A Project Report on Financial Performance Based on Ratios at HDFC Bank

April 4, 2019 | Author: sudam merya | Category: Banks, Debit Card, Dividend, Financial Capital, Investing
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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

Contents Sl. No. Titles I Chapter 1




Executive summary


Statement of the Problem

Purpose of the Study

Scope of the study

b!ectives of the Study

Page No.

Chapter " 

rgani#ation Profile

$ata Collection %ethod

%easuring tools

Chapter & 

'nalysis and interpretation




Chapter * 'ppendix 



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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

E,EC-TI)E S-%%'/

Finance is a life blood of business it is required from the establishment of the  business to liquidity or winding up of o f a business, so financial institutions played a very important role on the operation of o f the business. In the early days banking business was been confined to receiving of deposits and lending of money. But now a modern banker under take wide variety of functions to assist assist their their custom customers ers.. hey hey provid providee variou variouss facili facilitie tiess to custom customers ers which which makes the transaction easy and comfortable. Financi Financial al insti institut tution ionss such such as banks, banks, financ financial ial servic servicee compani companies, es, insura insurance nce compa compani nies es,, secur securit itie iess firm firmss and credi creditt union unionss have have very very diff differ eren entt ways ways of  reporting financial information. !unning a bank is "ust difficult as analy#ing it for  investment purposes. In this report I made an effort to know the financial position of the $%F& Bank .'y topic is () study of financial performance based on ratio analysis* which means that a process to identify the financial performance of a firm by  properly establishing the relationship between the items of balance sheet and  profit or loss account. hus, we can say that, Financial )nalysis is a starting point for making plans before using any sophisticated forecasting and planning.

Introduction Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com

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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

hen we observed the financial statement comprising the balance sheet and profit or loss account is that they do not give all the information related to financial operations of firm, they can provide some e-tremely useful information to the e-tent that the balance sheet shows the financial position on a particular date in terms of structure of assets, liabilities and owners equity and profit or loss account shows the results of operation during the year. hus the financial statements will provide a summari#ed view of the firm. herefore in order to learn about the firm the careful e-amination of an valuable reports and statements through financial analysis or ratio is required.

%eaning and $efinition

!atio analysis is one of the powerful techniques which are widely used for interpreting financial statements. his technique serves as a tool for assessing the financial soundness of the business. it can be used to compare the risk and return relationship of firms of different si#es. he term ratio refers to the numerical or quantitative relationship between two items/ variables.

he idea of ratio analysis was introduced by )le-ander all for the first time in 1010. !atios are quantitative relationship between two or more variables taken from financial statements.

!atio analysis is defined as, (the systemic use of ratio to interpret the financial statement so that the strength and weakness of the firm a well as its historical  performance and current financial condition can be determined.


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

In the financial statement we can find many items are corelated with each other for e-ample current assets and current liabilities, capital and long term debt, gross profit and net profit purchase and sales etc

+asis of comparison

!atios are relative figures reflecting the relationship between variables. hey enable analysts to draw conclusions regarding financial operations. he use of the ratios, as a tool of financial analysis involves their comparison, for a single ratio like absolute figures, fails to reveal the true position. For e- ample, if in the case of  a firm, the return on capital employed is 13 percent in a particular year, what does it indicate4 5nly if the figure is related to the fact that in the preceding year the relevant return was 12 per cent or 16 percent, it can be inferred whether the  profitability of the firm has declined or improved. )lternatively, if we know that the return for the industry as a whole is 17 percent or 27 percent, the profitability of the firm in question can be evaluated. &omparison with related facts is, therefore, the basis of ratio analysis. Four types of comparison are involved


Trend ratio

rend ratios involve a comparison of the ratios of a firm over time, that is, present ratios are compared with the past ratio of the same firm. rend ratio indicates the direction of change in the performance, improvement, deterioration or constancy over the years. his kind of ratio particularly applicable to the items of profit and loss account. It is advisable that trends of  the sales and the net income may be studied in the light of two factors8 the rate of fi-ed e-pansion or secular trend in the growth of the business and the general price level. it might be found in practice that a number of firms would show a persistent growth over the period of the years.


Intra firm comparison


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

Intra firm comparison involving comparison of the ratio of the firm with those of the others in the same line of business or for the industry as a whole reflects its performance in relation to its competitors.


comparison of items 0ithin a single years financial statement of a firm


Comparison 0ith standard or plans.

