A Study On Stress Management of Employees With Respect To Dream Makers

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“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

“A Study on Stress Management of Employees E mployees with respect to Dream Makers”  Makers”  INTRODUCTION: Stress is a part of day-to-day living of every individual. The college students may experience stress in meeting the academic studies, people on the job, business men may suffer stress to reach office in time and to complete the projects on time and even the house hole ladies may experience stress in managing the home affairs and to look for the maid servant. The reasons for the stress differ from person to person. The stress  peo  p eo pl e ex pe ri en ce sh ou ld no t be ne ce ss ar il y tr ea t ed as harmful. An o optimum ptimum amount of stress can always act as an energizer or motivator and propel people to appl ap ply y effo effort rtss aand nd co comp mple lete te th thee wor work. k. But a hig high h lev el of stre ss can be ser serious ious threat to the personality trails of the individual and can cause physiological and social problems.

What is Stress? Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings.

INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: Event planners do a lot more than plan events. They also coordinate and execute of all facets of meetings and events. These responsibilities can include budgets, event sites, permits, transportation, lodging and on-site staff. They can extend to hiring third-party service providers, such as musicians, food service, security and


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

speakers. As a small-business enterprise, event planning requires a thorough understanding of the market potential where you're located. Two Market Segments; Five Industry Sectors

Event planners serve two main market segments, according to "Entrepreneur" magazine: the business/government business/government market and the social market. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics describes five industry sectors that serve these two market segments. Four of those industry sectors serve the business/government market: Association planners do events for professio professional nal associations; government planners do event work for government agencies; corporate planners cater to the privatesector business community; and convention service planners usually are adjuncts to large hotels and convention centers. The fifth segment defined by the bureau, party and event planners, specializes in  private-sector social events such as weddings, large private parties and corporate societal events. Business/Government Business/Governm ent Market Market  

Corporate demand for events is robust, according to the Event Marketing Institute. It revealed in its inaugural Event Track 2012 study that companies expected to grow their event marketing budgets by 7.8 percent in 2012, more than twice the 3.6  percent increase of 2011. Of the marketers responding responding in the study, 83 percent said events did a better job at driving sales than driving awareness. Digital technology helped this process when marketers started using social media to connect events with online audiences and brand influencers, with 66 percent of surveyed marketers saying that social media made events more successful.  The Event Track study also revealed that events had a positive influence on consumer purchase intentions. Of the 1,100 consumer survey respondents, 58


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

 percent said they actually bought the product soon after the event and 86 percent said they became regular customers of the company sponsoring the event. Two Types of Events Private:

Which is very limited to the people who belongs to particular individuals or  persons, and know people were invited to these events which mainly happen to someone special phase of life like marriage, birthday, wedding, anniversary, family get to gather, tour or travel with family these all events which takes  places by approval approval of the fam family ily decision and their convenie convenient nt places.


Corporate events are those which are publically concerned and very professiona professionall in nature which mainly targeted to public or people who belongs to the company. These events are mainly do to gain the customer attention towards their product or services and communicate and express and inform their newly services or any changes happening In the company are basically expressed through the corporate events. Like press conference promotional events, product launch, seminar, meeting etc. These event influence them to attend these events and make it grand success the events some other events include FASHION SHOW, MOVIE SCREENING, LIVE MUSIC EVENT, MARATHONS, SPORTS EVENTS ETC.

Industry Profile: History:

Through out the years the event industry has gained a major place in everyday life. From the first first events of the 19th cent century, ury, such as the Great Exhib Exhibition, ition, to a


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

2012 music festival. The event industry has developed a huge help to our country’s economy. To the extent of which the “government is supporting and  promoting events as part of their strategies for economic economic development” (Bowdin and Allen, 2006). There are several types of events. Nowadays, there is almost an event for anything imaginable. First, we will analyse what exactly an event is and the different type of events, then we will be looking at the origins of years. Therefore, we will be able to estimate the future of events. Event management industry in India:

The past decade of the Indian economy has witnessed an alarming growth in the size of Event Management Industry. It has grown by leaps and bounds in the recent past and most of the experts in the industry strongly believe that this is  just the beginning of a new era. According to survey done by some leading Research agencies, the organized Event Industry in India is poised to grow by at least by 25% annually and is estimated to reach INR 5500 crores by 2014-15


With every day passing by, the functioning of Event Industry is getting more &more professional and organized. This industry caters to events in four broad categories: Leisure, Cultural, Personal and Organisational. Rising household as well as company incomes, growing number of corporate awards and conferences, television and sports events, reality shows and soon are helping this sector grow. With rising incomes, people are also spending more on weddings, parties and other  personal functions. functions.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 


The scope of Events has been widening day by day and the Events & Entertainment Industry today encompasses events like Fashion & Celebrity shows, Film awards, Celebrity promotions, Road shows, Musical concerts, Bollywoodshows, T.V. Reality shows Company conferences, Banqueting facilities, Tourist attractions, Sports, Culture, Corporate seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions, Wedding celebrations, Birthday parties, Theme parties & Product launch. The continuous rise in the number and the scale of all such events has emerged as the main growth drivers in the sector.

