
July 31, 2017 | Author: 陳昭宏 | Category: Waiting Staff, Physical Examination, Restaurant And Catering, Wellness, Medicine
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lÿ 督




1. 家•家事八



建築物 / 家 aisle [ail] n. 走道 Some furniture is blocking the aisle.

lobby flabi] n. 大廳,休息室 People are gathering in a hotel lobby.

幾件傢 俱把走道給堵塞了。


balcony fbaelkgni] n. US The man is leaning over the balcony.

lodge [lad3] n. 小屋 The lodge overlooks the lake.




n•地下室 They are cleaning up the basement.

patiofpatu)] n. 天井,露臺 Chairs have been placed on the pÿtib.



bucket ['bAkit] n. 水桶 There is a bucket under the step.

porch [portfl n•走廊 They are resting on the pprx:h.



cabin [Tc«bin] n. 小屋 The cabins overlook the water.

propped open 撐開著 The front door is propped open.



corridor [lorida*] n. 走廊 They stacked the boxes in the corridor.

railing [>liÿ] n. 圍攔 ,柵攔 ns beside the river. The

他們將 盒子整 齊的堆 放在走 廊上。


doorway fdorwe] n. 門口 People are waiti ?g in a

staircase fster,kes] n. 樓梯 He5s climbing up the staÿease.

人們正在門 □等候。

他 正在上樓梯。

driveway ["draivwe] n. ftASM A truck has been parked in the driveway.

steeple fstipU n. 尖頂,尖塔 The birds are on the steÿpfle.

一輛 卡車被 停放在私人車道上。

far apart 遙遠地分散著

The buildings are standing far apart from each other.


iill 著河水 延伸。


5核! r



steps [steps] n•階梯 The woman is walking down the steps. ' 那個女子正在下階梯。



fence [fens] n•柵攔 ,籬笆 People are fixing a broken fence.

story[stori] n•? The house has only one story, 這 棟房子只有一?樓。



handrail 把ncLrel] n. 扶手,擱杆 The woman is holding ontp the handrail. w

window boxes 窗臺上的 花盆箱 There are the window boxes in the house. 這棟房子的窗臺上有花盆箱。


housing development 居民區,住宅區 The housing development is at the foot oUhe mountain. 住宅區在山下。

家家事 315

o 房間 / 室? adjust the light 調 節燈光 The man is adjusting the light.

indoors fin,dorz] adv. 在室?

Some people are performing indoors.

那個 男人正在調節燈光。

幾個人 在室?演出。

blind[blaind] n. 下拉窗簾 He’s opening the

on the line 在 ∼線上 The woman is hanging the laundry on the line.

他 在拉開 窗簾。

那個女的正在把洗淨的衣 物晾在線上。

bookcase fbuk,kes] n. 書架 The bookcase is full of books.

patterned rpaetand] adj. 有圖案的 The table is covered with patterned cloth.

書架 上放滿 了書。

飯桌上鋪著有 花紋的 桌布。

n•燭台 candlestick lit. been has The candlestick

pot [pat] n. 花盆 、鍋子 They’re planting flowers in a


他們在花盆上 種花。

ceiling fsiliÿ] n. 天花板 They’re repairing the ceiling.

reflection [rf fie?an] n. 映像 The girl is checking her reflection in the mirror.


那個女 孩正在 編詳鏡 子裡面自己的 倒影。

closet [Tdazit] n•衣摘 The skirts are hanging in the closet.

rooftop fruf.tap] n. MM There are antennas on all the rooftops.

裙子 掛在衣 櫥裡。


courtyard [’kort'jard] n. 院子 People are talking in the courtyard. 人們在院子裏聊天。

drawer [’droa*] n•抽屣 One of the drawers has been left open. 有 一個抽 屜被打 開著。

fireplace ffair,ples] n. 壁爐 The logs are being put into the fireplace. 壁 爐裡的乾木柴正被添加著。

framed picture 有框架的照片 A framed picture is hanging on the wall. 有框架的照片被掛在牆上。

n. 塚俱 furniture The men are rearranging the furniture.

rug [rAg] n•小地毯


The floor is covered with a 地板 鋪上了 地毯。

sheet [Jit] n. A sheet is hanging beside the house. 一塊 布掛在房子的 旁邊。

stoo? [stul] n. 篸子 She’s sitting down on the 她 坐在凳 子上。

tidyrtaidi] v•整理 She is tidying up her room. 她在打 掃她的 房間。

tile [tail] v. 鋪瓷磚 The floor of the room has been tiled.

男 人們正 在重新安排傢 俱。'

那個 房間的 地板上 鋪上了瓷磚。

hallway fhorwe] n. 走廊 corridor There is a door at the end of the hÿljy/ay.

turn on 開 The lights are being turned on.

走廊的 盡頭有 個門。


所有 的屋頂 上都有 天線。


o 蔚房 arrange the food 準備食物 People are arranging the food. 人 們在準備食物

ingredient [ing'ridisnt] n ■食材 for a meal. They’re preparing the ingredients ~ 他們正在為餐 會準備食材。

blender rblenda] n. 謝半器

The woman is putting some fruit in the blender.

kettle ['ket|] n. 水壺 Water is boiling in the

那個女的正在 往攪拌 器裏放 水果。

水 壺裡的 水正在沸騰。

bo?? [toil] v. 煮,沸騰 He is boiling water for tea.

lid [lid] n•蓋子 She’s opening the lid to the

他在煮水 泡茶。

bowl [bol] n•碗 He’s pouring cereal into a

她正 在打開 鍋子的蓋子。


他正在往碗 裏面倒穀物。

chop up 切碎 He's chopping up some food. 他正在切碎食物。

chopping board 砧板 She is slicing onions on a chopping board. 她正在 砧板上把洋蔥切片。

pan[psen] n. 平底鍋 pan is on the gas range.

The frying

那 個平底炒菜鍋放在爐灶上。

pot [pat]

n. 鍋,壺、巧含

She’s pouring

tea 什om a pot.

她 正從壺裡倒出茶來。

prepare a meal 準備膳食 The woman is preparing a meal. 那個 女人正


countertop rkauntavtap] n. 流理台 She's cooking some food on the coi\0lÿrtop.

saucer ['sosa] n. 小碟子

她 在流理台上做料理。

幾片蛋糕放 在小碟子上。

cupboard [’kAbad] n•櫥櫃 The cups have been put away in the cupboard.

sink[smk] n. 水槽 The sink is being cleaned.

杯子擺放在櫥 櫃裏。

dicer [Maisa] n. 切割器 She has bought a potato dicer. 她買了 一個馬鈴薯切割器。

dishwasher ?, wa?a»] n. 洗碗機 The man is using the dishwasher. 那個男人正在 使用洗 碗機。

fÿil[fÿ)il]n. (包裝 食品的 銀箔 The clerk is wrapping some food in thetoilÿ 那個 職員正在用銀 箔包裝食物。

grill [gril] n. 烤架 There is some food on the grill. 烤架上有一些食物。

Slices of cake have been placed on the sAypers.

那個水 槽被清洗了。

slice [slais] n ■切片 The man is cutting the cake into slices. 那 個男人把蛋糕切成了 幾片。

stir [str] v. 攪 The cook is stirring something in the pot. 廚師 正在攬 鍋裏的東西。

stove [stov] n. 火爐 There is a kettle on the stove. 有一個水 壺在火 爐上。

tray [tre] n•托盤 They’re all returning their cups to the tray. 他們都把杯子放回了托 盤上。

家家事 319



ri 家事 arrange [9'rend3] v. 擺飾 The flowers have been arranged on the table.

polisher['pali?a»] n. 磨光器 Use this polisher when you clean the furniture.


當你打 掃傢俱時請用 這個磨光器。

dear away 收拾

scraper['skrepaÿn. 舌ij 刀 、推土機 She is using a scraper to remove the cake

The waiter is clearing away the dishes.


