), Dusty Farlow (Jared Martin), Eleanor Southworth Ewing / Farlow -Miss Ellie- (Barbara Bel Geddes and Donna Reed), Gary Ewing (David Ackroyd and Ted Shackelford), Jenna Wade (Morgan Fairchild, Francine Tacker, Priscilla Presley), Jock Ewing (Jim Davis), Katherine Wentworth (Morgan Brittany), Kristin Shepard (Colleen Camp and Mary Crosby), LeeAnn De La Vega (Barbara Eden), Lucy Ewing / Cooper (Charlene Tilton), Pamela Barnes / Ewing (Victoria Principal), Ray Krebbs (Steve Kanaly), Stephanie Rogers (Lesley Anne Down), Valene Ewing (Joan Van Ark), Willard ‘Digger’ Barnes (David Wayne and Keenan Wynn).


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Dalziel and Pascoe Warren Clarke (Det. Supt Andrew Dalziel), Colin Buchanan (Det. Insp. Peter Pascoe). Written by Stephen Lowe and based on Reginald Hill’s books. Dancing On Ice Celebrity ice skating competition presented by Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby (replaced by Christine Bleakley in 2012). Coaches: Jane Torvill and Christopher Dean. Panel: Karen Barber, Nicky Slater, Jason Gardiner and head judge Robin Cousins. Other judges: Ashley Roberts, Karen Kresge, Natalia Bestemianova, Ruthie Henshall, Emma Bunton, Louie Spence, Katarina Witt. Winners: Gaynor Faye, Kyran Bracken, Suzanne Shaw, Ray Quinn, Hayley Tamaddon, Sam Attwater, Matthew Wolfenden, Beth Tweddle. Narrated by Tony Gubba (2006-13), Simon Reed (2013-) Dangermouse Voices: Dangermouse (David Jason), Penfold (Terry Scott), Stiletto Mafioso (Brian Trueman), Baron Greenback (Edward Kelsey). Created by Mike Harding and Brian Trueman. Written by Brian Trueman and Angus Allen. Narrated by David Jason. Darling Buds of May, The David Jason (Sidney Charles ‘Pop’ Larkin), Pam Ferris (Ma Larkin), Catherine Zeta-Jones (Mariette Larkin/Charlton), Philip Franks (Cedric ‘Charley’ Charlton). Dawson’s Creek Soap, set in Capeside, Massachusetts) C4. Dawson Leery (James Van Der Beek), Josephine ‘Joey’ Potter (Katie Holmes), Pacey Witter (Joshua Jackson), Andrea ‘Andie’ McPhee (Meredith Monroe), Audrey Liddell (Busy Philipps), Evelyn ‘Grams’ Ryan (Mary Beth Peil), Gail Leery (Mary-Margaret Humes), Jack McPhee (Kerr Smith), Jennifer ‘Jen’ Lindley (Michelle Williams), Mitchell ‘Mitch’ Leery (John Wesley Shipp). Deal or No Deal Game show hosted by Noel Edmonds, in which 22 contestants stand over boxes containing amounts from 1p to £250,000. Another contestant opens each box and is offered a deal by the banker depending on the board. To date six people have won the jackpot, Laura Pearce, Alice Munday, Suzanne Mulholland, Tegen Roberts, Nong Skett, and Paddy Roberts. Famous contestants include Olly Murs, Laurence Shahlaei and Shahid Khan, aka Naughty Boy. Defenders, The E G Marshall (Lawrence Preston), Robert Reed (Kenneth Preston). Father and son lawyers. Dempsey and Makepeace Michael Brandon (Lt James Dempsey), Glynis Barber (Det. Sgt Harriet Makepeace). Dept: S110. Department S Peter Wyngarde (Jason King), Joel Fabiani (Stewart Sullivan), Rosemary Nichols (Annabelle Hurst). Department S was a department of Interpol. Desmond’s Norman Beaton (Desmond Ambrose), Carmen Munroe (Shirley Ambrose), Ram John Holder (Pork Pie). Life in a Peckham barber’s shop. Desperate Housewives Marcia Cross (Bree Van De Kamp), Teri Hatcher (Susan Mayer), Felicity Huffman (Lynette Scavo), Eva Longoria (Gabrielle Solis), Nicollette Sheridan (Edie Britt), Brenda Strong (Mary Alice Young), Andrea Bowen (Julie Mayer), Ricardo Antonio Chavira (Carlos Solis), Steven Culp (Rex Van De Kamp), James Denton (Mike Delfino), Cody Kasch (Zach Young), Jesse Metcalfe (John), Mark Moses (Paul Young). Set in Wisteria Lane, a street in the fictional American town of 'Fairview' in the fictional 'Eagle State'. Narrated by Mary Alice Young, a dead neighbour who committed suicide in first episode and is seen in flashback. Detectives, The Jasper Carrott (Bob Louis), Robert Powell (Dave Briggs), George Sewell (Supt Frank Cottam). Dial 999 Robert Beatty (Canadian Mountie Mike Maguire), seconded to London on work experience. Dick Van Dyke Show, The Dick Van Dyke (Rob Petrie), Mary Tyler Moore (Laura), Larry Matthews (Ritchie), Rose Marie (Sally Rogers), Carl Reiner (Alan Brady), Morey Amsterdam (Maurice ‘Buddy’ Sorrell). Dinnerladies Victoria Wood (Bren), Thelma Barlow (Dolly), Celia Imrie (Philippa), Maxine Peake (Twinkle), Anne Reid (Jean), Duncan Preston (Stan), Andrew Dunn (Tony), Shobna Gulati (Anita), Julie Walters (Petula), Christopher Greet (Mr Michael), Jane Hazlegrove (Lisa), Sue Devaney (Secretary). Doctor Finlay Tannochbrae 20 years on (real-life Auchtermuchty in Fife), with Dr Finlay played by David Rintoul and the character’s Christian name changed to John. Dr Finlay’s Casebook Bill Simpson (Dr Alan Finlay), Andrew Cruickshank (Dr Angus Cameron), Barbara Mullen (Janet). Set in 1920s Tannochbrae (real-life Callander), the base for practice was Arden House. The stories were based on The Adventures of a Black Bag by A J Cronin. Doctor in the House Barry Evans (Michael Upton), Robin Nedwell (Duncan Waring), Geoffrey Davies (Dick Stuart-Clark), George Layton (Paul Collier). Based on the books by Richard Gordon. Don’t Wait Up Nigel Havers (Dr Tom Latimer), Tony Britton (Dr Toby Latimer). Writer: George Layton. Doomwatch John Paul (Dr Spencer Quist), Simon Oates (Dr John Ridge), Robert Powell (Tobias ‘Toby’ Wren). Dotto Game show hosted by Robert Gladwell, Jimmy Hanley and Shaw Taylor during its two-year run. Based on American show which was taken off as part of the ‘Quiz Show Scandal’. Dr Kildare Richard Chamberlain (Dr James Kildare), Raymond Massey (Dr Leonard Gillespie). Based on Max Brand books. Richard Chamberlain had a hit with the vocal version of the theme tune, ‘Three Stars Will Shine Tonight’. Hospital: Blair General.

Dr Who First Dr Who was William Hartnell, followed by Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy. Other Dr Who’s have included Richard Hurndall, who took William Hartnell’s part in The Five Doctors, Paul McGann who played the Doctor in a television film, and Peter Cushing, who appeared as the Doctor in two feature films. The original crew were William Russell (Ian Chesterton), Jacqueline Hill (Barbara Wright) and Carole Ann Ford (Susan Foreman, the Doctor’s granddaughter). Other assistants included Peter Purves (Steven Taylor), Nicola Bryant (Perpugilliam ‘Peri’ Brown), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Louise Jameson (Leela), Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon), Janet Fielding (Tegan Jovanka), Elizabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa). The Doctor is from the planet Gallifrey. The six actors who played the Master were (1) Roger Delgado (2) Peter Pratt (3) Geoffrey Beevers (4) Anthony Ainley (5) Eric Roberts (6) John Simm. Tardis: Time And Relative Dimension In Space. The series was axed in 1989 but resurrected in March 2005, the Doctor being played by Christopher Eccleston and his assistant, Rose Tyler, by Billie Piper. Their first adversaries were the Autons and the series was written by Russell T Davies. David Tennant replaced Eccleston in 2006 and Freema Agyeman replaced Piper in 2007. Agyeman was replaced by Catherine Tate (Donna Noble) in 2008. Matt Smith replaced Tennant in 2010 and his assistant was played by Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and most recently by Jenna-Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald). Peter Capaldi replaced Smith in 2013. Dragnet Jack Webb (Joe Friday). Episodes began: ‘The story you are about to see is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.’ Set in Los Angeles. Badge no.: 714. Dragon’s Den Entrepreneurs pitch to gain investment for their ideas. Presenter: Evan Davis. Panel: Duncan Bannatyne, Rachel Elnaugh (replaced by Deborah Meaden), Peter Jones, Doug Richard (replaced by Richard Farleigh and then James Caan), Simon Woodroffe (relaced by Theo Paphitis). Drop the Dead Donkey Robert Duncan (Gus), Neil Pearson (Dave), Jeff Rawle (George), Stephen Tompkinson (Damien), David Swift (Henry), Victoria Wicks (Sally). Written by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin. Original working title for the show was ‘Dead Belgians Don’t Count’. Duchess of Duke Street, The Gemma Jones (Louisa Trotter), Christopher Cazenove (Charles Tyrrell). Loosely based on the life story of Rosa Lewis, a kitchen maid who became manageress of the Cavendish Hotel in Jermyn Street. Hotel in series: Bentinck. Dukes of Hazzard, The Catherine Bach (Daisy Duke), Tom Wopat (Luke Duke), John Schneider (Bo Duke), Sorrell Booke (Jefferson Davis ‘Boss’ Hogg). The Dukes were the Robin Hoods of Hazzard County, driving around in their 1969 Dodge Charger named The General Lee. Narration and theme tune by Waylon Jennings. Dustbinmen, The John Woodvine and Brian Wilde (Bloody Delilah), Bryan Pringle (Cheese and Egg), Graham Haberfield (Winston Platt), Trevor Bannister (Heavy Breathing). Created and produced by Jack Rosenthal. Lorry called Thunderbird Three. Dynasty Soap, set in Denver, Colorado; aired from 1981 to 1989) BBC1. Alexis Carrington / Colby / Dexter (Joan Collins), Krystle Jennings / Carrington (Linda Evans), Adam Carrington / Michael Torrance (Gordon Thomson), Amanda Carrington (Catherine Oxenburg and Karen Cellini), Ben Carrington (Christopher Cazenove), Blake Carrington (John Forsythe), Caress Morell (Kate O’Mara), Dominique Deveraux (Diahann Carroll), Dr Nick Toscanni (James Farentino), Fallon Carrington / Colby (Pamela Sue Martin and Emma Samms), Jeff Colby (John James), Monica Colby (Tracy Scoggins), Prince Michael (Michael Praed), Sable Colby (Stephanie Beacham), Sammy Jo (Heather Locklear), Steven Carrington (Al Corley and Jack Coleman). Eastenders Soap, first broadcast 19 February 1985. For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Edge of Darkness Bob Peck (Ronald Craven), Joanne Whalley (Emma Craven), Joe Don Baker (Darius Jedburgh). Music by Eric Clapton. Edward and Mrs Simpson Edward Fox (Edward), Cynthia Harris (Mrs Wallis Warfield Simpson), Peggy Ashcroft (Queen Mary), David Waller (Stanley Baldwin). Edward the Seventh Timothy West (Edward as an adult), Charles Sturridge (Edward as a teenager), Annette Crosbie (Queen Victoria), Robert Hardy (Prince Albert). Eggheads Hosted by Dermot Murnaghan and Jeremy Vine. Amateur quizzers take on a professional panel of Kevin Ashman, Daphne Fowler, Chris Hughes, Judith Keppel, C J De Mooi, Barry Simmons, Pat Gibson and Dave Rainford. Eldorado Soap, set in Los Barcos. First aired 6 July 1992 - BBC1. For full coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Elizabeth R Glenda Jackson (Elizabeth), Robert Hardy (Robert Dudley), Ronald Hines (William Cecil), Daphne Slater (Mary Tudor), Vivian Pickles (Mary, Queen of Scots), John Woodvine (Sir Francis Drake), Nicholas Selby (Sir Walter Raleigh). Emergency Ward 10 Jill Browne (Carole Young), Charles Tingwell (Dr Alan Dawson), Desmond Carrington (Dr Chris Anderson), John Carlisle (Mr Lester Large), Ray Barrett (Dr Don Nolan), Jane Rossington (Nurse Kate Ford), Paul Darrow (Mr Verity), John Alderton (Dr Richard Moone), Pik-Sen Lim (Nurse Kwai).


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Emmerdale (Farm) Soap, first aired 16 October 1972. For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Empire Road Norman Beaton (Everton Bennett). Equalizer, The Edward Woodward (Robert McCall). ER George Clooney (Dr Douglas Ross), Noah Wyle (Dr John Carter), Eriq La Salle (Dr Peter Benton), Julianna Margulies (Nurse Hathaway), Alex Kingston (Dr Elizabeth Corday), Anthony Edwards (Dr Mark Greene), Paul McCrane (Dr Robert Romano), Ming-Na (Dr Jing-Mai Chen), Michael Michele (Dr Cleo Finch), Maura Tiernay (Nurse Abby Lockheart), Laura Innes (Dr Kerry Weaver), Goran Visnjie (Dr Luka Kovac), Erik Palladino (Dr Dave Malucci). Set in Cook County Hospital, Chicago. Ever-Decreasing Circles Richard Briers (Martin Brice), Penelope Wilton (Ann Brice), Stanley Lebor (Howard Hughes). Creators: John Esmonde and Bob Larbey. Expert, The Marius Goring (Dr John Hardy). Extras Ricky Gervais (Andy Millman), Ashley Jensen (Maggie Jacobs), Stephen Merchant (Darren Lamb). Stars playing themselves include Ben Stiller, Kate Winslet, Patrick Stewart, Samuel L Jackson and David Bowie. Face to Face Presenter: John Freeman. Fairly Secret Army Geoffrey Palmer (Major Harry Kitchener Wellington Truscott). Army called Queen’s Own West Mercian Lowlanders. Falcon Crest Soap, set in winery in Tuscany Valley, California; aired between 1981 and 1990. Angela Channing / Stavros (Jane Wyman), Apollonia (Patricia ‘Apollonia’ Kotero), Chase Gioberti (Robert Foxworth), Diana Hunter (Shannon Tweed), Dr Michael Ranson (Cliff Robertson), Emma Channing (Margaret Ladd), Francesca Gioberti (Gina Lollobrigida), Frank Agretti (Rod Taylor), Greg Reardon (Simon MacCorkindale), Jacqueline Perrault (Lana Turner), Jordan Roberts (Morgan Fairchild), Kit Marlowe (Kim Novak), Maggie Gioberti / Channing (Susan Sullivan), Nick Hogan (Roy Thinnes), Peter Stavros (Cesar Romero), Phillip Erikson (Mel Ferrer), Tony Cumson (John Saxon). Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, The Leonard Rossiter (Reginald Iolanthe Perrin/Martin Wellbourne), Pauline Yates (Elizabeth), John Barron (CJ), Sue Nicholls (Joan Greengross), Geoffrey Palmer (Jimmy), John Horsley (Doc Morrissey), Bruce Bould (David Harris-Jones). Created by David Nobbs. Companies: Sunshine Desserts/Grot. Fame Debbie Allen (Lydia Grant), Erica Gimpel (Coco Hernandez), Gene Anthony Ray (Leroy Johnson), Lori Singer (Julie Miller), Janet Jackson (Cleo Hewitt). Fame Academy BBC programme showcasing new talent. The first winner in 2002 was David Sneddon, with Ireland’s Sinead Quinn runner-up. Family Affairs Soap, aired at launch of C5 in March 1997. Albie Leach (Martin Herdman), Alex Williams (Jake McCarthy), Amir Sadati (Kayvan Novak), Angus Hart (Ian Cullen), Ania Williams (Elizabeth HolmesGwillim), Anna Gregory (Martha Cope), Annie Hart (Liz Crowther), Babs Woods (Jan Harvey), Becky Scott (Chandra Ruegg), Ben Galloway (Peter England), Benji McHugh (Mark McLean), Cameron Davenport (Rupert Hill), Cat Webb (Nicola Duffett), Chloe Costello (Leah Coombes), Chris Hart (Ian Ashpitel), Chris Jacobs (Gemma Wardle), Chrissy Costello (Kazia Pelka), Claire Callan / Toomey (Tina Hall (formerly Russell), Conrad Williams (Simon Merrells), Dan Wilkinson (Charlie Watts), Darren Scott (Ike Hamilton), Dave Matthews (Richard Hawley), David Cash (James Gaddas), Denise Boulter (Claire Perkins), Doug MacKenzie (Gareth Hale), Duncan Hart (Rocky Marshall), Eddie Harris (Tony Scannell), Eileen Day / Callan (Rosie Rowell), Elsa Gates (Delena Kidd), Gary Costello (Gary Webster), Gemma Craig (Angela Hazeldine), Geri Evans (Anna Acton) Ginny Davenport (Joanna Foster), Grace Ellis (Amber and Jade Montague), Graham Parker (Lee Warburton), Holly Hart (Sandra Huggett), Jack Gates (Ken Farrington), Jake Walker (Seb Castang), Jamie Hart (Michael Cole), Jim Webb (Jo Dow), Joe Thorn (Les Dennis), John Stokes (David Michaels ), Justin MacKenzie (Ryan Davenport), Karen Ellis (Tanya Franks), Katie Williams (Robyn Page), Kelly Boulter (Carryl Thomas), Kelly Hurst (Nicky Talacko), Kim Davies (Troy Titus-Adams), Matt Ellis (Matthew Jay Lewis), Pete Callan (David Easter), Sadie Hargreaves / Lloyd (Barbara Young), Samantha Cockerill (Tessa Wyatt), Tim Webster (Idris Elba), Vince Farmer (Stephen Yardley), Yasmin Matthews / MacKenzie (Ebony Thomas). Family at War, A Colin Douglas (Edwin Ashton), Barbara Flynn (Freda Ashton), Coral Atkins (Sheila Ashton), John Nettles (Ian McKenzie). Family Fortunes Presenters include Bob Monkhouse, Max Bygraves and Les Dennis. Family, The Fly-on-the-wall look at the Wilkins family from Reading. Fantasy Football Presenters: Frank Skinner and David Baddiel. Fantasy Island Ricardo Montalban (Mr Roarke), Herve Villechaize (Tattoo). Far Pavilions, The Ben Cross (Ashton Pelham-Martyn), Amy Irving (Princess Anjuli), Christopher Lee (Kaka-Ji-Rao), Omar Sharif (Koda Dad), John Gielgud (Cavagnari), Rossano Brazzi (the Rana of Bhithor). Fast Show, The Paul Whitehouse, Simon Day, Caroline Aherne, John Thomson, Arabella Weir, Mark Williams, Charlie Higson. Sketch show spawning a spin-off, Ted and Ralph. Father Dear Father Patrick Cargill (Patrick Glover), Natasha Pyne (Anna Glover), Ann Holloway (Karen Glover), Noel Dyson (Matilda ‘Nanny’ Harris).

Fawlty Towers John Cleese (Basil), Prunella Scales (Sybil), Andrew Sachs (Manuel), Connie Booth (Polly Sherman), Ballard Berkeley (Major Gowen). Set in Torquay. FBI, The Efrem Zimbalist Jnr (Inspector Lewis Erskine). Fifteen to One General knowledge quiz hosted by William G Stewart. Series winners include Jon Goodwin, Anthony Martin, Kevin Ashman, Mal Collier, Thomas Dyer, Andrew Francis, Barbara Thompson, Leslie Booth, Julian Allen, Martin Riley, Ian Potts, Arnold O’Hara, Trevor Montague, Stanley Miller, Glen Binnie, Bill Francis, Mike Kirby, Nick Terry, Doug Griffiths and Bill McKaig. Mal Collier won the Champion of Champions event held at Christmas 1997. Filthy, Rich and Catflap Nigel Planer (Filthy Ralph), Rik Mayall (Richard Rich), Adrian Edmondson (Eddie Catflap). Written by Ben Elton. Fire Crackers Joe Baker (Jumbo). Inept local firemen working in Cropper’s End. Fireball XL5 Characters include Colonel Steve Zodiac, Professor Matthew Matic, Venus Commander Zero, Lt 90, Zoonie, Robert the Robot. Flamingo Road Soap, set in Truro County, Florida; aired between January 1981 and May 1982. Claude Weldon (Kevin McCarthy), Constance Weldon / Carlyle (Morgan Fairchild), Elmo Tyson (Peter Donat), Eudora Flowers Weldon (Barbara Rush), Fielding Carlyle (Mark Harmon), Lane Ballou Curtis (Cristina Raines), Lute-Mae Sanders (Stella Stevens), Michael Tyronne (David Selby), Sam Curtis (John Beck), Sheriff Titus Semple (Howard Duff). Flintstones Characters include Fred, Wilma and Pebbles Flintstone, Barney, Betty and Bamm Bamm Rubble, and Dino the pet dinosaur. Flipper Luke Halpin (Sandy Ricks), Brian Kelly (Porter Ricks). Last star dolphin of seven, called Bebe, died 4 May 1997, aged 40. Flowerpot Men, The Characters included Bill and Ben, Little Weed and Slowcoach the Tortoise. Follyfoot Gillian Blake (Dora), Arthur English (Slugger), Desmond Llewellyn (the Colonel), Steve Hodson (Steve). Food and Drink Presenters include Chris Kelly, Henry Kelly, Susan Grossman, Jilly Goolden, Michael Barry, Oz Clarke, Paul Heiney. Footballers’ Wives Zöe Lucker (Tanya Laslett), Gary Lucy (Kyle Pascoe), Jessie Birdsall (Roger Webb), Ben Price (Conrad Gates), Laila Rouass (Laila Gates), Jamie Davis (Harley Lawson), Sarah Barrand (Shannon Donnelly), Gillian Taylforth (Jackie Pascoe), Caroline Chikezie (Elaine Hardy), Peter Ash (Darius Fry), Alison Newman (Hazel Bailey), Marcel McCalla (Noah Alexander). Forsyte Saga, The Kenneth More (Jolyon Forsyte), Eric Porter (Soames Forsyte), Nyree Dawn Porter (Irene Heron/Forsyte). Fortunes of War Kenneth Branagh (Guy Pringle), Emma Thompson (Harriet Pringle). Fosters, The Notable for an early performance by Lenny Henry as Sonny Foster. First series to feature an all-black cast. Four Feather Falls Voice of Tex Tucker: Nicholas Parsons. One feather allowed Tex’s dog Dusty to speak; another gave speech to his horse, Rocky; the last two controlled the accuracy of his pistols. Four Just Men, The Jack Hawkins (Ben Manfred MP), Dan Dailey (Tim Collier), Richard Conte (Jeff Ryder), Vittorio De Sica (Ricco Poccari). Frasier Kelsey Grammer (Frasier Crane), David Hyde Pierce (Niles Crane), Bebe Neuwirth (Lilith), John Mahoney (Martin Crane), Jane Leeves (Daphne Moon), Peri Gilpin (Roz Doyle). Friends Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe), Matt Le Blanc (Joey), Courtney Cox (Monica), Jennifer Aniston (Rachel Green), David Schwimmer (Ross), Matthew Perry (Chandler). Matt Le Blanc reprised his role in the 2005 spin-off Joey. F Troop Ken Berry (Captain Wilton Parmenter), Forrest Tucker (Sgt Morgan O’Rourke), Larry Storch (Corporal Randolph Agarn), John Mitchum (Trooper Hoffenmuller). Fugitive, The David Janssen (Dr Richard Kimble), Barry Morse (Lt Philip Gerard), Bill Raisch (Fred Johnson alias the one-armed man). Game for a Laugh Presenters include Matthew Kelly, Henry Kelly, Sarah Kennedy, Jeremy Beadle, Rustie Lee, Martin Daniels, Debbie Rix, Lee Peck. Gavin and Stacey Matthew Horne (Gavin Shipman), Joanna Page (Stacey Shipman née West), James Corden (Neil Smith), Ruth Jones (Nessa Jenkins), Alison Steadman (Pam Shipman), Larry Lamb (Mick Shipman), Rob Brydon (Bryn West). Situated in Billericay and Barry. Gavin is a Spurs supporter and Smithy, West Ham. Nessa’s catchphrase: ‘What’s occurring?’ General Hospital Soap aired between Sept 1972 and Jan 1979. For full coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Generation Game Hosts include Bruce Forsyth, Larry Grayson and Jim Davidson. Gentle Touch, The Jill Gascoigne (DI Maggie Forbes), Derek Thompson (Det. Sgt Jimmy Fenton). Get Smart Don Adams (Maxwell Smart, Agent 86), Barbara Feldon (Agent 99). Cover: salesman for Pontiac Greeting Card Co. Series created by Mel Brooks. Girl From Uncle, The Stefanie Powers (April Dancer), Noel Harrison (Mark Slate), Leo G Carroll (Mr Waverly).


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Girls on Top Tracey Ullman (Candice), Dawn French (Amanda), Jennifer Saunders (Jennifer), Ruby Wax (Shelley), Joan Greenwood (Lady Carlton). Give Us a Break Robert Lindsay (Mickey Noades), Paul McGann (Mo Morris). Gladiators Presenters: John Fashanu, Jeremy Guscott, Ulrika Jonsson. Gnomes of Dulwich Terry Scott and Hugh Lloyd continuing their partnership as a big and small gnome. John Clive played the third ‘old’ gnome. Going For a Song Presenter: Max Robertson. Golden Girls, The Beatrice Arthur (Dorothy Zbornak), Rue McClanahan (Blanche Devereaux), Betty White (Rose Nylund), Estelle Getty (Sophia Petrillo). Golden Shot, The Presenters included Jackie Rae, Bob Monkhouse, Norman Vaughan, Charlie Williams. Good Afternoon Channel 5 daytime programme featuring the hospital documentary series Liverpool Mums, Pets Go Public, where contestants have to match pets with their owners, and Cryptogram, a general knowledge and word game of which the author has pleasant memories. Good Life, The Richard Briers (Tom Good), Felicity Kendall (Barbara), Penelope Keith (Margo Leadbeatter), Paul Eddington (Jerry Leadbeatter). Goat: Geraldine. Goodness Gracious Me Sanjeev Bhaskar, Meera Syal, Kulvinder Ghir, Nina Wadia. Irreverent sketch show that takes a light-hearted look at the Anglo-Asian community. Goodnight Sweetheart Nicholas Lyndhurst (Gary Sparrow), Dervla Kirwan (Phoebe Bamford), Victor McGuire (Ron Wheatcroft), Christopher Ettridge (PC Reg Deadman), Michelle Holmes (Yvonne Sparrow). Elizabeth Carling and Emma Amos took over leading female roles. Good Old Days, The Transmitted from the Leeds City Varieties Theatre, compered by Leonard Sachs (originally Don Gemmell). Every show ended with a rendition of ‘Down at the Old Bull and Bush’. Grange Hill Long-running (1978-2008) school drama. Todd Carty (Peter ‘Tucker’ Jenkins), Susan Tully (Suzanne Ross), Letitia Dean (Lucinda), Peter Moran (Pogo Patterson), Gwyneth Powell (Bridget McCluskey), Mark Savage (Gripper Stebson), Sean Maguire (Tegs Ratcliffe), Terri Dwyer (Miss Adams), Chris Perry-Metcalf (Patrick ‘Togger’ Johnson), Edward Baker-Duly (Mr Malachay), Holly Mann (Sammy Lee), Georgia May Foote (Alison Simmons), Reece Noi (Taylor Mitchell), Simon O’Brien (Wally Scott), Kacey Barnfield (Maddie Gilks), Jacqui Boatswain (Mrs Bassinger). Great Antiques Hunt, The Host: Jilly Goolden. Grimleys, The Brian Conley (Digby), Amanda Holden (Geraldine), Noddy Holder, James Bradshaw. Gunsmoke/Gun Law James Arness (Matt Dillon), Amanda Blake (Kitty Russell), Milburn Stone (Dr Galen ‘Doc’ Adams), Dennis Weaver (Chester Goode), Burt Reynolds (Quint Asper), Ken Curtis (Festus). Happy Days Henry Winkler (Arthur Fonzarelli), Ron Howard (Richie Cunningham), Scott Baio (Charles ‘Chachi’ Arcola), Suzi Quattro (Leather Tuscadero), Robin Williams (Mork). Hark at Barker Ronnie Barker (Lord Rustless), David Jason (Dithers). Harry Enfield Show Characters include the Slobs: Wayne and Waynetta and children Frogmella and Spudulike. Hart to Hart Robert Wagner (Jonathan Hart), Stefanie Powers (Jennifer Hart), Lionel Stander (Max), Freeway the dog. Occupations: businessman and journalist. Have Gun Will Travel Richard Boone (Paladin), Kam Tong (Hey Boy), Lisa Lu (Hey Girl). Have I Got News for You Hosted by Angus Deayton. Team captains are Paul Merton and Ian Hislop. Following the sacking of Angus Deayton a series of guest presenters were used including William Hague, Charlotte Church, Greg Dyke, Charles Kennedy, Liza Tarbuck, Bruce Forsyth, Jack Dee, Kirsty Young, Jeremy Clarkson, Boris Johnson, Dara O’Briain and Alexander Armstrong. Hawaii Five-O Jack Lord (Steve McGarrett), James MacArthur (‘Danno’ Williams), Kam Fong (Chin Ho Kelly). Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans John Hart (Nat ‘Hawkeye’ Cutler), Lon Chaney Jnr (Chingachgook). Hazell Nicholas Ball (James Hazell), Roddy McMillan (Choc Minty). Created by Terry Venables and Gordon Williams. Heartbeat Nick Berry (PC Nick Rowan), Derek Fowlds (Sgt Oscar Blaketon), Bill Maynard (Claude Jeremiah Greengrass). Set in 1964 Yorkshire. Hector’s House Adventures of a dog (Hector), a cat (Zaza) and a frog (Mrs Kiki). Hell’s Kitchen Chefs: series one – Gordon Ramsay; series two – Gary Rhodes, Jean-Christophe Novelli; series three and four – Marco Pierre White. Celebrity winners: Jennifer Ellison, Barry McGuigan, Linda Evans. Herbs, The Garden owners: Sir Basil and Lady Rosemary. Other characters include Constable Knapweed, Mr Onion the schoolteacher and his pupils, the Chives, Bayleaf the gardener, Aunt Mint, Sage the owl, Tarragon the dragon, Pashana Bedi the snake-charmer, and Belladonna. The real stars were Dill the dog and Parsley the lion. Gordon Rollings was the narrator and the magic word that opened the gate was ‘Herbidacious’.

Here’s Lucy Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Carter). Hergé’s Adventures of Tin Tin Narrator: Peter Hawkins. Characters include Snowy the white -fox-terrier, Captain Haddock, the Thompson Twins, Professor Calculus and General Alcazar. Hi-De-Hi Paul Shane (Ted Bovis), Ruth Madoc (Gladys Pugh), Simon Cadell (Jeffrey Fairbrother), David Griffin (Squadron Leader Clive Dempster), Jeffrey Holland (Spike Dixon), Su Pollard (Peggy Ollerenshaw). Holiday camp: Maplins at Crimpton-on-Sea. Highway to Heaven Michael Landon (Jonathan Smith), Victor French (Mark Gordon). Hill Street Blues Daniel J Travanti (Captain Frank Furillo), Veronica Hamel (Joyce Davenport), Robert Prosky (Sgt Stanislaus Jablonski). Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Simon Jones (Arthur Dent), David Dixon (Ford Prefect), Sandra Dickinson (Trillian), David Learner (Marvin), Stephen Moore (Marvin’s voice), Mark Wing-Davey (Zaphod Beeblebrox), Peter Jones (the book voice). Hogan’s Heroes Bob Crane (Colonel Robert Hogan), Werner Klemperer (Colonel Wilhelm Klink), John Banner (Sgt Hans Schulz), Larry Hovis (Sgt Andrew Carter), Ivan Dixon (Corporal James Kinchloe). Holby City Soap, spin-off from Casualty first aired in January 1999. For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Holiday Presenters include Frank Bough, Des Lynam, Cliff Michelmore, Joan Bakewell, Jill Dando, Anneka Rice, Eamonn Holmes. Hollyoaks Soap set in Hollyoaks, Chester, and first aired 1995. For comprehensive coverage see The A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture. Home and Away Soap set in Summer Bay nr Sydney. C4 1989-2000; C5 2001 – . Sally Keating / Fletcher (Kate Ritchie), Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher), Ruth ‘Roo’ Morgan / Stewart (Justine Clarke and Georgie Parker), Marilyn Chambers / Fisher (Emily Symons), Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger), Leah Poulos / Patterson (Ada Nicodemou), John Palmer (Shane Withington), Indi Walker (Samara Weaving), Dexter Walker (Charles Cottier), April Scott (Rhiannon Fish), Bianca Scott (Lisa Gormley), Darryl Braxton (Stephen Peacocke), Heath Braxton (Dan Ewing), Casey Braxton (Lincoln Younes), Harvey Ryan (Marcus Graham), Sasha Bezmel (Demi Harman), Jett James (Will McDonald), Kyle Braxton (Nic Westaway), Ricky Sharpe (Bonnie Sveen), Spencer Harrington (Andrew Morley), Maddy Osborne (Kassandra Clementi), Zac MacGuire (Charlie Clausen), Tamara Kingsley (Kelly Paterniti), Adam Cameron (Mat Stevenson), Ailsa Hogan Stewart (Judy Nunn), Al Simpson (Terence Donovan), Angel Brooks / Parish (Melissa George), Barry Hyde (Ivar Kants), Beth Hunter (Clarissa Hous), Celia Stewart (Fiona Spence), Charlotte Best (Annie Campbell), Colleen Smart (Lyn Collingwood), Curtis Reed (Shane Ammann), Damian Roberts (Matt Doran), David Croft (Guy Pearce), Donald ‘Flathead’ Fisher (Norman Coburn), Emma Jackson (Dannii Minogue), Grant Mitchell (Craig McLachlan), Josh Quong Tart (Miles Copeland), Kane Phillips (Sam Atwell), Nick Smith (Christopher Egan), Noah Lawson (Beau Brady), Peter ‘Tug’ O’Neale (Tristan Bancks), Shane Withington (John Palmer), Shannon Reed (Isla Fisher). House of Cards Ian Richardson (Francis Urquhart). Based on Michael Dobbs’s novel. How/How 2 Presenters include Fred Dineage, Jack Hargreaves, Jon Miller, Bunty James, Marian Davies, Carol Vorderman, Gareth Jones. Howard’s Way Maurice Colbourne (Tom Howard), Jan Harvey (Jan Howard), Glyn Owen (Jack Rolfe), Stephen Yardley (Ken Masters), Tony Anholt (Charles Frere), Nigel Davenport (Sir Edward Frere), Kate O’Mara (Laura Wilde). Created by Gerard Glaister and Allan Prior. Yard name: Mermaid. How Do They Do That? Presenters: Esther McVeigh and Eamonn Holmes. How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? First of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s collaborations with the BBC. Graham Norton presented. Three judges: John Barrowman, Zoe Tyler and David Ian. Connie Fisher ultimately won the role of Maria von Trapp. HR Pufnstuff Jack Wild (Jimmy), Billie Hayes (Witchiepoo). Huckleberry Hound Show, The Characters included Pixie and Dixie, Jinks the Cat, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo, Hokey Wolf and Ding a Ling. Huckleberry used to sing ‘Clementine’ constantly. Human Jungle, The Herbert Lom (Dr Roger Corder), Sally Smith (Jennifer Corder), Mary Yeomans (Nancy Hamilton). I Claudius Derek Jacobi (Claudius), Siân Phillips (Livia), Brian Blessed (Octavian/Augustus), George Baker (Tiberius), John Hurt (Caligula), Patrick Stewart (Sejanus), Chris Biggins (Nero). I Love Lucy Lucille Ball (Lucy Ricardo), Desi Arnaz (Ricky Ricardo), Vivian Vance (Ethel Mertz), William Frawley (Fred Mertz). First sit-com to be filmed live in front of a studio audience. I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Presented by Ant & Dec. Winners: Tony Blackburn, Phil Tufnell, Kerry Katona, Joe Pasquale, Carol Thatcher, Matt Willis, Christopher Biggins, Joe Swash, Gino D’Acampo, Stacey Solomon, Dougie Poynter, Charlie Brooks. In at the Deep End Chris Searle and Paul Heiney took it in turn to learn new skills. Inside George Webley Roy Kinnear played the depressive character created by Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall.


