A Detailed Lesson Plan in Literary Types

April 24, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 A DETAIL DETAILED ED LESSON LESSON PLAN PLAN English 10 Sts. Paul, Francis and Ignatius I.

Obje Object cti ies es!! at at the the end end "# "# the the less less"n "n,, the the stud studen ents ts sh"u sh"uld ld be able able t"! t"! • • •

identi#$ literar$ t$%es thr"ugh the gien &"rds and i'ages( e)%lain the di##erent t$%es "# Literature( and sh"& a%%reciati"n "n the literar$ &"r*s "# "ur c"untr$ b$ citing their signi#icance in "ur culture.


Subject +atter!  A. nit! Literature Literature -. T"%ic! Liter Literar$ ar$ T$ T$%es . +aterial +aterials! s! %%t, %%t, hand"u hand"uts ts


/e#erences! htt%!&&&.c"nsera%edia.c"'Literar$t$%e htt%!educati"n2%"rtal.c"'acade'$less"nliterar$2genres2 de#initi"n2t$%es2characteristics2e)a'%les.ht'l3less"n Pr"cedure!  A. /eie&


Teacher5s Actiit$

Student5s Actiit$

4.1Routine 1. Prayer

6an &e all stand #"r "ur "%ening %ra$er7 6 2. Greet eetings

68""d +"rning lass.9

3. Sitt Sittin ing g of Arr Arran ange geme ment  nt 

lass'ates let us %ra$. Our Father  &h" art in heaen> 8""d +"rning +a5a' Agnes, 8""d +"rning +a5a' Ann it5s nice t" see $"u.

6-e#"re $"u ta*e $"ur seats, *indl$ %ic* u% s"'e %ieces "# %a%ers under $"ur chairs, %ic* it u%, and arrange $"ur chairs %r"%erl$. 4. Check Checkin ing g of Atte Attend ndan ance ce

6N"& let us chec* the attendance. 4er$ 8""d n" "ne is absent just 'aintain that class and I assure that $"u &ill learn 'an$ things.9 :Distributi"n "# ;and"uts.< Did $"u receie = %ages "# %a%er7 ?es, +a5a'

-. +"tiati"n Teachers Actiit$

Students Actiit$

4.2MOTIVATION   (ACTIVITY) lass d" $"u li*e &riting %"e's7 ;"& ab"ut

essa$s7 Ins%irati"nal st"r$ "r either l"e st"r$7 ;"& ab"ut reading n"els7  @h" li*es &atching narratie "r theatrical %la$7 @h" li*es listening and singing l"e s"ng7 S" let5 #ind "ut &hat literar$ t$%es d" $"u

?es, +a5a'.

li*e. D" $"u &ant t" %la$ a ga'e7 That5s g""d, $"u are g"ing t" #ind the 'issing letter b$ using %icture clues and &"rd clues. I &ill #lash literar$ i'ages and $"ur j"b is t" c"'%lete the &"rd.  Are $"u n"& read$7  A' I clear class7 Let5s start The teacher &ill #lash the %icture. 1. It5s a literar$ t$%e that describes i'%"rtant eents in li#e real "r i'aginar$. @hat is it7

?es, +a5a'. ?es, +a5a'.

Narratie It5s narratie +a5a' because &hen &e narrate &e tell the truth and &e act &ithin the character. N"el

?"u5re right. @h$ d" $"u sa$ s"7  Aut"bi"gra%h$ . Ne)t, a l"ng narratie diided int" cha%ters. B. An acc"unt "# %ers"n5s li#e &ritten "r "ther&ise rec"rded b$ that %ers"n. =. A l$ric %"e' "# 1= lines dealing &ith an e'"ti"n, a #eeling "# an idea.


@illia' Sha*es%eare &as *n"&n because "# this literar$ t$%e. @hat is it7 D" $"u *n"& that @illia' Sha*es%eare 'ade 1C= S"nnets and *n"&n as the greatest &riter in the English language.


C. It5s a literar$ t$%e that is sl"&l$ sung t" the acc"'%ani'ent "# a guitar "r -anduria That5s g""d. . An e)tended narratie ab"ut her"ic


e)%l"its. . In"les the her" struggling 'ightil$ against d$na'ic #"rces( he 'eets death "r ruin &ith"ut success and satis#acti"n. @h" &r"te /"'e" and uliet7 4er$ g""d class $"u still re'e'ber. :ANAL?SIS<

Traged$ @illia' Sha*es%eare.

Pe"%le are interested in l"e

@h$ d" $"u thin* %e"%le in general

st"ries because the$ can relate t"

interested in l"e st"ries7

the st"r$, #"r ins%irati"n, triu'%hs, and t" re'e'ber the %ast.

