A Guide To 1st Year MBBS

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A Guide To 1st Year MBBS - The DOs and the DON'Ts DO N'Ts

(NOTE: Some pictures are not visible due to certain reasons. Will try to update soon) I remember the day I knew I was getting admission into a medical college. I was overjoyed and overwhelmed. Couldn't wait for the professional course to start and finally wear that apron. My dream since I had first thought of being a doctor. Well, you are here reading this. You might just be the ME one year ago. Over-enthusiastically Googling for study tips, book lists, memory write ups or just stalking your seniors in 1st year M.B.,B.S.

Kudos then! I'm sure you must've rocked your CET, come out bang with a huge score and an amazing rank! Admission process will be done and you'll soon know which medical college is going to carve out an amazing doctor out of this little genius.

I decided to hence in short write how your 1st year M.B.,B.S. will be, how you will have to study and which books you can use.

You'll have the Dean's (headmaster of college) address. Your professors and seniors will welcome you to the institution. And the lectures will begin. Our seniors gave us the tour of the college and a map of it. But if not, be sure to explore the campus.

Mainly in a medical college, newbies are afraid of being ragged. But don't worry, most colleges have really strong anti-ragging committees and you have good protection against any bad behavior. You won't be ragged! At least physically. But if your seniors try to talk t alk to you, ask your name, CET rank or hometown, don't be shy and run away. To get people talking most seniors try to devise funny games and weird tasks. Be a sport and play along. These moments will strengthen your bond with them and


believe me, you are going to require their help A LOT! They can advise you on which books to use, which lectures to attend and even what clothes to wear on the day of vivas! Being a chicken will only keep you from these words of the gurus! You might be made to complete some journals or bring cigarettes from the naka, but its a part of it.

(note, hereon the post will be more specific to medical colleges of Mahrashtra. Other state colleges may or may not have the similar pattern.) (This is a huge and a very long post. I have tried to nearly cover all the aspects. If you cannot finish in one reading, make sure you bookmark the page and finish it later.)

Coming to the academic affairs. You won't deal with any patients this year. Apart from those asking you for directions or some room no 312. You will have 3 non-clinical subjects for your 1st year.

1) Anatomy 2) Physiology 3) Biochemistry

Anatomy is basically the study of the master piece. The intricate structure of human body. Physiology will tell you how this creation works fascinating wonders. The body processes. While Biochemistry will tell you how the tiny non-living magician molecules interact with each other to sustain this miracle of life. (you know the Glycolysis pathway and Krebs' cycle, right?) You must have done the basics in your 12th, but now these will be much detailed.

Each subject is taught by a department. Each department has 1) Head of Dept (HOD) 2) Professors 3) Associate Professors 4) Assistant Professors / Lecturers


5) Residents (The PG students of that subject) 6) Non-teaching staff like Peons, Clerks etc.

Each dept will have separate classrooms, lecture theaters, labs. Of the 6 working days you'll have 3 days Anatomy 3 days Physiology + Biochemistry.

Morning lectures will be followed by an afternoon break and practicals later. 75% attendance for lectures and 80% attendance for practicals is compulsory according to the MUHS (Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik) rules. Try to complete it. You don't want the hassles at the time of form filling for fo r the finals.

You'll have 2 main exams, whose marks will be considered co nsidered as internal assessment marks, which will contribute to your final score. 1) Terminal exam - based on portion covered till then. 2) Preliminary exam - entire syllabus. (Papers set by the college itself)

Minimum of 50% score is required separately in theory and practical exams to pass. And believe me, its not a cake walk. 35% minimum in internals is required to be eligible to appear for final exam. You have theory as well as practical exams. The practicals include the Practical experiments you perform (in Physiology and Biochemistry) and Vivas on the topics. Vivas are basically like the oral exams we've had in schools. Practs are very scoring and boost up your percentages, but also the ones where you will be really tested and can't fake knowledge.

Final Exam-


1) 2 papers of each subject with 50 marks each 2) Practical Exam for 60 marks 3) 40 marks internal assessment (20 each for theory and practicals) Total of 200 marks for each subject.

