A Successful Entreprenur

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To:-  Submitted To:- 

Submitted By

Nafisa Rounok

Uttam Golder

Assistant Professor

Jagannath University

Department of Finance

Department of Finance

Jagannath University, Dhaka

4  Batch


ID No: 105211

Submission Date: September 10, 2012       1    e    g    a     P



Letter of Transmission September 10, 2012

Nafisa Rounok Course Instructor: FIN 3208 (Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship Development) Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka. Dear Madam, It is an honor and great pleasure for us to present our Project Report on “A successful Entrepreneur”.  This report was assigned to us as a partial requirement of the ‘ Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship hip Development’  (FIN3208) course in the sixth semester. 

The Project program was an experience of rediscovering our potentials and full of excitements. This report has given us an opportunity to apply our theoretical expertise, sharpen our views, ideas, and communication skills, and bridge them with the real world of practical experience, which will be a good head start for our future professional career. During the preparation of the report we faced some problems that have been erased out with your propound lecture and assistance. Without your cooperation and guideline this report would have been an incomplete one. Finally thank you for your supportive thought and kind consideration for formulating an idea. Lastly we would be thankful once again if you please give your judicious advice on our effort.

Sincerely yours Uttam Golder Roll: 105-211 

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Acknowledgement  I would like to pay our gratitude to all of the people who helped me a lot for the completion of this report before, during, and after the working period. At first I would like to acknowledge the Almighty, who helped me every time and was with me and gave us moral support and strength every moment.

I am especially grateful to our honorable course teacher teache r Assistant Professor Nafisa Rounok for giving me valuable suggestions and support to prepare this report. Without her advice and support, it would not be possible for me to prepare this report. I am also grateful to all the officials of Gain Agro Fisheries and Gain Agro Poultries for their support and cooperation.

I am giving thanks from my hearts to whom, that are helping me in my report by answering our questions about their Projects. They are chosen by me randomly from various professionals.

Last but not least I express my gratitude to the all the individuals who have helped me directly or indirectly.  indirectly. 

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Table of Contents 

Page No 

Executive summary……………………………………………………………………………………… summary…………………………………………………… …………………………………     ChapterOne (Introduction)…………………………………………………………… (Introduction)……………………………………………………………  Origin Orig in of o f the report……………………………………………………… report………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………  Objectives of the study………………………………………………………………………….  Scope of the study…………………………………………………………………………………… study……………………………………………………………………………………  Methodology……………………… Methodolo gy………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………. …………………………….  Limitation Limit ation of the study…………..……………………………………………… study…………..………………………………………………………………. ……………….  Chapter- Two (A successful Entrepreneur)…………..……………………… Entrepreneur)…………..………………………   Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………… 

Personal Profile.……………………………………………………….. Early Life……………………………………………………………… Life……………………… ………………………………………….. …..   Professional Experience………………………………………..  Gain Agro Fisheries…………………………………………………..   Gain Agro Poultries…………………………………………………..   Some Secret Truth about The Entrepreneur……. Chapter- Three (Conclusion and Appended Part)………………. Part)……………… .…… ……   Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………  Reference……………………………………………………………..………………… …………………  

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Executive Summary Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects. To learn is to acquire knowledge or skill. Learning also may involve a change in attitude. Learning is not just a change in attitude; it is a change in the way a man thinks, understands, or feels. Learning some things depends on other perceptions which have preceded these learning’s, and on the availability of time to sense and relate these new things to the earlier perceptions. Thus, sequence and time are necessary. After studying the theoretical aspect of a subject matter, understanding its practical implications is one of the prime steps of learning. Our assignment is on history of a successful Entrepreneur, which is fully in the organizational context. During the process of preparing this assignment, we could enrich our knowledge about many aspects of the Entrepreneurial Management that we have explored with the light of our limited knowledge The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady acceleration. Therefore, we have chosen Sir Purnandu Gain - a leader, organizer, risk taker and an innovator who has cosmopolitan acceptance to complete our assignment. His life history as a successful entrepreneur inspired us to take extra interest and effort to know about him and we have become more resourceful on this living legend. lege nd. SIR Dr. Purnandu Gain - A SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR Born: 1965 Batiaghata, Khulna Residence Bangladesh Nationality Bangladeshi Education: Doctorate in Agro-technology Occupation: Former Pro-Vice Chancellor of Khulna University. Occupational Founder Of Gain Agro Fisheries & Gain Agro Poultries Parents: Avanish Gain (Father) Janoki Gain (Mother)

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Chapter- One  ntroduction  (Origin of the report, Objective of the study, Scope of the study, Methodology, Limitation of the study)  study)  

Introduction  Origin of the report: As a partial requirement of BBA program we are required to study the ‘ Entrepreneur Development’ (FiN-3208) course. In the classroom we get the opportunity to know the theoretical part of the subject. But without practical orientation it is somewhat difficult to grasp the core concept.   Entrepreneur Development is entirely based on practical situation. So in order to enhance the understanding of the core concept, we are required to prepare a report on practical situation to understand how to implement and practice the theoretical part in real life situation and how to be a successful entrepreneur.

