A Nyingmapa Traveler s Companion a Collection of Prayers to Invoke Guru Rinpoche

February 18, 2017 | Author: bugmeme7464 | Category: N/A
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Download A Nyingmapa Traveler s Companion a Collection of Prayers to Invoke Guru Rinpoche...



Tbe Seven Line Prayer


A Prayer Whtch Spontaneously Fulfills All Wishes


Short Prayer to Guru Rtnpocbe for Attainments


A Short Prayer which Spontaneously Fulfill Wtrhes


1be Prayer to Guru Rtnpocbe 'Ibat Dispels Obstacles and Fulfills All Wtrhes


A BriefPrayer to Be Reborn tn Zangdok Palrl


Prayer to Guru Rinpocbe as Vajrakila


Mantra of Gum Padmasambbava for Healing


Mantra ofGum Padmasambhava for Prosperity


Prayer and Mantra ofTakhyung Barwa, A Wrathful Form of Guru Padmasambbava



Tbe Seven Line Prayer



Hung Or-gyen yul-kyi nub-chang tsham Hung

In the northwest of the country of Uddiyana,

~~·,·~~·~·~Cl:tl Pad-ma ke-sar dong-po Ia On the pistil stem of a lotus,

~·~~·~·~l(~·~l:;l·~~ Ya-tshen ch'og-ki ngO-drup nyey Endowed with the most marvellous supreme realization;

~~·~~·,~~·~~·~~,~~ Pad-ma )ung-ne zhey-su-trag Renowned as the Lotus Born;

~~·~~~·~~~~·~~·~~ Khor-tu kha-dro mang-.,0 kor Surrounded by a retinue of many Dakinis;

al·~l~~~,·qr·~ Khyed-kyi jey-su dag drup kyi Following you I practice;

~~·~·~·~·~,~~~ Chin-kyee lap ch'ir sheg-su-sol Please come and bestow your blessing.


Guru ~adma Siddh1 Hung 2

The mantra of Guru Padmasambhava


Om Ah Hung ~zar Guru Padma Saddhi Hung 3

~·"'l~~·~~·~·~~~"fl A Prayer Which Spontaneously Fulfills All Wishes A Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava Discovered as a Ter by Rigdzin Goddem (1337-1408)



E-ma-ho nub-ch'og de-wa chen-kyi zhing-kharn-su E Ma Ho! From the Blissful Pure Land of the West,

~1:\.·~·~.EI"'·~~·~~·l~~~~·,ar~ Nang-wa tha-ye thug-je'i chin-lab-yo The blessing of Iilftnite Light's (Amitafiha's) compassion manifested

~·l~~·~~·~~·~~~·, Trul-ku Padma Jung-ne chin-lab-te As the blessed emanation of Padmasarnbhava,

~·~~~1:\.·~~q~·~~·~·~· Dzam-bu'i ling-tu dro-we ton-la-chon And appeared in the Jambu continent for the service of beings.

~~~~~·=;·~l·~~&,~·t~· Dro-ton gyun-ch'ed med-pe thug-je-chen Oh compassionate one, whose service for beings is ceaseless,

if~~~·~·,~~·Q:t·~Ql·~·~i~• Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

~~~·~~·t~·~q·~~·~t~~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow tbe blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes. 4

~·~~~~·~q~·~·~·~~· Gyal-po thri-song de'u-tsen men-ch'ed-ne From the (time oO King Thrisong Deutsen

~~·,~~·~·~$\·~·"l·~~~·q~l Ch'o-gyal ~ung-gyud tha-la ma-tong-bar Until the end of the Uneage of the Dhanna Kings,

~~.,~"l~·~·~l·~~·~·~~~~~ Tii-sum gyun-ch'ed med-par chin-kyee-lob

In all the three times, your blessings are with them, without cessation.

