A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2(Language)

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Cadiong, Amado M. BEED-4B

A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 2 (Language) I. Objectives: Provided with pictures and a dialogue, the grade II pupils are expected to do the following with 75% accuracy. 1. Identify the correct preposition in the sentence. 2. Use preposition above, beside, under , between, in and on in the sentence correctly. 3. Show love and care the things in the environment. II. Subject Matter: A. Topic: B. References: C. Materials:

Prepositions Using Under, Beside, Between, Above In and On. PELC 5.7, P25; Fun in English 2(Language) pp.266-269. Pictures, charts, flashcards, dialogue, realia (Box, Christmas Ball, chalk, Flowers, leaves, disposable cup. D. Concepts: The prepositions below, beside, above, between, in, and on. tell about Location or position in relation to other things. E. Methodology: Inductive Method III. Learning Procedure: Teacher’s Activity

Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity Among the girls

Along the wood

Across the river

Inside the box

Around the room

Through the pipe

Upon the beach

Toward the sun

1. Drill Read the following phrases on a flashcards.

2. Review: Last meeting we discussed about adjective. What is an adjective? Very good! A. Developmental Activity 1. Motivation: Look at the picture I have here. (picture of a birds flying above the trees) (picture of ball under the chair) (picture of rose place between the two glasses.)

Adjectives describe a person place, things and animals.

(picture of a letter on the table) Where does the birds fly? Where does the ball located? Where does t he rose is placed Where can you find the letter?

The birds fly above the tree. The ball under the table. The rose placed between the two glasses. The letter is on the top of table.

2. Presentation: Today we will discuss the location and position of the things. 3. Skill Development I have here a dialogue and it will be read to you by your classmate. Find out the used of the underlined words.

(The pupils will read the words.)

a. Reading of the dialogue. What will you do when some is talking?

We should listen and understand what he/she read.

I hope that you will listen and understand while your classmates read the dialogue. Situation: Maria and Mario are in Mario’s backyard eating lanzones. Maria: Where is the trashcan.? Mario: Its besides the fence Maria: Oh. There are plenty of peeling under the trees. Mario: My brother peter dropped them from above the when he climbed the lanzones. Maria: I will place he trashcan between us so we will not throwing our peelings any where. Mario: I will put the fruits in the basket. Maria: I see the letters on the table.

Who were talking in the dialogue?

Maria And Mario were talking in the dialogue.

What did they do?

They were eating a lanzones.

Where is the trashcan placed?

Its beside the fence.

Where did Maria see the peeling?

Maria : see the peeling under the tree.

Where will Maria place the trashcan so it will be easy for them to place their peelings?

Maria : placed the trashcan between them.

Where did Mario place the fruits? Where did Maria see the letters?

Mario: place the fruits in the basket. Maria: see the letters on the table.

What are the underlined words in the dialogue?

The underlined words are under, between, beside, above, in and on.

What does above refer to? What does beside mean? What does under refer to? What does between refer to? What does in refer ? What does on refer to?

Above means higher than something else. Besides means on the left or right of somebody or something. Under means lower than something. Between means located at the middle. In means it is inside the things or something else. On means it is on the top of things or something else.

This time we will Make a sentence using the correct preposition, beside, Between, under, above, in and on. 4. Skill Building This time we will have a game. I will group you into three groups. Each group will select a leader and a reporter to present your output. You going to pass the cup as we sing the song “Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star” You are going to get one piece of colored paper written with number in each paper, represent your group number.





1. Follow Instruction

If the group show correctness of answer and follow instruction

The group follow instruction but few correct answer

the group did not follow instruction.


If all members cooperated well.

Only few members of the groups cooperated.

Only the leader do their assigned task.


The group presented in correct and proper used of preposition .

The group presented their output but of their use of preposition were incorrect and improper.

The group did no get correct answer in using of preposition.

4. Accuracy.

The group finished their output before the time allotted.

The group finished their work in 5 minutes.

The group finished more than 5 minutes.

The first group is the red color, the second group is green color, the third group is blue color. The first group to finish their task will declare the winner. They will receive a gift from me. I will give you only 5 minutes to answer your activity.

Before I forget I will rate your output based on the rubrics posted on the board.

Before we are going to do your group activities what are the standards of group activities.

Is that clear?

 Work silently  Follow instruction  Cooperate with the group mates, to come up with good output.

Yes sir! Group1 (Red color) Use the appropriate preposition to complete the paragraph. It was bright. Kites and birds are flying________the tress. Maria, Nene and Perla were in the garden. Nene sat______Perla And Marina. They were sitting ______A mango tree which was laden with fruits hanging_____the branches.

I Have here sets of pictures ( you are going to make a sentence using the appropriate preposition.) Group2 (Green color) Picture of birds flying above the trees. Picture of ball under the table. Pictures of basket with fruits inside. Picture of flower vase on the table.

Gropu3 (Blue color) Identify the preposition used in the sentence and underline. Write your answer in the manila paper. 1. I’ll ready to leave in about twenty minutes. 2. Your frequently see this kind of violent the television. 3. Coco martin lies 530 meters above the sea level. 4. The hut stand between the hill and the lake. 5. The sandwich spread is beside the loaf bread. 6. The fish swim under the surface of the sea water. 4.Generalization What is a preposition? What are the preposition? When do we used beside? Between? Under? Above? In and on.

Preposition are words that tell location or position of things, persons, animals and place. Above, under, between, beside, in and on We used beside when it is left or right of something or somebody. We use between when it is located at the middle. We use above when it is higher than something else.

We use under when it is lower something else. We use in when it is inside the things or something else. We use on when it on top of the thing or something. We should listen and understand what he/she said. Valuing: What do we do when some is talking. 5. Application: This time we will have a game. The game called put me” in” and put me “out”. The first group who finished in doing their task will declared as winner. I will only give you 5 seconds to do your task. When I say go you will run to your respective box and find the things that are needed.

Use the appropriate preposition as shown in the pictures below.

Star Shape (box containing the different real object)

Heart Shape

Score Board No, of Groups

We should listen and understand what he/she say.


(box containing the different real object)

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Flower Shape (box containing the different real object)

IV. Evaluation Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition, to complete the sentence in each items.

1.The flower placed __________ the chocolate and stuff toy.

2.The ball is placed ____________the table.

3.The fruits are placed ___________the basket

4.The coke stands______ the dog.

5.The Flower vase is Placed __________ the table.

6. The birds flying __________ the sea

V. Assignment: Make sentence using the prepositions below, between, beside, above in and on.


Group 2(Green Color) Get the picture out inside the envelope and make sentence with the appropriate preposition as shown in the pictures.

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