Mohd Amir Bin Harun 2013909997 NAMAF1B NAMAF1B
Describe Malaysian Breacracy !"
Malaysia Malays ia ained ained i!s Ind Indepen ependen den"e "e in 19# 19#7$ 7$ and !he adm admini inis!r s!ra! a!ion ion has %een %een reshaped and &aried e&er sin"e' Bureau"ra"y is &ie(ed as a poli!i"al phenomenon in !ha! i! is seen inimi"al !o "er!ain %asi" poli!i"al &alues' Based on !his "on"ep!) !he employees more loyal !o !he indi&idual "ompare !o our mission' *here are !(o !ype o+ %ureau"ra"y su"h as represen!a!i&e %ureau"ra"y and neu!ral %ureau"ra"y' *he %ureau"ra"y mus! %e %ased on rules and reula!ion) "omprehensi&e !o uide !he "ompany' *he %ureau"ra"y sho(s us ho( !he delea!ion o+ po(er run !he orani,a!ion) %ased on !he %ureau"ra"y "on"ep!) !he lo(er manaer mus! +ollo(ed !he !op manaer same (i!h !he main idea o+ delea!ion o+ po(er' "
T*e T*e *i *is# s#$r $ry y $+ Ma Mala lays ysia ian n P Pb bli lic c A%,i A%,ini nis# s#ra ra#i #i$n $n
Bri!ish -olonial .eriod /17 19#7 Bri!ish "olonial in!rodu"ed Bri!ish adminis!ra!ion %y +ollo(in !he 4es!mins!er /5nland s!yle o+ pu%li" ser&i"e' Bri!ish -olonial appoin!ed Bri!ish 6esiden!s !o implemen! Bri!ish -olonial .oli"y' Bri!ish -olonial -i&il er&an!s /M- 8 MA played impor!an! roles in adminis!erin !he Federa!ed and NonFedera!ed Malaya !a!es' .os!Independen! .os!I ndependen! .eriod /19#7 1970 Malaysia Malays ia +irs! +irs! .rime .rime Minis! Minis!er er *unu A%dul 6ahma 6ahman n es! es!a%l a%lish ished ed o& o&ern ernmen men!! o+ *he Federa!ion o+ Malaya and !he +orma!ion o+ Malaysian in 19;3' .arliamen!ary Demo"ra"y and -ons!i!u!i -ons!i!u!ional onal Monar"hy %y main!ainin main!ainin !he Bri!ish Bri!ish s!yle s!yle o+ admi adminis!r nis!ra!io a!ion' n' *he Federal -ons!i!u!ion and !ill no( is !he supreme la(' *(o *(o !ypes o+ Malaysian -i&il er&i"e (as es!a%lished !o implemen! !he o&ernmen! poli"y' *he Diploma!i" er&i"e /.*D and General er&i"e /.*A' /.*A' *he o&ernmen! (as !he main pro&ider o+ pu%li" ser&i"es' Ne( 5"onomi" .lan /N5. .eriod /1971 1990 *un A%dul 6a,a /1971 197; !oo o&er !he .remiership +rom *unu A%dul 6ahman and es!a%lished MAG56AN /Ma
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