A Guide to Using the Clow Cards to Do Tarot Readings

January 7, 2017 | Author: Mikaela Galing | Category: N/A
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A guide to using the clow cards to do tarot readings.* All techniques of how to set out the cards and what each position represents it taken straight from the show! However, the meanings of each card is something I created. I myself am a vetern Tarot reader. I've casually been reading tarot since I was 13 (I am now almost 22...still young but a little wiser ^_^ ) ; I am very accustomed to the Waite Tarot layout (10 fold spread) and used my knowledge of that for this deck's position meanings. Feel confident, I have tested the menaings for accuracy on myself, family, amd school mates. They are EERILY accurate for most people! Please try them yourself, and remember to have fun. ^_^ 1.) How to set out the cards: (Questioner does all this, with left hand if possible) -> Shuffle cards by mixing or cutting deck (No riffling, it�s kinda impossible to do with Clow Cards anyway, :P ) -> Put back into a pile. -> Randomly pulling cards from the deck one by one, arrange like this (if you are doing a reading for another as the Diviner, you do this.)

2.) How to use the cards: If you are feeling flowery, :D use the incantation! Say: �Ancient cards of Clow, show me vision now�� �Show me if you may�where leads my winding way�

(if not just ask the questioner to infuse the cards with their energy, or �chakra�, their feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, etc�.the stuff of them. :) Like in Tarot cards, the Clow Cards have a �major arcana� set, which are represented by the most powerful/oldest cards, aka the cards from the manga; Clow�s original nineteen. The top of that list being the Light and Dark cards, and the four element cards (Windy, Watery, Firey, and Earthy). Thirty-three were added to flesh out the anime series and to complete a 52-card deck. These cards are just as important, and all have unique personalities too, but are considered �lesser� (like the suits of Tarot cards, the cups, swords, coins, and wands.) They are arranged in alphabetical order otherwise in their separate groups. :) If you as the diviner feel any other things that need to be said other than what I have written, say them because that is the cards speaking to you, and extras I have not put must be said to help the questioner. Last but not least � The unique personality/ability of each card has meaning besides what is written, so, for example, the Thunder card�.is an impulsive, testy, slightly violent, and feisty card, that doesn�t always get along with to hers or do as it is told. Whatever is their personality, that is said to have strong influence if the card is upright (facing the diviner) or weak influence if the card is revered (upside down from the diviners position). UPDATED!! October 22, 2007: I organized the cards alphabetically and streamlined everything. I temporarily have taken down the meanings for the past and present specific questions�please enjoy the main Tarot Reading for now. Thank you! And enjoy. ^--- For a printable version (Word Document - 139 Kb), click Kero-chan to download it! ^_^ 3.) Card Meanings: Major Arcana:

The Light: The most �powerful� and influential of the cards, but also mysterious. Loyal and a bit aloof, and very kind. Intelligent. Couples with her opposite The Dark. Upright: Power and passion, blinding light and beauty, a sense of self pride, but with inner fears no one knows. Reverse: Inner powers, and inner desire. Inner creativity and abilities. The Dark: Not an evil card by any means, but indeed has a love of the darkness. She likes to make things disappear, swallowing then, blanketing, smothering them. She is complicated and intelligent, and couples with her opposite The Light. Upright: Deep desires, and a mixed personality, you didn�t know what you wanted, Dark powers. Secrets. Reverse: You made yourself appear odd to attract and repel others, I see dancing. Many talents. Hope. The Elemental cards: The most complicated and powerful with the ability to control elements. They are never static as they are as fluid and ever-changing/moving as the elements they represent. The Windy: The most loyal of the cards. Free and laid-back, and quite gentle, but also has the ability to bind and constrict, mostly in a manner of protection. Upright: Channels of connection; word spread, information traveled. Protection, loyalty. Reverse: There were things that needed to be said. Nothing good arose from this silence. Binding, constriction. The Watery: Ever changing, ever flowing. She is a bit testy and can be rather mean, but is loyal to her master once put in her place. She hates to be confined and the cold. Enemy to The Firey and friend to The Earthy, The Wood, and The Flower. Upright: A love of animals/nature, a love of life. Great things, and an ability to become any situation. A force of nature. You always did �wear it well�. Reverse: Flowing through life effortlessly; perhaps too blas�`. Tragedy prevented greatness, let it go, live on. Love lost, truth. The Firey: Mischievous and confrontational. Quite obviously a Pyro :P. Showy and hates to be defeated, but also aloof and with good timing. Very powerful. Upright: Flaming anger, acceptance and liking of constructive criticism, things lie ahead, many changes. Reverse: Inner fire and desire, inner power, great knowledge; but don�t burn bridges to get them. The Earthy: Also an aloof card and quite powerful. Doesn�t care about pushing others, especially those �smaller� to get what she wants. Can turn into a monster when confronted, but has the ability to foster growth when calm. Her enemy is The Wood � who binds her. Upright: Nose in a situation. Fostering growth. Hiding, love, friendship, flowers, motherly. Reverse: Travel, loved ones. You got/get yourself into tight spots. Carefulness. � The Erase: Trust. Mysterious, fashionable, quiet. Talented, major changes coming soon. Be ready. Reverse: Trust, miss-lead things. Be open, try a new love. Forget past grievances, lose that grudge. The Flower: Beauty, love, kindness, truth. Love of dance, love of love. Hatred of hate. A long road to

