A System of Caucasian Yoga - by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski__NEW, OCRed & Readable, but Without Pictures
May 9, 2017 | Author: Azuthius | Category: N/A
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Notes this Edition on published a Wing Press, tiny publisherin IndianHills, Colorado, In 1955,Falcon's f, presentcd ...
Noteson this Edition In 1955,Falcon'sWing Press,a tiny publisherin IndianHills, Colorado,publishedf, a courseof magicwhichthe Yogaby CountStefanWalewski. It presentcd Slrstemof Caucasian authorreferrei to asthe"MasterSystem."Theoriginalpublicationwasa rough,mostlycomplete, handwrinendraft. This is primarily a transcriptionfrom it, with a few explanatoryfootnotes. Unfornrnarcly,the authoris no longeravailableto corrector emendanychangesmadeherc. Thercforc,the manuscriptwassubmittedto a numberof expertoccultiss for comment The systemcompriscstwo groupsof practicesor "arcanes"asthey arecalledin the manuscriptl.The fint groupof 7 arecalled"MasterArcanes"andthesccondgroupof 16area mixture of "Greater"and"ksser Atcanes." The antecedentsof this systemarenot all that obvious. It combineselementsof Zoroastrianismand Sufisrq but seemsto owe mostto TibetanTantrismandIndian RajaYoga. I also seeechoesof FranzBardon(seeBibliogaphy) Long out of print, it deservesto bc morewidely known. Evenconsideringits omissions, obscurepassages,andblithely perilousexcursionsinto kundalini andtantra,manyof the techniques, experimensandinstructions in it aremorcexplicitthatcanbefoundanyvhereelse. Conventions t 1
Square brackets indicate an editorial comment, clarification or insertion. Where a meaningis unclear in the text, therc is usually a comment in squarebracketsimmediately following the questionable passage,or a footnote with the original in double quotes. All other footnotes are the Editors,.
[n somecasesa [?Jwill bc appendedto the questionableterm or phrase.
uncovered,it is left in the text sruroundedby angle brackets I "nr*" is anadjective "hidden: meaning secreq understood by onlya few;esoteric,. all of whichdehnidons certainlyfit theseteachings. However. Walewski consistently usesit asa noun.Thenounformis correctly.arcanum,' (pl. arcana).Defirnitions of thisword(fromWebste/sNewUniversalUnabridged dictionary)are: l. secrctor hidden knowedge. 2. a mystery;secreL 3. thegreatsecret of naturewhichthealchemiss sought 4. a secretor mysterious remedy; elixir. The word "arcane" will be usedtfuoughout this work as it appearedin rhe original.
Noteson this Edition avoidingconfusionwith watcwski'sown uscof doublequotes.) ( )
Roundbracketsare usedwhercwalcwski usedthemor square brackets.
nr esymao$il*r, oftcn throughouttheMS.,oftenbeforea scntencewhich is followed by the samesymbolupsidedown. Since I only havel, I havcusedit for both cases.
The entire manuscript wasorigrnally handprintcd in capitalletters, thuscapitalizationin this edition is all assurrcdbut will hopcfully be at lcastconsistenl Ihe Edior
Key to Mastery \ I am on thisearth To rcclaimtheearth To turn thedesertsinto paradise A paradisernostsuitable For God andHis Associates To dwell thercin.\ [Here occursa linc of whatqpeor to fuZend characters,presutnabty tansliteratedandtanslatedasfollows:l \ YAT.HA-AHU-VAIRIO\ \ The Will of theL,orrd is thel-aw of Righteousness3\ -- ITIASTERY-I YOU MUST
2 I pr.ru*" this to be from the Znd-Avesta (sacredscriptureof Zoroastrianism) but havenot foundrheactualciration. 3 "Yatha ahu vairyo' is rhebeginningof the sacredZoroastrianprayeribut it doesnot mean"The Will of ttreLord..." I am forcedto the conclusionthatWalewskiwasnot awareof this,due to the fact that theZendandtheEnglishappear togetherthroughoutthe MS-
Introduction. Developrnent Carefulobsewation Correctinterprrctation Practicalapplication Breath,the indicatorof the stateof the humanbeing Mother'sbrcath Stateof mastership Gaya-Lhama4
Breathis life Sun,.Moon, andTwilight brcaths Way of establishing SunandMoon brcath Harmoniousfourfolddevelopment Physical,mental,spiritud, andpsychic in each Colorsof vibrrations 2. Master Arcanes5 GrcaterMysteries Generalpoints Rhythm of MasterBreath Eyes Spotfor exerciseof the eyes Sun,Moon andStars N Rays6 Master Thought Herzian waves 4 I hauerrlt yet beenableto tnre the meaningof this term.Ir may be Tibetan,andis alsowritten "GA-YA-LHAMA" in the manuscript. 5 nn "ntcrrre" as usedin thiswork indicatesa majorsectionor goup of disciplinesof rhestudy. 6 t is may refero theepisodewhereProfessorP. Blondlotat theUniversityof Nancy(France)deludedhimsetfino believinghe haddiscovereda new form of radiation.The storyis givenin detail in an articlein ScientificAmerican (sometimebetween1956and 1980,I believe).It is alsoreferredto by MartinGardnerin his debunkingbmk "Fadsand (Second Ed.,Dover,1957) Fallaciesin theNameof Science"
Follow the Sun 3. lst Master Arcane Posture,breathing,colors,exercise ArcaneestablishingtheMasterRhythm Developmentof sightandclairvoyance. 4. 2nd Master Arcane colors,exercise. Posture,brreathing, Tensionandrela.:cation Balance How to face friendsandenemies Defenscandaggression Developmentof hearing,clairaudienccandharrnony Feetand hearing. Exerciseandcareof [feet] 5. 3rd Master Arcane Posture,breathing,colors,exercise. "Breathis Life" Notein everyMasterexercisewhichbrcathyou arein (Sunor Moon) Developmentof goodtasteandaccurate judgmentof distances Understanding of greatunifyingTprinciple. 6. 4th Master Arcane Posture,breathing,colors,exercisc. Development of commanding will andelecricity Storageof [electriciry]in thegangliasof thebody 7. Sth Master Arcane Posture,breathing,colors,exercise. Developmentof controloverearth'sanraction(andthusgravityand weight) LrviationSandwalkingon water 8. 6th Master Arcane Posture,breathing,colors,exercise. I "Centralising" 8 Wh"." "levitation" occurs, Walewski usually wrote "rising in the air',.
