A Project Report on School Management System
April 21, 2017 | Author: Sujeet Yadav Sujeet | Category: N/A
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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN COMPUTER AIDED MANAGEMENT
I hereby declare that the project entitled “SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” submitted for the BBA(CAM) Degree is my original work and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles.
( SUJEET ) Place: Date:
This is to certify that the project entitled “SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is the bonafide work carried out by SUJEET student of BBA(CAM), DIRD,NANGLI POONA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of BBA(CAM).
(Project Guide)
(Class Incharge)
At this moment of immense pleasure we fail to find words that would compile a sentence to express my profound gratitude to Ms. Vanita and Ms. Shruty for providing valuable inputs at the various stages of development of our project. We are grateful to them for finding time out of their busy schedule and extending great help to us by pointing us in right direction during the development of our project. We are grateful to them for all the encouragement and support that they gave us during developing the project. Without their assistance it would have not been possible to overcome the complexities involved in this project. We would also thank many of our friends, who were very helpful in the development of this project.
Name of student : SUJEET Enrollment no.: 07812401909
ABSTRACT This project work is extended to those who are interested in Visual Basic. This project work includes the information about School Management System as well as reports. You may be able to proced more quickly programers related to school management. Although the concept about the new system are discussed in various chapters but knowledge of computer is required to follow the comments of this project work. I faced some difficulties in selecting the meterial for this work. My Study Center given me some ideas, how prepare this project. I also faced some problem during compilation of programs. I used Visual Basic to complete all the programs, besides these I fully could not utilizes the many features of Visual Basic and hence I might be provide a bit facilities in this software. I update the project is feature and welcome your comments and suggestions.
Introduction to School Management School is one of the basic necessities of Human beings. School is like heaven and the teacher is god for the student. School management is a very wide field and this work needs a lot of personnel to run this management as any other organization. We all are aware of vast expenses of this field. School is a place where student can read and acquire knowledge. Campus of the School: - A school is a huge building containing many compartments. There are many rooms. Few rooms are awarded to staff in a well-managed school where there is a different room for each faculty. This package is developed for handling school management in a simple way. The package uses a variety of tool to handle school management system. This package has been developed in visual basic 6.0. So that user can interact with the package in s simpler and easy way.
FEASIBILITY STUDY Feasibility study is made to see if the project on completion will serve the purpose of the organization for the amount of work, effort and the time that spend on it. Feasibility study lets the developer foresee the future of the project and the usefulness. The document provide the feasibility of the project that is being designed and lists various areas that were considered very carefully during the feasibility study of this project such as Technical, Economic and behavioral feasibility.
REQUIREMENT FROM NEW SYSTEM The advent of computer in commercial application has brought about in the industrial environment. Computerization has made its presence felt in every area Of commercial application and exception and requirement from Computerized system 1ist increasing due to growing complexity and requirement .The new proposed computerized School Management system needs to fulfill following requirements: Providing information as per statuary requirements whenever necessary. Saving in storage space required for keeping voluminous data. Saving in cost in terms of manpower. Automatic recognition of menus and preparation of final reports. Elimination of substantial manual efforts involved in posting entries in various menus. Availability of any information on hands regarding school management system.
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SDLC SYSTEM ANALYSIS: Analysis is detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationship within and outside of the system .It is considered one of the most important phases of the development life cycle. System analysis is done order to understand the problem, which the system should save.
Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis is the first technical step in the software engineering process. It is at this point that general statement of software is refined into concrete specification that becomes the foundation for all software engineering activities that follow. Requirement analysis enables to specify software function, performance and establish constraints that software must meet .It provides the software designer with a representation of information and function that be translated into data, architecture and procedural design. Software requirement analysis may be divided into five areas if effort: * * * * *
System study Problem recognition Evaluation and synthesis Specification Review
System Design For designing this package a good skill of knowledge is required for making good control on its management. Commercial knowledge is also essential for developing this type of project. This system is designed in Visual Basic 6 using form connected with each other by event driven programming. This package has a good option that it may use to other school management system. Various types of controls are used to make it effectively. This is used only by its authorized users and after confirming the password so that an unauthorized user may not lose any data. The different steps involves in system design are:
Identification of module of the system Design of database Data flow diagram Design of input screens and reports
After the final design, development is done module wise. The module was design facilitates the development of the system in a structured way by developing the similar type of sub-module together.
