A Variety of Predicates PPT Semantics Fix

July 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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s 76

G vgriaty ej prahio pra hiogtas gtas ^rasaltah fy 4 Kirgtig @. _gc _gc`g `g Gc Gcjg jgri risy syii Vali @grcilg


[bgt gra wa keilk te hisouss 76

76.7 Gttituhilgc prahiogtas …….616

76.6 Algfcilk glh pravaltilk …….61;

76.? ^aroaptugc prahiogtas …….6:>


76.7 Gttituhilgc prahiogtas 76


G varf er ghdaotiva tbgt axprassas tba jaacilks ej tba sufdaot4 I bgta tbis `usio, I’`  jelh ej swi``ilk

Xypas ej gttituhilgc prahiogtas


Xypas ej gttituhilgc prahiogtas

prespaotiva gttituha


rakgrhilk rakgr hilk wbgt `gy oe`a te fa.

Il tba jirst six typas (G-J (G-J)) tba sufdaot ej tba saltaloas is tba Gjjaotah glh wbgt gjjaots gjj aots is g spaoijio prahiogtiel, g petaltigc got.

G. Iltalt rakgrhilk ela’s ewl pessifca parjer`gloa 4

7. Dalmils iltalhs te witbhrgw jre` tba rgoa. varfs4 gi`, `agl, iltalh

F @altgc rabagrsilk ej pessifca parjer`gloa 4 6. Dalmils oelsiharah witbhrgwilk jre` tba rgoa, varfs4 oelsihar, oelta`pcgta


Xypas ej gttituhilgc prahiogtas

O. Oelocusiel rakg rakgrhilk rhilk pessifca parjer`gloa 4 ?. Dalmils haoihah te witbhrgw wi tbhrgw jre` tba rgoa, varfs4 haoiha, haoiha, hatar`ila, hatar`ila, obeesa, acaot, pr prajar ajar H. Kattilk raghy jer parjer`gloa 4 (g) Dalmils pcgllah te witbhrgw jre` tba rgoa. (f) Dalmils pcgllah jer bis suppertars te witbhrgw bis lg`a. varfs4 grrglka, pcgl, prapgra

A.(g) ^reoaahilk testgrt parjer` 4 [a triah te tba `eter (fut wa oeuchl’t). (f) [a triah rullilk tba `eter jer g wbica. w bica. varfs4 gtta`pt, alhagver, saam, striva, try, ulhartgma, valtura


Xypas ej gttituhilgc prahiogtas

J Vaghilass jer g pessifca got er avalt 4 (g) I’` gjrgih te ceem gt `y tast `grms. (f) I hragh ceemilk gt `y tast `grms. prahiogtas4 (g) gspira, hasira, bepa, celk, wglt, wisb, yagrl axpaot hispesah, agkar, i`pgtialt, ilocilah, maal, raghy, wiccilk gjrgih, hragh, jagr hisilocilah, racuotglt glxieus (f) jaac-cima gltioipgta hragh, jagr

Xba histilotiel fatwaal kreups (g) glh (f) is syltgotio= tba jer`ar gra jeccewah fy gl iljilitiva ocgusa, tba cgttar fy g karulh ocgusa‘ ocgusa‘ hragh glh jagr facelkilk te fetb kreups. Xbara saa`s te fa le sa`gltio hijjaraloa hijjaraloa



Xypas ej gttituhilgc prahiogtas

K. Gttituha rakgrhilk gletbar’s ilput 4 I’` oeultilk el yeu te bacp us. varfs4 oeult-el, hapalh-el, racy-el, trust

B. Vatrespaotiva gttituhas 4 I rakrat wgstilk ti`a el tbgt caotura. varfs4 `iss rakrat’ rasalt

I. ^rahiogtas ^rahiogtas ej cimilk glh hiscimilk 4 Xbasa gra lautrgc il gspaot glh gra gooe`pgliah fy kalario prahiogtiels - I cima cima sswi`` wi``ilk ilk.. varfs4 pesitiva 4 cima ceva (iljilitiva, karulh) aldey racisb (karulh) ( karulh) lakgtiva lakgtiv a 4 hiscima hatast bgta cegtba (iljilitiva, karulh) gjrgih racuotglt ulwiccilk (iljilitiva)

oe`pgrgtiva oe`pgrgtiv a 4 prajar prajar (iljili (iljilitiva, tiva, karulh) jgver (karulh)  

Xypas ej gttituhilgc prahiogtas

D Gttituhilgc prahiogtas 4 [a sbgcc ogcc tbis laxt kreup ‒avgcugtiel ej etbars.’ I gh`ira yeu jer yeur oeurgka, 77 fut I pity yeu jer yeur stufferllass. varfs4 pesitiva 4 gh`ira gppreva-ej obarisb beler priza raspaot vgcua lakgtiva4 lakgtiv a4 pity rasalt soerl



76.6 Algfcilk glh ^ravaltilk

Gl algfcilk prahiogta is g varf er ghdaotiva wbiob taccs tbgt tba jeccewilk prahiogtiel prahiogtiel is `gha pessifca4 [a gccewah tba ogr te pgss


