A Sister Haunted-54

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A Sister Haunted | Horrorotica: Stories of the Damned!

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Horrorotica: Stories of the Damned!

Sex Stories Too Evil For Words!

A Sister Haunted Posted on October 11, 2012 by xxx-fiction

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning Adults Only 18+ Content Ahead. This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by minors. This story was written as an adult fantasy. Horrorotica wishes to remind readers that such acts as represented in this story can be illegal in real life (depending on local laws). Horrorotica does not condone illegal sexual activities outside the realm of fantasy and supports the work of law enforcement agencies in prosecuting those that carry out illegal sex acts in real life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

by kaizen4ever

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 15

Chapter One After making the loop for what had to be a dozen times, I pulled my Navigator to the curb and watched in my rear view as blue lights slowly made their way towards me. Cars pulled away one-by-one to make their next trip around the airport garage. For a brief moment, I considered how mundane the policeman’s job must be. Cars filed back in line against the curb just as fast as he ran them away. As the police cruiser approached, I spotted Ashley walking through the automatic doors of Concourse D. Putting the car in park, I jumped out and motioned to the cop that my passenger had arrived. “Hey stranger,” I said to my sister whom I haven’t seen in almost a year. I hugged her quickly, not wanting to take up parking space any longer than necessary. I



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tossed her bags in the back and told her to hop in; we’d have plenty time to catch up on the drive. “So, its a little past noon, you want to head home or see a little bit of the Big Easy first?” I asked as we made our way back towards the interstate. To be honest, I was quite excited to have someone I knew around me. I had made several friends at work, but nothing beats having family around. People you’ve known all your life. She looked at me for a minute, squinched her lips, and thought about what she wanted to do. “I’m in no hurry to unpack so if you feel like it, lets hang out and explore,” she said. “Then, since it’s your first trip to ‘Nawlins’, your first stop has to be the French Quarter.” “Cool.” She smiled and looked out at the city as we merged into the steady flow of traffic on Interstate 10. On our way over to the Quarter, I told Ash about some of the sights I’ve seen and experiences I’ve had in the quarter. “There’s no place on earth like it.” I told her. It’s rich with history and full of people using their God given talents just to make ends meat. We parked over by Hotel St. Marie and started walking towards Jackson Square and the French Market. We browsed several shops and listened to a couple jazz numbers by street musicians. As we made our way through Jackson Square, we saw a little sign that read “Psychic Readings by Gale”. “Ohhh” Ashley said in her best attempt to sound spooky. “Lets go get a psychic reading, I’ve always wanted to see how it works.” She was excited. “Um, I don’t know, what if she tells me I’m going to die in a week or something.” I acted like I was joking, but I was serious. “Then you’ll have time to get your final preparations in order.” She mocked and walked through the gate towards the small shotgun house. Only a screen door blocking the entrance. Ashley knocked lightly and with no hesitation, a soft voice that sounded only a few feet away summoned us to enter. Inside was a desk in the middle of what used to be a living room. A hallway ran down the left side. On the right wall, a curtain blocked the view of what I assumed was a closet. “I’ll take them.” We hear a voice call from down the hall. “One of them has a strong energy. The voice calls again and we can tell she is making her way towards us. “Hello. I’m Gale. Normally I let the other readers take the walk-ins, but I think it’s probably best I do your readings today. Please make yourself comfortable and I’ll be with you in just a moment.” She turned to walk away then suddenly stopped and looked back at me. “Don’t worry, If I knew you were going to die, I’d tell you to stay away from what causes it.” She winked and walked out of sight. I looked at Ashley and my eyes must have been as large as half-dollars. She just laughed at my expression. How in the hell did she know what I said? “Someone must



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have heard me say that.” I tried to recall in my mind how loud I was speaking when I made the comment and if anyone was around me. As I was replaying the scene through my mind, Gale reappeared and asked us to follow her. We stepped into a dark room lit by candle and a few dim night lights. A table was in the middle of the room with three stacks of cards on it. “Please have a seat. How long have you two been together?” Gale said as she took her seat behind the table. “All of her life.” I said while motioning towards my sister and laughing out loud even though my joke really wasn’t that funny. “Oh, I’m sorry. We’re brother and sister.” Ashley said. “Mmhmm. So would you like a private reading or would you both like to participate in a joint reading?” Gale asked. “Either way is fine with me.” Ashley looked at me and said she was okay with doing a joint reading so I told Gale to proceed. “So you are both new to this sort of thing are you?” We both nodded and mumbled a confirmation. “Well, let me tell you a little about how it works. The cards are only part of what we’re going to do. I use them to answer more detailed questions about your reading. However, I am able to read most people without the cards. Each deck is for a different period in your life. One for the past, present and future. As I do the reading, I only want you to answer with yes and no unless I ask you a more specific question. So – you guys ready to start?” “Yes.” We both say, we were already following her instructions. “What is your name?” She looked at me. “Clay Walker.” “So Clay. You moved here fairly recent. It looks like you moved for work, but you also wanted a fresh start and to get away from a failed relationship.” I just looked at her not sure if I should respond. “You’re doing well with your job. I see you deal with a lot of legal papers, you must be an attorney.” I shook my head yes. “Your relationship didn’t end well and you’re still blaming yourself. But I hate to tell you; you two were never going to work out. You made the right decision to finish law school. I know its easy to ask ‘what if’, but you guys were not meant to be. You need to let your self doubt go, and open yourself to the possibility of meeting someone new. You’re a good-looking young man and you will find your soulmate.” “Thanks – I guess.” I said and looked down at the table as she placed a stack of cards in front of me. They were large tarot cards. She told me to shuffle them well, cut them into three stacks, then re-stack them into whatever order I wanted. While shuffling, I had to think about a question I wanted answered the most. And honestly I really couldn’t think of anything, so I just thought about my future and wondered if I was going to be successful. She placed the cards on the table one-by-one and told



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me what each card meant. The past reading was mostly what she had already told me; relationship, job, etc. For the present reading, she asked about the house I had just bought. It’s an old river road home just outside of Wallace near the old plantations. She told me to stop working so much and start enjoying my life. She also told me to hold-off for about a year on my plans to refurbish the older areas of the house, then decide if I want to spend the money. For the future reading she talked about me getting promoted at work and that I will be financially successful. Other than that, there wasn’t anything very surprising. Oh, she did tell me I was going to meet someone pretty soon. “A dark haired girl.” She said. I just smirked because there’s about a 1 in 3 chance that any girl I meet would be dark headed. “And what’s your name?” “Ashley.” “Ashley Walker.” Gale stated. “In case you haven’t realized it yet, you’re the reason I took this reading. Everything I’ve told your brother could have been read by one of the others up front. But, there is an energy about you that I couldn’t ignore.” Ashley and I looked at each other not sure how to react to her news. “Before I get into the important stuff, let’s go through your past and present and get those out of the way. I see you are in the process of moving, or taking a long hiatus. You are here mostly because you’re running from your parents, correct?” Ashley nodded yes. “You know you can’t blame them for wanting you to do well for yourself.” Gale said. “Yeah, well, I haven’t figured out what my path is ya know? My parents want me to do what they did; get a job and work the rest of my life. I have a degree in nursing but I’m not sure anymore if that’s the field I want to work in. If you look at them they really aren’t happy. What do they want me to do, follow in their footsteps and be miserable?” Ashley defended herself as if she was talking to a relative or someone who was going to push her the same as our parents. Gale huffed a laugh. “Remember. Yes or no answers, only when I ask. Most people feel cheated if they give me too much information.” Ashley apologized and listened as Gale continued with her reading. “I see you’re pretty closed off and haven’t dated anyone for a while. You are kind of cynical when it comes to relationships and don’t trust easily. It all goes back to your first boyfriend, who hurt you. You have to realize that not everyone is the same. There are plenty of good natured guys out there. You are beautiful and shouldn’t let your past control your future.” After Gale finished with her ‘cold reading’, she had Ashley deal the cards and gave her more details on her past and present. Ash apparently meditated about her career path because Gale said her path had not yet revealed itself, but she would know soon



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enough. Before she got to the last stack of cards, she told Ashley she was not going to read her future. “Why?” Ashley inquired. Gale stared at Ashley like she was contemplating what to say next. “When alone, do you ever have the feeling that you’re not the only person in a room?” Gale asked. “No, I don’t think so.” Ashley responded. “What about waking up, being in some place and not knowing how you got there?” “No.” Ashley said. Gale continued. “You have a very special gift Ashley. You are a host. Psychic abilities vary depending on the person. Some have the gift of sight only, some are only good at seeing the past, some the future. But on a rare occasion, a person will not only have the ability to read people, they will also have the ability to communicate with those who have passed beyond this realm. And once that communication has been established, that person can physically conduct the energy of those they have contacted.” “Wait a minute.” Ashley said, holding her hand up at Gale. She looked like she was trying to figure out what to ask. “Are you saying that I can communicate with the dead? Like a medium” “Yes, but much more.” ***** Chapter Two Ashley and I looked at each other. I had a smirk on my face. She did a much better job of hiding her amusement, but I knew she was just being respectful. Gale didn’t have much to say after her announcement. I’m not certain but I think she sensed that neither of us were buying into her claim. We thanked her for the reading and made our way back out to Jackson Square. We browsed a few more shops. Poking fun at her newly revealed talents, Ashley would act like she was talking to an invisible person. Then she would hold her hands up like a zombie and walk around. Why a zombie – I don’t know. It was getting pretty late and we still had a 45 minute drive home. On the drive, she asked if I really was struggling over my relationship. “Sort of. I guess so.” I’ve never really shared much about my private life with her so I felt sort of uncomfortable talking about it. “I just feel like it’s hard to find a connection with someone and when you find it, maybe you should sacrifice a little to keep it.” “Yeah but Gale was right. You may not be an attorney right now if you had taken time off school. You know how many people take a break and never go back. Heck,



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look at me, I actually graduated and I’m still ‘slacking’.” She held her hand up to symbol quotations. “Besides, I didn’t think she was right for you either.” “Why do you say that?” I asked. “I don’t know, yall just didn’t seem to fit.” She shrugged her shoulders and turned to look out at the river. I was taking her along the scenic route of River Road. “What about you? You really think Mom and Dad don’t understand where you’re coming from with your career choices? Its their job to push you ya know.” “I know.” Staring out the window, “It’s not just the career. I really just wanted to get away. When I look at them I don’t see happiness. They are in a routine. They don’t seem in love anymore, and it’s painful for me to watch.” “Have you talked to them about it.” “No, they seem to accept it, so I will too. Doesn’t mean I have to follow their footsteps and get a job, get married, have babies and sit around acting like I’m happy.” “So Gale was right. You really do have relationship issues.” I laughed, but realized it wasn’t the right time for jokes. She just smiled at me and looked back out the window. “Mom and Dad love each other, they have just been together so long they don’t show it the same way they used to.” “Yeah, but isn’t that sad?” She looked at me inquisitively. “Yeah I guess so, but I’m not sure if the kind of relationship you’re talking about really exist. How many couples do you know that still act like they’re still in love after being together many years?” She didn’t have a response. “The fact that Mom and Dad are still together after 28 years is impressive enough for me.” “Yeah, I guess so.” She paused for a few minutes. “So tell me about this house you bought, how old is it again?” Cleverly changing the subject. “According to the realtor, it was built in 1898. I really like it. I’m still unpacking actually and I haven’t even made my way through the whole house.” “Wow how big is it?” “Its not that big, I’ve just been busy and haven’t had a chance to get through it. But its two and a half stories. The attic has tons of stuff in it. Its full of dust. One day I need to get up there and see what it is.” I continued describing the house and regretted not knowing much about its history. “See, you work too much, you need to listen to Gale and get yourself a life.” She said sarcastically and punched me on the arm. We drove up about an hour before dark. After we unloaded her bags in the living room I took her on a tour. She liked her room and seemed excited to get settled in. It was weird having her just down the hall from me again. I couldn’t help but remark about how long it’d been since we had rooms next to each other. The only difference



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is the house we grew up in was only a single story. All the bedrooms of this house were upstairs. At the end of the hallway a narrow door leads to the attic. Its actually a half-story and I can tell it was used as a bedroom at one time. There’s even a restroom although it has long been decommissioned. Ashley wanted to see what was up there. She was a sucker for history and really wanted to dig around for artifacts. “Lets go see.” She was excited but was hesitant to start up the stairs. She trailed closely behind me. I had only been in the attic the one time during my viewing, but not since I moved in. There was really nothing to see. Mounds of boxes scattered throughout the space. Dust so thick everything was the same monotonous color. And it kicked up off the floor with each step. Ashley didn’t hesitate, she started with the furniture, reminiscing about how old it was and wondering aloud how many people had used it. She made her way around the room plundering through chest of drawers and chifforobes, only pausing momentarily to reflect on her findings. By the time I had looked through one box she had made her way half-way around the room. “Oh cool.” She said sitting on a covered chair and looking through some kind of book. “What’d you find?” I asked. “Some kind of hand written book, or maybe a diary. This is really cool.” She stood up and pulled the dust cover off the bright red antique chair and made herself comfortable to resume reading. I had found some hand written ledgers for a business. Call me a geek but I was actually trying to follow the numbers. I could tell they were old and I was curious to know what kind of business they pertained to and who owned it. I had almost forgotten Ashley was in the room with me until I heard her stirring around. She wasn’t in my line of vision because I was tucked away behind a pile of boxes. Then I heard her start humming some kind of song I had never heard before. I didn’t pay it much mind. She drifted in and out of my line of vision and had a totally different swagger about her. She was no longer excavating for hidden treasures, but was now easing her way around the room uncovering the furniture. She hummed the entire time. I went back to scanning my ledgers, tracing numbers back and forth to see if I could figure out what type of business I was looking at. Ashley looked as if she was unpacking clothes and rearranging the space. I put down my papers and was about to walk over and see if she needed a hand. She was inspecting the clothes in an armoire then all of the sudden, she grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. I froze in place. She continued to hum her song. ‘Had she forgotten I was in the room?’ I wasn’t sure what to do, I didn’t want to embarrass her, but I also didn’t want her to catch me looking. Maybe she thought I had gone back downstairs. I eased back to my burrow making sure not to make a sound. As I was creeping back, she looked like she was unbuttoning her pants. She



