A-F 104 Daily Dialogues

February 13, 2017 | Author: guadanes | Category: N/A
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Anglo-File 104: DAILY DIALOGUES 1. Getting introduced 2. Greeting people 3. Welcoming visitors 4. Inviting 5. Eating out 6. Telephoning 7. Making an appointment 8. Changing an appointment 9. At the airport 10. At the hotel 11. Reporting a problem 12. At the railway station 13. Asking for directions 14. At the bank 15. At the post office 16. At the shop 17. At the pharmacy

First, listen to each dialogue. Then, listen and repeat the dialogue. Dialogue 1. Getting introduced A: Hello. My name’s Roger B: Hello, Roger. I’m Linda. Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you too. B: This is my colleague, Ann. A: Hi Ann. Pleased to meet you.

Dialogue 2. Greeting people A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

Good morning, Roger. Good morning, Linda. It’s nice to see you again. And you. How are you? Very well, thank you, And you? I’m fine, thank you. I must go now. See you later. Yes, see you later.

Dialogue 3. Welcoming visitors A: Hello. Welcome to Hastings. B: Thank you. It’s nice to be here. A: Did you have a good trip? B: Yes, I did. Thanks. A: Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? B: Yes, I’d love a cup of tea please, one sugar, no milk. A: Here you are.


B: Thank you. A: You’re welcome. Would you like a biscuit? B: No, thank you. I’m fine. A: Shall we begin then? B: Yes, let’s begin.

Dialogue 4. Inviting A: Shall we break for lunch? B: Yes, that’s a good idea. A: Would you like to join me for lunch? B: Yes, that would be very nice. Thank you. A: What type of food would you like to have? B: I would like to try Indian food. Is there an Indian restaurant nearby? A: Yes, there’s a very good Indian restaurant near here. B: Excellent. May I make a phone call before we go? A: Of course. You can use my phone. B: Thank you.

Dialogue 5. Eating out A: Here’s the menu. Would you like a starter? B: No, thank you. I’ll just have a main course, and maybe dessert. A: What would you prefer, fish or meat? B: Well, actually, I like sea food very much. A: In that case, I’d recommend the Tandori Prawns. B: O.K. I’ll have that. What are you going to have? A: I think I’ll have the Tandori chicken. Would you like a beer? B: Yes, that would be nice.

Dialogue 6. Telephoning A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Hello. I’d like to speak to Mr Simpson, please. A: Who’s calling please? B: This is Linda Jones. A: I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat your name, please? B: Yes, Linda Jones. I’ll spell it: L-I-N-D-A, next word, J-O-N-E-S. A: Hold on, please, Mrs Jones. I’ll put you through.

Dialogue 7. Arranging a meeting A: Roger Simpson speaking. Can I help you? B: Oh, hello, Mr Simpson. My name’s Linda Jones. I’d like to have a meeting with you this week. Do you have any free time? A: Of course. Hold the line, please. I’ll get my diary. I can see you at 3:30 on Thursday. Would that suit you? B: I’m afraid I’m working until 5 p.m. on Thursday, but I finish at 2 p.m. on Friday.


A: O.K. How about 2:30 on Friday? B: Yes, that would be fine. Thank you. A: May I have your telephone number please, Mrs Jones? B: Certainly. It’s 0208 779266. A: Very good. I’ll see you at 2:30 this Friday, 23rd April, then. B: Thank you, Mr Simpson. See you on Friday. Good bye. A: Good bye, Mrs Jones.

Dialogue 8. Changing an meeting A: B: A: B:

May I speak to Mr Simpson Please? I’m afraid he’s on the other line. Would you like to leave a message? No, I’ll wait. ….. Hello. Mr Simpson’s line is free now. I’ll put you through.

A: Hello. Roger Simpson speaking. Can I help you? B: Oh, hello, Mr Simpson. This is Linda Jones. I have a meeting with you tomorrow at 2:30. I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t make it at 2:30. Could you please see me a little later? Let’s say around 4:00 p.m.? A: One moment, please. Let me check my diary …. I’m afraid I have another meeting at 4:00, but I can see you at 4:30. Would that be convenient? B: Oh, yes, that would be perfect, thank you. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. A: That’s quite alright. I’ll see you tomorrow at 4:30. B: Yes, see you then. Many thanks again. Good bye.

Dialogue 9. At the airport A: Excuse me. Where are the Union Air check-in desks please? B: They’re in section ‘D’, at the other end of the terminal. Excuse me. Why don’t you put all your luggage on a trolley? There are some over there. A: Thank you. That’s a good idea. A: Good afternoon, Sir. Could I see your passport and ticket, please? B: I booked my ticket online. I only have this print out. A: That’s fine. I need to ask you a few security questions. B: Of course. A: Did any one pack your bags for you? B: No, I packed them myself. A: Are you carrying any sharp objects in your hand luggage? B: No, I’m not. A: Are you carrying any liquids? B: Yes, I have a bottle of water. A: I’m afraid you won’t be able to take that through security. B: Oh, O.K. I’ll drink it before I go through security. A: Boarding begins from Gate 60 at 3 o’clock. Here’s your boarding pass. Have a nice flight. B: Thank you. Good-bye.