ST'TE f T2E P+3E%

Importance of the ratio analysis

)s a tool of financial management, ratios are of crucial significance. he importance of the ratio analysis lies in the fact that it presents facts on a comparative basis and enables the drawing of inference regarding the  performance of a firm. !atio analysis is relevant in assessing the performance of a firm in respect of the following aspects

1. li4uidity position

ith the help of ratio analysis conclusion can be drawn regarding the liquidity position of the firm. he liquidity position of the firm would be satisfactory if it is able to meet its current obligation when they become due. a firm can be said to have the ability to meet its short term liabilities if it has sufficient liquidity funds to pay the interest on its short maturing debts usually within a year as well as to repay the principal.

". 3ong term solvency


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

!atio analysis is equally useful for assessing the long term viability of a firm. his aspect of the financial position of a borrower is of concern to long term creditor, security analysts and the present and potential owners of a  business. he long term solvency is measured by the leverage/ capital structure profitability ratio which focus on earning power and operating efficiency. !atio analysis reveals the strength and weakness of the firm in this respect.

&. perating efficiency

:et another dimension of the usefulness of the ratio analysis, relevant from the view point of the management, is that it throws light on the degree of  the efficiency in the management and utili#ation of its assets. he various activity ratios measure this kind of operational efficiency. In fact, the solvency of a firm is, in the ultimate analysis, dependent upon the sales generated by the use of its assetstotal as well as its components.

*. verall profitability

;nlike the outside parties which are interested in one aspect of the financial position of a firm, the management is constantly concerned about the overall profitability of the enterprise. hat is, they are concerned about the ability of the firm to meet its short term as well as long term obligations to its creditors, to ensure a reasonable return to its owners and secure optimum utili#ation of the assets of the firm. his is possible if an integrated view is taken and all the ratios are considered together.

5. Inter6firm comparison

!atio analysis not only throws the light on the financial position of a firm but also serves as a stepping stone to remedial measures. his is made


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

 possible due to interfirm comparison and comparison with the averages. ) single figure of a particular ratio is meaningless unless it is related to some standard or norm. 5ne of the popular techniques to compare the ratio of the firm with the industry average. It should be reasonably e-pected that the  performance of a firm should be in broad conformity with that of the industry to which it belongs. )n interfirm comparison would demonstrate the firms  position vis=vis its competitors.

7. Trend analysis

Finally, ratio analysis enables a firm to take the time dimension into account. In other words, whether the financial position of a firm is improving or deteriorating over the years. his is made possible by the use of the trend analysis. he significance of a trend analysis of the ratio lies in the fact that the analyst can know the direction of movement, that is, whether the movement is favourable or unfavourable.

8uidelines for the financial statement analysis

1. ;se ratio to get clues to ask the right questions8 By themselves ratios rarely  provide answers, but they definitely help you to raise the right questions. 2. Be selective in the choice of the ratios you can compute scores of the different ratios and easily drown yourself into the confusion. For most  purposes a small set of the ratios three to seven would suffice. Few ratios, aptly chosen, would capture most of the information that you can derive from the financial statements. +. >mploy proper benchmarks8 It is a common practice to compare the ratios ?calculated from the set of financial statements@ against some benchmarks. his benchmark may be the average ratios of the industry or the ratios of the industry leaders or the historic ratios of the firm itself.


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

. Anow the tricks used by accountants since firms tend to manipulate the reported income, you should learn about the devices employed by them. 3. !ead the footnotes8 Footnotes sometimes contain valuable information. hey may reveal the things that the management may try to hide. he more difficult it to read a footnote, the more information laden it may be. 9. !emember that financial statement analysis is an odd mi-ture of art and science financial statement analysis cannot be regarded as a simple, structured e-ercise. It is a process requiring care, thought, co mmon sense, and  business "udgment  a process for which there are no mechanical substitutes.

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'dvantages9 

Simplifies financial statements 8 !atio )nalysis simplifies the

comprehension of financial statements. !atios tell the story of changes in financial condition of the business. 

(acilitates inter firm comparison9  !atio analysis provides data for 

inter company comparison. !atio highlights the association with successful and unsuccessful firms. hey also reveal strong and weak  companies, overvalued and undervalued companys. 

%a:es intra firm comparison possible9   !atio analysis also makes

 possible comparison of the performance of different division of the company. he ratio helpful in deciding about their efficiency. 

2elps in planning9 !atio )nalysis helps in planning and forecasting

over period of time a company develops certain norms that may indicates future success/ failure. If relationship changes in firms data


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

over different time periods. he ratio may provide clues on trends and future problems. 

3i4uidity position9  ith the help of ratio analysis conclusions can be

drawn regarding liquidity position of the company. he liquidity  position of a company could be satisfactory if it is able to meet its current obligations when they become due.