服 務員正 在收拾 碟子。

她在 用刮刀 刮掉蛋 糕上的 奶油。

\/ clear off 收拾

The woman is clearing off the table. 那個女人正 在收拾桌子。

scrub [skrAb] v. 擦淨 The steps are being scrubbed. 階 梯被擦 淨了。

V dispose of


I’ll dispose of these garbage bags. 我來清 理垃圾 袋吧。

dccSK garment fgarmant] n. 衣服 the cleaner’s. He took a garment to dry 他把衣服拿到了洗 衣店。

n. 幼苗 seedling The seedlings are being planted in the garden. 幼苗種植在花園裏。

sew [so] v. 縫合 She’s sewing a button on her shirt. 她正 在往襯 衫上縫 扣子。

hand washing 手洗 These clothes require hand washing. 這些衣 服需要 手洗。


sewing machine 縫紉機 The sewing machine is on the table. 縫組 機在桌子上。

household rhaus.hold] n•家庭 He is talking to the head of the houÿefiold. 他正在跟這 個家庭的主人說話。

v straighten up 整理 The woman is straightening

w? up her desk.

那 位女士 正在整理她的桌子。

knit [nit] v. 編織 The woman is knitting a sweater. 那 個女人正在織毛衣。

laundry ['bndri] n. 送洗的衣服 Please get my laypdry while you’re at the


sweep [swip] v•掃 The gardener is sweeping the leaves. 那個園丁正在掃 樹葉。


tidy up 整理 The woman is tidying up her room.

當你在 洗衣店時請轚我拿我送洗的 衣服。

那個女 士正在整理她的房間

litter flita] n. 垃圾

The boys are picking up litter on the beach.

vacuum cleaner 真空吸塵器 She is pushing the vacuum cleaner.

那些少年正在 海邊檢 垃圾。

她正 在使用 真空吸 塵器。

nursery f nyssi] n•苗圃 、托兒所

I bought the plants at that n iÿrÿry.

wallpaper f woLpepa] n•壁紙 They are removing the old wallpaper.

我在苗圃買了那些 植物。

他們 正在把 舊壁紙拿掉。

polishfpdi?] v. 擦亮 He is polishing the floor.

wipe[waip] v. 擦 He is wiping the windshield.

他正 在擦亮地板。

他正在擦擋風 玻璃。

2. 職場


八 辦公室 / 辦公 器具?

copy machine 影印機 Please turn off that copy machine.

accounting software 會 計軟體 The accounting software is being installed today.

請把 影印機的電源關掉。

那個 會計軟 體會在今天安 裝好。

adopt [9'dapt] v. 採納 The company will adopt a new personnel policy.

cordless phone 無 線電話 There is a cordless phone on the desk. 桌子上有一個無線電話。

公司會 採納新的人事 政策。

v. 切 斷電源 disconnect The machinery needs to be disconnected

answering machine 電話 答錄機 The answering machine doesn’t seem to work.


那個電 話答錄 機似乎沒有在運作。

這台機器需要鏨時切斷 電源。

be tied up ∼被使用著 The printer is tied up at the moment.

drawing table 製圈桌 The blueprint has been put on the drawing

印表機 正被使 用著。

table. 藍圖 放在製圈桌的上面。

binding machine 裝訂機 We have just ordered a new binding machine.

duplicaterdjupbkit]n. 複製品 Can you make me a duplicate of this report?

我 們剛剛訂購了 新的裝 訂機。

能不能幫我 做這份 報告的 複製。

business card 名片

equipmenitfkwipmant] n .設備 They’re rearranging the office equipment.

They’re exchanging business cards. 胃

他們正在交換 名片。

他們正在 重新的配置辦公室的 設備。

calculator [TcaelkjaJeta*] n. 計算機 I seem to have misplaced my calculator.

facility[f9'sil9ti] n•設施 The university is building a research facility.

我好像 把計算 機給弄丟了。

那個大學 正在建造研究 設施。

card reader 讀卡機 The clerk swiped a credit card through a card reader.

file [fail] v. 把東 西歸檔 Have you finished filing those papers?

職 員往讀卡機裡刷卡。

那些報告都歸 檔了嗎 7

cartridge rkartrid3] n. 匣,盒 He replaced the printer cartridge yesterday.

filing cabinet 擋案櫃 I put them in the filing cabinet.

他昨天 換了印 表機墨 水匣。

我把它 們放在 了檔案 櫃了。

colleague fkalig] n•同事 She is chatting with her colleague.

fill out the form 填表格

You should fill out this form first.

她正在 和同事 聊天。

你應該先填完這份 表格。

come to a standstill 止 Productivity at the office comes to a standstill on Fridays.

flier rflai&] n. 傳單

The man is handing out some fliers. 那個男人正在 發一些 傳單。

辦公室的生產率一到星 期五就 會停止 成長。

connect [ka'nekt]v. 連接,轉接 Can you connect me to the manager’s office?

form letter 被印刷 、複 製的同一? 容的信 Is the form letter in this folder? 文 件夾裡 有公司制式的信紙嗎 7

能不能颶我 轉接到經理室 7



職場 323

八 辦公室 ,辦 公器具 II n•手冊 manual handbook Let’s refer to this handbook.

paperweight Tpepavwet] n. 紙鑷 There is a paperweight on top of some

讓我 們參考 這個手 冊吧。

documents. 有 個紙鎖放在文 件上。

information packet 資 料封包 All participants will receive an information


power line 電源線 ,輸 電線 The men are fixing the power line.

所有 的參加 者都會收到一 個資料 封包。

男人 們正在 修理電源線。

install [irTstol] v•設置 The electricians are installing some outlets.

projector [pr9'd3ekta] n. 投影機 The projector has been turned on.

電工 正在設 置電源 插座。

那 個投影機被打 開了。

inventory control system 存貨 清單管理系統 The inventory control system keeps track of

n. 試算表 spreadsheet Enter the data into a spreadsheet.

available stock.

把資料輸入到試算 表?。

存貨 清單管理系統持播尋 找可用的存貨 供應。

stationery ["stejan.eri] n. 信紙 She is writing on some stationery.

maintenance [zmentanans] n. 保養 ,定期維修 Service will be interrupted while routine maintenance is performed.


定 期保養 期間服 務將會中止。

material [mÿtirial] n. 資料



stock the drawer 把抽屜塞滿∼ the drawer with The woman is




I should finish reading this material tonight.

我今晚必須讀完這個 資料。

storage cabinet 儲藏櫃 Office supplies are kept in the storage cabinet.

organizer [brgmaiza'] n. 組織者 I seem to have misplaced my organizer. 我似 乎選錯了組織的人。•

out of order 故障的• 谷 That printer has been out of order since last week. 那 個印表 機從上週就故 障了。

out of paper 紙用完了 The copier is out of paper. 影印機 的紙用 完了。

outdated [.aut'detid] adj. 舊式的 the equipment seems to be outdated.


辦公用 品存放 在儲藏 櫃?。

supply[sa'plai] n. 供給品,補 給品 The supplies we ordered arrived this morning. 我們訂購的補給品今天早上到了。

supply room 物品 供應室 He is talking to the clerk in the supply room. 他 在物品 供應室與職員對話。

n. 打字機 typewriter The man is putting a ribbon in the typewriter. 那個男 人正在 往打字 機裡放 色帶。

所 有的裝 備好像都是舊 式的。

update[Ap'det] v. 更新 My computer needs to be updated.


我的電腦需要 更新。


The car’s engine is overheated 汽 車引擎過熱。

shredder nreda] n. 碎紙機 Put those papers in the shudder. 把這 些紙放 進碎紙機裡。


她 正在信紙上寫東西。

iÿÿ I (Ann

n 工地 i architect farkitekt] n. 建築師 We hired an architect to draw up the plans.

[k:d3] n•壁架 Potted plants have been placed on the lÿplge.