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bent over slightly and slid her jeans down over her bottom and continued down just above her knees. She leaned forward and grabbed the pants legs and pulled them completely off. I was in complete shock and hated the predicament. I really can’t walk out now. She would die. Here she is standing just a few yards away from me in her panties and bra. I couldn’t embarrass her. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt. I stood frozen in place and made my best attempt to look away from her direction. When I glanced back I noticed her unclasping her bra. ‘You’ve gotta be kidding me!’, I said to myself. I was starting to feel like such a pervert. Sitting in a dark corner observing the unsuspecting victim. She slid the straps off her shoulder and tossed the bra on a stack of boxes next to the armoire. She continued her song and starting walking around the bedroom area bare chested. I turned my eyes away from her the moment she started to move. I stared at the floor feeling very guilty for being in this situation. I could hear her moving stuff around. Dragging furniture and unstacking boxes. I was too afraid to look because I didn’t know if she was still half naked. I prayed she wouldn’t walk my way. If she saw me she would kill me. And probably grab her bags and fly back home to Sacramento. I heard her close to me again so I peeked around to see what she was up to. She was hanging clothes from a very old and dusty suitcase; placing them two or three at a time in the armoire. Then she bent over with her bottom pointing directly towards me. Her panties were straining against the mounds of her butt. I jerked my head back behind the boxes and cursed myself again. After several minutes the room grew silent. I looked out but didn’t see her anywhere. I know she didn’t go down stairs because I would have seen her pass. I waiting for a while then crept out from behind the boxes. She had uncovered almost all of the furniture and even rearranged most of it. All of the boxes that were stacked on the furniture had been placed in one pile against the wall. I still didn’t see her so I eased further into the open area. That’s when I spotted her lying on the bed she had uncovered. She was wearing one of the dresses from the armoire and was sound asleep. “Ash.” I said softly not wanting to frighten her. I figured she wouldn’t know I didn’t come from down stairs. She would think I came up while she was sleeping. She didn’t stir so I spoke up and called her again. She opened her eyes and looked around briefly before turning over to look up at me. Then she looked down at her outfit. “What the fuck? How did I get in this?” She confessed. “Ha. Caught you playing dress up I see.” I tried to act innocent but was hoping my guilt wasn’t protruding from my face. “No I’m serious, what the fuck happened.”



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Ashley never uses language like that unless she is serious, but I saw everything. “Clay. I’m not fucking around. Last thing I remember is reading that book over on that chair. How the fuck did I get in this dress, and where did all this shit come from?” She was visibly concerned. “I don’t know Ash, I just came up here and found you lying in your new outfit.” I laughing trying to play along just in case she was still trying to pull a prank on me. She looked around the room as if trying to remember how things were set up before she went to sleep. “Did you rearrange the room?” She asked. Now I was starting to feel a little concerned. But had no choice but to tell her. “No Ash. You did.” ***** Chapter Three Ashley looked up at me, her face turned ghostly pale. As much as I hated pranks, I was starting to hope she was trying to pull one. I didn’t know what else to say but I could see she was frightened. “Do you sleep walk?” I asked not knowing how else to explain what she was claiming. “Not that I know of.” “Well, don’t worry about it, that’s probably what it was.” I said, although I’ve never known anyone to rearrange a room in their sleep. I wondered if she was thinking the same thing. “Well, lets go get something to eat, I’m hungry.” I tried to act like what had just happened was not that big of a deal. And I still had not ruled out that she was trying to pull a fast one. She looked around for her clothes and went down to her room to change. When she came into the kitchen she didn’t say much. “I’m frying up some chicken. I’ve been craving Mom’s fried chicken for a few weeks now so I figured now’s a good time to make it; with you coming to live with me and all.” She smiled and asked where to find the plates and glasses. She set the table and poured our drinks, she placed my glass next to me as I stood over the fryer poking at the chicken making sure it was cooked. She hadn’t said more than five words since she came down and I was starting to feel really paranoid. “Are you okay?” I asked “Yeah, I’m fine.” She was unconvincing. “Don’t worry about it Ash, you were just tired. What was the book you were so interested in up there?” I wanted to get her talking. Maybe if we talked about it I could get clues about what really happened. It was driving me mad not knowing what



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she was thinking. I knew this was mostly my own guilt, wondering if I was somehow responsible for this. But still, I could tell she was very shaken over it. “Um, it was actually a diary. The lady that owned it was named Isabelle. All I remember was reading her excitement about a new job in America and she was due to arrive at her new employer’s house fairly soon. Mr. Du Bois I think she said.” “Mr. Du Bois, that’s definitely French. I wonder if Isabelle owned this place?” I asked. “I don’t know. But the dialect was obviously foreign, She said in the beginning that she was going to write her diary in English so she could practice. And she mentioned that she would miss her family and hoped one day to return to France and visit them.” “That’s cool. It’ll be neat to learn a little about the history of this place. Where did you find the diary, I’m surprised it was still up there.” “I found it in the back of a drawer of one of the chifforobes.” “Neat. Well I figure tonight we can just relax and get some rest. Then tomorrow if you want, we’ll set your room up how you want and you can get settled in. That way Sunday we can watch the Raiders game.” I laughed. We are both die-hard Raiders fans and thanks to Direct TV I was able to watch the games weekly. We finished up with dinner and she washed the dishes. I teased her about the many fights we had when we were younger over who would clean the dishes after dinner. We both hated the chore. I told her I was glad she didn’t mind, because I still hated it. She laughed. I asked if she wanted to watch a movie but she decided she was going to turn in for the night. Chicks never want to watch Die Hard; even my own sister. I laughed at the thought. I woke up on the couch and didn’t have a clue of the time. That’s what I get for taking so long to unpack, there wasn’t a clock in the house. My cell phone read 6:48 AM. I hate waking up early on my day off. Sleeping on the couch was pretty normal for me. Since I moved in, I probably slept on the couch more than my bed. Most of Ashley’s luggage was still on the floor. I decided to freshen up with a shower before starting breakfast. As I prepared breakfast I heard Ashley moving her luggage around. I called her to the kitchen to eat before we got started. Afterwards, we rearranged her furniture to her liking. I left her alone to unpack and get situated. I went downstairs to review some paperwork on a case I’m working on. Before I knew it, several hours had passed. When I went to check on her, she wasn’t in her room and the bathroom door was open. The attic door was closed so I didn’t think she was up there, but there was no where else she could be. I walked up to the attic and before I could see her I heard the familiar song from the day before. When I saw her she was wearing another dress from the old collection. She was dusting all of the furniture she had rearranged the day before. The bed was made up



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and the room was neat and tidy. All of the boxes that had not been unpacked were moved against the wall next to the stairs. She had cleaned the entire attic. “Wow.” I said, amazed at her hard work. “You should have told me you were going to do this, I would have helped.” She gasped and spun around to look at me. I startled her. “Oh sorry.” I said, “didn’t mean to scare you.” “Pardon me sir, I no see you.” She spoke with a heavy french accent. I just smirked, she’s playing again. “Can I help you sir, dinner okay, no?” She asked “Dinner huh? I haven’t had dinner.” I played along. “Oh I sorry sir, you not like what I prepare? You like for me to prepare something different?” “Wow, your accent sounds real.” It really did. “Oh.” She paused. “Thank you sir.” She looked confused. She stood with her hands locked together. She didn’t move and only looked down towards the floor. I asked her about the room and why she wanted to rearrange. She wouldn’t break character. “I no understand sir.” She was visibly agitated. I was feeling sort of irritated. “What you going to do the rest of the day?” I asked. “I try to fix water, it no working.” She looked back down at the floor after answering my question. “I see. Well I’m going to start dinner.” “Thank you Mr. Du Bois.” She said I froze in place. For some reason, when I heard the name Mr. Du Bois, Gale popped in my head. Ashley told me that morning that Mr. Du Bois was Isabelle’s employer, the lady whose diary she was reading. Isabelle was from France and came to the U.S. to earn a living. For a moment I wondered if Gale had been right and Ashley really was having some sort of supernatural experience. All I could do is wait for it wear off or run its course, whatever happened in those cases. I acted like I was leaving, but I just opened and closed the door. I eased back up the stairs. I wanted to know if Ashley was playing a prank on me. She started humming the same song and resumed dusting off the furniture. I watched for about thirty minutes as she worked. After she finished cleaning off the furniture, she stood before the bed and stretched. She laid down like she was exhausted. I left the attic quietly. I was watching television and reading when Ashley walked in the room. She was back in her own clothes and looked like she had lots on her mind. I asked her if she had finished dusting. “What?” She looked at me panicked.



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“Did you finish cleaning your second room?” I asked again. “You remind me of when we were kids. You’re upstairs playing house with your 19th century dresses.” I forced a laugh. “Clay.” She said looking very concerned. “Something is wrong. I don’t remember again. Did you see me this time?” I gave in. If she was playing a prank, I was going to let her win. I acted like I didn’t see much the day before. I told her I saw her uncovering and rearranging the furniture. Then I told her about our conversation earlier and how authentic her accent sounded. She looked surprised. She didn’t recollect any of what I was saying. We ignored the television and just looked at each other. “Come on, lets go out and get something to eat. I’ve never been out around here so it’ll be something new.” We drove towards Gramercy looking for a place that looked appetising. We came across a small steak and seafood place and decided that was as good as anything else. I like local spots more than I do the chain restaurants. We were seated right away and our waitress was very friendly; I think her name was Josie. In fact, Josie was so friendly that Ashley and I didn’t have time to have our own conversation, which was probably for the best since neither of us were in a mood for talking. “So where you two come from?” We answered all her questions. We told her about our jobs, how long we’d been in south Louisiana and what we thought of the place. Every time she came to the table she had a new question for us. It’s a wonder everyone’s food wasn’t cold when they got it. “So where did you say you live again.” “Over in Wallace. There’s an old mansion out there I bought. Been around since the late 1800s.” I boasted. It wasn’t a mansion in today’s times, but it was back then. “Oh you braver than I am, there’s a lot of haunted houses in those parts.” She said as she walked away. Her statement hit me like a punch in the gut. I looked at Ashley and her expression reflected what I was feeling. “What are you thinking?” I asked “I think we need to go see Gale.” ***** Chapter Four When time for bed Ashley was so spooked she refused to sleep in her room alone. We decided to both sleep in the living room; me on the couch and her on the loveseat. We laid quietly, listening to every little creak the house made. The silence was getting to me but I didn’t want to talk just in case Ashley was sleeping. “You sleeping?” She whispered. “No.”



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“You scared?” She whispered again. “No.” I lied. “Haven’t you watched the history channel. Real ghosts aren’t mean. They just do weird shit around the house.” I’m not sure if I was trying to convince her or myself. I don’t know exactly what time I fell asleep, but next thing I knew daylight was invading the living room. I looked over and saw Ashley sound asleep. After freshening up, I made breakfast. Ashley came in the kitchen looking like total hell. “Are you afraid to shower too?” I laughed. “Shut up. I just woke up and wanted some coffee butt hole.” She made herself a cup then went to freshen up. She wanted to go back to Jackson Square. I told her I would since the Raiders game didn’t come on until 3pm. That didn’t get a good response either. On the way to Gale’s she told me a couple ideas she had about her ‘experiences’. One was, she noticed that it only happened when she was upstairs in the attic. I asked her why she was in the attic on Saturday and she said she wanted to read more of Isabelle’s diary. She was sitting in the same chair then next thing she knew, she woke up on the bed in the old dress. I asked her what was in the diary and she told me how Isabelle seemed to have a crush on Mr. Du Bois. Isabelle wrote that he was very attentive and could tell that his wife didn’t like her very much. Isabelle made an entry every evening in the diary and Ashley had already read a couple months worth. I thought about how risky it was for Isabelle to keep a diary around documenting her feeling towards Mr. Du Bois. But Ashley thinks that’s why the diary was so vague on the subject. If something had happened, Isabelle would be crazy to say it outright. When we got to Gale’s office there was a closed sign on the door. Ashley knocked but no one answered. Neither of us thought to call and see if she was open. Ashley called the number on the door but no one answered. I could tell she was upset. She thought Gale was going to solve everything; tell her what to do and it would all be over. I tried to get her to walk around the Quarter with me but she just wasn’t into sightseeing that day; so we went back home. We didn’t say much on the drive. When we got home, I grabbed a case file and set the TV on the Saints game. Since Oakland was on later, there was no reason I couldn’t support the local team. Ashley went upstairs then returned with a book in her hands. It was Isabelle’s diary. She read on the couch next to me while I sifted through my file. Next time I looked her way, she was napping. I turned the TV down so it wouldn’t wake her. I knew she didn’t get much rest the night before. I went to get something to drink and when I got back to the living room she was gone. She must have gone upstairs to sleep. Maybe she wasn’t as afraid as I thought; or she just stopped caring. At halftime of the Oakland game I walked



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upstairs to check on her. The game wasn’t going worth a damn anyway. Sometimes I wonder why I keep watching football, it can be very stressful. Ashley wasn’t in her room. She wasn’t in the bathroom either. I know she can’t be in the attic. She told me she wasn’t going up there again. I eased the open and walked up the steps. When I got to the top my heart dropped to my stomach. There she was, facing away from me wearing another old dress. She was powdering her face in a mirror and was situated so she couldn’t see me. I didn’t know if I should say anything or not. I turned toward the door. “Oh! tu m’as fait peur!” She said in perfect french. She was staring directly at me. “You scare me Mr. Du Bois. You say you wait till later to come up.” I didn’t know what to say, or if I should say anything at all. “Um, what are you doing?” It was the only thing I could think to say. “I get ready for you.” She said. “For me?” “Yes you. I make myself pretty. You like?” She was wearing a very heavy coating of makeup. I was still at a loss for words. I wanted to ask if I could talk to Ashley, but I had enough sense to know that was a stupid question. “What is matter with you Mr. Du Bois?” She looked confused or maybe it was concern. “Um. I. Um.” I looked around the room not knowing what to say. I was afraid but also concerned for Ashley. I knew she wasn’t in control of herself, I wanted to make sure she didn’t get hurt somehow. She stood up and started walking towards me. I think my legs were actually shaking. I was really hoping she didn’t go all ‘The Shinning’ on my ass. Her dress was unbuttoned down to the top of her breast, which looked like they were going to burst from behind the straining buttons. “What are you doing Ash?” She stopped within inches from me and looked confused. “What is this name you call me?” We just stood there. ‘What do I do? What am I supposed to call her. I don’t even know for sure if this is Isabelle. What if I say the wrong name again and she goes postal.’ Okay, maybe I was being a little paranoid but its not like I had lots of experience with this sort of thing. “If you no want to see me, why you here?” She looked hurt. “Um. I. Isabelle.” I waited for a reaction, but she just looked up at me as if waiting for me to say more. “I’m sorry. I’ve had a long day and I just need to get some rest.” I saw the tears building in her eyes.



