A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English
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Lesson Plan in English III...
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English I for 7th Graders
Charmaine B. Bramida Lacaba Student Instructor
Mrs. Ruth Rusminda O. Strategies in Teaching Language
A. Objectives After revisiting the ast! the st"dents m"st be able to#
1. Use pictures pictures and context context clues clues to get get meanings meanings o !ords !ords and phrases ". #etermine #etermine ho! pitch$ pitch$ phrasing$ phrasing$ and pacing a%ect understandi understanding ng o a message &. Obser'e the right pitch$ pitch$ phrasing$ phrasing$ and pacing !hen !hen reading reading texts texts or passages aloud participating in con'ersations (. Use appropriate appropriate idiomatic idiomatic expressions expressions in a 'ariet) o o basic interpersonal communicati'e situations *. To organi+e organi+e ideas in the m)ths m)ths using comparison,contra comparison,contrast st chart -. ormul ormulate ate correc correctt simple sentenc sentences es /. Recogni+e Recogni+e the 'arious 'arious sections o the the librar) librar) 0. Use materials materials in the di%eren di%erentt sections sections o the the librar) librar) . 2rite 2rite a 3'e,to,se'en 3'e,to,se'en sentence sentence paragraph paragraph about about the inormation inormation gathered $. Assessment Plan %. Pre-assessment Word of Mouth and Memory Lane &. Post-assessment Library Visit and The Living Past '. (eso"rces )aterials a. Copies o listening and reading texts b. 4ictures c. Table5chart E*"iment a. Laptop5computer b. LC# pro6ector So"rces#
http755!!!.seasite.niu.edu5Tagalog5Tagalog8or89ids54icture8Stories54ala)54ala)1.htm http755!!!.scribd.com5doc5"1"(:/&-5Bohol,ol;lore,Maria,Casenas, 4a6o
D. Activities %. Introd"ction + DA, % Word of Mouth: Unloc;ing s; students to gi'e the meanings o !ords through pictures and context clues.
?Class$ are )ou amiliar !ith these !ords@A ?2hat do )ou do !hen )ou encounter !ords that are unamiliar to )ou@A ?>side rom consulting the dictionar)$ !e can also learn the meaning o a !ord through pictures and context clues.A •
Sho! picture ?2hat can )ou sa) about the picture@ 2hat do )ou thin; does the !ord drought mean b) loo;ing at the picture@A Sho! sentence ?> sentence can also ha'e an opposite meaning or anton)m to sho! contrast !ith the unamiliar !ord. In this sentence$ !hat do )ou thin; does scarce mean@ Sho! sentence ?Dou can also get clues o !hat the !ord means based on the actions perormed. In this sentence$ !hat action gi'es a clue or the !ord exhaustion@ 2hat do )ou thin; does exhaustion mean@A Sho! sentence ?Examples can also unloc; the meaning o a !ord. In this sentence$ gi'en the example$ !hat does the !ord vigorous mean@ Sho! sentence ?>n unamiliar !ord can also be unloc;ed through the repetition o a amiliar !ord or a s)non)m. In this sentence$ !hat could be the s)non)m o the !ord tranquil @ 2hat then do )ou thin; is the meaning o the !ord@ Memory Lane: >cti'ating 4rior 9no!ledge (5 minutes)
a. >s; students about their ;no!ledge regarding rice. ?Class$ !hat do )ou ;no! about rice@ #o )ou eat rice@ 2hat ;inds o rice do )ou eat@A b. Fa'e them listen to the text ?The Origin RiceA Bohol 'ersion that )ou are to read. ?>re )ou ond o legends and m)ths@A
?Toda)$ I am going to read to )ou a stor) about the origin o rice.A c. Encourage them to ocus on the e'ents o the stor) and obser'e correct pitch$ phrasing$ and pacing. ?Listen careull) and ta;e note o ho! I tell the stor).A See our Te!t: Listening "#tivity $ The %rigin of &i#e (Taga'og Version)
he# *t +, (15 minutes)
a. 4rocess !hat the students ha'e listened to b) discussing the ollo!ing7 i. E'ents ii. 4roblem5conGict iii. Resolution5Outcome a. >s; students comprehension Huestions regarding the text. i. 2hat !as the condition o the !orld during that time@ ii. 2h) did Banag and #anas decide to separate rom their tribe@ iii. Fo! did #anas 3nd the rice@ Mean What ou Say: Oral 4ractice (15 minutes) a. #ra! out rom the students the importance o pitch$ phrasing$ and pacing in deli'ering a message. ?It is important that !e are a!are o ho! !e tal; so that the person !e are tal;ing to !ill understand !hat !e are tr)ing to sa). or instance$ the loudness or sotness o our 'oice !ill a%ect the meaning o !hat !e are tr)ing to sa). I )ou are angr)$ )our pitch should pro6ect )our anger or i )ou are emphasi+ing a !ord or an idea. o! i )ou are tr)ing to comort someone$ o course )our pitch should be sot. ?o! the !a) !e also group the !ords !e sa) a%ect the meaning o our message. It is important that !e pause at the right places. o! !hen do !e pause in a sentence@ RightJ 2e pause !hen there is a comma. o! class$ I ha'e here a paragraph rom the selection I ha'e 6ust read$ no! I !ould li;e )ou to read the paragraph. It sounds monotonous isnKt it@ o! read the paragraph again and pause at the right moments. 4ause or short !hile !hen there is onl) one bar !hile pause a little longer !hen there are t!o bars. s; students to !or; !ith a group !ith six members and do the tas;. d. #iscuss the lines b) identi)ing the emotions elt b) the characters and b) describing the conditions o things in the stor). e. >ssign members !ho !ill each paragraph and let them present a choral reading in ront o the class. . Suggested Criteria or E'aluation7 Clarit) o s; students to use the gi'en idiomatic expressions in meaningul sentences. ?2ho can gi'e me a sentence using one o these idiomatic expressions@