Dialogue 10. At the hotel A: Good afternoon. My name’s Tim Garreth. I’ve booked a room for 3 nights. B: Good afternoon. Could you spell your surname for me, please. A: Yes. G-A-double R-E-T-H. B: Thank you. Ah, yes, Mr Garreth. You’ve booked a single room with en-suite bathroom. A: That’s right. May I check into my room now? B: Let me see. It’s only half past twelve. I don’t think your room is ready yet, sir. You will be able to check in after 2:00 p.m. A: May I leave my luggage with you until check-in time? B: Certainly, sir. I will have your luggage sent up to your room. A: Is there a restaurant in the hotel? B: Yes, but the restaurant is not open at lunch time. You can get light snacks at the bar, though. A: O.K. I’ll wait at the bar. B: Here is the key to your room, sir. It is on the third floor. It has a lovely view of the sea. A: Excellent. And, what time is breakfast? B: Breakfast is served between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Shall I arrange a wake-up call for you, sir? A: No, that won’t be necessary. B: Is there anything else I can do for you? A: No, not at the moment. Thank you. B: Very well, sir. I wish you a very pleasant stay with us. A: Thank you.

Dialogue 11. Reporting a problem A: Hello. Is that Reception? B: Yes, it is. How may I help you? A: This is Tim Garreth in room 307. I have a problem with the T.V. B: What seems to be the problem, sir? A: There’s a picture, but no sound. B: I’ll send someone to have a look at it right now. Is there anything else? A: Well, actually, there is. One of the light bulbs in the bathroom isn’t working. B: I’ll ask the technician to change it when he comes to fix the television. A: Thank you. B: You’re welcome, sir. And, I apologise for any inconvenience. A: That’s alright.


Dialogue 12. At the railway station A: Hello, I’d like a ticket to London please. B: Would you like a single or a return? A: A return, please. B: Are you returning today? A: Yes. B: Then you can get a cheap day return for £22.50. A: Do you take credit cards? B: Yes, of course. A: What time does the next train leave? B: At a quarter past nine, from Platform Four. A: Thank you very much. Good-bye.

Dialogue 13. Asking for directions A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please? B: There’s one on Tower Street. A: I don’t know this town very well. Could you direct me to Tower Street? B: Yes of course. Continue along to the end of this road. Then turn left onto the High Street. Tower Street is the first turning on your right. The bank is a short way up on your left. It’s opposite the George Hotel. A: Thank you very much.

Dialogue 14. At the bank A: Good morning. B: Good morning, Madam. How may I help you? A: I would like to withdraw £500 pounds on this credit card, please. B: Could you show me some identification? A: Yes, of course. I have my passport. Will that do? B: Yes, that’s fine. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. Could you check the amount on this slip, and then sign here, please? A: Certainly. B: How would you like your money? A: In ten and twenty-pound notes, please. B: Here’s your money, Madam. Is there anything else I can do for you? A: No, thank you. B: Have a nice day. A: Thank you. Good-bye.

Dialogue 15. At the post office A: Hello. B: Hello. I would like to send this post card to Belgium, please. A: Could you put it on the scales please, sir? B: These scales? A: Yes, that’s right. Your card will need a standard European stamp. B: How much is that? A: 50 pence, please.


B: Here you are. A: Thank you, sir. Here’s your 50 pence change. B: Thank you. Good-bye.

Dialogue 16. At the shop A: Hello, Sir. Do you need some assistance? B: Yes, actually. I’m looking for a top for my wife. I really like this one, but dark red is not her colour. Does it come in other colours? A: Yes, it also comes in a light blue. Let me check if I have any in stock. What size is your wife? B: Oh, let me see… I think she is a size 12. A: Here you are. This is the light blue in size 12. B: Oh, yes. I think this will really suit her. If it is not the right size, will I be able to get a refund? A: Yes, if you keep your receipt, we will be able to give you a refund. B: O.k. I’ll take it. A: Would you like it gift wrapped sir? B: Yes, please. A: That’s £49.99, please. B: Here you are. A: Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. We don’t accept credit cards. B: Will a debit card be o.k.? A: Yes. That will be fine.

Dialogue 17. At the pharmacy A: Hello, May I help you? B: Yes. I am not feeling too well. My nose is blocked. I have a headache and a sore throat. I think I have a temperature too. A: It sounds like you have the flu. We have several cold and flu tablets. B: Which one would you recommend? A: Well, this is a popular brand. It should help all your symptoms. B: O.K. I'll take that one. A: You can take two tablets every four hours, but you shouldn't take more than 6 per day. B: How much is that? A: That’s £3.15. B: How many tablets are there in each box? A: There are 18 tablets B: I think I’ll take two boxes. A: Certainly. Will there be anything else? B: No, that will be all. A: That is £6.30, please. B: Here you are. A: Thank you. Here is £3.70 change. I hope you will feel better soon. B: I hope so too. Thank you. Good bye. A: Good bye.

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