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She turned and walked back towards her dressing table. What the hell? I started towards the stairs, hoping that it would pass like it had the last few times. Halfway down the steps I heard a loud shattering noise. I ran back up and she was sitting on her chair facing the same direction the mirror used to be. Her fist was bloody and she was crying in her hands. “What happened?” I called out as I hurried to her. She didn’t answer. When she saw me coming she grabbed a piece of shattered glass and aimed for her wrist. I caught her hand just in time and swung her out of the chair. Raising her hand above her head I shook her wrist hard making her drop the glass. She started screaming at me violently. “Why you fuck me if you no want me? Why Mr. Du Bois?” She was sobbing. She started slapping at my face so I pushed her back on the bed and held her down. I was laying on one of her arms and pulling the other around me. Her face was pressed against my back as I held her arm down trying to keep her from hitting me again. “Isabelle! Stop it! I didn’t mean it like that!” She stopped struggling and just cried. I was too afraid to let her up so I pulled a sheet from the bed and wrapped it around her hand hoping to stop the bleeding. I laid on top of her arm until she stopped crying. When her breathing became even, I sat up to look at her. She was sleeping. I was in total shock at what had just happened. Not only does Isabelle think I’m her employer, she thinks I slept with her. Was she trying to kill herself? It was all too much to comprehend. And worst of all, I didn’t know shit about how to fix it. Not only that, I was really worried for Ashley. I didn’t want her taking any more risks. I need to seal off the attic. As I was contemplating what to do, I heard her move. “Hey.” She barely got the word out before she blurted. “What the fuck!” ***** Chapter Five “What the fuck happened to my hand?” When I looked at her she saw the marks where she hit and clawed at me. “Holy shit. What happened?” It took me awhile to form words. I told her what happened and she was hysterical. I didn’t mention the part about Mr. Du Bois apparently sleeping with Isabelle. Or that she tried to slice her wrist. I just told her Isabelle was upset and hit the glass with her hand. She ran downstairs to her room and slammed the door behind her. She ripped the dress off while screaming at me from behind the door. “How did I get in the attic?” She swore she didn’t go in the attic on her own. Last she recalled she was on the couch reading. Drawers and cabinets were opening and closing frantically. I was about to knock when the door suddenly opened.



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“We’ve got to get out of this house.” Her bags were on the bed and she was throwing her clothes on top of them. “Calm down Ash. I’m going to lock the attic up so you can’t get in it. You said it yourself, it’s something to do with the attic. We’ll go see Gale tomorrow and see if she can help us figure it out. Until then, I won’t let you out of my sight, I promise.” “Are you fucking insane?” She protested. “Where are we gonna go, a hotel? I’ve stayed here every night since I bought the place and nothing has happened. Nothing has even happened to you at night. It seems to only be happening in the evenings. We can sleep on the couch again and I stay up to make sure you’re safe.” I was starting to feel guilty for not telling her everything. If she was that pissed about what I told her, imagine how nuts she’d be if I told her Isabelle actually tried to cut herself. She didn’t need to worry about it. I was going to stay up and protect her like I said. I didn’t feel like Isabelle wanted to hurt Ashley anyway. If I hadn’t acted like a total jackass, Isabelle wouldn’t have gone crazy; I don’t think. Maybe if I had sat and talked to her, none of this would have happened. I guess my reasoning made some sort of sense because Ashley agreed to sleep in the living room again. This time we tied a string from my wrist to hers so I would feel if she got up in the middle of the night. She wanted me to sleep too. She tied so many knots there was no way to get free without my arm moving. It worked pretty well because she had to wake me up to go to the bathroom. She actually had to cut the string off my wrist and made me wait outside the door while she peed. Then she tied the string back on my wrist with another dozen or so knots. Daylight illuminated the living room. The first thought on my mind was Gale. We had to get back to the Quarter and see what she had to say about all this. For a brief moment I thought about the fact that she’d have the last laugh. I wish I hadn’t acted like a jerk when she was talking to us about Ashley’s ‘abilities’. If I had listened, I might have known what to do. We were on the road by 10 AM. Forty-three minutes later we were knocking on Gales door. The lady in the lobby had a message; “Gale said to tell you two she will be a few minutes, you can either walk around the Quarter for a bit or wait, up to you.” “Tell us? She knew we were coming?” Ashley asked. “I’m just the messenger.” The girl cut her off short. We were both so anxious neither of us moved; nor did we speak a word. After some time, Gale came out of the hall behind an older lady. The lady hugged her before leaving. “Clay. Ashley. Good to see you again. Come on back.”



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I’m not sure who was up the fastest; me or Ashley. We were practically sprinting to Gale’s door while the secretary gave us funny looks. Gale just smiled. Somehow I think she already knew what we were about to tell her. “So, why don’t you tell me about it.” She knew. “I think you were right.” Ashley said nervously. She sounded like she was about to tell her darkest secret. “I know.” Gale was confident in her abilities. “I meant tell me about the encounter.” “That’s the thing. I can’t. I don’t remember them.” “Hm. Then how do you know they are happening?” “I saw it.” I spoke up. “What did you see?” I told her what had happened. Of course I gave her the same version I gave Ashley. Gale was stunned that Ashley hosted Isabelle so quickly. Normally someone doesn’ host without communicating for a while. Gale believed the diary was how Ashley was able to link with Isabelle. She explained how she thought Isabelle was connecting. The resting state makes it much easier for a spirit to latch on and release a host. Therefore, each time Ashley fell asleep while reading the diary, she gave Isabelle the opportunity to latch on to her. “It’s interesting that she believes you are her former employer. That means he played a role in her choice to remain here.” Gale directed her observations towards me. “But what can we do to stop this?” Ashley asked. “Any movie you’ve ever seen on lost souls could answer that for you. Even fiction isn’t entirely fictional you know.” Ashley and I just stared at her. “Help her.” She paused then realized we still weren’t following. “Help her answer her question.” “But what is her question?” I asked “That’s what you have to find out Clay. It seems to have something to do with Mr. Du Bois. And as far as Isabelle is concerned, you are Mr. Du Bois. Ashley is the host, she’s not going to recollect what Isabelle says or does. You will have to figure out the mystery yourself.” Even though our problems were far from over, my tension and fear was somewhat at ease; and I could tell Ashley felt the same. Gale told us Isabelle wouldn’t be violent as long as we appeased her. I was instructed to talk to Isabelle as much as I could look for clues. Most spirits stay behind because they had a secret, something they wanted desperately but couldn’t have. In order for me to get her to talk about it, I had to get her to trust me. Gale said it’s like making a new friend. Her last warning



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was; “Don’t treat it like an interrogation. You have to live in her world if you want to get her to open up to you.” After we got home I was actually impatient to get started. I wanted Ash to go to the attic and read. She was hesitant. We were discussing questions I should ask when Ashley had an idea; she wanted to record it. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I didn’t think about it before. Lets put a camera upstairs and record it.” “Why?” “Because, if she’s using my body I at least want to know what she’s doing with it. Besides, I can help you listen for clues.” I was really nervous about the camera idea. I left out a lot of detail about my encounters with Isabelle and I was afraid of what might be revealed. But Ashley had a right to know what happened. A thought occurred to me while setting up the equipment. “Ash. I just realized something about this space.” She looked at me curiously. “Its the only area in the house that dates back to Isabelle’s time. The only area that hasn’t been modified or updated in some way.” She was pondering my statements. “Maybe that’s why Isabelle only shows up in the attic.” We hid the camera behind some boxes. We were ready. I sat in silence waiting while Ashley read from the diary. After about an hour, I saw her nodding off. I was about to have another conversation with Isabelle. ***** Chapter Six I’m not sure if I blinked while Ashley was sleeping. I stared, waiting for the slightest hint that Isabelle had arrived. She was asleep about 15 minutes when her eyes darted open and looked straight at me. “If you could see the look on your face.” She laughed. “Damn it!” I hissed. “I’m guessing nothing happened. No cuts, bruises or new dresses I see.” She looked a little disappointed. “No. I’ve been sitting here 15 minutes watching you sleep.” “Now what?” She asked. “I don’t know, I guess we get a break from Isabelle tonight – finally. Did you read anything interesting before you dozed off? “Actually, I did. I think something happened between Isabelle and Mr. Du Bois. All of the sudden she seems very jealous of Ms. Du Bois. One of the statements she made



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was something like… wait, let me see if I can find it.” Ashley started flipping through pages of the diary scanning for a passage. “Here it is… she wrote, ‘Sometime I feel sorry for him, he is good man and he deserve respect and to be loved. But, he is not happy with her, I can’t imagine anyone could be’. She has to be talking about Mr. and Ms. Du Bois, don’t you think? “Maybe so.” I left it at that. “It would be nice if we knew a little more about Mr. Du Bois so your interaction with Isabelle will be more authentic.” “Good idea, I need to finish looking through all these boxes up here. Plus we should go check the library archives. We should be able to find something on him.” “When are you going back to work?” “I took off for the week, I thought we’d enjoy ourselves; then Isabelle had to ruin everything.” I tried to google the name Du Bois and Wallace to see if I could find anything useful before my next encounter. Apparently Du Bois is a lot more common than it sounds, but I still couldn’t find any linked to Wallace. Ashley seemed to be getting more comfortable with our supernatural roommate because she was up and down the stairs putting the last touches on her bedroom. The last few nights of interrupted sleep must have taking its toil on me; I fell asleep. Ashley wasn’t on the love seat when I awoke so I thought we may actually sleep in our beds. I missed my bed. As I walked in my room, I heard a crashing noise; like furniture hitting the floor. I looked in Ashley’s room but I knew she wasn’t going to be there. The noise came from the attic. When I saw her, she was sitting on the bed, her hands covering her face. Her body was quivering just enough that I knew she was crying. “Isabelle?” Startled, she looked over at me. “Go away Mr. Du Bois, I no want to see you.” “Isabelle, what’s wrong?” I walked towards her slowly. She didn’t answer. The closer I got, the smaller my steps became. If she tried anything crazy to hurt Ashley, I was ready to pounce. I sat on the bed next to her and softly called her name. A few minutes passed before she spoke. “I am whore.” She looked at me with her tearing red eyes. Ashley was right, I really needed to learn about the Du Bois’. A history lesson would have been handy at that moment because, I didn’t know what Isabelle was or why she was calling herself a whore. I was like a deer in headlights; frozen in place and lost. “Why do you say that?” It seemed like a logical question. Without saying a word she stood and went to her restroom. She stayed in there a good while. When she returned she looked fresh. She had fixed her hair and re-



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powdered her face. She swayed toward me and made a comment about her water still not working. I told her I’d check it out. I asked if she was feeling better and she responded with a simple yes. She stood directly in front of me while I sat on the bed. She reached out and cupped my chin with her hand. I was looking in her eyes. “You are good man Mr. Du Bois.” Then she leaned in and kissed me. I jumped back in total surprise. Wow I wasn’t expecting that. I was so caught up in trying to figure out what was happening and making sure Ashley was safe that I didn’t think about the affair her and Du Bois had; possibly. When I came to and saw the look on her face I knew she was hurt. Tears were streaming down her cheeks again as she turned away from me. “Wait.” I caught her arm. “I’m sorry, you just surprised me.” She didn’t react. “Do you think we can sit and talk perhaps? I just feel like I want to know you better.” I was being honest. She looked a little surprised. We sat in two chairs facing each other. I thought it was better than sitting on the bed. I was wrong. She sat across from me and pulled her dress above her knees so her thighs were uncovered. Her legs were spread wide and her hands were pushing down between them holding her dress to the chair. She was leaning slightly forward in such a way I couldn’t help but notice how seductive and sexy she looked. For a minute I almost forgot this was actually my sister sitting in front of me. Isabelle had a totally different demeanor about her than Ashley. It was like being around two different people. “I, um.” I was at a loss for words. I tried recalling all of Gale’s instructions and remembered I had to act like Mr. Du Bois if I wanted Isabelle to open up to me. But I didn’t get advice on how to convince her we’re not lovers. Since I didn’t tell Ashley or Gale about the affair, I was completely on my own. “How do you like your room?” I wish I knew more about Mr. Du Bois so I didn’t have to ask stupid questions. “You know I like my quarters Mr. Du Bois.” She stood up letting the hem of her dress fall back to the floor. “You always ask me that.” “I do?” Great now she thinks I have memory problems. Isabelle circled around me as I sat paralyzed. She put a hand on my shoulder and slowly moved it behind my neck as she walked around me. When she got to my other shoulder, she reversed her direction and walked behind me again. She stopped, put both hands on my shoulders and leaned over and whispered in my ear. “I like this game you play Mr. Du Bois.” Then she sucked my earlobe in her mouth. I jumped out of my chair. “I um. I’m sorry. Um.” I didn’t know what to do. I knew Isabelle was very fragile and couldn’t take rejection. If I fled from the room there’s no telling what she would have done to Ashley. Things would have been different if I were looking at the real