c. Expand their ;no!ledge o idiomatic expressions b) as;ing them to do the research tas; and the 4ictionar) as home!or;. d. Explain !hat a 4ictionar) is$ its purpose$ and its parts. ?> 4ictionar) is the literal representation o the idiomatic expression.A Sho! example e. Encourage them to be creati'e. . Suggested Criteria or E'aluation7 Clarit) meaning o idiomatic expressions * points #epth use o the expressions in sentences 1: points Correctness grammar structure and mechanics o !riting * points Creati'it) pictures and la)out 1: points otal 0/ oints • • •
Maing it Sim,'e: rammar Lesson (15 minutes) + DA, 0 a. >s; students to read aloud the gi'en sentences. ?O;a) class$ I ha'e here some sentences ta;en rom the selections )ou ha'e read last meeting. O;a)$ e'er)one read the sentences properl) in unison. Fe loo;ed up to see the hea'ens dar;en !ith rain. •
#anas noticed the head o the grains o the grasses. Lalahon thought that !ould be impossible to 3nd. Mut)a thought about him e'er) da). ish perished in the dried stream. b. Re'ie! the basic parts o a sentence. ?>n)one !ho can tell me the basic parts o a sentence@ Right$ the sub6ect and the predicate. c. Fa'e them identi) the sub6ect and the predicate. ?Can an)one identi) the sub6ect on the 3rst sentence@ ter !riting )our ideas$ share !ith )our group mates )our ideas. Ma;e sure that )ou are using the right pitch$ phrasing$ and pacing !hen )ou tal;.A
3. S4nthesis + DA, 1 Library Visit: Librar) 2or; (30 minutes) a. Coordinate !ith the librarian to conduct a librar) orientation ocusing on the di%erent sections o the librar)
b. 1. Circulation Section this section contains the general c. collection o boo;s$ 3ction$ and non,3ction$ !hich the students can borro! or home use. d. e. ". Reser'e Section 9ept in this section are boo;s that ma)be reHuested b) some teachers to be made a'ailable or
their students but or a shorter period o time$ because o the limited number o copies per boo;. . g. &. Reerence Section Boo;s containing speci3c acts and inormation about an)thing in this !orld are ;ept in this section enc)clopedia$ dictionar)$ atlas$ almanac$ bibliograph)$ directories. h. i. (. 4eriodical5Serials Section this is !here one can see maga+ines$ ne!spapers$ and 6ournals. 6. ;. *. >udio,'isual Room this is !here a 'ariet) o machines or listening or 'ie!ing ma) be ;ept. l. m. -. Materials Center 2hen a student !ants to do his class pro6ects and some special acti'ities not needing boo;s$ he can got to this area. n. /. Multi,media Center this other optional part o the librar) o. houses electronics$ such as computers and other modern machines.
H. roup the students and ha'e them !or; on the tas;s. r. #irect them to the librarian i the) ha'e Huestions regarding the materials ound in their assigned sections. s. roup 1 eneral Reerence Section t. a. Using the atlas$ locate at least se'en rice, producing countries. u. b. ind out !hat is common among these countries. '. c. Ma;e a 'isual presentation o )our ans!ers. !. roup " ilipiniana Section x. a. Research on popular dishes in the 4hilippines. ). b. 2rite the names o these dishes and the pro'inces and regions the) are rom +. c. ind out !hat ma;es these dishes popular. aa. d. Ma;e a poster promoting these dishes. ab. roup & Serials54eriodical Section ac. a. o through ne!spapers and the maga+ines and loo; or exotic dishes. ad. b. #etermine i these dishes !ill be appealing to ilipinosK taste buds. ae. c. Create a menu eaturing these exotic dishes. a. Monitor the groups as the) !or;. ag. Suggested Criteria or E'aluation7 ah. roup 17 Correctness o inormation * points ai. >ppropriateness o 'isual organi+er * points a6. roup "7 cti'it) (0 minutes) as. a. Using the same groupings or the librar) !or;$ ha'e them share their researches and !hat these sa) about our 'alues as a people and the richness o ilipino culture.
>ter doing the research acti'ities$ !hat ha'e )ou learned about our 'alues as a people and the richness o ilipino culture@ b. Indi'iduall)$ as; them to !rite a 3'e,to,se'en sentence paragraph about the discussion. 2rite )our ans!ers in a !ell,!ritten 3'e,to,se'en sentence paragraph. Express )our ideas in simple sentences. i'e )our paragraph a title. c. Remind the students regarding the basic parts o a paragraph and the mechanics o !ritings such as indention$ capitali+ation$ punctuation$ etc. d. Suggested Criteria or E'aluation7 Content complexit) and originalit) o ideas 1: points Organi+ation logical seHuence o ideas * points Language correct use o simple sentences and 'ocabular) 1: points Mechanics indention$ capitali+ation$ and punctuation * points •
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