A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project.docx

July 29, 2018 | Author: Paul Henley Ayuma | Category: Affordable Housing, Slum, Public Housing, Economic Growth, Urbanization
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A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

Paul Henley A. Ayuma College of Architecture and Fine Arts Manuel S. Energa !niersity Foundation Foundation

"ntroduction 1|Page


A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

Housing is one of those basic social conditions that determine the quality of life and welfare of people and places !here homes are located" how well designed and built" and how well they are wea#ed into the en#ironmental" social" cultural and economic fabric of communities are factors that" in a #ery real way" in$uence the daily li#es of people" their health" security and wellbeing" and which" gi#en the long life of dwellings as physical structures" a%ect both the present and future generations Housing is therefore central to sustainable de#elopment &apid urbani'ation places remar(able strain on housing and ser#iced land )y 2*+*" about + billion people" or about ,* per cent of the world-s population" will need proper housing and access to basic infrastructure and ser#ices such as water and sanitation systems .his translates into the need to complete /0"1* housing units per day with ser#iced and documented land from now till 2*+* nfortunately" especially in the de#eloping world" supply is often limited by inadequate go#ernance systems and human resource de3ciencies" as well as by institutions and regulations which are either obsolete or lac(ing in capacity" or are poorly informed 4o far" the failure of urban planning and the construction sector in matching demand for homes has resulted in a huge housing bac(log that has led to the de#elopment of slums in a #ariety of conte5ts globally 6ue to constraints in formal housing and land deli#ery systems" more and more people who would otherwise qualify for housing programs are resorting to slum settlements 7n 1/* the urban population in Asia was 22/ million" roughly comparable to all other regions !ithin the space of si5ty years" howe#er" the population had grown se#en8fold to o#er 19 billion in 2*1* Asian cities ha#e consistently been hubs of growth and e5pansion )etween 1/* and 2*** eight out of the world-s ten fastest growing cities were in Asia: .o(yo" ;umbai" 6ehli" 6ha(a" #er half of the world-s urban population currently li#es in Asian cities



A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

 .hese urbani'ation trends are set to continue in the coming decades )etween 2*1* and 2** the urban population in Asia is predicted to nearly double to reach +, billion .he rate and scale of urban growth in Asia is distinct to all other regions and such e5tensi#e change will continue to place pressure on the a%ordability of land and housing in the region  .he continued growth and e5pansion of cities has placed enormous strain on land and housing supply .he presence and e5pansion of urban slums and informal settlements is a physical manifestation of poorly functioning housing sectors" which do not pro#ide a range of a%ordable housing alternati#es" especially for low8 and middle8income households !hile Asia has e5perienced strong economic growth o#er the last three decades" the bene3ts of this growth ha#e not been shared equally ?conomic growth has increased the cost of (ey inputs to housing" particularly land and construction materials" which has made formal" mar(et8produced housing prohibiti#ely e5pensi#e for a #ast proportion of the population in Asia As in other Asian countries" housing situation in the Philippines is characteri'ed by the emergence of continuing demand for a%ordable housing units in response of the increasing population and household si'e" both in urban and rural areas A%ordability poses a challenge due to such factors as low income le#els" inadequate supply of desired units and limited accessibility to housing 3nance pac(ages Housing need for the period of  2**982*10 is estimated at 9"2",*/ units" which is admittedly huge and far greater than what the go#ernment can respond to by itself .his total consist of +/ million units comprising of future housing needs resulting from population growth@ plus some 1+ million in housing bac(log" consisting of  housing needs for the homeless eg li#ing in ca#es" under the bridge" in agriculturalBindustrialB





and streets

dilapidated or condemned housing units



A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

#ac$ground of Study  .he study focuses on rban 6e#elopment of Lucena City which focuses on low costBa%ordable housing project Low costBa%ordable housing is broadly de3ned as that which is adequate in quality and location and does not cost so much that it prohibits its occupants meeting other basic li#ing costs or threatens their enjoyment of basic human rights .he project will be designed according to the laws and policies of the Philippines in terms of housing with the direct guidelines from HL&) Housing and Land se &egulatory )oard  .he project will focus on housing de#elopment project for the low income citi'ens of Lucena .he project will o%er the citi'ens of Lucena City with a%ordable housing which will help the D"D/ household who only rents" the 12"212 household who is rent8free with consent of owners" 1"/09 household who is rent8free without the consent of owners to own a house through this project in which it will help sol#e the Housing needs of the population of Lucena City