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Isabelle, but I wasn’t; I was looking at my sister. Guilt was already taking hold of me over the kiss we shared moments earlier. Even-though i didn’t reciprocate, I still shared a kiss with my sister. Isabelle’s face grew darker. She was getting impatient with my ‘game’. I was trying to focus and think of a way to get out of this situation. I was looking down at the floor when she stepped in front of me. She pushed me hard and I fell on her chair. She straddled my legs sitting on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I grow tired of this game Mr. Du Bois.” She kissed me again. I think I closed my eyes. Did I? She pressed her hip forward so that her bottom was putting pressure on my crotch. My heart was beating fast and I was scared. I was in trouble. She broke her kiss and looked me in the eyes. “I missed you Mr. Du Bois.” Then she kissed me again with lust and passion. Her tongue invaded my mouth. I wasn’t fully kissing her back but I can’t say I wasn’t kissing her at all. She was grinding her hips back and forth on top of me. Then I felt it. The worse possible thing that could have happened. I was betrayed and abandoned by my inner man. I was getting aroused. I felt my manhood growing. She redirected her thrust so she could target the source of betrayal. She was getting what she wanted and I was powerless to stop it from happening. I grabbed her shoulders and begged her. “Please, please don’t do this. We can’t.” She didn’t even react to my plea. She thrust again, reinforcing my body’s treachery. Then she filled my mouth again with her tongue. When she pulled away she reached down and started unbuttoning my pants. I pushed back in the chair trying to get out from under her but as I stood she pushed me back again. She still thought I was playing. She started playing along. “You don’t feel like being bad boy today, no?” She was aggressively pulling at my button and zipper. She even made a comment about the ‘weird’ pants I was wearing. When I felt her hand wrap around my stiffness I jumped again trying to get out of the chair. She pushed me back and held my penis as I fell, pulling it into view. There it was, hard, oozing with pre-cum, and pointing directly at Isabelle. She didn’t hesitate before she buried it in her mouth. Her warm mouth engulf my erection and my mind flooded with remorse. My stomach was starting to hurt and I could feel tears building up in my eyes. But even then, I couldn’t change the fact that Isabelle’s actions felt good. My body’s reaction was all the proof she needed. She bobbed her head up and down sucking me in and out of her as she breathed heavily. She was moaning with lust. I felt tears falling down my face as I let my head drop back. ‘How will I ever face my sister again?’ I gripped the sides of the chair and tried to force my hips still. Again, I didn’t succeed. My hips started involuntarily thrusting upward, meeting Isabelle’s



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downward stroke. She reacted with more intensity and lust. It didn’t take many more reps before I felt my inner being stir. My body was about to release its seed. “I’m cuming. Please stop. I’m cuming.” I didn’t win that plea either. The last thing I wanted to do was leave the taste of my cum in Isabelle’s mouth. Ashley would surely know something happened. I reached down and forced my shaft from her and pointed it at my stomach. I started jerking it violently trying to relieve the building pressure. Ropes of cum launched across my stomach and chest. “You like to pleasure you self?” her eyes were full of lust. She leaned back off her knees and braced herself with one hand. She pulled her dress up her legs, above her knees and thighs, then I saw it. I was looking at my sisters uncovered privates. Her cunny was covered by short neatly trimmed pubic hair. Her legs wide open and bent at the knee. Her feet flat on the floor. She was biting on her finger. “You go for me, I go for you, Mr. Du Bois.” Her hand traveled from her lips to her center. She started rubbing her labia up and down with the palm side of her fingers. Her head fell back as she exhaled a deep moan. She circled harder against her vagina and I could see her pushing a couple fingers inside. Her hips bucked up and down. The faster she moved the louder her moans became. She was circling her clit violently. Rubbing it back and forth as her pelvis rose and fell repeatedly. She stopped suddenly. A long constant moan was building within her as if trying to escape. It almost sounded like a cry of surrender as her body started convulsing. Sweat was pouring down her face and soaked in her hair. She let her hand give way so she could lay on the floor. Her chest was rising and falling fast as she was trying to catch her breath. I was frozen in place. I didn’t move while all this happened. I didn’t turn my eyes, try to run or ask her to stop. I just sat there and watched. As Isabelle’s breathing started to calm down I noticed her eyes were closed. I didn’ want her to fall asleep like that so I picked her up and put her in the bed. She held my neck tight and tried to pull me in bed with her. She didn’t put up much of a fight and surrendered by kissing me again before rolling over on her stomach to rest. I went downstairs and cleaned myself off. I was like a zombie. I kept replaying what had happened in my mind and was trying to prepare myself for the consequences. I felt sick. I locked my door and laid in the bed. I could not face her after what I just let happen. Why didn’t I see it? Why did I lie and not tell her about Isabelle trying to kill herself; or that her and Mr. Du Bois were having an affair. If she had known she probably would have never agreed to this. I felt the contents of my stomach trying to surface. I ran to the restroom just in time to unload what little food I had in me. I couldn’t sleep. I watched the minutes tick off the clock. Every now and then I’d have to wipe a tear from my eyes. I heard Ashley moving around. She called downstairs for me. A minute later she knocked on my door and called for me again. I didn’t answer.



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***** Chapter Seven The minutes passed very slow. I know because I watched each and every one of them since the night before. It was after 9 AM and I knew I had to get out of bed; but I just couldn’t bring myself to face Ashley. I could feel the nausea starting to return with the thought of what I did to her. A sudden bang on my door startled me. Ashley screamed my name from the other side. I jumped up and called back as I got to the door to open it. She slapped me right across the face. “You scared the fuck out of me! Why didn’t you answer!” “I’m sorry I. Um. I just didn’t feel good.” It wasn’t a total lie. “Ugh!” She pushed me and turned to walk down the steps. “Fucker.” She took one last glare before going downstairs. Did she know what happened or not? But regardless, it didn’t change the fact that I did. I felt even worse knowing I had to lie about it. I closed my door and went back to bed. At 1:28 PM I decided to walk downstairs. Ashley was watching TV. She must have heard me moving around. “You feeling better?” her voice seemed normal. “Yeah, thanks.” “Isabelle dropped by last night. I woke up on the attic bed again wearing her dress. The blood rushed out of my face. “Really?” “Yeah, we’ll chat with her next time though. Hope you feel better.” She went back to the living room. What little appetite I was starting to build left me. I went back to my room and went to bed. I couldn’t stop my mind from replaying the scene from the night before. Over and over I recalled Ashley sitting on the floor massaging herself to climax. I thought about the look in her eyes as she swallowed my manhood again and again. I punched at my pillow to relieve frustration. It didn’t help. I flung myself out of bed and went to the attic. I figured if I wanted Isabelle out of my life I needed to know why she was in it in the first place. How did she die and what is she waiting for? I started sifting through boxes of papers. I read everything I put my hands on to search for clues about what happened to her. “What are you doing?” I jumped out of my chair. Ashley frightened the hell out of me. And I’ll admit, I was really jumpy. “Ashley. Hey, Um. Sorry. I am just looking for clues. Have you read more in the diary?” I sounded like a criminal caught red-handed in the act. I’m sure it was obvious I was freaking out.



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“No, I haven’t read in it since we were up here last.” She looked puzzled. “Really, but you said Isabelle came back. Don’t you have to read in the diary for that?” “I thought so, but I wasn’t reading last night before I woke up in here.” “Hm. We may need to tell Gale about that.” “Yeah, I was thinking about that.” She paused for a minute. “Do you want some help?” “No, I’m okay, I’m just going to read through this stuff for a bit. Thanks though.” I didn’t look back at her, but I know she sensed something was wrong. She hesitated before going back downstairs. I poured through the pages, hoping to find something useful. Hours passed, but I was content with my seclusion. The mere sight of Ashley made me feel like shit. Like a deviant who took advantage of the innocent. Something caught my attention out the corner of my eye. I got up to see what it was and saw Ashley walking to Isabelle’s living area. “What you up to?” I called out. “Oh! Mr. Du Bois!” She spun around holding her chest. My heart dropped to my feet. It was Isabelle. So wait; she came to Ashley downstairs? I was really confused. First we discovered that she can show up without Ashley reading the diary, now I knew Ashley didn’t have to be in the attic. It made sense when I thought about it. That’s why Ashley freaked out and couldn’t figure out how she got in the attic the last few encounters. She was walking up here. “You looking for file?” Isabelle’s question jolted me back to the present. “No. Um. Yes. I am.” I really had to start doing better on my conversations with her. She probably thought I had split personality. “I change from these work clothes then I help you.” She called Ashley’s t-shirt and jeans her work clothes. “No that’s okay, I’m finished. I’ve got to get going.” I started towards the stairs. “You tell me what file you look for.” She pulled her shirt over her head with no hesitation. She wasn’t wearing a bra and acted completely comfortable being topless in front of me. I looked. I couldn’t help it. My heart started beating faster. Her breast were so vibrant and perfect. I had to clear my thoughts. Before I could move she turned away from me and started sliding her pants down. Her firm bottom was pointing right at me. After she stepped out of the pants she looked at me over her shoulder. Then she hooked her panties with her thumb and slid them down slowly while gazing at me. I watched her pink softness come into view. “You like?” She was teasing me.



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“I have to go.” I hurried to the steps. “You lie to me and fuck you wife still?” I think it was a question. “No. Um. I’m not, I just have stuff I need to do.” I continued down the stairs. Right as I grabbed the door knob, furniture started crashing on the floor. I wondered how much more the furniture could take. No wonder they built the shit so sturdy. Those nineteenth century bitches were crazy! I ran back up. I couldn’t let my fear get in the way of protecting Ashley. She was the only innocent party left in this cluster. Isabelle stood before me mostly naked. Her panties were just above her knees. She was knocking stuff off dressers. I grabbed and held her in a bear hug. “I’m not doing anything wrong. Stop acting like this.” “You the one acting!” Hate raged from her eyes. “What do you want from me?” Maybe that was a good way to find out what she wanted; to ask. “I want out of this hell. You lie to me. You fuck me, then fuck you wife. I am shamed and want to be free.” She was starting to break down. Tears started to flow. I felt the tension release in her muscles and her body caved in my arms. “What do you mean you want to be free?” “I want to die.” The minute the words left her lips, my heart stopped beating. Ashley was in danger. I needed to get her out of there, but its not like I could wake her up. Isabelle was in charge. I lowered my voice and tried to sound compassionate. But in truth, I just wanted to protect Ashley. “Look. I’m here. See. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay with you.” She wrapped her arms around my neck. Her head slowly moved up the side of my face until she brought our lips together. She kissed me passionately. Not wild with lust like the last time, but with true emotion. She loved Mr. Du Bois, and every time I hurt her, she tried to hurt Ashley. I surrendered and kissed her back. I felt her fumbling with my sweat pants. Again, she commented on the strange design. She pulled my shirt over my head then started kissing down my chest. She sucked my nipples and slightly bit at them. She looked at me between nibbles. She dropped to her knees and started kissing on my stomach and around my navel. My body was reacting to its training, it didn’t care who was providing the stimulus. She pulled the waistband of my sweats and slid them and my boxers down to my knees. My cock stood alert and ready to proceed. She licked the underside of my shaft from its base all the way to the tip. She let out a soft ‘Mmhm’ sound to let me know she liked it. She finished pushing my pants down and pulled them off my legs. She didn’t waste time getting my shaft back in her possession. She started working



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her hand up and down slowly. When a drop of pre-cum started oozing out the top she licked it off and told me that’s what she was waiting for. She swallowed me as far as she could. I didn’t know women gave oral sex back in the 1800s, but now I realize the skills had to be passed down from somewhere; and Isabelle was very skilled. She sucked, in and out, over and over, and moaned constantly as if she savored my taste. The vibrations from her voice made it feel even better. I held onto her head as she slide her mouth on and off my hardness. I only looked at the ceiling. As much as I was trying to help her, I just couldn’t watch my sister’s face as she unknowingly pleasured her brother. I just kept telling myself that it was for her own good I was doing this. When I felt my cum building I pulled away again. Isabelle wasn’t too happy about it and cursed as cum blasted out and hit the floor. “Now you no fuck me! You not hard!” She got up and walked towards the bed. I wasn’t sure what her mood was. She sat on the bed and opened her legs. She ran her fingers up and down the length of her slit. “You make me cum like I make you cum.” I couldn’t. No. She’s my sister. How could I? I watched Isabelle move her fingers up and down, then suck them in her mouth, only to return them for more flavor. I eased towards her. My eyes were fixed on her pink enclosure. ‘What am I doing?’ I wondered to myself. I knelt on the floor by the bed; Isabelle was at the edge of it with her feet propped up. Her pink moistened cunt was right in front of my face. I couldn’t believe I was so close to it. I couldn’t believe I was about to taste it. I prayed Ashley would forgive me. Then I leaned forward and tasted my sister’s sweet flavor. I could feel the guilt returning to me. But the difference was, I didn’t feel guilty for tasting Ashley’s pussy, I felt guilty because I liked it. She tasted very good. The day she finds out about our encounter, I will have to lie and tell her I didn’t want to keep doing it. I prayed she never found out. I slid my tongue up and down the inner walls of her cunt until I satisfied myself with her taste. Then I used it to tickle her sensitive little barb. She jerked and squeezed my head with her legs. I flicked her clit a few more times and watched her convulse. Then I flattened my tongue and put pressure over her clit while rocking my head back and forth over the top of it. It didn’t take long and she started bucking wildly. She grabbed my hair and clamped my head in place. She was screaming out. Her juices flowed on my tongue. I didn’t attempt to move it. “Oh, Mr. Du Bois.” She was exhausted. “Where you learn that Mr. Du Bois?” “You taught me.” I said, hoping I was right, while trying to appease her. “I did good job.” She laughed weakly then laid back on the bed to rest. I wiped her off and put her in a dress. I definitely didn’t want Ashley waking up naked. Minutes



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after I put her back in bed she was sound asleep. I cleaned my cum off the floor and went to wash up. I sat under the water flow thinking about what I did. A tug-a-war was taking place in my mind. Should I have done anything differently? What could I have done differently? There’s always if, ands, or buts; and I was driving myself crazy with them. Even as I questioned the morality of what I had done to my sister, I could feel myself getting aroused as the images of her pink rose bud flashed in my mind. I turned the hot water off and let the cold water fight my battles for me. When I walked downstairs I was surprised. Isabelle was sitting on the sofa watching TV? She looked at me. “Hey, I didn’t bother taking the dress off.” It was Ashley. “I guess you missed it again huh?” Shit! I forgot I was suppose to act like I had talked to her. “No – actually I talked to her.” “You did? Did you find out anything?” Ashley looked excited. “Yeah, but can you go change? That dress freaks me out.” She laughed and ran upstairs. I only had a few minutes to come up with a story for Ashley. But one thing was for certain, I needed to get her out of the house. And I needed Gales advice. I told Ashley that I thought Isabelle did have feelings for Mr. Du Bois, but she wouldn’t talk to me much. I also told her that we needed to go see Gale. She looked optimistic about the trip until I asked her to sleep in the living room with me again. I told her I wanted to tie ourselves together just in case. I think she knew I was hiding something. When we got to Gales place, the secretary walked us back to Gale’s room for us to wait. She said Gale called and asked us to make ourselves at home, she’s running a little late with an appointment. I hate that she knows we’re coming without us even calling. She gives me the creeps. When she got there she was excited for an update. “Okay, tell me everything. What’d you guys find out?” Gale asked. Ashley just looked at me. “Oh, um. Well, Isabelle and Mr. Du Bois are having an affair we think. And Ashley doesn’t have to be reading the diary to host. Isabelle just shows up sometimes when Ashley is sleeping. Oh and it doesn’t only happen in the attic, I watched her walk up to the attic one time and she talked to me as Isabelle.” “I see. So Isabelle and Du Bois are having an affair. And she thinks you are Du Bois still.” It was more of a statement than a question. I’m glad the room is dark because I could feel my face was beet red. Ashley just listened as Gale spoke. “So do you have any clue why she is still here?” Gale interrogated me.



