A Detailed Lesson Plan in Ecology

February 20, 2017 | Author: Ronel Pasalo Medina Batangan | Category: N/A
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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Ecology I.


Objectives: Given a set of activities, the students should be able to attain at least 75% proficiency and should be able to: A. define population; B. distinguish the general characteristics of biological population; and C. discuss the brief history of human population. Subject Matter: Dynamics of Population Topic: General Characteristics of Biological Population Brief History of Human Population A. Materials: LCD Projector (discussion) Manila paper for the motivation B. References: Ortiz Euafronio A., Baldesancho Ma. Rosario A., Gonzales Nancy Ann P., Inofinada Virginia F., Javier Miriam N., Rualo Glennadi R., Santos Elma B., “Environmental Science Coursebook”, trintas publishing Inc., pages 47-53. Botkin Daniel B. and Keller Edward A., “Environmental Science”, Pan Asia Book Exchange for C & E Publishing Inc., pages 53-70. Blaustein Daniel, Johnson Rebecca, Mathieu Devi., Offner, Susan PH.D., “Biology: The Dynamics of Life”, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill., pages 114-115, 126-128. Kaskel Albert, Hummer Jr. Paul J., Daniel Lucy, “Glencoe Biology: An Everyday Experience” McGraw Hill pages 632-636.


Procedure: Teacher’s Activity

Student’s activity

A. Motivation Good afternoon class! Are you familiar with the game “Aliens’ Game”? If that so, I will explain it to you how will you going to do.

Good afternoon


I will post the patterns/symbols on the board. From these patterns/symbols, there are indicated letters that represents these symbols, just like the example here. (See attachment A for the symbols)

The letter S represents this symbol; letter C represents this symbol then so on and so forth. Do you understand the direction? Ok. To begin with, I need 10 volunteers to come in front and fill in the blanks that corresponds your answer. Who wants to volunteer?


(students will raise their hands) (students will go in front one by one.) (students already formed the words).

Very good. From the spaces you filled up, what word is formed?

Population sir!

B. Lesson proper Exactly! What is population then? Yes?

Population is all individuals of a species that live together in an area.

That’s right! Population also refers to the number of inhabitants (either the total number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place. It also refers to a group of individuals belonging to one species and is found together in a defined area at a certain time (Tayo, 2004) There are general characteristics of biological population. What are they? Yes?

The general characteristics of biological population are population density,

dispersion, natality, mortality, age distribution, reproductive potential and growth. Very good! So, what is meant by population density? Yes? That’s right! Population density is the number of individuals in a given area or volume. Will you define dispersion? Yes?

Precisely! And dispersion has 3 patterns of dispersion. These are the clumped distribution, uniform distribution and random distribution. Will you describe the three patterns of dispersion then? Yes?

Very good! I will show pictures of the three patterns of dispersion.( powerpoint presentation; while flashing, the teacher will add information on the three patterns of dispersion) Clumped: individuals are lumped into groups ex. Flocking birds or herbivore herds due to resources that are clumped or social interactions most common Uniform: Individuals are regularly spaced in the environment - ex. Creosote bush due to antagonism between individuals, or do to regular spacing of resources rare because resources are rarely evenly spaced

Population density describes the degree of crowdedness of a population in a given area.

Dispersion is the distribution of organisms over the space where they are found.

Clumped distribution is the most common type of pattern since the soil or medium on which the organism are found in nature are not uniform. Nutrient rich areas are patchy; Random distribution is occurring only where the soil is generally rich so that the plants can grow and thrive anywhere; and Uniform distribution is found in artificial cultivated areas such as orchards.

Random: Individuals are randomly dispersed in the environment- ex. Dandelions due to random distribution of resources in the environment, and neither positive nor negative interaction between individuals rare because these conditions are rarely met. Will you define natality? Yes?

That’s right! You have mentioned natality is termed in humans as birth rate of the number of new individuals, what is the number of individuals removed through death? Yes?

Very good! Mortality is a death rate in human demographics of the number of deaths in a given period of time. What is age distribution? Yes?

Exactly! What is reproductive potential and growth? Yes?

Natality corresponds to what is termed in humans as birth rate of the number of new individuals produced in the population for a period of time.