Marketing Re-defined:

Events are playing an increasingly important role in the Marketing and Communications mix for all companies. Today, Event Management has become an integral part of any Marketing plan. A large number of companies have already recognized the benefits of Direct Marketing through events. Events are considered as a means to Launch, Advertise or Build a brand. Market Segmentation.

Company Analysis: About The Company

Dream Maker is a Bangalore based PAN Indian business-skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled part time employment-oriented networking service provided to the client that operates in event management industry and Dream Makers is one of the event organisatio organisation n which organises corporate and organisational organisational events.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

 Name of the company company

Dream Makers




Event management industry





Registered address

#71/25,1st Floor, 59th B Cross, 4th N Block, Rajajinagar  (8,739.22  (8,739.22 mi) 

 Number of employees employees


Web site

www.dreammaker.co.in www.dreammaker.co.in


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

MCKINSEY’S 7’S MODEL  MODEL  McKinsey 7s model is a tool that analyses firm’s fi rm’s organizational design and efficient and effective work of an organisation to analyse competitive advantage and growth and possible mistake of the company. To develop the company in future.


The Seven Elements are The Mc Kinsey 7s model involves seven interdependent factors which are

categorized as either “Hard” or “Soft” elements.  elements.  Hard Elements (S)

Soft Elements(S)


Shared values




Style Staff


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

Hard elements are easier to define or identify and management can directly influence them.

1. Strategy:

Effective event management strategy: Hion has adopted the appropriate execution planning strategy (AEPS) this strategy ensures the proper execution of  plan in terms of achieving the competitive advantages to the company and also this strategy helps to acquire maximum client who are looking for an effective event organisation.

AEPS PARAMETERS Clear goals Dream Makers has very clear goal in marketing plan and these goals are very

clear in terms of achieving tangible and intangibles goals and tangibles goals are like attracting the attendees and intangibles goals are strengthening the relationship with association members or business partners.

Content creation

Before doing an actual event, our team member will make sure that the event is  being spread across the world by using the social media and mobile apps and website they spread the message about the event in all these portals by using the valuable content which will help the readers to know the event schedule, speaker list advantages of attending and testimonial videos.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 


we collaborate with the business partners and association so that we can generate more leads it helps us to do the event with the co-ordination of other business  partners and we help each other in providing the useful manpower we share the same goals and objectives to make success of an event.

2. Structure

Hierarchical structure

3. System 

The ‘Dream Makers’ system is independent and single entity from legal point of you and the company has the authority of all the activities while the ‘Hion’ operates through its client network. 

  Manpower- The organization has developed the app and website where the people can be aware of organization event and they can enroll their names and they can hired for skilled and semi-skilled temporary work.

Information system- this organization has strong network with their client it usually caters to those people to whom the services being provided and it expects this people to give referral about our organization to any of their friends and relatives if they have any events near by like birthday parties wedding etc. and also this organization has strong tie up with the some of its association and  business partner through which it usually collects the leads and contact these clients for service to be delivered.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 


At ‘Dream Makers’ eligibility for the recruitment purpose depend on the education qualification experience and skill they possess shown in the below table: RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENT Department



Education qualificati qualification on BBM/MBA



1 year

1 year


Communication Recruitment Presentation

Employee grievances


Salary payroll






The style represents the way organization should carry out to achieve its objectives, goals and to be success and this can be analyzed in terms of 

  Decision making style- the Hion follows integrated decision-making skill where it analyze all the aspect then take the actual decision and CEO is more concerned about the long-term achievements and creative aspects and brain storming session session to problem solving and taking the calculative risk.

  Working style -Being newly emerged startup the company is very free in terms of learning and working from any corner of the office and at the end only results and work needs to be complete and it should give satisfaction and it also provides and environment and also make employee productive work and provide convenient shifts to the employee.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 


Dream Makers office located in Bangalore the office is managed by CEO 

  Duties and responsibilities of marketing department- The marketing plans and activities are prepared in office with a mutual agreement with the CEO and the marketing executive are responsible for the execution of these plans and activities and marketing department should use the convenient strategy to bring the awareness of the company to the customer by using creative advertisement advertisem ent and social media tools.

  The HR executives are very   Duties and responsibilities of HR department  –  The much concerned about hiring the manpower who are in need of temporary work and HR executive should be very thorough in attracting the manpower who are skilled and semi-skilled for the relevant events.