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“Not really. But um; I was wondering what would happen if Ashley were to leave the house?” Ashley’s face turned sharply to me. I didn’t want to look at her. “What are you talking about.” She protested. “Look. I didn’t want to tell you this before now, but I think you’re not safe at the house. I think Isabelle killed herself, and I’m afraid history will repeat itself. She doesn’t realize she’s in a borrowed body.” “What. Why do you say that?” Ashley inquired. “Because, she was pretty hostile with me a couple times. I thought it was just because I was afraid of her, but I think she’s nuts. I don’t want you to get hurt!” I kept looking at Gale for support but she seemed more intent on reading my expressions than to comment on what I was saying. “So, what happens if she leaves, will Isabelle stay away from her?” I cut Ashley off and repeated my question. “Yes. But its not that easy.” I asked what she meant. “Once communication has been established. Spirits get more and more aggressive the more you ignore their needs. I think you already know that don’t you.” She looked directly at me. My face went numb. ‘Does she know what I’ve done?’ I wondered. “Sometimes we have to do things that are uncomfortable when it comes to fulfilling last wishes. No one will know what happens but you two.” Gale continued. “If you think Isabelle’s wishes are beyond you, then yeah, you can abandon her and Ashley will have to stay clear of the house. But before you do that, I want you to ask yourself what you would want if you were waiting around for your last wish.” She seemed agitated. “Well hopefully I wouldn’t be sitting around waiting for someone to fix what I was too chicken shit to do myself.” I was done and ready to go. And I could tell Gale didn’t like my tone either, but I wasn’t about to risk Ashley’s safety over some stupid psycho spirit. As we were walking out Gale called Ashley back. I waited for her outside. “What did she want?” I asked as we walked towards the car. “She just wanted me to consider my “gift” and not to waste it. Oh and she wanted me to check on you after I leave town just to see if anything weird happens. She knows you won’t call her so she wants me to relay any experiences you have.” The drive back was silent. But I knew we had to talk about her leaving so I decided to be the one to bring it back up. “Look Ash. I think we should give it some time, then you can come back to the house and maybe Isabelle will have figured her issues out.” I was trying to spin it into a positive. “I don’t think it works that way.” She replied.



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“Well, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” I was trying to guilt trip her. “I know. I’ll pack when we get back.” Now I was the one feeling guilty. We booked one of those last minute deals and I helped her pack most of her stuff. I told her to leave some things because I wanted her to feel welcomed back. I didn’t want her to feel rejected by the way I was rushing her out the door. But, I think she felt abandoned. I brought her to the airport a few hours early because you never know what the wait time is going to be. We hugged and said our goodbyes. The departure felt cold. I left her and went back home. It was pretty late by the time I got back and Ashley still had a couple hours to wait for her flight. I was feeling terrible about how things ended. I needed to relax so I decided to take a shower and lay back and watch a movie. I let the warm water run down my back and fall from my head. I love the feeling of a warm shower. I was leaning into the spray when the water all the sudden got really hot. Scalding hot actually. I jumped back then tried to reach around to turn the water off. I could have sworn I was turning the knobs but the water flow wasn’t decreasing. I pulled the shower curtain open to step out the tub and the bathroom was full of fog. I couldn’t see two feet in front of me. The water burned my leg as I was getting out so I sort of jumped. When my foot hit the floor I heard the splash of water. My feet went out from under me and I saw the shower rod and curtain as I fell backwards. I think I remember the sound of my head hitting the edge of the tub. Then my eyes faded to darkness. ***** Chapter Eight When I woke up my body was stiff. Water was still spurting out of the shower, only this time it was cold. I tried to sit up but my body hurt everywhere. I used my arm to push myself on my side and when my eyes focused I could see blood running in streams with the water on the floor. I managed to get on my hands and knees and started crawling to the door. I wasn’t sure where I was going I just wanted to escape the bathroom. Right as I was crawling in the hall I heard the front door close and my name called. Blood was starting to run in my left eye so I couldn’t really focus. And my head was pounding so hard I couldn’t think straight. Then I heard a scream. Ashley ran to me and almost knocked me over. She was frantically asking what happened. I couldn’t form words. When I tried to look up at her I rolled on my back and blacked out again. When I woke up there was bright lights all around me. I tried to focus my eyes. A blurry object move into my vision. My eyes started to focus then I realized it was Ashley.



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“Hey. You’re okay. We’re at the hospital. You hit your head on the tub. Remember? I didn’t remember, but she said I shook my head. She called the nurse to the room and she did a series of test on me. I don’t remember my reactions to that either, but apparently I was going to survive. I don’t think I was awake long. Next thing I remember, it was dark in the room and Ashley was balled up on the couch next to my bed. I tried to wake her but my voice wouldn’t work. I watched her sleep a few minutes before I drifted back asleep. The next day I felt a whole lot better. I was sore as hell but I could move my limbs and speak. Ashley told me about how scared she was when I didn’t reply to her text. She tried calling me several times and couldn’t get a hold of me so she decided to take a cab home from the airport. I thanked her for saving me and apologized for sending her away. She didn’t want to speak of her leaving. She was just happy I was doing better. They released me from the hospital and Ashley drove us home. She set me up on the couch and told me not to worry she’d take care of me. We were watching TV when she brought up what we were both thinking about. “Isabelle did this you know.” She looked at me for a reaction. I didn’t have one. “Gale said they get aggressive. And I think she was afraid for you, which is why she told me to check on you.” I didn’t have a reply. We watched TV for a few more hours then Ashley helped me adjust on the couch so I could sleep. I woke up the next morning and could tell my soreness was going away. My head was sensitive to the touch, but wasn’t aching anymore. I woke Ashley and asked if she wanted breakfast. We needed a new plan. I told her we should both leave, but I couldn’t go back to Sacramento, I had a job to worry about. I didn’t think I could swing my mortgage and an apartment too. Plus, now I realize why my house was on the market so long and was a really good price. It had a permanent live-in. “We could always just find out what Isabelle wants.” Ashley suggested. I knew she wanted to help, but she didn’t know what was actually happening; or what I had done to her. Our future was already at stake if she ever found out and I didn’t want to risk more. But we were stuck. “Ash. I don’t think you understand. Isabelle has feelings for Mr. Du Bois, so she don want to talk to me like a friend.” I was trying to find a way to ease around the reality of what was happening between Isabelle and Du Bois. “She even tried to kiss me once. That’s why she got upset, cause I told her no.” “Oh.” Ashley blushed, finally realising what I was talking about. We sat for a long time without speaking. My mind was racing, trying to figure out our next move when her next comment came out of nowhere. “Well, you can kiss her if you want to. I mean, you can kiss me. Maybe if she feels close to you she will open up.”



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I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t tell her I had already kissed her because she may wonder what else I did. “Are you sure. I mean. Do you think that’s okay to do?” I asked. “Like Gale said, some of it may be uncomfortable, but we’ll be the only people that know what happens.” “I don’t know, it just seems – strange I guess.” I added “Yeah, but its just a kiss.” She walked over and grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me right on the mouth. It wasn’t full french or anything but it was more than we would have shared any other day before Isabelle came along. “See. Now you don’t have to worry about it.” She sat back down and started eating her food. I didn’t say a word. Later when we were sitting on the couch, Ashley was reading the diary. She told me several pages had been torn out. We discussed the possibility that those pages might hold clues to what happened. Ashley went upstairs to search for them. When I went up to check on her, I wasn’t surprised to see Isabelle waiting for me. When she wrapped her arms around me I winced in pain and she acted concerned for me. I wanted to curse at her and tell her it was her fault – stupid bitch. She was actually very gentle with me. She laid on the bed behind me and wrapped her arms around me. She lightly stroked my hair away from my cut and hummed her lullaby; the same one as before. Maybe this was the perfect time to have a conversation with her. She didn’t seem fixed on ripping my clothes off. “Isabelle?” “Yes my dear?” “Are you happy?” Why not ask the obvious? “I am happy with you Mr. Du Bois.” She’s got it bad. “But, what about everything else. Are you happy with your work, your home, what do you want for yourself?” “You are really good to me, I never want to leave you.” Great, I have a stalker. “But -”. Before I could ask another question she leaned over and kissed me. She was soft and gentle. She worked her way down my neck and to my ears. My breathing changed and I started getting aroused. I didn’t want to feel guilt tonight, I just wanted to relax and have peace. I used her words. “Will you just hold me my dear?” It worked. “Yes my love.” She rested her head behind mine and we drifted to sleep. When I woke up Ashley was sitting next to me. She asked if I slept well and told me she didn’t want to wake me so she let me sleep. She was back in her own clothes



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and was reading the diary. She asked about the encounter and I told her every detail, even the kiss. She looked a little curious about the kissing but seemed too shy to ask more about it. Plus, she really wanted to search for the missing pages. We must have looked for hours through the boxes and still didn’t find them. We decided to rest and search the next morning. When I got up the next day Ashley was already upstairs plundering. I told her I’d help after breakfast. We even ate upstairs because she was so fixed on finding her lost pages. She was determined they’d have a clue. I wasn’t going to argue with her. We searched again for hours until we were both sweaty and tired. I was ready for a break. “I’m going to get something to drink you want anything?” I asked. “Sure, bring me whatever you’re having.” After pouring our drinks, I walked back upstairs just in time to see Isabelle pulling her dress over her shoulders. I told her hello and took note of how comfortable I was becoming with her around. But it didn’t change my agitation at the situation she was forcing on us. “I brought you some tea.” “Oh thank you very much.” She looked surprised like I had given her a diamond. “Its not a problem.” I acted like no big deal. She commented on how sweet the tea tasted, I told her it was a new style that came from Mississippi. She liked it. I was happy my lie worked. I was getting good at lying; even to myself. I tried not to think about the events that had taken place between us. But I couldn’t help but wonder if they were going to happen again. I didn’t want them to, I swear. I was just wanting to make sure Ashley was safe. Isabelle sat drinking her tea and watched me pace the room. I felt so antsy. I hated being in unknown territory. I deal with facts at work, and this situation was all speculation. I was recounting all that I had learned to this point. Isabelle was calm and seemed like she wanted to talk. I just need some good questions. I remembered her entry about wanting to visit her family one day. “Have you heard from your family lately?” “Yes, I hear from Momma last week. She is feeling better.” She sipped at her tea again. It was funny watching her sip iced tea. I guess there was only one way to drink tea back in the day. “That’s good.” I just went with it. “So, what have you been telling them about your life over here?” I’m getting good at this. “I tell them how much I love it. And how much I love working for you.” She took another sip.



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“Thanks, I guess.” I wasn’t sure where to go from there, so I just asked the obvious. “What is it you like so much about me?” She giggled at the question. “You mean besides love?” “Yes. I think.” I wasn’t certain what she was asking, but I wanted her to talk. “I like how you treat me. You no treat me like servant. You hard worker. You generous man. Should I say more?” “No, but thanks – again.” I could see we weren’t getting anywhere. “I can hardly wait for you and me to be together.” She walked to me. My heart started beating faster just watching her approach. I knew I shouldn’t want to kiss her, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to. I leaned down to meet her advances. We kissed aggressively. I embraced her at the waist, then let my hands travel upward to her shoulders, then on her neck and face. I kissed her repeatedly. When she spoke Du Bois’ name in her unmistakable french accent, it reminded me of what she had caused me to do. Ashley and I were victims in her ploy. We were at her mercy. I started feeling angry. My sister was beautiful and sweet. She didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of by me or anyone else. Isabelle was just a jealous psycho, who couldn’t stand the fact that Du Bois had someone other than her. She didn’t deserve to have him. She didn’t deserve her last wish. This was all her fault. If she was going to force me to do this, I wasn’t going to let her enjoy it. I pressed her against the wall and started kissing her very rough. She didn’t relent. In fact, she matched my intensity. We were tearing at each others lips biting, sucking, breathing heavy. I had my hands locked on her face, she held my face with hers. I pressed my pelvis against her, pinning her against the wall. With each break in our kiss she exhaled fiercely then inhaled before diving back in. That bitch. She was actually enjoying it. I broke the kiss again; I was pissed. “All you want is to fuck isn’t it.” I accused her. “I’m gonna give you what the fuck you want!” I was yelling. I spun her around so her back was facing me and pressed her chest against the wall. I grabbed at my pants trying to unfasten my button and zipper. She was pulling her dress up. She was actually wanting it. I freed my cock about the time she revealed her naked bottom. She held the hem of her dress in front of her with one hand and leaned forward to expose her puss. I pressed my shaft between her ass and felt it rub over her slit. She was soaking wet. I felt her hand guiding me inside her. I pushed in hard. She screamed loud and grabbed at my clothes pulling me toward her even more. I jerked out and pushed back even harder the second time. She cursed and pleaded. But she wasn’t begging me to stop, she was begging me to do it again. Fuck! How could she! What woman likes to be abused sexually like this? ‘She was a total freak!’ I thought to myself.