壁 架上有 花盆。

print] n. 藍圖 ,設 計圖 The foreman is looking over the blueprints for the office building.

load[lod] v•裝載 Workers are loading the materials onto the truck.


工人將原料裝 載到卡 車上。

工頭正仔細 檢查著 辦公建 築的設計圈。

carpenter [’karpsnta] n. 木匠 The caftgÿiter is using a tape measure.

log [bg] n•原木,木材 The logs are stacked on top of each other. 原木被一?一?地堆放著。


lumber [lAmbaÿ] n. 木材,木料

demolish [dfmaliU v•拆除 The building is set to be de rfÿgliÿhed later this year.

There is a pile of lumber at the construction site. 建築工地上有一堆木料。

那個 建築將 在今年年底被 拆除。

durablefdjurab?] adj. 耐久的,耐用的 They are using the most durable materials they

can find.


expand [ik'spaend] v. 擴張 A project has been approved to expand the building. 擴張建築的計畫案被批 准了。

frame[frem] n. 框架,骨架 The frame of the building has been erected. 建築的骨架 建造起 來了。

hammer fhaema] n•錘子 A hammer is in the toolbox. 錘子放在工具 箱裡。

hard hat 安全帽 Please wear a hard hat while at the site. 在工地的 時候請戴好安 全帽。

heavy machinery 重機械 Be careful when operating heavy machinery. 操作重 機械的 時候請小心。

housing development 住宅區 The housing development will be completed by the end of this year. 住宅區將在今年年底 竣工。

layout fle.aut] n. 佈置,設計 blueprint? The lÿyput of the house was redesigned.

multistory ['mAltistori] adj. 多?的 The company is located in a multistory office complex. 公司位 於多曆 辦公大 樓裡。

[子 nail[nel] npÿ The man is hammering a nail. 那個男人正在


paneirpÿn?] n. (儀器 儀錶板 He is pressing a button on the instrument panel. 他正在按 器械的 儀錶板 按扭。

plan [plsen] n. 藍圖,設計圖 The contractor is studying the construction plan. 那個 承包商正在觀看建築 藍國。

power supply 電源供應器 The computer’s power supply has been damaged. 那個 電腦的 電源供 應器壞掉了。

put up 建立 The workers are putting

up a fence.

工 人們正 在建立柵爛。

rebuild [rrbild] v. 重建

They are rebuilding the bridge that collapsed. 他們正 在重新建造被 損壞的橋。'

redo [rfdu] v. 重做

The foreman asked the workers to redo the

paneling. 領班要工人們重新安裝嵌板。

房子的 佈置被重新設計了。

職場 327

1 dc5M/)V drWtÿÿr

n 工地 II

maintenance improvement renovation

refurnish [rffriii?] v. 重新裝潢 The manager wants to refurnish his office.

steel [stil] n. 鋼鐵 The walls are reinforced with steel.

經理希望重新裝潢他的辦 公室。

牆用 鋼鐵加牢了。

reinforcement [,riin'forsmant] n•增強,強化 The highway was strengthened with concrete reinforcement.

structure fstrAkt??] n. 建築物 We need to finish the structure for next week’s event.

那個高速公 路用混凝土強 化以後,更結 實了。

我們為了下週的重 大活動 必須結 束建築工程。

remodel [rfmad!]

The apartment unit is being remodeled.

synthetic materia ?合 成材料 The parts are made of synthetic material.

那個公萬區正在被 改建。

零件是 用合成材料做 成的。

removal [rrmuvj] n. 移動 ,去除 The removal of the stairway will cost more money.

take down 拆除



要把這 個樓梯移走要花更多的錢。

restore [rf stor] v. 修復 ,整修 The city wants to restore the historic building. 這個 城市想 整修這 個歷史 性的建築物。



saw [so] n. 据子 The man is using a saw to cut the \#ood. 那個男人 正在用鋸子鋸木頭。

scaffolding fskaef!dig] n•騰架 The scaiffoiaing has been set up against one side of the building. 臟架被 搭在建 築物的一邊。


A contractor was hired to take down the wall around the compound. 為了 拆除大 院周邊 的牆而雇用承包商。

tear down 拆除 We asked them to tear down the foundation of the old building. 我們請他們拆毀那 個舊建 築物的 地基。

tread[tred] n•(輪胎的) 胎面 The trÿÿs of the tires were worn down. 那個輪胎的胎面都磨損了。

tunnel fUnl] n. 隧道,地下道 A tunnel is being built through the mountain. 穿越這座山的隧道 正被建 造著。

shovel HAVJ] n•鏟子 The man is using a shovel to put sand in the mixer.

undergo renovation 改造 * 丁 he old theater is now undergoing renovation.

那個男人正用鏟子 往攬拌器裡放 沙子。

舊的劇場現 正在被 改造。

dtTVWL shut off 關掉,斷開 They shut off the electricity before replacing the wires.

walkway [Vok.we] n. 大樓間走道 A walkway leads to the entrance of the building. 走道延 伸到建 築物的入口。

他們在更 換電線 前關掉 電源。

wheelbarrow fhwil,baero] n. 手推車

site supervisor 工 地主任 The site supervisor is talking to the construction workers. 工地主任正在對建築工人 講話。

space allocation 空間分配 The architect wants to speak to us about a space allocation problem. 建築師想跟我們說有 關空間分配的問題。

The man is filling the wheelbarrow with debris. 那 個男士正在往手推車 裡裝載拆下來的廢土 碎石。

wing [wig] n•加蓋的附屬 建築物 The hospital is constructing a new wing. 路院正在建 造與主 樓相連的附屬大樓。

wire [waia\] n. 電線,金屬線 The wires on the first floor have been replaced. 一


樓的電線被替 換了。

3. 設施


八 醫院 allergist faelaÿist] n. 過 敏症專科醫師 I have to see an allergist for my runny nose.

disturbing [dis'ty*biÿ] adj•使 人不安 It is disturbing to see mentally ill patients.

因為流 霹涕我必須去看過敏症專科 醫師。

看 到精神 病人總 是使人 不安。

n. 繃帶 bandage He’s wearing a bandage on his leg.

earache fir.ek] n. M'M

他在腿 上繫了繃帶。

他 長時間 地因耳 痛感到痛苦。

be allergic to 對 ∼過敏

emergency room 急診室 The emergency room has many patients.

Tm allergic to fish. 我 對海鮮過敏。

be in good shape 身體狀況好 He seems to be in good shape. 他看 起來身 體狀況 很好。


急診室裡 有很多病人。

examine [ig'zaemin] v•檢查 The doctor is examining the patient. 醫 生正在為患者 檢查。

pressure 血壓

She’s getting her blood

He has been suffering from an earache for a long time.

pressure checked

她正 在檢查 血壓。

blurry rblyi] adj•模糊 不清的 My eyesight is a little blurry’ today.

今 天我的 視力有點模糊不清。

cancer ['kaens沙] n. 癌症 Lung cancer is common among smokers. 吸 煙的人 得肺癌是很普 遍的。

cavityfkaev9ti] n. (蛀牙的) 洞 My dentist filled a tooth with a cavity. 我的牙醫為 我補好 了蛀牙的洞。

check out 檢查 You need to have your back checked out. 你需要檢查一下你的背。

check-up 檢查 I’m here to get a general check-up. 我來接 受定期 檢查。

chest [tSest] n. 胸部 I’ve had chest pain lately. 我最近 有胸部疼痛的 症狀。

cholesterol leve ?膽固醇指數 My father worries about his cholesterol level.

expose [ik'spoz] v. 使暴露 The patient was reminded not to expose the wound. 病人被 提醒不要露出 傷口。

eye doct4r 眼 科醫生 The eye doctor gave me a thorough eye exam. 眼科醫 生徹底 地檢查 了我的 眼睛。

eye exam 視力檢查 The eye exam proved he had perfect eyesight. 視力檢查結果 顯示他的視力 很好。

fat[f 祀t] n ■脂肪,肥胖 The patient was told to lower his body fat. 病人被告知需要減 少體? 脂肪。

fHI the prescription 按照藥方配藥 The pharmacist will fill your prescription. 藥師會 按照你的藥方 配藥。

n. (牙科 裝填物 、餡料 filling The dentist put a filling in three of her molars. 牙 醫給她的三個臼齒塞 滿了裝 填物。

first aid 急救 They are trained to give first aid in an


他們接受 了緊急 情況下的急救 訓練。

爸爸擔心他的 膽固醇指數。

despair [di'sper] v•?望 He despaired at having no cure for his ailment. 他對於 沒有方法能醫治他的病感到 ?望。

設施 331

ri 醫院 1? n. 健康狀況 fitness She passed a test for physical fitness.

injection [in'd3ek$9n] n. 注射 The nurse is giving the patient an injection.