Password Administrator
User Name
Verifying User Name and Password
Enter Administrator/User
User Name Password
Login File
DFD for Student process File User
Item Code
Item Detail s
School process Updating process
Item Details
Student process
Quotation Details Stock File
Information Student File
Information File
Faculty Details DFD. Item code
Information Detail s
Updating process
Faculty Process
Quotation Details
Stock File
Student ID
Date of Birth
Faculty Name Faculty Id Surname
Subject Address
Date of Joining
Description: This form takes password from the user and validates us to enter if it is correct.
Description: This is the main entry form of this project where different command button regarding school management is given.
Description: This form describes all the information related to admission query with particulars 20
Description: This form describes all the information related to student information with full particulars. 21
Description: This form describes all the information related to information regarding appointment of teacher with full particulars.
Description: This form describes all the information related to searching the information regarding teachers with full particulars.
Description: This form describes all the information related to various account including receipt, payment, exp. According to date wise. 24
Description: This form describes all the information related to daily expenses including full particulars with current date. 25
Description: This is Receipt form, which describes all the information regarding receipt from student includes student id, name, class, fee, date, month etc. related to particular student. 26
Description: This is voucher entry form, which describes all the information regarding payment of staff related to particular teacher.
Description: This is Transfer Certificate form, which describes all the information regarding Transfer Certificate include TC Number, student id, class date & year of particular student. 28
Description: This form describes the list of student which fees is due according to according to class & month.
Database Design A database is certainly control, integrated collection of logically organized data. Before we use a DBMS to actually build the tables, forms and other objects that will make up our Database, it is important to take time to design our database. A good database design is keystone to creating a database that dose what you want it to do effectively, accurately and efficient.
Steps in Designing Database Determine the purpose of database. Determine the tables you need in the database. Determine the fields you need in the database. Identify fields with unique values. Determine the relations between tables. Add data and create other data base object.
TABLE STRUCTURE New Student Information Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to admission query of the student.
Field name Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field7 Field8 Field9 Field10 Field11 Field12 Field13 Field14 Field15 Field16
Data Type Auto number Text Text Text Text Date Text Text Date Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Descriptions Student_id Name Father name Relations Mother name Dob Occupation Address Ad_date C_status Past Class Cast Other Fee Medium
Accounts Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to expenses, payment, and receipt account.
Field name Cdate Expenses Payment Receipt
Data Type Date Number Number Number
Descriptions Current date Exp. Detail Payment detail Receipt detail
Expenses Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to description of total expenses with particular.
Field name Cdate Particular Amount Description
Data Type Date Text Number Text
Descriptions Current date Particular Detail Amount detail Description detail
Receipt Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to description of total Receipt with particular. Field name Cdate Receipt_no Student_id Name Class Amount Month
Data Type Date Number Number Text Text Number Text
Descriptions Current date Receipt Detail Student Identification Name of student Class of student Amount of fee Month of fee
Staff Information Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to description of total staff with particular. Field name Teacher_id Name Qualification
Data Type Number Text Text
Doj Salary Address M_status Age Sex Status
Date Number Text Text Number Text Text
Descriptions Teacher_id no Name of student Qualification of Student Date of joining Total salary Full address Marital status Age Sex Working/past
Student Information Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to description of student with particular.
Field name Student_id Name Father_name
Data Type Number Text Text
Relation Mother_name
Text Text
Dob Occupation Address Ad_date C_Status Past Class Cast Other Fees Medium
Date Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Descriptions Teacher_id no Name of student Father name of Student Relation with student Mother name of student Date of birth Occupation Full address Admission date Working/past Previous class Current class Student cast Other info. Fee PM Medium of study
Transfer Certificate Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to description of transfer certificate with particular.
Field name C_date Tc_no Student_id Name Class Year
Data Type Date Number Number Text Text Number
Descriptions Current date TC no. Of student ID no. Of Student Name of student Class of student Current Year
Voucher Entry Table Description: this table describes the all the information related to description of voucher entry with particular.