Nice idea. D" $"u *n"& s"'e "# the Phili%%ine Literar$

?es, +a5a' Fl"rante at Laura. Ib"ng Adarna.

l"e st"ries7 S"ngs, P"e's, Pla$, Dra'a,

@hat are these7

Narratie. 4er$ 8""d lass.  Aside #r"' l"e st"r$, &hat #"r's "# st"ries d" $"u *n"&7 That5s g""d.

. Less"n Pr"%er 

Teachers Actiit$

Students Actiit$


Students read the "bjecties. lass *indl$ read "ur "bjecties #"r t"da$. Our t"%ic #"r t"da$ is all ab"ut literar$ t$%es. This







%resentati"n ab"ut the literar$ t$%es that &ill be assigned t" $"ur gr"u%.  All"& 'e t" gr"u% $"u int" #ie. :The teacher gr"u%s the students int" #ie.<  Are $"u n"& in $"ur gr"u%7 8r"u% 1 'a*e a creatie %resentati"n ab"ut the classi#icati"n "# Pr"se &hich is Ficti"n.

?es, +a5a'

8r"u%  ab"ut N"n2Ficti"n 8r"u% B 'a*e a creatie %resentati"n ab"ut the classi#icati"n "# %"etr$ &hich is L$rical P"etr$. 8r"u% = ab"ut Narratie P"etr$ 8r"u% C ab"ut dra'atic %"etr$ :Student5s assigned literar$ t$%es &ill be sh"&n "n the %%t.< Please assign head nu'ber %er gr"u%. Decide &h" &ill be head nu'ber 1,,B,=,C, > $"u &ill be graded b$ the #"ll"&ing riteria( "ntent 2 C Delier$ 2 1C reatiit$ 2 C Tea'&"r* G C T"tal! C0 %"ints! N"te! The %"ints earned b$ each gr"u% in this actiit$ &ill be rec"rded as %art "# their recitati"n. I5ll just gie $"u B 'inutes #"r $"ur gr"u% discussi"n and three 'inutes #"r $"ur creatie gr"u% %resentati"n. Ti'e5s2u%, g" bac* t" $"ur %r"%er seat. Let5s &elc"'e gr"u% 1 #"r their creatie gr"u% %resentati"n. Let5s gie the' a r"und "# a%%lause %lease. 4er$ 8""d 8r"u% 1.

Let5s &elc"'e 8r"u%  :A-ST/ATION< 4.4 Value Integration: 1. As a student, h"& &ill $"u %resere

the literar$ %ieces "# "ur c"untr$7

. @hat is the signi#icance "# the literar$ &"r*s in "ur culture7 ;"& d" $"u a%%reciate a certain literar$ &"r*7

8r"u% 1 sh"&s their creatie %resentati"n. 8r"u%  sh"&s their creatie %resentati"n.

I can %resere literar$ %ieces "# "ur c"untr$ b$ n"t #"rgetting it in a sense that I &ill still read and sing s"'e "# it . The signi#icance "# Literar$ &"r*s in "ur culture is it sh"&s h"& uniHue




Literature is. It als" %r"'"tes the rich culture "# the Fili%in"s b$ including it in s"'e "# the literar$ t$%es. I can a%%reciate a certain literar$ &"r* b$ %r"'"ting it t" '$ class'ates b$ sharing t" the' &hat





interesting. In this &a$ I can enc"urage '$ #riends t" read it #"r  their "&n c"nsu'%ti"n.

D. A%%licati"nEaluati"n I. Arrange each ru'bled letters int" its %r"%er #"r'. @rite $"ur ans&er in a 1= th sheet "# %a%er. :1= %ts.< 1. LETEONVEL- An e)tended %r"se narratie "r sh"rt n"el. 2. DOANETES- 'ain ai' is t" bring "ut less"ns t"

the readers and attitudes. 3. A!O"RATO#IP$%-  An acc"unt "# %ers"n5s li#e &ritten "r 

"ther&ise rec"rded b$ that %ers"n. 4. ARRANTIVE PETOR%  2 describes i'%"rtant eents in li#e real "r i'aginar$. &. E"%EL- This is a l$ric %"e', &hich e)%resses #eelings "#  grie# and 'elanch"l$ and &h"se the'e is death. '. DOE-  A %"e' "# n"ble #eeling, e)%ressed &ith dignit$, &ith n" de#inite s$llables. (. AR)E- E)aggerated c"'ed$, situati"ns are t"" ridicul"us


t" be true The teacher su''aries the c"nce%t ab"ut literar$ t$%es. The teacher and students &ill n"& ealuate i# the da$5s "bjecties &ere attained. E. Assign'ent! :C 'inutes< *+at to ,o:

@ith $"ur gr"u%, create a 10 line s"ng ab"ut the insights that $"u hae learned t"da$.

*+ere to rite:

"ne sh"rt b"nd %a%er 

*+en to u/0it:

01 anuar$ 1

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