A Midsummer.. (Critical Analysis)
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Critical Analysis...
Floribeth G. Rellen
Critical Analysis: A Midsummer Night’s ream
A Midsummer Night’s ream is a comedy !lay" #ritten by $illiam %ha&e %ha&es! s!ear eare e aroun around d '()* '()* or '()(. '()(. +t is about about the ad,ent ad,entur ures es o our our young lo,ers and a grou! o local #or&man and their interactions #ith #oodland #oodland airies. airies. ermia ermia is in lo,e #ith /ysander" ysander" but her ather 0geus #ants her to marry emetrius" so the cou!le came u! #ith a !lan and decides decides to elo!e. elo!e. ermia inorms inorms her best riend riend elena #ho #as once betrothed betrothed #ith emetrius emetrius but elena re,ealed re,ealed the !lan to emetrius emetrius.. +n the orest orest there there are some local local #or&men #or&men #ho are deciding deciding to !erorm !erorm a !lay or 1heseus as a #ay to celebrate his #edding #ith i!!olyta. %oon all 2nd their their li,es li,es change changed d by the doings doings o ber beron on and 1itania 1itania"" the #arring &ing and 4ueen o the airies" #hen beron ordered 5uc& to use a magical 6o#er to 1itania to ma&e her all in lo,e #ith the 2rst thing she sees. 5uc& !lays cu!id on the our lo,ers" he a!!lies the magical 6o#er on /ysander and emetrius trying to sol,e their !roblems but it ma&es it #orst. #orst. No# both lo,es elena and ermia is eeling eeling unlo,ed" unlo,ed" and then starts starts the roman romantic tic and conus conusing ing chase chase in the orest orest.. A Midsum Midsummer mer Night’s ream deals #ith the theme o lo,e and its com!lications.
1he story ta&es !lace in Athens" Greece so the stage is Gree& styl styled ed.. A Mids Midsum umme merr Nigh Night7 t7s s rea ream m eat eatur ures es youn young g lo,e lo,ers rs #ho #ho all all
amusingly in and out o lo,e in a ridiculously brie !eriod o time" o,er the course o a midsummer night. 1he dialogues being thro#n by the actors in the !lay are both #itty and romantic. romantic. 1he !lay starts by introduc introducing ing us about the lo,e 4uadrangle o the characters. Con6ict arises in the orest #hen beron instructs his ser,ant 5uc& to bring him a magic 6o#er" that #hen s!rin&led in one’s eyes" #ill all in lo,e #ith the 2rst creature you see see u!on u!on a#a& a#a&en enin ing. g. 5uc&7 uc&7s s mist mista& a&es es and and !ran !ran&s &s are are the the star startt o com!lications in the story. 1he clima8 o the !lay #as the 2ght bet#een /ysander and emetrius9 elena and ermia. uring this scene in the #oods" some harsh #ords are thro#n around" and ugly things get brought u!. Finally" beron decides that all o these must come to an end" and sto!s the chaos by !utting them to slee!" and gi,ing them the antidote. 1here are are three grou!s grou!s o characters being introduced introduced in the the !lay. !lay. First First are the grou grou! ! o lo,ers lo,ers"" ne8t ne8t are are the airi airies" es" and lastly lastly are are the #or&m #or&men. en. 1hough A Midsummer Night’s ream di,ides its action bet#een se,eral grou!s o characters" 5uc& is the closest to a !rotagonist" #ith his magic" !ran&s" and mista&es9 he ma&es the !lay e8citing.
ends ha!!ily" the
#or&men !erormed their !lay
successully successully and the cou!les are ha!!y #ith their !artners. 1he ending or me is o&ay" though +’m not really ond o ha!!y endings" because in reality not e,eryone e,eryone ends u! ha!!ily ha!!ily.. Basicall Basically y in the !lay you can contr contrast ast reality and a dream" as the title #ould tell it is a dream A Midsummer Night’s ream;9 the airies" magic" and !otions in reality doesn’t e8ist. But
abo,e abo,e all else it is a nice !lay" !lay" it’s 2ctional" 2ctional" but still it’s a nice romantic romantic comedy !lay. +t tac&les the nature o romantic lo,e. +t e8!lains to us that lo,e can ma&e us irrational and oolish. As /ysander said" true love never did run smooth.”
“The course of
%ha&es!eare suggests that lo,e really is
an obstacle course that ma&es us cra
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