victory. Reverse: Show your true inner passions, they are strong passions. Beauty, love, fear to love too close. Get out there. Sweet. The Fly: The need to keep moving, stationary things you keep. Love, caring. A distant fear, be careful. Reverse: Confusion, carefulness, caring. Look out above. The Glow: Lovely personality, bubbling laugh. Too happy at times, look out for life ahead. Glee. Reverse: Hurt lessened joy, let it come once again. Caring will heal the wounds. Turns in the road lie ahead. The Illusion: You were blinded, see your true self. Truth, caring, hope. Reverse: Cocky, don�t assume like you do. Don�t get carried away. The Jump: This is the time, you feel things. Don�t rush in, but prepare. You have this certain tendency to do this. Reverse: Cute, love. Those you know care, remember sportsman�s ship. The way of things. The Maze: Confusion. A need to end a bad, negative thing. Start your things anew, you know you do. Endlessness. Reverse: You jumped over bounds and broke the rules. You like to the DIFFERENT thing, don�t get carried away. The Mirror: You don�t always tend to be yourself. Be your own person. Stop this bad habit, start a new love. Anew. Rebirth. Reverse: Don�t shut yourself out, be heard. Beauty isn�t everything, even though you are so. Love. The Shadow: Never letting go, a distant fear. Caring loved ones, and a need to succeed. Reverse: Fear and loathing, distant hope, never give up. A sense of leadership. The Shield: You blocked too much, it didn�t help. Feel life. Desolation, old loved ones. A favorite place. Reverse: You like to let it all out. Don�t give away all your secrets. People love your secretiveness, but don�t be too secretive. The Sword: Bound power, great talent. You can fight but fighting and not talking won�t help you. Reverse: Too much aggression drove people away, keep your true friends. Seek after those new friends being kind to you. Don�t be shut away, don�t be deceived. The Thunder: Power, aggression, but caring for those close. Look forward, see the answer. Completion, Competition, contest, love of the hunt. Reverse: Power shut away, let it out. You want to show everyone what you can do, you have fears. The Wood: Love, great love. Those who care most will be there for you, you know it. You feel entwined. Reverse: A barrier of unknowing, refusal, great love, see it there. Minor Arcana: The Arrow: You are straightforward, and honest. Lies will hurt you. Be true to your heart. Go for it. Reverse: Little lies you tell, and no one realizes it. It�ll hurt you when they do find out! Strength, love, flowers. The Big: You feel overpowered, don�t. Qualities, good, love, friends. Art. Reverse: Don�t get shut away. Fashion, truth, fear. Be yourself.

The Bubbles: Adorable smile, charming ways. Love of the ocean or animals, connections with special things. Seek your fortune, seek it strong. Reverse: Always exploding in some sort of way, strength, discipline, for your eyes alone. Tradition. The Change: You are ever changing your ways, it confuses others. Be yourself, don�t let the pressure get to you. A new love I see. Reverse: Static lifestyle, add some spice! Leave all your grudges and troubles behind you. You cute thing you. The Cloud: Love of plush, love of sleep. Enjoyment of pleasure, seek the creativeness in you bloom. Reverse: Take things slower, you move too fast. Trite, straight-forward. The Create: I see a child in your future, yours or another�s. You want to be loved, you also want to have a little love of your own. Feel your power. See your love. Reverse: You need to be more caring. Stop worrying. Try again, third times a charm. The Dash: Cuteness, love, playfulness. Pets, friends. Connection to childhood, see the answers behind you. Reverse: Sly and trickery. Quickness, joy. Don�t get carried away. The Dream: You have visions, you should follow them. A loved one is changing your life somehow, seek to how it affects your future. Reverse: Wisdom, truth, knowing, let it all come out. Victory. The Fight: Aggressive, careful, deliberate. Look out for wrong paths, Overpowering in conversation, funny.

