A Questionnaire For Teachers

December 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1). ). Grammar knowledge knowledge is the most important important to the success of learning English .


2). It is impossible to use English without mastering grammar rules .


3). The teaching of grammar is necessary to help students to do well .



4). The teacher needs to explain grammar rules carefully to help students learn grammar well .


5). Teacher should explain grammar rules in English .


6). In teaching grammar , the teacher should provide examples to illustrate the target grammar point , then let the students work out the rule rather than explain the rule unless the students fail to work out the rule .

7). Teacher should give students as many grammar



exercises as possible in the classroom . 8). Teachers should make students practice using english through communicative tasks without teaching grammatical structures .

9). Teacher should pay attention to help students to speak and write English correctly .



10). If the teacher doesn’t correct students’ oral errors  immediately they will be in the habit of using English ungrammatically .





Participant Profile Teachers Name: Nicole  Age : 27  Year of university graduation graduation : 2009 Teaching experience (No. of years) : 2 years Participation in formal formal teacher development workshops workshops (If yes then elaborate) elaborate)

1. How important do you believe grammar is in learning English as a foreign language? Is it possible not to teach grammar? Why do you think that way? Where does such beliefs come from?  Adequately important. It is impossible not to teach grammar. English might be the third language learned by an individual and s/he might not be able to master English if s/he did not learn grammar. Personal experiences and observations.

2. How important do you believe the explanation of grammar rules is to your students? Why do you think that way? How do you explain rules to your students in your teaching?  Adequately important. Without learning the grammar, students may have difficulty to comprehend a passage or express themselves in writing. Normally I will show them a few example of sentences together with pictures. So that they can easily understand the grammar.

3. Describe as specifically as possible the way you teach grammar to your students? Why do you teach that way? Where does your idea of grammar teaching come from? Give examples of your activities/ steps in a grammar lesson? Normally I will introduce the topic first then tell them the form and function before explaining the rules. The idea came from me. If the topic is to teach present tense, I will first give them a few common habitual activities/facts and ask them to form some sentences from it. I will randomly pick a few students and they have to tell me their sentences. I will write down their sentences on the board. After writing down six or more sentences, I will underline the verbs. Then I will explain the form and function of present tenses. After that, I will explain the rules of present tense to the students.


4. In your teaching how do you correct your students’  grammatical errors? Do you correct oral errors and written errors in the same way or differently? Why do you correct errors that way? During the lesson when they are communicating with me, if there is oral errors I will point it out and correct it on the spot. I do correct the oral and written errors in the same way. I correct them in that way s that they can learn the correct grammar.


Note: Kindly fill the questionnaire and the narratives and forw forward ard me back till the 24 of October. Thanks for your cooperation. ShafaqFayyaz [email protected]

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