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Inspector Alleyn Mysteries, The Patrick Malahide (Chief Insp. Roderick Alleyn). Character created by Ngaio Marsh. Inspector Morse John Thaw (Chief Insp. Endeavour Morse), Kevin Whately (Det. Sgt Robbie Lewis). Interpol Calling Charles Korvin (Insp. Paul Duval), Edwin Richfield (Insp. Mornay). Invaders, The Roy Thinnes (David Vincent, an architect). Narrator: William Conrad. Invisible Man, The In the original series Dr Peter Brady’s voice was that of Tim Turner although no actor was billed. David McCallum played the character of Daniel Westin in the 1975 series. I Spy Robert Culp (Kelly Robinson, tennis pro), Bill Cosby (Alexander Scott, tennis trainer). It Ain’t Half Hot Mum Windsor Davies (RSM B L Williams), Melvyn Hayes (Bombardier ‘Gloria’ Beaumont), George Layton (Bombardier Solomons), Michael Bates (Rangi Ram), Don Estelle (Gunner ‘Lofty’ Sugden). It Takes a Thief Robert Wagner (Alexander Mundy), Fred Astaire (Alister Mundy). Ivor the Engine Narrated by David Edwards, Anthony Jackson, Olwen Griffiths and Oliver Postgate, who also wrote the stories. Railway: Merioneth and Llantissily Rail Traction Company. Driver: Jones the Steam. Other characters included Owen the Signal and Dai Station, the man who looked after Llaniog Station. Ivor’s boiler was fired by Idris the dragon. Jones always aspired to sing in the choir like his pal Evans the Song. Peter Firmin drew all the pictures. Jackanory First story told by Lee Montague (‘Cap of Rushes’). Most prolific story teller: Bernard Cribbins. The Jamie Kennedy Experiment Actor/comedian Jamie Kennedy, nicknamed JKX for the purposes of this show, combines hidden-camera pranks with sketch comedy to see how everyday people and celebrities behave in unusual situations. JKX is often disguised, and when the joke has run its course he delivers the immortal tag line ‘You’ve been X-ed’. First aired in January 2002 on Channel 4. Jane Glynis Barber played the wartime cartoon character in the 1982 television adaption. Jemima Shore Investigates Patricia Hodge played the TV reporter created by Lady Antonia Fraser. Jesus of Nazareth Robert Powell (Jesus as an adult), Immad Cohen (Jesus as a boy), Olivia Hussey (Virgin Mary), Anne Bancroft (Mary Magdalene), Ian McShane (Judas Iscariot), Rod Steiger (Pontius Pilate), James Mason (Joseph of Arimathea), Peter Ustinov (Herod the Great), Michael York (John the Baptist), Stacy Keach (Barabbas), Laurence Olivier (Nicodemus). Jetsons, The Jetsons lived in the 21st century in Orbit City. George Jetson worked at Spacely Space Sprockets. The family pet dog was Astro. Jewel in the Crown, The Peggy Ashcroft (Barbie Batchelor), Geraldine James (Sarah Layton), Stuart Wilson (Major Clark), Tim Pigott-Smith (Ronald Merrick), Art Malik (Hari Kumar), Susan Wooldridge (Daphne Manners), Charles Dance (Sgt Guy Perron), Josephine Welcome (Mira). Based on Paul Scott’s novels. Joe 90 Joe McClaine, alias Joe 90, worked for WIN, the World Intelligence Network, using his father’s invention BIGRAT (Brain Impulse Galvanoscope Record And Transfer). Joking Apart Robert Bathurst (Mark Taylor), Tracie Bennett (Tracy), Fiona Gillies (Becky Taylor). Jonathan Creek Alan Davies (Jonathan Creek), Caroline Quentin (Madeline Magellan), Julia Sawahla (Carla Borrego). Juke Box Jury First panel: Alma Cogan, Susan Stranks, Gary Miller and Pete Murray. Presenters: David Jacobs, Noel Edmonds and Jools Holland. Juliet Bravo Stephanie Turner (Insp. Jean Darblay), Anna Carteret (Insp. Kate Longton). Fictional town: Hartley in Lancashire. Junior Criss Cross Quiz Hosts included Jeremy Hawk, Bob Holness, Mike Sarne, Bill Grundy and Danny Blanchflower. Just Good Friends Paul Nicholas (Vince Pinner), Jan Francis (Penny Warrender). Kavanagh QC John Thaw (James Kavanagh QC), Geraldine James (Eleanor Harker QC). Keeping Up Appearances Patricia Routledge (Hyacinth Bucket), Geoffrey Hughes (Onslow). Created by Roy Clarke. Knight Rider David Hasselhoff (Michael Knight, formerly Michael Long), William Daniels (voice of Kitt, the Knight Industries Two Thousand). Knots Landing Spin-off from Dallas set in California. Abby Cunningham / Ewing / Sumner (Donna Mills), Charles Scott (Michael York), Gary Ewing (Ted Shackleford), Gregory Sumner (William Devane), Joshua Rush (Alec Baldwin), Karen Fairgate / MacKenzie (Michele Lee), Patrick ‘Mack’ MacKenzie (Kevin Dobson), Ruth Galveston (Ava Gardner), Valene Ewing / Gibson / Waleska (Joan Van Ark), Kojak Telly Savalas (Lt Theo Kojak), Dan Frazer (Capt. Frank McNeil), Kevin Dobson (Lt Bobby Crocker), George Savalas (Stavros), Mark Russell (Saperstein). Worked in Manhattan South 13th Precinct. Krypton Factor, The Tough quiz testing both physical and mental faculties. Gordon Burns’s name was synonymous with the series. Ben Shephard hosted the show in 2009 after a 14-year break.

The Kumars at No. 42 Sanjeev (Sanjeev Bhaskar), Dad (Vincent Ebrahim), Mum (Indira Joshi), Granny Sushila (Meera Syal). Spoof chat show following the pretext that the Kumars have bulldozed their back garden to build a studio on the back of their house to indulge their spoilt son, Sanjeev, who fancies himself as a celebrity chat-show host. Kung Fu David Carradine (Kwai Chang Caine), Keye Luke (Master Po), Radames Pera (Caine as a boy). Bruce Lee was rejected for the role and died soon after. KYTV Angus Deayton (Mike Channel), Geoffrey Perkins (Mike Flex), Helen Atkinson Wood (Anna Daptor). LA Law Richard Dysart (Leland McKenzie), Harry Hamlin (Michael Kuzak), Corbin Bernsen (Arnie Becker), Michael Tucker (Stuart Markowitz), Diana Muldaur (Rosalind Shays). Laramie John Smith (Slim Sherman), Robert Fuller (Jess Harper), Hoagy Carmichael (Jonesy), Spring Byington (Daisy Cooper). Larry Sanders Show, The Garry Shandling (Larry Sanders), Rip Torn (Arthur), Jeffrey Tambor (Hank Kingsley). Last of the Summer Wine Peter Sallis (Norman Clegg), Bill Owen (Compo Seminite), Michael Bates (Blamire), Brian Wilde (Foggy Dewhurst), Michael Aldridge (Seymour Utterthwaite), Kathy Staff (Nora Batty), Jean Alexander (Auntie Wainwright). Filmed in Holmfirth in Yorkshire. Written by Roy Clarke. League of Gentlemen, The Jeremy Dyson, Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, Reece Shearsmith. Set in Royston Vazey (the real name of comedian Roy ‘chubby’ Brown). Life and Loves of a She Devil, The Julie T Wallace (Ruth Patchett), Dennis Waterman (Bobbo Patchett), Patricia Hodge (Mary Fisher). Life On Mars John Simm (DI Sam Tyler), Philip Glenister (DCI Gene Hunt). Sam Tyler is transported back to 1973. MARS – Metropolitan Accountability and Reconciliation Strategy. Sequel: Ashes to Ashes, set in 1981–3, sees DCI Alex Drake (Keeley Hawes) time-travelling. Likely Lads, The James Bolam (Terry Collier), Bob Ferris (Rodney Bewes), Sheila Fearn (Audrey Collier), Brigit Forsyth (Thelma Ferris). Written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais. Sequel: Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads. Little Britain Radio series written and performed by Matt Lucas and David Walliams, transferred to BBC3 in September 2003 and repeated on BBC2, before winning numerous awards. Characters include Vicky Pollard, the incomprehensible teenager from Darkly Noone; Marjorie Dawes, the rotund leader of Fat Fighters; Lou and Andy, a ‘helper’ (Walliams) and his apparently wheelchair-bound friend (Lucas); Emily Howard, a totally unconvincing transvestite; and Daffyd, a committed ‘homosexualist’ residing in the Welsh town of Llanddewi Brefi. His catchphrase ‘I’m the only gay in the village’ was voted best comedy catchphrase ever in a poll of 3,800 television viewers in January 2005. Little House on the Prairie Michael Landon (Charles Ingalls), Karen Grassle (Caroline Ingalls), Melissa Gilbert (Laura Ingalls/Wilder), Melissa Sue Anderson (Mary Ingalls/Kendall). Liver Birds, The Polly James (Beryl Hennessey), Nerys Hughes (Sandra Hutchinson/Paynton), Pauline Collins (Dawn, the original flatmate of Beryl), Elizabeth Estensen (Carol Boswell), Mollie Sugden (Mrs Hutchinson), John Nettles (Paul), Jonathan Lynn (Robert). London’s Burning Mark Arden (Roland ‘Vaseline’ Cartwright), Glen Murphy (George Green), James Hazeldine (Mike ‘Bayleaf’ Wilson), Richard Walsh (Bert ‘Sicknote’ Quigley), Gerard Horan (Leslie ‘Charisma’ Appleby), Ben Onwukwe (Stuart ‘Recall’ Mackenzie), Heather Peace (Sally ‘Gracie’ Fields), Edward Peel (John Coleman), Michael Garner (Geoffrey ‘Poison’ Pearce), Fuman Dar (Ronnie ‘Hi-Ho’ Silver), Connor Byrne (Rob ‘Hyper’ Sharpe), Sam Callis (Adam Benjamin), Al Hunter Ashton (Pit bull). Firefighters of Blue Watch B25, Blackwall, created by Jack Rosenthal. Lone Ranger, The Initially played by Clayton Moore and then by John Hart before he left to play Hawkeye. Jay Silverheels always played the faithful Tonto. Lone Ranger’s horse: Silver. (He would often say ‘Hi-ho, Silver, away’ when in a hurry.) Tonto’s horse: Scout. (Tonto would often call his friend Kemo Sabe, which meant Trusty Scout.) The Lone Ranger’s real name was John Reid, a Texas Ranger ambushed and left for dead. It is often said that if you can listen to Rossini’s ‘William Tell Overture’ without thinking of the Lone Ranger (same tune) then you are a real classical music aficionado. Lord Peter Wimsey Ian Carmichael (Lord Peter Wimsey), Glyn Houston (Bunter, his manservant). Lost in Space Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson), Jonathan Harris (Zachary Smith), Bob May (the robot), Dick Tufeld (voice of the robot). Spaceship: Jupiter 11. Pet space monkey: the Bloop. Lotus Eaters, The Ian Hendry (Erik Shepherd), Wanda Ventham (Ann Shepherd). Drama set on Crete. Lou Grant Edward Asner (Lou), Robert Walden (Joe Rossi). Spin-off from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Newspaper: Los Angeles Tribune. Love Hurts Adam Faith (Frank Carver), Zoë Wanamaker (Tessa Piggott), Jane Lapotaire (Diane Warburg), Tony Selby (Max Taplow). Love Me Do Game show in which three couples vie for the chance to wed. Host: Shane Richie.


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Love Thy Neighbour Jack Smethurst (Eddie Booth), Kate Williams (Joan), Rudolph Walker (Bill Reynolds), Nina Baden Semper (Barbie), Keith Marsh (Jacko Jackson). Jacko’s famous saying: ‘I’ll ’ave ’alf.’ Lovejoy Ian McShane (Lovejoy), Dudley Sutton (Tinker Deal), Chris Jury (Eric Catchpole), Phyllis Logan (Lady Jane Felsham). Lovejoy’s Morris Minor: Miriam. Lovers, The Richard Beckinsale (Geoffrey), Paula Wilcox (Beryl). Lucy Show, The Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Gale Gordon (Theodore J Mooney), Vivian Vance (Vivian Bagley). Lytton’s Diary Peter Bowles (Neville Lytton). Incidents in the life of a newspaper diarist. Magic Roundabout Characters include Dougal (the dog), Ermintrude (the cow), Brian (the snail), Mr Rusty, Mr McHenry, Zebedee, Dylan (the rabbit), Florence. Created by Serge Danot and narrated by Eric Thompson and Nigel Planer. Magnificent Evans, The Ronnie Barker (Plantagenet Evans), Dyfed Thomas (Home Rule O’Toole), Myfanwy Talog (Bron). Magnum PI Tom Selleck (Thomas Sullivan Magnum), John Hillerman (Jonathan Quayle Higgins III), Roger E Mosley (Theodore ‘TC’ Calvin), Orson Welles (voice of Robin Masters). Magpie Presenters include Susan Stranks, Pete Brady, Tony Bastable, Mick Robertson, Jenny Hanley, Tommy Boyd, Douglas Rae. Main Chance, The John Stride (David Main), Kate O’Mara (Julia Main). Story of a young, successful lawyer. Making Out Margi Clarke (Queenie), Shirley Stelfox (Carol May), Tracie Bennett (Norma), Melanie Kilburn (Jill), Keith Allen (Rex), Brian Hibbard (Chunky). Man About the House Richard O’Sullivan (Robin Tripp), Paula Wilcox (Chrissy Plummer), Sally Thomsett (Jo), Brian Murphy (George Roper), Yootha Joyce (Mildred Roper). Spin-off series were Robin’s Nest and George and Mildred. Man at the Top Kenneth Haigh (Joe Lampton). Feature film of the same name followed. Man Called Ironside, A Raymond Burr (Chief Robert T Ironside), Don Galloway (Det. Sgt Ed Brown), Barbara Anderson (Eve Whitfield), Don Mitchell (Mark Sanger), Elizabeth Baur (Fran Belding). Man From Atlantis Patrick Duffy (Mark Harris; had green eyes), Belinda J Montgomery (Dr Elizabeth Merrill), Victor Buono (Mr Schubert), Robert Lussier (Brent). Submersible name: Cetacean. Man From Uncle, The Robert Vaughn (Napoleon Solo, agent no. 11), David McCallum (Ilya Kuryakin, agent no. 2), Leo G Carroll (Alexander Waverly, agent no. 1). UNCLE: United Network Command for Law and Enforcement. Secret office: behind Del Floria’s Tailor Shop. Enemy: Thrush. Manhunt Alfred Lynch (Jimmy Porter), Peter Barkworth (Vincent), Cyd Hayman (Nina). Heroic tales of French Resistance in WW2. Theme tune: Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Man in a Suitcase Richard Bradford (McGill). Man in Room 17, The Richard Vernon (Oldenshaw), Michael Aldridge (Dimmock). Criminologists work in office near the Houses of Parliament. Marcus Welby MD Robert Young (Welby), James Brolin (Dr Steven Kiley). Mark Saber Donald Gray (Saber), Michael Balfour (Barny O’Keefe). Story of the one-armed detective. Marriage Lines Richard Briars (George Starling), Prunella Scales (Kate). Mary Tyler Moore Show Mary Tyler Moore (Mary Richards), Ed Asner (Lou Grant), Valerie Harper (Rhoda Morgenstern), Cloris Leachman (Phyllis Lindstrom). Based in TV Station WJM-TV. M.A.S.H. Alan Alda (Capt. Benjamin Franklin ‘Hawkeye’ Pierce), Wayne Rogers (Capt. ‘Trapper John’ McIntyre), Loretta Swit (Maj. Margaret ‘Hot Lips’ Houlihan), Larry Linville (Maj. Frank Burns), Gary Burghoff (Corporal Walter ‘Radar’ O’Reilly), William Christopher (Father Francis Mulcahy), Jamie Farr (Corporal Maxwell Klinger). Hawkeye’s tent known as the Swamp. M.A.S.H.: Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. Masterchef Winners: Joan Bunting, Sue Lawrence, Vanessa Binns, Derek Johns, Gerry Goldwyre, Marion MacFarlane, Neil Hadar, Julie Friend, Lloyd Burgess, Marjorie Lang, Rosa Baden-Powell, Thomasina Miers, Peter Bayless, Steven Wallis, James Nathan, Mat Follas, Dhruv Baker, Tim Anderson, Shelina Permalloo, Natalie Coleman. Judges: Gregg Wallace and Michel Roux, Jr. Mastermind Ran from 1972 to 1997 with Magnus Magnusson as ‘Interrogator’ throughout the run. Producer/director David Mitchell. Other producers include Bill Wright, Roger MacKay, Peter Massey, Penelope Cowell Doe. Main researcher: Dee Wallace. Winners: Nancy Wilkinson (1972), Patricia Owen (1973), Elizabeth Horrocks (1974), John Hart (1975), Roger Pritchard (1976), Sir David Hunt (1977), Rosemary James (1978), Dr Philip Jenkins (1979), Fred Housego (1980), Leslie Grout (1981), Sir David Hunt (1982), Christopher Hughes (1983), Margaret Harris (1984), Ian Meadows (1985), Jennifer Keaveney (1986), Dr Jeremy Bradbrooke (1987), David Beamish (1988), Mary-Elizabeth Raw (1989), David Edwards (1990), Stephen Allen (1991), Steve Williams (1992), Gavin Fuller (1993), George Davidson (1994), Kevin Ashman (1995), Richard Sturch (1996), Anne Ashurst (1997). The format transferred to

Radio 4 for three years and was hosted by Peter Snow. The winners were Robert Gibson (1998), Rev Kit Carter (1999), Stephen Follows (2000). The Discovery Channel then took over for one season in 2001. The winner was Michael Penrice. The series was revived on the BBC in 2003, the winner being Andy Page. Shaun Wallace became the first black champion in 2004. Other winners: Pat Gibson (2005), Geoff Thomas (2006), David Clark (2008), Nancy Dickman (2009), Jesse Honey (2010), Ian Bayley (2011), Gary Grant (2012), Aidan McQuade (2013). John Humphrys is the current interrogator. Maverick James Garner (Brett Maverick), Jack Kelly (Bart Maverick), Roger Moore (Cousin Beau). May to December Anton Rodgers (Alec Callender), Eve Matheson/Lesley Dunlop (Zoe Angell/Callender). McCloud Dennis Weaver (Sam McCloud), seconded to New York from Taos, New Mexico. McMillan and Wife Rock Hudson (Commissioner Stewart McMillan), Susan Saint James (Sally McMillan). Based in San Francisco. Me and My Girl Richard O’Sullivan (Simon Harrap), Joanne Ridley (Samantha Harrap), Joan Sanderson (Nell Cresset), Tim Brooke-Taylor (Derek Yates). Advertising agency: Eyecatchers. Theme song sung by Peter Skellern. Meet the Wife Thora Hird (Thora Blacklock), Freddie Frinton (Freddie Blacklock). Stemmed from Comedy Playhouse production called The Bed. Me Mammy Milo O’Shea (Bunjy Kennefick), Anna Manahan (Mrs Kennefick), Yootha Joyce (Miss Argyll), David Kelly (Cousin Enda), Ray McAnally (Father Patrick). Men Behaving Badly Martin Clunes (Gary), Neil Morrissey (Tony), Leslie Ash (Deborah), Caroline Quentin (Dorothy). The first series featured Harry Enfield as Dermot but Neil Morrissey replaced him for series two Although originally an ITV series, by series three it was screened on BBC 1. The writer was Simon Nye, who also created Frank Stubbs. Metal Mickey The robot Mickey was invented by Ken Wilberforce and played by Ashley Knight. This series is best remembered for the fact that Mickey Dolenz was the producer/director. Miami Vice Don Johnson (James ‘Sonny’ Crockett), Philip Michael Thomas (Ricardo Tubbs), Edward James Olmos (Lt Martin Castillo), Sheena Easton (Caitlin Davies). Midnight Caller Gary Cole (Jack ‘Nighthawk’ Killian). Millennium Lance Henriksen (Frank Black), Megan Gallagher (Catherine Black), Chris Ellis (Penseyres). Created by Chris Carter of X Files fame. Minder George Cole (Arthur Daly), Dennis Waterman (Terry McMann), Glynn Edwards (Dave), Patrick Malahide (Det. Sgt Albert ‘Charlie’ Chisholm), Peter Childs (Sgt Rycott). The theme tune, ‘I Could Be So Good For You’, was sung by Dennis Waterman. Mind Your Language Barry Evans (Jeremy Brown), François Pascal (Danielle Favre), Pik-Sen-Lim (Chung Su-Lee). Miss Marple Joan Hickson (Miss Marple). Mission Impossible Peter Graves (Jim Phelps), Leonard Nimoy (Paris), Barbara Bain (Cinnamon Carter), Martin Landau (Rollin Hand), Greg Morris (Barney Collier), Steven Hill (Daniel Briggs), Lesley Ann Warren (Dana Lambert), Peter Lupus (Willie Armitage). Voice on the tape: Bob Johnson. Catchprase: ‘This tape will self-destruct in five seconds’ (occasionally ten seconds). Mister Ed Alan Young (Wilbur Post). Story of a talking horse. Mogul Series about an oil company, which later changed its title to The Troubleshooters. Moment of Truth Cilla Black hosted the show in which three contestants have a week to master a given task. Monkees, The TV Series about a pop group. Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork and Davy Jones. Monty Python’s Flying Circus Messrs Cleese, Idle, Gilliam, Jones, Palin, Chapman and Carol Cleveland. Moonlighting Bruce Willis (David Addison), Cybill Shepherd (Maddie Hayes). Detective agency: Blue Moon. Mork and Mindy Robin Williams (Mork from Ork), Pam Dawber (Mindy McConnell), Jonathan Winters (Mearth). Mork gave birth to Mearth, who called Mindy ‘Shoe’ and Mork ‘Mommy’. Series was a spin-off from an episode of Happy Days. Moviedrome Presenters Alex Cox, Mark Cousins. Mr and Mrs Alternating presenters: Alan Taylor and Derek Batey. Other presenters: Nino Firetto, Julian Clary, Vernon Kay, Fern Britton, Phillip Schofield Mr Magoo Voice of Magoo (Jim Backus); Waldo was his nephew. Mr Pastry Richard Hearne, an actor, acrobat and dancer, invented this character. Popular for over 20 years. Muffin the Mule Presenter: Annette Mills. Puppeteer: Ann Hogarth. Munsters, The Fred Gwynne (Herman), Yvonne De Carlo (Lily), Al Lewis (Grandpa), Butch Patrick (Eddie), Beverley Owen/Pat Priest (Marilyn). Lived at: 1313 Mockingbird Lane, Mockingbird Heights. Muppet Show, The Characters include Miss Piggy Lee, Kermit T Frog, Statler and Waldorf, Animal, Gonzo, Fozzie Bear, Zoot, Swedish Chef, Dr Teeth, Robin the Frog. First seen in Sesame Street. Created by Jim Henson and Frank Oz.


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My Favorite Martian Ray Walston (Uncle Martin), Bill Bixby (Tim O’Hara). Nearest and Dearest Hylda Baker (Nellie Pledge), Jimmy Jewel (Eli), Madge Hindle (Lily), Edward Malin (Walter). Neighbours Set in Erinsborough, Melbourne; first aired in 1986. Present cast: Stefan Dennis (Paul Robinson), Tom Oliver (Lou Carpenter), Rebekah Elmaloglou (Terese Willis), Josef Brown (Matt Turner), Saskia Hampele (Georgia Brooks), Colette Mann (Sheila Canning), Eve Morey (Sonya Mitchell), Ashleigh Brewer (Kate Ramsay), Chris Milligan (Kyle Canning), Morgan Baker (Callum Jones), Ryan Moloney (Toadfish Rebecchi), Alan Fletcher (Karl Kennedy). Former cast members: Beth Brennan / Willis (Natalie Imbruglia), Charlene Mitchell / Robinson (Kylie Minogue), Alin Sumarwata (Vanessa Villante), Des Clarke (Paul Keane), Doug Willis (Terence Donovan), Felicity ‘Flick’ Scully (Holly Valance), Harold Bishop (Ian Smith), Helen Daniels (Anne Haddy), Henry Mitchell (Craig McLachlan), Jim Robinson (Alan Dale), Joe Mangel (Mark Little), Madge Mitchell / Ramsey / Bishop (Anne Charleston), Nell Mangel / Worthington (Vivean Gray), Scott Robinson (Darius Perkins and Jason Donovan), Shane Ramsay (Peter O’Brien), Tadpole ‘Tad’ Reeves (Jonathon Dutton), Toby Mangel (Finn Greentree-Keane). Never the Twain Donald Sinden (Simon Peel), Windsor Davies (Oliver Smallbridge), Honor Blackman (Veronica). New Avengers Joanna Lumley (Purdey), Gareth Hunt (Mike Gambit), Patrick MacNee (John Steed). New Statesman, The Rik Mayall (Alan Beresford B’Stard), Terence Alexander (Sir Greville), Marsha Fitzalan (Sarah). Newcomers, The Soap set in Angleton; aired from 1965 to 1969 on BBC1. Andrew Kerr (Robin Bailey), Ellis Cooper (Alan Browning), Joyce Harker (Wendy Richard), Julie Robertson (Deborah Watling), Maria Cooper (Judy Geeson), Robert Malcolm (Conrad Phillips), Vivienne Cooper (Maggie Fitzgibbon). Nice Time Germaine Greer, Jonathan Routh and Kenny Everett in wacky sketch show produced by John Birt. Night Fever Channel 5 karaoke programme hosted by Suggs. 99–1 Leslie Grantham (Mick Raynor), Robert Stephens (Commander Oakwood). No Hiding Place Sequel to Crimesheet and Murder Bag. Raymond Francis (Superintendent Lockhart), Eric Lander (Sergeant Baxter), Johnny Briggs (Det. Sgt Russell). No, Honestly John Alderton (Charles ‘CD’ Danby), Pauline Collins (Clara Danby). No Place Like Home William Gaunt (Arthur Crabtree), Martin Clunes (Nigel Crabtree), Patricia Garwood (Beryl). No Problem Judith Jacob (Sensimilia), Janet Kay (Angel), Sarah Lam (Susannah), Victor Romero Evans (Bellamy), Malcolm Frederick (Beast), Angela Wynter (Melba). Written by Farrukh Dhondy and Mustapha Matura and concentrating on the London-based Powell family. The first comedy series specifically to address the lifestyle of the British black community, No Problem, was also the first sitcom to be broadcast on Channel 4. No – That’s Me Over Here Ronnie Corbett (Ronnie), Rosemary Leach (Rosemary), Henry McGee (Henry). Not in Front of the Children Wendy Craig (Jennifer Corner), Paul Daneman/Ronald Hines (Henry Corner). Not Only But Also Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. Not the Nine O’Clock News Rowan Atkinson, Chris Langham (replaced by Griff Rhys-Jones), Mel Smith, Pamela Stephenson. NYPDಝBlue Dennis Franz (Det. Andy Sipowicz), Rick Schroder (Det. Danny Sorenson), James McDaniel (Lt. Arthur Fancy), Nicholas Turturro (Det. James Martinez), Sharon Lawrence (Asst. DAಝSylvia Costas Sipowicz), Gordon Clapp (Det. Greg Medavoy), Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Det. John Clark Jr), Henry Simmons (Det. Baldwin Jones), Bill Brochtrup (PAA John Irvin), Esai Morales (Lt. Tony Rodriguez), Charlotte Ross (Det. Connie McDowell), Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon (ADA Valerie Haywood), Jacqueline Obradors (Det. Rita Ortiz), Sherry Stringfield (Laura Michaels Kelly). Co-created by Steven Bochco and David Milch. NYPD is New York Police Department. Office, The Ricky Gervais (David Brent), Martin Freeman (Tim Canterbury), Mackenzie Crooke (Gareth Keenan), Lucy Davis (Dawn Tynsley), Ewan Macintosh (Keith), Ralph Ineson (Chris ‘Finchy’ Finch), Oliver Chris (Ricky), Joel Beckett (Lee), Sally Bretton (Donna), Patrick Baladi (Neil Godwin), Steve Merchant (Nathan aka The Oggmonster or Oggy). Co-written and directed by Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant. Theme tune: ‘Handbags and Gladrags’, written by Mike D’abo and arranged and performed by Big George. Oh Brother/Oh Father Derek Nimmo (Brother/Father Dominic), Felix Aylmer (Father Anselm). Oh, Doctor Beeching! Su Pollard (Ethel Schumann), Paul Shane (Jack Skinner), Jeffrey Holland (Cecil Parkin), Stephen Lewis (Harry Lambert), Julia Deakin (May Skinner). Old Grey Whistle Test/Whistle Test Bob Harris, Anne Nightingale, Andy Kershaw, Mark Ellen, Ian Whitcomb, Richard Skinner. One Foot in the Grave Richard Wilson (Victor Meldrew), Annette Crosbie (Margaret), Angus Deayton (Patrick). Victor killed in hit-and-run accident, the car driver played by Hannah Gordon.

Onedin Line, The Peter Gilmore (Capt. James Onedin), Jane Seymour (Emma Callon), Jill Gascoigne (Letty Gaunt). First ship: Charlotte Rose. Only Fools and Horses David Jason (Del Boy Trotter), Nicholas Lyndhurst (Rodney), Lennard Pearce (Grandad), Buster Merryfield (Uncle Albert), Tessa Peake-Jones (Raquel), Gwyneth Strong (Cassandra), Roger Lloyd Pack (Trigger), John Challis (Boycie), Sue Holderness (Marlene). Pub: Nag’s Head. Trotters’ address: 368 Nelson Mandela House, Peckham. Company name: Trotter’s Independent Trading. Transport: features Del’s yellow Reliant Regal Van Mk II. Title from the adage ‘Only fools and horses work’. Writer: John Sullivan. Only When I Laugh James Bolam (Roy Figgis), Peter Bowles (Archie Glover), Richard Wilson (Dr Gordon Thorpe). On Safari Presenters Armand and Michaela Denis. On the Buses Reg Varney (Stan Butler), Stephen Lewis (Blakey), Anna Karen (Olive), Michael Robbins (Arthur), Bob Grant (Jack). Bus company: Luxtons. On the Move Bob Hoskins (Alf), Donald Gee (Bert). On the Up Dennis Waterman (Tony Carpenter), Sam Kelly (Sam), Joan Sims (Mrs Fiona Wembley). Opportunity Knocks Presenters: Hughie Green, Bob Monkhouse, Les Dawson. Other ’Arf, The Lorraine Chase (Lorraine Watts), John Standing (Charles Lattimer), Pat Hodge (Sybil Howarth). OTT (Over The Top) Adult version of TISWAS, with variations such as the three naked balloon dancers. Our Man at St Mark’s Leslie Phillips (Rev. Andrew Parker), Donald Sinden (Rev. Stephen Young). Outside Edge Robert Daws (Roger Dervish), Brenda Blethyn (Miriam, ‘Mim’), Timothy Spall (Kevin Costello), Josie Lawrence (Maggie). Pallisers, The Susan Hampshire (Lady Glencora McCluskie/Palliser), Philip Latham (Plantagenet Palliser), Jeremy Irons (Frank Tregear), Anthony Andrews (Earl of Silverbridge), Derek Jacobi (Lord Fawn). Panorama Presenters include Pat Murphy, Richard Dimbleby, Malcolm Muggeridge, David Dimbleby. Paradise Club Leslie Grantham (Danny Kane), Don Henderson (Frank Kane). Partridge Family Shirley Jones (Shirley), David Cassidy (Keith), Susan Dey (Laurie), Danny Bonaduce (Chris). Peak Practice Kevin Whately (Dr Jack Kerruish), Amanda Burton (Dr Beth Glover), Gray O’Brien (Tom Deneley), Gary Mavers (Andrew Attwood), Maggie O’Neill (Alex Redman), Joseph Millson (Sam Morgan). Set in Cardale, Peak District. Pebble Mill at One Presenters: Bob Langley, Donny MacLeod, Jan Leeming, Anna Ford, Paul Coia, Magnus Magnusson. Pebble Mill was revived after a short break with presenters including Judi Spiers, Alan Titchmarsh, Gloria Hunniford and Ross King. Peep Show David Mitchell (Mark), Robert Webb (Jeremy). Sitcom where the intimate thoughts of the two lads are made known to the viewer. Pennies From Heaven Bob Hoskins (Arthur Parker), Cheryl Campbell (Eileen), Gemma Craven (Joan Parker). Written by Dennis Potter. Perfect Scoundrels Peter Bowles (Guy Buchanan), Bryan Murray (Harry Cassidy). Series created by its stars. Perry Mason Raymond Burr (Perry Mason), Barbara Hale (Della Street), William Hopper (Paul Drake), William Talman (Hamilton Burger), Ray Collins (Lt Tragg). Set in Los Angeles. Persuaders, The Tony Curtis (Danny Wilde), Roger Moore (Lord Brett Sinclair), Laurence Naismith (Judge Fulton). Peter Principle, The Jim Broadbent (Peter), Claire Skinner (Susan), Stephen Moore (Geoffrey), Tracy Keating (Brenda), David Schneider (Bradley), Daniel Flynn (Dave), Janette Legge (Iris). Tale of inept bank manager. Petrocelli Barry Newman (Tony Petrocelli), Susan Howard (Maggie). Set in fictional San Remo. Peyton Place Ryan O’Neal (Rodney Harrington), Mia Farrow (Allison McKenzie), Ed Nelson (Dr Mike Rossi), Dorothy Malone (Constance McKenzie), Christopher Connelly (Norman Harrington). Phil Silvers Show Phil Silvers (Master Sgt Ernest Bilko), Maurice Gosfield (Pte Duane Doberman), Joe E. Ross (Sgt Rupert Ritzik), Billy Sands (Pte Dino Paparelli), Paul Ford (Colonel John Hall), Allan Melvin (Cpl Henshaw), Harvey Lembeck (Cpl Rocco Barbella), Elizabeth Fraser (Joan). Rocco Barbella was the real name of boxer Rocky Graziano, the casting director. Phoenix Nights Peter Kay plays club boss Brian Potter, who was disabled after being crushed by a fruit machine during a flood, as well as doorman Max and Chorley FM’s mullet-haired DJ Paul Le Roy. Series developed from one-off The Club and other characters include resident compere Jerry St Clair, real name Jerry Dignan (Dave Spikey), Kenny Senior (Archie Kelly), Kenny Junior (Justin Moorhouse), Holy Mary (Janice Connolly). Resident band: Les Alanos with Alan (Steve Edge) on keyboards and Les (Toby Foster) on drums. Written by Peter Kay, Dave Spikey and Neil Fitzmaurice. Pie in the Sky Richard Griffiths stars as masterchef and ace detective Henry Crabbe.


