A Practical on-Chip Clock Controller Circuit Design
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AppNote MG580225
A Practical On-Chip Clock Controller Circuit Design & Example Tessent® ATPG Test Case
January 2014
©Copyright Mentor Graphics Corporation 1995-2014. All rights reserved. This document contains information that is proprietary to Mentor Graphics ® Corporation. The original recipient of this document may duplicate this document in whole or in part for internal business purposes only, provided that this entire notice appears in all copies in duplicating any part of this document, the recipient agrees to make every reasonable effort to prevent the unauthorized use and distribution of the proprietary information. Trademarks that appear in Mentor Graphics product publications that are not owned by Mentor Graphics are trademarks of their respective owners.
Mentor Graphics Confidential
January 2014
Table of Contents 1.
Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 3
On-Chip Clock Controller (OCC) Design Description ............................................................................... 3 2.1.
Design Placement............................................................................................................................ 3
Schematic ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Scan Enable Synchronization .......................................................................................................... 5
Clock Gater Cells ............................................................................................................................. 5
Internal Clock Definition for ATPG ................................................................................................... 5
Shift Register Block ......................................................................................................................... 6
Clock Control Operation Modes ....................................................................................................... 7
2.7.1. Functional Mode ...........................................................................................................................................7 2.7.2. Shift Mode ....................................................................................................................................................7 2.7.3. Slow Capture Mode ......................................................................................................................................8 2.7.4. Fast Capture Mode.......................................................................................................................................8 2.8.
Timing Diagrams.............................................................................................................................. 8
RTL Description ............................................................................................................................... 10
Synthesized Gate Area ........................................................................................................................................11 3.
Test Case Description .............................................................................................................................. 12 3.1.
Test Case Design Statistics ............................................................................................................. 12
Directory Structure ........................................................................................................................... 12
Test Case Steps .............................................................................................................................. 13
OCC RTL Simulation and Synthesis ................................................................................................ 13
Simulation ............................................................................................................................................................13 RTL Synthesis ......................................................................................................................................................14 3.5.
Step 1: View OCC Muxes ................................................................................................................ 14
Step 2: Insert Clock Control Logic ................................................................................................... 15
Step 3: Uncompressed Pattern Generation ..................................................................................... 17
Step 4: Pattern Verification .............................................................................................................. 20
Steps 5 to 8: Compression Logic Insertion, ATPG, and Verification ................................................ 21
Mentor Graphics Confidential
January 2014
1. Introduction In modern designs, on-chip clock control (OCC) circuits are commonly used to manage clocks during test to ensure the following requirements are met: Independent control by ATPG of each clock domain to improve coverage, reduce pattern count, and achieve safe clocking with minimal user intervention During capture, deliver correct number of clock pulses on a per-pattern basis Cleanly switch between shift and capture clocks Enable slow or fast clocks during capture for application of slow and at-speed patterns Scan-programmable clock waveforms generated within a wrapped core are ideal for generating patterns at the core level that can be retargeted to the top level while simultaneously testing multiple cores without conflicts in how clocks are controlled within each core This application note describes a practical on-chip clock control circuit design and demonstrates its use in a test case using Tessent® ATPG tools. If the target EDT hardware uses the Low Pin Count Test (LPCT) controller, contact Mentor Customer Support for information on how to use a modified OCC design with the LPCT EDT hardware. A complete test case that demonstrates the use of this OCC design in a circuit is described in the last section. The test case is available from Mentor Graphics by downloading it from the following SupportNet page: http://supportnet.mentor.com/reference/tutorials/index.cfm?id=MG576857
2. On-Chip Clock Controller (OCC) Design Description 2.1.
Design Placement
In order to avoid delay on the clock path due to test logic, a multiplexer should already exist on the clock source to the core flops and timed for functional behavior. The mux should be controlled by the test mode signal as shown in Figure 1 where existing logic is shown in gray.
Figure 1 – Clock Control Logic Design Placement It is important to only balance the functional clock path of the mux in order to avoid over-constraining the clock tree synthesis flow and causing excessive clock latency. For example, if using a layout tool like ICCompiler, this can be accomplished by using a set_clock_tree_exceptions -exclude_pins command and listing slow and fast clock inputs of the clock control block. In tools such as Talus from Magma, a skew group definition for each clock control block can be used. The clock control design described in this application note should supply the clock when in test mode while using the clock output of the PLL as the fast clock for at-speed capture. A top-level slow clock will be used for shift and slow capture. The reference clock supplied to the PLL is a free-running clock. It is also recommended not to flatten the clock control blocks during layout in order to ease definition of the test procedure file after layout. Mentor Graphics Confidential
January 2014
The schematic for the clock control circuit is shown in Figure 2 and the corresponding RTL can be found in section 2.9 of this document.
Figure 2 – On-Chip Clock Controller Logic Schematic The following table describes the functionality of pins at the top of the clock control block as well as some of the internal signals: Name
Selects fast or slow capture clock (0 = slow, 1 = fast)
Selects test or functional mode (0 = functional, 1 = test). During functional mode, the clock control block is disabled to minimize power and cross talk.
Clock for fast capture (typically output of PLL)
Clock for shift and slow capture
Scan chain output for unloading shift register
Controlled clock output
Synchronized scan enable
Clock enable signal for shift register
Clock source for shift register
Clock source for controlled clock output
Clock enable signal for controlled clock output
Scan enable driven by top-level pin Configures number of clock pulses during capture cycle (maximum clock pulses = CAP_CYCLE_CONFIG + 1) as well as length of scan chain during shift Scan chain input for loading shift register
Static signals that do not change during the test session can be controlled through on-chip controllers (such as JTAG) or other means in order to reduce the need for top-level pins.
Mentor Graphics Confidential
January 2014
Scan Enable Synchronization
In order to synchronize the top-level scan enable signal with the fast clock (PLL output), a two-flop synchronization cell is used and clocked by FAST_CLK. This is important because scan enable is used as the trigger signal to gate the clock to the shift register. The output of the synchronization cell produces a scan enable signal which is synchronized with the fast clock (SCAN_EN_sync) and can be used during fast capture test. In version 1.1 of the clock controller RTL, a flop was added on the input side of the synchronization cell and clocked by the trailing edge of SLOW_CLK. Since SCAN_EN normally fans out to the entire circuit and may arrive after FAST_CLK, the flop on SLOW_CLK ensures that SCAN_EN is not synchronized by the fast clock until SLOW_CLK is pulsed thus reducing the risk of a race condition. Note that the scan enable synchronization logic is not used for slow capture mode which uses SLOW_CLK for shift and capture. In the RTL description, the synchronization cell is described as module “tessent_sync_cell” so that it can be replaced with a technology specific synchronization cell from the appropriate library. module tessent_sync_cell (d, clk, q); input d, clk; output q; reg [1:0] R; always @ (posedge clk) begin R
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