她通過了身 體健康 狀況的檢查。

護士為病人 注射。

flakyffleki] adj. 易 脫落的 Dry, flaky skin is a common skin problem.

injury rind39n] n•傷害,損傷 When did you get that arm injury?


手臂什 麼時候受傷的 7

germ[d33"m] n. 病菌 The hospital uses bleach to kill germs.

insomnia [irfsamnis] n. 失眠症

越 院用漂白劑來 殺菌。

丁oo much c3ffGi ? e csn C3US6 大置的咖 啡因會導致失眠症。

go on a diet 開始減肥 He advised me to go on a diet.

The nursing home takes care of invalids.

他勸 我開始減肥。

那個療養院收 容生病的人。

hay fever 花粉熱 She suffers from hay fever every spring.

massage therapist 按摩師 She sees a massage therapist to reduce stress.

每到 春天她就被花粉熱所困擾。


health certificate 診斷 證明霍 Can I get a copy of the health certificate?

measles fmizjz] n. 麻? She caught measles when she was three years old.

我可以要一份 診斷証 明書的 副本嗎 7




n. 病人,傷殘者

她三 歲的時候得過麻疹。

hearing Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss.

medical fmedikl] adj. 醆學的,醫 療的 The medical study was published in a journal.

長期 暴露在 噪音之 下會造成聽力 損失。

一本雜誌上刊登了那 個醫學 研究。

heart disease 心臟病 他被診 斷出輕 微的心臟病。

medical report 醫療記錄 The doctor carefully read the medical report. 那個 發生認真的閱 ip 了醫療 記錄。

hold a blood drive 捐 血活動 The hospital holds an annual blood drive.

medicine fmecbsp] n ■藥品 You should buy some medicine for that cold.

那個 醫院每 年都舉 行捐血活動。

你需要 買些藥 來治療 感冒。

hygiene['haid3in] n. 衛生 The nurses are particular about hygiene.

mumps [mAmps] n. 腮腺炎

n. 聽力

He was diagnosed with mild heart disease.

護士對 衛生的 要求很 嚴格。

immune system 免疫系統 His sickness resulted in a weaker immune


She could not swallow solid food because she had mumps. 因 為得了腮腺炎,所以 她不能吃硬的 食物。


nursing fnysig] n•護理,看護 She is the director of nursing at the hospital.

他的病 導致免 疫系統 衰弱。

她是這間醫院的護 理長。

infection [irffekpn] n. 感染 After the operation, he had a serious infection.

nutrition [njiftri?an] n. 營養 (學) The school meal planner specializes in nutrition.

手術後 ,他被感 染得很嚴重。

學校的菜單 安排人 員是營 養學的 專家。

o 醫院 III nutritious [nju'tri?9S] adj. 有營養的 nourishing Hospital meals are designed to be nutritious.

practice fpraektis] n. (H 學的) 營業,開業 The doctor is opening up his own practice.

醫院的 餐點都設計成 很有營 養的。

那個醫生將開個人 診所。

optician [ap七?an] n•配鏡師,眼鏡商 She visited an optician to have her eyes

prescribe [prfskraib] v. 開藥方 The doctor prescribed a strong pain reliever.


醫生 開了強效的?痛劑。

她去拜訪 了配鏡師檢查眼睛。

orthopedic [or09'pidik] adj. 整形外科的 He had his spine checked by an orthopedic specialist. 他找一 位整形 外科專家來檢查他的 脊椎。 *

outpatient [’autzpepnt] n. 門診病人 As an outpatient, she visits the hospital regularly. 身為門診病人 她定期 到醫院 復診。

patient’s record 病人的記錄 The doctor is reviewing ~ the patient's record. 醫生 在檢查病人的 記錄。

periodically [pirfadikli] adv. 週期性地 You need to visit your dentist periodically. 你需要 定期去看牙科醫生。

n. 藥局 pharmacy She buys all her medicine at the corner pharmacy. 她所有 的藥都 是在那 個角落的藥局買的。

physical examination 身 體檢查 He underwent a thorough physical examination. 他接受 了徹底的身體檢查。

physical therapy 物 理療法 He needed physical therapy to rehabilitate his injured knee. 他需要接受物理療法 來復建受傷的 膝蓋。

physician[frzipn] n. ?科醫生 Sarah saw a family physician for her headaches. Sarah 因為頭痛去看家庭?科 醫生。

p川 [pil] n. 藥丸 Take these pills three times a day. 一天三次服 用這些藥丸。

positive fpazaiv] adj. 陽性的 This patienfs blood type is A positive.

psychological [,saik9'lad3ik!] adj. 心理的 The patient had to take a psychological exam. 那 個患者需要接 受心理測驗。

recover [rrkAva] v. 恢復 He spent a few days in the hospital to recover from the flu. 他 在醫院住了幾天後才 從感冒中恢復 過來。

recuperate [rfkjup9,ret] v•恢復 She stayed home to recuperate from her illness. 她為 了從疾病中恢 復健康而在家休養。

relinquish [ri’ligkwin V. 拋棄,作廢 The doctoiywas forced to relinquish his license.


那個醫 生的彳 醫許可證被 強制吊銷了。

risk [risk] n. 危險

Drinking increases the risk of liver problems. 飲酒會 讓肝臟出問題 的危險 增加。

runnyÿrAni] adj. 流?涕的 He has a runny nose because of a cold. 他因為感冒而流 羼涕。

see [si] v. 診察 The doctor will see the patient now. 那個 醫生將 去診察 病人。

self-defense ['selfdf fens] 自我防衛 Sufficient sleep is the best self-defense against sickness. 充分的睡眠是對疾 病最好的自我防衛。

sneezing [sniziÿ] n. 打噴嚏 One symptom of his allergy is sneezing. 他的過敏症狀之一就是打 噴嚏。

sore [sor] adj. 疼痛的 His sore throat bothered him when he talked. 他的喉矓痛對 他的說 話造成困擾。

這個 患者的血型是 A 型陽 性。

設施 335

O 醫院 IV sports injuries 運動傷害 Athletes are prone to different kinds of sports injuries.

toothpaste rtu0zpest] n. 牙脣 They prefer a sodium-based toothpaste. 他們喜歡 含鈉的 牙爾。

運動 選手經 常遭受到運動 傷害。 >/

sprain[spren] v. 扭傷 He sprained his ankle while playing basketball. 他 打藍球的時候 扭傷了 腳踝。

spread [spred] n•擴散 ,蔓延 The spread of the infection could not be controlled. 那 個傳染病的擴 散無法 控制。

sterilize fstenlaiz] v. 殺菌 (消毒 ) Medical implements are sterilized after every use. 翳學用 具使用後必須 消毒。

surgery fsyd39ri] n. 手術 They scheduled surgery when his appendix burst.


?] adj. 外科 手術的 surgical His herniated disc required surgical treatment. 他突出 的椎間 盤需要手術的治療。

surgical instrument 手術工具 The surgical instruments were laid out on the table. 手術工具擺 放在桌 子上。

take one’s temperature 量體溫 Let me take your temperature first. 我先S你量 體溫。 take some medicine 服藥 He took some medicine for his fever. 他 因為發 燒所以服了一點藥。

temperature rtemprsta] n. 體溫,溫度 Although he felt sick, his temperature was normal. 雖然他覺得 不舒服,但他的體溫卻很正常。

toothache rtu0,ek] n. 牙痛 She took an aspirin to relieve her toothache.