Field name C_date Voucher_no Teacher_id Name Amount Month
Data Type Date Number Number Text Number Text
Descriptions Current date Current Voucher no. ID no. Of teacher Name of teacher Total amount Current month
Developing this project here are design the various form for coding. These forms are as following:
Account.frm Expenses.frm Fees.frm Find.frm Find_t.frm Frmlogin.frm Logo.frm Receipt.frm Schoolform.frm Staff.frm Student.frm Tc.frm Voucher.frm
Form name: Account.frm Coding: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1 = "" Text2 = "" Text3 = "" Text4 = "" 'Text5 = "" Text1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim va As Integer, te As Long, cds As Variant Text1 = Format(Text1, "dd/mm/yyyy") va = Val(Right(Text1, 4)) If va > Year(Date) Then MsgBox "Invalid Year" Text1.SelStart = 6 Text1.SelLength = 4 Text1.SetFocus 38
Exit Sub End If If Mid(Text1, 4, 2) > 12 Then MsgBox "Invalid Month" Text1.SelStart = 3 Text1.SelLength = 2 Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(Text1) Then MsgBox "Invalid Date" Text1.SelStart = 7 Text1.SelLength = 10 Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If cds = "#" + Trim(Text1) + "#" 'cd = CDate(Text1) With rd_account '.RecordSource = "select distinct sum(expenses),sum(payment),sum(receipt) from [account] where cdate " & Data1.Recordset.Fields("left_date") Else .Command7.Visible = True End If .Show 1 End With ElseIf OpenFor = "VoucherEntry" Then Load voucher voucher.Text3 = Data1.Recordset.Fields("Teacher_id") voucher.Text4 = Data1.Recordset.Fields("Name") voucher.Show 1 End If End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() addgrid 57
End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Combo1.AddItem "Working" Combo1.AddItem "Left" Combo1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_dblClick() Command1_Click End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() addgrid End Sub
Private Sub addgrid() Dim Sql, ab As String ab = StrConv(Trim(Text2), 3) & "*" Sql = "SELECT distinct * FROM [staff] WHERE NAME LIKE '" & ab & "' and status='" & Combo1.Text & "'" Data1.RecordSource = Sql Data1.Refresh Dim I As Integer Dim s As String With MSFlexGrid1 .Clear .Row = 0 .Col = 1 .Text = "Teacher ID" .Col = 2 .Text = "Teacher Name" 58
.Col = 3 .Text = "Address" .ColWidth(0) = 500 .ColWidth(1) = 1000 .ColWidth(2) = 2000 .ColWidth(3) = 2100 For I = 1 To Data1.Recordset.RecordCount .Row = I .Col = 1 .Text = Data1.Recordset.Fields("Teacher_ID") .CellAlignment = 3 .Col = 2 .Text = Data1.Recordset.Fields("name") .Col = 3 .Text = Data1.Recordset.Fields("Address") Data1.Recordset.MoveNext .SelectionMode = flexSelectionByRow Next End With End Sub
Form name: frmlogin.frm Coding: Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() If txtPassword = "password" Then Load logo logo.Show Unload Me Else MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!" txtPassword.SetFocus SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End If End Sub
Form name: logo.frm Coding: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Load student student.create_ids student.Show End Sub
Private Sub Command10_Click() Load fees fees.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command11_Click() Load find OpenFor = "tcc" find.Label1.Caption = "Select A Student From List" find.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Load staff staff.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() 61
Load account account.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Load find OpenFor = "ReceiptEntry" find.Label1.Caption = "Select A Student From List" find.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Load FIND_T OpenFor = "VoucherEntry" FIND_T.Label1.Caption = "Select A Teacher From List" FIND_T.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Load find OpenFor = "student" find.Label1.Caption = "Select A Student From List" find.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Load FIND_T OpenFor = "Editing" FIND_T.Label1.Caption = "Select A Teacher From List" FIND_T.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() 62
If MsgBox(" Do You Want To Exit", vbYesNo, "Exit Confirmation.....") = vbYes Then Unload school Unload TC Unload Receipt Unload staff Unload voucher Unload find Unload FIND_T End If End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Load Expenses Expenses.Show 1 End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim da As String With Rd_logo .RecordsetType = 1 .RecordSource = "SELECT distinct * FROM [STUDENT] WHERE C_STATUS='True'" .Refresh Label5.Caption = .Recordset.RecordCount .RecordSource = "SELECT distinct * FROM [Staff] WHERE STATUS='Working'" .Refresh Label6.Caption = .Recordset.RecordCount da = "#" & Format(Date, "DD/MM/YYYY") & "#" .RecordSource = "SELECT distinct * FROM [ACCOUNT] WHERE cdate=" & da & "" .Refresh 63
