A Narrative Report On 2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming 2019
July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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St Stre ress ssin ing g the the them theme, e, “Pana Panag–iin g–iinniliw niliw 2019 2019:: Panags Panagsubl ubli, i, Panag Panagdad dadang anggay gay,, Panagyaman” Panagyaman ” , Pangal Sur High School marked another breakthrough in its saga as the
Alumni Association spearheaded the 2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming on December 28, 2019 at the school school amphithe amphitheater ater.. The The celebr celebratio ation n aims aims to strengt strengthen hen the bonds bonds of un unity ity and solidarity among the alumni members, and to establish harmonious relationship between the Alma Mater and all alumni. The event event started started with with a motorc motorcade ade partic participa ipated ted by all alumn alumni, i, teacher teachers, s, retired retired teachers, stakeholders and visitors at 8:00 AM from Pangal Norte Amphitheater to Pangal Sur Community Center back to Pangal Sur High School. It was followed by a registration of alumni with their respective batches facilitated by Mrs. Blandina D. Udan, Alumna Batch 2006. After which, the opening program was held to formally open the festivity hosted by Mrs. Emiliana D. Caluya and Mr. Robbie R. Gadut. Parts of the program includes marching on the red carpet with 102 alumni from Batch 1980 to Batch 2019, retired employees, visitors, guest speaker and PSHS faculty and staff. Ms. Angelica R. Fernandez, Alumna Batch Ba tch 20 2013 13 led led a pr pray ayer er fo foll llow owed ed by th thee si sing ngin ing g of th thee Phil Philip ippi pine ne Nati Nation onal al Anth Anthem em conducted by Mr. Alvin R. Gadut, Alumnus Batch 2012. Brgy. Capt. Jun G. Flores, Auditor, Alumni Association delivered his welcome address as he stresses the humble beginning and achievements of the school. Everyone was amazed as the Mengal Women of Pangal Sur showca sho wcased sed an enterta entertainm inment ent number number.. Mrs. Mrs. Precil Precilla la S. Romero Romero,, School School Princi Principal pal I gave gave emphasis on the essence of the said gathering so as to promote mutual acquaintance and fostering closer relationship and harmony among all members of the Association. As the program continues, Ms. Clarissa Gay L. Gascon, PSHS faculty rendered another intermission number num ber.. Mrs. Maenel Maenel S. Santia Santiago, go, Presid President ent,, Alumni Alumni Associ Associatio ation n introd introduce ucess the guest guest speaker–Rev. REDENTOR REYES RIGOS, Post Command Chaplain, Fernando Air Base Ecumenical Church, AETDC, FAB, PAF, Lipa City, Alumnus Batch 1989. Rev.. Redent Rev Redentor or R. Rigos Rigos recalls recalls his struggl struggles es and meaningf meaningful ul experi experience encess as he became once a student. He was grateful and overwhelmed to visit the school after 30 years since he departed from school and continued his studies. Mr. Mariano A. Carreon Jr, Alumnus Batch 1983 had the batch acknowledgement and picture taking. Meanwhile, everyone had the Share–A–Food (Tsikahan with Batchmates)
during the lunch break to give chance for all alumni to talk to their old friends and teachers, and reconnect for the future. In the afternoon, each batch presented their intermission number together with their respective t–shirt design. Mrs. Precilla S. Romero served as the judge in selecting the Best Alumni T–Shirt Design. Everyone was given the chance to explain the meaning of their batch t–shirt. Hence, all entries were considered winners and were given prizes. In addition, the Most Mo st Numb Number ered ed Batc Batch h was was also also re rewa ward rded ed an and d it was was gi give ven n to Batc Batch h 19 1980 80 wi with th 15 participants. The Election of New Set of Alumni Association Officers took place after the said activities along with the Raffle Draw as a great way to raise donation for the construction of school perimeter fence. Indeed, the celebration ended up joyously and successfully with a hope in their lips that that th this is wi will ll no nott be th thee last. last. Every Everyon onee is look lookin ing g fo forw rward ard to th thee ne next xt ye year’ ar’ss Al Alum umni ni Homecoming. Prepared by:
MAENEL S. SANTIAGO Proponent/President, Alumni Association Association
PRECILLA S. ROMERO School Principal I
Corroborated: JENNIF JENN IFER ER T. SALV SALVAD ADOR OR PIO, Alumni Association
JUN JUN G. FLOR FLORES ES Auditor, Alumni Association
LEONCIO O. GADINGAN Treasurer, Alumni Association
BLANDINA D. UDAN Secretary, Alumni Association
LILIBETH M. GUILLERMO Vice President , Alumni Association
DOCUMENTATION Motorcade Around The Community Community
Despite the drizzly weather condition, the motorcade started at exactly 8 AM around the community. Registration of Participants Participants
Mrs. Blandina D. Udan, Alumna Batch 2006 facilitated the registration of Alumni with 102 participants from Batch 1980 to Batch 2019. Opening Program
Batch 1980 and Batch 1983 while marching marching on the red carpet as a part of th thee program.