]f'Y~~·!~·~~~~~ Pod-kyi ch'6-kyong gyal-po'i nyen-chig-pu You are the sole benefactor of the Dhanna Kings of Tibet

~·~·i;·f\·~~,~·(~1 Gyal-po ch'O-chod kyong-we thug-j~chen Oh compassionate one, the protector of the Dhanna activities of the kings,

if~~~·~~·,~~·~·,~~·q·~lq~l Orgyen Padma )ung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~~·~·~~,~·~q·~~·~,~~~ Sam..pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow tbe blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~~~~q·~~·~~·,~~·~(ll Ku-ni lho-nub sin-po'i kha-non-dzed Your physical manifestation is subduing the Raksas of the southwest.

~,~·t.~·ar1·~~~·~·ar~~·~.,~,~~ Thug-jey pod-kyi sem-chen yong-la-zig Your compassionate mind is watching all the beings of Tibet.

~·~,.ar,·~~~~~·~·~~~~l~~~ Ma-rig log-pe sem-chen dren-pe-pal You are the champion of liberating the ignorant and perverted beings.

~·if~~·~~·l,~~51~·~·Jilq~·~~~~· Nyon-mong dul-ke sem-chen thab-kyee-duf You are pacifying the beings, who are in emotional turmoil, hard to appease.

qt~~·~·~l~~~~·t.·~~· Tse-dung gyun-ch'ed med-pe thug-je-chen Oh compassionate one, whose love and affection has no end,

wr~~~~~·,~~·~·,~Q1·t:r~lq4q Orgyen Padma )ung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~51·~·~~~·~·~~·~,~~~· Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


5~·~~~,~·~~"'~·C\t~~~~ 'tu-ngen nyig-me tha-la thug-pe-tshe When (Tibetans) face the bad times of the dark age,

~~41·~·l,~41·~·ql·~l~·C\t·~· Nang-re gong-re pod-kyi ton-la-chon You come every morning and evening for the welfare of Tibet

~~,·~·~l."'l~41·C\1·~41·~·~· Nyi-zer ch'ar-dud dang-la chib-te-chon You come riding the rays of the rising and setting sun.

"'ll\'~~·~~~·~l?\i(~·~~~ Yar-ngo tshey-chu 1 tii-su ngO-su-chon You come, in person, on the waxing and waning tenth days.

"~~~·"q~~r~"'(l·~~~~·t{,~l Oro-ton tob-ch'en dzed·pe thug-je-chen Oh compassionate one, who perfonns immense benefits for beings,

if~·~i·~~.,~41·C\t·,~C\t·q·"lq~a Orgyen Padma )ung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~~·~·~~·,~·~q·~,·~·,41~~· Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob

Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~~il·~·fl·~~·~~·~·~l Nga-gye tha-ma tsOd-tii nyig-ma-la In the end of the five hundred-fold era, the dark age of struggles,

~~~·~il~~·~·~·i'~~·~,·~~,~ Sem-chen tham-ched nyon-mong tug-nga-rag All beings experience the gross five emotional poisons.

~ar~~·+·~·~,·~~~ll.l11 Nyon-mong jol-nyog tug-nga rang.gyud-chod They recklessly indulge their mind streams in the five poisons.

l·~~~~·~·a1·~~~,~·l~·t~ Te-dre tii-na khyed-dre thug-jey-kyob In such circumstances, please protect us, with your kindness.

ll·~~·~~~·~~~~~~·(~l Ted-den tho-ree dren·pe thug·je..chen Oh compassionate one, who leads the beings in faith, to happier


if~·l.:4~'~t:'\,~~·~·,~~·~·~l~~ Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

~~~·~·~~·,~·~~~·~,~~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow tbe blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~·~·~,~~~1~'~'""~·q~·~4tl Hor-sog jig-pe mag-kee tha·kor-ne When we are surrounded by fearsome Mongol hoards

i41·~~·,~if~,·~~~~lt Ch'O-khor nyen-po jig-la thug-pe-tshe And the blessed seats of Dhanna are being destroyed,