Statement of the Pro%lem  .he study aims resol#e the housing needs of Lucena City through Low Cost Housing Project .he housing project will gi#e access to low cost housing for the D"D/ household who only rents" the 12"212 household who is rent8 free with consent of owners" 1"/09 household who is rent8free without the consent of owners through low monthly amorti'ation 3nanced by go#ernment agencies li(e PAE87)7E Fund .he houses in this project will be designed in accordance to the G)CP Gational )uilding Code of Philippines and the site will be planned in accordance to the standards of )P 22* ,|Page

A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

 .his project will also set as an e5ample in sustainable design through cost e%ecti#e materials" minimal or less carbon footprint during construction and after construction" rainwater recycling" and solar power system for electrical use in the housing unit

&%jecties 'eneral &%jecties

 .he main objecti#e of this project is to pro#ide an a%ordable housing units to the population with low and middle income of Lucena City .he project will pro#ide decent housing that will not sacri3ce any element of safety or ser#iceability of the housing unit o#er its life cycle ?ach housing unit should be sustainable and functional in terms of design Speci(c &%jecties

1 .he housing project site de#elopment plan will be design and planned in accordance to P6 /9 &?74?6 &L?4 AG6 &?ELA.7>G4 7;PL?;?G.7GE .H? 4)67747>G AG6 C>G6>;7G7; )I?&-4 P&>.?C.7? 6?C&?? and other related laws 11 .he housing project will conform minimum design standards of a typical subdi#ision in terms of roads" sidewal(s" alleys" etc 12 .he housing project shall reser#e" de#elop and maintain not less than thirty percent +*J of the total area of the subdi#ision" e5clusi#e of roads" ser#ice streets and alleys" as open space for par(s and recreational areas


.he housing project will be constructed in a &esidential Kone in

accordance to ;odel Koning >rdinance 2 ?ach housing unit will be architecturally and structurally sustainable and eco8friendly



A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project


?ach housing unit that will be designed will use cost e%ecti#e

construction technology and energy ecient materials in terms of lighting" insulation" and other components of the unit 22 ?ach housing unit-s design will be based on .ropical Architecture design style for thermal comfort through the use of passi#e cooling elements li(e sunshades" ca#ity walls" light shel#es" o#erhangs" roof" and wall insulation 2+ ;inimi'e energy dependency on the power grid system through the use of solar power system for household electrical use + .he project de#elopment shall conform to P6 112 PH7L7PP7G? ?G7&>G;?G.AL C>6? for the protection of the en#ironment +1 .he housing project shall ha#e drainage system for $ood control and sewage system for proper waste disposal +2 7mplement 4torm water har#esting and waste water recycling system for water conser#ation ++ Allocation of #egetation and landscape in e#ery saleable lot and the subdi#ision itself for good air quality and #isual ambiance

Methodology  .he comple5 process of planning and designing a low cost housing project requires that it be a multidisciplinary endea#or .his being so" the process must be organi'ed and systemati'ed so that all the stages such as: roles" acti#ities" contribution and e5pected results" and their le#els" standards and quality" are clear to e#eryone in#ol#ed in the process "mportant Components for )esign and )eelopment

*. Location >ne of the 3rst most important components of a subdi#ision

de#elopment is choosing the right location" but builders do choose di%erent location for di%erent reasons &egardless" it is essential to 0|Page


A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

choose an area with a healthy population or that is growing relati#ely quic( +. Space Aaila%ility !hen de#eloping a subdi#ision 7t is essential to ma(e sure that

there is enough space for the neighborhood to really grow Along with ma(ing sure that there is ample space for the beginning plans and to ma(e sure that each residence has enough space ,. -ypes of housing unit 6etermining what types of homes will be built is one of the

essential components of subdi#ision de#elopment Failing to ha#e a plan in mind can cause you to end up with a neighborhood that doesn-t ha#e a cohesi#e loo( and feel" or the neighborhood could go in the wrong direction 7n designing a unit each should ha#e something in common e#en if they are di%erent in price and si'e Iou might e#en want to opt for homes in a certain style" or you could choose that you want all of the homes to be bric( to ha#e something else in common aesthetically . Amenities 4ince there are a lot of di%erent subdi#isions out there" you ha#e to add enough amenities to ma(e people want to call your neighborhood home For e5ample" you might choose to o%er a swimming pool and a small par( for the (ids to play in >r" you could opt to plant beautiful gardens 7t isn-t needed to ha#e e#erything" but you will want to ha#e a few things to o%er that will ma(e your subdi#ision di%erent from the countless others that are out there !hen planning these amenities" howe#er" ma(e sure that you put them in your budget@ not only do you ha#e to worry about initial costs" but you also ha#e to thin( about maintenance and up(eep as well Principles of /eigh%orhood Planning 9|Page