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Pinky and Perky Creators: Jan and Vlasta Dalibor. Plane Makers, The Patrick Wymark (John Wilder), Barbara Murray/Ann Firbank (Pamela Wilder), Jack Watling (Don Henderson). Aircraft factory name: Scott Furlong. Follow-on series was called The Power Game. Please Sir John Alderton (Bernard ‘Privet’ Hedges), Deryck Guyler (Norman Potter), Peter Cleall (Eric Duffy), Joan Sanderson (Doris Ewell), David Barry (Frankie Abbott), Richard Davies (Mr Price), Jill Kerman (Penny Wheeler/Hedges), Spin-off series: The Fenn Street Gang. Poldark Robin Ellis (Ross Poldark), Angharad Rees (Demelza), Ralph Bates (George Warleggan). Based on novels by Winston Graham. Police Woman Angie Dickinson (Sgt Suzanne ‘Pepper’ Anderson), Earl Holliman (Lt Bill Crowley). Popstars Auditions of thousands of young budding pop stars in the quest to put together a five-piece all singing and dancing supergroup. The five winners were Danny Foster, Myleene Klass, Noel Sullivan, Kym Marsh and Suzanne Shaw who became Hear’Say. The show’s executive producer was ‘Nasty’ Nigel Lythgoe. Porridge Ronnie Barker (Norman Stanley Fletcher), Richard Beckinsale (Lennie Godber), Fulton MacKay (Mr MacKay), Peter Vaughan (Groutie), David Jason (Blanco), Brian Wilde (Mr Barrowclough), Patricia Brake (Ingrid), Chris Biggins (Lukewarm), Maurice Denham (Judge Rawley), Tony Osoba (McLaren), Sam Kelly (Warren). Prison setting: HMP Slade. Sentence: five years. Sequel: Going Straight. Porterhouse Blue David Jason (Skullion), Ian Richardson (Sir Godber Evans), Griff Rhys-Jones (Cornelius Carrington). Postman Pat Characters include Jess the cat, Mrs Goggins the postmistress and twins Katie and Tom Pottage. Pot Black Half-hour snooker programme which popularised the game as a television medium. Ran from 1969 to 1986, Ray Reardon was the first champion and Jimmy White the last. The theme tune was ‘Ivory Rag’. Pot Black was briefly revived for one series. A Masters Pot Black was held in 1997, the winner being Joe Johnson. Potter Arthur Lowe (Redvers Potter), replaced by Robin Bailey when Arthur Lowe died between series. Price is Right, The Presenters: Leslie Crowther and Bruce Forsyth. Pride and Prejudice Colin Firth (Fitzwilliam Darcy), Jennifer Ehle (Elizabeth Bennet), Alison Steadman (Mrs Bennet), Julia Sawalha (Lydia Bennet). Prisoner, The Patrick McGoohan (No. 6). Filmed in Portmeirion, Wales. Professionals, The Gordon Jackson (George Cowley), Lewis Collins (William Bodie), Martin Shaw (Ray Doyle). Protectors, The Robert Vaughn (Harry Rule), Nyree Dawn Porter (Contessa di Contini), Tony Anholt (Paul Buchet). Quantum Leap Scott Bakula (Dr Sam Beckett), Dean Stockwell (Al Calavicci). Quatermass Reginald Tate/André Morell/John Robinson/John Mills (Professor Bernard Quatermass). Written by Nigel Kneale. Question of Sport, A Presenters: David Vine, David Coleman, Sue Barker. Current captains: Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell. Rab C Nesbit Gregor Fisher’s character first appeared in Naked Video. Children are Gash and Burney. Rag Trade, The Peter Jones (Mr Fenner), Reg Varney (Reg), Miriam Karlin (Paddy), Sheila Hancock (Carole), Esma Cannon (Little Lil), Barbara Windsor (Judy), Wanda Ventham (Shirley). A revival series starred Anna Karen as the character she played in On the Buses. Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) Mike Pratt (Jeff Randall), Kenneth Cope (Marty Hopkirk), Annette Andre (Jean Hopkirk). Revived in the 1990s with Reeves and Mortimer playing Marty and Jeff. Rawhide Eric Fleming (Gil Favor), Clint Eastwood (Rowdy Yates), Paul Brinegar (Wishbone), Sheb Wooley (Pete Nolan), James Murdock (Harkness ‘Mushy’ Mushgrove). Ready Steady Go Presenters Keith Fordyce, Cathy McGowan, David Gell, Michael Aldred. Red Dwarf Chris Barrie (Arnold J Rimmer BSc, SSC), Craig Charles (Dave Lister), Danny John-Jules (Cat), Norman Lovett/Hattie Hayridge (Holly), David Ross/Robert Llewellyn (Kryten). Remington Steele Pierce Brosnan, Stephanie Zimbalist (Laura Holt, the owner of Remington Steele Investigations). Rhoda Valerie Harper (Rhoda Morgenstern/Gerard), Julie Kavner (Brenda Morgenstern), Lorenzo Musoc (Carlton the doorman, voice only). Spin-off from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Rich Man Poor Man First of the TV ‘Best Sellers’, based on an Irwin Shaw novel and starring Peter Strauss and Nick Nolte. Rifleman, The Chuck Connors (Lucas McCain), Johnny Crawford (Mark McCain). Right to Reply Presenters include: Gus MacDonald, Linda Agran, Brian Hayes, Rory McGrath, Sheena McDonald, Roger Bolton. Rings on Their Fingers Martin Jarvis (Oliver Pryde), Diane Keen (Sandy Bennett/Pryde). Rising Damp Leonard Rossiter (Rigsby), Richard Beckinsale (Allan), Frances de la Tour (Miss Jones), Don Warrington (Philip), Vienna the cat. Based on a one-act play, The Banana Box.

Robin Hood Short-lived series of 1953 in which Patrick Troughton (second Dr Who) took the lead role. Robin of Sherwood Michael Praed (Robin of Loxley), Jason Connery (Robert of Huntingdon), Clive Mantle (Little John), Ray Winstone (Will Scarlet), Judi Trott (Maid Marian). Music by Clannad. Robin’s Nest Richard O’Sullivan (Robin Tripp), Tessa Wyatt (Victoria Nicholls), Tony Britton (James Nicholls), David Kelly (Albert Riddle, the one-armed washer-up), Honor Blackman/Barbara Murray (Marion). Rock Follies Charlotte Cornwell, Julie Covington (Devonia Dee Rhoades), Rula Lenska. Group name: The Little Ladies. Rockford Files, The James Garner, Noah Beery Jnr (Joseph ‘Rocky’ Rockford), Joe Santos (Det. Sgt Dennis Becker). Room 101 Original presenter Nick Hancock, who was followed by Paul Merton and Frank Skinner. Roseanne Roseanne Barr (Roseanne Conner), John Goodman (Dan), George Clooney (Booker Brooks). Royle Family, The Caroline Aherne (Denise Best), Ricky Tomlinson (Jim Royle), Sue Johnston (Barbara Royle), Craig Cash (Dave Best), Ralf Little (Anthony Royle), Liz Smith (Norma Speakman). Rumpole of the Bailey Leo McKern (Horace Rumpole), Patricia Hodge (Phyllida Trant/Erskine-Brown), Peter Bowles (Guthrie Featherstone), Bill Fraser (Justice Bullingham). Wife: Hilda (She who must be obeyed). Winebar: Pomeroy’s. Drink: Château Fleet Street). Saint, The Roger Moore (Simon Templar alias the Saint). Car: Volvo P1800S. Inspector: Claude Eustace Teal. Sequel: Return of the Saint, starring Ian Ogilvy. Sea Hunt Lloyd Bridges (Mike Nelson). Boat: the Argonaut. Secret Army Jan Francis (Lisa Colbert; codename Yvette), Bernard Hepton (Albert Foiret), Clifford Rose (Sturmbannführer Ludwig Kessler). Underground movement: Lifeline. Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 133/4 Gian Sammarco (Adrian), Stephen Moore (Mr Mole), Julie Walters and Lulu (Pauline Mole), Lindsey Stagg (Pandora). Based on the Sue Townsend novels. Seinfeld Jerry Seinfeld (Jerry), Jason Alexander (George), Michael Richards (Kramer), Julia Louis Dreyfus (Elaine). September Song Michael Williams (Billy Balsam), Russ Abbot (Ted Fenwick), Michael Angelis (Arnie). 77 Sunset Strip Efrem Zimbalist Jnr (Stuart Bailey), Roger Smith (Jeff Spencer), Ed Byrnes (Kookie). Much of the action took place outside Dean Martin’s restaurant, Dino’s. Seven Up Documentary first shown in 1964 following the lives of 14 British people from the age of seven to adulthood. Seven-yearly updates are shown, the last in 2005 as 49 Up. Sex and the City Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie Bradshaw), Kim Cattrall (Samantha Jones), Kristin Davis (Charlotte York), Cynthia Nixon (Miranda Hobbes), John Corbett (Aidan), Christopher Orr (Alexander). Sexton Blake Laurence Payne (Sexton Blake), Roger Foss (Tinker), Dorothea Phillips (Mrs Bardell). Bloodhound: Pedro. White Rolls Royce nicknamed the Grey Panther. Shameless David Threlfall (Frank Gallagher), Anne-Marie Duff (Fiona Gallagher), Jody Latham (Lip Gallagher), James McAvoy (Steve), Gerard Kearns (Ian Gallagher), Maxine Peake (Veronica), Dean Lennox Kelly (Kev), Maggie O’Neill (Sheila Jackson), Chris Bisson (Kash). Written by Paul Abbott. Set on the Chatsworth Estate. Sharpe Sean Bean (Richard Sharpe), Daragh O’Malley (Sgt Pat Harper), Peter Postlewaite (Hakeswill), Philip Whitchurch (Frederickson), Liz Hurley (Isabella), Assumpta Sema (Teresa, the first Mrs Sharpe), Abigail Cruttenden (Lady Jane, the second Mrs Sharpe), Cecile Paoli (Lucille Dubert, the third Mrs Sharpe), Louise Germaine (Sally Clayton), John Tams (Hagman) also co-wrote the music. Based on novels by Bernard Cornwell. Shillingbury Tales Robin Nedwell (Peter Higgins), Diane Keen (Sally Higgins), Lionel Jeffries (Major Langton), Bernard Cribbins (Cuffy), Jack Douglas (Jake). Shine On Harvey Moon Kenneth Cranham/Nicky Henson (Harvey Moon), Linda Robson (Maggie Moon), Nigel Planer (Lou Lewis), Elizabeth Spriggs (Nan), Pauline Quirke (Veronica), Maggie Steed (Rita Moon). Harvey’s occupation: professional footballer. Simpsons, The Characters include: Homer and Marge Simpson and their children Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The pet dog is called Santa’s Little Helper and the cat Snowball II. Other characters include Montgomery Burns, Waylon Smithers, Professor John Frink, Millhouse van Houten, Sideshow Bob, Krusty the Clown, and Chief Wiggum and his son Ralph. Series is set in Springfield and started life as a cartoon short on the Tracy Ullman Show. Singing Detective, The Michael Gambon (Philip E Marlow), Joanne Whalley (Nurse Mills/Carlotta), Patrick Malahide (Mark Binney/Mark Finney/Raymond Binney), Jim Carter (Mr Marlow), Alison Steadman (Beth Marlow/Lili). Hospital ward: Sherpa Tensing. Illness: psoriasis. Written by Dennis Potter. Sir Francis Drake Terence Morgan (Drake), Jean Kent (Queen Elizabeth), Michael Crawford (John Drake). Six-Five Special Presenters: Pete Murray, Josephine Douglas, Freddie Mills, Jim Dale. Jack Good was the original producer and Adam Faith made his debut on his way to stardom.


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Six Million Dollar Man Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Lyndsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers). The opening sequence showing Steve Austin’s crash in the Mojave Desert was in fact Donald Campbell’s fatal accident while attempting the world water-speed record on Coniston Water. 64,000 Dollar Question, The Questions were guarded every week by Detective Fabian. Bob Monkhouse hosted the British version. Six Wives of Henry VIII, The Keith Michell (Henry), Annette Crosbie (Catherine of Aragon), Dorothy Tutin (Anne Boleyn), Anne Stallybrass (Jane Seymour), Elvi Hale (Anne of Cleves), Angela Pleasance (Catherine Howard), Rosalie Crutchley (Catherine Parr), Patrick Troughton (Duke of Norfolk). Narrator: Anthony Quayle. Sliders John Rhys-Davies (Maximillian Arturo), Jerry O’Connell (Quinn Mallory), Sabrina Lloyd (Wade Wells), Cleavant Derricks (Rembrandt Brown). Sliding is the term used for entering parallel universes. Slinger’s Day Bruce Forsyth (Cecil Slinger). The untimely death of Leonard Rossiter precipitated the arrival of Bruce Forsyth to take over the role of the put-upon supermarket manager, his name changed from Tripper to Slinger. Soap Katherine Helmond (Jessica Tate), Cathryn Damon (Mary Dallas Campbell), Billy Crystal (Jodie Dallas), Robert Guillaume (Benson Dubois), Robert Mandan (Chester Tate). Soldier, Soldier Jerome Flynn (Paddy Garvey), Robson Green (Dave Tucker), David Haig (Mjr Tom Cadman). Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em Michael Crawford (Frank Spencer), Michele Dotrice (Betty). Daughter: Jessica. Sopranos, The James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano), Edie Falco (Carmela Soprano), Nancy Marchand (Livia Soprano), Lorraine Bracco (Dr Jennifer Melfi), Jamie-Lynn Sigler (Meadow Soprano), Robert Iler (A J Soprano), Aida Turturro (Janice ‘Parvati’ Soprano), Dominic Chianese (Corrado Soprano), Tony Sirico (Paulie Walnuts), Steve van Zandt (Silvio Dante), John Ventimiglia (Artie Bucco). Theme tune: ‘Woke Up This Morning’ by Alabama 3. Sorry! Ronnie Corbett (Timothy Lumsden, a librarian), Barbara Lott (Mrs Phyllis Lumsden). South Park Adult cartoon series. Characters include Kenny (who is invariably killed), Kyle, Stan, Cartman, Chef, Mr Garrison, Ned, Uncle Jimbo and Officer Barbrady. Space: 1999 Martin Landau (John Koenig), Barbara Bain (Dr Helena Russell), Catherine Schell (Maya), Barry Morse (Professor Victor Bergman). Crew of Moonbase Alpha stranded in space. Space Patrol Voices: Capt. Larry Dart (Dick Vosburgh), Husky and Slim (Ronnie Stevens), Gabblerdictum (Libby Morris), Colonel Raeburn (Murray Kash). Ship: Galasphere 347. Year: 2100. The Space Patrol was the active unit of the United Galactic Organization. Libby Morris was Raeburn’s super-efficient blonde secretary from Venus; fortunately there is no such thing as a dumb blonde on Venus. Special Branch George Sewell (Det. Chief Insp. Alan Craven), Patrick Mower (Det. Chief Insp. Tom Haggerty), Derren Nesbitt (Det. Insp. Jordan), Fulton Mackay (Det. Supt Inman). Spender Jimmy Nail, Sammy Johnson (Stick), Paul Greenwood (Supt Yelland). Spenser For Hire Robert Urich (Spenser), Avery Brooks (Hawk), Barbara Stock (Susan Silverman). Spitting Image Created by Peter Fluck, Roger Law and Michael LambieMartin. St Elsewhere Ed Flanders (Donald Westphall), William Daniels (Mark Craig), Ed Begley Jnr (Victor Ehrlich). Hospital: St Elegius, Boston. Star Trek William Shatner (James Tiberius Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr Spock – his mother is Amanda, an earth woman, his father is Sarek, a Vulcan), De Forest Kelly (Dr Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy), James Doohan (Scottie), George Takei (Mr Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt Uhura), Walter Koenig (Ensign Pavel Chekov), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel). Crew size: 430. Decks: 8. Five-year mission to boldly go where no man has gone before. Enterprise no.: NCC 1701A. Shuttle: Galileo. Spock’s blood colour: green (T positive). Star Trek: The Next Generation Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Ryker), LeVar Burton (Lt Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt Worf), Denise Crosby (Lt Tasha Yar), Gates McFadden (Dr Bev Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt Cmdr Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley), Diana Muldaur (Dr Katherine Pulaski), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan). Original Star Trek set in the 23rd century; this series was set 78 years later. Enterprise no.: NCC 1701D. Stars in Their Eyes Presenters: Leslie Crowther, Matthew Kelly, Cat Deeley. Starsky and Hutch David Soul (Ken Hutchinson), Paul Michael Glaser (Dave Starsky), Antonio Fargas (Huggie Bear). Steptoe and Son Harry H Corbett (Harold), Wilfred Bramble (Albert), Hercules the horse. American spin-off: Sandford and Son. Stingray Troy Tempest, George ‘Phones’ Sheridan, Atlanta Shore, Titan, Agent X20. Marina was the mute daughter of Emperor Aphony from Pacifica and her pet seal was called Oink. Organisation: WASP, World Aquanaut Security Patrol, in Marineville. Year: 2000.

Streets of San Francisco, The Karl Malden (Det. Lt Mike Stone), Michael Douglas (Insp. Steve Keller). Strictly Come Dancing Presented by Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly. Judges: Len Goodman, Arlene Phillips, Bruno Tonioli, Craig Revel Horwood. Winners: Series one (Natasha Kaplinsky and Brendan Cole); series two (Jill Halfpenny and Darren Bennet); series three (Darren Gough and Lilia Kopylova); series four (Mark Ramprakash and Karen Hardy); series five (Alesha Dixon and Matthew Cutler); series six (Tom Chambers and Camilla Dallerup); series seven (Chris Hollins and Ola Jordan); series eight (Kara Tointon and Artem Chigvintsev); series nine (Harry Judd and Aliona Vilani); series ten (Louis Smith and Flavia Cacace). Arlene Phillips was replaced by Alesha Dixon for series seven and was herself replaced by Darcey Bussell for series ten. Natasha stood in for Tess during the first half of series two while she had a baby. Claudia Winkleman hosted the nightly update show on BBC2. Original dancing pair of Anton du Beke and Erin Boag have never won. Narrated by Alan Dedicoat. Sullivans, The Soap, made between 1976 and 1982 and set during World War Two. Dave Sullivan (Paul Cronin), Kitty Sullivan (Susan Hannaford), Terry Sullivan (Richard Morgan), Tom Sullivan (Steven Tandy), Grace Sullivan (Lorraine Bayly), Harry Sullivan (Michael Caton), Alice Watkins / Sullivan (Megan Williams), Ida Jessup / Pike (Vivean Gray), Jack Fletcher (Reg Gorman), Jim Sullivan (Andy Anderson), John Sullivan (Andrew McFarlane), Maggie Baker (Vikki Hammond), Norm Baker (Norman Yemm), Rose Sullivan (Maggie Dence), Maureen Sullivan (Fiona Paul), Bert Duggan (Peter Hehir), Cara (Kylie Minogue), Caroline Sullivan (Genevieve Picot), Christopher Merchant (John Waters), Det Sgt Shearer (Noel Trevarthen), Dr Donovan Sullivan (Keith Eden), Ernest ‘Erger’ O’Keefe (Peter Harvey Wright), Flynn Errol (Peter Ford), Frank Errol (Damon Herriman), Geoff Johnson/Sullivan (Jamie Higgins), Horace ‘Orrible’ Brown (Nick Waters), Juliana Sleven (Saski Post), Kate Meredith (Ilona Rodgers), Leslie ‘Magpie’ Maddern (Gary Sweet), Lou Sullivan (Annie Byron), Melina Baker (Chantel Contouri), Patty Spencer / Sullivan (Penny Downie), Robbie McGovern (Graham Harvey). Sunday Night at the London Palladium Comperes included: Tommy Trinder, Bruce Forsyth, Des O’Connor, Jimmy Tarbuck, Norman Vaughan, Jim Dale, Hughie Green, Alfred Marks, Robert Morley, Dave Allen, Roger Moore, Don Arrol, Arthur Haynes, Dickie Henderson. Supercar Mike Mercury, Professor Popkiss, Dr Beaker, Masterspy, Mitch the monkey, Zarin. Supergran Gudrun Ure (Granny Smith), Iain Cuthbertson (Scunner Campbell). Set in Chisleton. Superman Original series starred George Reeves, who committed suicide after being typecast in this role. The more recent series stars Dean Cain as Superman and Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane. Surgical Spirit Nichola McAuliffe (Dr Sheila Sabatini), Duncan Preston (Dr Jonathan Haslam). Gillies Hospital. Sutherland’s Law Iain Cuthbertson played Procurator Fiscal Sutherland. Sweeney, The John Thaw (Det. Inspector Jack Regan), Dennis Waterman (Det. Sgt George Carter). Sykes Eric Sykes and Hattie Jacques (lived at Sebastopol Terrace), Derek Guyler (Korky), Richard Wattis (Mr Brown). Sylvania Waters Australian fly-on-the-wall story of the Baker-Donaher family by Paul Watson (The Family). Taggart Mark McManus (Det. Chief Insp. Jim Taggart), Neil Duncan (Det. Sgt Peter Livingstone), Blythe Duff (Det. Sgt. Jackie Reid). Take Three Girls Angela Down, Liza Goddard, Susan Jameson. Take Your Pick Presenters: Michael Miles, Des O’Connor. Original man with the gong: Alec Dane. Taxi Judd Hirsch (Alex Reiger), Jeff Conaway (Bobby Wheeler), Danny de Vito (Louis de Palma), Marilu Henner (Elaine Nardo), Tony Danza (Tony Banta), Andy Kaufman (Latka Gravas), Christopher Lloyd (Reverend Jim ‘Iggie’ Ignatowski). Cab company: Sunshine Cabs. Teletubbies Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, Po. Babygros open to reveal televisions. Created by Anne Wood. Looked after by a vacuum cleaner called Noo Noo. Voices include Eric Sykes and Toyah Wilcox. Tenko Stephanie Beacham (Rose Millar), Stephanie Cole (Dr Beatrice Mason), Bert Kwouk (Yamauchi). Thank Your Lucky Stars Presenters: Brian Matthews, Jim Dale and Keith Fordyce. Third Man Michael Rennie (Harry Lime). Popular theme tune played on the zither by Shirley Abicaire. This Morning Popular daytime magazine hosted live by Richard Madeley and Judy Finnegan. Thomas the Tank Engine Narrators: Ringo Starr, Michael Angelis. Thomas is a blue engine; Gordon is green. Written by the Reverend Awdry. The Fat Controller became Sir Topham Hat. Thunderbirds Thunderbird I pilot Scott Tracy (usually first at the scene because of its high-speed capability); Thunderbird 2 pilot Virgil (pod carrier for Thunderbird 4 and any special equipment required); Thunderbird 3 pilot Alan (rocket back-up) – Alan manned the Spacestation occasionally; Thunderbird 4 pilot Gordon (underwater machine which had great versatility); Thunderbird 5 pilot John (the stationery Spacestation). Jeff Tracy was the father and co-ordinator and Kyrano was his oriental assistant. GB agent was Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward and her butler was Parker.


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Her Rolls Royce had the registration FAB1; her yacht was FAB2. Technical expert was Hiram Hackenbacker (Brains). Set in the year 2063. The Hood (Kyrano’s half-brother) was the arch-enemy who regularly appeared. The Thunderbird pilots were named after famous astronauts. Till Death Us Do Part Warren Mitchell (Alf Garnett), Anthony Booth (Mike), Dandy Nichols (Else), Una Stubbs (Rita), Patrica Hayes (Min Reed). Written by Johnny Speight. Time Tunnel, The James Darren (Dr Tony Newman), Robert Colbert (Dr Doug Phillips), Lee Meriwether (Dr Ann McGregor). Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Alec Guinness (George Smiley), Bernard Hepton (Toby Esterhase), Beryl Reid (Connie Sachs). TISWAS Today is Saturday, Watch (wear a) and Smile. Presenters included Chris Tarrant, John Asher, Trevor East, Sally James, Lenny Henry, John Gorman, Clive Webb, Sylvester McCoy, Frank Carson, Fogwell Flax and Bob Carolgees and Spit the dog. Today’s the Day Current affairs quiz programme hosted by Martyn Lewis. Your author, with his chum, Andy Curtis, won the 1997 series. To the Manor Born Penelope Keith (Audrey Fforbes-Hamilton), Peter Bowles (Richard de Vere), Michael Bilton (Ned), Angela Thorne (Marjory Frobisher), John Rudling (Brabinger), Daphne Heard (Mrs Polouvicka). Tonight Presenter: Cliff Michelmore. Catchphrase: The next Tonight will be tomorrow night. Notable reporters included Trevor Philpott, Julian Pettifer, Magnus Magnusson, Alan Whicker and the hugely popular Fyfe Robertson. Top Gear Presenters include William Woolard, Angela Rippon, Barrie Gill, Noel Edmonds, Sue Baker, Jeremy Clarkson, Quentin Willson, Tiff Needell, Chris Goffey, Tony Mason, Janet Trewin, Michele Newman. Torchwood John Barrowman (Capt Jack Harkness), Eva Myles (Gwen Cooper), Burn Gorman (Owen Harper), Naoko Mori (Toshiko Sato). Spinoff from Dr Who. Triangle Kate O’Mara (Katherine Laker), Michael Craig (John Anderson), Larry Lamb (Matt Taylor). Company: Triangle Lines. Short-lived soap notable for the bikini-clad posing of its star. Tripper’s Day Leonard Rossiter (Norman Tripper); see Slinger’s Day. Trumpton Spin-off series from Camberwick Green but the action moved from Pippin Fort. Captain Flack’s local firemen: Hugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubb. Tutti Frutti Robbie Coltrane (Danny McGlone), Emma Thompson (Suzie Kettles). Band: The Majestics. TW3 That Was The Week That Was, presented by David Frost and produced by Ned Sherrin. Twin Peaks Kyle MacLachlan (Agent Dale Cooper), Michael Ontkean (Sheriff Harry S Truman), Ray Wise (Leland Palmer), Sheryl Lee (Laura Palmer/Madeleine Ferguson), Piper Laurie (Catherine Martell), Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs), Sherilyn Fenn (Audrey Horne). Characters included a dwarf who talked backwards, the Log Lady and Audrey, who tied knots in cherry stalks with her tongue. Killer was Laura’s father, Leland, possessed by ‘Bob’. Two Fat Ladies Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright. Oversize chefs who ride in a combination motorcycle. 2 Point 4 Children Belinda Lang (Bill Porter), Gary Olsen (Ben Porter). Two’s Company Elaine Stritch (Dorothy McNab), Donald Sinden (Robert Hiller). UFO Ed Bishop (Commander Edward Straker), George Sewell (Colonel Alec Freeman), Peter Gordeno (Peter Karlin, the captain of the Vipers), Gabrielle Drake (Lt Gay Ellis), Michael Billington (Colonel Paul Foster), Wanda Ventham (Colonel Virginia Lake). Defence unit: SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organization). Reconnaissance satellite: S.I.D. (Space Intruder Detector). Location: beneath the Harlington-Straker film studios just outside London (and Moonbase). University Challenge Began in 1962 with Bamber Gascoigne as the presenter. After he bowed out in 1987 the series was resumed in 1995 with Jeremy Paxman as the new presenter. The highest winning score was in a first-round match in 1987 when University College, Oxford, defeated Reading 520-35. Series winners are as follows: 1963 Leicester, 1964 no series this year, 1965 New College, Oxford, 1966 Oriel College, Oxford, 1967 Sussex, 1968 Keele, 1969 Sussex, 1970 Churchill College, Cambridge, 1971 Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 1972 University College, Oxford, 1973 Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 1974 Trinity College, Cambridge, 1975 Keble College, Oxford, 1976 University College, Oxford, 1977 Durham, 1978 Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 1979 Bradford, 1980 Merton College, Oxford, 1981 Queen’s University, Belfast, 1982 St Andrews, 1983 Dundee, 1984 Open University 1985 No series this year, 1986 Jesus College, Oxford, 1987 Keble College, Oxford, 1995 Trinity College, Cambridge, 1996 Imperial College, London, 1997 Magdalen College, Oxford, 1998 Magdalen College, Oxford, 1999 Open University, 2000 Durham, 2001 Imperial College, London, 2002 Somerville College, Oxford, 2003 Birkbeck College, London, 2004 Magdalen College, Oxford, 2005 Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 2006 University of Manchester, 2007 University of Warwick, 2008 Christ Church, Oxford, 2009 University of Manchester, 2010 Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 2011 Magdalen College, Oxford, 2012 University of Manchester. 2013 University of

Manchester. Corpus Christi College, Oxford won in 2009 but were later disqualified for fielding an ineligible team member, Sam Kay. In 2002 a special 40th anniversary series was made featuring previous champions. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, were victorious. In 2003 University Challenge: The Professionals began, the Inland Revenue being the first winners; 2004 winners were the British Library and 2005 the Privy Council Office. Upstairs Downstairs Gordon Jackson (Mr Angus Hudson), Angela Baddeley (Mrs Kate Bridges), Jean Marsh (Rose), David Langton (Lord Richard Bellamy), Simon Williams (Capt. James Bellamy), Nicola Pagett (Elizabeth Bellamy/Kirkbridge), Lesley-Anne Down (Georgina Worsley), Jacqueline Tong (Daisy), Christopher Beeny (Edward), Pauline Collins (Sarah), John Alderton (Thomas). Address: 165 Eaton Place. Spin-off series: Thomas and Sarah. V Marc Singer (Mike Donovan), Jane Badler (Diana: famous scene where she swallowed a mouse), Jenny Beck and Jennifer Cooke (Elizabeth), Michael Ironside (Ham Tyler), Blair Tefkin (Robin Maxwell, who gave birth to Elizabeth). Very Peculiar Practice, A Peter Davison (Dr Stephen Daker), David Troughton (Dr Bob Buzzard), Barbara Flynn (Dr Rose Marie), Michael J Shannon (Jack B Daniels). Set at Lowlands University. Written by Andrew Davies. Vicar of Dibley, The Dawn French (Geraldine Granger), Emma Chambers (Alice Tinker), Gary Waldhorn (David Horton), James Fleet (Hugo Horton), Roger Lloyd Pack (Owen Newitt), Trevor Peacock (Jim Trott), John Bluthal (Frank Pickle). Written by Paul Mayhew-Archer and Richard Curtis. Virginian, The James Drury (Virginian), Doug McClure (Trampas), Lee J Cobb (Judge Henry Garth), Gary Clarke (Steve Hill), John McIntire (Clay Grainger), Stewart Grainger (Alan MacKenzie), Lee Majors (Roy Tate). Series set on the Shiloh Ranch, Medicine Bow, Wyoming. Vision On Presenters include Tony Hart, Larry Parker, Sylvester McCoy, Pat Keysell, Ben Benison, Wilf Lunn, David Cleveland. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Richard Basehart (Admiral Harriman Nelson), David Hedison (Captain Lee Crane). Nuclear submarine: the Seaview. Set in the year 1984. Wacky Races Eleven cars lined up to win the title ‘The World’s Wackiest Racer’. Car 1: Boulder Mobile; Rock and Gravel Slag. Car 2: Creepy Coupé; Big and Little Gruesome. Car 3: Ring-a-Ding Convert-a-Car; Prof. Pat Pending. Car 4: Crimson Haybailer; Red Max. Car 5: Compact Pussycat; Penelope Pitstop. Car 6: Army Surplus Special; Gen. Sgt and Private Pinkley. Car 7: Bulletproof Bomb; Clyde and Anthill Mob. Car 8: Arkansas Chugabug; Luke and Blubber Bear. Car 9: Turbo Terrific; AllAmerican Peter Perfect. Car 10: Buzz Wagon; Rufus Ruffcut and Sawtooth. Car 00: Mean Machine driven by Dick Dastardly and his dog Muttley. Spin-off series were The Perils of Penelope Pitstop and Dastardly and Muttley in their Flying Machines, in which they tried to ‘Stop the Pigeon’. Waltons, The Ralph Waite (John), Michael Learned (Olivia), and their seven children: Richard Thomas and Robert Wightman (John Boy), Judy Norton Taylor (Mary Ellen), Jon Walmsley (Jason), Mary Elizabeth McDonough (Erin), David W Harper (J Robert ‘Jim Bob’), Eric Scott (Ben), Kami Cotler (Elizabeth). Their grandparents were played by Will Geer (Zeb) and Ellen Corby (Esther). Washington Behind Closed Doors Jason Robards (President Richard Monckton). Watch With Mother Original five: Picture Book (Patricia Driscoll), Andy Pandy, Bill and Ben, Rag, Tag and Bobtail, The Woodentops. Ran from 1952 to 1980. Others included Tales of the Riverbank, Pogles Wood, Bizzy Lizzy and Barnaby. Watchdog Presenters include Nick Ross, Lynn Faulds Wood, John Stapleton, Anne Robinson, Alice Beer. Water Margin, The Set in the water margins of Lian Shan Po. The hero was Lin Chung who, with his wife Hsiao, warred against evil in 14thcentury China. Weakest Link, The Presenter Anne Robinson’s catchphrase of ‘You are the weakest link, goodbye’ soon became the ultimate put-down. The popular daytime BBC2 quiz show was given a prime-time slot on BBC1 due to its record viewing figures. West Wing, The Martin Sheen (President Josiah Bartlet), Allison Janney (C J Cregg), Rob Lowe (Sam Seaborn), John Spencer (Leo McGarry), Janel Maloney (Donna Moss), Richard Schiff (Toby Ziegler), Dulé Hill (Charlie Young), Bradley Whitford (Josh Lyman), Stockard Channing (Abigail). Whack-O! Jimmy Edwards (Prof. James Edwards), Arthur Howard and Julian Orchard (Mr Oliver Pettigrew). School name: Chiselbury. What’s My Line Presenters include Eamonn Andrews, Emma Forbes, Penelope Keith, David Jacobs. Original panel: Isobel Barnett, David Nixon, Gilbert Harding, Barbara Kelly. What the Papers Say Presenters include Kingsley Martin, Brian Inglis and Stuart Hall. When the Boat Comes In James Bolam (Jack Ford), Susan Jameson (Jessie Seaton). Whiplash Peter Graves (Christopher Cobb). Set in the outback of Australia with a memorable theme tune.


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Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Presenter Chris Tarrant’s catchphrases include ‘D’you wanna phone a friend?’, ‘50/50’, and ‘Ask the audience’. The first winner was Judith Keppel and the first man to win the million was David Edwards. Whoops! Apocalypse Barry Morse (Johnny Cyclops), Richard Griffiths (Premier Dubienkin), Ed Bishop (Jay Garrick), Alexei Sayle (Commissar Solzhenitsyn), Peter Jones (Kevin Pork), John Cleese (Lacrobat). Wind in the Willows, The Voices were Michael Hordern (Badger), David Jason (Toad), Peter Sallis (Rat), Richard Pearson (Mole). Winds of War, The Robert Mitchum (Commander Victor ‘Pug’ Henry), Victoria Tennant (Pamela Tudsbury), Ali MacGraw (Natalie Jastrow), JanMichael Vincent (Byron Henry), Ben Murphy (Warren Henry), Howard Lang (Winston Churchill), Gunter Meisner (Hitler). Written by Herman Wouk. Winston Churchill – The Wilderness Years Robert Hardy (Winston), Siân Phillips (Clementine), Peter Barkworth (Stanley Baldwin), Eric Porter (Neville Chamberlain). Win, Lose or Draw Hosts: Danny Baker, Shane Richie, Bob Mills. WKRP in Cincinnati Gary Sandy (Andy Travis), Gordon Jump (Arthur Carlson, ‘Big Guy’), Loni Anderson (Jennifer Marlowe), Tim Reid (Gordon Sims, ‘Venus Flytrap’), Howard Hesseman (Johnny Caravella, ‘Dr Johnny Fever’). Woodentops, The Characters included Daddy and Mummy Woodentop, their twin children Jenny and Willy, Baby Woodentop, Mrs Scrubbit, Sam (the man who helped out in the garden), Buttercup the cow and Spotty the mischievous dog. World at War World War Two history researched by Noble Frankland, produced by Jeremy Isaacs and narrated by Laurence Olivier. World’s End Short-lived soap opera set around the Mulberry public house, Chelsea, and starring Harry Fowler, Michael Angelis, Paul Brooke, Neville Smith, Primi Townsend. Worzel Gummidge Jon Pertwee (Worzel), Una Stubbs (Aunt Sally), Geoffrey Bayldon (the Crowman), Lorraine Chase (Dolly Clothes-Peg), Joan Sims (Mrs Bloomsbury-Barton). Written by Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall from an adaption of Barbara Euphan Todd novels. Worzel was found in Ten Acre Field on Scatterbrook Farm by John and Sue Peters. Wyatt Earp, The Life and Legend of Hugh O’Brian (Wyatt Earp), Mason Alan Dinehart III (Bat Masterson, Earp’s deputy), Douglas Fowley and Myron Healey (Doc Holliday), Lash La Rue (Sheriff John Behan). Wycliffe Jack Shepherd (Det. Supt Wycliffe), Helen Masters (Det. Insp. Lane), Jimmy Yuill (Det. Insp. Kersey).