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I pressed her flat against the wall and continued my assault on her cunt. She screamed with every thrust. The slap of my pelvis hitting her butt echoed through the room. I grabbed her hair and turned her face to the side. I put my mouth next to her ear and hatefully whispered. “Is this the way you like to fuck? You couldn’t resist could you?” I moved in and out of her; over and over again. “You couldn’t stand the thought of me fucking someone else, so you seduced me so I’d fuck you didn’t you?” She acted like she wanted to turn around. I forced her back against the wall and buried myself inside her as deep as I could. “Don’t try to turn around, I’m giving you what you want.” I pressed harder. I felt cum rising inside me so I pulled out of her and held her against the wall with one arm while I jerked myself to climax with the other. Jets of cum sprayed her ass. When I looked back up at her I saw tears in her eyes. I didn’t care. She deserved it. ‘Now maybe she’ll leave us alone.’ I told myself. When I stepped back away from her she didn’t turn around. She let her dress down and walked to her dressing table. She wiped herself off with a towel. We didn’t speak to each other. Remorse was starting to set in. I stumbled back into a chair and watched Isabelle clean herself off. Her sniffling told me she was crying. Tears started falling down my face. ‘What have I done?’ Reality was hitting hard. I just fucked my sister. ***** Chapter Nine Locked away in my restroom, I stared at my reflection, watching the tears fall from my eyes. I had sneaked from the attic after Isabelle went to sleep. ‘I am a sick person.’ I will never forgive myself for what I did to Ashley. I invaded her innocence. My frustration with Isabelle took over me and Ashley paid for it. Isabelle seemed pretty upset about the encounter too. After what Du Bois, or I, had done to her; she had to hate him. Why wouldn’t she? I blamed her for everything. I prayed it would make her leave us alone. But even with the prospect of being rid of Isabelle, I still couldn’t collect myself. I kept seeing Ashley’s face pressed against the wall and tears flowing from her eyes. I know she didn’t feel what happened, but if she knew about it she would never forgive me. I was sitting in a dark corner of my room when I heard a knock on my door. I didn’ answer. I heard the door knob rattle and watched the door open. Damn, I thought was locked. Ashley looked around then saw me on the floor. She rushed over and asked what was wrong. I was so wrapped up in my guilt I couldn’t speak. When I tried to say something, my voice gave in to the hurt inside of me. I cried aloud and buried my head in my arms.



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Ashley held me and pleaded for answers. I felt like I was having a mental breakdown and I couldn’t bear the weight of my secrets any longer. So I confessed. “I had sex with her.” I barely got the words out before I started crying harder. She was silent. I felt her hands retreat from around me. I braced for an attack. I just knew she was going to strike me. “What?” Her voice was low and shaky. I couldn’t answer again. We sat on the floor until I calmed down a little. “I’m so sorry.” I started crying again. I was afraid of what she was thinking, but no matter what, I needed to clear my conscience. I couldn’t live with myself knowing what I had done. I wanted to comfort her like a brother would his sister, but the problem was, I was the assailant. I was too ashamed to look at her when she finally spoke. “What happened?” Her voice was low. I had to think about where to begin. I told her about Isabelle being possessive of Du Bois and how she got hostile when I rejected her. I told her about the suicide threat and how jealous she was of Ms. Du Bois and how she couldn’t stand the thought of Mr. Du Bois having sex with his own wife. I told her that’s why I wanted her to leave town; because Isabelle was forcing me to do things and if I didn’t I had to worry about her getting hurt. I told her that I hurt Isabelle’s feelings and accused her of causing problems for Mr. Du Bois. But after explaining everything, Ashley was only thinking of one thing. “So, you and her, I mean me, we did it?” All I could do was shake my head to confirm. My eyes never left the floor. We sat in silence again. “I need some time to think.” She went to her room. Our paths never crossed the rest of the night. In fact, neither of us left our room. My mind raced uncontrollably. I wanted to know what Ashley was thinking, but I was too afraid to approach her. For all I knew, she was packing to go back home. I wouldn’t blame her. I would be lucky if she ever spoke to me again. I went down to the kitchen to get something to drink. My gut tightened when I saw her sitting at the counter eating a bowl of cereal. I hesitated for a few minutes. She seemed calm. “Hey.” She looked back at her bowl and stirred her cereal. “Hey.” I responded. “I just need something to drink.” I got my water and started back to my room. “So, do you think she’ll come back?” She asked. I didn’t turn around to look at her, I just faced the doorway. “I hope not.” That was all I could manage.



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A couple of days passed with no Isabelle. Ashley and I were moving around the house again, but our relationship was far from normal. We barely spoke to each other. She didn’t react to me with hate or disgust when we talked, she acted completely indifferent. I thought I would be happy to know she didn’t despise me for what I had done, but truth be known, she didn’t have to; I despised myself. I couldn’t look at her the same as I did just a week earlier. When I saw her my eyes roamed over her body. Seeing her was a constant reminder of what we had done. Each time I’d catch her bending over or reaching for something, images of her naked body would flood my mind and the guilt of my betrayal would soon follow. I didn’t want to have sexual thoughts about her, I just couldn’t control them. I even dreamed about her for what little time I slept. I’d watch her bend over in front of me and slide her panties to the floor, then I’d press her against the wall and enter her. She would cry out my name and beg me to continue. Then I would wake; sweat streaming down my body, my member fully erect. I was in complete and total agony. One night my screams must have been louder than usual. I was holding Ashley down by her throat, choking her and ripping her clothes away from her body. Even in my dream I hated myself. I could feel the internal struggle. It felt so real. Right as I got to her opening and prepared to enter her, I screamed as loud as I could. When I woke up Ashley was shaking me and telling me it was just a dream. I turned away from her and cried. I was losing my sanity. Ashley held me that night. For a change we felt like brother and sister again. I was very thankful she was with me, but I didn’t want to call attention to it and make her think twice about staying. I felt at home in her arms. I watched the stars through my bedroom window and thought about how difficult it must be for her to stay. I didn’t deserve her comfort but she gave it anyway. She was a better person than me. She even tried to blame herself. “I’m sorry I made you do this.” Her apology was sincere. “You didn’t do anything Ashley, I don’t deserve you. I’m so sorry. I’m so very sorry. She squeezed me tight and we didn’t speak the rest of the night. While we were eating lunch the next day she suggested we talk to someone about what happened. When I asked who, she recommended Gale. There was no way in hell I was going to tell that freak I had sex with my sister. She would probably read it all over me the moment I walked in the door; if not before. Hell, she probably already knew. “Ash. I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t want anyone to know about it.” “Clay. You’re driving yourself crazy, we need help.” She was right on both counts, but I just couldn’t do it.



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“Isabelle hasn’t been back in days, I think its over. I think we should just try to forget about it.” She didn’t say much after that. We finished our lunch and went our own way. Even though we’d talk, we were still far from normal; I wondered if we’d ever get back to our old selves. I noticed she was reading a novel. I asked if she had read anymore in the diary and she told me she finished it. Nothing really strange happened except there were several more missing pages. We had been through all the boxes in the attic and didn’t find them so it was likely we never would. I commented on how nice it was to be free of Isabelle. She didn’t respond. Watching her reading her book, I thought about how beautiful she looked. Before Isabelle came along, I never thought of Ashley as beautiful. But I had to admit, Isabelle’s sexy demeanor and Ashley’s beauty was a lethal combination. If Ashley could figure out how to use her looks to her advantage, she could have anything she wanted. Each time I turned a page of the ledger I was reading, I would glance at her just to soak in her image. When she decided to retire early, I wondered if she just couldn’t stand being in the room with me any longer. I hoped she didn’t catch me looking at her. I was paranoid. The name Hart, Schaffner & Marx was handwritten on one of the pages in the ledger I was reading, I was familiar with the clothing company. Maybe they were a supplier and Du Bois was a clothing retailer. No other names were distinguished. I was ready to call it a night. As I was about to close my bedroom door I looked down the hall and was surprised to see the attic door open. I walked over and listened, I didn’t hear anything. I knocked on Ashley’s bedroom door but she didn’t answer. I called up in the attic but didn’t get a response. I walked up the stairs just enough to see Isabelle’s room, she wasn’t there. I went back downstairs and called for her again; no answer. A noise came from upstairs. Back in the attic, I looked around the stored boxes, nothing. I check her restroom and it was empty. When I turned to walk out I nearly jumped out my skin. Isabelle was standing in front of me. ***** Chapter Ten She appeared out of nowhere. Watching me with blank eyes, she didn’t attempt to speak. “Oh, hey. You startled me.” I was so disappointed. After not seeing her a few days I thought she was gone for good. Her expression never changed. Nervousness was starting to seep in, so I spoke again. “Are you okay?”



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She darted towards me so quickly I didn’t have time to react. I fell back hard and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. I hit the floor while she slammed the door. There was a loud crash just outside. The weight of whatever fell was so heavy, a cloud of dust lifted from the floor. A minute passed before I reacted to her assault. The door was obstructed by something and would only open a couple inches. “Isabelle?!” I yelled. I don’t think she could not hear me over her screams and the sound of furniture crashing. I yelled louder. “No more Mr. Du Bois! No More.” Her screams projected through sobs of emotion and hurt. Her voice was shaky and unstable. Deep in my gut I had a fear I had never felt before. Ashley was in danger and I had to protect her. “Isabelle!” I roared. “Please talk to me, Isabelle!” “I end this now. You lie to me!” She accused. “No Isabelle, No. I didn’t meant to hurt you I’m sorry. Please don’t do this!” I watched as best I could through the crack in the door. She appeared in my line of sight with a length of rope. She threw the rope into the rafters and it crashed back down to the floor. “No. No. No. Isabelle, please God don’t do this.” My fears gave way to panic and I felt the muscles of my body harden. My reactions became pure instinct and I crashed into the door with all my might. I was a caged beast trying to get free. The door wouldn’t give not matter how hard I pushed. I stepped back and rammed it with my shoulder. Pain sliced through me but I didn’t stop my pursuit. I cried out in anguish each time I hit the door. I feared my body would break down before my obstacle, but no matter how insurmountable, I was determined to get through. Isabelle managed to hook the rope on a rafter and was struggling to tie a slip knot that would hold it in place. She was crying uncontrollably which made her task even more daunting. She kept fumbling the rope and had to start over. She would look in my direction each time I battered the door. The hits were so loud it sounded like the walls were crumbling around me. She figured out she could accomplish her objective by tying a simple loop in the rope and sliding the opposite end through it. She pulled the rope and watched the loop slide to the rafter until the length of rope no longer gave slack. Seeing how close she was getting to her objective, I completely lost my mind. My shoulder became a lifeless battering ram. I couldn’t lift my arm or rotate my shoulder blades, but no matter what, I was determined to get free. I ran with all my might and collided with the door. My body didn’t bounce back to the floor like it had in previous attempts; but instead fell forward as the top half of the door split. As I was trying to pick myself up from the wreckage, I glanced up to see Isabelle stepping on a chair and wrapping the rope around her neck. I leaped through the shattered door ready to put an end to Isabelle’s plans when all the sudden my leg sank into the back of the armoire that was wedged between the



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door and opposite wall. My body landed hard in an awkward position half-way on top of the armoire and the floor. As I pulled my leg out of its tangles my eyes shot up to Isabelle to see if my sister was still safe. Our eyes met. If not for the flow of tears running down her cheeks, she would have appeared calm. “No!” I leaped toward her as she stepped off the chair. ***** Chapter Eleven I carried Ashley’s inert body downstairs and laid her on my bed. I couldn’t stand the thought of her being in the attic any longer. I studied her pale face as I softly combed my fingers through her hair. Tears flowed from my eyes as I watched her show signs of life. She looked up at me as confused as always after a session with Isabelle. My face didn’t conceal the near tragedy I had witnessed. Luckily the fall from the chair wasn’t high enough to inflict instant damage, aside from lack of oxygen. So when Isabelle dropped, the rope was only tight for a matter of seconds before I was under her; lifting her back up. I stood on the chair to loosen the lasso, then carry Ashley to safety. As I watched her rest in my bed, the adrenaline in my body wore off and numbness started to settle in. Thinking about how close I was to losing Ashley made my stomach hurt. “What happened?” When she sat up, her hand went instantly to her throat, her voice was scratchy. After several minutes I was able to talk about what took place. Her eyes focused on me as she listened to my gut wrenching story of her near fatality. She asked to see the attic. I was surprised how calm she seemed when we got upstairs. For a moment, I considered how lucky she was that she basically slept through the whole event. I was the only one who had to live with the memories. “You saved my life.” Tears welled up in her eyes. Being able to see the objects I had described and the part they played in Isabelle’s plan was more than Ashley could handle. I held her as she wept; I cried with her. When we were picking up the wreckage from the armoire that blocked my escape from the restroom, Ashley stopped me. “What’s this?” She removed an envelope that was taped to the inside of the armoire and opened it. It looked like a letter or something. As she read I could see her eyes widen. “It’s the missing pages.” We brought the pages down stairs to my room and Ashley tried to read them aloud but her throat was still sore. She asked me to read them for both of us. A few minutes into reading, I started getting a new opinion of Isabelle. And I started to realize that I had been wrong about her the whole time. She wrote openly about her relationship with Du Bois. She was nervous of him at first but he gave her gifts and told her he had feelings for her. He convinced her to



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keep their relationship secret because if people found out about them, society would frown on him and he could lose his business. If he lost his business, then Isabelle would be out of a job. With Isabelle keeping quiet, he had his cake and ate it too. It took some convincing to get her to sleep with him the first time, but when she did she thought Du Bois loved her. Ms. Du Bois started treating her a little different so Isabelle was afraid she knew about the affair. Isabelle avoided Du Bois during the day, which made her crave his company by evening. He promised Isabelle they would move away together when he saved enough money. She even mentioned how sorry she felt for Ms. Du Bois and didn’t want her to get hurt. Eventually Isabelle started suspecting Du Bois was lying about his intentions. He was getting more and more aggressive during their sexual encounters. Sometimes he would ask her to perform oral sex then he’d leave. A couple times, after drinking a good bit, he forced her on the bed face down and took her roughly; both vaginal and anal. But even after all this, she defended him and still hoped they would run away together. Ashley’s eyes were fixed on me as I breezed through the pages. Neither of us expected what I read next. “She was pregnant?” Ashley actually looked hurt for her. “Yeah, wow that sucks.” I was actually feeling sorry for Isabelle too. She was totally different than the way I judged her. “And she expected Du Bois to take her away with him.” “What else does she say.” Ashley inquired. “This is her last entry;” I am fool. I tell Mr. Du Bois I am with child today, I could not keep secret no more. He is very angry with me and say I sleep with other men. He say I can not have baby in his house. His words hurt me very much. I love him with all my heart and want to leave with him. I think he is not going to leave his wife. Now I stuck here. A new family not hire me with child. I pray Mr. Du Bois forgives me. I tell Ms. Du Bois I sleep with other men so she not know about me and Du Bois’ love. My child has no father, just me. “Poor thing.” Ashley looked heartbroken. “She had no one.” “But I don’t get it, she said her child has no father, just her. That doesn’t sound like she wanted to kill herself she was planning to raise the child.” I was confused. “But she told you she wanted to kill herself; and she almost did it.” Ashley reminded me. “Yeah, but what if she only did it because of me? What if I drove her to that point because I didn’t treat her right? I want to check the library archives and see if they have anything on her death.” The attorney in me was coming out. Something about the way Isabelle wrote in her journal made me believe she didn’t commit suicide. She