You may have small part completion tests arranged by some departments throughout the year, but their marks won't be included for internal assessment. (however don't let this be a reason for you to take them casually. Studying for these exams helps a lot to reduce work load for finals.) You'll have journals for each subject. Make it a point to complete them on time and get signed. Otherwise finally when you need time to study for prelims, you waste ttime ime drawing shabby diagrams and writing shit! Avoid making mistakes/shabbiness while completion if you don't want redraws. The finals are in May-June. May -June. These are conducted by the University. Common papers to all medical colleges of Maharashtra. You get a month long preparatory leave after prelims and before finals to study for them. M.B.,B.S. is in fact a course co urse of 4.5 + 1 (compulsory internship) years. 1st year - is of practically only 8 - 9 months 2nd year - is of 1.5 years 3rd year - is of 2 years

(Don't ask me why they call it an year then) As the portion is huge and time left after admission process is small, 1st year is in fact comparatively more difficult than 2nd year.

Bhalani's are the one stop shop for anything and everything related to medical education. You'll find one Bhalani's shop near every medical college. From all the books, to dissection tools, to aprons. Everything you'll get here. The KEM wala Bhalani is the largest though I guess with lots of options for books. The Bhalani's publish another book, which is the manual for 1st year. All the details of exams and college process will be available in it. But most importantly, it has the IMP (important) questions and question papers of previous years, which are very necessary in studying for your exams. I suggest make medium sized 100 pages innumerable notebooks for every chapter being taught in the lectures instead of a large one for each subject. This will prevent the hassles of having to find a particular chapter finally when you need to read. Jot down as many points as possible.


  -Firstly because it helps in memory reinforcements and you start learning from the lecture itself. -Secondly, the points explained by the professors are from books that you’ll never even hear o of. f. And these help a lot during exam preparation.

(For LTMMC students, write each and every word spoken by Dr. Mahendrekar, Dr. Jaya in Anatomy, Dr. Iyer, Dr. Pawar, Dr. Mishra in Physiology and Dr. Dipnaik, Dr. Mane, Dr. Dias in Biochemistry) A doctor once told me, nearly 50% of the medicine that you practice pract ice in your career will be learnt in 1st year. Let me now tell you about each subject. And books to be used.


This is the largest and most extensive of the three, requiring intense hard work and sincere efforts. The first fear that every medical student faces, is the fear of long words HIPPOPOTOMONSTROSESQUIPPEDALIOPHOBIA. How to remember the anatomical terms? Forget the remembering part, even pronouncing them sometimes reminds you of 'She sells sea shells...' tongue twisters. This can be easily tackled with a smart idea from day 1. Most of the medical words have Latin/Greek origin. Studying the etymology, that is, how the word has been derived will help you a lot in remembering the words, as you'll know the meaning of the word. It's fun too. Common Carotid artery - karos means deep sleep. As this artery is main supply to head and the brain, any hindrance can cause coma.

You'll need a medical dictionary. Dorland is best but I would suggest Taber's as it has clinical cli nical teachings too.



Taber's 20th edition is Single Volume and Dr. Natrajan's book To study etymology, I made a small small diary. Where I would write down the Latin/Greek roots of words and their meanings. Search any damn word in Taber's, check the origin. Such study will let you understand even new words you come across for the first time also, as the roots are same. A medical dictionary app on your Android can come handy.

My Diary Also there's a book called Understanding Anatomical Terms by Dr. Natrajan of GSMC. I found it very useful and interesting.


  Now there are again different subjects in Anatomy itself. That's what makes it larger.

General Anatomy This is basically introduction to basic concepts of Anatomy. The first few lectures will be conducted on this. General Anatomy by B. D. Chaurasia is a very small book that can c an be used for it. If you are interested you can read it even before the college starts. Make sure you finish reading it completely, once before the terminals at least. least. Otherwise from exam point of view only 2/3 chapters are asked as questions.