他 因為心律不整而接受治療。

tuberculosis [tjiizb3"kj9'losis] n. 結核病 She had a stubborn case of tuberculosis. 她 得了不容易治 療的結 核病。

vaccination [,vaeksiÿe?an] n. 牛痘接種 The residents had vaccinations against

smallpox. 居民接種了牛痘來預防天花。

veterinarian (vet) [zvst9r9'neri9n] n. 獸鼷 The veterinarian treated a cat for an injured

paw. 那個獸醫為貓治療了受偎的腳掌。

他的 闌尾穿 孔後他們為他 排定了手術。

她為了緩和牙痛而吃了阿斯 匹靈。

treat [trit] v. 治療 He was treated for an irregular heartbeat.

vision fvi39n] n•視力 The girl being tested has 20/20 vision.

檢查結果 她具有 20

20 的 視力。

waiting room 等候室 She was in the waiting room for half an hour. 她在等 候室待 了半個 小時。

ward [word] n•病房 The patient is in the

emergency ward.

那個 患者在 急救病 。

weN-balanced 均衡的 The man was put on a well-balanced diet. 那 個男人的曰常 飲食都十分的 均衡。

n•輪椅 wheelchair The woman is pushing the wheelchair. 那個女人 正在推 輪椅。


ri 機場 / 旅館 i aircraft fer.kraeft] n. 飛機 pi久 rOL The passengers are boarding the aircraft.

depart [drpar] v. 起程,出發 The flight will depart in twenty minutes.

乘客們 正在上 飛機。

飛 機將在 二十分 鐘以後出發。

baggage claims office 行李 領取處 Lost luggage should be reported to the baggage claims office.

departure [drpart>] n. ?程,出發 The departure was delayed because of the weather.


因天氣原因,出 發的時間被延 後了。

book [buk] v. 預約

fasten the seatbelt 繫上 安全帶 Please fasten your seatbelts for take-off.

@行李會 被報告到行李領取處。

You should book tickets at least one week in advance. 你至少應該在一週前 訂票。

起飛時請繫上您的安 全帶。

cabin ['kaebin] 駕駿臆 The pilots are seated in the cabin.

flight attendant 空服人員 A passenger asked the flight attendant for a blanket.

飛行 員都坐 在?駛 膜了。


captain fkseptin] n. 機長 The captain made an announcement over the intercom.

fly back (坐飛機) 返回 He is expected to fly back the same day.


機長用機? 的廣播 講話。

v carousel [.kaen/zd] n. 行李 輸送帶

She is pulling her baggage from the caÿsel.

他預 計會坐 當天的 飛機返回的。


fly in (坐 機) 到達 The groupiis flying in tomorrow. 那個 團隊將 於明天坐飛機 到達。

她 從行李 輸送帶上拿走自己的 行李。

fold away 折 ?起來

checkin (機 場或港口的) 登機 (或 登輪) 手獮 辦理 The passengers going to Tokyo were told to check in.

The passengers were reminded to fold away their trays.

飛往 東京的旅客被 通知辦 理登機 手璁。

乘客 們被提 醒要把托盤折空起來收好。

front desk 接待處

checkout (在 旅館) 付 款退房 They checked out of the hotel after lunch.

The guest went to the front desk to inquire about transportation.

他們吃 完午飯 後付款 退房。

乘客到接待處 詢問關 於運輸 問題。

check-in counter 行李托運櫃檯

gate [get] n. 登機門 The passengers are being directed to the gate at the right.

Many people are lined up at the check-in counter. 行李 托運櫃 檯前有 很多人 在排隊 等候。

clerk [kirk] n. 職員

乘客 們被引 導到右 邊的登 機門。

The hotel clerk presented the guest with his bill.

housekeeping fhau,skipig] n. 居 家雜務 The woman in white is in charge of housekeeping.

飯 店的職 員給客 人出示 帳單。

crew[kru] n•機 組人員 The ground crew is checking the plane. 地勤 機組員在檢查飛機。

那位穿白衣的女 士是負?居家雜務的部份。

inspect [in'spekt] v•檢查 ’ The customs officer is insisting a large box.

customs fkAstamz] n. 海關 、習俗

海關 官員正 在檢查一個大箱子。

The passengers had their bags checked at customs.

international flight 國 際航班 This international flight is expected to take ten hours.

乘客們 在海關被檢查 行李。

customs officer 海關官員 A customs officer questioned a woman about her bag.

這 個國際航班預 計會飛 行十個 小時。

海關 官員針對一位 女士的 皮包對 她進行 詢問。

設施 339

八機場 / 旅館 II land [laend] v. 降落,著陸 fly in、arrive The captain is preparing to land the plane. 機長 正在準 備降落飛機。

回程的班機比現在 正在進 來的這 個班機遢要花 更久的 時間。

lobbyriabi] n•(飯 店等的 大廳 The customer is waiting for you at the lobby. 客人在大廳等您。

The luggage was placed on the wrong flight. 行李 被載在 別的飛 機上。

maid [med] n. 女儷 The maid is cleaning the hotel room. 女籣正 在打掃 客房。

non-stop flight 直飛班機 They have taken a non-stop flight to Guam. >

他們乘坐 了直飛 Guam 的班機。

on board 飛機? Is there a doctor or nurse on board?


機 上有醫 生或者 護士嗎 7

overhead compartment (飛 機的) 上方 置物箱 He put a carry-on bag in the overhead


他把手提行李 放進上方的置 物箱。

package rpaekid3] v•包裝,打包 The goods were packaged securely. 貨 物被包 裝的很 安全。

n. 護照

She went to the embassy to renew her


她 去領事 館更新護照。

seatbelt light 安全帶指示燈

Please do not get up until the seatbelt light is turned off. 安 全帶指示燈沒 有熄滅以前請不要站 起來。

?] n. 單人房 single Can I reserve a single for next weekend? 我能預訂 下個週 末的單 人房嗎 7

take one’s bag off 拿下 旅行袋 He took his bag off the conveyor belt. 他 從傳送 帶拿下他的旅行袋。

takeoff ftekjf] n. 起飛 The plane’s takeoff went smoothly. 飛機起 飛非常順利。

terminal ftymsn?] n. 航廈 He waited three hours at the terminal for a

delayed flight. 他因為 航班延誤而在 機場航 廋中等 了三個 小時。

unpack [An'paek] v. 打開 (行李 They're unpacking their luggage in the room.


他們正在房間 裡打開 行李。

via fvaie] prep. 透過∼ She is going to Hawaii via Southeast Airlines. 她 將透過 東南航空到夏威夷。

pilot fpailat] n. 飛行員 The pilot is putting the airplane on automatic mode. 飛行員將飛機 切換到@動飛行狀態。

visa fviz9] n. 簽證 She was granted a two-week visa for Japan.

reserve [rrzyv]v•預約 She’s reseiÿng a table at the hotel restaurant.

visa extension 延 長簽證 They visited the embassy to get a visa extension.

她在旅 館的餐 廳預約 了一桌 飯菜。


room service (旅 館的) 客房服務 He called room service for a midnight snack. 他叫了 客房服 務提供 夜宵。

『1八批3] n. 行李

passport Tpaes'port]

return flight 回程的班機 The return flight took longer than the flight coming in.

她獲 得了曰本二個


他們去領事 館延長 簽證。

o 其他設施 act[aekt] v•演戲 A woman is acting in a play.

film [film] n•電影 The film is being shown to a test audience.

一個女人 正在一齣?中演出。

這部電影正在給觀?舉行試 映會。

applaud [9'pbd] v•鼓掌 The crowd is applauding the show.

go on

There is a variety of entertainment going on at the circus.