Shared value

Shared values are those value which gives business to measure its value and identify the social issues which is relevant to the business and shared values are fundamental to the organization in terms of behavior and activities in the organization.shared organization.shar ed values at Dream Makers are leadership 

  Leadership: the power and courage to design better future. Leader is the  person who take initiative and sharpen his skill to achieve his and entire team goal by putting his own effort and make other to put effort to achieve the goal. 


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

  Passion: the hungriness to learn and be determinant and focused from the heart and soul to achieve personal and organizational goals comes from the great passion 

  Integrity: be practical and real to organization

  Accountability: organization expect that every individual should be reliable and responsible for the work which assigned to them individually. 

  Diversity: as creative and unique as our client demand the service

  Quality: we follow only one mantra that is “providing quality of service” to our client which will satisfy and make them feel happy and convincing to have our service.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 


Anjali (jain, 2016) according to her event management is very growing and emerging and rapid growth is happening in this industry. She added that taking career in event management would be very beneficial as well as profitable. As the demand and supply of the event management service is not equal in the sense that the demand for the service is more but the supply of service in the sense the delivery of the service is insufficient hence in era of emerging service the demand for event is more it create lot of opportunity for the young people to be  part of this industry industry and w work ork as an effici efficient ent event manage manager. r. To have a successful career in the event management one should have the very  basic knowledge about events and should be very creative and innovative to generate the unique ideology to make an event different from other competitors. In the general event management in handling of people and multi-tasking. There are so many course which is useful for learning the event management those are MBA in event management, diploma in event management, some other certificate courses.

Rahul (rane, 6/10/2015 ) according to him the event management industry has seen very big and large growth from the both commercial and non-commercial world. From the various activity is the main reason for this changes to happen. Irrespective of the private or public event every person who involved in this industry want their event to be appear as big fat event have lavish and luxurious image in the society to appear as an successful event. Because of this this rapid change large size events are required well professionals to perform this kind of event and make the event memorable and special to the client. The requirement


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

For professional has let the several job opportunity in the event management industry which is basically organise events like, Corporate events which includes the seminar, conference, meeting, product launch, meeting, trade shows, networking events, Incentive travel, and shareholder meeting. Private/ social events: wedding, engagement, birthday, anniversary. Entertainment event: fashion shows, movie promotion Bollywood events, celebrity night, music concerts, sports events: Charitable events: fund collection, awareness regarding any causes like HIV and cancer. Above are the different type of event which is being arranged from the event manager. From the research which has been found out that the event management is growing by 25% annually will reach rs 5500 crore by 2014-2015.

Gaurav (laghate, 11/09/2017) 11/09/2017) according to him the IIndian ndian event managem management ent is growing rapidly and it will achieve the highest standards and will become  premier industry to have positive response on the economic growth. He expects that the event management industry will cross the 10000cro in the coming year 2020-21. In the year 2016-17 it has 5631cro . it has been increasing by the 16% CAGR. The event management has constant and continues and profitable growth all because of the strength and adoptability of innovative technology. technology.

evelopment of digital marketing and increased usage of social media, sports league, extension of rural places, support of the government and initiative and


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

low expenses, extension of mini-metro has led the rapid growth of event management in India.

Riddhi (shash, 19/3/2008) 19/3/2008) according to her the eevent vent management can be better better communicate to the customer through use the media like TV, Radio, other media  because of the increasing usage of these media media an event can be well planned and demonstrated by using these media what it help to analyse better and quick response from the client. Tradition media which takes a long period to bring that effect or change in customer view as it takes time to deliver the service. They have mentioned that event management industry has no downtrend it will be continuously growing as the customer are become more trendy and haute, expect something uniqueness of services which always keep the industry uptrend in the market. Reality television shows has organised so many shows which nonfictional and require so many team and effort to arrange everything make show this management system in the domain of event management. KumiHIROKAWA(2012); The study tested the effects precipitated to the staffs inside the health care quarter as we started out the questionnaire survey with various strategies we apprehend the strain specifically prompted due the on  process stress time management a short one time strain control program can be effective in staffs as well lowering structured behaviour in health facility staffs.

Mary Ann Yeboah(20141.);The authors of this text has been carried out numerous styles of methods to apprehend the reasons and consequences of  pressure inside the business enterprise it consists of pressure, healthcare


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

 personnel, demand elements, manage factors, aid elements, relationshi relationship p elements, change elements, position factors. HSE (fitness, safety & environment) version turned into followed. The questionnaire collected information about the historical past and different demographic statistics approximately the personnel.