Gross Anatomy This is the anatomy which you can Grossly see. That is without any microscope or special techniques. Here you will learn by dissections of cadavers (preserved dead bodies with embalming). Now I know there are many notions about this, but no, it is not frightening. And you get used to the smell and fumes of formalin in 2 days. Some people do faint or o r feel giddy on first day. But this doesn't mean they are weak or anything. Just try to avoid standing near edges to prevent getting hurt in case you are feeling giddy and might fall. 2 weeks later you'll get g et so used to dead bodies that you'll play with the dissected adipose tissue! However learn to respect the cadavers. These were thoughtful people who donated their bodies so that doctors of tomorrow could learn. Don't feel ashamed to do anything. You might have to dissect rectum and remove stools manually if they're inside. Giving up all the shame and inhibitions is what you'll anyway learn in a medical college. You'll be divided in batches and share dissection tables. Take turns dissecting. The portion is divided in 5 parts called Regions 1) Upper limb 2) Lower limb 3) Head, Face and Neck 4) Thorax 5) Abdomen

You will have different batch teachers for every region who will guide you in dissections and take Lecture-cum-demostrations (LCDs) for specifically your batch. They will also take the osteology that is study of bones for you. You require a bone set (unilateral/bilateral) which you can buy from your seniors. Don't buy the Plaster of Paris ones, you need originals. Mr. Sakhalkar from Sangli can also provide you with bones if they are available avai lable - 09923269674


Gross anatomy forms the largest chunk of marks in Anatomy and will be most useful further in your career.

Books1) Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy This is a superb book and guide for dissection, but is mostly ignored by students because of its complicated language. Every college makes it compulsory to carry this book to dissection hall. The step wise dissection and description helps a lot. Correlate the dissection in situ with the beautiful diagrams. Usually when 4 people are dissecting, others must read Cunningham and direct them. This happens smoothly during the first few months when you are excited. However slowly people find playing Angry Birds more interesting. But don't ever get away from dissection table even for a minute. Keep looking and dissecting whenever possible. I used to fight every time for f or dissecting and as later other people got bored, I practically dissected everyday. This will help more than reading theory even 5 times as you'll understand relations and form pictographic memory. Especially important if you dream of becoming a surgeon tomorrow. Initially it will be difficult to understand Cunningham, but as you get hang of the anatomical language you'll bless me for stressing so much on this book. Remember, nearly 60% of gross anat you will learn in college. So pay attention to every detail in LCD, however sleepy you might feel after the lunch. Feel free to go and see bodies assigned to other batches too. Helps to learn variations. Don't be worried about damaging any anatomical structure. People usually stop dissecting by the fear that they might cut some nerve. But better do it now on cadaver rather than doing it on a patient in surgery later. Similarly don't shout on your friends who damage anything. 2) Human Anatomy by B. D. Chaurasia - 3 Volumes Vo lumes


This is the bible for theoretical gross anatomy. It has amazing line diagrams which can be easily reproduced in exams, but are shitty and boring for understanding. Mostly people substitute Cunningham with B. D. Chaurasia (BDC we call it) but it is necessary to have both. The descriptions are very good in form of notes which if you write in exams will fetch you perfect scores. But don't  just mug the answers. Try to to understand every concept, othe otherwise rwise the mugged memory is th there ere to stay only for few weeks. Reading BDC after Cunningham and dissection is the ideal way. Read a particular chapter from BDC the very same evening it is completed in LCD that day. Because you won't understand much of the next LCD unless you do so. Most colleges also display their program for the next day. So if you know what will be taught next time, try to glance through the chapter at least, so that you aren't completely blank before the LCD. This will certainly help in topics which are very huge and covered in a jiffy by the teachers running on tight schedules. As you come across new word, remember to find its roots in Taber's and note in your diary. Also read the Clinical Cases of that topic from BDC given at the end of chapter.

1st year subjects are non-clinical, that is, you learn the fundamental sciences. But the patient tomorrow will present (come) in your CLINIC with some complain complaints, ts, symptoms when ssomething omething goes wrong. Clinical correlations, either in Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry are these usual complaints and disorders. These are very interesting and exciting. Diagnosing (finding out whats wrong) is the most fun! But don't get carried away much by it. Its what you are anyway going to learn next 4.5 years, so concentrate more on basics.

Writing clinical points at the end of answers earns you brownie marks, but not if you've not written the basic anatomy of it.

3) Human Anatomy by Vishram Singh This is a newer substitute for BDC, which has more clinical correlations. I've personally never used it, but they say its good. May help you in scoring as your points would stand out of the usual usu al BDC written papers. Whether to buy Vishram Singh or BDC, your choice.