If .Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then .Recordset.Close .RecordsetType = 0 .RecordSource = "account" .Refresh .Recordset.AddNew .Recordset.Fields("cdate") = Format(Date, "DD/MM/YYYY") .Recordset.Fields("expenses") = 0 .Recordset.Fields("payment") = 0 .Recordset.Fields("receipt") = 0 .Recordset.Update End If End With End Sub
Form name: logo.frm Coding: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Load student student.create_ids student.Show End Sub
Private Sub Command10_Click() Load fees fees.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command11_Click() Load find OpenFor = "tcc" find.Label1.Caption = "Select A Student From List" find.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Load staff staff.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Load account 65
account.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Load find OpenFor = "ReceiptEntry" find.Label1.Caption = "Select A Student From List" find.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Load FIND_T OpenFor = "VoucherEntry" FIND_T.Label1.Caption = "Select A Teacher From List" FIND_T.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Load find OpenFor = "student" find.Label1.Caption = "Select A Student From List" find.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Load FIND_T OpenFor = "Editing" FIND_T.Label1.Caption = "Select A Teacher From List" FIND_T.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click()
If MsgBox(" Do You Want To Exit", vbYesNo, "Exit Confirmation.....") = vbYes Then Unload school Unload TC Unload Receipt Unload staff Unload voucher Unload find Unload FIND_T End If End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Load Expenses Expenses.Show 1 End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim da As String With Rd_logo .RecordsetType = 1 .RecordSource = "SELECT distinct * FROM [STUDENT] WHERE C_STATUS='True'" .Refresh Label5.Caption = .Recordset.RecordCount .RecordSource = "SELECT distinct * FROM [Staff] WHERE STATUS='Working'" .Refresh Label6.Caption = .Recordset.RecordCount da = "#" & Format(Date, "DD/MM/YYYY") & "#" .RecordSource = "SELECT distinct * FROM [ACCOUNT] WHERE cdate=" & da & "" .Refresh 67
If .Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then .Recordset.Close .RecordsetType = 0 .RecordSource = "account" .Refresh .Recordset.AddNew .Recordset.Fields("cdate") = Format(Date, "DD/MM/YYYY") .Recordset.Fields("expenses") = 0 .Recordset.Fields("payment") = 0 .Recordset.Fields("receipt") = 0 .Recordset.Update End If End With End Sub
Form name: receipt.frm Coding: Option Explicit Dim amt As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Tr As Long, cd As String If Trim(Text1) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Receipt No." Text1.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsDate(Text7) Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Date" Text7.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text2) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Student ID" Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text3) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Student Name" Text3.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Text5) Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Amount" Text5.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text4) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Student Class" Text4.SetFocus Else rd_receipt.RecordsetType = 0 rd_receipt.RecordSource = "receipt" rd_receipt.Refresh rd_receipt.Recordset.AddNew With rd_receipt.Recordset .Fields("receipt_no") = Text1.Text 69
.Fields("Student_id") = Text2 .Fields("name") = Text3 .Fields("class") = Text4 .Fields("amount") = Text5 .Fields("cdate") = Text7 .Fields("month") = Combo1.Text .Update .Close End With With rd_receipt .RecordsetType = 1 cd = "#" & Text7 & "#" .RecordSource = "select receipt from [account] where cdate=" & cd & "" .Refresh If .Recordset.RecordCount 0 Then Tr = Val(.Recordset.Fields("receipt")) + Val(Text5) .Database.Execute "update [account] set receipt= + " & Tr & " where cdate=" & cd & "" Else .RecordsetType = 0 .RecordSource = "account" .Refresh .Recordset.AddNew .Recordset.Fields("cdate") = Text7 .Recordset.Fields("receipt") = Val(Text5) .Recordset.Fields("payment") = 0 .Recordset.Fields("expenses") = 0 .Recordset.Update .Recordset.Close End If MsgBox "Record Has Been Saved" Unload Me End With 70