Yasir Arafat Elahi and Mishra Apoorva (2012)12 - The study is disclosed the significant differences in stress experience among short, medium and long tenure groups. so it has been observed that the total and for six types of role stress, experienced the minimum stress, medium tenure group experienced a medium level stress and the short tenure group experienced the maximum stress,  pointing out the significant existence of a negative relationshi relationship p between length of service and role stress 

Rajesh Jampala, P. Adi Lakshmi and O.A.R. Kishore (2012)15 - The study measures occupational stress with HSE indicator tool. The differences among the various employees based on different demogra phy’s including sector, gender, qualification, industry and experience has been analyzed. The correlations among various factors causing stress including demand, control, manager support, peer support, relation, role and change factors are explored.  

Suchitra M. G. (2012)16 concludes that the stress in the work place has become the black plague of the present century. Much of the stress at work is caused not only by work overload and time pressure but also by lack of rewards and praise,


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

and more importantly, by not providing individuals with the autonomy to do their work as they would like. Most of the employees were not satisfied with the grievance handling procedure of the organization which was found by the unstructured interview. Organization must begin to manage people at work differently, treating them with respect and valuing their contribution. If we enhance the psychological well-being and health of the employees.

Ajay Singh and Nidhi Dhawan (2012)18 - Stress is a universal element and  persons from nearly every walk of life have to face stress. Climate refers to  perceptions of organizational practices reported by people who work there. Stressful organizational climates are characterized by limited participation in decisions, use of punishment and negative feedback, conflict avoidance or confrontation (rather than problem solving), and non-supportive group and leader relations. Stress can have a negative impact on both employee and organization. The research paper examines the different organizational climate stressors encountered by public and private sector bank employees and the coping styles being used by them to cope with it.

R. Gomathi and R. Deepika (2013)19 -Stress has become a major concern of the modern times as it can cause harm to employee’s empl oyee’s health and performance. Work related stress costs organization billions of dollars each year through sickness, turnover and absenteeism. So it becomes necessary for every organization to know the factor causing stress among the employees as well as how they cope up with stress to make the employee more participative and productive.   This research study was conducted to find out the factor causing stress among employees and to know how they cope up with stress.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

Kamalakumati Karunanithy & Ambika Ponnampalam (2013)22 -Many executives feel they could make better decisions and perform more effectively if they worked under less stress. Stress has also been linked to absenteeism, turnover, and industrial accidents. This study tried to identify the impact of Job related stress, Organizational related stress, and Individual related stress on  performance. Descriptive analysis is applied to find out the level of stress and correlation coefficient is useful for finding out the relationship between variables. Regression analysis is applied to test the impact of stress on  performance. The results revealed when mean value is compared; mean value of the organizational related stress is higher than the other two. It is also found that there is a negative relationship between stress and performance. It is concluded that stress is having an impact on commercial bank employees performance, at the same time the influence of organizational related stress is higher than job related and individual related stress.

Rajesh K. Yadav and Shriti Singh Yadav (2014)29 -In -In today’s competitive environment, work life balance and stress management for women employees is highly desirable and if there is no job satisfaction and regularity in life, it can create a problem for working women. Stress of work life balance is seen in every corner of the world which occurs to everyone. It becomes critical when there is no job satisfaction. Work life balance requires, getting stability between  professional work and personal work, so that it reduces friction between official and domestic life. The performance of any organization depends on the  performance of its employees, which in turn depends on several factors. These factors can be related to job satisfaction. This study is conducted among the working women of public sector banks with the purpose of assessing impact of work life balance and stress management on job satisfaction. Observation of the


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 

study suggests that WLB and Stress management can be achieved by the factors responsible for

job satisfaction such as:

encouraging social


accommodating working conditions, mentally challenging work, impartial rewards and employee oriented policies etc. The study suggested that work-life  balance and stress management is not a problem to be solved; it is a constant issue to be managed.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 


Title of the project “A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers”  Makers” 


The purpose and cause of the study is to identify the level of stress of staffs in the company and to reveal the purpose of managing the stress which helps the employees to perform their work in a better way.


The behind are the objects of the study: 

  To know the level of stres stresss among employees of Dream Makers, Makers, Bangalore.

  To explore the stress related problems among employees of Dream Makers,

Bangalore. 

 To study the connection among the stress attributes and overall work stress.

  To suggest measur measures es to manage stress am among ong the staffs in the organisation. organisation.


Stress having been identified in the performance of event management employees needs to be managed For efficient Management of events. The coping strategies and management practices put In place in the company as well as in any working environm environment ent and reduce the stress.


“A study on stress Management of Employees with respect to Dream Makers” 


The study was conducted to know what are the stress factors affecting employees in Dream Makers and to know what are the techniques used in to reduce the stress. The scope of the study covers work related stress including on field and back end staff and practice the methods and materials to cope up the issue.


Research Design: Data Collection Method: Primary Data: Secondary Data:

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