4) Clinical Anatomy by Richard Snells Best book for clinical anatomy, but less of anatomical details. Helps best after you've read BDC. Most used by post graduate (PG) aspirants. Subscribe from library rather than buying.

5) Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice by Henry Gray


  This is the BIBLE of anatomy. If you manage to read this, you'll be a GOD of Anatomy. But not recommended. Firstly because its huge and has complicated language. Reading a page takes 1 hour. Secondly, you aren't expected to know such details at under graduate (UG) level. Anyway BDC is a word to word, point wise copy of Gray's. So you don't miss the important details. Use library versions to read certain topics like Perineum from it which aren't given nicely in BDC or to solve your doubts.

6) Students Version of Human Anatomy by Henry Gray This is a hand book bible, condensed edition of original. May substitute BDC as it has better diagrams (paintings) for understanding. But disadvantages are, does not have point wise description and simple line diagrams needed for exams.

7) Atlases These are collection of pictures pic tures of anatomical structures along different diff erent planes and views. These are a MUST to understand and learn Anatomy. Ideal way of studying Anatomy on the evening of LCD would be with a mug full of steaming coffee, BDC on your lap and different Atlases spread on table. Whenever BDC describes something, try to look for it in the pictures. TRY TO FIND EVERY EV ERY FRIGGIN' DETAIL of that structure even if it means aching backs with hours of page turning. tur ning. This investment of time is worth as there is reinforcement of pictographic memory of dissection. Also as our dissections aren't perfect, you can see all that you might have damaged in dissection. Options available are -


  - Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter All time favourite. Best for understanding relations, courses and finest details. I couldn't find even a single mistake inspite of trying to, desperately! desperately! Best according to me. BDC + NETTER + CUNNINGHAM + DISSECTION = ASSURED DISTINCTION

- Atlas of Anatomy published by Thiemes My favourite, because of amazing clinical and physiological correlations. Also better for osteology,  joints and muscle attachments than Netter. Netter. However isn't as flawless as Net Netter's. ter's.

- Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy by McMinn Best for those final touches to concepts and practical exam study as it has real time pictures of dissected bodies rather than paintings. Let's you understand textures and real looks of anatomy.

- Grant's Atlas of Human Anatomy I sincerely have not much used this, hence can't comment. However it is the most used by my seniors and clinicians for its accuracy. They sometimes prefer it over Netter's.

Having 1 Atlas at least is a must. Rather USING it is a must! I have seen people reading BDC without using any Atlas! Its like wearing a Tuxedo without wearing a trouser or even any underwear! Superficially you think you're looking smart and handsome. But down there (conceptually) you are a total NANGU (naked).


I myself have the top THREE Atlases. And I made it a point to check the structure being described in in BDC from all possible views and all possible atlases. Takes a hell lot of time on those LCD evenings, but once done, you can then read BDC alone. Also you score SEXY HUGE in practicals! Also, if your college provides you with a journal for Gross Anatomy, make sure you complete it that day and get it signed from your batch teacher before he leaves for another batch when the next region starts.

Histology Histos is tissue while logia is a study. Here you basically study different tissues under microscope. Good understanding of histology will help you better understand the physiology of the tissue. Lectures on different topics are conducted during morning sessions while you have practicals in the Histology lab the very same day, where your batch teachers explain the structures again.

Books1) Human Histology by Inderbir Singh A very good book covering all details from Gray's. Very detailed explanations and functional aspects.

2) diFiore's Atlas of Human Histology Must carry it during histology practicals and read carefully as you stare at the slide under microscope, side by side. Don't waste your time during histo practs. People generally take a look at the slide and then while away checking out the gals and guys of the batch. When all the 56 exam slides come together, it


becomes difficult to distinguish epithelia from connective tissue. So make it a point to remember the specific features of the slide. Complete the journal that very week and read about the slide from  journal too. You can use only eosiniphil andhematoxylin andhematoxylin pencils for diagrams. These are ve very ry frustrating as they break easily. `Buy pencils of a company called Staedtler, darker and stronger (these aren't available everywhere, so tell your Malad/Chembur friends to bring them for you. they are costly, so sort out the money matters then and there.) Draw diagrams from diFiore's only. And perfectly. Otherwise you might get redraws. You won't be allowed to attend the next histology practical unless you submit the completed journal of previous practical. After finishing the diagrams, read the theory about the slide from Inderbir Singh. Your next histology practical will be a week later. So doing 1 diagram every day will reduce the work load and give you efficiency at the slides you study. You have to do this besides reading the Gross anatomy that has be taught in the LCD taken that day.