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shared her deepest secrets in her diary, yet she never mentioned thoughts of killing herself. Something was wrong. “Okay, we should go in the morning.” Ashley agreed. “I think I need to rest, I’m feeling really tired.” But she didn’t move to go to her room. She just sat there looking at the floor. “Do you think you could stay with me for a while?” “Sure. Would you like to just stay in here?” I was ready to stand guard all night if I had to. “Okay, let me just get changed.” She went to her room long enough to retrieve a change of clothes. She used my restroom to shower and get ready for bed. She even waited for me to shower, she was too afraid to fall asleep without me. I turned all the lights out and sat on a chair next to the bed. “What are you doing?” She asked in a confused tone. “What do you mean? I’m staying with you like you wanted?” “I didn’t mean you had to sit up all night. Do you want to come to bed?” I wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Although I knew she was only implying that we could share the bed, I couldn’t help but think about how good it would feel to lay next to her. “Um, what do you want me to do?” “Come to bed.” She requested. I slid in the bed facing her. I could barely make out her facial feature from the outside lights. We faced each other not saying a word. She finally spoke. “I’m afraid to go to sleep.” “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay awake and keep watch?” I asked. She didn’t respond immediately. I guess she was thinking about what she wanted me to do. “Will you hold me?” She seemed shy and vulnerable. My mind was unable to give a verbal response to her request. Part of me wanted to protect her like a brother would his sister. But the other part of me knew I wouldn’t be able to control the lustful images that were already seeping into my thoughts. I responded by moving closer to her. As I closed the gap between us, she turned to face the opposite direction and grabbed my arm pulling me tight to her body. She fit perfectly in the contours of my figure. Her warmth spread over me as I rested my head on our pillow. “Thank you.” Was all she said. In a matter of seconds my thoughts became uncontrollable. I knew my job was to be her protector, but my body wanted more. I felt myself getting aroused.



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Embarrassment set in and I waged a war in my mind trying to think of anything that would get my mind off the inappropriate images. I was losing the battle and I completely surrendered when I felt her push back against me slightly to confirm what was happening. I just buried my face against the back of her neck and whispered my apologies. “I’m so sorry.” I was humiliated. “Its okay.” She sounded apologetic herself. “We’re human.” I noted her choice of words. Even now she was trying her best to save me from embarrassment. I really didn’t deserve her. I watched her for hours as she slept. I was determined to keep her safe from Isabelle. But truth be told, part of me wanted to stay awake just so I could remember how good it felt to hold her. She really is beautiful. The next morning, Ashley and I went to the library and searched archives. We took up the only two microfilm projectors they had. But from the looks of it, there wasn’ much of a demand to use the old equipment anyway, so no one seemed to care. We searched several hours for articles using the name Du Bois. We didn’t know Isabelle last name, but figured if anything was reported about her death, the Du Bois’ would be listed as her employers. The search revealed Du Bois was the owner of a clothing store across the river in Gramercy. We saw several of his sales ads, but nothing else of interest. I was almost ready to give up when Ashley exclaimed. “I think I found it!” She was reading intently. “A woman’s body was found in the river and was positively identified as an employee of Mr. and Ms. Frances Du Bois. Preliminary investigation reveals possible suicide.” Ashley looked at me disturbed. “What the hell, they didn’t even give her name.” Ashley was irritated. “How disrespectful.” “That is strange don’t you think.” I added. “No, I think that’s high class assholes not giving a shit about the servants.” Ashley was put out. “No, I mean, why would she drowned herself. She apparently knows how to kill herself without having to go all the way to the river.” I was really just thinking out loud, but her death still didn’t make sense to me. “If it was a suicide of passion, I just couldn’t see her going all the way to the river.” Ashley looked at me like she was thinking about what I said. “When she tried it at home she was upset, it was like she was in the moment and was just reacting. If she had to walk all the way to the river, chances are she’d lose interest before getting there. Don’t ya think?” “Well, what you want to do, I don’t think we going to get any more information from here.” She was probably right. “Lets go see Gale.” As much as I hated it, she was the only person I could think of who might could provide answers.



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***** Chapter Twelve “Hello Mr. and Ms. Walker, Gale said to make yourselves at home, she will be here shortly.” The lobby attendant informed us. “Let me guess, she knew we were coming?” I said. She flashed me a look that let me know she didn’t much appreciate my sarcasm. I decided I liked the assistant about as much as I liked Gale, which wasn’t very much. But truth was, we needed help, and Gale had been right on target from the beginning. For a moment I wondered if we had never visited Gale would any of this had ever happened. Did she actually awaken Ashley’s ‘abilities’ by telling her she was capable of hosting. Maybe if Ashley had never known about hosting she would have never opened up to it. As I was lost in my thoughts Gale walked up. She brought me out of my trance with an answer to what I was dwelling on. “She would have hosted regardless of whether or not I got involved.” She was staring at me. Ashley looked at me confused. ‘I hate her.’ I thought to myself. Gale just winked and turned toward her office motioning for us to follow. I wondered if she heard that last thought too. “So, a lot has happened since I last saw you two huh?” I’m sure my face turned beet red. If I was ever guilty of a crime, my face alone would give me away. I prayed she didn’t know. “Actually, we’re not here for help with Isabelle.” I started. “Well, we are in a sense, but not with the hosting part. We want to know why she died.” “I thought you said she killed herself?” Gale asked. “I did, but now I’m not so sure.” I looked at Ashley just to confirm her agreement. “We found an article about a servant who was found dead in the river who worked for Du Bois. We have no other leads, is there a way to know what really happened? How she really died?” Gale’s hand picked at her lips as she pondered my question. “Well, I suppose if I could talk to Isabelle, maybe I can do a reading on her. Maybe I can see something. “Okay. When do you want to drop by?” I was anxious to get started. “I guess we should make it this evening. Let me clear my schedule. I’ll call you in a few hours.” Gale stood indicating the reading was already over. We took the hint and made our way out. Gale’s call came after 7 p.m. I gave her directions and told her this was about the time of day Isabelle liked to come out and play. She didn’t find my sarcasm funny either. Psychics really lack a sense of humor. When she arrived we sat and got our plan together. Ashley was going to take a nap upstairs while Gale and I waited downstairs within ear shy of her movements. I was nervous and wanting to back out.



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I didn’t want to put Ashley at risk. She could tell I was panicking. She put both hands on my face and looked me directly in the eye. “I’m not worried, I know you will protect me”, then she kissed me directly on the mouth and hugged me tight.” I looked at Gale nervously, wondering if Ashley and I were being too intimate. If Gale only knew what I had done. Or did she? Maybe she was okay with me being with Ashley and just didn’t want to embarrass us. She didn’t have to say it, I was embarrassed anyway. Ashley looked at me with worried eyes as she went up to the attic. I put my chair in the opening of the doorway ready to dart up the stairs when necessary. “What will we say to her if she shows up?” I asked Gale. “The truth. I’m here to give her a reading.” I didn’t speak to Gale again. I was intent on listening for any movement upstairs. My watch ticked away about forty-two minutes before I heard foot steps. I ran upstairs immediately. I got there so fast Isabelle was still in the process of changing her clothes. I was so worried about getting to Ashley I forgot about the changing part. Gale was right behind me. I wasn’t sure if I should turn away or not, but at least Ashley -or Isabelle I mean – never turned around to face us while dressing. “Hello.” I said as Isabelle tied her dress. She turned and looked at me like she knew I was there. “Hello.” She did a double take when she noticed Gale. “Who is this?” “This is Gale. She is a… Um…” I didn’t know if Isabelle would understand what a psychic does. I wasn’t sure how to describe it. Gale came to my rescue. “Hello honey.” Gale put on a motherly charm when she talked to Isabelle. “I was just wondering if you would like to have a reading about your future. It’s really fun. Even the old scrooge here has done it, he said he thought you might like to try it.” Isabelle looked at me to confirm what Gale was saying. I nodded my head letting her know it was okay. “Okay, I will.” Isabelle said. I think she was just being polite. Gale set up a table and asked Isabelle to join her. They went through the cards and Gale mostly talked about things that made Isabelle happy. Like a mysterious love she had in her life – meaning with Du Bois. Gale told Isabelle that everything was going to be ‘just fine’. Isabelle seemed amused and pleased with her reading. She thanked Gale after it was over and even thanked me for bringing her. Gale acted like she was leaving and went downstairs. I told Isabelle I’d like to stay with her and asked if she wanted to take a nap. She seemed cold towards me. I wasn’t sure if she remembered the suicide attempt and I wasn’t about to bring it up. I asked her if I could hold her and she looked reluctant to get in the bed with me, but did. I liked holding her and watching her rest. I waited until my sister came back to



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me. I’m not sure why I did it, but when she turned over and said hey I leaned in and kissed her. I realized what I was doing after I was already committed. I told her I was just glad to see her again. She smiled and rolled over to get out of bed. Gale was waiting in the living room. “I think she was murdered.” She wasted no time getting to the point. “You know I can’t see faces, only images. Sometimes I recognize the images once I’ve deciphered them, but for the most part, it’s just shapes and colors. But I definitely saw she was in danger.” “Do you think Mr. Du Bois’ did it.” I asked. “No. I think it was a woman. Which makes sense because for Isabelle to want to stay behind and wait for Du Bois, she would have to still believe in him. If she felt betrayed by him, she would have wanted to leave the mansion. And her death would have freed her. She wants to be here.” “Then could it have been Ms. Du Bois?” Ashley read my thoughts. “Its possible. But like I said, I only see shapes and colors when I’m reading.” “But if she still trusts Du Bois, why did she try to kill herself?” Ashley inquired. “Spirits tend to choose death when their purpose is not being fulfilled. It’s like being stuck in a revolving situation one can’t win. Even spirits can be driven to insanity. They think killing themselves is the way out. But they don’t know only the host dies. Gale looked right at me when she said the last part. My stomach knotted. “She loved him very much.” Gale added as she stood to leave. Before she got in her car she turned back to us, “She will be back soon. It’s very important you figure out what she wants, time is getting short.” We watched her drive away. Ashley showered and changed in my restroom again and waited for me to finish before we got in bed. I was looking forward to holding her again. My brotherly instincts starting kicking in as I laid facing her. ‘Why can’t I control my thoughts? What I did was wrong and what I’m thinking is wrong. Stop it!’ As I thought about Ashley, she was clearly thinking about Isabelle. “So, what do you think she could possibly want?” She asked. “I’m not sure. When I talk to her she just acts, ‘in the moment’, I can’t get her to talk about much, she just wants to spend time with me.” I was choosing my words carefully. Ashley looked like she was thinking over my statement. “I know this sounds stupid, but I can’t help but wonder about her last journal entry. She sounded completely betrayed. I wonder if that has something to do with why she stayed. Maybe she wants revenge or vindication.” “But how do we give her that?” I inquired. “Let her kill me?” I chuckled and Ashley let out a small laugh.



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“No, maybe you need to give her what she wanted. Take her away from here. Make her think she won and that you two are going to be together – her and Du Bois I mean.” “But how can I do that? I’m not sure what will happen if we leave the attic together. What if you don’t come back and she stays?” I asked and she didn’t have an immediate response. “Maybe you can help her pack and tell her y’all are leaving after a nap.” “I don’t know Ash.” I didn’t want to say the real reason I was apprehensive, but there was no reason to hide the truth any longer. “What if she… you know… wants to.” Ashley looked away. She must have been as embarrassed as I was about the subject. Then she said something I couldn’t believe. “Then give her what she wants.” My heart dropped to my toes. Her eyes darted straight to mine. My breath was caught in my throat. “But only if you want to.” She lowered her eyes again. “But… its you an me.” I was in shock. “We would be… you know… doing it.” She didn’t respond. It felt like hours passed before I could speak again. My mind was racing so fast I couldn’t decide on what exactly I should say. “I can’t do it unless I know you want me to. I can’t feel like I’m taking advantage of you again.” Her eyes met mine. Why stop there? I decided to disclose everything. “I’m afraid I’ll like it more than I should. I’m already having a hard time not thinking about you in ways I shouldn’t.” As soon as the words left my lips I regretted saying them. Here she was, lying in my bed having chosen to trust me again, and what do I do? I told her I think about her sexually. I was half expecting her to run from me but she didn’t move. She stared at her feet as if afraid to make eye contact again. “I’m sorry,” was all I could say. I felt like I was always apologizing. She still didn’t answer. After a few minutes, she looked up and reached for me. “Come here.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me close. She wrapped my arms around her. Her face pressed against my neck. My body did not miss a beat. Warmth spread over me and my manhood began to swell. Right as I felt it press against her she pulled her head away from my neck and looked me in the eyes. “Kiss me.” A minute passed before I registered what she said. I almost asked if she was sure, but truth be told, I didn’t want her to change her mind. I eased my lips to hers and closed my eyes. We kissed gently. I pull away and looked in her eyes. She moved in for another kiss. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. I completely lost control. I tightened my grip around her waist and kissed her with passion and lust. When we separated I could tell she was registering my feelings.