觀?對表演給予了 掌聲。

在馬戲團裡各 式各樣的雜耍不斷進行著。

audience [bdians] n. 觀? There are people in the audience standing up.

museum [mjifzursm] n. 博物館 The museum is having an exhibit of Egyptian artifacts.

觀?裡 有站著 的人。

V auditorium [,3d9'tori9m] n. 禮堂 amphitheater

博物館 正在舉 行埃及 文物的 展覽。

The auditorium is now empty.

occupy fakjipai] v•佔用

禮 堂現在空著。

The phone booths at the park were all occupied. 公園 裡的公 用電話 亭都被 佔用著。

V award [9'wÿ)rd] n. 獎品

The girl is receiving an award from her teacher.

participant [par’tis9p9nt] n. 參加者 A welcome speech was given to participants of the seminar.

女 孩正在 接受老師給的 獎品。

balloon [b9]un] n. 氣球 The man is giving a small boy a balloon.

對 討論會 的參加 者致詞 歡迎。

男 人把氣 球給小男孩。

banquet hall 宴會廳 People are streaming into the banquet hall. 人們正 快速地進入宴會廳。

clap[klaep] v. 鼓掌 The fans are clapping for the team. 粉絲們正在為這 支隊伍 鼓掌。

發生著 ,繼續著


put theÿ)ÿster 貼海報 A man is putting the poster on a bulletin board. 一個男人正在 往佈告欄上貼 海報。 XI


Very few seats in the stadium remain empty. 久 spectator fspekteta] n. (比 賽的) 觀? Some of the spectators are standing on their


女孩穿著巫婆的 服裝。

幾個看比?的觀?是站 著的。

crowd [kraud] n•群?

square [skwer]

dress code 服 裝規定 A dress code must be followed at work.

take one’s seat 就座 女人 正在戲院裡面尋找她的位子就座。

n. 劇場 theater An orchestra is playing~ music in the theater.

exitfegzit] n. 出口

trade show 貿易展 The trade show will be held next week.




The woman is taking her seat in the theater.

exhibit [ig'zibit] n. 展賢 There are paintings and statues in the exhibit. 展 M 場有 很多的 圖畫和雕塑。



A man is playing the violin in a square. 一個男人正 在廣場演奏小 提琴。

The man is looking for the exit.




工作中必須遵 守服裝 規定。


球場上有極 少的坐 位是空 著的。

costume n ■服裝,裝束 The girl is wearing a witch’s costume.

A crowd is filling the large hall.


empty 空著

交響樂團正在劇場 演奏。

貿易展將會 在下週舉行。

fare[fer] n. 車資 The man is putting a coin in the box to pay for his fare. 男人把 零錢投 入箱子 裡來付 車資。 設施 343

4. 餘暇 餐廳 I beverage fb€ÿv9rid3] n. 飲料 The woman is drinking a cold beverage. 女人正在喝冰凍 飲料。

bite [bait] n. 點心,小吃 Let’s get a bite to eat. 我 們去吃點點?。

他 們正在中式料 理餐廳吃飯。

v/dinerfdaina'] n. 用 餐的人 The diners are sipping their coffee. 用 餐的人 正在喝咖啡。

buffet [bÿfe] n. 歐式自助餐會 The tables at the buffet are laid out with food.

dining area 食堂 They are going into the dining area.

歐式自助餐 會的桌 上放著 食物。

他們 正走進 食堂。

cafeteria [,kaef9'tiri9] n. 自助餐廳 The people are lining up for lunch at the cafeteria. 人們 在自助 餐廳裡 排隊買午餐。

cap[kaep] n•瓶蓋 The caps are on the table next to the bottles. 桌子上的瓶子旁邊有 瓶蓋。

>/fmup 倒滿 (杯子 The woman is filling up the glasses with juice. 女人正在往杯 子裡倒 果汁。

f resh [frefl adj. 新鮮的 There are fresh fruits in a basket. 藍 子裡有新鮮的水果。

frozen ffrozp] adj. 冷凍的

check[t$ek] n. (餐 館的) 帳單 The waiter is giving the man the c hÿck.

She is getting a package of frozen vegetables from the freezer.

服務生遞給那 個男士帳單。

她 正在從冰箱裡 拿出一 包冷凍 蔬菜。

chef [?ef] n•廚師 The chef is putting the finishing touches on a dish.

grab a bite 倉促 地用餐 The man is grabbing a bite to eat at a hamburger place.

廚師 正在做一道菜 的最後步驟。

男 人正在 漢堡店 倉促地用餐。

coffee tray 咖啡托盤 The waitress is holding a coffee tray.


女服務員正 拿著一 個咖啡 托盤。

你是 喜歡炙 烤的還 是炸的 7

collect the menu 收回菜單 The waiter is collecting the menus from the diners. 客人 那裡收回菜單。 服務

guest [gest] n•客人 The guests have been drinking some wine.

delicious [dfli?as] adj. 好吃的 That was a delicious meal. 這真是 美味的一餐。

dessert [dfÿt] n. 餐後甜點 She is picking a dessert from the trolley. 她 正從手推車上 拿餐後 甜點。


\/dine[dain] v. 用餐 They’re dining at a Chinese restaurant.

grilled [grild] adj. 炙烤的 you like it grilled or fried?

客人 們喝了 一些葡 萄酒。

have a light dinner 吃一 頓簡單的晚餐 Tm going to have a light dinner tonight. 我打 算今晚吃一頓簡單的 晚餐。

grab (K


I Ktd_<

久 卬

八 餐廳 ii have a mea ?用餐

The people are having a meal at a restaurant. 人們在 餐廳裏 用餐。

ingredient [irTgridiant] n•食材 The assistant cook is cutting up the ingredients. 廚師的助手正在切這些 食材。

instant soup 即 溶湯粉 He is making a bowl of instant soup. 他用即溶湯粉 做了一碗湯。

main course 主菜 The waiter is bringing the main course to the table. 服務生 把主菜 放在桌 子上。

make a selection 選擇 She’s making a selection 什om a tray of cheeses. 她在一盤的起司中作選擇。

mashed [mae?t] adj. 搗碎的

They are having mashed potatoes with their chicken. 他們在 吃雞肉和搗碎的馬鈴 署泥。


patron [ÿpetran] n. 老主顧 The patrons are sitting down at a cafe table. 老主顧 們在咖啡店的 桌旁圈 坐著。

plate[plet] n. 盤子 The waiter is putting a clean plate on the table. 服務生 正把乾 淨的盤子放在桌上。

pÿur[por] n•灌注 He is pouring water into a diner’s glass.

?的杯 子倒水。


recipe fresspi] n. 烹飪方法 He is looking at a book of recipes. 他在讀 有關烹 飪方法的書。

V refreshment [rf freSmsnt] n. 茶點

They are enjoying some refreshments at the snack bar. 他們在 輕餐店 裡享用 茶點。

serve[sy*v] v•月S務 The man is being served steak and vegetables.

set out 擺放 The plates and cutlery have been set out on the table. 盤子和 餐具擺 放在桌 子上。

set the table 擺 放餐具 A woman is setting a table in a restaurant. 一位女士在餐廳裏擺放 餐具。

sip [sip] v. 啜飲 She is sipping from a tea cup. 她 正在啜 飲著一 杯茶。

sit-down meal 可以大家都坐下 來用餐 的餐會 light dinner Are we having a sit-down meal tonight? 今晚我們要準 備一個 能讓大 家都坐 下來的 餐會嗎 7

snack shop 輕食店 She is buying cookies at a snack shop. 她在輕食 店買餅乾吃。

spoiling[spoiliÿ] adj. 腐爛 / Refrigelfete the food to prevent spoiling. 為了不讓食物壞掉,請 放在冰 箱裡。

steamed [stimd] adjJ青蒸的 I’d like to order the steamed fish. 我想點一份清蒸的魚。

study the menu 看菜單 The woman is studying the menu in a French restaurant. 女 人在法 式餐廳 裡看著 菜單。

n. 桌布 tablecloth tablecloth is being put on a table. A 桌布 鋪在桌 子上。

taste [test] v•品暖 The chef is tasting the dish. 主廚在 品畜著 料理。.

wait for a table 等位子 The couple is waiting for a table in the foyer. 這 對夫妻在休? 廳裡等位子。

\/whipped cream 生奶油 He is putting whipped cream on the sundae. 他把生 奶油放 在聖代上面。

男 子接受 服務生牛排和蔬菜的 服務。

餘暇 347


inÿer Cÿÿ

O 購物 / 購買


affordable lyforcbb?] adj••負擔得起的 The French wines are being sold at affordable

prices. antique [serf tik] adj. 古董的,古代的 The woman is examining an antique lamp. 那個女子在品鑑一個古蓳 燈具。

She is testing an appliance at the store. 那個 女人在 店裡試用電器 產品。

cashier [kaejir] n. 收銀員 The cashier is giving the customer some change.