Xena: Warrior Princess Lucy Lawless (Xena), New Zealand-made offshoot series from Hercules. X Factor, The Pop music reality show where the talent is divided into three categories (16–24s, over 25s, groups) mentored by Simon Cowell, Sharon Osbourne and Louis Walsh. First winner in 2004 was Steve Brookstein. Subsequent winners: Shayne Ward (2005), Leona Lewis (2006), Leon Jackson (2007), Alexandra Burke (2008), Joe McElderry (2009), Matt Cardle (2010), Little Mix (2011), James Arthur (2012). In 2007 Dermot O’Leary replaced Kate Thornton as presenter. Other judges include: Dannii Minogue, Cheryl Cole, Tulisa Contostavlos, Kelly Rowland, Gary Barlow, Nicole Scherzinger. X Files, The David Duchovny (Fox Mulder), Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully), Mitch Pileggi (Skinner), William B Davis (the Cigarette-Smoking Man [C G B Spender]). XYY Man, The Stephen Yardley (William ‘Spider’ Scott, who had an extra ‘Y’ chromosome which appeared to give him a liking for dangerous pursuits, sometimes criminal), Don Henderson (Det. Sgt George Bulman). Year in Provence, A John Thaw (Peter Mayle), Lindsay Duncan, Christian Luciani. Yes Minister/Prime Minister Paul Eddington (Jim Hacker, Minister of Administrative Affairs/Prime Minister), Nigel Hawthorne (Sir Humphrey Appleby), Derek Fowlds (Bernard Wooley). Created by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn. You Rang, M’Lord Paul Shane (Alf Stokes), Su Pollard (Ivy Teesdale), Jeffrey Holland (James Twelvetrees). Title song sung by Paul Shane and Bob Monkhouse. Young Ones, The Rik Mayall (Rick), Nigel Planer (Neil), Adrian Edmondson (Vyvyan), Christopher Ryan (Mike), Alexei Sayle (Jerzy Balowski, and his family). Saying: For Cliff’s sake. You’ve Been Framed Presenters include Jeremy Beadle and Lisa Riley. Z Cars Stratford Johns (Det. Chief Insp. Barlow), Frank Windsor (Det. Sgt John Watt), Brian Blessed (PC William ‘Fancy’ Smith), Joseph Brady (PC John ‘Jock’ Weir), James Ellis (Sgt Herbert ‘Bert’ Lynch), Jeremy Kemp (PC Bob Steele), Terence Edmond (PC Ian Sweet), Colin Welland (PC David Graham), Leonard Rossiter (Det. Insp. Bamber), John Slater (Det. Sgt Tom Stone), Alison Steadman (WPC Bayliss). Theme tune based on folk song ‘Johnny Todd’. Spin-off series Softly Softly, set in Wyvern. Zoo Gang, The John Mills (Tommy Devon), Brian Keith (Stephen Halliday), Barry Morse (Alec Marlowe), Lili Palmer (Manouche Roget). Zoo Time Presenters were Desmond Morris, Chris Kelly and Harry Watt. Zorro Guy Williams (Don Diego de la Vega, ‘Zorro’), Gene Sheldon (Bernardo). Zorro means fox in Spanish.

Television, Radio and Media Adverts A diamond is forever De Beer Consolidated Mines A little dab’ll do ya Brylcreem Aah . . . Bisto All human life is there News of the World All the news that’s fit to print New York Times And all because the lady loves . . . Milk Tray Any time, any place, anywhere Martini (coined by Barry Day) Appliance of science Zanussi Are you with . . . No, I’m with the Woolwich Ask the man from the . . . Pru (Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd) A . . . works wonders Double Diamond Australians wouldn’t give a xxxx for anything else Castlemaine xxxx lager Bank that likes to say Yes TSB Beanz meanz . . . Heinz Beats as it sweeps as it cleans Hoover vacuum cleaners Because I’m worth it L’oriel Because life’s complicated enough Abbey National Beer that made Milwaukee famous Schlitz Bet you can’t eat three Shredded Wheat B . . . O . . . Lifebuoy soap Bread with nowt taken out Allinson’s bread . . . Brings express relief Settlers Builds bonny babies Glaxo Buy some for Lulu Smarties . . . calling! Avon Can you tell . . . from butter? Stork margarine Central heating for kids Ready Brek Chocolates with the less fattening centres Maltesers Chocolates? No . . . Maltesers Cleans a big, big carpet for less than half a crown 1001 Cleans and polishes in one go Pledge Clunk click, every trip Jimmy Savile’s seat belt campaign (from 1971) Cool as a mountain stream Consulate cigarettes Cuts cleaning time in half Flash Does she or doesn’t she? Clairol hair colouring (coined by Shirley Polykoff) Don’t ask the price. It’s a penny Marks & Spencer (when first opened)

Don’t be vague, ask for . . . Haig whisky Don’t leave home without it American Express Don’t say brown, say . . . Hovis Don’t you just love being in control British Gas, and Mrs Merton and her son, Malcolm Eveninks and morninks I drink . . . Warninks Everything you want from a store, and a little bit more Safeways Finger of Fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat Fingerlickin’ good Kentucky Fried Chicken First truly feminine cigarette Eve Fly the flag British Airways For men who don’t have to try too hard Old Spice Forces grey out, forces white in Fairy Snow Fortifies the over forties Phyllosan Fresh as the moment when the pod went pop Birds Eye peas Full of Eastern promise Fry’s Turkish Delight Genuine article Budweiser Getting there is half the fun Cunard Steamship Line Gives a meal man appeal Oxo Good to the last drop Maxwell House coffee Gordon’s gin (first scented advert) Shown in May 1997 when juniper berries could be smelt in cinema Go to work on an . . . Egg (slogan is often attributed to Fay Weldon) Graded grains make finer flour Homepride Great way to fly Singapore Airlines Hands that do dishes are as soft as your face with mild, green Fairy Liquid Have a break, bave a . . . KitKat Helps you work, rest and play A Mars a day (possibly attributed to Murray Walker) Hold it up to the light, not a stain and shining bright Surf I dreamed I . . . in my Maidenform bra I think you probably are Cockburns Port I was so impressed I bought the company Remington (said by Victor Kiam) If you see Sid, tell him British Gas slogan during privatisation I’m only here for the beer Double Diamond


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I’m . . . fly me National Airlines . . . is good for you Guinness I never knew it had so much in it TV Times Is it live, or is it . . . Memorex Is she or isn’t she? Harmony hair spray It could be you National Lottery It’s for yoo-hoo! British Telecom It’s the real thing Coca-Cola It’s what your right arm’s for Courage beer Keep going well, keep going Shell Keep your schoolgirl complexion Palmolive Keynsham – spelt K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M Horace Batchelor’s phrase on Luxembourg’s pools advisory service Kills 99% of all household germs Domestos King of beers Budweiser Let’s face the music and dance Allied Dunbar Let your fingers do the walking Yellow Pages (Kirsty MacColl’s version of ‘Days’ was popular theme) Lion goes from strength to strength Peugeot Liquid engineering Castrol Motor Oil Listening Bank The Midland Looks good, tastes good and by golly it does you good Mackeson Lot less bovver than a hover Qualcast Loudest noise comes from the electric clock Rolls Royce Made by robots, driven by humans Nissan Made in Scotland from girders Irn Bru Made to make your mouth water Opal Fruits Make tea bags make tea Tetley’s Make yourself heard Ericsson Makes exceedingly good cakes Mr Kipling Means happy motoring Esso (sign) Melts in your mouth, not in your hands Treets Milk from contented cows Carnation Mint with the hole Polo Minty bit stronger Trebor Mints Naughty but nice Original advert about cream cakes (Salman Rushdie coined the phrase) Never knowingly undersold John Lewis Stores Nice ’ere ’innit? Campari (Lorraine Chase) Nice face, shame about the breath Listerine mouthwash Nice one, Cyril Wonderloaf Nicole . . . Papa Renault Clio 99 44/100 % Pure Ivory soap Nissan Almira Parodies of The Sweeney and The Professionals Nissan Micra ‘No No No’ by Nancy Nova Not everything in black and white makes sense Guinness Nothing acts faster than . . . Anadin Nuts! Whole hazelnuts Cadbury’s Wholenut Often a bridesmade – but never a bride Listerine mouthwash One degree under? Try . . . Aspro Pizza Hut: appeared in adverts Jonathan Ross, Caprice, Gareth Southgate, Damon Hill, Mikhail Gorbachev, Pamela Anderson Plink plink fizz Alka Seltzer Prevents that sinking feeling Bovril Probably the best lager in the world Carlsberg Prolongs active life Pal dog food Promise her anything, but give her . . . Arpège (coined by Edouard Cournand, president of Lanvin Perfumes) Pure genius Guinness Put a tiger in your tank Esso Puts the ‘T’ in Britain Typhoo tea Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach Heineken (coined by Terry Lovelock) Ring of confidence Colgate toothpaste . . . satisfy Senior Service cigarettes Schhh . . . you know who Schweppes

Seven pieces of heaven Fry’s Chocolate Cream Simply years ahead Philips ‘Singing in the Rain’ (rap version) McDonald’s Snap! crackle! and pop! Kellogg’s Rice Crispies Solutions for a small planet IBM Splash it on all over Brut Spreads straight from the fridge Blueband margarine Station of the Nation Radio Caroline Stays sharp till the bottom of the glass Harp lager Stop me and buy one Wall’s ice cream Sweet you can eat between meals Milky Way (without spoiling your appetite) Takes good care of you BOAC Tastes as good as it smells Maxwell House Coffee Tested by dummies, driven by the intelligent Volvo That’s the wonder of… Woollies (Woolworths) The appetizer Tizer The bank that listens Midland The bright one, the right one, it’s . . . Martini The cereal that’s shot from guns Quaker Puffed Wheat The drive of your life Peugeot 106 The real smell of . . . Brut The shirt you don’t iron Rael Brook Toplin The soluble aspirin Disprin They came in search of paradise Bounty They grow on you Roses chocolates They’re bootiful Bernard Matthews’s turkeys They’re grrrreat! Frosties Things go better with . . . Coke (Coca-Cola) To fly, to serve British Airways Too good to hurry mints Murray Mints To our members we’re the fourth emergency service AA Top breeders recommend it Pedigree Chum dog food Top people read the . . . Times Try a little VC 10derness British Airways Vorsprung durch Technik Audi Watch out there’s a Humphrey about Milk We never forget you have a choice British Caledonian We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet and Buick combined Matchbox toys We try harder Avis Car Rentals (coined by Doyle, Dane & Bernbach) We’ll take more care of you British Airways Were you truly wafted here from Paradise? Nah! Luton Airport Campari (Lorraine Chase) When you fancy a fruity treat, unzip a . . . Banana When you’ve got it, flaunt it Braniff Airways Where do you want to go today Microsoft Which twin has the Toni? Toni Home Perms Why does the man in the mask drink . . . Metz Wodka from Warrington Vladivar World’s favourite airline British Airways World’s finest blade Wilkinson Sword Wot a lot I got Smarties Would you give me your last . . .? Rolo You know what comes between me and my Calvins? Calvin Klein jeans (15-year-old Brooke Shields in 1980) You’ll look a little lovelier each day with fabulous pink Camay soap You’ll wonder where the yellow went …. when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent You make it what it is BBC You press the button, we do the rest Kodak You too can have a body like mine Charles Atlas (Angelo Siciliano) Your country needs you WW1 army recruitment poster (Kitchener pointing with right hand) Your flexible friend Access credit card You’re never alone with a . . . Strand (coined by John May)

Television and Radio: Miscellaneous Information advertisement: first Gibbs SR toothpaste. advertisement: meerkat Aleksandr Orlov, a fictional anthropomorphic Russian meerkat, began his television appearances in January 2009. Voiced by Simon Greenall, the ad, on behalf of BGL Group, centred on the frustration that ‘meerkat’ sounded similar to ‘market’ so people continually visited his website looking for car insurance. advertisement: shown after death Yul Brynner made anti-smoking advert with the message, ‘Hullo, I’m dead; smoking killed me.’

Any Questions/Answers Presenters: Freddy Grisewood, David Jacobs. Archers First broadcast on BBC on 1 January 1951, although first heard in the Midlands in 1950. The Archers lived on Brookfield Farm in Ambridge, just south of Borchester, Borsetshire. Weddings during the series have been recorded at Hanbury Church in Worcestershire. Princess Margaret as President of the NSPCC visited Ambridge for a fashion show (1984). Eddie Grundy got drunk in Britt Ekland’s dressing room at Christmas pantomime (1992). Billing: Everyday story of country folk. Local pub: The Bull.


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aspect ratio Normal: 4 x 3. Wide screen: 16 x 9. BBC announcer: first Leslie Mitchell. BBC Choice First new BBC channel for 34 years (Clive Anderson opened the proceedings on 23 September 1998). BBC Director General: first Lord Reith. BBC Director of Radio Helen Boaden BBC1 Commenced broadcasting from Alexandra Palace in 1936. BBC Radio controllers Radio 5 Live – Jonathan Wall; Radio 4 – Gwyneth Williams; Radio 3 – Roger Wright; Radio 2 – Bob Shennan; Radio 1 – Ben Cooper. BBC Television controllers BBC1 – Charlotte Moore; BBC2 – Janice Hadlow; BBC3 – Zai Bennett; BBC4 – Richard Klein. BBC Television Director General Tony Hall BBC3 Digital station. Commenced 9 February 2003 and launched by Johnny Vaughan. BBC2 Commenced 20 April 1964; mascots were Hullabaloo and Custard (two kangaroos). Beyond Our Ken Billed as ‘A sort of radio show’ starred Kenneth Horne. Brain of Britain Hosted by Robert Robinson and produced by Richard Edis. Questions set by Kevin Ashman (Jorkins). Winners: Martin Dakin (1954), Arthur Maddock (1955), Anthony Carr (1956), Rosemary Watson (1957), David Keys (1958), Dr Reginald Webster (1959), Patrick Bowing (1960), Irene Thomas (1961), Henry Button (1962), Ian Barton (1963), Ian Gillies (1964), Robert Crampsey (1965), Richard Best (1966), Lt Cmdr Loring (1967), Ralph Raby (1968), T D Thomson (1969), Ian Matheson (1970), Fred Morgan (1971), A Lawrence (1972), Glyn Court (1973), Roger Pritchard (1974), Winifred Lawson (1975), Thomas Dyer (1976), Martin Gostelow (1977), James Nesbitt (1978), Arthur Gerard (1979), Tim Paxton (1980), Peter Barlow (1981), John Pusey (1982), Sue Marshall (1983), Peter Bates (1984), Richard Fife (1985), Stephen Gore (1986), Ian Sutton (1987), Paul Monaghan (1988), Barbara Thompson (1989), Jim Eccleson (1990), Chris Wright (1991), Mike Billson (1992), Geoffrey Colton (1993), Ian Wynn-Mackenzie (1994), Ian Kinloch (1995), Kevin Ashman (1996), Daphne Fowler (1997), Guy Herbert (1998), Leslie Duncalf (1999), Mike Smith-Rawnsley (2000), Tom Corfe (2001), Dr David Jones (2002), Dave Steadman (2003), Alan Bennett (2004), Christopher Hughes (2005), Pat Gibson (2006), Mark Bytheway (2007), Geoff Thomas (2008), Ian Bayley (2009), Iwan Thomas (2010), Ray Ward (2011), Barry Simmons (2012). Brains Trust The first panel were Julian Huxley, C E M Joad and Cmdr A B Campbell. The chairman was Donald McCullough, who was replaced by Gilbert Harding. Breakfast Television Started 17 January 1983 (BBC Breakfast Time). Broadcasting Standards Authority: first chairman Lord Rees Mogg. Byker Grove: setting Newcastle upon Tyne. Carlton TV: fine Carlton Television was fined £2m for faking the documentary The Connection. Channel 4 Started in 1982 (first programme: Countdown). Channel 5 Launched on 30 March 1997 by Dawn Airey and the Spice Girls. chefs on television See the A to Z of British (and Irish) Popular Culture for comprehensive list. colour television Started in 1967. Crookes Tube: function Produced cathode rays. Desert Island Discs: first guest Vic Oliver. Desert Island Discs: presenters Roy Plomley, Michael Parkinson, Sue Lawley, Kirsty Young. digital television: advantages Traditional broadcasting is based on electronic signals that rise and fall to represent the shades of black, white and colour in the TV picture. The continuously varying signal is a direct analogue of the image it represents, just as the variations in the grooves of an LP, picked up by the stylus, are an analogue of the music. Analogue broadcasting is spendthrift in its use of the radio spectrum. There is a limited range of frequencies that can be used for TV transmissions, and each analogue station needs a healthy chunk of that space (approx 8 megahertz). Transmitters using the same frequency must be a long way apart, otherwise they interfere with one another, so transmitters closer than a few hundred kilometres to each other must employ different frequencies. As a result, it takes 44 frequencies in the UHF band to provide the four terrestrial channels. Digital broadcasting alters the rules. Instead of representing the image by a continuously variable signal, digital TV encodes it in the same language used by computers, a long stream of binary digits, or ‘bits’, each of which is either 0 or 1, a pulse or a non-pulse. It takes an enormous number of such bits to encode a TV picture, but it is easier to distinguish a pulse from a non-pulse than it is to discern the varying waveform of an analogue signal. This means that transmitters can be run at a much lower signal strength and still provide a decent picture. This in turn reduces the interference problem for terrestrial broadcasters so that better use can be made of the available frequencies, and picture quality is greatly improved. A full TV picture requires about 216 million bits per second but only the changes from one picture to the next are encoded so as to enable the data to fit into the frequency band

Hamish Macbeth: setting Plockton, on the west coast of Scotland. House of Lords: first televised 1985. iconoscope: inventor Vladimir Zworykin (1923). ITMA (It’s That Man Again) Tommy Handley was the title character and Dorothy Summers played Mrs Mopp. ITN newscaster: first Chris Chataway. Just a Minute Chairman Nicholas Parsons. Panellists have included: Kenneth Williams, Derek Nimmo, Peter Jones, Clement Freud, Paul Merton, Graham Norton, Lance Percival and Sheila Hancock. The aim is to talk for one minute on a given topic without Hesitation, Deviation or Repetition. Life with the Lyons Ben Lyon and Bebe Daniels and their children Barbara and Richard. local radio stations Aire – Leeds, Arrow – Hastings, Beacon – Wolverhampton, BRMB – Birmingham, The Beach – Lowestoft, Broadland – Norwich, Cat – Cheltenham, Centre – Leicester, Chiltern – Luton/Bedford, City – Liverpool, Dream – Colchester, Hallam – Sheffield, Hereward – Peterborough, Kestrel – Basingstoke, Mercia – Coventry, Mercury – Crawley, Oak – Loughborough, Orwell – Ipswich, Pennine – Bradford, Piccadilly – Manchester, Ram – Derby, Silk – Macclesfield, Trent – Nottingham, 2CR – Bournemouth, Viking – Hull, West – Bristol, Wire – Warrington, Wish – Wigan, Wyvern – Hereford and Worcester. Men from the Ministry, The Wilfrid Hyde Whyte (Roland Hamilton-Jones), Richard Murdoch (Richard Lamb). Nielsens US equivalent of BARB showing American audience ratings. OnDigital TV service 30-channel service launched by Ulrika Jonsson on 15 November 1998. pirate radio station: first Radio Caroline, from 1964 to 1967. radio play: caused panic Orson Welles’s War of the Worlds broadcast in 1938. radio stations: formerly called Radio 4 (Home), Radio 3 (Third), Radio 2 (Light). These were the three main stations. Radio 1 commenced in 1967. Round Britain Quiz Hosted by Tom Sutcliffe. Former hosts: Gilbert Harding & Lionel Hale, Roy Plomley, Anthony Quinton, Gordon Clough, Nick Clarke. satellite TV: reception areas Known as Footprints. S4C: full name Sianel Pedwar Cymru. SkyDigital Launched on 1 October 1998. soap opera: first on television The Appleyards ran from 1952 to 1957 and is truly the first example of a televised British soap opera. The first adult British soap opera was The Grove Family (1954–7). The first daily soap opera was Sixpenny Corner (set in the new town of Springwood). This is another controversial area that requires careful attention. The Appleyards was shown fortnightly and was a children’s soap, while The Groves was broadcast weekly and was for adults. soap opera: why called Term derived from the American radio of the 1930s when soap and detergent companies sponsored the 15-minute daily radio programmes. Proctor and Gamble were a leading light in this field. Steve Coogan creations Alan Partridge, Paul Calf, Pauline Calf, Tony Farino. stripping Showing of programme at the same time every day of every week. swear word: first to use Kenneth Tynan was the first to use the ‘f’ word on television. Teletext BBC – Ceefax; ITV – Oracle. television: inventor John Logie Baird created his first televisor, a contraption made from a tea-chest, a biscuit box and darning needles, in 1923, and gave a first public demonstration in 1926. In 1928 he produced a crude colour system. television licences: first Licences were first issued in 1946 at £2 each. Cost of a colour licence since April 2010 is £145.50. Black and white is £49. test card girl: famous Carol Hersey (billed as the most seen person on television). TV am: launched by David Frost, Michael Parkinson, Robert Kee, Anna Ford, Angela Rippon. Twenty Questions: presenters Stewart McPherson, Gilbert Harding, Kenneth Horne, Cliff Michelmore. Twenty Questions: mystery voice Norman Hackforth. Ulster TV: chairman John B McGuckian. Ulster TV: location Havelock House, Belfast. Variety Playhouse: MC Vic Oliver. weather Laura Greene, Ulrika Jonsson, Sian Lloyd, Trish Williamson (ITV), Ian McCaskill, Bill Giles, Suzanne Charlton, Helen Young, John Kettley, Peter Cockcroft, Michael Fish, Francis Wilson (BBC). weather: hurricane announcement Michael Fish gave us the good news on 15 October 1987 that the person who rang up saying a hurricane was likely for tomorrow was completely wrong! Wogan: appeared drunk on in 1990 George Best. World Service Television BBC channel launched in 1991.


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TRANSPORT: AIRCRAFT Chronology 1300 1500 1709 1783

1784 1785 1799 1810 1843 1849 1852 1853 1861 1870 1890 1891 1894 1896 1899 1900 1900 1903



1908 1909 1910








Marco Polo reports man-carrying kites in use in China. Leonardo da Vinci designs helicopters and ornithopters. A model hot-air balloon demonstrated by Father Laurenço de Gusmao at the court of King John V of Portugal (8 Aug.). First manned balloon flight by Pilâtre de Rozier and the marquis d’Arlandes in the Bois de Boulogne (21 Nov.). First flight of hydrogen balloon by Professor Jacques Charles (1 Dec.). First British balloon flight (4 Oct.). First crossing of the English Channel by balloon piloted by Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries (7 Jan.). Sir George Cayley designs his first glider. Cayley publishes a paper on the theory of the airplane. The ‘Steam Airplane’ patented by William Samuel Henson. Cayley’s ‘Boy-Lifter’ glider succeeds in lifting a small boy off the ground. Henri Giffard makes first semi-controlled powered flight in airship (24 Sept.). Cayley succeeds in making his coachman fly his glider. Balloons used by Union forces in American Civil War. Leon Gambetta escapes from a besieged Paris by balloon (7 Oct.). Clément Ader’s Eole aircraft makes a short ‘hop’ near Paris (9 Oct.). Otto Lilienthal makes his first glider flight. Sir Hiram Maxim’s biplane makes brief uncontrolled ascent (31 July). Otto Lilienthal dies after glider crash (10 Aug.). Glider pioneer Percy Pilcher dies following glider crash (2 Oct.). LZ1 makes first rigid airship flight (Count Zeppelin) (2 July). Wright brothers begin glider experiments (1 Dec.). Lebaudy airship makes first fully controlled flight in history (8 May). Samuel Langley’s Aerodrome aircraft narrowly fails to make first powered flight (7 Oct.). Wright brothers make first powered flight (Orville at the controls) in Flyer (17 Dec.). Alberto Santos-Dumont makes first powered flight in Europe (23 Oct.). French company, Voisin Frères, established for the production of powered aircraft (Nov.). Breguet gyroplane makes first helicopter ‘hop’ (19 Sept.). Paul Cornu’s helicopter makes first ‘hop’ (13 Nov.). Lt Thomas W Selfridge becomes first person killed in a plane crash when he and Orville Wright crash at Fort Meyer, Virginia (17 Sept.). Samuel Cody makes first powered flight in Britain (16 Oct.). Louis Blériot makes first flight across the English Channel (25 July). Harry Houdini, the celebrated escapologist and illusionist, makes the first successful flight on the Australian continent in a Voisin biplane (18 March). Eugene Ely lands Curtiss biplane on USS Pennsylvania (18 Jan.). First mail carried by air in UK (9 Sept.). First aerial warfare by Italian Army Aviation Corps over Libya (23 Oct.). Lt Giulio Gavotti makes the first air raid by dropping a 41/2 lb bomb on Turks at Ain Zara (1 Nov.). Aircraft used in Mexican Revolution. Royal Flying Corps (RFC) formed (13 April). Death of Wilbur Wright (30 May). Bulgarian M Popoff becomes first pilot killed in warfare, during a reconnaissance flight (3 Nov.). Lts V Waterfall and C G G Bayley first British fliers killed in action (22 Aug.). Paris becomes the first capital city to be bombed from the air (30 Aug.). Japanese seaplanes attack the Austro-German fleet at Kiaochow, causing the first ship to be sunk from the air (17 Sept.). HMS Ark Royal becomes the world’s first aircraft carrier (9 Dec.). LZ38 airship makes the first air raid on London (31 May). Flt Sub-Lt R A Warneford (VC) downs the LZ37, the first Zeppelin to be shot down (7 June). Katherine Stinson becomes first woman to loop the loop (18 July). Roland Garros is captured in Belgium (20 April). Garros was the first Frenchman to cross the Mediterranean by air, and working with Raymond Saulnier invented deflector plates to enable him to fire a machine gun through the propeller. Death of Ernst Mach (19 Feb.). Boeing formed as Pacific Aero Products Co (15 July). SL11 airship shot down in North London by Lt W Leefe-Robinson (VC) (2 Sept.). World’s first flying bomb, the Hewitt-Sperry, built by Curtiss, is tested (12 Sept.). The airship ace Heinrich Mathy is killed when LZ72 is shot down over Potters Bar (2 Oct.). First British airline, Aircraft Transport &Travel Ltd, registered (5 Oct.). Baron von Richthofen awarded the ‘Pour le Mérite’ medal (16 Jan.). Death of Count von Zeppelin (8 March). Billy Mitchell became the first US Army officer to fly over German lines (24 April). Albert Ball killed in France (7 May), awarded posthumous VC (3 June). Sopwith Camel goes into service with Royal Flying Corps (RFC) in France (July). First flight of the Vickers Vimy (30 Nov.). Air Ministry established and Lord Rothermere is first Sec. of State for











Air (2 Jan.). Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service combine to create the Royal Air Force (1 April). Baron von Richthofen shot down (21 April). Hermann Goering takes over as leader of Richthofen’s squadron (7 July). HMS Furious, adapted from cruiser to aircraft carrier, launched six Sopwith Camels against Zeppelin sheds (19 July). Peter Strasser, German commander of airships, shot down in L70 off Cromer (5 Aug.). Roland Garros killed when his SPAD XIII breaks up during a dogfight (5 Oct.). Handley Page 0/400 becomes first plane to fly from Egypt to India (12 Dec.). Britain’s first scheduled air service inaugurated (10 May). US Navy Curtiss flying boat flown by Lt Cmdr Albert Read becomes first aircraft to fly the Atlantic (in stages) (27 May). Alcock and Brown make first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic in a Vickers Vimy (15 June). German Zeppelin fleet scuttled (23 June). First flight of Junkers F13, the first all-metal monoplane airliner (25 June). London’s first airport opens at Hounslow Heath (1 July). British airship R34 makes first two-way Atlantic crossing (13 July). Edward Mannock, Britain’s most successful ace, posthumously awarded VC (18 July). First flight over the Canadian Rockies by Capt. Ernest Hoy (7 Aug.). KLM founded (7 Oct.). Handley Page Transport provide first in-flight meals (11 Oct.). Ross and Keith Smith make first flight from Britain to Australia in a Vickers Vimy (10 Dec.) . First flight from Britain to South Africa (20 March). Croydon Airport begins operations, taking over from Hounslow (29 March). Juan de la Cierva is granted a patent for the Autogiro (27 Aug.). Dayton-Wright RB Racer aircraft flown with retractable landing gear. Qantas (Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services) founded (16 Nov.). First British airline disaster: Handley Page 0/400 crashes at Cricklewood, killing four (14 Dec.). Airline AT & T goes into liquidation (15 Dec.). First free flight of a helicopter since 1907, assisted by a balloon (15 Jan.). Orly aerodrome opened in Paris (1 March). Croydon Airport officially opened (31 March). Vickers Vernon, first troop-carrying aircraft, delivered to RAF (1 Aug.). First aerial crop-dusting takes place in Ohio, USA, by Lt John B Macready in a Curtiss JN6 (3 Aug.). Airship R38 crashes in Hull, killing many of Britain’s most experienced airshipmen (24 Aug.). Formation of RAF reserve announced (9 Feb.). Jack Sanderson became first airline steward (2 April). First mid-air collision, between Farman Goliath and Daimler DH18, over Poix in northern France (7 April). First night flight by Grands Express from Le Bourget to Croydon (9 June). First air crossing of South Atlantic by S Cabral and G Coutinho of Portugal (16 June). Dr Albert Taylor and Leo Young make first successful detections of objects by radio observation (23 Sept.). QANTAS flies its first scheduled service, the first passenger being Mr A Kennedy (2 Nov.). First instance of skywriting ‘Smoke Lucky Strikes’ (28 Nov.). First public flight of Juan de la Cierva’s Autogyro (9 Jan.). First drop tank used (Boeing MB-3A) (5 March). First air troop-transport took place during Kurdish uprising when 280 Sikhs were flown from Kingarban to Kirkuk (April). Etienne Ochmichen makes world’s first helicopter closed-circuit flight (1 May). Amelia Earhart receives pilot’s certificate from NAA, the first woman to do so (16 May). Sabena Airlines formed in Belgium (23 May). Formation of New Zealand Air Force (14 June). First flight of US airship Shenandoah (3 Sept.). Dixmunde disaster over the Mediterranean: 52 killed in airship explosion (21 Dec.). Royal Canadian Air Force formed (1 April). First sustained forward flight of a helicopter made by Etienne Ochmichen (14 April). Fleet Air Arm established (April). Start of first aeroplane flight round the world by Lts L H Smith and Erik Nelson (24 April–28 Sept.). Formation of Imperial Airways (28 April). First circumnavigation of Australia: Goble and McIntyre in a Fairey IIID (19 May). First flight around Japan: Goto and Yonezawa in a Kawanishi K-6 (31 July). First aerial circumnavigation by two Douglas world cruisers of the US Army Air Service: Smith and Arnold in Chicago, Nelson and Harding in New Orleans (28 Sept.). First production DH60 Moth delivered (21 July), maiden flight 22 Feb. First flight of M-17 ELLO, the first Messerschmitt aircraft (16 Aug.). Shenandoah breaks up in mid-air over Ohio; 29 dead (3 Sept.). Alan Cobham flies his DH-50 over Victoria Falls on the way to Cape Town (24 Jan.). Robert Goddard launches first liquid-fuelled rocket (16 March). Formation of Deutsche Luft Hansa A.G. (6 April). Richard G Byrd flies over North Pole in Fokker F.VII (9 May). Amundsen makes first flight over North Pole in an airship (14 May). US Army Air Service becomes US Army Air Corps (2 July). First aircraft launched and recovered by submarine, US S-1 (28 July). Alan Cobham completes epic flight from London to Australia and back (1 Oct). Lindbergh makes first non-stop solo Atlantic crossing in Spirit of St

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Louis (21 May). Lt Dick Bentley makes first solo flight from Britain to Cape Town (28 Sept.). Inauguration of Flying Doctor service in Australia (15 May). Nobile’s Italia airship crashes in the Arctic (25 May). Charles Kingsford Smith flies Pacific in Southern Cross (9 June). Amelia Earhart becomes first woman to fly the Atlantic (as passenger 18 June). JAL formed in Japan (30 Oct.). Formation of LOT in Poland (1 Jan.). First scheduled passenger flight from London to India (6 April). First stowaway on transatlantic flight (journalist Arthur Shreiber, 14 June). Graf Zeppelin completes first circumnavigation of the globe (29 Aug.). Schneider Trophy retained by Britain, Flying Officer H R D Waghorn in Supermarine S-6B (7 Sept.). Testing of first wireless guidance system for aircraft (1 Oct.). R101 unveiled at Cardington (2 Oct.). First flight of R100 from Howden (16 Nov.). Whittle applies for patent for his turbojet (16 Jan.). Jack Northrop flies experimental ‘Flying Wing’, with tail boom (1 May). Ellen Church, a registered nurse from Iowa, became the first air hostess (15 May). Amy Johnson makes first solo flight to Australia by a woman (24 May). Formation of TWA (16 July). Death of Glen Curtiss (23 July). R101 receives Certificate of Airworthiness (2 Oct.). R101 crashes and explodes at Beauvais, France, on way to India (5 Oct.). First demonstration of Handley Page HP42 (17 Nov.). Iraqi airforce makes inaugural flight (8 April). Wiley Post makes flight around Northern Hemisphere in Lockheed Vega Winnie Mae (1 July). 400 mph barrier broken by Flt Lt George Stainforth in Supermarine SGB (29 Sept.). USS Akron aircraft carrier airship commissioned (2 Nov.). Asian mainland attacked from the air for the first time by Japanese bombers (26 Feb.). Aeroflot formed in Moscow (25 March). Amy Johnson and Jim Mollison announce their engagement (9 May). Amelia Earhart becomes first woman to fly Atlantic non-stop solo (21 May). Santos-Dumont commits suicide (23 July). First flight of Model 17, Beech Aircraft Corporation’s first aircraft (4 Nov.). Maiden flight of Boeing 247 (8 Feb.). Formation of Indian airforce (1 April). French Armée de l’Air created (1 April). First flight over Everest (Westland PV3 piloted by marquis of Douglas and Westland Wallace piloted by David McIntyre (3 April). USS Akron crashes into the Atlantic off New Jersey; 70 killed (5 April). USS Macon (Akron’s replacement) commissioned (23 June). First flight of Douglas DC-1 (1 July). Air France inaugurated (31 Oct.). Deutsche Luft Hansa becomes Lufthansa (1 Jan.). First flight of Boeing P-26 (10 Jan.). DC-2 goes into service with TWA (11 May). De Havilland Comet wins England–Australia air race (24 Oct.). Amelia Earhart becomes first woman to fly the Pacific alone (12 Jan.). Death of Hugo Junkers (3 Feb.). USS Macon crashes into the sea off California (12 Feb.). Goering named as chief of the new Luftwaffe (10 March). First flight of Messerschmitt BF 109 (28 March). Swissair begins regular scheduled service to London (1 April). First flight of privately funded Bristol 142 (Blenheim) (12 April). Successful radar experiment in Suffolk (24 July). First flight of Boeing 299 (Flying Fortress) (28 July). Deaths of Wiley Post and Will Rogers in Alaskan air crash (15 Aug.). First flight of Hurricane (6 Nov.). Charles Kingsford Smith disappears over Indian Ocean (9 Nov.). First air traffic control centre opens in US (1 Dec.). First flight of Douglas DST (DC-3) (12 Dec.). Death of Billy Mitchell (19 Feb.). Maiden flight of Hindenburg (4 March). Supermarine Spitfire makes first flight piloted by Mutt Summers (5 March). Gatwick Airport officially opened (6 June). First flight of Westlander Lysander (10 June). First flight of Vickers Wellington (by Mutt Summers) (15 June). Formation of RAF Volunteer Reserve (30 July). Death of Blériot (8 Aug.). First Short Empire C-Class flying boat goes into service (30 Oct.). DC-2 crashes at Croydon killing 14 including Juan de la Cierva (9 Dec.). Saab established (2 April). First trials of Whittle’s turbojet (13 April). Guernica bombed (26 April). Hindenburg explodes at Lakehurst; 36 killed (6 May). Death of R J Mitchell (11 June). Amelia Earhart disappears over the Pacific while attempting a round-the-world flight (navigator: Fred Noonan) (2 July). First in-flight refuelling of an airliner (Short Empire Flying Boat) (20 Jan.). Short-Mayo composite aircraft separates in flight for the first time (6 Feb.). First flight of Bell XP-3A Airacobra, the first US fighter to feature a cannon (6 April). First flight of Douglas DC-4 (7 June). Spitfire goes into RAF service (4 Aug.). Japanese aircraft shoot down a Chinese DC-2 airliner, the first civil airliner to be lost to hostile air attack (24 Aug.). First flight of Westland Whirlwind (11 Oct.). Germany launches its first aircraft carrier, Graf Zeppelin (8 Dec.). First flight of Boeing Stratoliner, the first pressurised airliner (31 Dec.). First flight of XP-38, Lockheed Lightning (27 Jan.). First flight of Mitsubishi Zero (1 April). Chain Home radar system goes online (4 April). First flight of Short Stirling (14 May). First flight of FockeWulf FW 190 (1 June). First flight of rocket-powered Heinkel He 176 at Peenemünde (20 June). Formation of Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (28 June). First flight of Bristol Beaufighter (17 July). Formation of