3ong term solvency9  !atio analysis equally useful for assessing the

longterm financial viability of a firm. he longterm solvency is measured by the leverage / capital structure and profitability ratios, which focus on earning power and operating efficiency.

$isadvantages9 !atio analysis is a widely used tool of financial analysis. :et, it suffers from various limitations. he operational implication of this is that while using ratios, the conclusion should not been taken on their face value. Come of the limitation which characteri#e ratio analysis are 1. $ifficulty in comparison

5ne serious limitation of ratio analysis arises out of the difficulty associated with their comparability. 5ne technique that is employed is interfirm comparison. But such comparisons are vitiated by different  procedures adopted by various firms. he difference may relate to •

%ifference in the basis of inventory valuation

%ifferent depreciation methods ?i.e. straight line vs. written down  basis@

>stimated working life of the assets, particularly of

plant and

equipment •

)morti#ation of intangible assets like goodwill, patents and so on.


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank  •

)morti#ation of deferred revenue e-penditure such as preliminary e-penditure and discount on issue of shares

&apitali#ation of lease

reatment of e-traordinary items of income and e-penditure and so on

Cecondly, apart from different accounting procedures, companies may have different accounting periods, implying differences in the composition of the assets, particularly the current assets. For these reasons, the ratios of two firms may not be strictly comparable.

". Impact of inflation

he second ma"or limitation of the ratio analysis as a tool of financial analysis is associated with price level changes. his, in fact is a weakness of  the traditional financial statement which are based on historical cost. )n implication of this feature of the financial statement as regards ratio analysis is that assets acquired at different periods are, in effect, shown at different prices in the balance sheet, as they are not ad"usted for changes in the price level. )s a result, ratio analysis will not yield strictly comparable and therefore, dependable results. &. Conceptual $iversity

:et another factor which affects the usefulness of ratios is that there is difference of opinion regarding the various concepts used to compute the ratios. there is scope for diversity of opinion as to what constitutes shareholders equity, debt, asset, profit and so on. %ifferent firms may use these terms in different senses or the same firm may use them to mean different things at different times. !eliance on a single ratio for a particular purpose may not be a conclusive indicator. for instance, the current ratio alone is not a adequate measure of shortterm financial strengthD it should be supplemented by the


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

acid test ratio, debtors turnover ratio and inventory and inventory turnover  ratio to have a real insight into the liquidity aspect. Classification of ratio 1. Profitability atios

a. !atio of profit to total income  b. !atio of profit to deposits c. !eturn on equity d. !eturn on &apital e. !atio of return on assets f. Eet interest margin g. !atio of interest income to average working fund h. !atio of noninterest income i.

&ash dividend



". perating atios

a. !atio of interest earned to interest paid  b. ratio of interest paid to total income c. !atio of staff e-penses to total e-penses d. !atio of total e-penses to total income. e. !atio of operating e-penses to average working fund f. !atio of interest e-penses to average working fund

&. Solvency ratios

a. ratio of cash to deposit  b. ratio of investment to deposits c. &redit deposit ratio d. ratio of fi-ed assets to net worth e. &urrent assets ratio f. Guick ratio g. Fi-ed assets ratio


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

*. Safety ratio

a. ratio of Eet E) to Eet advance  b. &apital adequacy ratio

$ESI8N ( T2E ST-$/

Title of the pro!ect9

() Ctudy of Financial erformance Based 5n !atios* at $%F& Bank Belgaum

Statement of the problem

!atios are very useful to draw the conclusion so management wants to know what are the factor contributing for the future growth and also wants to maintain the same in the longer run and also improve the profitability and liquidity of the organi#ation.

esearch problem

o know the financial performance of the organi#ation through ratio analysis, by comparing three years financial performance of the bank 


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

Purpose of the study

) financial services sector plays a critical role in fulfilling the needs of growing and increasingly diverse economy, offering high quality services to business and individual alike. hough Indian banking system registered commendable progress in terms of geographical and functional coverage, its performance in terms of  operational efficiency

and viability still leaves considerable room for 

improvement ) banks balance sheet and income statement are valuable information sources for identifying risk taking and assessing risk management effectiveness. )lthough amounts found on these statements does not provide valuable insights of performance so ratio analysis is required for determining good or bad performance of bank and also for determining its causes. he study includes the calculation of different financial ratios. It compares three years financial statements of the company to know its performance in these different years.