End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text7 = "" Text5 = "" Text7.Enabled = True Text5.Enabled = True Combo1.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = True add_combo Text7 = Date Text5.SetFocus create_Rn End Sub Private Sub add_combo() With Combo1 .Clear .AddItem "January" .AddItem "February" .AddItem "March" .AddItem "April" .AddItem "May" .AddItem "June" .AddItem "July" .AddItem "August" .AddItem "September" .AddItem "October" .AddItem "November" .AddItem "December" .ListIndex = Month(Date) - 1 End With End Sub 71
Private Sub Command4_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() create_Rn Dim Sql As String, I As Integer amt = 0 Sql = "select distinct * from [receipt] where student_id=" & Text2 & "" rd_receipt.RecordsetType = 1 rd_receipt.RecordSource = Sql rd_receipt.Refresh With MSFlexGrid1 .Clear .Row = 0 .Col = 0 .Text = "Month" .Col = 1 .Text = "Amount" .ColWidth(0) = 1000 .ColWidth(1) = 800 .ColAlignment(1) = 3 For I = 1 To rd_receipt.Recordset.RecordCount .Row = I .Col = 0 .Text = rd_receipt.Recordset.Fields("month") .Col = 1 .Text = rd_receipt.Recordset.Fields("amount") amt = amt + rd_receipt.Recordset.Fields("amount") .Col = 2 .Text = rd_receipt.Recordset.Fields("Receipt_no") rd_receipt.Recordset.MoveNext 72
Next End With Text6 = amt End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() add_combo Text7 = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click() Dim Sql As String MSFlexGrid1.Col = 2 If MSFlexGrid1.Text "" Then Sql = "select distinct * from [Receipt] where Receipt_no=" & MSFlexGrid1.Text & "" rd_receipt.RecordsetType = 1 rd_receipt.RecordSource = Sql rd_receipt.Refresh With rd_receipt.Recordset Text1 = .Fields("Receipt_no") Text7 = .Fields("cdate") Text2 = .Fields("Student_id") Text3 = .Fields("Name") Text4 = .Fields("Class") Text5 = .Fields("Amount") Text6 = amt Combo1.Text = .Fields("Month") Text7.Enabled = False Text5.Enabled = False Combo1.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = False End With End If 73
End Sub Private Sub Text7_Change() If Len(Text7) = 2 Then Text7 = Text7 & "/" Text7.SelStart = 4 ElseIf Len(Text7) = 5 Then Text7 = Text7 & "/" Text7.SelStart = 7 End If End Sub Private Sub create_Rn() If rd_receipt.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then Text1 = 1 Else rd_receipt.Recordset.MoveLast Text1 = Val(rd_receipt.Recordset.Fields("receipt_no")) + 1 End If Combo1.SetFocus End Sub
Form name: staff.frm Coding: Option Explicit Public Yes As Boolean
Private Sub Command5_Click() If Trim(Text2) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the TEacher Name" Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Trim(Text3)) Then MsgBox "Please Fill The Right Age" Text3.SelStart = 0 Text3.SelLength = 4 Text3.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsDate(Text4) Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Date of Joining" Text4.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text5) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Qualification" Text5.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text6) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Address" Text6.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Text8) Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Right Salary" Text8.SelStart = 0 Text8.SelLength = 7 Text8.SetFocus Else DataSave 75
Command6_Click create_id End If End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Text2 = "" Text3 = "" Text4 = "" Text5 = "" Text6 = "" Text8 = "" add_combo Text4 = Date End Sub Private Sub add_combo() Combo1.Clear Combo2.Clear Combo3.Clear Combo1.AddItem "Male" Combo1.AddItem "Female" Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Combo2.AddItem "Married" Combo2.AddItem "Unmarried" Combo2.ListIndex = 1 Combo3.AddItem "Working" Combo3.AddItem "Left" Combo3.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() 'Text1.Enabled = True Text2.Enabled = True 76
Text3.Enabled = True Text4.Enabled = True Text5.Enabled = True Text6.Enabled = True Text8.Enabled = True Combo1.Enabled = True Combo2.Enabled = True Combo3.Enabled = True Command5.Caption = "&Update" End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Unload Me Set staff = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() create_id End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text4.Text = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") add_combo End Sub