Embryology This is the study of the developing human, in the womb of the mother. You must have done the basics of it in 12th, now you will learn the process. Good understanding of embryology helps a lot in understanding the WHYs of gross anatomy. You will have lectures similar to Histology but no practicals as such. Some day, you will showed different models (plastic statues) of embryology by your teacher and these models will be kept in finals for viva.

Books1) Human Embryology by Inderbir Singh Basically the BDC for embryology. Beautiful line diagrams, simple language. Enough for those who  just want to pass in it. Must use for for exams.


  2) Langman's Medical Embryology Detailed and beautiful description. Real photographs and amazing concept teaching with clinical developmental anomalies. Used by most teachers. Combined with Inderbir Singh for exams is the winning combination.

3) The Developing Human by Moore and Persaud Basically the Gray's of embryology. Excessively detailed, breath taking photographs, huge no. of clinical cases. Recommended for specific topics like Pharyngeal arches, Cardiovascular, Urogenital system development. Use library versions.

4) B. D. Chaurasia's dream - Human Embryology New in market. Not much used. Basically a competition to Inderbir Singh.

Neuroanatomy Study of the Nervous system. You will have lectures on it. As you finish Head, Face and Neck (HFN) region, you'll be shown different parts and cut section specimens of brain in the dissection hall. These will be kept in practicals and there will be a viva. Read the same evening of the lecture and revise BEFORE sections are shown. Reading the Central Nervous System physiology which forms a huge chunk of marks in Physio, will help you better understand the Neuroanatomy. Read corresponding chapters from Physiology even if they are not taught along with anatomy as the function will help you understand structure. And vice versa.


Books1) Textbook on Clinical Neuroanatomy by Vishram Singh All time favourite. Most preferred and helps a lot even in Physiolgy. Very good clinical cases.

2) Human Anatomy by B. D. Chaurasia - volume no. 3 After the HFN descriptions, Chaurasia has included a section for Neuroanatomy. Very good for cranial nerves study. But I prefer Vishram Singh.

3) Clinical Neuroanatomy by Richard Snells Haven't personally used it, but applauded hugely by all my friends who did. Amazing clinical cases.

Study Neuroanatomy just like Gross Anatomy, A natomy, with Atlases.

Human Genetics Study of genetic heredity and clinical basis of congenital diseases. Lectures are conducted throughout the year. Not asked in practicals only in theory. Smallest book and smallest syllabus. Hence ignored completely by most students (including me). But a guaranteed g uaranteed question asked in finals, predictable questions and cake walk for 4 marks. Especially in our finals, no question was specifically asked on General Anatomy or Embryology but it was asked on Genetics. Human Genetics by Dr. Gangane is the most used book. Even in that we have only selected chapters, not the entire book.

Radiology and Living Anatomy Radiology is study of anatomy using advanced imaging techniques for diagnostic purposes. Like XRays, MRI, CT scans, Arteriograms, Bronchograms B ronchograms and Ultrasonography. These are appropriately taught in the LCDs of specific regions and a 5 marks viva is conducted. B. D. Chaurasia gives a basic informative chapter on Radiology at the end of a region. Snells gives amazing clinical correlations. For people more interested in it, there's a book by Halim Das. Living Anatomy mainly includes testing a live subject. In the practicals, a peon is made to sit and you are supposed to check different actions of muscles, palpate (check by touching) arteries, etc. Even this is covered extensively in BDC BD C and mostly ignored by students.


Complete the specific sections of the Gross Anatomy journal which are reserved for these other subjects too.

This is all about Anatomy. As you see, Anatomy itself is so huge and takes up so much time during the entire year, that at a point you wonder if you have applied for a Post Graduation Graduatio n course in Anatomy. But if done systematically, Anatomy is very rewarding and raises your percentage very much. Also it forms the foundation for Surgical branches and hence must be perfected right now. The Anatomy department of LTMMC conducts a 100 (theory + practs) marks part test after completion of every region, which includes all the portion taught in Gross, Histo, Embryo, Neuro General anatomy and Genetics from the previous exam day to the next exam day. Study for them as your burden will be reduced for prelims and finals and also you'll get enough practice of answering in vivas. However they aren't considered co nsidered for internal assessment.