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

Scope of the study

he scope of the study is limited to financial aspects of $%F& bank 



o know the financial performance of the organi#ation


o study different ratios in $%F& bank 


o determine the profitability and liquidity of the bank through ratios analysis


o compare the present and previous years performance of $%F& bank 


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 


2$(C  is Indias premier housing finance company and en"oys an impeccable

track record in India as well as in international markets. Cince its inception in 10-change. he banks )merican %epository Chares are listed on the Eew :ork Ctock >-change ?E:C>@ under the symbol P$%B


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

)'I-S SE)ICES (E, 'N$ T'$E SE)ICES

., $%F& Bank has a range of products and services that one can choose from to transact smoothly. he following are different methods of transacting in foreign e-change and remitting money. 

ravelers cheques

Foreign currency cash.

Foreign currency drafts

&heque deposits


&ash to master 

rade services

Foreign services branch locator 

Important guidelines and schedules

)ll Foreign >-change transactions are conducted by strictly adhering to !BI guidelines. %epending on the nature of your transaction or point of travel, you will need to understand your Foreign >-change limits.


$ome Joans

ersonal Joans

wo heeler Joans


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank  

 Eew &ar Joans

;sed &ar Joans

5verdraft )gainst &ar 

>-press Joans

Joans )gainst Cecurities

Joans )gainst roperty

PESN'3 +'N=IN8 Savings 'ccounts

hese )ccounts are primarily meant to inculcate a sense of saving for the future, accumulating funds over a period of time. hatever may be the occupation, bank  is confident that customer will find the the perfect banking solution. solution. 5pen an account in your name ?customers name@ or register for one "ointly with a family member  today. Current 'ccounts

 Eow, with an $%F& Bank &urrent )ccount, e-perience the freedom of multicity  bankingQ &ustomer can have the power of multilocation access to his account from any of banks banks 377 branches branches in 227 cities. cities. Eot only only that, he can do most of  his banking transactions from the comfort of his office office or home without stepping out.

)t $%F& Bank, it understands that running a business requires time and money, also that customers business needs are constantly evolving. hats where it comes in. It provides him with a choice of &urrent )ccount options to e-clusively suit his business  whatever the si#e or scope. (ixed $eposits

Jongterm investments form the chunk of everybodys future plans. )n alternative to simply applying for loans, fi-ed deposits allow the customer to borrow from his


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

own funds for a limited period, thus fulfilling his needs as well as keeping his savings secure. )s per the finance finance ?Eo 2@ )ct 277, all fees M charges charges mentioned mentioned in the ariff ariffs, s, &harges &harges or Fees Brochures will attract attract Cervice Cervice aa- R17O M >ducation >ducation &ess R2O of the service ta- amount effective 17th Ceptember 277. he same will appear as separate debits in the statements.

PI)'TE PI)'TE +'N=IN8 +' N=IN8

$%F& Bank offers rivate Banking services to high net worth individuals and insti institut tution ions. s. Banks Banks team team of season seasoned ed financ financial ial and invest investme ment nt profes professio sional nalss  provide ob"ective guidance backed by thorough research and indepth analysis keeping in mind customers financial goals.

%ultiple ecognition from Euro mone y

)t $%F& Bank, they have always always strived strived towards providing e-ceptional e-ceptional service service to each of their esteemed customers. )s testament to this dedication, they have earned the following ranks in a recently conducted >uromoney Curvey. 

ated as the best private ban: in the super effluent category in India

$%F& $%F& Bank Bank Inve Invest stm ment ent )dvis dvisor ory y Cerv Cervic ices es  $elp $elpin ing g you take take your  our  Investment portfolio further . 

$edicated investment advisor

  $%F& rivate Banking service involves a high degree of personali#ation. hen customer avail of this facility, a dedicated Investment )dvisor serves him. his seasoned finance professional adds value to his portfolio by keeping him up to date with financial markets and investment opportunities


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

%-T-'3 (-N$S P$-CTS SC2E%ES E4uity fund

$%F& growth fund $%F& long term )dvantage fund $%F& Inde- fund $%F& &apital Builder fund $%F& ta- saver  $%F& top 277 funds $%F& core M satellite fund $%F& premier multi&ap fund $%F& long term equity fund

+alanced (und

$%F& &hildrens gift fund investment plan $%F& childrens gift fund saving plan $%&F Balanced Fund $%&F rudence Fund

$ebt (und

$%&F Income fund $%&F liquid fund $%&F gift fund short term plan $%&F gift fund long term plan $%&F short term plan $%&F floating rate income fund short term plan $%&F floating rate income fund long term plan


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

$%&F liquid fund premium plan $%&F liquid fund premium plus plan $%&F high interest fund $%&F high interest fund short term plan $%&F cash management fund saving plan $%&F cash management fund call plan $%&F 'F monthly plan


ith $%F& Banks payment services, one can bid goodbye to queues and paper  work. Its range of payment options make it easy for customer to pay for a variety of utilities and services.

