A Song In Fire and Ice RPG - Cheat Sheet

March 18, 2017 | Author: DDTWilson | Category: N/A
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Short Description

A game mechanics cheat sheet for the Role playing game A Song in Fire and Ice (SifRP)....


SIFRP Cheat Sheet DEGREES OF SUCCESS (5+) • • • • • •

0-4: One Degree (Marginal) 5-9: Two Degrees (Great Success) 10-14: Three Degrees (Incredible Success) 15+: Four Degrees (Astonishing Success) Marginal Failure: Fail by 1-4 Critical Failure: Fail by 5+

Step Four 4: Action Choose one Greater Action, or two Lesser Actions, plus any Free Actions.

Attack Actions

passive abilities

Standard Attack (Lesser) Divided Attack (Greater) Two-Weapon Attack (Greater) Combining Attack (Greater) Mounted Attacks (Varies) Pull a Rider From Mount (Greater) Pin (Greater)

Passive Ability = [Rank x 4] + [Specialty] •

Examples: Passive Awareness, Passive Will, etc.

COMBAT • • • •

One Round: 6 seconds. Greater Action: Take the entire round. Lesser Action: Two lesser per round. Free Action: Unlimited (use common sense).

Other actions Assist (Lesser) Catch Your Breath (Greater) Charge (Greater) Dodge (Greater) Interact (Lesser) Move (Lesser) Sprint (Greater) Fall Down/Stand Up (Lesser) Drive or Ride (Varies) Pass (Greater) Use Ability (Varies) Use Destiny points (No Action) Yield (Greater)

Combat Defense Agility + Athletics + Awareness + Defensive Bonus - Armor Penalty

Health Endurance x 3

Step 1: Battlefield Narrator uses something called Battlefield Qualities to describe and give character to a scene.

Step 5: Repeat

Narrator usually choose one to five qualities giving bonuses or penalties for things like: Boundaries, Obstacles, Bystanders, Things & Stuff, Visibility, Terrain, Other, etc.

Step 2: Detection Passive Awareness = Awareness x 4 • •

Ambush: Hidden character rolls Stealth versus foe's Passive Awareness to gain surprise. Surprise: +1D for the first round.

Step 3: Initiative

Simply repeat from step 2.

Step 6: Resolution When someone reaches Health 0 he is defeated and his opponent chooses his fate.

Damage • •

Agility + Quickness • • •

Ties: Compare Quickness, otherwise reroll. Delaying: You can delay your action or wait, but cannot interrupt someone. Interrupting Actions: In this option you can interrupt an opponent by succeeding a contest of Agility + Quickness. Battlefield Tactics: Choose to go last in the round by

direct your allies. Roll Warfare + Tactics, difficulty set by GM (9 is default). Each degree of success gives +1B on your allies Initiative. Changing Initiative: Roll Initiative each round.

• •

Damage: When you take damage, you reduce it with your Armour Rating, then subtract it from your Health. Injury: When a character receive damage, he can reduce it by taking an injury. For each injury, he will have -1 on any test. A character can't take more injuries than his Endurance. NPC: Only important characters takes injuries in combat! Wound: When a character receive damage, he can reduce it to zero by taking a wound. For each wound, he will have -1D on any test. When wounds equals Endurance the character dies.

Critical Hits • •

Critical Hits: Roll twice the opponent's Defense. Count 6's and check Table 9-5 (p.165).

Fumbles • •

Fumbles: All your dice come up 1's. Count 1's and check Table 9-6 (p.165).


• •

Death: Bye bye amigo! Note: The use of a Vicious weapon is always deadly. Maimed: The enemy left you something to remember him. Ransom: You are captured, or your opponent takes your possessions, or horse. Take the Black: For those who sees honor in “Taking the Black”, this choice can be offer, “Take the Black or die.” Unconscious: You are inconscious, left for dead, you wake up in 2d6 hours. Yield: At your turn, you can offer the Narrator the terms of your surrender. He has the option of accepting it, make a counter-offer or refusing it. If you refuse the counter-offer you can't yield! Destiny: You can burn one Destiny point to decide your fate.

Recovery • •

Damage: Disappear after the combat. Injury: One day later, roll a test of Endurance, each degree of success erase 1 Injury, a failure do nothing, and a Critical Failure add 1 Injury. Wound: One week later, roll a test of Endurance, a success erase 1 Wound for each two degrees of success, a failure does nothings, and a Critical Failure add 1 Wound. If Wound equals your Endurance you die. First Aid, Healing (Injury): Requires 4 hours of caring per day. When the patient roll his Endurance test, the healer roll his Healing test instead, and only this roll count. A failure do nothing.