Algfcilk glh ^ravaltilk


G pravaltilk prahiogta is g varf wbiob stgtas tbgt gl gkalt ogusas tba lel-eoourraloa ej tba prahiogtiel tbgt jeccew jeccews4 s4 I mapt tba fgcc jre` reccilk gwgy


Algfcilk glh ^ravaltilk

76 G) Algfcilk fy usa ej gutberity4 Balry’’s tagobar gccewah bi` te oe`a ccgta Balry gta te ocgss. varfs4 gccew gutberiza par`it F) Algfcilk fy ajjert er gotiel4 Balry bacpah bis bi s tagobar (te) histrifuta feems. varfs4 gssist bacp


O. Al Algf gfci cilk lk fy ilst ilstru ruot otie iel l4 Balry tgukbt bis hek te recc recc evar glh pcgy hagh Zarfs 4 ilstruot, tagob, trgil


Algfcilk glh ^ravaltilk

76 G) ^ravaltilk fy usa ej gutberity4 [a pravalt tba hek jre` trg`pcilk el tba jcewar fah. varfs4 jerfih prebifit

F) ^ravaltilk tbreukb ajjert4 Balry’’s tagobar mapt bi` jre` cagvilk tba ree`, Balry varfs4 fgr fceom ourf hatar bilhar maap pravalt rastrgil step turl-gwgy


Algfcilk glh ^ravaltilk

76 O) ^ravaltilk tbreukb spaaob4 Balry’s tagobar hisoeurgka bi` jre` altarilk tba oeltast. varfs4 hisoeurgka ilbifit ^retaotiel - [a pravalt pravalt tba jce jcewar war fah jre` jre` tba hek -[a -[ a pretaot tba jcewar fah jre` tba hek


76.? ^aroaptugc ^rahiogtas

76 hajilitiel

wacc-mlewl waccmlewl gs ‒salsery varfs’, axprass tba salsgtiel salsgtielss tbgt wa wa raoaiva raoaiva jre` jre` eutsiha sti`uci tbreukb eur jiva salsas (Zifark 792?476? ‟  ‟:). :).


^aroaptugc ^rahiogtas

Axg`pcas 76

66g [a sgw se`a palkuils. 66f [a ceemah gt tba palkuils (witb oelsihargfca iltarast). 66o Xba palkuils ceemah strglk strglka a (te us). 6?g Gcioa bagrh g jully selk. 6?f Gcioa cistalah (iltaltcy) te tba selk. 6?o Xba selk seulhah gwjuc (te Gcioa). 68g Xah tgstah eliel il tba seup. 68f Xah tgstah tba seup (ogutieuscy). 68o Xba seup tgstah keeh (te Xah). 61g I jact g sbgrp pgil. 61f I jact tba tgfca tep (ograjuccy). 61o Xba tgfca jact reukb (te `a). 6:g @g`g s`accah s`ema. 6:f @g`g s`accah tba seup (suspioieuscy).

6:o Xba seup s`accah rgtbar ehh (te @g`g).  

^aroaptugc ^rahiogtas

76 _altaloas 66g ‟  ‟6:g 6:g bgva tba sg`a reca struotura, struotura, sbewl bara jer tba jirst twe saltaloas. Gjjaotah










^aroaptugc ^rahiogtas

76 [a ogl ceem gt se`atbilk jer gl ilstglt er jer g celk ti`a, se _altaloa 66f ogl fa axpglhah witb vgrieus axprassiels ej hurgti hur gtiel, el, a.k.4 a.k.4

- [a ceemah ceemah gt tba palkuils jer g saoelh/jer ?> `ilutas. Xba varfs kcgloa-gt glh wgtob gra hijjaralt4

66h. [a kcgloah gt tba palkuils jer g saoelh/jer ?> `ilutas. 66a. [a wgtobah tba palkuils jer ?> `ilutas/5 jer g saoelh.


^aroaptugc ^rahiogtas

76 Xbara gra twe `era paroaptugc varfs te oelsihar fajera wa hisouss saltaloas 66o ‟  ‟6:o4 6:o4 letioa glh efsarva. Xbasa twe varfss gra leloe``it varf leloe``ittgc tgc witb rraspaot aspaot te tba ssalsa alsa ej paroaptiel. [biob [biob ej tba jiv jiva a salsas weuch yeu tgm tgma a te fa `est cim cimacy acy wbal ela ej tbasa varf varfss is usah5

- [a letioah/efsarva letioah/efsarvah h tba `usio/tba seup/ seup/tba tba tgfca tep/tba s`ema.



Hactg4 Ogl yeu kiva us tba hijjaraloas hijjaraloas fatwaal ilstruotiel glh gutberity5 kiva tba axg`pca! Kusti4 Is Is tbara tbara gly axg`pca axg`pca ej paroaptugc prahiogtas5 _bisi4 [bgt heas tba raghilass jer g pessifca got er avalt5 Avi4 Is tbara gly milhs ej prahiogtas5

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