A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

1 4i'e A residential unit de#elopment should pro#ide housing for that population for which one elementary school is ordinarily required 7ts actual area depending upon its population density 2 )oundaries .he unit should be bounded by arterial streets suciently wide to facilitate trac by8passing the neighborhood instead of passing through it + >pen 4paces 4mall Par( and recreation space" planned to meet the needs of the particular neighborhood should be pro#ided , 7nstitution 4ites 4ites for the school and other institutions ha#ing ser#ice spheres coinciding with the limits of the unit should be suitably grouped about a central point or common" and combined with the neighborhood recreation area  7nternal 4treet 4ystem .he unit should be pro#ided with a special street system" each highway being proportioned to its probable trac load" and the street net as a whole being designed to facilitate circulation within the unit with good access to maintain arteries" and to discourage its use by through trac

Principles of neigh%orhood planning Courtesy Urban Land Institute

Project )eelopment )esign Process D|Page


A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

 .o achie#e the best outcomes in terms of design e%ecti#eness and process eciencies" the applicant and orBtheir ad#isers should consider the process described in 6iagram 6iagram illustrates the best approach to addressing design e%ecti#eness and process eciencies Applicants and their ad#isers should consider this process when considering de#elopment ?ach of the process steps is described below as actions .hese are not intended to be prescripti#e" but are common to best practice subdi#ision design processes

67AE&A; *. 0esearch

M )e familiar with your site of interest and collect as much information as you can N aerial photos" cadastral plans" titles" any historical information about buildings" pre#ious land uses" ha'ards such as $ooding or slips" large trees" underground or o#erhead ser#ices etc M &ead the 6esign Euide to understand what the Council is considering are important in subdi#ision design .his includes all outcomes" guidelines and landscape ad#isory notes M Loo( at the 6istrict Plan to see what the resource consent requirements are for both subdi#ision and land uses M 7n the 6istrict Plan there is a 4tructure Plan map Loo( at this and locate your property of interest and see what the conte5t is Also loo( at any connections that need to be made" slope or open space areas" or bu%ers for e5ample



A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

M Consider the professional assistance eg sur#eyor" engineer" and planner you may need N each of these ha#e professional institutes and ha#e lists of people in our area to contact +. Communicate

M ;eet with an ad#isor to discuss your ideas 7t may be that se#eral di%erent professionals eg to help with infrastructure enquiries" or roading will need to assist 7t may also be bene3cial to ha#e an initial meeting and then follow8up meetings as ideas e#ol#e M Consider the neighbors- interests 6o you (now them and what their plans areO .here may be mutual bene3ts to you and your neighbors if there are road connections to be made for e5ample

,. Assess

M .here may be areas of the site that are constrained in some way eg by slope" pro5imity to incompatible uses" $ooding ha'ard Assess the site with a #iew to mapping and addressing these constraints M Assess the site and map for opportunities in the same way .here may be good #iews" $atter land" good connection points for streets or paths and pro5imity to a natural feature li(e a ri#er for e5ample M >#erlay these constraints and opportunities on a map to see where the best locations for de#elopment areas are M 7f you are using a professional li(e a sur#eyor or planner they should do this withBfor you 7t is #ery useful to ha#e this as bac(ground to support your subdi#ision application . )esign &ptions

M .he position of streets and paths will be in$uential to the layout for lots and these will also be the li(ely position for infrastructure An engineer or sur#eyor will usually need to be in#ol#ed in this process M 7t would be ad#isable to see the Council again with a few options and get ocers ad#ice and comments .hey will ha#e some thoughts on 1* | P a g e


A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

how well the options satisfy the 6esign Euide intentions and 6istrict Plan rules and 4tructure Plans 1. )ocument

M 7n the documentation parts the information and research are gathered" including photographs

0eferences #&&2S •

 .7;? 4A? 4.AG6A&64 F>& )7L67GE .IP?4 )y: G ;AGAL F>& 4)67747>G 7G E&>!.H A&?A4 )y: Erowth Areas Authority" 2*11

AFF>&6A)L? LAG6 AG6 H>47GE 7G A47A )y: G8HA)7.A." 2*11

LA3S • •

GA.7>GAL )7L67GE C>6? >F .H? PH7L7PP7G?4 &?74?6 &L?4 AG6 &?ELA.7>G4 7;PL?;?G.7GE .H? 4)67747>G AG6 C>G6>;7G7; )I?&-4 P&>.?C.7? 6?C&?? P6 /9 AG6

>.H?& &?LA.?6 LA!4 &)AG 6??L>P;?G. H>47GE AC. >F 1//2 &A 929/ 11 | P a g e


A Proposed Low Cost Housing Project

&?74?6 &L?4 AG6 4.AG6A&64 F>& ?C>G>;7C AG64>C7AL7K?6

H>47GE P&>
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