Tournament • • •


Archery Contest: First shot is ROUTINE (6), then each subsequent shot raise by 3, until 15. Grand Melee: Use normal combat rule. Joust: Each participant roll a Fighting test versus the opponent's passive Animal Handling, plus Ride in bonus modifier. Example: Animal Handling 3 (Ride +2B) gives 14, or (3 x 4) + 2.

Spend Destiny points • • • • • • • • • •

Gain +1B (bonus die). Convert a bonus die in test die. Remove -1D (penalty die). Bestow -1D (penalty die) on opponent. Take an extra Lesser Action. Improve or worsen another character's disposition by one step. Negate another character's use of a spent Destiny Point. Add a minor detail to a scene (minor clue, useful but small). Activate environmental quality. Ignore environmental quality.

Burn Destiny points • • • • • • • • • • •

Convert all bonus dice into test dice. Add +5 to your test result. Automatically succeed on one test as if roll the Difficulty exactly. Remove all damage and injuries (not wounds). When defeated, decide the consequences of your own defeat. Transform another character's successful test into a failed test. Automatically compel another character in an intrigue. Permanently remove penalties of a negative quality. Negate the effects of another character's burned Destiny point. Add a significant detail to a scene (major clue, finding a way out) Avoid certain death.

ACTIONS (p.145)

INTRIGUE Intrigue Defense

Awareness + Cunning + Status + Bonuses/Penalties


Will x 3 •

OBJECTIVEs • • • •

Friendship Information Service Deceit

• •

Note: Changing objective during Intrigue give back to opponent Composure equal to their Will.


































INITIATIVE Status + Reputation in bonus dices

TECHNIQUES Like weapons in combat, you use either Persuasion or Deception. • • • • • • •

• •

Bargain: Negociate a favor/trade/service for another. Charm: Improve target's disposition. Convince: Target support your position or grant assistance (disposition stays the same). Incite: Make your target angry or filled with emotions. Intimidate: Frighten and cow your target. Seduce: Fill the subject with feeling of desire. Taunt: Push your opponent to act.

Assist: Support another character (ally gain bonus equal to half your Persuasion). Consider: Give up your action and wait (gain +2B on next exchange). Fast-Talk: Unleash a stream of nonsense in hope of distracting opponent (target loose Cunning in their Intrigue Defense). Influence: Influence your opponent (default of any Intrigue). Manipulate: Manipulate your opponent's emotions (choose opponent technique for next exchange). Mollify: Restore Composure into a target (restore opponent's Composure equal to your Persuasion). Quit: Flee the Intrigue. Read Target: Hold back and read your target (learn opponent's Disposition and Technique, you gain +1D on Deception or Persuasion for the entire Intrigue). Shield of Reputation: Fall back on your reputation and status to influence your target (improve target's Disposition one step, once per Intrigue). Switch to Combat: Abandon the Intrigue and attack your target (Intrigue ends and combat begins, may have consequences...). Withdraw: Take a step back from the Intrigue, concentring on defense (your result replace your Intrigue Defense until the end of the next exchange).


Chaque point de frustration retire des points égal à votre Will au montant retiré de votre Composure. 1 Point de Frustration: -1D sur tout jet de Deception et Persuation pour toute la durée de l'Intrigue. Frustration dépasse Will: Vous perdez l'Intrigue. 0 Composure: Vous perdez l'Intrigue.

DEFEATED IN Intrigue (Composure 0) The consequences of defeat depends on the technique used. • • • •

• • •

Bargain: Receive a service (depends on target's disposition, p.142). Charm: Improve target's disposition by one step. Convince: Make target support your position or grant assistance. Incite: Short term effects. Turn opponent against another. Reduce target's Disposition one step per rank in Persuasion. Intimidate: Target is afraid, does what you ask, reveal information. Seduce: If Friendly, you seduce your target. Taunt: Push an opponent to act.

House in action


Months & Actions


Each month, your House has: • •

one House Fortune roll (or +1 to one Resource) one House Action

House fortune

• • • • • •

Gold Dragon (gd) Silver Moon (sm) Silver Stag (ss) Copper Star (cs) Copper Groat (cg) Copper Penny (cp)

Steward's Status + Stewardhip A House Fortune is an event that affect your House's lands and resources positively or negatively. • • •

At minimum, one Fortune must be rolled every three months. If you choose not to roll a House Fortune, your House gain +1 in any one of its Resources. Adventuring is the best way to improve your House's Fortune.




