Objectives of the study:  General Objective: The general objective of preparing this report is to know how to be a successful entrepreneur and to fulfill the requirement of the course ‘Entrepreneurship Development” (FIN-3208) Development” (FIN-3208) through gaining the practical experience and views of the insight in to Gain Agro Fisheries & Gain Agro Poultries.  

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Specific Objective: The specific objective of preparing this report is – is –   To get a general idea about the Entrepreneur and their characteristics. To provide an overview of the capital structure of Gain Agro Fisheries and Gain Agro Poultries. P oultries. To draw a comparable picture of the theoretical approach and the practical applications. To gather practical knowledge about Entrepreneurship.  To enlarge our theoretical, and practical ability.

Scope of the study:  An Entrepreneur plays a pivotal role in the economy of any country. They provide necessary instrument and employment to setup different industries essential for a nation to build strong economy. This report has been done basically on analyzing the theoretical and practical practices of Entrepreneurship Development.

Methodology:  The report in this study is basically an inductive one. Two different types of systems have been selected here based on convenience. The report is based on both primary and secondary information.

Primary Information: Information:   The primary data have been collected from our class lecture, various types of individual professionals.

Information:  The secondary information has been extracted from various textbooks of Secondary Information: Entrepreneurship Development. Other notable information that was used for this report was the information gathered from term paper of the firm of , Gain Agro Fisheries & Gain Agro Poultries and personally from Mr. Purnandu Gain who is the owner of them.

Limitation:  In spite of having the wholehearted effort, there were some limitations, which acted as a barrier to conduct the program and for doing an empirical research rese arch work, such as:

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Time Constraint: The study is based on the analysis of Entrepreneurship Development. Development. But this allocated time is not enough for a complete and fruitful study.

Lack of Experience: Due to lack of experience, there is a chance of having some mistake in the report though best effort has been applied to avoid any kind of mistake. 

Secrecy: Most adequate, exact and updated data have not been available avai lable due to the secrecy of the organization.

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Chapter- Two  A successful entrepreneur (Theoretical Practices)

Successfully Entrepreneur

Introduction An entrepreneur is person who assumes the organization, management, and risks of a business enterprise. He assumes the risk and management of business; an undertaker of economic enterprises, in contrast to the ordinary capitalist, who, strictly speaking, merely owns an enterprise and may choose to take no part in its day-to-day operation. Sir Doctor Purnandu gain is an icon in the history of entrepreneurship. He is the founder chairperson of Gain Agro Fisheries & Gain Agro poultries. He was born in1965 and has taken his higher degree from a Rushas University. He completed his Doctorate degree from there. In Liberation war he was only 6 years old. So he cannot remember that’s memories. memories. The war dramatically changed the life. With his family he left the country and took shelter in India. When the war stopped he with his family came back to Bangladesh. After back he started his primary education. After the liberation war his family’s financial condition went very worse. But he tried hard to get success. He gets different degree and honors from different University.

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Name: Purnandu Gain Date of birth: 1965 In 1997 Lecturer of KU In 2001 Established Gain Agro Fish. In 2004 Consult with Mr. Dr. Jones in India about poultry rising. In 2006 Production of poultry. In 2007 extend his area by 4.5 Acore. In 2008 established new 3 plants for hutching. In 2010 Profit 40000000 tak a

Early Life Purnandu Gain was born in 1965 into a middle class family in Batiaghata Upazala in the district of Khulna. The The father father of Purnandu Gain

was a general poor farmer. He attended his primary and

secondary education from his locality. He completed his secondary education from Jalma chakrakhali high school and also got admitted himself into Khulna City College. But after studying there one year he transferred to Kalia College, Khulna. From there the site into the HSC Examination. He grew up in his locality which was his native village. He has four brothers and four sister. He is the youngest from all. His ender brother started his carrier as a DSP and after that he was promoted into ESP. He was a honorable person in that area. His next brother started his carrier as a senior account in a sugar mill. But after some years he left his post and started his carrier as a DPMG. After that he promoted into a PMG. Mr. Purnandu Gain left the country for higher education. He went to Rassia for taking Doctorate degree. He Stay there about about 8 years. He completed his doctorate doctorate degree from KAJAKISTHAN UNIVERSITY. UNIVERSITY. His studied subject was Agro-technology. After eight years he come back to his country and started his carrier as a teacher in Khulna University. He joined there in the department of same as he chosen his higher degree, Agro-technology. He joins there as a lecturer and after some years he become a

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professor. In the mid 2009 he became the honorable pro-vice chancellor of Khulna University.He got marrieg in 2000 and he is the father of one daughter. The name of her his Punom gain.

