A to Z of Phrasal Verbs and Useful Vocabulary

February 28, 2018 | Author: Leah Valencia | Category: Clinical Medicine, Medical Specialties, Diseases And Disorders, Medicine, Rtt
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Letter a.




A to Z of Phrasal Verbs and Useful Vocabulary Expression  admitted to   associated with  advised to   advice on  

allergies allergic to

arrived at

arrived in

For both children advice on reco necessary. (noun)

She is not on any medication

Please note, the patient is al

The patient arrived at my surgery

The family arrived in Australia i

I believe the patient needs u admission She was noted to be overwei hypertension. I am writing to refer Mr. Walk patient, presenting with sign prostatic enlargement. IV fluids were commenced in Therefore, I commenced him strongly advised him to stop drinking alcohol. (active) She was commenced on 15gra her current anxiety and sleep

believe borderline

  

consistent with commence commence on

confidence in

discharge on deteriorate deny difficulty in diagnosed with

Mr. Booth first came to see m shortness of breath which wa down. It was associated with coughing. She was advised to return the follow up consultation. (verb

 

    

Example se The patient was admitted to the first time.

  

She lacks confidence in caring h and bathing.

 

He will be discharged on the Since 28th of July, her conditi occasional disorientation. She denied vomiting and she laxatives.

diagnosis of

  


 

evidence of enclosed


to follow

 




 

indicative of





Mr. MacIntosh presented to m difficulty in passing urine. I am writing to refer my patie Labrador cross dog who is dia lymhoma. (verb) Histological results confirmed lymphoma.(noun) Examination findings reveale prostate. I have enclosed the radiograp The patient was advised to fo

The patient first attended m one day history of lower abd Mr. Abrahim has a positive fa The family has indicated that speaks Farsi or Arabic during

However, there was slight swelli inguinal hernia

His family and social history i


to make an appointment


on examination




  

provisional present at present to

 




     

reveal risk factors a routine recovery reluctant to rule out remarkable findings

She is a known asthmatic sinc Budesonide inhaler for the sa I have made an appointment receptionist. On examination , her blood p with a regular pulse of 70 b Today, she presents very anxi noted some blood in her mot Provisional diagnosis suggests Mr Gates presented at my cli complaint of lower back pain Today, he presented to me co in the groin. If you have any further queri contact me. Examination today revealed a groin swelling. His risk factors include: smok exercise and a strong family He has made a routine recove healing well.

 


He is reluctant to seek tre

I believe she needs an urg bipolar disorder

There were no other rema

Miss Jones is suffering from suggestive of ectopic pregna I am writing to refer this pati symptoms suspicious of bowe Ms.Tylor has been suffering fr administering insulin injectio He is a 40-year-old man who symptoms suggestive of perit ulcer. He also has been suffering fro treated with Atenolol 50 mg I would appreciate your asses whether he has any underlyin Currently, her pain is under c is tolerating fluids. Her second pregnancy and de I would appreciate if you cou Woods' problem. Cardiovascular examination w electrocardiogram was norma She underwent colonoscopy t normal. (simple past) During hospitalization, the pa electromyogram and X-ray. (p Her vital signs were normal, Therefore she was advised to Mr Gates presented at my cli complaint of lower back pain

suggestive of

suspicious of

 

suffering from signs and symptoms


treated with


     

underlying under control uneventful urgent unremarkable to undergo treatment/surgery/an operation

     


vital signs


with a complaint of

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