Private Sub Text2_LostFocus() Text2 = StrConv(Text2, 3) End Sub Private Sub Text4_Change() If Len(Text4) = 2 Then Text4 = Text4 & "/" Text4.SelStart = 4 77
ElseIf Len(Text4) = 5 Then Text4 = Text4 & "/" Text4.SelStart = 7 End If End Sub Private Sub create_id() On Error GoTo err If rd_staff.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then Text1 = 1 Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If rd_staff.Recordset.MoveLast Text1 = Val(rd_staff.Recordset.Fields("teacher_id")) + 1 Text2.SetFocus err: End Sub Private Sub Text5_LostFocus() Text5 = StrConv(Text5, 3) End Sub Private Sub Text6_LostFocus() Text6 = StrConv(Text6, 3) End Sub
Private Sub DataSave() Dim savesql As String If Command5.Caption = "&Save" Then rd_staff.Recordset.AddNew With rd_staff.Recordset .Fields("teacher_id") = Text1.Text .Fields("Name") = Text2 .Fields("Age") = Text3 .Fields("doj") = Text4 78
.Fields("Qualification") = Text5 .Fields("address") = Text6 .Fields("salary") = Text8 .Fields("sex") = Combo1.Text .Fields("m_status") = Combo2.Text .Fields("status") = Combo3.Text .Update MsgBox "Record Has Been Saved" End With Else savesql = "UPDATE [STAFF] SET NAME='" & Text2 & "',Qualification='" & Text5 & "',doj= '" & Text4 & "' " & _ ",salary=" & Text8 & ",address='" & Text6 & "',m_status='" & Combo2.Text & "',age=" & Text3 & " " & _ ",sex='" & Combo1.Text & "' ,status='" & Combo3.Text & "' where teacher_id=" & Text1 & "" rd_staff.RecordSource = savesql rd_staff.Database.Execute savesql If Combo3.ListIndex = 1 Then rd_staff.Database.Execute "UPDATE [STAFF] SET left_date ='" & Date & "',status='" & Combo3.Text & "' where teacher_id=" & Text1 & "" MsgBox "Record Has Been Updated" Command5.Caption = "&Save" Command6.Visible = True Command7.Visible = False End If End Sub
Form name: student.frm Coding: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim va As Integer va = Val(Right(Text10, 4)) If va >= Year(Date) - 2 Then MsgBox "Invalid Year" Text10.SelStart = 6 Text10.SelLength = 4 Text10.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Mid(Text10, 4, 2) > 12 Then MsgBox "Invalid Month" Text10.SelStart = 3 Text10.SelLength = 2 Text10.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Trim(Text3) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Student Name" Text3.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsDate(Text10) Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Date of Birth" Text10.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text4) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Father/Guardien Name" Text4.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text5) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Mother's Name" 80
Text5.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text8) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Cast" Text8.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text11) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Father/Guardian Occupation" Text11.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text12) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Father/Guardian's Address" Text12.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Text13) Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Fees" Text13.SelStart = 0 Text13.SelLength = 6 Text13.SetFocus Else Updatedata Command2_Click create_ids End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text2 = "" Text3 = "" Text4 = "" Text5 = "" Text6 = "" Text8 = "" Text9 = "" Text10 = "" Text11 = "" Text12 = "" Text13 = "" 81
Text14 = "" add_combo Text2 = Date End Sub Private Sub Updatedata() Dim usql As String If Command1.Caption = "&Save" Then Rd_Student.Recordset.AddNew With Rd_Student.Recordset .Fields("student_id") = Val(Text1.Text) .Fields("AD_date") = StrConv(Text2, 3) .Fields("name") = Trim(StrConv(Text3, 3)) .Fields("father_name") = Trim(StrConv(Text4, 3)) .Fields("mother_name") = Trim(StrConv(Text5, 3)) .Fields("relation") = Trim(StrConv(Text6, 3)) .Fields("cast") = Trim(StrConv(Text8, 3)) .Fields("other") = Trim(StrConv(Text9, 3)) .Fields("dob") = Trim(Text10) .Fields("occupation") = Trim(StrConv(Text11, 3)) .Fields("address") = Trim(StrConv(Text12, 3)) .Fields("fees") = Text13 .Fields("past") = Trim(StrConv(Text14, 3)) .Fields("medium") = Trim(Combo1.Text) .Fields("c_status") = Trim(Combo2.Text) .Fields("class") = Trim(Combo3.Text) .Update MsgBox "Record Has Been Saved" End With Else usql = "update [student] set name='" & Text3 & "',father_name='" & Text4 & "' " & _ " ,relation='" & Text6 & "',mother_name='" & Text5 & "',dob='" & Text10 & "',occupation='" & Text11 & "' " & _