~·,~·~~·~l·~~·,~~·q·~iq~ Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~·,~~~·~·~~·t~~rq~ Orgyen lha-sin de-gyecl khor-kyee-kor Orgyen (Padmasambhava) surrounded by the eight divisions of spirit forces,

~·t(,·1~'1!:1J:\'·,~~·~~·~l1 Hor-sog mag-pung dog-par the-tshom-mecl Will without doubt repel the Mongol hoards.

i('~·~~·~J:\·,~~·~·,~~·q·~~ Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~'-l·~·~~t~·~~~·~t~~ Sam..pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow ihe blessing of spontaneous fulfdlment of our wishes.


~~~·~·t~~·~,~~·~l·~~·~ Sem-chen gyu-lii jig-pe ned-chung-tshe When beings are facing illness which destroys the illusory body,

~·~l'l·rl·q~~·~l·~~·~·~·~l Mi-zod dug-ngal ned-kyee nyen-pa-na If they are endangered by the unbearable suffering of disease,

~l·,~·~~·~l·~~·,~~·~·'\l~~~ Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~~~·t~l~·la-~·~'~f~~~ Orgyen men-kyi la-tang yer-med-pe Orgyen. as you are inseparable from the Medicine Buddha,

~·~·~·Sl~~~·~·~~~,·~~~ Tshe-zed rna-yin par-ch'ed ngey-par-sel Completely dispel (all such) obstacles, until one's life span is


if~~~·~~·,~~·~·,~~·~·~~ Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

~~·~·~~,~·~·~~·~,~~~ Sam.. pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~~·q·l~,·~~~·~·~·¥'~~lt Jung-wa drar-lang sa-chud nyam-pe-tshe When the elements arise as enemies and the energy of the earth decays,

~all~·~~~,~~l·~~·~~·~l Sem-chen mu-ke'i ned-kyee nyen-pa-na If the beings are in danger of facing the pain of famine,

sti·~·~~·~i·~,·~·q·~lq~l Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~·~~·~~,·~~~~'i"'~~~ Orgyen kha-dro nor-lhe tshog-tang-che Orgyen with the hosts of Dakinis of Prosperity

l~·~~~·q~~·~·~~·q,·~~·~i1 Wul-phong trey-kom sel-war the-tshom-med

Will witliout doubt pacify the poverty of thirst and hunger.

if~·~~·~~·,~~·~·,~~·q·~lq~ Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~all~·~~~·~~·~,·~~~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulftllment of our wishes.


~~·~·~~~~~·~,~·~~·~· Le-chen dro-we ton-tu ter-don-na

When the fortunate ones are discovering Ter for the sake of beings,

l~·~~~~,·~l·~""l'-'~·,l~·;~· Tam-tshig zol-zog med-pe pa-ding-kee With the force of confidence in one's unstained samaya,

~l·,~·~~·~l·~,.,ar"-l·~·~l~~~ Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

i(~·~l~·;·l~·l~,·~l·~~~ Orgyen yi-tam lha-tang yer-med-pe Orgyen, as you are inseparable from the tutelary deities,

~~,·~~~·ar~·~,·~~·~i• Pha-nor bu-yee lon-par the-tshom-med There is no doubt about inheriting the father's treasure by the son.

if~·'-'~·~~·,~~·~·,~~·~·~q~a Orgyen Padma )ung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

~~~·~·~~·~~·~~''-'''~~~~~· Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub.par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulftllment of our wishes.


~~·~~·~,~·~·lq~~·~~~~il Be-yul nag-throd wen-sa nyog-pe-tshe When we are seeking solitary forests or hidden lands,

~·~·~~,·~~·~~·~~·~,~·~· Kha-ch'ar bu-yug tshub-shing lam-gag-na If the path is being obstructed by snow or rain storms,

~l·,~·~~·~·~~·~~·~·~l~~· Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~,~~;,·,~~~~·t~·~" Orgyen zhi-dag nyen-po'i khor-kyee-kor Orgyen with the retinues of powerful land spirits,

~·~(l·~~·~·~~~~·~~·~l1 Ch'O-dzed lam-na dren-par the-tshom-med Without doubt will lead the way for Dharma practitioners.