Reverse: Passive, don�t let people walk on you. Strong in opinion. Great change often, you will be ready. The Float: Blas� attitude. Fear of heights. Love of adventure. Be careful, things lie ahead. Reverse: Big influence, great passion. Kindness, lucky. The Freeze: Don�t feel bogged down. Help is coming. Don�t be afraid to call for help. You like to get your nose in things. Reverse: Trial and error, be sure of your steps. Love forgotten, love gained. The Libra: Magical aura, seek guidance in the stars. Strength, wisdom, foresight. Reverse: Interest in the �magiks�, seek your future in the stars. Friends are close, enemies closer. The Little: Beauty and small sentiments. Look at what matters. Rushing isn�t the best way. Reverse: You are coming into your profession. Show your talent, be it small. Push out hard and long. The Lock: Secrets kept which should be told. Trusty. Reverse: Secrets told that should have been kept. Fluffy. The Loop: The rut of life is not as deep as most think, you like routine. You want attention, you get it when

you show your creativity. Show your power, feel it�s reward. Reverse: Keep your ways tied, don�t overdo it. Caring, apprehensive, mysterious. The Mist: In the shadows you feel a presence. A dead or lost or gone loved one. Deep connection, deep love. Reverse: Shut up inside, withdrawal. Don�t let it get worse. Feel your friends. Caring, Water. The Move: Powerful speaker, great influence. A new lover I see, a new sense of well-being! Things will change for you. Reverse: Great talker, gossip. Changes come forth quickly, waves of water crash down. The Power: Great influence, great strength. Don�t get carried away, people will get hurt. Passion for love, passion for life. Fell your inner power. Powerful vibes, you�re deeply strong, be proud. Reverse: Let your powers out. You love to love and love to be friendly. Have it guide you to a common level of life. Open your eyes. The Rain: Cute, caring, creativity. Cultivate your powers. Reverse: Show your true self, love. The Return: A forgotten friend or loved one will come back into your life. Don�t push them away. Your love of your current state will bind you. A new technology. Reverse: Keep a lookout, you don�t always think. Hardship, thinking, goodness. The Sand: Graceful and light-footed, hard loser, big winner. Love of the race. Reverse: Hard and un-forgiving, but very wistful. Likes to listen, whispers things. The Shot: Speed, love, and fluidness. Strength. Follow your instincts. Reverse: Build your fortune, build your strength. Feel it inside you. You like to have free time. The Silent: A soft touch, a clock ticking. See things how they are, don�t turn them around like you do. Influence. Reverse: Let others speak their mind. Talkative. Friendship and�that thing you do? The Sleep: Don�t assume always that you are a bore. Your stars guide you, see your path. Dance, love, claim of your right. Reverse: Overpowerment. A fear. The stars will guide you, seek your fortune. The Snow: Beauty and love surrounds you. A solemn attitude, a drowsy manner. Reverse: Elusive, hidden feelings, hidden feelings of love, questionable sexuality. A battlefield lies ahead. The Song: Love of life, love of company. A creative juice left untapped. Tap your power, your TRUE power. Reverse: Be heard, you wish to be heard! Speak yourself, you want to speak your mind. Love is around you, feed on it and succeed. The Storm: Wild and daring, but kind to those you trust. They trust you too. Crazy!

Reverse: Pent up energy, caring, trusting. Wild, crazy! Future influence. The Sweet: Beauty, love, niceness, cuteness. Candy candy candy. Yummy. See your path, you can smell it. Reverse: A devious little cute bitch. That�s you. You love to play, see it for its real meaning. The Through: Elusive and caring. Lithe and limber. Train hard and reap the rewards. Reverse: Creative, hard-work pays off in all cases. Be loyal to those who are so to you. The Time: A long road to a developed life and relationship. Slow learning, hard hardships. Beautiful love, passion. Reverse: Rushing is not good for you. You procrastinate too much, stop it at once! Go after your love of the thrill of the ride. The Twin: A scared loved one, a special bond. Nothing tears you from your friends. Loyal and caring. Reverse: Confused way of mind, circle of friends. Happy ways and loving parents. The Voice: Great talents, weakness of childhood. Break the bad habit. Go on to your full potential. A beautiful soul. Reverse: Let out that beauty, let out the hate. Come forth and confess your sins, your heart bleeds with sorrow and brims with love. The Wave: Go with the flow, at the top of your profession and of what you do, Keep up the things that work. Reverse: Aggression at resistance, negative feelings gone. Move on to better things, you have to, to move on.

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