",address='" & Text12 & "',ad_date='" & Text2 & "',c_status='" & Combo2.Text & "',past='" & Text14 & "',class='" & Combo3.Text & "' " & _ ",cast='" & Text8 & "',other='" & Text9 & "',fees=" & Text13 & ",medium='" & Combo1.Text & "'where student_id=" & Text1 & "" Rd_Student.Database.Execute usql MsgBox StrConv("record has been updated", 3) Command1.Caption = "&Save" Command2.Visible = True Command3.Visible = False Label1.Caption = "Registration Form" End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Text2.Enabled = True Text3.Enabled = True Text4.Enabled = True Text5.Enabled = True Text6.Enabled = True Text8.Enabled = True Text9.Enabled = True Text10.Enabled = True Text11.Enabled = True Text12.Enabled = True Text13.Enabled = True Text14.Enabled = True Combo1.Enabled = True Combo3.Enabled = True Command1.Caption = "&Update" Command1.Enabled = True End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Initialize() create_ids End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text2.Text = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") add_combo Combo3.ListIndex = 0 Combo1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub add_combo() Combo1.Clear Combo2.Clear Combo3.Clear Combo1.AddItem "Hindi" Combo1.AddItem "English" Combo2.AddItem "True" Combo2.AddItem "False" Combo2.ListIndex = 0 With Combo3 .AddItem "NURSERY" .AddItem "L.K.G." .AddItem "U.K.G." .AddItem "1st" .AddItem "2nd" .AddItem "3rd" .AddItem "4th" .AddItem "5th" .AddItem "6th" .AddItem "7th" .AddItem "8th" .AddItem "9th" 84
.AddItem "10th" .AddItem "11th" .AddItem "12th" End With End Sub Private Sub Text10_Change() If Len(Text10) = 2 Then If Val(Text10) > 31 Or Val(Text10) < 1 Then MsgBox "Enter the Right Date" Text10.SelStart = 0 Text10.SelLength = 2 Text10.SetFocus Else Text10 = Text10 & "/" Text10.SelStart = 4 End If ElseIf Len(Text10) = 5 Then Text10 = Text10 & "/" Text10.SelStart = 7 End If End Sub Private Sub Text10_LostFocus() Text10 = Format(Text10, "dd/mm/yyyy") End Sub Private Sub Text11_LostFocus() Text11 = StrConv(Text11.Text, vbProperCase) End Sub Private Sub Text12_LostFocus() Text12 = Trim(StrConv(Text12.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub Private Sub Text14_LostFocus() Text14 = Trim(StrConv(Text14.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() 85
If Len(Text2) = 2 Then Text2 = Text2 & "/" Text2.SelStart = 4 ElseIf Len(Text2) = 5 Then Text2 = Text2 & "/" Text2.SelStart = 7 End If End Sub Public Sub create_ids() If Rd_Student.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then Text1 = 1 Exit Sub End If Rd_Student.Recordset.MoveLast Text1 = Val(Rd_Student.Recordset.Fields("student_id")) + 1 End Sub Private Sub Text3_LostFocus() Text3 = Trim(StrConv(Text3.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub Private Sub Text4_LostFocus() Text4 = Trim(StrConv(Text4.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub Private Sub Text5_LostFocus() Text5 = Trim(StrConv(Text5.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub Private Sub Text6_LostFocus() Text6 = Trim(StrConv(Text6.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub Private Sub Text8_LostFocus() Text8 = Trim(StrConv(Text8.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub Private Sub Text9_LostFocus() Text9 = Trim(StrConv(Text9.Text, vbProperCase)) End Sub
Form name: tcform.frm Coding: Option Explicit Private Sub Command3_Click() If Trim(Text1) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the TC No." Text1.SetFocus ElseIf Not IsDate(Text2) Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Date" Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text3) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Student ID" Text3.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text4) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Student Name" Text4.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text5) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Class" Text5.SetFocus ElseIf Trim(Text6) = "" Then MsgBox "Please Fill the Year" Text6.SetFocus Else If MsgBox("U Issue Transfer Certificate", vbYesNo, "Confirm...") = vbYes Then rd_tc.Recordset.AddNew With rd_tc.Recordset .Fields("tc_no") = Val(Text1) .Fields("cdate") = Text2 .Fields("student_id") = Text3 .Fields("name") = Text4 87