Everyone was overjoyed as other batches–Batch 1991 and Batch 1993 cheerully marches on the red carpet waving their tarpaulins and balloons.
The Pangal Sur High School faculty and staff together with the retired teachers as they took a pose while marching on the red carpet.
Mrs. Precilla S. Romero, School Principal I Ms. Angelica R. Fernandez, Alumna Batch 2013 13 le led d th thee op open enin ing g pr pray ayer er du duri ring ng th thee along with the Guest Speaker, Rev. Redentor 20 R. Rigos gladly joined the crowd upon opening program. marching on the red carpet.
Brgy. Capt. Jun G. Flores, Auditor, Auditor, Alumni Association as he delivers his welcome address.
The Pangal Sur Mengal Women in their entertainment number.
Mrs. Precilla S. Romero, School Principal I as she gratefully expresses her warmest gratitude to all Alumni for the success of the event.
Mrs. Maenel B. Salvador–Santiago, President, Alumni Association as she introduces the guest speaker.
The guest speaker, Rev. Redentor R. Rigos on his inspir inspirati ationa onall messag messagee during during the celebration.
Awarding of Certificate of Recognition and Token to the guest speaker.
Batch acknowledgement and picture–taking of all alumni together together with the members of the dignitaries.
Intermission number presented by every batch which painted colors and brought happiness on the faces of every alumni.
Mrs. Debelyn R. Diron, Alumna Batch
Association Officers Pastor led by the newly–elected President, Florendo F. Secolles.
1982 she receives her prize during the raffle as draw.
I. Collections
Solicitations Registration Donation Total
15, 100.00 5, 100.00 94, 200.00 114, 400.00
II. Expenses
Abaca Lace Fabric Labor (Sewing of Lay) Stick Glue Foil Gas (Solicitation) Glause(Purchase of Prizes) G Glue Gun Tarpaulin Geena Cloth 32” LED Television Single Tub Washing Machine Consolation Prizes (Plasticwares) Worx Thumbtacks Steel pins Double Sided Tape Packing Tape Bond Paper (Legal Size) Frame Balloons Token (Guest Speaker) Paper Bag Sound System Rent (Forward) Food (Lunch) Labor (Cooking of Food) Water Total
200.00 170.00 160.00 180.00 750.00 180.00 500.00 59 00 0..0 00 0 100.00 750.00 1, 000.00 6, 500.00 2, 800.00 1, 480.00 75.00 60.00 145.00 105.00 55.00 155.00 55.00 210.00 329.00 15.00 1, 500.00 1, 800.00 3, 000.00 300.00 60.00 23, 224.00
III. Total Collection Over Expenses
Total Collections Total Expenses Total (Cash On Hand)
114, 400.00 23, 224.00 91, 176.00
Prepared by:
MAENEL S. SANTIAGO Proponent/President, Alumni Association Association
PRECILLA S. ROMERO School Principal I
Corroborated: JENNIF JENN IFER ER T. SALV SALVAD ADOR OR PIO, Alumni Association
JUN JUN G. FLOR FLORES ES Auditor, Alumni Association
LEONCIO O. GADINGAN Treasurer, Alumni Association
BLANDINA D. UDAN Secretary, Alumni Association
LILIBETH M. GUILLERMO Vice President , Alumni Association
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