if~·~~·~~·~~·~·,~~~·~~~ Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

~~~·~·~~·,~·~~~:~,~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~,.1,.~~·~l·~,·~~·~·::r~a Tag-zig tom-tred tug-dru1 ch'e-wa-chen

Amongst the 6easts such as tigers, leopards, bears, brown bears and poisonous snakes,

~,·~·~,~~~~C\·~·"~~~·~"·~ Drog-ch'en jig-pe thrang-la drim-pe-tshe In the fearful narrow path of wild lands, when beings are travelling,

~l·,~·~~·~l·~~.,~C1-1·~·"l~~~ Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~l~~·ar-;C\.lC\.~C\·~~·~1 Orgyen pa-wo king-tang sung-mar-che Orgyen together with the heroic Ging guardians,

,~,·~~~~~·~fl~,·~~·~l1 Dug-pe sem-chen trod-par the-tshom-med Without doubt will expel the bannfu1 animals.

if~~~·~C\·~~·Qt·,~Qt·q·~q~· Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Paclmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

~~~~·~~~·~~,.~,~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~·~i~·~·q~~·~·~ Sa-ch'u me-lu1_1g jung-we par--ch'ed·kyee When the obstacles from earth, water, fire or air

t~~·~·~·~,~~~41·~~·~~ Gyu-lii nyen-ching jig-pe tii-chung-tshe Endanger or destroy our illusory bodies,

~l·,~·~~·~~,.,~Qfq•Cl\1~· Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~~·q·~~,~·~· Orgyen jung-wa zhi-yi lha-mor-che Orgyen with the female deities of the four elements,