.Fields("class") = Text5 .Fields("year") = Text6 .Update rd_tc.Database.Execute "update [student] set c_status='False' where student_id=" & Text3 & "" MsgBox "Transfer Certificate Issued" Unload Me End With End If End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() If rd_tc.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then Text1 = 1 Else Text1 = rd_tc.Recordset.RecordCount + 1 End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text2 = Date End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() If Len(Text2) = 2 Then Text2 = Text2 & "/" Text2.SelStart = 4 ElseIf Len(Text2) = 5 Then Text2 = Text2 & "/" Text2.SelStart = 7 End If End Sub 88
System Testing System testing is a very crucial phase in system development life cycle. The purpose of system testing is considering all the likely variation to which it will be subjected and then push the system to its limit. It is the tedious but necessary step in step development. No system is ever perfect. Communication problem constraint creates errors that must be eliminated before the system is installed for the user acceptance. Testing is vital to the success of the system. Testing of school management system consisted of the following:
Unit Testing: Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design the module. Using the procedural design specification as guide, important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of each module.
Integration Testing: Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The objective is to take tested module and build large program structure that has been dictated by design.
Validation Testing: Validation testing succeeds when software function in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer, reasonable expectation are defined in the software requirements specification-that describe all user visible attribute of the software.
To summaries inadequate testing or non-testing leads to errors that may be costly when they appear month later. Effective testing translate into cost saving from reduce errors.
Advantages To develop a project first of all developer needs its plan. Here he needs knowledge about its theme from a School. The system will be user friendly and gives attention on sharp point. Developer requires knowledge about its managing views, keep storing data and making operations on that data.
It is fast, efficient and reliable Avoids data redundancy and inconsistency Very user-friendly Easy accessibility of data Number of personnel required is considerably less Provides more security and integrity to data
Future Scope
The proposed system is Hospital Management System. We can enhance this system by including more facilities like billing system, inpatient room allotment for the admitted patients and the stock details of medicines in the pharmacy.
Providing such features enable the users to include more comments into the system.
Conclusions A developer of project tries his better to make a powerful and effective package, sometimes he get full success on his aim but mostly there is a possibility to left some limitation in the package. This package is developed for managing a school management system and it has successfully runs on including points but few points are not covered by this package due to the less time of working and such points are out of knowledge of its developer, but the every included parts of this project is enough efficient to use it on a school management system. Mainly commercial expressions are mostly used in this package to calculate necessary outputs as needing. Nevertheless, the user should benefit enormously from the automating management processes of school management. Also, the probability of error shuld reduces significantly. The time thus saved and instant access to key management information shuld help the user allocates resources better and exercise better management of school. The project makes a small beginning with a small foray into the field of accounting. It shall be our endeavor to pursue the project further and develop newer application from it, offering an enhanced product.
BRIAN SILVER AND JEFFS SPOTTS, USING VISUAL BASIC 6, special edition, prentice Hall India
Bibliography How to Visual Basic 6.0 (Eric Brierley, Anthony Prince & David Rinaldi) Using VB 6.0 (Bob Reselman, Richard Peasley, Wayne Prvchniak) Database Programming with VB 6.0 in 21 days (Curtis smith & Michael Amundsen) Programming with visual basic (P.K.Mcbride) Norten Peter and Groh Michael “guide to visual basic 6.0, Macmillan computer publishing USA 1998 edition. Mc. Bride PK, “Programming in Visual Basic”, BPB Publication, New Delhi, 1995 edition. Schneeder dewed, “Introduction to programming using visual basic 6.0, PHI Azam Mohammed, “Programming with visual basic 6.0” Vikas publications.
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