Age distribution classifies the population according to age brackets or to general age groups such as pre-reproductive, reproductive, post-reproductive. Reproductive Potential of a population is its theoretical capacity to produce the maximum number of offspring in ideal conditions and Growth is an important feature of a population since the increase or decrease of population size determines its interaction with other populations in the community and its impact on the environment. A population that has a favorable environment with abundant resources would increase in exponential fashion but stops to appoint where the maximum capacity of the environment to support the environment the population has been reached. The end point is called carrying capacity level of the specific environment.

Very good! Does anyone know about the brief history of human population growth? Yes?

That’s right! And in the second period, beginning with the rise of agriculture, allowed a much greater density of people and the first major increase in the human population. What about in the industrial revolution? Yes?

By the early period of hunters and gatherers, the world’s total human population was probably less than a few million.

The Industrial Revolution, with improvements in healthcare and the supply of food, led to a rapid increase in the human population.

Exactly! Today, the rate of population growth has slowed in wealthy, industrialized nations but continues to increase rapidly in many poorer, less developed nations. We have another game. This is to test your knowledge if you understand the lesson we have discussed. First, I will group you into two. Group one will stay on the left side and group two will stay on the right side. Understand? (the teacher will group the students into two) The name of this game is “SPELL YOUR BUTT” I have 7 questions here; your group should have at least three points for you to win. Here’s the instruction. Listen very carefully okay? I will be reading a question, if your group knows the answer, all the members will stand up, clap 3 times, stamp your feet 3 times and shout your group number. After that, you will choose one group member who will go in front and spell the

Yes sir!

correct answer using his/her butt. Note that no member of the group will answer in front twice. If the answer is wrong, or their spelling is not correct, the other group can steal. It’s okay to answer even if I haven’t finished reading the question. Is everything clear? Did you understand the instruction?

Yes sir!

First question. It refers to the number of in a given place and refers to a group of individuals belonging to one species and is found together in a defined area at a certain time.


Correct. Question number 2. It is the distribution of organisms over the space where they are found.


3rd question. It is the death rate in human demographics of the number of deaths in a given period of time.


4th question. It corresponds to what is termed in humans as birth rate of the number of new individuals produced in the population for a period of time.


5th question. Describes the degree of crowdedness of a population in a given area.

Population Density

6th question. Classifies the population according to age brackets or to general age groups such as pre-reproductive, reproductive, post-reproductive. 7th question. It is an important feature of a population since the increase or decrease of population size determines its interaction with other populations in the community and its impact on the environment.

Age Distribution.


C. Generalization Okay. Before you take the quiz. Does anyone have any questions? Okay. Please summarize then what we tackled today.


We were introduced to population which is population is all individuals of a species that live together in an area. We came also to familiarize the 7 general characteristics of biological population and their definitions. Anyone else?

We also came to state the brief history of human population growth.


Evaluation I. Answer briefly the following questions:

1. What is population? 2. What are the general characteristics of biological population? 3. What are the three patterns of dispersion? II. Make a bubble map regarding the brief history of human population growth. V. Assignment Please do a research on the following: 1. The Philippine population. 2. What are population growth and the factors affecting population growth? 3. What factors affecting the carrying capacity of an ecosystem? 4. Issues and problems concerning human population. References: Ortiz Euafronio A., Baldesancho Ma. Rosario A., Gonzales Nancy Ann P., Inofinada Virginia F., Javier Miriam N., Rualo Glennadi R., Santos Elma B., “Environmental Science Coursebook”, trintas publishing Inc., pages 47-53. Botkin Daniel B. and Keller Edward A., “Environmental Science”, Pan Asia Book Exchange for C & E Publishing Inc., pages 53-70. Blaustein Daniel, Johnson Rebecca, Mathieu Devi., Offner, Susan PH.D., “Biology: The Dynamics of Life”, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill., pages 114-115, 126-128. Kaskel Albert, Hummer Jr. Paul J., Daniel Lucy, “Glencoe Biology: An Everyday Experience” McGraw Hill pages 632-636. Worldpopulationreview.com, “The Philippines Population”, fromhttp://worldpopulationreview.com/the-philippines-population-2013/ Census.gov.ph, “NSO Releases 2013 Philippines in Figure”, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 from http://www.census.gov.ph/content/nso-releases-2013-philippines-figures




































Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory High School- Science Curriculum City of Batac

A Detailed Lesson Plan In Ecology

Topic: General Characteristics of Biological Population Brief History of Human Population

Submitted by: Ronel Medina Batangan (Student Teacher)

Submitted to: Mr. Jayferson Galinato Panilo (Teacher Training Instructor)

Second semester SY 2013-2014

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