~~·q-,~·41,·~~·~~·ill Jung-wa rang-sar zhi·war the-tshom-med Without doubt will pacify the elements instantly.

~~~;·~·,~~·~·,~~·q·~q411 Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~~~·~·.,·~~~·~t4rfr-1~• Sam-pa lhun-kyee dn~b-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~~·~C\·~,~·~~~C\'Ql'~~~·~~il Lam-sang jig-pe thrang-la drim-pe-tshe When we are passing through treacherous paths,

q~;·a~·~,·~·~·~~·~~·~ Sed-khyer chag-pa ch'om-pi) nyen-pa-na If we face the danger of being killed or robbed by bandits,

~;·,~·~~·~;·~~·~Q1'q"~lq~l Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

~~·~~~~·;,C\~·~,·~~~ Orgyen ch'ag-gya zhi-yi gong-par-den Orgyen with the four gestures of his meditative (wisdom),

~,.~,l·~~·~~~·~·~,·~;· Tso-ra mi-god ngam-sem lag-par-ched

Will annihilate tfie militant minds of ihe wild bandits.

i(~~;p~,C\·~~'Al',~'q""lq~ Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~~~·~,~·~~·~,~~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow tbe blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


,~·~,·~·~"'1~,.,41.~il~'q~,·~411 Kang·zhig shed-me mag-kee tha-kor-ne When we are surrounded by annies of assassins

~~=~~~41·~q41~~·~~·~ Tshon-ch'a non-pa deb-shing nyen-pa-na And face the danger of hurled sharp weapons,

st;·,~~:g,.·~l·~,·~Cfq'"lq411 Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;


Orgyen dor-je'~r-tang den-pa-yee Orgyen with his vajra-tent,

~;·«~·~·~~=·~,·~·~" Shed-rna tred-ching tshon-ch'a thor-war-gyur Will terrify the assassins and shatter the weapons.

wr~~~·~~·,~~·~·,~~·qr~q41a Orgyen Padma )ung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~~·~·~~·~~·~,·~·~41~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow ihe blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.



~51·~,.¥· l·~~~4t·~~ll Nam-zhig tshe-zed ch'i-we tii-chung-tshe

When our life span is exhausted and the time of oeath arrives,

,~"·~·rr.q~·~~~·~·" Ned-chod dug-ngal trag-p0 nyen-pa-na

If we face the danger of severe suffering and torment,

~·,~·~a·~1·~,.,~6ll·.q·"l.q~• Yid-nyee the-tshom med·par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

wr~·~=\·.q-51J:I~·~~·~'l1~·'• Orgyen nang-wa tha-ye tiul-pa-te As Orgyen is the emanation of (the Buddha oO Infinite Light,

~·.q·~t~=\·~~~~·t· De-wa chen-kyi zhing-tu ngey-par-kye Rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land is certain.

if~f~·~~'l1·,~6l1".q·"l~ Orgyen Padma Juns-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

.q~51'&f~.,.~~·~.,f.q~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob

Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.



~yu-lii yar-po zhig-pe par-to-ru

In the Bardo, when our borrowed illusory body has disintegrated,

~~·~"·~·~~·~·q~·~~·~a Thrul-nang nying-thrul 'clug-ngal nyen-pa-na If we face the sufferings of illusions and delusory appearances,

stl·,~·~a·~l·~,·,~~·q·~q~~ Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~·~~·,~aq-~~~~~~~:tq~l Orgyen tii-sum khyen-pe thug-je-yee By the kindness of Orgyen, who sees all the three times,

~~·~".'"·~,·~~·~·~~·~~ Thrul-nang rang-sar trol-war the-tshom-med Without doubt the delusory appearances will be liberated in their own nature.

if~~·~"·~~,r~·,~~·q·~q~a Orgyen Padma )ung-ne Ia sol·wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

.q~~·~~·t~·~~Cf~,.~,~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob

Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


~~·~~·l~~·~,·~~·~·~,.q~·~· Thrul-nang ngO-por zhen-ching dug-ngal-na If we are attached to deluSOJY appearances and experience suffering,