Donating glory








1 point of Glory = +1B on a single test, or +1 to any House Resources




1/ 7


















house actions

• •

• • • • • •

1 Gold Dragon = 30 Moons, or 210 Stags, or 11,760 pennies. 1 Moon = 7 Stags 1 Stag = 7 Stars 1 Star = 8 Pennies 1 Groat = 4 Pennies Half Groat = 2 Pennies Penny = 2 Halfpennies Dragon

200 gold dragons = +1 House's Wealth


Donating Coin


Managing Resources: You can exchange one Resource for another, as per table 6-19 (p. 118). Begin Projects: You can invest Resources to create some project, like building a tower or a road. Wage Wars: Use Mass Battle rules. Host Tournament: Choose tournament size between Local, Regional and Grand.

• • • • • • • • • • •


Step 3. Parlay & Terms


The attacker may offer terms by sending an envoy. *Note: Attacking the envoy costs the House 1d6 in Influence.

Scale: 10 square yard Time: 10 rounds Squad: A group of 10 men (hero can face a squad). Unit: A group of 100 men (a hero can't face a unit). Commander: Visible leader with high Status. Sub-Commander: Maximum 1 per 2 units. Orders: Commander have 1 Order per Warfare rank, Sub-Commanders have 1 Order. Standing Orders: An order given to a unit before the current round. Activated: A unit is “activated” the first time it receive an order. No Commanders: Every unit become “disorganized” and follow the current standing order. Heroes: One hero per rank of Commander's Status. Heroes act during the player character step.

Issuing Orders Warfare test versus Difficulty equal to the unit's Discipline. • • •

Success: The unit receive the order and execute it. Failure: If the unit is “active” it continue to execute its Standing Orders. Critical Failure: The unit takes no action, and stop following Standing Orders.

Components of warfare • • • • • • •

Abilities: Starts at 2. Unit Defense = Agi + Ath + Awa + Armor Penalty Health = End x 3 Movement: 40 yards (infantry), 80 yards (cavalry), 60 yards (naval, no sprint) Bulk: -10 per point of Bulk Marksmanship: 20 yards (Close), 200 yards (Long) Equipment Upgrade: 1 Wealth give 1 upgrade.

Step 4. Initiative Initiative = Commander's Warfare test *Note: Rolled each round!

Step 5. Siege Weapons

Step 6. First Player Action Renounce Command (Greater) Attach (Greater) Attack Unit (Greater) Attack Portions of Units (Lesser) Organize/Rally (Greater) *Note: Lasts 30 seconds.

Step 7. Orders Attack Charge Defend Fighting Withdrawal Move Organize Ready Rally Regroup Retreat Surrender

Step 8. Second Player Action Detach Character (Greater) Take Command (Greater) *Note: Lasts 30 seconds.

Step 1. Battlefield

Step 9. Resolve Standing Orders

The terrain type have effects on the battle. *Look Table 10-3, p.176.

Resolve standing orders of unit that did not acted yet.

Step 2. Unit & Leader Placement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The defender place a unit. The attacker place a unit. Etc., etc. The defender place commander and sub-commanders. The attacker place commander and sub-commanders.

Concealed Unit: A side can choose to hide some unit. The unit must succeed a Stealth test versus the closest enemy unit. Success gives +1D to first Fighting or Markmanship test.

Step 10. Repeat Repeat until the opponent's force have all surrendered, been routed, been destroyed.

Damage Health 0 = Disorganized (-1D on tests, Discipline +3). Injured While Disorganized = Routed! Twice Health in Damage = Destroyed!

Attached characters • • • •

... take Damage = 1 damage (ignoring AR) ... is Desorganized = 2 damage (ignoring AR) ... is Routed = 5 damage (ignoring AR) ... is Destroyed = 10 damage (ignoring AR)

Commanders & Heroes Mortality A unit near a hero or commander who dies, must pass a Will test at Formidable (12) for a Commander, or Challenging (9) for a Hero, or become Disorganized, Routed or Destroyed.

Step 11. Resolution & Consequences Check Table 10-5 for Glory gain. Defeated Commander still gain 1 Glory.

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