Internship (Accy 98) is part of the college curriculum that aims to train and orient students about the actual work and their future career. It also provides students the opportunity to apply the theories theories and computation computationss learned learned from school as they are exposed in different different work situations. n!the!"ob #raining is one of the best training methods that enhances one$s people skills. It gives student trainees chances to work and be ac%uainted with seasoned professionals& as well as to learn how to ad'ust with other people$s personalities and attitudes. It also helps students ac%uire relevant knowledge and skills by being immersed to an on!hand experience in an actual workpl workplace. ace. oreov oreover& er& it also also helps helps the studen studentt traine traineee to build build compete competence nce and develop develop professionalism. It also enhances the student$s critical thinking abilities and discipline& including the ability to make sound decisions and evaluate apposite factors. An effective internship program serves with mutual benefit to the student and the entity. ot only that the workplace becomes a development venue for the student trainee in learning more about his chosen field& but also& an effective internship program benefits the company by providing additional manpower for lesser labor cost than a regular employee. n!the n!the!"o !"ob b #rain #raining ing re%uir re%uires es not only effort effort and seriou seriousne sness& ss& but also& also& dedicat dedication ion&& perseverance and passion because this can become a trainee$s useful tool in preparing for the next next chap chapte terr of life life as a real real prof profes essi sion onal al.. *ome *omeda day y& it can can poss possib ibly ly be a sour source ce of recommendation upon taking that big lift from being students to becoming career professionals.
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#he internship course is part of the college curriculum which is an applied academic experience conducted under 'oint faculty and employer supervision that re%uires a minimum of one semester and will include a minimum of +,, contact hours. #his may be in the areas of accounting& external audit& internal audit& or tax. -ach intern registers for this course which will be given three hours credit. A regular letter grade will be given at the end of the internship with input from both employer and the Accountancy rogram /hair or 0ea n. #his course provides students an opportunity to not only apply the theories& principles and ideas learned in the academe but also enhance the technical knowledge& skills and attitudes of students towards work necessary for satisfactory 'ob performance. It will also allow them to train and be oriented about office works and their future career.
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#o provide opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific 'ob using
the real tools& e%uipment and documents. #o learn more about his1her chosen field and practice what he1she have learned from the
academy. #o provide the students with a venue to achieve efficient knowledge to the use of office
management skills in industry& government and acade my. #o build up the student$s competence& professionalism in dealing with p eople& %uality awareness& collaboration skills& critical thinking abilities& discipline& ingenuity and
independence. #o provide agencies with opportunities to observe and evaluate potential staff.
#o allow students to develop strong organi2ational skills and high ethical standards. #o gain ability to communicate with people at all levels. #o develop good 'udgment& discretion and initiatives. #o gain self!confidence and maturity through attention to %ualities which are needed in
the word of work to prepare us. #o ac%uire ability to work harmoniously with employers& workers and customers.
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It was in arch 8& +,,3& two (+) years after her resignation from a government agency where she worked for eight (8) years when 4oraine 4lanita!"arabelo was inspired& resolved and decided to pursue her own professional practice as a /A and formed a solely owned and managed accounting firm under the trade name of "arabelo Accounting ffice ("A). 5efore commencing into managing an accounting firm& 4oraine 4. "arabelo started providing her services as a freelance bookkeeper. ow& "A is successfully operating for ten years offering various accounting services ranging from bookkeeping& accounting& taxation& management and allied services.
It is the mission of "arabelo Accounting ffice to provide personali2ed accounting and tax services at affordable rates.
6uality and affordable accounting and tax services at par with the industry$s best.
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A. 7ighlights of Internship /ourse y internship in "arabelo Accounting ffice has been filled with learning experience. I was assigned to different tasks such as photocopying& assembling the 5I$s Annual Income #ax eturn (I#) and the *-/ re%uirement regarding the financial statements& basic auditing such as validating receipts& inputting the *ummary 4ist of *ales and urchases (*4*) in the 5I$s -4I- 0ata -ntry *ystem& bookkeeping and logging of document transmittals. I have learned that the Annual I# contains a series of statements and forms such as the complete set of financial statements& in its concise form& and the withholding taxes for the year or the +:,; form. egarding the *4*& I was able to had an insight on the different types of
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