~l·'11~·it~·~l~.,~~·q·"lq~a Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~·qi·~~'*~'l Orgyen de-ch'en gyal-po'i ngo-wo-te Orgyen, who is in essence the king of Great Bliss,

~·q,~·~~~·,l·~~·~,.~,·s.l1 'b~g-ngal thrul-pa tsed-ne zhig-par-ched Eliminates delusions and suffering from their root.

if~~~,~~~~·q-~q~l Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;.

~~·~·~~t~·~q·~,.~.,~~~~ Sam·pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob Please bestow tbe blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


"~&,.~,·q,~·~~·~·;q Dro-trug dug-ngal ch'en-pO nyen-pa-tang When the beings of the six realms are endangered by great suffering

~l~~·Cfl·~l·~~~'fl'q'!_~'~l Khyed-par pod-kyi je-bang dug-ngal-na And especially the Lord and Subjects of Tibet are tormented,

ll·~·if~·~~,~~·~~·~,·if~~~ T~kii mO-pe dung-shug trag-po-yee

With strong yearning devotion, faith and reverence,

~l·~·it~·itl~~·,~iArq·"lq~a Yid-nyee the-tshom med-par sol-wa-deb Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;

if~~·l~·"?q.,~·~~~·,~~~ Orgyen thug-jey pho-gyur med-par-zig Oh Orgyen, please watch over us with your unwavering compassion.

if~~·~C'\,~~Qf~Qfq'"lq~ Orgyen Padma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;

q~~~·~~·t~''r~q~~:~t~~~~ Sam-pa lhun-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob

Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.


Short Prayer to Gunt Rtnpocbe for Attainments

if~~~~·Al·~q·~~l 0-rgyen Rin-po-ch'e Ia sol-wa-deb I pray to the Precious One (from) Oddiyana.

~·~~·~·a-T-'~"-'1 Gal-kyen par-ch'ed mi-jung-zhing Prevent (all) obstructions, the negative circumstances.

~~·q~·~·~·l"-'1 Thun-kyen sam-pa drub-pa tang Acconmlish (all) wishes, the favorable drcumstances.

~l"-~~·i~~~·fA11 Ch'og tang thun-mong ngo-drub tsol Bestow the common and supreme accomplislunents.

"{~~~~i~~~~ This is written by Jigmed Thrinle Odzer, the (first) Dodrupchen Rinpoche.

Translated by Tulku Thondup


A Short Prayer whtch Spontaneously Fulfill W£5hes Origin unknown - Recommended by Lama Jigtse

~ 1~~~~·~~·~~·\(~~~?f9 Sang-gye kun du Gu-ru Rin-po-ch'e The embodiment of aU Buddhas, Guru Rinpoche,

if~~~·~~·,~~·Qf,~·q·~i~· 0-rgyen Pe-rna Jung-nee Ia sol-wa-dep We pray to you, Orgyen Padma Jungne:

St~·~,~~·q,·~·~q-lq Mi-tun gal-kyen par-ch'ed zhi-wa dang Pacify dishannony, adverse circumstances and obstacles.

q~"f~~~~~,·~~~{q~l Sam-pa lliun-gyee drup-par chin-kyee-lop Bestow blessings to spontaneously accomplish our wishes.


Tbe Prayer to Gurn Rtnpoche Tbat Dispels Obstacles and Fulfills All Wtshes

~ ~~·~~·~"~·~~·\{~~~if~·· Tu-sum Sang..gye Gu-ru Rin-po-ch'e Tile Buddha of the three times, Guru Rinpoche,

l~~·~·~~·ql,·ql·q·~·*~q~·· Ngo-trub kun-dag de-wa ch'en-po'i zhab The lord of all the attainments, the Great Blissful One,

q~·~·~·~~·q~l·~~·~,·~~~·· Par-ch'ed kun-sel ~ud-dul trag-po tsal

Who dispels all obstacles, the Wrathful Subduer of the Maras,

.,~~·~·~q~·~~t~·~·!1·.,~at'l Sol-wa-deb so chin-kyee lab-;:-sol 1 pray to you, please bestow your blessings.

&;~1:\·,~"·.qA;q,·~·~q·l"·a Ch'i nang sang-wa'i par-ch'ed zhi-wa tang Pacify all the outer, inner and secret obstacles,

q~~'q·~~·t~·~q·~,·~·~~~~·Sam-pa l~un-kyee drub-par chin-kyee-lob

And bless us so that our wishes are spontaneously accomplished.

This was discovered by the great Dhanna Treasure Discoverer, Chog-kyur DechenUngpa (1829-1870), from the right comer of Senge Nam rock at mount Rinchen Tsegpa. As this prayer is very powerful and intended for (the present) time, please cherish it as your daily prayer. Translated by 1\Jlku Thondup


Brief Prayer to Be Reborn tn Zangdok Palrl by H. H. Dudjom Rinpoche

~ l~~~~·~t~rfq"l"'~~·~~l Sang-gyee kun-gyi ngo-wo ka-drin-chen Benevolent essence of all Buddhas,