2) Physiology

Physiology, according to me, is the most interesting subject of all three. Function determines the Structure. Every anatomical structure has developed for its specific function. And hence understanding Physiology will help you understand Anatomy better. The opposite is also true. Physiology requires patience, creative imagination, curiosity - the thirst to know the HOWs and WHYs and logical, deeply conceptual study. But once you understand it, there's no forgetting. This demands extra attention in lectures and lots of doubt-asking to the professors. It is mostly ignored by many because of its simplicity and easy understanding but it becomes difficult to finally finish it for prelims and finals especially if you have bunked or not paid attention in lectures. Understanding the basics of physiology is very much required as it will form the basis of Pathology and Medicine in subsequent years. Do not bunk lectures of any subject, especially not of physiology. The direction of thought, the clinical manifestation and general ‘FEEL’ of o f the topic, you’ll only o nly get from the professor’s teaching.

(VIP for LTMMC students, where we have amazing professors like Dr. Iyer, D Dr. r. Deshpande, Dr. Mishra). Passing in Physiology is fairly simple if you have a logical thought process and attentive mind in class, but scoring a distinction requires near perfect answers, which needs hours of slumbering at concepts and ideas you won't find in the usual study material!

You will have Physiology lectures in the morning with 1 or 2 Biochemistry lectures interspersed. And 2 out of 3 days you will have physiology practicals with 1 out of 3 being Biochemistry practicals in the afternoon. Physiology practicals can be of  – 


1) Hematology – small experiments where you have to use your own blood, with small finger pricks. (eg. Hb by Sahli’s hemometer.) It doesn’t pain much and slowly you get used to pricking yourself. If

sight of blood freaks you out and if you feel giddy, stand away from table edges. You can also ask any peon to give you pricks. Because most of the times, out of fear our pricks aren’t deep enough to give

enough blood for the experiment. Hematology procedures are mostly taught by residents (PG students of Physiology.) The teaching part of it, thus can be boring. Hence fight the urge to sleep. Also, feel free to ask any doubts to senior professors after practicals. 2) Clinical Physiology – A boy from f rom the batch volunteers as a subject (otherwise the teacher selects at random). On the subject you will be taught physical clinical examination (those things a doctor usually does when you go to him with stomach ache or cold complaints). Write Wri te down the extra points told by residents (saves time of reading Hutchinson). Do not feel shy in either volunteering or examining the subject. As I said, in medicine, give up all the shame and inhibitions.

The clinical abnormalities (which you obviously don't see in your friend) are taught (ineffectively) by the residents. Most of the times, you don't understand much in spite of concentrating. Hence learn to be curious and find out, what would change a normal physiological state and cause the abnormality. You have internet on your phones and seniors along the corridors. Learn to be parasitic and nibble away at their heads, keep asking questions. The more you learn clinically oriented, the lesser do you tend to forget. 3) Charts/Graphs/LCDs – Here you will be explained different charts or graphs (eg. Understanding ECG.) But these topics are mostly m ostly even covered by senior professors in ttheir heir lectures. Hence paying attention in lectures will help you here.

Books- (contact Mr. Advait Sonar, LTMMC for details on this section) 1) Medical Physiology by Guyton and Hall


  This is the bible of Physiology for UG students. Unlike Gray’s of Anatomy, this book is very lucid,

understandable, Amazingly Interesting and the best book to easily build your concepts. Reading Guyton is like reading story books. There is a fluency f luency in the description, hence the thought processes become clearer. You just can’t afford not reading this book. In fact, I have advised many juniors to start reading it as soon as possible, even before the college starts. (downloadable .pdf versions are available on net). Finishing 5 chapters of physiology before the commencement of teaching helped me a lot in reducing work load when anatomy pounced on with all those words. The drawbacks are  –  i) Redundancy – The same concept is re-explained throughout the book wherever required, thus increasing the thickness. However this in fact helps in concept strengthening. ii) Descriptive – The chapters aren’t point wise. Hence writing perfect answers for marks scoring becomes difficult. iii) Lacks certain details – When the professors teach during the lectures, they include many different points from various books, which aren’t explained in Guyton but are expected to be written in exams. Here, notes of teachers can help. (other option is reading reference books) iv) The hematology and immunology se section ction dealt in college in excessively detail detailed ed and clinically oriented which is not sufficiently dealt with by Guyton. However reading them once from Guyton will form the basic concepts needed for understanding other books. Khorana is the most preferred book (never used by me) MUST HAVE GUYTON!. If you think of buying other book, I would advise downloading the online version and printing the chapters that you would want to read. Hence you need not carry a huge book, also giving you the liberty to attach those pages to your class notes.


2) Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology 

Professors’ favourite. Almost 90% of the lectures will be

based on this. Thinner as compared to Guyton, but note that it is a REVIEW. Hence, not much descriptive. Used by PG aspirants for CET preparation. However certain points from tthis his books are expected to be known at UG level which will be explained in lectures and must be noted down. Reading this book after Guyton will give you extra edge in exams. Not advised because of complicated language.

3) Textbook of Medical Physiology by A. K. Jain Jain – Volumes 1 and 2 Most of the students substitute Guyton with this book. It is a complete book with word to word simplified copy from Ganong, hence preventing the notes writing. Also very systematic, point wise and thus huge bonus for marks scoring. Has innumerable line diagrams, tables and flow charts which when included in papers are examiner pleasers! Amazing However not as lucid and descriptive as Guyton and tends to become very factual f actual and hence sometimes frustrating. Not many mistakes. mi stakes. My personal favourite.

4) Physiology Prep Manual for Under Graduates by V. D. Joshi The beloved darling of under graduates. For its Question-Answer format teaching. A copy of Guyton without the unnecessary redundancy and perfect point wise description. Also covers the hematology section very well. Students who usually ignore Physiology either for enjoying their first year, or simply because of anatomy work load, usually resort finally to this book for exam preparations, as it makes completing one reading, possible in those desperate times. However this book will not help a one bit in developing basic concepts and will only confuse more, than help without prior reading of Guyton


and lectures. My advice would be to use this book for exam preparations only after reading the concerned chapters from Guyton.

5) B. J. Notes

My B. J. Notes I don’t know whether this can be included in the list for books. These are nothing but printed notes

from the professors of BJMC, Pune which are extensively circulated throughout the medical colleges of Maharashtra. Highly systematic, point wise, concise, co ncise, including only the questions asked in the exams. No diagrams, typewriter script and dull pages with infinite markings make it very boring and tiresome to read. But a winner during exam preparation, as it covers all the points. WILL NOT AT ALL HELP DEVELOP ANY CONCEPT. My advice would be to use this after reading Guyton, only during the exam preparations. Also must refer to A. K. Jain (AKJ) for the necessary line diagrams. If possible, procure these at the commencement of the year. (You will easily get them from your seniors, which will have their markings and ever those of THEIR seniors. Or you could buy it from a stationary shop besides the BJMC Pune.) As you read Guyton throughout the year, I would suggest you see the types of questions being asked in BJ Notes and try to frame your answers from Guyton. If you dream of distinction in Physiology, making your own perfect answers would help a lot. For thati) Check the questions of BJ Notes ii) Read corresponding sections from Guyton and AKJ iii) Add points from Guyton and flow charts and line diagrams from AKJ to the systematic points of BJ Notes.


iv) Make your own notes and answers for questions.

6) Medical Physiology by Sembulingam It is point wise, very systematic and ample of flow charts. It has beautifully explained hematology. However, many mistakes and controversies. Not recommended by professors. (Some LTMMC professors hate it)

7) Practical Physiology by V. D. Joshi A MUST HAVE for practical examination preparation. The journal prescribed by MUHS usually has less details. This book makes up for it and includes many important viva questions. Hutchinson’s Clinical Methods (use the library version) is a book for Medicine, which explains Clinical Examination beautifully with lots of pictures and solves many doubts which the Residents teaching these topics can’t. 

My advice – buy 1+3+5+7 Your logic and understanding will make it fairly easy to pass Physiology exams, but scoring huge here is a Herculean task and requires tremendous efforts. One thing for sure, Physiology is a subject to be loved and romanced &
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