\/close for business 關 店休息 The store is closed for business on Mondays. 那商 店星期 一關店 休息。

V* assortment [9's3rtm9nt] n. 各式各樣的搭配

They are picking from an assortment of chocolates.

clothingndodiÿ] n•衣服 edo戈k Some of the clothing in the shop is on sale. 商店裡的幾款衣 服正在打折。

他們在 各式各 樣搭配的巧克力中作挑選。

auction f ok?9n] n. 競標 The paintings are being put up for auction. 這 幅靈因 競標而被展示出來。

be sold out 銷售一空 The new portable music players are sold out.


bil_] n. 帳單 She is paying the bill. 她在付帳單。

bottled water 瓶裝水 She is putting bottled water in her shopping cart. 她正把瓶裝水 放入她的購物 車?。

boutique [biftik] n. 精品店 They are buying accessories at a boutique. 他們 在精品店裡買飾品。

brand [braend] n. 品牌

She is comparing the brands of ketchup. 她正在比較番 茄醬的 品牌。

browse [brauz] v. 瀏覽

collection [k9]ek?9n] n. 收藏 There is a collection of fine jewelry in the shop. 那個商 店收藏 著很多漂亮的 霣石。

come to 達到 Your purchase comes to a total of 18 dollars. 購買的總金額達到 80 美元。

compensate fkamp9n,set] v. 補償 ,賠償 Shoppers are being compensated for out-ofstock items with a rain check. 買不到現貨的顧 客們得到了優 先購物 券作為 補償。

complain [karrfplen] v. 抱怨 A customer is complaining to the manager. 一位顧客向經理抱怨。

cosmetics [kaz'metiks] n. 化妝品 The girls are putting on cosmetics. 女孩子們在使用化妝品。

cost[kost] v. 花費,?∼錢 This brand costs much more than the other. 這個品牌要比別的 花更多的錢。

他們在瀏 M 這些雜誌。

counter fkauta*] n. 櫃檯 They are waiting in line at the check-out

butcher shop 肉 食品店

他們在結 帳櫃檯 前排隊 等候。

They are browsing through the magazines.

She is buying pork chops at the butcher shop. 她在肉食品 店裡買豬排。

v cart [kart] n. 購物車 The cart is loaded with groceries. 購物車 裡放了 很多食 品及日用品。


收 銀員在給顧客找錢。

V appliance[9p"lai9ns] n. 電器


store. 收銀臺放在 商店門

這 些法國紅酒以可令人 接受的 價格R出。

新式的可攜 式音樂 播放器 被銷售 一空。

cash register 收銀餐) The cash registers are located at the front of the





?1 已

O 購物 / 購買 II crafts [kraefts] n. 手工藝品 There is a local crafts store next to the post office.

feature ffit知] n. 特徵 The cellular phones on display have some interesting new features.

郵局旁邊有本地的手 工藝品 商店。

被展示的手 機擁有 一些有 趣的新特徵。

crate [kret] n. 板條箱 The man is opening the oÿtie. 男人在打開板 條箱。

credit card 信用卡 The clerk is giving the credit card back to the


店員正 在把信用卡還給那位女士。

v/finest[famist] adj. 優秀的,美好的 Some of the finest wines in the world are being sold at the gift shop. 那個禮 品店出售世界上最好的幾種 紅酒。

fit [fit] v•合身,合適 He is trying on the shirt to see if it fits. 他在試穿那件 襯衫看 看合不合適。


dining supplies 餐具

flower arrangement 花飾

There are several shoppers looking at the dining supplies.

There is a large flower arrangement near the stored entrance.

許 多顧客 都在看 餐具。

商店入 □處擺放著很大的花飾。

\/ discount

v. 打折

All shoes have a twenty percent discount. 全部的鞋都打八折。

display [dfsple] n. 展示 The wedding gowns are on display. 這些婚紗正在展示。

display case 展示櫥窗 The man is looking at some watches in a display case. 這位男士正在看展 示櫥窗 裡擺放的錶。

dissatisfied [dis'saetis.faid] adj. 不 滿意的 The shopper is dissatisfied with her purchase. 顧客不滿意 她買的 物品。

v/ drop off 放下,留下

Have you come here to drop off your pgrdel? 您 是否來過這裡留下包 裹 7

for free 免費的 Shoppers who buy cake here can get a small bag of chocolates for free.



的顧 客都可以免費得到一小袋巧 克力。

formula ["formjsb] n. 幼 兒奶粉 The new formula for infants is available at

grocery stores.

針對 寶薺最新的幼 兒奶粉 在生活 用品店裡都買 得到。

gift shop 禮品店 She is buying some souvenirs at the gift shop. 她在 禮品店 裡買了 一些紀 念品。

get a refund 獲 得退費 She is getting a full refund for a defective toaster. 因為瑕 疵的烤 麵包機她獲得 全額的退費。

go shopping 去購物 They are going shopping at the new downtown mall. 他們 去新的 市中心 購物商 場購物 去了。

electronics store 電子產 品商店 Some people are entering an electronics store.

go with 相配,合適

有幾個人 進了電子產品 商店。

She is looking for a hat to go with her coat.

fabr ? cffaebrik] n. 織物,布料 A woman is examining some fabric in a textile

store. 有位女士在 布行裡看布。

fancy ffaensi] adj. 華麗的 A shopper is looking at a fancy dress through a shop window.


good rate 合適的費用,滿意的費用 The rental cars at that agency are available at good rate. 在那個車 輛仲介 那裡可以以合 適的費用租到 車子。

有位顧 客隔著 商店的 櫥窗看 著一套 華麗的禮服。

餘暇 351


?’ 鱗

.ÿeÿndÿ$e '等




八 購物 / 購買 HI

grocery [zgrossri] n. 雜貨店,食雜店 The local grocery sells many fruits and vegetables.


那位女士用 信用卡付帳。

當 地的雜貨店出售各種 水果和 蔬菜。

handicrafts fhÿendizkraefts] n. 手 工藝品 craft A variety of handicrafts is sold at the market. 市場裡出售各 種各樣 的手工 藝品。

have a sale 銷價出售 on

The department store is having a sale on

marked down 降價 All items have been marked down. 所 有的商 品都降 價了。

match [maet?] v. 相配 Do these pants match with this shirt?

children’s clothing.

這 條褲子跟襯衫 相配嗎 7

百 貨公司正在舉 行童裝的特價 銷售。

merchandise rm3"tS9n,daiz] n. 商品 The merchandise will be delivered within a week.

hold up 拿著 She is holding up a sweater.

這 些商品將在一個星期?發送出去。

她正拿 著一件 毛衣。

merchant fmytbnt] n•商人 The merchant is selling women’s apparel.

household goods 家庭用品 Household goods are located on the sixth floor.

那個商人出 售女士 服裝。


newsstand fnjuz,staend] n. 報攤

V/ in delivery 送貨中的,運 輸中的

The package is now in delivery arrive in two days.