BOAC from British Airways and Imperial Airways (4 Aug.). First flight of jet aircraft, Heinkel He 178 (23 Aug.). RAF mobilised (1 Sept.). German paratroops make first-ever offensive parachute drop in Poland (3 Sept.). First ‘bombing’ raid (of leaflets) by RAF against Germany (4 Sept.). First ‘kills’ by RAF against German bombers (16 Oct.). First German bomber brought down on British soil since 1918 (28 Oct.). First flight of Heinkel He 177 (19 Nov.). First flight of Consolidated XB-24, Liberator (29 Dec.). First flight of Hawker Typhoon (24 Feb.). Sikorsky VS-300 helicopter makes first free flight (13 May). First flight of North American B-25 Mitchell (19 Aug.). First RAF raid on Berlin (25 Aug.). CaproniCampini N.I. experimental jet makes first flight (28 Aug.). Battle of Britain Day; entire strength of RAF Fighter Command committed against Luftwaffe attack (15 Sept.). Eagle Squadron of RAF formed by US volunteer pilots at Church Fenton (19 Sept.). First flight of North American NA-73 (P-51 Mustang) (20 Oct.). First major Italian air raid on Britain (11 Nov.). 20 Fairy Swordfish from HMS Eagle and HMS Illustrious successfully attack Italian fleet at Taranto (12 Nov.). Coventry bombed (14 Nov.). First flight of DH 98 Mosquito (25 Nov.). First test flight of HS-293A guided bomb (18 Dec.). Death of Amy Johnson when her Airspeed Oxford crashes in Thames Estuary (5 Jan.). First flight of Avro Lancaster (9 Jan.). First flight of the Heinkel He 280, the world’s first multi-jet aircraft (2 April). First flight of Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (6 May). Rudolf Hess parachutes into Scotland from a Messerschmitt Me110 (10 May). First British jet aircraft, a Gloster E-28/39, makes its maiden flight (15 May). Opening of Washington National Airport (16 June). First successful rocket assisted take-off in California (July). Heini Dittmar pilots a Messerschmitt Me 163A Komet at a speed of 623.85 mph (2 Oct.). Japanese attack Pearl Harbor (7 Dec.). Arthur Harris takes charge of Bomber Command (22 Feb.). First Lancaster mission (3 March). Doolittle raid against Japanese B 25s from USS Hornet (21 April). Battle of the Coral Sea (8 May). Battle of Midway (6 June). First flight of Grumman Hellcat (26 June). First flight of Me 262 jet fighter (18 July). First flight of Hawker Tempest (2 Sept.). First flight of B29 Super Fortress (21 Sept.). First flight of Bell XP-59 Airacomet, the first US jet aircraft (1 Oct.). Brabazon Committee (postwar airliners) established (23 Dec.). First flight of Gloster Meteor, the first British jet fighter (5 March). RAF breaches Mohne and Eder dams using ‘bouncing’ bomb designed by Barnes Wallis (16 May). Leslie Howard shot down in KLM DC-3 over the English Channel (1 June). First flight of Arado Ar 234, the world’s first jet bomber (15 June). Memphis Belle becomes first B-17 to complete 25 missions in Europe (19 June). First use by RAF of ‘Window’, the strips of metal foil dropped to jam radar systems (24 July). First B29 raid (on Bangkok) (5 June). First V1 hits London (13 June). Marianas Turkey Shoot – Japanese lose 480 aircraft and 3 carriers (20 June). First use of napalm (by Lockheed Lightnings against Coutances, France (17 July). International Civil Aviation conference in Chicago; 52 countries attend. Gives rise to Chicago Convention (1 Nov.–7 Dec.). Tirpitz sunk by RAF Lancasters of 617 Squadron (12 Nov.). Glenn Miller disappears in a UC-64 over the English Channel (5 Dec.). 22,000 lb Grand Slam, the heaviest bomb ever dropped, used successfully against the Bielefeld Viaduct (14 March). International Air Transport Association (IATA) formed in Havana (19 April). Atomic bomb tested at Alamogordo (16 July). Atomic bomb ‘Little Boy’ dropped on Hiroshima by B29 Enola Gay (6 Aug.). Atomic bomb ‘Fat Man’ dropped on Nagasaki by B29 Bock’s Car (9 Aug.). First flight of turboprop-powered aircraft, a modified Gloster Meteor (20 Sept.). Absolute speed record taken to 606 mph by Gloster Meteor (7 Nov.). Civil Aviation Act establishes BOAC, BEA and BSAA (British South American Airways), their first commercial departure, made from London Heathrow, a BSAA Lancastrian (1 Jan.). First Pan-Am flight to London from New York (1 June). Air India formed from TATA airlines (29 July). Scandinavian Airline Systems (SAS) formed (31 July). First flight of Convair B-36 (8 Aug.). Aerolinee Italiane Internazionali (Alitalia) established (16 Sept.). Cathay Pacific Airways formed in Hong Kong (24 Sept.). First artificial snowstorm caused by cloud seeding (13 Nov.). Last DC-3 built by Douglas; it is sold to Sabena but on 2 March 1948 it crashes at Heathrow with loss of 19 lives. First round-the-world air service operated by Pan-Am (12 June). Kenneth Arnold sees nine aircraft moving ‘as a saucer would if you skimmed it over the water’ at high speed near Mt Rainier, Washington (24 June). First flight of Boeing Stratocruiser (8 July). Last DC-4 built by Douglas delivered to South African Airways (and still in service) (9 Aug.). USAF established as a separate armed service (18 Sept). Captain Charles Yeager becomes first man to break the sound barrier flying at Mach 1.015 at 42,000 in Bell X-1 (14 Oct.). BEA makes last scheduled flight from Croydon Airport (1 Nov.). Hughes H-4 Hercules (Spruce Goose), the largest aircraft in the world, is flown for the first and only time by Howard Hughes, for one mile (2 Nov.).

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Death of Orville Wright (30 Jan.). Thirty killed when a Pan-Am Lockheed Constellation crashes near Shannon (15 April). First action by Israeli airforce (20 May). Start of Operation Vittles – the Berlin Airlift (26 June). Thirty-nine killed at Northolt when an RAF Avro York collides with an SAS DC-6 (4 July). First flight of Vickers Viscount (16 July). Idlewild Airport (now JFK) opens in New York (31 July). John Derry breaks sound barrier in UK in a DH 108 (6 Sept.). El Al comes into being (15 Nov.). Wright Flyer goes on display at the Smithsonian Institute (17 Dec.). Israeli airforce Messerschmitt 109s shoot down four RAF Spitfires near the Egyptian border (7 Jan.). First non-stop round-the-world flight completed by USAF B-50A Lucky Lady II (2 March). First flight of English Electric Canberra (13 May). First flight of De Havilland Comet, the world’s first jet airliner (27 July). BOAC absorbs BSAA (30 July). First flight of Bristol Brabazon, largest aircraft ever built in Britain (4 Sept.). World’s worst aircrash: 80 killed when Avro Tudor carrying rugby fans crashes in a field near Cardiff (12 March). First glider crossing of the English Channel (Lorne Welch, 12 April). HMS Ark Royal launched (3 May). First North Korean aircraft shot down in Korean war by Twin Mustang (27 June). First helicopter rescue of downed pilot behind enemy lines in Korea (4 Sept.). First flight of Lockheed Super Constellation (13 Oct.). Twenty-eight killed as BEA Viking crashes in fog at Heathrow (31 Oct.). World’s first jet-against-jet dogfight, F-80 versus Mig-15, the F-80 being successful (8 Nov.). Bell Model 47 helicopters arrive at MASH units in Korea (1 Dec.). First non-stop unrefuelled crossing of Atlantic by jet, RAF Canberra (21 Feb.). First flight of Vickers Valiant (18 May). First in-flight refuelling under combat conditions in Korea (6 July). First in-flight sweeping of wings – Bell X-5 research aircraft (16 July). JAL reformed in Tokyo (1 Aug.). First flight of Supermarine Swift (5 Aug.). USAF orders nuclear-powered aircraft from Convair (5 Sept.). First mass movement of troops to battlefront by helicopter, in Korea (21 Sept.). Last DC-6 completed and delivered to Braniff Airways (2 Nov.). First flight of Gloster Javelin (26 Nov.). First interception of aircraft by missile at White Sands, New Mexico (27 Nov.). First turbine-engined helicopter, Kaman K-225, makes its maiden flight (10 Dec.). First airline flight over North Pole by Alaska Air (12 Dec.). First flight of Bristol type 173 twin rotor helicopter (3 Jan.). De Havilland Comet 1 gets first certificate of airworthiness for a jet airliner (22 Jan.). First flight of B-52 (15 April). First successful landing of an aircraft at the North Pole (USAF C-47) (3 May). First scheduled passenger jet service: BOAC Comet 1 from London (3 May). BOAC begins a weekly service from London to Colombo with Comet 1 (11 Aug.). First flight of Bristol Britannia (16 Aug.). First flight of Avro Vulcan (30 Aug.). John Derry and 28 spectators killed when his DH110 crashes at Farnborough (6 Sept.). First doubts about Comet safety after take-off accident in Rome (26 Oct.). First flight of Handley Page Victor (24 Dec.). Lufthansa revived in Germany (6 Jan.). BOAC Comet crashes near Calcutta killing 43 (2 May). First flight of DC-7 (18 May). Dan-Air established (21 May). 129 killed when USAF C-124 Globemaster II crashes on take-off in Japan (18 June). Neville Duke breaks absolute speed record (727.48 mph) in Hawker Hunter (7 Sept.). First flight of Lockheed Starfighter (7 Jan.). BOAC Comet Yoke Peter crashes off Elba, killing 35 (10 Jan.). Last operational flight of a RAF Spitfire (1 April). South African Airways Comet crashes off Stromboli (8 April). Churchill orders the grounding of all Comets (12 April). First flight of Jet Provost (26 June). First flight of Boeing Model 367-80, prototype of the 707 (15 July). First flight of the Rolls Royce Thrust Measuring Rig, ‘The Flying Bedstead’ (3 Aug.). First flight of Lockheed Hercules (23 Aug.). Court of Inquiry into Comet crashes concludes that metal fatigue is to blame (19 Oct.). Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) established (10 Jan.). First operational departure from the central complex at Heathrow (17 April). Fifty-eight killed when a Lockheed Constellation of El Al is shot down by Bulgarian Airforce Mig-15s near the Greek border (27 July). First flight of Republic Thunderchief (22 Oct.). Forty-four killed aboard a United Airlines DC-6B after it blows up in mid-air. It is subsequently proven that the explosion was caused by a bomb, planted to perpetrate an insurance fraud. (Arthur Hailey’s Airport was based on this incident) (1 Nov.). First flight of Fokker Friendship (24 Nov.). Death of Lord Trenchard (10 Feb.). Peter Twiss flies Fairey Delta 2 at 1,131.76 mph to take official airspeed record (10 March). First flight of Dassault Super Mystère (15 May). 128 killed when a United Airlines DC-3 collides with a TWA Constellation over the Grand Canyon (30 June). First flight of Fiat G-91 (9 Aug.). First human flight over 100,000: Iven Kincheloe in Bell X-2 (125,907) (7 Sept.). Luftwaffe re-established (24 Sept.). First flight of Convair B58 Hustler (11 Oct.). UK’s first atomic bomb dropped in Australia (11 Oct.). Last RAF Lancaster retired (15 Oct.). First aircraft landing at the South Pole: US Navy R4D-5 Skytrain Que Sera Sera (31 Oct.). First flight of Dassault Mirage III (17 Nov.). World’s first long-haul airliner, Bristol Britannia, enters service with












BOAC (1 Feb.). Death of Richard Byrd (12 March). First flight of Short SC-1 (2 April). UK’s first hydrogen bomb dropped near Christmas Island (15 May). First flight of Fairey Rotodyne (6 Nov.). First flight of Boeing 707 (production model) (21 Dec.). Death of Ernst Heinkel (Jan.). Munich air crash: seven Manchester Utd players killed (6 Feb.). First flight of De Havilland Comet 4 (27 April). First flight of Blackburn Buccaneer (30 April). First flight of McDonnell F-4 Phantom (27 May). First flight of DC-8 (30 May). New Gatwick Airport opens (9 June). First flight of Westland Wessex (20 June). Death of Henri Farman (17 July). NASA created (29 July). Last flying boat operations in UK (Aquila Airways: Southampton to Madeira) (30 Sept.). First jet airliner on Atlantic route (BOAC Comet 4: London–New York–London) (4 Oct.). Last DC-6 built delivered to JAT (Jugoslavian Airlines) (17 Nov.). First production Fokker Friendship delivered to Aer Lingus (29 Nov.). First flight of A.W. Argosy (8 Jan.). First flight of Convair 880 (27 Jan.). Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper killed when their Beechcraft Bonanza crashes in Mason City, Iowa (3 Feb.). First flight of Alouette III (28 Feb.). First scheduled passenger flight of Sud-Aviation Caravelle (6 May). Last operational flight of RAF Sunderland (15 May). First flight of X-15 (8 June). First flight of Mirage IV A (17 June). First flight of Northrop F-5 (30 July). Jacqueline Auriol becomes first woman to exceed Mach 2 (in Mirage III) (26 Aug.). Croydon Airport closed (30 Sept.). De Havilland merges with Hawker Siddeley (17 Dec.). First flight of Grumman A-6 Intruder (19 April). Gary Powers shot down in Lockheed U-2 over Siberia (1 May). Captain Joseph Kittinger free-falls from 102,800 to 17,500, the highest parachute jump ever (16 Aug.). First flight of Hawker P-1127 (prototype of Harrier) (21 Oct.). 132 killed when TWA Super Constellation and United DC-8 collide over New York (16 Dec.). Seventy-three killed when Sabena 707 crashes in Brussels (15 Feb.). VIASA begins operations in Caracas (1 April). Yuri Gagarin becomes first man in space (12 April). X-15 flown at 3,074 mph and 105,100 by Major Robert White (21 April). Alan Shepherd becomes first US astronaut (5 May). First flight across the Channel by VTOL aircraft, Short SC-1 (27 May). First flight of Aviation Traders ATL-98 Carvair (21 June). Air Congo established (28 June). First flight of Handley Page HP-115 (17 Aug.). Mirage III jet slices through a cable car wire killing six at Chamonix (30 Aug.). Dag Hammarskjöld’s DC-6B crashes near Ndola, Northern Rhodesia (18 Sept.). First flight of Hawker Siddeley Trident (9 Jan.). First use of Agent Orange in defoliant raids in SE Asia (12 Jan.). First US helicopter shot down in Vietnam (4 Feb.). 111 killed when British Caledonian DC-7C crashes at Douala, Cameroon (4 Mar). First flight of Bristol T-188 (14 April). Death of Sir Frederick Handley Page (21 April). First flight of A-12 (prototype of SR-71 Blackbird) (26 April). 130 killed when Air France 707 crashes at Orly (3 June). Air France 707 crashes in Guadeloupe, killing 113 (21 June). X-15A flies at 4,159 mph (27 June). First flight of Vickers VC-10 (29 June). X-15 goes into space: Major Robert White flies it to 314,750, earning himself ‘Astronauts’ Wings’ (17 July). First flight of HS 125 (13 Aug.). First flight of Aerospace Lines ‘Pregnant Guppy’ (19 Sept.). First reference to Anglo-French supersonic airliner as ‘Concorde’, in speech by De Gaulle (13 Jan.). First flight of Boeing 727 (2 Feb.). BEA introduces first stand-by fares (1 April). Last RAF Mosquitoes retired (8 May). First flight of BAC III (20 Aug.). First flight of HS748 (21 Dec.). Idlewild Airport renamed John F. Kennedy (24 Dec.). First flight of Short Belfast (5 Jan.). Death of Maurice Farman (25 Feb.). Jerrie Mock completes first solo aerial circumnavigation by a woman (17 April). VC-10 enters airline service (29 April). First flight of BAC 221 (Concorde research aircraft) (1 May). Actor Roger Moore becomes Air France’s 8,000,000th passenger (21 May). First flight of North American XB-70 Valkyrie (21 Sept.). First flight of BAC TSR2 (27 Sept.). First flight of General Dynamics F-111 (21 Dec.). First flight of Lockheed SR-71 (22 Dec.). First flight of Mirage III V-01 (VTOL aircraft) (12 Feb.). First flight of Douglas DC-9 (25 Feb.). TSR2 cancelled by Wilson government (6 April). Death of Sir Geoffrey De Havilland (26 May). Four hydrogen bombs fall from a B-52 over southern Spain following a collision with KC-135 tanker; all four are recovered (17 Jan.). Laker Airways launched (8 Feb.). France leaves NATO (7 March). Death of Sir Sydney Camm (12 March). North American XB-70 crashes after colliding with a chase aircraft (8 June). Sheila Scott completes first round-the-world solo flight by a British woman (20 June). X-15 flies at 4,250 mph (Mach 6.33) (18 Nov.). First flight of Saab 37 Viggen (8 Feb.). Wrecked oil tanker the Torrey Canyon bombed by RAF and Royal Navy aircraft (18 March). First flight of Boeing 737 (9 April). First flight of HS Nimrod (23 May). DC-4 charter plane crashes in the Pyrenees, killing 88 (3 June). British Midland Argonaut crashes at Manchester, killing 72 (4 June). Six-day war begins with Israeli air strikes against Egypt, Syria and Jordan (5 June). X-15 attains its fastest speed, 4,534 mph (Mach 6.72), flown by Major William Knight (3 Oct.).

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Last Handley Page Hastings retires from RAF (5 Jan.). Yuri Gagarin is killed when his Mig-15 crashes near Moscow (27 March). 121 survive crash of BOAC 707 at Heathrow (8 April). Last Avro Anson retires from RAF after 32 years (28 June). First flight of Sepecat Jaguar (8 Sept.). First flight of TU-144 ‘Concordski’ (31 Dec.). 1969 First flight of Boeing 747 (9 Feb.). First flight of Concorde (001 at Toulouse) (2 March). First flight of Concorde (002 in UK) (9 April). RAF Strike Command formed from Bomber and Fighter Command (30 April). Concorde goes supersonic for the first time (1 Oct.). Nigeria Airways VC-10 crashes in the jungle; 87 killed (20 Nov.). 1970 First wide-bodied airliner landing at Heathrow (Boeing 747 of PanAm) (12 Jan.). Death of Mikhail Mil (31 Jan.). Death of Lord Hugh Dowding (15 Feb.). Last Dakota retires from RAF service (4 April). Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne opens (1 July). First flight of McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (29 Aug.). Black September blow up TWA 707, Swissair DC-8 and BOAC VC-10 at Dawson’s Field, and a Pan-Am 747 at Cairo (12 Sept.). Concorde 002 lands at Heathrow (13 Sept.). Concorde 001 flies at Mach 2 (4 Nov.). First flight of Lockheed Tristar (16 Nov.). Death of Artem Mikoyan (15 Dec.). Airbus Industrie formally established (18 Dec.). Jeanne M Holm becomes first USAF female general (31 Dec.). 1971 Four members of the Red Arrows killed when two Folland Gnats collide at RAF Kemble (20 Jan.). London Air Traffic Control Centre opens at West Drayton (31 Jan.). First flight of Westland Lynx (21 March). Federal Express founded (17 April). Southwest Airlines begin operations (18 June). 162 killed when ANA Boeing 707 collides with a fighter in Japan (30 July). DC-10 enters airline service (5 Aug.). Civil Aviation Authority established in London (5 Aug.). First flight of Shackleton AEW (30 Sept.). BEA Vanguard breaks up over Belgium; 55 killed (2 Oct.). D B Cooper successfully hijacks a Northwest Boeing 727, demands $200,000 and escapes by parachute (24 Nov.). 1972 President Nixon announces that the space shuttle will be developed (5 Jan.). British Airways Board takes over BOAC, BEA and their subsidiaries (1 April). Lockheed Tristar enters airline service (26 April). First fly-by-wire in the USA: Phantom II (29 April). First flight of Fairchild A-10 (10 May). Japanese terrorists kill 25 at Lod Airport (30 May). 118 killed at Staines when BEA Trident crashes after take-off, Britain’s worst air disaster until Lockerbie (18 June). First flight of McDonnell Douglas F15 Eagle (27 July). Ilyushin IL62 crashes in Berlin; 156 killed (14 Aug.). Prince William of Gloucester is killed when his Piper Cherokee crashes during the Goodwood Trophy air race at Wolverhampton (28 Aug.). Death of Igor Sikorsky (26 Oct.). Death of Andrei Tupolev (23 Dec.). 1973 Libyan Airlines 727 shot down by Israeli fighters over Sinai; 74 killed (21 Feb.). TU-144 crashes at the Paris Air Show following mid-air breakup; 14 killed (3 June). 123 die at Orly when a Varig 707 burns after an emergency landing (11 July). Death of Sir Alan Cobham (21 Oct.). First flight of Dassault-Bregeu Dornier Alpha jet (26 Oct.). 1974 First flight of General Dynamics F-16 (2 Feb.). Last Comet in airline service retires (12 Feb.). World’s worst air disaster: 346 killed when a Turkish Airlines DC-10 crashes near Paris (worst until 27 March 1977) (3 March). Airbus A300 enters airline service (23 May). Death of Charles Lindbergh (26 Aug.). First flight of Panavia Tornado (14 Aug.). Fifty-nine killed when Lufthansa 747 crashes in Nairobi, the first ever 747 crash (20 Nov.). First flight of Rockwell B-1 Bomber (23 Dec.). 1975 Death of Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park (6 Feb.). Death of Adrienne Bolland (18 March). First flight of DHC Dash 7 (27 March). US helicopters airlift last personnel from embassy roof in Saigon (30 April). First flight of Boeing 747 SP (4 July). Last Lockheed Constellation in airline service retires (16 July). Concorde becomes first aircraft to make four Atlantic crossings in one day (1 Sept.). Graham Hill killed when his aircraft crashes near Elstree (29 Nov.). 1976 First commercial flight of Concorde (Paris–Rio and London–Bahrain) (21 Jan.). Death of Howard Hughes (5 April). Air France and British Airways Concordes land together at Dulles Airport, Washington (24 May). Israeli commandos rescue over 100 passengers from Palestinian terrorists at Entebbe, Uganda (4 July). Viktor Belenko defects to the West in a Mig-25 in Japan (6 Sept.). Worst ever mid-air collision: 176 killed when BA Trident and Yugoslav DC-9 collide over Croatia (10 Sept.). 1977 Death of Sergei Ilyushin (7 Feb.). World’s worst ever aircraft disaster: two 747s (KLM and Pan-Am) collide on the ground in Tenerife, 575 killed (27 March). Death of Werner von Braun (16 June). Rockwell B-1 cancelled by President Carter (30 June). First gliding flight of space shuttle Enterprise (released from 747) (13 Aug.). Bryan Allen flies Gossamer Condor, the first successful man-powered aircraft (23 Aug.). Freddie Laker launches his Skytrain service from London to New York (26 Sept.). GSG 9 successfully storm a hijacked Lufthansa 737 at Mogadishu; 86 saved (17 Oct.). 1978 213 killed when Air India Boeing 747 explodes in mid-air over Bombay (1 Jan.). British Aerospace takes control of British Aircraft Corporation, Hawker Siddeley and Scottish Aviation (1 Jan.). Narita Airport opens in Tokyo amid environmental protests (22 May). First 1968





1983 1984








crossing of Atlantic by balloon: Double Eagle II (17 Aug.). Death of German aircraft engineer Willy Messerschmitt (15 Sept.). Collision between Pacific Southwest 727 and Cessna in San Diego; 144 killed (25 Sept.). Icelandair DC-8 crashes in Sri Lanka; 202 killed (16 Nov.). All DC-10 aircraft grounded following crash at Chicago on 25 May which killed 279 (6 June). Bryan Allen flies man-powered aircraft, Gossamer Albatross, across the Channel (13 June). Death of Emile Dewoitine (5 July). Death of Sir Barnes Wallis (30 Oct.). 257 killed in Antarctica when Air New Zealand DC-10 crashes near Mt Erebus (29 Nov.). Air UK formed from British Island Airways and Air Anglia (16 Jan.). Air Zimbabwe created from Air Rhodesia (18 April). Operation Eagle Claw aborted in Iranian desert following collision of CH-53 helicopter with Hercules transport. The operation was intended to free US hostages in Tehran (25 April). HMS Ark Royal makes its final voyage, to the breakers yard (22 Sept.). Last commercial flight of Comet 4, a round trip for enthusiasts (9 Nov.). Last Boeing 707 in Pan-Am service retires (3 Jan.). Death of Donald Douglas (1 Feb.). Death of Jack Northrop (18 Feb.). First flight of Rockwell Space Shuttle Columbia (12 April). Israeli airforce bombs Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak (7 June). Gulf of Sirte/Sidra incident: two US Navy F-14s shoot down two Libyan SU-22s (19 Aug.). First flight of Boeing 767 (26 Sept.). First flight of Hughes Notar helicopter, i.e. No Tail Rotor (17 Dec.). Eighty killed when Air Florida 737 crashes into the icy Potomac River in Washington, after wings ice up before take-off (13 Jan.). First flight of Boeing 757 (19 Feb.). First flight of Airbus A310 (3 April). RAF Vulcans take part in the longest bombing runs in history (7,860 miles) from Ascension Island against targets in the Falklands (April– May). Braniff International Airlines files for bankruptcy (13 May). Last Boeing 707 in British Airways service retires (24 May). Last Boeing 707 in Air France service retires (28 Oct.). Last British VBomber Squadron disbanded (21 Dec.). 269 killed when a Soviet SU-15 shoots down a Korean Airlines 747 over Sakhalin Island (2 Sept.). Inaugural flight of Virgin Atlantic Airways (22 June). Last Boeing 727 completed (14 Aug.). First flight of ATR 42 feeder airliner (16 Aug.). First flight of Rockwell B-1B (18 Oct.). First flight of MD-83 (17 Dec.). TWA 727 hijacked in Rome by AMAL guerrillas; all bar one of the hostages are subsequently released (15 June). 329 killed after an Air India 747 explodes over the Atlantic en route to London (23 June). 520 when JAL 747 crashes into a mountain in Japan (13 Aug). Fiftyfour killed at Manchester when a British Airtours 737 catches fire (22 Aug.). Armed police begin patrolling Heathrow Airport (8 Jan.). Challenger disaster: all seven crew are killed when space shuttle explodes shortly after launch (28 Jan.). Terminal 4 opens at Heathrow (12 April). USAF F-IIIs execute air strikes against targets in Libya (15 April). Death of Marcel Bloch (18 April). BA privatised (21 Oct.). Forty-five killed when a BA Chinook ferrying oil workers crashes in the Shetlands (6 Nov.). Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager fly around the world non-stop and unrefuelled, in specially designed aircraft Voyager (23 Dec.). First flight of Airbus A320 (22 Feb.). Last airworthy Bristol Blenheim crashes at Denham (21 June). BAA privatised (16 July). Richard Branson and Per Lindstrand complete first hot-air balloon crossing of the Atlantic (3 July). BA takes over British Caledonian (16 July). BA takes on first female pilots (31 Oct.). London City Airport opens (5 Nov.). First ever aircraft registration number retired by FAA, i.e. Amelia Earhart’s Lockheed Electra which vanished in July 1937 (8 Feb.). North Terminal opens at Gatwick Airport (18 March). First flight of ‘Super-Jumbo’ Boeing 747-400 (29 April). Airbus A320 crashes in trees at Mulhouse air show; four killed (26 June). 290 killed when USS Vincennes shoots down Iranian Airbus (3 July). Thirty-three killed at Ramstein when Frecce Tricolori (Italian National Aerobatic Team) aircraft collide above spectators at air show (28 Aug.). Death of Sheila Scott (20 Oct.). F-117A Stealth aircraft formally unveiled by USAF (10 Nov.). Lockerbie disaster: 270 killed after bomb causes Pan-Am Jumbo to crash on houses; worst air disaster in British history (21 Dec.). Thirty-two killed when British Midland 737 crashes on to the M1 at Kegworth (8 Jan.). First flight of Northrop B-2 Spirit Flying Wing Stealth Bomber (17 July). 107 killed at Sioux City, Iowa, when United Airlines DC-10 crashes on landing (19 July). Death of Alexander Yakovlev (22 Aug.). Bell/Boeing Vertol V-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft makes first transition to level flight (14 Sept.). First flight of Northrop/McDonnell Douglas YF-23 (subsequently dropped in favour of Lockheed YF-22) (27 Aug.). First flight of Rockwell/MBB X-31A low-speed experimental aircraft (11 Oct.). United Airlines takes over Pan-Am’s London routes (23 Oct.). Osaka Airport opens in Japan (9 Nov.).

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1995 2003


First Boeing 727 retires after 27 years with United Airlines (13 Jan.). Air Europe, based at Gatwick Airport, ceases to operate (17 Jan.). Operation Desert Storm makes large-scale use of Stealth aircraft for the first time (Jan.). First scheduled United Airlines flight to London (4 April). Boeing finally ends production of 707 after 37 years (1 Sept.). First flight of McDonnell Douglas C-17 (15 Sept.). First flight of Airbus A-340 (25 Oct.). First MD-11 delivered (to Finnair) (29 Nov.). Pan-Am ceases operations (4 Dec.). TWA announces that it is bankrupt (11 Jan.). Piper declared bankrupt (1 April). Plans for MD-12 (4-engine, 600-seat airliner) announced (30 April). BAA announces plans for Terminal 5 at Heathrow (12 May). First Boeing 777 begins operations at Heathrow (United Airlines) (July). Air France announces it is to chop its fleet of Concordes on 31 May while British Airways closes down its fleet of seven Concordes at the end of October. A Boeing 777-200 LR Worldliner completes a 13,422 mile flight across the Pacific in 22 hrs 42 mins, the longest non-stop flight ever.

2008 2009





A new terminal in the shape of a dragon with a ball opens at Beijing Airport, the largest in the world. Airbus A320 crash lands in the Hudson River after Capt Chesley Sullenberger reports a ‘double bird strike’. All 155 passengers are saved. First Solar Impulse aircraft, HB-SIA, capable of flying both day and night makes its first flight in Payerne, Switzerland charging its batteries in flight. Space Shuttles - NASA’s crewed, partially reusable low Earth orbital spacecraft - operational since 1981, fly for the last time. KLM becomes the first airline in the world to provide flights using biofuel. Slovenian pilot Matevž Lenari completes a 62,000-mile (99,839km) solo round-the-world flight in a Pipistrel Virus SW914 ultra-light aircraft. American Airlines and US Airways announce a merger, creating the world's largest airline, with 900 planes, 3,200 daily flights, and 95,000 employees

Airports: UK Aldergrove Ballasalla Baltasound Barton Benbecula Birmingham Blackbushe Booker Bournemouth Brize Norton Brough City City Compton Abbas Conington Coventry Dalcross Dyce East Midlands Eday Eglinton Exeter

Belfast Isle of Man Unst, Shetlands Manchester Hebrides Solihull Camberley Wycombe, Bucks Dorset Oxford (RAF Station) East Yorkshire Belfast London Dorset Peterborough West Midlands Inverness Aberdeen Derbyshire Orkneys Londonderry Devon

Fair Isle Filton Flotta Gatwick Glasgow Glenegedale Goodwood Grimsetter Hatfield Heathrow John Lennon (formerly Speke) Kidlington Kirkwall Leeds Bradford Leuchars

Shetlands Bristol Orkneys West Sussex Glasgow Islay Chichester Orkney Hertfordshire London Liverpool Oxford Orkneys West Yorkshire Fife (RAF Station) Beverley Bristol Ashford, Kent Manchester

Linley Hill Lulsgate Lydd Manchester (formerly Ringway) Manston Kent North Bay Barra, Hebrides

North Denes Great Yarmouth North Ronaldsay Orkneys Papa Westray Orkneys Port Ellen Islay, Hebrides Prestwick Ayrshire Rhoose Cardiff Robin Hood Doncaster Roborough Plymouth Ronaldsway Isle of Man St Angelo Enniskillen, Fermanagh St Just Land’s End St Mary’s Scilly Isles Sanday Orkneys Sandown Isle of Wight Scatsa Shetlands Scone Perth Shoreham East Sussex Sibson Peterborough Silverstone Northants Southampton Hampshire Stansted NE London Stapleford Essex Staverton Gloucestershire

Stornoway Stronsay Sumburgh Sywell Teeside Tingwall Tiree Tresco Turnhouse Unst Walney Island West Freugh West Midlands Westray Whalsay Wick Wickenby Woodford Woodvale Yeovilton

Hebrides Orkneys Shetlands Northampton Cleveland Lerwick, Shetlands Hebrides Scillies Edinburgh Shetlands Barrow, Cumbria Dumfries Birmingham Orkneys Shetlands Caithness Lincolnshire Greater Manchester Merseyside (RAF Station) Somerset (private airfield)

Airlines Name





ACES Aer Lingus Aeroflot Aerolineas Air Asia Air Littoral Air Niugini Air UK Alia Alitalia American Airlines ANA

Colombia Ireland Russia Argentina Malaysia France PNG UK(Stansted) Jordan Italy USA All Nippon Airways Australia Colombia New Zealand UK (Luton) UK Luxembourg Hong Kong

Cebo Air Continental Coyne CP Air Crossair CSA

Philippines USA UK(Stansted) Canada Switzerland Czech Republic USA Mozambique Hong Kong USA Israel Taiwan South Africa USA Indonesia Greenland Bahrain Spain Germany


Augusta Airways Avianca Bell-Air Britannia British Airways Cargolux Cathay Pacific

Delta Airlines DETA Dragonair Eastern Airlines El Al Eva Air Flitestar Frontie Airlines Garuda Gronlandsfly Gulf Air Iberia Interflug


Japanese Airlines JAT Yugoslavia Jet India (Mumbai) Jetstar Asia Singapore KLM Netherlands Kyrnair Corsica Ladeco Chile LAP Paraguay Linjeflyg Sweden LOT Poland Lufthansa Germany Malev Hungary Maskargo Malaysia NFD Germany Norontair Canada Northwest Airlines USA Olympic Greece Pan-Am USA PIA Pakistan




Australia USA Ireland Belgium Costa Rica Denmark, Norway, Sweden TAP Portugal THY Turkey Tiger Airways Singapore Tower Air USA Transavia Airlines Netherlands Transworld Airlines USA United Airlines USA United Airways Bangladesh Varig Brazil VIASA Venezuela Virgin UK (Gatwick) Western Airlines USA Qantas Republic Airlines RyanAir Sabena Sansa SAS

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Abadan Abidjan Abu Simnel Aberdeen Arecife Alderney Nantucket, MA Waco, Texas Addis Ababa Malaga Auckland Alicante Albany, WA Aleppo Alexandria Amarillo, Texas Antwerp Andros Abu Dhabi Barbuda Benbecula Beirut Belfast Bergen Birmingham Bangui Bangkok Bamako Blantyre Berne Basle Bursa Bucharest Bissau Brazzaville Cairo Caracas Calcutta Charles de Gaulle Cherbourg Donegal Caen Kerkyra Christchurch Casablanca Cape Town Christmas Island Washington Duluth Deauville Dortmund Dunhedin Düsseldorf Dubai Dushanbe

Location Iran Ivory Coast Egypt Scotland Lanzarote Channel Islands USA USA Ethiopia Spain New Zealand Spain Australia Syria Egypt USA Belgium Bahamas UAE Leeward Isles Scotland Lebanon N. Ireland Norway England Gambia Thailand Mali Malawi Switzerland Switzerland Turkey Romania Guinea-Bissau Congo Egypt Venezuela India Paris France Eire France Greece New Zealand Morocco South Africa Kiribati USA Minnesota France Germany New Zealand Germany UAE Tadzhikstan


Bergerac Yerevan Newark, NJ Key West Faro Fornebu Fiumicino Fair Isle Kinshasa Freetown Funchal Nîmes Frankfurt Gaborone Guernsey Grenoble Genoa Nuuk (Godthaab) Goa Galapagos Isles Hanover Hobart Hyderabad Haifa Phuket Hamilton Haneda Hyderabad Dulles International Ibiza Kiev Isle of Man Inishmore Easter Island Jodhpur John F. Kennedy Juneau Jerusalem Keflavik Kiel Karachi Klagenfurt Krakow Kingston Katowice Kuala Lumpur McCarran Los Angeles Larnaca Le Havre Lomé Gatwick Lahore Heathrow Limoges

France Armenia USA Florida Portugal Oslo Rome Scotland Dem Rep. of Congo Sierra Leone Madeira Islands France Germany Botswana UK France Italy Greenland India Ecuador Germany Tasmania Pakistan Israel Thailand New Zealand Tokyo India Washington Spain Ukraine UK Eire Chile India New York Alaska Israel Iceland Germany Pakistan Austria Poland Jamaica Poland Malaysia Las Vegas California Cyprus France Togo London Pakistan London France


Luton Lusaka Lerwick Luxor Madras Montego Bay Monte Carlo Mandalay Melbourne Milford Sound Mulhouse Malmö Teesside Moscow Maputu Marseille Mexicali Nairobi Nice Newcastle Sanday Newquay Narita Nsimalen, Yaoundé Nantes Sun City Odense Oporto O’Hare Cork Oran Port au Prince Paphos Perpignan Paradise Island Palermo Poona Pago Pago Capri Pretoria Rabat Reykjavik Riyadh Seoul Shannon Sapporo Stuttgart Tehran Tirana Rouen Verona Warsaw Wellington Whitehorse Calgary Yellowknife Zaragosa Zurich

Bedfordshire Zambia Shetlands Egypt India Jamaica Monaco Burma (Myanmar) Australia New Zealand France Sweden England Russia Mozambique France Mexico Kenya France England Scotland England Tokyo Cameroon France South Africa Denmark Portugal Chicago Eire Algeria Haiti Cyprus France Bahamas Italy India American Samoa Italy South Africa Morocco Iceland Saudi Arabia South Korea Eire Japan Germany Iran Albania France Italy Poland New Zealand Canada Canada Canada Spain Switzerland

NB The airport codes above are a small-cross section of the thousands of abbreviations used internationally. Most of the codes represent the location of the airport but others denote the name.

