A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH (sample 2010)

January 29, 2017 | Author: John Harvey Lee Bequin | Category: N/A
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A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH Intended for First Year High School Students I. Objectives: within the given session, the students are expected to: 1. identify the important kinds of drugs and their uses; 2. discuss the common effects and risks of abusing drugs. II. Subject Matter: Classification of drugs according to use and effect Reference: MAPEH-I textbook, pp. 370-372 PSSLC # 1.1, pp. 25 Materials: Charts, Strips, Video clips, Photocopied materials, pictures Strategy: Cooperative Learning III. Procedures Teacher’s Activity A. Preparatory Activities 1. Warm-Up/Drill a. Prayer b. Checking of Attendance Good morning class? How are you today? That’s good Class, who is absent?

Student’s Activity

Good morning sir! We’re fine

c. Action Song Before we start with our lesson for Today, let us have first an action song entitled “Its I who build community” Ready?

Yes sir!

Okay, let us do it all together. Its I ( 3x) who build community(4x) *You *We Roll over the ocean, roll over the sea Roll over the ocean and the deep blue sea. (The students will do the action song) Very good! Do you like it? Yes sir! 2. Review Class, what was our lesson last meeting?

Sir, our lesson last meeting was all about the meaning, source and form of drugs.

Very good! Where does the term drug derived? The term drug derived from the Dutch word droog which means dry. Well said! What do you mean by the word drug in the filed of medicine? In the field of medicine, drug is any chemical substance intended for use in diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment and prevention of diseases in animals.

Where do these drugs came from? They may came from plants, from animals, and chemicals. Excellent! What are the different forms of drugs? Drugs have varied forms like in capsule form, tablet, pill, liquid and powder. I’m glad that you have had mastered our previous lesson. 3. Motivation Class, I am going to show you a short video clip. What you are going to do is to observe and afterwards I’m going to ask your reactions based from the video presented. Am I understood class?

Yes, sir!

Now, what have had you observed from the video presented? We observed that the person suffered a severe headache, He is hallucinating and experienced difficulty in breathing. What do you think are the reasons why these particular situations happen? These situations happen because of the effects of taking or abusing drugs. Very good! B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation This morning, we are going to discuss all about the classification of drugs according to use and effect. a. Setting of Standards But before that, what will you do while your teacher is discussing in front? Listen, behave, sit properly, understand the lesson, cooperate, and participate. Can I expect that from you? Yes, sir! 2. Lesson Proper Class, I will group you into three. This will be the group 1, 2 and 3. I have here some strips/ photocopied materials containing the three classification of drugs according to uses and effect. All you have to do is to discuss the topic, note/lists and write the important details on your manila paper. Am I understood?

Yes, sir!

I will give you 5 minutes to do it. After your group discussion, you are going to select 1 representative to report it in the class. Am I understood? Go to your respective groups now.

Yes, sir!


Stimulants Stimulants are drugs that temporarily cause wakefulness. They provide the users mental alertness, over excitedness, and talkativeness. They are also called uppers. They also provide physical strength and improve mental skills. This might be the reason why some of students use stimulants during examination periods. There are players who use this drug to make them strong. Stimulants like amphetamine are also used by those who like to lose weight. Examples of these drugs are cocaine, Shabu, Ecstacy and Amphetamines. GROUP 2 Depressants Depressants are drugs called downers, sedatives, and tranquilizers. These drugs slow down mental processes. These are the opposite of stimulants. The examples are barbituarates and sedatives, which are prescribed to people with insomnia, epilepsy, and nervous breakdown, to induce sleep, and to allow the nerves to relax. Like stimulants, depressants could have bad effects in our health when abused. The guidance of a physician is needed when depressants are used GROUP 3 Hallucinogens Hallucinogens or psychedelics are drugs that affects sensation, thinking, and emotions. They produce illusions and hallucinations, provoke the imaginations, and disturb person’s thinking. Examples of these drugs are marijuana, lysergic, acid diethylamide (LSD), and mescaline. These drugs are of little help in field of medicine.

Teacher supervises his students in every group. Students report what they have had discussed in their group. Teacher gives additional information and makes some clarifications as regards to the topic presented. IV. Evaluation In a ½ crosswise of pad paper, explain briefly. 1. What are the effects of abusing stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens to: a. oneself b. family c. community V. Assignment Have an advance reading about the topic “Prevention of drug abuse”. MAPEH-I textbook, pp. 378-380

Prepared by: Mr. John Harvey Lee A. Bequin MAPEH-I Teacher

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