Professional Experience He has a high professional experience life. In his early life he started to cultivate fish and poultry. He cultivate them in a scientific was. As he has taken higher the professional degree from University, he applied them in his work field and firm. In 1995-1996 1995-1996 he established the “Gain Agro Fisheries” firm.  firm.   In 2005-2006 2005-2006 he established the “Gain Agro Poultry” Firm.  Firm.   He cultivated child fish from the mother fish. The main product of his Gain Agro Fisheries is “Pangash” and “Koi”. He produces child child fish in his hatcury and sell them to the the dealer.  dealer.   In his Gain Agro Poultries he produces the child poultry. He has some machine those are used for this purpose. In his name there is a paddy experience institute. In this institute some people a are re trying to introduce new paddy. I have also introduced his as a professor and former vice-chancellor of Khulna University in Agrotechnology discipline.

Formation of “Gain Agro Fisheries’’ Actually Gain agro fisheries were formally established in 1995-1996. Mr. Purnandu Gain was the director of the new established firm. Actually it was established before 1995-1996, because the elder brothers of Purnandu Gain were devoted into fisheries profession. But it was not formally established. When Mr. Purnandu Gain comes back from Rasia he established a formal firm. There were two motives behind this project. One is: he gets the profession from his family as his elder brothers were associated with this profession and another is: he gets some higher education from the Rasia. The theoretical and practical knowledge which he gained from the agro-technology subject applies in his practical life to cultivate the fish or to run the fish hatucary in a very effective way in where he produced the child of fish. There was another reason which may be included. As he was born in a poor family and his village people was too much ignorant, there was a very little educated people. Most of the people were jobless. They lead their life in great miseries. So he wanted to give them some job. As he introduced a new firm in his village, there was some post. And in that post some jobless young person were employed. So to eradicate

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unemployment he is a pioneer. As soon as he came back from the Rasia he has a capital of 1, 00,000. He wanted to cultivate fish. Initially he cultivates 7000 piece “pangus” in a leased property. After nourishing them one year he sold them with 2, 60,000 taka. So that in the first year he make a profit of 1, 60,000 taka. After that Purnan Purnandu du Gain invested more capital in his project. Now he has 55 personal an and d a total capital of 4, 0, 0, 00, 000 taka. So we can tell his a successful entrepreneur.

Gain Agro Poultry Gain Agro Poultry was established 2005-2006. He herited this profession from the family. Initially he started business with 1, 0, 0000 taka and here he was also the managing director. Here he brings 7000 chick and from them he survives 3000. After raising the poultry he makes a hand sum salary. After that he brings 27000 chicks and also makes a good profit. Then Then he thinks to hutch. He borrowed a loan of 70000000-80000000 taka from a local bank and invested them. Primarily he brings some machine from Russia and China. The name of the machine is Inquzeter. So he builds a factory to hutch. It was a tremendous task for him. It makes him a good profit. Here in this project he has about 65 permanent and 40 temporary workers. The total salary he has to give them about 400000 taka. First he give the chick to the dellars point for sell because he was not well known. But within a few months his chicks were well known and get popularity. As soon as the chicks get popularity he established a selling point or sells corner. In Khulna there were some other company for chick. But he was the man who achieved more popularity than others. He has some managers in the selling point. The minimum salary for a manager is 15000 taka.

Some secret truth about the t he entrepreneur   Actually Mr. Purnandu Gain is a person who enjoys his job very much. He takes those agricultural, poultry & fisheries, as a profession. He wants to run those business till alive. He has some other planning. He wants to build a brick factory. For this purpose he has purchased some lands in his village. He dreams that hundreds of people will get their respective job. In his early time he sold poultry in Gallamari, Sonadanga & Moylapota. Innitially when he sold his product he faced some problems. But his product is highly qualified. So that with in a short time, those product gained gai ned popularity. Although he was professor, he did not heisted to involve in such type of business. He has a positive business plan. Firstly he contracted with the local dealer to sale his product. He used different salo

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pump and inquzeter machine to hutch poultry. He was the managing director of the project. If we want to seek the competitive advantage which was used by him, that he was a well-known & honorable person in his area. And he used those as his another another invested capital. In that time there was a poultry firm ‘named GAZI POULTRY’. He beated that using his capital. Now he is a successful man and also a successful entrepreneur.

ChapterChapter- Three 

Conclusion: In the conclusion of our report, we are immensely pleased to have learnt some practical knowledge of our text with the characteristics of an entrepreneur. Actually to become an successful entrepreneur it is not necessary of formal education but if it is available than it is plus point for him. A successful entrepreneur has to be a hard worker. We know that there is no alternative of hard working. A person may be educated but has to do a lot of work. In our country successful entrepreneur is very much necessary. We have to try to become a successful entrepreneur.

Reference: Here is the some reference we collect information during preparing our report.

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Khulna University (www.ku.ac.bd) www.ku.ac.bd)     Gain Agro Fisheries   Gain Agro Poultries.

The End

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