Airports: International Name






Abadan Adana Agno

Iran Turkey Lugano, Switzerland New York St Croix, W Indies Cali, Colombia

Amausi Amborovy

Lucknow Majunga, Madagascar Florence Cape Verde Kano, Nigeria Stockholm

Arnos Vale Arrecife Arturo Marino Benitez Atuona

St Vincent Lanzarote Santiago, Chile Hiva Oa, French Polynesia Managua, Nicaragua

Albany County Alexander Hamilton Alfonso Bonilla Aragon

Amerigo Vespucci Amilcar Cabral Aminu Arlanda


Augusto Co Sandino

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Balice Baneasa Bangor Banja Luka Bankstown Barajas Basle-Mulhouse (Euro Airport) Bata Beira Ben Gurion Benina Benito Juarez Bierset Bilund Blackburne / Plymouth Blagnac Blue Danube Bole Bonriki Boukhalef Bourgas Bradley

Krakow, Poland Bucharest Maine Bosnia New South Wales Madrid Basle, Switzerland

Elat Elmas Eppley Airfield Esenboga Ezeiza Faaa Faleolo F D Roosevelt

Israel Cagliari Omaha, Nebraska Ankara Buenos Aires Tahiti Apia, Samoa St Eustatius, W Indies Budapest Luxembourg Rome

Katunayake Keflavik Kent County Michigan Kerkyra Khon Kaen Khoramaksar Khwaja Rawash Kimpo King Khaled Kingsford Smith Kitsap Klagenfurt Kloten Kota Kinabulu Kotoka Kranebitten Kuching Kungsangen

Colombo, Sri Lanka Reykjavik, Iceland Grand Rapids,

Brnik Bromma Bulawayo Butmir Byrd Field Cairns Calabar Cancun Canefield Cannon Canton Capodichino Cardiff Carrasco Carthage Cebu Changi Charleroi Charles B Wheeler Charles de Gaulle Charlotte Chatarpati Shivaji Chek Lap Kok Chiang Kai Shek Chileka Ciampino Cointrin Collinstown Congonhas Coolidge Costa Smeralda Cotonou Cristoforo Colombo Crown Point Cuscatlan Dabolim Dalaman Deurne D F Malan Diagoras Domodedovo Dorval Douala Dulles Dum Dum Eagle Farm Ecterdingen Eduardo Gomes El Alto El Dorado

Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Tel Aviv Benghazi, Libya Mexico City Liège, Belgium Denmark Montserrat Toulouse Linz Addis Ababa Kiribati Tangier, Morocco Bulgaria Hartford, Connecticut Ljubljana Stockholm Zimbabwe Sarajevo Richmond, Virginia Queensland Nigeria Mexico Roseau, Dominica Reno, Nevada Akron, Ohio Naples Rhoose Montevideo Tunis Philippines Singapore Belgium Kansas City, Missouri Paris North Carolina Bombay / Mumbai Hong Kong (new) Taipei, Taiwan Blantyre, Malawi Rome Geneva Dublin São Paulo, Brazil Antigua Olbia, Sardinia Benin Genoa Scarborough, Tobago El Salvador Goa Turkey Antwerp Cape Town Rhodes Moscow Montreal Cameroon Washington Calcutta Brisbane Stuttgart Manaus, Brazil La Paz, Bolivia Bogotá, Colombia

Ferihegy Findel Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci) Flamingo Field Flesland Fontanarossa Fornebu Fort Myers Fort Worth Frederic Chopin Freeport Fua’amotu Fuenterrabia Fuerteventura Fuhlsbüttel Galileo Galilei Gardermoen G’Bessia General Manuel Marquez de Leon General Mitchell Gillot G. Marconi Golden Rock Grantley Adams Gulfport-Biloxi Hahaya Halim Perdanakusama Hanan Hancock Field Haneda Hartsfield Hato Hellenikon Henderson Field Heraklion Hewanorra Heydar Aliyev Hongqiao Hopkins Indira Gandhi Inezgane Ippokratis Isla Verde Ivanka Ivato Izmir Jackson Field James M Cox J F Kennedy Jinnah Johan Adolf Pengel John F Kennedy John Foster Dulles John Paul II John Wayne Jorge Chavez Jose Martí Kai Tak Kamazu Kastrup


Bonaire Bergen, Norway Catania, Sicily Oslo Florida Dallas, Texas Warsaw Bahamas Tonga San Sebastián Canary Islands Hamburg Pisa Oslo Conakry Mexico Milwaukee Réunion Bologna St Kitts Barbados Mississippi Moroni, Comoros Djakarta Niue Syracuse, NY Tokyo Atlanta, Georgia Curaçao Athens Honiara, Solomon Isles Crete St Lucia Baku Shanghai Cleveland, Ohio New Delhi Agadir, Morocco Kos San Juan, Puerto Rico Bratislava Antananarivo, Madagascar Turkey Port Moresby, PNG Dayton, Ohio La Paz Karachi Paramaribo, Suriname New York Washington DC Krakow Los Angeles, California Lima, Peru Havana, Cuba Hong Kong (old) Lilongwe, Malawi Copenhagen

La Aurora La Coruña La Guardia La Mesa Landvetter Larnaca Las Americas Las Palmas Lawica Le Bourget Lech Walesa Le Lamentin Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino) Le Raizet Les Angades Lesquin Lester B Pearson Linate Lindbergh Logan Long Beach Loshitsa Louis Botha Lourdes/Tarbes Lubbock Lungi Lupepau’u Luqa M’Poko Mactan Mahon Mais Gate Malmi Malpensa Manas Kyrgyzstan Marco Polo Mariscal Sucre Marsh Harbour Bahamas Matsapha Maturin Maxglan Maya Maya McCarran McCoy McNary Field Meenambakkam Mehrabad Melbourne Melita

Corfu Phuket Aden Kabul, Afghanistan Seoul, South Korea Riyadh Sydney, Australia Washington, USA Austria Zurich Sabah, Malaysia Accra, Ghana Innsbruck Sarawak, Malaysia Norrköping, Sweden Guatemala Spain New York San Pedro Sula, Honduras Gothenburg Cyprus Dominican Republic Gran Canaria Poznan Paris Gdansk Martinique Rome Guadeloupe Oujda, Morocco Lille, France Toronto Milan San Diego, California Boston California Minsk, Belarus Durban Juillan, France Texas Freetown, Sierra Leone Tonga Malta Bangui, Central African Republic Cebu, Philippines Menorca Haiti Helsinki Milan Bishkek, Venice Quito, Ecuador Abaco Island, Manzini, Swaziland Venezuela Salzburg, Austria Brazzaville, Congo Las Vegas Orlando, Florida Salem, Oregon Madras, India Tehran, Iran Florida Djerba, Tunisia

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Melsbroek Melville Hall Menara Mercedita Merignac Midway Ministro Pistarini Mirabel Mohammed V Monroe County Morelos Münster / Osnabrück Murtala Muhammed Nadi Naha Narita Narssarsuaq N’Djili Nejrab Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Newark Newcastle Ngurah Rai Ninoy Aquino Nis Noi Bai Norman Manley Norman Rogers North Front Nouadhibou Oakland O’Hare Okecie Olaya Herrera Oran Orebro Orly Osaka Osnabrück (Münster) Osvaldo Vieira Otopeni Owen Roberts Palese Paphos Paradisi Patenga Patrick Henry Pearson Pekoa Peretola Peshawar Peterson Field Phillip SW Goldson Piarco Pochentong Point Noire Point Salines Polonia Port Bouet

Brussels Dominica Marrakesh Puerto Rico Bordeaux Chicago Buenos Aires Montreal Casablanca Rochester, NY Mexico Germany Lagos, Nigeria Fiji Okinawa (Japan) Tokyo Greenland Kinshasa Aleppo, Syria Calcutta / Kolkata

Port Harcourt Portland Princess Beatriz Prince Said Ibrahim

Nigeria Maine Aruba Moroni, Comoros Islands Marseille Croatia St Petersburg Palermo, Sicily Jordan Aruba United Arab

St Thomas Sturup Sultun Abdul Aziz Shah Sunan Sylmet Tacoma Tamatve Tarbes (Lourdes) Tegel Tempelhof Thalerhof Theodore Francis Green Timehri

New York Nevis Island Denpasar, Bali Manila, Philippines Yugoslavia Hanoi Kingston, Jamaica Kingston, Ontario Gibraltar Mauritania California Chicago Warsaw Medellín, Colombia Algeria Sweden Paris Japan Germany Guinea Bissau Bucharest Grand Cayman Bari, Italy Cyprus Rhodes Bangladesh Norfolk, Virginia Toronto Vanuatu Florence Pakistan Colorado Belize Trinidad Cambodia Congo Grenada Indonesia Ivory Coast

Provence Pula Pulkovo Punta Raisi Queen Alia Queen Beatrix Ras Al Khaimah Emirates Rebiechowo Reina Beatrix Reina Sofia Riem Robert Mueller Roberts Rochambau Roskilde Ruzyne Sainte Foy Sale Salgado Filho Salote Pilolevu Sangster

Gdansk, Poland Aruba Tenerife Munich Austin, Texas Monrovia, Liberia French Guiana Copenhagen Prague Quebec Rabat, Morocco Brazil Tonga Montego Bay, Jamaica Seville Funchal, Madeira Bombay Malabo, Guinea Rio Amsterdam Berlin Vienna Oman Mauritius

San Pablo Santa Caterina Santa Cruz Santa Isabel Santos Dumont Schiphol Schönefeld Schwechat Seeb Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Senou Seretse Khama

Mali Gaborone, Botswana Tunisia U. A. E. Moscow Paraguay Ecuador Caracas, Venezuela Botswana Morocco Phoenix, Arizona Ukraine Stavanger, Norway Bilbao Greenland Latvia Washington Louisville, Kentucky Denver, Colorado

Sfax Sharjah Sheremetyevo Silvio Pettirossi Simon Bolivar Simon Bolivar Sir Seretse Khama Skanes Sky Harbour Snilow Sola Sondica Søndre Srømfjord Spilve Spokane Standiford Field Stapleton

Toncontin Tontouta Torslanda Totegegie Townsville Treasure Cay Tribhuyan Trivandrum Truax Field Tullamarine Turku Ulemiste U Michaeli Unokovo Uplands VC Bird Vagar Vantaa Vigie Viracopos Vnukovo WA Mozart Wall Blake Washington Wattay West End Wichita Wickede Will Rogers William B Hartsfield William P Hobby Willow Run WK Kellogg Yeager Yoff Yundam Zarsis Zaventem Zia Zvartnots

Location Virgin Islands Malmö, Sweden Malaysia (Subang) North Korea Dhaka, Bangladesh Seattle Madagascar Juillan, France Berlin Berlin Graz, Austria Rhode Island Georgetown, Guyana Tegucigalpa, Honduras New Caledonia Gothenburg Gambier Island Australia Abaco Island, Bahamas Nepal India Wisconsin Melbourne Finland Estonia Haifa, Israel Moscow Ottawa Antigua Faeroe Islands Helsinki St Lucia São Paulo, Brazil Moscow Salzburg Anguilla Baltimore, Maryland Laos Bahamas Kansas Dortmund Oklahoma Atlanta, Georgia Houston, Texas Detroit, Michigan Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Michigan Charleston, West Virginia Senegal Gambia Djerba, Tunisia Brussels Bangladesh Yerevan, Armenia

TRANSPORT: CARS Makes and Models AC Cars Ace, Aceca, Cobra, Frua, Greyhound, Invacar. Alfa Romeo Brera, Competizione, GTV, Montreal, 156, Spider . Aston Martin DB series (David Brown), Lagonda, V8 Vantage. (Aston Martin (Lagonda) Ltd was founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford). Audi A, Q, RS (RennSport), S series, 80, Cabriolet, Quattro.

Austin A90, Cambridge, Healey, Maestro, Metro, Westminster. Bentley Arnage Mulsanne, Brooklands, Continental T, Zagato (owned since 1998 by the German Volkswagen Group). BMW 528i, M3, 328i, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 plus X and Z series. Cadillac Allante, Ciel, Cien, Escalade, Evoq, Fleetwood, La Salle, SRX (founded in 1902 – a division of General Motors)


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Citroën Berlingo, Dyane, Elysee, Mehari, Metropolis, Nemo, Pluriel, Revolte, Saxo 2CV, VTS, Xantia, Xsara (now part of the PSA Peugeot Citroën group) Daewoo (Korea) Cielo, Espero, Lanos, Leganza, Matiz, Nexia, Nubira (the car division became defunct in 1999). Daihatsu (Japan) Applause, Copen, Cuore, Materia, Move, Naked, Opti, Rocky, Sonica, Sportrak, Taft, Taruna, Terios, Xenia. Dodge Charger, Coronet, Dart, Durango, Journey, Power Wagon, Viper (a division of Chrysler Group LLC). Ferrari Berlinetta, California, Enzo, F355, 458 Italia, 458 Spider, Maranello, 360 Modena, 360 Spider, Testarossa (prancing horse logo) Fiat Barchetta, Brava, Bravo, Cinquecento, Croma, Doblo, Ducato, Fiorino, Idea, Linea, Marea, Multipla, Panda, Punto, Scudo, Sedici, Seicento, Spider, Stilo, Strada, Tempra, Tipo, Ulysse, Uno (Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino was founded in 1899 by a group of investors, including Giovanni Agnelli). Ford Aerostar, Anglia, Aspire, Bantam, Bronco, Capri, Contour, Cortina, Cougar, Edge, Edsel, Escape, Escort, Expedition, Explorer, Fiesta, Focus, Galaxy, Granada, Ka, Maverick, Model T, Mondeo, Mustang, Pinto, Probe, Puma, Ranger, Sapphire, Scorpio, Taurus, Torino, Thunderbird, Victoria (Ford luxury cars are sold in the USA under the Lincoln brand established in 1917 by Henry M. Leland, who also founded Cadillac 15 years earlier). Honda Accord, Aerodeck, Civic, CR-V, J-VX, Legend, Odyssey, Passport, Prelude Hyundai (Korea) Accent, Asta, Avatar, Elantra, Santa Fe, Santro Xing, Sonata, Starex, Terracan, Tiburon, Tucson, Veracruz. Jaguar E-Type, F-Type, S-Type, XF, XJ12, XK120, XK8, XKR-S (founded as the Swallow Sidecar Company by Sir William Lyons in 1922). Lada Granta, Kalina, Largus, Niva, Priora, Resolution, Riva, Samara (the Lada badge depicts a Viking sailing ship). Landrover Defender, Discovery, Freelander, Range Rover Evoque (now part of the Jaguar Land Rover group, a subsidiary of Tata Motors of India). Lincoln Blackwood, Continental, Cosmopolitan, H K & L series, Navigator, Premiere Lotus Eclat, Elan, Elise, Elite, Esprit, Europa, Evora, Excel, Exige Maserati Ghibil, GranCabrio, Levante, Quattroporte (part of FIAT Group badge is a red trident) Mercedes C180, CLK, Citan, Malaya, Necar 3, SLK Roadster, SLS- AMG,

Viano, Vision SLR (division of the German manufacturer Daimler AG). Mitsubishi Diamante, Eclipse, Mirage, Montero, Salent, Shogun (based in Tokyo) Nissan Almira, Altima, Frontier, Leaf, Maxima, Micra, Pathfinder, Patrol, Primera, Quest, QX, Serena, Skyline, 300 ZX, Tirano (based in Yokohama – formerly marketed vehicles under the brand name Datsun). Peugeot Bipper, Boxer, Expert, 406, Hoggar, Partner, 205 (the Peugeot badge depicts a lion rampant). Porsche Boxster, Carrera, Cayenne, Cayman, 911, 924, Panamera, Varrera Proton Exora, Inspira, Perdana, Persona, Prevé, Saga, Satria, Waja (Malaysian company founded in 1983). Renault Clio, Espace, Extra, Fuego, Kangoo, Laguna, Master, Mégane Alizé, Mégane Scenic, Safranes, Spider, Trafic, Twingo (as part of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, the company is the fourth-largest automotive group in the world behind General Motors, Volkswagen and Toyota). Rolls Royce Camargue, Corniche, Phantom, Silver Cloud, Silver Dawn, Silver Ghost, Silver Seraph, Silver Shadow, Silver Spirit, Silver Wraith Saab Carlsson, Sonett (Swedish company founded in 1945). Seat Alhambra, Arosa, León Mk3, Malaga, Marbella, Toledo Skoda Fabia, Felicia, Octavia, Superb (Czech company became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group in 2000). Subaru Dex, Forester, Impreza, Justy, Legacy, Leone, Loyale, Sumo, Tribeca (based in Tokyo, Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster) Suzuki Alto, Baleno, Cappuccino, Every, Jimny, Lapin, Solio, Splash, Swift, Vitaras Toyota Avalon, Camry Solara, Celica, Corolla, Highlander, Lexus, Prius, RAV4, Scion, Sequoia, Sienna, Supra, Tacoma, Tercel, Tundra TVR Cerbera, Chimaera, Griffith, Jomar, Trident, Tuscan, Vixen (company name a corruption of first name of founder Trevor Wilkinson). Vauxhall Adam, Agila, Astra SRi, Belmont SRi, Calibra, Carlton, Cavalier (became Vectra), Chevette, Corsa, Frontera, Insignia, Meriva, Mokka, Monterrey, Nova, Omega, Senator, Tigra Bermuda, Vectra, Zafira Vauxhall (van) Arena, Astravan, Brava, Combo, Corsavan Volkswagen Beetle, Cabrio, Cabriolet, Corrado, Eos, Fox, Golf GTi, Jetta, Passat, Phaeton, Polo, Scirocco, Sharan, Thing, Tiguan, Up!, Vento Volvo C70, 850, 340, S60, S80, V40, V70 (Swedish company based in Gothenburg).

Motorways M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M9 M11 M18

London to Leeds Rochester to Faversham Sunbury to Southampton London to Swansea Birmingham to Exeter Rugby to Carlisle Edinburgh to Erskine Bridge Edinburgh to Dunblane London to Cambridge Rotherham to Goole

M20 M23 M25 M26 M27 M32 M40 M41 M42 M45 M50

Swanley to Folkestone Hooley to Crawley London Orbital Sevenoaks to Tonbridge Southampton Bypass Bristol to M4 London to Birmingham London to West Cross Bromsgrove to Measham M1 to A45 (Coventry) Ross to Tewkesbury

M53 M54 M55 M56 M57 M58 M61 M62 M63 M65

Chester to Wallasey M6 to Telford Preston to Blackpool Manchester/Queensferry Liverpool outer ring road Liverpool to Wigan Manchester to Preston Liverpool to Hull Manchester south ring road Calder Valley from M6

M66 M67 M69 M73 M74 M77 M80 M90


Manchester to Rochdale Hyde Bypass Coventry to Leicester Glasgow Glasgow to Lesmahagow Ayr Stepps Bypass Dunfermline to Perth, Bonnybridge to Kincardine Bridge M18 to Humber Bridge

NB The first UK motorway was the Preston Bypass in 1958, now part of the M6.

Vehicle Number Plates A new registration mark system was introduced on 1 September 2001. The new plates will comprise seven characters: the first two letters to denote the registered office; the next two a numeric age identifier; the final three letters a random element to differentiate vehicles. The age identifier will be subject to change every six months. The tables are reproduced below and the example given by the DVLA is as follows: BD51 SMR where BD indicates the vehicle was registered in the Birmingham office and the 51 indicates a registration date between Sept 2001 and Feb 2002. The typeface was also standardised from 1 September 2001 and only regular block capitals are now allowable. Letter


Local Offices

DVLA Local Office Identifier




Birmingham Cymru


Deeside to Shrewsbury


Essex Forest & Fens


Garden of England


Hampshire & Dorset

Peterborough Norwich Ipswich Birmingham Cardiff Swansea Bangor Chester Shrewsbury Chelmsford Nottingham Lincoln Maidstone Brighton Bournemouth Portsmouth



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Manchester & Merseyside North


Oxford Preston


Reading Scotland


Severn Valley West of England



Age Identifiers Code Date 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

March 2002 – Aug 2002 March 2003 – Aug 2003 March 2004 – Aug 2004 March 2005 – Aug 2005 March 2006 – Aug 2006 March 2007 – Aug 2007 March 2008 – Aug 2008 March 2009 – Aug 2009 March 2010 – Aug 2010 March 2011 – Aug 2011 March 2012– Aug 2012

Luton Northampton Wimbledon Stanmore Manchester


Newcastle Stockton Oxford Preston


Carlisle Reading Glasgow Edinburgh Dundee Aberdeen Inverness Worcester Exeter Truro Bristol Leeds Sheffield Beverley Code 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Date Sept 2001 – Feb 2002 Sept 2002 – Feb 2003 Sept 2003 – Feb 2004 Sept 2004 – Feb 2005 Sept 2005 – Feb 2006 Sept 2006 – Feb 2007 Sept 2007 – Feb 2008 Sept 2008 – Feb 2009 Sept 2009 – Feb 2010 Sept 2010 – Feb 2011 Sept 2011 – Feb 2012 Sept 2012 – Feb 2013

General Information Automobile Association founded in 1905; originally formed to warn members of police patrols. Breathalyser introduced in 1967 by Minister of Transport, Barbara Castle. car founders and designers: Fiat – Agnelli family; Jaguar – William Lyons; Lotus – Colin Chapman. driving test initiated in 1935 and L-plates issued in the same year. Eiffel Tower – served as billboard Between 1925 and 1934 the name Citroen was lit up on the tower at night. Mini introduced in 1959 and designed by Alex Issigonis. MoT (Ministry of Transport) testing established in 1960 and compulsory for vehicles over three years old.

number plates first issued in 1903, the first being A1 to Lord Russell. parking meters first seen in the UK in 1958, the same year that London saw its first traffic wardens. petrol pumps were first used in 1919 in the UK. road car: fastest As at April 2010 America’s SSC Ultimate Aero TT is the fastest road car in the world with a top speed of 257 mph. Route 66 runs from Chicago (Illinois) to Los Angeles (California). Royal Automobile Club founded in 1897, the second largest motoring organisation after the AA. veteran cars are those built up to the end of 1918; contrast Vintage cars, 1919–30.

TRANSPORT: SHIPS Famous Ships: Miscellaneous Aaron Manby first iron steamship, launched in 1822. Achille Lauro formerly Willem Ruys, Italian cruise ship dogged by disaster. Collided with a fishing boat 1971, one crew member killed; fire broke out on board 1981, two passengers killed; hijacked between Alexandria and Port Said by the PLO Oct. 1985, one passenger murdered; gutted by fire and sank in the Indian Ocean Nov. 1994, two passengers killed. Amoco Cadiz super-tanker that ran aground off the coast of Brittany (March 1978) spilling 220,000 tons of crude oil. Ancon first ship through the Panama Canal. Andrea Doria Italian ship which collided with a Swedish ship and sank (1956). Archimedes first large sea-going steamship driven by a screw-propeller, it weighed 237 tons (Nov. 1838). Argonaut first submarine to navigate extensively in the open sea. Built in 1897 by the US engineer and naval architect Simon Lake, it was fitted with wheels for travel on the bottom of the sea. In 1898 the Argonaut travelled from Norfolk, Virginia, to New York, through heavy storms, proving the seaworthiness of this type of submarine construction. B&Q 75 long trimaran piloted by Ellen MacArthur in 2005 when the Isle of Wight-based sailor broke the record for a non-stop circumnavigation. Her journey totalled 27,351 miles and took 71 days 14 hrs 18 mins 33 secs.

Black Pig vessel captained by Captain Pugwash in the children’s series. Braer oil tanker that ran aground off the Shetlands (Jan. 1993) spilling 85,000 tons of crude oil. Britannia launched in April 1953, the Royal Yacht Britannia was finally laid to rest in December 1997. Britannic sister ship of the Titanic, sank after hitting a mine in 1916 in the Aegean while employed as a hospital ship. Californian Leyland liner, accused of ignoring Titanic’s distress calls but subsequently found to have no radio operator on duty. Canberra P&O cruise ship, affectionately nicknamed ‘The Great White Whale’; entered service 1961; served as a hospital ship in the Falklands 1982; last cruise 1997. Carpathia ship that came to the rescue of the Titanic when it sank. Charlotte Dundas first commercially successful paddle-steamer launched in Scotland, 1802, by William Symington for Lord Dundas. Charlotte Rhodes James Onedin’s ship in the TV series The Onedin Line. Christina Aristotle Onassis’ yacht named after his daughter. Cutty Sark famous tea and wool clipper built in 1869, the name deriving from the witch in Burns’s Tam O’Shanter. It has been on display at Greenwich since 1957.


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Don Juan boat in which Percy Bysshe Shelley was drowned in 1822. Dona Paz Philippine ferry that collided with the tanker Vector in the Sibuyan Sea, 20 December 1987. In the subsequent fire both ships sank and a total of 4,386 people lost their lives, only 24 surviving from the Dona Paz and two from the Vector. The worst-ever peacetime maritime disaster. Elise first steamboat to cross the English Channel (1816). ENZA New Zealand catamaran with eight-man crew led by Peter Blake and Robin Knox-Johnston which won the Jules Verne Trophy for sailing nonstop round the world in a record time of 74 days 22 hrs 17 mins, returning on 1 April 1994. Estonia Swedish-owned ferry that sank in the Baltic in September 1994 when the bow doors broke open, costing 852 lives. Exxon Valdez super-tanker that ran aground off Alaskan coast (March 1989) spilling 12,000,000 gallons of crude oil. Forfarshire steamer wrecked off the Farne Islands in 1838, Grace Darling famously helping in the rescue. Francis Smith first British steamboat fitted with screw-propellers and built by Francis Pettit Smith, a farmer from Hendon (1836). It was 25 long and weighed 5 tons. Grand Princess the P&O liner is currently being built in Fincantieri, Italy, and is expected to be 951 long with a gross registered tonnage of 109,000 tons exceeding the Carnival Destiny as the largest-ever passenger ship. Great Britain built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1843), it was the first iron-hulled screw-propeller steamship. Since being towed from the Falklands in 1970, where it had been scuttled in 1937, it has been on display in Bristol. Great Eastern built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1858). At 666 long, it was the world’s largest ship until 1899. In 1866, it laid the transatlantic cable. Sold for scrap in 1888. Great Western built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1838), it was the first wooden steamship to make regular transatlantic crossings. Gypsy Moth IV Francis Chichester became the first Englishman to sail single-handed round the world in this yacht (1966/7). Now on display at Greenwich. Happy Giant formerly named the Seawise Giant and with a deadweight tonnage of 564,763 tons, this was the largest ship afloat, but after extensive damage in the Gulf in Dec. 1987 and May 1988 has been refitted and reduced to 420,000 tons. Helias Fos this steam-turbine oil tanker is the current largest ship afloat at a deadweight tonnage of 550,051 tons. Herald of Free Enterprise Townsend Thoresen-owned cross-Channel ferry which capsized near the Belgian port of Zeebrugge due to the bow doors being insecure (6 March 1987); 193 lives were lost as a result. Hispaniola fictional ship in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, skippered by Captain Smollet and owned by Squire Trelawney. Lady Ghislaine yacht owned by Robert Maxwell and named after his daughter, from which he went overboard and drowned (Nov. 1991). Lake Champlain first British liner with ship’s radio (1901), it communicated with the SS Lucania mid-Atlantic. Lenin first nuclear-powered ship. This Soviet naval ice-breaker was launched in 1957. Little Juliana first steamboat fitted with screw--propellers (May 1804). Lively Lady yacht in which Alec Rose sailed single-handed round the world, returning to Portsmouth after nearly a year (4 July 1968). Lusitania Cunard liner sunk by German torpedo off the Irish coast (7 May 1915) with the loss of about 1,200 lives. This was a major factor in the USA’s entry into the First World War. Maiden British yacht with all-female crew skippered by Tracy Edwards; won its class in Whitbread Round the World Race (1989). Marchioness Thames pleasure steamer rammed and sunk by the dredger Bowbelle at Southwark (August 1989); 51 lives were lost.

Mary Celeste US brigantine under command of Ben Briggs, found in Atlantic (1872) with no sign of crew or struggle; cargo was secure. Mauretania sister ship of the Lusitania, built in 1907. Mayflower carried the 102 Pilgrim Fathers from Plymouth to Cape Cod, Massachusetts (1620), to found the first New England colony. Oceanus Hopkins was born on board the Mayflower. Morning Cloud yacht owned and captained by Edward Heath. Nautilus Captain Nemo’s submarine in Jules Verne’s novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Normandie passenger liner destroyed by fire in New York harbour in 1941. Norway longest passenger liner ever built (formerly called France): overall length 1035 2. Oasis of the Seas As at April 2010 the largest passenger ship in history, 1,181 long. Gross tonnage: 225,282 tons. Owned by Royal Caribbean International, the cruise ship has 16 passenger decks. Olympic sister ship of the Titanic. Pequod whaling ship captained by Captain Ahab and destroyed by Moby Dick in Melville’s novel. Pyroscaphe first practical steamboat. Built near Lyon in 1783, it was a 138-long paddle steamer and weighed 182 tons. Queen Anne’s Revenge Edward Teach’s (Blackbeard) ship captured in the Caribbean in 1717 and used for piracy until Jan. 1718. Queen Elizabeth built in 1938, the Queen Elizabeth (Seawise University) was destroyed in Hong Kong Harbour in Jan. 1972. QEII built in 1968, it is the largest passenger liner in service between Southampton and New York. Queen Mary now a floating hotel in Long Beach, California, it was built in 1936 and was the flagship of the Cunard line. Rainbow Warrior Greenpeace ship which was sunk in Auckland Harbour in July 1985 by French intelligence agents, killing one member of the crew. Rising Star first ship to cross the Atlantic from east to west (1821/2). Savannah first steamship to cross the Atlantic (1819). Savannah first commercially successful nuclear-powered ship, launched 1959. Sea Empress oil tanker which ran aground off Milford Haven (Feb. 1996) spilling 72,000 tons of crude oil. Speedwell sister ship of the Mayflower which left Southampton for New England but was forced into harbour at Plymouth, Devon. Suhaili yacht in which Robin Knox-Johnston became first man to circumnavigate the world non-stop and single-handed; he returned in April 1969. Talitha G motor yacht owned by John Paul Getty. Thomas W Lawson US schooner; the only seven-masted sailing vessel on record. Designed by Bowdoin B Crowninshield and built by the Fore River Ship and Engine Building Co in 1902 for Coastwise Transportation Co. The seven masts were Fore, Main, Mizzen, Number 4, Number 5, Number 6 and Spanker. Titanic White Star’s unsinkable flagship which hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage on the night of 14 April 1912 and capsized in the early hours of 15 April with the loss of 1,513 lives. Wreck was found in 1985. Torrey Canyon ran aground off Land’s End (March 1967) spilling its cargo of 100,000 tons of crude oil. Turbinia built and demonstrated by Charles Parsons at Spithead (1897), it was the first ship to use turbine engines. Victoria and Albert name given to three royal yachts; the first was a paddlesteamer of 1843; the last was built in 1899 and used until replaced by Britannia.

Famous Ships: Naval Agamemnon 64-gun ship launched in 1781, commanded by Nelson from 1793 and his favourite ship. Abandoned in 1809 when it ran aground at Maldonado Bay. Amethyst frigate which in July 1949 escaped under cover of night along the flooded Yangtze. Arethusa launched 1849; last Royal Navy ship to go into action entirely under sail, at Sebastopol in 1855. From 1874 to 1933 it was a training ship at Greenhithe. Argus first aircraft carrier, completed in 1918. Arizona said to be the first US battleship sunk at Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec. 1941. Ark Royal many ships have had the name but the most famous were probably the flagship of the British Fleet against the Spanish Armada (1588), although it was only the nickname, the aircraft carrier sunk by an Italian torpedo in November 1941, and the present aircraft carrier which is the Royal Navy’s largest fighting ship. Association flagship of Sir Cloudesley Shovell, wrecked off the Scilly Isles in 1707 with all hands lost.

Belfast Europe’s largest surviving WW2 warship, displacing 11,500 tons. Commissioned 1939, paid off 1971. The cruiser is now on display on the Thames. Bellerophon Napoleon Bonaparte surrendered to the British aboard this ship (15 July 1815) after the Battle of Waterloo. Birmingham US light cruiser from which Eugène Ely took off in a 50 hp Curtiss pusher biplane (10 Nov. 1910) while it was at anchor in Chesapeake Bay, so making it the first ship with a temporary flight-deck. Bismarck German battleship sunk in the North Atlantic after it had sunk the British battle cruiser HMS Hood (May 1941). Bonhomme Richard John Paul Jones’s 40-gun -warship, blown in two off Flamborough Head in 1779. Bounty ship that while carrying breadfruit trees from Tahiti was the scene of a mutiny (28 April 1789) by Fletcher Christian (settled on Pitcairn Island). Captain William Bligh and 18 crew were set adrift in the Pacific. Captain experimental British turret ship of 1870 designed by Captain Cowper Coles; sank in the Bay of Biscay shortly after commissioning with the loss of 472 lives.


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Constitution American ship of the line, launched 1798. Nicknamed ‘Old Ironsides’; on display in Boston. Coventry sister ship of the Sheffield and also sunk by an Argentinian Exocet missile during the Falklands War. Devastation launched 1871; first British capital ship which did not require sails. Dreadnought British battleship launched 1906 which revolutionised naval warfare in the early decades of the 20th century. Dreadnought Britain’s first nuclear submarine, launched in 1960. Elizabeth Bonaventure Drake’s flagship in the raid on Cadiz in 1587. Enterprise first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Excellent home to the naval gunnery school established in 1830; since 1891, a shore base on Whale Island, Portsmouth. Ganges last British ship of the line; launched 1821, paid off 1861. From 1866 a training ship. Name passed to a shore base near Ipswich in 1905; closed 1976. General Belgrano Argentine cruiser sunk by the British submarine Conqueror during Falklands War (2 May 1982). Graf Spee German pocket battleship scuttled by her captain off Montevideo Harbour after being harried across the River Plate by the cruisers, Ajax, Achilles and Exeter (Dec. 1939). Henry, Grâce de Dieu Henry VIII’s flagship, built 1514 and carried 186 guns. Hermes aircraft carrier, last of the old-style carriers operated by the Royal Navy, which was flagship during the Falklands War. Invincible the second aircraft carrier that was sent to the Falklands after the Argentine invasion (2 April 1982). Lightning first purpose-built torpedo boat (1877). Long Beach first nuclear warship, launched in Quincy, Massachusetts (14 July 1959). Maine American armoured cruiser of 1886; blew up in Havana 1898, resulting in the Spanish-American War. Mary Rose Henry VIII’s favourite ship, launched 1509, sank 1545 but was raised in 1982 and is still being restored at Portsmouth. Merrimack steam frigate scuttled in Norfolk harbour by Union forces, then raised by the Confederates, converted to an ironclad and renamed Virginia; fought a draw with the Monitor in Hampton Roads in 1862 and destroyed by her own captain shortly afterwards. Missouri Japanese surrender terms were signed aboard this ship in Tokyo Bay (2 Sept. 1945). Monarch First British turret-gunned ship, launched 1868. Monitor US iron-hulled warship with single gun turret, fought Merrimack in Hampton Roads 1862; capsized in a gale shortly after. Nautilus world’s first nuclear-powered submarine, launched by the USA in 1954. The name derived from an early submarine designed by Robert Fulton for Napoleon (1800).