'Rechakakumbhaka Puraha Blendingelectric,magneticgandthermalforceswith thatof the earth. Phenomena fi Caution:Heatwavesandelectricshocksat the baseof theskull. Centersin thebrainaffected Expansionof aura "Ka" and"Ba" Irvitation 8. 6th Master Arcane (cont.) Trance Healing Transmutation "The Philosopher's Stone" Blending auric spheresof manandearth. Atonement,"at-one-ment" Cautionas to sluroundings. 9. 7th Master Arcane: Weather Control Posture,implemens,exercise,sounds Sighing,moaningandroaring "1-11419-114"10 Changes Clirnacticconditions:El Borach,Waat Bringing stonns 10. Summary of 7 Master Arcanes Breath Connectionwith MasterThought Knowledge Authority Your HeavenlyFatheris yourinstnrctor;you do not needanyother II teacher. 9 Norc FranzBardon(bibliography)andalsothecorrespondence betweenelectric/magneticenergieswirh ida and pingalaspinalenergiesin Kundaliniyoga. l0 I hauenot yet foundthemeaningof thisphrase.Like "GA-YA-LHA-MA" it appearsto be Tibetan. I I Tnis goescontraryto mostYogic teachingsandmanyotheroccultschools.Gurdjieff: "By himselfa mancando
11. General Compendium Mastery Communicationwith CheativcPowerof the world Joiningforces;towardoncness Masteringthc body What [it] meansto master 6 GrcaterArcanes Thc "ShortPath" Stateof slavery Binh Childhood MasterSysrcmasthekey to frcedom Everythingis one "GA-YA-LHA-1y1{"12 Absorbtin[?] Fourstatesof vibration:Physical,mental,spiritualandpsychic Seas and areasin the body. Dfferentiation in thedevelopment of differentnrces Pentagramof man Affirmation MasterThought,Word andDeed Teachingsof theMasters Signsandpasswords Posturcsof recognition Stateof Mastery Ancientinitiations:fire, eanhair andwater Masters Disclosingthesecrctsof being Solvingall problems Answeringall questions Definitionsof mysticism,occultismandmagickl3 12. Lesser and Greater Arcanesl4 Exercisesfor differenrpurposes accordingto MasterS[ystem] little." 12 Seecommenrs aboveat "GayaLhama" l3 his spelling'usedby Walewski,is interestingsinceAleisterCrowleyoriginally poputarizedit in English. 14 "L"rset Arcanes& Greaf
13. lst Lesser Arcane: Doctrine of the Heart SwastikaandSouwastika Exercise "r ove" ALIM "Peace" Discrimination Healing 14. 2nd Greater Arcane: Creation Exercise Awakcningthedesircanduansmutingit into willpower Posture,breathing,exercise Crux Ansata Noose Conscious,subconscious, superconscious Sendingpowerfrom solarplexusinto the head Caduceusof Hermes WingedScarab HumanSkull Materialisingdesiredthings Cures lnductionof catalepticstate I-ethargiccondition Self anesthesia Kundalini Caution:Trancesuttcputseyesout of focus An exerciseof Masters,nrlersandhigh priests 15. 3rd Greater Arcane: Projecting power Pentagramrinral Wall of Protection North Weapon desroyenemies lst
16. 6th Lesser Arcane: Exciting [Increasinglthe Life Energy When tired, physically,rnentally,spiritually,psychically Powerto facetasks Exercise,posture Tension "HA" Sendingcrxrento thepinealgland Note 1 7 . 5th Lesser Arcane: Healing Power Healing wounds,sopping bleeding Enablehealingprccesses in the body Brcath,posnlrcs,words
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