li(~~~·~~·~·,~~·q·"lq~l 0-rgyen Rin-po-che Ia sol·wa·dep We pray to you, Orgyen Rinpoche:

l~~·~,·~·~~~~·q·~q·~·~, Nam-zhig tshe-di nang-wa nub ma-thag At the very instant of the dissolution of the phenomena of this life

l~~·'(l·~i~·~~~~~ll Pe-ma Od tu kye-war chin-kyee-lop Bless us to be reborn in Lotus Ught (Guru Rinpoche's Pure Land).

f~~·, By (Jigtral) Yeshe (Dorje)


Prayer to Gum Rtnpocbe as Vajrakt/a from the Leu Dunma

~ q~~·.q·~·~~·~~·q~~~~~·~· Kal-wa me tar bar-we zhal-ye na In the palace blazing like the world-ending fire,

afq~l·~,~·~·ql~·~~,l~·~~·~· Pho-dud treg-pa dzee-pe den teng-tu (Standing on) the seat, crushing worldly demonic forces,

l~Clf~~l',~~~l~~·~·~· Pal-chen Dor-je Zhon-nu pa-wo kU Is the heroic .form of the great glorious Vajra-youth,

~;·~~·~~~·ilq~·P/If,·,~·q'q Dud-dufthro chu thra thab khor-kyee kor Surrounded by the subduers of the maras, the ten Wrathful (deities) with retinues of Thra and Thabs:

~(~~~~~~~·~·,~·q·~q~g Dor-je Phur-pe lha tshog Ia sol-wa-deb We pray to the assemblage of Vajrakila deities.

if~·~i·~~·,~~·~·,~~·q·~i.q~l 0-rgyen Ped-ma Jung-ne Ia sol-wa-deb Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray. (npeattbe.fo/IWJtngmantmmanytlmes)

~q(·~af~~·art: ~·~·~~·:!t·t~~~ Om Badzar Kili Kilaya Hung Sarva Dignan Vam Hung Phat 27

Mantra of Gum Padmasambbava (07gyen) for Healing First say the prayer on page 10 then recite the mantra many times.

Om Ah Hung, Bedzar Guru Pema Siddhi Hung. Tatyatha, om bhaikhadzye bhaikhadzye mahabhaikhadzye radza samudgate soha. At tbe end, recite tbis aspiration prayer:

~~·~~~l~~~l·~l Sem-chen ned-pa chi-nyed-pa All the beings who are sick,

,~:~~l·Ql~·!l,.t'.~ Nyur-tu ned le thar gyur chig May they swiftly be freed from their diseases;

~q~~l·~CR·~~·~l Oro-we ned ni ma-lu-pa All the sicknesses of the beings, without exception,


Tak-t~ung-wa med-par-shog May they never occur (again).


Mantra of Guru Padmasambbava (Orgyen) for Prosperity First say the prayer on page 11 then recUe the mantra many times.

Om Ah Hung, Bedzar Guru Pema Siddhi Hung. Dzambhala Dzalentra-ye soha. At the end, recite tbts aspiratton prayer:

~~·~·~~·~~·~'(l·~~~l Tham-ched nam-kha dzod-zhin tu Like the "sky-treasure," may all (beings)

ar~~·!i·~·~·~l·~~·~ Long-chod ch'ed-pa med-par-shog Possess inexhaustible wealth/prosperity;

fl·~·~·~·~·~l·~l Tsod-pa med-ching tshe-med-par Without struggle and violence,

~=\·lq~·~~il~~·~ Rang-wang tu ni chod-par-shog May (alO enjoy them freely.


Prayer and Mantra ofTakbyung Barwa, A Wrathful Form of Guru Padmasambhava

~ ~qr;~~·~T·~~·~~·~~, Geg pa jig-rung La-ma Trag-pi) ku Haughty, heroic and fearsome body of the Wrathful Guru,

l,l·~·~,·~·~·~·~Qf~~,~q God she trag-shul ta ch'og rol-pe sung Laughing, reviling and fierce speech of the play of the supreme horse,

~~·l·~~·~·-fl~·~~·;~,~ Nying-je ngam zhi ye-shey khyung-gi thug Compassionate, furious and peaceful mind of the wisdom garuda,

ar,·~~·~~Q1·q~;·Q1·,~Q1·q·~lq~• Log-dren dul-we lha Ia sol-wa-deb The deity who subdues the negative forces, to you I pray.

Repeat the foUowing mantra many times

~~=t~·~·\r~~~·~~·~tey~~ Om ah hung, mahaguru artsik-nirtsik hri-hung-throm-phat At the end, recite the aspiration prayer

~~~~~;~~~·~1 Sem-chen ned-pa chi-nyed-pa All the sentient beings who are sick,


Nyur-tu ned le thar-gyur-chig May they swiftly be freed from their sickness;

Talchyung Barwa

~~q~·~l·~~·~~·~l Oro-we ned-ni ma-lu-pa All the diseases of the beings, without t:.tception,

~,·~~~·q·itl·~~~ Tak-tu JUng-wa med-pat *'hog May they never occur (again).


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