包裹正 在運送 的途中,兩天 後將會 到達。

inspect [irTspskt] v■仔 細觀察 ,挑選 A woman is inspecting a leather jacket. 一位女士正在挑選一件皮 夾克。

intricate fmtrakit] adj. 複雜 精細的 The design on the chinaware is intricate. 瓷器的設計 很複雜 精細。

item fait9m] n ■物品 The items in the display cases are not for sale. 展示櫃 的物品 是不出 售的。


n. 標籤

You can find the washing instructions on the label. 你可以在標籤上找到 洗這件 衣服的方法。

?atex paint 乳膠塗料

The man is coating the wood with latex paint. 男人在木頭上塗乳膠塗料。

limited edition 限定版 The limited edition of the book comes signed by the author. 那書的限定版裡有 作者的 簽名。


make payment 支付 The woman is using her credit card to make


There are several newspapers and magazines displayed at the newsstand. 報攤上展示了幾份 報紙跟 雜誌。

\/ÿff [of] adj ■打折

The shop is selling last winter’s clothing at fifty percent off. 這間 商店正 在以一 半的價格出售 去年的 冬裝。

offer a discount 打折 Shoppers who walk into the store are being offered a discouht on goods. 進 來此店消費的 顧客都在商品 上享有 折扣。

oil-based paint 油性塗料 The woodwork is covered with an oil-based paint. 木製 品都覆蓋著一?油性 塗料。

open for business 營業 The shop on Main Street is now open for business. 在 MAIN STREET 上的商店現 在開始 營業。

out of stock 無 現貨的 The product you are asking for is out of stock. 您要的產品已經沒有現貨了。

八購物 / 購買 IV


overcharge rÿvVtSard3] v•索 價過高 The customer is complaining that she was overcharged for an order. 顧客 抱怨她 有一份 訂單的 錢被多 算了。

rack [raek] n. 架子 The souvenirs are being arranged on a rack. 紀念品 被擺放在購物 架上。

reasonable [riziÿb?] adj. 合理的 The man thinks the mechanic’s rates are

overcoat rÿv沙 zkot] n. 外套,大衣 A man is looking at a thick overcoat.


一位男 士在看一件厚外套。

男人認為 技工所收的費用是合 理的。

overpriced [.ovaÿpraist] adj. 定價 過高的 Many of the imported items in the shop are overpriced. 這個店 裡很多進口商品的定 價都太


payment option 支 付方法 The company gives its customers several payment options. 公司給 顧客提 供了許 多支付方法。

perfume['pyfjum] n. 香水 She is spraying perfume on her wrist. 她在手腕 上噴了香水。

pick out 挑選出 The woman is picking out a dress from the rack. 女士 從衣架上挑選出一件 禮服。

up the check 買單 HI pick up the check for lunch today.

v/ pick


price quote 報價 (單) Contact us for a free price quote. 請與 我們聯 繫為您 做免費 的報價 服務。

price tag 價 格標籤 The man is putting a price tag on a shirt.

\/ rebate ['ribet] n. 退 貨退款 discount

A rebate is being offered on the product. 本 項商品 是可以退貨退 款的。

receipt [rfsit] n.


The cashier is handing the woman a receipt. 收銀員遞給 那位女士一張 發票。

reduction [rfdAk?an] n. 降價 ,削減 Customers are enjoying huge price reductions at this sale. 大 幅度的減價活動讓顧 客感到滿意。

reference section 諮詢部門 The herbal shop has a reference section for shoppers who want information. 這個草藥店為 了想要 知道資 訊的顧 客設置 了諮詢 部門。

refund [rrf And] v•退款 The clerk is refunding the customer for a faulty device. 因 為物品 有瑕蔽,所以店員給 顧客退 款了。

\/ reimburse [jiinTbys] v. 退款

The store is reimbursing the shopper for returned merchandise. 商店對 顧客退 還的產 品進行 退款。

女 人正在 為襯衫 貼價格 標籤。

purchase fp3"t$9s] n. 購買 (的物品) They are bringing their purchases to the counter. 他們將購 買的物 品拿到 櫃檯。

put out for display 拿出來展示 The Christmas tree is being put out for display. 聖誕 樹被拿出來展示了。

quote a price 估價 ,標價 The man is asking the dealer to quote a price on his used car. 男人 請商人 對他的二手車 估價。

replace [ri’ples] v. 替換 The storeowner is replacing a broken watch. 商店老闆在 替換一 個壞了的錶。

returnfrrts'n] v. 退還 She is returning a pair of shoes that don't fit. 她正 在退還一雙不 合腳的鞋子。

rich_ adj. 富有的,豐 盛的 The pastries in the bakery are very rich. 這家 麵包店 有很多 種頦的糕餅。

sale items 打 折商品

The sale items were sold quickly. 打折商品很快就?出了。

餘暇 355

? 購物 / 購買 V salesperson ['selz,p沙SIJ] n. 銷售員 They are speaking to a salesperson.

subscription [sab'skrip?an] n•訂閱 Your subscription can be renewed annually.

他們正 和一位 銷售員交談。

你的 訂閱每 年都會 更新。

scale[skel] n. 天平,秤 She is putting some fruit on a scale. 她把一 些水果 放在秤 上面。

這 個皮革被塗上油以保持它的 柔軟。

select [S9'lekt] v. 選擇

They are selecting some vegetables from the bin. 他們從箱子裡挑選一些 蔬菜。

shelf [Self] n•架子 She is taking a can from the shelf. 她從架 子上拿 了一個 罐頭。

shockproof nakzpruf] adj. 防震的 The watches are designed to be shockproof. 這個 錶的設 計是防震的。

shoelace nu,les] n. 鞋帶 The boy’s shoelaces are untied.


上 ipa] n. 商店老 shopkeeper The shopkeeper is putting an‘open’ sign on his shop door. 商店老闆把 「營 業中」 的牌子掛在店門上。

silk arrangement 絲製品 The shopping window contains a beautiful silk


商店展示窗展示著 一個漂 亮的絲製品。

sombrero [samlDrero] n. 墨 西哥帽 The shop specializes in sombreros and other hats. 這 個商店 專售墨 西哥帽和其他 帽子。

souvenir fsuvmir] n. 紀念品 Customers who make a purchase are given a small souvenir. 購 物的顧 客都能 拿到一 個小紀 念品。

N/ spare [sper] n. 備用品

The shop owner uses only one cash register but keeps a spare in the storage room. 商店老闆只使 用一個收銀機 ,但 是倉庫裡還有個備 用的。

vstand [staend] n. 立架

The costume jewelry is nicely arranged on the stand.

a被巧 妙地擺放在立架上。


supply [sÿplai] n. 供給品 He is putting the supplies in his truck. 他把供給品 放到貨 車上。

tag [taeg] n. 標籤 The woman is looking for the tag on the dress. 這 位女士在找衣 服上的 標趟。

try on


She is going to the fitting room to try on a blouse. 她正去試 衣間試穿女性 襯衫。

男孩的鞋帶鬆 開了。


?] adj. 柔軟 Oil is being rubbed into the leather to keep it supple.

>/ supple

vendor [vend沙] n•小販 The street vendor is handing a shopping bag to

a woman.

街頭小販正遞 給一位女士購 物袋。

waterproof 厂wotApruf] adj. 防水的 Do you carry waterproof jackets? 你有帶防水的 夾克嗎 7

weigh [we] v. 稱重 The clerk is weighing a bag of apples. 店員正在 稱一袋 蘋果。

window-shopping 只看不買的逛街 There are shoppers doing some window shopping. 有些逛街的人只看 不買。

wrap [raep] v. 纏 ,裹 The box is being wrapped by a clerk. 這個 箱子被店員包裹著。

wrap a present 送禮 的包裝 The sales assistant is wrapping a present for a

customer. 店員在為一 個顧客 包裝成送禮的樣式。

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