Northumberland third-rate ship of the line which took Napoleon Bonaparte to St Helena in 1815. PT 109 John F Kennedy’s torpedo boat during World War II. Revenge Drake’s ship used during the attack by the Spanish Armada (1588). In 1591, captained by Sir Richard Grenville, fought a fifteen-hour battle singlehandedly against 53 Spanish ships off Flores. Royal George 100-gun ship of 1756; carried Hawke’s flag at Quiberon Bay in 1759; capsized at Spithead in 1782 with loss of 900 lives. Royal Oak British battleship sunk at Scapa Flow (Orkneys) by a German torpedo (Oct. 1939) with the loss of 833 lives. Scharnhorst German battlecruiser which escaped from Brest with the Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen (Feb. 1942) but was sunk at the Battle of North Cape (Dec. 1943). Sheffield British destroyer hit by an Exocet missile on 4 May 1982 with the loss of 20 lives. Squirrel Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s ship used during the attack by the Spanish Armada (1588). Temeraire 98-gun ship launched in 1798; fought at Trafalgar; broken up on the Thames 1838 and immortalised on canvas by Turner. Tiger the ship used by Harold Wilson and Ian Smith during their UDI discussions (1966). Tirpitz German battleship sunk by RAF bombers in April 1944. Trincomalee built 1817, renamed Foudroyant in 1892 and a training ship in Portsmouth Harbour until 1987 when she was towed to Hartlepool for restoration and given back her original name. Vanguard iron-hulled frigate accidentally rammed and sunk by her sister ship Iron Duke in 1875. Vanguard Britain’s largest battleship. Decommis-sioned 1960 and ran aground on leaving Portsmouth to be scrapped. Vasa flagship of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. Sank in harbour in 1628; recovered intact from seabed and now on display. Victoria launched 1859; last wooden battleship built for the Royal Navy. Paid off 1867; name used by British battleship of 1887 which sank off Tripoli in 1893 when flagship of Admiral George Tryon. It was accidentally rammed by Camperdown, flagship of Tryon’s second-incommand, Alfred Markham. Victory launched at Chatham 1765, Horatio Nelson’s flagship at the battle of Trafalgar (21 Oct. 1805); flagship of C-in-C Portsmouth since 1835. Dry-docked and restored in 1922, the Victory is now on display at Portsmouth. Warrior first iron-hulled battleship (and last surviving); built at Blackwall on the Thames (1859/60). When commissioned in 1861, it made every other naval vessel obsolete. On display in Portsmouth since 1987. Wilton first plastic warship, launched in Southampton 18 Jan. 1972.

Famous Ships: Voyages of Exploration Adventure James Cook’s consort ship to the Resolution during his Antarctic voyage 1772–5; converted from a Whitby collier. Arktika first ship to reach the North Pole, in 1977. Beagle Charles Darwin’s ship which surveyed South American islands and in particular Galapagos (1831–6). Darwin was the science officer, the captain was Robert Fitzroy. Calypso most famous survey ship of Jacques Cousteau. Challenger Royal Navy survey ship, sailed 79,000 miles from 1872 to 1876, adding greatly to know-ledge of the seas. Most recent RN ship of that name also an oceanographic vessel. Discovery Captain James Cook sought the Northwest Passage in 1776–9 with the Resolution and the Discovery. He was slain on the beach at Kealakekua, Hawaii, by Polynesian natives (1779). Discovery Robert Falcon Scott’s ship used in his British National Antarctic Expedition of 1901–4 in which he was accompanied by Ernest Shackleton. Now on display in Dundee. Endeavour James Cook’s voyage to Australia and New Zealand (1768–71), on which Joseph Banks was chief scientist, was carried out on this converted collier, originally called Earl of Pembroke. Endurance Ernest Shackleton’s ship on his Antarctic voyage of 1914–16; sank in the Weddell Sea but since raised and on display in Dundee. Erebus one of the two ill-fated ships (the other was the Terror ) used by Sir John Franklin in his search for the Northwest Passage (1845–6). Fram Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen’s ship used on his Arctic explorations (1893–6). Roald Amundsen sailed in Fram (which meant ‘Forward’) on his successful expedition of 1911–12 to the South Pole. Gjöa Roald Amundsen’s ship in which he sailed the Northwest Passage (1902–6) and found the magnetic North Pole. Golden Hind ship on which Francis Drake became first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe (1580); originally called Pelican. Grenville the schooner that James Cook commanded while surveying the coast of Newfoundland 1763–68.

Kon Tiki Thor Heyerdahl’s single-sailed balsa-wood raft on which he crossed the Pacific (1947). Matthew John Cabot discovered Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (1497) in this 50-ton ship. Mazurek carried Krystyna Choynowska-Liskievicz on the first female solo circumnavigation of the globe in 1978. Morning Supply ship that accompanied the Discovery in Scott’s Antarctic expedition of 1901–4. Ernest Shackleton was invalided home on this ship. Nimrod Ernest Shackleton’s ship on the voyage (1907–9) in which he located the magnetic South Pole, and climbed Mt Erebus but only came within 97 miles of the South Pole. Quest ship on which Ernest Shackleton died during his third Antarctic voyage (Grytviken, South Georgia 1922). RA II Thor Heyerdahl’s papyrus raft on which he crossed the Atlantic (1970). Resolute one of Edward Belcher’s ships sent to seek the missing (and already dead) John Franklin in 1852; abandoned in 1854 after being locked in ice off Melville Island; found 1,000 miles away in Davis Strait in 1855, still perfectly seaworthy. Resolution James Cook’s flagship during his voyage to Antarctica 1772–5. Cook sought the Northwest Passage 1776–9 in this ship. Roebuck William Dampier’s ship on his voyage to Australia and New Guinea (1699–1700). Santa Maria Christopher Columbus’s flagship during his expedition to the New World (1492–3), accompanied by the caravels Niña and Pinta. Spray Joshua Slocum’s boat in which he circumnavigated the Earth, the first man to do so solo (1895–8). Terra Nova Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s ship used on his ill-fated Antarctic expedition 1910–12. Terror one of the two ships (the other was Erebus) used by Sir John Franklin in his search for the Northwest Passage (1845–6). Theodore Roosevelt Robert Peary’s ship used when he became first person


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to reach the North Pole (6 April 1909). Peary’s former friend, Frederick Cook, was found to have fraudulently reported his own earlier reaching of the Pole. Tigris Thor Heyerdahl’s third raft. Trieste bathysphere submarine which holds the record for the deepest descent (10,916 m) on 23 Jan. 1960. Vega first ship to achieve the Northeast Passage, in 1878–9, under Nils Nordenskjöld.

Victoria first ship to circumnavigate the globe (1519–22). Although Ferdinand Magellan set out with five ships (the flagship Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Santiago and Victoria) four were lost and he himself was killed in the Philippines (1521). The circumnavigation was completed by the Basque seaman Juan Sebastián del Cano. Viking Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen’s first exploratory ship (1888) in which he first sailed to Greenland. Windward British Arctic explorer Frederick Jackson’s ship on which Fridtjof Nansen briefly journeyed back to Norway in Aug. 1896.

Ships: General Information binnacle the casing in which the ship’s compass is kept. box the compass to name the points of the compass in proper order. breeches buoy life-saving device run on a rope stretched from a wrecked vessel to a place of safety. bulwark that part of the sides of a ship which rises above the upper deck. caïque long, narrow, light rowing skiff used on the Bosporus. clipper ship: first Rainbow (1845). dahabeah/ dahabeeyah houseboat used on the Nile (from Arabic: the Golden One). dhow single-masted ship with a very long yard and a lateen sail, used on the Arabian sea. diesel-powered ship: first Petit-Pierre. distress signals SOS – Morse (formerly CQD, Come Quickly Danger); Mayday – vocal distress shout. extremities of ship front – bow; back – stern; left side looking front – port (formerly larboard); right side looking front – starboard. felucca small vessel used in the Mediterranean, propelled by oars or lateen sails, or both. flotsam goods lost in shipwreck and found floating. gondola long, narrow Venetian boat with peaked ends, propelled by one oar. gunwale upper edge of a ship’s side next to the bulwarks. hull: plank types clinker-built – built with overlapping planks fastened with clinched nails; carvel-built – having the planks flush at the edges. hydrofoil invented by Comte de Lambert in 1897 and developed by Enrico Forlanini in 1898. jetsam goods thrown overboard in order to lighten a ship in distress, and subsequently washed ashore. junk flat-bottomed vessel with lugsails, used in the Chinese seas. kayak Inuit and Alaskan canoe, made of sealskins stretched on a light wooden framework. kitchen or cook-house galley. knot one nautical mile per hour. The British nautical mile was 6,080 feet but in 1970 the International nautical mile of 1,852 metres was adopted. The measurement was devised by Richard Norwood in 1673. lighthouses: UK authority Trinity House.

lights starboard – green; port – red; top at night – white. masts: how many sloop and cutter (1); ketch, brig, brigantine, yawl (2); barque (3 or more); schooner (2 or more). oldest surviving ships Khufu I and Khufu II, built c. 2600 BC and buried in pits outside the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt. Khufu I, first to be excavated after discovery in 1954, is plank-built and 43 metres long. P&O: meaning Peninsular and Oriental. pipe down naval colloquialism derived from the boatswain’s call of this name, meaning ‘Hands turn in’, i.e. ‘Lights out’. piping the side traditional ceremony of blowing the boatswain’s pipe when royalty arrive or depart from battleship. plimsoll line maximum loading mark on hull of ship, named after Samuel Plimsoll (1824–98), promoter of the Merchant Shipping Act 1876. ports: famous Athens – Piraeus; London – Tilbury; Rome – Ostia. ports: general biggest – New York; busiest – Rotterdam; largest inland – Montreal. PT Boat: meaning Patrol Torpedo Boat. Q-ship merchant ship with concealed guns, used to decoy enemy ships into the range of its weapons. Q stood for ‘Query’. rudder: invented by Chinese, 1st century BC. sails lateen – triangular. ships: register of Lloyd’s. ship: largest oil tanker Jahre Viking at 1,504 long and weighing over 564,000 tonnes. steam turbine: inventor Charles Parsons (1897). V-shaped hull: pioneer Uffa Fox (who instructed HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, in the finer points of yachting). Venice: water bus vaporetto. watches at sea first watch – 8pm to midnight; middle watch – midnight to 4am; morning watch – 4am to 8am; forenoon – 8am to midday; afternoon watch – midday to 4pm; first dog watch – 4pm to 6pm; second dog watch – 6pm to 8pm. xebec / zebec small three-masted Mediterranean vessel with both square and lateen sails, formerly used by Algerian pirates. yachts: famous Talitha G – John Paul Getty; Saratoga – Humphrey Bogart; Saxara – Mohamed Al Fayed.

TRANSPORT: TRAINS Railway Tunnels: World’s Longest

Seikan Channel Lötschberg Guadarrama Taihang Hakkda Iwate-ichinohe Wienerwald Daishimizu Lüliangshan

Span Honshu–Hokkaido Cheriton–Fréthun Frutigen–Raron Madrid–Valladolid Shijiazhuang–Taiyuan Tenmabayashi–Aomori Morioka–Aomori Gablitz–Mauerbach Jõmõ-Kogen–Echigo Wucheng–Fenyang

Built 1988 1994 2007 2007 2007 2010 2002 2012 1980 2011

Railway Length (miles) Japan Rail 33.5 BR/ French National 30.7 Swiss Alp Transit (longest land) 21.5 AVE Trains 17.6 China Rail 17.3 Japan Rail 16.4 Japan Rail 16.1 Western Railway (Austria) 14.8 Japan Rail 13.9 China Rail 12.9

The world’s longest tunnel is the Thirlmere Aqueduct a 95.9-mile (154.3 km) section of water supply serving the Manchester area and completed in 1925

Railway Bridges: World’s Longest Location Danyang Tianjin Weinan Weihe

Opened China China China

Length (ft) 2011 540,700 2011 373,000 2010 261,588

Location Beijing Grand Yangcun Shanghai Maglev

Opened China China China

Length (ft) 2011 157,982 2007 117,493 2004 98,123

World’s oldest railway bridge is the Causey Arch on the Tanfield Line in County Durham, designed by Ralph Wood and completed in 1727.


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London Underground Stations: Name Changes Current name Acton Town Arsenal Becontree Charing Cross Debden Embankment Euston Square Fulham Broadway

Previous name Mill Hill Park Gillespie Road Gale Street Halt Strand Chigwell Road Charing Cross Gower Street Walham Green

Current name Green Park Kensington (Olympia) Ladbroke Grove Marylebone Moor Park Oakwood Ravenscourt Park South Woodford

Previous name Dover Street Addison Road Notting Hill Great Central Sandy Lodge Enfield West Shaftesbury Road George Lane

Current name St Paul’s Tooting Bec Tower Hill West Kensington White City Woodside Park

Previous name Post Office Trinity Road Mark Lane North End (Fulham) Wood Lane Torrington Park, Woodside

Current British Railway Operating Companies Arriva Trains Wales (owned by Deutsche Bahn) c2c (Essex Thameside owned by National Express) Chiltern Railways (owned by Arriva UK Trains) CrossCountry (owned by Arriva UK Trains) East Coast (subsidiary of Directly Operated Railways) East Midlands Trains (owned by Stagecoach Group) Eurostar (owned by Eurotunnel) First Capital Connect (Thameslink Great Northern) First Great Western (serves southern Britain) First Hull Trains (Hull to King’s Cross) First ScotRail (rebranded as ScotRail in 2008) First TransPennine Express (above 5 owned by First Group) Grand Central (owned by Arriva UK Trains)

Greater Anglia (Liverpool St to eastern counties) Heathrow Connect (Heathrow to Paddington) Heathrow Express (Heathrow to Paddington) London Midland (owned by Govia) London Overground (Transport for London franchise) Mersey Rail (Northern Line, City Line and Wirral Line) Northern Rail (owned by Serco-Abellio) North Yorkshire Moors (largest heritage railway in UK) Southeastern (owned by Govia) Southernn (owned by Govia) South West Trains (owned by Stagecoach Group) Virgin Trains (owned: Virgin Group (51%) Stagecoach (49%) West Coast Railways (based at Carnforth, Lancashire)

Railway Stations: Locations Anhalter Bank Top Buchanan Street Charing Cross Citadel Connolly Euston Foregate Street Forster Square Gare du Nord Grand Central Harbour Haymarket High Level High Street

Berlin Darlington Glasgow London Carlisle Dublin London Worcester Bradford Paris New York Folkestone, Portsmouth Edinburgh Wolverhampton Swansea

King’s Cross Lime Street Liverpool Street London Rd Low Level Marine Midland Mumps New Street Paddington Paragon Parkway Piccadilly Priory Queen Street

London Liverpool London Leicester Wolverhampton Dover Derby Oldham Birmingham London Hull Bristol Manchester Dover Cardiff, Glasgow

Saint Lazare Shrub Hill Snow Hill Spa St David’s St Enoch Temple Meads Thorpe Trent Valley Union Victoria Waterloo Waverley Yaroslavl

Paris Worcester Birmingham Bath Exeter Glasgow Bristol Norwich Nuneaton Washington London, Manchester, Bombay London Edinburgh Moscow

Railways: General Information accident: first caused by moving train Rt Hon William Huskisson MP was run down by the Rocket at the opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway 15 Sept. 1830. He was rushed to Eccles Hospital on the Northumbrian. A runaway wagon caused the death of two boys in a Tyne coalpit in 1650. Unfortunately numerous incidents of this kind took place but were not really the work of trains in the accepted sense of the word. air-brake: designer George Westinghouse (1846–1914) developed the airbrake from the simple non-automatic system of 1866 into the fully automatic (i.e. the brakes are automatically applied should any break in the train air pipe occur). System still in use in most countries. Most British railways used the vacuum brake, which had nothing to do with Westing-house. APT BR Advanced Passenger Train ran from London to Glasgow in 3 hrs 52 mins 45 secs at an average speed of 103 mph (12 Dec. 1984). This service was abandoned in 1986 due to numerous problems. British speed records A Eurostar train reached 208mph on a stretch of track between Ashford and Dartford in Kent to create a new UK speed record in July 2003. A Virgin Pendolino tilting train set a record for the non-stop journey between London and Manchester in September 2004. The 184 miles were covered in 1hr 54mins. broad-gauge railway: last train the Cornishman was the last broad-gauge passenger train to run, on 21 May 1892, from Paddington to Penzance. Chicago rail system nicknamed the ‘El’, which is short for elevated (several other cities, notably New York, also had elevated railways known as ‘Els’). diesel locomotive: first the first diesel locomotive to go into regular service was a Swedish-built metre-gauge Bo Bo type put into operation by Tunisian Railways in 1921.

dining car: first first buffet cars were put into service on the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad in 1863. electric railway: first Brighton seafront, built by Magnus Volk (1851– 1937), still known as Volk’s Electric Railway. electrification of railways modern standard system of railway electrification at 25 kV 50 Hz was first used in France in 1950 and in England on the Colchester– Clacton–Walton lines in 1959. fare-paying customers: first to carry Oystermouth Railway built a railway from Swansea to Mumbles and on 25 March 1807 became first to convey fare-paying passengers. This railway closed in 1960. father of railways George Stephenson. father of the locomotive Richard Trevithick. highest railway station Condor station in Bolivia. horse-drawn railways Middleton Railway, Leeds, in 1758 was the first to be built under its own Act of Parliament, although other horse-worked railways had been operating in the Tyne coalfield on private land for many years previously. horse-drawn railways: public the Surrey Iron Railway from Wandsworth to Croydon (opened 26 July 1803) was the first horse-drawn railway opened to the public, inasmuch as it accepted consignments. Passengers were not carried (at least not officially!). locomotive railway: first Stockton and Darlington, opened in 1825. locomotive railway: first passenger line Liverpool to Manchester, opened in 1830. London railway: first Spa Road to Deptford, part of London & Greenwich Railway, opened 8 Feb. 1836. London Underground: first automatic barrier Stamford Brook. borne in mind that the term ‘Atlantic’ properly describes a 4-4-2


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London Underground: first line Metropolitan Line, from Bishop’s Road to Farringdon Street, 10 Jan. 1863. longest platform in Great Britain Colchester, at 1981ft longest platform in the world Kharagpur Station, West Bengal at 2,733ft Mallard LNER ‘A4’ Class Pacific No. 4468 Mallard reached a speed of just over 126 mph for a few seconds on a brake-test trial run between Grantham and Peterborough (3 July 1938). Mallard can be seen at the National Railway Museum, York. monorail: first Charles Lartique’s system was used on a demonstration line in France and then on the Listowel and Ballybunion Railway in Ireland, 1883. It was comprised a single rail raised about 4 ft above the ground on an A-frame with two guiding rails about 1 ftoff the ground. National Railway Museum museum opened in York in 1975 and combining the holdings of the British Transport Commission’s museum at Clapham and the LNER museum at York. nationalisation railways were nationalised from 1 Jan. 1948 and were divided into five regions: 1) Scottish, 2) North Eastern, 3) London Midland, 4) Eastern, 5) Western and Southern. (The Eastern and North Eastern were amalgamated on 1 Jan. 1967.) platforms: most UK Waterloo main line. Puffing Billy world’s first steam locomotive running on smooth rails instead of the previous rack rails. Designed by William Hedley and first put into operation in 1813 from Wylam colliery in Northumberland to the river Tyne. The Wylam Dilly was made at much the same time. Note: Trevithick’s Penydarren engine had smooth iron wheels running on smooth cast-iron tram plates! railcar: designer William Bridges Adams designed the 6-wheeled steam railcar Fairfield (named from road in Bow where he operated from). railtrack: longest in straight line Nullarbor Plain, Australia. railway: first private opened in June 1789 by the Loughborough & Nanpanton Railway Co. railway king George Hudson. Railways Act 1921 from 1 Jan. 1923 the amalgamation of the railways meant that four major companies were formed: 1) The Great Western Railway, 2) The London, Midland & Scottish Railway, 3) The London and North Eastern Railway, 4) The Southern Railway. railways: USA operating co. Amtrak. Rainhill Trials competition held on 6–14 Oct. 1829 near Liverpool to choose the design of locomotive for Liverpool & Manchester Railway. Robert Stephenson’s Rocket won the £500 prize by beating Timothy Hackworth’s Sans Pareil and John Braithwaite and John Ericsson’s Novelty. RKB code: meaning the code RKB refers to a single item of rolling stock containing a restaurant seating portion, a buffet counter and a kitchen. San Francisco rail system BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). Schools-Class locomotives introduced by Southern Railway in 1930 and named after famous schools, first being called Eton. Scottish railway: first Kilmarnock and Troon Railway was the first ‘proper’ railway in Scotland. Opened 6 July 1812. sleeping cars: European wagons lits. sleeping car: first the Chambersburg, introduced by the Cumberland Valley Railroad on its Pennsylvanian Harrisburg–Chambers route, was the first example of a sleeping car (1836). standard gauge first used on Willington Colliery wagonway near Newcastle upon Tyne in 1764 and set at 48 12 or 1,435 mm, this being an average of the wagon ways in this area. It is thought that the average gauge of between 4 6 and 4 9 was the width of the track required for two horses abreast. station: largest Grand Central, New York. station: largest UK Clapham Junction. station: most northerly in Great Britain Thurso. steam locomotive: first Richard Trevithick built the first locomotive and ran it on the Penydarren Railway, near Merthyr Tydfil, on 6 Feb. 1804. TGV Train à Grande Vitesse (High-Speed Train); began a regular hourly service between Paris and Lyon, the 265-mile journey taking 2 hrs 40 mins. third-class travel redesignated as second class by British Rail in 1956. (The old second class had largely fallen out of use by the turn of the century.) timetable: national Bradshaw’s Railway Companion was the first national railway timetable in 1839. underground: British four British cities with underground railways: London, Glasgow, Liverpool and Newcastle (Metro). most passengers Moscow. most stations New York. names Berlin – U Bahn; Rome – Metropolitana; Stockholm – T-Bana; Paris – Métro. USSR: terms for first and second class Soft and Hard class. wheel configurations: nicknames Atlantic (4-4-2): name originally applied to a batch of 4-4-2s built by Baldwin of Philadelphia for the Atlantic Coast Railroad in 1894. In the UK, Atlantics were in use for hauling express passenger trains on the Great Northern, North Eastern, North British and London, Brighton & South Coast Railways. It should be

locomotive with a separate tender; thus 4-4-2 tank engines, such as were in widespread use in the UK, are not true Atlantics but are more analogous to a 4-4-0 with an additional axle to support a rear bunker. Mogul (2-6-0): first true Mogul, with a leading two-wheel Bissell truck, was built by Baldwin of Philadelphia for the Louisville & Nashville Railroad in 1860. In the UK in the twentieth century Moguls were in extensive use on all four of the post-1923 mainline railways, and after 1948, in all regions of British Railways. The term Mogul properly applies to a 2-6-0 with outside cylinders, so that the inside-cylindered 2-6-0s of the Caledonian, and Glasgow and South Western Railways were not true Moguls, being essentially large 0-6-0-s with a leading truck for increased front-end stability. Pacific (4-6-2): name seems to have originated because the engines concerned were obviously bigger than Atlantics. In the UK, Pacifics were in general express service on the LNER from the midTwenties, the LMS from 1933 and the Southern Railway from 1941. The Great Western Railway had actually built the first UK Pacific (No. 111 The Great Bear) in 1908 but found it something of a white elephant. It was scrapped in 1924, and various mechanical components were incorporated in a new ‘Castle’ class 4-6-0, No. 111 Viscount Churchill. Baltic (4-6-4): name appears to be of Germanic origin. (To an American, a 4-6-4 is a Hudson.) Only one 4-6-4 tender engine ever ran in the UK. This was Gresley’s experimental high-pressure water-tube boiler 4-cylinder compound No. 10000, built for the LNER in 1929. It was rebuilt as a conventional 3-cylinder simple expansion engine and ran until 1959, latterly as British Railways No. 60700. This engine was not a true Baltic, since the rear carrying axles were disposed as a Cartazzi axle and a separate two-wheel radial truck, making the engine technically a 4-6-2-2. Around 1920, however, there was a vogue, particularly on the London Brighton & South Coast, Lancashire & Yorkshire and Glasgow & South Western Railways, for extremely large 4-6-4 tank engines, which, while not true Baltics (vide supra under Atlantic), were referred to as Baltics consistently enough to legitimise the usage. Prairie (2-6-2): name applied in the American Midwest after first examples were built in 1900 for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. Apart from one curious 8-cylinder experimental engine built as a semi-private venture by Cecil Paget at Derby in 1908, the only 2-6-2 tender engines to run in the UK were Gresley’s extremely successful V2-class built from 1936 onwards for the LNER, and his lightweight V4 design of 1941, of which only two examples were built before his death. In the 20th century, several hundred 2-6-2 tank engines were built in the UK, particularly by the Great Western Railway, and, although not true Prairies (being actually Moguls with a rear bunker), they were generally referred to as Prairie tanks. Consolidation (2-8-0): name is that carried by the first example of this type, built in 1865 for the Lehigh & Mahanoy Railroad. The name was not much used to describe British 2-80s, but it does seem to have attached itself to the 2-8-0 freight locomotives built at Swindon for the Great Western Railway by G J Churchward and his successors. This may be due to Churchward’s close following of American locomotive practice resulting in an essentially American designation attaching itself to his engines of the 2-8-0 type. Mikado (2-8-2): so named because the first examples were made in the USA for export to Japan. In the UK, the only 2-8-2 tender engines were built by Gresley for the LNER. First, the two heavy freight engines of class P1, built in 1925. These were mechanically a cross between an A1-class Pacific and an O2-class Consolidation. As a small, non-standard class they were both withdrawn in 1945. Second was the magnificent class P2, six examples of which were built 1934–36, for working express passenger trains to Scotland. They were rebuilt as very mediocre Pacifics after Gresley’s death. Decapod: a curiosity – to an American, a Decapod is a 2-10-0. The only two classes of engines of this type to run in the UK were the 251 examples of the standard-class 9F, built by British Railways between 1954 and 1960, and 25 examples bought secondhand from the Ministry of Supply after WW2. These, however, were never referred to as Decapods (except, presumably, by Americans!). The Decapod, however, was a huge 0-10-0 tank engine built by the Great Eastern Railway in 1903 as part of an experiment in the drastic acceleration of suburban trains. It did everything which was expected of it, but was far too heavy for the track and bridges. It was broken up shortly afterwards and a few components incorporated in a 0-8-0 goods engine. NB The following type names are largely in American use only, generally because no locomotives of the type referred to ever ran in the UK. American (4-4-0): applies only to the classic outside-cylindered, bar-framed three-point suspension locomotive familiar from countless Western films. Ten Wheeler (4-6-0): strictly an American term only. (Casey Jones was driving Illinois Central ten-wheeler No. 382 when he met his death at Vaughan, Mississippi, on 29 April 1900.) Mastodon (4-8-0): there were actually two 4-8-0 tender engines on the narrow-gauge Londonderry & Lough Swilly Railway in Ireland. They were used on the desolate Burtonport extension line in north-west Donegal, where I doubt if anyone ever referred to them as Mastodons. Berkshire (2-8-4): pronounced ‘BurkSHIRE’. Mountain (4-8-4) Santa Fe (2-10-2): introduced by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad in 1903, for working over the Raton Pass. Texas (2-10-4): called this in the USA but called ‘Selkirk’ in Canada. world speed record 322mph by a French TGV in 1990. world’s longest railway: Trans-Siberian running from Moscow (Yaroslavl Station) to Vladivostok (5,801 miles); opened 3 Nov. 1901


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UNITED STATES Presidents President 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Washington Adams Jefferson Madison Monroe Adams Jackson Van Buren Harrison Tyler Polk Taylor Fillmore Pierce Buchanan Lincoln Johnson Grant Hayes Garfield Arthur Cleveland Harrison Cleveland Mckinley Roosevelt Taft Wilson Harding Coolidge Hoover Roosevelt Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan Bush Clinton Bush Obama

George John Thomas James James John Quincy Andrew Martin William Henry John James Knox Zachary Millard Franklin James Abraham Andrew Ulysses Simpson Rutherford Birchard James Abram Chester Alan Stephen Grover Benjamin Grover William Theodore William Howard Thomas Woodrow Warren Gamaliel Calvin Herbert Clark Franklin Delano Harry S Dwight David John Fitzgerald Lyndon Baines Richard Milhous Gerald Rudolph James Earl Ronald Wilson George Herbert Walker William Jefferson George Walker Barack Hussein


Life span


Virginia Massachusetts Virginia Virginia Virginia Massachusetts South Carolina New York Virginia Virginia North Carolina Virginia New York New Hampshire Pennsylvania Kentucky North Carolina Ohio Ohio Ohio Vermont New Jersey Ohio New Jersey Ohio New York Ohio Virginia Ohio Vermont Iowa New York Missouri Texas Massachusetts Texas California Nebraska Georgia Illinois Massachusetts Arkansas Connecticut Hawaii

1732–1799 1735–1826 1743–1826 1751–1836 1758–1831 1767–1848 1767–1845 1782–1862 1773–1841 1790–1862 1795–1849 1784–1850 1800–1874 1804–1869 1791–1868 1809–1865 1808–1875 1822–1885 1822–1893 1831–1881 1830–1886 1837–1908 1833–1901 1837–1908 1843–1901 1858–1919 1857–1930 1856–1924 1865–1923 1872–1933 1874–1964 1882–1945 1884–1972 1890–1969 1917–1963 1908–1973 1913–1995 1913–2006 1924– 1911– 2004 1924– 1946– 1946– 1961–

Federalist Federalist Republican Republican Republican Republican Democratic Democratic Whig Whig Democratic Whig Whig Democratic Democratic Republican Union Republican Republican Republican Republican Democratic Republican Democratic Republican Republican Republican Democratic Republican Republican Republican Democratic Democratic Republican Democratic Democratic Republican Republican Democratic Republican Republican Democratic Republican Democratic

Vice Presidents Vice President Adams Jefferson Burr Clinton Gerry Tompkins Calhoun Van Buren Johnson Tyler Dallas George Mifflin Fillmore King Breckinridge Hamlin Johnson Colfax Wilson Wheeler Arthur Hendricks Morton Stevenson Hobart Roosevelt Fairbanks Sherman Marshall Coolidge Dawes

John Thomas Aaron George Elbridge Daniel D John Caldwell Martin Richard Mentor John Pennsylvania Millard William Rufus De Vane John Cabell Hannibal Andrew Schuyler Henry William A Chester A Thomas A Levi Parsons Adlai E Garret A Theodore Charles Warren James Schoolcraft Thomas R Calvin Charles Gates


In office

Vice President to

Massachusetts Virginia New Jersey New York Massachusetts New York South Carolina New York Kentucky Virginia 1845–1849 New York North Carolina Kentucky Maine North Carolina New York New Hampshire New York Vermont Ohio Vermont Kentucky New Jersey New York Ohio New York Indiana Vermont Ohio

1789–1797 1797–1801 1801–1805 1805–1812 1813–1814 1817–1825 1825–1832 1833–1837 1837–1841 1841 Polk 1849–1850 1853 1857–1861 1861–1865 1865 1869–1873 1873–1875 1877–1881 1881 1885 1889–1893 1893–1897 1897–1899 1901 1905–1909 1909–1912 1913–1921 1921–1923 1925–1929

Washington Adams Jefferson Jefferson/Madison Madison Monroe Adams/Jackson Jackson Van Buren Harrison


Taylor Pierce Buchanan Lincoln Lincoln Grant Grant Hayes Garfield Arthur Harrison Cleveland McKinley McKinley Roosevelt Taft Wilson Harding Coolidge

In office 1789–1797 1797–1801 1801–1809 1809–1817 1817–1825 1825–1829 1829–1837 1837–1841 1841 1841–1845 1845–1849 1849–1850 1850–1853 1853–1857 1857–1861 1861–1865 1865–1869 1869–1877 1877–1881 1881 1881–1885 1885–1889 1889–1893 1893–1897 1897–1901 1901–1909 1909–1913 1913–1921 1921–1923 1923–1929 1929–1933 1933–1945 1945–1953 1953–1961 1961–1963 1963–1969 1969–1974 1974–1977 1977–1981 1981–1989 1989–1993 1993–2001 2001–2009 2009–

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Vice President Curtis Garner Wallace Truman Barkley Nixon Johnson Humphrey Agnew Ford Rockefeller Mondale Bush Quayle Gore Cheney Biden

Charles John Nance Henry Agard Harry S Alben W Richard Milhous Lyndon Baines Hubert H Spiro T Gerald Rudolph Nelson Aldrich Walter F George Herbert Walker J Danforth Albert Richard B Joseph Robinette


In office

Vice President to

Kansas Texas Iowa Missouri Kentucky California Texas South Dakota Maryland Nebraska Maine Minnesota Massachusetts Indiana Washington DC Nebraska Pennsylvania

1929–1933 1933–1941 1941–1945 1945 1949–1953 1953–1961 1961–1963 1965–1969 1969–1973 1973–1974 1974–1977 1977–1981 1981–1989 1989–1993 1993–2001 2001–2009 2009–

Hoover Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Nixon Nixon Ford Carter Reagan Bush, G H W Clinton Bush, G W Obama

Presidents and Vice Presidents: Miscellaneous Information assassinated Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy. attempts Jackson (Richard Lawrence 1835), Truman (Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo 1950), Ford (5 Sept 1975, Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Frome; 22 Sept 1975, Sarah Jane More), Reagan (John Hinckley) 1981. bachelor James Buchanan. bald Martin Van Buren and Dwight Eisenhower. bath: got stuck in William Howard Taft. born in a log cabin Andrew Jackson broccoli: hated George Bush. Camelot: nickname of John F Kennedy’s regime. China: first to visit Richard Nixon. Clinton’s cat: named Socks (belonged to daughter Chelsea). Confederate states: president Jefferson Davis. cried on television during campaign Edmund Muskie. Declaration of Independence: drafted by Thomas Jefferson. Democrat-turned-Republican: first Ronald Reagan. Democratic Party Headquarters Tammany Hall, New York. Democratic Party symbol Donkey. Democratic split during Vietnam War Hawks and Doves. died in office W Harding, W Harrison, F D Roosevelt, Z Taylor. divorced: first Ronald Reagan. duel: killed opponent in Andrew Jackson killed Charles Dickinson in a pistol duel, 30 May 1806. elected for four terms F D Roosevelt. elected unanimously by Electoral College George Washington. elected with one vote against James Monroe. ex-director of the CIA George Bush. fathers and sons John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams. George Herbert Walker Bush and his son George ‘Dubya’ Bush. father was UK ambassador John F Kennedy’s father Joseph. fireside chats: radio broadcasts F D Roosevelt. four freedoms Speech, worship, freedom from fear and want. Roosevelt’s basis for UN Charter, San Francisco 1945. Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson. Garfield: assassinated by Charles Guiteau 1881. Gettysburg Address Lincoln’s speech of 1863. grandfather and grandson William Harrison and Benjamin Harrison. Grand Old Party (GOP) Republican party nickname. Great Triumvirate statesmen John Calhoun, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster. hospital: first born in Jimmy Carter. illegitimate child: accused of having Stephen Grover Cleveland. impeachment: two In 1868 Andrew Johnson was cleared of breaching Tenure of Office Act. Senate vote fell one short of two-thirds majority. In 1999 Bill Clinton was cleared of high crimes and misdemeanours by the Senate vote on both Articles I and II. imprisoned by British Andrew Jackson (during War of Independence). Jefferson: holiday retreat Poplar Row. Kennedy’s attorney general Robert Kennedy, his brother. Kennedy: assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963 (shot by Jack Ruby). kitchen cabinet Andrew Jackson’s unofficial advisers. knighted by Britain Eisenhower and Reagan. Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth (an actor), 1865. Samuel Mudd jailed for setting Booth’s leg. Lincoln died in Peterson House, Washington DC. longest term F D Roosevelt, 12 years. male model: former Gerald Ford. McKinley assassinated by Leon Czolgosz, 1901. minister to Great Britain: first John Adams. Monroe Doctrine: allegedly drafted by John Quincy Adams. Monroe: lived Oak Hill. New Deal FಝD Roosevelt’s 1930s recovery plan. newspaper publisher Warren Harding – Marion Star.

nicknames J Carter – Hot Shot & Toadsy; G H W Bush – Wimp; Andrew Jackson – Old Hickory; Clinton – Comeback Kid; G W Bush – Dubya. Nobel Peace Prize Theodore Roosevelt, 1906; Woodrow Wilson, 1919; Jimmy Carter, 2002. not elected as President Gerald Ford (was also not elected Vice President). occupation: most common lawyer. oldest to take office Ronald Reagan, aged 69. pneumonia: died of William Henry Harrison. President for the day David Atchison – Zachary Taylor would not be sworn in on a Sunday. prison; presidential candidate ran from Eugene Debs in 1912. Quakers Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon. qualifications required native born,14 years’ residence, 35 years old. re-elected: after losing office Stephen Grover Cleveland. Republican Party symbol elephant. residence White House. resigned Richard Nixon. resigned as Vice President Spiro Agnew; income tax evasion charge. Roman Catholic: first John F Kennedy. Roughriders Roosevelt second in command to Col. Leonard Wood. Secretary of State Eisenhower’s – John Foster Dulles; Nixon’s – Henry Kissinger; Carter’s – Cyrus Robert Vance; Clinton’s – Madeleine Albright; Obama’s – Hillary Clinton. shirt advertisement: appeared in Ronald Reagan. shortest term William Henry Harrison, about a month. slogans: presidential Full Dinner Pail – McKinley; Great Society – Lyndon Johnson; New Deal – F D Roosevelt; New Frontier – Kennedy. slogans: other ‘Would you buy a used car from this man?’ – said by antiNixon protesters. ‘The buck stops here’ – Truman. ‘No taxation without representation’ – during dispute with Britain over taxation. State of the Union presidential speech given annually in January. stood against Bush- Michael Dukakis; Clinton - Ross Perot & George Bush; Hayes - Samuel Tilde; Hoover - Al Smith; Truman - Thomas Dewey. terms limitation two, under the 22nd Amendment to Constitution. Vice President: born James Colbath Henry Wilson. Crédit Mobilier scandal Schuyler Colfax. Confederate general John Cabell Breckinridge. killed Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr. letters from London George Mifflin Dallas. lives at Admiralty Building, Washington. Nobel Peace Prize 1925 Charles Dawes. treason trial Aaron Burr. wrote no. 1 hit single Charles Dawes (‘It’s all in the Game’). vice-presidential candidate: first female Geraldine Ferraro in 1984. Virginia plan James Madison. Washington: lived Mount Vernon. Washington: Quotation Parson Weems wrote apocryphal stories about Washington, the most famous being when George was six and, given a hatchet, he purportedly chopped down a cherry tree and after his father asked him who had killed it he replied "I cannot tell a lie, I did it with my little hatchet" Watergate scandal burglary of Democratic HQ in Washington on 17 June 1972. White House: architect James Hoban. White House: first occupier John Adams. wives of presidents George Washington – Martha Custis; Abraham Lincoln – Mary Todd; F D Roosevelt – Eleanor Roosevelt; J F Kennedy – Jacqueline Bouvier; Ronald Reagan – Nancy Davis; George Bush – Barbara Pierce; Bill Clinton – Hillary Rodham; George ‘Dubya’ Bush – Laura Welch; Barack Obama – Michelle Robinson. youngest elected president John F Kennedy. youngest president Theodore Roosevelt (took office following assassination of McKinley).