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Everything was new for her, but not me. I had been craving her since our last encounter. It was that moment that I knew I was in love with her. I would give my life to protect her. Isabelle or not, I wanted to be with Ashley. ***** Chapter Thirteen I kissed down her neck and thrust my hips, driving my stiffness into her, she gasped, trying to decipher what was happening. I wanted her so bad I couldn’t wait any longer. I put my hands under her pajamas and worked my way up to her breast. We continued our long lustful kissing. I wrapped a hand around her soft mounds and lightly squeezed while trusting again into her center. She broke our kiss and wrapped her arm around my neck, letting out a loud lustful moan. I pressed again rubbing my cloth covered member directly over her treasure. I needed her badly. “Wait,” she said through her breath. Save it. “She needs to feel this.” Here we are again. A tough moment and my sister is thinking about someone other than herself. She is the saintliest person I’ve ever met. “What do you mean?” I thrust one last time showing my weakness. “She wants love. You have to give it to her.” “But I don’t love her.” I caught myself before I made an admission that would surely be too much for Ashley to handle. I wanted her to know I loved her, but I didn’t think she was ready to hear it. “If you treat her like this, she will never know the difference.” I put our foreheads together and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to part from her but I had to control myself. Ashley was still trying to figure out how to solve Isabelle’s problem; I was struggling with my own. How does one deal with falling for their sibling? And what would happen to us when this was all over? I kissed her one last time before I got out of the bed. “Where are you going?” She was concerned. “I’m going to sleep in front of the door.” I knew I couldn’t control myself any longer. As long as she was next to me, I wanted to devour her and pleasure her in every way imaginable. Ashley didn’t object, I think she knew I was losing control. I spent the longest night of my life on the floor. I listened to Ashley’s breathing as she slept. I agonized over our future. I wondered if I’d ever get to make love to her. I wondered if she’d ever love me back. “Are you awake?” She whispered. “Yeah, how did you sleep?” I sat up and leaned against the door. “Good, thank you for staying with me, I felt safe.” “I’d never let anyone harm you; person or spirit.” She let out a light giggle.



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“Come on let’s eat.” She moved towards me I was sore from laying on the floor all night, but I was happy my mission was accomplished. Ashley was safe and I didn’t give in to my lust for her. I had to get focused and prioritize. Isabelle is priority one. We needed to get rid of her. “So, you think she will go away if she thinks Du Bois truly loves her, and wants to take her away?” “Yes, I think that’s what she wants. I can feel it.” “I just don’t know how I’m going to prove it to her. How can I show her I’m taking her away when we never leave the attic?” “You just have to make her believe it.” I didn’t say anything else. My mind was projecting all the possibilities. I’ve had sex with Isabelle but it wasn’t love making like Ashley wanted me to do. This time I had to make her feel loved. Slow, passionate, methodical; I had to make her fall for Du Bois even more. Guilt came over me because I couldn’t help but feel excited about it. I didn’t care about Isabelle, but I wanted Ashley. Feel, taste and touch, I wanted my sister. The rest of the day pasted as slow as the night. Minutes seemed to take longer and longer to circle the clock. Was tonight the night I was going to see Isabelle. I’m not sure if it was nervous energy or what but Ashley asked me to take her out shopping. We went to Kenner and stopped at a few places. We spent most of our time at the mall. Spending time away from the house was good. It took our minds off Isabelle and our relationship started feeling back to normal. As evening approached we were both getting pretty tired so we went back home. Ashley said she was going to take a bath and soak for a while in the tub. I got out some of my case files and started reviewing them. I’m not sure how much time passed when she came back downstairs. “Don’t laugh”, she said before walking in front of me. I looked up as she made her way to the center of the room. She was wearing one of Isabelle’s gowns, but it wasn’t like any of the others. It was blue silk and cut low over her breast, exposing much of her chest and a lot of cleavage. The hem around her shoulders and chest were outlined with white lace. Her hair was pulled back with a white hair piece. Long white silky gloves covered her arms from the elbow down. She was beautiful. “Wow.” That’s all I could muster. “I thought since Isabelle gets to control what happens, I at least should pick the outfit. This one is my favorite. Do you like it?” She looked nervous. “You are stunning.” I stood up and walked towards her.



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She didn’t move as I approached. I put my hand behind her neck and pulled her into me. I kissed her. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” She lowered her eyes and mumbled a thanks. “I’m going to go wait for her. You know what has to be done.” She started to walk away. “Wait.” I held her hand. Come with me for a minute. I escorted her upstairs to my room. She asked what I was doing. “Wait right here for me.” I jumped in the shower and washed off, I shaved my face and groomed myself. I walked back into the bedroom in only my underwear. For a moment, I considered how comfortable I felt in front of Ashley now. Two weeks ago, I would have never stood in front of her with only underwear on. I retrieved my best suit from the closet and dressed in front of her. “If you don’t get to witness what happens, I at least want you to know I’m at my best for you.” Tears welled up in her eyes and she walked up to me and helped adjust my tie. “That is the nicest thing I’ve ever heard a person say.” She kissed me. I finished dressing and escorted her to the attic door. She looked at me with concern before going upstairs alone. I stood listening intently. I was so nervous and eager I could hardly stand still, but I was afraid if I moved I wouldn’t hear her stir around. Time stood still as I waited. ***** Chapter Fourteen I thought I heard some movement so I decided to ease upstairs. Ashley, or Isabelle, one of them, was sitting at the dressing table applying makeup. “Hi.” I said as I walked up behind her. I stood in the middle of the room. She turned and looked at me as if expecting my arrival. “Hello Frances,” It was the first time she ever used my first name; I mean his first name. “Hello My Dear. You look lovely this evening.” She stood, presented herself, then thanked me. She looked like she was blushing. “Did you get dressed up for me?” I continued. “Yes, I wanted to look pretty for you.” Ashley’s comment kept replaying in my head. ‘Make her believe you love her.’ I moved to Isabelle and took her hands, placing them around my neck. “Would you like to dance?”



A Sister Haunted | Horrorotica: Stories of the Damned!

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We moved around the room silent, then she started humming the familiar song I’d already heard several times. We moved around to her voice, holding each other tight and staring into each others eyes. “What is the song you’re singing?” “Gymnopédies; you like?” “It’s beautiful.” “He is young modern composer. He is famous back home.” We danced around the room until she finished singing. She looked at me with pure love. It was time. I had to fulfill my promise. I rubbed my thumb across her cheek and looked her in the eyes. “You do know I love you immensely; don’t you?” She smiled. “You do know I’m going to take you away from this place; don’t you?” Her eyes teared up. “It’s going to be you and me forever; I promise.” I didn’t feel guilty for saying it, I was looking into Ashley’s eyes and telling her what I felt. I didn’t care that Isabelle was the one listening. I took her by the hand and led her to the bed. Our eyes never strayed from each other. We stood facing each other. I removed my jacket and loosened my tie. Her gown was tied in the back so I reach around her and started loosening the laces. Her breathing picked up a little. She rested her hands on top of my arms as I worked on the gown. I didn’t break my gaze. After the laces were loosened, I slowly pulled the gown over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing silk panties and bra to match. That was when I realized the purpose of our shopping trip. Ashley bought these because she wanted to be at her best for me too. Isabelle crossed her hands in front of her lower regions as if she was shy. I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall to the floor. Then I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them off my legs. We stood before each other in only our underwear. Our gaze still unbroken. I put her hands around my neck. I leaned in and kissed her. Soft, quiet, smooth; our lips brushed against each other with delicacy. I eased her onto the bed and helped her turn to lay on the pillows. I crawled on top and kissed her again. After we released I moved to her neck and kissed my way from one side to the other. I looked her in the eyes again, then moved down the center of her chest, kissing my way to her navel. She was breathing heavy. Then I worked my way back up. When I reached her breast I slid my hands beneath her and unfastened her bra, then pulled it off her arms. I took a moment to soak in her perfect shape, then I sucked her nipple into my mouth and squeezed it slightly. She gasped at the sensation. I worked my way around each nipple with my tongue before I continued down to her navel. I gripped her panties and started easing them off her bottom. She lifted just enough to make my task easy. I glared at her soft beautiful puss. It looked so tasty.



A Sister Haunted | Horrorotica: Stories of the Damned!

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I resumed my kissing just below her navel and slowly, torturously, moved across her shaved pubes and around her labia. Her breathing was rapid now and I knew she was soaking wet. I paused for a brief moment, then slid my tongue across her clitoris. She sighed with lust, her whole body convulsed. I waited a couple seconds then licked her again. She grabbed my hair and tried to force my mouth to her wetness. I knew she wanted more, but I wanted to taste her as much as I could. I slid my tongue up and down her puss drinking in her flavor. Her hips thrust upward involuntarily. After tasting her for several minutes I decided to give her some relief. I started massaging her clit continuously with my tongue. She was bucking uncontrollably at the stimulus. I pulled my mouth away just long enough to wet my index finger. I slowly worked it inside of her. Her moans were getting much louder. I curled my finger upward and massaged the walls of her vagina while continuing my assault on her pearl. She let out a constant stream of sounds and clenched her legs together. She was convulsing repeatedly each time I licked her clit. A flood of juices hit my tongue and I tried my best to drink it all in. She taste so good. After she relaxed her scissor lock I crawled my way back up to her. She pulled me to her mouth and kissed me hard. Between breaths she told me how good it felt. We kissed for a few minutes then I looked her in the eyes and told her I was going to make love to her. She pushed me back a little with her legs, then lifted them high enough to catch my underwear with her toes, she pushed them as low as she could, I finished the job. I got back on top and kissed her. I thrust my pelvis letting my shaft rub the outside of her pussy. She met my movements with her own. She pleaded for me to enter her. I didn’t need to be asked twice. I aligned my penis with her cunny and slowly pushed. She was so wet I didn’t have any resistence. Her warmth enveloped my shaft. I buried my face in her neck. “My God you feel so good.” “You feel good too.” Her face was starting to sweat a little. The accent reminded me that I was making love to Isabelle and not my beloved Ashley. I withdrew to the head then buried my cock as deep inside her as I could. I looked at her face wanting to see who I was making love to. I wanted to imagine that it was Ashley enjoying what I was doing. Our rhythm quickened and she pulled me deep inside her making sure my pelvis never left her clit, she grinded against me ferociously then started cumming again. She pressed her mouth to my shoulder and even bit me a little as she screamed. She pushed my face away enough to look me in the eye. “You make me feel so good. I love you so much.” “I love you too. Very much.” I remembered the role I was supposed to be playing. want you to go away with me. Will you?”



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“Yes.” She kept her gaze as I slowly teased her cunny with my hard shaft. “Will you show me you love me?” “How?” I thought I was already doing it. “Give me child.” Her statement caught me completely off guard. But I can’t back out now, not after going this far. If I retreat now I may never get this chance again. I didn’t want to act like I was thinking about what to do so I lowered myself and kissed her again. I thrust hard into her over and over. Each impact making her moan in my mouth. I was starting to lose my focus because I was uncertain if I should proceed with what she’s asking. That’s when I felt it, I was about to cum. I can’t fail her. I can’t fail Ashley. **** Chapter Fifteen I lowered myself completely on top of her and held her tight. I could feel my climax approaching. “Oh, God. I’m cumming inside you. Oh God.” And with that, I filled her with my siemen. I froze inside her as rope after rope of cum sprayed from my shaft. Instantly, I started worrying if I made the right decision. Neither of us moved. “Clay?” My head swung up to look at her. “Clay, its me.” “Ashley? How long, I mean, how did, I mean…” “Shhhh.” She put a finger over my lips. “Don’t say anything.” She pulled me into her lips. I started moving my hips again slowly in and out of her. She moaned into my mouth. My cock never lost his hardness, but when Ashley showed up, I think it got even harder. I pushed in and out of her as deep as I could. I couldn’t believe it, I was making love to my sister. My sweet, beautiful, dark-haired goddess. When our lips parted she sighed out loud. “You feel so good.” She managed just before she locked her legs around me and came. She squeezed my arms tight and I’m sure left claw marks. “I love you Ashley, so much.” I was looking her in the eye. “I love you too.” She said, then I released my second load deep inside her. We held each other the rest of the evening. We didn’t even bother leaving the attic, we just slept in Isabelle’s bed. The next morning I woke up alone. I put my underwear on and went to find Ashley; I prayed she wasn’t regretting what happened. When I got to the kitchen, there she was, cleaning up dishes wearing only an apron. Her bottom was so cute. I slid my underwear off, walked up behind her and whispered in her ear. “Good morning beautiful.” “Good morning sexy,” She pressed back against me.



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I nibbled on her earlobe a little before I turned her around to face me. I kissed her eagerly. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to the table and sat her down. As our tongues danced around I entered her. She let out a long soft moan. I started moving in and out of her as deep as I could. She broke our kiss. “Oh God yes.” She squeezed me around the neck and lifted herself into my pumping cock. I held her tight against me as she came. She froze and let out a continuous moan. I could feel my cum building. I exploded inside her. My body convulsed as I ejaculated my entire load. We kissed again. “I’m in love with you.” I said as if confessing a dark secret. “I want to be with you.” She responded by kissing me. EPILOGUE The airport traffic was busy as always, The poor guy in the police car was fighting the crowds as usual; forcing us to pull away if our passenger hadn’t made it out of the terminal. My stomach was a little knotted. Its been weeks since I’ve seen her. After we figured out that Isabelle was gone for good Ashley decided to go back home for a while. She said she needed to take care of a few things. When she called and asked me to pick her up at the airport I was excited, yet nervous, to see her. When she came out of the terminal I rushed her in the car and told her we’d catchup on the drive home. She didn’t say much on the drive. I think she could tell I was a little worried. I kept asking if she was okay and how she was doing. She just said she was good. She held my hand as we drove. I started getting paranoid and was struggling with the silence. “Have you talked to Gale lately?” I needed something to say. “A couple times while I was in Sac.” “How’s she doing?” “Good.” and it ended at that. When we got home I helped with her bags. I left them downstairs because I wasn’t sure which room to put them in. When she came in she dropped the bags she was carrying right next to the others. She walked directly towards me and wrapped her arms around me. We kissed. Passion took over us and we made love on the couch. Afterward she just layed on top of me for a while. Then she looked up to tell me something. “I missed you so much.” “I missed you too, I love you.” I was relieved she was still feeling the same way I was. “I have something to tell you.” Her face was just inches from mine. I waiting to see what she had to say. “We’re having a baby.”



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Warmth spread over me. I was so excited by the news tears welled up in my eyes. I hugged her tight then kissed her passionately. “Then there is something I need to ask you.” I said, she looked at me curiously. “Will you marry me?” She answered with a long deep kiss. I carried her upstairs and made love to her again. My baby deserved to be comfortable while I pleasured her. When we were just lying there holding each other I thought about our future together. “How are we going to tell Mom and Dad?” I wondered what their reaction was going to be. “She will find out soon enough.” She said and I looked at her inquisitively. “I left my diary back home.” THE END

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