)erified by visa

If one wants to be worry free for his online purchases. Eow he can shop securely online with his e-isting Lisa %ebit/&redit card. 

Net safe

 Eow shop online without revealing your ?customers@ $%F& Bank &redit &ard number. 

Prepaid refill

If a person is a $%F& Bank )ccount holder and a prepaid customer, he can now refill his repaid 'obile card with this service. 

+ill pay

5ne can pay his telephone, electricity and mobile phone bills at his convenience. hrough the Internet, )'s, his mobile phone and telephone  with Bill ay, banks comprehensive bill payments solution


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

)isa +ill Pay

5ne can pay his utility bills from the comfort of his homeQ ay using his $%F& Bank Lisa credit card and forget long queue and late payments forever 

Insta pay

 5ne can ay his bills, make donations and subscribe to maga#ines without going through the hassles of any registration. 

$irect pay

Chop or ay bills online without cash or card. %ebit your?customers @ account directly with banks %irect ay serviceQ 

Smart pay>0ith credit cards?

ith Cmart ay, paying customers electricity, telephone, mobile phone, water   bills, gas and insurance premia payments becomes easy like never before.

)isa money transfer


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

 5ne can transfer funds to any Lisa &ard ?debit or credit@ within India at his own convenience through $%F& Banks Eet Banking facility. 

e6%onies Electronic (unds Transfer

ransfer funds from customers account to any account in any +an:   in India at 13 locations  (EE of cost@ 

nline payment of excise and service tax

 5ne can make his >-cise and Cervice a- payments at his own convenience.


If a customer e-pects more from everything, even $%F& bank, will invite him into the world of e-clusive banking. here he will never again have to wait to  be served. ith $%F& Bank referred rogramme, his comfort always comes first.

Ideal for seasoned professionals or businessmen, this programme will provide him with a banker dedicated to take care of all his banking and investment needs. It also means he get preferential rates on various banking products and other e-clusive benefits.

2$(C +'N= C3'SSIC +'N=IN8

If a person wants to e-perience banking beyond the ordinary, our $%F& Bank  &lassic rogramme is "ust for him. Becoming an $%F& Bank &lassic customer entitles him to a host of benefits, including a bouquet of   preferentially priced products and speciali#ed wealth management solutions. 'uromoney maga#ine gave us the award for PBest Bank  IndiaP in 1000, PBest %omestic BankP in India in 2777, and PBest Bank in IndiaP in 2771 and 2772 )siamoney maga#ine has named us PBest &ommercial Bank in India 2772P. For our use of information technology we have been recogni#ed as a P&omputerworld








)chievement )ward in 2772 for Finance, Insurance M !eal >state category by &omputerworld, Inc., ;C). 5ur technology initiative has been included as a case study in their online global archives.he >conomic imes has conferred on us he >conomic imes )wards for &orporate >-cellence as the >merging &ompany of the :ear 


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank 

277771. Jeading Indian business maga#ine Business India named us PIndias Best BankP in 2777. In the year 2777, leading financial maga#ine Forbes Nlobal named us in its list of Phe +77 Best Cmall &ompaniesP in the world and as one of the P27 for  2771P best small companies in the world. CP'TE 8)EN'CE

$%F& Bank recogni#es the importance of good corporate governance, which is generally accepted as a key factor in attaining fairness for all stakeholders and achieving organi#ational efficiency. his &orporate Novernance olicy, therefore, is established to provide a direction and framework for managing and monitoring the bank in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance.

+'$ ( $IECTS


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“A Study on Financial Performance based on Ratios”  At HDFC Bank  

%r. ;agdish Capoor , Chairman

%r. 'ditya Puri B %anaging $irector

%r. =e:i %istry

$r. >%rs.? 'mla Samanta

%r.'nil 'hu!a

$r. )en:at ao 8ad0ai

%r.)ineet ;ain

enu =arnad

%r.'ravind Pande

%r. an!an =anpur>0.e.f ;anuary B "DD*?

%r. +obby Pari:h

>0.e.f.;anuary B"DD*?

)ICE PESI$ENT>3E8'3? C%P'N/ SECET'/ 

%r. San!ay $ongre

'-$ITTS 

%r. P.C. 2ansotiaCo

>Chartered accountants?

 E8ISTEE$ ((ICE 2$(C +'N= 2ouse Senapati +apat %arg 3o0er Parel %umbai *DDD1& Tel No9 575"1DDD (ax No9 "*7DF&
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