He who transplanted still sustains Justice for all Liberty and independence In God we trust Wisdom, justice and moderation The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness

Constitution Nutmeg DC

First, Diamond

Sunshine, Peninsular

Empire State of the South Peach


Connecticut (Conn.)

Delaware (Del.)

Florida (Fla.)

Georgia (Ga.)

Hawaii (Hi.)

888 Crossroads of America Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain To the stars through difficulties United we stand, divided we fall Union, justice and confidence I direct

Hoosier Hawkeye Corn

Sunflower Jayhawker

Blue Grass

Pelican, Sugar Creole, Bayou Pine Tree

Indiana (Ind.) Iowa (Ia.)

Kansas (Kan.)

Kentucky (Ky.)

Louisiana (La.)

State bird


By the sword we seek peace but peace only under liberty If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you The North Star

Wolverine Water Wonderland

North Star, Gopher Land of 10,000 Lakes Land of Sky-Blue Waters

Michigan (Mich.)

Minnesota (Minn.)

red, or Norway pine

white pine

American elm

Manly deeds, womanly words white oak

Free, Old Line

Bay Old Colony




Baltimore oriole


eastern white pine

Maryland (Md.)

eastern brown pelican


western meadowlark

cardinal eastern goldfinch


mountain bluebird

nene (Hawaiian goose)

brown thrasher


bald cypress

tulip tree (yellow poplar)


tulip tree (yellow poplar) oak

white oak

western white pine

kukui (candlenut)

live oak

sabal palm

blue hen chicken

scarlet oak American holly

American robin

lark bunting

Californian valley quail


cactus wren

willow ptarmigan


white oak

Massachusetts (Mass.)

Maine (Me.)

Let it be perpetual State sovereignty – national union


Prairie Land of Lincoln

Idaho (Ida.)

Illinois (Ill.)

District of Columbia

Californian redwood

I have found it Nothing without providence


California (Cal.)

Colorado (Colo.)

Colorado blue spruce


The people rule


God enriches

Grand Canyon, Apache

Sitka spruce

Natural, Bear, Wonder Land of Opportunity Golden

Alaska (Alas.)

State tree southern pine

Arizona (Ariz.)

North to the future

Last Frontier Land of the Midnight Sun

Alabama (Ala.)

Arkansas (Ark.)

Motto We dare defend our rights


Yellowhammer Cotton, Heart of Dixie


States State flower

pink and white lady’s slipper

apple blossom

mayflower (trailing arbutus)

black-eyed Susan

white pine cone and tassel



native sunflower

peony wild rose

native violet



Cherokee rose

orange blossom

peach blossom

American beauty rose

mountain laurel

Rocky Mountain columbine

golden poppy

apple blossom

saguaro cactus blossom



State capital

St Paul





Baton Rouge



Indianapolis Des Moines










Little Rock


























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889 Forward Equal rights



Wisconsin (Wis.)

Wyoming (Wyo.)

sugar maple

western hemlock

flowering dogwood

sugar maple

blue spruce


tulip poplar

Black Hills spruce

red maple



sugar maple America’s Dairyland

By and by Mountaineers are always free

Thus always to tyrants

Mother of Presidents Old Dominion, Cavalier

Virginia (Va.)

Evergreen, Chinook

Freedom and unity

Green Mountain

Vermont (Vt.)

Mountain Panhandle



Utah (Ut.)

Washington (Wash.)


West Virginia (W. Va.)

Agriculture and commerce


Under God the people rule

Coyote Sunshine

South Dakota (S. Dak.)

Lone Star

Prepared in mind and cabbage palmetto Resources While I breathe, I hope


South Carolina (SC)

Tennessee (Tenn.)


Little Rhody Plantation

Rhode Island (RI)

Texas (Tex.)

Virtue, liberty, and independence


Pennsylvania (Pa.)

redbud Douglas fir

Labor conquers all things The Union




Oregon (Oreg.)

With God, all things are possible


Ohio (Oh.)

American elm

longleaf pine

Oklahoma (Okla.)

Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable

Flickertail Sioux

North Dakota (N. Dak.)

sugar maple

Ever upward To be rather than to seem


Tar Heel Old North

New York (NY)

North Carolina (NC)

piñon (nut pine)

It grows as it goes

Land of Enchantment Sunshine

New Mexico (N. Mex)

red oak

white birch

single-leaf piñon

Live free or die

Nevada (Nev.)


Liberty and prosperity

All for our country

Sagebrush, Silver Battle Born

Nebraska (Nebr.)

Ponderosa pine


Equality before the law

Cornhusker, Beef Tree Planters

Montana (Mont.)



Gold and silver

Treasure Big Sky Country

Missouri (Mo.)

State tree magnolia

New Hampshire (NH)

The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law

Show Me

Mississippi (Miss.)

New Jersey (NJ)

Motto By valor and arms




State bird




willow goldfinch


hermit thrush

sea gull



ring-necked pheasant

Carolina wren

Rhode Island red

ruffed grouse

western meadowlark

scissor-tailed flycatcher


western meadowlark




eastern goldfinch

purple finch

mountain bluebird

western meadowlark

western meadowlark



State flower

Indian paintbrush

wood violet

big rhododendron

western rhododendron


red clover

sego lily




yellow jessamine


mountain laurel

Oregon grape


scarlet carnation

wild prairie rose



yucca flower

purple violet

purple lilac






State capital







Salt Lake City








Oklahoma City





Santa Fe



Carson City



Jefferson City





























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States: Bordered by Alabama Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida. Alaska None. Arizona California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado. Arkansas Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma. California Arizona, Nevada, Oregon. Colorado Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma. Connecticut Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York. Delaware Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland. Florida Georgia, Alabama. Georgia South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina. Hawaii None. Idaho Utah, Nevada, Washington, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana. Illinois Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa. Indiana Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky. Iowa Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota. Kansas Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, Nebraska. Kentucky Tennessee, Illinois, Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana. Louisiana Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas. Maine New Hampshire.

Maryland Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware. Massachusetts Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut. Michigan Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin. Minnesota North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin. Mississippi Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama. Missouri Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska. Montana Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota. Nebraska Colorado, Wyoming, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri. Nevada California, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon. New Hampshire Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont. New Jersey New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware. New Mexico Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Utah. New York Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. North Carolina South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee. North Dakota Montana, Minnesota, South Dakota. Ohio Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania.

Oklahoma Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado. Oregon Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada. Pennsylvania Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio. Rhode Island Connecticut, Massachusetts. South Carolina North Carolina, Georgia. South Dakota North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana. Tennessee Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina. Texas Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas. Utah Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho. Vermont Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire. Virginia Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina. Washington Oregon, Idaho. West Virginia Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland. Wisconsin Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa. Wyoming Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Idaho.

Statistical Information Order of Admission to the Union 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th

Delaware (1787) Pennsylvania (1787) New Jersey (1787) Georgia (1788) Connecticut (1788) Massachusetts (1788) Maryland (1788) South Carolina (1788) New Hampshire (1788) Virginia (1788) New York (1788) North Carolina (1789) Rhode Island (1790) Vermont (1791) Kentucky (1792) Tennessee (1796) Ohio (1803)

18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th

Alaska Texas California Montana New Mexico Arizona Nevada Colorado Wyoming Michigan Oregon Minnesota Utah Idaho Kansas Nebraska South Dakota

18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th

Louisiana (1812) Indiana (1816) Mississippi (1817) Illinois (1818) Alabama (1819) Maine (1820) Missouri (1821) Arkansas (1836) Michigan (1837) Florida (1845) Texas (1845) Iowa (1846) Wisconsin (1848) California (1850) Minnesota (1858) Oregon (1859) Kansas (1861)

35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd 43rd 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th

West Virginia (1863) Nevada (1864) Nebraska (1867) Colorado (1876) North Dakota (1889) South Dakota (1889) Montana (1889) Washington (1889) Idaho (1890) Wyoming (1890) Utah (1896) Oklahoma (1907) New Mexico (1912) Arizona (1912) Alaska (1959) Hawaii (1959)

35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd 43rd 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th

Tennessee Virginia Kentucky Indiana Maine South Carolina West Virginia Maryland Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts Hawaii New Jersey Connecticut Delaware Rhode Island

Largest:by size North Dakota Oklahoma Missouri Washington Wisconsin Georgia Florida Illinois Iowa Arkansas New York North Carolina Alabama Louisiana Mississippi Pennsylvania Ohio


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Largest: by population 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th

California New York Texas Florida Pennsylvania Illinois Ohio Michigan New Jersey North Carolina Georgia Virginia Massachusetts Indiana Missouri Tennessee Wisconsin

18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th

Maryland Washington Louisiana Minnesota Alabama Kentucky Arizona South Carolina Colorado Oklahoma Connecticut Iowa Oregon Mississippi Kansas Arkansas West Virginia

35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd 43rd 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th

New Mexico Utah Nebraska Maine Hawaii New Hampshire Nevada Idaho Rhode Island Montana South Dakota North Dakota Delaware Alaska Vermont Wyoming

General Information Alamo: killed in siege of 1836 Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie. site of siege Franciscan Mission Hall in San Antonio, Texas. dates of siege 23 February to 6 March 1836. Mexican leader Santa Anna. meaning of poplar (Spanish) or cottonwood tree. Alaska: purchased from Russia, 1867; known as Seward’s Folly. America: named after Amerigo Vespucci. anti-communist witch hunts 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy. Back to Africa Movement leader Marcus Garvey. Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) San Francisco. Black Muslims: developed movement Elijah Muhammad 1934. borders with eight other states Missouri and Tennessee. Boss Tweed Corrupt leader of Tammany Hall Democrats, New York. Boston Mountains Arkansas and Oklahoma (Ozarks). Boston Tea Party: date of 16 December 1773. reason for destruction of tea protest against British tea tax. owners of tea British East India Company. British retaliation Intolerable Acts (shut down port, pending payment). Bretton Woods Conference, NH, 1944: formed IMF and International Bank for Reconstruction. bus boycott of Montgomery, Alabama: caused by Rosa Parks refusing to give up seat in Dec. 1955. California: largest city Los Angeles. Californian gold rush: first prospector James Wilson Marshall, 1848. first major strike J A Sutter, a Swiss settler, 1849. capital of America before Washington DC Philadelphia, 1783–9. Central Park: designers Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux. child: first born of English parents Virginia Dare. civil rights demo: troops called in Selma, Alabama,1956; Autherine Lucy expelled. Civil War: dates of outbreak and surrender 15 April 1861 to 9 April 1865. started: where Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbour, SC, April 1861. Lee surrender to Grant: where Appomattox Court House, Virginia, 9 April 1865. official ending: on surrender of Gen. Richard Taylor, 4 May 1865. first state to secede from Union South Carolina, December 1860. second state to secede Mississippi, January 1861. antebellum: meaning of period before the war. battle above the clouds Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Confederate capital Richmond, Virginia. Colin Powell: autobiography My American Journey. commonwealths: officially called Massachusetts, Kentucky and Virginia. commonwealth: self-styled Pennsylvania. Confederate states: antebellum Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas. four joined at outbreak of Civil War Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. President Jefferson Davis. Congress: first woman Jeanette Rankin, 1916. Constitution of the USA: ratified by New Hampshire’s ninth vote, 1788. constitutional amendments Abolition of Slavery, 13th. Presidential Terms, 22nd. Prohibition, 18th. Votes for Blacks, 15th. Votes for Women, 19th.

coterminous states: high and low point Mt Whitney and Death Valley, both in California. Coxey’s Army unemployed march to Washington DC, 1894. Dakota: named after Sioux Indian tribe. Declaration of Independence 4 July 1776. Delaware: three counties New Castle, Kent, Sussex. Delaware: largest city Wilmington. District of Columbia: ceded by Maryland, 1791. Emancipation proclamation freeing of slaves during Civil War. Essex Junto: leader Timothy Pickering. term coined by John Hancock, 1778. supported Alexander Hamilton. based Massachusetts. first state to join Union Delaware, 7 Dec. 1787. Florida: largest city Jacksonville. four corners touching Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona. Gadsden purchase of land for USA in 1853 land bought from Mexico, now New Mexico and Arizona. Georgia: marched through during Civil War General Sherman. gold on land caused rush 1849 John Sutter. good neighbour policy 1928 Latin American policy of F D Roosevelt. Grape Workers Union leader led boycott Cesar Chavez, 1968. Hartford Convention of 1814–15 began demise of Federalist Party. Hawaii: European discoverer Captain James Cook, 1778. Hawaii: former name Sandwich Islands. Haymarket Massacre of 1886 police fire on crowd at May Day Rally in Chicago. Homestead Act 1862: Lincoln’s aim to provide land free to settlers to cultivate. Honolulu: island situated Oahu. honorary citizenship Winston Churchill. Indian chief surrendered to General Miles Geronimo. Intolerable Acts enforced embargo of Boston until compensation paid. Irangate scandal: USA accused of arms for Iran in return for funds to Nicaraguan Contras. famous testimony Oliver North. Ivy League: nickname for Top 8 universities & colleges of USA i.e. Harvard (1636 - Cambridge, Massachusetts), Yale (1701 - New Haven, Connecticut), Pennsylvania (1740 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), Princeton (1746 - Princeton, New Jersey), Columbia (1754 - Manhattan, New York City), Brown (1764 - Providence, Rhode Island), Dartmouth (1769 - Hanover, New Hampshire), Cornell (1853 - Ithaca, New York). Kent State University, Ohio, 1970 National Guard shot dead four students during anti-war demo. Ku Klux Klan: formed Pulaski, Tennessee, 1866. Lend-lease Pact: March 1941 Roosevelt signed with Britain for WW2 aid. Lewis and Clark expedition 1804–6 exploration of western America. Lewis and Clark: state governors of Louisiana and Missouri Territory respectively. Los Angeles: name when founded, 1781 the Town of the Queen of the Angels.


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Louisiana purchase Mississippi valley bought from France 1803; 828,000 sq miles cost $15 million! Louisiana: largest city New Orleans. Louisiana: named in honour of Louis XIV. Mammoth Cave Kentucky. Manhattan Island: bought from Indian tribes for trinkets worth 60 guilders. Manhattan Island: purchaser Peter Minuit. mapped America Samuel de Champlain, 1605; John Smith, 1614. Maryland named in honour of wife of Charles I: Henrietta Maria. Mason–Dixon line: boundaries Pennsylvania– Maryland; border of North and South. Mason–Dixon line: why drawn disputes of Penn and Calvert families in 1760s. Mayflower: sister ship Speedwell; deemed unseaworthy. Mexican ceded states of 1848 Texas, New Mexico, California. Mexican ceded states: clerk responsible Nicholas Trist. Michigan: two land masses joined by Mackinac Bridge (Big Mac), built 1957. Michigan: borders on Great Lakes all except Ontario. Mississippi University: first black to enter James Meredith. Montana: name means mountain (Spanish). Mormon Church: founded at Fayette, New York, in 1830. Nat Turner insurrection 1831 slave uprising in Virginia. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland. Nebraska: name means flat water. Nevada: name means snow-clad (Spanish). New England: named by John Smith, 1614. 6 states Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. New Hampshire: named after English county of Hampshire, 1629. New Orleans: same parallel as Cairo, Delhi, Shanghai. New York named in honour of duke of York, later James II. New York City: five boroughs Queens, Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island. New York State: capital’s former name Fort Orange, 1624; became Albany. New York: political differences upstate is Conservative, downstate is Liberal. North Dakota: largest city Fargo. Oklahoma: name means red people. oldest American town St Augustine, Florida, 1565. Pilgrim Fathers: ship Mayflower. landed Provincetown in Massachusetts, November 1620. first to land John Alden. established Plymouth Colony. Indian interpreter Squanto. Indian welcomed them Samoset, a Pemaquid from Maine.

Portsmouth, New Hampshire treaty ended Russo-Japanese war, 1905. presidential primary: earliest New Hampshire. rectangular-shaped states Wyoming and Colorado. Rhode Island: official name The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Richmond County: named in honour of Charles Lennox, duke of Richmond, son of Charles II. Russia: closest point to Diomede Islands, Bering Strait. San Francisco meeting of United Nations April 1945. school integration: Federal troops enforced Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957. Sea Islands: sub-tropical islands of South Carolina. senator: first black Edward Brooke. Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 Women’s Rights’ Movement began. size of USA doubled by Louisiana purchase. slave abolitionist leader Harriet Tubman, former slave. slavery: abolished 1863. escape network to the North underground railroad. last state to abolish Mississippi. Spindletop oil well, Texas blew 1901. Tammany Hall (New York) byword for municipal corruption. Tarpon Springs, Florida centre for Greek Orthodox religion and sponge industry. Teapot Dome Affair, aka Elk Hills Scandal Sec. of Interior Albert Fall jailed for corruption. territories: overseas American Virgin Islands, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa. terrorism: executed 1927 but pardoned 1977 Sacco and Vanzetti. Texas: annexed by America, in 1845. former capital Houston, until 1839, then Austin. largest city Houston. Townshend Acts 1767 British taxes that sparked revolt. Vietnam: secret documents Pentagon papers showed USA involvement. secret documents revealed by Daniel Ellsberg, 1971. Virginia: named in honour of Elizabeth I. War of Independence: started Lexington, Massachusetts, April 1775. ended Yorktown, Virginia, October 1781. rode to warn of British approach Paul Revere. traitor for British Benedict Arnold. American general George Washington. British general Charles Cornwallis. Washington’s ally Marquis of Lafayette. Washington: capital since 1789. Watts riots Los Angeles, 1965. witchcraft trials Salem, Massachusetts, 1692 (20 executed). wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, trade union. Yellowstone National Park: three states Wyoming, Montana, Idaho.

NB More detailed information pertaining to rivers, mountains and other geographical features of the USA can be found in the Geography section.


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MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS OF INTEREST Units of Length link (surveying) span hand cubit pace cable nautical mile

Paper Sizes

7.92 inches (100th part of chain) 9 inches (approx span of hand) 4 inches (horse measurement) 18 inches (biblical measurement) 30 inches (from the stride) 120 fathoms (720 feet; a fathom equals six feet) 6,080 feet (1,852 metres) (1 sec of arc at Equator)

Book Sizes Crown Quarto Crown Octavo Demy Quarto Demy Octavo Royal Quarto Royal Octavo

246 x 189 mm 186 x 123 mm 276 x 219 mm 216 x 138 mm 312 x 237 mm 234 x 156 mm

A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 Elephant

841 x 1189 mm (3318 ˜ 4634 inches) 594 x 841 mm (2338 ˜ 3318 inches) 420 x 594 mm (1612 ˜ 2338 inches) 297 x 420 mm (1134 ˜ 1612 inches) 210 x 297 mm (814 ˜ 1134 inches) 148 x 210 mm (578 ˜ 814 inches) 105 x 148 mm (418 ˜ 578 inches) 74 x 105 mm (21516 ˜ 418 inches) 52 x 74 mm (2116 ˜ 21516 inches) 37 x 52 mm (11532 ˜ 2116 inches) 26 x 37 mm (1132 ˜ 11532 inches) 584 x 711 mm (23 ˜ 28 inches)

Morse Code A B C D E F

dot dash dash dot dot dot dash dot dash dot dash dot dot dot dot dot dash dot


dash dash dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dash dash dash dash dot dash dot dash dot dot


dash dash dash dot dash dash dash dot dash dash dot dash dash dot dash dot dash dot


dot dot dot dash dot dot dash dot dot dot dash dot dash dash dash dot dot dash


dash dot dash dash dash dash dot dot

Mnemonics Types of cedars Atlas – Ascending branches, deodar – drooping branches, Lebanon – level branches. Can Queen Victoria eat cold apple pie? The seven hills of Rome: Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, Aventine, Palatine. Did Mary ever visit Brighton Beach? Order of Nobility: Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron, Baronet. Bless my dear Aunt Sally Order of operations in algebraic expressions: Brackets, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract. BROM 4689 (Duke of Marlborough’s Telephone No.) Marlborough’s battles: Blenheim (1704), Ramilies (1706), Oudenarde (1708), Malplaquet (1709). Men very easily make jugs serve useful nocturnal purposes Planets from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Spring forward, fall back Mnemonic to remember whether to put clock forward or back. Virgins are rare Ohm’s Law: Volts = Amps ˜ Resistance. How I want a drink alcoholic of course after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics Mnemonic for remembering pi to 14 places: 3.14159265358979. No plan like yours to study history wisely British ruling houses: Norman, Plantagenet, Lancaster, York, Tudor, Stuart, Hanover, Windsor Richard of York gave battle in vain Rainbow colours in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

NB This last little section on mnemonics is a reminder in itself that a sound general knowledge base can only be achieved if facts are committed to memory. There is no shortcut to success in the quiz world; of course, a keen interest taken in things going on around you is desirable, as is a basic level of intelligence, but given that most people share those basic requirements then the secret of success is the amount of data consumed and the way that data is processed. The rate at which information is consumed varies depending on the level of commitment of the reader, but the way that information is stored can be the vital edge required to recall that seemingly long-forgotten nugget or that either/or situation so often encountered by quiz buffs. Mnemonics are an invaluable aid to quiz players, and should be used in some form or other when memorising lists. It does not matter how silly, rude, outlandish or downright inarticulate the mnemonic is, all that matters is that it works.

Colours alabaster amaranth amber argent ash auburn aureate azure bamboo bay bice bistre bronze brunette buff cardinal carmine carnation celandine

White Purple Yellow Silver Pale Grey Reddish-Brown Golden Sky Blue Yellowish-Brown Reddish-Brown Blue Brown Yellowish-Brown Dark Brown Pale Yellow Red (scarlet) Red (crimson) Rosy Pink Yellow

cerise cerulean chestnut chocolate chrome cinereous cinnabar cinnamon citrine cobalt cochineal cornelian cornflour crimson Cyan damask duck-egg dun ebony

Red Blue Reddish-Brown Brown Yellow Ash-Grey Vermilion Yellowish-Brown Lemon Yellow Blue Scarlet Reddish-White Blue Purplish-Red Blue-Green Pinkish-Red Blue Greyish-Brown Brownish-Black


elephant emerald fallow fawn flame foxy gamboge gentian gridelin grizzly gules hazel heliotrope honey indigo ivory jonquil jupiter khaki

Grey Green Yellow Yellowish-Brown Orangey-Red Reddish-Brown Yellow Violet Grey-Violet Grey Red Reddish-Brown Mauve (light purple) Yellow Violet Blue Creamy-White Yellow Blue Brownish-Yellow

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lake lapis lazuli lavender lilac lily livid magenta malachite maroon mazarine moon murrey nacarat ochre olive or

Crimson Blue Pale Blue (with trace of red) Pinkish-Violet White Bluish-Purple Mauve (mauvish- crimson) Green Brownish-Crimson Blue White Purplish-Red Orangey-Red Yellow (light browny yellow) Greyish-Green Gold

peridot pillar-box plum primrose puce russet rust sable saffron sandy sanguine sapphire scarlet

Green (yellowish- green) Bright Red Reddish-Purple Pale Yellow Purple-Brown Reddish-Brown Reddish-Brown Black Orange-Yellow Yellowish-Red Blood Red Blue Bright Red tinged with Orange Reddish-Brown Yellowish-Brown

sepia sienna

solferino sorrel straw tan taupe teak teal topaz turquoise ultramarine umber verd-antique vermilion violet viridescent viridian xanthin

Crimson Reddish-Brown Pale Yellow Yellowish-Brown Greyish-Brown Reddish-Brown Greenish-Blue Yellow Greenish-Blue Blue Reddish-Brown Green Red Bluish-Purple Green Bluish-Green Yellow


triangle quadrilateral pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon nonagon decagon hendecagon dodecagon isocagon

Angles in regular polygon

Total angles


60° 90° 108° 120° 129° 135° 140° 144° 147.27° 150° 162°

180° 360° 540° 720° 900° 1080° 1260° 1440° 1620° 1800° 3240°

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20

Formula (2 x3 – 4) x90 = 180 (2 x 4 – 4) x 90 = 360 (2 x5 – 4) x 90 = 540 (2 x6 – 4) x90 = 720 (2 x 7 – 4) x 90 = 900 (2 x 8 – 4) x 90 = 1080 (2 x9 – 4) x 90 = 1260 (2 x 10 – 4) x 90 = 1440 (2 x 11 – 4) x 90 = 1620 (2 x 12 – 4) x 90 = 1800 (2 x 20 – 4) x 90 = 3240

NB Sum of the interior angles of a polygon = (2n – 4) x 90 degrees where n = the number of sides.

Adjectives Objects acicular needle-like acinaciform scimitarshaped aciniform grape-like alaric wing-shaped allantoic sausageshaped amygdaloid almondshaped annular ring-shaped arcuate bow-shaped baculiform rod-like cancroid crab-like clavate club-shaped cordate heart-shaped cricoid ring-shaped crinoidal lily-like cuneal wedge-shaped cyprinoid carp-like decussate cross-shaped dendroid tree-shaped dentoid tooth-shaped ethmoid sieve-like falciform sickle-shaped ganoid scale-like

Objects hastate spear-shaped lenticular lens-shaped ligneous wood-like linguiform tongueshaped lunate crescent-shaped marmoreal marble-like navicular boat-shaped oculiform eye-shaped odontoid tooth-shaped oviform egg-shaped palmate palm-shaped pinnate feather-like pyriform pear-like reniform kidney-shaped sagittate arrow-shaped saponaceous soap-like scutate shield-shaped stellate star-shaped toroid doughnut-shaped trochal wheel-shaped unciform hook-shaped verticillate whorl-shaped xiphoid sword-shaped

anguine anserine apian aquiline asinine avian bovine canine caprine cervine columbine corvine equine feline hircine leonine leporine

Animals snake-like goose-like bee-like eagle-like ass-like bird-like ox-like dog-like goat-like deer-like dove-like crow-like horse-like cat-like goat-like lion-like hare-like

lupine murine ovine ophidian passerine pavanine piscine porcine psittacine saurian simian squaloid taurine turdine ursine vaccine vulpine

Animals wolf-like mouse-like sheep-like snake-like sparrow-like peacock-like fish-like pig-like parrot-like lizard-like ape-like shark-like bull-like thrush-like bear-like cow-like fox-like

Roman Roads Aemilian Way Akeman Street Appian Way Aurelian Way Casinge Street Cassian Way

Rimini to Milan Alchester to Cirencester Rome to Brindisi Rome to Genoa Dover to London Rome to Florence

Dere Street Ermine Street Flaminian Way Fosse Way Icknield Way

Risingham to Hadrian’s Wall London to York Rome to Rimini Lincoln to Exeter Wash to Salisbury Plain


Salarian Way Stane Street (1) (2)

Rome to Ancona London to Chichester Braughing in Herts to Colchester Watling Street (1) London to Wroxeter via St Albans Watling Street (2) Wroxeter to Abergavenny

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Alphabets Albanian Arabic Aramaic Armenian Balinese Bassa Batak Braille Buhid Bulgarian Cyrillic Ethiopic Etruscan Gaelic Georgian Gothic Grantha Greek Gujarati Hebrew Latin (Roman) Mongolian Ogham Phoenician Runic Russian Serbian Tamil Telugo Ugaritic Ukrainian

No. of characters 36 28 22 38 27 29 30 63 48 30 32 26 20 18 33 27 35 24 41 22 26 33 29 22 24 33 29 36 51 30 33

Description based on the Tosk language since 1945. all consonants; written from right to left. all consonants; written from right to left. 31 consonants and 7 vowels. the Latin alphabet is now used in Bali. formerly used in Liberia. 20 consonants, 10 vowels, written from bottom to top. each made up of 1–6 raised dots arranged in six-position matrix. used to write the Tagalog language of the Philippines. adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet. nowadays synonymous with the Russian alphabet. all consonants; 7 variations of each letter. 16 consonants, 4 vowels written left to right then right to left. no J, K, Q, V, W, X, Y, Z. used by about 3.5 million people. original Gothic alphabet had 25 letters. 30 consonants and 5 vowels; written left to right. 17 consonants and 7 vowels. 34 consonants, 7 vowels each having two variants. all consonants; written from right to left. alphabet used by English speakers. J, U, W not in original Roman alphabet. adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet. also known as beth luis, or beth luis nion. no vowels. also known as fu(th)ark from its first six letters. adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet. adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet. 24 consonants, 12 vowels. 35 consonants, 16 vowels. cuneiform alphabet of 27 consonants and 3 vowels. adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet.

US Money All US bills have a portrait of a famous American on the front and a design on the back as follows: $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $50

Front Washington Jefferson Lincoln Hamilton Jackson Grant

Back Great Seal of USA Signers of Declaration Lincoln Memorial US Treasury White House US Capitol

$100 $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000

Front Franklin McKinley Cleveland Madison Chase Wilson

Back Independence Hall Ornate Design Ornate Design Ornate Design Ornate Design Ornate Design

British Money Until 1943 there were white bank notes for values of £10, £20, £50, £100, £500 and £1,000 but these ceased to be legal tender in 1945. The old white £5 note issued between 1945 and 1956 ceased to be legal tender in 1961. The £5 note issued between 1957 and 1963 that coincided with the term of office of Harold MacMillan, and bearing a portrait of Britannia, ceased to be legal tender in 1967. The £5 note issued between 1963 and 1971 was the first of the series to bear a portrait of the Queen. The first note with a portrait of the Queen on the front was a £1 note issued in 1960. The 10 shilling note was replaced by the 50p coin in 1969 and ceased to be legal tender in 1970 (they could however be redeemed if presented at the Head Office of the Bank of England). The £1 note was replaced by a coin in 1983 and ceased to be legal tender in 1988, although the Scottish £1 note is still acceptable in Scotland. The current notes as at August 2013 portray famous people as follows: £5 £10 £20 £50

Elizabeth Fry (1780–1845) showing her reading to prisoners in Newgate Prison. Charles Darwin (1809–82) and the Beagle plus a hummingbird. Adam Smith (1723–90) with an illustration of 'The division of labour in pin manufacturing' James Watt and Matthew Boulton with steam engine and Boulton's Soho factory.

Series F notes pending include a depiction of Winston Churchill on £5 in 2016 and Jane Austen on £10 in 2017. The current Chief Cashier of the Bank of England is Andrew Bailey, who replaced Merlyn Lowther. The current Governor of the Bank of England is Mark Carney, who replaced Mervyn King. Previous portraits on notes are as follows: £5 £10 £20 £50

George Stephenson and before him The Duke of Wellington Charles Dickens and before him Florence Nightingale Edward Elgar, before him Michael Faraday and before him William Shakespeare Sir John Houblon (1632–1712) the first Governor of the Bank of England and before him Sir Christopher Wren


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British coins ceased to be legal tender as follows: Farthing (14d) Pre-decimal halfpenny Half-crown (2s 6d) Threepenny bit Sixpence (6d = 212p) Decimal halfpenny

1960 1969 1970 1971 1980 1984

Confusion often arises when one considers which was the first decimal coin brought into circulation. In 1968 the shilling and two shilling coins were replaced by a new 5p and 10p coin. This pre-empted decimalisation in 1971 and was an exercise in the public becoming used to the new system. The coins were of the same value as previously and did not alter the public perception in any way. In 1969 the new 50p coin was introduced, replacing the ten-shilling note which of course was a vastly different form, hence it often being considered as the first decimal coin introduced. In 1971 the 12p, 1p, and 2p coins were introduced and in 1982 the 20p coin followed. In 1983 the £1 coin replaced the £1 note and in 1986 the first £2 coin was minted. Decimal coins minted before 1982 had their value in ‘New’ pence.

UK Telephone STD Codes 0121 0131 0141 0151 0161 0191

Birmingham Edinburgh Glasgow Liverpool Manchester Newcastle upon Tyne

Recent changes to STD codes Cardiff was 01222 now 02920 Coventry was 01203 now 02476 London was 0171 now 0207 London was 0181 now 0208 Portsmouth was 01705 now 02392 Southampton was 01703 now 02380

NB All Northern Ireland numbers have been changed to six-digit numbers, all of which begin 028.

and finally A few well-known people whose name belies their gender:

Colley Cibber (dramatist) male Wilkie Collins (novelist) male Alice Cooper (rock singer) male Richmal Crompton (novelist) female George Eliot (novelist) female Keri Hulme (novelist) female Julian of Norwich (mystic) female Harper Lee (novelist) female Laurie Lee (novelist) male Marilyn Manson (pop star) male Ngaio Marsh (novelist) female Joan Miro (painter) male Toni Morrison (author) female Nelly (rapper) male Andrea Palladio (architect) male Caryl Phillips (novelist) male Carol Reed (film director) male George Sand (novelist) female Lionel Shriver (novelist) female Stevie Smith (poet) female Vesta Tilley (music hall star) female Evelyn Waugh (novelist) male Reese Witherspoon (actress) female


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